#also impressive: your level of activity omg
Soooo. The new Helluva Boss pride thing and that comment about Striker and Stella not being there. I am genuinely more and more irritated by this "Strikers Straight" horse shit as time goes on.
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Really? This guy is your no-pride straight homophobe? -_-
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How in any way was this scene not homosexual in nature. Like am I just stupid or what? Striker was specifically latching onto how Blitz is strong and impressive for making his own business and gassing him up over it even before there was a need to to still carry out his assassination "Not many imps start businesses on their own... thats pretty impressive sir". There's clear admiration there. He suggests Stolas dying would be good because it would end "the one who treats you like a plaything" he implies he'd like to see Stolas dead not only for his own sake and for his hate of royals, but for Blitz's sake too. Like, HELLO!?
I'm sorry but the more I look back on it, the whole Striker's straight thing does feel like a retcon. He wasn't originally. I believe that he was changed, because he's mean about Stolas and "good ones" rich people, and we can't have that. He's an antagonist to Stolitz AND a potential "shipped with Blitz" character so he's not a pet/favoured villain or morally grey character. No, instead hes just full on MEANIE BAD!!!! Who's only purpose is creating Stolitz drama. Making him straight is a way of trying to make him boring and more laughable to the yaoi obsessed audience (if you like gay male ships YOU ARE FINE I DO TOO I'm specifically talking about the ones who take it to a fetishistic degree and are raging misogynists). The less Striker is able to be paired up with other male characters in this show, the less value he has outside of being a joke and the less interest in exploring relationships with him there will be since so often do only gay male relationships get to have any interesting depth. Note how other male characters who aren't in gay relationships are treated by this show, COUGH MOXXIE.
And you know what the saddest part of this is to me? In this one single Striker and Blitz scene, they literally had more chemistry and were a more interesting dynamic than Stolitz despite several episodes of that god awful ship. Think about it. They both have clear admiration and respect for each other, interest in each other. They've both been mistreated by royals and had rough pasts so understand each other on that level. They've both had to claw their way to success at the cost of great struggle. So now, they're conflicted. Because they're both obstacles to each other as much as they are love interests. Striker does not want to compromise slaughtering royals and wants to do his job. Blitz wants to preserve his business. They are competing over their goals in life while also attracted to each other. They are a "toxic" or complicated ship without there having to be a creepy unaddressed power dynamic and without the empowered one constantly needing to be portrayed as victimized by the narrative to try and make the relationship seem more even and less creepy.
This is so much more interesting as a kind of "relationship that never could be", to me, than "OMG my daddy bought me that imp for a day as a child then he randomly reappeared into my life again and stole from me, so now I will hold his business over his head to get sex from him and constantly demean him. All while he clearly indicates that he is repulsed by me. Then I will proceed to cry he doesn't like me romantically!"
But no. Striker doesn't get to be bi or gay. However, pan IS slapped onto several female characters... THAT NEVER GET ANY SCENES WITH WOMEN LIKE STRIKER GOT WITH BLITZ. Good fucking God man! If you're gonna make all these supposed women that like women, WHY DO NONE OF THEM BARELY EVER EXPRESS INTEREST IN WOMEN THAT WE GET TO SEE!?
Only the men's sexualities are actively shown. The women, we need to be told what their sexuality is. Because Viv hardly ever bothers with pairing them with anyone or letting them express sexual behaviors. Tiring.
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loveandleases · 1 year
Omg I am so happy we can play as a sexually inexperienced MC 🥺 I am aro and have a hard time with reaching that level with who I've dated and it's refreshing to know I can explore that through the game. Thank you x
Could I ask how the ROs might react (before relationship) to MC revealing they've never been intimate before?
Aw, you don't have to thank me anon <3. You sure can, I'll answer below the cut ~
❤️ Cam - He would be surprised. He thought surely that MC and Chris had been intimate. Honestly, finding out that Mc hasn't been with anyone makes him happy. Part of him likes to think you never found the right person, who could very well just be closer than you think.
💙 G - Ex G would feel confused, happy and even more confused. Why should they be happy you've not been with anyone, not even Chris that fucki- Anyways, ex friend G would be curious as to why MC wasn't intimate with Chris, but wouldn't outright ask why.
💚 Kara - She is impressed. Kara knows how easy it is to get lost in sweet kisses and soft touches. She would commend you on being true to yourself and what you want, and also be curious if you were just waiting for the right person or aren't interested in sex.
💛 M - Well the two of you have something in common! M would be shy about it, maybe not even admit that you two have that in common. But they would be intrigued and feel somewhat closer to you, like equal footing.
💜 Isaac - Oh, that's cool. Not everyone is sexually active or ever become sexually active. You do you boo. Isaac will support ya, they will pull back on flirting as much. They don't want to make you uncomfortable.
🖤 Ardent - Okay? Why are you telling me? I don't need your history, is this some bonding experience are you trying to ask how many people I've been with? Ardent is just confused at why MC would even tell him. He could care less, it's not his business.
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plutobutartsy · 1 year
You Mentioned OCs. (np)
oh di i'm so excited you asked about them i'm actually jumping up and down rn bc like,,, i've had these two for YEARS, i rotate them in my mind every single day and with all the media i consume i always think ok but what if the protagonists were ACTUALLY my ocs like i'm so mentally ill about them
their names are Briar and Evelyn (Evie for short) and they're both so silly and so disgustingly in love, think vincent and lovely but ten times worse
also this got like REALLY long so don't feel obligated to read it all lol
let's start with my boy Briar
his name frequently gets mistaken for Brian and it makes him so irrationally angry lol
he's a born vampire! so no old man activities this boy is like 17 as of now
he's the one who knows how to cook! he makes food for others as a love language
also fun fact there's like an actual vampire cuisine in this universe so vampires can consume food that's not just blood and still get nutritional value out of it
his family are part of the older vampire generation technically? what i mean is his family have been vampires for a few centuries now so they're kinda rich and well known
that said, his parents are for sure around 80-100 but him and his sisters are young!
as i've said he's only around 17 and he's the youngest out of his siblings
he has 3 older sisters (20ish, 24 and 28) and they're all very protective of him because omg!!!! that's their baby brother!!!
sometimes too protective to the point where they underestimate him and make him feel bad,,, woops!
he still really looks up to them and puts them on a bit of a pedestal, making him an overachieving perfectionist while he strives to get to what he assumes is their level
spoiler alert this results in a lot of angst and him not feeling good enough despite his parents and sisters never really pressureing him to do anything
he definitely tries to hide his insecurity by overcompensating and acting more arrogant than he is but his friends can read him like a book lol
"i had this leftover because i made too much on accident, eat it so i don't feel bad about being wasteful. honestly you should feel honored to be allowed to taste my cooking" translation: "you seemed stressed so i made you your favourite meal but please don't bring it up or i'll die. hope you like it ^-^"
terrified of bugs which is unfortunate since his 3rd sister loves them and keeps them as pets
when i said overachiever i meant it. student body president. excels in most sports. top grades.
he has to be perfect or he will literally die (real) (not fake)
oh he's also scared of dogs and he's very pathetic about it. i'm talking he sees a tiny puppy and he crosses to the other side of the street.
works at a convenience store because he doesn't want to end up being a spoilt rich brat stereotype lol the old ladies at check out love him because he always offers to carry their bags to their car for them
tries to act all serious and grown up when he's around his sisters to impress them but it's a lost cause
he's a complete sweetheart please tell him he's doing a good job and watch trashy dramas and reality tv with him
okie Evie time :3
she's a witch!! wohoo magic
she has like a billion siblings
jk just 5 but still
all of them are adopted and a different magical being (for example her older brother is a werewolf) simply because i think it's funny
listen hear me out: her dad is like fucking bruce wayne, adopting kids left and right, but he's just a regular schmegular human so i think it's hilarious that he adopts a new kid and he's all like "oh great they're just human phew no stress for me"
just to find out that no, this child is in fact NOT human, and on top of that they're an entirely different species than the rest of his kids so he has to learn about their specific needs and quirks and whatnot all over again
listen it's hilarious
okay anyways
evie stress bakes!! so she always has new stuff to give to others because WOW girl you're stressed beyond measure
brought 5 loafes of bread to school once to give to her friends. "thanks but you already gave me 2 yesterday my family really can't eat all of that :(" "girl PLEASE you have to help me i have 12 more at home and my dad is fucking PISSED he told me to get rid of them immediately."
if Briar needs to be perfect or else he will die, then Evelyn needs everyone to like her or she will die
she's honestly a bit of a pushover because of that but she's working on it and has made great progress (therapy queen)
fashion lover and lover of cute things
her outfits look like a claire's threw up on her
her magic manifested when she was like 5 when she got into a fight with her brother and she just. launched his ass into the sky lol
that accident broke his leg and made her resent her powers for a bit
like she wanted nothing to do with them and straight up refused to go to a school where she would learn about them. her dad was so worried because suppressing magic longterm makes you actually sick
that is until a friend of her dad explained to her that learning to control her powers would help her prevent any more accidents
that friend is called Makena and we love her! she's a witch as well and ended up giving Evie private lessons and also helped Evie's dad with learning about magic and how to care for non-human kids
at first Evelyn rly sucked at magic like REALLY sucked at magic and she was like, are you serious this is ASS
but she was just a slow learner and is really good now :)
works at Makena's cafe in an effort to help with her social skills
i have drawings of these two somewhere but it's been a while so i can't fund them 😭
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hello there!
I came across your work and I really love your writing! so I was wondering if I could request something {you can ignore if you aren't comfortable with this in any way}
Could I please get Teru with a s/o who has a strong need for academic validation, they always need to have good grades, have a good impression on the teachers, have a good attendance score, avoid getting in trouble at all ,need to be fairly active (like in student council or being a captain/prefect) . And with the feeling that without their academic performances they would be useless?
Heh this is kinda how I feel hence the request, once again feel free to ignore, thank you love! (sorry if you aren't comfortable with nicknames I couldn't resist-)
Genre : Fluff
Character : Minamoto Teru
TW : None
A/N : AHHH Im glad you love my writing! And I'm comfortable with the nickname HAHAHAHSH omg love, and of course I'd love to do your request!
I hope you enjoy :D
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Let's go take a break, Love
You were at the top of the rank
Always at 1st and never the 2nd or 3rd
You held onto the 1st rank title ever since kindergarten
And you still do now
All of the teachers praised you for being so smart and intelligent
You always had the best grades, passed your projects and assignments on time
And a complete attendance
Not only that, you never got into trouble not even once
No wonder all of the teachers adored you
you were also elected as Student Council Secretary
Even the students adored you, and some envied on how smart you were
Because of you joining the student council, you met your now Boyfriend Teru Minamoto
He has the same level of intelligence as you, but not that into looking for academic validation
found out you'd risk your mental health just to get a high grade so he dragged you out of the library
"Teru stop let me go, I wasn't done" You said as you tried to get his grip around your hand off
"Sorry Love.. But you need a break, its for your own good, Sitting down and studying yourself off until you're too tired to read and write is not healthy.." He said with a worried tone
He was really worried for you
always joining competitions, performances, or taking up extra tasks
Its like you turned into some robot, once you don't have anything more to do you'd be useless
and now today, He'll force you to take a few weeks of academics, like dragging you into festivals, Carnivals, or even arcades
Today was week 1 of your (forced) Break!
You sighed as you really didnt have any other choice than to let your boyfriend drag you stall by stall, though you are here, your mind is off somewhere thinking of your unfinished assignments
there wasn't any more.
Unfinished projects
You finished them all
And your—
"Hey.. Are you alright? Are you not feeling well or is it too crowded?" you snapped out of your thoughts, he must've been saying something and you haven't been paying attention
Teru gave your hand a gentle squeeze as he took you to an area where there was less people "S-sorry.. Were you saying something, Teru?" You asked
"I know your mind is on your studies again love.. Hey.. It's a week for you to enjoy and take a break, you're too hard on yourself" Wrapping his arms around you and one on your head as he hugged you
"I'm worried about you.. you don't need to go and rish your health for academic validation love.." He kissed your cheek and looked at you
"Cmon, Are you hungry? Lets go eat at this amazing ramen house me and Akane found" He said "Found or you forced Akane-san to search for a ramen house?.." You always question their friendship, Is it even a friendship
"He helped dont worry~" He said with imaginary flowers around him
Both of you finally get to the ramen house, went yp to a waiter to help you find a seat "Welcome to Ramen Nagi! How many in our party today?" The waiter asked getting menus ready "2 please" She happily guided the both of you to an empty table for 2 near a window overseeing the crowd of people from tge festival earlier
She handed both of you a menu and will be back in a few minuted to take your orders
"Ohhh, these look delicious" Teru said as he looked at every dish they were serving "What are you gonna get Love?" He asked, you hummed and pointed at the Butao Ramen "Ill have the Akao then" He closed the menu and placed it down
The yummy aroma of ramen filled the air making you hungry as you hugged Teru's arm "Hehe.. Are you enjoying yourself so far?" He asked as he looked at you, You nodded "Thanks for taking me out.. I guess I really did needed a break.." He smiled softly at you and kissed your forehead
"And I'll keep taking you out so you can relax, hm? and also~" He softly flicked your forehead making you rub the are he flicked "Next time, don't go too hard on yourself and come ask me for help okay?"
"Hmp.." Crossing your arms together you looked the other way as Teru laughed
Without him seeing, you could feel yourself smiling, after this day you wanted to go out more with him, The thought of the both of you going out tomorrow excited you
Both of you ordered and enjoyed each others company as you two talked about random things while eating ramen
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Ramen Nagi is my favorite restaurant, I don't know if there's Ramen Nagi in japan but its a very popular restaurant here in my country ><
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fujikasa · 2 years
i actually haven't listened to the songs you mentioned o: until today! i think ichizu is my fave among them, although it's nice to see that they suit any kind of style of music! haha it almost looks very choreo-like when hweseung and seunghyub move in sync, i love it 😩 i do love a lot of their on-stage moments cause of how expressive they are. plus they just sound so good live 🥰 that v-live you mentioned sounds so wholesome too 😭 sometimes it's the simple things that keep you entertained! i've also yet to watch seunghyub's camps but now that you mention it, now i have something to watch while i'm on break at work! haha
and thank you!! it's been a while since i've seen the extended family so i hope everything goes smoothly 🥺 for my next q! i was actually drawn into n.flying at first because of seunghyub's writing. for the longest time, i didn't even realize that he was very involved with the writing process, tho that's pretty standard for most bands haha do you also look into the lyrics of n.flying's songs! and if so, are there any specific lyrics that caught your attention? or any lines/verses that you just really like in general~ i hope your week is going well, michel! 🎄
omg i’m so glad you liked ichizu! i was obsessed with it when i first listened to it and couldn’t stop replaying the song 🥹 i agree that they suit any style!
i loveeeee when they’re in-sync and you’re absolutely right that it looks choreo-like! like their movements in the ftisland medley mv 🥺 i mean, idk how much some of those were planned or just something they’ve done before but it’s still very satisfying to see! their onstage energy is just so amazing, i love seeing how expressive they are as well :) you can tell they’re really passionate about their music and that they’re having fun 🥺
hahah the vlive is so silly, i love rewatching clips from it ^^ and yes please let me know what parts of seunghyub’s camps you like!! i love watching them so much; it’s nice to see how much he loves the other members and that he plans activities based on their comfort level <3
ooh that’s an interesting question! which lyrics were you drawn to at first? for me i had never really looked up their lyrics until firefly came out and i loveeeee the lyrics of the pre-chorus! although i’m not really sure how to translate it (based on online translators they’re something like “lying on one side like an empty seesaw” and “when the waves are receding and everything’s disappearing / will you still hold me?”) i get the gist of it and the words seunghyub chose are so good. i’m honestly so impressed with how he can write so many songs and every one of them is so good?? also pls lmk if the lyric translation is wrong cuz i would love a proper translation for it 😖
i hope your week is going well too! thank you for taking the time to stop by and ask such good questions 🥺 i love getting your messages and i’m sorry it takes a while to respond every time 😭
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rcseichor · 3 years
❤ + my url 👉👈🥺
send ‘❤’ + a url & i’ll write positivity / what i think abt them // @advnterccs
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RIN. I LOVE YOU AND YOUR RICK SO MUCH. honestly i've been THRILLED to interact with you since i rejoined rick & morty rp tumblr, and i'm honestly so impressed by your portrayals, i feel like mine are soooo canon divergent in comparison 😭😭😭 which is honestly impressive because usually i'm of the opinion that my portrayal of my muses is S Tier,,, you're amazing and i get so excited to see you anytime you pop up on my dash, or in my notifications. i am looking forward to a hundred years of our ricks and mortys <33333
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natewriteslol · 3 years
May I request a reaction(?)/headcanon?
(twst boiz }:‑))
Rook, Sebek, Idia, Jack and Azul reacting to a secretly ripped reader.
Explanation!: Reader wears a lot if oversized stuff, lazy af, tends to skip PE classes and etc. You know acting like they're weak and stuff while in reality they're just lazy. For some reason Vargas saw the potential and the true power in reader, so he decided to add them to the team of [insert a really brutal sport or smt]. Everyone r like: "Y?? They weak!" When it's Readers time to enter the game, they take their hoodie off and omG those muscles. I swear someone fainted right on spot. And someone went 🧎🤰 After Absolutely destroying opponents team, they're just like "ok, I did the thing! Now I want my super duper rare chips".
A/N: This is such a creative premise, thank you for sending it!!
MC goes by they/them pronouns :)
Warnings: none except that MC takes off their shirt
Honestly Y/N was known to be one of the most laziest people on campus, so lazy that it even rivaled Leona! Which there has to be some form of intervention for them because it’s just getting out of hand. And while it benefitted in certain situations, such as annoying Grim to actually start moving his lazy ass around the house, or bullies leaving them alone since Y/N couldn’t bother to muster a reaction.
However they continued to skip P.E classes, and just all around not doing anything. So it came to a surprise that when they were called to Vargas’ office.
“Wait. Y/N where are you going?” Ace questioned, as their friend went with their backpack toward the door.
“I got an interview with Vargas for something. Watch Grim for me please, later” they replied relaxed. And while both Deuce and Ace questioned what their friend was going to be interviewed for, the pair just looked at each other, shrugged and went back to their schoolwork.
Once Y/N got to Vargas’ office, they sat on the chair on the other side of his desk. The student gazed at the sports paraphernalia on the walls, before Vargas started talking.
“Well Y/N, I bet you’re wondering why I called to talk to you?” He asked.
“Yup” the student said, keeping their answers short and concise.
“You tend to skip my classes a great amount, and while both you and Grim are enrolled as one student your lack of participation is dropping your grade,” Vargas said while standing up.
Y/N started to feel bad, sure they didn’t really care to participate but they didn’t want to inconvenience Grim.
“But, I will promise you one thing, I can feel the potential in you Y/N!” the man said excitedly, slightly spooking you. “As a man who is incredible person overflowing with talent,” Vargas started,
‘Wowee, pretty narcissistic’ you thought, but then you started to pay attention again.
“I can see greatness within others, it’s almost like my 6th sense. And I can feel it within you. Now all I ask of you Y/N, is that you participate in the Great Dodging Tournament try outs. And I will raise your grade” The older man offered, Vargas really believed in you.
And that really put a smile on your face, “You know what, I’ll do it.”
“Thanks kiddo!” the man boomed with a great smile on his face while ruffling your head.
I mean, if he’s this excited you can try for him.
It was tryouts, Deuce and Ace were a little apprehensive for Y/N to be participating. I mean the Great Dodging Tournament involves one person dodging great magical attacks from the opposite team, in order to get at least one of the balls from the other team. And while you didn’t technically need magical powers to compete, it certainly did help.
“Y/N L/N, you’re up!” It was their turn. Whispers broke out, everyone didn’t understand why they were even allowed to participate.
“Have you even seen them run?” Someone whispered.
The heat was rising despite it being the afternoon, “Damn, I’m getting hot” Y/N says and they start to strip, taking off their oversized shirt.
What came to a great surprise was their physique, incredibly ripped abs. Strong shoulders, back and arms now exposed to everyone.
They did absolutely fantastic for their tryouts, moving across the field with great speed, dodging every single attack and they were able to take 2 out of the 7 balls from the other team. Y/N was excellent, and absolute essential to the Great Dodging Tournament team. Every person was in great shock, they didn’t even break a sweat.
“Alrightie! Now where’s my snacks?” They said, sitting down on the bench.
-Oh mon cherie, what have you been hiding from him? ~
-Rook had alot of information on almost everyone at the school, so this definitely came to a shock to him
-A strong advocate for keeping them shirtless all the time
-I mean Y/N lays around all the time, they might as well look good while doing it
-It's just him and Sebek arguing (well it's Sebek who is actually arguing) about what Y/N should do once they come back: Shirt or no shirt?
-He’s very impressed with their strengt and willpower to get that physique
-Very mischievously looks down at Y/N while they complete their audition
-Rook I love you but what are you planning-
-He goes bright red, and starts yelling at Y/N to put a shirt on
-”I-it’s inappropriate for you to be walking around like this! Do you humans not have any shame?!”
-”D-don’t come closer! I don’t want a hug from you!”
-W-what? How could he miss that this mere human held this much power?
-He was incredibly observant (or so he claimed)
-Sebek didn’t know weak, puny humans could possess that type of strength
-If Y/N as a non-magic user were able to obtain this level of power, you were a threat
-Definitely not intimidated by them (he lowkey is intimidated by them)
-While he’s still incredibly opposed to Y/N’s lazy behaviors, he has a newfound respect for them
-Later on he thinks about it more and is marching to their dorm inorder to force them into doing more powerful stuff
-” Naw man, but since you’re up can you get the tv remote? It’s pretty far.”
-Of course this happens the one time he goes outside in person!
-Erupts into flames and has a bright ass blush
-Has Ortho calm down his flames with his built in fans
-Idia literally hides inside his hoodie so that no one could notice him
-But I mean it’s kinda hard since at this point he’s looks like a campfire but go off-
-He literally can’t look Y/N in the eyes omg
-Idia tries to talk to them but he just ends up spluttering
-He thought that Y/N had put their shirt back on so he takes his head out of his hoodie and NOPE they still have it off and the cycle of embarrassment repeats
-Idia manages to compliment Y/N, comparing them to a powerful anime character from a show he watched
-The man cannot look at Y/N the same anymore now that he knows what’s under all that baggy clothing
-Jack definitely did not see this coming
-Can admit that he is a little flustered (Alot of people teased him since his tail started to wag at the sight of Y/N’s body
-He couldn’t imagine the Y/N he knows doing all of this activity, let alone dodging such powerful magic attacks with this much skill
-They’re a perfect candidate for the team and Jack grows really passionate about you wanting to pursue sports
-Has alot more respect for you
-He will drag Y/N to do a bunch of brutally, active shit with him since the whole “I’m too weak” jig is up
-”Jack pls no”
-”But when you were soaring through the air during Dodging tryouts I heard no complaints. Get your ass up, Y/N”
-While their P.E grade is saved, at what cost?
-Azul thought that it was going to be a fun little attempt on Y/N’s part
-Were they joking? I mean he’s never seen them move a muscle for extracurricular activities like sports. Honestly-
-And oh dear oh it’s them shirtless
-Azul is so caught off guard
-He turns away so that Floyd and Jade don’t see his face, but those sneak boys know what’s going on
-”Boss you’re so red!”
-”Ooooh, are you flustered by shrimpy taking off their shirt~”!
-So that’s what you’ve been hiding under your clothing!
-He’s very impressed by your strength, Azul is wondering why you decided to hide it?
-Are you involved in shady business too? Hence why you’re laying low? (Sounds like projection but okay Azul-)
-He’s also thinking about getting you to sign some form of deal so that they can take advantage of your strength (Sorry Y/N)
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quirrrky · 3 years
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Close your eyes and think of your HAIKYUU s/o and focus on the images above. Select which draws you in the most and go under the cut to find your scenario/reading! Have fun!
Please...omg! Fangirl with me and share your pick and who your HQ s/o is with me 👀 I'm so piqued!
♡ This shall not be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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N!SFW part of this series will be posted on my MDNI blog (must be 18+). Send this emoji 💗 in my ask box/reply section to be tagged! And please, I'd love to know which pile you picked and who is your hq s/o!
You were probably already dreaming of each other before you met. Both of you are in the point of your lives wherein you're leaving behind things that no longer serves you any good–these are self-limiting beliefs that prevents the two of you from finding true happiness.
HIM He has been yearning to share everything that he worked hard for when he comes across you. He's now ready for a solid partnership. He might be feeling that the success he has right now is not enough. He might have a period of making the most out of his money, fame, riches, but there's a feeling of discontent and he's now aware that he must leave that kind of mentality behind and open himself up. He is now yearning to enjoy all these things with someone. He is now ready to celebrate all the good things he earned in life, but no longer alone.
YOU You are in a place wherein you are finally in charge of your life. There might have been instances in the past where you feel defeated, but you're now in control and above it all. I can see you finally gaining that inner-child that once died after the grueling challenged you triumphed.
HOW DID YOU MEET: School/university, work, seminar—something related with nourishing your spiritual self and higher-mind. It can also be through a church, religious activity (if you're into that), or in a temple while you're traveling. Yoga classes, etc. You'll share same wavelength in this kind of topic as well. On a mental level, you can both feel a strong connection.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: He thinks that you're like the sun! Full of life and passion, someone very driven and probably has a lot of admirers. Even if you have just a few or even none, he'll think of you this way by how you present yourself to him. He views you like sunshine and this makes him so interested in you that he wants to get to know you better and have meaningful discussions. And maybe...you're the one whom he wants to share his everything with.
You think that he's very charismatic! No matter if he's introverted or extroverted, you have a crush on him and you feel so much tension just by his presence. He reminds you of someone from your childhood and damn! He can be someone from your childhood that you admire from afar. However, this very magnetic aura will make you hesitate, because how can someone as charming as him take an interest in you. Seriously though, the cupid's arrow is telling that you must have faith because love is on your way.
—earned it - the weeknd; somehow this song started playing, while I'm writing this and it's just so fitting, because he thinks you're worth it and you deserve it. you just have to trust in the moment
high priestess, six of swords, 8 of swords, him: the devil, 6 of pentacles, 4 of cups, 2 of wands, heart to heart conversations you: the sun, king of wands, five of swords, six of cups, cupid's arrow
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N!SFW part of this series will be posted on my MDNI blog. Send this emoji 💗 in my ask box/reply section to be tagged! Must be 18+. And please, I'd love to know which pile you picked and who is your hq s/o!
Okay, so this is the Pile I'm drawn to as well before I shuffle the cards! It means this is our Pile and I'm so excited! Your first encounter with your haikyuu s/o is like a meeting of yin and yang. Opposites attract here which doesn't necessarily mean that one is extroverted and the other is introverted. No. It can be that you're more spontaneous than him or he's more of a feeler typer than you are, and vice-versa.
HIM I can see that he's in the stage in his life wherein he's ending the hardship, whether it'd be a bad relationship, a troublesome work or limiting habits—he's all ending it by the time you first meet. Been there, done that is what I'm perceiving. It's like he's already seen the world and utterly tired of it. Just saving up for the future and those boring kind of things when he wish something new would happen.
YOU As I've mentioned earlier, your meeting is opposite energies. Here, I can see that you are about to begin something new when you two meet. This is literally you having a lot of something new to take in your table, new projects, opportunities, faces, etc. You're breaming with so much passion in life and so far from getting bored with it.
HOW DID YOU MEET: Your meeting will be full of discussions about your dreams, life and principles. The two of you might open up bits about your past. You both feel emotionally and mentally connected in this. I see this more of an unofficial date like a "blind-date" of sorts or just something you wouldn't expect. Like meeting someone new at work/school/museum/travel, any place and then he invited you out for a coffee or lunch/dinner after to continue your discussion.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Both of you get aces here so this is highly love at first sight! You might not believe in it and so do I, but this is what I can see here.
He sees you as someone with a lot of knowledge for your age and admires you a lot for that. He thinks you're his dream come true, yo! Like, he might have been imagining this ideal s/o in his mind, and bam! It's here right in front of him. His life is on the lackluster stage, but then you come and he just sees your possibility of being together. Engagement card shows up for him, so yeah. He already sees you as the wifey/hubby material. Can be consciously or subconsciously. He might be a little possessive about you already. "I just met you but I'm calling dibs" vibe LMAO!
You see him as an old soul. He can be a little older than you too. Nevertheless, someone wise and rich in experience. To be straight, you feel electrified around him. You feel like you're the most wonderful person in his presence omg. It could be through his actions, words and just by the way he looks at you gdi! He's your type too and you're his ofc, yet you can feel that he's love bombing you already for the first meeting, so you're confused and might take him as a serial dater or a player. Regardless if he's a shy type or not, he might awkwardly be a big ball of goof around you, stuttering or blushing like hell. He might have booked himself in all your free weekends yet you can't refuse because you feel excited as well. Though at the back of your mind, you might not show all your cards to him yet because you really mistake him for a flirt or someone so easy to get. However, I can see here that he's just like this around you. Remember: love at first sight and you're both not like this 'normally.'
—streets by doja cat is playing in this pile xD it's just fun how these songs resonate a lot with what's happening. Your Haikyuu s/o must be subconsciously thinking, I ain't mf'in sharing. I could take you to the parents, then to Paris. Plan a mf'in wedding. You the type I wanna marry and keep you merry I'll put the ring on when you ready, in his head during your first meeting like GHJKL
the moon, 10 of swords, 7 of cups, him: the hermit, ace of cups, 4 of pentacles, 9 of cups, engagement, you: the wheel, ace of wands, hanged man, 2 of swords, the golden mirror
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N!SFW part of this series will be posted on my MDNI blog. Send this emoji 💗 in my ask box/reply section to be tagged! Must be 18+. And please, I'd love to know which pile you picked and who is your hq s/o!
Your first encounter will feel like a dream. You would feel like something new has opened for the both of you. This is definitely not a past love kind of thing. It will arrive at a point in time when you will both feel like it's the right time you come a long in each other's lives because you're both already established and open to accept new things to come in. I can see at the right place and at the right time. Definitely, soulmates.
HIM There's so much love and affection here. Even if it's just your first time seeing each other. He's at the place wherein he's just made a big decision in life and that very choice is what brought him to meet you, finally! Your hq s/o has now emotionally matured and now has an open heart to give and receive.
YOU You are at the point in your life wherein you're full of knowledge. You have finally achieved being an old soul and utterly wise. Someone who has seen the world, can be well-travelled and has a lot of wisdom to offer. You're a good balance of fun and stable.
HOW DID YOU MEET: It might be a contract signing. Something like a merger deal or a wedding, but I'm leaning more on a wedding of your close friends and you two happen to be one of their entourage.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Yo! Are you kidding me? You both got the soulmates cards and I even used different decks for this. Seriously!?
He thinks you're fun to be with. Like someone he wants to hang around with yet someone whom he can sense he can be with during serious times as well. There's this soulmates feel to this. He feels immediately so close to you. With the lovers here, he indeed thinks this is fated. He may deny this, but there's no other explanation. His flirting game maybe super strong and super sweet at the same time.
You think he's a very charming and sweet person. He picks up on your love language and you'll think that he's very romantic. Regardless, if it's just him pulling the chair for you or something you will feel super giddy because he gets you like no one else does. Even if he's the stoic or shy type, he'll ask you dance with him like a true prince charming. And if he ain't the type to be a talker at all, you'll just know it by the way he looks, that's kinda' magical. If he's more on the extroverted type, you'll just know it because he'll be awfully obvious about it. You'll think he's you soulmate whether you believe in the concept or not.
—living proof by camila cabello; I shuffled my playlist and this song really makes its way: Where did you come from, baby? And were you sent to save me? I'm picking up that both of you would feel this way on your first meeting like you're the one getting married in the wedding omgggg
judgment, 10 of pentacles, 7 of cups, him: the lovers, king of cups, the chariot, 2 of pentacles, soulmate you: the hierophant, the world, princess of wands, 9 of pentacles, soulmates (told ya' I got soulmates for both of you wtf!)
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N!SFW part of this series will be posted on my MDNI blog. Send this emoji 💗 in my ask box/reply section to be tagged! Must be 18+. And please, I'd love to know which pile you picked and who is your hq s/o!
You'll meet at the time when you're both trying to make your ideals materialize in real life, very transformative. Like a door of opportunity has opened for you to make everything in your life that you're wishing for to happen. For you, it will be about your career, while his is something about himself, self-love, self care, self-esteem, etc.
HIM He just went through a major transformation. He might have encountered something really awful before he meets you and I'm picking up that it's a relationship with someone whom he thinks is already the one but it has become toxic. He's ended all that to finally move forward. This has left him really heart broken, but he's now really trying to work his hardest to gain back the confidence he lost out of that relationship.
YOU Strength appears strongly for you, so in a way, you're completely in a confident position. You're in a very optimistic point in life wherein the wheel of fate starts turning in your favor for you to achieve your dreams especially when it comes to your career. I can see here that you're emotionally open and matured here like the queen of hearts with so much love and support to offer.
HOW DID YOU MEET: You might meet somewhere that involves science or art. It can be an aerospace museum, museum in general, the airport or a theater house. Whatever it is, it's related to your job/studies, and he is there for self-enrichment.
FIRST IMPRESSION Both of you would feel like you have what each other needs. He has the professional wisdom and you possess the strength and vitality. Reading your cards, this is pretty slow-burn.
He sees you as someone very nurturing, someone who could warm up his recently broken heart. You're s a strong person whose very presence makes him believe in himself again. Your presence during your first encounter is something very enlightening and warm. Meeting you makes him realize that it might be okay for him to love again.
You saw him as someone who has been through a lot. If he appears to be super jovial and energetic around you, you'll immediately see right though his facade. Just through this first encounter, you have helped him just through your own resolve and life story and his knowledge about life gave you the wisdom you need at the moment. You really think that the two of you blend well together.
This first meeting is, again, very transformative unlike the others. You might go your own ways afterwards and promise to meet again once you have fully achieved all the things you're working on for yourselves.
—wildest dreams by taylor swift; sobbs this song is playing while I'm doing your 1st impressions...see me again even in if it's just in your wildest dreams. I can hear both of you saying this in your heads because the both of you know that if you meet at the right time, you two are perfect for each other. AWWWWWWWW....don't worry, I can see here with the wedding rings appearing that you both make a promise to unite again uwu or this could be a long-distance friendship ToT
the magician, the hermit, princess of pentacles, him: death, judgment, 5 of cups, 8 of pentacles, it is safe for you to love, you: strength, wheel of fortune, 6 of pentacles, queen of cups, wedding rings
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🧁 @hanmasbunny @discountkiyoko @azazelles @toshiswifey @90steaology @icecappa @cuddlysoftbear @close222u @duhsies @your-girl-mj @that-enby-mf @taurus852 @itsmeaudrieee​ @triskoof​ @avaisdelusional​ @aquenchedsoul​ @just-another-haikyuu-simp @kenmaslov3r @discountkiyoko @toshiswifey @icecappa @@sweet-lovely-bambam @hello0i @jahnvi-d @nao-cchi @xys-haikyuu-simporium
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers. Thank you so so much!
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koumine · 3 years
(non specific spoiler warning for chapter 3 of the event?) Okay so wow Leviathan in the event actively saying he liked MC's sadistic side resulted in the fastest transition from canon content to pure filth in my head I WANT TO RUIN HIM ugh. Just that shy admission of liking it makes me want to bully him in all the best ways. Anyways, love your content, thanks, bye!
haha omg yes this entire chapter has been a gold mine for my screenshot collection lol
meanwhile playing the game like:
all the characters: oh no MC's been cursed!
Leviathan: o-oh nooo, MC's been cursed... *bites lip*
Me: actually there's no curse, this is just standard levels of sadism MUAHAHA
I am also gonna have to incorporate more advanced level (read: mean and sadistic) Levi-ruining into future smut WIPs bc omg... he's like a soft boy who wants a hard dom and I lovvvve himmmm
So far I have 1 proper Levi WIP and it's ... mostly soft? As well as some other bits and pieces that are also soft, bc he just gives me the impression that softness is enough to overwhelm him in a good way. He definitely 100% has a praise kink (that's practically canon). 😌 But like if he's actively into mean dom stuff as well then I am 2000% Ready to incorporate that into his smutty character arc. 👀👀👀👿 >:3
thank you anon <3
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butter--peanut · 2 years
Omg hiiiiiiii ✏️📕👁️
Hey there! Have the start of an ObiYam :)
(send me a 📕 and I’ll send you a snippet of or idea for a wip!)
“Yes, I brought you here. It’s a dimension without any way to return except through me, so there’s no point fighting. You may as well do what I say. I’ll return you in a few hours, safe, your memory gone. Your precious senpai won’t know any different.”
Tenzo blinked and looked around this dimly lit unnatural space, empty but for stone blocks of various shapes scattered across the ground into the endless horizon. In front of him was a man, a single eye on the right side (a Sharingan, actually, now that he looked more closely) and long scars down the right side of his face drawing instant attention. Wearing a mask, this man had appeared in his ANBU barracks in a swirly portal and grabbed his shoulder. Now they were here, the mask in the man’s hand.
The man pointed at himself. “Obito, I suppose.”
“I’m Tenzo,” he responded automatically.
“No shit.” Obito rolled his eyes. “I generally know who I’m capturing before I do it. You’re Tenzo the ROOT experiment who now works in ANBU. You have Hashirama’s cells. You use Mokuton. Fun fact: I also have Hashirama’s cells, and I…use Mokuton.”
“You have Mokuton release?” Tenzo asked, intrigued despite his bewilderment. “Are you another of Orochimaru’s experiments? You survived too?”
“I have nothing to do with that creepy lifelong learner,” Obito scoffed. “But the old man who grafted these cells onto me was just as insane and twice as creepy.” He waved a dismissive gloved hand. “It matters little why I have Mokuton. The point of bringing you here tonight is to use it, not compete for the most tragic origin story.”
Tenzo took this in. And perhaps because this situation was so far from what he had expected when he had sat down in his apartment with a cup of fresh-brewed tea for his weekly ritual of rewriting and fixing Kakashi-senpai’s terrible mission reports, he couldn’t quite stop himself from saying, “You kidnapped me to make wood together.”
“No. I kidnapped you to teach me how to make wood—” and then paused at Tenzo’s snicker, realised what he had said, and gave him a deathly glare. “Oh, you fucking brat. I can already tell this was a terrible idea. If there was literally anyone else on the planet with some semblance of skill I could turn to for this I’d be there in an instant, rather than being reduced to calling on Kakashi’s simpering puppy—”
You know Senpai?” Tenzo asked.
Obito opened his mouth, then paused, and then glared at him.
“I’ll ask the questions here. Let’s get started.”
This mysterious Obito person apparently had no idea how to use Mokuton, despite it being a part of his body for the last eight years.
“It’s annoying,” he told Tenzo reluctantly. “When I’m really angry it shoots out random spikes and impales people. Very accurate, death for dozens in seconds. Yeah, I know it’s impressive.” Completely misinterpreting Tenzo’s horror. “But I don’t feel that level of rage too often. It doesn’t activate for the homebrand constant anger I cart around with me. So I gave up trying to use it. I have enough methods to kill people, so it hasn’t generally been a problem. But then I saw you doing your thing on an ANBU mission that I was watching—”
What? “You watch me?”
“No, you moron. I watch Kakashi. Anyway, I saw you use Mokuton. And I realised that when it can be used properly, it’s quite useful. So, show me how to use it.”
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phoebosacerales · 2 years
Hi, I don't know if this is a question with an obvious answer, but is there a way in astrology to look at specific past things and determinate 100% if that was inevitable, or not, if that course of events were meant to happen exactly as it did? and how to do that? I know this question falls in line with the fate VS. free will discourse you have talked about before, and no one will be able to have a definite answer. (info dump and context lol) I think about it bc of an specific moment or phase (made out of my own choices) that impacted and changed me and my life in many ways (I can't say it was entirely for the better or so I perceive it. I do try hard to see the positive, but the truth is I do beat myself over it sometimes, and it's what lead me to astrology to understand things) so I always wonder about it.
fate/free will is one of the things that intrigues me the most.
I know it's kind of tricky too, because the answer is probably closely linked to our charts (and whatever impact things has its also related to our own perceptions). I'm not an astrologer, so with my limited knowledge, when I look at SR's and house profections of that time I recognize themes relating to it and transits activating planets. But are there ways to confirm? ways to see if things could be avoided? cause I've even heard from people you can prevent stuff if you are aware and even change the outcomes, but is that even a possibility sometimes?
sorry for the long ask, omg. summarizing: are there ways to know 100% if some events and outcomes in your life were unavoidable or vice versa ?
sorry again, and thank you!
That's the hardest question ever. I really don't have the mental capacity to try and discuss this right now, but first impression I think it seems like you're trying a bit too hard to see the positive while destiny isn't really bad or good, at least in the way I understand.
It's also important to understand that the sky isn't doing this to you, astrology is not a god, and I don't think that prediction necessarily means that everything is predetermined. I think it just means that everything has a level of predictability because you were born in a certain time, place, context. But if everything even in its details is predetermined is another deeper discussion. I've been interested in understanding the way destiny is for syncretic brazilian religions like umbanda (don't trust wikipedia about this) for example, and I think I like the way they see it. Prediction is not something set in stone for many of them, because things can change if you're aware of the patterns. But we don't know the answers to these questions, we don't know why things happen in the way that they do; and the people who think they have an answer, easily fall into paradoxes or contraditory argumentations. I think this discussion between Austin Coppock and Chris Brennan is a good example of that and I think it will help you think about this more deeply, since I'm incapable right now lol. I'm more on Austin's side with this. Chris has this stoicism which I really dislike, because he sees the issue in telling people that they can change things if they have the right mindset, generating guilt in the person for their circumstances when they can't, but he seems to have no awareness of how problematic it also is to say to them that there's nothing that they can do but accept fate. He has a problem with the idea that people can change their fate if they're the right kind of willed person, but he doesn't have a problem with the idea that people can change their mindset and accept their fate if they're the right kind of stoic person. Both ideas are exclusivist. How am I going to tell someone who suffers injustice, oppression and poverty that they need to accept their fate? He doesn't see how stoicism was also a political stance that served to put people in their places. This is one step away from all kinds of classist and racist ideas.
Of course I don't think there's no such thing as destiny/fate. I wonder about this and change my mind a little bit on the subject all the time.
I like Albert Camus, though, and revolting against the Absurd.
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elvendorx · 2 years
please tell me your thoughts on your fav iteration of Lily and Horrible Boy (or Lily and Regulus)
Omg thank you for this ask. I’m still fairly new to actively creating for lily/regulus but I have loved and appreciated them individually and together for a long time. Coincidentally they go perfectly alongside j/s as well, there are no duds in that foursome, there is endless crossover, I just love it. It’s also fairly unusual for me to get into a ship where we don’t know whether the characters ever interacted. I’m usually a “these characters interacted and we know it was significant but I haven’t seen enough of it” shipper. But Lily and Regulus are special in that I loved them both individually first, and they at least existed in the same spheres at the same time with people in common. All I need is the potential and the more you look I think the more potential you can find in lily/reg.
For example they have a lot of parallels: they’re both the younger sibling in a family where there are two same-sex siblings, they both have contentious relationships with their siblings or at least in Sirius and Regulus’ case we know they were on opposite sides of the war. There are these fundamental differences between magical/Muggle sibling and blood supremacist/anti-supremacist sibling that I think would be a strong point of relation between Lily and Regulus - frustration with their sibling, annoyance, anger, missing them and wishing things could be different. And then there’s the added layer of complication with Lily being on the same side of the war as Regulus’ sibling, and I love the tension between being able to relate on a personal level but having this ideological barrier still up to some extent, even if you go for Regulus as a complete convert to Muggle tolerance. But I also think that within their sibling dynamics, they play opposite parts: Sirius and Lily are the more rebellious, less traditional ones within their family units, Regulus and Petunia follow tradition more closely etc. Again: so much potential. 
I also get strong self-imposed loner vibes from them both, partly because of the sibling thing. We are given the impression that Lily is quite sociable, but we also see her shun and sever ties with people a lot considering that she doesn’t appear that much as an active character. And then you’ve got Regulus who is in Slug Club, who was on the Quidditch team so quite socially involved too, but who makes arrangements so that it’s almost impossible for anyone to find out for sure that he died and the circumstances of it unless they specifically know where to look, which they wouldn’t. Harry discovering it is a complete coincidence and it took 18 years. So I just love the concept of these two proud loners coming together and being able to explore how that manifests as a dynamic. 
Really it’s Lily’s tolerance of Snape that really lays the groundwork for any potential tolerance of Regulus, but as I mentioned somewhere else I do think Lily has this curiosity and sense of intrigue that leads her to tolerate questionable men specifically. I think there are many ways that the Muggleborn/former Death Eater issue could play out between Lily and Regulus and I love that. It could resolve positively, and if so how do they get there? And it could be tragic and just not resolve either :( If it resolves, does Regulus reconsider his views because of Lily’s abilities? Because of Lily teaching him? Is there a scenario where Lily has some involvement in catching young potential recruits before they’re radicalised and is Regulus one of them? (Literally just thought of that one idk) Would Lily forgive him? Would she trust him? Does she meet Regulus through Sirius and feel sympathy for Sirius losing his brother to extremism and try to step in?
I’m getting in danger of waffling but there’s also Slug Club potential! So the crossover in setting is there, they have people in their circles in common, and I think both in their circumstances and in their personalities, there’s just so much interesting crossover to explore. And that’s all I need for non-canon interactions, I need the potential to be there, I need it to be in character and feasible even if there’s some slight reshuffling, it’s the openness and willingness and evidence of points of commonality within the characters.
I also think that a key part of Lily’s character that I always jump to and tap into is her anger and impulsiveness and even meanness (love me some female rage) and I think that it would remind Regulus of Sirius (lol) and he would know how to deal with it, it wouldn’t really phase him, whereas everyone else we see Lily call out and snap at in canon (Petunia, Snape, James) gets upset and ruffled by it, and I think that would throw Lily to find someone outwardly collected and calm, when she’s potentially used to lashing out and people reacting in shock and Lily being vindicated in her argument by their retreating responses?
In terms of Lily’s horrible boy thing, I think Regulus is a different kind of horrible boy to Snape and James. You could argue that the horrible boy thing is because she wants to do better and be better but I think Regulus would be more of a puzzle to solve, a theory to understand, than a fixer-upper to just direct onto the straight and narrow. I also don’t see Regulus hiding from who he is, his associations, his actions whereas both Snape and James are very defensive and a bit dishonest about what they’re really doing (in SWM, at least). I also love the potential for Lily and Regulus to change each others’ perspectives, or to have an exchange of views that sort of bring them together to meet in the middle. Lily is quite righteous and she has strong convictions hence her intense reactions and you’ve got Regulus willing to die to bring someone down and I don’t see either of them backing down or giving in super easily.
The more I think and read and look into these two together, the more crops up and things slots together and I need to do it more often. Also I love Sirius&Regulus interactions and I love platonic James&Lily interactions so I’m essentially bound to write more Lily/Regulus in and of themselves and probably alongside j/s as a default because I don’t think I can physically write Regulus and not also bring up Sirius and vice versa. I have a j/s coffee shop au that’s been long in the works and I need to update it to fit my updated characterisations etc but there’s a strong probability I’m shoving Lily and Regulus together in that. Or I’ll write a l/r accompaniment if not, I’m sure. Also a rip-off of living in the red where they housesit for j/s but that only exists in a one sentence summary form rn. Anyway I’ve said potential way too many times in one space so I’m just going to stop typing. PSA that I’m always always open to being thrown regulily content (I even use the portmanteau and I pretty much only refer to ships in the old character a/character b way). 
Thanks again for the ask! <3
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k-dokja · 3 years
Omg your Oikawa ENFJ analysis was so good. Could you please elaborate on his relationship with infp?🙏🏼
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You asked and I delivered. Honestly, as someone with developed Introverted Thinking, the amount of Fe these two have together distress me but they're so cute for what. This is also written on the basis that both people in the relationship have matured Fe/Fi.
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— Oikawa with an INFP, did someone say natural match because this is basically one of the golden pairings. As someone with a developed Fe, Oikawa appreciates the loving and warmth of another Fi dominant user immensely. He wants and craves validation in a relationship, INFP can readily respond to this need and understand when his emotion requires fulfilment.
— He's such a good conversationalist and it immediately pops out to you? Even if his personality can be overwhelming at first sight, somehow Oikawa manages to get you on the same wavelength as him. You'll leave the conversation having the tingling that this boy simply just gets you. He's insightful and perceptive, he knows exactly what to say to make you feel engaged.
— On another hand, he's extremely impressed by your sensitivity. Not everyone can match up to his same level, in fact, based on his high school friends, it was more likely that he was surrounded by people with dominant Ti traits. These boys internalized their thinking, which works well for the team's harmony but limited Oikawa's experience.
— The two of you just naturally gravitate towards each other and before you know it, boom, he's actively flirting with you and you're just trying to find a hole to stick your head into. It's okay, I get it, I run at the sight of Oikawa, too.
— ENFJ can be flirtatious and provocative, and Oikawa as a person can be forward and open with his feelings. This is extremely needed for an INFP more reclusive and requires time to get out of their shells. He's also determined, undeterred by failure when his INFP crush gets embarrassed or inhibited by their reserved nature.
— Naturally, INFP dislikes it when their creativity is suppressed, but they won't have to deal with Oikawa. Even if he is more of a sporty type, Oikawa would grow to be interested in any of his significant other's creative endeavours even if he didn't have any experience before this. He will always be a listener to any problem you have, easily with a positive and supportive attitude as well.
— Oikawa understands that his lover cannot have the same amount of energy as he does, mentally or physically. He's much more used to high-strung situations and knows INFP requires their time to recharge and get lost in their own head. He's understanding when his lover cannot give him their time, he wants to reassure of the fact that he has no problem with them withdrawing every now and then.
— More than anything, he simply worries about their well-being since coughs they are notorious for neglecting their own health when left to their own device. Even if he knows they don't have a problem with him, he wants to check in on them. It delights him to know that they want to spend their alone time with him, and he will try his best to not disrupt it in any way possible.
— If you want to cuddle, you will get cuddles. If you want to curl up in a blanket fort, he's building you the blanket fort and furnishing it with necessity. If you just want to be left alone, you'll have your alone time. He just hopes you won't mind him reminding you to drink water and eat something. Also, a lot of cute texts, you will get your cute texts since he knows you don't like your calls okay.
— D'aww but imagine being alone together... that's so cute. It really touches his heart when he realizes you're actually spending your alone time with him. He's your special person. Maybe he will get a little clingy and cuddly afterwards, only because he has so much love to give and you're making his heart combust.
— ENFJ has an understanding of emotional intimacy which makes it very comforting for INFP, he's genuinely caring about you. This doesn't simply stay on an emotional level but it also transfers into your own ambition.
— Because of your disorganized nature, you will struggle with realizing which is the correct path to pursue. As someone more grounded and realistic, Oikawa knows how to help you reorient your life. In return, you help to uplift him and prevent him from straying into the territory of being bitter and cynical by his past failures. Having you around lifts his mood immensely and encourages him to become a better person every day.
— Yeah, I'm going to be honest with you, Oikawa can be extremely possessive and controlling. This is also another aspect of his personality type which people often misunderstood. He's passionate and he falls hard when he's in love, the fact you give him exactly what he needs: validation, affection, and understanding, makes him want to stay forever. While this makes him intense in the eyes of others, your patience and sensitivity make your relationship works.
— When I said long-term, this boy is definitely planning his future with you. He has plans for his own future, he knows what he wants to do and he intends to go through with it. Look at the fact he moves to Argentina to play volleyball just so he can face off against his old rivals during the Olympics. The boy really went and got naturalized just so he can face off against all of them.
— If the two of you were already together prior to his flight, then worry not, he has talked to you at length about what would be necessary for your relationship to work. The lack of physical intimacy in the first few years would be torturous for him, but the best-case scenario would be you eventually moving to Argentina with him.
— Of course, he wants you to pursue your education before anything else because he's also following his own dreams. What makes this work is that ENFJ is extremely good with communication, and he knows that you are bad with yours, so he doesn't mind the extra effort to make things work. Luckily for you both, being idealists, you are probably more optimistic than others about making your relationship work, which is the major factor to do this in the long run.
— The fact you hopped over a bunch of VPN fences simply to watch his match? He's worried about your sleeping schedule but he's also going to combust from how cute that was. If sacrificing a little sleep meant you can have each other's backs, then he's going to die a little the next morning's practice but your smile made it all worth it. Besides, let's be real, you're used to staying up at ungodly hours anyway... just don't let him know that.
— Once you moved in with Oikawa, he will absolutely try to help you adjust your weird sleeping schedule. He struggles with the adjustment when he first flew to Argentina, too, so he's understanding that you have your own problems. Worry not, Oikawa will make sure you will have your daylight hours if it's the last thing he does. (Yes, he's extremely dramatic, can you see?)
— This boy is handsy, okay, love language is physical touch and words of affirmation, you can't tell me otherwise. It's likely that you'll get comfortable with his touches because he knows exactly how to make you feel loved. In return, give him little compliments, kiss him all over the face, he'd look so goofy when he's giddy but he doesn't care because he's so in love with you.
— Character growth together is so important for Oikawa. He knows that neither of you is perfect (well, you are, but you have rebuked that argument enough time that Oikawa will simply admit it to himself and everyone else when you're not around.) This leads to a lot of necessary development during the time you two are together. What matters is that you're both positive reinforcement towards each other, and this helps immensely with the process.
— It's just a very nurturing and loving relationship, my heart simply cannot and I want to see this happening because of how cute it is.
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
Kasumi, Thane, Shiala for the character ask meme
OHHHHHHHHH i do be too in love
K: a THIEF??? you give me HEIST??? i studied art history in college, and got very focused on art crime and museum security and made several professors quite anxious, so the first time I played 2 and recruited her, she immediately soared to the top of my fave list
T: oh ho oh HO tiddy window. he is... ooh. him pretty. then he talked. HE'S HOT!!!! uh oh weren't you gonna romance garrus?
S: when she feel out of the thorian i was like wat. i am getting my ass kicked by a plant booger. why are you HERE. WHO ARE YOU
K: i will die for you. i wanted to see more of her in 3. i wanted to heist the casino with her. extremely in love, forever and always, and if i wanted to punish myself and make another shepard it'd be to romance her
T: shattered. one of the most deeply romantic LIs out there imo. watching him come alive again. unrecoverable. i'll forever love him. also hes hot as fuck lemme lick him. he didn't die, he blasted kai leng in the face the second he leveled his pistol. i will also go to my grave foaming at the mouth what they did to him
S: wife. omg please benchpress me. the first time i played and had that conversation post-thorian and its like oh. you're badass as fuck. a commando and studied for centuries w benezia? AND THEN SHE FLIRTS W YOU IN 2 AND THERE IS NO OPTION FOR FOLLOW UP???? i thought about that scene all the time. and with the next couple playthroughs, every time i got to see her i was like. oh no youre even prettier. oh no you're even cooler. and now its just terminal brainrot. god i wish we couldve recruited her/romanced her. that would have been mad dope. thank god i am sometimes capable of writing fic
K: ohhhh a toughie. it feels like a cop out to say all of them, but her VA does such a damn good job bringing so much personality into her lines so like even going and checking in on her between missions was a delight to hear her comment on squadmates. that heist was so good tho. hoot every time she jumps on the jet and gives hock that jaunty wave. WHAT A BABE!!! i also love when she goes HAha while in combat
T: when he finally talks about irikah and kolyat. it felt so special and intimate to learn about them. and when he cries before kissing shepard. yes.
S: when shE FLIRTS IN 2 OASIFHLJISUDH but seriously when shes free of the thorian and says she wants to help the colony in recompense. that. meant a lot to me. also i watched the renegade version on yt and the fact that she'll just. let shepard kill her without a fight.... that...... ow
K: well. i've got several fics in the works for her w mercy shepard
- new orleans heist
- vinny (the first man kasumi kills)
- ANDERSON NEVER ARRESTS MERCY AU: CRIMELORD MERCY SHEPARD where kasumi is their right hand, and eventually they end up on the trail of saren. alternate recruitment of squadmates >:)
T: i've got a google doc titled cleaning supplies which um. has been the filth i've been posting in chunks. the other fic for him that i just have a barebones bit is hurt/comfort after mercy visits alchera, beginnings of a romance between them. and of course, sports coach au that i will absolutely start actively writing once i've gotten a couple more "essential" mercy fics done
S: i am working on stellan and shiala's first in-person date after the war, inspired by you, the powerful @yellingaboutmasseffect, where they do the floating howl/sophie walk. and then i like to play around with a full-on howl's moving castle shepala au, that i'd probably post scenes from, rather than any sort of longfic. and im still writing very married sleepy fucking. um. yeah. that's almost complete
K: i will never regret she's there because she makes my life worthwhile, but why was kasumi recruited in the first place?? she's a thief, not a murder powerhouse
T: can't be considered a dilf til kolyat forgives him and even then, hun, you've got a lot of work to do for your kid (which, he does, of course. but it can't be ignored that thane just. abandoned his child)
S: i think she would've made a more fun companion than liara
(ignoring shepard)
K: i thought the one she had with the spectre jondam bau was fun. i'd write them going on an interrupted heist-turned-date. or a slow burn enemies to lovers thing. if i had time. i also love that kasumi and samara hang out, referenced in 2
T: thane/irikah, of course! what a powerful couple.
S: i would love to read about shiala studying under benezia, and then the curdling relationship has soverign's indoctrination worms between them. to her being sacrificed to the thorian. and then her learning the death of her teacher. like. there's a lot there and it hurts my feelings when i think about it. love that for me :)
K: her grandmama. i have her as a badass cat burglar that raised kasumi as not only a beloved grandchild, but also her protege. powerful woman. also cared for mercy, but she dies when kasumi is seventeen
T: that he's got a dick like a vodka tampon
S: she's absolutely ripped. i know it. you know it. we all know it. i like the idea that she's both beefy and intellectual. and in my shepala-rotted brain, she's got a real talent for growing flowers :')
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
First impressions of your moots vs impression now
Hello bitches ✨ YOUR GAL IS BACK 😎🍸 stronger than ever
okay soo
my first ever moot was @swagmonsterofficial !! She DM me and suddenly look at her blog growth! DAMN SO MUCH CONTENT SO MUCH FUN, SO MUCH DEDICATION 👏. FI : She lowkey flexed about being smart in her class hahaha and I was laughing along (coz lol we're on the same shoes just that she is natural smart, i am the study hard one) annd yeah now, she really is showing her hard work and never ending passion of making new content. She's so cool. swag
then I think I became moots with @neopalette the baby I rise in tumblr 😅💖 FI? She's a sweetheart, or more like I was super bold approaching her in DM she got flustered. CUTE! but then yeah she's just so precious. Current FI : Watch my baby start posting stories and accepting requests! AND THEY ARE SO ADORABLEE 💖 also she's so kind like she asked me to tag her on every story I made and that really made me speechless when she asked me that. Thanks bub you're da best 🥺😍
Then of course its @yutahoes My everything, the older sister I have in tumblr! The one I can tell all my stories and the one who just talks so casually with me about girl talks. OH First impression was me dm-ing her about one fanfic, it's "Different" and I dm her asking about Haru! Then we kinda talk (or more like I annoy her by reading her other works and just ask her a lot details and commented a lot under the work with the other yuta angel OG team 😎 they're next in moots.) So, I got close to Nina after sharing the same vibes of writing "domestic daddy Yuta" and we kinda idk click or she is just so kind that she accepts me... sooner we become closer, she knows all the embarrassing stories I imagined writing like the laundry idea hahaha! The zoom class thing (that guy is so cute but i never got his contact) and well she just knows everything. Current FI : She's strong talented, a whole package, but she just doesn't knows it. SUPER HUMBLE. SUPER FUN ACTUALLY WHEN YOU KNOW HER 💕🌹 luuv!
Then its @ailoveyuta YUTA ANGEL SQUAD! We haven't interacted that much but seeing that we hype Nina a lot back then, my FI was "BIG YUTA STAN AND NINA STAN" We gotta catchup!
Then there's @2-3-t-i I'm pretty sure we also met in Nina's comment section! FI : Amazing, now? even cooler
(hold your braces, I am talking so much sorry!)
Next is @canadianwatermelon SOOO Funny story! Foxy has always been liking my incorrect superm, like every day I saw their pfp in my activity bar, and I won't lie their blog name is soo catchy (at least for me) I MEMORIZED IT, WITH THE ICONIC PFP TOO and the backdrop was MARK'S SILHOUETTE RIGHT?! then I finally dm them just to say "Yow I like your blog name, it's so precious keep it." AND BOOM MOOTS. EVEN IN INSTA. FI : They're cool, super chaotic (coz liking my incorrect superm aka same humor vibe). THEN there was one time we got quite close, I kept checking on them and maybe they forgot but once Foxy was thanking me in DM for staying with them and I just felt like oh gosh I need to protect them at all cost! How you doing?
THEN OMG MY MAPPLE SISTERRR!! I mean I've been reading her stories and we became moot not long after that.. I guess. I forgot how we met, but Charm is a great sister and she's just living up to her name, charming! Princess Charming 👌💖 Current FI : Sis, your charm changes when I bring out all #ohcanada jokes lol but i love you more in that vibe 🍁😘
@taemin-jaemin aka swagmonsta gal in the beginning
@nini-eexxo - FI - CRACK. LIKE YOW SHE'S LEGIT SO FUN. I wanna crash into a party with her, sadly both of us are still under aged lmaooo but yeah. She kept checking on me and she's super nice.
THEN WE HAVE MY COOL CYBER EONNIE @full-hd-sun FI : Super nice and funny, but omg she's pretty! SHE IS PRETTY! I REPEATTT and she's just so caring. current FI : Strong sis, you can do everything okay! ALSO SHE IS SO COOL COZ SHE DEALS WITH CYBER THINGS (which i have 0 knowledge about so.. cool)
@bigbrainenergytingz FI : THIRSTY OVER JENO. CURRENT FI : SUPER THIRSTY FOR JENO. periodt. 😘👌 Super fun to tease,
@jaesqueso - aesthetic, aesthetic, neomu aesthetic periodt. i won't change my FI and current, the aesthetic level is just wayy over the atmosphere
@dundun-baby Muahaaha FI : She was trying to guess my astronomy birth stars, failed lolll current fi : we suddenly disappear after both of us saying "OMG I ALSO LOVE TO DEBATE" 🤡
@hen-marks99 FI : cutie, and brave! Asked me if I could tag her on the tag games, and sorry I sometimes forgot (i will remember it from now promise) BUT CURRENT IMPRESSION : AYEE FELLOW TRY GUYS FAN!!! We're stanning TRY WIVES and TRY CREWS and yeah we're LIT 🍸✨
yup that's all, or at least the one I am mostly talking and tagging and actively engaged.
This was making me remember how we met and it's just so nice
take care everyone! Love you 💖
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
Haikyuu Kink/Fetish Headcanons pt. ii
☞ includes: Tōru Oikawa, Takahiro Hanamaki, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa, Shinsuke Kita, Aran Ojiro, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna
this will be a four part series! part i part ii features Aoba Johsai & Inarizaki
✎ notes: hi. sorry for the delay. as some of you might have seen on the news, the state of Texas, uh, froze over last week - i’m still getting everything back together so bear with me!
also. completely left out Matsukawa & realized it right before i posted this - fixed & added now but might have gone a little ham on his so...yw?
this is all post-timeskip. all boys are their 2021 ages - so most 3rd years are 26 - 27 & 2nd years are 25 - 26. didn’t do any of the 1st year boys because most still feel like small rays of pure sunshine to me.
once again, massive, massive shoutout to @albinoburrito - she and i have been working on these for weeks & she is amazing with her help, edits & ideas - love yew sis!
⤫ warnings:  again, if the title didn’t give it away, this is fulllll of sexual kinks - they will switch up for each character, for all parts, but there will be mentions of bdsm, overstimulation, degradation, power play, exhibitionism, and many, many others so SMUT/18+ only please & thank you
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☞ Aoba Johsai:
Tōru Oikawa
Certainly has a praise kink & there’s nothing he loves more than hearing how much you like his pretty face and fit physique - he’ll tell you it’s all for you, but you should always call him on that lie - ‘really Tōru? you do all that for me and not because you’re, I don’t know, a professional volleyball player?’ ‘ugh, how dare you - are you insinuating I don’t also do this for you?? for the woman I love?? I guess romance really is dead, huh.’ though it’s not just physical traits he wants praise for - tell him how good he makes you feel, how appreciative you are of him, as a lover and as a partner - after all, he’s someone who has worked hard his entire life and hasn’t always reaped the benefits of that effort - having the person he loves tell him they’ve seen his struggles and they’re supporting him 120% - there’s nothing more that makes his heart swell and, at times, his dick twitch
So, so much cock worship - like it is expected, likely given to you in writing when you first get together - it’s a must, must, must - he’s the worst person you’ll ever meet, but you know you wanna travel the world with him - hell, you’d go to Argentina for this man and, let’s be honest, for his impressive dick - so make sure you tell him this, and constantly
Super romantic with everything he does - sometimes it’s over the top, he’s scattered rose petals at least ONCE and yes he was offended when you had the audacity to laugh at the cliche, but his actions are always so heartfelt because when he falls, it’s hard and it’s deep & he wants to hear how much you liked it, gasping and grinning at each other, and how much you love him 
With looks in mind, katoptronophilia is a given - he has two mirrors in the bedroom, one is by the window (to check if outfits look good in natural light, really Tōru?) and one is placed catty corner to the wall but has the perfect view of the bed, and one of his favorite things to do is to pull you up and fuck you in front of one of them - you both look so fucking good & how can he not want to see all of that?
This man is a bratty switch, bottom leaning - he is in control of the court and his team all the time and I think he would enjoy taking off that crown in the bedroom - however, he wants you to put some effort in to dominating him, what do you expect from a man who works hard for everything in life, and if you’re with him, you probably enjoy the challenge - sometimes he’ll do the whole: ‘of course, it’s all you!’ & then halfway through he’s whining that it’s not fair that he has to put up with this - ‘why are you being so rough??’
He does like the idea of play wrestling, too, but he’d act so whiny during it ‘oww, that really hurts! don’t hurt the man you love!’ ‘okay now you’re just being mean here, this isn’t fun anymore’ - though that’s all part of his plan - he’ll totally flip things around the second you let up to chastise him - however, he’ll never object to letting you rightfully win so he can enjoy being pinned under your thighs
Edging is something he certainly likes - namely, for him - he enjoys when you get him right up to that release, where he’s starting to throb and is so close, just a little more, and ahhh - you just let all of the pressure and tension still, holding his hips down and watching him squirm as he tries to gather himself back together - he’ll complain, breathlessly, but that flush running up his neck and those moans and whines he keeps giving you say something completely different 
Breath play - he’d be open to receiving it more than giving it, though I don’t think he’d like a hand wrapped around his throat because that is a little too aggressive for his tastes- he would enjoy it with scarves or stockings, your thumbs pressing into his pressure points, less actual choking and more of the teasing aspect of it - the competition of seeing how long he can last with this tightening pressure, and that measured control you have on him, it’s all very sexy (you will have to remind him, though, of keeping his safety in mind and not, I don’t know, trying to outdo his record of breath control during your last session) 
Totally has a lingerie/stocking/ thigh high sock kink - if you go out of your way to wear a set of lingerie that accentuates your everything, he’s not going to just take, or god forbid, rip, it off - he’s going to have you keep that shit ON, it looks so good on your body, it feels so nice against his skin, and he will be enjoying it for as long as he can
So as you can guess, down for clothed sex for sure - you’re both dressed to kill, you look so sexy, so let’s appreciate this moment more - most of the time it’s because there’s no way he can keep his hands off of you for another second - not when you look that good!! *note: none of this plays out outside the home
Big into aftercare - likes the pampering and the extra-ness of it - it’s more of a shared activity, whatever you’re doing to him, or he’s doing to you, he’ll want to reciprocate at all costs - you both draw a bath together and massage sore muscles - taking care of each other after getting wrecked is something that can be so romantic…
Speaking of massages, he’d like prostate massages - they feel oh so good especially while you’re also going down on him - but, if you’re wanting to try pegging, he’d need to be worked up to it - however there are times when he cannot resist seeing just how much you can make him submit to you - that power looks good on you and pegging is the ultimate form of domination to him
Begging, but just for you? He lowkey loves when he can get you to a level of frustration that he gets to pull some ‘oh...what was that? I’m sorry, can I get that again?’ ‘I really couldn’t hear you, babe, can you say that again - do you need something?’ he just wants you telling him how much you want him, no need him, and it boosts his ego tenfold
lights on kinda guy - also lowkey scared of the dark - ‘wait, what was that?’ ‘Tōru, calm down.’ ‘NO! what that’s in the corner!’ ‘uh, a chair, it’s been there.’ ‘but what’s ON it!?’ ‘your jacket...’
Cunnilingus/Face sitting kink HARD - he takes absolute pride in getting you off with just his tongue - likely has it timed to a science and can read every twitch and jolt that your body makes - absolute king level shit, knows just what you like and what to do to have you orgasming hard, thighs squeezing his head and hands gripping his hair for dear life
He loves to put on a show for you and is likely very into mutual masturbation - just having you work yourself into a gasping mess while he’s looking on makes him so hard and he likes to see how long you both can hold out - he will balk at exhibitionism however - he’s a little too famous for that as the captain of the Argentinian volleyball team & I do see him as someone who would be possessive of you - so he wouldn’t like anyone walking in on the two of you and it’s just not worth the risk - ‘oikawa, diva!’ is what a fan would say and I feel like he would just shove you back where you can’t be seen and literally strut away, internally panicking
No marking or leaving big hickies - again, he’s got an image to keep up here
Sorry ladies, no impact play - omg he hates being hit & i don’t think he’d hit you - like, literally you asked him to slap you once, and he just pressed an open palm to your face with a winced look, gently pressing on your cheek & you were like: ‘wtf did you just do???’  it was so embarrassing for him that sex was over for the night - he can’t do this, the conviction it takes, he does not have    
Takahiro Hanamaki
Begging, yes - he likes to see how you react to him, especially when you’re at your neediest - come on, let’s be honest, you sound so good when you’re whimpering for him, how could he not like it? He won’t goad you too much, but he can’t help giving a few prompts of ‘hmm? got something to say?’ ‘man, you should see yourself - and hear yourself too’
More of a mental bondage kinda guy - he’d rather give you instructions, tell you to keep still for him, and see how long your resolve can hold - it’s so fun to see how focused your expression looks while your body twitches reactively to his touch
Breath play, always - his preference is to do this on you, rather than it being done to him - he always starts with his hand lightly wrapped around your throat, which he likes to do just to check if you’re down to indulge him in this - soon as he gets the green light, it’s all about those pressure points - he’ll grip your neck in just the right spots that have you writhing and seeing spots in your vision, your fingers tapping out the rhythm for release - as a rule, he never uses his entire hand because he likes to see how steady he can keep his control so he only ever uses a few fingers to create the pressure - in general, he’s an observant guy & I think he’d like to watch as you come back down from that high, body jolting and reedy moans leaving your throat
Breast play- if you can’t tell, this man lives to see you arching and contorting under his fingertips - loves, loves, loves to see you squirm - so whether it’s with his fingers or teeth, he’s going to be flicking, pulling, licking, nipping, and sucking along your breasts and giving special attention to your nipples - plus, you let out the sweetest little mewls and gasps and those are his favorite sounds!
He’s very into clothed sex - there’s just something about the way your breath hitches and he loves when you shiver into him - biting on your lower lip and letting out those shaky exhales - so he enjoys to tease you under your clothes - see how far you’ll let him get and if all that heavy petting happens to turn into a quickie against the nearest surface with your dress hiked up to your stomach? well, that just sounds perfect, dont’cha think? Speaking of which…
He’s very down for exhibitionism, and it often ties into his kink for clothed sex - he really love to tease you in public and get you into a breathless, half aroused state - keep in mind, while he’s doing all this, he’d give you such a hard time when you want to try and fuck in the corner, or down an alleyway, or in a bathroom - ‘babe! stop! we’re in public. what’s gotten into you?’ and he just keeps that up, even as he is pressing you into the closest wall and teasing at the top of your pants. ‘stop! I don’t know why you’re being like that!’ he says all of this with such a shit eating grin on his face
Cunnilingus kink & loves to use it for that sweet, sweet control - he really gets off on seeing you gasping and moaning as he tongue fucks you right to the edge and then leaves you there - you know it’s gonna happen, you know, he always does this, but you hold out hope this will be the time he lets you cum all over his mouth - he’s great at using your desperation against you 
If a dildo and his dick in your pussy makes you a sopping mess, then fuck yes he’s down for double penetration - he loves how tight it makes you - He wasn’t sure if you’d be as into this one as he was but he’s so glad he mentioned and you were down, and even better, you were just as into it as he was - In fact, he just bought a new toy this last week and is so excited to try it out on you
When it comes to play wrestling, he lets you think that you’ve got him, that this time you really have pinned him down and are taking control this time, and sometimes it really seems like you did, because honestly he’ll let you have your moment of domination every once in awhile - but the moment you gloat or try to push too hard, well, you’re forfeiting your position in the blink of an eye and he’s back on top, grinning at the indignant look on your face
If you’re ticklish, he’d get into foot play - it’s fun to lightly run fingers along the soles of your feet and watch your entire leg kick reflexively into his awaiting hands - he loves to snatch you by your ankles and pull you forward when he’s got a hold of your jolted leg - he’ll also find your feet in mid air and tickle them to watch your legs strain and hips jump from the teasing - plus he’s never against massaging and kissing your toes until you’re a giggling mess under him - it’s all about seeing how you react to him
Totally into impact play - he likes how it sounds - the soft pops and the sharp whacks and watching how your body responds to the sudden sensations - he loves to play around with speed and tempo, and you never quite know what he’ll do - he wants to see how much you can take and what kind of moans he can draw out with each smack
Hajime Iwaizumi
Begging? yes, always and forever - tell him how badly you want him and he will do everything he can to get you past the point where you won’t be able to do anything else besides babble his name - so, be warned - he won’t be doing much begging for you, though, I mean, he will try, but it will mostly be over-dramatic and come off insincere ‘baby, pleeeease, give it to me, ugh….’ ‘hajime, you sound like a bad porn star, you can stop’ he’s not trying to be rude or funny, he’s just not wired that way & likely never will be, sorry, not sorry - if you’re with him & you have a begging kink, well...
Bondage, duh, yeah cue obligatory all of it - he’s into the works: blindfolds, rope tie ups, handcuffs (fuzzy and metal are both allowed and encouraged), maybe a little bit of suspension play too - for one thing, he thinks it looks really sexy & I’d see him being game to try anything and everything with this kink - I would even see him being into some of those more avant-garde and uncommon forms of bondage - think full four poster spread that has you completely at his mercy and the way you’re displayed has him rubbing his hands together in excitement when he pulls back to see his finished work - he’s always willing to try new things, so open for suggestions, ladies….
With all this in mind, he is certainly into breath play - loves to see your lips trembling and likes how you bare your throat  as it arches under his fingers - he loves how imposing and powerful his hands look as they wrap around your neck - that’s probably the biggest reason why this kink attracts him so much- he’s got some pretty fine looking hands, attached to some even better looking arms - he’s worked hard to maintain that muscle as a trainer, and he loves to see your eyes following the line of his forearms that lead to his biceps - plus the way you grip onto those arms while he’s gradually squeezing around your neck really gets to him - he’d let you do it to him too, especially if you happen to be riding him, he enjoys feeling all of your control and doesn’t mind you using his neck to help yourself stay balanced as you’re shifting up on your knees and lowering yourself back onto him
Rather than edging you, he’s going to want you to come well, and often - he’s always doing his best to make you an overstimulated, quivering mess - he likes the feel of you fluttering around him and how you can’t keep your hips from bucking no matter how hard he holds them down - he likes seeing you lose that control and it lets him reap all of the benefits of your many releases
Total boob guy - worship is a must, must, must for him, he loves them, no matter the size or shape he thinks they’re so soft and beautiful….so he’s out here kissing, licking, sucking,  and even pinching sometimes - just honestly going to town on them every chance he gets  - & absolutely would have a lactation kink - thinking of them even plusher, filled, and leaking mmm
Speaking of licking and sucking - this man will leave you splattered with love bites and mismatched patches of lip sucked skin - this isn’t limited to his mouth, because his hands are always leaving behind some fingermarks and bruises all along your hips and upper thighs - he likes the possessiveness of it all - seeing those marks, especially if they’re juuuust visible under your shirt or ever your shorts and skirts, it’s a visual representation of his want for you and shows that you’re all his - he’ll also like you to reciprocate this - feel free to bite against his biceps when he’s pinning you down, or leave him a nice scattering of hickies across his neck and shoulder, please? *ok, maybe there’s one thing he’ll beg for :3c
Impact play goes hand in hand with his marking kink & he honestly can’t help it? If it looks good, which all of you does, well, he’s gotta hit it, literally - besides just hearing your moans and those breathy gasps whenever he lands a solid pop gets him so hard - and if that smack leaves a nice, bright mark, all the better
Breeding kink/Cream pie kiiiink to the max - he wants to fill you up until you’re absolutely soaking and loves watching it as it runs down your thighs - but some days he likes to trap it under the flat of his palm, holding you still as he makes sure you keep every last drop - the mating press is totally his second favorite position - he’s not necessarily trying to get you pregnant, but he can’t help himself, it all goes back to that possessiveness - ‘look at you, such a dirty girl, taking all my cum like that’ ‘you want me to give you more? I can - I can go all night.’ 
When it comes to clothed sex, could totally see this man rushing home to you, dropping his gym bag at the door, kicking it shut behind him, and pinning you down, or up, no matter what you’re doing - you can worry about taking everything off later, right now he just wants you anyway he can get you - he’ll shove whatever he needs to to the side or down to get to you - don’t worry, he won’t let those pesky panties be in his way for too long!
Honestly Aoba Johsai grads are all the reigning champions of pussy eating, so it should come as no shock that he thinks about your cunt constantly - to the point where you’ll finish taking a shower, walk into the bedroom, and he’s not even pretending to pay attention to the book in his hands, his eyes sharp, nose flared, tongue tracing his lips hungrily, watching you move toward him - you won’t even have a chance to gasp before he’s trapping you under him - he loves to spread you out and eat often and well
Degradation: omg. he will degrade you to the moon and back if you’re comfortable with it - loves to call you his slut, his whore - ‘look at you, all fucking panting for my cock, you’re such a pretty bitch and you’re all mine’ 
His proclivity for discipline will certainly come into play every once in awhile - usually he reserves this for more playful interactions - not things that happen in everyday life, but if you start to fight against his control in the bedroom, well, he’ll need to make sure you know there’s a surprise that’s in store for you soon - keep in mind, he loves when you fight against his control! there’s nothing he loves more than seeing you resist him - he likes the back talk and that snarky brattiness you slip into - besides, it’s a lot more fun when you’re giving him a run for his money 
Speaking of brattiness, he loves to play wrestle with you - but don’t not fool yourself, this is a losing game - for you that is - however, he does like to see you get all worked up and breathy - it’s so cute and when you try to trash talk him whenever you do get the upper hand for those precious few moments? he lives for it, knowing he’s going to flip you right over and keep you there
While he would like to face fuck you, he wants you to be prepped for this specific kink - so be ready for lots of practice - he’ll sink a little further each session, make you get used to gulping and heaving around his dick, but he’ll never rail into you without a warning - but once you’re both ready? oooh, it feels so good when your throat is clenching around him - and if you sneak a few peeks up at him? god, you look so beautiful like this, he’s not sure he can ever get enough of it  
Issei Matsukawa
He is a shell you’ll have to crack into - be mindful of that - & it helps to be friends first - many of these kinks he’ll need to work up to, but if he has that trust and established comfort built in from the get go, you’re golden - he strikes me as someone who is purely monogamous, dedicated and loyal - and he would more possessive and private so don’t expect exhibitionism, likely under any circumstances - you’re for his eyes only and he’s not about to share any of that perfection with anyone else
More of a switch, I think he’d be fine with you in control - he’d like the back and forth, the pseudo-struggle, the snappy comments and teasing, but I don’t think he’d be too preoccupied with who wins, or who happens to lose these little power struggles - if you’re having a good time, than so is he 
He’s got something of a massage fetish - the second you start to rub your warm hands over his broad shoulders, he’s already half hard and ready for more - he really likes it when you make it into a whole deal, asking him to lay down on the bed and popping out the scented oils - there’s something about that pressure of your fingertips and if you sit across the dip of his back, oh fuck yes - he loves when he can feel your thighs tensing and shifting over him as you move upward to reach that patch of tense muscles by his shoulder blades, hands slick with oil, that will cause some deep, low moans to rumble from his chest 
He loves the reactions that sensation play can drag out of you - however, when he brings this kink out he likes to take his time - so he usually saves it for longer sessions - all that extra planning and care is worth the wait and lets him go nice and slow, which is just what he likes - he’s even found the ideal blindfold for you - it wraps perfectly around your head and blocks out all possible light, plus it’s so soft - once he’s dimmed your vision he’ll start out with his fingers, tracing them up and down over your skin until you’re leaning forward, chasing after his touch, leaning forward to try and pinpoint his next move - then he’ll move onto other stimulants like warm massage oils, or sleek, stainless steel toys that he can heat up over your flushed skin, rubbing them up and down until you’re a gasping mess    
The blindfold play alone has opened new worlds for him with other forms of sensory deprivation as well and he’s always eager to try out something new -  namely ear plugs or headphones to utilize music - he’s got a playlist that he likes to break out for the two of you while things are getting heated - and he’s played it so often now that even hearing those songs outside of the bedroom can get you twitching and wet and him half hard - for earplugs, the sensation of touch goes through the roof when he pairs it with the blindfold and he just can’t get enough of how your reactions are intensified from it all
While the sensation play can tie into bondage, he usually prefers to hold you down with just his hands rather than ropes or handcuffs - he’s a tactile guy and there’s just something about watching you arch and writhe under his palms alone - the shift as he readjusts you and the long line that your body makes when he pulls you up, stretching you against the sheets - ugh, you look so good, he’ll take a minute to admire that form a little longer...
However, with all of this in mind, if you’re really into something and have some kinks of your own, he’d take the time to indulge you in what you like - he’s a go with the flow kinda guy, and frankly unless he really doesn’t like it, he’ll be good for whatever you want anytime you want it 
Cock worship - he was not expecting to be as down for this as he was - it slipped out of you one day and he felt all of the blood in his body run directly to his dick - ‘what...what did you say?’ ‘that I love your cock, it’s so thick and god, you’re practically leaking all over my hand now, I can’t wait to taste it’ ‘oh. uh, I mean, fuck...can...can you say that again?’  
Does he have a cunnilingus kink? um, yes, yes he does - this man does be loving to eat and your pussy is the perfect meal - usually, he likes to catch you when you’re distracted - ‘you can keep watching that...i’ll just be down here…’ kinda thing, as yanks your pants and panties down, spreading your legs along the couch and helping himself
Another thing he loves indulging in when he’s eating you out is edging - there’s something about the idea of holding out for the big finish - his hips bucking upwards as he ruts into thin air - it makes him feel tingly and lightheaded and that final push to release is always worth it, even if it comes hours later, leaving him tired but completely sated and satisfied  
Dirty talking? this man will dirty talk you within an inch of your life - and if he finds out that you have a thing for his voice, babe, you’re such a goner - ‘feel good? do you like how that feels? want more? lay back for me, oh fuck, your pussy’s so tight like this. look at you, you’re practically dripping all over my hand. such a good girl, taking me so deep.’ just on and on and on until all you can hear is his voice
Total titty and ass man - if it’s soft and round, he’s down - he loves running his hands along your dips and curves and sinking his calloused fingers into your plush softness, fuck, that feels good
Teasing is one of his favorite things to do with you - this can slip outside of the bedroom, but it’s usually limited to whispered murmurs or veiled promises of what’s to come - he’s slick about it too - stepping over to your side and wrapping his arm around your waist as he leans down, the gentle push of his breath making your skin prickle with excitement - in a blink, he’ll be stepping away again but he loves seeing you bite your lip and that sweet laugh that will echo his declarations - and once the two of you are alone, damn, he will not let up, easily falling into some wickedly smooth jabs and bursts of dirty talk as he strips you down  
He’s got a huge hyphephilia kink - he just loves how your skin warms up as he slips his palms or his lips over whatever’s been bared to him - he knows it’s likely bordering on an obsession and sometimes it’s all he can do to keep his hands off of you, but he can’t help it - you’re intoxicating and he can’t believe how lucky he is to have you 
Definitely into play fighting and wrestling - he’ll let you win the bouts - how could he not? do you even realize how pretty your face is when you smile? and you always give him the best ones when you can knock off his hold - how could he possibly not let you win? ok, ok, sometimes his well honed competitive streak will come out, he can’t help it, but he always goes out of his way to give you a chance - besides, what’s better than being trapped under your thighs? nothing, that’s what 
For food play he’ll likely prefer things that he can lick off of you - think peanut butter, melted chocolate or light dustings of granulated sugar - this kink will go hand in hand with his doraphilia proclivity - the heady taste of something sweet on your skin sends him, literally, he’ll be so hard after a few laps of his tongue that he can hardly wait to get the rest off of you, drunk on the deliciousness of your splayed body 
Enjoys a good deal of frottage while heading to the bed room - if things get heated in the kitchen, or the living room, you better believe that he’s rutting up against you as much as he can - it helps to lessen that pressure and he loves the sensation of the rough push against his dick even through all his layers
For a clothed sex kink, well, he’s a busy guy and sometimes it’s all he can do to keep his hands off of you the second he drops his bag off his shoulder and kicks the front door shut - doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, or doing, he wants you and he wants you now and he’s not about to let a few layers get in his way of that - ‘come on, damn get this shirt off,’ he’s been missing you and he thinks he’s gonna bust if he has to wait any longer - he does strike me as a ‘fuck off frustrations’ kind of guy & if you’re down to indulge him in that he’ll be so, so happy - he’s not trying to hurt you but sometimes it’s nice to just slack all of that stress off between your slick thighs and rut against you as fast as he can with all of that pent up energy
Impact play is a must - once more it’s all about the way your skin heats up under his hand, but the satisfying clap of his palm against your curves is nothing to sneeze at either - it just feels so good and look at how you shivered when he made contact and...and was that a moan? yeah, you better believe he’s going to love working you up as he steadys you to sit over his dick - that’s right, he much prefers that you’re riding him when he lets loose - it gives him the best view of your face and that clench and answering wetness from your cunt is too addictive
Speaking of hands, can see this man having a quirofilia kink - while he likes how his broad grip stretches across you, he likes the way your hands look even more, especially when they’re nicely manicured and wrapped around the thick girth of his cock - that curl and stretch of the digits and the feel of them as they work their way up to the tip is heaven and he’ll never tire of that sight - he also loves interlacing his fingers with yours, so expect a lot of hand holding and stroking when you’re out and about
Very into pampering for you both - while he’s content with his job, it is one that can be mentally taxing - there’s a lot of emotional build up that comes with working in a funeral home - so I think he’d be over the moon if you made a special evening or weekend for him - it doesn’t need to be fancy, or over the top - just something that the two of can share together, without any real obligations where you’re just giving him some undivided attention - if you’d mentioned a movie you wanted to see with him, a new bar you wanted to check out that you’d both love, or even just an uninterrupted get away together (think a small daycation) he loves that you thought of him when planning these things and wants to be sure to make that time absolutely perfect for you, too - he’s very, very into self care & time spent with you is its own form of that for him
Like’s marking but only on places you can’t see - you gave him a hickey on his neck and all of his other coworkers didn’t stop ribbing him for a week - deadass, they gave him the makeup you put on corpses to cover it up so it wasn’t showing for a funeral they were hosting and he regretfully has had to tell you to never do that again, go a little easier next time, but sometimes he still lets you get carried away - he likes the fact that the marks signify he’s yours and you’re his - don’t worry, he’ll get you back for any stray love bites, how can he not?
*omfg. it’s so long. we really said Matsukawa supremacy, huh? jesus. well, too late now...
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☞ Inarizaki:
Shinsuke Kita
I do see him having a deep seated fascination with bondage - the first time he tried it with you he was absolutely insistent on mental & command based restraints only - but something was missing - sure, knowing he had that control over you was a heady rush but he wanted more - the first set of ties are loose - they tickle against your ankles and your wrists & he’s cautious to let you know that at any point, you can wiggle your way out - but when he leans back on his haunches and sees you, hoisted and pinned - completely at his mercy - oh. well, this is it - and if you suggest that the two of you indulge in this kink for your next romp that sly grin and brightening of his sharp eyes is just beautiful
For body worship, his actions speak louder than words - every chance he gets he’ll rest a broad palm against your curves - his fingers pressing and squeezing until you’re sucking in those quick little gasps that he loves so much - if he had to pick a favorite part of you, he’d always gallantly tell you that he adores everything about you, but again, his actions tend to echo back to what he truly prefers - and he has a deep, deep fascination with the slopes of your breasts - he’s not concerned with the size, the shape of your areola, or the sensitivity - he just can’t help but suck and kiss them; they’re perfect and, best of all, they’re all for him
This guy, this guy right here, would love it if you told him how perfect his cock was - the first time you let your praise slip out he’d blinked down at you, mouth agape, eyes wide and asked if you’d elaborate, please? - he wasn’t expecting that shiver to travel up his spine and the way you smiled as you repeated your words had him giving a low groan, his cheeks heating up  - you might have created a monster here because now that he’s had it, he doesn’t think he can live without it anymore
A cunnilingus kink is an emphatic yes - at first he didn’t think he was that good at it, but practice makes perfect, right - and this man is nothing if not a perfectionist - he makes eating you out part of his routine, something that’s so ingrained and expected that you can feel yourself dripping each day, cunt pulsing out a broken tattoo, waiting for his hungry lips - he comes in for his daily break, wiping sweat from his brow, and fixing you with a pointed look - be ready to stop whatever you’re doing around the farm since you’re his afternoon snack 
I do see him having a bit of a discipline kink - nothing too crazy, he’s not about to lock you up, or bring outside frustrations into the bedroom - but I think he would love to smooth out some of that roughness that you give him at times - those lazy taunts and snappy flexes against his control can’t go unanswered, no matter how much he secretly loves them - since you deliberately ignored or provoked him, it’s only fair for there to be some kinda reaction for that - you do all of that on purpose though, since there’s nothing better than hearing the timbre of his voice drop and see his lips quirk into a small smile
When it comes to play wrestling - mmm, you might want to elaborate on the rules of it all - when you’d first attempted it, shoving and pressing at him until he found himself knocked onto the edge of the bed, brows furrowed and body tensed, he’d been so, so confused - ‘wait, are you upset?’ - it’s a genuine question and you can’t contain the exhaled laugh that bubbled from your lips - ‘it’s just for fun. if you don’t like it we don’t–’ ‘you’re not mad?’ ‘no.’ ‘and all i need to do is...fight back?’ - it’ll take some strict outlines and a few more bewildered blinks from him but he’ll catch on & I think he’ll look forward to the days when you nudge a little too hard against his shoulder, eyes gleaming with poorly concealed mischief - he might get a little competitive - so don’t expect to win these bouts most of the time - but he likes the back and forth and there’s nothing he loves more than showing you who has the stamina and intensity to come out on top
For food based kinks I do see some rice play - no. get out of here. shoo.
If you did talk him into any kind of food play, he’d strictly keep it to the kitchen & you better believe you’re helping him to clean it up afterwards - he likes it more than he ever imagined possible - there’s something about all of the textures and the lingering taste of your skin - plus those sucking moans and gasps that you give him when he flattens his tongue and traces it over the planes of your stomach, or the plush rise of your breasts - he likes to see how long you can hold out before your hands are pushing against his grey head, so wet and overstimulated that all words are gone 
Definitely loves taking care of yourselves with massages and baths - once again, it’s a  scheduled thing - & he will get irritated if you miss it for whatever reason - self care is vital necessity - you’ve got to do it everyday & he wants you to share in those luxurant moments of peace with him - it’s kind of addictive - that cozy haze that the two of you slip into & he can’t imagine a better end to a long day than having you nestled between his arms, warm, scented water lapping against your heated skin - afterwards, he’ll help you dry off, making sure he’s caught every last drop and the two of you will finish up your nightly routine; brushing your teeth, scrubbing your faces and tucking into the bed - he always reminds you to set the alarm, but it’s more of a gentle nag rather than an annoyance, something that makes him, him - then, when the lights are out & darkness engulfs the two of you, he’ll coil himself around you - a quick peck pressed to your temple - yeah, this nurturing & pampering kink will always be at the top of his list 
Aran Ojiro
When it comes to begging he absolutely loves to feel powerful & knowing that you will go to your knees for him, your lips wet and swollen from his kisses, eyes hooded, watching his every move, listening to each drop of encouragement like it’s the last thing you’ll ever hear on this earth - God, how does he say no to that? he wants to hold out, to tell you to give him more, give him another round of gasping pleas and soft lilts of his name - the ones that steadily drip into full voiced cries - he’ll do his best, biting his lip and flaring his nose, jutting his chin so he looks a little more imperious - but those overtures of control aren’t for you - they’re for him - to remind him that he needs to keep going - you like it when he does and how can he do this half-heartedly? especially when you’re giving it your all 
For body mods, would loooove to look at and feel your piercings - he likes the gleam of the silver and the flash of the soft gold - or if you prefer to wear colors he’ll enjoy the variety - liking how they pop against your skin - they look so good on you & he loves when you keep them on in the bedroom, watching how they catch in the low light - tattoos are something that he needs to warm up to - it’s not that he doesn’t like them, but he hasn’t seen many throughout his life and it takes him a beat to adjust - it’s so...well...permanent - an ultimate commitment to a design or an idea - like everything else about you, they’re beautiful and he can’t deny that he likes to trace them when he’s stretched out beside you - fingers feather light as they run up and down the darkened ink - and if they’re in places that only he can see? well, that makes them something special - something that lingers, as soft as a secret, between the two of you 
What about breath play? Oh, yes, yes - he does like this to be done to him, more so than him doing it to you - not that he won’t, but he prefers the feel of you fingers as they tense and press against him - it’s a warm feeling and he likes passing off this piece of control to you - watching your face as you loom over him, your eyes hazy, thighs tight around his waist - he can feel it so clearly - the twitch of your feet as they curl under your legs, the light brush of your breath against his heated skin, the blurring of the colors as you give him another squeeze - ugh, that lightheadedness is second to none and when he taps his fingers over yours, signalling that he’s reached his limit, that first gasp is heaven - the feel of his pulse and your scattering of kisses as he comes back to himself - yeah, he likes this best when it’s you doing it to him 
Loves to tease you as much as he possibly can - this fully escapes the bedroom as well - in his mind, it’s like that sweet taste of the meal that’s to come - so if that means he’s pressing up against you on the train, cupping your ass on the street, trailing his fingers up and down your waist, pulling at the band of your panties, or tickling you under your shirt, you better believe he’s going to take full advantage of these little moments and get you nice and flustered - he likes watching you as you worm away from him, swatting at his curious fingers and smattering of kisses - he never thought he’d be a PDA guy, but something about you makes him completely lose his head & he doesn’t care who sees it
He is the fucking ace & I feel would like some form of cock worship - he loves when you tell him how big, how thick, how perfect his dick is - ‘how does it make you feel? come on, gimme some more. you like it? do you like that?’ - he wants to hear about all of those details - just how he can take your breath away and how he can make it better - he wants you to be absolutely lost in the sheer feeling of it all - he’s always sure to give you plenty of feedback - letting you know that he loves how your tongue traces along his shaft - swirl it, ahhh, just like that - ‘it’s all yours, just for you baby’ ‘you’re doing such a good job.’
All that cock worship did lead into face fucking during one particually heated session and once he felt you sputtering and gasping for air as you were going down on him - well, he can’t get that picture out of his head now - he’ll look into some methods, cuz he doesn’t wanna hurt you, but he’ll love sinking his fingers into your hair and thrusting up into your spread lips until you’re a drooling mess
Big, big discipline kink - he gets off on telling you what to do and making sure that you know just who you owe your sexual gratification to - ‘keep still for me’ ‘don’t move a muscle, you’re perfect like this.’ - this kink he fell into naturally and it always gives him such a hard on when he sees you listening for his next command - ‘no. stop. spread them wider. yes, just like that…’ - if you push back against his control, oh, he secretly likes that most of all - thinking up that perfect punishment, his fingers itching to smack against the curve of your hip in the meantime - he’s always sure to scold you, but he likes to take his time and let you settle in before he enacts his plans 
Loves to see you in some heels - he’d like boots too - anything that makes your calves and thighs flex - oooooh, that looks so fucking sexy - ‘you can leave those on, in fact do leave them on. I don’t think i’ve seen enough just yet.’   
Atsumu Miya
Begging, yes - for HIM - he adores when you make him absolutely mindless with want - he prefers when you use soft whispers at first, your mouth tickling beside the shell of his ear, your teeth nipping at his neck, asking him how much he wants you to move on as you tease your nails up and down his dripping cock - ‘ugh, come on! yer’ not being fair!’ he’ll grumble, thighs stuttering upward, not caring how strained his voice is becoming - he’ll always push back, it’s too encoded in his DNA for him not to, impatient and eager for you to work him to that edge already - so expect him to whine and grunt out his displeasure - hips rocking disobediently into your clenched fist - he knows you’ll snap at some point - he can hear it in your tone - yes, just a little bit more and you’ll be sinking your fingers into his blonde hair, jerking his head back and fully voicing your warnings, asking him if he thinks he really deserves more - he does of course and he knows you’ll give in once he starts to chant your name, lacing it with a few ‘please babe, let me fucking cum, I’ll be good! I swear!’ - he’s a total liar, but how can you possibly refuse him when his voice hitches into a high pitched whine and he pleads so nicely?
SUB SUB SUB - did I mention that he’s a sub? there’s just something about handing the control over in the bedroom that makes his knees quake - however, he’ll fight back & give you a good run for your money - he’ll come across as very boisterous, and will use that braggadocio initially to act as though he plans on dominating you, tossing out incendiary comments and digs - but all of this is a facade, and he’s just trying to rile you up, seeing how long it takes you to take control - he likes seeing your eyes flash when he flat out ignores or thwarts your commands - he wants you to knock him back down, your tensed thighs holding his toned muscle underneath - trapping him, holding him still, forcing his rambling taunts to quiet - it feels so good when you’re like this and he’s never been one to deny himself something that felt right - especially when that control 
comes wrapped in an alluring package, complete with the knowledge that you’ve got him all to yourself
When it comes to sensory play, he prefers the blindfold - likes having to listen and try and keep up with where you are - plus the gasping shock of your lips and teeth, tugging on his earlobe, nipping at his collarbone, sucking on his pectorals, licking his nipples, tonguing teasingly his bellybutton, or even biting against his inner thigh - it always makes his heart pound and he likes to try and give you a cheeky peck each time he can feel you shifting nearer, grinning wildly when his lips smack against your skin wetly - yeah, yeah, keep still, he knows - it’s not his fault yer’ irresistible 
For a clothed sex kink he loves, loves, loves when you can’t keep your hands off of him - and when you’re rubbing yourself up against that rising bulge in his pants he’s gonna absolutely melt - it’s just a bonus if he gets to return the favor - the idea that you’re so into him that you cannot wait, oh fuck, that’s better than anything - and he means that - anything - and if you happen to come on to him right after a game before he’s had a chance to change out of his uniform, sweat sticking the wicking polyester to his skin, your hands pushing his shorts up his tensed thighs and tugging his jersey up, pretty sure his soul will leave his body and his dick will be painfully hard, instantly - you’ll pull away when his teammates start to follow him down the locker room corridor, giving him a cheeky kiss on the lips with a carefree ‘see you in a little bit!’ as you walk off - great, he was looking forward to a hot shower but looks like it’ll have to be a cold one before heading to the post-game interview
As with Oikawa, it’s in writing and contractual, you’re going to have to say you like his cock - well LOVE his cock - often and repeatedly - let him know just how much you need and adore it - how you like sucking him off until he’s a shivering mess, precum leaking from the tip, staining your hands and dripping between your fingers - tell him, keep telling him until he can’t think - so lost in all of that praise and hungry want that he’s holding his breath even tensing his muscle - not wanting anything to get in the way of him hearing your heaping appreciation 
Cunnilingus and face sitting game is on lock - this is something that he wants and honestly, needs, sometimes even more than you - when you shove his face down and tell him to get you off, right now - damn it, that makes him so fucking hard - he’ll whine about your grip, or why can’t you keep yer’ hips still? he can’t do his job when you’re bucking like that - but don’t be fooled, he likes when you trap him between those silken thighs, your fingers carding and yanking through his blonde locks - he loves seeing that blissed out look on your face when he’s done - yeah, he did that, go on, tell him how good he is, his warm cheek resting against your quivering thighs
Baby, in this relationship, you get to degrade him - call him a dumb fuck, a stupid man whore, you’re such a little bitch for my cunt, you want more? i don’t think you deserve it so you better up your fucking game - now, all of this is all said with a teasing tone and a hint of challenge, you and he both want him to prove you wrong - these kinds of taunts and half serious snarks really fuel that competitive spirit that’s always lurking within him - he’ll flex those honed muscles - trapping you under him and slinging one of your legs over his shoulders - fingers already slipping over your clit - ‘what’s the matter? ya’ told me to up my game, maybe watch what you wish for, hmmm?’ 
A quick face fucking is one of the ways this man tests you - he’ll give you a swift pump of his hips when you least expect it, shoving his cock toward the back of your throat and groaning as you sputter and heave around him - but he doesn’t want to go too far - no, he knows this will lead to something else - something with a little more bite - maybe a shove - or a smack against his ass - perhaps your nails digging into his hips, leaving bright crescents in his skin - it’s all about that small jolt of pain that blends with the pleasure - but he doesn’t like prolonged pain - he mainly does this so he can see how you’ll scold him for his impudence 
This man lives for play wrestling - just the whole back and forth and the grabbing and cupping and touching - feeling your skin warm up - sweat starting to sheen against your brow -  watching as you grapple for that oh so important control - it’s so fucking fun - he wants to lose though - so, so bad - please, make him end up under you - he’s begging you, it’s so hot
Food play would be kinda a joke to him? ‘Like, babe, hey, hey look, I got some cheese whiz’ - just the silliest food items - staypuff marshmallows - let’s see how many chips he can janga on you, to the point where this isn’t even about sex anymore, it’s now just a competitive game for him - would attempt to do a body shot but it would totally be in a terrible spot and it would just spill all over you, his tongue desperately trying to lap the alcohol off your skin - but ahhh, it would be so fun & any kinda laughter from you is sexy to him
Sexy video calls are his thing, especially when he’s away with the team - it’s the only time you’ll see the facetime notification from him & he does at the worst times - no regard for time zones either - doesn’t check, or ask what you’re doing that day - doesn’t even give a warning text - just calls - and then, when you hang up, or deny the call - cuz ya’ know you’re running errands, driving, out with friends (a planned event that you KNOW you told him about) he’s just dialing and re-dialing & getting so upset - finally he’ll call you, normally, only to panic and berate you - ‘hey! are ya’ UPSET? is this a fight? Are we fighting right now? oh God, are you trying to break up with me??’ and you’re just like, no, babe, i’m trying to check out, stahp & you can hear his pout over the phone and lets out a long: ‘‘uuuugh, i have to WAIT?? man.’ - worst of all, he knows he’s bad at it, so he always has the time to wait - ‘you know you can get off by yourself, you don’t need to do this’ ‘but it’s not the saaaaaame...i want to see you, is that so WRONG??’ - it’s just this strange ingrained harassment that you have to deal with - but it’s worth it, kinda... 
Another thing to watch out for during away games; he never fails to steal your favorite, or lucky, pair of panties that you like to save for special occasions - when it’s missing and you accost him about it he’s just, ‘yeah i took it. i need it for the game!’ - basically any pair that you like, or if it’s got a cute saying or image on it, he’s yinking it and will tell you, out loud, that he is taking it - and he always lets out an audible ‘YONK’ from the bedroom when he does it - apparently, he needs both you on call AND your panties to get him through these “lonely nights” - ‘you are only gone for one night….there is no plural.’ ‘sorry fer’ loving you!’
Osamu Miya
Would absolutely be down for some good, old fashioned bondage play - this proclivity will extend to you, rather than himself - he doesn’t like that confined feeling - it puts him too much into his head & when he gets like that his mind wanders - and the last thing you want is a fully distracted Osamu - you might be able to salvage the session, but if he starts thinking about new menu items to add to the shop, eh, sorry babe, game over - but when it comes to you? oooh, you look so good when you’re twisted around and contorted like that - he can keep you to any position that he wants and if he decides to wrap a blindfold over your eyes, damn, it’s almost too much - the way you shake, your breath coming out in little puffs as you wait for his hand to dance across you once more, fuck, ain’t that just so pretty
For breath play you’re pretty much on an even playing field - that sense of breathlessness, the hunger for the air, for the feel of your lips as you let him rise back to himself - the kisses are just so much sweeter, the taste savory, almost bittersweet as they linger against him - he also enjoys all of the unbidden reactions it ekes out of him - that twitch in his legs - the arch of his spine - it’s unexpected and a little intoxicating - when it comes to you though, he doesn’t like to use his hands - while he does see himself as someone who is a little more tactile, he’d rather be tensing a strip of cloth, or the slick coolness of a leather collar - he likes that they give him the ability to focus on you - grey eyes trained on your heaving breasts and glowing face - he also likes that the collar or binding free up his wide palms, letting him rub them along your sides, cupping your curves, tweaking your nipples as he lets you slip into that foggy state
While I don’t think he’d mind hearing how much you like to suck and worship his cock, he can’t help that look of wonder that falls over his stoic face the first few times - he’ll shake his head and give you that quirked grin, eyes shining with quiet pleasure as he tells you to knock it off - ‘what? yer’ crazy. honestly, you wanna make me blush?’ - however, every once in a while, he’ll ask you to tell him again - quietly with a pale dusting of pink staining his cheeks, eyes half lidded, waiting - ‘it’s just nice, can’t i like nice things?’
This man is the fucking tweet: ‘girl i’ve been eating pudding cups without a spoon all my life, i will make you cry’ levels of good at cunnilingus - You’ve got this flavor that he just cannot get enough of - and he’ll be fully vocal about this as he goes down on you - ‘fuck! how do ya’ taste like the best thing i’ve ever had?!’ ‘stop squirming, get back here! i’m not done.’ - on and on. like, to the point where you’re having to shove his face away because you cannot feel your clit anymore - that’s the other thing, he gets so off on that - he can read every twitch of your legs, the way your hips jolt upwards, he can taste when you’re about to gush all over his waiting face, can tell when you’re seconds from the edge of another orgasm - plus, there’s the bonus of knowing that no one else could ever, ever do this for you - how could they? how could anyone else ever appreciate this delicious pussy like he does? - yeah, he’s cocky as fuck about it - what are you gonna do? tell him no? there’s no way you’d ever turn this down
So, unsure if this fully counts as exhibitionism, but I can see you coming in one night as he’s closing up shop and him just ushering you to the back and absolutely railing you against the three tiered sink - he’d do the usual, ‘shhh, shhhhh, you want em’ to hear?’ as he’s planting your hands down against the cool stainless steel, grabbing hold of your hips and tilting them up just right, teasing his dripping cock through your folds until you’re moaning - I mean, it’s his store - all the employees are gone for the night and he owns the cameras, so why not take advantage? Besides, you look too damn cute in that little outfit - don’t wear stuff like that if you don’t want him snatching you away 
Food play? Yes, for sure - someone who thinks about & likes food that much would enjoy indulging with this kink the bedroom - I also see him as very orally inclined - so things that he can lick or suck off - Oof, he’ll love doing that - how far you wanna go? you wanna try out some new things? cut some fruit or spread some creamy peanut butter over yourself? he’s got ideas and he’s always up for some experimentation - he’ll let you tell him when to stop cuz he can go for a loooong time - think of it like a very prolonged, tasty, exercise in foreplay - it lets him work up a killer appetite too - so be prepared to go out for some food after these sessions - hurry up, hop in the shower - he’ll take one with you if your promise not to distract him too much - he’s starving and he can’t wait to tuck into some delectable foods - he saw there was a new food truck by the stadium, if you get a move on they might still be open - he likes when you come with him on these ventures but if you want to lounge around in bed after the clean up he won’t complain, just don’t expect the best pickings - he told you, he’s hungry
He’ll do his best with discipline play but he gets lazy about it - sometimes he’ll let you push your luck for awhile, sucking his teeth and tutting at your impudence as he warns you about your cheek - but he’s not fooling anyone - he’s easily distracted and most of the time he forgets all about his threats, too absorbed by the feel of you against him - look, it’s a lot of work, ok? cut him some slack, he’ll get you back later...maybe...if he remembers  
Would certainly love a good massage - he works with his hands & if you massaged his fingers and rubbed his upper back - your nails scritching along his shoulders, fingers pressing all of those aches away as you kneel over him, thighs caging in his narrow hips - oh, he’ll turn into putty & will do anything you ask - ehhh, actually it depends on what you’re asking - he’s not about to give the whole of the Black Jackals free meals, or all of your friends - don’t look at him like that, it’s a business  
Rintarō Suna
Begging, yes - are you kidding? do you know who this is? yes, he wants you to be absolutely broken & sobbing for his dick - he’s quiet about it though, cat like eyes watching as he leaves you trembling under him, waiting on bated breath for your pleas - you know what he wants, you can practically see it, shimmering around his angled features, lingering in that arched smile he’s giving you - come on - how’s he supposed to know what you want if you don’t ask? he’ll give it to you - in good time  
With bondage? he’s bordering on a full out BDSM kink, for sure - he has all the toys and the trappings - cuffs? he’s got at least 4 - some are metal, some softer materials, and others are makeshift, carefully tucked away and waiting for you - same goes for blindfolds, collars, bedpost restraints, thigh cuffs, paddles, you name it, he’s got it - likely has it in a few colors, too - don’t worry, he’ll make it easy for you - all you need to do is listen and he’ll position you perfectly - yes, just like that. you’re perfect when you’re spread and waiting
Now, with all of these toys and demands and shifting positions keep in mind that he always takes the path of least resistance - secretly, he’s hoping you’re too distracted by the sensations he’s eeking out of you to notice that he’s hardly putting any strain on himself - and how is that fair? this man is the literal king of contortion - he’s got excellent core control - so why are you the one who’s bent like a pretzel? when you point this out he’ll give you a sheepish look, eyes widening and lips pursing - alright, alright, you’ve got a point - he’ll do better, making sure to show you that you’re not the only who who can bend into those tense positions - but keep an eye on him - the second you start to get comfortable he’ll slack off again - he can’t help it 
He likes for you to be bound when he face fucks you - he wants to see how much you can take before you’re trying to suck down those gulping heaves of air as he pushes more and more of his cock into your mouth - the hungry slide of your tongue as it slips heavily along the underside of his dick, pressing into that one snaking vein that he likes you to play with - this is the ultimate, ultimate display of trust - that you let him hold you against him, your hands pinned behind your back, face completely disheveled and those vibrating moans echoing from your lips, flooding his pulsing cock with the sheer sensation of you 
Breast teasing is likely one of his first moves - as soon as your shirt’s off he’s shoving your bra under your chin and going to town - he’ll use a mix of his tongue and teeth, sucking and nipping - tawny eyes watching over the curve of your breast - he likes to look for those sensitive spots and you can feel his grin each time he discovers a new one - he’ll leave you a saliva streaked mess before he moves on - lips smacking as he finally relents 
I don’t think he’d like hearing how much you like his cock; I think he’d love it - there’s just something about those low murmurs that you give him as you pause in your sucking and licking, fingers still curled around his straining length, thumbing some precum off of his tip - tell him how good it looks, how it feels, how you like the throbs and twitches it does when you lower your lips to him - the excitement that he feels, that swell of burgeoning pride, oh that will be reflected in each groan and hiss of pleasure that he gives you, fingers sinking into your hair, helping you along and pulling you away when he wants to hear more  
Somehow, you’re not quite sure how, Rin made cunnilingus into some kinda game - he’s the guy who will tease, tease, tease - to the point where you’ll be locking your legs around his shoulders and trying your best to force his tongue back and he’ll be stubbornly shifting back, eyes blazing up at yours, dark hair askew from the grip of your hand - he’ll fill you with his fingers, to ease the ache and then lightly skirt his lips along your soaking folds - waiting until you start to shiver - sometimes he’ll switch things up, content to dive in head first and work you through blinding orgasms that leave you twitching, your hands pressing at the top of his head, trying to get him to ease up - you’re never sure which option he’s going to go for - his face utterly impassive
Totally has a soft spot for giving you instructions - like a, ‘plant your hands on the edge of that table and spread your legs,’ or ‘you better not cum yet, be a good girl for me & wait’ - they’re always said in that deliciously sinful lower octave too - and he makes a point of keeping his voice steady, completely controlled, never letting his own eagerness bleed through - he likes when you listen, body automatically snapping into position, your eyes hungry for more as he paces around you, a pleased smile lifting his lips - so, so good, how can he not reward such exemplary control and compliance
He does enjoy the teasing aspect of play wrestling - he likes the back and forth and loves the expressions you make when he shocks you with his agility and flexibility - it’s likely the one time he’ll willingly use his expert control and contortion without being asked - it’s honestly a bit of a training session - seeing how long he can hold you when he’s bent like that, powerful abdominal muscles rippling with the effort - yes, this is another game for him but he does want you to know that you’re only getting as far as he wants you to - there’s no way he’s gonna back down, not when he can work you under him, or trap you onto of his lap, sighing as your slick pussy eases over his straining cock
You probably guessed this one - yes, he does like to film and photograph you in and outside the bedroom - at the beginning of the relationship, he loves to take candid shots of you - he likes to have your pictures on his phone, unfiltered, and normally it’s just you, though sometimes you can coax him into a selfie - but mostly it’s just of you, he doesn’t like to “mess up the shot” as he puts it - he’ll post, in his opinion, the best ones and if that happens to be of you, mid-sneeze, well that’s on you - stop looking so cute, maybe? - he also always captions these “bae xoxo” it’s infuriating - as the relationship deepens, so do the amount of pictures and videos on his phone, which go from sweet and candid to x-rated very quickly - in the bedroom, he legitimately has a stand for his phone - & he did try to bring a boom mic in for, you know, for the creation of a potential sex tape, but you flat out told him no - after realizing, this dream will never be allowed to play out, he takes enjoyment out of scrolling through the photos and rewatching (or re-admiring as he calls it) the videos as often as he can - if that happens to be on the subway literally on the ride home, well, who can blame him? 
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*next up: Shiratorizawa & Fukurōdani 
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