#also yes I do have a seal tail.. it just kinda happened
soullessjack · 5 months
im high quick drop the selfshipshitpost and run
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patchesproblem · 1 year
tell us more about the immortal cat au
So to start off with it happens more in the future after Honkai was eradicated / sealed away. More than likely a few years after it after everything calmed down and they weren't on the constant verge of deadly threat every five seconds.
There's actually a first draft and a second draft when it comes to this. The original idea was that they figured out a way to replicate their immortality and just kinda tested it on a cat and kept it, but it was scrapped because I doubt they'd actively be trying to replicate immortality when it's more of a curse than a blessing lmao. It originally was from like Novemebr or December I believe, so it's relatively old.
For now the immortal cat doesn't really have a place of origin. The current ideas are maybe that it was created (think kinda like Theresa?? But also not really because this is a literal animal) or that some freak accident happened. It doesn't really matter because the cat itself is what's more important because it terrorizes everyone and everything in it's path.
Imagine if you took everything that makes Einstein and Tesla menaces to society but put it into a cat that doesn't have to face consequences or societal shame.
The cat can be really sweet yes, but it can also ruin your day. It can and will knock anything it feels like over. It's definetly ruined electronics before.
Tesla and her are besties but they are in a constant war with each other. When Teslas had a bad day it'll curl up with her and comfort her, but on any other day it'll be knocking stuff off of her desk or nightstand and running off with her glasses without a care. She's probably ran off with her tools at some point tbh. Also has probably knocked several screwdrivers underneath things and neither Tesla nor Einstein can reach far enough to get them back. Anti-Entropys funds are having to be put towards buying new equipment because of their pet they refuse to get rid of.
The cat is at war with Einstein too except on a lesser, less destructive scale. Their war is exactly like how Einstein chooses to mess with people. It's clear. It's subtle. It will drive you insane nonetheless. It'll stare at her dead in the eyes flicking its tail having a staring contest. They both know it's about to do something the only question is when and what. Minutes later she's chasing it around their dorm trying to get her sandwich back that it stole.
Basically it kinda mimics each of them. It's also just a cat and cats are just like that tbh (source I have a menace of my own that has destroyed many electronics and has shoved her face in my food when I glanced away.)
Though it's not all chaos. They see her as their kid and actively make sure that it has the best life they can give it. Probably one of the most spoiled cats known to man kind. It sleeps with them and just kinda chills with them most of the time when it's not being a destructive unstoppable force.
It also really enjoys chasing the laser pointers and tries to play with Einsteins hair and probably attacks Teslas pigtails LMAO.
Also does not like men. The cat just stares at them and hisses before running off. It does not care for Joachim in the slightest.
Oh and her names S'more. She's a tortoise shell and Tesla 100% put a bow on her. They take her out with them sometimes and she goes on buisness trips with them.
I think Tesla probably brushes her often too and makes sure that her furs pretty and soft. Don't know why I just think she would. They treat it like it's their child so nothing would surprise me. Probably say stuff like "go harass your mother" or something like that.
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starry--skies · 2 years
I don't know any of them, so I'll start off with five questions alskghslkghdsglkdhdlgkh
3, 4, 8, 13, and 17? :D!
asdkjhflgkjhdslkfjgh fair enough!!! gonna stick all this under a readmore cause i'm gonna include a rundown on who's who
so! the hopes :D they are my oc family for undertale and i've made a few variations on them for different universes. the one that's more fleshed out tbh is technically for underfell but honestly it's more my own au at this point. with credit to nic since it was an old rp but. anyway i'm gonna answer for that version just cause. yes <3
anyway so first things first about these guys, they're cat monsters, and they're all colorpoints. specifically different colors of colorpoints because it's my ocs and i get to make the rules <3 if you don't know what colorpoint is, it's the gene that the siamese are most known for - the dark muzzle, ears, paws, and tail. i learned when i was doing a paper on different coat patterns in high school that colorpointing is actually a form of albinism that's heat-based, which is why the body is that white-cream color! if it's colder, you'll see the whole cat turn more to the color their gene is, and if it's warmer, you'll see them turn more white. this is entirely unrelated to the hope family i just think that's a really neat fact about the gene sdkfhgbakjsdhfgklabhdsjkhgbajkdshfbf
i'm gonna put a picture in here that way you can see what i'm referring to with their coloring, since it's easier than just trying to explain what every color term refers to sdkfhbgajdshfbj
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so in order, we have the parents - kayla and nick. kayla is a cinnamon point, and nick is a blue point. after them, we have the kids, oldest to youngest - kaylee, neal, kelly, keili, nolan, noah, kylee, and katherine. kaylee is a flame point, neal is is a seal point, kelly is a fawn point, keili is a blue point like nick, nolan is a cream point, noah is a lilac point, and kylee and katherine are chocolate points - kylee and katherine are twins... kinda sorta. it's complicated SDLKGBASDKJFHBAJSDHBF
anyway! just a couple more notes - kylee and katherine go by ky and kat, and because there's so many of them in this family, i'm just gonna answer for these two for now. so on to the questions! also you are more than welcome to ask me more questions about all of them at any point unprompted because i love them all (except the parents) and i will answer without hesitation <3
3. where would they go on vacation ?
kat would love to have a nice quiet vacation in the country honestly. she's very easy to please askdjfgkjhabdskfjhbg ky on the other hand would love the beach. she prefers more exciting places.
4. what is their most embarrassing memory ?
for ky it's probably like, wiping out while skating or something sdfjhbgkashdjfb for kat... hm. she gets embarrassed a lot more easily than her twin, but probably... i'm gonna pull a bit from future canon to what i'm writing and i thiiiink something i may have done as a prompt on a side blog but i think kat's most embarrassing memory would be when she was at a halloween party with a lot of friends and she got in a quiet fight with this one guy that escalated and ended up with her tripping into the punch bowl. defo ran from that embarrassed to all hell.
8. what keeps them up at night ?
oh for ky its absolutely how she'd treat kat when they were younger. she was close to being her number one bully. she feels like that's something she can never really make up for, but she absolutely tries her best to. for kat i think sometimes it's just worry about losing the ones she loves, which in my story is an extremely valid fear because it. kinda does happen. so she doesn't want it to happen again, at all. she'll have nightmares about the person who's the reason for it and all of the things he did and how things could've turned out, both good and bad. this is also true of ky but it's not as strong for her.
13. what’s something that holds them back ?
for kat it's 100% anxiety sdkfjbgjhasdfb baby is ANXIOUS. for ky it's that uh. for pretty much my entire story she's not actually corporeal KDSBHFJKAHDSBFKJGHABSDFJHBG
17. what’s a habit they wish they could drop ?
warnings apply to this answer - it involves self-harm and mentions of abuse. this is the last question, so you can back out of the post/scroll past if you don't want to read it.
ky wishes sometimes that she was nicer. it's hard to not immediately go for the snappish, mean response for her. on top of that, even after what's going to be in the story, she's much more critical of kat than anyone else, and she hates that about herself. for kat, she wishes she could stop feeling like she has to hurt herself sometimes. it's something that stuck with her so long as a kind of survival tactic because of their parents - violence and physical harm were punishments that were used liberally. kat kinda held on to that for a long time, even after my story ends. it's something she's able to control most of the time, but there's days where that urge is too strong to ignore.
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waltnut · 3 years
Hey!! Do you have any more lore ideas of the demon bros in their level 3/4 states? Your last post was really interesting!! :)
I do have some that’s kinda dark? Maybe even kind of NSFW-ish? I’m not sure how you’d categorize it but here it is anyway.
I’ve had this idea of when the “heat season” comes around and what is needed to be done to protect MC. This is in no way what I think happens EVERY TIME heat season comes around just an idea that I had in my head for a concept. I’ve read many wonderful Headcanons for the heat seasons for the brothers and they are all way more thought out than this lol.
The idea is that for MC’s protection, it has been tasked to keep the brothers locked up in their room or a specific location until the heat has passed. The scenario is that this is the first time MC has been there for it and Barbatos is explaining to them and showing them what is needed to be done. There are seals in every room to keep them from breaking out, for example. The seals are made for that specific demon and do not affect MC or other demons. Most of them are in Level 4 during this time but will phase into Level 3 to try to manipulate MC into letting their guard down. Each demon is given something to keep the desire at bay. If they stop receiving these things they will go into a rage.
Assume they are in Level 4 unless stated. This is specifically the brothers...Read more below.
Lucifer - Locked in his room
Mc is not allowed even on the same floor as Lucifer during this time. It is said his power and influence can affect a large radius and should you get too close, you will feel unconsciously drawn to him or where he is.
There is a seal on his door to keep him in.
You will hear nothing behind his door, it is as if no one is home.
He stalks around in his room in Level 4, with all his lights off. Ashamed of himself and his lack of control.
If he knows MC is close, or if he can no longer resist, he is able to project illusions of this form throughout the house to Lure MC or scare MC into heading closer to him. You would see these out of the corner of your eye, or red eyes in the shadows of a silhouette of a giant goat man.
Should MC enter his room, the seal does not react to humans and opening the door does not break the seal, MC will be stuck in here until it’s over. Have fun dealing with a scary goat demon in the dark.
Music is needed to keep him calm. If no music is played he will use his illusions more to terrorize others on the outside and become violent if approaching his physical form.
Mammon - Locked away in his room, in a secret cellar type room that is accessible only through his room. It’ll
To get to him, there is a door in the back of his room, that only appears for this season, magic or something. It leads down a spiral staircase where the walls are stone and you come to a large stone room that is lit by conches and it’s filled with gold and treasure and the like. It’s a dragon’s den. And it’s separated by a wall of decorative bars keeping MC on one side and the dragon on the other.
The seal is on the bars and touching the bars would repel him. But MC can touch them and stick a hand through.
He lays on his treasure and gold objects which will stick to his leathery parts on his wings and the underside of his tail and belly.
Nests of treasures, tapestry and fancy rugs are also used as paddings for his nests. There are items from ancient times, which you could only assume he’s had for centuries and his hoard has only grown since then.
If MC enters this chamber he will transform to level 3 and offer his treasures to them. He will also pout and guilt to keep MC there with him.
Treasure is given to him every hour to keep him happy. He transforms back into level 4 in a fit and will destroy his piles of treasures out of anger and upset if they choose to leave him.
If MC chooses to stay, he will dress them in his treasures and make nests for them.
Leviathan - Sealed in his large aquarium tank. Did you think it was built for the fishes?
The only light source comes from the fish tank and TVs. You can see a giant dark mass inside the tank wrapping around everything inside. It has pulsating glowing orange orbs on its form.
There are Tv’s set up in front of the glass. A lot of them. All of them are anime. There are also a lot of plushies floating in the water. To keep him company, Barbatos would say. These objects keep him calm.
If MC approaches he will turn into Level 3 and press himself against the glass with the most sad eyes. He will use words to manipulate MC into feeling guilty for him being alone and to stay there with him and watch all the shows.
If you stay too long in this room you will hear an eerie whale type song in the back of your mind. It seems to make you dizzy and makes you want to stay with him. Maybe you just might jump in the water. Who needs to breathe anyway? He probably has a solution for that.
If MC chooses to leave he will turn back into Level 4 sea monster and wail the saddest deep sea song and slam his huge body against the glass. Hopefully it stays in tact.
Satan - Locked in his room.
A green glowing wall seal separates the door area from the rest of his room. It has a shimmering flame affect but you can see through it.
His room is trashed. Books ripped to shreds, book cases fallen over, small flecks of green flame and ash are scattered on the piles.
He remains in Level 4 even if MC is in the room. And he is not nice. He is mean. He will scream and yell and swear profanities at them, and especially Barbatos since Barbatos will not let Mc go alone. He will say down right terrible things out of anger and frustration.
If MC expresses any type of upset, it’s possible Satan might notice. If he does, he will lower his voice and approach. He will apologize and begin to try to convince Mc to stay with him and read all the books.
If he is refused he will slam on the sealed wall furiously and monstrous screaming continues. His flames in his body are strong and bright.
Books are given to him every half hour as well as audiobooks of plays from every language to keep him calm.
Asmodeus - Sealed in his room, but an altered version of reality.
His room is separated by a clear glass wall with an invisible seal. On the other side there are mirrors everywhere. It’s like a fun house with how they are not in any uniform pattern. Some are cracked and broken.
There is pillows and blankets and a giant bed where there isn’t mirrors.
The mirrors are used to keep his morale low, showing his reflection in his level 4 state causes a depression to keep him from wanting to pursue others, as he is the avatar of Lust and is the most insatiable during this season.
If MC is in the room, he will actually scream and refuse for them to see him. If MC can convince for Asmodeus to show himself, he will come close to the glass barrier and black tear lines would be streaming down his face.
He will show himself in Level 3 to them to convince MC to stay and keep him company. Something about wanting to see them from every angle with all these mirrors?
If refused he will start to break the mirrors around him. The magically repair themselves eventually.
Other demons like succubi/incubi are sent to him to keep his appetite lower. But he will always prefer MC over them.
Beelzebub - Locked in a giant meat freezer storage near the kitchen.
It’s very cold in here, and there are animal carcasses hanging from meat hooks everywhere. Even things you never seen before. It’s a large cold room with tile.
Bars separate you from the monster in the middle of the room. He sits on a pile of meat and flesh, sounds of tearing can be heard. But also the raffling of chains. The bars are not enough to hold him. There are seals on the bars and metal cuffs attached to his wrists and ankles.
Steam can be seen coming off the monster form Beelzebub.
Once MC enters, he will come launch himself towards them but the chains catch him and hold him away. Barbatos will allow MC to throw him some meat but to use a rod to stick it through, like some zoo keeper feeding a lion.
It was said they didn’t start using the chains until one time he broke out and went on a feeding spree. I won’t get into details about that.
He speaks in very few words. “Closer.” Or “Stay.” are usually what he’ll snort at MC. He stares at them, licking his lips. You don’t know if it’s lust or hunger or both.
He doesn’t put up much a fuss if MC leaves, as the food is enough to occupy him.
Food fed to him by the hundreds is needed to keep him from raging.
Belphegor - Locked back up in the attic.
There is a wall of black smoke/fog that hides the rest of the room. It has light flecks off white in them, like stars.
Red eyes stare at you from inside the fog. They disappear and reappear somewhere else.
Barbatos tells you to not touch the smoke. Do not. Ever. Touch the smoke.
Level 3 arms of Belphie can reach out from the smoke to grab you.
His voice is soft and sweet but his words are not. He tells you he is always with you when you sleep. He can see your dreams. He is in them. It’s the way he says these things that are unsettling.
He can disperse the fog enough to show himself to you. He can change the fog to look like space and galaxies to entice MC to want to stay and experience it.
He will guilt trip MC, saying they’re the reason he’s here and they owe him. They need to make it up to him. He can forgive them if they stay.
If he is refused, a wave of tiredness will wash over MC. Barbatos must always accompany them and he is able to take them away before anything happens.
Incense smoke is needed to keep him calm and sedated.
Now you may be thinking...What about Barbatos?? Isn’t he affected by the season?? To that he replies...
“Oh yes, but my constitution is much stronger than the rest.”
Then perhaps you may be wondering about Lord Diavolo. To which he replies...
“It’s best you don’t set foot in the castle. Better yet, just stay in here in the house, where it’s much safer.”
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countrymusiclover · 3 years
7 - War Recovery
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Part 8
Military Lovers masterlist
Raising my right hand laying on the ground I sobbed uncomfortably seeing Kyle laying on the ground with burn marks passed out. He can't be dead - he can't be. My eyes fall close no longer being able to stay awake any longer and my hand reaching for my dog dropped.
A monitor beeping makes me stir in my sleep feeling pain shoots through my whole body. I squint my eyes open clutching them closed at the blinding lights, then opening them slowly to adjust to the lights. My vision isn't totally clear as I see a figure dressed in red clothing with a clipboard staring at me. "J - Jay?" I croaked out as the figure gets closer he sits the chart down answering my confusion. "We'll Hello sweetheart. Glad to see you made it through. I'm Will, Will Halstead. I'm his brother and I preformed your surgery." Biting my lip I do slightly remember Jay mentioning that he had a brother but not much. He didn't really talk much about his family. "Will - what happened...can i have something to drink?" I croaked out feeling my throat is really dry. He comes back handing me a cup of water that I slowly sip from watching him flip open my chart on the table.
"Well Ms. L/n-" He started but I interpret not wanting him to address me professionally. "Y/n is fine." Will clears his throat staring over. "Y/n, you had harsh infection on one of your kidneys. A harsh concussion that may result in headaches from time to time. Alongside some burns from the explosion but they were minor. Finally you had a bullet get stuck in your thigh but I got it out." Lifting myself up I shift in the bed wincing feeling the pain killers only working every few seconds. "Which means you'll be required to attend physical therapy and talk with a social worker every few months. You'll also need to be on crutches for a few months-" I cut Will off seeing Kyle laying on the ground when my heart rate machine started beeping a little faster. "Where's my dog. Where's Kyle  - I need to see Kyle!"
Jay's POV
Entering the veterans back room I see Kyle asleep on the cold medical table. Someone stepped up to the front desk seeing me waiting. Somehow I just got some minor bruising after the explosion attack with the terriost unlike Y/n and Kyle. "Excuse me sir, can I help you?" A blonde nurse asked when I see Kyle's tail extremely start to wag back and forth. He's alive. "Uh yes. I brought him in. Do you know his condition?" The nurse leads me into the room causing Kyle to open his eyes Sligh lifting his head but not all the way. Discomfort written all over his face as I slowly brush my fingers through his fur. "Don't worry boy. She's alive, Y/n's alive." Hearing her name his ears lift up and his eyes glowed, like he knew he had done his job like she asked. "Mr. Halstead which would you like first. The good or bad news?"
"Good first please." I almost whispered never removing my gaze from the Marine dog that stares up into my blue eyes. The nurse clears her throat lifting some pages of the medical notes. "Kyle L/n, was brought in after an explosion inside a church. He has been a Marine military dog for 6 years. The test results came back with no organ failure. He did have burns which we will provide medication for." Lifting my head up I interpret before she can give me bad news. "So he'll live?" The nurse simply nods eyeing the chart again before tears started to slip out. "He will live....but we ran some tests like certain sounds and things to which he freaked out about. The doctor made note high PTSD along with a limp in his right back leg."
Signing the discharge paperwork I carry Kyle back to my car driving to the hospital. He whimpered laying in my passenger seat when I drive through the streets. Someone behind me honks their horn since I'm driving kinda slow so I don't freak out Kyle. But that jackass already did it anyway. Kyle gets up circling the passenger seat then started snatching the window seal. "Ky - Kyle. Hey, Kyle you're okay. You're with me - with Jay!" I holler out pulling into the parking lot of a gas station unbuckling my seat belt gently holding him still by his collar. "Kyle it's okay...easy boy. Hey Kyle you're alright..." More Cara honking through the city makes him whimper laying down with his head buried in his foot paws. "You're alright Kyle. You're safe with me...you're safe. Let's get you to Y/n." Starting the car again I keep one hand on the wheel and my other on Kyle's head. I can't imagine what Y/n will have to go through.
Y/n's POV
Someone knocks on my door as I try to eat something like the nurse suggested even though all I can think about is Kyle. Clutching the plastic fork in my right hand I nearly threw it at his head for what he did to me. For what he sent me and Kyle into. Granted we volunteered but I knew we shouldn't have rushed in so quickly to thar Afghanistan base. "Marcus Brooke's give me one good reason I don't ask the nurses to pull you out of my room immediately!" I snarl trying to not hate him for sending us there. He slowly closes the door pulling out a file of a man I don't recognize standing with the Afgan leader who nearly killed me. "The guy who kidnapped you apparently was this guy's brother. Nik and Rafe Anderson." He explains but I shake my head sitting the picture beside me on the table with my tray of horrible hospital food. "Commander Brooke's,  what exactly does this have to do with me?"
"It means we have taken care of both of them. Nik was blown up and Rafe is held in federal prison by the FBI. I have an announcement to make to both you and Kyle...it's for the Purple-" Marcus started to pull something out of his uniform pocket but the door opened for me to see Will grinning with a smile. "I've got a suprise for you." Tilting my head to see around my commanding officer I see a dog's tail wagging. Footsteps approach around the two guys and I gasped with happy tears in relief watching Jay carrying in Kyle who has his mouth open showing his tongue and teeth happy. He's alive. He's freaking alive. Jay gently lays him down on my lap brushing hair from my eyes kissing my forehead. "The vet said he's gonna be fine. I'll tell you the whole thing later. Just thought the best thing for the both of you was to see each other."
Marcus tried to interrupt the moment but Jay puts his hand across his chest shoving him outside the door. "Yeah, you can talk to her later. Will take him outside right now!" Jay growled in his face and he slowly backs out of the room. Will leaves the three of us after grabbing his next medical chart checking on his next few patients. Kyle lifted his head from my belly staring into my eyes lightly lickiing my nose. My freehand that doesn't have an iv sticking into it runs through his fur. Jay pulled up a chair at my bedside watching tears fall from my eyes. Kyle snuggles his head against my belly and I wrap my other arm over his back snuggling up against him. "You're my good boy Kyle. We're never gonna be apart again." He yawns closing his eyes for some needed sleep that makes me smile.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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skellebonez · 3 years
Who Do I Go To? (Monkie Kid Fanfic)
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I totally did not accidentally post this early before I edited it or added everything from my wip file... no... but anon, you gave me so much FREEDOM with this that I just went absolutely off the rails. This is not only set in a post S3 scenario where everyone survives and most of the villains have some kind of at least semi-redemption (except LBD, rip), this does feature a crackship or two of mine (you can read the tags to see the ships before you read)! Sun Wukong also has all of his immortality and some of his powers, I am writing this with the idea that he transferred most of them to MK and some of that was permanent once LBD was defeated and MK got his own back.
So... what if Sun Wukong did start communicating with the others in S3... but still has been bottling up his emotions about the past for so long he doesn’t feel he can talk to anyone because of their shared experiences? And what happens when that guilt and grief finally has someone willing to listen?
“What are you doing here, Si-SUN Wukong?” The Demon Bull King asked slowly, stumbling over his usual insult for the one once so close to him. They still weren’t close, and it was doubtful they would ever be as long as the sworn brothers they once were, but they were no longer at each other’s throats anymore.
That didn’t change how bizarre it was to see The Great Sage Equal To Heaven just... sitting outside his new home with no warning.
“DBK!” Wukong exclaimed, more startled than the larger demon was expecting as he jumped up and turned and if he didn’t look like he’d been hit with a truck metaphorically DBK didn’t know how to describe the way his fur stood on end and the redness in the other’s eyes. “I. UH. Was. Just stopping by to say hi!”
“No you weren’t,” DBK said, face falling into a deadpan glower. “You don’t do that. Even after 500 years I know you don’t.”
“I can start!” Wukong defended, crossing his arms and looking away with a wide teeth showing smile.
Too wide.
Even after everything that happened between them, from Red Boy to what happened when he needed his wife’s fan to sealing him in the mountain and everything that transpired with the Little Thief, he recognized that unhappy nervous smile.
“You can,” DBK said with a nod, gesturing to the smaller being. “You can also be here for a reason. Like what I heard you muttering to yourself behind the door.”
“And that’s my cue to leave!” The Monkey King announced as he turned to walk away before a large hand, with shocking gentleness for the one attached to it, wrapped around his shoulders.
“If you need to talk-”
“No, haha, I most certainly have no need for that!”
“-you know we’ve already made peace. I-”
“You don’t need to do anything,” Wukong insisted, struggling only a little before freeing himself from the other’s grip with an even wider nervous smile.
“-am willing to listen.”
“Don’t have to!”
“Are you at least talking to anyone?”
Neither of them said anything, The Demon Bull King staring down at The Monkey King with both frustrated annoyance and genuine concern in his expression.
The former he could deal with, but the later was so new again that...
Sun Wukong panicked.
“.... OKEY BYE!” He yelled, jumping and allowing his cloud to catch him and take him off.
“He turned out fine, he says,” Princess Iron Fan called from behind her husband as she emerged from their home. “So fine that it took him losing his invincibility and his successor nearly being killed for him to admit he needed help.”
DBK grunted, nodding in agreement at her words.
“He needs more, still, my dear. Even I can see that.”
“Let’s call in some reinforcements then, darling. I think there are two people who may be able to get through to him.”
Sun Wukong sat on the beach of Mount Huaguo’s island home, clearly trying not to think about what had just transpired.
“How did you even know to look for me here?” Sun Wukong asked, not nearly as startled this time. He’d heard the footsteps coming for a long time, the other apparently wanting to make his presence known.
“Bull King called Pigsy’s asking for MK. MK called me since he’s working. I remembered where you like to sulk. Hence: I’m here.”
Wukong groaned, wrapping his arms around his knees and burying his face in them. “I shouldn’t have even left the house today.”
“But you left,” Macaque said with a shrug, watching the other stew in his frustration at himself. “And you went to see DBK... and I guess Princess Iron Fan too? But you ran off. Why?”
“I can’t check up on an old friend turned enemy turned less enemy to ‘not exactly friend but we’re not trying to kill each other’ without being questioned?” Wukong grumbled into his arms.
“Not when you make him sound as worried as he did when he talked to MK,” Macaque continued, voice becoming more tense. “You didn’t go to apologize or explain anything, I was there when all that went down. So... did you finally go to talk about everything e-”
“No.” The word was said with such coldness that Macaque knew it was put on. It wasn’t out of malice but something else, something more worried and fearful. “No. I can’t talk to him about... I told him everything that explained what happened. I apologized. I don’t need to talk more.”
"I don't understand why you're so opposed to to just talking about, you know... how you’re doing," Macaque said with a concerned frown. It almost felt odd on his face. Almost. He was still getting used to the whole "not being mortal eternal enemies and now being friends and kinda sorta caring about each other again" thing. "I know it's been centuries and all and you're out of practice but like... it's been centuries."
"I just... can't, Macaque," Wukong rebutted as he refused to lift his head from his arms. "I just can't."
The single word stayed in their air between them, heavy and hard and meaning more than the immortal would ever admit to.
"Come on, there has to be a reason," Macaque insisted as he sat down beside the other immortal. When no response came he sighed, tail flicking absently and flipping over some of the rocks on the beach as they sat in silence for few minutes. "You know... I started talking to someone."
"What?" Wukong turned his head, just enough to look at the other monkey from the corner of his eye.
“Sandy’s a good listener,” Macaque continued, falling back down to lay flat on his back and gaze up at the clouds. He remembered that Wukong felt better, sometimes, when you looked away when talked to. Didn’t know why, but he remembered. “Not exactly the kind of therapy he thinks I need, but he lends me his cats and he lets me talk and sometimes asks if I want advice. Sometimes I say yes, but when I say no he understands. Sometimes I just want to rant at that one little one eyed cat he has and she listened to... I think. She’s a cat so I wouldn’t know. He thinks I should see someone more experienced, an expert. Maybe he’s right, I dunno, but this helps enough for now.
“... who are you and what have you done with the Six-Eared Macaque?” Wukong asked with a soft glower, one that was clearly in jest from the tiny smile the other could see.
“Same Macaque,” the other said with a laugh, sitting back up with a theatrical flourish. “Just realized that talking to someone isn’t as dumb or useless as I made it out to be in my head. A lot of the stuff I thought about alone wasn’t exactly the best. Or healthiest. But now I can get that out there and sometimes it makes Sandy look like he ate a whole lime which probably means it’s good it’s not in my head anymore.”
“You ramble a lot,” Wukong said with a chuckle, tail swishing softly beside him before nudging against Macaque’s. He tensed before it slowly wrapped around the other’s. “It feels odd, having you try to cheer me up again after... everything.”
“Bad odd or good odd?”
“That’s.... good,” Macaque said, squeezing Wukong’s tail with his own. “Feels odd for me too. Like I’m out of practice too. But it’s good odd...” The two sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other’s company before he continued. “I do think you should talk to someone. Anyone.”
“I don’t know who, though. Every time I try I just... clam up and run away. I’ve put so much on MK already,” Wukong said, tail squeezing around Macaque’s loosely in return. “And Pigsy and Sandy... After all that came out, that Sandy is Sha Wujing and Pigsy is Zhu Bajie’s reincarnation... I just... I can’t talk to them either, even though Pigsy doesn’t remember anything at all. And you... DBK... everyone... who do I go to that knows enough about me to know what they’re in for but I won’t have those memories floating around in the back of my head toward making me run away?”
“Well, you could have Sandy help you get a therapist. Prepare them in advance. Or, if you’re not ready for that, you could talk to Tang?” Macaque suggested with a shrug. “He listens to me when I’m not talking to Sandy... but that’s probably because we’re dating, that’s what it is now instead of courting, right? So he kinda has to I think? Pigsy and MK talk to him too but with me I think it’s different.”
"I don't think that's how it works," Wukong said with a half hearted chuckle as he finally raised his head all the way. "Besides, I've known Tang longer."
"By like 3 months."
"3 months more is still enough to know that if he doesn't want to listen to you he won't. The man knows how to make a speedy exit."
"Guess that's one more thing that sets him apart from his great-great-great-great-great-whatever uncle," Macaque admitted with a shrug and a chuckle of his own. He squeezed his tail around Wukong's, smile softening when he felt it being returned.
“Feels... weird though,” Wukong said with a shrug. “The two of them looking so much alike.”
“Yeah, but that’s it,” Macaque rebutted. “He’s Tang Sanzang’s great-whatever nephew 5 times removed or whatever and he looks like him. Other than that? He knows pretty much all of your history. He’s mostly out of the hero worship zone but he still respects you a lot. Aside from everything that happened with LBD and MK you two have the least history out of everyone so maybe whatever’s in your head making you clam up might not stop you. And it couldn't hurt to try. It’s not therapy, it’s just talking about something that’s bothering you. Worst that can happen is you get nervous and fumble and he takes the opportunity to ask you 40 questions about the times you were almost incinerated by a baby."
"That was one time!"
“Uh,” Tang started, staring out the open door with wide eyes at the being before him. “Hi. I didn’t exactly expect to you see today.”
“I didn’t exactly expect to be here today,” Wukong said awkwardly, nervous smile taking over his face as his tone became far too jovial for what he was about to ask. “Macaque sent me to... talk to you. About me?” His smile drooped bit by bit as he said these words, slowly starting to lose his determination to go through with this. “Oh second thought, maybe I should-”
"No," Tang said, reaching out to put a hand on the immortal's shoulder. It was nothing, really, not to someone as strong as he was. Not when he could brush it off and walk away. Go home. Just sit on his couch and watch Monkey King The Animated Series again and just think about how no one deserved to be saddled with his problems anymore. But Wukong didn't. "Whatever it is, we’re going to talk about this now. I know I’m not trained like Sandy is, but I know how to listen. And if you need someone to listen to you, I can. You wouldn't have come here to talk if you didn't."
“... ok...” Sun Wukong said, letting Tang wrap his arm around his back and guide him inside his shared home with Pigsy and Macaque.
It was... odd. Being inside this place for the first time. He’d been outside of the door more than once, invited in as well. But never inside.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Tang said, stopping his guidance once they reached the sofa. “I’m no Sandy, but I was making myself some tea and it is a batch of his own anyway. I’ll grab us some snacks too.”
“Snacks would be great,” Wukong admitted, watching the other disappear into the house’s kitchen before he sighed and gripped his thrashing tail and muttered to himself. “What am I doing..? I shouldn’t put all this on Tang... I should have gone with Macaque’s first suggestion, I’m-”
“Do you prefer lychee or persimmon?” Tang asked suddenly, startling the immortal for the second time that day. “We’re out of peach bao, but MK’s been making them out of lots of fruits and we have so many that I was planning on eating them myself.”
The scholar returned, faster than expected, with a full tray in hand. Teapot, two tea cups, and a steamer box that presumably held the buns he was asking about.
“Uh... persimmon,” Wukong answered, and he watched as Tang poured each of them a cup of tea and removed some clearly fresh (or at least made some time earlier in the day and freshly steamed), pieces of fruit laden bao to put on a plate for his guest before taking a seat in a chair across from him. “You were... getting lunch?”
Tang shrugged, laughing as he took a bite of one of his own. “Just wanted a snack. But,” He smiled, gesturing to the Monkey King. “We’re not here to talk about snacks. What’s on your mind?”
“Awfully forward start.”
“I try to be forward with the people I consider my friends.”
“... You consider me... a friend?” Wukong asked slowly, turning the bao over in his hands. It was well made, perfect he would say. You’d think MK would have been making them all his life, not that he’d learned how to on the drone ship while on the run from an evil super demon bent on erasing his mentor from the world.
“After everything we went through, how could I not?” Tang said, putting his food down to sip his tea and then putting that down as well and looking at him seriously. “You’re here because it’s the anniversary of the day you sealed away the Demon Bull King, aren’t you?”
The bao in his hands wasn’t perfect anymore. Instead the red lychee inside dripped from his claws from where they punctured it in surprise.
“How did you-?”
“My specialty study is your history after all,” Tang said, smile returning with a sad tint. “I’ve known the date for years but I felt it was something to keep to myself. For some reason. Now with you and DBK back I think that was a good choice. It feels too personal to have out in the open for everyone to make a spectacle of.”
“Is it selfish of me to be thankful for that?” Wukong muttered, gently placing the bao on the plate to lick his claws clean.
“I don’t think so,” Tang answered.
“I feel selfish though,” he continued, not managing to take note of how Tang sat up straighter and turned more toward him. “I went to DBK’s to... I don’t know. I wanted to apologize again? But I already did and he accepted it and it feels selfish to want to again. Then I just. I froze.”
“Why?” Tang asked, scooting closer.
“It felt wrong.”
“Because you would make him feel awkward?”
“NO!” Wukong groaned, burying his face in his hands. “I just. I feel...” He took in a shaky breath, claws digging into his skin slightly.
“Don’t,” Tang’s voice came soft and closer than Wukong expected, as did the hands on his own slowly pulling his claws away from his face. “Don’t hurt yourself. And don’t bottle it up. I’ll listen to you. No matter what it is. It’s not selfish, feeling things isn’t selfish.”
“I miss it,” Wukong breathed out, shaky and choppy as his throat tightened as the words started to pour out of him. “I miss him. How things used to be between us and Iron Fan. I miss that I never got to meet Red Son when he was Red Boy. I miss Beng and Ba and Ma and Liu and how things used to be. I miss Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing even though they’re here. I miss my Tang Sanzang. I’d been alone for 500 years and I missed so much and I did that to myself and it’s selfish to miss like that...”
He didn’t realize his cheeks were wet until his hands had been let go and one of Tang’s rubbed a cloth against them. Tang cupped his cheeks softly before wrapping his arms around him and tucking the Monkey King’s head into the space between his neck and shoulder.
“No... no it’s not. You’re allowed to miss things, Sun Wukong. Just like anyone else.”
Sun Wukong started to feel better.
He didn’t know why that was what did it, but the dam broke. It broke and his tears came pouring out as he hugged the man who reminded him so much of his Master. He didn’t know if anything he said in the mean time made any sense, if he was just blubbering and finally letting himself mourn what he’d lost and never had, but Tang didn’t ever chastise him. He let him weep and hold him and for the first time in years...
“Oh!” Princess Iron Fan startled as she opened the door to see who had knocked, finding herself face to face at sunset with one Great Sage. “You’ve returned.”
“Are you and DBK free?” Sun Wukong asked, smile no longer too wide. “I... kinda just wanna talk with you for a bit.”
“Well... I think that would be lovely.”
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sp-ud · 3 years
Waking Up
AO3 Link
Inspired by this post: Link
And my own post about this concept: Link
Content Warnings: Panic Attacks, Memory Loss
Words: 1817
Ranboo suddenly finds himself back in reality with his hands in the middle of braiding his own hair. Not the worst thing he’s woken up to after Enderwalking. He lets out a sigh as he continues braiding his hair, eyes drifting towards the ceiling as he reflects on what he can remember doing while Enderwalking.
Wuh oh.
This is basically me sharing my theories about Enderwalking in fic format. That's kinda it. I took my theories, and wrote em as a fic.
I also posted this at 3am which is why it took me till 2pm to make a proper Tumblr post about it.
Ranboo suddenly finds himself back in reality with his hands in the middle of braiding his own hair. Not the worst thing he’s woken up to after Enderwalking. He lets out a sigh as he continues braiding his hair, eyes drifting towards the ceiling as he reflects on what he can remember doing while Enderwalking.
Wuh oh.
Quickly tying off the braid he grabs the memory book. Reading through page 13 again. “New table”? Axe feeling lighter? Eye inside a block? Eye that looks his? Now, Ranboo might not know a lot about his Enderman heritage, but he knows a portal when he's described one.
Lightly smacking his face, Ranboo tries to shift through the foggy memories he always has after Enderwalking. Memories where he feels like a passenger, not the one experiencing it. He… he was mining. Just chatting with those particles of his, when he came across an exposed stronghold. He went to investigate… finding the portal but not recognizing it in his Enderwalk state.
Ranboo starts to head downstairs as he digs through his memories more, he’d… he’d realized the portal would probably help with the experiments he did while Enderwalking but had left to build a lab another day.
… Has he already built the lab? Yes, he has. Replacing the stone walls with iron and setting up what he’d discovered as ‘the solution’ to Enderwalking. Without having to remember, Ranboo can already tell he hadn’t gone through with it while Enderwalking. Otherwise, he would have woken up in the lab. Or in his bed from respawning, after all, his Enderwalking self didn’t seem to realize some of the multiple flaws in his solution.
But Ranboo is too scared to correct his Enderwalking self. It’s already taken him ages to convince his Enderwalking self that he isn’t some evil dissociative state that committed war crimes he can’t remember. He doesn’t want to imagine how it’d go over trying to inform his Enderwalking state he has it backward.
Sliding down into his basement he quickly mines through the wall to get the experiment log he's written in Ender. Flipping all the way to the last page where he’s written the solution. He pulls out a pen from his pocket and holds it hesitantly over the page.
He knows how he is when Enderwalking. A paranoid anxious mess with less than half of his memory. If he sees this when Enderwalking, he’d freak out, he’d get suspicious, and then probably do it anyways.
Reluctantly, he hides the experiment log back away, sealing it back behind stone bricks. He has to tell someone he both trusts out of Enderwalk, and in Enderwalk.
Which is admittedly a short list of people. Phil would be good, but the old man would likely ask too many questions he doesn't know how to answer. Techno, while also a good option, is also currently hibernating. And would likely pass the message onto Phil.
Niki would be an option if the two crossed paths more often, and Tommy has so many issues of his own right now, he doesn't need Ranboo's. The particles, while well meaning, are honestly more of a nuisance who would likely just increase any suspicion.
Which only really leaves one other person, Tubbo. Who, while Ranboo loves his husband, still isn't the perfect option for this, is the best he honestly has.
Someone he trusts, who will listen, who will understand, and who'll actually be able to help. The only issue is Tubbo himself might want to experiment, Ranboo personally still is a little salty over the whole electric chair thing. But hopefully the moobloom-hybrid wilk put aside his scientific interests for the sake of Ranboo's wellbeing.
Not wanting to waste any more precious time he has before falling back into Enderwalk, Ranboo leaves his house as fast as he can after quickly snapping on his armor.
The journey to Snowchester is quick, one he likes to thinks he'd still know even if he had no memories. By the time the water tunnel has shot him back out, it feels like barely a minute has passed since he woke up.
Letting his enchanted armor drip off the water, Ranboo quickly starts towards the mansion where, if his memory serves him right, should be where Tubbo is currently.
"TUBBO!" He shouts as soon as he enters the mansion, yelling being the most efficient way to locate someone in the massive building. His long ears strain themselves to listen for a shout back.
"I'M IN THE UPSTAIRS GUEST ROOMS!" The ender-hybrid hears distantly, darting up the stairs as fast as he can. "THE ONES NEAR OUR ROOM!" Tubbo shouts once more, Ranboo quickly taking a left.
He almost bumps into Tubbo as the moobloom-hybird steps out into the hallway. Luckily scrambling to a stop just before bowling the smaller teen over. He rests a hand against the wall, somewhat hunching over as he tries to catch his breath.
"You good bossman? Something wrong?" Tubbo asks, taking a small step towards Ranboo. The taller huffs a few more breaths before holding his other hand up to tell Tubbo to wait a second.
"It's…" he starts, before taking a deep breath and straightening up, "It's… oh God, I was so focused on getting here quickly that um, didn't really think through how to explain this all…" his tail flicks restlessly behind him.
Tubbo hums to himself for a second, "This is a sit-down kind of thing, isn't it?" Ranboo gives a small nod, "Good thing I just set up yet another 'sitting area earlier today, come on," the brunette grabs Ranboo's hand and gently drags him further down the hallway before opening a door with dramatic flourish.
It's another room consisting of multiple sofas and chairs around a coffee table. The amount of rooms they have that look like this is honestly concerning, but at least Tubbo has enough eye for design that they all are clearly different. Much less confusing than the identical empty rooms Foolish left them with.
Ranboo all but collapses onto one of the couches, Tubbo taking a seat across from him. The brunette's mouth is twisting in worry, nose scrunching up as watches Ranboo through messy bangs.
"Okay," a sigh escapes the ender-hybrid, "I, I guess the best place to start would be… explaining my… condition?" He still isn't sure what the right term for Enderwalking is as there's next to no public documents on the topic. "So, you know how I have bad memory?"
A slight snort before a nod tell Ranboo to continue, "Well that's, that's just one symptom of my, condition. The Enderwalk. It's genetic, I'm pretty sure. There's uh, not much known about it," Ranboo starts messing with the furred tip of his tail, "But it's basically a, a state I go into? I guess? And it…" he trails off.
How does he explain to his best friend, his husband, that the 'him' he always interacts with isn't 100% 'him'. His mouth hangs open before snapping shut, shaking his head a little. Tubbo won't hate him for something out of his control, Tubbo is reasonable, he's smart, he's a good person.
Another glance at Tubbo shows that the moobloom-hybrid now has a serious look on his face, leaning forward, waiting for Ranboo to continue.
"It doesn't just affect my memory. It, it can affect my judgment, my reasoning. And it worsens with age," Ranboo focuses his gaze back down to his tail flicking in his own grasp, "and, don't get me wrong, I'm still me when Enderwalking I'm just…" he loses his words again. Letting a silence fall over the room.
"Okay," Ranboo looks up. Tubbo has a hand to his chin in thought. "okay, I get what you're saying. Plenty of species have illnesses like that," the ender-hybrid nods, "and I'm glad you told me but, why now?" A hint of light blue eyes peer through messy bangs, "did something happen?"
"More like… something's been happening but it's, it's close to becoming worse." He shifts on the couch, once again struggling to find the right words, "I'm Enderwalking all the time… I'd say that you uh, you probably see me Enderwalking more than you see me normally," he pauses to swallow. "When Enderwalking I, I dont realize I'm Enderwalking," a humorless laugh escapes him. "I don't even have half of my memories then. I managed to forget what Enderwalking even is! And somehow," his voice is starting to go static with anger, "I managed to come up with the name again, while Enderwalking, to explain my normal state!"
He hunches over, burying his head between his knees as he lets out static-filled laughs. His ears no longer hearing anything other than a growing buzz. Hands gripping and twisting his hair as his laughs start to devolve into something more like sobs.
A light weight settles over his shoulders and back, hands slowly unclenching his hair to drift down to wrap the blanket around himself. He feels a head rest itself on his shoulders, following the deep breaths he can feel carefully. His tail loosely wraps around a waist before small hooved finger tips start bruising through it.
"Sorry," he mutters. Tubbo hums, leaning his head more onto Ranboo's shoulder.
"Nothing to be sorry about, it sounds like… a lot," Tubbo says back, "You sure you want to talk about this now big man?"
The ender-hybrid nods, tilting his head to somewhat rest on top of Tubbo's, the smaller's dull horns pressing into his face. "I don't know when I'll start Enderwalking again, I have to tell you now before I forget again."
"As long as you're sure," Tubbo replies with a shrug, but Ranboo can still hear the concern under the layer of dismissiveness.
"When Enderwalking I've, starting to experiment on myself. It's progressively gotten more… intense, to put it simply. My Enderwalking self thinks he's found a solution, to stop from 'Enderwalking' but," Ranboo pulls back, doing his best to make direct eye contact with Tubbo, "the 'solution'? It's, I know what it's going to do! It will just make the Enderwalk worse. I'll probably be down to only a quarter of my memories! I might even, even lose a life."
Ranboo's eyes loss focus as his panic starts to build before he feels Tubbo's dull horns pressing into his chest and arms wrapping him in a loose hug.
"That's what you wanted to tell me, right?" Tubbo sighs, "you want me to make sure that you don't go through with it while Enderwalking?" Ranboo lets out what's supposed to be a hum that ends up sounding more like a buzz in response.
"Don't worry bossman, you can count on me," Tubbo tightens his hug and Ranboo can slowly feel the fog that comes with Enderwalking creep in.
"I know, I always know," he responds, before letting himself drift into the fog.
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belpheroo · 4 years
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Title: Fear & Loving in Devildom, Part 1 Pairing: Belphegor x MC Rating: 🍋 Summary: Belphie is guilt-ridden, but also horny. Funny how often those two things coincide when you catch feels for the girl you killed. Notes: Another sequel to A “maybe” and On the Way to a “Yes”. Why do all my mature fics have pictures? No idea. But enjoy this edit of Belphie with an “o” blush. This... is basically a pwp at this point.
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In hindsight, perhaps the kiss was ill-advised.
This was the first thought that slipped through Belphegor’s mind when he woke up, a human girl asleep in his bed, wrapped up tightly in blankets to keep her roaming hands at bay. Having to result to bunting in this day and age was truly incredible, but so was this girl’s intense desire to get him out of his clothes.
This. This was his punishment. His personally designed hell within Hell.
That is what he told himself as he lay, aching and wanting underneath her just the night before. He’d even risked touching her as she did him, over her clothes, but still enough to make his body respond and thrum with heat. She had gotten her hand down between them, palming him through his pants before he managed to tear her hands away and roll over to recover, half curled in on himself and groaning with frustration.
Just take me, she had said. Brazen, foolish, irresponsible human. She had no idea what that meant when spoken to a demon. He couldn’t be his own self-control and hers!
Instead, she ended up straight jacketed into a fluffy blanket and he counted backwards from 5000 until his body calmed and he felt sleepy again instead of wired and awake.
Like he said. Hell.
Of all the people who had to understand humans in… this matter, Asmo was Belphegor’s only hope. He caught his brother between RAD classes and he was all too happy to take in the gossip.
“There is this… student.” Belphegor began carefully.
“Hmm?” Asmo hummed, eyes sparkling with interest.
“She— we… okay, look. We kiss. We touch, but she keeps pushing for more and I don’t know how to talk her out of it.”
Asmo looked positively beaming and the sight alone made Belphegor start to think he had made a huge mistake.
“Aww, Belphie! I’m sure if you just explain to her that you aren’t ready she will listen! Though I can’t imagine what is holding you back…”
“Oh no, I’m ready. I’m always one provocation away from fucking her to death, that’s the problem. I gotta get her to stop wanting me so I don’t get the opportunity.”
Asmo stared, silent and wide eyed.
“… is that a euphemism for your eagerness or an actual concer—“
“Actual concern.”
“Why in the world do you think having sex with her will kill her?”
“Overzealousness? Superior strength? Going demon in the moment?”
“Really?!” Asmo gasped for dramatic effect, “You think you would? Sheesh, you really do wanna bang this girl!”
“Good! I’m so proud of you! Though… I still don’t get why you think that would hurt her. A good ole RAD girl isn’t going to wilt like a delicate flower over you, Belphie. You aren’t exactly Lucifer.”
Ah. Asmo thought he was referring to another demon. Why wouldn’t he? There was only one human female in Devildom. He thought to just come out with it, to say who it was, but then it struck him that within a day every one of his brother’s would know his predicament and if Lucifer heard he’d be imprisoned in that damn attic for the rest of his life.
This was… a calculated error.
“Yeah. Uh. Guess you’re right. Just… been awhile.” Belphegor said, trying to back off the topic.
“I’ll say. I never pegged you for the type, Belphie.” Asmo said, tone going sing-song as he waggled an eyebrow at him.
“Well if you need any fun treats for the occasion you just let me know. I have a whole assortment of condoms, flavored and regular! Also some things to help spice things up… but maybe we’ll save that for your second or third go.”
“…I regret speaking to you.”
Asmo clapped his hands together joyfully, “Then my job is done!”
By the end of the day, Belphegor actually had considered for half a second turning himself into Lucifer on his own. He dreaded each ticking hour, knowing full well she would come bouncing up to him, smiling slyly with her greedy little mitts ready to grip and pull and hold him down while she sealed her lips over his again and again the moment they were alone.
He’d fallen asleep once during a make-out session. That’s how often this madness was occurring, but he liked it too much to stop. He liked her too much to stop. The time where he had supervised visits with her was long over by now and with how little time they had left until the end of the year, Belphegor treasured every single moment he had her all to himself.
And yet, he was wracked with anxiety that he’d hurt her. Again.
Classes ended for the day and sure enough by the time he was halfway back inside the House of Lamentation she was waiting for him.
“Beel is in your guys’ room.” She said, and Belphegor made a soft sound of understanding.
“And Mammon might come poking around if we go to my room.”
He knew where this was going.
“Soooo… you wanna go take a nap in the a t t i c?” She spelled out the word, careful to keep her voice down with the other brothers funneling back home.
“I’ll just go nap in my room.” Belphegor said, trying to keep his voice even and nonchalant.
“…oh. Okay.”
Belphegor restrained a groan at the disappointment in her voice, shooting a direct line of guilt into his chest.
“You can still come with me,” he continued, “Beel would be happy to get some time alone too.”
She pouted, but kept her voice quiet, “Belphie, I want a kiss.”
“You always do.” He said, meaning to sound begrudgingly affectionate, but instead it came out more exasperated. Her cheeks flushed but it had nothing to do with embarrassment.
“I think I’ll just go hang out with Mammon then. You go take your nap.”
He felt his heart sink a fraction.
“… you don’t do the same kinda stuff with Mammon do you?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” She said, voice stiffening and doing nothing to ease the faint edge of jealousy spreading in his chest.
“I mean, do you ask him to kiss you?”
“Sometimes!” She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one side as she cocked her hip.
“I like Mammon. I hug and kiss people I like.”
“… are you serious?” His voice was hushed but harsh.
“It’s not like I belong to you, Belphegor.”
It wasn’t intentional, but within a second there was a sudden surge of a sulfuric smell and his visage changed, horns curling at his temples and his tail swishing violently around his ankles until it snaked out and wrapped around her ankle. She yelped, stumbling so that he had to catch her.
“What did you say?” He hissed, holding her tightly against his chest, his grip unyielding and hard enough to make her breath flutter in her chest.
“…I don’t belong to you.” She repeated, voice low and her eyes narrowed. There was no fear in her tone and in her gaze was a familiar heated sparkle that jarred Belphegor with recognition.
She was toying with him.
“Upstairs. Now.”
Her lips spread into a sensuous smile, self-satisfied and smug.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” She said, pulling back. Belphegor refused to let her go for a few seconds, just to remind her of the strength in his arms and that she would leave when he allowed it.
The sudden possessiveness passed him as quickly as it came and he let go of her quickly, remembering himself and trying to quell the anxious feeling that had replaced the emotion in his chest.
Belphegor gave her a wilting look, shoulders sagging just a fraction in disappointment at himself for being so easily baited. Regardless, he followed her up the stairs, trying to keep his eyes off the way she was deliberately swaying her hips with each excited little half jump up the steps.
When they got to the attic door she turned to press her back against the wood, hands behind her back on the doorknob.
“I don’t really do that stuff with Mammon.”
Belphegor said nothing.
“Just you.”
He made a gruff sound, stepping forward and pressing against her as he took hold of the doorknob over her hand and pushed it open. She stumbled, but kept herself up right with a giggle as she unzipped her jacket and tossed it on the floor before sitting on the edge of his old bed.
She was working on the little snap buttons on the side of her ankle boots, kicking them off with a smile as she leaned back on the heels of her palms.
She spread her thighs open slightly, flashing her panties from beneath her RAD uniform skirt. They were pastel pink and made with delicate lace. Slowly she slipped her thumb under the hem of her thigh-high socks, sliding them down just the smallest fraction.
“You still wanna nap?”
He said her name, not soft and sensuous but firm and serious. Her expression changed, brow furrowing slightly as she slowly closed her legs.
“…We need to talk.”
“I’m sorry, it’s not… it’s nothing bad it’s just—“
“Belphie.” She sat up, raising a hand to stop him. Her other hand patted the side of the bed next to her, “C’mere. I’ll behave myself, I promise.”
Her tone had changed too and it was enough to help ease the tension arching through his body. With a sigh, Belphegor sulked over and sat next to her, shoulders falling forward.
“I’m not dumb, Belphie. I know something is up, but I figured when you were ready you’d just tell me… which was probably not how I should have handled it.”
She gently took his hand within hers and after a moment, he curled his fingers around her own.
“I like you. I really like you, Belphie. I wanna be with you because I like you so much, not because I’m… ya know.”
“I was gonna say ‘thirsty as fuck’ but that sounds better!”
Belphegor chuckled despite himself and her smile became genuine and amused. It helped relax him.
“I still don’t get you.”
“Because of what happened?”
“Not specifically. I’m worried that…”
Why was it so hard to say to her? He’d told Asmo easily but now looking at her he felt the words get caught in his throat.
“You’re worried if we’re intimate you’ll accidentally hurt me.”
Belphegor sighed.
“Demons are stronger than humans. When our emotions are heightened that raises ten-fold.”
She smiled and suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. Belphegor started at her, wide eyed.
“You’re just so unbelievably sweet, you know that?”
He sputtered because he did not know that! A scowl flashed over his face as he shook his head.
“That is not a word anyone has used to describe me for a very, very long ass time.”
“There is absolutely no way you’re going to hurt me you big idiot.”
“Y-you don’t know that!”
She only laughed, leaning in to rest her cheek against his shoulder. He stiffened, sitting up straighter as he felt his face go hot. How could she laugh at him over this?! It was a serious situation!
“You do love me.” She said, rubbing her cheek against him, “Sometimes I wondered, ya know? You’re always so damn aloof!”
Belphegor didn’t even know what to say, opening and closing his mouth several times before he settled on a frustrated groan.
“…you don’t understand anything, per usual.”
She sat back from him, a curious look on her face as he turned towards her. She yelped as he shoved her down, pinning her to the bed, his hand gently finding its way around her neck and keeping her firmly in place. He straddled her thighs, using his own legs to keep her down before looming over her with a look in his eyes that made her pulse jump beneath his hand.
“‘Love’ doesn’t begin to describe what I want. I have owned your death and now I would own your life. Your body. The very depths of your soul. I want everything you have to give, I want the things you wouldn’t give to anyone else.”
His hand tightened, but not enough to cut off her breathing. The placement of his hand did more to cut off her blood flow then her breath, making her head spin as she looked up at him through her eyelashes.
Belphegor leaned down to press a kiss to them, her eyelid fluttering shut beneath his lips.
“Are you prepared for that? Are you ready for what it means to be mine? …I don’t know if you are.”
He kissed her, gentle and slow. The softness of the kiss was cut short suddenly when she set her teeth into his bottom lip, sharp and hard enough to almost draw blood. Belphegor jerked back, a growl in his throat. She smiled mischievously up at him.
“Careful. I bite.”
“You’ll beg too.”
His voice was a low rumble, turning her head to the side and latching his teeth to the side of her bare neck. He was not gentle, sucking fiercely until he was certain the skin would be bruised and red. She whimpered, but the sound was more pleasure than pain as he worried the sore spot with his tongue.
“Belphie…” she keened, “…make a pact with me.”
“Finally,” He said, breath hot on her skin, “You begin to understand.”
“Give yourself to me.”
“That’s my line.” Belphegor whispered, releasing her neck and gently running his fingertips through her hair. She mirrored the touch, trailing her hand into the hair at the back of his neck and curling her fingers there. Her other hand rubbed a path up his chest, massaging into his skin as she fisted his shirt into her grip.
“It’s mine too.”
How had he resisted this for so long? How could he have denied himself the touch of her bare skin against his? She was so unbelievably soft, despite the harshness in which she gripped her thighs around his waist. Her nipples pebbled hard when he pressed his chest against hers. He could feel the heat radiating from between her legs against his hips, but he’d yet to possess her yet. Belphegor was more focused on leaving his mark on her neck and across her collarbone, making her as spotted as himself.
Her hand curled at the base of one of his horns, finger brushing against the ridges of it. He liked her touch there, his tail curling around her calf gently if only to give himself another point of contact.
The pact was already made. The sensation of connection was strong now, tying him to her and her whims, though she had yet to make use of it. She liked him being in control, she liked him making decisions for her in this moment, letting her just enjoy the sensation of touch.
She’d left a mark of her own, right at the juncture of his shoulder and his neck, but Belphegor would wear such a bite with pride, even if he did give her a small punishing spank to the side of her thigh when she gave it to him.
“C’mon… c’mon…” she panted, rocking her hips against him in a bid to slide the length of him up against her core.
“So impatient.” Belphegor said with a soft laugh, “You make it so difficult to treat you nicely.”
He hefted her up, turning unto his side and then his back. He sunk comfortably into the bed, hands stroking up and down her thighs as she sat above him.
“Take care of it yourself… I’m tired.”
“Lazy cow.” She mumbled, but hardly had a reason to complain now that she was in the perfect position to get exactly what she wanted. He rose up his hand and smacked her on the backside, earning himself a rock of her hips.
“Come here then.” She sighed, sitting up on her knees. Her hand wrapped around him, taking her time to feel the soft silky skin and admire how hard it was beneath it. Belphegor hummed contently, kneading his hands into her hips as she guided the tip of him between her legs, letting his head just barely kiss her folds.
She was ungodly wet, using his head to rub against her swollen bud before she pushed him back towards her entrance and slipped down, inch by delicious inch. His tail tightened around her leg, his throat working as a groan wracked through his throat at the sheer tightness. The hot, textured feel of her walls, clutching and spasming as she adjusted to him was as close to the celestial realm as he was ever going to get again.
Belphegor ran his hand up her stomach to her breast, gently palming over the soft delicate skin and thumbing her nipple until it was swollen and pink.
She rocked a few times, slipping him in to the hilt until she was sitting perfectly flush against his hips. She rested one hand back on her own calf, leaning back to angle her hips just so. Belphegor took the time to admire where they were connected, wet and glistening. She rose and fell slightly and he moaned at the mere sight of himself disappearing into her.
She sought out his hand with her other, lacing their fingers together as she lifted again and slid down onto him in slow, agonizing thrusts. He let the hand on her breast fall to her hip, helping to hold her steady as he occasionally lifted his hips to push up into her when she came down.
Her face was a picture of absolute ecstasy, lips parted and kiss swollen, skin flushing prettily from her cheeks down to her chest. She was always so god damned lewd, but nothing about this was for show. Belphegor knew he looked positively wrecked himself, expression painted with the pleasures of comfort and sex.
They moved together, slow and relaxed and relishing in the simple enjoyment of being connected. She’d been right. Belphegor had never felt so safe. From himself and from the world. Here with her, here inside her… he had never felt so perfectly content. Her soft chants of ‘yes’ and quiet moans was a sweeter sound than any angelic choir.
Her breath came quicker, head lolling slightly to the side as she lost herself in the rise and fall of her own hips. Her pace was losing its steady rhythm, going fast and then slow as she found an angle that made his head rub right up against the bundle of nerves against her upper walls. Her thighs trembled as she whimpered out a soft cry. She was clutching tighter now, unrelenting and steadily rising as her thrusts became shallow and short.
Belphegor pushed his shoulders down into the bed, bracing himself as he rocked upwards, edging her on as her pink skin turned ever more red and blotchy.
“Fuck… I’m going to cum. Belphie… Belphie…” She gasped with complete abandon, “Belphie, I’m going to cum.”
God dammit, if she kept talking like that, so was he. He smoothed his hand down from her hip to her center, pressing the pad of his thumb firmly against her clit. He didn’t even have to rub, the touch alone snapped the cord of tension, spasms wracking over her body and clutching their way down the shaft of him as she broke apart.
Belphegor’s eyelids fluttered closed just so she wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing his eyes roll back in his head. His balls pulled tight against him as his cock flexed and jerked and he came inside her. Belphegor held back a cry in his throat at just how rapidly he was spurting, pulsating erratically as she practically milked each drop from him. Exhaustion nearly immediately overtook him, but he resisted the burden of his Avatar through sheer force of will.
“Ow…Bel…your tail..” She mumbled, tugging gently at the side of his tail. He had wrapped it around her so tightly her skin was indenting. Belphegor let go immediately, holding an arm around her to keep her in place as he sat up and checked the damage.
“M’okay.” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling her nose against his hairline, damp with sweat. Belphegor sighed with relief, hands running up her back and down a few times before he wrapped his arms around her.
“You okay?” She asked, voice quiet in his ear.  He nodded, strands of his hair tickling her cheek as he did so.
“I love you.” Belphegor said, as simple and direct as if he were stating the sky were blue. She wouldn’t have expected it any other way.
“Goodie.” She said with a deep breath, giving her hips a little wiggle around him. He was still hard, but knew he would soften soon. Belphegor felt the slow slide of wetness as his own cum slid down his shaft from inside her, messy and warm.
“You feel so good.” She cooed, pressing kisses to his neck, open and hot.
Alright. Maybe it wouldn’t be that soon.
She used the pact to tap out by the sixth round, thighs creamy and wet and trembling. Shame. He had hoped to make it a solid seven.
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Jon Snow x reader
Pairing: Jon Snow x young reader (platonic)
Summary: reader is a captured wilding and is forced to be Jon's steward. Shes tough and stubborn but one day something happens and her feelings for the crow begin to change.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, attempted assault, mentions of rape. Mentions of blood.
A/n Hello my loves! Just a quick note about this story. Reader is a young teenager, also her relationship with Jon is non romantic. Hes protective of her like a brother. I hope you like it!
"Whats your name girl?" you wanted to roll your eyes but refrained as the new commander of the nights watch, barely a man in your opinion tried to be intimidating in a room full of equally unintimatading men.
As dumb as they looked they still outnumbered you like 100 to 1. So you begrudgingly decided to answer.
The lord commander, or more commonly known as Jon snow the bastard of winterfell, nodded once, satisfied that he finally gotten a word out of you.
"Well y/n, seeing as your people are gone-"
"Dead you mean" you couldn't help but bite out. "You crows saw to that"
Those damn crows had raided your village and slaughtered everyone save yourself.
"You're lucky we didn't gut you along with the rest of those filthy wildlings" one man spat out stepping forward but was halted by the commander, "Enough!"
"We had no choice, they trespassed and started to cause trouble-"
"Trespassed?! That land has been ours for generations, and just because some rich folk came and decided to put up a wall and cast us out, we're the criminals?!" You felt your anger rise again. "We didnt do anything wrong! We were just trying to survive like everyone else in this stupid godsforsaken world!"
The lord commander sighed with fustration, he tried to have patience, after all she was more or less a child. Well a child with the mouth of a 40 year old sailor.
"I'm sorry y/n, but there are rules, and they broke those rules"
"Rules?" You scoffed, "And who decided on those rules hmm? Certainly not the people who lived here, so tell me Snow, why the hell should any of us listen to rules that were forced on us?! In our eyes you are the enemy. We were just people, trying to not starve and freeze to fucking death and you slaughter us like animals!" You felt the burn behind your eyes as you remembered the screams and smell of blood. But you would die before you cried in front of these heartless butchers.
"I'm sorry that you had to witness it, but you have a choice to make now" he looked into your eyes with seriousness. "You can either be sent back beyond the wall or..." he paused hesitantly, "you can serve as a steward here"
You almost laughed, "Are you drunk Snow?!? Or do you actually think those are fair options?"
"Considering I'm already bending the rules by letting you live, yes I do" he said firmly.
You let out a humorless laugh, "So you think throwing me into the wilderness alone is fair? Or I suppose making me a slave to the nights watch is somehow better?" You glared at the men around you. Half of them fithly pigs who would no doubt use you whenever they got the chance.
"No harm would come to you if you stayed, of this you have my word. And you wouldn't be a slave. You'd be my steward."
But I wouldnt be allowed to leave, so a slave... but it's either that or what's beyond the wall.. I wouldn't last a day alone... after a while of silently debating I looked up into the killer's eyes, and sealed my fate with a nod.
The first week was hell. All you wanted to do was murder every crow you saw.
If you had poison you would've wasted no time spilling it in the stew you had to carry to commander stupids room every evening.
He acted like he cared, asked about if you had enough to eat and if anyone had been bothering you. But you ignored him. He was just trying to get you to trust him, and then he would turn on you. It was all a sick game, you were sure of it.
Another few weeks passed in a similar manner, he gave up on trying to make conversation which you were ever thankful for.
Not having anyone to talk to was the worst part. Your days were horribly dull. You cleaned, did laundry, prepped meals and repeat. Other than glares no one had messed with you which you were kinda disappointed in to be honest. You would take any excuse to blacken and bruise those ugly mugs of theirs...
Apparently the gods had a sense of humor because the next day you found yourself cornered by two of them.
"You should be on your knees thanking us girl" one of them sneered.
"We coulda left you for dead with those other savages but we didnt. And all you've been is given attitude."
"It ain't right"
"No it ain't" they agreed.
While they yapped you were mentally figuring out how you were gonna fight your way out of this one. Three against one wasnt exactly fair, and it's not like snow let you carry around your weapons. And the fact that you were far away, gathering firewood when they cornered you wasn't ideal.
Ugly man number one tsked when he saw your wandering eyes, "no use screamin girl, no ones gonna hear you"
"What the fuck do you want, the sooner you tell me, the sooner I dont have to look at your ugly faces" you couldn't help but want to anger them.
The bald one shoved your shoulder against the wall, on instinct you swooped your arm over his and brought it down, severing the hold and then you kneed him in the groin...hard.
"You bitch!" He faltered and you took that opportunity to try and get away. Ugly number 2 grabbed the cloth of your shirt and pulled back but you quickly shoved an elbow hard into his face.
While you were distracted, the third man, let's call him horse face, pulled your hair harshly until you were tumbling to the ground with a grunt.
It didnt take long for the other 2 to recover and help horse face pin you down. P
A deep rooted panic spread across your body. "Get the fuck off me!" You tried to hide the fear in your voice as you thrashed.
"Shut up wilding whore!" You heard the sharp smack before you felt the pain blossom against your cheek.
"You got the mouth of a slut, now let's see if you've got the body of one" your eyes widened and you felt a rough hand slide under your tunic.
"S-stop it! I swear I'll kill-" he shut you up with another sharp slap. You could now taste copper in your mouth.
"I swear to God if you say one more word I'll cut out that sharp tongue of yours" he pulled his knife out of its sheath and pressed the cold metal against your cheek. You winced as he pressed in and you knew he had broken skin.
You tried to be strong but you were terrified. These men were going to rape you and you didnt have the strength like you thought you did to stop them.
You closed your eyes praying to whatever gods were out there that this would not happen. But the gods were cruel. They had allowed the crows to wipe out the only people you had to call family. No they weren't yours by blood, but they had taken you in and cared for you. Taught you how to hunt, how to fight, and now this is how your life was going to end.
"That's a good girl" he took your silence as compliance and started to kiss down your neck.
You shivered in disgust and fear, one hand placed firmly on your neck keeping you in place and the other was exploring beneath your shirt.
You didnt want to give up, you wanted to fight. You didnt want to be raped and killed. How would you ever face your family in the after life if you didnt put up a decent fight. Taking a deep breathe , with the risk of losing your tongue looming in your mind, you clenched your fists and let out your last shred of hope,
"GHOOOOOST" you hoped the wolf you had come to befriend could hear through the walls.
"WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU" he clamped a crushing hand over your mouth.
"W-we should g-go, what if that mutt heard?" Horse face looked around nervously.
"Shut up Pud, no way that he can hear all the way in here"
"Oh for god sakes, hold her down and be quiet!" He motioned for horse face to clamp my mouth shut instead whilst he began unbuckling his trousers.
"Before I cut that pretty tongue of yours, I'm gonna see how it feels around my c-AHH FUCK" a giant streak of white crossed your vision.
"HELP YOU IDIOTS, DONT JUST STAND THERE, FUCK!" You heard growling and tearing sounds.
The mens hold on you immediately loosened and you took that chance to sit up and see what the hell was going on. And when you saw the familiar white fur and black eyes you almost cried in relief.
Ghost had launched himself at your assailant and was currently biting away at his arm. The other two turned tail quick and made for the door, thinking they could escape, but what they did not expect was a very angry lord commander blocking their way.
"Ghost" he called back his wolf who growled at the men before walking back and standing beside his master.
You couldn't tell whose eyes were more threatening, the wolf, or the bastard wolf..
Before you knew what was happening several crows flooded the room and arrested the bleeding man and his friends.
The commanders attention was now on you. You rolled onto you knees and tried to stand up but found that someone had traded your legs for jelly cakes.
"Y/n" you immediately looked down, not wanting him to see how afraid you were.
You were surprised at how soft the commanders voice was now compared to two seconds ago when he ordered they be taken to the prisons. "Are you alright?" He knelt down in front of you and reached a hand out to your face.
You flinched and he hesitantly pulled back, "Its alright now, your safe, please... let me help you" he said almost pleading.
You don't know what came over you but something was telling you that it was ok to trust him so you nodded.
This time when he reached a hand to lift your face up you didnt pull away.
You met his eyes and found anger and regret in them, "I'm sorry"
You were instantly confused, "For what?" You questioned as he continued to inspect your injuries.
"I said that no harm would come to you, I shouldve kept a closer eye on you" he apologized with a look of deep regret.
You didnt know what to say. Why was he being so nice to you?! It didnt make any sense, weren't the crows supposed to be the bad ones? But he saved you...well ghost did lead them to you so you really should be thanking him but...
You didnt really know how to respond so you just stayed quiet. He moved to help you up, gentle hands supporting you. When it was clear you couldn't stand on your own he asked if you would let him help you to maester aemon.
Reluctantly you nodded and was surprised when he swooped down and gently lifted you up like those dumb princesses you heard about in fairy tales.
You thought he was just gonna help you walk with a slung over arm or something.... if you weren't so exausted you probably would've been way more embarrassed.
Wordlessly he carried you through the halls and into Maester Aemons infirmary. He set you down on the bed with care and said he would be back to check on you later. The maester was already by your side examining your injuries.
You dont know what came over you, but before you knew what was happening your mouth opened and halted the lord commander through the door.
"Thank you snow..." you were glad he was facing the door, you were sure your face was bright red.
But if he had been facing you, you would've seen his smile.
Maybe not all the crows were so bad after all...
Ok soo it was kind of short I know, but my idea was for this to be a sort of prologue to a mini series of Jon and the reader. Please let me know if that's something you guys would want! Thanks for reading🥰
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erin-bo-berin · 5 years
Birthday Surprise
So I actually got this idea from a adult romance book I read last year and it was so humorous, I knew I wanted to write a scenario like it with Spencer and the team. Besides, Spencer can be funny at times too.  Hope you enjoy!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: M (smut)
Word Count: 2,529
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You can’t believe you let your best friend talk you into this.
“It will be a great birthday present!” Bree exclaimed, beaming.
You grumble to yourself. This was a better idea in theory than reality.
Your boyfriend, Spencer Reid, had a birthday coming up. It was the last year of his 30’s and you really wanted to do something special for him, but with every gift you thought of, it just didn’t seem to be enough.
That was when Bree, the grand schemer of all schemes, came up with what she thought was a brilliant idea. 
She worked at a nice, upscale restaurant as a waitress. Also, she had one of the nicest sections. You were to make reservations for you two and you would hide under the table for when he arrived and you could give him a secretive, surprise blow job. It would be hot and memorable, she said.
You arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes early. Bree had managed to snag you a table that was off in a corner, with more privacy and helped you under the table. Which is where you currently were.
It all sounded great when she had hatched the idea, now you just felt silly, your knees were numb and your feet were falling asleep. You were about ready to give up and come out from under the table with your tail between your legs when you heard voices approaching your table.
“Here’s your table, sir, I’ll be right back with your menu,” Bree said, probably louder than she should have. 
With one rap against the table, you knew that she was giving you the signal that you two were alone now. 
You watch as he sat down and you see his familiar black converse suddenly appear inches from your legs, his black suit pants accompanying the shoes. He’d probably just come from work.
You hesitate, not sure if you should go through this, but decide you’ll never get another chance like this. You’re reaching out for his belt buckle when you hear Bree’s voice, loud and close again.
“Can I help you?”
There was a pause and then a mixture of voices you didn’t recognize.
“Let me see if I have a bigger table available in my area! I’ll be just one second!” 
Bree’s voice is suddenly high pitched, sounding frantic. You know her voice only sounds like that during super busy shifts, when she’s panicked and freaking out. Something is wrong and you have no idea what’s going on.
Your phone buzzes in your purse. You twist around, not easily, to retrieve it from your bag. It’s a text from Bree.
ABORT MISSION. More dinner guests.
Your brows furrow. You have no earthly idea what she’s talking about. You send back a few question marks.
A huge group of people just showed up to your and Spencer’s table.
Your phone vibrates repeatedly with multiple texts from your friend.
Tall assassin looking black woman.
Hispanic looking guy with nice hair.
Buff Asian hottie with tattoo.
Italian grandpa.
Brunette boss lady with bangs.
Pretty blonde with killer legs.
Another blonde wearing every color in the rainbow and cute shoes.
You stop breathing for a second. They all sound like Spencer’s coworkers.
As in coworkers from the team in the unit of the FBI, where he works. This was not how you planned to meet them for the first time.
You have no idea why they’re here though, so you’re just as bewildered as Bree. But you’ve started to panic, trying to figure out how you’re gonna escape with no one seeing you. It would be humiliating to meet Spencer’s work family like this.
How the hell am I gonna get out from under the table without them knowing?
Don’t worry, I got this.
You hear the clicking of heels approaching and hear Bree talking to the team.
“We’re working on that table, why don’t I escort you all to the bar so you can see our drink menu.”
“I’ll wait here with you, Spence,” a male voice said.
“Damnit,” you mumble.
Now your escape was going to be even harder.
The majority of the voices fade away with Bree’s and you sighed, resigned to the fact that you’re going to be stuck under this table for a while.
You make a mental note not to listen to another one of Bree’s ideas.
“So, kid, did you tell Y/N that you were inviting us to your birthday dinner? We’re all so excited to meet her.”
“No,” Spencer answered the deep, older sounding voice, “I wanted to surprise her because I was afraid if I told her beforehand she’d stress out about meeting all of you.”
Well that explained that.
You were surprised alright. 
“How long have you been together now? Over a year? And we haven’t even met her yet? Are you sure you haven’t made her up?”
You bite your thumbnail trying your hardest not to laugh out loud.
“No, Rossi, I haven’t made her up. She’s real. Besides you know every time we tried to make plans something has come up.”
“Quite conveniently too, I might add.”
You already like this guy.
“She should be here soon,” Spencer said.
You catch a glimpse of him pulling his phone out of his pants pocket, positive he’s checking if there’s any missed texts or phone calls from you.
You guess now is the best time of any to make him aware of your presence. 
Your hand slides up his thigh and you choke back your cackle when he practically jumps ten feet in the air.
“Something wrong?” 
“Uh I dropped my phone under the table, let me just get it.”
His chair scoots back and he bends down under the table, pretending to retrieve his phantom fallen cell phone. His eyes widen when he sees you under the table. You give a meek smile and wave in return.
You point to your phone, miming texting to tell him that’s the only way you can talk without being found out.
“Oh found it. It fell against the wall.”
Spencer sits back up again, pulling his chair in as he settles.
“I think I’m gonna text Y/N, just so I can get her ETA,” Spencer says calmly.
He’s way too good at staying calm in situations, so you’re not too surprised that he sounds completely normal even though he just discovered his girlfriend curled up in an uncomfortable position, under a table in a restaurant.
I’m afraid to ask why you’re under the table.
That was one good thing about Spencer; he didn’t have a mean bone in his body. So instead of mocking you, embarrassing you or even being angry, he approached most things calmly. Although you’re sure he’s secretly dying of amusement over this. You’re positive this isn’t going to be the last time you hear about this.
Well, I was kinda hoping to surprise you for your birthday with a hot, secret blowjob...but it kinda blew up in my face instead of how you were supposed to.
You hear him snort above you which he quickly covers with a cough.
“Y/N should be here soon. She’s probably closer than she thinks.”
You hit his leg. What a smart ass he is, although technically he is a smart ass but that’s another story.
Help me get out of here. I don’t want to exactly pop out to meet your teammates like “hi I was just hiding out for a nice birthday sexcapade nice to meet you”.
Technically doesn’t that mean an illicit affair?
Spencer, we really need to introduce you to Urban Dictionary.
A chorus of voices approach the table.
“Any update on that table?” came a female voice.
“Nothing yet. But, uh, have you seen their amazing aquarium? Come on, I’ll show it to you!”
“I gotta head to the ladies room, I’ll find you at our new table.”
This voice was a different female voice from the first one.
You wait until the numerous voices get far enough from the table when you decide to peek from underneath the tablecloth. You curse, seeing a woman that looks a lot like what Bree described as the brunette boss lady walking in your direction. That was most definitely Spencer’s boss. 
You drop the tablecloth like it’s on fire, concealing yourself once again. You watch as the feet pass by the table and brave another look. Thankfully, it’s all clear.
You dash as fast as you towards the kitchen. If Bree is in there, your hands might find their way around her neck.
“Bree, that could’ve been disastrous!” you shriek, causing a few of the kitchen staff to peer over at you.
Sorry, you mouth, wincing.
“Well it’s not like Spencer is mad is it?” she asked, loading plates onto her tray.
“No, but he’s not going to let me live it down.”
“Hey, think of it this way. He’s gonna be thinking of that BJ the entire dinner,” she smirked.
“I’m never listening to another one of your hair brained ideas,” you grumbled.
“Hey, you’ll thank me later,” she sing-songed lifting the tray of food to her shoulder, “Now just go out the back kitchen door, walk around to the front of the restaurant and it will be like nothing ever happened.”
She was gone through the swinging doors in a jiff and you sighed, heading towards the back door.
It takes a whole ten minutes for you to circle the entire building before you finally reach the front doors. You attempted to compose yourself and straighten your red mini dress before entering and going to find the new table. You spot them a few minutes later and walk up nervously.
“There she is!”
Spencer’s face lights up when he sees you and suddenly you don’t feel as nervous as you did seconds before. He loved this group of people and that meant a lot to have a Spencer seal of approval. Maybe the night wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“Did you take the subway here?” Emily asked.
“Um, yes. That’s why I’m late, I’m so sorry.”
“I sure hope it wasn’t too crowded down there—I mean in there,” Spencer smirks.
You shoot him an exasperated look and are met with one of his thousand kilowatt smiles.
Turns out, dinner wasn’t so bad after all.
“You were right; they were all incredibly nice,” you say as you and Spencer walk in the door of your apartment, “I love them.”
“I knew you would,” he smiled.
“So, have you had a great birthday?”
“Well I’ve had quite the unusual one, that’s for sure.”
You stifle a groan as you kick off your heels in the hallway.
“I still can’t believe you actually hid under a table to surprise me.”
He’s already laughing again.
“I’m still gonna kill Bree.”
“Hey,” he grabs you by the arm, turning you towards him, “I’m incredibly flattered that you went to such lengths for me.”
“Really?” you asked timidly.
“Of course,” he smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Not every girlfriend would plan to blow their boyfriend in front of his coworkers.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he chuckled, leaning against the hallway wall, pulling you towards him and kissing you.
“Mm, well it is still your birthday, you know,” you say devilishly, biting his bottom lip gently then kissing him again.
You pull away, taking a hold of his tie before leading him to the bedroom. It takes a few minutes for you both to make it there as he stops you frequently to steal a kiss or two.
Finally at your destination, you push him against the closed bedroom door, fingers pulling off his tie. Your lips trail his jaw then neck, fingers fumbling over his button down. 
He chuckles amused, aiding you. Your mouth travels down his neck and over his chest, making slow work of your descent. He watches you closely as you fall to your knees, a kiss placed just above the waistline of his pants. Your hand comes up to press against the forming bulge in his pants and he groans lowly.
“I may not have been able to do this earlier, but we’ve got all the time in the world now,” you bite your lip and peer up at him innocently.
Popping the button and pulling his zipper down, you push his pants down over his hips. The edges of your fingers dip into the waistband of his underwear and you hear the sharp intake of his breath; you can tell how much he’s anticipating this.
Apparently Bree was right and he had been thinking about it all dinner long, especially if his small stolen touches under the table were any indicator. There would be a gentle touch on your thigh, slowly sliding just a bit too close towards your inner thigh; an arm wrapped around your back, his fingers just casually brushing the bottom swell of your breast. He had been ready for this hours ago and you were ready to give it to him.
Your eyes don’t leave his as the clothing is pulled downwards and you wrap a hand around him, squeezing just hard enough to cause his head to fall back with a dull thud against the door, a groan coming from deep in his throat.
You lean down, tongue swirling around the tip, agonizing slow, your fingertips ever so slightly tracing down his length.
“Oh god,” he groaned, “Don’t tease me, Y/N.”
“Not so fun when you're not the one dishing it out, now is it?”
He could be the ultimate tease in the bedroom, so this taste of his own medicine was long overdue.
Your tongue swirls around him before taking him in your mouth, his moan of relief and pleasure filling your ears. 
With hollowed cheeks, you alternate your speed and pressure, keeping him on his toes, making your next move unpredictable to him.
“Baby, please.”
His moans are louder and more frequent as his hand moves into your hair. You look up through your lashes as you work him, keeping your gaze locked on him. You think you actually hear him whimper.
Your hand pumps the rest of him, your wrist turning as your mouth moves on him, your tongue whirling as if you’re enjoying a favorite ice cream cone.
His hand tightens in your hair and you can tell he’s close to losing all control. 
“Y/N, Y/N, fuck, fuuuuck,” he groans finally letting go and succumbing to his ecstasy.
You take all he has in stride, discreetly wiping your mouth when you pull back although you’re sure he’s too dazed to notice.
“Happy birthday to me,” Spencer mumbles, pulling you to your feet and kissing you.
You break the chaste kiss, backing up towards the bed.
“Well lucky for you, there’s still three and a half hours left of your birthday. How about we do a little more celebrating?”
It takes him all of two steps to cross the room and take you in his arms, causing you to giggle.
Yeah, this would be a birthday he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​@hushlilbabydoll @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​
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nommy-thoughts · 4 years
Danger Noodles Chapter 3 The Part With the Vore
Wordcount: 2 K
Summary: Giant nagas, unlike micro nagas, have gastric brooding. In other words, Protective Baby Noms are a thing!
Note: This story follows two timelines, one with vore and one without. This chapter belongs to the vore timeline and is almost entirely different from the non-vore version.
Cowritten with @that-prey-lounge​!
[Danger Noodles Masterpost]
Roman awoke, heart pounding in his chest. Remus was also awake, he could feel the tense grab on his bicep.
“They won’t come in here.”
“They might come for the butchered carcass. We didn’t eat it and it smells of blood. The bears haven’t just put the pressure on us.”
Roman bit his lip, glancing down at the three humans snuggled up in their nest of coils. “We can’t let our humans get eaten. Not by anybody. They’re so small and defenseless.”
Remus nodded. “Like babies,” he agreed.
Roman suddenly perked up. “Like babies! Remus, we can protect them like Mom used to protect us!” He looked at the humans again, mentally comparing them to the infants he and Remus had once been. Adult humans were bigger, and the twins weren’t yet fully grown. Roman frowned in realization. “I don’t think we can fit more than one apiece.”
Remus considered it. “Virgil seems most capable of protecting himself.”
The twins shared a look, and Roman picked up Patton in his hands. The little human squirmed slightly, but Roman managed to shush him and lull him back to sleep.
Remus untangled Logan from Virgil and softly rubbed the human’s hair until he was fully asleep again.
“Down the hatch, for protection.” Remus looked over at Roman, who nodded.
Roman opened up, unhinging his jaw. He flexed a muscle in his throat, opening up the right passageway and sealing off the wrong one. It absolutely wouldn’t do to get this wrong. Gently, he eased Patton’s legs down his gullet.
Remus followed his example, easing Logan down the right passageway so he’d be safe in Remus’s pouch.
The twins clicked their jaw shut in near unison, hands supporting their middles as the humans slipped down into them. Unlike their dinners from earlier, the humans stopped at the base of their human-like torsos. Rather than a stomach, they were inside the special brooding pouch every naga had to carry their young in until they were strong enough to handle themselves in the outside world. The twins had never used theirs before, but this felt very right.
Slowly, the twins sank back into their nest, curling up belly-to-belly so that their gently swollen middles touched. Roman pulled Virgil over, draping him across their bellies, and without needing even a word to communicate the idea, the twins wrapped each other and the humans in a protective hug, then coiled their tails all round so that the three little ones were protected in the very center of the ball. Their arms kept the heavy mass of scales suspended over Virgil so he couldn’t be crushed by accident.
“Remember curling up together in Momma’s pouch?” Remus said softly, already drifting off again.
“Mm-hm,” Roman murmured. “That was good. Never felt safer. I couldn’t tell where my tail ended and yours began, most of the time.”
Neither naga considered, as they fell back asleep, that humans didn’t have childhood experience with being protected inside their parents, and wouldn’t immediately realize that that was what this was.
The twins were awoken by the sound of screaming.
The rising sun softly filled the usually dark cave with gentle morning light. Virgil filled it with panicked screams, frantically squirming between them. The two nagas moved apart.
Virgil scrambled away from them and over to the three humans’ bags. After a moment’s fumbling, he yanked his long knife free, brandishing it in the direction of the two nagas, who were clutching their softly bulging bellies.
“What is it?” Roman softly rubbed his middle, feeling Patton wake up inside. “Where’s the danger?”
Virgil spluttered and pointed his knife at the naga. “Spit them up! Right now!”
“You’re both monsters! You murdered my friends!”
Remus blinked, and then looked at Roman. “Humans don’t have pouches. Roman, humans don’t have pouches.”
“He thinks we killed them.” Roman covered his mouth in horror.
“Of course I think you killed them!” Virgil snarled, clearly enraged. “What happened to Patton being ‘too cute to eat,’ huh? Couldn’t you have at least spared him?” His voice was tight, on the verge of tears. “Couldn’t you have eaten me instead?”
“We did spare them.” Roman put his hands on his abdomen. “They’re safe—”
“Try that with someone else.” The knife pointed at them trembled. “Spit them out, or I’m going to gut you!”
Remus glanced at Roman, making a small hand gesture. Roman nodded, and they pounced.
Roman pinned Virgil on his back. Remus disarmed him and tossed the knife away.
“Listen to us, your friends are safe. We’ve just tucked them away in our pouches.” Roman felt Patton squirm a little more.
“Why should I trust you? You ate my friends!”
Remus scoffed. “It was barely eating. We just put them in our mouths and swallowed. They are not in a stomach, and they’re fine.”
Logan was moving too from the noises surrounding him and the quick movement. Patton was the first to speak, however. “Roman? Is that you?”
Virgil cried out, and Roman felt Patton squirm a little more vigorously.
“Virgil! Where are you? R-Roman! What happened?”
“Wolves got too close for comfort in the night. Remus and I swallowed a couple of you up to keep you safe.” Roman gently patted his belly. “We, uh, forgot humans don’t have baby pouches to do this kinda thing with.”
“Ah,” Logan said, oddly calm, his voice muffled by the layers of Remus’s flesh between them. “That would explain the unusual surroundings.”
“Logan!” Virgil shouted. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” Logan said. “This is definitely not a stomach. It’s quite dry, and there’s only one opening, up at the top.” He was quiet for a moment. “Did you say this is a baby pouch?”
“Yeah.” Roman gently rubbed his belly with the heel of his hand. “Naga parents keep their babies in here for the first couple years. Most of my earliest memories of my Momma are her pouch.”
“Fascinating.” Logan sounded like he was itching for his notebook. “That would explain why your food slid past your bellies right to your tails yesterday. I was under the impression that all nagas had two stomachs, but apparently not.”
Roman blinked. “Who told you that?”
Patton perked up. “Oh! Our mouser naga, Dee-Dee!”
“Can— can you let them out?” Virgil interrupted. “This is unnerving.”
Remus nodded and Roman slithered back, letting Virgil up. After a second, the twins started to make a noise not unlike a cat with a hairball, and then Patton and Logan both tumbled to the floor. Luckily, the nagas had been bent over, so it wasn’t a long drop. They picked themselves up.
“Impressive,” Logan said, dusting himself off. “Not a single tear on my clothes, despite your sharp, backward-pointed teeth.”
Virgil grabbed his friends, squeezing them in a tight hug.
After a second, Remus tapped Patton on the shoulder. “Don’t mean to interrupt, but, uhm, Dee-Dee? A mouser naga?”
Patton nodded. “I’m allergic to cats,” he said, like that explained everything. Roman supposed that to a human, it might’ve.
“What is a mouser naga?” he asked.
“They’re nagas, like you guys, but really little.” Patton estimated about two or so feet with his hands. “Dee-Dee is only about this big. He’s just a little fella, and he used to be even smaller, but he’s been growing. I bought him a while ago because we had a real bad mouse problem, but he’s part of the family now.”
The twins blinked owlishly at each other. “We didn’t know those things existed.”
“What did you think I was referring to when I mentioned smaller nagas last night?” Logan asked.
Roman shrugged. “Juveniles?”
Remus estimated the size with his own hands and shook his head. “I don’t think we were ever that small before.”
Logan shrugged. “Humans have been basing assumptions of your species off the observation of the micro naga, since it’s dangerous to study you directly. Obviously that resulted in some errors.”
Roman tsked loudly, shaking his head. “Looks like Remus and I might need to let you poke at us more, if you don’t even know about the baby pouch.”
Logan practically lit up. “Would you really?” he asked eagerly.
“Of course, if it’ll help your understanding.”
Virgil sighed quietly. “And the nerd is going to bounce off the walls.”
Logan nodded, grinning broadly. “This is splendid!” he said. “I can get my equipment, and conduct a proper study. I may be the first person to ever have this opportunity.”
Remus scooped Patton up, hugging him softly. “All because this little dumpling won us over.”
Logan paused. “That’s right. Patton, I owe you. Thank you.”
Virgil softly touched Logan on the arm. “I don’t want to be That Guy, but we really have to go. We were supposed to be home yesterday, and we’ve got things to do.”
Roman pouted. “Do you have to?” he asked. “Don’t humans like eating food in the mornings before they do things?”
“We do,” Patton agreed. He gave Virgil a pleading look. “I’m hungry, Vee.”
Virgil sighed. “All we have is room-temperature venison, and our snacks, which we can eat on the go.”
Remus chewed his lip, resisting the urge to just coil around the three of them and never let go. “We’ll escort you to the edge of our territory.”
Logan nodded stiffly. “Sounds reasonable, considering someone got us lost.” He side-eyed Virgil, who at least had the grace to look a little embarrassed.
“So are you not gonna eat the rest of the cook deer?” Remus asked, edging over toward it.
“I’m thinking no,” Virgil said.
Remus grinned and swept the meat up into his hands. Roman hissed slightly as it vanished into Remus’s stomach.
“You glutton!”
“You snooze, you lose.” Remus shrugged, licking his lips.
“You didn’t even savor it!”
As the twins devolved into arguing, the three humans collected their gear, making sure everything was in place.
Virgil retrieved his knife from where it had been flung. Inspecting it, he frowned. It had a ding on the blade from striking against a rock. That would take some effort to smooth out. He was about to head back to the others when he noticed something that gave him pause. Behind one of the larger rocks was a pile of bones of all sorts. Some of them were definitely inhuman— for example, a curved rib bone nearly as long as Virgil was tall— and he couldn’t spot any obviously human bones in the pile, but even so, a chill ran down his spine.
’That was nearly us.’ Virgil swallowed nervously as he returned to the others. ‘Thank goodness Patton can melt even the iciest of hearts.’
They were on their way out of the woods soon, and the twins’ playful banter almost made Virgil forget about the bones. Almost.
It didn’t take long before the nagas complained that humans walked too slowly. That was all the warning they got before they were scooped up into huge arms. Roman lifted Logan, while Remus picked Virgil and Patton up together, squishing them into each other in his hands for a few moments.
“Remus,” Roman scolded lightly. Holding Logan against his chest with one hand, he used the other to help his brother reposition. Remus ended up with a human in each arm, half leaning on his chest.
Virgil squirmed a bit, more uncomfortable with the situation than with his position. “It’s fine.”
Traveling like that, they covered ground much more quickly. Soon, they reached the edge of the twins’ territory. Although they stopped, the nagas looked very hesitant to set their new friends down. Patton patted Remus’s arm. “It’s okay,” he said. “We’ll come back to visit.”
“Promise me?”
Patton nodded. “I promise.”
Logan brushed himself off. “Of course we’ll return eventually. I’ve been promised cooperation in clearing up biological misconceptions.”
Virgil tightly hugged himself while everyone said their goodbyes. When it came his turn, he gently patted Roman on the forearm. “Thanks… for not eating us.”
“You’re welcome.” Roman softly ruffled his hair. “Take care of yourselves.”
The three humans continued forward, with more than a few backwards glances at their large new friends.
Chapter 4: Home Again
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lyricfrost13 · 4 years
BNHA/Naruto reincarnation au
Ok ok so the trope is that one character is reincarnated into another world, either as another character or as a new insert in the world right?  I had a kind of cracky idea for this one.  
It’s a bit long but basically a ton of characters from My Hero die during the War arc and are reincarnated as Naruto characters, which changes canon timeline but not a ton at first because they all think they’re the only one. Like, literally Minato is All Might, Aizawa is Kakashi - Team 7 is Izuku (Naruto - trust me I know it’s weird, but nearly-adult Izuku in a child’s body is here to cause problems on purpose), Bakugou (Sakura - the temper and eventually the ability to smash boulders? Yes. I know Naruto and Sakura could be flipped but I have Reasons), and Todoroki (Sasuke - evil older brother, fire stuff, kinda stoic) - there’s more under the cut because I don’t have the energy to write an actual entire fic but I need to put it down. Maybe at some point I’ll write the rest. 
Yagi thought it was a dream for a while.  Thought it was a nightmare, some days - but being Namikaze Minato was oddly satisfying in that he earned every bit of his power along the way.  He was proud of it, the strength and speed and intellect. The only person he ever told about his old world was Kushina - and she believed him.  His heart ached when his team fought and died and fought more - he tried to reach Kakashi in his grief, but the boy wasn’t happy. 
Aizawa doesn’t tell a soul that he’s someone else, that he’s a fraud, not a genius.  He doesn’t dare make a friend in Obito or Rin, still aching because all he can think is Mic and Oboro and his fucking class all gone.  Minato’s sunny smiles in the midst of being a deadly destroyer of armies makes him think of All Might and Izuku, the heroes, the best of them.  It hurts when it’s all taken away, and he uses his knowledge of how not to strain eye-related powers to cover his Sharingan when not in use and dives into ANBU to avoid thinking too hard about everything. 
Touya aches. He’s a genius of his clan, blew his first fireball so hot that it charred his throat for a week and glowed blue-white instead of red. This world doesn’t leave him burned beyond repair, and killing isn’t what makes a villain - but he still becomes one, for his little brother’s sake, because while Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto are gone, he still has Sasuke. (Another suicide mission fueled by revenge - only this time it’s him that has to die in the end, not his father.)  Itachi’s new flames are black, not blue.
Hawks is tired of lies.  So tired of being loyal to a system that’s full of false promises.  He might be a shark instead of a bird now, but he still flies the coop and joins up with a group that comfortably reminds him of the League. 
Izuku grieves everyone - of course he does - in the quiet of his little apartment. He’s reminded again and again of the fact that he’s different for whatever reason.  This time, instead of crying, he shouts - he laughs - he pranks the shit out of everyone to just be noticed for something that’s actually under his control.  If he can’t be the #1 hero, then dammit he’ll be Hokage - the strongest leader he can manage to be. 
Katsuki doesn’t know what the fuck to do. One, he’s become a girl - gender didn’t really matter all that much to him compared to strength and intelligence before, but it was still weird. What frustrated her more was his lack of quirk - explosions had defined Bakugou for so long that frankly, she was still going to research Iwa’s explosion corps and do something about that to add to her repertoire. Somewhere along the line Ino attached to her like the limpet Kirishima and Mina always had - getting up in her personal space without caring one way or another, understanding when she refused to speak, encouraging her temper every once in a while. The one annoying thing is that Ino interpreted her need to get stronger than the current projected Rookie of the Year as a crush.  Which - no. Sasuke was objectively good looking for a kid, but he was also intellectually a hell of a lot younger than Katsuki-Sakura, and he always uncomfortably reminded her of Todoroki. 
Shouto thrives at first - glad not to be the only one with expectations, even if he winces at the idea of an older brother shouldering so much responsibility.  He lives for having an older brother to look up to, to get close to.  He’s a little miffed that his clan’s specialty is fire-based, but hey, at least his father doesn’t expect him to be his successor - until he does. Until Itachi starts going on more and more missions, poking his forehead and saying “Another time, little brother,” more and more often. And then the massacre happens, and Sasuke wonders why he ever trusted that things would be so stable and ok.  He’s going to get strong, drag Itachi kicking and screaming back to Konoha, and rip his eyes out so he never does that again.
Kakashi is late again. Sasuke was more irritable than usual - after Wave, their sensei had promised to help him learn the Ice Release that Haku had done, and he’d really wanted to have that in his arsenal to have something more familiar. Sakura and Naruto had begun sparring in their boredom, and in the middle of it, Naruto slipped and hit one of Sakura’s sore spots from the mission.  She snarled.  
“Fucking deku, what the hell!” she said.  
Naruto yelped and fell forward, following through too far on a punch, eyes wide.  Sasuke stared, blinking.  
“Interesting,” said Kakashi’s voice behind them.  Sasuke was staring at Sakura in shock, and Naruto looked like he was staring at a ghost.  Sakura’s cheeks were turning pink. 
“What are you looking at me like that for?!” she demanded.  
“Problem children,” Kakashi said.  All three faces whipped to face him, mouths gaping, eyes wide. 
“ . . . Aizawa-sensei?” asked Shouto quietly. 
“What?” demanded Bakugou.  “All of us?  Who the fuck are-Icy-hot? Deku?” 
“Kacchan!” Izuku’s expression on Naruto’s features was - well.  Kakashi cursed inwardly - had things gone well, fuck, he’d be the kid’s older brother figure.  This wouldn’t have gone this far.  But the elation of not being alone was too much, even with that sting of he was right in front of me and I did nothing.  
“If we’re all back here,” Sasuke said quietly, “Who else might be?”
“Well, this changes things for us, but not for anyone else,” Kakashi explained.  “As far as the world knows, we’re the same as we’ve always been.  However, you studying Iwa explosion tactics and you wanting to learn ice release jutsus makes a lot more sense now.”
. . . 
Gaara had always had it in him to destroy.  From dust to sand to death - it was all the same.  The Ichibi raging against a jagged seal had only exacerbated an already damaged mind, one that couldn’t handle the empty space where All for One used to be. Instead stood rage.  
Yashamaru had helped, for a while. Gaara had almost even considered telling his greatest secret to his siblings - that he was once a terrible monster of a human, Shigaraki - but his uncle’s death shattered that thought quite thoroughly.  That was all it took to turn him once again into a monster, until a kid with another tailed beast inside him raged against his pain hard enough to scrape at his most protected secret: He didn’t want to be a monster or a villain. 
Naruto had that blinding smile as he fought he’d only seen a few times before - on Midoriya Izuku. 
. . . 
When Itachi next faced Sasuke, he had expected pain and rage. 
Instead, his little brother created a prison of ice mirrors, Sharingan flashing as he finished the sequence of signs.  His teammates screamed from outside the dome, and Itachi grimaced as he readied a stance - when had Sasuke learned anything about ice?  Why would he - 
“You’re going to give me answers, aniki,” he said.  “One of which is this: Touya, what the hell?”
Itachi stared.  And stared.  
“Apologies for not having the hair dye remover and livestream set up, but yes,” he replied.  
. . . 
Shikamaru was . . . well.  He wasn’t an idiot.  Talking about reincarnation and heroes and another life was a way to get a trip to T&I and never leave.  It didn’t mean he didn’t use his skills - Aizawa would be proud of how lazy his son had gotten in his next life, he bet. 
So when he saw Team Seven act a lot differently at the beginning of the chunin exams than he recalled, he was on high alert to find out what was going on. Naruto had learned some level of volume control, Sakura had tempered whatever her issue with Sasuke was, and Sasuke had - not softened, but definitely cooled off.  Seemed more attentive to his teammates. 
And Kakashi had certainly become more present, if the way they were presenting themselves with high-quality gear was any indication.  
Chunin Exams, Sports Festival - didn’t matter, he was still going to prove himself. No matter the fact he didn’t have his quirk anymore, he still kept asking questions. 
“Hey, Sakura.  Naruto. Sasuke. You ready for this?”
“We’re going to pass,” Sakura said. “No other option.”  He raised a brow. 
“You sure about that?”
“Sakura-chan said it, so she means it,” said Naruto.  Sasuke nodded. 
“What about you and your team?”
“Well, it’d be a drag to take the exam again. Guess I’ve got to get the promotion now,” he sad, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Gotta scope out the competition - I’m not here to make friends.” 
All three stiffened, and Naruto’s eyes lit up.  
Shikamaru spluttered. 
“You’re not the only one,” said Sakura immediately.  “Shoulda figured, eyebags. Would have thought Aizawa would be a Nara too, but it still fits.” Shikamaru was, of course, reeling.  
“Aizawa’s here?!  Wait, who are you three, then, if you know?”
“I’m Deku,” said Naruto, and yeah, that tracked.  
“Who the fuck else?” asked Sakura, and yep, her temper and Bakugou’s were just about the same amount of hair-trigger.  Which left - 
“And you’re Todoroki,” he said.  Sasuke nodded. 
“Kakashi’s Aizawa.  He’s gonna be really glad that you’re here, Shinsou. Talk to him when you get the chance.”
. . .
“You might be a monster, but so am I,” Naruto insisted as Gaara’s wild gaze turned on him. 
“No, no, I was born a monster,” Gaara insisted. “I destroyed everything I touched, it all was decay, I ended a world -”
Oh. Oh. 
“And All for One’s gone now,” he said. 
The Ichibi’s form flickered, and the sand surrounding the boy flailed whiplike and dangerous. 
. . . 
Naruto entered the seal and frowned.  It - his body, his spirit felt different. Somewhere between Naruto and Izuku. The mindscape shimmered, and a blond figure stepped forward - the First Hokage. But another step forward, and he shifted into someone else equally, no, more familiar. Naruto choked. 
“All Might?!” he gasped. “You’re the Fourth?  But - how - how is this?” he was helpless for words. Minato stiffened, staring at how the spirit before him shifted back and forth between a young man with whisker marks and blue eyes and a mop of green fluffy hair. 
“Izuku? You’re Naruto?” he asked quietly. His son nodded vigorously. 
“It seems I’ve bestowed quite the power and burden on you twice over,” he mused.  “Come here.  It’s not every day a father gets to see his son for the first time in over a decade,” he said, arms open.  Naruto blinked.  
“My - my father?”
“Yes,” he said with a sad smile. “I only ever told your mother about my past life. She even believed me!” 
Izuku-Naruto stumbled forward and sobbed into Minato-Yagi’s shoulder, clutching him tightly.  
“It’s not just us,” he said, “Aizawa and Todoroki and Kacchan and Shinsou and - there’s more out there, I’m sure of it. Not everyone, but more. And I’m going to save them all this time.” 
Minato smiled. 
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booklovingturtle · 5 years
Jude Tells Cardan About Locke
Hiya! This is a kinda like a part two to this fic and once again, dedicated to @duarteegreenbriar for the idea! I also reference this one at the end.
In this fic, Cardan notices Jude has a nasty new scar and Jude tells him about what Locke did to her the night before Taryn’s wedding. Buuuutt...some Jude mildly-nsfw (fluff) before he sees it because I had time so why not make it long-ish.
Cardan flopped into his bed, feeling drawn out after an intense day full of arguing with the lower courts. It’s only been two weeks since the High King split his throne in two; he was already wishing that he could go back to the carefree life he lived as a serpent. 
“You should get out of your court clothes before you call asleep.” Jude was already in her closet so her words came out muffled.
As much as he loved sharing his room with her, Cardan didn’t love her completely valid ideas that required him to get back up from bed.
“I was hoping you could help me out of them, Your Majesty,” he called out to her.
She laughed from the other side of the room. “I could hear you snore during Lord Roiban’s proposal. I don’t think you have the energy for that tonight.”
Cardan didn’t bothering hiding the coy smile on his face. He felt a blush on his cheeks but his eyes were still sealed shut. The warm caress of sleep was already pulling him under. He heard her door open and close. She stepped towards him, still laughing at the High King of Elfhame falling asleep on their bed.
“Come,” she whispered, tugging at his arms.
Cardan felt her fingers curl around his. She gently pulled his upper body up. He sat up while still kept his eyes closed. He faked a loud snore and she kicked him but giggled at the sound. God, Cardan loved the sound of her laugh. For so long he thought he would never get to hear it and now he couldn't go an hour without trying to get her to smile at him.
“Hurry up. If you don’t change then you’ll ruin your ugly coat and be upset with yourself tomorrow.”
That did make him open his eyes. “You think my coat is ugly?” His question was already forgotten as he took one look at Jude.
The High Queen of Elfhame looked sinfully beautiful in her sleeping clothes. Mortal day clothes, or “pjs” as Jude had called them, were very different from Faerie ones. Jude wore different clothes to bed, some times Faerie day gowns, sometimes these black pants that she called “leggings”, and other times nothing at all. The latter was his favorite outfit of hers.
Tonight she wore a simple, over-sized white shirt that was clearly mortal in fit. It went down to her the middle of her thighs, allowing Cardan to admire her beautiful legs. Her hair was twisted into a messy knot at the base of her neck.
“No.” Jude swatted his hands away. “Go change.”
He groaned, extending his arms again to pull her waist closer to him. To his luck she let him draw her in this time. “Jude dear...”
“Yes?” Her hands were on top of his and she made eye contact with him without any hint of malice. Months as husband and wife and weeks of a true relationship yet Cardan still couldn’t believe that she was really his. And he was hers.
“I love you,” he whispered.
She smiled gently. Jude and gentle almost never belonged in a sentence together but he was her exception. 
“I know,” she played with his fingers.
He chuckled. He knew that the smile on his face was probably too wide to be kingly but he didn’t care. “You love me, too. You said so yourself.”
“Really? I don’t remember saying that?”
He rolled his eyes. “Come here,” he begged, loving the way her mouth teased him with every word.
She obliged his request. Cardan tasted mint and the sweetness of happiness on her lips. His whole body started to wake up as her hands moved up his arms and buried themselves in his hair. Cardan’s own fingers danced under the hem of her shirt. She tugged on his curls and his fingers curled agains the material of shirt. He gasped when she surprised him by bitting his lower lip.
“Somebody seems awake all of a sudden.” She played with his tail that twisted around her leg.
That drove him to the edge. He closed the little space between them by twisting their bodies so she was pressed against the plush mattress. He was in between her legs, feeling the slope of her stomach and the curves of her body under the shirt. She gasped under hime, her body arching at his touch.
“And somebody seems to be wearing far too many clothes,” he smirked and continued to push up her shirt to reveal all of her body to him.
“Not so fast, High King,” Jude shook her head. “You first.”
Cardan didn't even hesitant to yank off his coat and shirt, then his bottoms. She laughed at his rushed actions. He cut her laughter short with another heat-filled kiss. His lips ran down the length of her body until he reached her naval. She moaned once his mouth moved lower down. Then huffed as he skipped to the soft skin of her thighs. His hands brace the back of her knees, lifting them to position her better until his fingers feel the ragged skin of a scar.
Cardan froze at the feeling of an old puncture wound, one he didn’t remember from the first time he touched her. Cardan tried to remember if it was there the last few times they were together. It was possible that in the heat of the moment he’d never noticed it before but now that he had, he couldn’t ignore it.
“Jude?” his breathing was ragged and his voice deep but his head had cleared just enough for him to talk.
“What’s wrong?” she looked down at him, clearly confused.
“What is this?” He traced the edges of the scar again.
She paled, curling her legs into herself. “It’s nothing. An old scar.”
His eyes narrowed. He didn’t break eye contact with her as he sat on his knees. “No, it’s not. I don’t remember it being there before. Where did that come from?”
She gave him a frustrated sigh. “I have lots of scars, Cardan. Some old, some new. It’s really nothing.”
“I don’t believe you. If it was really nothing then you would have answered me the first time.”
Jude rolled her eyes. “Cardan-”
He took her hands from where they’d been resting at her lap. He brought her left hand up and kissed her ring finger. “You can tell me. Part of being husband and wife is sharing each other’s burdens.” 
She watched him, not resisting his action. Finally she spoke, “It happened the night before Taryn’s wedding.”
The night before she was taken. Before Balekin and Orlagh got their hands on her. Before Balekin-
Cardan blocked the thoughts from his mind, trying to focus on Jude’s words instead of the ones he’d read in his brother’s handwriting. He still hadn’t worked up the courage to ask her about what he’d read.
“I was on my way to see Taryn when seven riders attacked me in the woods. It was dark and they caught me by surprise. Don’t worry, I left most of them with worse than a little scar,” she tried to brush off the attack.
“Seven riders? Faerie riders?”
“No, seven teletubby riders.”
“What?” Cardan had never heard of any faerie creatures by the name. After a beat he realized the deadpan nature of her words meant she was being sarcastic. “Oh, never mind.”
A small smile played at the edges of her cheeks. “Yes, faerie riders. I don’t know for sure if they were trying to kill me but they definitely wanted to make sure that I was scared.”
“Did Orlagh send them after you?” Cardan had never forgiven the Undersea Queen but if he knew that she’d somehow managed to hurt Jude in his own territory, he’d find a way to repay her for that crime as well.
“No...it was Locke.”
Cardan shook his head in disappointment. He wished he could say that it was a surprise. That he’d never suspected Locke to be capable of leaving such a nasty scar on his fierce wife. But he knew better than that. He knew that Locke was a cruel Master of Revel who relished in sadistic games. Of course he'd gone after Jude that night. She would have been too preoccupied with trying to keep Oak safe and Taryn happy for the wedding to truly protect herself. If Locke was still alive, he’d have had him strung to a tree by the points of his ears.
“Locke did this to you?”
“I’m not sure if it was his arrow but it was him and his rider friends. They chased me through the woods until I scared them away. Not before I could chop a few down with an axe.”
His jaw ticked in anger. “Who were the other riders?”
“I don’t know. It was dark so I couldn’t really see anything. The only reason I know for sure that it was Locke is because he took my wedding present for Taryn and gave it to her himself.”
“I don't understand,” the High King shook his head. “Why would he do that?”
Jude gave him a sad look. “There’s nothing to understand, Cardan. Locke was a bad man who enjoyed causing others pain. He hated me and probably you for loving me. I should have seen it coming.”
Cardan looked at her in disbelief. “No, this is my fault. I entertained his games far too long. I made him Master of Revel for God’s sake. I should have paid better attention. I should have drawn a line for him to stay behind. Instead I was too afraid of my own feelings to ever protect you.”
That sounded ridiculous even to himself. Jude was an unstoppable force. She was the rock that sharpened the sword, and the hand that wielded it, and the tip that pierced skin. She had protected him time and time again even after he'd failed her. But never again. There would never be another Locke or Valerian or Orlagh or Balekin. Not as long as he was alive.
“That was in the past. It’s over now. Besides, Taryn handled him well enough for the both of us.” Jude caressed his face.
“I know I can’t protect you the way that you’ve been there for me. But Jude I swear to you as long as I live no will ever leave another scar on your body and last through the night.”
Her smile was a bright as the morning sunrise. “How about you wait to make those kinds of threats until we’re able to pick up our training sessions again.”
Cardan groaned, throwing himself back on his back. “Please no more training. You’re High Queen now. I can’t handle your wrath anymore.” 
He knew she was changing the subject on purpose but he didn’t mind. She’d opened up to him and that was enough. Tonight was just another reminder of how far they’d come together and how much Cardan and Jude still had to look forward to.
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officalkittycat1619 · 4 years
𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 《Naberius Kalego x Chubby Reader》
Chapter 1
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"(Reader), sweetie! Wake up, it's time to get up!"
 I let out a small tired groan as I got up from bed. I walked over to the bathroom to freshen up a bit for today. Not long after, I hopped off the shower and dried up my body before putting my uniform on. Grabbing my school bag, then made my way over to the kitchen to eat breakfast.  "Morning (Reader), hope you slept well."
"Morning Dad, that smells really good."
 I smell the hint of (fav.breakfast.) already being served on a plate. Just as I sat at my seat I noticed Father wasn't here yet."Where's Pop?" I asked while eating. 
"Oh! Your father got so excited about your first day, he went to get his camera, but the battery was dead so he currently went to go by new ones. He should be coming right about...." The sound of the front door slamming which lead to someone running to the kitchen. "Now..." 
 "I'm finally here!" Father proudly said. "Morning Pop."
"Morning my little devil doll, I can't believe my one and only daughter is finally growing up and attending a real school!"Father pulled me into a hug preventing me from continue eating. 
"Pop, you're being overly dramatic again. Besides, it's only the opening ceremony." I reminded him. I pulled away from his bone crushing hug and finished eating.
 I soon finished eating and left home, right before taking a picture with my parents of course, and flew over to Babyls Demon School. Flying over, I saw numerous demons flying in the same direction that I was going. With one glimpse, the academy looks so huge.
I descended once I made it to the entrance. The students who were at the entrance told me me to head to the auditorium were the opening ceremony is. I managed to fine a good seat right mid upfront to where the stage is. Many students were chatting pretty loudly until someone said,"Silence."
The auditorium went quiet. I looked up to see a dark violet haired male demon. He must a teacher at this school. I heard someone whispering that he looks scary. I personally think he isn't. A small demon pushed the microphone to one of the staff who then said,"Thank you for waiting. It is 6:06 AM. We will now formally begin the entrance ceremony for the demon school Babyls." 
"All rise!"
We all got up from our seats to sing the school's song.
♪Humans only exist to be our food♪
♪Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh and all♪
♪Tremble at the sound of black wings as we take flight♪
♪For we are demons♪
♪As this song pours fro our red lips♪
♪Scream for us, for we are demons♪
We finished singing and sat back down. Next, was a greeting from our director and that caused the entire auditorium to cheer with excitement. Just as the Chair Demon appeared, he started to call out to someone named, Iruma, whom is apparently his grandson. The Chair Demon continue to discuss about his grandson attending this school and boasting about how adorable he is. 
Heck! He even showed the entire auditorium a picture of him with Iruma shortly before he left. Then it was greetings from representatives of the new students, whom was a pink haired male demon. Some students began to say things like him getting a perfect score or being a genius.
"The representative of the new students, Asmodeus-kun."
I noticed the majority of the female demons began to swoon over him. Personally, I didn't find anything appealing about him. That's when the teacher said,"Giving the greeting in his place is.... The honor student, Iruma-kun." Dang, talk about a quick turn around. Iruma walked up front the stage and stood there quiet.  By then, he began to say his greetings, however he said a forbidden spell that caused the majority of us to be either shocked or cheering him.
After that, the pink haired male demon who goes by Asmodeus Alice, challenged Iruma to see if he was "worthy." This lead to him losing to Iruma and Asmodeus ended up deciding to be at Iruma's "service". Talk about first impression 
The next day, all of the students have to go to a separate room in order to summon their "familiars", I didn't really know what they are honestly. Walking down the halls of the school, I over hear Asmodeus and Iruma's converstation about the being in the same groups and about the familiars. "Um, excuse me.." They both turned to me . "What are familiars?" 
"You don't know what they are?" Asmodeus inquired with confusion. I shook my head in response. "Well, it's a tradition here at Babyls. After entering the school, each student summons a magical beast and makes it their subordinate."
"So a personal slave." I bluntly said. "Not exactly, your about to see." I forgot that I never introduced myself. "Also where are my manners, I'm (Reader) Armendarez. It's nice you meet you both." "Like wise, I'm Asmodeus Alice, as you may or may not know." Asmodeus said. "I'm Iruma, nice to meet you too (Reader)-san." 
As we continue walking to our room, Asmodeus asked,"What school did you attend to before coming to Babyls?"
"Well, I never actually went to a real school. I was mostly home-schooled for the majority of my life." I responded. "So you never actually went to a school?" Iruma asked. I shook my head in response. "But hey, at least you have time to be with your parents though." Iruma said.
  We walked inside a room with the rest of the other students. All of sudden, the door slammed open to reveal the same demon from yesterday. He walks up to the front of the room, introducing himself. "I am Naberius Kalego, your advisor. I am always in charge of this ritual. Why? Because I am dignified at all times. I will determine whether you lot are useless trash or useful trash. For example..." 
Kalego-sensei walks up to Iruma giving him a nasty glare. "If a piece of trash used the spotlight his grandfather gave him to chant a vulgar spell and then had the nerve to cause such a ruckus right afterward on the same day... That'd be immediate grounds to get rid of you." He snapped. "Also, if a piece of trash had the nerve to try to hit a teacher during the entrance ceremony, that is also immediate grounds to get rid of you."
Kalego-sensei backs up from Iruma while continuing to talk. "I will immediately expel any failures, so be warned." Couple of students began to whisper about how scary Kalego-sensei is, but I for one think he isn't. He's just trying to make sure that each student should pass and so no other student shouldn't use their "status" for any means necessary. Sensei brought up a weird board that projected a lesson guide on how to summon familiars. Just before it was about to finish explaining, Sensei punched it to the ground. "That's enough of your explanation." 
I guess he doesn't like cute or childish things at all. The student's gave a shocked expression after Sensei punched the board down, but I gave a neutral expression. "Make sure you use the parchment with my seal on it. I can tell immediately if it's a fake." Sensei explains as he pulls out the parchment with his seal. Somebody asks if this is going to be dangerous, which in response Sensei said,"What a foolish question."
"You'll be summoning a subordinate and making it serve you. That's what familiars are. And should a familiar disobey it's master..." Sensei grips onto the board causing it to explode leaving a small hole. "There will be a punishment. That's how deep this blood pact is. Make sure you are prepared." We all lined up to start summoning our familiar. One student after another summoned their familiars and all were left were Asmodeus, Iruma, and me. 
"Next,  Armendarez." I walked over to Sensei to get the parchment paper and then I went over the magic circle. I cut my finger and drew a circle on the parchment then held it above the candle. Smoke began to appear from the parchment soon after it took form of a nine tailed wolf.
It was a tad bigger than any other regular wolf. The rest of the student's gave an astonished expression just by looking at my familiar. So much for not causing attention. I walked over to Iruma, letting Asmodeus summon his. "Your familiar looks so cool, (Reader)-san!" Iruma said eagerly. I gushed,"Thanks Iru-kun." 
Asmodeus summons his familiar and it ended up being a Gorgon Snake, which was so epic. Next it was Iruma's turn. He walks up to the magic circle, held the parchment above the fire. All of sudden, a bright purple light appears from the circle in a instant. After a couple second, the light fades away to reveal Kalego-sensei, well part of him, on the magic circle. Both Sensei & Iruma screamed with shocked. "What the hell is this? What the hell did you do?!" Sensei snapped. 
"Uh..I-I have no idea!"
"Stop this! Stop the summoning right now!" Sensei demanded. Iruma ran over to where Sensei's other half was before pulling him. "They're tearing! You're going to rip them off! You fool! You're supposed to push when this happens!" Sensei shouted. Instead of Iruma pulling Kalego-sensei, he push him upwards which caused Sensei to pop on top of the magic circle. That caused him to transform into this small owl like familiar. I had to admit he looked pretty cute.
For only a couple of seconds, Sensei falls to the ground. Iruma calls out to him checking if he was alright. Instantly, Asmodeus jumped to conclusions thinking Iruma purposely summoned Kalego sensei to be his familiar. I for one think that wasn't the case, but still think it's kinda odd though. Sensei instantly got up and was ready to attack, instead was punished severely. He was about to fall to the ground though I manged to catch him before so. 
"Kalego-sensei are you alright?" I shook him gently to see if he was even conscious. I hear the rest of the students being surprised about what just happen. I gently shook Sensei once more, checking if he was still conscious. "Sensei are you alright?" I asked once more. I managed to hear him mutter yes causing me to signed with relief.
Later on, Iruma and Kalego-sensei were sent to the Chair Demon's office to discuss about this situation. I just hope Sensei is alright.
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repulsivepangolin · 4 years
SEAL Team Whumptober 7/31 -Ray
No 7. I’VE GOT YOU Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker
Way back in almost forgotten history...  
He wasn’t used to being the new guy. It was a few years since he had gone through basic, he had been picked for a team and then only a couple of months later there was another new guy.
And then he joined one of the green teams. Then EVERYONE was the new guy, which made none of them the new guy.
Then finally he qualified as a tier one operator. -And now he was definitely the new guy.
He was 28, with a chip on his shoulder and everything to prove. The older guys seemed so settled. Well, maybe except Sonny, but that guy seemed like he enjoyed being a loose cannon. And the others accepted him for it.
It was a pretty young team. They really just had two age groups in the team. It was those near their early thirties, and those near their late thirties. Their leader Adam wasn’t the oldest, but he was the most put together of them. Jason, the second in command was the oldest, then came the guy they all just called Full Metal and then Trent. And then a short decade younger was Sonny then Ray.
*    *    *
He thought it was him against the world, most of the time. Maybe even all of the time. He knew the rest of the team was just that, a team, a damn good one for that matter.
But he was the new guy. The odd one out. And in addition he was the photo-negative of all the others.
He was deep in thought when something suddenly struck his left leg, then he heard the rattling.
“FUCK!” he jumped aside, but it was too late. His leg was already starting to burn, “FUCK! IT BIT ME!”
“What?” Sonny asked as he turned around, but jumped about as high as he was tall when he saw the coiled up rattler on the ground. “HOLY FU-… Those are bad motherfuckers…”
“It bit you?” Metal asked as he stepped closer to Ray, “Where?”
Ray was already pressing a hand down a few inches above the bite, he didn’t dare to place his hand directly over it in fear that it would hurt worse.
“Middle of the side of my calf…” he winced, “Ow, it burns…”
Trent had also stepped closer, but he kept an eye on the snake the entire time.
“Okay, sit down on that rock over there.” Metal pointed with one hand and pulled Sonny closer so the young man could support Ray as they made their way over. “Trent, rinse it and wrap it? That’s the correct protocol, right?”
Trent nodded, “Sure is.”
Then Metal turned around to face the snake, got his handgun out and shot the bastard. “Don’t go near it, it can still strike even though it’s dead.”
“WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING OVER THERE?” Adam frowned as he looked back at his team, oblivious to the dramatic turn of events.
“Kid got bitten by a rattler.” Full Metal informed before he spit in the direction of the venomous snake, “Figured I’d blow this training mission in order to get some justice for him.”
“What?” Adam’s eyes went wide and he looked towards where Trent was helping Ray with the bite, “Did you get bit, Ray?”
“Yeah.” The answer was thin, and didn’t sound much like the young man.
“Can we call in medevac?” Trent asked glancing over his shoulder at Adam.
“No choppers in the area.” Adam shook his head, “And I don’t think there are vehicles made for this terrain ready either… I’ll give it a shot though.”
“Thanks.” Trent nodded and returned his focus to Ray, “How are you feeling?”
Ray shrugged, “Jittery.”
“Like your heart is beating out of your chest?”
“Getting there…”
“Anything else?” Trent asked as he poured some water over the bite, “Are you feeling faint? Is your vision starting to blur? Is it hard to breathe? Are you feeling nauseous? Numb? Thirsty?”
“A little dizzy.”
“Anything else?”
“Your vision is blurry?”
“A little.”
Trent let Ray’s leg air-dry before he found a sterile ace-wrap and started wrapping Ray’s leg. Not too tight.
“How about now?”
“Blurry, yes. My heart’s beating fast.” Ray nodded, “Feel like I’m gonna pass out if I jog a hundred yards.”
“Good thing you’re not going to do that then…” Metal said as he knelt down beside Ray, “You shouldn’t even walk.”
“How the hell are we going to make that happen?” Sonny asked a few feet away, “It’s not like we brought a damn stretcher. And all we’ve got around here are damn cacti!”
“We’ll figure something out.” Metal said as he looked up at the Texan.
“My chest is feeling a little tight…” Ray mumbled.
“Like it’s hard to breathe?” Trent asked, looking up with concerned eyes.
“Just a little.” Ray nodded.
“Okay, definitely no walking.” Metal cut through.
Trent nodded, “Tell me if it gets any worse, alright?”
Ray nodded.
*    *    *
A few minutes later, Adam told them that there was no medevac able to get to them, but that they would get a van which would meet them on a road a few clicks away.
“Alright kid, drop your backpack… Jase is gonna take that for you.” Metal said, his left hand resting on Ray’s upper arm, “Okay?”
“I’m having a hard time focusing…”
“That’s alright…” Metal nodded, “Just take your backpack off.”
Ray nodded a little, and started unbuckling it.
“Okay, good.” Metal smiled, hoping that it would be encouraging, “Now, you’ll probably not be the biggest fan of this next part of this, but it’s really important that you don’t strain yourself now. Understood?”
“Hard time focusing…” Ray repeated holding up a hand, “Kinda nauseous as well.”
“Okay, thanks for the information…” Metal nodded and gave Ray a good pat on the shoulder, “How is it to breathe?”
“That’s good.” Trent shot in.
“We need to get going…” Full Metal sighed, he had already slipped one arm behind Ray’s back and was about to slip his other arm under Ray’s knees, “Sorry for this…”
“Sorry for wha-” Ray didn’t get to finish his sentence before he was in the arms of the tallest team member. “Put me down, I can walk!”
“No. You can’t!” Trent shot in from the sideline, “You need to move as little as possible.”
“What he said…” Full Metal shrugged with Ray in his arms, then they all started walking towards where they were supposed to meet the van which would transport Ray out of there.
They hadn’t even  gotten 80 yards away from where they had started before Ray dosed off in Full Metal’s arms.
Metal picked up his pace a little, but not more than he knew he could handle for the distance left, “I’ve got you, kid…”
At the tail end of the group, Sonny walked. Making sure to glance at every crevasse and shadow in case another coldblooded creature hid there.
“Snakes, man…” He frowned and shuddered at the same time, “Worse than sharks.”
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
You what would be hella? An angsty-ish fic with the ice prompt. Your work is so lovely and well-written, I cant wait to read what ever you next produce!
Thank you so much for that, I’m glad people are excited to read my stuff! Since you didn’t specify a pairing, I went with Sternclay. Angst ahoy (but with a happy ending), along with me playing fast and loose with arctic geography.
He’s one of the lucky ones. 
Joseph Stern, scientist aboard the HMS Erebus, is a fastidious man. He is also, unfortunately, prone to bouts of seasickness meaning his meals have been scant, even before the ships became locked in. 
But it also means he was not eating food tinned in cans laden with lead. And his experimental water system, with which he occupied himself on long days, meant he drank more filtered sea water and ice than he did from the stores tainted with the same blasted material. 
So when he and the remainder of the skeleton crew left the Erebus and her sister the Terror, his mind was much clearer than most. 
And that is why, when the bulk of them turned a direction that likely held only more ice, more death, carrying a writing desk while leading freshwater behind, he refused to follow, insisting their best hope of civilization laid the opposite way. 
They left him and his supplies, unwilling to listen to his case. And so he has walked, then trudged, then barely moved, across the ice.
When he hits water, cursed sea water, he contemplates stepping into it. But drowning would be worse than freezing, or so he’s heard. 
A head surfaces in a hole through the ice. A mans head. 
Stern blinks, confused. Then he laughs.
“Maybe I should take to the sea after all. You look well fed.”
The man frowns, “You look nearly dead.”
“I am.” He sits down, knees hugged to his chest for warmth. 
“I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” The man emerges from the ice, and in place of legs he has a spotted and strong tail, like that of the seals Stern used to watch from his cabin window. 
“Unless you control the weather, I don’t think you need to be.” In any other time, the sight of a legendary creature would send him into a frenzy of delight and curiosity. Now he simply stares. 
“Why are you here?”
“The Northwest Passage.”
“That’s, um, that’s a trade thing, right? Your kind wants to move the things you sell more easily across the waters.”
“You’re well read for a merman.”
“My home isn’t that isolated.” He shrugs.
Stern stares at the water, peeking through cracks in the ice, “So many dead. So many more will die, I’ve no doubt, and all for a quicker route for spices and gold.” He can’t even weep, his body won’t let him use the energy, but he shudders in distress. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay. “ The merman slides to him, cups his cheeks, strokes his beard, and his hands are warm, warm and real, and Stern presses against them, “I mean, it sounds fucking awful, but that, um, that doesn’t sound as comforting.”
“I don’t mind the comfort.” Stern rests his hands on the man’s chest, then his mind gets a moment of true clarity, “wait, your home. You said your home is not that isolated. Is it near?”
“Um, I can reach it in a few hours but” he points to his tail, “that’s the way I can. On foot it’ll take longer. And unless the humans I know have been really wrong about some stuff, I think if you try to swim with me you’ll die, like, right away.”
“I’ve walked lord knows how far. I can manage a little more, if you point the way.”
The merman looks torn, then takes Sterns hands, “I can do one better. I’ll be your guide. If you’re closed off from the water’s edge, look under the ice.”
He slides back the way he came, surfaces a few moments later to Sterns right. So Stern follows him, sometimes no more than shape to his right, other times a ghostly shadow swimming beneath and in front of him. When night falls and Stern manages a paltry fire and shelter with his supplies, Barclay, as the mer calls himself, promises to return at sunrise, and does so without fail for the next two days. 
As he trudges across the icy ground, the best moments are when his path allows Barclay to swim right beside him, head above water so they can converse. It’s worth the effort, the inhaling of cold air, to converse with another being. Better yet, Barclay is bright and friendly, curious about Stern’s research in a way none of his crewmates were. Barclay tells him stories of merfolk and sea monsters, even makes him laugh,  in return for Stern telling him about life in England and his research into undiscovered species. 
“They offered me the chance to study far off lands, discover creatures thought only to be legend. Silly thing to die for.”
“Doesn’t sound like you were the one who got the ships stuck. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn about the world.”
Stern’s rations have run out, and when he stumbles, Barclay doubles back, concerned. 
“I, I need, food, I’ll-”
“Wait right here.” Barclay disappears. Stern counts snowflakes, heartbeats, anything to distract from the pain in his belly. 
A fish hits the ice in front of him. Then it flops and wiggles across the slick surface, back into the water.
“Damn it.” He giggles, near hysterical. 
The fish lands again, head now gone. 
“Sorry, forgot humans aren’t great with live prey.” Barclay says sheepishly. 
Stern eats five more fish Barclay brings him, manages to get to his feet and continue on. 
Night falls, colder than the last few, and Barclay disappears with his usual promise to return.
“He’s not going to last the night, Barclay.”
Barclay turns, finds his friend Indrid in his human form at the door of his house on Amnesty Island. The seer gives him a sad smile. 
“No. No he can’t. I won’t let him.”
“Indrid” Barclay grabs his shoulders, “do you remember when you found Duck? How frightened he was, how he was certain you were death coming for him?”
“Yes.” Indrid says, pain flashing on his face. He’d found the human, left behind by his research expedition. Duck had volunteered to stay behind and freeze, in hopes of his team having enough rations to make the nearest town if they were a man short. Indrid found him, brought him back to Amnesty, cared for him. Fell in love with him and Duck, after a few weeks, returned the sentiment with gusto. 
“I can’t let that happen to Joseph. I can’t, Indrid, please, the last week, I, he’s unlike any guy I’ve ever met. I can’t let him suffer that way.”
Indrid’s face goes blank. Then he gives Barclay an unusually severe stare, “You have very little time, and you must follow my instructions to the letter.”
He’s going to die. It’s too cold, his body too weak. He is going to die alone, his family will never know what befell him, and he will never even get the chance to thank Barclay for his kindness, for making his last days bearable, at moments almost enjoyable. 
Lord have mercy on his soul. Let it be painless. 
All for nothing, for trade and money, is this end in the ice. 
Have mercy. 
He can’t see. His heart seems to slow. In the distance, something crunches on the snow. 
“So this is the fella you took my boat and my dogsled for?”
“Yes, Mama, I’m sorry.”
The woman’s voice has a laugh in it, “You always did have a big heart. Guess it was only a matter of time before you brought some hard-luck human in.”
“He’s not just any human.” A warm hand brushes Stern’s hair, “I’ve never felt this way about a human before. A few other mers maybe, when I was younger.”
“Uh, Mama? Indrid says we got a ship comin in soon and we might wanna buy more’n normal.”
Why in the lord’s blessed name is hearing a southern accent?
He tries to ask this question, gets a groan out instead.
“He’s awake!” Barclays’ voice gets closer, and when he manages to open his eyes he finds familiar, deep brown ones looking at him.
“Amnesty Island. My home.” He supports Stern’s head, helping him drink blessedly clean water.
“That’s...that’s not on any map I’ve seen.”
“And for damn good reason.” A woman with graying hair stands behind Barclay, “only those who need to know can find us, on account of the northern mers wanting some islands that were safe for them. Barclay decided you needed to know.”
“Thank you, Barclay. And thank you Mrs, um?”
“Cobb. But just call me Mama. Now, rest of you get, we need to haul supplies off that boat and Barclay needs some time with his fella.”
When the door of the small cabin closes, Stern reaches out, stroking Barclay’s coppery beard, “Why did you save me?”
“Because you’re a good guy. And, well, I care about you a lot. I like you even more. I couldn’t just leave you to die.”
This time, Stern weeps, with relief and exhaustion and the ghosts of his fear. Shivers even as tears dot his pillow. 
“Shhh, shhhhh it’s okay, I mean it this time. You still cold?”
Stern nods and Barclay tosses another blanket on top of him in bed. When the next wave of tears clear, the larger man is down to long underwear.
“May I?” He points to bed, and Stern weakly lifts the covers. Barclay climbs beneath them, wraps Stern in his arms, body flooding him with warmth and safety. 
“Been wanting to do this since that first day, but mer bodies aren’t great for keeping humans dry and warm. Kinda damp.”
“All-” Stern yawns, “all the same, I would like the chance to explore yours in more detail some day.”
“You got it.” Barclay hesitates, then kisses Stern’s temple, “but right now, time for you to rest. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning. Raw, decapitated fish aside, I’m a damn good cook. Any requests?”
“Eggs. Good lord I’ve missed eggs.”
“Think I can rustle something up. Heh, that tickles.” He chuckles when  Stern rubs his cheek against the exposed patch of dark-haired chest. 
“It won’t for long. I’ll be clean shaven as soon as I can hold a razor without shaking. You think I’m handsome now, just wait til you see me well fed and groomed.”
“Looking forward to it.” A kiss on the cheek, then snowflake-light on his lips, “ goodnight Joseph. You’re safe here, I’ll see to it. And I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise.”
“Just like old times.” Stern says, only half-joking.
Another, tender kiss, “Yep, just like old times.”
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