#also my reply alerts are still broken so almost missed this
malkavi-ann · 1 month
When the Truth Hurts. Chapter 3
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree fanfiction
Rating: Mature (May change in the future)
Relationship: F/M
Pairing: Messmer the Impaler/Original Female Character
Tags: Self-Loathing, Reference to Depression, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Messmer is bad at feelings, Mommy Issues, Abandonment Issues.
Link to Ao3
Chapter 3: In Search of the Answers
Messmer slowly walked into the decrepit hut, which was so dark it almost looked like he was walking into the void. His only eye was used to darkness from all the time he’d spent in his chamber. Besides, his serpents, who had much keener senses, were always by his side to guide him. Now alert, they were peering into the insides of the shack, hissing quietly. Through their senses, Messmer was able to get a better picture of what his surroundings were like.
The hut’s interior had certainly seen better days, and it looked like it had been abandoned for a long time. There were cobwebs and dust everywhere, and some parts of the walls started to get overtaken by moss and mushrooms. The main room had little to no furniture apart from some broken cupboards, a couple of wooden chairs with missing legs, and a rotted dining table. When Messmer entered the room, his nostrils were hit with a heavy smell of earth and mold. It was so strong it was almost suffocating. However, there was also a faint but distinct hint of some sweet flower-like scent. The only source of light in this place was a hole in the ceiling that let some of the sunshine in. It was just enough light to illuminate a small part of the room where a silhouette of a woman could be seen.
She was wearing a black hooded cloak so her face wasn’t visible. One thing that certainly stood out about her was her height: the woman was much taller than ordinary folk but slightly shorter than Messmer. Her dress and cloak were made out of fine black velvet with intricate gold embroidery along the hemline. Her hands were almost completely covered by the long sleeves as if she was trying to hide them but even in this darkness, Messmer could still get a glimpse of a tiny sparkle of the amethyst ring she was wearing. Such an expensive-looking dress and piece of jewelry were not something an ordinary woman could afford, so this one certainly came from a renowned - if not royal - family.
“You said you won’t cause me any harm. Is that true?”, a soft, almost hypnotizing voice broke the silence. As Messmer realized earlier, it was definitely not the voice of his mother. Marika always had this regal confidence when speaking as she was well aware of her status and power as Queen Eternal.
“Yes, it is. I’m a man of my word. Now, may I ask you some questions?”, asked Messmer with unwavering directness.
The woman paused for a moment, considering his request. “I’ll try my best to give you answers, but would you be so kind as to answer some of my questions in return?”, she replied gently, as if she was afraid to offend Messmer by making such an inquiry. Her shy politeness took Messmer a bit by surprise: his name was well-known across the Land of Shadow and not for honorable reasons. A lot of people native to this realm feared or hated him, so they wouldn’t even dare ask him questions.
”Of course, however, I would trust you more if you uncovered your face. A trustworthy person wouldn’t have anything to hide, don’t you think?”, said Messmer in an attempt to get the woman to show her true face. Once again, she hesitated for a moment before finally removing the hood. What Messmer saw left him shocked and speechless.
It was just like the reports were saying: her facial features were almost identical, though somewhat softer, to those of Marika’s - the nose, the lips, the cheekbones. Her long hair was like pure gold cascading down her shoulders. While most of it was let down, some of it was arranged in three thick braids. Despite clear similarities, she wasn’t an exact copy of his mother: whereas Marika’s eyes were of golden color, indicating the grace of the Erdtree, the woman in front of him was devoid of that light. Instead, her eyes were light purple, close to the lavender color, which was very unusual in this realm. But it wasn’t only the striking resemblance to his mother that made Messmer freeze in his place: the woman had horns growing out of her forehead. Some of them were small, almost like tiny spikes piercing through skin, and growing upwards, while others were almost the size of a fist and curled in the same way ram horns did.
“This is blasphemy!”, a thought was ringing in Messmer’s head. “This woman is a Hornsent, and she bears resemblance to my Mother! Are the gods mocking me? I should kill this abomination right now”. His mind was delving deeper into the vortex of emotions: despair, rage, disappointment, and disgust.
The woman’s expression, which was calm a moment ago, changed, showing concern. “Are you alright, sir?”.
”Who are you?”, asked Messmer in a cold tone. As his anger grew stronger, he tightly gripped his spear. Yet, despite the urge to kill the woman standing in front of him, he still wanted to learn the truth.
”Oh, forgive me, sir. My name is Morgana. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”, she bowed slightly. Her light tone was so innocent and naive that it was almost disarming.
”What is a Hornsent like you doing in this village?”, Messmer shot another question, like an arrow, and this time it was filled with more venom in his voice.
”A Hornsent? I’m afraid I don’t understand what that means.”, the woman looked genuinely confused. “Is that how you refer to Omen people in this place?”
Now it was Messmer’s turn to be confused: he’d heard about the Omen curse before during his time in the Lands Between, but in this realm, it didn’t exist. Besides, the woman in front of him didn’t look as brutish as the Omen folk he’d encountered around Leyndell. Was she trying to fool him?
“Don’t act like you don’t understand, woman. You look exactly like one of the Hornsent.”, he was starting to lose his patience.
His change of tone seemed to frighten her as she took a small step back: “Sir, I’m telling the truth. I was born with an Omen curse in the Lands Between. I have never heard of these Hornsent people that you’re speaking of.”
The Lands Between… The moment Messmer heard her say that, he paused: this was the place where his mother had ruled all these years. At some point, eons ago, Messmer was there with her before Marika ordered him to eradicate the Hornsent in the Land of Shadow. That’s where it all began under the golden grace of the Erdtree. Suddenly, a thought sprung in Messmer’s mind: maybe the woman was telling the truth about not being a Hornsent.
“You said you come from the Lands Between. Where exactly do you hail from?”, Messmer inquiered, his tension starting to subside.
”I don’t remember exactly but I do recall living in a palace.”, she replied hesitantly.
“Was it a golden palace?”, he probed further.
”I…I’m not quite sure. My apologies, sir, my memory is in a terrible state at the moment.”, Morgana furrowed her brows as if it hurt her to recall her memories.
“If the Lands Between is your home, how did you get into the Land of Shadow? Traveling between realms is not an easy task.”
”Alas, I can’t remember. I think my goddess helped me to get here. She told me I would be able to find my true purpose in this land”, her face lit up when she spoke of her deity.
A goddess? Could that be Marika? Messmer was determined to find at least a tiny connection between the horned woman and his mother. “Who is your goddess?”
”I follow the Formless Mother. She’s always been kind to me and my kin. Her guidance has helped me greatly in my journey.”, Morgana said with reverence as she reached into her pouch and retrieved a sacred seal shaped like a trident.
”I see. That explains why there were so many blood fiends outside.”, Messmer concluded with a slight disappointment. “Speaking of which, I found my soldiers sleeping around the hut. Were you the one who put them to sleep?”
Morgana nodded. “Yes, it is one of my gifts. Those big creatures - the blood fiends as you called them - found me first when I woke up near the ruined town which is not too far away from here. They looked quite menacing, yet they didn’t do any harm to me. In truth, they helped me survive by getting me to shelter and bringing food and flowers. Then, a week or two ago your soldiers showed up, and the blood fiends were trying to protect me. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, so I put them all to sleep.”
”I have never met anyone with a sleep affinity before. These abilities are incredibly rare. We’ve tried to wake them up but to no avail.”
”They shall remain asleep as long as I wish. But if you need them awake, I can arrange that. However, you must promise me to leave the blood fiends alone. They have shown me nothing but kindness, so please, tell your men to refrain from violence.”, she pleaded.
Messmer considered her request for a moment before finally agreeing. “Very well. You have my word. However, I still have some questions for you. You said you came here from the Lands Between. But why are you here?”
Morgana lowered her gaze. “I’m looking for my mother. I don’t remember anything about her but I know she is here somewhere. When I found myself in this realm, I realized that my memories of my past were gone. But my goddess told me that if I could find my mother, she would help me remember everything. And by doing so, I will find my purpose.” Messmer could hear the sadness in her voice, and his heart trembled. Did he actually feel sorry for her? This woman was so lost in the land she’d never been before. All she wanted was to find her mother and learn the truth about herself. In a way, she reminded Messmer of his own fate. Maybe her mother also abandoned her, and the poor girl didn’t remember that. The more Messmer learned about this mysterious woman, the more sympathetic he felt towards her.
There was a moment of silence as both of them got lost in their thoughts. Morgana was the first one to speak. “Sir, may I ask a question about this realm?”.
“Oh, of course. I believe I owe you some answers in return for your honesty.”, Messmer replied.
“When I think about my mother, I feel something like a tug in this direction as if someone or something is pulling me towards them.”, she pointed in the southern direction. “Do you know what lies there?”
“Hmm, as far as I know, there’s a place called the Cerulean Coast. I have never had the need to travel there, so my knowledge of that area is limited.”
”Oh, I see. Do you happen to know if there is a path I can take to get there from this hut?”, she inquired further.
”Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to travel to the Cerulean Coast directly from here. You see, this village is right on the cliffside, so the only way down there is by taking a detour. The journey might take a few days. Are you certain you wish to go there by yourself?” Messmer only needed to have a quick look at her attire to realize that she was not prepared for such a long and arduous journey.
Morgana caught his glance and shifted awkwardly. “I’m not sure to be quite honest. I’m a stranger in this land and will almost certainly get lost.” She chewed on her lip, trying to find the right words. “I know this might be too big of a favor to ask but you’re the only person I feel like I can trust. Would you be able to help me in any way to get to the Cerulean Coast?”
That was a very bold request considering she’d just met Messmer. Nevertheless, it seemed that Morgana trusted him. Yet, Messmer still wasn’t sure what to do about this woman. Helping her would distract him from his main objective, although at this point it was almost a welcome change. However, letting her go wandering about the Land of Shadow could cause some complications because of her likeness to Marika. The Hornsent despised the Eternal Queen but they also believed in premonitions and receiving signs from the gods. If they were to encounter a woman who looked like their sworn enemy but also had horns, which they considered a blessing from their gods, it would taint Marika’s reputation even further and possibly give them terrible ideas regarding his mother’s reign. Messmer couldn’t allow this to happen.
“I am afraid I can’t fulfill your request.” Messmer broke the silence eventually. Morgana’s face turned somber: her hope of finding her mother was slowly fading away. “However, I cannot let you go just yet. I still have questions about the Lands Between, and I believe with time your memories will be restored on their own. Therefore, I have to ask you to come with me.”, he continued. Morgana’s eyes went wide.
”What? Sir, please, I beg you! Don’t do this to me. I’m so close to finding my mother. It is of great importance that I must learn the truth.”, she cried.
”I’m not quite done.��, he said firmly. “You shall stay at my Keep until I get my answers. And once I’m satisfied, you may continue your journey. I do promise that at the end of your stay, I shall assist you in finding your mother.”
The woman didn’t look happy. She went quiet, thinking about what Messmer said. He watched her closely as she tried to reach into her pouch. In the blink of an eye, Messmer’s serpents leaped towards her hands and wrapped around her wrists tightly, restraining her movement. Morgana gasped as Messmer approached her. Now that he was closer to her, he noticed that she had small patches of gray scaly skin on her temples and cheekbones. “How curious”, he thought to himself.
”I wouldn’t recommend resisting. It could end badly for you.” He said while taking her pouch away from her.
“You promised you wouldn’t hurt me.”, her voice was shaking. “I did, and I shall keep my promise if you stop resisting and come with me. But if you try to use your powers on me, I’ll cut your life short, and you will never find the truth.”
Morgana took a deep breath. She didn’t have much choice, so she had to accept, though unwillingly, Messmer’s conditions. “Very well. I shall follow you to the keep.”
“Excellent.”, he moved away, and his serpents finally released their grip on her hands.
And with that they stepped outside the hut, leaving it behind.
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nukabrain · 5 months
Don't Let the Past and the Future Mix
Heya folks, ig I might make this writing practice a series. Anyhow I wrote some angst today! A bit easier than yesterday's prompt that's for sure. Also will try my best to start adding warnings, and tags like m x m or gn reader typa stuff. Makes it easier on my when I make my masterlist some time soon.
PAIRING: Robert Joseph MacCready x (OC) Oliver Cecil WARNINGS: Gore Imagery(?), Mentions of blood WORD COUNT: 0.6k
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“Hey Cecil, should you really be going melee without your power armor?” I asked, looking around.
“Yeah it’s fine, and it’s not like the armor I’m wearing is weak either. It should hold up just fine. I’m just making a quick trip to Hangman’s Alley to grab some supplies before heading out on a longer trip. Can’t waste the fusion core for such a short trip.” He replies, waving me off.
I sigh, still staying on high alert, because I know this man likes running headfirst into battle.
Turning the corner, suddenly a swarm of ghouls could be heard in the distance. Color in my face drains.
Oh man not ghouls again..
“HEY CECIL, GHOULS AHEAD.” I call out, reloading my sniper.
He turned around, giving a thumbs up before pulling out that jagged knife of his.
Shouldn’t he use his gun? Fighting hand to hand with ghouls isn’t smart.
Reaching for my pistol, I shout “Hey! Do you need a pistol or something? I can toss you min-”
“Thank you for the offer, but I fight better with knives!”
“But it’s ghouls!”
“Don't change a thing, keep picking them off and I’ll clean up whatever you missed.” He turned around and started sprinting head on.
That idiot
I ready up my sniper and made sure to focus more than usual, picking off the ghouls closest to Cecil. Things were going like clockwork until a painfully familiar sound was heard in the distance.
“Oh fuck” I mumble to myself. I glanced around the area, to see another swarm of ghouls come from the alley near Cecil.
Dang it they must have come from the sewer nearby.
“CECIL. ON YOUR LEFT, ANOTHER GROUP OF GHOULS, GET OUT OF THERE.” I screamed, hurrying to get on the nearby building for a better angle.
“I CAN’T BACK AWAY NOW, THEY WILL FOLLOW ME, JUST PICK THEM OFF AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.” He shouts back, hacking away more ghouls before wincing in pain.
No no no no-
I tried to shoot as many ghouls as I could, but my finger wouldn’t move properly, and the scope vision was getting blurry.
I watched more ghouls pile on Cecil as he tried to slash them all away. My breath hitches, and my fingers tremble.
Before I knew it, I wasn’t looking at Cecil in the middle of the ghouls, it was Lucy, screaming at me to run away. Her voice gets overwhelmed by the ghouls' sounds.
Those stupid sounds
There was just so much blood and the ghouls feasted on her. Hearing her flesh get ripped into pieces, one by one, and blood spills on the floor where we were resting moments before. My palms were sweaty from carrying Duncan and whatever supplies I could snatch. Every time I look back, more blood splatters on the wall.
I couldn’t do anything.
Get yourself together damnit! I couldn’t do anything then, but I can do something now.
I gripped my sniper once again, steadying my aim, and taking a deep breath. Every ghoul that appeared in my line of sight was shot off in a clean hit.
Soon after, all the ghouls were dead. I lifted my head to look at the only person standing.
I held my breath, shaking. He is covered in blood and some of his armor is scratched and broken, not to mentio-
Before I can finish my train of thought, he turns around and gives me a smile and a thumbs up. I almost cried at the sight.
“GOD DAMMIT YOU MADE ME WORRY.” I yelled, rushing down the stairs
“Why are you worried, sure it was more ghouls than usual but I handled them easil-”
“I thought you were a goner Oliver.” I mummer, squeezing him, making sure he's real and living.
“Hm, you finally called me by my first name RJ.” He chuckles, returning the embrace.
“Oh shut up.” I whispered, burying my face into his shoulder.
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amor-immortalem · 2 years
My Human
OMweek2023 Day3+4: “You are Mine” + “Over my dead body”
Pairing: Mammon x OC
Warning: possessive Mammon, my oc/mc almost gets herself eaten by a classmate and a little bit of demons being demons.
A/N: hey remember when there used to be talk about demons eat humans back in Season 1. I miss those days…things aren’t as fun without Mammon threatening to eat us… also sorry this is late but I couldn’t help it cuz I’ve been working 12hr shifts back to back.
Life in the Devildom is hard for humans. Non-magical humans more specifically. Arella is finding that out more and more each day. Demons can be so much more stronger, wiser, cunning than your typical run-of-the-mill human but Arella’s not all that typical either. After a childhood spent watching over her shoulder, the human knows when anyone has misguided or evil intentions.
That’s why, when a pair of her demon classmates approaches her in potions, the freckled girl is on high alert. Her glorified babysitter isn’t with her today. No, he cut the last class of the day after hearing about an underground casino on the other side of town. He’d invited her to go with him but Arella declined, not in the habit of gambling away what little money she did have from working some part time jobs over the last couple of weeks. Now she wishes she would have.
“So human, I noticed you’re missing your guardian. Pretty careless of him to leave sucha cute lil’ thing like you alone.” They say through a cheshire grin. “Why don’t you roll with us for a bit?”
Arella and the pair of demons are alone right now. How unfortunate for her.
“No thanks, I’m more than capable of managing on my own for the time being,” Arella subtly scoots away from the demon beside her only to bump into the other on her right..
“We insist,” the other demon replies, placing a hand on the human’s shoulder. The action immediately sends every nerve in her body into fight or flight mode. As she turns to tell the other demon to back off, she feels a hand seize her throat tightly.
Half a year. She’d managed to make it half a year down here without any major issues- any attempts on her life. It seemed that would change today. Her luck always runs out eventually.
Arella’s eyes widen as she watches the first demon’s mouth open to the point where the jaw has to be unhinged. Rows of sharp serrated teeth line the inside of their mouth and esophagus. As they lean in to swallow her in one bite, the human squeezes her eyes tight. She feels paralyzed, unable to even scream.
Their breath smells rancid as it grows dark around her before she feels air rush around her and the light returns. When Arella opens her eyes she see Mammon standing there blood on his right hand and the edge of his uniform sleeve as his eyes are trained at the ground.
“If ya wanna eat that human, it’ll be over my dead body…” his voice is noticeably deeper, rumbling with a growl as he locks eyes with the other demon. “You. Scram. ‘N take yer buddy with ya while I’m still feelin’ charitable.”
Not one to wait and see what would happen if they defied an order from the Devildom’s fourth most powerful demon, they gather up their friend and takes off but not before Mammon stops them one last time.
“If I ever see either of y’all harrassin’ my human again, I’ll do more than just rip your buddy’s throat out. Got it?” His voice is quiet as he gives the pair an ice-cold stare.
“Y-yes sir. It won’t happen again.” And with that, the pair of demons make a break for it.
It’s just Mammon and Arella in the potions lab now. Just them and the overwhelming silence that’s broken by the sound of the faucet turning on.
“So I won big at that casino I was tellin’ you about…”
“You did? Good for you…” Arella’s voice is soft, emotionless as her eyes stay glued to the blood on the floor. “Is that why you came back so soon?”
“Nah, I got a funny feeling that something was wrong ‘n I couldn’t ignore it… glad I didn’t.” The white-haired demon dries his hands before approaching her, arm slung around her shoulders.
She looks down at his hand before looking into his pretty blue-and-yellow eyes.
“Don’t forget, I’m your first demon, sweetheart, which means I get first dibs on your soul and your body. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some pair of losers eat ya before I do. You are mine. And I ain’t about givin’ up something that belongs to me and me alone.”
“R-right. I’ll… keep that in mind.”
“Great,” Mammon chirps, the mood now drastically different, “now, like I was sayin’, I’ve got cash to burn ‘n you’re coming with me.”
Silently, Arella just nods as she grabs her backpack and follows along.
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avengersassemble123 · 2 years
"What the hell, isn't that Asami??"
"Didn't she go missing for a week?"
"Oh my god what happened to her?"
Asami walked inside the classroom towards Ms.Ren, while everyone stood in shock and walked towards the front.
Asami suddenly collapsed, making Ren and the students rush to help her.
"Ms.Ren.." Asami said weakly, her head on Ren's lap.
"Yes, its me. Do you recognize me?"
"He grabbed me..."
"Who grabbed you Asami?"
"...The science teacher grabbed me and locked me up..."
"The science teacher? Locked you up?"
All the students looked at each other confused but also shocked by the news broken out to them.
"Mr.Haruto? Huh?"
Asami instead of replying, whimpered.
"Asami get up, lets get you to the infirmary." Ren tried picking her up, when Giyuu halted her, "I'll carry her." "Okay" "Someone help him" "I'll help." Shinobu said, taking hold of Asami's one hand, "Me too" Mitsuri said, grabbing hold of the other hand, while Giyuu tried picking her up piggyback style. "Rest everyone, go back to your seats. Now." Everyone besides the three nodded, but hesitated to move.
Giyuu ran with Asami on his back, Shinobu and Mitsuri supporting the hands, in case they loose balance, while Ren was close behind. Suddenly, Asami started to get up, her hands holding on Giyuu's shoulder, "Asami what's wrong?" Ren said, slightly pushing Asami to lay down, trying not to exert herself. But unknown to the three due their adrenaline rush, Asami had started growling lowly, her open mouth almost leaning towards Tomioka's neck her, her now feral teeth almost touching he gulping neck, when they all entered, alerting the infirmary nurse, Tamayo, who was with her assistant, Yushiro.
Both of their eyes widened in realization at looking at their bloodied patient.
"Quick Tamayo, she needs help."
Yushiro rushed to prepare the materials, while Tamayo checked her temperature. "Her temperature is way too low.." Tamayo said showing the thermometer to Ren and Yushiro, which showed 29.1C. Just then Asami started wrangling on the bed, her body pulsatng and moving weirdly, bones unknowingly being cracked, veins pulsating around her body. "Miss Tamayo it's ready." Yushiro said, pointing to the medical equipment. "Hold this down so she won't kick this off." Tamayo said grabbing the blankets and throwing it over Asami. Giyuu, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Ren and Yushiro grabbed the blankets, holding it down, trying to still growling and roaring Asami's inhuman movements. "It's okay.." Ren tryed assuring Asami. "Please call an ambulance. Meanwhile I'll sedate her and Yushiro will clean her wounds. "Okay." Ren said, gesturing the students to hold tight.
"The science teacher gave me a strange shot.." All eyes turned towards a struggling Asami.
"A shot? Mr. Haruto gave you a shot?" Ren asked he student.
"He tried to kill me.." Asami whimpered.
"Asami, what shot?" Ren tried seeking answers from her student.
"I'm going to kill them all..." Asami growled deeply, and the next moment, her head moved around, her mouth opening and closing, teeth being clashed with force. She moved her head around trying to bite the hands holding her down. Asami teeth ended almost near Shinobu's hand, making Shinobu back away, her other hand holding her almost bit hand.
"Are you okay?" Ren asked, her one hand holding Shinobu's hand while the other holding down the blanket.
"I'm okay, it's just a scratch." Shinobu assured Ren.
"Hold her down, while I give her a shot." Tamayo said nearing towards Asami with a sedate in her hand. Everyone grabbed the blanket tightly while Tamayo tried giving Asami the sedate. "Just a second, okay Asami? Just a second. Hold on."
She'll be taken to the main Kyoto hospital, so you needn't worry now, We'll take it from here.
Thank you so much, officer, I'm so glad that you are able to help us"
"No problem ma'am. Its our duty to help you."
Ren was talking to the Gyomei Himejima, an intern paramedic officer while Kanae was bandaging Shinobu's wound. "Be careful okay? I know i pester you a lot sometimes but i don't wanna see you hurt-" "I know nee-san, ill take care of myself, besides i still wanna work alongside you.." Shinobu replied making Kanae chuckle. "Does it hurt?" Kanae asked while tightening the bandage around Shinobu's wrist, "Nope, the pressure is alright..By the way, how is your internship going?" "Oh its going well, Gyomei is also along with me, so we both are keeping up with the officers, plus a lot of things we have learned since the internship has started." "That's good to hear. And your so called loverboy and his brother is also good too." "Oh it's good to hear Sanemi and Genya to be okay, I'll inform Gyomei about this too." "You do realise I'm gonna kick Sanemi's ass if he attempts to do anything right?" "Hey come on now thats no way to act to anybody, plus you don't see me talking bad about my future brother-in-law do I?" "KANAE NO I DON'T LIKE TOMIOKA LIKE THAT" "Well i never said who.." "You are acting horrible to your patient and your sister, plus besides Sabito and Makomo, nobody likes Tomioka." "Yea yea whatever you say.." Kanae chuckled at her flustered sister's reaction. "Ok then the bandage is fixed, but take care okay?" "Yea yea you too stay safe okay?" "Yep i promise"
Asami was loaded in the truck, which now headed towards the hospital. The teacher turned towards her students. "Thank you kids so much for helping out. I've some work to do now so you guys can go back to your classes, and by the level f shock you guys have experienced i think you guys deserve a free period." The students smiled and chuckled and wished their sensei goodbye before walking towards their class.
Meanwhile Ren, along with the other subject teachers, had gathered in the principal Botan Takahashi's office. "Did you call the police Ms.Ren?" "Yes sir" "Why would you do that Ren?"
Ren looked at the principal, eyes furrowed, confused, "What do you mean sir?"
"We could've settled this by ourselves in the school, but if the police get to know then the news will spread like wildfire, and then no parent would send their children here, which is then going to lead to our losses." Botan explained. "Sir do you really expect me to just stand there while injustice is happening to our students?" "I understand that you are angry-"
"You called sir?" Haruto walked in the office. He saw all the gazes of the teachers and a disapproving look of his English teaching colleague on him"
"Ah Mr. Fukuro you're just in time." Botan exclaimed, just then three men wearing dark jackets entered the office, "Is Haruto Fukuro here?" one of them asked. "Thats me." "Mr.Haruto Fukuro, I'm detective Kenji Nakajima, and I'm here to arrest you on behalf of kidnapping a student and keeping her captive, more charges wil further be informed to you."
"What, she escaped? that student is out? Where is she? You need to quarantine her now. ITS NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE TO BE BESIDE HER." Haruto was then taken out of the school towards the police car while he kept mumbling angrily and repeatedly saying to 'QUARANTINE THE STUDENT RIGHT NOW'.
"I request the teachers to stay with me since we are going to have a meeting now"
"Yes sir"
Tamayo groaned. It had been a so called eventful day enough now that she was in pain for some reason. She couldn't wait for the lunch break so that she could sit peacefully with her assistant, Yushiro and eat, and maybe even rest for a while. She looked at the source of the pain, which was her hand.
The students, Yushiro and Ren were holding the blanket down, while Tamayo tried to sedate Asami, when unfortunately her hand was way too close to Asami's mouth, leading to her biting Tamayo's hand, making Tamayo let out a painful cry, but continued to try sedating Asami, which was finally successful."
Tamayo now looked at the deep bite mark on her hand. She could see the rdeep red of the wound and the veins protuding on her wound. Tamayo felt a wave nausea hit her, leading her to slightly loose her balance. Yushiro quickly reached out to her so she could not fall down. " Are you alright Ms. Tamayo?" Yushiro asked concernly. Tamayo nodded, but then she could feel something flow down her nose. She touched and say red liquid on her fingers. She saw herself in a mirror and saw her eyes darkening, the next second she started retching, leading to Yushiro frantically calling out to her asking if she is okay and rushed around the room to fing the appropriate equipments and drugs.
10 mins later, the bell rang, signalling the lunch break started. Students started heading out the classrooms. 
Osamu walked in the corridors with his friend, Suneo, when they heard grunting noises from the infirmary.
"The hell is going on there?" Osamu walked and opened the door, where he saw the infirmary nurse standing a few feet away from the door, her feet twisted in a weird way, her body shaking in a weird way, grunting and groaning. "Hey are you drunk? You know drinking is not allowed during duty you know?" Osamu joked making the students around him laugh.
Tamayo turned around, blood coating her mouth, eyes darkened, growling, and behind her laid Yushiro's still body leaning on the wall, with his neck bitten, blood flowing out from the wound.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BITCH?!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Osamu yelled in terror, while the other students also screamed and gasped, witnessing the view.
Tamayo screeched and roared and ran towards Osamu, which Osamu dodged, leading to the now inhuman lady to hit her head on the wall hard, making her fall down. "ARE YOU CRAZY BITCH? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!" One of the students yelled. The now inhuman lady, rapidly crawled towards Osamu's friend, making him kick her in the face. She got up and ran towards the friend and bit his neck hard, removing a chunk of flesh from his neck. Everybody screamed and chaos had ensued, the now bitten friend started convulsating and shaking, making him bend and screech inhumanly before running towards Osamu and biting him in the face.
Asami's body was passed under the CT scan. Her body was being scanned when suddenly, her body started to shake uncontrollably, making the two doctors scanning her, panic, they brought her out of the scan, and started inspecting her, when suddenly she bit one of the doctors in hand, making the doctor scream, while the other tried to free his fellow doctor's hand. Asami fell down the bed, her body bending in an inhuman way.
Noises and screams could be heard from the scanning room. A nurse opened the room, when he saw one of the doctors, shaking uncontrollably in the ground while the other had a hand stopping the bleeding from his neck, calling out for help, when the nurse was taken down by Asami which bit on his stomach, removing his stomach from his internal body, making everyone around screech and run in terror. The now inhuman cannibalistic Asami began to crawl on the floor in a surprising speed, biting almost everything in the way.
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sindumpster · 4 years
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5. Do you like eating by yourself, or do you prefer a little help from your feeder?
As far as preferences go boi wouldn’t mind a little lot of help from a feeder, though usually he ends up in more self-stuffing scenarios cuz he’s the reluctant/accidental feedee type, and the number of feeders he’s comfortable around can probably be counted on one hand. That said, technically also counts as help if the feeder provides some rubs and other such things after the fact, ye~?
Granted he’d probably not openly admit to such desires unless pressed or flustered, so there’s a little tact involved when it comes to a feeder participating. He kinda needs a pushy/dom feeder to get that side of things to work lol
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lis-likes-fics · 2 years
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Symbiote!Reader Warnings: Threats, lesbian symbiote, mentions of sex... I mean, someone gets deepthroated by a giant tongue.... A/N: I really liked writing for this character, so Havoc may end up being a reoccurring character for any of my stories (although, she’s more likely to tether closer to Natasha). Also, this is basically a prequel to my other oneshot ‘Symbiotic’ (hence the name). Enjoy. Thank you! :)
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"Y/L/N, can you hear me?"
The scratchy sound of the intercoms were faint in your ear, fading in and out as the voices of the team tried to reach you.
Cold concrete pressed against your skin, dirt and sweat and grime covered your body as you lay there still. There was a high pitched squeal in your ear that was dulling with each passing second. Your body felt both numb and overly sensitive to everything around you all at the same time as you slowly came to.
You opened your eyes first, heavy lids blinking as you looked around you. The air felt wavery, a combination of ice cold and increasingly getting hot. You looked around, your eyes moving slowly than you would have thought was possible as you caught sight of the small, but growing, fires scattered around the room.
You focused on your body, slowly coming back to full consciousness as you wiggled your fingertips, then your toes. You managed to adjust your wrists, waving it to bring feeling to your body. Goosebumps rose along your skin, your body aware of something that your mind was not. Soon, you were able to move your arms and legs enough to try to stand to your feet.
Your mind still followed behind everything else, your body moving on autopilot as its first instinct to figure out where you were and examine the things in the room. You were unaware of the intercom that had fallen from your ear, leaving behind the voices trying to each you.
You looked around, your hands patting you down in search of wounds to see how much healing it needed to do. Despite the chaos around you, you were without a single scratch. Your eyes scanned the room and found a large tank that looked like it was supposed to house some sort of animal, although it was barren, a sterile box of now-broken glass and reflections of light.
Ad you stepped closer, you glided your thumb along the glass to feel a slime-like substance on the surface. You scrunched your nose and wiped the substance on your pant-leg. As you looked down, you realized you were suited up. It helped to catch your mind up with your body, helped you remember where you were and why you were here.
There had been a strange report about some experiments regarding less-than-savory creatures from other planets. The experiments were being performed by people of... less-than-savory intentions and the Avengers were alerted. You were on a mission with the team to retrieve the creature and the experiments surrounding it when everything had gone wrong. You were directly in charge of retrieving the creature when an explosion in your area had disrupted everything.
With the sudden recounting of events, you realized the main problem here. Not that you were now lost and probably trapped on that room, but that the creature was now missing. You looked around the room frantically, muttering a string of 'oh shit's under your breath.
You let out a shout at the sudden intrusion in your head. A voice in your head, distorted and deep, sounded in your mind. It was loud and almost gargling, like some creature in a horror film. You stood still as you looked around for a source of the voice, speaking barely about a whisper, "What was that?"
"Not what. Who," the voice replied, making you jumped in surprise.
"No. No, absolutely not. Please don't tell me I'm insane now," you said, moving to sit on the ground as you cradled your head on your knees.
"You are not insane, Y/N," the voice replied. "You are evolved."
"What kind of cheesy movie line is that? What do you want and what are you?" you spoke, massaging your temples.
"You need to get up and leave the room. The building is falling and your friends are looking for you," she said.
"What are you?" you replied in a tired voice.
Suddenly, a tar-like substance began to seep out of your skin, coating you in this dark violet thing. The substance slid over you and moved to gather on your back. Your eyes widened as you felt a weight suddenly grow at your back as whatever it was in your head turned into an inky creature that now stared at you. Its face was curled in a large, toothy grin (that were really just fangs), its eyes were pale and stretched along its face with another curl at the end.
"We are Havoc, Y/N," she smiled.
You were about ready to pass out, even falling backwards as your head spun. The creature only sat you back up, not allowing you to have your way. "Freak out later. I need you to live."
It disappeared back into your body, and you let out a very uncomfortable groan. "Oh, my god. I have a parasite."
"Parasite!" the creature yelled, suddenly taking hold of your body and pushing you to your feet. It then rushed you forward, running you into a table fallen on its side. You groaned at the contact it made with your stomach, bending over as you wheezed. "Apologize!"
You shook your head as you coughed, "You're not helping your case."
"If it were not for me, you would be dead," she told you venomously.
You sighed and shook your head, "Great, now I'm being gaslit by the alien stealing my body."
"We must go, or you will die," she said again. You sighed and looked around the room for your intercom, bending down and wiping it off as you put it back in your ear.
"Hello?" you asked through it to see if anyone was listening.
A flurry of voices came to your ear as the team's relief flooded through the line. "Y/N, where are you? Are you hurt?" Natasha's voice spoke up, catching your attention more than the others.
"I'm in the containment room where the creature was held."
"Havoc," she corrected you.
You rolled your eyes, "I think I'm trapped in. I need help." Just then, a loud rumble was heard as the ground shook. The creature, Havoc, was right. The building was collapsing.
"Stark, go her way. We're heading to the jet to be ready for takeoff," Steve commanded.
"Copy that," Tony replied before cutting out. It was not long before you heard Tony's voice cut in again for your specific com. "Move to a corner."
You did as told as you ducked under something. You shielded yourself as the ceiling was blown away by Tony's weapons, creating a gaping whole for him to descend into. He opened his helmet and motioned for you. "C'mon, unless you want to be a pancake."
You rolled your eyes and he picked you up bridal style before carrying you away just as the building began to fall. He flew you to the jet, setting you on your feet when you were both safely placed. Natasha came running to you, inspecting you for injuries and taking your face in her hands. "Are you alright? Why didn't you respond?"
You gave her a reassuring smile, taking her wrists in your hands and moving to kiss her forehead. "I'm fine. I'm okay, are you?"
She nodded and sighed before punching your shoulder. You held it tightly, giving her an annoyed look, "Ow! What was that for?"
She gave you an angry look before marching off to sit down, "You scared me, you bitch."
You rolled your eyes and gave another smile, going to sit next to her as you apologized. "I'm sorry. I... had an issue, but I'm fine."
She looked at you, her brows still furrowed in anger but calmer now that she knew you were okay... for the most part.
Your thoughts were interrupted as Havoc's voice cut through. "She's hot."
You whisper-shouted to her through your teeth, "Shut up!"
"What?" Natasha questioned, giving a confused look. "I didn't say anything."
You shook your head, "No, not you. I'm sorry, talking to myself."
The rest of the ride home was filled with you trying to ignore Havoc's constant questioning so you did not repeat the same apologies to everyone about why you were talking to yourself.
When you got home, you made an excuse to lock yourself in your room and stood there, your hands raised as you pointed in any general direction. "Okay... Am I dying?"
Havoc suddenly sprouted from your back again, rounding to look at you, "No. But now you have me." You almost jumped, momentarily scared about the sudden monster in your face.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and wiped a hand down your face. "Why are you here? And why did you choose me?"
"You were alive, and I was separated from everyone else," she said.
"Hold on, there's more of you?"
"Yes, but I am looking for Venom."
"Okay, so all of your names are just related to chaos?" you questioned. She just nodded instead of responding verbally. "Who is Venom?"
"My brother of sorts."
"Oh, so you have family. That's so cute. Go find him and leave me alone!" you whisper-yelled to her.
"I cannot. I need a host. You are stuck with me now," she told you. "We shall find him together."
"No... No, no, no, no," you shook your head. "I am not dealing with more of you!"
She groaned, "If you do not want to find Venom, you could at least feed me."
You collapsed on your bed, putting a hand on your forehead as you huffed, "Don't tell me you eat, like... brains or something." You chuckled lightly, shaking your head.
She did not respond, her face just staring back at yours. Your face fell and you clenched your jaw, "Don't tell me you eat brains or something."
She looked away from you for a moment before turning her gaze back to your face. "I eat brains or something."
You both sat in silence before you stood up, "I'm going to jump out of the window." She caught a hold of your body and sat you back down. "Is there a specific reason why you need brains? I'm not having brains for dinner!"
Your frustration was evident in the way you spoke to her and she nodded. You sighed to calm yourself, at least there was a reason, since nothing else had a reason.
"I need phenethylamine," she said. "It is found in brains."
You shook your head and grabbed your phone to dial Tony's number. He picked up, answering slowly, "I'm right down the hall. Why are you calling me?"
"Don't worry about it. Do you know what phena... phelan...
"Phenethylamine," Havoc told you.
You sighed, "Phelenthymanine is?" Havoc just shook her head at you.
"Phenethylamine? It's a chemical found in brains and chocolate. Why?" he questioned.
"Do you have, like... supplements or something lying around?"
"Don't worry about it. Do you?"
"Great, bring me a shit ton of that and chocolate," you told him, hanging up before he could protest.
She sunk back into your body and you shuddered. "I hate that."
"It is not as good when it is not fresh." Her voice was louder in your head now and you could feel her curling up, like she was ready to take a nap. "So we are good?" she asked.
"No, we are very not good," you told her, standing to your feet. "Look. I'm an Avenger, by now I would be a fool to think this would be a temporary solution or would end well if I tried to get rid of you by force. So we're going to laugh down ground rules to ensure that whatever this is doesn't escalate into something that could put myself or Natasha in danger. Or the rest of the team and civilians for that matter."
"I am listening..." she said expectantly.
You sighed, "First, no eating people. We aren't food, don't eat them. I got you your stupid drugs, so you have tk behave. Second, this stays between us. No one needs to know that I'm housing an alien that wants to eat them."
"I do not want to eat Natasha. She is hot," Havoc replied, her voice almost sassy.
You pointed in a general direction as you whisper-shouted, "And third, do not hit on my girlfriend! She's mine, not yours."
She scoffed, "The way I see it, I am you and you are me. We are one, and that means she is our girlfriend."
"If you cause any trouble for me or the rest of the team, we are learning your weaknesses through this Venom guy, and I am going to kill you," you told her, your voice definite as she sighed dramatically in your head.
"Fine. I will behave," she resigned, settling down.
There was a knock on the door and you pulled it open to find Natasha standing on the other side with a pill bottle in her hand. She was swayed to one side, her head tilted as she raised a brow. "Are you alright? You haven't kissed me since before the mission, and quite frankly I'm in need of some lovin'."
You found some of your stress leaving your body as you looked at her, her eyes still scanning over you. You realized you had not replied when her brow somehow raised higher and nodded, "I'm okay, I just needed to get my head cleared up is all." You held your hand out for the pills and she hesitated before handing them over to you.
"What do you even need these for? Tony said you're being weird again," she said, pushing past you to walk into the room. You turned to face her and shrugged, "It's nothing to worry about. Everything's under control."
"Liar," Havoc scolded.
She looked over her shoulder at you and gave a suspicious look. You walked over to her, tossing the pills to the side and setting your hands on her hips to bring her over. "I'm fine, baby," you told her. "It's not important." You pressed a kiss to her lips, a short one that made her sigh in annoyance. It was a sweet kiss, but she was obviously wanting a needy one.
You chuckled at her childishness, and she rolled her eyes and pushed you back. You smiled at her, earning a smile from her in return before she was suddenly pulling her shirt over her head. Havoc hummed and you fought the urge to yell at her.
Natasha tossed her shirt on a chair in the room and walked over to you, her arms sliding around your waist to pull you over. "You didn't think you'd be getting away that easily, did you?"
You could not resist her as you simply pulled her in to kiss her. You could hear Havoc in the back of your head, feel her writhing inside of you excitedly. You pulled away from Natasha's lips and gave her an apologetic smile, "Give me one second?"
You pulled away from her as her confused eyes followed you. You opened the bathroom door and locked it behind you, staring in the mirror and whispering to her again, "I'm going to need you to stay as far away as possible, alright? She is not an exception to the rule. Just because you now get to watch like some perverted thing, does not mean she is your girlfriend. Got it?"
She chuckled and hummed, "Mmm, say it again."
You paused and stared at yourself, shaking your head, "I'm going to jump out of the window." She probably found some sick corner of your mind where she could access your likes and dislikes (kinks included) and decided to be a little bitch and use it as some sort of joke.
She just scoffed, "Fine. I will stay away."
"Thank you," you said, before taking off your shirt and opening the door. You walked in stride over to Natasha waiting on the edge of your bed with a pout on her lips. You bent down, picked her up, and kissed her.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
You nodded, "I'm great."
It had been a few days since the mission. Everything was running smoothly. You had the supplements, the chocolates, and she was not as insistent on eating people anymore. You told her that if she behaved and you went on missions with particularly heinous people, you would let her have them, and she agreed.
No one questioned you on anything, although you talking to yourself sometimes was not unsuspicious activity. Natasha was the one who asked you the most about your well-being—but you did not expect anything less.
It was when a Friday rolled up and you were all having a team night together that the shit hit the fan.
Havoc had grown possessive of Natasha—much to your frustration at having to share your girlfriend—but you would just have to learn to live with it. It was at least good to know that she had protection from someone who could literally just bite off the heads of those who meant to harm her.
It was not useful when she was constantly trying to kill Bruce Banner for his attempts on your girlfriend. It was nice to have someone else who was as on board with the idea of hating him as you. Okay, maybe you did not have him, but you sure as hell did not like him.
He was overall respectful of the boundaries that were in place by both you and Natasha, but sometimes it seemed like he was wanted to get his ass beat. This was one of those times.
You had gone to the kitchen to grab a refill of popcorn and come back to see Bruce leaning over in Natasha's ear to tell her something. One look at her could see the tension in her shoulders, how they were squared off and almost moving to guard her neck as a vulnerable place in her body. She was turned slightly to the side to face him, her chin ducked in slightly.
"What? What is he doing? We should bite his head off! That should teach him," Havoc yelled, the rage and venom leaking from her voice.
You whispered, your jaw tight, "That would kill him."
"Like you would not mind," she accused, poison lacing her tone.
You rolled your eyes as you went to go save your girlfriend. You came around the couch and squished in between the two with a tight smile, setting the popcorn roughly in Bruce's lap and moving your arm to wrap around Natasha's shoulders.
"Hey," you leaned into her ear, whispering gently. "Are you alright?"
She nodded gently at you in reply, moving to kiss your lips. "My hero," she chuckled lightly. You smiled and closed the difference, giving her a quick kiss.
Bruce shuffled uncomfortably at how close you were sitting next to him and shifted away. You turned to him with an innocent look, as innocent as you could manage, "Oh, hey. Didn't see you there."
"Punch him."
"Shut up," you whispered back.
"I didn't say anything," Bruce muttered.
You shook your head, "Don't worry about it." You patted his shoulder a little too hard and then turned to talk to your girlfriend. She came out a little more until she was back to her normal self: sassy, cocky, and more than happy to flirt.
Havoc calmed, but you could feel her constantly trying to keep an eye on Bruce.
"What is he doing?"
She forced your head so you were looking at him as he walked away. You turned back to the others, "I don't know, and I don't care." You took a piece of chocolate from the bowl and plopped it in your mouth. "Behave."
When Bruce came back, you turned around when he tapped on Natasha's shoulder with a glass in his hand. He handed her the glass and she gave an awkward thanks to him. You grabbed the other glass and raised it to him, "You're a doll."
"He is doing this on purpose! If I cannot eat him, I should be able to throw him out of the window!" she yelled.
"Just one time!"
"Behave and stop yelling at me."
"I am not yelling at you! I am yelling at him."
"He can't hear you."
"Well tell him that I am going to–" She began a very long and very graphic recounting of a line of violent events she wished to inflict on him. They were enough to draw actual faces from you as you reacted to them. You shuddered at one of the visuals she gave you that involved the removal of eyes.
"Oh my god, stop!" you told her, a little too loud as some of the team looked over at you. There was silence settling in the room as eyes were glued to you. You looked at them and said, "Stop making me laugh, Nat, or my face is going to start hurting." You started chuckling nervously before turning to Natasha. She gave you a confused look, looking you up and down before turning to look at Bruce again.
"You look like an idiot."
"It's your fault. Stop talking to me."
"Not until I can hit him really hard on the face."
"No, Havoc. Stop it."
She grumbled but kept arguing, and you missed the way Tony sidled next to Steve. "What's going on with her?" Steve asked, his eyes still on her with a raised brow.
Tony shrugged, "Dunno. She's been acting weird since the mission. We can look into it tomorrow. Maybe she just needs a nap."
Steve looked at him and scoffed, "She'll need one helluva a nap."
"Maybe she should take pointers from you," Tony joked before slapping a hand against his back and moving away. Both their eyes stayed on you, though.
Your argument with Havoc was interrupted when you looked over at Natasha and saw Bruce's head dipped down next to her face. He had announced how he was going to go to bed early, and you expected him to just leave. Instead, he had bent over and kissed Natasha's cheek.
Havoc grabbed a hold of your body before you could protest or encourage, your fist balling tightly and raising to your side. Natasha was quicker, her own fist forming as he punched Bruce across the face. He grunted, a hand coming to his cheek. Havoc did not leave it at that, swinging your own fist to hit him square across the jaw.
Natasha's had not even been as hard as she could have been, the hard punch only a warning for now. Havoc seemed like she was trying to remove his jaw from his face before you heard a tiny crunch, followed by continuous groans of pain.
"Y/N, I got it," Natasha told you, although not angrily. It was more like she was gently scolding a child, but against something she was not totally against.
Bruce's body was trembling, like he was fighting off the Hulk's transformation. His face was twisted in anger as he forced his jaw back into place. Everyone had stood up by now in defensive stances, panic crossing their faces.
"I know," you chuckled nervously. "Don't know what happened there." You turned to the side and whisper-shouted again. "Havoc, stop it! You got your hit, now go away."
"I think it is time to teach a lesson to Banner," she cackled creepily. Your eyes widened as the dark purple tar that was Havoc's skin slid onto your skin was like warm tar. You shuddered, wincing at the strange feeling as she took over your body. Milky white eyes followed a grotesque smile filled with giant, sharp fangs.
You felt like you were being lifted off the ground as her form grew, towering over everyone around you. 'Holy shit's of all kinds scattered around the room. Some of the team had stumbled back, some were looking for exits to get to their weapons. Natasha merely crouched down and grabbed at her gun, but did not draw it.
Bruce was no longer fighting off the Hulk. He was now just fallen back on the ground, fear crossing his face at the creature standing before him.
Havoc's slimy tongue curled over her face and a croaking sound came from her chest. "What the hell are you doing?" you yelled.
"Hush, my friend. I shall make it quick," she told you, stalking over to Bruce. He was trying to transform into the Hulk, but was having a considerable amount of trouble.
She loomed over him, tilting her head as she bent over his body. Her mouth opened wide, saliva stretching long and sometimes snapping to spray on his face. He yelled, raising a hand to shield himself from her.
Havoc turned from Bruce to look at Natasha with a tilt of her head. She took in the creature before her, brows furrowed as she gripped her gun tightly. "Natasha," Havoc smiled as she spoke in her distorted voice, moving from Bruce to stand at her full height before offering a wave.
Natasha tilted her own head at the gesture and raised a hand, waving back as she said. "What's your name?" she asked, holding a hand out to her.
Havoc moved away from Bruce so he could run off, the rest of the team joining in their suits as they stood in defense.
"We are Havoc."
Natasha hummed, "We? So Y/N's still in there?"
She nodded, "We are both here."
"Can I speak to her?"
"Why don't you speak to me?" Havoc asked, sitting down so she was more at Natasha's level. "I am just as fun as her. She is a buzzkill."
Natasha snorted, "Can't argue with that."
"I just want to make sure she's good. Can I talk to her?" Natasha asked again. Havoc sighed and finally retreated to allow you control again. As she disappeared, you gasped for breath as you tried to get your bearings.
Natasha sighed and walked over to you, offering a hand as you took it gratefully. "Are you alright?" she asked.
You nodded, wiping a hand across your face as shuddering, "Don't like that. That was unpleasant."
"You will get used to it."
"Why didn't you tell me what happened?" she asked. "We could have helped. What's going on?"
She moved you to sit. You sighed, "I just... I just didn't want this to get blown out of proportion, and I didn't want to risk you finding out and deciding you don't want to be in a relationship with an unstable woman sharing a body with an alien."
"That is hurtful. She would love me if you let her meet me." You ignored her.
Natasha chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Y/N, you were only semi-stable before and I still adored you. I still do. I'm not leaving because now you have a body buddy."
"I don't like that," you scrunched your nose at the nickname.
"I do."
"Shut up."
She laughed and Tony slowly walked forward, "Is that why you needed the supplements?"
You nodded, "Yeah, it's either that or she eats you. Or... me."
Tony walked away to order Jarvis to stalk up, and you were surprised at how quick he was to just accept it. "Let me out."
"Is she talking to you right now?" Natasha asked.
You nodded with a heavy sigh, your hands holding her as you stroked the back of her palms. "She wants to come out, but I don't trust her."
"You should. If I wanted to hurt you, you would already be dead."
"Because that's reassuring."
Natasha turned her head into your line of sight again to catch your attention. "What's she saying now?"
"She basically just threatened me," you told her.
"It is not a threat. It is a promise," she said. "I will take the body if you do not let me out."
You groaned loudly and let go of Natasha's hands to rub your temples. "Fine, but only for a second."
"Thank you." Havoc's form slid back into place as she sat down in front of Natasha.
"Alright, I'm gonna go," Clint left, not bothering to stick around in case anything happened. The rest of the team followed, already tired of the chaos. They would deal with it tomorrow.
"Hey, Havoc," Natasha greeted. "Is my girl alright in there?"
"She is a big baby."
Natasha chuckled before she continued. "How long do you plan on sticking around? You a permanent addition?"
Havoc smiled, almost villainously, "I am your new girlfriend."
"Havoc, stop hitting on my girlfriend."
"S'that so? Can she hear me?" Havoc nodded. "Looks like you've got some competition, Y/N."
You wanted to be upset that she was teasing you, but you could not help your smile as you chuckled.
"With a tongue like that, you'll win me over in no time," Natasha smirked. You pouted then and Havoc just laughed at you.
"I am going to steal your bitch," she smirked at you.
"You cannot have her."
"Well, Y/N," Natasha sighed, as if she could hear you. "Since V's here to stay now, I think you're going to have to share."
"I cannot believe she just said that," you huffed.
"Ha ha!" Havoc exclaimed. "She is now our girlfriend, and you cannot do anything about it! You must be so upset right now."
"Havoc, be nice or I'll take it back," Natasha scolded her. You laughed at her as she grumbled.
"V, I'll give you more chocolate if you go away," you told her. She grumbled and disappeared again, and you found that you were, in fact, getting used to the shifts. So you sighed and looked at Natasha, giving a smile. "So we're good?"
She nodded with a smile, "Yes, we're good." She stood and held a hand out for you. You grabbed it and got to your feet and she told you, "Let's go to bed. You look terrible."
"She is right."
You laughed and rolled your eyes. She pulled you to her, a hand on the side of your face as she pulled you into a kiss. You smiled against her lips, tilting your head for the perfect angle. You were both caught off guard when you suddenly felt your tongue filling your mouth, getting bigger and longer as Havoc took control of it.
You felt her sliding the tongue into Natasha's mouth, slowly shoving it down her throat. Natasha was entirely surprised, a slight gag coming from her at the sudden intrusion. When Havoc pulled away, you both had to catch your breaths to recover from... whatever that was.
"Havoc, what the fuck?" you asked her.
"She loved it."
As if to confirm, Natasha looked over at you with wide eyes, pupils larger as the effects of being deepthroated by a giant tongue settled into her. "Yeah, we're sharing," she said, still catching her breath.
You rolled your eyes, mumbling something about her being a "kinky bitch" under your breath.
"I told you."
"Shut up, V."
Natasha took your hand and dragged you to your room, quite intent on exploring the extent of your new abilities with Havoc.
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True Believer taglist: @xxromanoffxx​ @thelastpyle​ @likefirenrain​ @babypink224221​ @autisticbrie​ Red Ledger taglist: @ripleysupremacy180286 @nat-romanoffdanvers @nowthisisliving27 Red-Head taglist: @natasha-danvers​ Tag yourself here.
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Pairing: Alpha Beefy Bucky x Female Mutant Reader
Summary: Being paired off with Bucky Barnes on a mission was hard enough. Hell, the two of you being a part of Hydra a long time ago was already hard enough. But when the two of you are forced to seek shelter in an Avengers safehouse, it gets even worse.
Because there's only one freaking bed.
Will you survive the night with the grumpy Alpha by your side? Or will you rip your hair out?
Who knows. The nights are unpredictable.
What you do know is, is that Bucky Barnes is too fucking hot for his damn good.
Maybe you just might pull your hair out.
Warnings: Heavy A/B/O dynamics. Mentions of past torture from Hydra for both Bucky and the Reader. This Bucky is sort of a mix between CW!Bucky, (hence the beefy!Bucky), but also TFATWS!Bucky bc I love grumpy old man, sassy Bucky. Some angst/hurt/comfort, because I'm a hoe for angst. No heats/ruts in this lil fic, just good ole rough smut. Some biting and some mild blood too. This sex would be considered unprotected irl, but in the a/b/o verse, I don't think you'd need protection??? Who knows. Italics are for when Bucky and the Reader are talking in Russian. The Reader also has a nightmare, which ties back in with the whole mention of past torture from Hydra. If I missed any other warnings in this, let me know and I'll make sure to add them!
Additional Notes: This was written for @agentofbarnes's writing challenge! Congrats on 7k, Zee! I'm sorry this took so long. I started writing this in July, and let it marinate for far too long. But it's here now. I hope you enjoy!
All writing mistakes in this fic are mine, as usual.
Word Count: 4,602
This was absolute pure fucking hell.
As you and the former Winter Soldier, James "Bucky" Barnes himself stared at the front door of one of the safehouses for the Avengers in case of emergencies, you couldn't help make eye contact with him.
Great. This was just great.
No one, not even Clint had told you that it would be snowing in freaking January in rural Ohio, of all places.
Then again, you had faintly remembered doing gymnastics before you had been taken by Hydra with some arrogant Alpha guy named Lance. He had been a real pain in your ass and you remembered you had made him cry once. After you had escaped from Hydra, you had bumped into him again. Funnily enough, he was still just as scared of you as he was all those years ago. Which, you know, was nice.
But what was not nice was the Alpha that was currently looking back at you. James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky, Buck, White Panther, Jesus, Bionic Staring Machine- (the last three nicknames, all given to him by the Alpha Sam Wilson himself), scowled at you. His blue eyes even narrowed at you.
You wouldn't call what you and Bucky had a friendship. You two weren't even enemies. Heck, colleagues? Teammates? That was just putting it lightly, the relationship you had with the Alpha. Even when you had been captured and brainwashed into serving Hydra, the two of you had never crossed paths. It had been only after Hydra had fallen, did the two of you actually meet in person. Other than that, nothing. Nada. Nope. No with a capital N.O.
"Come on, let's go." Bucky all but grumbled. Realizing he didn't have the key to get inside, he looked at you. Like you had the key or something.
"James, I don't have the key." Bucky groaned. "Do you have a bobby pin, Omega? Something?" He asked in Russian. You plucked a bobby pin from your hair. A stray piece of hair fell. Putting the flat side in, you managed to unlock the door. You turned to look at him, giving him a toothy grin.
"Learned that from Pit Pocketing for Dummies, 101."
Bucky rolled his eyes at that. You just sniggered as you opened the door, greeted by cool air smacking against your face.
It made you shiver.
Because, unlike Bucky, you did not have any of that good ole supersoldier serum in your veins.
You were a mutant that could control water. Sometimes, you wished that you had the ability to control fire, because then, at least you could be warm in such dire situations such as these.
Taking your shoes off and putting them at the door, you surveyed the place.
It was a small house. Like a cozy little cottage. Probably only had at least two rooms at the max. It certainly gave off that vibe. There was a fireplace in the living room. A fully furnished kitchen, complete with a little wooden table with benches instead of individual chairs near the window.
Your grip on your bag of clothes became tighter as you realized that you needed to take a shower. Your stomach grumbled, alerting Bucky that you were hungry. Your comms had died. The two of you could contact no one until you charged them.
Which meant for at least tonight, or whenever the snowstorm outside stopped, you only had Bucky Barnes for company.
Well. That certainly would be pleasant.
"Go and shower first. I'll make dinner."
After your shower, you walked back into the kitchen, your sweet smell that reminded Bucky of deserts that his Ma used to make for him and his younger sisters back in Brooklyn drifted towards his nose. Thanks to the serum, he had already smelled it a mile away.
Cinamon rolls. Apple turnovers. Apple pies. Pumpkin pies. Bucky felt his Alpha rumble at the smell. Even Winter stirred at the familiar scent he loved so much.
When Bucky had gotten the trigger words wiped away from him due to Princess Shuri's genius, the Winter Soldier hadn't gone away from him. Rather, Winter had become a part of Bucky. Winter had been what Bucky became to survive Hydra. Winter was Bucky, only darker. More possessive. The deepest, darkest thing of him that the Wakandan Elders had helped him find again and reconcile with.
It was during times like this, making dinner in the kitchen that reminded him so much of his time back in Wakanda. Taking care of his farm and his pet goats, (that he sadly couldn't bring back with him when coming back to America), that he missed the most. It was domestic, in a way. He could almost feed into the fantasy, the thought that you were his Omega, his Bondmate, and that he was just making dinner for you.
From an outsider's perspective, it might've looked like Bucky didn't like you. That he just tolerated you. Treated you like how he treated everyone else in his life.
But it was the contrary.
He liked you.
He liked you very, very much. Other than Steve, Natalia, and heck, even the winged pigeon- you were one of the only people to truly understand him. You were probably even on the same playing field as Natalia, because you knew what it was like to be controlled by the Russian government. You held him at an arm's length at most, and you never treated him like he was some fragile, broken man. When you treated his wounds, you never fretted like other Omega's. Nor did you dottle. Ask him if he was okay every five seconds. It was disappointing in a way.
Bucky turned his head, just as you hopped yourself onto the counter, away from the conduction stove.
The smell of butter pasta was filling your nose. You watched with rapt attention as Bucky shut off the stove, grabbed the freshly grated cheese, and dumping it in. To hell with calories. Stirring quickly for a few seconds, he stopped. Turning his head to look at you, he gave you a low smirk. His scent of something sandalwood, oceany filling your nose. It made your Omega preen.
"Get some bowls, will ya doll? And forks too." Hopping off of the countertops, he heard a chirping, yet sarcastic reply.
"Yes, Sarge."
He felt his pants tighten at the thought. Hearing you grab all of the stuff, he swallowed.
Not that he would tell you that.
"Oh, you've gotta be fucking with me."
So, as luck would have it. There weren't two bedrooms.
There was only one.
Not only that, the entire room was fully furnished. A closet was on the left side of the door, against the wall. There was a window and just a bit to right, in the middle of the room, was a queen-sized bed, all made up with all the fluffiest blankets, comforters, and pillows imaginable.
"And you're sure this is the only room?" Bucky said. "Yeah! It's the only one, James. It's either this or the couch. And I'm not sleeping on the couch. It's too cold. Whoever built this safehouse didn't have any heaters built in either. Fuck, is this how I die? Freezing to death?" Your voice was getting higher with concern.
Bucky just rolled his eyes.
"No, doll. You're not to freeze to death. We're going to share that bed."
You turned your head towards him like he had just grown a second head. "What?" you exclaimed. "No. No, no, no. Noooo. James. Nu-uh. Uh-uh. I'm not going to sleep with you in my tank top and underwear. the least you've seen me in is a pair of short shorts and a tank top."
Bucky inhaled deeply through his nostrils.
Get yourself together Barnes.
Don't throw her over your shoulder.
Don't do that.
"You're a water mutant, doll. You're not a fire mutant. You aren't a supersoldier either. I'm not letting you freeze to death. I'll keep you warm all night. Better yet, don't sleep in your tank top and shorts. Our body heats will do just fine." Bucky snapped at you. You were still trying to collect your thoughts.
And then the realization, the reality of your situation, smacked you right across the face.
Bucky was asking you to sleep naked.
With him.
In the same frigging bed together.
Oh you were going to die. You were going to die and go up to wherever other spirits went to after they died. You weren't really all that religious nor spiritual.
But tonight though?
Yeah. Maybe you believed. Maybe a little.
Just the slightest bit.
"Okay, okay," you grumbled, "I won't wear any clothes. Better yet, I'll even give you a show. That'll even out the odds, James."
He was just oh so warm.
Your back was flush against his front, feeling skin-on-skin.
You had stopped shivering about an hour ago.
Bucky had scouted the safehouse, to see if there was actually a heater, in case you had missed anything.
There were no heaters in the safehouse.
Absolutely none.
Not to mention, all of the blankets weren't as thick. From what Bucky had observed a few hours ago after dinner while you had tackled the task of doing the dishes, was that the safe house had been abandoned for a while. It was either that, or nobody had stocked this place up for a while.
He had chosen the latter.
With his strong arms wrapped around your stomach, he pulled you close. You were asleep. Dead asleep. Bucky felt and saw your body rise up and down as you slept, your breaths all evened out.
It was nice, almost. Outside was quiet. Bucky could hear other than your breathing only the soft wind blowing due to the snowstorm outside.
For a moment, Bucky was lulled into a sense of calm. His mind was clear. His Alpha and Winter were quiet. He didn't have to fret. Or look over his shoulder. Didn't have to second guess himself or his actions anymore.
And then he heard it.
Soft whimpers coming from the sweet-smelling Omega that he was currently holding in his arms. You had begun to squirm, arms thrashing out. Your legs smacked on his knees, trying to desperately claw yourself free from his tightening grip on you.
"... I'll be good... just don't chuck me in the freezer again... please sir... I hate it there... please don't chuck me in the freezer, please..." you were sobbing in your sleep. You started to blubber, continually trying to claw yourself out of Bucky's grip. The metal plates of his Vibrainum arm shifted as his metal fingers tightened around your stomach. Bucky knew not to apply too much pressure on you- you weren't like him, Steve, or Natalia. You didn't have the serum in you.
"Doll? Hey, doll. C'mon, wake up. It's not real." Bucky tried shaking you awake to no avail. You had continued to thrash in his arms.
Sniffling loudly, your Omega was thrashing in her cage, in the confines of your mind. She was whispering, yelling at you to wake up.
"Omega. Wake up."
Bucky didn't mean to use his Tone. But you were being so hysterical, shaking, and crying to the point where it was beginning to worry him. Your sweet scent had begun to twist and turn into something more burnt. Singed. It made his eyes water.
You stopped thrashing in his grip. Your body froze up at his use of his Tone. Your Omega stopped throwing her temper tantrum too. She had paused for a second.
Her Alpha had given her a Command.
So why wouldn't she listen?
Peering from her cage in the confines of your mind, she sighed happily.
Alpha. Alpha cares about us. She whispered in your ear.
Slowly returning to consciousness, you struggled to know where you were for a second.
You had been having a nightmare.
A full-fledged nightmare.
You hadn't had one of those in a while.
"... Where am I?" Your voice was gentle but confused.
You still didn't know if you were still in that godforsaken Hydra facility or not. But you just wanted to make sure.
"Here, doll. You're here with me. We're in Ohio, remember? Sharin' one bed together cause I don't wanna be a bad Alpha and letcha freeze to death." Bucky said.
You couldn't help it. You snuggled into him, hearing a deep rumble coming from his chest. Bucky's Alpha was pleased. Very pleased. Winter was quiet. Which surprised Bucky. The little shit was usually more vocal about his own needs these days.
For a moment, it felt okay. You felt that weird fog lifting. Your brain slowly settling in your current surroundings. Your sweet, filling scent that had twisted and burnt into something smoky and burnt was slowly wearing off.
You were still a little shaken up. You could still hear your screaming echoing in your head. Your voice trembling, and because you didn't know if you were still stuck in the facility, "How long?"
"Not long."
Bucky watched as you lifted your head up, blinking once. And then twice. And then again, just to be sure.
Your body felt like it still wasn't physically here. Your body still felt like it was back in the cryo chamber, stuck in that damn freezer. Bucky watched your chest heave up and down. Taking in deep breaths.
Then you flopped right back into your previous spot, your back facing his front. Bucky pulled you back with his metal arm. You heard the metal plates in his arm readjust and move. You couldn't help it. Your vagina throbbed at the sound. Chewing on your bottom lip, you wiggled a little bit.
A deep rumble had come from Bucky.
The metal-armed Alpha had pushed a little bit of his weight down on you. Making you feel all warm and safe with the sandalwood and salty scent wrapped all around you like a cocoon.
You wiggled up against him again, trying to get comfortable. Your eyes closed.
A deep groan came from Bucky.
Was he asleep?
You stopped moving.
Another groan came from Bucky. His arms were wrapped around you. Not tightly, but still. It was kinda nice in a way. You could feel every muscle on his broad chest against your back.
Maybe Bucky had the right idea to sleep naked after all.
You shifted again. Trying to wiggle out a little out of the embrace.
A deep growl rumbled from Bucky. His grip on you tightened. You squirmed against him again.
Voice gravelly, "Stop moving."
Your eyes flew open.
He was awake.
And you had been-
Letting out a hiss, Bucky pushed his entire weight onto you and grinded his half-hard cock against your ass cheeks. Not even caring about if his entire weight would crush you, because of the serum.
He saw red.
Pure absolute red.
You choked. A needy little whimper filled the room.
Bucky's metal hand traveled down, all the way down to your pussy, his knee pushing your legs apart. You were panting in anticipation, eyes wide as saucers. His metal fingers were shoved deep, all the way to the knuckles. A pitiful whine left your lips. A needy whine too.
When he entered you, a choked sob escaped from your lips. Your hands curled into fists, eyes rolling into the back of your head as the formerly brainwashed assassin let out a growl.
"So sick and tired of you teasin' me," was what the former Winter Soldier growled under his breath, hissing at the way your cunt wrapped around him. Slick was smeared around your inner thighs, and you couldn't help but sob at the feeling of being so full.
Bucky was groaning above you, his hands nearing shaking.
Never had he ever thought he could ever get to do this again.
Because Bucky very much still liked sex. He very much so was a sexual creature. Being inside you gave him flashes of his life before Hydra. It made him remember a much skinner, smaller Steve. A much duller, war-stricken Brooklyn. It made him remember the giggles of Omegas. It made him remember his Ma's cooking growing up. Rebecca's giggles in his ears. Just like the old times.
Not for the first time in his life, he didn't feel trapped.
He felt free.
This was freeing to him.
And when he began to move, position his hips against your back, smacking roughly. Good enough to leave marks in the morning.
Wet, squishing noise echoed noisily every time he bottomed out of you. Every thrust in, filling you, completing you. It sent you gasping and crying out into the pillows. His hands- both metal and flesh, reached under you, to grab ahold of your breasts in a tight grip that only made you sob for more.
"More, more, more, please James, please-"
Something snapped in him.
Bucky had never felt this feral before. The last time he felt this feral had been the hours when he first presented.
You whined loudly when he slid out of you, crying out at the empty feeling. Your Omega screeched in alarm.
Why had her Alpha stopped? Why?
Grabbing ahold of your legs, he lifted them up. Before he thrusted back in again, filling you up to the brim. It was deeper than last time, and his cock hit that spongy part. Hit your g-spot so good that you screamed into the pillows.
You were coming. You were coming so fast, that deep coil inside you snapping like a bomb wire being cut that you never got the chance to feel your programs. Your body jolted, spasmed. Your legs lifted off of the bed or at least tried to. Bucky's body weight was still keeping you down. So all you could do was grip the bedsheets when Bucky started to pound into you again, taking all he could.
You couldn't help yourself. You glanced back, just to take a glimpse of him.
James Buchanan Barnes looked downright feral and your pussy clenched around him deeper at the sight. as if she knew.
Every thrust made him go deeper, hitting your cervix every time. It made your second orgasm piggyback off of your first one, sobbing into the pillows. It was only when your second orgasm came, your walls clenching down onto his cock that Bucky's teeth sank into your shoulder, shattering, breaking the skin there. The taste of copper filling his mouth. Bucky let out a grunt as he came. Filling you up with so much of his jizz that he was sure it would drip from you tomorrow morning.
Bucky lifted his mouth from your shoulder.
Pants filled the room as the two of you tried to regain yourselves.
Bucky shifted, moving off of you and lying beside you. His eyes weren't black anymore. They were back to their normal blue. They reminded you of the sea in the morning on a peaceful day.
Your hand came to touch his face. Your hand faltered, trembled though. Because you were nervous.
"It's okay," his voice was deeper, huskier. It made your pussy throb. "You can touch me. It's okay."
Your hands came to touch, cup his jaw. You leaned in, pressing your lips against his. His lips were soft. Your lips moved together, his tongue slipping into your mouth. The kiss became deeper. You hadn't expected it to become deeper. You had been just going for an innocent kiss.
You swore.
Like- you really did.
You didn't expect to be fully making out with James Buchanan Barnes.
But it wasn't like you were complaining though.
Because you weren't.
Bucky was the first one to pull away. He could see how red, bruised your lips looked. He didn't recoil from your gentle touch on his face. He welcomed it. He truly did. Hands holding your hips, he looked at you.
His lips traveled down to your mating gland. He touched over it with his tongue, giving it a broad lick. His teeth sank in, piercing the skin.
Your ears popped. You cried out. His grip on your hips didn't falter.
"Yes, yes, yes," you gasped. Bucky lifted his mouth up from your gland, before sinking his teeth back in and biting again. Making his mark all that deeper.
It was only when he lifted his mouth from your gland, wiped your blood off of him with the blanket did you come at him, sinking your teeth into his gland. It made him grunt, even groan. His flesh hand came to your head, pushing your head down, making you sink your teeth even deeper into his gland.
"Yesss," hissed Bucky, his flesh hand sinking into your hair, gripping it. "Deeper, doll. Go deeper."
Winter and his Alpha completely agreed.
You were theirs.
After what seemed an eternity, you lifted your head up. Wiping your mouth on the blanket, you spoke.
"I missed you. What did you do to get us paired on this mission? I thought I was going with Sam," you said to your Alpha. A smirk stretched over Bucky's lips. "Ah," your Alpha said, still smirking, "I might've put something in his drink to make him vomit his guts out. He got sick."
A noise came from you.
"You gave him food poisoning? James!" You scolded him. Bucky leaned back against the headboard. "Don't worry doll, it'll wear off when we come back to the Compound. Bird Brain won't even know what hit him."
You shook your head in disbelief.
"You're unbelievable, Sasha. Did you teach Natalia that trick, too? Hmm? She and all of your Widow students?"
Bucky was still grinning ear to ear at you when he responded back.
"Well little bird, someone had to teach them. After all, I was their teacher. They all called me Yasha. Speaking of my Widow students..." he trailed off in Russian. You looked at him.
"You've contacted one of the KBG? About that leaked Russian tape with the orange man that is, unfortunately, our President?" He asked you. You nodded. "Yeah, Sasha. Everything's going as planned. Although, I think assassinating the orange man would've been a much better option. We would've gone in there and made it a done deal by now! Fuckin' Steve and his righteous self." You grumbled unhappily.
"Hmm. It would've been great as a date night. Don't you think, doll?" Bucky drawled. You gave a serious nod.
"Although... seeing him freak out on Twitter is much, much better. The tea is better when it's hot." You grinned. Bucky just let out a sigh.
"I'm restricting your phone privileges. And your TV privileges. You need to stop watching those drama channels, Mega."
A noise of deep discomfort came from you.
"Sasha!" you whined, "then what will I do while you're gone on missions?"
"Wait for me to come back?" Bucky suggested. You just sighed. Even shook your head in fondest. You happily snuggled up to your Alpha, your nose rubbing up against your Mate's gland. "I always wait for you to come back, Sasha. I wait and I worry. I love you, James."
A deep rumble came from your Mate.
"I love you too, Little Omega."
Your head peeked up.
"So, can we tell the rest of the team when I leak the tape?" You asked, your eyes glimmering with mischief.
Bucky burst out laughing.
"Yes, yes, yes. We can tell them once you've wreaked havoc, Omega."
"Good." You were nodding seriously, in complete agreement. "It'll be fun. And... also, I forgot to tell you."
The joyful expression on Bucky's face was suddenly replaced with one of worry.
"What? What is it?" He asked gently. "When you were gone for your last mission two months ago... I... I came off of my suppressants. I'm ready, James. I want a family with you."
Shock flickered over Bucky's face. And then he was shoving you back into the bed with a shriek coming from you.
"When's your pre-heat?" He demanded.
You felt it. A cramp. It made you whimper.
"N-Now, James. Now," you stammered. Your Alpha pulled your legs apart roughly before he thrusted back into you, making you gasp.
"Say it," he hissed. "Say you want it. Say you want my knot. Say you want my pups."
"I want it, James." Your voice was a low whisper, even staggering a little bit. "I want your knot. I want your pups. Please. Please, Sasha."
His hands, both metal, and flesh gripped your shoulder tight as that vein of his neck nearly popped. His eyes were black with want. Soon, his Rut would be upon him and he'd breed you. Put his pup in you. You'd carry his pup. He'd have the pack that Winter and his Alpha desperately wanted after all these years.
A whine came from you when he pulled out, only to let out a scream when he thrusted back in. Hitting that part of you that made your eyes roll into the back of your head. Your mouth fell open, but no words came out.
His pace was brutal, not even letting you hold onto him. Your hands were left to grip the bedsheets again. You gripped them so tight that your knuckles turned white and you thought that they were going to pop.
Bucky continued to push, continued to shove his ejaculate deeper and deeper inside of you. A mixture of your slick and his ejaculate smeared all over your thighs and trickled down your legs, and you just didn't know what was happening. Your hindbrain was telling you that this was what was needed. That your designation wanted, nay, demanded this. After all the shit you had gone through, your Omega had found her Alpha and now, now she was determined to have a family. Have the pack she desperately desired.
A harsh thrust made you sob.
"You're mine now. I waited for you for so long. Wanted you for so long. You're mine now. Got my Mark. Got my clothes in your nest. Gonna give you my name. Gonna give you my pups. You're mine. All mine. Say you're mine. Say it!"
You came screaming. Your orgasm making you see white. Bucky continued slamming into you, the wet, squishing noises coming from your pussy becoming louder and louder the more he pushed in. Your teeth sank into his flesh shoulder, shattering and piercing the skin there. You tasted copper in your mouth.
Bucky came with a shout. He shoved you back completely, making you shriek. And then he was leaning in again, sinking his teeth into your gland. Making another deep mark. It made you fall limp into the bed as his knot swelled, locking the two of you in place.
He lifted his head.
Being inside you... knotted inside of you... it was bliss. It was just as good as cockwarming. His cock all nestled deep inside of you whenever you two would sneak off to sleep together.
"Bite me again. Give me your mark, Omega." he panted. Slowly, your head went up, you slowly sat up, before taking in a deep breath and sinking your teeth back into his gland.
You had brought Bucky home. He held you tight, whispering in your ear how much he loved you and how much of a good Omega you were.
"I love you Omega." His voice was rough.
Lifting your head from his gland. Blood still trickling down the corners of your mouth. You offered him a smile. A genuine one. One that made his stomach all fluttery.
"I love you too, Alpha."
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user21340 · 3 years
the world in her arms
Tumblr media
(i don’t own this gif or characters used in this fic)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary: you and natasha have always had quite a flirty and sarcastic relationship. both of you develop feelings for one another but you both are clueless to what the other feels until nat gets jealous and says something hurtful to you. will you make up (or out)?
warnings: minor angst, fluff, swearing, and a mention of death.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: omg thank you so much for 57 followers love you all 💕. sorry for the lack of content i didn’t know what to write and had almost no new ideas. also i’m a youngin and worked my first 8 hr day yesterday so your girl was exhausted and i have finals coming up soon. k thank you for coming to my ted talk, enjoy!
also this song doesn’t relate to the story at all but it’s underrated imo and also sorry for the weird pov changes throughout the story.
“Hey y/l/n! Where are you headed?” Natasha yells from the kitchen while I’m standing in the living room on our shared floor.
“Wouldn’t you like to know Nat.” I say with a smirk.
“Yeah matter of fact I would.” she retorts.
“Chill, I’m just headed to train some recruits with Clint. But don’t miss me too much, I'll be back in a few hours, Natty.” You blow a kiss her way, and she just rolls her eyes partially from the kiss and the use of her nickname but you see a faint pink tint sitting atop of her cheeks before she turns away.
I’ve been training these recruits with Clint for a couple hours and my session is nearing an end. Something I’ve picked up on today is how touchy and how dumb these recruits are acting just for me to correct their form. I don’t have time for this shit I think as this girl has me correct her jab form for what has to be the fifth time this hour.
Non readers pov
Natasha actually does start to miss you because of how bored she is due to the larger training room being occupied for these recruits. She heads down to see if you are wrapping up yet and see if you’d like to grab dinner with her somewhere. She arrives at the training room and heads to the back room where there is a large one way mirror. Natasha, having nothing better to do, watches Clint and yourself interact with these seemingly clueless recruits.
Minutes pass and Natasha honestly likes seeing your frustration every time a recruit asks you a stupid question or something you’d already answered for the hundredth time this session. That is until she sees this handsy recruit keep asking you to correct your form which she sees you fake a smile at and happily correct it. As if Natasha isn’t jealous already she sees you release a genuine large laugh at something a recruit says. Not being able to withstand witnessing anymore of this behavior from you directed towards anyone else except her. Natasha then storms off into the living room.
Readers pov
I was nearing the end of this session when a recruit comes up behind me and asks, “Soooo, is it true that you and Clint are like a thing?” he asks with no trace of humor or sarcasm on his face. I just bust out laughing because one, everyone or at least almost everyone who knows about The Avengers knows that I’m 100% only interested in women and two, CLINT? I mean he is a great guy and all but I’ll never forget the time I went into a diner to have breakfast with him and the waitress assumed he was my grandfather.
twenty long minutes later...
The living room is lively and everyone seems to strike up a conversation with one another. I decide to strike up a conversation with Natasha who is weirdly acting cold all of a sudden.
“Oh my god! You know what I just remembered the other day? My mom used to-“
“Shut up, y/n/n. I don’t care and I don’t think anyone does at the moment.” she exclaims with a small smirk thinking you’ll detect her harsh-morbid sarcasm.
“Oh.” you choke out, “It’s getting pretty late I-I better head to bed” my voice cracks as I mutter a small, ‘asshole’ agony laced in my voice blinking the hot tears away. I start walking towards my room but it slowly turns into a jog, then sprint. Anything to get to my room and release my sadness.
Non readers pov
The room is frozen. Everyone is staring at Natasha.
“I care.” Wanda states heading to your room because she knows you shouldn’t be alone right now.
“Jesus Nat, that was awful. You know you’ve fucked you when even I say it’s bad. Poor girl’s mom passed when she was around 10.” Tony deadpans.
“Oh my god, what have I done?” Nat says burying her head into her hands.
“I’m not too sure how you’re gonna get out of this one Nat, but you’ve gotta fix this.” Sam says.
Wanda reaches your room and hears loud yet muffled sobs while standing in the hallway. She can feel your grief rippling through her body. The only heartache she can relate to is the moment she lost Pietro which is more than an average person should feel. She knocks on the door softly yet hard enough to alert you of her presence.
Readers pov
I hear three soft knocks on the door. I quickly silence my cries and assume it is Nat. I then clear my throat as the knocking continues and muster up enough energy to speak,
“Go away” into my pillow loudly. The knocking stops but I don’t hear anyone walk away just yet.
“Y/n/n, it’s Wanda. Can you let me in please, so we can talk?” she asks, I stand up while groaning and walk towards the door. I unlock it and open it just a crack to make sure she is alone and not with a certain someone. It is pretty short-lived as Wanda pushes the door open the rest of the way.
“Oh hon, I’m sorry.” She says as she wraps me into a tight hug after closing the door behind her. I crumble into her embrace as she rubs small circles on my back. Wanda has always been such a calming figure in my life since I met her, a major part being that she can feel almost all of my anxieties that try to drown me throughout a day. She also knows how it feels to be alone which allows her to relate to my feelings, so she knows just how much missing someone who is gone for eternity hurts.
We hug for what feels like minutes but when I take a quick glance outside my window it is dark out.
“Is it true?” I rasp.
“What?” she counters.
“Y’know that no one cares. All I wanted to do was share a memory that I remembered of myself with my mom and as you know it isn’t too often that I remember these types of things and when I do I love sharing them, so she won’t ever be forgotten. It just hurts so much to be shut down talking about something you truly care about by someone you care about.” I explain while Wanda looks at me with the softest eyes I’ve ever seen while nodding her head slightly.
“Now that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I care and everyone in this compound cares about what you have to say as well as what you are feeling. You know how Natasha can be sometimes with the insensitive comments she makes before realizing what she’s doing.”
“I know but that doesn’t give her the right to j-just say stuff like that. I get how full our relationship is with banter and sarcastic comments but I really thought she was starting to like me.” I frown as Wanda just nods. That’s when exhaustion hits me like a truck.
“Wands, before I ask you this just know you can decline.” I give her a minute to protest, but she says nothing. ” Can you sleep with me?” Wanda’s eyes widen,
”Y/n/n I don’t think that is a good id-“ I realize what I just said and cut her off before things get even more uncomfortable. “Nonono, Wanda, like lay down with me not any of that gross stuff. Ew.” Wanda’s features fill with relief, and she chuckles at my childish comment about sex.
“Of course I will! You just may want to word it a little different next time.” she chuckles as you hide your face with embarrassment. We both get settled on the bed and I feel her two arms pull me towards her and I snuggle closer.
Non readers pov
Wanda slowly gets out of bed after she is sure you are fast asleep and sets off to find Nat. When she does she sees that Nat had barely moved from where she last saw her still with her face in her hands.
“Nat. I know you think you really screwed up, which you did, but it’s y/n/n. You can’t go on without telling her how you feel about her.”
“Wanda, you can’t just look in my mind! We’ve talked about this!”
“Romanoff you know I’m one to keep my promises, so I’d never look without your permission. Maybe if you turned down the volume of your thoughts a few decibels I wouldn’t have heard anything. Also, are you ready that oblivious to the fact the whole team knows you two are like little lovesick puppies for one another when you two aren’t attached by the hip.” she explains, “Now, stop moping around and apologize at least.”
“You’re right, Wands, wish me luck. I hope she can forgive me.”
Natasha gets up and races towards your room. She didn’t want to wait so long to talk to you and apologize, but she thought you wouldn’t want to speak to her after what she’d said.
Similarly, to Wanda’s entrance, Natasha softly knocks on your door enough to wake you even out of your semi-deep sleep.
Readers pov
I jump at the knocks on the door and am confused to see Wanda is no longer beside me.
“Wanda you don’t have to knock, you know that.” I sigh out.
“It isn’t Wanda.” a voice you are able to recognize as Nat sheepishly speaks.
“Oh, what do you need?” I ask, all the heartbreak and ache coming back when I hear the voice I’m usually excited to listen to, as if her speech is my favorite song.
“Can we talk? I need to apologize.”
“Sure,” I softly reply.
Non readers pov
Nat opens the door once she has your permission and sees your usual strong, confident frame look small and fragile. Her heart breaks at the sight of you so broken and in pain because of her own actions. Not to mention your tear stained cheeks when you look towards her. It is silent for a minute or so before you throw your head back onto your pillow staring at the ceiling. This awakens something in Natasha for an unknown reason.
Readers pov
“Y/n, I am so sorry. I know that sorry doesn’t cut it for the amount of hurt I’ve caused you all because I was jealous but I hope we can rebuild what we had but it totally is okay if you don’t want to even though I would love another chance with yo-“
“Nat, calm down. I’m not going to sit here and say I’m fine with what you said because truth be told I love sharing memories of my family when I remember them with you. Not only because I trust you but because I think I care for you and love you more than friends should. I just hope what you said is meaningless or else that is when we can’t rebuild what we had.”
“No y/n/n, I didn’t mean any of it. It was just in the heat of the moment because I saw you laughing at something a recruit said when I was going to ask you if you wanted to go get dinner with me. So, I stormed off like a child and said hurtful things to mask my selfishness because I want you to be mine and mine only.”
“Oh my god Nat. You can’t be serious, I was laughing at something a recruit said because he assumed Clint and I were going out.” Nat bursts out laughing.
“See? Anyone who was told that who knew me would just die of laughter on the spot.” I say as I glance her way while patting the place beside me on my bed. She accepts.
“So you actually like me?” you hopefully ask.
“Possibly depending on if those feelings are reciprocated.”
“They are.” I say.
“Good. Can I also say how sorry I am for saying that to-“ I cut her off but placing a quick peck to her soft lips.
“Uh, uh, uh” I tut, “I don’t want to hear any more apologies come out of that mouth. Could you just hold me?” Natasha is still dumbfounded by the little kiss.
“Of course.” Nat complies pressing your back to her front as she wraps her long toned arms around your frame. I hum at the contact.
At this moment Nat realizes there is no place she’d rather be as she feels like she has the world in her arms.
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ekaterinatepes · 3 years
Nothing but the Best
(Part 3/3)
He hurried to his seat only grabbing a glass of champagne before he disappeared behind the curtains to the VIP area. Satoru was certain Suguru would be here to see you and he wanted to avoid confrontations.
Once in the privacy of his balcony he sat down and sighed, he was nervous. It wasn’t like you were going to see him and yet his heart wouldn’t stop beating erratically thinking about the fact he would be so close to you and watch you do what you love the most.
Finally after almost half an hour everyone was seated and the curtains were lifted. The story unfolded before his eyes. He has seen this piece before, you performed as Clara back in Tokyo but in this occasion you were the alluring Sugar Plum, even the part fitted your sweet personality. When you finally appeared on the stage he moved closer to the edge of the balcony, his heart melted once more and he was reminded of how absolutely gorgeous you were. He was… enamored with you once more. Your grace, precision and artistry was remarkable. You had gotten so much better since the last time he watched you perform. Satoru was speechless as you executed a sequence of pirouettes en chaîne. Followed by a pas de chat. The whole scene was spectacular.
By the end of the performance he was standing up, clapping with a huge smile across his lips. You had been perfect. He was proud of how far you have come. Regardless of how you felt about Satoru he had come to terms with the fact he would always love you and would always support your dreams. You deserved the world, even if it wasn’t by his side.
Gojo wanted to go to you and talk to you but it would not be a good idea. More than anything he was scared thinking about how you would look at him. What if the next time both met you didn’t feel anything for him anymore. Satoru wouldn’t be able to stand it if he saw it in your beautiful e/c eyes.
Sighing he grabbed the single red rose he brought in with him and warped to your changing room before the dancers came back. There was a sign with the name Ekaterina Petrova on the first door down the hall backstage. He entered it and immediately was welcomed by your smell. Costumes hanging in an open closet. Your bag, regular clothes, ballet shoes and a vanity filled with make up and hair styling tools. Swallowing hard he walked to the vanity and settled the red rose for you but before he left he couldn’t help but steal the red scarf hanging on the back rest of the rolling chair in front of the mirror.
He warped back to the balcony where he sat down and buried his face on your scarf. Your scent could not compare to the perfume he used back home on his bed. You smell was a mix of your perfume of roses but there was also hints of honey, and something else… something sweet that was part of your person. Making your aroma impossible to emulate.
Stroking the fabric he thought longingly about you. He needed to see you, just once more… once more, he promised himself and then he would leave you be. Just… one more time.
He warped to the rooftop of the building next to yours and waited for you to get home. You got out of a cab alone and then walked in. You were alone. How strange, wasn’t Suguru with you this evening? Or was he waiting at home for you? But he lights in your apartment were all out. Removing his sunglasses he couldn’t perceive the raven haired sorcerer’s energy. He wasn’t home, maybe he was away in a mission.
A part of his mind screamed it was the PERFECT opportunity to see you! There was no Suguru around to interfere this time. Satoru groaned, he promised he would leave you alone and wouldn’t try to bother you but… it was so hard, having you so close and yet so far. Would you be mad at him if he showed up at your door? Would you kick him out in the cold?
Biting his lower lip he decided just to watch you for now. Staying away was not without effort but he tried his best.
Gojo watched you go through regular routine, you went for a shower and after that you walked out with your wet hair and a set of flannel pajamas into the kitchen where you poured a glass of red wine for yourself. Once more you disappeared down the corridor and he was sad to think maybe you went to bed and wouldn’t be able to see you again but you showed up on the roof top of your building. Leaning on the edge you sighed « Happy Birthday Satoru » he heard you whisper to the wind and only then Gojo realized today was his birthday… you still remembered. You still thought about him!
Fuck it!
He warped behind you, watching you from a few feet away, he didn’t want to startle you when you were so close to the edge of a very tall building so he waited for you to turn around. When you did your eyes opened wide and your glass slipped your fingers. He caught it with his infinity preventing it from spilling and breaking in a million pieces.
Panic washed over your features and before you could run Satoru stepped in front of you not touching you but still trying to prevent you from leaving « please, don’t run away from me… y/n, I’m not here to hurt you… I just… wanted to see you. Nothing else, I promise » his tender tone and kind eyes told you he was honest « wh.. why are you here? » you asked trying to control yourself. But he could almost heart your heart racing while you looked at him “ I came to see your performance tonight…” he confessed his little secret “you were absolutely spectacular Y/N! I don’t think I have ever seen you dance like that… it was… beautiful” he added with a little smile “th… thank you” you answered with a blush.
What the fuck! Oh my god! What is he doing here!? Your thoughts raced through you mind a thousand miles per second.
As much as you convinced yourself you were over your ex husband you couldn’t help the reaction of your body. There was still a big part of you that instinctually reacted to his presence. You were actually excited to see him.
“How… have you been?” He asked you “I’m… alright, I’ve been….fine” you admitted “how about you?” Could this be the first steps you took to heal? Maybe trying to be civil instead of running away from him “I… uh… not as well as you” he admitted with a boyish and bashful grin taking a hand behind his neck scratching it. “You know… same old, same old” of course if you considered the fact he lived in misery, thinking about you all the time and missing you in his life like a lovesick fool. Yeah, same old. Same story since you left.
“I… uh… good, it’s good to know you are alright” you added awkwardly. How was one supposed to treat a person who was everything in your life once but now was not even part of it. There was something utterly bizarre about acting so detached with a man who had seen, touched and fucked every inch of your body for about 6 years of your life! And now you both played your part as polite acquaintances.
“Where is Suguru?” The curiosity was killing him “He had a mission in Portland, he had to leave for a couple of days” you answered honestly “I see…” Satoru didn’t want to cut his time with you but his brain wasn’t cooperating, he needed an excuse… anything to just spend some more time with you before you kicked him out again. Fuck! God! Anything! Please! He didn’t want to leave you, not yet… just a little longer. But he didn’t know what to do or say to buy himself more time.
“S… Satoru… would you like to come in for a glass of wine?” You asked shyly. It was his birthday after all. He could have been anywhere in the world he wanted in this day. Hell! He could have been partying the night away in a club in Tokyo, instead he was here. He came to watch you dance… half way across the world.
“YES!” He replied too enthusiastically “I… I mean yeah, thank you I would like that” if he was a dog he would be wagging his tail by now. He followed you inside and took a seat next to you at the kitchen table after you poured him a glass “I know you don’t really like wine because it’s too bitter but I don’t have champagne” you offered a little apologetic smile “don’t worry about that! It’s alright… I can enjoy a glass of wine here and there” he replied taking a sip with a smile. He couldn’t believe you actually invited him in, he must have died and gone to heaven!
“Happy birthday…” you say softly looking into his beautiful cerulean eyes. Satoru smiled tenderly at you and looked at you with absolute adoration “thank you….” There was no other place in the world he would rather be right now, no other person he would rather see. This place and this moment meant everything to him.
The intensity of his gaze made you blush and look away. “I… have some red velvet cupcakes… would you like one?” Gojo nodded enthusiastically “I would love one” he watched you stand up and walk to to the fridge where you pulled out a plastic container with cupcakes. You placed it on the table and offered him one. He took it from your hands making sure his fingers touched yours in the exchange. Pure thrill electrified his body when he felt the warmth of your fingers on his skin. You looked into his eyes, he knew you felt it too but the moment was broken when you pulled your hand back and hurried to sit back across from him. “Thank you…” he took a bite of his desert and moaned in delight. He recognised the flavour of your recipe. You baked those yourself. “This is amazing Y/N” he praised your cooking with a delighted moan as he finished his cupcake and then went for another. You chuckled, some things never change. Satoru’s sweet tooth was the same as it had always been.
“Thank you… I tried a couple different ingredients this time” you confess making the white haired sorcerer swoon “it’s fantastic” you were fantastic. God! He had missed you so much! Fuck… seeing you so close, breathing you in, having you at his reach was killing him. He wanted to close the distance and wrap you in his arms.
A sudden movement from the corner of his eye alerted him of something climbing on his lap. He almost jumped out of his skin before he made sense of what it was. A little meow told him a feline had decided to make him his seat “and who is this?” Satoru asked petting the chubby and cute tabby cat that was now making itself comfortable on his lap “oh! Sorry about that! That’s Kiky,” he smiled and looked at the cat who was now purring “don’t worry… you know I love cats” he added chuckling, the gesture made your heart warm. “she usually is not this nice to anyone other than me…” your little kitten was even a little wary of Suguru. Geto explained it was because of his technique, he had too much chaotic cursed energy contained within him out of consuming curses which in exchange made cats not like him. Satoru on the other hand had a more stable flux of cursed energy that was an inherent part of himself which in exchange attracted felines to him.
“Well I am glad Kiky approves of me” at least someone in your household did! That was progress… right?
After that you both talked about cats while Kiky slept on Satoru’s lap, he kept letting the animal while your conversation went well into the night. It was as if an unspoken truce have been settled between the both of you. Talking about your career and his missions, a little bit about movies and shows you both watched, connecting in an innocent way.
“It’s getting late…” you said looking at your phone which read 2:33am “y… yeah, I should probably go back to the hotel and let you rest…” he said in a deflated tone. He didn’t want to leave but he knew he had to give you your space. “Thank you for the wine and the cupcakes” Satoru said while carefully moving the sleeping Kiky to the couch “of course… you are welcome” you said walking to the door with him. Satoru stopped and turned around to look at you. He wanted to close the distance between you both and kiss you with all his might. He couldn’t do that, he had to respect you. But he couldn’t help himself when he pulled you in for a hug. You were frozen for a minute before you replied wrapping you arms softly around his waist. “Thank you Y/N” you heard him say “Happy Birthday” you whispered once more before the sorcerer pulled back reluctantly “thank you” it was the best way he could have celebrated this date. With you.
By the time he got back to the hotel he went to bed with a huge smile on his face. Best birthday present ever, he got to spend it with you.
———> Chapter 14
Tags: @sleepyamaya
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
second chance x damon albarn
i'm surprised i haven't written anything about dilf damon yet bc i've been so obsessed with him recently wtf. anyways enjoy x
i might do a second part to this, idk yet tho
Pairing: dilf damon x reader
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 2.786
Requested by anon <3
“Do you want to come over?” I abruptly asked, the silence pouring through the line deafening my ears as my fingers toyed with the hem of my shirt. The desperation and moment that led to me ringing my ex-boyfriend at what was nearing eight in the evening seemed as though it was a fever dream, the words rolling off my tongue so delicately out of apprehension only a fragment of that trance. In all honesty, I had no idea as to why I rang Damon, or to what extent the string of thoughts guided me towards the action of calling - we had been broken up for around a year, and it came as a much larger shock that I was able to muster the amount of courage to tap his contact on my phone and attentively listen to the thunderous rings as the landlines attempted to connect, instead of quickly shutting the phone off before he was able to receive a missed call alert.
“Uh, um - are you sure?” he questioned, the stutter escaping his mouth insinuated that he was just as dazed at my sudden offer as me, the demeanour of his voice accentuating the idea that he was entirely finished with the ephemeral chapter of his life which had me intertwined inside as his partner; that he had gotten over me quicker than the momentary period our relationship lasted. My heart sank, realising how indigent I sounded, as if I had never gotten over him throughout our time apart - which I did, learning to live with myself was easier than I had thought it was going to be; the weeks leading up to the breakup stemming from the distance we shared apart due to Damon consistently being on tour and never providing enough time for me, for us, to consider one another as more than romantically acquainted, though that didn’t mean the gap in my heart had been sealed shut, it was simply brimmed with other, unspecial fragments of things which could only distract the thought of him for so long, until I’d discover myself adventuring for something else to hyperfixate my thoughts upon, though he always returned.
“Yeah…” My voice trailed off, so quiet that I struggled to sustain the volume. Though we had only just spoken, the trance that he had obtained over me for all those months we were with one accord, returned in an instant, having the same rush that a recollection of memories, pastimes that were once forgotten, crumbled to dust, had been reborn; ignited into a new bloom in the height of a harvest, resulting in the scolding of yourself upon how you granted the ability to forget such a thing. It seemed as if all those thoughts, ideations convinced to the point that I had gotten over him, were myriads of masks attempting to say it enough to believe it. Without a doubt, I had never overcome the strains of the acquaintance we shared - and I could only hope he felt the same way.
I heard his throat clear itself before his voice echoed through the telephone speakers once again. “Alright… I’ll be there in a bit.” he mumbled, those words bringing a soft, yet apprehensive grin to my lips. I had no idea what I was doing, or why, but it felt right.
It felt as if only the sum of a few minutes passed when I heard a distinguishable knock on the door; one that had not rang through my ears for an interminable amount of time, one that was able to send me months back in time to a period where he had significantly been a figurehead dictating the story. As I jolted up to answer the door, it felt as if things were normal again, back to how they used to be so many nights previous; me waiting for him to come home after he spent a long day at the recording studio, crafting what could only be assumed was the pure essence of talent, unlocking the door to allow my arms to envelop into an embrace cherished with affection and warmth, proving he longed to have my presence just as much as I craved his. Once my eyes met the sight of him, my heart dropped at the overwhelming feeling of my reminiscing about what once was, the nostalgia for a moment so authentically shaped with what could only be described as true love, my body yearning to relish in the sensation of his arms protectively wrapped around my body, a feeling which could only fulfill one’s heart with all that it desires. "Hi..." I trailed off, stunned by how similar, yet different his appearance was from when we last saw one another. His hair had the same shape, though it seemed a little shorter, his eyebags still prominent on his features, though it seemed as if they had sagged down slightly, posing the idea of whether he had been sleeping alright. His torso still adorned shirts with dark colours, amplified with one of his leather jackets which only made me more attracted to him. Widening the door, he set foot into the apartment, nodding his head lightly as a greeting. Although I was very elated to the fact that he was in my apartment, it felt eerie having him back here after so long, stepping foot into the space that was once served merely as a homely and secure space where we both could simply live and enjoy our time together, no distractions included.
Once I had followed him into the living space, he took a seat onto the couch facing the television. I attempted to make my footsteps omit as little noise as possible, as if to avoid damaging the awkward silence that had been shared between the pair of us. It went without saying that neither of us knew how to break the ice, or where this was going to head. One could only hope that the outcome of this meeting was positive. “Do you want something to drink?” I asked, ushering over to the cabinet adjacent to the television, supplied with all sorts of alcoholic beverages in which I had not touched, simply there as a point of manners to offer when somebody had come over. “White?” I offered, pulling out an almost-full bottle of white wine. I knew he hated it.
"You know I’ve always hated white." he mumbled, a small smile playing upon his lips. Something about that little grin plastered on his lips made my stomach flip and turn, welcoming a swarm of butterflies to accentuate the nervous pit that had formed within myself. The intense feelings reminded me of the same bewilderment your body undergoes during the first date; there is such a raw attraction to somebody that you know far too little about, but you are so hypnotised by their presence it is as if they’re the only thing in the world that matters, to the point that they obnoxiously overtake your mind, every little thought occupied with their name, wondering whether they may like such and such, like an infection spreading without you knowing such cure for it. The atmosphere was intense, carrying the same ambience of two strangers meeting for the first time in an isolated space, though there was also a refreshing element of familiarity that neither of us wanted to admit that we appreciated so deeply.
"Red?" I asked, snatching the half empty bottle as I placed the other wine bottle back in its designated place, turning my head back to fix my gaze onto Damon, raising my eyebrows as a form of derise for the drink. Nodding his head in response, I quickly took two glasses from the cabinet, brimming them both with the alcoholic liquid before slowly making my way to sit next to him on the sofa, handing him one of the glasses as he thanked me in response. The same devilish silence echoed in the room once again as we granted the situation to truly sink in - thankfully alcohol was present. As I took a sip of the beverage, I tried to gulp down as much liquid as possible before I spoke once again. "So... how have you been?"
"Good... Just came off tour actually. Was a really successful one." he replied, his voice laced with a slight tone of doubt, edging the regret of so eagerly returning back into a place that was once so attached to his occupancy. He carried on talking about how the tour had been, my head subconsciously nodding, attentive to what he was talking about. Each time he had told me about something new they had added, or something they had changed surrounding the live performance set-up, it never failed to blow me away. Him and Jamie together, working on such a creative idea and putting it to life on stage was truly something out of rare virtuosity, disregarding the lengthy old ramblings from Damon almost every night he had returned home about how much Jamie had pissed him off, having a petty argument as if it was a be or end all in their friendship. It was actually a good form of entertainment, seeing how riled up Damon had gotten simply because of something that Jamie joked in an interview.
Once he had finished talking, our eyes connected, uncertainty clouded in his eyes as he searched for the reason behind him needing to come over. "Y/N, why did you ask me to come over?" He said, abrupt, almost as if those words had been lingering at the back of his mind the entire time we had been in one another’s acquaintance; the ease of the sting of words rolling off his tongue softly implied that, perhaps a try to prevent the harshness of the asking from offending me in the slightest. "We haven't seen each other for a year, why now?"
Both gazes never dared to break contact as if we had attempted to communicate telepathically - the ideation of instigating a conversation as awkward as how this had become, the two of us simply wanting the ground to swallow us whole. His gaze had the ability to put me into a trance upon which I wouldn’t be able to think of anything else except for the utter magnificence that was birthed into his loving eyes. Inhaling sharply, I tried to collect the thoughts in my brain that had been travelling in all directions, searching for all sorts of different possibilities that the conversation could reach. "Can we give it a second chance?" I asked absentmindedly, the realisation of what had just rolled off my tongue not settling in my mind until his eyes widened, speechless and shocked at my sudden questioning.
Sighing, he cocked his head to the side. “Love, we didn't work out the first time..." he began, my heart dropping to my stomach as the thought of him breaking my heart again entered my mind. His expression quickly softened once he saw my face drain colour, explaining all that he needed to know about how I had coped since he had left the picture. "I don't want to hurt you again."
Breaking away from the stare, I gawked at the dark shades of red that had adorned the transparent glass clasped in my palm. Holding in my emotions wasn’t going to do me any justice, and since he was here, it would not make sense for me to stupidly avoid the whole reasoning behind me needing him inside my apartment after so long. “It’s been so hard trying to get over you,” I mumbled, my voice almost inaudible out of embarrassment, though I knew he could hear me. “I need you.”
What I didn’t see from my shameful gaze at the ground, was the miniscule beam that broke out across Damon’s features. What I was unaware of, my body encompassed in such a impotent state of pure isolation, was that Damon had been as dependent on hearing those words escaping my mouth before he could admit the same to himself. Though it had all been answered to me as he softly brought his arm to caress my arm, gently squeezing the skin as a form of reassurance, implying the notion that he understood, that he felt the same way, after all this time. We broke up not because we lost feelings, but because the emotions we carried for one another were too strong to handle, too intense to progress with, that when he was gone for those long hours it had left me in such a stupor of helplessness and melancholy that it was unbearable to handle without it tarnishing my health. Unsurprisingly, at this point we knew where the conversation was headed; my desires to be swathed in his arms once again that I had tried so hard to banish to the back of my mind, to the depths of my distant memories in which by reliving such a hug came flooding back, my body leaned into his touch almost instantaneously, a subconscious reflex that I had craved, such an embrace that no other person could give, the mere side hug from him was able to banish all the pain that I had tried so diligently to mask away for the past few months.
We sat there for a short while, taking in the moment as it had played throughout, our breathing syncing together as comfort relished in the atmosphere, our minds now finally at peace while all the conflict that had battled our minds over the time we weren’t together. "Let me come on tour with you." I said, my head resting against his shoulder.
A chuckle erupted out of his throat. “It’s not that easy love.”
"Why can't it be? You're literally the frontman!" I exclaimed, lifting my head off his shoulder to connect eyes with him. "Damon, it would be so fun!" I exclaimed, attempting to encourage him.
It was as if things had mended back together, all the cracks in the pavements had been glued together to mend the time lost, as if it had never occurred. Through all the hardship I had faced trying to find the remedy to my heartache, I was dumbfounded to realise that it had been sitting in front of me, at the top of my phone’s contact list, right in front of my eyes this entire time. His eyes were calling out to me, enveloping my heart in comfort and warmth, the hunger radiating out eager to the ideation of starting anew and preserving the time in which we had lost, building new memories, unfastening the lock on the clock dictating the length of the relationship, allowing it to elongate, carry on as long as we could. My heart brimmed with homeliness - the house I was inside finally feeling normal to me once again.
"I'll see what I can do," he grins, the beautiful sight causing a small smile to erupt on my face as my body melted back into his arms once again. "No promises though."
It felt nice to wake up next to someone again the next morning, on the mattress that once was a carcass of many tears of sadness and melancholy, authentically conveyed by the essence of nihilism embodied from isolation, the kind of philosophical beliefs one could only develop an understanding towards subsequent to irrational thinking as the hours fell still, leaving you sat there, reliving the last moments from your memory bank with the significant other you had soiled ends with, a person who had supported you from the very beginning, even when things formed a bitter congestion to the relationship devoured by both participants, perhaps from the acceleration of argumentation shared, or the distance that had started to weave its way between, leaving you both stranded to conclude, as if you were both on separate, desolate islands fighting against the starvation of progressing through your lives and starting anew, departing from the old knots and attachments formed once epitomising pure adoration and love, though over time spawning to be the offspring of the devil. A person whom you knew would make your bed every morning, cradle you in his arms at the darkest hours to baptise the negativity coiled in your brain, whispering what seems like sweet nothings, merely sounding like soft raspy groans due to them being exhausted out of their mind, but you knew they were saying something to you, you could hear it, acknowledge it in a language that nobody else was able to understand. I relished in concession that he who lay beside me was the one that bestowed and epitomised all the things that I once lacked a night before. A lover.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Sext - JJ Maybank
Request: I know you got a lot of requests already but if possible, could you do JJ x reader where the reader sends him a dirty text while they’re hanging out with the pouges? 
A/N: I’ve never sent a dirty text and I’m terrible at them!!
Outer Banks Masterlist
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JJ sat on the other end of the couch, Pope in between the two of you, Kiara, Sarah, and John B on the other couch as the five of you watched the movie Sarah had chosen for movie night. Kiara had been the first to suggest having a movie night, just the five of you relaxing, no parties, while your parents were out of town. You leaned back on the couch, looking over at JJ as he tried to jam a handful of popcorn into his mouth. Not exactly the most attractive thing in the world but you had known JJ long enough to have seen him in some fairly compromising positions. Shoving popcorn in his face wasn’t the most attractive but it wasn’t the least attractive either.  
You glanced his way again as the movie continued and JJ looked over, winking at you before turning back to face forward. Though neither of you had said anything to your friends, you and JJ had been dating for a few weeks now, since he’d slept over at your house for a couple days to stay away from his own. You had both agreed not to tell anyone, at least not yet. He’d sat further away from you, seemingly on purpose, but that didn’t mean you had to sit through this boring movie without bothering him just a little bit.  
You sat up a little, pulling your phone out of you back pocket. JJ was exceptionally good at dirty texts. He sent them all the time, on an almost consistent basis, and you never knew what to say back. Usually you just sat there flushed, staring at the screen until finally you just gave up and tried to start a new conversation. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be good at texting JJ like that, you thought about replying all the time, thought about being able to make him squirm the same way he made you squirm.  
-I wish we were alone right now-  
It was a weak start but it was something. You didn’t want to jump in wholeheartedly but you had taken some pictures a few days ago and as often as your mom sent you articles about ‘the dangers of sexting’ you’d taken them with the express desire to send them to JJ.  
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeing your name on the screen and glancing over at you curiously, before unlocking his phone to read the message. You did your best to keep yourself facing forward, watching the movie instead of being obvious and watching JJ. You wanted him to retaliate just so you could keep messaging him, go further into this moment where the two of you could exist alone while your friends sat right there, completely unaware.
-Yeah, whys that?-
Now was the real hurtle. The dirty talk part you were so bad at that you should’ve known better than to start this. It was definitely something you couldn’t finish. You tried to think of a reply that sounded even remotely sexy, everything you’d read online, and you’d done an embarrassing about of research on the topic, only felt cheesy and lame and you definitely would’ve broken up with you if you read one of those. And afterall, this was JJ, who shoved popcorn in his mouth and said dumb shit to you all the time that was arguably more embarrassing than a few texts about why you wanted him alone. You knew why. But the saying it part was hard, because despite all the dumb stuff JJ said, he could be pretty descriptive when he wanted to and it never sounded lame.  
You should’ve just sent him a picture, you had a fairly decent collection, most taken Kylie Jenner style on the floor of your bedroom in front of the mirror, but now it would seem out of place, or maybe you were just over thinking things.  
-cat got your tongue?-  
JJ texted you again and when you looked over at him he grinned. It was that sure fire, ‘you started this’ look that he always gave you when you tried to flirt and failed miserably. You angled your phone away from Pope because if you were already embarrassed you’d be even more so with him sitting there between you, catching a glimpse of your phone as you pulled up the camera roll. You found one that didn’t quite give everything away, you sitting just so that you were covered but also naked. There were others with lingerie on but maybe you’d save them for random whenever’s. You sent it along with a promising ‘pictures worth a thousand words’ hoping that was okay.  
You peeked over, watching for JJ’s reaction, smiling when he sunk down further on the couch, biting his lip.  
-when did you take this-
He’d been at your house the last couple days and he definitely would’ve remembered you having a photo shoot. You didn’t answer, just sent another one. Angled again, but giving away more than the last one. He shifted again, clearly uncomfortable in a good way, as he looked over at you. This time though, you kept your eyes on the movie, phone turned over in your lap as you tried not to give him the satisfaction of your gaze.  
Before he could answer, simply because you were enjoying having him be the one who was flustered and looking like he didn’t know how to proceed, you sent him the full on picture that you had been completely embarrassed to take but had resolved yourself to. You put your phone back in your lap, face down so no one could see if JJ texted you back and you glanced over, watching him open it, his whole face going red as he shifted in the seat again.  
“Dude, stop moving,” Pope elbowed him, glaring at JJ. He’d been squirming in his seat since the first text you sent and he was sure he annoying everyone but he really didn’t care about anyone but you and the pictures you’d sent him.  
“Sorry, sorry.” He got up hastily, phone clutched his hand so fiercely that his knuckles were white. You heard the bathroom door slam down the hall and Pope stretched out, happy to have more room now that JJ was gone.  
You waited for anything. A text back, some kind of appreciative message confirming that he liked the pictures. Instead there was nothing, no reply since the first picture and even that hadn’t been anything other than a piqued interested in when the picture was taken. When more than 15 minutes passed and Kiara mentioned that JJ was still holed up in the bathroom, you offered to check on him.  
“Be careful.” John B joked and you rolled your eyes as you headed down the hall. The bathroom was toward the end, far enough away that no one could see the door. You knocked, looking back down the hall as a somewhat out of breath ‘one minute’ sounded on the other side of the door.  
“Jay?” You asked, ready to knock again when the door flung open and JJ pulled you inside the bathroom. You bite back a surprised yelp, knowing that alerting the others would not bode well for either of you. He let the door swing closed again as you pushed you up against the sink, lifting you so he could stand between your legs. Hands on your bare thighs and you didn’t even get a moment to breath when he started kissing you, feverish almost and you grabbed the back of his head to keep him there. It didn’t last long as he left a trail of wet kisses down your neck, doing his best not to leave any visible marks on you. “And here I was, worried you didn’t like the pictures,” you teased, slightly out of breath as you spoke.  
JJ pulled away so he could look at you, leaning in close as his hands moved from your thighs to your ass, trying to shimmy your body into his. “Are you kidding? Fucking hell, you can send me nudes any day. In fact,” he kissed you to punctuate his new idea, you should send me like one nude every day for the rest of our lives.”
“Assuming we live for a while…I’ll probably get old and wrinkly.”  
“Don’t care.” He shrugged.  
“How romantic,” you teased, tapping his shoulder, “we should go back out, they’ll wonder where we are.”  
“Fine.” JJ groaned, stepping away from you. While you slid off the counter, JJ finished zipping up and buttoning his shorts.  
“Wait, did you come in here to-“
“My fucking gorgeous girlfriend sent me naked pics, what do you think?”  
You smiled, any nervousness from before melting away as you followed JJ down the hall to where your friends were. Kiara looked over, seemingly uninterested in more than the fact that you had returned, remarking that you both missed the best part of the movie. You apologized, sitting down on Pope’s left side and pulling your legs up onto the couch. As Sarah suggested another movie, someone else’s pick this time, you looked over at JJ and he winked at you.  
Taglist: @heavenlymama @vindictive-hearts @alexa-playafricabytoto @dontjinx-it @randomficsandshit @niamhobrien @strangerthanfanfiction713 @tovvaa @freckled-and-daydreaming @harleylynn @bibliophilewednesday @dpaccione @bolaurel @poguestyleskye @beautyandthebleh @under-a-canyon-moon   @teamnick @stevie-buck @bijleegiregi @vitaminekabc @minigranger @just-smile-darling @obxsummer @damonsalvawhore27 @isqbella @tomzfrog @fangirlvoice @phantompogues @98starkeys @ilovejjmaybank @lemur46 @khiaraaa-in-spacee @babygal-babygal @niya-savage @divvrx @princess-of-the-fandoms @thecaptainsgingersnap @jenjie @yourprincess-maybe @wowmaybankk 
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
Hold On - Jason Todd x Batgirl!Reader
"Hey! I see a vent inside, maybe if we get to the roof-"
"Of course, just shoot open the lock and alert whoever's inside. What a great strategy! Why didn't I think of it?! Oh I know, because it's dumb!"
Warnings: Language, Canon typical Violence, Occasional Angst lets be real it's Jason we are talking about, Kidnappings..?
Word count: 1.6k
A/N:- I...should be studying right now buttt I had fun writing this and yes, I took the title from the song Hold On by Chord Overstreet, I think it fits this perfectly.
I wasn't going for a series but here we are.
Part 2, Part 3
It was a quite night for Gotham. Every person was busy with their own work and so were you, even if it was a little different from what people down below on the streets were doing. As of yet, you had stopped two muggings, busted a few armed two-face goons trying to rob a bank and were currently running across rooftops.
'Maybeee I can get off easy today, go home, microwave the pizza that has been waiting for me in the fridge, get a nice, warm shower and then straight to bed'
You hummed to yourself at the delightful thought as you sat on a gargoyle overlooking the city. You were enjoying the feeling of the light breeze on your face. It was soothing in a way. Not long after, you were startled by your comms crackling to life out of nowhere as you heard Oracle's automated voice in your ears.
"Batgirl I am going to need you to check out the area near Gotham Central Park for any visible strange activity. There are several missing persons reports filed this week that I have tied up to that particular region."
'So much for a warm bath and a good night's sleep, way to jinx yourself (Y/N), you dumbass'
"Isn't that park under construction or something? You know after the whole Justice League fiasco last month?", you questioned.
"Yep but people still go there, in the mornings for walks and at the nights for certain activities."
"Of course they do, I swear, people here are on a whole different level." You sighed. "Alrighty then Babs, I am on it."
After climbing up a couple of fire escapes and swinging off of numerous rooftops you finally reached your target destination. There was a deafening silence when your feet landed on the damp grass. You took in the misted surroundings and decided to look around for something out of the ordinary. There was a broken bright neon sign by the corner of the street which caught your attention, you could only make out the last bit, it spelled Parlor.
'That seems awfully familiar. Something about it is odd but I can't quite place my finger on it'
You were lost in thought when you felt someone move behind you, there was rather little time for you to react so you choose the 'hit first ask questions later' option. You clenched your fist, twisted your upper body and delivered a quick, staggering blow to the shady figure lurking behind.
Sure enough, Jason was on the ground clutching his ribs looking like a hurt puppy.
You moved your hands up and massaged you temples. You do not want to deal with him. Not today and if possible not ever. Even though you never let it show, you always avoided a run in with him. He may have become a part of the family again but you were far off from forgiving him.
You watched with narrowed eyes as he got to his feet and and dusted off the grass from his jacket.
"So on a Scale of one to Demon brat, how much do you hate me?", the smirk on his face and the way he wiggled his eyebrows at you almost made you want to smack him with a crowbar yourself.
"What? Dami?! I don't-- I don't hate Damian, he just gets on my nerves sometimes, something you do all the time.", you enjoyed, maybe a little too much, the way Jason's smirk turned into a small pout. You smiled a bit as you shook your head at his childishness.
"Before you start chucking batarangs at me I want to make this clear; No, Oracle did not send me here to be your backup or whatever, I just happen to be investigating the same thing which obviously led me here to you. So how about we work on this together and watch each other's back", Despite the uncertainty of your rejection, he sounded hopeful. It seemed as if he was ready to build the old, worn out bridges of your relationship back up again. It sent an unexpected warmth through your chest.
"Just like old times?"
"Just like old times.", Jason repeated as you both did a rather unsuccessful fist bump and grinned like idiots.
You walked up to the seemingly abandoned building, Jason examined the door for traps whereas you decided on taking a look through the glass window.
"Hey! I see a vent inside, maybe if we get to the roof-"
"Of course, just shoot open the lock and alert whoever's inside. What a great strategy! Why didn't I think of it?! Oh I know, because it's dumb!", you whisper shouted with a scowl. Jason just shrugged and tilted his head to the side, pointing towards the now open door.
"Ladies first, so lead the way, unless you're scared.", it was a playful challenge on Jason's part, one that you were more than ready to accept.
"Oh you're on Red."
You stepped inside and it was all business from there on. You took in the condition of the room; dusty desks, broken glass, oddly placed mannequins and footprints leading up ahead into a long hallway.
"They seem recent enough", Jason gave a slight nod at your discovery.
Considering the darkness of the hallway, you and Jason shared a look and switched on your night vision lenses. You both started taking cautious steps, the occasional soft thud of your boots being the only sound in the vicinity.
The end of the hallway was forked up and there were two rooms at the end of each passageway.
"How is this place so big! it didn't seem this huge from the outside", you could hear the exasperation in Jason's voice. You figured not getting to hit someone might be getting to him or that he was just bored.
"Look I will take the right, you take the left, our comms are already connected, if any one of us finds anything we tell the other and remember we do not engage in a fight alone. Am I clear or do you want me to write that down for you"
"Yes ma'am, but just so you know you are starting to sound like The old man", you rolled your eyes at his comment and went on ahead towards the right as he went the other way.
You scrolled through the torn down bookshelf kept in one of the rooms and you were making a mental note in your mind that there were a lot of medical journals in the bunch, when your comms buzzed.
"I am sorry", Jason whispered in a soft voice and you froze for a spilt second, eyes widening.
'No (Y/N) don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he is saying, just focus on finding those missing people and get this over with'
With that thought you tried continuing your investigation as if you had heard nothing.
"I said, I am sorry (Y/N). I know you heard me. I also know you've been avoiding me, cutting me out and you don't have to reply if don't feel like it but...I just wanted you to know..."
"Now is not the right time for this Hood and...for what it's worth I am not looking forward to a forgiveness session with you...", you felt awful for cutting him out the way you did, your heart clenched at the harshness of your words as you clicked off your comms, but you refused to have this discussion right now. If you were being more honest to yourself you just couldn't bear the emotions it would bring, so you chose the easiest way; completely shutting him out.
It was few minutes after the highly uncomfortable talk with Jason that a wall poster had caught your eye. You moved your hand over it, somewhat wiping off the dust, there was something scribbled on it making it harder for you to read the actual text. You squinted, trying to make out the words
"The people need...perfection...and that is what Pretty Dolls Parlor strives to achieve."
You scanned the area near poster for fingerprints and clicked your comms back on.
"Hood, get over here, I found something and I think this is the make or break kind of information", you were waiting for scan to complete, concern creeping up your mind when there was no reply from the other end.
"Red Hood? can you hear me?"
"Red?! Answer me Damnit!!"
A whole lot of Nothing.
As soon as you heard the chime of the scanner signaling its completion, you sped the other way towards the left corridor, towards Jason.
'Jay please be okay, please be okay, please be okay.'
By the time you reached Jason's location you were panting from the lack of breath and were already cursing yourself for bringing Jason along. To say that the man can take care of himself might be an understatement, he is basically a lone wolf, but still the thought of something happening to him while he was with you hurt like hell.
You looked around frantically and almost jumped out of your skin when you stepped on a gun. You heart almost stopped, it was Jason's. To make matters worse, there was no other sign of him or of were he went. You picked up the gun holding it securely in your hand. You could literally hear your heart pounding in your ears.
Suddenly, through the reflection from the glass window in front of you, you caught a glimpse of a man wearing a blank white face mask, you turned around, immediately switching to a fighting stance but that only did so much for you. A flashlight was switched on and shoved near your face, the night vision of your lens intensified the light, blinding you completely.
Before you could react, a metal pole connected straight with the back of your head and just like that you were lights out on the ground.
Author's cute little extra Note:
*wiggling my eyebrows rn*
I might be a little too obsessed with the Arkham Knight game hehe.
Well that ended well for you, didn't it?? Jason's gone missing and you get a nice concussion to garnish your anxiety level? No? Okay I will stop talking now.
Tell me if you want to be tagged for the next parts.💕
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btsmosphere · 4 years
Big Enough for Both of Us | JJK
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~summary: his jumpers are going missing. And ending up on you. An annoying amount of books, some very cold weather and an admin mix-up later, will things change between you and Jungkook? Jungkook x reader (she/her pronouns) ~word count: 4.7k ~college au, fluff, getting together Rating: pg13 Warnings: one (1) swear, suggestive conversation and misunderstandings ~a/n: another bingo square, this time for ‘oversized hoodies/sweaters’ as an early Christmas present for you all!
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You were shivering as you turned the keys to your locker, barely balancing the stack of books in your arms as you did so. Not wearing a jacket today was something you were sorely regretting, muscles groaning in protest from the cold and the weight you had lugged here.
The squeak of the old locker was the most welcome things you had heard all day, already preparing to shift the cursed pile of books off your struggling arms.
But as the door clanged softly open, all you could do was stare.
Something was already there.
Despite the pressing problem of the books weighing you down, you paused to look up and down the corridor. No one. Frowning, you peeked around to see the front of the locker door. This was definitely your locker, right?
Number 267. That was right.
Only, you had never used this locker before in your life. It had taken you until now, in December, to open it for the first time, even though you had started at college months back.
So the piece of black fabric sitting there, neatly folded, innocuous enough in any other situation, was a real curveball for you.
As you pondered, the top book on your tower decided to make a break for it, arms reminding you just how tired they were when you moved to catch it. Sighing, you leaned forwards and let them fall from your arms, right on top of the sweater.
You were pretty sure it was a sweater.
Whoever had this locker last year probably left it there by accident. It probably stunk by now, too.
Whether that was the case or not, you never got to investigate. A buzzing from your phone alerted you that your first lecture was about to start, your friend Namjoon asking where you were. So, without a second glance at the jumper, you slammed the door and rushed away.
It wasn’t until two classes later that it resurfaced in your thoughts.
The heating must have been broken in that class, or else your professor just liked to see you suffer. Throughout the lecture, you had been slowly freezing, resorting to rubbing your hands over your arms to ease your goosebumps.
And now that you piled out of the hall into the already dimming light, you found it was colder still.
The library was halfway across campus, and you were due to meet Namjoon there to make a start on your essays. Right about now, that mystery sweater did sound very tempting. And you did have to go back to your locker anyway to get the books, right?
Placing the stack by your feet, you stared at the material. It had been a bit flattened by the weight that had sat on it all day, but it looked clean at least.
Reaching in, you picked it up at the shoulder between one finger and thumb and leant in to smell it.
The first sniff returned a pleasant surprise. Nothing. Holding it in both your hands now, you brought it right up to your face, almost touching, and tried again.
It actually smelled good.
Come to think of it, it felt very soft between your fingers too.
Cold clutched so tightly onto your bones at this point that you couldn’t wait to get another layer on, so you stuck your arms inside. Sighing, you noted it must be quite new given how soft it still was.
You had got lucky.
Shaking the sleeves down, they fell way over your hands. The hem also came very low, nearly to your knees, but honestly, that felt like a bonus.
And so, lifting up the pile of books, you felt a little lighter (and much warmer) as you stepped out to meet Namjoon with your new big, soft jumper.
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“I would say sorry I’m late, but I blame you,” you quipped as you slid into the chair beside Namjoon, depositing the books onto the desk with a loud thud, “were this many really necessary?”
Looking up at you from his own book, Namjoon had the decency to look a little apologetic as he laid eyes on the huge stack.
“Ah – yes – sorry,” he stuttered, “they did all look helpful. I suppose we’d better get through them all today so we can return them?”
Even his dimpled smile couldn’t stop you from groaning and flopping down onto your folded arms. Laughing, he pulled the first book off the pile, undeterred.
“I need coffee for this,” you mumbled.
But as you made to get up, Namjoon tugged you back down by your sleeve.
“You should make a start,” he fixed you with a look, “let’s go to the cafeteria later.”
Closing your mouth, you eyed up the intimidating pile of books. Of course, Namjoon knew you all too well, and was right. If you didn’t start working now, you could procrastinate for ages.
But you did want that coffee…
“If we wait til later, Jungkook will be there!”
Namjoon’s words had left his mouth the moment he saw you preparing to speak, and had snatched the argument right from your lips.
“Wh-what?” you spluttered, “What does that have to do with it?”
A knowing smile rested on Namjoon’s face as he placed a book in front of you.
You flipped it open and got to work.
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Namjoon’s wish to get through all the books by closing time was a distant daydream. Half the books still sat untouched, and your essay still had a way to go.
Nonetheless, you weren’t going to stay slaving away all night. You made sure Namjoon remembered his earlier promise of coffee… although you didn’t mention the part about Jungkook.
Naturally, he was there anyway. Namjoon smirked as he left your side with his coffee order, waiting for you to stop staring at his friend and notice he was gone.
It took longer than you would care to admit.
Jungkook was a music student, and since Namjoon fancied himself a producer, he spent enough time in the department that he essentially was too, meaning he had a group of friends there as well as from his own course. And of course the boy you had been silently crushing on in the cafeteria since day one was one of them.
Unfortunately for you, Namjoon hadn’t prepared you for this when he decided to introduce you one day, and you had practically forgotten your own name as you found yourself suddenly in front the gorgeous Jungkook.
And just to add insult to injury, he had been really sweet to you.
Really, he was just asking you to fall for him.
You had promptly decided to stay away from him as much as you could help it. Until you were ready, you told yourself.
Which wouldn’t be anytime soon, given the way your cheeks combusted as he smiled over at your table. While Namjoon waved back, you studied your coffee cup very intensely.
“He’s gone,” Namjoon let you know, swinging back in his chair to take a swig of coffee.
Which was too hot.
And was now all over the table.
After your initial jump from your seat, all you could do was laugh as your friend started frantically mopping up the liquid, using already sodden napkins.
“Do you need some help?”
At the voice behind you, your jaw snapped shut.
Jungkook walked past you, grin splitting his face as he laughed at his hyung too.
“Thanks, Jungkook,” Namjoon chuckled.
You ran off to get more napkins.
On your return, you quickly helped clear the rest of the mess, rescuing your own drink from the pool on the tabletop. Seeing Namjoon had his things together, you also scooped up your bag. But no books.
Looking around for the godforsaken pile, you found them sitting in Jungkook’s arms.
“Oh, thanks,” you muttered, “I can take those, if you want-“
“It’s okay,” he beamed (would he ever stop smiling, he might make you drop down dead-).
“We’re getting the same bus, so I might as well bring them tomorrow,” Joon clapped his shoulder, “saves you breaking your arms again, right Y/N?”
“My arms weren’t breaking!” you scoffed, folding them against your chest.
“So you want to take them?” Jungkook raised a brow at you.
You blinked at him.
Then huffed and rolled your eyes.
Laughing loudly, Namjoon led the two of you out of the cafeteria.
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It was a good thing Jungkook carried the books. If this morning was anything to go by, you wouldn’t have enjoyed another walk with them.
Hugging your borrowed sweater around you a little more, you picked up the pace.
How Jungkook could have been outside in just that t shirt blew your mind. It was freezing.
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“Can I borrow your locker key?” Namjoon whispered from the seat beside you.
“Why?” you hissed back, keeping your eyes forwards.
“Mine’s full,” he replied, “and we still have all these books.”
“We really had to get them all out at once, didn’t we?” you sighed, already digging in your bag for your keys.
“Someone else might have done otherwise!” Joon protested.
Underneath the desk, you passed him the keys.
“Number 267, okay?”
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Once again, you had made very poor clothing choices. To be fair to you, the weather was supposed to have gotten warmer, so you had only put on a thin jumper. The outfit certainly looked good, but other than that, it was a bad idea. Tomorrow, you would put on a coat. Or maybe that jumper you had found yesterday…
Dashing between buildings to fetch the books again, you were convinced you might get hypothermia. The wind was biting across the already chilled air, sky an unforgiving grey above.
Inside, you fumbled with your key, fingers stiff with cold.
You hadn’t seen Joon since your first lecture, except when he ran past your study spot to throw your keys at you – literally – on his way to the music studios. You were lucky to still have both your eyes.
But maybe he had thought of you, because there beside the books, was a sweater.
Perhaps it was a mirage – could you get them from cold instead of heat? Reaching out to touch it, you concluded it was definitely real, but must be some kind of miracle. Dropping your bag to the ground straight away, you shoved the jumper on and huddled into it, bunching the sleeves around your frozen hands.
It was dark green, and you were sure you had seen Joon wearing a jumper like this before.
Thanking every deity out there that your friend had predicted your habit to dress poorly for the weather, you hauled the books out of the locker and set off for your study session.
Today you arrived first. Pulling out your phone, you sat back and waited for Joon to turn up.
When he did, you looked up from your phone to find he had stopped in front of your desk, staring back at you.
“You are a lifesaver,” you said, setting your phone aside and sitting forwards.
Blinking, he shook his head. “What?”
Frowning, you repeated yourself.
“I said you’re a lifesaver… for the jumper,” you clarified, “I was so cold, I could barely open my locker-“
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“What do you mean? Did you not leave this for me…” you frowned.
You both stared at each other.
“Okay. Well, whose is it then?” you asked, pulling your chin to your chest to look down at the jumper you had on.
“Where did you find it?” Namjoon ignored your question, sitting down at last.
“It was in my locker, with the books,” you explained.
“But it’s not yours?”
“It was there when I put them in this morning, though, I thought it must have been.”
“What the hell?” you struggled to find any other words.
“I guess someone else left it for you,” Joon shrugged.
Incredulous, you watched as he pulled out his laptop and opened it, unbothered by the strange apparition of your jumper.
“You think someone broke into my locker to leave me a jumper?”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, “but can you pass me the one by Hastings-“
Sighing, you dropped the matter and pulled his requested book from the middle of the stack, choosing the top one to start on yourself.
Though you let it go long enough to get through a bit more of your essay, you were absolutely going to put the jumper back after you were done. Knowing you were wearing someone’s sweater, you felt the gazes of everyone walking past as if they somehow knew, and were about to denounce you for being a sweatshirt thief in the middle of the library.
But, as it happened, the cold weather was hellbent on dissolving your goodwill.
There was no. way. you were going outside in any less layers than you currently had on. The trip to your locker brought you to that conclusion soon enough, and so you chucked the books in and hugged the sweater tighter.
That night, the shapes of the two jumpers you had ‘borrowed’ so far seemed to stick out in the dark. It may not be anything dramatic, but since they weren’t yours, you couldn’t keep them.
Thankfully, the morning brought actual sun with it.
And your phone told you it would get warmer still.
Your phone lied.
That morning, you had worn the green jumper, intending to take it off and return it to the locker when you reached campus and the day had warmed up.
In the event, nothing of the sort happened. You had bumped into Namjoon and one of his friends from music, Yoongi. The three of you had talked outside until it was time for class, so you headed straight for your lecture with Joon.
Your next step outside was when you knew you had messed up.
All trace of sun had disappeared, sky darkened with cloud again. Any heat this morning held had gone away too.
But you were determined. You huffed as you pulled the sweater over your head later on, placing it back into the locker despite the way you were already shivering from the walk over.
In the library, the pile of books dwindled steadily down, but you got no warmer. Seriously, this place needed to invest in some better heating.
Screw morals, you were getting that jumper back.
“I’ll be back,” you muttered, sliding away before Joon could reply.
Apart from that, you made the walk to your locker in record time, probably since no books weighed you down.
As you approached the building you were aiming for, the door swung open. On seeing you, the emerging figure slowed down and held the door behind them. Speeding up, you reached the door at a slight jog before you even noticed who it was.
“Hi Y/N!” he said brightly.
“H-hi!” you smiled back, “how are you?”
“Good thanks,” he smiled too, leaning against the door, “just heading to the cafeteria.”
“Oh, Joon and I should be along soon,” you nodded.
“Cool, I’ll see you,” he flashed his grin again.
Finally greeted with the warmth of inside, you looked over your shoulder at Jungkook’s retreating back. Why on earth was he in a t shirt? Shaking your head, you made your way to your locker with a smile.
Look at you go! A normal, nice conversation with Jungkook! And hopefully you could put an end to the relentless study session if you told Namjoon you were expected to go and get coffee with Jungkook.
Clinking, your key turned in the lock and you pulled the locker open with a sigh of relief-
A new sweater.
Tilting your head to the side, you stared at it as if it might get up and explain itself any moment.
Rather than the green one you had abandoned earlier, a burgundy bundle lay there instead. Sighing sharply, you decided you had come all this way for warmth, after all, and if someone was going to insist on putting jumpers in your locker, then you were going to wear them.
Which is how you found yourself enveloped contentedly in the latest of the apparently continuous line of warm, cosy sweaters, sipping coffee from between you sweater paws at a table with Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin and Taehyung.
Perhaps you weren’t entirely used to being in someone else’s jumper yet, because you kept feeling uneasy, as if the others at your table were looking at you with sideways glances.
Shaking it off, you smiled along with the conversation. You were definitely imagining it. Even if you didn’t talk to them that much, Namjoon’s friends were always lovely to you.
Eventually, the cups lay empty and the boys were discussing meeting the others in the studio. Noticing the branches outside the window swaying wildly, you decided you could put off the walk home no longer, or the weather would only keep getting worse, knowing your luck.
“See you later,” you excused yourself to a round of small waves and smiles from the others.
All the others, except, strangely, Jungkook. He had always been very easy-going with you, so you tried not to read into it when he only gave a tiny smile before ducking his head again.
On your way out, you noticed Yoongi coming in and exchanged a nod.
But with you on your merry way, you had no idea of the situation you had left behind.
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Jungkook’s cheeks were burning as he tried to ignore the pointed stares of his friends. Lips pulled in between his teeth, he tentatively looked up, through the hair hanging into his eyes.
“Kook…” Namjoon was the first to speak, eyebrows raised as he watched the younger boy.
“What?” he squeaked, chewing at his lip right after. Who was he kidding? They all knew ‘what’.
Looking over to Tae and Jin brought no solace, both looking equally confused and expectant. Silence stretched out between them as Jungkook tried to string together a coherent thought with all eyes on him.
“So when were you going to tell us you’re hooking up with Y/N?”
Jungkook choked on thin air. Looking up, he saw Yoongi sauntering across to their table, thankfully grabbing the attention away from Jungkook.
“What do you- I’m- we’re- we’re not-“
“It’s alright Kook, you can tell us,” Jin offered, eyes wide in an attempt at being consoling. It wasn’t helping.
“There’s nothing to tell!” he insisted.
“Doesn’t explain why she was wearing your jumper,” Tae interjected.
“Has been for days,” Yoongi helpfully chimed in next.
Jungkook hid his head in his hands.
“I thought she just left for a study break,” Namjoon piped up next, “I can’t believe you two! On campus, really?”
“We are not sleeping together!” Jungkook hissed, succeeding in shutting him up, “I don’t know why she’s wearing that!”
“Sure,” Yoongi scoffed.
“You’ve had a crush on her for so long, I swear we’re happy for you,” Tae leant forwards, “I’m just offended you didn’t tell us.”
“What?” Jungkook was getting more frustrated.
“It’s no secret you like her,” Jin agreed.
“You knew?! Why didn’t you say anything?” Jungkook stared at his friends in disbelief.
“To let you deal with it yourself,” Jin mumbled eventually, “are you- are you telling us you seriously still haven’t done anything about it?”
“I haven’t,” Jungkook admitted.
“You have a crush on Y/N?” Namjoon asked incredulously.
“What’s the deal with the jumpers then? I’m lost,” Yoongi said.
“Hello!?” Namjoon interrupted, “Kook has a crush on Y/N?”
Groaning, Jungkook dragged his hands down his face.
“Yes, Joon. I like her,” he muttered, “and I don’t know, Yoongi. I don’t know how she keeps getting my jumpers.”
“Well, ask for them back then,” Jin shrugged, sitting back.
Jungkook just sighed.
“Oh my god, he likes it!” Tae gasped in glee, an infuriating grin splitting his face.
Jungkook was sure he wouldn’t get cold walking home if his cheeks maintained this temperature.
“Hold on…” Namjoon suddenly leaned forwards, “the other day, she asked me if I had put a jumper in her locker. We thought someone had left it for her.”
“It was in her locker?”
“Well, that’s weird. I didn’t put them there.”
“This is ridiculous,” Yoongi groaned loudly, “I thought Kook had finally sorted this stupid crush. I couldn’t care less about the damn sweaters. Let’s go to the studio, Jimin and Hobi are waiting.”
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“What are you doing?”
You almost jumped out of your skin. Having just picked your books up from your locker (how the pile was still this big, you had no idea), you turned around to find none other than Jungkook stood staring at you.
Clutching the stack tightly to avoid a landslide after that jumpscare, you looked up at him. A light crease made itself known between his eyebrows.
“Just… getting these books,” you gulped. Now it had started beating again, your heart wouldn’t seem to shut up at such close proximity to him.
He continued frowning at you, expecting more, but all you could think about was how cute he was, even when he was annoyed. How is that even possible?
“That’s my locker.”
That startled you from your stupor. It was your turn to frown now, taken aback by his statement.
“…no, it’s not,” you said slowly, “that’s my locker.”
“Look,” he said then, before pulling a key from his pocket. Holding it up, you clearly saw the familiar number 267 glinting back at you.
Frown growing deeper, you struggled to balance the books in one arm while the other fumbled for your own key. As you flattened your palm, he leant in to see it.
“267,” he muttered, staring between yours and his. “what the…”
“That’s odd,” you frowned, “I guess we should talk to reception, but I, uh, I have class-“
“Y/N,” he slid into your way as you took a step, “um…”
As you waited for him to talk, he hesitated, tongue slipping out momentarily to wet his lips as he rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. At last, he took a breath, barely looking at you, and spoke.
“People have been asking me, ab-about us-“
Your eyes grew five times bigger in a millisecond. Did Jeon Jungkook just use the word us, talking to you?!?
“-they’re asking why you’re wearing my jumpers, and-and I guess I know why now, but-“
Oh no.
No no no no no no no.
The jumpers you had been taking the liberty of stealing belonged to Jungkook?
Oh hell no.
“Shit, I’m sorry- uhh, I’ll get them all back to you, I swear,” you hurriedly spoke, backing away from him, “but I really need to go class, so, um, I’ll see you!”
And with that, you were walking as fast as your legs could carry you, far away from the most embarrassing situation since the time your pants had ripped when you were twelve. People had been asking Jungkook about you? They thought you were together?
You felt awful. All through your lecture, you could barely hear your professor over your internal screaming. What must Jungkook think about this? About you?
Ditching the pile of godawful, cursed books with Joon, you hurried to your locker, hoping that no one would be in sight so you could shove the jumper away. You were wearing the first one you had found. You could return the rest later.
Yes, you would be freezing, but you would have to deal with it.
Roughly pulling it over your head as you reached your locker, the corridor mercifully empty, you threw open the door.
But something was already there.
You wouldn’t have paid it any attention, except there was a note sat on top. And it had your name on it. Underneath the note sat something dark blue and suspiciously hoodie-shaped.
Eyeing it warily, you read the note.
Y/N, I’m sorry, I should have explained better. You don’t have to put the jumpers back, or even stop wearing them. In fact, if you keep wearing them I would be very happy. I brought this for you – it’s the biggest hoodie I own and I hope you like it. I need to tell you something, and I’m clearly better at writing it down than saying it to you, but I want to say it. I really like you, Y/N. You don’t have to feel the same, but you can at least keep the sweaters and stay warm. JK xx
This couldn’t be real. Eyes darting to and fro re-reading the message, you reached out to take the paper between your fingers. Apparently, it was real.
Letting it drop back onto the blue hoodie, you looked around you to find the hallway still empty.
Now this wasn’t fair. Jungkook couldn’t make your all your dreams come true and then hide somewhere. You had to find him.
Stuffing the first jumper you stole away, you pulled out the new gift and tugged it on. Not only was it huge, but it was so soft. When you found him, you were going to find out what detergent he used.
Either way, you spared little time to enjoy the warm hug in jumper form, instead racing off to track down Jungkook. Zipping through the cafeteria proved fruitless, and you even stopped in the library. Joon was in there, but you didn’t stop, just chucking Jungkook’s note in the face of his complaints and moving on.
You had never actually been in the music studio before, but you found it easily enough.
Practically running inside, you stopped, breathing heavily, in the entrance. Only three people were in there, and of course none of them were Jungkook.
Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi looked around at you in surprise.
“Where’s Jungkook?” you panted.
Yoongi had barely lifted his hand before you had already taken off in the direction he pointed. Pushing the door wide open, you finally laid eyes on the person you had been looking for.
When Jungkook looked around from where he stood in front of a microphone, a piece of paper clutched in his hand, all the words you were going to say to him suddenly left your mind.
“What detergent do you use?”
The question fell uselessly from your lips, only making him more confused.
“Oh, nevermind-“
Letting the door fall shut behind you, your feet didn’t stop moving as you crossed the room until your lips crashed into his.
Arms instinctively coming up to hold you, his eyes widened at first but quickly slid shut as he realised what was happening. You were so desperate to find him, and now you couldn’t wait to feel him, lips ravenous as your hands tangled in his long hair.
He tasted so good, making you groan into his mouth as his lips fit so perfectly against yours, incidentally granting him access to slip his tongue inside. There was barely a hair’s breadth between you as he tugged you in, hands fisted in the fabric of his own sweater that swallowed you up.
Finally recovering from the shock and elation of kissing you, he cupped the back of your head, tilting his own to deepen the kiss as he held you steady. And it was a good thing he did, or he would have swept you clean off your feet.
Even as you broke away from each other, staring in shock at your own boldness, your heart continued its raging party in your chest. You could only stare into his brown eyes, totally lost and awed at what just happened.
“Nice hoodie,” Jungkook whispered, the first to break the silence.
“Y-yeah,” you nodded, “thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it.” He looked at you then, big eyes hopeful and oh god you just wanted to kiss him again and see him smile forever-
“Can I take this as your reply to my note?”
“Yes, Jungkook,” you smiled, and the grin that burst onto his face was the most glorious you had ever seen, “I like you too. I really, really like you.”
“I really, really like you too, Y/N,” he grinned, lips connecting with your forehead in a brief, sweet peck, “and I’d like to see you in my sweaters more often.”
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Thank you to everyone who reblogs my work!!
I now have a follow-up drabble for this oneshot here!
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ (message to be added)
Find my other work on my masterlist
718 notes · View notes
yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tftaws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter Eleven (final chapter)
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chapter ten - Chapter Eleven: Safe Haven
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n and Bucky enjoy their time off in Brooklyn and make decisions about their future.
Warnings: FLUFF, very little angst for once, talk of torture, reference to suicide, open ended plot twist that I'm not sorry for...all the fluff, seriously...
Word Count: 7.3k
A/N: Here we are...part of the journey is the end, and we've arrived. Even though there's another a/n at the bottom (with an important announcement so don't tap out too soon) I want to iterate just how thankful I am for the response I got on this series. I had the most amazing time writing it and loved getting to meet and connect with so many of you through it. ENJOY!!
It had taken all the strength Bucky had in his soul to knock three times on Yori’s door. He didn’t know what reserve he had had to tap into to actually make his long-hidden confession but once the words had fallen from his lips, he felt both freed and all the more burdened. Watching his friend’s eyes become overtaken by heartbreak, the desperate, confused utterance of ‘why…?’ By the end, Yori wouldn’t even look at Bucky. Bucky didn’t blame him, he was surprised that the man wasn’t yelling him out of his apartment. Instead, he calmly told Bucky to leave, surely holding back the majority of his emotions until he was by himself. The door shut on their friendship and Bucky was by himself on the other side of the door once again, drawing the shaky breath he’d held while he was inside Yori’s place. Out of every person he’d gone to see, every heart he’d had to crush, this one had hurt the most. In the dauntingly long hallway, his eyes sought out the gift the universe had given him, so undeservingly.
His guiding light.
Bathed in the blue light that flooded through the dirty windows of the aged building, Y/n stared down at her feet as she paced. For as open as they’d become with one another, Bucky found himself unable to ask her to accompany him to his last opportunity to make amends. The two of them had become so skilled at reading each other that with one look in his saddened eyes, Y/n had squeezed her phone into the pocket of her jeans and stood by the door waiting for him to ready himself. Bucky was starting to make peace with his past, but he still didn’t know what he had done in his wretched life to have such an angel in his life.
“Hey,” she greeted soothingly, turning to face Bucky as he approached her, “How’d it go?” Bucky wasn’t ready to speak yet, he wasn’t even sure how he could describe what had just transpired. He simply sighed and allowed Y/n to wrap him in her arms in the embrace that was quickly becoming his favorite place to be.
As I woke with a groan, stretching my arms over my head, I was immediately aware that one side of the bed was cold. I blindly reached a hand over and felt around for Bucky’s missing body, sitting up when my search was unsuccessful. I blearily scanned the bedroom, our suits laying in a pile that had been kicked to the corner of the desolately furnished room. The few articles of clothing I had gone to the nearest department store and purchased for my impromptu stay in New York still lay folded on top of Bucky’s dresser. It didn’t dawn on me until that moment that I was beginning to spread across Bucky’s apartment without even trying.
It had been four days since the Flag Smasher’s final stand and while the world may have been spinning, mine had never been more steady. Bucky and I hadn’t left his apartment for more than running necessary errands. Other than that we’d spent the time enjoying our slice of domestic heaven learning about one another. I had discovered that Bucky was a good cook but only when it came to breakfast food. He had found out that I needed to sleep with the windows opened slightly for background noise. I had learned that his Spotify consisted strictly of music from the ’40’s and nothing else, contrary to what he’d told Sam about diving into Marvin Gaye’s discography. He’d learned that I got cold easily which led to both me stealing his hoodies and being on the receiving end of many bear hugs. We could tell what the other would do in combat or how they’d handle a concerning matter, but it was finding out the little things about James Buchanan Barnes that made me fall a little bit harder for him with each revelation.
The unlocking and opening of the door followed by quiet footsteps alerted me to his presence. I heard a few muffled noises before the floorboards outside the bedroom creaked, the door opening directly after. Bucky was careful and nearly silent as he came into the room until he saw that my eyes were open. We shared a lazy smile as he approached the bed.
“Did I wake you up?” he asked.
I shook my head in reply, he came to kneel at my side of the bed and pulled the hand he’d hidden behind his back out revealing a bouquet of daisies. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter,” I chuckled, reaching out to grab the bouquet, “I don’t think anyone’s ever bought me flowers.”
“That’s a crime,” Bucky said as he stood up, shedding his leather jacket as he walked around the bed, “In my time, you always brought a girl flowers on the first date. It was just what you did.”
“I guess we can consider my little extended stay a first date,” I dipped my nose down to smell the flowers, “Although I’m pretty sure in your time you wouldn’t allow a girl into your bed so soon.” Bucky snickered to himself, “A gentleman would never let a lady sleep on the floor. And selfishly,” he tugged his second layer, a grey long sleeved shirt off over his head, and looked down on me lovingly, “I sleep better with you here.”
It was true. He’d told me how he’d only used the bed once since he’d moved in, having slept on the floor instead. I was familiar with the phenomenon, Sam had gone through the same thing when he’d returned from the service. I’d told him that if he had a nightmare and needed to move out to his living room, I’d join him with no hesitations. Shockingly, it hadn’t happened yet and we’d slept in a peaceful tangle of limbs each night that I’d been with him.
Kicking off his boots, he slipped under the duvet and sat up against the headboard, looking over at me and patting his jean clad thigh. I set the flowers down and crawled over to him, sinking down onto his lap and sliding my hands around his neck.
“I like this,” he complimented me with a smirk, tugging at the material of his henley that I was wearing, “Looks better on you than it ever would on me.” “Clearly you’ve never seen you,” I scoffed, I’d also learned that the man had no idea just how attractive he was, “What were you off doing?” “Grocery store,” Bucky answered, gesturing to the sidelined bouquet, “Florist. Dr. Raynor’s office…” “Oh, I didn’t know you had a session this morning.”
Bucky took a deep breath, his hands firmly secured around my waist and his thumbs rubbing at my hips. “I didn’t,” he answered, “I, uh, I crossed off all the names in my book. Thought I’d drop by and let her know.” I gave a breathy laugh, “All of them?” He nodded, “All of them.” Surprised and proud, I placed my hands on his cheeks and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “I never doubted you for a second” I said softly, our lips almost touching, “I’m proud of you.”
Bucky gave a small smile, not yet ready to take as much pride as I could in his recovery. I could tell that he was lighter, while his personality was silent and stoic there wasn’t as much sadness lurking beneath it. To those who knew him, the difference in his behavior was visible. The days that I’d been in New York were the happiest I’d seen Bucky since I’d known him.
“So…” I sighed, my hands sliding down to his shoulders, “No more therapy sessions, no more battles to be fought…What do we do now?”
The dreaded question that we’d been avoiding since we’d isolated ourselves from the outside world. There was no doubt as to whether or not I wanted to make it work between Bucky and I, but we hadn’t even discussed what “it” was. What should have unfolded over the course of a couple months had happened as a crash course over two weeks. I didn’t regret it, I just needed to know where Bucky’s head was at regarding our future. “Look,” Bucky averted his gaze downwards, “I’m not…I haven’t done this in a long time and I can’t promise that I’m gonna be good at it. I can’t even promise that I’ll know what I’m doing some of the time. But,” he shyly raised his eyes to meet mine, “I want this. I want you.”
His earnestness was so genuine, I thought my heart might burst from the emotion in his ocean blue eyes. “Bucky, I don’t want perfect,” I said, “And I’m pretty sure that a 106 year old with a robotic arm and a girl who can fly using blue energy from inside her wouldn’t even know what to do with perfect,” I earned a single laugh out of him, “Whatever we have right now, that’s what I want. I want to fight with you by my side and make a difference in the world, then I want to come home with you and teach you to cook something other than pancakes.”
He furrowed his brow, “What do you got against my pancakes?”
“My point is,” I giggled, my hands drifting back up to each side of his neck, “I want you exactly as you are. I haven’t done this in a long time either, I thought that after my dad died I was too broken to ever let myself be happy like this and you know that I’m coming in with more baggage than before. You’re not the only one who doesn’t know what they’re doing. But there’s nobody else I’d rather figure this out with than you.”
The long stare he gave me was reminiscent of the first moment we’d been alone together, standing before the 200 foot drop in Munich. It was the first moment I’d appreciated his beauty, maybe it was the first seed planted in what was now a full-blown relationship in the making. This time, instead of sassing me with those hardened, slightly amused eyes, he surged forward and kissed me, cradling the back of my head in his Vibranium palm. I returned the kiss with just as much fervor, gripping the tight blue t-shirt tightly in my fists. Unlike the kisses we’d shared at 1AM in the kitchen of my house, this one carried a different weight. It was a promise of a future. Movie nights introducing Bucky to the classics that he’d missed. Lazy mornings in bed turned passionate as our bodies surrendered to one another. Protecting each other on whatever battlefields we’d inevitably end up on. Frustrating fights over something we’d inevitably admit was stupid to argue over. Whispering soothing affirmations to help Bucky come down from a violent nightmare. I could taste it all, the good and the bad, in that one kiss and I wanted every bit of it.
“Two weeks…” I said after we’d parted, shaking my head in amazement and laughing, “That’s all it took.” “Crazier things have happened,” Bucky reassured me with a smile, running his hands up and down my back, “My folks always said they knew in a week and they were together for almost forty years.” I bushed my lips against his softly, basking in the euphoria of knowing that the two of us belonged wholly to one another. To think that I’d been willing to throw all of it away mere days ago, I was ready to deprive myself and Bucky of the love we’d craved all our lives. I thanked God that my resolve to stay away had weakened long enough to let Bucky in because now, wrapped in his strong arms with his lips begging for a deeper kiss, I knew that I had something truly spectacular in my hands.
“Well, since this is official,” Bucky said, a little breathless, “There’s something you should have.” He took his hands off of my body and reached behind his neck, pulling off one of his dog tags. Understanding what he was doing and the significance of it, I moved my head to allow him to place the necklace over it, the cold metal of the ball chain settling against my neck. The tag fell between my breasts, I picked it up and read Bucky’s name, his service number, the name of his sister, their address and his birth place. He’d given me, a part of his future, a piece of his history.
“Bucky…” I whispered, not trusting my voice enough to come out steady.
“A lot of soldiers gave one of them to their girls before they shipped out,” he recalled, watching me examine the piece of metal, “At least I know if I ever do ship out anywhere, you’ll be with me.” I bit my lip and smiled, looking up at him with misty eyes. When the first tear fell down my cheek, Bucky was quick to wipe it away and did so with a smile of his own. After all the pain we’d both suffered through in life, we were finally allowed tenderness. Our hearts were scarred, our bodies worn, but no amount of trauma could lay a hand on the way we felt about one another. There’d be many more fights, some with forces bigger than the ones we’d spent the last two weeks taking a stand against. But at the end of the day, I had Bucky, my safe haven to come back to.
“It’s getting late,” I observed after a few minutes of sweet silence, the morning hours were slipping away from us, “Are you hungry? I can make us something.” “Yeah, but,” Bucky’s hands found my arms and he rubbed his palms against them, “Let’s stay here just a little while longer…”
A grin spread across my face, one that I was finding only Bucky could bring out in me. “Okay,” I replied, settling my face in the crook of his neck and resting against his chest, the only place I wanted to be.
“You ready, Barnes?” “I’m ready.” “This is the most dangerous mission we’re ever going to face.” “I wouldn’t have come if I couldn’t handle it.” “Then why are you sweating?” “I’m not…sweating.” “Well, at least I know you’ll never lie to me. You suck at it,” I smirked just before smoothing out the shoulders of his jacket, “Follow my lead, you’ll be fine.”
Bucky blew out a breath, his cheeks loosing their puff as he exhaled, “Here goes nothing…” I gave three sharp knocks on the door before entering, seeing the familiar face waiting in a chair by the window. “Hey, Mama…” My mother smiled deeply at the sight of her daughter, alive before her. “Baby,” she whispered as she slowly rose to embrace me, “Oh, you’re here.” “I’m here,” I smiled, trying to fight the tears threatening to fill my eyes. My mother had been my first call after the battle in New York, realizing that my face was flashing across every news channel in the country alongside Sam and Bucky. This was the first time I’d seen her since before I’d left Louisiana with Sam.
“And you brought someone?” she asked over my shoulder, pulling away to wipe her cheeks.
“I did,” I turned around and looped my arm through Bucky’s, who was looking vaguely nauseous, “Mom, this is James.”
Bucky stuck out his gloved hand towards my mother, “It’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Y/l/n.”
“Wonderful to meet you too, James,” she responded, shaking his hand and looking over to me, “I’ve been waiting a long time for Y/n to bring somebody home.” I forced a chuckle, “Thanks, Mom…” “Well, I’m honored that I’m the one she chose,” Bucky beamed, his bright eyes seeking mine out.
“Well, sit down,” my mom gestured to the two free chairs in the room, “I want to hear all about how you two met.”
Bucky and I exchanged a nervous look as we pulled up our seats to join her by the window. How were you supposed to explain that you’d fallen for a 106 year old who just happened to have once been the world’s deadliest assassin? “Um…James is one of Sam’s friends from the military. He came with us to Munich and things just sort of,” I slipped my hand into one of Bucky’s that sat in his lap, “Happened from there.” “We didn’t like each other much at first, but,” Bucky chimed in, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand, “She definitely snuck up on me.”
“Oh my,” she looked at me amusedly, “How’s Sam taking this? Has he threatened you yet, Bucky?” “Yeah, I, uh, got a text from him the other day, and it read something like ‘I’ve got access to government weapons, don’t make me use them.’”
I covered my mouth and snorted as my mother got a good laugh herself, “You didn’t tell me that.” Bucky shook his head, a small smile on his lips, Sam and him had been getting along swimmingly since his last visit to Louisiana. But no friendship could eclipse Sam’s overprotective nature when it came to his family, it was only a matter of time until Bucky was on the receiving end of its ugly side.
“Truth is,” Bucky turned his gaze to my mother while keeping a soft grip on my hand, I could feel his nerves radiating through his touch, “I’m crazy about your daughter, ma’am, I think she’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
Mom sighed, an ear-to-ear grin painted across her face. It was the same one I’d seen when my sister had first brought her now husband home to meet us. “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear that, James,” she replied, “I’m looking forward to getting to know you more.” “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I questioned, “It’s been so long since the whole family was together.” “I wish, but I’m a little too tired to make the trip there,” Mom answered, settling into her seat a little more, “You don’t need an old lady there slowing you down.” “That’s ridiculous,” I gently pushed back, “But since Sam and I are back home for a while, we’ll make sure to bring everybody up one of the weekends.” “I’d like that,” she smiled. A phone buzzing interrupted the conversation, Bucky let go of my hand to reach into his jacket pocket. “It’s Sam, probably wants an ETA,” he announced, rising from his seat and looking between both me and my mother, “Sorry.”
Both of us shooed him out of the room to take the call, turning back to one another once he was gone with shining smiles. “Honey…” “I know…” I tried to hold back a giddy laugh threatening to erupt.
“He seems wonderful…” I shook my head, semi in disbelief that things had turned out the way they had. “You don’t even know the half of it, he’s just…I’m crazy about him.” “That much is obvious,” Mom gestured to my face, “You haven’t stopped smiling since you walked through that door. I’ve never seen you this happy. Just one thing…” I furrowed my brows as her smile turned to a knowing smirk, “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t know who he is?” I sighed, leaning forward in my seat and propping my elbows on my knees. “We weren't trying to hide it, he just doesn’t like to advertise it. Once people know, they usually can’t look past what he was. But, Mom, we’ve been glued at the hip for the last two weeks and I can promise you, what you’re seeing is what you’re getting. I wouldn’t be with him if I thought there was any chance he could hurt me. He saved my life and so many others last week...” “Sweetie, you don’t have to try and sell me on him,” Mom said soothingly, reaching out to touch my knee, “I trust your judgement and I also know what happened to him, it was tragic. The fact that he has a second chance at his life makes me happy, especially since it’s with you. Watching the two of you, how at ease he is with you…And those eyes,” she stopped to chuckle, “The way he looks at you is something special, it’s something magical. The two of you fit.”
Eventually I would tell her the whole story of how Bucky and I came to be, but it was better saved for another day. If she only knew how challenging it had been to get to something so simple and how Bucky and I valued each other all the more for it. “He fought for me, Mama,” I said with tears brimming, letting out a laugh, “Literally and metaphorically. And I just couldn’t let him go, he’s everything I’ve wanted but what I thought I could never have.” Mom placed a hand on my cheek, “You deserve him, my love. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve happiness.” And for the first time, I believed her. I believed that through my suffering, I had played a small part in helping Bucky through his. We deserved something more than what had happened to us and we had found it in one another.
“Your father would be proud of you,” Mom said, her face flashing with a different emotion than joy for a brief second. “I’m not sure about that…” I mumbled, dodging her eyes in favor of staring down at my hands, a different reaction than I’d ever had when talking about my father.
“Sweetie,” she coaxed me, tapping at my hands until I looked back up at her, “Do you…do you know something?” My heartbeat started to quicken as I struggled to contain the information I was withholding from my mother. It was taking everything I had not to tell her that her husband had been a part of one of the cruelest organizations the world had ever seen. The pain must have reflected in my expression. “Yeah,” she whispered, biting her lip and closing her eyes, “You know…” “Mom?”
She sighed, sitting back in her chair and supporting her head in her hand. “I didn’t know anything about that part of your father’s life when I married him, he didn’t like to talk about his time in the ‘service’ and I never pushed it…It wasn’t until the night that he died, before he left the house, that he sat me down and confessed it all.” “He…” I moved to the edge of my seat, “He told you?” “Mmhmm,” she nodded, a distant look in her eyes like she was transported back in time to that very moment, “I didn’t know how to process any of it, how could I? This man who I’d shared my life with and he’d made his living off of inflicting pain on innocent people. Hours later, he was gone and any chance to delve deeper into it was gone too. It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with everything, but I made it. You’re free to draw your own conclusions, Y/n, I’m not telling you how to feel. All I’ll say is this,” Mom drew a breath before continuing, “Your father’s guilt over what he did, to Bucky specifically, overwhelmed him. He told me how HYDRA manipulated him, a young and ambitious man, into coming to work for them, lying and telling him they were creating a better world with their work. He thought he was fighting for what was right…I’m not making excuses for him, believe me, I’m simply telling you what he told me. Do you remember when he’d wake up from a nightmare?” I nodded grimly, the shrieks of my father’s always strained vocal cords still haunted me decades later. “Do you remember what he used to cry when he woke up?” Mom asked.
I silently shook my head in reply, when I’d be awoken by my fathers blood curdling screams as a child, I’d always bury my head under my pillow in an effort to block it out, shedding tears at knowing I couldn’t help him. “Soldat…”
My head perked up, the word was familiar to me after hearing Zemo call Bucky the same thing when we were undercover in Madripoor. “Of course by the time that your James was free, your father had been dead for over a decade but,” Mom paused, looking out the window as memories hit her, “Your father’s guilt over what he did ate away at him every day. As far as you went, he told me that the reason he wanted to keep your powers hidden was because he was afraid HYDRA would come for you. It’s the reason I moved us to Delacroix after he died, I didn’t want to take the chance of somebody finding you. Dad didn’t want them to make you a weapon the same way they made one of James. But honey,” she took my hand, “He believed you could do great things, truly. One of the last things he said to me was that our family was the one good thing he’d done in life.”
Everything that I’d thought and everything I’d never thought had been revealed to me. My father’s crimes could never be erased, but some part of me felt satisfied knowing that he knew what he did was wrong. He’d been haunted day and night by Bucky, the man who I was completely head over heels for. In some way, it felt poetic that Bucky and I had ended up together. I couldn’t magically heal his trauma, but for every bit of torture my dad and countless others inflicted upon him, I was now there to shower him in the love and safety he deserved.
“Have you…forgiven him for what he did?” I hesitantly asked.
“You know, after all these years, I’m still not sure what forgiveness looks like in a situation like this,” she admitted with a small shrug, “We weren’t affected, yet his past put us in danger, especially you. And now, seeing the man that he was paid to hurt and how much joy he brings you, it’s bringing up a lot of emotions I thought I’d buried. I know he regretted what he’d done with his whole being and I believe that, but I still question why he didn’t leave sooner. I wish I could give you a better answer but-“ “Mama,” I squeezed her hand and pushed back my tears to help her, “I’ve had this information for a week and I’m still spinning, I can’t imagine what it’s like to sit on it silently for this long. I was hellbent on keeping this from you but I’m actually relieved that I don’t have to hide it…” I took a trembling breath, “Dad did a lot of things wrong in his life, but I have a chance to do a lot of good. I’ve talked to Sam and I’m going to keep working with him, I’m done living with my hands tucked under my legs. I want to make the difference in the world that Dad thought he was making.” “I think you’re off to a pretty good start,” my mother replied, “I was terrified watching you fly around New York, but I’d also never been prouder of you.” A knock on the door followed by Bucky sticking his head through it broke us from the topic. “Am I interrupting?” he asked, his eyes widened slightly as he worried. “Not at all,” my mom said cheerily as she slowly rose from her seat, “I don’t want to keep you two any longer when you’ve got somewhere to be.”
I tightly embraced her and placed a kiss on her cheek, “Love you,” I whispered.
“Love you too, sweetheart,” she replied, gesturing afterwards to Bucky who made his way over to her and allowed himself to be hugged by her, “Take care of my girl, James.” “I will,” Bucky promised, pulling back to give a nod full of conviction.
Once the two of us had shut my mom’s door and were back out in the hallway of the nursing home, Bucky noticed the slight puffiness of my eyes. “Happy tears or sad tears?” he asked as we walked down the hall.
“‘I don’t know’ tears,” I replied with a small smile, weaving my fingers between his gloved metal ones. “But well done, Sergeant. I’d consider that a successful mission,” I finished, receiving the laugh I loved so much and a kiss to the side of my head. I pressed my lips to the place on his shoulder where I knew underneath his layers Vibranium met his skin, one of his favorite places to be kissed. My phone went off then, alerting me to a text, I pulled it out of the pocket. “Bucky…” I muttered, stopping in the middle of the hall. “What is it?” he asked as he stepped back to join me, I held my phone out for both of us to read the ominous words displayed.
The world’s seen what you can do, come to Madripoor when you decide to use those hands for something worthwhile.
- The Power Broker
“How did they get my number?” I asked in surprise, letting Bucky take my phone to examine it closer as if he could find something I couldn’t. “I don’t know,” he answered, handing the device back to me, “But we’re changing it immediately, you need to show this to Sam soon as we get to the house.” “They’re not actually threatening me, seems more like a job offer than anything else that’s only going to be declined. Plus, they’re all the way in Madripoor,” I stuck the phone back in my pocket, “I’m not going to let this ruin our day.” Bucky frowned down at me as I took his arm once again, “You’re a little too relaxed about this.” “I’m a mutant who can make things move with her mind with Captain America for a brother and a Super Soldier for a boyfriend, I’d love to see the Power Broker try to mess with that.”
The dock was exactly how I loved to see it, packed and filled with joy.
Sam and Sarah had invited the whole town to the celebratory cookout, people of all ages flooding our corner of the bayou as Bucky and I pulled up. Sam had loaned us his truck for the duration of our stay and I was having the time of my life showing Bucky around Louisiana and there was nothing more Louisiana than a cookout with the entire community.
Bucky parked near the end of the dock and hopped out, carrying the ice cream cake that we’d picked up on our way. He crossed around the front of the truck to open the door for me, taking one of my hands and helping me hop out of the passenger side. After a dozen more reassurances during the drive that the text I’d received wasn’t worth freaking out about, he’d begun to relax. For once, he wasn’t trying to hide his emotions. I could see it plain as day on his face, he was genuinely excited to be back in Delacroix and even more excited when the familiar sounds of AJ and Cass hit our ears.
“Oh! There he is!” Bucky greeted as the boys ran up to us and began throwing fake punches at my boyfriend who willingly played along, dramatically dodging their imaginary hits. He raised up the hand that held the cake over Cass’ head and yelled to which I quickly threw an energy shield underneath his arm to protect the overly expensive dessert.
“Aunt Y/n! Can you make us fly?” AJ came up to my side and begged.
Cass backed his brother up, “Yeah, can we? Please?” “No,” I replied, retaking Bucky’s hand and letting him lead us through the crowd, “But you can follow us with your two perfectly functional legs.” My nephews both groaned and laughed as they fell in step behind Bucky and I. “Where is everybody?” he asked as he set the cake down on one of the picnic tables set out and removed his sunglasses.
“Uncle Sam’s taking pictures with people, Mom’s cooking and Aunt Mel’s at one of the tables,” Cass answered, his face lighting up as he got a good luck at the dessert.
“After dinner,” I said, quickly having switched back into aunt mode, “Now lead the way.”
I extended my hand toward the boys and raised them up a few inches above the ground, receiving laughter and praises in return as I moved them ahead of us and through the crowd. Along the way people kept patting me on the back or sneaking in quick hugs, they shook Bucky’s hand and thanked us both for what we’d done in New York. The only thing that confused me was how people weren’t calling me by name. By the time we made it to Sarah, I had questions.
“There they are, America’s Power Couple,” she announced, coming out from behind the booth where she’d been chopping to hug us both. I pulled back to lower the boys back to the ground, “Do you know why people I’ve known almost all my life are suddenly calling me ‘Sapphire?’”
“Did you not check the internet at all when you were in Brooklyn?” she raised an eyebrow before pulling out her phone from her back pocket and pulling up Instagram, “Ever since the night of the fight, people have been referring to you as Sapphire. People are posting pictures of you, trying to get interviews with you, kids are even dressing up like you!” “Oh my gosh,” I mumbled as I scrolled through the hashtag containing the name, seeing all the proof of Sarah’s words before my eyes. Dozens and dozens of various types of photos displayed my signature shade of blue, “Bucky, look!” He took the phone out of my hand, a smile spreading across his face soon after. “That’s my girl,” he said proudly, handing the phone back to Sarah.
“You wanted the superhero life, you got it,” my sister laughed before returning to what she was doing, “Sam’s doing pictures and there’s already been people asking if you were gonna be here so I imagine they’re gonna want some with you.”
Bucky grabbed my hand and led me around to where a line had formed, spotting Sam as the destination. As soon as he caught a glimpse of us, he held up a finger to the crowd and broke away from them. The three of us exchanged hugs, me internally laughing to myself at the fact that two weeks after saying they never wanted to see one another again, they were now brothers in arms. Sam took my hand and tugged me towards where everyone was gathered, “Lotta people have been waiting for you, Sapphire,” he smirked.
As the day went on, the three of us did meet and greets with nearly everybody. At one point I found Bucky casually talking to Sarah with AJ, Cass and other neighborhood kids hanging off his vibranium arm. People had gathered around me as well asking to levitate them, something that provided entertainment for everyone. We ate, we laughed, at one point I caught Sam and Bucky watching the sun set over the Louisiana waters. I couldn’t resist the temptation to sneak in between the two and was received with an arm around each of my sides. We’d fought a shared battle along with our own separate three and now that they’d all been put to rest, we could take a minute to enjoy the freedom we’d worked so hard for. The future was unknown, but I knew that if we’d made it through the mess of a week we’d had together, there wasn’t a whole lot that we couldn’t make it through.
When the sky darkened, the dock lights went on and the party kept going. Someone had brought out a Bluetooth speaker and there was now a section of the dock that acted as a makeshift dance floor. I was seated at a table with Melanie watching the show, baby Alexandria fast asleep in her arms. “So…Bucky,” my sister said teasingly teased.
I let out a loud sigh, “Bucky.” “He’s perfect for you,” she smiled, “I’m glad you brought him home.” “Me too,” I scanned the dock until I spotted my boyfriend, engrossed in a conversation with Sam, “He fits right into the family.” “I’ll say, the kids love him. Max and Sophia have been following him around all day, I’ve never been able to get the baby to sleep as fast as when he held her…” I chuckled, “Yeah, just when I thought he couldn’t get any more attractive, you stuck a baby in his arms.” Mel snickered at my reaction, “Yeah, pretty sure every woman on the dock snapped a picture of that.” The two of us burst into laughter before hushing ourselves as to not wake the sleeping infant. “Hey, Sapphire,” she nudged my shin with her foot, “I’m proud of you.” “Well, that’s a far cry from how you felt last week,” I commented, remembering the fear in my sister’s voice from our phone calls in Riga.
“I’m always going to worry about you, but once I actually saw you do your thing,” she breathed, “I was just in awe of how you would risk your life to save all those people. It would be a waste to not put your gift to good use.” I leaned my head against hers and brushed a finger over Alexandria’s thinly haired head, appreciating the sweetness of the moment. Once a slow song came on the speakers, I watched as Bucky stepped away from Sam and made his way over to our table. “Can I steal your sister away for a dance?” he asked Mel. “Steal? You can keep her,” I shot my sister a faux smile while she watched on with a grin as I took Bucky’s outstretched hand and let him lead me away. “Gonna show me some more Madripoor moves?” I jested as we walked across the dock. “That was not dancing, although I did enjoy it,” Bucky replied, giving me a wink that could have melted me into a puddle, “I’ll show you what real dancing is.” I recognized the song as a version of ‘The Way You Look Tonight’ and realized Bucky waited until now to show off any moves in his arsenal because it was probably the first song he recognized on the playlist. He encircled my waist with his flesh arm and took my hand in his Vibranium one, pulling me so close that there wasn’t any space left between us. He began to sway us slowly to the beat of the song. I rested my cheek against his, breathing in the scent of him mixed with the bayou evening air. As far as I was concerned, dancing in the arms of the man I was somehow lucky enough to call my own in the place I loved most in the world was the perfect end to a perfect day.
“Alright, I give…” I relented softly, close enough to his ear that I barley had to speak louder than a whisper for him to hear me, “Your version of dancing is better.” He gave a gentle laugh, the sweetest sound, and rubbed at my waist, “It’s more about the partner than it is the actual dance, think I’ve got the best one.”
“You certainly know how to make a girl blush, Sergeant Barnes,” I replied just before he spun me out of his arms and back into his body, “When’s your flight back to Brooklyn?” Bucky cocked an eyebrow, “Already tired of me?”
“Never,” I shook my head with a genuine smile, “Just trying to soak in all the time I can with you before you go back.” “About that…” he trailed off, turning his gaze to the various other couples dancing around us, “I was thinking of maybe extending my stay. I mean the scenery’s nice, good food,” he looked back to me, “Decent people.” The grin that I was fighting was starting to make itself very apparent, “What are you saying?” “Well,” Bucky shrugged and looked away again, “I mean, I’d need to find a place, hopefully nothing too expensive or else I’d have to find a roommate and even then, it’d be hard to find someone I like enough to live with…”
“Bucky…” I’d ceased our movements to show just how serious I was, searching his face to try and tell if he was joking or not. “What do you say, doll? You think you can put up with me a little while longer?” he asked with a smirk. I exhaled happily and pulled him down to my lips, kissing him with all the excitement that filled my veins at the prospect of him staying. When we finally pulled away, I cradled his cheek in my hand. “I will put up with you for as long as you want,” I beamed, pecking his lips once more. “I’m glad,” Bucky kissed my temple, “It was either telling you this or the other thing…” “What’s the other thing?” I asked, thinning my eyes at him in expectancy of another surprise.
Bucky drew a breath, taking a few seconds to steady himself for whatever he was planning to say. “Well, I was going to tell you that I love you but,” he clicked his teeth, “Now that I think about it, it’s probably better saved for another time,” The earth ceased to move and spin at a dizzying pace all at once, his blue eyes never more truthful than they were in that moment. “I think you’re right,” I said over the lump in my throat, holding back the tears that had come all to quickly, “Best to save that for another day, wouldn’t want to make a hasty declaration or anything...” “That’s what I was thinking,” Bucky replied plainly, continuing our charade. I gave him a watery smile, bringing one of my hands up to run through the hairs at the base of his neck. “I love you too,” I whispered.
Both of Bucky’s arms wrapped around my waist, clutching me as tight as he could without actually injuring me as our lips met. I encircled his neck and relaxed into him completely, feeing aglow with the love that I could finally admit to feeling. Both of us smiled into the kiss, feeding off of the mutual joy of what was unfolding before us. Was it crazy to commit in the ways I was committing to a man I’d known for only two weeks? To some, yes. But ‘some’ hadn’t formed the bond that Bucky and I had over the short span of time it had taken for me to fall in love with him. We had seen the best and the worst of each other, rising and falling with one another’s waves and learning what made the other tick. I wanted every part of him, the good, the bad, the traumatic and the pure. The quick decisions that would raise eyebrows made sense to us, and that was more than enough reason for me to see each one through.
“Thanks for not giving up on me,” Bucky said softly after we’d parted, pulling back to admire me. “Thanks for not letting me give you up,” I returned, staring up into the eyes that had first captured me. The eyes that I’d get to stare into each and every day.
Since the night we’d connected on the jet ride to Berlin, there was some way Bucky had made me feel that I couldn’t put a name to. Something I couldn’t understand at the time but I was fully aware of now. Bucky felt like home. And with our bright future ahead of us, wrapped in his arms dancing underneath the Louisiana stars, I’d never felt more at home.
A/N: I'm not crying, you're crying. GUYS. IT'S OVER. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY TIME NOW? I want to thank every single person who liked, commented, reblogged, sent messages and asks and supported this silly little fic I thought up one day after watching TFATWS. As someone who is super insecure about their writing, seeing it well received was a boost to my confidence to keep running with this. I've loved getting to write this and give it to you all and can't wait to write more for you. I'm adding my new taglist link for anyone who would like to be added, it's separated by the characters I write for and you can choose which ones you'd like to follow. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES AGAIN. I LOVE YOU ALL 3000!!
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale @wanniiieeee @asoftie4bucky @edencherries @i-reblog-fics-i-like @ttalisa @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess @rinaispunk @weirdowithnobeardo @felicityofbakerstreet @godlyhufflepuff @eternalharry @voguesir @mizz-kraziii @okayline @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories @nicklet94 @intricate-melody @aesthethickks @stumbleonmywords @simplybarnes @21bruhs @lostinwonderland314 @superbookishhufflepuff @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @zozebo @fandomxreaders @kittengirl998 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @i-know-i-can @x-judyjude-x @thebi-valkyrieofvalhalla @buckverse @living-that-best-life @haphazardhufflepuff @citlalireedus @lindseyrae20 @missstef23 @qhbr2013 @sebby-stann @bluemoon-icecream @iixbella @lets-love-little-me @abitofeverythinggg @itsnottilly @sltwins @mads-weasley @hart-failure @natdrunk @nctma15 @obsessedwithjustaboutanything @patdsinner33 @rosebucketbarnes @tylard-blog1
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cassanovancats · 3 years
felicitate. nine.
eight < current > ten
Dec. 24, 2017
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You make yourself comfortable on the rooftop, debating if you should go ahead and text your brother. He would be almost as disappointed as you were; Satoru had taken to calling himself the captain of your ship with Yuta and Toge, even coming up with a nickname that incorporated shortened versions of all three names. You sigh, deciding it’s probably best to not text him. He’s likely already worried about leaving you in charge, no need to add a worry about something that isn’t deadly.
A sudden yell disrupts your thoughts and you jump into position, nocking an arrow and aiming towards the scream. You hitch your breath at the sight: Geto is striding into your school alone, leaving a trail of headless assistants behind him. One of the bodies is familiar and you recognize her as the assistant that gave you chocolate with a bright smile after a mission with unfortunate timing left you covered in curse blood and your own. She didn't flinch or offer pity - just a single chocolate kiss. Now she is covered in gore and blood, her previously pristine white shirt coated with her own brain matter.
You feel your resolve hardens. Geto is a curse-user, a human at his core, but he also is a monster. The arrow flies an accurate course but the man dodges, leaving it to embed itself into the wall instead of his torso. He turns to your rooftop, calling out, “Ah, (y/n)! And here I thought your brother would lock you in a tower.” Geto unleashes a grade-one curse that looks similar to a wolf and sends it after you. He is infuriatingly unbothered by your presence and continues his steady gait into the school grounds.
You start running across the rooftops, jumping over gaps and dodging the curse’s attempts to bite you. The rooftop tiles bite into your hands and knees. It faintly registers that a nail broke when you almost missed a jump, narrowly avoiding falling to the ground.
Satoru didn’t say how long to keep this secret, but you assume now is a good time to give Maki and Yuta a heads-up. You spot Maki stepping away from a classroom, so you run there, drawing the curse after you. On the roof next to where she stands, you plant your feet and turn, suddenly drawing your katana and slicing at the wolf. It draws back, avoiding your attack before lunging suddenly. Its claws sink into your leg. You cry out in pain, falling to your knees. When the curse lunges again, this time aiming for your throat, you fall on your back and thrust your blade into its stomach. You force the blade down its body with a grunt, disemboweling the creature. The teeth around your throat loosen, but the dead weight of the curse dropping on you prevents you from getting up immediately. Guts slide out and onto you and you suppress a gag. You feel a lot like Carrie on prom night.
When you finally stagger to your feet, you see Maki has engaged Geto in a fight that she’s obviously losing. You cry her name and rush to her side. She doesn’t get a chance to acknowledge you as Geto, in one fluid moment, breaks her weapon and sends her flying. She falls to the ground as a ragdoll, bleeding heavily from her side and head. You watch her body land, horrified, before you’re snapped back into the fight rudely.
Geto is now the closest to you he’s been since you were a child, frightened and unable to communicate with the people around you. He feels some long-forgotten sense of pity as he slides the blade of his knife further into your stomach. “W-wh-?” You look at the handle sticking out of your body curiously, blood starting to leak from the corner of your mouth. The pain hasn’t begun to register but your body understands that you are unable to fight. You faint, missing the entrance of Panda and Toge by a few precious seconds.
When Yuta comes out from the classroom, he isn’t sure what he’s expecting to find. He felt a few earthquakes and thought it best to find you and Maki to wait out any aftershocks together. Yuta was sure it was to be a little awkward after his rejection, but also wanted to be sure you were okay. He didn’t expect to find you covered in blood, the same cute gym clothing you were wearing that morning when he rejected you ruined. A quick glance around and he sees the rest of his classmates, his friends, in similar form. Inumaki is clinging to consciousness.
Geto, the one who grabbed Yuta months earlier, stands surrounded by the bodies, hardly winded. “I truly wanted you to live, Okkotsu, but this is for the future of jujutsu.” Yuta wonders how he can fight this man. How can he protect his friends, the only ones to give him a chance since Rika, when Geto already destroyed the strongest people he knew. He was so, so weak compared to each of them.
Inumaki desperately calls a slurred version of his name and says, “Run away.” The fact that the command does nothing, that Yuta feels nothing, breaks him from his spiral. He summons Rika in a rage.
“I am going to kill you!” He declares. Yuta doesn’t think he has ever felt such anger and despair, the feeling of watching Rika die now multiplied by four.
Geto simply says, “You are going to die.”
A sudden pull on your stomach wakes you harshly. “Shit!” Your eyes snap open, to see a sheepish Panda holding the knife that was previously in your stomach. You automatically go to apply pressure on the wound but your hands find Maki’s already there, dressing the wound. “What happened?”
“The fight’s over, but we need to find Yuta,” Maki explains. “He must have healed all of us, but you still had the blade in you. It needed to be removed before you get up. All of us are going to be fine, (y/n), you can rest now.” She helps you to your feet and you cringe looking at your ruined outfit. Maki catches your pout and smiles, glad some things never change.
Toge comes to your side to take Maki’s place as your crutch. You hug him tightly, unable to express in words how relieved you are. He hugs back, equally overwhelmed after seeing what seemed like your corpse. Toge helps you limp along as you all start tracking Yuta’s residuals. Panda clears his throat and asks, “When did this happen?”
“Only a few days ago. Don’t act like you didn’t see this coming,” you explain with an eye-roll.
“No, I totally did. Just curious who won the bet.”
“If we didn’t just fight for our lives, I would kill you.” You four continue to try to have a light conversation until you come upon Yuta’s unconscious body. Toge helps you sit on the ground and you move his head onto your lap, muttering about checking for a concussion. All of you needed medical attention but you were desperate to help any way you could now.
Yuta begins to blink his eyes open and sits up urgently. “Your wounds… Panda! Your arm!” He seems to be working himself into a frenzy. You place a comforting hand on his shoulder as Panda explains that everyone will be okay. Yuta urgently looks over you, trying to determine how much blood was yours, before he seems satisfied.
“Thank you for saving us,” You whisper. His eyes fill with tears and you wonder how scared he must have been. You maintain eye contact, hoping to communicate how much you admire him, before Rika’s jumbled voice makes the both of you jump. Yuta stands, leaving the circle your class formed around him.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Rika,” he says, approaching her.
“What’s wrong?” Maki asks, a little fearful at how resigned Yuta looks.
Yuta hums a little before answering, “In exchange for her power, I promised to go with her.”
“What?” You screech and the suddenness of the yell pains your wound. Your classmates join a chorus of disagreement. Panda and Inumaki both grab fistfuls of his shirt to prevent him from walking any closer to Rika. Instead of her usual retaliation for someone restraining Yuta, her form just falls away to reveal a young girl. Four of you are confused but Yuta just mumbles, “Rika?”
A clapping distracts from the drama. You turn as best you can with a hole in your stomach to see your brother without any eye wear approaching your group. “Congrats. You broke the curse,” he continues to clap and stands next to you.
“Who’re you?” Yuta and Maki ask, causing you to snort before you groan at the pain.
Your brother pouts before replying, “Everyone’s favorite good-looking Gojo-sensei. Do you not see the sibling resemblance?” He gestures between your face and his, before carefully putting you on his back. He doesn’t even flinch at the grime covering you transferring onto him as well, relieved to see you awake and alert. You rest your chin on his shoulder and listen to him explain.
“I thought Yuta was interesting, so I looked into his lineage. Apparently, you’re a descendant of Michizane Sugawara. So, super-distant, but we’re relatives!” You groan and hide your face in Satoru’s neck; the teasing to come will be unbearable.
Your classmates look dumbfounded at the information while Yuta just goes, “Who?”
“One of Japan’s big three vengeful spirits.”
“A big-shot sorcerer.”
“The annoying side of the family,” you add.
Your brother takes back control of the conversation. “Yuta, you’re right. Rika isn’t cursing you, you cursed her. When the curser severs the bond tying servant to master and the cursed doesn’t desire punishment, the curse is broken. Though it seems you figured that out by yourself.” He gestures at the little girl and Yuta.
“Oh my god,” Yuta collapses in tears. “It’s all my fault…. Hurting so many people, Geto coming after me, it’s all my - all my -” He begins to hyperventilate. Inumaki takes a step to comfort him, but before he can, Rika approaches and hugs his trembling form.
“Thank you, Yuta. For giving me time and letting me be by your side. I’ve been happier these past six years than I ever was alive. Good-bye, be well. And don’t come over too soon, ‘kay?” She gives a bright smile, toothy and pure as she dissolves into bright ashes. Yuta stares at where she stood, long after all the ashes disappeared and everyone else walked away.
“See you,” He says to himself, before getting up to follow his friends to Doctor Ieiri.
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dixonsmonroe · 3 years
Near To You
Summary: Daryl and Rick had everything, until they didn’t. But when Daryl meets Jesus, he learns that there are always second chances when it comes to love.
Pairing: Daryl x Rick, Daryl x Jesus
Word count: 4k
Author’s notes: i actually found this in my google docs other day and apparently i wrote this 2 years ago so enjoy!
Warning: mentions of smut (18+), fluff, pining, canon level violence, i will never stop loving desus
Daryl hadn’t taken kindly to Rick right away. He didn’t like him when they were still at the camp and Rick had a gun to Daryl’s head, and told him in his best ‘good-cop’ voice, “We don’t kill the living.” It was like that for a while; anytime Rick started off on his pep talks, Daryl wanted to knock him in the teeth. The longer Merle was gone, though, the pep talks became less annoying and even kind of comforting.
After they left the CDC and ended up at the farm, Daryl still kept his distance, but did whatever Rick needed him to. He actually enjoyed being around him, and working in a group as a team. He felt useful around the farm; it was work he knew how to do. He also noticed the only time he was ever annoyed at Rick anymore was when Shane was around. Shane would make some dumbass remark, Daryl would antagonize him, and Rick would keep them from fighting. Shane would leave and Rick would just look apologetically at Daryl, who would shrug it off and assure everything was fine.
Nothing had ever happened until the prison. They had been there for a while, and after Lori died, Rick had started to come back to them bit by bit. He was currently in a peaceful farming phase, which was plentiful for the group, but still a little out of character.
Rick met Daryl in the guard tower for first watch shifts after everyone went to bed.
“The place is lookin’ good,” Rick looked out over the whole prison, over the crops they had grown and the reinforcements around the walls. “We really made this place home.”
“Took a lotta work, but it was worth it.” Daryl replied, smoking his cigarette, “You got us all here.”
“Couldn’t have done it without my right hand,” he smiled. Daryl stifled a grin and looked away, trying not to let Rick see him blush.
They had been together like this a thousand times, just the two of them, hanging out. They were best friends, they were family. But sometimes Rick would laugh a certain way or he’d get all focused and solemn or he would push his hair out of his face and Daryl would freeze up. Rick was a strong leader, and a good friend. He had Daryl’s full loyalty.
“How’ve you been doing?” he asked.
“Much better. Rick nodded. “I know I lost it a little bit, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’m figuring things out.”
“You need anything, lemme know.”
Rick stared out the window in silence for a few moments. “There might be something.”
Daryl glanced at Rick, who was now looking at him, albeit a bit nervously.
“What’s that?”
Rick looked hesitant now, like he was mentally backing out of whatever he was going to say. He leaned closer to Daryl still, until their hands were touching. Daryl glanced at Rick out of the corner of his eye. He could feel Rick’s body heat so incredibly close, and it made him shiver. Rick finally took his hand and held it as they looked out across the yard. Daryl fought back a grin and gave Rick’s hand a squeeze, leaning against him.
Nothing more had happened until about two weeks later. In those two weeks there had still been plenty of secret hand holding, stolen smiles and glances, the like. But one day after an especially tolling run, Daryl had made his decision. It had been rough out there; it was him, Rick, and Maggie, the car had stalled and they almost got taken out by a hoard. Daryl watched Rick almost get bit and he felt like he was about to lose everything he cared about. He had thrown the walker off of him after stabbing it and helped Rick up. He patted Daryl’s shoulder and nodded towards the car.
The moment they knew they were completely alone back at the prison, Daryl kissed Rick. The best part was Rick kissed him back, as if this was normal, as if it was how it had always been. Rick’s hand went to Daryl’s cheek and they leaned their foreheads together.
“I—“ Daryl started but Rick cut him off with another kiss.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I wanted to do it first, but I couldn’t find the right time.”
“Me too.” Daryl replied. “Figured you almost dyin’ was as good a reason as any.”
Rick chuckled, leaning back a bit, thumb running over Daryl’s cheekbone.
That was how it was after that. They didn’t tell anyone, not Glenn, not Carol, not anybody. There were nights where they would sneak off to an abandoned cell or hallway and just take their time, take in every bit of each other.
One night was different. Rick still had Daryl pushed up against the wall, still inside of him as they came down, slowing their breathing.
“I love you,” Rick breathed out so quietly, Daryl wasn’t sure he’d heard it right. He just turned his head around his shoulder and kissed Rick sweet and soft. Rick’s eyes were a little wide, pride and ego slowly melting away.
“I love you,” Daryl said finally. Of course he did. He always had.
It was like that for a while; sneaking off to fuck after everyone went to sleep, spending guard shifts paying attention to their job, but also pausing to make out like teenagers or just talking about everything. It was bliss Daryl had never experienced in his life, and it was with his absolute best friend.
The day the prison got broken into, Daryl left with Beth and there was no sign of Rick anywhere.
He and Beth had been through some shit, Daryl had gotten drunk and acted like a total asshole, and Beth was nothing but understanding, even though he may not have deserved it. That night, they sat on the porch of the house they had found, having a heart to heart. Beth, even with her naive nature that made Daryl have hope but also made him a little bitter. He’d never had the option to be optimistic in his life, always on high alert.
“You wanna know what I was before all this?” Daryl asked softly. “I was no one. Nothin’.”
Beth looked sad for a moment, but nodded for him to keep going.
“Until I found Rick and the group.” He continued. He had never told anyone about him and Rick, never ever. But Beth was understanding, and as much as she talked or sang or whatever, he knew he could trust her. She and Maggie felt like the younger sisters he never had.
“Rick and I—“ he took a breath before he spilled all the things he had never told anyone. “We were together. We’ve always been close, always been his right hand. But at some point it was more than that.”
Beth grinned dreamily. “Do you love him?”
He nodded, a small smile on his face thinking about it. Everything was shit right now, but despite everything he’d said when he yelled at her earlier, he knew they had to find Rick and their family.
“We’ll find them again,” Beth reassured. “We’re going to.”
He had lost Beth. He was alone, until he found the Claimers. He missed Beth, he missed having someone he trusted and who kept him sane. These guys were brutal, they were guys he knew not to cross.
The night they had found the guy Joe was looking for, Daryl heard a voice and immediately knew who he was.
Daryl heard Joe threatening Rick, so he stepped out of the shadows.
“Joe!” he said, causing him to turn towards Daryl. “You gotta let these guys go. They’re good people.”
He made quick eye contact with Rick, careful not to give anything away but screaming on the inside because Rick looked both terrified and relieved to see him. Michonne looked angry, but also so fucking scared at the same time.
He argued with Joe, he really tried.
“Hey, you want blood. I get it.” Daryl put his crossbow down and held his arms out. “Take it from me, man.”
The blows started almost immediately. The other Claimers just started wailing on him as hard as they could. He was praying he didn’t crack a rib or get kicked in the face or fucking die.
Joe’s voice was barely audible to him, Daryl’s heart pounding in his ears. “First, we’re gonna beat Daryl to death, then we’re gonna have the girl. Then the boy. Then I’m gonna kill you.”
Daryl knew he had to get up, he had to fight back, he had to save them. He had seen a man drag Carl out of the car and throw him on the ground, holding him down and unbuckling his belt. Oh, fuck no.
He listened to Rick plead with Joe, pleaded with him to let his son go, just let him go.
A gunshot rang through the air. The men stopped beating Daryl, and he got up to fight. It was rough, and he saw Rick stagger against the noise, and when Rick seemed almost incapable of fighting any longer, he looked Joe in the eye.
“What are you gonna do now?” Joe taunted, before Rick bit down on his neck and tore out his jugular.
Daryl couldn’t believe what he just saw, Rick unhinged and willing to do anything to protect his own.
They killed the other men, left them in the road and rested until morning.
Rick was sitting on the ground, back against the car, still covered in blood. Daryl poured a little water on a rag and handed it to him.
“We should save that to drink.” Rick said.
“You can’t see yourself, he can.” Daryl nodded toward Carl in the car. Daryl sat down next to him while he cleaned his face. “I didn’t know what they were.” he said sadly.
“How’d you end up with them?”
Daryl looked down at his lap. “I was with Beth. We got out together. I was with her for a while.”
There was a pause of silence until Rick asked if she was dead. Daryl shook his head and said she was just gone. He told him how he ended up with the Claimers, how they were looking for some guy, how he’d almost left them, but didn’t.
“That’s when I saw it was you three, right when you saw me.” His voice was sad and low. “I didn’t know what they could do.”
“It’s not on you, Daryl.” Rick took his hand. “You bein’ back here with us now, that’s everything.”
This was the first bit of physical contact they’d had since the prison. Daryl finally felt warm, even with how much he hurt after being beaten half to death, Rick’s hand on his was everything he needed right now.
“I love you,” Rick said quietly. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
Daryl nodded, and gave his hand a squeeze. Rick said it, but Daryl could tell he was still shaken up.
“Hey, what you did last night; Anybody would’ve done that.” he said reassuringly.
“No, not that.” Rick replied. Now he looked like he was trying to hold himself together. Rick had gotten violent before, but it was always to protect someone. His family was in danger and he saved them. “It ain’t all of it, but that’s me.”
Daryl knew how sad he looked, but he couldn’t help it. “You’re a good man. You protect your own,” Daryl lowered his voice a bit. “You’re the person I fell in love with, no matter what you do.”
Rick leaned into him until his head was resting on Daryl’s shoulder. Daryl kissed the top of his head and squeezed his hand.
They made it through Terminus. They made it through Grady hospital. They had most of the group back.
They lost Beth.
Daryl barely spoke the entire time they walked towards Washington. His family was there for him, and gave him enough space at the same time. Now that they had more people, Rick was busy leading all of them. Daryl knew it wasn’t his fault, but they began to drift apart. Things were rough, until they found Alexandria. Rick became constable, and had been making friends --and enemies-- all over. Most people respected him, but Daryl felt so out of place.
Rick had spent two nights at Daryl’s house, making sure to not draw attention to themselves. They had sex that night, but it was different. Rick was there with him, of course, but it almost felt sad. Like it was the last time they would be like this. They fit together so well before, but after all this time apart and everything they went through, they were different people.
The next night, they didn’t even fuck. They physically slept together, but that was it. Daryl had been wanting to have this conversation for a while, but he obviously didn’t want to do it after sex.
“Are you good?” Daryl asked as they lay next to each other.
Rick had his elbow on the pillow and rested his face in his hand as he turned towards Daryl. “I’m good. Are you?”
Daryl shrugged. “Feels like things are different. With us.”
Rick nodded solemnly. “I’ve had a lot goin’ on. I’m sorry I haven’t made time for us.”
Daryl shook his head. “Don’t feel bad. You’re doing so much good for everyone.” Daryl sat up then, wrapping his arms around his knees. “I know you’ve been eyeing Jessie. I noticed it almost the moment we got here.”
Rick sat up and put his hand on his shoulder. “I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. Nothing has ever happened with her.”
“I know,” Daryl said sadly. “But I get it. I ain’t the last person on earth.”
“Daryl, I know there’s still people out there, but I made the choice to be with you, you’re not just some guy.” Rick said firmly, but Daryl heard his voice falter. “You’re not just some option.”
“I love you,” Daryl said quietly. “I’ve always loved you and I always will. But I don’t want to hold you back. I’ll always be here for you when you need me, I’ll always do anything for you.”
Rick’s voice cracked. “But?”
Daryl finally looked at him and took in the heartbreak on his face. “But I need to let you go. I want you to be happy, and I’m not what makes you happy anymore.”
Rick looked like the wind had been knocked out of him, but after a moment Daryl could tell he was done denying the truth.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I never wanted to make you feel like you weren’t important. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Daryl took Rick into his arms and kissed the top of his head. “At least stay tonight?”
“Of course,” Rick said. “Anything for you.”
It took a few weeks before Daryl’s heart stopped feeling like it was going to fall into his stomach every time he saw Rick. He knew Rick had kissed Jessie, and he knew that it never turned into anything more. He stayed on the edges of Rick’s life, trying to keep a little bit of distance so he didn’t die from pining after his lost love.
When they did end up going on a run together, it felt like old times. Not like nothing romantic had ever happened, but that comfort he felt whenever he was with Rick. He missed his best friend, and he was starting to be okay with that being all they were.
That’s when they met Jesus. Daryl was annoyed with him immediately, but he fought back this nagging feeling of attraction. He didn’t trust the guy, and he certainly didn’t want him around his home. But little by little, Jesus started to grow on him. Before Daryl knew it, they were working together a lot more, and they worked together well. He hadn’t felt this way ever; his feelings for Rick were completely different. Jesus was not only charismatic and caring, but he was out and proud. Daryl had had one sexual relationship with a man who was openly gay, before everything went to shit, but it was still before Daryl had come out. He pushed his feelings to the back of his mind, not wanting to think about what another heartbreak would do to him at this point.
The Hilltop was bustling with activity. Everyone was doing some sort of work; laundry or farming or building something. Daryl was making new arrows on the Barrington House porch, and Rick was beside him lacing his boots and waiting for Maggie to come by. She and Rick had some sort of business to discuss between the two communities.
“First nice day we’ve had in a while,” Rick said, pushing his curls out of his face. “You goin’ hunting before the party tonight?”
“Yeah, gonna try and bring back something big.” Daryl nodded. “I don’t know what you mean, though. ‘S fuckin’ hot.”
Rick laughed. “Maybe if you didn’t wear a leather vest everywhere.”
Daryl rolled his eyes and went back to his arrows. He eventually felt Rick nudge him, and when he looked up he saw Jesus and Maggie down the street walking towards them.
“Y’know, I think he likes you.” Rick said.
Daryl looked at him and scoffed. Rick was trying to wingman for him now, great.
Daryl looked back in Jesus’ direction. He did actually have a little bit of a crush on the guy; he was a good goddamn fighter, but still a gentle, caring person. He certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes, either.
“Hey,” Jesus greeted them as they walked onto the sidewalk.
“Rick, you ready?” Maggie asked.
Rick stood up and patted Daryl on the shoulder. “Ready. Hey, Jesus, you busy today?”
Jesus shrugged. “No, not really. Do you need something?”
“Yeah,” Rick said, the smile undeniable in his voice. Daryl knew exactly what was about to happen, fuck. “Daryl’s goin’ huntin’ today. Trying to have enough food for the party tonight and then some, couldn’t hurt to have an extra pair of hands.”
Jesus smiled. “Yeah, absolutely.”
Rick nodded and walked off the porch and off with Maggie.
“Bye, Daryl!” Maggie threw Daryl a smirk over her shoulder. This was a goddamn conspiracy, Daryl knew it.
“So, when were you planning on heading out?” Jesus asked.
Daryl cleared his throat and pushed his hair out of his face. “Probably twenty minutes? Gotta finish these arrows and then I’m ready.”
“Cool, I’ll grab my stuff and meet you back here?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
Jesus walked toward his trailer and Daryl watched after him the whole way. Jesus definitely liked him as a friend at least, they had started staying closer to each other during missions, often opting to work together. They made a good team, and Rick definitely noticed, putting them together on jobs a lot more recently.
It had been a good hunt, Daryl and Jesus hauled back a deer and a few squirrels. When they were done there was about an hour before the party started. They started walking toward Barrington House so Daryl could get changed and Jesus and Maggie could catch up on the day.
“Y’know, I’m kind of excited for tonight.” Jesus said optimistically. “I never used to be the party type, but this feels more...I don’t know, comfortable, I guess.”
Daryl nodded. “Parties are different when they’re with family.”
“I don’t know, you seem like a total party animal.” Jesus nudged him and Daryl smirked back at him.
They walked into the house and said hi to Rick in the foyer.
Jesus started heading up the stairs and turned to Daryl. “I’ll find you at the party later.”
“See you then.” Daryl said back, and watched Jesus disappear into Maggie’s office.
“Hey, you’re gonna get drool on the floor if you don’t stop now,” Rick teased. Daryl snapped out of it and turned toward him.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” Daryl huffed.
“Yeah, you do.” Rick smiled. “I know that look on you, Daryl. Remember?”
He shook his head and laughed under his breath. “Shut up, Grimes.”
The party was really, really nice. Everyone was gathered around a bonfire and there were tables of food setup all around. It was homey, and full of community. Daryl leaned against a tree and looked out over the crowd.
“Hey,” Jesus walked up to him then. He looked nice with his hair down as opposed to the bun he put it in when they were hunting. Even with the bun he looked good, which annoyed Daryl to no end. You couldn’t look that good all the time, it wasn’t fair.
“Hi,” Daryl replied. “How’s it goin’?”
“Pretty good, it was nice to shower after today. It really is too hot for that trenchcoat.” Jesus shook his head.
Daryl shrugged. “Could just get a vest.”
Jesus smiled. “Maybe. Yours does look pretty nice.”
“I bet it’d look nice on you,” Daryl smirked. “Too bad we’ll never know.”
“Harsh,” Jesus nudged him.
They joined the party once more, until the kids started to go to bed. The adults stuck around for a while, and everyone was still drinking and eating and having fun. After drinking a good amount of whiskey, Daryl and Jesus had a slight buzz going on. They were laughing together, maybe even flirting a bit, which Daryl didn’t normally know how to do, but with Jesus it was just easy.
Jesus turned to him at one point, and it was like everyone else fell away. He saw Jesus look at his lips, then look away quickly.
“Wanna go drink some more at my place?” he asked. Daryl would’ve been nervous, but the liquid courage helped with that. He was pretty sure he knew what this meant, why Jesus wanted to be alone with him.
“Yeah, I do.”
Back at the trailer, Jesus got two cups and poured some more whiskey for them. He handed Daryl a glass and took a sip of his own. They sat on the couch, Jesus sitting against the arm so he could face Daryl.
“That was pretty fun,” Jesus said. “Felt...normal.”
“Whatever that means,” Daryl sipped his drink. “But yeah, it was nice.”
“I’m glad you’re around more,” Jesus said after a few moments. “It’s really nice getting to see you.”
Daryl blushed and drank a good amount of his whiskey and put it on the table.
“I like bein’ around.” Daryl’s voice was low and gravelly, the alcohol relaxing him. “I like bein’ around you.”
Jesus was the one to blush now, but he seemed a little more confident. They were sitting closer together now, one of them could easily lean in to close the space. Jesus did, after a second of contemplating, and his lips were as soft as Daryl had imagined. Daryl pushed back a bit more, deepening the kiss, and one of his hands instinctively went to Jesus’ hip. Jesus put his hand on the back of Daryl’s neck, holding him there. Jesus pulled away first, putting his forehead against Daryl’s as they breathed each other in.
“Thank god,” Jesus laughed under his breath. “I wasn’t sure if that was going to go well.”
Daryl raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes at Jesus. What was that supposed to mean? Did he expect the kiss to be bad?
“No! I mean—“ he put his hand on Daryl’s cheek and looked sincerely into his eyes. “I wasn’t sure if you liked me back. I didn’t know if you’d want me to kiss you or if it was going to freak you out.”
Daryl couldn’t fight the small grin on his face. “I’m glad you did. I didn’t know if you wanted it.”
“Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page now.” Jesus smiled, and for the first time in a long time, Daryl felt like something was going right.
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