#all the love for the russian rocket
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friendly reminder that pavel bure is him.
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3minsover · 1 month
Steddie who keep missing each other. Who aren't in love at the same time. It's neither of their faults; they're just not quite in touch, in tune with each other.
Sure, Eddie had a stupid huge embarrassing crush on Steve throughout junior year, senior year and senior year 2.0. Sure, it was made so much worse when in Steve's first and only senior year, Eddie found himself sat in math class diagonally behind the fallen king. He'd watch the way his hair moved when he ran his hands through it in frustration. He'd see the shift of muscle under his shirt when he bent down to pick up a dropped pencil. And every time Steve would smile, flutter his lashes and pinch his eyebrows, say; "I'm sorry sir, I just don't know", Eddie would find himself shifting in his seat, nipping at the skin on the side of his finger, knee bouncing under the desk. They didn't really talk beyond 'hey's in the corridor, beyond 'did you do the homework?'s - to which Eddie would without fail stutter out an 'Uh- so, no. I meant to- Just, uh. No.' and Steve would without fail flash a soft smile, bump his shoulder into Eddie's and whisper 'Me neither.'
It got easier, after Steve graduated. Eddie still saw him around, still recognised his car in the lot when he was giving Robin Buckley from band a ride to school. But it wasn't so immediate, wasn't so raw. And after a while, the butterflies would fade. He'd be able to meet Steve's eye across the Family Video counter without feeling his mouth go dusty and his heart leap into his throat.
Steve hadn't realised his feelings for Eddie were anything more than friendly, until he graduated high school. Without the daily glances across the classroom, the moments he'd always take to make conversation, it felt emptier. It gave him time to think about the way his chest would tighten at Eddie's shy smile whenever they talked. Steve hadn't realised he might be allowed to feel something softer than 'dudely bro-ship'.
That is, until it fades so the only time Steve sees him is when he drops Robin off at school, or when he comes in to family video to rent Halloween again. Steve's heart prickles at the sight of him, but after a while, Eddie's visits drop off.
Steve tries to keep himself busy, grateful for some time without inter-dimensional battles or Russian agents trying to kill him. Thoughts of Eddie drift to the back of his mind, for almost six months. And then in the spring of '86, Steve finds himself thrown against the splintered wall of a nondescript boathouse on the outskirts of town. And it's Eddie Munson from Math that has a shaking, jagged bottle held up to his throat. It absolutely doesn't awaken things in him that he never knew he could want, absolutely not.
But regardless, he's staring half-terrified into the dark, watery brown eyes of Eddie Munson from Math, and all he wants is to reach out and smooth a palm over his cheek. He wants to curl his hand around those trembling fingers and tell him it's all gonna be okay. Of course, it isn't. Steve doesn't get much of a chance to talk to Eddie over the next week, what with some vampire soul-sucker guy terrorizing the town, and Max getting possessed and the whole thing going entirely to shit. But he finds himself drawn inexplicably into Eddie's space, splits off with Eddie and has the girls pair up and then Eddie calls him 'big boy'. And his entire world stops spinning for a moment. For just a second, it's just the two of them, and Eddie's face is so close to his, his smile so wild and beautiful.
The whole world stops, before it rockets back into thrilling, terrifying motion.
In the fear and the panic of the final Vecna showdown, Steve has to thrust his feelings back down deep. He can't let shit like a crush get in the way when the lives of the people he loves most are at stake.
It all happens so fast, and before he knows it, Max is in a coma, Eddie's been torn up to within an inch of his life, there's no certainty that Vecna's even gone, and he doesn't know what to do.
For days, Steve sits by Eddie's bedside when he can - when he's not with Max - only sleeps when he does. He silently begs for Eddie to be alright, feels guilty for every thought he has that isn't about Max. He begins to resent how desperately he pines for the moments when Eddie's awake, and after a week, once it's clear that Eddie's going to recover, Steve doesn't visit him anymore.
With all the feelings that are getting jumbled amongst the multitude of all the other horrible nasty fragile things that are writhing around inside, Steve forces himself to shove any thoughts of Eddie down, to get over him. And before he realises, it's been weeks. He's still worried for Eddie, of course he is. The guy almost died in Henderson's arms. But now the world's not actively ending, now he has a moment to breathe, he wonders whether the sparking, shimmering thing that had his mouth going dusty and his heart leaping into his throat was the same thing that had him saying all that shit to Nancy in the upside down.
He can't trust that it's not just a trauma response.
After Eddie recovers, slowly and with more help than he'd ever admit he needed, he sees Steve again. But he's distant. Friendly, but impersonal. An acquaintance. Things are as they were before. It hurts, but he knows all too well that any of the flirtation, the playful teasing and longing looks can only be chalked up to the fear of the end of the world.
It's a couple months before Steve tells Eddie he's going to college out of state. He's leaving in a week. And everything that had been laying dormant for so long comes bubbling up to the surface.
"Shit, I wish you'd given me a little more notice, Harrington," Eddie says, trying desperately to keep the heartbreak out of his voice.
"I'm sorry man, I just. It all happened pretty fast and like if I didn't do it now, it wasn't gonna happen, yknow?" Steve shrugs awkwardly, runs a hand through his hair.
If I didn't do it now, it wasn't gonna happen.
"It's gonna be a damn sight harder to like you this much when you're that far away," Eddie's mouth says before his mind can catch up.
"I like you too, man, but hey, I'll be home for Christmas. You can catch me up on everything I miss, huh?" Steve bumps Eddie's shoulder, just as he used to when they were leaning against the lockers back at school.
"No, Steve. I- You're, I mean. I like you. In a- Like I have, I totally have feelings for you, dude," Eddie forces out, watching his sneaker as he kicks at the ground.
"Eddie..." Steve says softly, and it just breaks Eddie's heart even more. Because that's a let-him-down-gently 'Eddie'.
"No, no it's- Don't sweat it man, just sorta had to tell you before you- Anyway. Have fun at college. I'll- I'll be here when you come home."
"Eddie, wait. I'm sorry. I just..." Steve begins, looks so pained, reaches to take hold of Eddie's shoulder. He avoids it, ducks out the way. And then Eddie leaves, before Steve can try to do something awful like making him feel better or tell him it's okay.
Eddie doesn't see Steve again before he goes to college. Hears from Henderson over the next few months how he's getting on, all the babes he's dating, the assignments he's trying to actually do before the deadline, and Eddie forces himself to smile, crack a joke, whatever.
Slowly, he extricates himself from conversations about Steve. Doesn't want to hear it, but can't tell anyone why. So he finds excuses; he has to take a leak, just remembered he promised Wayne he'd pick up groceries, got band practice, whatever he can come up with. He doesn't even hear Steve's name, tries desperately not to think about him (and fails), until December.
Until the evening of December 24th, when there's knock at the trailer door. With Wayne already asleep, Eddie drags himself from the couch to pull the front door open.
Eddie's met with a coat-wrapped, scarf-muffled, bobble-hatted Steve Harrington standing on his doorstep. He’s rocking back and forth on his toes, arms crossed tight around his chest, hands tucked under his arms. His cheeks are pink, the tip of his nose pinker still, nibbled by the cold. He’s just as beautiful as the last time Eddie saw him, and it jerks his heart into frantic motion against his ribs.
He’d thought he was over Steve, that seeing him again would be just like what it is; welcoming home an old friend. Except all Eddie wants to do is take hold of Steve’s frostbitten cheeks, pull his face towards him and kiss him like it’ll erase all the months of pining that had gone before.
Of course, he doesn’t. Instead, he just balks, says "Steve? What are you-?"
"I had to see you. I’m sorry if this is like inappropriate or if you don’t wanna see me- Dustin said you seemed like, mad at me or something. And honestly I can’t blame you, really. I shouldn’t have- it’s not that I didn’t, that I wasn’t. What I’m trying to say, Eddie, is that I know it’s too late. I know I missed my shot. But I haven’t stopped thinking about you for the last four months."
"I know I have no right to do this to you. But it was killing me, man. Because I think I might have- I think I might be-"
"Me too," Eddie interrupts. His mind’s whirring and tumbling, trying to gather up the pieces of Steve’s fragmented confession. Steve’s jaw hangs open just a little, paused halfway through a word. "I thought it’d gone away. Thought I’d gotten over Steve Harrington," Eddie continues with a sardonic little shimmy of his hands, "but uh, seems you’re a little harder to shake than I thought."
"D'you, d'you want to shake me? Off, I mean," Steve asks, dipping his chin and looking up through thick lashes, a shy, self-conscious suggestion of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
"No. no I don’t."
"Oh thank god. 'Cause I don’t know if I’d survive that," Steve exhales, his small smile spreading into a grin. He rocks forward onto the balls of his feet again, and Eddie finds himself pulled into Steve’s orbit. It doesn’t matter that he’s just in his socks and the doorstep is damp with cold. Eddie crosses the threshold and curls his fingers gently around the lapels of Steve’s coat. Eddie’s struggling to breathe, little puffs bursting forth from his lips and clashing in the air, mixing with Steve’s own.
"Can I-?" Eddie asks, doesn’t dare say the word aloud in case Steve’s not on the same page; gives himself an out if Steve’s not where Eddie’s at. Where he’s always been at, really. It just wasn’t quite at the right time.
"Yes. Please," Steve breathes, sweet frosty breath swirling gray-white around in the thin, chilly air between their faces. Slowly, giving Steve plenty of time to back away, change his mind, Eddie draws Steve towards him, tips his chin until their noses brush. the very peaks of their lips touch, and Steve’s breath hitches at the contact. It’s the prettiest sound Eddie’s ever heard. Eddie sips in a breath, hardly daring to move, and lets Steve nudge their mouths together.
Their lips press softly together, and Eddie feels Steve’s hands come to grip at the sides of his sweater, bunching it at his waist. He pulls Eddie towards him, moans softly, just the tiniest hint of voice slipping out and into Eddie’s mouth. A new prettiest sound.
Suddenly aware of their very public, very chilly location, Eddie stumbles backwards, pulls Steve inside with him. Steve follows enthusiastically, kicking the door shut behind him with his heel, lips never leaving Eddie’s for even a moment. They’re entirely wrapped up in each other, even as Eddie frantically unwraps Steve’s cold-proof clothing, lost completely in the feeling of their bodies pressing together.
They took their time, to get here. But now that they are, here is where they’ll stay. It won’t be easy, being apart for long stretches while Steve’s away at college, but now they’ll have a little something of each other’s to keep hold of until they’re together again.
They’ll have the promises they made each other that night, the words whispered against skin, the kisses pressed and breath shared. They’ll have the silent, precious exchange of one heart for another. And that will see them through.
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celestialprincesse · 6 months
𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧 𝐆𝐨 - 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞
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Baths have to be one of your favourite things. There's something about lounging in the epsom salts filled bath, candles flickering about the edge, lights dimmed low and your favourite playlist thrumming quietly through your speaker that puts you on cloud nine.
Ever since your date - since Nikto vowed to fuck you properly - you've been a bubbly, gushy mess of feelings and fluttering in your tummy. To be honest, you're not so sure of the protocol now, of when it's appropriate to try and arrange a second date, or dig through your nightstand for the box of condoms which have probably long since expired. You've always been the one being chased, never the one doing the chasing. It's equal parts frustrating and so utterly thrilling.
What you're not aware of is how much your neighbour is struggling too. He's not sure how much longer he'll last with masturbating to the thought of you, imagining what silly little lingerie you'll wear when he finally takes to to bed, daydreaming of how you'd look under him, those mink lashes fluttering and rolling as he thrusts into you, how you'd whine and mewl at his every word of praise. He's getting desperate. A desperation which he's forcing himself to ignore so as not to frighten you like a stray gunshot with a wild rabbit.
Nikto, eventually gathers his strength, steels himself and forces away the unfamiliar stress he hold up tight in his shoulder blades, his balled fists at his side. The sound of your footsteps pounding down the stairs after only the first firm knock he raps on your door eases his anxiety, the look on your beaming face only serving to dissipate it completely.
"Hi!" You chirp breathlessly, still a little warm from having been mid way through blowdrying your hair.
"Princess." He acknowledges, giving a silent nod to your open door as if to ask whether or not you'll let him in. Not obliging would be foolish.
Your home is still uncharted waters to him, as is the way you take his hand so easily to guide him into the kitchen. So bold, so wonderfully eager to play house. "I bought Russian grey tea." A box is waved before his eyes, although he's far more interested in the lovely bashful smile you wear as you prance about the kitchen to flick on the kettle. "You're very thoughtful. Thank you." The thickly accented rumble of his voice sends shivers rocketing up your spine - shivers which he fails to miss.
Before you can even register, he's at your back, a massive hand coming to brush through the still silky blowout you'd managed to perfect on your hair. From the absolute reverence in his eyes, you're pretty sure the imposing Russian in your kitchen likes it too. "Pretty." He admires, breaking the comfortable silence descended upon the two of you. "You did this yourself? The hair?" The clinking of a teaspoon against the side of the pink porcelain mug accompanies the sound of the little hum you give, not registering the way you lean into his hand.
There's a vague feeling in the back of your head that tells you to create some distance, to pull away from the unbearably gentle fingers tracing patterns into the nape of your neck. You don't want to. You don't think you possibly could.
"With the blowdryer." You nod, turning in place to face him, the countertop digging into the small of your back. Nikto's arm doesn't leave its spot on your neck. He only brings his thumb up to trace that spot where your jaw and ear meet which has you weak in the knees, blinking up at him with hazy, unseeing eyes.
He gives a little grunt of acknowledgement at your answer, leaving you blushing as he doesn't even try to hide his crystalline stare, eyes blue as the deepest, coldest of lakes. Drowning in him would be such a lovely way to go.
You don't even recognise the way you lean forward until you're practically nose to nose, fingers twitching at the bottom hem of his mask. Begging silently for access. The desperation you're feeling is nothing short of all encompassing. Tunnel vision. You haven't even realised the way your chest is tight with a held breath, your dignity barely hanging on by a thread.
When your hand is so gently pushed away, you feel that thread snap.
Or at least you think you do, until Nikto has you by the hips, hoisting you up onto the counter before rolling the worn cotton of his mask to the bridge of his cooked nose.
The moment his lips find yours, you drown. You let yourself sink into the comfort of his presence, the warmth of his hands, the tide that refuses to stop from pulling you to him. The eagerness with which you kiss him back fills Nikto with an odd sense of pride, and the little mewl he manages to pull from your throat when his fingers curl coaxingly around the back of your neck turns him on. A lot.
You melt under his attention like butter in a pan, purring with his every touch like a kitten in a sunny spot. You're filled with nothing short of pure bliss, and you're convinced that Nikto is the only man to have ever provided you with such a feeling. Your every emotion has spilled out onto the floor, and Nikto laps it up like a man starved.
You're a mess of lips and tongues, cherry lipgloss smeared down his chin, legs hooking around his waist as your hands grip the back of his mask. Vaguely, you can feel one of his hands just above the hem of your skirt, fingers digging in to the meat of your thigh. You'd be thankful for any souvenir of this moment, bruise or not.
The sound of your ragged pants fill your tiny kitchen, his nose brushing against your earlobe as he crouches slightly to turn his attention onto your neck. The way you tip back your head against the cupboards to give him more space doesn't go unpunished as he nips and licks and sucks exploratively, his hand still firm around your thigh.
Eventually, painfully, the lusty haze settled over your kitchen is broken as he pulls back for air, and you sit in a wordless daze on the counter.
It's impossible for your mind to wrap around what the fuck just happened, but it's trying, running at a mile a minute to catch up with your body and the situation at hand.
"Anyways," He shrugs, as though he hasn't just had you like putty in his palms. "I will pick you up tomorrow afternoon. We will go out. Do not wear stupid shoes, okay princess?"
You gawk silently at him, choking on your words like a fish out of water.
"Also, your fence is broken. I'll fix it."
The minute he's gone from your kitchen, having taken a bit of your heart with him like a thief in the night, you're slumping back against the counter with a sigh of sheer girlish infatuation. "Wait - my shoes aren't stupid!" You yell uselessly into your already empty house.
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PicNik unlocked 🤭 Sorry for the wait! I'm back now! I think! Maybe!
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The Mercs take Y/N to a nearby carnival in the badlands
WARNING: Chaos ensues. Why the fuck would you take them anywhere?
- He’s fine with this. He used to love going to carnivals. It was all him and his family could afford on weekends.
- You’re somewhat bothered by the heat but he’s resilient as fuck. “You want me to grab you some water, babe?” He doesn’t even wait for an answer. Returns in fucking milliseconds with water. You don’t know how he’s so damn fast.
- Sits on the fariswheel with you, he had planned this to be super romantic but he feels awkward. He tries to lighten the mood by standing up in the car and whacking his ball into the poor crowd of people. “Watch this. This is for you, babe.” The sandman ball hits a guy in the face and probably kills him. You’re pretty convinced he’s not alive anymore. “Home run!” He calls out. “Woooo!”
- EXCITED. EXCITED. EXCITED. If he were a dog he’d be wagging his tail. For all the wrong reasons. You know full well you’re in for a ride. It’s not a thrill ride.
- He takes the shooting games way too seriously. Gets mad when he doesn’t get the plush toy prize and pulls out his actual stock rocket launcher to rely on pure splash damage. (Where the fuck did he even hide that?) They’re forced to hand him his prize in fear for their lives.
- If you lose a game, he beats the shit out of the person running the stall. He insists it’s their fault and the game was rigged. Your shot is flawless.
- You leave him alone for TWO SECONDS and he’s already harassing a random bird on the fence he believes to be a Russian drone. Children are staring at him. You can’t take this man anywhere.
- He’s not used to this. He went to the Highland games as a kid. Never really had a carnival around his village. He experiences a bit of awe and intrigue as you walk the streets with him. He’s still in his vest and the people of Tuefort are heckling him. They know he’s one of those annoying mercenaries. He thinks this is fucking hilarious.
- He hates the food though. Eugh. He discovers pretty quickly he has a dislike for fried chicken. Insults America’s tastes to hell and back. Almost fucking vomits when he tastes the mac and cheese. What the fucking hell is wrong with you people?
- “Err.. Dontae think those rides are a bit dangerous?” He asks, jutting his thumb behind him. He doesn’t notice the kiddy rollercoaster breaking into pieces behind him followed by screaming families. He’s probably too used to that sound to process it coherently.
- Suspiciously eyes the men setting up the fireworks for tonight. He glares at them while sipping the cheap alcohol he begrudgingly bought at one of the food stalls. Nitpicks them for setting them up wrong. He sets them up himself but the fireworks nearly kill everyone. Turns out he made them more efficient. By that I mean deathly. “No, sweetheart. they’re FIREWORKS. FIREWORKS.” you tell his drunken stupid ass.
- Oh fuck he’s excited. He had good memories going to carnivals as a kid. Eats like a fucking beast and doesn’t hold back. You watch this man consume more than his own body weight.
- Goes straight to the mechanical bull. Asks you to hold his cowboy hat he wore on the way here. “Sit back and let a big man like me show you how it’s done, darlin.” He doesn’t even fall off once. It looks like he’s barely even moving. He stands up on the fucking bull and flips off the last guy who ate shit on it. Embarrassing him in front of his kids.
- As you’d suspect he’s sort of insulting the lack of regular maintenance on the rides. Whilst in line for the Zipper he shakes his head like a disappointed father and scraps the rusted paint off the ride with his glove. Crushing it to dust between his fingers. Shakes his head some more and sighs.
- Congratulations. The state of these rides have broken this poor man. He can’t take it anymore. Take him to the petting zoo with the farm animals right now before he suffers a brain hemorrhage.
- “What did little baby say about carnival?”
- He’s heard of carnivals in plenty of books but his life of isolation has prevented him from ever experiencing such a thing. The concept is almost alien.
- Well, he goes with you and he hates it. He looks like an incredibly discontent kitten the entire time. As you ride with him in all the kiddy rides, he looks even more pissed as he just so happens to break one of the rides upon sitting in it. The consequences of being a giant mass of muscle are truly unfortunate on this day.
- His face brightens up a little bit as you buy him a footlong sandwich. He’s never seen a sandwich this big before. He eats the entire thing within’ minutes.
- Finally you find a place in the carnival he somewhat enjoys but pretends not to. He hits the high striker so hard the bell fucking breaks and goes flying. He complains that this game is too easy — until he’s handed a cute little toy bunny of course. “I have been gifted rabbit?”
- Everybody is now batshit afraid of him.
- YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bouncing in the car the entire way there. Miss Pauling had to drive you two there because Pyro doesn’t own a vehicle. She sighs in exasperation and asks pyro to“please quiet down, sweetie. Pauling is thinking.”
- You have a massive dog jumping off the walls of the car right now. They can’t sit still. Pauling is miserable. In other words, water is wet.
- Once she drops you off she makes you both swear to not catch anything on fire. It’s bad for business and doesn’t give them a good look. Pyro has no intentions of listening to her and heads straight for the fire eating performance. In their point of view; these people are somehow consuming rainbows.
- They do all sorts of things with you. Allowing you to lead the way to any attraction you felt drawn to. Whether it be trying to get dolls or getting on a ride. They seemingly want to do as much as possible before the sun goes down.
- after you tell them it’s late, they groan in despair but nod obediently. Prioritizing your guys’ shitty adulthood of work was sadly something that had to be done. They held your hand on the way back. Carrying a shit load of plush dolls in the other massive glove.
- “Did you two have fun?” Miss Pauling asks, you swear she puts on a motherly voice just for pyro. He excitedly claps his hands and agrees with her. She blinks though and sees the chaos behind you. You trace her gaze with confusion, wondering what she was gawking at. For some reason the entire carnival was on fire and you didn’t even notice on your way out that it spread to pretty much every corner.
- You both look back at Pyro. They’re holding a match. Of fucking course. Miss Pauling rubs her face. “I’ll call the firemen..” She sighs in defeat.
- “Carnivals are stupid.” He says, a lit cigarette between his teeth. “Jus’ mediocre entertainment. Not even good. Believe it or not I have standards for my own personal pleasure as well. I’m not going to some stupid thick headed colonel sanders’ freakshow to eat hot grease n’ Emu legs.” You have to correct him that it’s technically turkey legs. “Whatevea mate.”
- You somehow manage to convince him anyway. But he was doing this only for you. He growls as you drag him by the hand onto the carnival grounds. Wishing he was back in bed. He glares at everybody who even dares breathe in his direction.
- He likes the farm animals well enough but quickly diverts his attention away in slight intrigue upon seeing the shooting gallery. You are thrilled and BEG him to win a prize for you. “There’s no way in hell i’m doing that, love.” You want to see this guy in action and the look of shock upon everybody’s faces as Sniper beats multiple children.
- Well.. Okay. But only because you keep inflating his ego with your compliments. He goes up, gives the person in charge his money, and brings the scope to his eye. Multiple kids are in the gallery next to him and missing every single shot on the fake cardboard animals. He mutters an insult to their ineptitude. He doesn’t even have to look to know they didn’t land a shot.
- Sniper takes down literally all the targets within’ seconds. Including the ones that the poor children were shooting at. Every. single. cardboard animal.
- The person running the stall begrudgingly gives him the biggest teddy bear they have. The Teddy bear that multiple families present were wanting to get in the first place. Kids are complaining and parents are complaining. Life’s suddenly great. Sniper looks amused at the amount of attention and cracks a smile at you. He wonders how you knew this would make him happy.
- “Ack! what complete nonsense! I am far too busy of a man for such boyish games!” He acts dramatic about it. Crossing his arms and turning up his nose.
- “Yeah but— what if somebody dies on the broken ass rides? That’s like free organs right there.” You say.
- “Hoo. Well, you do have a point. Alright! I’m convinced. But only this once.”
- Medic is actually rather terrible at the gun related games. He can’t aim precisely. At one point you found a crossbow related game and he held his hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Realizing he had managed to hit everywhere but the desired target. You joke that hey— at least a life isn’t on the line this time. He passive aggressively slaps you over the head lightly with his glove and moves to the next game.
- You go to the bathroom and come back to see him dragging a bloodied dead body into his car. “Ah, I’d explain but it’s a rather long story!” he says enthusiastically. Accidentally holding up his equally bloodied ubersaw, and then immediately hiding it behind his back.
- He won’t go on the rides. He’s bold and brash but he isn’t an idiot. He knows full well those things aren’t structurally sound. He stands up tall in his usual thinking pose. A finger to his chin as he takes in the sight of the rides. “What are you thinking?” You ask him. He grins at you. That disgusting, devilish, i’m-making-an-evil-plan grin. You are now scared.
- He steals an entire fucking carnival ride for less than moral medical purposes. The ENTIRE FUCKING THING is in the back of his car and the car is chugging along. Wheezing and trying to get this thing back to the base. He’s going to break it apart and sow the parts onto a Frankenstein-like creature.
- Mother of god, can’t you guys go on a more relaxing date? One with less screaming, noisy music, and people? What about a nice five star restaurant? Or the park?
- He refuses to eat any of the food. At all. He’d rather starve in a ditch than eat such filth. Not even bothering with the alcohol. He avoids people like the plague and you’ll turn to ask him a question and WHOOOOSH! he won’t even be there until you reach your hand out and blink his invis watch by poking him. “Stop cloaking, pussy.”
- He literally begs you to choose another place. PLEASE. End his suffering. You swear you’ll find something here he enjoys though.
- You were standing in line for a ride and once you got to the front he had stepped out of line and said “Oh! after you.” In typical gentlemen fashion. Letting you go on the entire ride by yourself. You glare at him from the ride and he’s smirking mischievously. Waving his fingers to greet you.
- For the rest of the night he takes it upon himself to mess with you. You offer him some cotton candy and he hands it to a little boy in a stroller instead while nobody was looking. You saw that in the corner of your eye. “Im not fucking blind, Spy.” You say. He puts his hands behind his back innocently. “Oh, what? I consumed the wretched morsel like you asked!” “No, you didn’t Spy.”
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leresq · 3 months
Recently rewatched GOTG Vol. 2 and took some notes
Rocket has no real reason for stealing the batteries other than he wanted to
Rocket can't read sarcasm unless it's explicitly shown to him. He also doesn't understand insults unless he knows what they mean. Autism coded...
Drax has to be more than strong, he's got to be superhuman at this point. He was flung around by the monster that would have killed a human instantly, survived the pressure changes of going through a jump point without exploding, and was hit around by trees like a pinball. Gamora and maybe Nebula are the only ones I can see surviving that. Speaking of which how does Quill survive being thrown around by the monster without breaking any bones?
When Gamora says "If you'd flown with what's in between your ears instead of what's in between your legs" she points to Rocket for the latter half of that statement implying he wasn't castrated by the High Evolutionary. 👀
It's implied Rocket doesn't completely understand depth and 3D space when saying Ego was a tiny man which makes sense for a raccoon but also not for the best pilot in the galaxy.
"You didn't know cuz you didn't wanna know cuz it made you rich." Is a hard ass line
I don't know much about Kurt Russell's history in acting but him as a villain is fantastic
Rocket grooms himself with his tongue!!! So kitty!!!!!!
The fact that Drax connects being an old woman to being wise means his not understanding metaphor isn't an inherent trait and it also means nobody before this point has been able to indirectly teach him what things mean.
Rocket's singing voice hunghhhh... He also runs quadrupedal by instinct
Despite having such tiny and probably fragile hands Rocket can still punch hard. The way he grabs things meant for normal hands with his little grippy paws is so adorable!!!
Drax wasn't lying when he said he was humble. Despite being a bit reckless he rarely brags about himself at all.
Even though family story time about impregnation probably is not a good idea Drax is probably the most sex positive member of the group.
Ego says he made pain receptors yet he doesn't react to anything as if it hurts at all.
Nebula never was a sadist. Thanos made her become violent because he hurt her every time she lost, so she got more and more angry. If she successfully enacted her plan of torturing Thanos I don't think she would have enjoyed it, she would be delivering a sense of justice in her eyes. She doesn't talk about that plan with fondness, she talks about it like it's a hard job that'll take a lot of willpower to complete. Who knows how many years of Thanos' abuse were quickly replaced by love and she barely resisted being healed.
When Peter successfully forms the celestial energy Ego doesn't look into his son's eyes with pride, he looks at the energy with greed. Great subtle acting.
I don't think Drax meant to insult Mantis by calling her ugly, that was just an unfortunate moment of unfiltered honesty. The fact that he quickly changes the meaning so it's some kind of compliment is impressive and adorable.
When Peter says he sees Eternity I think he sees the thing from Thor 4. Ego's plan is to reach Eternity and wish for the universe to be completely and totally his.
The contrast of the majesty Ego supposedly shows Peter and the horror of Ego's genocidal design found by Gamora and Nebula with music is perfect
The crabby puppy so cute he makes me wanna die 😍
Kraglin is so cute he's had such a hard life he just needs a warm shower and a talking Russian dog for a best friend.
The reason Mantis could put Ego to sleep when he didn't want to isn't because she's super powerful (even though she is) it's because she's part celestial and maybe Ego happened to miss a little bit of the connection to the light she has.
Life isn't about trying to make everything perfect or exactly the way you want it to, it's about diversity. That's what Ego doesn't understand.
My headcanon is that Yondu is the only one of his crew that actually cared about hygiene. He looks relatively clean compared to everybody else.
The last real goodbye Gamora and Nebula had was in Vol. 2
Baby Groot finally being nice to Drax is cute.
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buckys-metal-arm · 11 months
Okay but Bucky being friends with the Space-Based heroes
Carol showing Bucky the Skrull Memory band and letting him use it to recover memories of his family and childhood that he thought HYDRA had well and truly beaten out of him
Mantis using her powers to help Bucky sleep, like she used to with Ego, and her being happy that she can help a good person find some peace this time
Rocket understanding what Bucky has been through better than most. When he's working on the ship or weapons or something Bucky comes and sits with him and he explains what he's doing and why and Bucky is super interested and always asks a ton of questions
Kraglin taking Bucky to Nowhere and showing him around and Bucky being enraptured by it because he's a giant fuckin nerd
Cosmo absolutely loving playing with Bucky, he's also the only one who speaks Russian to her
In a similar vein, Goose absolutely ADORING Bucky and maybe sending one of her kittens with him so we can get Flerkitten!Alpine
Nebula and Bucky talking best practice for prosthetic maintenance, and bonding over the fact they've both lost their sisters, one to old age and one to... *Gestures to IW*, as well as the fact that, like Rocket, she gets what he's been through better than most
Drax and Bucky sparring and Bucky realizing he's one of the few people he can spar with and not worry about hurting
Thor teaching Bucky about the 9 worlds like he did Jane in Thor 1 and Bucky being absolutely fascinated also Bucky is ABSOLUTELY worthy of picking up Mjolnir. He doesn't try because he doesn't think he is, but Thor knows. Just like he did with Steve.
Valkyrie and Bucky being bi disaster squad drinking buddies. They hang out and drink Asgardian mead (Bucky is shocked when it gets him drunk for the first time in 70 years), talking about the people they've lost, doing what they can to keep their memories alive. She lets him ride Warsong once and Bucky is freaked out because "god dammit Val I've never ridden a normal horse before let alone a fucking flying one". He figures it out enough to have fun eventually
Star-Lord making Bucky a playlist of all of the best music that he missed. He also ABSOLUTELY makes Bucky watch Footloose and though he refuses to admit it to Peter he ended up really liking it
Bucky loving being around Phylla when he hangs with the Guardians and Love when he's with Thor because they remind him of his sister when she was young
I know there are other space based heroes but these were the ones I could think of, I just like the idea of Bucky having a bunch of friends and being a giant nerd with them 🥺🥹
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alotofpockets · 11 months
Coming out | Yelena Belova
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Summary: Yelena comes out as ace to her best friend. Based on Legends of Tomorrow's episode 7x10.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, and coming out.
A/n: This is a repost from an old account.
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 720
After a long mission the team finds their way to a bar. At first the group sits down for a quick bite to eat all together talking about the mission together. It had been a while since they had all worked together on the same mission, so it was nice to close out the night like this. 
When the drinks were added to the equation, the team split into smaller groups. Bucky challenged Tony to a game of darts, Natasha, Wanda and Pietro found a quiet corner and continued their conversation. Kate and Peter were poking fun at Steve and Clint, the older of the four didn’t seem to go for any of their antics, though it was hilarious to look at still. The rest of the team was scattered all around the establishment. You and Yelena had taken a seat at the bar, as suggested by the Russian, this way she would be as close to the drinks as possible. She loved her alcohol, especially her vodka, which she was throwing back shots of as you speak. 
You were both looking around the room, appreciating the group of people around you. The people that had become your found family over the years. After some more looking around you decided to play a game. “Okay, enough looking at our friends, let’s play a game.” You opted. Yelena turned your way, ready for whatever you were going to throw her way. That’s one of the reasons the two of you were best friends. You worked together so well because the both of you were always up for whatever the other person had in mind. “Fuck, marry, kill out of Bucky, Cap and Tony?” 
Yelena narrowed her eyes at your question. “Ehm I’m not really into any of them.” You were quick to fall into your next question. “Okay, copy. How about Kate, Wanda and Valkyrie?” Again Yelena’s face filled with a questioning look. “Actually, not really into any of them either.” She sighed. “Also copy.” You said to reassure her that her feelings or lack thereof were okay. “What is your type then?” You ask, genuinely interested. You wonder why neither one of you had really talked about the topic before, but you left it at the work that you do and how quickly you had been thrown into a mission together, giving your friendship a rocket start, skipping the small talk. 
“I don’t really get those types of feelings for anyone. Maybe it’s one of those things that the Red Room took away from me, with the brainwashing, controlling, and what not.” Yelena looks down at her hands that she has folded in her lap. “Hey, no no no, what you’re describing is totally normal.” You quickly reassure her, placing your hand on her shoulder. “It just means that maybe you are ace, asexual. People who identify as ace have little to no interest in sex, but many of them still want to be in relationships.” You explain to the best of your abilities, knowing you’re not an expert on the matter. 
Yelena’s eyes light up at the words you speak. “Oh, I guess that makes me ace then.” She says with a content look on her face, like a whole world of possibilities just opened up to her. It was amazing to see your best friend realize that what they’re feeling isn’t something they’re alone in. If it has a name, other people must be experiencing similar feelings. 
You give her a moment to let it all sink in before asking, “Did you just come out to me?” Yelena laughs and looks at you with a big smile on her face, “I think so.” You lean in to give her a sideways hug. “Okay, copy.” You say with a wink. “Haha without jokes, I am very proud of you, and you know that I will love you no matter what, right?” She nods, “Right back at you.”
“Excuse me, can we get two more of these?” You ask the bartender. When he puts the drinks down in front of you, you thank him before raising your class towards Yelena. “A toast to you, and to figuring out who you are.” Yelena clinks her glass with yours and you each take a sip, enjoying the rest of the night with the team.
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starr-finn · 1 year
Hi okay so for ur first tf2 req, I will go with something that isn't too specific lol
- So this can be for all, but you don't have to include Pyro and Heavy if you don't wanna do all
- So the prompt is, Medic has either become sick and can't participate in the fight, or he got an assistant medic (in the case for writing for Medic)
- And Reader is the replacement/assistant medic!
- She's kinda like a medic gf but in a /pos way
- So she's got the med gf outfit (blighted beak, das fantzipantzen, long pleated skirt) with a quick-fix (so she can follow rocket-jumpers and sticky-jumpers)
- She's also very nice and always compliments/thanks her team ('That was an amazing kill/shot' + 'Wow that was impressive' + 'Thanks so much for the dispenser/sandvich') bc yippee kindness
- You know the perennial petals effect? That's her-core (also yes, if needed can reader be fem)
- Here's some her-core photos
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I will 100% write this for you! This is such a cute request, as per usual! hope you like this one bestie! I won't add pyro because I really don't know how to write pyro lol, also to everyone reading, I'm trying to color code things now! helps me keep focused
TF2 Mercs with a medic GF!
Author's note: all of the Mercs without Pyro because I just can't write him so yay! Hope Y'all like this! I tried to make it super cute, also, just to point this out here too, Fem!Reader, and mentions of food in Heavy's part (Sandvich ofc) PRobably mistranslated russian, and german, the french is pretty damn obvious
Buddy boy here thinks you're super cool, and he loves having a medic GF!
You're always there when he gets hurt, and he loves it
he loves your constant compliments
"Wow Scout! Nice shot!"
He chuckles softly and smiles "Thanks cutie!"
Scout loves how gentle you are when you patch him up, he thinks its adorable
any time you mention anything about being proud of him for some crazy ass shot he pulled off he almost cries
Full on adores you
Calls you stuff like Cutie and Baby doll
Bro gets into so much trouble it's not even funny tbh, dude stresses you out so much
He comes to you for everything because he enjoys how soft you are with him
He loves getting compliments from you, he just loves it
"Wow! great shot!" You smile, nodding softly at him
"Thank you Dearest" he salutes at you and then runs off to kill more people
Soldier will always drop everything to keep you safe (Defend your medics kids)
He gets hurt far to much for your liking but you honestly can't blame him in your job (and brain damage)
he is far too protective over you
Calls you Dearest and love
Bro gets hurt sometimes, just because of his explosives, and you're always right there with him
He rambles about how much he loves you and how much he loves how gentle you are when he's drunk
He always basically drops dead when you compliment him
You smile over at him "Nice shot, dear!"
Demo looks down, lightly kicking at the dirt "Aww...thanks love..."
Demo will physically fight anyone that even dares to try anything with you
He loves how you're always there when he's far to drunk to move
Calls you stuff like Love and Darling
Sniper doesn't get as hurt as often, he still gets injuries though
He'll keep you in his line of sight all the time and kill anyone that tries attacking you, super protective boy
as an introvert, homie almost loses it everytime you say something nice to him
Like pulls his hat down over his face flustered
"Woah!!! You're really good at that Snipes!" you smile softly and look up at him
Sniper blushes and covers his face with his hat "W-Well thank you"
now, dude will actually go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe
Healing his ass is super easy cuz this hoe stays still the whole time
Rambles about you to anyone who listens
Calls you stuff like "Roo" and "Little Koala"
Engineer (I absolutely adore this fucker)
Engie here is super easy to heal, still as a fucking stone
He likes to keep you safe, he absolutely loves you too much to let you get hurt yourself
He smiles softly and gets all blushy everytime you thank him or say something nice
"Thanks for the dispenser, love!"
He smiles and gently rubs the back of his neck "Awee thanks honey bee!"
Engie will hold your hand every time he's healing you
Helps you patch up some people
Brags that he managed to pull 'The sweetest damn woman alive"
Calls you 'Honey bee' and 'Sugar'
He's a doctor himself, so you both patch each other up!
actually tortured a guy for shooting at you
He always gets so damn cocky when you get all sweet with him
"Thanks for the heal Doc!" You smile and nod at him before running off
Medic chuckles softly and yells after you "You're welcome Engel!"
He likes when you help him with checkups!
He likes having you as a nurse around the infirmary
He doesn't really brag about you, unless he's like, SUPER drunk
Calls you 'Engel' and 'Schatz'
Ok so Heavy gets hurt more than soldier does, he is heavy weapons guy after all
Like all the other mercs, he's super protective
Takes all the thanks, and praise so gracefully
"Thanks for the sandvich dear!" You smile happily chomping down on the sandvich
Heavy gently ruffles your hair before walking off "You're welcome Ангел'
stands in front of you in fights
Definitely towers over you btw
likes when you heal him up after a fight
Calls you stuff like 'Ангел' and 'Родна́я'
This old ass man is a tryhard with not getting hurt, it still happens
Protective, again
another cocky one with praise and thanks
"Wow! Impressive kill Dearest!" You smile softly looking over at him
He chuckles softly and nods "Thank you, Mon amour"
Shows you off constantly
Brags more than scout does
you're really one of the only people he lets touch him
Calls you 'Mon amour' and that alone
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
When I was a kid, I used to wander around without any gadgets. So when mom allowed me to hold her smartphone, I was really excited. Usually, I just scrolled through her Facebook.
And I was really surprised to find out that her news feed had posts, "Today I wasn't killed with a rocket! Good morning, everyone! :D" or "I can't believe I'm alive just because I missed my bus. They had another terract there, N dead, X wounded." Almost every time, for many years.
I thought, "Well, it must be horrible to live in Israel and be constantly scared for your life and for your loved ones. Thank God we don't have this all in Ukraine." But I didn't really care, and I didn't fully realise what they've felt. I was a kid, after all, a kid who didn't taste the true russian culture yet. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I didn't care.
What I want to say is that Palestine, as a state, has been doing to Israel the same things for MANY YEARS russia is doing to Ukraine now. Which is understandable since Palestine exchanges the knowledge of how to kill and rape people better with russia. By the time the Internet became worldwide, Israeli just got used to that.
And I was really surprised to find out how many people I used to find smart suddenly started repeating that Israel is an occupier fashist state. After October 7th. How many people started justifying organized mass rape and burning children alive "because Nakba" or something else. How many people, including Ukrainians, started justifying the state, which literally works with russia and teaches its kids how to kill Jews better. I was shocked and disgusted.
Then I wanted to laugh nervously after some people I used to read started doing this way: after every "Israel is fashist and occupier" they shared something about Jewish culture, to show they are not antisemitic. The fact that Israel is as much Jewish state as Ukraine is Ukrainian - they don't care about it. Watching your friends becoming brainwashed in real time is not the best experience I had.
It's not military targets that have been fired upon by Palestine in Israel at all. It was not the fashists zionists who were raped and killed on October 7th at all. It was the same people as me and you, kids, women, elderly, students, tourists, pro-Palestinian activists like Vivian Silver - they all were murdered brutally by Palestine because Palestine shares the same rhetoric as Houthis in Yemen. They just want to kill all Jews and "rule the whole world".
I think it's only natural to wish the state, which organises mass rape and mass murder on your land, to stop exist.
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scarz-xo · 11 months
Today I woke up to someone saying "Israel didn't bomb Egypt it was Yemen" so here is how the things went:
Taba got hit by a missile, later Israel came out with "we bombed it by mistake, the missile was meant for Eilat" at 3am
Sadly no western media outlet has any article regarding that "mistake" so here's an Egyptian article:
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That was before they came out saying it was a rocket from Yemen.
The person who fought with me about this saying no it wasn't Israel ended up telling me "okay now I get it's Israel but you still gotta post that it was a mistake, they didn't mean to"
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Since when was bombing other countries a mistake?
And why would anyone believe that Israel would fire a rocket headed for Eilat to start with?
As an Egyptian I don't think I should put that oh my country was bombed by a mistake, it's okay, peace, when are you gonna do that mistake again Israel? Please be careful next time, you almost hit a hospital, I know that's what you love to do but innocent people get treated in there y'know?
This is how you speak to a child who stepped on their classmate's foot by mistake not a country bombing another.
And as I addressed that person that nothing is called hitting by mistake they said I'm only throwing a "hissy fit" & that my government is okay with it & that's how I should be, like what?
I know how we middle easterns get treated, I know how they've been dehumanising us at the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war, they called us animals after all, but now I don't get to be mad about my country getting bombed?
Is it just me or middle eastern countries getting bombed is becoming a normal to the west?
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Stop dehumanising us, stop making less of us, we're all humans, you're not superior to us just cause you're western, let me be mad for my own country, let me express my feelings on my own freaking blog, it's mine, it's with facts & sources, if they're not attached then ask & I'll send them, but stop calling me a liar or saying that I'm just acting like a brat because my country "just got bombed" & I should just get over it.
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blood-feathers · 26 days
The journal flips open, as if a phantom hand has gone to read it.
(You flip through the journal, reading through the spy's notes.)
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[transcription below]
Notes from Reese's machine
Went through machine logs:
Transcripts accurately translate foreign languages
Gabe sucks at keeping secrets as always
Machine takes snapshots from camera instead of recording video (saves storage?)
"Askers" are pushy
Machine creates solid holograms to represent some askers---capable of physically interacting for a moment.
Askers capable of low-level magic---illusions??? Still physical like the "avatars". Imitates taste? Gabe at e a bag of seeds from an asker/didn't note odd taste
Gabe speaks Latin too. Add to list later.
Machine transcribes sensory details other than auditory---i.e. texture
Time passes faster in their reality, unknown how much.
Some askers have name or icon attached to question, others listed as "anonymous"
Machine lists details it should not be aware of in transcripts (self-consciousness, other team) Ask Reese about this
Gabe understands birds? Fucking polyglot
"Ship"=relationship Stupid slang
Gabe/Ray are still sickeningly in love
Askers are very affectionate
"Bushman" = Sniper Aussie slang
They like men in dresses???
Askers like to pick on Gabriel
High emotion interferes with the camera?
Ask for definition of:
Fandom Tumblr Website Internet Feed Baldur's Gate 3
Gabe suspects my fear of doctors
Animals can be askers?
Machine generated correct context to a vague answer---an image of a dog mauling a bird
Gabe fears being eaten---trauma from the mauling?
"Magic anons" are capable of restraining us with manifestations
"Their" RED team:
Scout -- Jeremy
Loud, obnoxious New Yorker Bostonian Possible radiation poisoning from irradiated drink Spy's son, implied drama
Demoman -- Tavish <Finnegan> DeGroot
Scottish alcoholic cyclops Functional while drunk Haunted sword? Chemist Produces alcohol in his body?
Heavy -- Mikhail
Giant russian man Obsessed with gun, "Natasha" "Sasha"
Medic -- (Fritz) Ludwig (?)
Sadistic tendencies ("Funny") Lost medical license Bones their heavy (Implied)
Sniper -- <Michael/Mickey> Mundee Mundee y
Kidney problems---implied jarate pills "Professional", reserved Australian (born NZ)
Spy -- no known name
French cutthroat Apparently has no concept of work clothes Same guy from Vegas???
Engineer -- Dell Conagher
Radigan's grandson? 11 degrees Nice until paid not to be (how familiar) Shortest, not specified how short Trustworthy
Pyro (No specified name)
Subject of the "pyrovision" experiment Identity unknown Never removes suit
Soldier -- "Jane Doe"
They took a man that was too mentally unfit for the trenches and gave him a rocket launcher Fixation on raccoons (don't let meet Mark) Uses a shovel as a bludgeoning tool Friends with their demoman Knows a wizard (Same wizard?)
Askers prone to saying cryptic shit without elaborating
I think they enjoy schadenfreude a troubling amount---turn it off if they get rowdy
We're all fiction to them, may lead to crueler "asks"
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regalityandcoffee · 10 months
My Massive List of Goth Bands and Song Recs (with youtube links)
cause I'm sick of people being gatekeeping assholes to newer goths
First of all, goth is not a genre of music. It's a subculture. A music based subculture. You can dress like you work at Justice as long as you still listen to some bands.
There's no such thing as goth music. Again, it's not a genre. There are several popular genres in the goth scene including post-punk, new wave, synthpop, industrial, SEVERAL different genres of metal, etc.
Here's two picks I'm going to warn you are controversial in advance because of the... nazi shit the leads were on
Joy Division ◇ Damn good band, BUT ITS LITERALLY NAMED AFTER THE PROSTITUTION WING OF A CONCENTRATION CAMP. After the death of the lead Ian Curtis, the remaining members made the band New Order!
Type O Negative◇ insanely good, but fuck Peter Steele all my homies hate Peter Steele
My Favorite Bands That aren't typically considered goth BUT THEY'RE HONORARY TO ME OKAY
Duran Duran! They just got back together this year after decades! Here's one of their newer songs, "Black Moonlight"
Love and Rockets
Public Image LTD
The Smiths (tons of goths love the Smiths too, plus it would piss off Morrissey to be called goth so dkwkwlqlw)
My Chemical Romance. I have never met a goth who didn't like mcr.
Concrete Blonde
Nine Inch Nails. Duh. Also Trent's cover of "Dead Souls" by Joy Division fucks HARD.
Tears For Fears. Those are my boys fr.
The Psychedelic Furs
Kate Bush
Now let's get to the CLASSICS
Sisters of Mercy
Strawberry Switchblade
Depeche Mode
The Cure
Concrete Blonde
New Order
The Damned (also front leaders of the punk movement in the UK. In Dave Vanian we trust)
Killing Joke (funfact: they had beef with Nirvana and it's very silly)
Skeletal Family
Coctau Twins
Echo and The Bunnymen
Clan of Xymox
The Cramps
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds (they did the theme to Peaky Blinders! That song is called "Red Right Hand"!)
New-ish Acts to be on the look out for
Vision Video (the lead, Dusty Gannon, is the goth dad of tiktok!!)
Molchat Doma (the vibe is "Joy Division, but what if Ian sung in Russian?")
Evanescence (one of the most famous and best Nu-metal acts of all time)
London After Midnight
I, Monster
She Wants Revenge
Classic Goth Singles
A Forest ☆The Cure
Black N0. 1 ☆ Type O Negative
Effigy (I'm Not An) ☆ Ministry
Bizarre Love Triangle ☆ New Order
Cuts You Up ☆ Peter Murphy
Desperate But Not Serious ☆ Adam Ant
The Passion of Lovers ☆ Bauhaus
Some Of My favorite Singles:
Total ☆ Killing Joke
Wolf Moon ☆ Type O Negative
Blue Dress ☆ Depeche Mode
Shadowplay ☆ Joy Divison
The Calling (MK II) ☆ Death In June
Incubus Succubus II ☆ Xmal Destchland
Lust For A Vampyr ☆ I, Monster
Public Pervert ☆ Interpol
Cybersex _Trevor Something
Street of Dreams ☆ The Damned
Dress ☆ Buck Tick (aka the theme to Trinity Blood)
Favorite albums:
Songs of Faith and Devotion ◇ Depeche Mode
Pornography ◇ The Cure
October Rust ◇ Type O Negative
Power, Corruption, and Lies ◇ New Order
Bloodletting ◇ Concrete Blonde
And remember... it's goth if you say it's goth. Ily.
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demie90s · 2 years
The Ultimate
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Shuri x Fem!reader
Warning: None. Like 840 words
Part 1
East of Wakanda a Tribe living only out of Vibranium, however only 2 left made fully out of the source. Queen Hadi and her husband and King Malik. Together they had only one child.
This child came to be be name Princess Y/fn of the Adamma tribe. Better known as the lost tribe of Marrakech.
Born October 10th, 2004. The strongest beings in the world. Born with multiple powers that she had to train everyday , but babies don’t know how to control things.
Willingly at least.
Telekinesis, Hydrokinesis, Aerokinesis, Geokinesis, and Super Strength.
At 5 she was excepted to learn seven languages at the same time. Was this easy on a child no…of course not. But she did surprisingly well, and by 8 she knew…
- Kech ( Mother tounge ) not counted
-Japanese &
At age 9 Y/fn made such advanced technology they created a passage to the quantum realm that only they have access to making them the first of human kind to start civilization there.
At age 10 her mother wanted her to experience the best of life. She thought training her so much at a young age would create a cold blooded killer. Working around chemicals all day didn’t help either.
So they was sent on a trip to North America. Specifically the US. She grew to hate how self centered the people were.
How they consistently harmed their own kind.
How lazy and unfair their laws where.
This did take a toll on her causing her to see how the world really works. Her own people being murdered and mistreated. She does not smile often and has been taught to show no emotion but she could not help but to feel constant aching in her chest when these things happen.
At age 13 they returned home and continued to train. This did not surprise her mother. She was only there for 3 years.
But one day in the US can make you want to blow your brains out.
At the age of 14 she started to perfect her powers. This was not a must but purely for fun. Best part about made of Vibranium is you technically can’t die.
Brute force is one way to destroy the metal, but only if one possesses the strength of a god.
By 15 she was titled The Ultimate by her mother, her father, her people.
Her parents didn’t want her to waste away being that nothing was after them. So they did something.
At 16 the Avengers recruited her.
This can happen if you have an exceptional power or skillset, and happen to catch positive attention from a current member. But in her case her parents made them.
Not that she had a problem with it but come on. Going out and saving people willingly was in no way shape or form better than staying home in her comfortable bed.
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Nebula, Rocket, Captain Marvel, Okoye, Black Panther, Ant-Man and more.
Her favorite being Okoye & Black Panther. She considered them ‘her home away from home.’
Okoye is an skilled martial artist and master of staff and spear fighting. She carries a specialized vibranium spear, capable of collapsing into a handle for quick concealment.
A weapon traditionally wielded by members of the Dora Milaje. An elite group of warriors who serve as the all-female special forces for Wakanda.
They also serve as the Black Panther's personal bodyguards. Also known as Prince T'Challa the King of Wakanda and the eldest child of T'Chaka and Ramonda.
She loved the thrill fighting gave her but before she returned back to her home Prince T’Challa suggested that she goes back with them because they wanted some new weapon ideas and he wanted her to be there when he was crowned king.
To which she agreed. She was going to come back even if she hadn’t to check out some of their technology.
When they landed back in Wakanda she was introduced to The Princess.
Possessing one of the most brilliant minds in the world. Princess Shuri, she also the chief science officer for Wakanda, a position she cherishes much more than her royal status.
“Hello I am y/fn Adam- ” You began quickly getting cut off making her stand with wide eyes.
“I know- I am sorry it is just that I am a huge fan. I have never met anyone made out of Vibranium this is so cool.” The Princess said quickly.
You smirked.
‘Praise kink is on 100’
“I am a big fan of you to. I heard about your Vibranium Gauntlets and theyare absolutely amazing.” You say in awe.
“What a cute little nerd moments they are having.” T’Challa said out loud earning a quick slap to the arm from his mother and a chuckle from Okoye.
You looked around the beautiful land as they spoke. “Could I show you some of my new inventions. I could use an smart persons opinion.” Shuri asked.
“Of course” You replied waving at the others while she held other hand leading you to her lab.
That is where it all started.
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strawberry-cowgomooo · 6 months
Just Like Their Cat Legacy
The Just Like Their Cats, 10 Gen Legacy is based on 10 different cat breeds. Each gen has to have that type of cat in their household at all times. Complete the challenges, take care of your cat, and max out friendship with them. And most importantly, have fun!
Use Hashtags: #JustLikeTheirCatChallenge
Gen 1 Russian Blue Complete Nerd Brain Aspiration Complete Elemental Collection Complete Crystal Collection Complete Metal Collection Max Scientist Career Max Logic Max Handiness Max Rocket Ship Max Video Gaming Be Abducted By Aliens Adopt An Alien Child Marry A Coworker Traits: Genius, Gloomy, Geek
Gen 2 Persian Complete Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration Max Politician Career, President branch Max Charisma Max Debate Have Gone To College And Joined The Secret Society Have Max Friendship With All The Secret Society Members Date A Coworker Leave Them At The Altar, Then Realize You Are Pregnant and Elope With Your Partner Never Have Full Friendship With Spouse or Child Must Host Dinner Parties Once A Week Traits: Self-Assured, Unflirty, Snob
Gen 3 Scottish Folds Complete Master Chief Aspiration Complete Appliance Whiz Aspiration Reach Level 8 In The Chief Career Before Buying A Restaurant Max Cooking Max Gourmet Cooking Max Baking Max Mixology Must Host A House Party Once A Week, You Cook Everything Traits: Foodie, Loner, Vegetarian
Gen 4 Abyssian Complete Body Builder Aspiration Max Athlete Career Max Fitness Max Comedy Have An Enemy Go To The Nightclub Every Weekend Night Traits: Active, Hot-Head, Glutton
Gen 5 Siamese Live With Your Twin Your Entire Life You and Your Twin Must Give Birth to Twins Be BFF With Your Twin Max Criminal Career, Each Twin In A Different Branch Max Mischief Max Programming Twin 1: Complete Chief of Mischief Aspiration Traits: Mean, Goofball, Geek Twin 2: Complete Public Enemy Aspiration Mean, Goofball, Evil
Gen 6 Maincoon Complete Country Caretaker Aspiration Complete Fish Collection Max Gardening Max Fishing Enter Ever Henford-on-Bagley Fair Fall In Love With The Creature Keeper Lot Traits: Simple Living, Off-the-Grid Traits: Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiasts, Loner
Gen 7 Ragdoll Complete Beach Life Aspiration Complete Seashell Collection Max Conservationist Career Max Parenting Max Wellness Have 3 Kids Restore Sulani Host a Kava Party Every Week Traits: Lazy, Family-Oriented, Loves Outdoors
Gen 8 Oriental Complete Best Selling Author Aspiration Max Writing Max Painting Max an Instrument Max Skiing Live in 3 Different Worlds Before Settling in Mt. Komorebi  Write A Children's Book To Each Child And Give It As A Gift To Them When They Become YA Traits: Bookworm, Creative, Slob
Gen 9 Sphinx Complete World Famous Actor Aspiration Max Drama Club As A Child Max Acting Career Max Acting Max Singing Max Dancing Have Two BFF From High School, Have A Falling Apart Once YA Become Friends With Another Aspiring Actor, Become BFF’s Date Someone That Has The Same Fame Level As You, If You Are More Famous Breakup Marry Once You Are A 5-Star Celebrity With Another 5-Star Celebrity Have A Nanny Take Care Of Your Child Traits: Self-Absorbed, Creative, Materialistic
Gen 10 Devon Rex Complete Friend of the Animals Aspiration Complete Feather Collection Max Fitness Max Comedy Max Veterinarian Max Pet Training Own A Vet Clinic  Traits: Active, Goofball, Cat Lover
I hope you enjoy the challenge! If you want to play them in a different order, feel free to do it! I just set them up this way to make it flow easier in a story telling way, but have fun!
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leorawright · 2 years
Hellooo, back at it again with the weird requests!
Tf2 mercs with an incredibly lucky s/o.
Allow me to explain.
We have s/o over here that's the luckiest mf in the whole wide world. They could walk into a full field of bullets and rockets and come out without a scratch. And if something that would seemingly hurt any other normal person just seems to help them.
S/o fell off a 2 story building?
"Oh hey my back doesn't hurt any more!"
S/o falls down a manhole?
"Oh cool there's a bunch of gold and ancient artifacts down here"
S/o gets into a fight?
They manage to land every single hit and straight up knock their opponent out cold, and they leave unscathed.
You get the big picture?
Wonderful. I hope you're doing good and this is your friendly reminder to DRINK WATER AND DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF.
Why not?
Mercs with a lucky s/o
You honestly stress him out
He panics when you fall off a building or get into a fight and yet you always come out fine
He's not normally as lucky but he's glad you are or else you might be dead by now
He tries to remind himself you'll most likely be okay but he's still stressed out sometimes when you're in stressful situations
Honestly this man isn't as lucky as you hut he's escaped just as many situations as you have
He doesn't worry about you because he knows you'll be fine
Also somehow the two of you walked through a literal mine field and came out the other side perfectly fine
He's really nervous the first couple times you get into worrisome situations but he stops worrying after seeing you come out unscathed
He's surprisingly chill about the whole thing after like a month
If you do get an injury he's super confused until he finds out you got it in your sleep when you didn't know what happened
They're honestly just as lucky as you without knowing how
You two both stress our Engineer when he tries to keep you two from falling off a building
Also sometimes if you would've died from a fall Pyro miraculously pulls you into a hug a second before you fall
He's gotten used to being your luck and stopping you from constantly falling off of ledges
He loves you to death but you stress him out sometimes
It's unlikely you ever get into a fight with this 6,5 Russian behind you
He barely notices until you tell him and he's like "you fell off a two story building?"
He does several x-rays and you're perfectly fine and it doesn't make any sense to him
He doesn't know how you haven't been injured yet and he wants to know
He can be pretty unlucky at times so he sticks around you hoping some luck will rub off
Knowing your luck he'd probably freak out if you ever got an injury because literally how?
Also he's seen your luck kick in when he's caught you from falling twenty times
He's not gonna question how you fell off a two story building and landed without a scratch
I mean even you don't know how this is all happening so he's not gonna try to find out
He's just gonna thank whoever is up there because it's not likely you'll die on him
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mamaspidershit · 4 months
FROGGY can you please info dump about a character you like
you cannot ask me to do that parker…
so. she is such an interesting character. she starts out a bad-but-not-really-bad-guy who basically was brainwashed into working for the KGB/Russia (which is expanded on in later comics) who first manipulated clint and then fell in love with him (ew), which help convince her to switch sides. what most people don’t actually know is that she started off as a very naive, bushy-tailed, bright eyed character. she wanted to help people for the sake of helping them. it’s honestly really sweet, and i kind of miss that characterization of nat. as we learn later on throughout the years, nat was basically fully brainwashed by the KGB to believe she had been a dancer, but instead had been raised in the red room to be a russian assassin/child soldier. what’s pretty interesting is that when she reached adulthood she didn’t deflect, but actually worked for the KGB/Russia for decades. nat was actually born sometime in between the two world wars, as she had fallen in love and gotten pregnant during WW2 (she ended up miscarrying in one of the saddest nat comics i’ve ever read). she was trained by ivan petrovich and wolverine (who she calls “little uncle”) (side note: wolverine kept adopting girls. bro needs to chill lmao). she then gets married to alexei shostatov, but the russian government later fakes his death via rocket explosion to ensure nat’s loyalty to the regime.
when she defects, ivan goes with her to the US. i don’t like him, and you’ll understand why. but in her earlier comics he was a solid support/father figure to her but it turns out. the whole time. he wanted to have. a relationship with her. this girl he raised since she was a baby. ughhhh 🤢
but ignoring that.
as time goes on (she leads the avengers for awhile which was cool) you can slowly see that sort of naivety she previously had slowly fading, and by the time Secret Empire rolls around, she’s become much more world-weary and like the nat we all know from the mcu.
some other things to note is how her and daredevil (matt) had a relationship, and while she was in his run was when she finally started to get some of her own characterization past the soap opera boo-hoo-ing over relationships and finally became the badass nat we all know and love. i personally loved them together, but they just clashed a lot, but they are still besties to this day, which is something i find super cool and sweet.
Edmonson’s run honestly pulls all these dangling threads together and gives my honest favourite characterization of nat of all time. if you read any BW comic, let it be that one. it deserved about 75 more issues.
now after she was killed in SE (don’t ask) and then resurrected by the red room by using a telepathic bear called ursa major to restore all her memories into a clone body (again, don’t ask), she goes a little. well. crazy. not in a bad way though! 2019’s BW run was gory and satisfying in all the best ways. She goes and investigates this guy who had been torturing children for p*rn content online and just fucking kills him. it’s great.
honestly, nat is such a fascinating character, and has a lot more depth to her and her backstory than most people (even a lot of writers!! *cough cough* kelly thompson *cough cough*) realize!
and honestly, that’s why i love her so much
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