#also what i said before about never meeting anyone is not true actually a couple months ago i saw that one guy like 3 times
aroaceofthesea · 4 months
Idk whats happening ive seen 2 ppl from primaria in the metro this week i hadnt seen anyone since like 2nd of eso
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pickingupmymercedes · 4 months
Wrong for me - Charles Leclerc
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📷 @/nicolo.furicchia
pairing: charles leclerc x fem! f1 related! reader (the reader is a tp's daughter, I wrote with Toto in mind but there's no names)
song: Angels - Miley Cyrus
warnings: angsty but happy-ish ending
wordcount: 1k
a/n: Bit of a short one but it is my first time writing for Charles, so would you guys give some feedback? Also I'm thinking of opening up requests for drivers x readers with songs inspirations, I actually really like to take songs as inspirations
I know that you’re wrong for me, gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
It was everything your father had warned you not to do, yet it was everything you’ve thought about ever since he walked through the f1 paddock back in 2018. You knew he was wrong for you, but the very thought of each other consumed every inch of logical judgment in both of you. He had a couple of girlfriends since, they were all nice and polite, you tried to stay away but it didn’t make much of a difference. Their official reason for the break ups were the hardships of dating a driver, but he would tell you sometime later some of the exact words he heard were “Why am I always so sure your mind is on her?”.
A puppy love that had burned bright for a little over 6 months when you were still 16 but somehow had managed to quietly find its way through to today. Only this time the flame had threatened to burn not only your hearts but the entirety of his and your father’s team. The tension between the two of you had always been evident to those who knew what had happened back then, but as the 2024 season went further it was more than obvious to anyone with eyes that there was something there. Feelings and desire neither of you would dare to act upon and that would further build an atmosphere that could be felt and cut with a knife, making you wish every day you had never met.
When you finally realized you had the same effect he did on you, hurting him was how you protected yourself from giving in to the urge to fall head first into a love that you believed would not be able to thrive. So as his relationships crumbled down to their inevitable ends, you embarked in a string of meaningless flings in search of someone that would take your mind off of the one thing that you truly wanted.
Bringing him down to his knees with every ghosting you’d purposely inflict him, finding some unimportant meeting to attend instead of where you said you’d be, all the while excitedly celebrating his first win, birthday or even little achievements, moments of weakness you’d let your true emotions surface, only to shut him out right after, pledging to not drag him down the rabbit hole that was your blinding infatuation, with what you believed to be his way out of “misery loves company”.
Some of the drivers, protective as they had become of you, caught on pretty early how although Charles wouldn’t confess his affections, he would never candidly deny them either, which resulted in rising untrust between some of them, with your father on the other hand taking the blind eye approach and ignoring what was obvious until he couldn’t anymore.
You tried to pretend things were taken care of, but every time you found yourselves in the same space sparks could almost be seen coming from every other direction. The breaking point being a very public and loud display of how tense things were between you and him one Saturday night at the paddock, the motive long forgotten as both of you screamed at the top of your lungs for things the other had no fault. The frustration of walking on egg shells around each other clearly evident on the screaming match, and your father’s first intervention resulting in two grown adults looking like sulking toddlers who had just been told they had to deal with their emotions before anyone got seriously hurt in the cross fire.
That wasn’t the last time, and although you would try to keep discussions and screaming matches alike from happening, the public stares and midnight bedroom escapades escalated to a point where everyone decided enough was enough, and you were both locked at the FIA conference room, to either “kiss or scream it out” – their exact words.
“I’m not like your past relationship, Charles. I won’t bring you security, peace and quiet. I’m a mess and you know it, you’ve seen it. Everything I touch turns into a huge media monster and I’m fated to lose every single person I love. It’s not your fault I ruin everything, and it’s not your fault I can’t be what you need” You confessed, looking him with bloodshot eyes, tears falling freely.
“I don’t want them, I want you. Baggage and all, media attention and crazy fans, protective father and f1 drivers haunting me for years to come… The mess and everything they always said you’d be, because that’s the woman I fell in love with.” And although you had reservations on what you believed could be a relationship with the power to destroy his life, and potently his career, you gave in, letting your heart speak louder than your fears.
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
✮ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, quinn hughes
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you can hear it in the silence, silence, you you can feel it on the way home, way home, you you can see it with the lights out, lights out you are in love, true love you are in love
one step, not much but it said enough you kiss on sidewalks you fight and you talk one night he wakes strange look on his face pauses, then says you're my best friend and you knew what it was he is in love
you two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round and he keeps the picture of you in his office downtown and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
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♡ ─ word count | 3.5k
♡ ─ summary | 3 times that quinn wanted to tell you he loved you, and the 1 time he finally did.
♡ ─ warnings | unedited (when are my works ever lol), mention of comparison between jack/quinn, exhaustion, slight angst??? but mostly tooth-rotting fluff, quinn overthinking, idk maybe there are more but nothing major LMAO
♡ ─ taglist | tbd!! check link in navigation if you are interested
♡ ─ ev's notes | this took WAY too long to write and lowkey not very proud of it, but i wanted to get it out before i start writing my fics for my 100 follower celly. i love quinny so much, he deserves the world and i hope this fic does him justice LMAO. ALSO THIS SONG MAKES ME FEEL SO FREAKING SICK, ITS SO GOOD. also now im noticing a theme on my page, only writing fics inspired by taylor songs, i need to switch it tf up. anyways, enjoy this slightly longer quinn fic & lmk your thoughts in the comments/reblogs. have a great day!
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Quinn had never been the type to fawn over anyone ─ especially a girl.
In his 23 years of living, he can't remember a time where he was getting all excited and giddy over the mere thought of anyone. All he could ever remember was just focusing on family, hockey, friends.
Sure, there were flings ─ there were always flings but it would never end in anything more than that. It was just a fling. Sure, sometimes he would want something more but most of the times, the girls thought they were just getting themselves into a one-night stand. Two nights (never in a row) if they were lucky. But that was it.
Even if Quinn wanted a relationship (he doesn't, he would swear), he didn't have time for it. Family, hockey, friends ─ that was it. That's all he wanted.
Of course, that was all thrown out the window when he had met you.
Well, not initially. Quinn wasn't the 'love at first type' kinda guy and neither were you. Your first meeting was nothing out of the ordinary. Just a casual meeting at a friend's gathering, a few exchanged pleasantries, and nothing more.
Yet, something about you stuck with him. It was your sweet smile, maybe, or the way your eyes just looked kind and they would light up when you were asked about your job, or your family. Quinn couldn't pinpoint exactly when it happened, but at some point, he found himself thinking about you when he should have been focused on his next game or practice.
His friends noticed the change in him. His younger brothers had noticed the small change and would tease him. "Hey, Q, what's up with you? You've been awfully distracted lately," Quinn could just imagine the stupid grin etched on Jack's face as he spoke those words.
Quinn, normally quick with a witty retort, found himself at a loss for words. He knew he was in new territory; he had never, ever in his life been overthinking about a girl. For the first time, hockey or family or friends weren't the only thing on his mind.
As days turned into weeks, Quinn's feelings grew stronger. He'd catch himself daydreaming about you during team meetings or staring at his phone, waiting for your texts back. He would go look at your instagram multiple times a day, waiting for a new post to go up just so he could see that pretty smile of yours but somehow, he was never satisfied with just that. For once in his whole life, he had wanted to actually get to know a girl based on one meeting and a couple of texts. It was maddening, this feeling of being drawn towards someone in a way he had never experienced before.
He also couldn't ask any of his buddies for advice because all he'd get was teasing so he had to keep it to himself, which somehow made this entire situation so much worse.
Then finally, there was that one night. You were both at another gathering, the same friends, the same laughter, but this time something shifted. You shared a small inside joke, a quick glance, and Quinn felt his heart race in a way that no slapshot or overtime goal had ever made it race before. He felt a surge of contradictory emotions during that one-second moment, a mix of anxiety and excitement that overwhelmed him. It was a sensation so intense that he wanted to vomit, yet strangely, it was different from the kind of feelings he had experienced before ─ it was not because of hockey, it was a girl. No, you weren't just a girl to him anymore, he realized. You were much more than that to him now.
As he drove home that night, he couldn't deny it anymore. He was falling for you, and it terrified him. Love was a complicated thing, one he had always sworn to avoid, but now he was caught in it's tight grasp all because of you.
The following days were a whirlwind of emotions. Quinn, who had always been the composed defenseman on the ice, found himself stumbling over words and second-guessing every move he made when it came to you. He couldn't concentrate during practice, and his teammates couldn't understand what had gotten into him and if he was being honest, neither did he.
But one thing was clear - Quinn Hughes was in love, and he didn't know how to handle it. He realized that his carefully constructed world of family, hockey, and friends had been upended by the presence of one person ─ you.
And so, this journey begins - three times Quinn wanted to tell you he loved you, and the one time he finally did.
After what seemed like the longest practice of his entire life, Quinn trudged back to his apartment, exhaustion weighing down every step. The weight of expectations from his teammates and fans pressed on his shoulders. Today wasn't his day; his passes were off, shots missed the mark, and he stumbled more than once during drills. Even coach had given him some constructive criticism, which usually wouldn't have bothered him, but today it felt like salt in the wound.
As he entered his home, he was ready to collapse onto the couch and shut out the world. As he collapsed on his soft couch, he groaned out in pain, the soreness in his muscles somehow hurt more than usual. He closed his eyes and tried to relax, until he heard the familiar buzzing of his phone in the pocket of his shorts. He cursed under his breath and pulled it out but all the anger seemed to slowly dissipate as he saw your name and contact picture spayed out on the screen.
Then he remembered. Tonight was supposed to be date night for the both of you. He cursed again before answering the phone, sitting upright on the couch.
"Hey," he answered breathlessly, the exhaustion clear in his voice.
"Hey, Quinn I'm outside─you okay?" You say through the phone but before he could answer, you continued. "Shit, sorry Quinn is this a bad time? I know you just had practice and probably tired, I should've texted but you know, I was so excited─"
"No, no, no. Come up, I'm fine I'm not tired." He was lying and you both knew it, but you sighed through the speaker. "Please, come up. I want you here."
"Okay... promise?"
"Promise, Y/N." He said your name so softly, it made your heart flutter and you couldn't help but smile.
"Okay. I'll be up in two secs," You said. "Bye."
The phone call ended and Quinn exhaled. He was tired, sure ─ but he was excited to see you. Even the sound of your voice made him relax so it wasn't even that much of hassle having a date night. If anything, he was sure, you'd make him feel better.
He quickly changed his clothes and he heard the doorbell ring. Quinn opened the door with a tired smile ─ it slowly spread as he saw your pretty smile. He felt his heart speed up as you slowly examined him, and that smile slowly dropped.
"Quinn..." You whispered, a small frown on your face. His disheveled appearance made you slightly sad.
You both made eye contact for a few seconds before you sighed and walked in, your arms wide open. You embraced him warmly, putting your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him softly.
As your arms enveloped him in a warm, comforting embrace, Quinn felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. Your presence had a way of soothing his mind. The subtle scent of your floral shampoo, the softness of your warm touch, it all wrapped around him pleasantly.
He closed his eyes, letting himself bask in the tenderness of the moment. Your fingers traced gentle circles on his back, and it was as if you were silently reassuring him that it was okay to have bad days because you'd be there to catch him.
You pulled away, your eyes met again, and he saw genuine concern in your gaze. That alone was enough to make his heart skip multiple beats. Quinn couldn't quite put it into words, being around you was like like returning to the warm embrace of home.
He wanted to utter those three special words as he met your gaze, your kind eyes but the words slowly died on his tongue as you continued talking, taking his hand in yours.
"Let's go eat some ice cream and watch Top Gun." You smiled, knowingly.
He laughed softly and nodded, squeezing your hand. "Sounds like a plan."
The moon cast a soft glow through the white curtains as you and Quinn sat together in his dimly lit living room in comfortable silence. The day had been long, filled with its usual chaos and pressures, but now, the world was still. The only sounds were the faint hum of the city outside and the occasional car passing by.
With a sigh, Quinn leaned back into the couch, his exhaustion evident in expression. You watched him closely, sensing the weight of the day on his shoulders. Your relationship had grown stronger over the span of a couple months and you had become his confidante, the one he turned to when he needed to escape from the demands of the team and fans.
Practice had been harder than usual and somehow, on top of all of that, the media had initiated a new trend of drawing comparisons between him and Jack, which made his mood worse.
You knew that; watching Quinn get slowly demotivated by the comments made by those nobodies, it hurt your heart. Breaking the silence, you softly asked, "Quinn, how are you really holding up?"
He looked at you, his gaze wavering at your soft eyes. There was something about the way you looked at him, a warmth and understanding that he had rarely found in anyone else. It was as if you could see right through him, past the tough exterior he often wore.
For a moment, he hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. He almost gave you the media-trained answer but then, he realized that with you. "Not sure, if I'm being honest."
"That's fine, Quinn." You answered softly, "you don't have to know. But what I do what you to know is that you're not Jack. You're not Luke, or Trevor, or anyone else. You're you and that's enough."
That simple answer made him halt all his thoughts. He felt his shoulders slowly drop, letting out a loud exhale. He felt a sense of relief wash over him, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.
With empathy in your eyes, you couldn't help but feel the toll it was taking on him. The Quinn you saw now, weary and vulnerable, was a side he rarely showed to anyone.
Quinn's voice wavered as he spoke about the comments that everyone had been making on the media. "It's just... they don't understand, Y/N. They don't see the hours of practice, the sacrifices, the love I have for this game. All they see is Jack's brother, or one of the Hughes brothers."
You reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm, comfortingly. "Quinn, I see you. I see the hard work, the dedication, and the love you have for hockey. And I believe in you. You might be just Jack's brother or just another Hughes to them, but that doesn't matter to me. I see Quinn and you know what, that's enough. And if it isn't enough for them, then fuck them."
His eyes met yours, and there was a vulnerability in that eyes that spoke volumes. In that moment, Quinn realized that he was sharing not just his struggles, but his true self with you. It was a level of trust and intimacy he hadn't experienced with any girl before.
The silence that followed was a comforting one, filled with unspoken understanding. It was as if you were his anchor in the storm, a source of encouragement and warmth. Quinn couldn't help but think that he was lucky to have you by his side, someone who saw him for who he truly was, beyond just hockey player or another Hughes brother, beyond the expectations.
As he held your kind gaze, Quinn couldn't help but think that he wanted to say something more, something that would convey the true depth of his feelings. But for now, he settled for a heartfelt confession: "You're my best friend."
The frenetic buzz of the post-game celebrations following a thrilling overtime victory against the Toronto Maple Leafs, Quinn found himself into another arena, one of bright lights and microphones. His heart still raced from the intensity of the game, but now, he had to face the media. The sweat dripped from his forehead, his heart was still beating from the intensity of the adrenaline in his system.
The victory had been hard-fought, Quinn playing a pivotal role in securing it. The puck on his stick, he executed great moves, the slide of the ice beneath his skates, the thud of the puck hitting the net, the eruption of cheers all merging into a thrilling crescendo of sensations made his head buzz with excitement.
The reporters, with cameras flashing and microphones thrust forward, surrounded him like a hungry vultures. They fired questions, one after another, probing for insights into the game-changing play that had secured the win for the Vancouver Canucks.
"Quinn, that last-minute save in overtime was incredible! Can you walk us through what was going on in your mind?"
"Quinn, there's been a lot of buzz with your brother, Jack Hughes. How does it feel to outshine him tonight?"
"You've been compared to some of the greats tonight. How do you handle the pressure of those comparisons?"
"Quinn, your family's here tonight, right? How does their support affect your game?"
"Quinn, fans are calling this one of the best games of your career. Do you think this win is the turning point for the Canucks this season?"
The questions all blurred in his head, the bright lights straining his eyes. Quinn, used to these post-game interviews, felt a distinct unease tonight even after such a big win. The questions were sharp and the scrutiny was intense. In the midst of this media frenzy, he sought solace in the one thing that always brought him strength: you.
He remembers seeing you in the stands before the game and his mind kept replaying those few seconds where you shared a big grin as you both made eye contact.
Amidst the crowd of reporters, he spotted you, your presence radiating pride and warmth. Your eyes locked onto his, and for a moment, it felt like it was just the two of you in the arena. You gave him a big thumbs up with a big grin, knowing how anxiety inducing those post-game interviews could be. Quinn longed to speak the words that danced at the tip of his tongue but he knew he had to navigate this sea of questions first.
This week had to be the longest of Quinn's life. The 3 hour, 5 am pre-season practices had been so tiring, he felt the life get sucked out of him after every exhausting practice. There was one thing he had been looking forward to and that was your date night. Even though he knew that he would have do this week over again practically the next week, he was okay with it knowing that he would be able to spend some time with you over the weekends.
As Friday night finally arrived, Quinn couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement. The thought of spending time with you, of being himself without the pressures of anyone else, filled him with a sense of comfort.
He had suggested a new restaurant downtown, a place neither of you had been before. As you both entered the restaurant, the soft piano ambience and the chatter created the perfect atmosphere. Quinn couldn't help but steal a few glances at you, admiring your beauty and the easy way you fit into his world.
You had worn your hair back in a low bun, showing off your sweet collarbone, a pretty necklace that Quinn had bought for you on a trip hanging off it. It was a silver color and the jewel a beautiful deep blue color that brought out your angelic eyes. Quinn couldn't help but stare and you felt your face burn with heat as you caught his loving gaze.
"What, is there something on my face?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no. You just look beautiful, like always. I like that necklace, wonder who bought it for you."
You giggled in response, feeling slightly giddy. You couldn't even lie, Quinn had you in a trance. You were head over heels. "Yeah, I wonder who."
The rest of the night was spent like this ─ sweet and teasing, it all felt right. Everything just felt right, it was if the last week hadn't happened. Every problem just slowly faded every time either of you spent time together, no matter how big or small it was.
After dinner, you decided to take a walk out in town. The summer air was unusually cool, the lights of the city perfectly setting the atmosphere for the night.
Quinn held your hand, your softer and smaller hand fitting his like a glove. You both walked through the town, talking and laughing like you two were the only people in the world.
As you both passed a bar, your ears filled with the familiar tune of your favorite song. You immediately stopped and looked at Quinn knowingly. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's playing!"
Quinn let out a soft chuckle, nodding. "Wanna go in?"
You ignored his question and started lip syncing the lyrics to him, playfully. He started laughing even louder, letting his head fall back. You had started laughing, too ─ then, you took his hand in yours and started dancing.
If it this was anyone else, Quinn would've been slightly embarrassed but as he saw your eyes sparkling and your wide small, he truly couldn't feel anything but love. He had a smile on his face as he grabbed you and pulled you closer, dancing happily with you.
As the song ended, another started playing. 'You are in love' by Taylor Swift had started playing and Quinn almost let out a laugh at the coincidence. You looked back at him, a deep blush gracing on your face. He took your hand again and pulled you closer, and you put you put arms around his broad shoulders.
You both looked into each other's eyes and he took account of how beautiful you looked in this moment ─ you always looked beautiful, no matter when or where or to who, it was just a fact. But you looked more than just physically beautiful, everything about you was perfect, your flaws, your smile, just everything.
And that was when Quinn really knew, in his bones that you were the one for him.
"What?" You whispered, as you saw Quinn's expression changed slowly. He loved that too ─ how empathetic you were, how in sync you both were. You always knew what he was feeling.
You asked, but you knew what the answer was.
"I think ─ no..." His words died on his tongue as your expression changed too. "I know it. I love you."
It didn't feel like a big confession. It didn't feel how everyone described it to be, it just felt like a normal statement. You both had thought it before, multiple times ─ so saying it out loud wasn't a big confession to either of you.
He loved that, he was so used to everything being so big and grand, he wanted it simple. He loved that and he loved you.
You could see it in his eyes, too. His eyes were softened as he gazed at you, like he always looked at you. But this time, you acknowledged it more. He loved you. Quinn loved you. As you gazed into his brown eyes, your heart swelled with a deep sense of connection. You had known, just like he did, that this feeling existed between you. It wasn't born out of big gestures or dramatic confessions; instead, it had quietly grown, nourished by the everyday moments you shared.
As the song ended softly, you let out a breath you didn't know you were even holding. "Yeah. I know I love you, too."
His smile got impossibly bigger and then, he leaned in and gave you the biggest of kisses ─ the dramatic ones, too. He had your face in his hand, the other one holding on your waist and you pulled him closer with your hands.
You felt his mouth smirk as you both sloppily made out. You laughed into the kiss but neither of you pulled away. Neither of you liked PDA but this time, it felt right.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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icequeenbae · 5 months
Boy Next Door (m) Ch.1 | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Neighbor AU, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
Warnings [whole story]: Baek being the neighbor we’re all dreaming of, harassment (nothing graphic), a bit of body image/ insecurity, MC sucks at relationships, explicit content, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~18.5k (total), 4.5k (pt.1)
Summary: Your neighbor Baekhyun has been a pleasant acquaintance since you moved into your current apartment almost a year ago. Could he also be… a perfect match?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Chapter Masterlist: Pt. 1 > Pt. 2 > Pt. 3 > Pt. 4 (fin)
Author’s note: This has taken me so, SO long to write and edit that I cannot believe the time has come to post it lmao I just wanted to write something simple with the classic boy-next-door vibe but as usual, the story ended up being much longer than planned and I am going to post it as a mini-series. Please keep in mind that your feedback is what motivates me to write and post more <3 And biiig thanks to the lovely @beomcoups for taking on the beta duties on this whole story~
Network Tags: @bbh-net  @k-vanity  @ksmutsociety
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In the lobby or on your floor – those were the two locations where you’d been bumping into Baekhyun most often. Which wasn’t that strange, considering that you were neighbors. But it somehow always caught you off guard and left you flustered.
Just like the first time.
It happened almost a year ago when you were waiting for the elevator on the first floor of your building with your best friend Yuki, who came early to help you with preparations. A guy in a loose white dress shirt and jeans stepped into the elevator with you, politely greeting you before pressing his floor number.
‘Oh, you live on the 13th as well? So, you and our Y/N are neighbors!’ Yuki exclaimed.
‘Nice to meet you,’ you muttered and bowed, shy from the sudden introduction. He reciprocated, chocolate hair falling into his eyes charmingly.
‘You should come to her housewarming party! It’s in a couple hours,’ Yuki chimed in again. ‘You don’t need to bring anything, it’s just a small thing with a couple friends and neighbors. We’re making sure Y/N-ie settles in nicely here. So please come, we have tons of food!’
If anyone could ever say no to your friend… Well, you had never met such a person. You guessed that Baekhyun was simply too stunned by her enthusiasm, so he said he’d swing by for sure. In a way, you were thankful that she’d asked him – you’d have never had the guts to invite someone like that; especially not anyone as good-looking and cool as Baekhyun.
You regretted letting your bestie invite him the following evening when your party was in full swing for several hours. Most of the food was devoured, so now you were all drinking, crunching on snacks, and conversing; or trying to while jumping from one topic to another.
‘I wish we could gather more often. We all like to hang out with you, you know?’
As always, Yuki nagged at you for being too ‘stay-at-home’ of a friend.
‘I like to hang out too. But home is home. You know parties aren’t really my… favorite pastime.’
‘What is your favorite pastime, lying in bed cuddling your blanket?’ Chanyeol joked insensitively.
He should’ve known better since you were the most troubled in your group of friends regarding relationships. It was super tough for you to find a match, even when you made an effort to get out of the house and meet new people, mostly because of your history of failed relationships where your partners gained interest in someone else. It seemed like you were too plain to hold someone’s attention for long. So, you’d been ‘that single friend’ for several lonely years now. And at this time, you were actually in the very beginning of a new, promising relationship. You were still pretty insecure about it; thus, Yeol’s comment really did make you flinch. He was drunk, so that was understandable, but you still sulked at his words, mainly because they were true.
‘Hey, it doesn’t have to be a blanket.’ You frowned, pressing the straw to your lips in frustration.
‘I’m kinda sad that guy you’ve been talking to couldn’t come,’ Yuki interjected. ‘I wanted to find out what he’s like.’
‘Minho had work-related travel, so he’s resting up.’ You shrugged, sipping your drink timidly.
‘I’m sure the guy made this excuse just to avoid meeting your friends. How long have you known him for, like, two days?’ Chanyeol interjected.
‘It’s been a few weeks, actually,’ you corrected, and Hoseok, Yuki’s boyfriend, muttered a reproaching ‘hyung’ in his direction.
‘Gosh, you’re really this stupid while drunk,’ Yuki shook her head disapprovingly at your friend, who simply shrugged.
Baekhyun was pretty silent during the latest exchange, so when you briefly made eye contact, it reminded you that he could also hear all of that chatter. Which made you want to choke on your drink from humiliation. Thankfully, one of your friends still had some tact left that night, so they quickly changed the direction of the conversation. Still… you’d been mortified for weeks after the event, doing your best to avoid bumping into Baekhyun when leaving for work.
The next time you met, Baekhyun was also in the lobby of your apartment building. And once again, before a gathering at your place. Just days prior you had lost it and left your resignation letter at your boss's desk. Working such long hours under the constant pressure of absolutely unrealistic deadlines was taking its toll on you for sure. But when you found out they promoted a person, who was obviously less experienced and capable than you in working (but more capable in flirting with your manager), instead of you… It became the last straw.
Baekhyun appeared right on time as you struggled to push the elevator button with a whole case of beer in your hands.
‘Y/N,’ you heard his velvety voice call. ‘Nice to see you.’
‘Oh- Hi, Baekhyun.’ You greeted awkwardly, puffing from the weight you had to balance.
‘Let me help you with that?’ His suggestion sounded like a question, yet he instantly scooped the case from your hands.
‘You don’t need- thank you,’ you said, and he shook his head to indicate that it wasn’t a big deal.
‘So… having a party again?’ He asked as the elevator doors closed.
‘I wouldn’t call it a party,’ you hummed, looking at your feet. ‘I kinda had to quit my horrible job of 4 years, so my friends are making me celebrate it. Not that becoming unemployed calls for a celebration…’
You trailed off, not wanting to be a nuisance to your neighbor. He was just making small talk.
‘I’m sorry to hear that. Are you taking a break now or looking for something else?’
‘I’ll start looking next week. It’s Friday, my friends are coming… So I’ll try to just clear my mind and rest for one full weekend before I start stressing about a new job. Hopefully, my friends wouldn’t talk my ear off about it – that’s what the beer’s for. My little trick,’ you chuckled sheepishly.
‘Aren’t your friends supposed to treat you in this situation?’ Baekhyun huffed, shaking his head to rearrange his hair and better see you.
‘They should… bring more alcohol with them, I think. I couldn’t have them over for nothing, though.’
The doors opened after a robotic voice announced your floor.
‘Well, anyhow. Thanks a lot for your help!’ You tried taking the beer from Baekhyun, but he didn’t let you.
‘Open the door first; you can’t do it while holding this.’
‘Right. Thanks,’ you fussed, pressing your password in.
Baekhyun quickly placed the case on the floor of your hallway.
‘You should come!’ You blurted out, instantly getting flustered. ‘If you want.’
‘I might drop by if I’m free,’ he smiled softly. ‘My family wanted to have a video call later. That may take long.’
‘Of course. Have fun!’ You nodded, beating yourself up in your mind for being so weird suddenly.
‘You have fun,’ he chuckled, stepping towards his apartment. ‘Oh, and Y/N?’
Looking up at him as he called your name, you were met with his warm yet serious eyes.
‘If you need anything… You know where to find me.’
That made you strangely sentimental.
‘T-thank you.’
He sent you a message later on and let you know he couldn’t make it to your party. But in a way, he was there – on your mind.
It was about three weeks after you’d broken things off with Minho. If you could even consider it one, the relationship wasn’t long, only a couple months. At first, you thought it could be something, realizing later that it was only wishful thinking. There was no way the two of you could make it work; you were just not compatible with each other. The more you got to know him, the more you were reassured of that. Your life goals were different, your outlook on relationships was different… even your ideas of quality time with a significant other didn’t match. This time, the initial infatuation wore off rather quickly – probably because you didn’t go out of your way to appease him. You knew it was probably for the better. Pretty much all of your relationships ended the same way, with your boyfriends telling you they found someone else. Someone… more exciting.
This was the case for your first relationship halfway in your first year of university.
‘I’m sorry, Y/N. I just don’t feel the spark, you know? You’re so… domestic,’ your then-boyfriend said in his breakup speech. ‘I’m young, I want to experience stuff, be bold, and have fun. And there are people that I can do this with, who’ll also enjoy it.’
It repeated less than two years later when you’d barely worked up the courage to try and start something with another person. When it happened the third time, you decided you weren’t really made for relationships. It was ironic since you always wanted to be in one. You were very affectionate and were keen on taking care of people. Yes, you weren’t that into big gatherings and parties, and maybe it was a little too difficult to drag you anywhere when you were stressing about the upcoming tests and stuff… But you weren’t completely closed off! Even with those limitations, you were very sociable and had many friends. Was it so bad that you didn’t say yes to every suggestion? Did your inclination to stay at home and have cozy dates instead of outdoorsy stuff make you a non-relationship material? It seemed like every time someone else appeared, your boyfriends easily decided to move on.
And even though you weren’t in love with Minho, this breakup still made you sour. What made this particular day suck was that you’d found out that he was already in a new relationship; happily broadcasting it everywhere.
You weren’t jealous of him for being with someone else. You envied him for being able to find another partner in mere days after you parted ways, while for you, it felt like you’d never find or be able to retain anyone. Ever. Never ever.
‘Earth to Y/N!’ You jumped from someone’s voice ringing in your ears.
Looking up, you saw that the elevator doors were held open by your dashing neighbor, who was staring directly at you.
‘Sorry, I spaced out,’ you quickly entered. ‘Hi.’
‘Hey,’ Baekhyun smiled, pressing the button for your floor. ‘Is everything okay?’
‘Um, yeah. No. I mean-’ You sighed. ‘I’m just a bit out of sorts.’
‘Trouble at work?’
‘No, my new job is great. A huge improvement on the previous one. It’s just… everything else is not nearly as great?’
Yeah, because you pushed yourself to get back on the market to finally not be alone, and here you were. Back to square one.The sniffling you produced startled even your own self.
‘Oh god, I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay. There’s nothing to be sorry about,’ he replied, his voice gentle. ‘Do you want to talk?’
‘Oh no, I wouldn’t dream about boring you with my stupid problems.’
‘I’m sure they aren’t stupid,’ he said. ‘And I have ice cream. Almost any flavor you could think of.’
You looked at him silently, and he smiled again reassuringly.
‘It’s not mandatory for you to tell me anything. But I can treat my favorite neighbor with some ice cream, can I not?’
‘Am I your favorite just because you don’t know anyone else?’ You snickered gawkily.
‘No. Not just-’
He was interrupted by the usual announcement of your floor.
‘So, what do you think? You can change first and then come, no hurry. I’m free tonight.’
You puckered your lips, genuinely intrigued by his offer. Ice cream sounded perfect right about now. Although agreeing just because of the promised treats was pretty childish, you couldn’t help but be seduced by his suggestion. So, you gave him a shy nod.
‘Okay. Throw on something comfy and come over.’
You entered your respective apartments, and only after the door behind you locked… you realized that your heart was racing.
‘Damn you, Y/N, why did you agree to do this??’ You whined, catching a glimpse of your scrunched-up face in the mirror.
Fishing your phone out of your handbag quickly, you messaged Yuki.
You | I fucked up, Yu!!
You | Idk what to do now…. ㅠㅠ
Ki-yaah | What happened?? Did you like a pic on Minho’s new gf’s SNS??
Ki-yaah | I’m so dumb for telling you about this… I’m so sorry Y/N ㅠㅠ
You | No, not that
You | Who cares about Minho and his girlfriend??
You | I mean, I was a bit salty about this… But I met Baekhyun again!
Ki-yaah | Baekhyun? Your cute as fuck neighbor Baekhyun??
You | No
You | Yes?
You | My neighbor Baekhyun. I blurted out that I wasn’t in the greatest mood, and he invited me to his place for ice cream!
Ki-yaah | WHAT
Ki-yaah | YAH
Ki-yaah | I hope you’re texting me from his couch
Ki-yaah | Or kitchen counter
Ki-yaah | Or wherever you kids decide to do it
A bunch of obscene emojis appeared on your screen, making you blush on the spot.
You | Do it?? We’re not doing anything. I’m home!
Ki-yaah | So, you’ve already done it?? HOW WAS IT??
Ki-yaah | Waaah, you’re quick these days, Y/N-ah! Finally, you’re learning your lessons
Ki-yaah | I hope you wrapped it up though
Ki-yaah | I wouldn’t blame you if you skipped it, though, I can imagine how starved you are on good sex.. Still, safety first!
Ki-yaah | Wait, so was he?? Any good??
Ki-yaah | You’re silent!
She typed so fast that you didn’t even have a second to write back, mostly from shock – your friend wasn’t always this shameless, actually.
Then she started calling.
‘Yah, why aren’t you spilling the beans?? Too worn out to type, bestie?’ She smirked on the phone, making you cringe.
‘Because there’s nothing to spill! I haven’t even gone over yet.’
There was a second of silence.
‘… What?!’
‘I have to change; I just came from work, you know? My makeup needs fixing too…’
Your phone instantly started vibrating as a video call request came in, which you begrudgingly accepted.
‘Damn, you can’t go like this. It’s not seductive at all!’ She exclaimed.
‘I’m not going over to seduce anyone! And he told me to wear something comfy…’
‘What?? Hm, actually…’ She tapped her index finger on her chin, deep in thought. ‘He does look like the type to be into that.’
‘I-into what?’
‘Cute girls! I told you already, he was probably crushing on you since the time he came to your housewarming party!’
‘Pfft, that’s ridiculous. And don’t bring up him allegedly glaring at Yeol for his stupid comments again, I beg of you!’
‘Alright. But he’s always so nice to you! Oh-Em-Gee, you’d look so cute together,’ she squealed.
‘I don’t have time for this. I can’t have him waiting for much longer, and I need to shower…’
‘Yes! And remove your makeup while you’re at it.’
‘Huh?? If I redo my makeup… isn’t it gonna look strange? Like I’m trying too hard?’
‘You won’t have to redo it. You’ll have only very basic nude makeup on. Looking all natural and cute.’
‘I swear, if you say ‘cute’ one more time-’
‘Can’t a girl dream?? I can already imagine how cute your children would be…’ Your friend kept musing.
‘I’m hanging up.’
‘Yah, take this seriously. Clean up nicely, and let your hair down. Also, shave your-’
‘You never know!! One second, he’s licking ice cream off his spoon; the other, he’s l-’
Quickly tapping on your phone screen, you canceled this embarrassing call. The vivid images didn’t leave your mind as fast, though, so you shivered, shaking your head to get rid of the obscenities.
‘She’s a bad influence, for sure,’ you muttered, still ashamed of yourself for imagining your neighbor in such a context.
The time was ticking, so you decided that Yuki was somewhat right and needed to clean up. You also needed to hurry the heck up; you didn’t want to make Baekhyun wait too long. Thirty minutes later, you were in front of his door.
‘Come in, come in,’ he ushered you inside, having you change your footwear for the pink house slippers.
Why did he have those again?
‘Cute, right? I ordered them for my niece and got the size completely wrong, but they fit you perfectly. I guess I wasn’t wrong after all.’
He looked at your feet for another second before blinking and clearing his throat.
‘Let’s not waste any more time, everything’s ready. Come on!’
Everything? Did he prepare a whole reception?
You took a good look at the back of his head as he walked you to his kitchen, noticing that his hair was slightly wet. Did he also shower? You swallowed at the thought. He probably didn’t invest as much time into the preparations as you did, though. You blamed your best friend for the inappropriate thought she planted in your head!
‘Here, take a look.’
He opened his freezer, and you gasped.
There was an entire collection of ice cream. Cones, popsicles, buckets… All different flavors and manufacturers.
‘I see you’re impressed,’ he smirked. ‘I have a niece and a nephew, you know? Kids aren’t easy to please these days.’
‘Can’t deny that I am. How many do you have here?’
‘No idea… I just keep buying them. Which one’s to your liking? You can try different ones. I’m in the mood for mint choco and lemon.’
‘Those are my favorites!’ You jumped up like a kid.
‘Really? Both?’
‘Yeah! I haven’t seen a lemon ice cream anywhere, only sorbets! Where did you find it?’ You closed the freezer as he got the two buckets out.
Baekhyun suddenly seemed pleased with himself.
‘You think I give away trade secrets just like that…’ He replied mysteriously.
‘I wanna buy some too,’ you pouted, circling around him while he took the lids off. ‘If you don’t tell me… I’ll eat all of yours!’
‘Ha, go ahead. There’s more where that came from,’ he teased right back, hovering slightly over you.
Lowering your gaze to avoid staring directly at him, you noticed something.
‘What’s this?’
Baekhyun turned back to the counter.
‘Ah, this old thing? You know how ice cream scoops are sold in paper cups or cones? This thing,’ he picked it up. ‘Is to make those. Watch.’
He dipped the instrument in water and shook it slightly, then scooped the mint ice cream, creating a smooth green ball with tiny pieces of chocolate adding to its hue.
‘Cool,’ you muttered, genuinely finding that fascinating.
‘Right? It’s awesome!’
‘Let me guess: the kids don’t appreciate it enough?’ You asked.
‘Those little- Here, you try with lemon.’ He pressed on a small lever and dropped the green globe into a bowl.
You shook your head.
‘I’ll mess it up; you do it.’
‘Come on, Y/N. You can’t mess it up; it’s just ice cream.’
‘Just ice cream? You don’t deserve to know the secret selling spots for this!’
He snorted, moving to the side to give you more space to try and repeat his previous actions.
You dipped it in water like he did and shook it before moving the lemon ice cream bucket closer. Spending about twenty seconds taking aim, you huffed.
‘I can’t do it! Yours is so round and pretty; I am not that professional.’
‘I’ll help,’ he chuckled at your meltdown, holding your wrist and softly pressing down on your hand to guide it. ‘Scoop it this way to make it full and round.’
You did as you were told, yet your mind was far away from the scooping technique. The entire focus of your being was now set on the unprecedented proximity you were in. He held your hand, his chest so close to your shoulder that you could feel the heat radiating off him. When you dropped a yellow ball of lemon ice cream into the bowl, you could only pray that he didn’t notice the goosebumps littering your arms.
‘See? Yours is even better-shaped than mine,’ he hummed close to your ear.
As if sensing your perturbation, Baekhyun suddenly stepped back.
‘Trying just two flavors is a waste of an evening. Let’s get more.’
Ten minutes later, you were sitting in his living room at the small table in front of his couch. The bowl with at least a dozen different ice creams sat atop another one, which was filled with ice.
‘No one likes melted goo, right?’ Baekhyun chuckled while constructing this mobile freezer.
You tried all of them one by one, gushing about each flavor.
‘The grape one isn’t tickling my fancy,’ he said, nudging the oddly-colored glob away.
‘Really?’ You reached for it with your spoon.
‘Don’t even try it. That’s bad,’ he scrunched his nose. ‘I can taste every chemical they used to make this grape flavor.’
You laughed, trying it despite his protests.
‘It tastes like… very cheap jelly,’ you said.
‘Exactly! Such a strange texture. Hmm, I shall look for a better option then. My nephew Siwoo loves grapes.’
You smiled at his concern for his youngest family member’s preferences.
‘Your nephews must be the happiest kids in town with an uncle like that,’ you murmured, stealing a bite from the rest of the lemon ball that he subtly nudged your way earlier.
‘They’re pretty lucky, aren’t they?’ He agreed easily, earning a snicker from you.
As you savored the last of the lemon flavor on your tongue, he leaned in, eyes focused on your lips.
‘You eat just like Siwoo,’ he instinctively wiped your lower lip with his thumb.
Looking up at him, you caught the moment he realized what he was doing and retreated.
‘Sorry,’ he muttered awkwardly. ‘It’s a habit.’
Pressing your finger to your lower lip, which was now burning, you shook your head neutrally.
‘It’s okay. You must spend a lot of time with them,’ you scooped more in your spoon to somehow soothe the burn on your lips.
‘Not as much as I’d like. Most of the time, our schedules don’t match up, especially with them living in a different city. I try to have them over or visit them as much as possible.’
Baekhyun’s voice became warmer as he reminisced.
‘I get scolded by hyung a lot for spoiling them. But what can I do? At least they’ll have those pleasant memories and presents to remember me by while we’re apart.’
‘Are they close in age?’
‘About four years apart. Seoyul is pretty grown already; I can’t believe her little brother is going to school soon as well.’ He smiled, remembering something. ‘When she started her first grade, he was so upset. He cried every time she left the house.’
‘Aw, that’s so cute,’ you cooed. ‘So they’re getting along well?’
‘Yeah, apart from the occasional bickering. Siwoo is… a boy.’
‘A little daredevil?’
‘He’s driving his noona insane sometimes. To be honest, I was exactly the same at his age. We’re both lucky to have siblings several years older.’
‘Ah, so your hyung is much older than you?’
‘Seven years. He was almost like a father,’ Baekhyun chuckled. ‘But had he been even a couple of years younger… Pretty sure he would’ve given me a piece of his mind back then.’
‘I wouldn’t ever imagine that you were a maknae of your family.’
‘Why? I had so much aegyo as a child! Yes, my mom had to exercise lots of patience, but I was cute as hell.’
‘I’m sure that’s how it was,’ you hummed.
‘I’m still in the top-3 cutest of our family list. Might even be cuter than Seoyul at times; she’s way too serious these days.’
‘Wow, going over your nephews’ heads after the title… How mature of you.’
‘Hey, don’t blame me for being extremely cute.’
‘Show me some aegyo then,’ you challenged him with a smile.
‘Huh, you wish. You’re not ready for my aegyo, Y/N-ie.’ He responded sassily.
‘Is that so?’ You smirked, holding his gaze up until the chime of your phone provided an interruption.
Your bestie found a great time to pry into your business, which was evident from the message previews on the screen.
Ki-yaah | You’re not texting me back…
Ki-yaah | Which either means that you chickened out…
Ki-yaah | …or his stamina is REALLY freaking impressive
Ki-yaah | Which one is it??? I hope it’s the latter!
You inhaled sharply and started coughing, barely managing to swipe those messages off the screen before Baekhyun could see them.
‘Are you okay?’ He patted you on the back to help you overcome your coughing fit.
‘Yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t realize it was so late… It was so rude of me to keep you up. Let me help you clean this up.’
‘Leave it,’ he shook his head, catching you by the wrist. ‘I’ll put this away later.’
‘I’ll… get going then,’ you stood so abruptly that your legs couldn’t keep up with you, completely numb from being in the same position for so long.
‘Y/N!’ Baekhyun rose to catch you by the arms. ‘Take a second, sit on the couch. Your legs must’ve fallen asleep.’
You swatted at your legs with your palms, urging the blood flow to restore quicker.
‘Why are you sorry? I’m not in a hurry to get rid of you.’ He stated simply.
‘It’s just so late… and… you must have stuff to do.’
‘Nope. I actually had fun. I rarely get to sit around at home munching on ice cream and enjoying another grownup’s company.’
You bit your lip shyly at his words, and he suddenly tsked.
‘Although I feel like we were mostly talking about me. That’s a shame. I want to hear about you as well,’ Baekhyun mused, walking you to the door. ‘Well, let’s save it for next time.’
Next time, he said.
Next time??
You turned your back on him to conceal the shade of your cheeks and pretended to fidget with the doorknob.
‘Let me,’ he reached over you, pressing his warm chest to your back for a second to unlock the door.
But before you could step outside, his fingers wrapped around your forearm in a lax hold.
‘And Y/N… If you ever find yourself craving some lemon ice cream… I’m ready to provide it.’
With that, he pushed the door open and allowed you to leave his apartment.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Another BBH mini-series started 💫 I hope you enjoyed part 1~ Pls let me know what you think via comments, asks and reblogs, my darlings 💜 Also, I am very curious if you are picturing anyone in particular as Hoseok hehe 🙃
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andreafmn · 6 months
12 Days of Ficmas ❅ Day 1
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Word Count: 4.8K Paring:  Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Prompt @alloftheprompts: Character A and Character B broke up but now they meet at a Christmas party.
Summary: In unpredictable Beacon Hills, Stiles and (Y/N) being together was one of the only things that made sense. But sometimes the smallest of changes can create the biggest of chaos. And a simple college admission letter can do just that. Maybe all it takes is the right Christmas gift to make things better.
A/N: yup, that's right, I'm doing 12 Days of Ficmas again (even if I haven't finished Kinktober 🫣🫣 but I am nothing if not a masochist (and a slight procrastinator) But enjoy!! This story actually made me tear up, honestly. But it wouldn't be one of my stories if there wasn't an insane amount of angst 😅 Also, disclaimer, I have not seen the last two seasons of Teen Wolf or the movie so, sorry for any inconsistencies.
Next ->
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“Let’s just get this over with,” (Y/N) sighed as she fixed the Santa hat on top of her head. “They don’t have to know yet.”
“Yeah,” Stiles grimaced. “It’s better to wait until after the holidays, I guess.”
It was the first time Stiles and (Y/N) had ever been terrified to enter Scott’s house and face all of their friends. Even worse, they had to pretend everything was fine between them. 
Since they were little, the pair had been inseparable. Being next-door neighbors allowed them to grow close at a rapid pace. It was in her that he found solace on the nights his mother’s illness would take the best of her mind. He would run over to her house and climb the lattice that ran all the way up to her room. 
And she wouldn’t ask questions. (Y/N) would simply let him in through her window and distract him until he eventually drifted off to sleep. She did not need any explanations or reasons to comfort Stiles. She simply knew he needed her, and so she was there for him. Because if there was anything she knew of, it was the pain of slowly losing a parent.
They shared a bond that no one could break. Even as Scott entered their duo and they became the perfect trio, Stiles and (Y/N) shared a connection like no other. So, it came as no surprise to anyone when they got together. Even after Stiles had continuously professed his love for Lydia. Even after (Y/N) and Boyd had a quick fling. Everyone knew that it would be the two of them at the end of the day. 
What no one expected was that one day, they wouldn’t be Stiles and (Y/N) anymore. Hell, not even they had seen it coming. 
Their downfall had begun the second week of December. For some reason, the couple had not spoken about what happened after high school. In their senior year, they were focusing on the present, leaving the future where it was. Because what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. 
(Y/N) had applied under early action to various colleges, thinking nothing of it. But there was one college that had been her dream since her father had passed, and that was her only early decision application. She had worked every day since to make sure she was at least close to being accepted. But it was never a sure thing. 
She had promised herself to put it in the back of her mind. Stressing over that envelope would only drive her into madness. As much as she wanted it to be true, she knew the reality of the situation. The chances she could ever get in, much less with a full ride, were slim to none. And hoping only made things worse.
Still, that hadn’t stopped her from applying; it hadn’t stopped her from wishing. 
“Honey,” her mother had said one afternoon after she got home from school. “Look what came in the mail.” 
In her hands, there was a white manila envelope with blue lettering that clearly read: University of Oxford. 
(Y/N) could have sworn she could feel her heart in her throat, beating at an unnatural pace and threatening to leap out of her body. She crossed the distance between her front door to the kitchen faster than she had ever done before, needing to feel the paper in her hands. Only seeing it was not proof enough that it was real. 
“I don’t think I can open it,” the girl worried. “What if it’s bad, mom?”
“You won’t know unless you see, my darling,” she smiled softly. “But no matter what, you will still be the most impressive young lady I have known. And any college would be lucky to have you.”
With trembling hands, she broke open the envelope and pulled out a beautiful and crisp piece of white paper. “Dear (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” she read before taking a steadying breath. “It is with greatest pleasure that we inform you that the Admissions Comittee has decided to offer you admission to Oxford University through our binding Early Decision (ED) option on a full scholarship.”
As (Y/N) read those words, tears spilled from her eyes, and the papers fell from her hands. Her mother wrapped her arms tightly around her, showering her with words of love and encouragement. It had been everything she had worked for. Something not even the supernaturals of the world could take from her. 
“You’re going to Oxford, baby girl,” her mother cooed. “I knew you could. Your dad would have been just as proud as I am.” 
That moment should have been the happiest in her life so far. But there was a dark cloud that lingered over her as she celebrated. She had not told anyone she was applying to a college so far away, much less the reason she would be doing so. Mostly because she was terrified she wouldn’t get in. But part of her knew it was because she was leaving all her friends behind, leaving Stiles behind. And that was the hardest part. 
For the rest of the week, as she celebrated internally, she hid the biggest news of her life from all of her friends and the boy she had deemed the love of her life. Anyone would have thought she was the one harboring a secret supernatural life with the way she was guarding her secret. And, maybe it shouldn’t have been something she kept to herself. Maybe they would have all been excited for her and understood the reason for the distance. But something deep in her stopped her every single time. 
If her friends had noticed there was anything different from her demeanor, they didn’t say a thing. In the midst of final exams and the Christmas holidays soon approaching, everyone seemed to be stuck in their own heads. So, if they were in their heads, they couldn’t know there was something happening in hers.  
But that Friday night, at the same hour Stiles would always sneak in, (Y/N) knew there was no way she could continue to hide her secret any longer. 
“Come on,” he chuckled as he jumped onto her bed, holding his arms open. “Tell me what’s going on with you.” 
“What do you mean?” she said, forcing a smile. “Why do you say that?”
“You know you can’t lie to me. I may not have super hearing, but I can tell, (Y/N).” 
“Yeah,” she chuckled softly. “You know me too well.” 
“Of course I do,” he smiled as he crossed the distance between them and caressed the softness of her cheek. “Now, please, tell me what’s wrong?” 
That was it. That was the moment that had changed them, the moment that had broken them. 
(Y/N) took a steadying breath and took his hands in hers, focusing on the veins on his hands rather than his worried eyes. “I got a letter last week,” she started with a sigh. “I told you about all the colleges I had applied to as early action.” 
“Of course, you bright mind, you,” he said. “Did you already start getting the acceptance letters?” 
“Uh, there’s another college I actually applied to. Early decision.”
“Like binding early decision?”
“Yeah, exactly,” she said, her voice trembling as she spoke. “I, uh, I applied to the University of Oxford. And I got in.”
Instead of embracing her, Stiles dropped her hands, taking a step away from her. “In England?” he asked as though he was offended. “Why would you wanna go that far?”
“It’s not about the distance,” she grimaced, finally meeting his hurt eyes. “It’s about what that school means. That’s where my dad went to school. That’s the place my parents met. That was the school that started my entire life, Stiles.” 
“So, why didn’t you tell me about it? If it was so damn important, why did you never mention it?” Stiles seethed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “You wanna start a new life, is that it? Follow in your parents’ footsteps and meet the love of your life there? Great, (Y/N). And you made sure you did it in a way you couldn’t back out.”
“Stiles, that’s not…”
“So, what? Were you gonna wait until graduation to tell me that you were moving halfway across the world to get away from us? From me?” the boy cried. “Or were you simply going to disappear and start a new life without telling anyone? But I guess that’s your thing now, huh? Keeping big shit like this until you can’t anymore.”
“That’s not fair, Stiles,” she frowned, hugging her arms tightly across her torso. “I didn’t want to get my hopes up, so I didn’t say anything. That doesn’t mean that I would have never told you about it. I’m not looking to escape. I’m looking to start my future.” 
“And it looks like you were starting it without me then,” he croaked. “What does that mean for us, (Y/N)? We ride it out until graduation, and then you leave for the rest of your life?” 
“I don’t… you wanna b-break up?” 
“It’s inevitable now, isn’t it?” Stiles said in a tone that broke her more than the words he was speaking. “You’re gonna be in England, and I’m gonna be god knows where. It’s better just to do it now.” 
That night was nothing like she had imagined it would be. She had hoped Stiles would have been excited for her and promised her everything would be alright. That somehow he would have the answers to how they could withstand so much distance because they had to make it. Out of everyone in their friend group, those two had to make it. 
Instead, it had taken a turn for the worse. One second, Stiles was standing before her with a smile on his face, and the next, he was leaving through her window with tears streaming down his face. What she had most been dreading was that scenario to play out, and a week before their friend’s holiday party, it had. They had gone through life-threatening and mind-boggling situations, but it was a college acceptance letter that broke them apart. 
The coming days (Y/N) spent buried in bed. Although she should have been celebrating one of her biggest achievements –other than saving lives and defeating many, many creatures– she had wasted more tears during that time than she had done the past years of her life. She was distraught and defeated, and she had no idea how she would make it through the last semester of high school, much less how she would have made it through a Christmas party. 
Somehow, they had arrived at Scott’s house at the same time, even after she had made sure she left twenty minutes after Stiles. The universe liked to play its mean tricks, but that one was almost unforgivable. 
“Let’s just try to stay out of each other’s way,” he grimaced. “The less we are near each other, the harder it’ll be for them to find out.” 
“Harder to find out what?” Scott asked as he swung the front door open, his signature goofy grin stretched across his mouth. Instinctively, Stiles draped his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and smiled brightly. “Ooh, did you bring your brownies, (Y/N)?” 
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Still warm from the oven.” 
“Wouldn’t be a party without them,” Stiles commented. “Now, let us in. It’s kinda cold out tonight.” 
The second they were inside, Stiles broke for the living room while (Y/N) moved to the kitchen with Scott. She set the tray on the overfilled kitchen island, noticing to the side that the dinner table was perfectly set up. “Oh, the table looks nice,” she commented. “But I thought we’d be doing something more low-key.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled awkwardly. “Lydia thought it’d be fun to do a more grown-up dinner party.” 
“Yeah. Place settings and everything.” 
“We were waiting for you guys to start eating,” he said. “We’re doing gifts after.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Slowly, the rest of the group trickled into the kitchen, greeting and hugging (Y/N) as they looked over all the food and served themselves their plates. And, of course, her seat was right next to Stiles’. Even if she had wanted to sit anywhere else, the rest had already taken their assigned seats, and the only open spot was the one that had her name. 
She gave her ex-boyfriend a small smile, looking anywhere but into the brown of his eyes. Her heart beat against her chest, threatening to jump out of her body. It made her fidgety as everyone ate, thinking any of the wereanimals around her would be able to tell how she was feeling. 
But Scott was laughing with Stiles, Malia was talking to Lydia, and Hayden, Liam, and Mason had their own conversation running. (Y/N) was all by herself. She was surrounded by all the people she loved, but it was the loneliest she had felt in a long time. Without the usual comforting words from Stiles, she couldn’t help but feel so out of place. It was the happiest time of the year, but the girl was miserable, and it hurt that it didn’t seem like the boy she loved was sad as well. 
“Alright,” Lydia spoke up as everyone ignored their mostly empty plates. “Now that our bellies are full, I think it’s time for Secret Santa! And I truly hope you all kept it a secret this time.” 
“Not that it’d matter anyway,” Liam chuckled. “We all know we ask for help every time.” 
“Anyways,” she said, ignoring the soft laughter that erupted from the group. “Let’s go to the living room, and (Y/N) you’ll go first.”
“Oh, uh, sure,” she smiled as she followed the group into the living room. She crouched under the decorated Christmas tree, pulling out the gift that had been there for almost two weeks. “I got Lydia.” 
“How wonderful!” the redhead mused, quick to hug her friend and rip away the wrapping paper. Inside the gift box was a mosaic picture of Lydia, Allison, and (Y/N), the first time they had finally considered each other friends. “Oh, it’s beautiful! I wish I could take it with me everywhere.” 
“It was hard to get it just right, but I loved how it turned out.” 
“It’s perfect, (Y/N),” she beamed. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I love you, Lids.” 
“Love you too,” the girl said as she wrapped her friend in a tighter hug. “My turn!”
Lydia had gifted Liam nine books out of his TBR list —nine because of his lacrosse number. Then, Liam gifted Scott a new leather jacket so he could “actually look cool when riding his motorcycle,” Liam snickered. Scott then gifted Malia a light blue hoodie to add to her ever-growing collection, while Malia gifted Hayden a journal and pen set, saying it was for when her mind felt too busy. After a warm smile and a hug, she announced her gift was for Mason, laughing as he pulled out an ugly cat sweater. Once the loud laughter subsided, Mason gifted Stiles a massage mat for his Jeep. 
“For when you’re taking really long drives,” the boy smiled, clearly proud of himself. “There’s quite some distance between here and D.C. It’ll come in handy.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled as he hugged Mason. “Thanks, man. It’s great.” 
“Don’t mention it.”
As Mason sat back down, Stiles cleared his throat as he pulled the last gift. Everyone knew by then who it was for. There was no one else left. “Well, I guess you all know who this is for,” he said. “I hope you like it, (Y/N).” 
The girl received the bag with a soft smile, trying her best to swallow the tears that were threatening to spill. She had forgotten for a second how cruel the universe could be. She pulled out the white tissue paper first before finding a beautiful brown bear dressed in a blue knit sweater. Around its neck, there was a necklace with something she could only assume was a soundwave. With curiosity washing over her, she looked to Stiles for an explanation. 
“Uh, so, it’ll make a lot more sense if you press the bear’s hand,” he stammered. Once she died as told, the sound broke her. From deep in the belly of the teddy bear, her father’s voice rang out, singing the words of “You Are My Sunshine.” There was not a single night when she was little that her father didn’t sing that to her, and even as she grew old for the lullaby, he would call her sunshine. “I got a recording from your mom of your dad singing the song when you were a baby,” Stiles spoke over the music. “And the necklace is the image of the soundwave of your dad calling you sunshine.” 
Tears had long since fallen down her cheeks, clutching the bear in her arms as though it was her own father. With her eyes closed, it was almost as though he was right there, singing to her. But it was what came after the song that shattered her. “You’re gonna do great things, (Y/N),” her father said through the bear. “I love you forever, my little sunshine.” 
At that moment, all she wanted to do was hug Stiles and kiss him like she had done a million times before. That was the boy she had fallen in love with. The one that cared and listened. The one that had made her heart race and her stomach turn into butterflies. She wanted to tell him she loved him and never let him go, but she couldn’t. Just like she could never do with her father. 
“I, uh,” she said as she stood from the couch, feeling as though she would faint in the crowded room. “I need some air.” 
(Y/N) stammered her way out of the living room and through the front door, only allowing herself to break down when she was at the end of the driveway. She fell to her knees and hugged the bear to her chest as she cried, letting the hurt that had accumulated over the years spill onto the pavement. In less than six months, she was going to walk into a new life halfway across the globe without the support of her father and now, without the support of Stiles. All alone. 
She should have been celebrating. She knew that. She should have been crying tears of joy and jumping into her love’s arms. Instead, it was the bear’s arms that she could feel. The softness of its fur, the sound of her father’s voice. 
Without even realizing it, she had begun singing along to the lullaby, sniffling between words as the tears didn’t relent. “You’re gonna do great things, (Y/N),” her father said once more through the bear. “I love you forever, my little sunshine.” 
“I love you too, dad,” she cried. 
“Hey,” his voice startled her. Through teary eyes, she looked up to find Stiles draping a jacket over her shoulders. He slid to the ground next to her, facing the house before them as she was now. “I’m sorry. I bought the gift weeks ago, and I wasn’t sure if I was still allowed to give it to you.” 
“No, it was… i-it was perfect,” she stammered, running her hand over the bear’s fur. “It’s just everything rushed over me. Like the breakup, the fact that I won’t be here next year, the fact that my dad won’t even see me gradua…”
Another string of sobs ransacked (Y/N)’s body, but that time it wasn’t the bear she was hugging. Stiles had wrapped his arms around her, pressing her into his chest. She could smell his cologne and feel his warmth, a feeling she had missed for the past seven days. All she wanted was to melt into his touch and profess to him all that she felt. But she couldn’t. Not anymore. Because he didn’t want it. 
“I didn’t want things to be this way,” she cried into his chest. “I didn’t want everything to fall apart.” 
Stiles remained quiet as she cried, a hard feat for someone like him. But he let her cry and cry until only quiet sniffles filled the air. Because he hadn’t wanted things to be that way either. 
He knew he had overreacted. When he had told (Y/N) his plans of enrolling in George Washington University all the way across the county, she had told him they could make it work. Especially if she got into any of the ivy leagues she had applied to on the East Coast. It had been fine. Hell, it had been perfect. 
But when she told him that she wouldn’t just be a couple of states away but that she would be on another continent, he couldn’t help but let his abandonment issues take control. 
He knew she was brilliant. He knew she deserved to do and be all that she had dreamed. But he feared that once she achieved all of her goals, he would just not fit into her life anymore. 
“You’re gonna go on to do great things, (Y/N),” he sighed sadly as her tears stopped. “You’re gonna go to Oxford, just like your parents, and you’re gonna probably graduate at the top of your class on your way. And I’ll be here —well, in Washington, technically—cheering you on.”
“But why couldn’t we be great together, Stiles? We couldn’t we both go on to do great things, together?”
“Come on, (Y/N). Once you’re there, you’re gonna meet so many people, and you’ll have guys falling on their knees for you,” he chuckled dryly. “I won’t fit into your new world. I mean, you said it yourself: that’s where your parents met and your life began. And now, maybe you’ll have a new beginning. And years from today, we’ll run into each other, and you’ll tell me about your job and your husband and your kids, and I’ll be so happy for you. Because you serve all the love and happiness in the world, even if it’s without me.”
“Have you even asked yourself if that’s what I want?” (Y/N) asked as she left his warm embrace, her red eyes boring into his. “I’m not leaving because I’m searching for a new life. I want to go to Oxford because it’s one of the last things I can share with my dad. I can walk down the same halls he did, I can take classes in the same classrooms, and eat at the same places he did. But I was always going to come back, Stiles. Because my friends are here, my mom is here, because you are here. I don’t want to run into you and talk about another man or the kids I would have with him. I don’t want to run into you at all. I want to walk beside you, Stiles. If I ever have kids, it’s only if they’re a part of you too,” she cried, fresh tears falling down her already-stained cheeks. “If you don’t love me anymore, then fine. I can understand that, and I can walk away. But don’t you dare say that you wouldn’t fit into my life because you’ve been there longer than anyone I know, and I need you to be there until the end. Because I already lost someone important to me and I can’t lose you too. Not you.” 
“(Y/N), I don’t want to lose you either,” he sobbed. “But how can we fight with the distance? How could we ever withstand the fact that we’ll be an ocean away?”
“We have gone through worse battles than a plane ride, Stiles. We have been on the brink of death more times this past year than any person would in their lifetime. Do you really think being in a different time zone is the limit to our relationship? I know the future isn’t promised but you were the one person I always knew would be there.”
“I’m scared, okay?! I’m scared that you’ll meet someone better than me, (Y/N). I’m terrified that you’ll realize that maybe I’m not the guy that can give you your happy ever after,” he finally confessed. His voice croaked, and his chest heaved as the words fell out of his mouth faster than he could ever stop them. “This week has been torture without you. But it’s made me realize that Beacon Hills has always been too small for you. After May, you’re gonna go out there and find your place. And this town will be nothing but a memory you’ll come back to.”
“There is no one better for me than you, Stiles, and Beacon Hills will always be my home,” she replied softly. Her cold hand found his cheek, and she wiped away his tears with her thumb. “I don’t want to know a life where you’re not there. You can’t give up on us without even trying, Stiles. You just can’t.” 
Without thinking twice, (Y/N) crashed her lips onto his, sinking into the warmth of his mouth. After a week, kissing him felt like the very first time. It was desperate and filled with need —the need for closeness and passion, the need for love. Instinctively, Stiles’ hands found her waist and pulled her closer to him, wondering how he ever thought he could live without her touch. 
“I love you, Stiles, and I don’t even want to think about ever having to love someone else,” she whispered as she parted from him. “My heart belongs to you. And if this is the end, it’ll still remain in your hands.” 
“I couldn’t love anyone else like I love you, (Y/N),” he replied with a soft smile. “But I just can’t help the thoughts that flood my brain sometimes.” 
“Then don’t listen to them and listen to me when I say that since the moment I met you, I’ve known you were it for me. There is no other man waiting for me in Oxford. It’s you, and it will always be you,” (Y/N) said before kissing him softly once more. “You’re the best thing that has happened to me, Stiles Stilinski, and you’re the only thing that I want to keep happening to me.”
“I can’t believe I ever broke up with you. Especially during Christmas,” Stiles chuckled as he rested his forehead against hers, flicking the tip of her nose with his own. “It was honestly the worst week of my life.” 
“Including being possessed?” Scott’s voice startled them as he came into view. “Although, I get it because this was completely avoidable.”
(Y/N) chuckled as she took Scott’s extended hand and got on her feet, wiping away any tears that still remained. “Did you hear that whole thing?”
“More or less,” he chuckled. “It’s a bit hard not to when I was coming to see if you guys were okay.” 
“We’re good now, Scotty,” Stiles grinned. “Just had some unresolved feelings to work, though.” 
“Can you not mention the whole thing about the breakup? I don’t wanna make it a whole thing.”
“That’s a bit hard, (Y/N),” Malia called from the open front door. “We all kind of already know.”
“Oh, cool, great,” she said as she hid in Stile’s embrace. “That’s not embarrassing at all.”
“Eh, at least our parents are back together,” Liam commented. “Best Christmas present.” 
“It really is, huh?” Stiles whispered as he kissed the top of her head. 
“Yes. Very cute and adorable,” Lydia added in a desperate tone. “Now, can we go back inside before Hayden and Mason finish all the brownies?”
As the group walked back into the house, Stiles and (Y/N) shared one more moment together on the front porch. “Hey, look up,” Stiles said with a smile. “Mistletoe.”
“Funny that they’d hang that at a werewolf's home,” she chuckled. “Although, I’m pretty sure that one’s plastic.”
“And I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to kiss me.”
“Maybe I’m waiting for another guy to kiss under the plant.” Stiles frowned at her words, and all she could do was laugh. “Too soon?”
“Much,” he said. “Now, come here.”
He snaked his hands on either side of her face and kissed her passionately. He kissed her for every day they had spent apart. He kissed her for every hurtful word he had spewed. He kissed her as a promise of his love for her. Stiles kissed her like she was his future. 
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101 notes · View notes
okay so a couple of days ago i saw this ask on @fellshish's blog about a need for a full 1941 discorporated aziraphale angst fic, realized i had an entire outline already in the hull, and... this happened:
a "what if crowley didn't miss in 1941" fic, including but not exclusive to the moment itself, the hours leading up to it, and the aftermath; a fanfiction (chapter 3/4)
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It's Fell the Marvelous' awaited debut performance on the West End. He has his marksman, his turnips, and things appear to be going as planned—that is, until said marksman does the one thing he was supposed to avoid. Not missing. (or: the bullet catch goes wrong, and due to a tiny technicality, crowley's afraid aziraphale is gone for good. and crowley himself—for the first time in quite a while—is well and truly alone.)
warnings: full of blood, sweat, kissing while crying, blown up heads, prayers, nostalgic churches, polaroids, alcohol, and aziraphale being a discorporated bastard and bitching his way back to earth while a plot we should probably be focusing occurs as we ignore it entirely. and written extremely slowly. oxymoron but i couldnt get this out of my head fast enough and now you must endure it (should you choose to accept). i think i'm gonna be pretty proud of this though. excited!
(also thank @tforthetea for the inspiration because a conversation with them helped spark this the first time. all hail)
ao3 link for those who didn't check the title, and fic under the cut! :)
chapter 1: number thirteen
One of the things Crowley liked gloating about on occasion was that he was older than Death Itself.
He wasn’t technically wrong, per se. The humans think him mad, and the demons think him stupid, but he was still right. Human concepts, despite their hold on the population and overall importance, were non-existent before or even during the Beginning. The Four Horsemen and other ideas evolved right alongside the humans, so technically, Crowley was older than all of them. He rather liked having something to lord over War (in his head), during the few unfortunate meetings he would have with her. Famine was a non-issue, and Death could not touch him regardless of how much he didn’t like him. There were failsafes.
Now, however, actually being in the room that Aziraphale could potentially walk into and never come out of, Crowley would gladly take all of it back and pretend he never even thought about it at all.
The damned magician. Crowley never caught his name, but if he had, he would wrought him with the most annoyingly small curses that no one would ever believe to be true after today. Tonight wasn’t just about impressing the audience or even repaying that wine-filled debt, it was about them. Tonight, Crowley was to play the trusted stooge, and…shoot the angel. Point blank. In the face. And make it look real. And not discorporate him. And not get them fired. And—
There were a lot of things to consider, alright? To contrary belief, Crowley did, in fact, not think Death was silly or stupid. He’d also been there when It was born, you know. Crowley liked Abel. Watching It happen was, plainly, fucking terrifying. It brought up something new, and change was just as scary as Death. Ask anyone, and they’d tell you.
Crowley has been running that unfortunate meeting involuntarily through his head for the first ten or so minutes of waiting for the actual show to begin, while also listing out the terrible things he would do to the magician man had he ever held the opportunity again. He’d been sort of gunning (no pun intended) to stay backstage and avoid the riffraff, but been ushered out the dressing room the second he’d given his (admittingly harsh) two cents on the situation. Aziraphale said he wanted privacy before the big show, but Crowley knew he was just ticked. Aziraphale was an angel who thrived with a supportive devil over his shoulder.
So, Crowley is just milling around in the crowd as the Allied soldiers and their companions filter in. They come and go—a Lady even comes to check on him at point, mentioning odd vacant gazes and looking over shoulders paranoid-like, but he waves them off before they can pry. He really shouldn’t be so worried—even if Aziraphale…‘didn’t make it through the night’, he’d eventually be fine. As long as he discorporated a certain way, nothing too lethal—some deaths were harder to come back from others.
They’ve been discorporated before, of course. That was how Crowley knew this. Six millennia offered many opportunities for the event. But never, and it was never, at each other's hand. On paper, yeah, they killed each other on occasion, but truly…
Crowley shifts nervously, sending a glare at anyone who got a bit too close, but the brief discomforts aren’t enough to lift his spirits. There was one entity faffing about who refused to bugger off even with direct acknowledgements, though that might be because Crowley was imagining It. Or It really was here, and interested in the affairs of potential angel discorporation. Or a bomb was going to fall here and It was just beating the rush. The theories were far from endless.
Death appeared back there as soon as Crowley had been kicked out. He’s simply been dealing with it since then, and It probably wasn’t helping to lift his spirits. He shouldn’t be so antsy—both logic and mechanics deemed it so.
They’d be fine, Crowley repeats to himself near constantly, finding a proper seat in direct line of sight where Aziraphale will be standing. He readjusts his tie as the humans sit around him, creating a perfectly isolated bubble of red velvet seats. What did it matter that twelve humans died doing this before? They weren’t human. Death had no claim on them. It couldn’t take them even if It so desired.
Crowley scowls at the hooded figure standing near the entrance of the theater, cold scythe gleaming under the warm bulbs of the West End. Its just…standing there. Making no move to come closer, either. Odd.
Crowley sinks lower into his plush seat, as if trying to avoid Death’s gaze. But being one of two immovable objects on this Earth, It’s always on him. If Death had a goal, there would be no point in warding It away.
Seeing Death is a famous bad omen, and would send a chill down his spine had it been anywhere else. At this moment, however, Crowley is simply irritated. If It was looking for another soul in this theater, that was fine by him, let It take them, but It would not be ruining whatever this was. Humans were ever plentiful—there was only one angel deserving of Earth.
Before Crowley can decide whether or not he should be stupid and confront the omen in the room, the lights go dim. The crowd’s murmurs die down, and Crowley has no choice but to stay seated and watch the show. Aziraphale wouldn’t be coming on until the Ladies of Camelot had their first number, but Crowley could easily endure it. The gaze aimed straight at his head could be ignored.
World be damned if It took the angel’s enthusiasm. They’d be fine. Crowley just has to remember that.
Things are, indeed, not going fine.
Crowley is meant to go up on stage any second now. Aziraphale has no inkwell in his gloved hand. No amount of snapping is removing said turnip from line of sight. He reads the pamphlet—then again, then again, then again, but there is no second option for apparently miracleless individuals.
Fucking. Hell.
Whatever false bravado Aziraphale is spewing is null and void compared to the should-be-non-existent nerves running through frantic hands and finding absolutely nothing useful. Crowley flips through the same two pages—give the stooge the bullet, poise, and shoot. The miracle would’ve ensure that the bullet would never leave the barrel. But now—now, well, he really regrets not considering a Plan B. Did they ever consider a Plan B? Apparently not.
Getting there is a blur. Aziraphale is essentially shoving the rifle into Crowley’s care, which is honestly becoming a worse idea by the second. He’s switching between the demon and the audience so quickly that Crowley can’t tell who he’s addressing. They’re deathly quiet, and Crowley would feel embarrassed if his heart that shouldn’t be there wasn’t pounding with too much blood in too little time. His mind is a soup. Muddled, feverish, and incredibly foul tasting. You wouldn’t want to drink it even if you were starving.
“I would ask you,” Aziraphale says loudly, cutting through the fog of utter mental mush, “to take this bullet, and load it into the rifle. Very carefully.”
Crowley nods belatedly, squeezing and turning parts of the gun to get the non-existent warmth running back through his fingers. He takes the bullet, and turns it round a few times while Aziraphale stares at him with excruciating anxiety. Is he stalling? Honestly, even Crowley wouldn’t be able to tell you.
“It's perfectly simple,” Aziraphale mutters softly, pushing the gun a bit closer. “Aim for my mouth, but shoot past my ear.”
Crowley can’t find himself to agree here. He’s staring at him, and that would usually get him to listen regardless of shades, but Death is boring into them like the harshest of theater critics. His skin is slick, almost clammy, threatening to let the gun slip and fire a stray bullet anywhere but its intended target. His back is sore, oddly enough. Irritating.
Crowley has questions, like he always does, but the time has long passed. What he wants to ask is ‘do I just squeeze that little bit there?’ pointing at (what looks like) to be the trigger—but then that would just make Crowley look incompetent, so he swallows it back and nodly lightly. He’s never fired a gun like Aziraphale seems to believe whole-heartedly, but he’s certainly watched it happen. He’s picked up enough of the motions to figure it out on his own.
That thought still doesn’t help when he’s being told to insert the bullet, though. Crowley fumbles through it, opening a mislaid hatch or two, but manages before Aziraphale could raise any alarms. He’s already stood back in position (when did that happen?) when Crowley raises the loaded rifle for all to see, proclaiming as such. He bites back the tremor threatening to appear—he wasn’t nervous. Excited, more like it. Excited to finally get an excuse to make a throw at the angel non-suspicious like.
That was all it was. Really.
Crowley turns the rifle one last time as Aziraphale spins more useless pageantry for the audience to woo at. They’re both grinning, but tightly and annoyingly false. It wasn’t the eyes that were the problem—what, do you think that demons ever got stage fright? Absurd!
It was just...well, there weren’t just humans in this audience. Crowley couldn’t forget the shadow looming at the end of the theater no matter how tight he grips the side of the weapon. But, just like Someone had laid out all that Time ago—Death could only perceive them.
It could not touch them.
It would not touch them.
It would not touch him, if he could help it.
The drums begin their incessant titter as Aziraphale finally turns to Crowley properly, blue cloak glimmering under the warm light of the stage before them. “A-are you ready, sir?”
Crowley would scoff at this if he could. Sir. Only humans ever addressed him that way; angels look down on him, demons sneer at him. Though he supposes this angel would be different—always throwing the curveballs, him.
“When you hear my signal,” the angel says, voice growing quieter, “shoot.”
Aziraphale removes his tophat, revealing preciously white curls. This pings something, the remaining traces of damned sense he’s got buried inside. Crowley isn’t sure what has possessed him—but he shakes his head. It’s all he can do. Don’t make me do it, he nearly warns out loud. Not if you know what’s good for you.
Aziraphale stills, but not before mouthing words that would be akin to an ashamed mumble if he were close enough. Trust me.
Trust me.
Satan, he got him there. That’s why Crowley was here, after all. Stooge. 100% Reliable Marksman.
Aziraphale isn’t nearly as good as Crowley at hiding his anxious gaze. “Ready?”
Oh, Heavens no. He never would be, but no better time than the present. Or something like that. He can’t recall where it came from.
Crowley can’t ignore it anymore—he’s shaking. Extremely so, at that. It’s knocking around the air in his lungs very unkindly. It’s quite difficult to aim. His head is bobbing around in the scope.
Just about…
There it is.
Crowley waits—just like he’s done for the last…however long. A long time. His arms are starting to hurt, frankly. He rests his finger over the trigger to ease the trembling a tad.
And the magician remains silent.
Crowley ignores the sweat crawling down his neck. (Wasn’t it supposed to be freezing?) He waits some more—it’s not like one can forget where you are. Benefit of the doubt and such.
Nothing still. Nary a nod.
He’s been staring at him for a minute. The crowd hasn’t uttered a peep. Is Crowley just supposed to…do it? Did they talk about this? They must have. They talked about this. They talked about it, right? Yeah. Yeah, they must have—
He startled him.
The reason why he listens is easy to explain. Aziraphale made Crowley flinch. A bit of a spook, really, not that bad of a fright. A sudden jolt—a tap on the shoulder, one that said ‘oh, look, you’ve got perfect aim already! Shoot!’
And he did.
What’s the first rule of approaching someone with a weapon again?
Right. Don’t fucking scare them.
The handle is warm. Slick, heavy, shaky. The scope aims with guilty target missing at the helm. A puff of smoke is spewing from the barrel. A thump, a sickening thump, deafening in the cricket silence of a post-trick world.
And Aziraphale…is on the floor.
(Where else would he be, really?)
There, obviously. On the floor. With a blown-up head. Bleeding like blessed Heaven. Bleeding like bloody Heaven, while Crowley has to take in the sight and smell the blessed thing.
It fits. They fit. Like a perfect crown on a decapitated head.
God, his head’s just gone, isn’t it?
A noise cuts through the thick silence like a stubbornly determined knife. Far away, above it all, there it rings. It’s muffled, soft, and almost awkward in the way it cuts through the air. A camera click. A reluctant, malicious camera click.
And that was just the perfect way to say it, no? He blew his brains out. Crowley blew his angel’s fucking brains out with a fucking gun that he’s never fucking held before.
Trust me.
Well. That, no doubt, was Aziraphale’s fault—it’d be a funny old world if angels and demons went around trusting one another.
hgh. hope that was decent. chapter two coming as soon as it can because im invested now :))
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starrgaziinggg · 2 years
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You finally meet the man your friends Felix and Hyunjin have been blabbing about for the past couple months, and he's a royal pain in the ass.
Lee Minho is a legacy at your university. He received an honorary award when he graduated, got a position as a dancer in a company a week after receiving his diploma...and was renowned as the schools famous ice-cold fuckboy.
After coming back from a three month tour, you're introduced to him through your uni friends...and your life does a 180. It's hard enough to pass classes whilst also trying to navigate your failing relationship...but the added tension that comes with the dance prodigy you seem to be spending more and more time with?
Some would say it's too much to handle.
|Non idol AU|university AU|friends to lovers|
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part three
If anyone tells you they don't like gossip, they're lying.
Everyone gossips, whether they do it intentionally or not. Sooyun was terrible for it, somehow always knowing the latest trouble with that couple everyone envies, or the friends she made on her course or whatever else. You couldn't pretend not to enjoy hearing what she had to say, always finding an interest in her stories. Most of it was just that; fictitious, but you couldn't care less. Gossip was gossip, a story was a story.
You'd never felt what it was like the be on the receiving end of the latest gossip, though.
It began when everyone started to talk about the fact you won the showcase competition, as the news spread quickly around campus and people you didn't even know were coming up to congratulate you. Luckily for you, after receiving as much praise as you did, Ms Kwon hadn't said a word to you about you changing her choreography, instead taking it in her stride and pretending as though it was her own.
You'd realised she was a morally grey character when Minho had told you she'd slept with a student, but you didn't realise to what extent. Knowing she was taking praise for the choreography you, Hyun and Felix had created did irk you, but what could you do about it. You were lucky you got off as easily as you did. You hated confrontation, you didn't want to cause trouble, so ignoring the situation suited you just fine.
The trouble started when Hyunjin had slid into the booth you were in at the university's cafe one day, which Jeongin had recently started working at. It was a week after the showcase, a Saturday afternoon, when he flopped in front of you, huffing and puffing as though he'd ran a marathon.
"Have you talked to your horrible boyfriend recently?" he breathed out after a while, wiping beads of sweat off his forehead as he slumped into the chair opposite you. Jeongin, who'd been enjoying a quiet shift and had come over to talk to you a couple times whilst you'd been studying, came over to join the two of you as he announced he was on a break, taking a seat beside Hyunjin.
"Yeah, why?" you said shortly, raising a brow at your dramatic friend. It was true, you had been talking to Doha more frequently after he'd come to watch you perform. He'd actually made an effort to message you, and you finally started to think things were going back to normal with him. Oh, how wrong you were.
"It's just...fuck, I'm so out of breath," Hyunjin whined, taking a drink out of your water glass, a habit of his you'd picked up on.
"Did you run here?" Jeongin asks seriously, moving his chair away from Hyunjin and his excessive sweat, making you chuckle.
"Would you believe me if I said yes?"
"Yes," you and Jeongin said in unison, earning an eye roll from Hyunjin and a high five between the two of you.
"Oh, fuck off, this is actually important," Hyunjin flipped the two of you off before downing the rest of your water and collecting himself. "Earlier I was at the library, right? Was with Serin, you know, the girl from your music course, Jeong?"
Jeongin nods his head, and you use your hand to motion, 'hurry up.'
"Okay, so we were studying in the non-silent study area so we could talk, flirt, whatever, and I overheard this group of girls talking behind us. They were talking about you," he says, nodding towards you. "One of them was on our course, I recognised her voice cause she was like, 'I'm so glad we won that showcase, cause all the dance teachers have been in a good mood all week, my assignment got moved to next week,' or whatever, and obviously when they started talking about you, I listened in. So, one of the girls asked who you were, and the one on our course explained, I think her names Lexi or something. Then one of the other girls was talking about how she's seen you around campus and thought you were really attractive which, by the way, girlboss."
You scoff at Hyunjin's idiotic way of telling stories but feel pride in the fact someone had thought of you as attractive. "Go on."
"Yeah, so after she said that, Lexi was like, 'unfortunately for you, she's got a boyfriend, I hear her friends talk about how they don't like him,' obviously talking about us, and then the one who liked you asked who your boyfriend was, and Lexi said Choi Doha, and one of the other girls pipes up, saying something about how one of her dorm mates is seeing a guy called Choi Doha, and Lexi is like, 'it's definitely not the same guy,' so her friend pulls up her phone and showed her Doha, your Doha's Instagram, like, 'is this him?', and Lexi is like, 'what the fuck, yes.'"
You screw your face up, your brain failing to compute the splurge of information Hyunjin's telling you. "So, this girl said my Doha has been seeing her dormmate?"
"In not so many words, yeah," Hyunjin confirms. "I saw her pull up his exact Instagram account, there was literally pictures of you on it. So they started talking about how Doha is apparently cheating on you with whoever that girl's dormmate is, and as soon as I heard that, I ran straight here to tell you."
Fuck. It's almost laughable how quickly you believe it. There's no doubt in your mind that Doha had been seeing someone else, regarding the state of your relationship recently. You feel Jeongin place a hand on yours, giving it a squeeze as he looks at you with sad eyes. You feel nothing, no sadness, no stress. It's almost a relief, knowing that there was a reason behind his behaviour recently.
"So, you ran straight here to tell me this, all the way from the other side of campus?" you almost laugh when Hyunjin nods. "You could have text or called me."
"It's not the type of shit you tell someone over the phone," he rightfully points out. You sigh.
"But, didn't you say you were with Serin at the library?" Jeongin asks Hyunjin, putting his work apron back on as his break comes to an end. Hyunjin nods. "And you ran straight here? So you just ditched Serin at the library?"
Hyunjin's eyes visibly widen. "I'm the worst."
"We love you in spite of your idiocy," you say to him as he groans. "Guess I have an awkward conversation to have, now."
"I expected you to be more, I dunno, sad?" Hyunjin says, no filter as usual. You and Jeongin give each other an eye roll from where he is behind the cafe counter. "I mean, sorry to be abrasive, but aren't you? Sad?"
"I guess I kind of expected it," you answer truthfully. "I'm not surprised."
"I fucking hate that guy," Hyunjin seethes, a disgusted look on his face. "I'd probably talk to Lexi though, just to make sure I didn't jump the gun. Not that I'm defending the asshole, I just wouldn't want you to go in all guns blazing if it isn't true." You nod, agreeing with him.
So, you made a plan to talk to Lexi on Monday after class to confirm what Hyunjin had overheard was true. You were honestly nervous the whole weekend, though you didn't know why. The worst that could happen was the Doha actually was seeing someone else, and you'd already accepted the outcome if that were the case.
Felix and Hyunjin had been acting as if you were a broken doll all weekend. Hell, even Seungmin was being unnaturally careful and nice with you, to the point you actually had to tell them all you were fine, and you didn't need them babying you. You understood that they probably didn't know how to act around you during such a weird time, but you wished more than anything they'd act normal with you.
Take now for instance. You're sitting in your last lecture of the day, patiently waiting for the clock to strike 5pm so you can have your long-awaited conversation with Lexi, and at your left side, all you see is two pairs of watchful eyes.
"You ready?" Hyunjin finally asks you, and you just nod, starting to pack up your things as your lecture ends. You spot Lexi a couple rows ahead of you, and Felix gives you a sad smile as you say your goodbyes and head in her direction.
"We'll wait for you outside," you hear Hyunjin say behind you as you approach your target.
"Lexi, hi," you say, tapping her on the shoulder to gain her attention. You like Lexi, you've spoken to her a couple times since she transferred from America, and you'd hope she'd help you in this situation.
"Oh, hey," she responds with a nervous smile, and you know she knows what you've come to ask her. "Congrats on the win, girl! You alright?"
"Yeah, thank you," you say whole heartedly. "This is really awkward, but Hyunjin overheard you talking to your friends in the library the other day, and I was wondering if you had time to talk."
Lexi's happy demeanour falters as she nods, smiling all the same. It's the last class of the day, so you just stay in the lecture hall since you have a feeling the conversation won't take long.
"I figured he overheard when he literally sprinted out the library," Lexi chuckles, though the sound comes out rather empty.
"Don't mind him any attention, he's an idiot," you laugh, an attempt to lighten the heavy situation. "He said something about my boyfriend seeing someone else?"
Lexi nods slowly, twirling her blonde hair in her finger nervously. "Yeah, so, my friend claims he's seeing one of her dormmates."
"Do you know who she is?" You ask, but Lexi shakes her head solemnly.
"Honestly not sure, my friend isn't that close with her dormmate, she's just met him when he's come to the dorm to see her, I dunno. I was honestly wondering if I should pluck up the courage and tell you, but obviously it isn't my place. I'm kinda glad you came up to me and asked, I'd hate to be the person that knew and was too scared to say anything."
You shrug with a smile. "Don't sweat," you reply, using one of Seungmin's sayings. "Thank you for being honest."
"No worries, honestly, I just wish I could have been more help," she says as she picks her bag up from the floor and the two of you make your way out the lecture hall where your two blonde buffoons are waiting for you.
"Sorry about this whole thing," you say as you begin to part ways, surprise taking over you as Lexi hugs you, wrapping her arms round your body with a gentle squeeze.
"I hope you figure things out," she says as she pulls away. "And, if you don't mind me saying, I'm jealous you have friends that care about you so much. If my friends had overheard people gossiping about me, they wouldn't pay any mind. Hyunjin literally bolted as soon as a bad word was said about you, you're so lucky."
You turn to smile at your idiots as they start to pick a fight with eachother, quickly pretending everything is normal when they notice you looking. "Yeah, I guess I am."
Lexi only nods and smiles, giving you a wave as she walks in the opposite direction. You sigh as you head towards Felix and Hyunjin, who both look at you expectantly.
"So?" Hyunjin raises his eyebrows, impatient as ever. You just nod in response, the three of you walking in the direction of your dorms.
"Yup. It's true, or so Lexi says, although she doesn't know the name of her friends dormmate," you explain, which Felix huffs at.
"I always knew he was bad news. I'm so sorry," Felix shakes his head, coming up to your side and wrapping an arm round you. Even though you weren't the biggest fan of physical touch, you didn't mind when it was with Felix. He always had a way of making you feel comforted.
"It is what it is. If he's willing to throw almost four years down the drain, then fine. Whatever," you say, walking alongside the two boys with your head on Felix's shoulder.
"It's okay to be upset," Hyunjin points out, walking backwards in front of you and Felix, surprisingly sincere. "Sure, he was a dick and in my opinion you're better off without him, but still. It's a big deal."
You think over his words, trying to find sadness in you. "Honestly, at this point, I'm angrier than anything else. Defending him and believing the best in him when he was a cheating cunt the whole time."
You watch as Hyunjin flashes Felix a grin, who reciprocates the action as Hyun slings an arm around you, the three of you squeezing together. "That's my girl."
"When you gonna talk to him?" Felix asks you, coming to a stop when you reach your dorm. You sigh, running a hand through your hair.
"Fuck knows. I've got classes all week, and the bus to his is an hour long, so probably not until the weekend," you explain as the boys nod their head. Felix gives you one last sad look before pulling you in for a hug. Hyun laughs at his emotional friend before joining. "You guys know I'm gonna be fine, right?"
"We know," Hyunjin pulls away first, practically dragging the younger blonde along with him. "You've got to understand we've watched you be treated horribly for almost a year now, we're just worried about you."
"You're our friend." Felix iterates, warming your heart. "As much as Hyun likes to pretend he doesn't, we care about you, so if there's anything we can do for you let us know."
Hyunjin rolls his eyes but nods all the same, giving you a wave as they start to head to their own dorm.
"Thanks guys, I'll see you tomorrow," you say as you unlock the door to your dorm, heading up the stairs to your floor. Seungmin's in the communal kitchen when you arrive, giving you a smile when you walk through. He'd texted you during your lecture that he was making food, so to come home with an empty stomach, and you swear you lucked out with your dormmates this year.
"You're my angel," you say to Seungmin as you take a seat at the table beside him and dig into the food he's made. Seungmin makes a face at you but pours you a glass of water all the same.
"So? What's the verdict?" He asks, and you give him a look that he can easily read. You'd grown pretty close with Seungmin over the last month, so much so that you'd started being able to communicate without talking. You did live with him, after all.
"Lexi said it's true, but I'll still need to talk to him at some point. I dunno, I don't even want to see him," you explain through mouthfuls of food. "At least I know why he's been so off with me recently."
"You always know how to look on the bright side of things," Seungmin tilts his head, as if analysing you. "It's disgusting."
"I'm not about to wallow in self-pity. You could all see this coming a mile away," you say, though your voice does come out sadder than you intended it to. "Still sucks though."
Seungmin nods. "Well, I have something that might make you feel better." You look at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. "Minho's having a housewarming party, well, apartment warming, on Wednesday. Want to come?" 
"A party on a Wednesday?" You question, piling in another mouthful of food.
"Since Minho's on a break from work he's decided he can do whatever he wants. Everyone kicked up a fuss but he's refusing to change the date."
"Ah," sounds like Minho. "I thought he lived with Jisung?"
Seungmin hums before answering you. "He did, but now that he works for his company, he's only at home half the year and rent was getting too expensive for Jisung since he lives off campus but still goes to uni, so he moved in with Changbin and Minho got his own place."
You nod at his explanation, sighing. "I dunno, I don't want to just start barging into your friendship group when I'm not welcome."
Seungmin shakes his head disappointment as you laugh at his reaction. "You're not barging anything, I'm inviting you. The guys think you're cool, I promise they want you there."
You think about it for a couple minutes, until Seungmin speaks up again. "Even Jeongin has been talking highly of you recently, and he's very hard to impress. And as much as Minho probably gives you a hard time, he's not said anything negative about you yet, so that's a win."
The words are reassuring, and it doesn't take long for you to say yes to, and actually start looking forwards to Minho's apartment warming party. Seungmin had let you know it was actually more of a small social gathering, since it was only his friend group attending, which suited you much better anyway.
When it came to Wednesday night, you were in two minds about going out. You'd successfully avoided talking to Doha all week, but even with everything that was going on between the two of you, you were technically still in a relationship, and you felt bad hiding where you were going from him. You whittled it down to the fact you'd been so used to how to act in a relationship that you were starting to lose your way now that you felt it was coming to an end.
You'd also hardly spoke to Sooyun. Not only was she your best friend, she was also really good friends with Doha too, and since you weren't able to talk to Doha in person until Friday, you didn't want to mention anything to Sooyun. So, despite her texting asking to see you, you'd brushed her off. You felt terrible, but you wanted to deal with the hurdle that was your dickhead boyfriend before telling Sooyun what was going on.
Pushing the stressful thoughts you were having to the back of your mind, you knocked on Seungmin's door. Minho's was apparently only a ten-minute walk away, so you and Seungmin had planned to walk together. He opened the door, closing it behind him and walking out of the dorm with you.
"The boys are under strict instructions not to bring up your whole, you know, situation. So don't worry," Seungmin opens the main door for you, letting you walk down the stairs first. "But be careful, cause now that there's even a slight chance, Changbin will go for you."
The two of you fall into step, you following Seungmin as he knows where Minho's apartment is. "How many times do I need to explain to you that I'm fine," you push Seungmin slightly, so he dips off of the pavement before walking back onto it. "And no, he won't. He said I wasn't his type."
"That's just a ruse," Seungmin says slyly, glaring. "He wants to throw you off his track, but don't fall for it. He'll break your heart."
You scoff, crossing the road outside the University dorm complex and onto the street. "As if. Plus, you're talking as if I'm not still currently in a relationship."
Seungmin gives you the world's most annoying look, hands on his hips with his head tilted.
"Shut up," is all you bring yourself to say. "You know what I mean."
Seungmin mimics you before sticking his tongue out and leading you across another road, into an apartment complex. It takes him a while to find the right apartment number, since this was the first time he was visiting and only new the address, but as soon as he found it you could tell you were in the right place. You could hear shouting and music from outside.
Seungmin rings the intercom for Minho's apartment and the main door opens quickly, the two of you walking in. The first thing you notice is that there's an elevator, and all you can think is how rich Minho must be to be able to afford a place like this. You and Seungmin share an eyebrow raised look as you go into the lavish elevator, watching as Seungmin presses the number seven. When you reach his front door, it's been left open for you both to go in.
It's evident you and Seungmin are the last two to arrive, as the smell of alcohol is pungent throughout the apartment, and it looks as though your friends are already drunk.
"Hey! It's my favourite girl!" Felix smiles at you, a huge toothy grin, as he pulls you haphazardly into his embrace. "Long time no see!"
You give in to his hug, giving him a squeeze before pulling away and tilting your head at him. "We had classes together all day, idiot."
Seungmin shakes his head at his friend, which Felix instantly picks up on and gives the taller man a frown. "Why are you guys so late?"
"What do you mean late?" Seungmin questions, narrowly avoiding something flying in the air past him and responded to with a burst of laughter, which he ignores. "Minho told us to be here for nine."
Felix shakes his head, almost spilling the contents of the drink in his hand as he does so. "Nuh uh, did you not read the group chat? He moved it to seven."
"Ah," Seungmin, who definitely did not read the group chat, says. "That I did not see."
"No mind, just means you two have to play catch up!" Felix giggles, grabbing your hand to lead you through to Minho's kitchen. There's bottles of alcohol set up on the counter and Felix takes one, hastily filling up two shot glasses to give you and Seungmin. The two of you take them reluctantly.
"I'm getting flashbacks," you say with a groan when Seungmin intertwines his arm with yours to take the shot, thinking about how rough the two of you were the day after your last party. You'd pigged out on the couch with Felix, watching tv and eating rubbish.
You gulped down your first shot of the night, Seungmin shaking his head quickly as if to rid himself the taste.
"Jesus, Felix, that's strong," Felix clicks his tongue while Seungmin complains, waving his hand and dragging you both (and a bottle of alcohol) through Minho's lavish apartment.
"C'mon, the others are through here," he says, leading you to Minho's living room where the rest of the boys are either standing to play beer pong on Minho's dining table or sprawled out on the sofas. His living room is gorgeous, large windows and high ceilings.
"You two have finally showed up," Jisung says, abandoning beer pong to berate his friend. "If you don't start reading your messages, I'm gonna kill you."
"Violence isn't always the answer," Seungmin retorts as Hyunjin walks over to welcome you.
"Yes, it is," you hear Minho shout from beside Chan, the two of them on a beer pong team, earning a disappointing look from the man next to him.
"Here," Hyunjin says, taking your wrist and leading you over to the beer pong table to stand beside Jeongin, who gives you a warm smile and who you assume was in a team with Jisung before he abandoned. "You be in a team with me and Jeongin versus Minho, Chan and Felix."
"We've got this win already," Minho says cockily, fist bumping Chan as he takes his first shot, which he is annoyingly successful at.
You were actually pretty good at beer pong, having played it with your friends throughout high school. You downed the drink with ease and took your throw, landing the shot. You're met with cheers from your teammates, Hyunjin slinging an arm over your shoulders as Jeongin takes his shot. He misses, but so does Chan, so you're still even. Hyunjin makes his shot, but Felix misses his (probably because he can't see straight), so you get in the lead.
The game continues for a while, and you feel yourself getting tipsy from downing so much alcohol. Minho is ridiculously good at beer pong, although his friends are just as shocked as you, since he apparently doesn't try hard when he usually plays. Even still, it means you're the one that has to down most of your teams' drinks.
"Someone fill in for Felix, this isn't fair," Chan complains when their team have one cup left and yours has three. Poor Lix has missed every single shot he's tried to get so far, and he doesn't complain when he's booted out the game with Changbin as his replacement.
"We should have had him from the start," Minho laughs when Changbin lands his shot with a cocky grin. Hyunjin downs the drink, and the turn goes to you. You miss the shot, earning yourself a pat on the back from Hyunjin and a fake sad look from Minho, who gets his shot, making you down a drink and evening up the score.
"Next one to make the shots the winner," Jeongin points out as he takes his shot, it hitting off the rim of the cup. Chan takes his shot and misses it too, but when it gets to Changbin's turn, after kissing his bicep and putting on a show, he makes his shot and the game ends with Hyunjin downing both drinks left on the table and your team as losers. You shake your head at the three boys opposite you.
"What a comeback!" Chan shouts. "Losers have to do shots!"
"Hey, that wasn't in the rules," you point out, tilting your head with a frown.
"Don't care, there's more alcohol in the kitchen," Minho says slyly, so with a huff you turn on your heel to get it. You couldn't help your competitive nature. That's what happens when you grow up as a dancer.
You don't even get a minute to yourself, though, since Minho's on your tail and enters the kitchen right after you do. "Don't be a sore loser."
"I'm not," you say, holding up the bottle of alcohol in your hand and wiggling it as if to prove yourself. The two of you fall into silence for a minute as you struggle to pull the cork out of the bottle, and you can almost feel Minho's eyes watching you with an unnerving smirk until he's had enough of watching you and wordlessly takes the bottle to open it for you. He places it back in your hand when he's done, so you start to pour shots for you, Jeongin and Hyunjin.
You can feel the tension in the air. Although you've only conversed with Minho a handful of times, you can tell he has something to say, so you turn and look at him expectantly.
"I'm not gonna say I told you so," he starts, but you can read him better than that.
"Yes you are."
"I told you so," he says, crossing his arms and going against his word.
"Great, so you have also heard my boyfriend is cheating on me. Fab," you sigh, turning away from the shots to face the man beside you. You hate how good he looks right now, hate that his smirking gaze pierces straight through you. That stupid smirk. You'd wipe it off his face if you could.
"Felix is a blabbermouth, he can't keep a secret for the life of him. You should know this by now," he says, leaning back on the counter behind him with ease. You open your mouth to shoot some sarcastic comment at him, until he stops you, his gaze turning strangely sincere. "Seriously though. Your boyfriend's a cunt for doing that to you after four years."
"Yeah, he's pretty much the worst," you chuckle, the sound coming out hollow. "Should have listened to you guys when you told me that. Hyunjin and Felix have been saying the same thing for almost a year."
"Well, they weren't wrong," he points out, which you roll your eyes at. "But, if you ever want to talk about it with someone who has an IQ over 70, I wouldn't mind hearing you talk shit about him.
You almost smile at this. "That's unusually nice of you."
"Oh, there's nothing nice about it," he says in a matter-of-fact way. "You're naïve and annoying, I'd rather you mouth off to me than some other poor soul. Plus, I enjoy hearing people talk badly about people who deserve it. This is all for my benefit, really."
You can't help but to laugh at this. You should be annoyed he's just blatantly insulted you, but there's something almost admirable about the way Minho is so unapologetically himself, never afraid to say exactly what he's thinking.
Your short-lived conversation is interrupted, however, when a tipsy Hyunjin stumbles through complaining about how long you're taking to prepare the shots. So, you leave the kitchen and go back through to the living room.
You're not surprised to see Felix crashed on the couch, snoring lightly. He's accompanied by Jeongin, who also seems to be out the for the count. Chan, Jisung, Seungmin and Changbin appear to be having arm wrestling competitions with each other, which Changbin is clearly dominating. You give the shot you poured for Jeongin to Jisung, who scoops it with ease.
After you watch Seungmin lose the arm wrestle against Chan, he huffs with a sour expression before coming over to you. "Want to go? It's getting late and we've got early classes tomorrow."
You nod, stretching your limbs as you start to say bye to everyone. When you go over to say bye to Felix, who definitely won't be making it to his 9am class, he doesn't budge an itch when you poke his cheek. Jeongin only stirs slightly, and you can tell the two will be sleeping here tonight.
Hyunjin gives you a hug before you leave, holding your shoulders in his hands as he talks to you. "I may or may not see you tomorrow, depending on if I can drag Lix home or if we'll crash here."
"Hm, I have very little faith in you," you reply, earning a scowl from your friend as you turn to leave with Seungmin. Minho's holding the door open for you both.
"Good luck with them," Seungmin raises his eyebrows at Minho, nodding his head towards the living room.
"Mm, I'll need it," Minho chuckles as Seungmin walks out. You give Minho a weak smile as you depart, but he catches your attention.
"My offer still stands," he says with a half smile. "Here if you need an intellect to talk to about the shit show of your life."
You roll your eyes at him, but you can't help to crack a smile. Sober you would probably give a snarky comment back to the asshole standing beside you, but drunk you can't find it in you to care. In his weird way, Minho seems to be showing you that he actually does care, at least a little bit.
"I'll keep that in mind," you tell him, turning to walk back to your dorm with Seungmin. He gives you a weird look as you go down the elevator together.
"What was that all about?" He asks you, raising an eyebrow.
You scoff, waving your hand as if to dismiss him. "Literally nothing. He just mentioned something about me being annoying and how he'd be doing the human race a favour by talking to me about my boyfriend's issues."
Seungmin laughs at this as you leave the elevator and start your walk. The air feels cold, goosebumps forming on your skin from the October air. "Don't pay him any mind. He won't stop winding you up till you crack."
"I don't doubt it," you reply. Though Minho was utterly frustrating, full of himself and simply cocky, there was this underlying gentle side of him you'd seen a couple times now. You didn't know if it was this, or that Lix and Hyun had spoke so highly of the man, but something about him intrigued you.
"Just be careful with him," Seungmin says as you turn into the student accommodation complex. "He's one of my best friends, but so are you, and I'm sure you've heard all about him."
You can't help but to shake your head fondly at your friend. "You worded that so poorly," you chuckle. "But don't worry. You're acting as if I'm gonna go there."
He tilts his head in a way that frustrates you, so you give him a gentle nudge. "Shut up, Min."
He says nothing more as you part ways when you reach your dorm, the two of you saluting each other instead of saying goodbye.
Friday evening rolls around, and it was safe to say you were shitting yourself. Hyunjin and Felix had been hyping you up all day, Felix having spent all of Thursday nursing his killer hangover and barely making it to classes on the Friday. They'd told you not to tell Doha you were coming to see him, and instead just show up and demand answers.
You didn't know whether or not it was a good idea, but you didn't want things to get awkward if you messaged about coming to see him beforehand. You wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even check his messages, and would probably be pointless anyway. So, here you were, sitting on the bus to his university.
You went over, in your head, what you were going to tell him a million times. 'I've been told you've been seeing someone else, is that true?', 'I've been told you're a cheating scumbag, is that true?'. It wasn't as if it was the fact that he actually was seeing someone else that worried you terribly; you expected nothing less. It was just the whole idea of the argument, the breakup. You absolutely hated confrontation, avoided it at all costs, but at this point it was inevitable.
You knew the route to Doha's accommodation from the bus stop, since you'd visited a couple times since he'd moved in. You were sure Doha or one of his dorm mates would buzz you in, and this rang true when you were let into his dorm as soon as you'd rang the buzzer on the intercom when you arrived.
You walked up the stairs slowly, taking deep breaths as you did so. You couldn't help but be nervous, anticipating the end of your four year relationship. Luckily, when you knocked on their dorm door, it was one of Doha's dorm mates that opened it for you, though you didn't miss the way his face paled at the sight of you.
"Oh, hi," he said, blocking the door way. You'd been introduced to him before, but couldn't quite remember his name. He obviously recognised you though, and you could guess that he knew about your relationship troubles from the way he was acting.
"Hey, am I okay to come in? I just came to see Doha," you explained, giving the man in front of you a look when he made no attempt to move. He didn't even say anything, just stared at you. "Can I just-"
You manoeuvred yourself, physically moving past him to get into the dorm. Doha's door was the first door on the right, but when you tried to push it open, it was locked. You instantly knocked on the door, assuming he was inside.
"Uh, Doha isn't here," his dorm mate said hastily, moving towards you with widened eyes. You scrunched your eyebrows at him when you heard movement from inside the room.
"I literally told you I had company," you heard Doha's voice from behind the door, and you knew he was busted. Time seemed to move in slow motion as Doha opened the door, his dorm mate trying to block your view, and your jaw dropping. Because there, sitting clearly in your eye line, was your best friend.
Sooyun sat smiling on Doha's bed, legs crossed, wearing only underwear with a laptop balancing on her lap. You felt your breath catch in your throat at the sight as you made eye contact with her. The look of horror on her face came instantly, and she was almost scrambling to get up.
You slowly turned your head to look at your decidedly now ex boyfriend, his shocked expression matching your own. You felt sick. You were prepared for the worst, but this was hell. Your best friend and your boyfriend. Behind your back.
It all made sense now. Sooyun must have been dorm mates with that girl who was friends with Lexi. She was the one your boyfriend had been seeing behind your back. As you turned on your heel to remove yourself from perhaps the worst situation you've ever had to deal with, every encounter, every moment with the two of them was running through your mind. How they'd show up places together, how Sooyun didn't seem to be bothered that he was treating you badly or that you'd been spending more time with Felix and Hyun than Doha.
You blocked out all forms of noise as you rushed out of their dorm building and onto the street. Tears stupidly threatened to well in your eyes, only spilling when you felt a dainty hand grab your wrist.
"Please, just hear me out," Sooyun cried, her cheeks wet. She'd decided to put on some clothes, it seemed, as she stopped you from walking away from her. "This is not how I wanted things to go -"
"Tell Doha we're over. Enjoy him," you said shortly, pulling your wrist out her grasp.
"God, stop! Just listen!" She almost screamed, but you didn't even notice the stares the two of you were getting.
"Don't ever fucking talk to me again," you stopped walking away, turning to talk lowly at her and ignoring the pained expression on her face. "I don't care if that cunt cheats on me. We've been friends since we were toddlers, Sooyun."
"I know, and I'm so sorry, but -"
You laugh, an empty sound that almost scares yourself. "Hope he was worth it."
You walk fast, heading out the university complex and to the bus station. The buses ran to Seoul every five minutes, so you didn't have to wait long until you could travel home. You ignored the shouts of you former friend as you walked.
You cried on the bus, tears streaming down your face. Four years of a relationship down the drain, sure. You could sense the fact you and Doha were drifting from each other, and as horrible as it was you could accept it. But Sooyun?
You'd met in pre school. She stuck up for you when your four year old self had to deal with classic kids not playing fairly, taking their jokes too far, and since those days you'd stuck by each other. She was there for you when you got your first period and didn't have a clue what you were doing. You were there for her through her parents divorce. There wasn't an obstacle life could throw at the both of you couldn't get through. Except, for this.
You stormed into your dorm, evidently furious. Long past the tears, you could not believe how much of an idiot you had been not to see it sooner. You knocked on Seungmin's door, hoping for him to come out and listen to your horror story. After a couple minutes and no answer, you go through to the kitchen. Your other two dorm mates are there, watching tv together. They were nice enough, and you all got on well, but they were much closer with each other, similar to you and Seungmin.
"Hey," you greeted, earning a smile from them both. "Do you guys know where Seungmin is?"
"He said he was going out with some people from his team," one of them replied. "Don't think he'll be back till late." You groaned, remembering Seungmin had mentioned a night out with his baseball teammates.
"Everything alright?" Your other dormmate asked, looking genuinely concerned. You would have loved to say no, everything is awful, and just had a huge rant then and there. But you had no intention of spoiling their night with your problems, and you definitely weren't close enough for that.
"Yeah, I'm fine - just had to tell him something," you say hurriedly. It's then an idea strikes in your mind. It's a stupid idea, and you'll most likely either make a fool of yourself or regret it, but it would solve your problem.
So that's how you end up walking in the pouring rain, the weather a sour contrast from earlier. You don't even care that you're catching a chill, the rain absolutely pelting down and drenching you as you try to remember the direction of where you want to go. You're practically stomping at this point, your thin raincoat doing nothing to shield you from the weather as your feet splash through puddles.
You attempt the buzzer, not knowing if he will ring you in or not, but he does. It's only during the elevator ride that you start to second guess yourself. You could leave now, and there would be no repercussions. But, you don't. You have no idea what drives you to stick with your plan, but you reach your destination with a shiver, knocking on the door. You hear him come to the door, opening it...
Until your dripping wet, face to face, with Minho.
"What the fuck?"
@miamyre @skzgallll @kgllmre @tangerminie @nepytune @jeyelleohe @dis-baku-bitch @judeduartewannabe @endzii23
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octavianstar · 1 year
MC Concepts?
ok, so even before the Au I had in mind, I had a couple of ideas upon what would MC would be like or based upon the character and even had some weird plot idea a few years back.
So let's begin upon the first idea concept, the first idea upon how I would imagine Mc in the AU (or even in the main thing) would be of a familiar someone that would kinda makes sense in context, a Disney character rather so underrated that he's rarely seen in Disney.
That is being, this guy...
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Basically from what I know at least I haven't seen anyone making a MC or a Oc version of him since there were rather easy clues in Twisted Wonderland that had some deja vu in Epic Mickey (blots, Mickey from the other side of the mirror, rarely has much interractions, and some more evidence that I'll add later) and I would want to have Oswald to have some light and popularity again, even if it's just a minor thing since I had found out he was cancelled out of the content for a kingdom hearts game.
And I would also think it would particularly work since of this rather particularly scenes in Epic Mickey comparison to Twisted Wonderland.
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Notice how in Twisted Wonderland, Mickey looks like from the old cartoon of his and not his iconic one.
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The image you seen in Twisted Wonderland is not only a reference to a Mickey Short "Thru the Mirror", but also the beginning scene to the Epic Mickey game. And with some evidence I had mentioned, it would mainly make sense there would be referencing to the actual game, but few things particularly had me questioned. What about Oswald? What ever happened to him?
So upon theory that MC can secretly Is a Twst Oswald (even if it's not canon sadly, at least in a headcannon) who needed to fix something that Mickey could not (or is trying to do but failing). Of Why Crowley would particularly needed MC to begin with despite with the possible pretending he's making of him trying to send them home and meeting them for the first time, believing it was another student. Or Rather in Chapter Seven..
Before we continue, I suggest that you may want to move past down or don't read this part cause it has some contain spoilers of part 2. Just know, SPOILERS AHEAD!
. . .
Are we good..? ..good!
Anyways, or like in Chapter Seven of where Malleus had said "You will all become the protagonist of this fairytale" after he overblotted and cast everyone, even Yuu/MC to sleep/kidnap them in thorns? Likely how Maleficint comes to Philip's prison cell to taunt him of how he's the valiant hero of a fairytale come true. And I would think upon the theory MC's dreams would be either similar to Oswald's or what would had it been like if Oswald was still with Disney/Mickey never exist, of what shorts and movies that Mickey made would become Oswald's instead.
And perhaps then, maybe, Mickey might have been the one to take Oswald's place. Of where everyone knows and loves Oswald and Mickey became a forgotten toon just like many others.
To have the dream that Oswald never had achieved because of what happened between Universal and Disney years ago that he cannot easily control. That he was once happy before he was then ripped away from Disney's arms. Just like in this video.
(Thinking about it, it's almost a similar backstory to Lotso's from Toy Story 3 but didn't turn evil)
Actually speaking of which, from what I also remember Oswald was supposed to be in the antagonist in the original Epic Mickey game thanks to some concept art of it. Which they had a plan but decided to scrap most of the main idea of him being the villain but would still act a bit mean and jealous over Mickey since he was replaced by him and both Mickey and Oswald technically didn't know each other at the beginning until both warmed up for each other. Despite his flaws, he's still a good person that is helping around the forgotten toons to have a place they feel belonged and is rather devastated after loosing Ortensia to The Blot after sending it away.
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Which there is a potential chance that this would be a Overblot version of MC/Yuu if pushed comes to shove.
But thinking throughout upon Twisted Wonderland, Yuu/MC becomes cleared and clever throughout the other chapters of how to attempt to stop the "villian" and save the day though luck and planning. Not to mention in part 1 of chapter seven, Yuu/MC immediately recognized who Maleficint was and headed to the plaza where her statue was where Yuu/MC would be both conflicted upon their dream but also finding clues how to try and prevent another overblot. of course Yuu/MC would have some antagonistics upon them of where they had been stressed and almost died mutiple times (or more likely wanting to kill their/her/his friends after many stupid shenanigans they dragged them in or Crowley gaslights them so he wouldn't be the one in trouble. This is why we prefer Mr. Crewel as a father figure, Crowley.)
Ok..hopefully with Concept idea #1 out of the way, here's Concept idea #2.
So for the other concept of mine is Mc/Yuu being another Disney Character but this time in a obviously well known movie you all probably would know or already watched Encanto. That MC/Yuu being a Twst Mirabel.
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Hopefully this will be a lot shorter but I'll try my best to clear some things out. To not be confused, the concept idea is Yuu/MC being twst Mirabel, not Yuu/MC being a part of the Madrigals or Mirabel in Twisted Wonderland thought I like the concept upon those ideas since they were creative.
So upon context that I would believe that Mirabel wanted to belong in the Family Madrigal despite her having no gift and how some of her family members (Mainly Alma and Isabela) sees her as a sort of outcast of the family like her uncle, Bruno, who's painted as the villain but is actually a nice guy. When she suddenly sees the cracks from the house, she's trying to find answers of what is happening and how to save the Miracle. Going onto a adventure and talking to the other family members in hope of any information, luckily thanks to Luisa, she finds out that there was a vision that Bruno left behind that of her having two possible outcomes, either her destroying or saving Casita. That the reason why Bruno left because he wanted to protect her from making Mirabel having more of a worse outcome than it already is with her. Soon Mirabel and Bruno found a way to help the candle by hugging her sister, Isabela which at first doesn't want to and thinks it's pointless to try but needed to given a chance. Also promising that she will help Bruno come back home. Of course Isabela and Mirabel talk it out, shared a moment, hugged and shown how Isabela was forced to become perfect in the daily based until she realized she didn't needed to be perfect, she needed to be herself.
Every seemed fine until Alma came and blames on Mirabel for Bruno leaving, Isabela out of control, the cracks from the house, Luisa losing magic, having no gift when she was litterally five years old person and basically saying that Mirabel is the one who is hurting this family, concidering that she wasn't apart of this family to begin with. Mirabel rightfully lashes out of how neither of the family wouldn't be good enough to Alma's standards and how Alma is the reason why the magic was dying to begin with because of her fear and standards pushed to far upon the family that without their gifts, they are nothing because she expected perfection of everyone and leaving Mirabel out of it as if she's never considered as family. Soon the Cracks got worse, house got destroyed and Mirabel runs off where the others are looking for her. And Alma confronts Mirabel who's apologizing but Alma sits by her, admitting her faults and her actual story, knowing now that it is her fault and Mirabel becomes to understand and forgives her, they hug out and returned home with Bruno to fix the house and having the family repairing, the magic returns with everyone in the family included. (Minor Critique that I would think Mirabel wouldn't completely forgive Alma, but would need a bit of time to forgive her but still does understand like in the deleted scene without the mom dying but I would think in time she and Bruno would eventually forgive Alma. But i think the reason they forgive her immediately or didn't question about it because it's Disney and wanted everyone to have a happy ending and it was almost over.)
While Yuu/MC is isekaied into another world filled with magic, who is magicless and must solve and stop the incidents and overblots that are happening to NRC. Having to involve/dragged themself/herself/himself into this scenarios of life and death from the overblots, some bullying that had been into or had gotten into with either the dormleaders or dorm students, Crowley gaslighting, neglect and blackmail, and which would eventually lead them into PTSD after the shit they had been through and eventually needed a therapist of their own, but does and can relate through the people that Yuu/MC are close to and to learn upon their mistakes to make up what they have done while trying to find a way back home.
of course some of it's similarities between Yuu/MC and Mirabel that both are magicless, needing some therapy and is helping people getting through their problems and their mistakes to become a better person. And I would especially think we would need to get Yuu/MC's Backstory since the Manga's MCs/Yuus are different each time (most likely) and I would think Yuu/MC having a very similar scenerio with Mirabel would probably be a compelling way of a backstory since both with Mirabel and Oswald are overlooked and wanted to be belonged, showing them that they got what it takes to be a somebody to them.
Though of course both of them are vastly different but I would think either of them might work for at least my version (Either Aus or headcannon) of Yuu/MC, regardless of what gender or race they are.
And now, hopefully for the most rather weird plot/backstory idea of what I would think could be interesting but not exactly sure due to how unsure how it's going to work since it would work for another Au where Twisted Wonderland is in a more Fantasy Era.
So to Kinda keep it short as possible, Yuu/MC is cursed by a unfamiliar source that endangers both their/her/his home and Twisted Wonderland where they are "the outcast" upon their family and noticed something was going on due to a black marking on their hand, like a cut that's dripping down a drop of black ink mixed with blood, having the cracks seen as a sign of danger. They talked to their/her/his family to see what's going on, realizing some of them knew about something that they won't tell Yuu/MC.
Eventually some disaster insurance after finding a mysterious spell book, glowing green-glass shards and paintbrush and eventually Yuu/MC in a angered state decided if their/her/his family won't tell them/her/him about the mysterious curse, they'll have to find out themself.
As they were just about to leave their home, they spotted something from the distance that calls to them to follow. They do, leading upto where they see the very thing falling into a rabbit hole that looks like a very deep well. They fell into the well's water before a few spects of magic began surrounding them as they became a shooting star before suddenly falling down to Twisted Wonderland, or at least the gateway towards it.
They are tested to pass through the gate and succeeded, Confronting either some of the RSA or NRC students in the Fantasy AU where they believe Yuu/ MC is the powerful magician that was gifted upon one of the most powerful artifacts that along with it's guardian was lost centuries ago along with the one whom had possessed the very two rare artifacts.
The mysterious spellbook is not only a book full of almost every spell but actually a storybook of all Disney Characters posing a sort of prophecies coming to life into an alternate retelling that can change fate, ending, and how they became to be, that being called The Book of Legacies, and with the Paintbrush of Imaginations, it can create living beings, pathways to worlds, even items that seemed to be lost.
The second being a candle that granted a miracle that can provide or in case help the adventurer upon what they would need to set things right and save the day. And to prove whom is worthy and whom is not, or more likely who can be redeemed and who cannot.
There will be more Lore with the Book and the Candle upon the Pomfiore Arc, which it would possibility merged with the Glorious Mascarade event.
However when the students and Yuu/MC opens the Book to Ambrose the Wizard, (Since he's possibly Merlin from the Sword and the Stone). Where they shown of a story of how their/his/her ancestor who was a student of the eldest sorceror (Yen-Sid) who lives upon the farthest star, the second star to the right, whom locks away a powerful god that was cursed away, never dared to be freed for he's the eternal ruler of evil that brings death and destruction to all, (That being Chernobog from Fantasia)
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However Yuu/MC told them that they're/She's/He's not their ancestor and ended up there by accident because they follow something glowing from the distance and showed the marking that they had on their hand. Of course most of them were surprised, afraid and shocked of the very marking.
For it was a marking of a dark prophecy, a curse that would come to Twisted Wonderland and release Chernobog with the Seven Crystals of Darkness alongside "the Great Seven" returning back from the dead and would receive their "gracious gift" to whomever is the one who's with/brings the Cursed Chosen to it's destination and release him from his eternal cage upon the highest mountain. And in order for them find out how to break the cursed is to find their family member that too was in Twisted Wonderland years ago but had been captured into a far kingdom where no one could have or dare to find them because they were the only one who knows how to break it.
And it is up to Yuu/MC to find clues of where their/his/her family member is and rescue them and hopefully save everyone.
As for the Non-Disney School Au, I would think Yuu is particularly a mix of being Non/Disney that is stuck in a world of magic. They would be tricked into staying their for a while because they thought the headmistress would understand and be the one to promise their way back home. Or at least that's the jift of things.
But like I said these are just some concepts of my version of MC/Yuu and probably can eventually figure out the full version of it. But I did not expected to be this long than I wanted to be. So I'm very sorry if it's already too confusing as much but hopefully, hopefully we might have a more clear viewing upon the Au. Of course I'm still looking up a few Non Disney movies to intell and I know I'll add DreamWorks in it, but if you want to tell me any other non disney villians that I can see added in (besides DreamWorks since it's more likely going to be added in). Let me know, but remember it has to be a animated film that isn't Disney so sadly no live-action ones. Until then, hope you guys have a very lucky day! (And hopefully some images/videos pop up normally and not randomly missing, but if somethings up in this post, let me know.)
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kasagia · 1 year
Our little game
~Part 2~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: You and Klaus have been playing this game between yourselves since your first meeting. One day, you two would fight with each other like dogs, and the next day, you would flirt and act like people completely mad with love. But whatever was between you two, you would never lose this game and admit that you fell for him. He would only use you for your power, right? At least that's what you were telling yourself all this time. Words count: 4,2k
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I had no idea what I was doing here.
Wearing one of my fancy black dresses, I was staying in the middle of Mikaelson's compound in New Orleans, with hundreds of people surrounding me.
I was definitely making a huge mistake.
But a few hours ago, when my Mystic Falls gang tried (and failed) to kill these crazy heretics who came to our town two weeks ago, I could only think about coming here.
I needed to find a safe place to stay until Damon or Stefan called for my help.
But after hours of driving here, I wasn't sure if I still wanted to be a part of their group. Yes, I loved them all, especially Bonnie, who became my main "witch-teacher" after I found out I was like her, but sometimes I felt used by them. My power was stronger than any typical witch's. Even Bonnie was surprised to see the things I was able to do until my strength was exhausted and my nose started to bleed.
One day, Damon said that I was their greatest weapon. Then I burst out laughing. Now I'm not so sure how much the black-haired man was joking and how much his words were true. But I had to keep the promise I gave myself and stay with them, if only for Bonnie's sake. She would have killed herself trying to protect her friends, and I wouldn't let that happen. After all she did for me, I have to repay her debt of gratitude.
I turned on the radio while driving to nowhere and heard one of my favorite Mikaelson's, beloved, old songs, which was "better when it played at ball without this strange background sound." That's when I remembered Rebekah and her last words before leaving for New Orleans with her brothers: "You know, if your gang falls apart, you can always come to me. It would be funnier to have a partner in crime against Nik."
After a lengthy moral debate within me, I decided to fuck Salvatore's opinion of me and visit their nemesis. If Damon was so smart to make and realize his own crass plan without telling anyone, I could do something really stupid too and spend a week (or more) with Rebekah. After all, no one could control me.
Then it seemed like a very good plan.
Now with so many people around me, I decide that I have made a great mistake.
I totally forgot that four days ago, Bekah told me about the "engaged party" of Katherine and Elijah. (Thank God for my magic. At least I could turn pants and a T-shirt into a pretty dress.) I sent my gift to the happy couple with separate, joking congratulations to Katherine for "entrapping her Mikaelson after a long couple of centuries" without actually intending to attend the party.
Elena and Caroline would skin me if they knew that instead of buying them fancy birthday presents, I spent my money on something special for my best friend's big day.
In retrospect, I'd like to see their faces. They would be invaluable. Especially Damon's.
"My God, look who arrived!" a familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Hi Beks." I turned around to face her.
"Hi Beks? You appear here without telling me or Katherine anything; you hide in the crowd with a mean expression on your face, and all I get after months apart is a simple "hi"?"
"Well, in my defense, I was thinking about bringing you wine, flowers, cake and saying, "I'm sorry, baby,"  but I figured it would be only a waste of time and my money because you're going to yell at me anyway. Also, your boyfriend would be jealous." she started laughing and pulled me into a hug.
"I haven't seen you for too long."
"Bekah, we were talking yesterday morning."
"You called her yesterday and didn't call me?!" I heard Katherine's resentful voice behind me.
"You look gorgeous, honey. Engagement suits you." she gave me an unimpressed look. "Oh, c'mon. Don't be angry. I'm here now, ready to give you compliments and fight with your fiance's brother, who loathes you. Now, show me the ring. I want to see how much money Elijah was willing to spend on you." she burst out laughing, waving her ringed hand in front of my eyes.
"You realize you're not getting off so easily? Besides, something must have happened for you to suddenly decide to come."
"We can talk tomorrow. Tonight, it's about you and your undying love for her brother." I pointed to Rebekah.
"Talking about my brothers. We'll use some help with Nik's composure for the rest of the evening."
"It is so bad?"
"Yes. He's been following Elijah and trying to convince him to change his mind since this morning." Katherine complained. "He doesn't leave us alone, even for half a second."
"Do you two really think I'm able to "charm" him for the rest of the night?"
I asked, doubts about his supposed affection towards me. Since our first meeting, I and an original hybrid have had a kind of love-hate relationship. At the beginning, we only had short, verbal skirmishes, then it evolved into an open war (he tried to hurt Bonnie, so I gave him a headache and snapped his neck. After that, he used one of his hybrids to crack my car, so I convinced Rebekah to steal his car keys and give them to me. He gave up after two weeks of our teasing and after I (with little of Damon's help) ruined all his dark plans. The original hybrid bought me my own car, trying to bury the hatchet between us.) After a month of these events, the hatred between us began to develop into a kind of mean-companionship. At least no one had tried to gouge out the eyes of the other one anymore. Our "game" developed so much that one day he began to tease me with flirtatious phrases. And it's not true that I choked on my drink and blushed like a teenager from a romance book when he called me for the first time his "innermost, darkest pleasure," whispering it with his seductive tone, which he undoubtedly used for many women before. It was at our school party in the style of the 20s. Since then, I've figured out how to play by his new rules. I couldn't be worse than him.
"Well, you're doing your job even now. He's been staring at you for about five minutes, and you haven't even used any magic. I think we all know why, but you're too stubborn to admit it, so you might as well use his soft spot for you as reparation for your silence for 3 days."
"It's not a soft spot or any other stupid feeling you assume. This is a game."
That was our way of communicating: by circling around, lulling the other person's vigilance, and attacking when he least expects it. At the end of the day, I was just a toy for him—a mortal witch who was never scared of a 1000-year-old hybrid. He proved it after he moved with his family to New Orleans, and I never heard from him again.
"I like spicy stories, but please, keep my brother's kinks away from me. BOTH of you. It's just disgusting." Rebekah shuddered.
"I'm not…"
"Did I hear something about kinks? Y/N darling, it's a pleasure to finally see you here!" Kol suddenly appeared from nowhere. He got closer to me and gave me a strong hug.
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"What the bloody hell? You should be on Hayley's tail!"
"Relax, sister. Our brother's formal one-night stand peacefully came back to her husband and wolves. Which means I'm free for the rest of the evening.     Y/N do you want to dance with me?" without waiting for any response, he took my hand and led me to the dance floor, where other couples were dancing.
"Alright, what did you do?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
"I have no idea what are you implying. I just wanted to dance with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time."
"Okey, okey. Don't look at me like that. In a nutshell, there is a girl." Oh, I've heard about her. I was curious how much of the original's interest in this girl was genuine.
"My God. I never expected to live to see the day Kol Mikaelson finds his epic love." I cut him off with a smirk.
"She is a hag like you, by the way." he continued, ignoring my taunt. "She doesn't want to know me, but she loves me. I just need a little magic of jealousy, and voilà, I'll be kissing her at the end of this night."
"And you didn't think, Sherlock, that acting like this would make her think that you only play with her?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The gears in Mikaelson's head began to turn.
"F*ck. So what should I do? I've tried everything. Flowers, jewelry, old grimoires, unexpected almost-dating, puppies, cats, and all of this modern stuff."
"The idea of coming to me with a "love problem" is as ridiculous as expecting an answer, but I will try my best because you are kind of my friend and seem desperate. I don't know if you thought of it, but speaking with her and making a true confession seemed too simple, didn't it?" I said it sarcastically.
"You mean… "L" word?" he cleared his throat, ashamed.
"For the love of God, Kol Mikaelson! Do you love her?"
"Of course."
"Then get out of my eyes and tell her, not me." he disappeared as quickly as he had appeared, leaving me alone in a sea of people.
"Little bastard." I said it to myself while trying to get out of there.
But someone made sure I wasn't left alone for too long.
"Hello, my love."
I would recognize that voice even on my deathbed, and I undoubtedly knew that he would someday be the reason for my death.
"Hello Klaus." I turned around to look him in the face. He had grown more handsome since the last time I saw him, which worried me a lot. I tried to hide my unwanted emotions behind a sarcastic smirk.
"If you're wondering if Stefan or Caroline sent their regards, I'm going to have to disappoint you."
"Actually, I'm wondering who I have to kill." I frowned, not understanding him. He swept me into his arms and whirled me about the dance floor as the orchestra played. "I knew you were planning not to go to this party. Katherine was very upset about that."
"So you must have had an enjoyable couple of days." I can't stop myself from interrupting him. He gave me a small smile, shaking his head in amusement. I was so close in his arms that I could feel his every breath adjust to mine.
"You don't usually change your plans, so it's obvious that your bunch of stupid friends must have done something impressively dumb. And quite possibly, it has to do with the emergence of competition vampire's group in Mystic Falls."
"You seem quite well informed, especially for someone who doesn't care about anyone but his family."
"Ouch. As mean as I remembered."
"And you're as irritating as always. It looks like no one changed."
I sighed as I looked around the room. Mission successful - Katherine talks to Elijah. The only problem was that they looked like they were gossiping about me and Klaus…
"Tell me, did you miss me?" Klaus' taunt diverted my attention.
I thought for a moment about how to answer his question. Of course, I missed him. I frequently found myself recalling memories of us in locations where I was at the time. But as I said to Rebekah and Katherine, there was no bond between me and Klaus. We were just two bored souls who were looking for entertainment. We liked messing with people and making fun of them. That's all. There is no feeling involved. But it doesn't mean I will miss my chance.
"Yes." I whispered this while staring into his ocean eyes, never taking my gaze away from him.
He was surprised by my bold, direct statement. He leaned slightly closer to me. His gaze was moving from my eyes to my lips.
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"I was bored as no one was trying to hurt me or my friends. Fortunately, Miss Salvatore came back with her own, special family." I got a little closer to him so I could whisper in his ear. "And then we had a new member of our group. Enzo. He's incredibly handsome and was an excellent substitute for your company."
He moved his hand slowly as he extended his arm to encircle my back. Then he dipped me deeply, looking at my eyes all the damn time.
"Be careful, my love. You may fall for him, of course, if you have a heart." he whispered, tightening his grip on me. I held my breath, too enchanted by the moment to respond to his taunt.
I should feel uneasy, distrustful, and disgusted that I am at his mercy, for he could drop me at any moment. Instead, all I could feel was being hypnotized by his blue eyes until he helped me get back on my feet again.
"Every girl would love him. He has dark hair, plays the guitar, and speaks with an English accent. Everyone's type, espessialy mine." I said, when I came back to my senses. If he wanted to tease me, I'd make sure I was a worthy opponent. I just had to keep my emotions under lock and key.
"So your "type" has to have an English accent? It's good to know."
"Yeah, but not as old as some of the people who live here. Also, not this one who wants to get closer to me only to use me for my power."
"You really think that little of me?"
"Is it truly important what I think about you?"
"No, not if you want me to remain a stranger to you. Not at all. But I'd like to think that we are more than we're willing to admit."
"Are you drunk?" I asked, taking a step back to examine him more closely. He began laughing at my reaction, drawing me closer to him once again.
"No, my love. I'm honest. But I'm not sure if there's a big difference between these two."
"You're honest only if you know it's in your interest. Clearly, you want something for me because you've been nicer to me than you have in the last few years. But you have to know I'm not that stupid to let you control me." I got out of his arms and went out in search of a room free of anyone.
"Running away isn't a solution, Y/N! I hope you know that." He shouted as he followed me. We came to a halt as we entered his art studio. Of all the fucking places in this huge villa, it had to be the den of the big bad wolf.
"Katherine has managed to escape you for more than 500 years." I said this without giving him a single, damning look. I much preferred to admire his works.
"Yes. Because she wanted. I'm not sure if you share her desires." He grabbed my arm, turning me to face him.
"What kind of fucked-up game are you playing right now?!" I yelled, yanking his hands away from me. He confused me. We never crossed that unspoken line in our banter. Few months apart, and now he shares the attitude of our crazy friends. That kind of playing wasn't fun at all.
"Did I bring up a sensitive topic? You're not ready to finally stop lying to yourself?" I laughed, mocking him.
"I've never claimed to be a saint." I growled at his face.
"You also never admitted being a sinner."
"That's good I've always wanted to be an anti-hero, then." I whispered, looking into his mesmerizing eyes, not even realizing that as we talked, we were getting closer, as we were suddenly a foot apart. I felt his hand slip around my waist like a snake. He pulled me closer and then I found myself pressed between his warm chest and cold wall.
"If only you weren't such a paranoid woman and suspected me of using you whenever I wanted to get closer to you. Maybe you would understand who you should be scared of and what is truly between us."
"Said the man who murdered his biological father because he was afraid Ansal would endanger Hope."
"You seem quite well informed, especially for someone who doesn't care about me."
"Katherine and Rebekah are gossipers. You can't blame me for listening to them."
"You have an excuse for every circumstance, don't you?"
"It's not my fault you can't accept the truth. Whatever you've been taking today, you'd better take less of it. It's damaging your immortal, ancient head." I started to turn towards the door, but he stopped me by grabbing my hand.
"Don't turn your back on me, love." he threatened, keeping his firm grip on my wrist.
"Or what are you going to do? Dance with me again? You're right, it's so dangerous and horrible that I can't take it anymore." I ignored his warning and tried to leave the room.
He used his vampire speed and pinned me against the door. He leaned in, his eyes closed, and rested his brow against mine. In a silent, peaceful room, our hard, synchronized breaths were the only sound I could hear. My world shrank to just the two of us. The party outside was long forgotten by me.
He rubbed the tip of his nose on mine. I shivered as I got close enough to him for the first time to feel the warmth of his lips (and yet they were so far from mine).
"You have no idea… what you're doing to me."
His deep, hoarse whisper reminded me of who was standing in front of me and why I couldn't give in to my inner, treacherous desire. Before his lips could catch mine in his intoxicating trap (and possibly destroy me for any other men), I wrapped my hands around his neck and pinned him against the door, keeping a decent distance between us.
When he felt a piece of wood on his back, he opened his eyes, looked at me, and gave me an impressive glance. He giggled sinisterly, sending a shiver down my spine.
"For your own good, if you're not ready for a fire, don't play with it, love." I leaned slightly toward him, still catching his gaze with mine.
"Who said I wouldn't be the one to burn you?" I whispered against his neck, placing a burning kiss on it.
His soft, strangled moan after I gently bit into his skin was enough reward for my patience and a sign to stop before things got deeper.
I slowly took my hand from his arm and put it on the doorknob. I smiled on his neck because he was too preoccupied with the feeling of my lips to notice anything. I decided not to tempt fate anymore. Hybrid could easily take control from me (which wouldn't be good for me at all). So I pulled the handle and opened the door. The original nearly fell down because of my sudden, unexpected move.
I left Klaus behind in my haste, casting a quick glance behind me. It was definitely worth it. His look of indignation will stay in my mind for a long time. This battle was mine. We gonna see what future bring.
I walked into the room in a magnificent mood and took the glass of wine from one of the waiters.
"Can everyone get together, please?" Elijah caught everyone's attention. "Thank you. I wanted to thank everyone for coming to our engagement party. Me and my beloved fiance are very happy to see people around us who are wishing us a long, beautiful future." the crowd began to applaud, interrupting his speech for a moment.
"Such a diva." I whispered under my breath as I sipped my wine. Rebekah somehow heard this and tried to hide her laughter.
"But I didn't gather you all here just to talk about my luck. We wanted to announce who, from our closest friends, will be the second-most important couple at our wedding. My best man and Katerina's maid of honor, I don't think it will surprise you that my best man will be my brother Niklaus."
Klaus stood on the stairs next to the couple, wearing his trademark sly grin. He scanned the crowd. His gaze lingered directly on me, and he didn't want to take his eyes off me. The little bastard must have been up to something.
"I've been thinking about this since the day we got engaged, and to be honest, the decision wasn't as easy as it seemed to be. It was my desire to have this person as my maid of honor, but circumstances indicated that, unfortunately, my dream would not come true. You don't know how happy I was when I heard a few hours ago that she agreed. So without further extensions. My chief bridesmaid and best friend, Y/N Y/L!"
Applause erupted around me. It took me a second to recover from the shock and climb the stairs. I was standing right in front of this smug son of a bitch.
"Thanks for asking." I said to Katherine when Elijah ended his speech and people spread around.
"Klaus didn't tell you?" she asked, looking at her future brother-in-law.
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The original just shrugged.
"Don't worry, Kath. I won't make a scene. I'm not going to play according to the script of this drama queen. It will be a pleasure to be your maid of honor."
"I'm not a drama queen." the hybrid interjected, frowning.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I responded, giving him a small look.
"If you're so worried about my good sleep, why don't you join me in my bed, love?" he asked, coming to my side, so I had to give him my attention.
"Ha ha. Not even in your wildest dreams."
"In my wildest dreams, we don't need a bed, love." he said, casually adjusting the strap of my dress on my shoulder. His icy fingertips brushed against my heated skin, right next to my collarbone.
"You're the thousand-year-old father of a little girl. You don't think it's time to act like an adult and not a horny teenager?" I asked, grabbing his hand and pulling it off me.
"Ouch. But then you wouldn't even notice me." he pretended to be offended. He also tightened his grip on my hand without thinking of letting go. I fell into his trap with my own fucking wish.
"Believe me, it's impossible to miss you. I've tried. Many times." I growled, trying to free my hand from him.
"Aw, is that your way of telling me I'm special to you?" he asked, clearly amused by my annoyance. I've never seen such a huge smile on his face.
"Yeah, like a plastic, red punch cup at a school party," he laughed, reluctantly releasing my hand.
I turned to say something to Kath, but then I realized that she had left us in the middle of our conversation. I sighed as I was alone with him again. It's going to be a very long week (or month).
"By the way, when are you going to tell me I'm Katherine's maid of honor?" I asked, favoring him with my look again.
"It must have slipped my mind when you were passionately kissing my neck, love."
"Oh, I remember. You were moaning for me like a street lady."
I turned to leave, but he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his hard, well-built chest. He placed my head on his shoulder and cupped the tip of my right ear with his lips. His fangs came out, reminding me of his superhuman strength. Sometimes I forgot that the man I was teasing could easily break me with a flick of the wrist. Of course, if I let down my guard and drop my magic for a moment. We both knew that was impossible.
"Maybe I should return you a favor, and then we will see which one of us is making the most tempting moans?" he whispered suggestively and placed a small kiss under my ear. "What do you think about it, love?" he asked, rubbing his nose against my neck. He took one deep breath before placing his revange-wet kiss there.
And then, when I was burning for even his littlest touch, he just walked away like nothing happened.
I stood there, frozen in shock, watching his receding silhouette (definitely with a proud smirk on his face).
There was only one thing in my head.
1:1 motherf*cker
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
Can we have a scenario or some headcanons of Ratchet and Knockout with their future human s/o like, when they meet for the first time the s/o was like "Hello Nurse!" and after countless of flirting and jokes they fell hard on the s/o and they decided to confess to have a happy ending until one day the s/o dies because of Mech. (Yeah.... I love tragic sad ending shit. I'm sorry 🥲)
I was having bit of trouble with this one to be honest, because I absolutely suck at flirting and I had a hard time coming up with any good lines… Also I couldn’t really come up with anything for Ratchet, because I feel like he’s not really the flirty type, so just Knockout this time around
•Knockout is very flirty with anyone he’s attracted to, and you’re no exception
•You used to often greet him with “Hello nurse” with a sly smirk
•He always answers something like “It’s doctor actually” and he has to stop himself from grinning like a total dork
•He’s always trying to one up you with the flirting and jokes, because you both want to make each other smile
•It can turn into a bit of a lighthearted competition sometimes
•When you eventually confess to him, he’s pretty surprised to be honest
•He never really thought love was in the cards for him, at least not while with the decepticons
•But here you were, this wonderful person who he already held so dear
•And now you’re telling him you feel the same? He’s just so happy
•The whole “Hello nurse” thing becomes a bit of an inside joke as well as just something you tell each other when you need to
•Whenever you argue and want to make up, you tell him “Hello nurse” with a really soft voice and if he wants to make up, he tells you the same
•You had a good time together, but about a year after you went missing
•Knockout searched for you desperately, he called you probably hundreds of times in the two days before he finally found you
•You called him, and you didn’t know where you were, you just told him what had happened
•M.E.C.H had gotten their hands on you and tortured you for information on the decepticons
•They had left you in some warehouse, purposefully leaving your phone with you so you could call for help, hoping to capture whoever of the decepticons showed up to get you
•Knockout got there, and found you laying on something that had a crude resemblance to a surgical table
•You didn’t seem to be very hurt, but the damage was so much worse than he could’ve ever thought
•You had a lot of odd marks around your body, which he would later find out were electrical burns
•Knockout picked you up as carefully as he could and started carrying you out of the warehouse
•He was then hit by a couple of spotlights from a nearby roof and the bullets started raining on him
•He protected you with his body, since the all the bullets could really do to him, was damage his paint job
•He had to transform into his alt-mode quickly and you ended up laying on the backseat
•Knockout drove out of there as fast as he could
•He kept talking to you the whole way as he drove away from those bastards that had hurt you
•You did answer him a few times, but in a few minutes you fell quiet and limp in the backseat
•Knockout hadn’t really processed what you’d answered him, but now that he had gotten away and it was more quiet again, he realized what you’d said to him last
•”Goodbye nurse”
•When Knockout transformed back, he just sat on the ground with you in his hands
•You weren’t breathing, you were gone and he didn’t even know how to react
•He just sat there for what felt like hours, holding you and looking you over
•Your eyes were closed and if he could ignore the injuries you had, he might have just thought you were sleeping
•But that wasn’t true, he knew what was going on, he had lost you, for good and he felt like something inside him had died along with you
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xavsgirl · 1 year
Stone cold heart
Pairing:Tyler Galpin x outcast reader
Plot:you’re good at making boys fall for you,but what if for once you fall for someone?
Contains:anger,some fluff
Warnings:swearing words
Author’s notes:no hate for the festivity mentioned it’s just a reference to the show
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Thanksgiving:the most boring and stupid festivity Nevermore had ever celebrated.
The hypocrisy hidden behind the garlands and the concert was bigger than principal Weems’ ego,which obviously got on your nervs.
“What’s your duty today?” Kent asked you
“Pilgrim village,but I’m skipping it”
“What do you mean you’re skipping it?”
“I mean that I’m doing that,Kent”
“Yeah but like..how? I mean it’s not like you will go unnoticed”
“Do you really think anyone will pay attention to me? All the students are busy with their stupid jobs and principal Weems has to kiss the mayor’s ass,I’ll surely go unnoticed. I’ll just hide somewhere”
“If they find out,you’ll get expelled”
“Can’t wait to get out of this awful school anyway” you scoffed,leaving the boy.
Nevermore simply disgusted you:students were all so excited to attend classes together and meet their friends while you just wanted to spit on everyone’s face.
The school was trash,the people even worse:but how could you find decent classmates when you were surrounded by idiots that put on a pedestal Bianca Barclay,Wednesday Addams or Enid Sinclair? Embarrassing,you wanted to throw up.
Those girls had nothing:the first was a blowhard,the second a future serial killer and the third a dumb wolf who couldn’t even howl. Ridiculous.
You huffled,opening the door of Jericho café.
It was warm inside,and empty:the perfect place in which to spend the next few hours before finding a new hideout.
The only problem was Xavier working there for the day,but you knew he would have never said a word,he was wrapped around your finger since you dated him.
Well,to be honest date was quite an euphemism:you had a thing with him just to humiliate Bianca.
Everyone in the school had their eyes on them:
“They’re so cute”
“What a nice couple”
“I want what they have”
Bullshit. Barclay wanted to show off she was the artist’s muse, the only one slightly in love was Thorpe but those feelings disappeared the second you got closer to him.
You had an important quality:get people the right way. That was it.
Oh and also,fake it till you make it,or just fake it in general.
Thorpe’s ideal type was quite different from the person you were:he had this weakness for sweet,pretty girls so you didn’t really know how he could had fallen in love with Bianca,she was just a bitch.
Anyway,you started getting to him with cute smiles and nice words,then you started being around him during classes,during lunch,and when he actually trusted you,you dropped the bomb:
“Is it true that Bianca uses her power over you? Oh no wait,if she does you wouldn’t know…” you cringed so bad at the stupidity you had to put in those words,but it worked as Xavier’s eyes changed their light.
“What do you mean?” he asked
“I’ve heard Yoko saying that”
“What the fuck?”
“I swear,she was in the hallway talking to Kent,she said that Bianca was working well with her power on you”
That was it,all it had taken you to make Thorpe go mad and break up with Barclay. Fun part? You weren’t lying.
Barclay and Thorpe were just another one of the many illusions which used to hide the hypocrisy of Nevermore.
A few weeks later,after wasting all your precious time trying to cheer the boy up,he finally declared his feelings to you and the rumour spread.
You dated for around a month,the perfect time to get everyone’s eyes on you and enjoy people whispering any time Bianca walked past. They all knew what she had done,you “unintentionally” told Enid, who uploaded a post about it on her blog.
Once you couldn’t stand Xavier’s corny attitude anymore you broke up with him,putting on a dumb show in which you played the sorry girlfriend who fell out of love and ditched him.
The dude was stubborn tho,he tried to get back to you many times,but you had a new job to complete:Enid’s fallen.
You started from stealing Ajax,who had been her crush for a while. Dating him was even harder than dating Xavier.
Xavier was corny,yes,but Petropolus,damn it,he was an explosion of flowers and rainbows,the perfect partner for Sinclair…if only you weren’t around.
You grabbed the mask of the good girl,threw it in the trash can,and put on the one of the dumb fairy. What a pain,but it worked.
In a few days Ajax barely knew who Enid was,which obviously hurt her,but the cherry on the top of the cake was the secret Petropolus told you.
No one actually knew that Enid had never fully turned into a werewolf,all she could do was make her claws appear and…they were the colour of her nail polish.
When the boy had told you,you had to avoid burst into a loud laugh so you just carried on with your plan.
You opened a parallel blog to the one Enid’s managed,and wrote a very long and detailed post about the little werewolf not being a real werewolf.
All you had left to do was enjoying the students laughing at her in the yard,in the classes and even in the lunch room.
Another secret had been revealed.
So funny,less funny was breaking up with Ajax as he was another stubborn guy and tried to get you back multiple times,fighting with Xavier.
You were so proud of your job,there was just one more person left:Wednesday Addams,how could you destroy her? Well it wasn’t like she wasn’t already doing that on her own,but she was still a quite popular girl no matter the controversies,she even had a bunch of loyal friends.
You were busy thinking about a new plan when it showed up right in front of you:
“How may I help you?l Tyler Galpin asked with a notepad in his hand and a smile on his lips.
You didn’t really considered that normie,you knew Addams probably had a crush on him,and him on Addams,Kent had told you,but you had rarely seen him around so he was a kind of faded imagine in a corner of your mind.
“An espresso,no sugar thanks”
“You like it bitter”
“Just like human’s existence on this planet”
“Okay…” Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and walked towards the kitchen.
You looked at him:maybe this one was easier to get,he had a crush on Wednesday which was a total psychopath,he may had liked a plotter bitch.
A few minutes later the brunette came back with your coffee,and put it on the table,right in front of you
“There you go. Hopefully this coffee will make your existence less bitter” he joked
“I don’t think so. I believe to Leopardi when he said that nature is an evil stepmother”
“Leopardi seems like a funny guy”
“He actually isn’t”
“Maybe he should try one of my coffees”
“Deaths can’t drink coffee,Tyler”
The boy looked at you confused
“How do you know my name? I have never seen you around”
“I’m from Nevermore,you’re a well known name in between the students”
“Oh,exciting. I hope they have nice words for me”
“Nothing is nice in there”
“I don’t believe you”
“You’ve never been in that school”
“But I know the students,they’re sweet people”
You laughed
“Even koalas seems sweet,but they can send you to the hospital”
“You’re pretty intimidating” Tyler giggled
“Oh,I can be” you said,and drank your coffee while the boy welcomed a new person inside the café.
A few days later you were back,sitting at the same table as before, and it went on for many many weeks until you became an abitual customer and Tyler’s friend.
The boy slowly started opening up with you:he told you about Wednesday,the way he couldn’t understand her feelings and some more irrilevant stuff,including stories from his childhood.
“Of course you don’t understand her feelings,she has none” you replied once he went on the Wednesday topic for the millionth time
“No,she has,she just doesn’t show them”
“Yes,of course. It’s like saying that a serial killer is sorry for his victims but kills them anyway”
“Why would you bring that up?”
“Because Addam’s gonna be a serial killer one day”
“You should become one too,then”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed,Tyler laughed
“You two are way more similar than what you think”
“Yes. Y’all are pessimistic,misanthrope and have the same intimidating aura” Tyler pointed out
“It’s not enough to say that we’re similar”
“It is”
“No. She’s a freak”
“You too are a freak Y/n,you’re an outcast”
“Being an outcast doesn’t mean being a freak”
“Okay,sorry. But you two are similar,you can’t change my mind”
“I’m prettier” you spit out,Tyler laughed again
“Egocentrism is another point you two have in common. Y’all would be best friends”
At those words you couldn’t keep up with the conversation no more:you stood up and hit the table with a fist
“I would never be her best friend! Never! I have nothing to share with a crazy attention seeker! I hate her! And I hate every single student of Nevermore! I want the whole school to burn down so don’t you fucking dare to compare me to any of those hypocritical assholes!” you yelled,everybody in the café turned to look at you,so Tyler grabbed your wrist and lead you to the bathroom.
“Are you mad?” he asked locking you two inside the toilet
“You started it”
“And then Wednesday is the psychopath…”
“Don’t mention her! Stop it!” you were about to yell again
“Okay,okay. May I ask you why you hate her so much? And why you hate Nevermore so much?”
“Nothing is true in there. People act like friends and then talk behind their backs,love is based on magic powers and all they care about is the appearance. They all want to be popular because the real world has always treated them like trash,and they can’t accept it. You know what,Tyler? Maybe I was wrong when I said that outcasts aren’t freaks,we are freaks,we just try to not show it. We all wear masks,I did that too” you said,and walked out from the bathroom as you wanted to go back to school.
A few days later you were laying on your bed:it was past midnight but for some reason you couldn’t sleep,so you grabbed your phone.
You had just turned it on when it rang,a text had just come in:it was Tyler’s.
You furrowed your eyebrows,confused,but checked the text anyway
“Up for a night ride? :)”
“If you really want,yes”
“I do. See you in 10 mins x”
You got dressed up and when Tyler texted you that he was outside Nevermore, you sneaked out and got in his car.
“Hello” he greeted you with a smile
“What brings you here,Galpin?”
“I wanted to see you”
“I know,I’m hard to forget”
“That’s funny because you actually are. I keep thinking about the words you told me in toilet”
“I was just mad”
“You were,but I feel like you are also frustrated”
“If I wanted to talk with a therapist I would’ve asked Mrs. Kinbott” you growled
“Okay,okay I’m sorry. As an apology take the package on the backseats”
At those words you turned your head,noticing a small rectangular present. You took it and opened it.
“A compilation of Leopardi’s poems?” you were surprised:boys used to gift you with dumb stuff like flowers,chocolate and stuffed animals,no one had ever given you such a nice gif,only Tyler.
“This is for what?” you demanded
“To make your life less bitter” he joked,this time you laughed with him.
“If I tell you the other poets I like will you gift me with all their books?” you asked,browsing the pages
“I will”
“There are plenty of them”
“I bet I’ll find all their books in limited editions”
“Sure…” you rolled your eyes,looking outside the window:you couldn’t see much besides the shape of the trees and the shiny stars
“Where are we going?” you asked
“It’s a surprise”
“Is this a date or something?”
“It depends on your perspective:do you want it to be a date or not?”
“Who knows” you shrugged your shoulders
“You’re hard to get,aren’t you?”
“It depends”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you want the true me or the one of your dreams? A few boys got the girl of their dreams but not me”
“Do you talk by riddles Y/n?”
You laughed “Confusing people is my favourite hobby”
“I’ve noticed-Tyler stopped the car-here we are” he said.
You got down,realising that the boy had brought you in a beautiful clearing in which you could see the stars.
“I am not kissing you under the midnight sky Galpin,I don’t like romantic movies”
“Keep the kiss for the next time,I just wanted to show you this place. It’s pretty”
“Do you bring here all the girls you like?”
“Who knows”
“I bet you brought here Addams but she didn’t like it”
“You’re wrong on this one:Addams never came here”
“But you invited her”
“I didn’t. I haven’t seen her in a while to be honest”
The silence filled the air for a second,then Tyler talked again
“Tell me about the poets you mentioned earlier”
“Tell me about them”
“Well I like Baudelaire,Blake,Foscolo,Hugo and the Maudits poets”
“That’s our literature,not the outcast’s. You studied at a school for normies,didn’t you?” Tyler was determined to know you,the true you,which kind of caught you off guard.
When you had decided to get his heart in order to steal him from Addams you expected his type to be quite similar to the person you were,but he didn’t stopped at what you showed him,he wanted to go deeper. He wanted to know you for what you really were.
“It’s none of your business” you scoffed
“So that’s how you play? You don’t show your true self to collect the boys you want”
“Excuse me?”
“Okay let’s stop this game. During the Pilgrims Day Xavier told me about the things you did”
“Galpin let me give you an advice:stay away from Y/n. She plots and plays”
“What do you mean Thorpe?”
“She uses people and then ditches them. She’s the reason why everyone knows Bianca’s and Enid’s business. She’s a good actress:all smiles and sweet eyes,but behind those…she’s a devil.
“When we started getting closer I’ve realised that you wanted something from me,but what? You didn’t know me,it was impossible that you wanted to expose me in some ways,like you did with your classmates,then I realised. You knew Wednesday had a crush on me,she was your target. There must have been a way in which you got to Barclay,it was Thorpe,while for Sinclair it must have been Petropolus. I was your way to Addams. Xavier told me about “smiles and sweet eyes” but you just showed me coldness and cynicism,I thought it was because you knew I had a crush on Wednesday,everyone knew about us,so you just tried to be like her. You weren’t trying tho,were you? This is a part of the true you,the one you wanted to show me to get to my heart. The point is that you fucked a few things up so I ended up proving to myself that I had traced a really accurate profile of you”
“Screw me-you smirked,Tyler was smart-may I ask you when I fucked up?”
“Well,the words you said in the toilet,then your riddles about the girl of everyone’s dream and your true self. Xavier was right:you do play with people to make other people sink,and you do it so well. That’s sick,that’s the plotting of a villain”
“It’s checkmate for you Galpin,congrats”
“I want a reward” he said,reducing the space between you two.
Your noses were close,your eyes chained together:invisible discharging flying in the air.
“What do you want?” you demanded
“Two things. First one:the truth. Tell me everything I don’t know about you. Every single thing. I’m sure there’s more on why you hate Nevermore students so much”
“Isn’t hypocrisy a more than valid reason? Nevermore is just a huge lie,a way to humanise creatures that have nothing human besides the appearance. I was a normie once,I loved my old school,and classes,literature in particular,and I had many friends. Then one day my powers showed up and my parents rejected me,sending me to that shitty school with a shitty hierarchy in which who lies the most becomes king or queen faster. I am not the villain of the story,they are,I am just the ones who’s uncovering the truth”
Tyler grabbed your chin,smirking “Keep on talking”
You hit his hand,which fell along his body “I’ve started with Bianca,moved to Enid,now I’m taking care of Wednesday,then I’m gonna move on to my next victim. They will all fall one after another. I’ve never been the popular girl at Nevermore,never wanted to be,but I’ve always wanted to be the Truth”
“Does being the Truth implies lying and manipulating people Y/n?”
“If you want to expose a liar you have to play by his rules”
Tyler laughed “You’re a psycho,you will become a serial killer, not Wednesday”
“What’s the second thing you want,Galpin?”
The boy shrugged his shoulders and scratched the back oh his head,then he grabbed you by the arms and pushed you against the trunk of a near tree.
“A kiss” he whispered in the twilight,clashing your lips together.
The kiss was rough and passionate,it sent shivers along your spine. Maybe that time it was different,maybe you did play with Tyler,but Tyler played with you and,at the end of the manche,both of you lost,or won,depending on the perspective from which you were looking.
The boy fell in love with you,but,for once,you did the same,and maybe,it wasn’t that bad:you knew Tyler hid many surprises behind those deer eyes,you could feel it,you had always felt it.
Just like you,and anyone else,he was wearing a mask.
“Now you tell me the truth” you broke the kiss
“What truth?” he played dumb
“The one which only you know”
Tyler smirked,stepping back,his hands slid in the pockets of his brown leather jacket
“Do you know Lauren Gates?” he demanded,his eyes shining of a strange light born from the dark depths of his soul
“Then let me introduce you to her,she will help you burning Nevermore down…exactly as you wished” he smirked,and with that your dreams would’ve turned into reality.
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heartless-aro · 11 months
Some Thoughts on Aspec Identity, Pathologization, and Disability
A lot of asexual and aromantic activism involves dismantling the notion that being asexual and/or aromantic is NOT a mental illness or medical condition, and while this is 100% true, it’s important that we in the aromantic and asexual communities recognize how our community is intrinsically linked to the disabled community. The fact of the matter is that, even though there is nothing inherently pathological about aromanticism or asexuality, our identities have historically been pathologized by society and are still often pathologized to this day.
The very first time I heard the word “asexual” used in mainstream media was in 2012 in an episode of House M.D., titled “Better Half.” For anyone who hasn’t seen it, the episode featured a side plot where an asexual couple comes into the clinic for a bladder infection, and the protagonist, Dr. House, decides that he wants to find a “medical cause” for their asexuality. This isn’t entirely unusual for the show, since a major part of House’s character is that he’s somewhat of an asshole who says a lot of blatantly offensive things and attempts to find medical causes for anything and everything. However, what makes this notable is that the subplot was resolved by House actually finding a medical cause for the patient’s asexuality and curing him of said asexuality. It was then revealed that the patient’s wife had been lying about being asexual to make her husband happy.
This was before Yasmin Benoit (an alternative fashion model who is among the most prolific asexual and aromantic community activists) publicly came out as aroace. This was before Bojack Horseman and Koisenu Futari and the 2015 Jughead comics (i.e., the ones where Jughead is confirmed to be asexual). For many people, this episode of House M.D., where asexuals are portrayed as being either liars or people who can and should be “cured,” was their first exposure to the concept of asexuality.
While this was just one episode of one tv show, it is a symptom of a much larger issue relating to the pathologization of asexuality and aromanticism. Take, for example, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) which was defined by the following criteria in the DSM IV-TR:
A — “persistently or recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity”
B — “marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.”
There are certainly plenty of cases where HSDD is unrelated to asexuality and is something that causes very real struggles for the person suffering from it; I won’t deny the experiences of these people by claiming that HSDD is “just asexuality” and shouldn’t be considered a disorder at all. The reason I bring up HSDD, however, is because it has often been used to pathologize asexual patients. It wasn’t until 2013 that the DSM-5 was released and changed the diagnostic criteria to include the caveat that “If a lifelong lack of sexual desire is explained by self-identification as ‘asexual,’ then a diagnosis of female sexual interest/arousal disorder would not be made.”
While this is a step in the right direction, the addition of this caveat has not people from pathologizing asexuality. A 2015 study (linked at the bottom of the post) by Dr. Lori A. Brotto, Morag A. Yule, and Dr. Boris B. Gorzalka notes that “Various theories have been proposed to explain how asexuality should best be classified, and some have maintained that asexuality is an extreme variant of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)—a sexual dysfunction characterized by a lack of interest in sex and significant distress. To date, this has never been empirically examined.” (The study in question sought to empirically examine this very issue and found that “there are notable differences between AIS >40 individuals (those likely to identify as asexual) and those who meet diagnostic criteria for HSDD.”). Another article (also linked at the bottom of the post), which was written by Dr. Lori A. Brotto and Sonia Milani, states that “Various theories have been proposed to classify asexuality as a mental disorder, a sexual dysfunction, or a paraphilia.” This is all without even getting into older ideas like the concept of “sexual frigidity,” which also may have led to many asexual and aromantic people being seen as disordered.
While there is much less information on how aromanticism, specifically, has been pathologized, it’s pretty well known within the aromantic and asexual communities that people outside out our communities often group us together or consider aromanticism a subset of asexuality, so the pathologization of asexuality also affects the way aromantic people are perceived. Not to mention the fact that, historically, people who chose to remain single, and especially women who chose to remain single, were often seen as deviant or unnatural.
Regardless of whether or not we, as individuals, are actually disordered, we are often viewed as being disordered solely on the basis of our aspec identities. Furthermore, there is a lot of actual overlap between the aspec community and the disabled community. While similar research has not yet been conducted in relation to aromanticism (in fact, there is very little research at all on aromanticism), studies of asexuality have found some evidence that asexuality may be associated with both autism and schizoid personality disorder. (And, not to bring up anecdotal evidence or anything, but I have often noticed myself that the vast majority of people in online schizoid communities seem to be asexual, aromantic, or both.)
Additionally, disabled people, particularly those who are physically, intellectually, and/or developmentally disabled, are often desexualized by society and assumed by default to be incapable of having romantic and sexual relationships, experiencing sexual or romantic feelings, or understanding sex and romance. As a result, they are affected by many of the same stigmas as asexual and aromantic people, regardless of whether or not they’re aromantic and/or asexual (in addition to all the other forms of ableism that they face).
All this is to say that the asexual and aromantic communities share a lot of common ground with the disabled community. This makes it all the more important that we fight against ableism and stand in solidarity with our disabled siblings, both inside and outside aspec communities. Moreover, this makes it all the more important that we recognize the prevalence of disabled people in the asexual and aromantic communities and acknowledge the ways aspec identity and disability can intersect.
So, here’s to all the disabled aces and aros out there. Here’s to the disabled aspec people who have been treated as broken or pitied. Here’s to the nonpartnering disabled aspecs who need caretakers or otherwise can’t live alone and are struggling to navigate what that may mean for their futures. Here’s to disabled aspecs who do want a relationship, sexual, romantic, or otherwise, but who struggle not only with finding a partner who will accept their sexual/romantic orientation(s) but also with doing so with a disability that affects their relationships. Here’s to alloaros who want sexual partners but struggle with disability-related issues that affect their sex lives, such as touch aversion, incontinence (including ptsd induced bedwetting and bladder/bowel motor tics), body dysmorphia, fatigue, and/or limited mobility. Here’s to d/Deaf, hard of hearing, low vision, blind, and d/Deafblind aces and aros, who are sick of being treated as though they’re “missing out” in more ways than one on some “fundamental” part of the human experience, (namely sight and/or hearing and sex and/or romance). Here’s to the developmentally and intellectually disabled aces and aros who are tired of being treated like children as grown adults. Here’s to disabled aces and aros. You are wonderful and it is such a privilege to share a community with y’all.
Edit: @arrows-for-pens pointed out that I forgot to add the links. (Thanks for that!) So, here are the links to the articles that I mentioned in the body of the post.
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hxllfires-gifs · 9 months
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PAIRING. bojan cvjetićanin x gender neutral!reader
SUMMARY. y/n is the sibling to kris guštin so everyone would assume that they get along with their brother’s bandmates—but that was wrong. y/n and bojan never really liked each other but it was just a guise to hide their true romantic feelings towards each other. when no one else is available to work on a song, bojan seeks out the help of y/n who reluctantly agrees, but it proves to be the best decision.
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AN ANNOYED Y/N rolled their eyes at the brunette standing in front of them. Bojan had just asked them to help him finish writing this new song called ‘Umazane Misli’ for Joker Out since their brother Kris wasn’t in Slovenia and the others were busy. Of course, the one time everyone’s busy is the one time he would need help with a song. They wanted to glare at him but refrained.
“Why can’t you do it yourself?” Their voice was pretty cold and slightly venomous.
The two didn’t really like one another and it all started a couple years back. Y/N Guštin didn’t understand why their brother was friends and in a band with Bojan, but they never really said much about it to him specifically. They thought that the singer was nothing but a flirt who didn’t take much of anything seriously. They couldn’t stand him, at least that’s what they convinced themself.
The brunette prevented himself from also rolling his eyes, not in the mood to fight with them. “Trust me, I don’t like this either, but it’s not going to get done if I don’t have help. It was supposed to be finished yesterday but everyone is busy. I’ll leave you alone after it is complete.”
“Fine,” they hesitantly agreed.
“Thank you. Come by the studio in an hour. I have a couple of things to do but I’ll meet you there.” With that, Bojan left, which annoyed them even more.
Y/N closed the door and walked back to their room, jumping onto their bed. “Kris owes me,” they muttered to themself before sighing.
If anyone asked them why they were enemies with their brother’s band mate, they would just glare at nothing in particular. They never had a specific answer other than “he’s annoying to me” or “I just don’t.” However, there really was a genuine reason; he had dated one of their ex friends during high school. Yes, that’s the big thing that they never wanted to tell people because they might get the wrong idea.
They could imagine someone telling them that they were just jealous, which they would immediately deny, but deep down they had to know that there was some truth to it…right? Well, no. Y/N was too stubborn to give into that thought and they were hellbent on making it known that they ‘didn’t care’ about the singer.
Their brother was always teasing them about it since he was obviously aware of what went on and the things that they didn’t want to tell people. The siblings had gotten into plenty of arguments over this, mainly one sided ones.
They were certain that they didn’t like Bojan.
The time passed by fairly quickly and they kept their promise, meeting the singer at the studio. They were starting to regret their choice but didn’t want Kris coming back and trying to throw a fit because they were being ‘too childish’ in his eyes. If a song needed done, they supposed they could tough it out and help.
Y/N was quite the skilled songwriter and there were times where Bojan thought that they were too good. He thought that they were someone who liked to brag about everything since he had overheard them talking about their accomplishments to different people before, but really they were just proud of themself. He didn’t seem to catch that part though.
Both of them were stubborn and that could not be clearer.
“You actually came,” Bojan acknowledged their presence.
“Didn’t I say I would?” Y/N countered with an eyebrow raised. They wanted to say something not so nice but didn’t allow themself to.
Bojan ignored their words and changed the subject. “I got everything set up. I didn’t want to inconvenience you and have you here longer, thought you might have something better to do.”
The Guštin stepped closer to him and crossed their arms over their chest, staring him down because of his comments. “You know, you don’t have to be such an ass all the time!”
“I know you’re not telling me that,” he scoffed.
If looks could kill, both of them would be six feet under by now. Both were thinking it was a bad idea to be in the same room for longer than a second but Y/N wanted to keep their promise, no matter how annoyed they would get.
Bojan continued, “You think you’re so perfect. You walk around and talk about all the things your good at and think you’re better. Trust me, I’d much rather have Kris here.”
Y/N laughed but they couldn’t deny how his words hurt them. “You’re such a hypocrite! When have I ever said or acted like I’m better than anyone? Hmm? You think you know what I’m about but you don’t, you have no idea. What about you though? You can’t take anything seriously and last time I checked, Irena broke up with you because you’re annoying.”
It was low, very low, but they couldn’t take it back and after what he said about them, they weren’t sure that they wanted to. Their features softened slightly though when they noticed Bojan’s face drop, his eyes moving away from their gaze. That’s when they began to regret everything.
Y/N didn’t recognize the feelings that started to blossom in their chest; it was this feeling that they had felt before but pushed away each time. They felt almost sad when Bojan seemed sad, even though they never realized until now.
“Bojan—,” they spoke before her brain could process.
“No, you’re right. Irena did break up with me but not for that reason. She kissed Kris at a party and he told me about it, so I had ended up confronting her about it. She said that she was drunk and didn’t mean it but at the same time, I could tell she was lying. She finally told me the truth—she only went out with me to make someone jealous.”
Y/N wanted to resist their feelings but their heart broke at his words, not used to trying to understand him. “I can’t believe she did that? Do you know who she tried to make jealous?”
They were genuinely curious since they were unable to think of anyone specifically.
He shook his head, still refusing to look at the Guštin. “No, and I never asked. But I had other people tell me it was you. I never really wanted to believe it. She went on and started telling people that I annoyed her and made up more lies about me, so the reason you hate me so much is based on lies.”
The male finally glanced back up at them before going to sit down in a nearby chair. He heard them sigh but didn’t think much of it since he was sure they wouldn’t believe him. However, their next words shocked him more than he would’ve expected.
“I don’t hate you. I was sure that you hated me and honestly, I think everyone was right, as much as I don’t want to admit it.” They paused and thought about if they wanted to continue or not, but they were tired of the constant fighting and drama. The two were adults who should have been able to talk about things sooner.
“I had a crush on you in high school and Irena knew about it. Her and I were friends at first but she was very competitive and would always put me down. It was subtle at first but then she didn’t hide it.” Y/N went to sit down in the chair beside Bojan.
“I think all this time, I’ve had feelings for you and when the two of you dated, I was jealous. That and the fact that she ruined my self esteem, it felt really bad. So, I was convinced that acting like I hate you would be better than having my heart broken more. Even after she broke up with you, I did not understand how she got to have what I wanted.”
Bojan’s attention was fully on Y/N and he took in what they were saying, took in how genuine they were being. He had never seen them like this and honestly, he hated seeing it. He could understand since he did the same thing. Hearing that they had a crush on him almost made him smile but he couldn’t find it in himself after hearing what his ex had done to the Guštin.
“I’m so sorry.” He couldn’t help but feel apologetic.
“I finally found my confidence again and actually felt proud of myself. Whenever I do well with something that I didn’t think I would, I tell my family and friends because I feel proud. I don’t think that I’m better than anyone.”
They took a deep breath and almost froze when they felt one of his hands take one of theirs into his, holding it. They had found themself imagining what it would be like to hold his hand in the past but didn’t think it would ever happen.
It was his turn to say something, the silence filling the studio. “I don’t think that of you, I just needed any reason to not fall in love with you even more. You are the smartest person I know and you write such good songs. I think I do sometimes get jealous because it’s so natural to you, but I love that about you.”
“You’re in love with me?” Y/N asked, their tone full of shock and slight confusion.
“Yes,” Bojan confirmed.
“I love you too.” It didn’t take long for them to tell him.
Bojan finally smiled and it caused the H/C haired being to do so as well. He gently placed a hand on their left cheek before he started leaning in closer to them. They met him halfway and their lips met; the kiss was soft and full of love. It was something they both wanted to do for the longest time but their own stubbornness never allowed them to.
Y/N laughed once they broke apart and Bojan kissed their forehead. The two could have stayed like this forever but they soon started to remember the reason why they were in the studio in the first place.
They leaned back in their chair, perfectly content. “I guess we should finish writing that song now.”
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smbrearranged · 1 year
Head Cannons!
So, I wanted to put out some general head cannons about the character’s personalities because why not? Luigi -He’s a soft boi but knows what he wants when he wants it and is willing to do what it takes to get it. -He’s the prince of the mushroom kingdom because Mario and his adoptive parents didn’t want him to have to stress about having too much work since he was frail as a kid. He no longer is, but it’s just how things turned out. -Luigi has a little bit of trauma from his time with Daisy. Of course things turned out okay and it was only temporary, but he won’t even look at her for things that she said and did to him over that day they were together. -Luigi sort of already knew that Bowser was hiding a big part of him. He’s not an oracle, but he occasionally has these dreams where he sees a small bit of the future and one of the things he saw was Bowser changing forms with Luigi in his arms. -He’s transgender, but genderfluid more than anything. His pronouns are He/him and he is comfortable being addressed as a prince, but he adores wearing dresses and skirts. He’s also generally more feminine in nature because of his kindness. No one judges him though, since he is the best ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and if anyone did try to say something, they’d be facing war from Mario’s Empire.
Mario -Mario is the best older brother. Absolutely the best, he loves his little brother more than anything and when Luigi came out to him as young teens, he helped Luigi get more comfortable in his skin and helped when Luigi needed help picking a more masculine name. -Mario is not an emperor, yet! His father before him also wasn’t an emperor until after he married, so, potentially, if Mario chose to never marry but still have offspring, he’d never be emperor. Not that he minded, he was pretty content by himself. -Mario is Polyamorous! He is okay with just one partner, but he knows he needs more to be satisfied. That being said, he wants a closed relationship, he doesn’t want to have to worry about his partners getting sick because of a bad time or anything like that. -Mario is totally okay with Bowser and Luigi’s relationship and actually finds it cute! Interspecies relationships aren’t a problem for him since his and Luigi’s parents were one such couple. Their parents were a Toadette and a Bogmire by the names of Timpani and Blumiere respectively.
Peach -She’s a great girl :) the best girl and a great friend to Bowser. She never let his intimidating true appearance change her opinion of Bowser, even when he would get angry. She loves Bowser as a brother and has always cared for him and always will support him. -She becomes an ambassador for the Koopa Kingdom since she is really good at public speaking and negotiations. She doesn’t actually become a princess since she isn’t related to Bowser, but she is perfectly content with her position and is allowed to travel as she pleases between business meetings. -She isn’t exactly Poly, but she eventually ends up in a closed relationship with two people. She’s not the most active partner, but is a good compromise between their personalities and issues. She’s soft and kind, but knows when to put her foot down. She also appreciates aspects from both since one is responsible and doting while the other is strong and diligent. Peach loves both of them because they allow her to explore and be herself while still welcoming her back almost as if nothing has changed. -Peach can’t ever see her parents again, sadly, as the pipe never returns during their lifetime and her parents are left knowing that her and Bowser are either dead or lost somewhere. She regrets not calling them more often, but knows that she is much happier in this new world full of magic and beautiful scenery.
Bowser -Bowser has anger issues, but he does everything he can to keep from being violent or angry with anyone. He even commissioned a special room so that he could rage and not damage anything important in the castle. it’s full of easily made china, bats, punching bags, breakable boards, etc. He enjoys the relief it brings when he feel like he can’t control his emotions well enough. Luigi and Peach are also senses of calm for him, being able to ground him when he was starting to get mad. -He’s very uncertain with his and Luigi’s relationship at first, worried that their rushing it, but Luigi is quick to reassure him that he wouldn’t be there if he didn’t want Bowser. Luigi is also the first to initiate a kiss between them because he knows Bowser is too much of a worry wart. -Bowser adores Luigi as much as Luigi adores Bowser. He’s the first person to truly accept him and appreciate him in his true form besides Peach, and Luigi is the first person to actually like that form more than his human form. (Bowser wasn’t sure why until Luigi explained about his preferences later on in the relationship, but he was more than happy to oblige) -For whatever reason, even in Bowser’s human form, he and Luigi are never able to have a biological child. -Bowser is a righteous king and a good ruler and lover. He’s kind and knows when to step away while still being able to command respect and, when needed, fear, but he’s always looking to solve things peacefully.
Extras -Daisy is eventually tried and sent to an island that no one can reach once she’s there with only the basics to survive. She does eventually escape, but she no longer has any power and it took time for her to build herself back up to attack. -Waluigi and Wario become Bowser’s servants since they showed remorse for what happened. However, they aren’t allowed anywhere near Luigi because of his trauma. -Queen Rosalina, Queen of the Boos, does not like Bowser and thinks he is unfit to rule. -Donkey Kong, king of the Kongs, is a recluse and hides his people, however, when word reached him of a new, kinder Koopa King, he attended the coronation which introduced him to a new world of people. -Prince Boo, celestial being of the cosmos, is well known in the world and is both revered and feared. He was known to be chaotic, but only took real action when the galaxy is in danger. He enjoys teasing Luigi and eventually becomes a good friend to the human. Prince Boo does have a crush on Luigi, but for multiple reasons, he doesn’t pursue the human prince. -Koopalings for hire! They take the place of Wario and Waluigi and are basically hitmen or thugs for hire. Kamek recommends them for a simple retrieval mission and Luigi and Bowser both find the struggling kids cute and feel bad that they’ve had to live that way for so many years. They take the kids in a week after they get a very special present. Ludwig is the oldest at 17 and Larry and Lemmy are the youngest at 10. -The BeanBean Kingdom is ruled by Queen Cackletta and Prince Fawful, Their ambassadors, Bean and Peasley tried to steal Luigi’s voice to empower the Beanstar, but Prince Fawful heard of the plan and warned Luigi. Basically, the Super Star Saga plot takes place, but with altered characters and such. Mario becomes Rookie, Peach and Bowser are like Mario and Luigi, and Luigi is Peach ofc. That’s just how it goes lol. Things turn out great and Bowser, Luigi, and Mario are all able to acquire treaties with the BeanBean Kingdom. -Yoshi’s are more intelligent and have a kingdom and a super star of their own. Their king is literally named King Yoshi and is a rare Green Yoshi. -Penguins are sweet little babies that allow you to slide on them when traveling through their icy dessert hills. They are significantly larger than the ones we see in games and movies, since they are ridden, they have to be large enough to hold others. They love fish.
I have some other head cannons, but they will be answered in the fics I write for this. If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to answer!
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icharchivist · 7 months
Icha help what is going on with hxh and its multiple endings, the tag is just confusing me even more, I feel like the whole classroom passed a note and I'm the only one who didn't read it, did Togashi play Who Wanna Be A Millionaire and lost because that's what I'm getting.
oh i'm so sorry i have to be the one to break this news to you
you rn:
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so a couple of days ago Togashi was at an event in which he answered some questions from an interview and everything. In this interview, he was asked about the hxh's ending.
Here's what he replied.
the long story short is that he mentioned that he had 3 ending planned for hxh, all of which he calculates would be meet with different level of satisfaction from fans. His favorite ending is Ending C, but he feels like fans will dislike it the most.
However he also added that to give a picture of the possible endings, he's going to share Ending D, which is an ending he disregarded and would not make canon, but then he added "but if i die before i can finish hxh you can imagine this one to be canon"
Ending D is the cliché type of ending from shounen manga where you cut to Gon's daughter, Jin (get it, because Ging, Jin) who is fishing the god of the lake on Whale's Island for Grandma Mito and Noko, her mother (? a brand new character at least.) We learn her father, Gon, has left as an hunter and Jin wonders why her father is living this life, meanwhile "a figure" (probably Gon) is observing this scene from afar.
So as you can imagine, fans have been Losing It™ to say the least. News outlet has been saying THIS is the true hxh ending and now everyone is mad. Homophobic fans have been extremely eager to spam this ending to the replies of anyone talking about Killugon since because "actually Togashi planned on Gon to have a child" and all of that jazz. It's been a riot. On fire. People have been disappointed. Other heartbroken.
... because everyone is acting like it's going to be the actual ending.
While the interview was literally "here's the ending i disregarded but hey, if i die you can use this one in your head"
Like i said personally i think Togashi is trolling and making fun of the fans who are already burying him. It seems too cliché to be serious, and the fact it's not an ending that is considered makes me think it was never that serious to share to start with.
But fans gonna be fans and the fandom has been on fire ever since this interview came out.
And once people calmed down about this ending, people have been theorizing about the others three teased ending and what would Togashi means about "endings fans would find disappointing" and all of that. So that's where we're at right now.
so welcome to this dumpfire, enjoy your stay!
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sparklingpax · 2 years
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About the cosplay: It's Hawk!!! 🥰 And hey!! I did a much better job than Halloween last year I think 😹✨💙 This was what I meant talking about the variation thing in my last art post btw~ I had two people recognize my character!! The joy I got from that was undescribable 😩🙏💖
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About the con itself: OH MY PRIMUS I'D BE HERE ALL DAY TALKING ABOUT EVERY COOL THING I SAW 😭💜 Let's just say that I was incredibly lucky to find the stuff I got, and I'm grateful to have gotten it (yes btw that is a screenshot from a tiktok I made about this, I'd put it here but Tumblr is really weird about posting videos so....check my TikTok ig? 😳) // It was truly awesome to see all these figures and things from shows I barely see anyone talk about yet which I care deeply for, NOT TO MENTION THAT EPIC TABLE OF ENTIRELY VINTAGE JAPANESE G1 STUFF WAAA 😭🙏💕💕 So yea, I got a lot of cool stuff, I met some ppl (including a nice conversation with the actual Aaron Archer!! He signed some stuff for me and even left doodles with the signatures!!! Like a smol Unicron or an Optimus!!! That was very cool 😌✨) I saw a lot of cool cosplayers who I didn't have the courage to talk to, but I'm glad I could admire all the creativity and passion from afar :] And the panels!!! Were all very interesting!!!! The Peter Cullen one was awesome, and the script-reading one at the end of the day was also very fun!!! I read for Minerva's part in the audition period, and though I didn't get it, I enjoyed that little moment! Plus, the person they ultimately chose did an amazing job with the script!! ✨ It was purely just cool to even see Minerva on that screen for a while--tbh, we stan the Masterforce rep I saw all throughout the day 😩💖🔥 or, well, I stan that...😳✨
About Meeting Peter Cullen: In short? Surreal ✨🙏 So, I'd signed up for an autograph when getting the tickets for the con! And that Optimus you see up there is the thing I meticulously drew as the print. I wanted it to be something special, so I literally poured my heart into that...tbh, it did turn out quite nice!!! ^\\^
From here I'll repeat exactly what I said in my Instagram post: Though brief, I'll never forget those couple moments. I was able to tell him that theres a lot I struggle with, but that Optimus has always been a real friend to me, and I thanked him for the role he's played in my life...after he signed my print, I asked to give him one, and then mentioned actually, I'd drawn these, and he was so impressed. He read the captions on the banners aloud and said "That's Optimus alright!" (I was grinning like an idiot sjsjsj) & before I gave the copy, he asked *me* to sign it for him 😭 the highest honor for me as an artist ngl 🙏 Reading my name, he said he was glad to have met yet another unique individual like myself...before leaving, we shook hands and he told me I should keep going, that I'm doing great. I couldn't stop smiling as I left.
So basically, Saturday was a dream--in fact, many dreams came true Saturday. Thanks, TFcon Chicago, it was a wild and fun ride I'll never forget~
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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