#always like yesss i love that you all are getting along and getting more love in your life it’s ALWAYS always a good thing to me
acebytaemin · 6 months
omg this is going to be so silly but it’s a diary entry you’ll understand bc if i told this to my friends irl they’d make fun of me forever and be like ‘YOU???? YOU are saying this?’
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mustainegf · 1 month
Beach Episodeee- basically you start playing volleyball with the metallica boys but they all are lowkey staring at your body and getting horny and you notice...you can choose whoever you wanna do this with, or could do something similar to that valentines day one where the audience chooses who they wanna be with!
Photo for ref
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Love you Elena!!!💗
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The sun was barely cresting, a golden glow along the beach by the time we rolled in with Cliff's old, beat up car. The saline freshness in the air and the waves crashing against the beach always comforted me. It was one of those perfect summer days, and there I was with my favorite people in the world. James, Cliff, Kirk, and Lars.
Since weeks ago we had been planning on catching time at the beach. Now that we were here, I just couldn't wait to kick back and relax a little, to enjoy some fun.
Finally, we found somewhere on the sand, and so I stepped down to my swimsuit. Nothing too fancy, a black bikini did the trick for me, at least it made me like what I saw. And I could feel their eyes on me as I took my shorts off and let them drop into the dust. I glanced up to see James watching, a suggestive look on his face, almost flustered.
He glanced away immediately when he realized that I had seen him, but with the smirk on his face, telling me that he was really not sorry.
"Nice suit," Cliff laid his towel down carelessly next to mine as he unfolded it. He was so calm, but those eyes sort of petted me, and my stomach flipped.
“Thanks,” I said, my cheeks clearly heating up. Not that they weren't ogling before but today for some reason it seemed a lot more obvious.
He started putting up the volleyball net a few feet from us. His look even flickered in my direction time and time again, softer, almost shy in a way, as he looked at me with something that just made warm creep into my cheeks.
Not so much Lars, he didn't even try. Literally, he didn't try to hide that his eyes were roving down my body with some kind of audacity that both made me want to laugh and roll my eyes.
"So you guys ready to lose?" I smiled, trying to let a little bit of tension out as I walked over to the net.
Yes, I felt their eyes on me, but I wasn't going to let that bother me. If anything, it was kind of fun knowing they were all looking. I could play along.
“Depends on what we’re playing for,” Lars shot back, winking at me as he tossed me the ball.
"Loser buys lunch?" I retorted, not so much enjoying the implication in his tone.
"How about a prize for the winner then?" he suggested, with a voice that could sometimes penetrate my bones. His eyes held a dare.
"And what prize would that be, exactly?" I said, cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh, I’m sure you know," James replied, but before I could answer, Cliff interjected.
"Alright, let's get this started," he rubbed his hands together, "Enough talking."
We ended up splitting into teams, with me and Cliff versus James, Kirk, and Lars. It wasn't exactly fair, but Cliff was the tallest, so it gave us a boost.
I had my eyes more on the boys as they kept glancing my way, watching my every move across the sand.
Every time I leaped to smack the ball, I could make out James ogling at me with those eyes. The same went for Lars, his eyes turned even more wicked, comments more daring, as we played on.
"Great spike." He beamed at me as I returned the ball to our side of the net, but his gaze was fixed upon my chest, not the ball.
"Pay attention to the game, Lars," I shot back, though I couldn't help the grin that pulled at my lips.
Not even Kirk, always so upright with things, appeared immune to being carried away by it. And even when the ball came flying near him, he missed, his eyes otherwise occupied tracking me through the sand.
"Sorry," he mumbled, his face flushed, running off to get the ball with a stupid smile on his face.
The time we finished the game, my heart was pacing and it wasn't just from how active I was. When we fell down into the sand from laughing, out of breath, I couldn't help but notice the way they looked at me, as if I were the only thing that mattered in this world.
We spread out on the beach and sprawled out, laying upon the beach with cold drinks. The sun was lower now, early evening rays warming our skin. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel their gaze upon me, their attention making my skin tingle with eyes so closed.
"Having fun?" Kirk asked, his shy voice obviously trying to be as confident as possible.
"Yeah," I answered, smiling up at the guitarist. Kirk’s eyes flicking down to my lips, then back up to my eyes.
Cliff, who was lying on his towel next to me, leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You know, you’re driving them all crazy.” The smile upon his lips belied it, but in his eyes, very serious, burnt a different narrative.
"Am I?" I managed out.
"Yeah," he said, and his voice dropped. "But I can't say I blame them."
I swallowed hard as his words settled. I knew what they all wanted, and it had turned me on. Yet I knew I had to make a decision.
I couldn't keep them all hanging like this. It was kind of a game, who was going to test the water and jump in first?
The only question: who would it be?
Now the sun had finally begun to set for no good reason at all, painting a soft orange sheen on the beach. Now I stood a few feet from them, the guys seated on the sand, now laughing and talking easy with each other.
Who do I choose?
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justananxiousweirdo · 3 months
YESSS OFC I CAN (hopefully)
Side note: I appreciate everyone who’s been interacting with my channel. I love you guys :)
Joost x Aggu x Reader HC
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Joost absolutely loves cuddle time. Anytime you or Aggu are laying or sitting back Joost always jumps at the chance to lay with you. Your and Aggu’s camera rolls are filled with pictures of Joost snuggled into either of your sides. He loves to lay his head on your or Aggu’s chests. Whenever he lays on Aggu Aggu will play with his hair soothing Joost to sleep.
Aggu’s the type to play a claw machine or carnival game a thousand times if you or Joost see a prize you like. That man will be concentrated as fuck trying his hardest to get you or Joost some stuffed animal that probably costs five bucks but Aggu spent thirty just playing the damn game over and over again.
After begging the boys to bake with you over and over they eventually gave in. You cheered as the three of you headed out to grab a few missing ingredients. As soon as you got back home you raced to preheat the oven and get started. Within five minutes all hell broke loose. The kitchen was an absolute mess, they’re was flour everywhere, Joost had dumped a bowl of dry ingredients over top of Aggu’s head because he thought it would be funny. In retaliation Aggu poured the rest of the bag of flour on Joost, but the second you tried to scold them they both declined to team up against you. Both boys decided to grab the closet dry ingredient to them and completely covered you. For the rest of the night the three of you had a food fight and got no baking done.
They both have a million pet names they use. They have nicknames both in English and their native languages. Aggu usually calls you shantz, liebe, Prinzessin, Shöne, or mein leben. He usually calls Joost babe, prinz, Süße, Kuschelwanze, or liebling. Joost usually calls you perziken, liefde, or Schatje. He usually calls Aggu Aggie, honing, or knap. If you don’t speak German or Dutch it took a lot of begging from you for them to tell you what the nicknames meant, obviously you had an idea but you were never certain until they finally told you.
They’ve both made songs for you and each other that they’ll never release because they like to keep some things private and they think it’s more meaningful that way. And if you make music as well you do the same for them.
They’re both the type to ask for five more minutes. You’ll wake up and not want to just lie in bed all day so you’ll try to stand up just for both men to hold you down muttering something along the lines of “five more minutes” or “its too early”.
You three have a lot of movie and game nights. Either you three cuddle up on the couch watching a movie (that took twenty minutes for the three of you to agree on) with blankets and snacks. Or you all let out your competitive sides and get out some cards and poker chips, kisses are also accepted as a form of currency in your guys’ game nights. After all it isn’t about the money it’s about totally destroying your boyfriends in every game you play. They always accuse you of cheating, but that’s never the case, esp when Joost runs out of Monopoly money fifteen minutes in and pays rent with small kisses. Who are you and Aggu to disqualify the blonde from playing?
You three always have the most fun on dates, you go to a fancy dinner, a walk in the park, get some ice cream, that sort of thing. It’s almost always a simple date but you three somehow always manage to make it the funnest night ever. Every date tops the one before it.
Haters definitely get to Joost, he doesn’t like seeing comments talking about how much people don’t like him so sometimes after Joost has been scrolling through those kinds of comments he goes to you and Aggu for comfort, after all you two are the only two who make him feel truly loved and safe.
After Joost got disqualified from Eurovision he made it your three’s hotel room as fast as possible and just collapsed on the floor crying. When you and Aggu made it home to see a puffy eyed and red faced Joost you both knelt on the floor next to him doing your best to soothe him until he could speak. As soon as he said what happened Aggu threatens to march down there and beat the shit out of the people who hurt his boyfriend.
The last two are a little sad but I hope I did good. I don’t get to write a lot of fluff because I don’t think I can do it very well but I’m such a sappy person, a true hopeless romantic.
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cozywolvie · 12 days
Could you do a fic on helping deadpool relax after a long night of merc work? or something like that lol. I just really love the idea of pampering and taking care of him....like massaging him and helping him to sleep
a/n: hell yesss i love this idea! thank you for requesting<3
You watch the front door anxiously, biting your fingernails. It was always nerve wracking waiting for Wade to come home from his mercenary missions. You knew he couldn't die, but you still didn't enjoy when he came home bloodied and battered, sometimes even with limbs missing. You really hoped tonight wasn't that type of night.
You hear the sound of keys jiggling in the doorknob, and you sprint to your feet, awaiting to see the damage this time. The door opens, and Wade enters in his red and black suit. It doesn't seem to be torn to shreds, so that makes you feel a little better.
"Hi baby." You greet. You see the grin he surpasses behind the mask. "Hey baby." You frown at the exhaustion in his voice. You reach up at the hem of his mask, pulling it over his head, making sure to be gentle. You smile at the sight of his face, caressing his cheeks.
"There's that handsome face." You say, intending to make him feel somewhat better, instead he chuckles back a loud laugh, "You sure we are looking at the same thing?" He teases. You laugh at his remark before shaking your head and placing a long kiss to his lips. He sighs in content, pulling you closer into him.
“How about I run you a bath?” You ask him, massaging one of the many knots in his upper shoulders. He moans in gratitude at the action, and looks at you with hooded eyes. "Only if you join me." he winks, and a blush coats your cheeks.
You practically run into the bathroom, and turn the bath on. You wait for the water to warm before clogging the drain. You grab all the bath bombs you can find and dump them into the tub, watching them disintegrate. Wade appears moments later in his stripped robe, taking it off and sighing in content as his body drifts down into the warm water.
You follow close behind on the other side, sinking down and leaning your head on the edge of the tub. “Mhm, this is even better than I could have imagined.” Wade moaned out, nestling deeper into the water. “I’m glad baby.” You smile at him, grabbing his hand that is hidden in the bubbles.
“You’re to good to me, ya’know that?” His tone is suddenly serious, not much like his normal carefree attitude. You look at him, and his face is just as serious as his voice. You smile, “You are more than good to me, Wade.”
He smiles at that, and the both of you sit in silence, bathing in the comfort of the warm water. After the water begins to turn cold, and Wades finger turn to prunes, you both decide it was time to get out.
You dry off and head to bed, slipping on your red pair of silk pajamas that Wade had picked out for you. He wears a red plaid of boxers, shuffling under the covers, smiling in content as his head nestles into the pillow. You do the same, watching as Wades eyes flutter open and closed, going in and out of sleep.
You watch in admiration, your eyes tracing along the features of his face, so calm, soft. It was rare to see him like this, so vulnerable, but you loved every second of it. You rub his cheek, tracing along his cheekbone and jaw.
“I love you.” He whispers out to you, half asleep. You grin, “I love you, Wade.” And just like that, Wades soft snoring is heard, and you fall asleep soon after, in the arms of the man you love.
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aviradasa · 1 month
Hi :) ! I hope you're doing well <3 . I was wondering if you could do some Larry Johnson x chubby!fem!reader hdcns, along with some Sal Fisher ones too ? 🖤 Ily !!
Yesss there is not enough chubby reader on here, and as a chubbier girl myself, I couldn't wait to write this!! And Ilyt 🖤🖤 I hope you enjoy these Lil HCs
Larry and sal x Chubby!Fem!reader HCs
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Separately of course
{Fluff} Warnings: some swearing,mentions of creeps but that's it.
Ok, to start, Larry with a Chubby Reader is a match made in heaven
He doesn't care you got a Lil meat on your bones his literal catchphrase is
"Well, there's just more of you to love."
He lives by it.
You will never see him be one of those guys that tells you not to eat something cause 'you gotta lose a few pounds'
Naw he don't give a fuck. It's your body he loves you no matter what.
Also, I've touched on it in the past, but I think Larry is a touchy guy.
Like not even in an inherently sexual way, it's literally just how he shows love
With you, it's all hugs,kisses,cuddles,grabs, and squeezes.
He loves how soft your skin feels even in the spots with bumps or stretchmarks he still loves it.
He would lowkey like to trace your stretchmarks. Or maybe paint them. I could see him turning your stretchmarks into like a cool as lightning piece.
Also, he would love just laying on you. He gets hella comfortable just laying on your thighs.
And if he gets the chance to fall asleep on them. That's it he's out like a light for hours.
But if you move, he will wake up and be like
"Where the fuck are you going?"
He's also your number 1 defender/Protector
cause ain't nobody gonna talk to his girl in a way he don't like.
Someone makes fun of your weight.
Well, now they are insecure about their own.
He's all about treating others how they treat you.
He has and will make a bully insecure the same way they made you insecure, but while he does it, he's talking you up the whole time
Cause you're perfect.
Now, if someone is hitting on you, he's lowkey proud like
"Yeah, my girls, great, and nobody else can have her"
But if they are making you uncomfortable or just downright fetishizing you ( i hate when this happens and if it happens to you to im so sorry)) he's getting you tf outta there, and who knows. He gets feisty he might try to square up with them 😭
He's just really awesome.
He takes care of you and loves you so much
To him, weight doesn't mean shit. He loves you for you. Your personality is what matters to him. And he will always be there for you.
Even if you're feeling insecure, he's pulling you outta that state of mind.
But let's be honest with him, it's almost impossible he never gives you the chance to feel bad about yourself.
He reasures you before you even realize you need it.
Overall, he's just a great boyfriend no matter what size you are
Alright, sal is just the sweetest damn thing on earth
You think he gives a FUCK your a Lil Chubby?
I mean, when he was younger, even he was a little Chubby.
Plus, the guy got his face blown off. He's not the type to judge
He's just happy that he has someone that he loves and that loves him for who he is.
That's what means the most to him
And he does his best to show it.
He's not as touchy as Larry, but he still is big on it, especially farther into your relationship
The more he trusts you, the more it becomes
He lives for your hugs. He finds it really comforting. You're like a little pillow
Like if he wakes up in the night from night terrors or a vision. He will just grab you and pull you into a cuddle
The next morning, you wake up, and you have to poke him to make sure he's just sleeping and not dead
You just have that calming effect on him. idk
He is just always holding you
Your hand,your waist, an arm over your shoulders (if he can reach)
He also does not care about what you eat.
He's just like girl do whatever you want.
If you do wanna lose weight ok just do it responsibly.
Don't hurt yourself in any way.
Honestly, this could go for both him and Larry.
Getting onto the topic of protection
sal is a sassy dude.
especially as an adult. Dude, hit 19 and said fuck it I'm done.
Someone insults you for your weight ok well sal is talking shit on their whole bloodline.
he has a roster of insults he's come up with over the years
And he can be mean as fuck 😭
And the thing is, he doesn't even swear a lot while doing it. He is pulling up with words that even you're just like, "What?"
So just cause they said something to you, he's not only making fun of them but also there intelligence without even trying
Who needs to swing when you have sals attitude.
Now, if someone normally hits on you, he doesn't really care he might wait for them to leave, then chuckle about it with you
But if they are full on like touching you or fetishizing you, he don't let it slide.
He lowkey finds it fun to fuck with creeps.
Like, don't get me wrong, he hates what people do it to you in public, but he just loves the chance to talk his shit
just watching him make fun of them. cheers you up. just cause let's face it
he's 5'8 as an adult, and he's kinda lanky, so watching him make fun of someone bigger than him is hilarious
He has made a dude cry.
It was hilarious. You lowkey forgot the dude had full-on grabbed your ass
But yeah, other than that, Sal just doesn't give a fuck your chubby your a human being and he loves you.
And he always will.
You're also never insecure with him. He lets you know how beautiful and lovely you are and how much he appreciates you.
And you do the same for him
You guys are just the best together 🖤
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Yesss I can finally request!!1!!!
Sorry I just wanted needed to know this 😔
Yan!Archons with a s/o who acts like a mother. Like with Zhongli, the s/o treats Xiao and Qiqi like their children. I feel like most of them would take advantage of it 💀💀
i'm pretty sure i've said it before but i don't particularly want kids but y'all give me awful baby fever D:<
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, uh honestly there isn't much in this one either, other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti thinks it’s cute, seeing the way you interact with the little kids around town. Diona and Klee adore you, loving that you always bring them snacks and treat them with such kindness. It especially warms his heart because he knows how absent their real parents are so he doesn’t mind letting you out of the house more often for their sake. He also won’t deny the absolute baby fever it gives him, the sudden urge to have children of your own taking over his mind entirely. 
Venti couldn’t help the smile on his face as he watched you play around with the two girls. They had insisted you help them with their hair, them having messed it up after playing tag in the city. He couldn’t deny the sudden urge to have a child of your own, a sweet little thing that was the perfect mix of the two of you. Archons couldn’t have children with humans though, so for now he was content to watch you interact with the local Mondstat kids, dreaming of the day you could have your own.
Yandere!Zhongli would find you parenting Xiao and QiQi to be quite humorous. He had spent many years trying to parent the angsty boy himself and yet you made much faster progress in a month. QiQi could also be quite the challenge and yet you had the patience of an Archon themself with her. A true gift to him and both the kids.
Zhongli watched as you scolded Xiao for getting hurt again, leaving QiQi to find him and bring him back to BuBu Pharmacy. It was quite funny to see the boy get so flustered, hands fiddling with his polearm. Zhongli had gotten on the boy's case many times about this and he never seemed to take it to heart, but you had a different effect on the male. Even QiQi seemed to naturally trust your judgment despite her forgetful nature. It warmed Zhongli’s heart to see you getting along so well with the two, loving her naturally you seemed to fall into the parental role. 
Yandere!Raiden doesn’t see any use in children, after everything with Kunikuzushi she simply has no desire to be in the parental role. She also believes it to be unnecessary for you as the two of you will never have children together. Despite this she will still allow you to interact with the local children, namely Sayu.
Raiden sighed as she saw you playing with the young girl in the courtyard, a lighthearted game of tag being played amongst the two of you. Sayu often came here to hide out from Kano Nana, enjoying the sunlight naps that you two would take or the fun, simple games you’d play. Tag was her favorite but she was also fond of hide and seek as well as eye spy. While Raiden would never outright tell you that she disapproved, she’d never join you either, making it known her opinion from across the way. Her subtle glare and cold shoulder all the proof you need. 
Yandere!Furina doesn’t like kids, she thinks that she should be the only one to get your undivided attention and that she’s plenty fun and entertaining. Why do you want to hang out with kids when she's already baby?
An annoyed huff left Furina’s as you continued to interact with the Melusines. You two were supposed to be out on a date together, not hanging out with the Melusines. It was Neuvillette’s job to look after them, not yours! You should be paying attention to her, giving her your love and time and focusing on what she has to say. She’s certainly going to throw a fit if it continues, and even more so if you just try to brush it off. You are Furina’s partner and you should be giving her all your love.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 month
Can you make a story where reader protected Donna from danger that almost cost her life. Donna manage to save her but reader hs been unconscious for a weeks. While she's taking of her, Donna couldn't forget what almost happened to her lover. This became worst because of the severe mental illness that Donna has, but this time she's actually losing her sanity at this point but still clinging to the reader because she's the only one can make her sane. Miraculously the reader woke up, still injured but alive. Donna felt a sense of peace in her soul.
Note: Reader almost died because a soldier tried to kill Donna but she save her. The soldier is possibly a BSAA agent.
It's in Donna's POV, I want to see things her perspective especially when she starts breaking down.
Donna is also shy and weak not like most of her siblings so she struggled with this to.
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
Come back
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Donna's POV, mental health issues, Donna being Donna
Word count: 5,650
Summary: Please, let you light come back to my darkness...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“Come on, Donna, it's just a walk,” you said in a tender voice, with those eyes you knew perfectly well I couldn't resist.
I sighed, shook my head and fought the gentle tugs you gave to my hand.
“We, we're better off at home,” I murmured, looking away and causing you to sigh tiredly.
Your pleading look didn't change.
“Come on, today is a too great day to be locked up in this horri… I mean, wonderful, dark house,” you said jokingly, swinging my hand with yours. “Please…”
“(Y/N),” I said a bit nervous, shaking my head again but, surprisingly, starting to think about your offer, as always.
You always did with me what you wanted, and I let you. I would do anything for you, always, (Y/N), always.
“Is that a yes?” you asked with a sufficient smile, completely ignoring my protests. I wish, (Y/N), I wish for once, you hadn't insisted.
“I didn't say yes,” I said, frowning, gently pulling you along, with an amused sigh.
“Now you did,” you joked in my ear.
How could I refuse?
“W, well, okay, okay...” I whispered defeated, unable to make you see how comfortable I was at home. I don’t liked going outside. Of course, you were always there to make those fears, which you said were irrational, disappear.
You jumped for joy and stole a kiss from me, one that relaxed my nerves even more. Your kisses had that effect on me, a wonderful effect. I returned it, unable to do anything but look at your eyes, your smile. You were my only addiction.
With a brief triumphant smile, you walked towards the door and I followed you, reaching out for my black veil, the one I never left off if I had to go out for some reason. I already knew I was a monster, you did too, but you denied it, you always denied it.
“Hey, no, leave it there,” you said, giving me a gentle slap to get me to let the veil go before I cover my face.
“But, but, (Y/N)… I have, I have to…” I stammered, trying to make you understand that I needed that veil, that the sunlight was a privilege that someone like me didn't deserve.
No, the world didn't need to see my deformed face.
I couldn't stop you from seeing it, but I could stop nature from being disturbed by my horrible appearance.
“It’s just a walk through the grounds. There's no one around here, you don't need it,” you said in a soft, comforting tone, definitely moving the cloth out of my reach.
I, in my perpetual madness, tried to snatch it from you, without success.
“Donna, stay still,” you said, this time with a firm voice, forcing me to remain paralyzed and nod defeated once again. “That's it... Good girl,” you whispered, pleased by my answer, by my shoulders falling helplessly and my slightly angry look.
“You like to make me suffer,” I hissed, unable, again, to face your decisions.
Deep down I knew you did it for me, you always did it for me.
“Yes, yes, I like to make you suffer...” you repeated rolling your eyes, without letting the smile disappear from your face. “Stop complaining and come here,” you ordered softly, gesturing with your hand. “Come on, come here.”
A bit reluctant, but motivated by that look, by that smile, I obeyed, grabbing your hand again as we left the estate. It was the first time in a long time that I could see the sun clearly, and it was blinding.
“If you feel sick, you get nervous or want to go back, just tell me, okay?” you said as we walked.
“I want to go back,” I whispered, in an embarrassingly childish tone. You laughed amused, arching your eyebrows and squeezing my hand tighter.
“You’ll see how good the fresh air is for you,” you said, ignoring my protest and kissing me on the cheek. “Besides, I’m here with you, holding your hand very tightly, see?”
I looked down, distrustful, looking at our intertwined fingers, my hand next to yours, fused into one. I don't know how you did it, but your advice always worked, relaxing my spirit.
Before I met you, I thought my life had only one purpose, one that I even doubted: to exist, to attend to the requests of my savior, Mother Miranda. Being named Lord was not a relevant change in my life.
I spent all those years alone, as if the world itself had forgotten me. I cannot be surprised by that. I, Donna Beneviento, never knew the meaning of appreciation, affection, love...
My misfortunes haunted me. I was unable to escape from my demons, from the illness that damaged my mind. Feeling powerful, with control over people should have been enough to give meaning to my life, but it wasn't.
The hours, the days, the weeks... Not even the passage of time had meaning in my old estate, I wonder if it ever did. No, nothing in my life could keep me away from the darkness, nothing could silence the voices in my head, my cries in front of the mirror, the nightmares…
Angie was a good support, but it wasn't enough. I guess my father thought the same when he gave her to me. It's a shame that she didn't serve any purpose. It was just to increase my problems.
People, conversations, human contact… All this stuff always sounded like something impossible in my head. I was aware that there couldn't be anyone, that no one would be able to understand me.
Solitude became my name. Isolation was my home. A horrendous monster, was my appearance.
I had already assumed my sentence, my sentence for existing, for being born in that cursed place, in that cursed family. There would be no remedy for my soul, or so I thought.
Then you came.
(Y/N), a girl from the village who dedicated herself to weaving, to selling her fabrics. What a curious coincidence. I needed those fabrics, you made them. Always, even before I met you, you had something I needed, something I craved.
Love was a dream for me. I could only get close to it in my books, in my dreams where a female hand held mine.
Was it your hand from the beginning? I have no doubt.
But, thanks to you, I knew what it meant to have someone by your side, someone who… loved you. Maybe it wasn't hard for me to fall in love with someone like you, a beautiful, smiling, cheerful girl… However, I still wonder what you could see in someone like me, (Y/N).
 I was, I’m a monster.
Your lips silenced my doubts with a kiss, one you gave me under my black veil. You said you never cared about what was underneath, you only cared about knowing if I was as crazy about you as you were about me.
I was, really, I was.
Loving you was easy, the fear of losing you wasn't. You should have abandoned me when my demons forced me to yell at you, to hurt myself. You didn't, you never left.
Like an angel I never had, your presence illuminated me. It revealed to me the little light left in my soul. Your hand, the one I dreamed of before I met you, held mine tightly to calm me down, to return to being that good monster you wanted to kiss.
The little sanity left in my tormented soul was like a thin thread that your perfect hands held. There came a point where I couldn't, I didn't want to live without you.
“Are you okay?” you asked, taking me out of my thoughts, entering that dark forest, walking slowly, in silence.
I nodded, smiling as I remembered you, as I thought about that first kiss, about all the ones that came after, about all the things you showed me. You showed me to love, and to be loved, just thinking about it could make my deformed face smile.
“I was just thinking,” I said, clearing my throat.
You nodded slowly, leaning towards me, resting your head on my shoulder, sighing in conjunction with the calm of that forest.
“Nice things, I hope,” you joked with a purr.
“Of course, tesoro, I was thinking about you,” I said whispering, making your cheeks blush while your gaze became shy.
Silence was our company again. That walk was certainly not a bad idea. Nothing could be bad if it was with you.
“You are very sweet, Donna,” you sighed, stopping and turning my head to give me one of your kisses, a gift much more divine than the Black Gods themselves.
“I try,” I said amused, moving your hair out of your face. I hated it. I hated seeing how the locks got in the way of your beauty.
Did you also feel the same when I put on the veil? No, impossible, you were an angel, I was the devil, a monster.
“Look, let's sit down, the sun is about to set,” you said, changing that sweetness into enthusiasm, pulling my hand towards the edge of a cliff, where an old tree seemed to catch your attention. “Come, sit down.”
I looked at you strangely, but I nodded, obeying you. I would always be faithful to you, (Y/N), I would do everything you asked me to do.
You let yourself fall in front of me, leaning against my body, completely relaxed.
“Are you comfortable, tesoro?” I asked, trying not to disturb the romantic atmosphere of that place with my husky voice. You laughed, looked at me, and shook your head.
“No,” you said abruptly, searching for something with your gaze. You located my arms, grabbing them and passing them around your waist, snuggling among them. “Now I am.”
You were right, it was a beautiful sunset. Maybe it was because you were beautiful. Gods, I love you so much…
“Donna,” you said, interrupting that relaxing calm, playing with my hands with a playful expression.
“Mm?” I murmured, resting my head on your shoulder, kissing you slowly on your soft cheek along with shy laughs.
“Come on, do it,” you said, moving away and looking at me expectantly. I frowned, confused.
“What?” I asked amused. Your cheeks blushed even more.
“You know…” you said with a soft voice, with shining eyes. “Speak to me in Italian, you know I love it,” you asked me, biting your lip.
I opened my mouth to fulfill your wishes once again, but some unpleasant cawing prevented me from doing so. The crows that used to rest in the trees of the forest flew away. It didn't take a genius to know that this was a bad omen.
“Wow…” you said, looking at the birds, curious like me. “What's wrong with those birds?”
“I, I don't know,” I said with a different look, worried.
My hands were starting to shake. It was time to go home.
“There are no lycans around here, right?” you asked, getting up scared by the strange behavior of the forest animals.
“No,” I said, standing up as well, looking around for the source of that horrible feeling that was starting to run through my body. It was like someone was watching us.
“I have a bad feeling,” you whispered, as if you too were focused on a danger you couldn’t see.
“Me too, let’s go home,” I said, grabbing your hand, almost pulling you along, heading back to the path that led us back to the safety of my darkness.
“Donna, wait,” you said, planting your feet on the ground, stopping abruptly. “Have you heard that?”
I shook my head nervously, grabbing your hand again. The chills were getting more intense. You, horrified by something, stopped again with your eyes wide open.
“Don’t, don't shoot,” you said with your hands up, looking towards a corner, where an armed man was crouching, with what looked like a rifle pointed at us.
“Get away, civilian,” that masked man said, focusing his attention on me.
I was paralyzed. I didn't know how to react to that strange threat.
“Donna, watch out!” you screamed, lunging at me just as a thunderous shot echoed in the forest, followed by a flash of light. There was no doubt, that man had come to kill me.
“Back, stay back (Y/N),” I said, pushing you away from my body and dodging another shot. I should have noticed you, I should have.
“Shit,” the man whispered, trying to reload his gun. It was too late for that poor bastard.
I walked slowly, keeping my monstrous gaze on that strange mask. He was going to pay for what he had done, no doubt. With a strange calm, which I needed to use my powers, I extended my hand towards him. He couldn't see my face, but I knew that I terrified him.
“Wait, wait,” the poor man begged, crawling on the ground, throwing away his gun and trying to flee.
Soon my powers began to take effect, forcing him to writhe in pain for things that didn't exist, to grab his gun, point it at his head, and pull the trigger, ending his existence forever.
“Bastardo…” I hissed, kicking the lifeless body of what was, without a doubt, a soldier.
“Donna…” you said, in low voice, crouched on the ground, hunched over yourself.
I looked at you, still filled with the adrenaline that came from using my gift. I ran towards you, I bent down to help you up, but when I looked at my hands, there was only blood on them.
On your belly there was a wound, a wound caused by that weapon, by that stupid act of throwing yourself at me.
 Once again, I was paralyzed, horrified, I only saw blood, your blood.
“(Y/N), (Y/N),” I said nervously, checking your condition.
Your eyes danced, your skin paled dangerously. My hand pressed your wound to stop the red flow that stained it. No, it couldn't be possible, it was a nightmare.
“Donna…” you sighed, letting yourself fall into my arms, losing strength. I didn't know what to do. I was just trying to keep the light that wanted to leave your gaze. “I saved you…” you whispered with a smile, before fainting completely.
“No, no, no, no…” I repeated furiously, holding your head up high and my hand on your wound, looking for help with my eye, a help that wasn't going to come. “(Y/N)!” I screamed furiously, passing my hand over my forehead, bathing it in your blood.
Do something, stupida…
The voices in my head rebuked me for my frustration, forcing me to take your unconscious body in my arms, running you back to the home we should never have left.
“Resisti, (Y/N), per favore…”
I couldn't say how I got home. All I saw was blood, your blood desecrating your beauty. All because of me, all, because, of, me.
“In… In… In a coma?” I asked when Mother Miranda, in her eternal mercy, came to my call for help. The priestess looked at me after bandaging your unconscious body.
“The bullet has pierced part of her spleen, be thankful she's not dead,” she whispered, closing a briefcase and looking at me with hatred, with the hatred of not being able to save you, surely.
I, still nervous, soaked in your blood, couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't think of seeing you like that, almost lifeless in bed, with your beautiful eyes closed, would I ever be able to see them again?
“Did you kill him?”  Miranda asked, distracting me from the task of squeezing your hand, like you taught me, like you told me all problems passed. “Donna!”
“Yes, yes,” I answered without looking at her. I should have been grateful to her, but I couldn't, I could only hate myself.
“Fine...” the blonde sighed, with that golden glow blinding my eye. “That rat has been causing problems for a while now. I guess it finally got what it deserved.”
I suddenly let your hand go and got out of bed, furious at what those words implied.
“Did you know? Did you know that bastardo was lurking around?” I asked furiously, feeling my temples throbbing as if, without your hand squeezing mine, I would lose control of my actions.
“Shh, calm down,” Miranda said, with a grimace of disgust, without moving, without blinking. Stoic, all-mighty  as always. “Of course I knew. The BSAA never gets tired, right? I assumed it wouldn’t be a problem for you.”
“Not for me…” I whispered, squinting, clenching my red fists tightly. “And for her?!”
“Stop, yelling, Donna,” the witch said, pressing her eyes shut with her fingers, again, not even slightly fazed by my behavior. “I couldn't possibly know that your girl was going to play heroes.”
I growled furiously, pacing erratically around the room, thinking of a thousand ways to kill my adoptive mother, to end it all, to make everything go up in the air. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand that you had risked your pure life to save a monster's. Anything but that.
“I'll come back next week to check on her,” the blonde said, disinterested. Of course, you were a mortal, she didn't care about you.
I cursed all her ancestors. I really wished that her body and her golden robes would fall down the waterfall where my family died.
“Take care of her in the meantime, or kill her, I don't care,” she whispered, making me growl in horror. “But I don't want you to give me any trouble, is that clear?”
When Miranda disappeared, everything collapsed around me, my body collapsing against one of the bedroom walls. There was no more laughter, no more gasps, no more moans of passion in the dark bedroom. Only my agonized crying echoed off the walls while my hands pulled at my hair, hitting the floor in rage. A pathetic scene that I couldn't avoid.
When I managed to calm down, I saw that Angie was next to me, as always.
“Is she dead?” the doll asked unpleasantly pointing at your inert body. I shook my head, realizing that I had hurt myself, that the blood dripping from my head was mixing with yours on my hands.
“No!” I shouted, angrily pushing the puppet away. “She's not…” I said, this time sobbing, burying my head in my hands, sinking into my knees the shame of not being able to save you.
“Bad Donna, stupid Donna!” Angie protested, damaging my ears.
I was about to, about to deactivate her, but I needed her, I needed someone to speak for me, someone to keep reason in my head, to keep madness away from my sick mind.
“I'm sorry,” I said, getting up from the floor coldly. Angie nodded without resentment and climbed into bed next to you.
I approached slowly, taking your hand in mine, squeezing it again like you taught me.
“She's asleep, huh?” Angie said, getting too close. I controlled my impulse to mistreat her again, with an absurd idea in my head.
If you were asleep, that meant I could wake you up, right?
“Wake up, wake up…” I whispered, caressing your cheeks, your soft, addictive skin. There was no response and I took a breath again, resting my hands on your shoulders. “Come on, tesoro, wake up…”
“Wake up, you fool, wake up!” the doll shrieked, moving you too. Yes, it was true that Angie was jealous because you had captured all my attention, but she appreciated you, really. It was impossible for her not to, she was part of me.
“Per favore…” I begged, sobbing again, seeing that your body still didn’t react to my gentle movements.
My breathing became agitated and my hands trembled as they moved you more and more roughly. My heart was about to explode.
“Svegliati, (Y/N), svegliati!” I shrieked, moving you roughly, desperately. I knew it was a good idea not to deactivate Angie, she stopped me.
“Hey, hey, Donna, stop, stop, you'll hurt her!” the puppet shouted, uselessly placing itself between your body and mine, clinging to my unhinged arms.
I finally left you alone, sinking beside you, crying on your chest, pathetically settling next to you, wrapping my arms around you, just the way you liked it.
“Don't do this to me, tesoro, please... Don't leave me alone...”  I sobbed, staining your skin with my tears, crying until at some point, my monstrous body gave in to exhaustion.
A day passed, two, you didn't wake up.
My desperation seemed calmer, but it wasn't. I took care of you, I looked after you, but in my head there was only a flash, a horrible sound: the light of the shot, the sound of the bullet that pierced your skin.
That bullet must have pierced me, not you.
You had saved my life, what for? Why would I want to live in a world without you?
It was absurd, (Y/N) I should be dead, not you, you should wake up, smile, light up the world with your smile. It was too unfair.
Little by little I forgot to eat, to drink, to live…
I tried to stay sane while I read you your favorite books, hoping that the words that made you feel those emotions would revive your soul and I could see your beautiful eyes again.
But I was never well, I was always sick. Without you, without the thin thread that kept my sanity, I began to take small steps into the darkness.
“I sat with them at the table, next to Queequeg, and mentally prepared myself to listen to some stories about whale hunting…” I read calmly, next to you, my disastrous body didn’t separate from yours for a second, my hand always held yours.
A dark voice interrupted me, a voice I knew, that I knew where it came from. Shaking my head, I tried to ignore it, but it wasn't possible. In that old book the words danced, making me dizzy, that dark voice sounded louder and louder.
She's dead…
That voice spoke to me again. I dropped the book, pulled my hair as I bent over myself, preventing it from continuing to speak in any way.
“No… No…” I said nervously, kicking the floor hard.
Yes, of course she is… Because of you…
“No! (Y/N) is alive!”  I screamed neurotically, to respond to someone who didn't exist, who only lived inside my crazy head. “Stai zitto!”
Really? Check her pulse…
Knowing that they were just trying to undermine my morale, that those voices weren't there, just as you always told me when they appeared so I would stop listening to them, I ignored your own words and brought my trembling hand to your neck.
You were cold, frozen, there was no sign of your heartbeat on your neck and, in front of me, your body began to crack, to calcify.
“No… No!” I screamed with my hands on my head, falling to my knees on the floor, crying, pulling my hair, unhinged again.
Yes, Donna, you killed her…
“Basta! Basta!” I yelled crying, covering my ears to uselessly silence the voice of my demons.
It's your fault! It's your fault!
“Donna, Donna!” a squeaky voice interrupted that horrible spectacle. It sounded like Angie, but I couldn't be sure. In my mind, I only saw your body falling apart, breaking into a thousand pieces. “What’s wrong?”
I couldn’t answer, I just pointed at your body with my finger. The doll climbed onto the bed, the bed I didn’t want to look at.
“What? What’s wrong with her?” the doll asked, with a confused voice.
Dead, dead, dead…
“Angie, (Y/N) is…” I murmured, swallowing my own tears, hitting the floor helplessly, furiously. I had to fall apart into a thousand pieces, not you.
“She’s what? She’s still asleep,” the doll said, getting off the bed to stand in front of me, tilting her head curiously.
“She, her body is…” I said in a low voice, making an effort to get up and dare to look at your broken body. It wasn't, you were still intact.
Your chest rose and fell calmly. Your expression wasn't cracked, but serene.
Confused and scared, I ran my hand over my sweaty forehead as I sat next to you, relieved to see that it had only been my imagination.
You will kill her, Donna… She saved your life, and you will kill her…
“Gods… (Y/N),” I said, resting my forehead against yours, keeping my face very close to yours.
“Are you okay?” Angie asked, suspecting what was the cause of my attitude.
“Yes, I…” I lied, moving away to let you breathe. “It, it was nothing.”
“Why don't you cut her throat and end her suffering?” Angie asked, with an amused tone. I stood up in surprise, grabbing the puppet by the neck.
“What did you just say?” I hissed as the doll struggled against my grip.
“Hey, let me go! I said why you don’t keep reading,” the puppet protested.
I let go, shaking my head, confused, overwhelmed by the situation.
I was losing my mind, and I knew it.
“Ugh, you need a break,” the doll said, comically shaking her dress. “And a shower, you stink.”
I closed my eye, breathing slowly, like my gardener, Josef, had taught me. It was true that I was a monster. That man was good, and I killed him.
“What I need is for her to come back…” I said sobbing, succumbing to crying again, squeezing your hand tightly, trying to beg you to come back to me.
“I miss her too,” Angie said, tenderly stroking your hair. Not even the fact that Angie acknowledged that she appreciated you was enough to reassure me.
“Please, (Y/N)… Please… Come back to me… Don’t, don't leave me alone, I need your light to get me out of this darkness…” I begged, squeezing your hand perhaps too tightly. The voices returned.
She will never come back to you, she never loved you. You will never feel her lips again. You will be left alone, with us, Donna, in the darkness where you belong.
Three, four days passed, or so I thought.
I lost track of time as well as I lost my mind. The voices were already a constant sound in my mind, the panic attacks, the hallucinations began to put you in danger. I decided not to get too close. My hands could turn against to you.
I kept repeating how much I needed you, how bad I felt without your comforting presence. You were my light, (Y/N), and you were fading away.
The weakness that my mind felt soon entered into harmony with that of my body. I was hungry, I knew it, I had to eat, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to leave you alone. I wanted to be with you, to cling to your unconscious body to feel that I wasn't lost, that there was still hope for me, and for you.
Exhausted, sitting on the floor against a wall, I closed my eyes tightly so as not to hear the voices that now asked me to leave everything, to abandon you, to abandon the life that was granted to me by the grace of Mother Miranda, that second chance that I didn't deserve.
She is like this because of you, you should die, Donna...
But no, I couldn't succumb to those requests. You needed me. You needed my care, for me to be by your side. You had saved my life, I couldn't abandon you, but neither could you.
“Don't you dare to leave me,” I sighed, my voice broken by crying, my weak body struggling to stay awake, in pain from the blows caused by the wounds caused by the crises.
My madness worsened as the hours passed. Reality, my own existence became something inexact. I didn't know when it was night, when it was day. There were no windows in that bedroom, you were always sleeping.
“Hey, hey, Donna,” a strange voice, which didn't come from my head, scared me, waking me from my exhaustion with some soft slaps on my face.
Cagna... She's coming to fuck her.
Ignoring the warning from my subconscious, I managed to make out my sister Alcina leaning over me.
“What...? What are you doing here?” I said, leaning on the wall so I could get up, ready to fight for you until the end. I didn't care if she was really there or it was another vision.
I was always jealous of my sister.
“You didn't come to the meeting. Miranda is asking for you,” the tall woman commented, walking sensually towards the bed. I couldn't move as fast as I wanted, and weakness made me stumble against the lady in white, who held me with her raised eyebrows.
“Vaffanculo…” I whispered, letting my sister guide me until I sat on the bed. “Get out.”
“You're a mess…” she murmured with disinterest, fixing my dress, almost torn by my own attacks. “How long has it been since you ate, dear? Not to mention how you stink…”
“I told you… to get lost…” I said furiously, pushing her with pathetic force. She just laughed, was she really there? “Porca puttana…”
“How vulgar…” Alcina laughed, holding me by the shoulder, dodging my furious attacks. “Aren't you supposed to take care of her?”
“I take care of her,” I said furiously, crossing my arms in a childish manner.
“Do you? I doubt you can take care of yourself, dear,” the lady in white mocked.
I growled again, guiding my gaze towards you, searching for your hand and grabbing it with the little strength I had left.
“Alcina… I'm…” I said calmer, relaxed by the softness of your skin. Maybe you were right and your hands were magic. “I'm losing my mind.”
“Oh, that's not new,” the vampire said, with a mocking expression.
 I ignored the comment, suppressing a sob.
“I feel, I feel that without her I…” I said with a broken voice, letting Alcina lay me down on the bed, next to you, sighing with pity.
“That's it, draga…” the big woman whispered, making sure I was comfortable. “You must stay strong, it's the best for (Y/N).”
“I don't, I don't know if I can do it… Alcina… I, I don't want to be alone, I want, I want her to come back,” I said, noticing how sleep attacked me again. At least when I was about to sleep, the voices didn't attack me.
“You must come back first, Donna,” my sister whispered, caressing my messy hair while covering me with a blanket. “(Y/N) needs you… Sleep, my sweet Donna…”
Those were the last words I heard before the darkness of my nightmares invaded me again.
Even today I still don't know if my sister's visit was real or if it was just a last breath of my sanity demanding me to come back, to force my demons to stay in a cage.
Three more days passed.
The voices continued to harass me, but something changed after that unexpected visit. My desire to fight my madness, to get you back, was much stronger. I even dared to accept the fruit that Angie brought me. Eating gave me strength, the softness of your hands kept the flame of hope alive.
“Actually I had always felt that way...” I read, like every day, another one of your favorite novels.
Miraculously, the voices that whispered horrible things to me no longer interrupted my words. I felt strong, or so I tried to show. With each passing day, the vision of the light of your smile became more blurred.
“…Without being able to explain why. I had never wanted to accept that life was so grey and indifferent, so without secrets or wonders as people pretended when they said…”
“That’s life…”
I read the end of that paragraph and nodded with a sigh. I soon realized something strange. No, it wasn't a horrible voice in my head. It wasn't Angie's voice that continued my reading.´
I dropped the book, let it fall loudly on the wood when I noticed something warm in my hand, yours, squeezing it tightly. Afraid that my mind would play tricks on me again, I closed my eye, opened it again and looked at your hand in mine, moving.
“Hello, darling…” a hoarse voice, broken by tiredness reached my ears, your voice, your angelic voice, your voice that came back to illuminate my dark path.
“(Y/N)…” I whispered, looking slowly into your bright eyes, half-closed but shining. “(Y/N)!”
I threw myself into your arms, burying my body in yours while my hand squeezed yours, to confirm that it hadn't been a dream. Not wanting to waste a second, I captured your lips in a kiss, crying with joy, crying for having you back, and scared in case it was just a dream.
“Hi… Hi…” you repeated, fighting against my gestures of affection, laughing weakly.
“Let her breathe, silly Donna!” Angie shrieked, pushing me away from you, jumping with joy on the bed. “You're back, you're back!”
“Yes, yes, it seems so…” you said coughing, in pain from the wound in your abdomen, trying to sit up, something I prevented.
“Don’t, don't move, you could... You could hurt yourself,” I said, playing nervously with your hair, with your hands, with everything that was within my reach.
“Tell me, tesoro,” I said nervously, hoping to hear a request for water or food.
“I'm glad to see you again, Donna...”
“What are you talking about?” I asked confused, shaking my head. “(Y/N)... I'm, I'm the one who...”
“I told you a long time ago...” you sighed, exhausted, exhausted but awake. “That I would never abandon you...”
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pedripics · 2 months
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Pedri via Residency - August 8, 2024
Pedri had a double training session today 
How is your knee doing? - “Much better. Looking forward to getting started with the team soon”
How are you after starting your workouts? - “Tired, as it is normal in preseason, but happy with the recovery”
Does it feel weird without having your hair? - “A little 😜 but it's not the first time and I had to keep the promise. My mustache didn't last that long 😝”
What are your expectations for the season? - “The maximum. At Barça there can be no others, and on an individual level I hope everything is going very well”
How is your mum? - “Veryyyy well. Thank you ❤️”
How many sessions did you do to recover? - “I've been training practically every day on vacation”
Who is your best friend in the locker room? - “I say it a lot of times, I get along well with everyone but if I have to say one, well Ferran”
Nice vacation? - “Quiet, in Tenerife”
How was training with Gavi after long time? - “Very good! I am happy to see him do better”
“Barcelona is a great city without a doubt”
How many football games did you play growing up until you were 16? - “Well, I couldn't say... one a day, or more, if they count the games on the court and with friends hehe”
Did you watch the Olympics? - “Yup… a lot”
He really wanted to see USA-Serbia in a bit 
How do you deal with hate from others? - “I try to stay away from bad comments, as well as from high praise. The best thing is to be calm and listen to the advice and comments of the people close to you”
Would you like to retire at Barça? - “Do you want me to retire already? you already know that I have been a culer since I was a little kid”
When are you returning? - “There is little left. Let's see how the next training sessions are going”
Do you recommend me to visit your familys restaurant? - “l always do... and I always will. Delicious and homemade food”
I hope to see you next year at the new Camp Nou - “Have no doubt, my friend!!”
How did your friends/family react to your haircut? - “A little bit of everything. Jokes but also people who told me it looked really good on me 🙃”
Pedri are you going to let your hair grow? (Say yes please) - “Yesss. It's not the time to go bald yet”
Do your think a lot about the climate change? - “Well, it worries me. Like all young people. It is important to think about the future of the planet and that’s why i am ambassador with Kick Out Plastic”
A lot of people give their opinion about your beard, either to let it grow, or to cut it, but what do you prefer? With or without? - “I liked seeing myself with a beard, but without it l'm very comfortable. Maybe in the future I'll let it grow again”
Best part of football? - “Enjoy doing what I like doing the most”
Do you want Quevedo to return to music? - “Quevedo is a phenomenon... and above all canarian 🇮🇨” (admin agrees)
One of his friends named his dog Pedri 😂
Do you recommend visiting the Canary Islands? - “I am obliged to do so! My land is incredible”
How many kids do you want in the future? - “Well, more than one... but it's too early for that”
Pedri do you want in the future come to Poland? - “Why not? Let's see when Lewy invites me 😁”
Are you excited for your birthday??? - “Well... there's still a lot of time left”
Do you have pets? - “No. Maybe in a few years, a dog”
How is learning English going for you??? and what other languages would you like to learn? - “Let's see if I improve my level in September”
Do you go on TikTok a lot? - “Quite a lot, yes. I laugh a lot at some videos and I also find out a lot of things out  on there”
How do you feel about the new Barça kit? - “I love it”
Prove that you’re not AI - “In the previous chat they already told me something similar. Pedri 1-0 AI”
Who can cook best in your family? - “My mother… without a doubt”
Can you cook? - “It’s better if i don’t… It’s a good thing that my mother and brother are cooks”
People confuse him and his brother sometimes
Thiago? - “We barely met, because he was on tour and I was in Barcelona… I am looking forward to meeting him”
Do you like Olmo’s hair? - “😂😂😂 That question would be for my hairdresser. I like that he came to Barça, because we get along very well and I am sure he brings a lot of things to the team. We’ve already seen it at the Euros” (personally I think Pedri should announce all new signings)
Will Barça win a sixtuple again? - “Hopefully soon… Although it’s very difficult…”
Did you celebrate Gavi’s bday with him? - “Well I congratulated him and not much more because he had a day off in his recovery”
What did your day look like? - “training in the morning, eat, rest and train in the afternoon”
What do you think of Fermin at the Olympics? - “I am following the Olympic Games because I like to watch almost all sports… Fermin is being the key and I hope he will come back with gold”
How do you go shopping? Is it difficult because of all the people? - “It is very complicated, yes. Sometimes with my parents and brother, or with my teammates… but I also shop online”
If you could choose a football legend to play with, who would you choose? - “Iniesta obviously, because he is my idol. But for a little change, for example Pele”
How did you feel to reach the Olympics final? - “It was a great joy… Although I am envious of these Games because there couldn’t be fans there in Tokyo because of the pandemic”
Hidden talents? - “Not that I know…”
Are you playing on Monday? - “No, not yet”
If you weren't a footballer, what would you probably be? - “Firefighter... or waiter in my parents' tavern. Although one day I helped them and I realized that it wasn't my thing”
He hasn’t trained under Flick yet (duh)
Movie/ series recommendation? - “I'm finishing Game of Thrones. This is nothing new, but the truth is that it is very good!”
What do you like to do in your spare time? - “Being at home, mainly” (same)
How was your childhood? “Very happy! In Tegueste, with my family and friends, like any other normal boy”
Do you ever go biking? - “No. We are not allowed to either”
What do you think of Duplantis, have you watched it? - “What he did was crazy”
Your mum is the best she is such a cutie  - “Siii”
Tomorrow will you watch the men's olympic final ??? - “Yes, of course... and if I can, the women's match for Spain too”
Would you like to be the captain in the future? - “Of course I would like to”
What do you think about Asia? - “I know that they support me a lot from there and I would like to visit  in the future... now it's not easy, because the seasons don't give a break and on vacation I prefer to rest close to home”
It's not too complicated to be famous I mean do people always have to stop you for photos? - “It's not easy, but it's not something that bothers me. I try to give photograph and sign autographs, because I remember when I was little and I asked for it”
Is your favorite food bananas? - “My favorite fruit. I love food a lot, although some of them I can't eat now because of my diet. For example, I really like sushi”
Does your brother annoy you sometimes?? - We get angry, like all brothers... But he's a very important person in my life”
Favourite sport other than football? - “Basketball or padel, for example”
Do you look forward to the next World Cup? - “Of course... Although there is still a lot of time left. Now we have to fight to win the maximum with Barça”
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daisyblog · 10 months
Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry and YN share their news with close friends.
YN: PHOTO Hello Uncle Niall🤍
YN sent Niall the text and waited because she knew once he had read it, she was going to receive a call. 
And within a few minutes, YN’s phone began to ring with Niall’s name displayed. YN was quick to answer the FaceTime, eager to see his reaction.
“Hi Niall!”. YN and Harry answered together, a big grin on their face. 
“Are you two having me on?” Niall got straight to the point. 
“No…we’re having a baby!” YN explained.
“I can’t believe this…I think I’m gonna cry!” Niall had been there from the beginning of their relationship, so to see his two best friends happy and expecting a little one was emotional. “Congratulations guys…I’m so happy for you.”.
“Thanks Ni…well get ready for Uncle duties!”.
“I can’t wait!”. Niall couldn’t hide his excitement. “I’m gonna be their favourite uncle”.
“I think you’re going to have to fight for that spot with Louis!” Harry joked. 
“Tell him to give up now!” Niall teased. 
Mitch and Sarah: 
Harry: PHOTO Hi Uncle Mitch and Auntie Sarah❤️
Harry could see that Mitch was typing a reply, so he and YN waited for the response.
Mitch:  Little one is having a nap or I would be shouting down the phone right now!! CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!! Welcome to parenthood, we can’t wait for you to join us!! 
Harry: PHOTO
Harry had sent his manager and friend a photo of the scan and purposely not saying anything more. So when Harry’s phone rang, he wasn’t shocked. 
“Harry!” Jeff didn’t allow Harry to answer. “What’s going on?”.
“I don’t know what you mean Jeffery.” Harry played dumb, a smirk covering his face. 
“You can’t just send me a baby scan and say nothing else.” 
Harry laughed but decided to put Jeff to ease. “YN’s pregnant!”.
“Fuck off!”. 
“I’m serious…she’s like fifteen weeks now.” Harry explained. 
“FIFTEEN WEEKS!” Jeff had a similar reaction to others when the couple announced how far along YN was. 
“We only found out this week.” Harry defended himself.
“Well all I can say is…Congratulations H, you really deserve this and I’m behind you and YN every step of the way!”. 
“Thanks Uncle Jeff.” Harry teased. 
The Love Family:
Harry: PHOTO Our new addition to the love family🫶🏼❤️
Elin: Aww you guys🥹Congratulations Harry and YN🤍
Ariza: Congratulations to you both! So happy for you, amazing news!
Niji: Congratulations! You both deserve so much happiness❤️
Pauli: YESSS!! Saucy saucy😂A big congrats my man!
Yaffra: Wow! Congratulations!! 
Lloyd: 👀…THIS IS THE BEST NEWS! Congratulations Boss x 
Brad: WOOOOO! I KNEW IT! Congratulations H and YN x
Despite some distance being created when Zayn left the band, YN had always tried to stay in contact with him. They didn’t talk all the time but they would occasionally catch up over a few messages or now and again a FaceTime call, especially when Zayn had Khai.
YN: PHOTO Hello Uncle Zayn 👋🏼
Zayn: What a message to wake up to. I wasn’t expecting this news. A massive congratulations to you and H, you’re going to be amazing parents❤️
YN: PHOTO Hello Uncle Liam 👋🏼
Liam: 😱😱😱
Liam: OH MY
Liam: I’m speechless 
Liam: A huge congratulations to you guys! You deserve so much happiness and I wish you all the love x 
James Cordon:
Harry: PHOTO Hello Uncle James!!
James: Thank you very much for making me cry on a Monday morning!! WAW!! A big congratulations to you both!! H…welcome to fatherhood, it’s incredible. Big love x
Lou Teasdale: 
YN: PHOTO Hi Auntie Lou👋🏼🩷
Lou T: OMFG!! You kept this quiet! Congrats my darlings🩷Love ya both xx
Nick Grimshaw:
Harry: PHOTO Hi Grimmy x
Grimmy: This better not be a joke! Congrats both! Catch up soon? Orange juice for you YN x 
Tag List: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream @treehouse-mouse
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
What are some of your purly headcanons?? I just got supper obsessed with them lol
Yesss we love purly in this household here we go:
• they’ve been friends since they were pretty little just because they’re the same age, both greasers, etc. Even if they weren’t always super close, they kinda had each other’s backs like if Curly saw someone messing w Pony he’d give him a “fuck off or see what happens” kind of look or if Curly’s getting into some trouble Pony would try to distract him because school is no fun if Curly is suspended
• as they get older though, they become more friends, like proper friends who hang out and get up to stupid shit. Darry and Soda don’t love that Curly is who Pony chooses to hang out with, but at the end of the day, they’ve all done stupid shit too, and as long as Pony doesn’t get arrested or break his curfew, there’s not much they can really say
• how they got together was a very slow, unofficial progression. One day Curly asks if they should practice kissing on each other so they can be ready and Pony’s like yeah that sounds smart. So they’re each other’s first kisses and they continue to practice on each other so they can get better and better 😭
• one day Pony’s like “so have you kissed anyone else yet” and Curly’s like “nah you?” “Me neither” and it’s quiet for a few minutes before Pony goes “I like when we do tho” and Curly’s just like “yeah same” so they just keep doing it then
• I feel like they don’t really call each other boyfriends, but everyone that’s important to them knows they’re together. If we’re being realistic, they wouldn’t be able to act like more than friends in public so that plays a big role in it, but they don’t really mind because they’re not pda people at all and if they know they’re together, that’s what matters
• Curly uses anything but Pony’s real name. Baby Curtis and Ponybabe are probably the most frequently used
• when they’re not in public, they’re not super like affectionate, more just handsy. Always arms around the waist or on the hips when they’re sitting together or walking somewhere. They don’t hold hands that often but Pony likes linking pinkies. They like to lay in each other’s laps and argue over whose turn it is to do so 😭 Pony likes to do it while they watch tv bc Curly will rub his back or head and he looooves that. Curly likes to wrap his arms around Pony’s waist and bury his face in his stomach and take a nap like that
• making out all the time. Every single one of the gang, Tim, and Angela have walked in on them making out. It’s a canon event in their lives, could not be avoided. Curly and Pony have the audacity to not even be embarrassed they just go somewhere else to continue 😭
• Angela and Pony actually get along super well and whenever Pony is over Curly will yell at her for trying to steal him 💀💀💀 Angela is like bruh I do NOT want him
• then as soon as Pony leaves Angela has to listen to Curly just talk and talk about this kid like she cannot catch a break
• Tim likes Pony because Curly tends to stay out of trouble more now and also he just thinks Pony is a good kid
• overall Purly might not have the most conventional relationship but they love each other and at the end of the day that’s all that matters
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heartshapedmisery · 1 year
here to ask for some sub!neil plssss🫶
YESSS been thinking about sub!neil too much recently I need him biblically !! sorry this took me a sec it got lost in my drafts and I forgot abt it
warnings! ⇢ MINORS DNI 18+ | sub!neil, unprotected sex, riding, petnames ( baby boy, sweetheart ), neil having a huuuge praise kink
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The two of you fell back against the couch hastily, Neil shirtless below you as he pulled you down on top of him and his hands settled at the curves of your waist.
"Need you," he breathed, his eyes raking your figure as you sat back, your hands flat on his chest as you let him get a good look at you.
"Patience, baby," you cooed, the hint of a knowing smirk evident on your face as you could feel his erection grow harder beneath you as you sat on his lap. You could practically feel all of him through his boxer shorts, especially since you had no more than your favorite pair of lace panties on your lower half.
Hesitantly, you rocked your hips back, creating just enough friction to earn a soft moan from his lips. "Please," he whined, impatiently moving his hips around to relieve his hard-on as much as he could. You had always loved him like this. Eager for even the lightest of touches. The simplest of movements.
"Be good, sweetheart," you whispered. "Good boys get what they want." you told him, tucking a loose piece of hair behind his ear. Carefully, you pulled your t-shirt over your head and discarded it behind you without caring where it landed. Neil's eyes practically bugged out of his head when he saw your pretty lace bra matching your panties, his grip tightening on your waist.
"Want you so bad, need to feel that pussy," he breathed through a strained groan, beginning to grow irritated with your taunting. As much as you loved making him squirm underneath you like this, his rock-hard cock sitting right beneath your core had you worked up just as much as he was, your wetness pooling at the fabric of your panties.
Silently, you caved and dipped your hand beneath his boxers, grasping his length and pulling it free—his tip flushed and wet with his precum. Without thinking, your thumb ran over the slit at his head, making a shudder roll through his body along with an abnormally loud moan.
"So big, baby," you breathed, sitting up a little to pull the crotch of your panties to the side and align his tip with your entrance. "Don't know if it'll fit." His eyes watched your hand intently, his heart practically beating out of his chest as he watched himself slowly disappear inside of you as you sank down.
"F-Fuck," he choked out, his eyes screwing shut as a wave of relief washed over him. You were so wet around him, clenching him just right as you fell into a steady movement of rolling your hips across his.
He wasn't going to last long.
"Baby," you breathed, your hands planted on his bandy chest to hold yourself upright as you rode him, hanging on for dear life so you didn't fall off the couch. "Fuck, you're so big! Fills me so good."
He couldn't help but moan pathetically, your praise making his heart flutter. His hands clenched around the flesh of your thigh as he helped guide your hips up and down his cock, since you were practically bouncing on it by now.
"Fuck, (Y/N)," he let your name fall from his lips like a chant, barely masking the squelching sound of your wet cunt wrapped around him. Both of you were close, and his tip grazing your cervix with every move of your hips really wasn't helping.
"You gonna come for me, baby?" you breathed, feeling your own climax growing in your abdomen. Neil was too caught up in chasing his pleasure to say anything right away, his eyes screwing shut as he barely let out a response. "Y-Yes, fuck!"
Your hand gripped his arm as it wrapped around your waist, your nails digging into his skin as a borderline squeal escaped your throat, finally tipping over the edge of your high at the feeling of his release filling you. Neil moaned out as he thrust up into you, his body tense with pleasure as you fell onto his chest tiredly, your face burrowing into the crook of his neck. He could feel you smiling against his skin, your head moving to slowly plant sweet kisses along his neck and cheek before finally reaching his lips.
"So good," you told him in between pecks. "Always so good for me . . "
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ragzonacamrencruise · 5 months
Thoughts on Azutara but featuring either Katara or Azula drinking a love potion?
ooohhh yesss soo many thoughts!! okay hear meowt-
Everybody thinks it's safe to assume that Katara is the one who'll fall for Ty Lee's old trick of making everyone drink love potion intead of the supposed drink she's handing them. But Katara knows better than to gulp anything that Ty Lee gives her, having heard all the hilarious but embarrassing stories that come along with it.
So, she doesn't think much when one night, she finds Azula staring at her from across the courtyard in Ozai's Ember Island House. It's a full moon night and Katara has never been able to get much sleep whenever there's a full moon. The Gaang had just finished their meal around a campfire, all of them now soundly asleep.
Or, so she thought before she made out the silhouette as Azula's against the rising moon across the courtyard. The dying campfire flickers in Azula's eyes, and Katara's never seen it be so . . . golden.
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Katara asks softly, as she starts walking towards a cliff that sits on top of a hill that gently rolls down right outside the courtyard near Ozai's house. Azula doesn't answer, but Katara can feel Azula following right behind her. Katara sits at the edge of the cliff, dangling her feet in the air, with the house behind her and the rising moon in front of her, basking in its soft glow, filling her to the brim with power and a rare sort of energy she hasn't yet experienced. It's new and urgent and she just needs to cool it off before she does something stupid.
But that plan goes down the drain when she feels Azula come up behind her to take a seat right beside, golden eyes scrutinising her with wonder, making Katara's stomach flip uncomfortably.
Okay, she should not be feeling this way about Azula.
She blames it on the full moon hormones.
"Anything in particular that's keeping you awake?" Katara tries again. "For me, it's the full moon."
When Azula doesn't respond, Katara turns to look at her with a slight frown, wondering what's going on inside the fire princess's beautiful mind.
Did she just call her beautiful? God damn it-
She blames it on Azula's change in hair-do with just a ponytail and her bangs framing her face. She looks like she jumped to ground directly from the Sozin's Comet, burning hot. And it doesn't help when Azula's looking at her like this too, with her golden eyes softened in the glow of the full moon.
"Did Toph offer you something to drink?" Azula wonders at Katara finally breaking her long held silence.
"Yes." Katara answers eagerly, glad to make some kind of conversation. A few seconds more of this excruciating silence and she would've gone mad for sure. "But it was just watermelon juice. I made sure to check."
"Are you sure it was just watermelon juice?"
Katara squints her eyes. "Are you suggesting it was something else?"
Azula shrugs, her eyes still unable to waver from Katara's. "I donno. She offered me some too. And I haven't felt this weird since that one time in the Royal Fire Academy for Girls."
Katara's frown deepens. "What do you mean?"
"When we were little, Ty Lee learnt this secret to boil down a love potion that makes you incredibly infactuated with the person the potion demands."
Katara nods. "Yes, I'm aware of it."
Azula lets out a short huff in irritation before continuing. "Ty Lee tricked me into drinking love potion when we were in the Academy and I think she convinced Toph into her little devious plan cuz it felt just like how weird I'm feeling right now."
Katara knows she shouldn't be doing this. She shouldn't be asking questions like this, but something foggy in her brain just lets the query fall from her lips like rain on a hot day. "How weird are you feeling right now?"
A moment of silence passes between them as Azula lets those words hang in the air. "Weird enough to do something I've always wanted to do since I laid my eyes on you." The firebender's hair moves with the breeze, against her steady dialated eyes on Katara.
You see, Katara is not the one to miss an opportunity where she can be bold. Bold enough to say-
"Then do it."
And before she can even blink, Azula is upon her. Her hands find Katara's hips and she's a goner. She lets herself get drowned completely when Azula leans in to place the softest lips Katara has ever known on her mouth, claiming her once and for all. She's always dreamed of how it'll be when Azula finally gets over her resolve and avows her like she's doing right now, but she never came close to even fabricating the real thing.
The urgency Katara felt before hits her back with a force she can only describe as 'waterbending-bomb like'. She desperately grasps onto Azula's top collars, finally getting what she's wanted since she saw Azula in those Fire Nation party outfits when they went to watch the Ember Island Players again.
Azula runs her hand through Katara's hair and her braids fall helplessly open, springing Katara's wavy locks free from its confines. She cluches it in her fingers, pulling Katara's head back with it to gain more access to her.
An involuntary noise escapes Katara as she feels herself completely submit to Azula's needs and desires.
That seems to pull Azula out of her daze, as she quickly halts their ministrations, untangling herself from Katara's body. "We shouldn't be doing this."
And Katara's gut bottoms out. Just when she thought she had a chance, Azula goes and breaks her heart like this. She shoulda known better than to-
"The love potion's still in our systems." Azula continues and Katara looks at her with wide eyes. "Come find me tomorrow if you still think this is what you want when the love potion is out."
And with that, Azula stands up and leaves a reeling Katara still dumbstruck over her luck at finding gold in the middle of a desert.
okay . . . i didn't mean for this to get this looongggg, but, how do you like that?? tell me tell me tell me :)
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trentslocss · 9 months
Happy as ever pt.2 -TAA
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Pairing: Reader x Dad!Trent Alexander Arnold
Warnings: None. As fluffy as fluff can be.
Plot: Your daughter comes to his game for the first time! Virgil is a good captain so he gives Trent the band so your daughter could brag even more:)
As soon as your daughter learned how to walk a ball was between her feet. You of course, expected nothing less from her father. She was the miniature and female version of him in every single way, so this was something you accepted before it even happened.
Tina was 5 years old now and started football practice which she was very proud of. Every time she saw one of Trent’s teammates she would go on and on about how she loves her uncles, but her dad is better than them, and she of course took after him (the sassiness also came from we know who).
Even though she loved football in general and adored watching her dad play, you have never taken her to Anfield. She was still small and both you and Trent thought it was too loud and too much for her to handle. But as she was growing older she has become more stubborn than the both of you together (that may have come from you, but you would never admit that in front of your husband).
“Mommy I wanna go see daddy playyy! Let’s go pleeeeeeeeease.” your daughter begged as you sat on the couch with Trent, but you didn’t listen to her. She couldn’t get everything she wanted, at least that’s what you were trying to teach her. But when she moved into Trent’s view, and shone him those puppy dog eyes, he couldn’t resist. “Y/N maybe we could let her go once…” he whispered so only you could hear and see. The truth is you wanted to take her, you were just scared something could happen and you didn’t want her to associate her father’s career and his whole life with something bad. You couldn’t let that happen.
After some negotiating, begging, persuading and a lot of puppy dog eyes pointed to your better half, you both agreed to let her go with you. “Yesss. We’ll crash stinky United, right daddy” she yelled proudly, and Trent looked at you with a face that said ‘I never taught her that’, but you knew he was lying. You had already heard their secret conversations about United way too many times.
Game day came too soon. You had woken up that morning from the sound of a falling object. As you walked into your bathroom with groggy eyes you saw your husband braiding your daughter’s hair, hair brushes and bands falling to the floor one after the other. “You gotta have a pretty hairstyle for the game princess. Everyone has to know I have the prettiest daughter in all of Liverpool” he said to her while tying her last braid as she giggled, looking at you through the mirror. You smiled at them, looking at their identical features which always made you melt.
Anfield was packed with supporters as you entered the family and friends section of the red and white stands with your daughter in your arms. You were both wearing Trent’s jerseys, but Tina insisted on wearing the whole kit (including the boots!) so she could show off to people about how she also played football like her daddy.
As the players started emerging on the green field, Trent waved in your direction, making Tina ecstatic “That’s my dad! He’s the captain! Wave back to him!” She said to Andy and Virgil’s wives which made them die out of laughter.
When the first ball was in the goal, your daughter was jumping up and down, singing along to the fans’ songs and hugging you. “My dad assisted uncle Salah, just like I did on my game yesterday!!!!”
Trent had another assist in the record. He had been in many goal chances, but he didn’t score. “Come on dad I know you can score. Teach those bastards how it’s done” She yelled making absolutely everyone laugh, except for you, you would have to have a talk with Trent about swear words in front of the kid.
It was the 89th minute, Liverpool was sure to win it. While everyone was happy with the result and already singing about winning the game, Tina was still tense and focused. She knew he could do it, and he did.
“THAT’S MY DAD! THE ONE WHO SCORED!” she ran to the edge, screaming as Trent pointed at her and showed a heart, everyone jumping on him and the whole stadium cheering him on.
“Daddy!” your daughter jumped on Trent as you passed the tunnel, hugging him tighter than she ever did. “I knew you could do it, I kept telling mommy you would score! And you did!” Trent giggled as he kissed her cheek, putting her down and taking her hand. “Did you like the game?” he asked, walking down to you and kissing your cheek too. She would usually say eww and separate you two, but she was too invested in commenting the game to care. “Oh dad I loved it! The goal was phenomenal!”
As you were getting ready to go home, she found another victim, Virgil. “Uncle Virg did you know I’m also captain? Just like my dad?” “Oh really? Must mean you’re a great player then” he giggled and tickled her a bit. “Yeah! One day I’m gonna play for Liverpool, just like dad, and I’m gonna break those asses from United just like he did today!”
“Seriously Trent stop swearing around the kid!”
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fatuismooches · 9 months
what if dottore had to create a new segment for a very specific experimental project (dunno what it is but for the sake of this ask just hear me out xddd) and its the female version of prime ! fragile reader has always been nosey as to what dottore's new project is ab and would even snoop around eventhough prime or the segments would eventually rant ab it sooner or later . so when reader found out that theres been a newcomer at the lab their curiousity peaked yet the lab is very restricted whenever its being operated and can only hear their voice which is somewhat familiar w their figure of speech so reader is left quite frustrated . ladyttore has all the memories of prime so whenever reader's presence can be sensed outside of the lab she just smiles to herself and felt giddy at reader's antics for being curious yet clueless ab her . after the project has been completed she just ... kind of almost nothing to do since prime and all of the segments had already been assigned onto a new project w all the roles taken and shes left to standby if there happens to be any emergency . she met reader for the first time when she strolls along the halls to study the area then suddenly reader appeared in different direction as they were ab to go to their room . reader immediately froze as their mind went , " WHO IS THIS PRETTY LADY AND WHY DOES SHE LOOK LIKE DOTTORE ?!?!?!? " . ladyttore just simply chuckles at this then holds one of their hand on hers to bring it to her lips and said , " its a pleasure to finally meet you " and u just burst into million shades . i have a feeling ladyttore is more suave than most segments so when prime and the other segments were left busy both of u went along quite well and when they got back they lowkey feels jealous LOL . zandi is prob quite fond of ladyttore since shes very attentive and he likes adults that are somewhat similar to reader .
had this idea bc i want dottore yuri 🥺🩷
YESSS WBDWQKDWQD FEMTTORE WOULD BE... SO SUAVE AND CHARMING AND TALL AND PRETTY,, Dottore, as someone who is constantly seeking new perspectives, well it wouldn't be too surprising for him to make a female segment!! (We know he's done much crazier things anyway.) Although you've been told many many times to stop wandering around certain off-limits areas of the lab... you can't help it. You're still a scholar, after all! (Interpret "scholar" that how one would like.) Though many times, you end up being caught before you can get any of the juicy details... which happens yet again, and all you can hear is a familiar yet unfamiliar voice at the same time...
Although Femttore thinks you are the cutest little thing that she would love to gobble up, she doesn't force the meeting, rather, she wants it to happen naturally. Oh, of course she'd love to wrap her hands around your shoulders and purr into your ear, have you lay on her lap as you glance nervously at her but, she's not impatient. Yes, seeing all the other segments hog your attention is rather annoying but her chance will come. And it is worth every second of waiting.
You have to do a double take when you see such a lovely, well-dressed lady with... a familiar mask and... long, blue hair?? You nearly trip over your feet as you try to understand when she just strolls up and kisses your hand so romantically,, And her voice? It's like Dottore's but it has a distinct tone to it, like not other. It makes your cheeks warm, definitely.
Omega and Femttore are definitely the ones silently fighting with each other through sharp smiles and passive-aggressive statements. They are the two latest versions of Prime after all... They are both selfish in many matters, that applies to you as well of course. The other segments don't like her because she always manages to steal you away... why are you so enamored with her, it's not fair! The younger ones especially, they mumble and grumble all the time when they see her touch you so casually as you fawn over her,,
She always makes sure you have all the products you need (hygiene, skincare, lotion, etc) because she knows her creator knows only the basics of the basics,, </3 of course she also has very pointy teeth and likes to mark you but the other segments get mad of course,, it's always a competition
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shesmore-shoebill · 1 month
thinking even More about ranch hand arasha and city boy turned country bumpkin courtney and i think the town they move to is like sdv esque and i think amangela are also there and married (because of who i am as a person) and angela also moved over from the big city so her and courtney become rly close friends and amanda is the most yeehaw woman of all time. also arasha is THEE southern belle of the town always fluttering her eyelashes like we get it you have big beautiful brown eyes 🙄 and i think shayne is running the town library and chanse is running the saloon and they all go down there for a hootenanny. the saloon serves exclusively spuds and alcohol btw. maybe hot dogs too. a hot dog spud even. this isn't even about courtrasha anymore this is just me world building
anon i want you to know i am enjoying these immensely and the only reason you arent getting veritable essays in response to these ideas rn is because youve specifically caught me during a week where i really dont have too manu spare minutes for Smoshblr, and I dont want to wait too long to post these bc they are delightful and you seem like you are In The Zone™. That said I have some time right now so while we're having fun:
Anyway. This world is GREAT i love this so much. of course the courtrasha cowboy AU also has amangela and shaynse in it!! Courtgela friendship YESSS with Amanda as the Most Yeehaw Woman paired with Angela as originally a more city gal. God I can envision a double date with Courtrasha Amangela SO vividly.
Arasha, more broadly, as her very specific, lethal blend of charm and charisma and competence YES.... tbh I'd love for it to be thrown off, to an extent, by Courtney. Like. Arasha is always charm and flattery but Courtney comes along and there are elents of it that don't work as smoothly.
Or Courtney is- not immune to her charm, but the things they really find enchanting are not the same things Arasha typically knows how to play up in a town like this. Courtney finds Arasha dazzling, and maybe everyone does, but. Slowly but surely. Arasha is really, truly, dazzled right back by Courtney....
Anyway. Spud hut saloon YEAH!!!!! Chanse is so cool and so suave but sometimes when he talks about the saloon and the spud aspect of it especially it seems like he gets possessed a little bit. He and Arasha have ongoing fake beef (they love each other but refuse to admit it) that somehow ties into Arasha always gunning for that hot dog spud and never getting it. Chanse Shayne built up bc Chanse is so damn cool Shayne would never have the nerve to approach/go to the bar regularly. But when Chanse comes to the library he's always checking out such inreresting and unexpected things and they have such good discussions. Shayne and Amanda are unlikely BFFs. Idk how that looks in this world but I need it.
anyway. this is a very fun world. 👌 good job anon.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 3 months
Hello, I really love your story. Can you make story about (y/n) and Donna finding a little girl near the manor. The girl had no parents because it was killed by a lycans. They took care of her like it's their daughter then ended up adopting her. The three of them lived as a family
Yesss!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes :)))
Three, then four
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, adopted little girl
Word count: 4,871
Summary: You found a little girl, and you didn't know what to do...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours :))) I love you all!!!
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“Oh, yes, I needed it...” You sighed in relief as you left the mansion. The air on your skin felt refreshing. Next to you was your girlfriend for a long time, your unexpected and now inseparable girlfriend. Lord of the village, sad and lonely woman, Donna Beneviento.
You were always considered a privileged person in the village because of your parents' business. They were cloth merchants, a business that caught the attention of the Duke himself. Thanks to that privilege (which was not such) you met the woman in black.
The terrifying and almost sacred vision you had of the Lords crumbled the moment leaving her house was nothing but a torture for you. You were a strange girl, she was a strange woman. Two lost souls, as they used to say.
You had been in that relationship for two years now and you didn't regret it at all. To get used to her demons and instability didn't take you long. That was something that unfortunately you couldn't change. But there were certain behaviors that you set out to improve over time. The irrational fear of leaving that old estate was one of them.
“Are you happy now?” The lady in black asked, squeezing your hand tightly as she walked next to you. The resentment for making her do something as terrible as take a breath was quite evident in her voice.
You looked at her amused and shook your head, rolling your eyes. At least, it had been several days since she trembled when she walked through the door.
“Come on, Donna, don't you think it's romantic? You, me, your ridiculous and enormous expanse of land, the biting cold...” You murmured, grunting at the force your girlfriend exerted on your hand. “To amputate my hand…”
“If you're cold we should have stayed home,” Donna whispered. “I don't know why you insist on making me suffer this way.”
“Come on, come on... Stop complaining, Beneviento,” you said amused, resting your head lightly on her shoulder, to which she took a deep breath, finally loosening her grip on your hand.
“I don't know why I listen to you...” She sighed, with an amused tone.
“Because you love me,” you joked, giving her a kiss on the cheek through the veil.
“Yes, unfortunately,” the woman murmured, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Oh, how romantic you are...” You ironized, earning a small nudge. “But, wait, wait a moment,” you said, slowing your steps.
“What, what's wrong?” She asked, scared. Well, more scared.
“Seriously, take that thing off, it gets on my nerves,” you said, blowing the veil off her face with a swipe of your hand. As expected, she shook her head quickly.
“No, what if someone comes?” Donna said, giving you a gentle smack.
“Who is going to come here? This is your territory,” you said, getting closer to her, who began to back away.
“I'm fine with the veil on, (Y/N),” the doll maker said nervously.
You growled and lunged at her, with the clear goal of getting rid of the fabric that hid her beauty.
“Donna, be still,” you hissed, fighting with both hands to reach their destination. “Come on, you're behaving like a little girl.”
“No,” she said briefly, before cowardly fleeing from you, walking along one of the paths that led to the old guard's house.
“You are beautiful, and you know it. Stop fooling around and come here,” you said amused, walking closer to prevent her from running away.
“No, (Y/N)”
“Do you remember when I told you how good I was at tackling my brother?” You joked, cornering the woman in black.
“Who is the little girl now?” She asked, with a scared and amused tone.
“You’re forcing me,” you whispered, before launching yourself at her mercilessly, knocking her to the ground, making her back rest on the snow.
“(Y/N)...” Donna sighed, with a tired tone.
“I've won,” you said triumphantly, removing the veil from her face and leaning down to kiss her lovingly. At least, she didn't refuse.
After a series of laughs and games in the snow, you decided to give up and cover her face again, helping her up.
“Well, I guess the fun is over for today... It's getting dark,” you murmured, looking at the increasingly weak sun.
“Do you call this fun?” Donna asked, brushing the snow off her dress.
“Well, I...” You said, walking back cockily. You couldn't finish the sentence, something caught your attention. “Wait, what is that?”
“What is what?” The woman in black asked, looking curiously over your shoulder.
You walked past her, staring at something dark that stood out in the snow. You approached slowly and bent down to pick up the object.
“Oh, wow...” You sighed with a sad voice, removing the snow from what looked like a battered teddy bear. “Look, Donna, it’s so sad…”
“What is this?” The lady asked, picking up the bear and looking at it curiously.
You shrugged, trying to reunite the torn arm with the rest of the bear. After sighing deeply, your eyes went to the place where you found it, noticing something disturbing. It looked like a small blood stain that preceded a recent footprint in the snow.
“Wait, look,” you said, following the trail into the ruined house. Donna followed you cautiously.
The old door opened effortlessly and you peeked inside. Everything seemed completely destroyed, but your intention was telling your senses that there was something you had to see.
“(Y/N), this is dangerous, it could collapse and...” Donna murmured.
You interrupted her by putting a finger in front of your lips.
“Shhh, I’ve heard something,” you whispered, being completely sure that you had heard some kind of sob.
You walked around the old house for a bit and you found the source of those sounds. You had to blink several times to make sure what you were seeing was true.
It looked like a girl, a little girl, about 5 or 6 years old. She was curled up under an old wooden piece of furniture. Her little dress was torn and on her knee was a horrible mark from what appeared to be a wound.
“Gods...” Donna gasped as she joined you. “Who is this girl?”
“It looks like she's hurt,” you said, getting a little closer, enough to catch the little girl's attention. She opened her eyes in fear and crawled across the floor, running away from you.
“Eh, eh, calm down, calm down,” you said, with your hands in a harmless position. “Hey, we're not going to hurt you.”
The girl cornered herself against the wall and covered her face with her hands, trembling with fear and cold.
“Hey, calm down,” you said again, approaching cautiously and extending your hand towards Donna so she could give you the teddy bear. “This is yours?”
The girl looked up slowly, suspicious, but she nodded soon.
“Okay, um... What, what are you doing here?” You asked carefully, handing her back the bear, which she immediately took, hugging it for comfort. The poor girl shook her head, sobbing.
Donna approached slowly, watching the scene curiously. The girl, seeing her mourning figure, gasped in fright, curling into a ball again.
“Wait, wait... Don’t, don't be afraid,” you said, extending an arm toward the little girl and looking at Donna. “Oh, are you afraid of her?”
The girl nodded, making you have to hold back your laughter.
“No wonder...” You joked, crouching down to be closer to her. “Don't worry, she won't hurt you. She's nice and... And so am I. We want to help you.”
The girl shook her head, squeezing her teddy bear tightly.
“Take off that damn veil, you're scaring her,” you said quietly, standing up and approaching Donna.
“Who are you?” a broken voice said, a childish, fearful voice. “Are you going to hurt me?”
“What? Oh, no, no, of course not…” You said quickly, crouching down again. “We want, we want to help you.”
“The wolves...” The girl murmured, still trembling. “Are the wolves gone?”
“Wolves? What wolves?” Donna asked, with a soft tone.
“The bad wolves killed... My parents...” The girl responded, crying and trembling even more.
“Wolves...” You whispered, knowing exactly what she was referring to. “Is she referring to the Lycans?”
Donna shifted confused.
“It just can't be. There are no Lycans on the grounds,” the woman in black answered, shaking her head.
“That means she's been running away...” You deduced, approaching the girl again. “Hey…. How long have you been here?”
“I don't know... Mom and dad told me to run without looking back and... I crossed a bridge and... The wolves were howling and... I found this house but I lost Mr. Hugs and... No... I don't know...” The little girl stammered, bringing the bear closer to her.
“Did you get here alone? Wow, how brave,” you said with a smile, confused by the situation. “Oh, hey, are you cold?”
The girl nodded.
“Mr. Hugs...” Donna said, with her soft voice, coming a little closer and crouching down next to you. “Is that his name?” She asked, pointing to the teddy bear.
“Yes...” The girl responded, suspicious.
Donna nudged you and nodded toward the bear.
“Oh, yes, so... It seems like he's hurt...” You said knowingly, taking the hint from the woman in black. “You know what? She could fix it for you.”
“Really?” She asked innocently. The lady in black nodded.
“Of course,” you said confidently, extending a hand toward the little girl, who seemed to be thinking about her options.
“Could she fix me too?” She asked, taking your hand and standing up. “I have red on my knee.”
“Sure, of course... Can you walk?” You wanted to know, studying the girl's deplorable state.
“It, it hurts,” the girl protested, hissing in pain.
“Okay, come here,” you said, picking up the little girl and walking towards the mansion.
Once inside the house, taking special care with Angie so she didn’t scare the little girl, Donna set about healing that wound on her knee. The girl didn't speak, she just sobbed, almost without strength.
“Look at me, look at me,” you said, holding her hands before the cotton soaked in alcohol made contact with her skin. The cries didn’t take long to arrive.
“I'm sorry,” Donna apologized, tending that wound very carefully. “Hold on.”
“Talk to me, talk to me,” you said, making the girl focus her attention on you and not on the sting of her wound. “What is your name?”
“He... Helga,” the girl stammered, squeezing the bear in her arms.
“Helga, what a beautiful name,” you said with a smile, caressing her small hands. “My name is (Y/N), and this is Donna.”
The girl looked at you curiously when her wound was finally healed.
“That's better, right?” Donna asked lovingly, finishing bandaging her wound.
“Yes... Thank you ma'am...” The girl said rubbing her eyes. She looked at her bear, holding it out in her hands towards the woman in black. “Can you heal him too?”
“Heal the bear? Well…” The woman in black stammered.
You cleared your throat.
“Donna...” You said through clenched teeth. “Heal Mr. Hugs…”
“Sure, can you let me have it?” the woman said, making Helga give it to her with some distrust.
“Don't worry. He'll be fine,” you said in a knowing tone, winking at her.
There was a tense moment. Neither Helga nor you spoke. The little girl seemed curious to be in that place, and also terribly scared.
“The lady in black is very strange...” The girl commented, swinging her legs on the table, with a calmer expression. You had to hold back your laughter again.
“Donna? Oh, yes, she is very strange,” you said, amused. “But she's nice and kind, I promise you.”
“Can she heal Mr. Hugs?” Helga asked innocently.
“Sure. Donna makes dolls, did you know that? She has a room full of them,” you explained, taking the opportunity to look for any other wounds on the girl. It seemed like she was fine.
“Oohh…. Really?” She asked curiously, with the curiosity typical of such a little girl.
“Yes, thousands and thousands of dolls,” you said, amused.
“There he is,” Donna said, entering the room with the bear already repaired and handing it to the girl, who smiled happily, hugging it.
“Thank you...” Helga sighed, with a grateful smile. Donna nodded, coming to your side and leaning into your ear.
“What do we do, (Y/N)?” She asked in a low voice. You shrugged, starting to get a little overwhelmed by the situation.
“I don't know...” You said, sighing and running a hand through your hair.
“I'm cold... And hungry...” The girl murmured, after you and Donna thought about what to do in that situation.
“Oh, of course, well...” You said, returning to focus on the little girl. “Would you like a hot bath?”
Helga nodded.
“I think I have a dress from when I was little, I'm sure it will fit her well...” Donna told you, to which you nodded, taking the girl in your arms.
“Okay, there's nothing more to talk about,” you said amused, walking with the girl towards the bathroom.
When you finished bathing her and dressing her in clean, warm clothes, you went up to the dining room, where Donna already had a hot soup ready.
The girl devoured her food soon while the two of you looked at her curiously.
“How old are you?” You asked curious.
The girl stopped eating and looked at her hands, making a gesture with her fingers to indicate her age.
“Six?” You asked, amused.
“Hello Hello hello!” Angie's shrill voice put you on alert. Of course, that devilish doll was the last thing you needed at that moment.
“Angie, not now...” You growled, getting up from the table.
“Who is this girl? I had never seen her before,” the doll asked, approaching little Helga, who looked at her with curiosity but, surprisingly, without any fear.
“Angie, get out,” you said, pointing toward the dining room door. Donna stepped forward, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Wait, (Y/N)...” The lady in black whispered.
“My, my name is Helga, who are you?” the girl said, looking at the doll with a smile.
“Oh, I'm the best, the unbeatable one, the funny Angie,” the doll responded comically, extending one of her hands to the little girl. “Come on, Helga, don’t be rude.”
“Angie…” You hissed again.
The girl hesitated, but she ended up shaking the puppet's hand, laughing at Angie's attitude.
“Well, Helga, I hope you feel like playing because I do,” Angie said, walking around the girl with fun.
“What do you want to play?” The girl asked with a curious look.
“Mm, I don't know... What do you like? My favorite game is hide and seek,” Angie said, pretending to think intellectually.
“Hide and seek? Yes, I like hide and seek!” The girl shouted, excited, oblivious to everything that had happened to her.
“Eh, eh, eh...” You said, putting your hand on the little girl's shoulder. “Finish dinner first and then you can play, okay?”
The girl's smile faded a bit, but she obeyed, finishing the soup quickly to play with Angie.
“I can't believe it...” You whispered, watching how Helga and the doll were having fun, as if everything bad that had happened could be forgotten with a child's game.
“It looks like she's having fun,” Donna commented, sitting on the couch next to you. You nodded, finishing a cup of tea.
“I never imagined that Angie had that ability with children,” you said, making a surprised gesture.
“Me neither,” Donna said, amused.
“Come on, stop fooling around and take that off. You must be very hot,” you said, pulling the black cloth from her face, moving it away.
“(Y/N), the, the girl...” She said, trying to get the veil back. You shook your head.
Helga ran around the house with Angie, until the sight of the woman in black exposed caught her attention, approaching slowly.
Donna made one last effort to reach for her veil, but your reflexes prevented her from doing so. Helga played with her hands in front of you, looking stunned at the face of the woman in black.
“Lady…. Are you hurt?” She asked innocently.
“No, Helga, that's how she is,” you explained, taking the little girl in her arms. Donna was embarrassed, but her expression changed when the girl's hands brushed against her scar, exploring it curiously.
“You're beautiful...” The girl sighed.
“See?” You said, amused.
“I...” Donna murmured, moved by the girl's innocence. “Don't call me lady, honey, call me Donna.”
“Donna...” The little girl repeated, rubbing her eyes.
“Are you sleepy?” You asked, brushing the hair out of her face. Helga nodded. “Come on, let's go to sleep.”
The guest room served as a makeshift place for little Helga to rest. After lending her warm pajamas to the fireplace and tucking her in, the two of you stood looking at the little girl.
“Lady Donna... Can you tell me a story?” The girl asked, poking her head adorably through the sheets. You raised your eyebrows and couldn't help but smile.
“Me?” The lady in black asked, confused and nervous.
“Yes, you, Donna,” you said amused, pushing her onto the bed. “Come on, tell her a story.”
The woman nodded nervously and sat on the bed next to her little girl, who was looking at her expectantly.
“What story would you like to hear?” She asked with a soft, calmer voice. Helga shrugged. “How about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf?”
You opened your eyes in surprise, pulling the lady in black away from the bed when the girl hid scared under the covers.
“Little Red Riding Hood? Wolves, Donna? Wolves?” You said through clenched teeth. The woman opened her mouth, discovering why the little girl had been so scared. Surely a wolf was the last thing the girl wanted to remember.
“Oh, of course, sorry, I...” The lady in black said, sitting down again. “What, what about Snow White?”
“Snow White?” The girl asked, coming out from under the covers. “Are there no wolves?”
“No, honey, there are no wolves,” you said, leaning on an old closet.
Donna's voice was soft, soothing. That sweet voice was one of the things that made you fall in love with her. Curious, you watched how the girl settled into the brunette's body while she told the story.
“...And they were happy and...” Donna finished, stopping when she realized that the girl had fallen asleep leaning on her body. Carefully, she separated from Helga and, covering her so she wouldn't catch cold, Donna approached you.
“She fell asleep,” the doll maker commented in a low voice.
“I see,” you said, excited to see Donna like that.
Already in bed, leaving Angie to watch over little Helga, your expression hardened, crossing your arms. Donna, of course, knew you were rambling about something.
“You're thinking…” The woman in black told you, joining you on the bed.
“No, I’m not,” you said dryly, placing a quick kiss on her lips and turning off the light.
A few seconds later, you turned it back on.
“Well, yes I’m,” you said, sitting down indignantly. “What the hell, Donna? Loose Lycans in the village? What the hell is wrong with Mother Miranda?”
“What?” Donna asked, confused, shaking her head.
“Isn't she supposed to be the protector of the village?” You asked, making a quote gesture with your hands. “Why did she let something so horrible to happen?”
“Surely she has nothing to do with...” Lady Beneviento said, as always, excusing her Goddess.
“Cut the crap. Everything that happens in this village has to do with her.”
“What are we going to do, (Y/N)?” She asked, changing the course of the conversation. You sighed, shaking your head.
“I, I don't know...” You said, huffing. “Poor thing, she has nowhere to go…”
“We would have to tell someone,” Donna commented, playing with the sheets. “Maybe someone is looking for her.”
“You know that’s not true,” you sighed, flopping onto the bed, looking at the ceiling. “Wasn't there an orphanage in the next town?”
“Do you want to take her to an orphanage?” Donna asked, as if something had offended her.
“Yes, no… I don't know... I don't know what we can do,” you said, calming the situation. “Propose something.”
“I don't, I don't know, (Y/N)... Just to think that I could have ended up in a place like that...” Donna said, trembling, remembering her terrible childhood. “I don't want that for Helga.”
“So what do you want?” You asked.
“I don't know... Maybe, maybe we could...” She whispered, turning to look at you.
“We could…?” You asked curiously. It seemed like an idea was crossing her mind, just like yours.
“I... Eh, well, I'm sure the Duke knows what to do,” Donna said, as if she regretted thinking about something else.
“This... Yes, you're right,” you whispered, a bit disappointed. “I will talk to him tomorrow.”
Sleeping was the best option, it had been a pretty busy day and you didn't want tiredness to make you think about absurd ideas.
“What? One week?” You asked, speaking to the Duke on the phone. “What part of: we have a little girl at home, don't you understand? What? Oh, okay, okay…” You finally said, hanging up abruptly. “Damn fat bastard…”
“Mmm, Mrs. Gray Dress,” the girl said, pointing to one of Donna's porcelain dolls.
“Well, that's an appropriate name...” Donna said amused, picking up another doll and showing it to the little girl. “What do you think about this one?”
“Mmm,” the girl murmured, watching that porcelain clown. “Mr. Beanie”
“Oh, okay, Mr. Beanie...”
“Donna,” you said, catching the attention of the woman in black, who looked at you with a smile. Apparently Helga had taken a liking to your girlfriend, which you found touching. “The fat… I mean, the Duke says he will come for her in a week.”
“Oh,” she said, with a somewhat sad sigh. “Okay.”
“Do I notice a certain disappointment?” You asked curiously, with a mocking tone. Donna opened her mouth to answer, but she didn't, she just shook her head.
“No, I... It's the best for Helga,” she whispered, taking advantage of the fact that the girl was distracted with the dolls.
“Yes, of course it is,” you confirmed, finding some difficulty in pronouncing those words.
“Yes, definitely it is,” she repeated, with that same insecure tone.
The week passed quickly, too quickly. Little by little, Helga recovered completely, acting like a completely normal girl, overcoming her fears and her misfortunes. The old estate was a festival of hugs, games and dolls. You couldn't imagine how happy Donna seemed with the girl, and the affection little Helga had for the doll maker, as well as for you.
You almost had the feeling that years had passed, that this girl had been with you all your life. But before you or Donna considered that alternative, the one that was on your minds, time passed, and it was time to separate.
“The door, the door!” Angie and Helga shouted in unison as they played tag around the living room. You and Donna looked at each other sadly, grabbing the small backpack you had packed for the girl.
“Well, there you are,” you said arrogantly when the Duke appeared in front of the house, with the same sly look as always.
“Sorry for the delay, Miss (Y/N), I had to settle some matters...” The merchant said. “Where is the little one?”
Donna appeared instantly, with her veil on and the girl in her arms. Helga seemed confused, holding her two favorite porcelain dolls, and with Mr. Hugs peeking out of the backpack.
“Very well, tesoro...” The woman in black whispered, lowering the girl to the ground, who, upon seeing the eccentric man, hid behind Donna's black skirt, scared.
“Come on, don't be afraid,” you said, taking her hand. “He is going to help you.”
“I don't want to go with him,” she said shyly, without letting the brunette's skirt go. “I want to stay with you.”
Those words sent a dagger straight to your heart.
“Come on, come on, you'll be fine... I promise you,” Donna said, bending down and wiping a tear from Helga’s cheek. “Besides, your two new friends will take care of you.”
“Now you have to be a brave girl, do you hear me?” You said, suppressing the need to cry in front of the girl. She nodded before hugging you tightly, and then your girlfriend.
“Ahem,” the merchant cleared his throat, impatient.
“Damn vermin with no feelings...” You hissed, putting a hand on the girl's back, pushing her gently.
“Go, tesoro,” Donna said, to which the little girl nodded and walked slowly towards the merchant, looking back from time to time.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” The man said, helping the little girl get into the carriage. “Do you like chocolate? You can eat as much as you want during the trip, isn't that great?”
You stood up sobbing, watching as the girl waved goodbye to you with a sad look.
“Goodbye,” she said in a soft, disappointed voice, as the carriage began to move.
You looked at Donna, no longer able to hold back the tears. She looked at you and lowered her head.
“Donna... I...” You said whispering, grabbing her hand, letting out the sadness in your heart. “It may seem crazy to you but…”
“Please, (Y/N)...” She said, with the same broken voice.
You both nodded in unison and ran forward.
“Hey, wait!”
1 year later…
You turned on the bedside light, sighing and yawning. You were tired but the clock told you it was time to get up.
“Donna... Wake up... It's eight o'clock,” you said, moving her body sleepily, making her grunt pleasantly.
“Cinque minuti...” She murmured, lazily.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, lying back down.
“It's okay...” you said with a tired voice. “I can't believe you can sleep so much.”
The creak of the door made you open your eyes again and smile evilly.
“I don't think you're going to be able to...” You whispered, amused, listening to small footsteps on the wood.
“Attack!” Angie's shrill voice destroyed your ears just before two small figures jumped on the bed and pounced on you.
“Oh no, help!” You shouted in amusement, fighting against the tickling that little Helga was doing to you while she laughed in amusement.
“Up, lazy people...” Angie hummed, in the ears of her owner, who grunted, turning around.
“I think Donna needs a double dose of tickling, don't you think?” You asked your adopted daughter, who nodded with a mischievous look, launching herself at your girlfriend without mercy.
“Oh, no... No...”  Lady Beneviento said laughing, fighting against The Tickling Monster of every mornings.
That year was… The best of your lives.
Stopping the Duke and recovering Helga was the best decision you could have made. The poor girl had no family. She would end up in an orphanage, in a horrible place. In seconds you understood that she needed a family and... And you were her family, the only one she had.
Adopting her was not difficult and neither was adapting to her new life. She was a happy girl, she was no longer afraid. She had managed to see the light among so much darkness. You had never considered starting a family. Donna always said that if you had a child, it would have to be hers. Hobbies of the Lords, surely.
Little Helga was more than enough for her. You couldn't live without that childish joy, you couldn't live without it. Helga was already your daughter and no one could say otherwise.
“Do you want more, honey?” You asked while you were eating breakfast. Little Helga Beneviento nodded vigorously.
“Yes, please,” she asked kindly, making you lower the jug to her bowl. Donna stopped you, looking with a stern expression at the girl.
“How do you say, tesoro?” She, asked affectionately.
“Per favore,” Helga responded politely, earning a wide smile from the woman in black. You looked at Donna with a frown.
“What was that?” You asked, shaking your head. The doll maker shrugged, looking away.
“She should learn some languages, right?” She said passively, hiding her face behind her cup of coffee.
“Of course... I have enough with you, Donna, I don't need to not understand my daughter too,” you said amused, while the girl finished her second bowl of milk.
“Can I play with Angie now?” Helga asked with her face covered with milk. She was adorable.
“Sure, but wash your face first, okay?” You said in a soft tone, crouching down when the girl stood up. “Hey, eh, Little Miss...” You said, pointing to your cheek.
Helga smiled and kissed it lovingly.
“That's better,” you sighed, letting the girl run up the stairs.
You had never felt happier. You had never thought you could be so happy. You finally had a family, a real one. The woman you loved, your little daughter. Your life was summed up in just one word: perfection.
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