#also so curious about how he's gonna tell Maddie
callanee · 6 months
I'm not gonna lie, I still kinda feel shocked that we actually get to see Buck as a queer man on screen. I never thought we were actually gonna get that, just wistful thinking. We already had Hen and Karen (amazing) and Josh, and this isn't a - capital Q- Queer show, they're not gonna do that. I don't really know how to articulate this all the way yet, but it's a really good feeling.
ABC is treating us well, and I'm so excited to see what the writers and crew have planned for us.
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diabeticgirl4 · 2 years
I'm only partially thru ep26 so I know I'll find out when I continue listening tomorrow, but I'm just very very curious how they ended up uh..... writing out.... Tiberius. :T
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peppermintquartz · 1 month
'Friendship bracelet' as a prompt, if u like? I know it's two words but shhhh they're one really 😂
(was thinking of something possibly Jee and bucktommy related? Or Denny and Mara?)
Karen was loath to leave Denny and Mara, but she didn't want to take them with her to the hospital where Hen is currently being treated, so Buck volunteered himself and Tommy on kid watch.
While she's used to seeing Buck at Maddie's and Chimney's place, Mara is a little nervous around Tommy at first, which makes sense - she has only met him three times since the Hans took Mara in as a foster - but pizza and ice cream wins her over. Denny of course has no issues with Buck, and is super curious about Tommy's job as a firefighter pilot. Hence, over dinner, Tommy fields a thousand and one questions about flying planes and helicopters and the more exciting rescues he's been on.
While her brother is talking nineteen to the dozen to Tommy, Mara tugs on Buck's sleeve. He bends down so she doesn't have to raise her voice. The girl is still very shy around him. "I wanna make something for Denny's birthday," she says to Buck quietly. "Can you help me?"
"Sure, of course." Buck feels honored that she has chosen to ask him for assistance, and follows her to the dining table. She sits him there and then jogs to her room, returning with a pink pouch.
The something turns out to be a friendship bracelet. Mara has chosen fire engine red, sunny yellow and pure white for the strap, and black embroidery thread for the lettering. She needs Buck to help her find the correct YouTube videos which teach how to form letters.
Buck sees a bunch of pale gray, green and blue embroidery thread and asks Mara if he can have those. She nods, her focus mainly on the screen in front of her, her nimble fingers tying knot after knot. Before long, she has completed the entire bracelet and she beams with pride.
"Thanks," she says to Buck.
"Come on, let's give it to Denny," he urges.
She bites her lower lip. "His birthday is tomorrow," she tells Buck. A sheen of tears comes into her eyes. "What if... What if there's no party?"
Buck senses the real question behind that query. Mara is worried about Hen and Karen. It's very sweet of her.
"May I hug you?" he asks, going around the corner of the table and squatting down before extending his arms.
She blinks at him, and then comes into his embrace with a sniff.
He pats her on the back and squeezes gently. Then he lets go and smiles at her. "There will be a party. You can give it to him then, he'll love it."
"I didn't know what to buy," she admits in a rush. "It's a stupid present."
"It's not stupid," Buck says firmly. "He will love it, because you made it for him."
Mara looks a little unconvinced, but nods anyway. Then she says, "Are you gonna make one too?"
"Uh, yes, actually. For Tommy." Buck feels his ears grow warm. He wrinkles his nose. "Do you think he'll like it?"
Smiling widely now, Mara nods again. "He'll love it, because you made it for him."
Buck tweaks her nose and grins. When he looks over at the couch, Tommy is explaining some flight concepts to Denny, coupled with hand gestures. Buck takes a photo of the two and also a selfie with Mara, sending both pictures to Karen.
She replies very quickly with a phone call. "She's cleared to come home. Just need to wrap up the paperwork."
"Sounds good. We'll put the kids to bed soon."
"Thanks, Buck. We owe you one."
"Nah," says Buck, winking at Mara. "I've already received my payment. See you in a bit."
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the phantom beetle
disclaimer! this is probably gonna be a lot like how ben got the omnitrix
Danny was newly 14 and 1 year into being a guy and was exited for the stargazing/camping they do every year as it would be his first as a boy
this year was different for three reasons the first being Maddie and jack working on a secret project in the lab (a refitted shed) and second he was going to be a boy this time and lastly there was going to be a meteor shower
after a short drive in jazz's convertible they arrive at the camping spot
a few minuets later they have a large fenton tent™ set up along with a blanket out to watch the meteor shower
not long later it starts its a beautiful and massive collection of celestial elegance flying over... but Danny excitedly points to one of them crash close by and begs jazz to go see it with him
she of course agrees for his safely and also because she is curious about the meteor crash as well so jazz grabs the fenton bat and starts to go with Danny
once they get there Danny screams in excitement at a meteor made of god damn kryptonite in a long damage line from it crashing
jazz holds back to call someone about the kryptonite meteor while Danny sees something on it and goes closer to get a better view of it
jazz is halfway through talking with a person from the justice league report centre about the kryptonite meteor when she hears a scream
quickly pausing her phone call she runs to Danny who has a green scarab like device running around Danny's body attaching itself to his spine
jazz comforts Danny who is extremely panicked about the alien device fusing to him
when suddenly it starts to expanded out burning away clothing as it covers his body in an armour
but because of there being testosterone and oestrogen in the host body armour looks like a mix of male and female proportions being extremely hard to tell the users gender as the armour looking ambiguous
Danny is terrifyed both by the device fusing to him but also making him look alien
jazz tries to comfort Danny by bringing up how the suit makes them look ambiguous
suddenly wings materialise from the armour firing Danny into space Danny is panicked and exited by this when suddenly (i have no idea how to describe the scene from blue beetle past this so just imagine it please)
jazz is panicked and goes back to the call but her phone has died so she runs back to the tent to use Danny's but as she gets back to the tent Danny crashes into the ground
end prompt
you continue from here =]
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rosellerivers19 · 4 months
Ever After High characters Brooke Page and her brother
A few years ago I reread almost all of the Ever after high books and being disappointed since EAH was discontinued decided to write my own version of the Next book (At that time I didn’t know it was called a fanfic since I was writing only for myself on paper)
I ultimately lost that paper and my other notebooks with Very Cringey writing ideas. I’m hoping I can find them eventually but oh well 🤷‍♀️
So back the point I remembered Brooke Page the daughter of the Narrators who often helped Maddy out especially in the last book I read in the EAH series.
This got me thinking of the Narrators where do they come from, Do they have a physical form? Do they live in a separate universe? How many different types are there?
well if my memory serves me right there is a society of Narrators who live outside of EAH partly and Maddie was given a special Narrator privilege or something.
I believe Narrators do have physical forms as we can see with Brooke being plastered subtly everywhere in the series.
I think the Narrators share a universe with EAH and maybe MH as well but live like outside the pages they can only tell the story as it is because if they do change it, it would go against the Narrator’s code another reason why Brooke not her parents ever actually show up in the series because they aren’t supposed to and have way more power when they’re physical bodies aren’t present in the EAH world.
This also explains why Wonderland people could hear the narrators because Wonderland and the Narrator’s sub Universe has a thin line like how it does with EAH as well.
I loved Maddie both in the series and books but especially in the books. I wanted Maddie to be kind of the main character in this book since it would be about the narrators and Maddie and the other wonderlandians can actually hear and interact with the narrators.
In the book I wanted to introduce a new character Nate the Narrator the younger brother of Brooke Page and son of the Narrators we interact with in the show.
Nate for whatever reason breaks the Narrator code and actually goes to EAH. I don’t remember the exact reason I just really wanted him to interact with Maddie.
Nate quickly attracts the attention of some of the students and the headmaster who questions him about his destiny. Nate doesn’t lie about the Narrators and in the EAH universe Narrators aren’t widely known they’re almost a myth but some people do know they might exist. Nate wanted to come to EAH because like his sister he doesn’t like the immense regulations of the Narrator society.
He knows Maddie from his sister mainly and Parents and introduces himself Maddie is very curious and jolly with him. He likes her carefree and silly attitude because where he’s from people are usually very strict and rule regulating other than him and his sister.
Maddie and Nate become quick friends and I kinda wanted to make Nate Maddie’s love interest.
But as the story progresses we find out that the Beast from wonderland from the last book (I forgot it’s name) returns stronger EAH has to fight it again but it has a power up or something especially vengeful against Maddie so she and Nate as well as Brooke work together using the Narrator powers to help defeat the Beast with the help of the other EAH characters as a side plot.
Probably gonna add more later but for now take a look at my design for Brooke Page so far
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somehow missed your Thursday prompt this morning but I saw some of the new fic WIPs and I’m so excited!!!! I’m also gonna borrow the idea from other some other asks where they put comments next to their prompts because I love it.
🦮 🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮(cranberry my new beloved. Also is this a multi-chapter fic or one -long[ish] shot? Just curious…sorry if you have said it before.)
⚡⚡️⚡️⚡️(It may be long but I love it so far.)
🚨🚨🚨🚨(glitter in his Eddie will always be famous to me…I hope I’m remembering the right fic.)
🔮 🔮 🔮 🔮 (I love your universe interferes au and this is no exception.)
🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠(Nico and grandpa! Bobby my other beloveds.)
👑 👑 👑 👑(yes for Madney!!! I’m really excited for this one. Especially will be a princess Maddie.)
HEY! And awesome I LOVE the comments.
Thank you!!!!
Here's 24 for 🦮 (it's a very long one-shot, but I may make it a series of one shots:
“Wh-what’s she doing?” Eddie demands, scooching away from Cranberry. 
“Shoot, Eddie, I-I’m sorry,” Buck stammers. “That’s, uh, that’s her panic response.”
She’s not really supposed to do it for anyone else. Sam explained that. Her job is to focus on him, not worry about everyone around him. But he and Eddie have been spending a lot of time together lately. Cranberry adores him. Once he even swung by Buck’s place to take her on a hike on one of his days off when Buck was having a bad pain day, to make sure she got enough exercise. They did a few miles together, just them. Of course she’s paying attention to him. 
“I don’t panic,” Eddie replies. Very unconvincingly. 
“Eddie…” Buck says weakly. “You are panicking.”
Buck watches resignation wash over Eddie’s face, hand-in-hand with a sort of misery. 
“Wh-what do I do?” Eddie asks. 
“Flatten your legs,” Buck instructs. 
Eddie does. Cranberry crawls onto his lap and lays as flat as she can. She puts her full weight on him. 
12 for ⚡ (THANK YOU!)
“I have been thinking about asking Buck to marry me,” Eddie says. 
Adriana grins. “Yes! Eddie, that is amazing!”
“Yeah?” He asks, a little shaky. “You think so?”
“Duh,” Adriana rolls her eyes. “Eddie, you have been stupid in love with him forever. This is the dream, right?”
“I mean, mine anyway,” he nods. “Not that, uh, marriage is for everyone, but… I… Yeah, I want to marry Buck.”
12 for 🚨 (I am not sure what you are saying here but tysm!)
Eddie can’t tell if Chris is becoming more like Buck via proximity or vice versa. 
“They only pee once a week!” Christopher announces giddily. 
“What?” Buck gasps, with put on bewilderment. “Don’t their bladders explode?”
“No! They only need to go once a week!” Chris repeats. 
“Maybe to save on the water bill we start only going once a week, too?” Buck suggests. “What do you say?”
12 for 🔮 (THANK YOU! It's my fav trope):
“Is that really all you have to say?” Buck demands. 
A pang of discomfort lances through Bobby. That’s all? You really don’t have anything to say? 
“Don’t you care?” He presses. 
“Evan, you have no right to speak to us in this tone,” Margaret snaps. “It’s been a hard day for everyone. Why don’t you go to your room and calm down? We’ll call you when it’s time for supper.”
Buck lets out a breathy, exasperated huff, turns around, and storms off in the opposite direction.
12 for 🌠 (A LOT going on for Nico rn):
Chris is not a parent. He’s not sure he ever wants to be a parent. He’s twenty-nine and never felt a strong desire for it. However, he now feels a certain responsibility to act as a pseudo parental figure to his younger brother. It’s not like anyone else is available at the moment. Unless Chris were to unload him on Bobby or Maddie. That is an option. He won’t count it out entirely.
“Do you have any idea how much you scared everyone?” Chris asks. “Did that even cross your mind?”
Nico shifts uncomfortably in the passenger seat.
12 for 👑 (THANK YOU! ANd MAddie may not be the Cinderellla...)
“Who do you think she is?” Chim asks later, driving back to the station from the hospital.
‘Who? The trauma surgeon?” Hen asks. “I think that was Dr. Wen.”
“No,” Chim shakes his head. “The woman at the call. The one who helped.”
Hen snorts. “I think she is exactly what she said. A former nurse who stepped in to help."
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lovecolibri · 6 months
SaL anon here bestie, currently cheering, laughing, and digging in for what looks like an amazing season. You know there are a lot of ways they could have told the story of Buck realizing he's bi, but by far they went for the most hilarious and ridiculous route and I a HERE for this kind of nonsense. ABC seriously said "Okay, Buck's gonna get really jealous of Eddie's new guy friend...who he spends more time with than his girlfriend who Buck isn't jealous of (and who hasn't spoken in 4 episodes and is known for being the babysitter when Eddie needs to spend time with his new guy friend). Buck will go to ridiculous lengths to get Eddie's attention, including loudly clanking around the gym while sweaty and playing a sport he hates, while sweaty. But then, get this, the new friend will confront Buck and Buck will conclude for some reason THAT'S the person whose attention he wanted, something even the new friend doesn't believe, but he kisses him anyway. How funny would that be." ABC, and Tim specifically, you are not fooling anyone about where this is going.
Seriously I'm so happy, even if Buck's first kiss wasn't Eddie. Tommy isn't going to be around long it seems (especially if he has any sense of self preservation) and maybe Marisol will be lucky to get a full sentence in before she's out the door the way they're going. But I think this is the best way to tell this particular self discovery story, not in an overly angsty, stressful way but in a fun way that's over the top. I'm happy about the way they did it, and am definitely curious about how they will develop Buck through the season. Let's buckle in my friend, we're finally getting some good soup 🎉🎉🥂🥂!!!
My friend, I am still giddy over how much fun I had all around with that episode! Maddie and Chim were in peak Sassy Sibling mood with Buck, we even got some Mom-Mode Activated Maddie, we got silly call shenanigans, we got a heartbreaking call, we got some Grant family drama bringing up stuff from the past, we got happy smiling Eddie, we got sass-master Ravi, AND we got kicked-puppy pouty faced Buck begging Eddie to pay attention to him all episode and still somehow coming up with the wrong answer to his jealousy question 🤣 Epitome of that "the risk I took was calculated but MAN am I bad at math" meme. I love him.
I was reserving my judgment to see how this was going to play out, but so far, I am not hating it! It really does feel like Tommy Knows What's Up, but he gets to kiss Buck out of it, so why not? and while I don't ship them, the kiss was REALLY soft and sweet and Buck is being pursued for once so like, I'm willing to see how Tommy moves Buck's story forward. It definitely gave me the vibes that this is going to be the thing that helps push Buck to his "oh" moment about Eddie (hopefully with an accompanying montage to shut up the "this came out of nowhere" people 🙄). I'm typically not on the "this character needs to date around and use other people to be "ready" for the relationship they ACTUALLY want" train, but so far this storyline was handled well. Like, it's SO clearly about Eddie but also it's SO clear Buck has not connected those dots yet but Tommy HAS. So it's not like Buck *knows* and is stringing Tommy along waiting for Eddie to be single. It has the potential to be a sweet, fun, joyous experience for Buck without ever undercutting his relationship with Eddie because again, Tommy sure seemed to know whose attention Buck was REALLY looking for. For now, I'm on board to see how the ride plays out! And with Tim being better at keeping the stories focused on the mains, I think we are going to get some REALLY good Buck moments with his family around all this, while Tommy does the job of a side character and moves the story along.
"maybe Marisol will be lucky to get a full sentence in before she's out the door" Please, the sound I just made! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Let's hope it's no more than that, I cannot take her smiling like her head is about to start spinning around (plus the actress needs to GO, we don't need that nastiness here!). I am cryyyying though at the way Eddie's girlfriends have never even registered for Buck because at no point did they interfere with his time with Eddie and Chris, but Eddie spends time with ONE (1) dude, and Buck is just BESIDE himself about it. Poetic. Baby boy you are sooooo close to a realization! Also, not the synopsis calling out Eddie reevaluating his relationship the second Buck gets into one 🤣🤣🤣 Boys you are NOT subtle.
We are being FED and I am strapped in for the ride! Lets goooooo! The joy and heart and soul of the show has been restored and it feels sooo good!
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
What are your fav Jiara lines, not for the line itself, but because of the delivery of the line? It could be the most throwaway and generic line but stands out because of delivery and performance.
Oh, this is such a big ask!! I love it but also there are so so many I know I'm gonna forget most of them :')
Okay, so, straight away, the first thing that comes to mind is "you're it". And I know this was a pogues moment but that line is for Kie and Kie alone and the way Rudy delivers it with the looks makes me want to lie in a very dark room.
Another very small moment is when they're talking about what they'll do with the gold in 1x03 and jj asks "what about you, kie?" The way he says it and the small curious look like he's trying not to show his hand but also he's genuinely curious is so good RUDY IS SO GOOD
Then, of course, "did you tell jj" and especially the "just wondering" part. Like the way madison tucks her head DRIVES ME ABSOLUTELY INSANE HOW WERE WE NOT SUPPOSED TO INTERPRET IT AS ANYTHING OTHER THAN HER HAVING A THING FOR JJ
Speaking of Maddie lines that make me insane, "do you think he'll go home?" and "do you want me to come?" are both up there. I love the way she delivers and all the empathy in her voice, and she does such a good job at showing how much Kie actually cares for JJ.
Another JJ line that I love is the "Kie, you good?" after they save her from the sewer. Like, already the contrast with Pope being overbaring and JJ giving her the space she needs is so good, but then the way Rudy delivers that line is so good!!!
I think the one that makes me the most insane is "just one by one we'll defeat them all" because of the way Rudy says it. Like, the way he has difficulty breathing, and then the small "Kie" a few minutes later? one of the most unhinged things this man has done.
Then there's "But not bad weird" and "No, not bad weird", which is one of the most insane exchanges on this show. Rudy and Maddie knock this scene out of the park with every single delivery, but these lines in particular are insane.
Another one is when they're trying to stop the train and Kie says "don't get electrocuted please". It's such a small moment but she's so nervous and trying not to show and Maddie's delivery is perfect as always.
Okay I'm gonna stop now but honorable mentions to JJ's small "Hey, Kie" when he's trying to kickstart his apology tour in 3x08 and then "you got somewhere else to be" "not anymore" in 3x09, like, i love their delivery of these lines so much :')
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halfagone · 1 year
*serious sasuke pose* I. am at. my. limit. i can't stop daydreaming.
danny becoming a monster. not the one he swore to never become, but the kind he had always been running away from.
he becomes part of the giw. and. is close to destroying all of the infinite realms once and for all.
jack and maddie, who finally sees and accepts the truth, but too late, is saved by jazz and pushed into another dimension.
in order to survive, jack finds himself being hired to play an Uncle Eddie for a young boy. he agrees and finds out that the child is too smart for his own good.
the three figure out how to make their new fake identities as legitimate as possible. and since the child is so smart, they just decided to tell him what they were planning to do.
and because the child, tim, is just. so sweet, he helps them.
bruce is getting worried because tim seems to be becoming a bit... like a supervillain? a mad scientist? he updates the contingency files.
i dunno what to add in the middle, but the amount of blood to be spilled when Tim becomes a replacement (of course he isn't but he'll be called it) of not only Jason, but ALSO DANNY has me cackling with morbid glee.
jack and maddie just wants their son back. they manage to filter out the lazarus pit from jason, but when danny appears, there's not a single ectoplasm to battle against. danny was going against them fully human, never turning into a ghost, just to show them exactly how monstrous a human can be than their pre-conceived notions about ghosts.
he threatens to make their new son into a ghost, to rip him apart molecule by molecule for simply being a ghost, and tells them exactly how he's going to break his core.
just. it's all over the place, but basically i want redeemed jack and maddie and villain danny. tim is just there to be tortured bcuz i love him and this is the consequence of it >:3c
Oh how we love to torture the blorbos. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're the author's favorite, you're gonna pay for it! I am curious why Danny would have joined the GIW and the Fenton parents wouldn't, because often times the only reason why the Fentons change their mind about ghosts is because of Danny's halfa status.
Danny's motivations in here are interesting. It doesn't make sense in a logical standpoint. However, there are plenty of villains whose entire philosophy don't really make sense to begin with. This does remind me of Owlman from DC, who was so intent on destroying the multiverse because he just hated everything and everyone??? (I can't remember how it was explained, because he made this whole speech that was total BS so I wasn't inclined to pay attention.) Maybe Danny is this kind of villain too, just- DP style I guess. XD
There are plenty of ways to write a villain Danny, I think most people just tend to use Dan for that, understandably so. A lot of us love Danny as a hero or a good person, so it's kinda like- why make Danny a bad guy when Dan is right there. Maybe this would be a human Danny's Dan-origin. Who knows!
It is interesting how Tim is still considered a replacement in this too, albeit in a different way. This boy really cannot escape the allegations. LOL
While this AU might not be for me, go nuts with it! Keep gnawing on it like that beloved chew toy. Rotate it in your mind like a rotisserie chicken. It will simmer and cook and maybe one day you can write it too. ;3
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blueathens · 2 years
Normality - Agape
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                   ACT THREE, CHAPTER 1
SONG: Look After You by The Fray QUOTE: “You and Eddie have each other numbers?”
A/N: Not read through or edited - also been written in a rush
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Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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“So why have you never introduce me to Buck before?” Kit curiously asked as they awaited for him to arrive at his surprise party.
Kasey shrugs.
“He’s cute,” he shyly mutters before lifting his cup towards his lips. “Do you know if he be into…me?”
Kasey turns her head to face Kit, brows furrowed before they shoot right up, and her eyes widen when she realised what he meant. “You like Buck!” She whispered loudly, face scrunching when Kit slapped the back of her head with his free hand whilst throwing her an angry glare.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Kasey supresses her smile before turning her head to look elsewhere, “I don’t think we ever talked about it,” when really they did, a few months after Buck joined, he admitted that he likes both woman and guys, but he wasn’t ready to tell anyone that yet, and Kasey promised to keep it a secret.
Kasey places a comforting hand on his back and rubs it gently.
“Hey, come on, he’s here,” Hen utters to the group outside and the two friends looked at one another before heading inside Athena and Bobby’s house.
“Hey,” Kit bumps his shoulder against Kasey as he bends down slightly to whisper in her ear, “have you told Eddie about – oh, I’ll take that as a no by the look you’re giving me.” Kit shuffled away as his eyes went to look at the stairs by the front door, Kasey too turned to face that way after throwing one more glare to the side of Kit’s face.
“Oh, I’m so glad you guys were able to come,” Athena greeted at the front door.
“Thank you for having us over.” Buck laughs as he and Maddie both walk through the front door, and with a curious look from the corner of her eye she noticed a faint blush on Kit’s cheeks.
She rolls her eyes, “man, you’re down bad for this loser.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Kit hisses back.
“Surprise!” Everyone screamed as the trio got halfway down the stairs. Buck jumps back in shock, hand over his heart, before his usual smile returned back to his face.
Buck hugged Eddie first, then Kit, then finally Kasey.
His hand rubs the top of her head and her face scrunches up as he messes up her perfectly done hair, before he brings her close to his chest, arms wrapping around her as he sways them both. “How were you able to keep this a secret from me?”
“Well unlike you, I can keep secrets.” Kasey teased back as she pulls herself away from the hug she was sharing with Buck.
Now standing against a wall, Eddie and Kasey stands shoulder-to-shoulder, their hands brushing together between the small gap between them, whilst their other hands held their drinks.
“TK still coming down?”
“Think he said his plane lands at 8am tomorrow, but he said he’s gonna stay at a hotel tomorrow because I’ll be working, then after tomorrow I’ve got a few days off.”
“And where are you guys staying?” Eddie suspiciously question.
“I, er,” Kasey hesitates, “my place obviously.”
Eddie hums, “you sure about that? Because I went over to your place the other day to drop something off for you, but Ms Matthews said you are hardly ever there.”
Kasey freezes.
“Well, I – Buck?!” Eddie turned to look over at Buck as he begins to cough more furiously, Kasey was already placing her drink down and heading towards Bobby and Buck, Eddie following closely behind.
But before either of them could reach him, he fell to the ground with blood coming out from his mouth.
“Buck?” Kasey called out loudly through the dark and quiet apartment after she opened his door with the spare key Buck handed to her when he got this place.
Kasey was finally on a few daybreak and on the way to pick TK up, she decided to come and see Buck since it’s been a few days after being released from the hospital and Bobby already warned Kasey on how Buck isn’t happy that he wasn’t allowed to come back yet.
It felt odd not hearing any music in his apartment as there was always some form of sound happening around Buck, he hated the silence, found it boring, so he always needed sound around him. But there was no sounds anywhere within the apartment.
Kasey frowned as she walked up the stairs to the loft, only to see the tall man that she could proudly call her best friend was in bed with many covers on top of him.
“Evan,” Kasey tried as she sat down onto the edge of the mattress and gave Buck’s thigh a soft tap to which he groaned out.
He sounded exhausted and Kasey frown deepened at that.
“Buck, Bobby told me about the hospital and you wanting to come back to work,” Kasey mutters as her hand stayed on Buck’s thigh in an act of comfort whilst he stayed under the covers. “But you must know that these things we got to be patient for and build ourselves up for.”
“I already did though.” Buck stated, his voice rough with sleep. He peered out from the covers to look at his best friend. “I did, I was doing well – I was getting better.” His face was ghostly pale and Kasey took that chance to lean forwards and touch the bottom of the lamp on the beside table, only touching it once so the light wasn’t so harsh. The bags under his eyes looked darker than when she saw him in the hospital after the fall in Athena’s garden. They were even swollen, and Kasey presumed he had been crying not that long ago. “I am better, you know I am Kas, I’m better, right?”
Kasey’s body froze at the sound of his voice and the words he spoke, and for some reason it took her back to when TK had his first relapse. It was the same words, him saying he was better and asking her if she believes it’s true too.
But those times were two very different experiences, but it still made Kasey’s heart drop.
“I thought you were.”
Those were the same words she said to TK those years ago and now she’s repeating them to her best friend who didn’t seem himself anymore.
“But you still need some more time to heal – to let your body heal – and that’s okay, Buck, it’s okay to take some time away just to heal…a fire truck fell on you, and you aren’t going to get better just like that, it takes time and that’s okay. And the second you’re fully cleared you can come back, you know you can come bac–”
“Even you don’t believe I’m not better.” He scoffs with his dry voice. “But I am and I’m ready to work again, Kas.”
“You don’t look it, Buck,” Kasey softly says. “You seem tired.”
“You work when you’re tired,” he said pointedly as he raised an eyebrow.
“That’s,” she hesitates, “not sleeping well and being tired from an injury is very different.” Buck’s eyes flicked down to the blankets covering his entire body, hiding any evidence that he was injured, that he wasn’t okay really – except his face showed it all to Kasey. “If you went back to work now you will get worst. You have to take these things day by day.”
Kasey sighs.
“Have you spoken to anyone since Bobby?” Buck shakes his head. “So you’ve been alone in this dark apartment for these last couple of days?” Kasey looks around the slightly lit room to see his phone on the other side of the room. “Guess that’s why you weren’t answering anyone’s messages or calls.”
Kasey looks around the room more not noticing any dirty plates or cups and it perked a question within Kasey as she knew that people who feel down wouldn’t be in the mood to do chores such as cleaning up and sometimes not even taking care of themselves. “Have you eaten much?”
“I’m not that hungry.” He admits as he avoids Kasey’s eyes. “The meds make me feel sick.”
“I’ll make something easy for you,” Kasey smiles. “You might need something in your stomach.”
“Don’t you have to pick up TK?”
“He can wait, you need me right now.”
Buck smiles to himself as he watches Kasey go down the stairs and turn on some lights before beginning to make some noise within the house by pulling out pots and pans from his cupboards. He pulls himself up, so he was propped against his headboard.
He wanted to ask Kasey how easy it can be addicted to pills, not that he wants to be, he just…he fears that he’s taking to many medications, and it will soon make him addicted. He knew Kasey would have idea due to her past, but he was afraid that it would trigger something, make her remember things she shouldn’t.
He didn’t want to hurt her; she was getting better.
But he was scared that these medications will make him an addict, he’s heard of stories where people fall dependent of the medications doctors prescribe after an injury, how they fall into that addiction accidently as they just wanted to numb the pain a little more.
Even when he was younger he noticed how people around him fell into addictions, whether that was with drugs, alcohol, sex, foods, or cigarettes. He always noticed how diluted or bloodshot their eyes were, and Buck saw his very own red and tired eyes in the glass of his phone and the camera, he threw his phone across the room from fear that this was the beginning of an addiction.
He never once thought he was just tired or sad or not actually okay, he immediately thought it was the drugs that made him look not okay even though they were helping with the pain in his body. He didn’t even realise he was hungry until he heard Kasey begin to cook.
He wondered, for some reason he wondered that if Kasey didn’t come today he would have become dependent on his medications.
Without Kasey coming, Buck wasn’t going to get up and start to look after himself, he was just going to have a pill whenever he felt slightly in pain from something, even if it wasn’t his leg that was hurting.
Buck didn’t want to fall apart, he knew how horrible it felt from the small stories Kasey has mentioned from her and TK’s past, he knew how horrible it was from some stories Bobby told and the stories Hen told about her ex and how it made her as a witness to that felt.
Buck didn’t want to be addicted, but he wondered if he already was because he was so dependent on his best friend, not in an unhealthy way, but in the way that she’s just there holding his hand, taking these things step by step, she doesn’t pull him out of the dark, instead she guides him out from his darkness with comforting words of honesty.
Buck was addicted to Kasey as he needed her.
If she ever walked away from this friendship, this family, he knew he wouldn’t be able to survive.
He thinks maybe no one would be able to since Kasey was the team’s safety net, the glue, the person you can just count on.
Maybe the entire team was just addicted to Kasey Strand, and Buck thinks this is the only addiction he will allow himself to have.
There was no pain with this drug, no suffering, no side effects, no nothing. Instead it felt hopeful.
“How’s Buck doing?” TK questioned as he sat in front of his sister at a café by the beach, next to some wooden pier that had games running across it.
“Not liking the fact he can’t come back to work yet,” Kasey shrugged as she cut into her steak. “We all want him to come back, but we don’t want him working if it’s just going to make him worst. I just wish he knew that he has to allow his body to fully heal before doing anything extreme like saving lives again.” Kasey sighs as she shakes his head. “Bobby failed to mention though that Buck has already said he was quitting.”
“Oh?” TK raised his brows. “And do what?”
“I don’t know, I just want him to rest and get better.”
“Buck’s not going to do that,” TK points out. “Neither would you.”
Kasey stayed quiet as she dug into her late lunch.
“Why haven’t you been living in your apartment Kas?”
How does he know this?
“Eddie called me when he found out, asking me if I knew,” he tilts his head slightly to try and read his sister’s face, “I obviously didn’t.”
“You and Eddie have each other numbers?”
“To look out for you.”
“Wow,” Kasey sarcastically draws out, “didn’t know I had secret babysitting agents.”
TK decided to ignore her comment. “Are you living in your car again?”
The last time she was sleeping in a car was whenever her and Gwen got into bad fights or she was too fucked up with drugs to want to go home to face either Owen, Gwen, Enzo, or TK.
“I’m trying to look for a new place,” Kasey simply says, “just been to busy to do anything with the looking.”
“Or are you holding it off because you think one day you be ready to live there again despite what happened?”
“Other people do it.”
“You shouldn’t compare your trauma with others, your trauma is your own, and it’s okay if you can’t live there, Kasey.”
“But I know I will be–” Kasey stops when she hears mutters around her. She turns her head to look around before stopping at the sight of the sea. Her face drops.
The water has fallen suddenly.
“Kasey? What is it?” He questions, the inner of his brows drawing closer together at the look of sudden shock and fear on her face. Hesitantly, he turns his head to look out to sea to see a abnormally large way heading this way.
“TK,” Kasey breaths. “Run.”
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jojameswinter · 2 years
I’m DYING to analyze jiara please tell me what you think: Im so curious to know if the writers are gonna make it seem like Kie had a thing for JJ since season 1 or if they’re gonna make her start catching feelings for him and she realizes the major shift in her feelings towards him and starts to see him in a different light and she’s like oh no I’m falling and it kinda freaks her out because the only thing we got in season 1 was her saying “did you tell JJ” but that honestly could have been taken two ways either she didn’t want JJ to know because she did have a crush on him or she didnt want him thinking she would be easy and kiss him too or about breaking the no pouge on pouge macking or maybe she didn’t want to hurt JJ’s feelings because she rejected him when he tried the locked door and then we got the moment of Kie hugging JJ in the hot tub but that’s honestly what any friend would do in a situation like that so I can see why it can also be taken in a platonic way it wasn’t until season 2 that I started feeling a vibe and shift in Kie’s feelings towards jj when she told Luke do you have any idea how special your son is and then when they were teaming up in the season 2 finale and also having the surf trip convo she realized JJ is a lot like her and wants the same things she wants which is to travel etc and he protected her from getting hit with the machete which led to JJ almost drowning and Kie realized if he died he would have died protecting and trying to save her so that pulled out feelings she didn’t even know were there and she realized she didn’t want to lose him she was so scared so all of that really made it easier to open the first episode of season 3 with Kie starting to look at JJ in a romantic way…
I think they will play up on past feelings...to what degree, who knows, but I mean...it's all right there with the crumbs you mentioned. Also, there’s possibility of a younger/baby pogue flashback that could explain/show some things??? We know JB for sure and “young Sarah” is listed on IMDB (not 100% reliable accd to ppl that know - not me, lmao). If we got young jiara I WOULD COMBUST. 
"Did you tell JJ?" to me can only be taken in the way that she has some sort of crush/feelings for him BECAUSE of what comes after. John B being like "why do you ask?" with a suspicious look and her bashful "Just wondering. It's not..." comment. The way she trails off? I think if it were anything other than a crush on JJ she'd just answer JB directly?? I mean, whatever they meant for it to be in script who knows, but this is how Chase/Maddie played it and it def seems like crushing to me. Personally, the differences in how she treats JJ compared to JB/Pope even in S1 also read very much that she has different feelings for him, even if she can't totally explain it yet.
And yeah with the hot tub - she would be there for any of her friends, no doubt, but the way JJ lets her be there for him is really something. It also demonstrates to us the way they’re able to be vulnerable/break down to one another and can read what the other needs (sometimes it’s something subtle like “hey, you alright?” and sometimes it’s a hold me situation). Notice that Pope is sort of like a deer in headlights until Kie instantly knows what to do for JJ. I know a lot of us have said we’d love to see it in reverse where JJ’s the one to comfort Kie in a more overt way and we might get that S3!!!!!
That said, I do think there is still a shift of sorts on Kie’s part - some kind of acknowledgement of her feelings or feelings intensifying, etc. All the things you mentioned, the “special” comment to Luke, the container, the lifeboat - all these moments where she’s like OH...oh. 
You’re right, the crumbs definitely did set it up like the feelings are stirring now. Still, I didn’t expect things to move along as significantly as they seem to be! Granted, we really don’t know a lot, but we know the romantic still that broke us all is episode four, so???????? There could be time jumps too though, so I guess we’ll see - VERY SOON!!! I AM FERAL!!! I NEED PPL TO CHECK ON ME AND MAKE SURE I’M STILL BREATHING EVERY NOW AND AGAIN!!!
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 s6e2 - some thoughts and comments as I'm watching:
spoilers ahead haha
oh shit I almost forgot about Athena's dad 😳
I love the way we kinda see it all from Athena's perspective, and everything is so echoey and feels kinda distant I guess hah
those scenes before something bad happens are always so stressful because I don't know what exactly to expect or when to expect it 😂 like, I love it, but I hate it 🤣🤣
oh my god I did not expect the guy to blow up his yard 😂 I was so anxiously waiting for him to get seriously hurt somehow and here he goes doing this 😂
awww Captain Hen 😍😍 love that so much ❤️
I figured the wife was cheating with the neighbor but they had an underground tunnel for that??? lmao how did they even manage that 😂
they always manage to do something completely unexpected 😂 God I love this show
"are you at ease" why was this so funny 😂
I'm loving Maddie, like, mentoring Noah or whatever, but... I miss dispatcher May sns 😂😂 (and May in general)
Hen is gonna totally wear herself out, I'm tired just watching her go through it all - btw those shots of her driving super tired and while eating are giving so much anxiety that she'll get into an accident or something - even though I drive, I'm still so terrified of the possibility of a car crash after I was in a car crash when I was like 6 or 7 lol -
okay, what the fuck was that popcorn scene 😂 did that have a purpose? was it supposed to be funny? cause it was kinda cringe and annoying and wtf why did they do that 😂
oh my god she's falling asleep behind the wheel - I fucking called it (I'm currently talking at my screen out loud begging her to pull over, I'm totally fine 🙂😂😂)
oh thank God she's fine but oh my god I'm fucking stressed out 😂
Bobby is the best husband, seriously, I so respect him standing up to Athena's mom, that was great - her mom is being a bit unreasonable but like, I understand it because I know, even just based on my family, how old people are - so stubborn and set in their ways, and can get offended over nothing and take everything way too personally...
random thought (because I heard Hen talk to Julie and I was like: who's that new person lol) but like: where's Ravi? I don't remember how he ended up at the end of s5 but like, did he leave the show or something??
Buck always having meaningful conversations with people on calls when he needs it 👀👀
this is such a stressful rescue but somehow it's less stressful than Hen driving 😂😂 (that car accident affected me too much lol its a miracle I drive regularly now haha)
fuck, I teared up when Hen was telling Lev about Frankie 😭 and now I'm fucking crying omg what 😭😭💔 he was on the screen for like 2 minutes, why am I crying over him 😂 they always know how to hit me in the feels
and the saddest version of don't worry be happy is just making it worse 😭😂😂
I haven't mentioned it yet, so here's my weekly pause and break for thirsting over Eddie because I can't handle the feels now lol: damn Eddie looks so fucking good, like always 🥵🔥 I really love his haircut tbh I wish he had more screen time this episode because oh my god he looks so hot and just so gorgeous 😍😍🔥 (when does he not 🙄😂) okay, I'm done for now lol
I'm loving the plotline of Buck trying to find happiness and I feel for him rn 🥺 he looks so sad and clearly this death hit him pretty hard 🥺 also, the "you always have the answers" 🥺😭
don't tell me Hen didn't pass 😳💔
oh fuck I'm crying once again, poor Hen 😭😭💔 she took on way too much, I feel so bad, both for her and for her family 😭
and now Beatrice is making me cry - damn, it's episode 2 and they're already hitting me in the feels way too much 😂 I can't handle it 😭😂
A BODY? WHAT NOW? WTF??? okay, I wasn't that invested in Athena's story so far but now I am 😳😳😳😳 I MEAN, WHAT?! what does this mean??? I'm so confused and so curious and just.... what. I need the next episode right the fuck now 😂😂
tbh I wanted to say I liked the previous episode a little bit better - but like, that last scene really made it crazy and now I'm 🤯 I loved it
ngl, as much as I felt bad for Athena, I didn't care all that much for her parents' story but the end scene made it the most interesting thing this episode 😂
I loved Hen's story and I was so worried and stressed for her (if you ever feel tired when driving, my god, just pull over pls 😂) school work and being a present mom and a wife is a lot and she was just so overworked and overwhelmed and I'm curious where her story goes now, because they built up her wanting to become a doctor so much, it'd be weird if they just dropped it now 🤔
I'm loving Buck trying to find happiness - Buck's stories are always great and I hope we'll get some more of that in next episodes
I'm also hoping Eddie will get some important storyline soon because he's just there being an amazing firefighter and looking hot and I'm not complaining but like, let's put some more focus on him pls 😂
overall, really loved it, and I seriously cannot fucking wait for the next one (like, the ending??? I won't stop thinking about it until the next episode 😂)
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hannahsmusings · 1 year
I had more faith in her than that. I’m sure she was too busy flirting with you to tell you the schedule. *I roll my eyes, a hint of playfulness inn my voice but not a lot, maddy was one of my real friends but she was also my assistant and she often got distracted by pretty men and Anthony was definitely her type, having seen her body language while she was in the kitchen with him* *I finish off my smoothie quickly, it being so good that I couldn’t stop sipping it, usually savoring but I just couldn’t, it being so so good* *my eyes flick up to his as he asks me what I was in the mood for, floundering for an answer since I was so use to being on a routine and eating whatever the chef made, not often able to pick or choose for specific days, just knowing what was going to be made when I woke up* *I blink a few times as I stare at him, coming up short with an answer, my brows knitting together as he asks if he could surprise me, getting lost in his cheeky grin, never meeting a guy who was equal parts hot as fuck and adorable, him being such a question mark to me, unable to read him yet* I told you I don’t like surprises… *I bite my lip, my eyes still locked on his, shrugging after a few long moments* Make me your best dish. Your favorite dish to serve. *his smile was contagious, giving him a small shy smile in return before averting my gaze, looking down at my smoothie as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, twirling my straw around aimlessly* I should get to the gym…
*grins as you say that about Maddy, chuckling and shaking my head as I could tell you knew her well, smirking a little* I can neither confirm nor deny. *chuckles a little, there being a slight bit of playfulness and I was gonna take what I could get* *sees you’d finished the smoothie quickly, grinning happily as I take the cup and straw from you when you were done, pleased you seemed to enjoy it* *sees you were so surprised by my question, raising a brow in curiosity, wondering if your previous chefs had asked before and that being so weird to me if they hadn’t* *watches you as you stare at me in mild shock trying to think of something, my eyes flicking over the furrow of your brow, your bitten lip and letting my gaze drop over your body, even frowning you were captivating, not knowing how I’d stand looking at you all the time without being able to do anything* *blnks out of my thoughts as you say you don’t like surprises, smiling and nodding* I remember, curious that you didn’t think I’d ask your opinion though. For future, I’ll always want to know your opinion and what you think, the food is for you after all. I want to make sure you’d like it. *murmurs, offering you a genuine smile before my eyes light up at your challenge* Yeah? Dessert as well? *asks, excited by the idea and my mind already racing with ideas, glancing at the clock to see what I could work with* Sick, okay yeah. I can do that. Gonna blow your mind. *shoots you a playful wink, chuckling as I immediately grab my pen and paper, jotting down some ideas and brainstorming before looking up at you* Enjoy your workout, I’ll see you at 6. *smiles fondly, clearly happy in this role already, so drawn to you and impressing you*
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littlerosetrove · 1 year
My initial spoiler thoughts for episode 6x15
I’m curious, legally and in real life, how long police actually have to wait for someone to “not respond” before they can break down a door and enter someone’s home. And this of course is knowing, like in the scene, that someone is home.
The actors (including Angela) are so inconsistent with their gun control. Sometimes the guns are pointed at the floor (which I’d assume should always be the case, just, as much as possible), and their guns being pointed directly in front of them.
Yeah the cemetery scene with Chris and Eddie got me teary eyed.
Jee-Yun calls Chimney “Papa”????? 🥺
Buck heard “death doula” and immediately perked up because our boy continues to court death like a friend. 🙃
“We’re all gonna die alone. Might as well spend time with our loved ones while we’re still living.” Maria said this… It’s got me thinking of, you guessed it, Buck and Eddie.
Buck says he died by being struck by lightning, and THEN Natalia’s interest peaked. She’s only interested in that aspect about Buck, ‘cause Natalia asked to get coffee, literally just so she can hear about Buck’s death experience.
Eddie saying to his mom “we got time” is actually an omen, and not a good one. Mmmm I smell future trouble either for Eddie, Chris, or Helen.
I’m sorry, but… I don’t get this tax thing with Maddie and Chimney. It’s painting them to be irresponsible, and kinda stupid with this? I don’t believe these two would have not talked about taxes and whatnot. I don’t even need to Google the fact that Chimney would make more than Maddie, so. I don’t get why Maddie pays for most expenses apparently? And yeah, based on income, why would Maddie assume she’s “head of household”??? Kenneth and Jennifer had great comedic timing, I trust their acting of course. I just don’t believe their characters would make this kind of mistake.
Yep, the coffee meetup, that was not a date. It was just a coffee I think especially in Natalia’s eyes, as far as I could tell. Removing my Buddie goggles, I didn’t read any chemistry there. I just saw Natalia only there for the purpose of hearing Buck's story. I think for Buck, he too was interested in Natalia’s profession, BUT I think he’s also mistaking *gestures* all of this for some kind of attraction, romantically. Because that’s Buck, and I think he’s falling on bad coping mechanisms. (you can also say: Natalia is only interested in a piece of Buck and not all of him, which Buck said he’d no longer accept.)
Seems to me Athena should not have been allowed in the autopsy, uh, area? Seems she should only ever be allowed in on “official” business. Hm. So… gonna let that slide because she’s a cop?? That’s what I’m getting.
I - don’t really get the Athena storyline in this one. It doesn’t seem to connect to anything bigger nor anything with Athena, so… Yeah I don’t get this one.
*inhales* So you’re telling me. That in the same conversation Buck is saying, to Eddie’s face: “I feel like Natalia sees me” while at the literal same time, Eddie is saying: “I know you.” …………………..Buck, honey, you’re really stupid right now (derogatory/loving).
Also, I need to think on how I feel about taxes, of all things, being the instigator for Maddie and Chimney to get married. I’ve seen people say “that’s just a queer thing to do,” but………. idk how I feel about it for Maddie and Chimney.
Eddie and Chris watching Telenovela!?! Yessss their tradition continues! And don’t think I missed it being a wedding taking place on screen.
Once again Eddie’s conversation with phrases like “why wait” mmmmmmm thinking thoughts!! But also, maybe next episode Eddie will talk about his visit to El Paso?? If they jump far enough ahead on the timeline (entirely possible).
Chimney was searching for engagement/wedding rings. dfcghjkljhg
TL;DR  I didn’t get the purpose of Athena’s storyline. I felt the tax situation paints Maddie and Chimney as irresponsible/kinda stupid, which they aren’t. Not sure how I feel about taxes pushing Maddie and Chimney to get married. Buck is ONCE AGAIN misinterpreting the assignment (please dear god, for the last time). Natalia literally just wanted to get coffee to hear Buck’s story, but Buck’s misinterpreting it all as a possible romantic connection. Buck is being hella stupid. 🙃 Love that Eddie seems to be working on getting closure on Shannon.
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heyitsoak · 2 years
may i get the sonic trio (separately obv but only if you take three characters at once :)) with a reader that's literally the definition of this cat
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LIKE I MEAN THEY'RE USUALLY WITH THEIR HEAD IN THE CLOUDS WITH AN EVERLASTING BRAINLESS EXPRESSION AND HAS A HARD TIME PAYING ATTENTION FOR A LONGER TIME TO THINGS?? like sometimes they doze off during conversations and kind of forget things easily BUT they r very invested in the other's interests and super curious about them and does everything their little pea brain can handle to keep up with them and are really affectionate 😈😈😈😈 do with that as you wish<3
Your request are literally the funniest ones I’ve done so far lmao
Some of my friends have actually said I look like that cat cause I zone out all the time and have that expression, the cat above is @Bigfootjinx on Instagram <3
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles with a reader who zones out a lot
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Okay so as we know, Sonic likes to talk, a lot.
And he likes to rant about stuff he’s interested in, it could be video games, comics, etc
And you do really like the stuff he talks about but if he talks for awhile (Which he normally does) you tend to zone out while he’s talking
He can usually tell if you zoned out because you have that exact expression of the cat.
He can’t help but laugh whenever you zone out because your expression is just so funny
But once he’s had his fun watching you stare off into space he’ll tap your shoulder or wave is hand in front of your face to get your attention
You’ve tried not to zone out while people are talking by interacting with what they say, just saying simple things like “That’s so cool!” “Woah!! Can you tell me more?” Etc
But you don’t interrupt what they’re saying or try to take the spotlight off of them, you just say simple stuff like that to keep your brain interested
Yet even if you do try saying stuff like that, you still tend to zone out while they’re talking
You also forget things easily, as an example, Tom asked you to go get Sonic and the others and tell them that dinner is ready and as soon as you walked off you immediately forgot what Tom asked you to do
You kinda just stood there trying to remember so you wouldn’t have to ask Tom what he asked you to do
You just slowing walked over to Tom and said “..What was it that you wanted me to do again..?” And he laughed a little and told you again. He thinks your forgetfulness and zoning out is funny, it doesn’t bother him though
Sonic loves how affectionate you are, you like to hug him a lot and sometimes you hug him a little bit to tight.. you don’t mean to though!
There’s been countless times where Tom or Maddie would walk into the living room and see you laying on the couch with Sonic laying on top of you about to fall asleep
He just thinks that you’re very comfy to lay on and he finds you running your hands through his fur very comforting
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He would recommend medicine for you to help with your zoning out
If you’re hanging out with him your normally in his workshop and he’s talking about his newest invention and you’re just.. slowly zoning out with that everlasting brainless expression
Like Sonic, he also finds it funny but he won’t try to get your attention, he’ll just see how long you stay zoned out
You frantically apologize for zoning out while he was talking cause you didn’t mean to :(
He understands that you don’t mean to zone out and he just enjoys your company and that you let him talk about his inventions.. even if you’re zoned out the majority of the time
He really enjoys how affectionate you can be! Since he loves hugs he always goes to you for a hug
Once you were helping him repair his airplane and he asked for the wrench and when you were gonna get it you just.. forgot
You could not for the life of you remember what he asked for, you awkwardly shuffled over to him rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly and he sighed trying not to laugh asking
“You forgot what I asked for, didn’t you?” While holding back a laugh
“I asked for the wrench, Y/N”
You nodded and went back to get the wrench, thankfully, this time you didn’t forget
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He would be very confused when you zone out since he’s never seen anyone else zone out before
Let alone someone zone out and have that everlasting brainless expression
He probably would take a picture of you and send it to the family groupchat with the caption “Is this normal?? Are they okay?”
They would tell him it’s normal for you to zone out and have that face when you do, he would still be confused though
He wouldn’t really know what to do to make you stop zoning out so he would just poke your face repeatedly
Once you stop zoning out he would sigh in relief, probably scared that you’d be stuck like that or something
He would offer you grapes in promise you wouldn’t zone out like that again cause it scared him, yet he wouldn’t say that out loud
His heart will flutter if you hold his hand and trace it with your fingers and stuff while you zone out it just gets him so <333
He isn’t one for affection but he accepts it from you
He enjoys your hugs and such, he likes how touchy feely you can be, he thinks it’s cute
Like the others, he doesn’t mind that you forget stuff easily
Once he was talking about something and you started to doze off as he was talking and you kinda just.. fell out of your chair..
He just stood there like 🧍‍♂️ w h a t
Extremely confused as to what happened and if you’re okay
When you get up and tell him that you’re okay he’s very relieved
Just please try not to scare him like that again
WOOO I GOT IT DONE!!! IM SO PROUD OF THIS I THINK THIS IS MY BEST ONE YET 😭💕💕 I personally relate to these headcanons since I tend to zone out a lot when people are talking and forget stuff easily lmao
Feel free to send in requests! This one was extremely fun to do!! My posts may be slow though due to school and end of grade testing coming up <3
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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* Don’t be jealous princess*
You and Drew have been dating for over a year now, you had actually gotten together right after Chase and Maddie has. Usually you weren’t the jealous type but when you noticed that your boyfriend spent more time with Your shared friend Maddie than he did with you it had started to bother you.
“ hey chase” you spoke as you saw your friend and coworker from the show OBX’s face pop up on your screen.
“ howdie y/n what’s up?” He responded running his hands through his hair fluffing it out.
“ howdie howdie” you responded smiling down at your phone. “ I was gonna go live later this afternoon on the obx page and I was gonna see if you and Maddie wanted to join me at some point” you responded , flopping down on your sofa.
“ uhm duh” he beamed out.
“ awesome “ you responded nodding your head . “ where is Maddie ?”
“ oh she’s at Drew’s” you sat still for a Monet, your brows furrowing together.
“ huh” you responded, a frown placing on your face. “ that’s funny” you responded. It was really to yourself but Chase heard you.
“ what?” He asked getting curious himself.
“ Drew hasn’t talked to me all day” you responded softly, the expression showing clear on your face.
“ oh” was all chase could say, not really knowing what to say.
“ does it not bother you?”
“ what?”
“ they’re Always together Chase. “ you responded. Chase sighed heavily looking out one of his bedroom windows , thinking how to respond to your statement .
“ well, we’re all so close . The whole group. And they live in the same apartment complex. I’m also always busy so I can’t be around as much. “ you nodded slightly agreeing with him.
“ but” chases interrupted causing you to look back up at the phone. “ Drew could at least tell you he’s with her. If Maddie didn’t tell me and didn’t text me all day that would definitely have me worrying. “
“ I know! I feel like all day I’m fighting for his attention and they’re always together. It use to not bother me but when I’m waiting until the end of the day to hear from Drew just to find out he’s been with her all day is beyond annoying”. Chase nodded sighing heavily. You could tell by what all you were saying was starting to cause a concern for him as well.
“ I’m sorry chase I just-“
“ no no I get it y/n I do” he responded . “ I don’t personally think there is anything going on between the two of them but I would talk with Drew just to clear up and confusion and stuff” he suggested . You both spoke for another 30 minutes before hanging up. You sighed before attempting to call Drew, his phone going straight to voicemail which only angered you. You sighed with frustration as you dialed maddies number, pressing speaker as you waited for her to answer.
“ hey y/n” she responded with her bubbly voice.
“ hey” you responded kind of stern. It was honestly harder than you thought it would be to hide the envious of her being with your boyfriend .
“ what’s up you okay?” She asked , noticing the tone in your voice.
“ yeah” you responded, hardly convincing. “ where’s Drew?” You asked .
“ hold on” she said her tone lowering .
“ here Drew, it’s y/n” she said . You could hear her say in the back ground ‘ I think she’s upset’ before you heard Drew answer.
“ hey princess” he responded. You frowned, you were so happy to hear his voice but you wanted to be with him so bad and you hated how you were feeling jealous over his friendship with Maddie.
“ hey babe” you sighed out. “ what are you doing?”
“ I brought Maddie some of mommas casserole and then we’ve been playing board games. What are you up to princess ?” You rolled your eyes of the image of Drew and Maddie playing board games but quickly shook your head pushing those angered thoughts away.
“ well…. I was waiting on you” you replied softly, messing with the strings on your pajama shorts .
“ waiting on me?” He responded . You scoffed slightly. Of course he’d forget.
“ my OBX live is within the next hour, you were going to come over remember ? “ you exclaimed.
“ ahh… shit princess I’m sorry my phones been dead so I hadn’t even paid attention to the time. I’ll come over” he said moving around.
“ No no it’s okay, you won’t get here in time anyways..” there was a moment of silence between the two of you before Drew spoke up excitedly.
“ you can just add me and Maddie to your live!” He suggested excitedly . You pushed your lips together in frustration, squinting your eyes In anger.
“ yeah sure ok” you responded without much enthusiasm but Drew hadn’t caught on.
“ awesome princess I’ll charge my phone okay I love you “ he said .
“ I love you too” you said before hanging up.
“ ughhh” you groaned before throwing yourself back against your couch.
“ okay thanks chase we’re gonna bring Maddie and Drew on next ! “ you said into your phone. You had been on Instagram live with chase for a good 45 minutes , answering wild questions from the fans , waiting for Drew to text you that they were ready to come in the live .
“ okay love you y/n bye guys!” Chase said before ending his side of the chat.
“ okay let’s get Drew and Maddie on” you said quietly before biting your bottom lip as you searched Drew’s name in the view list .
“There they are!” You beamed before clicking Drew’s name .
“ hiiiiii!” Maddie said excitedly waving into the camera. Drew was sitting next to her on her couch, waving into the camera. You could feel the jealously pooling back through but this time you really had to hide it since over 20k people were watching . You had only been 5 minutes into it with Drew and Maddie when you started noticing comments from the views mentioning how it was weird that Drew was with Maddie and not you. You had even seen one comment
‘DREW- why are you not with your GF????’
You watched Madelyns face to see if she would notice the comments too and you could tell she had seeing as her smile went away. The live didn’t last much longer considering most the comments were nothing but shaming Drew and Madelyn for being together and not with you or Chase. It blew your mind since the fans never really pointed it out when it was chase on live with them but when it was you it was like that’s all they could speak on.
You were awoken from your nap to the sound of your doorbell ringing, your living room dark as it was night time.
“ coming” you said pulling one of Drews t-shirt down that he had left over at your house.
“ hey princess “ Drew said as you opened the door, a set of flowers. You were honestly very excited to see him, but being annoyed as to how much he’s being leaving your out for Madelyn was over powering your excitement.
“ thanks” you mumbled while grabbing the bouquet of flowers before stepping out of the door way letting him in.
“ I’m sorry I’m sent here for the live but I figured movie night can make up for it “ he said, his tall figure slouching down pecking your cheek.
“ sure” you answered walking towards your kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.
“ comedy? Horror?” Drew questioned following behind you. You sighed as you felt his large hands wrap around your waste, “ romance” he said seductively in your ear. You pushed his hands away stepping away from him.
“ Drew stop” you said walking towards your counter, pushing your hair behind your hair.
“ princess what’s wrong?” He asked, genuinely concerned. You furrowed your eyebrows, almost in anger at the fact he was being so clueless to it all.
“ really drew?” You responded . You really didn’t want to be one of those toxic controlling girlfriends, but you knew if you didn’t bring it to attention it was going to honestly eat you alive.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” He stated straight into his figure up looking at you with confusion.
“ ugh” you scoffed, throwing your hands up. “ isn’t it obvious?” Drew just looked at you dumbfounded and completely lost.
“ I miss my boyfriend “ you stated , leaning back against the counter , looking down at the floor.
“ what? Princess what are you talking about?” He said walking towards you.
“ we’ll drew, we’ve been together for over a year and yet you’re with Madelyn more than you are with me. And it’s becoming like an excessive amount.” You stated, pushing your hair back. He chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
“ are you fucking laughing ?” You scolded pushing yourself up off the counter .
“ yes I am “ he stated crossing his arms as he propped himself against the counter next to you. “ are you jealous?” He replied in a mocking tone, clearly amused. You went to speak but nothing coming out as you didn’t know how to respond.
“ don’t be jealous princess”
You rolled your eyes before brushing past him, purposely brushing your shoulder into his bicep since his figured towered over you. “ whatever Drew don’t take me serious then” you spatted out before flopping down on your couch , pulling your phone out.
“ princess I do take you serious” he said before standing in front of you , looking down at you. “ it’s just you’re so cute when you’re jealous, especially when you have nothing to be jealous about” he replied before grabbing your hands, pulling you up to stand with him. “ all of us are just such close friends, and Madelyn lives below me so we’re just closest to eachother when we need company. There’s nothing going on between us princess you never have to worry about that” you looked over looking around in your kitchen, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“ I don’t mean to be jealous” you said still not making Eye contact. “ but when my boyfriend is with another girl s day and can’t even call me or text me at all the whole day… kind of hard to not question things. “ he sighed heavily nodding.
“ yeah honestly that was kind of shitty of me. I got lost in time and I had my phone up and - it doesn’t matter. I’ll do better princess. “ he said before leaning down to kiss your lips. You sighed with relief into the kiss, wrapping your arms tightly around his abdomen, pulling his muscular figure against yours. You giggled as he moved his lips from your cheek down to your neck , and then back up again to peck a quick one on the tip of your nose.
“ so” he said , holding your face in his hands. “ comedy, horror, or romance?” He asked again, with a big smirk playing on his face. You shrugged knowing the smile he was giving meant you guys weren’t going to make it through the movie anyways.
“ what ever “ you responded staring at his plump bottom lip, fantasizing about pressing against it once again.
“ whatever” he mocked before leaning down again to kiss you, this time his hands landing on your bottom, giving it a squeeze.
❤️❤️ feed back much appreciated ❤️❤️
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