#along with Everything else he’s dealing with
Bruce Wayne x plus size reader
To love Bruce was risky and it was exhilarating but you weren’t ready to deal with its consequences when everything suddenly changed.
Warnings: angst, amnesia, injuries, unplanned pregnancy, fluff, i couldn’t help but add bat family shenanigans, hints of smut, scarecrow fear toxin, mentions of self-harm as a result of toxin, hospital visits/health scare, happy endings baby, age difference WC: 7k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
Tumblr media
You knew Bruce Wayne.
You knew the depth of blue in his eyes, the placement of every scar and mole and freckle on his body, the little cowlick at the back of his head that would only appear when he had gone too long without a haircut.
You knew he liked tea but only when he didn’t have meetings, his right shoulder locked up when it was cold and wet, he hated the beach but loved the ocean, he regularly brought home stray animals until he was 12, and he was a hopeless romantic.
And you loved each other deeply, so deeply that you felt like there was no colour in your world before him and he had no light in his before you. It had started out simply enough, you were his secretary. Fresh from your Masters program, you needed a job and he needed a new assistant after the retirement of his last one. You were hired on the spot with the promise that it would only be temporary until you got a job in your field. But that was almost 4 years ago now and you had no intention of leaving the man you had fallen so hard for, he guiltily admitted once that he did not want you to leave either.
There were countless date nights and sleepovers, weekend getaways and times where you would spend the entire day naked in bed. You saw each other almost every day and yet it ached when you were apart for even just a few minutes.
But no one else knew. 
Besides the fact that he was your boss and 10 years older than you, Bruce wanted to shield you both from his life as Batman and from the public eye. And you were terrified of the judgement of his family especially given that there was only a couple of years difference between you and his oldest kid. And it was fine, for a while at least. You got to exist in this perfect little bubble of love with the only man you could envision a future with, away from the harshness of your lives. 
As it must, the real world crashes down upon your little bubble, shattering it.
“Bruce! You have a meeting!” His teeth sunk into the column of your throat with a discontented grunt as he pressed his hips even closer to your own, his arms winding around your plush middle.
“They’re not as important as this.” The tip of his nose brushed against your pulse. You let yourself melt into his strong hold for just a moment, savouring the feel of his toned body against you like you always did when Bruce lathered you with attention. With one last squeeze around your torso, Bruce reluctantly let you go. His huge hands lingered on your wide hips as you shifted so you were now facing him.
“You’ve blown them off three times already, you have to go.” You cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing along the 5 o’clock shadow that was already growing along his jaw.
“I’d rather you blow me off instead, sunny.” You smacked his chest as Bruce chuckled.
“Alright rein it in big boy, you’ll get your fill of me soon enough.” 
“I think you’ll find that it’s me that does the filling.” You glared at him and stepped away, making his hands fall from your body.
“Go, before I start to rethink about our ~plans~ for the weekend.” 
“Oh you fucking vixen. If I can sneak away from the boys tonight, you’re gonna be eating those words.” You spun on your heel, letting Bruce get a good look at your ass in the tight work skirt you knew he loved on you.
“I think you’ll find that you’ll be the one who will be eating. I’ll see you tomorrow Mr Wayne.” You cooed, not bothering to look back at him as you left Bruce standing in the middle of the hallway with a stunned expression and a straining in his pants.
You were getting nervous now. You hadn’t seen Bruce in almost a week, which wasn’t unusual considering his ‘nightlife’ but to have no communication from him at all? That was completely out of the ordinary. There had been a message left on your office phone from his butler that Bruce had some business to attend to and would be unreachable for the foreseeable future but the way your stomach twisted in fear told you that something else was going on. He did not, in fact, sneak away that night to see you nor come to your apartment over the weekend as you both had planned. But there was nothing you could do without exposing your relationship.
So, you did what you could to keep WE functioning without him: misdirecting calls, charming impatient board members, even sending phoney emails from his account to placate people as with each passing day, that little spark of anxiety grew into a blazing fire. 
Then, at promptly 9 am on the sixth day of Bruce’s disappearance, your routine was disrupted once more. You were typing away at your computer, having been in the office for almost an hour already, when you heard the elevator doors slide open and the click of men’s formal shoes against the tile. You eyed the bottle of Tylenol on your desk, anticipating yet another headache from some prissy rich boy who couldn’t take no for an answer. But you froze as soon as an imposing figure turned the corner.
Your breath caught at the sight of him. Mostly unharmed, save for the wicked looking cut across his left eyebrow, he was dressed the same way he normally would, but there was something about his posture that was completely wrong.
“Bruce.” Your legs shook as you rose to your feet. His steely gaze flicked to you as he nodded politely, not even missing a beat in his stride.
“Miss Y/L/N.” His office door slammed shut behind him and you felt your heart splinter. Silence washed over the hall and for just a moment, you could almost believe that he had been a hallucination that your anxiety ridden mind had conjured up. The ping of an email notification from your computer broke you out of your desperate reasoning and suddenly you were following his steps.
Your knuckles curled over the steak knob, just as you had done so many times in the past and you pushed open the door. Bruce looked up from the pile of papers that you had left on his own desk over the past week, brandishing you with a look far more harsh than he had ever given you before.
“Bruce, what’s going on? You’ve been gone for days with no calls, no texts. I’ve been worried sick.” His jaw clenched, sending a shot of panic up your spine.
“Miss Y/L/N I don’t know where this feeling of entitlement has come from. What I do with my time is none of your business. I am your boss- not your friend and I would keep that in mind if you wish to keep your job.” He snarled. You physically recoiled as if he had struck you, unconsciously taking a step backwards. “Please refrain from using my first name, this is a place of business.”
Never, in your many years of working for this man, who was now a stranger, did he ever speak to you with such contempt, even hatred. And it broke your heart.
Your throat bobbed as you swallowed down tears. “Of course Mr Wayne, I apologise for my unprofessionalism.” He grunted in acknowledgement. Your hands shook as you closed the door to his office, shutting yourself out from the man you loved with every piece of you.
There was no greater torture than this, you thought, to watch as your soulmate iced you out until you couldn’t remember what his warmth had felt like. When was the last time his name slipped past your lips or when yours escaped his. You were forced to see him almost every day and yet, he was more like a ghost to you.
He wouldn’t even speak to you anymore. At first, he kept his interactions with you to a few words in the mornings when he arrived and evenings when he would leave. But as the weeks carried on, he spoke less and less until he would barely even look at you as he passed.
Your chest burned with thousands of questions, each breath laced with the poison of doubt and fear. You wished for this behaviour to be some sick dream, oftentimes you thought that this could be a result of Scarecrow’s fear drug. But when you awoke each morning, you knew, deep down, that this was very real. You could only wonder if this was an inevitable fate that you were meant to suffer for loving someone as unobtainable as Bruce was.
You had known since the very first moment that his blue eyes held something more than friendship for you, that your love for him would always be greater than he would ever hold for you. You knew this, and yet you didn’t think you would have to accept such a devastating truth so soon. You were greedy for him and perhaps, you had taken too much.
“Y/L/N.” The sudden call of your name snapped you from your spiral of self-pity. You looked up and met the bright green eyes of the youngest Wayne. The ever-frowning Damian was now glaring at you, an almost perfect replica of his father. “Where is my father?”
“He’s-“ You cleared your throat, feeling incredibly uncomfortable under the 10 year old’s scrutinising gaze. “He’s in his office. You can go right in.” Damian observed you for another moment before he turned his nose up and walked past you. You breathed a sigh of relief as the door behind you opened and closed, seemingly leaving you alone once more.
“Are you quite alright Miss Y/N?” 
“Jesus!” You yelped in surprise, clutching your chest. The ever present force of Alfred looked down at you, lips pursed in concern. “Sorry, I didn’t see you come in.” 
“I believe it is I who should be apologising, I didn’t mean to frighten you. But, are you very sure you’re ok? You seem to be out of sorts.” He stepped closer, placing Damian’s jacket on the coat rack just beside the office door.
You waved him off, your throat suddenly thick with emotion. Alfred had always been immensely kind to you in the fleeting encounters you’d had with the man. And for a while, you believed that he knew about you and Bruce, but since he had been acting the same way since Bruce’s unexplained absence, you were obviously wrong. 
With a glance over your shoulder, as if to double check that your boss wasn’t listening in, you grabbed your purse from the floor and quickly slung it over your shoulder. “He doesn’t have any other meetings today so I think I may leave early. It was nice to see you, Alfred.”
And before he could even get a single word of protest out, you had already dashed to the elevator and slipped inside. As the reflective doors shut, you were able to catch the way Alfred frowned, his brown eyes dark as he watched you run.
You managed to hold off your sobs until you were safely in your car. Grief wrapped around your chest like a snake, slowly crushing your ribs inwards until all you could manage was small gasps of air as you slowly drowned in it. It was all getting too much, Bruce and work and this stupid fucking nausea that kept showing up at the worst times.
The stress was going to wear you down until you were nothing and what did you get out of it? A boss that couldn’t even look you in the eye even after years of sharing your life and your bed with him. He was acting like he didn’t even know your first name. You couldn’t keep doing this to yourself.
Tears still rolled down your rounded cheeks as the car’s engine turned over and you pulled out of your designated spot. The white paint that they used to write your name was chipping away, leaving a faded imprint of each letter like a child’s chalk drawing that was being washed away.
Your hiccuping sobs were slowly dying down until you pulled into your apartment complex and a notification appeared on your phone. The screen lit up the inside of your car, immediately drawing your attention to it.
‘Your period is 6 weeks late, is it stress or something more?’
Silence in the office was not unusual for the top floor of Wayne Enterprises, though a complete lack of any noise was deeply concerning. Bruce once again glanced over his monitor to the open door where your vacant desk was clearly visible. His eyes flicked to the time displayed on the screen in front of him, you were over a half hour late and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.
Just as Bruce was reaching over for his phone, you turned the corner. Your heels, far smaller than you normally wore he noted, clacked against the flooring as you strode towards him. Before you could spot him looking at you, he forced his gaze back down to the spreadsheets he hadn’t even bothered to read when he arrived this morning. His stomach fluttered as he heard you enter his office. Bruce tried to swallow the feeling down like he always did when you were around.
“I’m resigning.” His neck audibly popped as his head snapped up, suddenly all of his attention on you. Your hands trembled as you put a sheet of paper on his desk and quickly took a step back like a deer preparing to run. Bruce kept his eyes on you, the muscle in his jaw rolling as he bit back a thousand questions.
“I’m assuming this is effective immediately?” You nodded while he leaned back in his chair as nonchalantly as he could. “Is there any reason why? I thought you were happy working here.” 
Your left eye twitched but you steeled yourself with a deep breath. “I’m not obligated to tell you the reason why I’m leaving, just as you promised when you hired me. I have responsibilities elsewhere. I left candidates for your next secretary on my desk.” You turned on your heel, intent on leaving as quickly as you possibly could.
“Wait-“ Bruce darted out of his seat, sending it flying back as he rushed forwards. “Please I just want to know why, I think I deserve that much.” His large hand wrapped around your wrist in an iron grip, forcing you to stop your retreat.
“You’re a fucking asshole, you know that Bruce.” You didn’t even bother to look at him as you spoke. “I really thought you were different. But obviously, I was wrong. You’re so selfish and cruel and I made the mistake of falling in love with you.”
He stumbled back as you finally met his gaze. Your eyes were burning with a loathing that sent a chill to his bones. “So no, you don’t deserve to know why I’m leaving. Be glad I even did you the courtesy of giving you my resignation in writing.” You yanked your hand from his hold. “Goodbye Mr Wayne. Don’t contact me.”
And then you stormed out of his life, leaving the feared Bat of Gotham confused and with a massive pit in his heart.
“Okay, so we agree that this isn’t an invasion of anyone’s privacy, Y/N or B’s, because it’s for the sake of the greater good.” Dick made eye contact with each of his younger siblings as if to reinforce this statement.
“Yeah cause if B doesn’t stop moping around and nagging us, I will actually kill him.” Jason quipped from where he was perched on the fire escape. Cass nodded in agreement from beside the bigger man as Steph snorted under her breath.
“I’m just here for the drama. I’ve never seen him acting like a moody teenager before. Babs wants me to keep her updated.” Dick sighed heavily, deciding to ignore her comment as he continued to address the others.
“We stay hidden and only observe. Got that Damian?” 
“Why am I being singled out when Drake was the one that hacked into her medical records?”
“For the last time, it wasn’t her medical records, it was just her employment records!” 
“Like that’s any better.” Tim glared at Duke.
“You’re the one who snitched.”
“Hey!” Dick stepped in before they could escalate their little squabble, “That doesn’t matter now. What does matter is finding out exactly what happened to make Y/N quit and B so fucking miserable.” 
“Ooo golden boy swore, guess that means it’s serious.” Jason jostled Cass with his shoulder as she giggled quietly. Dick rolled his eyes.
“If you’re not gonna take this seriously, you can just go home.” Red Hood rose to his feet, his gloved hands raised in surrender.
“I am taking this seriously, I just also enjoy annoying you. It’s called multitasking.” 
“Father is fine. I don’t understand why this is necessary.” Damian huffed from his place at Dick’s side. He had been adamant that nothing was wrong with Bruce, even after the increased number of injuries he had been receiving on a nightly basis and a general disinterest in anything besides crime fighting. All the kids knew that it was a problem but Damian got to go on more patrols so he was content.
“Because demon brat, ever since Y/N quit, he’s been in an awful-ass mood and has been making it our problem. I would rather not have the old man keep sticking his nose in my business just because he’s cranky.” 
“And-“ Duke shot Jason a look, “he’s getting extremely reckless. We’ve all seen the amount of med supplies he’s been going through. If we don’t find out what’s going on, he’s gonna end up in a body bag.” Silence fell upon the rooftop. 
We can help both of them. Cass signed. I really liked Y/N. She was nice.
Tim cleared his throat. “So, can we go now? The longer we’re not responding to Alfred, the more chance B comes after us.” Dick put his hand on Damian’s shoulder.
“Tim’s right. We stay low and we stay quiet. Duke, Jay you two go on ahead and we’ll follow behind. Do not engage and don’t be creepy.” He spoke specifically to Jason.
“This whole thing is fucking creepy but fine, I guess I won’t look in her nightstand.” And before Dick could even open his mouth to scold his younger brother, he was gone over the side of the building. Duke shrugged and followed after, his footsteps silent beneath the sounds of the city.
Damian jerked forwards but Nightwing’s grip on his shoulder kept him stuck to the spot. “You’re with Steph. You two keep an ear open for the big man but other than that, stay off the comms. Cass, Tim with me, we’ll cover the street and then come up behind.” Cass nodded and pulled her mask up higher over her nose, following after her older brothers.
“Are you sure about this Dick? If we’re wrong-“
“I know T, but what if we’re right? Something happened between those two and maybe, we can make it right. B isn’t himself and it’s affecting all of us.” Dick then released his youngest brother. “Remember, stay out of sight.” 
As soon as he disappeared into the night, Stephanie muttered. “This is bullshit.”
“I agree.”
Your apartment was easy to find— the 7th floor of a relatively upscale building, one that was suspiciously out of your price range. Jason raised an eyebrow at the double glazed window panes as well as the discreet sill reinforcements he could just make out around the edges of the glass. 
“She’s either extremely paranoid or someone else is.” Duke grunted in agreement.
“Think B is behind it?”
Jason shrugged as he lowered himself down onto the steel grate of the fire escape that snaked past the apartment’s windows. “That or she’s got a hell of a lot more secrets than we thought.” Duke dropped down beside him, the two of them moving in sync along the catwalk. 
The kitchen was dark, as was the living room. Duke’s head jerked to the right, drawing Jason’s eyes to the soft glow coming from the last window. He gently squeezed the shorter man’s shoulder as he slipped past. 
Jason pressed his bulk against the naked brick and crept his way forwards, keeping to the shadows as much as he could. Thin curtains covered the window from the inside, but it did nothing to hinder his view of the brightly lit bedroom. 
You were sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the room, eyes locked onto a small black and white photo in your right hand. Your left gently cradled your belly, your thumb gently brushing over the soft layer of fat. Even through the haze of the sheer curtains, the sadness on your face was as clear as day.
Jason’s own eyes narrowed in on the image in your hand before he stumbled backwards, almost falling from the fire escape. His neck clicked as his eyes met Signal’s who was suddenly standing ram-rod straight.
“Holy shit she’s pregnant.” But before Duke or Jason could even begin to comprehend the magnitude of their discovery, the bedroom window slammed open and suddenly, you and the Red Hood were face-to-face.
“Do you all want to come in for tea or should I tell you to fuck off now?”
“Huh, I guess she did have some secrets.” You moved out of the way, letting Duke slip into the warm apartment and leaving Jason stunned for only a second before he clicked on his com system.
“Yo, we’ve been caught.” And then he followed behind.
The bedroom was smaller than he thought it would be, but it was cosy. A thick duvet on the bed, a candle on the vanity in the corner. It was… nice. Duke had already made himself comfortable at the kitchen counter by the time Jason stepped out of the bedroom. The thick black and yellow helmet he donned was neatly placed on the chair beside him.
“Dude.” Jason whined but his little brother only smiled at him, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
“Would you like milk in your tea Jason?” 
“What the fu- goddamnit. Yes and honey too please.” You hummed softly and set the kettle on the stove.
“I take it the same way. Mugs are in the cabinet above the sink, grab them for me. Duke, would you mind opening the front door, I’d rather not have mud tracked into my bedroom.” The teen dutifully stalked off as Jason retrieved said mugs and set them down on the counter. His own helmet soon joined his brother’s as he leaned against the wall across from you.
You continued to fuss about the kitchen, pulling out some biscuits and sugar as well. “It’s Bruce’s isn’t it?” Your body stuttered but you were quickly composed once more, though you did not look Jason’s way.
“I think you already know the answer to that.” He lurched forward as if he were about to defend his adoptive father but then just as suddenly, he leaned back and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Jesus. I just thought you got sick of him.” You chuckled under your breath though it was plain enough that there was no joy in it. You looked truly exhausted as you placed a tea bag in each mug, the dark circles that marred your face almost broke Jason’s heart. 
“You’ll find that it’s the other way around.” But before he could open his mouth to object, the rest of his siblings burst into the apartment, led by a frazzled Dick.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t yell in my apartment Richard, I don’t want a noise complaint.” Dick’s jaw shut with an audible click, his shoulders slouching in defeat.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good dog.” Steph cooed as she strutted past, her own mask already off and safely tucked into her belt. She gunned straight for the freshly poured tea. The others shambled around the stunned man, each finding their own spot in your apartment. 
The air was stale with questions that none of them wanted to ask though the answers were obvious. Damian settled himself beside you, the top of his head just barely peeking out over the top of the stone counter. The blank white eyes of his mask were fixed on the steaming mugs.
“This is acceptable.” This time your laugh was genuine as you gently pushed the largest mug towards the 10 year old who quickly snatched it off the counter. Jason noticed the way the tension in your shoulders gradually eased as each of his siblings took their own tea, filling the room with quiet murmurings. 
Dick was the last to approach you. “So you know.”
You nodded and offered him his own cup. “I know. Figured it out pretty soon after I was hired.” 
He gratefully took the mug, letting its warmth seep into his gloved hands as he sank onto a chair from the dining room. You smiled sweetly at him before your attention was pulled away by Steph who interpreted for Cass. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
You shrugged, the fingers of your left hand brushed against the swell of your belly. “What could I have said ‘hey I know you and your kids dress up in costumes and run around Gotham at night punching people, anyway, can you sign this document?’. Bruce- Mr Wayne and I had an understanding; I don’t mention the whole bat thing and he actually starts doing work and showing up on time. Plus a great health care package.”
“Apparently that wasn’t the only package you were getting.” The words had barely left Jason’s mouth before Cass slapped the back of his head, hard. “Fuck! What was that for?” She gave him a withering look then met your eyes once more with a silent apology.
You smiled at her and continued. “I wouldn’t put it as crassly but yes, we were together. Our anniversary was supposed to be next week.” 
“And now you’re pregnant.” You nodded at Duke.
“I’m 12 weeks as of yesterday.”
Tim cleared his throat but kept his eyes locked on his now empty mug. “There was an incident during patrol a few weeks ago. Bruce got hit with a new serum scarecrow had been developing and- it was really bad. He threw himself at walls and us, screaming about how he needed pain. We were only able to stop him when he knocked himself out on a pipe. He was in really bad shape, when he finally woke up after three days, he couldn’t even remember his own name.
“We all had to come home and essentially re-introduce ourselves to him but he did remember us, some just took longer than others. He recognised Cass as soon as she smiled at him while it took Dick swinging from the chandelier in the dining room for it to click.” Dick’s cheeks warmed in embarrassment.
“I did what I had to do.”
“Tt, you just wished to show off Grayson.” Damian chose to speak up then, making you jump as his voice was far closer than it had been a few minutes before. The youngest Wayne now stood at your hip, barely an inch of space between the two of you. “Father remembered me the quickest.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah definitely, it had nothing to do with you getting upset and throwing a temper tantrum for him to remember.” Damian glared at his older brother but made no move to stray from your side. 
“Anyway.” Tim continued. “After what happened we’ve been trying to help him but-“
“He’s fucking miserable.” Duke interrupted, “He has been since the accident and even more so after you quit. At least hear him out.” Duke leaned forward, planting his elbows onto the kitchen counter. “At least you should tell him about the baby so he could help support you.” His voice strained like he was on the edge of tears.
“Your father doesn’t owe me anything. I was greedy and I took too much. I-“ You choked on your words and suddenly, you were just a heartbroken girl standing in front of them. “I just want peace now so I think it would be best if you all forgot about me, about this. I get that you want to protect your father and under any other circumstance, I would agree with you but even if what you said is true, then why hasn’t he remembered me? We were together for almost four years, and saw each other every day. If he needed to see me to jog his memory or talk to me then that would’ve been solved the day he walked back into the office. He doesn’t want to remember- he doesn’t want me.”
No one spoke until you cleared your throat and turned towards the kitchen sink, your back now to the whole group. “I think you all should leave. Just forget tonight ever happened. We’re not your concern and we certainly aren’t Bruce’s. I appreciate that you all care so much but I don’t think this is something that can be fixed.” 
“But-“ Steph tried.
“Please, go. This hurts enough as it is, don’t make it worse.” 
Dick sighed. “She’s right. Let’s give her some space. C’mon.” You ignored the way their pitying looks burned against the back of your neck as they each walked out the door, donning their masks once more until Dick was the last one in your apartment. “Here’s my number, call if you need anything at all. And I mean anything, even if it’s for stupid cravings. You may think that Bruce abandoned you but I won’t.” 
He gave your shoulder a friendly squeeze before slipping out behind his siblings.
You waited until the door shut to finally cry, not knowing that all the kids could hear you.
“Do you ever want to tell them about us?” Your voice was soft, as if you were whispering a dark secret. Bruce’s heart thumped loudly beneath your ear as you rested on his naked chest. You traced the pale lines of scars that littered his torso, occasionally pressing soft kisses to his overheated skin. 
His large hand cupped the back of your head as he let his lips brush against your crown. “Maybe one day princess. But I want to keep you to myself just a bit longer.” You wanted to protest but the fight was quickly stolen from you as Bruce rolled you onto your back, slotting himself between your plump thighs as you felt him harden once more. “Let me spoil my girl in peace.”  Any protests you had were quickly drowned out as he pulled moans from you. 
Bruce lurched up with a gasp, desperately trying to suck in oxygen as the dream replayed in his mind. It felt so real but there is no way that it could be, he would’ve remembered it by now if it was.
“Fuck.” His ribs screamed in protest at his violent awakening. Even a month after his run in with the Scarecrow, his body was barely recovering and he could feel pieces of his mind that had still yet to fit themselves back into place. 
The blaring green light from the clock on his nightstand told him that he had only been asleep for an hour, an improvement after he recovered from the concussion but still not great. The cold hardwood sent a jolt of alertness up his spine, but did nothing to subdue the torrent of images that flashed in his mind every time he so much as blinked. 
The curve of your shoulder as water droplets ran down your back. 
Bruce rocked his weight forward and stood with a groan.
Your thick thighs wrapped around his hips as he gripped you by the waist and thrust downwards.
He slipped a shirt over his shoulders, and tugged on a pair of sweats as he headed for the door to his bedroom.
Candle light flickering across your face as you cradled him against your chest, his lips branding every inch of skin he could reach.
“What a fucking pervert.” He snarled to himself. All you had ever been was kind to him, and respectful. And yet he was imagining you in his bed. Not only in his bed, some twisted part of his mind coos. His nails bit into his palm as he swallowed thickly.
It started the first day back after his ‘accident’. Bruce vaguely knew who you were, fleeting memories of your job interview and casual conversations at the beginning of the work day. Alfred had told him of your intelligence and hard work but none of his family could recall anything other than a professional relationship between the two of you.
The second he saw you, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He wanted to touch you, kiss you, just be in your presence but how could he? You were young, his secretary and you would be in danger if he indulged. And still, you remained.
For weeks, Bruce buried himself in the mystery of you. He needed to know what it was about you that captivated him. Yet none of the information he uncovered gave him answers and you still remained in his dreams. He pushed himself into patrols, into training and work. He had already been on the end of dozens of lectures from Alfred and Dick (and one very strange one from Damian), he kept pushing on.
The cave’s chill sliced through him as Bruce stepped from the elevator and he was greeted by the sight of his oldest and youngest bickering by the huge wall of monitors. He ignored them.
The police scanner was suspiciously silent as he took a seat in front of his workbench. “You shut off the alert system.” His voice was raspy from disuse but it immediately silenced his boys and drew their gaze to him.
“Grayson did it. I was just informing him how irresponsible he’s being.”
“And I was telling Damian that you need a break, desperately.”
“No. I’m serious Bruce, you’re actively fucking killing yourself and I won’t let you. Jason and Cass are covering your patrols for the foreseeable future and you are staying put. I am sick of this stupid self-destruction rampage you’re going on.” 
Dick’s phone suddenly rang, the default tone echoing around the cave for a moment before he fished it from his pocket and answered. “Grayson.” As the person on the other end spoke, his eyebrows scrunched and his jaw tightened.
“Which hospital are they taking you to? Ok, I’ll meet you there, just keep breathing, everything's going to be fine.” The line went dead. Dick regarded his father with a look. “I have to go but this is not the end of this conversation.” Before he could take a step towards the exit, Damian grabbed his brother’s hand.
“Is Y/N hurt?” There were moments like this where Dick cursed the fact that his little brother was so observant. He could see Bruce sit up, his focus no longer on the work in front of him. 
“She’s fine, just a little scared but she’ll be alright.”
Then Damian did something so dumb, Dick knew that it was on purpose. “Is the baby ok?” 
There was a beat, then another as he waited on his father’s reaction. Damian had already tried to jog his memory on the topic of you but nothing ever worked and he only succeeded in pissing off his siblings who tried to get him to understand that it wasn’t his decision to make. “The baby?” Bruce whispered like the air had just been knocked from his lungs.
Dick’s temples pulsed with the beginning of a migraine and he glowered at the young boy. “The baby is fine, they’re gonna run some tests. You stay here and we’re going to have a very long talk when I get back.”
“Y/N’s pregnant?” He ignored his father and instead shook off Damian before he jogged to the elevator. So instead Bruce looked to the boy that stood alone in front of the wall of glowing monitors. “Is-is the baby-“
“It appears as though I won’t be the youngest any longer. If you run, you could catch up.” 
Bruce’s stomach dropped. “I-“
Damian glared at him. “Go.”
“I’m only taking you because I think that you’re still listed as her emergency contact so I need you in order to visit.” Bruce nodded solemnly as Dick pulled into a parking spot in the hospital garage. “You will not talk to her, you won’t even fucking look at her.” He took his father’s silence as agreement.
The powerful engine cut off and without another word, he stepped from the car, expecting Bruce to follow behind. Bruce had always hated hospitals, the air too stale from all the cleaning chemicals they used, the silence, the blinding lights. But if you were here, he would spend the rest of his life on the uncomfortable waiting room chairs just to make sure you were safe.
“I’m here to see Y/N Y/L/N, she called me from the ambulance.” The older nurse at the check-in desk raised her eyebrow at the pair.
“She’s in room 335. Down the hall, third door on your right.”
“Thank you.” Bruce trailed along behind his son, the questions in his mind building up higher and higher with each step he took. But all he could concentrate on was if you were ok.
Dick gave him a warning look as they reached the room. “It’s me, can I come in?” There was a muffled response and then Dick slipped inside, quickly shutting the door behind him. 
The hall was now only filled with the beeping machines from other rooms and the occasional call over the pa system, leaving nothing to distract Bruce from the fear that curled around his heart. He knew what he was going to do was a bad idea, one that could have the potential to destroy not only any redemption with you but might fracture the already tumultuous relationship he had with his son.
But he had to see you, just once.
As quietly as he could, Bruce grabbed the door handle and slowly pushed his way in, praying that the hinges didn’t squeak. 
“I’m ok, I just got a bit dizzy and fell down like 1 step. I think the ambulance was totally unnecessary.”
Dick shook his head. “Will you just let someone take care of you for once?”
You chuckled softly and took his hand in such a maternal fashion, it made Bruce’s heart lurch in his chest. “I called, didn't I?”
The door swung fully open, hitting the wall behind with a resounding thud. Both your attentions snapped to Bruce.
You sat up in bed on the opposite side of the room, dressed in a flimsy hospital gown and illuminated by harsh lights but you were still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Your fading smile was tired and your eyes bloodshot from crying and Bruce realised that you were comforting Dick, not the other way around. He hadn’t seen you smile in so long.
“Why is he here?” You hissed and visibly curled in on yourself, arms around your stomach. 
“I know you.”
He knew each dip and bump and curve of your soft body, the colour of your eyes in the sun and how different they were under fluorescent lights, which hairstyle you wore indicating what mood you were in.
He knew your insecurities and your trauma, you hated humidity but didn’t mind the heat, the names of all your plants, and the way you would smile just a bit brighter and just a bit wider when children or animals were around.
He knew you loved him.
Bruce Wayne knew he loved you.
“I-I know you.” His voice shook as he took a step towards you yet this time, you didn’t flinch away. “Sunny. My sun. My light.” 
“Bruce.” A tear rolled down your cheek.
“I’m so sorry.” He fell to his knees beside you, his head bowed. “I’m sorry my love. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t- Why couldn’t I remember?” He sobbed.
“It doesn’t matter now.” Your fingers, your perfect delicate fingers, brushed away his tears before you gently cupped his cheeks, lifting his gaze back up to meet yours. 
“I was so horrible to you, I didn’t know. And you’re- god you’re pregnant.” His hands slid up the side of the bed, cupping your thigh over the scratchy hospital blankets. You nodded and guided them higher so his palms spread over your growing stomach. “Wow I guess I really did do the filling huh?”
“Oh god, ‘m gonna throw up.” 
You laughed as Bruce bashfully looked over at his son. “Sorry chum.”
“I’m gonna go get some coffee, by the time I get back, you two better be fully dressed.” Your lips snapped shut as you looked away in embarrassment and it was Bruce’s turn to chuckle.
“Sunny, I’m so sorry, you deserved so much better.” 
“Will you stop that? I know it wasn’t your fault.”
“But it still hurt you and I made a promise to never do that. So please, let me grovel.” He laid his head onto your thigh while you threaded your fingers into his hair.
“What made you remember?”
“Your smile. I realised that I would always remember your smile and then everything came flooding back.”
“You’re a fucking sap you know that.” You tugged on his hair but Bruce just smiled dumbly at you before he smirked.
“Marry me.”
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lunajay33 · 8 hours
Requested by: @idkwthgoitmww
Summary: Lots of angst, reader is struggling with moving into Alexandria, she falls in a spiral of deep depression and Daryl tries everything to help
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
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It’s morbid in a way to prefer life out on the road with the family you grew so accustomed to, compared to this shelter life behind walls where walkers weren’t snapping their jaws desperate to rip your skin, but in these walls, in this house, in the room felt suffocating
You shared your room with Daryl, when everyone was picking rooms Daryl took your hand and led you downstairs to the room you were now suppose to call home, but it seemed Daryl wasn’t warming up to this place either giving you a bit of comfort knowing you weren’t the only on struggling
But as the weeks went on and everyone else in the group found their purpose, even Daryl got a job with Aaron you felt left behind like something was wrong with you because you couldn’t move past the time you spent before Alexandria, the quarry where you first met Daryl, he was sassy back then that’s what had you intrigued, the time on the farm where Daryl seemed nervous asking you to share a tent with him which only grew your love for him, the prison truly felt like home, Daryl let go a little more around you and showed you how truly caring and loving he was, he is the light of your life but now in these suffocating walls you felt like you were just dimming his light
You could barely eat as your anxiety and stress drove away the feeling of hunger, all day you sat on the steps of the house seeing everyone go about their “chores” as if what happened to us didn’t happen, as if the people we lost along the way didn’t matter, as if right out side those walls wasn’t the reason everything happen, you just want Daryl to take you away just to bring you back to when you had a reason to keep fighting
You heard the comforting rumble of Daryl’s sped through the streets to stop infront of the house, he shut off the engine and made his way to you on the stairs, a bag full of whatever other in the town asked for, he sat next to you gently placing his hand on you lower back and you let out a sigh of contempt you only got now a days when he was around
“How ya feelin today sunshine?” You just shrugged your shoulders not wanting to talk about these feelings that ached in your chest
“How was the scouting?” You could see the defeat in his eyes as you never talked about what was going on and it killed you not to confide in him but it was too much, he already had enough to deal with
“Got ya somethin” he said as he started rummaging through his bag pulling out a little box placing it in your hands
You opened it seeing the shine of a silver necklace with a bow and arrow charm dangling, these were the moments that your heart warmed a bit from the hard cold brick it felt like
“Daryl…..I love it can you put it on please” he gently took the chain out of your hand as you held up your hair, feeling the cool metal charm touch your chest as he clipped it together
You turned back to Daryl with warm smile, the best you could muster
“Ya look beautiful, now come on let’s get ya some supper”
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That night you stayed awake fumbling with the charm in your fingers, feeling Daryl warmth next to you as he snored, exhausted from the days work, you wished you could be better for him he deserved so much better than this frail shell of emotions
You moved closer pressing you head shading his back, your hands firm against him letting his warmth calm you down
He rolled so your face was now laying on his chest as his arms held you close
“Can’t sleep?” He asked voice still laced with sleep
“Sorry” you whispered
“Ya can talk to me angel”
“I don’t deserve you, you deserve better”
“Don’t talk like that, yer everything ta me”
The sun was quick to rise shinning through the window of the basement window Daryl still fast asleep, after the talk last night you felt like you just needed to leave, you knew what he said but it didn’t stop the feeling of being a burden so you grabbed one of his flannels and your knife and left the house heading to the gate
“Hey where are you going?” Rosita asked as she was guarding the gate
“Umm just going to look for some game”
“Alone? At this time of the morning?” She asked propping her hand on her hip
“Just open the gate Rosita” she groaned finally opening
“Don’t be gone long”
Little did she know that you didn’t plan on coming back, you walked down the road no sight of walkers just the sound of birds and crickets under the hot sun, it must’ve been hours as the sun moved over head feeling way more alive in the while being out than the months inside the walls of Alexandria, it killed you to have to leave Daryl but this was best for him not having to worry about you constantly
As you walked a walker came from the trees straight towards you and it was strong knocking you down, you’re quick to take out your knife and push it through its skull repeatedly taking out your anger, slowing as your anger morphed into tears finally letting everything out not even hearing the rumble of Daryl’s bike getting closer until he stopped right infront of you, quickly getting off and holding you in his arms
“What the hell were ya thinkin? Why would ya leave me” you could hear the hurt in his voice
“I can’t be in there anymore Daryl I can’t live like you and the rest I’m just pulling everyone down, you need more Daryl” you cried losing your breath
“We’ll find a way baby girl, cuz ya ain’t going through this alone, I love ya and nothings gonna change that, I’ll do what I gotta to make things right”
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onceuponapuffin · 2 days
Fanatic Intervention Part 17!!!
Okay, it's been a bit so quick recap: We just spent the evening at a dive bar singing karaoke and learning that 1) Jesus is a 13-year-old rich white kid with rich parents living in L.A. and 2) Muriel is missing. The Angel of Sardis gave us a lovely fishbowl (alcoholic drink since no one in this world has bothered to ask Reader's age because I have more room to play that way) as a reward for singing Taylor Swift (Shake it Off). We pick up our story The Morning After.
Also, since the poll about Sardis tied, I'm taking it to mean that everyone needs/wants more time with him to figure him out. Fortunately people also voted to bring him along, so we get to have LOTS OF THAT!! :D
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major for anyone who's curious.
What music do you think Anathema likes??
Let's do this!!
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The next morning you sit at the table in the dining room of the massive Ritz hotel suite, staring into your coffee. You have a headache, and no one else seems to be faring too much better. If only it was just a hangover. A miracle from either Aziraphale or Crowley could fix a hangover, but there was no way that a miracle of any size could make your situation any less bleak.
Aziraphale, angel that he literally is, had thought to order in breakfast from the kitchens. You look from your coffee to the waiting plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon, heaving a sigh. Jesus, if and when you find him, is an entitled teen. Muriel, friend and precious, is missing. Things are...well, it’s hard to feel happy or optimistic right now. Your companions aren’t faring much better as far as you can tell. Crowley is staring at his phone with a frown, the sound effects of Candy Crush drifting across the otherwise silent table. He’s playing at non-chalance, but you know Distraction As A Coping Mechanism when you see it. Aziraphale has barely touched his food, focusing more on alternating between stirring his tea, and sipping it only to add more sugar. The drink must be nearly syrup by now. Anathema keeps dangling her pendulum, pausing, then setting it down to re-cast her rune stones. You’ve noticed that they keep landing up the same way. Well, you need fuel in your system if you’re going to deal with all of this, so you reluctantly cut a slice of pancake with your fork and bring it to your mouth.
The silence stretches. Well, except for the ambiance; Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast, pancake slice. Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast, pancake slice. Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast, bacon – mixing it up a little. Candy Crush, spoon stir, runes cast
The door of the suite slams open, and there stands Sardis with his foot in the air.
He kicked the door down. What...on….earth…
“I FOUND HIM!” Sardis stomps into the suite toward the table, waving his phone in the air, “I FOUND HIM! I knew I’d seen his face somewhere, and I found him!!”
Crowley sits up straight for once in his life. “Who THE FUCK gave him a key?!”
You avert your gaze. The fishbowl was delicious, and he patted your head afterward and told you everything would be okay! Not your fault….entirely.
There isn’t much time for you to contemplate your guilt because Sardis has turned up the volume on his phone, and pressed play on a Tik Tok video. He turns his phone so that you all can see the screen. A boy with dirty-blonde hair is smiling out of it. His hair is longer in the middle and pouffed up with what is probably a standard-teenager’s worth of hair gel, and the sides are very short with...dollar signs shaved into them. It’s just a Tik Tok video, but you can smell the Axe body spray from here.
“Hey guys!” The smiling teen calls, waving at the camera. “It’s me, ya boy Jeremy. I’m bringing back my most popular series. That’s right! You asked, and I’m answering your prayers! Time to bring back Let’s See What I Can Get Away With Because I’m RICH.”
Your face twists in disgust, and you hear Anathema groan.
“I think we’ve seen quite enough,” Aziraphale says, speaking for you all.
“Are...are you sure that’s Jesus?” You ask. Honestly you’re hoping it’s a joke. You’re hoping beyond hope that this...this...caricature of a person is not the same person who you need to convince to help you save the world.
“Oh yeah,” Sardis replies, “That’s him. Right name and everything.”
“Wot? Jeremy?” asks Crowley with an edge of salty sarcasm.
“No,” Sardis says, “His true name. I know everyone’s, remember? It’s the right kid, you have my word on that.”
Truth be told, you’re still not exactly sure what his word is worth, but for now it’s a lead. You glance at Anathema, who shrugs.
“Fits the bill,” she admits, “All my readings have been...unsettlingly clear about the kind of kid we’re looking for, and I mean...” She gestures helplessly at the phone and the video that Sardis has, thankfully, paused. You blink, dumbstruck. Aziraphale said something last night about Heaven cutting corners. Apparently they had cut the corners so thoroughly they’d made a circle.
Breakfast suddenly became easier after that. Maybe it was because Sardis was the only one who wasn’t completely despairing over everything, and maybe it was because he was suddenly helping himself to the plates of excess pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Suddenly, you noticed Aziraphale wave a finger and the food was hot again – trying to impress company, or be a good host, or both no doubt. You found that your appetite had suddenly returned, along with your need for caffeine. Even Crowley had grabbed some bacon now that, perhaps, there seemed a less likely chance of him having the choice if he waited any longer. Sardis did most of the talking, explaining that the shortest driving route would take 28 hours. Best to get started asap then.
“I am not listening to anymore of your….Us songs!” Crowley growls at you as soon as you get in the car.
“Not all of them are love songs!” You protest.
“No! No breakup songs either!”
“Fine, fair, but what about -”
“And especially no End-of-the-World songs!” He snarls. You’re pretty sure he’s halfway to hissing at you now. “We have enough of that to deal with assss is!” Ah, there it is.
Ever-so-gently, Aziraphale takes the phone out of your hand.
“Perhaps it’s about time someone else had a turn,” he says. Ah, so he’s finally gotten tired of humouring you and your taste in music. Well, it had to happen eventually.
Unfortunately, this means that you all end up listening to Brandenburg Concerto No 3 in G Major. Well, it could be worse, you figure. At least this song has movement to it, even if it does feel endless based on your musical standards. Crowley is driving and silent, Aziraphale is waving your phone around in the passenger’s seat like a conductor’s baton. The backseat is as follows – You, Sardis, and Anathema.
Yes, Sardis is there. Considering the way he found Jesus – or, Jeremy – so quickly, and the way he seems to be single-handedly keeping everyone’s morale afloat, it seemed a waste to leave him behind. Besides, both Crowley and Aziraphale had tried to make him leave, but he just….stayed. In the end, you pouted, they gave up, and now he’s sitting in the middle of the backseat, because you and Anathema have seniority.
Speaking of Anathema, you notice her very pointedly staring out the window. She looks...stiff. Maybe classical music isn’t her thing? Your suspicions are confirmed approximately nine minutes later when she practically jumps up from her seat and grabs the phone out of Aziraphale’s hand and presses stop. The music comes to a halt and silence fills the SUV. Aziraphale looks shocked and appalled.
“Anathema!” The angel exclaims after a moment. You can practically hear him clutching at his non-existent pearls. You can see him resisting the urge to clutch at his bowtie. “We weren’t even finished the Allegro!”
Anathema takes a deep breath. You’re able to count out a solid beat of ten before she speaks.
“I...am not...listening to classical concertos for 28 hours. I don’t care what key it’s in or how many allegros it’s got!”
Crowley snickers and snorts. “Concertos don’t work like that.” He says. You see Aziraphale gently pat the demon’s knee as if to say ‘that’s my man.’
“Well what would you rather?” Is what Aziraphale actually says, “More bebop?”
“Try me, and I’ll play death metal, I swear I will.”
“Um,” Sardis ventures cautiously, “Can I see that for a minute-- thank you.” He plucks the phone out of Anathema’s hand. After a minute or two of swiping, he taps the screen, and the car fills with songs from well-known musicals. Now, although this isn’t exactly to everyone’s taste, no one can find a good reason to outright hate it. No one can manage to find a good reason not to put up with it, and so by the time Music of the Night has melted into Seasons of Love, everyone has settled down and accepted that things aren’t actually all that bad.
“Impressive,” You mutter, basking in the semi-content vibe. Everyone is still a little on edge, but it feels less intense now.
Sardis smirks. “Six siblings,” he says to you with a small nudge.
“What happened to the others?” Anathema asks, tuning in to the conversation.
“Well,” Sardis sighs, “Of the seven of us - myself, Smyrna, Pergamum, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Thyatira, and Laodicea - Smyrna and Philly were the only ones who didn’t get hate mail. Smyrna was always super into the doctrine. She drank the kool-aid, as the humans here would say, and felt it her calling to ‘return home,’ as she put it. Bullshit, honestly. We weren’t born angels, we were made alongside the churches of Christ. ‘S one of the reasons why they don’t actually give a shit about us.”
“And why you worried that your miracles might get taken away,” You add, putting some of the pieces together. Sardis nods. “Wait, a minute,” You say, “You were made??”
Sardis laughs. “Alright Little Moth, you need to pick a lane here. Do you want to hear about my siblings or how I was born human?”
“You were BORN HUMAN?!” You are practically bouncing right now. What...how… “But you said that you can’t change your species!”
“I said your Miracle Enabler can’t change your species,” He replies with a twinkle in his eyes, “Not that it can’t be done. The seven of us were all born human. We made the first seven churches, so we were made guardians, lower angels. Like...lower than whatever the lowest type of angel you know of is. But we weren’t created as angels like your friends in the front seat.” Movement catches your peripheral vision, and you notice Crowley shifting a little in his seat. No doubt that’s a touchy subject that only Aziraphale is allowed to go anywhere near, but he says nothing. “So they all pretend we don’t exist, and look down on us whenever they need to deal with us. Sort of like we’re --”
“Oh, don’t worry,” You interject, “I read enough fantasy to understand the way magical societies view human-born magic users.” You can imagine that being An Angel of God would probably get old real fast if everyone who was supposed to welcome you actually hated you and made sure you knew it. Goodness knows it got to Aziraphale eventually, makes sense that a human-born angel (a huboan? You’ll work on it) would get sick of it a lot sooner.
“And that’s why I like you Little Moth,” Sardis says with a chuckle and a wink. “Anyway, so I know Smyrna went to Heaven. Philly stayed here. The two of us have always been really close, she stuck with me and we messaged and called and visited all the time until recently. I got some messages from her when the world went nuts during the first apocalypse, but I haven’t heard from her since. She stopped replying to my messages.”
Now it’s your turn to shift uncomfortably in your seat. Your eyes drop to your feet and start to fill with tears, so you change your view to the one outside your window.
“I can relate,” You say after a moment, holding back a sniffle and a sob. Deep breath. “Well, I’m glad you’re sticking with us.” You plaster a smile on your face and turn back to him. “Maybe we can find her.”
He smiles. “That’s what I’m hoping.” For a while, everyone is silent. After a few minutes, Anathema offers to put together a playlist with everyone’s favourite songs. The mood shifts considerably as the five of you spend the next few hours excitedly making musical suggestions.
It’s the best collection of music you’ve ever heard.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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melissa-titanium · 2 days
something is Wrong with mel since he's born. and it becomes unavoidably apparent by the time he's old enough to properly use soul magic... because he can't. all he can do is breathe fire, and his ability is so heightened because of a physical oddity among the titanium lineage that he manages to inherit, not because his magic is powerful. he's the only member of the titanium family to lack soul magic in the entirety of its recorded history.
his mother's reputation is blemished, with him being the stain, and she assures he acknowledges his fault. she still coddles him in moments of sobriety that catch mel offguard, and he never trusts anyone to be kind to him again after those moments. his father doesn't bother looking at him when he's seperated from mel's mother to rule the underground colonies. his older sister tries to help, but mel is too embittered by the fact that she has everything he doesn't to accept it. he chases away any dragons who wish to be his friends with his aggressive behaviorisms, believing he's proving to himself and the world that he was right all along because no one sticks with him in the end, believing that it was meant to be regardless of how good or bad he chose to behave.
he lives his entire childhood in a shroud of emotional solitude, channeling his accumulated rage into something he believes is worth trying to work at. if he can't do the things others around him can, then he'll be so good at the things he can do that it blows everyone else out of the water. he's doing this for attention, and he knows it, but he chooses instead to believe he's doing it for the sake of revealing the truth about the world to everyone around him. his mom won't look him in the eye, and he's fine with that -- it's always been the case anyways.
he's desensitized to death already, being raised in dragon society that still performs brutal executions on the regular does that. training comes easy to him, being gifted with incredible physical prowess and the determination to further those abilities bumped him up to the top of his class, as well as inflating his ego a great deal. he can do something, he can finally do something that others can't and he's overjoyed to let the world know.
so he does. he kills his classmate in cold blood, using techniques he had made himself to beat the dragon in aerial combat and leave their corpse mangled among the pointed stones below his resting-tower. he's not discreet, they find it, but he's such a good liar that everyone believes it was in self defense. they see, even after such a supposedly traumatic experience, he's raring to go.
he gets his wish -- his mother notices. he is allowed to participate in the awakening trials. he swallows his bitterness over the fact he's not even allowed to prove himself because they skip all of the soul-magic trials in favor of booting him to the last round, and for that he's grateful.
he completes his trial, a fight to the death against a crystal copy of himself. he is abhorblooded. no one knows what that means, not even mel. but he's finally got something of his own, something he alone can cherish. he's clawed his way to the top and can see the tips of the mountains grazing the clouds from above.
the ensuing eruption of chaos from the koboreals sends his mother into a frenzy, and he's forced into lockdown. a too-young koboreal with too-hot fire and too-bloodied claws for someone his age has gotten a power that no one in the kingdom has ever seen before, no one in recorded history has ever seen before. they fear him, his mother fears him, and even deep down some part of mel fears himself. the outrage is too great for him and he decides upon taking time to himself, away from the dragons who know too much.
he does unspeakable things, now free from the restraints of the dragons who feared him. smoke fills his head, whispering to him things that he swears are words, but he doesn't think too much about it, even when it clouds his vision too, turning it red with blood.
okay. i Dont know how to Finish thi.s im just having Mel Thoughts.
basically i think the reason seaskimrs in trout's era have weak magic is because of how magic has been dwindling. because the awakening trials are what channels the power of one's soul into their abilities, mel HAD no well to drink from... so he had to make a well of his own, which is where his vampirism comes from. he forces draco to get it too by manipulating her into performing the awakening trial, and by extension oryx. and over the course of this time, all of them have taken so much magic from so many souls that what TROUT does is LITERALLY SUCK MAGIC FROM PEOPLES SOULS UNINTENTIONALLY... but she already has so fucking much stored in her soul. and the gimmick with trout's era is that . BECAUSE their magic is so weak...they channel all of their soul power into a physical entity, usually a weapon, and bond themselves to that item.
and because trout's soul is so fucking full to the brim with magic, her weapon is near world-ending levels of destructive. instead of trout herself being able to shapeshift (also an abhorblooded gift,) her weapon is... and BECAUSE ITS APART OF HER SOUL... oryx can speak to her through it.
speaking of oryx, i think oryx being a doctor is funny because he's. got no magical abilities. so he does everything the old fashioned way (or rather new fashioned way because they always used healing magic until oryx came along) and has written dozens upon dozens of books that have helped countless of seaskimrs during trout's era.
ok. im done
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atrium-hq · 2 years
dakota cole birthday episode approaching rapidly i fear….
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theoakleafpancake · 4 months
Crowley Meratyn was the first person Halt traveled with since his departure from Dun Kilty. And sure, while the Ranger was a welcome relief and perhaps annoyingly cheerful distraction from the memories, it took him a while to feel at peace.
The first night, Crowley had suggested they sleep in shifts. And of course the Ranger had taken the first shift. Halt, of course, had demurred, not wanting to cause unrest, and he had indeed turned his back to his new companion, but he didn’t sleep.
He didn’t trust this Crowley, plain and simple. There was almost a glimmer of Ferris from their younger years. Back when the responsibilities of the throne had been a fleeting whisper, back when their parents had left them to the care of their nurses and tutors. Back when he could laugh and smile and not worry about the future. Ferris had been happy, then. And so had Halt.
And then over time, things had changed. His brother had kept the front everywhere else, but when they were alone, he was distant and cold. Halt knew himself to be a fool for not seeing it sooner, or perhaps he had simply been willing to turn a blind eye. After all, Ferris was his brother. His friend, his confidant. He would never betray his kingdom, let alone his own blood.
Halt had learned that lesson the hard way. And he was determined to catch Crowley’s facade the moment he saw one slip up. He would not be taken in this time.
He would not be betrayed a second time.
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snekdood · 6 months
if ppl telling you "jewish ppl in israel were already kicked out of other countries and have no where else to go" makes you feel compelled to call whoever said that a "zionist", I really just dont think you give af about jewish ppl's lives quite frankly.
if your "free palestine" means "getting rid" of all jewish civilians in israel I think you're probably just a heartless asshole.
#two state solution ftw#or at least something along those lines#yelling at average jewish ppl who ARENT in israel is antisemitic#anti semitism- no matter how 'big of a deal' you think it is naturally makes jewish ppl feel unsafe by default#where do they go when theres nowhere else thats safe? you guessed it- probably to israel.#which is WHAT netanyahu wants. he wants scared controllable civilians to think hes the only one who can protect them#so you being anti semitic and not checking yourself on it or being 'whatever its nbd' about it is making everything so much worse#STOP BEING SO FUCKING APATHETIC FUCK ILL BEAT YOU UP TO MAKE YOU FEEL SOMETHING IF I HAVE TO#i dont feel like i can in good conscious reblog your 'free palestine' posts bc idk wtf the op thinks about jewish ppl being in#israel. and at this point i dont have faith in leftists to not notice the antisemitism in some of these ppl and call it out#its not something we can 'push aside and deal with and apologize for later' its ACTIVELY MAKING THE SITUATION WORSE AND NEEDS#TO BE ADDRESSED RIGHT THE FUCK NOW#maybe jewish ppl wouldnt be calling it 'self defense' if yall didnt keep being antisemitic and making them feel like they have to cling#to israel to stay tf alive. fuck.#OBVIOUSLY the response to what hamas did is disproportionate and affecting more people than israel says it intends to target#but thats the govt. and actual regular people are worried about their families. its disproportionate and probably being used as an excuse#to genocide palestinians but this wouldnt be happening if hamas didnt basically GIVE the israeli govt the excuse to do it.#free palestine. from hamas and from the israeli govt. and dont have genocidal intent toward jewish ppl.#thats all i want.#hamas' escalation did nothing but hurt everyone and make things worse especially for palestinians.
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altruistic-meme · 1 month
dear Abram,
i hope there have been Gentle Moments between the Horrors. dont forget to take it easy, but Take It.
how has the Horrors been going, by the way? last posting i recall you were halfway to acquiring a Vehicle? how goes The Hunt?
with much love,
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thank you milo ;;;
there have been some gentle moments!! despite everything, there have been a few good moments this month :) including cat cuddles. i have gotten so much cat cuddles and boy did i need it.
the Horrors. man. i have now MOSTLY acquired my car! unfortunately there was a mix-up while at the bank which means i have to go back again tomorrow, and to the dealer as well, BUT the dealer was very VERY nice and he let me ""borrow"" the car i'm buying since he knew i was actively without a car right now. so the car is parked outside!! i get to drive it!! i have it now!! i just have to finish up with all the financing stuff :') and also with dealing with my sad little VW rip
the rest of the Horrors........ well. i've mostly only talked about my car here bc it's the only one that i can have any like actual control over and it's the only one where it's like "ok this is an issue and this is how it gets solved and all of these things are achievable" so i've been making myself put most of my focus on it since it IS the only issue this month that i CAN solve. the rest is stuff that. sigh. 2 of my family members died this month, one of which was my last living grandparent. and it sucks!! and my mom is currently halfway across the country having to deal with all of the paperwork and logistics of that more-or-less alone.
i know my job has bereavement leave, and i have been deeply considering figuring out how to use it so that i can go see my mom and give her some support. but i can't afford time without pay so i need to figure out if it's paid or not. OUGH.
but SOME good! like my new car being so fucking funny to me. it has push to start. it has android auto. it is so fancy. also it has roll-up windows. and little knobs for the side mirrors. i die. the contrast. her name is also Tails in honor of my favorite Sonic character. and she will be getting flower magnets.
and TSC coming out!! and rewatching Bungo Stray Dogs!!
and Blue! Blue is good too :)
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I'm also so pissed because Phu came back, accepted the job with Nan's company that Nan literally fought to help him avoid, then up and abandoned him AND his fucking job. Like Phu fucks with Nan's personal life so much that now he needs to let that bleed into Nan's professional life? Nan was doing fine. He was literally letting go and moving on with his life when Phu returned and fucked everything up again. Phu has no sense of responsibility. Not even for his own damn coffee shop. I can forgive a lot, but I cannot forgive people fucking with jobs/careers. Nan deserves to feel secure in at least one aspect of his life damn it.
#the promise#the promise the series#the promise bl#if someone came into my personal life and fucked it up i won't be happy but i'll deal#but if someone came along and fucked with my job and my career?#heads would roll#phu doesn't care abut anyone outside of himself#he hasn't thought of anyone else once during this entire show#and the only time he kind of did is when party told phu everything nan had done for him#and it would be a good idea not to be a shitty friend in return and maybe do one nice thing so nan can fucking keep his job#fuck phu and i mean this sincerely#i hope he gets a paper cut between his fingers and his fingernails#all of them#and also that everything he ever eats ever again is just ever so slightly too spicy for him#including the water he drinks#i hope he always has one mosquito bite in a random yet inconvenient place at all times#i hope phu has to watch as nan learns to live his life without him and falls in love with another man#i hope phu sees nan love a man and never forgives himself for thinking that nan would do anything but be supportive of him#for thinking nan could be the kind of person he envisioned as disgusted and homophobic#nan literally initiated a kiss that turned into them making out before phu disappeared#yeah they were drunk#but to think that nan would be disgusted after that? does phu even know the man he claims to love? to think nan could be so awful?#they made out and then phu ran away for ten years#kjsdhgkjsdhgkh i'll stop ranting now but just know i'm still mad and thinking angry thoughts about it
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yeonban · 6 months
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"do forgive my reluctance to engage in, ah ... 'pda'. what a burden my ability is." lie; it doesn't work on those with gifts, but fyodor feels it simply will not do to have anyone know that. in truth, he is not against touch for the purpose of warming his ever-cold hands. still, he hands the paper over, having treated it with all due diligence.
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Are you Nikolai's type?
❛ E~~eeh, are you saying you'd kill me if I touched you in public, Dostoy?! How scary! How ruthless! ...What about in private? ❜ Swaying akin to a leaf in the wind, the jester puts such a ridiculous amount of space between the two of them that any passerby may have wondered what scandalous secret he's been sworn off from ever talking about (if their road to work had included a trip through two terrorists' headquarters, that is) yet with the ease of a born actor, he switches to the role of the wind at the speed of teenagers lining up to a new gamestop opening its doors; and brings himself back to close quarters with his dear, beloved friend.
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Nikolai encroaches dangerously close to Fyodor's skin as he does so, obnoxiously deep into his personal space as though stupid enough to test the other's insinuated claim by initiating skin contact right then and there. Why, their hands and faces are so close that a single wrong move could have them touching each other! Not that the clown seems to mind it one. bit. ❛ Three bingos without using the free space, five with it... a new record in our long-lasting relationship! Truly a moment worth celebrating!! Say, say, Dostoy, what do you think is the best way to commemorate our newfound drove of similarities? Hm... how about watching a play? Oh, oh! or how about going on an overnight trip together?! or ma~aybe a teensy tinge of bonding murder...? Ack!! Help me a bit out here, won't you!! ❜
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roseverdict · 9 months
in case anybody's wondering how the conservatives are doing, my dad abruptly cut off a couple of pleasant conversations going on during the commercials of the packer game by huffing, leaping to his feet, and stomping off to his room before slamming the door.
obviously, everyone remaining stopped to grimace at each other, and by that point the mood had been completely killed, so all conversation ground to a halt.
he just came back out, got his phone, and snipped, "dead silent in here now," at myself and the brother I had been talking to before going to smoke a cigar in the garage.
remember, kids, when the grumpy old 50-somethings throw a hissy fit over 20-somethings and younger being "oversensitive snowflakes" who "need to grow a thicker skin" and how the 50-somethings "can't POSSIBLY imagine waking up in the morning just waiting to be offended" they are projecting harder than the guy from batim with a film projector for a head
i mean, i know that knowledge doesn't really help the situation if you're stuck and unable to leave whenever the capital-B Boomers™ in your life start acting like spoiled kids, but at least i can tell you for certain that you are not insane for being weirded out and alleviate that worry before you get used to it like me
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willowingends · 2 years
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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Been a while since I’ve done watercolor… so here’s some Val doodles! Plus a Volo cus I think big tall man would give good hugs HH
IDs under cut!
The first shows Valerio, who has brown skin; wavy black hair, pulled back to show a widow’s peak; a triangular-shaped, pointed face; a thin, hooked nose; and large, dark eyes. He has two facial scars, one across his right eyebrow, and one along his left jawline, as well as patchy stubble around his lower face. He’s thin framed and wearing the indigo festival kimono from PL:A, adorned with random white insignia, mirroring the symbol of the Survey Corps. Valerio is looking off angrily at someone/thing, his anger contrasted by the tears running down his face. There’s no text added to the piece, so it’s unknown what he’s saying. The background is a deep red, reminiscent of the red sky during the climax of PL:A.
The first shows Valerio, who has brown skin; wavy black hair, pulled back to show a widow’s peak; a triangular-shaped, pointed face; a thin, hooked nose; and large, dark eyes. He has two facial scars, one across his right eyebrow, and one along his left jawline, as well as patchy stubble around his lower face. He’s thin framed and wearing the indigo festival kimono from PL:A, adorned with random white insignia, mirroring the symbol of the Survey Corps. Valerio is looking off angrily at someone/thing, his anger contrasted by the tears running down his face. There’s no text added to the piece, so it’s unknown what he’s saying. The background is a deep red, reminiscent of the red sky during the climax of PL:A.
The second image is done only in various shades of the same blue watercolor. It contains Valerio and Volo. Volo is a broad, tall man, with dark skin; long, dark hair, tied back in a bun, that lightens at the ends; a square-shaped face; a wide nose; and thick lips. He’s wearing the Ginkgo Guild uniform, mostly obscured by Valerio, but the puffs around the neckline and end of the sleeves are noticeable. Volo is holding Valerio in an embrace, as Valerio wraps an arm around him, his other hand holding one of Volo’s. Valerio is blushing, almost buried by Volo’s much larger proportions. The artist really enjoys drawing little guys with big guys. END ID.]
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schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
ashlyn has a head bobbing stim because i said so
also tyler/logan me loves
"Because I said so" is the most valid reason to apply anything to any character you love (and also. Agreed. People see her earplugs and assume she's just really vibing to the music, but no, she's just stimming)
And hell yeah Tyler/Logan fans 😌
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inquisitorismone · 7 months
can't stop thinking about how anders can never catch a fucking break
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syb-rooks · 4 months
The bad kids are an incredibly healthy and supportive friend group BUT OH MY GOD THEY SUCK AT COMMUNICATING!
Half of their problems would be solved if they talked to each other.
Fabian would GLADLY pay for Adaine's components and for Riz's tuition if they asked. He would even get his papa to change his trust fund conditions to include them. Or he would declare Riz and Adaine his nemesis.
They would figure out the reason for Fig's misfortune in a week max. They would march into hell, probably accompanied by both Gorthalax and Sandra Lynn, and demand to break whatever deal she made with whichever demon involved.
If Fabian even suggested he was lonely, the bad kids would organise sleepovers every night. He would circle between the Thistlesprings, the Gukgaks and the Mordred Manor. Lydia would pack him his own lunch.
Fig would immediately start promoting Cassandra's religion on all social media, and get her to thousand followers in a week. The rest of the bad kids would join without hesitation.
If Riz would finally admit the HUGE stress he is under, everyone, even Fig, would stop piling all the work on him and happily write their 10 page essays. They would convince him to see Jawbone, and enjoy his last years in high school. They would band together to find the rogue teacher within a day. They would make sure that Riz's resume is the most impressive CV that the universities have ever received.
They would all gather together to come up with music for Fig and Gorgug's new album. Fabian would choreograph their music videos, Adaine would come up with rhymes, Riz would bring a list of all their adventures, including motifs and connections made, to give her inspiration, Kristen would suggest to make parodies of classic camp songs from her old church.
Adaine would contact Aelwyn immediately to get dirt on Porter, to blackmail him. Gorgug would get permission for his MCAT exams by the end of the week.
And if she would stay on the phone a little longer and admitted how much she is struggling, Aelwyn would immediately return home along with her cats. Then she would drag her sister to Jawbone's door, and force her to give him the components list.
The problem is that even after all those years, after all those adventures, even after the forest of the nightmare king, they still each think of themselves as the weak link. As the person in the group that isn't allowed, doesnt deserve to take space, ask for help. Because they should be able to handle it on their own. Isn't that what adulthood is like?
They would abandon anything and everything to help someone else, as long as that person isn't themselves. As long as they dont have to show their amazing, incredible, powerful, and oh so compassionate friends how weak and imperfect they are in comparison.
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