barkilphedros-hat · 3 days
I can forgive Annatar #GaslightGatekeepGirlbossing his way through his little laundry list of war crimes, but I draw the LINE at making Celebrimbor cry
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your-ne1ghbor · 2 days
So it was Agatha all along for you, eh? 😏
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I admit defeat
@signed-sapphire @sewerpalette @pennysucks @oh-shtars @rascalentertainments @uva124 @chillwildwave @spectator-zee @tumblingdownthefoxden
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heyyallitssatan · 4 months
I like to think that Batman’s suit is really heavy
Like, the thing obviously Kevlar weave, with lots of armour reinforced bits, not to mention all of the gear and gadgets and tools he has on his person, I mean, anything he’s ever thought he may need, anything he’s been mid fight thinking that a particular tool would be useful, he has it somewhere, probably a few of them
And all the kids too, they’re equally equipped even if they don’t necessarily look it
So I like to imagine that some of the heroes decided they should do a costume switch for fun
The bats agreed, and the best part wasn’t them being weirded out like they thought they’d be, unmasked and all that, no, they couldn’t care less, instead everyone else is freaking out about how heavy the bats costumes are
How the hell do they do impossible feats of acrobatics wearing shit like this
Even the supers think it’s excessive, and they have super strength
The bats all take the opportunity to try some of their moves without the weight, given that they work out wearing even more weight
Turns out they can flip and jump and move in even more insane ways than anyone thought possible and everyone is more terrified than they were a few minutes ago
Everyone decides the bats are better with their gadgets
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solitarelee · 1 year
East Asian fanartists are starting to migrate back to Tumblr because Twitter is insane, toxic, and dying, and what we're NOT going to do is let the fucking exclusionists get them, do you hear me? We are not going to let a bunch of feral idiots try to apply the most myopic version of puritanism to foreign artists we're not we're not we're not. Form an armed brigade if you have to, do you hear me. We're not going to bully the artists who may or may not even speak English because we have our precious standards of moral purity. If we see art that makes us uncomfy we're going to block the artist and tumblr savior their name so we don't have to see them again AND WE'RE GONNA MOVE THE FUCK ON.
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lavendervirgos · 4 months
Shy me wants to be choked in bed but will start crying if you raise your voice at me
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clone-futon · 2 months
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Basically Kid in every movie when it comes to action scenes
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Why do you care about the US election? Aren’t you Australian?
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The US is (unfortunately) one of the most dominant government powers in the world. I don’t know how to explain to you that that affects people outside the US too.
Literally right now there is an ADHD medication shortage in the New Zealand and Australia because it’s a major US export here and we don’t make it ourselves (or at least not on the scale required).
We are still in negotiations and the US hasn’t budged an inch.
In 1975, the CIA interfered with our politics under the Ford administration and got one of the most progressive prime ministers we’ve ever had dismissed.
There are US military bases on Australian soil.
Australian soldiers have died for US “wars” and their pride and greed.
In 2017, Trump tweeted about how a deal made during the Obama administration to admit 1,250 refugees to the US (while we took in many more refugees from the US, which ironically would have helped with his whole “their taking our jobs” rhetoric bullshit) was “dumb” and openly mocked it throwing a hissy hit, saying Putin was much more pleasant to talk to than our prime minister. In the end 300 refugees were relocated. Less than a quarter of the people originally promised to be helped. Because the presidency changed. To an idiotic, broke, failed reality TV Star who’d rather tweet out political secrets than think for one second about anyone but himself.
It fucking matters to me who’s in the chair.
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 3 months
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Typical conversation
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hungee-boy · 3 months
Our House is Unsafe, Help Us Gain a New Start
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Do NOT tag as #d*nation, #m*tual aid, #p*ypal, #c*shapp, etc.
My name is Ross and I'm the oldest child of my family, with whom I currently live with. Our household consists of me, my widowed mother, and my three younger siblings, the youngest being 16. My dad died suddenly in his sleep November of 2021 and since then we have struggled pretty much every day to keep ourselves alive and housed.
Our house, my childhood home, is a 3 bedroom mobile home built in 1990 and for as long as I can remember, it has always been hoarded and falling apart. Over the past few years, we've made significant progress in reducing the hoard and giving us space to live in, but still this is a 30+ year mobile home that is damaged beyond our capability to repair.
Problems that exist currently in our house include:
No working HVAC
Half of the house has no power
Weakened floors due to water and pet damage
Outdoor siding rotting due to plant growth and water damage
Major leaks in the covered porch's roof, causing immense water damage and mold growth
Drywall, ceiling, and flooring damage (our entire kitchen's floor is just plywood now due to damage)
So many other issues that I've honestly lost track
We, of course, originally planned to slowly fix whatever issues had come up, but our plans changed when we came across a deal to purchase a brand new 5 bedroom mobile home for a discounted price. Not only does a new house such as this give us a safe, secure, and clean place to live, but the additional rooms ensure that all of us have our own bedroom and that we have more space to live and work. Currently, me, my mom, and my sister all share the master bedroom, so obviously the concept of all of us having our own privacy is leading us to make this decision more.
Right now, we currently have $2,000 put towards the down payment for the new house, out of a $9,000 down payment. We are able to make payments early and we expected to be able to put money down every month, until my mom's job fucked her over and didn't schedule her for 6 weeks. This greatly put us behind not just on payments for the new house, but also bills and getting my mom's car insured and registered, as it's now a year overdue for both.
I'll do anything for this chance, anything if it means that my family and I can finally have a home we deserve, a home my dad would've wanted for us.
I'm desperate, we're all desperate, for a chance to live normally for the first time in our lives. Living in squalor is all I've known and the opportunity to escape it is honestly the only thing keeping me going right now.
I don't know what I'd do if I'm forced to live in this shithole another year, let alone for the rest of my life. So, please, if you have the means I'd forever be grateful if you donate. If you can't donate, then please share this. It would mean everything to me.
[PP] [CA]
Thank you if you read this, thank you if you share, and thank you so so much if you donate.
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ohsunnyboy · 15 days
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coherent waves | lee anton ˚₊‧⁺˖
people say the first touch of fate feels like a circuit being completed. so why does lee anton's soulmate seem to hate him?
TAGS: soulmate!au, college!au, gn!reader, cute and awkward engineering majors!anton and reader, confessions in the rain, kiss!
A/N: this boy bias wrecked me SO hard i paused writing a sungchan fic for this haha self-indulgent SCREAMiing as always (to clarify, his mark is on his left, our right)
WORDS: ~1700
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Everyone knows Lee Anton's face.
No matter what, everyone's got their campus crushes. The people they'd linger around a corner for in hope of seeing, those with soulmarks you wish would line up just perfectly with your own. Somewhere out there, someone's walking around with your first touch of fate around with them. It's for that reason everyone knows Anton as the campus crush.
It's impossible to miss the six feet of cuteness, the shoulders broad enough to span the Californian coast and the tan handprint branded across his left cheek. Lee Anton, the sweetest guy on campus whose soulmate was destined to slap him in the face once they met. Nothing in it spelt destiny for you, but it was definitely curiosity at first sight.
"Hey, are we okay? Just at group study…” And your brain sputters like a misfiring car. He’s right behind you, isn’t he?
You want to pretend you didn’t hear him over the bucketing rain – maybe even your thunderous heart. Without an umbrella, you’re screwed if you run down the library steps into the dark and you’d look insane to push past him back into the library. Damn.
Not once did you dare speak to him during the entire group study. Though the feeling of his curious eyes lingering on you alone lit you up like a fuse about to blow. No wonder he's asking you if you're okay. The entire time you acted like some tween with a stupid crush. Which you’re not. Clearly and obviously not. First year electrical engineering has enough problems to give you a migraine.
Something about being around him sets your brain off like a capacitor discharging. Everything firing off at once, without a thought of where to go.  
"No? Yes! Yes. Fuck – sorry. We’re fine." Is what you come up with.
And some boy can apparently render you stupid within two feet of him. Someone needs to remind you how you’re a candidate for the dean’s list again.
Your stilted answer and the ensuing silence cause the corner of Anton's lip to quirk into a grimace. "Ah – okay. Sorry, I'll see you Friday.” When he takes out his umbrella it nearly whacks you in the face before he starts to run down the steps, leaving not a glance behind him.
Ah, shit.
Stunned, you’re left with a) no umbrella and b) a burning sense of mortification about how badly that went. Before you know it, your feet are running you down the path he took. One problem at a time… c’mon fix this. "Hey! Hey wait up, please! Anton!"
Running in the pouring rain was something you never planned on doing tonight or any day of the week but for fixing whatever you’ve got with Anton – it seems worth it.
Whatever they used to say about stem majors being chronically unfit bookworms definitely applies to you, as your heart thuds in your skull and lungs start to give out. Somehow after months of trailing behind his broad back, you underestimated how quickly he can escape you. 
Finally, like a lighthouse in the night, his blue umbrella is radiant under the light of the bus stop. “Anton!”
Three months of dodging each other’s eyes and scampering out empty classrooms early, Anton’s eyes are at the edges of almost all your memories. You know his wide eyed look anywhere. But with as much grace of a new-born giraffe, you sidle next to him under his umbrella, unaware of the blush warming Anton’s face.
Thankfully there’s no one else about apart from him to watch you keel over for a solid minute to gather your breath. Internally you think you’re as bright red as the LEDs you use in the labs. That, and so soaked you’re sure you're waking up with a cold tomorrow. Though, it could be worse. It could be whatever happened earlier.
Caught again in his orbit, you feel it again. The charge crackling under your skin that makes you want to claw at it.
It’s a moment before anyone speaks, still too busy process what exactly is going on. Eventually you gain your bearings and look into his shifty eyes with resolution.
“Hey look – I’m super sorry about everything,” you blurt. “The entire thing with the study group and completely dodging you in class. I – well, it’s not on purpose but I don’t know why but it’s like I get caught in some interference feed within like a metre of you and I just can’t think straight. Everything just sort of fires off in an incoherent mess. I’m trying, I really do but for once, I just can’t explain it.” It pours out in what feels like one breath. You feel like you’re teetering on the spot, on the cusp of embarrassment or sheer confidence. At this point, it might just be both. “… Sorry if I made you uncomfortable about anything but you’re top of our year, so damn cool and collected all the time – I feel like my wires get mixed up.” 
There’s an ache in your neck from looking up to him and watching his reaction. Calm and collected as always. It must be the longest you’ve ever got to look him in the eyes properly. Until,
“Me too.”
Anton pauses for a moment, worrying the inside of his cheek before admitting, “I… I really wished we could talk more but you’re always busy and I feel awkward butting in. You’re really intimidating in the group studies, you know? You know everything and get along with everyone so easily. I psyche myself out.”
As he talks, your cheeks warm in endearment and you shuffle closer while he’s distracted. The familiar scent of cherries that would haunt you around campus suddenly right under your nose.
“I mean, I thought you’d just be another person put off by this-“ he waves a self-conscious hand over his soulmark “-and being avoidant because of that. Though I guess I figured you didn’t care because you never lingered on it like… like everyone else.”
It comes to you all in pieces. Anton always ducking his head away, never looking anyone straight on, always pursing his lips and turning away whenever someone brought up soulmarks. Those rumours haunt him.
However, standing here you’ve never been more confident. You know your what your hand looks like.
Does he?
“I think it has a good story.” The look of disbelief he gives you is priceless but you push on. “I mean, mine’s just on my palm just like seventy percent of the population so it can be boring.” Under the light, you raise your hand to him, showing the contrasting darker skin on your right palm and the small shake of your fingers. Anton locks onto your mark with a laser focus that you’ve never seen before. “And besides… I think you know what your soulmark actually is.”
One step closer: you’re just a hairsbreadth away. So close you can feel is body heat through his hoodie and see your breath leaving goosebumps on the expanse of his exposed neck. In the reflection of his blown pupils you can almost see yourself.
He swallows, eyes never leaving your palm. "You know what everyone says about it." Anton chews at his lip, bitten raw from worry. It’s stupidly endearing whether he knows it or not. Instead of dropping it, you raise your hand, leaving it to rest on his shoulder in comfort. “That the only reason I get slapped is because I’m secretly an asshole?”
"You don't know that it’s a slap for sure.”
"Then what else could it be then.”
"Really, Anton?" you hum. He’s so tense under your hand you feel like he could shatter from where you touch him. His eyes dazed and lingering where your hand used to be "We’re both smarter than this.”
Under the streetlight, what he has is clear as day to you while you trace his mark with your eyes. The thumbprint that curls across his left cheekbone, to the fingertips that edge from his hairline to his jaw and even the light shadow that touches the corner of his lip – as if he’s pressing a kiss to the heel of their palm. "Whoever it is, they're holding you."
“…Whoever it is… ?” he murmurs.
Anton’s unwavering gaze finally bores into you. Two interstellar blackholes swallowing you up and bearing down. An infinite number of thoughts or none at all. All behind those eyes, calculating and calibrating. You wonder where he is in that brilliant mind of his.
“Do it.”
You’re so careful.
You don’t know what you’d do with yourself if you hurt him. Maybe this doesn’t work out? What if you’re just another person in the crowd watching and waiting for someone else. You knew from the moment you started high school, life was a bunch of problems that you had to solve. The sheer existence of uncertainty guarantees nothing in any aspect of your life. What is guaranteed already, what are the variables, what are you working with. Whatever this is – it’ll be another problem but not one you get to calculate – it's one you need to guess.
His skin is too warm, and your hand is too cold. Nothing sparks but something is complete in your heart.
It fades. The marks – yours, his, all of it. It recedes back as if it never existed.
"I told you so."   
The clatter of the umbrella is your only warning before his hands cup your face and he kisses you. He kisses you in earnest, softer than you'd expect and warm enough to make your knees weak. With a deceptive strength, Anton presses you back against a railing, and your arms loop around his neck, hands burying in his hair. Hidden muscles you used to wonder about, tense where you touch him.
Eyes closed to the rain, foreheads knocked together and not a care in the world. You’re pulled into him like air. Both of you are trembling with relief. Like coherent waves, you come together in sync and everything you feel is amplified between you two. It’s then you know exactly what was racing in his mind.
Smiling into your neck, Anton sighs. "I'm yours." His voice lower and a little bit breathier. It makes your heart skip a beat, and your mouth turns up at the corners.
All across your veins it’s like a current is pushing through your skin. Anton and you, a circuit complete.
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blehh i'm rusty but i'm starting uni as a mechEng student soonish so wish me luck 🫡 a reblog or a like always helps to encourage more thank you! ⭒ masterlist
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spiderman james au but no, and i mean no one, even suspects james to be spiderman because none of his friends he's cool enough to be spiderman.
no one even questions the fact anytime spiderman is around james isn't. no one questions his shitty excuses either.
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thursdayinspace · 5 months
every time I get an email from ao3 telling me somebody left a comment on one of my fics, every time I see that somebody reblogged something I wrote on tumblr, my day improves instantly. every time it makes me feel that I want to keep going. so I just want to say this to all of you who comment and reblog: I hope you know how important you are.
stories, art, meta -- those things aren't created in a vacuum. they are part of an ongoing conversation between the material, the fic/meta writers and artists, and the people who interact with what they read and see. and that's not just true for art and all forms of writing. the whole world is a big, intertextual web made of billions of voices. we react to each other and that's how we create community and art.
every time you react to something you've enjoyed, you contribute to that conversation. every time you do that in a positive way, you tell the writer or artist "I hear you and I care enough to respond." even if it's nothing more than "I love this." it means artists and writers know their voices aren't just being swallowed up by the great big void. it encourages people to keep expressing their takes on the conversation that is art and writing. it means we all get to have more of it.
all of this to say: commenters and rebloggers, you are superstars. thank you. I love you.
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badlyblurry · 2 months
No clue if you’re gonna see this, but could you do either Dipper comforting Mabel or vice versa? I don’t care which way it is honestly, just wanna see these two :D
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Found Footage from Sock Opera
Stan is confused and a little reminiscent but he’s not gonna bother them with going upstairs to get ready for bed. That’s something a responsible parent would do, and he’s an uncle. Also they look comfy.
My idea of comfort is sleep, if you can’t tell :)
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
the way Buck looks at Tommy pls he’s down bad 😭
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peachdues · 12 days
how about a little Friday surprise?
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“I know exactly who and what you are, girl.” The dragon’s eyes simmered with subdued rage as he glowered at you. “Do not insult me by pretending you are as dumb as your mutt. You know - you suspect — far more than you’ve let on, don’t you?”
The weight of Sanemi’s and Shinobu’s stares burned into your profile as they turned their attention to you.
The dragon prowled closer to you, stopping just a few feet short and curling into a predatory crouch. “So I will ask again, and this time you will answer me. Where did you get your cloak?”
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jabename · 5 months
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MOOOOOORE movie fanarts!!
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