#also i have this weird feelings and sometimes i cannot read fics for the love of me
rainbenrry23 · 10 months
Hello! How do you read fics and books at the same time? Because since I started to read fics 3 years ago, I have only read a book and I used to read more than 30 at least 🥲
Baby, it’s easy! I’m a gemini with ADHD
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Types of AO3 Summary
Option 1 - The Excerpt:
The quickest, the easiest! Find a section of your fic that contains the main premise of said fic and also showcases your writing. Copy paste that into the summary box. BOOM! Done.
Best used for any fic, unless it's so short the excerpt would be the whole fic.
Option 2 - The No Frills:
Just a description of the fic. No need for drama. No need to complicate matters. Keep it simple, keep it safe.
Example: "A short character exploration of Blorbo's thoughts after Daisy leaves."
Best used for short fics, poems and fics where the style/format is more important than the plot. Or fics that tie directly into a scene/episode from canon or another fanfic.
Option 3 - The Hook:
Draw the reader's interest by giving them a set up with no conclusion. Introduce the main character(s), introduce the status quo, describe an inciting incident, leave a question in the reader's mind.
Example: "Blorbo is a barista at a coffee shop, struggling to pay their bills, but after handsome rockstar Obrolb walks into their coffee shop they find that they have to decide whether a chance at love is worth the cost of fame."
Best used for mid to long fic where there's a strong premise and follow through. Especially good for AUs. Can be expanded for more complex plots or used multiple times in one summary for multiple characters or subplots.
Option 4 - The Sitcom One-Liner:
"The one in which [over simplified description of one of the main plotlines]" This is essentially 'boil your plot down to the very simplest statement you can, oversimplify if possible. The more bizarre or unhelpful the better.
Example: "The one in which Blorbo learns to like cake".
Best used for fics with at least a little humour in them.
Option 5 - The Rule of Three:
Three is a magic number. Find three key moments in your fic and just list them. That's it. Often ends with 'not necessarily in that order' if used for comic effect. If it's an AU, establish that quickly (i.e. 'Star NHL player Blorbo…').
Example: "Blorbo makes a friend, falls in love, and almost burns to death, not necessarily in that order."
Best used for anything, really. Three is a magic number. The human brain loves things that come in threes.
Option 6 - The Trope Lure:
Why bother describing the plot? We all know AO3 readers are here for the tropes. Similar to The Sitcom One-Liner just using tropes instead of plot. Often followed by the phrase 'that nobody asked for'.
Example: "The Space western / A/B/O / Mail Order Bride fic that nobody asked for."
Often tacked on to the end of The Hook or The Excerpt as a tl;dr.
Best used for fic that plays its tropes straight with no shame or second guessing.
Option 7 - The Pre-emptive Strike:
(Not recommended) You just wrote this fic, the self doubt is consuming you. You feel the need to apologise profusely for your existence for no apparently reason. You feel cringe, you think the fic is cringe, you want everyone to know that you think the fic is cringe in case they don't like it and judge you for it.
Example: "So I fell in love with this pairing and had to write this. It's weird and terrible. Lol! I suck at summaries! Sorry!"
Best used for no fics ever. I cannot stress this enough.
(Seriously, I am begging you, don't do this. If you're planning to use this option, rethink it and do one of the others. I guarantee you more people will want to read your fic.)
Sometimes added on to any other summary as a strange disclaimer. (srsly. don't.)
Option 8 - The Unapology:
Embrace the mayhem, embrace the deep dark depths of your soul. The opposite of The Pre-emptive Strike. A combination of The No Frills and The Trope Lure that truly gives no fucks.
You have committed crimes and you are proud of them. You know what your USP is and you're going to make sure your target market finds you. Look upon my works, ye readers, and despair!
Example: "There aren't enough tentacle fics in this pairing, so I had to write one myself!"
Best used for fics with controversial/polarising tropes with all relevant details already clearly stated in the tags.
Option 9 - The Interrogation:
What if you wrote a summary entirely in questions? What if your readers had to read the fic to discover the answers? Who knows what will happen if you do this?
Example: "What happens when Blorbo McBlorbo gets his wish and Daisy doesn't make it to the plane on time? What happens when Obrolb finds out? How will this change Daisy and Blorbo's friendship?"
Best used for... I honestly don't know. This style of summary does not vibe with me. Mystery fic maybe? Sorry guys.
Option 10 - The Multipack:
Got a bunch of shorter fics in one work? No way of summarising them all without a wall of text larger than the Great Wall of China? This one is similar to The No Frills in that you're not describing the plots themselves and similar to The Trope Lure in that often broader genres and tropes are mentioned. What links those fics? Are they all in the same fandom? The same pairing? The same challenge? Just slap that right in the summary. A chapter list with 1-2 word trope/pairing summaries can be included or not.
Example: "A collection of Blorbo/Daisy/Obrolb fics based on Tumblr prompts. Chapter 1: Regency AU Chapter 2: Werewolves vs vampires Chapter 3: Ghost!Daisy Chapter 4: Space pirates!"
Best used for (obviously) works that are compilations of fic.
Option ? - The Void:
I said The Excerpt was the quickest and easiest summary to do. I lied, well... I didn't exactly lie. What is quicker and easier than not having a summary at all? After all, that's what the tags are for.
Best used for... nothing? Write a summary, guys. Please?
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
Paige nsfw hcs pls
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut! read at your own discretion!
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
─ ev's notes | the long awaited nsfw headcanons for paigey, i finally got the motivation to write it after i kept reading the INSANE smut yall keep writing (keep it up im lovin it) also this is such a mess, this is just rambling and not organized whatsoever, but wtv i hope yall enjoyed :)
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woo, where do i even begin?
let's begin with the obvious, paige is a TOP, i can't stress this enough
i genuinely can't see anyone topping her she's just .... a TOP
but that doesn't mean she won't let you take the reigns every once in awhile, esp after a bad game/tiring practice because everyone once to be taken care of sometimes
i'm def not the first person to say this and certainly will not be the last but STRAP GAME GOES SOOOOO HARD
i feel like at first she's gonna be weirded out cus like... she likes only girls for a reason??? and she has her mouth and fingers??? why would she need a piece of plastic to make her girl feel good???
but the first time y'all try it, she's hooked
she forgets ab her hands after that
jk but like
yeah she's HOOKED
she gets really into it LOL, def can imagine her calling the strap her dick
oh and she fucks HARDDDD like, no room to breathe or anything
like you'll be gasping for air after and she'll be super duper proud
i read this one fic with like the dual ended one (i didn't even know that existed) and then i was like yep, yes this is the oneee
with positions, i can't see her doing anything more than like missionary (cus she loves to see your pretty face) and like from the back
but as soon as she discovers riding, it's OVERRRRR for you
she's making you ride her strap anytime she can, cus she loves it
she has her hands on your hips as she's guiding you and she LOVES IT so fucking much, like the power she has over you makes her go feral
oh and do not get me started on sucking her strap, cus again she loves the power she holds over you
she has your hair in a ponytail and the more you get comfortable with the whole thing, she WILL make you gag
she acts like it's her dick (yeah i know we covered that) but like esp when you're sucking her strap, she will just dirty talk u the entire time
"you like my dick, pretty girl? like gagging on my dick?" cus yeah, u do
oh and yes, she does have breeding kink
it breaks her heart that she can't get you pregnant 😪
but she sure as hell will pretend to!!!!!
will 100% bend you over and just yap about getting you pregnant
also if she's fucking you in missionary, she expects you to look at her the entire time
so if you turn away, she will grab your face and keep you looking straight at her
paige is a D1 yapper i fear, and that would 10000% seep into the bedroom LMAO
mostly praise cus babygirl would feel really bad but when she gets into, she GETS into it
like she will call you her slut as she's about cum
that post-nut clarity goes hard the first time tho cus she's like no way i called my gf a dirty fucking slut 😭😭 she sits with her thoughts for a good 10 minutes trying to recollect herself
she is a munch for sure, like she will eat you out for hours and hours on end (not an exaggeration btw)
but she LOVES when you give back
it makes her go fucking feral when she sees you eating her out, like yessssssssssssss
she has to close her eyes bc if she keeps looking at your face, she WILL cum
she has a bad hair pulling problem, like she will grip your hair so hard your head will hurt after
it's apart of the appeal tho 🎀
her fav spot to get absolutely ate is her gaming chair cus like, she needs you in between her legs giving her support to get that victory royale 💯💯💯
she hates when she gets ass or tits bc she genuinely cannot pick
it depends on the day bc they're both great, she will never pick one
i feel like she's definitely thought ab fucking you in public but she can't risk it
the only time yall did was in a bathroom at an event and it was SOOO bad afterwards cus everyone could tell
you had to pretend like you didn't get your brains fucked out and paige had to pretend she didn't DO the fucking
but lowkey she enjoyed it a lot, but would she do it again?
maybe, a solid maybe (with the right motivation)
okay but like ....
she def has fingered u while the girls are over cus like, she was in a silly mood?
you just looked too fucking good, she had to
but thank god no one noticed (at least to yalls knowledge...)
she's a horny fuck ARGUE WITH THE WALL
she will get turned on by anything you do, like homegirl is just sooooo down bad for you
you could be applying chapstick and paige will be like "we need to fuck, now."
paige's aftercare is just giving you water and cuddling with you for 10 mis while scrolling on tiktok and then gets up to play fortnite with kk
she literally is the tiktok where it's like "after he rearranges my organs he goes and plays fortnite" i hope yall know what i'm talking about
but you don't mind ofc cus she makes you sit on her lap while playing
but then turns into another round cus shes a horny fuck
paige is all for hickies on YOU but she gets pissed when you give her a hickey cus she's like people are gonna see
like she's the only one who has to deal with the public 🙄🙄🙄
but she loves marking you EVERYWHERE, esp on your collarbone like it's so sexy
oh and god bless you in the summer, the ones on your thighs are getting AIRED OUT bc paige does not care
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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why do so many people keep calling ed izzy's abuser? I thought it was kind of funny how wrong they were at first because I love being right but at this point I feel like, if you really believe that why do you even like this show? where the main love interest is a violently abusive indigenous man? that sounds boring as shit. what would possess the writers of the show for them to make such an awful decision?
but then I think, if this many people believe it does that mean I'm the one who's wrong? or is it that the creators fumbled that storyline when they should have been clearer about it? or maybe it's just that most people on here have had their reading comprehension scorched away by Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theories and Steven Universe discourse. I can't tell. sometimes I think the internet may have been a mistake.
No they're wrong here's what's going on. People all read this shitty fic called Hell or High Water where Ed was everything the Izzy stans say he was and then instead of realizing that Ed is sad everyone regressed into thinking that the Kraken Era TM was going to be incredibly violent, like serial killing blond men because they look like Stede levels of violence. Even if you didn't read HoHW you saw art or read fic from people who had engaged with this fic and succumbed to it's premise. So there's been this background radiation of misunderstanding what the Kraken is on the fandom for several months. So inevitably when Ed did some mild violence and then attempted suicide by threatening murder until the crew took matters into their own hands, which is not abuse or torture by any stretch, btw, it's a murder-suicide at worst (I say at worst because I consider it fuckery-suicide I don't think Ed was trying to kill people I think he was trying to force them into a situation where they thought it was kill or be killed so that they would choose to kill him, but that is my interpretation and you are free to think it's a botched murder-suicide I have no problem with that), which, murder is something the show has never condemned and if it did it would be horribly inconsistent. So anyway, Ed's whole Kraken Era was categorized in the show by him being sad and doing so many drugs and begging someone please god anyone to kill him and trying to break Ned Low's record out of the evil boredom, but because it had a murder-suicide element to it and Izzy's toes were getting removed and he waved a gun around at everyone once (in a way that felt to me like he was trying and failing to work up the nerve to blow his own brains out but I digress) people who liked HoHW and were mad that people had called it out were like "see hes being violent HoHW author vindicated" as if anything Ed did rose to the level of that fic
And you want to know how I know this read is bullshit? Because when I watch the show with people who don't read fic or interact with the fandom and then I gauge their reactions without showing my hand they all implicitly understand that Ed is reacting to Izzy in a way appropriate to how pirate captains react to threats from subordinates. The spectrum of reactions has been from "hey isn't it weird how Ed was the Kraken because his dad was abusive and now he's the kraken because of Izzy? Maybe there's something there but idk" to "I don't think you can apply the logic of domestic abuse to a pirate captain and first mate but also Izzy had it coming" to "I cannot feel bad for Izzy after last season, I'm sorry." To "lmao Izcel" and I've showed this show to roughly everyone I know. The only thing I can conclude from the fact that people who don't engage with OFMD fic almost unilaterally thinking that Izzy is in the wrong and then coming online to see people thinking the opposite is that Izzy as victim and Ed as abuser is pure fanon, like how Stede is a cinnamon roll who talks like Azeriphael.
But anyway yeah you're completely right about the fact that this would be a bad show if they decided to make Ed into a domestic abuser. I don't want to watch a rom com about a domestic abuser falling in love and I don't want a show that decided to make it's indigenous lead abusive when the stereotype of indigenous men as abusers is still to this day used as an excuse to separate indigenous children from their families and put them with white Christians in order to erase their culture. Good thing OFMD didn't make Ed abusive, so I still like the show.
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
this has been happening a lot recently so I wanted to talk about it here
y'all gotta reblog (and comment) the fics you guys like. This isn't twitter, the only person that knows you liked that post is the author and likes don't really say much here on tumblr, bc sometimes you like a post cause you'll read it later not bc you actually like it.
The only way other people will know that you actually enjoyed something is by putting it in your blog through an rb.
And like, I'm talking about reblogs here but also, commenting is so, so, so important bc that's how you truly know that people are reading, that they are enjoying it.
Because, here's the thing: Yes, i am writing fics bc I want to, and they are first and foremost for myself, but...I'm posting them for a reason. If they were for my eyes only, I wouldn't put them here and in AO3. I want people to interact, tell me what they think, I want to build community and I can't do that through likes alone.
I cannot tell you guys the amount of times where one single person left a comment an my fic, maybse something as short as "loved this chapter!" an it gave me the boost to write the following chapter.
no one is obligated to comment, or to reblog, I know that, and I'm not demanding it, but this is a...idk plea feels like the wrong word, but maybe something to consider?
Like, I made this comparison to a friend. To keep a fire burning, you need to keep adding fuel, and protect it from the wind, add more wood, blow a little on it. Sure, you can get that initial spark of flame, but it's only going to actually keep you warm if you care for it and in a very weird way, that's how it feels for me. Yeah, I can post the first few chapters and all, but if i'm to keep posting and writing and having ideas, i'm gonna need so kindling too from others.
idk but yeah
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
I really hate posting or acknowledging fandom drama unless it serves to support or encourage people who are feeling down about it but this is a tricky one for me to translate because I'm mad af!
Let's take a deep breath.
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The thing is, about fandom! When you first get here, or get to a new one, or whatever! It's weird, there's etiquette built in, there's invisible rules. But the main thing is like, we're all here because we can't be normal about our blorbo, right?
And it's okay if you project on your blorbo! It's okay if your version of them isn't completely canon-accurate! It's okay if you are isolating a single aspect of their personality/backstory to play with because it speaks to you! YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DO THESE THINGS.
It's also okay if the canon has conflicting information! It's okay if a theme went over your head and you don't consider it! It's okay if you're the only person in the fandom who notices a certain quality and you're the only one talking about it!!
There is enough room here for all of us!
The ENTIRE POINT of fandom and fanworks is to ask questions about the characters, to dissect them, to put them back together. The point of transformative fanworks is to TRANSFORM! If we weren't so deeply invested in these universes and didn't have questions and didn't want more content about all the blank spots, we would just CONSUME THE CANON LIKE A NORMAL PERSON AND MOVE ON WITH OUR GODDAMN LIVES. We wouldn't be bothering to write fic and make art and RP and decode meta! We wouldn't be making this into a hobby and talking about it all day!
It's from LOVE.
I get it, it can be intimidating showing up in a new space or into a new hobby. And sometimes we can step on toes if we don't know all the invisible rules and etiquette. But what I can promise you is that you don't need to make room for people who are rude to you, who try to tell you that their way is the only way, who consistently want to insult you for asking questions, noticing themes, playing with other versions of the characters.
We are ALL HERE to be silly and dick around and have fun, and when someone is being an asshole about it, I think it looks worse for them than it does for you. One of you is minding your business and having fun and the other one is trying to tell everyone what to think lol.
Please protect yourself from bullies; don't let someone police the way you read canon, or the way you speak about your fav, or the fanworks you create. These people are not your friends, and they are not your audience. You do not need their acceptance to have fun and make things.
Fandom shouldn't be this fucking exhausting, yall. It costs zero dollars to be nice to people and let them enjoy their fucking blorbo in peace and you look like a fucking asshole when you don't shut the fuck up about it and sow discord in a shared space.
People's horrendously OOC takes do not affect you at all even a little bit not even when they're so so so so so OOC that you think you need to be Fandom Professor rising from your well to shame us! It cannot and will never hurt you, so leave them the fuck alone and let them have fun!!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
Xander and Gigi head cannons pls?
xander and gigi head canons
of course<3. they will literally be the best duo imaginable. i can feel it. not proof read so i apologize if anything doesn't make sense. hope you like them <3. @catapparently helped a bit with this one.
they will literally prank everyone all the damn time. they have a white board filled with prank ideas. (they once replaced jamie's alcohol with disgusting juice mixes they made. jamie ended up barfing for an entire day)
gigi is into robotics and stuff but doesn't know much about it. xander will sit with her for hours a day trying to explain everything to her.
they love playing twister for some odd reason. they're always trying to beat each other's scores.
xander is one of the only people (if not the only person) who gives her coffee voluntarily.
gigi loves lemon flavored scones and xander loves the blueberry ones, so they're always debating and fighting over who is right. (their debates get so intense. once, xander ended up in the pool naked (don't ask me how))
they comment on each other's posts saying things like "omg slay girl boss you ate that up" and stuff like that
when they gossip, they literally hold nothing back. gigi will be talking about a hookup (if she has any), and she'll be like 'and then he pulled out and he said "*****" to me whilst touching my **** and i literally almost came'. xander just sits there half traumatized and half really invested.
gigi writes fanfic on ao3 and will dedicate her fics to xander
speaking of fanfics, xander is also her beta reader sometimes
they cause arguments wherever they go. they'll be having dinner with skye, zara, and the others, and they'll purposely say smth like "omg did you hear that skye hooked up with zara's husband". everyone starts screaming, and they just sit in the back eating popcorn
they listen to cupcakke (the girl with the really dirty songs) together and scream the lyrics.
gigi once walked in on xander getting dressed (he was completely naked). she was so shocked she couldn't move, and xander just stood there staring at her. gigi managed to walk away (disgusted bc she just saw one of her closest friends naked), and xander was blushing profusely cause he was embarrassed.
they have the weirdest nicknames for each other. they call each other things like 'my little sugar plum sprinkled with pickles' or stuff like that.
xander flirts with gigi around grayson just to piss him off and gigi does the same (grayson gets weirded out cause although xander and gigi aren't related, he's related to both of them)
when they facetime, they literally bring each other everywhere. xander will literally go to the toilet with her on the phone. they have no shame.
they have an insta account together where they post the craziest shit ever (they sort of post videos like the sturniolo triplets. i don't watch them, but from what i've seen they remind me of gigi and xander)
xander and gigi make edits of gigi's cats and post them on tiktok.
they both decided to get a helix piercing. (they have matching earrings).
xander and gigi go to sex shops and laugh at the toys. they'll see lingerie or smth and gigi will go 'it's so coquette it turns me off'
gigi and xander cannot spell properly when they text. they'll be trying to say 'yoo wanna come over for a sleepover' but it comes out as 'yu wsna cime ocer for a skeepkowr' or smth like that
they were once at the park pushing each other down slides, but gigi pushed xander too hard and he fell face first into the grass.
after this event, she changed his contact name to 'grass eating cow'
gigi is a little too comfortable around xander. she asks him things like 'do you think one of my boobs is bigger than the other' or 'do you think my ass is slapable'. xander usually just stays quiet unless gigi insists he responds, and then he panics and says something random.
they go to stores to just touch all of the blankets until they find the softest ones, and then they buy them. in their opinion, you will not get a good night's sleep if you don't have a good blanket.
they get really cold easily so they're always huddled up together in a corner.
gigi is the grumpiest person you could ever imagine when she's on her period. xander runs around getting her everything she asks for when she has cramps and stuff freaking out because he doesn't want her to kill him.
gigi and xander vent to each other a lot. they're really similar and so they get each other like no one else does. they cry in each others arms regularly but always end up laughing bc some of their problems are just so stupid.
gigi helps him draw his missing eyebrow back on for events with an eyebrow pencil. she's gotten quite good at it.
at the end of the year, they organize this event where they talk about their fav fanfics and crown one as their absolute fav (they have different categories like smut, romance, au, etc)
for halloween one year, gigi dressed up as a dildo and xander as a pocket p*ssy (gigi dared him to)...
(don't mind that last one, my sister dared me to add it)
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ughgoaway · 7 months
happy (late) halloween omg ace! i am so glad to see we are all in shambles over the halloween show i swear matty chose violence (quite literally) with the patrick bateman costume like..... will instantly be imprisoned if I voiced my thoughts about those photos bye-
also the halloween blurb???????? mainly just sending this to scream ab how it literally killed me bye this is so stupid but it instantly made me so happy to read after work and oh i am weepy and weak at the idea of annie masterminding a group costume 😭 even the simplest or ur writings i absolutely adore (still not over the massive list of pre reader dad matty blurbs oh that made my DAY i tell u...)
can we just.... the idea of annie begging u to join them trick or treating,,,, and reader meeting mayhem and mayhem holding the candy bucket in his mouth while annie shows u how well she can walk the 'massive horse dog' 😭😭 and the way u just fit in their unit together so well... oh matty absolutely can feel his heart bursting at the sight gn (and also u getting mistaken for being annies mom/his wife multiple times and the way he just cannot handle how oddly right it feels.... bye!)
(bff anon hopes ur doing better ace! just know basically anything u post..... ive basically read bye need to stop lurking like an insane person 💀 xx)
HAPPY VERY LATE HALLOWEEN!!! It is my fault this is so late, I just couldn't stop talking… are we shocked tho? Jail is calling my name with some of the things I said in dms… let alone my thoughts FUCKING HELL. it was too good-
Stop I'm so glad you liked it, I just love them on Halloween so much. The fact that it made you happy after work actually just added 20 years to my life I'm so glad!!!! I made your day?!?!? Please I'm gonna vomit. You are so sweet and kind. Those ideas were all so fucking good, a google doc has been created bc I loved them so much. You are a genius truly.
Literally, this idea has been living in my mind rent-free in my mind ever since you sent it. MAYHEM HOLDING THE BUCKET YOU'RE KIDDING. Any mayhem content and I am obsessed (hence the mayhem reference in the actual fic), but this image has me sobbing.
(lots more insanity below the cut)
I am gonna alter what you said so slightly bc teacher girlie is PROFESSIONAL and she has work/life boundaries… sometimes… let's say Annie does BEG you to come trick or treating with them and you have to break it to her that you definitely cannot do that but you hope she has the best time ever. “But miss y/n I want you to meet my doggy, he's coming with us. He's gonna be scooby doo! My daddy is shaggy, and I’m Daphne. He's trying to get my uncle George to be Fred, but he wants to have a party with my auntie Charli. They are gonna be-” You have to cut in before Annie gives you a detailed list of everyone she knows costumes (but also, isn't the Scooby gang iconic for them all?!). 
You, of course, have a pumpkin out and are waiting for trick-or-treaters and have the full-size chocolate bars because you always wanted to be that house. A knock at your door happens, and you come running to it in your Wizard of Oz costume. Who is behind that door but the whole Healy family? Matty just makes a noise of shock that he later over-thinks massively, “but Ross, it was such a weird noise. I basically choke-coughed at her. No stop laughing-” Ross eventually assures Matty you didn't notice. 
You did and later tease him about it when you finally get together, “I swear I had to actually bite the inside of my cheek to not laugh, it was so ridiculous” and Matty is like “Can you blame me?? You were in that cute little dress, and you had those plaits with the bows on the end. You were asking me to choke on thin air when you dress like that, sweetheart.” And you're like… “well I think I still have that costume in my wardrobe upstairs if you'd be interested in-”. Immediately, his face lights up, “WHICH ONE? THE BIG WARDROBE OR THE SMALL ONE?” he shouts whilst dragging you up the stairs as you giggle uncontrollably.
Anyway, sorry I got distracted, HALLOWEEN! They're reasonably late in the night, and somehow Matty gatherers himself enough to talk to you, “ohmygod hi!” he says and awkwardly waves, another moment he thinks about far too often (“Why couldn't I do anything normal around you.” and you reassure him “dont worry, babe. it was cute, I swear”) 
Annie perks up and shows you mayhem who just adores you, wagging his tail and you bend down to his level and he's licking all over your face and you just can't stop laughing, matty is mortified. “Oh god y/n I’m so sorry he isn't normally this friendly, very weird actually… but please just- oh mayhem please can you stop-” and he's tugging at the lead trying not to die of embarrassment.
You insist it is fine, and Annie begs you to walk him “Just for a little bit miss y/n! Because then you can see how strong he is and then how strong I am because I walk him all by myself” This comment has you looking at Matty behind her who just shakes his head, confirming that this, in fact, is not true and just another Annie exaggeration.
You agree, grab your bag and come to walk with them for a bit, only after confirming with Matty about 30 times that it's really okay, “are you sure I do not want to intrude” you ask and Matty just dies at your kind eyes looking up at him whilst cuddling mayhem.
“Of course! I'm sure Dorothy would be good friends with the Scooby gang. Please, walk with us” and he offers his hand to pull you up. It's the first time you've really touched, and god, the spark flying thing may seem like a fairytale, but you both swear in that moment that you actually get a shock from the touch. Of course, his hand lingers a little longer than necessary as you stare at each other just vaguely holding hands. Your brain catches up, and you start moving, but god, you wish that moment could've dragged on forever, as does Matty.
As soon as you and Matty get properly talking, you end up walking with them for a longgg time. One house in particular though makes a mistake that lives on in infamy in your relationship in the future.
“oh god, that one house that thought we were together, that moment was on replay in my head for weeks after. The idea that someone else could see us together just confirmed to me I was head over heels for you, and then sadly solidified that it couldn't happen after you corrected her and I was sharply reminded you were my daughter's teacher”
Maybe it's an older woman who opens the door and jumps at mayhem originally but is soon cooing over him and giving him milk bones, “What a pretty boy” and Annie is giggling and telling the woman all about her “horse dog” (nice reference btw bff anon I love u).
Soon, she looks up and actually addresses you and Matty, “Sorry! You must be mum and dad. What a lovely little girl you've raised, and what a beautiful couple you are! Reminds me of me and my husband, constantly talking and laughing” You and matty just stand there open-mouthed like fish for a good few seconds. Annie is, of course, laughing hysterically. You both stutter out explanations, “Oh no-” “Oh I'm actually her teacher. It's a funny story so they knocked and i was like-” Of course, the woman apologised profusely, but the comment haunts you and Matty for WEEKS.
Perhaps a few more people coo at your “lovely family” and perhaps you just… stop correcting them…
Cut to Matty talking to himself (and mayhem) at 3 a.m. in the kitchen whilst making tea, “No it's totally normal people thought that. Man + woman + child + dog = family. and so what we stopped correcting them?? That's normal too… We just got sick of it. And it's also fine that it made me feel weird. It was a weird situation. Anyone would get butterflies at someone saying they're a nice couple. Right, mayhem?” and Mayhem somehow gives him a look that says “Really?” and Matty sighs and nods.
I think this might be the moment he goes “fuck.” and realises he really does like you. And he just… freaks out. Calls Ross and talks a million miles an hour.
I am doing much better and I literally cannot believe someone likes my bullshit enough to read my posts, I am genuinely obsessed with you?!?! KEEP LURKING I LOVE IT! I LOVE YOU!!!
blurb masterlist here!!
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
Hi Bee!
I really admire your work and I'm currently attempting to write my own fic, and I'd love to have some advice on writing stuff.
1) Do you have any tips for writing the beginning of a fic? I cannot figure out how to start writing with a decent sentence. It all falls apart when my fingers go on the keyboard.
2) Do you have any tips for pacing/plot/outlining? I still have barely figured out what pacing is, because I cannot tell when authors are like "oh I don't like this because I rushed the pacing". I literally can't tell most of the time, unless there is not any space to breathe between things that happen.
3) Do you have tips for writing surroundings and the parts of the paragraph that aren't dialogue? Like. How do I naturally fit the description of the area into the fic? And how do I naturally fit extra commentary into a paragraph that has dialogue in it, especially when it isn't the pov character's dialogue?
Again, adore your writing. I feel kind of awkward since I've never done an ask before; idk if there's some kind of etiquette.
Hope you're doing well!
-Royal :)
hi sorry it's taken me a bit to answer this one! I'm more than happy to give some advice!
okay so first off, writing the first line of a fic is borderline torture sometimes. it's so fucking hard. to me though it's kind of like jumping into a cold pool. you can stare at the water thinking about how cold it's going to be and how unsure you are, but then at some point you have to bend your legs and jump before you can overthink it or else you'll never do it. you have to just put something down for the first line.
one method I like employing when I'm really struggling is starting with a line of dialogue. it instantly throws the reader into the scene as they have to try and find out who is talking, what they are talking about, and where everyone is. an example where I used this is in the stars and their children, which opens with a line from tommy "Hey Wil, can you hand me the epli?" this tells us multiple things right off the bat. it establishes a character present in the scene (Wil) and that there's something different about this world from ours (epli—it makes the reader want to know what it is and why it's being handed to the character speaking)
other times I try to either start with a line that describes the setting ("The streets were crowded at this time of day." - everything else has gone wrong), or start with a line that describes the emotions of the pov character ("Lessons were the most unbearable in the afternoon." - under the hanging rose). basically, you're trying to find a way to throw the reader into the scene in one line. it's difficult, but try any of those angles and hopefully you'll think of something that fits. but again, it's jumping into a cold pool. you just have to put something down so you can start. you can always go back and change it later
okay putting the other two under a read more bc it got long
2. okay now pacing. that's a bit more difficult to help with because a lot of pacing is just getting a feel for it. one way is to just think about it logically. say you have two characters that start as strangers and you want to get them to be best friends. you can show them meeting for the first time, but then you often have to show them bonding before they can reach best friend status. there's pacing here both in the literal world of the story, but also in the text itself. you don't want to write them hanging out for a few hours and suddenly decide they're best friends (although ofc there are exceptions to this like if they're little kids bc, well, that is a thing little kids do where they'll declare a kid they just met their best friend), nor do you want to write them meeting for the first time, write a line saying "they hung out every day for the next three weeks until they were best friends" and then just act as though they're besties (again, there are exceptions to this in specific cases). it just feels weird yknow? It doesn't get the reader invested in this relationship because it doesn't feel like it's been earned. it's a similar thing with plot beats. you have to make it feel natural both in the world of the story itself, but also the timing with which you tell the story. like I said though, pacing is really something you just get the hang of naturally with practice. reading published novels will help as well because it'll help you get a sense of what good pacing feels like.
3. ohhhh you've hit a specific issue I had a lot when I was younger. when you have a dialogue scene going on there's a lot of ways you can balance the text outside the dialogue. ofc if the dialogue is going by at rapid speed, you can straight up just do the dialogue lines and you don't even have to specify who's talking if it's clear within the text
"You can't come to my nuclear reactor, Tommy," Tubbo sighed.
Tommy scowled. "What the fuck? Why not?"
"Knowing you you'd find a way to cause a nuclear meltdown."
"Would not."
"Would to."
"Would not."
"Would to!"
"So what, you're a bitch who can't handle a little radiation?"
"Oh for fuck's sake-"
see how after the first two lines of dialogue where I established who is talking in which order, I stop using the tags all together? it's still clear who is talking because the dialogue is ping ponging back and forth. it's a fast-paced conversation, so cutting out the tags helps that effect.
but of course this is only the case in a few instances. most of the time, you do need lines outside dialogue not only to establish who is talking, but also to keep the characters present in the scene itself.
you have several options for what to include outside your dialogue. one of my go to's is always character actions.
"Don't you have one of those swimming pools you keep the nuclear shit in?" Tommy asked, leaning against the wall.
Tubbo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes but before you ask, no, you can't go swimming in it."
there we include the action of tommy leaning against a wall after he asks the question, which is followed by tubbo pinching the bridge of his nose. this lets the reader see exactly what each character is doing, which can also establish the emotions each character is feeling without saying them outright. tommy is comfortable enough with tubbo to annoy him with his questions, which we see by him casually leaning against the wall. tubbo, meanwhile, is annoyed just like tommy wants, which we see by him pinching the bridge of his nose.
characters sitting down, standing up, wringing their hands in front of them, folding their arms over their chest, shrugging, curling their hands into fists, etc. are all examples of character actions you can include to give the reader the ability to picture the scene more accurately
then of course you have thought process and scenery description you can include as well. thought process is just including what your pov character is thinking as the conversation progresses.
"Yes but before you ask, no, you can't go swimming in it."
Tommy huffed and folded his arms over his chest. Tubbo was so fucking boring these days with his 'safety rules'. He'd nearly been nuked before and was fine! A little radiation wasn't going to hurt him.
that right there is a glimpse into what's going on in tommy's head at that moment. he's frustrated with his friend because he thinks he'd be fine swimming in the nuclear pool. it gives us more insight into the pov character and how they're reacting to the conversation at hand.
then for scenery description:
Silence fell over them as Tommy glared at Tubbo. Tubbo glared back, refusing to budge. Around them, the snow coating the ground glittered in the afternoon sunlight. Clouds of breath puffed in front of Tommy's face. An icy breeze wound between the buildings, making goosebumps rise along his arms. He tugged his sleeves down, still not breaking eye contact with his friend.
the conversation falls silent for a moment, so we take a moment to step back from the two characters. we look at the setting around us, which emphasizes the pause in dialogue and makes it feel quiet even to us as the readers. you don't have to restrict your scenery description to moments where a conversation takes a pause, but taking a step back gives a sense of a 'silence' to the reader even if it's brief. another example of this could be,
"Don't bullshit me, Tubbo. Why won't you let me see it?" Tommy asked after several long beats.
Clenching his jaw, Tubbo's eyes flickered to the ground. The snow beneath their boots was muddied. Tommy spotted a dead worm frozen against the hard earth.
Then, Tommy understood.
"You don't trust me anymore."
now let's see this a different way
"Don't bullshit me, Tubbo. Why won't you let me see it?" Tommy asked after several long beats. "You don't trust me anymore."
see how without all that extra description the pause feels much shorter? and with that shorter pause the weight of Tommy's next sentence loses it's emotional impact?
if you want to add scenery description to a dialogue exchange, imagine it like it's a movie. you have two characters that are talking, and suddenly the camera pans away from them to look at the setting around them. why does it do that? what effect does it have on the scene playing out? your words are the camera zooming in and out on the characters. there are a lot of ways you can use this 'camera' to change the rhythm/flow of a scene. you just have to play around with it to figure out how to use it
I hope that's helpful!
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twotangledsisters · 6 months
You’re awesome for posting fic updates not only consistently, but daily! Any tips for keeping up with writing?
Thank you so much! I love updates and writing being a part of my routine and I'm glad other people enjoy it too!
And sure, I can think of some tips:
First, there's a mixture of inspiration and forcefulness. I remember when I was really little I read a post somewhere about how if you want to take something seriously, you have to take it seriously on the days when you're inspired and on the days you're not. That changed how I treat art forever!
But years and years later I learnt a more important lesson, to never overlook the power of inspiration.
It's through a mixture of both that I can really keep up with writing. If I only wrote when inspired, sooner or later I'd get a loooong writing block that would leave me simply paralysed. But I'll often do the 'just one chapter' method, and often writing just a few paragraphs will get me back into the flow. But if I'm still very blocked after a chapter, that's fine.
But if I am inspired, I will follow that. Even if it takes my story in weird directions that weren't planned! A good example is that Caine rescuing Cass in the final S1 fic wasn't planned, she wasn't planned to come along in S2 and certainly did not expect her to fall in love... A lot of their scenes came from me writing while inspired.
Now, stuff such as Eugene's near death in S1 finale, the way Koto framed him, the way Cass had to deal with accusations of witchcraft, those stuff were planned way ahead of time!
It's really important to keep that balance, to have plans and also leave room for inspiration to run wild!
An added bonus, if you feel an intense desire to go write a fic that's completely different to the one you're trying to work on, just let inspiration win. I was struggling a bit with the 'Day of Animals' arc in tangled sisters the other day, then I got the urge to do a little Cass oneshot, so I wrote the oneshot in one sitting and have had zero issues writing since.
Sometimes you can unblock writing block with MORE writing! As long as you're letting inspiration guide you.
Second is to take breaks! I update every day but I do not write every day. I write a few times a week and usually have at least one really long session!
One of my currently updating fics 'Always By Your Side' I wrote half of it in like a week, took a few months break, then wrote the rest and started publishing!
Sometimes long breaks can really help. I've taken several long breaks with Tangled Sisters.
Third is stay ahead. With 'Always By Your Side' I have it completely written so I just proof read on the day of upload. Tangled Sisters I keep track of in Notion:
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Look how cute my fanfic section is!
I'm usually at least 30 chapters ahead but I did take a writing break recently. Soon as I get the next arc done I expect to be well ahead again.
Fourth, motivation! This one isn't entirely your control, but a huge factor for keeping up is just that I'm super motivated! I can thank the amazing people who comment every day, those who comment occasionally, those who leave kudos or send nice asks like this one!
It does sooo much to make me smile and excited for the stories I'm telling.
And if you look at my fanfic section of notion, I have that little box titled kind words, the content actually changed every time I reload the page, it's linked to a little table where I keep track of all the kind words regarding my fics that I've gotten on Ao3 and tumblr! (I also have several bits of fanart by the amazing @rebecagpfs in that page who I cannot thank enough!!!)
So, although you don't have full control over motivation, having a notebook to collect those kind words can help!
Fifth would be talk to people. Have at least one person who's cool with spoilers cause brainstorming is just easier with somebody else! For me @the-writer1988 has got me through sooo many writer's blocks! Often times I just ramble at her until the problem resolves itself, other times it'd be a more active back and forth. But writing friends supporting each other, always great!
And hey, to anybody who wants to ramble about their fics to me I'm always open! I love hearing about people's fics and am huge on the writer supporting writers sorta mentality!
Sixth is just have fun! If you enjoy what you're writing it's going to be sooo much easier than if you don't.
I do want to point out though, every writer's different! I can sit down and write 10k words in one sitting, but a lot of people can't, just like I need five hour to do a drawing many artists can do in an hour.
Writing is an art and you get faster with experience.
Also, I do daily updates because I adore consistency! Having that routine is amazing for me and I think it's lovely for some readers. But I also accomplish that via very short chapters! Sometimes as short as just 600-700 words. Many authors opt for longer chapters that upload weekly but there still writing the same amount!
So yeah, I do hope this helped!
Thank you so much for the ask :D And if anything didn't make sense, please tell me, it's almost 1am here I just noticed but I really wanted to answer this before bed!
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pomefioredove · 24 days
Tbh I was reading the matchup info and now I have an idea for a fic 😂😂😂
But Seriously I really love your writings. I've been having a shitty time and when I read your stuff it gets better and mellows me out ❤️
Personality wise: I can be pretty calm, but I also have my exciting/ manic moments. Like cleaning my room at 3am (cries in bd sleeping schedule). People say I'm nice, and have a good energy. But if someone pushes me (metaphorically) I will push back. I can be petty if I get fed up enough. I get depressed easily and sometimes have trouble expressing myself. Which is weird because I kind of am the therapist friend. I don't talk about my feelings or self often. Sometimes I scare my friends unintentionally, like dropping random tidbits of my life that might sound or be a little traumatic. (I.e. that reminds me of the time my mom told me she would beat my ass if I cleaned her room wring again.) I can be pretty lazy, I sleep A LOT. I am a feminist, who is pretty used to red flags in people.
Interests/ Hobbies: I love reading and trying new art stuff. I am an English major and like learning about the dirty and scary sides of History. My favorite books to read right now are classical literature and disturbing horror books. Art wise I've been trying to get into air dry sculptures. I love to crochet. And when I feel like it I can cook and bake. Sometimes I roller skate, like once in a blue moon. I have trouble with homework sometimes, I can get really distracted. When I'm really tired I won't eat. I have body issues too (thanks mom 🥲). I used to be a vegetarian for almost 10 years. I stopped a couple years ago.
Relationship wise: I like people who are competent. Like, someone who knows their way around the house or are willing to learn. I like feminists. I don't like people who yell at me. When I get into a relationship, love bombing and honeymoon phase stuff kinda turn me off ngl. (Like why r you so free on a regular Tuesday afternoon. I give you butterflies? Digest them, want some pesto bismol? Here.) Ngl, it's like why should I have to come back from a full day of work/school and clean up after you and/or make dinner.
Lifestyle wise: No lie I have depression and anxiety and it can get pretty bad. There are times where I can't take care of myself as well as I wish. I will cry, if someone makes fun of me for it. I try to keep my area clean, when I get back from work/school I clean up a little then crash. I try to deep clean on weekends if I'm not swamped from school.
Specifics: No first or second years pls
Ty 💖💖💖
I match you with 𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
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The First Impression:
One might assume that the first thing Vil notices in a person is their style, or their physical features, or even their body language.
Not really.
Vil absolutely judges people based on their competency, their skill, their dedication to themselves and their passions. And he can absolutely see that in you.
Why He Fell:
What initially attracts Vil is the challenge. He's always looking for new potential, and he can tell that you're both skilled and committed enough to meet his standards- but there's something holding you back. You're quite different from his past potatoes, and he's more than capable of taking a different approach to your case, one without the need for harshness.
Vil isn't one to pry, though he's able to piece together your situation from the random tidbits you drop on him, and soon, his pet project becomes more of a mission. Can't take care of yourself right now? That's fine, he'll do it for you. He'll find a way to create a perfectly manageable routine, fix your sleep schedule, help you with homework, and slowly ease you into a healthier lifestyle with him by your side.
Though he'd never admit it, Vil really likes the feeling of being needed, not just wanted. And, in time, he finds himself needing you and your company just as much.
The Relationship:
You cannot get more competent than Vil Schoenheit. Experience or not, he's a master at navigating relationships, and is more than willing to help you in that regard, as well. He's there at your best and worst, as you are for him- Vil considers the partnership very equal, and would never in a million years dream of upsetting that balance.
(Quite honestly, Vil doesn't want to be treated like an incompetent manchild who can't do anything for himself and he's glad you're on the same page)
He very much appreciates and admires your skillset, interest in learning new things, and your dedication to your passions (one isn't just vegetarian for ten years without some commitment, after all), and sees you as compatible in that regard.
It's a very mature and balanced relationship, one in which you don't even have to imagine him lovebombing or taking you for granted or acting childish. He certainly has his moments, but such is being human.
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coline7373 · 2 years
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"I think you will be needing this..."
There was a time in fandom where people used to make tons of rec lists of their favorite fics. I discovered a lot of great fics this way! I decided to make my own, to treat my codywan fever.
I hope it helps people discover, or re-discover, some amazing fics.
So! For your reading pleasure, here are some of my favourite codywan fics, out there. They aren't all here, because we have been blessed with a lot of great fics for this ship, but I have definively loved all of those.
Good reading!!!
Canon compliant
illicit affairs
Rex catch Cody and Obi-Wan in flagrante delicto and has a lot of feelings about it. Not positive ones. He feels it threaten his brother's life and... well, he's not wrong is he?
But love, between brothers, between a commander and his general can sometimes stronger than risks or reasons.
Painfull but amazing.
It happens during the war and ends during it too, so you don't know what will ultimately happens in this world. Do they make it? You don't know. I didn't put it in canon divergence because, aside from the fact it's codywan, nothing contradict it being canon compliant.
Canon -or not- is not the point, though. The point is the love story of Cody and Obi-Wan, as seen through Rex's eyes.
But love, between brothers, between a commander and his general can sometimes stronger than risks or reasons.
Painfull but amazing.
an injury to one
deniigiq is one fo those authors whose codywan's I just can't get enough of. That weird assholes hyperarticulate characterisation is just... XD I don't know. I love it!
The troopers make a discovery of the fiscal variety, which causes them to realize that they may have more in common with the jedi than they previously thought.
The Jedi Order is a charitable religious order. Ergo, they aren't getting paid. They get 'some' stipends but with the war, they are quickly reaching the point of untenability. Don't worry, they've got a plan.
It's told mostly from from Fox's POV which I love because 1. I love codywan as told from an outside POV 2. I love Fox.
I just love him. He has so much happening to him. He is so nihilistic, deadpan and done. Yet, he never let it twist him or give up because he love his brothers and won't let them flounders. Also, he may or may not have acquired a crush on that impossible kriffar jedi.
Warning for exploitation, money, off-screen non graphic child death and clone troopers deshumanization. Jedi Order and jedi lineage fuckery. Clone commanders fuckery. Grogu briefly shows up. Fox's buir instincts are now activated. Previously, he was of the opinion jedi could sink or swim on their own not anymore. He got this.
Canon divergence
The Art of Happenstance *
Cody and Obi-Wan co-parent a lightsaber. Force Bond. I think it saves Cody from Order 66? It ends on a cliffhanger but it's hopefull.
Funny and fantastic.
The Clone Wars are the backdrop to a quiet and fragile love between a general and a clone commander.
Listen. Listen. I cannot even begin to tell you how beautifull and delicate their love feels in this fic. It's like picking up a piece of art made out of gossamerish light.
It's poetic. It's splendid. It's quiet, discreet and personnal, like the feelings of these private men. It ties up kind of quickly to give a happy ending despite Order 66 still being carried out, but it's everything that get you there that matters.
The Loneliest Human Boy in the Jedi Temple
Rather than let Boba go to jail, Obi-Wan adopts him.
It's told from Boba POV, which is very interesting. I love TCW period stories featuring Boba!
And it deals with Boba confronting his father's death, being adopted by a jedi to avoid jail despite the fact his father hated jedi, dealing with what's he's done to get revenge on Mace, learning to see maybe the clones as more than things, and starting to accept that if clones are not things, then his father was wrong. What he did was wrong.
Boba has to recon with a thousand things, decide what's moral or what's not and has no one he trusts to guide him without feeling like he's betraying the only parent he has ever loved. At eleven.
Boba's disregard of clones is wrong. But when you look at all he has going on and what handicap he started out with, you cannot help but feel for him.
I feel like Boba is Dudley, the Dursley are Jango, the clones are Harry and I'm Dumbledore in the Dursley's living room at the start of book 6, shaking my head. In the end, you can only pity Boba a bit and love him and be sadden by the damages Jango did to Boba out of selfish, blind love.
No Order 66
These Things Happen
Obi-wan Kenobi keeps promoting Cody because giving him courting gifts as his superior officer would be Wrong. The promotions gets out of hand, and it somehow save the universe.
When Duty is Done - serie
Post-War: settling the matter of Clones Rights, Jedi Order Reforms, Force Philosophy, inter-jedi conflicts that were put off during the war, PTSD, healing, preparing a new planet to become the clones' home, clones culture exploration which is rooted in, but not, mandalorian's culture and, of course, getting together and settling in a relationship for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Loved it!!!! Cody is MVP. Maul is there, with Yaddle, and I'm here for it. Bant, where have you been? Chirrut is my Force Follower idol. Feemor is there as more than a footnote on Qui-Gon's history and it's amazing.
Basically, all the explorations of lives for the clones and jedi and Force Users you could possibly want in a No-Order 66 post-war setting.
Listen. Some works that are the work: Remedial Jedi Theology, Luminous, Prince With a Thousand Enemies, Open Skies ...
This is the one for No-Order 66 post-war Codywan, ex-aequo with sunshine and the shade of poetry.
sunshine and the shade of poetry
I have so much love for this fic.
The war comes to an abrupt end, and everyone around Cody begins the long road to recovery and discovery. Cody, on the other hand, just needs to find a new job. Unfortunately, he has no idea which one to pick.
First, No-Order 66 post-war Codywan is my absolute favorite type of codywan.
Second, everything. But more seriously, Codywan is often written in a such a way that Cody's life revolve around Obi-Wan's life. He settle in the Temple to live with Obi-Wan, he helps Obi-Wan deal with Anakin's meltdown/death/leaving the Order, he takes one of the job the jedi have made for the vode so he can work with Obi-Wan...
Do you see where I am going with this?
It's all about Obi-Wan. And while it can be fun to read if it's not pushed to its absolute, this type of unequal relationship, where one dedicate their entire life to the other, makes my skin crawl. Funnily enough, it's also 80% of the time the POC in that role when it's about an interracial couple. And I just - can't.
Here, Cody is his own person.
He had a life before Obi-Wan, he has one now beside Obi-Wan, and he will have one still, after, independantly from the love of his life. You can love someone as much as the galaxy is wide and still have love for your own separate life, your own friends, your own interests, goals, journey...
Basically, after the war, Cody says fuck it to any kind of military job and set out to 'find himself'. He doesn't know what it will look like and all his brothers mock him gently, and a bit worriedly, as they leave him in the dust by settling into their own civilian lives, since they don't have the same kind of hang-up he does.
But, by the Force, he is going to figures out who he is and what he wants, aside from the jedi, aside from the GAR, aside from even his own brothers, if it kills him. The 'situation' with General Kenobi will just have to wait until then.
Imagine that. Wanting to be sure of who you are, what you want and the kind of life you want before entering a relationship. Wanting to be certain of yourself, first. Especialy in a relationship where you didn't have the same power status before.
An excellent look at Cody, at the commanders, at the clones, at a post-war life in the Republic. Bly, Alpha-17 and Wolffe just shot me through the heart. It is now my headcanon that Bly is short for Butterfly for... reasons.
Find out by reading it.
And as if that wasn't enough, there's a short sequel with Alpha 17 written by deniigiq. It's the gift that keep on giving.
in our hearts some ancient song
Or: Cody finds Fives first. There are galactic consequences.
It was touch and go for a moment but happy endings guys! Thrill and anxiety abounds beforehand. Temple shenanigans. Force's engineering. The chips get activated earlier than canon but they make it through!
Worth a Thousand Words
Lol! Post-War, the clones didn't get much instructions in how to approach someone romantically. Someone suggest Cody try to send a dick pic to Obi-Wan. Somehow, it works, but not the way you expect.
This is so great! I was howling with laughers and cringing in sympathic embarrassement. Poor Cody!
This, too, was a gift
After the Rako Hardeen mission, Obi-Wan suffers a complete nervous breakdown, kills all the Sith in a way he feels violate everything he is and stands for, then fall into a severe depressive fugue.
Meanwhile, the Republic tries to reconstruct. The clones take what is owe to them and try to settle on a new planet, figure out who they are outside the War, serving the Republic and the jedi, while looking for their missing savior.
Obi-Wan is really, really depressed here and dissociated from reality for a while so, beware. Yaddle is MVP. A great look into the clones culture. The Sith problem get resolved pretty quickly. The story is about what come after and how you deal with having done what you had to do in a time of war.
This I Vow
Cody and Obi-Wan gets married for a mission. Somehow, it saves the universe.
Healthy . Adults . Communication. Please and thank you!
When We Were Young
After the war, Cody dedicated himself to his brothers: their rights, their protection, their well-beings, their lives...
He knows Obi-Wan has dedicated himself to the Order, but he hasn't seen him long enough to talk about it.
Thought now they are going on a joint mission once more, maybe that's about to change...
(hit me) with your heart
The one where Cody walks in on Obi-Wan in an intimate situation, and that ends up changing their relationship and the future of the galaxy.
Porn With Plot. Spanking. Kink exploration Safe, Sane and Consensual. It saves most of the galaxy. Rolls with it. Amazing exploration of sexuality and consent. Glimmerglanger doing the Lord's sexy work, as always. The plot is actually there and great!
the turning fork
Anakin doesn't fall, but he and Padme don't keep custody of Luke and Leia. Anakin tries to grapple with the consensual loss of his children while trying to stay in their lives. Meanwhile, someone murders a senator.
Amazing! Fantastic. The feelings... The reflection on choices and morality and parenthood and the choices one made about their lives and the ones they are going to make in the future to live a life they want to live.
Leia has Anakin's bad temper and the Organa love her but are a bit overwhelmed. Luke is his sweet self, being raised by weirdoes assholes Cody & Obi-Wan in space Scottland Stewjon. Yes, Obi-Wan left the Order to raise Luke in peace. He gets Cody as a bonus, since the man is now Luke's dad and Obi-Wan is lucky he's sharing.
A Different Perspective
Obi-Wan, Cody, the war, and a bunch of men and boys who have never gotten to choose things for themselves before, as seen through Dex's eyes.
Guys... Guys... *sob*
Finders Keepers *
Your soulmate finds everything you lose.
Obi-Wan has never had a soulmate of his own to lose things to before. Now, he's picking up things and wonders who they belong to.
Cody’s never been sure if the things he finds belong to his soulmate. If he even has one.
Anakin is contantly losing things but it somehow save the Universe because Padme take good care of them.
Fox and Bly and Bail and Breha and Bant and Kit and Boil and Waxer... all the others are there too.
chronic condition
Post War. Obi-Wan has epilepsy and it's tied to his prescience. Cody want Kix to investigate. Because they are weirdos assholes and he doesn't want to ask Obi-Wan outright. But also because he respects his privacy too much to make him talk about it. You know, they are only boyfriends. Don't won't to push boundaries too much, there. He's not a savage. Lol. Cody, you weirdo....
It was so good. So goooood... There was already the interesting part where clones don't ride into the sunset with jedi. They, too, chafe against their perception of jedi-superiority, so a lot of them choose something different than "move in the Temple and dedicate their lives to their jedi generals and jedi work". Which I love.
But, you know, I think this, it's a more realistic take and a more equal footing, long-term, than the unbalanced "clones devoted to jedi". Also, variety is always a special treat for the reader. At least it is for me. You could gave me a thousand of different headcanons, if it's well done, I'm on board!
And this one... The clones, the brotherhood/friendship amongst clones, Cody's backstory, the jedi, the post-war, the medical investigation, the Force/Jedi Order worldbuilding,.... What can I say? Save for a few fics with some of my NOTP/squicks, everything deniigiq has ever written just delight me and blow me away.
your atomic god *
The code of a clone is a simple thing: you were made to die for the Republic, for the Jedi. Make the most of the time you have before that.
Clone culture: seeded by mandalorian culture, but not the same. Introspection and identities issues: Cody ponders a lot about what it means to be a clone and who he is. Cody is super smart and cares a lot for his brothers. It has shaped my understanding of Cody.
Obi-Wan and Cody fell in love because they have actually a lot in common. Obi-Wan's lightsaber is playing matchmaker. This somehow save the universe.
Wrong Side of the Night
Is there a limit to how many fics by glimmerglanger I can rec?
*check magic eight ball* "My sources say no."
Cody has a very bad day, both he and Obi-Wan choose a less than ideal ways to handle the situation, and they have a long conversation about it the next morning.
Ouch. Like, ouch. Yet. Beware: Unjust treatement of the clones (not by Obi-Wan). Unhealthy emotional response. Impulsively angry sex. Dub-con. As-in, Cody's actions are driven by anger that has overtaken his reason and Obi-Wan's are driven by maladaptative reponse to a lifetime of traumatic environnement.
But, it's codywan, guys. So, once everyone has cooled-off: communication! Care and self-care! Trust! Support!
This fic was particularly impactful for me for personal reasons but I think it's powerfull, full-stop. You can love each other very much and still not act well towards each other. Beware of purity/cancel culture. People are failible and, at some point, they are going to fuck up.
But One: they are both harmed by the action they both perpetrated. No villain and blameless victim here. Two: once they have messed up, they both recognise their own part it it, apologise and commit to corrective actions.
This is what a good relationship look like, even with the slip up. This is what you can trust because of the slip up. They don't have to be perfect with the other all the time, because they know they can get through it and improve. The codywan is strong in this one.
I'm Not Safe Outside Your Arms
This is probably the most anguished fic you can find about a No-Order 66. But it has a happy ending!
Basically, and without spoiling it too much, the jedi do kill Palpatine but Darth Sidious continues to inflict pain, sorrow and suffering on the galaxy from beyond the grave.
Obi-Wan, of course, shoulders the whole of it but so do the vode. You're really horrified for Obi-Wan, but you feel for the 212th attack battalion: brave, strong and loyal to the end.
They should be free, they should be safe, for the first time of their lives. Their brothers are! But they aren't. And they choose it, because some choice, no matter how grim and terrifying, are no choice at all.
But there's light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone love everyone and no one is giving up. Get ready.
There Was Only One Bed
Make Your Bed (Lie in It)
They have to share a sleeping bag for cold weather reasons. Then, they just keep sharing. Yeah, Cody, we're onto you. Go through Order 66 with open-ended fix-it.
room for two
Cody and Obi-Wan are on an undercover mission, and for some reason, they have to pretend to be married. It appears that the pining will increase exponentially for the next week.
Not really a mission fic, since it's all about the trope. But it's there to put a "background" to all the small spaces sharing and there's even a tiny bit of action. It was funny and good and I enjoyed it a lot.
Warning for those who, like me, don't think the Code preclude relationships. Obi-Wan presents it like it does in the fic, but that he chose Cody anyway. I disagree. The problem is not relationship but the kind of relationship and how it impact the choices you make, your work, your committement. My headcanon for jedi/civilian relationship and their consequences/risks/problems is 70% like it is in Remedial Jedi Theology, which I recommend to everyone.
It's alright, it doesn't take off from it. It's mean to be this side of crackish, fun read, which it is, so I don't feel the need to split hair about interpretation of the Code. I just want to mention it for those who feel strongly about it. If it bothers you, you can stop at the end of chapter two. It's still great and can be read as finished at this point.
Obi-Wan goes undercover. Cody takes some calls. These two facts are absolutely not related.
Funny as shit!
First Choice
The AU where the clones get to pick their generals and Obi-Wan is, once again, left feeling unwanted. But is he really?
Warnings: Obi-Wan has Self Esteem Issues. This is still funny and the whole pagentry/tests clones make the jedi go through to pick and choose their general was gold.
The Trouble With Tookas
Never trust somebody a tooka dislikes.
It started with a fanart and end up with tookas as Sith detector. It's great. Sheevie is regretting everything.
*The ones about Cody and Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's lightsaber
Your Life In My Hands
OR, the one where a lightsaber really is a Jedi's life.
Temporary character's death. Under 5 000 words, but by all that is good and holy, does glimmerglanger make it counts.
Like, damn. Plus, jedi and saber lore. Must Read.
Mission Fic
Standard Operating Procedures
The 212th run into a dark acolyte who curse them with a love spell. Roll with it, it's amazing.
It's actually mission fic, or more like case fic. They are working hard to find out how to break the spell and why some brothers are affected and some are not. It's great!
Mission fic! Yay! Biological warfare, intelligence gathering, city infiltration, plot against jedi, temporary depowerment that won't keep Obi-Wan down, Competent Cody ftw, with art...
This fic has it all!
Obi-Wan fakes his death and Cody works through every stage of grief. He eventually decides that he's going to fuck his way out of the depression pit and finds himself falling in love with this handsome Mandalorian who he just keeps meeting.
Obi-Wan dies and Cody is out of all the fuck to give. First, he spirals. Then, he says screw the universe. He treat himself. He looks for sex. He undermines all the unworthy incompetent natborns officers. He take on Boba's gardienship, who is not in space jail at 11 but was up to this point under Mace's supervision. Ponds is very relieved.
He will crawl out of this depressive hole or die trying.
Smuggled In
NO ORDER 66. But, also Mission Fic. And I think it's more about the Mission than the fact it happens in a No Order 66's world, thought I love it and I'm gratefull for it.
Cody and some of the 212th get captured by smugglers, and nothing is quite what it seems to be.
Hahaha! I love this one! Cody is always blaming the shit that happens to the 212th on Obi-Wan and now the joke is on him because it went completely off the rails pretty early and the jedi is nowhere near where the action is happening. Or, is he?
Hedgehog's Dilemma
Cody is in love with Obi-Wan and determined to court him. Obi-Wan is interested in Cody but not sex. Cody has no idea what to make with that. They try to figure it out.
a lesson in attachment
Obi-Wan has never been enough. It's okay. The Force loves him anyway. And so does Cody.
Touching and, as greyS/Ace myself, it resonated.
A Slow Fall Towards Grace
I cannot even begin to tell you how much this fic touch me. Obi-Wan is an omega, though it's not a traditional depiction of A/B/O.
It keeps screwing him over thorough his life and the sex he ends up having despite himself is not funny. Read the tags. Obi-Wan is ignorant of how much people want him, but considering it's not because he's this bastion of Mary-Sue perfection, but because the alphas around him are knot-heads who excuse their poor behaviors and selfishness with their hormones, it doesn't read that way.
Cody is amazing. Obi-Wan is the Force's chew toy and beloved son at the same time. Loved it.
1861 c.100 s.60
Obi-Wan gets pregnant during the war and decides that the obvious course of action is constant and brazen denial.
Obi-Wan is a weird asshole. Cody is weirder. They are the perfect couple.
Anakin cannot deal with them because the twins came early and he doesn't have the time anymore. Listen, he doesn't even have time for Palpatine anymore...
Lol! Screwing with Sheevie. Clones fuckery. Adorable grumpy she-tubie. Codywan being the perfect assholes we know them to be and furiously in love. All the feels and pettily satisfying.
for every loved child
The one where new father Cody reckons with many of the anxieties and traumas of his past and gets some much delayed comfort.
Or how glimmerglanger managed to make me cry in less than 4 000 words.
It's not so much a mpreg fic, but a new parents fic. A late-night breastfeeding session reveals a lot of buried and current feelings, thoughts and issues. There's much pain, but it's all surrounded by intimacy, love and warmth. It's like hiding under the blanket with your SO and shading cathartic tears. Amazing.
Post-Order 66
I hate Order 66. I don't want to read fics about it. Some authors are just too good, though.
Haunt Me, Then
Fix-It, as much as possible. CC-2224 becomes Cody again and will die trying to make up killing his General and jedi, even if it kills him.
We Build Our Empire From Ruins And Smoke
The Republic is dead and the Empire's throne is empty, and Fox will be damned if he lets anyone claim it.
Basically, post-order 66, the clones come back online and since everything they worked, die for and cared about is dead or gone, the gloves are off.
Come with prequels and sequels, it's actually a whole serie. No dialogue. Anakin is dead. Palpatine dies. Clones-centric.
Not something I agree with irl, because it's when democracy is threaten you should work twice as hard to secure it. But since it's fiction and the general canon sense we get of politicians and regular population confronted with Order 66 is that they either don't care or agree, it's pretty fine with me.
First Sight
For Cody, it's love at first sight. From Kamino to Tatooine, it lives inside him.
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs
Warning: whumpfest. Great satisfaction at the end, though.
Three years post-Order 66, Obi-Wan get captured by Vader. Rape and torture ensue. The 212th, under the chips' control, are there for it all. In the end, Anakin gets his just dessert. Our boys make free.
But while you can make free from a place, you cannot free yourself from the horrors visited upon your soul that easily.
the boat that would row you back
Or, after Obi-Wan vanish it front of Vader on the Death Star, Vader decides he didn't get the proper fight he deserves and send CC-2224 in the underworld to bring Obi-Wan back.
Of course, nothing is that easy.
The Carbon Cycle
Obi-Wan decide to try to grow flowers on Tatooine to heal himself. CC-2224 is having dreams about the General he supposedly kills. Somehow, it save the both of them.
I'm a whore for dreamsharing fic. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love it. This fic... this fic is cleansing and healing and touching and beautifull. I loved it!
A Whim, A Desire
OK, this one doesn't hurt. Much.
Three years after Order 66, Vader finds an artifact that allows him to create his perfect dream world within the Force. However, he finds that maintaining this world is impossible without someone living inside it at all times. He throws in everyone he can from his past life, including CC-2224.
Obi-Wan fell asleep on Tatooine and wake up in his dreams in the perfect life.
But illusion is not reality and when the seems of the dream start to show, Cody and Obi-Wan will fight to make their dream a reality.
Both Cody and Obi-Wan think the other is an illusion, and so they are free and honest with each other. What they built is lovely. Vader show up like the Lord of the House but it allows Obi-Wan to play out his fantasies of still being able to talk to Anakin and being part of his life.
It doesn't ends in Yay! We saved the Universe and kills Sidious/Vader. Just - Cody, saving himself and those he can along the way.
Fantasic imaginings. Make you wish it could have happen, if Anakin hadn't ruined everything by becoming Vader. Vader's frustrations of people and things eluding his 'absolute sithly control' is hilarious, sad and the source of endless failures on his part. Thankfully.
diogenes (what makes a man?)
Cody, grappling with identity, purpose and what it means to be a brother.
Cody-centric. From Kamino to Tatooine. Lot of clones. Lot of feels and introspection. Most Dies But Some Lives.
Listen, I'm of the die hard opinion that if Cody's chip fail during the Empire, no matter when or how, he would not rest until he has saved all the brothers he can save. This is the same characterisation here.
|free the hearts and rust the chains|
There aren't many clones left in the Imperial Army. (...) Zhade-Ran doesn't trust her two bunkmates. Although perhaps not for the reasons she should.
I love stories being told from an excellently done OC. Here, we've got two troopers who want to desert and two clones who shake the chips' control after years of being under and deign for the natborns to join them on their way out. Now, all they need to do is find a way to get in touch with the Rebellion.
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
An Elegant Weapon *
Cody is Force Sensitive. Obi-Wan teach him how to fight with a lightsaber. It doesn't save the universe, but at least it saves Cody. It's great! I promise Cody is still Cody and not changed into a zen jedi. He can just... feels the Force.
set the bones straight
Purge Trooper CC-2224 is an extremely efficient jedi killer. He will find them all. All of them. Even the one from his dreams.
Pffffiuuuu. Don't look into this one for Cody's softening influence on CC-2224 or breaking out of the chip's influence by the sheer force of Will and Morality. This is straight-up Purge Trooper. Happy ending, though. Sort of. As much as can be in Post-Order 66.
CC-2224 malfunctions. The Empire tries to wipe him into working order. Cody is not letting them.
Or, Eternal Sunshine of the Reconditioned Mind. *bawl my eyes out* Codyyyy!!!!
|to failure, sweet victor|
The chip malfunction enough for Cody to seek out and join Obi-Wan on Tatooine. The chips function enough for CC-2224 to tries to kill that traitor Kenobi whenever he's online.
They make it work.
one meal at a time
Cody and Obi-Wan's love story, as told through food. This is so chokefull of love...
Errr... Order 66 fuck me up. I don't get why I put so many of them there. I guess it's popular amongst writers? And I can bend my likes/dislikes when the writing is that good. Curse you, good writers!
Home, A Place You've Never Been
Cody's chip fails. Cody dreams of Tatooine. Cody gets to Tatooine. Now that he's there, he must heal and tame Ben Kenobi, whose wounds on his soul make him the kindest not-jedi. But also depressed, weary and wary as hell.
Excellent. Obi-Wan is very oblivious. Then, in the three sequels, very happy. As much as can be post-Order 66.
The Raephen's Gifts
It's happy! Cody and Obi-Wan obviously make it through Order 66 and the Empire, along with some clones and jedi, and the Republic and the Jedi Order are restored to the galaxy.
But it's all alluded to only very briefly in the background. Basicaly, now that the galaxy is at peace once more, old married couple codywan get on a week long retreat on a peacefull planet in Wild Space where they are sure they won't be bothered or called.
They sleep, eat fish and maybe meet some Force entities along the way.
Just... old codywan, with disabilities, having a week of rest and healing. Chilling. It's everything I wish for them in a post-Order 66 era.
AUs I Cannot Help But Read
AUs, as in, change the Star Wars Universe, not the events of canon.
Listen, I hate when SF is not SF. But, again, some authors are just too good and they make it work.
Vampire AU serie
Yes. Really. Don't run for the hills! It's not your Twilight Romance. Everything is the same. Obi-Wan is just of a specie called Vampire because, you know, they drink blood as part of their diet.
And since it's Star Wars: Space Racism! Yay!
This somehow makes the Clone Wars both better and worse.
Sort of Vampirism? Its not the story
I put it there because in this sort-of supernatural AU, Force users drink blood.
But really, the story is about how Cody and Obi-Wan get trapped in a lost jedi Temple, how they must join forces to make it out, and how the ensuing unshakable trust help them deal with post-Order 66.
It was great. I love lost jedi Temple fic! I could read millions of them.
Commander Cody and Star Wars’ actual Disney princess
Obi-Wan, the prince in his high tower, is not waiting for a rescue. Cody is the not-knight interested in rescuing him.
I shit you not. Magic is used instead of the Force, but everything is very recognisable and the story is great! Lot of Cody's brothers are there.
A stunning mission fic, 64 000 words long, where the Separatist experiment biological warefare on a neutral planet and the 212th get caught in the middle.
Down to less than a hundred soldiers, they must fight an entire planet for their survival. Buckle up! Clones Wars Plots! Zombies Nightmares! With sequel!
I cannot stress enough how much you need it. If you like action, this is the fic for you.
Sith Obi-Wan
Really not my kind fic. I headcanon the very bone of Obi-Wan personality as selfless. And to be Sith is rooted in selfishness.
Imcompatible in its essence. Does not work.
In this fic, it works. Sith Empire, so it explains Obi-Wan being Sith. Unexpected kind of A/B/O. Warning for Obi-Wan/212th battalion. The codywan is there and ready to do damage. Revenge ahead. Less than 6000 words, maximum impact.
Glimmerglanger strikes again. It was great.
Dark Sider Obi-Wan
Not to be confused: Obi-Wan is not a Sith there.
He is an ex-padawan who left the Order to fight a war for children against adults, then joined another war, then another war and another and another...
By the time he realised he strayed from the Light, he has cease to care about it. He is good at war and they always say if you're good at something, you should be paid for it. A galactic war may be the peak of his career, if it wasn't such a strange war. It doesn't quite make sense, and Obi-Wan's weakness is definitively curiosity.
Meanwhile, Commander Cody has it with this dark sider ruining things. He may be a fearsome separatist general, but Cody is no light weight himself. If the man is going to drop gauntlets left and right, than Cody is going to damn well one pick one himself.
Let's see who is the better fighter and strategic mastermind.
Funerary practices? Master Ti writes back. I’m not sure what you mean, Master Kenobi. Used biomass is the property of Kamino and thus is recycled into the cloning process.
So that’s how the revolution begins—with dead brothers, but not the way you might expect.
Obi-Wan is still Obi-Wan. You might as well read this as Canon Divergence. But fandom readers will always has the fear of Mary Sue, I think, so I prefered to put the fact that it's Lady Wan at the foreground.
It's great. It's so freaking great... The 212th are all a little bit in love with Obi-Wan. Cody definitively is. Obi-Wan has nightmares and decide she's done with this shit. She's going to take her clones and stage a strike. See how the Senate like that! Ha!
Lol. If anyone ever make a fanart of Lady Wan as a pinup for ship's nose art, please, please, send me the link! Warnings for cloneship in the background.
Time Travel
while the world still turns
Cody touch an artefact in a jedi Temple and is sent at various point of Obi-Wan's life. All the codywan feels. Of course, it's going to save the Universe!
Fire to ash, present to past (who knows for tomorrow?)
Obi-Wan is fifteen again, things are different, people are confused, but maybe there's something good at the end of the path
Obi-Wan is the Force chew toy and beloved son at the same time. Obi-Wan has PTSD. Qui-Gon is confused. Listen, you don't get much more than "Obi-Wan get back in his old body". That's it. That's the whole fic.
The whole thing is about landing in a different time with undealt with traumas and finally dealing. Why put it on this codywan rec list, then? Ah, I'm not gonna spoil you, now, am I? You will just have to read for yourself.
The Suns Swing East
Over and over, Obi-Wan woke up and wished he hadn't. Palpatine wouldn't stop until Obi-Wan had Fallen (...)
He couldn't save himself (...) What he hadn't realized was that didn't mean there was no way to be saved.
Time-Loop!!! Palpatine realise Obi-Wan can kick Anakin's ass and decide he is the one he wants as his apprentice. Then, with sith powers, he tries his best to break him.
Obi-Wan is at the end of his rope. He has lived through many lives, all of them horrible, all of them failures. At this point, he wished he could join the Force. Seriously. Depression. Suicide attempt. The work. But Obi-Wan isn't alone. And those who love him will save him. And the Universe along the way.
Die Sheevie, die.
A heartfelt thanks to @glimmerglanger @deniigi @nightfoliage @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @galateagalvanized @esamastation @wanderingjedihistorian @nerjetii @petrichordiam @someawkwardprose @trixree @andthepeople
(The other authors either had no tumblr handle put on their ao3 profile, or their pseudo didn't work when I tried to @ at them. I thank them anyway, and all those whose codywan fics I have loved but not put there. Thank you.)
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kiss2012 · 2 months
tsc thoughts under the cut cause i finished
i literally cannot wrap my thoughts around my overall opinion of it i feel like i absolutely need to reread it first
but also i need to reread tfc because I MISS TFC SO BAD ➡️ girl who reread it last may. i do think i spoke tsc into existence by doing this because i hadn’t looked at the trilogy since 2019 and then all of a sudden i decided to reread and found that unfortunately they still make me batshit crazy. what is in those books.
however i do like tfc better 🤷🏽‍♀️ so if i did reread tfc after this and read tsc again i would just want to read tfc again
this is not fair to say at all because tfc is a whole trilogy and this was only book 1. and i rlly need to start saying aftg instead of tfc cause it’s getting confusing because like i do think tsc is better than tfc (the first book). however i just…like aftg better? i feel like it’s more fun which is probably a weird thing to say considering it’s a lot More than tsc is. and obviously this book was more about jean’s recovery. but more happens in aftg. idk we’ll see tho
i do love jean and the trojans but i miss neil and the foxes every page. i feel like it’s harder to connect to the trojans because there r so many of them. and idk sports so the three coaches is probably normal for a team of this size i really wouldn’t know lol but i couldn’t keep the coaches straight in my head either
point is the foxes r my everything 4ever. i love jean jeremy cat and laila and i see what she was trying to do by introducing the floozy line (cute name) however i dont really have a strong feeling about them because we met them for like 5 minutes
i do love nabil tho why is he not part of the floozy line :(((((
i think cat and laila were absolutely perfect. they’re given a lot of depth especially cat and they’re so important to me. they’re better here than in fanon i think but i feel like fanon did get their personalities and relationship down mostly right. apart from cat not just being called alvarez LMAO bless neil only calling her that and fanon having no choice but to do the same because no one agreed on one single name. i remember sara was one that i saw a lot but i like catalina way way better i love cat <3 i love laila <3 their friendship with jeremy <3
an evening breeze rainbows open roads friends 😭😭😭😭😭😭
bi jean is so dear to me
also jean rooming with cat and laila (and then jean) literally perfect omg. no one ever put that in fics but i think it was the best thing to do. sorry for having to compare tsc to fanon im not trying to say one is better than the other at all but what you have to understand is how many fics about jean post tkm are out there and how many of them i read so my mind is going to go there. i wasn’t rlly obsessed with jerejean but i was (and am) a jerejean girl. and i had (have lmao) very high standards for fic so i stand by a lot of those fics WHILE still standing by everything tsc is
by which i mean i cannot get poc jean out of my head thanks to that one fic where he is moroccan. in that same fic jeremy was also spanish and i sort of adopted that into my image of them so i am trying to let go of it but i mean even the hatfords being pakistani still lives in my head despite how unlikely it is. and most of the time i pictured jeremy with golden hair (sometimes curls) so even though i think nora’s compromise being to have naturally brown-haired jeremy bleaching his hair is hilarious and iconic. sort of impossible for me not to picture him with golden hair.
however when jean was all startled and went “blond” when he saw jeremy’s hair. reader i died
english major jeremy is still a gift to me personally
kevin bargaining and arguing for his history major..my baby…the mentions of kevin and kevin’s actual appearances in tsc are everything. the postcards and magnets…kill me
every time neil showed up i lost my mind i love him SO MUCH!!!
see my problem is i wish the foxes showed up more even though it makes no sense for them to. i want kevin jeremy and jean in a room together. i will kill for jean and allison interaction especially if they talk about renee (yes i am holding onto renison still). i want jeremy and cat and matt and dan to hang out. i need laila to meet andrew. i need more renee I LOVE RENEE we did get a good amount of her though i think. she was everything.
genuinely think the way jean and renee was handled here was so perfect. i totally see the merit of it if they end the series together. i also see why jean might end the series without being with anyone romantically. but narratively i cant help but feel jerejean is what makes the most sense. the reason i liked them in the first place is their narrative appeal. and they were genuinely so good in this. so. idk. can’t think about that too much.
i have some problems with the writing like i did with the og series but um the thing is i cannot view these books objectively because they impacted me so much at a young age. i will say i wish tsc could have had a professional editor lol.
i also have some issues with the pacing tho because i did not expect it to end there at all? im so glad she started it where she did but when it ended i was like WAIT WHAT
i have a feeling the reason riko did what he did with the backliners is because he saw jean looking at kevin. could be wrong here but judging from how often jean talks about learning his lesson about looking at guys too long. well.
the main thing for me is that i don’t see how we’re going to get to championships in 2 books if this book only covered till the summer. you could argue exy games arent that important for jean’s story but i do think they are insanely important for jeremy’s story. and if he’s a pov character i want more about him!! that man is keeping his issues locked up (I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY R) but we can tell he loves exy and he needs to win his last year
my memory of the extra content is so dim and some of it i have voluntarily chosen to forget or just not consider plus i think some of it will/has changed. but i think i remember reading that trojans win for their last year and i Need that to happen. cause in my head it went: foxes win neil’s first year and trojans win neil’s second year and jeremy’s last year. idc for the rest i want neil to have won championships twice or at least once as captain so that’s what happens in my head.
like i need more about jeremy teaching jean to love exy again and more about jeremy’s apparently complicated family issues with exy???? jeremy let me in.
anywayy. this book feels like a fever dream and im going insane
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softhairedhotch · 6 months
DUDEEEE HELLO??:!:!::&: PLEASE I LOVE YOU, YOUR WONDERFUL BRAIN N UR RESPONSES???!! like sometimes i think damn my thoughts r sooooo filthy i wonder if anyone would even feel the same like am i crazy :-///.... THEN UR REPLIES JUST FUELS ME EVEN MORE ARGHRHHHHH LIKE??? im so glad we have the same brain like damn... i love talking abt him hehe rly.. thank u for entertaining my thoughts n making it even more amazing <333 also i hope u are feeling better now!!! 🫂🫂 tbh i feel the same bc the idea of aaron has made me feel better so many times n it's years since i started liking him :-(((( fr i never ever regret starting this show n falling in love w him 😭😭😭
"imagine just sitting there with him fully inside you, tie in your mouth, head on his broad shoulder, one of his big warm hands occasionally rubbing up and down your back as you hear the other write away" ‼️‼️‼️ PLEASEEEE omfg he'd feel so good and he'd make you feel sooooo safe 😭😭😭 i need this so badly . being on his lap would literally make all the painful noisy thoughts in your head go silent because all you can think about and feel is him <3333 though i don't know how i'd be able actually to be quiet n not be reduced into a whimpering mess because GODDDDDD HE'S JUST SOOOO..... my god. if u do turn this into a fic i'd probably be reading it 9784953 times n manifesting it to appear in my dreams 🙏🙏
and OOOOOFFFFFFFFF cannot decide if i would want him to make a mess all over me and use his thick fingers to scoop it up and shove it into my mouth or have him cum deep in my throat ! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 like man.... the idea of messy wet sex drives me insane like having him a panting sweaty mess 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️ n downright filthy cum eating . like my thoughts abt it are ENDLESS n its literally a can of worms im afraid of opening-- AWOEKFJFKEKD thinking abt that episode when aaron jumps into a lake to chase an unsub n he comes out of the water all WET N THE WATER DRIPPING DOWN HIS SKIN??? I CANT REMEMBER WHAT EPISODE IT IS BUT I THINK U KNKW WHAT IM REFERRING TO???
omfggggg when he's ruthlessly riding you and jerking himself off, his chest would get soooo red and it'll feel soo nice to run your fingers down his body and literally worship every inch of him 😵‍💫 he'd look soooo pretty with little marks over his chest as you shower him with praises... thinking about praising aaron HEEEEHEHEH he'd get sooo shy n flustered the first few times but slowly he'd get used to it and literally bask in the attention n praises 😭😭
my god n i must say u rly perfected his voice n what he would say......i swear my love for aaron not only solidified my kink for suits but also... voice 😵‍💫😵‍💫🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️ like it makes me think how he'd react the first time when he realised how much power he has over you just from his voice and words alone.... like first he'd be confused why your reaction sometimes gets a lil funny but then his expression darkens when finally he realises. but he likes building up material to tease you later on so he doesn't really point it out at first but just has an amused smile.
then imagine one night being on a phone call with him as he just talks about his day and that it's pretty late at night so his voice starts getting huskier bc he's tired.... and he's just rambling about something unrelated but you feel the heat crawling up your neck because he just sounds so good . you can't help but clench your thighs and swallow your saliva. then he asks you a question but you're SO distracted that you miss it and when you finally answer him, your voice shakes. he goes silent before breaking into a low laugh because he recognises that tone of voice and picks up your breathing. "oh my, baby... i don't even need to see your face to know what's up. here am i trying to tell you about my day... but you just can't help yourself, hm? ...pathetic."
- 🤲
AHHHHHHHHHH SDJFHSJDF THANK YOU hehehehehe n YEAH I GETCHA, I BE THINKING "oh GOD what if what i say is too weird???" n then you get back to me with basically the SAME THING AHHHHH i'm sooo happy we be thinking the same thoughts LMAO. and thank you sm <33
YESSSSS HE'D MAKE YOU FEEL SO SAFE FR <333 i wanna sit on his lap soooo so so much, god it'd be so good. i would love to write it as a fic tbh but i just have sooooo much to work on already UGHHH why is writing so hard and time-consumingggggg
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yessss he'd looook so pretty riding youuu <33 all red and sweaty and a whimpering panting mess oughhh i love it i love him sm n yessssss i wanna praise him sooo bad. like if you praised him he just WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO but then as he gets used to it, he loooooves it and craves it ough
hehe thank you!! N YEAH VOICE KINK AND SUIT KINK GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 🤭🤭 he'd get sooooo cocky knowing he has sm control over you oughhh and he'd be so proud of himself knowing he can get you to do almost anything with just his voice n pretty face
STOPPPP I'VE HAD THE EXACT SAME IDEA AND STARTED IT AS A FIC ONCE BUT NEVER GOT AROUND TO IT KSDFJK i loooooooove the idea of calling him on a case and he's just like. tired but tryna talk n his voice is sooooo deep and gravelly and it sounds so hot (bc sleepy/morning voices might be one of the best things in existence <33) and he notices you trailing off your sentences and stuttering a bit and going quiet and he just KNOWS what he's doing to you and he teases you relentlessly <33 he'd either get you all hot and bothered n then tell you that you gotta be patient and wait til he gets home orrrrrr he'll go "do you think you can show me how much of an effect i have on you, sweetheart?" and when you send him a pic he'd hum in appreciation and tell you how pretty/handsome you are and how he's gonna make you feel real good when he gets home but for now he's gonna talk you through making yourself feel good <33 maybe you can hear him letting out cute lil moans as he tells you how he wants you to touch yourself and your stomach drops when you realise he's getting off on it too and you ask him to send a pic of himself and he does and he looks sooooo good <33
also i gotta ask,,, how do you feel about daddy kinks LMAOOO bc i haven't thought about it much relating to aaron lately tbh but when i first got into him two years ago, all i could think was him saying stuff like "let daddy make you feel good, hm?" or "you wanna touch daddy?" n stuff like that,, are you into that?? i'm leaning more toward softer aaron n bottom aaron lately but godddd soft daddy dom aaron is soooooooo <333
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
So!!! Results from my poll indicated that some of you don’t want to see “face inspo/casts” for my OG “Dealing With Our Demons” characters (totally respect that!! I sometimes prefer my image not tainted while reading, too!🖤)
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SOoo… here’s what we’re going to do. I will be posting the images BELOW the cut, so that way if you would rather not see, you don’t have to!🖤 no offense whatsoever taken.
Before you continue, a note: NONE of these pictures are exactly how I picture my characters. These are simply the closest I could get/who I took inspo from when describing them. 🖤 Please do not feel like you need to agree w me. That is the beauty of reading, is it not? Love you. ALSo. This is long, but I wanted to include my notes for clarification if you wanted them. This was fun, getting to have a lil in depth convo w you guys.🥹
PS- IF YOU HAVE NOT READ MY FANFIC “Dealing With Our Demons” on ao3 (by ravenyenn19) & are planning to do so (thx in advance ily) THIS POST WILL HAVE SPOILERSISH. I say this bc while no plot will be ruined, you will see faces you are not meant to yet. 🖤
First up we have: Khalid Runa (Inej’s childhood best friend) & Rahul Runa (Inej’s older cousin) *these two are married, hence the shared surname*
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Notes: Khalid is pretty close, actually. In DWOD, he has aquamarine/green eyes due to his partially Kaelish heritage & I do picture his skin tone to be a tad lighter due to this. ALSO: Khalid does have burn scars across most of his hands, though I was unable to find such an image to include that piece of “DWOD lore”. (The burns are from his years mastering ‘flame eating/fire dancing’ in the caravans.
Rahul: This image is mostly chosen for his facial structure, however I do picture Rahul to have close cropped hair (a sort of subversion upon the suli culture that makes his training as a medic easier. I do picture him also remaining clean-shaven with a skin tone that is very similar to his cousin, Inej Ghafa.)
Next: Nani (Mitra) Ghafa (Inej’s maternal grandmother)
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Notes: This actress is actually Iranian, for note. SO: I do want to make it very clear that I picture Nani’s skin tone to be darker like Inej (though also I do think this photo was filtered bc the actress does seem to have slightly darker skin in other pics, I chose this one bc of her face & HOW SHE HOLDS HERSELF SO MUCH LIKE NANI.) All this being said, this one is pretttttty dang similar to how I pictured Nani while writing her. Facial features specifically. What a queen. What more is there to say? She could divine my tea leaves any time.
Sharya & Kahir Ghafa, Inej’s parents (technically not OG characters, but never named in canon)
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Notes: Sharya is pretty dang close to how I imagined her, which is super cool considering I never used an inspo pic for either of the Ghafas when writing them (I found them for this purpose!). It probably sounds a bit weird, but like… I just knew how Sharya & Kahir looked. They were just…BAM. Full formed people in my head. This is ultimately SUCH A FLEX ON LEIGH BARDUGO’s PART. Like, we only really experienced glimpses of Inej’s parents through the few memories in her POVs but they absolutely stuck with me & formed wonderful characters as my fic progressed. (Of course this is my opinion, but I do hope ya’ll agree.🥹)
Kahir: So…. This pic is the closest I could get, & similar to Nani, I chose it based more on facial structure/in this case facial hair. HOWEVER, Kahir is very special to me. I wrote some of his scenes in moments after I had lost my godfather, (whom was the truest father I had. He meant everything to me, being my actual dad’s best friend, he helped raise me after my dad passed when I was 4.), hence, I feel the need to clarify- as I feel a bit of my own dad is in Kahir, if only in the love.)This pic is missing a smile that I imagine near permanent on Kahir Ghafa’s face, and eyes that I cannot explain in any other word but kind. Similar to Inej’s. Sparkly. Idk. ALSO: I do picture true black hair & less gray. Maybe a sprinkle of pepper in his beard, but not much. I just imagine Inej’s parents aging like fine wine. Idk.
Next….*drum roll*…. Dr. Lily Arbor (I waited so long to bring this girl to life.)
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NOTES: Ok. So. Two pics here for our Darling Death Defier Mortician. 🫶🏻 So, the one on the left is more youthful to me, a bit closer (although not the right age) to how I imagine the Lily of Kaz’s childhood. The right being far closer to how I imagine 24 year old Lily. Yet, neither of these are exactly right. But they are close. The changes that are distinct within my mind are as follows: the eyes. I distinctly see them like 2 shades darker. Navy. It’s a rare eye color, but not that different. Next, the hair. In the left image, the curls are just right, but I imagine she keeps her hair slightly longer than that- both in girlhood & adulthood. Not nearly the length of Inej’s, but you feel me. Also I do imagine her hair a bit darker, like that sort of red with hints of almost brown in it? Maroon? Gosh I can’t explain but I am certain you guys probably get it. Less like Wylan’s orangish red. Lastly: this girl has more freckles. I don’t make the rules. (Actually I do since she’s a daughter of my mind, but no I don’t.)
Bonus heartbreak:
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Jordie.🥹💔 (obviously aged up to if he were alive.) notes: NO ONE. I REPEAT. NO ONE looks exactly how I imagine the elder Rietveld son. The actor here is in fact Jess from Gilmore Girls. Milo is the closest I’ve come to finding an older Jordie face cast, based more on book Kaz in relation. His hair would obviously not be styled like the early 00’s. Obviously dark eyes like his brother. In a way, like Kahir, I imagine Jordie’s eyes would have a permanent sparkle of amusement that one would sometimes see mirrored in Kaz. I can’t explain it. I love Jordie & I’m about to have a fit all over again. 🫡
Next…. Bram Rietveld (technically not OG character, but he is not named nor described whatsoever in the canon material. Kaz only says that he and his brother missed their Da.🥹)
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Notes: DO NOT COME FOR ME. I AM DEFENDING MYSELF. Not to sound cringe, but from the moment I put Kaz’s Da into DWOD, back in memories at the very very early stages of the story, I pictured Pedro. This was before the internet craze (I mean obvs he was famous but iykyk), & I know that sounds cringe but it’s true. Pedro Pascal IS Bram Rietveld. Like, I would change next to nothing. Obviously his voice would have a “southern” ring. Maybe he’d have slightly lighter skin naturally being of Kerch descent, but actually I imagine him quite tan at most points of the year from running the Rietveld farm & harvesting the wheat fields. Obviously, you can picture him differently, but this is damn near exact for me. Also, Last of Us only solidified that belief for me. Gosh dangit, look at this treasure! Bram loved his kids so much.
Are you ready? (I’d say I saved the best for last, but… Actually, no. I certainly did.) I present…
Emilia Winstrad, The Butcher of Belendt🪡
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Notes: I love her. I love Emilia as much as I love the protagonists from my actual novel. She means so much to me. 🥹 I don’t think I can quite explain how excited I was (& how long I waited) to introduce you guys to Emilia. I hope you love her as much as I do in DWOD. As far as technical notes: Rachel McAdams (this actress) has quite honestly the exact facial features I pictured on Emilia. Like Bram, I feel like this is Em. However, there are a few minor changes: dark eyes like Kaz rather than hazel (it’s hard to tell here), & also the same dark hair as Kaz. True black. Tbh, I was shocked when I stumbled upon images of McAdams randomly (after already describing Emilia in the story)- it felt like seeing a picture of an online friend you’ve never actually met but they somehow appear exactly as you thought they would? Make sense?
Bonus pics that show the darker hair I imagine on another actress. Also the pipe picture just for funsies (iykyk)🫶🏻🪓
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She is my pride & joy. Not only that, but I think she and Kaz were meant to be family. I am not Leigh & have no canon voice, but I swear somewhere in the multiverse she is canon & I say that with fear because it’s not meant to sound precocious. She just feels so real to me, but I’m sure that’s silly bc I wrote her. Idk. Take my ramblings 🖤
Oops my hand slipped, have more pain: Elena Rietveld (I consider Elena an OG character of mine as Kaz’s mother is never mentioned in canon despite that he obviously had one. Technically, it is never said whether she lived or died.)
Sorry I killed her.
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Notes: OBVIOUSLY these are pics of the same actress because Em & Elle are identical twins. However, I did choose an image of McAdams from earlier in her acting career as she did pass away younger than when Emilia appears in the story. The same notes apply here as to Em, dark hair & dark eyes would be the changes. Though, I do love this pic representing Elena as there is something a bit softer about her over her sister. Where Emilia applies blood red lipstick, Elle is a petal pink. I think that metaphor fits best, but undoubtedly I wanted Elena to have her own strength in the memories where we get to glimpse her. A woman who chose her baby son, Kaz’s life over her own. The type of mother who would have run into a burning building for her kids. A fierce little sun ray who deserved a yellow kitchen. 🥹
I actually have images & notes completed for Pim & Anika as well, plus a bonus lil one that I doubt ya’ll were expecting, but alas, there is a limit of 10 images on a post 🫠 So… let me know if you want them.
This was so long. I’m long winded, but ya’ll knew that. I love you all so much. Thank you for being here. 🖤🐦‍⬛
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wwillywonka · 12 days
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012. currently hyperfixated on it with the release of s14, which i am absolutely loving so far. gatwa is already inching towards favorite doctor status.
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Star Trek (TNG, TOS)
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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