#also we spend that much weekly on groceries??????
nibbles-whispers · 5 months
My parents when they have to come up with $53,000 yearly: 😍😍😍
My parents when they have to come up with $500 in four days: 😡🤬🤬
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pupkashi · 1 year
boyfriend!yuta headcanons
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a/n: i have been having major yuta brainrot as of late ,, here u guys go ! i hope these are too badly ooc seeing as though I’ve only written for him a couple times ! they’re a bit all over the place so plz lmk what y’all think :3
wordcount: 1,183
first things first this boy is an absolute nervous wreck anytime he’s around you before he asks you out, I’m talking stuttering and fumbling over his words, looking anywhere but you, trying his best to not embarrass himself (he inevitably does poor guy)
asks you out when it’s just the two of you, on a picnic or watching a movie, his palms are sweaty because what if he just hallucinated you saying you liked him back and this is a big mistake??
okok this boy would definitely wear those ‘i love my s/o’ shirts, starts off as a joke, then wears it unironically because yeah, he does love you, what about it??
the biggest simp in the world yall, does anything you want him to, buys you whatever you want whenever you want it, you tell him jump he’s asking how high while already jumping
it’s a serious problem, considering you now have to make it clear that just because you say something is nice doesn’t mean you want it
“this sweater is nice right yuu?” “yeah it is really nice” ,,,, “yuta why do you have two bags?” “i got you the sweater in every color you like :3”
you’re always getting packages at your door, handing them to him only for him to say ‘oh that’s actually for you!’
the worst part of this is he absolutely hates when you get him something, always telling you to spend your money on yourself or save it, saying he has everything he needs already
still accepts your gifts with open arms, over the moon because ‘you really thought of me ?? i love you :(‘ he literally is ‘🥺’ if it was a person
calls you every sweet nickname he can think of: baby, babe, sweetheart, darling, my love, honey (he tends to favor my love and darling)
you tend to call him things like: baby, lover, pretty boy, angel
he turns into an absolute blushing mess when you call him pretty boy and angel, giggling and trying to not forget what he was talking to you about in the first place
the kind of boyfriend who will buy you flowers weekly, no matter what.
ever since he overheard you on the phone talking about how much you loved his ‘just because’ flowers, he made it a reoccurring purchase at a local flower shop
gets you all your favorite snacks when he just so happens to stop by at a convenience store, handing them to you with a happy grin, ‘we can have movie night with snacks now!’
has your coffee order memorized before you guys even started dating, rarely asks if you want some, usually just surprises you with it <3
he is such a homebody boyfriend :( prefers calm and cozy nights in sipping on hot chocolate cuddles in warm blankets over going out
takes you out to nice restaurants though !! especially if you like going out, he’ll take you on all kinds of dates
goes ice skating, amusement parks, the fair, laser tag (you destroyed him), escape rooms, literally everything
at restaurants if you’re between two things to order he’ll get one of the ones you want so you get try both :3
if you don’t like what you ordered he’ll swap with you / will tell you to order something different, saying he’ll take the other plate home and eat it tomorrow so you don’t feel bad abt it <3
LOVES going grocery shopping with you </3 finds it so domestic and lovely to be able to pick you celery with you (he also gets excited when you ask him what he wants to eat so you can get the stuff for it)
he’ll always tell you he wants to bake cookies and other treats with you, grabbing all the ingredients and grinning at you sheepishly when the cart starts to get full
“we came here for four things, how did you manage to make me get all these things” “cause you love me” he giggles
giggles at everything you say !!!!! topples over laughing when you tell a joke (we get it bro you love us 😭)
it’s so easy to make him blush and flustered, literally just winking at him makes his brain short circuit (let’s not get started on when you two make out) (he whimpers 🤭)
has pictures of you as his lockscreen, always smiles a bit when he unlocks his phone, when he’s away on missions he finds himself checking the time more often than he really needs to
AMAZING TEXTER !!!!! will reply to you very quickly and address all your messages and reacts to all the things you send him (everyone is amazed because is this the same yuta who left them on deliver red for three days before replying ??)
he is SO the jealous type ,, he tries not to be, really he hates having negative emotions of any kind, but he can’t help it :(
his entire demeanor changed drastically when someone starts flirting with you, he’s standing up straighter, clenching his jaw and has that threatening look on his face, no sign of the once cheerful and bubbly boy
he’s wrapping an arm around you, tugging on your hand and trying to get you alone so he can make out with you and remind both you and himself that you’re only his <33
insanely protective of you !!! he’ll be holding your hand in public, always making sure he knows where you are, in crowded areas he has one hand on your waist to help you through the crowds <33
will obliterate anyone who even tries to threaten you, ‘look at them again and you’ll be wishing i had killed you’ but in a not creepy and actually very 🦋way yk ?
really listens to you and everything you have to say, asking questions about your interests and genuinely loves listening to you talk about the things you like <3
i know he gets u literally everything but he gives you amazing and thoughtful gifts for special occasions !! he manages to always get you perfect gifts every single time <3
he compliments you everyday without fail, no matter where he is in the world, he will ALWAYS tell you how stunning you look !!!
reminds you everyday how much he loves you, telling you and leaving you little notes, writes you love letters like he’s away at war even though he’s most likely to get back before the letter even ships
cooks you dinner when he has the chance (he’s actually a pretty good cook!!) going all the way with wine (if you drink of course) and roses
uses your shampoo and conditioner sometimes because he just loves the way they smell and they remind him so much of u hehe
has your skincare routine memorized to when you’re too exhausted to do it he can do it for you <3
he’s overall just a soft and sweet lover, doing anything and everything he can for you because he knows you’re the one for him <33
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags
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agroupiewhore · 8 months
Some random headcanons about what it would be like to date Enzo and a little imagine with him. I haven't wrote anything in ages so apologies if this is shite. Please no hate but let me know if you like this etc. I am always welcome to feedback/ thoughts/ comments/ concerns. Sorry in advance for grammar and spelling and punctuation
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*Disclaimer: This is my own work and my own self-indulgent ideas, none of this is based in reality. And warnings for making out etc, nothing too explicit (PG-13)
✨️ There is no way you ever have to carry your own bag. This man is rushing in to help you. Whether that's your handbag on date night or all of the shopping bags after your weekly grocery shop run. And yes, he refuses to make 2 trips to the car.
✨️ Speaking of weekly shops runs, Enzo is that boyfriend who always pushes the trolley/ cart.
✨️ Matching Adidas trackies. Never quite knowing whose joggers/ t shirts/ jackets that belonged to.
✨️ Wearing his boxers after sex to go down and make a fresh batch of coffee.
✨️ Is always entertaining you with unusual facts and information about Uruguay and is keen for you to learn and embrace his culture and he is keen to learn more about yours.
✨️ Matching your nail varnish to his bow tie/ tie/ shirt colour etc.
✨️ Midnight beach walks where you tell eachother all your hopes and dreams and desires, all the 'deep stuff' you feel you can't tell eachother when it's daylight as it seems to real.
✨️ This man can dance. He has so much natural rhythm and is such a natural. He'll always be the first one up on the dance floor at parties and cast parties and would much rather spend the time on the dance floor with you rather than talking. Also at home will put on whatever dance music he wants and will just start dancing with you.
✨️ Dressing up as Kylo Ren and Rey for Halloween. "Well I mean... I think we should go as them, it would look good" "Fine"
A Perfect Day
You went to open the fridge to find the pouring cream for your iced coffees but were distracted by the note attached to the front, wrote in Enzo's beautiful cursive handwriting. You smiled to yourself as you read it. He always left the most beautiful love notes and this one was no exception. It simply read "You're my happy place". You took the note off the fridge and folded it neatly and placed it in your dressing gown pocket. You were saving them all, for what you weren't sure, but you pictured a future for you and enzo, maybe one day sticking all the notes down into a scrap book and passing it onto your daughter. To show her how much she should be loved by another. You smiled at the thought and opened the fridge, finally, to find the pouring cream. After Enzo had finished filming, touring and surving the awards season the two of you finally had some time and moved in together. The first thing he had done was gone out and found the most fanciest coffee machine. You guys hadn't even bought a bed yet at that point. You finished making your drinks and went back upstairs. Enzo was sat up in bed, shirtless.
"Well damn, it's hot this morning." You laughed as you sat back in bed next to him, being careful not to spill anything. "Here my angel." You passed him the iced coffee. He carefully took it from you and took that first heavenly sip.
"Hmm, perfecto." He said closing his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face. "I do not know how I survived without having you around, only you can make my coffee right."
"I'm sure there is someone else who could, I could always teach them, it's not too hard. There aren't any crazy secret ingredients." You replied "I just make it with love, I think that's why it's so good." Enzo leaned over and kissed you. "I love you so much, mi amor." He said as he took your hand. "What would you like to do today?"
"We need to go shopping to get a couple things and I was thinking maybe we could have a go at making our own pizzas for dinner?" You suggested, admiring him.
"You always have the best ideas, I have a couple more things to add to the list so please don't let me forget my love." Enzo said as he got out of bed. It would never get old seeing how beautiful he was. It was like he had been sculpted by the world's most incredible artist whose attention to detail no one was able to match. You felt so lucky to not only be with one so handsome but to also have discovered someone with a soul that was equally as beautiful. Enzo gave all of his love and time to you. He was always there, his strength and resilience gave you strength. He was so honoured and humbled to have been given such an important role in the film and the sincerity in which he handled his part was inspiring to you. He never got angry when you would call him in the middle of the night due to the time differences or when he had come home to see that you had used his entire bottle of his most expensive cologne. You had missed him a lot while he was away filming so decided one night to spray a little of it on to the pillow next to you, then a little onto your wrist; just to make it seem like he was there with you, however next thing you knew you'd unintentionally sprayed the entire bottle around the house and it was now empty. Enzo found it to be a most romantic gesture and when he left again to complete filming took a pot of your lip balm to apply each night so it could feel like you'd just kissed him. You heard the shower turn on and got up from the bed again to decide what to wear for today. It was a simple errand day so you grabbed a pair of Adidas joggers and a black long sleeved top.
"Wow, you look so beautiful." He said staring at you.
"What? These?" You laughed. "It's a step up from pajamas."
"You look perfect, I love it so much I will also wear mine." He said as he began looking in the wardrobe.
"Maybe one day you could surprise everyone and wear Nike." You laughed. You admired him once again as he got dressed and then you both finished your coffees. Ofcourse Enzo insisted on driving and you sat in the passenger seat and played DJ. Enzo was a cautious driver, especially whilst you were in the car. He could never understand men who drove dangerously to try and impress their partners. How could he risk your life? He couldn't live with himself if anything happened to you, especially if he was the cause of it. You thought is was sweet how he was always so gentle and careful with you. He parked up outside the supermarket.
"I can get my door." You said quickly, opening it as soon as he turned off the ignition. A few times Enzo had managed to run around to open your car door whilst you rummaged around for your handbag or wallet. He was always the gentleman.
"You know I love opening it for you." He said sweetly as he linked his hand with yours. "I'll push the cart."
"I wasn't even going to try." You laughed. Enzo had to push the trolley. He just had to, it wasn't an option for you ever. It made him feel helpful and supportive. You took the list out of your pocket as you walked in with him and began looking down the aisles.
"We have to get these crisps, you'll love them." You said, standing on your tip toes.
"I got it baby." Enzo said, barely having to extend his arm to grab the pack. There were times when his height came in handy and this was certainly one of them. One time the two of you had a fight that had started off as a result of something so small and petty and then seemingly didn't stop and just kept getting worse and worse. It was the first night the two of you went to bed without apologies or saying how much you loved one another. The next day you didn't say a word to him, you'd returned from work and Enzo had moved all of your favourite snacks and drinks to the top shelves so you had no choice but to talk to him.
"And can you get those ones as well, my love. That flavour looks good too." You said pointing to the packet next to it.
"Anything for you." He said, grabbing everything you asked for. You carried on walking through the supermarket getting everything you needed to make pizza later.
"I'll get this." You said, putting your card on the card reader first.
"No, no!" Enzo insisted. "Baby, we talked about this".
"I'll pay." You said "It's fine honey". Enzo muttered in Spanish about how he should be the one paying. The two of you walked back to the car and together loaded the shopping into the back of the car and drove back.
"Are you going to let me carry any of the shopping?" You asked.
"Not a chance." Enzo laughed and leaned over to kiss you. You kissed him back and gently tugged on the back of his hair to be able to kiss down his beautifully structured jawline.
"I love you so much." You said, between kisses.
"I love you so much more." He said. He kissed the tip of your nose and rested his forehead against yours. His soft eyelashes gently brushing your skin. "I got the shopping, don't worry." You got out of the car and opened the door for him. Enzo grabbed all the bags and followed you in.
"Baby, one day all the bags are going to break and I don't know what you will do." You said as you began putting everything away. "Leave the pizza ingredients out, my love."
"Anything for you, I will cut mine in to a heart shape." He said, doing as you asked him. You smiled at him.
"I might try and do a star or something, I don't know." You said. "Maybe the shape of a coffee bean."
"You know me so well." He said smiling as the last of the shopping was put away. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning a beautiful pink colour. You went out onto the balcony and looked out. The view was beautiful, just like your life now. You heard the doors slide open and Enzo stepped outside. You continued to look out as you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. He kissed your neck gingerly taking in the smell of your perfume and moisturiser. The two of you fitting together perfectly, the final missing piece of the jigsaw to your life.
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skz4ellie · 1 year
𝑺𝒌𝒛 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒏𝒂𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑
𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆
warnings: slightly suggestive? mention of hickeys , like one swear word
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he's too cute 😞
He gets so hyper and excited around you
he just wants to be around you ALWAYS
he definitely has songs about you
maybe maybe maybe asks you to write a song with him
he's so clingy with you and it's so cute
he just will not let you go
you guys are on ft 25/8 cause he just cannot not be with you somehow
he definitely sprays him self with you're perfume
you're his go to if he feels extra anxious
he gives you a quokka before he goes on tour fs
since mans cannot be away from you for more than a day you and the rest of the boys are best friends
when you are having out with everyone he will actually fight them for the spot next to you
hes gonna wife you real quick
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Felix ml 🫶🫶
we all see how sweet he is with everyone
it's gonna be that 100x
he makes you brownies weekly
you guys doing cute baking tings together 🥰
he definitely gives you his brown recipe and teach you how to make then before he goes on tour!!
also gives you a freshly cologne sprayed hoodie before leaving
he cuddles you so much the the boys are jealous
will not settle for cuddling anyone but you when you're around
like hyunjin he definitely gives you some kind of matching jewelry
we all see how he hugs people and fake bites them
definitely does that but actually bites you (not too hurt you!!)
honestly he forgets to ask you to actually be his girlfriend because he forgets you're not
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I fell like he'll be a lot like minho
he teases you so much
he acts like he doesn't care but definitely does!!
he's definitely easily jealous
like even tho you're not officially his you're his
he might give you hickeys but only nothing to noticeable
maybe on like you're shoulder and collar bone
like minho he'll grab you're waist to move you
he's cuddly with but I feel like only in private but once you're official he'll be a bit more cuddly around people
he will never let you walk anywhere alone!
it doesn't matter the time of day if you text him saying you're gonna run to the convenient store or the grocery store he's sprinting to you're house to walk you there
he just wants to make surre nothing happens to you😕
it takes him so long to ask you out because even tho you guys basically act like you're dating he scared
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he's definitely shy at first but gets more bold after a bit
he loves babying you even if you're older
you're his baby
you're an exception to him not liking physical affection
he loves it from you so much
he comes over all the time unannounced
he'll walk in like it's his house and you're the one that's come unannounced
spends all his free time at you're house honestly
he raids you're fridge of all his favorites and if you don't have them he drags yo ass to the grocery store
even though you're his baby he definitely loves when you baby him back
sure he's treated like a baby from everyone else cause he's the youngest
but he just loves it when YOU baby him
he asks you out but it takes him a while
he probably also forgot you're not actually his girlfriend then remembered and asked you out real quick after that
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
(this is kinda horrible, but the thought is still sad)
gigi and uncle adam are besties, have been since she was three days old.
and ofc as we mentioned, he might use her to pick up girls every once in a while, but that’s besides the point.
once gigi gets a little older, maybe 3,4(?), adam gets with this one girl. and she’s nice, gigi thinks.
at least she was the first time she met her.
two versions past this point:
1. then suddenly, uncle adam doesn’t come over that often. he’s passing on their weekly uncle adam and gigi dates, and he doesn’t watch her favorite cartoon anymore. and finally it rattles little gigi so much, that one night she crawls into luca and moms bed with her favorite stuffed animal clutched in her hands “dada, why uncle ad no love me no more?” with the saddest little pout on her face and luca loses it. is on the phone with adam the morning “dude, i don’t know what changed lately, but all i know is you better get your ass over to my house to watch paw patrol, or else i can’t stop your niece from believing you don’t love her.”
2. the next time gigi comes over to hang with uncle adam, her and the new gf get left alone for a little while, while adam runs to the grocery store. and instead of playing tea party with her (like gigi asked) the new gf jsut ignores her. and then she takes a call. “no, i don’t know where he went. he left me here with a fucking toddler. god kids are so difficult.” and gigi doesn’t really understand, but she knows that wasn’t nice. and so she asks her again “wanna play tea with me” and the new gf loses it. angles the phone away from her mouth and tells gigi to go away, that her uncle adam doesn’t love her as much as he loves her (new gf) and she really needed a new babysitter, because her (gigi) “uncle adam” is “getting real tired of having to hang out with her.”this scares gigi, and she goes to the corner to play tea by herself and cries. when uncle adam gets back, she’s excited for a little while, until she remembers what new gf told her, then she calms down. when mom comes to pick her up, she goes sprinting for the door. mom and adam both think this is a little weird, because usually she’ll fight tooth and nail to stay, unless promised ice cream, but they ignore it. until gigi starts rejecting uncle adam. “ready for another play date g? we’re going to the zoo!” gigi screams “NO!” and runs to hide. and of course this is now getting pretty strange, but adam starts to ignore it, and lean more in to hanging out with his gf. and now a few weeks go by. and gigi misses uncle adam. really bad. like wakes up at 2 am and crawls into luca and moms bed, bad. “momma, i miss uncle ad” “baby you’ve been mean to him, that’s why he hasn’t come around.” “he was a meanie first!” “how was uncle ad mean?” “he doesn’t love me as much as he loves her, and, and he doesn’t want to be with me no more.” now luca intervenes. “honey when did uncle adam tell you this?” “NO- no uncle ad. new gf. she, she said that uncle ad didn’t love me as much as her, and he doesn’t wanna go on our play dates anymore.” luca is up bright and early to go kick adam in the ass and make him apologize (but also has to go early to make sure momma bear wasn’t going to actually beat new gf’s ass for saying that). adam breaks up with her within the hour, but it’s going to take a lot longer than that to get his and gigi’s relationship back to where it was.
nonnie… who hurt you?? (Also I’ve named the girlfriend ruby in this)
So imagine the girlfriend has said all that to Gigi and she’s just sad. She’s so upset and when you come to get her, she sprints into your arms.
This is really unusual because Gigi spends maybe one weekend a month in Columbus with Adam because of his schedule and she’s usually crying and screaming to stay but this time she’s already on-route to the car without her bag or stuffed animal.
Adam comes out to the car to say bye but Gigi is just asking you if she can call her uncle Rut on the way home.
When it’s Adam’s next weekend to have her, Gigi declines the invite and says she’d rather stay with mom and dad. Which hurts Adam a lot he hasn’t missed a Gigi weekend since she was six months old.
Then Adam’s in Detroit playing the red wings and he stops by to watch a game on their day off, Gigi doesn’t want to sit next to him.
Both you and Luca are confused and somewhat concerned, it brings up conversations of has something happened, should you be asking Adam.
Then one night at bedtime Gigi calls on Luca to read her story and when Luca goes to grab his book, daddy loves me she gives him goodnight moon.
“Baby this is Adam’s book”
Gigi is so annoyed she loves this book “No, it’s daddy’s book now”
“Ok, G what’s wrong? Why are you so mad at uncle Adam?”
You’re standing in the hallway listening “He doesn’t love me anymore!”
“Did he say that?” You ask, coming in.
She shakes her head, eyes filling with tears “No! Ruby did, she told me he loves her now not me anymore and he doesn’t like playing with me”
You both let her sleep in your bed for the night, consoling your babygirl’s sobs throughout the night. Her cries making you cry.
“I’ll kill them Luca, I swear to fucking god” is all you said all night. You were beyond angry at both of them, Ruby for doing it and Adam for allowing it to happen.
Luca leaves the bed early morning to call his brother and explain the situation, much to adam’s surprise and anger. He breaks up with Ruby over the phone as he’s half way to Ann Arbor.
When he gets there, he finds your car to be the only one in the driveway and he’s a little frightened.
When he comes in, calling out for someone he sees your angry face staring at him as you’re soothingly gigi to sleep for her nap.
“You’ve got some nerve fantilli”
“I didn’t know!” He excuses, walking in to the nursery.
“She was heartbroken Adam, she was up all night crying and I… Adam you broke her heart, her first heartbreak and it’s her uncle who broke it”
That kicks Adam right in the gut.
He sees that she’s not asleep yet and he points to her “Can I?”
Typically, you would say no but she was heavy and your arms were sore so you passed her off and left to make lunch.
There, Adam stood holding her just like she was a baby once again and he mumbled the words to Goodnight moon to her. When she finally fell asleep he kissed her head and whispered “I’m so sorry Princess”
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desertdollranch · 1 year
When American Girl first announced their partnership with Jeni’s Ice Cream to make some cute playsets and products, I had never heard of Jeni’s. I assumed that it was a brand that was local to the Wisconsin area, where AG’s headquarters are located.
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I was so enchanted by these cute things that I wanted to reproduce some of the products for my own dolls, without spending very much. So I dug in a little deeper on reading about Jeni’s. It turns out I was mostly wrong about them. Jeni’s Ice Cream does have shops in large cities across the United States (none in my state), but you can also buy it in pints at Whole Foods Market! I don’t recall AG ever actually mentioning that. Maybe assume that all their customers are upper-class and are familiar already with where to obtain premium and luxury brands? 
If you haven’t checked out their full line of product collaborations, go look now. There’s an ice cream truck, an outfit, a waffle cone maker, a cafe table, and some itty bitty bowls of ice cream that are scented. All of it is super cute, but in typical AG fashion, quite expensive.
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I swung by Whole Foods the last time I went into the city, and Grace (my little foodie friend) and I gave it a try. There are around a dozen varieties and a few are even dairy free. It was hard to choose which ones to get. Since it’s begun to feel like summer, I picked out Sweet Cream Biscuits & Peach Jam, and Wildberry Lavender. Both remind me of Grace’s collection: sweet, summery, and pastel-colored. 
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Grace and I agree.... the peach was excellent, but the lavender was outstanding. It does indeed taste as expensive as it is, at around $8 a pint, so it’s not something we’ll have more than once or twice a year. 
Grace wasn’t too happy about being told that this won’t be a weekly treat. So she got the idea to make and serve ice cream in her and her family’s pastry shop, La Grande Patisserie! 
I was happy to help her out. 
For the first step, we tracked down some doll-sized ice cream containers. 
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I didn’t have to go to Whole Foods Market to find these. They were in my local grocery store. Perfectly small, and proportional to 18 inch dolls! From the left they are Häagen-Dazs chocolate, Häagen-Dazs coffee, and Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough. We got 4 total containers of cookie dough, so that I could try out a half dozen different methods of making the doll ice cream.
After Grace and I emptied the containers over the course of about a week, I used air-dry clay to reproduce the ice cream in a non-perishable form. 
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Chocolate and coffee are in the middle, while the outer four corners are cookie dough flavor. 
Most of the time I shape my objects before I paint them, but in this case I mixed acrylic paint with the clay, using varying amounts of paint. Then while it was still soft, I dragged a small serrated knife across the clay to give it the right texture. 
Now to create the scoops.
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I found these clear plastic bowls at Dollar Tree. Also perfectly doll-sized. 
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And here are the scoops! I formed small clay spheres and then roughed up the surface with the same knife. Then I used a toothpick to dot on the chocolate chips.
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Grace gave it two spoons up. 
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These were a practice run. Next, we’re going to figure out how to make Jeni’s ice cream, specifically, and the containers, so we have more colors and flavors to work with. Grace wants to send some of these first drafts to my mom’s dolls, and maybe we’ll even sell the ones that turned out the best. 
We also intend to come up with an easy, efficient way to make plastic spoons, and then we’ll come back to this post for part 2!
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wazzappp · 6 months
It's my dad's birthday weekend so my family rented a place by the lake and HOOGH is it giving me ideas for the safe house Robbie and Gabe would be staying at between RE7 and RE 8.
I want to change some stuff about the safe house itself (specifically I want it to be by the water). Maybe fewer stairs (just in case Gabe has some trouble adjusting). It's still in Spain of course we still need RE8 to happen, still in the woods, just with a lake!
After about 2 days of interviews (interrogations) to figure out exactly WHAT happened the BSAA makes their decision what to do with the boys. They're told they're getting relocated. Congratulations! It's not a choice.
They're shipped out on a plane to some place they don't know the name of and introduced to a house they've never seen before. There's a lady showing them around like she's trying to sell it to them. It's an older place but with new furnishings. It's nice and cozy. Two floors, fireplaces for the winter, two bedrooms and two bathrooms (Gabe is EXTATIC about that bit he gets HIS OWN BATHROOM. Robbies not really mad about it either). The top area is a living room with a kitchen dining room deck and a bedroom with a bathroom. Downstairs is an additional bedroom and bathroom with its own smaller deck. The backyard is a bit of a mess with two distinct areas. The garden (facing the lake with an artificial beach and dock) and a running around area (overrun with tall grass. The people who lived there before hadnt bothered to weed or mow. Or hadn't been there in a while). There's also a garage (the lady mentions There's also a fixer upper car in there.) There's also a town not to far away (they'll need to ask for permission to leave).
Groceries are delivered each week with instructions for how to cook the meals inside (if they want to switch to pre-made all they need to do is ask) along with a weekly allowance of what robbie made in about a month working at Canelos for any extra stuff they might want. It's perfect. Robbie is scheming for how to get away immediately.
But suddenly he realizes the wall to stop erosion on the small beach is starting to fail and Gabe has been loving being in the water so much. So he takes a couple of rocks and spends a day moving them around to fix it. The fixer upper in the garage has some unique problems of its own too, and if he ever wants to get to town he should really take care of that. And they have the money now so he orders Gabe all the ninja wolf memorabilia he could want. Games and books and action figures the whole deal. Pretty soon posters are all over his walls.
The meals are good too. Gabes finally approaching a good bodyweight and he's using it to explore the woods nearby and he's taken an interest in cleaning up the garden. Robbie realizes the more grassy area would make an EXCELLENT shooting range for practice (he was caught off guard. He wont be EVER again). He asks about it and the handlers say they'll see what they can do. Sending someone to 'train him' (supervise) while he tries new things and sets up targets. Sometimes he even has Gabe move pulleys around so he can practice shooting moving targets. They still dont trust him, but to appease his want for a morning routine of shooting practice they let him keep a handgun. Gabe is able to call some of his friends on occasion (monitored of course) and tell them a bit about what life is like now. They feel distant but hey. Better than nothing.
It's sort of hard to think about leaving now (especially after Gabe starts practicing his abilities in the garden. Especially after Robbie cuts himself on accident while cooking and sees it heal right before his eyes. When he starts to wonder if it's a good move to keep him away from other people).
The BSAA has managed to strike a balance between 'allowing them to recover' and 'keeping them busy enough that they won't WANT to escape or fall into any post traumatic depression (hey they can't really control that but they can t r y). Keeping the boys together, monitored, and away from people they can infect is their best move. Regular doctors visits help to monitor their mutations. They're both still infected and the BSAA knows that. But it's worth more to keep them alive as possible assets than to destroy the first real example of a stable biowepon.
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mooninkd · 6 months
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short mun introduction here. hi, hi! i'm autumn (she/they, 21+) again and i bring you not only my baby taeho here, but also ahn kiha (@srnscng) & kim aera (@orchdaria) so feel free to contact me on any of them! i also have discord upon request ♡
short muse introduction here. moon taeho, 24 y/o. university student at jeju national uni and also part times as a barback at 88&. he's a resident in yuseong bay (for now anyway) because the rent is much cheaper than in jeju city (also for now help) so it just made sense in his head to move in here even with the extra cost of transportation than to stay in the city, so he sort of just moved in with a roommate! he studies early childhood education because he wants to be a kindergarten teacher or work in a daycare (is actually looking for an internship somewhere right now so pls root for him 🙏🙏🙏). here is his profile and here is his pinterest!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?      he arrived not so long ago on march of this year! taeho is actually from daegu and at first moved to jeju city because that's where he decided to go to university to, he has been been in jeju city for about two years (this is his third) before moving to yuseong bay. his parents aren't the greatest at parenting (at least not with him) so he's in that transitional moment of trying to heal his inner child/needing some time away from them and going to jeju for university instead of a closer educational institution. however the rent in jeju city is wildly expensive even if it's a dorm room so he was thinking about moving in somewhere else a little cheaper to cut off expenses. even then it still took him a while to find someone that was thinking the same as him and he finally took that last step to move out and here we are.
what does an average day look like for your muse?      he usually wakes up at around 6:30 to 7am (when he doesn't hear his alarm) to do the bare minimum tattoo skincare (as in wash his face and put some sunscreen) and then have some breakfast, get ready to university and then he spends four to five hours seeking higher education. then he usually just goes back home for lunch to either do chores around home (or goes out to do house chores like grocery shopping/get a new shower because his broke, etc etc), assignments or simply to take a nap and eat something before starting his shift at 88&; unless it's monday, wednesday or friday, then he goes to the recreational center to work out for around one hour to two hours before going home to prepare for his shift. taeho does his shift and then goes back home for the night, still prob tries to catch up on an episode or two of any anime he's watching (and then proceeds to regret it the morning after) before going to bed.
where can your muse usually be found?      he's a little of a homebody tbh so it's somewhat hard to see him out of the house unless he has something to do or a friend dragged him out, but if he's feeling adventurous, you could prob find in at andante cafe in the afternoon trying to finish some assignment while having some coffee and a little sweet treat, or the recreation center getting his weekly workout, or on either pierrot's lanes to try out some of the retro arcades or even the memoire antique shop simply to check if someone dropped any old mangas that he might be interested in, very unlikely, but it's something to get him out of the house, so.
how does your muse feel about hanhwa resort?      he's surprisingly neutral about it. taeho does think it's a pity and bad that the local community are losing their space in their own hometown — either because of the higher and higher prices and because the resort is so obviously trying to own it in a way —, but he also sort of thinks it's inevitable considering capitalism how the world is; sort of only hopes that his rent will remain cheaper than the his dorm room in jeju city at least until he graduates and most likely will move out somewhere else or he gets his internship/a job that gets him a little more money than the one he has now.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?      taeho has always seen yuseong bay as the place cheaper than jeju city that he's going to live until he gets his degree. even though he does enjoy the more quiet life (and despises the bad reception even if it gives him an excuse to not call his parents/to not answer their rare calls), i feel like he's a city boy through and through. he can get used to a life there if the need arises (like him getting a job/internship there, or anything like that), but i don't think that he wants to. however he isn't picky nor has this goal of living in a specific place in the end, so i guess in a way if he stays or not in yuseong bay after he gets his degree is sort of a mystery.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse’s three favorite songs.      in no specific order: super beaver - らしさ ; official髭男dism - mixed nuts ; urban zakapa - i don't love you. (was really tempted in making these three anime songs to expose this big nerd's ass but alas)
describe your muse’s wardrobe.      one word: basic. he's very very very basic. jeans and a tshirt, usually slightly oversized/loose for comfort, in simple colors — nothing too bright (and god forbid neon) but he still wears colors —, simple patterns, simple prints; if he's feeling a little bolder, he'll bring out his anime tshirts. since he has tattoos, he usually is always wearing a shirt or a jacket over his tshirt to hide them (or expose them if he's feeling "safe") since sometimes he does get a little more attention because of them and he just would rather not.
what is a color, word, and emoji that you feel describes your muse?      sky blue, diligence, 😑
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse.      really likes anime, homemade food, coffee / really dislikes spicy food, being the center of attention in a crowded room/space, things done halfassedly.
three positive and negative traits for your muse.      positive diligent, generous, well-mannered / negative critical, reticent, stubborn
three talents and shortcomings for your muse.      talents is great with kids and with handcraft things, can fall asleep anywhere at anytime / shortcomings is stubborn in his ways even if it's proven it's not the best way, always pushes himself a little too hard/is too hard on himself, can't ask for help even when he needs to
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?      nanami kento from jujutsu kaisen and somewhat sakusa kiyoomi from haikyuu.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome.      taeho has a huge issue with his parents because they were pretty negligent with him but he still searches for their approval/validation/attention anyway and it'd be nice for him to realize that they won't ever really give it to him, not the same way that he does with his younger brother that is so obviously the favorite son, and not be to hung up on it and instead pay more attention to the people that genuinely care for him in his life + having a little more of self worth/love instead of just allowing himself to be taken for granted by others.
extra bits !
his parents obviously had him when they weren't prepared for it and it so obviously show. they aren't the best parents since they don't know how to interact with a kid (even more so when it's their own son) and so they were never close to each other from the start, but at least they tried even if they just ended up treating him as an older kid than he actually was.
things don’t get better when his younger brother is born as the apple of his parents’ eyes, a child that came when they actually wanted one and used the excuse that he was born with a sick body to give him more attention than to taeho (but then things didn’t change when his little brother got healthy later on).
so he learned how to be an adult a little too soon and how to look after himself; surprisingly he doesn’t really resent neither his parents nor his brother for it and he does love them dearly, would die and kill for them, even if the relationship with his parents is still awkward at best.
was always the epitome of the good kid™ (and still is tbh), always well-mannered and too worried about getting good grades and behaving/not causing trouble to really enjoy being just a kid. he was always too quiet to really make a lot of friends growing up.
 as much as he just wanted to chill throughout his school years, he still ended up class president more than once and almost if not all of his group assignments he ended up as the group’s leader because at the end of the day he’s very critical and methodical about things, esp academic work, so he ends up taking charge just so things will be up to his standards. he also has very dependable vibes so people end up relying on him a lot too so in the end he does end up in positions of leadership even if the i in his mbti wants otherwise.
characteristics that he carries with himself to this day. hence why new semester is yet another broken promise that he’ll just chill in group tasks and agree with everything.
did his military service right after graduating high school because the tensions were only getting higher in his house since he started trying to demand more attention to his parents that obviously didn't know/won't give to him and one of them suggested that this would be a good thing for him, that they'd be proud of a son that didn't try to "procrastinate" his civil duties so of course he goes.
which was an experience that gave him a lot to think about his relationship with his parents so when he was done, he wasn't quite ready to go back home yet so he tries an university away from them and that's how he ends in jeju national university.
is a big— huge anime fan, has collections of mangas (that he never completes/drops midway through and reads on the shounen jump app instead), has three tattoos about shows that he enjoys/watches; but is also very lowkey about the merch that he wears/uses (i.e. wearing a sports shirt from an anime team to work out) that makes small references to what he watches, very iykyk thing.
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
not nearly enough
(robert aeor high au p10)
ITS BEEN TOO LONG- ok ok ok yEEEEeeEeEe im excited to post this one :000 ITS PART 10 GUYS OMG WE HIT THE DOUBLE DIGITS also 40,000 words in total in the entirety of the fic so YEYY
Before Jim came to town, Scott was… well, not fine, exactly- but he was laying low, he was safe, in a sense. He was biding his time until he could leave, until he could get out of the hellhole of a town he still lives in. He had a plan, and Jimmy interrupted that in the worst- oh, who is he kidding- best way possible.
or, its been SIX MONTHS time skip jumpscare HAHHAHAHAHA
TW: anxiety, depression, self-hatred, MAGICAL FLASHBACKS, references to past abuse, etc etc the usual
(5141 words)
And so the months pass, months of sleeping uncomfortably in Jimmy’s bed, months of trying to stay calm when he has flashbacks in the middle of the night, months of staying inside as much as he can for fear that he’ll see Father at the park or the grocery store or anywhere, really. John and Laura bought him a new phone, so at least he can still communicate with the people he relies on.
The others, Joel and Shelby and Owen, were irate when they heard that Scott was now living with Jimmy and Beks, or more so, the reason why: Scott can still remember Shubble shrieking “WHAT?!” when he told her the news, so loud he’d actually heard ringing in his ears- after the initial shock, she kept ranting for about twenty minutes straight about abusive parents and neglectfulness and yada yada yada, stuff Scott’s heard a million times before.
Owen, to contrast, stayed very quiet, the anger simmering right below his voice, just enough so that Scott could hear the hints of it, the bits of raw emotion his best friend couldn’t quite keep hidden. Joel had literally stormed over to Jimmy’s house and started yelling at everyone and everything, including Scott, Beky and her parents, and Jimmy- three different reactions from three different people, all displaying their personalities really well.
But for the most part, it’s been good living with John and Laura; they let him skip school when he needs to, John is an excellent cook (it’s so nice not having to eat peanut butter jelly sandwiches anymore) and Laura makes the second-best tea Scott’s ever drunk (first is Jimmy’s, of course.) His favorite part of his current arrangement, however, is his evening “Jimmy time,” as he’s come to think of it- every evening, he and Jimmy go down to the TV room and watch a movie, play a video game they’re both trash at, or video call Shelby and Joel.
Looking back from where he is now, it’s kind of unclear to Scott where and when Jimmy time started, but he knows it’s been going on since at least a week after he moved in. At first, he’d worried that Jimmy didn’t enjoy spending that much time with him, but the avian’s never complained and so Scott has grown accustomed to this little routine, he’s grown to enjoy the three or four hours they’ll spend together every night.
But on the more negative side of the cucumber, things are not going well with Owen. He’s drifted further and further away from the center of their group, and especially since he lives so close to Scott’s old house, they haven’t had any time to hang out just the two of them. He’s tried to text Owen a bit, but things have grown strained between him, not the easy-going friendship Scott’s so accustomed to, the friendship he relies on. Something’s shifted, and though he can’t put a finger on exactly what, he’s pretty sure it has to do with Jimmy.
Why does absolutely everything in Scott’s life always boil back down to Jimmy?
He’s still running his morning jog on the weekends, though he’s changed his route significantly so it doesn’t go anywhere near his old neighborhood, as just the possibility of seeing his father, or even the mansion, make Scott feel like he’s going to throw up. But other than this little weekly routine, Scott doesn’t spend much time outside at all.
His days are now spent in solitude, watching YouTube on his phone in Jimmy’s room or simply laying on the bed, getting lost in his anxiety and self-hatred. Often, Jimmy, Shelby, or Joel will try to invite him on an outing, but he declines every time, brushing away their worried glances and hushed comments. Most of the time, Scott is alone. And he has to admit, he kind of likes it that way.
If he’s alone, he doesn’t have to focus on the stresses of small-talk and human interaction, he doesn’t have to pretend to smile behind a curtain of self-doubt, he doesn’t have to act like he’s getting better, the way everyone expects him to. Because he’s not getting better. It’s been six months, six months, since he moved in with Jimmy- he’s almost eighteen, and Jimmy’s finally seventeen, another half of a year has gone by but nothing’s changed; he just can’t shake the beast that roils within him, the dark, biting cloud that gnaws at him from the inside out.
Jimmy’s great and all, Scott really appreciates all he’s done for him, but the simple fact of the matter is that Scott’s basically in love with the avian, and Jimmy decidedly does not reciprocate his feelings, meaning that there’s always some sort of catch when they’re hanging out. Scott can’t let himself go all the way, can’t make the same sort of raucous jokes he can with Owen, there’s always this slight weird formality between them. Not anything noticeable from an outside standpoint, but Scott sees it, and he knows Jimmy does too. It tends to make things… more difficult than necessary
He misses his best friend. Scott misses Owen, more than he’s ever missed anyone in his life. He misses the way they used to laugh at the park, he misses when they would climb trees to get away from Owen’s multitude of little sisters, he misses every fleeting moment he and his best friend have ever shared. And as much as he loves Jimmy, the avian can’t give him back the simple, platonic moments that have made up some of the best parts of his life.
Memories are a strange thing, Scott supposes as he sits alone on the bed, because though you always wish you could go back and change things, you can’t. There is no possibility, there is no feasible way that Scott could ever change the way things have worked out. But sometimes, when he’s sat alone with nothing to do, feeling the safety in boredom, he finds himself wondering what he would change if he could.
Usually, he tells himself he would’ve chosen to choose his words more carefully that fateful night when everything changed forever, he would’ve skirted around the issues and just been a good little boy. Sometimes he thinks that he wouldn’t have kissed Jimmy, sometimes, when he’s feeling really terrible, he tells himself he would’ve just made it so he doesn’t exist.
But at times like this, when he’s alone and sane and completely transparent with himself, he knows that what he would’ve changed is the fact that he even met Jimmy in the first place. And yeah, he knows it sounds weird and ungrateful but it’s true- as much as he loves and cares about the avian, Jimmy’s basically the godfather of all Scott’s struggles.
Before Jim came to town, Scott was… well, not fine, exactly- but he was laying low, he was safe, in a sense. He was biding his time until he could leave, until he could get out of the hellhole of a town he still lives in. He had a plan, and Jimmy interrupted that in the worst- oh, who is he kidding- best way possible.
Everything’s kind of gone downhill since  he met Jimmy, but he’s enjoyed almost every second of the fall, and that, right there, is a problem. Scott’s addicted to the change, he’s addicted to the presence and light the avian brings to his life, but he’s also completely drawn in by the hurt that seems to follow Jimmy like a dark haze, bringing nothing but grief to those he comes to know. 
He wryly recalls, all those months ago, mentioning to Joel how canaries are harbingers of death- but that was never the whole proverb, was it? No. If Scott remembers his mother’s stories well enough, it was “canary call, first to fall.” Mother would always speak of how Scott should never trust a canary; how they were nothing but trouble no matter what, even if it wasn’t intentional. And he supposes she’s been proven right, but also…
He doesn’t know. He just- something about him just can’t let Jimmy go. Something about the avian is just so… easy. Or it was. Before the concussion, before…
He can’t think about that. Every time it crosses his mind, their supposed kiss, Scott’s mouth goes dry and his cheeks flush, he’ll just find himself blushing at random points in the day whenever something reminds him. He wishes… he kind of wishes he could remember it. He wishes he hadn’t forgotten, he wishes Jimmy would like him, he just can't stop wishing- 
Scott just can’t stop thinking about how things could have been, the way they could have gone if only the slightest things had happened differently, but it hasn’t, it hasn’t it hasn’t it hasn’t and Scott’s starting to panic-
The door to the room creaks open, snapping Scott out of his thoughts. Speak of the devil. It’s Jimmy, and as much as Scott hates it, his whole face lights up at the avian’s presence. “Hey,” Jimmy greets, dumping his backpack on the bed. “How’s it going? I brought your homework, by the way.”
Scott tries to smile, tries to pretend he hasn’t just been thinking about all the things he wished were different, tries to pretend his brain hasn’t just been riddled with thoughts of the boy now stood in front of him. “Hey,” Scott replies, mimicking Jimmy’s nonchalant tone, just the sight of the canary stood in front of him as panic-inducing as ever, his heart beating faster than a rabbit’s. “How’d school go?”
“It was alright,” Jimmy mutters, flopping down onto the bed and spreading his limbs every which way, leaving Scott to look down at him, pulling his knees to his chest to make sure he’s not sitting on Jim’s feathers. “ELA was a beast, though- I don’t envy you having to do that homework with no context.”
Scott groans, tilting back his head to look up at the ceiling, bracing himself up with his hands behind him. “Would you help me?”
“Obviously,” Jimmy scoffs, maneuvering into a sitting position, his hand brushing momentarily against Scott’s before he wraps his arms around his knees. The warmth lingers on his frigid skin, as it always does whenever he and Jimmy touch. “But do you wanna go get food first? I’m famished, and knowing you, you’ve probably kept yourself locked up in this little room all day.” It’s true; Scott doesn’t think he’s left the bedroom at all today, except for maybe once or twice to use the bathroom or take a shower.
“Ha, fair enough,” Scott concedes, pushing himself up off the bed and following Jimmy through the door. As they trundle down the stairs, Scott can’t help but recall the first time he came to this house- how Jimmy had stood upon these very stairs, resplendent and practically glowing in his light green dress. Scott remembers how his biggest worry that day had simply been things ending up awkward between him and Jim. Little had he known that later that very same day, he would literally be evicted from his own home.
He tries not to think about the part where he literally kissed the boy he was hoping not to be embarrassing around.
They enter the kitchen, John’s favorite place in the whole house; purple and green and yellow and so many other colors adorn the walls in alternating stripes, the cabinets painted with the complement of the walls around them. Jimmy’s citrusy scent mixes into the cinnamon and cilantro of the kitchen as he pulls open the door to the fridge, pausing as he surveys the contents.
“What do you wanna eat?” Jimmy asks, turning back towards Scott.
“Um, I don’t really know.” Scott can’t remember the last time he’s felt genuinely hungry, but he does know that if he doesn’t eat he will starve regardless of what it feels like. So every night he gulps down a quick meal, and that’s all he’ll eat for a day unless he and Jimmy are having popcorn with a movie. “I’ll have whatever you’re having, I guess.”
The canary nods, used to this response by now, and pulls out a can of chicken tikka masala left over from the last time they’d ordered Indian food. “Shall I pop this in the microwave?”
“That’d actually be great, thank you,” Scott agrees. “I think some CTM might actually hit the spod right now. By the way, where’s Bek?” He hasn’t seen her yet, which is strange- Beks is usually right up in everyone’s face, yelling for attention.
“Oh, didn’t she tell you? She’s gone over to Krow’s for a sleepover.” Jimmy doesn’t look back at him as he mixes the masala with rice, separates it into two bowls, and pops them both into the microwave. 
Scott laughs, propping himself up on the island with his hands. “But doesn’t Bek always come home angry at Krow from those sleepovers because it’ll use its siren song to get her to tell it all her secrets?”
Jimmy lets out a tinkling snicker. “Well, yeah, but El’s going to be there as well, so I’m hoping that she’ll act as some sort of peace-maker. She’s, like, the only one Krow’ll ever listen to. Would you like some tea?”
“Yes, please.”
They stand there in silence for a couple minutes, the air tinged with more awkwardness than Scott cares to admit, especially for someone he’s lived six months with. He can tell almost instinctively that they’re both thinking about the kiss, Jimmy probably replaying the actual memory over in his mind while Scott sees the approximation he’s managed to piece together. He can practically see Jim’s disgusted face, shocked eyebrows and an angry furrow to his forehead- a thick feeling of shame wells in the pits of Scott’s stomach, and it’s not the first time.
Scott’s been thinking about it for months, and yet he still can’t believe that, delirious as he was, he actually kissed Jimmy. The typical version of him could never work up the courage to do that- not in a million, billion, trillion years. Scott could count all the stars in the sky before he would try to kiss Jim.
“So! What do you wanna do tonight?” Jimmy asks, reaching up on his tiptoes to pull the food out of the microwave. 
“Um, I was thinking we could watch a Disney movie? One of the newer ones, maybe Big Hero 6, Soul, or Luca?” Scott suggests, running a hand backwards through his snakes.
“Soul and Luca are Pixar, silly.” Jimmy laughs, and just like every time his high, chirping bird-like snicker escapes his mouth, Scott feels like he’s soaring above the clouds, and he can’t help but remember how much easier it was when he was still in denial about his love for the canary. But then the laughter is cut off abruptly and a look of panic crosses over Jimmy’s face. With shaking hands, he sets the bowls down on the counter, and Scott can tell that if he’d been holding them for a moment longer, they would have been dropped.
Scott’s there in an instant, working his way around the island to Jimmy’s side. He cautiously places a hand on the avian’s shoulder. “You good?” Scott asks, surveying Jimmy’s face with concern.
“Y-yeah, I think I’m-” 
Suddenly Scott’s somewhere else, a playroom full of toys much too young for someone his age, the windows and doors barred from the outside, simple, almost blindingly white walls pressing in imposingly on all sides. There are two people peering through the iron bars at a canary avian sat in the middle of the room, one a salmon Seafolk and the other an axolotl, like Lizzie, Joel’s crush.
“Which one is it?” A biting voice comes from the axolotl, not something Scott would expect from such a typically peaceful species- but his voice is directed unmistakably towards the canary in the middle of the room.
“Oh! Hi, Patty, do you have guests?” The avian speaks before the salmon, presumably Patty, can respond, and as they step eagerly towards the door, Scott catches a glimpse of their face. 
His face is about five years younger, fuller and hair less scruffy, a voice somehow even higher than the one he currently possesses, but Scott knows him.
It’s Jimmy. 
“What can you tell me about Chicago? I’ve heard about Chicago,” the younger version of the boy Scott’s come to love asks, wrapping his hands around the bars of the door and staring with excitement up at the disgusted axolotl, who recoils from the canary, a sneer wrapping around his features.
“Shut up, kid,” Patty hisses, before regaining her composure and turning to the salmon. “Ahem, Mr Barnaby, that is… Jimmy, he’s a canary avian whom I found on my many travels throughout the globe.”
“Why’s it asking so many questions? Aren’t they all supposed to be tame?”
“Oh, haha.” Patty laughs; a small, fake giggle that grinds into Scott’s teeth and sets his skin on edge. “Jimmy’s always been a curious little bird.”
And then Scott’s back, back to the kitchen, reeling from the whiplash he’s just experienced. It takes him a moment to realize that he’s staring right into the same exact avian’s eyes, but 5 years older. For a moment, neither of them speak, thousands of words communicated in simple eye contact. Scott never used to be able to look anyone in the eyes, and for most people, he still can’t- but Jimmy’s a rare exception.
“D-did you-” Jim breaks the silence, looking shaken beyond words, his skin ashen as he tries clearly to hold back his tears.
“I saw it, yeah,” Scott says, taking Jim’s hand in both of his own before he can think about it too much. Selfish, selfish, selfish. “What was that? How did we both see- okay, the how isn’t important right now, we can talk about that later. I just need to know if you’re okay- I remember you told me about a Patty once, but I didn’t think- I never expected-” Scott’s at a loss for words, because whatever he’s just witnessed is so- so despicable- 
She hurt Jimmy. She hurt him and no one’s allowed to hurt Jim, he’s too sweet and kind and he always puts others before himself, he laughs at the stupidest jokes and is undeniably the most genuinely kind person Scott thinks he’s ever met. He begins to feel a rage building in the back of his throat, because who would- what kind of monster- who could ever find it in themselves to hate Jim?
Jimmy’s struggles and the way he’s dealt with them put what Scott’s been through to shame, and he can feel the guilt beginning to gnaw up at him from the insides biting and churning. Here he is, sitting alone and feeling sorry for himself, when Jimmy was held fucking prisoner, a hostage in a cell, by a person he professed to trust, maybe even saw as a mother figure?
“No, it-it’s fine, I left, I got out of there, she doesn’t matter anymore,” Jimmy mutters, wrapping his free arm around himself but not removing his hand from Scott’s grasp. “I’m fine. I just don’t- I just don’t think about it, very much. That bit you saw, when she said-” he takes a deep breath, as if the next thing he’s saying takes a lot of power to conjure up- “when she said, ‘Jimmy’s always been a curious little b-bird,’ she used to say that a lot, and it’s-” his words all come out in a  rush now, and Scott knows the feeling- Jimmy’s just trying to rush all his emotions out before they consume him too much.
“It’s kind of ingrained in my memory,” he continues, looking down at the floor and gripping Scott’s hand so tight he thinks it might fall off. “I don’t know why, but she- her voice- it’s in my head, it won’t g-go away, it’s been a year and a half and now just at the most random intervals I’ll just hear- her- saying that thing and it’s so stupid because I didn’t even have it that bad, it’s not even the worst thing she would say, not by a long shot, b-but it felt- it feels-” Jimmy swallows, angrily swiping the tears from his eyes. 
“I ran away. I left. I shouldn't even be thinking of her, of that place, anymore but I can’t shake the feeling- and sometimes when I’m sleeping, I have d-dreams, it feels like I’m there, again, and she’s showing me to people through the window as if I’m some sort of exotic specimen, and I’m not, I’m just- just me- simple, stupid, trusting Jimmy- and there’s nothing special about me it’s just pure luck that it’s me she found. It’s m-my fault.”
Scott feels his mouth tighten and he wraps his free arm around Jim, the avian letting out a small, startled gasp before sinking into the hug, shaking from the memory while Scott shakes from rage. They stand like that for a long time, Scott not quite trusting himself to speak.
“I. Will. Murder. Her.” The words growl out of his mouth before he can stop them, glaring protectively over Jimmy’s shoulder, trying hard not to clench up and hurt the canary.
Jimmy looks up at him, surprised, moving his head from where it had been pressed to Scott’s chest. “W-what- but it was-”
“It was not your fault,” Scott says, anticipating Jim’s question and intercepting it before Jimmy can blink twice. “Where and when did she find you? Were you fucking kidnapped?” Scott can tell that he probably looks very scary right now, and he can feel his skin freezing up, see the frost beginning to creep over his shades.
“I- I was- well, from what she said, it was back when I was still an egg, back from wherever I came from. The way she told it, she found me, or, my egg, I guess, in a nest in a tree when she was on a hike in Borneo. She always s-said it was the smallest egg in the nest. Do you know what that implies? I have siblings, Scott. I have brothers and sisters and-” he has to stop talking for a minute, and Scott holds him closer, as if just by wrapping the avian in his arms, he could solve all Jimmy’s problems. “She said my parents were away, so she nabbed me out and took me for her own. She said she saved me.”
Scott is infuriated. He is beyond anger, he is beyond hatred, he is the pure embodiment of rage. He wants to murder this woman, he wants to mince her up into a pie and serve her to the sharks. “She did nothing of the sort. Any even half-decent person would know not to take an egg from an avian’s nest- your parents were probably foraging, do you even know your true name?!”
Jimmy looks up at him, surprised. “How do you know about true names? But yeah, I know. It’s kind of- well. I mean I’m not going to tell you what it is, at least not right now, sorry. But an avian’s true name- we just kind of know that instinctively, ever since we’re little.”
“Okay, good,” Scott says, though it’s just a small modicum of relief when compared to the magma that’s begun to flow through his veins instead of blood. “I know about the name thing because we did a unit on avians in Species Studies early last year, you know, before you came.” Jimmy mouths  silent “oh,” and then Scott realizes how tight he’s been holding the avian and how he’s probably very uncomfortable with this and-
He quickly releases Jimmy, pushing away from the canary quickly and slightly forcefully, hoping Jim doesn’t take offense. With a muttered “sorry,” from both of them, the awkwardness is back, and Scott almost curses. Every part of his body where Jimmy’s been now feels cold, even colder than usual, as if even his body is protesting the lack of the one he loves.
“So, movie,” Jimmy says, breaking the silence and turning back to the tea, hiding his face from Scott and obviously trying very hard to act like the whole memory thing hasn’t happened. Without looking, Jimmy slides Scott his bowl of chicken tikka masala down the counter, and Scott very nearly misses it. Luckily, he catches the bowl at the last second, and saves them both from the disaster of being lectured about the importance that things stay clean in John’s kitchen. “Out of the things you said, I think I’d be down for Soul the most, though I kind of want to watch HSMTMTS? If that’s okay with you?”
Scott barks a dry laugh, not quite ready to return to normal himself. HSMTMTS, or High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, is Jimmy’s favorite show, a high school soap opera kind of scene full of stupidity. But Scott follows Beks’ parents’ logic: if Jimmy loves it, by extension, Scott does as well. Or, he pretends to for Jimmy’s sake. “Sure, why not? Where were we at?”
“Um, I think it was- gimme a second to think.” Scott nods, passively observing how to anyone else, Jimmy would seem absolutely fine right now, you could never guess in a million years that he’d just had a breakdown- but Scott knows Jimmy well enough that he can see the little details, a slight shaking of his hands, the way his eyes dart fearfully back and forth, the subtle extent to which he’s drawn in his wings to his back.
How does he do it? How does Jimmy pretend everything’s fine when it’s not, when it’s actually fucking terrible and has been for a long time, how on Earth does he do it? Jimmy seems to possess a certain strength of character Scott’s always been lacking in, a willingness to keep going that’s so strong it’s almost a fault. It’s one of the things Scott loves and admires the most about the canary.
But also- Scott���s been so caught up in what he’s seen that he hasn’t thought about how- he remembers it had happened once at the movie theater, all those months ago- he’d forgotten. They’d shared a memory. As far as he’s aware, it’s only happened the two times- and both with Jimmy’s memory, and he’s pretty sure no one else had seen them either time, so it’s almost certainly a thing that’s just between him and Jim.
He supposes it has to be his siren heritage, because if he’s being honest, there’s no way it’s Jimmy’s doing. Scott loves the avian and all, but there’s no way he would have magic powerful enough to do that. 
He’s never thought he’s really gotten anything particularly siren-like from his mother, other than the cyan and ice (though ice isn’t really a siren trait, now that he thinks about it) so he’s never really felt like it’s very important for him to read up on sirens. He hasn’t learnt about them from school, either; they’ve never done a unit in Species Studies, and if he’s being honest he hasn’t really spent enough time with Mother to learn about siren things from her. 
So all Scott knows are the obvious things: sirens can sing, they have gorgeous voices that hypnotize the listeners, blah blah blah. He’s never heard anything about seeing other people’s memories, but he supposes it really doesn’t seem too far fetched at this point.
“Oh! I remember,” Jimmy calls from his perch on the counter, shaking Scott out of his theorizing with a start. “We were at the part where Seb is singing at Carlos’ quinceanera.”
“Were we?” Scott honestly can’t remember, it’s Jimmy’s favorite show, but it sure as hell isn’t Scott’s- he can barely follow the plot, and because they only watch HSMTMTS about once a month (Scott doesn’t know if he could stand watching it more often), it’s even more difficult to remember.
“Yep,” Jimmy says, gesturing for Scott to grab his tea as he heads to the basement. Scott does so, holding his bowl of masala in one hand and balancing the warm mug in the other, carefully plodding down the steps into the TV room.
Jimmy’s already sat down on the cushy marshmallow couch, and Scott joins him, placing his dishes on the coffee table and making sure he’s at least a foot away from the canary. He doesn’t want to make Jimmy uncomfortable.
The show starts off about as normal, pretty meh, just as Scott remembers it. Doldrum lovesick lives of typical teenagers, and because it’s a Disney show, of course they sing out their sorrows. But Jimmy loves it so he always puts up with it, because he has to pay back the avian in some way from letting him stay in his literal house, right?
And then something unexpected happens: Scott finds himself being sucked into the show, actually interested in something that until now, he’s been completely bored about. He starts genuinely watching as Seb sings a song for his boyfriend, Carlos, and of course Scott had known they were dating before, it’s one of the main plot points, but this is different-
It feels real.
It feels like him. He imagines himself up there, in the back of that tractor with that piano, singing to Jimmy. And then the song’s over and Carlos walks up and-
They’re kissing.
Two characters, in a live-action Disney show, are kissing. Scott finds his eyes drifting not-so-subtly to Jimmy, and then their hands are touching and it’s so close, so feasible, so possible that Scott can feel it and something’s about to happen and their heads are moving closer closer closer to each other, so close that Jimmy reaches out and his hand brushes momentarily against Scott’s cheek and yes yes yes Scott wants this-
A door slams from upstairs and Bek’s voice rings through the house. “Jimmy! Where are you?”
And the spell is broken, Scott shakes off the lavender haze and the rose-colored glasses, muttering a shallow apology under his breath but Jimmy doesn’t seem to hear it, he simply stands and walks upstairs, wings drawn tightly to his back, without so much as a backward glance. Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck. Scott tries to call out for him, tries to make him understand, but his voice isn’t working and it’s too late, all he can do is watch with horrified eyes as Jimmy walks away, and now it’s all over and Scott’s broken everything for a second time. And so the tears boiling behind his eyes leak out, sharp and biting against his cold skin.
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lageografiademicamino · 2 months
5 habits I've picked up during my Lisbon years
These are the biggest life changing habits I've picked up during my seven Lisbon years.
They come in no specific order.
Vegetarian diet
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Not my pic.
Not that Portuguese cuisine is known for its vegetarian dishes (because it has none!) but my view on food and cooking have changed while spending my 30's in Lisbon (or it's the old age hehe). Good flavors are rather a simple thing and a lot can be done with fresh and good ingredients without complex procedures.
When still living in Finland I didn't enjoy cooking that much or know exactly how to use the best out of the ingredients I had in my reach. Finnish grocery stores are filled with overproduced and ready-to-go meal options which I also indulged greatly. Finnish cuisine is also rather meat focused which I have stepped away from a bit during my years abroad even though I still enjoy a good steak every now and then.
Portuguese supermercardos on the other hand differ quite a lot - many things can be found fresh and locally produced (except cod because that they actually get from Norway). Instead of e-code filled spice mixes you don't need much else to highlight the natural flavors except salt, pepper, lemon and olive oil. This has changed my way of seeing and consume food tremendously.
Nowadays my social media feed is filled with Mediterranean style vegetarian recipes and I've taken on such things as herbs, onions, garlic, olive oil, arugula and fresh vegetables to my daily diet. I take advantage of seasonal products such as pomegranate, watermelon, mint to bring variety to my plate.
Fun fact is that I've also learned to eat oats, berries + cottage cheese in here which all have been part of Finnish classical diet forever but which I used to hate when living back home.
I'm more human
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Things don't always work and not especially here in Portugal. Systems crash, procedures fail and so do people. You cannot be in a hurry while living in this city or schedule no more than one bureaucrat procedure on your weekly agenda. And that one thing takes the entire day often! Portuguese people and culture still embrace old fashion lifestyle in many ways. Many things still run with pen and paper here and developments come in practice slowly. It's human that mistakes take place and that things might not be easy on the first try.
On a different side of the coin however, elderly, pregnant women or people with small kids or injuries often get priority in groceries and other places. Or you might be passed by the queue because you only have one item in your shopping basket when the person in front of you is buying for a family of six. There's humanity in everyday counters. I'm not saying that not being able to trust the process is entirely stress free but I do enjoy the more human side of things. Life is more merciful, my flaws don't make me and I demand less from myself and those around me.
Traditional = more simple life?
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Not my pic.
I'm not saying that everything is about money or that you wouldn't need it but when you don't have much of it you tend to prioritize the real things in life.
The essential part of Portuguese everyday life routine is the meals, family and relationships in general. Yes, we all have to go to work but it doesn't become us. During free time people read books, exercise, go to the beach or play football - some of these being perhaps the essential parts of a Portuguese (or even of South European) lifestyle. These off-screen activities embrace social relationships, healthy and in my opinion more equal lifestyle where one's background with money or success doesn't matter.
This a far cry how I remember the years lived in Finland. The society is very performance and success focused - whether it's from the financial wealth to meeting the social standards - life is measured with achievements, success. The standards are the same for everyone, every child, woman and man and pressures start to grow from a very young age on. Individuality feels criminal. It's about reaching the finish line with great scores instead of enjoying the journey and its benefits to you.
Portuguese salary is is still lower than an average EU-citizen's elsewhere in Europe. As mentioned this country is slow to develop, therefore people and the lifestyle have remained traditional in many ways. Despite of the recent years' tourism boom that has brought along more pressure to provide things in a more modern manner. However it's not super uncommon to step into a store that only accepts cash, or to a Portuguese kitchen that has changed only a little during the last century. Life can be so simple.
Outdoor sports
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Not my pic.
Funnily enough coming from the country of four seasons, thousands of lakes and forests that offer almost the same amount of possibilities to exercise all year round, I didn't learn to embrace outdoor sports before January 2020 - in Lisbon. I started running just before the covid shit storm, just in time when gyms and everything else shut down. There was nothing else than the empty streets and parks to conquer.
Funnily enough this new found lifestyle would suffer significantly if I ever moved to Finland (or any other Northern country with proper winters) because indoor, treadmill running doesn't do it for me. I'm in eternal love with the Portuguese weather because I can get around the rains or heat waves - the weather is not an obstacle for me!
Less productive
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Not my pic.
I said these five things come in no particular order but it feels natural though to put this last. This is the result of all these four.
I don't feel pressured to do anything that I don't want to do. Whether it's to change jobs, to have a relationship, to travel, to exercise or eat healthy. I do all these things because I want to and if not, it's because I'm not feeling like it. I may be less productive and not where "I supposed to be at my age" - I can feel the judgement every time going home.. but the choices I've made during these seven years have felt truly mine and only mine.
Sometimes I do wonder if these changes and steps would have occurred if I had lived in Finland or somewhere else. Some maybe, others not.
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
Modern au
K, G and V are roommates. How does a typical day in the house go?
OHHH thank you very much for the ask this is so fun!
It would go... well! Perhaps surprisingly so! Very long reply, this sort of got away from me lol
The day would start in this household at around 6:30 am, because both Kallias and V are very much morning people. They'd go to the gym together, and V would begrudgingly force Kallias to eat breakfast and make sure they don't pass out from dehydration. Afterwards Kallias would be off to their university/college classes, and Galen would tear themself out of bed to go to work as a firefighter! They work long hours and they'd crash as soon as they get home so the other two would barely catch a glimpse of them on workdays, which Kallias would constantly bitch and moan about. "You never spend any time with us..." "What's the point of living together if we never see you?" "Do you miss me when you're at work, Galen?" "Do you think of me when you're carrying those people out of those fires with those big, strong arms of yours?" "You can practice on me, you know. No, I insist, that's what friends are for..." And V would watch this with disgust written all over their face.
I think professional athlete would be a good fit for V, but for the purposes of this ask I'm going to say they're a lifeguard or something so they're not away 90% of the time. (If they were a pro athlete however, Kallias would come to every single one of their competitions, with signs and while wearing a T-shirt adorned with V's face, and Galen would come to as many as they could with their busy schedule.)
On their days off, Galen would go grocery shopping for the entire household! They wouldn't impulsively buy out a store's entire stock of frozen corndogs like Kallias would, and they would actually consider the tastes of the other people in the house unlike V, so they're the perfect candidate! Not to mention they actually enjoy it. Kallias likes to tag along ("This is so domestic. We probably look like we're married lol" *gets completely ignored), and when they return to the house V takes it upon themself to unload all the groceries.
None of the people in that house are good at cooking, but V is... okay at it, so they share the designated chef role with Kallias, who is unfortunately dog shit. They try, they really do, but they're prone to leaving the stove on for too long, switching the sugar for salt ("Who needs sugar when you're this—" "Shut the fuck up."), and trying to cook potatoes in microwaves. And so V often ends up either taking over completely, or gracing Kallias with their very, very close supervision. Or they'd unanimously agree to just order out.
Also, weekly board game/card game nights. Galen is the current reigning champion of Big Two.
Hope I answered the question somewhere in there LMAO
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saucymincks · 8 months
If you're struggling to find an action you can take right now, a thing you can do is to organize an exchange.
I'm working on doing this right now - I used to have them semiregularly when I was in college/first living on my own, where I'd get together with some friends for a couple hours and we'd have a little hanging out time while also swapping things like books, clothes, household items, etc. so we could save money. Ours were really just for fun, a way of shopping without shopping.
Right now, I'm trying to organize a weekly BYOT (Bring Your Own Tupperware) potluck where we each prep a meal item and then get to go home with individual servings of different things to get us through the week. This cuts down SO much on time time you spend in the kitchen, and I have found it slashes food waste significantly.
If that's successful, I may also extend it to a grocery exchange - we each also bring a bulk pantry or produce item to share. I did some grocery exchanges a few years back and it was great - it means you're spending minimal time shopping, aren't nearly as tempted by impulse purchases, aren't overall giving as much money to corporations, etc. plus, again, in my experience it cuts way down on food waste.
We had a sign-up so we could see what everyone else was bringing and plan accordingly to make sure there was some variety and to make sure there was enough for however many people were participating that week. I'd show up to a grocery exchange with a huge bag of rice one week, onions the next, ground beef carefully divided into one-pound portions another week - whatever was in the budget, that's very important - and I'd leave with not only prepared meals to get me through most of the week, I had groceries I could use to get through the rest, or save for later, or even use in the next meal exchange!
Another way you can make an exchange really meaningful and focused is by dedicating at least some of the time to education and discussion of what's happening, exchanging information about things like boycotts and protests, or having a book club at the same time. If you don't have the time or bandwidth for entire books, find some articles for everyone to read and discuss those.
It can be a good way to build some community and have a little social time, too. Society here is structured in a way that makes it very challenging to take care of each other, so even small ways of pushing back against that are so vital.
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thelustdevil · 2 years
Drive You Home | B.K.
Pairing: Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: None, minor swearing, alcohol use/mentions, slight angst
Word Count: ~5k
Notes: This is a long one! On AO3 this is posted in two parts. I figured I’d just full send it here since it’s completed. If I forgot anything just lmk. Requests are open friends.
Sighing you rolled over and squinted at your phone. 11:02 AM flashed back at you. You groaned and reluctantly sat up. This was your day off but you knew you couldn’t spend it in bed. That small list of things to do around the apartment was rattling in your head. Planting your feet on the floor, you stood up, allowing your body to stretch away some of it’s fatigue. A small mewl rang out in protest of your actions. Looking down, you smile at the small bundle of fur on the bed.
“You can come with or you can stay in the warm bed.” You reached out and rubbed one of the cat’s ears as you spoke. “Come on Topi, I’m not getting out of the shower to let you in the bathroom again.” Making your way towards the bathroom, you grabbed your towel from its place on the closet door. Topi’s paws made a soft plop as she jumped off the bed to follow you.
After your shower and getting dressed, you consulted your to-do list as breakfast, or rather lunch, warmed on the stove. Besides the basic weekly cleaning you always did, there were a few errands you had to run as well. You figured it would be better to run through the basic chores before bringing more things into your home.
When you were done with your food and cleaning you grabbed your keys. Blowing a quick goodbye kiss to Topi, who was all but inhaling her food, before heading out. As you made your way down the street towards the small grocery store, you wondered who was on patrol today. You knew Kirishima would be doing your usual route, while Denki was also scheduled for today. Regardless, you were glad you didn’t have anything to do after you got home. No work, no plans; just you, Topi and some random movie.
Then, as if the gods decided today would be the day, your watch buzzed against your wrist. Lifting it to your face you saw a message. From Mina… oh no. You stopped and pulled out your phone, hoping it was delayed notification from last night. But no, there it was:
Hey! What time should we come over to get ready? Dinner’s at 6, right?
You look towards the sky, how could I have forgotten? It’s the last Saturday of the month.
The last Saturday of every month was the designated “UA Family Dinner”. Mina, Momo and Uraraka started it about a year or so after we all graduated from UA. Pretty much everyone was on board for it and the ones that weren’t were dragged there by everyone else. Over time everyone got used to it and it’s settled in quite nicely as a tradition. You enjoyed it since you had joined UA late in your second year and they had immediately welcomed you in.
Pausing you debated coming up with a lie. Since the last dinner left such a weird energy in your mind. Eventually you lost your internal debate, you typed in a simple response and shoved your phone back into your pocket.
Whenever is fine, I’m running to the store. Want anything?
I guess my day off is out the window. You thought as you entered the store.
Unsurprisingly Mina and Tsu were already at your apartment when you returned from the store. They were on the steps of your apartment, talking, while Mina showed Tsu something on her phone. Tsu looked up when she heard you coming. You waved one of your elbows at her, as both your hands had bags. She rushed over and grabbed one from you.
“Y/N! Hey! Took you long enough!” Mina laughed as she stood and gave you a hug.
“Thanks for the help, Mina.” You rolled your eyes and smiled. Then turning to Tsu, “How are you doing Tsu?” You asked as the three of you started up the short stairway to your front door. Mina grabbed your keys from your pocket and helped unlock the door.
“Pretty good, actually-ribbit. We hired a new hero at the agency so everyone’s happy. They’re gonna have the UA work-study kids -ribbit- shadow me though.”
“I mean better you than Midoriya.” You laughed, even after all this time you knew that man could still talk for hours. You don’t know how Uraraka dealt with it.
“Or Bakugou!” Mina added. “Way too impatient still.”
You laughed and shook your head. Part of you felt weary though, and both girls could see it. You looked up at them and continued shaking your head, “No I haven’t talked to him, at all. Not even for rides to work.”
Mina scoffed, “What guy kisses one of his closest highschool friends and then bashes her?”
She reached down to pet Topi, who made an appearance in between her legs. Before Topi could run, Mina grabbed her and moved to sit on the sofa. You went to drop the bags in the kitchen with Tsu before joining her.
“I mean it’s obviously more than that, but it’s still rude.” Tsu added. “Has he reached out at all? You two spent so much time together.”
“Yes, but it’s died out over the month. He offered one of our late night drives and even asked if I still wanted rides to work but I couldn’t bring myself to be near him.” You absently played with one of the sofa pillows
Your friends looked at you with concern but your mind was already drifting to that night, their voices fading in your mind.
Todoroki’s house was always gorgeous after the sun went down. This man’s gardener must be a god themselves. That, or Todoroki had a hidden passion.
You laughed at your own thoughts when someone cleared their throat behind you.
“Are we going to go in or just wait outside like losers?” Bakugou asked from beside you. His hands were in the pockets of his dark pants, his skin contrasted against the deep burgundy of his button-down. Even after graduating, he still had his highschool snark. He held his elbow out towards you.
“Fine, fine.” You gave yourself a quick once-over before looping your arm around his and making your way forward. The only sound was your shoes on the walkway and the soft swish of your evening dress. Normally you don't dress up for these monthly dinners but tonight was also Momo’s birthday celebration. The usually laid back vibe was replaced by one of elegance and a little cuteness. Like the roses by the doors being an array of reds, pinks and whites.
“Shoto really went all out, huh? If I didn’t know him better I’d think he has a crush.” You laughed and looked over at Bakugou. “Makes me think he’d be a pretty good boyfriend.”
“Whatever, I could do better.” Bakugou scoffed as he started to open the door.
“Oh? Jealous?” You teased as you leaned closer. It was meant as a joke, but Bakugo’s face darkened.
“No. I just know how to decorate.” He responded quickly and dropped your arm. The two of you silently walked in, his rebuttal settling in your head. Did he have to brush it off so quickly? Lately his responses to your usual flirty cheekiness have gotten colder, more harsh. Granted you and Bakugou had never made any advances towards each other…
But you’d be lying if you said you never wanted to.
Since you met him in highschool you had been attracted to him. He seemed to always tolerate you a little more than everyone else, including Kiri & Denki. You became nearly inseparable the summer before your senior year, your heart soared. It started out with working out together, then binging shows and cooking. Your favorite times were the drives. Either through the city or along the countryside. The two of you could just talk or just sit in comfortable silence. It got to the point where you could reach out, any time of day or night and he would be there.
You got to see more of Bakugou, and the countless hours spent together made you think it would finally happen. But it never did. The moments that dared to lead to something more were always shut down or fizzled out. You didn’t dare push it out of a worry of losing him or the friendship you had built. As for him, you had no idea. All the times he was alluding to more… you could've been reading everything wrong. Maybe he just… didn’t see you in that way.
Regardless, his quick rejection had grown to leave a sour taste in your mouth. Shaking your mind of those thoughts, you chose to brush it off, and enjoy the celebration.
As another party game came to a close, you could feel your fatigue catching up to you. Right now, nothing sounded better than your bed. Yet you found yourself gathered with the rest of your UA Alumni, most of whom were still up to keep playing.
"Let’s play Truth or Dare!” Mina shouts rather loudly. looking around at everyone's face she continues, “Come on it'll just be like high school, all over again!"
You groan internally. Of course this would be the last game of the night. reluctantly you agree, a part of you does think that it would be fun.
“Okay so who's first?” Momo looks around cautiously. "I know it's my birthday but I don't want to go first.”
Kirishima looks around, "Why don't we use a bottle? Leave it all to chance?” He looks around, the group nodding their heads and murmuring their agreement.
Ochaco, always helpful, springs up and grabs one of the nearby empty bottles, tossing it to Kirishima before settling back down in her seat next to Izuku. Holding the bottle in his hand Kirishima shrugs before placing it in the center of the circle and spinning it.“I guess I’ll go first then,“ he gives it a solid spin before watching it settle on Tsu.
“Truth or dare?” He grins easily. Tsu ponders for a moment before settling, “ribbit- Dare.“
“I dare you to…“ He looks up for a moment, as if the skies are going to drop a dare into his mind. His eyes light up as he finally settles on something, “swing from the chandelier.“ He quickly glances at Todoroki‘s sharp gaze, “What? We’ll be safe. Shoji or I can catch her.”
Before Todoroki can even begin to protest, Tsu’s tongue lashes out and wraps itself around the bottom of the chandelier. Surprisingly, she’s able to gracefully swing in a few small circles before dropping down into Shoji’s awaiting arms. She gets to her feet and spins the bottle on the way to her seat.
This time it settles on Izuku, whose face turns a shade quite similar to a strawberry. He looks around as if the bottle made a mistake and quickly blurts out “truth!” before Tsu can even ask.
Her response is just as quick, “how long have you liked Uraraka?“
The previous blush quickly drains from his face as he sputters out an answer. “Well – I mean… I guess since-“
Bakugous dry chuckle quickly drowns out the rest of his answer. “We all know you’ve liked her since you first met her. Stop being so damn shy about it you nerd!“ He scoffs, “You two are practically dating at this point.“
“You’re one to talk!“ Uraraka quickly comes to Izuku‘s defense. “Why don’t you talk about your feelings?“
“Fuck you! You don’t know anything“ Bakugo crosses his arms and looks away. You study him intently, was there something you didn’t know? Bakugou is so reserved, maybe that’s it.
Before you can join in and press him further, he’s shoving the bottle towards Izuku. “Hurry up and spin you damn nerd.” Izuku takes a breath and spins, happy to point the attention to someone else.
It’s been at least an hour, and you’ve seen your classmates do some wild things, confess some really weird things, and somehow Todoroki ends up in a dress.
Mina has her hand on the bottle, basking in the slight anticipation of the spin. She lets it fly and you watch as it slowly comes to settle on Bakugou. He scoffs once more, “I’m already picking dare, Extra.”
The pink haired hero taps her chin, and locks eyes with Uraraka, silently agreeing to a plan. Her eyes meet yours for just a moment and she gives you a sweet smile.
“Make out with Y/N.” She grins, happy with her scheme.
It’s silent before he humphs and looks at you. “Fine.”
You’re nowhere near the coast, but you swear you can hear a roaring ocean in your ears as he approaches you. You think you hear him mutter some thing about “all this being a stupid dare“ but you can’t focus as you watch his gaze latch onto yours, and his lips slowly make their way to you.
A small gasp of air leaves your mouth as his soft lips touch against yours. His hands snake around your waist, as yours make their way around his neck. Everything fitting together like you were made for him and he was made for you.
Hesitantly, you poke your tongue against his lip. He grunts before opening his mouth slightly, allowing you to explore. As you brush your tongue against his, he bites down, gentle at first. When you don’t pull away his bite becomes a little firmer, eliciting another gasp.
All too quickly he pulls away and suddenly you’re cold, and all too aware of the wolf whistles and catcalls that surround you.
“I think we figured out how Bakugou feels!” You think that’s Denki calling out from somewhere behind you.
Bakugou pulls away quickly, “You wish! That was a dare, why the fuck would I back down. I’m not a pussy.” You swore he aimed the last line at Izuku.
“That felt like more than just a dare bro.” Sero smirks and nudges Mina, who hesitantly smiles. “Have something you want to say?”
He rolls his eyes, “There’s nothing to say.” He turns away from you, looking at Sero. “You dared me so I fucking did it. That shit felt like kissing a friend. Stop reading so damn far into it.”
A friend.
The thought hangs in your mind. You can feel eyes on you. Mina looks annoyed, not with you, but with him. Sero is shocked, as is Izuku. You’re sure everyone is sharing similar looks. Did they all know?
Maybe the alcohol wore off, maybe you’re tired. But Suddenly you feel too sober surrounded by people who are too drunk. Your hands hang at your side and you feel like a fool, standing there watching him sit back down. You should sit too but you don’t want to stay any longer.
Where would you go? Not with him. The thought of sitting in Bakugou’s car, so close and so private, makes your stomach turn even more. The room feels warm and cold at the same time.
Quickly you mumble an excuse about the bathroom and your hair. Already turning towards a hallway. Is there even a bathroom this way?
Alas even the gods must pity you though, as the first door you swing open reveals a guest bathroom. The warm scent of jasmine and sandalwood fill your senses as you look in the mirror. You barely have time to look at yourself before the door is opened again. Momo slowly steps in, allowing you the space to tell her to leave.
“I know it’s not very helpful; but are you alright?” She cautiously reaches forward and rubs your shoulder. “That wasn’t kind of him to say, no matter how he feels… I’m sorry.”
You nod your head slowly, thankful for Momo’s gentle nature. Though you adored Mina, Tsu, and the rest of the girls, you doubt you could handle their drunk personalities in your equally inebriated state.
“I don’t mean to overreact.” You started. “It’s just so overwhelming. To wonder and hope.. to pine. And to just have it all crash down in front of everyone.” Momo nodded her head encouragingly as you continued. “I don’t know how to feel right now. I’m obviously not in the state to think straight but I do think the night is over for me. I just feel drained at this point.”
“Would you like to stay here? Todoroki anticipated guests and has a couple rooms ready. I know Mina is staying, as well as Jirou and some of the boys.”
You shook your head, your bed and Topi sounded like a dream right now. “I think I’ll call a car. Can you help me?” Pulling your phone out, you turned it on and quickly started looking.
“What do you need me to do?” She asked, pulling out her own.
“Just make sure I can leave without too much of a stir.”
She smiled and opened her messages with Denki, “I know just the distraction.”
Leave it to Mina to get to your house hours before dinner but still manage to take forever to get ready. Both you and Tsu had finished hair and makeup a bit ago and now were waiting on Mina to leave the bedroom.
“Girl let’s go! We still have to pick up something to bring.” You kicked at your own bedroom door. Mina’s muffled yell rang out, followed by a thump. “No, Sake and a fruit mix are not enough. Plus that was my fruit!”
You looked over at Tsu and gave an exaggerated huff, she giggled and shrugged in response. Turning back to the door, you drew your leg back to kick it again right as Mina opened it. The toe of your ankle boots smacking her shin instead of the door.
“Ow! You bitch!” She swatted at your retreating figure. “You do look very hot though, damn Mami.”
“Hey! I was aiming for the door! I didn’t know you were finally done!” You help your arms up in defense as you laughed. “And thank you, you’re pretty sexy yourself.” Blowing her a quick kiss, you strike a pose.
“C’mon you two- ribbit- we need to hurry if you want to stop by that bakery.”
Nodding your head, you turn to hunt down your purse and any other necessities you might need. You run through your mental checklist and double check the time on your phone. That’s when a couple notifications stop you in your tracks.
3 Missed Calls: Katsuki🌝.
Without even thinking you find his contact and press Call, worry clouding your mind. It’s not like him to call, knowing you prefer texting or even a FaceTime.
The line rings once or twice before you’re greeted by his gruff “Hello?“
“Hey. You called?“ You feel awkward and breathless, for some reason, like you were the one reaching out to him when he had been the first to call.
It’s silent for a moment before he responds. “Do you need a ride?“
You look at Mina and Tsu for a second before turning around and giving a response. “No, I have one. Thank you though. I’ll see you there, okay?“
He mutters something quietly before abruptly hanging up.
Pulling the phone from your ear with a sigh, you turn back towards your friends. Their eyes are already on you, Mina with a hand on her hip while Tsu raises an eyebrow.
The former is the first to break the silence, “So? What did he want?”
Denying her assumption was pointless, “Seeing if I needed a ride.” You continue to gather your belongings and head to the door. “Let’s go before the place closes.”
You walk out before they can ask anything else.
The ride to the bakery and Momo’s home is uneventful. Mina keeps up a steady stream of conversation from the center of the backseat. Mostly consisting of her bouncing from topic to topic with an occasional comment from you and Tsu. You thought it was sweet Momo was hosting. The offer came as a thank you for her party. Also her dining room table is massive and can actually seat everyone.
When you arrive most of your class is already there. Stepping out of Tsu’s car, you catch a glimpse of indigo hair a few yards ahead. Grinning you call out to the figure.
“Toshi! My sweet boy!” He glances back with a laugh, pausing to let you all catch up.
“Long time no see, Kid.” His arms open and you give him a hug.
“You’re literally not even a year older than me.” Rolling your eyes, you shift the box of sweet breads in your hands. “But since you’re older you can carry this for me! You must be stronger too right?”
“I would but I have a dish as well.” His face is smug.
You raise a brow, “And where is this dish?” Looking around, you pretend to search for it. “Unless… are you the dish?”
Hitoshi blushes lightly, “No, I must have left it in my car. I missed the last one and I’ve already fallen out of habit.” He turns to walk away and you join him.
“Hey!” Mina calls out to you once you start walking away. “Where are you going?”
“To keep him company!” You call over a shoulder. “See you inside!”
The walk itself isn't very long. You and Hitoshi make light conversation as you complete your little side quest. It’s mainly you asking about the mission he was on during the last get-together. He tells you of a raid on a hybrid trading ring in southern Japan. Animal mutation quirks were being forcefully bred and sold as pets. Nasty stuff.
Stepping inside Momo’s home, you remove your shoes. Once bags and coats are tucked away and Hitoshi’s dish is safely set in the dining room, you make your way to the main room to say hello to everyone. As you enter, Hitoshi is in the middle of explaining an interesting fight and you’re enthralled by it. You had always been curious about the skill behind the capture weapon… in a totally non-sexual way, oddly enough.
Regardless, it takes you a moment to pull your attention to your classmates as they began to notice your arrival. You’re greeted by a chorus of your names intermingled with varying hello’s. There’s already a smile on your face as you reply. As you reply, your eyes travel around the room.
A pair of deep ruby eyes catch yours. The intensity of his gaze startles the smile off of you. It manifests a swirling feeling in your gut. You should go to talk to him. But before you can make your way over, a familiar voice calls out to you.
“Y/N! Hey! You brought sweet bread?!” Rikido waves you over, a big smile on his face. “I’ve been craving some! Can I grab a couple pieces?”
His enthusiasm is contagious and you smile right back, opening the box as you walk over. “Of course! Why do you think I brought them? I heard your agency expanded. That’s awesome!”
“The sake is also for that!” Mina chimes in from her spot on the large couch. “Celebration time!”
Soon the sweet bread and sake are being passed around. Cheers ring out as you congratulate Rikido and his team. He blushes lightly from the attention but is smiling all the same. As people begin to break off into smaller conversations, you hunt for a plate so you can get rid of the larger box.
You’re familiar with Momo’s home, and after you check with her, you grab the box and head to the kitchen. After selecting a plate you deemed worthy, you began stacking the bread on it.
Footsteps approached from down the hall and you figured someone came to grab something. They stopped once they entered the kitchen, however. You felt eyes on your back. Staring.
It didn’t take long to figure out who it was.
“Hey ‘Suki.” You greeted him softly, continuing your arranging. This could only go on for so long, though. Hopefully one of you could address the elephant in the room quickly.
You were grateful when Katsuki took the initiative.The stiffness in your throat wasn’t going to let you do it.
“So Eye Bags was your ride?” His question catches you off guard.
“No, I came with Mina and Tsu. We ran into-” You stopped yourself once the question processed. “Wait, why is that the first thing you ask me? And why does it matter?”
“So he didn’t drive you. Alright.” He leans against the doorframe, eyes trained on your back. “I was curious since you’re usually with me.”
Rolling your eyes to yourself, you shoot back, “Yeah well you’re not the only person in my life, Katsuki.”
He huffs, “You know I didn’t mean it like that, Y/N.” His shoulder slope slightly, “I guess worried is a better word.”
The audacity. You laugh, “You could’ve called me, you know? Or texted, or literally anything!” Turning, arms crossed, you continued, “I mean I know the phone goes two ways, but fuck! Regardless of how I may feel did you ever think that what you said was rude? Not to mention almost our whole class heard it!”
You cover your face, “I just felt so awkward and embarrassed. You don’t have to like me back but you used to be so nice about shutting it down!” At this point you’re rambling but you can’t stop. All the emotions and thinking from the past month are spilling out. You’ve spent so long reciting to your mirror that the real thing feels so cathartic.
As you begin another rant, Katsuki stops you. “Now you wait.” He takes a few steps towards you. “ How do you feel? What do you mean ‘like you back’? Y/N you’re rambling. Just talk to me.”
“Don’t be so dense then!” You shoot back.
“Oi! I’m just trying to understand you and your nonsense!” His voice begins to raise.
You huff in irritation, gathering all your courage you blurt out, “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you. All through our friendship I questioned if something could ever happen. And I hoped it would. Sometimes I was sure it would. But last month, the dare at the party showed me it never would.” Looking down, you hugged yourself and let out a sigh. “I didn’t realize it would hit me that hard… I told myself long ago that I would value our friendship more, and that still stands.” You raise a determined gaze towards him only to find he’s gazing at his crossed arms. A small scowl rests on his face. You begin to second-guess yourself.
“Are you done?” He asks lowly. Still not looking at you.
You hum a reply and remain quiet. Your gaze more questioning now than anything.
“Do you remember the drive we took to the mountain? The long one, that wrapped around a garden and had a lookout for a waterfall.”
You’re about to question him before you decide to let him continue.
“We drove there at the end of summer. Before we took the leap into our lives as Pros.” He chuckles dryly, “Nothing could spoil our excitement. After everything we had gone through, we were ready for the next chapter. You were going on and on about your plans and kept asking my opinion on them. That’s when I realized something.” Pausing he finally looks up at you.
“I wanted to listen to you talk for as long as I could. I need you in the passenger seat for every adventure. The sound of your voice, your presence, I felt so comfortable. So content and satisfied. Once I figured out what it really meant, I grew a habit of psyching myself out whenever an opportunity to show you how I felt came up.” His hand rubs down his face. Your heart races, yet you hesitate to read to deeply into it. You need him to say it.
“I wasn’t thinking at the party. I finally got the chance to kiss the girl who never leaves my mind and I blow it. Everyone saying it before I could- I could do it the way I wanted. I panicked and shut it down.” He takes a few more steps towards you. His hands reach towards yours. “I’m in love with you too, Y/N. I’m sorry I took so long to catch up to you.” He chuckles and leans his forehead onto yours.
You smile as you memorize the look of his eyes this close. “That was pretty sappy.” Laughing, you wink. “Who helped you, huh?”
Katsuki groans, “C’mon don’t ruin the romance goddamnit.” He playfully glares at you and quietly adds, “Shitty Hair wanted to make sure I didn’t fuck it up even more.”
Giggling, you tilt your head towards him, “I’m glad he gave you some pointers.”
“Just shut up so I can kiss you. Properly this time.”
“Was last time not properly?” You question.
Instead of giving you a response he pulls your body flush against his. Katsuki connects your lips and continues to say what he needs to without words.
It was definitely a proper kiss. Your mind is a glowing mess of contentment, happiness and longing. Katsuki is the only thing your senses can process right now. The smell of his cologne, his hands running along your sides and lower back, the feeling of his hair running through your fingers, the quiet shushing of-.
Wait. The shushing? Katsuki seems to hear it as well as he stops the kiss and pulls away. You’re leaning to see around his large frame and you catch a glimpse of your friends gathered in the doorway, listening.
Your yelling is almost as loud as Katsuki. Among the ruckus Mina calls out to you.
“So you don’t need a ride home?”
Turning to Katsuki you smile softly, “No, I’ll be alright. I have a ride.”
“Damn right you do.” He gazes at you deeply, but this time your stomach fills with butterflies. You need another kiss. Stat. Katsuki seems to feel the same as her turns to the rest of the party and orders them to “get the fuck out, I want to kiss her”.
Momo chimes in that it’s technically her kitchen but helps usher everyone out nonetheless.
Katsuki guides you back towards him with a gentle grip on your chin. He leans in but before he can kiss you, a hand on his chest stops him. He raises a brow.
“Can we go on a drive after this?”
His lips give you the answer you were looking for.
I hope y’all enjoyed this! I’ll be uploading more of my writings throughout today. Please feel free to request things and such! I have some interesting ideas bouncing around and I’m excited!!
Appreciate ya the most, friends!
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juuuthoughts · 11 months
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1/100 Days of Productivity
So I basically been doing this all year, being super productive and spending so much time studying, working, exercising and meal prepping and some days I feel like it was not enough, but looking back I think this would be a good challenge to keep me motivated (as the screenshot of my grades from field school :'), because I have to be kind with myself, I am doing the best I can with the tools I have. I feel proud of me because going to a new country, language, culture, start from 0 is not easy, but I have been up to the challenge, I have visualize myself succeeding and that is what I am doing.
So, starting yesterday Sunday November 5 as my start date what I have accomplished:
 ☑ I wake up early and meditate
 ☑ I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for me, avoiding junk food, prioritizing protein and veggies. I also made enough to have a balanced lunch the day after.
 ☑ I study for Statistics and did my group part for the team project I have. I met with my group and the assignment was submitted.
 ☑ I made the pre-lab for today and guess what the dilution scheme that I created was the one we used (even if I doubt of myself and called it dumb, this was a lesson this morning for me where I need to trust myself more...believe more in me)
 ☑ I studied about Air Sampling, took notes for later (exam) and presented the quiz before midnight
 ☑ I went to buy groceries as eggs :)
 ☑ I shared time talking on the phone with my granmas, now that I have more time by myself connecting is always needed and a mood booster 💕👵💕
 ☑ I workout! I realize that not having to go to the gym everyday and acommodating workouts for home is always better than doing nothing at all, I am thinkin seriously to buy some 25 lbs dumbells. There is no excuse.
☑ Journaling about things I feel grateful for, the moment of the day I really appreciate it, what I learned, the achievements of my day, and what I could have done better (study for the chemistry exam, going to bed earlier and drink more water). My weekly affirmation:
I can with everything.
For today, Monday, I had solid 7 hours of sleep, I meditated, went to classes with a better attitude (yes I am tired but it depends on me if I make my days miserable or I enjoy the little things), worked on the invitation letter for my dad to visit me next year, doing this! I will have lunch and....
📝organize my house a little bit (bed, dishes, vacuum, 15 min of whatever I want to organize)
📝have a lovely 30 min walk enjoying that the weather is not bad
📝study for my chemistry exam
📝workout of the day
📝listen to positive affirmations 5 minutes and 10 minutes of the audiobook the 5th agreement (which I am loving)
📝I started a gratitude journal on a blog, and I want to finish it (365 days) best moment to do that
📝drink 8 glasses of water
📝 Dedicate 30 minutes to the lab I had this morning so I can finish the most I can
📝Dedicate 30 minutes to the class notes I had for statistics
📝 Review email from my work
📝30 minutes to each class I have tomorrow and whatever that means (notes, project)
📝Cook dinner and for tomorrow while I review chemistry
📝 More chemistry :)
📝Dedicate time to my cats
📝 My night routine
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doinbetter · 6 months
Everyone on here has probably forgotten me but here are some updates from my life now :)
I'm all done with school and living back with family. I got a fellowship with a government agency doing environmental data analysis! It was really challenging at first. (challenges: remote work, wasn't getting a lot of support from my mentor, general first full time job woes) BUT I've been putting in extra effort to meet the team. I'm feeling more supported and motivated because of that.
Also started getting back into a productive headspace after not really identifying with that mindset for a while. Honestly COVID threw me off for several years there (+ the general stresses of grad school + stoner life). I just didn't feel as driven as I used to, but luckily I could coast off my past accomplishments for a few years and end up in a good place. I was tired of the grindset mentality. It was too much with the pandemic. I realized it's important to start my career off right though :) I want to do a great job on my project & make a good impression. (while still having balance in the rest of my life!! like you won't catch me working after hours but from 9 - 5... i'm ON IT!)
My main goal in life right now is working on my FINANCES! mainly I'm obsessed with paying off my student loans. I give myself plenty of money for groceries each month. One of my goals for this year was to be hot, so I also give myself like $2-300 each month to invest in my appearance. I made a list of essential beauty / clothing items and I'm working through it month by month. Other than that... I'm dumping THOUSANDS into student loan debt to hopefully be debt free by end 2024 or early 2025. Then I save save save and move out of my family's house by Fall 2025. <3
On the note of being hot goals: started showering nightly, weekly face mask monday routine (nails, hair mask, face mask, foot soak, shaving everything, and a weed gummy to top it off!) and buying a few cute clothes that fit me at my current size instead of putting it off until I reached a lower weight (unhealthy thought leftover from obsessive weight loss days :( ) My favorite purchase so far is CUTE PJS FROM VICTORIAS SECRET <3 <3 I got a slip and a shirt/shorts combo that help me feel sooo cute in the evenings when I'm doing my hygiene routines, journaling, reading... <3 I also got a bra that actually fits me and I'm a fucking DD. who??????
My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years now. I've gotten really close to his family and I spend most weekends at his place. I'm very happy and at peace in this relationship. Working on doing more little acts of kindness. He's very generous with me so I wanna match his energy more. we're working on being more independent now in this new busy era for us. unfortunately we can't be unemployed students forever.
also my best friend called me her best friend so i officially have a best friend in my hometown. she is so funny and drama-free. I love her. WOO!
So that's life! I'm a full on financially independent woman now. it feels AMAZING!
love, Jillian
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hearthandheathenry · 7 months
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The Real Cost Of Convenience
The other day I went through my weekly flyers, did some online snooping, and made a list of all my local deals that would help feed my family healthy fresh foods on the limited budget we have. We've been trying to feed our family of 3 whole foods and proteins for less than $100 a week. What started as a simple hunt for sales to stock up, ended up turning into a huge eye-opening lesson on convenience and our health. Please let our family's shopping trip and findings not only inspire you to eat healthier at a lower cost, but also open your eyes on the real cost of convenience on our health and wallets.
To summarize my findings, it turns out that we could buy over TWO TIMES the amount of vegetables that would feed us for a month (or more) STILL for less than opting for convenient, already-prepped frozen veggie alternatives. I spent $33.61 on fresh veggies to chop up and freeze, and after some research, the cheapest alternatives listed online equaled out to $75.64 for a nearly identical amount of frozen veggies (I accounted for the veggie waste difference). Which means I am cutting my vegetable grocery bill in half! That is absolutely insane. Keep in mind this amount of veggies would feed my family of 3 for a month at the price and amount I've already spent. Which means I could get about 2 months of food for my family for the price of 1 month of convenient, frozen options. This leaves us so much more room to invest in quality grass-fed red meat and pasture-raised poultry, so we can elevate our health and diet without spending more out of pocket. So, if you would like more affordable and healthy options for food in your house, I highly recommend looking for deals on fresh vegetables and stocking up when you are able to, rather than opting for the easy to grab and prepare option off the shelves. Eating healthy does not have to be expensive and is actually really affordable for families. Your health and wallet will thank you.
I plan to do more cost comparison and snooping around to see what else I can uncover and tips that I can give you all to elevate your lives in the future, but for now, here is a breakdown of where I shopped and what I spent, versus the cost of the cheapest convenient, frozen options of similar poundage online (after processing to account for veggie waste):
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