#also face markings r like a baby duck :]
ctommy · 2 years
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kitty c!q!!!!!
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mattslovergirl18 · 2 years
What best friends do (Jason Todd x F READER (Titans)
Ok so this is requested By - Someone
Omg I'm in love with JASON TODD
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Y/n and Jason are best friends they only had each other well that's how they felt, Jason parents died and y/n parents were nice but her dad went to drugs and her mother killed herself then her father did the same so y/n and Jason stuck by each other sides but when batman took Jason in he also took you in aswell you had a power that was good you could control wind batman called you Y/S/N, it was good, you and Jason would have so much fun, but to fast forward you were now with the old robin in his tower with the titans he called us. No one and when I say no one I mean no one could ever tear Jason and y/n apart they did everything together their first kiss their first scary movie everything
"Jason is that you" y/n asked as her door opened at 3am "mhm" Jason murmured "well come cuddle" y/n said puting her arms out for a hug, Jason walked in the bed and cuddle y/n, in the morning y/n woke up with Jason still in her bed she smiled and looked at the sleeping boy she really liked him but she didn't wanna ruin her friendship with someone she could never live with out, "Good morning sleeping beauty" Jason said puting his hand in her hair, she rolled her eyes at him, her door opened suddenly the two jumped away from each other "Hey y/n have you seen ja- oh um did I interrupt something" dick asked and he looked at us "No um I couldn't sleep so I came in here I always do um I'm sorry" Jason said getting up going to leave and then he turn and said "Good bye my lady" Jason winked, y/n blushed "y/n" duck said sitting on my bed "What?" She answered "BE careful and if anything make sure he wears a condom I don't want little babies in here" dick said leaving.
Jason had his arm around you watching TV with you it was Sunday day that means no training "What a cute couple" Gar compliments "Fuck off Gar" y/n saids "Yeah we're just friends" Jason said, ouch friend zoned "R can you tell you're little boyfriend to leave me Jason lone please" y/n asks not taking her head away from the tv "Sure but not my boyfriend" the girl answered taking him somewhere else, Y/n made it to jason lap cuddle into his side but she felt something hard she realized she was gonna say something but decided she's gonna make a move, she started to moved pretending to get comfortable "Y/n stop it" Jason said under his breath "Why I'm just trying to get comfortable" y/n replied, she started to move again but Jason grabbed her hips "Y/n I know you feel my boner now don't start something you can't finish" Jason said before letting go of her hips, turned around on his lap so they were face to face "What if I could finish it" y/n replied, Jason didn't know how to respond to that he just looked in to the girls eyes but he found himself slowly moving his eyes down to her lips, neither of them noticed that they were getting closer and closer till their noses touched, they both connected their lips, y/n rocked her hips back and forth, Jason picked her up and brought her to his room and put her on the bed He climbed on top of her and started to make out with her "Jason what if they hear us" y/n asked "Then that's means I'm doing my job right" Jason answered, y/n nodded then she told him to take off his shirt and she would take hers off so he did and she did but y/n did not have a bra on "Holy shit" Jason murmured, he put his mouth on the left boob and his his hand on the right one "Jason" y/n moan he went to her neck and suck a few purple marks he went down and then we down and pulled her pants and panties off.
He licked his lips , he went closer to her pussy and licked it, y/n moaned Jason knew what he was doing so he knew she would be a moaning mess, Jason sucked her cilt hard and added two fingers in her "Jason!" Y/n Nearly Screamed, Jason took that as a sigh not to stop so he didn't he went faster "Jason stop" y/n moaned "How did that feel" Jason asked the girl "Amazing" y/n replied, y/n wanted to repay the favor so she filped him over "what are you doing" Jason asked "Repaying the favor" she answered going down and pulling off his shorts and boxers, his dick was huge, y/n put him in her mouth all the way "Fuck baby girl you trying to kill me" Jason asked moaning, y/n couldn't fit him in her mouth she took her hand and rubed the part that couldn't fit in her mouth while she sucked him off "Fuck baby girl stop I wanna cum in you" Jason moaned, she took her mouth off of his dick, Jason filp her over "you ready baby girl" Jason asked "yes jason I'm ready" y/n answered back, Jason pushed in this was y/n first time so it hurt at first but after a while and Jason in her it felt good "Fuck baby girl youre so tigh" jason said "move please" y/n moaned, Jason didn't need to be asked twice, he pulled out almost all the way out and slammed back in "JASON!" He grind and did it again and again but harder everytime, "Jason Fuck!" Y/n Screamed, Jason hit her G-Spot "Baby girl who makes you feel like this" Jason asked slamming into her, y/n couldn't form a sentence, y/n tried to speak but it came out as a moan, Jason laughed, He loved that he made you feel like this he loved that you're eyes roll in the back of you're head because of him he loves that he made you moan he loved everything about this about you " I'm almost there Jason" y/n moaned "Me too Me too" Jason moaned "JASON!" Y/n cried she orgasmed "fuck baby girl I think they heard you" Jason laughed, y/n Squeeze around his dick he came right in her "good thing I'm on birth control" y/n laughed Jason laughed with her, Jason stayed in her for a couple of minutes but then got dressed they walked out of Jason's bed room and into the living room everyone was in there "Not you're girlfriend huh" Gar asks "wasn't" Jason replied "so you all heard it" y/n asked she was so embarrassed "Yes we did" dawn said "and even if we didn't you have marks on youre neck" kory said " God" y/n said "we you two safe" dick asked "No" Jason said proudly "WHAT!" Dick yelled "I'm on birth control" I told dick "oh thank god" dick said "we can not leave you guys alone" hank said "What this is what best friends do" jason said y/n rolled her eyes and then grabbed Jason hand went to go lay down because she was tried they went in her room and layed down her played in her hair falling asleep
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i know you've already done a couple period fics. but would you be open to doing a period fic, while reader has a cold or stomach bug?
currently i have both- while also being on my period-
so we love the passing out while standing, fever showers, throwing up AND bloody sheets. great combo-
Periods plus puking
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.9K
Summary: your period and the stomach flu. Could life get any worse?
TW: fever, Flu, non-sexual nudity, period, blood, slight angst, vomit, fainting
A/n I think I covered everything you wanted plus I threw in a few more. :) hope you like it.
When you woke up with a wetness between your legs and the sheets felt damp you almost cried. You had been awake half the night with your head in the toilet. A mix of a stomach bug and your period the cramps were unending. Your girlfriends were out on a mission and were suppose to be home early this morning but they must have slept elsewhere so they didn’t wake you. Jokes on them you had barely slept.
It was two am when you finally shut your eyes and your body seemed to take over and sleep.
It took all the strength you had to pull back the sheet and get up. Feeling the uncomfortable ache or nausea return you knew you had mere seconds before you were sick again. On shaky legs you pulled yourself along by the wall. Falling to your knees as you gagged and retched. More stringy puke came up and the sour smell assaulted your senses. Tears welled in your eyes before slipping down your cheeks. You choked back a sob and ducked your head again to be sick. After you felt the urge pass you didn’t have the energy to flush so you simply starfishes on the cool tiled floor. The room seemed both too hot and too cold somehow. Your blood soaked Pj shorts would have to wait until the rooms stopped spinning to be dealt with.
So here you were, laid on the bathroom floor, life couldn’t seem to get any worse. You closed your eyes and sighed. Hoping they would be back soon.
Wanda had made breakfast, they wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed when they returned, as a sorry for being pulled away last minute for a mission. Wanda had just kicked open your bedroom door with Nat following close behind when she almost dropped the plates. A huge bloodstain marked the crisp blue sheets and she stifled a gasp. She immediately felt bad she hadn’t been there to help you out on your period. Looking around she saw the light on in the bathroom and set down the food on the bedside table.
“I’ll get started on the sheets.” Nat frowned.
“Don’t worry about it.” Wanda waved her hands and the sheets were fresh and clean again.
“Neat trick.” Nat grinned
“Comes in handy from time to time.” She smiled
“Let’s go find our girl.” Nat shot back
“Y/n/n?” Wanda called, knocking on the closed door. When all she heard was a groan in response she tried the handle, frowning it was open. Carefully she stepped into the bathroom.
A hand came to her mouth at the sight of you soaked from the waist down in blood and laid on the floor. Your cheeks were flushed and she saw puke in the toilet. Carefully she came and sat by your side.
“Oh love. Why didn’t you call us baby.” She cooed, running a hand through your hair.
Nat walked in and frowned. Walking over to the toilet she grimaced and flushed the evidence of your earlier activities.
“Baby you feel a bit warm, can I check your temperature love?” Wanda asked placing the back of her hand to your sweaty forehead.
“I’ll get it” nat said and began rummaging in the cupboard.
“Poor baby, you’ve really been through it huh my love. And without natty and i here to help you. Its ok my sweet we’re here now and we’re not going anywhere.” She continued to brush the sweaty hair from your face.
“Got it.” Nat said, coming over to hand Wanda the thermometer.
“Open up my sweetness.” Wanda said tapping your chin with her thumb.
You opened your mouth and Wanda chuckled, slipping the metal under your tongue. Quickly you sat up as the feeling in your mouth brought on another bout of gagging. Wanda quickly removed the thermometer and nat guided your shaking form over the toilet as you were sick again. Wanda drew slow circles on your back with her hand and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. Nat held your hair back and neither girl shied away when they heard the sick splash into the bowl.
“Aww baby. Its ok. We’re here. Get it all up.” Wanda cooed, when the feeling passed you flopped against Wanda eyes half closed.
Nat slipped into the room, you hadn’t even noticed her leave, too busy being sick.
“I got this from Bruce. This way we wont have to stick anything in her mouth.” Nat explained handing Wanda the fancy thermometer.
Wanda ran the tip over your forehead and it beeped straight away.
She showed the number to Nat who let out a low whistle. Your hands quickly came to your ears as the noise made the headache worse.
“Sorry love.” Nat said pulling your hands from your ears. “You have a high fever my sweet. I was just worried is all.”
“How high?” You croaked throat raw from being sick. It was the first words you had said to them in days and you sounded like you were half frog.
“Oh love, try not to speak.” Wanda cooed, when the couple words had brought on a harsh fit of coughing which descended into gagging and Wanda held you in her arms over the toilet. Nat pulled your hair into a bun and tied it up with the wristband she always had on her.
You gagged fruitlessly, your body having ejected everything already. Tears burned your eyes and you finally stopped.
“Nothing left.” You coughed pitifully.
“Shh.” Wanda pressed a cold finger to your lips.
“Your fever is 102.9 my love, and you know what that means.” Nat sighed running a hand through her own fiery red locks.
“No shower.” You whined like a toddler.
“Aww bubs it’ll be over soon, plus we need to clean you up down there.” Wanda cooed motioning to your lower half. You had honestly forgotten about your period. Which made itself known once more with another harsh cramp. You whined and curled into a ball in Wanda’s arms which wrapped around you protectively. Her fingers glowing a soft red over your back as she used her magic to force your muscles to relax. You make a choked noise somewhere between a sob and a sigh at the feeling and you relaxed in her arms.
“Do you think your done, can we get you in the shower my sweet.” Nat cooed, crouching down beside Wanda. You nodded weakly and tried to stand. Too fast as your vision swam and dipped and everything went black.
“Y/N!” Nat cried as she grabbed your unconscious form before you could hit your head on the bathtub behind you. She carefully laid you in the recovery position like Bruce had shown her in case you threw up again. Wanda stroked the hair from your flushed cheeks and softly tapped your cheek.
“Y/n/n, sweetness, my love. Come back to us baby girl.” Wanda said softly.
Your eyes fluttered open and Wanda heaved a sigh of relief.
“Aww bubs, stood up too fast. Come let us help you.” Wanda turned on the bath and nat took her position beside you.
“Slowly now.” Nat said as you tried to sit up as you felt a hand on your lower back guide you into a sitting position.
“You body only reacted like that because its been under too much stress lately but it you pass out again I’m taking you to see Bruce. No ifs or buts.” She said firmly but sweetly. Nat put her armed a under you, scooping you up and putting you on the counter. Wanda carefully with the help of her magic to hold you up, took off your shirt, putting your shorts and undies in the sink to be washed later and scooped you up and stepped into the tub. Passing you to Nat she sat down in the cool water. Nat passed you to her. You shivered when your body came into contact with the water, squirming and whining until Wanda’s arms wrapped around you.
“Im gonna go deal with this.” Nat said holding up your bloodied clothes.
“Ok love I’ve got her for now.” Wanda agreed. Your eyes were glazed over as you slipped them shut. Dozing in Wanda’s lap as she used her magic to clean you off and keep your blood from staining the bath water red.
When your temp was lower and she heard soft snores coming from you she relaxed. Slightly. There was still a long way for you to go to get better but it was looking up slightly. She held you still in her arms when your eyes shot open and you sat up quickly. Panicking Wanda summoned a sick bag and thrust it under your chin as you brought up stringy bile. She rubbed your back and whispered in your ear.
“Its ok. Its ok my sweet. Your ok. Im here” she said over and over again until you had stopped.
You simply deflated, exhausted in her arms. Wanda threw away the sickbag and carefully stood with you in her arms shushing you as you whined. Using her magic she dressed you after drying you off and avoiding getting blood on the towel. She made sure there was a pad in your undies for you as she slipped them onto your hips. All your weight was lent against her as you stood with the help of her magic. After you were both dressed Wanda scooped you up again and carried you into the bedroom. Depositing you carefully on the bed she pulled up the sheets and slipped in beside you. Running a hand through your hair she took your temperature again the lower number giving her hope. She summoned a sickbag and put it on the bedside incase you were sick again and she wasn’t awake.
You were snoring softly as the door cracked open and nat came back.
“How’s she doing?” Nat asked concerned.
“Better but not good, she was sick again in the bath.”
“With you in it?” Nat asked wrinkling her nose slightly.
“No i summoned sickbag before she threw up on us both and in the water.” Wanda said. “Her temp has lowered slightly which is a good sign and I’ve put a sickbag by the bed if she needs it. But right now she needs sleep, i asked Jarvis and apparently she barely got three hours last night. Poor thing was up all night with her head in the toilet.” Wanda sighed looking down at you while you slept, and running her hands through your hair.
“Well we’re here now and thats what counts the most i guess.” Nat sighed and slipped in on your other side sandwiching you between both girls.
And thats how you slept for the next few days, under the watchful eyes of your girlfriends and there were careful to always have one of them with you to hold your hand as you were sick and change the sheets when you bled on them. You couldn’t have asked for better girlfriends and frankly the rings in your bedside draw was on your mind the whole time only solidifying your plans with their love.
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WTNV Quick rundown - 43 - Visitor
This episode features the guest voice of Kevin R Free as Kevin of Desert Bluffs. I've tried putting in spaces between bulletpoints, but it seems like Tumblr squashes it together when posted. Sorry~
Listen to your heart. You can hear it deep under the earth, creaking and heaving, with roots snapping and birds flapping quickly away. Welcome to Night Vale.
Cecil's visitor is a Strexpet. A biomachine created by StrexCorp.
Cecil describes it's appearance as having a 'bulbous square of a body', thick bellied with large 'duck' eyes, puffy tan fur like a bear cubs and small nubs for legs. It may have multiple smaller eyes or black marks on it's face, Cecil isn't sure which it is.
Cecil describes it's behaviours as not moving very much, shy or possibly scared and staring with it's big pleading eyes, possibly following Cecil with it's eyes.
It does eventually seem to 'trust' him, waddling over to where he is and humming/buzzing when pet. It then hugs onto his leg, making it impossible for Cecil to move though at this time Cecil still finds the behaviour adorable.
It then 'bites' him, hard enough to draw blood, so Cecil goes to the sponsor so he can go wash himself off.
Kevin delivers the sponsored message by Strexcorp. Full of hopeful messages and believing in a Smiling God (you must). The Smiling God apparently has a smile so large and wide that we can see our perfect selves in it's mirrored teeth. In the reflection of it's thick, pink and grey, wet bulging tongue we can see the reflection of our imperfect selves (hideous and bleeding, bleeding so much). Kevin says we can kill our imperfect selves and Strex will help us. He also refers to a 'Greater Desert Bluffs and Night Vale community' which is foreshadowing of Strex's intentions being a bit more than just running the radio station.
When he tries to block it out of the bathroom, it is somehow able to break down the door to follow him. Whilst yelling for Intern Jeremy to call animal control and hiding from the Strexpet which he can no longer see, the Strexpet attacks Khoshekh (whom Cecil still adores and calls his baby boy and his buddy).
The Strexpet is somehow able to tear Khoshekh from his fixed point and bites into his side. Cecil reacts by attacking and kicking the Strexpet repeatedly before having Intern Jeremy helps to pin it down. Animal control tries to sedate it, but reveal it is actually a machine and just needs it's switch flipped to shut it off.
Cecil is very sad he didn't get to smash it with a hammer.
Lauren is disappointed that Cecil did not like the 'birthday present' she and Daniel got for him (it is not his birthday).
Weather: "Cover Me Up" by Jason Isbell, jasonisbell.com
Khoshekh is taking in for surgery and they say that although there will be less of him mentally and physically, he will live just fine. Cecil rushes off at the end of the broadcast to visit him, assured that he will soon be in his normal fixed place again.
There is controversy going on with the mayoral race. The FOW has no records of her origins or a birth certificate so can't prove she's an American citizen.
Hiram (acquitted of tax fraud) is being accused of both truck theft and possibly the murder of a man called Frank Chen. Frank was found dead with claw and scorch marks covering his body around two years ago and the coroner ruled he had died from 'dragon, at least three heads'. Hiram denies this saying he and Frank are friends and that he's fine and was probably just goofing off with the injuries.
Cecil says that although the citizens of NV vote, the actual result will be determined by interpreting the loud pulses coming out of Hidden Gorge.
Wednesday night, the NV Community theatre is holding auditions for the musical 'Into the Woods'. Interested thespians are told to bring night vision goggles, glass cutters, a breathable ski mask and quiet shoes to the First Night Vale Bank. 
The museum of forbidden technologies is holding a new exhibit on Thought Crimes. Interest in attending is considered grounds for arrest. You can't be arrested for buying tickets from the website if you're in your own home, but the SSP can use tear gas to flush you out and arrest you.
There is a new restaurant opening, Tourniquet. The executive chef is LeShawn Mason, who was previously a sous chef for Night Vale's top rated fine dining establishment, Shame. LeShawn's idea of traditional French cooking brought into the modern day is a mix of molecular gastronomy and human remains. Tourniquet offers a prix fixe menu for $35 featuring choice of appetizer, entree, dessert, and sudden awareness of a hideous, suppressed memory.
Carlos and his team of scientists finally get bold enough to try the door to the House Which Doesn't Exist out in the Desert Creek housing development. They want to see if they can make contact with John Peters (you know, the farmer)? who is still standing inside staring at the picture of a lighthouse. A woman named Cynthia answers and through her door they see a completely different room, but those at the window still see John Peters. She claims to have lived there for 19 years despite the fact that the housing development is only 3 years old.
Proverb: You won't sleep when you're dead either.
I'm sure there is vengeance to be found. I'm sure I will find it. I'm sure I just have to find the right recipient. Stay tuned next for the sound of your own thoughts, broadcast live on the radio for all to hear. And as always, good night, Night Vale. Good night.
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matsunosan · 2 years
hello! may i request a ran, rindou, and sanzu with an extremely ticklish reader? a bit of a fluff and also really sPICY oh god >:) like whenever their warm tongue touches the reader's skin (neck, thigh, chest, anywhere) it turns the reader on so much but it also makes them giggle at the same time because it tickles so much. tysm i really love your fics <33
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A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to get to this! I have so many requests lol- I am trying to work through all of them as fast as I can! I hope you enjoy love!
Prompt: Bonten men tickling reader!
WARNINGS: NSFW, pet names, i think like one cuss word (once again, pure filth)
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Your eyes opened slowly to the sight of sunlight slowly creeping into your bedroom, the feeling of a tender hand running up and down your curves slowly coaxing you awake. 
Ran’s delicate fingers drew patterns along your supple skin, making your body melt into his touch like putty. 
He was the best thing to wake up to.
“R-Ran?” you mumbled, slowly turning around to face the heavy-lidded man. “Good morning princess,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss on your temple. 
Mornings like these were so peaceful and full of love. What else could you have possibly asked for? 
Ran’s lips formed a small smile when his eyes met yours, the violet orbs full of pure adoration for you. Everything about this moment was perfect, until Ran tickled you. 
His hands reached under your arms suddenly, tickling you until you were wide awake. 
“Ran!” you cried, laughter filling the room. “Please! It’s too much!” 
Ran ignored your begs, deciding to pin you down underneath him as he continued to abuse your sides while you howled in laughter. 
“You’re gonna have to stop me princess!” Ran teases, grabbing your wrists when you try to tickle him back. “I-It’s no fair!” you cackled. “You didn’t even give m-me a chance!” 
Ran chuckled at your whines, deciding to lean down and lick up the column of your neck. 
You went silent.
Ran stopped his movements to make sure he didn’t hurt you, but was confused when he saw your cheeks turn a bright shade of red and something flicker within your eyes. 
“Baby?” he looked at you, cocking his head to the side. “Are you okay?” “Do it again.” you commanded. Ran looked at you quizzically before ducking down and licking up your throat once more, your body shivering in the process. 
“Oh,” Ran smirked, immediately picking up on your sexual frustration. You bit your lip to hold back any moans, but your efforts were futile when he began sucking on that sweet spot. 
“Fuck Ran,” you moaned, wrapping your legs around his torso as his hips instinctively thrusted into you. “I’m gonna make you cum babygirl,” Ran seethed, the feeling of your hot cunt on his hard cock making you absolutely irresistible. 
It didn’t take long for Ran to rip off your panties, fingers thrusting in and out of your slick and he sucked marks onto your throat. “I-I’m so close,” you mewled, fists gripping onto the sheets. 
All it took was for Ran to bite down on that spot and you came crashing down with a mind-blowing orgasm. 
Let’s just say that if Ran ever wants to get you in the mood, he knows exactly where to touch you to drive you mad.
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You sat on Rindou’s lap in his office while he continued to write paperwork for Bonten. 
The poor man had come home pretty late that night after a meeting, immediately sitting himself at his desk so that he could finish what needed to be done and join you in bed. 
However, that wasn’t good enough for you. 
You clambered out of bed, the soft pads of your feet echoing through the hallway as you approached the office door. You peered inside to see Rindou’s figure hunched over, stress evident in the way his shoulders slumped in the chair. 
Without another word, you climbed into his lap and wrapped your limbs around him, feeling his body relax at your presence alone. 
“I’ll be done soon angel,” he whispered, placing his left hand on your back, rubbing small circles into the flesh. You hummed in response, content being in his arms. 
After a few more minutes, Rindou let out a shaky exhale. You figured he was done with work, so you placed a kiss on his cheek. “‘M proud of you,” you mumbled against his skin. “I wish you would relax a little bit baby.” 
Rindou felt guilty. He knew you worried about him and being overworked. His thoughts were quickly disrupted when you reached down and tickled his sides. 
Rindou’s body jolted, giggles escaping his lips as he tried to push you off of him. “B-Baby!” he stuttered, trying his best to contain his laughter but he failed miserably. “There’s that beautiful smile-“ you were cut off when Rindou’s hands began ticking at your sides. 
You howled in laughter, hands instinctively moving from his body to protect your own. You ended up giving him the advantage as he no longer had you as a distraction. 
Rindou loved hearing your laughter and looking at your toothy smile. You were so beautiful. 
He continued his antics, bringing his fingers down to tickle your hips. 
He quickly found out that you were extremely ticklish there when you bucked your hips against his own, earning a groan to fall from both of your lips. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered, hands flying up to rest on his shoulders as he kept tickling you, making your hips grind against his quickly-hardening member. 
“Mm- you’re so desperate for me angel,” Rindou coos while letting his fingers grip the plush flesh, trying his absolute best not to let any moans slip. He wanted to be in control now. 
“I-It feels so good Rin,” you cried, rocking yourself back and forth, pressure building up in your core already. 
“Are you gonna cum for me so soon?” Rindou grinned, knowing exactly what he was doing to you. “You look so pretty riding me like this. Gonna cum in your panties?” 
All you could do was nod in response, your release quickly approaching. 
All it took was for Rindou to tickle your hips once more before you came crashing down with a scream of his name. 
He was very excited to use this new-found sense against you, and made sure you were in for one hell of a night. 
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After dinner with some of the executives of Bonten, you and Sanzu headed over to your shared apartment on the top floor of your apartment complex. 
The apartment was REALLY nice, it was basically a whole ass penthouse. 
On your way up, you both take the lift, giggling like littles girls because of an incident that happened over dinner. 
Koko accidentally spilled his drink on Mikey and they got into a drunken argument like an old married couple. 
“Did y-you,” you cried, holding your chest to catch your breath. “Did you see the waitress’s face when Koko basically has his hand on Mikey’s dick?” Poor guy was just trying to help clean it up.
You were both hysterical, playing the scene over and over again in your tipsy minds and doubling over in laughter. 
You both continued laughing as you arrived at the apartment, almost knocking over a vase near the entryway. Sanzu reached out and grabbed you before you could knock it over, capturing you in his arms. 
You both stared at each other for a second in silence after nearly causing a mess before laughing yet again. 
Finally after calming down a bit, Sanzu squeezes you and kisses your cheek. “I love it when you laugh,” he purrs. “You have such a beautiful smile.” “Awe,” you melted in his embrace. “Thank you love-” 
You were caught off guard when Sanzu reached down and tickled your side, laughter escaping past your lips once more. 
As if you two weren't in enough trouble already, you both ran around the apartment in a game of chase until Sanzu inevitably caught you. 
He threw you over his shoulder, and dashed for the bedroom while you flailed around to try and escape his grasp. 
“Put me down!” you giggle. “In your dreams!” Sanzu replied, tossing you onto the bed and caging you in with his legs and forearms. “I’ve got you now!” he declared, pushing your dress up and tickling your sides. 
You squealed, tears brimming your eyes as he reached up underneath your arms and pulled the dress off over your head while still daintily dancing his fingers along your skin. Sanzu thought he was in heaven as he watched the corners of your eyes crinkle with the biggest smile. On impulse, he reached down and licked a stripe along your tummy and you moaned loudly. 
“Oh,” Sanzu grinned, one of his hands holding your wrists above your head and the other gliding down to the spot where he had previously licked you. “S-Sanzu,” you begged. “Please don’t- ‘m sensitive there.”
Your pleading was deemed useless as he ducked his head down and licked you in the same spot. You moaned his name in response, hips jerking up uncontrollably. “Don’t be such a tease,” you whimpered, wiggling in his grasp to try and break away.
“Oh darling,” he grinned from ear-to-ear. “Now, I’m just getting started.”
Sanzu decided to continue teasing you, switching from eating you out to fingering you until you were almost there. Then, he would pull his slick fingers out of your messy folds and lick along your sensitive spot. 
Finally, you came hard. 
Like- you made a huge fucking mess. 
As much as you both enjoyed playing with this new discovery, the way your body shook after such a mind-breaking orgasm told Sanzu that it took all of your energy. 
He helped clean you up and then cuddled you until you fell asleep. 🥺 You were so tired after that.
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Get Some - Tierna Davidson x Reader
Prompt: So I’ve got an idea for Tierna x Reader where they’ve just started dating after quarantined together in Chicago but haven’t told the team yet because they don’t want to mess up the dynamics right before the Olympics. Nobody really suspects anything bc they are both pretty tame at camps, and bc reader has severe baby face the team is always teasing her about being an innocent little fetus forgetting she is actually like 24. So when R shows up to Orlando camp in a bulky hoodie they think nothing of it assuming it’s from Chicago weather until they notice she refuses to take it off and keeps adjusting the hood to keep part of her neck covered. They let her be thinking maybe she’s just cold until she shows up ready for practice with her winter mock neck on under her practice jersey the next day. After they force her to take it off bc it’s 80° out they discover the hickeys she was trying to hide, along with the scratches on her back and freak out bc someone is “defileing the fetus” and grill her trying to figure out who it is while Tierna is just smirking to herself by her locker.
TL/DR: Tierna x Reader trying and failing to hide r’s “love marks” featuring Proud!Tierna and BabyFace!Reader
Note - this awesome human, pretty much wrote this me. 
“Cold munchkin?” Alex teased the forward as she sat next to her in the team meeting. Her hood up, sweater strings tied.
“Not all of us live in constant heat and humidity Morgan. I bet you’re jealous of my lack of tan too,” Y/N winked back, tugging the sweater tighter around her neck.
Tierna grinned behind them, struggling to stifle her laughter.
“Of course she’s jealous! Who wouldn’t want to look like this?” Rose slid in on the other side of Y/N.
“Yea Alex, pale is the new tan,” Sonnett squeezed Alex’s traps from behind as she sat down next to Tierna.
Alex rolled her eyes at unexpected turn.
Vlatko called attention to the rest of the room, starting the meeting for the start of camp.
Tierna kicked the back of Y/N chair while she continued to try and hide her grin from everyone around her. Lindsey giving her a strange look.
At the end of the meeting, everyone made their way to the banquet room for supper, still all separated until everyone’s test results came in.  
“Hey kiddo, you need someone to cut up your food at supper?” Kelley teased, nudging the forward as she made her way to her own seat.
“Ha ha,” Y/N fake laughed, rolling her eyes, “because I’m not old enough to have my knife.”
“You got it,” Kelley winked, shooting her air guns across the table.
After that conversation flowed easily, the players all talking to each other from a distance, making the room busy and loud; everyone eager to catch up.
After supper, Y/N and Tierna attempted to stall, hoping to steal a brief moment together before they all had to spend the night alone in their rooms.
“We should just tell them we had been quarantined in Chicago together, then we could be together,” Tierna tugged on Y/N’s sleeve, swinging both their arms back and forth.
“You need T to walk you to your room, so you don’t get lost?” Ali teased as she walked by.
“Where the hell does everyone keep coming from,” Tierna grumbled quietly, while Y/N rolled her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time that day.
“I’m not a child!” Y/N stomped her foot.
“Great argument kiddo,” Pinoe held a thumbs up as she walked past to the elevator.  
“I can find my own room!” Y/N called after her, starting to walk away, only to feel another firm pull on her sleeve. She glanced down to see Tierna still holding on, looking up to see the smirk on her girlfriends face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to tuck our kid into bed.” Tierna started to pull Y/N towards the stairs by her sleeve.
Once out of site of the rest of the team, Tierna pinned Y/N against the wall, untieing the strings to her hood. Nosing it out of her way, Tierna started kiss along her jaw line, placing a firm bite to her ear.
“I am addicted to you,” Tierna pulled the collar out of the way, moving her lips to Y/N’s collar bone, scrapping her teeth on it, then soothing it with a gentle kiss.
“Fuck T,” Y/N tilted her head back, giving Tierna more room to kiss. Her hand gripping the back of Tierna’s neck, other sliding under her shirt, scrapping her nails across her ribs.
Tierna sucked harshly Y/N throat, pulling back to see the result, a deep red mark already beginning to turn purple. “You’re going to need to ask the staff for a neck warmer tomorrow,” she whispered into Y/N’s throat, scrapping her teeth across the bruise.
Y/N pulled her hand out from Tierna’s shirt, placing her palms on her chest, debating if she should push her away. She loved what was happening, but knew they needed to stop before things got carried away, or Tierna left any more marks.
“Fuck T,” Y/N groaned out, beginning to push the defender away, “we aren’t in quarantine anymore, people can actually see us now, more importantly, our team can see now.”
“Hmm that would be unfortunate if someone saw these,” Tierna smirked as she leaned back in, attempting to place more kisses along Y/N’s neck. Only for Y/N to push more firmly against her chest.
“You’re killing me babe,” Y/N bit her lip, trying to hold back her smile. Tierna looking completely unashamed, bit the air in front of Y/N, beginning to slide her hands up the front of Y/N’s shirt, digging her thumbs into her hips. Y/N moaned at the pressure, hips pressing out for more contact.
With a brief kiss to Y/N’s lips, Tierna pulled away completely, taking three large steps back and holding her hand out.
“Come on, I promised to make sure you make it to bed safe,” she winked, wiggling her fingers to encourage Y/N to grab.
“I hate you,” Y/N said gruffly, stepping forward to take Tierna’s hand.
“No you don’t,” she sung back, swinging their arms back and forth as they began walking up the stairs.
“I do a little bit,” she mumbled, looking away from the brunette, knowing her faux seriousness would crack as soon as she saw the large smile her girlfriend had on.
“Nope!” Tierna accentuated the ‘p’ at the end, swinging their arms higher, finally earning a giggle from her girlfriend. Her ability to go from pinning Y/N to the wall and leaving hickeys across her neck to innocent and childlike was incredible.
Y/N finally gave in completely and burst out laughing as they climbed the stairs, pushing her shoulders into the taller soccer player. The two gently wrestling the rest of the way up the stairs, separating as they made it to their floor.
Tierna walked Y/N to her door, making a show of it, “I’m just down the hall if you have any bad dreams,” she ruffled her hair and began to walk away. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite!”
Several loud laughs could be heard from the doors that still remained open.
The next morning players prepared for practice on the side lines, tugging on cleats and debating on long sleeves or short sleeves, Y/N tugged her neck warmer on, tugging it all the way up to her ears.
“Yo, Chicago, shouldn’t you be used to the cold?” Kristie teased as they made their on the turf to warm up.
“Rude! I’m delicate!”
“Yea Kris be nice to the little kid,” Alex came from behind, rubbing her hands up and down Y/N’s biceps. “you cold? Do you need a sweater? Gloves?”
Y/N pulled out of Alex’s hands, rolling her eyes, “I’m fine, just a little chilly this morning.”
Everyone left it for the rest of the morning training.
Y/N was not as lucky that afternoon. Everyone offering warmer items of clothing when they saw her wearing the neck warmer again in the afternoon.
“Are you sick?” Christen reached up, attempting to feel Y/N’s forehead. Y/N was quick to duck out of the way, swatting Christens hand.
“Seriously guys, I’m fine, just not adjusting well to the climate change or something,” Y/N tried to avoid glaring at Tierna, knowing the defender would a smirk on her face throughout it all.
“Are you sure Y/N/N? Should we get the trainers?” know Tierna decided to join in the conversation. Y/N looked sharply at her girlfriend, clenching her jaw, she was the reason for the interrogation.
“I’m fine,” Y/N snarked to the group, “It’s a neck warmer, just drop it.”
“It is way to humid put here right now for you to be chilled,” Ali came over, rubbing her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, sensing the forwards discomfort at being put on the spot. But also concerned for the younger woman, no one should be chilled in the mid-afternoon Florida heat.
The entire practice everyone kept an eye on the younger soccer player. As the intensity of the practice increased, Y/N continued to tug at the neck warmer she was wearing. The hair at the base of her skull soaked with sweat, the collar of shirt drenched the entire away around, face flushed as she heated up.
At the end of practice, Y/N attempted to pull her hoodie over head after she had pulled the neck warm off. Unfortunately, she was not quick enough her movements, the hem getting caught on her sweaty, tangled bun.
“What in the actual fuck happened to your neck?” Pinoe explained, stopping Y/N from pulling the sweater on, gaining the attention of the rest of the team.
Kelley quickly bounded over, pulling the collar of her practice shirt out of the way. The rest of the team now all looking on.
“What happened to your neck?” Alex came over as well, thumb and forefinger holding Y/N’s chin, moving her head around, inspecting the now very prominent hickeys spread across the neck, collar bone, and upper chest.
A loud cat call whistle was heard from behind and “Oh damn” thrown from someone else, follow up with “get some!”
“No! Don’t get anything!” Christen shot the group of young players a hard look, eyes sharp when she looked back to Y/N, “who did this to you?”
“What? This?” Y/N motioned to her neck, “I, uhh, got a tour of the aquarium. They let me hold one of the octopuses.” She finished with a firm nod, satisfied with her answer, smiling to herself.
Tierna remained on the bench a few feet away, coughing to cover her sudden laugh at the terrible story.
“Bullshit!” Alex challenged, still holding Y/N chin firmly. Y/N attempted to pull away, Alex adjusted her grip, palming her jaw.
“Who did this to you?” Christen asked again.
“You’re like 12! No one should be doing this to you!”
“I’m 24,” Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to pull away, only to be pulled back in.
“You are far too young to young to have hickeys!”
“I’ve had sex before.”
“No! you are not old enough to have sex!”
By now, Tierna was leaning back on the bench, watching as all the older players harassed her girlfriend, all unaware she was the cause of the marks on the young forward. She spread her arms on the back of the bench, leg casually crossed over the other, smug smile.
“Welp,” she popped the ‘p’, “I’ve kissed people, given hickeys, been hickied,” she motioned to her neck again, “and even had sex. Really good, mind blowing sex.” With a wink, Alex finally let her step out of her grip.
“Eww! No!”
“Y/N! Enough, tell us who did this to you? We obviously need to talk to them if they are doing things like this to you.”
“Guys, quit being so dramatic,” Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to take another step away from the over protective players.
“No no no, come back here,” Tobin stepped forward now. “That ones fresh!” she copied Alex’s motion earlier, gripping her jaw and tilting it up to the expose the fresh hickey on the side.
This caused them all to step closer and inspect the hickey for themselves. Tierna uncrossed her legs, sitting up a little straighter, smile slipping slightly.
“That means its someone at camp!” Kristie called from behind all the veterans.
Y/N eyes went wide, smile fully dropping from Tierna’s face. The overprotective players all looking around, scanning each player, trying to determine who it could be.
“Is it a player? Staff? Coach?” Alex looked firmly at the younger forward.
“Gonna go save your girl?” Alyssa slid onto the bench next to Tierna on the bench, smirking at her.
“What?” Tierna whispered, shocked, eyes darting quickly to the keeper.
“Well,” Alyssa started slowly, “most of those are old, so they happened in Chicago, and you, me, and Y/N/N were the only ones there together. And there’s a fresh one since we got here. And since I didn’t do it, that only leaves you.” She firmly poked Tierna in the chest.
Tierna opened and closed her mouth. “Umm, uhh, fuck.”
“I won’t tell, but you might want to go save her over there. You know none of them are going to drop it until they figure it out,” Alyssa shrugged, “besides it’s your fault really. You are the one that put those one there.”  
Tierna continued to open and close her mouth, then watched as the veterans continued to ask Y/N who It was and beginning to call out several of the younger players who were all enjoying the small interrogation.
“Fuck,” Tierna sighed out, she slapped her thighs and pushed herself to stand. “Kell, Stanford should take your degree away.”
Kelley whipped around to glare at Tierna as she walked toward the group, “what are you talking about?”
“You’re really not very observant,” Tierna smirked at her, “I’m going to let you guys think on this a little more, Y/N/N and I are going to head back to the hotel for supper.”
Y/N smirked and skipped toward the defender.
Everyone watched them walk away, mouth open, eyebrows creased.
“Wait,” Lindsey perked up, smile growing as she figured it out, “weren’t they both in Chicago together?”
That brought all eyes over to the midfielder.
“Yes!” Kelley pointed at her, “they did! Baby T defiled baby Y/N!”
“Shit, I thought we would get further away,” Tierna tugged Y/N’s hand encouraging them to run towards an available van.
“We aren’t done with this!” Alex yelled after them.
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ff-imagines · 3 years
Oh snap you're opened. Welcome back! Can you please do the nsfw alphabet for peking duck? I really like your writing!
Peking duck: nsfw alphabet
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Minors dni xoxo
A - aftercare
The best at it, honestly. Might seriously cry a little afterwards lmao. You don’t have to ask for anything because he’s already thought ahead and is shoving everything you could need your way. It might get a little ridiculous with how careful he is with you, he doesn’t mean to baby you, he’s just terrified of hurting you. If you’re sore at all he feels incredibly guilty, even if there is a tiny part of him that twinges in pride when you remind him you’d asked for a rough treatment and, well, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give you exactly what you asked so nicely for.
B - body part
Of yours, it’s more a question of what he doesn't like. If he had to make a choice, he’d say your stomach. It’s good to lay his head on it, and it’s one of the softest parts of your body so it’s nice and warm. He’d die before he admitted it but some nights he goes a bit harsher than usual, splaying his hand across your stomach and feeling how deep his cock is inside you as he thrusts- it drives him insane really.
He also loves your hands, always wants to be holding you hand, especaily during sex. Will pin you down in a loving way by lacing his fingers with yours above your head.
On himself? Definitely his hair. Playing with his hair and giving him a scalp massage makes him feel some type of way. Sit in his lap while you run your nails across his scalp and he’ll bury his nose in the crook of your neck and moan for you, whatever happens next is up to you babes xoxo
C - cum
It’s not a crazy amount but it’s pretty thick. You can’t tell me he doesn’t have a big ass breeding kink. What can he say, Peking Dad is a family man! Just the thought of cumming deep inside you has him thrusting all that harder. Beg him to cum inside you, I dare you. You’ll see a side to him that’s much more feral than you’ve ever seen this sweet man. Would 100% cum inside and buck into you just a bit longer to fuck any cum that’s slipped past his cock back inside you.
D - dirty secret
He wants to take pictures of you while in your blissed out state. He loves you so stupidly much, he’s already got tons and tons of pictures of you going about your daily life. He’s the type to see a cat asleep and go “what a rare moment I must capture it forever” and that stays true with his beloved. If you’d let him, he’d love to make some… home videos with you, ones he’d definitely come back to rewatch to the point where your whines are committed to memory like the lyrics to his favourite song.
E - experience
I’d say he’s not a green bean with sex. I don’t think he’s been around the block either. He’s probably opened up such intimacy with a few others before just to test the waters, but hasn’t really felt passionate about opening that part of himself back up for quite some time. He’d most likely fumble a bit to begin with as he recalls the motions.
F - favorite position
Whatever yours is! He’s the definition of a true switch, let him soft dom you or treat him how you like, it’s up to you!
If he had to pick, he’s most likely a sucker for when you’re on his lap. No matter if he’s in charge or not, he just loves to look up and see the way your face scrunches when he bucks and hits that one spot inside you that makes your mind vacate.
G - goofy
Not…. Really? He’s accidentally goofy by saying something super out of place during intimate moments or by fretting over something you wouldn’t even think to be worried over. You could have his cock buried so deep in your insides will feel like they’ve molded to the shape of his dick and he’d stop and ask if you remembered to turn the oven off lmao
H- hair
On himself he mostly trims to keep it simple but like, that’s it. He’s got a light happy trail that he doesn’t really trim since it’s not that thick, it doesn’t really bother him.
On you, he literally doesn’t care. Shave or don’t, he’s your personal cheerleader either way.
I- intimacy
It’s his expertise, your honour! He lives to be closer to you, learn more about your desires, what makes you happiest, please let him treat you good, he adores you so much, and precious things get treated like royalty in his hands. He commits your body and reactions to memory, almost like he’s taken a photograph of every single touch- and like I said….. if you let him…. he would take pictures ;)
J- jerk off
You’d think he’d only do it occasionally but he actually does it quite a lot. He thinks it’s healthy to release regularly, it’s better to cum now than have a weird spike of horniness in public. He’s probably considered the chance that you walk in on him, and he’s surprised by how much he wants that to happen. For him to be desperately close to the edge and for you to walk in and take over, him a deer in the headlights as you take control, he’s could probably cum to that fantasy alone, honestly.
K- Kinks
Well, obv a big ole breeding kink. The thought of cumming in your deepest parts has him frenzied beyond belief.
Idk if the taking pics thing is a kink but also… that ofc.
I think he’s also into sensory deprivation. Allow him to blindfold you, tie your hands behind you, let him take care of you. He’ll handle everything from here, sweet thing, all you have to do is keep moaning for him in such a pretty way.
He’s also, surprisingly, into masochism. He doesn’t care for sadism at all, he’d die before he left a mark on your perfect skin, however….. if you decided to roughly pull his head back by his hair and bite just a little too hard, you might find him bucking into you a little faster.
He’s probably thought a bit about cock warming, but surprisingly he doesn’t really want it to be…. “sexual” as much as he desires to be closer to you. You sitting in his lap, feeling you exhale against his neck with your arms wrapped around him, all the while is cock is buried deep inside you, it just sounds so intimate, and he finds himself craving to be that close to you often.
The biggest of all? Praise praise praise. Body worship as well. He’s literally always babbling about how gorgeous you are, how good you feel, how amazing you make him feel. Always encouraging and always admiring you, just like he does every single day in non sexual contexts, always sneaking in ways to remind you how much he adores you. Tell him about a certain part of your body you don’t feel confident in, he’s paying extra attention to making it known how perfect everything about you is. Everything you have, own, are, all of it. Peking is your number one fan, sit back let him remind you just why he finds you so lovely, you won’t regret it.
L- location
He prefers to be in a secluded area, he knows he’s loud and he’d be really embarrassed if anyone but you brought up the….. volume of his whines.
However, he’s very weak when it comes to your begging. If you're in a less than private location, he’ll most likely let you lead and just try to bite his knuckle to keep from crying out. It'd be soOoOo awful if you made a game out of trying to get him to break and whine out for you unmuffled as you play with him, oOoOoHhHh the horror >:)
M- motivation
He’s an old dad with an enormous you-shaped hole in his chest, just ask him and he’ll give everything he has to his name to you. You don’t need to wear that certain perfume he loves so much, you don’t need to breathe across his neck like that, you don’t need to run a finger down his spine so slowly, he’ll give you anything you ask for, please don’t tease him so much.
If you straight up ask him for sex, he’ll mostly lean towards soft service domming, if you choose to purposely rile him up, he’ll be in a much subby-er mood.
N- no
Like I’ve said, there really isn’t a sadistic bone in his body. He also doesn’t have literally any desire for humiliation kinks. He just doesn’t like it, giving or receiving. He’s a big ole simp with a big heart and it’s in the palm of your hands, please treat it nicely :’(
O- oral
P l s let him give you oral. He might not be an expert but he lives to make you feel good.
Afab readers…. He’ll most likely try to make you sit on his face at least once, please please he wants to feel your thighs against his head while he works his tongue on you.
Amab readers, he fuckin loves to rub his thumbs on your hips to keep you from bucking as he swallows your cock, he’ll open his mouth for you after you cum, swallow, and open his mouth again to prove he didn’t let a single drop go to waste.
As for receiving, phew boy does he love receiving. He cannot for the life of him figure out where to put his hands so it’s a frenzy of him grasping the sheets to biting down on his knuckle to placing a hand on your head. If you made him look down at you and lock eyes while his cock is in your mouth his soul would leave his body lmao
P- pace
Not very fast at all, he prefers to thrust deeper than should be possible. He really likes when you beg him to go faster, and as soft as his heart is, this is the only time he might withhold himself from giving into your begging for a bit, he just loves pulling out so slowly and watch you almost cry out for him to thrust back, deeper harder, faster, please, he’ll give into you eventually, just let him savour the feeling of you needing him badly enough to cry for a few more minutes.
Q- quickies
He prefers long, drawn out rounds, but if you really need some relief quickly, he’s not one to deny you. He will most likely give in, and later on in the night when you're back home and out of the public eye, suggest you two have a much more... thorough round as quick rounds just don’t satisfy him enough.
R- risk
Surprisingly…… he kinda likes the idea. The thought of someone, maybe even someone who’s been pining for you, to catch him in the act of making you beg and cry for him. Alternatively, making them watch you as you give your full attention to him, pleasure him, make them watch you love him instead of them. It riles him up in a way even he’s not used to.
S- stamina
He’s an old man, his refractory time is kinda long lmao. He prefers one really long round rather than multiple. He doesn’t mind or judge if you need a little more, and doesn’t mind giving you a few more orgasms with his tongue or hands.
T- toys
He doesn’t have any, but he’s open to the idea! Admittedly, he likes the idea on himself, like, really likes the idea. Give him a cock ring and watch him cry out as he begs for a break that he doesn’t actually want to take because the bliss you’re giving him is making him feel like jelly.
U- unfair
He's tried to edge and tease you before but he gave in so damn quick it was almost embarrassing for him. He just adores you, he lives to please you, even if you beg him not to give in and try to tease you he just can’t, his heart is so so squishy and he loves you very much dear, please let him treat you exactly how you beg to be treated.
Overstimming however….. he does it accidentally a lot, he just loves prolonging your pleasure, watching you squirm a bit as he forces a second orgasm out of your poor spent body.
V- volume
He’s very loud honestly. If you decide to dom him he talks a lot. He's got a bad babbling habit, words of adoration bleeding from his lips that get more and more incoherent the longer you toy with him. Play with him long enough and he’ll forget how to form words, letting out loud whines and he squirms under you. You might catch him attempting to cry out your name but the poor thing just can’t seem to form the right words.
If you let him top you he’s still throwing out every compliment he can think of and he still whines a lot, he likes to bury his face in your neck to muffle himself and listen to your moans. He lives to hear you come undone, but he can’t help being so loud, you’re just so warm and you feel so good :(
W- wild card
I think jealous sex will be more common than you actually think, Peking is just very quiet about the reason he’s suddenly a bit more handsy. He knows it’s not rational to worry about his place in your heart, but it just eats at him sometimes when he sees the way you blend in with others so easily while he just… doesn’t. If a stranger/friend is more overt about their flirting he will probably be more obvious about the jealousy burning through his veins. Even if he wasn’t prompted through jealously, pillow talk sometimes leans towards him venting his fears to you. Please praise him, tell him how much you love him, he needs it :’((((
X- X Ray
A lot bigger than average and a bit curved. He never considered himself to be out of the norm, or never really considered his cock to anything else than, just, “well, its there” I suppose. He does appreciate the curve a lot more now because it makes it easier to hit your weak point. He feels a bit of pride nestling into his chest if you cry about him being too big.
Y- yearning
Fairly often, but he doesn’t mind not acting on it. He can still function and do his work if he’s only surface level horny. Literally anytime you ask he’ll deliver with very slim exceptions. He’d like it to be a regular thing, since he really enjoys the intimacy, so maybe 3-4 times a week, 1-2 if you prefer it to be.
Z- zzz
Oh man he loves cuddling with you after sex. He also loves cuddling with you period but god he loves to the pillow talk with you in his arms, listening to your sleepy voice as your grip on him slowly loosens -but never lets go, as you succumb to sleep. He isn’t overly sleepy himself, instead choosing to close his eyes and comb through your hair, or run a thumb across your cheek if your hair isn’t a texture that can be combed through. Sleep will come to him eventually, he just likes savouring the warmth you bring him.
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1kook · 4 years
skirt chasers - drabble i
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a skirt chasers drabble bc they are my fave fictional couple to date <333
tags: coupley and domestic, jk’s terrible attempts at seducing via text, making out, dry humping, spitting (ik idk what came over me), too much talking for this to be sexual pero hey here we are wc: like 3k
entirely based off jungkook from bv3 that man had NO right to look that good and  the holy jirkenstocks (jungkook birkenstocks). wont lie this has been completely written in my drafts since November (yes 2019) and i hoarded it under the belief i would make this a whole part 2 which i did not 
que dios los bendiga <3
Much to everyone’s dismay, Jungkook’s spring break in Vegas with the boys is cut three days short when Jimin’s dog sitter suddenly cancels, citing a case of homesickness as enough cause to abruptly go home. When you first hear news of this, you’re preparing yourself for the return of a mopey, useless Jungkook, too drained from four glorious days in Las Vegas to carry on. What you’re not expecting is the mysterious text he sends you before boarding a five hour flight with no service (he was cheap).
kook still on vegas lockdown. Have that pussy ready when i get home
“The fuck does that mean?” Chaeyoung is the first to see the message, your screen lighting up on the kitchen counter beside you as you scrub through a mountainous pile of dishes. You try to play it off, after all, Chaeyoung had seen parts of you you hadn’t even seen, but there was no worse embarrassment than having your homegirls see your clown of a boyfriend’s ridiculousness. “He’s so romantic,” she swoons, and you shoo her away from the offending device as you wipe your hands down on your t-shirt. 
you for what?? One 20 second round 🤥
Chaeyoung suddenly cackles from over your shoulder, and you swear your soul leaves your body. 
You don’t get a response until exactly five hours and thirteen minutes later, your phone vibrating like crazy on the edge of your bathtub, and if you hadn’t given it a hearty kick and sent it flying across the room, front screen shattering into the most intricate spider web of glass shards, it would have fallen into the water. The terror. 
kook pls pick me up 
kook also haha. U r soooo funny 😑
You’re halfway to the airport, idly sitting in traffic and giving the public a free, Beyonce-like experience of The Script’s Breakeven, when you realize you’re not wearing any pants. You’re not exactly sure which part of Jungkook’s long t-shirt had tricked you into believing you were decently dressed, but you’re not too mad. After all, Jungkook’s trip with the boys had been a last minute decision that did not take into consideration your never-ending thirst for your boyfriend, so a little payback never hurt anybody. 
He’s sitting on top of his suitcase outside the airport when you get there, cute Birkenstock-clad feet swinging back and forth as he waits for you like the good boy he is. He crouches down by the passenger window, “Uh, yeah, is this the Uber?” 
You can’t even bother hiding the smile that consumes your face, and it only grows tenfold when he finally gets in and immediately leans over the center console to kiss you. “Look who’s finally back from their little bachelor party,” you murmur, eyes lidded dangerously low when he breaks away. 
“Oh, the party where I accidentally sleep away my life-savings to a stripper named Aries and then have to go home and beg for my wife’s forgiveness?” He responds immediately, devious pink tongue swiping out to lick at your bottom lip. 
You snort. “Joke’s on you, because our hot pool boy kept me company and treated me better in four days than my husband had in six years,” you mumble, finger looping into the silver chain around his neck to pull him close again. 
“Not our hot pool boy,” he whines, smile pressed adorably to your lips. 
You almost retort, but a ten-second horn blast from the car behind you has the two of you jumping three feet from each other, like teenagers caught making out in the school parking lot. 
Just as you’d predicted via text, Jungkook barely has the energy to walk up the steps to your apartment, much less fuck you like he’d promised. “Fuck, stop being healthy and let us take the elevator,” he grunts, pushing his suitcase onto the final platform leading to your floor.
“Nope,” you concede. “The stairs give me a good view of your ass going up.”
He shoots you a scandalized look, like you’re an old man who’d just catcalled him on the street. “Pretty sure that’s my line.”
It’s when you’re unlocking the front door, sending out a little prayer to the heavens (Chaeyoung) for the blessing of an empty apartment, that he notices your lack of proper clothing. “Oh, hell no,” he groans, immediately crowding you against the armchair nearest the door. 
You laugh, struggling to turn to face him as he nuzzles his face into your neck. “What seems to be the problem?”
He sighs against the shell of your ear, and you’d be a liar to say it didn’t send a gush of wetness to your core. Jesus, just a single puff of air from Jungkook was enough to turn your coochie into a Fruit Gusher. “Not your sexy legs again,” he whines, and you giggle when he presses those pouty lips to yours. 
“Thought I was supposed to have this pussy ready for you,” you tease, tilting your head up until your noses brush against each other. Jungkook lets a soft huff of a sigh go, eyes fluttering shut at your close proximity. 
There’s a hand that creeps along the back of your thigh, fingers pressing into the soft skin until he finally guides it upwards, hitched over his hip. The new position has your body curving backwards, tilted over the edge of the couch as he continues crowding closer and closer to you. “Baby,” he whines, and the tone and sudden usage of your favorite nickname wipes the teasing smile off your face. “I missed you so much,” he purrs, in that tone that says he knows he has you under his complete control, all he has to do is take care of you. 
Still, you try to put up some sort of a fight. “I’m sure your eyes were kept entertained in Vegas,” you retort weakly, not even bothering to hide the jealousy in your tone. 
Jungkook laughs, before puckering his lips and smothering you. Instantly, you throw your arms around his broad shoulders to pull him closer. His hair tickles your face from how long it’s gotten, and when you brush it back, collecting it into a makeshift baby ponytail, you can’t even enjoy the sight because Jungkook is pressing his rock hard member against your inner thigh. 
“You think I’m a cheater?” He muses when he finally pulls away, a little entranced by the saliva that coats your lips in a thin sheen. “Couldn’t be even if I wanted to.” Before you can ask what that even means, he’s hauling you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his tiny waist, his cock now cradled between your thighs, right where you want him most. You moan immediately, head lolling backwards at the touch you’d craved for days. “Feel that? No one gets my dick hard like you do, baby.”
Even though his adrenaline is on one hundred, and he’s clearly blinded by his lust, Jungkook still sets you down on the bed like you’re made of glass. Any comments you may have made are smothered by his lips on yours, fingers gripping your waist like it’s the first time he’s ever touched you. When he pulls away, his eyes are dark and his breath is a little heavy where it fans against the lower half of your face. 
“So pretty,” he huffs, rolling his hips against yours. You groan, eyes rolling back as the familiar feeling of your boyfriend between your legs consumes you. Jungkook presses his mouth against the skin of your neck, where the faintest sheen of sweat had begun to form the moment you unlocked the front door. 
If you thought you were loud, the sounds leaving Jungkook’s throat are teetering on the edge between a pornstar and a yodelling-enthusiast. You can’t help the smirk crossing your features. “Are you really gonna come?”
Jungkook was many things, and drama queen was definitely very high on that list. He gives you the most scandalized expression, stopping the movement of his hips to scoff. “As if,” he snorts, but you know that little eyebrow furrow a little too well. 
You snort, reaching down to his sides as you try to discreetly urge him to start up again. “Baby, your jaw is twitching,” you point out, a soft whine leaving your lips when he shifts your leg up. It’s this same sound that has him finally moving again. 
“Yeah, well,” he groans, one hand deathly gripping into your hip now, pressing you down onto the bed so hard you feel the comforter will swallow you up any minute now. “I just got my wisdom teeth removed, ‘member?”
Your retort is briefly cut off by the cry you let out when he ducks down to suck a mark beneath your jaw. “M-Months ago,” you weakly respond, 
Jungkook ignores you in favor of using his Hulk strength to fold you in half, groans borderline animalistic as he grinds his cock into your soaked panties. His jaw is tight like you’d said, but you can tell he’s holding himself back. He hated coming before you, seldom doing it unless it was one of those rare days where he wanted you to pamper him. 
“Fuck,” he grunts, swallowing your pitiful whines before pushing his tongue down your throat. There was something sexy about your boyfriend being so turned on that his saliva production was off the charts. “You’re gonna ask me to do that thing again, aren’t you?” He predicts. 
All you can do is nod, and Jungkook smirks. “Ah,” he says, much like a doctor would, and you comply, mouth wide. You see the muscles beneath his jaw twitch, and a moment later he’s leaning over you with puckered lips, a glob of saliva begging to drip down. 
The moan that catches in your throat has him smiling, tongue peeking out to cut the bridge of saliva that connected the two of you, and you want to tell him you love him, but then he’s raising his eyebrows at you, motioning for you to swallow, so you do. “Absolutely filthy,” he grins, and then returns to thrusting against you. 
As much as you liked to tease him, he’s good at fulfilling the sexual aspects of his boyfriend role, and he guides you to your orgasm moments later. Of course, he does so by toying with your tits just the way you like, lips pressed firmly to yours as you become a boneless heap beneath him. “That’s it, pretty baby,” he murmurs, pressing one final kiss to your lips before he’s shifting back onto his haunches, tugging you closer until the backs of your knees are cradled carefully in his elbows. 
Despite your transcended state, you love watching Jungkook get himself off, and your eyes flutter as you watch him thrust sloppily against your soiled panties. They’re soaked by your own arousal, and had Jungkook’s sweats not been as dark as they were, you’re almost certain you’d see how they stained. 
He comes a moment later, body twitching and fingers tightening against your skin. His chest heaves, head lolling back as he tries to regain his senses. Silence envelopes the room. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You blurt, no longer able to pretend like something isn’t completely wrong. 
Jungkook rolls his neck out, a satisfying crack resounding, as he angles to look at you again. His tongue is poking against his cheek in that cocky way it does sometimes, and he furrows his brows at you. “What?”
You shuffle up onto your elbows, motioning towards him with the vaguest wave possible. He blinks. You groan. 
“What did you do?” You question, and immediately his eyes go wide and shiny in that way they do when you’re reprimanding him and he doesn’t see the wrong in his ways. 
Cute little lips forming a pout he remains as confused. “Nothing? We really just went to fuck around and get drunk—“
“You don’t actually think I cheated, I thought we were just joking? Unless…” he trails off, doe eyes suddenly filled with fear. “You weren’t?”
He intercepts you, “did you do something while I was gone? Who was he? Or she? Wow,” he huffs to himself in disbelief. “I don’t even know you well enough to know if you’re into more than just men.” The frown on his face is getting deeper with each word he utters and you almost can’t believe how dumb he could be. “No wonder… am I a terrible boyfriend?” He asks, voice louder and more concerned than it’s been all night. 
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” You say, and Jungkook looks just as lost by your response as you are with his. “Because I’m talking about whatever this is,” you explain, reaching up to drag a hand through his dual-colored locks. 
They’d been carefully tucked under his bucket hat when you’d picked him up, a tuft of blonde peeking out from in front of his ear. It wasn’t until he’d tipped you over the side of the couch that it had tumbled off. Of course, at the time, there had been other pressing matters at hand than wondering why your Hannah Montana blonde boyfriend had returned as Todoroki, which is why you’d waited until now to revisit the topic. 
Jungkook doesn’t move for a solid ten seconds. Then, as if processing the emotional episode he’d just given you, he gives you a sheepish smile. It’s one of those smiles where his lips press together thinly and cutely and the apples of his cheeks seem like the squishiest things in the world. “Oh…” he says, voice soft and nothing like the man that spit in your mouth five minutes ago. “You like it?”
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So I wrote this last night while wondering if things could have turned out differently if James Potters parents had survived. It evolved in a way I didn't expect (Euphemia Potter, where have you been hiding?) It's not finished either, but here is what I have so far...
They lived
When Fleamont Potter first felt the stirrings of pain, deep in his chest-he ignored it. He was no healer, and it was to be expected in his age after all. He ignored it when he felt it flutter through his spine, passed it off as a working hazard when he felt a pang in his knees. (He shouldn’t have been fiddling with that old cauldron anyways).
But when his wife said to him, almost idly at the fireside-
“Will you remind me to owl Healer Robbins in the morning? I had a strange pain in my shoulder earlier, and it doesn’t seem to have gone away just yet.”
Fleamont looked at his wife, her hands quick and nimble as they laced glimmering threads through soft fabric. He looked at his wife, and saw his life’s love before him. He saw the dark eyes that had drawn him to her, the sharp wit of her tongue and the power and grace he knew not. He saw beyond her greying hair and the fine lines that told stories of their joy, and saw the life they had built. The garden they had cultivated, the business that had flourished beneath their feet, the son who had his mothers eyes as well as her spirit, her spark, her joy. 
Fleamont looked at his wife, his partner and knew that the world would be just that dimmer without her.
“Actually dear, I think we should owl them tonight.”
Their young son, his dark head of hair ducking under the mantle as he arrived, joined them at St. Mungos, his glowing wife at his side, her fingers weaving knots into her robes. James paled as he watched the Healers gather around the ones who had given him life, and he rushed to call his brother to his side, their dark heads bowed together as they sat in the crowded little waiting room. 
So Fleamont saved his wife, but he died that Thursday afternoon with his little family gathered at his bedside, his last act of love surviving without him. 
Lily Potter may have danced with her new father-in-law at her wedding, his beaming smile as bright as the candles flickering around them but it was to her husband's mother, alone, that she passed her newborn baby to.
Harry Fleamont Potter felt a fitting tribute, and James was sure he wasn’t imagining the tears sparkling in his mothers eyes.
Harry learned to walk through his grandmother's begonias, the ones that, in another life he may have walked towards his namesake. Or in another life, he would not know existed at all. 
When the war which had brewed around them throughout their adolescence came knocking at their door, James cloistered his young family into Godric's Hollow, leaving his mother alone at the Manor where he had frolicked and grown and on one fine summer's day wed his now targeted wife. 
James did not apologise to his mother as he kissed her goodbye. He didn't need to. 
Her second son, the one whose hair was as Black as his name, as black as the scorch mark his birth mother had left in his wake, loped through the wards every few days. Neither of them dared voice the hope, that courageous flighty thing that had found a home within their chests as they sipped their tea, watching sunsets that should have been savoured. 
But they did dare to hope, they dared to trust. And James Potter, who may have his mothers eyes and her spirit, also had his fathers unwavering loyalty. He trusted the wrong man.   
(and their protection fell, shocks of green light rang through the air, and a boy who had found love and joy in the presence of his first friend, found his worst nightmare come to life instead as he rushed through the air on a motorbike he would soon hand away). 
And the dog chased the rat, and the rat knew how to disappear when all the dog knew how to do was grieve. 
Fleamont’s last act of devotion didn’t change the fact that Euphemia woke up on November 1st with an intrinsic feeling of dread. When she opened the door she wasn’t faced with a scarred orphan as a shrieking Petunia Dursley was three counties over, but with the weary and regretful eyes of the men in red robes who had come to symbolise loss in their world. 
Euphemia managed to hold it together, her head held high until they used the words ‘Death Eater’ and ‘Sirius Black’ in the same sentence. Only then did she start to laugh, that horrible haunting laugh that only Blacks could. For Euphemia may have looked like her mother who had grown up across the world, but she was still a Black.
The two men, who had expected a feeble old woman and had gotten a glimpse of true Black madness did not think to question her when she demanded an escort to the Ministry. For her dear, kind son and his brave and bright wife would have to wait, their bodies still and cool as they would be for eternity, for it was her second son who needed her now. Her second son who sat in a stone cell and had cried himself to sleep.
For all that Remus-scarred, sweet, lonely and heartbroken-thought it was Sirius still, Euphemia knew her son. She knew he couldn’t be responsible for this. She also knew the look in a boy’s eyes when envy and greed had made its way deep into his heart, and she had seen it on Peter Pettigrew’s face one too many times to be as trusting as her dearly departed son.
With the power of her husband's name and his wealth she bullied an unsuspecting Barty Crouch into a trial the very next day, where a relieved Remus sat beside her, shaking while she was still. Later Sirius had wept apologies into her cloak, his regret tangible and as dark as his hatred for the man he had once called a brother. 
Sirius did not spend his 22nd birthday as he had planned, holed up with three Potters, being plied with cake and butterbeer, but he spent it screaming at the man he had once called a leader, at the man whose heart may have been heavy with regret, but whose hands still meddled in places he ought not to touch. 
The day after they gathered in Godric’s Hollow and watched a pair of twin coffins lowered into the fresh earth.
(While miles away, Harry cried for his mother and wondered why this woman who did not resemble anyone he knew had hands as sharp as her beady eyes).
Euphemia had saved her son from twelve years in Azkaban, but that did not mean she was going to leave the precious boy that had somehow survived, her husband's namesake, with a woman who had hated her own sister nearly as much as she had once loved her. 
Euphemia hadn’t expected Dumbledore to interfere. 
Dumbledore had expected Euphemia to acquiesce once he had explained with words like blood protection, and love sickly sweet on his tongue.
But she did not. 
Perhaps, in another world-one where Fleamont survived the night that his dear wife did, this would have played out differently. Quieter perhaps.
But Euphemia was different from Monty. She had grown up having to hold her head up, high, above the snickers and the stares and the comments. She had grown up between two worlds; not white enough, not dark enough. Having to make space for herself in a world that did not know what to do with her. 
When she first visited her family in India it wasn’t the overwhelming feeling of joy, she had expected, but rather a deep, dark loss in her soul. A wanting, a longing, a missing she would never truly understand. The colours were just as vivid, the smells just as enchanting, the sounds, the streets filled with life. But Mia had grown up across the world, where she’d had to learn to pronounce her r’s just so, how to preen, and dress and and hide so much of herself away that she’d never really found it again. Mia had grown up with a mother who was just as much a British citizen as everyone else around them, but different in a way they would never understand. 
(It was only when she met a man with eyes as deep as the ocean, and a smile that made her feel like she could soar did she feel she was coming out of the seams. Bit by painstaking bit). 
So yes, Monty, with his lineage and his old money and his class wouldn’t have dared, his fight would have taken place quietly, behind the scenes, where there was no fuss, no ruckus. 
But Monty wasn’t here anymore, and Mia had spent her life being quiet. 
So she raged, and stormed and threw herself into a battle with the most powerful man in Wizarding Britain. She argued her way through the courts, through countless politicians, secretaries and bureaucrats who she had spent her life kowtowing to when she was nothing but an immigrant's daughter with no power they could understand. 
And she won.
The snow had just begun to stick, and the lights were up in the neighbors windows when her grandson finally came home to her, with a trembling lip and a scarred forehead.
Euphemia Potter held him close - his hair smelt just like James had, when he was little, when her entire world could fit in her arms-and then passed him to her other son. The one who hadn’t been born from her, but who she loved just the same.  
They’d both had something taken from them, something ripped away with a cold curse and a flash of light, and she knew that only they could understand each other now. So Mia stayed in her opulent and empty house, and Sirius settled in the South Wing at the room that had always been his, his godson slumbering safely in his arms. 
That first Christmas was as dark as the words carved into stone back in Godric's Hollow. Two men who had to learn to trust each other again and a woman who many had expected to break by now. Only Harry’s laugh, his smile, his sparkling eyes could light up their bleak and unforgiving day. 
So Harry forgot the mean, cold woman who stared at him like something she would rather forget, and spent the spring with his grandmother as she planted flowers, her fingers quick and nimble as they had always been. He spent it with his godfathers-both of them-while one suffered each month as he always had, but whose love for Harry never wavered, and the other finally grew up.
For in this world Sirius Black did not wile away his years counting his regrets as he counted the bars on his cells. In this world he strategised, he built battle plans with the same fervour and determination he might have used to sliver between those bars as a shaggy, black dog. He focused on wiping out the forces that had taken so much of the light from their world. 
But he did not do this alone. For in losing one brother, he had gained another back. 
Regulus Black did not go to die in the cave that dark day in October of 1979. He would still be brave, and fierce, and full of righteous anger, but he did not die alone and afraid. Regulus Black had been in St. Mungos that summer, regretfully rejecting his prized and hard worked offer of a place as a Healer. 
Regulus Black had been there. He had seen his brother-the one who he missed as much as Petunia Evans missed her own sister-pale and weary with grief. He had seen him stumble in the corridor from Fleamont Potters room, the loss deeply etched in his face. 
Grief is the price we pay for love.  
Regulus had watched his brother, and wondered if perhap there were things worth living for-as much as they were worth dying for.
So despite what his mother, and the Dark Lord, and about every other Black relative wanted him to do-A Healer? How plebian. Regulus Black did what he had always yearned to, and was brave. He tore the rejection letter from the secretaries fist, and asked, with a weak attempt at his brothers bravado;
“What day do I start?”
So Regulus had taken a different path, a path that was still hard-for the road to hell was still paved with good intentions. 
Regulus stood with his head held high above the looks and snide comments-from both his Death Eater cohorts and his fellow trainees. But the Dark Lord could not touch him, could not stray him from this path, for the vow that was taken on his first day of orientation had sworn him to the Healing service, and even Tom Riddle knew some vows could not be broken.
Regulus Black had taken a different path (though the knowledge of the Horcrux and the unrelenting question of what/when/how still lingered) and was finishing up his rotation in the children’s ward when his long lost brother rushed in, a feverish child in his arms, and panic wreaking havoc in his young face.
“Please, I don’t know what’s wrong-I-I, he wouldn’t eat, and now he’s warm, too warm, and I-”
“Hand him to me.”
And Sirius had passed over the child he thought of as a son to a man he didn’t recognise and saw a boy he had once known. 
But Regulus had always been good at his job. Even the other trainees, who glowered at him through the corridors as they once had in Hogwarts could not deny this. Regulus saw the brother whose approval he had always craved, but he did not think of it now. Regulus only looked at the child who lay shivering before him, and set to work.
Dragon Pox may have taken Fleamont Potter, but Regulus Black’s quick mind and steady hands ensured that his namesake did not follow in this regard. Sirius had cried tears of relief, and Remus had shaken Regulus’ hand so hard it felt bruised.
By now Harry had spent as much time without his parents as he had with them, and his loss would have taken his family to a place they could not return
Once Harry had settled, Mia Potter at his bedside and Remus Lupin fetching the blanket that Harry reached for every night, did the two brothers talk.
They spoke of nothing that had lingered deep in their minds, and their hearts in the years since the older one had departed.
“A Healer, huh?” Sirius Black tried to hide his surprise. 
Regulus bit back the 'You once told me I was good at Healing spells' and managed a smile. "Yes, coming on four years now.” 
Regulus felt young in his brother's presence (even if they were both the same height now).
“That’s… really great.” Sirius smiled, looking close to proud. 
“That's James son, isn't it?” Regulus asked, and watched the darkness flicker in his brothers eyes again.
“You can tell by the hair, huh?”
Really he could tell by the way Sirius looked at the boy-the same way he had always looked at James-but he smiled at his brother's attempt at humor anyways.
When the little family left two days later, a chagrined Sirius mumbled something out that was close to an invitation-coffee? Do you drink coffee? As he left St. Mungos, his beloved godson giggling in his arms. 
Regulus watched and wondered if perhaps he had gotten his brother back. If his brother would walk away from him again.
(He would, once he found out about the paradoxical life his brother led, a Healer who moonlights as a Death Eater. The life of one who fixes scars and curses he recognises, the life of one who is vowed to both worlds even as they threaten to pull him apart at the seams). 
But this time he would come back. And not on accident, stumbling in with a sick child, but with a determination for history not to repeat itself. 
For this Sirius Black knew about the transformative power of second chances.
Harry Potter grew up at his grandmother's elbow, learning about his culture, his heritage. What was left of it. Some had been lost to time, others to the journey made from Delhi to here. The rest to the pressure of a world who didn’t want girls with dark skin and a determined glint in her eye. 
But in this world Harry knew who he was. Where he had come from. What had been lost so he could live. And oh, did he live. 
He lived in the same trees and lakes his own father had made his kingdom at his age, he lived in the books his Moony shared with him-Moony, who watched as identical green eyes skimmed over the same pages he had seen a flame-haired girl devour. He lived in the adventures, the wild reckless stories and pursuits of his Padfoot. He lived in his grandmother's kitchen, watching her bake roti in between English cakes of lemon drizzle and his favourite treacle tart. 
Harry lived, and he knew what it was to be loved. 
(After all, a boy must live so he can learn to die. 
And even now, even here, Harry still had to be the boy who learned to walk to his death).
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in little ways
summary: "a single act of love makes the soul return to life." - saint maximillian kolbe (OR: soft moments in the relationship of patton, remus, and virgil, as a birthday gift for the lovely @bumblebeekitten​)
a/n: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEE!!! i give you intrumoxiety being soft little shits 
CW: shedding of skin (akin to a snake), nightmare mention, bones, one (1) innuendo, nonsexual nudity
wordcount: 2.7k
ao3 link
“Babe? What - are you doing?” 
Virgil, who is busy trying to plan out the best way to strategically approach a nest of wild sirens in the middle of molt to gather their discarded feathers, opens their mouth to reply, and then the low rumbling baritone of their newest lover hits their ears. 
“I . . . you’ll laugh at me if I tell you.” 
Virgil’s one-of-my-loves-is-on-some-self-deprecating-bullshit-and-requires-reassurance, which they take pride in having almost as fine-tuned as Patton’s, begins klaxon-blaring in their mind. They mark their page and carefully untangle themselves from the web of work they’ve been doing and head into the other room. 
Patton is sitting on the kitchen table, swinging (Virgil narrows his eyes at the colored orb charm hanging around Patton’s neck) her legs back and forth, and Remus is standing in front of her, blushing. She has a small wreath of white things in her hair - are those bones? - with a bright jewel studded over her forehead. Remus is holding more small white things in his hands, claw-tipped fingers curled so delicately to avoid shattering them. 
“You - I just -”
“Honey, I promise I’m not gonna laugh at you, no matter what,” Patton says. She reaches forward, assortment of rings glinting and clinking as she touches Remus’s face. He lets out a soft rumbly noise and turns his cheek to press into the touch more, gently rubbing his nose against her palm. “We all do stuff that other people think is weird. You don’t have to worry about it.” 
Remus flicks his eyes up to look at Virgil, who slow-blinks at him in the clearest nonverbal communication of I love you, you massive idiot they can give. “I . . . uh . . . it’s a weird dragon thing.” 
“Re, we’re not gonna be species-ist towards you, that would be super mean and also stupid, considering that no one in this house is human or cisgender,” Virgil says. Remus smiles, hesitant, and then exhales out a puff of gray-black smoke. 
“It’s . . . a claiming thing. When dragons get serious about courtships, they . . . combine hoards a little? They’ll pick out choice pieces from their hoards and exchange them. So, by me putting pieces of my bone hoard on you, it’s like . . . me saying that I’m serious about this, and I want it to last.” Virgil reaches out and takes Remus’s hand, not reacting at all when their skin hisses and steams against his. The benefits of having a partner who’s half ice nymph and half selkie, they suppose. 
“Don’t I get any bones?” they tease. Remus waggles his eyebrows at them; they promptly drop his hand and smack his shoulder. “Not like that, dirty dragon.” 
“Yeah, it’s not fair for only one of us to get fancy bones!” Patton says. “Although I certainly do appreciate this . . . tiara? I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s a tiara.” 
“It was supposed to be,” Remus says, kicking the floor. “I got Ro to help me with pickin’ out the gems and stuff. That’s part of what he hoards, so we went and looked for them together. He told me that one’s a moonstone, and I thought, y’know, werewolf, perfect, right? And - and I’m working on something for you, Virge, I just didn’t wanna find anything that screamed VEE to me on that trip, y’know?” 
“Well, I absolutely love it,” Patton coos, leaning forward to kiss Remus. “Thank you for the tiara, sweetie!” She pauses. “You cleaned these, right?” 
Remus laughs, deep and echoing, and something inside of Virgil uncoils. 
Their skin itches and burns, and someone in front of them is setting their sealskin on fire, and they can hear Patton screaming high and frantic and Remus roaring deep and feral but they can’t move, they’re screaming, convulsing as they burn up with their sealskin and then then then then then -
They sit upright, ice flooding around them, and a dark shape looms in the distance and they fling their hand out to cast a massive shard of ice through the heart of their night terror, but the night terror opens its mouth and green fire rolls out like a current, licking along the ice and dissolving it into water without burning anything else. “Virgil,” the night terrors says, and why does Virgil know that voice? 
“Virgil,” the voice repeats, lower, and then again, and every time it repeats their name it drops lower and lower until they aren’t so much hearing their name as they are feeling it reverberate in their heaving chest. 
The night terror tips its head back and exhales a jet of flames towards the ceiling. It catches on a saucer of oil, spreading down troughs to ignite other saucers spread around the ceiling, and the night terror looks down with fire licking around its teeth and oh, that’s not a night terror at all, it’s Remus. His leathery wings are awkwardly stuck together behind him like he’d just woken up, his hands are up like he’s warding off an attack. 
“R - Rem?” 
BELOVED, he rumbles, mouth barely moving. Virgil sways a little under the force, blinking as Remus thumps at his chest a little with one hand. ARE YOU WELL?  
“I . . . nightmare,” they manage. “Hunters. Hurt you, hurt Patty, stole my skin . . .”
Remus takes a step forward, then another. MAY I APPROACH? Virgil is pretty sure he’s actually speaking Dracon, which would explain the oddly formal address and grammar. They nod, too out of it to speak more, and Remus carefully climbs onto the ice-covered bed. He opens his arms, and they collapse into his chest, shaking. 
“Oh . . . did I hurt you?”
“My . . . my skin?” 
Remus scoops them up into his arms, easily navigating the iced-over bedroom floor and taking them down into the basement. He exhales a plume of blue-green fire into the magical lock, and Virgil leans forward as the door spins and swirls open. The hoard room is full of perfectly-articulated skeletons, bones in cleaning vats, and the other treasures that Remus collects. He navigates through the piles skillfully until he reaches a dark wooden chest with an intricate sapphire-and-golden inlay on the top. 
Virgil traces a sigil across the chest, and it glows under their touch. The array lights up with a brilliant violet aura, and the chest pops open. They reach into the chest hurriedly, panic when they don’t feel fur, and then slide their fingers across to the latch that opens the false bottom. They flip open the false bottom and pull out their sealskin, pressing their face into the softness. 
Their sealskin is beautiful. It’s black as pitch, studded with flecks of silver and white. Remus hugs them against his chest as they rub their cheek against the fur and inhale the scent of the sea. Remus rumbles underneath them, gently rubbing his face along their hair and neck to gently scent him. 
“Thanks,” Virgil says, nearly twenty minutes later, sealskin draped around them like a blanket. “I . . . sorry I woke you.” 
“It’s alright,” Remus says, voice hoarse and growly. “I don’t mind. It’s kinda hot when you go batshit, even though I wish you hadn’t had a nightmare.” Virgil snorts, shoving at his chest. 
“I can’t believe you slipped into Dracon.” Remus ducks his head in embarrassment. 
“Yeah . . . it . . . lots of dragon moms do it to try and soothe rowdy hatchlings back to sleep. I didn’t realize I was doing it until my larynx dropped, and once it goes that far down it takes a while to relax my muscles enough to release it back to normal.” 
“I like it,” Virgil murmurs, leaning up to kiss him. “It’s . . . nice.” 
Remus rumbles with pleasure and kisses them back.
“Patton, what are you doing?” 
Patton is staring out the window, eyes narrowed, mouth set in a thin line of displeasure. Virgil pauses, arms full of books and random spell components. “I don’t trust that woman.” 
“What? What woman?” 
Virgil follows their gaze down to the end of the walkway leading up to their cottage, all the way to the woman at their mailbox. “Patton, what -”
“I don’t trust her,” they mutter, ears pinning back in their fluffy hair. 
“Patton, she’s the mailwoman. Debra’s been coming here every day for the past seven years.”
“It is literally the opposite of suspicious, you ridiculous werewolf.” 
“Poor baby,” Patton croons, pulling on thick rubber gloves and tying her hair up out of the way. Remus whines, rolling around the kitchen buck-naked. His body is almost completely covered in thick, glistening scales, with few patches of human skin peeking through.
“Why are you naked?” Virgil asks. 
“Shedding season,” Remus moans, swiping irritably at his torso. A thick sheet of scales flakes to the ground, and Virgil picks it up. “You can have whatever scales come off if you help me, it itches so baaaaaad!” 
Virgil looks at Patton, who’s carrying a bucket of magic salts and a scrub brush towards the bathroom. “You got a spare brush and gloves, Patty?” 
“Under the sink!” Virgil is quick to grab the supplies. When they return, Remus is still rolling around the kitchen floor, and Patton is prodding him with her foot. 
“Babe, if you don’t get into the tub, I can’t help you feel better. Your dad sent the special salts that your family uses during sheds from the sea caves near your family home.”
“Papa sent them?” Remus’s eyes are wide and liquid, and he almost looks like a hatchling. Virgil bends down and brushes his sweaty hair off his forehead. 
“Yeah, Reem. We asked him for the salts and the lotion so that you’d be more comfortable the next time you shed your scales. We know how much you hate the feeling, and we want you to be comfor - mmph!” 
Remus grabs the front of their shirt and drags them down into a kiss, brief and passionate. Virgil leans back, mussed and flustered, and Patton leans down and drops a kiss into their hair. “Let’s get you into the bath, mister.” 
They finally manage to get Remus into the hot bath, and the moan he lets out when Patton tips the salt into the water is positively lewd. Virgil tugs on the thick gloves and picks up their scrub brush. “I’ll take the left, you take the right?” Patton nods, picking up her rough sponge, and they get to work. 
Virgil puts their back into the scrubbing, careful around Remus’s newly healed top surgery scars. They create a transport sigil next to them and pass any large sheets of scales that flake off of Remus through it, sending them to their work desk. Remus wriggles around in the hot water, making it difficult to scrub, but finally his skin is clear and red-pink from scrubbing and the heat. 
Remus flops gracefully onto the bed, sighing in relief as he rolls around the soft comforter. Patton pulls off her gloves and picks up a tub of thick, pink goop. “Alright, buddy, it’s time for the lotion.” 
“You guys don’t have to do all this,” Remus mumbles, sleepy from his bath. “I know it’s kinda gross.” 
“We love you, Remus. It’s no trouble,” Patton says, gently stroking his hair. 
“Of course it’s not,” Virgil adds. Remus lets out a low, pleased rumble, and Virgil kisses Patton softly.
“VIRGIL! Virgil, Virgil, Virgil Virgil VirgilVirgil VirgilVirgil VIRGIL!!!!!” 
Virgil, whose name is sounding more and more like gibberish, even to their own ears, looks up from the sigil they’re constructing to see Remus bouncing eagerly in front of them. “Learn something new?” 
“Yeah! Patton’s at the grocery store, can I infodump to you?” 
Virgil looks down at the array they’re working on. “Give me two minutes to make sure this sigil won’t explode if I leave it alone, okay? Then you can talk all you want.” Remus nods, sitting down next to them. He’s practically vibrating with happy energy - flapping his hand, tapping his feet, snapping his fingers, rocking and humming. Virgil quickly changes a few of the components of their array, pulls their power out of it, and writes down where they were so they can pick their work up later. “Okay, Remus. Go ahead.” 
Remus jumps to his feet and begins pacing around the living room, telling Virgil all about the new deadly creature he’s discovered, and Virgil watches him fondly, smiling. 
“You know how Pat has his bone tiara?” 
Remus reaches into the pouch at his waist and offers something to Virgil. “For you!” Virgil takes the token from his hands, gasping when it comes into view. It’s a necklace with a braided leather cord and a dangling pendant. The pendant is painstakingly constructed of dozens of tiny bones, all arranged and articulated to form an ornate snowflake. In the very center is a gleaming piece of icy pale blue-green topaz, carved into a hexagonal facet. 
“You . . . you made this?” 
“Yep! I - do you not like it?” 
Virgil stares at the necklace, running their fingers over the edges of the snowflake and the ice-cold smoothness of the gem. They slip the pendant over their head with trembling fingers before dragging Remus into a kiss. “Bedroom, now.” 
“As you wish,” Remus purrs, scooping them into his arms. 
Virgil tightens their grip on the strap of their messenger bag as the gates swing open, revealing a tall, imposing figure. Half of his face is covered in glittering golden-green scales, and one eye is a golden brown with a slitted pupil; the other is dark brown, almost black. He wears a long-sleeved golden dress that falls to the floor, intricately embroidered with dragons and flames along the hem, and his wings are fanned loosely around him. 
“Papa!” Remus crows, sprinting up and leaping towards the figure. He catches him, managing to make it look elegant as he hugs Remus close and rubs his back with a small smile. Remus and his father press their foreheads together, rumbling softly, before Remus hops down. “Virgey, Patton, this is my papa! Papa, these are my loves!” 
Virgil flushes, seeing Patton go pale pink beside them, as Remus’s father comes forward and extends a hand. “You may call me Janus. It is a pleasure to formally meet you. My son speaks quite highly of you.” 
Virgil shakes his hand. “The pleasure is all ours, sir. Thank you for letting us use the private beach on your estate.” Janus smiles as he shakes Patton’s hand. 
“Anyone so highly beloved of my son is always welcome on our family’s ancestral home.” His eyes linger on the bone tiara and pendant before turning to Remus and asking him a low, rapidfire question in a tongue Virgil doesn’t speak. Remus turns redder than Virgil’s ever seen him and spits back a swift response, and Janus laughs. 
“The path to the beach is that way. When you are done, I will have a meal prepared in the house. Take your time. The weather will be favorable today.” 
Remus grabs their hands and drags them down towards the sea. “What did your dad say to you?” 
“He’s just being embarrassing,” Remus mutters. 
“Must have been serious if it embarrassed you,” Patton teases. 
“Shut up!” 
They crest the cliff and spot the sea, and all of Virgil’s teasing leaves them in one breath. It’s beautiful, and the longer they stare at it and smell the salt water, the stronger the call of the ocean in their bones. 
Remus goes flying down the stairs, dropping his bag in the sand and shedding all of his clothes to reveal a lime green speedo. Patton takes a little more care, spreading out the towels and setting up the umbrella, before carefully taking off their tiara and clothes and transforming into a wolf with a fluid, rippling motion. They leap into the water as Virgil descends to the beach. They set down their bag, strip down, and carefully tuck their pendant in a pocket of their bag before reaching in and pulling out their sealskin. They take a moment to watch the way the sun glitters on the ocean’s surface, listening to the crash of the waves and the call of the gulls and the shrieking laughter of Remus and Patton’s joyful barks. 
Then, they wrap their sealskin around their shoulders and join their loves in the sea. 
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Same anon, sorry I keep requesting so much but Bajie and Wukong were married and Pigsy has remembered his previous life and started up his relationship with Wukong again. And Wukong wants to propose again but is scared of doing so. With B46/47/54/63? Thanks!
You’re fine! I love when people request stuff! Also I love this pairing so I don’t mind! I’m working on your other requests btw.
TW: Small mention of death and blood
B46. “I made you dinner.” B47. “I lit up candles and everything, you deserve to relax.” B54. “Marry me.” B63. “Don’t worry, you look beautiful.”
Wukong leans against the railing of the ship, his mind plagued with thoughts. He reaches for his pocket, feeling a box, he sighs and takes his hand out. He taps his fingers against the rail and glances at the silver bracelet around his wrist. He traces small patterns on the pink gem in the shape of a heart in the center.
It felt foreign to wear it after all this time, he was more used to keeping it on his person than his wrist but the feeling was welcome, it was a reminder that he had gotten his husband back.
His Bajie, his Pigsy, was finally with him again. It was a while before his love had gained his memories back and remembered their beautiful union. He recalls his husband telling him how confusing it was to sort out the memories especially with the memory of his death. Wukong gulps, it must have been hard, no, terrifying to remember your life flashing before your eyes as you bleed out.
Wukong shakes his head, better to push it to the back of his mind.
After their long talk about things which involved the king sobbing into the pig’s shoulder, they made the decision to take things slowly, go back to how it was when they were dating. Thank gods, the pig still had feelings for him.
It had been going remarkably well and Wukong decided that maybe he should propose again. How was he going to do that? Would the pig even say yes? Maybe he could do it the simple way or he could hold back.
Ugh. It felt more difficult this time.
He lets out a small sigh, his ears perk up when they pick up a “Wukong?”
The king turns to see his partner in his adorable pajamas. “Hi, love,” he greets with a soft smile. “What are you doing up?”
The pig snorts and approaches him. “I could ask ya the same thing. Why are ya up?”
“Just thinking, babe.”
He flashes his teeth, the signature of his nervous grin. “Nothing.”
Pigsy crosses his arms. “Uh huh. You forget that I know you.”
He boops his snout. “That you do, babe, but don’t worry about it.”
“Are ya sure?”
“Completely.” He takes his partner’s palms. “Now why are you up, my lovely?”
“I was missin’ my boyfriend. Got sad when I woke up to see you not there.”
His smile drops to a frown. “I’m sorry, babe.”
Pigsy makes a dismissive hand gesture. “It’s no big deal, hon,” he replies and presses his head against his chest. “Just missed you.”
He breathes a sigh of relief. “Okay.” He grabs Pigsy’s waist and rests his chin on top of his head, he kisses it. They stand there and take in each other’s scent, warmth filling their chests. They separate minutes later, their fingers intertwined.
“We used to do that a lot, huh?”
“Yep. Now let’s go back to bed.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The pig drags him back to their bed where Wukong gets changed into his own set of pajamas and makes sure that the small black box doesn’t peek out of the pocket of his other pants.
They lay beside each other and touch their foreheads, they share a long smooch and gentle words before drifting off to sleep. Wukong can figure it all out in the morning.
And he does so, planning out the best way to propose while hiding it all from Pigsy who suspects something is up.
He tells the others one night about his plans and they react with complete and utter joy, that manages to ease his nerves a little. He asks them to help by distracting Pigsy for a bit.
The king places the silverware on the table and lights some candles. He wipes his sweaty palms off on his pants then checks the item.
“Wukong,” his partner yells. Just in time, he hides it with haste. His partner steps towards him, his chin cocked to the side and a small curious frown marking his features. “What’s this?” He asks and gestures to the set up.
“I made you dinner. I lit up candles and everything, you deserve to relax,” he answers and pulls out a chair.
“Okay? I guess I’ll go with this.” He sits down, smooching his boyfriend’s cheek in thanks when his chair is pushed in. “Thank you, baby. You didn’t have to do this.”
He flops down in his chair and responds, “I wanted to.”
The pig nervously chuckled. “I wish ya would have told me. I could have worn a better outfit.”
“Don’t worry, you look beautiful.”
The pig ducks his head to hide his flushed cheeks. “Thank you. What did you make?”
Wukong opens the various dishes to reveal shrimp with vermicelli and garlic, peking roasted duck, spring rolls and Pigsy’s special noodles, made by Wukong but he did his best to follow the recipe to the letter. “Here.”
“Wow. You really went all out. Did I miss one of our anniversaries?”
“Nope. Just wanted to surprise you.” He smiles with teeth bared.
Pigsy crosses his arms. “Sure. Now let’s see.” He takes a bite of the peking duck and licks his lips. “Not bad. Although it could be better.”
The king scoffs. “I think I liked it better when you didn’t complain with what food you were given.”
“Times change.”
Wukong gulps and bobs his head. “Yea. Yea, they do.”
Recognizing the look on his partner’s face, he says, “This is great though, babe. I love it.”
“Thanks. I wanted it to be special.”
Pigsy twirls the fork in his hands. “So I did miss an occasion.”
“No, you didn’t. Can’t I just shower my beautiful partner with love?”
The chef’s cheeks glow with a pretty pink. “Yea, you can. I’m just checkin’.”
“Don’t worry about it, babe. You’d probably hear a lot of teasing if you missed one.”
“How is that different from normal?”
“It just is, my darling. Now let’s eat.” He gives the pig’s hand a gentle squeeze which is greatly returned.
They talk to each other about various topics and different memories, careful not to bring up anything too heavy. Their faces are lit up with red and when Pigsy’s giggles, Wukong decides he has to do this now while the pig is in a good mood.
He clutches his jeans and breathes deeply, his features shift to one of complete seriousness. “Pigsy…”
Pigsy stops in his tracks and places the hand that was near his mouth to his lap. He hardly ever sees the king this serious, only in dire circumstances. “Yes, Wukong?”
The king swallows, desperately trying to push the lump down his throat. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yea. Of course I know that. Is somethin’ wrong?”
He ignores the question with another of his own. “And you love me too?”
The pig scoffs and replies, “What if I say no?” The monkey sucks in a breath at the response and Pigsy frowns. “But yes, I love you very much. What is this about?”
“It’s just… I am so happy to have you back in my life. To know you still want me after all this time. That you still love me. When you…. When you passed, never once did I stop thinking of you. You were, are my everything. I love you no matter what life you take on. So what I’m trying to say is…”
He slowly lowers himself down on one knee. His partner’s jaw drops. “Wukong, what are you-?”
Wukong pulls out the box and opens it to reveal a shiny golden ring. His heart beats rapidly against his chest. “Marry me. Zhu Bajie, Pigsy, will you do me the honor of marrying me all over again?”
“Wukong, I…”
“I know we said we would take it slow but I can’t wait any longer. I finally have you back in my arms.”
“It’s okay if you don’t want to. I just thought it would be nice.”
He is about to ramble on again when his partner grabs his cheeks and tilts his head upwards. The pig has tears in the corner of his eyes. “You silly monkey, let me talk.” The king closes his mouth. “My answer is yes.”
“R-really?” The king questions, letting out a small undignified squeak.
“Yes! I’ve already married you once, I would love to marry you again. Did ya think I would say no?”
Wukong rubs the back of his neck. “I was kinda preparing for that, yea.”
“Silly monkey.” He sniffles and wipes his tears then places his arms around Wukong’s shoulders. “You could ask me a thousand times and the answer would always be yes. I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you too.” Wukong slides the ring on his finger, they stare at each other before melding their lips together in a slow and passionate kiss. Their chests are full of butterflies. When they separate minutes later, they peck each other multiple times on the lips. “I love you so much.”
“I love you so much too.”
They press their forehead together and enjoy each other’s warmth, staying there for hours.
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summertime sadness .4.
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: You settle into your new job but can’t get too comfortable.
Note: Okey, dokey. Here’s the fun part (for me at least). Still tryna figure out how exactly this one will pan out by part 6 but we’re all having a ride together, eh. Thanks everyone for their support and I love you all! 💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
It had only been a few weeks since your last visit to the university but it felt longer as you walked onto campus. Just as planned, you were due to meet Bucky in his office. He texted you as you rode the subway. He was eager to start his ‘marking’. You smirked and wondered how long he’d last at that.
You entered the English Building, the elevator back in service and empty. Not many instructors were in their offices on a Saturday and most students were hungover or readying for another party. You knocked on Bucky’s door before you entered. He had a stack of essays on his desk as he sat behind them listlessly.
“Finally,” He said.
“I slept in.” You replied. “For the first time in a week.”
“Then you’ll have lots of energy,” He reached below his desk, the sound of his zipper discernible beneath it. “I’ve got about forty papers here.”
“Forty? And how many do you think you’ll get to?”
“Knowing that mouth, maybe one.” He snickered. “Come on, baby, I’m rock hard over here.”
He rolled his chair back as you neared and set your purse down behind his desk. He slapped your ass and you got to your knees. You grinned up at him as you ducked under his desk and gripped his thighs as he pushed closer. You pulled down his briefs and his cock sprung out. He groaned and grabbed his pen.
“Fuck,” He swore under his breath. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this, baby.”
“You’ve got marking to do,” You reprimanded and stroked him. “Now get to work.”
You stretched your lips over his tip and he groaned. He slid closer and you could hear the clumsy scratching of his pen on paper. As he reached the back of your throat, his leg twitched. You pushed past your gag reflex and he nearly choked. You pulled back and felt the shiver in him.
“Mmm,” He hummed and flipped a page. “Just like that.”
The sloppy sounds of your mouth added to the flutter above, the scribbles of ink. You bobbed your head steadily, every now and then forcing him to your limit and holding him there. And then you stopped as a knock came at the door. You both froze.
“Shit,” He pushed himself against the desk entirely and trapped you underneath it. The front shielded you from view on the other side. “Keep going.”
“Slowly, quietly.” He grabbed his dick and slapped it against your lips. “Now.” He cleared his throat and shoved your head down as he glided into your mouth again. “Come in.” He called and the door opened.
Your eyes widened as he pulled his hand away. You carefully dragged your tongue along his length.
“Hey,” He greeted in a smooth tone. “Tanya.”
“Sorry to disturb,” His visitor replied. “I was just grabbing some stuff from my office and I just remembered I still had this.”
A thump sounded on the top of the desk as you slobbered down his cock.
“Thanks,” He said and squeezed his legs around you. “I almost forgot myself if I’m being honest.”
“I owe you one,” She said. You recognized her voice. She taught the other section of journalism, though you had her for a social movements class in your first year. “Maybe a drink. I could hang around til you finish with those.”
“Ah, you know, I wish I could,” He lamented. “But I promised a buddy I’d swing around to watch the game.”
You kept from gagging and held your breath, afraid to give yourself away.
“You don’t seem like the sports type,” She countered.
“Not really but a few beers and I am,” He dismissed her easily.
“You sure you’re not avoiding me?” Her toe tapped impatiently just on the other side of the desk.
“Avoiding you?” He chuckled. A slight quaver in his voice as you swirled your tongue around his tip. “Why would I be doing that?”
“Well… Ever since our little… you know…” She hesitated to say it aloud.
“I thought we agreed that it was just a little fun.” He said and you stopped suddenly. He nudged you with his toe and you wrapped your lips around him once more. “A drunken bit of fun.”
“Hmmm…” She sounded disappointed. “You free tomorrow?”
“Sorry, maybe next weekend,” He said. “But I really gotta finish here.”
“Okay, okay,” She accepted with a trill. “We’ll sort out a time then.”
“Sure,” He confirmed unconvincingly. “Next weekend. See ya.”
“Bye,” Her voice was cheerier as her heels clicked back across the floor and the door opened and closed once more.
You tried to pull away but he caught your head and held you down as he emptied himself down your throat. You choked and smacked at his thigh as he cupped his sac with his other hand. He left your mouth salty and sore as he slipped out and rolled back with a sigh.
You spit his cum into your hand and crawled out from under the desk. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry, I had to-- fuck, I almost came with her right there.” He grabbed a tissue and handed it to you.
“You could’ve warned me,” You wiped your hand off with a grimace. “What was that anyway? Did you fuck her?”
“Why? You jealous?” He cleaned himself up and zipped up his pants.
“No,” You rolled your eyes. “But I did just suck you off within two feet of her as she obviously wanted to do the same.”
He laughed and pushed his shoulders back. “It was months ago. Before… us. There was a conference, there was wine, and I regret it.” He sighed. “And she looks back on it fondly but… lots of teeth and she was stiff as a fucking board.”
“Wow,” You said dryly and wiped your mouth. “You know, I’m barely surprised.”
“This… thing between you and I, it’s not--”
“It’s just a bit of fun. Trust me, I get it. I haven’t got time for anything but.” You tossed the kleenex in the small bin beside his desk. “Right? That’s what it is?”
“So much fun,” He assured you. “You wanna hang around till I’m finished?”
“Thought you already were,” You jibed. His brow furrowed and you grinned. “Sure,” You pulled up a chair. “I got nothing better to do.”
“Well, don’t sound so excited,” He said. “Besides, I might need some more help sooner than later.”
You scribbled along the margin of your agenda and dropped the pen. The keys clacked beneath your fingers as you typed up a manic sentence. Your screen glowed back at you as the seconds ticked by with each letter. So enthralled by your task that the speck in your peripheral gave you a start.
You leaned back and turned your chair to face the man watching you. Loki’s lithe fingers swept up your golden pen and he admired the engraved letters beneath the fluorescent light. You watched him nervously as you pushed yourself away from your keyboard.
“Mr. Laufeyson.” You greeted him meekly. “I am just finishing the blurb you wanted.”
“Hard at work, as always,” He mused as he carefully set the pen back on your desk. “A beautiful pen…”
“A gift,” You smiled awkwardly.
“Well, I hate to interrupt you so I will let you finished,” His fingers brushed along your desk and he leaned on it as he casually cross his right leg in front of the other. “But when you have, I would like a moment in my office before you leave for the day.”
“Of course,” You affirmed. “It shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.”
“As you will,” He stood straight and smoothed his jacket and buttoned it. “Then you are free to enjoy your weekend.”
“Okay,” You nodded and he turned away. 
You watched him go, his strides long but lingering as he retreated to his office. The usual crowd had thinned out and Stacey was readying for her own departure. You spun back to your computer and resumed your work. Your second week down and not a stumble yet. You dared to be proud of yourself. Even, to be happy.
Another weekend ahead of you and you weren’t entirely excited. You liked being in the office; liked working with the other journalists, writers, and editors. Enjoyed your chance to shadow one of the most powerful men in New York publishing. And he had achieved it all at such a young age. You could only hope to achieve as much in the next fifteen years. 
It was more than a bullet point for your resume, it was your own paradise.
So you finished up your blurb and attached it to an email. You logged out and packed up your agenda and pen beside your laptop. You pushed your chair in as you hooked your bag over your shoulder and trod tentatively to Loki’s office. You knocked on the open door and he looked away from his screen.
“Ah, there you are,” He beckoned you in with a wave. “Close the door behind you, please.”
You glanced back into the main office and did as he said. You stepped inside and sat across from him, your bag set down against the leg of the chair. His green eyes focused on you and he tilted his head as he absently traced his fingers over his phone. You fidgeted as you struggled not to shy away.
“I just wanted to check in,” He said. “And I was recently reviewing your references.”
“My references?” You wondered.
“Mmm,” He hummed. “Your professors speak highly of you. One of the reasons I even considered a second year, let alone one who had so suddenly changed majors, was a certain word on your behalf.”
“Okay?” You were confused and gripped the arms of the chair as you blinked at him dumbly.
“James Barnes has earned his tenure at the university and on occasion, he has written pieces for my own magazine. A respectable writer, admirable in his work both in teaching and otherwise. And when he proposed this workshop, the tours, I thought it was a charming idea. He proved me right so I had no doubt when he spoke to me of you.”
You gulped but said nothing. Your stomach churned and you brought your hands together and wrung them.
“You see,” He lifted his phone and blindly unlocked it. “You have lived up to his reference and your work is commendable…” He smirked as he flicked a finger across the screen. “But I still questions the veracity of his endorsement as I find his integrity has come into doubt.”
He set his phone down and slid it across the desk. He nodded for you to pick it up. You slid forward on your chair and took it. Your lips parted in horror as you stared at the screen. It was you and Bucky in the bookshop, your lips locked and his arms wrapped around you. You looked up, mortified, as the phone shook in your grasp.
“I…” The breath went out of you and you put the phone back on the desk before it could fall. “How did you--”
“It’s a quaint little shop.” He purred. “I venture in every now and then.”
You chewed your lip as your cheeks burned.
“You do realize that this could be… damaging. To you more than him.” He stood slowly and came around the desk to stand before you. “He has tenure, he is established. You, my dear, you’re barely getting started.”
You gaped up at him. The pet name unsettled you and you wiped your sweaty hands on your thighs.
“And aside from the ethical dilemma, I do wonder what a girl your age sees in a man his age. Especially when your work speak so boldly on its own.”
You shook your head, speechless.
“Surely there are boys your own age who would be delighted to offer you… companionship.”
“I never… I would never use him like that.” You insisted. “It’s all… my work. My own work.”
“Oh, I know it, dear,” He said as his lips curled. “But to risk that work on him? On an affair better fit to a dime store erotica?”
“Are you-- Are you going to report him? Me?” You asked. “Am I fired?”
“Well,” He leaned on the desk, his long fingers gripped it’s edge as he leered down at you. “That depends on you, my dear.”
“Me?” You squeaked.
“Oh yes, this is a very powerful secret, don’t you think?” He slithered. “And in our business, well, it would sell.”
“What do you want?” You asked.
He pushed himself away from the desk and reached to tickle your cheek. His fingers crawled along your chin and he brushed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“I haven’t yet made up my mind,” He bent so that his face was only inches from yours. “But when I do, my dear, you will appease me, won’t you?”
You shuddered but didn’t pull away. You were too frightened. A lock of his dark hair fell forward as his pale skin shone sinister in the lamp light. His green eyes bore into yours and you wanted desperately too look away.
“Y-yes,” You stammered weakly. “I--I will.”
“Very good,” He drew away slowly. “Now, darling, go enjoy your weekend.” He scooped up his phone and tucked it in his pocket. “And give the professor my regards.”
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Lost Hier Job
leverage 2.09
(Sophie opens her curtains and looks out the window. A knock comes to the door and she goes to look through the peep hole, then immediately opens the door)
Sophie: Who's dead?
Nate: No, no. Everybody's okay. Can I...
Sophie: Huh?
Nate: I-I...
(Sophie lets Nate into the room)
Sophie: Oh. Y-You scared the life out of me.
- - - - -
Nate: Oh, yeah. No, we're doing fine. I mean, yeah. Everything's, I mean, it kind of went from a quintet to what we are now, a quartet. I mean, it's like, we still know how to play. We sound good, you know. But something is, uh, sounding a little bit, uh, you know, wrong.
Sophie: Huh. Well, I hope that I’m, I really hope I’m not the violist because when I was little, my mum made me have lessons, and I was rubbish. I was completely rubbish. I can't play a note. Not a single note
- - - - -
Tara: Either I am in, or Ruth is out. It's your choice. (walks away)
Nate: They are gonna hate this.
[Leverage HQ]
Eliot: I hate this.
Hardison: You do not let Vicki Vale into the Batcave ever.
Nate: First, this is my home, not a cave. And, second, we're not gonna allow her up here.
Parker: Sophie would never approve. Call her.
Nate: We can't just keep calling Sophie.
Hardison: Oh, okay. I see how it is. We can't call her, but you can go off and have a little secret meeting with her.
Nate: Secret meeting? What are you talking about? I was in Harrisburg, researching a client.
Hardison: Wow, ‘cause you know what? (hits remote and pulls information up on monitor) Your passport got dinged going through Heathrow airport yesterday. Heathrow's in London. I guess you couldn't get a direct flight over to Harrisburg.
Eliot: Well, it's hard when you do the same-day booking.
Hardison: Yeah, 'cause you had to go with the -- Did you realize that London is the home of the most surveillance cameras in the world?
Parker: Really?
Hardison: Who feels like playing "where's Waldo"?
Parker: Oh. Yeah. (raises hand)
Hardison: I do. (hits remote to show video on monitors) Oh. There's Waldo right there. Waldo Ford. Oh, oh. Is that big Ben and you? Wow. You got twins and triplets everywhere. And looky there. 11:18 am standing outside of Sophie’s apartment, Looking quite pensive.
Parker: Aww. He's rehearsing what he's gonna say. I've seen him do that.
Nate: All right, all right, all right, guys. Okay. Yeah. You caught me. I went to London. Yeah. I saw Sophie. And she's not coming back.
Parker: Not now or not ever?
Nate: I don't know. And I don't, I don't think she knows either. So, uh, that's that. Could you please take the...
(Hardison darkens the monitors)
parker wearing that bright yellow flannel? adorable
parker and eliot look DELIGHTED as hardison fucks with nate it’s great
- - - - -
Hardison: Tara Carlisle. She checks out. Civil-Rights lawyer, does a lot of pro bono work. Collects lost causes like kittens.
Eliot: Well, she's honest.
Hardison: Crusader. Incorruptible.
(Tara pulls up and gets out of her car)
Hardison: And one sexy librarian
I saw a headcanon that Tara did actually do this on the side for a living, because, if you think about it, could she really fake a file THAT GOOD to fool hardison, the best hacker in the world
- - - - -
we love to see parker in the vents
- - - - -
- - - - -
(Frank slides the back from a photo to find a Nazi flag and a photo of Hitler. He carries it over to where Orson is standing between Hardison and Eliot)
Hardison: My god, he is Aryan nation
- - - - -
(Blanchard enters room reading a file. He looks up to see Nate on a ladder tearing pages from a law book and clears his throat. Nate looks over at him)
can someone PLEASE make a compilation of nate’s characters being obnoxious and chaotic pretty please
- - - - -
parker’s sMOOTH exit from the vents into a flip I am in LOVE with her
- - - - -
Hardison: I tied the adoption-Reference number to the medical records of one of Parker's aliases. Social security, taxes, long record of drug offenses. Anybody short of the CIA is gonna believe that is Kimball’s daughter.
he’s so good at this I love it
- - - - -
(hiding behind a broken crate, Lind points a gun at Parker and Hardison. Eliot sees this as he approaches)
Eliot: Nate!
(Lind fires, shattering the passenger’s side window. Eliot runs forward, bends to pick up a rock, and throws it at Lind, hitting him in the head. He fires again, shooting out the tire as Nate runs around the car. Lind swings the gun at Eliot, who catches it. Lind punches Eliot in the stomach and Eliot hits Lind in the face with the gun. Eliot throws the gun down as Lind stumbles back for more)
Eliot: Come on!
(Lind swings, Eliot ducks and hits Lind in the ribs, then pushes him away. Lind turns around and swings but Eliot blocks his punches, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. Lind gets up and looks at the gun. Eliot picks up the gun)
Eliot: You want this?
(Lind holds up his hands and moves away, running. Nate and Parker move out from behind the car. Eliot unloads the gun and tosses it aside)
when eliot sees the sniper and is terrified? when he manages to pick up a rock and nail the sniper in the face with it while running? his FURY when he’s fighting him? he’ll do anything to protect his family
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker walk past a sunglasses vendor. Eliot bumps a table for a distraction and Parker grabs two pairs of sunglasses, handing one to Eliot)
Eliot: Are you kidding me? (puts on the glasses) Look at this.
also married complaining about the style of the sunglasses? we love to see it
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker run through a hallway)
Parker: We're cut off. We're gonna have to get rough.
Eliot: I ain't hitting cops.
(a noise from behind has them looking back)
Parker: I look forward to seeing you explain that
remember that one commentary with john rogers where he said in this scene beth changed her lines/energy to more of a kinky vibe that made the scene that much better? because I do and boy was this scene charged with something interesting
- - - - -
Eliot: All right. Be cool.
(Eliot unloads the gun and catches the bullet)
Eliot: All right. Nothing's gonna happen to anybody. Just settle down.
(The officer raises a stun gun that Eliot knocks out of his hand and Parker catches)
Eliot: You’re not using a stun gun either
(Eliot pushes the officer back and Parker points the stun gun at the officer)
Eliot: Hold on. Stop. Chill. All right? Nobody's gonna get hurt.
(another officer steps out behind Parker, his gun raised)
Officer: Drop it!
(Parker points the stun gun under her arm and hits the officer, knocking him down)
Eliot (to Parker): Seriously? What are you doin’?
Parker: Mmm.
Eliot (to officer): Listen, it's probably best if you pretend that you never saw us. Okay?
(Eliot and Parker move down the hall past the fallen officer. Parker triggers the stun gun again)
Eliot: Stop
parker loves tasing people and eliot is exhausted
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, Parker, forget about the hearing. I need you to do something else.
(Parker pulls files from the safe in Blanchard’s office, proudly kissing it)
- - - - -
Blanchard: What the hell is this? Hey, you don't understand!
(the officers drag Blanchard to the exit)
Blanchard: These people are thieves! I don’t even think that one’s a lawyer!
someone also make a compilation of their marks swearing they’re not who they say they are. I just think it’s funny and chaotic
- - - - -
parker hardison and eliot all walk in together (TOGETHER)
also both parker and eliot are wearing flannel
- - - - -
Parker: I bet you're not even a lawyer.
Tara: Oh. Sophie was right. You are adorable.
Parker: Excuse me?
(Eliot, Parker and Hardison talk angrily at her for several moments as Nate reads what’s in the envelope)
some highlights that I was able to hear from all of them talking over each other:
- Eliot: Don’t comment and say that kinda stuff. You don’t know us at all.
- Hardison: Woah, you’re overstepping here
- Parker: You don’t get to call me adorable. You don’t get to say that.
basically the boys jump to her defense and I love it
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, whoa, hold up. Mnh-Mnh. Hold up, hold up. What is this?
Tara: Oh, it’s a bill, for my cut of the inheritance. Hey, I’m not a candy striper. This is my job.
(Eliot, Hardison and Parker look at Nate, who nods)
Tara: There. See? We're getting paid already. It's gonna be fun.
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bending-sickle · 3 years
this or that / last and current
tagged by @pepperf <3
apple juice or orange juice although i haven’t had apple juice in years so if you threw it at me (not like that) i’d be delighted, tbh | breakfast in bed or dinner in a blanket fort but only because the concept of breakfast in bed brings up the idea of someone loving me enough to do that which :> (i mean sure i could make my own then hop back into bed but that defeats the purpose) | peanut butter or butterscotch but like, i barely remember what either of these taste like so... | rain or snow however! i have not seen snow in over a decade now and i would very much like to | water park or amusement park although i haven’t been to either in over two decades and tbh would just like the chance to go with someone anywhere | guitar or violin but secretly pianos | flip flops or sneakers but really barefoot | big cats or bears | ocean or lake | bonfire or picnic fun fact you can do both! | draw or write | oak or mahogany but i mean olive’s right there | volleyball or tennis but only because volleyball gives me highschool gym war flashbacks. that said, give me badminton or give me death. | key chains or postcards i collect them! i send them! i sometimes receive them! | queso or salsa i refuse to answer this question on the grounds that this means “cheese or sauce” to me and no anglophone is taking precedence over what spanish words means to me. that said, ¡dáme crema, por diós! | skateboard or roller blades | porch or patio | love quotes or inspirational quotes | hearts or stars but really interlocking squares | backpack or duffle bag gimme that sweet sweet back support and not having to rummage into the depths for my stuff | orchard or garden but it better be part vegetable and herb garden or so help me | baby bunnies or baby ducks all babehs are good babehs | pastels or earth tones | New York City or Los Angeles but only because i’ve never been to LA and also ah, yes, american-centric questions, fabulous | secret stairs or secret tunnel neither we are not dying in stupid ways | street magician or escape artist because escape artists make me too anxious like dude! you gon’ die! | fairies or gnomes what i’ve heard of fairies makes them out to be vicious | comedy or mystery i am tired of choosing | purple or green but only, like, to wear. if it’s a thing to have around me then green. | daisies or dandelions | crayon or chalk | sunglasses tinted blue or sunglasses tinted yellow | bracelets or rings but i can rarely stand to wear either | question mark or exclamation point
...honestly, both/neither is more my jam for these sorts of things. also, sorry for the rambling.
also also, sorry for the formatting. i did this in notes, because tumblr doesn’t know how to copy/paste multiple paragraphs, and then transferring it back...broke something? idek bro i’m tired of hitting bold/italics so many times. eta: the formatting is a lie?
last song: that “don’t rear the reaper” in the style of ghost i reblogged a while ago
last movie: gremlins (1984) because childhood
currently watching: bob’s burgers, which is my light and joy, grey’s anatomy, which is my weekly “oh hai familiar faces”, and then the falcon and the soldier, which i’m barely watching (like, literally. i get so bored my eyes wander off), and strangers from hell, which i am also barely watching, which is difficult since i need subtitles but dear god, i’m bored. mainly though i’m watching youtube which is either a) historical costuming, b) chinese ladies making food in rural settings, or c) people reading memes, with d) the occasional murder story or media commentary
currently reading: honestly? nothing, officially? ahaaa...so many. my latest efforts were focused on the house of leaves reread but... i’ve got a clash of kings reread, and that the body keeps the score one, and i have burning the sound reread barely cracked into, and then the frailty fanfic i started from the top because i’d forgotten everything by the time the author finished it... i hsed to be such an avid reader, you guys, i swear.
currently playing: if by playing we mean hobbies (and i’m putting that square peg firmly into that round hole) then learning chinese, learning korean, making stuffing for a pillow, and making miniature books (this last is...on hold). also gardening, grow, my pretties! grow! ...wait, why are you dying, why are you dying?!
currently craving: like, so much food. i am so hungry. (that said, if i see one more ramyeon scene in a kdrama i will scream because give. me. it.) also, like, a hug would be nice. a cuddle would be glorious.
tagging @seschat, @nuingiliath, @beenworkingonacocktail, and @its-sorcery. good luck cleaning the list of my ramblings. (sorry.)
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psychopersonified · 4 years
Q’s video conference gets interrupted by a half naked man wielding a cat... 
Inspired by the multitude of wonderful fanart featuring Q and Bond in front of a computer, some clothed, some not quite 😉. And also by stories of zoom call accidents.
Tags: Freshly established relationship. Breaking the news. 
“…How much progress are we making in regards to the drag coefficient?” is the next question on Q’s mind as he reviews the R&D stage-gate checklist. Q has his attention on the tablet in front of him, marking up the design drawing with a stylus. The image is shared onscreen with the other three participants of the call. 
“Wind tunnel test results are back, the best we’ve achieved so far is using V308 design, but as expected it does come with some compromise to practicality—”
At R’s sudden pause, Q looks up and turns towards the screen displaying the participants’ video feed. 
“Sorry R I didn’t catch that, you might have cut out for a moment.” He adjusts the wireless earbuds in case they’ve come loose. 
Jenny’s image smiles widely and the others follow suit. “Sir, did you adopt a new kitty?” 
The unexpected question prompts him to look around his desk. He spies Spot lounging out of view of the webcam, by his favourite window perch having just had breakfast. Q assumes the other black and white cat, Jellicles must be somewhere under Spot’s large orange lump. 
“Uh, no?” he is a little discomfited, not knowing what brought on the bizarre tangent in the discussion. 
“Boss, you sure about this? He’s a big one. Might eat you out of house and home,” Nish joins in the ribbing. 
“Granted he’s a silent killer. Any unwanted gifts dropped off on your carpet yet?” Jamila this time. 
“What on earth are you all talking about—,“ in his own video feed minimised out of the way on the bottom right corner, Q finally catches sight of movement in the background. 
The problem with open plan living Q notices for the first time, is the lack of privacy. Not an issue if you’re living alone, but when you have house guests, it makes it trickier. Q’s webcam faces the dining area where Agent 007 is currently making a spectacle of himself. His shirtless muscular back is half turned to them. The light grey sweatpants he is wearing slung dangerously low on his hips - the tops of his well sculpted glutes artfully exposed.
Bond had wandered absently into the dining area, one arm cradling a restless black and white cat to his chest like a baby, but his attention is focused on the tablet held in his other hand. Jellicles is not happy at being ignored - headbutting Bond under the chin and attempting repeatedly to bop the human on the nose to get his attention. 
When the agent is sufficiently annoyed, he locks eyes with the cat for a moment before tipping his head to smush his nose against cat’s forehead - which causes Jellicles to meow loudly in reply. 
Q turns back to look at his monitor, all three participants on the call are staring in open-mouthed shock. He searches his desk for something to throw; a squishy stress toy in the shape of a cow would suffice. Q aims for the torso, but the toy bounces comically off Bond’s rock hard arse instead.
That catches Bond’s attention and he turns around - Q regrets not thinking this one through. He and his little audience are now treated to the frontal view, which is arguably even more distracting. The agent’s golden tan glows in the morning light - accentuating the definition of his well developed pectorals all the way to the rippling planes of the chiseled abdominals and the blonde trail of hair peeking out of the waistband. Further below, the soft cotton blend material of the sweatpants does little to hide the endowments underneath. 
Bond raises a quizzical eyebrow at him. He’d put the tablet down and caught one of the cat’s paws in his hand  in the interim - to stop it from trying to touch his nose and was kissing each little toe-bean before the interruption. Bond is in a fantastic mood this morning and Jellicles must adore him enough to allow such manhandling. 
Q scowls at him and mouths ‘I’m on a call’ while using a hand to gesture at his monitor and the webcam. Bond’s expression turns apologetically wide-eyed for a second in acknowledgment of his little gaffe. But in the next moment, he appears to brush it off -hanged for a sheep as a lamb-.
Instead of ducking out of view, he takes four purposeful strides towards Q’s desk, the cat still in his arms. Q can’t decide if disabling his video would cause more suspicion or if they should just cease with the charade - somehow ‘he’s just a friend who sleeps over and cuddles my cats’ defence doesn’t quite stack up at this point.
Behind him now and without a trace of shame, Bond bends over a shoulder to wink at the three familiar faces in the monitor. Q resists the urge to slap the man away, opting instead to glower at him. The agent senses a rebuke forthcoming, so preemptively uses the cat as a shield. He holds the black and white cat up to the webcam, then pushes the cat in front of Q’s face - Jellicles doesn’t disappoint, immediately latching on and playfully chewing on Q’s nose. 
“Ah! James!” Q tries to flinch away. The assault is over in seconds when Bond pulls the cat away but then unexpectedly returns to peck Q on the corner of his mouth before he can even protest. When Bond straightens again, the expansive view of naked chest and abs fills up most of the right side of Q’s video feed. 
Q has to half turn and physically nudge the agent away with a splayed hand against warm hard muscle. The touch a searing reminder of their activities the night before. Bond is immovable when he doesn’t want to be moved, but he relents after a second or two. His parting gift, was to dip down and nuzzle Q in the hair, using the misdirection to hook a finger around the collar of Q’s jumper, exposing the top of a well bruised collarbone. The hand then slips to caress a long line down his chest to his stomach. 
“James! Will you stop it!” Q hisses. His next reaction is to stab the bastard in the side with the blunt tip of the tablet stylus to salvage his ruined modesty. The man is a menace! 
The bloody peacock doesn’t even have the decency to retreat out of camera view after that, instead he claims a seat in the dinning area, beaming with a satisfied smile. The cat now balanced on his stomach and chest, he moves another chair around so he can prop his legs on it and stretch out, putting himself on blatant display. An artist would beg to paint such a perfect tableau. Q wants to taser the smile off his face. 
Q clears his throat, not daring to look directly at his colleagues - too flustered to offer an explanation as to why 007 was molesting him in his home. So he tries ineffectively for the pretend-it-didnt-happen route, “Um… Right. Where were we? Jenny, the wind tunnel results?....” 
Jamila blinks furiously. Nish makes a hoarse croaking, “Whaaaa…..” like air escaping his lungs. 
And R… well R just says, “Sir, I think I speak for everyone here that we’re traumatised by what we just saw, bloody traumatised. We don’t think we can continue with today’s discussion until a satisfactory explanation has been provided...” R forces Q into a corner. Two other heads nod their support for Jenny’s statement. None of them appear disapproving - but it is guaranteed they are going to take the mickey out of him. 
There is no way he is going to spill tea with Bond still within earshot. The agent’s ego is unmanageable as it is. “If I promise to reveal all on Monday, can we please get on with this?” Q tries to make his whisper sound imperious to no avail - a half naked man lounging in the background tends to undermine one’s authority. 
“Health & Safety would disagree. It’s an occupational hazard you know, to be distracted around dangerous lab equipment,” Jamila points out. The others agree. Mutiny from his top three.
“How is my personal life -your- distraction?” 
“When there is a not inconsiderable pot waiting to be distributed. Come on boss, there’s still time for me to collect my winnings if things go my way,” Nish begs while consulting his phone for the records. 
“So… he’s -James- now is he? Is this a one time slumber party or an extended sleepover?” R powers through heedless. 
Q considers his answer, he is marginally aware of the betting pool around the stupid game ‘Fluster the Quartermaster’ and its various derivative odds regarding which agent, the timeline, where, method of burn etc. - but he doesn’t want to know the specifics as he wants to maintain plausible deniability should it implode in everyone’s faces. 
Bond is still playing with he cat in the background, trying to teach it commands. Q doesn’t want to say it out loud, so he types it into the group chat on the side of the screen:
::We’re moving his things over later today.::
“Called it!” Jenny slams a hand on the table and punches the air in victory. Oh she knew it! Q taking the Friday off (or any day off for that matter) that had nothing to do with his cats was enough cause for intrigue. 
But after the suspiciously expensive gift in the form of the red Hyundai a few months ago, it was just a matter of time. It was not the cost that was the issue, Bond’s wardrobe of bespoke suits probably cost more than the car several times over - it was the sentiment behind it that gave Jenny the courage to place a sizeable bet on them taking the next step towards cohabitation. The car, she read correctly in Bond’s weird wooing language was tantamount to an engagement ring. 
Nish and the others weren’t as good as reading signs, so majority of the odds were still focused around the early stages “NO! What? Wait… When did this happen? What about first date? First snog? First shag?” Nish scrolls furiously through his phone. 
The bets have taken a far more intrusive route than Q had ever expected. “Well I’m sorry my personal life does not follow the path of standard operating procedure… now can we -please- move on?” He’s acutely aware that he is blushing bright pink from head to toe. 
Jenny shakes her head, the only person that would dare to override him, “Q, you took the day off - so take the day off. The prototype can wait. No emergencies at the moment, the castle is still standing. We’ll call if something pops up. Now bugger off and enjoy your day with -James-!” 
*Sigh* Q rubs his temples and gives in reluctantly, “Fine! Yes, alright…” . He knows when something is a lost cause and the news is likely to cause a buzz in Q-Branch that would last the whole weekend - there goes department productivity. He’d hoped to come up with a less sensational way of disseminating the news. He expects massive ribbing on Monday. 
“Oh! Permission to inform Ms Moneypenny about the change in status?” Jenny asks. The girls are having drinks tonight and it would be hell trying to conceal anything from Eve. 
“No no! I’ll… inform her myself... and please try to keep this within Q-Branch, for now?” Eve would find seven ways of killing him if she had to find out from someone else. She’d already ripped into him, calling him a bloody clueless twit when she’d found out about the car Bond bought him as a ‘birthday gift’. As cars go, it was a cheap one - but Bond’s logic to get him to accept it was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to him. 
When they’ve all signed off, Q shuts down the computer and lets himself be drawn back into the life inside his flat.  Balanced on Bond’s stomach, Jellicles has miraculously learned how to give high-fives on command. 
“Get dressed please. I’d like breakfast before we head over to your place.” Q tell him as he passes behind the agent. He places a hand on James’ shoulder, causing the agent to tip his head back. Q drops a kiss on his forehead.
“By the way, have you told Eve about… this?” Q asks as he combs his fingernails across Bond’s scalp. 
“Mmm… Not yet. Was thinking of letting her know on Monday.” Bond mutters, eyes closed. The relaxed blissed out look on his face was worth enduring a million papercuts. 
“Well, that’ll be too late. Since you’ve gone and announced it with as much discretion as you conduct your missions…,” Q tugs firmly at Bond’s ears as reprimand, ”…the whole of Q-Branch will know before morning tea. Which means Eve will find out by lunch.”
Just then Q’s phone on the dinning table buzzes with an incoming call. They both pause to stare at the screen. Caller ID displays ::Moneypenny:: ominously. 
“I’ll get dressed. You tell her… She called me a dithering halfwit just last week.” Bond straightens before bolting for the bedroom. 
“Coward!” Q yells at him. He steels himself to answer the phone. When he does, he all but squeaks, “Hello Eve?—“ 
——— FIN————
Notes: The mention about the car gift is from another fic of mine and can be found here - Car troubles and Not Quite Dates.
If you liked this fic, there’s more like it on the blog. Enjoy!
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floatingpetals · 5 years
Boys in Blue || Pt. 12
Pairings: cop!Stucky x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff
Word Count: 3900+
Summary: (Cop AU) There was just one crappy thing after enough that happened to her. It possibly couldn’t get any worse, or so she thought until she saw the dreaded flashes of red and blue behind her. Could things get any worse?
A/N: Ayyo! Another part! I think this story is going to be coming to a close here soon, I’m running out of things to write about and want to end on a positive note that isn’t lackluster. I don’t know how many more chapters are left, but it’s not gonna be a whole bunch. That being said, let me know what you think of this chapter! Enjoyy (also I’m on a lot of cold meds so I’m sorry if some of the sentences don’t make sense because it’s hard to think straight right now lol)
The gifs are not mine, credit to the owner.
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Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Series Masterlist
“Hey baby girl, do you think is this okay?”
Y/N pause mid swipe of her mascara and glanced back at Bucky. He stood in front of his closet, rolling up the sleeves of his button-down. It was the pretty blue one with little pineapple patterns she bought him a few months back, the top three buttons were undone giving a peak of his chest hair. Tearing her eyes away from the delicious view, her gaze fell on his dark wash jean and his brown suede boots. Y/N’s lips curled up in a smile, finding what was reflected in the mirror was absolutely delicious. She finished her eyelashes before she turned to him.
His face was pulled in a nervous grimace, once again tugging at his sleeve nervously. Crossing the small distance, Y/N reached up and smoothed his collar. Instinctually, his hands settled on her hips to keep her in place.
“Of course it’s okay.” Y/N hummed, pressing a kiss to his chin. “You look good enough to eat if I’m honest.”
Bucky’s cheeks flared to life, a pretty shade of pink spreading across his face. He chuckled low and ducked his chin against his chest. She giggled with and wrapped her arms around his neck, closing the short distance with a searing kiss. She couldn’t stop herself from holding back.
Bucky inhaled sharply and tightened his grip on her waist before he deepened the kiss. A groan bubbled up his chest, warmth spreading up his spine. He nipped at her lower lip, begging for her to open and let him in. When she didn’t, he let out a puff of air through his nose and yanked her hips against his. It made Y/N gasp surprised gasp leaving Bucky to quickly delve in for his prize.
“Hey, Maddie wasn’t to know if it- What are you doing?”
Bucky and Y/N both froze at the disproving tone, their eyes fluttering open as they reluctantly pulled back. They turned their heads slowly to the doorway where Steve was standing. He held his phone in one hand, the other on his hip and a single eyebrow raised.
“Uh.” Y/N mumbled uncertainly.
“Nothing?” Bucky tried.
Steve groaned loudly and let his head fall back.
“We’re not gonna be late to Maddie’s party because you two can’t keep it in your pants for a few hours.” Steve groaned. “I’m not saving you either of you from her wrath when you have to tell her the reason why either.”
“But Stevie!” Bucky whined and reached for Steve, but he was quick to bat his boyfriend's hand away.
“Nope. Break it up. You should have gotten it out last night.” Steve tutted. “And if you didn’t, you’re gonna have to wait for tonight.”
“Oh, so we get a repeat?” Bucky smirked, wagging his eyebrows at the insinuation. Y/N giggled and shook her head while she smacked his chest with the back of her hand. Steve was less than amused and threw his hands up.
“I give up with you.” He grunted and spun around to leave the room. “You two have five minutes and then I’m leaving you here.”
Y/N and Bucky exchanged looks before they burst out into laughter. Bucky pressed a kiss to her forehead before he stepped back.
“Come on. We don’t want to keep Grandpa waiting.” He snorted. There was noise from the living room that sounded like a mix of a scoff and an indignant shout.
“I heard that!”
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They could hear the kids when they stepped out of the car and Y/N was already mentally preparing herself for the next few hours. Y/N couldn’t see it, but she knew the group of four and five-year-olds were most likely in the backyard with the bounce house. She glanced over her shoulder to Steve and Bucky. Neither looked slightly fazed by the high-pitched screaming coming from Maddie’s backyard. In fact, she’d say they both looked a little excited.
“You two ready for this?” She asked at the door, her hand on the door handle. Bucky beamed and nodded while Steve laughed at his eagerness.
“You make it sound like we’re walking to our deaths.” He snorted. Y/N raised a brow, smirking at their naivety.
“Oh, just wait.”
Bucky and Steve paused, shooting each other a nervous look while Y/N swung the door open. The sound of the music hit them full force, and the barrier keeping the squeals of excitement and energy now gone. Y/N led them through the house to the kitchen where Maddie was at with some of the other parents.
“We’re here!” Y/N called out over the music. Maddie’s head snapped in the direction of the doorway, a wide relieved smile spreading on her face. No one bat an eye when she abandoned their conversation and went to wrap her arms around Y/N.
“Oh thank god! I thought I scared you off!” She laughed. Y/N giggled and squeezed Maddie in a tight hug.
“What and let you eat all the cake I labored over getting? Hell no!”
Maddie scoffed and rolled her eyes. She stepped out of Y/N’s hug and turned to Steve and Bucky.
“Hey, you two!” She greeted, giving them each their own tight hug. “While I’m so happy to see you, there’s one little man who won’t shut up about you three.”
Steve blinked in surprised and cocked his head to the side. He’s met little Robert before, he and Bucky both had a few months back, right before Bucky’s accident. He was a little shocked the boy remembered them, especially considering the situation.
“Well yeah,” Maddie giggled. “How could he forget the two big men that saved his dad when the tire blew out on the highway? You were the hero to him that day.”
Bucky and Steve were on patrol when the call came in a few months back with a spin out on the highway during a rainstorm. The tire blew and the car lost control on the wet roads onto the shoulder. Since they were close, Bucky and Steve both arrived on the scene first, and both were surprised to see a panicked Jason and distraught Robert in the back seat. While Bucky helped Jason change the tire, Steve took it on himself to help calm Robert. He took the little boy to his cruiser and let him mess with the sirens and lights in hopes it would help.
A tiny smile grew on Steve’s face, warmth growing in his chest. It wasn’t that big of a deal with how he handled the situation. He had no idea he left that big of a mark on Robert.
“Anyways, he’s in the yard with the rest of the hooligans.” Maddie patted Steve’s shoulder. “There’s plenty of food here, beers in the fridge for the grownups. And I have Tylenol on standby for anyone who will need it. I’ll put his gift up if you want to settle in.”
Bucky beamed and handed her the big Spiderman gift bag with the matching tissue paper. Maddie shooed the three off and went into the den to put the gift up.
“Come on,” Y/N took Steve’s hand and tugged his through to the open French doors and outside.
She stopped to say hello to some of the familiar faces, a few neighbors and the handle of relatives from Jason’s and Maddie’s family. No one seemed to bat an eyelash when she introduced both Steve and Bucky as her boyfriend. Everyone was warm and welcoming at the strange trio. Y/N had a nagging feeling that Maddie must have gotten to the group before they arrived and was silently thankful for her forethought.
There was a delighted scream from the bounce house that made her smile grow. She’d know that sound anywhere. She turned to the voice and spotted the birthday boy himself sprinting full force towards her.
“Auntie Y/N!”
“Bobbert!” Y/N crouched low and caught him as he threw himself through the air and into her open arms. He let out a peal of laughter when she stood and spun him around. “Happy birthday my handsome man!”
Steve and Bucky stood back, grinning madly at the way Y/N interacted with him. She was so at ease with him, sliding easily in the role of his favorite aunt. While he chatted on in her ear, telling her all about his great party, Y/N shifted him to her hip. A pang of something shot through Bucky’s chest when she turned to face them. It made him stop short and sucked in a sharp breath. What was that?
“I brought you another gift too!” Y/N exclaimed. Robert gasped and a beamed at the sight of Bucky and Steve.
“Officer Steve! Officer Bucky!”
Steve stepped up, a smile matching the one Robert had on his face.
“Hey big man, happy birthday!”
“Thank you!” The little boy glowed with joy. Steve looked over to Bucky, who had a strange look over his face. He paused and tilted his head as he regarded his boyfriend.
“Buck?” He reached out and gently tugged at Bucky’s hand. Bucky blinked rapidly and seemed to shake off whatever the thought was. He cleared his throat and smiled shakily at Robert. Of course, the four-year-old didn’t know any different, but both Y/N and Steve saw the strange change in his demeanor.
“Hey bud, you havin’ a good birthday so far?”
It was more than enough for Robert. With excitement that only a four-year-old hopped on sugar could have, he went on and on about all the fun he’s had so far with his party. Once he deemed everyone was up to date with the happenings of his party, Robert was ready to be put down and off like a light towards the rest of his friends in the backyard.
“Well. Let’s hope he burns off all that energy before bedtime tonight.” Y/N giggled and rested her hands on her hips. Slowly, she turned to Bucky, who was looking anywhere but at her. “You okay though?
Bucky cleared his throat and nodded quickly.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Sorry. Don’t know why my brain stopped like that.” He chuckled. Steve gentle squeezed Bucky’s arm, a soft smile turning up the corner of his lip. Bucky let out a breath and clapped his hands. “Let’s get somethin’ to eat. I think I smell some of Jason’s famous burgers?”
Maddie appeared swiftly at his side with a wide grin. Bucky jumped, his head whipping around to gape at her with wide eyes.
“As a matter of fact yes!” She replied. “I think Jason’s getting a few more burgers ready on the grill. You can probably run over there and ask him to add cheese to a few if you want. We have some hot dogs, black bean patties and grilled chicken if you want that instead. Grab a plate and relax!”  
Maddie patted Steve’s back and wandered off to mingle the rest of the party.
“Well. I dunno about you. But I’m gonna grab a plate.” Bucky shrugged and walked towards the house, dodging a few of the children that were running around the yard. Y/N and Steve both exchanged a look, laughing softly to each other before they too headed over to get some food.
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“Have I ever told you how much I love and appreciate the fuck outta you?”
Y/N laughed at the over the top adoring expression Maddie was sending her way and went back to cleaning up the island.
The cake sat on the counter, less than a third left. The party was almost over, the birthday boy still in the back with the few party-goers who were hanging around until the last minute. Jason was out in the back with, Bucky, Steve, and the few parents and family members while Maddie and Y/N started their clean up. From what Y/N saw, today was a success and Robert was a happy four-year-old. Everyone was winding down from the sugar rush and here soon the kids would be ready for a much-needed nap. Honestly, Y/N was considering a nap herself after all was said and done
“You’ve said that about a thousand times today.”
“Well, I mean it,” Maddie stated simply. “This would have never been a success without you.”
“I’m sure it would have been just as perfect.” Y/N giggled. Maddie let out an unattractive snort and rolled her eyes.
“Doubt it. I’ve been a hot mess all week.”
Y/N tossed a stack of the dirty paper plates in the trash and turned to Maddie.
“You’ve had a rough week, yes, but both your children are alive, happy and in one piece. I’d say it’s a pretty good week all things considered.”
Maddie shot her a side glare and finished putting the left-over burgers in a container.
“I was seconds away from having a complete and utter mental break down when you showed up Thursday. This party was definitely going to flop if you hadn’t shown up like the fairy godmother you are. Jason’s job sure picked a hell of a week to send him on a business trip.”
“I still think it would have been great,” Y/N waved her off. “What do you want to do with the cake?”
Maddie sighed, but took Y/N’s change in topic and went to wipe down the counter.
“We might keep a few slices, but I don’t want all this sugar around. Why don’t you grab some for you Bucky and Steve.”
Y/N nodded with a hum. She took a paper plate and started cutting up a few slices for her and her men. A tiny bit of warmth spread in her chest at that thought and she couldn’t stop her grin from spreading on her face. Her men. Lost in her pleasant thoughts, Y/N was wrapping the plate up with saran wrap when Maddie sided up next to her with a determined look on her face. Y/N blinked, startled at Maddie's sudden appearance.
“Can I help you?”
“No, yes. Maybe.” Maddie muttered. Y/N huffed and set the plate aside. Resting her hip on the island, Y/N crossed her arms and turned her full attention to Maddie.
“What’s up? You have something you wanna say so spit it out.”
Maddie’s mouth fell open and snapped shut several times, for the first time in a long-time Y/N was astounded to see her friend so unsure of herself. It wasn’t like Maddie to not be able to speak her mind. Certainly, this was something difficult for her to talk about.
“Maddie?” Y/N pressed in concern. Maddie sighed and tossed aside the rag she was ringing in her hands.
“Okay. I’m only asking you this because I love you, you’re my best friend and I really want to know.” Maddie began. “How are things going with Bucky and Steve?”
“Oh. We’re doing great I think.” Y/N thought it would be a worse question than she thought. “I mean, we’re goin’ on 7 months in two weeks and neither of them had decided to leave me yet, so I’m gonna assume it’s going great.”
“You did go through a lot with them within three months of dating them. You know… Once you cleared up the misunderstanding and all that.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Y/N laughed with a snort. “Honestly, if we survived all that I think we’ll get through anything at this point.”
Y/N turned to Maddie with a wide smile and stopped short at the serious expression on her face.
“Where do you see this going?”
“What… What do you mean?” Y/N asked shakily.
“You know what I mean. You’re spending a lot of time on with them and it’s getting’ pretty serious, real damn fast.” Maddie explained. Y/N didn’t respond right away, a bit blindsided by the question. Softer, Maddie kept talking. “You know I caught them both staring at you the was Jason stares at me when he thinks I’m not paying attention to him. They had this stupid ooey-gooey smitten look on their faces every time you were around the kids or hell just when they looked at you in general. It was disgusting to be completely honest, I had to look away or else my teeth would rot out of my skull.”
Y/N giggled, her cheeks burning and she ducked her chin. Maddie groaned and threw her hands up.
“Don’t get me started on the looks you kept giving them. God! If I didn’t already know you have, I’d have yelled at you three to get a freaking room already.” Maddie faked a gag. “I thought the sweetest thing was gonna be the cake, but you three-beat that by a long shot.”
“We’re not that bad.” Y/N tried to defend herself, giggling despite herself.
“Oh yeah, you are. Mee-maw wants to know when’s the wedding so she can, as she put it so eloquently, ‘get turnt’ with all the kids.” Maddie snorted and rolled her eyes. Mee-maw was Maddie’s grandmother who was also a 23-year-old woman in a 93-year-old body. When Y/N would wonder where Maddie got her attitude, all she had to do was look up the matriline on Maddie’s side and it made perfect sense.  
“Get turnt?” Y/N repeats slowly, dumbfounded but equally amused.
“She’s been spending too much time with the twins. Apparently, they’re teaching her the teen lingo or some crap. I dunno. Mee-maw’s stopped terrorizing the nurses in the home with their visits, so we’ve decided to pick our battles. Now, quit changing the subject.” Maddie pointed a finger at Y/N, narrowing her gaze at her best friend. “Where do you see this going? Do you see a future with them?”
“I-I don’t know?” Y/N stammered lamely. Maddie was less than impressed and kept pushing.
“I get it, you’re in a less than conventional relationship with them and some aspects are going to be a little difficult. It still doesn’t mean you can’t be in it for the long haul. So my question to you; can you see yourself having a future with them?”  Maddie cocked her hip to the side. “Better yet, do they want there to be a future?”
Y/N paused and shot a glance to the backyard where the two of the men who had stolen her heart stood. She didn’t have to think about it. Y/N knew the answer right away. But the worry about what they wanted always nagged in the back of her mind. It was stupid, she knew it. They had never once shown her they were only in this for a short-term fling, in fact, just two weeks ago Bucky rather enthusiastically made space in their double dressers for her to store some clothes. She knew they adored her, and she adored them.
Today alone made it clear that Y/N wanted a future with them. They were a bit awkward with the kids at first, but once they got over the little bit of doubt, the two were naturals. All the kids loved them and demanded attention from them any chance they got. Y/N had even caught a few of the parents commenting on how easy they made it look. She didn’t know where they stood with having kids, hell she wasn’t even sure where she was when it came to that topic either, but seeing them breeze through the whole situation without batting an eyelash made her heart do funny skips in her chest. Not to mention they looked drop-dead gorgeous while they did it.
“Of course I do,” Y/N sighed with her back to the French doors. “I mean, I love them for fuck’s sake. I really can’t see myself without either of them. When Bucky got shot, it was awful. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt so helpless. And that was only, what three and a half or four months in? God, I can’t even begin to imagine what it would have been like if that happened now.” Y/N let out a heavy sigh and rested her elbows on the island to bury her face in her hands. “I’m gonna have to have a conversation about this with them, aren’t I?”
“What and tell them how much you’re stupidly in love them and want a future with them? I think that be a pretty easy conversation considering they both feel exactly the same way.” Maddie replied smoothly.
“Really?” Y/N asked with a hint of disbelief.
“Honey, those two would do anything for you, no questions asked. They didn’t have to come to Robert's party and be around all the people who might judge them for their life choices, but they did. Because they knew it was important to you.” Maddie explained as a matter of fact.
“Yeah, speaking of did you tell everyone before we got here?”
“Yup, fortunately, all my friends and family don’t give a shit but that’s not important. What’s important is you are all stupidly in love and even though you can’t technically get married without getting arrested, we can still throw a big ass part and get ‘turnt’! Mee-maw’s not getting any younger!”
“I swear to god Maddie,” Y/N snorted and rubbed her temple. Maddie laughed and patted her shoulder before she turned back to clean up the rest of the food. She caught sight of someone frozen at the door in the corner of her eye. A slow smile spread on her face when she realized who it was. Pretending they weren’t there, Maddie continued on.
“You know what I mean. I just want you to be happy and they make you happy. I’ve also seen you nearly mess this up because you three don’t talk, so I just want to give you a push in the right direction. You three deserve each other.” Maddie threw a wink over her shoulder towards the french doors.
Y/N groaned. “You're ridiculous. But I know. We need to talk about it. I’m just scared is all.”
“Nothin’ to be scared about.” Maddie waved off Y/N’s concern. She smirked at something over her shoulder before she went back to the cabinet to grab some containers. Y/N simply grumbled and went back to pick up the stray cups around the room, completely oblivious to what was behind her. “Oh shush.”
As the two bickered with each other in the kitchen, the shadow silently stepped away before Y/N could spot him and headed back to his other third. A giddy smile spread on his face at what he overheard in the kitchen. 
Bucky turned to Steve when he came back from the house, frowning when he noticed the other was missing the beers he said he was going to grab.
“Did you forget something?” Bucky asked.
“Nope,” Steve beamed and pressed a kiss against Bucky’s temple. Bucky was bewildered, but also at the point he was too exhausted to care. He simply melted against Steve’s side and let out a content sigh.
Steve would explain to Bucky what he overheard later. Right now, he was happy just enjoying the rest of a rather great day. He’d wait a few more minutes before he would head off to the kitchen to get some beer, pretending he didn’t just hear what he had been wanting to hear for weeks come out of Y/N’s mouth. 
They would definitely discuss everything later, maybe after they’ve each had a long shower and some wine to help unwind. Maddie was right though. There was nothing to be scared about.
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