#all shade to harry tho
pollenallergie · 2 years
it’s so hard not to buy prince harry’s audiobook… like i just want a good laugh but also i don’t want to financially encourage him to continue writing. in fact, i think if he so much as opens a blank google doc again in his life, he should be shot with a tranquilizer dart and hauled off to an emergency therapy session.
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mary ended up making the cake while lily and harry cleaned up the mess (they decorated it tho!!)
i believe marylily would’ve made their whole flat pink. all shades of pink. so pink it threatened insecure boys.
also i’ve been posting a lot recently…suspicious…
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
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Goopy and non goopy version bc idk which I like more, BUT!!!! THEY GUY!!! HARRY!! HE GOT CONTROL :3 also the "I am me" is a Chonny Jash reference (from the soul eclectic, bc as I've mentioned I draw a good few things from Soul for him)
Ngl I kinda,,, don't really like coloring, especially shading, least favorite part of the art process, but I kinda ate this up, especially once I started throwing in the gradients 🗣️🗣️ still took me forever tho lmao, I hate color theory.
(Also, tysm @lesbianturrets for hyping me up about the pose, you're so cool, ily 🫵🫵🫵)
Anyways!! Other version below the cut, along with a bit of lore drop
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So yeah, he gains control while barricaded in his office, after Jekyll mixes the wrong salts into a single vial he was able to find. Harry freaks tf out upon gaining control, though he doesn't have much time to as Lanyon breaks into the office and such. Of course the first thing Lanyon questions is the HUGE mess and the fact that Jekyll looks different, to which Harry says it was from a potion falling on him, which is quite believable in this situation. They talk and Harry eventually leaves the office to go fix everything, giving Frankenstein a sort of "I'll explain later" look. Well, he does seem to successfully fix everything, albeit a bit suspiciously, but he does it!
Anyways, I need to lore dump more on him on an actual text post later, bc I've got a lot of things I've cooked up while talking with @dustmint >:3 that'll come later tho bc I've gotta figure out how I wanna format/write all that
(Edit, very sick of my tumblr screwing up the composition of my posts 😍😍 why do you keep getting rid of my cuts and scattering my images I'm gonna lose it)
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
it's weirdly fascinating tho that even tho draco isn't explicitly described as handsome he actually has the most explicit description that kept repeatedly mention? there's no explanation i mean with others that harry finds attractive those are attribute to jkr since she self inserts her taste but it's impossible for draco to be like that because jkr herself admits she hates him and another weird thing jkr isn't afraid of saying unpleasant description to those she hate like pansy being an 'ugly pug' but why didn't she or harry described draco as ugly?
Right?! I'm pretty sure he's described more frequently than any other character. Someone should really tally up how many times his hair and eyes get mentioned in all 7 books because it's...a lot. Ron's eye color gets described ONCE. And not until BOOK 7. Draco's hair and eyes get mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES PER BOOK.
And not just his eyes - down to the exact shade, and his hair down to the exact shade and texture - but also the exact way he walks and the exact way his voice sounds. Not to mention all sorts of personal details like what kind of food he likes, what pet he owns and how every little event affects his mood.
Does Ginny like sweets? No idea. How does Cho walk when she's happy? No idea. But we know all that about Draco as well as all about his sparkling pale grey eyes and gleaming sleek blond hair. Because Harry cannot stop noticing him. Even in book 7 when Harry is in imminent danger of a brutal death in Malfoy Manor he takes time to notice Draco's height and appearance. Absolutely wild.
As for why she had Ron describe Draco as ugly but never had Harry do so when he does that with the other Slytherins? No idea. Maybe it's because she didn't want Harry's rivalry with Draco to seem like it was over petty things but wanted to emphasize how they are narrative foils whose dislike is based on substantive differences. Maybe she didn't want Harry to come off as petty and disliking Draco over his appearance, but didn't think of that when describing other characters?
Maybe it was the characters kinda going off and doing their own thing, as writers are all familiar with. Whatever the reason and whatever her intent, the result is clear: drarry is so, so canon.
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We have them all
All the creators have either submitted the AU themselves or have given the ok to others or have given the ok to me personally
submission be upon ye (in submission prder)
It'd be appreciated if the creators could join the discord server here tho it's not a must it'd be super appreciated
I checked over these like a bigilion times but it'd be appreciated if you check and see if i tagged your works correctly and just let me know if there are any mistakes hopefully there are none
We all fall down by @ossadeaurata @mej2235 @marshmel-l0w7 (03/rise)
Guess I’ve Been… Disarmed by @phoenixdeleted (12/rise)
Sunset linings by @iamheretemporarly (12/last ronin)
When The World Crumbles by @tmnt-obsessed-ace (12/rise)
Shellshocked by @lieutenantbiscute (12/rise)
A mixed bag by @greatlyblessed (87/03/12/rise/og)
The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin by @melonpalooza (03/12/rise/last ronin)
The Many Names of Hamato Leonardo by @just-a-lil-turtle-with-knives (03/rise)
Just Another Momma Softshell by @ariel-gremlinzkeep (12/rise)
Ghost in the Shell by @amevello-blue aka @bluepeachstudios (03/rise)
Memories by @theawesomeninja-xd (12/rise)
The Algae Is Always Greener On The Other Side by @obsidiancreates (12/rise)
Wedding Bells and Magic Portals by @melonpalooza (12/rise)
Same story different font by @tmnt-obsessed-ace (12/rise)
A Different Eldest Brother by @alicat54cwriting (multiple rise AU s)
Ghost in the server by @melonpalooza @amevello-blue aka @bluepeachstudios (03/12/rise/last ronin)
boundless by @onionninjasstuff (12/rise)
Two Souls by @virgilisspidey (12/rise)
I Think We Broke Time Continuum by @havendoesthings (12/rise/to be added)
Two Shades of Blue by @sad-leon (12/rise)
Not turtles forever 2 or is it? by @lionalovit (03/rise)
same raph au by @blackfire-fanfiction (12/rise)
Glitched out by @easterartist (03/rise)
Lost but never found by @tmnt-obsessed-ace (2012/rise)
Rotten Reflections by @nicoforlifetrue (12/rise)
For future reference AU by @ilovebeingaturtle
Lair Meshing by @poems-art-darkness-n-more (12/rise)
Mystic malfunction by @vanillavengeance (12/rise)
Atomic Pets by @wandering-ghost (rise/Godzilla)
Lone Hunter and Turtle by @midnightcreator12 (03/rise/star wars)
The Magical Life of the Hamato Quadruplets by @virgilisspidey (12/harry potter)
Slayers in a Half Shell by @virgilisspidey @shyartz03 (12/demon slayer)
Dear, Little Brother by @kat-theglitch (rise/big hero 6)
Once a Hamato, Always a Hamato by @easterartist (rise/undertale)
A Heart of Sunflower by @doctaaaaaaaar (rise/batman)
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc by @posthocpaganda (og/house M.D)
tmnt omniverse by @glitter-alienzzz (03/12/og/ben10)
A Tale of Spirits by @unorthodoxx-page (rise/atla)
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
The Marauders as stuff I own
Sirius: My LGBTQIA+ Converse that make me look so much taller :D (He needs it-) And my fav eyeliner, and my jeans jacket and my coolest vest (will post a pic soon hopefully)
Regulus: My sad poetry notebooks and my depression because I OWN THAT SHIT 😎😎😎 And the box my LGBTQIA+ Converse came in (pun not intended), because I use it to store secret stuff lol
Remus: My favourite sweaters and jeans, and my big chunky black headphones :) And the whole Harry Potter series that I own, full of notes and small sticky notes because I’m crazy like that
James: My red-ish Converse, this one Polaroid I own of me and one of my best friends, my red elephant stuffed animal
Peter: The rest of my stuffed animals,
especially this one white rat 🫡
Lily: My aesthetic bike in a shade of light pink 😝 It’s kinda dope ngl. Oh and also all my scrunchies and nail polishes
Evan: All the dead and dying roses I receive after a performance (they’re alive when I receive them tho 😭🤚) but yeah I don’t own them anymore… they’re kinda thrown into the trash 😬 R.I.P all the roses I lost ig
Part 2?
(inspired by a post by @regulus-smith)
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ndiebrioxhe · 2 years
Another Rambling post about Ascendance of a Bookworm:
(with minor digs at Harry Potter)
When I was younger I used to browse Tv Tropes and I really enjoyed looking at them describe things I noticed in media but didn’t have a name for. On a rare occasion, I would find a trope that I had no real reference for and one of those was “blue-orange morality”.
The concept of having a morality system completely divorced from our own that we can’t really judge it. Now it’s not like I have never seen like a series or text attempt to create a character or species that has different standards of morality but the issue I always had was, that the supposed “different moral standards” were always included as a contrast to a more recognisable real world standard - which meant it was framed from a real world standard anyways.
It is always seemed like one of two scenarios:
Scenario A:
Alien/Monster/Non-human: “Here is our horrifically barbaric practice that has no functional purpose to our society and entirely superstitious!”
Human/Humanoid 1: “That’s bad”
Human/Humanoid 2: “Oh that’s just their culture”
And its like no… the narrative framing still shows that is weird and barbaric and not at all a foreign concept which is it’s own morality system so divorced from our own. If we have to be advised not to judge it on our own standards, it can be judged by our standards.
Scenario B:
Olden Times!
Stories being set in a distant past/medieval times where there are different moral standards is not true blue-orange morality. They are just the worse models of current moral standards. We are not divorced from those at all. They are just uncomfortable to think about. Like, yes it is fucked for dudes to claim to be kings and murder thousands to maintain their power… but people weren’t super cool with massmurder back then either - it was just an inevitability due to the social economical problems. It’s like being a billionaire with hundreds of sweatshops now. Even with people who are cool with the system - we all know that shit isn’t our “moral standard” - it’s our uncomfortable reality. Pushing the setting back or forward a 1000 years doesn’t really change anything. Our countries’ leaders still go off to kill and exploit people to maintain power, they just don’t get crowns for it anymore.
And I don’t care if you chose to do this with fictional races and places, that is just set dressing. They still resemble human society as we know it.
So I just never really saw a series that really grabbed me as authentically blue-orange… just typically shades of grey.
But then I read AOAB… and I really saw the potential of blue-orange morality. And it was done well.
Now it might seem logical to treat Bookworm as a Scenario B.
After all, it’s literally nobles presiding over commonfolk and elizabethan era political drama… but heres the thing… the framing of Scenario B is based on understanding that some characters still fit our present mold of a good person:
attractive (no literally)
would not murder babies
religious in the right way
And these characters are the ones we root for. The characters we aren’t rooting have qualities we do not desire
will murder babies
over zealous or cult-like
Like in a Scenario B you can’t show the main characters enslave children in a sweatshop and allow grown adult attendants put their hands on them - and still be the good guy. You can’t plan the purging of an entire faction and hold their children hostage under penalty of death - and be THE GOOD GUY . Can’t overtly tax a city to the bones and deny them the best possible harvest because the previous mayor annoyed YOU — AND EVER HOPE TO BE THE GOOD GUY.
Well you can in ascendance of a bookworm tho.
And the readers will agree with you.
And it’s NOT because readers can overly moralise the actions of main characters.
And it’s because unlike a Scenarios A and B which are just OUR WORLD where we are all AWARE that we don’t really need kings or billionaires and antiquated traditions that rely on human suffering for the world to work. AOAB is different
The world of AOAB is not our own. Nobles have more rights because the world explicitly requires their mana to function. Nobles are human plus. They are what rich people in the regular world pretend to be.
Remove the army, the wealth, the status of a king and he is commoner. AOAB Nobles are literally magic batteries that build cities, make harvests happen, keep the population safe from deadly magical creatures …like the yearly giant blizzard monster that won’t literally won’t let spring come unless you have an army of trained magical knights slay it. Without Nobles the world literally be a giant sandpit.
So right of the bat, the nobility are integral to society. You simply don’t live your life raised as a necessary part of the world functioning and not have a social structure that reflects that. Its our world turned on it’s head. All the commoners could die and all that means is the nobles have to do more work. Instead of rich needing the poor, the commoners need the nobles. Otherwise they rarely even interact. The commoners and nobles are almost different species.
And not like it’s particularly unfair on the commoners. Not having mana simply bars you from a lot of activities, duties and experiences. Hell, not having a lot of mana as someone born into a noble family arguably sucks more than being a commoner. Nobility is earned, not given. Being born into a noble family that doesn’t have the means to regulate your mana means you won’t even make it to age where you are considered a separate entity from your parents in that society. If you have enough mana to make it to the Royal Academy without getting sent to the temple and the ability to pass or even excel at the Royal Academy - congrats you are now an asset to your duchy and that includes the commoners inside it. Just make sure you don’t blunder and cause your own execution.
So if murder, classism, deception and greed aren’t necessarily immoral in AOAB, what is?
The only real way to be a labeled a bad person in AOAB noble society is to endanger your duchy and cause widespread problems. Which only means the real way to be immoral in AOAB is to be incompetent or to FAIL.
You might initially think The Veronica-Georgine faction are the antagonists because they try to murder a barely baptised child but the guardian trio literally admitted they had plans to kill her too. They are ones committing the most one sided mass murders in the series. Ferdinand being able to outmanoeuvre and manipulate his enemies in the ring of politics is considered a SEXY TRAIT.
So what’s the difference between the Florencia faction and the Veronica-Georgine faction? Easy. The V-G faction is DESTABILISING AN ENTIRE DUCHY WITH SHORTSIGHTED NOBLE BULLSHIT. And just escalates into the entire nation being in jeopardy… because the Ahrensbachian Archducal family keeps producing nobles that are profoundly worthless with no sense of noble duty. They are defective.
In the next paragraph, I’m just going to state something this legion of defective nobles did and the names of who did it/involved.
They don’t respect the authority or wisdom of nobles of higher rank so they disobey orders (Bezewanst, Veronica). They force already new brides on married nobles that ruin established marriages for no benefit besides sating their schoolyard fantasies on a whim (Gabriele). Their spitefulness and cruelty to one of the biggest archnoble families in the duchy has made the Ehnferestian faction politics a disaster (Veronica) and were forced to create an entire section of mednobles not even loyal to Ehnferest because archnobles rightfully disliked them (Shikikoza and Gloria). They’re such suck ups it endangered their own duchy’s stability to the point where their only options is an intermediate archducal candidate that was poorly raised by all metrics (Gieselfried). Ahrensbach archducal children are regularly raised to be puppeteered by the parents instead of independent thinkers (Detlinde). Which is a real fucking problem for duchies when you keep trying (and typically succeeding) in making these children the Aubs of duchies (Georgine).
Ultimately it comes down to the fact they believe in their ideological RIGHT as nobles over their ideological DUTY to prioritise their duchies running smoothly. And that leads them to overestimate their APTITUDE as nobles.
Which is REALLY telling when a little powerhouse is redefining what it means to be an accomplished noble and entire political career is to the benefit of Ehnferest. Which is why the Ehnferest archducal family and Florencia faction who prioritise the stability and growth of the own goddam duchy instead of their own personal grudges are the good guys.
Bad guys are bad because they are bad what they are supposed to be doing and the good guys are good because they focused on what they should be.
There’s even a moral gray zone which is “trying your best but not being enough” and the prime example of that is the current the royal family. The country is only in this sorry state because one prince allowed his ineptitude and thirst for power to spiral and cause the nation lose the most important tool, and now it has a king that was only ever raised as a vassal is struggling (impressively) to keep a nation that should have dried up to keep running… A shame his intel gathering is dogshit so he keeps making mistakes and even overlook things that could have solved the problem.
So the dynamic of magic and morality is baked in the worldbuilding and it’s doesn’t feel dumb that nobles have all this power but somehow DON’T really interfere the non magical inhabitants in the world on a grand scale. These features, not flaws.
It is so much better than making a magical world where wizards hide their shit IN non magical places but don’t interact with non magical humans and have poverty and slaves that do house chores despite HAVING MAGIC that handles that shit. And also celebrate non magical people’s holidays despite thinking non magical people are beneath them because despite the book apparently being about fascism being bad - it doesn’t address any of the core issues of it and even has extra issues layered on top!
AOAB doesn’t operate on regular morality so it’s not mind numbingly incongruent when bad things happen in the universe because the magic people choose to let it happen despite thinking it’s bad. Even tho nobles do not care about the commonfolk it would stupid if they hid magic from the non magical folk and even dumber if entire spinoffs were based in fighting to keep it secret. Having a series where the protagonists realise that a faction in their world is a problem and getting RID OF THEM? Imagine getting rid of people who are the problem instead of fighting them in a WAR and reading checking the epilogue and that faction caused the fascism is STILL THERE and children are scared to end up there?? WHY DOES SLYTHERIN STILL EXIST—
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading past the translated pre-pub myself, but from what I do know is the Ahrensbachian penchant for stupidity and shortsightedness in the pursuit of positions of power they couldn’t hope to manage effectively… while destabilising as much of the nation as possible continues and I can’t wait to read it.
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my marauders headcannons <3
Remus Lupin
heterochromia. I don't care what the films say this man has two different coloured eyes tyvm. the left ones dark brown, nearly black, and the right is a light shade of amber.
DYSLEXIA !! my dyslexic little mate we can match. he absolutely adores reading but it takes him longer if he doesn't use a spell (ty to MsKingBean89 for the spell idea mon ami(e))
hEDS. me too king
cat lover. he absolutely adores cats and sirius gets SO jealous. I think he absolutely owned a cat at some point b4 he started teaching and he dotted on that cat
wears elastics on his wrists (specifically during hogwarts for sirius and lily, but kept wearing them after out of habit </3)
Sirius Black
hard of hearing. I think he probably lost it cos his mum hit his ears or screamed so often at him in close quarters. he'd definitely be vv resentful over it too cos now he's not able to listen to music much
audhd fr. this man was definitely neurodivergent but he must be just like me and be autistic and have adhd cos yh
he whined. loads. not like whinging but like genuinely high pitched whines when he was frightened or upset, kind of like Enid from Wednesday
adored kids but was terrified to have them because of how his mum was
this is gonna be controversial but idc. this man absolutely fancied Remus when he was shagging women, but at one point dated Marlene and Remus at the same time. it's ok tho cos Marlene was kissing Mary on the side
James Potter
vegetarian. refused to eat meat after he became an animagus because it felt cruel, but ESPECIALLY wouldn't eat deer jerky ("it's practically cannibalism, padfoot!")
mama's boy through and through !! this man LOVED his mummy. told her all about his friends and Lily
taught Sirius how to treat people and house elves better when they were first years. you can't tell me this man wasn't the reason sirius wanted to improve himself
he fought w sirius a lot. im sorry I love them both but brothers fight and like. even found family brothers. sirius is the most petty bitch you cannot tell me that James didn't get annoyed or frustrated with some of Sirius' habits and didn't begin arguments over them
so bad w kids until Harry. he was absolutely terrified of them, cos he never had interacted with them much before he had his own, my man Sucked at babysitting and frequently panicked whilst lily was pregnant because he was scared he'd be a bad parent
Peter Pettigrew
#1 James fan. my guy didn't go anywhere if James wasn't going to be there
become You Know because of his jealousy of James and Sirius' friendship
aroace fr. absolutely Disgusted w the amount of PDA by jily and wolfstar
tried to protect Harry for as long as he could w out being suspicious. he still loved James and Lily, and their son, and was just too scared to fight back at You Know Who once James and Lily were dead
a whole virgin, never even tried getting with anyone before he realised he was aroace
Lily Potter (Evans)
actually thought the Marauders were pretty funny but put on a face because of being friends with Snape
a whole pansexual queen
bought everyone in Gryffindor Christmas gifts, or if they were Jewish/Muslim/any other religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas she'd figure out when their holiday was and got them gifts
first person Remus came out to. and she accepted him immediately because she knows what it feels like to be an outcast
so autistic. her special interest was absolutely Jane Austen books I take no criticism <3
Regulus Black
hated his mum just as much as Sirius, but actively tried to conform because he was too scared to be hurt by her
was angry with Sirius for running away, even if he understood why Sirius did it, it still hurt him immensely. that was his older brother, the only one he could talk to, and when he left, it broke off the little bit of familial love he had left
in love w Barty Crouch Jr. I DO NOT CARE. platonic my aSS they were boyfriends, but they hid it very well. absolutely such a healthy couple before the war though. got together when they were 13 or 14 by accident, and stayed together until Reg died
actually really enjoyed being called Reg and Reggie, but pretended to hate it so he wouldn't be perceived as weak or soft by his mum
chess fucking champion
Marlene McKinnon
the flirtiest person you'll ever meet. flirted with everyone but was actually an aromantic lesbian
loved her family unconditionally, and constantly was going home on weekends to help her mum before she died of breast cancer
hated school, she was dyslexic and never told anyone so everyone just thought she was a dumb blonde
half Japanese, but her biological father left when she was a baby, so she wasn't really in tune with that part of her culture.
got bullied in primary school for being the "only dumb Asian"
Mary Macdonald
the most supportive person you'll ever meet
helped the younger POC in Gryffindor take care of their hair properly, and absolutely was like an older sister to all the young girls
not a mean bone her body
muggle born, but she grew up with a friend that had a wizard father so she knew about magic before Hogwarts
terrified of dogs, except for Padfoot, because of being bitten by one when she was in nursery
Dorcas Meadowes
a lesbiannnn. she was in love with Pandora, and they dated for a while before she decided she was done with the Wizarding World and cut contact with everyone
slytherin, but she was friends with everyone
loved Quidditch
oh she was a Pureblood but her parents died when she was young and she stayed with a squib aunt til hogwarts
took muggle studies and would hex any Slytherin who made fun of her for it
Pandora Lovegood (Lestrange)
a Lestrange until marriage
terrified of Narcissa and Bellatrix, but was one of the bridesmaids at Bellatrix's wedding
Ravenclaw, but best friends with Dorcas, Regulus, Barty, and Evan and was hardly if ever in her own common room
she ADORED muggle musicals
her and Dorcas met in a Care of Magical Creatures class in third year and immediately became best friends
Evan Rosier
really homophobic outwardly but was in the closet (for a HOT minute)
flirted with girls constantly
super protective over Pandora and Dorcas
had the worst penmanship and Regulus and Barty both refused to help him with homework because of it
managed to be the only Slytherin who sucked at potions
Barty Crouch Jr.
gay little lad with gay handwriting
LOVED cats. this man was the BIGGEST cat lover I do not care im right ur wrong. absolutely adored them
had a little sister who he was really protective over, she was in Hufflepuff and died during her 4th year which is what made him follow Regulus into joining up w the Death Eaters
daddy and mummy issues for days. bro never had a civil conversation w them
he absolutely beloathed Walburga and Orion Black when he found out what they did to Regulus, but obviously never said anything about it
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
the way this fandom have trouble with ANYTHING jimin related is sickening. First, the obvious mistreatment with all of jm's releases. Then, we have "ot7s" accusing focused jimin accs of being solos. When jm's fanbases organizes streaming parties and recomebacks, its hell on twitter. Now, that person who was the guide for the jimin tour on that harry potter place is being accused of being a tae anti. Why the hell people started to search her tweets about tae in the first place, even tho she has the little seven on her dn? Just because she saw jm and said he is the most precious human being? Btw, her tweets about tae werent problematic at all. She just metioned things that TAE DID, like his paris date with jennie. Some "ot7" started to say she was tae anti and boom, people believed it and taes solos started to send death threats to the poor girl. Just because she was saying that we should normalize the members being treated as the grown man they r, men that can make their own decisions. ADULT decisions. If she had been a guide to any other member, i wonder, would she receive this hate?
What the fuck is wrong with this fandom. Why, even the "ot7", have such a big problem with jimin? I really dont get it. I dont think its a exaggeration anymore when we say that the only real ot7s r the ones that have jimin as bias. When we see fake ot7, always is someone who have other members as bias, and that shades jimin. On the other hand, more and more we have jimin biased army becoming solos because of all this hate he receives. And i dont judge them. I mean, i dont like solos, but i can understand the urge to defende jimin of everything and everyone, because, in the reality, we can't even trust the people on our own fandom. This solo bts era is a mess, and i'm so sick of all of this. I'm happy members r happy discovering who they r as individuals, and i'm loving what they r showing to us. But i'm afraid this fandom is worse and worse everyday.
I remember when this lady got attacked. Best believe me and my friends were right there backing her up among other people who were doing the same. She got many DMs all telling her to kill herself simply because she said V is an adult and can smoke if he wants to. Their real issue was that she met Jimin and praised him for being the beautiful, kind human that he is.
This is why this discord is important. More people need supporters in their corner. When 50 tkkrs are attacking you it can be overwhelming and that's why people leave twitter. But if you have other people fighting them off and encouraging you to stay and block them, it can make someone feel better about having people in their corner.
This girl had back up and she's strong so she stayed. The vermin are the scam of the earth. And I for one I'm done watching them ran havoc and get away with it. My friends and I have been fighting them for months and we will continue to do so with or without people's support.
Of course it would be nice if more people joined us but if you let these big tumblrs get in your head just because, then things will continue like they have been and what good has that done? You can yap about Jimin abuse all day. You can shout at the rooftops about JK being used as a shipping tool by tkkrs. You can cry all day about Jkkrs getting attacked and ran out. And u can complain about ot7 accounts being tkkrs that allow Jimin to get dragged. But if you're not doing anything about it then what good does that do?
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For everyone who has something to say about what we are doing; If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You can deal with things your way, that's fine. But if u don't want to join the fight then keep it moving. If you don't want anything to do with this then just, let, us, be.
Anyway anon. Chapter 2 has been a fucking mess. Makes me wonder what will happen when all of the Tannies enlist and the fandom is left without supervision. Then what?
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Discord still here. All welcome.
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racfoam · 8 months
Hello👋 new reader here I just want to say I’m loving not you not now could I ask tho is it a series or dose it just start from the graveyard ?? Keep up the good work thanks again
Hello, anon! Welcome to the train! I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it!
Okay, so, I was inspired to write not you, not now by reading she walks in beauty series by @mayfriend which is THE Tomarrymort Soulmate fic with Female Harry. It's one of the sacred texts.
she walks in beauty has three fics, covering Year 1 to Year 3. Please go read them and please leave some comments on them and give the author some love, because without their fic, nynn wouldn't exist!
I will link everything below+ summaries.
she walks in beauty series by @mayfriend
Liar! is still the first thing Harry Potter ever says to Lord Voldemort. Quirrell doesn’t know the words, had never met his master with a body and a scribbled-on wrist, but the thing on the back of his head starts, hesitates. Her wrist, he hisses to Quirrell, before he can stop himself, check her wrist. Quirrell flicks his wand at Harry’s tied up body, and her right sleeve rises. Her ribbon flutters to the ground. Even Quirrell understands, then. Master, he says, the stutter now long forgotten, Master it says… it says... Show me! Obedient, and terrified, Quirrell turns and the terrible, snake-like face looks down on Harry with those red, red eyes. She scrabbles for her sleeve, a task harder said than done when your arms are trapped at your sides, and she isn’t quick enough. Avada Kedavra, Voldemort reads in his own flawless script, and fury rises in him along with understanding.
best of dark and bright by @mayfriend
What have we here, a voice crows from somewhere inside her mind, hmmm, difficult, very difficult… brave, but you would have to be wouldn’t you? Not a bad mind, and talent - oh my goodness, yes, such talent. And you want to prove yourself, don’t you? Have a hunger for it… to prove you’re more than a soulmate… but where to put you… Not Slytherin, Harry thinks as clearly as she can, not Slytherin, not Slytherin… Oh my dear girl, the hat mutters, are you sure? You could be great, you know, and Slytherin could help you on the way to greatness, it’s all here in your head… I want nothing to do with him, she concentrates so hard that she thinks she might give herself a headache, I don’t want his words, I don’t want his mark, I don’t want to be in his house- Understood, the hat grumbles, well, if you’re so against Slytherin, then it had better be- “-GRYFFINDOR!”
A soulmate AU where Harriet Potter thinks she has enough problems in her first year at Hogwarts without her soulmate being the man who killed her parents, thank you very much, but she doesn't get a vote.
best of dark and bright by @mayfriend
Harry’s dreams that night were frenzied, disjointed, terrifying. There was blood on the walls, blood on her hands, an animal lying prone at her feet. She was laughing. She was laughing, high and cruel. A flash of green light. A scream. Blood on the floor, not water. Blood going up her arms, as if she’s stuck her arms deep in a bath of it, and a voice - the voice in the walls - I smell blood, it chorused in a thousand languages, I smell BLOOD! She tried to run away, but only seemed to get closer to the crime scene with every turn. Moaning Myrtle was a girl, a real girl, but then she was on the floor, glassy eyed and empty, and always afraid, always hiding. I will return for you, Harriet Potter… promised the monster, and Harry believed him. Second year of my Soulmate AU, wherein Harriet Potter's hopes for a nice, quiet year are thwarted by a singularly determined house elf, two bickering best friends, and a strange boy in a fifty year old diary.
shade the more, ray the less by @mayfriend
Harry stepped to the front of the queue. She gritted her teeth as the sand morphed and transformed. She couldn’t think of what shape the boggart would take, but when it stopped, she suddenly realised that there was no other shape it could have been. Tom Riddle stood before her, scarlet eyed, still in his Slytherin uniform with his prefect badge. In his hand was a small, black book that Harry knew by sight. “Harriet Potter,” he said her name clearly, and he smiled, but his eyes were cold and dead. Harriet Potter had almost allowed herself to be optimistic about her third year at Hogwarts. Almost. But then, she remembered her track record, and right on schedule, she learns an escaped convict is hunting her down, and that soulmates are not as cut and dry a business as she once thought.
There you go, anon!
I think you need to read she walks in beauty to understand not you, not now better because as I said, it's inspired by she walks in beauty and I treat it as my love letter to that series and it references events in she walks in beauty. In fact, the title of "not you, not now" came to me when I was thinking of how she walks in beauty Harry would react to the graveyard. The "not you, not now" is exactly Harry's thought process in the graveyard, and it spans throughout nynn, following the theme how Harry is not ready to meet Voldemort, little less be with him as a soulmate. He is the "you" in the fic's title, title given by Harry.
It was supposed to be a graveyard one-shot but then I shot myself in the foot and wrote more.... And more.... And more... And more...
And here we are, 2 years later, on Chapter 46 😅
Hope you enjoy the read! ❤️
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Worst Episodes of Star Trek by season (Revised and Expanded).
"The Alternative Factor" - I've tried to watch this episode many times, but I don't think I've ever managed to sit all of the way through it. It's just a bunch of boring, nonsensical bullshit for an hour.
"The Omega Glory" - This is the reason why I object to framing Gene Roddenberry as some kind of visionary auteur, because this one, beyond simply having a ridiculous premise, is also really racist.
"Turnabout Intruder" - Turns out body-swaps aren't always good. Like the above, but sexist rather than racist.
"The Lorelei Signal" - An episode where Uhura finally takes command should be good, but again, more sexism (and a pointless rapid aging plot)
"Justice" - The first season is mostly just kind of generically weak, but...ugh, those costumes.
"Shades of Gray" - Clipshow.
"The Price" - None of this season's episodes are actually bad, but I really don't like Troi's boytoy
"The Host" - Odan isn't interesting, and the bit where Beverly has sex with Riker's body is just gross.
"Violations" - Lots of bad episodes about rape on this list.
"Man of the People" - See number 5.
"Sub Rosa" - See number 6. Also, ludicrous premise.
"The Passenger" - Did Siddig-el-Fadil just kind of forget how to act this week?
"The Alternate" - Probably the worst instance of Trek demanding reconciliation with shitty, abusive parents.
"Meridian" - Brigadoon in Space. Also featuring yet another chemistry-devoid romance for a female crew member.
"Sons of Mogh" - So the 'solution' is just to surgically alter him and delete his memory without his consent? And Julian went along with this?
"Let He Who Is Without Sin..." - Jadzia seems like a complete doormat for not dumping Worf's ass after this one.
"Profit and Lace" - I can't even be offended by the transphobia or the misogyny because of how stupid this one is. I love it.
"The Emperor's New Cloak" - The mirror universe had already been kinda run into the ground by this point.
"Time and Again" - So boring. So pointless.
"Tattoo" - White Man's Burden. In Space!
"Favourite Son" - I don't even want to get into it, it's just bad.
"Demon" - This one could have been good if it actually paid attention to its own plot points. And the silly "needing to go to a hell planet to get deuterium" thing.
"The Disease" - Alas, Harry Kim's love life
"Fury" - Character assassination wrapped in the series' worst time travel plot.
"Endgame" - What a lousy way to end the series. No payoffs; no follow up; and the time travel thing wipes out trillions of people's lives for no compellingly good reason, and it's never discussed. The Borg are also presented as completely unthreatening villains, but this had been the way for several seasons. And it's even worse when you compare the deleted version of the early 25th century with the canonical version we see on "Picard."
"Dear Doctor" - The 'moral' obligation to commit genocide. Fuck off.
"Cogenitor" - The 'moral' obligation to give a sex slave back to their masters. Fuck off.
"Rajiin" - Some pointless T&A; a little bad acting; and it becomes clear that there is no plan to the Xindi arc.
"These Are the Voyages..." - What a terrible insult to the series that it's supposedly the finale of.
"Vaulting Ambition" - There's thos one scene where Emperor Georgiou murders all of her aristocratic in slo-mo cinematic detail and it just never comes up again. I hate this sort of pornographic, cavalier treatment of violence. It offends me to see human life treated in this manner.
"Point of Light" - Brings back Ash Tyler and Emperor Georgiou for an utterly un-thought-out 'intrigue' plot.
"Die Trying" - The idea that Starfleet has been using the same seed vault for a thousand years, that this seed vault is in Space, where it's vastly more vulnerable than it would be on (or inside) a planet, and that it contains seeds from *every plant in the galaxy* is so ridiculous that it undermines everything else in the episode for me.
"The Galactic Barrier" - Where it becomes most apparent that they're trying to fit ten episodes of plot into thirteen episodes.
"Broken Pieces" - This one gets points off for completely wasting the XB plot, but it's still good because I like the bits with Rios's holograms and the character work for Jurati.
"Monsters" - There's a lot wrong with the second season, but two things that worked were Q and the Jurati/Borg Queen arc. Both of them were largely absent from this episode, and the stuff with Picard's expansion pack Victorian childhood trauma is just dreadful.
"The Last Generation" - Themes? Weight? Meaning? Non-violent solutions? Continuity? Nah. Let's just bash TNG action figures together for an hour. Also featuring the hit single 'Found Family Ain't Shit, You Need a Biological Son'
"Temporal Edict" - This one has a generic workplace sitcom plot that doesn't really work in the Star Trek universe and also makes Freeman look like a complete idiot right out the gate.
"Mugato Gumato" - I don't think that Shaxs tasting Mugato dung was as funny as the episode seemed to think it was, and I really didn't like seeing Mariner beat the shit out of Boimler and Rutherford in the before-credits scene.
"Room for Growth" - Not bad, just kind of...meh.
"Twovix" - Again, not bad, just weakest of the season.
"All Those Who Wander" - Ruining the Gorn and wasting Hemmer, all in one episode.
"The Broken Circle" - We really, badly needed to have this ten minute sequence of our medical personnel getting fucked-up on Green Goblin juice and beating up a hundred Klingons, eh?
"Kobayashi" - Again, this one isn't actually bad, but it's just nostalgia for the sake of nostalgia; and I think that Dal's character growth should be earned through interaction with his friends, rather than with stock audio of Leonard Nimoy.
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fatherbearfreddy · 10 months
Hey Monty, if you can see this, big fan of your bass playing. First time I heard you playing i thought it was prerecorded it was so good. Can’t believe you can play like that. Your golf course is also killer! Sucks to clean though. Another question, you like video game, Monty?
Hey it's Monty I stole Freddy's phone. Thank you! I've never really played it until I got into the band but I'm good with my banjo.
I've never really tried the arcade games. I mostly lived over in my golf jungle and I only really left when I got invited to stuff.
My friends are pretty forgetful, tho.
So they kept thinking I was joining them for the first time. I just liked playing along, no need for drama when they're being so nice to me.
Not sure why they can't remember so many things.
I feel, better typing instead a saying. Like I'm more me than usual. It's all a little hard, being a star now. It feels like I've always been part of the band... but I know I'm new, it's really confusing for me. Like some of these memories aren't supposed to be here. Or like they don't really belong at all. Bonnie would be able to explain it to me, he's the smartest guy I know. But he's not here right now. I wish I knew when he'd be coming back.
I'm sure I'm just keeping the seat warm, and I don't really want to be the new Bonnie. I like my quiet golf course. The jungle sounds, and the music, and teaching kids fun reptile facts.
Bonnie kept forgetting our get-togethers and... well none of them really remembered anything I told em...
Rockstar life must be pretty hard on us for them to have this many problems. Hope I don't get all stressed out like that.
Maybe I'm already all stressed too. It's kinda painful, having such a new looking body and new looking room and...
I miss my mama but I don't think she's been here in a long time. Makes me wonder if she's ok, I haven't been able to remember any recent visits...
Stardom must be getting to me. It's a little scary. I don't think I'd be able to admit that out loud anymore. That's scary too, this new attitude I have? It seems like it's always been here but I'm sure it's not. This isn't how Mama raised me at all, but... I guess it's what I am.
Poem writing makes me feel better, and writing stuff down doesn't have all this new attitude messing me up. I like the kids. I do! But I'm not used to this many all the time, or all the flashing cameras. I don't like hundreds of flashing lights in my eyes. It's why I wear that pair of Bonnie's shades everywhere I go. It makes it easier on me.
Sorry, I was having trouble saying it all to Harris and Windy. Maybe they can read it instead. I'll give the phone back now.
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limetimo · 1 year
RAB fics I read (aug pt1)
A Love Already Lost by orphan_account after the war Garlie comes to Grimmauld place... and falls in love
The Fighting and Most Sensible Brothers Black by Haunted_Frost Sirius and Regulus being brothers ♥ (Regulus lives)
A Different Type of Furry Little Problem by blueartemis07 regulus is crookshanks and terrorises Snape (amongst other)
My Life As A Cat by orphan_account regulus is crookshanks, funny
Strange Bedfellows by runrarebit more about sirius but regulus is there and everyone is gay and needs therapy
To have and to hold by runrarebit BLACK HEIR WEDS BASTARD PRINCE by runrarebit Family Ties by runrarebit Moving On by runrarebit Bonds by runrarebit War's End by runrarebit Devotion by runrarebit - all part of a series where Regulus and Severus are dating, deflecting and kicking butt and in Devotion they go polyamorous together with Sirius
you don't owe her shit (even if she said you did) by sapphicgingers Regulus faces Walburga and James is a supportive boyfriend
Shades of Purple by startohismoon jegulus, ace regulus
Seven Minutes In Heaven - Jegulus by MaraudersWhore4 jegulus, what it says on the tin
Mon amour by Moonchild206 jegulus coming out
I Have Scars (And I Hate Them) by Julmust123 regulus has scars from the cave and James makes him feel better about them
we begin in the dark by allalrightagain Regulus/Peter :D
birch trees loom by AllLivesMatter im just going to lie on the floor and have FEELS bye.
For Reasons Unknown by m3535, Zayhad Remus/Regulus
Regulus black and some (not so) terrible dates by finnhatessnivulus barty is here to save regulus form dating misadventures
Cat, Dog, and Stag by LupinsChocolatePraline they're all animagi your honour
I didn’t sign up for this by Moonystoastandmarsbars huhuehehehHEHEHE *unhinged chuckling* certified bacherlor Sirius Black gets a shock of his life when he find a 4 year old nephew he didn't know he had on his doorstep. wolfstar is slowly figuring things out and Regulus becomes the top bitch at the prison.
Mauvais jour de cheveux by Xo_flower McG has to deal with BLack brother's bs
pride and guilt by theprodigypenguin james survives Haloween and Dumbledore moves him in with a very reluctant Regulus ♥ Stupid Deep by theprodigypenguin former version of pride and guilt
The Phoenix Agency by LupinsChocolatePraline this one's about Sirius but he reconnects with Regulus in later chapters, modern muggle au
Nothing Was As It Was Told by BTSgotmeonahigh harry time travels to marauders era andlets them read the Harry potter books and stuff changes
1979 by Trex_patronus part of series where regulus went to Azkaban, this is Sirius' reaction to finding out
what are we by picklesonsaturday Sirisu and Severus fuck and talk about Regulus
A Different Route To Azkaban by Anonymous Severus is dating both Sirius and Regulus but for spy purposes, sad
All Is (Not) Forgiven by Demon_Pangun0817 diversity wins! james potter is a bad boyfriend
our choices seal our fate by unlikecharlie I LOVE when reg kidnaps baby harry
getaway car by grimjobs everyone's possessive horny bastards
Stars Of A Kind by orphan_account jegulus
Coming Out by Regneededswimlessons maraudesr and slytherin skittles and chaos and jegulus and wolfstar
Invisible String (Tying you to me) by not_very_sirius jegulus texting fic
blindfolded sight by rheadaholyc for NeonDomino wolfstar focused, regulus is a good bro (even tho he's a little shit)
towards the edge (closer and closer) by grimjobs jegulus sexy times
religion's in your lips (even if it's a false god) by grimjobs trans regulus jegulus sexy times
king of my heart by grimjobs they're daft your honour, jegulus
The Bite is Eternal by phantasmaraneae vampire regulus turns vampire hunter Sirius into his thrall to "save his life" but really mostly he just wants to fuck
On the ice (there’s warmth between us) by hallyticket FIGURE SKATER REGULUS! gets struck teaching a class to hockey players, amongst them one james potter and his very own estranged brother (trans regulus)
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers? by georgia_sk BAMF regulus, jegulus, rosekiller, wolfstar, and a lot of violence that makes them horny
Please Don't Confuse Fantasy With Truth by phantasmaraneae Regulus/Sirius fuck kinkily and magic goes poof and well mpreg happens
i'll be seeing you by residentrookie !!!!!!!! modern muggle James (2022) swaps places with canon James (1979) and goes on an adventure with nearly drowned Regulus Black while his modern era friends scramble to get him back :D
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willa-ofthevalley · 6 months
It's poem dump time again!
This time only one tho cuz I'm a little tired today
The standard rules apply, plz don't steal or repost anywhere else without credit 🙏
Also, my ask box is open now! Not that anyone really cares but still
Here you are folks!
The Cat
The room,
Painted in dark watercolour
Shades of cool light leak in
From the window
He sits on the end on my bed,
Licking his amber coat
And though I could wonder
If I'm really wanted at all
At the moment,
I am with harry
Tumblr media
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Now that Harry seems to have gone back to a relationship mostly out of the public eye ala Hamille with Taylor Russell, does this give you any more to reflect on the Olivia pairing? I ask bc fans clearly prefer this approach, perhaps bc for many it keeps the fantasy boyfriend alive - the woman is a side character and someone they can mostly ignore.
Regardless of how real or fake holivia was there was certainly some drama and attention added directly by Olivia (vs a pr nightmare getting out of control) which the GP ate up and added to Harry’s celeb status BUT his core fans on all sides almost entirely strongly disliked. There are some shades of haylor for me in pairing Harry with a woman with her own fame/power to get him to different level of celebrity (tho for me the length of haylor “proper” is much more suggestive of an actual publicity arrangement than what happened with Olivia).
I agree that high profile dating added to Harry's celebrity status, while also adding a lot of chaos and variables, which have a lot of downsides.
But I think your framing is imagining the options as doing what will increase Harry's celebrity among the general public or keeping fans happy. I don't think Harry or his team care very much if fans are happy - I don't think that's the metric they use.
Fans - particularly the sort of very invested fans who use social media and who it's possible to know if they're happy or not - don't need to be happy to be useful. In fact I'd argue almost the opposite - the natural state of a fan is discontent - and that drives fans greater engagement than contentment ever could.
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evansbby · 11 months
You’re obsessed with the hunger games too??? Stop right now. I don’t think you understand that reading thg at 11/12 years old was REVOLUTIONARY for me. I’m 22, and looking back, I don’t think it was healthy for me to read those books over and over again. I tried reading other dystopian books, but none of them compared to the hunger games and if anyone tries to tell me differently, I’ll start throwing hands. Like there’s no way you want to compare harry potter or maze runner to thg, they’re not even on the same level??? One is a mind-blowing piece of literature, and the other is about a boy who wears glasses. No shade to harry potter but comparing it to thg is mental💀 But I agree, reading the books as an adult has made me love it even more because you understand them better yk.
(Also, I used to write my own endings to them in my free time because I was obsessed. I had a whole notebook filled with ideas and 'what ifs' 😭😭 There’s a whole other separate notebook that was filled with Katniss in other districts and how that would have played out. Stop I was such a weird kid, I promise I’m cool now.)
No please you don’t understand, THG makes me CRAZY like sometimes my heart hurts when I read it bc what happens to Peeta in the end of catching fire 🥲🥲🥲 in fact when I was young I used to do this thing where I’d pray that THIS time when I read catching fire, the ending will change and Peeta won’t be taken away by the capitol 🤧🤧🤧 it never changed though…
I remember once I received an ask on tumblr where they said that they read poyt up until poyt 3 and then they felt sick and heartbroken and didn’t want to read it anymore so they unfollowed me and tried to forget about it 😂😭 and I totally get it bc THAT IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT THG SOMETIMES!!! Like it makes me SICK how into it I get each time I reread it that I have to physically stop myself and block it out of my head lest I get too passionate 😭😭 especially about Peeta and Everlark and JUST EVERYTHING!!!!! And I get this feeling EVERY time I reread it!!
In fact, when I read tbosas for the first time last year at the age of 23, that feeling came back again 😭😭😭 this overwhelming feeling of “this book is so good and the themes are so apt and the author is a genius and I don’t know how to explain this so it is overwhelming me” type of feeling 😭😭😭 DO YOU GET THAT??? Not to mention my ass was shipping snow x Lucy gray despite the fact that I KNEWWW it wouldn’t end well and those last ten pages killed me. It all happened so fast… Sejanus’ fate and then Lucy Gray 😭😭😭 I was out here praying Snow would become good and they would get married and live happily ever after EVEN THO I KNEW HE NEVER REALLY LOVEX HER AND IT WAS MORE ABOUT POSESSION AND JUDG AHHHH THE ENDING KILLED MEEEEE
see now I have to physically stop myself bc I feel like I’m not explaining it well enough and it’s making me feel crazy!!!
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