#although me when I was 16 would not have been surprised and would have been very very happy
voiceshearingyouloud · 10 months
Not to do one of those ‘I’m so glad I didn’t kill myself’ things, but Secret For The Mad came on spotify shuffle and I had such a memory of how much I was suffering then, and now I’m lying on a mattress on my best friend’s floor while she facetimes her online friends after I said goodbye to my partner and they left for uni this morning and I can say that I’m okay and mean it and everything does make sense again.
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blessedbygookim · 27 days
The Queen Of Busan.
Part one: the meeting.
Part two: defeated.
Part three: ?
16 year old Gun and Goo getting they asses whooped.
It must be done by someone. Sorry, not sorry.
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That meeting happened one week ago.
Since then, they did some digging, although not finding out much. Her last name is unknown, so is where she is from originally and so her fighting prowess, which wasn't just a pain in the ass, but also unfortunate, adding to the mystery of the girl.
All they found out, is that she’s is 19 years old, same age as Sinu Han, meaning she is a part of the first generation.
Now they both sit in front of Charles Choi, in the rundown shack that he has been hiding at for a good while now. Gun is sitting in a pretzel, back straightened with his usual seriousness, and Goo is slightly slouched over in a more relaxed manner.
"So the strongest person in Busan is a woman... and she refused to join the Four Major Crews?"
Charles asks as his eyes dart between both younger man.
Gun sighs, finally speaking up as he rubs his temples, the memory of the meeting still giving him a headache.
"Not only that: she outright refused to help us in any way, shape, or form. I guess we're gonna have to try and find another business to extort."
Goo nods his head, remembering how his shot was shut down so fast.
Yes, that was his biggest concern.
His eyes dart between Charles and his partner as they speak. There is a tinge of disappointment stirring up in his chest, she could've been a fantastic asset to the crew with her smarts and charm.
And money, of course.
"Might I add, she seems to have taken some of Big Deal's territory under her control as well in the meantime. She seems surprisingly influential in the country as a whole, like scattered bubbles rising on surface, popping up everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if she started taking over more businesses in the meanwhile."
Gun continues his train of thought.
"Jake Kim, and her have made an alliance and she's helping Big Deal and its street... so in a sense she is working for us... Not directly, but she is of help... she seems to have a soft spot for Big Deal, you can't deny her abilities and influence."
Goo thinks over Gun's words as he speaks, unable to argue with his logic in that regard. He sighs as he places a hand on his hip, his other hand pushing his glasses up slightly.
Maybe the reason why she gets along so well with Jake and the Big Deal members...well, with most; because eventually her goals and their goals are the same.
Big Deal is the epitome of being a family, filled with passion. No wonder how well she gets along with them, and took it upon herself out of the goodness of her own heart to help them run their businesses on Big Deal's street.
"If her soft spot gives us a loophole from which we can exploit, I don't have a problem with her having a soft spot for Big Deal. That just makes it easier for us to take advantage of.”
Gun concludes, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he speaks, looking over at Charles expectantly.
Still, Charles lets out a small grunt.
"Even if she's in an alliance with Big Deal, and as much as their sales went up, one single business of hers in Busan makes 3 times more than Big Deal alone. We need her businesses."
When Charles says his thoughts out loud, Gun can't help but have his eye twitch slightly, his eyebrow raising at his words. Both knowing exactly what Charles is saying but still having the same thoughts they've had before: this Nova woman is not making their job easy by any means.
"As beneficial as having her businesses for you would be, you've heard how quickly she shut us down. The woman said herself that she wanted to remain uninvolved in anything relating to either or any of us. It would take a miracle if she is somehow convinced to cooperate with us in any way."
Goo lets out an agreeing groan, nodding in agreement with his partner.
"Before I make a decision, tell me more about this woman."
Charles utters as he looks off, pondering, ready to hear what they know so far of Nova.
Both of them sigh and cross their arms, their faces giving off an air of disappointment and irritation.
"All we were able to get from what research we did and since the brief meeting we had with her was her age: 19, her place of birth: unknown, and so is her last name."
Gun lists off as he closes his eyes momentarily, his voice carrying an irritated tone to it as he speaks.
“She's literally running dozens of businesses with a perfect 0% corruption rate. She's also incredibly smart and charismatic, her charisma and kindness alone is already enough to make anyone obey her immediately."
Goo continues with a tone more carefree, perhaps a little more boastful than intended.
"Zero corruption, no shady business practices... a kind person in a world of grime..."
Charles repeats his words, trailing off as he visibly ponders, rubbing his bearded chin.
"A gentle heart like hers won't survive for too long in this world. We should teach her that lesson sooner rather than later."
Gun can't help the small, sadistic chuckle he lets out at Charles' words, his mood instantly shifting into amusement as soon as he hears the other man's plans. He always admired when Charles had his ruthless tendencies come out, it always was interesting to see.
"Especially since she's the Queen of Busan. Who would've thought someone her age would be able to take over such a large city on their own? It's both hilarious and admirable at the same time really."
Goo immediately frowns again as he hears Charles and Gun say such things, he's not afraid to admit it but he genuinely feels protective of this woman now.
"I don't know how you plan to teach a woman like that a lesson in this world, she's like an absolute angel of light. You can see in her eyes just how kind she truly is, we should really be careful before she shows us how dark she can be behind that bright exterior.”
To his words, Charles sends Goo an empty stare, and Gun nudges him softly with his shoulder.
"Joongoo, you should drop your personal feelings towards the girl. This is only business."
They were both all about business and raking in the money, empathy had no place in their plans. In the world of HNH group, there is no such thing as kindness, there isn't any place for a soft soul here. Even though from a moral standpoint Gun also happened to take a liking to the girl, his loyalty towards Charles Choi was still far greater.
But Goo will make sure to keep her in his thoughts regarding his own future.
Charles' words and the way both he and Gun look at him make him let out a defeated sigh, a hand rubbing his hair in frustration.
"Fine... you guys win, I'll try to keep my thoughts on her to a minimum. Doesn't change the fact that she's absolutely perfect though, the way she could've easily won that fight in the restaurant, the way she stood up to both of us... I guess it's hard for me to not be slightly entranced by her."
Goo admits with a slight shrug.
This was expected from him, all Gun can do is mentally roll his eyes.
"Enlighten me on her fighting prowess then.”
As that question slips from the man's mouth, both of the boys glance at each other.
Even as Gun remembers back at how taken aback he felt when she managed to throw a fork perfectly aimed at his eye and how it pierced his sunglasses, he cannot help but shiver at the sheer agility she displayed out of nowhere in that moment. But other than her terrifying aura in that moment and her precision, and speed, not much else is known. It's really a mystery how this 19 year old woman became who she is.
Goo’s eyes light up the very second Charles asks what her fighting prowess is, smile widening with excitement as he really has been itching to start talking about just how insanely talented Nova really is. He starts off almost before Charles had even finished in asking his question.
"Her precision, agility, and speed are on a whole other level. A normal human shouldn't even be able to accomplish a fraction of what she's capable of. It’s safe to say to admit that she might be on the same level as Gun and I."
Goo was nothing further than ecstatic, having a free opportunity to flap his guns.
“She whipped a fork at him and it pierced right through his sunglasses, but just enough to not actually pierce his eyes. She seems to have the speed and agility of a cheetah while having the precision of a sniper. She's a true, perfect masterpiece in a woman's body."
Charles ponders for another minute, humming once to himself as he shifts his eyes back on the two in front of him.
"So she's quick... but speed is nothing if she doesn't have the power. I will send a crew to ransack some of her businesses."
Goo can't help but feel iffy about the situation, he felt a strange feeling welling inside him as Charles says that. But ultimately, he isn't surprised by his plan. He had been a part of so many of Charles' plans over time, so it was no surprise to him that his plan to get Nova to cooperate involved violence. His face immediately goes neutral again as he remembers that there is no place for empathy here. It was all about business and profits for this organization and they couldn't let this woman get in their way of that. Or is how he tried to soothe his nerves with.
While Gun's face hardens, he nods his head. They both know what the outcome of all this will be in that regard.
"That would be wise, her businesses would be completely defenseless. Even if fast, speed is nothing if it doesn't have the power backing it."
So sending a few men he did. An hour and a half passed since then, and there was still no update about how it all has progressed.
Goo fiddles with his thumb with his lips pursed as he sits on a bench. Eyes casted on the pavement as they're now outside of the house, as Gun smoked a cigarette.
"I've never been so conflicted about something like such before...”
Goo mutters out, glancing at Gun who seemed as unbothered as ever.
Though Goo's words made him wonder what was really going on here. Was Goo getting soft on them? Or was his loyalty to the organization getting less and less? He didn't have the answer to that but one thing was for sure, he needed to shut Goo up before he started acting too soft.
"What kind of nonsense are you spouting now? I can literally hear you overthinking it. You aren't actually soft for her, right?"
Gun questions with a slight tone of menace, taking another exhale of his cigarette as he gives him a hard look, his eyebrow rising just slightly.
"... I don't know...or at least I don't think so." Goo shrugs, his mind for sure running marathons. "I know we've also done the same with countless businesses all throughout South-Korea without any remorse and whatsoever... this is the first time I feel like we wronged the nicest person in the worst way possible."
Gun was starting to get a little worried now, Goo was beginning to let his feelings influence him. It was only natural since this woman was so kind and empathetic, but that kind of quality was not welcome in the world of gangs. If he let this get to him anymore, he could very well turn against them. He didn't want to have to deal with dealing with Goo's betrayal as well. This is honestly starting to get ridiculous to him, he's never seen his partner get so upset over something like this before.
"It was inevitable that we were going to have to do that. You already know that her kindness wouldn't keep her alive in this world, so I don't know what you're so worried about. It's nothing we haven't done to anyone else before."
Goo lets out an exhausted sigh as he leans back on the bench, staring up at the sky.
"I just have a bad feeling about this, is all..."
Gun's eyebrow raises slightly, slowly raising a hand and rubbing the bridge of his nose as he just lets out a groan of frustration.
"Listen, I've been working with you long enough now to know when you get these ‘bad feelings’ about stuff. If you're worried then we'll just go over there ourselves, how about that? If we deal with some of the trouble on our own, it might get that bad feeling out of your system and get you to calm down again."
The blonde mutters out with a slight pout, sitting up slowly.
As soon as Gun finished his tangent, is the same moment he gets a message to get back in. His expression lights up as he hears that they finally have an update, him reaching down and stomping his cigarette into oblivion with his hand as he looks over at Goo with a confident look on his face.
"We have updates on the situation. Come on."
As he speaks, Gun looks over at Goo for just a small moment before he turns back around and starts walking and Goo follows with a crease between his eyebrows..
The crease between his eyebrows deepen even more when they step foot into the office. Gun is getting a little worried, he has never seen his boss so puzzled and taken aback in a good while. They could tell by his facial expressions, and the uneasy atmosphere as well with the tension now rising up in the room.
"The men I have sent have been defeated in every bar, store and establishment of hers. None of my men could return."
Once they hear those words from Charles, their eyes both widen in disbelief and shock. Both of them stare at the older man in disbelief as the two of them stand with dumbfounded looks on their faces.
"You're saying... nobody came back?"
Gun questions slowly, blinking slowly at Charles as he lets what he had just said sink in, his eyebrow raising in complete bewilderment as does Goo's, hardly able to suppress the smirk that was threatening to stretch out on his face.
"Her men has single handedly defeated all and everyone... and apparently it was her alone who took out my most skilled men by herself... Not only her men are skilled, but so is she. I did not expect that at all."
Charles mutters out with a groan. Eyes closing with his brows knitted together, clearly frustrated at the turn of events, and the smirk now fully lifted both corners of his lips when he hears the news that it was Nova that did all that, but Gun's expression looks much less enthusiastic.
"That’s sounds unbelievable.."
Gun mumbles out with a baffled look on his face, his shoulders rising as he gives Charles a look of shock, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"Either way, desperate times call for desperate measures." Charles responds, eyes opening with a furious glint in them. "I will send the two of you and a few more men to dissect the whole of her businesses in the city. Attacking from all and every angles. Your main target is Nova. Finish the job for me, and make sure to break that woman in so she has no other choice but to oblige."
The two boys were monsters for a reason. The best of the best, if not the best, among all of the Ten Geniuses as of yet. The two of them should have no problem taking down one single person so she has no choice to bend to their will at the end.
As soon as Charles's words finish, Goo's face pales slightly as he looks over at Gun beside him, the two of them staring at each other for just a moment as they absorb the message that Charles had just given them.
"We got it, we won't let you down, Sir..."
Goo replies calmly, the two of them giving Charles a calm, collected look, his words sounding far too calm for the situation that they had been handed.
"Go now. I believe the two of you should be able to handle her. The other men I have sent are already in Busan. If everything goes as planned this time, it will only be her left.”
Both of the boys give a single nod of understanding to the instructions, and with that they both walk out of the room without another word, leaving Charles alone as they go get prepared for their trip to Busan.
"Alright, looks like we're headed back to Busan."
Goo comments as he looks over at Gun, a slight smirk on his face.
"You seem way too excited to see her even under these circumstances..."
Gun comments, eyeing him suspiciously, but shakes his head softly at the end.
Even though Goo is somewhat excited, he can't help but feel a ripple of fear run through him. As much as he had some personal feelings for the girl, her skills were still unknown.
The blonde just grins even more when Gun remarks about how excited he looks to see Nova again, him just giving the other a playful roll of the eyes in response.
"Hey, you know me, I like strong women. And a woman like her? Well, she's a whole other level of powerful... and a whole lot sexier too-"
"Whatever, just make sure you focus. Idiot."
He lets out a laugh, the tension melting away as they begin to focus on what they need to do instead of their emotions.
Maybe an hour later as they arrive in Busan, the atmosphere certainly doesn't feel as welcoming as the last time.
There is a certain tension in the air all around, the clouds are more gray, and the streets are eerily empty.
"Why did you bring a katana...?"
Gun asks Goo, spotting the weapon on his back in its sheath.
The latter just smiles when the questions is thrown his way, a smug look on his face.
"What? I wanted to make sure I'm extremely well equipped. Plus, I'm a man of style, and what's even more stylish than a Katana, right?”
He says in his usual, laid-back tone, his eyes filled with glee and excitement as they approach Nova's buildings.
"You're annoying.." Gun rolls his eyes at that as they keep walking through the streets, muttering under his breath.- "It's just a girl going on a rampage anyway... nothing more, nothing less."
Perhaps his own delusions will also calm his own discomfort as well about the situation. If only he knew what they were really in for, he'd have probably been much less dismissive.
"You said it, White Ghost. Just a simple girl on a rampage, nothing to worry about, right?~"
Goo chuckles out, his pace remaining steady as he walks along beside Gun, giving him a laid-back look as the two of them approach Nova's buildings. Gun's words actually got his nerves to calm down a little bit, if he started to think of her as just a woman then it would be easier to deal with her…But that woman is far from just a normal woman, even if Gun doesn't believe that she is, he did.
They remain mostly silent for the rest of the walk, as they approach their first location. The bars and establishments were all filled with all Charles' men taken out. Bodies upon bodies, the eerie smell of blood a little too strong for their likings. Goo noticed a pattern with all of the locations they went to so far, it was the same thing everywhere. The whole location would look trashed, bodies lying around, and yet the woman herself was no where to be found.
"God damn... this isn't just rampage, but a straight up massacre..."
Goo exclaims softly, nose pinched together as he nudges a body with his foot
"It's a damn bloodbath..."
Gun mutters out, looking around the room at all the men sprawled on the ground, their bodies looking beaten into a pulp as his expression darkens slightly at the sight of it all.
"It might be a good idea if we stick together, this chick isn't someone to mess with alone. We need to stay together at all times if we don't wanna end up like these guys are."
"Yeah, let's leave now, it smells like straight up death in here..."
Goo mutters out a response, leaving the establishment first.
Until nothing else but the restaurant where they first met a week ago remain.
The moment they enter the street, is the moment it all becomes so real.
Trails of blood scattered all around the road and pavement. Bodies mutelated, mauled, Goo swears he just saw a body torn in half from the jaw down. A cold shiver creeps up their necks, especially when their eyes land on the person they have been looking for all along.
Standing in the sea of bodies is Nova. White dress stained with blood, hands covered in the same crimson substance up to her elbows, skin and flesh under her nails. Hair disheveled, an eerily blank face paired with a blood thirsty gaze as her eyes glow luminously white. Barefoot as she stands, emitting nothing but a pressuring aura.
"Well... isn't she beautiful?"
Goo remarks, his eyes locked onto her just a few feet away, a smirk forming on his face as he looks at her blank expression combined with the blood- thirsty look in her glowing white eyes.
...is he dumb?
"You did... all of this?"
Gun aims his question towards the woman, who slowly turns her head towards their direction.
Goo's heart almost drops right out of his asshole, smirk faltering lightly.
She definitely wasn’t as happy to see them again as he was..
She lets out a long exhale, breath so warm the fog of it filters visibility into the frigid air... and it wasn't even winter time.
“So it was you two behind this all along... huh?..”
She asks, tone empty. Monotone, no hint of emotions in her words, but the way she was practically staring at Gun like he was a prey about to be hunted down, told them more than enough
"Guilty as charged.~"
Goo replies with a chuckle, his smirk still plastered on his face as he looks at the girl, a gleeful tone in his voice. Gun looks just as confident, staring at Nova.
"Don't take this personally, it's nothing but business."
Gun states firmly, his eyebrow raising slightly as he keeps his expression calm, his hand slowly moving to grab a pack of cigarettes.
He could barely take the pack out of his pocket, his eyes widening. As the last syllable leaves his lips is the same moment she lunges towards him like a catapult. Arms extended, nails looking like they're about to tear him into shreds.
Gun barely manages to dive away just as she reaches him, rolling over the ground before he looks up at her once again, his eyes flashing with both surprise and amusement as she skids away slightly, nails digging into the concrete, ploughing it up.
"Oh, that was fast..."
He mutters under his breath as he pushes himself up to his feet, his eyes locked on her with a determined gaze.
"Fast?? It was like she teleported the fuck??"
Goo was horrified by the speed she moved with and it almost got him shocked into not knowing what to do next.
While still on the ground, she digs her limbs into the pavement to use as leverage to catapult a flying split kick used in Kyokushin Karate to send a heavy blow towards Goo this time as she flips with her leg extended.
Taken aback by the sheer velocity that simple kick had, he manages to block it above his head with his arms crossed, making him grimace, he for sure hasn't felt a blow this heavy, in a long while.
He for sure felt and heard his bones crack, a hiss of pain escaping his lips while he grimaces slightly, giving Nova a look of disbelief.
"That actually hurt..."
He mutters softly to himself, his eyes remaining locked on her even as he takes a step back, trying to ignore the pain in his arms as Gun suddenly takes a step towards Nova, trying to land a punch at her from behind.
While foot still printed hard against the blonde's arm, the other top of her feet lock behind Gun's head after he is in closer proximity, she now uses them as a lunch pad to push herself away, not just dodging his punch, but in the mean time making them headbutt each other. Hard.
Letting out a shout of pain in unison as they both smash their heads into each other, their faces colliding in a brutal collision as they both stagger back, a pained look on both of their faces.
"God damn it...."
Goo mutters under his breath as he holds his head in his hands, Gun doing the same as he slowly wipes the small trickle of blood flowing from his nose.
Charging at her the same time, their fight continues.
Unfortunately to them, one sidedly for the most duration of the time.
Neither of them seen someone who has so many martial arts abilities, skills and techniques under their belts. Some they haven't even experienced before.
Sheer power and skills blending perfectly. Speed almost teleportational, countless times disappearing out of their peripheral visions just to appear right behind them, and send such blows that stung like needles, or were heavy like tons of weight were just dropped on them. Every move is impossible to expect and predict, every move she makes sends shivers down their spine.
It was like she was the perfect mix of all the fighters they have since met, be it in the second or first generation.
Goo exclaims in a hastily manner, in the midst of throwing his own heavy blow, only for his wrist to be grabbed, his own flow of power be turned against him as she makes him eat hard concrete, the pavement denting under him, almost swallowing him up whole.
"I'm trying!!"
Gun shouts loudly, his voice filled with a mix of both impatience and frustration, his expression desperate as he tries to come up with some sort of a plan.
Deciding to just straight up go for it, at this time not really having even a second to spare, and throws a straight blow her way, it was scary, with how much ease she evades it, almost like flowing with the air.
She speaks as takes a very firm hold of them both, flipping them in the air and slam them back down into the pavement by their throats.
“Leave Busan and never return.”
Hoisting them up in the air in the midst of their concussion, not even giving them a chance to recover, kicking them both down once again like a soccer ball, Gun flying right into a brick wall, and Goo eats concrete once again a few feet away.
“This is my city.”
Both men lay motionless on the ground, clearly beaten, still for several moments, trying to process and recover from the beating they've just received, before eventually Gun lifts his head up a bit, a pained but satisfied expression on his face as he pushes himself up onto his knees.
"Damn... I don't think... I've ever been beaten like that..."
He mutters softly, his breath coming out in labored puffs with a wide smile, the pain making it hard for him to form a coherent thought, other than knowing it felt exhilarating.
She's far beyond human at this point, she isn't someone to be underestimated at all.
While taking steps closer to Gun specifically, the only thing he can do at this point is just to watch her near, and attack when the time is right.
“I will not let you destroy what I have created.”
She utters out flatly, a hand inching towards Gun's face slowly.
“Cool eyes... mind if I take them as souvenirs?”
A look of disbelief and horror appear on Gun's face the moment he hears those words, his eyes widening slightly as he hears Nova's intentions. It's clear that both of them have never met someone stronger than them until now, never even considered such a possibility before this moment. Without much time to react, Gun tries to dodge back, but she's too fast, her hand grabbing his face in one quick, swift, almost instantaneous move.
He sits knees on the ground, jaw almost breaking in her grasp,looking at her like she's some kind of otherworldly monster, as he starts to wonder if he will even be able to hold out any longer.
This was a feeling neither of them were used to at all. Gun had never truly experienced fear like this before from a fight with someone, he always knew that no matter what he could always win. He always had such confidence that he would always win, but this time he was genuinely afraid. She didn't just overpower them. This time, they were completely outmatched. They were the prey and she was the predator in this situation. In that moment, all the cockiness and arrogance he usually possessed was gone, replaced with pure dread. This wasn't just a girl on a rampage, she was a monster.
Meanwhile, Goo, although going in an out of consciousness, and through gritted teeth as he already feels all and every bone in his body broken, the moment he notices the woman standing above Gun's body, is the same moment in a blink of an eye, he rushes forward.
Katana pulled out of its case, a deadly glint in his eyes as he makes one swift moment, stabbing the girl right through her abdomen from the front as he now suddenly stands behind Gun.
Perhaps his katana and swordsmanship actually came into good use.
For a moment, it looked as though Goo had managed to land a decisive blow...
But her expression made it clear. She wasn't even phased by it, her face remaining as blank and expressionless as ever as she simply turns her head to look back down at Goo, who was now staring back up at her in shock and disbelief.
"Oh... I am so fucked."
Are his only words as she takes a step forward.
Yes, forward.
While the blade still piercing right through her, discarding Gun aside like a measly ragdoll as she walks even deeper into the blade, and grips the sharp edge with her hand so he can't even think about moving the blade any way.
Of course nothing budges. Every time he tries to push her, or lever her off the blade, she doesn't even move at all. Not with her holding the shaft of it with such grip it was denting the metal. She doesn't look in any pain, or even show any reaction at all. She just keeps moving forward slowly despite the huge blade piercing into her stomach.
In fact, as she slowly pushes forward, the sound of the katana tearing through flesh can be heard in the empty city street, making both Goo and Gun tense up as a look of realization passes through their expressions.
What the hell was this woman made of...??
Blade broken by the tight grip of her hand after it had enough of warping and twisting her other hand is already up in the air. Hands flat like a spear, extended, ready to strike.
What happened after that is unclear.
After several moments, it was over. Goo and Gun both lay on the ground motionless, both of them completely unconscious and completely beaten for the first time in their lives. Everything hurt, and the shock from the whole ordeal was weighing heavy on them.
It went against everything they believed had ever known in their lives, the belief that no matter what, they would always win. But she changed that belief forever. Now, they would live the rest of their lives knowing someone more powerful and stronger than them was out there somewhere.
It is a story no one really talks about, since how unbelievable it sounds.
Two of the best, most powerful fighters in SK getting taken down by none other than a woman, in mere minutes.
Perhaps that was a good choice, that no one mentioned it since then, and did their best to keep it a secret. At least some of their ego stayed in tact, but couldn't help how bruised, and a broken they both felt after that.
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fumifooms · 30 days
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Wait one darn diggity second what’s this about unmarried half-foot women being embarrassing for the family, what’s this about being unmarried as a half-foot being "different [worse than] for other races". Maybe Flertom and Puckpatti’s intensity about finding a husband is the norm, maybe Meijack, despite Chilchuck approving of her disinterest in romance, is the one who’s considered weird by social standards.
Maybe they’re less well-adjusted than I thought. Don’t misunderstand me I’m aroace, but if there’s a lot of societal pressure and it’s considered a failure if you’re not married, it is notable when all 3 of your kids haven’t married past the time that’s expected. For reference adulthood for a half-foot is reached at 14, Chil got married at 13, Puckpatti is 14 while Flertom and Meijack are 16. The other half-foot character we have is Mickbell who is also unmarried, unsurprising considering his situation. I don’t think them not having married is about their family being poorer, if anything I’d think Chil’s family is on the comfier end of half-foot families with the high wages he gets paid with and the nice living conditions we’ve seen (although we don’t know when he started being paid well). We know about Flertom having high standards, but she and Puckpatti are actively looking to date, so there’s something going on here whatever it is.
It is nice that it doesn’t seem like Chilchuck cares at all, he even seems to generally dislike the idea of his daughters dating. I imagine that their mother must have also not pressured them into marrying at all, maybe even encouraged them not to marry if they didn’t have someone, which is sweet. And understandable, considering she might not want her daughters to rush into it and live with…….. Being stuck in an unhappy marriage. And here comes in what I meant when I said well-adjusted, daddy issues. We aren’t shown a lot of Chil’s married life, but I would bet my life on there having been tensions and warning signs. Especially since, since the daughters and Chil hadn’t seen each other since the separation before post-canon, there’s an air of not having been very surprised or panicked about the whole thing: the separation wasn’t unexpected. Having to watch your parents fall out of love and growing up seeing them in a taxing marriage can be hard, and not exactly put you in the mood to try and find romance and marry. Fear of abandonment, fear of intimacy, stunted emotional intelligence, fear of commitment… Oh girlies I am about to extrapolate so much from this
Half-foot society has a lot of coding I don’t have enough specialized knowledge to pin down, but they’re a poor working class people, anglo peasant vibes. They have tightly knit communities, but then the double edge is that if your community has expectations and rules to belong the pressure will be harsh and it can end up being more isolating if you deviate from it. Marriage historically and in Dunmeshi has a lot of economical aspects, in Laios’ Adventurer’s Bible profile for example dowries are hinted at.
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So the pressure to marry might very well originate from the need to bring money in to your family, and to unite families as allies. And from there it grows into an expectation, and thus if they aren’t marred it’s "an unmarried woman was deemed unfit by suitors, something with her must be off"/"This woman was unable to provide for her family, she must be a burden on them" which results into the family having a bad reputation. If Flertom says it’s worse for half-foots than other races, the reasons must be either social or economical or both. There’s of course their lifespan being shorter too, so that might play into it, expectations to go about things quickly and to have a fast life cycle and making sure to have kids. As we see with Laios having kids is a pressure that does exist globally as well. Elves are another interesting example of how familial expectations are like in Dunmeshi and heirdom and whatnot, but free me I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Childaughters being societal misfits and having relational issues.
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vinvantae · 1 year
Part 8/16
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Word count - 3.6k
Yourusername tagged Charles Leclerc in their story
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It was the first race of the season and the official ‘hard launch’ of yours and Charles’ relationship, from this point you were allowed to start posting clear images of each other - but you had been begging the team to have a proper meeting about your reveal but Mattia kept pushing it, delaying and delaying until it was too ‘inconvenient’ because of the race weekend and the focus would now be on the upcoming race instead of you. Instead, you were told to just keep your head down and focus on your performance on and off the track as both Charles’ girlfriend and as Thirty.
Your jaw felt tight as you pulled your Ferrari polo over your head, Charles humming softly behind you as he gathered his things for the day - in seemingly much higher spirits than you. The car had performed well during testing and so his hopes were high for a good result in the first race. “Are you nearly ready to go, y/n?”
“Yeah, of course. Just need to grab my bag… I dropped most of my stuff off at the motorhome yesterday.” You smiled, taking his hand as he offered it to you. “You ready for quali?”
“I’m actually buzzed.” He said, grinning and pulling you closer. “Starting the season off with a new car and with the best girl at my side?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Charles, I’ve been at your side for years.”
He playfully narrowed his gaze, lifting his hand to cup your jaw - leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “You know what I mean, don’t be a tease. I’m sorry that they keep dismissing your meeting, I know it must be getting frustrating.”
“You have no idea.” You sighed softly. “And I want to talk to them about us as well… I don’t know if they’ll want to handle this differently now there’s real feelings involved.”
“Well, either way I’m here for you. I know I say this a lot but I like you and regardless of what they say I can see a future for us.”
“Those are some big words, Charles… you really think about the future like that?” He could tell your voice was timid, that you were unsure.
The Monaco native simply nodded. “Not to scare you off or anything. I know it’s quick to say it but I’ve always felt strongly for you and this whole situation has just cemented it for me.”
“It doesn’t. I’ve just… I’ve just been alone for so long it feels strange to have someone who wants to stay in my life long term…”
The fact your admission didn’t shock Charles broke his heart- having the career you did, didn’t allow people to get close and those who were lucky enough to be in your life, like your father, were nowhere. He wanted to be that person for you, the person you could always turn to even if the rest of the world seemed to turn its back.
“Well, you’re stuck me with me for as long as you want me around.” He spoke softly, almost as if he was scared that his voice could break you if he raised it.
You gave him a gentle smile before the two of you head out to the paddock for qualifying day - they wanted to use you and Charles coming together as a distraction from the Thirty rumours, so you complied. You knew biting back would just result in them pushing your meeting further and further but you just couldn’t afford to get sued either. You were under their thumb, so for now you had to let them play their cards before you showed yours.
Although you knew yours and Charles' relationship was F1’s worst kept secret, you were surprised just how many people seemed to care when you stepped into the paddock hand-in-hand. Your teammate seemed used to it, chatting idly away to you as you made your way to the Ferrari motorhome but you couldn’t help but sense every single pair of eyes that fell on you.
“Look at the lovebirds, so cute!” You turned at the sound of Carlos’ voice - his Redbull teammate not too far behind. “I approve of this pairing.”
“That fast, huh?” You teased.
“I’m just surprised it took you so long.” Max chimed in. “We’ve all known each other for nearly 2 decades at this point… so if anything, this is slow.”
“Carlos didn’t know us.” You corrected. “It was really nice to spend time with everyone in Bali though, I felt really welcomed.”
The two Redbull drivers both gave you kind smiles, your childhood friend went to speak again but they were ushered away by their coaches - wanting to get them ready for free practice. You would have to disappear into your mask for the next few hours, put on your persona - visor down, race suit on. Charles gave you one more kiss on the cheek before ushering you into the motorhome, making it seem as if you were simply a couple spending some time apart. But you were subtly guided into your driver's room to get ready yourself.
You just wanted this weekend over with.
Yourusername added to their story
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You and Charles sandwiched Max on the grid when the race finally rolled around, the Champion’s teammate beside you on the second row. You knew Redbull were going to be tough to beat, their car seemed significantly better than last year and with Mercedes seemingly struggling the fight was going to be between you and them. Your third championship was within reach and you were going to fight tooth and nail to get it - not letting your relationship with Charles sway that. Sure, you wanted him to win his first but at the end of the day, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want that feeling again.
It was dark as you sat in the cockpit of your car, eyes flickering across the track in front of you as the team worked on your car. Your race engineer repeated race strategy over the comms to you and you simply nodded along - tapping your fingers on your steering wheel.
Charles walked past your car and patted the halo lightly, sending you a smile before heading to his own car - race helmet hanging from his fingers. His fireproofs clung to his figure and you couldn’t help but study his figure; his broad shoulders into his little waist - it was crazy the way some of these men were built and the Monegasque was no exception to that. There were many times during your trip that you wanted to throw caution to the wind and just have your way with him. But you needed to behave, as much as you wanted to enjoy these new feelings with him, getting another Championship was at the front of your mind.
As the cars circled the track in the formation lap, your mind cleared of everything - it was the first race of the season and you were determined to make it the best one yet. If you were going to take your helmet off some day soon, you had to make sure everyone remembered why you had the seat in the first place. You deserved to be here and you had to prove that to yourself and everyone else.
You pulled up to your grid spot, angling your car in just a way to get the best start. And with one more deep breath, the lights began to count down.
“It’s lights out and away we go.”
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The first race of the season and you’d got a 1-2, the absolute perfect start - it couldn’t have gone any better, especially with both Redbull cars not finishing the race. As soon as you stepped out of the car, Charles wrapped you up in a hug - his strong arms squeezing you tight. “We did it!”
You held in your laughter knowing there were cameras nearby that could pick up audio and gave him a squeeze back. A warm touch was placed on your shoulder and you turned to see the kind eyes of none other than Lewis, the Redbull DNF meant he was joining you both on the podium - he’d been one of your biggest rivals the last few years but he always had nothing but kind words to say about you, even in during your toughest battles.
“Amazing race today, Thirty. Just saw a clip of your overtake on Checo before he went out, so smooth.” He smiled, his gaze flickering across your helmet.
It took everything in you not to thank him, so you simply gave his hand a firm shake. He gave you an understanding smile and went back over to his team. You could see the media hoping you’d come over for a post-race interview but before you could even think about it you were ushered straight inside to wait for the podium. Their fear you would reveal the secret was becoming larger each day, especially with the speculation - so any time they could get you away from the press they would.
“You didn’t say anything out there did you?” Your handler spoke up, you shook your head. “You didn’t do anything that would give you away?”
They were the standard questions he asked after every race, but more than ever they irked you - you’d been doing this for years, they just never trusted you. You bit your tongue and nodded again, wanting nothing more than to take your helmet off and run out on the podium.
“Good. Now, you know the next bit - go out, get your trophy, champagne and then back to your room.”
A stray tear rolled down your cheek, the worst part of it all was not being able to celebrate with your team after the race. Share your achievement with the people who had helped you get there. It broke your heart. Sure, they had Charles’ win to celebrate this time but when it had just been you on the podium you watched them all cheer without you. This time however, you were caught a little by surprise when on the podium, Charles’ hand came up to rest on the side of your helmet - it was just for a moment but the way he looked at you made your heart skip a beat. And with no nearby mics to pick up any audio he leant in and whispered.
“Champagne in your room after this.”
You were so glad to be wearing your helmet because your cheeks flushed as dark as your race suit. God, I wish I could kiss you right now. You were brought back into the moment as your visor was coated in champagne by Lewis, the Brit smiling big as he tipped the bottle over your helmet. You returned the favour by spraying him directly in the chest - savouring the moment of celebration before you were locked away.
It was then you decided to put your toe across the line, as the three of you stepped off the podium and out away from the cameras - you turned to Lewis, approaching him before your handler could haul you away. “Thank you. For everything… I-”
Before you could get another word out, your handler grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you away - not before you managed to get a look at Lewis’ reaction. His face had split into a big smile. “Thank you as well!”
You were practically shoved into your room by your handler, who slammed the door behind you. “What the fuck was that? You know the terms of your contract, y/n. Are you trying to get sued?!”
“All I said was thank you.” You said calmly, finally pulling your helmet off. “The media knows I’m a woman so what’s the harm in saying thank you to Lewis? I could still be anyone.”
His jaw clenched. “You better hope he says nothing or else this will have big consequences.”
He left the room in a huff when you didn’t respond, simply slumping on the sofa - letting your head roll back onto the back. Your eyes fluttered closed as you finally took a moment to yourself to be happy with your result. P2 in the first race of the season. If this is how the rest of it was going to be then maybe your third championship really was possible.
“Knock knock.” Charles pushed open the door just enough to come into the room with a bottle of champagne, locking it behind him. “As promised… felt wrong celebrating without you.”
Your teammate sat beside you, offering you the bottle of which you took a large sip. “That was, uh, cool what you did… with Lewis.”
“Could’ve fucked my entire career but-” You shrugged. “Honestly, fuck it. I’ve raced him my entire career… I would’ve said more if-”
Charles chuckled and draped an arm across your shoulders, letting your head rest against him. “You said plenty. You have no idea how much that meant to Lewis, he was absolutely buzzing. Giggling like a little school girl.”
That made you smile. “Oh, good… I really… I don’t regret doing it, I know Lewis understands what I’m going through - I trust him to keep his cool around the press even if I don’t have to ask.”
“Cheers to that.”
You tilted your head to look at him, his green eyes already directed at you. His hand came up once again but this time could rest on your skin - his thumb brushing across your cheek before he pressed a chaste but meaningful kiss to your lips. Your eyes fluttered closed as you savoured the feeling, chasing his lips as he pulled back - just enough where you could feel his breath against your skin.
“...be mine?”
You let out a breathless chuckle. “Am I not already?”
He scoffed playfully. “You’re such a tease, mon amour… please, be my girlfriend… for real.”
“Mhmm, pretty boy. Love when you beg” You giggled softly, pressing your lips to his. “I’d love to be your girlfriend, Charles.”
You weren't sure what response you expected but he simply rested his forehead against yours, his hand still resting on your jaw - a small, soft smile on his face. “I really like you, y/n. And no matter what happens with your career, I’ve got your back. You’ve been through hell and back for this team and I won’t let them tarnish your reputation.”
“Thank you… and just for the record, I really like you too.”
A knock on the door summoning Charles to the media pen brought you both back to reality, and with one more kiss he left the room - allowing you to turn on the TV just in time to catch none other than Lewis in front of the camera.
“Congrats on your first podium of the season, Lewis, how are you feeling?”
He nodded eagerly. “Really good, I’m really happy - I know the Redbulls not finishing definitely played its part and we have some work to do with the car but yeah I’m very happy with the result.”
“You had some nice words for Thirty after the race, did they give you anything?”
You chewed nervously at the skin around your fingers but just as you predicted Lewis simply shook his head. “Nothing. They’re as elusive as ever.”
“Thank god.” You mumbled, finally deciding to strip out of your race suit and back into your polo shirt - putting your admin disguise back on before your handler finally decided to send someone to let you out of your room.
When you entered the garage, you started helping pack away - post-race was always the most frustrating for you. To blend in they insisted you do the extra work, but you were exhausted - you’d just done nearly 60 laps of a grand prix and then they expected you to do grunt work too? It was almost as if Charles could hear your internal monologue because he came up behind you, leaning across your shoulder to press a kiss to your cheek.
“My girl… let’s get you out of here, hmm?” His voice was low. “You’ve worked hard enough.”
You let out a sigh of relief, turning to face him. “You read my mind, my hero.”
He lent in and kissed you, his hand finding its home on your jaw - feeling bolder about his affections now you were official outside of the contract. You had almost forgotten that this had all started off as fake but was now very real. He wasn’t kissing you because he had to, he was kissing you because he wanted to. And you were still trying to wrap your head around it all - but while you did, you were going to enjoy every second of it.
When you pulled back from the kiss, you locked eyes with your PR manager who gave you a thumbs up.
“I almost don’t want to tell them it’s real.” You scoffed lightly, taking his hand to tug him out of the garage. “Let them just think we’re really good actors.”
The Monaco native chuckled softly from beside you, squeezing your hand. You were hoping to escape from the paddock, so you kept your head down - your Ferrari cap blocking your face but alas, you were walking next to Charles bloody Leclerc so it was never going to be easy. He was very quickly distracted by some fans at the barriers, stopping to sign and take photos. You waited patiently, playing the role of a good girlfriend, but let your eyes scan the rest of the paddock.
You turned your head when you felt eyes on you - Lewis’ intense gaze had fixated on you from across the way as Bono spoke to him. The cogs turning in his brain were almost visible - like he was putting the pieces together. You gave him a shy wave and he gave you a two finger salute before nodding towards a small passage between two of the Mercedes motorhomes.
“U-Uhm, I’ll be back in a second, Charles.” Your boyfriend acknowledged you with a simple smile, allowing you to slip away towards the former Champion.
It felt bizarre, sneaking into a darkened alleyway with Lewis Hamilton but you were intrigued by what he had to say. There was barely a foot between you as you stood with your back to the wall, his eyes studying you through long lashes. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
“...it’s you isn’t it.” His voice was quiet, eyes boring into yours. “You’re Thirty.”
You pressed your lips into a line and he raised a challenging brow, daring you to deny it. “How did you figure it out?”
His smile alone was worth it. “I could never forget your voice… I can’t believe it’s really you.”
There was a different look in his eyes, as if he was really seeing you for the very first time - his rival, his fellow driver. “I… I have so much I want to say to you, y/n. Maybe we can have a proper talk sometime? I’ll give you my number…”
You were collecting Champion’s phone numbers like pokemon cards at this point - after giving you his number and making him text you so he had yours he placed his hand on your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, not too dissimilar from the one he’d given you after the race. “It was nice to meet you for real, y/n. Don’t be a stranger.”
It took a moment for you to catch your breath before you returned to Charles who had finally drawn away from the fans to offer you his hand - frowning a little when he saw the clearly exasperated look on your face. “Everything okay?”
You dragged him back to the car, letting out a deep breath - the driver still staring at you with concern. “Lewis knows.”
“...fucking hell. I saw him in the media pen, he didn’t say anything. Reckon you can still trust him?” He asked, placing a hand on your thigh.
“Don’t think I have a choice.” You chuckled nervously. “So that's you, Sebastian, Max and Lewis… Do you think anyone else is suspicious of me?”
“If they are, they’ve not said anything to me.”
The car park was slowly beginning to empty as the rest of the grid made their way to their cars and bikes. You studied each of them, Fernando, Esteban… Yuki… Valtteri… any one of them could suspect you but you’d never know. You let your eyes return to Charles who still had a worried look on his face, so you lent across and pressed a deep kiss to his lips - this time he was the one chasing you as you pulled back; his chest rising and falling and the green of his eyes almost hidden in its entirely by the depth of his pupils.
“How about…” You said, feeling breathless yourself. “...we go back to our hotel and celebrate our podium.”
His eyes widened a little. “You mean-”
“Oh, I mean…”
You lent in, your hand brushing up his thigh as you whispered absolute filth into his ear - you could practically feel his heart racing as you cupped the back of his neck to kiss him once again. Charles had to fight every urge to pull you into his lap and take you right here in the car park but you deserved more for your first time together. He moved back again and started the engine. you gave him a playful smile.
“Take me home, Winner.”
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Gif credit @yesloulou
Next part >>>
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cami-stuffs · 6 months
Night Visit (NSFW)
A/N: This one-shot is related to chapter 16, 'Aftermath' of Pushing Towards Series.
Warnings: Sex Toys, Office Sex, Mirror Sex, Cunnilingus, Strap-Ons, Desk Sex, Strap-on Sucking.
Tags: @weemssapphic @pllduniverse
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Calista arrived at Nevermore after curfew. The students were already in their dorms and the teachers in their rooms, so the path to Larissa's office was clear. Relieved, she stopped before the office door and caught her breath. She was apprehensive about meeting someone in the hallways and explaining to them what she was doing at school on a Friday night after everyone had gathered. It would be even worse if that person were Artemis or Gaia. Although they were already aware of her relationship with Larissa, Calista didn't need them to know her intentions at that moment.
She took a minute to look at herself and make sure only her legs and high heels were showing when Larissa laid eyes on her. Making sure everything was tidy, she knocked lightly on the door, waiting expectantly for a response. A few seconds later, which seemed like long minutes, she heard Larissa's voice shout from inside the room, "Come in, please." Calista was feeling butterflies in her stomach. It was her first time doing this, and she wasn't sure if approaching Larissa at her workplace was an intelligent strategy, but it was too late. She opened the door slowly and poked her head inside.
Larissa was sitting at her desk with her eyes fixed on the laptop screen and her brows furrowed. She was so engrossed in her work that she missed Calista's head peeking through the doorway to take a look. When she moved her eyes over the screen to greet the person who knocked on her door, she found Calista standing in front of her desk, in a long coat and a bag over her shoulder. If Larissa had looked a few seconds earlier, she would have noticed the high heels, and Calista's presence there would have been evident. But her fixation with work benefited Calista's plans.
"Darling, what are you doing here at this hour? Did something happen?" Larissa's eyes moved from Calista's face to the bag on her shoulder, raising her eyebrows in a mix of doubt and curiosity.
Letting the bag slide off her shoulders until it fell to the floor, Calista slowly walked around Larissa's table, untying the knot on her coat. "I thought it would be relaxing and fun to pay you a visit after a long day at work." The coat fell open, and Calista let it down her body, revealing the lingerie underneath.
Larissa gasped, and her jaw dropped open when she saw Calista in front of her in just her underwear. Calista was wearing a red corset with lace details and a garter belt. Larissa's eyes slowly went down Calista's body to her feet, and only then did Larissa notice the high heels. She had already seen Calista in high heels, but their combination with the lingerie highlighted her body.
Calista walked towards Larissa and stood between her and her desk, sitting on the edge and resting her hands on either side. "So? Do you think you can stop working now?" It was a rhetorical question. Larissa seemed to have forgotten entirely about her work, yet she nodded slowly without taking her eyes off Calista's body.
"Let's go to the room-" Larissa started to get up, but Calista put her hand on her shoulder and guided her back to the armchair.
"No. We can start right here," she said, leaning forward and resting her hands on the arms of the chair and kissing around Larissa's mouth. "And there's a surprise for you in the bag. Can you go get it for me?" Calista whispered in Larissa's ear.
Larissa quickly got up, walked around the table, and picked up her bag from the floor. Returning to her seat, she unzipped the purse on her lap. Inside was the double-ended strap-on. Larissa opened her eyes wide and looked at Calista.
"I remember a certain text about a fantasy of me wearing the strap-on," Calista smirked at Larissa. "And I would like to fulfill that fantasy today. If you want to, of course." She stopped, waiting for Larissa.
Larissa got up from the armchair, held Calista's face, and kissed her intensely. Usually, the kiss between the two started slow. It gradually intensified as the making out progressed, but Larissa could not utter all the words since Calista's coat opened and transformed into a hungry kiss.
"I believe you noticed the lack of lube inside the bag," Calista said between kisses. "I'm going to need your help putting on the strap-on." Larissa moaned at this.
Larissa's hands traveled over Calista's body, touching her breasts over the corset and rubbing her thumb over her nipples. The kisses went down Calista's neck, where Larissa was nibbling.
"Can you keep this?" Larissa whispered in Calista's ear. "The lingerie, I mean. Can you keep wearing it?"
"Do you want me to keep wearing the lingerie while I fuck you?" Larissa whimpered when she heard those words and nodded, earning a giggle from Calista. “I’ll keep it for you, my love.”
Larissa's kisses continued down Calista's body until they reached her thighs. Calista was still leaning on the edge of Larissa's table. Kneeling, Larissa held Calista's legs and gave a slight tug, asking her to open them further. Larissa was kissing Calista's inner thighs while caressing her legs when her hands bumped into the straps of her high heels.
"You should keep them, too," Larissa said as she kissed Calista's thighs.
"Don't worry, honey. I'll keep the whole outfit for you." Calista lowered her gaze and met Larissa's.
"You look beautiful in it." Larissa maintained eye contact. "And delicious." Her mouth closed over Calista's pussy.
Calista arched her back, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. Larissa's kisses and caresses were already making her feel a tickle between her legs and a slight throbbing. Calista dripped, soaking her panties. Larissa felt it as soon as her mouth touched the fabric. She sniffed Calista's arousal and grunted softly.
With her fingertips, Larissa threw Calista's panties to the side and lightly kissed her clit. With her other hand, Larissa slid her fingers between Calista's slit, collecting the moisture at the tips.
"Oh, baby, you're so wet." Larissa put her fingers to her mouth and hummed. "As always, you taste so delicious."
Calista smiled and opened her eyes when she heard Larissa. Through the mirror on the ceiling, Calista could see Larissa kneeling between her legs, and this sight made her more horny.
"You look so beautiful, giving head." She said, looking through the mirror. Adjusting her body, Larissa looked up, and her gaze met Calista's, smiling mischievously.
“Keep watching, darling, while I eat you out,” Larissa commanded.
Calista couldn't take her eyes off the mirror even if she wanted to. She felt Larissa's tongue playing with her clit while she looked into her eyes. Larissa's tongue danced on Calista's labia, sliding down to her entrance, where she gave small thrusts with the tip. In no time, Larissa took her eyes off the mirror, looking Calista in the eyes and noticing every reaction of her body.
The pace set by Larissa was slow. She teased Calista with her tongue, and her fingertips played with her soaked entrance. Calista's tension in her lower abdomen increased, and she began to grind her hips, riding Larissa's face, looking for an extra touch.
Larissa kept her eyes in the mirror, and by the movement of Calista's body, she knew that the first orgasm was close. Her tongue circled Calista's clit, and she inserted two fingers inside her hole, feeling the walls tightening around them. Larissa bent her fingers, touching Calista's sweet spot.
Calista tried to keep her eyes open, but when Larissa curled her fingers inside her, she felt her muscles tense and her belly coiled. She came, placing her hands behind Larissa's head and grabbing her by the hair; she rode harder on Larissa's tongue until her muscles relaxed. Larissa watched the entire scene in the mirror, moaning and licking Calista's cum.
Larissa remained on her knees, kissing Calista's thighs while waiting for her to return from her peak. Calista kept her hand on Larissa's head, but now she lightly stroked her scalp. Calista finally relaxed, and her head fell forward; opening her eyes, she found Larissa watching her with adoring eyes. They smiled at each other, and Larissa leaned back to grab the strap-on.
Larissa passed the straps between Calista's legs and up to her hips. Since Calista was going to keep her lingerie on, she brought her panties to one side so that Larissa could insert the dildo into her slit. As predicted, Calista didn't need any further lubrication; the dildo easily penetrated her core, and she felt her walls squeeze it slightly.
Larissa sat on the edge of her armchair and admired Calista with the strap-on. Her breath was shallow with anticipation. "You look beautiful." She managed to say. Calista blushed and smiled. Larissa approached Calista with the chair and touched the silicone dick. She remembered the night of the school reunion when Larissa shifted for the first time. "Can I?" She asked, looking at Calista, her cheeks blushing slightly.
"Please," Calista replied softly. Larissa advanced towards the cock, swallowing its entire length. Calista hissed as Larissa's lips closed on the dong. She didn't feel Larissa's mouth, but the view she had was privileged and made her more horny. Larissa knew what to do. Her head movements guided the dildo inside Calista, causing it to poke her inner walls.
Larissa sucked the strap-on vigorously so that Calista felt the second orgasm being built. She had her hands on either side of Calista's hips, grabbing and digging her nails into her skin protected by the fabric of the corset. Calista held on to the edge of Larissa's table with one hand, and the other lightly pushed Larissa's head in thrusts. A short time later, Calista came throwing her body backward. She feels her clitoris throb with the second stimulus in a row.
Larissa got up from the chair, grabbed Calista by the back of her head, and pulled her towards her mouth. Calista was still coming back from her orgasm when she was surprised by Larissa's kiss. She moaned softly and wrapped her arms around Larissa's neck.
"Where do you want me, darling?" Larissa asked softly, biting Calista's earlobe.
Calista grunted at that. "Bend over your desk, ass up and legs spread," Calista said hoarsely, eliciting a smile from Larissa.
With one last kiss, Larissa did as Calista said. She bent over the table, propping herself up on her elbows, her hips thrust up, and she spread her legs. Calista rubbed Larissa's ass over her skirt, feeling and squeezing it. Her hands ran down the sides of Larissa's legs, grabbing a handful of fabric and pulling it up.
Larissa's pale, smooth skin was on display, and only her panties were in the way. Digging her fingers into the waistband, Calista knelt, pulling down Larissa's panties. Larissa's pussy glistened with her arousal.
With her hands on each cheek, Calista spread Larissa's ass and mouthed her pussy. Larissa let her head fall into her arms when she felt Calista's hot tongue between her legs, moaning loudly. Being eaten out from behind gave Larissa a submissive feeling. Even though she liked being on top, she had to admit that Calista's attitude turned her on.
Calista slid her tongue from the clit to Larissa's entrance. She paused for a moment with her tongue on Larissa's hole, circling the edge with the tip and thrusting inside her. Larissa writhed and moaned, placing her forehead on the tabletop and stretching her arms, holding the opposite end of the table.
After fucking Larissa long enough with her tongue, Calista turned to the clit. She widened her tongue to cover the entire bud, rubbing it slowly as her head bobbed up and down. Larissa knew she would cum quickly; Calista's position and dominance made it more tangible. Playing with the tongue speeded up the process, and when Calista started sucking her clit it was the final straw. Larissa's body stiffened, and she came screaming Calista's name.
Larissa threw her body onto the table, catching her breath and relaxing. Calista had gotten up and was rubbing her back under her shirt with one hand and with the other, rubbing the tip of her dick against Larissa's slit.
"Are you okay, my love? Shall I continue?" Calista smiled when she saw Larissa turn her head and nod with a still somewhat cloudy look.
Calista positioned her dick at Larissa's entrance and slowly slipped it inside. Larissa was beyond wet, so it easily slid in, finding brief resistance in the walls still clenching in emptiness. Larissa leaned back on her elbows, pushing her ass up more and allowing Calista greater access.
Calista waited until Larissa adjusted, keeping her body still as she stroked her lower back. Promptly, Larissa began to thrust her hips toward Calista's crotch as a silent request for her to start moving.
"Eager?" Calissa smiled, moving her hips slowly back and forth.
"You can not imagine how much." Larissa threw her head back and closed her eyes.
Calista held Larissa by the hips while pounding her hard. With each thrust, the dildo inside Calista poked her wall with the same force she applied to Larissa's hole. It was difficult to hold back the orgasm when she was fucking Larissa from behind with her bent over her desk with her ass stuck out. Larissa knew that Calista couldn't hold it for long, so she started wiggling while Calista stuck the dick into her to make the other’s life a little more complicated.
"Oh, Riss. You're not making it easy for me." Calista's breathing was shorter, and she felt her walls twitching around the dildo.
"That was never my intention, my dear. I want it harder, Lis. Harder and deeper." Larissa said, looking into Calista's eyes.
Calista felt a burning sensation in her chest when she heard Larissa, and her breathing hitched. She reached one of her hands towards Larissa's bun, intertwining her fingers and pulling her hair so that Larissa was now looking up. Larissa moaned and squirmed. Calista dug her other hand into Larissa's hip, keeping her still between Calista's legs and the table's edge.
Calista pounded her dick hard inside Larissa's pussy. She could feel that Larissa was close to cumming. She was too. Releasing Larissa's hair, Calista held her by the shoulders and increased the speed and strength of her thrusts. Larissa's legs hit the table, creaking slightly but not moving.
"Oh, Lis, keep going. I'm going to cum." Larissa moaned, and her body began to stiffen. Calista was tired, but she wouldn't stop until Larissa finished.
Larissa came, throwing her hips back and pressing the dick inside her. That movement was enough for Calista to cum, too, as she felt the dildo inside her move in precisely the right spot. Calista fell onto Larissa's back, catching her breath. Larissa was lying with her cheeks on the tabletop, feeling Calista breathing on her back. Calista moved slowly, gently pulling out of Larissa. Larissa groaned at the emptiness and remained lying for a few more seconds.
Calista unbuckled the strap-on and let it fall to the floor. She straightened her panties, hissing when the fabric touched her super-sensitive clit. She hugged Larissa from behind and helped her get up from the table. Larissa sat in her armchair, pulling Calista onto her lap. The two remained silent, catching their breath and caressing each other.
"I love you, Riss," Calista whispered, hiding her face in the crook of Larissa's neck.
"I love you too, my darling." Larissa wrapped her arms around Calista and squeezed her lightly in a hug.
"I think we need a shower." Calista laughed as she traced her fingertips across Larissa's collarbones.
"Shower? No, my dear. I'm not done with you for the night yet. Now it's my turn to use the strap-on." Larissa chuckled.
She picked up the strap from the floor and got up from the chair with Calista in her arms, bridal style.
"Let's move this to the bed." Larissa kissed Calista, carrying her to the bedroom.
Pushing Towards You Series
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Kalim's Part)
Previous part (Azul)
A/n: I forgot to add Vil omg, I'll write about him along with Malleus, I just wanted this out cause I enjoyed writing this so much, and I couldn't wait to post it! I hope you all like it! Kalim here is based on the Sultan in Aladdin so not the villain, but I didn't want to leave him out. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades
─────❅───── Kalim: You didn’t know why you were sitting down on an extravagant throne, a dozen of people looking upfront and bowing to your presence when you awoke, feeling a gentle touch on your face, you stirred up from your slumber, looking at your side. Seeing Kalim in the flesh except, he looked more mature than your Kalim.
“My love are you feeling alright?” he traces his fingers lightly on your cheeks, careful not to smudge the makeup you were wearing, you didn’t pull away, but you kept staring at him, admiring his adorning features, earrings twinkling under the light, showing real gold on it, Kamar bands knotted gracefully around him, he looked the same except he seemed more kingly than your little boyfriend.
“Kalim?” you murmured, moving your hand, wanting to touch his hand which he took notice before smiling, he traced his fingers on yours. “You fell asleep during our daughter’s birthday” he clarified, suddenly confused why you looked surprised.
“Daughter?” you asked, the sari that adorned your figure, jewelry around your clothing as you stood up, hands squeezing a bit of your flesh in attempts to keep yourself calm in a stressful situation, Kalim took notice as he stood up with you, placing his hand on your waist and drawing you closer. "Ladies and gentlemen," he captured the attention of each guest, you two look like the perfect couple in each of family member there, "my wife seems to be feeling a bit under the weather. Please continue to enjoy the party! we'll be back shortly. “With that, he signaled the band to start playing music.
“My love, what’s wrong?” he asked gently, letting you go as you looked at him, you were confused and lost, where are you? Why do you have a daughter, wait YOUR daughter with Kalim right?
“Kalim” you fidget a bit, “Are we married?” you ask, your fingernails look really tempting to bite right now.
"Of course," he said almost immediately. "We got married on your 20th birthday." Cupping your cheeks, he pulled you closer and gave you a gentle kiss.  “Our daughter will get candidates from different families, you arranged it a few hours ago” he continued, when you kissed him back he felt relieved, you’ve been acting weird ever since you woke up from your sudden nap.
“I…” Feeling conflicted, Kalim couldn’t help but worry, He pulled away giving you a bit of space “If you want, we can cancel the candidates for now,” while that was frowned upon due to the disrespect, he’s not the one to force your kid with him to marry, although he would be happy if she found a lover and get married.
You had an inkling of what happened, vaguely remembering that potion you and Deuce created and exploded on your face, with the timeline, your first guess was it was the future, but you were younger/older than he indicated.
“We can take a break and rest,” Kalim kissed your hand, “I don’t want the guests to see you in such a state,”
Despite this Kalim potentially not being your Kalim, he was sweet. In your real world, he could be overbearing at times, but he always tried to improve and not treat you like a servant. This older version of Kalim seemed to have successfully overcome that habit, putting your needs first before his own desires.
"I’m fine” You showed a bit of affection by kissing his cheek, which made his heart beat faster, it was a gesture you often do with him that got him all flustered. “We should go back, I don’t want our daughter to feel abandoned there,” you said jokingly, making Kalim chuckle.
“She’s doing great honestly, she got your face and my personality” referencing to his extrovertedness when he was younger, and he still is, just more tamed.
You wouldn’t mind this dream of yours, after all, Kalim was still the same, the only downside was the sudden shove from being a commoner to a Rani, but it was a change you’re willing to adjust for… till you get back to your world, hopefully.
(Idia's Part) ─────❅───── A/n: here you go! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა @wisteriarose214
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h0rnyauth0r · 2 years
hear me out: a threesome with soap??? yes PLEASE. we’ve got 3 holes for a reason <3 (i just imagined having soap fuck you from behind while sucking ghost’s fat dick and F U C K.)
under 16s pls dni!
word count: 1.4k
tws: threesome, blowjobs, unprotected sex, cumming inside, pussy eating, fingering, reader has vagina and has she/her pronouns, gets called a good girl <3
you started off with innocent flirting. it started so long ago, you can hardly even remember. maybe a year now? all you knew was that flirting with both soap and ghost was your second nature with the two men.
over time, it got more… physical. small touches on your waist by both men, randomly playing with your hair, sometimes even holding onto your hand for moments at a time. you never complained, being acknowledged by two hot men is more than you could ever ask for.
but here you are now, hanging out in a hotel room that’d been assigned to you three, making jokes about having a threesome. although mostly stoic, ghost seemed more down to ‘joke’ about it than you’d anticipated.
you’re sitting on one of the two queen sized beds, both men sitting in front of you as you all talk about it. you’d all had a few beers, but nothing to give you more than a buzz.
“i don’t know, i think you could take it. it’s not like either of us would be too pushy.” soap says to you, and you’re nodding along to his words. you know that they both aren’t the type of take advantage of consent, and if you revoked it they would listen to you.
you can’t deny the heat forming between your thighs from the conversation, noticing the way that they both rake their eyes all over your body. their stares are intense, and you want so badly for one of them to make a move.
“i think you’d find it quite enjoyable. after all, we’ve seen the way you look at us.” ghost says, one of his hands reaching out and touching your knee. you gulp rather loudly as you look at him, suddenly feeling the weight of the conversation hit you.
soap also decides to put a hand on you, on your opposite leg as he smirks at you. “well?” he asks you, and you suck in a breath. you’re not sure how this will go, but you find yourself nodding quickly.
he leans over to you, softly capturing your lips in his own. his lips are soft, and clearly skilled as he begins kissing you deeply. your mouths move against one another and eventually his tongue is intruding into yours.
you make a surprised noise when ghost decides to start massaging along your thighs, slowly making his way up before he moves his hand leaves you wanting more. 
“c’mere.” he says to you, and when you turn you notice that he’s lifted his mask up and he’s kissing you roughly. his kisses are more lustful, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip as one of his hands wraps around your throat.
as he kisses you, you can feel soap slowly pushing the hem of your pants down, making you lift your hips up from the bed as he pulls them off of you. your panties follow, leaving your bottom half bare to the two men.
you’re practically soaking from the force of ghost’s kisses, hardly able to hold back the small moans that are able to pass. you feel soap’s hand move down to your core, fingers grazing along your folds.
he pushes ghost a little, who moves next to you and grabs your face to kiss you once more. you mewl loudly once you feel soap’s tongue slowly lick down your pussy, his lips latching onto your clit as he sucks roughly.
ghost’s kisses are more urgent as his hands begin moving around your body, pulling at your shirt and you decide to lift it off. your lips separate and you’re gasping in pleasure as he pulls it off, bra following shortly after.
you feel your orgasm approaching as soap decides to start finger fucking you while his tongue massages your clit. you find your hands tugging into his hair as the other man’s lips roughly make out with you.
the lewd sound of your pussy being eaten out sends you reeling, heavily kissing on the large man as your toes curl in pure ecstasy. the two forms of stimulation feel so overwhelmingly hot, making you approach your high in just minutes.
once you cum, you end up biting down on ghost’s bottom lip and moan out, hips grinding against soap’s face as you ride out your orgasm. “why don’t you turn around and bend over for me, pretty?” the scottish man asks you, your lips leaving ghosts as you follow his instructions.
you’re on your knees as you lift your ass up for him to access, hearing him fumble with his pants as he takes his cock out of his pants. ghost stays in front of you, hands playing with your breasts before he decides to release his dick too.
soap’s rubbing the tip along your folds, before pushing in the slightest amount. while he starts to push in more, ghost looks down at you and pulls your jaw open.
he puts his dick into your mouth, and you begin sucking as the other man bottoms out in your pussy. your eyes begin closing from the feeling of soap sliding in and out of you, but ghost pulls on your hair roughly.
“keep your eyes on me.” he says to you, and you look up at him while bobbing your head on his cock. he lets out a small noise, starting to thrust his hips into your mouth.
the sounds and feelings of both men taking you at the same time has your orgasm build up quickly, back arching against the man behind you as tears well up in your eyes.
“fuck, you’re so good to us. isn’t she, ghost?” soap asks from behind you, hands gripping onto your hips and reaching down to smack your ass roughly.
ghost’s hands tangle in your hair as he fucks your face, “she sure is. such a good fucking girl.” his words make your pussy somehow leak even more fluid, moaning around his cock as he begins thrusting harder.
as soap’s movements pick up, he starts rutting into you hard enough to make clapping sounds echo against the walls. “so pretty. so tight…” he mutters, dick hitting a spot that sends you gagging and moaning loudly against the other man.
you can feel your second orgasm tip over, causing your whole body to begin shaking as your pussy clenches tightly on his dick. “fuck…” he says, thrusts becoming sloppier and rougher against your ass.
ghost is still looking at you, and you notice the way his eyes look glazed over and filled with adoration, “gonna cum in your mouth.” he says to you, one of his hands leaving your hair and gently caressing your face.
he lets out the sexiest noise to ever grace your ears as his dick twitches, cum filling up your mouth. you swallow it quickly, the slightest amount of saltiness to it as he slides his cock out of your mouth.
there are tears running down your face that he wipes away, and you finally feel soap’s cum filling your pussy just seconds later. the feeling makes your eyes roll back, a squeak passing your lips as he eventually slides out.
you’re exhausted after that, feeling faint as you twist around and find yourself laying in between the two men. you can feel cum leaking out of your cunt as you rub your thighs together, realizing just how much things have changed now.
you decide to rest your head against ghost’s chest, still naked as soap wraps an arm around your waist. “that was… good.” you say, out of breath as you look between the two men.
“i agree.” ghost says, one of his hands massaging your scalp in the most comforting way possible. you’re starting to grow sleepy from the motion, feeling completely fucked out and satisfied.
“more than just good to me. in fact, i propose that this might become a regular thing.” soap says, pinching your waist as he smiles at you. you reach out a hand and grasp onto his, fingers interlocking as you nod.
“i would love that.” you say sheepishly, closing your eyes and trying not to fall asleep. but you do within minutes, the two men looking at each other knowingly as ghost decides to cover your body up with the blanket.
they both know the others affection for you, unspoken confessions of feeling affectionate for one another too. nothing will be said now, but maybe another day will come along where the three of you can pursue an actual relationship.
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mio-actuallywrites · 8 months
The World You Once Loved 2
Apparently being in your world is still surprising for you.  PREVIOUS NEXT
//Reader lives in Japan.  not proofread
Fyi through out all these parts NO book 7 spoilers.  also I assure you next part I will try to make it longer!!
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Apparently 8 months in Twisted Wonderland means 16 on Earth. And those 16 you have spent in a coma. Apparently your Roommate Oboko said you had got ran over by a car and have been in a coma ever since. 
She had also told you the night before you woke up, items had appeared in your room, apparently in your suitcase. (Haha I wonder why)
After the doctor came in, checked on your vitals and health you were told you needed to stay a day or more in the hospital. So after getting to eat earth food again, thinking about what you missed in that last year, thinking about all those memories and how they are doing right now you were ready to go back. 
After getting Oboko to drive you to your place, you finally entered the house you thought you would never return too. 
After entering the front door, your eyes immediately trailed to all around the house, all the furniture was the same, but it was werid to see new and not old furniture, I guess living in Ramshackle caused you to get used to the sometimes uncomfortable and dusty furniture. 
“All are you going to enter?” Obokos voice rang in your mind as she suddenly lightly pushed you in, bringing you out of your shock. 
“Sorry Oboko-Chan I’m just still in… shock you know??” You replied hoping she would just shrug it off. 
“It’s fine, however I have your phone with me if you wanted it, I was gonna give it to you in the car. But I wanted you to get adjusted.” She replies as she hands you the phone. “I’ll be in my room if you need me!” She yelled as she left. 
You stood there for a second as you grabbed your phone and went to sit on the couch. 
You put in the password you would never forget, no matter how many worlds you been in you will always remember. *insert password* seeing as you logged in, you had million of notifications, filled with texts, updates and snaps that were left unseen for the months you were gone. 
You opened up Magi- no Instagram and viewed every news peice you missed. The new Taylor Swift album, the new update to Genshin, the upcoming movies, new trends etc. It seems like it will take AWHILE to catch up on all of those events. 
After looking through the app you decided to go into your room, and see the place you thought you would never see again. 
However right when you entered the first thing you noticed was the luggage you clearly packed a few days ago. You went over to the luggage and opened it, once you opened it the first thing you saw was the picture of you and the first years + Grim. You guys were all at Ramshackle probably at a sleepover. 
Under the photo you found your diary you kept that you bought at Sam’s shop. It was filled to the brim with the 8 months you spent there, going from your first unbirthday party to (Something that happend in chapter 7)
After picking up the diary and putting it on your desk, you grabbed your school uniform, and hung it up. Once you hanged up your school uniform in your closet you then grabbed the photo and hung it up next to your desk. 
Thinking about what to do with your life now that you finally returned after it being your goal for so long. But wasn’t completing a goal make you happy?
Today marks the 1st anniversary since you left. If you were right it had been six months since you left in Twisted Wonderland. Your friends were now 2nd years and some were about ready to graduate. And again, If you were right, they were in the middle of finals, since you left during that period. 
Yes although you did have the period of tears, and overwhelming sadness of leaving all of those memories behind, right now you were living your BEST life right now. 
While you were in your 3rd year of Highschool. Like Night Raven, you stayed at the High School with your Childhood friends, Oboko and Saki. Yes you did have your fun with them, but what about those past memories that you dearly loved and held at your heart?
“Reader? Are you there? We still have work to attend to and close shop, not zone out.” Your co-worker snapped at you. 
“Sorry Keiko, I tend to a lot.” You responded, although it was a little bit of a lie, you would still cling onto those memories from time to time. 
“Anyways, I’ll finish the dishes you start locking up.” She responded, completely ignoring your response. 
You nodded in response and left the Cafe’s kitchen to go lock up all the windows, doors, blah blah whatever this job paid good that’s all you cared about. 
After quickly finishing it up, you walked to the back door walking past Keiko who was still washing dishes, you were always fortunate when you didn’t have to. (Who even likes washing dishes???)
“Bye Keiko! See you tomorrow!” 
She had mumbled a response as you left the door and entered your car. 
While jamming out to the new album of your favorite artist, the drive home was relatively short. Basically 5 minutes.
You pulled into the driveway and couldn’t wait to get into your home. All that felt nice was a nice warm shower and watching your favorite episodes of your favorite show/anime. With a cup of hot chocolate on the side. 
As soon as you entered the dorm avoice hit you. 
“Hey, reader, just like 5 minutes ago there were some people saying they knew you and kept assisting them. I don’t know if you know them but the acted like they knew you for a while or so. They are in the kitchen currently because they acted like they haven’t eaten in awhile. Uh please be safe?”
/ENDING WAS RUSHED, once I have time I’ll go back and edit. 
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Katniss feeling insecure one random afternoon after seeing Peeta interact with some pretty girlies and asking him later that night all quiet if he thinks she’s pretty 🥺
I meant for this to be funny and then it turned out... not funny. Oh well. Enjoy some post-Mockingjay not fluff but not really angst??? No warning tags on this one.
“Having an eye for beauty isn’t the same thing as a weakness,” Peeta points out. “Except possibly when it comes to you.” - Catching Fire, Chapter 15 “You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty?” - Mockingjay, Chapter 16
It takes me longer than usual to finish trading with the new butcher. She’s originally from Ten and came here after marrying a soldier from Thirteen. She refused to live underground any longer and he tried living in Ten, but felt too exposed and jumpy in the flat plains of that district. Twelve was their compromise. But I haven’t had the chance to build the kind of rapport with her that I had with Rooba.
Rooba. I make a mental note to ask Peeta to draw her for the memory book tonight. We’ll both have memories of her that need to be recorded.
When I finish with the butcher, mostly satisfied with the cuts of deer meat and the coin I walk away with, I make my way over to the bakery. Usually I’d help Peeta close for the day. I got lucky catching the deer so close to the fence, but it still took time for me to bring back enough help to drag it to the butcher.
Surprisingly, there are still a handful of customers in the bakery. Unusual, this late in the day. I hasten my steps, thinking Peeta might want some help getting rid of the chatty customers, and seeing me after a hunt usually does the trick.
As I reach the window, though, I slow my pace. It’s not just any customers. It’s the Lassiter girls. They moved here after the war with their father, who used to be the head foreman at a perfume factory in District One. Apparently someone thought his skills would translate well to running a medicine factory, because that’s what his job here is. And his five daughters -- Neroli, Dior, Ambrette, Clary, and Opal -- aged twenty-four to sixteen, spaced two years apart down the line, are each just as beautiful as the last. Gossip holds that they each have a different mother, and while there’s been no confirmation from their father on that point, they’re each so strikingly different in looks and coloring that it wouldn’t surprise me.
They’re currently clustered near the counter, a bouquet of undoubtedly sweet smelling flowers. Their dresses a rainbow of eye-catching hues in expensive looking fabrics. All I can do is snort as I think of how dull and dingy their clothes would’ve been if they’d lived here when there was still a coal mine. But their hair, although different shades, all gleams in glossy waves and curls and curtains of shimmering silk in the bright lights of the bakery.
I hear Peeta’s laughter then, followed shortly by the twittering chorus of the Lassiter girls’ giggling. Ugh. They cannot be serious. Not my Peeta.
None of them are married yet, and there’ve already been several District Twelve men turned away from their front door step with dazed looks in their eyes, like they couldn’t believe they’d actually dared to propose to one of the Lassiter girls. And while this group ambush of my Peeta gives me an idea of what sort of partner they might be looking for, it’s unacceptable.
I push through the bakery door and attempt a smile. Neroli sees me first. The oldest, and by far the smartest of this bunch, our eyes meet and her lips curl in a smile. She’s dressed in a dark, forest green dress. Her dark, almost black hair swept to one side, into a long, sleek ponytail. There’s no denying that she’s stunning. Long, sooty black lashes frame her pale eyes that I’ve never been able to decide if they’re blue or gray. Some part of me knows that if I were somehow more beautiful, I might look like her.
Neroli glances at Peeta, then back at me. She inclines her head slightly towards me, and I’m not certain what she means until she speaks.
“Father will be wondering what’s keeping us,” she announces to her sisters. “Come on. Get your purchases and let’s leave these two turtle doves alone.”
She still pauses to say something to Peeta before she and her sisters clear out, but the glance she throws my way before shutting the door behind her makes me think that maybe Neroli and I might’ve been friends under different circumstances. When I finally manage to look at Peeta, he’s head down in the cases, cleaning them out.
“Lock the door for me? How was your day in the woods?”
“Not bad,” I tell him as I throw the bolt. “I got a deer.”
“That’s great!”
“Put this in the cold storage while I sweep?” I hand him the package from the butchers and he hands me a broom across the counter. It’s one of my usual chores and it isn’t long after that we’re headed home. But all through dinner, I can’t get the image of the flock of Lassiter girls twittering around him out of my head. 
I distract myself after we clean up the kitchen with the memory book, telling Peeta about the deer today and how things went with the new butcher. We share a few memories of Rooba while he sketches her and I write them down in draft. We manage to finish her page and seal it into the book before it’s very late.
And while Peeta showers with me, and stands next to me while we brush our teeth and get ready for bed, he somehow feels distant. As I lay down and watch him as he carefully removes his prosthetic, I can’t help but think again about the Lassiter girls.
“Goodnight, my love,” he murmurs as he turns to me, slipping his legs under the covers and cupping my cheek in his palm before kissing my lips once, softly.
“Goodnight,” I respond and blink when he turns out the light and lays down.
But I can’t get comfortable. And behind my closed eyes, I see a still ravaged Peeta, the hijacking reversal barely even begun. His knuckles pale as he gripped the bedsheets beneath him and restraints holding him down, safely away from me.
“You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty.”
I huff out a heavy breath and jam the heels of my palms into my closed eyes, trying to push the image out of my brain. He’s laying right here beside me. He kissed me and called me his love just minutes ago. What Peeta and I have puts the stars in the sky and the poets’ words on the page to shame with its depth and significance. That’s far better than some superficial beauty.
And yet the words still slip past my lips.
“Peeta,” I whisper, and he hums in response so that I’m not sure if he’s fully awake or not. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
There’s a few seconds of silence and then I hear the sound of the sheets rustling as Peeta turns over to face me.
“Are you serious?”
“It’s just a question,” I say and smack my hands down onto the bed, right at my sides. They’re still clenched into fists and I try to hold back the sudden, ridiculous tears welling up in my eyes. Because his hesitancy to answer tells me what I need to know. How stupid of me to ask.
“Katniss, honey,” he breathes and moves through the dark, pulling me into his arms. “You will always be as radiant as the sun to me,” he tells me and I snort, wishing I’d never told him that phrase or how I’d once used it. “No, I’m serious. Katniss, you take my breath away.”
“But I’m still not particularly pretty. At least not as pretty as Neroli Lassiter, am I?” I poke and I can feel his frame stiffening besides me.
“No. Oh no, no, you can’t believe what I said that day, Katniss.”
“But you were right. I’m not very big.”
“And we both looked like shit that day because we’d been through too much shit. That doesn’t mean I meant it, Katniss. You have to know I was… I was trying to hurt you that day. Hurt you the way I thought you’d hurt me. Because I thought you’d used me, chosen Gale and the rebels, and left me to die or worse in that arena.”
“I know,” I say and finally manage to turn over into his embrace, burying my face in his chest as he caresses my back and whispers a hundred apologies for his careless words. I inhale his scent and let his hands soothe me.
So when he slips his fingers beneath my chin, I let him lift my face to his. I close my eyes and savor the brush of his lips against mine.
“You once told me that I had a weakness for beautiful things,” he whispers. “Real or not real?”
“Real,” I answer without pause. I can smell the horses and feel the warmth of Cinna’s glowing ember costume. I can see Peeta in front of me, radiant and beautiful, and smiling in amusement at my assessment of him. “But you don’t have a weakness for beauty. Only an eye for it,” I remind him.
“So yes, Neroli Lassiter is a beautiful woman--”
“And her sisters?” I prod and I can feel Peeta smiling against my lips as he kisses me once.
“And her sisters are, too. But you’re the only beautiful person I have a weakness for. No one else has left a lasting impression the way you have.”
I can’t help but smile stupidly at the repetition of his words from the cave. The reminder that somewhere amongst the acting for the cameras, we always had at least a sliver, a taste, a fraction of or at least the roots of something real.
“I’m still a goner for you, Katniss Everdeen, real or not real?” he whispers, and I already know the answer. I know what he wants me to say, because it’s true.
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭23.5 [11/12] - This show is not working for me anymore. Of course I'll finish because there's only one more episode but honestly I don't really care if any of them are together and that's a problem.
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de [5/10] - I'm so normal about this show. The way this show is using the show within the show is really smart and the editing is very good. I'm actually looking forward to see how the 'rival' will shake things up, which is odd for me.
🇰🇷Boys Be Brave [2/8] - So far so good. Gi Seop is obvisouly not the best boy but there's something about his energy on screen that is compelling to me. I really liked that Jin Woo was honest about his feelings and I like the 'I love you but I don't like you' dynamic a lot. The second couple gave me some ODS vibes so I'm bracing for some angst. [Finished will write it up at the next round up]
🇯🇵Living with him [6/8] - Filler episode with not a lot of new information, but I did enjoy the supermarket scene. I continue to delight in Kasuhito's expressions.
🇰🇷Love Is Like a Cat [2/12] - I'm waiting to binge this one. Didn't like how this started and the rhythm just isn't working for me. [Finished]
🇹🇭My Stand-In [1/12] - Pretty is pretty. But I don't trust Thailand with high concept so I have reservations. I hope I'm wrong. I liked the first episode so we'll see.
🇹🇭Only Boo! [7/12] - Well the Shone thing was what I feared and I don't think it really fit with this show at all but now it's over and I'm ready to forget it ever happened. Moo continues to be an absolute delight to watch and I'm looking forward to seeing a more relaxed Kang. The sides are pure torture. Payos sweetie, you need to confess or let it go cause I can't take it anymore.
🇹🇭We Are [8/16] - I'm enjoying the friendships in this a lot, it all feels very natural when they are together. I'm not super invested in any of the couples, although they're all doing a good job. I'm having a good time with Tan/Fang (Aou is so fun to watch) and hopefully I will have a good time whenever the show decides to give me Chain/Pun. I also think some of the actors have really improved, I was really impressed with Satang specially.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭1000 Years Old - I wrote before that this one wasn't really my thing and obviously the finale didn't really change that. The different lifetimes I think could've been explored earlier and would probably make this a bit more interesting to me. It's not like there was too much going on to use the time for that but it is what it is. Also the whole thing with the vampire girl/wife, it was so unexplored that I didn't really get why all of a sudden I should care about her at all. All in all, it started fun but halfway through it lost me a bit and now it's over. Bring on the next vamps.
🇹🇭Deep Night - This one surprised me a bit. There was a refreshing amount of good communication and they gave the people what they wanted, poly and older lesbians. I wish there were more acrobatics and the editing was weird in places but overall it's an entertaining show.
🇰🇷Gray Shelter - This is weird one. Because I feel like I have to fill in the gaps myself and that just shouldn't be the case. I enjoyed the actors a lot, and Lee Jae Bin presence on screen kept me engaged for most of it. There is definitely potential here if they had the time to explore all the different elements. But this runtime it's just not enough to fully flesh out these characters and the complex issues it wants to tackle.
🇯🇵Love is Better The Second Time Around - Started great but lost itself by the end. I don't think it needed that external conflict by the end with the brother and the mother because they weren't on firm ground to begin with. If I were to make a list like this one by @lurkingshan I don't think Myiata and Iwanaga would make it there. Iwanaga was amazing to watch though. He pretty.
🇯🇵My Strawberry Film - One pining gay boy does not a bl make. With that said, even as a drama there's nothing interesting here.
🇹🇭To Be Continued - Meh. It was fine. I wish I had more of the side couple because Gumbie is adorable. Midway this was getting into The Promise territory, and while it's not that bad, and I guess the reason for the separation is a valid one, I don't think Achi being the 'bad guy' for most of the show actually makes sense.
🇹🇼Unknown - The last two episodes were a bit of a letdown if I'm honest. I have nothing to say about the first 10 episodes. Incredible. The character growth is so well done, and the family scenes feel very grounded. Just all around outstanding work from the whole cast, but specially Kurt and Chris. I think Kurt showed Yuan growth so well and I'm in awe of Chris' acting all the way through. Even with the little stumble at the end this show and these characters will stay with me for a while.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Junjou (2010) - Second chance romance. I liked it. It's a nice watch, nothing particularly outstanding or new about this one, although that's not really fair considering it's more than a decade old, but alas I've seen other versions of this particular type of bl. Nevertheless I liked the characters, specially Tozaki,
Athlete (2019) - The visuals were the best part for me. There are several things I like in this, the main actor does a really good job imo and I truly enjoyed the bar scenes. But it doesn't all come together for me. I don't have a problem with the ending as much as how we got there.
Other - Watched
This was a slow month for me. I started a new job and some other stuff happened so I haven't really been in the mood to watch new stuff. Mostly comfort watches and rewatches. Oh I did watch Heartbreak High S2. It was good.
That's it for right now. My ask box is always open. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday tomorrow💜
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chiefdirector · 3 months
Playing | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Act One | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26
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The cell was everything (Y/N) had expected.
The small six by eight foot cell was kept in meticulous condition. The bed was made without a crease in the cheap prison linen, a singular spare uniform folded precisely at the foot of the bed, and a small stack of books tucked onto the far corner of the tiny desk.
It was exactly what (Y/N) had expected from a woman like Rosalind Dyer. She craved control. She was trying to take control of (Y/N)’s life, almost as if she was a puppet master pulling every single string.
Rosalind Dyer needed control, and (Y/N) was not one to be controlled.
Rosalind did well to mostly cover the fleeting shock on her face when (Y/N) entered the cell before making a quick and smooth recovery. “Hello Detective Bradford, what a nice surprise.”
“Let’s skip the formality Dyer.” (Y/N) said, keeping her tone cool.
“If you insist.” Rosalind gestured for (Y/N) to sit down next to her on the bed, smiling as the detective refused. “What brings you to my neck of the woods then? I don’t suppose it’s a social call?”
“Even if I wanted to, you’re not the type to have friends… or to be able to keep them anyways.”
“Snarky. I like that; but it won’t get you very far. So I’ll ask again, Detective. Why are you here? Because I’m quite sure that pretty husband of yours wouldn’t approve.”
“What he doesn’t know…” (Y/N) let her words drift off as she walked into the room, peering around, trying to find any form of imperfection. A crack in Rosalind’s armour. “I’ve come to ask you something.
Rosalind nodded. “Ask away. Although you may not like the answer.”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to smile as she could see Rosalind starting her infamous mind games. “Why me?”
“I’m not sure I’m following. Care to elaborate some?”
“Why me,” Bradford repeated. “Out of anyone in the department, in the LAPD as a whole, and you pick me. I just don’t get it.”
“Don’t put yourself down so much. You should think much more highly of yourself. Why wouldn’t I pick you? You’re clever, cunning even. And you would be good to ruin.”
(Y/N) chuckled at this although she didn’t find humour in the given answer at all. The two of them both knew that they had to keep a cool and calm facade, and her small laugh caused Rosalind’s to falter.
“What’s so funny, detective?”
“Nothing,” (Y/N) continued to chuckle, although her laughs had begun to soften as her words grew more taunting. “I just thought that you would have something to gain. I mean you’re the great Rosalind Dyer. You had the nation fearful for their lives, and yet the most you can do is fail to spook me. Even worse, your motivation is because I’m ‘special.’ thought you would be cleverer than that.”
“And who said I don’t?” Dyer snapped, rising from the bed, leaving behind creases from where she had sat. “I could just be having you on, playing the long game.”
“What is the long game for you?”
(Y/N) snorted this time. “Unlikely. If there was something you wanted from me, you would’ve made a play by now. I may not know you, but I know your type Rosalind.”
Rosalind’s eyes darted away at (Y/N)’s words before they focused back on the Detective. “If you know my type,” Rosalind said, moving forward, causing (Y/N) to take a step back, “then you would know I don’t lose. Now I suppose it’s time you take your leave, don’t you?”
(Y/N) nodded, as she turned towards the cell door. “Have a good day, and thank you for our chat, it’s been very…insightful.”
Fishing the small phone out of her pocket, (Y/N) quickly dialled Grey’s number as she walked through the parking lot towards the nearest bus stop. She listened as the phone rang and went to voicemail.
“Grey,” she said after the tone went, “it’s Bradford. Call me. I’ve got a lead.”
Pressing the end call button, (Y/N) continued to walk until she heard a whistle from behind her. Spinning on her heel, she was greeted by Nyla, leaning on her car.
“What are you doing here?” (Y/N) said, approaching the woman.
“I would ask you the same thing, but I already know. Get in.” Harper snapped, moving round to the driver's side of the car. (Y/N) followed, slipping into the vehicle.
“Here, take my phone. Call Tim. He’s going out of his mind.” Harper pulled out of the car park. “He had half the department at your house earlier. Thankfully, I was one step ahead and covered for your ass. The last time I do so though.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me; call your husband before I rat on you.”
(Y/N) just hummed as she dialled the familiar number and lifted the phone to her ear.
“Okay, I love you. Bye, bye.” Tim hung up the phone, sliding it back into his trouser pocket as he walked towards Grey’s office. Knocking, he entered as the Watch Commander beckoned him in.
“Harper was right, I presume.” Grey said, looking up from his computer.
“Yeah, she was. Just got off the phone with (Y/N). They’ll be back by midday.” Tim let his words drift off, the silent worry hung heavily in the air.
Grey looked at Tim with knowing eyes, holding back any form of sympathy. Officer Bradford had never appreciated it before, and he wouldn’t start now. But Grey could only imagine how he was feeling. The Watch Commander knew all too well what it felt like to be shut out of Morgan’s inner workings, the detective was far too independent and it would be her downfall.
“What’s bothering you? Is it the trip this morning?”
“Yes-no. Maybe” Tim stuttered, taking a seat in front of the desk as Grey gestured for him to do. “It’s just that we promised no more secrets and I wake up and she’s gone. And it’s like nothing changed. She doesn’t trust me.”
“Yes she does. You know she does.” Grey reassured, spinning slightly in his chair. “(Y/N) is still on high alert. And you know her best, Tim. Put yourself in her shoes. If someone like Dyer was on the warpath for you, and Morgan was in the line of fire…”
“I would make sure she wasn’t involved. Keep her away.”
Grey shrugged as his point set in. “Look, I’m not saying that she was right. But she had Harper there. She wasn’t alone. Besides, if she had told you, or me for that matter, what would’ve happened?”
“I would’ve stopped her. Or at least gone with her.”
“Exactly. Don’t be too hard on her. That’s my job. She broke so many protocols, she’ll be doing paperwork for today into retirement.”
Tim chuckled at the thought. Thanking the Sargent, he stood and made his way out of the office and towards his boot who was waiting expectedly for him.
tags: @xceafh @kmc1989 @buba424 @salty0cracker @iamasimpingh0e @malindacath @rookietrek @hufflepuffwhore13 @tessalynni @anaferreira-4 @starstruckchopshoptyphoon @alessiamargaux @rexit-mo
26 | 28
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avoxrising · 1 year
Let’s Put on a Show - one shot (Hunger Games)
Ok so I’ve literally never written fan fiction before so don’t hate me if this sucks but I’ve been laughing at this prompt for days and just had to write it.
Content warnings (18+ age restriction) - heavy smut, public sex, orgy, hella kinky, slight cannon divergence, vague references of prostitution (sold in the Capitol), cursing, f/f and f/m
Synopsis - you are the female Victor from district 9 that is reaped for the Quarter Quell. After you won your games a few years ago, you have become quite close with your fellow victors, and you all have a plan to put on a show during the 75th games 👀
When Snow announced that victors were to be reaped for the 75th games, you were all pissed to say the least. You had become quite close with a lot of your fellow victors since you won the games a few years ago at the ripe age of 16. Unfortunately, you had been put into a certain line of work in the capital, like many of your fellow victors, and you had hoped that would be the worst of it. I mean it can get possibly worse than that right?
Nope! You were very wrong as now you are most definitely being sent back into the arena. Unfortunately, you are the only living female victor in district 9 and as such, your name will be the only one in the reaping bowl. Although, you’re sure that even if there were 100 names in that bowl you would still be chosen. You hadn’t exactly been complicit with Snow’s demands and so you knew exactly the reason why he was sending you back into the arena. In fact, this whole “reap the victors” theme wasn’t totally a surprise either. After Katniss and Peeta pulled their little stunt in the last games the districts were getting ready to rebel and Snow had to punish them in someway. He might as well punish the rest of us while he gets a chance.
Your train comes to a stop in the Capital as you and your district partner, Leach, prepare to disembark. You and Leach had never been particularly close due to the large gap in your age, however, he had been a mentor to you during your games. Deep down, you knew he wouldn’t last long in the arena as he was practically pushing 60, but you wished the best for him nonetheless. As district 9 was closer to the Capital than some of the other districts, you arrived to the tribute center late at night. Around noon the next morning, you would need to start preparing for the tribute parade, but until then you had a chance to visit some of your friends who were also unfortunately reaped. That fact was inevitable, as essentially all of your friends at this point are fellow victors, many of whom also were the only names in their bowls.
“Y/N!!!” Johanna yelled as you raced towards her through the lobby.
“Johanna I missed you so much,” you said as you pulled your best friend into a hug. Johanna wasn’t a hugger but she tolerated them from you.
“Who else is here?” you asked.
“Gloss, Cashmere, and those assholes from 2,” Johanna said sarcastically. You both laughed until you remember why you were all there. Giving Johanna a sad look, you knew this week would mark the final days with your friends.
“Breakfast tomorrow?” you asked.
“Yeah loser see you down here at 9,” Johanna smirked as she walked off to find Blight, her district partner.
The next morning, you were pleased to see Johanna joined by Finnick, Mags, Cashmere and Gloss at the downstairs café at 9 o’clock sharp. Your group wasn’t one to be punctual, but the gravity of the situation weighed on all of you and your group cherished every minute you had left together.
You were greeted by smiles and hugs as you said hi to all your friends, sitting next to Johanna and Mags. You could feel the tension in the air as no one wanted to talk about the elephant in the room but you all understood each other. Each one of you were sad but angry, although, none of you felt comfortable enough to voice your anger when Capital citizens could hear.
“Johanna tell y/n about your wonderful idea,” Finnick giggled. The whole table erupted in giggles as your friends all stared at Johanna.
“I think we should give Snow a real show in the arena,” Johanna said giggling.
“What do you mean?” you replied.
“She thinks we should all strip naked the second the games start and run to the cornucopia to have an orgy,” Finnick said as he laughed with his mouth full of breakfast. The rest of the table stopped laughing as they saw your shocked face.
“See guys I told you she wouldn’t be down��” Johanna mumbled.
“No actually…” you said as you turned to Johanna, “that’s the most amazing thing I think you have ever thought of.”
The table all sat in shock until it erupted in laughter a few moments later. Mags just sat there shaking her head and smiling as she signed that she would not be joining. You patted the kind old woman in the shoulder and told her it was ok as it wasn’t a mandatory orgy. She chuckled and gave your hand a squeeze.
Although you were sad about the return of all of your friends to the arena, Mags‘ presence hurt the worst. After all of these years it made you sick to your stomach that they would send a woman in her 60s back into that arena, especially someone as kind as Mags. She become a grandmother to all of you, and you wished more than anything that her death would be quick and painless.
“So how do we convince the others to join and not kill us immediately?” Gloss asked, still smirking of course.
“I think we tell them and explain that it will be an hour long stalemate before anyone can kill each other. Those who do not want to participate can either wait on their pedestals or runoff into the arena until the hour is over. We can then grab what we need from the cornucopia and leave so the rest of the tributes have a shot at grabbing supplies,” you state matter-of-factly.
“Won’t the game makers just sent mutts or something to stop us? They won’t enjoy the lack of bloodshed,” stated Cashmere as she looked down at her nearly finished plate.
“Honestly, with how much the people of the Capital pay to see us naked I think they might actually find it more entertaining than seeing us kill each other,” Finnick laughed.
“You’re unfortunately probably right,” laughed Cashmere as she went to clear her plate. “See y’all in a few hours.”
The tribute parade went off without a hitch. You all stood stoic and stared straight ahead, not giving any attention to the spectators in the stands. Word had quickly gotten around to the other tributes who all had mixed reactions. Some people like Brutus and Enobaria were super down with the idea, whereas tributes like Beetee and Chaff were a little bit more hesitant. At least those who didn’t want to participate respected the idea of an hour long stalemate at the start of the games as long as we promised to leave them with some good supplies so they wouldn’t be punished for not participating. Of course, everyone had been super hush about the plan as if it got back to the game makers, they would’ve definitely put a stop to it. At this point, though none of you really cared what the game makers did or said. All but one of you would be dead in a week.
The one thing you did all agree on, though was that you were not to tell Katniss or Peeta. This would be an initiation of sorts with them as you all often liked to play jokes on the newest victors. You did, however tell them about the hour long stalemate in defiance at the Capital so they wouldn’t be eager to start killing the second the games started.
Many of you made it very clear during your interview with Cesar exactly how you felt about the games. Beetee tried his best to find loopholes in the games charter in order to declare the games illegal, but Cesar was having none of it. Johanna spent her three minutes cursing out the Capital and screaming until peacekeepers had to take her off the stage so she could calm down. You spent your time with Cesar sitting in complete and utter silence, refusing to answer any of his questions. The people of the Capital did not deserve the satisfaction of having you speak to them. Katniss showed up in a wedding gown only to have it transform into the symbol of the Mockingjay. You had heard rumors from some of the other tributes about some great escape plan in the arena, but you didn’t believe any of it for a second. There’s no way the game makers would be on your side. If they had they would not have reaped you all to return to the arena. Haymitch tried to convince you to at least hear him out, but you were having absolutely none of it. Finally, Peeta dropped the baby bomb and cries of outrage erupted from the crowd. Maybe, just maybe, this would get the games canceled but you knew deep down there’s no way that they would cancel the games. You also knew deep down that there was no way Katniss was pregnant. They weren’t that great at hiding the fact that the relationship was obviously fake from the rest of the victors. In fact, you were pretty sure that she hated him.
After all the victors raised their hands in unison, the lights quickly shut off, and everyone was ushered back up to their respective floors. The next day you would put on a grand show that the Capital would never forget.
You entered the prep room under the arena to see your stylist, Marzia, waiting.
“Here is your outfit for the arena. It seems to be a wetsuit of sorts, so expect water, and probably a warmer climate,” she stated in her usual monotone voice.
“Oh joy!” you stated without an ounce of any real excitement. You were actually quite nervous for the games to begin. You weren’t worried about getting killed in the arena as you were most certainly not going to win. However, you were worried that people would not respect the stalemate or the Capital would punish you for your defiance. Either way you couldn’t care less. You were going out with an absolute bang and the entire Capitol would be there to witness it.
“Let the 75th hunger games begin!”
You looked around at the other tributes, while waiting for the timer to finish counting down, signaling the start of the games. You all looked at each other in solidarity, and some even gave slight nods, easing your nervousness about people not respecting the plan. You even started to chuckle as you saw Finnick already trying to rip his wetsuit off as he gave you a ravenous look.
You had hooked up with him a few times as well as most of the other victors. It’s pretty common knowledge that the majority of you are friends with benefits as you are all extremely traumatized by your work in the Capital and it feels good to take control of your sex life for once.
Finally, the gong sounds as you dive into the water, heading for the nearest spoke. As you pull yourself up, you suddenly pause, looking around to see if anyone is fighting already. When no one seems to be fighting, or at least not actually fighting as some people were pretending to fight so the Capital wouldn’t get too mad, you sprinted for the cornucopia.
As you approached, you could already see Finnick and Johanna stripping off their clothes, completely disregarding the weapons. You knew the capital must be so confused as to what they were watching, but you didn’t care. You quickly pulled off your wetsuit as you ran over to Johanna to start making out with her.
After a few minutes you looked up, surprised to see who else had joined. Finnick was fucking Cashmere from behind as the two talked dirty to each other while Gloss and Enobaria were getting it on on top of some of the boxes. Hell, even Beetee was getting in on the action as he started binding Wiress’s wrists with some of the wire he found in the cornucopia.
Quickly, Finnick and Cashmere made their way over to you and Johanna to swap off. Cashmere immediately spread Johanna’s legs and started simultaneously eating her out and fisting her. Johanna was not too happy to be on the receiving end instead of the giving end, but she wasn’t one want to complain at this moment.
You immediately pushed Finnick into the side of the cornucopia, startling him slightly, as you quickly made your way down his abs kissing him as you trailed down towards his large erect member. He was by far your favorite person to hook up with besides Johanna. He knew exactly what you liked, and you always came away from it unable to walk.
You quickly grabbed a hold of his dick as you started licking the tip and glancing up at him. He knew that look and immediately grabbed your hair and started forcing your head into him quickly. You started choking as his dick repeatedly hit the back of your throat but you didn’t really care. You kind of enjoyed that.
Suddenly you felt Gloss grab your ass and stick his dick immediately into you, fucking you hard from behind. This movement shoved Finnick deeper into your throat as he let out a deep moan. Tears came streaming down your face and the repeated choking, but he knew you enjoyed that.
“You’re being such a good girl for us,” Gloss whispered in your ear as he started biting down your neck.
Suddenly, Finnick picked you up and laid you down on top of him on the cold hard rocks of the cornucopia. You quickly felt Gloss pull out of your vagina and stick his dick into your ass. Suddenly Finnick stuck his dick inside of your vagina and you were being simultaneously fucked by the two hottest guys in the arena.
“Cum for us y/n,” Finnick moaned as you rode him.
Gloss was suddenly pulled off of you by Johanna as she grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head, fucking him violently.
“Please cum in me,” you moaned to Finnick. “I want to have your babies…” you joked.
He laughed and flipped you over onto your back as he got on top of you. Your tongues were deep in each other’s throats as you finally felt yourself coming to your release on those cold hard rocks.
“Cum for me princess,” Finnick moaned as you felt him getting closer.
You continued thrusting into him until you felt his cum deep inside of you, both of you full of euphoria. You leaned up to him to give him a final kiss as you got into your feet to seek out Cashmere.
You found her riding Brutus and quickly came up behind her, grabbing her large boobs with your hands as Finnick’s cum continued to drip down your legs. You started kissing and nipping at her neck, making sure to leave plenty of hickeys for everyone to see. Brutus finally came on Cashmere’s stomach and was quickly whisked away by the female morphing to go and fuck in the water.
You put Cashmere on her back so you could get access to her wet aching pussy.
“He could have at least made you cum,” you stated.
“Yeah,” Cashmere stated, out of breath, “Johanna was right about him being an asshole.”
You both laughed until Cashmere’s breath hitched as you slid two of your fingers into her. You circled her clit with your tongue as you continued fucking her with your fingers. You upped the number of fingers until you had your whole hand pounding in and out of her.
“Making the princess cum are we?” Johanna said as she lowered herself down into Cashmere’s face.
Cashmere began eating Johanna out as she leaned forward to make out with you, your fist still deep inside Cashmere.
“Cum for us Cash,” you taunted. “I know you’re close.”
“So close,” Cashmere gasped. Suddenly she came undone under you and Johanna’s touch and moaned so loudly the whole arena could probably hear.
You and Johanna both rolled off of her, out of breath. You looked around to see that everyone else was in a similar state, pretty exhausted from the last hour’s worth of activities. You turned Johanna as you both let out a laugh.
“I love you Jo,” you said as you gave her one last kiss. “This was by far the best idea you’ve ever had.”
You both stood up and started walking towards the back of the cornucopia to scope out the weapons. You reach for the throwing knives as Johanna asked, “You think we fucked anyone to death?”
As you pulled back on your wetsuit you laughed and replied, “I doubt it but that would certainly have made hunger games history.”
Having both grabbed your weapons you turn around to see everyone laying on the ground in various states of exhaustion. Slowly your eyes meet those of Katniss and Peeta, who are staring at you from one of the spokes, frozen in shock. Everybody let out a laugh at the sight of them, flying into another fit of hysterics.
“Come on lovebirds grab your weapons and let’s head out,” Finnick yelled as he started to pull his wetsuit back on.
“Ummm…” Peeta and Katniss both stammered as they stood there flustered. You, Finnick, and Johanna quickly handed them their weapons and ran off with them into the jungle. You stumbled a bit as you were still a bit sore from the whole ordeal.
“Well I hope they enjoyed the show,” you laughed at Finnick.
“Let’s do it again sometime,” he replied with a grin.
You joked, “I’m free tomorrow if you are.”
OK I know that was a lot especially for my first fanfic, but I hope you enjoyed. I promise if I write any more of these, they will most likely not be this intense, but we shall see.
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queenshelby · 11 months
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Fluff, Smut
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After Cillian disappeared and you tied up your robe, you opened the door for Kit who, when you opened the door, held a pile of paper in her hands.
“Y/N, what a nice surprise” she said nervously while quickly shuffling the papers into her handbag before marching in to Cillian’s apartment.
“Likewise” you responded with a smile before informing Kit that Cillian was in the shower.
“That’s fine. I just came by to drop something off” she informed you while stammering nervously, before reaching back into her bag and pulling out some of the papers again, but not all of them.
“Uhm, should I give these to him or will you stay for a drink?” you offered politely as she placed two pieces of paper onto the kitchen bench as well as a cut out from Peoples Magazine featuring an alleged affair between Cillian and his co-star Florence Pugh during the time of filming Oppenheimer.
“No, I won’t stay. Just give these to him, would you?” Kit asked before being on her way. She seemed rather distant and you knew that, if it was not for you being here, at Cillian’s apartment, she would have stayed and handed him something else as well.
She had another piece of paper in her bag that was clearly intended for him but, with you being there, she took it with her again, possibly trying to hide its content from you.
“Where is Kit?” Cillian asked just as, after a few minutes, he came out of the shower, wearing his briefs and a t-shirt.
“She left” you told him before handing him the newspaper article and two letters from his and co-star’s publicists, denying the affair.
“Is that all?” he asked and you nodded. “She could have emailed these” he then said somewhat surprised before pulling you closer.
“She could have, but I think that she has a crush on you and that is why she came over” you teased but your suggestion that Kit took a liking in him amused Cillian.
“You think that Kit has a crush on me?” he asked somewhat surprised. “Please, don’t be ridiculous” he then laughed, brushing off the fact that she had come to his apartment unannounced for no real reason whatsoever.
“I am serious Cillian. I am just surprised that you can’t see it for yourself” you told him, even though you did not really feel threatened by her.
“She’s been working for me for six years and has never made a move on me, so no, she does not have a crush on me. Despite, are you being a little jealous right now?” Cillian asked teasingly while caressing your face.
“Me? Jealous?” you laughed. “Never” you then said before pulling him in for a quick kiss and then pushing him away again playfully. “Although, knowing what I know now about you and Florence Pugh, I am inclined to think that…” you then began to say and Cillian was quick to interrupt you.
“Shh…” he said, placing his index finger onto your lips seductively. “It’s a rumour, nothing more. Despite she is way too young for me…” he then reassured you before telling you that, as for now, he wanted you and no one else all whilst getting undressed again.
“Cillian…” you began speaking just before he tried to kiss you just as some guilt was creeping in. You still had not told him the truth about your age and this was a situation you needed to remedy.
“Hmm” Cillian murmured before attacking your neck with his lips and eliciting a moan from you which almost made you forget about what you were going to say.
“Nothing” you thus stammered. “Keep going” you demanded and Cillian asked whether you want to continue where we had left off before Kit arrived unannounced.
“Absolutely. Come on then, the handcuffs are still waiting for you” you teased while dropping your robe again and leaving you wearing nothing but a pair of lace panties.
“You are not going to cuff me to the bed again. I can’t fucking take it” Cillian responded before, playfully, pulling you into his bedroom.
“Oh, is that so?” you asked as you followed him through the door in a haste and he nodded.
“Yes!” he said. “In fact, I believe that it’s time for payback” Cillian said before he pushed you back towards the bed.
Of course, you obliged with his request and fell backwards onto the covers and grinned, disheveled wavy hair haloing your face.
“What are you going to do to me Cill?” you asked as Cillian climbed on to the bed with you to straddle you.
“I am going to tie you up now and lick your pussy until you can’t take it anymore” he announced with a devilish smile while you felt the warm skin of his thighs against yours.
His cock has already sprung to attention again as he secured your wrists to the bed and, just as he cuffed you, you supressed another shiver and remained silent, breaking into a smile of your own.
“Well, I will try to be a good girl for you then” you eventually winked as Cillian ran his hands up your chest, giving your breasts a brief squeeze before bringing his fingers to your mouth to gently part your lips and slip a pair of digits past them.
“I am sure you will be” Cillian winked as you willingly suckled at his fingers, bathing them with her your tongue.
“Fuck you are so goddamn sexy, aren’t you?” Cillian then acknowledged as a strand of spit connected him to your lips as he pulled his fingers away and traced dampness down the graceful arc of your neck.
“I need you so badly Cill” you moaned just as you stared up at him eagerly, waiting for him to make the next move, and he hesitated as arousal made way for uncertainty.
His sexual interactions with Danielle for the past twenty years were not like this but you clearly seem to be enjoying this dominant side of him as he watched you while you quivered in anticipation.
“Cill, please, I need your hand, mouth, cock, anything…” you then begged while, at the same time, you could feel your heart racing.
“Do you just?” Cillian asked, playing along before he pinned you down properly.
It wasn’t just the cuffs holding you into place now as Cillian leaned in, holding your head so that he could plant kisses along your neck, which Cillian knew was something that drove you absolutely crazy.
You squealed and squirmed underneath him as he nipped and nibbled, leaving red marks along the sensitive skin.
“Good god Cillian” you moaned when he finally reached your collarbone, biting down and sucking hard.
“More…” you demanded him and Cillian was certainly delighted in the way you gasped under his touch.
“You are so fucking perfect Y/N” Cillian then said in a husky murmur, planting a kiss over what he knew would still be a dark mark tomorrow morning.
“And you are so fucking perfect at this Cillian. Please. More” you begged once more as a certain kind of thrill shot through your body while you tried very hard to grind your naked mound against Cillian’s thigh.
You needed friction, down there, but he wouldn’t give to you for at least fifteen minutes until, finally, he broke off with a gasp and then tweaked both your nipples, keeping them pinched for long enough to make her squirm.
“It’s payback time remember?” he then said while his eyes were locked on yours. They were both, attentive and hungry. “That means that, at least for now, I will get to dictate when you are allowed to cum” Cillian then warned you in a low voice just before, finally, he reached for your panties with both hands.
He slid the waistband past one curve of your hips at a time before slowly and teasingly pulling your underwear down your thighs and, by doing so, drawing out a strand of wetness that connected you to the lace.
“You are so fucking wet already” Cillian acknowledged as he discarded the damp fabric and lowered himself slightly on then bed.
“Spread your legs” he then ordered and, of course, you complied in earnest.
“Yes sir” you smirked just as Cillian brought his face to your waiting mound and inhaled sharply.
“What do you want me to do?” he then teased as you could only feel his breath fanning against your wetness, teasing you.
“I want you to make me cum with your tongue” you blurted out, begging him to stop teasing and, just as you said the words, his hot tongue pushed through your folds.
“Holy fuck. Yes. Like that” you moaned as, with a few licks, Cillian collected your wetness.
“You taste so fucking good Y/N” he told you before he settled into a well-practiced pace that made you moan loudly.
Cillian knew just what you liked and it didn’t take long for you to get rather vocal as you were basking in the sensations.
"Don’t you dare cum” Cillian murmured with amusement as, under his skilled tongue, you were slowly losing control, squirming and shivering all at the same time.
“I cannot hold it” you gasped as, after as little as five minutes of Cillian’s ministrations, you were ready tip over, which is when, suddenly, Cillian stopped and you whined in disappointment.
“Not yet!” he winked as you looked at him with a torn expression on your face. It was an odd mix of lust, frustration and excitement.
“Fuck, why did you stop?” you asked and Cillian simply grinned.
“Because I will draw this out for at least an hour” he then winked and your chin dropped.
“A whole fucking hour?” you asked surprised before Cillian leaned to give you a kiss, making you taste yourself on his lips before resuming where he had left off.
“Yes, one hour and you will not get to cum until I say so!” he went on to say before latching onto your clit once more.
An hour later…
‘Do you want to cum?’ Cillian teased with a smug smile on his face and you nodded eagerly in response as sweat was dripping from your forehead.
“I want to cum. Goddamn please! I am begging you” you gasped as you couldn’t cope with this any longer. You were spent and overstimulated by Cillian’s tongue. He was driving you absolutely crazy and you were sobbing mess by now.
But, for Cillian, denying you was all part of the game. He loved to tease you and played you like an instrument for hours until you squirmed and screamed for your release.
‘Why should I let you cum?’ he asked, his face smug.
‘I don’t know Cillian, but I am begging you, please…’ you managed to choke out in need and with great desperation.
‘Please what?’ he teased.
‘Please make me cum…please’ you said, desperate for his tongue to make contact with your mound again after he had pulled away once more and, luckily for you, he finally relented and his lips closed around your clit.
“Cum!” was all he said, ordering you to let go after an hour and ten minutes had passed and he certainly did not have to tell you twice.
‘Oh fuck, yes right there’ you screamed almost immediately, giving into your needs just as you felt as though Cillian’s tongue was everywhere and he began adding one finger followed by another inside of you.
He curved his fingers upwards slightly while he continued to suck on your clit and, just as he did, an unfamiliar feeling raged through your body.
‘Cillian, oh god…’ you moaned, not sure what was going on as the rough intrusion and onslaught of sensations had you seeing stars. You never felt anything like this before and thought that, right then and there, you could possibly pass out from the sheer amount of pleasure you were experiencing.
‘Yes, please don’t stop!’ you screamed as your legs began to shake violently and you were cumming against Cillian’s hand and mouth, shouting his name desperately while pulling against the restraints which were clearly cheap enough to give way.
You pulled your wrists off just as the broken cuffs fell off the bedhead. You then clutched onto Cillian’s hair for support and screamed once more.
“Oh god” was all that left your lips. The intense sensation lasted for what felt like several minutes but you knew that it must have been something less than that as your head finally stopped spinning and you recognised your surroundings.
‘Jesus Cillian, what was that?’ you huffed out, breathing heavily as the stars began to fade and Cillian slowly withdrew his fingers from inside you.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked somewhat confused but with a slight chuckle as you were still panting, trying hard to calm down.
‘It felt like an orgasm, but so intense. I could not control it’ you tried to explain with blushing red cheeks and Cillian smiled in response.
‘Good’ he said. ‘I guess I found the perfect position to get to your g-spot then’ he smirked while crawling up on your body and kissing you passionately again, making you taste yourself on his lips and tongue.
‘You sure did” you panted against his lips as Cillian slid two fingers inside of you again, right against the same spot, causing you to shriek.
‘Fuck, stop! Too much’ you immediately panted and Cillian decided to give into your demands and relented, for now.
“Too much, huh?” Cillian teased just as you pulled him on top of you.
“You broke my cuffs” he then acknowledged and you smiled.
“I did and, yes, it’s too much. My g-spot needs a rest for now but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want your cock inside of me right now” you said just as you felt him against you, hot and hard.
‘Patience isn’t your strong point, is it?’ Cillian smirked as he leaned into you slightly, causing you to moan.
But you wanted all of him, and you told him as much.
‘No. We’ve been at this for hours and now I just need you to fuck me senseless Cill” you begged and just as you did, he pushed his length inside of you with one firm push.
‘As you wish” Cillian groaned, almost surprised as he bottomed out against your cervix.
‘Oh god. Yes. Just like that” you moaned, holding him close as he gave you some time to adjust to his size before he started to move with slow but deep thrusts.
‘Fuck you feel amazing” Cillian groaned loudly and you loved feeling the warmth of his flesh inside you and he loved the feel of your moist walls rubbing against his length as he thrusted in and out of you.
In between moans, you shared several passionate kisses and it didn’t take you long to find a rhythm.
Your fingernails were digging into the flesh of Cillian’s perfectly round ass, keeping him deeper and deeper inside you as he continued to fuck you until, suddenly, his movements came to a standstill and he repositioned himself so that he could lift your legs against his shoulders.
‘Uhm, what are you…’ you were going to ask but, just as the words left your mouth, he drove back into you and you let out a loud moan.
‘Holy shit’ you shouted out as you could feel the tip of his length against your g-spot in this position and every time he thrusted into you, electricity shot through your body.
‘Are you going to cum for me again?’ Cillian asked and you could barely nod when your legs began to quiver.
‘Good. That’s it’ Cillian groaned and, just as he did, you started to scream so loud that he had to over your mouth with one of his hands.
‘You look so sexy like this’ he groaned, watching you come so hard, even harder than before as his cock thrusted against your g-spot and his pubic bone was rubbing against your clit.
“Christ. Cillian. Fuck” you yelped against his hand as your body began to convulse and Cillian certainly loved seeing you loose control beneath him which was exactly what, in the end, pushed him over the edge as well.
‘I want your cum inside me’ you blurted out as you came, almost surprised by your own profanity and it was obvious to you that Cillian enjoyed some good dirty talk and, with that, Cillian groaned again as he slammed himself into you. Your legs were quivering still as your orgasm continued on and your tight walls began to clench hard around Cillian length, urging him on to find his own release.
With one final thrust and a loud groan, Cillian finally stilled, pushing himself into you as far as he could get and, just as you felt the warmth of his essence flooding your insides, you moaned again.
‘Oh god’ you moaned as you felt him throb and pulsate inside you, spilling himself into you before taking in a sharp breath.
‘Jesus’ he then huffed out, still panting as, slowly and carefully, he pulled out of you, causing some of your combined juices to spill from you and onto the sheets.
You could certainly feel it and, when you collapsed onto the bed and turned around to face him, an almost devilish grin escaped you until you looked down and in between you.
“Oh my god. Shit!” you cursed as embarrassment washed over your face. This couldn’t possibly be happening, or could it?
To be continued…
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mxssingmemories · 5 months
brave // sam and dean x sister!reader
summary: you've been battling a secret addiction for months. when your brothers finally notice, they do their best to get you through it.
wc: 2k~
warnings: weed, angsty shit, withdrawal, drug use
a/n: this was written for the one and only @supernerdycookietrashblrr! hope ya like it, sorry it took so long
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You knew that one of your brothers would catch on soon enough. They were both incredibly observant thanks to years of being in the hunting business, so it didn't surprise you when Sam caught on after only a month.
He'd noticed little things first. You stopped bringing home papers or report cards with big fat A's written on the front in red ink. Then came the attitude.
You're a sweet teenager, or at least you were. At 16, Sam knew you might be prone to episodes of attitude or teenage rebellion. What he wasn't prepared for was the constant snarky attitude, and, for lack of a better word, downright bitchy behavior. He genuinely had no idea what to do, and it steadily got worse as he put off having the conversation he knew he had to have with you. 
The turning point for him came when your appearance changed drastically. Your eyes were bloodshot almost every time he looked at you, and your shaky hands were obvious as you tried to hold your gun steady. Your safety on hunts-and possibly in daily life-was obviously at risk, and he wasn't going to leave that alone.
"Jesus, Dean! How can you not see it? She's fucking shaking! Her eyes are always bloodshot and she's got the attitude of a drug addict!" he shouted, the volume of it making the sound travel to your room. Your heart beat faster in your chest as you tried to ignore it, putting headphones in your ears as you blinked away the stray tears in your eyes. 
With a sigh, you pulled a joint out from the container under your bed. Your hand finally grabbed a lighter after fumbling for one for what felt like an hour. You flicked the lighter open, watching the flame dance for a minute before bringing it to the tip of the joint. 
A loud cough was forced out of you as you inhaled deeply, the smoke temporarily filling your lungs as you allowed yourself to zone out. You continued this process until the joint was almost gone, the lines of reality blurring sweetly as you allowed yourself to feel. You were pleasantly distracted, seemingly watching everything from third person.
You were so out of it, though, that you missed the knock at the door. You also missed the more frantic ones after thirty seconds, and the door slamming open. Unfortunately, you didn't miss Sam's loud yell.
"What the fuck?!" he shouted, watching you as you immediately threw the lit joint and headphones on the floor.
Angrily, he stomped it out, walking closer to you as fast as humanly possible.
"I fucking knew something was wrong. What the hell, kid? Why didn't you tell us sooner! We could've caught this shit early! You can't just sit here and get high on God knows what!" he practically screamed in your face. You sat there silently and took it, allowing him to get whatever he needed to say out before you explained yourself. To your credit, thinking was a little hard-you were still high, although thankfully not as much as you were before he walked into the room. The minute he stopped talking, you began.
"You don't get it." you said quietly, teary eyes making contact with fierce ones. "I've tried everything I could. You think I'd want to talk to you about it? Sam, you and Dean are on the road almost every day. I only come on half of the hunts you guys go on, and when I do, I'm usually put to the side like I mean nothing! Do you know how that feels? I know you guys love me but you're shit at showing it!"
"Listen-" Sam started, but you immediately cut him off.
"No! I can't just sit here and listen anymore! I can't even stand being sober! You know I'm high on almost every hunt we go on, right? Did you even notice that?"
At these words, your brother's eyes widened in shock. You knew he probably didn't, but after walking in on you with a joint to your lips you thought he would assume so. It didn't make it hurt any less, either.
"Why do you even care?" you muttered, a sob coming through on your last word. It all hit you in that moment; your brother, who you worked so hard to hide it from, had caught you with a joint in your hand. He didn't even just catch you high, he caught you in the process of doing it. You curled in on yourself almost immediately, not wanting to be more vulnerable than you already were. Your whole body shook as you involuntarily let go.
"Dammit," your brother mumbled as he sat down softly on the bed, hoisting you into his lap as he cradled you in his chest. You were still his little sister no matter what. At that moment, you went from 17 to 7 in his mind, and he let his instincts take over.
You sobbed into his chest quietly as he rocked you back and forth, his hands rubbing your back softly while he reassured you. You let yourself break in that room, your brother's steady arms around you letting you feel safe for the first time in months.
This feeling was disturbed in less than 5 seconds when Dean walked in the room.
He made eye contact with Sam quickly to asses the situation, briefly trying to read his face before giving up and scanning the room. His eyes almost immediately landed on the joint laying on the floor. Dean's jaw clenched the moment he saw it, the look in his eyes turning from concerned to deadly in just a few seconds. 
He picked it up quickly, turning his gaze back to you. The disappointment in his eyes was obvious as he walked over to you both.
"What the hell were you thinking?" he growled, voice strong with frustration. 
You sobbed even harder in Sam's arms, the weight of everything coming down onto your shoulders all at once. The realization of how much you'd hurt yourself and your brothers wasted over you, causing you to curl in on yourself even further.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," you choked out in between sobs, clutching the fabric of your brother's shirt like a lifeline. Dean's face softened ever so slightly as he came to your side, kneeling down in front of you. His voice was gentler than before as you did your best to meet his eyes.
"I know what you're going through, kid. You just have to understand we're here for you, yeah? We're gonna get you help." he reassured, placing a hand on your arm. You instinctively flinched back, tucking your head back into Sam's chest. You missed the look of hurt on Dean's face, his own eyes welling up with tears as he started to process the situation.
Sam signaled for Dean to leave the room for a minute, allowing him to get you in a suitable position and hopefully recover from the situation a little bit. He shifted slightly to where you were sitting up instead of hidden, meeting your eyes with a gentle smile.
"You're alright, kiddo. I've got you. We're gonna get through this, hm? There's a rehab center right around the corner-"
"No. No! No rehab! Please, Sam, I can't do that, you don't understand-" you shouted, almost hyperventilating as you defended yourself. There was nothing worse than that in your current state of mind.
"Okay, okay," he relented, rubbing your back slowly. The tension visibly left your body as you took a deep breath. "We'll try it at home, but if it doesn't work, you know we're gonna have to do that, right?"
You nodded resignedly, leaning back into his chest as you kept breathing as deeply as you could. You would have the difficult conversation in the morning-for now, you just wanted comfort, and Sam was all too willing to give it.
Morning came sooner than you would've liked it to. The bright sun shone through the curtains as you stretched, rubbing your eyes while forcing your feet on the floor. The voices coming from the dining room were quiet; the smell of bacon and eggs wafting through the bunker led you to it.
Your presence startled both Sam and Dean, so much so that Dean dropped a piece of bacon on the floor.
"Morning, kid," he greeted you, bending down to grab the bacon. You cringed as he put it right in his mouth, Sam side-eyeing him from the other side of the table.
You hesitated before taking a seat at the table, the tension in the room thick enough that you could cut it with a knife if you wanted to. Sam cleared his throat, breaking the silence.
"Okay, we've talked about this, and we're going to give this a shot at home." he said, his voice firm but with more compassion than you thought you deserved. "We're going to be here every step of the way, but this means that you're going to have to follow the rules we set, okay? No exceptions."
You nodded gratefully, tears springing in your eyes at the thought that you'd have to live without your friend. Gently, you felt Dean wrap his arms around you, and for once, you let him.
"I'm sorry," he murmured into your ear. "I was a dick, and you didn't deserve that. I'm still pissed, but not at you. You're going through more than we knew and I didn't see that. I love you." 
There was no restraint left in you as tears welled up in your eyes. You allowed them to run down your face freely as you buried your face in his shirt.
You could feel the material getting wetter and wetter with each passing second. Either he didn't notice or he didn't care; he just kept holding you through it.
When the tears subsided, you pulled away from your brother. Determination was in your eyes as you looked him in the face, placing a firm smile on your face quickly.
"Thank you," you whispered, turning to Sam. "Both of you."
They both nodded, each having a hold of one of your hands and squeezing gently. The detox would start in a few hours-you'd been smoking at least two joints every day for long enough to know this as a fact-but you let the moment be still for a minute. This calm was something you wanted to have fresh in your mind for the coming hours.
As you'd predicted, the withdrawal hit around midday. The anxiety was the first symptom to come. Your leg shook constantly, the tapping echoing through the living room loudly.
Your brothers exchanged worried glances as they watched you sit on the couch with your head in your hands, the constant fidgeting not going unnoticed by either. Of course they'd done their research on this, so everything was expected, but it hit hard having to see it firsthand.
The next symptom to hit you was unfortunately the nausea. You bolted up quickly from the couch, running to the nearest bathroom just in time to get up the light breakfast you'd had this morning. Two pairs of footsteps trailed behind you, eventually crouching down beside you. Sam held your hair back while Dean rubbed your back, letting you get it all out. 
Once the worst had passed, Sam helped you clean up and guided you carefully back to the couch.
"I can't do this shit," you muttered weakly, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Listen to me," Dean sighed. "Yes you can. Sam's done it, hell I've done it. You are stronger than this you hear me? We'll guide you through it. You know damn well you're never gonna be alone in this," he reassured quietly. 
As his words washed over you, you sat quietly with your hand in his. Somehow he'd managed to stir up a flicker of hope and determination in your heart and you swore right then and there to use it for good.
Days of being sober turned into weeks, those weeks gradually turning into months until you hit one year. 
"Mornin', kiddo," Sam smiled, spatula in his left hand as he waved at you with the other. You smiled back, mumbling your own greeting before sitting down across the table from Dean.
"Today's a big day, hm?" he asked, making eye contact with you from across the table.
"Yeah, it is. Just-" you cut yourself off with a whimper, which surprised the both of you and scared the shit out of Dean, dropping his spatula as he turned to make sure you were alright. Sam's hand instantly covered yours, rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand as he urged you to continue.
"Thank you guys for being here. I don't think I could've made it without you. I was a bit of an idiot to think you didn't care and I can't thank you enough for proving you do. I love you both so much," you whispered, allowing a few stray tears to leak out of your eyes.
Dean said nothing as he turned the burner off, walking over and pulling your head into his chest. Sam joined the hug not 5 seconds later, and you let yourself breathe. The sense of safety you felt like this couldn't be compared to anything, and you thanked Chuck for them and their love. 
The thought of even touching weed hadn't come to your mind in at least 5 months. It definitely wasn't easy to get to the place you were now, but you were finally okay. Even though you hadn't said it, it had a lot more to do with your brothers than they thought.
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thecoleopterawithana · 7 months
If when she tries to run away / And he calls her back, she comes / If there's a next time, he's okay / Cause she's under both his thumbs She'll limp along to his side / Singing a song of ruin, I'd / Bet he says nothin' doin' / I'd, I'd call it suicide
This is likely one of the first songs Paul ever wrote. It predates Rock 'n Roll washing up onto the Mersey shores and the tingles that started going up and down Paul's spine. Not yet acquainted with his "confidante", Paul's earliest compositions were done instead on his home piano.
This particular tune seems to have come about around Paul's fourteenth birthday, in mid-1956. It is not known how this song sounded at its genesis: did it already have the lyrics, or was it like the contemporaneous "When I'm Sixty-Four", for which he originally had only the tune?
We hear "Suicide" for the first time in the Get Back sessions, with complete lyrics and John joining in right from the first verse. From Paul's comments on the song, it does seem like he had the lyrics in mind from the get-go:
That was a song I’d had forever, since I was about 16. I had my Dad’s old piano at home, that I used to tinker about on when there was no-one in the house. And my feelings were, then, that if you were ever going to be a songwriter, the height of it all was Sinatra. That would be the greatest stuff that you could do, really a little bit before rock ‘n’ roll, so you were thinking of standards and things. So around that time I wrote “When I’m 64” and this other thing. I thought it would be a bit of a Rat Pack, smoochy, with words like “When she tries to, run away, uh-huh…” Boom! And stabs from the band, you know.
— Paul McCartney, in the McCartney - Archive Collection (2011) liner notes.
I'm curious about the timing because, in usual McCartney fashion, we have quite dark lyrics being camouflaged by a jaunty little tune (à la "Maxwell Silver Hammer", "Another Day", etc.) And they are made even darker if they were written by a fourteen-year-old boy.
When I first heard of this song, I assumed, based on the title, that it'd been written after Mary's death. So I was quite surprised when I saw its origin dated to potentially even earlier than that (although I don't really know what information these estimations are based on).
Regardless of the exact date of origin, this song had been on my mind since I heard it brought up in @anotherkindofmindpod's Fine Tuning: Ep 2 Shoulder to Shoulder. Together with Ep 4 Shells & Barriers and the wonderful analyses that emerged from it, I've been wondering about what influenced teenage Paul to write a song about a woman trying (and failing) to escape an abusive marriage. From @bidisasterhawkeye's contribution to the aforementioned post:
For those unaware, Paul's mother had a quite tragic background. The second of four children, her younger sister Agnes died at age two (cause unknown) when Mary was around eight years old. When Mary was ten, her mother died giving birth to another baby girl (who also died). At that point, Mary's older brother left their home in Liverpool to join the army and Mary's father took Mary and her toddler brother, Bill, back to his home country of Ireland. In Ireland, they apparently lived in extreme poverty as Mary's father tried and failed to become a farmer. Ten year old Mary was apparently not enrolled in school there because she was given the role of homemaker and mother to her baby brother. When Mary was around 13, her father went to Liverpool and acquired a second wife with children of her own, and this new stepmother was apparently "cruel" enough that Mary ran away at age 14 (as did Bill later).
I might have seen it mentioned somewhere around here recently (please let me know if you know where!), but it's curious that Paul wrote about women running away in "Suicide" and "She's Leaving Home", when his own teenage mother went through the same. The latter song seems to apply better to Mary's situation at fourteen. Whose story is Paul telling in "Suicide"?
Maybe it's not that deep, and "Suicide" is indeed only a joke song. Paul certainly seems to want us to believe that:
It was a real early song of mine, and I used to do it as a joke, really. […] So I never did anything with it but around the time of McCartney, I was just goofing around on piano and at the end of one of the takes there was a little bit of tape left, so I just did it and didn’t think to use it because it was Rat Pack, tongue in cheek. But I used that little fragment at the end of one of the tracks, ‘Glasses’.
Haha, good ol' Paul, goofing around with a meaningless little tune called "Suicide" right around the same time stuff like this was happening:
I was going through a bad time, what I suspect was almost a nervous breakdown. I remember lying awake at night shaking, which has not happened to me since. One night I'd been asleep and awoke and I couldn't lift my head off the pillow. My head was down in the pillow, I thought, Jesus, if I don't do this I'll suffocate. I remember hardly having the energy to pull myself up, but with a great struggle I pulled my head up and lay on my back and thought, That was a bit near! I just couldn't do anything. I had so much in me that I couldn't express and it was just very nervy times, very very difficult.
— Paul McCartney, in Barry Miles' Many Years From Now (1997).
I'll leave further ruminations on the emotional implications of "Suicide" to your discretion. Or we can take a page out of Lewisohn's book and simply conclude:
But though the words wanted work (and didn’t get it), ["Suicide"] was a charming little tune, a dance-band piece with a dash of modernity, light, engaging and original … quite exceptional for a first attempt by a boy on the cusp of 14.
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arteastica · 9 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (11)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 3.4k
“I’m not sure I should.” He pulled his hand away and if it were anyone else, you would have been surprised, a little offended even; but with him, this was expected and very much in character.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered softly, even though you had a pretty good idea of what this all meant. “Am I not desirable enough, commander?”
“That’s not-” The words froze on his lips the moment you started to unbutton your shirt, eyes boring into his, as your fingers worked on revealing skin and silk lace alike. His attention drifted between your face and the soft, plump skin of your breasts, somewhat visible through your lingerie. As you stepped out of your shoes, your fingers helped with your skirt. It was just one button this time, so you knew it would be very easy. And it was.
As your long skirt fell to your feet, you couldn’t help but think about your parents, and how disappointed they would be if they knew that their daughter, their darling daughter, was stripping in front of a man, a man who happened to be her boss and not her husband. And you knew that he was thinking something along those lines as well. You knew that was probably what was stopping him too.
For years, your parents had been scouting at elegant parties and fancy Sunday gatherings, scouting for a suitable gentleman you could be promised to. For most girls, it all starts the moment they turn 16, but your parents had been thoughtful enough to wait until you were 18. You remembered those times all too well, especially the itchy gowns and boring dinner conversations, where nobody had been as uninterested and impassive as you and the poor young man sitting in front of you. Over the years, you had become good friends with many of them, but a friendship wasn’t what your parents were after. They had been tirelessly looking for someone your father could proudly ‘give you away’ to, for someone who, on your wedding night, would finally claim you as ‘his property’, as tradition stipulated. And any deviation in this path would see you casting a shadow of disgrace over your family.
You stood there in silence, looking at him, waiting for an answer, a faint twitch, an indication, for something. The lingering cold of the winter, somehow sneaking through the walls, hit your bare skin, as your chest rose and fell heavily. Any other man would slide his hand into your underwear and give you what you desired, craved, and needed. They would already be touching and kissing every patch of exposed skin, which right now, was pretty much all your body. Any other man would. That’s right. But he wasn’t just ‘any other man’.
“Just say you don’t want me and I’ll get dressed.” You spoke firmly, your heart threatening to break your rib cage. “Just tell me to leave. Commander, just give the order and I’ll get dressed and leave immediately.”
“I do want you. You know that.” You did. And, in case you didn’t before, the tightly clenched fists falling to his sides were giving it away. They were trying to hold back from you. You knew it all too well, because that’s what you had been trying to do for the last few months, every time he was around you. “But like I said, I’m not sure I should. No, in fact, I know I shouldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because if I touch you, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop.”
“But I don’t want you to stop.” You cupped his face with both hands.
“What about your fam-”
“It’s not my first time.” You looked straight into his eyes while you confessed to the worst imaginable crime any fine lady from Mitras could ever commit, and yet you couldn’t care less. “You don’t need to hold back. Commander, I’m not a little girl. I stopped being one a long time ago. I know what I want, and that just so happens to be you. So please touch me.” You begged again, not really caring about how shameless you might sound, and then waited in silence for a reaction. A reaction that came in the form of a faltering hand, slowly reaching towards you, but an invisible barrier seemed to stop it the closer he got to your skin. So you took his hand and placed it exactly where you needed him the most. And this time, he didn’t pull it away, instead you felt his fingers tentatively brushing the fabric of your underwear. And you weren’t surprised to discover that the slightest touch of his fingertips on your cotton covered clit was enough to make your mouth open in a silent moan.
As he caressed you over the fabric, you could feel your panties getting moist with every stroke, which were gentle, just as you had expected from him. He made your whole body feel like the night sky on a fireworks show, and you were torn between closing your eyes to enjoy the sensations or keeping them open to enjoy the view, the sight of those inviting lips slightly parted and those piercing blue eyes staring so intensely into yours as he felt you, as he got to know you in your most intimate form, in the most intimate of ways.
He looked so focused, sporting that same seductive look he had every time he sat down to plan a strategy or read one of those old history books he enjoyed flipping through on rainy afternoons. His eyes were scanning your features, studying your face to see what movement was correct. One could say he was like a musician tuning his instrument. And you came to the conclusion that everything he did was fucking perfect. Every circling motion of his fingertips against your clothed clit felt incredible, and just as delicious as you thought it would. You had been right in assuming your fingers could never provide you with the pleasure his could. Every single motion was deserving of a moan, that you gladly conceded. It was your way of complimenting him on his ability to make you delirious. To make you delirious when his fingers hadn’t even entered you, when they hadn’t even touched you directly. He was so talented that no direct contact was needed and you were already coming undone. And after making a mental note of asking him if this skill was natural or acquired through years of practice, you took his lips in a slow, and intentionally sloppy kiss.
The way his lips moved against yours contrasted the pace his fingers were beginning to pick up down there. He savored you in a way that stirred more than your imagination, so your fingers diligently worked on unbuttoning his shirt. And when you finally uncovered his chest and your palms felt the skin underneath, you had to pull back for a second. You were sure this was what gardeners feel when they find there is still lemonade left in the jar after hours of working under the sun, what kids feel when they find there are still presents left to unwrap the morning after their birthday. Because just like them, what you found was even better than what you had imagined.
His chest was broad, hard, well-defined, and most noticeably, lushly covered with light brown hair, except for some areas where tissue had scarred. He put any other man you had seen shirtless before to shame; maybe they had been too young, or looked too inexperienced in comparison. And you suddenly wondered how old the commander was. You realized you had never asked him. But before you could start guessing, he pulled you back in for another kiss, and as much as you wanted to admire his chest, you didn’t feel like complaining. And when his forefinger slipped under the soaked fabric of your panties and teased your entrance, your legs almost gave in. Luckily for you, in that moment, he turned you around and held you against his chest. Strong arm wrapped around your waist, while his hand kept busy between your legs.
From the position you were now in, the only thing you could see was the fireplace, the chessboard and the door to his room. That was before you felt his lips on your neck, the overwhelming pleasure forcing your eyes closed. And, as you tilted your head to grant him full access, you hoped he left marks, lots of them, so you could prove to the pages of your journal that it hadn’t been a dream. You would figure out how to hide them from your parents later.
“Commander.” You moaned when he added his middle finger and entered you gently. “That feels so good.” His lips on your neck were exceptionally pleasing, just as his thumb was on your clit. His hot breath hitting a sensitive spot on your ear, as well as the sudden realization that you finally had his thick, manly fingers inside you made you moan even louder. “Please do that again.” He obediently started licking your ear, as he fingered you at a deliciously addictive rhythm, making it increasingly harder to breathe. As his lips feasted on your skin, you lifted a hand and placed it on the nape of his neck, bringing him even closer to you.
As wet sounds and pleased hums filled the room, you pressed your thighs tightly against each other, effectively trapping his hand and, in response, he fingered you even deeper, your hips instinctively pressing harder against his body. And that’s when you felt him: swollen and eager. Both your mouth and your slit watered at the thought, and you realized that you had never wanted to open your legs so bad for anyone before.
He was rock-hard and you were soaking wet, and there was only one logical conclusion to draw from this: your bed would remain cold and untouched for the rest of the night. And you confirmed this when his fingers reached deeper into you and his free hand went to cup one of your breasts. You looked down and were happy you did, because not even your wildest dreams could compare to what you saw. Both skilled, manly hands working to pleasure you, one squeezing your breast and the other, lost between your thighs. And something about such sight made you feel as if you were his. His to touch, to play with, to entertain and satisfy himself with.
“Touch me all you want, commander.” Something about the way his hands were holding you in your most intimate places made you feel as if you were his property. “Anywhere you want. In any way you want.” And you didn’t care how dirty and impure you sounded. “I’m all yours, commander. So do everything you want to me.” You said between heavy breaths, before turning your head to look at him once again.
He answered by kissing you. And the awkward position your neck was trapped in felt far from comfortable, but you didn’t mind, not when the feeling of your mouth stuffed with his tongue and your slit, with his fingers was there to numb all the pain. You pressed your ass desperately against his bulge, which caused him to rub your clit even harder in response.
You knew it would be obscene to come from just that, to orgasm from only two of his fingers and the wet sounds they were making, but that’s exactly what your body was going to do. You arched your back and clenched around him even tighter. And he must have felt it building up too, because suddenly, he pulled his fingers out and turned you around to face him, succeeding at making every single cell of your body feel neglected in one single move.
“I want our first time together to be more than this.” He looked into your eyes as he spoke, and you were pretty sure he meant he wanted to take it to his private room, where he could make you orgasm from his cock first. But you obviously didn’t mind, so you nodded eagerly. And not long after that, he was pushing the door open, your legs wrapped around his waist, and your face buried in the crook of his neck, kissing and leaving marks everywhere you could.
His room wasn’t that much different from his office, except for the presence of a double bed, which was the only thing suggesting it was a bedroom and not an extension of his office. Bookshelves covered the walls, and nestled between them was a wooden desk, smaller than the one in his office, and also messier. Although you rarely complimented yourself, here you had too, for never letting his workspace get like that. The desk was facing a big window, where the bitter wind could be heard knocking on the glass violently. But that wasn’t a concern, because inside his room the air was warm and pleasant, thanks in part to the softwood burning slow and nice in the fireplace; but mostly because of the strong arms now placing you on the bed. His bed.
He took off his shoes and unbuckled his belt, but when his fingers went for the remaining buttons of his shirt, you called his attention by tapping on the empty space beside you.
“Let me do it.” A playful wonder built in your lower belly and found its way to the smile you now wore. Once he did as you asked, you sat on his lap, eagerly straddling him. When your weight fell on his strong thighs you couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself, because whatever you had been doing for the past few months, you had clearly been doing it right. It had gotten you exactly where you dreamed to be.
For a few moments you only stared at him, doing nothing but basking in the sensation of your asscheeks spreading out comfortably on his firm, muscular thighs, and your fingers tangled in golden strands of hair. His face was as close as you had always wanted it to be, and from this proximity, he was even more handsome, if that was even possible. The first thing you noticed was that his eyes weren’t completely blue, in fact, they had very small speckles of brown near the center. In addition, his eyebrows, which looked even fuller from up close, had fine lines of light, almost blonde, brown hair; and his skin was sprinkled with very subtle freckles.
Your heart gradually became full with warmth as you admired all the details, and then with privilege when you realized that only someone staring from such close proximity would be able to make out all those small things about him. And you felt incredibly lucky you were that person now.
You felt incredibly lucky that your hips were the ones his hands were now holding. They were comfortably resting at your sides, where his thumbs had found a cozy spot under the fabric of your panties. It was so intimate, that position. Strong hands pressed against your bare skin, and his thumbs tangled with your underwear, acting as a reminder that he could pull them down at any moment he wanted.
“Commander, I really want you to make love to me.” You confessed while your hands pushed his shirt down his shoulders. “I need to know what it’s like to feel nothing but you. Absolutely nothing else but you.” Your lips sprinkled kisses on his skin, kisses that were as light as the freckles covering his shoulders. “You inside me. You have no idea how much I’ve thought about it.” He had no idea that you had spent the last couple of months imagining his naked body hovering over yours, and his fingers glistening with your wetness, and his dick buried deep inside you, in so much detail and with so much dedication. And so, believing that you deserved to claim the final prize, your hands reached for his belt. But before you could move a finger, his hands reached for the back of your bra as he said:
“I’ve thought about it too.” His fingertips toyed with the clasp for a moment. “What it would be like to sleep next to you, your head on my chest and my arms around you.” He said before unclasping your bra, finally revealing your breasts to him. “What it would feel like to be inside of you.” He whispered against the newly exposed skin, his hot breath waking up your nipples and the hairs on your body, all at the same time. “Your welcoming warmth, your soft breasts bouncing up and down, and all the beautiful sounds you’d make for me.” As he took your breast in an open-mouthed kiss you let out one of those, one you had never heard yourself make before, and he used his tongue on your nipple to compliment you for it.
One of your hands worked on tousling his hair, and the fingernails on the other were buried deep in the skin of his back. Heavy breaths got mixed in with the wet sounds he was making against your nipples. You couldn’t get enough of his hands exploring your body, of him touching you, his hands slipping under your panties and kneading your asscheeks. And when you rolled your hips against the hard bulge inside his pants, he grunted and squeezed your ass even harder.
“Commander, please.” Fuck me now. “I need you now.” I’m so wet for you. “It hurts so much.”
He answered your pleas by pushing you down onto the bed and hovering over you. He then placed a kiss on your lips, a kiss that felt like an important announcement and tasted like a warning of some sort. And, as he made his way down your body, his lips left their mark everywhere they passed. When he slipped his thumbs under the sides of your underwear you lifted your hips and he easily slid your panties down the curve of your ass. When his eyes landed on the part of your body he had just unveiled, a part of you he had never seen before, they reminded you of someone trying to fight off the urge to bury their face into a rich, creamy dessert. But then, against all temptation, your underwear continued its journey down your thighs, and then past your feet, until it ended up discarded on the wooden floor of his room, exactly as you had fantasized about for so many nights. Then, he stood up and all while holding your gaze, unbuckled his belt, and pushed his tight jeans down his thighs, finally unveiling his briefs as well as the shape sculpted beneath. When you saw it, you couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful thing you had ever laid eyes on. And not far below, hairy thighs came into view, thick with both muscle and a masculinity that made your legs open on instinct.
As you lied there, wide open, on full display for him, you felt the cold air hitting your folds, signaling you were already dripping. It wouldn’t be hard to take him in, given your current state. You felt more than ready. Or so you thought.
Because when his underwear joined your panties on the floor and you finally saw it, you realized he was all you had imagined and more. So much more. Imposing, curved, veiny down to the pink tip, which was already glistening with anticipation. He was all that, and most notably, he was thick. Very thick.
“I have low pain tolerance.” You found yourself joking, looking straight into his handsome naked form. He just chuckled as he joined you on the bed.
“I won’t hurt you.” He said with a sweet tone that contrasted his deep, husky voice. “No harm will ever come to you. Not as long as I’m here.” Was his promise as he hovered over you. “Not from me. Not from anyone else.” You nodded, something about him, probably the sincerity in his eyes or the gentleness in his voice, taking you back to that day out in the field, beyond the walls. A place and a time that now seemed so far, where despite the columns of black smoke ominously rising above the horizon, you knew you would be okay somehow. As long as you didn’t lose sight of the wings of freedom on his back.
Without looking away from your eyes, he ran his fingers through your wet slit, making you quiver. But he didn’t need to double check, you knew this was as wet, slick and ready as you would get. When he positioned himself to finally give you what you desired, you felt the need to confess something, not knowing exactly why.
“Commander, it’s been a while.” He stopped right at the moment the tip met your folds, looking at you with a hint of confusion. “I haven’t been with anyone in a while.” Virgin or not, it would mean little against someone like him, because with that size, you were sure he would feel like a first time for anyone.
He placed a soft, reassuring kiss on your lips. “I’ll be gentle, okay?” You nodded, feeling both nervous and impatient. “Do you trust me?” He waited for you to nod again before finally pushing inside you.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis @goddessinsweats
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