#also im more and more interested in doing podcast-type episodes
bobapplesimblr · 2 years
Considering getting a wig cause I love the look of long hair but hate the goddamn maintenance + I had a dream where I bought a super long wig that was so soft and amazing and I want one it shall be my christmas present for myself and I shall wear it whenever I want
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theselfshippingwitch · 6 months
so i saw frozen empire last night and other than reaffirming my undying and eternal devotion to ray here's my thoughts (including spoilers):
I was not expecting Phoebe and Ray to basically be the deuteragonists of this movie but i have never been so not disappointed about something in my entire life. I loved both their character arcs and i loved the relationship between them. I love that Ray seems to be the adult Phoebe goes to for advice on things that she doesn't want to talk to her family about, and I love that she calls him "Dr. Ray", that's so cute!
The end to the conflict of "Ray still wants to be involved in the Ghostbusting business, but Winston thinks he's too old" is literally just Ray proving Winston wrong and showing he's still a very valuable asset to the team, and... I have no notes 10/10
The scenes with Phoebe and the ghost girl were some of my favorite scenes tbh, really cute first crush vibes coming from Phoebe, they really nailed the John Hughes teen romance feel they said they were going for in interviews
But also, weird amount of parallels between this movie and the Twilight series??? The Robert Frost poem at the beginning, paranormal romance between teenage girl and supernatural creature, the girl becomes the same type of supernatural creature to be with her love interest, obviously not exactly the same but i couldn't help but notice
Wish they would find more for Janine and Winston to do in these movies, Janine in the GB uniform gave me more the vibes of the Q5 episodes of RGB where's she's in the uniform and with the guys and then she just... literally doesn't do anything. Movie!Janine isn't as bad, but I wish they had more for her to do than show up and say something sassy.
Why did Winston get upset with Phoebe for destroying the stone lion that was attacking her? Why didn't she explain that the possessor ghost made the lion come to life and almost kill her? Did he not know the possessor ghost escaped the lab? That whole scene threw me off tbh
Best part overall was the repossessed podcast scene, i want a special feature on the blu-ray that's just this Ray Stantz Giving Vincent Price Vibes Hosting Haunted Antiques Roadshow scene
tl;dr me too peter im proud of ray for giving up smoking in the 90s
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autismprotocol · 7 months
TMAGP Theory Board (Episode 8-9)
Hi guys sorry about the missed week of theory crafting my schoolwork has been extra demanding and I haven't been able to get around to updating the board until now so here's the updated board
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Episode 8 especially was insane so I'm gonna break the episode breakdown into two sections.
What Happened in Episode 8: Running On Empty
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New Norris Statement! it's been a while since we heard from our buddy and he did not disappoint. though there's not much to say story-wise this was just a cool incident report I loved the way they described the Lonely as a constantly hungry entity. I also noticed that the pattern of Norris's statements having to do with lost love continues to be true. it's much more subtle than his previous two incidents but the statement giver does mention losing his wife because of divorce. which I believe still follows the pattern I've theorized is taking place. 
Something up with Alice. She seems more depressed and serious than she usually is in this episode. (through episode 9 I think I know why but I'll get to that later. I don't believe she is completely in the dark like some of the newer employees and after hearing about Gwen's promotion she is getting suspicious. we have yet to know if Alice knows what's happening. but her behavior in this episode might give us a hint about how naive she actually is.
Colin is Absent. After his freakout in EP 7, Colin is MIA. according to Lena, he's on a mental health break but I would not be surprised if that is a lie.
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Gerry and Gertrude are Alive!! Probably the most exciting development in this episode was meeting an alive Gerry Keay and Gertrude Robison. Sam is on the hunt for info about the Magnus Institute after the emails Jon has been sending him and he and Celia end up meeting Gerry who in this universe is considerably more happy and lives with Gertrude. I'm interested to know what role Gertrude plays in this universe is she at all connected to the Institute? I definitely think something is up with her because of the way she tries to deflect Sam's question to Gerry.
Celia Lore. after the meeting with Gerry leads to a dead end for Sam, Celia asks him to help her with her mystery. "I'm trying to look into... Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation" More proof for this Celia being from from Archives. why else would she be looking into other dimensions specifically if she wasn't trying to figure out what happened at the Panopticon. (Remember as far as we know Celia before the change in Archives was just a normal person she had no connection to the entities or the Institute.) when Sam asks, she says it's for her friend's podcast but I think she's lying. or not telling the full truth.
Georgie Barker Perhaps? speaking of the friend. our last reveal of the episode is Georgie in protocol. I don't think she is from Archives because Georgie appears after Jons's sacrifice in MAG 200. 
And thats it for episode 8 so im gonna move on to Episode 9
What happened in Episode 9: Rolling With It
Sam is back to filling out onboarding paperwork but the questions on it are strange. asking about past traumas, how many dead things you've seen recently, and the infamous question why? similar types of questions that appear in TMA job interviews.
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A Magnus Statement!?! After Celia tells Sam she can't find anything at the Magnus Institute Sam considers cutting his losses and letting it go. But then Chester without any prompting begins reading a Magnus statement incident to Sam. I still believe Chester is Jon and he acts as a mentor to Sam trying to keep him safe by providing him with bits of the answers he's looking for. (this way Sam won't be in danger of looking for answers elsewhere and maybe he won't be targeted by this unknown force that had killed RedCanary and driven Colin to extreme paranoia.) the statement reveals that the institute collected and stored artifacts much like the Institute in Archives. 
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What's the deal with the Institute? the statement Chester shares this episode is pretty standard Magnus stuff, magic fear dice is just another Thursday for TMAG enjoyers. but what I found most interesting was the pre-statement info. What does this viability survey mean? viable for what? I and my roommate have a kind of joke theory that the Institute in this universe is a hub for training and creating new avatars but now I'm starting to think this might actually be the case. I think they are looking for people who have the potential to become avatars as subjects. for the agents, they might be employing avatars to work for the institute and the catalyst has to be finding an avatar that can complete the ritual and bring the Change. The unknown statement giver in this episode can't be a subject because they are already claimed by a power from the dice (still unsure what power it is ) they have low potential to become an agent because based on the end of the statement they now want nothing to do with the dice stepping away from their identity as a fear avatar and then dying. and for some reason, the institute must see some potential that this individual can serve as a catalyst for the ritual. I'm hopeful we'll get another avatar statement and maybe we can revisit this Viability survey again 
Gwen's First assignment. Gwen gets her first Liason assignment and it has brought up a major player from the protocol ARG. Mr Bonzo is this weird mascot character that showed up multiple times in the ARG that was launched back in the fall of 2023. Gwen is tasked with delivering an envelope with a name and address to Nigel Dickerson someone who according to Gwen is known for Mr. Bonzo. Basically, I have no idea where this is going but I definitely think it must be important. 
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Poor Alice. Alice meets with Teddy to catch up. Nothing story significant happens here but we do learn that maybe Alice still harbors some romantic feelings towards Sam.
The Ruins. After her conversation with Teddy Alice is approached by Sam with a request. He wants to go to the old Magnus Institute ruins and wants Alice to come with him. This is definitely a bad idea but she agrees and that's where we leave off
and thats it for now. The story is getting so good and I'm already attached to all the characters so im terrified to see what Sam and alice dig up at the ruins (Sam clearly didn't heed the warning of the RedCanary)
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(vibrates) it's slug time
loving the slang... "tightness all day long" "today is toasty". also love that "babes" survives way into the future. 15 this is ur legacy. "that woman was her sister" incest implication??? 2 minutes in
TURN LEFT /triggered
the design in this is impeccable.
this is so sims coded.... from the creators of "doctor who is a tv show" theory we bring u-> "doctor who is a videogame"
if u were disappointed with the focus on magic this ep this ep is rlly giving classic scifi parody lol
there's a lot of wordsmith-ing in this ep….eyes emoji
i love ruby sm now she's so resourful in every ep
this episode is like "this is how an anniversary multi-doctor multi-companion multi-master webcam special could still win"
ok but seriously. ppl are gonna be like "phones bad is dumb of course people look where they are!!!" bro. they dont. and yeah it can have deadly consequences. there's a reason "dont text and drive" campaigns happen.
ruby has done SO many callcenter type jobs forreal.
this episode is amazing
"is that thing something to do with you?" bitch (i got a bit spoiled that she's a racist (damn "looking at tumblr for 2 secs to vibe check" habit) so im looking at this with more hindsight than u are supposed to sdlkfjd)
bluie light celeste and gold motif in ruby and the doc's backdrops? also fifteen in orange <3333333 my beloved
the interior design is ON POINT this ep "you dont know how to walk without the arrows?" "condescending much?" bitch
this episode is so fun lol
"fifteen nd ruby react channel" realness (WHICH…..HEY…….DO U KNOW WHAT PPL REACT TO………………………. T V SH O W S (clown make up fully on))
ruby has done so much service calling jobs forreal lol the sheer patience
the doctor really wanting to lose their minds here but having to hold it together is peak doctor sdkjfsd (also very realistic of the struggles i expected a black doctor to work thru)
there's a bit of a theme of instinct vs programming going on here.
"surrounded by this woodland forest thing. it's like, really natural"
hashtag obsessed with it the catharsis im feelin tbh. 2 ppl being like "yo mass killing is rlly wrong" while the cacophony of the internet ~fun goes on and on. where's the [fiction]
ITS LIKE LOVE ISLAND THE PLANET. BRO. bro im so WIRED IN /clown make up intensifies
penny pepper bean still strong holding the 12 ppl still in the tory party together in the year something something
"ruby and the doctor struggle to lie in the moment" is my favorite recurring trope
the doctor using the sonic as a remote right there……………….. im running out of clown make up ya'll
"you did NOT just "@everyone" realism
no one ever listens to the goths….
until its too late…
its interesting that there's no cameras in their feeds, tho. right? like. that's the layer i think it's profoundly different to irl in this satire / social crit. ppl are *locked out* of the real world bc they're looking at their screens, but they do that bc the screens are a constant waterfall of billions of camera footage either of individuals or coporations or institutions. always producing "content". so like is not that ppl dont "see" anythign irl but they see it all thru a filter or thru editing,,,, but its fine i get what the satire is going for slkdfj but yeah. i think thats why it may feel a bit "not quite capturing" of the current ~digital ethos
fifteen so close to losing it- fifteen if u want to go for a bit of a timelord victorious i wont judge. u can have it. as a treat.
doctor who is a videogame energy bbc merch idea -> zombies run type podcast but it's the doctor and ruby telling u where to go for a job so u dont die. (russel get on this)
"this is your fault!" iconic. classic who
so many ppl have presumably died so far. god bless. we needed an ep like this. proper high body count who feels good. feels organic.
rip the au where these were the beatles. thats 1 theory im really gonna mourn for the rest of the series lol
plaza 55…… orphan 55 reference???
great abrogation sounds important.
"i will get out out of here. i promise" obligatory doctor mirroring moment.
oh shit.
"thi iss SO manual"
"hands off" I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor x companion x some bland guy love triangle DREAM omg
"he says they're saving us to eat for last (snob voice)maybe we're the most tasty" scream. this ep is so fun.
pentecost's style was so on point.
wasnt her battery running out? (i may have missed something sldkjf)
bro stop hitting the fucking gas pipes oh my goddddd
that was brutal.
racists are gonna hate this episode so much lol
fifteen getting to experience all the microaggressions/outright aggressions thirteen didnt. yay progress(???) "thats voodoo" holy shi t
"maintain the standards of finetime" rtd was pissed when writting this lol
fifteen is not doing all rightkids.
ncuti's "who's my doctor? he's a black man" prophecy comes FULL CIRCLE
fifteen looking at US tho…………… this is a tv show man. this is a tv show. this is - *im struggle against my straight-jacked as im graddged back to the cushion-walled cell*
the plot twist of this ep………… phones good actually. thank u phones. u are doing a service.
so there's a lot of ways to chop this one…
"racism and capitalism still exists in the future" is a trope that it's kind of limiting / always grates me in some ways (it feeds into the anti-racism of ppl whose politics doesnt trascend idealist philosophy -> that is, it is an anti-racism that can't conceive of an end to racism bc it doesn't actually have a political project that address the material causes of racism and just tries to fix the "natural prejudices" away with "education". in other words, it cant portray a word without racism bc it cant *conveive* of one.) . however i think im more open to it this time / this series since s11 onwards the focus has been so much on telling stories about the present with scifi make up on. and i think this one manages to do that rlly well. ___
another vertice to look this one on is whether... is it really "doing anything" to have racism portrayed on screen (and other bigotry) in a scifi story? if u already experience racism or understand it happens, who is served by this? it's hurtful to watch and it's like missing the chance to "show a different world" is possible thru scifi. and the counterargument to that is on a """""color blind"""""" 2020s world it is rlly cathartic and re-affirming to have stories that *show* the realities of the world, and that dont shy away from showing those realities in fear of them coming off as "over the top" (bc they arent. some ppl will still walk away from this ep thinking "haha fun satires" but like. this is literally how White Rich People Talk. in real life.......) and again in this one time i think it works really well bc doctor who has… probably never done this? lol there's moments with martha and ryan for example, but never going this hard on it. but im open to discussion tbh. i think the angle of "is this a story about racism for white people to learn or is it a cathartic for *black / brown people to experience catharsis in" is gonna be one for fruitful discussion in the future. ___
besides the socio-political points,,,, bro this episode was a thrill ngl sdlkjf like so many simple, excellent moments like the girl walking into the light post. the made up slang and the real slang!!!!. the excellent interior design. "ruby and fifteen react to doctor who". just lots of fun little details. the execution was really inspired.
character point -> tbh fifteen at the end feels like a bit of Growth from like, ten at his worst moments -> "he's not the person you would have chosen to survive, but if you could decide who lives or dies, doctor, that would make you a monster"
also kinda wonder how this episde will hit for newbies / Not Us. i think a lot of its gut punch comes from dw never doing this before and so the strenght of subverting those expectations. is this an story that stands on its own w/o all the 60 years of context? we'll have to show it to our normie friends and see lol
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
im agender and butch but i feel like... because im black i dont have the same access to androgyny and masculinity that other people do. the image of butchness or androgyny i see is always light skinned and fine haired and im just not that. it makes me feel like im never going to be read the way i want to or taken seriously as a gnc person. makes me really uncomfortable to go out
I'm going to answer this and will tell you first up that I'm white. My wife/spouse mod horseshoe is Black and has very similar experiences and feelings. when I saw your ask I right away thought of her and showed her, asked if she wanted to answer. She told me she doesn't know how she can help you when she hasn't figured it out either.
So I will tell you that one, you are not alone. Two, I will answer you similar to how I support her. and three, she is consulting on this ask (as she does on many advice asks, in fact!)
I'm sorry you're going through this, and especially that it's affecting your comfort in going out and being around people.
One thing I have done to try to help is find other darkskin Black folks that are doing gender in similar ways to her, on the internet. Just finding images of people who are similar I hope helps. I'm not particular about what exactly their identities are, just going for style and vibes. Lemme grab some (sorry it's leaning on instagram just bc it's easier for me to search accounts i follow there haha but I swear there are cool black gendery people everywhere, i'm sure you know this)
jade fox / madeyoulooks
studmodelproject on instagram
enxwest on instagram
iamdivinechi on instagram
arrows fitz / angryangryarrows and angryarrows
ceruleanblueboy on instagram
tboys.club on instagram - a party in london that posts lovely photos of attendees
shedoeshim on instagram and @shedoeshimfashion
followers - if this sounds somewhat similar to you please go ahead and say something! or if you have any recommendations also please add them!
you can check out my style tag for like every post I've reblogged/shared that has images of people in it. it’ll have all types of people, but maybe it’ll help. you can also scroll back through my butch tag but that will not include every masc person in it. also the stud tag, and you can consider the stemme identity + label but i don't really have much in that tag rn sorry! maybe try checking the tags for these on tumblr, tiktok, instagram, maybe youtube? maybe you'll find people that look like you, or how you want to look.
my point here is that there ARE people out there doing androgyny, doing gender fun stuff and are Black and darkskin. maybe the people i'm recommending here aren't your vibe or style and that's totally fine, there are a lot of ways to be! i hope these can serve as some sort of inspiration for you. a reminder that gender diversity and androgyny exists and is possible for black people, that there are thriving communities and you have all sorts of options out there for you. also, remember that there are many ways to be androgynous, to be agender. maybe you're more a dapper butch, maybe more a sporty stud, maybe a skate style street style guy, maybe more a crunchy granola hiking outdoorsy look, maybe workwear and denim are more your speed, maybe you're a cozy dude who likes sweats and casual clothes, maybe you like bright colors and patterns, maybe you're into alt and goth styles, maybe you feel more comfortable in vintage and retro stuff. i promise that there is a way for you to look hot and feel comfortable in yourself and people will see your fabulous Black gender noncomforming self.
If you're into podcasts I recommend genderreveal by tuck woodstock- you can skip around and just listen to the episodes that interest you. I'm listening in chronological order because I kinda like going through time and seeing the development of things but you absolutely do not have to. There's a lot of episodes out, they've been doing it for a couple years now! there are plenty of interviews with black people of all gender varieties talking about their experiences and lives
i think. what's hard is that you can’t control how other people see you. you've got to come to terms with this. so you're most likely always going to have people not getting you, not understanding your deal (whether that's gender or something else). there's no foolproof way to get out of it or avoid it, no way to be 100% sure people will always gender you right or treat you right. this is not to say that you will never have people who get you, you certainly will and i wish that for you! i absolutely recommend you surround yourself with people you are supported by and who see you. but i'm not gonna tell you like "fuck what people think, do whatever you want" because i know it's not that easy ! trust your judgement, and trust your gut. all you can do is try to balance finding what makes you feel comfortable and what feels right to you with what feels safe. when you are feeling comfortable, it will help you to become confident. when you are confident and self-assured in who you are, what other people think of you and how they see you will not affect you so much. also, you deserve to be seen and gendered the way you want to be! i'm sorry it feels like it's not possible for you. I believe that it is possible, and i wish it for you soon!!
maybe you want to consider hrt, maybe top surgery, maybe try doing drag or drag makeup. experimentation is a huge thing and i can't recommend it enough. try practicing and experiencing with different styles, gender presentation, clothes, mannerisms, hair makeup jewelry whatever. you can listen to your feelings and your body and reflect on how you like it, see if it feels right. i recommend seeking out the things that make you feel comfortable in your body, find what makes you feel like yourself, and the androgyny and butchness (or whatever presentation you seek) will follow naturally.
wishing you the best in your journey 🧡
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
also... penny for ur jodie thoughts ?
turns on immigrant song and sets it to loop. of course ^-^ I WAS GONNA DO A FRESH POST but i barely started typing it so i will answer on here instead! shout-out to @nutria--oscura as well because they also asked me for my jodie thoughts on my initial post
im gonna do a tl;dr as well as the full ramble, so! tl;dr first
canonically (in his fabricated human memories, not reality), jodie's mom, dee, was a singer and jodie didn't see her growing up because of this. i think the parallels to glenn here are obvious: glenn's dad, bill, was always on the road due to being a roadie/session musician, and dee was always on the road due to being a rock singer. the difference between them is that glenn spent consistent time with bill whenever bill wasn't busy, while jodie didn't (presumably he lived at home with his dad, but this isn't really clarified on), and i think this explains why they have such different adult lives despite their similar upbringings. glenn grew up involved in the rock scene, while jodie saw it more as something he could never be included in. however, once she appears in the podcast, dee is shown to be an extremely loving mother who has done everything in her power to find her son again, which is... really sweet, mostly, i love dee, but also its really sad because jodie has all these issues not from his actual life, but because he was used as some punishment against glenn for being a bad dad LMAO
now the full ramble with screenshots from the transcript and more headcanons/interpretations of how it affected him LOL
firstly, the part of the podcast that explains jodie's human memories, from SWAP (SWitched Ass Papas)
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for simplicity's sake, for now, i'm gonna talk as if this is all true. we are taking jodie's human memories at face value.
jodie grew up without his mom in his life at all. i think "you never met her" was an exaggeration, based on the line "you don't have too many memories of them from your childhood", but she still is clearly not someone jodie spent much time with. her presence was always there, there were people in his life keeping him updated about her, he knew what she looked like, etc, but he didn't really know her. even when he did see her, jodie's memory is bad, he likely doesn't fully know what he experienced first-hand and what he was just told. it's a bit of ADHD projection, but i know that due to my memory problems, i've often had issues with being unsure what from my childhood was real and what was just something i made up. i think it's fair to say that jodie has similar issues based on these lines. he doesn't know his mom, she isn't a real person to him really, she's just this idea of a "cool mom" that was drilled into his head as a kid.
as i said, this parallels glenn's backstory in an interesting way. both bill and dee weren't home, but glenn still saw bill regularly. not a lot, but he always knew he would see bill again and generally considered him a positive influence in his upbringing (now, glenn's conflicting feelings about bill is a whole OTHER post i could write and have written before but-). okay tbh i was gonna get more in depth about bill and glenn's relationship but then i was rereading episode 29's transcript and started thinking too much and couldn't find any words, so we're just sticking with this screenshot from glenn close's damages:
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THE POINT I WAS MAKING BEFORE I SPACED OUT FOR 20 MINUTES THINKING ABOUT MY BABY GIRL BILL CLOSE. glenn got to spend time with his father and was often looped into his nonsense, which led glenn to being far more involved in the rock and roll scene. in contrast, jodie barely ever saw his mother, and its reasonable to extrapolate that that is why he went so far in the opposite direction as glenn. he rejected this world that his mom was a part of because if his mom didn't have any time for him, then that entire scene as a wider space didn't have any time for him either. jodie is shown to be a character that does not get over things: his deep yearning for morgan, his long-standing anger towards glenn, he doesn't know how to move past things that upset him. i think it's reasonable to assume his feelings towards his mom could fall into this group of long-held feelings. he is completely the type to throw himself into something rigid and consistent and soulless such as the police force to separate himself from his mom, who he's been told is a rock and roll singer who's cool and edgy.
and i think the reason why this makes me so sad is that it's completely... unnecessary might be the best word, because dee loves him.
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dee absolutely adores jodie, she misses him, she did everything in her power to get him back to her. but as i said, jodie is a character that doesn't let things go. despite the way he says that he's a demon now, as if that eradicates his very human feelings, it's obvious that he never really got past his fabricated life - again, his desperate attachment to morgan is evidence of this. no matter how much his mom loves him, jodie is probably always going to have a part of him that looks at her as the human woman who abandoned him as a human child. and she didn't, she didn't at all, and isn't that just devastating?
i feel like there's so much more i could say, but it's already been an hour and a half since you sent this ask LMAO i just think, behind his pathetic exterior, jodie is an absolutely fascinating character and people often undervalue how devastating the back half of season one was for him. jodie is never going to be like, a good guy. i don't want to make people sympathize with him or anything, i get it, he's not a likeable person and i don't want him to be ♡♡ i love my bitchy pathetic demon king of hell ♡♡ but there's a lot more depth to him than people tend to sit down and think about
anyways do you guys think, pre-demon reveal in the jodie foster timeline, jodie just assumed the omega daddies didn't recruit his mom because they were misogynists
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
Miscellaneous insights from the Hudson Instincts writeup
Welcome to today's episode of 'I read enneagram texts so you don't have to'
The complexes of the blindspots
Based on surveilling a large number of students, Mr. Hudson seems to have found out a tendency for ppl with each blindspot to consistently tend towards specific kinds of complexes. This could be useful as a 'diagnostic criterion'
sp blind complex: "I am a flake. I do not have it together & I never will. I am not sure how to be an adult & I feel like an eternal kid. I don't know how the world works & I am not sure how to establish myself in life"
sx blind complex: "I am hopelessly boring. I can't imagine anyone taking much interest in me, & if they do I suspect there is something wrong with them. Thank God I can be useful because few would be interested in me otherwise"
so blind complex: "There is something deeply defective & shameful about me--especially about my emotions. I feel like I SHOULD care about people, but to be honest, often I don't. I am scared people will see my shortcomings."
Perhaps you had previously chalked this up to your core type somehow, and indeed I wouldn't be surprised if most 'hear' this filtered through the corresponding deficiency statements.
The concrete physical sensations connected to the instincts
(for this segment im also adding in some things in here that I got from the bhe podcast or seeing various youtube interviews)
sp -> this is the simplest, actual sensationsof being hungry, tired, hot/cold, comfortable etc. You know how some people just completely forget about that?
sx -> tingly sensations of excitement, of being energized, anticipating gratification, thrills etc.
so -> sense of being tense or relaxed or otherwise feeling a kinda way around particular people. So having ppl, even the more reclusive ones, also report missing a certain something if they can't interact face to face for a while.
It's important to know that we all experience all of these, what differs is the degree to which we pay attention - I can think of one sx blind individual who reported that typical problem of the date staying at a friendship get to know level & her not being able to tell easily or quickly if it 'clicked' attention wise, but she still noticeably sounded more gushy/excited about some dates way more than others.
As for social instinct... I know of one person who lost a whole lot of weight without diet or exercise just from moving out from under her parents' roof - it was all stress chubb. So, its clear that what people you're around certainly affects you physiologically somehow Synchronized periods could also be an example of this.
The types' approach to instinctual resources
What I found interesting & potentially illustrative to understanding the is how he sort of summarized each types' general approach to resources that is in common no matter what those happen to be.
1: "X is not being done correctly (and im salty about it)!"
2: "I don't need X, but you do, so let me do this for you..."
3: "My value comes from excelling at X"
4: sensitivity & particularity - "There's a problem with my X/ X is not getting me... "
5: Minimization, containment and ambivalence. "I don't want to need too much X, but... "
6: "I am concerned and worried about my X"
7: "You can never have too much X"
8: "I need to be in control of the X" (usual caveat that this isnt necessarily about telling others what to do, but about making sure you have some 'leverage' so your need for X isnt used against you)
9: "I can't have the X I really want, but this will do..."
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ladymorghul · 1 year
i agree with most of things that previous anan said but the one thing i find amusing is how this person said it's bullshit they adapted daeron into aemond. like read the book and then speak of it. maybe you'll find secret pages of aemond being more than one dimensional villain on the pages. and send me photos if you find it. i often find it amusing that people who are happy that aemond isn't like in the books tend to turn around and say hey, they never gave ANY daeron's personality traits to him even after there were leaks of scripts where Sapochnik clearly cut him out of the show and how George stepped in just after Sapochnik was fired and reassured fans daeron will be included. it's clear they wanted to cut him out and any person who is fine with daeron being out of the show is no green stan at all. daeron is too important to toss him aside but how could people who haven't read the books know it, they needed to see George behaviour and then they finally understood that maybe daeron is someone essential to greens and not Sapochnik weird fantasies
i do agree that aemond was humanized, i don't know if they did it with daeron on their minds and, frankly anon, im tired of not any concrete proof that miguel is THE ONLY evil behind all decisions greens don't like. want something that's hard to swallow? unlike the majority of team black stans, at least half of green stans are rhaenicents. personally i am not interested in this ship at all beyond episode 7, but ryan likes it. he said about rhaenicent:
“I think there’s actually still hope, even with Luke’s death,” Condal said on the House of the Dragon podcast. “The problem moving forward is it’s only so much in Alicent and Rhaenyra’s control anymore. Now we’re dealing with their sons and what we know from history is that war is often fought by the young 16-22 year old angry, testosterone loaded sons of the people that are trying to hold onto their power.”
it is my solid belief that while there have definitely been things that have set ryan and miguel apart, that ryan is not you friend as a green stan and neither is grrm. grrm said he liked the show, he said he liked show viserys better, he is a daemon fan first and foremost. he's not here to save the greens lol and i don't think he's here to save anyone
also... about daeron: ryan announced before miguel left or grrm was gonna be involved that daeron exists and that there just wasn't space for him in s1. could this be a lie madeup on the spot bc people were calling it out? maybe. but how much of the fandom do you think are greens compared to team black and how much of those greens have read the books that they'd make such noise that somehow it was actually them that reminded the showmakers of daeron?
anyway yeah aemond WAS humanized and that's good. that's what you want from a weird, one dimensional history told by 3 sources. whether that means that they consciously took from daeron or not, it's not something we can know for sure. but imo the point of the show is to make all of the characters more nuanced and give them depth so imo there shouldn't be just one character that gets to play a role that's the "good one" as daeron is in the books, and i hope they do it with aegon too. however, to your credit, and i understand the frustration, aemond has been given some of aegon's stuff so it's possible.
this is what i'm saying though. i also don't agree with everything the prev anon said in terms of characters, but this type of talk is also what has started some division in the fandom of aegon vs aemond vs daeron vs whatever. like that one anon i had who called me gross names and were calling aemond "wallmart daeron" bc they were somehow both mad that i shipped helaemond and mad at aemond and helaena separately iirc.
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londonspirit · 2 years
I wonder what it says about a person* when their COMFORT ‘Go-To-When-Feeling-Shitty’ show is a fucking post-apocalyptic drama series that rips your heart out every fucking week and leaves you in shambles and sobbing on the floor for five (six in 24 hours) weeks straight! (Probably a field day for therapists!) 
* me, A PERSON is me
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I did NOT expect this. NOT ONE FUCKING BIT!
I mean, I very often trust my Twitter (and Tumblr) when it comes to new stuff, new shows, new films. And I very often check them out - not always when they come out, but often enough (especially when MY shows are on hiatus don’t have an airdate yet).
And the hype was/is HUGE. I do understand that. Taking something that’s so beloved is always tough to get right. So people will love it WHEN they do. 
So yeah, I did see the promos and the tweets and since it’s one of the very few shows that are on SKY here at the same time as in the US, I was like, why the hell not.
Monday’s are my day off, so I didn’t think much when I hit ‘play’ on the first episode of The Last Of Us on it’s first day!!! 
I knew shit about it, NEVER played the game, and never heard about it before the show started to gain buzz.
Watched the first episode and was like ‘okay, yeah, looks okay enough, maybe a TAD too close to home these days, but hey, we made it more or less so lets see how they fare’
Watched the second one. Did a rewatch of the first one to better understand it. Impressed with how it was made, and I knew I would be sticking with it  - if only because it was something to watch on Monday mornings/noons.
And then the third episode came out. 
I had an INKLING, maybe like wishful thinking when Bill fished Frank out of the hole. But I’m also too traumatized by too many shows to have actual HOPE of a queer episode. I full on expected the usual: some looks, some touches, some ‘im not queer’ excuses when the person is clearly interested/horny. 
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! (And again, this all would give a therapist a fucking FIELD DAY with everyone!) 
That was the most beautifully written/executed episode since ‘You wear fine things well’!!! I’ve lost count of the rewatches, and I will root for every fucking award show that episode will be nominated for (yes, the rest deserves some love as well but THIS ONE IS THE FUCKING PINNACLE OF EPISODES!) 
After that I started listening to the podcasts going with the show. (I NEVER do that!) 
E4 came out and I fell a little more in love with Ellie and Joel - I can’t even say what it was: his NEED to protect her, her softening up beside him… 
I just knew it was soo different from what I expected from a show/pairing like that. Easier, maybe? Them opening up (sort of) to each other without all the usual tropes of prying it from their cold hearts and rigid souls?
And then Joel laughs. He tries soo very hard not to, but he can’t help himself. (Sidenote: I was curious as to how they translated that particular pun into German - they didn’t. They used a different one that (naturally) wasn’t as funny as the original one). 
It’s dark, it’s scary, it’s not safe. And he lies there in the dark, giggling with all he has about a stupid PUN. Oh my heart (Hell, I'm grinning TYPING this, just thinking about it so yeah…)
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Safe to say: I was HOOKED! 
(also: EYE CRINKLES. That man has laughed A LOT in his life, and it shows. I leave it up to you whether i mean Joel or Pedro!) 
And then there was the sniper scene in E5!!! 
ARGH!!! I don’t even know why, but I fucking LOVE that scene soooo freaking much!!! 
Ellie, among all those Infected, KNOWING that Joel will have her back after only knowing him for a few days (?). 
Joel, watching her like a hawk, not wasting ammunition and only taking out anyone that comes too close to HER! 
Her BLIND trust that he watches over her and takes care of her. 
His laser focus on HER, not caring what happens to him, the deep NEED to protect her. 
GUH!!! If I could give out awards for spectacular SCENES, this 10, 15 minutes would get ALL THE FUCKING AWARDS!!! 
So yeah. Now Im sitting here, on this grey, wet Sunday morning, about 14 hours away from episode 6, eagerly awaiting to get my heart ripped out AGAIN, typing away the things I feel about a fucking VIDEO GAME ADAPTATION SHOW!!! 
*shakes head at self* 
(That happens when MY shows go on hiatus - I fall in love with all the GREAT NEW SHIT that HBO puts out! Soo soo happy that they already got a second season so no need to worry about that! Still miffed that OFMD had to wait and worry for soo long. Ah well.) 
And since it’s me, and I don’t do shit by halves, I'm also falling in love with the cast. 
Yes, mainly with Pedro because DUH. Have you seen the man’s interviews? His SNL epicness? THAT SMILE??!?! I dare you NOT get all giggly and gooey when he starts cackling out of the blue about his own silly jokes! And I'm not even trying to resist, it's too damn late for that anyways! He's too fucking charming, and these days anything that brightens my days is very welcome!
The love and adoration he has for Bella is adorable. Their chemistry is insane. She’s soo young and yet so mature, and he treats her like an equal which is amazing. 
And I can't wait to watch ALL THE INTERVIEWS running up to the show. I’ve got lots of catching up to do. 
(I’ve also listened to a few podcasts already, and DAMN, he’s another DAMN GOOD EGG. Humble and funny, VERY down do Earth despite the (quiet) success he’s been having for YEARS now! I’ve been making a list with all the things I need to watch… and I’ve seen him in soo many things already. Just never really noticed. *sighs heavily* 
Silly silly me!
(Im also slightly [read: HORRIBLY SO] terrified because once you get into the show, you also get spoilers from the game -it’s unavoidable- and even though i do NOT know for sure (and won’t actively look for it) I fear for his fate. I KNOW they deviated before with Bill and Frank, and they may do it again with others, so I still have hopes, but the bits I’ve seen… well.
And i will prepare myself for the worst - just in case. Not that it’ll help much but I can lie to myself for as long as necessary.)
So yeah. 
You know the drill by now: New Obsession coming up. 
Tags will be on posts so feel free to blacklist. 
Or join in. It’ll be heartbreaking and terrifying, beautiful and shocking, and I cannot wait for the last 4 episodes to drop. We’re in for a damn wild ride, so buckle up!!! 
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shoutsofmybones · 3 years
Hey dude!! Im catholic, born and raised, but I feel like I dont know much in depth stuff about the catholic faith? Like I know the basics, the stuff you know just by being catholic, but oftentimes when people ask me "what do Catholics believe abt [insert religious thing]" I dont rlly know. Do you have any recommendations for like. Catholic content (podcasts or youtube preferred but Im open to anything), that isnt just "catholic 101" but goes more in depth? God bless and have a good day!
OK, I will organize this by type of content. I should say as a disclaimer that personally when it comes to questions of Catholic doctrine I just search through the Catechism for it (like I Google "CCC guardian angels" and I find the Catechism section to consult), so I actually don't regularly consume a ton of Catholic content for the purposes of learning doctrine. But I've got some recommendations I can give you.
Books. You can probably find these in audiobook form if you prefer audio.
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by James Martin
Jesus: A Pilgrimage by James Martin
The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
Loaves and Fishes: The Inspiring Story of the Catholic Worker Movement by Dorothy Day. Actually just anything by Day is good, but I really like this one
Interior Castle by St Teresa of Avila
The Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis
The writings of the Saints in general. They can get kinda dry but they're worth reading
TheHippieCatholic. She makes lefty Catholic content that I like a lot. Here's one of her videos.
The Ten Minute Bible Hour. He's actually a Protestant but he does a lot of ecumenical stuff, including conversations with Catholic theologians that go through Catholic doctrines on specific issues. Here's a good video on violence.
I have mixed feelings about this one, but Ascension Presents is pretty good. Short videos, goes into doctrine without being too in depth and scaring you off, etc. A little conservative for my taste in a lot of their videos, but not overmuch, so I'm still recommending them. Here's their "why be Catholic" video.
Podcasts. Frankly, I don't listen to a lot of podcasts. Here's the Catholic ones I know.
America Magazine (big recommend on them btw) has some podcasts all of which are pretty good, I really like "The Gloria Purvis Podcast" and "Plague" (which inspired Hidden Mercies), but they're all nice. Here's the list.
Vine & Fig (I love Vine & Fig) has a podcast called "Tabard Inn" that doesn't go very in depth on Catholic issues, but is very good if you're interested in queer Catholic spirituality.
The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal have a podcast called "From the Friars" that I've listened to a few times. Goes more in depth than a lot of other Catholic podcasts so I like it.
"Catholic Stuff You Should Know" I've listened to a few times, very mysteriously named episodes but nice to listen to and informative.
I hope these were helpful! Also if anyone has more recs, please add them to this post so anon can find them!
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uwumessenger · 4 years
random headcanons i have for each om! character teehee
hi it's been a while since ive posted some hcs bc uni has been kicking my a$$! luckily i only have a few papers to tidy up and im done. here r some hcs for each obey me character that ive accumulated over the past few months wink wonk
most are random but some constants you'll find are what i think they smell like, languages they can speak (other than their native (demon/angel) and eng/jp), and music tastes !
i have a strong feeling that he showers twice a day: in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed
his cologne is probably the type that will last in an elevator for like a week after he uses it once. i dont think this mf ever smells like anything other than his cologne
has a secret folder on his phone of semi-nudes and other scandalous pics from when he felt sexy at the time omg
aside from demon language/eng/jp he can speak french and knows latin
listens to classical stuff yea but he also listens to diavolos mixtapes (re: diavolo's section)
not a fan of sweets but will eat sweet things when craving
really bland sense of humor...borderline cringey 😭✋🏻
has gone to google images and searched for "inspirational quotes tumblr" "gold aesthetic tumblr" & "relatable crush post tumblr" then reposts it onto his socials or just taps thru them and giggles bc he relates
his cologne doesnt last as long as lucifers and probably smells common. he has to reapply a lot but it's a people pleasing smell. it's cheaper hence the constant reapplying
he probably does have an expensive bottle but is the type to totally overspray...eek
he is canonically a car guy 🥲 and probably tells the one in his room good morning & good night + kisses the hood every once in a while. has tons of car magazines
he doesnt really speak other languages but has attempted to learn spanish before
listens to whatever is on the radio. doesnt rly stan anyone but he eventually will listen to mc's playlist and mc's playlist ONLY
lurks on mc's socials ALL THE TIMEEEE like he will rewatch ur stories and scroll thru ur feed and overanalyze ur tweets/rts or blog posts. if ur mc isnt the type to use sns much he still googles ur name all the damn time just to find any sites u might be on fjdjdjdjskks
probably streams on whatever youtube or twitch devildom site equivalent there is, but only has like 40 or so followers. which he is okay with!
until he sees someone else who gets more attention than him. then the envy starts kicking in bad. especially if they suck 🧍🏻‍♀️
classic gamer boy smell. you know, sweat, tears, must, and (sometimes) axe deodorant. lucifer has to do a scent check before he goes out to any event & lets him use his cologne. how sweet!
kpop stan!! more girl groups than anything and his ults are probably GIRLS GENERATION, wonder girls, twice, loona, & red velvet
cried when ioi disbanded and refused to leave his room. the only thing u could hear was downpour on loop at full blast
can also speak korean & communicate in echolocation like dolphins 😏
listens to country music you cant change my mind
smells like whatever environment he is in. he doesnt really have a designated smell just throws some deodorant on and goes about his day.
he's sooooo bad at driving...gets road rage way too often so his license has been REVOKED
but hes totally a backseat driver. needs to be sedated on long trips
do not let him watch finding nemo when luke asks to watch it. it's not worth it. he will cause mass destruction.
if he was a human or lived long term in the human world he totally has the ability to be a doctor
is studying as many languages as possible, but he mostly knows latin & french & german etc etc. wants to learn all the dead languages out of curiousity
dont think this mf has ever held down a relationship. ever
he doesnt compromise much & is not willing to change his lifestyle to fit an s/o into it. you keep up with how he lives or it just isnt meant to be (but dont worry! he'll eventually learn...maybe,,,,)
has the hardest time out of everyone when it comes to breaking bad habits
his smell varies bc he uses a variety of perfumes (whatever is the most popular at the time) but he probably sticks to floral and fresh scents. he never uses generic people pleaser scents like mammon
listens to electropop, mainstream pop, & some alternative rock
as for languages he too knows french, spanish, italian, etc. in general, if it's a romance language he knows it!
opposite of lucifer in the sense where he loves sweets and will refrain from eating too many bitter things
i think we all know that asmo is the biggest rockstar of the group! he's probably been in a boy band at least once, but now he makes his own music
has tried to teach mammon how to sing once. ended up in a broken piano and bleeding ears...
i feel like he is SO SHY
like unless ur close to him he will not start conversations or anything
i think he listens to r&b a lot ! and jazz 😎 maybe rock as well
smells like ur typical athlete with undertones of wet wipes. he carries them around bc he likes to clean his hands before he eats & is prepared for when theres no sink nearby
he can drive and he drives really well. no rough turns, parallel parks perfectly, and never has problems with merging
driving with beel is probably really soothing. left hand is steering the other is gripping ur thigh 😫
dont think hes really fluent in any other language but hes probably semi fluent in korean because levi wanted beel to help him out
definitely know how to order food in practically every language tho HAHAHA
he reminds me of randall from monsters inc
smells kinda musty IM SORRY but not the way levi does hes more like the kind of musty u feel or smell when it's a shitty morning
but that's only because hes so lazy, when he cleans up hes like satan
has definitely murdered multiple people before. mc is not the first 😐✋🏻
with that being said belphie has been put into prison at least twice when visiting the human world, the mf had such a strong hatred for humans theres no way he never got into trouble before
lucifer probably broke him out and they used the pen thingies from men in black to erase everyones memory of that 🙄
dont think he listens to anything other than music that'll put him to sleep. really likes lazy song by bruno mars but thinks that bruno mars put too much effort into the song. should have been one acapella verse and then finish
similar to beel hes only semi fluent in one language, probably french bc of lucifer. doesnt remember much but knows a couple of lullabies and bedtime stories
the sandman used to be his bff until they drifted. they do, however, like and comment on each other's sns posts.
once he found out who nicki minaj was he became her #1 stan
def an ariana grande stan too 😌
choreographs dances when hes stressed...idk just seems like a diavolo thing to do
also makes rly bad soundcloud rap music sometimes. turns to poetry when hes feeling emo but only lucifer knows this. barbatos is suspicious of him but doesnt have enough evidence to confirm.
his dad is like hudson abadeer from adventure time aka marceline's dad? something must have influenced him to want to unite the 3 realms + he would need the approval to do so, so his dad must be more chill than all the others before him 🧍🏻‍♀️ IDK ok anyway
currently going through his hamilton phase bc of mc. whether mc's intent was to get him hooked onto it or just to explain it bc of something he saw online, he tells everyone that he found out abt it bc of mc!
this man cannot drive his skills are only second to jumin han
not too fond of many languages but knows the widely spoken ones like spanish, mandarin, etc. if it's taught in high school he knows it
smells like a las vegas casino. not sure why but i feel like he does. but there's also an interesting & nice smell to him if he embraces you. it's a smell you cant quite identify. but it smells nostalgic, it's mysterious, and it's tempting.
very calm demeanor but underneath hes WILD hes probably done everything at least once oof
he just has a lot of control and stability over himself (must be nice!)
on a more angsty note i feel like he might have had his heartbroken sO BAD IDK he is hurting and maybe that's why hes so willing to obey diavolo and not abuse his time lord power thingies bc he learned his lesson the hard way
mans is so smart he knows every language you could switch languages mid conversation with him and he wouldnt be thrown off. he'd probably start speaking it too.
listens to the same stuff as lucifer but also likes eminem. likes the movie 8 mile but criticized it heavily
have you ever been to a chinese herb shop? naturally, he smells like that. his room probably smells like it too. he doesnt really have a significant smell like some of the others
when he bakes he smells like whatever hes baking tho
one of the few out of everyone listed to have been able to travel to literally everywhere
was probably on kitchen nightmares once, but only to get feedback from chef gordon ramsay. then he used his magic to prevent the episode from airing...
was in an orchestra, one of the best times of his life. played the violin. asmo watched him in the audience once, but didnt approach him until well after that performance.
he CANNOT sing. he can, however, rap.
doesnt listen to music. he listens to podcasts! but every now and then he turns on background music, but prefers it to be instrumental stuff
never wears sunglasses. also does not have a driver's license. cannot drive a regular car. could maybe fly an airplane.
due to his immortality he has learned almost every language to exist, but finds himself speaking mandarin the most. knows most dialects too
similar smell to barbatos but u can also smell some sunscreen on him too. like, generic beach day suncreen
he has a lot of pact marks, so he once had the idea to match foundation to his skin. it took him two weeks but he eventually perfected a combination. yes he will help u find ur perfect shade if u ask him to
another country music man. has also made a tiktok or two to that one song that goes "he cant even bait a hook." they are private tho
angel country music exists and simeon invented it
if he visits the human world and wears more causal clothing he probably tucks his shirt into his pants
wears a speedo at the beach i tell u, speedo at the beach
he can speak german...i can feel it
uses his pointer finger to type and holds the phone like 2 inches away from his face so sometimes his nose will push a key hence all his typos
has no signature smell. he simply smells like your favorite scent all the time. if multiple people are around him at once, everyone smells a different smell. it's pretty rad
"what does he smell like to himself?" u may be asking. hmm...a church? 💀
his first pet was a goldfish and a few months before the exchange program happened, he was given a koi pond!
secretly likes hanging out with levi sometimes just to play with henry. makes him miss his pet fish back home
so his favorite movie is probably finding nemo and he threw a fit when nemo touched the butt
luke is probably learning german bc of simeon, though he'd like to learn more of the dead languages just for fun
i dont think he listens to music often or has any preferences, he just listens to whatever is playing on the radio
but he finds himself listening to the music mc listens to
smells like freshly baked goods all the time. or fresh laundry. but like, not combined. just depends on the day
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 years
I think you mentioned listening to podcasts? Do you have any favorites to reccommend? I've run out of content :(
that i do !
im not entirely sure what kind of podcast you'd be interested in but i'll throw out a few of the goodies in my huge library of stuff , i'll miss out a few of the HUGE podcasts that have been all over tumblr though
a LOT of it is true crime or human interest stuff , or history because im nerd ,, and a few of these dont have nearly enough attention so [shrug] i'll try to keep this short i guess lol this isnt EVERYTHING ive got in my library or listened series' by any measure
i AM gonna pop a shout to both Stuff You Missed in History Class and Stuff You Should Know from iHeartRadio because their HUGE archives have kept me from losing my mind many times over , and they cover a wide range of both important and wacky topics
BomBARDed (ongoing) this is the only fiction podcast i have happening right now really but its DAMN GOOD ONE .... it's an actual-play D&D 5E podcast in the DMs own musically-inspired world, focussed on a group of multiclass bards going to music school !! and all players (+DM) are members of the Texas band Lindby !! and they actually use and play music in the show with one original song an episode !! Kyle's worldbuilding and storycraft are truly incredible, and (Nick) Goodrich, (also Nick) Spurrier, and Ali's characters are in depth and interesting as well as an absolute powerhouse :') i actually made a piece for its first fanzine, Bardic Dreaming, which published earlier this year and is free to view now, all the players and the community are super wholesome its just very good overall 💙
History & Humans;
Fall of Civilisations (ongoing) legit one of my favourite podcast finds, im so glad my youtube autoplayed one of these ... it took me like 2 hours to realise it was 1) not the same as what was playing before and 2) had been on for 2 hours and wasnt near finished lmao. anyway, this is a series by historical fiction writer Paul Cooper, and is honest to all thats good one of the best documentary series ive encountered in years - and ive consumed a LOT of documentaries. it covered the downfall of various civilisations through history, and the episodes run from an hour to FOUR hours depending on the topic. its so chill to listen to and just get done, but over the pandemic all of the episodes have been given full movie-quality video versions too on youtube if youre more of a visual person.
Casting Lots: A Survival Cannibalism Podcast (on series break) yeah that says that lol ... its a SUPER niche topic but its very interesting and treated very well despite being kind of comical at times, the hosts are just naturally funny lol ... it delves around from the history of cannibalism in whole regions to specific incidents as recently as the 1970s, and of course the first episode is about the Donner Party, and it covers things ive never heard of despite being kind of important ?? anyway Alix and Carmella are good eggs
Sawbones (ongoing) i probably dont need to mention much here other than say that Justin and Sydnee saved me from being SO BORED sooo often, the history of medicine is wacky as hell and its what most of my history GCSE was on so [shrugs]
Cautionary Tales (on series break) this was a wild-card find lol ... it's by Tim Harford "the undercover economist" who writes for the Financial Times, and its topics kind of weave modern topics and science with how to learn from historical errors ... its a bit weird but well worth a go, also each series has a few celebrity guest voice actors which is pretty awesome
Ephemeral (ongoing) this is a very strange but thought provoking series about sounds and other things just barely saved. topics include the last castrato, the hello girls, hand-stamped records, the spread of kīkā kila music, and acoustic fossils of wild places.
Neat! The Boozecast (ongoing) history and bartending whats not to like lol ... hosted by Teylor Smirl and now their dad Tommy, they're just digging around in how important booze is to human culture
True Crime (white collar and weirdness);
Swindled (ongoing) this is an amazing show full stop. A Concerned Citizen details some of the most impactful and unruly things to happen in white collar and corporate crime. very factually accurate but given the sheer bullshit of the topics the deadpan snarking is [chefs kiss] absolutely warranted ..
American Scandal (on series break) this one is a series within a series type, and spends a few episodes at a time poking holes in some of America's biggest scandals, from a dramatised but fact-based point of view. such as what the hell was going on with Enron, how big tobacco was forced to own up to covering its own ass, how Iran-Contra happened, etc. it also now has a sister show called British Scandal, which does the same thing for British cases but with a slightly different format.
Missing in Alaska (finished) this was a fascinating series, a deep dive into what happened to two US government officials who disappeared on a small chartered flight in Alaska in 1972. it goes some really strange places, but it actually turned up a lot of previously unknown information through the audience. John Walczak's new series in a new feed is Missing on 9/11 which looks into what happened to Dr Sneha Philip.
Pretend (ongoing) Host Javier Leiva holds interviews with anyone living a lie, or who have been touched by them. con artists, snake oil salesmen, former cult members, catfishing victims, anyone and everyone.
Power: The Maxwells (finished) hosted by journalist Tara Palmeri, the story of media tycoon Robert Maxwell from nothing to empire to mysterious death and the scandals uncovered after he was gone.
Lets Talk About Sects (ongoing) Sarah Steele covering cults from around the world, in particular those in Australia - where she is from. She often has former members on the show to share their stories, and share knowledge of how they left. each story has the relevant content warnings at the start of each episode.
Brainwashed (finished) investigation of the CIA's covert mind control experiments, centred on the experiments performed at a hospital in Montreal, and its cultural impact.
Dr Death (2 series finished) two series investigating huge cases of fraud and medical malpractice, and how they were brought to a stop. series 1 covers Dr Duntsch and his horribly butchered neurosurgery, series 2 covers Dr Fata and his fraudulent cancer clinic
The Immaculate Deception (finished) untangling the weird and disturbing fertility fraud of Dr Jan Karbaat, who fathered children himself through his fertility clinic, and the impact of his deception. later episodes also touch on other similar cases.
True Crime (Violent/General);
The Casual Criminalist (ongoing) Simon Whistler of-the-many-youtube-channels cold reads a script about the case of the day, with some of his daft commentary thrown in.
Southern Fried True Crime (ongoing) Crimes from the American South hosted by Erica Kelley, she puts all the facts out there but refreshingly for true crime she doesnt hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is human garbage lol
They Walk Among Us (ongoing) probably one of the most popular UK crime podcasts, very measured and well put together, not weird or annoying about it either.
All Crime No Cattle (ongoing, feed slowed down for now) specifically about crimes from Texas, hosted by Erin and Shay, they're very sensitive hosts and a lot of the cases they cover shed light on why the Texas criminal system is how it is or show an impact at a national level
Canadian True Crime (ongoing) Canadian crime from an Aussie who's lived there for a decade, Kristi is again a sensitive and measured host covering some important topics
True Crime (Violent/Deep Dive);
Hitman (finished) journalist Jasmyn Morris digs around in the sticky tangle around a book published by fringe publisher Paladin Press, and its apparent use as a blueprint in the killing of a mother, her friend and her 8 year old boy for financial gain.
Camp Hell: Anneewakee (ongoing) this series is exploring how a wilderness camp "correctional facility" was endorsed by the Georgia care and juvenile reform system, despite widespread abuses and shady practices the whole time. warning for csa and child cruelty throughout.
True Crime Bullshit (on series break) this one is a huge huge rabbithole but a very interesting one where the host Josh Hallmark has spent years digging into the life and potential crimes of Israel Keyes. Keyes is often mentioned as a serial killer with no pattern, but in picking it apart thats not quite true, and has sparked some re-evaluations of missing persons cases and stumbling upon information the FBI has redacted organically. there's also a series in the middle looking into the crimes of Kelly Cochran
Forgotten: Women of Juárez (finished) this series looks into the huge numbers of missing women of Ciudad Juárez, the strange circumstances surrounding them, and the potential cover-ups and corruptions on both sides of the border, trying to give a voice to all of the forgotten women and girls and their families without answers. the series itself is finished, but a spanish language edition is being released every week now.
aaaaaand i'll call it there before i list everything lol, i hope you find something to plug your boredom hole with !!
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intrepidblossoms · 4 years
Queer representation in Welcome to Night Vale
This post is a bit overdue on my blog but i said i’d do it so here i am. Its worth noting that im caught up with the series.
Wtnv handles queer representation in the most effortless  way i’ve ever seen in my search of lgbt media. It takes you away from your ordinary cis-het normative life and plops you in a town where people get abducted on the regular and maybe come back, librariens are these ancient monsters, and we shall all hail THE MIGHTY GLOW CLOUD. In a town where being a living rock or hand are normal things, sexuality and gender identity are things no one thinks about. They’re a given.
Now i’m going to take the main queer characters (and belive me, its most of them)
Cecil Palmer
Cecil is the radio host the voice of Night Vale.From the first episode of the podcast he is out and proud and gushing about the new scientist that came into town. He is happy and fufiled and such a rounded character a thing you rarely see. He also has a family and a nice and a life that doesn’t revolve around being gay. In later series he and Carlos start a relationship and it is the most wholesome thing anyone has witnessed, there is no drama between them no love triangles and their love progresses at a normal pace.
The only mention of homophobia in the series (that ik of pls tell me if you know another) is in the episode “Cal” in which Cecil’s brother from what i can only think is another dymantion comes back into town and Cecil mentions he never told Cal (his brother) that he is gay by more or less saying “Cal was always different he didn’t fit in in night vale i was scared he wouldn’t be ok with it”. But despite that Cecil still doesn’t hide who he is. By the end of that ep Cal vanishes and is never mentioned again.
Carlos the scientist
Carlos is the town’s scientist and he has more than in one occasion saved Night Vale at the risk of his own life and he wouldn’t want me to say this but he is a hero. He is also Cecil’s husband and basically adopted into the Palmer family.But what i love about him is that he is not just there to be someone’s love interest he is his own person and has his own story.
For example in yet another attempt to save the town he gets himself stuck in the desert other world. At first he tries to find an escape and come back to his at the time boyfriend Cecil, but after a while he starts studying the place and as a scientist is compelled to investigate and find out more about the place. So he and Cecil have to do long distance for a while a thing which causes a lot of missing each other but no drama as one would expect from this type of trope (Cecil even goes to visit him at some point).
Another mentionable moment is when Cecil gets a call from “the university of what it is” asking for Carlos who was apparently priviously a professor there. Now Cecil didn’t know about this and talks to Carlos about it and the story ark ends with i think one of the best quotes ever “ How lonely that would be! A couple who has made themselves one so completely, that they are once again alone. “ (i’m gonna give you the whole thing because its cute and im weak ok?” How lonely that would be! A couple who has made themselves one so completely, that they are once again alone.We are two people, separate. Unique. And joined only where we choose to join.I don’t know what is his affiliation, truly, to the University of What It Is. Perhaps I will never know, but I can know about the taste of food he has made me, or the feeling of his hand in mine, or the absence of his hand not in mine. I can feel the distance between us, and I can know that that distance, viewed properly, is no distance at all”)
pt 2 coming soon cus theres a lot more for me to cover lol (truly hope ill be done in time for pride)
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years
the darkest hour pt 2
i'm back with my bs. this is for my bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars. basically, all of my dumb thoughts while i watched 'darkest hour pt 2', 04.02 of merlin. in case you weren't aware.. ✨spoilers✨
right off the bat i'm sad
ok when i first watched this i was really confused. i mean, you see others when they interact with the dorocha have that perpetual frost on their face right? all of them, every single one. so imagine my surprise when merlin has no frost on his face, and he's miserable yea- but he's not dead??
like tbh, watching this again, ik why but when i first watched this, i was SO confused.
arthur looks so worried slkdjfalskfsd
him being willing to abandon the mission to get merlin back to camelot to be treated 😔🤪😎🤤🤩 lots of emotions
LANCELOT. of course it's lancelot. santiago is perfect. actually.
merlin looks so SICKLY. it physically pains me to see him like that
okok hahaa. the scene where percival is carrying merlin. i have several notes on that.
1) ik it's supposed to be all 'noble' looking. yk? them walking in slow mo, percival carrying merlin like he's been slained in battle. knights looking knightly
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like pls
second note, idk why this remind me of hagrid carrying harry back
idk maybe that's just me but it feels oddly reminiscent
colin is SO pale my heart is actually hurting for him what the heck
asf;lsdjfa;lsdfj 'take me with you' stop.
dude they ACTUALLY care about each other. i just love them. arthur is so worried rn and while i'm like 'alsjfalsdj i don't want arthur to be sad and worried' we can see just how MUCH arthur cares about merlin.
like yea, we KNOW that they care about each other. but arthur is the prince and merlin's a servant so arthur can't have friends, but they're friends, and they care, and it makes me happy
ok it's sad and everything that merlin's basically dying but is it bad of me that i chuckle at merlin SLUMPED over on his horse?? probably.
but i mean, merlin is already raising himself up so he can sit more comfortably on the horse. ik that doesn't mean that he's in the clear yet, but he's doing a LOT better than the other people who ran into the dorocha. idk where i'm going with this
to quote the destiny and chicken podcast (who i love btw, if you want an awesome merlin podcast, check them out), they stay on arthur's face for SO long after merlin and lancelot leave.
i feel EVERYTHING that arthur is feeling in this moment. he's so pretty
there's another beautiful landscape. i'm not even sorry i'm gonna attach them ALL.
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tell me that's not gorgeous
gwaine is the EMBODIMENT of 'boys will be boys' when he sticks his hand into that tree and gets swarmed by bees.
he's adorable and i love him
ok but also, someone tell me why capes are so hot. someone TELL me.
separate from the episode but on the note of capes being hot, i want a cloak SO BADLY. like the whole gist. floor length, big hooded cloak. why?? it's not like i'm sneaking anywhere but still. ✨cloak✨
ok the line where leon goes 'if anyone can get merlin back to camelot, it's lancelot' and arthur's face?? idk what to make of it. someone help me pls.
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ok actually this probably isn't the best reaction shot but someone please help
the only thing i can think of is that arthur momentarily forgot and was reminded that merlin was in danger bc of him?
another thought is that he thinks he should take merlin back instead of lancelot?
ik for a fact you guys are better at analysising this stuff than i am so pls, thoughts?
i love lancelot so much. first time i watched this, i was CRUSHED
him carrying merlin to the lake(?) pond(?) area and then covering him with his cape? i love it
ok idk why but i love the idea of merlin instinctively going towards the water
it makes me think back to how he's made of magic and basically everywhere, espeically nature, has magic and instinctively- he wants to connect with nature as much as he can so his body just puts his hand in the water
a dumber thought i had, his hand is ✨sparkly✨in the water HAHAH
omg when the water called lancelot i deadass thought it was freya. i'm actually dumb i have WATCHED this before and i STILL thought it was freya
'a future that has been written since the dawn of time' makes me so proud but also so sad at the same time
it's like, yes, merlin is going to 'save the world' but it's like he's there just to do that. anyways, i just want him to be happy
these water spirts are op but also MORE SPARKLY. hehe i thin kthat's so funny
also, i'm literally only like 7 mins in. buckle yourself in
l;askdjflskdjf arthur going into the tunnels with the wilderons?? i miss merlin ouch. AND THE GAJA BERRIES. arthur misses merlin.
ok percival tackling gwaine?? cuties ;))
heheheeh gwaine kicking a skull and then running directly behind arthur for protection?? pls stop. i already love you
yes im dumb, but the 5 of them slowly peeking over the rock and then ducking back down?? i love that so much they're so cute
omg what's wrong with me. not these knights literally FEARING their lives and me going 'they're so cute'
gwaine you absolute dumbass. smh merlin just took it but you just HAD to stab it. #cancelled
YES. i have a love hate relationship with gaius, but BUST into the council room. king energy right there
smh gaius you pUSH over.
stfu agravaine 'gueniviere'. ST F UP
ok gwen. pop OFF
you KNOW that arthur would've fought agravaine on this. GO GWEN for speaking her mind
oh look at me with anotehr fic rec. sort of, not really. ok but this scene with gwen talking about all the villagers remind of this fic called To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by @thenerdyindividual .
ok so it's basically a fic where basically merlin and arthur have this 'arranged marriage' type thing for 3 years, and merlin is arthur's 'common consort'. what that means is that arthur marries merlin as a show of good faith and to learn more about what it means to be a commoner- merlin giving arthur the tea about commoner life
anywAYS. check that our if you want, but i loved it
stfu 'i feel the pain as much as you' agravaine. hop off my dick
wow when she's intellegent with her speaking so everyone HAS to side with her but also respectful so NO ONE can get mad at her?? i stan. i ACTUALLY stan
santiago is so pretty
the PANIC in his voice. i stan.
merlin is ready to GO. he's like, sorry for almost dying. that was ill advised of me.
i'm actually soft for any displays of friendship ever. what does that mean about me 💀 KIDDING. anyways..
i love the *swing* *duck* 'yea, not as quick as arthur
sa;kfs;akdfj lancelot insisting that merlin go back to camelot and merlin just nOt
stop rn. lancelot's face when merlin turns away. i am in pAin. I AM SO SAD OVER LANCELOT. PLS LANCELOT.
this isn't exactly, but morgana's paleness from here on out reminded me of merlin when he was literally DYING.
anyways, that's my note on that
like, yes- i get it- morgana is evil now. but idk should i feel bad for her? she looks so pale and ghasty and just :(
aksfhaskdjfas;ldf morgana
stfu don't kill gwen i'll KiLl you
agravaine literally needs to die
again, someone tell me why capes are so hot. especially these red ones?? i'm in love with them.
ok see this guy?? he just died with the forst on his face. not merlin?? he started getting better. surly that should've tipped them off that merlin was different
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wow. seriously. i'm gonna attach all the pretty landscape pictures
morgana's like 'i'll cut a b!tch'. ok ik morgana's evil and everything, but morgana flinging that guard against the wall is bad ass
oh this is weird but gwen telling agravaine to 'show courage' but the whole room tinted green? ik this isn't harry potter or anything but idk i thought that was interesting. i'm not abt to go into if i think agravaine is a slytherin or what but still
morgana :( smh you can't deny that morgana and gwen carried for each other and morgana flinging gwen away is making me sad. don't touch me
asldjfasldasd 'you're never alone' elyan i love you
lancelot and merlins being lads. omg no them talking about gwen
lancelot is SO noble. stop this reminds me of Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic so much right now. not gonna lie. your fic LITERALLY lives in my head rent free and sometimes i think of it and my heart just HURTS in those last few chapeters. PHYSICALLy. i am in pain. anyways.
stop the trope where it's like "i love them, but i just want them to be happy. it doesn't matter if they're with me or not. i just want them to be happy"
ok so it's been like a month ish since i've watched merlin bc i was waiting for @//f-f-podcast 's destiny and chicken podcast, so i don't exactly what terms kilgharrah and merlin are at right now
still i think it's very sweet of merlin to bow slightly when kilgharrah looks at him
'the bravest and most noble of them all' 🥺
aw. merlin is really saying good bye right now
ok this scene is weird bc like i said, i don't rlly remember how merlin and kilgharrah are right now but it still makes me sad
asldjfslakdjfasd merlin and kilgharrah are old friends now. that makes me happy but sad at the same time
ok the 'it will be an empty world without you, young warlock' kills me.
obviously, we know that even though they butt heads, kilgharrah and merlin both care about each other
not only is kilgharrah being forced to let merlin go right now, but he's making peace with the fact that he'll be alone
the last dragonlord is planning to die. and kilgharrah is going to be alone again, like he was in that cave.
another thing is that if merlin died rn then we would never have aithusia. i'm kinda going on a tangent now but idk this scene is sad
this forest is so pretty
literally just lancelot's face and lancelot in this whole episode.
that's my note
omg i always see posts about this.
like merlin and lancelot planned that lancelot was going to walk in first and trick them and THEN merlin walked in
that's so funny to me. they're SO dramatic HAHAH
merlin looks so happy
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Tell me why they actually look MARRIED here. PLS
🤠🤠 arthur wanting Gwen to be happy is KILLING ME. He loves her so much
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This is so pretty. Honestly like how
Who let merlin have this many pretty landscapes
Lajs;dlkfajd buds in a boat together.
This reminds me of going to amusement parks and there’s always that boat ride
They’re the cutest
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Ok so they also have this picture. It’s actually 3 pictures spliced together because the episode pans down and it’s really badly spliced (sorry) but LOOk how pretty that is.
Omg not me literally copying merlin with his slow mo head flick at the wyverns to make them go away
;sldkfjasdlkjasd leon percival and elyan and my heart.
Ok i’m not even gonna try to lie. They all have my heart
Frick you cailleah
Omg i was like ‘gwaine you dumbass’ jK i love him. Pls don’t come for my neck
Asldjfasldjfka ‘i’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary’
Stopp rn. ‘It’s my density
stop rn merlin is all alone.
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Stop they all look so sad. I’m so sad.
merlin looks like he’s cried
I’m not sure abt arthur with his ‘no man is worth your tears’ type business but still
I am ✨sad✨
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I screamed at this picture. I am depressed
Gwen’s face is killing me
I’m so sad i don’t even want to write commentaries
Arthur realizing that lancelot only died because he loved gwen
Gwen standing in front of the fire
Aslkdfjasldjfa im so sad
✨we hate agravaine in this house✨
😭😭 not merlin having ANOTHER secret. I’m so sorry bby
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about the wicked day so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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motziedapul · 4 years
is hi nay like.. scary? it sounds interesting but ive been avoiding tma because im a wimp when it comes to horror and it sounds like this might be similar ;;;
Hi Anon! We certainly try to be :’3 But as the creator I’m afraid I cannot judge for myself how scary my creation really is. It also depends on what you’re scared of. I was genuinely surprised when some people said they thought Hi Nay was pretty creepy, even though I set out to write a horror podcast. 
I can say, however, that the general format of each episode is that the main character handles a supernaturally frightening situation with a fair amount of knowledge on how to handle it, to a certain degree. 
There is slightly more sound design than TMA usually goes for, but with how new we are I’m not sure what the consensus is on whether we’re scarier than TMA or less scary, or about the same. Unlike TMA, which delves into more of a variety of horrors, our horror will lean heavily on the supernatural, though we will try to have variety in the types of supernatural horror encounters we do. 
If someone else can give some thoughts, if they’ve listened to both, that would be awesome! 
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generic-hufflepuff1 · 4 years
The Fun Part (Tma Analysis)
Heyo! Here's the part two to This, using the data from Here.  
Now in part one I give some of my rationalisation as to why certain Entities show up in statements less often than others.  
In this one I’ll just be pointing out some interesting things in what the numbers say and/or some rationalization for weird numbers or sometimes just making up a in universe reason for some of Jonny’s writing quirks (Like how if you look at the numbers Jonny just finds ideas for Hunt episodes harder to think of) 
Im gonna be breaking this down into seasons 
Season 1
In Season 1 the most frequent entities are The Corruption and The Stranger (8 episodes each).  
Both of these make sense.  The main antagonist of Season 1 is Jane Prentis and having looked at all the Stranger episodes* it is quite clear that it is Jonny setting up for future arcs and plotlines.  But that's the boring reason. The fun reason is that The Corruption is ready to perform its ritual and The Stranger is busy setting up for their own ritual and as a result there are plenty of statements within easy reach of Jonathan Sims for these two entities in particular, with two to four times the number of statements of the other entities.  
Other notable entities are The Spiral and The Flesh.  
Mostly just because they each get a couple more entities than is the usual as ten of the fifteen entities have between two to four episodes.  The Spiral gets a bit of a boost from Micheal popping up every now and then and that works for me.  The Flesh is a bit weirder I can't really think of a writing reason for it all I can say is that they tend to be quite striking and it's quite clear Jonny had a lot of fun with them and honestly that's fair.  But again, boring.  One reason could be that as mentioned in the other post there is a bit of a requirement for a statement giver notably they need to be desperate enough and you know still alive to go to the Archives, and these statements** are quite obvious as The Flesh has no patience for subtlety, but still enjoys the act of delaying the suffering.  
And the final segment “What's the Eye Doing?”
The reason i'm including this is because Ive noticed that the Eye is strange in that it is the most popular entity over all of the show but is not the most frequent in most of the seasons.  So Im just gonna keep an eye on it.  
The Eye shows up in three episodes: 12 First Aid, 23 Schwartzwald and 40 Human Remains,  and of these only really the Mag 23 is the only real statement about it I just find this interesting no real notes about it though.  
*1 Angler Fish, 2 Do Not Open, 3 Across The Street, 24 Strange Music, 28 Skin Tight, 34 Anatomy Class, 39 Infestation, 40 Human Remains
** 5 Thrown away, 14 Piecemeal,  17 The Boneturner's Tale, 18 The Man Upstairs, 20 Desecrated host, 30 Killing Floor
Season 2
Now sure this season has three entities (The Stranger, The Buried and The Spiral) that have more episodes than the others and I will talk about them but what stands out more than anything else is just how spread out it is. I mean with the exception of those three and the Extinction the rest have between two to four with half of them having four and Hell even The Extincion gets one.  This is by far the most fair the spread ever gets.  Here’s the spread:
6: Stranger, Buried, Spiral
4: Desolation, Dark, End, Web, Eye
3: Vast, Flesh, Corruption
2: Hunt, Slaughter, Lonely
1: Extinction
So Why the Stranger, Buried and Spiral
Again the Stranger is being set up for season three and are working on their ritual, not to mention the presence of NotSasha gives a sizable boost.  The Spiral is a bit stranger but at this point Micheal is still running around and this gives it the needed boost.  The Buried is the only one that is not immediately obvious, after looking through the episodes* it still baffles me, as far as I can tell it's due to the focus on the Tunnels.  It could be that Jonathan in an attempt to understand the Tunnels tried to find similar statements and as a result the trend developed.  
The Extinction?
So season 2 has the first mention of number 15, well maybe it does.  See the thing with most of the Extinction’s manifestations is that it could maybe be something else entirely.  The Extinction episode of the season is 65 Binary and might be the Spiral instead but the focus on a new type of life and technology means that it is very difficult to say really.  
What's the Eye Doing?
The Eye falls right into the average place in the hierarchy for the season with four episodes.  Those being: 53 Crusader, 60 Observer Effect, 62 First Edition and 79 Hide and Seek.  These seem to work to expand what exactly the Eye is.  As I said, season 1 kind of lacks this and here Mag 53, 62 and 79 bring up the weirdness of the archivist, whereas Mag 60 explores how the Eye can manifest.  But the Eye isn't special every single entity gets fleshed out in season 2.
*41 Too Deep, 50 Foundations, 51 High Definition, 61 Hard Shoulder, 66 Held in Customs, 71 Underground
Season 3
This is the run away season.  This one is similar to the previous one but it does skew quite wildly at its end to favour the Stranger, for entirely understandable reasons.  But ultimately is still quite fair with only The Eye and The Extinction fall outside the three to five range.  
So the Stranger 
The Stranger has ten episodes this season and why is quite obvious as the climax of the season revolves around the Stranger.  Not much to say here.  
Again the Extinction
Now my notes had 114 Cracked Foundation as one of the Extinction episodes but for some reason I can no longer find any mention of it on the Wiki so I have no Idea what happened here.  My guess is that in the wake of Mag 196 and 197 this particular entry got a lot of attention and the link with the Extinction removed. 
What's the Eye doing?
This is the first season in which the Eye starts to take up the main spotlight with seven episodes. However looking through the statements* and it does not really appear in the statements but rather in the pre and post statement drama, as Jonathan and Elias use their abilities.  So as a result the Eye ends up feeling very different compared to the other entities and we don't see the ‘Horror’ of it for a lot of the podcast.  
* 82 The Eyewitnesses,  92 Nothing Beside Remains,  105 Total War,  106 A Matter Of Perspective,  117 Testament,  118 The Masquerade, 119 Stranger and Stranger
Season 4
So season four is very, very weird in that the Extinction is the most frequent entity (tied with the Eye).  It does make sense as Jonny needs to catch the audience up on what exactly it is as it does not have the breath of work that the other entities have, so as a result Lucas spends his Time telling Martin about it. 
Other notable Entities
The Lonely is also quite popular this season with five episodes but that also makes sense due to not only the presence of Lucas but also Martin’s fall into the Lonely.  Other than that The Hunt only has one statement* that has to do with it’s ritual.  The combination of this and the Extinction’s frequency in this season and the hunts underperformance in other seasons (4 in season 1, 2 from season 2, 3 from season 3 and 1 in this season) means that it has just slightly one more episode than the Extinction.   I do cover my rationalisation for this in the other post (Here)
What’s the Eye Doing?
Leading the pack that's what.  This season also has what other seasons lack statements that the Eye features in.  Now this is probably Jonny finally having the chance to explore the concept properly as it is a bit harder to really understand, but in world it could be due to a combination of Elias trying to keep Jonathan blind and Jonathan trying to explore his new identity as a ful blown avatar and going about it like a baby gay, consuming all media surrounding the topic.  
*133 Dead Horse
Season 5
I debated not including this section but hell I'll just add on any updates if it's necessary.  
So in this one to (to no one's surprise) the Eye is the golden child in this season after a brief jaunt into a domain for each fear the focus becomes almost entirely Eye focused, and if you want to be technical you can just add the Eye to every single episode but I did not.  
The runner up
The Web is definitely making up good numbers especially with how the finally is turning out. 
Other notables
The Lonely, Buried and Spiral all get a little above average.  Why? Well Martin has to deal with some baggage from Season 4 and Gaslight Girlboss is still running around but the Buried is a bit weird.  Again I think jonny just finds it easy to write claustrophobic horror, but again thats boring.  So lets have a look* and when I did I noticed that all three of these (and the Eye and Web) all are in 167 Curiosity so that adds a bit to the count.  But other than that its clear that it’s easy to add the Buried on top of another entity so its clear that the Eye simply likes how the Buried spices up the other flavours of fear.  And then finally the Extinction and Slaughter only get one each (163 In The Trenches and 175 Epoch) and they are the compulsory exploration episodes and unless the finale really is a complete curveball this probably won't change.  
What’s the Eye Doing? 
Having the time of its god damn life.  
*166 The Worms, 167 Curiosity, 184 Like Ants, 185 Locked In, 195 Adrift
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