#also idk if i wanna do black and white or try to. color it. kinda painterly.
kittyslashers · 6 months
ermmm. trying 2 plan out a transgender ass comic
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randomblack-girl · 2 years
I knew this guy with Uranus conjunct Mars in the 8th house and "it" was huge 😟
Siren in the 6th house have nice bodies
I feel like Jupiter in the first house wanna be thick so badly or they are but they usually have nice bodies
I might have already said this but chiron in the 6th house might have body insecurities or health issues the type to grow up fat then start eating healthy as they grow up or maybe they had bad skin and got into skincare
I hate to say it but it's true pisces placements do be lying especially ones related to the 3rd house/Mercury a friend of mine with Neptune in her first house admitted to lying for fun and an old friend of mine with Neptune in the 3rd house said she'd lie so people wouldn't know stuff about her (Scorpio rising) but I hate saying this because I have pisces/Neptune influence over my chart and I'm not a liar, but it is some of them.
There's definitely a connection between pisces/Neptune people and fishes, mermaids, etc my friend who has Neptune in the first house said she wants a little mermaid birthday party. They do look really good in a mermaid aesthetic, it's giving:
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As a Scorpio rising I keep attracting Scorpio moons!!! And I love Gemini risings as a gemini moon and idk bout y'all but I get along better with people with similar placements to mine bc yk people be saying opposites attract...
What's y'all experience with Saturn in the 8th house men? Like what's going on down there? I'm curious 😭😭 I keep meeting guys with that placement I also don't know how to read this placement really, a lot of them seem kinda traumatized and closed off
People with Venus badly aspecting their asc usually think they're unattractive, it's sad
Ok so I have pisces Venus conjunct Uranus in a composite chart with this guy and we like each other but we live in different countries but he literally set the standard for my future bf 😭
On the list of hot voices is mars in the 2nd house. This guy ik has Capricorn mars in the second house and he sounds so smart and like a gentleman but hot at the same time. I also noticed he talks really slowly? Idk but I like it 😋. Sirene, Saturn, and Neptune also aspect his Mercury and neptune is in his 3rd house he has a pisces mercury too. I think pisces/neptune might make your voice nice, I have Neptune aspecting my Mercury and I've been told my voice is soothing. Ok I think Pluto makes a voice hot too because I'm noticing it's Venus, mars, and Neptune that keeps showing up in people's charts who have nice/attractive voices. Saturn can make them sound more mature and Jupiter can make them sound funny/be funny. Jupiter voices also sound deep and pisces/Neptune influence makes someone good with their words/poetic.
Idk if I'd say Scorpios look sexy/mysterious but I do try 😭😭 it's so hard though bc that's not who I am naturally I'm trying to just be myself though, I do notice I am just more reserved/quiet but that's when I'm not around friends or people I actually wanna talk to (Virgo 11th house) bc I don't really become friends with just anybody
I've noticed the connections I've had where the composite chart rising was Scorpio be deep/seem deep I love these relationships as a Scorpio/Pluto dom!!! I feel like we click and can talk about deep things like trauma easily
Idk the thing about tauruses and food is kinda right bc one thing about me...imma eat 😭 and I have a friend who's a Taurus moon who loves food
Let me tell you, having my Aphrodite and Lilith in Virgo and a pisces Venus the one thing I'm gonna do...is wear green, crystals, seashells, blue, etc ITS GONNA EAT EVERYTIME idc same with black but in terms of color? It's gonna be green, blue, and sometimes white (I'm still scared to wear white) but I love white too and omg don't get me started on grey and brown!!!! Or MATCHING SETS!? bye I want some juicy couture so bad!!! I love neutrals as much as I hate so say it bc it seems so basic but they're so easy to pair up and they look good together. But I'm trying to get into color and my favorites so far are green, orange, pink?, And blue also neutrals are easy because most likely it's gonna look good. Color can be complicated it's the same with patterns which is why I have a lot of basic tops now 😭.
Another thing I'm gonna do is wear tight clothes or crop tops 😋 and I honestly find it hard to not wear that or shirts that show cleavage now that I got a sewing machine I make everything a lil bit lower 💅🏾 and I love waist beads!! Emphasis on the stomach
And one time someone said "don't you think Tionna (me) looks good in comfy clothes" which is very interesting because taurus placements do look good in comfy clothes
Btw that picture came from Pinterest!
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carterstarlight25 · 6 months
Hi everyone! So I been thinking hard on a rather unique 3way crossover that I been considering about writing. Please feel free to give me your input.
The 3 way crossover consist of DC x DP x Halo Infinite. With the ships being Jason and Danny (Obviously). Master Chief and Bruce as the second ship to be included. And Tim Simping for Katrina. (Cortana 2.0 from Infinite)
I see these possible dynamics being cute as Chief will learn how to be human, and how to love. Him and Team Phantom Finding Family. Also I don't mean the bull Chief pulled in the god awful Halo TV Show!
Bruce will learn that killing isn't an act of God. It isn't you kill once, and become a mindless murderer. That there is a difference, between a Soldier doing his duty to protect humanity and his loved ones. And a mindless killer, enjoying the horror of its victims as the bleed out with please for mercy. Effectively stealing their innocent lives... Oh also learn to not be as emotionally constipated after Katrina effectively out smarts him into a therapy session with Jazz Nightingale. (Last name changed after she saved Danny from the their parents lab…)
Danny will learn what it means to be apart of a family. And how screwed the GIW are.~
Jason, finds out he’s ghost pregnant and a heavy underdeveloped Halfa. All while the Pit becomes a full ghost that he ends up birthing. Which is gonna be a Dinosaur that will be Jason’s “Nightmare.” To his Fright Knight. (I am really wanting to go for Altispinax, or Spinax Vivosaur from Fossil Fighters series. But idk, might just use the Giga from Jurassic World Dominion. Just to change it up from what I seen people have the Pits become.
How Chief comes into the story however, would be introduced via Clockwork leaving a very obviously placed Halo Infinite Xbox Game case with a unmarked disc inside it. In an Alley Danny was taking refuge in. With a sticky note of course. And a few chapters in, when he was alone in Wayne Manor decided to play the game. And by Play. I mean go ghost and jump into the game. But of course. With his Fabulous Phantom Luck (trademark pending.) A new power began to make itself known as the code latched on him on his way out. Bringing Master Chief and Katrina to life in the real world, with all his memories and Katrina with the entire UNSC Database.)
While that’s how I plan to bring in Chief and Co. the main gist of this will be an all out battle, to destroy the GIW. Outlaws, Sirens, Chief and the entire Batfam Team up.
Despite the JL repealing the Anti Ecto Acts. A few Private donors continue to find them to get their hands on Ectoplasm. The League of Assassin’s, Lex Luthor. And of Course Vlad Masters will be the main villains connected to the GIW.
I can see Jason and Chief getting along like wildfire. And when Bruce finds out Jason is one leading the squad his kids, trying to get them to go on a date with Master Chief. It leads to some funny moments I would think. And of course can’t forget Chief reluctantly surprise appearance in Civies at one of Bruce’s Gala’s. (I kinda wanna make him wear Olive Green suit and dress pants. Black Bow Tie with a white under suit. Black belt. And an Olive Green Military Cap to hide his Neural Implant. Maybe having all his Medals from the service pinned to his chest. At least the ones that match ones in this universe. So not all of them obviously.
And Jason would absolutely catch his father freeze up when he sees the handsome Spartan.
For looks regarding Chief’s face since we don’t know what he looks like. I was thinking Caucasian Male, short brown hair that could be the right height to spike it up at least. Not a complete buzz cut. Rather bright blue eyes. That do not glow like Danny’s. But at least around that color. Of course he will have some scars on his left Temple, his lip and across his right eye. Freckles too. His muscle mass would of course be a bit more built then Jason. Which says something. But, you know. Super Soldier and all. (Update: I did in-fact Draw it ^^. If you want to see. Let me know if you wanna see Master Chief in a suit at the Gala ^^)
The Ages I was gonna go for was as follows.
Alfred: Immortal (Thanks Clockwork!)
John (Master Chief): 46yrs (I know it’s not his cannon Age. But it’s what I want for the story.)
Bruce: 45yrs
Barbara: 29yrs
Dick: 26yrs
Jazz: 21yrs
Jason: 21yrs
Cass: 20yrs
Sam: 20yrs
Danny: 19yrs
Duke: 19yrs
Steph: 19yrs
Tucker: 19yrs
Val: 19yrs
Tim: 18yrs
Ellie: 14yrs
Damien: 12yrs
Katrina: 6 months old
And that’s the little Fanfic I been thinking about. Of course it’s just an idea. but I think it would be fun to write.
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sakuracoloring · 3 months
Cami's Commentary! #7 - I finished Tex!
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! It's like midnight rn and I just finished reading Tex (yippeeee) :D so I wanna talk (write, but same difference) about it!!
Starting it off a tiny bit unrelated: Does anyone else have this problem with imagining characters off of their descriptions? Like, once I read the description, I can see it in my mind, but as I continue reading the story, that description just fades away and I don't really see anything inside my head. Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ To kinda help solve this, I usually search up fanart or pictures of the actors (if there's a movie adaptation to the story), but unfortunately that has led me to finding out spoilers (both for The Outsiders and Rumble Fish) so I'm trying avoid doing that as much as possible. For some reason as I was reading Tex, Lem Peters was simply Owen Wilson (??no idea why) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Mason was Kevin from Ben 10 (his UAF version tho, not from classic). No idea why, but it didn't really shift my focus from the story so whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways, (sorry for the ramble) ^_^ I loved it :D It was very yummy to read: Interesting cast, flawless writing (S.E. Hinton eats and leaves no fucking crumbs), lots of details (very important), and every last page of a chapter left me wanting more (which is even more important!)
I'm not sure if I love it more than The Outsiders, but I definitely prefer it over Rumble Fish (book, though, not the movie). No hate to Rumble Fish, it's an amazing book, but I honestly thought the movie was better. Like, it gave the story a glow-up, yk? Not just the more mature elements they added, but also the overall cinematography and it being in black and white (while the fishes are in color) really gave the story the extra boost it needed (well, in my opinion at least, lol). Funnily enough, my opinion on The Outsiders is the contrary: The book was definitely better than the movie. Now don't get me wrong, the movie is awesome and one of my favourites of all time, but it felt a bit (understandably) lacking in details and I feel like the book has more to offer when it comes to that. Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's just how I feel. If I end up watching the Tex movie tomorrow (technically later today), I'll probably make a post talking about it :)
Also, I love the occasional use of language here :D It really fits into the story and makes it more realistic yk (I wish Rumble Fish had used a bit more, considering who the characters are and how they act)
Just an extra little thing before I go to sleep (sleep schedule? non existent 😍): “Thanks," I said. I was getting turned on just looking at her. I wondered if she could tell, but no, the blanket kept me covered up pretty good. (Page 203), & ''Boy, if he knew what I’d been thinking about Jamie!'' (Page 205) 🤨🤨🤨Sir, this is a McDonalds...
Thank you for making it this far :D it really means a lot to me <3
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oh no :( she's trapped
See you next time! ☆
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hazbinhappy · 6 months
hii!! I was wondering if you could match me up with someone!! My name is Jamila(its arabic) and im a lesbian she/her hobbies: i sing(soprano),play piano,draw,figure skate,sew,bake, and crochet. Personality: im a very social person!! Im usually nice but i can be somewhat bratty sometimes(as in if we dont do what i wanna i kinda shut down),i can be bitchy sometimes but thats usually when im overstimulated or about to have a meltdown(im autistic), im also really hyper!! My love language is physical touch(im a very clingy person usually. I do have kinda bad communication skills bc of how i was raised so i usually start crying when im mad or sad abt something. I apologize alot sometimes. Im mentally ill(idk if i should mention that😭) abt me!!: I have a cool scar on my hand(it covers the side w the thumb on it) from a 2nd degree burn. I have a few more scars all over! My favorite colors are pink and red. Im mexican!!! I LOVE musicals(especially mean girla and heathers). My favorite actor is Avantika,winona ryder or renee rapp. My style is mcbling(fav color combo for outfits is black and pink) i love shoping. My parents own a restaurant so im usually hanging around there and bake things! I live in Miami(basically live at the beach tbh) i LOVE juicy coutore i own lots of vintage juicy and vintage Victoria secret pink things! Im a cat person! Im a picky eater(😭) and i have insomnia (its horrible.) IM TERRIFIED of bugs and i LOVE flowers i hope this was enough info abt me..😖. My demon has pink hair (like verosika),pale white skin(basically fur shes a bunny),she has bruise marks and cut marks in pink on her fur (kinda like birth marks for hell?) because when she died she was beaten to death. She has bunny ears that are usually flopped down and a bunny tail:3 she wears a red leather mini skirt w a red tank top that has lace on it. She wears juicy coutore jewlery and has red thigh highs w black boots(therye platform)
i hope that was enough info!!! Have a good day thank you:))
Your Matchup is....
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I think this one was obvious, but still :D
I think that initially she’d own your soul as a fashion designer, but over time you guys forget that she owns your soul
She likes that you have multiple hobbies because in the beginning that means you would’ve been a content farm for her, but as she started to care for you saw that you have a limit she made a schedule that worked for her and you so that you were comfortable
She doesn’t mind the physical touch even if it’s not really her love language, but don’t touch when she’s mad or busy! She is sensitive to that kind of thing so just ask first and you’re in the clear!
Her love language is quality time so spend time with her as she talks shit and she’ll be all smiles
Velvette is like the 2nd bitch out of the V’s so don’t worry about that (though you seem sweet so it balances out a bit)
You’d be surprised that the V’s have pretty decent communication skills (look at the media empire they run in all of Hell) so if yours is bad she’d either ask for clarification so just try to figure it out on her own (not in a bad way, but more so in a time efficiency way)
Crying when mad or sad is just a stress reliever! I don’t think she’d make fun of people for crying, but she usually doesn’t care unless it is you crying because she’s with you not the those other people
Why shop when she can poof it up or have someone make it? Jk she’d also love to shop with you and show off her designs in stores too, but if it’s like trinket shopping she wouldn’t mind as well
She wouldn’t mind having a cat… just keep it out of her studio.
Velvette is probably a picky eater too so don’t worry y’all are there together
Velvette has a shit sleep schedule due to managing their social media and apps and designing so she’s happy to have another person be up with her
Sadly nice flowers aren’t in hell, but hey she can make flowers out of fabric!
“Velv…? You up?” You open your eyes to see Velvette laying on her back, her own eyes closed.
“Yeah, Sweetie… Can’t sleep?” She lets out a deep breath before turning to you.
“No… Wanna cuddle?”
“Yeah, I’ll hold you for a bit.”
 She pulls you closer and you guys curl around each other.
“You’re tense. Wanna talk about your day?”
“Fuck yes. Tell me why this bitch Vox wants to be all modern and shit, doesn’t understand the fact that not everything can have a 1950s filter or theme to it? Have you seen his posters in the lobby? Horrendous! I’m so close to burning them.”
A/N: twinnn where have you been jk jk but i’m cuban and i grew up/visit florida a lot i miss it so much :( i also crochet :)
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srry for coming in ur inbox again but i do wanna say that the way these anons talk abt sex is genuinely so narrow and seemingly based solely on mediocre smut. Sex isnt just “masculine party preys on/penetrates feminine party” and the fact so many ppl in fanfic spaces seem to think that is so annoying. Most gay couples are not strictly top/bottom and many gay couples dont even like penetrative sex (or at least dont have it as their main form of sex).
Like idk mb im projecting like im a sapphic gnc person in a long term relationship with a lesbian thats obv gonna color my perspective on this. But a lot of this discourse reads as heteronormative and extremely patriarchal to me
No cause you’re exactly right and you should say it!! It is extremely heteronormative and extremely patriarchal and it’s so odd that this is what we’ve decided to fixate on.
It’s giving “okay but who’s the man/woman” and it’s so frustrating that there’s no room for anything that’s not black and white.
This is not entirely the same but I’ve been talking about characters and kinks so it’s gonna be kinda affected by that but seeing some people insist that that sort of thing is completely black and white too is just,, I do not get it at all. Nothing is that black and white and it’s not only weird that people try and make it so but it’s also just fucking BORING
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a-dumbass-jester · 3 months
Stranger, Lonely, and Desolation
Hello this is part 2 of my designs for the Sentient Entities au!! Pt 1 is important if you haven’t seen the {main post}
{End, Dark, Hunt}
{Stranger, Lonely, Desolation}
{Slaughter, Web, Eye}
{Spiral, Flesh, Corruption}
{Vast, Buried, Extinction}
First off I already have a design but some of it has changed bc I made that I. December, But I wanted to go more in depth regardless. Anyway, Stranger is definitely one of the ones that takes clear inspiration from a certain time period. It LOVED the dramatic dresses of the Victorian era, and has even stuck with them well after it ended. She typically wears a variation or at least an inspiration of a Victoria dress, normally in red (red just feels like a very Stranger color to me for some reason). Or just a circus or theater esc outfit. I’m mainly picturing a dress similar to what I originally depicted but with a bit more black to even out the gloves (that hide mannequin or doll joints). Like the top of the bodice and sleeves, and maybe a belt ribbon bow thing around her waist. Edit: MASQUERADE!!! THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING OF!!
As for hair I’m picturing brown ringlets. Im not rlly liking bangs on her however like every image for ringlets has bangs so :(. Maybe half pulled back into braids with a bow were the meet. They are constantly wearing masks, and they magically change to fit what exasperation she would be doing. Basically the mask is his face. I will be using she/it/they/he for Stranger.
Image: 1,2,3,6,7,8: outfits. 4,5: hair.
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Ok so this design was HEAVY inspiration for my lonely design. But for me I’m basically just picturing a fusion of Sadness from Inside Out and Kanade Yoisaki from Project Sekai but with obvious lonely elements. Like smaller (and abut more round) with long white hair that becomes fog. Pale skin and eyes (basically albino kinda) and just overall just kinda made out of fog. I wanna give lonely a more historical inspired outfit but the only thing I can imagine it in is a sweater sorry. Like I’m imagining it not bothering to keep up with fashion and maybe be wearing something from the 1910s but everything I’ve seen is very extra and a lot of layers and I can’t imagine Lonely in any of it (rip Lonely you would have loved sweatpants and indoorsy clothes) maybe just the undergarments? Or a very toned down version of it. I mean until sweaters and stuff like that anyway. Maybe it just didn’t wear clothes and was still sentient fog in a humanoid shape by that point. Then sweaters and hoodies where invented and it went omg I need that. Also I cant imagine it with legs for some reason. Like anything I try and picture doesn’t feel right. The only thing I can get is maybe fog that somewhat resembles a long skirt. I will be using it/she for Lonely.
Images: 1: Kanade Yoisaki (pjsk) 2: Sadness (inside out)
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Ok sorry again but I don’t have much for Desolation. The closest thing I have is someone constantly on fire but idk? I’ll probably use it/its.
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Ok, I don't think anyone's done this yet, but imagine: Spiderverse!Herobrine feat.Rookie!Y/N
He's basically like my usual Herobrine is, but a Spider-man
Also again, spoilers for those who have not watched Across the Spiderverse
His Spidey suit would of course have the Iconic Spidey eyes, but glowy, and the main colors would be blue (same as his shirt), Indigo, and white (ofc with black accents). (Also angy Spidey eyes mood)
He's in the usual same style of animation that Miles, Peter B parker, and Gwen are. (Same with Y/N's) His framerate also changes. (24 fps for the default, 12 for fight scenes)
He'd be the mentor that ends up a tired exasperated father figure for teenage Y/N. (Think of a Tony Stark and Peter Parker dynamic)
He will deny the claim that he thinks of Y/N as his child, but he does, 100%. (Denial is a river in Egypt Hero).
Especially because Y/Ns bio father figure isn't really there. (He's kinda there, but he's not really that good. Idk)
Crossed arms and annoyed, Spidey, squinty eyes are pretty common.
His powers would consist of the same things Miles Morales can do (including invisibility), with added teleportation with a "cool down". (He leaves a blue trail behind when he teleports in 12fps, but it fades almost instantly)
He's been a spiderman for a long while. So naturally, he's the mentor and Y/N needs to do what he says. (Does Y/N do this? No. No, they don't.)
Him and Miguel Spiderman were at odds. Brine was always a lone wolf, "I wanna do my thing", kinda guy, and we all know that Miguel hates when people don't conform to the "canon".
Herobrine doesn't believe all the "canon" nonsense. He knows it's illogical, and multiple universes should have collapsed in that case. He tried explaining this to Miguel, with no luck.
Hero barely holds in a snort when he finds out a literal kid (Miles) has tricked Miguel. It's hilarious to him akjdhd.
"A STUPID ASS KID BEAT ME. HES GONNA RUIN EVERYTHING!" "A kid?" *Barely keeping in a laugh* "Are you LAUGHING AT ME?!"
I can imagine Y/N would be (enthusiastically) introducing new slang and phrases to Hero that Herobrine never bothered learning.
Y/N casually rambling while trying to catch a villain with Herobrine.
"Can you not do this right now?"
Should I make Hero the "Uncle Ben" or no? (Probably nahhh. It's better to make him lose someone, and that impacts his overprotectivness with Y/N)
Man is again, bilingual (English and Swedish). He comes from Sweden, but has a northern United States accent, considering it's where he spent most of his formative years.
His age is 34 in this AU.
*rolls eyes with a sigh* "Miguel, your logic is not making any sense."
He also consistently has these expressions all the time: (I.e: "Bish, imma strangle you.")
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Man is the only one more intimidating than Miguel.
He has a "tired dad mode". This only ever happens when he's been awake for more than two days and has no more energy and is running off of coffee and regret.
*tired dad mode* "Y/N, what trouble did you get into now?" "I can explain-"
Overprotective fr
Messy hair all the time, gets worse in tired dad mode.
Aroace (reason No. 1 he doesn't follow the canon, and is probably the first anomaly in actuality)
Identity is kinda a secret. Like, he's Herobrine ofc, but he doesn't like citizens seeing him in everyday attire. Cause his glowy eyes. (Kinda would reveal his identity instantly anyways if we're gonna be honest.)
No Spider name. People just call him "Herobrine".
I might do a second part if I can think of more, or if it's requested enough skhdydh
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b0vidine-reblogging · 2 years
Something I neglect on this account is my love of character analysis I also don’t post headcanons that often so here we go big ol’ Chonny Jash character analysis/hcs post!
Ill try my best to keep my thoughts organized and make it clear what's analysis and what's a headcanon! This whole post is just going to be about their physical appearances if this yall like this post I might do one of their personalities/relationships.  
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(Here's a little sketch of the 3 to act as a clip of Markipler jangling keys to keep your attention)  
-The heart seems to have denser curls than the other two which also makes his hair look a bit shorter. 
-Of course he has the purple lipstick and the eye covering but a lot of people tend to not notice that his nails are painted white. (Well at lest they are in Light & Night) 
-When drawing him I try to make him appear softer than the other two. This is likely because he is typically seen in softer lighting than the others. 
-He holds himself a lot less confidently than the other two making him seem almost smaller than them 
-I headcanon that they are different heights and that heart is in fact the smallest out of the three 
-he wears all white besides of course his eye covering (Though its a popular headcanon that he also wears black gloves and I like that hc as well! I’m like 90% sure that comes from the clip from TME where the soul played piano with black fingerless gloves on.)
-It’s very common for people to headcanon he’s blind/has black eyes. I like those headcanons but I don’t see him as completely blind though I think he can still kinda see but not very well and definitely not with his blindfold on. I also headcanon he’s super sensitive to light. (I almost want to say it’s canon but I feel like the mentions of him not liking light are metaphorical but ya know I'm not a Jash fan unless I take the metaphors literally) 
-The Mind’s hair mainly is pushed back besides a strand that hangs in front of his face
-His hair is also noticeably less curly than the hearts. (At least it is in Light)
-I headcanon he also has the darkest hair out of the three.
-While talking about heacanons I also imagine he’s the tallest too. 
-Ofc he has the blue lipstick but his nails are also painted black. 
-He wears all black and he has a shirt with another shirt over it the second shirt looks like some kind of button up but I like to hc that he wears a leather jacket. 
-He also wears a necklace (don’t ask me to elaborate idk its in the beginning of Light & Night if you wanna see it) 
-He holds himself more confidently than the heart 
-When drawing him I try to make him seem harsh which leads into the fact his lighting is normally harsh and dark. 
-The souls hair almost looks wavy in some places??? (At least in Light) 
-I headcanon the soul to have the lightest hair out of the trio.
-The previous heacanon is likely due to the soul having much lighter lighting. 
-The soul like the other two has his nails painted in TME one hand is black and the other is white likely representing the other two and in Light & Night there's a frame in which his nails look rainbow colored though through the rest of the song he has the same nails he does in TME. 
-The soul also is wearing a bracelet in the frame I mentioned previously from Light & Night.
-And in the clip I mentioned of the soul having painted nails in TME he is wearing black fingerless gloves but the fandom seems to have decided to just give those gloves to the heart (which is the correct choice) 
-The soul of course has his red lipstick 
-unlike the other two the soul doesn't seem set to any specific color for his clothing his shirt appearing to be a shade of blue while his jacket is brown.
-One of the first things I noticed about the soul was his eyes, something about them just stood out to me. They appear darker than the minds and in Light & Night they look shiny unlike the mind’s. Which I mean makes sense with that saying about eyes being the window to the soul.
-In the end of TME the souls shirt kind of droops down on one side showing a bit of his chest but in Light & Night he has a different shirt that doesn't do that and it’s just normal. But you are gonna have to pry that first shirt out of my cold dead hands cuz I love it.   
-And finally the soul has a bit of an intimidation factor to him and he sort of has the way of commanding a room (Or at least whatever clip he’s in) and something about the soul reads as ethereal to me so I try to keep that when I draw him too. 
Anyway that's all I got for now if yall want feel free to share some of your own hcs with me I love seeing them!
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hoodies-n-cola · 6 months
Tell us about that concert :)
All those details :)
OUGH okay so me, CL, and SL (CL's husband) went to Autoheart's first US tour :D
We had to wait in a p long line before the show, but we talk loud so some of the people behind us were laughing at the stuff we were saying n that's always fun :> the merch line was long as well, but I got 2 CDs and a shirt <3 (they didn't have the third CD there, but for some reason they had them at later concerts? I don't get that but I'm angy, I don't wanna pay like $22 shipping for a $13 CD ;0; )
Anyway the show started with the first opener, RAEGAN. She was p cool, her music was very punchy n we got to participate at one point n shout "FUCK RAEGAN" but like, there were a couple minors and a lot of nice people not entirely willing to yell that so it wasn't as loud as it could've been u,u
The second lady came up, Pidgeon Pit, and oh man her energy was amazing! She was all over the stage with her guitar, her songs were toothy and some political (in a good way) and she gave off hardcore big sister vibes, she was great :D she even had a moment of like, well for context Autoheart is popular with the gays bc it's a gay band (I know for sure the lead singer is gay but idk about the other two) so of course the queers were out in full force n the lead singer is a trans woman herself, so she gave a big shoutout to all the trans people in the audience (like me and some of the people to my right, who I made a bet with on Autoheart's opening song hehe) and it was nice to be in a room with so many people shouting for trans people instead of against them
Okay so I'll be using names; Jody is the lead singer, Simon is on keys, Barney is on guitar, and he's not a member of the band but Adam handled drums, he was fantastic <3
Anyway so they call come out on stage, Jody first, and he's got these genuine Gucci shades on that are so round and thick, it was so cute X3 he also had a suit jacket on that was a pinkish-reddish color over a black shirt, it was such a good look ;; Simon had jeans, a red Dickey's shirt, and a white short sleeve button up over that And Barney I believe had a graphic tee and jeans, but he also had a jean jacket on when we saw them after the show
Their first song is Lent bc of course it would be and everyone was singing along and like, god first of all, this is genuinely my favorite band ever of all time, I don't dislike a single one of their songs, I have them all saved to my Spotify, so you know I'm crazy about it, second I kinda face a lot of "oh that's what you're listening to?" (/neg) at home when I try to play Autoheart, and third I was with two of my favorite people in the world So believe me when I say I was FEELING it, being in a crowd of people who knew every word I knew, every vocal flourish in every word to the point the audience could all be heard doing the same vocal flourish from the base song that he did differently live, it fuckin got me man, I'd never felt so connected and part of something great like that ;0;
And of course the band is just going, they're playing banger after banger, Jody making these cute little smiles n doing these cute little dances and moves with his hands as he's singing, he was a joy to watch Barney was killing it on the guitar over there too, he was also doing backing vocals and he sounds so nice!! I'm not fully sure if he does backing vocals on all the songs or if it was just for live, but if it was just for live, then I hope they let him back up on more songs cause he was wonderful <3 Simon, oh man, don't even get me started, his work on the keyboard is part of why I fell in love with Autoheart in the first place, their first albums and EPs being FULL of those deep, punchy piano work, it's so good ;;;; oh and his tambourine work was great too, he was on that on the more lowkey songs And of course Adam was fantastic, filling the room with percussion when it calls for it omg dude was killer!
Oh oh and the LIGHTS oh man during "Time Machine", there's the line "voices/7 of them inside of me/each requiring autonomy" (referencing the 7 deadly sins) n when Jody got to that point, he'd do a Y pose, reaching his arms up as he's bathed in green light and subtle smoke, it was religious ;;;;
Unfortunately we had to do it out on the back patio where the radio was turned up; I'm hard of hearing n they couldn't turn the radio down, so I could barely hear them ;-; But we got to meet them and get things signed and I got to tell them how much they all mean to me and I got to hug Jody ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Last thing though, for those of you who know about me n CL's EW OCs known as the blormas, I imagine you're familiar with Joey. Joey himself is based on Jody, and a lot of his personality is based on the songs, so of course I had to draw a Joey for them all to sign, and they did <3 They were pretty impressed with the fact that I did it with pencils on paper and it made me blush ngl ;;
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muhtesemz · 9 months
Some questions 🐥
1,2,5,8,9,11,19,20,23,34,36,37,38,47,49,50, 52, 53, 54,55, 60(🤣Haram 'alaik ya akhi), 82, 84, 85,86, 88, 89, 90, 95(what was the conversation about rather than with whom?🌛 If you wanna share, that is☺️) 112,113, 114(something good, tell us anyway 🌜), 129 ummm did i ask too much?🫢 Take your sweet time but i hope you answer, Barakallahu feek🫶 (idk what's wrong with me or why I'm so bekar🌚) but since you also reblogged that "never hesitate to annoy me" i thought i would just welcome myself 😶‍🌫️
1. 3 Fears
Getting far from deen (not easy to stay firm specially in a non-muslim country.
Doing smh that brings a temporary happiness but leaves a lifetime regret.
Losing people who are closest to me now.
2. 3 things I love
Biryani, cricket and learning smh new specially smh related to history.
5. My best friend
I don’t have such a single best friend. A few people with whom I can discuss stuffs.
8. What do I miss right now
Home, as always.
9. Favourite color
Black, some shades of brown and white.
11. Favourite place
Right now Istanbul
19. How I feel right now
Content alhamdulillah
20. Someone I love
Abu Obayda
23. Favourite season
In general winter. But I love fall here 🍂
34. Am I excited for anything?
Not excited, kinda tensed about something.
36. How often do I wear a fake smile?
Almost never
37. If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
There are many people like that.
38. What do I think about most?
Mostly about my family. It really hurts living this far. Far from them for almost six months now.
47. Do I have any nicknames?
I don’t. But my name is kinda long, so people shorten it in their own ways :p
49. Can I touch my nose with a tounge? No
50. Favorite animal - wolf
52. What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - not one specific
53. What is my favorite word? - name of the beloved.
55. If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Be a little easy to each other. Be a little kind to each other. Try to understand them. Empathy, empathy and empathy.
60. Gotten pregnant? - my this anon is too devilish 😈
82. Where do I want to live when older? - madinah
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justabigassnerd · 10 months
okay I know you don't write for marvel anymore (unless you do, idk), and this isn't an ask, but just imagine the shock Steve and Bucky must've felt when they see a flat screen tv in color for the first time.
Like we get the scene were Steve runs out into New York for the first time since he and Bucky left to fight in ww2 in the 40's and is shocked to discover that its not the 40's anymore and he has, in fact, been out cold since then and its now the late 2000's, early 2010's and things are completely different.
Because, according to my grandfather, tv manufactures didn't start messing with the idea of color tv's until the 50's, and color tv's weren't very common in most homes until the late 60's early 70's because of how much they costed (I found an article that said a color tv set from a company called Westinghouse that started selling color tv's in New York costed $1,295. the article went on to say how in todays money that would've costed somewhere around $10,000).
So just imagine when one of them walks into the avengers tower or somewhere, whether it be after Steve first woke up and had calmed down or after Bucky was saved from HYDRA and is no longer trying to kill people and they see a fucking flat screen tv... just... the pure fucking time shock.. cuz the last time they both had a good look at their surroundings it was in the 40's when tv's were big, heavy boxes that were in black-and-white, but here they are now sitting Infront of a flat screen tv that's in color!! JUST. JUST THE PURE SHOCK OMG. Imagine how old they must've felt!!!!!
OMG ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT COMPUTERS TOO HOLY SHIT!!! Cuz those didn't come out until the 70's!!!
Anyway have a good day/night and sorry for the long rant lol.
omg don't apologise for the rant because I never really gave this much thought when I was in my Marvel era
but you're so right they surely lost their shit seeing a tv in colour like if I were Steve running out into Times Square when he first woke up I'd be requesting to be back in a coma or some shit bc that would be too much for me to handle right off the bat
Bucky would've 100% been so confused and shocked seeing it all too especially after HYDRA and probably not until after Endgame bc there was so much shit going down he probably barely got a chance to process things but I just know Bucky geeked out at least a little because tv's are not only huge and now in colour, but they've got streaming services so you have damn near every movie/tv show at the press of a button (not to mention if Bucky found the movie version of The Hobbit)
oh and computers? basically portable tv's that you can do more stuff on? they'd be so shocked and awed by them. I think computer's would also kinda scare them a little so they stick to pen and paper to take notes
I actually loved giving this some thought this was so fun, if y'all ever wanna just talk to me about anything fandom-y I'm so down fr
much love <3
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
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I completely forgot to post what is now my icon oops!
Sapphire's kinda my fursona for public social media spaces while also being her own character. She's a Wolpertinger and if anyone I know personally thought I was cynical, she's that but 10 times worse. Her body takes a very basic and common form of her kind; horns, squirrel body, bird wings and legs, (latter not shown here) along with snake eyes and serrated fangs that hurt like hell and contain extremely deadly venom. If you lived where she is then you'd be hard pressed to even find her at all or hear her as she's very sneaky compared to her less mystical brethren. Her lapin body takes the coloring of a black tan, a fancy breed of a domestic show rabbit.
Just like me, she is Autistic and probably with other things I don't have a guess of, one of them being possible RSD (again Maybe, idk I haven't been diagnosed myself but it matches up too well), which greatly affects how she interacts with the world and vice-versa.
Sapphire holds an extremely pessimistic and cynical outlook of the world and has kept a hold of it for a good while. She has lived in complete solitude for many decades deep within a mystical forest that she is the sole Guardian of, but what she doesn't tell anyone is she's also extremely lonely yet hides it due to abandonment issues. Thanks to the very former and latter, it's difficult to gain her trust, since she lives alone and rejects anyone trying to get closer to her as a means to defend herself. Sapphire has a 'disguise form' that allows herself to turn into a wild normal colored rabbit when she's approached by anyone, allowing her to hide in plain sight and get away without being caught. Naturally distrustful of almost everyone she meets, it's not hard to see she isn't exactly the friendliest.
Outside of interaction with living talking beings though she's really chill and living her life otherwise in a lazy roundabout way and just does her thing. She lives in the woods, and with her years of being there has a fondness for nature and is protective of her home.
She holds a strong hatred of sentient birds, having forbidden a certain white/grey one she used to be close to from entering her forest under the threat of death by her venom to firmly establish her boundaries after having them broken by him multiple times, enforing it with a slash of her claws. Non-sentient birds that already live alongside her however are treated with as much protectiveness as her other brethren. Outside sentient beings are forbidden from entering, and she is not only very territorial, she is extremely aggressive and will be all too willing to injure and kill.
While she has magic, she rarely uses it outside of said disguise. It's stored in her body otherwise, waiting to be used but almost never truly utilized. It's currently unknown how strong her magic capabilities are due to that. (Aka I haven't thought of it yet and unsure if I wanna make her really strong)
Art/OC: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me
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bi-polar-geminii · 1 year
i don’t mean what i’m saying with malice, however, can you please stop putting all your inbox asks regarding the issue of listener designs on the main tag. i understand you want people to know about this issue (if this is your intention), but all you’re doing is making the artists who draw as a hobby feel bad, and just adding negativity to the main tag. i understand how it feels to not see yourself represented, but that’s where you come in. for those wanting rep, you can either draw it yourself or if you can’t draw it and are so adamant on wanting rep, commission and support an artist! consistently complaining won’t get anything done but draw artists away from the fandom itself and make art we see for these characters we all love become sparse and less.
additionally, listeners, at the end of the day, are us. if an artist is an afab female, chances are that listener will also be an afab female. some artists may not draw pocs not because they just don’t want to, but because they aren’t well-versed in depicting their features and don’t want to do it an injustice. there’s no need to rush to the worst possible and negative explanation. i have never seen myself represented in a single piece of redacted fanart, however i know better than to just nonsensically complain about it — because complaining won’t get anything done (it’ll only do more harm if anything).
thank you for making your points known, and i hope what i’m saying comes across to you as i intended it to
Out of respect, I did remove the unnecessary posts from the tags bc they did clog up the main tag (my bad, but also if its that bothersome, you can literally scroll past it, your not obligated to read everything)
I’m not slamming anyone or shaming people, that was never the intention here. It was to make light on how some artists choose to make characters (not self inserts) white simply bc of mainstream/kinda racist ideas that characters in media can only be portrayed as white to be popular or liked bc of white beauty standards. I want people to reflect and think about that, but I never said ppl *couldn’t* make them white or afab. Im not trying to gatekeep or force people to suddenly get rid of all their white characters just bc i said there isn’t enough representation
Also *I do* have characters for fandom rep, I have lots of them. The only reason why I don’t post them is because they aren’t finished yet. But what’s wrong with having an opinion on something? You have to admit, people wouldn’t be in my inbox telling that *I* have to create the representation needed and that my opinion is hurting everyone’s feelings if I was a white creator. Just think about that
Also im sorry but the whole “some ppl dont draw poc characters cause they dont know how to!” is an argument thats just very fucking tiring to hear. It truly isn’t that hard, like im being serious. There are *a lot* of free recourses out there to learn if your super keen on learning how to draw the different ethnic facial features. But if you wanna create a black/brown person for example, this is what you do; draw the character, make their skin color a darker brown. Congratulations! You’ve made a poc character! Ladies and gentlemen its really not that difficult, if your not willing to challenge yourself on how to draw different types of people or your too scared to- its gonna stunt your growth as an artist
This was the first time I opened up about an opinion I had seeing in this fandom, so idk what you mean by ‘consistently complaining’ when this whole situation has only happened once (for me)
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dwtsfun · 2 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 31 Week 7: *cracks knuckles* Let's Get Started
So before I say anything, I'm gonna get into the viewers (cuz I saw some bs on twitter all last night), the judges (all four of them are gonna get it) and the show itself (some of the music decisions were incredibly silly and felt like sabotage and the team dance...oh the team dance). Tyra and Alfonso were cool for me. I'm still trying to figure out how Tyra found time to make an outfit change with no commercial break. Where did she go??? How did she do it so fast? I need to know her secrets.
Jordin and Brandon- Tango (Score=36)- So since we're starting out with Jordin, let's go. Let's get into the problems. This dance was good. Jordin's technique was the best I've seen from her. Her feet and legs especially stood out. Brandon's choreo was actually quite good and I loved the skeleton quirks that were thrown in there. It really made for a super fun dance and a great way to start the night. Now, the music problem was clearly an issue here. Of every Halloween-esque song in the world that could've been given to these two for this dance, why give them a song that was THAT far from a tango song? If it had been used for a foxtrot or a jazz, it would've made so much sense and made for a much better routine. But here we are. A song that was actually detrimental to the quality of the dance. Jordin almost looked lost trying to get the right tango feel to this song because it was way too smooth. It's silly that they were given this song to dance to. And it honestly felt like sabotage. I also wanna get into the discourse calling Brandon's status as a pro into question. It's anti-black racism. Full stop. It's a variation of what we saw Keo deal with when he was on. But this is a little different. Women of color, specifically Black women, have it way more difficult on this show. Black pros have had a very difficult time on this show. We all seem to understand this. But for some reason, the fandom doesn't seem to be able to connect that a Black pro being paired with WOC (four of them being Black women), means that they are going to have an extremely hard time getting the general audience to vote for them in droves. That should stop anyone from using his placements as a way to discredit his work as a pro. But, let's say you still want to make that argument, cuz you're bored and you wanna be an agent of white supremacy. Okay, then why are you not using the same logic for Artem? Or Pasha? Or Gleb (some have used it for him)? And don't get me started on how many times Val and his partner would've been eliminated early, had production not stepped in to him them out. The first three have had worse records than Brandon and all of them have had worse output than Brandon (Val has only had moments of greatness, contrary to popular belief. Most of his work has been pretty ho hum). Brandon is doing a great job. Placement is not the end all be all. Using that as the reason to say Brandon needs to lose his job is racist and ridiculous. Moving on.
Charli and Mark- Argentine Tango (Score=39)- So y'all may hate what I'm about to say, but I actually agreed with CAI about Charli. What I think CAI was saying is that Charli needs to really throw caution to the wind and just go for these dances. I felt like she did that for her foxtrot and contemporary. But other than those two, it feels like she is slightly holding back for fear of messing up. And to me, it hinders her performances in a way. Of course she still hits everything perfectly and it always looks great. But her dancing is missing that extra "oomph". It's kinda safe at the moment. I think that's what CAI was getting at and she's said it before. Idk why it was so hard for her to spit it out last night. It's also similar to the critique she's given Heidi. That doesn't mean that Charli isn't working hard. She is. You can tell. But I need Mark to push her to breakthrough that, whatever it is. SN: I love when traditional tango music is used on this show.
Daniel and Britt- Paso Doble (Score=34)- Here is another case of the music working against the couple. I think the song was too quiet and one note for a full on paso doble. Britt did the best that she could with it and it was a nice dance. Daniel stayed on time (mostly). But it just lacked some of the attack and character that it needed to really sell the dance. Besides that, Daniel still needs to work on his shaping. This dance showed that he still has issues getting his arms and his hands right.
Shangela and Gleb- Jazz (Score=40)- I cannot believe I'm saying this, but this might be my favorite dance of the season. And I'm saying that because it came from Gleb. I cannot believe how well he has been doing this season. I mean it took years. So it was long overdue for him to give us a dance like this. But he has been Shangela dances worth a damn week after week and I am so happy that he isn't letting her down for once. And Shangela killed it. There were no mistakes and she got that character down so well, I was a little rattled myself.
Vinny and Koko- Paso Doble (Score=30)- Vinny improves a lot from week to week. He is still the weakest dancer left and he will always be the weakest dancer left. But I don't care about that. He is listening to the actual critiques that he gets (though you can tell the nasty comments from Len are starting to really tear him up) and he makes improvements based on that. His feet were much improved. The section that Derek was talking about was the best dancing I've seen from Vinny all season and was actually quite shocking coming from him. It takes a lot of artistry to be able to give that section so much life. It was so simple, but so impactful. And that's what I was getting from CAI's critique. I do think it was communicated to Koko clumsily. Koko should include more of that in Vinny's dances. He's getting the steps down. Now it's time to build on that and go to the next level. It doesn't have to be the whole dance, as I'm not sure Vinny can handle it. But pieces here and there would show so much more depth to his dancing. I hope she doesn't take offense to it because she is doing a great job with a partner that is super unnaturally gifted. And I think the majority of us see it. Also, some of you all still don't understand how this show works after all of these years and it is ANNOYING at this point. This has never been just a dance contest. It has been a popularity contest with dance elements added. It always has been. It always will be. Vinny is popular with the general audience and it makes sense for him to be. He's nice. He's fun. He's having a good time. He's improving week to week. And he's relatable for a lot of people. Vinny still being here makes more sense than anything else this season tbh. So please chill out on him. This isn't Skeleton or the countless other white men who can't dance and have been sucky people that we're talking about.
Heidi and Artem- Tango (Score=37)- Wtf Derek. How was this a 10 in any sense? What is wrong with him? Derek has been on one all season and been super dumb and I just can't deal with it. If he keeps this up, I'm gonna start a petition to bring Julianne back as his replacement. I'm over these childish games. That tango was extremely weak up until the last 5 seconds. She dances with no impact, no attack, no passion, no nothing. This isn't something that is unique to Heidi though. This has been a problem with every single one of Artem's partners except for Miss Patti. I do not understand why he cannot get them to fully attack the dance. They just lightly tap it and it is the most frustrating thing to have to see it season after season after season. CAI and Len seemed to be very frustrated with it. And let's just bring up Len saying that Heidi had plateaued. I hope you all remember that. Because in all of the discussion about Jordin being eliminated, I think that is being lost. And that is the most important part that makes that elimination that much more frustrating. They should be lucky that CAI and Len didn't give them an 8. Tbh, that's all it really deserved.
Gabby and Alan- Argentine Tango (Score=38)- That was my favorite dance from Gabby by far. I didn't see any of the issues that I usually have with her dancing. Unfortunately, she did have a mistake right in the middle where her legs got tied up. But otherwise, it was great.
Wayne and Witney- Contemporary (Score=37)- I loved this dance. I thought it was fantastic. Now, was it a contemporary? No. But that's not their fault. WTF was the show doing when they gave them a dubstep remix of the Halloween theme for a damn contemporary routine? Just give them hip-hop and call it a day. Why sabotage them like that? STUPID! I mean what else were they supposed to do for this dance? Seriously. Witney created an amazing dance, but it's not getting the appreciation it deserves because it was labeled as a contemporary. I hope she submits that piece to the Emmys next year and they nominate her for it.
Trevor and Emma- Contemporary (Score=39)- Now why did they get an acoustic song for their dance? You see that. I see through your bs, Conrad. You ain't slick. I see what you're doing. You can absolutely give the couples the right music for the dance they're assigned. He just is playing around. Now for this dance, it was good. It was Trevor's best dance. But it was not 10 worthy. Derek, Bruno and CAI were big tripping with the scores and the over the top comments. I'm so frustrated by them. Ugh. Give it 9s. That would be perfect.
Thoughts on the Team Dances
They both sucked. I don't know why they didn't give the couples a costume change so that they would be a cohesive unit. That was mistake number 1. It was a grave one at that. The second mistake. Why did the couples stay on the floor for the whole routine? Both teams' idle couples weren't doing anything for at least part of the time. Third, these seemed like an afterthought. And while they've never had more than two practices, it was very obvious that the team dance is not valued anymore. So here is where I sit. If this is how these dances are gonna be conducted from now on, then we don't need to have them ever again. Just replace it with the relay and be done with it. It was a waste of the viewers' and the couples' times. Also, I am not understanding how they gave Team Scream 10s. It was better than Team Wicked, but not a 10 team dance at all. It should've been 8s for the first and 9s for the second.
Now the elimination. I already expressed some of my issues. But I have a few more thoughts. As we all know, it was Jordin and Heidi in the bottom 2. First of all, in my mind Jordin being there was a fluke. Team dances tend to mess the leaderboard up and cause a couple to fall into the bottom 2 that usually would not end up there. The difference now is that we have the judges that can save that can be strategic with their save and rescue that couple from an off night. So here was my thought. Based on how the night went, I fully expected it to be a 50/50 split, but with CAI and Len saving Jordin and the other two being stupid and saving Heidi. But like everything else on this show, that was too much like right and Derek and Bruno surprised me while CAI and Len made the dumbest decision I think they have ever made on this show. How do you drag a woman for plateauing and not giving you enough while simultaneously praising the other one for growing and taking risks and even state that she had a breakthrough on that very night, just to save the one that's not giving. What sense does that make? It's stupid. They are dumb. They don't understand strategy. Heidi is just gonna end up back in the bottom 2 next week with Trevor. And I'm sure they'll save her again, just for her to end up back there (or flat out eliminated in a double) in the following week. Why do that instead of saving someone that still has a legit shot at making the finale? The writing is on the wall for Heidi and has been for weeks. The fact that they refuse to see this and will keep saving people that are clearly not getting the votes week after week is not smart. They did a similar thing with Ally and James back in whatever season that was. It makes no sense at all. I'm just so sick of the judges being stupid. Also, I'm sick of people dragging CAI for being a mess when the mess last night was Bruno (and Derek to a lesser extent). Carrie Ann was the one trying to give each celeb very pointed advice that she felt would help them. And if people took the time to try and hear what she was saying instead of writing her off immediately, people would understand as well. Maybe you might not agree, but she wasn't just spewing out hot air and nothing else. That's it. This was longer than I wanted it to be and definitely should've been two posts so I could've really gone into the detail about race (and other things regarding how the judges are viewed and valued) that I really wanted to. But that's what I have. I still might do a separate post when the season ends. But everyone was on one last night and I was sick of it. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon.
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kael-writ · 7 months
I honestly think (some) Irish citizens' gatekeeping of the right of people descended from Irish immigrants to associate with our heritage is kinda fucked up.
I've thought about it a lot and like, I get hating Americans in particular. I hate being American. I think mocking Americans is a great activity I myself enjoy.
But like, there just is something fucked about the idea that people should assimilate when they immigrate, right? The degree to which Irish-Americans (that hated term!) assimilated into whiteness is actually a really bad thing. The forgetting of history and debasement of culture sucks. It's kinda a good thing for people to rediscover our roots, particularly connecting with anti-colonialism and learning Irish Gaelic.
Americans who arent Native Americans (also Latines generally, who are migrants that tend to have some indigenous heritage) are all immigrants. With the exception of the descendants of slaves, these immigrants, particularly white people, are also colonizers, settlers.
Yet at the same time, people who came over from the famine (a genocide) in particular were desperate, they didnt necessarily wanna have to leave home, there's so many Irish immigrant songs and writing about not wanting to leave home, missing home, wanting to connect with "The Old Country". & while comparing it to Black American oppression is ridiculous, they did face hate.
Connecting with your heritage isnt about race. Whiteness is nothing. Irish people weren't even White at first because White Supremacy is made up bullshit. I dont think it's cool to wanna link your ethnicity as a white person to Irish roots you dont know shit about or whatever. And I will call out all day Irish-Americans and Irish-anyones who are racist, of which there are plenty on both and all sides of the oceans (Australia included ie).
But like, finding out who my great-(however far back it may or may not be) grandparents were, that's something, even if my ancestors were pricks. That tells me about my family, which tells me about myself.
I get hating the plastic patty shit. I hate it too. As an alcoholic I particularly hate Pattys Day being a drinking day. (eta Shit, I personally hate Catholicism. Fuck St Patrick).
Ive heard the same from Mexican-Americans about Cinco de Mayo. And btw heard the same about having their connection to their heritage dismissed from at least one friend.
idk how common this is to the second gen on immigrant experience in general but Ive certainly read lots from Asian people in particular about wanting to connect with a disconnected heritage, and how painful it is for Black folks to have had theirs stripped from them. Which is different for us with white privilege.
Also here worth noting being Irish is NOT about being White, many Black Americans and Black Irish citizens and in general people of color have Irish citizenship and/or Irish immigration heritage. Obviously for Black Americans that can have roots in slavery and that's fucked up and complex and not something I can tell you about.
Anyway, at the end of the day, talk shit (and better yet make jokes, lots to work with) all you want, a little shit talk is something I try to take in good humor, I dont wanna argue too much, I just wanted to put this out there.
I have a loud voice and I come from a family of obnoxious fucks, but I am sober and poor, and if I ever do get to go to Ireland I promise to do my best to not be tooo fucking obnoxious at the very least.
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