#also don't worry i didn't start with him loosing his shit ... yet
wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 45
part 1 | part 44 | ao3
Nancy, Jonathan, and some guy with the longest hair Steve's ever seen are standing in a loose circle with Eddie and his bandmates, talking and sort of dance-nodding along to The Power of Love by Huey Lewis (a fact that Steve absolutely intends to mock his boyfriend for the second he gets the chance), and Steve, like, mentally girds his loins.
He and Jon are cool with each other, and he and Eddie are obviously, uh, plenty warmed up to one another by now, but the rest of them...
One's a stranger, one's an ex who seems drunk as shit and is currently so invested in spinning around to the music that she hasn't opened her eyes to notice him, and the other three are thawing to him at a truly glacial pace. Steve hasn't so much as been invited to watch a rehearsal yet because Eddie's 'still working on them' and needs 'a bit more time, but don't worry, they'll come around.'
They don't openly scowl when he and Robin approach, though, so Steve takes that as a win.
"Harrington!" Eddie calls, bowing deeply to add, "Lady Buckley."
Steve would feel stung by the surname if not for how downright giddy Eddie sounds. God, he loves tipsy Eddie; fucking Disney cartoon boy.
"Munson," he plays along, giving him a sly grin and a shoulder bump as he sidles up next to him. "Didn't know you were allowed to leave the basement at these things."
Jeff interrupts his air-guitaring to glare at Steve, bur Eddie holds out a hand and assures him that Steve's just fucking around. Before Steve can apologize or defend himself, Long Hair Guy leans in across the circle, his eyes wide and intense and bloodshot to hell.
"Dude," he greets. "You have. Such beautiful hair."
Steve barks a laugh. Robin rolls her eyes. Jonathan also rolls his eyes, but it seems more fond and less annoyed. "Can't take you anywhere," he mutters to the guy, then asks them, "You guys met Argyle yet?"
Steve holds out a hand. Confusion washes over him as he processes what Jonathan just said. "Uh." Argyle. "Like the sweater?"
"Yeah, man," Argyle smiles, dopey and slow. Sure. The guy in head-to-toe tie-dye and a neon green fanny pack is named Argyle. Why not? "My parents wanted a sheep, but they got me, instead."
Jonathan laughs like it's the funniest joke he's ever heard. Steve's pretty sure he's too sober for this conversation.
They exchange handshakes, and Robin asks if she can touch the guy's hair, and they all slip into easy, friendly conversation, naturally splintering into smaller groups of twos and threes. Steve's just getting the rundown on all the 'sick new gear' the band got for Christmas when the song changes, and god, this night just could not get better.
"Oh, fuck off!" Eddie groans in the DJ's direction.
Steve has to practically swallow his lips to keep himself from cackling, and then he gives up and does it, anyway, because Eddie looks like he just sucked a lemon while watching a dog die as his bandmates all start sing-shouting along. "We're talking away..."
"No." Eddie wheels around and points a finger at Steve, because Steve's singing, too.
Steve just sings louder. "I don't know what, I'm to say!"
"Oh, my god." He scrubs a hand down his face, dragging the skin down until Steve can see the pale pink of his inner eyelid. "Nobody I know has any goddamn taste!"
"Maybe you don't have any taste!" Robin teases, bouncing around and swinging her arms haphazardly to the music.
Nancy backs her up with a mumbled "Yeah!" but she's still spinning around in such tight circles that Steve doubts she has a single clue what's happening in the argument right now. Which is kind of endearing, actually. He likes how willing she is to stick up for people.
The chorus kicks in; Gareth air-drums the switch to half time just before Frank does an honestly super impressive falsetto of 'in a day or twoooooo', and Eddie despairs while Steve laughs his fucking head off.
part 46
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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doodlebugg16-blog · 3 months
Azriel x reader
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**18+ MDNI**
{Song Inspo}
Summary: You and Azriel are besties for the resties and share a common feeling of resentment towards the mother for not blessing you with a mate. Unfortunately you decide to search for distractions through many males and Azriel is forced to watch you destroy yourself from it. Warnings: Cassian and Rhys guest appearance, angst, depression, suggestive, sexual themes, violence, heartbreak, nonconsensual touching, mentions of y/n, she/her reader, usual ACOTAR warnings, don't worry it has a happy, kinda rushed ending A/n: I honestly wasn't expecting my other Azriel fic to be read by anyone haha so here's another one I've been thinking about. This is also unedited--sorry xoxo
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Azriel and you have been friends since he was found his shadows. You were the first to come across the newly born shadowsinger and show him kindness. He never forgot it and it had bloomed into a friendship attached to the hip.
You're the only person to get through his stubbornness. He's the only person that can calm your short temper. Until lately.
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You were double-checking your heels to make sure they were strapped correctly and doing a last fluff-up of your hair. Checking yourself in the full length mirror, you spotted Cassian walking past, heading to the kitchen.
"I love what you've done with your hair, how'd you get it to come out of your ears like that?"
You whipped around and scoffed, catching his shit-eating grin. You went to reach for a nearby book to throw at him but a voice cut you off.
"Cassian, you should check your nose before making such comments."
Rhys had wandered around me.
"What?!" Cass had covered his nose and rushed back to his room.
You laughed and turned back to the mirror. "Thanks, Rhys."
He smiled and nodded to the door. "Be safe tonight, Y/n."
You sighed and nodded. "I always am. I know how to protect myself thank you very much."
He snorted, "I'd almost feel sorry for the poor soul to have to face Azriel if something were to happen."
That made you smile. Azriel hated that you went out. He always made himself scarce when you got ready to leave.
Once you accepted the way you looked, you rushed out the door and into the night.
"I assume you're going to follow?" Rhys spoke to the shadows. "I am starting to get concerned. She's starting to leave every night." He turned to the darkest corner in the room.
Azriel emerged and grunted. "I'm worried too."
With that he vanished along with his shadows, following you.
Over the years, Azriel had felt his fondness grow towards you. As his feelings grew, he felt the distance growing with you. You were pushing yourself deeper in the night and loosing yourself during the day. Azriel knew you were distracting yourself ever since the last family gathering. Your drank yourself silly and confessed to have given up with the mate bullshit. Azriel had agreed and felt the same but he had no idea you would have given up this much. He had promised himself that he would save you.
Azriel had followed you to your usual underground club. He watched from afar and had his shadows on high alert. He noticed a smaller male strike up a conversation. You immediately giggling and engaging. It made him sick. Suddenly, you and the male were gone, Azriel's visons blocked by a new group passing in front of him. He huffed and made his way through the crowd, trying to spot you.
After a while without any luck, Azriel started getting worried. He sent his shadows to look for you.
You were being lead out the club by the small male. You usually didn't leave the club but you started to care less and less. The male entered and ally and pushed you up against the wall, kissing your neck. You had the sudden feeling you were being watched.
"H-hey, I think I'm going to call it a night." You tried to guide the male off of you. He then grabbed your wrists and held them to the wall on either side of your head.
"I'm not done with yet, pretty. Don't you wanna have my friends join?"
You furrowed your brows and looked deeper in the ally to spot two other males.
Shit. This isn't going to end well.
"Let go. I'm done." You tried again but the male was somehow stronger.
His hands then started to travel down your body and the other two males made their way closer. "I spiked your drink so don't try anything stupid."
Fuck. This is definitely not going to end well.
Before the two males could touch you, the shadows had swarmed you. You could hear the slashing of Truth Teller. Looking to the male holding you, smiling, "Good Luck." With that, he was yanked into the shadows. You heard a slash and a gargled yelp. Your held your wrists and a frown carved on your lips.
The shadows blurred into the ground, revealing Az. He rushed in front of you, gently taking your wrists in his scarred hands.
"He won't touch you again." He promised.
You looked up into his hazel eyes and blinked away tears. "I can't do this anymore Az. I don't think anyone is going to love me." Now you were sobbing. Azriel's eyes softened.
"Don't say that. You won't find someone like this."
"But it's true! I still don't have a mate and I have to sit around everyone while they are happy with theirs."
Azriel tilted his head. "Trust me, I know how that feels. But you don't need a mate to find someone to spend the rest of your life with. I'm here, right in front of you."
Your eyes widen at him. You shook your head and took your hands out of his. "What are you saying, Az?"
"I love you, Y/n. I can't keep watching you destroy yourself and I can't keep watching other males take advantage of you."
Sniffling, you give his shoulder a push. "You dummy, how long have you felt this way?"
He smiled and shook his head. "Should I have said something sooner?"
You laughed and wiped under your eyes. "Wayyyy sooner."
He leaned in, "Can I kiss you?"
His lips crashed to yours with nothing but passion and love. You wrapped you arms around his neck and sighed into the kiss. You pulled away and both stared into each others eyes. Suddenly, you felt a sharp tug in your chest, blooming a golden thread. You both gasp.
"No fucking way." You laughed. He joined in and held a hand to his chest.
When the laughter died down, he leaned in and rested his forehead to yours. "Let's get out of here, mate."
"Please." You sighed and leaned into his touch.
This definitely ended well.
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
I've started and deleted this sentence several times now and don't really know how to begin. So let's just go for it and say seriously WHAT THE FUCK has been the last 6 months!? My mind is a clusterfuck rn. I love L and N but they are seriously debilitating. Like I've been see-sawing between casual nonchalance about everything saying "haha this is great ride, what's next in store?" to just confused exasperation and emotional fatigue. I don't even know these people, and yet I am so fucking invested. This has never happened to me. They are like a drug. Seriously, whatever they are selling, I will buy 10 of everything, pump it into my veins. Why is my kink now seeing them get married, have kids and L be a stay-at-home daddy while N rules the fucking world?! N, alone, has me questioning my sexuality. Then I remember L is there, and I go oh yeah him too. Them is my sexuality. It's so messy. Anyway, now to the point of this. I had some flashbacks while watching L's Loewe Vogue video today. Watching his groomer give him a lovely face and head massage instantly transported me to Ireland with the infamous forehead stroke. Honestly, imo, the biggest turning point of the whole tour. So much happened before this time, but I really do think this moment was critical. I will outline why.
Obviously, Ireland was a massive deal for N. The excitement of getting back home and meeting family and friends, the amazing reception, it was special. She talked ad nauseam about her mum meeting L and honestly all I could think was when has anyone been excited/nervous about their parents meeting just a friend? You feel that certain way because you're wanting approval, you're wanting them to feel the same way you do about that person and welcome them into the family, as it were. I've never felt that way with friends, but I had done with my boyfriend (now husband). But maybe that's just me? L didn't seem as caught up in it, like almost trying to downplay a lot of her ott excitement. I also noticed that they were less touchy feely overall compared to earlier on in the trip, which was so unhinged honestly, I didn't know what to do with myself. But then came the moment. I don't think enough people have broken this moment down. So the interviewer asks the question, that's been asked oh so many times, "was it easier or harder to do the intimacy scenes with a friend?" And N looks at L and thinks to herself, he has a hair out of place on his forehead, I'm going to reach out and stroke his forehead right in the middle of this god damn interview. Not once, but a few times, like her little hand was built to stroke that man's face. Now, tbf, she does ask permission but also tbf her hand is already at his face before he can answer a whispered, guttural, "mhmm". He leans in, we loose L for a bit there, then he comes back saying "ok" like you probably got that hair now, think we should stop now. And her going into 'mother' mode telling him to turn his head, good boy. And his little worried face when it's over. And them talking about how N just can't stop picking hairs off people on set. Mmm ok. If they were in Regency outfits, I would be expecting a mirror scene next up. But you might say to me, well shit like this has happened countless times, it's just another thing. Well, I say no, this time was different. They both knew they had crossed a line, publicly, her initiation, his reaction. Because they were strange as hell at the London premiere. He avoided her gaze. She visibly stopped herself from touching him. One occasion, I saw her reach out to his arm or back, and she looked behind him (I think where their teams were?), and immediately pulled her arm back. The first moment she was asked about people shipping Lukola she had a pre-prepared speech ready to go to explain the head stroke. It was forced. A lot of what she said seemed so rehearsed, and although, I'm certain N does think a lot about what she is going to say in interviews, usually she is very natural about it and let's it flow. That lady was stressed and making a point that L is just a 'bud'. The lady doth protest to much, methinks. She's seen everything we've typed about her and L's behaviour during the tour, so why start over-explaining and defending behaviour now? She was STRESSED. That was the overt, obvious, stop yourself type of behaviour, and yet we still saw SOME of that unconscious stuff seep through, like him searching for her hand, her looking up at him like a God, her stroking his thumb with hers while holding hands (seriously, why was that SO intimate to me?). Point being, you can't fake that stuff, the repression and release. The unconscious behaviour. They knew something was rumbling. Or at least, N did. My opinion is that they have not acted on those rumblings, because if they had, it would be OVER. Electric. Power surge. Goodnight. Pack your bags and goodbye. We might not even exist anymore, tbh. But I shall wait over here and keep eating all the crumbs I can get. (I am sooo sorry about the length of whatever this is, thank you much the same, it was so nice to vent).
OKay but like I kinda fuckin love you anon...
I had the biggest smile on my face reading this.
There is so much to unpack here. We will have to chat sometime.
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littlest-nightingale · 3 months
Nobody asked but here's my newwho agere timeline lmao (9-15)
Okay so we start with Rose. Rose is a certified silly little lady. Okay well lady makes it sound like she's all prim and proper but she isn't. Anyway Rose regresses. her mom doesn't know, and neither does Mickey. But because she's spending sooo much time with The Doctor and he's already... well, a time traveling alien (and therefore used to "weird" things) she entirely trusts him with her regression. (honestly slay. i don't think it gets much cooler than having a time traveler for a cg so go off) BUT ANYWAY The Doctor has briefly heard of agere but never seen it, it just never interested him as much as the myriad of other fun things about humanity. But now he's got Rose and he's definitely at least going to try taking care of her. And he's. okay at it. a bit too protective but he's still fun and very willing to learn. they make friendship bracelets. he knows more about my little pony than he ever intended to. and notably, the TARDIS has a playroom now. There are stars on the ceiling and bed with a blanket nest and shelves and shelves of silly little toys because he just can't say no to her and it's great.
Then he regenerates and. uh oh
Rose, on top of being stressed about, uh, EVERYTHING ELSE is also worried about loosing her caregiver. Spoiler alert: that doesn't happen. Ten is a wonderful caregiver, even more playful and silly yet still very protective (he actually time travels with her when she's regressed, which is more than can be said for Nine) and everything is fine and dandy until uh oh, he loses Rose! fuck!!!
During the time between Rose and Martha he doesn't touch that playroom at all because uh oh! guilt! grief!!!!!!! all around sad! The big big sad!
That doesn't stop the Doctor from trying to regress himself, after a while. it's helpful, he 100% understands why Rose regressed so often. Anyway.
by the time Martha comes around he's doing it pretty often. he's never going to tell her shit about it, but when she isn't there, he's regressing pretty often.
Around the time he finds Donna again, he's actually opened up the playroom again, slightly adjusting it for himself but still keeping most of Rose's stuff. Donna doesn't know, but she does buy him a rather pathetic and skinny little stuffed animal as a joke, because it reminded her of him. it's his best friend.
Then, he regenerated into 11. 11 doesn't regress the entire time he's traveling with Amy, because Amy is a little and he ends up as her cg, and he doesn't tell her because he doesn't want her to worry. Rory is, understandably, a little bit pissed that Amy trusted the Doctor with her regression while he, HER HUSBAND, didn't know, but do you think they're going to address it? no. no they are not.
After Amy and Rory die, all of Amy's things were shoved into a closet in the playroom during a fit of grief and not touched for decades, because it just felt wrong to move them afterward.
While 11 is hiding in the clouds above London, he regresses involuntarily a LOT. he's just. very very sad.
When Clara comes along, girliepop figures out pretty quickly that he's hiding something from her, and when she finds out she pretty much instantly takes up the role of caregiver. he is a sopping wet blanket of a man and goddamnit she's going to take care of him!!! 11 is incredibly hyper on days when he isn't regressed due to stress, he's bouncing off the walls crazy insane and Clara is insanely good with him. oh. and he's a leash kid. you cannot take him anywhere (not that that stops her from doing so) She gets him a little giraffe and some teethers and little sensory toys and y'know. he's her little guy 🥺🥺
And then we get to 12. 12, unlike 11, isn't very open about his regression at all. in fact, he actually tries to convince her he doesn't regress anymore, but Clara isn't dumb and sees right through it. Once he stops being a stubborn little bastard Clara realizes just how low energy he is. when 12 regresses, most of the time he just curls up and goes to sleep. She doesn't really need to do anything other than be there most of the time. they eventually get him a bean bag that goes next to Clara's desk in the TARDIS, so while she grades and does work he curls up and naps or plays with his sensory board or just sits there and watches. he's just very, very tired. they are the definition of the "excuse me he asked for no pickles" meme. she is so much shorter than him and this is unnecessarily funny to me. just imagine her being like "yeah I have a little!" and the little is an angry looking Scottish man who is several inches taller than her and looks like he hasn't slept in days. wonderful amazing incredible i have no notes.
He doesn't tell Nardole or Bill about it. Nardole is much too strict about most things to be a fun caregiver, and Bill is his student. Sure, she's also his friend, but he has no interest in telling her. So that's all fun and great but Missy. oh Missy knows. don't ask me how she knows I have no idea but she does and it turns out that they both regress and. bangs my head into a wall. them . ough
The Doctor is definitely not going to regress around her for a variety of completely understandable reasons but Missy is very, very pent up and stressed in that vault and goddamnit he is going to give her enrichment in her enclosure. So he starts buying her things behind Nardole's back, bringing her little science kits and books and dolls and whatever her little heart desires! She does his makeup and they watch movies and paint eachothers nails. Nardole is a bit suspicious but who gives a shit they're thriving.
Eventually Missy seems to be stable enough and one day he finds himself slipping with her, which leads to a several hour long playdate and a mess that they both have to clean up. After that they settle into a routine where they meet every other day and switch off who's the cg that day, if any. The watch more movies are make matching pacis and they cuddle it's great. once again 10/10 no notes can you tell that 12 is my favorite yet.
Then we get to 13 and brother 13 is the most miserable little guy on this list. 11 may have spent decades fluctuating between headspaces above Victorian London but 13 is so much worse.
If 13 settles down for too long she starts thinking too goddamn hard and it upsets her. on top of that, she doesn't want people to know about her regression because of the sexism she started experiencing after regenerating. She knows people already few her as more emotional and crazy than her past selves and if people knew about her regression, that would no doubt get worse. Plus, she has 3 whole people in the TARDIS, which she does consider to be her responsibility and therefore she doesn't want to put herself in a mindset where she couldn't help them if needed. She regresses around the fam once, completely involuntarily, and they never talk about it again. Every time 13 regressed it was involuntary, and most of those regressions were spent crying. This gets infinitely worse after the timeless child ordeal. she may not have those memories but she experiences them as nightmares or daydreams, kind of like how when "john smith" (10) wrote stories about being the doctor because he could very faintly remember it. These nightmares and daydreams are more common when she regresses because they are memories from her childhood. This is the first time that regression has been dangerous for her. She doesn't want to, but it just keeps happening, and there's nobody to take care of her through it all.
Despite being in an infinitely less stressful environment and having people to care for him, 14 avoids regressing. Maybe one day, but not now. not so soon. not when it might be unsafe. But that doesn't mean he's completely away from it. Rose is also a regressor! She regresses for stress relief and also to have a more .. fem childhood? y'know. you get it you understand
Rose tells 14 before Donna, because he's a goddamn time traveling alien and has absolutely no right to judge her. no matter what he will always be weirder.
anyway he's like. that's so cool of you tbh but you should tell ur mom too because she's an absolute sweetheart and I'll back you up on everything. So she does and Donna feels SO guilty about Rose not thinking she would be accepting even though Rose reassures her that anxiety is just like that. But she's also thrilled? like. ohh i get to take care of my baby again. oh this is great. i love my daughter
so the Doctor's like cool. that's fun- and then he remembers that he has a time machine that can go anywhere and. this toootally doesn't end in him taking his little niece to all sorts of zoos and parks and museums with a perception filter in so she looks like a normal child so nobody can judge her. definitely not. maybe don't tell Donna about that bit
15 is considering going back to regression, and he has no plans to inform Ruby (at least not for a while.) Ruby is a regressor, but she's too nervous to tell him.
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Overprotective dad Bob Velseb??? 💳💥💳💥💳💥
Dad knows best!
Dad!Bob velseb x Daughter/Son!Reader
Yesssssssss!!!!!!!!!! You have gotten my interest little Mothling! (And just at the perfect time!) I don't see anything about headcannons so for you I shall give a short story! And I know EXACTLY what to write about! TW this is very gorey and graphic.
Warnings: Blood, gore, cannibalism, nudity, mentions of cheating, Bob being overprotective as hell, dead body, killing, cursing, teeny bit of angst, tooth rotting fluff
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The front door slams shut as you run upstairs to your room, tears streaming down your face. The sound of another door slamming in the house rings throughout the halls, Bob wasn't home yet. You were alone in the house, and you found that as a blessing as you cried into your pillow in your room. Bob was going to loose his shit if he found out.......
---- Time skip ----
It was late now, probably 2, before Bob came back home. He dragged a mutilated body with him and smiled crazily " Littl' lamb! I'm home! " his southern accent called out. He got worried and his smile went away when you didn't come and greet him, not even a reply from somewhere in the house! He dragged the body into the blood and guts covered kitchen, which desperately needed to be cleaned, and sighed in relief when he noticed you in the kitchen. " Littl' lamb! There ya' are! Ya' got me worried there when ya' didn't respond..... " he chuckled slightly as he threw the body onto a table that acted as a chopping board for y'all.
" So! Tell me my littl' killer, how'd your date go? " Bob knew you had been raving about a date your boyfriend set up for you two, he didn't approve of him at all but knew he had to accept him just for you. He was about to chop off a arm but stopped and looked over at you worried when you didn't say anything " Littl' lamb? " he asked concerned. You finally showed him your face, tears streamed and fell from your eyes. It looked like you had been crying all day.......
Bob quickly set down the butcher knife and quickly hugged you " Hey hey hey... It's alright littl' lamb. What happened? " he was concerned and also slightly angry, knowing your boyfriend had something to do with this. You hug him close and cry into his chest, not being able to talk without sobbing " H-he...... H-He cheated on me........ " " WHAT!?!?!?!? " Bob screamed, his voice was deep and sounded like a demon out of hell. Oh he was angry. . . . No. That's not the right word. . . . . . . . HE WAS ABSOLUTELY BEYOND WORDS FOR HIS ANGER.
Bob's voice was still deep and demonic as he held you closer than before " What. Did. He. Do. " he demanded a explanation before he went on a absolute murder spree. You sniffled, hugging him closer and starting to explain what happened between crying " H-He took me out to the park....... A-and once we reached the entrance I turned around to kiss him b-but he pushed me away......... " you started crying more as you continued " I-I tried asking h-him what was wrong......... B-but he laughed at me! " You started shaking slightly as Bob tried calming you down " H-He said I was pathetic...... T-that nobody would l-love the kid who's dad's a m-murderer........ H-He....... H-he....... "
Bob shushed you and started comforting you as you broke down, his grip was tight and his voice was comforting and strained " Ya' don't have to continue...... Just calm down littl' lamb.......... Dad's gotcha'........ " he held you close as you cried into him, he was holding himself back from going and killing that boy and hunt down every person related to him. But that could wait, you needed Bob right now.
Slowly Bob calmed you down, still holding you close as you started to feel better but not yet done crying. Bob was using whatever will he still had left not to just go after that boy already, his anger was rising the more he thought about it that he started to mumbled to himself about what he'd do once he got his hands on him. " I swear'. Once I get my hands' on him I'll- " he stopped rambling when he felt you shift in his hold, quickly turning his attention back to you with a soft expression on his face " I-It's fine dad........ Y-You don't need to waste your time like that.......... " your voice was hushed and small as you talked, voice slightly horse as well as you wiped away whatever tears came from your eyes.
Bob wasn't having it thought, he refused to, that boy deserved to be hunted for hurting his littl' lamb. That's when he had a idea. A smug and soft smile over takes his face as he looks at you, softly wiping your remaining tears away as he slowly started to calm down " Littl' lamb, hey, look at me. " you lift your head up towards him, the hug not as restricting as before as a look of curiosity is seen in your eyes. Bob's smile just seems to grow, not being able to restrain his pure excitement over his idea to cheer you up " Why don't I take ya' out for some killin'? Like old times'! " you slowly nodded in agreement, a small smile comes onto your face as the idea brings some joy to your gloomy mood.
" Sure! I just need to get ready! " Bob let's out a short laugh as you quickly leave his hug, running upstairs towards your room to most certainly change into something disposable. He had a soft smile on his face as he turned back to the body on the table, picking back up the butcher knife as he starts cutting up the body to put it in the freezer. As he cuts up the body a sickening smile grows on his face, his eyes going slightly insane as his pupils turn cyan. That BOY was going to suffer for what he did, and he'd make sure of it.
" Ya' messed with the wrong family ya' little bitch....... " He mumbled under his breath as he harshly chopped off the head, the sound of the cervical vertebra breaking instead of splitting only emphasising just how hard he slammed down the butcher knife. Blood sprayed onto him as he looked at the cracked vertebra blankly, his pupils a deep cyan and his smile wide with insanity. " Dad! Really! " the sound of you scolding him for getting blood on himself broke his blank stare, he turned his attention to you and chuckled nervously " I'll change! Don't ya' worry! "
---- Time skip ----
You both were outside of a all too familiar house, a look of pure confusion on your face as you looked over to Bob. " Dad, what are we doing here?????? " your voice was a whisper as you didn't want to get caught, or worse someone heard you and recorded your conversation. Bob had a soft and nervous smile on his face, looking over to you as he held his signature knife in one had and scratched at his neck with his other hand " I know ya' said you wanted me ta' leave it be, but I can't! He hurt my littl' devil and he needs to pay! So, I thought that if ya' kill him you'd no longer be so sad! "
You looked slightly perplexed at his confession, thinking about it as you tossed your own knife Bob hand made you between your hands. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to indulge in the idea of killing your now ex more. It only solidified as you heard a door open from his house, and out walked a barbie blonde who waved bye to him from his window. You turn to Bob, adorning a insane smile on your face, as you gripped your knife handle hard in your dominate hand and let out a sinister chuckle " Well, I suppose getting rid of the source of my pain isn't so bad~...... "
Bob's own insane smile took his face, his pupils a nice cyan, and he let out a pleased chuckle when your voice mimicked it's own demonic tone " That's my girl/boy. " his own voice went demonic as you both had equally insane looks on your faces, oh tonight's bonding kill was gonna be F U N. You both made quick work of sneaking into the house and up the stairs towards his room, having to both contain yourselves from just running upstairs and getting to him already. The house was a complete mess which made it slightly difficult to sneak upstairs, various bottles were scattered everywhere and old takeout food or clothes were just strewn all over the place " No wonder he never let me over, it's a fucking mess in here...... " you mumbled with clear disgust, you may have a gory kitchen but it wasn't as bad as your ex's house.
When you made it upstairs his door was slightly cracked open, giving you a chance to hear his conversation he was having with someone over the phone. He let out a laugh as both you and Bob waited outside the door for the right time to strike, it seemed whoever he was talking to was a friend of his " Hahah! Yeah! You should have seen the look on her/his face! Like I'd ever date the literal definition of insane, she/he was absolutely obsessed with me! " that when you realize he was talking about you, more specifically how you had put your entire heart into the relationship and he viewed it as you being obsessed or insane. You didn't need to look over towards Bob to know he was SEETHING, the ever growing feeling of his death stare at the door told you all you needed to know.
" Anyway, I gotta go, Ashely is supposed to be coming over soon. " you almost felt revoltion and anger bubble in your stomach like acid, now having Bob stare at you in wait for if you'd break down the door or not. Ashely was his " ex ", but when he broke up with you she was there to rub in your face they'd been sleeping together since you two started dating. When he hanged up you waited a minute, hearing the light go off so he was in the dark and a twisted smirk came onto your face " Dad, do you think you can keep a eye out for her real quickly? " your voice was hushed as the unmistakable sound of the front door opening and closing is heard, Bob quickly catching on to what you were going to do and sneaking down stairs to " Greet " the new guest.
Slowly you opened the door to his room, your eyes giving you the advantage to see him laying face up on his bed. You had to suppress a scoff and gag as you notice him completely naked on the bed, his pathetic excuse of a manhood on display if the lights were on " Ashely! Why don't you come here~? " You had to control yourself as he called you Ashely, unaware it was you and not her. But you knew it wouldn't be long before he realized it's you, and your insane smile only grew as you made quick work of making your way towards him. You noticed cuffs attached to the headboard and quickly cuffed his wrists to the headboard, him chuckling as he was none the wiser to what was going to happen " Damn, really Ash- " " I'm not Ashely~.......... "
Almost immediately horror took over his face, he sorta freezes in place as he realizes it's you and that he was cuffed to his headboard. Bob ended up coming up the stairs holding something behind his back, giving a sinister and disgusted chuckle at the scene before him in the dark " Well then, shall we give him a gift before we begin? " You found a switch, causing the room to be flooded in red lighting which made you giggle, you moved towards Bob and looked behind his back which draws a excited gasp from you. " Oh yes! That's the perfect gift! " he ended up starting to struggle in the cuffs, causing Bob to get annoyed and quickly make his way over and stab one of his legs still to the bed. A bloodcurdling scream is ripped out of him, Bob's knife tearing through Muscle, tendons, nerves, veins, all the way to the bone which is split right where the knife was stabbed into.
A unmistakable crack was heard with the squelching of blood quickly rushing to the surface and spraying out the wound, no doubt to any of you that his Fibula and Tibia were possibly split from the middle through bone marrow and all. You let out a laugh and made your way over to him as well, making quick work to stab his other leg in the same spot and manner as his other leg, relishing in the scream that's drawn from him as you look to Bob with insanity almost plastered to your grin. " Let's give him his gift! I simply can't wait! " excitement oozed from your voice as your ex started to panic, his legs were most certainly useless and if he struggled he'd probably split the bones of his calves in half more than now. So in hopeless dispair he could only helplessly look between you two, eyes moving rapily between you two as his panic increased " S-Suprise? O-oh god. Please n-no. D-Don't tell m-me tha- "
Before he was able to say much more, Bob moved what he was holding behind his back to your ex's face, causing your ex to pale and almost vomit on the spot at the sight in front of him " Aww~, don't be like that with your G I R L F R I E N D. " in front of your ex was the mutilated head of Ashely, a permanent look of pure horror on her face in the form of a unreleased scream that never escaped her. At the base of her head, through the bloody mess that was there and dripped crimson red darker than a blood moon, her Cervical and part of her Thoracic spine hanged freely with a clean split right where Bob had cut her spine off. You clapped your hand's with glee as you looked at your ex's horrified face, grabbing at the exposed spine hanging from Ashley's cut off head and pulling at it.
The spine came out of her head and neck without much protest, causing the hole it left to pour a river of blood onto the bed with her tounge even falling out onto your ex's lap. Your ex threw up onto himself as Bob laughed and you wrapped the spine on your neck like a scarf, Bob throwing Ashley's head into your ex's lap and giving you a hug while putting pressure onto the knife in his left leg " That suits you so well littl' devil! " Bob said as he twisted the knife the right causing his Fibula and Tibia to actually split in half, a scream that was loud enough to cause you and Bob to cover your ears coming from him as crimson blood came from him like a water fountain. " Y-You're INSANE!!! B-BOTH OF YOU!!!! " you let out a laugh as you got out of Bob's hug and harshly grabbed your ex by the throat, causing him to slightly gasp for air as you were face to face with each other.
Bob leaned against a wall close to the bedroom door, having a smug smile on his face as he decided to let you have this kill for your outing. Your eyes were a deep cyan as you yanked the knife out of his left leg and held it against his chest, you truly looked like Bob's daughter/son in that moment as you adorned his famous smile and crazed eyes that everyone knew " I'm more than insane..... I'm the DEFINITION of insanity. Now. ⱠɆ₮'₴ ₲Ɇ₮ ₮Ø ₮ⱧɆ ₣Ʉ₦ ₱₳Ɽ₮.... "
---- Time skip ----
The walk back home was filled with laughter and maybe even a buzz of excitement? But it was very evident that both your bloodlust were satisfied and so was your satisfaction of revenge, if anyone needed more proof about that both you and Bob were covered head to toe in blood. Bob let out a content sigh as he wore a relaxed smile on his face as you both walked, looking downward behind you both to what little remained of your ex's body that he was dragging along (I'll spare the details about it.....).
" So my littl' lamb! Feelin' better? " Bob asked you while he looked at you with a small look of nervousness, he didn't want you to be sad after everything you just did to your mutilated and mangled ex's body. But when you gave Bob a relaxed and happy smile as you began to rant about how much fun you had and how you felt better, his nervousness went away as he felt absolutely pleased to know you were better now. He listened intently to your ranting and let out small laughs here and there when you'd reenact things you did, he especially laughed when you mimicked you're ex's crying and screaming finding it funny remembering how girlish it was.
When you finished your rant you were already home outside of the front door, Bob throwing your ex's body into a campfire near the house starting to pour gasoline on it, you let out a sigh and hugged bob from the side as he lit a match. " Thank you Dad....... I couldn't wish for anyone else to be my dad..... " Bob smiled as he handed the lit match to you so you could throw it on your ex, the final act to cut all ties with him, and hugged you back with a slightly tight grip on you. " Of course...... Anythin' for my littl' devil. " You couldn't help but feel absolutely important and loved when Bob said that, you already knew your dad loved you but it's always nice to hear him tell you that sometimes. You threw the match onto your ex's body lighting it ablaze as you and Bob hugged each other, the smell of burning flesh floating in the air but not bothering either of you as you simply enjoyed your father daughter/son moment. Bob wearing a bigger smile than the two of you as he knew that he'd never let another boy near you, he'd kill any boy who dared look you're way and dare speak or break your heart. It's like the old saying-
Father knows best!
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So this definitely derailed from what I was originally gonna do ( ;∀;). BUT it works and I have very little motivation to go back and rewrite everything..... So! I'm sorry this took so long but I've already explained what was going on in a different post so please don't expect a deadline from me, and I hope you enjoy what I have written! If you have requests you want to ask me to do check out my requests page (Pinned comment with all my rules and comfort level for writing) and for now BYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
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daisyvisions · 2 years
Hi! Can i request prompts 5,11,21 for kevin? Fluffy softdom!kev smut omg?-
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Bump & Love
Member:  Kevin Moon (TBZ)
Prompts: 5 - “Let me take care of you, yeah? I’ll do the work.”, 11 - “I’ll make you feel good, I promise. Just trust me.”, & 21 - “Doing so good for me, sweetheart.”
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), soft!dom Kevin x nervous reader, cock rubbing against clit, light fingering, some praising, lots of pet names used (baby, sweetheart)
A/N: belated happy birthday Kevin! 💕
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
To say you were nervous was a complete understatement.
It’s not that you didn't want this to happen. It was more of you were worried he’d lose interest in you if you didn't push through with it.
“You’re so beautiful like this baby…” Kevin whispers in your ear as his body moves forward, making you lean your back against his mattress. Your kisses become more feverish and intense the more he roams his hands around your body.
“Kevin…” you whimper. His hands going under your shirt, touching your exposed skin were making you grow desperate for more. Your breathing starts to become more anxious than pleasurable as he grinds his hard bulge against your thigh. You try to close your eyes and not over think the situation.
But this doesn’t go unnoticed by Kevin. He stops all his movements and pulls his head away from your neck to look at your face.
"Hey… are you okay?” he asks you while caressing your cheek. You open your eyes to see him looking at you with deep concern.
“I-I’m fine Kevin...” You stutter.
“You don’t sound like it though.” he replies. He gets up from his position, helping you in the process so you’re also sitting up with him. He keeps a good distance while holding your hands in his so he doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable.
“Tell me what’s on your mind sweetheart.” He lightly massages your hands.
“Well…” you pause for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. “My ex… never really satisfied me. And when I didn’t meet his standards he would make me feel like shit.” you confess while looking down at your lap.
Kevin’s jaw tightens a bit. How could someone make you feel that way about yourself? You didn’t deserve it at all. He shakes off the thought for a moment and focuses on you again.
“We don’t have to do anything just yet if you don't want to. I would never force you to do anything you didn’t want.” The grip of his hands tighten around yours, making sure you heard every word he meant.
“I-I want to Kevin. I really do. I really like you-”
“-And I really like you too sweetheart. But it would break me knowing you forced yourself to do this.” He lets go of one of your hands and places his fingers under your chin, making you look up at him.
“Is this really what you want?” He asks again one more time.
“Y-yes” You nervously reply. “But, is it okay if we don’t go all the way? I don’t think I’m ready yet”
“Of course.” Kevin gives you a sweet smile and leans forward to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Tell me what you want.” He says while brushing the stray hair behind your ear. “Let me take care of you, yeah? I’ll do the work.”
“Touch me Kevin, please…” you whisper.
He leans in closer to your neck. His fingers slowly make their way to your core, slipping under your loose shorts to rub against your covered folds.
“Like this?” he kisses your sensitive skin, making your breath hitch.
“Y-yes…” you quietly moan. Kevin gently lets you lean back against his mattress, the same position the two of you were in earlier.
“Just let me know when it gets too much, okay?” caressing your cheek before you nod and let him continue pleasuring you.
His fingers start fiddling with the drawstring of your shorts, slowly removing them along with your underwear. You swear you saw Kevin’s pupils dilating at the sight of your glistening core, as if some kind of darkness had consumed him within.
Kevin continues his ministrations as he carefully glides two fingers in-between your folds, watching the way you react to his touch. His fingers rub against your sensitive bud, making you elicit what he thinks is the most beautiful moan he’s ever heard as you slightly jerk your hips up.
“R-right there, Kevin.” You whine. Telling him where you want him the most.
“Yeah? Feels good baby?” He coos. “Fuck you’re so wet for me…” he continues rubbing circles on your clit, making you moan even louder. He kisses your neck while grinding against your thigh, getting off to the sounds of your moaning.
Feeling his erection rubbing against you was making you feel dizzy.
“Kevin… wanna feel you…” You mumble.
“You sure? Will that make you feel better?” He asks.
“Y-yes Kevin please, wanna feel you…” You respond.
He stops touching your sensitive bud as an idea suddenly pops in his mind. You whine from the lack of his touch.
“I have an idea babe, I think you might enjoy it…” he looks at you.
“What is it?” you curiously ask. Kevin starts removing his pants and boxers, freeing his aching cock. He scoots closer to you and starts to slowly spread your legs apart. You start to get a bit nervous again as you watch him.
“W-what are you doing?” you hold his wrists.
“Relax baby, I won’t put it in. I’ll make you feel good, I promise. Just trust me.” he reassures as you nod your head in response.
His starts to pump himself with his free hand, smearing the precum around his cock while his fingers on his other hand slides between your folds.
Kevin kneels infront of you, positioning his cock above your wet pussy before slowly inserting his member between your folds and starts slowly thrusting himself.
The feeling of his cock rubbing against your clit makes you want to drool.
“O-oh my god-” you cried out in pleasure. You’ve never had anyone rub their cock between your folds. The new experience making your walls flutter inside.
“That’s it. Doing so good for me, sweetheart.” He groans from feeling the warmth of your folds and arousal coating his member. More pre-cum leaking out of him as he continues to thrust himself.
“M-more….” you stutter as your mind drifts into ecstasy.
Kevin listens to your wishes and holds the base of his cock. He aligns the tip of his cock right on your clit and starts moving his cock up and down, rubbing your clit with his leaking tip.
You moan out loud again. and again and again and again. The sight before you enough to signal your approaching climax. Kevin sees your face contort with pleasure, telling him you're so close.
“That’s it baby. Let my cock make you feel good. You deserve it.” He says. You continue to moan out in response, incapable of saying any words at this point.
Kevin starts to rub his tip faster against your clit, making you cum hard without warning. You try to catch your breath from your high crashing on you like a wave.
He smiles sweetly at you, making you feel all warm on the inside from how he treated you this whole time. But you can’t help but slightly pout when you realize he didn’t get to reach his own high.
“What’s wrong?” he asks you, noticing your pouty lips.
“You didn’t get to cum…” you whine.
“That’s okay baby, don't worry about me. Tonight was all about you.” He places a kiss on your forehead,
“Your pleasure is my pleasure…”
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jalapenobee · 1 year
Ok here's the sskk/skk au (it's just hc's) (may or may not be inspired by @/inamagicalhallucination's famous no powers au)
- can dance, yeah, but it's more like letting loose and jumping around idk
- like tapping his foot, bouncing his head, jumping in a circle that kinda thing
- it looks fun tho
- when he sings. Hmm. His voice would be like benson boone ig cause yeah
- but like. The vibe. Nicky youre-type songs but with really depressing topics
- like that one short he released with the 's-a-d overload'
- everyone loves him and he loves them back
- he likes being with people but not necessarily for the attention
- just like. Walking into a supermarket and saying 'OKAY PEOPLE IM PAYING FOR ALL YOUR GROCERIES' shit like that
- he's the type of singer who will either cling to the mic stand or jump around with the mic
- he interacts with the crowd at shows so much
- he can sing yeah it's pretty but it kinda hurts to so he prefers dancing
- his voice isn't as low as you'd think? Kinda scratchy tho
- keeps an absolute straight face while dancing. The ladies love it
- okay idk how to describe dancing styles but it's kinda like tense (in a good way?) slow movements and then sudden stops/starts/change in direction
- he's a contortionist btw
- yknow creeping - the weeknd? Yeah its like dancing to that
- or fever - enhypen that kinda thing
- stays kinda low to the ground like he'll be on his knees or crouching or bending over
- thinks atsushi has the best singing voice like ever (except for chuuya because shit??? bastard has talent everyone loves him)
- omg his voice can go super high. Like jason derulo/adam levine type shit
- also he has jason derulo vibes. Lots of love songs and ones about suicide
- everyone's lowkey worried about him but love him nonetheless
- LOVES the attention omg he feeds on it (and drags atsushi (and that means akutagawa too) everywhere with him)
- shinju shinju shinju
- absolutely loves collabs mainly because he gets views from a different audience
- super big on holiday specials
- will ruin chuuya's routine on stage. He will pull him close or trip him up or randomly kiss him
- oh yeah they're together but will deny it in the grave
- singing voice would have like takayan vibes but not as harsh like 'resentful life' that one yeah
- sings and dances about the same? Has his own title as a singer separate from dazai
- can sing just about any song except for slow ones
- uses his head a lot when he's dancing
- like flicks it from side to side or smth
- kinda like how dazai attempts to ruin his routines he ruins his singing
- he will incorporate moves where he like clings to dazai or strokes his face or smth idk
- their performances are very fun to watch heh
- very dynamic poses. Uses a lot of arm movements and doesn't like move from place to place unless it's one big move
- everyone loves the opening moves to his dances for some reason like it'll literally just be clapping and walking backwards or smth to hype up the crowd and it. Works.
- he sings along sometimes with dazai
Ok so
- akutagawa and dazai have been in the dancing/singing careers for a while
- chuuya is an experienced singer but only started dancing a couple years ago (dazai asked him to try and it spiraled from there)
- atsushi is pretty new to singing and has no dancing experience whatsoever he just wings it
- he met aku at a coffee shop because I live for references and they got to talking
- aku mentioned he was a dancer and atsushi was like really? Can I see? And it went from there
- 2S4K (their group name) didn't form until after dazai snagged a collab with sskk and yeah
- dazai knew atsushi for a while but only through tanizaki who works at a record company
- he (dazai) and akutagawa went to the same college (yeah aku was the quiet new dude who just followed him around)
- dazai and chuuya have known each other forever don't even ask
- i haven't thought about anyone else's roles much yet but I think fukuzawa and kunikida own a record label company which ranpo helps out at (he's still world's greatest detective)
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axelnyx · 1 year
God I Wish I Never Spoke
Can also be read on ao3
Fic Summary: Based on .__..edits.._ on tiktok headcannon of Price raising his voice at 141 but when his boys looked terrified he thought he was a monster for scaring them.
Ch 1: The Silence After the Outburst
Price was fuming as he looked at the three men that stood before him. Ghost, Soap and Gaz had recently returned from a mission, having only enough time to get cleaned up and checked out by medical before being summoned to Price's office. The mission itself had been a success though not without great risk. A risk that had gotten the three almost killed. Price had been listening in on the radio chatter. He knew he wasn't technically allowed to but sending his boys out on loan with another Captain didn't sit right with him. So he listened closely as his boys gave and responded to various orders. Of course, it didn't take long for the mission to turn to shit and Price could do nothing but listen as all hell broke loose on his boys' end. His worry for their safety turned to panic when the three idiots decided that the best course of action would be for them, and only them, to try and take on the enemy, or at least draw their fire so the rest could escape to the exfil site.
In the end, all three of his boys had made it back unharmed save for the few bruises and shallow cuts that littered their bodies. Still, seeing the state of them had Price's anger flaring up. He leveled each man with a stern look. Ghost being the only one who seemed to be able to look him in the eye. Soap's eyes were looking anywhere in the room except for Price and Gaz's were glued to the floor at his feet. Price grit his teeth and took a deep breath through his nose. "What the hell were you thinking?" he asked in a calm, yet cold, tone. "The team was pinned down and we saw no other option than for us three, being the most skilled and experienced, to draw the enemy's fire and provide the others with a chance to escape." Soap said, his statement sounding rehearsed.
"I told you boys specifically before you left not to pull any self sacrificing bullshit."
"Yes sir, but-"
"But nothing, Mactavish. You three went directly against what I said and almost got yourselves killed in the process."
This time it was Ghost who spoke up. "We had no choice, sir-" Price cut off Ghost's statement before he could finish. "No choice?" he asked, the volume of his voice beginning to rise. "There is always a choice Simon and the one you three chose was stupid and reckless. For a man who is so insistent that 'choices have consequences' you seem to not think through your actions. I expected this type of behavior from Soap, hell maybe even Gaz, but you? You are their lieutenant first and foremost, always. It doesn't matter if you are under my command or on loan, you have responsibilities to them." Had Price been less focused on his frustration towards the three men, he may have noticed how Ghost had flinched when Price had said his name or how he grew more tense as Price continued ranting. Price may have also noticed that Gaz had taken a step back and Soap had begun to hunch in on himself as his volume continued to grow.
"That's not fair, Cap." Soap said softly, still refusing to look at Price directly. Price's attention snapped back to the Sergeant, causing Soap to flinch slightly under the sharp glare. "You knew better as well." Price snapped. "All three of you knew better. You knew what you were doing was idiotic and yet you still went through with it. What would have happened if one of you hadn't made it back, hm? What then? Did you even stop to think of the possible consequences? Would you have been able to live with yourself if you had been the only one to make it off that field?" "We knew what we were doing." Soap retorted, his breathing starting to become erratic.
"You didn't!"
"We did! We had a plan-"
"A shit one that relied on luck alone!"
"No, it wasn't-"
"Don't lie to me!" Price snarled, taking a quick step towards Soap. He hardly registered Ghost quickly grabbing Soap and shoving the scot behind him. Acting as a barrier between Price and Soap. Price stopped in his tracks and the room fell silent. It was only then that he noticed the ragged breathing coming from the three men before him. He looked at each of his boys and felt as though the world had turned on its axis. The three men he had fought side-by-side with, had laughed and cried with, had comforted when they needed him most. His boys who had trusted him enough to share their dark pasts with him, now only looked at him with something he could only describe as pure fear. Ghost looked cool and collected on the outside, glaring down at Price and holding his gaze as if daring him to come after Soap. Yet, Price has known Ghost for a long time. He recognized Ghost's too even breathing, a pattern that only came when Ghost was forcing himself to be calm. He could see the slight tremor in Ghost hands that were currently clenched into fits at his side. Price looked past Ghost, catching sight of Soap whose eyes were now wide with fear and staring unblinking at the floor. Soap was trembling and his breaths were coming out in short gasps. He had a hand fisted into the back of Ghost's shirt, whether to ground himself or to pull the man back if necessary Price didn't know. Finally, Price looked towards Gaz and his heart stuttered painfully in his chest. Eyes that once held nothing but trust now were filled with pure terror. Gaz had backed himself up to the wall and leaned heavily against it for support as his body shook. He stared right at Price and Price felt nauseous as he stared right back, feeling like the world was crashing down around him.
Price looked away from the three and took a step back. They all stood in silence as Price scrambled to figure out what to say. He took a deep breath. "You are all dismissed for now. We will talk more about this later." he said, his voice almost a whisper. Still, Ghost heard him and wasted no time in gently grabbing the two Sergeants and pulling them from the office, quietly closing the door behind them. Once alone, Price let out a shaky exhale and leaned against the front of his desk. He raised his slightly shaking hand and ran it down his face, taking deep breaths to try and calm his rapid beating heart. He fucked up. He knows he did and oh how he hates it. He hates the looks that the three had given him. Images that would now be engraved into his memory for the rest of his life. He didn't mean to. He was just so angry at them for pulling something that could have cost them their lives. He shouldn't have yelled at them. He was angry, yes, but he had no right to take it out on them. Especially not in that way. He knows the pain they have faced from people they've trusted, has sat up with each of his boys on more than one occasion just trying to get them to calm down from the painful memories. Why did he yell like that? It was such a selfish thing to do. He knows it's a possible trigger for them, but he still did it. His own incompetence was the reason they looked at him in a way he had only seen when they were half delirious and panicking from a nightmare.
Price slowly slid down to the floor and held his head in his hands. He could feel a lump form in his throat and his chest tighten. He clenched his jaw and fought back the tears that were trying to fall from his eyes. His boys were terrified of him and it was all his fault.
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solarrene · 2 years
Home Again
Jason Todd X Plus Size reader
Alfred is the realest.
Chapter Eight
"You may be able to dodge a bullet or I to heal your wound but tell me, who could be able to stop what our heart longs for?"
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A Little Push
Jason groaned in his pillows, body faced down straight on the bed, his loud, deep voice rumbling in the sheets. The sunlight of the morning blaring through his room as well as to his skin. Now that he's awake, what was plaguing him last night as he struggled to sleep, now resurfaces again.
Remembering how she looked so hesitant when they found themselves where his bike was parked, how he just had to damn tease her that she could hold onto him if she was scared. How she actually did so. At first when they rode, it was only his shoulders, then as he sped up, with a few bumps on the road, the traffic of Gotham, and how much tense and jumpy she could be sometimes—her arms found its way to his waist. How the front of her body was also pressed to his back. How soft she felt beneath the thin fabric he wore against his defined one. How it made his heart bang so loud against his chest, how sure he was that she felt it. How he also felt hers. Had the sanity left him, he would've lost control and stepped foot in it to hell.
With shaking breath he blows from his mouth, he found his voice, "Don't get too scared now, doll." The sudden regret he felt went away too immediately when he uttered the name as he felt her fingers flinched. He honestly feels guilty that he was starting to see enjoyment in his effects to her, only a little bit though.
"I hate you," he heard her mumble. He laughed all the while he drove, how he heard her uttered the same sound as well.
I'd have it so easy if you really do.
How glad he felt there were no need to stop but just continue ahead in the road as he knew he wouldn't be able to stand it for long with being so close to her. How fast and heavy his heart beats were rumming along with his engine. When they arrived at the manor, he didn't get off his bike when she did as he pulled up in front of the entrance, for he knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to stop himself in staying the night. So he just saw her stood there as she took of his jacket, not missing the way her hands still tremble when she gave it to him, he just saw her shy smile once again, how it made him do the same. How he drove the night away with so much.....so much of...another good thing that life can offer him.
That vexation in him was starting to fade, but only so little that he still feels it so much like the same.
Jason now stares at the ceiling, trying to clear his mind off of it. He then stood up from his bed, sweats clinging loosely on his naked waist. He looked at the time in his phone, it was pass 10 AM, and he only got up now so late. "You shit head," he uttered. Well, who was to blame him as he struggled too much to sleep last night? He blames himself, apparently.
There he stood under the shower, a hand against the tile with eyes closed as his head clung low.
Don't think about her. Don't think about her. Don't think about her.
Opening his eyes as he raked his hand in his hair, "Fuck." Cursed him.
Just as he was done fixing himself up, he hears a knock on his door. His eyebrows creased, thinking of who could it be. He wasn't raised with alarm or worry as he knew no one can threaten to harm him in his abode.....just because he made sure of it before.
Jason walked to the door and opened it—there Alfred was with a few things in his hand.
Ah shit.
Haven't even eaten yet.
"Good morning, Master Jason," says Alfred as he steps in when Jason opened the door widely. "Apologies if I had come too early but I figured to visit you and with everything....I thought it best to be today." Continued him while he walks to the kitchen and laid the long black package in one of the chairs—Jason had a feeling of what it was but he set it aside as he smelled the scent of coffee, sweetness, and a bit of savory from the large brown paper bag, it was breakfast.
Of course he did.
"Good morning...and it's fine," the boy nodded as he opened the brown bag, his hunger moving for him, "How can I complain when you always come bearing gifts?" His shame always leave him whenever Alfred offers him of food.
Alfred smiles at this as he took a few plates, spoons and forks. "That I always do," he nodded and started to place the food he brought in the plates. His heart never to fail in blooming whenever he sees the boy pirked up at the sight of food, he had never change in his eyes. He sat across from him, "How is working with Mr. Harper these days?" Asked him as he gave the coffee to him. With Alfred up to date with his activities.....or rather he had a feeling that something more was behind it.
"Not so bad, I guess," Jason shrugged as he ate, finding no want of having to discuss of his dealings. Though now that he pays mind of what Alfred said earlier, he tensed....Wanting to cut straight through the deal. He finished his cinnamon and drank a bit of his coffee. The hot and bitter taste washing him away fully awake of it all.
Jason knew that Alfred knows and Alfred knows this as well. Not that it bothered Jason, it was something else that bothered him.
"Al..." Jason sighed, leaning his body back heavily on the chair. "...Why are you letting this happen?" Heavy his voice was, seeming so tired as his eyes laid low. Hoping to find answer about everything in his dilemma.
As if you're not the one to fucking blame, idiot.
Alfred tipped his head, "My dear boy," gaze and tone so gentle and sad that Jason knew too familiar that always had his heart clenching. "Should I let it not be?"
"Yes...." Jason didn't meet his eyes but leaned his arm on the counter and his stare roam elsewhere, "I....Alfred...It can't...I can't.." The firmness of his voice breaks Alfred as all he hears from it is the fragments of dejection, sounding so clear.
"What you're asking me of or any of us, have no right to do so. But even if we did, we won't, I won't."
"You know why I can't, why it shouldn't."
Alfred knows it all too well. What always scared them when someone outside from their live comes walking in, that dread of them being involved so suddenly, all the dangers they face in everyday of their lives. Alfred knows it well so much. But in him, as well the others who have hopes in them to long for something simple. Though it's something simple, the price had always been high, always a risk. Yet in their lives they always take risks, so at the end of it all; he's stand to hell with it. To hell with it rather than drown in regret of not taking the risk of having to let yourself give in to your heart. He's not reckless, no. He's not selfish either. But rather there is hope and faith in him to pursue their desires in the right way.
"I know.....but here is what I know well, what you may feel for each other, no one has authority over it but you two. And that I, your family want you to be happy. "
Jason stood up from his chair, frustration rising in him. Almost in denial that things can't be that easy. His hand swishing through his hair, "Doesn't it worry you that once she comes into our life, she'd be dragged into all of it? Do you want that for her? Would her mother want that for her?" There was spite in his voice as he looked at Alfred, he wished he didn't for he saw that sullen look again. The bitterness in his mouth became too strong, it left him dry. Like the cruel man he think he was, he looked away from him and walked to his living room. Unable to withstand the state that he's put Alfred in.
Fucking hell, it's too early for this.
Alfred followed him, though he stood just in the end of the kitchen where he sees Jason standing there....being so....him. A small smile tug at his lips.
"It scares me...like every day and night when one of you, not just in your uniforms but everytime you go out, every day." That much is true, like he's used to it but still always felt new. He sighed, leaning his body on the wall. "I don't want a life full of danger for her but if she chooses to be with you and you let her. Then who am I to defy that? And I don't want to defy that. What Amelia would've wanted for her is her happiness." Alfred tells, so sure with his words.
Jason stayed silent, his heart starting to pound deeply as he took the words in. It was out. All the possibilities. He feels himself beginning to be scared again....along the hope that he feels from Alfred.
"I have no doubt she will know it soon but we need not worry of her being actually involved in what we do, that much I can assure you..." Alfred says as he walked towards the boy. "And when she finds out, now that's what happened has happened...it's only up to you two what you choose next." He stood in front of him, Jason slowly but hesitant, meet his gaze, always feeling so little to it. "With how you are right now over this just beginning, I know much that you want....more." Jason knew he couldn't deny that, at least not anymore.
As Alfred laid a hand on his shoulder and the other to his cheek, holding it so ever gently, he feels his heart hurt. "You may be able to dodge a bullet or I to heal your wound but tell me, who could be able to stop what our heart longs for?" Such words could almost break him. It did.
It's really too damn early for this.
Jason breathed deeply with eyes closed as he leaned onto his touch. For a short moment, he let himself bask in the hope of it all. For a short moment anyway. His eyes opened and looked at Alfred one last time as he held the hand that was holding his cheek, squeezed it with reassurance before walking away from him yet again.
It can't be that easy. Or at least he continue to believe so.
"And what about Bruce?" The boy asked, sitting himself on his couch and stared at the ceiling. He had a few possibilities in his mind about his father regarding his.......situation. Only a few of it are good.
Alfred chuckled, "That man is stubborn as anyone could ever be, like all of you-" Jason huffed out a smile, Alfred squinted his eyes at him. "But he knows better than to come between you two.....of what could make you happy." He finished the last sentence so softly, hoping that the boy in front of him could understand.
Jason said nothing. What ever could he reply to that?
"He did go far as hosting a gala out of nowhere for you, my boy, did he not?" He could see the smile that Alfred had from his hearing his tone.
And that damn man.
Oh, Jason knew that his father pulled a stunt like that. He just couldn't find the need to protest so much about it. He scoffed and crossed his arms on his chest. "That man sometimes could always show his affection in the most damn irritating way."
Alfred laughed again, the sight of the boy in front of him who was all too grown now—who had broad shoulders and arms crossed on his chest like a child, still reminding him of the old days. "Well, he is nothing but a father, isn't he?"
Jason rolled his eyes as he stood up, 'an annoying one' he muttered it so spiteful, Alfred heard it still—he can't find to disagree with it. He sat again on the kitchen stool and went back to his breakfast. Having that heavy tension in him went away.
Alfred checked his watch and figured it was time for him to go. He walked to the boy, "I've brought you your attire for the gala as you saw....I do hope you'll be attending, we all want you to be there. And your friend, Mr. Harper, invite him if you want. I best be going now." Said him as he gave a pat on Jason's shoulder and squeezed it before he walked away again.
Jason cleared his throat and turned to where Alfred was, "...Thank you...Alfred,"
Alfred stopped by the door and looked at him, there he sees the small smile he always adored. His gaze turns mellow, "I know, my boy.....We'll be waiting for you." He returned the smile, saying no more than that, knowing that he'll be thinking of the words they spoke of.
Jason then sighed when Alfred went out. Feeling himself tire even though the day hasn't even began for him yet.
"Good fucking morning," muttered him before downing his coffee. He eyed the black package beside him with a stoic glare.
Fuck you, Bruce.
He regrets that thought, honestly, but he still meant it wholeheartedly.
As Jason was just done in getting ready to head out, he sees his brown jacket laying on a chair besides his bed. It makes him recall of last night, of their time, of her, of her wearing it. He walks to the chair and held it close to him. The scent of the flowers was still there, the musk of his perfume, and along hers. The scent that he now remembers so clearly, that filled him when they were too close too many times yesterday. He gripped it tightly as he felt his heart drumming again before putting it on.
Be it the caffeine or his thoughts of her that had his pulse racing.
He liked to believe it was the coffee.
He knows it wasn't.
"Hey, Al. Where you been?" Stephanie as Alfred walks in the drawing room.
"To Master Jason's," he simply replied. Stephanie, Cassandra, Duke, and Damian, all looked to Y/N who was, again arranging flowers. They all caught her faltering as Alfred said his words. Alfred managed to fought a smirk, but still his lips quirked—the others didn't bothered to hide it.
Oh, these little shits.
Y/N remained silent, gripping the scissors tightly and kept focus on her work as she sees their lingering stares.
"And how is he?" Stephanie asked again, putting her phone down and eyed Y/N.
"He's fine as he could be. I just came to check up on him and had a talk with him." Says Alfred while walking to where Y/N was.
"Pray tell, what did you talk about," Damian spoke, paying his attention back to the book he was reading, though still aware of the moment
"That shall remain between the two of us, but the other is I had asked of him to go to the gala." They, well except Y/N, all had a few ideas of what the two of them talked about, but of course, nothing needs to be said more. They just felt glad.
"TT," Damian uttered a sound and rolled his eyes. "But I did see him last night come here," there he put his book down, tone dripping of amusement, aware of what he had just revealed.
Last night. Last night plays in Y/N's mind, where it was full of her heart beating so strong because she was with him. That night where she found herself clinging onto him as they drove the to night away. That night where they had almost gone astray when they were too much in their moment. That night where she made a decision to not stray away from her feelings anymore.
Y/N realizes that she stopped moving seconds ago and was just staring off at the flower she was holding, blinking as she looked up—they were all staring at her. Cassandra with a small smile, and with Duke that he tried to hide but failed, Damian and Stephanie had a smug smirk staring straight at her dead in the eyes. "...I...." she couldn't say anything but her face was now flustered.
When she looked at Alfred, though his eyes were focused on his flowers, she saw the look in his face again, one that which she knew the better of. She frowned, though flustered still evident in her, "Alfred," she warned.
"Yes, my dear?" Alfred answered too dearly, tipping his head aside to see that she looked nothing but a wounded child. He could almost laugh when he notices the same annoyed and flustered look she had on just earlier that Jason had.
Y/N just grumbled a bunch of noises and made movements like the said wounded child as she went back to work, not before giving the damn rascals a glare to each one of them.
I don't even want to know of how they found out.
She really did not need to know of that, they all thought.
"Master Bruce had already seen to whatever you'll need or want for the gala, you could just bring someone along with you to do whatever you will." Alfred says to Y/N as they were now done with their floral arrangement, with five vases that they did, that is.
"Of course he did," chuckled her as they began to clean and fix the table. Not surprised that the said man had done what he did, "There's no use to protesting against it, no?"
Alfred laughed, "I believe so. And even if he wasn't the one to do it, I would have."
"Of course you will," replied her, rolling her eyes.
"We could come with you." Stephanie says and gestured to both her and Cassandra.
And there they were in a shop where she struggled to say the name of it. Not that it was actually her choice but just got dragged by Stephanie as it was the first thing that caught her eye and didn't want to bother looking for another.
"Isn't this place too expensive?" Y/N asked as she goes through the racks of dresses that she could only figure each of them was worth more any clothes she bought in her life.
"Are you forgetting-"
"That he's damn rich, I know. But I don't-"
"Well, Alfred did say there's no protesting against it. And Bruce won't lose a dime to this." Stephanie cuts her off by shaking her hands.
"Figures," Y/N muttered, and went back to looking at the dresses.
A sales associate walks to them, with their usual smile. "Good afternoon, how could we help you?"
Y/N turns to them, "Oh...a dress for a gala?" she answered. They head off to where the worker led them. Stephanie and Cassandra sat on a couch while Y/N was assisted by the worker.
Lavish pieces awaited to be tried on by her. And all of it she tried it on and showed it both to the two, nothing but compliments leaving their mouths. Though she still wasn't that satisfied to each of them, so she kept trying all what the sales associate offered her until she found the one that best suited her.
Y/N looked at the mirror, a smile making its way to her face as she takes in the sight. It fitted her too greatly, just as the other ones she tried on but this was different, at least it made her feel so.
"That's the one." Stephanie states with a smile as Y/N went out the dressing room, figuring it was just by seeing the look she had on.
"Yes, it is." Y/N nodded, looking down on the dress swiftly. Then she heads back to change. Relieved that it didn't take too long.
"Jason is in for a ride with this one," says Stephanie to Cassandra as they watch her walk off.
"Agreed," said Cassandra, they both had a smug smile while they bumped their fists together. Excited for what's about to come.
The day had gone too long for Jason as he and Roy did their work. The sun was now starting to set. Though his mind was preoccupied with other things, he was still in his normal self, distracted but still focused. Managing to seem anything what was him but distracted to his friend, like the past few days. Or so he thought so.
"Fuck off, Roy. I just want to rest already," says Jason as he heads off to his apartment, with Roy tailing behind him. The said man didn't heed no mind and just kept following him as Jason now walks the stairs to his place.
"So, what's the gala I heard about?" Roy asked.
"You ain't invited," Jason grunted as he walked into his room, with the intention of slamming the door to his friend's face but to which failed as Roy immediately stepped in. He could see Alfred's eyes sharpening at him because of his words he uttered as Alfred did say to invite his said friend.
Roy walks to the fridge and got himself a few things, while Jason to his room, getting out of his uniform and gears. "Something has been up with you these days and you're not telling me." Roy's voice echoed in the place.
You're fucking kidding me.
Jason cursed to himself as he threw on new clothes. It seemed that he was caught yet again. "I don't tell you a lot of things," answered him simply, hoping it was enough to throw him off away. It didn't always work.
"Well, your dear brother, Dick, has mentioned to me something about someone staying in your home for a while-"
Roy heard a quiet yet sharp and still loud enough, "That motherfucker."
Roy smiled, "Nailed it." There Jason walked to his kitchen with a scowl on his face, ignoring Roy who was sitting in one of the chairs.
"So, that's why you've been tagging along with me a lot lately.....you're......distracted," Roy said with his face scrunched as if piecing things together, then he huffed out a grin as he turned to Jason.
Jason felt his jaw clenched as he feel him staring while working on his food, he stayed silent as he is. He thought better than to deny, seeming as everyone knew already, even her.
"You gonna tell me-"
"Why is everyone up my ass?"
"When are we not though?"
"Glad you fucking know."
Jason sighed and put down what was on his hands and turned to Roy. Sensing that if he didn't start to say anything, he'll only pester him more than usual. His hands back on the counter, eyes a bit low, "....Her name is Y/N....that's the only thing I'm telling you." Says him. Even by just uttering her mere name, he feels that familiar movement in his heart.
"Well, look at that," Jason sees much of amusement in his friend's face.
"I will throw you out to the window."
Jason went back with what he was doing, "The usual problem, huh?" Roy spoke, turning serious. Knowing already of the dilemma that the many of them face having the life that they live. Though there was excitement that he feels in him for his friend. Now that he thinks about it, he had never seen Jason to be what he is now.
"You really won't invite me?"
"You are, but I won't."
"Dick have already asked me anyway."
"Then fuck off."
The night ended for her and him as they rested with their hearts still wide awake. 
💌🖋️: Happy December! 🌟🎄 Hope you guys like this!! Next chapter will be next week ^^ 💗
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I might be stupid/missing something, but how tf did the Hacketts' hide werewolves at their Summer camp for two months?
Like am I missing something? Caleb, Kaylee (not my lil kaylee-), and Chris were all infected at the start of the game, and they knew that. How the fuck did they play it off? Random camper 1: "Hey man, did you hear all the noise last night?" Random camper 2: "Yeah, it was honestly pretty scary tbh..." Chris, who overheard: "Aw don't worry about that! Just have some pesky coyotes in the area. They tend to get a little more restless some nights. They...shouldn't hurt or bother you, but don't go looking for them. Later, kids!" AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THE CAMPERS WOULD'VE JUST ACCEPTED THAT OR SOME SHIT? Like, Kaylee was kept at the Hackett house while human of course and I'd assume Caleb was there too. So I guess they never actually interacted with the campers? But that's still so fucking irresponsible to have literal monsters that will not hesitate to turn little Jimmy into a statistic at a camp full of children. Curious, nature-loving ones at that. Like, I get that they were very broke and needed the funds, but that's pretty fucked up. Timeline wise, Laura and Max arrive a day early and end up getting attacked by Chris during the June full moon. That still leaves the July full moon though. Did Chris really have the audacity to like spend part of the day with the counselors and then say "Whoops! Sorry, kiddos! Papa has to go do [insert convenient excuse]. Don't go wandering and stay safe!" AND ANOTHER THING- Chris was in the storm shelter for the June full moon. Where was Caleb and Kaylee for that? Were they in the red room basement? If so, why wasn't Chris there too? Did the Hackett's just LET their little liabilities run freely? Given, the camp wasn't open yet, but that's a horrible idea! Similarly, Chris can be caught in a snare trap during the night meaning he was on the loose during the August full moon. I don't know the criteria for that scenario though as I've only scene the clip of it and did not actually see a full playthrough where that happened. Chris can also be found in the attic of the Hackett house chained up. Again though- why are the children loose but he isn't? "Oh, OP, it's because he wanted to protect the counse-" then why did he let his kids vibe in the woods? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! AND THERE THERE'S THE LITERAL YEARS OF PRIOR FULL MOONS NOT MENTIONED IN GAME! The counselors attended HQ as kids! The curse has been there for like 5 years! HOW DID THEY HIDE THAT SHIT FOR FIVE FUCKING YEARS? Hiding it from Ryan especially? A kid who saw Chris as a father figure aka was close to him, and has a natural disposition for the "bizarre yet bonafide"? You got me fucked up. Tldr: How the fuck were the Hacketts not caught sooner, and is this all just a plothole Supermassive didn't think about? Idk. This was super disjointed and I had a million ideas running through my head at once but if you get it? Awesome. If you don't? Awesome.
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inthewaterifoundyou · 2 years
can we get a preview of the nxt chap?
Sure! The next chapter is meeting the friends and will give us our first outsider look at the relationship between Peter and reader!
Vio stumbles on you working studiously at the kitchen table late into the night. Your hair is piled into a crown atop your head in loose bundles, secured by colorful hair clips. Your school books are spread across the table as you fiddle with some ugly shrub. You've broken up the roots with a metal chopstick and you're clipping away at dying overgrowth. He watches you silently labor—you hum as you work, your lips twisted in concentration, your nose is scrunched up. You squint at the plan like it's a puzzle you are close to solving. "Unless your goal is to massacre the poor thing, you're doing a shitty job." You startle, plucking off an entire healthy stalk. You curse and press the stem back to the plant like you expect it to magically reattach before dropping the greenery on your plate of plate scraps. You frown at your mistake and Vio smirks, gesturing to the crime scene of dirt and roots covering the tablecloth. "But by all means," he draws, "if a bloodbath is your intention, continue." The plant is ugly. It's covered in brown stems and yellow leaves, the flowers are holding on for dear life despite the wilting—daisies? "Chamomile," you answer his silent question. "I found it dying in a hardware store... I'm trying to save it." Vio looks at the pile of dirt and clippings you've amassed on the table and back at the plant. It's sparse in it's lingering life—each surviving cluster a different length, like a child's hair after discovering scissors for the first time. "Looks like you're doing a shitty job at that." "I wouldn't say that," you mumble. You don't sound annoyed yet, but Vio can tell that given some time he could push you there. "They're hardy plants—very popular in teas and herbal medicine. I think that's why the Victorians decided it would symbolize patience in adversity." “You think I give a shit about your weeds?” You hum, letting the meanness slide off your shoulders, as you fuss with the flowers. After a long moment you answer, "I don't know you well, but I don't think you would be talking to me if you didn't care at least a little bit. And besides, I think you have more in common with my weeds than you're willing to admit." Vio frowns down at you. "You think I'm like one of your flowers?" He asks it meanly, spits it like he's caressing it with his tongue. He wonders if you think he's pretty— "Flowers need sunlight, kindness," you explain and you still haven't looked at him. It spares him the embarrassment of having to worry about what expression he images might be on his face. You finally peer up at him, the movement causes your hair to spill over your shoulder. You meet his eyes, blazing like a flame. Vio had not thought much of you when you first met... you had seemed small, quiet. He had mistaken that for mousiness— That was a mistake. "I think you could be like that too," you start after a moment, "given a little patience, a little warmth." Vio says nothing, uncomfortable under the weight of your gaze. He thinks, faintly, that you must see things as they are. Finally he opens his mouth to ask, "Why do you pay her rent?" You pause for a long moment before looking away and allowing your fingers to resume their task. You murmur, softly, "I don't know how much of her story you may know, but Lucy has gone through more than most. Some people... they need more care than others to flourish."
Also bonus:
“What’s that?” You point towards where Chamomile is curled on Vio’s chest. Vio smirks. “A cat.” "I know that," you sigh. Vio snickers, enjoying the way you experience your exasperation with your entire body. "I'm trying to ask why you have a cat."
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batfall-moved · 2 years
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                                *     )     𝚑𝚒𝚜    𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢    𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗   𝚊𝚜    𝚑𝚎   𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙻𝚂   𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖     𝚝𝚑𝚎   𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚜   𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝   𝚑𝚊𝚍   𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗   𝚜𝚘   𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙳𝙻𝚈   𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍    𝚋𝚢    𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎   𝚠𝚑𝚘   𝙵𝙾𝙻𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝙳   𝚝𝚑𝚎   𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜    𝚝𝚢𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕   𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚊𝚌𝚑   𝚝𝚘  𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐   𝙶𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙰𝙼   𝚘𝚏     𝙲𝙾𝚁𝚁𝚄𝙿𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽.    DEATH   ,     it   seemed   was   the   only   way   out                      SELFISH   in   nature    as    the   FLOOD    cascaded   upon   city   ,   and   DROWNED   the   boroughs   that   had   a   certain   rank    about   them.    the    RICH   unscathed   as    they   watched   from   their   PENTHOUSES   and   shoulders   were   shrugged.   ‘better  them   than  us...’    tone   flippant    as    curtains   were   slowly   drawn  ,   and   they   turned   their   backs   on   the   innocents  of   gotham.   
 *  )    𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚓𝚘𝚋 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚎, 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝.   /  @exilae​
                                       WAYNE   ENTERPRISES   safe   from    the   floods   as    he   remained   in  the   office    that   his   father   ONCE   resided   in.   it’s   a  MATTER   of   convenience   ,   his   father’s   MEDICAL   supplies   always   stocked   (thanks   to   alfred).    ‘   i   thought   that’s   what   was   needed  . . .  ’    PAUSES   words   ,   𝚊𝚗𝚍   𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙳𝚂   𝚞𝚙   𝚊   𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕   𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚎.  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚎   𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜   𝚍𝚘𝚡𝚢𝚌𝚢𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎                           𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚍𝚎𝚛  𝚖𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚍   𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑   𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛.   ‘   i   don’t   know   if   our  job   is   to   survive   first  ,   maybe   it’s   more   jules  ’    shirt   PULLED   up   as   torse   is   a  beautiful   coloring   of   lilac   and   forest   green  ,    YELLOW  has   also   accent   skin.   the   wounds   PAINFUL   yet  ?   it   kept   him  going. 
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                                ‘   only   now   am   i   truly   opening   my   eyes   ,   i’m    responsible   for   the   people  ,   and   in   that  ?  i   have   to   be   unselfish  . . .  ’   brow  creases   as   he   looks   at    her  ,   PAUSES   his  work.   ‘  our   FAMILIES   were   built   upon   blood   . . .  lies   ,   and   the  idea   that   we   DESERVED   better.   surviving   is   only   half   of   it   jules  ’  then   going   to  offer   her   needle  ,   ‘  do   you   mind  ?  ,   each   time   i   go  to  stick  myself   i   flinch   and   miss   the   vein  ’    TRUSTING  her   with   this   act  ,   ‘   too  many   needles   ,   it   would   be   nice   to   just   survive   the   pain  ’   words   gentle   as   he   then   DEEPLY   inhales.   ‘   i   don’t   know   what   will   happen   ,   change   is   a  long   way   off   -   the  nights   and   injuries  are   going   to   get   worse  ’
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
❧ Pairing: Alpha!Daryl Dixon x Female Omega!Reader ❧ Era: Season 2 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: SMUT—a/b/o dynamics (leave me alone), rough sex, oral (female receiving), fingering, doggystyle, unprotected sex, knotting (shut up), heat/rut (fuck you), outdoor sex (?), like one or two mentions of breeding, swearing, Shane being creepy ❧ Word Count: 9.2k
❧ Prompt: "What do you even see in this guy?" from the Norman Reedus Whores Discord Prompt Challenge (more info here)
❧ Summary: It's that time of year again, the time when yours and Daryl's highest point of sexual desire sync up. There are a few problems, though: Daryl's preoccupied with finding Sophia, and Shane is getting a little too... attracted to you.
❧ A/N: Here it is, my first foray into omegaverse. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, as they say. I've become the villain. Nevertheless, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out and I didn't cringe too much while writing it so hopefully you don't cringe too much while reading it either (but it's ok if you do—omegaverse is always a little cringe).
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Gold-tinted light streamed through the thin fabric of the polyester tent, allowing tiny particles of dust to shine as they floated past the ever-widening beam that shone across your eyelids, causing them to flutter open with a wince.
Something about summers in Georgia seemed to make the sun even more intense, and the heat that radiated from it even more oppressive. You wiggled yourself loose in his arms, tightly wrapped around you from the back. He always tended to cling tighter to you in his sleep, as if it was some kind of unconscious instinct. 
With a huff, you turned on your side to face him, tucking your head between the crook of his neck and the pillow in an attempt to escape the bright light of early morning, and to cling to the last remnants of sleep for as long as you could.
It was also an excuse to take in his scent, strong and woody, yet somehow also soft and musky. By force of habit, he held you closer, his arm tightening over the curve of your side as his nose gently nuzzled your cheek, tickling you awake. 
“Goddamn, it’s bright,” he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut to keep the morning light from burning his eyes. Blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight, and his were no exception. 
“Mm…” you hummed. Despite your state of consciousness, you felt more like you were in one of those dreams that are so vivid they almost seem real, with fuzziness blurring the usually harsh edges of your perspective. Mornings were always like this, slow and quiet. Even with the world gone to shit, at least you still had this, that one constant—waking up next to him, in those bulky arms made muscular from years of hunting with that silly crossbow. Well, you used to think it was silly. Now you couldn’t complain, since it certainly came in handy against the walkers. 
Ah, yes—the walkers. The only thing that could possibly ruin the peace of your morning. That, and Sophia was missing. Still missing. 
Daryl had been beating himself up about it for the last three days, not able to rest a second since coming to the Greene farm. He was hellbent on finding the child, relating the situation to the time he’d been lost in the woods when he was even younger than her. Only difference for him was that no one cared enough to look for him. 
But it was an inopportune time for the young girl to go missing. You could smell it on him. 
A necessary fact of life. It would happen twice, maybe three times in any given year, but it was enough to threaten his ability to find that little girl. It was radiating off him stronger and stronger with each passing hour, starting around dawn just the day before. For Daryl, it came quick and fast, a scab demanding to be picked, an itch begging to be scratched, a biological imperative he had no choice but to succumb to at some point, but he was determined to keep it off as long as he had to.
You worried for him, knowing how strong his urge was, and how much it clouded his mind and ate at his insides. For some men like him, it was much less intense, much more tolerable. For him, however, it was nearly painful, but he had to put it off, he thought. He couldn’t put himself before that poor soul lost in the forest, before the grieving mother whose glassy eyes haunted him everyday that child was gone, in danger of being torn apart by flesh-eating monsters. 
“Daryl,” you mumbled, feeling him begin to squirm restlessly against you. You knew him well enough to know he was trying to shake the rut out of him, trying to ignore it, though he knew it wasn’t good for him. You tried to hold him steady, pulling the blanket further up his body as if to keep him contained, but the fresh sweat beading on his bare chest was a reminder of just how terribly hot he already was. “Why don’t you stay here today, huh? Don’t go out there… Just rest.”
Just rest, a phrase that had been on your lips many times before, but always seemed to go unheard by the stubborn man. Such a suggestion was practically against the man’s religion, if he had cared enough to believe in one. There was less and less to believe in these days, anyway. 
“Nah,” he replied gruffly, suddenly sitting up in your shared cot to squint in dismay at the sun streaming in. “That kid’s still out there.”
You huffed and watched him move like a rabid animal as he frantically searched for his clothes, cursing under his breath when he picked up one of your jeans instead of his. “Told ya to keep your clothes separate, woman,” he huffed, shaking his head as he buttoned up his raggedy plaid shirt. 
“Mm,” you hummed with a smile, amused by his characteristic grumpiness, though you knew he was a little more irritable than usual, despite his denial. “Keeps my scent on you… Speaking of which…” You sat up to stretch, taking a deep breath as you did so. Even in your own state of slight discomfort, you were always much better at handling it than he was. “Your scent is getting stronger, you know.”
He tilted his head in slight annoyance, knowing that was your way of nagging him about his rut. “I’m fine,” he said simply. “Just stressed.”
You narrowed your eyes at the notion. “Your smell doesn’t get stronger when you’re stressed, Daryl. It gets stronger when you’re—”
“Damnit, woman!” he barked. “I ain’t ruttin’, Christ.”
“Mhm, sure… Well, my heat’s coming.”
Even after three years of being with you, he still turned a light shade of red whenever you so bluntly referred to sex. Still, if your heat was coming, that meant his rut was coming, too. At this point, they were synced, not an uncommon occurrence for mated alphas and omegas such as yourselves. 
Daryl had never quite come to terms with being an alpha, but that’s what he was, and though he often found himself frustrated with his condition, at least he had you. 
And, oh, you… 
You with your scent, the one that he’d memorized and somehow could conjure up in moments when he needed you most, but that wasn’t good enough. He needed you next to him, physically. He always did. He knew that from the moment he first held you that he wouldn’t be able to go without you again, without feeling your closeness, or taking in your sweet, floral scent. 
Sitting there before him, his ratty grey t-shirt two sizes too big draped over your shoulders, just perfectly accentuating the outline of your breasts as they rise and fall with each breath, you looked… ripe. 
Ripe in that you were at your most delectable state, your highest point of primal attraction. You were always beautiful, of course, but in your heat, you were irresistible. He hadn’t been oblivious to it the past few days, weeks even. He knew your body so well now that he had your heat down to an exact science. He knew it was coming, and if your heat’s coming, then his rut is coming, but he didn’t have time for that now, not with the responsibility he had put on his own shoulders.
Still, it was hard to say no, hard not to get back in that cot and take you, tightly gripping your hot, aching body against his as his swelling knot grew inside you, binding you to him even long after he’d released himself into you. 
No time for that, though. Not when he had a job to do.
“I know,” he said, acknowledging that you were on the verge of your heat, that you were going to need him just as much as he needed you soon. “But I gotta look.” He turned to strap his crossbow over his broad chest, the one that made you lick your lips just thinking about your hands all over the muscular tissue. “Gotta find that little girl.”
If there was one thing you loved about Daryl, it was his compassion, his willingness to risk his life to save the weak. Maybe most people didn’t get to see that side of him, but now that he had the opportunity, he could fully be the good man you always knew he was. It was sweet, but it was selfless. Too selfless. 
You tossed the blanket from your body, exposing your bare legs to the air, drawing his eyes immediately to the darkened bit of fabric at the front of your panties, just barely covered by the hem of his shirt. 
With your sudden movement, he caught a deep whiff of you, a more pungent scent than usual emitting from your core as you walked a few steps towards him. 
The feeling of your hands on his chest sent a powerful signal to his brain, one that rang out like a siren, screaming at him to give in. He could tell what you were doing just by the flutter of your lashes, the smirk in your lip, the curl of your fingers as they trailed playfully up and down the collar of his shirt. You wanted him to touch you, to make that slight pain in your core go away before it got too intense, to rid you of that heat building up inside you like a house fire. He wanted that, too. It was impossible not to let your body press up against his, not to feel the hardness of your aroused nipples against his chest, not to rest his hands upon your hips as your forehead touched his.
“Please stay,” you whispered over his lips. “I need my alpha.”
Those words were strategically chosen. You knew reminding him of his possession of you, his omega, would get that chest of his pumped full of hot air and his cheeks reddened with a surge of blood flowing to his head. Not only that, but the possession in your voice, the tone that reminded him that he was yours just as much as you were his. 
He could only muster a few deep, strangled sighs as your hungry lips pursed to kiss just below his ear, making his hands grip harder at your sides and pull you closer until he could feel your heat against his groin, your core getting hotter and hotter with each passing moment, and your scent becoming so irresistible that he found himself subconsciously, ever so slightly, grinding his lower body against yours. 
With a turn of his head, he let your lips meet his, despite how much he knew he was just teasing himself, and you, now. There was no way he could stay, no way he could let that helpless child stay out there any longer. Still, if he could allow himself just one moment to satiate his need for you, he would, even if it only eased a small part of his primal lust. 
“I want your knot,” you whispered sloppily, wildly as your tongue became more desperate to taste his, breaching the entrance of his mouth to lap up his taste. 
He growled low at your words, his hand rising up to tangle in your hair and pull your face as close as it could get. The other hand found itself squeezing your bottom, fingertips digging into the plump flesh as he held you steady to better thrust himself against you, your slick beginning to seep through the thin fabric of your panties and onto the surface of his jeans. 
“(Y/N)...” he panted. “I—I can’t…”
“Yes you can,” you panted back, now putting your own hand on the back of his head to pull his lips back to yours. When his lips peeled away, you used your free hand to drag his down to cup your clothed mound, allowing his fingers to graze the puddle of wetness. “My body needs you, Daryl… Just you. Only you.”
Another tried and true method for getting him to shut up and screw you, but the closest you got was thrusting back and forth on his palm, using it to relieve the slightest amount of tension from your aching body. It worked for a moment, but soon you nearly sent him backwards with the force of your body writhing on his hand, and you knew you couldn’t get anywhere with it—you needed the intense friction of his cock, the feeling of it pulsing inside you and hitting the deepest part of you just right.
“Oh, God,” your lips mumbled as they sloppily massaged his. “Fuck me now.”
He pulled his hand away swiftly, using it to separate his body from yours, as he was sure he couldn’t go another moment of being that close to you without ending up back on that bed. 
“Later,” he said, followed by a hard swallow as he tried to calm himself down. Sweat beaded on his forehead, dripping down the side of his face and wettening the short strands of caramel brown hair stuck to either side.
His body heat showed no signs of dropping, not until he could get far away from you, and he could already tell that if he stayed with you today, he wouldn’t leave for hours after he’d knotted you. There was too much work to be done, and his own biological need would have to wait. He just hoped you could wait, too, though something about the deep, trembling frown dragging on your face told him you couldn’t. At least, not without some struggle.
“Hey,” he said, trying to muster up the strength to touch you without losing it. His hands cupped your cheeks, on fire from the sheer intensity of your internal heat. “I gotta try to find that kid. It’s eatin’ me up inside.”
You mustered a small smile. He was always so damn selfless, it infuriated you. Well, it was what made you fall in love with him, besides the innate biological attraction that drew you to him. Your life philosophy had always been this: there are plenty of alphas, but a good alpha is hard to come by. Daryl was a good alpha, the only one you could tolerate, the only one you could love. You were sure of that. 
Soulmates… As cheesy as it sounded, you knew it from day one, from the moment he walked up to you in that sleazy dive bar, face blurred from the cigarette smoke curling in grey clouds all around him, his hands tucked deep in his jean pockets as he cleared his throat, then stuttered, “C-can I, uh… Can I buy ya a drink?”
If you couldn’t tell by his scent, you would’ve thought he was a beta, but his scent was always strong—you were sure it was because he was immediately attracted to you, and your scent hit him like a semi-truck, too. It was love at first… scent. 
No, Daryl was unlike any other alpha male you’d ever met, but he was one. That was impossible to deny. 
“I know,” you said with a nod. Lifting his hand from your cheek, you pressed a light kiss to his palm, then nuzzled deeper into his touch. That damn man’s hands... Being held by him felt like being a porcelain teacup carefully tucked away in layers of sturdy bubble wrap, cushioned and protected from any cracks that could threaten to mar your fragile surface. “But your rut is eating you up inside too… It’s not good to hold it back for so long.”
He rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t help but be grateful for your concern, even slightly amused by how precious you were. “Always naggin’ me, woman, ya know that?”
“Mm, you wouldn’t last a day without me nagging you,” you laughed. Biting your lip, you reached up to fix his hair, still scraggly from his pillow. He scrunched his face in exaggerated annoyance, though even he couldn’t help but muster a boyish smirk at your doting. 
As your eyes met his, another deep surge of pained arousal swept through you, triggering more slick to pool in your already soiled underwear. It was tempting to strip yourself of your shirt, knowing such a sight would be the ultimate trigger to get him to lay you down, but in your heart of hearts, you knew he needed to do this for your group. If you had to wait, you would wait, but you couldn’t wait much longer, you feared. 
“When will you be back?”
“‘Fore dark.” He huffed and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek, as anything else might’ve been dangerous. Noticing your eyes lower in disappointment, he nudged his forehead against yours. “Hey, omega,” he said softly. “You gonna be okay til I get back?”
No, you wanted to say, but you knew that would be a bit dramatic. Still, you knew from past heats that your need for him only grew stronger when he was gone, and if you were already leaking with slick now, who knows how bad you might get in the meantime. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I’ll be fine… I think. What about you?”
He scoffed playfully. “Woman, I’m gon’ be fine. Just be ready when I get back, a’right? I’m gonna need you even more.”
“Yes, sir,” you laughed. “Be careful, okay?”
“You too, and…” His voice trailed off, his face becoming less animated and more stern with each passing moment he went over the words he was about to say. “Stay in the tent.”
Never before had you gone through your heat around so many other alphas. Rick and T-Dog didn’t worry him much—Rick was married, bonded with Lori, and T-Dog seemed respectful of your bond with Daryl, but then there was… Shane. 
Shane was an odd one in that though he was ostensibly an alpha, he seemed too emboldened, often disrespecting Daryl’s claim over you. On at least two occasions he had gotten much too close to you for your liking, and Daryl already had a pretty strong hunch that Shane had slept with Lori, a marked omega not unlike you.
It infuriated him, and he couldn’t even fathom how Shane could still be breathing at this point. If he caught even a whiff of that man on you, he’d strangle him with his bare hands, he was certain of it. 
Knowing just how much Shane’s dilated eyes followed your body on a daily basis, he was sure your heat would attract him like a moth to a flame.
“Keep that thing on ya if you gotta go out,” he added, gesturing to the hunting knife he’d given you as it lay on the foldable bedside table. “That pig cop bastard touches you, I’ll—”
“He won’t touch me,” you interjected. “Your scent is strong enough to keep him away… My big strong alpha.” Your fingers tickled his chest as you smirked, holding back a chuckle at the cheesy compliment. 
His heart fluttered, as it always did when you broke out the “big strong alpha” card. He was a sucker for it.
“A’right,” he said. “I love ya, sweet girl. Be back soon, hopefully with that kid.”
“Love you, too, Daryl.”
As he requested, you stayed in the tent for a while after he’d left, occupying yourself with the usual routine for your heat.
It wasn’t ideal, but the cot in your tent was the only place to make a nest of his clothes, a safe spot to immerse yourself in his scent until he came back to you. 
Even that proved difficult, as you became quickly lightheaded, losing your balance each time you bent over to pick up another one of his shirts. 
“Shit,” you cursed, holding your forehead and shutting your eyes tight to try to will away the dizziness. Every omega’s heat was different, and yours always had the worst dizziness, the worst fever, the worst throbbing pain in your womb. 
It was your body’s instinctual way of demanding to be bred, and thank God you still had your birth control pills, even if your irrational, heat-ridden mind desperately wanted to carry Daryl’s child more than usual. There couldn’t be a worse possible time to bring a child into the world, you were sure. 
The pounding in your head started now, in sync with each quickening beat of your anxious heart. It was as if the further Daryl got from the farm, the worse your symptoms became, the more every cell in your body screamed bloody murder in an attempt to call him back to you.
“Ah!” you quietly cried out. Doubling over in pain, you flopped yourself back onto the bed, its surface now draped in layers upon layers of every article of clothing Daryl had in his possession. 
You buried your head in his pillow, trying desperately to surround yourself in his scent. It eased the pain slightly, tricking your mind into thinking he was there with you, holding you, but you lacked his warmth, his unique touch, the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat soothing you to sleep as he held his deflating knot inside of you.
You reached down to find his favorite white undershirt, the one that always had the strongest scent. In desperation, you tugged off your shirt and laid the undershirt over your bare breasts, massaging them over top of the fabric. 
It couldn’t beat the real thing, the real feeling of his chest pressed up to yours, but at least you’d get more of his scent on you, and at least your sensitive nipples could feel the familiar tickle of the ribbed fabric of that old tank top. 
“Daryl…” you moaned shakily under your breath. You hadn’t realized just how bad it was, how much your heat had worsened just within a matter of the three hours he’d been gone. 
The wetness was beginning to soak through your new pair of panties. You reached down to slip your fingers below the fabric, scooping up the slick as you tickled your aching clit. 
Even just a little sensation was too much, and not at all the sensation you needed. Your body needed Daryl’s touch, not yours, not anyone else’s but his. The feeling stung, made you flinch in combined pain and pleasure. It might not have been him, but your hand was going to have to do if you wanted any semblance of relief before he got back.
You thrusted hard against your hand, arching your back with each movement as you desperately tried to soothe your body. All you could do was try to trick your heat-induced brain into thinking he was there, touching you… And moments later, when your fingers dug into you, squirming as they went in deeper and pumped hard to stimulate you, it almost worked.
“Oh, yes…” you sighed. “Daryl… Oh—”
Shane’s voice made you shoot up, sitting up straight to face the opening of the tent where the man’s silhouette was displayed from the outside. 
Shit, you thought to yourself. What the hell does he want?
“(Y/N), you in there?”
“Yeah,” you huffed, quickly redressing yourself in Daryl’s shirt, then crossing over to haphazardly step into a pair of sweatpants. “Gimme a sec.”
Now semi-decent, you unzipped the flap of the tent, and swiftly stepped out to close it, hoping Shane couldn’t see the nest you’d made, or the wet spot on the bed.
Instead, you felt his eyes on you, trailing up and down your shirt, narrowing at the slight hardness of your nipples, still aroused from your touching.
“Everything okay?” you asked him, hoping to get him to leave as soon as he showed up.
He shrugged and folded his arms. “I was gonna ask you the same question. Ain’t seen ya since yesterday… Been in your tent all day. Thought you’d be out, I don’t know… doin’ laundry or somethin’.”
You scoffed, slightly offended by the assumption, though it wasn’t like there was much else to do. “I’m not feeling great,” you said simply, but you were sure he could tell why.
Indeed, he could. The scent was enough, much more potent and sweeter than usual, yet with much more of Daryl’s heavy scent than he liked. It was a bitter reminder that you were claimed, and the smell repulsed him, yet only made him want to cover it with his own.
“I know,” he said. “Your, uh… Your scent.”
Embarrassment. That was the only word you could think of to describe how you felt, and annoyance at his invasion of your privacy, but you weren’t confrontational enough to say anything. Not like Daryl.
“Yeah, well, uh… Did you need something?”
He lifted two silver pails in each hand, and you already knew what he was going to ask. 
“Was gonna see if you’d help me pump some water from the well, if you’re up to it. Everybody else is busy, and I could use another hand.”
You always did have a hard time saying no, even if you knew your body was weak with your heat, but water was important, and maybe it could take your mind off your condition until Daryl would return, you reasoned.
Still, it was awfully bold of him to ask that of you, knowing you were in heat, and that you were with Daryl. You did as Daryl had told you—you took your knife and carried it in plain sight in the holder on your belt. 
Each step you took alongside that man towards the well made you ache even more. Every muscle burned, and every dizzy spell became stronger until you sat with a huff on the wall of the well, taking a sip of your canteen as Shane readied the rope to lower his bucket.
“You all right?” he asked. 
“Fine,” you sighed. “Just… I get really winded when I’m… Yeah.”
Shane nodded, watching closely as the water dripped from your chin, trickling onto your shirt and down below your collar. 
“Don’t envy you,” he said. “Never been more inconvenient timing…”
“No,” you agreed. “No there hasn’t.”
You watched as he lowered the bucket, then pulled it back up with a strain of his muscles. Show-off, you thought, catching onto his less than subtle attempts to seduce you.
Filling his canteen from the pail, he sat himself down beside you, much too close for comfort.
His smell wasn’t too strong, but strong enough to make you sick. Any alpha’s scent besides Daryl’s would’ve made you nauseous now, and with Shane so close, his shoulder touching yours, you felt the bile in your stomach begin to rise at the base of your esophagus.
If he hadn't been there, it would’ve been nice. The warm August breeze tickling the nearby wind chimes, the birds chirping in the golden light of late afternoon, the placid quiet that settled in when all other sounds ceased… And then he nudged your shoulder again, offering you a misplaced smile before wrapping a loose arm around your shoulder, causing your spine to straighten in slight shock at the feeling.
“You all right?” he asked, rocking you back and forth with his hand curled on your shoulder. 
Your cheek twitched in disgust at the whiff of his scent, much more powerful than usual in your heightened state. Aware of his scent rubbing off on you, you wriggled uncomfortably, thankfully causing him to remove his arm. 
“I’m fine. Just need to get back soon. If Daryl knows I didn’t stay in the tent he’d skin me alive,” you laughed nervously. 
“Where is Daryl?”
“Oh, um… He’s out looking for Sophia. Trying that new lead near the abandoned house.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Thought he’d be here with you… With you like this.”
That’s none of your damn business, you thought, but of course, you were much too nice to say that, so instead you defended him.
“Well, he knows how much it means to everyone if we find her… He cares.”
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, thinking about him, his selflessness, his bravery, his kindness. Maybe he didn’t always show it, but ever since he lost Merle, he’d been coming into his own, embracing his true nature instead of trying to be something he wasn’t. 
“Pfft,” he scoffed, and just that simple, dismissive sound was enough to get your blood boiling. “Think he oughta care more about you.”
“He cares a lot about me,” you quickly replied. “You don’t know anything about Daryl.”
“I know he should be here takin’ care of you…” He leaned closer looking you forcefully in the eye. He had a much more stern, intense look than you’d seen in him before. 
His hand caught you off guard as he tugged on the collar of your shirt, revealing Daryl’s mark on the junction of your neck and shoulder. “Hey!” You pulled away, standing up to your feet and looking back at him with wild, confused eyes. He’d never touched you like that before, and it terrified you, knowing how many male alphas could turn violent at the drop of a hat, and Shane was particularly volatile, more so than Daryl or Rick or T-Dog. He was the only one who truly frightened you at times, and immediately you cursed yourself for agreeing to go anywhere with him.
He stood up to pull harder on you, tugging more at your shirt collar to glare at the scar made by the indentation of Daryl’s teeth over years of him marking you in that same spot. 
“What do you even see in this guy?” he asked. “Sorry excuse for an alpha.”
You pulled away one last time, nearly ready to pull out your knife if you needed to.
“Fuck you,” you replied. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. Don’t have to explain shit to you, Shane. I came out here to help, not to listen to you insult Daryl.”
You sidestepped around him to lift the filled pail. “I’m taking this back to camp. You can do the rest on your own,” you said, but he planted himself firmly in front of you, pushing you back towards the well. “Shane,” you said, “get out of my way.”
Before you knew it, he was lunging towards you, eyes locked on the crook of your shoulder, opposite of Daryl’s mark. If he’d gotten any further, you were sure he’d try to mark you by force. 
Holding your knife to his neck, you pushed him away with all the strength you had. “What the hell is wrong with you?” you panted. 
He shook his head, as if trying to shake out whatever desires he had. “I—I don’t…”
You didn’t wait for him to explain himself. There wasn’t any way he could, after all. He had come close to violating you, to marking you as some kind of encroachment upon you, upon Daryl’s mate.
The breeze hit you as you walked, wafting Shane’s faint smell up into your flaring nostrils. That bastard, you thought. The nerve… I can’t stand his fucking smell.
You couldn’t bear to bring that scent into your tent, so you sat several yards away from the camp, perched on a log as you hugged your legs against your chest, trying to let the scent of Daryl’s shirt envelop you. 
That, and it seemed to be the only solution to easing your cramps, twice as bad as your run-of-the-mill menstrual cramps. The heat was unbearable as the sweat on your brow dripped and caught in your eyelashes, clouding your vision for a moment. You balled your fists and rubbed your eyes, and all the while, you swore you could smell Daryl’s scent getting stronger, as if it was carried by the breeze that gently flowed through your hair. 
It was hypnotic, drawing your eyes up to instinctively look in the direction of the wind. 
There he was, strutting towards you across the grassy field, sweat glistening on his bare, summer-tanned arms as his eyes narrowed at you. His look was somewhere between scolding and smoldering, with a heavy dose of desperation thrown in. 
One thing was certain: he had one thing in mind when he saw you. 
Picking up his pace and stepping with long strides, practically jogging, he tore his crossbow from his back and flung it to the ground, a coarse grunt combined followed by a deep huff as he swiftly moved closer, like a caged tiger about to be let out.
“Daryl?” you called out to him. You found yourself walking towards him, too, eyes locked on his heaving chest as his hands frantically worked to unbutton the top of his shirt. 
The closer he got, the stronger his musky, earthy scent became—more potent and virile, more intoxicating as his energy surrounded you. 
His hands separated now, one tugging on the middle button of his shirt, the other desperately loosening his belt buckle, the movement allowing the toned muscles of his arms to flex in the glow of the golden afternoon. 
He’d been unsuccessful in his search, and the frustration of not finding Sophia only made his instinct stronger, his need greater, his arousal becoming more and more unbearable the longer he looked at you.
As he approached, there was only one thing on his mind, one sole purpose for him to commit to in that moment: taking you, filling you, breeding you.
Now with both hands on his belt, freeing the leather from the loops of his jeans, he dropped it carelessly, then quickly moved to the button. 
He was only about two yards away, but it was too far. Your feet picked up the pace, until finally you were in his arms, limbs and tongues tangled around each other, breaths heavy and chests heaving, cores hot and aching.
Shane’s lingering scent didn’t even occur to you then, not even as Daryl’s nose sank into the crook of your neck, his hand pulling back the collar of your shirt as his tongue traced over the raised scar of his mark, tickling you.
Your own hands clung tight to his shirt, nearly tearing it as with every passing moment you became more frenzied, more impatient to feel his hot, bare skin under your fingertips.
When the warmth of his mouth slowly left your shoulder, and his rose up to narrow at you, somewhere between hunger and primal rage, you panicked, grasping his sweat-drenched cheeks in an attempt to pull his lips to yours. He pulled back with a low growl.
“Why’s his scent on you?”
Your hands tightened on his cheeks as you turned to stone, wanting nothing more than to ignore his questioning and carry on with the natural conclusion of your synced biological states. Daryl, however, was not going to forget so easily.
He knew you would never sleep with Shane. That was out of the question. Besides, if you had, Shane’s scent would’ve been much, much stronger, but it was concentrated on your shoulders, and it was fading, but repulsive nonetheless.
“That bastard touch you?”
You froze for a moment, simultaneously terrified of the inscrutable look in his eyes, and aroused by the very same look. 
“Tryin’ to put his filthy scent on ya?” he asked, more demandingly now, and yet with an oddly lustful lilt to his otherwise angered growl. “I’ll kill him… I’ll—”
“He barely touched me.”
Under your fingers, you felt his cheeks trembling in rage, his skin heat up from the inside out. He looked ravenous—out for blood, Shane’s blood. You couldn’t care less about that, though, as your body screamed to be touched, begged to be put out of its misery from the only person who could ever relieve you. 
“He’s not my alpha,” you reminded him. “You are.” Even just a matter of moments was too much to handle like this, with the heat oppressing you from every possible angle, suffocating you. Being away from Daryl during this time was hard, but being too close and not having him touch you was worse. 
You lifted your shirt above your head, rustling your hair in the process, then hurriedly removed your bra, finally freeing half your body from its cloth prison. Under normal circumstances, you’d never strip yourself out in the open, but right now? You were far enough from the camp not to care, and the heat was closing in all around you. 
Pupils dilated, swallowing the usually gentle blue in a black hole of lust, his eyes glued to your bare breasts. If your goal was to distract him from his fury, it was working.
“Alpha,” you said softly, wrapping your arms around his hot, clammy neck, drenched in sweat that could’ve been from the Georgia summer heat, but you were sure it was also just his condition, his rut taking over every function of his aching body. “You’re the only one… My mate.”
His eyes darted to your shoulder, his mark. It was his physical reminder that you belonged to him, that the first time you made love during your heat, he loved you enough to leave that unique, intimate mark in the shape of his teeth, one he’d never given to anyone else before, and never would again.
Most of all, it reminded him that no one else could touch you, that he was the only man who could know the intensity of your sweet scent, the softness of your body, the sounds of your heavy whimpers as he filled you until his knot swelled, keeping him in place. 
When his fingers trailed along the raised skin of your scar, you shivered at his touch. His face turned soft, yet strained with lust. Tilting his head, his other hand held your chin, maneuvering your head so he could nudge his nose against your cheek, his heavy breath blowing gentle, yet insistent, puffs. 
His lips softly brushing against your face, he whispered in your ear: “You need me, huh?”
Clutching your hands to his shoulders, desperate to tug off his shirt, you whimpered under your breath, sighing deeply all the while. 
“Omega needs ‘er alpha?” he asked lowly against your ear. 
Unable to restrain yourself any longer, your hands scrambled up to tangle in his hair, pulling his lips to yours.
“Now,” you mumbled into his mouth. “Need you… now…”
He nodded frantically as he worked to undo the last buttons on his shirt, then carelessly tossed the fabric to the ground. 
“Right here?” he asked, panting between kisses. Usually, such an idea would be out of the question for the private man, who never liked the idea of being so vulnerable out in the open like this, but he didn’t care much now. The tightness in his jeans and the dull ache all throughout his body made him lose sight of that, as much as he could. Privacy be damned. “Ain’t… ain’t you w-want your… nest?”
Shaking your head vehemently as his lips chased yours, desperate to cling to them, you pulled him down with you as you lowered yourself to the ground, until you sunk down into blades of sage green grass, faded by exposure from the hot summer sun. 
Daryl’s laugh melted on your tongue like an ice cube, its cadence swallowed by your open mouth as you devoured him. 
His weight on top of you provided some relief, but it wasn’t enough. What you needed was his body inside of yours, inhabiting it, reminding you again and again just who it belonged to. You didn’t really need the reminder, of course, but the thought of belonging to him was all the more arousing. 
Your eyes were squeezed shut in tranquilized bliss when his body weight shifted, and he quickly pulled your pants and sodden underwear down to your ankles, where you kicked them off with a wiggle. 
Before you knew it, his hands were hiking up the back of your thighs, resting them on his shoulders as he dove down to lick the slick that had settled between your folds. As the tip of his tongue swirled around your clitoris, your shoulders tensed and you let out a sharp hiss. It was already so sensitive, aching for more friction to stimulate the bundle of nerves.
He lowered his hand to curl two of his thick, calloused fingers inside of you, while his tongue sucked and lapped at the sensitive bud that begged for attention.
“Ah!” you cried out wildly, shaking as your hands gripped the grass, pulling it out in frustration. His fingers were not yet deep enough to relieve you of your desire, but his tongue moved so expertly that with each swirl you felt a new little shockwave pulse through you. “Yes! Oh!”
His fingers sank deeper now, pulling in and out of you rapidly, the palm of his hand hitting your sensitive outer parts each time. 
Peeling his mouth away, he watched as the clear liquid pooled onto his hand, the slick glistening in the last light of the golden summer afternoon. 
“Never seen ya make this much, girl,” he panted, pumping faster and faster to get you properly loosened up. After all, his knot would need enough room to sink inside you. “All this pretty slick… Just for me.”
With that curl of his fingers, you gasped, arching your back and throwing your arms over your face as you tried not to scream, but the feeling was intense. You were always so much more sensitive in your heat, and however he touched you, you were going to feel it ten times as strong. 
“F-fuck!” you croaked out against your arm. The harder he went, the more your voice stuttered, the more your body bounced with his hand burying into you. “Alpha-a-a!”
“Shhh,” he said, holding his finger to his lips as he leaned over you, his other hand ceasing its harsh movement to gently caress your aching clit. “Keep it down, girl.”
He looked quickly back in the direction of the camp and the Greenes’ farmhouse, hoping they were still a good distance away, and that the view of the two of you couldn’t be so easily seen from behind the bushes and the smattering of oak trees.
Lunging up to fling your arms around him, he grabbed onto you in surprise at the sudden movement, and huffed as your lips attacked his cheeks, then trailed down to his mark, the small indentation of your own teeth on his shoulder. 
His hand didn’t forget its job, though. He cupped your mound to once again penetrate you with his fingers, spreading them open inside you to better stretch you out. 
As his fingers dug into you, your teeth sunk into his flesh, reopening the old wound once again until a few drops of blood could be tasted on your tongue. 
He held you tighter with his other arm, digging his fingernails into your back as he groaned. “(Y/N)…”
In a fit of impatience, you reached down to begin tugging his unzipped pants from his body. He smirked against your lips, amused by how much you needed him. He needed you, too, though. It was torture not to be inside you, but he knew himself well enough to know he could hold out for a while, though not for long. 
He maneuvered himself to help you remove his jeans, your hands constantly fighting with his, though both had the same goal. Both of you were wild, returned to a primal state of need and desperation. You were bound to each other by flesh and scent, and it only made the need for each other so much stronger, so unbearable in the most blissful way. It was torture, it was agony, and yet it was the most pure, beautiful feeling of yearning. 
When he was bare, unburdened by the restraints of his clothes and now free in his natural state, he bent his knees under your thighs, and with his hands, pulled you up to his core until the tip of his cock met your slit. 
He cursed himself for losing his patience, as the feeling of you grazing against him sent a sharp electrical current through him, more potent than anything he’d felt before. 
“Fuck,” he cursed, holding you tighter by your lower back as he lowered you onto his cock. 
Your head once again buried in his shoulder, you groaned as he let you sit, his cock burrowing deeper every second. “Oh, God… Daryl…”
“Just… stay still for a minute.” 
He took a deep breath, holding you in your position as you sat upright with his legs underneath, and his cock now as deep as it could go. All you needed was for him to move and you’d be writhing, with an imminent release soon upon you, but he just needed the stillness for a moment, to bask in the feeling of completeness, of filling you perfectly and so effortlessly, as though your bodies were made for each other. 
He felt your slick drip down his inner thigh, and with that, he fell forward, taking you down with him until your back was once again against the grass.
“Oh!” you cried in shock. 
His hand trailed up your sides, then in a split second, he pinned your arms above your head, just as he began violently thrusting, hovering over you with an intense look of purpose.
His thrusts were fast, sloppy, wild… Yet his cock was angled so perfectly, and the friction of his body hitting your clit with each movement was inching you closer and closer to the climax, the one you needed to feel relief from your heat. 
Usually, he went slower, much more precise and sensual, but in his rut, he couldn’t hold back like he did. It was pure, uninhibited, primal lust, and you felt it, too. Clenching your teeth and letting out a hiss, you struggled to tug your arms out from the grip of his hands. Sensing this, he loosened his hands, allowing you to lean up to pull him to your face, his body still wildly moving in and out of you. Your head leaned in to catch his lips with yours, and soon your tongues were inside the other’s mouth, swirling around in untamed circles.
You always needed the closeness of him, to feel his chest pressed against yours, so you held him tight as his cock pumped back and forth within the walls of your twitching entrance. 
With a strained grunt delivered straight to your gaping mouth, he reached down to manually wrap your legs tight around his lower back. Your heels dug into his ass, keeping him steady for a moment as he paused inside of you to take a breath. 
In the crook of your neck and shoulder, he kissed your mark. Mirroring his action, you did the same to his, while the nails of your tightly drawn fingers made shallow scratches in the skin of his back. 
“Shit,” he mumbled. “You feel so good, omega.”
You laughed and grabbed his cheeks to turn his face back to yours. He looked a sight—red blotches adorning his cheeks, hefty beads of sweat trickling down his strained forehead, lips quivering and drenched in your saliva and slick. Sweat-soaked hair framed his face as the darkened strands stuck to the skin. Redness had even pooled in his chest, which heaved exhaustingly over yours.
As he caught his breath, you snaked your hand between your bodies, lowering it to your clit. The closer you got to your orgasm, the more stimulation you needed to maintain the tingly feeling in your core, so you circled your finger rapidly, feeling yourself on track towards bliss.
The sudden attention made you flinch and clench around him, sending him grunting as his eyes squeezed shut. “Fuck!” he groaned. “Ah, yeah… Shit, you’re gonna make me come.”
He pumped himself inside you again, hitting your most sensitive spot while you touched yourself, and it was only a matter of seconds now until you reached your peak. He knew that, too. His body was in sync with yours by now, and soon your bodies would be locked together, but first you needed to have your own release.
Still, he felt his knot begin to form around the base of his cock, swelling as he moved back and forth. As he hit into you, your entrance stretched more and more, preparing for your orgasm, and his knot.
“Oh, God!” you whimpered. “I—I… Daryl…”
“I got ya…” he panted back, in that deep, raspy whisper. “Come for your alpha…”
It was the last straw, the last little bit of motivation you needed as he thrusted into you harder, and your walls began to pulse with each shockwave of your orgasm.
Your body went limp underneath him as your mouth hung open to release a series of low moans. “Jesus…” you sighed. 
He smiled and lowered himself to kiss you, taking in every labored breath. “I love you,” he said. 
“I love you, too,” you laughed deliriously. 
He lifted his head back up, holding himself above you with his arms outstretched to support his body weight as he began to thrust again.
But he could sense something that froze him in place, a whiff of putrid scent lingering on the breeze.
“Shit,” he huffed. 
Catching the last remnants of Shane’s scent, he growled and pulled himself out with a small cascade of your arousal.
“Turn around,” he said lowly.
Not waiting for you to answer, his hands gripped either side of your waist to maneuver your body until you were on all fours. “Daryl,” you panted in surprise. 
The incessant pounding in his head was too loud to hear your voice call out to him, too loud to hear your strained whimper as his cock filled you again, this time with his knot so close to its most swollen state.
You felt his body align with yours, gluing itself to your back. His teeth dug hard into your flesh, with each deep, purposeful thrust making you groan in combined pleasure and pain.
To his frustration, Shane’s scent became stronger, more potent. It was sickening, but you couldn’t even notice it, not when Daryl’s scent surrounded you in a thick, hazy cloud.
No, you didn’t notice. You couldn’t even see Shane approaching in the distance, but Daryl did.
He growled against your shoulder, eyes glowering to meet Shane’s as he froze in place. He must’ve been going out to collect firewood, as he usually did around this time, but that was of no consequence to Daryl, whose rage-induced lust only got stronger.
Shit, he saw Shane’s lips move to say. He was too far away to hear, but still close enough to see the look of panic, and jealousy, on his face.
Under normal circumstances, Daryl would’ve jumped up and ran to put his clothes on, but there wasn’t going to be any separation of your bodies now, not even if he tried. He couldn’t betray his primal need, and neither could you. Besides, it was the perfect opportunity to let Shane know just who you belonged to.
“Oh, fuck!” you blurted out as his body thrusted hard into you, his cock penetrating the deepest part of your insides. “Daryl!”
He dug his teeth deeper into your shoulder, making you cry out once again. “Alpha!”
“That’s right,” he panted into your ear. “I’m your alpha… Scream for me.”
“Oh, yes! Daryl!”
He didn’t want you to keep it down now. With Shane near, that hideous reminder of his scent on the air, he needed you to scream, to let the bastard know once and for all that you were bound for life to him, no one else.
Shane was still dumbfounded, intrigued by the sight, but repulsed, too. He simply couldn’t look away, until Daryl’s snarl became so violent that he found himself backing away, finally yielding to the superior man, the superior alpha. 
Daryl’s lip quirked slightly to one side. His show of dominance had worked. He could be embarrassed about it later, but now? Now, he felt his knot swell up again, almost so big now that he could no longer pull himself out.
You felt it, too, the tightness at your entrance as his knot stretched you much further than it had in a long time. He could only knot during his rut, but you knew this was no ordinary rut.
“Feel that?” he sloppily groaned against your shoulder. “Feel my knot?”
Rendered speechless, you nodded frantically as your arms threatened to fold underneath you. They shook to stabilize you, but soon his body stopped moving entirely, and all you could feel was that knot keeping him in place, seconds before his climax.
“Fuck!” he cried out. “Shit, I—I’m…”
You felt his cock begin to twitch deep inside you, spreading his spend in the deepest recesses of your core, where you felt his warmth embrace you. 
With a gasp, your arms finally gave out, taking Daryl down with you, and with your head buried in the grass, you let out a deep sigh of relief. Something within you switched off, and finally, your heat was over.
Exhaustion swiftly took over Daryl, and he rolled onto his side with you in his arms, and you knew the two of you would be like this for a while, possibly all night. His knot would take hours to go away, it usually did.
You felt his lips gently purse against the skin of your neck, repeating several times as he worshipped you and the taste of your sweat. 
“Shit, that was good,” he huffed, laughing a little to himself at the look on Shane’s face. Soon he’d find himself fuming again, needing to throw a few choice words at the insufferable man, but he’d rather bask in the afterglow for now. Besides, he was king of the jungle now, as far as he was concerned.
Blissfully unaware of the situation, you giggled and wrapped your hand around his. “Mm, so good… And you tried to tell me you weren’t rutting.”
He shook his head and bit your neck just a little, eliciting a small faux whimper from you. “Hey!” you laughed. 
“You know just how to push my buttons, huh?”
“Better than anyone else.”
Holding each other in the grass, night fell over you like a blanket, and soon all you could hear were crickets and toads, and the faint tinkling of the wind chimes from the Greene house porch. 
Soon you were lulled to sleep, with Daryl just barely dozing off, but he tried to keep awake, in case of the off chance a walker stumbled out of the woods. 
In the morning, he’d have to corner Shane, to further reiterate the point he tried to prove earlier, to reassert his dominance. 
That could wait, though. For now, he just held you, wondering what you were dreaming about. 
He just hoped he was in it. 
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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sparklingchim · 4 years
fiery mornings; m | pjm
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pairing: jimin × reader
word count: 3k
genre: smut, fluff, established relationship, idol!jimin
warnings: swearing, fingering, protected sex, some breast play
summary: waking up with jimin, but add a little spice to it 🌶
a/n: hello lovely people! i didn't proof read this because it's almost midnight for me now and i'm really tired but luckily tomorrow is saturday 😴 i hope you like it! and have a good morning, day, evening or night❤ i'm heading to bed now💤
The sun peeking through the curtains and encasing the room with crumbs of light is what wakes you up.
These stupid blinds - that you hated as soon as you slept over at Jimin's place for the first time - were not doing their job properly. The sun overflowing his room every damn morning woke up everytime. You'd like to get more sleep because - let's not lie - Jimin and you don't go to sleep very early with both your needy and touchy hands when you lay in bed at night time. However, Jimin didn't care about your aversion against the blinds - he wasn't the one waking up due to them though... - and said something about them looking cozy and domestic.
You really tried to erase the thought of just ripping them down and buying him some new ones that don't let any sunlight shine so annoyingly in the room, but you hold back. But it's really tempting...
You stretch your arm to the nightstand, tapping on your phone to see what time it is. 7 am? Oh, how bad you want to rip these blinds off.
Nonetheless, the warmness of the sheets that you're both tucked under and Jimin's body radiating a comforting glow around you makes you stay in bed.
Jimin's arm is loosely wrapped around your stomach, his body pressed against you from the back. You glance back at him, his nose pressed against your spine and eyes still closed. Your heart softens at that doting sight, seeing him innocently sleeping. No worries in his mind, but only disguising his features in a tranquil state. Jimin is finally able to gett as much rest as he wants and needs after coming home from the tour.
You push some strands of his hair that are falling into his face away. The need to place kisses all over his puffy adorable face looms inside you, but you stop yourself from doing that, so you don't ruin his peaceful slumber that he's currently in.
Instead you could prepare some breakfast for him, so when he decides do wake up he has a delicious meal prepared for him. You think of some dishes that you could cook even though just staying in bed with him felt more enticing which also leads you to grab your phone despite your original plan to get up and start cooking breakfast. But there was no need to rush, Jimin won't wake up for approximately three more hours.
As you take your phone from the night stander you suddenly feel Jimin's grip on your stomach tighten. He lets out some displeased grunts, like a little child not pleased with something. You softly smile, rubbing soothing strokes with your thumb on his arm that's wrapped around you. Jimin nuzzles his face deeper into your back, sighing out in satisfaction.
God, he is so adorable.
You occupy yourself with your phone, checking social media and maybe salivating at some pictures from Jimin that you come across.
20 minutes pass, before you decide that it's time to start the day and prepare some breakfast for your boyfriend who still snoozes behind you, gaining all of his energy back after working so hard for months.
But then you feel something.
Eyebrows scrunched together, you try to make out what could possibly be poking you in this cuddly bed.
Only spending a second on looking out for an answer to your oblivious question, you find the possible solution for that.
Jimin early-glory made it's appearance by being pressed against your butt, letting you feel his hard muscle.
Yeah, it was definitely about time to get up.
But when you prop myself up on your elbow, still laying on your side, you hear a muffled complaining sound behind you. To emphasize his need, Jimin's hold tightens on your belly again, just like he did before, though this time you actually attempted to leave the bed.
You squeeze his arm lightly to beguile him into letting you go. ,,I'm gonna make us breakfast, Minnie," you say whispering, tilting your head sideways, so you're able to look at Jimin. His eyes remain close, only parting is plump lips to mutter a little 'no'. You sigh out, head falling back onto the pillow. ,,It's not gonna take long," you try to convince him, even though the dishes you plan to cook would take a bit longer than normally.
,,Stay with me." Jimin's hoarse and raspy voice uttering its first full sentence this morning.
Then you seek to wiggle yourself out of his embrace, but it's pointless, because letting you go isn't even up for a debate in Jimin's mind.
,,Then there's no breakfast for you," you utter in defeat. Jimin doesn't answer, suddenly placing soft kisses over the crook of your neck. His sudden sweet kisses cause goose bumps spread all over your body, the tingling feeling automatically relaxing you, although laying in bed with Jimin is already so calming.
,,I'm only hungry for you right now," he says. Your cheeks flush at that cheesy comment, but luckily he can't see your reaction towards his words, knowing he would be smirking and teasing the shit out of you. Jimins usual cute and endearing way of waking up is vanished and instead he pulled out his charms to make you melt for him.
Jimins hand traces over your clothed stomach, heading down to you leg to stroke his fingers up to your thigh, pushing his shirt that you're wearing slightly up. His feather light touch induces shivers down your spine. The accentuating tension effects your whole composure, evoking you into pushing your ass back onto his bulge which results in Jimins body stiffening behind you. The impetuous act caught him off guard, but he relishes in the satisfying friction, coaxing him into the blissful thrill he was all too familiar with.
,,You want this?" Jimins tone was low, turning you on even more.
,,Yes, please," you beg, grinding your ass on his hard length. You both breath heavily, the pleasure building in a fast pace.
Soon your pussy burns in need, desiring to be filled with his huge cock. Your movements of his dick gliding through your clothes pussy makes your wetter by the seconds. It doesn't require much till Jimin has enough of the teasing rubbing and shoves the comforter away from your bodies.
,,I love you," Jimin murmurs, placing little kisses over your neck once again. He gently sucks at your skin, only for a brief moment though, not wanting to cause a mark on your flesh before he darts his tongue out and licks over the slightly flush skin.
,,I love you too," you reply breathless. You don't stop your ministrations. You can't desist when the sensation of his cock was getting you so riled up, brewing you into so much pleasure. Last night you were sceptical when Jimin didn't put on any clothes after your little rendezvous, but it really had its perks having him naked behind you.
Jimin hand wanders further, fingers toying with the side of your panty. Once his fingers get a hold of the thin material, he pushes them down in a swift motion. You help him to get the panties completely off and toss them away with your feet. Jimins hand lifts your leg up a bit, his hand hovering over your warmth, but not attempting to do anything yet. You fuss beneath him, craving his touch.
,,Are you sore from last night?"
,,No." You are. But not too much and your mind is too clogged up with the anticipation that builds for the pleasurable feeling Jimin is able to give you.
,,You're sure?"
,,Yeah, please touch me."
At your wish Jimins finger rubs up and down over your slit, coating his finger with my arousal. A little moan escapes your mouth. You enjoy the feeling of his digit touching your slick folds, gathering all your juices. When you feel his thumb circling your swollen sensitive bud, your legs tremble and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip. Jimins index finger makes it way into your entrance. Your aching walls immediately clench around it, acting as needy as ever.
,,Shit," Jimin curses under his breath. ,,You're always so ready for me, baby." How could you not when a men like that was laying next to you in bed?
You let out a strangled moan when he plunges another finger inside you, his pace slow but steady. Jimin crooks his fingers, hitting that lovely spot every time he shoves his fingers back inside your quivering hole.
,,Just like that," you pant, your hand gripping his arm between your legs. Jimins fingers pick up on speed, your moaning spurring him on.
It doesn't take a lot of time till he gets you at that certain point, the familiar knot in your stomach growing quickly. Your body chases after your high, but you desperately want to cum on his cock, so you squeeze his arm gently and Jimin slows his pace.
,,I- I want to cum on your cock," you manage to say and he stops moving his fingers, withdrawing them after. Your body instantly misses the penetration and you whine at the loss of contact.
,,Shh, I'm gonna give it to you, baby," he soothes you, propping himself on his arm to slightly hover over you. You shift your head to see his awaken state for the first time that morning.
Jimins hair hangs into his forehead again, a tired but sincere smile on his face and his eyes puffy from his sleep. A smile immediately appears on your lips at when you look into his loving eyes, his whole being radiating so much comfort and contentment.
With Jimin you felt like it was you final destination. There was nothing else in this world that could give you more than what he was capable of giving you. Nothing in this world could compare to Jimins love. His love was tightly swathed around you and never vanished since the day you both knew that the tension between you was more than just a friendship. No day would pass in which he wouldn't jostle all his adoration to you and show you how much you meant to him. Jimin could never get tired of showering you in all the devotion he has allocated for you, he loved you after all.
You lace your fingers through his soft hair and for a few seconds it stays like that, pushed back on his head, but then it falls down onto his forehead again. Jimin stays still and watches how you play with his hair, until he can't prolong his desperate need to get some friction on his throbbing cock.
,,Can your grab a condom?" he asks and pecks your forehead briefly. You nod and quickly turn to the nightstand on your side, fishing a condom out of the drawer. You hand it to him and rips the package, doing fast work in wrapping the plastic around his member and tossing the useless package somewhere behind his back.
Jimin preps a few kisses on your jawline, making his way to your lips and every so gently capturing your mouth into a tender kiss. You share a passionate and slow kiss together, savouring the moment of being together again after being apart for months. He dips his tongue in, both of your wet muscles tangling tighter.
When you both need to break the kiss, Jimin doesn't intend to go for another, but raises your leg higher and alignes the tip of his cock on your entrance.
,,Oh my God," you breath out.
Jimin slides his cock up and down your folds, gathering your arousal before he's back on your entrance, slowly pushing in. He breathes heavily, your tight walls latching onto his cock so securely. The more his thick length sinks inside your needy warmth, the presence of the soreness from yesterday night makes itself perceptible. Jimin stretches your walls till he's completely buried inside of you. He stills once he's balls deep in, giving you time to adjust to his size.
,,You're good, baby?" he makes sure, looking you in the eyes. You nod slowly, the feeling of his dick being completely in making it hard to let out any words.
When there's still no attempt of moving from Jimin, you tap his arm that has a hold of your leg in the air. ,,Go on please," you whisper, needing to feel his deep thrusts.
After he hears your wish, desperation lingering in your voice, Jimin bottoms out till only his tip is left inside, but quickly pushes back again. The longing feeling finally getting stilled with his tangy thrusts. Jimin continues his movements, his hips snapping faster and faster from behind you and you just feels so good.
,,Lift your leg for me," he instructs, before leaving his hold on your leg to slide his fingers under your - well, technically his- shirt and palms your breast. Jimin pinches and rolls your nipples between his digits, coaxing louder moans out of you. He furrows his eyebrows, you sweet tones prodding him more on. He relishes in the fact that he is the one making you feel this way, making you moan so sweetly for his hear only. Jimin lets out breathy moans, his pace rapid and hard.
Your hand wanders around his neck, tucking at his hair and he answers with soft groans. Then you push the back of his head closer to yours, pressing your lips against his plush ones and kissing him hungrily. You feel yourself getting closer, you're body reaching your high in a short span of time. Of course Jimin feels it, your walls clenching around his member and greedily wanting to milk him are way too obvious. You retract from the kiss, shutting your eyes close when all the sensations overcome you. Jimin lets go of your breast to nestle his hand between your thighs and soon you feel his thumb circling on your clit.
,,Cream all over me," Jimin murmurs.
The added pleasure on your sensitive bud makes you mewl, biting your lip really hard.
The slick sounds of your pussy getting hammered by Jimins cock and his skin slapping against yours fill the room. Combined with your moans and his breathy sound, makes you so much hornier and all you want to do is to cum around his big cock.
,,I'm- I'm gonna cum!" you warn him, the knot in your stomach getting so close to finally snap.
,,Me too," he pants, his thrusts going faster.
Jimins length kisses your cervix every time his hips shoot back into you. ,,Shit, look at me."
Your head instantly tilts to him, meeting his eyes that were already locked on your face. Your eyebrows knit together, the sharp thrusts of his body making you so close to reach your end. Jimin sinks his teeth into his plump bottom lip, never breaking the intense eye contact with you. Fuck, he looked so hot and stunning.
After a few more hard and deep thrusts, your climax approaches and your hand wanders to his shoulder, digging your nails into his skin. Your legs start to tremble and his hand that was playing with your clit, leaves the wet place to hold your leg up when you have trouble keeping it high because of all the  sensations shooting in your body.
,,Jimin!" you cry, heavy pants following.
It doesn't take long for him to come undone too - only a few thrusts later he spills his cum into the condom, making you feel the way he twitches your quivering hole. Jimin groans loud and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, letting go of holding my leg up. And just like that you both lay there - breathing heavily, bodies fully spent and coming down from your high.
Jimins hand wander to your face, cupping your cheek and rubbing soothing strokes with his thumb on your flush skin. He plants a few kisses on your neck, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Your body tingles, his breath fanning over your skin creating goose bumps over it.
Ever so slowly he bottoms his now softened length out of your walls, your sensitiveness causing you to shiver.
,,It's okay baby, I've got you," he coos, giving your cheek a peck.
You turn around, now laying on your back and looking into his brown orbs. They have this beautiful glisten in them, making me feel like I'm safe when I'm with him. His eyes are full of love. And he could say the same to you.
You both exchange some more smooches here and there, being all cuddly and acting like you didn't already say I love you for a hundred of times in the past already. Your heart flutters every time he says something sweet, grazes his fingers over your skin or plasters sweet kisses all over you.
After some time Jimin stands up, discarding the condom in a bin and throws some boxers on. Then he grabs tissues and comes back to the bed, digging his knee on the mattress and spreading your legs. He tugs your shirt up to clean you and when Jimin is done with that  he pushes the white fabric down again.
,,I'm definitely not gonna prepare breakfast now," you say when he turns around to get rid of the dirty tissue.
,,I can do it," Jimin answers, turning to you again. His abs were on full display and you can't prevent yourself from looking at his firm chest before looking into his eyes again.
,,Mhm, you can?" you cock an eyebrow.
,,You don't think I'm able to make the same breakfast as you?" he asks back.
,,Of course I think you can to it, babyy," you  tease him and giggle after he furrows his eyebrows, an angry pout displayed on his lips.
,,I'm gonna show you," he says competitively and leaves the room, making his way to the kitchen.
And yes, he did indeed show you.
In fact, he showed you the burned rice he attempted to cook.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
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My goodness, I- I did not expect this one to blow up like this. Then again you guys are so goddamn unpredictable, be glad I love you all hhhhh- this will be the last installation of Universe Reversal and it has been a nice yet wild ride for this mini-series pfft. Thank you to the anon with the brilliant mind who started this, I didn't include Kaeya here since he's already fleshed out in the asks convos we had.
Universe Reversal 3
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Venti and Diluc (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 2 / Extras)
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Venti the Multi-Account User
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This unhinged boyo has made multiple accounts for different servers, and no one really knows how many he uses or how many he's active on (it's 2), nor the reason why he even did this strategy in the first place.
How he pulled you: This little gremlin was messing around with his alt account and saw that he still had some leftover primogems in it, enough for ten pulls. And he was like, why not? He's already ran out of chances in his main account, he wasn't hoping much— so when that glorious golden meteor appear, he froze.
And then he freaked out, both in triumph and anger, because OMG you came home!!! In the WRONG account!!! ¡¡! ¡¡!
Bragging about it to his friends, and when he gets his congratulations, he's gonna come out and say it was on his alt account. And all hell breaks loose.
He's gonna spend most of his days trying to debate over his head what's he gonna do about his predicament, while farming materials not just for you but for the other characters as well. He doesn't have a well-bred team in that account so...
He'll be spending most of his time in that account during the hype, of course, and he's gonna be the gamer that would be staying up so late just to get everything geared up and maxed out.
Venti usually used you in co-op to flex on his pull, and dons your character as his profile. His grinding has raised you to at least C1 with the second best weapon for you, and a decent set of artifacts. He built you as sub dps tho, unlike the other players here.
This is obvious but he likes using you for gliding, because your character reacts so happily when doing so and he finds it really cute. He also ends up idling a lot and watches your idle animation, gif'd and all.
One of the very few characters who would actually cosplay as you, if it's possible. Shameless and proud for it too.
May or may not have attracted some specific fans.
You coming home has sparked the vigor of gaming for him once again, and became more engaged to the community and- holy shit, you have so many fan materials.
Venti may or may not have participated in the ship wars and best character wars alongside Childe and Kaeya.
One of the remixers and character theme/fan-made songs type of fan in the community, very prestigious too. He aims to offers his works to the devs too, even if it's just for small promotional materials.
"The game just become so much more enjoyable and pleasing to play when I got them! Even if I had to switch accounts, it's was sooo worth it." sad neglected account noises
Favorite Voicelines: Feelings About Ascension, All your trailers (What do you mean this is not a voiceline?)
Diluc the Beta Tester
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One of the lucky people to be able to play the beta version of the game, as he had been very critical in checking for bugs and suggestions even if he has his own work.
How he pulled you: Mentioned this before, he wasn't meant to pull for you really, he was there for the other characters in your banner, but you ended up coming home to him instead.
It's not that he doesn't LIKE you, it's nothing personal, it's just that his team/playstyle doesn't really let you fit in to his game? But hey, at least he knows you're good, so instead of neglecting you he decided to build you up as well just to see.
Diluc now has the strongest (Y/N) build in the whole game.
Was forced by his brother to make a video/tutorial for your character, and he found it quite enjoyable. So many people thanked him and supported his video for it, dedicated fans to your character and building.
Diluc warms up to your character soon after and sees you in a better light. Starts reading more about you and sees how nice your story was well made, and admires the beauty of your ult animation a tad bit too much.
His reputation suddenly became connected to you, like speedrunning, soloing and powerful builds with/for your character.
If there were any bugs or fixes regarding your character, he's the first to notice and report in full detail to Mihoyo. Because of this your release had been unusually flawless and well-liked by the community, but he wouldn't know much since he's not that engaged to the fandom.
He doesn't notice his bias to you and if he gets called out, he's gonna vehemently deny the fuck outta it. He's a beta player, he needs to analyze all characters equally, damn it.
He may or maaaaay not be one of the cause of your character getting leaked before your actual release; Kaeya may or maaaay not be related to this. Don't worry tho, he's not under any danger, yet.
He has a big chance of being a new character's VA that's closely tied to you and he's unsure yet on how to deal about the offer.
If a casual criticizes your character, especially when they insult that you're too overrated, he's there to pull out the right facts and rants to shit the fucker up.
Silently helped with the popularity poll and made you the most liked character for a very long time.
One of the people obsessed with your idle animation and voicelines, and had listened to all of your lines in ALL languages. For uh, for work purposes, of course. Will fight that your English VA is the best and suiting voice for you.
He's kinda tsun on liking your character in a simping kind of sense? So it's like subtle in which he silently buys one merch of yours, total opposite of Kaeya with his Dakimakura-
"One of the best characters Mihoyo has released so far. I'm guilty I almost didn't try getting them, but now I'm on the shi- train for vouching as best player."
Favorite Voicelines: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night, Attack Dialogues
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@ellitx @moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Fictional Happiness: 12
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Jungkook had found his mate on accident- and unknowingly, also the one piece that had still been missing from his pack.
Tags/warnings: werewolf! AU if it wasn't obvious already lol, angst, romantic kook, kinda selfish kook though, shy!reader, anxiety, medication mention, therapy mention, mentions of past child neglect and emotional abuse, panic attacks, idol!bts, insecurities, bad habits, kind of tsundere! Jk, Impatient kook, alpha!kook, omega!Reader, omega!jimin, Alpha!Jin, Alpha!Namjoon, Alpha!Taehyung, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, swearing, reader doesn't like him a lot at first just as a heads up, realistic approach- meaning she won't just fall head first right away like nuh-uh we're wearing seatbelts on this ride yall, smut in future chapters
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You've taken some time for yourself to cool down, and to let the pack discuss what to do next.
After having been deemed stable enough by Jimin, he'd packed a small bag with several blankets he'd used to nest with you to take home with you, playfully calling it your homework, to learn how to nest yourself. He still can't quite belief that anyone would simply let their child, let alone an omega pup sleep alone without any form of comfort.
Jungkook had felt a bit hesitant in letting you go, but had caved in, knowing deep down that it was probably for the best. He had been scared you might end up ghosting him after, but he'd received a message just a few hours later informing him that you've felt incredibly awkward, and that you didn't want to intrude his pack at all.
He'd instantly reassured you, and himself in the process as well.
Now, everyone was eating, while having spent the day lounging around. It's weird to have time off like this, but they're all deeply thankful for the small breather they're granted. It couldn't have been timed better, after all.
"She's really sweet." Taehyung comments at the dinner table, while everyone else is eating. He takes a bite himself, as hoseok questions in interest.
"So she's a pack wolf?" He wonders, and jimin nods.
"I've kind of had a hunch she might be when Jin was allowed close. Usually, we omegas have a huge issue with someone other than our own alpha being that close especially when in such a headspace." He explains. "And then Taehyung scented her, and it just, clicked I guess."
Jungkook huffs out a breath as he leans against the back of his chair. He seems disappointed in something, and Yoongi seems to pick up on it.
"She's still your mate, kook." He says. "Just because she's a pack wolf doesn't mean we're just gonna take her like that." He tries to reason, but the maknae isn't looking any happier.
"She was so calm with Jin-hyung." He mumbles. "And Jimin was able to get through to her so easily." He continues. "And then Taehyung..-"
"Becahse you were close." The older alpha counters. "Jungkook, she still likes you-"
"Well she won't once she joins the pack, will she?!" He barks out, finally snapping after having stayed silent for the two days after what had happened at his apartment. "I'm the last one to connect with my wolf, I don't know shit about how to be a good alpha, I constantly fuck things up, and you're-"
"First of all, stop yelling." Namjoon says. "Second of all, we don't even know if she wants to join the pack, hell, hoseok, yoongi, and me haven't even properly met her yet. For all we know we could be absolutely incompatible with her." He says.
Jungkook doesn't seem convinced, but stays silent the rest of the dinner, before he goes to bed alone, not wanting to participate in any pack activities.
When Yoongi walks into his room, jungkook starts to speak softly, as if scared of being loud while the mattress dips where the older alpha sits down. "I want her to join the pack, you know?" He mumbles. "But if she doesn't, then I'll loose her again, or loose her to someone else, and I really really like her hyung." He says. "I just want things to work out.." he worries.
"I know." Yoongi says. He knows the maknae, knows that he's a bit spoiled by his pack, and its just as much everyone's fault as it's his own. They've sheltered him for a long time, not thinking about the possibility that one day he'd have to figure things out himself. It's probably the main reason he still hasn't connected with his inner wolf- why would he, if everyone around him solved his problems for him? "Tomorrow we'll meet her, and go from there." He reassures. "I'm sure even if she's only half of what you've all told me, I'll still like her." He chuckles, patting the youngest on his back playfully roughly, making him complain childishly.
"We'll figure it out." Yoongi says, before walking out of the room, letting the maknae sleep.
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