#allura is lance's cousin
klanced · 1 year
My favorite thing about Klance is imagining their extended family dynamics. Like obviously Shiro (+Adam) is Lance’s brother-in-law and Veronica is Keith's sister-in-law. But spiritually: Lance and Keith both agree that Hunk is their shared brother. Pidge is Keith's cousin through Shiro, making her Lance's cousin-in-law. Allura is Lance's cousin through Coran, making her Keith's cousin-in-law. Acxa is Lance's sister-in-law through Veronica, but she's also kind of his sister-in-law through Keith. Keith and Acxa are kind of siblings but Krolia is NOT Acxa's mother, she is Acxa's mother-in-law through Veronica-Lance. Romelle is Keith's sister through Krolia but Romelle is NOT Lance's sister-in-law (not until Romella and Allura get married, then Romelle becomes Lance's cousin-in-law. And then of course Allura becomes Keith's sister-in-law through Romelle). I should make a chart.
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discordiansamba · 8 months
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i just think these screenshots are cute. famibly <3
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Inspired by @mdoodlerfandomart 's Coalition Lance AU.
The Voltron team was in a somber mood as they made their way back to Earth. Pidge a bit less so, because she was so looking forward to seeing her mom and dad, but even that only served to remind her that one of their own wouldn't be coming home to his family. The Voltron team had a Lance shapped hole in their ranks and everyone was feeling his absence.
Coran missed the incesant chatter from the coms which Lance had usually initiated, and Allura missed their gossip beauty sessions. Shiro had an immense amount of guilt over Lance's capture, despite technically not having been there when it happened. He contantly wondered if his clone had somehow set Lance up in an ambush, and hated that his memories of that time were disjointed and blurry at best.
Pidge busied herself by radioing every ship and planet within distance to ask if they had seen a man, tall, brown skin and blue eyed, but everyone she could get in contact with said no. (On the plus side of this process, though, they did discover that the Coalition seemed to be in good hands, so that was a relief, at least.)
Hunk kept a small notebook where he drafter hundreds, if not thousands, of ways in which he might have to break the news to Lance's family that their son, brother, cousin, uncle, etc., was MIA, likely presumed dead. None of them were completed because Hunk inevitably broke down in tears every time before he could finish any of them.
And Keith... well, Keith kept holding onto hope that Lance was alive, somewhere in the wide universe. He simply refused to believe that Lance was dead. The team kept telling him he was in denial, but it was the only thing that kept him going. Otherwise he didn't think he'd be able to function. He often played with one of Lance's necklaces that Keith now wore and wondered about his whereabouts.
If he was in a good mood, Lance had escaped to a planet of peaceful aliens and awaited rescue. It was his greatest, most indulgent daydream that they defeated the Galra once and for all and Keith led a rescue mission to find Lance, found him and brought him home. However, if he was in a bad mood, he tended to imagine progressively worse case scenarios that left him on the verge of a panic attack and spiralling. It was the uncertainity that got to him and wore him down.
As the Earth finally appeared in front of them, Red and Blue picked up speed and went ahead of the rest to spearhead the formation. It was a bit unusual, but the Paladins didn't have the energy to question it. There were a lot of mixed emotions in the group and they were absolutely exhausted in every way that mattered. The comms were quiet. Each Paladin was lost in their thoughts, and their missing Paladin weighed heavily in their minds.
Suddenly, as they entered the Earth's athmosphere, the comms began to crackle.
"Earth to Voltron, do you copy?"
Every single one of the Paladins startled in their seat and their eyes widened in disbelief. They turned on their comms and cameras. They all looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost. Hunk was the first to break the silence.
"Was that...?"
"Earth to Voltron, do you copy?" the voice repeated and this time Keith yanked the radio out of its base as his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.
"Lance?! Voltron to Earth, we copy. Lance, is that you?!" Keith yells into the receiver.
"Keith?! Oh my gosh, you're alive!" Lance exclaimed on the other side.
"What do you mean I'm alive? You're alive!" Keith retorted and he couldn't help the smile on his face or the tears in his eyes.
Just then they received a notification of an incoming live transmission that Pidge immediately accepted. A new screen popped up in front of them and there he was, alive and breathing, the one and only, Lance McClain.
On the screen, he laughed incredulously as he wiped at his eyes and said, "Hey guys, it's been a while."
What followed was chaos: everyone began talking at the same time, raising their voices to be heard above the others, and asked all sorts of questions wanting to know how Lance ended up on Earth, how he escaped the Galra, was he okay, he he seen their families, were they okay and the cockpit descended into pandemonium as Lance valiantly attempted to answer all of them.
Keith, however, was quietly taking in and just looking at his boyfriend after years of holoscreens and memories. Lance was no longer a lanky, awkward teen. He'd filled out: his shoulders broadened and, while still thin, he seemed to have gained a lot of muscle. His face had sharpened and Keith could see a bit of stubble on his chin and cheeks. He had a few new scars, too. He was also wearing a Garrison unifform, with a few medals in it.
"Keith?" Lance asked, and Keith realized he'd just missed most of the conversation. Keith smiled.
"Hey, sharpshooter," he replied. Lance sent him a flirty smirk in return.
"What? Did you miss me?"
"You have no idea," Keith answered and didn't care if he was being sappy in front of the Paladins and however many people were in the command center. Lance chucked wetly and his gaze softened.
"We're ready for you to land. Unfortunately, our hangars aren't anywhere near large enough for the lions, but there's an open field right outside. Crew members will be waiting for you in their vehicles to bring you to base. There are some people here who can't wait to see you guys!"
Keith raised an eyebrow. Lance looked, and sounded, so mature... so professional. It was hard to believe he was the same goofball he fell in love with.
"How come you're at the helm?" he asked. Lance smirked, but it was Pidge who answered.
"If you hadn't been so busy making oogly eyes at him, you would have heard that he's the head of the coalition. You know, the one we've hearing about," she snarked with a shit-eating grin on her face.
"Wait, for real?!" Keith exclaimed.
Lance gasped and grabbed his chest in a wounded gesture, "You heathen! Can you sound a little less surprised? Do you really have so little faith in me? You wound me!"
Someone out of shot of camera in the command center said something to Lance that the Paladins didn't manage to catch. Lance's reaction, though, was telling enough. He scoffed in mock offense and replied, "You take that back!"
Keith laughed. It was nice to see his Lance in this new, grown version of him. He asked, "How did that even happen?"
Lance scoffed again and rolled his eyes, "Again, it's a very long story and I don't want to clutter the frequency. You're welcome to come for dinner at mine's and I'll tell you all about it." Lance winked.
"Fine," Keith relented.
"Transmission over," Lance said and his screen disappeared. Only then did Keith pay attention to the looks of awe and joy in the rest of the Paladins. Hunk was even openly crying and babbling about how glad he was that Lance was okay. Keith felt the same.
It was as if a stone had been lifted off of his chest and now he could breathe! Liquid fire poured through his veins and, for the first time in a long while, he felt like he could battle a hundred cruiseships and win! Red purred in his mind, and Keith was transported back to the very first time he flew red, before the war and their losses had worn down his excitment and passion for flying a sentinent lion in space. He smirked.
"Race you," he said, and sped down towards the Earth at full speed. Red happily obliged.
"You cheat!" Pidge yelled and gave chess.
Hunk followed with an indignant, "Hey!"
Allura, Shiro and Coran laughed joyously and tried to catch up.
Keith didn't care all that much, to be honest. He had a very pressing reunion to get to, after all.
I hope you liked it! It's just a scene, and it doesn't encompass a lot of events but I wanted to focus on the characters. I'd like to explore other scenes, perhaps later, from Lance's POV on Earth or maybe Keith's POV when he first finds out Lance is missing until they exit the time dilation worm hole thingy.
Let me know what you think!✌🏼
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existencialcrisis-exe · 2 months
Ok. I’m sorry I didn’t put this as an addition to another “realization “ post here in tumblr. (Mainly bcuz I couldn’t find any) But I just realized smth new about Voltron. To start, as a child with a lot of successful cousins and brothers and relatives in general, sometime in my life I felt like I needed to live up to them, and hence everyone in my life (included me) rarely heard phrases like “Congratulations” or “I’m proud of you” even from inside the family. So I was thinking maybe that’s what got Lance Going™ about Allura. That, by having a very big family, he didn’t get to hear validation phrases and maybe was sick of actions as a kind of love or affection language, so he found comfort in Allura’s words And that would also explain him being really insecure about his place with the paladins and how Keith’s very obvious love language (actions) wasn’t interesting for him. Anyway that’s my theory.
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hi hi! I freaking LOVE your work! I'm glad that you do VLD stuff, even if the fandom is dead and sh!t! Anywho, can you do something along the lines of who, in voltron, do you think is the best hugger/cuddler!
If you dont want to, i understand! ❤️💛💚💙🖤
Paladins Ranked Best to Worst Hugger
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Hello, thank you so much!!!! Even if the fandom is kinda dead, I still enjoy writing and just interacting with those who are still alive😍🔥🔥 I had a lot of fun writing this, thank you again for requesting this!!!
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I’m gonna rank them from best to worst hugger since I think cuddling should get its own ranking and then giving my reasoning!
OK IDK IF YOU’RE SUPRISED WITH LANCE BEING NUMBER 1 BUT HEAR ME OUT! I think Lance would be the best hugger BECAUSE his hugs feel like home. We know that he has a big family so I like to think that hes done a lot of hugging and comforting with his cousins and siblings, making him an expert at them! He definitely squeezes people when he hugs them, he just loves giving them!
Plus he doesn’t make them weird! They instantly feel natural and not forced, like Pidge and Keith’s are. You could just go up to Lance and randomly hug him and he wouldn’t even question you, bro would just go with the flow and I love him for that. Yeah his hugs feel like home, he makes you feel included in what feels like small secrets.
Next Hunk! I was seriously debating hard about who should be #1 in this list, but I ended up putting homeboy second. Hunk is an automatically emotional and caring person, so imagine that registered into hugs?? Bro gives the biggest yet softest hugs EVER. Same with Lance, hugging him doesn’t feel weird whatsoever, he’s just trying to comfort you!
His hugs feel like a blanket, protecting and comforting. Did that make sense?? He would definitely be the type to pick you up and swing you around in a hug though! Hunk finds hugging to be a really stress relieving thing so be sure to give him one if he looks like he needs one!
SHIRRROOOO WOOOO!!! A solid third place, pretty good if I say so myself. I think with Shiro, his hugs are very grounding. He would usually only hug people if they really REALLY need it. But despite how sparse his hugs are, he makes them all worth it. If you ever have a serious conversation with him, just know that he will always hug you in the end, not only to comfort you but to also thank you for trusting him with your secrets and feelings.
His hugs aren’t too tight or too loose, it feels like he’s actually like really holding you. HEAR ME OUT ITS HARD TO PUT IT INTO WORDS! BUT!! You feel seen with his hugs, he actually sees you and hears you, and Shiro is willing to protect the person deep down inside you. His hugs feel like a shield, ready to comfort and provide a safe space for you.
I love Allura so much omg. I placed her kinda low because I feel like she doesn’t give hugs often at all. Like you would have to go to her yourself and just ask, which she will question you. But if you look like you really need one, she will give you the WARMEST hug ever. Allura’s hugs are delicate in a way. She would hold someone as if they were fragile, being light with her touch because she doesn’t want to accidentally make you uncomfortable.
But despite that, her hugs bring a lot of comfort, they make you feel as if everything is going to be alright. Hugs make Allura feel vulnerable so be prepared for long hugs. She hugs you but just know that she needs that same amount of comfort too. Her hugs feel like finding inner peace, all your nerves instantly settle when she pulls you in her embrace.
I feel like Pidge is a somewhat closed off person. I think we’ve seen that Pidge can be an emotional person, but when it comes to physical touch, she doesn’t really think twice about it. Like Allura, you would have to ask her for a hug if you really wanted one. And when you do she might feel a little awkward giving you one😭😭I think she’s really used to only giving her family hugs so giving hugs to friends and you may put her off a little. But after the first few hugs, Pidge would definitely grow to enjoy your hugs!
I feel like she’s the type to rub your back, maybe even rock you guys side to side since she can’t keep still for too long. She might tell a joke while you hug too hehe. Her hugs feel like hugging an old friend, making sure to let you know how much those moments mean to her when you guys have a hugging session.
Rock bottom, he was an easy decision to make, at least for me. As much as I love Keith, I just KNOW he would be pretty reluctant in giving hugs. He’s not at all used to touching other people like that, he views it as something pretty intimate. So when he finally gives you a hug after some time, he’s pretty nervous, so bro is like really rigid and awkward when hugging you. It would take some time for him to finally loosen up, he’s just so tense.
Keith saves his hugs for people he’s close with. Hugging is Keith’s way of saying “hey I care about you!” He rarely gives hugs though unless he feels the need to. He’s also the type to like rub your back while hugging, it’s something he doesn’t realize he does. It feels weird hugging him at first since he isn’t used to being so close to someone, but he learns to just appreciate the small moment. His hugs feel like summer nights, they’re really refreshing and hugging him is like a new experience everytime.
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“We need to restart the level.”
Pidge turns to Lance, furrowing her brow at him. “Um, no we don’t. We’re killing it. We beat the Slayforn boss in like ten minutes, we’re never going to be able to do that again.”
“We have to restart,” Lance insists like the stubborn mule he is, reaching over to reset the console manually. Pidge yelps, lunging forward to smack his hand away. Never one to let her get the last hit, he smacks her right back, and Pidge can’t let that slide so she smacks him again, and the next thing she knows they’re wrestling on the floor, controllers abandoned.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Lance shrieks, as Pidge moves to shove a wet finger in his ear. Pidge laughs evilly, fully intending on doing it anyway, but he shoves his head forward and bites her finger as she approaches.
“Ow! You dickhead! You broke the skin!”
“Come closer and I’ll fucking do it again!”
He bares his teeth at her like the feral, youngest-sibling-backed-into-a-corner weirdo he is (Pidge knows), completely serious on his threat. Pidge is careful to keep her fingers and appendages away from his teeth, and continues wreaking havoc in other ways.
She likes to pinch.
Luckily for her, she’s been training one-on-one with Allura for the past few months, so if she really applies her teachings she could kill God. Also, as much as she and Lance are in the same boat when it comes to sibling dynamics, he has a soft spot a mile wide because of his nieces and nephews and baby cousins, so she can emotionally manipulate him into being more hesitant around her in terms of violence.
(They fight a lot. Pidge knows her stuff.)
Eventually they reach the point where they’re trying so hard to pin each other that they’re wrapped up like twin pretzels, limbs flailing everywhere and various hisses and threats filling the room. Pidge, getting that claustrophobic feeling of being trapped, desperately needs to end it. She goes limp, throwing off Lance’s balance, and then whips herself forward, bucking him off her — and directly into the corner of his bed frame, The thunk is so sharp and loud that it’s almost a crack.
Lance’s “ow” is so quiet that it’s almost silent in comparison.
“What was that?” a voice booms down the hallway, and Pidge heart pounds.
“Lance?” she asks frantically, shaking his shoulder. “Are you dead?”
“I said, what was that!” Shiro yells louder. He sounds closer.
“Nothing!” Pidge shouts through the door. She glances back down at Lance, who has yet to move his hands from where they’re clutched at his head. Fuck! “We were just — uh, I dropped something!”
Lance makes a low whimpering noise, curling further in on himself.
“No no no, stop crying, it’s okay, you can hit me back,” Pidge whispers frantically. She shakes her arm at him. “Okay? And then we’re even. Don’t tell Shiro.”
Lance doesn’t look at her, still making the occasional pained noise. Shiro’s footsteps get louder.
She is going to get in so much trouble, which isn’t even fair because Lance was wrestling too! They’re both not allowed to try to kill each other!
Shiro’s footsteps get even louder, and closer together, like he’s running. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
“I’ll let you hit me twice! And the second time can be unexpected!”
The door handle jiggles. Lance is still not straightening up.
She’s fucked.
Shiro pokes his head in, already frowning, squinting to see through the darkness of the room.
“What’s going on, you two?”
Pidge closes her eyes in defeat. She’s fucked.
“Nothing,” says a pleasant voice from beside her. She whips around, jaw dropped, only to see Lance upright and totally normal, looking as smug as smug can be.
Fucking snake!
Shiro raises an eyebrow. “I heard arguing. And a bang.”
“We were yelling at the TV because we lost a game,” Lance lies.
Pidge imagines all the ways she’s going to kill him.
Shiro doesn’t look totally convinced, but unfortunately for him Lance is an excellent liar when he’s planning to be, and there’s not so much as a crack in his expression.
“Alright,” their leader says hesitantly. “Don’t…kill each other.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Lance promises sunnily. Pidge barely resists the urge to smack him right then and there.
She decides not to resist, actually. The second Shiro shuts the door she lunges, snarling, fully ready to get right back where they left off. But Lance doesn’t let her — anticipating her violence, he scrambles to his feet and scales the dresser, taking refuge on a tiny little shelf by the ceiling that only his stick ass could balance on.
“Ah ah ah,” he says, wagging his finger infuriatingly. “You promised two hits if I didn’t tell Shiro. Not the other way around.”
“Bullshit!” she cries, scanning the room to see if she can find a broom to swat at him like a spider. She is unsuccessful. “I traded that because I thought you were hurt!”
Lance touches his chest in mock serenity. “I was hurt. My heart was broken by your violence.”
“Lance, the second you get down from there I am going to fucking kill you.”
May be he reads the rage in her voice, because he hesitates.
“Fine. I get one free hit.”
“No free hits and I only kill you a little.”
“No free hits and we restart the level,” he bargains
Pidge squints at him. He must be serious, because that’s a major deal on his part. Pidge would never give in that quickly.
“No free hits and we restart the level only if you tell me why.”
He drops down from the ceiling, landing neatly on the floor and then immediately tripping the first step he takes.
Pidge has to fight the smile off her face.
He settles down back where he was before, handing Pidge her controller and grabbing his own.
“Explain yourself,” Pidge orders as he clicks through the menu to restart the level.
Lance hesitates before answering, so Pidge knows the next words out of his mouth are going to be bullshit.
“I read on Space Internet that the rocket power up makes the next level easier, but you have to use it through this level or it didn’t work.”
Yep. She was right.
“Uh huh,” she says, raising her eyebrow at him. “And you didn’t do that before level because…”
“I forgot,” Lance insists.
Pidge sets her controller down, turning to face him. She narrows her eyes, scrutinizing him, and he squirms; shifting nervously and avoiding her eyes.
She already knew he was lying. But if he just wanted to restart the level to beat their time record, then he would just tell her. And she would have noticed if he wanted to restart the level because he was sucking ass, or something, so it wasn’t that. This shadiness from him doesn’t make sense — he only acts like that when he’s guilty, or embarrassed.
It dawns on her then. Embarrassed or guilty — or a mix of the two.
“Are you telling me,” she says gleefully, and knows she’s on the right track when Lance sighs in defeat, “that you want to restart our entire level because you feel bad about the NPC dialogue option you chose?”
Ten minutes into their game, they had encountered an NPC that was supposed to give them advice for the boss they were going to face, only the advice was kind of dogshit. The two of them had complained loudly, because that was half the fun of gaming, and in an impulsive and uncharacteristic move, Lance had chosen the slightly rude dialogue option. The NPC walked away all dejected, as it was programmed to do, but they’d been attacked by the boss right after, so Pidge pretty much forgot it happened.
But Lance’s dork ass?
“There was no need for that level of rudeness,” Lance defends. “It was just trying to help! It’s not it’s fault it was programmed to give bad advice!”
Of course Lance has felt bad about being rude to a literal NPC for the past half hour.
Pidge bursts out laughing, pointing at Lance as obnoxiously as she can so he knows she’s making fun of him. He gets the hint and scowls, brown eyes glaring daggers.
“You’re the worst,” he says.
“You’re a loser,” Pidge wheezes. “Oh my God.”
She turns back to the game, still giggling, ignoring Lance’s continued grumbles.
They do worse this time around. Pidge teases him the entire time.
(But, honestly, she’s a little endeared. Not that Lance needs to know.)
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theroundbartable · 5 months
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for Merthur, Klance and Drarry....Thanks 🌻
I don't mind being asked :). @comingfromastatechampionasshole, I hope this is alright with you, since it's your post. ^^ 2. What their love letters look like
Merthur: I imagine that Arthur would be the one writing love letters. Merely because Gwen told him he was unromantic and that Merlin WOULD do it. Merlin doesn't do it, however, because Arthur keeps calling him a girl. Besides, giving him flowers does the job just fine. So Arthur writes and writes and doesn't ever dare to give them to Merlin because of how much he himself cringes. Merlin finds the attempts between tax reports and the drawings Arthur sometimes makes of him. Merlin never mentions it either but they both know he's seen them.
Klance: Lance writes a DOZEN letters all the time for Keith. He makes a full show of it. But he also gives friendship love letters to Hunk and Allura and Pidge and everyone who appreciates it. Once in a while, Keith would give him one back and every single time, Lance starts to cry when no one is looking.
Drarry: Draco. But it's not love letters, it's HATE letters. It's little pictures of Harry getting electrocuted or sending goblins with insult poems at Harry. Once, he accidentally mixed a drawing of them holding hands up with one where he slapped him and when he noticed, he nearly obliviated Harry.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
Merthur: They watch Disney movies and specifically King Arthur movies together. Arthur hides that he's watching BBC Merlin though because he loves seeing Merlin use magic and wants to know what he's done the entire time. Merlin keeps that very show from Arthur, unsure how Arthur would react. Unbeknownst to him, Arthur keeps gushing about him every single episode.
Klance: They watch - I would say anything together. From documentaries to soap operas, they watch everything together. Keith hides that he's watching Mamma Mia though because he knows Lance will be insufferable when he finds out.
Drarry: When I say they watch everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Draco doesn't like to admit it but he's really fascinated with muggle technology and especially the effects, so he watches it all and then talks about how "shitty" those effects are, even though he's secretely amazed. Harry knows and teases him about it all the time.
11. What their first impression was of each other Merthur: instant attraction. Have you seen the episode? They were flirting. Merlin =brave idiot, Arthur = kind pratt Klance: Lance was amazed at first, completely focused on him which then turned into jealousy and an awkward crush. Keith didn't notice Lance at first, then slowly got to know him as Lance wiggled his annoying habits into Keith's life and Keith never wanted to let him go again.
Drarry: Draco had always wanted to meet THE Harry Potter and be friends with him, from the very day he learned they were the same age. When they met, he was shocked to find Harry to randomly antagonize him for reasons Draco couldn't fathom. Harry just saw a blond guy who reminded him all too much of his bullying cousin and instantly disliked him.
12. What they do for their anniversary Merthur: Arthur would absolutely forget about it until Merlin reminds him. Then Arthur would make Merlin plan a picnic, which Merlin has long planned anyway. And then they ride out and end up in trouble. It happens every year, the bandits are basically family by now.
Klance: Stargazing. But like, in the black or blue lion on a different planet. Lance really likes water planets and Keith likes deserts, so they switch it up every year.
Drarry: Draco would be OBSESSED with anniversaries. He makes monthly anniversaries and he keeps annoying Harry with it all the time. Like, "It's our 34th monthly anniversary, I GOTTO call at the Ritz to get a table!" Meanwhile, Harry is like: "He just loves going out and I like when he's happy." Anyways, Draco sometimes REALLY blows it out of proportion and arranges a meeting with the queen or something.
15. What they would change about each other
Merthur: ... "I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you."
Klance: At first it was the Mullet, but when Keith came back from the abyss, Lance is furious that Keith is now taller than him. So it's that, the height. Keith however, he's the jealous type, he's make Lance flirt with him more often. And yeah. MORE. Just so Lance doesn't flirt so much with everyone else anymore.
Drarry: Draco has a list. A very long, very detailed, very annoying list. He means absolutely none of it. Harry wishes Draco would stop writing that list. This was very fun to do haha XD I hope it was fun to read, too ^^
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klanceficatalogue · 1 year
omg im so happy ur back!!!! i thought i was over klance but now that ur back ive been reading all the recs 💀 anyways..! can you share ur recent favs?
im so glad!! i would encourage everyone to leave nice comments on the fics they're reading too, even if they were published a long time ago :)
you can read through my favs tag here. here are some fics that have been in my marked for later for Literally 5/6 years LMAO. posting them here as an apology for never getting around to reading them before now.. - k
Soulmate Line by korns (3/3 | 23,523 | General)
Lance moves from a small town where everyone's soulmate lines branch outwards. He never expected his matchmaking abilities to work, especially with there being 7.5 billion people in the world, but moving to university has increased the chances of success more than he anticipated. With Pidge and Hunk's help, he starts a business pairing naïve college students together if their lines connect, and by the time Shiro's cousin, Keith, comes to tour the campus, he already has a reputation. So how can Lance explain who Keith's soulmate is when their lines connect, and yet they're total strangers to one another?
The Master of Disguise by NireYllek (6/6 | 33,569 | Mature)
“Wait, what that doesn’t make any sense.” Hunk protested. Pidge shook her head with a tsk. “It does if one of us is disguised as Allura.” Pidge flashed a smirk in Lance’s direction. “I’m sorry, why are you looking at me?” Lance protested. Something in Keith's brain clicked, he looked at Lance and then at the Princess. Put a little make up on him, a wig, and a dress and he could- OH my god.
//graphic violence //slavery mention
All That Still Matters by StoriesBeyondTheStars (12/12 | 49,274 | Teen and Up)
Everyone was born with a black mark on their wrist called a soulmark. Somewhere in the world, there was a person that had the exact same mark, and when the two people met, their marks would become coloured to show that they had found their missing half. That was how soulmates worked. To Lance, it was a pretty simple and straightforward thing. Until it wasn't.
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adobedragon · 3 months
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“So, the saying goes, ‘Something old, something new…” Allura ticked off each phrase on her fingers. “Something borrowed, something blue?”
“Yup,” said Pidge, picking at a loose thread on the bed’s comforter. She, along with a handful of other women, were in Lance’s parents’ bedroom, awaiting the arrival of Lance’s cousin Ignacio, a hairstylist. Ignacio had the herculean task of doing Pidge’s hair and makeup for the wedding.
“Something blue?” chirped Ezor. “Wouldn’t that be Lancey-Lance? Blue Paladin.”
“I thought he was the Red Paladin,” said Zethrid in her gravelly voice. “It’s so hard to keep track of all the Voltron Lion changes.”
Pidge chuckled, though deep down she found the two alien women’s presence a bit off-putting. They had eventually proven themselves good fighting companions but Pidge still hadn’t quite forgiven Ezor for trying to torture her years ago.
“Katie’s dress has blue beadwork and stitching.” Colleen Holt ran her fingers along the dress’s bodice.
The dress was draped over the bed and Pidge, who was sitting beside it, traced the arc of an embroidered vine with a finger. “My dress is also new.” One of Coran’s designs, its basic form was that of a green, 1920s flapper dress, but fashioned from an Altean fabric derived from spider silk. “‘Blue’ and ‘new’.” She grinned wickedly. “My underpants are new too.”
Veronica, Lance’s sister, arched an eyebrow at her in the same manner her brother often did. “Are you wearing boys’ underwear? Under your wedding dress?”
“Well, yeah,” said Pidge. “They’re comfy.” She shrugged. “Lance thinks they’re sexy.” Remembering that Lance’s mother was in the room, she blushed.
Elvia McClain laughed and winked at Pidge, demonstrating the origin of that Lance gesture. “Relax, mija. I have five children and none of them conceived immaculately. You think I don’t know what you and Lance have been doing in the bunk house? In the barn?”
Pidge smirked and blushed, because, yeah, there weren’t many places on the McClain farm where Pidge and Lance hadn’t had sex.
“Here is ‘old’ and ‘borrowed.’” Allura reached toward her earlobe and with a flourish and a hum of Altean alchemy, removed the gem-like earring. “These were my mother’s. From old Altea.”
“Those were Queen Melenor’s?” said Romelle reverently, the Altean woman leaning in to view the earrings closely.
As Allura reached toward Pidge’s ear, Pidge leaned back. “I, uh, they’re too nice, too nice for me.”
“Nonsense. I would be honored if you wore them.” Allura held the lilac purple gem near Pidge’s earlobe, and the earring hummed, Altean space magic fastening it so it dangled beneath her ear. “Just don’t let Lance swallow them when you two start climbing each other.”
“Thank you,” said Pidge as Allura attached the second earring. She rose from the bed and studied herself in the mirror over the dresser. In her current, typical Pidge state of scruffiness—green tank top and gray sweatpants—the earrings made her look like a toddler playing dress-up with mom’s jewelry.
The McClain’s house shook lightly as the front door opened and shut. “That must be Ignacio,” said Elvia, hurrying off to meet him. Pidge grimaced, not quite ready for this; primping and preening were not Pidge’s default settings.
Earlier, sensing her nervousness, Lance had said, “You don’t have to do this. If you want, we can wear matching tuxes. I don’t care what you wear just as long as I’m the one who gets to undress you later.” This accompanied with his signature flirty eyebrow waggle.
His offer was why she’d asked him to marry her in the first place. Because he loved her as she was, her boy self, girl self and everything in between.
In the mirror, she saw a tall, dark-skinned middle-aged man enter the room. She tensed, then reminded herself she was a Paladin of Voltron, unafraid of anything, including a guy with a kit full of face goop and hair-taming implements.
Turning, she gave Ignacio a wobbly smile. “Hi. I’m Pidge.”
She wasn’t doing this for Lance or out of any need to cling to tradition. She was doing it because even androgynous Paladins of Voltron want to be a princess on their wedding day.
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Voltron: The Series
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So I wanted to make a big post about all the animated Voltron's because I'm neck deep into this series and I must yell about it In total there's five (5) animated Voltron shows, technically four (4) since most focus on the lions. I tend to explain a lot so for my own sanity I'll be splitting this up into multiple posts which will all link back together Dotu/VV (here) - V3D - VF - VLD
Word vomit under the cut <3
In the 80s 1984 is when American audiences first said hello to Voltron! Originally it was an anime called Hyaku Jo Oh Goraion, or Beast King GoLion, from Toei which was mistakenly handed over to World Events Production (WEP) after they vaguely asked for the anime with the lions in it. Soon enough it was renamed Voltron: Defender of The Universe (dotu), dubbed and edited, and became immensely popular, giving us the legend we all know and love! Most iterations of Voltron after this follow the same plot, except for VLD which is a hard reboot and its own series that will be talked about later. In Dotu, the legend is of five (5) space explorers who crash-land onto planet Arus, find Voltron and use him to defeat the evils of the universe. Those five (5) being Keith in Black, Lance in Red, Pidge in Green, Sven in Blue, and Hunk in Yellow. The show is fairly episodic but as it's being adapted from an anime it has some story beats too it, like how Sven became critically injured which led to Princess Allura stepping up to take over blue lion, or the plot with her distant cousins Princess Romelle, Prince Bandor, and Prince Avok of Pollux. The show was so popular that WEP had eventually commissioned a season 2 to be animated from another company as Golion ended at only season 1. Which had some changes to color pallet, overall tones, and even relationships from season 1.
That same year Vehicle Voltron (VV) also came into existence! Also adapted from an anime called Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV or Armored Armada Dairugger XV which has no relation to the Golion anime at all! The gist of it is that a team of 15 pilots explore the edges of the universe to help find new habitable planets to curb the fast-growing population of planets part of the Galaxy Alliance. The group is split into three teams. The air team whose commanded by Jeff, the sea team whose leader is Krik, and the land them whose led by Cliff. They all report under Commander Hawkins who's leading the expedition and the explorer itself. As the anime isn't connected to Golion/Dotu, WEP found creative ways to show that relationships! The main way is that fans were introduced to Pidge's twin brother Chip, another scrappy young kid with glasses who happens to have anger issues, he mentions this connection in one of the episodes "Letters to Home" where Chip waits for Pidge's letter to get to him.
For the last little bit of this, Dotu and VV have got themselves a movie! This is a purely WEP/American creation so no ties to the animes anymore. It's called Fleet of Doom which brings the two Voltron together and explains their pilots' histories while having a side plot that is pure KA fodder. Unfortunately we haven't gotten anything big like this again but in Voltron Force specifically we did get a call back to Vehicle Voltron
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dbblovesklance · 10 months
I should not care about a show that ended many years ago, nor of a couple that probably was never supposed to be together, yet, I shall persist to do so until my mind is settled.
Beware: Voltron Spoilers Ahead
I would definitely need to rewatch Voltron if I wanted to write any fics for Klance nowadays, but everything that went down in the later seasons really makes me not like that idea.
I'll be honest, I don't remember any that happens after season six, my brain blacked those out completely to save me from my heartache and a rage induced coma. (I care too much, I know)
Why have Allura and Lance end up together only to kill her in the end? To hurt Lance? To hurt the audience? Frankly, all you did was annoy and upset us.
Seeing scenes or mentions of later season stuff happening (like what happened with Allura in the end) makes me see red. And with what happened with Lance and Allura happening before hand, feels like a slap in the face, especially having Shiro briefly shown at his own wedding, married a man? To someone we knew NOTHING about and have zero connection to?
Why did you accept that but not Klance?
What was the point have all those scenes with Lance and Keith if they weren't going to be together? Was it really only for friendship and team connection? If so, explain why Keith didn't have those connections with anyone else, besides Shiro. Though you will not convince me of those two being anything besides having a brother/cousin dynamic.
Maybe it's been too long ago and I'm looking at it through dented red colored glasses, but I remember loving the idea of Klance being together since the very beginning.
I'll rewatch the early ones and write fluff and them getting together out of spite to the writers who did us dirty.
I think I'll just live in my little fanon fantasy where Klance does happen and they live happily ever after. And thanks to fanfiction, I can do just that.
It's not about that Klance didn't become canon, rather, it's about the potential they had that is now wasted.
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bluelancelion · 1 year
I am this 👌 close to rewrite the whole rwrb movie with Klance instead.
Listen. LISTEN.
Lance is, obviously, the sexy Cuban son of the president 💅
You CAN'T convince me Lance isn't just as devoted to the people and wanting to leave a mark as Alex
Keith will be the prince of England for plot purposes
He's still gonna be Korean tho don't ask me how
At first I wanted to make Shiro Keith's older brother who gets married to Allura, but I don't wanna make Shiro straight
So I thought, what if Shiro and Allura are the couple that gets married but they're secretly platonic besties because they're both queer and closeted? 😭😭😭 adds a flavor of angst
(Plus I'm a sucker for Shallura platonic soulmates)
Then I thought LET'S MAKE JAMES THE ASSHOLE BROTHER, and Shiro the openly supportive gay cousin 💪
Allura IS Zahra
Pidge and Hunk will fill Nora's role as Lance's besties like duhhhh
Or Hunk could be the bodyguard!!!! From the secret services!!!!!
TW: I haven't read the book (yet) so this is all movie based
And the rest is history (the one they'll make AJDGSGSGUWGSGS)
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Trick or treat! 🎃👻🍬
Lance scowled down at the card in his hands. A single queen. Of course, being a Halloween novelty deck, it was a witch, grinning up at him smugly. Speaking of smug witches...
"Nothing to say now, Mr. Shark?"
Lance glared up at Pidge, who still held two cards in her hand, though he couldn't muster the same rage he reserved for when Keith showed him up.
"I would have won if Keith would have just given me an ace," Allura said.
Their dealer huffed in his uniquely Keith-like fashion.
"You can't request specific cards," Keith said.
"Well, which earth game can you request specific cards in?" Coran asked.
"None of them!"
Coran frowned.
"Well, that's just counterproductive."
While Keith and the two Alteans bickered, Lance stared back down at his card. Their deal for the game had been simple: the loser of old maid would have to dress like a maid for Halloween and go trick or treating with everyone's younger relatives.
Of course, he'd made that deal under the assumption that playing card games with his little cousins had made him the premier card player of the Paladins of Voltron, which would lead to one of their female teammates in a maid outfit.
The best laid plans, as some guy once said. Now, he was going to be stuck freezing his legs off in a short skirt.
"Might want to go change into that maid outfit," Pidge said, rising.
"The kids don't start trick or treating until like six," Lance said.
"I know," Pidge said blithely, "but I wanted to see how your legs looked in it."
Lance felt his cheeks burn as he watched Pidge leave. Did she... did she make a pass at him?
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v-tired-queer · 1 year
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✨️ Sapphics in Space ✨️
Have some headcanons for this very specific AU that absolutely no one asked for:
All of their names are nicknames that they go by, none of these ladies use their actual names
Keith's name is Akira Kogane, but she started to be called Keith as a joke from the other firefighters in her dad's department, but it kinda just stuck and she secretly liked having a special nickname from the firefighters anyway, even if it was a traditionally male name
Shiro's name is Tatsuo Shirogane, but she and her family are originally from Japan and during kindergarten in America her classmates began to call her Shiro since her name was hard for them to pronounce
Lance's name is Alejandra McClain, but got her nickname from her family when she was younger and always wanted to play soldier or guard. Veronica was the first one to use it and then everyone else started using it, too, and Lance absolutely loved it
Hunk's name is Halia Garrett, and her nickname came from, well, almost everyone. She's always been curvy, but the added on muscles she has gave her her nickname in late middle school
Keith and Lance are adoptive sisters in this AU, where Keith joined the McClain family at 16 after being in foster care since she was 8. Originally, she was there temporarily, but the McClain's adopted her a few months after she'd been in their care
Their one-sided rivalry started in middle school but only got worse after Keith moved in, but settled down after she was adopted and the two actually became friends, but in a I'm-not-going-to-acknowledge-that-I-care-about-you-outloud-but-will-always-protect-you kinda way
Lance teeses Keith about her crush on Shiro, and Keith teeses Lance about her crush on Hunk, and this almost always ends with the closest inanimate object being hurled at each other
Pidge is also cis swapped in this and he and Coran are the only two men on the Castleship and Lord help them, they are terrified
Keith and Acxa are twins, with Acxa being older by about seven minutes. Keith never knew she had a sister, let alone a twin, until she was stranded on a space whale with her long lost mother
Thace and Ulaz are mates, and Regris is their kid. Regris is about five years older than Keith and Acxa, and is their only cousin, as Thace is Krolia's little brother
Kolivan and Antok are in a queer platonic relationship, as Antok is aroace and Kolivan is pan and polyamorus. Kolivan and Krolia end up together and very much in love, eventually getting married
Speaking of, Keith is a lesbian, Shiro is a lesbian, Lance is bi, and Hunk is pan
Hunk as always been a phenomenal baker, as baking is a science, but cooking was something she had to grow into as it's more of an art. With time, practice, and a lot of encouragement from her moms, she became a master chef by the time she was fourteen
The shell on Lance's bracelet was the last shell she grabbed from the beach before her family left Cuba when she was fourteen and moved to the United States for her father's work. She wears that bracelet all of the time, feeling a sense of peace whenever she touches the shell when she's anxious or depressed
Shiro has an older sister named Mayumi, and the two are very close. Their whole family is close, actually, and their parents support both girls when Mayumi comes out as trans and Shiro comes out as a lesbian
Hunk and Lance have been best friends since their freshman year of high school. The two get into a lot of mischief together thanks to Lance, but almost always avoid actually getting into trouble thanks to Hunk
Pidge joined their group when they entered the Garrison and his first thought was "These girls are gonna get me into so much trouble." His second thought was "Lance is crushing so hard, how does Hunk not know??"
Allura absolutely loves to have Girls Nights with the Paladins, where they all get together in her room and have a giant sleepover, complete with blanket forts, unhealthy snacks, teasing, and so much nail painting that Keith is pretty sure she's gotten high on more than one occasion
While Allura is fascinated by Keith and Lance's sisterly relationship, Shiro and Hunk are simply Tired Of The Bickering
Keith is 18; Shiro is 21; Lance is 17; Hunk is 17; Pidge is 16
Shiro and Keith have been best friends since Keith stole Shiro's car and the older bailed her out of Juvie. They got very close while at the Garrison, and Shiro gave Keith her dogtags before leaving for Kerberos. She carries them with her at the bottom of the bags on her hip. There was an unspoken understanding between them that they loved each other, that they wanted to always be together and they cared about each other more than anything, but the time was never right
Shiro and Keith finally start dating while in space after realizing that love doesn't wait for the right time and there's no time like the preasent to let yourself be happy, but Hunk and Lance don't start dating until they get home to Earth because they are, somehow, more awkward about their feelings than Shiro and Keith
Eventually Krolia and Kolivan have a son together and name him Yorak and Keith absolutely adores her baby brother and Shiro absolutely adores seeing Keith with a baby
Kosmo is the bestest teleporting space wolf doggo 💙
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dawnrider · 2 years
For the writing prompt “don’t” - Kidge -
1) don’t listen to them
2) don’t lie to me
3) don’t walk away
Hello dear! So I decided to not only use all three prompts, I decided to use all three twice in the same one shot. It's the cheesiest kind of cheesy, but here we are. Enjoy!
Family Dinner
Rated T
It was time for another one of their “Family Dinners." The ones they did every year to try to keep the memories of their old lives, their adventures together, alive. To keep Allura’s memory alive for Lance and each other. Keith almost hadn’t made it this year. He was busy most of the time in other parts of the galaxy, using his Blades training to the benefit of the coalition. There were always pirates, bigger planets bullying smaller ones, and vestiges of the Galran empire seeking to regain their former power. They wanted him to start training new recruits this year, though. He was a bit up in the air about the idea. What did he know about teaching?
The reminder popping up on his communicator that it was time to head back to Earth for Family Dinner was a welcome distraction from the decision making process.
He arrived at Lance’s front door, expecting the cacophony that met him but still feeling overwhelmed by it. Voices called out his name, hands clapped him on the back and ushered him inside. He wasn’t even entirely sure who all was greeting him. He smelled food, so he could assume Hunk was working away in the kitchen, and there was a murmur of lively chatter coming from the back patio. He tried to look around and identify where everyone was.
As the paladins had returned to more normal lives on Earth, or elsewhere, the invitees for Family Dinner grew in number. Lance and Veronica were always present, which now meant that Veronica’s husband and two small children were there too. Hunk and Shay made the trip every year and brought Shay’s cousin who had become her planet’s foremost expert in alien cultures. Shiro and Adam only missed the event once and that was strictly because they had been in quarantine with their newly adopted twin girls. Keith was looking forward to seeing the now three-year olds, likely creating a mess somewhere with Veronica’s kids.
Keith was about to look out onto the patio in search of the last paladin, but was redirected into the kitchen where he was nearly crushed by a Hunk Hug. Lance was close behind him, asking all kinds of questions about his last mission. “C’mon man, it can’t all be top secret!” Keith shrugged with a sly smile, leaning against the island in the kitchen as Hunk went back to checking something on the stove.
“Leave him alone, Lance.” Hunk tapped a thermometer on the outside of the oven. “I’m more curious about who he’s been seeing…” A wink was tossed his way and Keith sagged in frustration.
“No one…”
“No one? No one’s jumping at the chance to date an intergalactic savior with a physique like a comic book hero?” Lance nudged him in the ribs. Keith wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be a compliment or not. “You really are on the job too much.” He couldn’t really argue with that.
“Well, that might be changing…”
“Oh?” Lance leaned on the island, dramatically cradling his face in his hands and blinking at him expectantly. “Do tell!”
“They uh… They want me to take over training new recruits.”
There was a lengthy silence. Lance stood slowly and nodded. “Like taking over for Kolivan, training?”
“Uh… Sort of.”
“Isn’t he basically a hermit?” Hunk questioned over his shoulder as he stirred a large pot of what appeared to be gravy of some kind. “Not much of a social life.”
Keith threw up his hands and vaguely waved. “I’m not much of a social person, you know.” Hunk was about to respond when a small gaggle of children came stomping into the kitchen, distracting both Lance and the chef du jour to keep anyone from getting spilled on or opening the oven. The former black paladin extricated himself from the room and sighed at the fresh air hitting his face.
“Don’t listen to them. You should do what you want.” He whirled around in response to the familiar voice, an involuntary grin tugging at his lips.
“Pidge!” The auburn haired engineer grinned up at him, the lightly applied lipstick on her mouth catching his attention. It was a very rare day that Pidge “got fancied up.” He looked around. Had she brought a date?
“Hi Mullet,” she teased, opening her arms to demand a hug and tugging on his ponytail in the process. He swept her up, unable to help the urge to take advantage of the difference in their height and relative strength. She laughed but pushed to be put back on her feet. “How ya been, huh? Hearing from you once a month isn’t enough.” Keith neglected to mention that their once a month communication was far more than anyone else got. He started telling her about how he’d been all over on different missions, then paused.
“You… Did someone come with you?”
Pidge looked around in confusion. “No? Was I supposed to bring someone?” He tried to shrug as nonchalantly as possible and not show how utterly pleased he was.
Ever since they had first returned to Earth, before the war even, Keith had been finding himself drawn to Pidge in a way he couldn’t ignore. It was subtle at first, so he didn’t notice it. Finding her in the common room after lights out, the pair of them curling up to watch B-movie cryptid thrillers and often falling asleep after rousing discussions of the plausibility of the film. Sometimes he wandered into the hangar when he couldn’t sleep, finding Pidge puttering away on some invention or another and draping himself over a chair to watch her work.
After the war though… While physically they were galaxies apart, she wrote to him almost weekly at first. Commenting on the state of the planet, the clean up efforts, and the modifications to the Atlas they were making to better incorporate the Altean tech. She would sprinkle in commentary about how their friends were doing, what her family was up to. Keith appreciated the connection with home far more than he anticipated he would.
The weekly letters turned to monthly eventually as Pidge progressed in her career and had less time, he imagined, to dedicate to an intergalactic penpal. They had switched to video recordings which he preferred on her end because he got to see her face, but hated to do himself because he felt so awkward. “I miss our videos,” he blurted out.
“Don’t lie to me,” Pidge chuckled. “I could tell by your face you hated them.”
“I… didn’t.” He winced at how unconvincing that was. “I liked getting yours anyway.” The blush that lit her cheeks made him blink, watching her bite that red-clad lower lip and avert her eyes.
“Oh. You… uh… Didn’t really say.”
He rubbed the back of his neck subconsciously. “I didn’t want you to feel burdened or whatever.” Pidge turned and started walking the line dividing the two slabs of concrete making up Lance’s patio. He watched her put one foot directly in front of the other as though walking a tightrope. “I liked listening to you tell me about your projects,” he muttered sheepishly. “I had to look up half the stuff you were talking about, but it was… nice.”
She paused halfway down the patio, doing a half turn and brushing her hair away from her face. “Are you going to take the job?” she asked after a moment, watching him with a cautious look in her eye.
“I… I don’t know. It’s not just the Blades that want someone to do their training.”
“The garrison.” She already knew. Why hadn’t she said anything before?
“Yes. I just wasn’t sure if… I wasn’t sure if I was ready to come back to Earth yet. Or if there was a reason for me to.” She nodded slowly, thoughtfully, then turned away again. As she took a step toward the end of the patio, Keith felt like she was stretching away from him into the horizon and he couldn’t… “Don’t walk away,” he breathed. She stopped, head lifting as though she'd only partially heard him. “Don’t walk away, please?” he expanded on his plea.
Pidge turned immediately, her hazel eyes glittering. “I won’t if you don’t.” She took several steps in his direction. He followed suit, meeting her in the middle. “Are you sure about this?” she breathed. “Would you be happy here?”
Keith let out a sigh, the tension he hadn’t really realized he was holding onto melting out of his muscles. “I’ve missed home.” He took a fortifying breath. “I’ve missed you.” Their fingers met between them, twining together naturally. “Can you put up with someone who doesn’t have your smarts? Don’t lie to me,” he warned her. Pidge grinned in response, fingers tightening on his.
“Of course. How do you think I’ve put up with Lance all these years?” Keith couldn’t help the grin that lit his face and the chuckle that bubbled out of him. “If you’re at the garrison, you’ll have to see me almost every day. Are you ok with that?”
He let go of her hand so he could trail his knuckles against her cheek and cupped her chin. "I think I could get used to it."
"Oh my gawd, will you two just kiss already?!" Lance's voice cut through the air, jarring the two of them out of their tender moment. Keith threw a heavy scowl over his shoulder at the small crowd of former paladins lurking at the sliding door off the kitchen. "We've been waiting forever for you to figure it out!"
About to argue, Keith was startled by a pair of small hands gaining purchase of his face to turn it and pull it down. "Don't listen to them," she whispered. "The time is right, now." Her lips met his and his eyes dropped closed to savor the moment.
They managed to ignore the whooping and hollering behind them for a while before finally giving in, blushingly joining their friends inside.
"Family Dinner" soon had a very different weight for Keith Kogane.
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cartoon-watch · 2 years
VLD remake but the lions each need a 5 person team to operate
- Lance is still Blue’s Pilot, the sharpshooter during ground missions, and he’s the heart of voltron that bridges the gap between everyone
- Pidge and Hunk are the engineers that keep her operational and make upgrades
- Keith is the cool ninja spy that sneaks onto ships to steal information and plant Pidge’s hacking point (the rivalry is still a thing and lance is smug that he’s the pilot and not the Garrison prodigy; eventually Lance thinks Blue made a mistake and confines in Keith; Keith pep talk and they eventually bond to the point Blue let’s Keith pilot her once during an emergency when Lance gets critically injured during a mission )
- Shiro is the mentor that helps guide their teamwork and works with Allura as Blue’s rep at the Castle control room during missions
- they all still get their bayards and weapons but in terms of forming voltron they give blue variations on the weapons Lance unlocks; they’re just the blue team so they get armor in different shades of blue while lance’s is the strongest color as the pilot
- the other lions get pilots from other civilizations (Like Olkari get Green, Balmaerans get Yellow and Shay gets more time with Hunk )
- the drama of black choosing either the Blades of Mamora or Lotor and his squad (everyone’s forced to face their own prejudices and actually work to through the idea that there are Galras who want to stop Zarkon)
- voltron only forms at critical moments bc it’s a huge drain on the Lions battery and ability to move afterwards
-Lotor has been studying Altea’s history and culture to stop history from repeating and has been keeping the secret colony safe so no one is being sacrificed for quintessence (Alluras family line has continued via some cousin that was off planet when it got destroyed; Corans has continued as well but each generation has named at least one son Coran so it becomes a running joke after they meet)
- the drama and hijinks that ensue from having a castle full of ppl try to save the universe
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