#also anyone who doesn't want me any more in their lives
dangermousie · 3 days
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Because I am a glutton for punishment, I skipped from ep 4 all the way to ep 36 and the break up.
I really really REALLY love that scene so much because it is so in character and shows how much work Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing both have to do to get to lasting happiness.
I remember at the time it aired, I saw people understandably lose their marbles going "did she just dump her boyfriend for being sexually assaulted?!" and I get where they were coming from, but this isn't really how it read to me. The situation is designed to hit at her issues.
The novel makes it clearer than the drama does than the aphrodisiac is something one can fight through the effects of with strong enough determination but it's not really that. After all, whether it was unfightable or barely fightable, even by the story as presented by creepy fam, man got sexually assaulted with the assistance of his family (literally, granny, fiancee, and brother all teamed up - that was about the only bodily autonomy that hasn't been taken from him at that point!) by any definition and there is no blame to be placed on him. Of course it wasn't right to dump him for what happened to him but also of course it makes sense with all her issues.
The thing is, Xiao Yao means it when she says she doesn't hate him. It's not that she wrongly views sexual assault as cheating (well, sort of, but it ties to her other issues about which more below.) It's that her standards are so impossible (about which more later) and her desire to fight for him is nonexistent - oh she will fight in terms of healing him or protecting him or w/e, but she will not wade into emotional messes. Ultimately, regardless of how it came to be, he now has a woman pregnant with his child (it looks like) that he can't put aside and a family that is dead set against XY. That is vvvvv messy. And he can't fight against all of that by himself but she won't wade into the muck. It was huge enough she was willing to wait for him to disentangle his family mess but that was passive waiting doing nothing. Actively getting into a Jerry Springer situation? No way.
And that is where her standards come in. She wants someone impossibly perfect. I don't mean in body - Jing is cut up and sewn up more than a sample dress pattern and she finds him physically desirable as hell. She wants someone impossibly perfect in fitting to her needs and standards and tests. If you think, the bulk of their relationship in s1 is her setting a series of tests (some consciously and some not) and he has to keep passing one after the other for the relationship to continue. And this is a test he fails for her - yes it may be expecting an insanely high standard to have him overcome the powerful aphrodisiac given him by a trusted family member to boot so he didn't expect it but she wants perfect, however impossible, or nothing. If the score is not 100, she's gonna return it back to the store.
And that's the thing - Tushan Jing rebuilt himself around her - he tailored himself to her to a crazy degree. But yet it's still not enough ultimately because no actual human being can live up to her standard; sooner or later something was going to break. Nobody can be perfect all the time in everything. Everyone who wants to be in some form of relationship needs to figure out what they will tolerate and what they won't. XY is within her rights to decide she won't tolerate giving her heart to someone who is not 100% perfect to whatever she wants BUT the outcome becomes that then she cannot have a loving romantic relationship with anyone, since people are not robots.
The interesting thing is her standards for him are the highest out of anyone in her circle - Cang Xuan fed her hands to worms and Xiang Liu is a gorgeous disaster. And it's fine for her. I think because CX she slotted as family so the issue isn't what he does but what he is (brother) and with XL they aren't in any relationship where there are any expectations.
But with Jing, she admitted to herself she loves him and there is no backstop of him being blood - so she is terrified, and the more she loves him and the more she trusts him, the more terrified she is about being hurt and so the more she loves him, the higher her standards become and the more skittish she becomes.
It's a mess. It is, as I said, not sustainable in long term - we see he spends so much of the season terrified she'll ditch and she spends so much of it skittish. A relationship with such an emotional power imbalance is doomed.
The thing that I love about post breakup is that she gets a salutary shock. She clearly thought she could cut and run - she could break up with him and move on cleanly. And then she finds out she can't. She still loves him, she still misses him, she still grieves him.
And that is so necessary - her reaction to any kind of trouble is to cut and run and it's so ingrained and so a self-protective instinct that she NEEDS to have the running not work, not protect her, so as to realize not just how important Jing is to her, but that it's worth to forgive humanity, to fight for him in messy situations, to deal with complications - because that is the only way she can be happy, that escape doesn't solve things. She needs to realize that abandoning doesn't work, that he's important enough to her life to stick around and fight for him.
And of course Jing needs to realize that kindness is great and retiring is great and all that but bad people will NOT leave you alone, will not leave those you love alone, so you need to fight.
It's an interesting and telling gender reversal.
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ikamigami · 17 hours
This is one long post about latest sams, laes and mgafs episodes full of theories and analysises.
So, first things first, Moon.
I'm leaning more towards that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. And I think that he injected it into himself after he told Sun he'd do that. And I think that Ruin's virus works similarly to kill code. And previously Old Moon's kill code was activating slowly before it fully activated. Now the virus was also activating slowly. We could see that Moon was more aggressive but in a way that he immediately wanted to kill someone. He wasn't just simply more snapish or anything he just immediately wanted to kill. We could see that with Molten Freddy.
I think that the stress from grief and constant work to find a way to bring Solar back and lack of sleep helped with accelaration of the process of activation of virus. I know that when kill code was activating it caused Old Moon burning pain but I wouldn't be surprised if Moon didn't notice that because he was tired and depressed. He could possibly think that his head hurts because of these things. And tbh if I remember correctly Moon said something about his head hurting before he went insane (correct me if I'm wrong though).
Ruin's virus makes someone more violent and murderous. And it definitely makes someone less sympathetic from what we've seen. Which definitely wouldn't mix well with Moon's personality because he's pretty self-centered. And the way Moon acts as of recent it's more than likely that he's infected with Ruin's virus. He doesn't have any empathy, sympathy and remorse. He's more violent and murderous. He's impulsive which is also caused by a virus because it makes someone act on impulses from what we've seen.
I just strongly doubt that Moon would completely stopped caring if even in the worst Old Moon still cared about Sun. Hence why I think that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. The only other option is that creator did what he said he'll do. He said that he'll come at some point to "fix" kill code's issue which probably means that he'd give it to Moon once again. Also I don't think that Dark Sun did anything to Moon because we saw that even if he hates Moons he still helped our Moon probably for Sun's sake. Because to me it seems that Dark Sun cares about Sun in his own way. Hence why I doubt that he'd cause Moon to become "insane".
Second thing, Ruin.
Ruin seems to want to help. Though I'm still not sure if he's doing it to atone or he's just simply scared of Dark Sun and needs alliance in order to be protected and potentially team up with others to defeat Dark Sun. After all, it's hard to believe a liar especially as good as Ruin. If Ruin didn't have a minor slip ups I think that no one would be able to say that he was lying. His lies were very believable. He truly is an actor. Though if Ruin will continue being trustworthy and keep helping, I think that I may give him a chance. But I still think that he should be punished for the atrocious crime he did cause after all, he killed trillions of innocent lives. At least now Ruin is on our side and he'll try to help stopping Dark Sun.
Third thing, Dark Sun.
Even if I said that Dark Sun cares about our Sun, I doubt that he's a good guy unless he's actually trying to stop someone else who may turn out to be a so called bad guy. But about that later. So Dark Sun is a genius. He definitely is pulling the strings behind the scenes. But for now we don't know why he's doing this. For now we can only say that Dark Sun isn't wrong for trying to stop Moon from sacrificing someone to bring Solar back. After all, we know that it'd be a bad thing for whole universe. I think that Dark Sun will visit Moon and he'll probably laugh at him and tell him that he should've take his advice on how to get rid of his enemies. After all, he offered Moon these informations but Moon being Moon just couldn't accept anyone's help. I have a feeling that Dark Sun won't be happy with Moon. I was thinking about it a lot and I came to conclusion that even if normally he'd enjoy seeing Moon losing his mind, I think that he won't this time because he seems to care about our Sun.
Fourth thing, Earth.
Earth definitely won't be okay after this. She not only tried to kill Bloodmoon to defend herself and Monty but she almost died killed by Moon, her own brother. It's a lot to process. Earth will definitely need a break and time for herself. Maybe she'll move in with Monty to their new house. Anyway, who knows what with Eclipse and if Eclipse will disappear Earth will be in even worse state. And what about Ruin? What if he'll continue helping them? Earth will have to deal with it despite still missing Solar who died because of Ruin's actions. Things don't look good for Earth.
Fifth thing, Eclipse.
Eclipse is dying. I don't want him to sacrifice himself for Solar but it seems highly likely to happen. But first he needs to figure out and rather quickly how to get rid of that thing Dark Sun put in him. He'll definitely be pissed at Moon for what he did to Earth and for almost killing her. I'm glad to see Eclipse trying to help as much as he can with this situation.
Sixth thing, Bloodmoon.
Even if Bloodmoon's death isn't surprising at all and his redemption was highly unlikely to happen the way he was handled was very harsh cold and cruel. Because Bloodmoon still seemed very affected by death of his twin. The way he was talking about his killings sounded like he was coping after death of his twin. After all, what Bloodmoon described with how he kills these families sounded exactly like what happened to him and his twin. He also sounded empty. He didn't seem to enjoy these killings. For me it seemed as if he was doing this because this is what he was always doing together with his twin. Also what's more devastating is the fact that Bloodmoon basically begged to be killed. Probably because the only person who cared about him is dead. No one gave two shits about Bloodmoon - beside Sun but it's not surprising that Bloodmoon didn't take Sun's offer of help. And also maybe Jack cause they seemed to have a good time together. They could've been friends. I can't count Foxy because for me his decision to not wanting to kill Bloodmoon seemed like a choice made on the whim.
Seventh thing, Foxy.
Foxy frustrates me a bit. He doesn't seem to care about the outcome of his decisions. Doesn't matter good or bad, he seems to not give a damn about it. I'm starting to think that Foxy is doing things to please Puppet because he seems to like her more than a friend. Hope that karma will get to him.
Eighth thing, Monty.
Even if Monty got what they deserved I still feel a bit bad for them. I just really have a like/hate relationship with them. Monty needs to rest and process a lot of things. Especially with what Moon did. It'd be better if Monty will take care of Earth and themselves. They need a good break.
Ninth thing, Lunar.
Poor Lunar. He not only has to deal with Astral Bodies and Taurus who wants them dead will be on Earth really soon but he'll also be devastated upon hearing what Moon did to Earth. He wanted to talk to Moon to understand him but now he'll be pissed, really pissed. I have a feeling that Taurus may order Lunar to kill Moon but I think that Moon may kidnap them and trade them to creator for Solar. This seems like a possible scenario. Though it'll depend on what Dark Sun will do with Moon and what Taurus has in store for Lunar. If things will go downhill I hope that Gemini will protect Lunar.
Tenth thing, Puppet.
I don't trust Puppet. Even more than Ruin. Why, you may ask. That's because Puppet seems to know more than others because she sees everything and she seems pretty powerful. And yet she didn't see that if she'll push Moon to bring Solar back it won't end up well. Unless she knew. And also why she waited so long to stop Moon? To make sure he hurt Earth in order to makes Sun's decision to kill Moon a lot easier? Cause to me it seems like that. Especially considering how much Puppet wants to kill Moon. I just find it suspicious. And I was wondering, what if Dark Sun tries to stop Puppet's plans? What if Puppet is actually a bad "guy" in all of this? I know that we can't trust Dark Sun's words fully but what he said about Puppet being a Joker of this universe doesn't sound good at all. And I can't help it but to notice the Puppet's resamblance to Stitchwraith.
Eleventh thing, Sun.
Sun will be devastated by the news that Moon not only used star's power to kill Bloodmoon but he also didn't care that it'd kill Earth and even if Puppet stopped Moon Earth was still harmed by the blast. Sun will definitely be angry but I still doubt that he'll let others kill Moon. I think that Sun may try to talk to Moon once again. I mean I think that they'll meet again sooner or later. I'm pretty sure that Sun will be in even worse mental state. Considering the things that are about to happen with Lunar and Dazzle. I think that Sun will die. Though I'm not exactly sure what will happen but I think that Dark Sun was telling the truth when he told Moon that Sun won't survive the aftermath of events. After all, we're still in aftermath of Solar's death. And I think that Sun's death will be a result of Moon's actions. But I think that Moon still cares about Sun. Same for Sun. He still cares about Moon. I just honestly don't think and can't even imagine that our Sun and Moon would stop caring and loving each other. Anyway, Sun will have a mental breakdown or another psychotic episode or both sooner or later. It's inevitable at this point.
And at last. Solar.
I think that Solar will come back. And I think that he'll be back as himself. But I think that he'll be retraumatised because of the circumstances sorrounding his return. I don't know when he'll be back though. But everything will be a mess, that's for sure.
I think that's all I wanted to say about the recent lore. You can add things that you think I forgot about or if you want to point out some errors in my theories and such.
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esamastation · 2 days
hi!!! i just wanted to pop in after reading some of your AC fics (ones where desmond, ezio, and/or altaïr are at the forefront so in this case: i was born for this, terrible two, stone angel, gift of living well, impermanence, three fold, & earthly scene) and say that you're a brilliant writer. as someone who's trying to write longer, more impactful stories, it's admirable how you prioritize the plot and how romance is a sweet part of it. (this is part 1 of this message bc of the word count!)
you construct romance in an original, cathartic way that feels effortless. i just finished 'i was born with this' and the romance that forms between the characters feels so natural and unforced. another thing i love in your fics is that when desmond goes back in time, he always (unintentionally at first) makes an impact in furthering knowledge, inventions, etc centuries ahead of when they were supposed to happen. more importantly, desmond finds his well-deserved happy ending.
your fic ideas are also so creative and out of the box. i'm currently going through the games right now and desmond has been so so much shit (unwillingly) and he deserves some rest and happiness :,) another thing i love is how you always leave a hopeful ending that makes me ache to know what happens after!! you flesh out the characters so much over the span of + 100,000k words, tie things wonderfully at the end, and make me feel out breath (in a good way)
yeah, to sum that up, you're an amazing writer!! i also wanted to ask you some questions about writing. i aspire to write long fics, but i struggle with plotting out events =( i feel like i rush the events in how i want to get to the end where the characters are happy! do you have a writing process? do you plot out your stories or kind of go with the flow? do you have any tips on improving your writing? i totally get if you don't have any advice! have a great day!
Thank you for your nice comments, sorry it took so long to reply, I was feeling very antisocial. Anyway.
I do not have a writing process - I'm what they call a gardner writer, I take characters and I put them into situations and see how things develop and plot either happens or it doesn't. Maybe I have vague plans like "here's a scene I want to see in future" and "this is a result I want them to come to" and then try to write towards those goals, but they don't always pan out. It's all very chaotic and leads to lot of dropped fics, but it's how I enjoy writing. (It really helps having someone reading your stuff and poking at the plot holes though, I got a lot of fics that only got as far as they did because nimadge or someone else was there along for the ride.)
I dunno if there's anything other that just practice that can improve a person's writing. Some people recommend writing short stories and flash fiction, some people say your should write X amount of words every day. If all else fails there's thousands YouTube videos on subject.
Personally I'm a huge advocate of taking ideas from other people and putting your own spin into them. Derivate, rehash, put them in a blender, see what comes out. Like, don't copy Lord of the Rings word for word and publish it as your own work, that's bad - but maybe dwarf and elf going on adventures together is a idea that could go places. Fanfiction is all derivation upon pre-existing ideas.
Related, I whole heartedly endorse anyone who wants to take plots and ideas I've written and taking a crack at them with their own style. It's pretty much how I learned to write as wee bab on a typewriter, stealing from the books I enjoyed. And hell, if you don't have a style, try someone else's. One is my most popular fics started with me trying to emulate the style and cadence of narration of a completely unrelated TV series I was watching at the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.
Once you have enough practice under your belt, your style will develop on its own.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 days
Was Jon/Ygritte nonconsensual?
idk if you’re the right blog to ask but, I see a lot of people hate Jon/Ygritte and specifically Ygritte for “raping” Jon and these ideas are in most circles that involve another ship (Jon/Sana (tho not that I’ve seen you say it, I don’t think) and Jon/Dany mostly) but I don’t get why it’s popular opinion at all?
if there was any lack of consent on anyone’s part it was Ygritte bc Jon lied and slept with her to keep up appearances of being fully with the Free Folk. But a lot of these Ygritte haters claim that bc she’s older and tells everyone they’re fuckin before if actually happens that that’s not consensual. 
like I said idk if you’re the right person to ask maybe if you’ve come across it before you can lead me in the right direction unfortunately people only seem to talk about it negatively to prop their own Jon ship which is not a legit answer imo, comparing ships instead of clarifying the situation
i would say i'm the right person to ask in that i have complex feeling towards this ship & ygritte as a character. but if what you're looking for is a clear "yeah she's a nasty rapist and i spit on her whole character" (which is reductive & hypocritcal of anyone to say especially with main characters like tyrion, victarian, and theon) or "no she's a perfect uwu baby and jon snow is completely at fault for leading her on" (also incredibly reductive and completely ignores the context in which he's making these decisions) than no, i'm not what you're looking for. i do think she takes advantage of jon’s feelings to a degree i feel is sexually exploitative yes, but i would frame her more as like, the dark gray version of gendry (someone lowborn and baseborn, with a romantic story with someone who has immense privilege over him yet is much more naive and younger than him), on par with other characters that Are bad but also not beyond the point of redemption, like theon, dontos, sandor, than a female khal drogo. and a lot of my feelings on that stance is because like you say, you can't ignore that jon is from a people who are at war with ygritte's, that jon is part of a group that is specifically gung ho over oppressing the wildlings, and that jon specifically is engaging as essentially a deep undercover spy. that element is not present in any of the other dubcon romantic dynamics we have in this series and I think that gets glossed over a lot when discussing whether this relationship is toxic or not. like, it is toxic but it's toxic for a lot of reasons that can't be easily summed up because you can't divorce either jon or ygritte from the politics they are currently involving themselves in. you didn't just fall out of a coconut tree, etc.
when it comes to the undercover, lying, honeypotting, whatever, thing, that's where things get complicated. there's two prongs to this - what ygritte is willing to acknowledge out loud and what ygritte actually knows. it seems very clear to me that ygritte is fully aware that jon has not truly broken from the night's watch, that he isn't pulling a mance 2.0, that he's concealing things from her and the other wildlings because he is planning to betray them. she just doesn't want to believe it - she basically calls him out on this when they're flirting during the "is that a castle" scene. and of course, there is a context here that imo people overlook which is to say - jon is a member of the martial force that believes their sole purpose is to keep wildlings from crossing the wall, purely because they are an out group culturally. ygritte is a soldier in an invading army that has banded together because they think it’s invade or die. mance - and several others - are already suspicious of jon. if they didn’t fuck soon, jon was going to be killed and not by ygritte. i think similar to sandor stopping sansa from killing joffrey, ygritte feels this is a stupid thing to die over, and wants him to live to fight another day. is it her place to do this? well, she thinks it is even though jon doesn't think so, because she's vouched for him to mance and taken him on as her own "responsibility" so if he fucks something up, she has to face some level of consequence.
i think in general, ygritte is fascinated and challenged by jon snow, and genuinely falls in love with him while they're together. she's lying to herself about jon's feelings because she's hoping that if she gives him a reason enough to stay, he'll stay. i think this is really clear in the cave scene, where she asks him to stay in the cave and get lost together - she knows his loyalties are pulling him away from her, and she wants to deal with the problem by promising him a future with her, a happy future, where he doesn't have to break his vows any further because they aren't involved in the conflict anymore. so when it comes to “it’s dubcon because jon is lying” the thing is that ygritte is very aware jon is lying to her face; unlike drogo, who just does not see dany as a person with thoughts, unlike arya who is too young to realize the class differences between herself and gendry, and unlike tyrion who swallows sansa’s lies hook line and sinker because he genuinely believes she’s a sweet idiot, ygritte knows jon is playing her, she just thinks she can convince him that his life will be better, easier, more fulfilling if he leaves the night’s watch and stays with her. i guess this depends on your opinion of honey potting - if ygritte knows he’s lying, and jon knows ygritte knows he’s lying, does that make it better or worse? if ygritte knows jon empathizes with the wildlings, but also wants to go home, and jon knows if he doesn’t betray his vows well enough he’s getting shanked, and they have sex, does that make it better or worse? if ygritte knows jon is uncomfortable having sex, but knows if he doesn’t have sex mance will have him killed, knows he is interested in her sexually, knows he is lying to her, and puts him in a position that both protects him and backs him into a corner, and doesn’t understand how cornered jon really feels bc he isn’t telling her, and also she just does not have the framework to understand his hang ups and thinks his hang ups are stupid and don't matter, does that make it better or worse? i think this is really obviously meant to be incredibly dubious consensually, bordering on sex crime territory
this is a woman who has lived her entire life in that grey area - she’s got an even worse idea of what consent looks like than most characters, she has lived a life that is physically and mentally much more strenuous than nearly any other character bc of the extreme climate and lack of freedom of movement than even most smallfolk have. the rest of westeros can be truly ugly when dealing with the wildlings in the vale and wildlings in the north - they don’t have the option of being Westerosi the way everyone else born on that continent is allowed. osha doesn’t even do anything wrong but bc she exists as a wildling south of the wall her entire EXISTENCE is illegal. “but they rape and kidnap-“ yeah so do the ironborn but because they were born on the right side of the wall, they’re allowed freedom of movement. what is the difference between ygritte’s view of life and theon’s, at the end of the day?
if u want my opinion here, i think people just don’t like engaging with ygritte because of this complexity. she is right to be angry and hateful, and she’s even right in who she’s directing it at, but you can’t ignore the fact that her very one sided view of morality has her making a lot of decisions on jon’s behalf that he wouldn’t make if he had a choice. because she is just another cog in the machine, she has no way of making any sort of meaningful change; she’s just another nameless soldier that dies in battle. in a way, she’s exactly like the broken men septon maribald mentions. these broken men are not good people, but they are victims as much as they are perpetrators. and THAT, the idea that her relationship with jon can exist in this complex gray space where two gears in the wheel can meet, find commonalities, and it doesn’t matter because their lives don’t matter, they are just two people in a conflict that’s been going on for a long time, and they can’t fix it, and they can’t escape, so they hurt each other again and again until it finally kills them both - i think the senselessness of it all makes both fans and antis of her uncomfortable. she’s not easily consumable, so she has to be either the snarky fiery great love or the evil pedo rapist (once again madonna whore complex coming for us all) and i just don’t think she, the wildlings, or this entire series are meant to be engaged with on that level.
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overwhelmedbyfeels · 3 years
My views on life have changed so much over the past year. Except:
be gay, do crimes
men are trash
no shaving from the neck below
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arospec-daybook · 3 years
Okay but people really need to realize how wrong it actually is to say ‘you’ll find someone eventually’ when that person clearly said they don’t want to find anyone and that they’re already perfectly happy with their life.
If those same people told me they’re in a happy relationship and I responded to that with ‘you’ll break up eventually’ I bet they wouldn’t like that. They’d literally get so confused and be like ‘Okay sure, there is always a possibility but why bring it up so randomly when it's totally irrelevant right now.’ and that is exactly how we feel! What matters is how we feel and what we want now and not what possibly might happen in the future, especially if it’s not even likely to happen. Why is it so hard to simply accept that someone doesn’t want that change in their life and be happy for them just like they’re happy for you when you’re in a relationship?
Imagine if we told them that thinking relationships make them happy is just a phase and that they’ll realize how being single makes them a lot more fulfilled (just like how they tell us that ‘the one’ will make us change our mind). I mean, I’m sure there are people out there who do come to that realization just like there are also people who eventually realize they do want to date which is valid, of course. What is actually wrong is making unnecessary assumptions and invalidating someone’s lifestyle solely because it’s different from yours. It’s not that they are simply stating the change is possible, they actually think it will undoubtedly happen and change your life for the better because they believe their lifestyle is superior to your current one. That’s the real problem.
Instead of forcing your lifestyle on someone, you just simply need to learn that no lifestyle is superior to the other, so even if it does change it doesn’t mean their previous one was any less valid or inferior to yours. That’s literally all people need to realize in order to respect us instead of expecting the change in our lives that doesn't need to happen.
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the-scythes-pen · 2 years
Diavolo is, canonically, extremely observant. To the point of being able to see the most subtle of changes in Lucifer's expression from a video, pointing out to Barbatos that Lucifer's eyes widened by a few millimetres and thus Lucifer had been caught off guard by a prank pulled on him.
The prince is quick to notice if you behave differently infront of somebody.
He sees you with the brothers, then he sees you with him, and there's definitely a change. No matter how subtle, he can easily tell that your actions are because you're shy. Flustered. In love.
Of course, he's busy enough he may just not see you enough around your crush. So it may end up that you tell him about it.
It's over a cup of tea; Diavolo had invited you to the castle to have a friendly chat and hang out. He asks you how your classes are going, how living with the brothers is, how you're getting along with everyone...
Eventually, somehow, you and the prince fall into a somewhat juvenile type chat, discussing the attractiveness of the demons you frequently interacted with. Of course, Diavolo is overjoyed to be having such a conversation with you- he wants nothing more then to be your good friend! (It also so happens that this kind of talk was detailed in Youthful Fun 101, so he's excited he gets to experience it)
Eventually, Diavolo asks if you have a crush on any of the brothers. Of course, your reaction instantly gives you away, and the prince is quick to ask you who. He's giddy, excited, eager to hear who the object of your affections is, and he's immediately super supportive and teasing when he learns who you like.
I'm talking this big ass future-demon-king acts like a teenage girl when he learns about your crush. He easily crushes you into a hug and tries to pair you up with them as much as possible, inviting the two of you to the castle or to go out somewhere or the like.
Now, the part that gets interesting is when your crush is on him.
Of course, Diavolo will notice the subtle reactions you have to him from the moment the two of you meet. He'll notice you're more flustered or shy around him, but he'll assume it's because he's a giant demon who also happens to be royalty.
He wants you to be comfortable around him. So he invites you over every so often for some tea, and of course who are you to refuse? And yet, your reactions don't change, you're still shy and blushy and nervous around him.
When then two of you get into that "teenage girl" talk, and he asks you if you have a crush on anyone- it doesn't matter if you say no, because he'll instantly see through your lie anyway and excitedly ask you who. Of course he notices the way your cheeks flush, and you avert your eyes. Of course he notices the way you shift slightly, the way you hesitate for a split second before telling him you're not saying who.
And he pieces it together.
Of course, he'll play like he's completely oblivious- like he doesn't know how bad you've fallen for him. He'll ask you what your crush is like, how they act around you and what you like about them....
He can feel his heart swell when you give him even the move vaguest of answers.
Your visits to the castle only increase from here on out. He sits closer and closer to you, his hugs lingering just a second longer each time, his hand brushing yours more and more. He's teasing.
Diavolo eventually invites you for dinner late one evening, the food lavish and elegant and delicious, as always. He brings you out onto the balcony, telling you he wants to show you something.
As the two of you stand looking out over the entirety of the Devildom, Diavolo turns to you and takes your hand in his. He brings your fingers to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of them without breaking eye contact.
"This kingdom is my responsibility. The demons and ghouls and ghosts and everything in between are under my protection; my rule. There is nothing more important to me then this realm, and the other two connected to it. But there is one thing that is just as important to me as they are- you. While you remain in the Devildom, your protection is my responsibility as well. However, I would like to take that responsibility on full-time... no matter what realm you are in, I want to be able to protect you and be at your side. I love you, and if you'll have me, I promise to make you the happiest in all the three realms."
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refiwrites · 2 years
Can u write being el's first friend in california as popular fem!reader headcanons
el deserved better >:[ ive tried my best, hope you enjoy!
HCs of being Jane "Eleven" Hopper's first friend in California
New place, new school, new faces
El was hoping that she'd somehow blend right in, just in the background
Will was encouraging her although he also found it hard not seeing an inch of the faces he'd grown used to
The first few months passed, and El was beggining to slowly come out of her shell
But that's also when a girl named "Angela" had decided to start picking on El
D'yknow the presenation scene, yes that scene
Eleven felt her hands shake as the students in front of her laughed.
"Knock it off Angela, don't you have nothing else to do besides, I don't know, being an ass? Oh yeah I forgot, you're already one."
Eleven looked at where the source came from, there was you, giving Angela a smug smile as everyone now turned to snicker at her.
Then your eyes met Eleven's, and she saw you give her a small smile and a thumbs up.
Eleven knew she liked you better than anyone else here, except Will of course
"Ms. (l/n)! I will not be tolerating this kind of behaviour, meet me in detention later."
Eleven looked at the teacher and back at you, you gave a shrug and Eleven had the chance to continue her presentation
Now after class, and after freshly getting out of detention, you saw the girl or rather "Jane" as you could recall, walking towards a bench and sitting on it, placing her project on her lap.
It was the great time to approach
"Hey, I haven't seen you before... You're not from around here, aren't you?" You casually say after walking through the sea of students towards her.
Eleven tensed, but once she looked up to spot you, she felt herself calm down just a little bit
She shakes her head no, and you nod. You offered your hand and introduced yourself. "(Y/N) (L/N), you?"
Eleven looked at your hand and back at you
"I promise you I'm not like Angela, and I apologize for her behaviour, you know how animals act when they get out of their cage." You joked and that made Eleven audibly laugh
She shook your hand, uttering her name
"Jane, Jane Hopper."
"Well Jane Hopper, can I be your friend?"
Now this was the start of a rollercoaster of a friendship
You were the one to give the tour of everything, including the latest talks and such
Eleven was a bit overwhelmed at first, but with your reassurance she began to grasp things a little bit better
She also learned that you had quite put the reputation for yourself
Because you were known as that easy-going, reckless, and the funny type of popular
You were chaotic at times, but some would say you're one of the good ones
Don't get me wrong, you were still getting good grades (hopefully) but you just rather want to live in the moment
Eleven would often watch you in awe as you made the class erupt with laughter again
Will knew about this friendship and you got to meet him too, Will thinks you're cool and Eleven very much agrees
Few weeks in and you were already closer than ever
Going to Rink-O-Mania with her and Will
Having the time of your lives
Lucky for her, you were an expert in these things
You dragging Jane around as she laughs, trying to hold onto you so she doesn't fall
Will following you and laughing along when the three of you accidentally bumped into each other and falling on your butts
Over all having a good time
Also bonus
Defending Jane from the bullies
Eleven couldn't be more grateful, even though she's been around for a few months, the anxiety still hadn't settled in
But then Eleven suddenly had the thought of you getting hurt because of her
If ever that happens, Eleven knows that she'll protect you no matter what
You were her friend, and you were the only one who took their time getting to know her without any malice, even showing her all the cool stuff she'd been missing out
And you were respectful when she decides to stay silent when you ask her about herself
She wouldn't let anything happen to you
Although if she wanted to protect you it'll come with a cost
It meant telling you everything that happened, everything. Even all that's happened in Hawkins.
This often plagued her mind at night, what if they come for you?
But all she could do was hope that day would never happen.
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
I'm here again, cause I didn't read the whole post..😶😅 It's embarassing.
Can I ask for 6 and 5(18+) for Saiki?
Ex husband/partner who still has feelings for you + yandere smut! Characters are aged up!!! afab reader...
Saiki can mind read and change perception hence for me he might be the most dangerous yandere!! All the best to you!
When you broke up with him he didn't believe you until he removed his ring and read your mind! He was devastated but also convinced that your mind is playing games with you!
He will always be in your vicinity even after breaking up and would keep an eye on your EVERY movement.
He has probably saved from minor accidents without you even knowing about it. You think you forgot your wallet at home? Check again it's there in your bag. Magically! You forgot to eat lunch because your boss gave you too much work? The boss suddenly changes his mind and now you get a paid holiday! The shop doesn't have your favourite coffee jelly? It appears in your fridge when you get home! Lucky you reader!
The moment he sees you talk to anyone he will immediately read their mind to check if they have any feelings for you. If they don't then they'd Live to see another day but if he sees you talking to someone who has feelings for you.... (Let's say a prayer for the other person first). He will not only manipulate them into changing their feelings he will make their life a hell for even liking you in the first place! They would have worse luck than Suzumiya Hii. They will be fired and forced to change city. Saiki cannot risk having such people around you. Only Nendo is out of suspect list even chihiyo is on the suspect list.
He would remain extremely normal with you if you run into him. Since you know about his abilities you wouldn't lie to him about anything. It was pointless. Sometimes when he misses you a lot he would go back in time to a particular memory of both of you and relive it.
He thought about changing the past to keep you but it changed the future too much and he didn't like it.
On your Birthday and valentine's day expect A LOT of gifts from your "secret admirer". You would get everything you have ever looked at in any store. Luck you! I'm jealous now..
He is really smart so he would think he is simply obsessing over you and he'd move on soon until when he subconsciously wished for you when he range the bell at the temple he realised he HAD TO get you back!
Okay so Saiki has realised he NEEDS you back! He is convinced he is the only one who can keep you happy! He doesn't know how though ....
It starts with him watching you sleep. Soon he gains more confidence to approach you. This guy can teleport so not surprised. He would kneel next to your bed and move away strands of hair from your face. He would caress your cheek with his thumb and slowly move to your lips. The moment his thumb touches your lips his resolve is shaken.
He would start with a small peck. When he realises that you are still asleep he would press his lips further. He doesn't want to do it this way so he'll wait. Try to convince you to get back with him.
He will approach you everywhere. Show up outside your work, when you go for a walk in the park. You know there is no running away from him so you confront him. He wouldn't try to hide his intentions and tell you that he wants you back.
If you don't listen then this man would do everything to convince you. Ofcourse he doesn't even have to show his face for things to work. Suddenly you're fired from your job! All your friends have started bitching about you! You have started to have the worst luck in the history! Your apartment gets flooded! Your bank account freezes and then... The culprit shows himself... He will tell you that it was his doing. You shout at him and even throw things at him and he simply stands with his hands in his pocket dodging everything.
"you can either try to love me again or I can simply make you do it. Your choice...". You know he means it. You know he can do it with a snap of his finger. You think about everything that has been happening with you and out of fear of things turning for worse you agree.
Yay now you're back together! Except he is more possesive! Why do you have to work when he can get you ANYTHING! All you need to do is sit and be his perfect partner.
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He wouldn't force himself on you, it's to beneath him but he will trick your mind into needing him.
He is an everything guy as long as it's you. Tits.Ass.Thighs...he loves them all. You got love handles you insecure about? He will hold onto them for his life as he fucks you dumb and he runs his hands along your curves telling you how perfect you are.
So when you sit next to him, knees pressed together to contain the ache in your core and plead him with the tearful eyes "Kusuo...please...". How can he deny his princess!
He immediately pulls you onto his lap and start kissing you as he'll move your hips on his hard on. You'd be a crying mess asking him to make you cum but he wouldn't let you... "Only good girls get to cum! I saw you talking to Kaido today.. tell me do you want him? Do you want him to fuck this pretty cunt of yours?". You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel him press you down further. Increasing your agony. "Nnoo Kusuo..I..I only want you... please please I only want you.". As soon as he hears this he pulls down his pants realising his twitching cock, pushes your panties aside and pulls you down on him hard. You make you look at him as you cum to remind you who owns you.
This man has a breeding Kink. For him it's the best way to keep you with him. If you think he'd stop after one round you're so wrong! He never gets tired! His warm up is breaking up boulders ffs! All the best! He would cum in you again and again and again... "Fuck you look so pretty like this! I'm gonna stuff you full! Fuck.. you better be ready y/n!!!". All you could do is nod ,too fucked out of your mind. "No princess we're not done yet! Not even close...."
He would hide away your pills. Tricks you into thinking you have taken them..yes he will babytrap you.
You only get to wear skirts and dresses around him. They cannot be longer then your mid thigh. He will make you sit on his lap during movie night with friends and will slowly grind you onto him..
Pretty cock gang. Keeps it super clean and shaved. I'd say about 6 inches, slightly curved, not too veiny probably one vein along the side, flushed pink tip.
Loves getting blowjobs!!! Sight of you on your knees for him in your pretty sundress, tits almost spilling out of it... Oof.. makes you think you're the one who wants it.. "yare yare y/n can you even go a day without having my cock in your mouth?".. right saiki y/n is the one who couldn't go a day without it..
Aftercare is top tier! He does love you though! Will clean you up with a wet towel and run a bath for both of you. Loves to bathe you.. it's his love language don't fight me on this.
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I hope you liked it :)
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What about obey me boys catching them reading a fanfic about them yes im projecting-
Oooh, i like this and also for this fic, i chose the bois who are more on the dominant side but if it gets a good review i will do the rest
WARNING: Mentions of sex
Ok without further a do , here it is
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He's busy
From what you may ask
From hanging mammon in the living room ceiling
And you just wanted peace, so you ain't getting near that shit
In addition your favourite author updated her blog with the request you made
So it's time to get readin
You aren't an angel you are far from that, and it's obvious from your request
"A noncon Lucifer x reader smut with public degradation"
The author even called you a sinner in the header of the story
It'd be bad if anyone saw you reading this, so you decided to go to your room and read it on the bed, your stomach in contact with the bed
Maybe from excitement, you forgot to lock the door
A good 2 minutes have passed and you are getting to the most intense part
With the level of concentration you have on what you're reading, you didn't realized lucifer knocked and seeing how you weren't answering, he let himself in
Finding you plopped on the bed with a stupid grin on your face
Now that got him curious
What could you be reading for it to warrant such an expression
So he went to your side, making sure you don't notice him and you should've seen his face when he saw
"You like that, don't you slut"
"Lucifer pls, i wanna cum"
What in Diavolo's name are you reading woman
He was quick to call you out, a stern look adorning his face
You quickly jumped on your feet, now face to face with lucifer, you quickly tossed your phone in hopes he didn't see anything, but by the look of that face it's safe to say he did
"Uhm luci, how long have you been standing there" you asked already fearing for what's to come
"Long enough for the woman in that story to cum" he replied
By this point you hung your head low, already rehearsing the line of apologies you ought to say
But before you can do any of that
The prideful demon lifted your chin with one hand, making you have eye contact with him
"If you wanna get railed that badly, you should just say so. I'll be more than willing to take your abilities to walk for weeks" he stated, words laced with lust
You were both in his room reading
Him reading on a book and you on your DDD
Scrolling across tumblr, you came across a oneshot fanfic that depicts the sins mainly wrath, and living with the actual sin got you curious about the content
You somehow skipped the tags and went to reading
You missed the tags: dubcon and cockwarming
The start was really well written and it got you engrossed to continue reading, half way through it started to get steamy that's when you realized it was smut
You could feel your face heat up, this made you side eye your boyfriend ensuring he doesn't suspect you of anything
But who are you trying to fool, it's satan
He noticed you side eyeing him but kept quiet
You went back to reading and things just got steamier by the minute, you can't help but gulp
You failed to notice how satan stood up and went behind you also reading the sinful shit you're currently reading
You finished the entire onsehot and was about to scroll away when
"You should check, maybe there's a sequel"
You quickly turned around at the voice behind you and you could feel all the colors in your face to disappear
"not gonna check it?" he's obviously teasing you
"how long have you been there" you said completely embarrassed
"hmmm, from the" ugh satan, i wanna move, you're so big" he so shamelessly said in a high pitch voice
You wanna die
You could feel your soul leaving your body
You quickly covered your face with your hand
Satan chuckled at your state, he quickly sat beside you plopping you on his lap, you straddling him
You don't have anymore energy to protest, you just hid your face in the crook of his neck
20 minutes later
"S-satan, i w-wanna move" you pleaded, him buried deep inside you
"you forgot the" You're so big" part" he teased
"shut up"
You and Asmo are out shopping
And now you are currently changing from one outfit to another while Asmo compliments and rate how good it looks
"how about this" you emerged from the changing room showing the demon a pure white dress designed with lace that captures your angel like features
"Oooh, you look just like an angel dear" asmo fangirled "wait lemme take a photo" asmo added
He quickly opened your phone already knowing the password and tried to click the cam when he accidentally opened wattpad, and now displaying the fic you red before you went out with him
Luck wasn't on your side since the first words he saw from that fic was
"I'll breed you till dawn, until your belly is full with my children"
He wanted to read more when your voice brought him back to reality
"Asmo, come on what's taking so long, take the pic" you whined
He quickly took the photo, acting like he just didn't see anything
"Mc, why don't you try this one next" he said handing you a black laced strap dress
"isn't this too sexy"
"it's fine, just try it"
With no more complaints, you went into the changing room and started undressing
The moment you are only left with your underwear, asmo came inside
"What the heck, get out asmo"
"I'm sure you don't want that, I'm still gonna breed you until your belly is full with my children" he said caging you between him and the mirror behind you
You remembered that what he said was from the fic you were reading
You were stunned, shocked, and totally embarrassed
Seeing your reaction, asmo quickly started a full make out session
"If you were into breeding that much, I'd be happy to fill you up dear" he seductively said
But you were already fucked dumb to comprehend anything he was saying
P. S.: You guys had to buy the dress since it was covered in semen🤷‍♀️
Do you want him to do this
You went to the bathroom and he just got back from a meeting with lucifer and here's your phone on the bed still open on the fic
At first he was like "awe, it's me" but then when he scrolled down he was met with a lot of "ugh, nghh, squeak, tremble, thrust, creak" and a lot more
He scrolled back to the very top part and he was shocked by those tags
:edging/orgasm denial, finger sucking, dumbification, hard fuck
Are you into this shit
Your love making has always been on the vanilla side
He doesn't wanna go that hard knowing he might break you
But seeing this it made him rethink his choices, did you wanna be fucked hard
While he was mulling over this new development, you stepped out of the bathroom, a towel covering your frame
Your eyes quickly darted towards your phone on his hand
You were quick to grab it but Diavolo was quicker he put it out of reach
"MC, be honest with me, do you wanna do these" he asked referring to what was on the phone
You were silent for a good minute but you eventually muttered a yes
Damn, you should have said that from the start cause if he knew he didn't have to hold back, he would've already knocked you up
He quickly grabbed your wrist and laid you on the bed with him on top
Wonders happened that night cause the next day, you can't walk, your mouth was dry, it was sore down there and you feel like you had enough of s*x for an entire year
"maybe a little restraint would be nice" you said to your boyfriend who was just glowing, the total opposite of your wrecked state
A/N: Ok i just wanna say jsdjsjcisjdhddhksj
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how ab peter dating a s/o with witch-like powers? like they can control fire and bring ppl back to life (basically ahs 3 witch powers)
Omg this idea sounds really cool 😯 they'd literally be a power couple hehe (ignore my awful joke sksksk) also I decided to write headcanons instead of a fic, so I hope that's okay <33
Peter Maximoff with a s/o who's a witch
Warnings: swearing, brief mentions of violence/fighting
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Peter first saw you one day when he was out taking a stroll in the park
He noticed you kneeling down beside a bird who appeared to have a broken wing
He was about to go over and help when he saw you pick the bird up and cover it with you hands
Once you reopened them, it flew away as if nothing happened
He was bewildered by what he'd just witnessed
Thinking you were a fellow mutant, he approached you and introduced himself
You were a bit wary, having heard stuff on the news about people with your abilities being harrassed, assaulted, or killed, but after he started talking about his mutation and stuff you relaxed a little bit and began to trust him more
He found out that you were essentially homeless; your parents had kicked you out of the house after learning about your powers and you had no place to go, so now you just sort of wandered around, using you abilities to help people whenever you could
After you said this, he blurted out, "do you want to come live with me?"
It took him a couple of minutes to explain the place he was talking about wasn't just his home necessarily, but a place for other people like you who had powers the world was too ignorant to try to understand
You agreed, figuring it'd be worth a shot to try it out
Besides, what left did you have to lose?
Once you arrived, everyone immediately welcomed you with open arms, making you feel at home there
You excelled at your classes and made tons of new friends, too
Not only that, but you and Peter started getting closer until one day, he finally asked you out (you obviously said yes)
He's constantly bragging about you and how cool you are to anyone who will listen
Sometimes you'll have races to see who can get to places quicker, him with his super speed or you with your teleporting
Spoiler alert: you tie every. Single. Time
Speaking of teleporting, sometimes you use it to sneak up on him so you can scare him
*pops up out of nowhere* "Hey Peter"
You like making random objects (specifically stuff that belongs to him) fly across the room just to mess with him
He tries to get you back by hiding some of your things, always forgetting you can easily find them with divination
Actually, he probably does it on purpose, because sometimes he'll hide things just so he can watch you find them again. It never fails to amaze him
"How the hell did you find that so quickly?!? My hiding spot was really good!"
"I used magic, duh"
Occasionally he'll let you use mind control on him (with his consent, of course) just to see what it feels like
"Woah! It's like I'm still conscious and know what's happening, but my brain doesn't have any control over my body. So cool"
You don't get mad often, but when you do it kinda scares him, because he knows just how much power you truly have that you don't let on
Let's say you're on a mission, for example, and somehow he gets hurt
Hell hath no fury like when someone injures Peter, because the next thing he knows the bad guy is writhing on the ground in pain and you're standing over them, victorious
Afterwards, you check on him and make sure he's okay, but not until you're certain the bad guy is down for good and won't be getting up again anytime soon
You do not mess around when it comes to your boyfriend's safety
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @nevilleismywhore @xxromanoffxx @your-next-daydream
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
looks just like a dream.. ♡
pairing: mikey sano, angry, peh-yan x gn!reader
genre/wc: fluff (0.5k)
request: Hey hey could you do some hcs for Mikey, Souya/angry and peh yan with an S/O that’s really pretty so a lot of people like them (for reference they get treated like teruhashi from saiki k or kiyoko from haikyuu) but they’re also sorta shy with people they don’t know and is sorta like kenma from haikyuu (Sorry if it’s worded weird)
a/n: not worded weirdly at all :) it's a super cute idea!! i wrote this as if the reader and the character are already dating as you wrote s/o! thanks for requesting <3
cw: feminine terms are used for the sake of the request, just a heads up!
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ngl.. mikey is super proud to have copped a s/o as gorgeous as you
to walk around school with you linked on his arm—albeit shyly, he does finds it adorable—and have people do double looks? wow <3 you're just that powerful huh
your shy nature is sweet to him, and he appreciates how humble you stay about your looks but he doesn't understand why
he once mentioned to draken that if he looked like you, he would never shut up about it
(draken says it's cause "you're an ass, and y/n isn't", to which mikey pouts with a "kennnnn!!!")
he just thinks you should be a tinsy bit more prideful about your looks!—but he is in no way going to force you to act another way
he's also there to fend off any weirdos that try to do more than stare at you. mikey does not tolerate that shit, nuh uh.
he has quite literally beaten up some people and simply left them in the halls, walking off to grab your hand swiftly with a peck on the cheek
"not on my watch, baby!"
he's a 10/10 bodyguard, who needs another 10/10 bodyguard (aka draken LMAO)
uhm despite the permanent scowl on his face, he is screaming inside— 'why is everyone staring at me, just stare at y/n please!'
he can't fathom how you keep up with the constant glances and comments from classmates and passersby... until he realizes that you do have trouble—if your limited responses, lowered eyes, and tight hold on his hand didn't give anymore hints to him
suddenly wants to man up and become your guardian because there is no way angry will let his baby be uncomfortable !!
"don't worry, i'm here okay !?"
he literally growled at someone once and they were so terrified. the look on their face made you laugh and that only caused more people to gape at you because your "smile is so bright and pretty, oh my god!!"
angry: 'did i just make things worse...'
pls comfort him with smooches because he's trying his best truly
angry opts to wait by your door after class so that you two can get the FUCK out before you get bombarded by a hoard of fans LMAO
peh-yan LIVES for you; he practically worships you like all the other people do AHAHA
the only difference is, he is actually dating you !!!
so you already know that peh-yan's pride is skyrocketing up to the moon because of that
you chose him. .. . out of everyone else that is begging for even a small acknowlegment from you??? wow.... truly amazed and blessed he feels
you don't like to boast and show off? no problem, he'll do it for you.
mf walks around all hunched as a gangster does, but he has a pinky locked with your own as you two dominate the school halls
so, peh-yan does not FUCK with anyone who tries anything with you okay?
he's probably a little too aggressive at times tbh
"WHAT YOU LOOKIN' AT PUNK?!" him to a guy who was just glimpsing at you
cue another person who stared at you a little too long, then peh goes "HUUUH? SOMETHING TO SAY LITTLE BITCH!?"
he's insufferable but he's yours so you have to tame him okay? <3
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @chuuae @kazuhoya @eriskaitto @gwynsapphire (send an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs & comments are very appreciated <3
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softie-rain · 2 years
Heyyy if you’re taking request can you do Peter Maximoff with a tall fem reader that they are literally the opposite aesthetic from Peter and she like a model and sweet and where’s skirts and heels. and Everybody in the mansion is shock to see them together because it’s such an odd duel but it’s cute sorry it’s confusing:>
Opposites attract
pairings: Peter Maxomoff x fem!reader
warnings: like, two swear words.
summary: when Peter start dating you, everyone in the mansion start wondering what in the world you two see in each other.
a/n: this is a bit old, so i hope you're still out there dear anon! Hope that's what you wanted :)
is this me? posting twice in a day?? omg miracles really do happens then
Any spam likers will be blocked. If you like what you read, REBLOG.
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Literally anyone who knew Peter knew that his type of girl was what modern people would call a tomboy. 
Better say, a girl who acted more like a guy than anything. And it wasn't just in the character traits, also how she walked, how she dressed, how she talked. 
Anyone who asked would have got this same answer from everyone. So it was pretty much a shock when they first met you.
Ok, technically for Scott it was a shock just the fact that Peter actually had a girlfriend. "You? Dating someone? I don't believe it, Maximoff." He laughed. "Laugh as much as you want, Summers,  but I can assure you I do." 
"Of course she is. Let me guess, she's from Canada uh?" Laser boy, as Peter called him, kept laughing. After his remark the conversation between the two came to an end, and surely not because of Logan's deadly look at Scott's comment.
Differently to the younger Summers, at least his other friends believed he had a partner. "We're so happy for you Peter!" Jean exclaimed when he first told the news. "We really are! What's her name?" Ororo asked him. "Y/n. She's great, I can't wait for you all to meet her!" And they couldn't either.
Everyone was so excited to meet Peter's significant other that they missed what he said after. "She's so beautiful. The most beautiful model I know." Like Well, almost missed. Because Ororo caught it perfectly.
"I'm sorry, did you say model?" She repeated for clarification. Peter nodded. "Yup, model."
"Like, model model."
"Model model."
"And she wears long dresses and skirts?"
"Uh uh. Her whole wardrobe is dresses and cute skirts." 
"High heels?"
"I mean she wears sneakers too. Rarely. But mostly heels."
"She wear makeup all the time?"
"Ororo, she's not a walking commonplace. I mean she does this stuff, but it's not because she's a model. She once told me she could work in a hardware store and she'd still wear the longest dress she owns." Peter laughed to himself at the sweet memory of you.
"Oh- yeah obviously."
No one wanted to judge Peter. But him plus dating someone who rarely wore sneakers and just went around in skirts and heels? That was something they never saw. Jean tried to know more about the girl. "And, does she have any hobbies or stuff like that?" But this time Peter shook his head. "No, you'll know everything when you meet her." He answered, teasing his friends, and then left the room without saying another word. 
"God this is frustrating! When is she arriving?" Kurt said exasperated three days later, while they were all hanging in the living room. "They'll be here soon, Peter said she doesn't like it when he speeds her everywhere so they have to use public services." Jean explained, closing the book she was reading. "Another reason why I don't understand how Peter fell in love with her." Jean's book flew over Scott's head. "Ok this one hurted!" 
"Let them be Scott." Jean said. 
Scott was about to say something back when you and Peter made your entrance. "Well everyone, may I finally introduce you to y/n! Guys, this is y/n. Love, they are the X-men. You already know their names." He winked at you playfully, and you giggled. 
"You didn't tell us she's taller than you."
"Oh my god."
"Scott, you have this talent of making me question every day why I'm dating you." Jean said, chuckling, and then went to shake the hand of your blushing person. "Hi y/n, so nice to meet you." You smiled, feeling slightly more comfortable around her. "Hi, nice to meet you too Jean." And sorry about Scott. He's a bit of a jerk, but he's nice don't worry. 
You knew about everyone's mutation, but feeling the redhead inside your head, you knew it was something that would have taken time to get used to. Next to move was Kurt. "Forgive our surprise y/n it's just- you're not the person we expected Peter to date. Wait, this came out offensive didn't it?" He immediately went to cover his face with his hands, but he moved them when he heard you chuckling.
"No it's fine, I understand. I myself am surprised at how I fell for a guy who barely knows how to eat politely." Peter immediately threw his hands in the hair. "Hey! You said I was getting better!"
You chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. "You are babe, I promise." Then you turned to Peter's friends again. "I guess it really is true that opposites attract!" Scott joked. "Oh fuck off Scott! You didn't even believe she existed!" Peter half-yelled at him. 
'"Peter!" You called him out, hitting him gently on the arm. "Forgive him, he's probably just tired from the trip. Plus, Scott is right. They do attract indeed." Peter rolled his eyes. "Ok first rule: never say that Scott is right."
"No, you first rule: never roll your eyes at me. it's rude." You replied, sticking your tongue out. Peter smiled softly. "Yeah you're right, I'm sorry." 
"Excuse me, did Peter just admit he was wrong?" Scott asked Kurt. "More like he admitted she was right." 
"Same difference."
"We can all hear you Scott." Peter remarked. "Yes well, that is the weirdest scene I've ever seen." Scott's head met Jean's book once again. "By that he means that you two are an adorable couple." Jean corrected him. 
You smiled at her. "Thanks. I really do hope I'm making a good impression." You added shily. "We promise you are." Ororo spoke, smiling back at you. You all sat together in the room as they asked questions about your life, and you truly were happy. Just like Peter had told you, they treated you like you were already part of the family. 
"Wait wait wait. We forgot the most important question." Scott interrupted. "Where are you from?" 
"Oh." You chuckled, expecting for God knows what question. "Well I'm Canadian." Scott's eyes went wide.
"Fuck." He mumbled to himself.
And from the hallway, it could be heard the voice of a certain immortal man with claws in his hands yelling:
"AH! You owe me ten bucks Summers!"
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arthursknight · 2 years
today i am thinking about the episode "le morte d'arthur", and how we really could have had it all
bear with me a moment.
what if, instead of the shit with hunith, it had been merlin's life that had been taken in the bargain with nimueh. arthur wakes up, merlin says his goodbye, and by the next day, merlin is in bed with a high and delirious fever. arthur maybe doesn't notice at first-- he's been lavished on by his father and those who thought he had been lost-- but by the time he does--
"gaius," he says, a grin on his face as he bursts through the door to the physician's chambers, "i need merlin. father is throwing a victo--"
he pauses when he sees gaius in silent tears. he frowns, steps forward, sees--
merlin, on a cot. stock still.
arthur, a bit hysterical, walks over. "youre always sleeping, merlin," he says, voice shaky.
"sire," gaius starts, voice thick.
"no, he's always-- you act like it's me that sleeps in, but you're always--" his voice is cracking.
"he's gone, sire."
arthur demands to know what's going on. merlin had been fine yesterday, and what does gaius mean, gone? what sickness could merlin have possibly gotten that could-- that could--
gaius sits him down. he doesn't want to tell arthur this, but the price has been paid for merlin already. there is little to fear about arthur's retribution, now. he explains the isle of the blessed, of merlin's sacrifice. he keeps out the fact that merlin has magic, just that he sought it out. by the end, arthur is livid.
"show me," he says, already standing, "where it is."
"sire, nimueh has powerful magic. you are no match--"
"as your future king. show me."
gaius relents. arthur travels to the isle of the blessed without a second thought to what anyone else might think. he's terrified. we see that. but he's determined.
nimueh meets him with a smirk. "this is not the only life that has been traded for yours, arthur pendragon."
this is where arthur finds out what happened with ygraine. by the end, arthur is furious beyond anything we've ever seen with him. he draws his sword-- nimueh laughs, knocks it away with her magic, knocks him to his knees. "you will do well to think before you challenge me, boy."
and arthur doesn't know any incantations. doesn't know any magic. but he puts his palms on the ground, the land that is his as much as he is its. begs, quietly. swears that he will do better, be better than his father. that he will bring its magic back.
when he looks up, there are vines surrounding nimueh. she cannot get out of their entanglement, though she tries her best. arthur picks up his sword. the rain starts. tears streaming down his face and eyes gold, he runs her through.
when he returns, gwen meets him. "arthur, you'll never-- merlin is--"
he runs to him. merlin is confused, and awake, and alive. even more confused when arthur hugs him.
"what happened?" merlin asks.
and because this is the end of the season, arthur lies. says he doesn't know, but merlin is safe and that's all that matters. "you live to serve me another day, merlin," he jokes.
the second to last scene is arthur with his father. he demands of him to tell him why he banned magic. his father states the carefully constructed lie he's heard all his life. "why do you ask, arthur?"
arthur sets his jaw. he's seen through it now. "nothing, father."
"get your rest."
the last scene is arthur returning to gaius'. merlin is asleep, gaius explains. he needs his rest. but arthur is not here for merlin. he's here for gaius.
gaius asks him as calm as he can. "what happened there? on the isle of the blessed?"
arthur shakes his head. that's a story for another time.
"gaius," he says, hands shaking. "i think i have magic."
(and then we would get a season of arthur grappling with that privately, keeping appearances publicly, and all the while still oblivious of merlins magic. he also struggles with the fact that merlin negotiated with nimueh, his father's secret, and everything else. morgana still grows bitter because arthur keeps his shifting opinion on magic secret. fill in the rest.)
anyway yeah. we could have had it all, yall.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Okay but I will beg for an awkward, cute Daryl one bed trope confession fic. 👀 I feel like I haven’t seen nearly enough of them for him.
I live this out in my head at least six times a day.
Also this has way more of a plot than I intended and way longer than I intended, 2k lmao, but. Ya know me.
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(Gif off of pinterest. not mine)-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
"Didn't have to come out here, ya know." Daryl mumbles, stripping himself out of his poncho as he sets it out to dry, whistling to Dog as I shift my weight back and forth between my feet. From what I've gathered from Carol's stories, Dog was possibly the best thing to happen to Daryl in a really long time. He was a loyal companion, he's kept Daryl safe, and I can only imagine that he's been a comfort to him like he was to me all those years.
My hands itch to reach out to him, to hug him, to be back in his arms after all this time. After Rick, he took off, unable to move on and unable to accept Rick's untimely death. It was a hard experience to move on from, to grow as a civilization following the explosion at the bridge. But we all had to do it, even Michonne eventually had to set herself back down on earth and be there for her kids.
But Carol has been trying to convince him for years to come home, to go to any of the locations to at least be safe and sound with other people, other people he claimed to love and care for at one point. But he didn't want to, he wanted to be on his own, without anyone holding him down. He claimed it was how it should've been from the start.
This was the longest we'd gone without seeing each other since we've known each other, since the beginning of this whole thing. The longest I've gone without seeing him, being near him, high-fiving him, anything.
It took me months to get his location out of Carol's beautiful mind, begging and pleading and doing her jobs. I worked in the mud, I made food, I worked with people I hated to work with, I babysat Negan for hours and hours on end just to be able to come and see the man who's currently acting as if I'm not even here.
Daryl still doesn't realize how much he was missed. How much he is missed.
"It's been three years, Daryl." I sit down on the log in front of the fire, watching him as he works around the camp, ignoring the obvious- ignoring me. "I came all the way out here for you, will you please just talk to me?" I plead, shivering a bit as I run my hands over my upper arms, trying to gain all the warmth from the fire as I can.
Daryl turns to me, jaw gritted and chest heaving as he blinks rapidly. His eyes look over my shivering frame, my clothes damp from walking through the rain and a look of realization passes over his expression. He softens a bit, wiping his hands off on his pants as he steps around the fire to sit next to me.
"You walked here? In the rain?" He asks, my head bobbing in a simple nod as he sighs, shrugging off his jacket to wrap around my shoulders before pulling me into his side. "Dumbass." I chuckle, sniffling as I tug the jacket further around me, cuddling into his side.
An hour had to have passed before I started yawning, Daryl laughing quietly at my side as he stands, holding his hands out for me to take. He helps me up as I wobble a bit, body weak from walking the last few days. It had been the worst walk than it could've possibly been, between the walkers, the freezing rain, the lack of comfort. It was bad, but the endgame was going to be worth it- it is worth it.
"Lie down." Daryl nods towards his make shift cot, his arms supporting me as I lay back, feeling Daryl pull at my boots.
"I can do it-"
"Shut up." He laughs, untying my boots and tossing them onto the ground. Leaning over to his bag, watching him as I rest my arms under my head as he pulls out a fresh pair of socks, waving them in front of me as I reach out for them. "I got it, you need't rest." He whispers, sitting down on the edge of the cot as he pulls my wet socks off.
It makes my heart happy to see him again, to let him take care of me like he used to. He always kept me out of trouble, saved me if I was in trouble, and helped me heal from any and all trouble I've been through since the world went to shit.
"Thanks." I whisper, curling my legs up to my chest as I scoot over, making enough room for him on the cot. He looks down at me with a sideways glance, hands on his hips as Dog nuzzles his way into the makeshift tent. "Come on, D, stop acting like we haven't slept in worse conditions." I chuckle, my heart fluttering as he sighs with a playful eye roll, sitting down beside me. I watch as his fingers pull at his gloves, tossing them to the side along with his vest.
He lays down quietly on his back, hands resting on his chest as his fingers drum nervously. He looks boyish, biting at the inside of his cheek, eyes avoiding looking over at me due to the proximity. Proximity and closeness were never things he was particularly good with, always liking his own space because it made it easier for him to think. But I'd be lying if I said that seeing him so nervous around me wasn't the least bit exciting. It was more than exciting to me and it was exactly the reaction I want to get out of him.
"Our first sleepover." I tease, watching as a cringed smile appears on his lips, awkward and nervous as I snicker under my breath. He finally moves, tilting his head to look at me, our noses inches away as his bangs fall in his face as Dog jumps up onto the bed between our legs. With gentle eyes, he reaches up, moving some of my damp hair off of my neck, eyes now locked on the newly exposed skin.
"Gonna kill Carol for lettin' you come out here alone." I snort, scooting a bit closer to him as he lets out a nervous breath, my heart hammering against my chest as I watch him look over me, a glint of worry in his eyes.
"I'm fine. It was my choice." I assure but he shakes his head with a curt shrug.
"A dumb one." He scoffs, running a hand through his hair as I reach over to shove him playfully. "I'm just messin' with you." He smiles his fingers brushing against mine between us as I take a deep breath, my eyes flickering over his tired expression.
The art of eye contact was always mine and Daryl's thing, conveying more emotion through them without having to say a word. He has novels written behind his eyes, describing all of the pain and anguish that he's felt over the years along with the trust that he holds in me. My eyes convey a similar look but I'm not sure if Daryl is tuned in enough to read just how much I trust him and why. My trust goes deeper with him, venturing past care and into a more meaningful feeling, a feeling that I could only hope and pray that he returns.
"You look different." He whispers, biting at his lips as I smile, my eyes drooping a bit as I shrug. "What's different?" His eagerness makes my whole body heats up, my hands reaching out to play with the necklace around his neck, previously given to him by Judith. He watches me fondly as I do so, goosebumps erupting on his skin as I feel him shiver as my fingers brush against his clavicle.
"I told Carol I was coming to see you so she cut my hair." I admit, my eyes averting from his at my confession, embarrassment swarming around us as he lets out a quiet 'oh' as I cringe. "My skin's cleared up over the years too, Siddiq is great with natural anti-inflammatories." I blabber on, watching as he watches me speak.
"You look good." My brows tick up at his compliment, not expecting it at all. "I mean, uh-" he cuts himself off, clearing his throat as he rolls back onto his back, putting a bit of distance between us as I chuckle.
"You look good too. Just a little lonely." I reach up, poking his cheek as he huffs, reaching up to rub a hand over his face. I know he liked being alone, he liked his alone time so he could think and breathe, but I know there was apart of him that's happy that I'm here.
"Not anymore." The smile on his lips comforts me as I scoot closer to him, resting my head on his chest as his arm wraps around my shoulder. My knees move to rest on his hip, still curled up as he lets out a deep breath.
A few moments go by, my eyes fluttering shut at the sound of his heart beating slowly, a reminder that he's here with me, safe and sound and in my arms. But I'd be stupid to ignore the way he's fidgeting, even Dog whines every once in a while at the way that he's stirring.
"Can I tell you somethin'?" He asks suddenly, taking me off guard as I tilt my chin to look up at him through my lashes. "Can't laugh or nothing." I hold up my pinky to him, an action I used to do frequently with him when I would make him promise that he'd be safe. Instinctively, his pinky wraps around mine. He takes a deep breath in before looking up at the ceiling, his tongue sweeping out to wet his lips. "I bugged Carol 'bout you every time she'd come out here." My stomach flips at his confession, my brows pulling together as I grin.
"Oh, so you did miss me?" I tease, watching as he nods, his arm tightening around me as the wind whistles outside the tent, the sound chilling me to my bones.
"More than you think." He admits, voice shaking a bit as he gulps, letting me get impossibly closer to him without hesitation. My arm wraps around him, resting on his other bicep as I trace over the skin. "Every time I'd go out to hunt with traps I'd hear your damn voice in the back'a my head telling me not to step in one." I giggle quietly, quickly followed by a yawn as his fingers run through my hair. "Hope you stay."
"I told you I'd stand by you and not walk away, even when you do." I feel him press a simple kiss to the top of my head as he stutters out a reply.
"If you want to, you can stay. I want you to." I lean up a bit, resting my weight on my elbow as I look down at him, feeling his hand at the nape of my neck. He looks embarrassed almost, cheeks blushed as he mutters, "I, uh, want you." My breathing stops at his second confession of the night, my heart skipping a million beats in my chest as my lips part. "Been meaning to tell you that."
"Only took ten years of knowing each other, Daryl- Jesus." I chuckle, my hand reaching up to cup his cheek gently as he sends me a tight lipped smile and a nod, tilting his head to hide in my shoulder. I just giggle, hugging him close to me and I press a kiss against his cheek.
Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpc i@joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90@szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna@f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin @abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum @glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets @haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson @heyaitsklaudia @rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @chiyongberry @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy
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👑 Being Seijoh's Manager 👑
Oikawa Hurts Our Precious Manager
and Iwaizumi's Crush
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Iwaizumi Hajime featuring Seijoh x GN reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, kithes 😘
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
I would just like everyone to be aware that I am a complete simp for Iwaizumi Hajime, 27, Athletic Trainer ✌🏻
Now that we got that out of that way 🙃
YN you freaking amazing person
How did you ever manage to nab the eye of Seijoh's Ace player
Its probably because you are stunning and literally perfection 💅🏼
Anyways, it's happened and we are all so jealous
You are so incredible sweet and kind
It's not wonder Iwa is attracted to you
Plus you pay attention to him more than Oikawa
It's probably because you regard Iwa as the ACTUAL Captain of Seijoh
Our Kings 💅🏼
Mom's favorite team
However, I do think Iwa struggles to express that he likes you
This man is insecure deep down
Like he's a natural leader but he's also a Gemini so like, it's understandable
You have a few classes with Iwa and you purposely sit next to him
Because you have a crush on him too 😉
You slowly become friends with him
And seriously, he falls more for you everyday
Eventually this man is walking to class with you, having lunch with you
Said lunch often includes 3 tag alongs and multiple appearances from other team members
Actually it's the idea of you first being the teams manager comes up at lunch
"Hey YN have you found a club yet?"- Makki
"No unfortunately, why do you know of anything?"- You, completely oblivious to what door you just opened
Makki and Mattsun look at each other and then at Iwa
Please they 1000% know Iwa is crushing on you
And since they are little shits they will take any opportunity to throw Iwa under the bus 🙃
"I have a great idea! Why don't you become out manager"- Mattsun 😏
Please Iwaizumi chokes in his food
You quickly pat his back and rub it
Hajime Iwaizumi.exe has stop functioning
"Haji are you ok?"- you, concerned
"Yeah I'm fine, just swallowed funny"- Iwa
"That's what she said"- Makki
Please that joke never gets old 🤣
"You guys really need a manager? I mean i thought you'd have a million applicants wjth Oikawa as Captain"- you, probing
"My senses are tingling, did someone mention my name?"- Oikawa now joing you
Pls 😑🙄
"We were just discussing you guys needing a manager"- you
"Well we do YN but unfortunately the manager cannot have a crush on me"- Oikawa, sitting down and winking 😉
"😐 Oh that's not a problem Oikawa I don't like you"- you, looking dead in his eyes
Mattsun and Makki die 💀 literally fall over with laughter
"YN-chan that's rude!"- Oikawa, highly offender
"Shittykawa not everyone likes you!"- Iwaizumi looking for the nearest volleyball
"I'm being honest Oikawa 🤷‍♀️ also I'd be happy to be your manager if you'll have me"- You 🤗
"Sure YN"- Iwa answering first and smiling at you 🙂
You smile back 😊
"Get a room you two"- Makki, rolling his eyes
"You want a volleyball to the head?"- Iwa glaring at Makki
"Chill killer"- Makki 😏
And that's the story of how you became manager
And lived happily ever after 🙌🏻
Just kidding!
You manage Seijoh YN, you think you'll get off that easily 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The first few weeks of practice go well!
The boys all take in instant liking to you
Oikawa is Oikawa but honestky what did you expect 😐
Iwaizumi has made it very clear that if anyone messes with you that he will ensure their time on the Seijoh Team is temporary 🙃
When he's all authoritative 🥵 am I right?
The boys all definitely think your cute but they respect Iwaizumi
Except for one person 😃
Bet you can't guess who 🙄
Please he will flirt with you right up to the line and then back off
Just enough to piss Iwa off but insure he doesn't get a volleyball cannoned at his skull
"Oh YN-Chan let me help you with those heavy waterbottles! You work so hard"- Oikawa
Iwaizumi is glaring 😑
"It's fine Oikawa it's my job" -you giving Oikawa nothing 👏🏻
"YN-chan sit with me on the bus"- Oikawa
"No Im fine with Hajime"- you, sitting next to our favorite boy ☺️
This is literally how Oikawa is
Every 👏🏻 Single 👏🏻 DAY
And boy does it wear on Iwaizumi 😅
One day, the team is playing a scrimmage match against each other
Iwaizumi, Makki, Kunimi and Kindaichi vs Oikawa, Yahaba, Watari and Mattsun
All is going well
You are taking notes on technique and ways you think the boys could improve
The coach stands up, dropping his papers all over the floor
"Here I'll help!"- you being an Angel 😇
"Thank you so much YN"- coach
You start picking the papers up just as our resident cannon takes his turn to serve
You see where this is going and let me tell you it isn't pretty
Oikawa serves 🏐
Makki sees its headed out of bounds and calls it
Just as you stand up
Everyone sees what's going to happen but like it happens too fast
Kindaichi manages a "YN look out-" but it's too late
Volleyball meeting YN's face
You instantly get knocked down, hit right in your nose and mouth
Seriously tho, I've taken a volleyball to the face and it hurts 😬
So imagine that pain with Oikawa's power behind it
Everyone is stunned
Iwa runs 🏃‍♂️ to you
Oikawa 👉🏻😐😳😱 holy shit YN
Everyone else is just like 👉🏻👁👄👁
They honestly can't believe that just happened
Meanwhile you are sitting there, nose bleeding and trying to cover it up
"YN baby are you ok?"- Iwaizumi
Yes he uses a pet name, he's fucking concerned people 👏🏻
Tears are welling in your eyes and the blood is now on your hands and down your arms
"Shit grab me a towel"- Iwa
Yahaba runs and grabs a towel
"Iwaizumi take YN to the nurse now!"- Coach
"Come on YN let's get you up"- Iwa
"It hurts so bad Haji"- you, crying 🥺
"I know baby hold on"- Iwa, full on picking you up and kissing your forehead
Instant medication 🥰
"YN I'm so sorry!"- Oikawa
Please Iwa's stare is literally worse than him throwing a ball at Oiks head 😅
Kindaichi and Yahaba go with as Oikawa is left to wonder his fate
In the nurses office, Iwa sets you on the table and the nurse checks you over
"You have a split lip and bloody nose YN. You'll have a nasty bruise there and it's going to be painful but once I get you stitched up all will be good"- the nurse, smiling
Iwa is sitting next to you when you grab his hand
"It's ok Haji, I'm fine"- You
"I'm going to murder Oikawa"- Iwaizumi planning Oikawa's death in stages
"Haji, Torū didn't mean for that the happen. It was an accident"- You trying to save the teams captain from death and Iwa from prison
"Yeah I guess"- Iwa not convinced
The nurse gets you stitched up and gives you pain killers and an ice pack to help the swelling
You go back to the gym and find Oikawa crying in the middle of the gym
"Omg what happened?"- YN, the dedicated manager running to Oikawa
"Omg YN you aren't dead"- Oikawa, jumping up and hugging you
"What?"- you confused 😕
"We may or may not have convinced Oikawa that he killed you"- Makki and Mattsun 😗 🎶
Please 🙄😅
Iwaizumi is now standing behind you, glaring at his victim
"Iwa I swear I didn't mean to hurt your crush"- Oikawa
Wait ✋️ did he just say-
You block Iwa from killing Oikawa
"Haji you like me?"- You
Iwaizumi 👉🏻😳😰 umm yes-
You smile and give him a small kiss 💋
Iwaizumi Hajime, 18, Seijoh's Ace player has passed away 🪦
"I really like you too Hajime"- you, blushing
"Wait- you do?"- Iwa 🤨
Why the heck are you questioning it!
"Yeah I really do"- You
Iwaizumi will totally pick you up and spin you around, kissing you again 😍
"I'm glad my plan worked"- Oikawa
You and Iwaizumi look at him 😐
"What plan?"- Mattsun
"My masterplan- to get Iwa-chan and YN-chan together"- Oikawa, really thinking he did something 😏
"Your masterplan was to hit me in the face with a volleyball and almost break my nose just so Haji and I would start dating?"- You confused yet again
"That's exactly right- don't worry you two can thank me later"- Oikawa, walking away
Iwaizumi looks at you "can I?"
"Please do"- You giving the all clear
Iwaizumi runs, grabs a volleyball and chucks it at Oikawa so hard
The man goes flying
Literally he is channeling Hinata in this moment 👇🏻
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Minus the sad responses 😅
"IWA-CHAN, YN-CHAN IS THIS HOW YOU THANK ME?"- Oikawa now on the floor
"It could be worse"- you, turning to face iwa and smiling 😊
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