#also this took me no joke two hours to respond to
moonlit-imagines · 1 month
Needles and Knives
Jason Todd x reader
warnings: um. needles and knives
a/n: i just wanted to do a tattoo artist au for jason im weak. also no this isnt an nsfw
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It took a bit of thorough deliberation to figure out just what you'd be getting permanently inked on your body, but eventually you'd been able to settle on a meaningful piece. Quite the piece according to your artist, Jason Todd.
You walked into the studio, a bit dark and dingy in an endearing way. Fortunately, Jason's setup was more clean and organized than the rest of the place. "Sorry for the mess, the other guys aren't as concerned about health code as I am." He chuckled as he walked over to the front desk. "Far as I know, there hasn't even been an inspector here in at least five years." You laughed with him as he got everything set up on his end.
"Thanks for taking me this late," you said, "I'm kind of a night owl."
"You're not the only one." Jason tapped the chair you'd be sitting on for the appointment. "Make yourself comfortable, it's gonna be a pretty long session." You'd picked a nicely sized thigh tattoo that would be roughly three hours long, but Jason said he was in no rush and would only charge for two. You didn't think he was in this for the money, he seemed to like what he did. Or maybe he just liked poking people with needles. Either way it was a good deal and you liked being in the studio late and alone, it was more peaceful this way.
He was as gentle as possible, checking in every few minutes no matter how much you assured him you could take a little pain. Judging by the looks of it, you could say the same about him. There were plenty of scars on his arms from what you could see past his t-shirt sleeves. You tried not to make it obvious as you started observing the rest of his exposed skin for other marks. There was definitely a faint bruise around his eye and a few healing cuts and scrapes under bandages. Maybe he was trying to fool you with the “new tattoo” look the way those bandages were wrapped, but you could tell he got roughed up. You wondered if his knuckles were just as bad under the gloves.
“You alright?” Jason asked once again, wiping away at the ink on your skin.
“Uh-huh.” You dully replied.
“Seem a little nervous.” He commented without looking back at you, dragging the needle across your skin again. “You can’t keep still.”
“Oh.” You mumbled. “Just a little restless. Not used to sitting in one spot this long.” You both chuckled lightly.
“I know the feeling.” Jason responded. “Tattooing is really just a side hustle, I don’t do it all that often.”
“Really? You seem pretty experienced.” You complimented him and took a peek at the work so far. “What’s the ‘main hustle’ then?” You pried and watched his lips curl upwards ever so slightly.
“That’s a secret.” He responds after a moment of hesitation. You thought he was joking—just a bit of a tease—but he never did give you a straight answer. You were forced to keep awkwardly staring at the injuries he’d sustained recently and further back and make your assumptions. Maybe he got in a fight with a bear. Maybe several bears.
“Late night tattooing, huh? Any particular reason?” You innocently asked. He laughed just a little—just enough to embarrass you a little bit—and stopped tattooing.
“Let’s take a break. Can I get you a water?” Jason offered and walked over to the mini fridge.
“Oh, uh, sure?” You accepted. “I didn’t offend you, did I?”
“No, not at all.” He assured, handing you a cool bottle and taking his seat once again. “You’re just full of curiosity. Remind me of my brother. Always asking questions.”
“Not always a bad thing.” You took a sip and checked the work in progress. “Looks promising so far.”
“I’d hope so.” Jason used a paper towel to pat it lightly with a gloved hand. “You’re a bleeder.”
“Needles do that.” You nodded playfully. He was charismatic, made you feel welcome and not like a burden for making him do the work. He liked your design, he helped bring it to life, and he made sure you were comfortable when the needle was in your skin. You were just so curious about who this guy was when he wasn’t in this dump of a tattoo shop. “You ever gonna tell me what the main gig is?”
“I’m a pastor.” Jason answered and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I bet.” You noticed your cheeks start to hurt from the smirk you couldn’t shake since you’d started conversation. “Boxing?”
“You could say that.” Jason agreed with that guess. “Why do you think that?”
“The bruise on your face and all your bandages.” You tilted your head to motion what you’d noticed in your short time together. “Is that not it?”
“Oh, no. Right on the nose.” Jason was either very good at lying or had a very dry sense of humor. Either way, you figured it was time to stop prying. He was, after all, just your tattoo artist.
After a few minutes of cooling down, Jason got back to work. He’d been more focused thaan before, brows furrowed as he lost himself in the detail. That could only benefit you, though. And by the end, the tattoo looked beautiful.
“Thank you, it really looks amazing.” You moved to check all angles in the mirror.
“It was a great piece, I’m glad I did it justice.” Jason started cleaning up as you paid, you said your goodbyes and left the building.
Gotham wasn’t exactly the safest of places and you were pushing 2AM as you walked down the street. Of course you knew walking was not the best mode of transportation, it was the one getting you home tonight. Especially after blowing all that money on your tattoo.
Halfway home, you realized that you were being followed by a group of people that definitely did not know you or have any positive intentions. You picked up the pace and upon realizing this, they began advancing. You thought that it was over for you before loud screams caused you to stop and spin around. There you saw a man in a red mask standing over several unconscious bodies, freshly beaten by himself. Red Hood. “Are you alright?” He asked you, which gave you deja-vu. Even with that mask on, the warped voice, the concern in the question could not thwart you.
“Jason Todd?” You asked in a whisper. The mask didn’t convey any emotions, but the pause in his answer did.
“…No.” He said.
“Yes.” You replied. “Boxing.”
“Let’s not talk here.” He requested, walking along with you to a safer location. It took some time, but you got home okay.
“Were you following me?” You finally got the chance to ask him.
“Yes.” Jason responded honestly. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safely. Luckily, I was there. You make it a habit walking alone in Gotham—at night?”
“I ought to do it more often if it means you’ll be watching.” You slyly flirted with him, adrenaline still pumping a bit from the tattoo and the fear of being attacked on your walk home.
“Oh, how hilarious.” Jason took off his helmet after you let him inside. “Don’t do dumb shit like that again. You’re gonna get that pretty face of yours roughed up if you’re not careful.” He warned in the same flirtatious tone.
“What, like yours?” You tapped the side of your facecthat mirrored his bruise and he nodded.
“This isn’t pretty. And I’ve been through much worse, believe me.” Jason put his helmet back on.
“Oh, I’m sure.” You sat down on your couch. “I’m sure you have other beautiful people to follow home and ensure their safety. Have fun out there.”
“Remember the care tips for that tattoo. That’s some of my best work there.” He pointed sternly as he approached the door.
“You’ll just have to check in and make sure. Maybe you can help me with that, too.” You smiled mischievously and wondered if he was blushing under that helmet.
“Maybe I will.” His mask distorted his voice still and he shook his head. “Make sure to lock this.” Jason reminded as he exited out the front door.
“How will you get back in, then?”
“I’ll knock.”
taglist: @captainshazamerica // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @the-did-i-ask // @azazel-nyx // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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141 boys and your oddly specific hobby
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summary: Most people have hobbies like drawing or bird watching, however, yours are more unique. Regardless of your odd interests, the 141 still loves you, their quirky significant other!
pairing: 141 x gn!Reader
warnings: swearing
a/n: By popular vote, this won so please enjoy :)
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Price - matchbook collecting
When you first met Price, it was when you both dipped your hands into the matchbook jar. The jar sat at the host stand of a dive bar and you both happened to go for it at the same time. Although, you two had different motives. Him, because he forgot his lighter, and you, because you wanted to add something else to your collection. He wouldn’t pass up on a pretty face who he presumed also smoked, so he invited you for a light. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were just a collector so you joined him outside.
What started as a quick smoke ended up being two hours of witty conversation. As your pleasantries turned into various topics and ramblings, you were glad you finished the cigar quickly, trying to emulate the mature man’s actions. He vaguely talked about his occupation, a high-ranking military man, and you talked about your non-comparable, boring civilian life. However as the late night hours slowly approached, you wrote your number on his matchbook and thanked him for the cigar and friendly chat.
On your next date, you revealed your odd hobby to Price. “I’ve been collecting them as a child. It’s like collecting snow globes from different destinations but much easier to display and transport,” you said as you both leisurely sipped your drinks. “And to think I thought you were out for a smoke, good thing I left my lighter that day, Love” he replied and gave you a subtle wink. You eventually showed him pictures of your growing collection, recounting where each one was from and showing him some of your favorites.
Soon everywhere he went, Price noticed the unique matchbooks. It started with pocketing a matchbox while he was in Amsterdam and grew slowly. Soon he would start a collection of his own, bringing them home to you with a story of where they each came from. After what seemed like 30 matchbooks in Price's collection, the 141 took notice. “Captain, you some pyromaniac or something,” Soap joked. “Just for my partner, weird collection of there’s” Price responded and no one questioned him further. Although, he still keeps the matchbook that has your number on it in his collection.
Soap - soap making
“You’re never gonna believe me, but I make soap as a side business.” Soap thought it was a joke at first, something to make him laugh when you first met. But when he entered your flat, he was shocked at how honest you were. Your walls were filled with shelves lined with every scent known to man along with hundreds of designed soaps. It smelled like a Lush store when he walked in and he marveled at your creations.
You watched him bask in the glory of the soap for a moment as you laughed heartily. "I told you so," you said as he went about sniffing each one and examining them. You organized them by scent and interrupted him as he approached the floral section. "Having fun there, Johnny?" you asked and he looked up at you as he held one of your rose-scented creations in his hand. "Can't believe this," he said and you smiled as he continued. Eventually, after he had smelt every single bar, you took him into a room where you were working on some new items for your fall collection.
"You have more!" he gasped and went to examine the bars of soap in their molds. "My Autumn collection," you said proudly, "here come smell this one." You led him to a table that housed an orange-hued soap slab with leaves delicately placed throughout the hardened bar. He held the slab in one hand and placed it up to his nose. His eyes lit up as a mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin filled his nostrils. "Smells like a pie," he joked and you showed him various others.
For his return from deployment, you had a surprise. You had spent weeks perfecting this formula and finally were satisfied. As you walked to his flat, you gently tugged on the striped ribbon that tied the parcel together. When he opened the door, he noticed the box in your hands and ushered you in. He excitedly tugged the ribbon off the box and opened it. He gasped when he saw two bars in the colors of the Scottish flag lying on a pile of recycled confetti. "What's this?" he asked and you motioned for him to turn the bars over and smell them. As his calloused hands turned the soft bar over, he noticed the packaging said "The Scotsman." He smiled widely as he placed them both up to his nose, taking in the smells of rain and pine. You swear you could see him tear up when he said, "Reminds me of my own home."
After this, he insisted you mass produce these bars of soap for his friends. You sheepishly did so and when you presented it to the other 141, Gaz loudly remarked, "He's finally done it, Soap is now a bar of soap." 
Gaz - raising butterflies
He had heard about people having pets—even raising chickens but never butterflies. Your house was a sanctuary, filled with small enclosures of cocoons along with various flowers for your butterflies to suck nectar from. When he entered your house, it was like that scene where Alice first sees all the flowers in Wonderland. He felt like a child, seeing all the gorgeous wings floating around the room. He saw a delicately monarch land on a peony and approached it quietly.
"Here hold out your finger like this," you said and showed him how to stand gently and hold out his pointer finger. As he followed your actions, the butterfly gently landed on him. He looked in awe at the insect and you stealthily took a picture of him. The rest of the afternoon, you described to him what flowers butterflies like best and the lengthy process of tending to them before they reached metamorphosis.
Whenever Gaz was on deployment, he would always visit to relax in the butterfly sanctuary. He loved watching as you tended to the flowers and gently fed the butterflies sugar water. Even when he was on a mission, he would be sure to ask about some of his favorite butterflies, even going so far as to name them. "How's my girl, Cressia, doing?" he asked over FaceTime as you walked to find the Great spangled fritillary amongst the zinnias. "Here she is!" you exclaimed and pointed the camera at Cressia, a gorgeous butterfly with golden yellow wings. You could hear someone snicker in the background but Kyle didn't care as he continued to take screenshot after screenshot.
For your first anniversary, Kyle was unfortunately deployed and couldn't celebrate with you. This didn't stop him from showering you with gifts. As you sat in the conservatory, you could hear the doorbell ring. You emerged to find the postman holding two boxes for you, one smaller than the other. You took them inside as you delicately opened up the larger package. Inside, was a note describing the care for 23 painted butterflies along with rows of small cocoons. You smiled as you read the instructions and went to place the new members into their homes. After you got them settled, you opened the small box to reveal a necklace with a small butterfly charm carved from a pearl. A note inside read, "Happy anniversary, now you can carry a butterfly with you anywhere you go."
Ghost - bookbinding
When you first invited Simon over he was quick to notice your many bookshelves all lined with books of the same aesthetic. He knew some of these were Penguin clothbound Classics but was certain they hadn't bound The Hunger Games in their unique cover. As he held The Harry Potter novels and My Year of Rest and Relaxation in his hands, he silently contemplated if he had missed a few years and these were published classics. You came into the library with two glasses and laughed at his bewildered gaze. "You discovered my little hobby, Simon," you joked and offered him a glass. As he sipped on The Paper Plane cocktail, you recounted how you would spend your free time rebinding books that didn't match your aesthetic. "It took me a while but having a matching library like this one is worth it," you said and waved your arm to the rows of books, all with a unifying factor.
As you entered into a long-term relationship, it was clear Simon loved your hobby and indulged in it. Every time he visited, he insisted on bringing you the few books he owned to create Penguin Classic-like covers. From military manuals to a vintage copy of The Art of War, you quickly rebound them and presented him with his new book. He even told you that some of his colleagues had complimented your handiwork. You always blushed in response, citing your eye for design as the cause of all the madness.
Eventually, Simon gifted you with the paperback Penguin Classics. You opened the door to see him carrying a pile of books in his arms. You quickly ushered him to the library where he set them all down on your vintage leather couch. "For the person, that has everything," he said and you went to examine all of the books. He had seemingly bought out the whole collection as you marveled at each of the covers. "Each one of them has an art piece on it," he said and you began to notice the trend. You gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek as you held Wuthering Heights in your hand. He quickly snatched it out of your hands before you could even start to rip off the cover. "Keep these, I know you have a theme going on but it doesn't hurt to have some variety," he said and gave you back the book as you stared up at him.
Now whenever someone comes to visit you, they always notice the black-bound books on display. Although they do stick out, you love recounting the story of how your significant other bought you some of the most prized objects in your collection.
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neoraso · 2 months
i like the way you love me | ldh
nonidol!haechan x nonidol!reader again- something no one asked for yayyyyy ftl, literally just fluff like nothing but happiness oops! there's only one joke about being like- deathly ill but i figured i'd warn you in advance wc:~ 2.5k
all plans you had about “going out on the town” with haechan were dashed as soon as you walked into his apartment. you could tell he was in the middle of gaming when you let yourself in with the spare key he hid “so well” under the mat that you bought him as a housewarming gift. walking through the door and placing your shoes neatly against the wall amidst the array of sneakers and grandpa sandals thrown around the entrance, you absentmindedly noted that the boundaries between you and haechan were almost nonexistent. it had been that way since you met in middle school, when he was baby faced and wild. back then he didn’t know the insinuations of sharing a drink with two straws or passing notes littered with hearts and stars just to say “hi.” now, his face had begun to sharpen, cheekbones more prominent and a jawline that defined his matured appearance. he was still wild, but his energy and teasing were tempered, and he had figured out how to sense when enough was enough.
affection between the two of you was not uncommon nor was it uncomfortable. in fact, haechan was the person you felt the most comfortable with out of your friends- even those you had known as long as him. you moved in sync, matched each other’s preferences and both equally gave each other the push or pull the other needed. he was your “person” as they say, and you sometimes told him this when you were drunk- or sometimes even just on a late-night phone call, falling asleep after your confession. you meant it platonically of course, but these days you couldn’t tell if there was more to your own words…      
you heard him before you saw him, which snapped you out of your thoughts. he was talking to whoever he was playing with through his headphones, but you figured it was jaemin given the sassy (and borderline offensive) comments that were thrown out but you all knew there was no real strength behind them.
the bedroom door was already open as you welcomed yourself in. as usual, even though it was midday the only light was coming from a floor lamp -another gift from you so he didn’t live in dungeon-like conditions- in the corner of the room. clearly, he did not notice you because when you poked his shoulder to announce your entrance he yelped and could’ve easily punched you in the stomach if you hadn’t been used to these reactions and jumped backwards with a smile.
“god, y/n! seriously i could’ve killed you! oh my f- sorry guys i’m sorry.’
he quickly got distracted again trying to resume his place in his game while you tugged on the strands of his bangs sticking out from his headphones.
“my bad, i knew that if i waited for you to respond to my text i would’ve been standing outside for four hours.” you took a pause as you twirled his hair between your fingers. “also, i think you need a haircut. you should let me do it.” you teased, knowing 50% of his concentration was not even on you anyways.
he swatted your hands away and huffed, still furiously clicking his keyboard.
“i thought you liked it long. or do you just want an excuse to touch my hair?” he replied, his smirk turning into a frown when you lightly pulled his dark strands again.
“i do like it, but how do you even see?” not waiting for his response, you flopped onto his bed which was- unsurprisingly- half-made but still smelled clean and slightly like his perfume. putting a pillow over your head, you closed your eyes, humming when he talked just loud enough to let you know when the match was over you guys could figure out what to do.
at some point, even despite his constant clicking and talking, you nearly fell asleep. nearly, until you felt something hitting the pillow that was actually, nearly suffocating you, still over your face. you blindly reached above you trying to catch the hands that were attacking you, glaring at a grinning haechan when you threw the pillow across the bed.
“come on y/n it’s like 2 pm this is no time to be falling asleep.”
“ok mister ‘i’d-lay-in-bed-all-day-if-i-could.’” you said, rolling your eyes.
“yeah but not when i have my lovely dearest bestest friend waiting to have fun with me~”
it was a bit odd how the term “best friend” had been bothering you lately. there was absolutely no reason to consider yourself more than that, but the more horrific probable possible cause was that you wanted more. in the 10+ years you had been friends with him, there had been no romantic feelings. you didn’t think he was unattractive by any means, and you always got along- never having a disagreement that lasted longer than 20 minutes. but you both dated other people, and never had any sort of tension or yearning that you could remember. that was until about six months ago, when you started noticing how pretty he looked when the sun started to go down, or the way his lips moved and pouted, glossing when he ran his tongue over them. it was getting kind of freaky at this point, and you tried to ignore these newfound “noticings” about your best friend.
pulling you out of your reverie, you realized you had been staring at him for about three seconds without speaking which was three seconds too long as he raised one eyebrow, maneuvering his hands back over yours, tugging on them to prompt you to get up.
“i know i’m gorgeous, but it is tiimeee to get uppp come onnn.”
he dragged out the words in singsong as your hands started to get clammy being this close to him.
this was getting to be absolutely ridiculous you thought. he was in a loose black tee shirt and basketball shorts that were a size too big, and he still looked too good.
he finally pulled you into a sitting position but held in his breath when you let go of his hands and wrapped your arms around his middle, gripping the fabric of his shirt. he tentatively draped one arm over your shoulder onto your upper back and placed the other one on the back of your head, slightly petting your hair.
“what’s gotten into you hm? you’re not usually this cuddly... are you terminal or something? please don’t tell me you’re terminal.”
your response was slightly muffled when you turned your head, so your lips were slightly pressed into his side. even you had no idea what you were doing. this was probably wildly inappropriate, but you were close enough you could play it off…most likely.
“don’t be ridiculous, i’m not sick. im just tired… or …something.”
“or something?” he almost sounded disappointed, which was concerning but also made you feel better that you both seemed to be dancing around something. he pulled the back of your hair to get you to look at him and you complied. you rested your chin on his stomach, enjoying the way he smelled just like he always does and how warm he was, his hand still resting on your shoulder blade.
for once, he was speechless, his hand stilling in your hair. luckily (for both of you) he regained his composure, blinking rapidly and clearing his throat, trying to change the subject.
“well, either way, what did you want to do today? i know i said we should go out but now i kinda wanna… stay in… i guess…” he trailed off noticing how your eyelashes brushed against the tops of your cheeks as you sleepily blinked up at him. suddenly the air became thick, waking you right up, your heartbeat picking up against your chest. he looked at you intently, like he was scanning your face for whatever you were thinking to be spelled out for him.
this was bad. it’s like you were drunk, dizzy and face flushed, your skin was tingling but also numb everywhere you could feel him. you had a feeling where this was going and though it scared the hell out of you, you also wanted him badly. more than anyone you ever have before and certainly more than you ever thought you would feel towards him.
you could only hum in response as he trailed both of his hands to the back of your neck.
“do you think we’re changing too or is it just me?”
his question caught you off guard and you wished he’d do pretty much anything else (mainly, kiss you) than continue this vulnerable conversation. but he was still looking at you, with eyes that were more earnest than usual, and you knew this was a time he needed sincerity and honesty from you.
“changing…” you repeated his term thoughtfully before finishing your sentence. “well um… yes. i mean- i think about you differently than i ever have and i…” you were almost too embarrassed to continue, but his eyes still staring into yours and shining with the fondness he always had for you, you felt you owed it to him to let him know how you felt- even if he didn’t reciprocate. “the thought of you with anyone else scares me. i want to be able do…this” you said tugging his shirt to emphasize your intimate position, “all the time, not as friends. i don’t want to just be your friend.” he still wasn’t speaking which made you nervous and continue to ramble when you probably, most definitely should not have. “lately i don’t want to be away from you, and i… want to be yours…if that’s ok and you feel the same obviously… i mean i hope you would-“
he cut you off with a whisper of your name. to which you replied with a meek “yes?” your voice cracking a bit from nerves, not expecting to say all of…whatever that was. you shocked even yourself with everything you admitted to him.
“do you not know how i feel about you-or have felt about you? it’s been like three years.” though his words were loaded, he was still smiling down at you. then you realized he said three years.
“you’re kidding.” was all you could manage, deadpan, as he started to chuckle, rubbing the tips of your ears between his fingers.
“mmm i’m not~ thank you for meeting me in the middle i knew you would.”
you poked his side at that and narrowed your eyes, making him laugh more. “well don’t sound so smug, or i’ll take it back.”
“you couldn’t even if you tried~ i’m irresistible.” he didn’t even give you a chance to roll your eyes as he lifted you up under your arms to stand in front of him.
looking up at his face, you tried to keep your voice steady.
“we’re very close right now…”
he looked down at your lips and leaned in, just close enough to where you could feel his breath hit your nose.
“yes we are. is this ok?” his breathing was even but his pulse was not, you could feel it fluttering against your chest at the same beat as your own heart. he leaned in more as you nodded and closed your eyes as you waited for his lips to finally meet yours. his hands reached down to grab your hips and he grinned against your mouth when you put your hands over his, slightly pushing your fingers in between the gaps of his own. after what seemed like eons, he kissed you, inhaling deeply and gripping your waist just a bit tighter. not wanting to overwhelm you by slipping his tongue in like he wanted, he opted begrudgingly to pull away and kiss the corner of your mouth, squeezing your side and kissing your cheek next when he heard you whine and felt your hands climbing up his stomach to his shoulders then the nape of his neck to pull his mouth back on yours.
indulging in you again because – when has he ever said no to you- he gave you one, two, three more kisses, each louder and wetter than the last until kissing your nose and pulling away.
“hey, we still never figured out what we wanted to do today. i haven’t even taken you on a date yet.” he said thoughtfully.
“we can date tomorrow, can’t we just stay in and do this all day? we can watch a movie later… i guess…”
he gave a real laugh at his and pet the top of your hair noticing your frown at the thought of parting from him.
“you’re so cute like this, ohh what am i gonna do? but ok, you win. i wanted to stay in too. and now,” he started with his signature mischievous look, “i get to have you all to myself~ and do this- “he slightly lifted you again and pretty much tossed you on the bed earning a yelp as he climbed into his side, lifting up the blanket to encourage you to slip underneath with him. cuddling was nothing new but with this newfound stage in your dynamic it seemed a bit daunting now.
“come on, i won’t bite-unless you want me to” he said wiggling his eyebrows, grinning when you lightly smacked his thigh before lying next to him. immediately throwing your arm around his middle and slipping your ankle between his, you adjusted your position and watched as he reached over onto his bedside table to grab his laptop. he set it on his lap and typed in his password with one hand while the other arm was around your shoulder, securing you to him. he pressed his face into your hair and kissed you there before dramatically sniffing.
“baby… i think you need a shower…”
you gasped at his audacity (but mostly the pet name) and tried to get up from his iron grip threatening to go home as he laughed at you even more, relenting,
“i’m just kidding baby. ohhh my baby~ you actually smell great is it that perfume i got you?”
“yes…” you grumbled with hot cheeks, “i wear it every day.”
quieting down to look at you so tenderly, before he could say anything you spoke again,
“weird how we kind of skipped all the normal steps huh.”
he hummed and threaded his fingers through your hair.
“did we need the steps? we’ve known each other forever and everyone already acts like we’re together. actually, we wouldn’t even have to say anything to anyone. i could probably makeout with you at the next group dinner and no one would care. wow that’s actually a great idea we should do that.”
“we absolutely should not? you’re crazy.”
“yeah, crazy for youuu~” before you could cringe at such a cliché line, he poked your shoulder and said with a faux stern tone, “hey, kiss me again.”
“now who’s obsessed?” you said, but still embarrassingly quickly lifted up from his grasp to lean over his face. he looked up at you with a slightly devious expression which did not match how carefully he moved your hair out of your face as you met him in the middle making him sigh into your mouth, breathing you in. he pulled away and pressed his head against the pillows to look at you better.
“me. i’m obsessed. i am completely obsessed with you, always have been. i’ll tattoo it on my neck and hands and update every social media letting everyone know how much i-“
“okay! i get it. but just know i feel the same… times 1000.” you interrupted him, becoming more bashful with each word. thankfully, he spared you, pulling you down to lay all your weight on top of him with your face in his neck and lightly rubbing your back.
“what should we watch? wait i have an idea-“
“not the kissing booth.” you managed to muffle against the skin of his neck. sick of that movie he made you watch at least once a month. but he could feel your eyelashes closing against his skin.
“you’re so mean. and you know what? i don’t even think you want to watch a movie you’re already drooling on my shoulder.” when he got no response from you, he got nervous he had actually offended you until he felt your soft, even exhales on his collarbones. realizing you actually fell asleep, he smiled to himself and continued to play with your hair. he was so content finally being able to have you this way it didn’t take him long to close his eyes and meet you in your dreams.
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
quiet, little one.
pairings: natasha romanoff x fem!reader  
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summary: your boyfriend was blipped and you had been living alone with natasha romanoff for five years, until she made a move on you that you could never oppose. 
warnings: rough sex, g!p natasha, dirty talking, daddy kink, face slapping, pet names, breeding kink, unprotected sex, cheating, natasha being a little pervert, dark!natasha, and more - 18+ MINORS DNI.
author’s note: i liked this very much
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"Bad day?"
Natasha looked over her shoulder, taken aback that you were awake at this hour. She gave you a long look and a shrug before returning to her coffee and pouring herself a cup.
"You're wide awake."
"I haven't really slept," you admitted sheepishly as you wrapped your cardigan around yourself even closer; her presence kills you. You're not sure if you want to stay up with her or not, yet being with her makes you feel better. This is beyond explanation. "You should be sleeping; you've been awake for two days."
"I'll be fine," she muttered, licking her dry chapped lips as she looked at you with heavy bags under her eyes. "You should get some rest, my dear. Do you have any classes tomorrow?"
You shook your head.
"Peter isn't around anymore," you said quietly. "What's the point of going back to class?"
You've lost loved ones, including Natasha's, since the blipped occurred. Except for some of the Avenger's, including Natasha, you have no idea who else is left on this planet. You've been living in this compound for quite some time now, because when you returned to your house, everyone had vanished. Washed away. I wiped it away. The older woman gently comforted you, letting you know she was there.
She has been for the past five years.
"It's your last year, why waste it?" she remarked, approaching you and brushing some of your hair away from your face. "Can't waste a pretty face like that, Kotenok."
"I still don't know what kotenok means," you chuckled quietly, attempting to hide your face, but she held you still with her chilly fingers on your cheek. She looks down at you, expecting that you'll return her gaze, but you can't. You'd fall in love with her if you did. You've been battling it. "Would you mind telling me what it means?"
Natasha responds by shaking her head and pecking your brow with her wet lips.
For a brief moment, you could feel your heart halt.
"Never," she says as she strokes your cheek with her thumb. "Get some rest, little girl. I'll see you later."
the night, you tried to sleep, wondering what the term meant. Was she making a move on you? That's ludicrous; she'd never flirt with someone like you. You're too young for her, and she probably wasn't interested in you. You also have a boyfriend who was presumably wondering where you were as well. So you and her would never get along, not in a million years.
The next morning, you were awakened by the sound of thunder outside. It was time to brew some coffee, perhaps even pour a cup for the old Romanoff. As you stepped outside, you noticed Natasha asleep on the office chair with her feet on the table. You smiled to yourself, knowing that she had finally listened to you. So, while she was sleeping, you made her a cup of coffee and microwaved it while you poured yourself one. You leant against the counter, sipping your mug and watching the rain fall heavily.
"You're awake," you said as you turned over your shoulder to hear her groaning in her sleep. You responded with a smile. "Good morning, sweet girl."
"Your nicknames are getting out of hand," you joked as you handed her a cup, which she gratefully took with a tired smile. "How was your sleep?"
"Somehow better, but not always good."
"At least you got some rest before getting back to work."
"Kind of wondering if I should take a break," she said as she turned off her computer and rose up, kissing your forehead as if it were natural. "Maybe you and I could spend some alone time together."
You laughed. "Define being alone together?"
While taking a sip from her cup, she stared at you with those dark emerald eyes, giving you that flirty, deep look that made your tummy flutter. As she sighs heavily through her mouth, the woman presses her hand against your left cheek, massaging it with her finger. If you had to confess it, you hoped she could touch you in ways other than friendly ones. But the moment she kissed your jaw and then your nose, all of your thoughts vanished.
"I..." her worlds trailed off, gulping as if she was committing a sin. "I'm in love with you."
"Please don't be upset," she begged, her voice quivering. "I-I know you have a boyfriend, and I shouldn't even like you. But, God, you've been with me for five years now. How could I resist making a move on you?"
"You don't know what you're saying," you said, but largely you liked this confession. You would never have guessed that someone so ancient could be in love with you all these years. Why waste this opportunity?
"Tash, you're probably just tired."
"I'm not," she swiftly disagrees and shakes her head, framing you against the table with those deep blue eyes. "I'm seeking you, Y/n. I've always wanted you. Don't you want me as well, baby?"
You have no idea how much I love you.
"Maybe you should get some more sleep-"
She kisses your lips quickly before pulling away and pressing her forehead against yours. "I love you," she says again, unafraid of what she was saying to you. "I've loved you since the first time I met you. I-I couldn't approach you since Peter was your lover, and if I did, you would not like me as much-"
"Hey, hey," you interrupted her off, clutching her face and kissing her so passionately that you couldn't stand to explain yourself. "Shh, don't say anything. It's all right, Natasha. It's okay, I love you as well."
"Y-you do?" She whimpers, suddenly clutching you in her arms, her hands seizing the back of your waist, crushing her body into yours. "You're in love with me?"
"I'm in love with you."
"You promise?"
You nodded, licking your own lips as you succumbed completely to her. You had to notice that you had been in love with her all along.
"I promise."
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Natasha removed your pantyhose as she kissed you passionately into her mouth, feeling every inch of your flesh as if she were about to lose you. You let her take off your clothes, even your hands. She stopped you as soon as you reached for the hem of her boxers.
"I'm big," Natasha says as she kisses your jaw and grabs your wrist to feel her hardening cock in her underwear. "Can you take it?"
"I can," you said firmly as she pushed you back into her bed, spreading your legs with her knees and urgently kissing your chest as the rain fell heavier from the sky. You admire her strong beauty as you push some of her hair away from her face. "You're really beautiful, Tash."
"You're beautiful too," she says as she carefully pulls down her boxers and her cock springs fully erect in the air, a drip of pre-cum visible from the slit of her cock. You grinned shyly as you curled your hand over her length, prompting her to groan. "Jesus, baby... your hand is so small next to my big dick."
You stared down at her appendage, observing how large she was in your grasp. You could feel her veins all around her cock, and your touch turned her tip crimson. She jerked onto your palm as you brought your hand all the way down to the base of her penis, then back up to her tip and squeezed it. She pauses your movement and pecks your lip, chuckling as more pre-cum dribbles in your hand.
"You get me hard whenever I see you," she admits, placing her hand on your left breast and gently squeezing it. "You're too young to notice it. I've always desired and needed you... Unfortunately, I assumed you didn't want me back."
"I-I really wanted you back," you said. "I just... I had a boyfriend back then, Tash."
"You're so adorable, it's almost sinful to be this cute," she chuckles deeply above you, bringing her thumb down to your clit, pressing it hard as you moan out. "You're right, good fucking girl. Do you enjoy it, honey? Do you like it when Daddy rubs your clitty?"
You desperately nodded as you arched your back, her fingers spreading your wet folds as you pumped on her cock repeatedly. She places your hand on top of your head and clutches her penis, putting the tip against your clitoris and letting out a deep groan as she tries not to hump herself against you. "Oh fuck, I've wanted this for ages, little girl. Daddy was thinking about you all the time, all the fucking time..."
Natasha has had a crush on you for 5 years. You were at least 17 or 18 at the time, and it felt improper for her to have feelings for a young girl. You were also not single at the time. So she didn't get her opportunities, which made her feel terrible. She tried jerking herself off every night at the thought of you, but she got weary of it and moved on to fucking fleshlights and your panties, which she was fortunate enough to acquire. Of course, she'd never tell you that. You were too young and too innocent. And now that you're 23, it doesn't feel as wrong as before.
"You make me crazy," Natasha spits onto her cock and spreads the moist tip around your cunt, her hips bucking each time it hits your hole. "You make me want to slip into you this fast; you're so tight..."
You hadn't had sex in a long time, so you knew this would be excruciatingly painful. But you didn't mind the pain; in fact, you craved it. She looks at you and smiles as her massive cock tries to get inside your pussy, prompting you to scream. "You are free to scream all you want, tiny girl. Nobody is going to listen to us anyway."
"N-not even Steve?" says the narrator. You groaned as you examined your genitalia, discovering the tip of her cock inside of you. You moaned at how long and large she was, almost expecting her to fuck you dry. "D-Daddy, I think you're a little too big for me."
"It'll fit," she assures you with a smile, her cheeks quivering as her cock slowly slips into you. "You're very tight for me, Kotenok. I can't even push in..."
"We might need some lube first-"
"It'll ruin the feeling," she says as she pulls your waist down onto the mattress. You put your arms around her neck, attempting to alleviate the pain as pleasure surged through your veins. "It's all right, darling. Daddy is nearly there; just lie still for me."
Natasha finally enters you after 5 minutes, moaning at the sensation of your wetness coating her cock. She sighs into your neck, holding you down while attempting not to have an orgasm from this sensation. She hadn't moved in too long, so she wanted to enjoy every second of it. You cupped her face as you kissed her passionately, your tongue entering her mouth. You two fought for control, but she eventually triumphed and made out with you as her cock was deep in your cunt.
"You like this?" she murmured after a few moments of silence, pulling out a tiny bit before slowly thrusting into you. You whimpered at the tightening of your walls, finally letting go of her thickness. "You're going to make me blow soon, fuck..."
She slides her lips across your mouth, kissing the corner of it as she continues to drive into you hard, causing the bed to shake. She didn't care whether anyone heard you two, or if Steve happened to walk by and see you having sex with his closest friend. "Tell me you want this too," she begged, her breath ragged, in a state of euphoria when she actually believes you want her as much as she wanted you. "T-Tell Daddy that."
"I've wanted this," you said, rolling your eyes at the back of your head, your skin brushing up against hers as she fucked you into her bed, her ass tightening each time her tip poked against your cervix. "Oh my God, Daddy-it feels so good!"
"It certainly does, doesn't it?" She chuckles darkly and lifts both of your hips, forcing them against your chest as she moves farther into you, slush from your cunt filling the air. "Fuck, this is too small for me." My tiny beautiful slut is a little too small for me, huh? You're my good girl, baby? You're my good girl..."
"I'm always your good girl," you said quickly, as you could feel your own orgasm approaching, watching the windows fog up from the heated sex. "Daddy, you're pushing yourself too hard!"
"So wet for me," she whimpers again, sliding her hips into you as she thrusts into your spongy walls, her legs quivering with each g-spot she hits. She sobs into your neck, her calloused fingers firmly holding your breast. "You're lovely to Daddy, so adorable. Aren't you my baby, my little girl? Oh fuck, you're Daddy's little girl..."
She stares down at her cock easily slipping inside of you, watching your cunt clenching around her thick length. The woman groans at the sight, wondering if she could ever cum within your pussy if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, she was unable to. She didn't want to take the chance of you getting pregnant, and she was too lazy to check if you were on the pill, so she humped you hard into the mattress, the bed harshly creaking inside its walls.
Natasha elevates herself a little and presses your breasts together, her cock sloshing inside of you as she jackhammers into your pussy. She shudders as her eyes flutter shut at the sight of your breasts pushed together, wondering whether she could ever fit her cock between those lovely titties. You moaned at the sensation, especially her cock breaching your walls as if by design.
"Good fucking girl," she murmurs above you, locking your arms over your head as she bottoms into you, enthusiastically humping you. "-You're all mine, such a good fucking little girl. Okay? It's all mine, sweetheart. You're Daddy's little girl."
I'll always be your girl, Daddy.
"Your pussy was made for my cock," Natasha growls as she spits into your lips and orders you to swallow her thick wad. "Peter's cock couldn't fill you up; only I can. Do you understand, slut?"
"Little girls like you should love my fat cock," she says to you, groaning every time your wet skins touch. The woman glances down at her cock once more, observing your creamy white juice coating her penis. "You're covering my small patch, dear. You're going to make me cum-I'm going to cum so deep inside of you-"
“No!” You tried to shove her chest away, but it was futile. Your toes curled into the bed as you screamed, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! I'm cumming–Oh God, don't stop!"
"Never will, baby," she says fiercely, her hips snapping onto yours as she can't slide herself into you any longer, noticing you clenching around her cock. She breathes, slowly pumping herself out with a whine. "Sit up, little one. Let Daddy cum in your mouth."
"W-Will it taste good?" You questioned, sitting up till her thighs were hovering on each side of your face, with a post-orgasm. “Daddy–”
"It will, baby," she promises as she slaps her cockhead against your wet lips, pushing your head back to suck on her meat. "Try my dick, baby. You like that, don't you? Do you enjoy having Daddy's big dick in your mouth?"
You hummed in response as you tried sucking the majority of her length, but it didn't work. Natasha, of course, had a solution for everything. She continued to crush your head onto her cock until you cried out in pain. She was too large for your mouth, but she wouldn't let you leave.
"Shh," she strokes your tears away, humping your face excitedly as she recalls your small pussy. She wanted to be inside your womb so badly. "I love your tiny throat; you're making Daddy want to shove her dick deep into your mouth..."
She removes the tip of her tongue from your throat, teasingly bringing it to your lips as she slaps you across the face, crying in pain. But she didn't care; she just wanted to dumb you down for her. She wanted you to forget about Peter, to forget about the two of you. You were her property, hers alone to seize.
"Gonna cum on your tongue," she says as she jerks herself off, bringing her hand all the way to the bottom and back up, holding your head close. "That's all, good girl... suck up all my cum-fuck! Here we go... here comes Daddy-"
She spews her sperm all over your mouth, her hips clenching with each unloading of her sperm all over your face. She thought she'd come to an end there, but more poured out of her slit, bathing your mouth with her thick white cum. She pulls you back into the mattress as she opens your legs, slapping her thick cockhead onto your clit and spurting a few more sperm onto your pussy, letting out a heavy sigh when she was finished with you.
"Oh god," she breathes as she lays down by your side, her penis deflating with a happy orgasm that causes her to smile. "That felt incredible, little angel. I can't wait to do that again later because you made Daddy so happy with your mouth."
"L-Later?" you whispered quietly, picturing Natasha could do things with you that you had never imagined before. She smiles and nods, drawing your body closer to her as she gives you a deep kiss on the lips, moaning at the taste of her cum on your tongue.
"Daddy loves you so much," she says softly as she slides her flaccid cock into you with a lengthy groan. "Please just let me use you, okay? Allow Daddy to be buried in your tight warm pussy, just lie still for me."
You were her cock slut that day.
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ihopeiexplode · 3 months
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📱 "Stalkers" [←Previous | Next→]
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The moment you woke up you immediately felt someone's arms wrapped around you, once you were fully conscious you realized sukunas arms were wrapped around you as your head was on his chest, once you realized this you immediately pulled away, this was the second time this happened...
Not only did you also realize he woke up earlier than you, he was even on his phone but despite that, he still didn't move away or push you off??? Once he realized you were awake he was about to greet you but before he could you suddenly moved away pushing him away
"I thought you were gonna sleep on the couch not in my bed."
"I was about to but someone seemed to be scared of some thunder, now look where I am"
"to be fair I'm not scared of thunders, j was just uhm.. startled...?"
"yeah sure you are.."
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Sukuna was leaning on your counter while you cooked breakfast for the two of you the smell of food lingering in the air, while you cooked he just stared directly at your window in silence before speaking up
"Why is your neighbor watching us with binoculars"
"Who? Maki?"
"yeah that one, look"
At first, you expected him to be joking around just so the food you cooked would end up brunt, but when you turned to look, not only did you see Maki you also saw: Yuji, Maki, Gojo, and Yuki?...
The moment the four of them realized you two saw them they immediately hid in some nearby bushes, you both would just stare till you shrugged it off and went back to cook, and seeing you shrug it off Sukuna just looked at you absolutely dumbfounded
"Are you not gonna question why you're being watched?"
"am I supposed to? I know them so what's there to worry about"
"anyways, it's been a while since we hung out and well I apologized already so..."
"So? Spit it out, quit cutting your sentence"
"y'know the project thing"
"ohh yeah I forgot about that, I forgot to write on my daily documentary"
"couldn't be me, I still wrote"
"how? Like you said it's been awhile since we hanged out"
"yeah well doesn't mean I can't write, but anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall"
"the mall? Why?"
"to take you on a shopping spree what else?"
"you do know I have money right.."
"yeah so? Just use my card and go buy whatever you want I don't care"
"what if I accidentally max out your card?"
"Please, I doubt you'll even make a dent"
It's been about a whole hour, Sukuna kept trailing behind you holding your bags as you bought everything that you liked using his card, of course, I mean he offered didn't he?
And plus Sukuna isn't worried about you running his card to the max, as if that could happen anyway it's all worth it to see you act all giddy with your eyes lighting up, but to him? Anything he does is worth it if it makes you happy but it's not like he'll ever admit that
after a while, you got hungry so you both stopped to go order some food
You sat at some table while eating your food waiting for Sukuna to come back from the restroom, but as you ate your food peacefully suddenly you saw a familiar face, one that was too familiar face.. approaching you.
Once your ex Got closer he took a seat across from you making himself comfortable...
"y/n we meet again no?"
"e/n hi...."
"awh don't act like that now! Anywho who are you with? Don't tell me you have a boyfriend now do you?"
"she's taken"
You turn your head to look behind you to see Sukuna finally came back
"really? By who?"
Before you could respond suddenly you felt Sukuna behind you and took a seat beside you with his hands around your waist pulling you close before staring right into your ex
"by me"
"please. Do you expect me to believe that? You two hate each other don't you? If you really are dating like you claim, prove it."
"why not?"
What? You just sat there and stared, is he being serious? you were quickly snapped out of your thoughts when you saw Sukuna leaning in closer
Should you stay still? Should you move? What do you even do in this situation?...
As you say there frozen, not moving an inch not really knowing what to do, suddenly you see how close his face was to yours before he suddenly crashed his lips into yours...
[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: I had to rewrite this 5 times because I kept cringing
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0ssunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb @cadibearrr
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lilmoonbunny · 9 months
Denial; Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft only seeked you out to deduce you (aka, how Mycroft realised he liked you).
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John and Sherlock were, without a doubt, the loudest neighbours that Y/N had ever had.
Gunshots at God only knows what hour, constant stabbing, banging, and so on. Despite this, she still considered them dear friends and the best neighbours that she had ever had. Sure, they were weird and loud, but they were also kind and genuine, at least for the most part. Alongside this, they also appreciated her baking, especially after long cases.
A gentle knock sounded on the door the 221B catching the attention of three people.
“You can come in, Y/N,” Sherlock called from behind the door, greeting the woman with a nod before turning his attention back to Mycroft whilst John smiled at her.
“Hi, Sherly. Hi, John.” She smiled at the two friends before turning to the older Holmes brother. “Hi, Mr Holmes.” Y/N greeted him with a smile. Although she hadn’t met him before, it wasn’t difficult to deduce who he was; the expensive suit and the fact Sherlock was glaring at him gave it away.
“Sherly?” Mycroft spat, grimacing at the nickname given to his brother. “Who on Earth would you let call you that?” He asked.
“This is Y/N, our neighbour. What have you brought for us today? I’ve been looking forward to this all week.” The sweet smile Sherlock gave to the woman made Mycroft feel ill. He had no clue who this woman was and absolutely no idea why they seemed to be this close.
“Chocolate cake, sugar cookies, and love.” She joked, beginning to laugh at the way Mycroft audibly gagged. “I’m only kidding. No love.”
“I should certainly hope not,” came Mycroft’s response, one which simply made her laugh again.
“Are you jealous, Mycroft?”
“Because of the cake, he is.” Sherlock interrupted, waving Myrcoft off. “No, I won’t take the case. You can leave now.”
“This is an urgent matter, brother mine.”
“Don’t care.”
With a groan and a roll of his eyes, Mycroft lifted himself to his feet and prepared to leave.
“I’ll leave these with you, just in case you change your mind. Goodbye brother mine. John.” The hesitation was obvious on Mycroft’s face, despite how well he typically hid his emotions, as he faced Y/N.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr Holmes.” Y/N smiled sweetly, earning a simple nod from him before he left.
Sherlock, who had leaned to grab the tub of baked goods from the woman’s hands, rolled his eyes as Mycroft left and immediately began to eat.
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It wasn’t long until Y/N’s entire life had been researched.
There wasn’t much there. No criminal record, a few jobs, occasional moves, but no sign of her posing any danger to Sherlock and, by association, John. However, the way Mycroft felt upon seeing her was unusual, so he decided to do his own investigation.
“Morning, Mr Holmes,” he was greeted before he reached the empty counter. “Welcome to my bakery! Would you like anything?”
“Just a coffee, please. Black.” Mycroft nodded, not returning the smile she had given, despite the odd feeling it gave him. She was evil and he would prove it to Sherlock.
“Coming right up! Take a seat wherever you’d like, and I’ll bring it over.”
As Mycroft occupied a seat, he took a moment to properly assess the woman making his drink.
She didn’t seem threatening: a content smile on her lips as she prepared his coffee, humming a quiet tune that he barely picked up on. In fact, she didn’t seem out of the ordinary at all, but the feeling when he first saw her – a feeling Mycroft couldn’t explain – had him needing to investigate her further.
“Here you go, Mr Holmes.” Y/N said, placing a hot coffee and chocolate cake on the table in front of him. “Sherlock mentioned that you like cake, so I grabbed you some. It’s all on the house.”
With a small laugh, she responded without hesitation. “You’re Sherlock’s brother.”
How odd, Mycroft thought to himself. She doesn’t even know me and she’s giving me things for free…
Despite his thoughts, Mycroft simply nodded, watching as she took a seat opposite him. “I hope you don’t mind. It’s quiet today so I figured I’d try and keep you company the best I can. I’m sure you have better company than me, though.”
“I don’t mind,” he replied before even thinking. It was safe to say that he didn’t enjoy the way his chest felt whilst he watched her smile.
Maybe she’s a witch? No, don’t be stupid, Mycroft. They don’t exist.
“So,” Y/N’s voice broke the man from his thoughts. “It’s a funny story how me, Sherlock, and John met. I was actually working and Sherlock bursts in demanding to talk to me. My baking stuff had been found at a crime scene and he thought it was me!”
“How interesting.” Came Mycroft’s blunt reply, even if he was intrigued.
“You listened to it, so you must care, even just a little bit. I think that’s a win for me!”
Mycroft couldn’t help the tiniest smile that crawled onto his lips, but he internally prayed that nobody noticed it, especially her. She, however, seemed oblivious to the movement, simply staring over his shoulder and out of the window.
“Anyway, what was he like growing up? Was he like he is now? Blunt and rude?” Y/N asked with a giggle.
“He wasn’t, actually. He was rather sweet. He liked playing pretend with his friend; he always wanted a dog too.” Came Mycroft’s reply. “His favourite thing was pirates.” He said with a fond look in his eyes. Sherlock wasn’t going to be happy when he found out that he had told her, but he couldn’t resist answering her question.
Mycroft watched closely as the woman in front of him grinned, the bright and happy smile a nice contrast to what he was used to whilst working with the government. He couldn’t help but smile back, noting how her smile widened further as he did so.
“That’s sweet. I couldn’t imagine that, to be honest,”
It was time to ask the question that was on his mind. “Are you attracted to Sherlock?”
“Sherlock?” Y/N said, bursting into laughter. “No, absolutely not. He’s more like an annoying older brother. Same with John. We’re just friends, and, well, neighbours too.”
Confusion spread over Mycroft as she felt the weight on his shoulders lift at her words; she was telling the truth.
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“How is she?” Sherlock asked the moment he answered the phone.
“How is who?” Mycroft’s voice sounded through the device.
“Why do you assume that I know?”
“It’s obvious you were there earlier.”
“Well, that and Mrs Hudson told us.”
“Of course she did.” Mycroft said with an involuntary roll of his eyes.
“So, how was it?”
“It was fine.”
“You like her then?”
“What makes you think that?”
“Well, you went to see her. It’s quite obvious, Mycroft. Come on, I thought you were smarter than that.”
Mycroft simply put the phone down.
He did not like her.
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The next time that Mycroft came across Y/N was when it was raining.
He hadn’t wanted to seem ‘creepy’ by seeking her out again for more investigations and deductions, so he simply waited. She was friends with his brother, it wasn’t like their paths wouldn’t cross at some point. Besides, he didn’t want Sherlock to think that he liked her.
“Raining real bad tonight, isn’t it?” The driver spoke to Mycroft. He was new, so Mycroft couldn’t exactly blame him for attempting some type of conversation with him; it was still annoying, though.
Anthea, looking up from her phone was what caught Mycroft’s attention. “I feel bad for her.” She said, nodding towards a soaked woman. It only took Mycroft a moment to realise who it was.
“Pull over,” he stated bluntly, grabbing his umbrella. He simply ignored the look he was receiving from his assistant.
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It had been a long day filled with rude customers, and to make it worse, it was raining, and she had forgotten her coat. Today couldn’t be going any worse for Y/N.
Shivering wildly and soaked to the core, Y/N huffed, watching the way her breath instantly evaporated; it was clearly below freezing, but she held out hope that the rain would stop and she would be home soon.
Her hope seemed to pay off, though, since she could no longer feel the rain. As she looked up at the sky, she spotted a familiar face.
“What are you-“
“Get in.” He said, pointing towards the car before wordlessly leading her towards it, still holding the umbrella above her, even if he was getting wet.
“You don’t have to, Mycroft.” She said as he ushered her in and shut the door behind them both. “I mean, I’m soaking your car!”
Mycroft, who could feel the heat on his cheeks from their proximity, simply shook his head. He was too focused on the way her leg was pressed against his as she sat between him and Anthea who stared at her phone with a small smirk.
The ride was void of conversation, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, the only noise was that of Y/N shivering.
After a moment of hesitation, Mycroft shrugged off his jacket and handed her it. “Here.”
There was no chance of refusal, Mycroft wouldn’t allow it, so with a quiet ‘thanks’, Y/N popped the jacket over her shoulders. He just found the chattering of her teeth annoying, was what he told himself.
As they arrived at the flats, Mycroft followed her out of the car.
“Thank you, Mr Holmes.” She said as they stood on the door of her flat.
“Mycroft is fine, Y/N.”
“Thank you… Mycroft.” She said with a small smile before bidding him a goodnight.
“I see you gave her your jacket,” Was all Sherlock said as Mycroft entered 221B.
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It was hard. Very hard. Harder than anything Y/N had ever experienced. Having a crush was not easy as it was, but having feelings for Mycroft Holmes was the hardest thing in the world: he rarely showed emotion, he was blunt, he was rude, but most importantly to her, deep down, he was nice.
A small sigh left Y/N’s lips as she worked on her latest batch of cookies for the morning. He was on her mind… again. It was a common occurrence by now.
“We’re not open yet, sorry!” She called over her shoulder at the sound of the door opening. As she turned around to see who it was and apologise again, a blush rushed to her cheeks. “Mycroft! What are you doing here?”
Mycroft stood there, umbrella in hand, and gave a simple shrug. “I was on my way to work so thought I would ‘pop in’ as people say.” He explained, earning a laugh from the baker.
“Modern phrases don’t suit you, Mycroft.” She teased.
With an amused shake of his head, Mycroft took a seat at the table nearest her.
“Want some cookies? They’re fresh out of the oven!”
Mycroft nodded with a grateful smile, always glad to have sweet treats. He would never turn down anyone’s desserts, least of all Y/N’s; not because he liked her and didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but because she was a good baker.
The pair sat in a comfortable silence, Mycroft gladly eating his cookies with an appreciative look whilst Y/N worked on her next batch. There was nothing awkward between them, and there, surprisingly, never had been.
“Are you not at work today?” Y/N broke the silence with a question that was bugging her. She could have sworn Mycroft had always worked this time over the months that she had known him.
Mycroft hesitated for a moment. He was supposed to be there right now but had decided to visit you before. It wasn’t like anyone could fire him for it, he was basically the British government, after all.
“Not yet,” he lied, and he was glad that he was a good liar.
“Oh, okay! I’m happy you came then. I don’t want to bother you.”
“You could never be a bother,” the words fell from his lips before he even registered what his thoughts, and he noticed the blush race up her cheeks, as did she with his.
“Thank you, Mycroft.”
As he stared at her and her rosy cheeks, a million thoughts went through his mind, but they were all related to one thing: her. It was in that moment that he realised the truth, he did like Y/N, and he had been attracted to her since the beginning; that was what he was feeling.
Oh dear…
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vinsmokesangio · 10 months
"are we on a date?"
pairing: tom blyth x bestfriend!reader x actress!reader
summary: you and tom met not long ago, but the connection you have and affection for each other turns into something more. tom is three years older than reader, she’s initiating in acting.
genre: only fluffy - at least for now
warnings: english is not my first language | no proofread.
N/A.: Hi! I really want to turn this into a series, but I need reader engagement to know if it’s worth it! Don't forget to comment, reblog, and tell me what you think <3 read my social media au here!
word count: 954
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It was a cloudy and cold Friday, and you’re feeling completely tired. After several classes and auditions throughout the day, all you wanted was to be at home watching your favorite movies and rest with your comfy pajamas. Picking all of your stuff at the restroom to finally go home, your cellphone rings with a message from Tom, your best friend. Suddenly, there are some butterflies in your stomach… looks like the universe heard you.
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It was a wonderful idea, right? Tom’s busy as hell since he got important roles and projects, and despite feeling really happy and proud of him, you miss him a lot and all of your quality times.
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Something about the nickname gave you so much comfort and warmth in your heart. Tom was picking you up by car at your drama school in a couple minutes and you couldn't help but feel anxious in a good way.
"Hi pretty boy!" - you grinned while hugging him and putting on your seatbelt. 
Tom was wearing a gray sweater matching wonderfully with his pretty blue eyes. Smiling at you, he responded:
"I’ve missed you a lot, honey. How’s your day going by far?" - He said and headed on his way to the nearest coffee shop. 
"I’m just exhausted. We're in the final stretch of the Christmas play and I've never felt so tired. It’s like, I don't know, but my mind needs a break." - You sighed, staring in front of you, looking at the light traffic on the busy avenue.
"And I’m here to make your wish come true" - he chuckled. - "We can grab some coffee and watch silly memes on the internet like we used to do, whatcha think?" - Tom is always so gentle and lovely. 
Your friendship was really a very healthy, comfortable thing... and every time you saw each other, it was as if you never had any problems in the world. It was just you and him, inside jokes and comfort. You wished you could say how important he is to you, but instead, you simply nodded while you both entered on the drive thru and took your order. 
Tom parked the car at the coffee shop and you spent hours updating each other on your busy routines, laughing over tiktoks, singing... There were also moments of comfortable silence between the two of you, the calm you loved and needed so much. 
He looked different this time. You didn't know if it was because you hadn't seen each other for a while, but you could feel that something inside you and the way you looked at him was different. A few sparks every time he smiled at you, and you swore you could feel the same coming from him too.
Her cell phone rings, breaking her out of her reverie, showing a call from your mother. You realize that you forgot to tell her that you would be coming home later today, but all you had to do was tell her that you were with Tom and her worry would disappear. She loved him. Sometimes it seemed like she loved him even more than you, her own daughter.
“Enjoy your date tho”, your mother said cheerfully on the other side of the line. You couldn't help but chuckle and feel your cheeks burn, as you looked at your friend who had a confused expression on his face. Before you could answer, she hangs up the phone.
"What does she said? Why were you laughing?" - Tom asked with a funny expression while taking a sip of your already watery iced coffee.
"It’s nothing! Curious boy." - you poke him.
"I don’t believe you. But I know you enough to know that one day, when you least expect it, you'll tell me like it's no big deal." - He teased as he pointed at you between each word.
"I want to show you a video that I forgot to send you." - you tried to change the direction of the conversation, wanting to avoid confessions that might come out too soon. Your mother was always right, and it made you wonder if you were actually on a date with Tom. 
After a burst of laughter, you find yourself in a awkward silence trying to catch your breath. “It’s time”, you thought.
“Enjoy your date”, my mom said at the phone. - you finally confess, avoiding his gaze.
Tom looks at you with a surprised, but fun and provocative expression:
"So… are we on a date? Kinda looks like one to me." 
You can't hide your smile mixed with an expression of surprise and doubt. It's really impressive how Tom always found it easy to confess things, to be direct, but his goofy personality - which you loved - always confused you about whether he was being serious or not.
"I wouldn't mind if we actually were in one." - You said in almost a whisper, but he clearly listened.
Finally you find the courage to look into his eyes, and notice his calm smile looking into yours with admiration and affection.
"I thought you would never say that. You're a bit slow to even ask me on a date, frankly, buttercup!" - He scowled at you, making you laugh nervously. You're so lost in his "confession" that you can't even notice his hands on your thighs.
The comfortable silence that existed between the two of you suddenly became a little awkward. You take a deep breath, and slowly lean over him to join your lips in a calm kiss, with all the accumulated affection. He reciprocates by taking one of his hands to your face and stroking your hair with the other.
If there was any doubt about his feelings towards you before, it disappeared at that moment.
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targaryenmarvel · 19 days
A Stark Legacy (2)
Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Reader
Summary: The life of a Stark is tumultuous, especially when you are the only daughter of the technology magnates. You find yourself at a crossroads, struggling to meet your father's towering expectations while also pursuing your desires. This turning point is marked by the arrival of a certain green-eyed girl, a meeting that not only disrupts your world but also sets your heart on fire. Will you finally follow your heart or conform to your father's expectations?
Warnings: Language, Homophobia, Sexism
Word count: 2,971
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New York City bustled in the early morning hours as cars clogged the streets and pedestrians filled the sidewalks, commuting to and from work. You had long faced this predicament while commuting to and from Stark Industries, enduring the long traffic even when you had a driver. It had stopped bothering you, especially when you moved to a penthouse closer to the building.
Dressed in a refined suit, you strutted into the building, heading straight to your office. Agatha Harkness, your assistant, greets you with a steaming cup of coffee and the day's newspaper. "Good morning, Y/N."
"Morning, Agatha." You took a sip of the drink, walking towards your desk. "What do we have on the schedule for today?"
"9:30 a meeting with a Hammer Industries representative. 12 a board meeting. Lunch with Mr. Barnes at 1:30, a conference call with Stark Fujikawa at 2:45, and a meeting with General Talbot on licensing Stark products at 4. We also have the interviewees for my replacement coming in later today."
"You can take care of the interviews, can you, Aggie?" You asked in a honeyed voice. Although posed as a question, you knew she would do it as instructed. Yet you gave her a semblance of choice due to the close relationship you had developed over the years—a connection based not only on mutual understanding and trust but also affection.
"All right, I'll sacrifice my valuable time," Agatha responded, biting her lip as she sat in one of the many chairs and clasped her hands on the desk. "Now, give me the tea. How's the wedding planning?
You groaned, dropping the newspaper you held and reclining in the chair.
"Two weeks, and they're already driving me crazy. My mother and my soon-to-be mother-in-law," you clarified. "Bombarding me with questions at all hours. 'Y/N, how many guests are you inviting? Where will the wedding be? Do you have a dress in mind?' Why ask if they'll disregard what I say and do the opposite."
"How is that?" Agatha cocked her head, furrowing her brows at your stressed demeanor. She had expected happiness and excitement at your pending nuptials.
You spun your chair to face the vast window wall, which gave you a perfect city view. Seeing the city's vastness made you feel small, yet simultaneously reminded you of your place in the world at the top of society, a burden that followed you like a shadow.
"Bucky and I wanted a small wedding. Only family and close friends, but a Stark and a Barnes must have an extravagant wedding. Event of the year, right?"
Agatha sighed sympathetically. It wasn't the first time your father had overlooked your wishes to favor the more socially appealing action to enhance the family's public perception and reputation. She'd seen the faux smiles each time.
"Unfortunately," Agatha replied. "But it's still your wedding. Make the most out of it. After all, you only get married once."
"Once? I could end up divorcing and remarrying," you joked with a smile as you turned back toward her.
"Perhaps, but I doubt it."
"Me too," you agreed, returning to your daily paper as you considered your future with Bucky.
Given the nature of your actual relationship, it is an unconventional union, yet you could not envision marrying anyone else. Once upon a time, you dreamed of finding love, but it crashed with continuous disappointment. You remember the first time it happened at just sixteen as you overheard a conversation between your then-boyfriend and a so-called friend. He pushed her against the wall, and she let him despite acting reluctant.
"You're dating, Y/N," she said.
"Yeah, so? We all know I'm not dating her for her personality. The only interesting thing about her is her money," he responded, kissing her neck, and she chuckled before pulling him into a kiss.
Bucky snuck into your room that night, holding you in his after a distressed call. You had done the same for him the night he had confessed his sexuality to you a year later. It wasn't something you had considered before despite admiring multiple women. You had always assumed you would marry a man, but as Bucky confessed, something clicked. From then on, it was something that brought you closer together, protecting eachother.
Your families could medal all they wanted; all that mattered was that you would spend the rest of your life with a man you loved. Yes, not romantic love, but a love that made you both happy.
Today was not Wanda Maximoff's day.
Despite triple-checking her alarm the night before, the phone had not rang. The damn thing had automatically updated overnight and disabled her alarm. Wanda would have slept through half the day if not for her roommate. Now, Wanda found herself frantically rushing through her apartment with a toothbrush in her mouth and a singular high heel in her left hand. The corners of her blouse were untucked from the navy blue pencil skirt as she turned down the apartment in search of the other heel.
She felt her insides turning, anxiety filling her body the longer she scrambled around without success. I can't screw this up, Wanda thought, feeling her eyes burn with unshed tears. She had worked so hard for this opportunity. At 23, Wanda accomplished her dream and graduated with a business degree. Eager to put her degree to use, Wanda applied for various positions. Yet, she soon came to a crushing realization. No one wanted to hire a recently graduated student with no experience in the field. An entry-level position actually meant, "Do you have ten years of experience in the field?"
Wanda settled for jobs unrelated to her expertise, jumping from secretarial jobs at sales companies. What else could she do? Her family lived across the country, and she had expenses to pay. Wanda needed a job.
Throughout the years, she tried applying for better jobs but continued to be rejected. The one time she got a job offer, it came from a pervy man, and Wanda would rather not. On the verge of abandoning her quest, Wanda found her saving grace late at night at a bar when she collided with a stranger—a redhead beauty with striking green eyes and a witty tongue—on the dance floor. They quickly struck up a conversation trading numbers at the end of the night.
Three years into their friendship, Natasha's girlfriend had gotten Wanda an interview with the most prominent technological company—an assistant job, but a start into something bigger. Wanda was sure she would be able to demonstrate her capabilities and earn a better position.
Wanda's panic was warranted, considering her future depended on making a good impression, and running late was not a good start.
"Darcy, have you seen my heels?" Wanda called out in a muffled voice, trying to keep in the paste.
"What?" her roommate yelled back from her room.
Wanda rolled her eyes and spit out the paste. "My heels."
"Oh, yeah." She heard scuffling from the room next door before Darcy appeared with the missing pair. Wanda sighed in relief, hugging the shoe to her chest, and fixed Darcy with a glare.
"I've been losing my mind trying to fucking find this heel, and you had it all this time?" Wanda accused.
Darcy stepped back and lifted her hands in defense of Wanda's accusations. "First off, you dropped them in my room the last time you passed out drunk in there, and second, you have others!" She noted as if it weren't obvious.
Wanda rolled her eyes and lifted the heels in one hand. "Well, I wanted these," she countered, annoyance lacing her tone.
"Wanda, calm down. Take a breath." Darcy inhaled deeply and then released the air, instructing Wanda to do the same, and she complied. "I understand this interview is important, but you cannot let the nerves interfere with your composure. Wanda Maximoff is strong, confident, and composed, so be it."
Wanda nodded, clutching her bottom lip between her pearly teeth and staring at the floor. She dropped her shoulders, dissipating all the accumulated muscle tension.
"You're right. I need to calm down." She lifted her gaze, eyes crinkled full of remorse for her outburst. "I'm sorry about—"
"Hey, don't sweat it," Darcy patted Wanda's shoulder as she walked past her on her way out. She turned her head as she opened the door. "I'll be home late. Jane's working me to the bones, but text me how it goes."
"I will," Wanda yelled, less anxious.
Though she would occasionally peek at the ticking clock, she continued getting ready without a hitch, applying her makeup and styling her brown locks.
Wanda left the apartment with forty minutes to spare and arrived at Stark Industries with five. Exiting her Uber, she could only gawk at the massive tower, eyes twinkling in hope as she imagined her future at the company.
Wanda confidently strode into the vast entrance area, her eyes scanning every inch of the space. The high ceiling and grandiose decor made her feel small and unimportant, and her anxiety returned to full force as she stopped before the reception desk. belonging
"Hello," Wanda called, fidgeting with the bag strap perched on her shoulder as she checked the time on her phone. Three minutes. The blonde lifted her gaze from the monitor, staring at Wanda expectantly. "I'm here for an interview. I'm Wanda Wanda Maximoff."
The blonde woman hummed while obnoxiously chewing on her gum. "What department?" she asked in a flat tone.
Could she be any more unprofessional? Wanda thought, on the verge of rolling her eyes; if this was the bar for working at Stark Industries, then she certainly had a chance.
"Oh, um, it's a personal assistant position," Wanda answered, retaining her composure.
"Just a moment." The woman picked up the phone, and Wanda rocked on her heels, impatiently glancing around.
She took better notice of her surroundings: the orchid vases settled on the reception desk and the rectangular tinted window behind it, which Wanda assumed was used by security. Slightly to the right, glass double doors flanked by rose pots led further into the building. The high ceiling measured up to three floors, and in between the second and third floor, rectangular glass windows lined the corridor every so many feet, giving a view of the lobby. The place exuded life as people entered and exited. She couldn't wait to see what other wonders this place had for her.
Wanda became too entranced and startled when the receptionist called her name. She turned with a flushed face and felt glad when the blonde woman did not look at her but instead gave her directions while staring at her computer screen. Without a second thought, Wanda rushed to the elevator, nearly bumping into the exiting bodies. She focused on the digital screen, which displayed the floor number as the elevator ascended: five, ten, twenty, and the count when on. The brunette could not stop tapping her foot as it halted to let people in or out. She had to go before it became too late.
As soon as the elevator opened, Wanda rushed through the hall, following the receptionist's instructions, going past cubicles and small offices. Already late, she thought as she came upon a vacant "L" shaped desk separated from the others, giving a cue to the importance of the occupant. Her eyes settled on the giant Stark Industries logo behind the desk, desperately trying to quell her apprehension at the lack of activity—no one to greet her as the receptionist had promised.
Busy leveling her heavy breathing from nearly running, Wanda did not notice a figure approaching from an adjoining room to the side. "Ms. Maximoff, I presume," called a voice from behind. Wanda turned quickly, feeling the muscles in her neck protest at the action. Her gaze was met with an elegantly dressed and stunning dark-haired woman. Though she seemed older than herself, Wanda thought it only amplified her beauty.
"Yes, that would be me," she rubbed her hand against her skirt, wiping the forming sweat. "I sincerely apologize for my belatedness. Getting here was a hassle, but I promise it's a one-time-only problem," Wanda hastily excused.
"Oh, don't apologize." The woman waved off dismissively. "We've all been there before."
At her words, Wanda could breathe freely for the first time since arriving at the building.
"Thank you..." she drew out, scrunching her brows, waiting for the woman to say her name.
"Agatha Harkness, sweetheart," she replied, extending her hand in greeting. Wanda blushed at the term as she shook the older woman's hand. "I'm Ms. Starks' assistant. I'll be conducting your interview today. Oh, don't look so glum," Agatha joked, noticing Wanda's apprehension at the mention of being the interviewer.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Wanda cried. Already making a bad impression, she thought. "I didn't mean to—"
Agatha gave a belly laugh, silencing Wanda in the middle of her sentence. "Oh, I'm joshing with you. You have nothing to worry about, dear. Let's go into the conference room. We can continue there," Agatha said with a smile that crinkled her eyes, and Wanda felt momentarily hypnotized by the sight.
Agatha led Wanda into a room with a large oval table from the left. She was surprised she hadn't seen Agatha before, considering the only thing separating the two areas was thin glass walls.
As the interview progressed, Wanda could not help but feel foolish for overthinking. While Agatha asked her the typical questions, she occasionally diverted from the subject, joking around and talking about herself, which eased Wanda's nerves.
They were going on about Agatha's college days when she gasped in delight as she looked through the glass panel. "Oh, look dear," Agatha instructed, nodding, and Wanda turned in her seat, her sight resting on a woman.
She couldn't make out the woman's features as her back was turned, so she let her eyes roam over the expensive-looking gray suit. The attire perfectly hugged her figure, and the confident aura surrounding the woman entranced observers. She ran a hand through her hair as the other held a phone to her ear, looking down at something on Agatha's desk. As the stranger pulled her hair out of her face, Wanda caught a glimpse of the woman's features. A jolt coursed through her body, and her face reddened at the sight. Attractive, she's so damn attractive, Wanda mused, eyes settling on the woman's exposed neck as she looked upward in apparent desperation. Wanda couldn't help fall for the enchantment of her imposing beauty and authority.
"That's Ms. Stark," Agatha informed from her side, recalling her attention. "Intimidating, I know, but looks can be deceiving. Y/N's a real sweetheart... most of the time," she chuckled fondly, peering at the figure crossing the wooden office doors. Wanda gave a forced smile, mind racing at her strange reaction. "Anyhow, I've kept you here long enough, dear. I'm sure you have better things to do than hear me rant about how I joined a witch coven in college. I'll talk with Ms. Stark and let you know when a decision is made."
"Oh, okay," Wanda stood from her seat. It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Harkness."
"All, mine, dear."
When Wanda walked out of Stark Industries, her mind screamed three things: Thank God it's over; I think I did well; and OMG, did I check my possibly future boss out?
When Natasha mentioned she would be working with a Stark, she assumed it would be Tony, the oldest Stark child. Not the magnate's youngest daughter, who seemed to receive the least media coverage.
Wanda doesn't think she had heard her name before Agatha's mention. Y/N, even her name, is beautiful, Wanda mused, walking down the streets of New York.
You released a heavy sigh, slumping in your office chair, and closed your eyes, vexed after your ten-minute conversation with Justin Hammer. The Hammer Industries CEO called you after receiving your refusal to collaborate with said company. Not without a few stipulations, he continued to object to. You were tired of his persistent demands.
A soft knock reverberated through the room before the door opened, and Agatha entered with a sympathetic smile.
"Rough call?"
"Yup," you responded, rubbing your temples. "Justin Hammer. I'm letting Tony handle it next time."
"Hopefully, nobody gets hurt," Agatha said, and you cracked a smile.
"Hopefully, Tony lands a few good punches. I'm tired of that prick's face," you jested, imagining Justin Hammer sprawled on the floor with a broken nose. You bit your lip, suppressing a laugh as Agatha placed a few folders on your desk. "What are these?" You opened the first one, only to find a picture of a blonde woman and a few documents behind.
"Oh, resumes of the girls I interviewed. I thought I'd let you take a look."
"Hhm, that won't be necessary. I trust your judgment." You closed the folder, pushing the stack. "I'm sure I'll be content with whoever you choose, Aggie."
"Alrighty! Then, I'm happy to inform you I've made my decision."
You quirked an eyebrow, resting your chin on your clasped hands. "Have you now? Who's the lucky candidate?"
"Wanda Maximoff. You might have seen her in the conference room when you returned."
You furrowed your eyebrows, humming as you rested back on the chair. You did catch sight of Agatha with another woman, yet it was only for a second. Too entrapped by frustration, you failed to take any actual notice of the woman.
"Her file's the last one in the stack if you want to look at it," Agatha suggested at your lack of response.
"Later. Let's prepare for the conference call with Stark Fujikawa."
Later never came. The file remained unopened while you went on with your obligations.
Taglist: @sgm616 @xxsekhmet
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laniluvsuu · 11 months
I apologize for typos if there are any!!
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You bit the inside of your cheek in curiosity, while you sat your blunt in its holder, and read the description to the phone number link your friend sent you as a joke. You contemplated on the outcomes. One was possibly dying because this is some sketchy shit, the other one was getting fucked…this should’ve been a harder choice for your intoxicated mind.
You played with your thumbs after you sent the first text, thoughts flooded your mind like are you the only one texting him tonight?…Are you going to go to him or is he going to come to you? Your rapid thoughts were interrupted by a ding coming from your phone.
The text from the number was an auto-generated message. You were supposed to send in your name and address and he would be on the way shortly. After this any person in their right mind would’ve stopped, but you weren’t in the right mind so you sent it anyway.
You decided to watch a movie to wait out the time, took two hours until you heard a knock on your door. When you approached your door to look out your peep hole you saw ghost face. Confusion ran through your body until your phone went off once again with a text that confirmed your “bootycall” was here.
“Hi Mr Ghostface.” You said as you stared up at the man in front of you with the black costume.
“Hi pretty girl.” You heard from behind his mask. It was a bit muffled put you could still understand it clearly. You moved to the side to let your mystery ghost guy in. You watched as he made his way into your house and turned his body back to you and said.
“You just gonna stand there all tense or you lead me to where you want me for the night?” He said as he watched you through his mask.
“Well how do I know you wont kill me or something?” You said tilting your head to the side as you asked the question, leaning back onto your now closed door.
“You dont.” You heard come from him as he chuckled and continued to say. “But im here to fuck you baby, not kill you.” He said answering your question.
“Mm..okay, whats your name then?” You said turning your head back waiting for his response.
“ “Ghostface” isn’t good enough for you?” He said letting out another one of his chuckles once you shook your head. “Its Eren, and yours is?”
Instead of responding, you just nodded your head and made your way to your bedroom with him following close behind.
“So ghostface, are you gonna fuck me with your mask on? Or are you gonna take it off?” You asked him as he sat down on your bed, man spreading as he stared up at you.
“Are you gonna tell me your name?” He asked tilting his head to lay on his covered shoulder. His head fell back once you shrugged. He got up so he was towering over you, with his head now down looking at you.
“Then I dont know either. But what I do know is Im going to fuck you regardless.” He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and gripped your ass and moved his head towards your ear and whispered. “Get on the bed pretty.”
You did what he said, lying on your back watching him pull your tights and panties down. You couldn’t see it but behind his mask he had a huge smirk on his face, while his eyes glistened looking at your pretty pussy seeing her already dripping in arousal. He watched as your face reacted once he started playing with your pussy.
Soft moans fell from your lips as his fingers went into your dripping hole, keeping his thumb moving side to side at your clit. He moved sickeningly slow, which made you cry out to him.
“Please Eren!” You said as you reached your hand down to his, his strong hand slapped yours away quickly.
“Please? Please what?” He knew what you wanted, but he also wanted something from you. You whined before answering.
“Move faster please.” You said looking at him, fluttering your eyelashes while you spoke. You threw your head back once you felt his fingers start moving faster, it was the right pace made you feel like you were on cloud nine.
Soon you were brought to your release, seconds from it until his fingers slowed back down. Your teary eyes shot open at him, your lips formed a deep frown.
“Eren…please. Im so close.” You said while you pushed your hips into his hand, desperate to cum. You pouted once he took his hands away and turned his body the other way to take his pants and shirt off, leaving him in his underwear.
“You know what I want from you pretty, you’re not gonna cum until you tell me your name.” He said as he continued to take his underwear off and stroke his hard cock with the leftover arousal on his hand. He heard you sigh before you answered.
“Y/n.” You said while you laid back and relaxed your body, ignored the shuffling coming from him until you felt his tip right at your puckering hole. You jumped as you looking between your legs, his dick was huge and so pretty, made you even more wet just looking at it.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, now was it baby?” Eren teased as he pushed into you throwing his head back feeling your warm pussy tighten around him.
“Mmph fuck!…you’re so big ren.” You let out in broken sobs as he fastened his pace. You couldn’t think about anything else but the way his veins on his cock rubbed your insides. You couldn’t take it.
“Ren!..let me see you!” You moaned out to him as you moved your hand to his pelvis trying to slow him down.
“Fuck. Move your hand mama.” He groaned out, upset since you tried to stop him. “You wanna see me baby? Hmm?” He said as he smirked behind the mask watching your face then letting his eyes fall down to your chest. He moved his hands up to rip your tight tanktop open, his cock twitched inside of you at the sight of your perky nipples moving with each of his thrusts.
“Yes! Yes Eren..please!!” You said as you felt the knot in your stomach begin to tighten. You moved your hands to rub on his chest, everything felt so good to you, you’ve never been fucked like this and you needed to see his face.
Eren didn’t say another word just removed his mask, your eyes were closed shut because of all the pleasure.
“Look at me Princess.” He said as he leaned down to kiss your cheek, moving faster making it harder for you to breathe.
“Ouhhh! Ohhhh f-fuck ren! I cant!” You cried out as you scratched down his back, tightening your eye lids at the pleasure he was feeding your body. You felt him grab your face tightly to look at him.
“If you aren’t going to look at me, im going to stop.” He said waiting for you to open your eyes, and slowing his thrusts down. He smiled once he saw your teary brown eyes looking up at him. He could cum just from looking at your pretty face, he didn’t let you say anything, just sped up his thrusts once again faster than before and leaning down to kiss you.
It wasn’t long until you threw your head back moans spilling from your swollen lips. You brought your hands up to pull his long hair. Listening to his nonsense spew from his pink lips as you came around his cock
“Doing so good f’me baby….pussy’s so good mama, want me to fill you up baby? Hmm? Gonna be my good girl?” He whimpered out as he felt you cum, tightening around his cock, he moved his hand to press down on your stomach, as he gave his last deep thrust before he came.
“Yes! Yes!!” You cried out still coming down from your high. You moaned louder once you felt him paint your walls, hearing him whimper and moan into your neck as his hips stuttered emptying his load into your pussy.
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inmyheaddd · 21 days
calm in the storm - grayson hawthorne x reader
wc: 641 warnings: nothing!! just very cutsie masterlist
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the thunderstorm outside was awful. 
you weren’t one to be scared of the rain per se, but when there were thunder rolls every other second and you had just watched a horror film a few hours earlier, it was absolutely terrifying.
you promised yourself you weren’t going to bother grayson. he was busy with his work; you understood that. it was the middle of the night anyways, he probably figured you were asleep.
but then push came to shove and before you knew it you were tiptoeing to his office and knocking on the door.
his eyes snapped up to yours as you entered the room, “hi, my love.” he breathed out as he took off his reading glasses.
“hey,” you responded as you came up next to him, and he motioned for you to sit on his lap. 
 “what’s wrong?” he asked you intently, knowing the expression on your face all too well.
“well it’s nothing, really, just the thunder outside i guess.” as if on cue, another thunder roll clapped. “that paired with the movie from earlier is a lethal combination,” you said with a dry chuckle as his hand traveled up and down your arm. 
his laugh matched yours. “i should’ve checked the weather forecast before.” 
it was supposed to come off as a joke, but there was something in this expression that said he was being 100% serious.
your eyes were now trained on your hands that fiddled with his shirt’s collar, “grayson, there’s no way you’re actually blaming yourself for that,” you said through a light laugh, “it’s not that big of a deal anyway, i just wanted to be with you. now it’s all good.” you met his gaze again, with a small smile playing on your lips
the corners of his lips turned up at that, “oh, really?”
you rolled your eyes jokingly, but you couldn’t shake off the grin on your face. “yes, really,” you laughed as you poked his shoulder.
you rolled your eyes jokingly, but you couldn’t shake off the grin on your face. “yes, really,” you laughed as you poked his shoulder.
after a beat of comfortable silence, and you playing with the buttons on grayson’s shirt, he spoke. “what’s running through that mind of yours, sweetheart?” 
you hummed before muttering, “just thinking.” 
he raised an eyebrow at you, “why don’t we watch that one movie you love? then you can try and fall asleep once again.” 
your eyes immediately lit up, “which movie are we thinking of?” you asked.
“rapunzel?” he watched your reaction, seeing the way a smile broke out on your face, and your eyes seemed to glitter.
“yes, 100 times yes.” you paused, a hint of sarcasm in your voice when you spoke again. “also, it’s called tangled, for your information.”
“well, it should be called rapunzel.” he stated matter-of-factly as he raised his eyebrows.
you almost snorted; this was something he expressed his distaste for every time you watched the movie. “alright, take it up with disney, gray. not me.” 
“i just might.” he remarked as he lightly patted your thigh, signaling for you to get up. 
this time you couldn’t hold back the snort as you climbed off of him. “you hawthornes are something else.”
another roll of thunder clapped. but this time, it wasn’t so scary.
he stood up after you, interlacing your hands like he had done a million other times. 
grayson led you two back to the living room, where you two watched the movie with your head on his shoulder as he mindlessly drew shapes on your leg. 
when he had turned to look at you during your favorite scene to see the look on your face, only to find you fast asleep, he smiled to himself. his heart almost fluttered at the sight. 
grayson would be lying if he said he didn’t stay and watch until the ending, before carrying you up to your bedroom and placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
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taglist: @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary @whatsamongus @maybxlle
@littlemissmentallyunstable @sweetlikeanangel@anintellectualintellectual @tornqdowarnings @sheisntyou
@emelia07 @midiosaamor  a/n: if this is abseloutely nonsensical i apologize i wrote it in like 10 minutes + very sleep deprived oops 😞
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phoenixinthefiles · 8 months
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I apologize it took me almost 2 months to write bcus I hate discussing feelings that much Warnings: v self indulgent like this some self-discovery type stuff
@vhstown (also lmk if you wanna be tagged or something)
Your book slipped from your lap as you laughed and failed to catch your breath.
Hobie, the source of your amusement, started at you stale faced. Unfortunately for him, this only made you laugh harder.
“Wait,” you gasped out, still trying to catch your breath.
He continued to sideye you as he spoke, “Yeah it’s hilarious, nearly drowned in the Thames, but as long as you’re amused.”
You managed to contain your giggles enough to get your breathing under control and you leaned on his shoulder looking up at him with your best innocent look.
“I’m so happy you didn’t die, darling,” you said, trying your best to copy his accent.
He rolled his eyes at your antics but you could see the small smile he was failing to hide.
You grinned mischievously and he narrowed his eyes at you.
“Hobie Brown, punk extraordinaire, trips into the River Thames mid performance; sounds like a headline. Oh wait…it is one.”
You cackled at your joke, but stopped when he pushed you and you nearly fell into a candle.
“Hobart Brown! I could’ve burned myself.”
“Thought you would’ve laughed it off since you find near-death experiences amusing.”
You snickered and shook your head, “You are so dramatic.”
“Nah, you’re just heartless.”
“Don’t you know how to swim?” you asked.
He glared at you instead of responding.
You gasped, “you don’t?”
He scoffed, “‘Course I do, but I was fifteen and pissed out my mind.”
“So you flailed around like little girl? sounds like a serious lack of survival instincts to me.”
He lunged for you and you reared back, putting your hands up in surrender.
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry I’ll leave you alone.”
He narrowed his eyes at you but he sat back down.
You smirked and muttered, “for now.”
His head jerked back to you and you gave him another innocent look.
He just shook his head at you again.
You watched him for a moment before remembering what you were doing before you nearly laughed yourself to death.
You had rambled to Hobie a week ago about wanting to make a reading nook where you could sit with a blanket and read your favorite books.
After you complained about being bored earlier in the day, he invited you to hang out on his boat and the two of you spent about two hours finding all of his books and making a fort.
It was cramped, and the height of the stacked books made you slightly claustrophobic, but it was still cozy. And it’s not like you hated being close to Hobie.
The candles were his idea, even though you told him it was a fire hazard.
You found your book you dropped, and dusted it off before finding your spot to pick up where you left off.
You found your focus shifting from the book to the conversation you two just had.
Everyone has been embarrassed at least once in their life, It shouldn’t have surprised you like it did.
Hobie was human, humans get embarrassed.
But still…
“Can’t read your mind.”
Hobie’s voice interrupted your thoughts and he turned towards you.
“Hm?” You asked.
“You got a question. Can tell by the way the your looking,” He tilted his head and gave you a lazy smirk. “It’s easier to tell when people with smaller brains are gearing up for a question, their brain can’t really contain it.”
You roll your eyes. You did have a question, but the reason he knew that wasn’t because your brain is small.
Not everyone can be genius.
“Ok. Why are you living in a boat if you had such a mortifying experience with water? I mean personally, I wouldn’t-
You’re cut off by your own laughter as you leap up and dodge him as he lunges for you again.
You’re fast as you dart away, but his legs are longer and he’s much more agile. You almost knocked a candle over trying to get up.
Should’ve ignored his suggestion for those.
He catches up to when you run into the door leading out to deck, bumping your hip harshly into the frame.
He saves you before you can faceplant into the many plants and flowerpots he has cluttering the deck.
You groan as you try to catch your breath, trying in vain to rub out the sting in your hip.
Hobie doesn’t aid in your efforts at all. He digs his long fingers into your ribs as you laughed breathlessly and tried to dodge his fingers.
He doesn’t let up when you trip over your own feet trying to back away from him.
He smoothly slows down your fall, somehow managing to keep a good grip on you even though his fingers are constantly moving and you’re squirming like hell. Stupid guitarist hands.
Speaking of, the rhythm he’s strumming into your ribs is akin to the song he was playing earlier…
“Ok,” you gasp, “I give up I’m sorry!”
He doesn’t let up at all.
“Nahh, it’s a bit late for that, where’s all that energy from before huh?”
“It’s gone” you grit out, still tying, in vain, to squirm away.
“Hobie pleaseee,” you beg. Well it was more of a wheeze.
He continues spidering his fingers up and down your ribcage, pretending to give thought to your plea. “Don’t know if I can do that love, still haven’t heard a good apology.”
You whine and squirm a little more but eventually give in.
“Ok, ok I'll apologize," you gasp out and he leans back, finally.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sure the performance was amazing and the dive just amplified it. Y’know the unpredictable nature of punks and that?”
He snorts and stands to his feet, pulling you up to stand in front of him.
“Your apology was still rubbish, but you recovered in the end.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned into his chest, still panting like a dog.
He wraps his arms around you pulling you even closer, softie.
You finally regain control of your lungs and took a deep breath inhaling the scent of leather and scented smoke wafting off of Hobie, you probably smelled the same considering the candles.
He rested his chin on the top of your head and you knew he was probably still waiting on you to ask your question from earlier.
“I was surprised that you got embarrassed.” You muttered out, feeling a bit stupid as you did so.
He pulled back slightly and gave you a confused look. You sighed and pulled back further turning to lean against the very short railing wrapping around the deck. Yet another hazard, if he wasn’t careful he might fall off this boat.
“I know it’s kinda dumb, but I was surprised. I mean embarrassment kinda requires you to care what people think and you being you…” You trailed off.
He nodded and tilted his head back and forth a few times before responding, “I don’t care what they think, but feelings don’t really respond to logic.”
"No they certainly don't," you mumble.
You can't really describe the tightening in your chest and the pressure in your brain, and you don't really want to.
Unfortunately for you...
Hobie knocks his knuckles against your forehead, wordlessly communicating exactly what he emans.
You roll eyes and take another deep breath before you respond.
"You wear everything on your sleeve; everything about you screams-genuine. And sure you've got a lot of other things going on but you don't...hide. I just don't understand it I guess. Not everybody does that and-
"I don't hold a grudge against you for it."
You're not surprised at the interruption, more at the fact that he read you so well.
You grimace and look away to gather yourself before you speak again.
"I-I know that but sometimes I worry."
He hums and pulls your hands into his, fidgeting with the ring he made that rests on your middle finger.
You're grateful for the distraction and direct your eyes down to your connected hands as you continue.
"I don't wanna say the wrong thing, and you not even be able to get what I mean because I can't...show it."
You shrug and let your hands fall out of his, subconsciously closing yourself off while you try to breathe through the straining in your sternum.
He places his hands on your shoulder and gently rubs his hands up and down your arms. It's not that you need to be warmed up, but the action calms you down and breathing becomes much easier.
You look up at him and he gives you that stupid smirk of his.
The one that made you fall in love with him.
"I've known you for a while now doll; you think you're closed off and cold, but you're not. You're a lil' emotionally stunted-"
You roll your eyes, while his twinkle.
"But I don't fault you for it. What's the point in being the same anyway, weren't made for it y'know? You're plenty expressive; I can see it in your eyes, in your body language, in that little lip twist you do when you're trying to be nice."
He brings you closer to him, one hand resting at the small of your back, the other one the railing behind you.
"You've let me in, I'm not going anywhere."
You give him a small smile and he matches it before tilting your chin up and leaning down to give you a kiss.
You return it and your smile widens when you pull away.
It drops in the very next second when you hear thud from inside the boat and the distinct sound of fire scorching paper.
Your eyes widen and you push away from to run back inside.
You bump your hip on the door frame again but you ignore the pain and scramble to put out the fire that's singed your book.
Luckily, you caught it before it could really spread and only the corner of the book is burnt.
Hobie snorts from the doorway and you turn to glare at him.
"Well I've got a idea of what you're feeling now."
You huff and shake your head, " I told you it was a fire hazard."
He shrugs, "It was pretty. 'Sides you've got quick reflexes; you caught it in time."
You smirk and toss the book to the ground, better to not have anything in your hands when you run.
"Yeah I do, they're really quick. I definitely wouldn't have have tripped off a boat and forgot I knew how to swim."
As soon as you finish your sentence you take off, and damn him for being a giant because he's right on your heels.
i did it 😭😭😭✊🏾
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jacesbeloved · 2 months
warm milk ✷ j. velaryon
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✷ ⎯ summary: inspired by the prompt, "I gave up on you a long time ago."
✷ ⎯ tags: jacaerys velaryon x stark!reader
✷ ⎯ notes: this one's a short angst drabble to get my writing going!! enjoy ^w^
It is the last day of Jacaerys' campaign to the North. In a few hours time, he will return back to Dragonstone with the North fighting for his mother's claim to the iron throne.
In his mind, all went well. He got what he came for, support of the Warden of the North, Cregan Stark.
In his heart, nothing is right. The wound in his heart from when you left King's Landing was still there and each moment that you two waste without speaking to each other, the ache in his heart became more and more apparent.
"May we invite you to one more dinner, my prince?" Cregan asks. Jacaerys had not planned to stay for another dinner, he planned on flying out before nightfall but what Cregan adds on makes him stay.
"It will be my sister, the Lady Snow, that will be preparing the feast."
You weren't there to see how he almost choked on the nuts that he was eating, nor were you there to witness the sly smirk your brother had on his lips when Jacaerys agreed to stay for one last dinner in Winterfell.
Earlier that day, you were told by your brother that Prince Jacaerys will be leaving before the sun sets. So when you see him in godswood with a servant playing a lute, just as the sun was setting, you were surprised.
"Lady Snow," he hastily stands up, seeing you holding bundle of firewood against your thick blue dress.
"I thought you had departed already?" You say with a puzzled look. Taking a step closer to the prince.
Jacaerys purses his lips awkwardly, clasping his hands together, "I was told to say for supper. Lord Cregan told me about your expertise in preparing such feasts."
Truth be told, you do not know how to cook. You could barely season meat properly to the point that it would be edible enough for even a direwolf to eat. Though it might just be your one of your brother's over exaggerations for that one time you cooked him supper, you were sure to never touch a skillet again because of his remarks.
And so when he tells you that, you weren't sure whether to take offense or laugh. Take offense because he might be being sarcastic—which you know Jacaerys is no stranger to—or laugh because how could he possibly believe that you are great at cooking when you almost—
"I figured it would be a grave sin for me not to witness your stellar development in cooking when before you almost burned down the Red Keep because you wanted to boil your milk."
There it is. There it is.
That smile that you've grown fond of ever since your father took you to King's Landing to pledge fealty to King Viserys' heir, Rhaenyra Targaryen.
Jacaerys thought you took offense in his statement, ready to apologize, when in reality you simply didn't notice that you had been looking at him silently with a neutral face. Not being able to reply to his lighthearted diss.
"I... I was just joking," he says awkwardly.
That snaps you out of your own mind and you finally respond. You shake your head, chuckling breathlessly but still not bothering to say a word. It was like your legs had frozen on the spot.
You should really make a move. Jacaerys thought to himself.
Reply. You should reply to him. You thought in your head.
Both of you were pushing yourselves to talk to one another but none of you seem to have the will to do it. Being hindered by your own pride to initiate another conversation.
It was all quiet not until the servant messes up his play. The wrong strum of the lute's strings making you both blurt out the same sentence as if the whole situation wasn't as awkward as it already is.
"I'm sorry."
Jacaerys' eyes widen when that sentence also came from you. Feeling his throat go dry, he gulps. He turns to the servant as he nods at him, handing the servant something as he walks by Jacaerys as he left.
After another period of silence, you finally use up all of your courage. You speak, "Do you want to go on a walk?"
"Very much." The prince replies faster than he wanted to. The enthusiasm making your own heart howl.
The two of you leave the godswood, walking out into the winter town when Jacaerys notices the muddy path that you two are about to go to. "Is it okay? Your dress might get dirty," he says with a halt.
"My dress is the least of my worries, my prince."
He raises an eyebrow while letting out a breath, "What is it that worries you the most then?"
You scoff, "Respectfully, I do not know how verbalizing my worries to you may help me in my future days."
"Well, I am the heir once my mother gets back her throne. I might as well know what it is that worries the leaders of the houses."
You look at him with a puzzled look. The Jacaerys you knew would not be this bold enough to speak as an heir. Back then, he would still express his grievances about being talked about around the Red Keep as a bastard of his mother.
Maybe the war only did one thing—two things right: build his confidence up and, cross your paths again.
Only it would be too much of a heartbreak if you two continue on as how you both were before. Mindless lovers that pin at each other despite the responsibilities you both shoulder.
You begin walking again and he offers his arm as you do so. Despite hesitating, you hooked your arm in his. "What worries me, my prince, is that choosing to spend this minute with you might be harmful in the long run."
"Harmful? How come?" He asks gently albeit the bad feeling creeping up in his heart.
It takes you a minute to think if it is really needed for you to reply. You didn't know if your brother has yet to tell him or if he was just acting stupid.
"I am to marry Collif Tully," you say quietly but you're sure he heard it loud and clear.
The prince falls silent, unable to formulate the response he wants to give without sounding hurt because he is hurt. His heart is aching.
"The wedding will be held after the war but even before then, we are to be husband and wife in practice." You explain further. You couldn't look at himself as well. Fearing that when you do, you might just break an oath for him.
He finally manages to clear his throat, pursing his lips and nodding. "How cruel of the gods to still give us time, then."
You sigh, "The gods have no part in this."
Your legs stop and you look at him. Jacaerys doing the same but a second slower. You do the unthinkable and intertwine your hand in his only to feel how cold it is.
"I gave up on you a long time ago, Jace." Your voice breaks at the mention of his name. The prince looking away as the familiar feeling of sadness swallowing his heart whole. "I hope you did the same too."
He takes in a deep breath, holding your intertwined hands up and placing his other hand on top of it.
"You didn't?" You ask him.
Jacaerys smiles at you. "I do not wish to lie to you."
It pained you hearing the grief in his voice. A man could be deaf and still the absolute pain laced through his words and smile.
"I do not want us to end on such a heartbreaking note." Jacaerys admits as he takes off his hand. You nod, at least the both of you are at the same page of that.
"I hope you know that I stayed for one more night not because I wanted to eat supper at Winterfell that you allegedly are preparing," he starts and you feel your heart beat faster.
"I stayed because I could never forgive myself if I left you again without even having so much as a word with you, not knowing when our paths will cross again… if it will cross again.”
You put a your gloved hand on his cheek, Jacaerys softly moving his face against it as the two of you stare longingly at each other.
The both of you stayed still for the moment before he pulls your hand off gently. "Now, must we head back? I would really like some warm milk. I believe you'd know how to boil some now considering you are to be the future Lady of the Riverruns."
You chuckle at his jest but you nod nonetheless. You hook your arm back into his gleefully. "Of course, my prince. Anything for the future king of the iron throne."
if you liked my writing, you might want to consider buying me a ko-fi <3
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fxrmuladaydreams · 10 months
Hi! I'm in quite an angsty mood at the minute, so my blurb request us for something a little sad with Lando. Could I request an angst with two prompts (9 + 131). I'm thinking like Lando gets in a crash and reader is scared of losing him, so she stays by his side, and happy ending - Lando is okay? Tysm! Hope you're doing well lovely 😘
send me thoughts/blurb requests (sfw & nsfw) for lando weekend
notes: this one is angsty guys, but there’s a happy ending. also please forgive me if i do horribly at describing the crash and the hospital setting, i am not a mechanic nor am i a doctor
warnings: car crash, hospitalization
A silence fell over the track as the papaya colored car rammed into the wall. He was doing well, second only behind Max. He was driving through a chicane, weaving back and forth, until he started sliding around. The car had spun out off the track, then collided with the wall.
A red flag was called immediately, the other drivers all making their way back to the pit lane. You stared up at the screens in the garage. The front of the car was crumpled, the black number four now bent up. You could hear Lando’s engineer talking, asking for Lando to respond, to say he was okay.
Smoke started to rise from the car into the air.
You felt your heart drop and pound in your chest simultaneously.
The safety car is quick to get to his car, pulling his unmoving body out of the crumpled car. They put him in the safety car, and drive off towards the medical car.
You want to go to him, to see him, to see that he’s still alive, that he’s okay. You feel a hand on your shoulder and turn to see Oscar standing next to you.
“I’m sure he’s okay. The damage was mostly to the front of the car. Plus the halo took most of the hit to the wall.” He tells you softly.
You know Oscar has a talent for being passive, but you can tell he’s struggling to hold his emotions together. Oscar joins you at the hospital they’re keeping Lando at once the race has finished. He sits with you while you sit next to your boyfriend, holding his hand.
He’s got wires connected to him, and a heart monitor attached, the steady beeping giving you a bit of hope. The doctors say he’s alright, he just needs to wake up. He had fainted due to the crash, and his body had shut down. He’s recuperating, they said. He just needs to wake up on his own.
Oscar leaves once visiting hours are over, heading back to the hotel to rest. You opt to stay with Lando, just in case anything happens, in case he wakes up.
You spend the night sleeping in an uncomfortable chair, leaning against his hospital bed. When you wake up, Lando is still unconscious, his breathing still steady.
You didn’t think it would take this long for Lando to wake up. Was there something more that the doctors didn’t tell you? Should he be awake by now?
You feel a few tears start to trail down your cheeks as you look at your boyfriend. His face is slightly pale, it’s odd seeing as he likes to keep up with his tan. His hair is matted down, less fluffy than usual. His chest slowly rises and falls with every breath he takes.
“Wake up Lando, please. I’ve gotten used to seeing your stupid face everyday, you can’t take that away from me.” You attempt to joke. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” You say sincerely.
You lean your head down on his arm, crying into the fabric of his hospital gown.
“Why are you crying love?” His voice is rough, almost scratchy, but you recognize it immediately.
Your head shoots up at see Lando giving you a tired smile. You throw your arms around him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug, only pulling away when you hear him groan.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” You wipe at your eyes frantically. “I should get the nurse.” You stand up and start to step away when Lando tugs on your hand.
He doesn’t really have any strength, but you turn back to him.
“Stay? Just for a minute?” He shifts a little, creating a space next to him on the bed for you to lay.
You nod and lay down next to him.
He tells you about the crash, about the fear coursing through him as he spun waiting for the impact. He tells you that the last thing he remembers was thinking about you, about how he wished you weren’t watching the screens so you wouldn’t have to see it.
“I won’t leave you. Not like this. I’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you. It doesn’t matter how much I crash, I’ll always come back to you.”
You spend a little while with him before a nurse comes in to check on him, surprised that he’s awake. She’s quick to shoo you out of the bed, but you keep yourself planted at his side. You’re not leaving him anytime soon.
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can we get a fic where r is a nurse or med student and she just had a terrible terrible day at work and steve just comforts her? ly <3
i know nothing about the medical world so forgive me. kinda basing this from a breakdown i had after orientation for my job then texting a friend for some help.
silence. peace and quiet after a twenty-four hour on call shift. no beeping monitors, no patients getting angry with you, no messes to clean up; just you sitting in your car letting your brain melt. and then the tears started to sting, face pinching to withhold yourself but letting the floodgates free. your breathing was labored and your head was getting fuzzy, you hoped no one was a witness to your breakdown.
fingers death gripping onto your leather steering wheel, head falling forward and almost hitting your horn. you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to take deep slow breaths, needing to steady yourself before making the thirty minute drive back to your apartment where steve was waiting for you.
steve. with his name popping into your head you reached into your bag, pulling your phone and flipping it open then pressing one to speed dial the landline. the dial tone rang twice and then you heard his voice.
“harrington residence.” just those two words from your husband lifted your sorrows for a moment, allowing you to calmly speak into the receiver. “hi honey.” a sigh of relief before a wet hiccup followed.
you could hear the concern when steve asked, “hey, you off? need me to pick you up?” already knowing you had your car with you, but also knowing you would be exhausted to drive.
you shook your head even though it wasn’t seen, “no, no. just… just wanted to see if you needed anything?” closing your eyes as the welling tears continued. “want something for lunch? was gonna stop by-“
“it’s fine, honey. i already cooked something for you. just get home safe. i love you.” and he didn’t hang up right away, waiting for you to respond back. a croaked “i love you,” then quick to press the end call button. you took deep calming breaths, five in five out, before starting the engine and cutting the radio off.
you kept to the speed limit, sometimes going three over or even five under causing people to honk and speed past you. you didn’t have the energy to care about their pissed stares, just counting the stop lights until you hit your block, rolling into the complex then pulling into your parking spot.
your bones felt like liquid as you gathered your bags and drinks, locking your car then heading up the one flight of stairs. a quick left then past three doors and you stood outside yours, number 736, a lovely floral reef circled the peep hole.
with a heavy hand you slid your key into the lock, turned the knob and was greeted to the warm lighting and laugh track blaring from the tv. the lingering smell of mac and cheese with some baked chicken and steamed veggies caused your stomach to gargle.
“hey pretty.” steve’s smooth voice slid into the hallway with you, his hands reaching out to take your load off your shoulders.
he made sure to keep your belonging organized and hang your coat on the rack. he knelt to the floor and helped tug your sneakers off your aching feet before ushering your further into the apartment to the couch.
reruns of your favorite sitcom light the room as steve leaned in to press a tender kiss on your left temple, eyes closing in contentment. “i’ll be back with our food.”
steve was gone less than five minutes and you could feel your eyes growing heavy as each second passed, head lulling to rest on the back of your couch. you smiled and chuckled low at a joke you already knew, but it still tickled you pink.
“kept it in the oven to stay warm. hope it taste good, i followed the recipe for the mac and chicken, but you know me.” steve set the two plates on the small table covering your feet. “how’s my girl doing?”
he rested a palm to your left thigh and rubbed over your scrubs comfortably. you took a deep inhale before sighing out, “draining.” the one word sufficient in summarizing everything.
steve hummed, “sorry. but luckily you’re taking the next two days off. how about we just rot in bed for one day and then be slightly adults the next day. how’s that sound?” his browns eyes darkened and shaded with the flickering light.
leaning your head onto his right shoulder and fighting sleep you yawned out, “sounds perfect.” the laugh track and commercials becoming your white noise.
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fortheloveofkonig · 3 months
Okay okay so i have a bit of a silly one. So i have autism and somtimes i will mimic somones accent without knowing it. Can you write a fic for Soap x Reader where he accidentally mimics soaps accent when talking.
N like he gets embarrassed and apologies sooooo much jffjfjjffjfjfjcjf and extra embarrassed because he likes the Scot 👀
Its 4am please excuse if theres any spelling errors
And i hope you have a good day!
Note: Ah, the dreaded draft which I never feel like is enough.
It's short but sweet, I may end up one day doing a part two just to add on to it. This was a cute idea as someone who also mimics accents.
I hope you enjoy it anon <3
(Oh, and the reader doesn't really apologise at all because personally, I feel weird making readers apologise for something he can't control <3)
Content: M! Reader (obv), Fluff, Reader is called Mockingbird (in a cute way)
Summary: Reader mimics Soap's accent, Soap has a hayday.
Mimicry (Soap x M! Reader)
You have been a part of the task force for a bit of time now. Enough time for the group to know that you had a tendency to mimic certain sounds that you heard but that was the length of your mimicry as far as they knew.
The group didn't seem to have issues with the sounds unless it came down to you being louder than you were supposed to be while in the field. It has become a part of their lives and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Soap was the person who started to call you by the nickname 'Mockingbird' and it eventually stuck with everyone as well. He meant it in a joking way, making sure that it didn't harm you in any way, and it kind of just stuck as you started to show a fondness for the nickname.
"Hey, birdie."
This one just made your eyes roll as you rack the weights that you were lifting and sit up on the weight bench.
"That one is a no," you respond, shaking your head which earns a laugh from the Scotsman.
"It was worth the try." He walks over and takes a seat next to you, handing you a fresh water bottle which you eagerly accept and down in a few gulps. He looks over at you as you hand him the bottle back and smiles before throwing it into the nearest garbage bin.
"Nice shot." You hum approvingly before standing up, "Lead the way, I know it's for our daily walk."
The two of you started daily walks about a month ago. Most of the time it was after a long day which left you exhausted and thus not very talkative, which was never a problem for Soap. He loved talking and that was multiplied when he had a good listener such as you.
"And that little dick walked up to him and was like, 'Try me'. Can you believe that? The fucker said that to Ghost! The fucking LT!"
He's been going on like this for an hour, you've barely gotten any words in but you didn't mind much especially since this just meant that you guys got to rest in a scenic spot while he rambled on. Every now and then you responded with one word answers but nothing too big.
He was shaking his head before starting again, "I'm telling ya, these new recruits have an insane amount of confidence and that's fucking 'em over."
You end up nodding, while looking up at the sky.
"Insane that someone would go against Ghost like that." A voice that sounds kinda like yours but with a tinge of a different accent slips out from your mouth. You didn't even realize it at first but when you looked over and saw Soap with a teasing smirk on his face, you immediately knew something slipped out.
You took a moment to regather yourself before narrowing your eyes at the Scotsman, "Shut your mouth."
"I haven't even said anything lad."
"Just thought I heard a mockingbird around, haven't heard one in a while."
He was cut off by you slapping his shoulder and he just burst out laughing.
"You're an asshole." Your voice mumbles through Soap's laughter, and you start to speed ahead away from the Scottish sergeant.
"Lad, wait! Come back, it's important!"
You turn around with your arms crossed and look at the male and he points to the wooded area, he has a shit eating grin on his face.
"It's birdwatching season."
"Oh fuck off, John"
You threw your hands up in defeat and started walking away before Soap ran up to walk beside you.
He stays silent for a few minutes as they continue to walk back to base before he smiles at you and shrugs,
"Just messing with you, it's nice, really. Just gotta push your buttons a bit."
He bumps his shoulder a bit, causing a smile to spread to your face.
"If you tell anyone about this, you're dead."
"Aye aye."
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thebettybook · 9 months
Slices of Leona’s Life, Christmas edition 🎄✨
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Characters: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader. Leona and gn!reader are in an established romantic relationship.
Warning: None, an all-fluff story, enjoy!
Border credits: Kaomoji borders from “Emoji Combos” website
Special note: Merry Xmas to those who celebrate :D 🎄✨ I also used Lady and the Tramp (1955) references in this fic
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🎄 With plans to celebrate Christmas with Leona’s brother Farena, sister-in-law Safiya, and nephew Cheka, you and Leona decided to have your Christmas celebration early on Christmas Eve.
🎄 Last year, the two of you celebrated Christmas together at Ramshackle with a cozy dinner. This year, you wanted to go out to the Sage Island village square and soak up all the Christmas fun.
🎄 The first thing you and Leona did was watch a new movie that was all the rage on social media; a movie about a guy and a chocolate factory.
🎄 After buying your tickets and a bucket of piping-hot buttery popcorn, you and Leona walked all the way up to the back of the theater (you both agreed the back had the best seats). The movie theater was pretty packed with a lot of families sitting in the front. Leona was glad he didn’t have to sit next to any kids that were screaming or crying at the front.
🎄 The movie itself wasn’t too bad, and Leona couldn’t help but snort out loud at the thought of Cheka running around in a chocolate factory. Leona nuzzled his cheek against the side of your head as he watched the movie with you.
🎄 He’d occasionally bring his hand into the popcorn bucket, either to get popcorn for himself or to give some to you.
🎄 After the movie ended, you and Leona threw away the now-empty bucket of popcorn as the two of you walked out of the theater. The two of you talked about the characters, the plot, and your individual thoughts on the movie. The frosty air greeted you both, and your and Leona’s eyes adjusted to the bright gold, red, and green string lights around the village square after spending about two hours in a dark movie theater.
🎄 “Come with me, and you’ll be,” you put your hands behind your back as you cheekily sang at Leona. “In a world of pure imagination.”
🎄 You offered your mittened hand to his mittened hand (the two of you wore matching green mittens), and despite him letting out a “pfft,” Leona took your mittened hand and raised it to his lips so he could press a kiss on it.
🎄 “You sang it better than the guy in the movie,” Leona joked, to which you responded with a cackle.
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🎄 To no one’s surprise, all the restaurants and cafes in the Sage Island village square were packed for Christmas Eve. With barely-there Internet service on both of your phones due to the chilly weather and the fact that so many people were using the village square’s public WiFi all at once, you both couldn’t check MagiGoogle for any nearby restaurants.
🎄 Before the two of you were about to give up and leave the village square to find a restaurant somewhere else (Leona said the Mostro Lounge was the absolute last resort), the scent of tomatoes and ground beef caught Leona’s attention. “Oi, I smell something good,” Leona nodded his head to the direction of a nearby alleyway. “Wanna check it out?”
🎄 You nodded, letting him lead you. With Leona’s hand in yours, the two of you briskly walked past the dim alleyway (which thankfully only had stray cats and dogs scrounging through trash cans for dinner).
🎄 The two of you were greeted by an Italian restaurant at the back of the village square. The restaurant looked as if it had been there for generations, with its vintage red-and-ivory awning and a worn sign that read “Tony’s Restaurant.”
🎄 With the large window in the front of the restaurant, the two of you could see a couple of tables and booths occupied by families, couples, and those who wanted to celebrate the holidays on their own. The inside of the restaurant casted a cozy and warm golden glow out into where you and Leona stood.
🎄 The brass bell under the sign rang as you and Leona stepped into the restaurant and were greeted by the warmth of the restaurant and the idle chatter of the customers. Leona adjusted the scarf around his neck as a waiter, a portly middle-aged man with a black mustache and a friendly smile, greeted the two of you and showed you to an available booth near the back.
🎄 “Welcome to Tony’s! We’ve been around for 68 years, and the dish we’ve always been known for is our spaghetti!” The waiter presented you and Leona with tall menus while pouring water into two cups from a glass bottle.
🎄 “Is that what you smelled earlier?” You cocked your head to the side.
🎄 “Yeah,” Leona nodded, eyeing the menu before turning to the waiter. “What other than the spaghetti would you recommend we get?”
🎄 “If our spaghetti led you to our restaurant, then I highly recommend that!” The waiter took out a worn notepad and a pen from his apron pocket. “We also have gnocchi, risotto, bistecca alla Fiorentina—er, Florentine steak—…”
🎄 “Steak? That’s right up your alley, Leona,” you smiled at your partner before going over the menu’s options one more time. “Mm, I’ll have the spaghetti, please.”
🎄 “Coming right up,” the waiter wrote your order down before turning to Leona. “And for you, sir?”
🎄 “La bistecca alla Fiorentina,” Leona answered smoothly with a small grin at you, handing his menu and yours to the waiter. “Per favore.”
🎄 You knew that Leona knew how to speak a ton of languages as a prince, but he never ceased to amaze you when he spoke in an another language. “Show off,” you teased, grinning back at him with your cheek rested against your palm. The waiter left to bring your orders to the kitchen, though not before smiling at how cute you and Leona were together.
🎄 “Non so di che cosa stia parlando,” Leona raised his eyebrows dramatically in faux innocence.
🎄 As the two of you waited for your orders, one of the workers sat down in front of a wooden piano in the corner of the restaurant and began playing a lively medley. Soon, another worker joined in with an accordion, and a few other workers joined in singing while speed-walking around the restaurant to serve the customers. The music brightened up the lively restaurant even more than one could think possible, like a star placed on top of a Christmas tree adorned with colorful ornaments and string lights.
🎄 Leona rested his chin on top of his hands as he watched you bob your head to the tune. A soft smile grew on his face when he saw the way your eyes lit up at the music. His eyes then caught a flash of red and green above the two of you on the ceiling. Mistletoe. You loved corny stuff like that, and before Leona could tell you about the mistletoe, the waiter came back to the table with your and Leona’s dishes.
🎄 “Mmm,” you took in the plate of spaghetti before you, with its juicy (meat/vegetarian) meatballs and tomato sauce atop the spaghetti pasta. Even Leona was impressed by his Florentine steak, which was seasoned generously with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper.
🎄 Before you could dig in, your eyes caught the mistletoe above you and Leona. “Oh!” you exclaimed in surprise, making Leona laugh.
🎄 “Would ya look at that,” Leona leaned back against his seat, his arms crossed against his torso as he smirked at you, acting as if he didn’t see the mistletoe first. “So what do you wanna do first, kiss or eat?”
🎄 “Hm,” you flicked your eyes down to your spaghetti before an idea dawned on you. “Oh! You know that thing where two people eat a strand of spaghetti at either end and meet in the middle to kiss?”
🎄 “People do that?” Leona’s eyebrows now shot up in genuine surprise.
🎄 “Yeah, it’s kinda like the Pocky Game,” you lifted a strand of spaghetti with your fork. “I’m down to try it if you are.”
🎄 The restaurant started getting more busy, and no one cared whether you and Leona would do something as bizarre as eat the same strand of spaghetti on opposite ends. “Let’s see who gets to the center first,” Leona placed one opposite end of the spaghetti strand in his mouth.
🎄 When you did the same with the other end, the two of you began biting the spaghetti strand and inching towards each other. It wasn’t long before Leona’s hands found their way to either side of your face as he gently pressed his lips onto yours.
🎄 You sighed against his lips, enjoying the warmth of his lips on yours for a few minutes before the both of you gently pulled back from each other. The two of you shared a soft smile before starting dinner. Unbeknownst to the two of you, your waiter watched on as he stood to the side of the piano.
🎄 “And that’s why our spaghetti is our star dish,” the waiter smiled fondly while talking to the worker who was playing the piano. The worker playing the piano smiled back, switching from a lively song to a softer one called “Bella Notte.”
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🎄 “The food at Tony’s was so good, we need to go there again someday,” you hummed as you and Leona walked back into the Sage Island village square an hour later. “Like for Valentine’s Day or something.”
🎄 While shops began to close and people began to leave the square, the string lights around the square continued to shine well into the night. The clusters of stars in the pitch-black winter sky mirrored the brightness of string lights as the stars shined down onto Twisted Wonderland.
🎄 “Yeah,” Leona buried his nose into his scarf to keep his nose warm as the two of you idly walked around hand-in-hand.
🎄 The two of you then stopped in front of a big Christmas tree in the center of the village square. The tree was decorated with every kind of handcrafted and makeshift ornament possible from the Sage Island villagers and visitors as well as crimson ribbons and golden string lights.
🎄 You took out your phone to take a selfie with Leona as the two of you stood in front of the tree, the various lights around you and Leona dancing on your faces. While your eyes were fixed on your phone camera, Leona’s eyes were fixed on your face.
🎄 He took in your smile—a smile that rivaled the bright star atop the Christmas tree the two of you stood in front of. To Leona, your smile was a gift he treasured seeing everyday.
🎄 Before you could snap a picture, Leona turned to lean down slightly and kiss your cheek.
🎄 “Merry Christmas, my love,” he murmured.
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🍓 I don’t own any of the characters I mention or write about; they belong to their original and respective creators.
🍓 All content on this blog is created by me, @thebettybook (excluding posts I reblog that aren’t my own posts and unless I state otherwise). Do not modify, claim, repost, or translate my work onto this platform and any other platform.
🍓 Reblogs are appreciated :). Want more Leona content? Check out my masterlist
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