#also this makes me hope episode 2 of season three will also contain a vulnerable jamie talking to ted scene
So I obsess a lot about how small and vulnerable Jamie looks when he goes to ask Ted to let him come back to Richmond in the second episode of season two, but today I rewatched the second episode of season one and now I'm having Feelings about how similar Jamie's whole vibe is in the “positive reinforcement” scene. They’ve just played their first match under Ted and lost, and Ted’s called Jamie into his office to try out Keeley’s suggestion on how to get through to Jamie.
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There's this gifset showing how Jamie tends to look down when he's feeling vulnerable, and that's exactly Jamie's response when Ted compliments him in this scene as well. But also, now that I know what to look for, I realized that that vulnerability never goes away at any point during this scene. Everything about his body language the entire time is SO much like the scene in Lavender.
Watching this scene again also made me wonder if Jamie doesn't actually get praised that often - at least not in meaningful, one-on-one settings by people who are actually in his life. Obviously Jamie's rich and famous and he gets a lot of praise from fans, but there's a different quality to a bunch of strangers singing your praises vs somebody looking you in the eye and telling you, genuinely, that you are "the best athlete I have ever coached."
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I mean, our boy is just completely caught off-guard this entire scene - you can see the wheels turning in his head, can see him trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. At the end of the scene he even leaves the room sort of looking around in bewilderment, like he can't figure out what just happened to him.
(Kinda makes you wonder how conversations with his coaches after a lost match usually tend to go.)
It’s also kind of just hit me how much Jamie's specific verbal response (not just his body language) stands out here. "Wow. Um. Yeah, I work hard, yeah." He doesn't say "well, obviously" or "yeah, I'm the shit ain't I?" or "ha, tell me somethin' I don't know" or anything else you'd expect him to respond with based on the personality he's projecting at this time in the series. He’s honest. He’s a little awkward. He can’t seem to make eye contact with Ted for more than half a second. Again, let me remind you, this is episode TWO. This is height-of-prickishness-Jamie.
It's also interesting that, despite the arrogance he’s been showing, Jamie is also very ready to be criticized - and there's no indication he's even mad about it. When he first walks into the room, Jamie looks like he thinks he's in trouble and is clearly surprised when Ted says something kind instead. And when Ted says that Jamie's truly great at everything he does "except for one thing," Jamie immediately suggests that Ted's talking about his left foot cross. Jamie is fully prepared for Ted to point out the smallest flaws in his technique, maybe because that's what he's used to. Now, it's certainly not a bad thing for Jamie's past coaches to have been nitpicky with him - I'm sure it's part of why Jamie's so skilled, along with Jamie's own level of commitment - but knowing about his dad, and judging by the way he responds to Ted's compliments in this scene, I think he's been criticized by authority figures a lot more than he's been praised.
It's also just. fascinating how INSTANT the change in Jamie's whole demeanor is. I mean, damn, "responds well to positive reinforcement" indeed. Up until this point, Jamie's been dickish and performative and over the top - but the second Ted gives him a genuine compliment? Jamie starts speaking more quietly, he looks down, he gets this fucking softness in his eyes that stays there throughout the entire scene. Seriously, look at his face after Ted ends their conversation by adding "that was a heck of a goal out there, by the way."
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Just. like. the tiniest bit of genuine praise (given to him one-on-one, without any other people around apart from Beard) and his entire demeanor is completely transformed.
TL;DR: This is our first glimpse of vulnerability from Jamie, and (much like with the first genuine smile) I've realized that it came a whole lot earlier in the series than I'd previously thought because it turns out I just hadn't known what to look for, and I'm having a lot of feelings about it.
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strange-lace · 3 years
I've been meaning to write something in response to the spider Wukong design that @winterpower98 and @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off have drawn for my Spider Monkie AU! Also features my ship with this AU of Wukong/Spider Queen/Macaque. So here you go!
But content warning for body horror and brief descriptions of blood! Also has brief spoilers for the season 2 finale.
It felt almost like the end of era to Spider Queen when she and the others ventured back down to their old home to start cleaning things out without the threat of the Lady Bone Demon looming over them all. It was one thing for her to start living on Flower Fruit Mountain with the idea in mind that it is a temporary arrangement but this made it feel all the more permanent to her. The idea of never having to live in the ruins, the constant reminders of her fallen reign, and instead live surrounded by greenery, sunlight, and fresh air…
Well, it made the scars, angry and red from where her skin met the scalding liquid of the brazier, not as difficult to look at.
It was enjoyable in a sense, going through her things for moving. Old spell books, faded robes, half finished blueprints. Having Wukong and Macaque there certainly helped, the two monkeys providing their own brand of commentary that never failed to get a chuckle or exasperated groan from her.
Though that changed once they inevitably had to start clearing out the lab.
Syntax, understandably, chose to start transporting things back to the mountain at that moment, Goliath and Huntsman making the decision to go with him. The former because he was concerned about leaving Syntax alone with how shaken he looked and the latter… well even now, Spider Queen couldn’t quite understand those two’s dynamic. They certainly weren’t as antagonistic towards each other like they used to but that didn’t leave them bickering any less than before.
Even though Spider Queen had long since adjusted to the constant gnawing of guilt, it definitely felt like a jab to the gut to see Syntax as he hurried to leave and be back above ground. Far away from the lab and the memories that came with it.
He was in such a hurry that he had not noticed the screwdriver which he had left on the ground.
A gentle prod from Macaque snapped her out of it.
“Hey, c’mon, let’s get through this old junk quick before someone else gets any ideas, okay?”
She could still hear his screams when the experiments were at their worst. How he was barely coherent afterwards, looking so small and vulnerable as she did her best to make sure he was comfortable. How the pain persisted despite the experiments being a “success” and the burning hatred in the Monkey King’s eyes as he glared her down with Macaque in his arms.
“Right, yes, of course,” she mumbled. Macaque was about to say more before all four of his eyes went wide at the sight of something behind her. Spider Queen turned as quickly as she could with her mechanical spider legs and nearly had a heart attack at the sight of Wukong picking up an unused glass tank of her venom that was twice his size.
“Wukong, for all that is heavenly, be careful with that!”
“I got it, I got it! Don’t worry, I’ve carried heavier things than this,” he said as if that actually made either of them feel any better.
To his credit, he kept his balance and grip on the tank well enough that Spider Queen and Macaque felt like they could breathe.
Until he stepped on the same screwdriver that Syntax had accidentally left behind in his rush to leave.
And try as he might, Wukong couldn’t right his balance in time.
Spider Queen swore the world had gone into slow motion in that moment.
The Monkey King landed flat on his back, eyes going wide in horror at the sight of the tank right on top of him. Before he could even move, the tank landed on his body with the glass casing shattering on impact. Without thinking, Spider Queen grabbed Macaque and leaped until they were on the ceiling, far from the reach of the spider venom as it spilled all over Wukong and the lab floor with nothing to contain it anymore.
For a brief moment, they were both silent in horror as Wukong remained motionless before jolting upwards, coughing up a storm.
“Oh gross, I think it got in my mouth!” He sputtered in outrage and Spider Queen let out a sigh of relief. He was still cognizant and not a mindless slave, that was a good sign that the venom didn’t work that way without the spider robots. Perhaps it had become less potent, simply left down here without anyone to maintain it?
That didn’t stop her from insisting that she or Syntax look him over for any possible side effects back on Flower Fruit Mountain, despite the Monkey King’s protests that he was fine. Though, eventually, he caved in.
And to her great relief, there didn’t seem to be any.
“See, what did I tell you? Everything’s fine and I’m fine. You don’t gotta worry about me, that energy is better spent somewhere else.” His eyes wandered towards Macaque as he said that. The monkey demon in question was trying and failing to hide the pain on his face as he rubbed at his back. Spider Queen conceded on that as it looked like she was going to have to brew another muscle relaxer for Macaque and just her luck, they just ran out of the last batch.
“Fine, then help me expend that energy by helping me get the herbs for Macaque’s medicine,” she grumbled, running a hand through her choppy hair. It was still strange, having her hair cut so short to what was a pixie cut, but it was… a welcome change. It also being that way MK did for her while she was recovering and extremely uncomfortable with her hair touching her burn scars helped but… no need to say it out loud.
Wukong followed her lead without any complaint, yet stopped for a second when he felt a weird twinge in his sides. The call of Spider Queen snapped him out of it and rushed to follow her. Yet in the back of Wukong’s mind, he couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t just a random pain in his sides.
Almost felt like…
Like something was squirming underneath his skin.
‘Eh, it’s probably nothing to worry about.’ He thought to himself, reaching behind him to scratch at a sudden itch on the back of his neck.
Days passed like normal after that, the permanent move to Flower Fruit Mountain a success, much to his monkeys' chagrin. They were just beginning to warm up to Goliath and were able to be around the others without Wukong having to stop them from pelting the spider demons in fruit. Typically by reminding them that, like it or not, they were also MK’s family and asking them if they wanted to make MK upset by throwing fruit at his mother and “uncles”. That usually did the trick.
Good thing too since Wukong was starting to notice he was feeling… off.
The twinging at his sides had only seemed to worsen in the following days, the sensation escalating from only happening once every two days to it happening three times a day. And while they didn’t become painful, each time it felt like there was more… force behind them every time they happened.
The ignored voice in the back of his head compared it to something almost trying to poke its way free.
Eventually, these “episodes” were enough to stop Wukong from whatever he was doing to try and catch his breath once his sides calmed down. He figured it was only a matter of time until one of his partners confronted him about it. This time being Macaque.
It helped that he had caught Wukong during another one of his “episodes”, this one enough to make him stumble his footsteps and make Macaque rush to catch him before the Monkey King fell ungracefully to the floor.
“Alright Wukong, what’s going on with you?”
A part of Wukong wanted to insist that it was nothing but a passing thing. But passing sensations don’t last this long.
Something was wrong.
“Remember when I dropped that vat of Queenie’s spider venom on me and she didn’t find anything wrong with me?” Horrifying realization came to Macaque’s face at that question, all four of his eyes immediately looking over Wukong for anything out of the ordinary.
“I don’t like where this is going Peaches.”
“Well… a bit ago I started feeling something odd in my sides. Like somebody was poking me. It didn’t really hurt so I thought it was no big deal and would go away on its own, y’know? It… it hasn’t gone away. In fact it’s been happening more often and getting stronger.” As he spoke, Wukong lightly rubbed at his sides, not looking directly at Macaque out of guilt.
“Peaches, I love you, but why didn’t you say something sooner?”
“I thought I could handle it on my own! And we have more important things to worry about than me, like you and Queenie, y’know the people who aren’t indestructible and-” He was cut off by a light smack behind the head from Macaque, the demon looking exasperated and frustrated more than anything else.
“You idiot, just because you’re indestructible doesn’t mean that you should have kept this from SQ and me. God, you sound like the kid. We have no idea how the venom could impact your systems compared to me and now who knows what we’ll find. C’mon, we’re having Queen look at you again, no arguments.”
Wukong couldn’t find it in himself to protest. Only hope that it was merely them all being paranoid and stressed.
Those hopes promptly went out the window when Spider Queen had him take off his shirt.
On each side of his torso underneath his arms were two pairs of lumps, each the size of his palm and seemed to almost twitch when she had cautiously prodded at them to feel for bone. He was worried for a moment that everyone was going to see the peaches he had just eaten as nausea squirmed within his stomach.
“This is not good, pretty sure these same exact kind of bumps developed too when we…” Spider Queen trailed off, eyes lingering on Macaque who didn’t need to say anything to show that he understood what she meant. “But this doesn’t make any sense, it took weeks for them to develop at this stage and yet it’s been little more than a week, barely two.” She looked extremely frazzled, trying to make sense of this. Syntax didn’t look any better himself, lime green hair a tousled mess compared to its usual put-together appearance.
“It could be a case of biology, my queen. Wukong’s biology is… incomprehensible to put it politely. With all the methods put into extending his immortality and Macaque’s own biology, it would be pointless to try and compare them and their reactions to the venom. And with how fast these limbs seem to be developing in comparison, it may have already been too late to use the antivenom the moment his skin made contact and he ingested the venom,” he rambled yet Wukong didn’t miss the look of sympathy sent his way at that final statement.
Wukong felt numbness, not sure how to process knowing it was too late for him from the get go.
The sensation of something squirming hitting him again and knowing that it was new limbs developing right under his ribs only made his nausea worse.
He barely noticed Macaque gently pulling him into a hug until his face was buried in coarse purple fur, four arms holding him while the monkey demon nuzzled his cheek.
“Hey, look on the bright side, Peaches. It’s looking like you won’t be growing any new eyes like me. Can’t get any worse than that, right?” Wukong could only give him a small, fond smile that could not even begin to communicate his exhaustion, fear, but relief that Macaque was at least trying to comfort him. For a brief moment, he felt a bit calmer and wasn’t bathed in dread about what was inevitably about to come.
That temporary peace was shattered the moment Wukong felt a stabbing sensation in his sides.
A pain which only seemed to intensify by the second.
He had to leave. Now.
“I-I’m so-sorry, I have to-” Wukong cut himself with a scream of pain as it spiked for a brief moment to a level that his mind was only white hot agony. He stumbled out of Macaque’s embrace and ran off, no clear destination in mind except that he needed to be away.
He could faintly hear Macaque and Spider Queen calling for him to come back, yet he didn’t listen.
The trees blurred as he ran past them and he stumbled into the first temple, nearly tripping on the stone steps and slamming the door behind him. In his blind, pain-filled panic he was able to pile the dusty and old furniture in front of the door to keep anybody out before the pain left him to fall to his knees. Wukong struggled to breath, his lungs feeling like they were on fire.
He couldn’t breathe. He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Wukong could only open his mouth in a silent scream of pain, writhing on the floor in a poor attempt to alleviate his suffering. White hot pain ran down his spine as it felt like someone was pulling at it like taffy, skin stretching and organs rearranging underneath his flesh. He gasped in air once the unbearable heat seemed to recede only to let out a groan as it traveled down to his legs. Wukong swore that he could hear the bones in his legs creaking as they grew and thickened, muscles following their lead to fortify them as if ready to carry a great weight.
He sighed, feeling like he could breathe again while noticing that his clothes didn’t feel right anymore.
The brief moment of peace was shattered as Wukong was overtaken by pure agony as he felt something trying to push through his sides.
This time, he couldn’t hold in the screech that bellowed from his lungs.
Spider Queen and Macaque, desperately searching for Wukong, nearly jumped out of their skin as a roar of distress echoed through the forests of Flower Fruit Mountain. They two shared a silent look before running off in the direction of the sound’s origin, his ears leading the way as they twitched to and fro to track their idiot partner down.
“It came from here, I can hear him inside,” Macaque said yet the grim look on his face told her that that wasn’t all. The door didn’t budge when she attempted to pull it open, something heavy on the other side. Rapidly losing patience knowing that Wukong was on the other side and already in the throes of the transformation, Spider Queen felt she could be forgiven about what she needed to do next.
She stepped back before charging at the doors, her shoulder taking the brunt of force.
The fact that she caused the makeshift barricade on the other side to go flying across the temple was of no concern to her. The sight of Wukong curled up in a fetal position on the floor was.
“Peaches!” “Peachykins!”
They were both at his side in an instant, Macaque gently taking the Monkey King off the floor. Immediately he could feel something had changed. Wukong was taller, heavier in his arms.
Gods if that didn’t bring back memories he’d much rather bury.
“You shouldn’t… you two shouldn’t be here,” Wukong wheezed, voice raspy for obvious reasons.
“Quiet you, if you think for a second that we were going to let you deal with this alone, then it seems that venom messed with your brain too. I wasn’t alone for this, so neither should you.” Spider Queen nodded in agreement, running his fingers through his fur in her best attempt to offer him comfort.
Wukong whimpered as the heat and pressure against his sides seemed to grow and grow. Faintly in the back of his head, he could feel that wasn’t the only thing changing. Peach fur darkened as it grew thicker and longer into what was practically a mane. His claws became longer and sharper. For a moment, his entire world was bathed in green instead of gold before his vision returned to normal.
He should feel horrified, to feel himself changing, shifting without any sort of control or way to stop it in front of his partners to add salt to the wound. Feel helpless, powerless, weak.
Yet all that remained on the forefront of his mind was the pain.
“You’re doing amazing Wukong, I promise it’ll be over soon.”
“You just need to hold on a bit longer.”
Just when the pressure and heat had become borderline unbearable and Wukong was on the cusp of passing out, he could just barely hear the sound of ripping past the pounding in his ears.
Cloth ripping as well as something else. Something wet.
Macaque and Spider Queen were knocked back by the force of something punching its way out of the Monkey King's sides, their backs meeting the opposing sides of the room.
Wukong could feel blood dripping down his sides and his entire being ached, not too different from when he had been freed from under the mountain after 500 years. And yet all he could feel was sweet relief, body already working over time to heal his wounds and stop the bleeding. Letting himself a moment to breathe, he cautiously pulled himself up into a sitting position.
Or at least tried, as he fumbled back to the floor the moment he saw just how much his body changed.
Evidently even his “biology” felt the need to one up Macaque as Wukong tested his four new arms. He couldn’t help but mourn the fate of his clothes as it was obvious they were a lost cause, his shirt nothing but scraps of cloth barely able to contain his broader chest and orange stained with red. His pants, while not torn, were now much too short to cover his legs entirely. He could feel that his phoenix feather headdress had managed to get tangled up the much thicker fur which trailed from his head.
Cautiously, he began to move his new appendages. His limbs were clumsy but he slowly began to get the hang of it, belatedly noticing that the fur of his new arms got progressively paler. The second pair more closer resembled his old fur color while the third pair was pure white, all the colors converging around his sides. Or at least it looked like that, since the fur of his sides was sticky and caked with dried blood which stained it a dark red.
Groans of pain pulled him back to focus to see Spider Queen and Macaque pulling themselves off the floor, nursing bumps on the back of their heads from colliding with the walls.
“You… two alright?” His voice was still scratchy and now he had exhaustion weighing on his eyelids.
“Bit of a bump but we’ll live. Shouldn't have been so close honestly. What about you Peachykins?” Spider Queen asked, offering her hand to help him up while trying not to stare at the dried blood crusting his fur. Without hesitation, Wukong took her hand and let himself be lifted back on to his feet. He winced, muscles aching both old and new ones and started to try stretching out the new kinks in his spine.
Spider Queen meanwhile blushed at the fact that she had to crane her neck to meet his eyes now, doing her best to not stare at his muscled and bare chest. Macaque was no better as his eyes looked over Wukong's form, though he had the benefit of fur to hide his flushed cheeks. Their eyes met and they both came to a similar conclusion.
They were doomed.
"Feels weird and I ache all over but…" Wukong gave them both a slow grin once he noticed that he had to look down to see them both, "I think I could get used to this. Got a feeling you guys don't have a problem with it either, am I right?"
Oh they were so doomed.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Things that Spark Joy-3x08
Well. I was so overwhelmed with Malex goodness and then real life stuff that this week entirely got away from me! So lets get into it! It’s a bit of a shorter list because while there was a lot happening it’s all pretty contained with everyone sticking to one area or mission for almost the whole episode. As ever, my Salty Bench post is here. 
I know I say this every week, but Jones continues to shock and delight me. He’s such a fun villain to have and I sure hope he sticks around to challenge our heroes for a long time, even if it’s just popping in and out along the way.
Lab coat Liz and uniformed Alex, Isobel, AND Michael?! What did we do to deserve this?! (Also, I have no idea how I missed ever seeing Michael during the episode when he walks up next to Isobel but I’m so glad it wasn’t just me. Like, NO ONE was even talking or posting about it until hours later when the BTS pic with the three of them dropped and I was shook.)
Speaking of Lab Coat Liz, she was really shining this episode! That woman will rubber duck anything to help herself think and this episode it was a horse which was fun! I love watching her figuring out things on the fly (”sorry amigo, I need to commandeer your kicks” was cute). We also got some range from Liz because on top of seeing her being brilliant we also got to see her being vulnerable about her flaws, and then addressing some of that in her scenes with Rosa. Watching the two of them together is magic. Jeanine really knows how to carry a scene alone (or just with a horse) but her and Amber play off each other so well and it was really nice seeing them work together as Rosa hones her powers more. It’s a shame it’s taken this long for the two of them to team up on working with Rosa’s powers but the show addressed it in a really great way I think that helped it make sense. I would love to see more of this dynamic.
Rosa’s little face when Liz says “Who says science isn’t fun!” and she’s like, “Ummm, me”. Sister vibes.
We did get some of that Isobel/Jones showdown I’ve been waiting for since we were promised evil Max and Isobel ready to take him down in season 2 and then ended up getting nothing. Well, we didn’t get nothing this time! We’ve seen them battle wits, and now we get to see them trade fists and all that training Isobel has been doing is paying off! It’s been a hot minute since we got to see these two going head-to-head and it’s kind of felt like Isobel has been taking a bit of a back seat the past few episodes but she was front and center in this fight and it was great to watch. And in the end, it was also a battle of wits because she was stalling for time. For an Evil Overlord, Mr. Jones sure is behind on his knowledge of Classic Ways Villains Are Defeated And How To Avoid Them.
Okay time for some incoherent flailing about Malex! I have my issues overall with the pacing which I’ll dig into on the other post, but it’s also been 84 years and Vlamburn brought the magic so we deserve to flail a bit!
Alex’s shirt has horseshoes on it!! He was like, I’m going to subtly hint that I want Michael by decking my body out in a cowboy-themed shirt, and I love that for him.
The TALKING! We got Alex telling Michael not just about Deep Sky, but why he joined and what he was working towards: building a life where Michael would be safe, where their relationship would be safe. BRB I need to go scream into a pillow for a minute.
We also got BAMF and flirty Alex and Michael biting his lip and making big heart eyes at Alex as he’s talking which was very cute. 
And then we got Alex putting his foot down when Michael tried to change their plans and Alex kinda snaps at him at first, but they’re stuck together, neither can run or leave and they both have to sit and take in their reactions and deal with them before they can move forward with their mission. And here we get such a big step because Alex opens up, not just about his love for Michael but about why he’s even more closed off then he was when living under an abusive father’s roof. And I know I mentioned this in another post but Michael doesn’t try and make Alex feel better about what happened with empty words, or absolve him of his guilt, he simply listens and offers supportive, comforting, grounding touch as Alex lets him know that while he has survived losing a lot, losing Michael isn’t an option. GOD that tiny thumb caress was EVERYTHING. *flailing*
Michael doesn’t compartmentalize as well as Alex so he sees that sword and decides to go after it and I know some people have a hard time with that hand holding scene being...a lot, but the more I watch it, the more it grows on me. Alex rushes over and absorbs that energy Michael is ready to put out and you can see how hard Michael is squeezing Alex’s hand, trying to release his anger that’s overriding the logical plan he’s supposed to be following. There is a moment where you see Michael's other hand is clenched in a fist until he breathes and lets go of the anger, and Alex just stands there, supporting him and letting Michael make the choice to let that anger go and move forward with the plan. 
Next we get their “contingency” plan which was really just Alex allowing Michael to create a distraction so he can run Jones over with that old truck that probably weighs a ton. Fitting, seeing as how Michael got to take a swing at Jesse. Very curious to see if Jones actually did something to them there, because it looks like they got away a bit too easily...
Alex opening up to Michael and trusting him with information about the Lockhart Machine and where it is, and Michael being understanding that Alex may not be able to get him in to look at it it was such a great step forward for them.
And then that kiss. I can’t even put into words what all that kiss is, but I will say Michael’s slow smile is so reminiscent of their first kiss in the museum it hurts. And Alex smiling and leaning into Michael was just perfect. We’ve waited a looooooong time for something like this and to get something so soft, and unhurried, and purposeful (not the result of a near-death experience or part of a cover but on purpose, just because), was really beautiful and Vlamis and Tyler absolutely delivered this whole episode with their performances. Their real life friendship is the backbone for this on screen relationship and it shows in the way they are able to give us that emotional connection and show us in their every look and touch how in love Michael and Alex are. Any complaints you see from me on the other post or any of my other posts are directed at the writing, but we are so lucky because even with all of that Vlamis and Tyler were able to still bring this love story to shocking, bright, beautiful life in this episode and we are eternally blessed to have them.
A final little funny thing that made me laugh, it’s a good thing Michael is fireproof because his jacket got real close to that candle. 🤣
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carromeaway · 4 years
Dazai is a Sociopath
Dazai is a Sociopath
A Persuasive Essay About Why Dazai is a Sociopath
By @carromeaway
Dedicated to @/bsdthoughts on Twitter
Created to annoy said user
Also, I thought this would be a good way to practice how to write arguments
This may contain spoilers! Read at your own risk.
Also trigger warning! Mentions of suicide and self-harm!
Oh, also here’s a PDF version if you don’t wanna read it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aNYWMTb8wNEaoZGb9277_UcsUzNQjoHP/view
The definition of a sociopath, stated by the Oxford English Dictionary, is “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.” In this essay, I will be explaining the personality disorder and how it correlates to Dazai Osamu’s character in Bungou Stray Dogs. I will be focusing on four key points for my argument; how Dazai fits the attributes of a sociopath, why I do not consider him a psychopath, how it affects his relationship with others, and how it may explain his past and his actions. Keep in mind that this is only a theory and I will be including both assumptions and speculations to support my argument. 
Let us begin with the point how Dazai fits the attributes of a sociopath. Common signs of a person with sociopathy, or an antisocial personality disorder, include lying or deceiving others for a goal, being charismatic and manipulative, criminal behavior, lack of empathy and/or remorse, struggles with forming good relationships, recklessness for his and others’ safety, and irresponsibility among other things. Dazai has exhibited behavior with all of these symptoms. I could give a variety of examples where Dazai has lied or manipulated someone for the sake of achieving his objective. For the sake of keeping this shorter, I’ll provide only a couple of situations.
    Dazai had been caught by the Port Mafia, albeit on purpose, and came across his old partner from his days in the mafia, Nakahara Chuuya. This happens in the tenth episode of the anime and the tenth chapter of the manga. During his interaction with Chuuya, Dazai manipulates Chuuya by blackmailing him using the fact that Chuuya was the one who released Dazai from his chains. He also blackmails the mafia by sending them a threatening letter containing a simple statement, warning the mafia that if he were to die, then all their secrets would be exposed. Another example of his manipulative behaviour would be when it is insinuated that Dazai deflates Sakaguchi Ango’s airbag in his car so he would sustain multiple injuries when another car rammed into theirs. This was to force Ango, a government agent, to cover up the 35 murders that Izumi Kyouka, an Armed Detective Agency member, had committed. This takes place in episode 19 (episode 7 of season 2) of the anime and chapter 26 and 33 of the manga.
    Dazai has also displayed recklessness, irresponsibility, and a lack of empathy and remorse. Using the same example as before, Dazai showed no remorse for Ango when he was severely injured by the car accident. Dazai is often irresponsible, pushing his work on to others and lazing about when he should have been productive. This is a repeated pattern throughout the entirety of the manga and anime, so I’m sure if you’re reading this, you have no need for any examples. Additionally, Dazai has always been very reckless with his actions, his plans often include someone being thrown to the sharks. You can see this in episode 21 (episode 9 of season 2) in the anime and chapters 30-31 in the manga when Chuuya is forced to use Corruption to defeat H.P. Lovecraft as planned by Dazai. 
    I could go on for a while about Dazai’s sociopathic traits, but that is not the focus of this essay, so let us move on to my second point. Dazai is not a psychopath. Psychopaths and sociopaths have many similar symptoms. Every trait I listed previously are ones that both types of people share. So, why would I not consider Dazai a psychopath? There is a very simple reason for that. One of the biggest differences between a psychopath and a sociopath is the ability to be attached to others. While psychopaths may be able to fake a relationship, whether it’s platonic or romantic, they are completely unable to form real bonds with other people. On the other hand, while it may be difficult for them, sociopaths can have genuine relationships with others. 
    My biggest piece of evidence for this section is the bond between Oda Sakunosuke and Dazai. Dazai in the Dark Era, when he is in the Port Mafia, and Dazai when he joins the Armed Detective Agency are two very different parts of the same whole. Dazai in the Port Mafia is quite a bit more serious and emotionless, while Dazai in the ADA is much more lighthearted compared to his former self. There is a huge fact to point out, though. Dazai with Odasaku was strikingly dissimilar to how he acted without Odasaku there. Dazai acted a lot more childish with Odasaku around, exhibiting their comfortability around each other. They had a close bond and Dazai was a lot more vulnerable around Odasaku than around anyone else. That was the reason Odasaku was able to understand Dazai better than anyone else.  
    In chapter 4 of the light novel, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era, and in episode 16 (episode 4 of season 2) of the anime, Odasaku talked about Dazai during his fight with Mimic’s leader, André Gide. He stated, “I still have one unfinished matter. I didn’t say goodbye to my friend.” He later goes on to explain the difference between Gide and Dazai, who were both actively seeking death. This displays their closeness, and it is canon that only Odasaku was able to get that far into Dazai’s mind. Dazai also showed sorrow when Odasaku passed away, which is an emotion that is difficult for sociopaths to feel unless they have a bond with someone. As a side note, I would also like to point out that while there is no certain proof, Dazai does seem to feel a little remorse for some of his harmful actions. That is another trait unique to sociopaths in comparison to psychopaths.
    My third point is how Dazai’s possible antisocial personality disorder may affect his relationships with other people. While you may argue that Dazai can feel sympathy for others, especially when he is the one who saved Nakajima Atsushi from starvation, I believe that that was only for Odasaku. In episode 16 (episode 4 of season 2), Odasaku explicitly tells Dazai to “protect the weak and save the orphans.” It would make sense if Dazai only saved Atsushi because he felt as if he had to carry out his friend’s orders. 
I would also like to point out his relationship with Nakahara Chuuya. Before I begin explaining, I feel the need to mention that this is mainly speculation and is very likely to be proven wrong. Dazai and Chuuya seem to have a deep hatred for each other, as you can tell by the multiple times they have stated that they despise each other. An example would be episode 21 (episode 9 of season 2) in the anime and chapters 30-31 in the manga. While I do not want to put words into their mouths, I would like to point out that their actions contradict their statements. In the same episode, Chuuya expressed worry for Dazai when he is thrown into the tree and nearly loses his arm. In another scene, Dazai cleans up the blood on Chuuya’s face and neatly folds his clothes after Chuuya passes out from exhaustion as he had been using Corruption (or Tainted, whatever you prefer). While he does abandon him, it goes to show that Dazai has, at least, a little bit of a conscience. 
This may be a long shot and you are free to argue (respectfully) with me about this, but I believe that Dazai does not really hate Chuuya. There are three emotions that are the easiest for sociopaths to feel. Hatred, anger, and fear. I think Dazai has some conflicting feelings about Chuuya (I swear I’m not insinuating anything), but he resorts to hatred to define those feelings because it was simply the easiest emotion to feel. On a similar note, Dazai doesn’t really have any good relationships with the people he interacts with, like his coworkers at the ADA. While they may care about him and vice versa, the relationship with his coworkers doesn’t seem to go deeper than mutual respect and common decency. 
My fourth and final point in this essay is how Dazai’s sociopathy correlates with his actions and his past. Now, I warn you, there isn’t a lot of evidence for this theory, but I hope you can still hear me out about it. I think Dazai understands that he is a sociopath. You could argue with me that Dazai isn’t a sociopath, that he feels sympathy for the innocent people who get caught up in their business, but I don’t buy that. While this sounds quite harsh, I don’t believe that Dazai has a sense of empathy, especially when Dazai continues to inconvenience others despite knowing what he’s doing. But if Dazai knows he’s a sociopath, why doesn’t he change? Well, that’s simple. He can’t. There’s no way he can force himself to feel empathy and adjust his actions. His brain doesn’t work that way. He can pretend to be sympathetic, but what’s the point in that? 
Now, how does Dazai’s acknowledgement of his sociopathic tendencies affect him? Let’s begin with Dazai’s past and build from there. In episode 26 (episode one of season three) and in the light novel, Fifteen Years Old, when Dazai is asked why he wants to die, he replies, “Let me ask you, then. Do you think there is any value in the act of living?” Throughout this light novel and the light novel, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era, Dazai continues to show a pattern of hopelessness. All he longs for is to view the world differently than he already does, but if he cannot achieve that, he would rather die. But I think, as he grows, Dazai’s mindset changes. His desperation for death becomes a joke, something he doesn’t take as seriously anymore. I believe Dazai realized his sociopathy, and while he couldn’t change how he experiences his emotions, he began to think differently. What if Dazai believes that he doesn’t deserve to live, that no one would want him around because of his sociopathic tendencies? But he wants to live. After Odasaku’s death and after he’s experienced the light, he begins to realize that there is something worth living for. He just doesn’t believe he deserves it. I do not have any solid evidence to prove this theory, but it was something interesting that I would want others to consider.
For anyone who has gotten this far, I congratulate you. It must have been difficult to read my scatter-brained thoughts. Before we end this, I would like to clarify something. I am not a medical professional. I do not have a degree in psychology, but I am studying it. Please take that into consideration if you decide to debate my theory with me. For anyone who didn’t feel like reading through this, I won’t even bother with a summary. Trust me, it’s not worth your time. Thank you for reading and thank you to my friend who has put up with my dumb theories. You can message me on Instagram @carromeaway if you would like to discuss my theory or the show in general. Also, ask me any questions in the comments, whether it’s to clarify something or to ask me to analyze another character or to even elaborate further on Dazai’s character. I could talk about this for hours.
Antisocial personality disorder. (2019, December 10). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353928
Bungo Stray Dogs Wiki. (2020, December 03). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://bungostraydogs.fandom.com/wiki/Bungo_Stray_Dogs_Wiki
Duignan, B. (n.d.). What's the Difference Between a Psychopath and a Sociopath? And How Do Both Differ from Narcissists? Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-a-psychopath-and-a-sociopath-and-how-do-both-differ-from-narcissists
Grohol, J. (2020, May 20). Differences Between a Psychopath vs Sociopath. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://psychcentral.com/blog/differences-between-a-psychopath-vs-sociopath/
Robinson, K. (2014, August 24). What's the Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath? Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/sociopath-psychopath-difference
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smallfrost · 4 years
Motherland: Fort Salem. Musical analysis for Raelle and Scylla
It is no secret (unless you did not know that the Original Score for MFS exists and if you didn’t, it does and you should go listen immediately) that there is a track named Raelle & Scylla on the score. If you didn’t know that, then this is more interesting. More below the cut - in case you don’t care or don’t want to be spoiled.
The track “Raelle & Scylla” is the music that plays when Raelle and Scylla take Salva for the first time in the Pilot.
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Still not over the cinematography here
In the majority of the Raelle and Scylla scenes that follow (typically ones that are Scylla emotionally conveying a message) this musical theme always plays. It is not exactly the same as the first time, but very clearly the same notes are played.
We hear it in Episode 2, when they are walking in the graveyard
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You sexy weirdos
Episode 3 in Memorial Hall, when Scylla tells Raelle about her parents (for real)
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Just hug her already, Raelle
Twice in Episode 4. First after Raelle leaves the infirmary and Scylla is relieved she is okay.
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Fuck fuck fuck I fucked up = Scylla in this moment
Second after Beltane when Scylla admits she has feelings for Raelle.
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They’re the same height but let’s just play smol and tol here for a sec
And in Episode 5, when Scylla gives Raelle her gift
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Sexy Weird Palm DMs are the new snapchat
That’s this season SO FAR. But there’s more:
While everyone has probably guessed that next week during Salva training Raelle is going to be filled with grief over Scylla being missing, we can confirm this by turning to the Original Score. The track “Missing Salva” starts with this same thematic music, so for sure we will hear this theme at least once in Episode 6 and it will represent the heartbreak Raelle is feeling from Scylla [potentially] having been “killed”. When I first listened to the score after episode 1, this gave me chills that they so seamlessly conveyed this message with music.
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Also in the score (MAJOR SPOILER) is a track called Scylla Revealed. While we probably all guessed this would happen eventually and the majority of this track is the sound of the Spree, the last few seconds are… Raelle & Scylla’s musical theme. Again, I got actual chills when I first heard this 4 weeks ago, knowing nothing about what was going to happen. Because of this, I’m guessing Raelle will witness either Scylla revealing herself with fire or her carrying out some sort of Spree order (I would love the former) as opposed to being told by Tally or Anacostia. 
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I’m so excited about the depth of this show and the little details they put in. I’m going to keep track of every scene where I hear this theme and I’m guessing it will reveal some foreshadowing in hindsight after the end of the season.
EDIT:  An update following Episode 6, Up is Down
As predicted we were gifted with the beauty of “Missing Salva” this episode but this was not the only time we heard Raelle and Scylla’s Musical theme this week. In fact, we heard it three times - what appears to be a record for number of appearances in an episode.
The first time we hear it is during Salva training on base. This is actually the original Raelle & Scylla track from the original score but slightly more raw towards the beginning
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*Sings* So you think you can flyyyyy
The second is extremely subtle but the theme plays when Scylla contacts Raelle, interlaced with music that conveys hope
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The only time giving your S.O. a rash is sexy and appreciated
And finally, the third time is our “Missing Salva” track. Beautiful, heartbreaking, chill giving. But also; drugs are never the answer, kids. Remember, you are important, you are beautiful, don’t push away the ones who love you. They will be your wings to help you soar.
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Yep, right there. That’s the spot
Until next week...
EDIT:  An update following Episode 7, Mother Mycelium
Is everyone okay after this episode? I’m pretty sure I’m still dead (no captions for these, they all caused to much pain). Another beautiful and heart breaking week - let’s go over our theme moments. This week brought us the next big track containing the theme: Scylla Revealed. Like last week, we get to hear the Theme three times even though our girls are apart; further solidifying their connection.
The first time the tune graces our ears is when Raelle is looking up at Scylla’s room. Everywhere she looks she sees (and hears) Scylla. This version is slow and depressing and makes it seem like Raelle is really starting to believe Scylla might actually be dead.
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The second is during their reunion in the dungeon when Raelle finally says, “I love you”
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And the third, as expected, comprised the ending of Scylla Revealed
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Seeing Raelle made Scylla’s mind vulnerable and cracked her open (like an egg). All Scylla can think about now is Raelle, even after she has just been forced to reveal her most terrible secrets about herself. This pain we see here is not that Scylla’s mind betrayed the Spree, it’s that she lost Raelle in the process.
This is the last score track that contains Raylla’s theme. Perhaps we will hear Scylla Revealed again when Raelle discovers the truth? But I can guarantee this isn’t the last time we’ll hear our tune.
EDIT - An update following Episode 8, Citydrop
Raelle is reeling after discovering both that Scylla is alive but also may be a member of the Spree and it shows in their music this episode. After rewatching, I only detected their theme once, and barely. When Raelle is remembering their reunion, the theme is ever so subtly hinted at. In fact, I would argue it doesn’t even get the chance to be fully realized. 
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I really think this is the only time we even remotely hear it in this episode. And even here it is not obvious at all, and I think is indicating the emergence of Raelle’s doubts about how much she truly knows about Scylla. We know by the end of the episode Raelle is really beginning to question what is real and what isn’t. But we will definitely get it again in Episode 9 as more truths and feelings are revealed. 
EDIT:  An update following Episode 9, Coup
The pain is real this episode and we hear Raelle and Scylla’s theme three times, though technically two of these three are in the same scene. Specifically, when Raelle goes to see Scylla one last time in the dungeon, their theme book-ends their reunion but in two different tones.
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At first, it is soft but laced with sadness. Reflecting the pain of Raelle and the sadness of Scylla for realizing Raelle may be lost to her.
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But at the end, it becomes harsher and more dissonant as Scylla pleads for Raelle to know her love is real. That she chose her over everything else. They are both raw, just like their music. 
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And the third time is by their tree, when Raelle admits that she is still in love with Scylla. Here is it deeper and resonates. And it lifts up just as Anacostia tells Raelle Scylla’s love is real. Just a bit at the end but just like in the first scene when their feet leave the ground after taking Salva. It’s laced with hope and Anacostia’s words fill Raelle’s heart with hope. 
One more episode left....
EDIT:  An update following Episode 10, Witchbomb 
HOLY. SHIT. Well that was an epic finale. So much happened. With Raelle and the unit being immediately deployed, and Scylla still in the Dungeon, there was no time for goodbyes for our Necro and Healer. To be honest, I was really nervous that Raelle & Scylla’s theme was completely absent from the finale. But our faith can be renewed because Raylla’s theme does indeed make a small appearance making it 10/10 episode wise this season. 
Now when Raelle pleads with Anacostia to have the military go easy on Scylla,  that she’s not all bad - I listened to that scene so many times, side by side with others and I can’t confidently say that the Raylla theme was used in any capacity. That being said, I also can’t say that it isn’t there in the bare minimum. I’m pretty sure most of the music in the scene with Anacostia, Raelle, and Tally is more closely related to the Blue Rose Friendship theme but it is possible the Raylla theme is interlaced ever so slightly while Raelle is talking to Anacostia about Scylla... but I’m not calling it completely due to lack of confidence. 
Where I am more confident in the appearance of the theme is when Anacostia sets Scylla free and tells her to hold on to the part of her that’s good. The music is bare bones minimal and only during this exact moment. It’s just the core notes that drive the theme home but they are stripped and bare and it makes complete sense because Scylla has lost so much, perhaps even lost Raelle, but what she does have left is the goodness that Raelle instilled in her. And she still has her love for Raelle. 
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So Raelle and Scylla may be in limbo relationship wise, but the love is real and the part of Scylla that’s good is Raelle. otp: No matter what happens.
Until next season...
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tinkertayler · 4 years
What I say out loud, trying to prove to myself and everyone else that I am a Normal Person: Fleabag is a great show! It can be pretty naughty, but it's hilarious and heartfelt. It's British and available on Prime. You should watch it!
My unhinged thoughts, boiling just beneath the surface, prepared to BURST through the floodgates of my mouth at ANY moment: So aside from the flawless performances and electric chemistry between actors (which I could scream about for a full hour, just give me a glass of red wine and a platform and I'll go OFF), the thing I love most about Fleabag is the writing, which is objectively impeccable and I will straight up STREET FIGHT anyone who says otherwise. The writing is brief and economical, yet layered and meaningful. Every word is carefully chosen, every story beat expertly planned. Distilling a complex story and realistic character development into such a short and sweet narrative is REALLY EFFING HARD and demands great skill as a writer, but somehow Phoebe Waller-Bridge makes it look effortless. It's amazing but also INFURIATING and I love it but also HOW DARE SHE.
The first season's narrative is a little meandering, dishonest, and emotionally distant, and this is by design; Fleabag spends most of the season desperately trying to keep the audience at arm's length, because she can't bring herself to be honest, accept her past, or confront her grief. Her life is adrift, filled with family dysfunction, guilt, loneliness, self-loathing, and empty sex. She tries to craft a funnier, sexier, happier version of her story for the camera and audience, to gain a sense of control over a life that feels broken, chaotic, and unstable.
When we catch up with Fleabag in s2, she is trying to make peace with the demons that haunted her in s1, and build a more honest relationship with her audience (and herself). But she’s still struggling; honesty means revealing and accepting parts of herself that she doesn't like, of which she is scared and ashamed. Enter the priest. He sees right through her, and immediately begins to break down her walls and defenses. Fleabag finally allows herself to be vulnerable, and it is through surrender--to being known, to love, to a kind of spirituality--that she finds strength and peace.
The second season is more emotionally intimate than the first, and the narrative is laser-focused. It tells you exactly what it aims to be within the first 2 minutes. "This is a love story". And from start to finish, it is. Between Fleabag and the priest, most obviously, but also between the priest and God, the Godmother and Fleabag's father, Fleabag and Claire, Claire and Martin, Claire and Klare (lol), and last but not least, Fleabag and herself. The season as a whole is an exploration of love, spirituality, religion, and the mortifying ordeal of being known.
(Sidenote: it’s shocking to me that PWB was originally adamant about calling it quits after the first season, because in retrospect, s1 seems almost like it was written as a prologue to s2. Fleabag's second season really is PWB's magnum opus; it is a perfect companion and conclusion to the first season's arc that not only beautifully builds upon, but ends up being even better than, its predecessor.)
I am CEASELESSLY amazed by this story’s ability to satisfy on a visceral, emotional level AND engage on a cerebral, philosophical level--often at the same time. NOTHING IS ALLOWED TO BE THIS GOOD! Simple moments contain layers of meaning; they vibrate with humanity, make my heart drop to the floor, and then have the AUDACITY to hold up to analysis. I'm going to give a few examples to illustrate my point because CLEARLY I HAVEN'T TALKED ENOUGH (!!):
“Where did you just go?”
The priest can see Fleabag's asides to camera because he is the only person in her life who is paying enough attention to truly see her--attention is an act of love, and he loves her;
"You don't like answering questions, do you?"
Fleabag's resistance to sharing the unsavory parts of herself with the priest exemplifies the paradoxical way in which we deeply desire and yet fundamentally fear being seen, understood, accepted, and loved for who we are;
Fleabag says she wants to be told what to do, and the priest gives her this command. Kneeling is an act of surrendering to a power greater than oneself, be it God or love. While it could potentially be portrayed as a submissive or weak act, here it is portrayed as an assertive act that requires strength and courage. This is mirrored at the end of the season when Claire kneels and begs Martin to leave her;
“When you meet someone you love, it feels like hope.”
Is the priest talking about God, or Fleabag? Or both? I’ve already word vomited about the parallels this show draws between romantic love and God's love, so I will refrain from doing it.. too much.. more. Let's just say that God offers the priest hope in much the same way the priest offers hope to Fleabag, and maybe, just MAYBE, the transcendence of human love isn't too far removed from the transcendence of divine love. Okay I'll shut up now bye.
In 6 episodes and approximately 3 hours, PWB manages to develop multiple three-dimensional characters, use their specific experiences to explore universal struggles and truths, and deliver a tragicomic narrative full of callbacks, symbolism, humor, and pathos, where every emotional moment feels genuine and earned. It's smart, cerebral, and philosophical without ever losing its subtlety, humanity, or emotional resonance.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: Fleabag is perfect and has ruined all other content for me. Definitely for now, probably forever. I'm DEVASTATED and "it'll pass" is a LIE.
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aceofwhump · 4 years
Can you explain Paige and Mike's relationship?
Can I explain Paige and Mike’s relationship? Well nonny I can certainly try.
You can also read this post which details their relationship perfectly and you should absolutely read it. Also this post, this post, and honestly all the posts in this tag that leepacey has going on cause they know what’s up and have written extensively on the matter of Paige and Mike.
Warning: this will not be kind to Paige AT ALL and will contain discussions of drug addiction, death, drugs, rape, sex trafficking, and abusive relationships
So basically, Paige and Mike are two government agents living in this interdepartmental safehouse in L.A. called Graceland where they, along with Charlie (FBI), Briggs (FBI), Johnny (FBI), and Jakes (U.S. Customs), all specialize in undercover operations. 
Mike is a young, idealistic, fresh out of the academy FBI agent who believes in justice and right and wrong and tries his damned best to make everyone happy. He feels so much and often feels guilty for people getting hurt and things going badly whether he had anything to do with it or not. He’s also a canonically neurodivergent victim of child abuse.
Paige is an experienced undercover DEA agent who views things as very black and white, will do anything to solve a case, take down the bad guy, and save who she wants to save. Screw everyone and anything that gets in her way. She believes she is always right and refuses to take blame for anything and instead blames Mike for everything. 
In short, Paige and Mike’s relationship can be summed up as cycle of manipulation and abuse with Paige as the abuser and Mike as the victim. Paige guilt trips Mike, threatens him, manipulates him, gaslights him, belittles him, SENDS AN ASSASSIN TO MURDER HIM (and succeeds. Mike is murdered and is legally dead for six minutes until the hospital staff revive him), and sends him on a long road of drug addiction. Paige has a history of pushing and manipulating Mike into doing things he doesn’t want to do (including have sex with someone). She has a history of violence against Mike as well. From slapping, punching, shoving, etc. 
I’m putting the rest under a read more because it got looooooong as I go through their interactions throughout all three seasons. (I hope the read more works on mobile. if not, I am so sorry mobile users. So sorry.)
In the beginning of the show, Mike and Paige are friends and colleagues who occasionally flirt with one another. They hang out together, chill with the team, tease one another, help each other with cases. Ya know, friend things.
But then there’s a scene in season 1 that always bothered me and I think is an early indication of the type of manipulation and abuse she does. Paige, Mike, and the rest of the team are hanging out at the bar and Paige is like “hey there’s a cute girl checking you out go talk to her” but Mike says he just wants to have a quiet night with the team and doesn’t want to go talk to her. She then completely ignores that, goes over to talk to her, and essentially forces Mike to interact with this girl (Abby is her name). When Mike starts to get serious with her, Paige, the one who forced Mike to talk to her in the first place, tells Mike that he has to end things with her because they can’t have a serious long term relationship with someone not in the bureau because of their undercover work. Things end very badly with Abby and it hurts Mike a lot.
Paige at one point sees that something is bothering Mike throughout the season and continually tries to get him to talk to her about it. Then, while undercover, Mike is stabbed and nearly dies. Paige sits by his bedside and is there when he wakes up. In pain and vulnerable, Mike admits that he was sent to Graceland to investigate Paul Briggs. He talks about how he hates that he can’t tell anyone why he was sent to Graceland or how he can’t get close to the other Graceland residents or even truly be himself in the house because he has do keep the investigation a secret as per orders. When Mike admits this to Paige, who has been pushing him to admit what’s bothering him, she gets angry with him, calls him a “rat”, and immediately storms out while Mike desperately calls out to her to let him explain.
In the next episode, Mike has checked himself out of the hospital AMA and he’s visibly concerned about coming back to the house because of how Paige reacted and he thinks that Paige has told the whole house about the investigation. Paige sees Mike when he enters the house and her whole demeanor changes from cheery to cold and hostile. She continues to be cold towards him for a while until he, while still recovering from his stab wound, manages to convince her that there is a valid reason why Paul is under investigation. She then she sort of reluctantly helps him out with his assignment but never really supports him or believes him.
At the end of the season Paige and Mike kiss but that’s it and Mike then leaves for position in Washington D.C.
Season 2 is where a lot of the big shit is and it’s a lot so prepare. 
So Mike returns from D.C. and is placed in charge of the team in order to take down the Caza cartel and the drug trafficking ring they’ve got going on. Mike is riding high on pride and authority and he’s feeling good and Paige is pretty and hey they kissed before he left so early in the season, he and Paige start a sexual relationship and hide it from the rest of Graceland.
Enter Lina and the “Tinkerbells”. While working Mike’s case they discover that girls are being brought into america carrying drugs inside of them and then they are being sold in a big sex trafficking thing. Paige becomes obsessed with this case and starts using Mike to get what she wants in order to save the girls. Mike has been placed in charge of the cases and has the authority to give orders to the residents of Graceland including Paige. At several points, Paige goes around Mike, directly ignores his orders, or manipulates him into doing things for her in order to solve her own case and save Lina and the other girls.
Mike wants to help Paige and these girls but not at the risk of compromising the case against the Caza Cartel and drug ring they’re trying to take down. The two are connected but he doesn’t have enough proof of it and if he puts an end to the sex trafficking people now then the whole case will fall apart. So Mike helps where and when he can and generally cares about the girls but he’s trying to take down something bigger and more dangerous and has do what he’s told. Paige doesn’t care. She’s completely focused on the girls and doesn’t give a shit about anything else.
Paige then does something impulsive and stupid with no approval or backup (well Jakes was there but he was arrested because he also did something dumb) and ends up in the facility that’s keeping the girls. She’s undercover as one of the girls up for sale and does this by swallowing the drugs that one of the girls had swallowed but died because of it. Mike has to go in undercover as a buyer to save Paige but she is furious at Mike for pulling her out without saving the rest of the girls. Mike tells her he has to keep the sex trafficking operation running for the moment in order to catch both the cartel and the guys running the drug/sex trafficking ring. If he shuts it down now the whole thing falls apart and a LOT of bad guys would get away. She gets FURIOUS at him and blames him for not saving Lena.
From here on out Paige goes off the deep end and works to emotionally manipulate Mike into doing what she wants. She hates him now and nothing he does will change that. At one point, Paige tells Mike to “do what he has to do” to convince Jessica, their superior and Mike’s current girlfriend/fuck buddy, to approve a team so that Paige can raid the facility and heavily implies that he should sleep with Jessica to get it. Mike initially goes to do so but can’t go through with it and leaves thus ending any personal relationship he had with Jessica. She also plans on buying all the girls and tells Mike she’ll hurt him if he doesn’t approve the cash request.
To placate Paige, and because he generally wants to help these girls, Mike ends up living undercover at the facility where the girls are kept for several days. Let me repeat that. HE’S LIVING IN THIS SHIT HOLE FACILITY OF SEX TRAFFICKERS UNDERCOVER AS A BUYER WHILE ALSO TRYING TO WORK HIS CAZA CASE!! Mike went in and bought all of the girls but the Caza is spooked now so the girls are not allowed to leave until the heat dies down. Mike chooses to stay on site to protect the girls until they can pull them out. 
Mike is doing everything he can to keep the girls safe until they can pull them out but Sulla, the guy in charge, if fucking insane and when he tries to rape Lina, Mike intervenes to try and protect. They two of them try to leave but Sulla stabs Lina and attacks Mike. Lina dies and in an effort to save the case and protect Paige he covers up Lina’s death by convincing Paige that Lina ran and escaped and then cremating her body in secret.
Paige doesn’t give up finding Lina and continues to investigate, suspecting that Mike is lying about her being safe (which honestly yeah he is). At one point, while Mike is still staying at the facility undercover, Paige convinces Paul to help her raid the building the girls are being kept at because she doesn’t want to wait anymore. She doesn’t want Mike to know nor does she want him there so she manipulates him into go back to Graceland, saying that she’s concerned about how tired he looks and how he should go get some rest because he looks like crap. Faking concern to manipulate him. 
Mike learns from Johnny that the raid is going on and gets to the facility in time but is nearly killed by Sid Markham (a corrupt cop who is working for the cartel Mike is investigating). Paige arrives before he shoots Mike and the girls are all saved but now the cartel have tipped off.
Jump ahead to season 2 finale: Mike ends up tracking Sid to Mexico and find Sid’s whole team killed and Sid shot. Mike gets shot and Sid frames him for the murder of his team. Mike is hurt bad and needs to go to the hospital but he needs a cover so Paul sends Paige with the id and name. Suffering from a lot of blood loss and in a lot of pain, Mike lets it slip that Lina is dead and Paige leaves, stunned and furious. She goes straight to Sid and tells him “Mike Warren is hospitalized under the name Mike Richards. I sent you to Sulla’s to wipe out that trash, but I didn’t let you finish.” Sid then goes to the hospital and suffocates Mike who is suffering from the gunshot wound, a collapsed lung, and is on a ventilator. Mike dies for six minutes before the hospital staff are able to revive him.
Season 3 opens with Mike recovering in the hospital. Paul visits him at the hospital and says he should report Paige but Mike says no, that he can’t tell anyone because they’ve “all made mistakes”. Then when Paige is in trouble Mike checks out AMA and saves her. Paige then shoves him violently to the ground and yells at him. Mike apologizes to her and says he forgives her. 
At another point in the season Mike tells Paige he feels guilty about Lina and sees her in his dreams and Paige tells him he’s lucky because when he wakes up she’s gone but Paige sees her all the time and can’t look at Mike without seeing Lina indicating that she still blames Mike for everything. Mike then comforts her when she starts crying. 
Mike also becomes addicted to painkillers and becomes obsessed with this vision he had while he was dead. 47 red birds, a clock that reads 10:10 and a symbol. He is obsessed with finding out what it means and why he’s alive. He’s convinced he’s alive for a reason and spends all his free time researching it. His drug addiction continues to build and at one point he steals oxy from Charlie’s evidence and goes to dealers on the streets. But I digress. Concerning his obsession with his near death experience, Paige continually berates and belittles him for it saying things like “again with the bullshit birds”. When the team sets up an intervention for Mike’s drug addiction Paige says something about him going to a rehab place and he shouts at her saying “You don’t get to talk to me! Unless you want to talk about why I started using in the first place.”
Mike gets clean with the help of the whole team and after that the only thing of real significance between the two of them is at the end when Mike says he going to tell the truth about everything the Graceland team have done over the past year and Paige agrees with him saying that they’ve been acting just like the bad guys.
So that got LONG but that’s their relationship in a nutshell. Paige wants something. Paige manipulates Mike. Mike does it or doesn’t do it. Paige gets angry either way. Paige hurts Mike. Mike forgives Paige. Repeat cycle.
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kemonododo · 4 years
Decided to rewatch the whole series after seeing the finale, here's my thoughts as they come along part 2
This fight between Catra and Adora is where it all comes to a head. Adora begging Catra to follow her, Catra begging her to stay. Catra denying Adora the satisfaction of saving her, then pulling herself out of the portal as a corrupted monster. Adora seeing her true friends put their trust in her, then immediately see a horrific monster in the form of her love take their place. Catra lets everything out here, how she hates Adora's hero complex and how she blames Adora for everything. It's just so raw.
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Of course, the best part is the punch. Adora is no longer going to take Catra's hate, she is done. In her own words, she made her choice and she has to live with it. That final death glare is everything. This is the lowest point Catradora will ever face, and it takes Catra proving that she is willing to change for Adora to see the good in her again.
Angella's sacrifice hits a lot harder now that we know she's dead for good, something about the "trapped between portals stuff" convinced me she wasn't when I first saw this. She died still believing her husband was dead, and the last true conversation she had with Glimmer was an argument. Hug your mom kids, you never know when you'll have that opportunity again.
This finale has a lot of parallels to the series finale, especially with Adora being convinced her destiny means she needs to be a martyr. That's Shadow Weaver talking through her, something we see in full force in season 5. While Angella here stops her from sacrificing herself, she still has that warped view of what her destiny is, and it takes Catra to finally show her the real way.
That spin is when I started shipping Glimbow.
This final speech by Queen Glimmer is another great example of how the show hides sinister meanings behind normal dialog. Any other show and we'd be cheering when Glimmer focuses on defeating the Horde, but we know the blind devotion to that goal has so many consequences in waiting.
Both Catra and Glimmer look great in their new clothes, it's a fantastic way to show how much they've grown.
The Valley of the Lost is another one of those great more episodic episodes, it's still connected to the whole story but we also get to take a little break and enjoy some a new local with a Star Wars feel with fun antics with Perfuma, Huntara, and Double Trouble. I wasn't sure about DT when I first heard about them, seemed too late to add a new major character, but they're an absolute blast and help give season 4 it's own identity.
Catra's nightmares are just the start of this season's take on her character, this is where we really dive into how unhappy her actions are making her.
Mayor of Elberon got the biggest glow up of the show
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I love how, just, done Adora is with Catra. No more playful teasing, Adora is here to defeat Catra and save the town, nothing else.
Double Trouble is a really fun character, but I'll be the first to admit they aren't good representation. It's bad enough they're the "only nonhumans can be non-binary" architype, but also that they're a creepy masculine trans person who pretends to be a cute girl to get on people's good sides... Yikes. It's a genuine complaint, and one of those criticsms you just have to accept.
We finally get to see some character for Spinnerella and Netossa! They're relationship is one of the big keystones of the season 5 conflict, so it's really important that we had this episode to get to know their chemistry.
Oh Shadow Weaver, how I love you. She's decided Catra and Adora don't have anything left to give her anymore, so she's switched to the vulnerable and easily manipulated new orphaned queen. Glimmer's one track mind on defeating the Horde makes her an ideal target, and Shadow Weaver is again successful in bending a child to her will.
The Glimmer and Catra fight! Glimmer's arc parallels Catra's, especially in this season. Of course she never falls as far as Catra, but I do love that we get just a taste of how this war can sour even the cute sparkle girl.
This final moment with Catra and Double Trouble, amazing. Catra has been mowing through friends, she's already pushed away all the genuine ones, and she's realizing that it sucks to be with people who aren't.
Best way to set up a sympathetic villain, give them a girlfriend lol. Light Hope is tragic, her programming tells her to protect and serve She-Ra, but also to follow her directive. It's something that conflicts in her psyche, and is another strong-suit of this show and it's masterfully written villains.
Princess Scorpia is one of the best episode of the series. Sure the Glimmer drama is nice, but Scorpia... Wow. The remnant of genocide raised in the most toxic place on the planet is the most kind, loving, loyal person to have ever lived. And yet she still chooses to leave. Catra was her crush, someone she saw herself with and promised to be by forever, but even she knows when there isn't anything left she can do. It's a wonderful message and a fantastic episode for one of the best characters in the show.
Mer-Mysteries is actually really well crafted, up until this point all the funny joke episodes have been self contained, but here that's subverted. It's shocking to see Mermista joking around throughout the episode only for it to end with her in utter shock and fear at seeing her home destroyed. Plus the reveal of Double Trouble is great.
Neither Hordak nor Angella was fully invested in winning the war in the first two seasons. It's a good way to escalate tension, as now the Horde's victories make a lot of sense because Hordak is suddenly extremely motivated to win thanks to Horde Prime. It makes the war the first season made such a big deal out of seem paultry in comparison to the slaughter we see now.
I love Sea Hawk so much, he's genuinely funny and endearing.
Bow singing to himself may be one of the most depressing moments is the show. This whole arc of Glimmer and Adora falling out is mostly set-up for Glimmer's choice to activate the heart alone, but it's still really well done and something I really enjoy watching. Something about two friends blowing up at each other, ripping each other apart while the third is left in the ruins is just the angst I can't resist. Catra realizing winning the war isn't giving her the closure she craves and finding out about Scorpia leaving is also a perfect parallel.
Mara is revealed to be a hero all along, what Light Hope painted as a crazed lunatic turned out to be a woman who saved the universe from her own people. It's a beautiful message, and the emotional attachment we feel with her and Razz causes the tears to well up again for what feels like the hundredth time.
The three cadets are great this season, not only do they get some time to shine but they also show how Catra's tyrannical rule is hurting the soldiers beneath her.
I love the moment where Glimmer pulls out the queen card. It's culmination of her arc since the second season, she is finally letting her hatred of the Horde consume her. That shot, the slow piano as it zooms in on her backlit by the fire. Probably one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
This episode is a monster on my heart, the juxtaposition of Scorpia finally finding the support and kindness she deserves while Catra is suffering the consequences of her own actions. That one shot, a Catra smiling at the news of winning the war only to zoom out at a destroyed room where she collapses on the floor choking on her own tears is a masterpiece.
Even Beast Island gets a glow up
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Beast Island is beautifully Eldritch. A place that sucks away your fortitude and will until you're absorbed into it like a digesting stomach. The show does have a lot of moments where it really messes with the character's heads and I love it.
When the signal begins to take over, Bow feeling like he failed Glimmer, Micah realizing his wife is dead, Adora giving into her insecurities, Entrapta being overcome by the betrayal she's faced, all their eyes going gray and dead. It's emotional and terrifying, something this show excels at.
Shadow Weaver spends so much time manipulating children you'd think she'd have it down to a science, but it doesn't seem to ever work out for her in the end, does it?
Entrapta is a great character because every time she exposits she just sounds so enthusiastic, even when she's revealing terrifying truths, like how Adora's "noble destiny" is to exist as the universe's most dangerous gun.
I love how Double Trouble only had to tell Catra that She-Ra wasn't at Brightmoon, their scenes with Hordak and Catra was just for the drama. We got a great fight and Catra finally getting vibe checked, so I have to say DT well done. Their methods are cruel, but hearing someone say to her face that it's her fault people leave her, mixed with the dissatisfaction of winning while alone is the catalyst for Catra's redemption.
Light Hope is revealed to be the one who stole away Adora, the one who forced her destiny on her. Horde Prime may have been the final big bad, but Light Hope was the one responsible for everything. And Adora breaks the sword, ending her destiny as the First One's intended and saving Light Hope from her programming.
What an ominous ending! Hordak, the big bad from season 1, is left a squabbling mess defeated in seconds, and we are faced with a huge and terrifying new universe with seemingly no hope of going against. The stakes are the highest they've ever been, and even already knowing what happened it makes me excited for what comes next.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 5
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 32 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Casturbatus Interruptus by gaugbrojotr E | 6k | Canon!verse, Hot, , PWP
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards. Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
 that awkward moment when... by highermagic E | 7k | Hot, wing!Kink
All in all, with a full tank of gas and his radio turned up loud, Dean was in a pretty damn good mood. All that vanished into shock and concern when the sky lit up like daylight, as though someone had decided that black was so passé for nighttime.
 This Temporary Flesh and Bone by misachan E | 5k | Canon!verse, h/c, wing!kink
Castiel doesn't serve Dean, fine, Dean has no problem with that - he just wants to know why Castiel's showing up in his dreams again.
What a fabulous little Fic. Very emotional. S4 cas is my FAVORITE.
 Only Fools Rush In by baka_sensei E | 18k | Canon!verse, soulbond
Dean does something and in angelic tradition that means he's become Castiel's fiancé. Dean doesn't know if he wants to get married, but he doesn't want to let Castiel down either. Cas lets his feelings run away with him, Gabe is a total dick, Sam is concerned, and Dean has to make a choice.
 Learning Curve by blualbino T | 1k | Fluff, Canon!verse
Cas has nice lips. They’re soft looking. Plush even. Dean can do this.
 Dinner At Katz's by nanoochka E | 2k | Hot, canon!verse
Dean might have to teach Cas how to have a When Harry Met Sally-esque orgasm, but he certainly doesn’t have to fake it.
 Free With His Hands by watermaline E | 2k | canon!verse, handprint!kink
The first time it happens, Dean chalks it up to…well, he doesn’t chalk it up to anything, he’s too busy coming his brains out in his jeans with Castiel’s hand on his shoulder.
 Desecrate that Sanctuary by brokentoy E | 3k | Hot, Alt!Canon Verse
Dean develops a fascination with Cas' bones.
 What Once Was Sacred by saltandbyrne E | 55k |  Hot,  AU, Cop Dean, DJ Cas
Los Angeles detective Dean Winchester works tirelessly to atone for the sins of his father one case at a time. When his best friend Charlie drags him to visit Sam at his new job, Dean stumbles onto a bizarre string of deaths that brings him uncomfortably close to his past.Dean can't stop thinking about Castiel, an enigmatic DJ who plays the sexiest music Dean's ever heard. A chance encounter at Castiel's house reveals that Castiel is an incubus, and Dean must face the lies and the reality of his childhood as a hunter. Dean comes to see that he and Castiel have more in common than he thought, and that guilt can be the hardest thing to cast aside.
Freefall by LastKnownWriter E | 128k | Hot, Fluff,  AU, Teacher Dean, Firefighter Cas
AU. The most exciting kindergarten teacher Dean Winchester's life ever gets is when he plays mechanic in his uncle Bobby's shop on the weekends. That is until a birthday party goes tequila-nova and he trips into a one-night stand with an incredibly hot firefighter named Castiel. Dean's life gets a lot more exciting after that.
 The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass ❤ by ireallyhatecornnuts E | 110k | Hot,  Fluff,  HS AU but not really,
AU after Season 8, episode 6, "Southern Comfort." Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that's the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn't a part of the plan....
It's like a HS AU... but better! I love how Dean is given a second chance at growing up, and Cas gets to engage with his humanity is painfully familiar ways. Some homophobia from non-central characters.    
 deus ex nihilo by Valyria E | 7k | AU, dubcon, god cas
Lost on an uncharted island, Dean Winchester is captured by the local villagers and offered up as a sacrifice to their winged god. Castiel takes one look at Dean and decides he wants him for a mate.
 Twist and Shout ❤ by gabriel E | 97k | Angst,  AU, Main Character Death
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Do I really need to say anything? Twist and Shout is one of my favorites simply because it made me bawl. Didn't love the characterization, but I still liked it overall.
Carry On ❤ by TamrynEradani E | 148k | Hot,  AU, Sub!dean, Dom!Cas
 When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby's garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.
Forget 50 Shades of Grey, they should make this fic into a movie! Even if you are not a fan of Sub!Dean, give this fic a shot, because it is nearly perfect.    
Glasses by Samanthapin E | 9k | Fluff, High School AU, punk!cas, nerd!dean
Teasing turns flirting turns dating turns grossly soppy boyfriends
 beer and bacon happy hour by outpastthemoat G | 2k | canon!verse, s8
The problem is that Dean’s been having good ideas all night. “No one insults the trenchcoat,” Dean says, and drives his fist into the other dude’s face. Dean figures he was bound to run out of good ideas eventually.
 Hard Road ❤ by aleishapotter E | 54k | Canon!verse
Dean discovers a few truths about himself when he and Cas are forced to go undercover on a hunt to the very last place Dean ever thought he'd find himself: a gay resort called "Last Hope" that is geared towards helping troubled homosexual couples repair their relationships. This fic is hilarious and hot--my favorite things.  
 Dean Smith Verse by TamrynEradani E | 17k | Hot,  BDSM, AU, Sub!Dean
Dean Smith is a man of routine. Castiel takes him apart.
Bratishka: Little Brother by Valyria E | 33k | Cop AU, Cop Dean, Lawyer Cas
Dean thinks he knows pretty much everything there is to know about his best friend Castiel Novak - he's a smart, gorgeous DA who probably lets Dean get away with more than he should to see the bad guy locked up - but it turns out Cas is hiding some dark family secrets.
 the way to a man's heart by mkhunterz M | 15k | Fluff,  Canon!verse
Dean teaches Cas to cook, and other things as well.
 Branded by garrisonbabe E | 12k | | canon!verse, soul bond, marking/claiming
Michael mocked Castiel, telling him he'd never get Dean the way he truly wanted. No matter the mark on Dean's soul, he'd never get him the way the archangel could take him. Dean finds a ritual that fixes that and a few other issues.
 Our Bodies, Posessed by Light by obstinatrix E | 39k | canon!verse, sastiel bromance, Fluff
Purged of all his souls, Castiel is a changed being, stronger than an angel and too powerful for Jimmy's body to contain. Happily, there's an archangel's vessel on hand, and he could use fixing, too. Dean isn't too happy about the idea of his brother acting as a vessel for Castiel, and Sam can guess why, but it isn't until Castiel gets inside his head and they learn to share the vessel -- and their thoughts -- that Sam realises Cas is as in love with Dean as Dean is with him. It's unfortunate that there's nothing much to be done about it now, but Castiel will get another vessel soon. The Winchesters will make damn sure of that. In the meantime, it's up to the three of them to establish their own strange accord, and Dean realises more fully than ever that it's Castiel, and not his vessel, that he loves.
 So Glad We Made It  ❤by scaramouche M | 16k | Fluff,  AU
At twelve years old, Dean makes a friend, who becomes his best friend, who will eventually become the love of his life.    
Oh, the best friends who grow up together AU. I have a soft spot for fics like these-- comes with pining, awkward misunderstandings, and a good basis for a realistic relationship.
 Shut Up (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is) ❤ by kototyph E | 23k | Fluff,  college au
Dean's done some pretty stupid things, but getting drunk-hitched in Vegas to a colleague he barely knows might just take the cake. His surprise husband, Castiel, is a little weird but likable despite that, and Dean figures they’ll go back to Boston, get a quiet annulment, and go their separate ways. Six weeks later, he’s still married to one of the strangest, most genuine and definitely most dangerously lov-- likable guys he's ever known. Dean doesn't know why or really even how it’s happening, but it’s getting harder and harder to remember that he has divorce papers to file.
FLUFF EVERYWHERE! This is definitely a feel-good fic and I love reading it when I'm sad. Or just you know, whenever.
 But the Fire is So Delightful by kototyph E | 5k | Hot, hate then love, College AU
Apparently, it’s been snowing all day. [Dean is a Douchebag Fratboy with a Cherry Ass, Castiel is Angry and Aroused]
 Stitches by askance T | 23k |  Fluff, h/c, blindness, Canon!verse
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
 When Charlie Met Cas by riseofthefallenone E | 25k | Fluff,  canon!verse
Charlie is back in all her glory. The Winchesters have showed up on her doorstep and she’s making the best of it the only way she knows how. By being the little sister Dean never wanted and shipping the shit out of Destiel.
The Life After the Morning After by saltyfeathers T | 17k
Dean and Cas get uber drunk on their last day of University. They end up married. Neither of them seem to mind.
The Girlfriend Experience ❤ by Rageprufrock E | 15k | Hot,  Canon!Verse, First time
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Classic Casturbation fic. Complete with steamy sexytimes, hilarious dialogue, and fed up and clueless Dean. Perfect.    
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built by MajorEnglishEsquire T | 14k | Canon!Verse, s8
Castiel travels with the angel tablet and without the Winchesters. One day, Dean gets a text from some anonymous number. (They speak in the language of need.)
Cowboys and Real Estate Angels by almaasi E | 36k | AU
Castiel crosses paths with the ever-charming Dean Winchester at a rodeo show in Texas, of all places. Dean's singing days are long bygone, but his crowd-pleasing skills haven't waned one iota. Unexpectedly, Castiel finds himself in Dean's bedroom; they take and they give, and discover that sometimes strangers can find love like this, too. (And if a man's faith can't be put in God, it needs to go somewhere...)
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geekprincess26 · 5 years
Smarter than Robb
By now, the office scene from Episode 1 has been analyzed and discussed ad nauseum on the interwebs, and from almost every possible angle.  So many brilliant Jonsa authors have posted so many brilliant metas that I found myself 1) in awe and 2) so proud all over again for the millionth time to be a part of this intelligent, thoughtful, productive fandom!
However, I noticed one angle that has not been discussed much as of yet, and it’s one that stood out to me because Jon and Sansa’s office scene reminded me so vividly of their argument on the battlements in the first episode of season 7, where Sansa implores Jon, “You have to be smarter than Father.  You have to be smarter than Robb.”
Ah, yes, our dear, departed idiot Robb Stark.  We all remember him for being such a bold and brilliant general that even the Lannisters with their great, sprawling army could not defeat him in battle.  He defeated Jaime Lannister, the greatest swordsman and possibly the greatest general in Westeros, using an elementary distraction technique, and then captured him to boot.  Jaime’s father Tywin’s efforts to regain his son and defeat the upstart boy who had so humiliated him proved so vain that Tywin had to resort to treachery and subterfuge to bring Robb down.
However, Robb Stark was more than just a great general, and more even than the first King in the North in three centuries.  Sansa, both in the books and on the show, saw him as more than that.  To Sansa, he represented both hope and humiliation.   Humiliation, because this is what happened to her every time Robb won another battle but refused to send Jaime Lannister home to save her:
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But for a time, Robb also represented Sansa’s best hope, because had he not helped to bring about his own undoing (more on that later), he may have been able to storm King’s Landing to rescue Sansa from the Lannisters - and, aside from that, he certainly had the power to negotiate a prisoners’ exchange for her release.  Even after Joffrey had Ned killed and threatened to give Sansa Robb’s head on a platter, her faith in her brother remained steadfast:
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But, of course, Robb refused to send Jaime Lannister home, and by the time Jaime did arrive in King’s Landing due to Catelyn Stark’s disobedience against her son’s orders, Robb had failed his sister for a second time: He renounced the marriage alliance that may just have given him the key to defeating Tywin Lannister and rescuing the little sister who awaited him, and chose to marry another woman (Jeyne Westerling in the books, Talisa Maegyr in the show; I’ll refer to Talisa for the rest of this post because I know much more about the show than I do about the books).  Instead of marrying the woman who would bring his Northern countrymen the power to cow Tywin Lannister and win Northern independence for good – all elements he sorely needed in light of the debacle with Lord Karstark – he married a foreign woman who offered him and his men no additional warriors, no old Westerosi family name to tie to his crown, and no means to end the war swiftly and send his men home to a secure, independent North where they could live in peace with their families again.
It was a decision that gave Robb the love of his life in the short term, but cost him both of their lives and the lives of Catelyn Stark and most of the Northern army, as well as plunging the North into further bloodshed at the hands of the Boltons, in the long run.  Walder Frey and Roose Bolton were not exactly the best of men, and Robb may well have had problems with them down the road, but they were problems he could have handled from a secured and powerful throne had he not provoked them so badly that they would rather work with Tywin Lannister than continue to serve a king whose actions indicated that he cared more for his own gratification than he did for the peace, security, and independence of the North.  Of course, we as viewers know that that viewpoint was not entirely accurate.  We know that Robb meant well.  He agonized later over the consequences of his actions, apologized personally to Walder Frey, and did all he could to make amends for breaking his promise.  But for his frustrated allies his remedies were too little and too late.  They saw only a king who had failed them.
And Sansa, who had by then spent years being beaten, humiliated, threatened, and forcibly married to a Lannister, didn’t know he meant well, either.  She didn’t understand the reasoning behind his actions any more than the Northern lords did.  All she knew was that Robb, her beloved big brother, had refused to help her when he could.  He had failed her completely.
By the time Sansa reunited with Jon, her other “big brother,” she’d learned the hard way to trust no one, especially men, to protect her.  If she wanted someone to advocate for her interests, to protect herself and the North (as she saw it) from the Boltons, she knew she would have to do it herself, as she informed Jon the day they got back together.
But Jon joined Sansa, albeit reluctantly.  He did what Robb and all the other Northern lords had failed to do, first when she was trapped in King’s Landing with the Lannisters and then when Ramsay Bolton held her captive: he protected her in every way he could.  He threw himself wholeheartedly into persuading the Wildlings and even a few of the Northern lords, who were understandably skeptical about House Stark’s ability to defeat Ramsay Bolton and to serve the North’s best interests before a foreigner’s, to join their cause.  When Sansa reminded him just how little he knew about Ramsay Bolton, he listened to her in his own dense way.  And when she told him she’d kill herself if Ramsay won the battle, he swore to protect her.
But by then, Sansa had seen far too many people, including Robb, fail to protect her.  Paradoxically, she did for Jon what Robb never did for her: she made an enormous sacrifice to save him by going back into the debt of one of her most dangerous abusers, and she used that abuser’s army to save her “brother.”  And he, in turn, showed her a level of respect to which she was entirely unaccustomed: he restrained himself from killing Ramsay Bolton so that Sansa could mete out the justice she (and Rickon) so richly deserved.
Fast-forward to season 7, which began with Jon keeping his promise to protect Sansa to the point where it appeared to annoy her, as she expressed during their argument on the battlements of Winterfell in the first episode.  Sansa’s mannerisms, though, speak to her happiness at finally having the other big brother in her life do what her first big brother had failed to do.  He stayed with her to co-rule the North, despite his reluctance at being named its king.  He gave her the Lord’s chambers and a seat at the high table with him.  He acknowledged her right to rule at his side, and he didn’t abuse her for expressing her opinions.  He was the first man to treat her with true gentleness since Joffrey Baratheon murdered her father.  She was safe with him, safe enough to express her opinions and disagreements and, yes, that annoyance at his overprotectiveness.
But then Jon left the North.  He left despite the Stark family’s history in the South, despite his people’s protests, and despite the Northern lords’ unease over yet another King in the North leaving his people behind and marching off to fight a great military campaign in the South.  This unease was particularly ominous because it was expressed through the mouth of Lord Glover, who in season 6 had refused to fight for Jon and Sansa because House Stark had proven itself untrustworthy: Robb Stark had wandered off to the South and allied himself through marriage to a foreign woman, which much of the North saw as a direct betrayal of their interests.
And Jon left despite the frantic pleas of his sister Sansa, who, despite the reasons he sprang on her at the last minute shared, must have been terrified at the prospect of another big brother leaving her and heading off to form an alliance with a completely unknown foreigner.  He’d protected her, treated her gently, given her safety, given her plenty of opportunities to smack the concept of politics and negotiations through his thick head – and now he was about to leave her.  Granted, she was in Winterfell with Brienne and her allies, not in King’s Landing with the Lannisters and their cronies, but when a sharp reminder brings a past trauma rushing to the forefront of one’s brain, that brain often reverts to panic mode, and that’s what Sansa’s mind clearly did here:
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Watch it again.  Listen to her voice shoot up by an octave.  Look at that flinch, that widening of her eyes, those darting glances off to the side, that vulnerable stare she couldn’t quite contain.
You’re abandoning your people.  You’re abandoning your home, she accused him aloud, trying to mask her sheer terror.  You’re abandoning me, she was silently begging Jon to hear, but he didn’t.  By his own admission, he was “consumed” with their enemies beyond the Wall – in fact, in his mind he was probably protecting Sansa better in the long run by going South and getting allies to defeat an enemy who would otherwise destroy her and all of Westeros to boot than he could by staying in Winterfell.
In other words, Jon meant well.  But all Sansa saw was another “brother” leaving her.  The only man who had consistently protected her, loved her, given her kindness and safety, and never left her side since her father’s death had decided to march South and risk throwing the North back into chaos and violence.  That doesn’t mean she didn’t understand his reasons; she knew Jon was only doing what he felt was best for her and the North.  But he’d still chosen to leave, reviving all of Sansa’s old demons of fear, loneliness, and abandonment.
But Sansa, with her skin of steel, waved Jon off dutifully and went about strengthening the North’s armies and food supplies.  She ruled it brilliantly and, even when he’d been gone for months and the Northern lords grew impatient, she refused to take Jon’s crown for herself, despite the fact that she probably shared their worries over the possibility that he might not return.  
Then Jon did return – only for Sansa to find that he’d done exactly, to all appearances, what Robb had.  He’d made an alliance with a foreign woman – not yet a marriage alliance, but after her fateful conversation with Littlefinger in season 7, Sansa had every reason to believe Jon would arrange to marry Daenerys.  Worse yet, this foreign woman was not an altruistic Volantene healer, as Robb’s wife had been, but, as Sansa probably suspected from her first conversation with Daenerys and certainly knew after their meeting in the great hall, a capricious, unpredictable war leader with a violent streak, two fully-grown dragons, and an utter disregard for the havoc they might wreak upon the North.
Jon may have meant well by bringing home the only ally who could give him a chance of saving Westeros, and, more importantly, his family from annihilation.  His laser focus on serving his temperamental queen, which initially had me distraught and angry, shows just how committed he is to defeating the dead no matter the cost, and his increasing discomfort around Daenerys shows his awareness of just how high that cost is becoming.  
But Sansa, like the Northern lords, didn’t see any of that.  She only saw was Jon’s willingness to placate a potentially nuclear time bomb to the detriment of his family and his people.  The little girl inside her who had waited and waited in vain for one big brother to show up and protect her, only to see him abandon her for his foreign interests, was now watching the other brother – her confidant, her protector, her co-ruler, her partner in crime, the only man with whom she could let her guard down and be Sansa rather than just the Lady of Winterfell – do the same.  We, as the viewers, got to see a more complete picture (albeit still a murky one) of Jon’s motives, but Sansa did not.
All she could see what that her brother and best friend had betrayed her.  
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No wonder she snapped out the news about Lord Glover to Jon.  No wonder she stalked across the room to get as far as she could from him when he finally sought her out.  No wonder she didn’t bother concealing her disdain for Jon’s actions.  His apparent betrayal brought all the old insecurities roaring back tenfold - the old fear and panic and hurt from before, when Robb had left Sansa to the not-so-tender mercies of the Lannisters, and Sansa, already bearing the heavy burdens of leadership and of worrying over what Daenerys or her dragons might do next, couldn’t quite mask her feelings as well as she had when Jon had first left Winterfell.  She got snappy and sarcastic and cutting – and hurt.  Jon had promised to protect her and keep her safe – he even had, for a time.  She had been his beloved sister, the most important and cherished person in his world, someone with whom he could share all of his vulnerabilities and reassure her about hers, and now she had been abandoned in favor of a volatile tyrant who couldn’t feed her own army, much less refrain from threatening Sansa’s.  Completely apart from any romantic feelings that may or may not be involved (I can see where others think Jon and even Sansa have those feelings, although I personally don’t believe either of them acknowledges those tendencies at this point, especially given the way they were raised), Sansa had just been betrayed by her best friend, one who until recently was the only family member she had left in the world.  And despite her repeated warnings, he’d failed to be smarter than Robb.  He’d been even less smart, if possible, and Sansa found herself once again holding the bag and paying the price.  And if in the next few episodes Jon doesn’t get over himself and confide in her once again, the price could have deadly consequences – for Sansa, for the Starks, and for all the people Jon loves the most.
We know Jon is smarter than Robb.  But Sansa needs to know, too.  She deserves to know.  Until she does, Jon is just another brother who betrayed her.  She and Jon can’t rule the North, can’t play their roles in saving it and their family and Westeros, and can’t effectively rebuild the North together after the war is over by marrying each other to create the alliance Jon can never have with Daenerys and finally find the love they deserve with each other if Jon doesn’t clear the air and make it possible for them to trust each other, and, in the future, love each other the way Ned and Catelyn did.
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dashimba · 5 years
THE 100 my thoughts of 6.07.
Well, me, finally, calmed down and rewatched the whole episode again.
The first thing is that this episode was splendid! I loved it all from first minute to the last once, basically was glued to the screen all the time.
I enjoyed the idea of space minds, because, firstly, it allows to see character deeper and feel their intention, fears and feelings through simple objects of reality, pictures, things. It also gave us a link to ‘Inception’ movie and pointed to Freudian concept of the unconscious. Besides, it also guides us to the Eric Burn theory that each person contains ‘child’, ‘adult’, ‘parent’ personality.
It was smart to use the rain as a metaphor of Clarke swings moods, chest with the code for her secret memory, also show us her dads video and Jasper glasses inside of it.
Her mind is constructed by series of locations. The reason behind is that Clarke really changed through all of her stages in life. Each one has its own meaning for her, as she grew from a young idealistic teenage girl to a grown woman, complicated and contradictory person. She became not only leader to her people, but also a parent figure. We could equate it to the thing of becoming a real mom to a child, who needs care and protection.
Clarke character this episode, her development was really thought through.
Lets try to analyze main locations.
First, we should compare how Clarkes personalities are connected with each stage of action. Second, we ll try to have a general concept of each mind space.
This place is where all Clarke memories lies, her story. I guess its just a hard drive to the whole computer, shortly her brain. There she is represented as ‘the princess on the spaceship’ and also as Wanheda, also as The Clarke ‘Madis mother’ ( Read it that way ‘child’, ‘adult’, ‘parent’) . These three parts of her personality show us the two parts of Clark, the peaceful one, rebelious one, guilty one. It’s her three sides, which are struggling to fight each other to prevail in behavior. She still has her child hopes. She still tries to be rigidity and consistency in her solutions. She now is accepting her responsibility, drowning in a blame for her decisions.
The Clarke on the spaceship is the Clarke, who believes that there is so much more than survival and fighting for life. She appears to be the most vulnerable one. Wanheda has the power of being more dark for the purpose of the survival and life. She is the dark side of Clarke who was formed by conditions of her living. Clarke from season 5 and 6 is Clarke who is trying find a peace for herself as a human, suffering inside from two sides of her world.
The lights and the colors in this mind space are truly melancholic and blue. I feel her depression and longing for sadness through this location. Clarke at the moment does not feel right at all, she is feeling down and she is losing hope.
2. The forest
Its totally the most dark place, therefore dark lights and night forest as the symbol of loss and deprivation. Its kinda blurry here too. The ruined throne of Lexa is her pain, which hides under the layers of self-control. There she loses her hope after fake memories of Bellamy. He is still that person, who has that strength and hope for her which she seeks. He is her last pillar of energy to survive and live, as the leader of her people. Because of him shes still trying.
‘You still have hope?”
‘Were still breathing’
But after the fake memories, she doesnt see any benefit to live as someone who can look for her people. Shes already dead, why bother?
3. The fighting pits and the Mountain weather.
Sharp and bright light. The fighting pits is another symbol of her guilt, though Bellamy forgave her, she coudnt do it herself. She didnt win her war with her demons. The BloodRena represent rage, anger for herself, crawled inside Clark. The Maya is the sigh of her moral system confused, her inner guilt for what she thought she would never have done as a child on Spacekru ship.
4. The home
The place where Clark feels most safe, focused and calm. Warm,
light colors and drawings not from her memories, bur from her feelings. The most significant drawings are Ebby, Madi and Bellamy. Its her family now. There she meets Monthy, there she finds her dad alive.
Its her heart in this home.
Her last hope is to live for Madi, as Monty reminds her. To be a mother to a child she raised. I mean, obviously, Madi is the last reason, why Monty as her mind protection appears. Monty was her friend, who truly figured that sometimes good and evil are twisted, and having burden of blood hands doesnt mean ure a bad person, but still means that its the best way to live and find peace.
There she is a ‘parent’.
Anyway, this Clark destination is to forgive herself and to start create something new through the ashes, to find something beside Madi, her people and Bellamy to live for. To heal and become more balanced.
Whats about Josephine?
Her line is connected to Clarke one, as their minds are tangled.
Let me say one thing, she is really hell of sociopath. I do not hate her as a character, but I do see the motivation of her behavior.
The thing is that in Josephine minds her father is the really important figure, affecting her the most through all stages of life. His voice is everywhere, in the library(her voice from childhood memories, calling him. reading letters). Through the door. He is shouting ‘The Sanctum is mine’. This pair could be compared to Odin and Hela relationship. Same spirit there.
Her brain structure is the library, completely rationalized and sorted. She doesnt feel mercy or regret, pity or happiness, pain or pleasure. She doesnt understand human emotions, as she is not able to comprehend them fully. By all sort, she is freaking genius(knows various language, deep in biology and science, gifted for art) but by the cost of her mental disorder. In her memories she adored herself so much that she could stop drawing her first body. She doesnt know what moral is. Its a blurry concept for her.
Her moral is to provide herself the immortality on all costs. She doesnt find it right or wrong to murder, to betray, to tortue. She doesnt care about anything but about herself. Not life of a newborn baby, her friends lover, her father could prevent her from achieving the goal. Its truly frighting and dreadful. She shouldn't be in the lead at all.
Read this to insure yourself that Jo is in fact sociapath https://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html.
And she knows that. Her hidden thing is the awareness on that. She doesnt accept it at all. She is savoring it, not trying to control or to restrict herself. Its caused by the trauma of guy who kills himself , but still not completely.
I also liked the referral to the predator behavior( dialogue of J and R, when they are haunting Clark), as the main concept of Lightbourne views.Besides, they regard science as the God for them, it means the complete refusal to moral question and ethics.
Josephin: I studied all species, insects are almost fascinated me the most,...ruthless. People theyre so messy, theyre too emotional.
Josephin: You, nulls, are more than worthless, you all don have positive value. You are less the useless. U delude the bloodlines...
So on.
From Clarks side theres a lot of talking whats right or what wrong, even with ALLIE. What defines God.
Its not a coincidence that she tells Monty about the God question, overshadowing Lightbournes things. About connection of moral and real life.
‘I dont want to decide for everyone, Just for myself’
Its a good thrust that through her mind projection of Monty she still thinks:
The end does not justify the means
Murder is still murder, whatever it brings after, peace or war.
She doesnt devalues the human life. Thats why Clarke is the best leader from the start. Her moral compass is always there to remind her that leadership should be based on clean hands, true intentions to help and grow, not in dark night, but in the light of a new day.
Clark also says: ‘Theres no joy without pain’.
For me, it sums up all of her personality. Meaning - to have something good, first sacrifice. To earn happiness you should feel the real anguish. But even after the pain, you are capable of finding hope and peace. Thats why she agrees to go with Monty and fight J.
That what differs Clark from Lightbourne.
She is still in a process of defining what decisions shed like to make, what person she should be. She senses and appreciates.
Lightbournes are in stagnation there.
The last few senconds
Bellamy is just the ‘heart’ all over the place. He is back to his natural statue.
That means head and the heart in work, which, I remind you, always the best.
Thanks for reading.
All the love :)
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My Big ‘Miss Sherlock’ Theory
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With only 3 episodes in, the no-context-scenes from previous trailers, the names of future episodes, the chracters bios and my undying love for Sherlock and crazy theories, here is my idea of what could/would happen in Miss Sherlock.
1- The Big Evil The only two people that are not listed as original chracters nor have their canon equivalent in their bio: Mariko Irikawa and Toru Moriya (top right corner)
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Mariko is already fishy, I think we all agree on that one. Since the beginning I’ve been scared of the little ‘Trust’ label that comes from Wato. So, obviously, it would play a huge part in the development of the plot/the conclusion of the first season. Also, she will see Wato at her most vulnerable self:
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I think she is the one behind Little Dipper, if not the big schemer at least the one who recluits people who seek her counselling (Akiko Mizuno and Yuma Shiina probably)
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If Mariko ends up being ‘Professor James Moriarty’, then Wato is feeding her first hand information on Sherlock’s methods. Then we have this scene:
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Wato pointing a gun towards Sherlock. My guess is that Mariko will make Wato believe that Sherlock is some kind of evil that need to be rid of. (The other possibility is that Sherlock is testing Wato’s loyalty.) Moving on, we have Toru Moriya
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Toru will appear next episode (The Wakasugi Family Curse) and will be Wato’s next love interest. The HBOAsia chart has the ‘Love?’ label and it goes both ways.
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The little question mark make me believe he has other intentions altogether, manipulation is a high one on my list.
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The chart above is Hulu’s. Different characters have different backgrounds. Sherlock, Wato, Kimie and Kento: red Reimon and Shibata: green Mariko and Toru?: dark grey My theory is that Toru will be our ‘Coronel Sebastian Moran’, his bio describes him like this: “A war journalist who returned to Japan after going through a similar experience as Dr. Wato and he too suffers from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He and Dr. Wato meet at the clinic they go to for counselling and the two get along well and gradually grows into a romance.”
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The other big one is that he will be our ‘Mary Morstan’, but I think it’s highly unlikely unless they mix Mary’s character with Moran’s. (Also, I’m sure he will hurt Wato, and I already hate him for it....) 2- Sherlock’s past It has to be addressed at some point, and it may even have to do with Little Dipper at a larger scale.
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Let’s see three other bios:
Yuko Takeuchi plays Sherlock who was born in England and have returned to Japan. Sherlock uses her extraordinary observation and reasoning skills to help solve bizarre cases as an investigation consultant for the local police. She lost both her parents to a plane accident when she was 7 years old and since been emotionally detached to everything and everyone around her. 
Yukiyoshi Ozawa plays Kento Futaba who is Sherlock’s older brother and is also the Executive Secretary to the Prime Minister. Since their parents deaths, Kento has always looked after Sherlock and begins to worry about her as she becomes emotionally detached.
Ran Ito plays Kimie Hatano who is the widowed landlord of Sherlock’s apartment. Kimie’s late husband was an employee at a trading company who was kidnapped for ransom by terrorists while on an assignment in the Middle East. It was Sherlock’s father who was a diplomat in the Middle East, who saved him from his captors. Since then, Kimie continues to support Sherlock as a show of gratitude to her father.
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To me, Little Dipper will have to do with Sherlock’s parents’ death, as her father was involved in big diplomatic matters after all, and Little Dipper seems to think at large scale (possibly a global one). Also, we have the W-E-L-C-O-M-E:
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I don’t think it’ll be meant for a client, but for Sherlock coming back to Japan... 3- Stella Maris When I first saw the list of episodes my mind went directely to the sea (we have a lighthouse in my town which is called like that). So my former thought was ‘Victor Trevor’ and ‘The Gloria Scott’.
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My hopes for that story specifically are lower now, but through the canon we have several stories to do with the sea (or large masses of water):
The Gloria Scott: In The Adventure of the Gloria Scott, Holmes spends a month with a college friend at his friend’s father’s estate. Here, the story of a long forgotten ship, the Gloria Scott, its convict passengers bound for Australia, and its mutinous crew first comes to light. 
The Bruce Partington Plans: Mycroft asks Sherlock to retrieve the missing plans for the Bruce-Partington submarine.
The Naval Treaty: Percy Phelps, an old schoolmate of Watson’s,  had the misfortune to lose a top secret naval treaty, as it was stolen from his desk.
The Five Orange Pips: The tale of John Openshaw, whose family appears to be cursed. His uncle, upon receiving an envelope containing five orange pips, died mysteriously. Sadly for Holmes, the possibility of revenge sinks, along with the ship carrying the wanted murders back to America.  
The sign of (the) four: [...]“And there is the Aurora,” exclaimed Holmes, “and going like the devil! Full speed ahead, engineer.  Make  after  that  launch  with  the  yellow  light.  By heaven, I shall  never  forgive myself if she proves to have the heels of us!” [...] “We must catch her!” cried Holmes between his teeth. “Heap it on, stokers! Make her do all she can! If we burn the boat we must have them!" They eventually do overtake the Aurora,  but  sadly  for  Holmes, although he has caught his man, the treasure is gone; vanquished to the depths of the Thames River, spread out over countless miles, with no hope of retrieval.
I also think of ‘The Blanched Soldier’ (which has nothing to do with the sea, but I love that story), sadly, if used, it will be with Wato and Toru... 
“There was not a finer lad in the regiment. We formed a friendship — the sort of friendship which can only be made when one lives the same life and shares the same joys and sorrows. He was my mate — and that means a good deal in the Army. We took the rough and the smooth together for a year of hard fighting.” OR! with the person who give Wato the bonfim bracelet ♥
The Little Dipper organization will finally arrive to ‘The Dock’ (pun totally intended) and we will (hopefully) have finally the answers to all the questions (or a second season, that would be great).
Souces: Bios: https://www.clickthecity.com/tv/a/34336/global-premiere-of-hbo-asia-and-hulu-co-production-miss-sherlock-on-april-27 Canon extracts: http://www.nekosmuse.com/sherlockholmes/decodingthesubtext.pdf
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imaginedmelody · 6 years
Fic Recs: “The Exorcist” Edition
As some of you might know (but probably not all of you, since it wasn’t the most well-known of shows), FOX’s The Exorcist TV series was cancelled earlier this month. I am actually a really new viewer to this show; I don’t consider myself much of a horror fan at all, and I’m not familiar with the original Exorcist book or movie. But I had seen the gifsets you all had posted, and the praise you had layered on the show, and it prompted me to give it a try.
Besides discovering that this is a really amazing show, the other thing I’ve found after a couple months in this fandom is that, for a community so small, the fic is exceptional. Like, I feel bad that this show has so small of a fanbase because these fics deserve so many more readers. I’ve stayed up late into many a night consuming chapter after chapter of the multi-chapter fics and AUs that this fandom produces. And it occurs to me that it’s time to share them with you. I hope this inspires you, if nothing else, to read these amazing stories. And maybe, if you really like them, you’ll start watching the show as well.
It’s cancelled, yes. But it’s worth it.
(By the way, if you’re recced on this list, I probably owe you a comment on your fic. If it’s a comfort to you, I marathon-read most of these fics so fast and so voraciously that I didn’t leave myself any time to comment! But I look forward to leaving you feedback.)
1) the “León de mi Corazón” series by @clockheartedcrocodile; Marcus/Tomas, explicit; multi-chapter, series, complete
I consider this series to be a seminal work in the Marcus/Tomas fandom. Beautifully, atmospheric writing that gently expands on the characters as we know them. There’s an emphasis on poetry, and on the dance these characters make towards each other, both of them wounded and wary while at the same time impossibly capable of love. Each fic chronicles a different stage in their relationship, and also a different possession “case” in a different location (except the third, which revolves much more around personal spirituality than their careers as exorcists). They’re beautiful and everyone in the fandom should read them. (Also, as an aside: what is it with my fandoms and future-fics where a pairing lives on a plot of land with orange trees?)
2) “Hace Tanto Que Te Quiero” by @meduseld; Marcus/Tomas, teen, one-shot
A meditation on love, and how it manifests in intimate and yet mosty-platonic forms. This one was just posted today, so it’s a little quick to be included on a fic-rec post, but I read it this morning and it was just so beautiful that I wanted to put it in here with all the rest of the stories that have been around for longer.
3) “i’ve got my mind set on you” by @reckonedrightly; Marcus/Peter, explicit, one-shot
This fic contains possibly my favorite Marcus in any fic I’ve read so far- sassy and tortured and emotionally vulnerable all rolled up into one. Peter is just as he is in the series, endlessly patient and careful with him; this author clearly watched the Peter/Marcus scenes in the show itself very closely and their characterization matches perfectly. I would love to see so much more of the way this person writes these two characters in particular; they’re just beautiful. Starts after the final episode of season 2 and continues, in a pretty canon-compliant fashion, from that point onward.
4) “Up Jumped the Devil” by @clockheartedcrocodile; Marcus/Tomas, explicit; multi-chapter, complete
An AU in which Tomas is a preacher from Chicago (like he is in the actual series) who gets sent to a remote rural congregation whose famous feature is that once a month, the pastor reaches into a pit of snakes and pulls one out without getting bitten. Marcus is a roving exorcist (like he is in the actual series) except with the particular flavor of a Southern Gothic tale rather than a religious horror one. Many hallmarks of the show are present here, just in different forms, and the narrative tension is tight as a wire.
5) “i sent you three boats” by @reckonedrightly; Marcus/Tomas, mature; multi-chapter, in progress
This story has been a joy to read so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens as more chapters are added. It throws us right into the middle of an exorcism, and the premise centers around the idea that in the aftermath of this particularly difficult possession, Fr. Bennett arranges for both Marcus and Tomas to “retire” to a small parish in Michigan. There are complications, of course, and questions as to whether the demons follow them even to this new place, but we’re introduced to interesting new characters and we get to see Marcus and Tomas as fish out of water in this new location. They’ve spent most of the fic so far being stupidly oblivious to each other’s feelings, and now that they’re finally starting to realize, things are about to get really interesting!
6) “ego te absolvo” by peacefrog; Marcus/Tomas, teen; multi-chapter, in progress
In which Marcus and Tomas are neighboring small-town parish priests, Marcus a former exorcist and Tomas a regular preacher, who are developing an increasingly close friendship. Marcus is more and more becoming consumed by traumas from his past, and Tomas is (and has been, if the fic is any indication) trying to gently get him to open up and let Tomas in, both as a friend and as someone with the potential for something more. Lots of angst and hurt/comfort here. The slow-burn of watching them inch closer and closer to acknowledging their feelings is really fun.
7) “Martyrs of the Great Plains” by @nookienostradamus; Marcus/Tomas, explicit; multi-chapter, complete
Another slice-of-life on-the-road fic, this one taking place between seasons 1 and 2. Each chapter includes the motif of a saint, called to mind by whatever the characters are experiencing or feeling in that chapter. There’s more Catholic guilt in here, but that’s par for the course in fics for this show; Marcus’ self-castigation could probably be sensed from space, and there’s angst aplenty because of that. But in exactly the way we love most about him, Tomas pushes him out of his shell and gets him to let go of some of that pain. Each of these fics in this fandom gets them to that place a little bit differently, and that’s what I love about them.
Happy reading, followers!
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
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fibula-rasa · 6 years
You’re traveling through another dimension…
The place is New Jersey, the time is 2001, and the journey into the shadows that you’re about to read is my journey. My journey in committing myself to see every episode of The Twilight Zone.
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I grew up watching Twilight Zone reruns on TV; loving the style, imagination, and colorful characters. In or around 2001, as a high-school freshman, I saved up to buy The Twilight Zone Companion by Marc Scott Zicree. It shocked me to learn how many episodes of the show I hadn’t seen after years of faithfully watching reruns and the bi-annual marathons.
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Yes, this is that same copy of The Twilight Zone Companion.
Setting a goal for myself to see every episode, checking them off in the book as I went along, was a daunting task back then. Not only were there no streaming services, but also no complete home-video release. (For the longest time CBS Home Video only released collections of episodes in no discernible order on VHS and DVD.) On top of that, a few of the episodes were not in syndication. Praise be to Serling, my parents owned one of the compilation tapes that included one of these episodes (The Encounter). Of course, I then understood why it wasn’t in syndication… It has since returned to the airwaves for some reason.
In the end, it took me a little over a year to see all of them with the help of timed recording on my VCR.
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I wasn’t lying about checking off the episodes...
It’s great that The Twilight Zone is now available on multiple streaming services in addition to The Scifi Channel still playing reruns. Now none of you need to have my single-minded dedication to seemingly pointless tasks to discover television shows that were cancelled forty years before you were born.
Over the next two days, in honor of the marathon, I’ll make a series of posts to help all of you make the most of your first journey into imagination of 2018.
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Below the jump, you’ll find a little bit about each of my favorite episodes. That’s the signpost up ahead--
--your next stop, The Twilight Zone!
The Invaders
Season 2, Episode 15
Director: Douglas Heyes | Writer: Richard Matheson
A woman living in an isolated cabin spends a terrifying night with tiny spacemen.
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Agnes Moorehead is undoubtedly one of the best and most under-appreciated actors of the last century. The Invaders is a great episode from a technical and stylistic standpoint, but Moorehead’s performance still stands out. What a wonderful stroke of genius it was to take a woman so known for her radio work, for her inimitable voice, and cast her in a role with no dialogue. It’s a testament to how well this episode is made that the titular invaders are honest-to-goodness hand puppets but it’s one of the series’ most tense and terrifying entries.
A Stop at Willoughby
Season 1, Episode 30
Director: Robert Parrish | Writer: Rod Serling
A harrowed Madison Avenue ad man, dissatisfied with his life, begins to dream about another, quieter life in a town called Willoughby.
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Nostalgia is a common theme throughout the entirety of the series and this is examination of sehnsucht the best execution of the theme. Gart Williams (James Daly) isn’t wistful about his own past (as with the simpler, but also great Walking Distance). Instead he yearns for some nebulous summer in the late 19th century, some nebulous place in America, unknown to him but relaxed enough that he’d have all the time in the world to “live his life full measure.” James Daly portrays Gart as someone who is too tired to continue functioning professionally or personally. His turn to nostalgia is driven by depression and the exhaustion that depression always seems to have at the ready in its handbag.
Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?
Season 2, Episode 28
Director: Montgomery Pittman | Writer: Rod Serling
When a UFO crashes into the woods on a snowy night, two state troopers track footprints to a roadside diner filled with bus passengers stuck by a bridge gone out. Will they be able to figure out who doesn’t belong?
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Serling takes a classic mystery premise and adds a science-fictional spin with Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up? It’s a lively episode with well-limned character work. Serling loves karmic retribution, especially when it takes the form of a twist on top of a twist. This episode illustrates the concept in spades, though I won’t elaborate further in case you haven’t seen this one yet!
Where is Everybody?
Season 1, Episode 1
Director: Robert Stevens | Writer: Rod Serling
A man arrives at a small town with no idea how he got there or who he is. Unfortunately, there’s not a single soul in town to clear things up for him.
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The origins of The Twilight Zone lie in a TV drama Rod Serling wrote called The Time Element (which is on the complete series home video release btw). That story certainly contains the necessary ingredients we’ve now come to associate with the show, but it’s with the pilot Where is Everybody? that Serling hammers out exactly how he plans to approach short speculative stories: Human dramas that often deal with the interior life of a person when they’re faced with extraordinary circumstance. Earl Holliman’s acting is often rightfully lauded as well as Serling’s writing. The camera work by Joseph La Shelle is incredibly artful for TV photography of the time, using camera angles and movement to reflect the feelings of the main character or to emphasize the feeling of being watched by an unseen observer.
Nothing in the Dark
Season 3, Episode 16
Director: Lamont Johnson | Writer: George Clayton Johnson
An elderly, fearful woman is faced with a conundrum when a young police officer is wounded on her doorstep.
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I always marvel at how beautifully executed Twilight Zone episodes are that take place in a single cramped space with a small cast of characters. This one happens to be a meditation on the nature of fear and death in a basement apartment with an old lady and a young man. George Clayton Johnson is one of the first writers outside of Serling to write for the series and Nothing in the Dark proves he was very capable of handling the tone, style, and themes of the series. Gladys Cooper stars in a few episodes, but this is her most tender and heartfelt role. She has great chemistry with Robert Redford, who plays the ailing baby-faced cop.
The Hitch-Hiker
Season 1, Episode 16
Director: Alvin Ganzer | Writer: Rod Serling (story by Lucille Fletcher)
Nan Adams starts continually seeing the same strange man hitchhiking along the roadside as she drives across the country.
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The original version of this story was a radio play written by Lucille Fletcher. In the radio broadcasts of the story, Orson Welles plays the lead. It’s worth a listen after viewing the episode both because Welles is an excellent radio actor and because of how much of the mood of the story in light of the gender swap. When Serling bought the story from Fletcher to adapt it, she did not approve of gender-swapping the protagonist. It’s an interesting point to reflect on. Stevens’ Nan is instantly vulnerable as a young woman traveling completely alone; a strange man maybe stalking her is a real and common danger. Her fear is reasonable and it adds to the anxiety of the gradual revelation that the danger may actually be supernatural. With Welles, a man with such an imposing figure (that comes through in his voice) so quickly disquieted by a random man along the side of the road instantly signals to the listener that there may be more going on than meets the eye (or ear). They’re practically telling two different stories.
And When the Sky Was Opened
Season 1, Episode 11
Director: Douglas Heyes | Writer: Rod Serling (story by Richard Matheson)
Three test pilots are hospitalized after a crash landing. One by one they lose their grip on their very existence.
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Speculative fiction stories dealing with space travel in the early days of manned space exploration are such a treat. They’re a window into our collective fears about the speed of our move into unexplored territory; physically, theoretically, and philosophically. This episode wastes no time getting deep into the unexplained. Rather than starting with the crash, it’s a few days later and one of the pilots (Charles Aidman) has already disappeared along with any evidence of his existence; except of course for the memories of his colleague (Rod Taylor). And When the Sky Was Opened is also a great example of what my SO refers to as a “Weird, ain’t it?” episode, where you’re presented with a concept and not given any resolution.
It’s a shame Rod Taylor wasn’t in more episodes. He’s clearly tuned into The Twilight Zone’s frequency.
The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
Season 3, Episode 23
Director: Montgomery Pittman | Writer: Montgomery Pittman
When a young Jeff Myrtlebank wakes up at his own funeral, he’s not quite the same as he used to be.
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Confession: when I was a kid, I hated the folksy episodes of The Twilight Zone. I didn’t relate to the oft idealized, fictionalized version of the American Middle West. I can’t say I relate to it exactly, but as I’ve traveled more and met a lot more people from the Midwest, the South, & Appalachia, I can appreciate it better now, albeit from a distance.
The episode begins with an homage to Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and then moves into an imagining of what would happen if the devil showed up in St. Petersburg. The musical cues are often a little over the top, but the performances aren’t. All the supporting characters are very realistic* and it makes Jeff (James Best) stick out all the more. Best will go from sprightly to morose to furious in a single scene. He does great work varying his voice, facial expressions, and posture to convey that he’s not quite Jeff and it’s genuinely scary at times.
*(note: not insultingly backwoodsy or prone to superstition as stereotypes might dictate)
Eye of the Beholder
Season 2, Episode 6
Director: Douglas Heyes | Writer: Rod Serling
A woman recovering from extensive plastic surgery is hoping against hope that the procedure will make her “normal-looking” so that she can have a regular life in her repressive society.
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Technically, this episode is exquisite. The lighting and cinematography turn the plainness of a hospital into a ghastly limbo. The point of the story might be a bit overwrought, but the monologues are delivered by Maxine Stuart as Janet Tyler are powerful, especially paired with the acting she does with her hands. If you already know the twist of the episode, it’s a whole lot of fun to track how the director and DP work around the reveal.
While Maxine Stuart plays the role of Janet beneath the bandages, Janet is played by Donna Douglas of Beverly Hillbillies fame post recovery. Originally this was rationalized as the director wanting Janet to sound a certain way and look a certain way and it would be easier to cast by voice and looks separately then just dub the actress with the looks. Then, when Douglas showed up to film, she insisted she could sound like Stuart and, lo, she does.
I Sing the Body Electric
Season 3, Episode 35
Director: James Sheldon & William Claxton | Writer: Ray Bradbury
When three children aren’t coping well with the loss of their mother, their father tries out a new robot grandma service.
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I Sing the Body Electric has a truly unique atmosphere compared to other Twilight Zone episodes. It could be that it’s the only story Ray Bradbury wrote for the show. It could be the edge of artificiality created by the lighting in many of the scenes. Or that the presentation of a loving man-made grandmother emerging from a void is more theatrical than usual. It’s likely a mix of the three, but it’s a strange one no matter. As the grandmother emerges from a void, she retires to a room of grandmother voices. It hints at an amazing AI concept.
Honorable Mention:
The Masks
Season 5, Episode 9
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Season 5, Episode 22
The After Hours
Season 1, Episode 34
The Big Tall Wish
Season 1, Episode 27
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 2 Addresses Ben’s Fate
This article contains spoilers for Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous season 2.
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous season 1’s biggest cliffhanger is the fate of Ben. For most of the season, Ben is shy, paranoid, and afraid of everything. He carries allergen-free snacks in his fanny pack, along with a seemingly everlasting supply of hand sanitizer. In the last episode, after having a huge moment of triumph in the face of his own fears, Ben is thrown from the monorail, and the other campers assume he’s fallen to his death. They can’t afford to go back and look for him if they hope to survive the island themselves. Nor can they run after Bumpy, the baby ankylosaurus Ben rescued, after he vanishes into the jungle. They have to press on if they want any chance of surviving.
Viewers, on the other hand, get one last shot of Bumpy hurrying to Ben’s side, and Ben’s fingers twitch. The audience knows that Ben made it—and it takes four episodes before any of the campers make the same discovery. 
That doesn’t mean Ben isn’t present in those early episodes of season 2. In the first episode, Darius dreams that Ben appears among them. “We thought we’d lost you!” Darius says in sheer relief. “Why?” Ben responds bitterly. “Because you let me go?”
Darius and the others carry the guilt of Ben’s absence, but Darius most of all. He promised to get the campers home—and before he ever arrived at Camp Cretaceous, Darius also lost his father. He can’t afford to lose anyone else. He wants to believe that Ben is still alive, but he expects Ben’s anger that they abandoned him—because Darius feels like they abandoned him.
Read more
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 2 Ending Explained
By Jennifer Lee Rossman
But as viewers finally discover in Episode 5, which reveals how Ben survived on his own before he reunites with the campers, the odds of the kids finding their friend where he ended up on Isla Nublar would have been slim, even if they’d continued searching. He fell from the monorail only to be saved from death-on-impact by the pteranodons that caused his fall in the first place. Being tossed from flying reptile to flying reptile, especially when they likely plan to eat him for dinner, is not the thrill ride any Jurassic World guest signed up for, least of all terrified Ben. When the pteranodons accidentally drop him, he crashes to the ground and falls unconscious—but is otherwise generally uninjured.
He also has no idea where he is. When he sees Bumpy, his first response is joy, followed by the question, “Where’s everybody else?” Bumpy defends the terrified camper from a pack of compsognathuses (making great use of that club at the end of her tail), and Ben tries to calm himself down: “They’ll come save me. Right?”
While in some shows, the character would cling to that hope and just wait it out, getting angrier and angrier that no one has come back to the rescue, Ben immediately realizes that 1) the other campers have no idea where he is, and 2) the logical thing for them to do would have been to try to meet up with him at the ferry. While he has moments of dismay at the loss of his fanny pack (“No hand sanitizer!”), he’s surprisingly resilient for the camper we knew in Season 1. 
When he realizes the ferry must have left without him, he assumes his friends made it, and he’s happy they got off the island. (Maybe it’s a bittersweet happiness, but he harbors no grudge.) He also doesn’t give up; he knows that to get off the island, he has to find a way to tell someone he’s alive—and unlike the rest of the campers, he read the emergency procedures before all the chaos, so he knows he has to find the emergency beacon on Main Street. The problem? The carnotaurus (Toro) is between him and the road.
He builds himself a shelter. He follows Bumpy to food and water. He manages to survive, though because Bumpy is taking up most of the shelter Ben built, he’s not getting a lot of sleep. So when he finally loses his temper, it’s no surprise: he’s at the end of his rope. Yelling at his only friend is a huge mistake—Bumpy runs off and leaves him entirely alone—but it also pushes him to let go of his fear. The worst has already happened, so he has no option but to become better, defend himself from the compsognathuses, and face Toro on his own. Ben finding his courage and self-reliance is huge, and even after Bumpy’s return, the character arc makes Ben’s journey one of the best in the series so far. 
Delightfully, Ben is still Ben. When he gets his hand sanitizer back, we see him applying it in the Michael Bay-esque explosion scene. When he’s listing his battle wounds, they include a leech bite, three days of sunburn, and the (justifiably impressive) fighting off the pack of compys. Ben’s a survivor, and he earned it, but his scars are still small potatoes compared to other action heroes. He’s also a full-fledged dinosaur rider, and his relationship with Bumpy is as heartwarming as it is visually extremely cool.
But while Ben’s arc is awesome on its own, what makes it even better is the maturity with which he handles his reunion with the other campers—and the unabashed joy the campers show when they see him, discovering him in shifts. The campers get separated in Episode 4, so when Ben initially returns, he rescues Brooklynn and Kenji from scary guide Hap, who appears to be threatening them. (The other kids are in the clutches of poachers Mitch and Tiff.) Covered in dirt, clothing in utter disarray, shirt wrapped around his head like a bandana, and accompanied by a now-full-grown Bumpy (thanks to Jurassic World’s crazy quick-grow cloning science), Ben looks like an action hero. He even makes the tough guy quip, “What? You’ve never seen a ghost before?”
After the initial shock, it’s a teary-eyed Kenji, who has previously been too cool for any sort of emotional vulnerability, who rushes in for a hug. And Ben, with no feelings of resentment, hugs him back. Brooklynn’s next, and again, there’s no pretense. These kids are so relieved to find each other that there’s no need to hide those emotions. If they’re back together, they’re going to be okay.
In an effort to lose some dinosaurs chasing them, Ben and Bumpy separate again, but this time Brooklynn and Kenji have no doubt that they’ll reunite. When they find Yasmina, traveling solo after she escapes from Mitch and Tiff, the first thing they want to tell her is that they found Ben. But because Yaz’s news about saving their friends is more urgent, it isn’t until the next episode that the audience gets the repeat reveal—and Ben gets to make another suitably badass entrance. And again, he gets greeted with a huge tight hug, even though Yasmina particularly doesn’t like hugs or being touched. 
It’s not until the final episode of the season when Darius and Sammy find out that Ben’s back—when he talks to them over a loudspeaker in the park. They react with both shock and joy, and Ben realizes that it’s still big news. (When Darius and Sammy leave their mouths hanging open, unable to process, he says, “I think I broke them.”) Sammy doesn’t get the hug moment with Ben—they’re in the middle of creating a dinosaur stampede, so their shared wave is the right expression for the moment—but when, in the last moments of the episode, Ben and Darius finally see each other, the music swells, and the emotional impact is exactly where it needs to be. Darius’s first words are “I’m sorry,” and contrary to his dream, Ben’s response is all forgiveness.
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The drama of the show this season isn’t in a tale of resentment and anguish, of feelings of betrayal or anger—at least, not among the campers. Instead, viewers get a reunion moment in every episode from season four on, and each of those moments is pure joy and friendship, with no social jockeying or plays for status. Instead, Ben’s return solidifies the campers as a real team. And when they say they’re done waiting to be rescued, they make the audience believe that they will succeed. Together.
The post How Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 2 Addresses Ben’s Fate appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/36hFggc
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