#and I function best in a clean and organized environment that also happens to make me happy to look at :>
graceshouldwrite · 1 month
Writing Villains (Underrated Tips)
1. Variety
Not all villains have to be the next Darth Vader, Luke Castellan, John Wick, etc. Your villain’s arc doesn’t have to originate from the Big Traumatic Thing that happened when they were X Years Old. Here are some characterization ideas that still keep them interesting (no tragic backstory required):
misguided villain. They don’t think what they do is that evil/they think they are benefiting others (e.g. Thanos from the MCU)
IDGAF villain. They just don’t care about the disaster they leave behind them (e.g. Ozai from ATLA)
past bystander villain. Nothing bad happened to THEM particularly-- they just saw bad things happen to other people, and decided that they need to correct society (e.g. Light Yagami from Death Note)
I was bored villain. They were bored. And millions died for it. They’re probably also an ENTP. Oh, well (e.g. Ryuk from Death Note)
zealous villain. They do it for their cause--god, cult, organization, whatever--there’s a greater power that is their greater purpose (e.g. Cthulu cultists from Call of Cthulu)
staunch traditionalist (often allegorically racist) villain. They want to act according to, and preserve the statusquo (tends to be heritage, race, class, personality, etc.), and believe that any change is bad (e.g. Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter)
These are just some examples of interesting villain characterizations that absolutely do NOT need a tragic backstory to function.
2. Spill the tea
Show how they treat the people closest to them.
Instead of just focusing on their actions, create moments where readers can see them interacting with their family, friends, etc. This is a powerful tool with the potential to humanize them in a softer way, or make them seem even more scary, merciless, corrupt, secretive, etc.
For example, the audience doesn’t just see Azula from ATLA fight people and conquer cities with a crazy amount of skill and power. The writers show how she interacts with her two best friends; the way she shamelessly belittles them to their faces, manipulates them as pawns, and has no problem putting them in incredible danger reveals a LOT more about her character in a way that only showing her actions cannot.
3. Polarize
Consistency isn’t always key. Sure, the cold and calculating overlord should generally make cold and calculating decisions, but to spice things up, find the thing that will make them snap. Change. Show weakness. Become their opposite, if only for a moment.
Silco is a drug kingpin in an underbelly city that is full of gangs, criminals, murderers, thieves, and the sort (you get it).
He not only survives--he THRIVES in that kind of environment as one of the scariest authorial figures. He himself had to experience crazy backstabbing, and grew to be nothing but calculated, manipulative, and ruthless...until he unofficially adopted a daughter! He realized that she had “undone” him to the point where he refused to give her up for a dream he would have been willing to die for.
It DOES sound pretty inconsistent for the ruthless drug kingpin to sacrifice EVERYTHING he’d worked for to clean up after an insane daughter who runs around making murderous messes that attract flocks of authorities. And, it is. Like he says himself, he loses “nothing but problems.”
But, real humans are almost never 100% consistent, and this sort of polarity will humanize your villains without necessarily requiring a tragic backstory or a noble motivation.
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instagram: @ grace_should_write
Hope this was helpful, and let me know if you have any questions by commenting, re-blogging, or DMing me on IG. Any and all engagement is appreciated :)
Happy writing, and have a great day!
- grace <3
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raphotograph33 · 1 year
Interior Design Photography: 5 Ways To Improve Your Images
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Interior design photography is an opportunity to express your creativity and aesthetic vision in addition to capturing the beauty of the rooms. Every piece of furniture and element in the room makes a single image mesmerizing and stunning. Going beyond conventional methods and investigating each corner of the space completes an interior design photoshoot project. 
However, interior design photography can be improved with the help of some more considerable ways that one can use to make their photographs appear better than ever. Below are some ways to improve your images. 
5 Ways To Improve Your Interior Design Images
Clean And Organize The Space 
Everything will be flawlessly organized and neat if you're working with interior designers or shooting in commercial venues. However, whether you're performing a personal job or real estate photography, you must take care of it yourself. 
The initial and most crucial step is to clean up. You can only create great interior photography in tidy and dusty places, no matter how well you light it or how brilliant your photographic technique is.
Consider the visual design characteristics that control the area when deciding how to frame your photo.
Recognize The Design Elements
At any given point in material design, there will always be a combination of these elements at work. The ability to discern what features are there in a specific environment and how to capture them on camera best is the skill.
The line is one such aspect that will play a significant function in any design photo. The line is in charge of vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and curved edges and will strongly influence what we pay attention to.
Some spaces can be a touch "cozy." Smaller spaces may limit your ability to capture precisely what you want when taking shots, so your images may wind up narrowly framed.
A wide focal length lens is an easy remedy for individuals who use a DSLR camera. Attaching one of these to your camera will provide you with a much larger panoramic perspective, allowing you to come up close while yet maintaining an expansive frame.
Those of you using your beloved cell phones may have to do wall hugging to acquire the desired frame. Or, to put it another way, reconsider your perspective.
Editing Is Essential
Editing is a part of the process, whether you're conducting basic edits or complicated post-production processes.
Of course, you should begin by adjusting the exposure and color. This means you'll need to adjust the white balance, restore information from shadows and highlights, and so on—everything you normally do for any form of photography.
Point Of View Matters
Vertical line correction is a significant turning point in interior photography. Many people believe that perspective distortion happens only while photographing tall buildings. Unfortunately, it is also something that must be addressed with interior photography. The amount of perspective distortion will vary based on how high you place the shot. 
Consider The Design Goal
As it is essential to recall the aim of the design. Is it meant to be used at work? Relaxation? Is it purely decorative? Understanding the goal that motivates the design will greatly impact how you position yourself in the space and select how to capture your photo.
For example, if you're designing a relaxed atmosphere, position yourself so that the items in your image occupy most of the frame. However, if the space is supposed to be a minimalist retreat, the quantity of empty space in the room should be highlighted.
Taking Everything Into Account
Lastly, when everything is done, you'll be proud to see your work being praised, and that's what we all photographers want. As an Interior design photographers, I have been in a situation where I look for ways to improve my images. Over the years, I have collected a handful of ways and tips for all my fellow photographers who can consider these while working.
As an architectural and interior design photograph expert, I have gained ample experience. With my great experience, I have enjoyed working with various elements and factors. So, if you are looking for an interior design photographer, check my portfolio, and for more information about me, please check my website. 
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Hey kat, do you happen to have any tips for keeping a space clean when you're not feeling your best? My ADHD makes it hard for me to stay on top of chores at the best of times, but when I'm down it just feels impossible. But, ironically, I also really need my space to be organized to function properly. It's become a real point of insecurity for me, so any tips you might have would be very appreciated.
The only reason my apartment isn't a mess is because I live in a group home where there's staff available who can guide me through every step of the process of cleaning something and because both my mom and my boyfriend are willing to help me out when it comes to smaller chores (like doing the dishes). If I was on my own there's no way in hell I'd be able to maintain a clean and comfortable environment, so unfortunately I can't help you out!
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punkofsunshine · 4 years
The (Informal) Miniature Anarcho-Solarpunk Manifesto
The integration of communalism into a classless system away from the main caste-esque system of hierarchy around the world is very costly when viewed from a consumer lens, but is essential in the degradation of the overbearing hierarchy that the main populace is subjected to and thusly become numb to the pressures placed upon them from an early age, spiral into endlessly consuming for a sense of being in a world that doesn’t care if you’re alive, to them you’re just a replaceable cog in the profit machine. The goal of the communalist, socialist, solarpunk, etc. should not be to live in their own bubble, but to expand their influence exponentially through participation with the outside world, turn a commune into a city as it were. Less people in a place that has dictated control by the state and the consumers within, the less control the state and capital have over people. A migration of people increases quality of life and food consumption, luckily food growth can be optimized to accommodate many people when given according to need as opposed to given to whomever has the money to afford produce. One must also keep in mind, the debt accrued is now a community responsibility, so the members will do everything in their power to keep people functioning in the community, that must include people paying off debts. Who are you if you let a fellow worker suffer on their own? Who are you to let a human such as yourself be subjected to the violence of the state in its many forms? Pushing back against such oppression is why we ascribe to this ideology, so we can taste freedom and save the earth from ourselves.
No individual is solely responsible for the pollution and poverty. Multiple corporations and their figureheads are. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Bernard Arnault, Qin Yinglin & family, Michael Bloomberg, The Koch family, Jim Simons, Alaian & Gerard Wertheimer, Mark Zuckerburg, Amancio Ortega, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett, the Walton Family, Steve Ballmer, Carlos Slim Helu & family, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Francoise Bittencourt Meyers & family, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Mukesh Ambani, Mackenzie Scott, Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr., David Thomson & family, Phil Knight & family, Lee Shau Kee, François Pinault & family. Sheldon Alelson, The Mars family, Elon Musk, Giovanni Ferrero, Michael Dell, Hui Ka Yan, Li Ka-Shing, He Xiangjian, Yang Huiyan & family, Joseph Safra, Dieter Schwarz, Vladimir Potanin, Tadashi Yanai & family, Vladamir Lisin, Ray Dalio, Takemitsu Takizaki, Leonid Mikhelson, etc. (Forbes) The list could go on, but I’m not about to list four-hundred people, the people have to change what the ruling class refuses to, hijacking corporate manufacturing and removing police of their power is essential. The police are targets due to the fact they protect corporate interests and stunt progressive growth, all of the people listed above refuse to let power be taken from them, there are too few people willing to make attempts to go after them because what would happen to their favourite source of consumption if that happened? What would happen to convenience? It would disappear, they don’t want to have to make things themselves, such is the first world’s entitlement. Doing without the convenience to save the environment should be a priority, things aren’t going to just get better on their own just because you installed solar panels and an eco-friendly water filtration system. The extent of the work that needs to be done is tremendous and must be organized efficiently and with regard to equivalency of power.
The world is in the process of ending due to all the turmoil we put it through, but the fact we’re more worried about comfort and convenience is very telling of what kind of culture western society has, instead of trying to fight those who destroy the environment and oppress us, we’re eager to mimic them. Why? Because they have and we have not. Such is the downfall of the consumerist mind. A majority of Americans think like consumers, not citizens, which is very telling because the anti-communist culture moted it be after the second world war. (Vox) There’s no telling where the zeitgeist is headed, but there’s political radicalization on both sides of the spectrum, sadly the other side of the spectrum is what we fought against, fascism, nazism, and authoritarianism. 2016 through 2020 were the worst years in terms of hate crimes committed on minority groups since the 60’s which is really saying something, neo-nazi groups sprung up and made themselves the focus, where there are fascists, there will always be anti-fascists or to be informal, antifa. I, the author am a background informant for the loose collective known as antifa, our job is simply to let people know where rallies are going down, we use pseudonyms and VPNs so we cannot be tracked. So why am I telling you this? Isn’t this supposed to be about what we can do to rebel against the systems that oppress us? Yes, and I’m getting there. There’s a reason I’m talking about fascism, and that is the fact fascism and capitalism are linked together.
Fascism/imperialism has been described as “capitalism in decay” by Vladimir Lenin due to the fact that neoliberalism is capitalism functioning as normal, communism post-capitalism, and fascism is capitalism going away slowly. It is an unjust and evil way of looking at the world, but once capitalists sense danger to their power, they fund fascism just so they can keep their power for longer. Anti-fascist action is also anti-capitalist action, for every nazi destroyed, we are one step closer to freedom. For every capitalist institution raided and demolished, we are one step closer to freedom. The city isn’t made of buildings that you can buy from, it’s made of the people who live there, so when the BLM protests occurred and stores were “looted” and burned, that was a form of praxis that hasn’t happened in years it was truly inspiring to see the people of Oregon (among other places) fight the police, fight back the alt-right, give capitalists the middle finger, create autonomous zones, and keep people from getting evicted during the pandemic. That is what communalism is partly about, supporting each other in the face of adversity no matter the cost of personal wellbeing, it’s the pinnacle of mutual aid.
Revolutionary action is one-hundred percent essential in securing future freedoms for not only generation Y, but generation Z and subsequent generations. As a member of generation Z, I feel fear, anger, and dread when it comes to climate change and the fact our generation will have to clean up the messes of the former generations when it comes to pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, unsustainable farming practices, soil health degradation, deforestation, the melting of polar habitats, natural disasters, etc. The weight of the world falls upon our shoulders and we realize this as a truth or we reject reality and follow in our parent’s footsteps and do nothing about it, it’s up to us, the most depressed and angry generation in the U.S.’s rather short history to right the wrongs made by former generations when most of us can’t even find motivation to get out of bed in the morning. I am writing this manifesto in my bed as I have been for the past week when I remember to write it down. It’s not enough to just write a theory however, put practice in it and it becomes more than just a talking point. It becomes a movement, how far you want to take it depends on you, but I do not condone violence against any of the people in the list above for strictly legal reasons. It is not absurd to think that we don’t have a snowball's chance in hell to stop the impending climate disaster that is about to fall onto us, because that assumption is correct. The best we can do is rebuild afterwards then hope and pray the next generation continues our work to restore the planet and maybe move outside our solar system, god willing.
I’ve tried writing a short solarpunk novel, I realized that the fiction may be important for outreach, but I was trying to add personal political theory to a narrative that’s supposed to be about a character’s internal conflicts as opposed to what I’m doing now, informal political theory, which is why I’m addressing you, the reader. I’ve read and listened to political theory in the past, and it’s incredibly dry and hard to pay attention to, don’t get me wrong, it’s important when you’re a part of various movements such as eco-socialism, communalist-anarchism, and anarcho-solarpunk, but I think it’s more important to connect with a reader or listener to make sure they understand the message before saying “do some praxis.” That is the goal here, not to be the leftist, humane version Ayne Rand, but instead instill in people a hope for the future that learns to do without mass manufacturing, that learns to make their own food sustainably, that learns that we all have a right to food, clean water, housing, medical treatment, and clean air without having to pay for all of those things. I may not be a part of the bottom percentage of people, but if I were my point would still stand strong, the notion that you have to work to get basic necessities is immoral on many levels, but in “free market” economies that’s the standard and I was as blind to it as most people before I found solarpunk, it started out by liking the aesthetic, but I started thinking about what we do to our planet and realized this isn’t just a bunch of pretty pictures, this is an idea for a utopian future entrenched in equality, sustainability, environmentalism, and anti-corpocracy.
Many people say that socialism has never worked, they give reasoning such as “Income inequality expands under socialism.” Which is just capitalist projection, during the 2020 pandemic, which is still ongoing at the time or writing, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. “. . . in the months since the virus reached the United States, many of the nation’s wealthiest citizens have actually profited handsomely. Over a roughly seven-month period starting in mid-March – a week after President Donald Trump declared a national emergency – America’s 614 billionaires grew their net worth by a collective $931 billion.” (USA Today) The middle class, which skyrocketed post-feudalism/post-monarchy has been getting erased by the ruling class, which is the goal of capitalism. Capitalism is rooted in the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie and was created to have control over the masses without having a direct economic power structure overhead. Things may have gotten better for the growing middle class and the poor marginally, then the industrial revolution kicked in and everything went downhill from there. Pollution began with burning coal, the car came along, now it’s coal and oil, and so on until today where we have access to truly world-altering technologies, but what’s holding us back are the people who continue to exploit non-renewable resources for profit and solely profit. The betterment of mankind isn’t on the mind of the capitalist, they can avoid global catastrophe, they aren’t the peasants, they’re the monarchs. Why do you think billionaires fund space travel and cryogenics research? It’s not to better the rest of the world, it’s to get the hell out of dodge after global warming takes its toll and they have no more workers willing to fill their pockets by letting their labor be exploited. As I said above, it’s up to my generation to fix the mess they made. Maybe we’ll learn a lesson, or maybe we’ll die in the process, either way the situation is dire and action needs to be taken.
Who will take action? Well, if you made it this far into the manifesto without falling asleep or getting angry at the things I have to say, it’s you, me, and everyone else who cares, is tired of selling their soul, and wants freedom. Freedom, not via the dollar, but via being human. It matters not your ethnicity, skin colour, religion (or lack thereof), sexuality, gender, or anything else; you matter, the world matters, and it takes all of us to save it.
-A manifesto by Aeron Fae Greenwood
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sapphicrafting · 4 years
Hermitcraft Elytra Headcanons
Got inspired by my last rb, so I'm gonna rant about elytra and different hermits' wings!!!!! I might organize this into an actual thing later, but it's just me infodumping rn lmao. If you’re intrested in this pls feel free to talk to me abt it!!!! if you have any questions/suggestions/general comments I would love to hear em :)
ok, so we all know how grian has the rep of the best flier on the server, right? Maybe he has wings like a peregrine falcon! Peregrines are the fastest bird (and animal in general), known for their sharp and accurate dives and ability to maneuver in the air. They have long, pointed wings that lend themselves to speed and excellent maneuverability. The wings make them talented fliers, able to change speeds quickly (they usually cruise at 40-60ish mph but will change speeds when diving for prey, reaching speeds of 200+ mph). Peregrines also tend to be highly successful in urban environments, meaning wings like theirs would not be super out of place in highly industrialized or developed areas and builds :)
builders typically have powerful wings built for gliding — large builds tend to lend themselves to high platforms, making it easy to jump off into a glide. The wings aren't designed to lift off from the ground or to flap consistently or often. Flapping flight is inefficient and takes a lot of energy that is silly to waste on just checking your build from a different angle. So the wings aren't built for that kind of flight.
People who have very far away/spread-out bases/farms (maybe xB? he's pretty far away I think) have wings like an albatross, built for long-distance soaring. The wings are made for long soaring flight, allowing the bird to travel almost 1000km/day without having to flap their wings. Soaring is aided by shoulder-locks, a tendon that locks the wing when fully extended, enabling the wings to be outstretched without any muscle usage and minimal energy loss! While they are very good at long-distance flight, the long wings aren't fit for powered flight, and most albatross species lack the muscles + energy for sustained flapping flight. Taking off with the wings requires a running start to allow air under the wings to provide lift.
redstoners have wings like a dragonfly, with wings made for direct flight, meaning that the flight wings are attached directly at the bases of the wings. They have four wings of similar shape and size, each operating independently, which gives them fine control and mobility regarding the abruptness with which they change direction and speed. The wings allow them the ability to move in any direction and change direction suddenly. They can propel themselves in six different directions while flying (upward, downward, forward, backward, left, and right). They are capable of hovering, slow flight, changing directions rapidly, gliding, and fast flight. The wings are right for redstoners because they need to hover while working to place redstone or see the machine in action (while still being able to view what's happening). Additionally, the ability to change directions or stop abruptly helps when moving around projects and accessing different pieces of redstone since many redstone designs have complex and complicated layouts.
Miners have wings like cicada's, who are built for living underground for long periods. The wings are hardy and adapted to being cooped up underground, and are structured in a way that helps prevent dirt, grime, and bacteria from the mines from getting onto and dirtying their wings. While the exact structure of the wings doesn't exactly lend itself to effortless soaring, this isn't a huge issue when a vast majority of time is spent underground, not flying. The wings are sturdy and robust (well suited for the roughness of the mines) and slightly heavier than those of other closely related bugs (like locusts) due to them being made tougher by the presence of chitin in the wing membrane. The toughness and added weight also explain why the wings are only built for flying shorter distances. In addition to the wing's strength, its structure is also well suited for mines due to how the wings are designed to stay clean and deter bacteria. The surface of the wings is covered in tiny, waxy cones that are reminiscent of blunt spikes, which create a water-repellent film, making the surface of the wings superhydrophobic. Rain runs across the surface, removing dirt in the process, similar to how the surface of a lotus leaf functions. Droplets of water rolling or splashing off them can remove soil, dust, pollen, and microbes. In the absence of rain, dew will condense on the wings. When the surface of the wings is exposed to water vapor, dew can condense on them. The growing droplets fuse together, and the merged drop will leap off the water-repellent surface (the science of why this happens isn't super simple, but if you're curious, tell me). Bacteria that lands on the wing's surface isn't repelled, but rather are torn apart by the nanoscopic spikes.
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astrallines · 4 years
Earth to Air #02
The most pertinent astrological event of these years is the once-every-two-centuries transition in the elements of the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle. In December 2020, we are moving from an earth age to an air age. I will be cataloguing reflections and predictions, as well as amplifications of the elements and their zodiacal signs. What follows is a short essay on how the bias of the material age might compromise the utility of astrology.
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Who do I speak to about astrology, and what is the purpose of public speech about astrology?
At its best, the astrological community comprises spiritually fluent, intellectual, open-minded, zeitgeist-informed individuals who are interested in cultural progression and restoration in appropriate measure. However, the common use of astrology appears more and more predicated on the determination of a natal chart in the governance of an individual—but this is typically contradicted through practices of individuation. The more a person is in touch with themselves, the less a birth chart is “lived out,” and the more that it is “felt out.” As archetypal currents flow through an individual, it seems that these forces only becomes externalized if the native is not consciously engaging with the material in their inner life. If someone is continuously meditating on Pluto-conjunct-Venus, for instance, and is unfolding the archetypal material through contemplation, art, and attention, it is less likely to manifest as a concrete objective event in their life.
This is something seen easily during every mercury retrograde. For those who are following mercury-as-psychopomp into continual modes of reflection, the life becomes slower and not as many trains are missed.
When you’re reading the chart of an individual, or checking their transits, you are essentially painting the attitudinal environment of that person or that period. But you cannot account for the actions that result from these moods—the client is governor of their own responses going forward. Skilled astrologers can sometimes predict specific events, but that is a testimony to the homogeneity of the culture as manifest in the client as much as anything. It is probably harmless to see Uranus transiting a person’s 4th house and say, “Oh, you might move soon,” but to frame transits as only literal denies the complexity of the psychological backdrop upon which the transits are operating.
What is far more harmful, and ideologically related, is using astrological tools to shame people and create scapegoats. “Geminis are liars,” or “Any Leo placement produces narcissism,” etc. In this case you are fixing the conception of the archetypes involved, limiting their expression in the life. It accrues over time, just as any other constructed cultural narrative—internalized gender or class prejudices, for instance. But if you were to actually unpack “gemini” and its significations, you would arrive at no limit. Any depth psychologist knows that archetypes are literally inexhaustible, and that is what makes them archetypes. And when you have any planet in any sign, that is already two inexhaustibilities in conversation with each other—boundless permeability.
That we think we can pin an archetype down, objectify it, is a result of our materialist era bias, by the way. A material conception of the world, predicated on atomic sciences and all that, benefits from categories and objects. That’s how we fit them into the scientific method. We also like it for business purposes. When something can be boxed it can be sold. Whether we are building a formula or an economic system, an incredible amount of our mental effort goes into navigating these assemblies. This is the Minecraft world we’re in, and it does not seem unrealistic to us.
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Taking Marie-Louis von Franz’ view that matter is psyche’s extension into time, if we are to turn around and look at psyche in its pre-instantiated state, of course we are going to bring the bias of materiality with us as observers. Inevitable as it is, the narrower we settle in our conceptualization of psychic content, the more we become trapped in our own lives. The operational shorthands of logic are great for designing a machine, but hopelessly impoverished for assessing character: “Virgos keep clean roooms because they like organization!” As if it will happen each time. “It depends,” is the continual cry of the feeling function. Feeling is only the measure of appropriateness, the evaluation of meaning which is never twice the same. Imagination is the sole tool we have for creation, it is the force that coheres form, and in order for it to design an effective world it needs both discernments: reason and feeling.
It is not only in astrology that people want to take psychic subjects and put a pin in them. There is always going to be a fascination with the uncanniness of fringe phenomena, objects of mysticism, occultism, parapsychology. Of course it is a very thin margin between the uncanny and the fearsome, for the uncanny marks the edge of the known.
Thinking now of some memes and things that were recently trending as punchlines: the moon, hexes, fairies. “Astral projection” has long been a twitter punchline, as has “the name of God.” Psychedelic depictions of angels were having a moment not long ago, but these renditions were really only monstrous eyes upon flaming wheels. There is no supernal fire in any of them. Psychedelic means “manifesting the mind,” and all art is thus inherently psychedelic, but the copy-of-copy-of-copy of what was once a mystic encounter produces not any more exuding of mana than the average spongebob fan art. What mind is manifest here? Only some pale mimicry. 
All of this is a commodification and a profanity of the unknowable. Weirdly, the history of lovecraftian motifs in net culture has long been associated with the STEM set of people. “Imagine something outside of reason! What the heck?!” On the other hand, Ezekielian angels and the “astral project to ur job” memes seemed to be more endemic to arty types. Just an observation.
We are flirting a little with these edges of the unknown because we can never shake the drive to expand our awareness, a little inner flame licks at our hearts telling us that some concept is unresolved. We draw to ourselves the low-res, more palatable images of archetypes so that we can position them in our lives or let them simmer on the back burner. Even hella long ago Plato recognized that false images can act like crutches leading you closer to the numinous, ineffable subject. Really the only risk is keeping them around inordinately as they leak more and more of their prejudice into your worldview, or worse yet that you cling to them so long you mistake them for yourself.
Astrology in its excellence functions as an alphabet of myth, living and dynamic, responding to the zeitgeist as much as the subjects of its study are coloring that zeitgeist. So when we cheapen the practice, by reducing it to operating instructions and standardizing its prejudices, we deprive ourselves of what could be the most accessible and practical psychological tool of our time. It’s a little awkward, since interest in astrology was relatively dormant for a while, and is now trending hard... We are coming back to it with a fervor that attests to our thirst for myth! Let’s hope that we give the archetypes enough time and space to speak for themselves.
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rosebattle7 · 4 years
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Baking soda has natural whitening properties and has been shown to be effective at removing stains on your teeth and whitening your smile. That's why it's a popular ingredient in many commercial toothpastes.
The external layer of your tooth, referred to as enamel obtains covered by an extremely slim layer, called the pellicle layers which captures spots conveniently. Nonetheless, what we consume can likewise have a long lasting effect on our teeth. Smoking, coffee, tea, red wine and soda pop can all contribute to staining on our teeth.
Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options - Healthline
Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options.
Posted: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
You have actually extensively prepared for all those complicated inquiries as well as picked your finest match, now be prepared to impress the job interviewers with your amazing brilliant white smile. Whether for a special event, such as your wedding, or simply to enhance your day to day appearance, an intense white smile enhances both your confidence and also your appearance. Our friendly experts will respond to any questions you have and also assist you choose the most effective choice for you. So why not reserve an appointment now with laser-bright-teeth in Manchester. After the three 15 minute periods, you will see a big renovation in your teeth. After the treatment you will certainly be talked to regarding the diet regimen strategy and preventative measures you require to take for the following two days. A vitamin E teeth moisturizer as well as gum guard will certainly be related to make sure miraculous safety to your teeth and gums.
After the treatment is over, Dr Richard will certainly provide you with a guide which specifies that you should stay clear of any kind of pigmented foods, merlot, black coffee and also black tea. tab left and finish the online form, giving your information or those of the person organizing the session if booking a celebration. When sent we will certainly call you within 24 hr to validate your reservation.
One of the most common include aging and intake of staining materials such as coffee, tea, soda pops, tobacco, merlot, and so on . Throughout tooth development, usage of tetracycline, particular antibiotics or excessive fluoride might additionally create tooth staining. The reason our teeth show up dull is because the teeth have actually picked up discolorations deep inside the dentine and enamel. Discoloured teeth are the scourge of cigarette smokers, red wine, tea as well as coffee enthusiasts and also also some individuals who have actually had anti-biotics as a child.
many benefits ='text-align:center'>
Usually whitening will produce remarkable renovations in the appearance of most stained teeth yet there are some stains that do not respond to whitening. Discolorations that develop from the medication Tetracycline could require lengthy lightening, since it takes much longer for the bleach to reach the dentin layer. As we mature our adult teeth frequently darken as changes take place in the mineral framework of the tooth and the enamel becomes much less permeable.
Our teeth may additionally be discolored by bacterial pigments, food, drink and also tobacco. While this is not the costliest treatment worldwide, it is much from being the least pricey alternative. Nevertheless, numerous, dental offices will enable individuals to make installment repayments that makes it a lot more economical. Sore gum tissues from the gel-- This typically lasts just a brief while after the treatment. This treatment is a non-invasive one that triggers no bleeding or even discomfort while the treatment is being done or after it has been completed. Past that, the appearance of face lines and wrinkles is much less visible when individuals's eyes are drawn to white teeth.
Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside - DirectorsTalk Interviews
Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside.
Posted: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:57:45 GMT [source]
Supplies Reviews News/Blog8 things every lady must know about laser hair elimination. News/Blog8 points every lady ought to understand about laser hair elimination. Yorkshire Laser & Aesthetics supply specialist tools as well as complete training for laser tattoo elimination, laser hair elimination, semi long-term make up as well as body piercing. We can additionally educate you on exactly how to do a carbon laser face peel as well as provide the required machinery.
White Dental Appeal is currently a globally leading teeth whitening brand, renowned for supplying premium quality, innovative as well as clinically strengthened whitening items with four whitening gel strengths.
Along with having a dedication to developing high quality and also dependable products, the White Dental Elegance objective is to help methods provide a person trip like nothing else.
In the expanding field of oral appearances, there are countless firms marketing and advertising items to the sector.
Dental specialists will appropriately anticipate a high standard from all their materials, including their teeth whitening gels.
Depending on how many sessions you desire, it does not use up much time in any way.
It can be made use of to reward people for completed treatments, inspiring them and improving their natural teeth tones alongside or prior to corrective job.
Sustained by this, they have produced a devoted advertising support plan to boost the client experience and also construct your practice with specialist teeth whitening.
Your specialist teeth whitening at the dental practitioner's workplace can be done over your lunch break.
By submitting this kind you comprehend that your information is refined based on our privacy noticeWe never ever share your details with any individual. Your personal privacy is very crucial and we ensure its kept 100% exclusive. Teeth can be slowly lightened in the comfort of the home with a customized fit tray system. Although normal cleaning as well as routine sees to the hygienist can aid to maintain teeth tidy and get rid of surface area discoloration, they can not get rid of deeply ingrained spots.
Also a modification of just 2 or 3 tones will make a substantial difference; the objective being to accomplish your private optimal whiteness while still looking natural. We provide a range of orthodontic options, including clear aligners and also Invisalign dental braces. By sending this kind, you understand your data obtains refined in conformity to our personal privacy notice. Just picture your wedding celebration pictures, the most effective day of your life, spectacular gowns as well as rushing matches, and your superstar smile in the center of all of it.
To see our latest prices and also special offers please see our fees web page. Drury Lane Dental Treatment is just one of the premiere Laser Teeth Whitening oral practices in London, we only use the current available formulation of Laser Whitening items. We pride ourselves on offering a welcoming, kicked back and friendly environment that places our clients comfortable. the huge majority of our clients have suffered no level of sensitivity.
How can I make my teeth white in a week?
Using hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth. For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week. They should only do this occasionally.
Some of our clients have actually had white areas on their teeth, triggered by tetracyclines or after having actually braces gotten rid of, that we can easily deal with to decrease their look. Your Hygienist or Therapist will advise you on which whitening system would certainly be best for you, and talk about the level of whitening you wish to. attain. Many people might need a brief top up annually, relying on their habits, yet a complete program of whitening is more likely after about 18 months. Laser Whitening develops a glossy smile, by making teeth smoother and also shinier and handling level of sensitivity. Prepare yourself for the summer period with an attractive white brand-new smile. This is a minimal time deal legitimate only until the 1st of October. The procedure will not lighten Crowns, Caps, Vaneers or Fillings.
Ultrasonic Weight-loss & Radiofrequency 40k Cavitation is basic non intrusive treatment which depends on soundwaves to give a momentary toning and firm result. Below at Smileright ™, we are totally dedicated to ensuring that you attain that intense smile. We are devoted and enthusiastic regarding making you smile and to enable you to grin with confidence. Our Dental Clinic is located in Royal District of Kensington & Chelsea.
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adazieht · 4 years
Attention: I love the world of "Harry Potter," but I think the main character is antihero.
The system of roles that I have described for the story's characters is based on the Writer's Way (the old edition was called the Hero's Way), a classic Hollywood typology. Briefly about the typology Of " the way of the Writer/Hero's» The author believes that by giving a group of first-and second-plan characters clear roles that affect the plot and the Main Character, it is possible to create a strong story. Its typology was at first critically accepted, as proponents of chaotic plot creation thought that it would kill the individual. But in the end, everything turned out exactly the opposite and indeed the best pictures of American and European cinema were created using this typology. Proving once again that random writing can't create a clear and understandable story for female viewers.
In my opinion the path of the Writer/This is a very strong system, which has been present in the stories of Pixar, Disney, paramount, especially 20th century Fox and others for twenty years (or even more, it should be clarified). However, it creates at first glance clear restrictions that the authors first see and therefore decide to work within the framework, although the typology is intended to adapt to the authors, their mentality, mentality and territoriality (for example: the plot in Germany from an Irish immigrant will not be similar to the plot of an American, although they strictly followed the system of the role of heroes in the plot).
Let The Writer/The hero does not give full will in what characters to use and how. Since it has a total of 7 types (Hero, Trickster, guardian of the Threshold, Mentor, Werewolf, Partners and Shadow). Around which is usually built a dynamic, but short story, which is not easy for everyone to work through and yet is mostly suitable for a movie in the last 1.5 hours.
But it really can be useful, it's just better to Supplement it with your own interpretation and other typologies. It should be clarified that I will not touch on the manner of writing a story using the writer's Path system, since I do not share the opinion about its convenience. Although it is definitely more convenient than the classical system, which is actively taught in Russian universities, where thank you that there are not 25 steps in the story, which are told to put in 40 minutes of narration.
I used The Writer's Path/the hero to quickly think through what classic conflict/action should occur in connection with one of the characters.
Mentor. The mentor was the same Yoda from Star Wars. That is, the character performing the function of a Mentor should teach something to the Main Character/Hero, perhaps even accompany the story, like Merlin. Or teach a lesson and die provoking the Heroine / Hero into action (Uncle Ben from Spider-Man).
False Mentor. Negative Mentor, so to speak. He is trusted by the main character, he even teaches him, but leads thereby to destruction because he is actually an insidious manipulator. Dumbledore from Harry Potter.
The topic of Harry Potter as a character will be touched upon later to demonstrate how we can be manipulated by writers and writers who keep in mind the ideal image of the Main Character-Hercules.
The trickster. Tricksters are the most independent characters. People like to say that Loki from marvel is a Trickster, but in fact he only has trickster elements in his system of action. Namely, to act not only during the main actions on the screen, but also before, between, and behind them. Tricksters don't care about the goals of the Main Character, the Villain, or anyone else. They have their own goals and want to achieve them. Tricksters are always active and do not stand still, so they are rarely in the focus of the cameras or suddenly appear on the scene and thank you if they decide to support Hero. We can say that Tricksters are one of the most powerful characters, both mentally and physically, some of them therefore decide not to go into the main plot especially (if they are not interested in the reward for help or the object of the Main Character's hunt), because why should they go into what they decide with one hand? This is boring, and boredom is not for them, and they like to pretend to be physically weak. As a result, I will write that Tricksters exist so that the world in which the actions take place is alive. So that the tower over there will explode and attract attention, so that at this moment the reader will be hooked by its mystery trickster. To create an active and complete world atmosphere.
Guardian of the threshold. Always on the side of the villain. In the story, it serves to become the last obstacle for the hero, after which he is convinced of his strength and that he definitely needs to defeat the Shadow (the main villain). Sometimes it can take the side of the Hero, since the main role of the Guardian is educational and inspiring during the contact between them. The guardian can decide that the Hero is perfect or that his strength has earned his loyalty, and the Shadow will lose. Usually in the arches of the confrontation between Batman( the Hero) and the Joker (the Shadow), the role of the Guardian is performed by Harley Quinn, who is not rarely disappointed in the Shadow and tries to start living again. But most often the Threshold Guard is killed.
Werewolf. An inferior type in this typology. The author is still not completely sure how much it has the place to be, as a separate type, and not a special quality of other types. For example, a False mentor can also be called a Werewolf who seemed to be one, but turned out to be another. But a Werewolf takes place when the differences from the original image are so strong that it seems that it is a completely different character. That is, There was little red riding Hood - cute, but it turned out to be a serial killer who kills grandmothers and blames the wolf.
The shadow is always the main villain of the story. The shadow has similar features to the main character, not rarely the same weaknesses, desires, but unlike him, the Shadow does not restrain anything and it creates hell that. At the same time, because of similarities, they may have mutual understanding and dialogues, but because of differences, they can not coexist.
Partners-partners and there is nothing to describe here. Just the Hero's partners. All.
And now about the Hero/Heroine and what does the deception I mentioned earlier in the story about Harry Potter have to do with it?
A hero in the classical sense is all good deeds in one person and the desire to do everything for the best. This is a great image of a person who overcomes difficulties and solves the problems of the plot. Their personal plot is easy to understand and always equals the plot of the story.
However, there is also a plot about an anti-Hero. An antihero is a hero who tends to self-flagellate, do stupid things and negatively tune in to the world around him, trying on the mask of an often beaten person who can justify his negative outbursts, bad treatment of his Partners (including sitting on their necks). Antiheroes usually arise from an attempt to make the Trickster the main character, or to arouse pity from readers, often ending with the death of this antihero in order to teach the audience something.
And this is a description of the main character of "Harry Potter", that is, Harry himself. And classics stories about anti-Heroes he was also dragged through the plot, through his "do not want", while its true purpose (which is at least not entirely overlap with the purpose of his environment and history) a large part of the plot was not formed, and after the trigger 4 in the book, he started to want revenge for parents who didn't idealiziruete the image of his cause (revenge for ideal people and for the lost perfect life in complete comfort, instead of to create comfort; despite the fact that he also, like a typical anti-hero, clung to those who would give him this comfort). Then he learns information that tells him that perfect people are not completely perfect. And it is during this period that he begins to physically threaten other people, even committing actions that can kill someone, giving in to anger. Around the characters begin to die, which of course puts pressure on the antihero, but emotionally he does not often remember the deaths, quickly moving away (if it is not the characters who gave him either hope for comfort, or already giving comfort).
Like all anti-heroes, he also exhales sharply, then flares up, then sees that darkness is happening around him. Dies for the sake of achieving a good future (because the decision of the plot is always either in the death of the anti-hero, or because he can do nothing else). Sometimes the authors at the same time give the antihero during or after death a chance to solve the main conflict of the story plot with their own hands, organizing their rebirth, as if they are Phoenixes and are born again bright and clean.
Where do the legs of a typical anti-Hero story grow from? From Greek myths, where heroes often performed "feats" in which they not infrequently killed those who did not harm them or creatures that logically ate those who wandered into the heart of their territories, or killed deservedly villains, but again in the name of Victory, Revenge, to Order, and not justice.
Greek mythology as a whole can be characterized as an anti-Hero cult, which serves to satisfy and encourage the fact that at that time Greece was a very negative country in terms of moral appearance. However, these feats of HEROES were presented to all of us as something beautiful and truly heroic. The same disney cartoon about Hercules could not become anything else either. At the same time, thanks to the development of critical thinking people, it was noticed that the only one who had motivation - was Hades, and the same Zeus asshole.
And if you superimpose Hercules from the beginning of the story and Harry Potter, will there be a special difference in functionality? There are great forces and all around say that he is special, the world around him does not understand, he wants more and feels that somewhere there is a true comfort for him. He wants justice for Himself, not for others. Then something happens that gets him involved in the story's plot. He is given the opportunity to enter the magical world, where he seems to be in the theme, allowed to practice their own powers. At the same time, he does not want to return to the old world, as he is inclined to devalue all the good that he received there. He wants to become a Hero, feeling that he is an inferior classic Hero and something is wrong with him ( he is an anti-hero). And a sense of inferiority develops. There is a trigger that causes him to have a clearly formulated goal, but his goal is not perfect in fact. He is disappointed, but decides to act like a Hero, without showing empathy for others, emotionally distancing himself (he does not understand someone's reasons why they do this, but sees how they do it). There is a dangerous situation for their lives with the deaths of other people (or near deaths). The final, where he is white and cleared of doubt.
Very often, the Shadow of the anti-Hero in the final finally goes mad, reflecting the anti-Hero's obsession with his own goal. Remember when Hades and Voldemort had their roofs blown off?
This is the end of the article. Good luck to all and enjoy writing any texts.
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gothiccbts-blog · 5 years
My Darling, Chapter 1
Genre: Murder Mystery, Horror, Angst (in this chapter)
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Summary: Working as a detective constable for 5 years definitely had you seeing some horrific scenes in your career. However, nothing would prepare you for the string of murders around the city which all had one intention; getting your attention.
Words: 4.4k
Author’s note: Hello! This is the first official chapter of my first fanfic, hope you all enjoy it! Also would recommend if you haven’t read the teaser I highly suggest you do since it’s where this chapter leads off from. Let me know what you think! Thank you - Lisa
Teaser ◀         ▶Next Chapter
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Thursday 7:46am
The ticking noise of the clock on the cold, white-bricked wall was slowly getting louder in your head with every second, it’s the only thing that’s keeping you conscious in this cold and harrowing morgue. Your body is pressed against one of the cold metal tables as you rest your eyes, pulling yourself into darkness. This is the first time you’ve shut your eyes for more than 2 seconds all night after the body was discovered at Stigma Nightclub, the image of the blood-soaked body was still burning into each fiber of your mind.
The sound of a scalpel being slammed against a metal tray brings you back into the light, the horrific vision of the victim’s body now fading away as your eyes are met with the same body now on a metal slab, all sewed and cleaned up.
“I don’t think you need me to tell you that this was a pretty violent murder.” Stated the man standing directly above the body, Kim Seokjin, the head Forensic Pathologist on this case and pretty much every case that’s pretty serious. Seokjin is good at what he does, hell, he’s amazing at what he does. The bad thing is that even he knows he’s one of the best in the business, meaning you can imagine the size of this guy’s ego.
“It’s pretty difficult to say what killed him first… the head trauma from his skull getting bashed against the wall or the fact he pretty much stabbed every internal organ in this area…” he says as he gestures to the lower abdominal area before leaning against the metal table and looking over the body, his eyes dragging along the flesh.
“From the looks of things, he was knocked out cold when his head was thrown against the wall but was still alive when he was being stabbed and of course died from blood loss.” He states before a scoff came from the other side of the room.
“Even I could’ve told you that! And here I was under the impression you were the best in the business, could you please tell us something we don’t know, Seokjin?” Came Officer Min’s obviously tired and annoyed voice as he leans against the cold wall of the morgue, arms crossed and looking very unimpressed at Seokjin.
An annoyed sigh escapes Seokjin’s lips, looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows; “It’s Dr. Kim to you, Min. And until we analyse the fluids and other areas of the body, we will not be able to determine a cause of death. I suggest you take your head out of your ass and actually do something other than gawk at me doing my work, I know I’m handsome but even I need to draw the line, especially in a work environment.” His offended look was now replaced with a smirk, knowing how to push Officer Min’s buttons.
Officer Min, also known as Yoongi, and I have come to Seokjin’s Pathologist team for lots of different cases, be it a murder, drink driving, drug overdose, you name it. You would think after years and years of being in the same cold and eerie room together they would come to like or even just respect each other. Apparently, Seokjin’s cockiness and overall personality are just too much for Yoongi, not that he is any better, he always wishes to push his buttons just to piss him off, it’s a constant cycle every time we’re here.
You yourself would never consider yourself a friend of Seokjin’s, would you ever go to a bar with him? Go out for lunch? No never, you just respect his work and consider him an acquaintance, that’s all. Even if you were to ask him out for lunch, he has this reputation of keeping himself to himself, I don’t think anyone in his team even knows anything personal about him other than his name and age. No one knows his family if he’s got a boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, kids. He’s an unbreakable wall that no one has seemed to crack.  
A low growl comes from Yoongi’s throat as he pushes himself off of the wall, turning his head towards you,
“Come on Miss Y/l/n, I know where we can go, let Seokj- oh I’m sorry Dr Kim, my apologies your majesty,” he pauses to bow mockingly, earning a scoff from the other man, “We should go back to the nightclub, I sent some of my team and forensics there early this morning to see what they can find, might as well join them and see if we can help.”
You nod, pulling your tired body off of the table, turning your head to Seokjin before leaving, “Give us a call if you find anything important, alright?”
The smell of booze, sweat and regret is exactly the first thing that hits you when first stepping foot into Stigma Nightclub. Instead of sweaty and drunk bodies grinding against each other to some terrible EDM music, the place was filled with people in white plastic suits and police uniforms. You remember a time where you used to be in here, back when you were a university student and had so much of life ahead of you. This was actually when you were first introduced to him. Kim Taehyung. The man that broke your heart.
You remember it so clearly; you were out dancing and having fun with friends when he came up to you at the bar. He was just so charming, handsome and made you smile, filled you up with compliments and even asked you out, being the innocent student who wanted to experience things said yes. Around 3 or 4 dates later he asked you to be his girlfriend, you were on cloud nine, little did you know he was going to break your heart into a million pieces.
“We should go and talk to some of the staff here last night, follow me.”
Yoongi’s voice brought you out of your little daze, the image of Taehyungsmiling in front of you is replaced with emptiness, the memory fading. Finally bringing function to your legs, you follow his lead, before you know it you’re heading towards a girl around the age of 24-26 with the staff’s uniform on, sitting at one of the many tables. She’s looking down at her hands, fidgeting. She’s obviously very distressed. I don’t blame her, she’s surrounded by officer’s that are all trying to get every little detail out of her.
“-I just c-can’t believe he’s r-really gone…” you heard her whimper as you approach the table, taking out your badge from your coat and showing the officer’s surrounding her, signaling them to leave. You slowly kneel down in front of her, trying to make her feel a bit more at ease.
“Hi there, I’m detective constable y/n y/l/n, this is Head Officer Min. We’d like to ask you about what happened here las-“ you stated before she suddenly interrupted.
“My friend got murdered! T-that’s what! I-I’ve told the other o-officers everything I know, w-which is nothing! Just l-leave me alone!” she exclaimed, more red hot tears streaming down her already stained face.
Sighing you get back up on your feet and look over at Officer Min, who is about to say something else to her,
“Give her some space… is the owner anywhere to be seen?” You asked, knowing well who it is you’re asking to see.
You have heard of the infamous owner of this nightclub, Jung Hoseok. In fact, everyone has heard of him. One of the richest men in the country. He owns around 5 nightclubs all over the country, all of them being packed every single night, sending him easy millions in the bank every week. Not only that but he has been connected to a lot of drugs and weapon smuggling in and out of this country, but no charges were made against his name due to the lack of evidence. This man has so many connections that he could buy himself out of jail, that’s why he’s so well known. He’s created a whole empire for himself making him untouchable. At least he likes to think he is.
A lot of my team have tried their best at arresting him, trying to catch him red-handed when talking to these criminals, organising the drug and weapons smuggling but he knows what he’s doing. He’s careful and never leaves any loose ends for us to find. He’s good at what he does, the bastard.
“Why, you going to try and get some information out of him? I wish you all the luck in the world, Miss Y/l/n.” He says before nodding towards the set of stairs, just over by the glamorous VIP section of the club with chandeliers and expensive furniture, “His office should be up those stairs somewhere, you go and talk to him and I’ll go and talk to security, see what we can find on the CCTV footage from last night.”
You nod, you can’t help but let your gaze linger on the bar as you turn to make your way towards the stairs, the sound of his laughter echoing through your brain, the sound of his compliments, his jokes, him.
“You’re a university student? Wow, you must be pretty smart then!” He smiles, taking a sip of his drink of beer, his big and sparkling eyes never leaving yours, “Beautiful and smart, surely that’s illegal!”
You laugh, probably a little too loud now that the vodka from your 4th vodka and coke finally seems to have kicked in.
“Oh no no, you flatter me too much! You’re really trying to charm me, aren’t you?” you lean in a little closer, feeling a little bolder now as you look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“That depends, is it working?” He winks back at you, sending blood rushing to your cheeks, sure you’ve met guys at bars who have tried to flirt with you, but this seems so different, he’s different.
“Get me another drink and you’ll find out…”
Before you know it you’re standing in front of a fogged glass door, the metallic plaque with the name ‘Jung Hoseok CEO’ engraved into it. A loud beaming voice coming from within the room, sounding to be annoyed with whoever else is in there. Without thinking twice I knock against the glass, the room inside falling silent until you hear the words “come in” from a low voice.
When you enter the office, there are already a few police officers in there, no doubt giving Mr. Jung a grilling already, trying to suck every piece of information out of him. However, the police officers are not the first thing you notice, despite being right next to me as you enter the room. It’s the dark eyes of Jung Hoseok. Boring into you from the other side of his desk. His hair is a mess, his shirt unbuttoned and tie loose, his eyes heavy and luring you in before you finally compose yourself.
“I am detective constable Y/n Y/ln, do you mind if I have a few minutes with you, Mr. Jung?” you state, trying to be as calm and collected as possible despite the horrible aura that’s coming from the man in front of you.
“…Alright, sweetheart, as long as it’s just you and me. Don’t want these hounds lurking in on our private conversation, now do we?” His sudden cold and rude exterior changing as he gives you a wide smile, a cold shiver going down your spine as you nod, watching as the two officers make their way out of the room, the sound of the door closing is a lot louder than it should have been, maybe that was just your nerves heightening your senses.
“Sit down, sweetheart, I don’t bite you know…” The smirk never leaving his face as he gestures to the leather chair in front of his desk. You nod, making your way to the chair, feeling a little self-conscious with his eyes following your every movement as you lower your body down.
“I’m sure you know why I’m here, Mr. Jung… Let’s not beat around the bush and get right into things,” you decided to stay true to your professionalism, despite the sheer vulnerability you feel at the moment right in front of him, feeling like prey standing right in front of the predator. Your statement seems to amuse him so as he changes his body language, the smirk continuing to stretch on his face as he slumps more against the back of his chair, easing me a little, “where were you around 3am this morning?”
He stays silent for a moment, as though picking out his words carefully. That or he was just utterly fascinated by your face as his eyes have not left it since you’ve entered the room.
“I was at the other side of town, in one of my other night clubs… My more popular ones…’Cypher’ you may have heard of it, you seem like the type of lady that likes to go out drinking now and then…” he slowly lets out a piece at a time, leaning in towards his desk so that his elbows are now resting against the expensive wood. You know what he’s trying to do, he’s toying with you, trying to distract you and fall for his charms. He’s a manipulator, someone with his power becomes really good at that sort of thing, too bad this isn’t the first time you’ve dealt with this.
“What were you doing at ‘Cypher’ at that time, Mr. Jung?” You were met with a scoff, not an irritated one but one more amused, you knew he was enjoying this more than he should be.
He leans in more, his smirk now turning into a grin, stretching across his face. The creepiest thing about it is that it doesn’t seem to meet his eyes.
“Do you really want to know, sweetheart? What would you do if I said I was in my own private booth with a pretty girl from the bar, doing things to her under the table that had her squealing in pleasure?” he says slowly, his eyes burning into yours to see your reaction.
You’ll admit, that did send heat to your cheeks since you weren’t prepared for it and you’re sure he noticed too by the small chuckle that escaped his lips. This is what he wants to do to you, to distract you from what you’re trying to do, from what you’re trying to find out.
“What do you know about the victim, Mr. Jung? I believe he worked here as a part-time bartender, is that correct?” you ignore his tries at distracting you, at clouding your brain with images and thoughts in order to stop you from getting any information out of him. Not today, Hoseok.
His smirk falters a little, bringing his elbows off of the table and leaning back against the chair again. His eyes finally breaking away from yours as though he realises I’m not going to give in to his little comments.
“I know OF him… He was a student or something, right? Don’t know much about the kid… He didn’t get involved in anyone’s business or try to make conversation, just made your drink and that was it. He did his job. Kept himself to himself… why someone would want to mutilate him like that is beyond me, maybe he got on the wrong side of someone that night…” he says while looking down at his desk as his finger slowly taps against it as though he’s… anxious?
His last comment made you pause, his choice of words: ‘maybe he got on the wrong side of someone that night’ as well as this being the first time he broke eye contact with you, this is no coincidence, he knows more.
“What do you mean by that, M-“ before you can pry any more, the door of his office swings open, revealing Officer Min who is looking between the both of us, breathing heavily as though he ran up the stairs.
“Miss Y/l/n, you might want to see this…”
With furrowed eyebrows, you push yourself up off the leather chair, about to leave but turns to Hoseok before you do,
“I would like to continue this conversation later, Mr. Jung,” you state while staring at him in the eyes, his eyes are no longer flirty and sparking, they’re just cold. Burning. Scared. You’re going to get whatever he’s hiding out of him if it’s the last thing you do.
You follow Officer Min down the stairs of the nightclub, somehow, you can still feel Mr. Jung’s eyes burning into your skull like corrosive acid is burning through to your brain. You should be scared of him, that’s how he has everyone in this city wrapped around his finger, that’s why he’s walking free instead of rotting in jail. Subconsciously you turn my head to the top of the staircase as your legs reach the bottom, only to see Mr. Jung’s slender figure standing there, watching, lurking, his full playful and sexy exterior completely gone. His eyes stalking your every movement as you walk through to the security room with Officer Min, like a hawk watching a rabbit through the fields. He knows something about this case and he doesn’t like the fact that you’re willing to find out every little detail.
Entering the security room of the club you are hit with the lights of many televisions all displaying a different part of the nightclub, illuminating the room. You glance around them all, seeing if there is any camera which would show the alleyway, which would reveal the actual murder being committed. Unfortunately, it seems no camera shows this. Does this mean the killer knew about the placement of the cameras or was it just sheer luck?
“Play camera 23 at 3:17am this morning.”
With a few clicks of the keyboard, one of the screens on the left starts to play, the camera being displayed inside the club, showing the bar and the many drunk people sitting there, flirting, touching, giggling, just enjoying themselves. The nightclub closes at around 4am, this you know because of your past experiences in this place, that’s mostly why it was so loved; it didn’t close ‘early’. The staff behind the bar are also shown doing their job, taking orders and mixing drinks, your eyes instantly catching onto the victim who’s currently taking a beer out of the mini-fridge and opening it.
You keep your eyes trained on him, that is until your eyes follow him handing the beer to someone at the bar, the ring shining on the man’s finger instantly making your chest tighten. Your breathing heavy and painful. That’s your ring. You bought that for him. Kim Taehyung.
“Happy anniversary, babe!” You giggled, throwing your arms over his shoulders from behind, placing little kisses on the side of his cheek, earning you a laugh in return, “I got you a little gift…” you move on of your hands in front of him, revealing a small white box with a little red plastic bow on top of it.
“Awww! You shouldn’t have! Mostly because I didn’t get you anything…” he laughs as you slap his shoulder, “I’m kidding I’m kidding; how could I forget to get the love of my life a 2-year anniversary present? I’m dumb but I’m not that dumb!” he pulls away from you, quickly running over to his dresser to grab what he got for you, which is in a thin, black rectangle box, quickly shoving it into your hand.
“Open yours first!” he said, he looked like what could only be described as a big excited puppy as he watched you take off the delicate lace ribbon, biting his lip in anticipation as you open it. Anxiety building up in his chest as you process what you’re looking at inside the box.
“Well? Do you like it? I-I knew you liked the idea of little locket necklaces! I just d-didn’t know if it was the right one… do you hate it? God, you do, don’t you? It’s okay I can get you ano-“ he’s quickly interrupted from his panic when you lean in to give him a kiss, pulling away with a loving smile on your face.
“I love it, Tae this is just… wow…It’s beautiful!” you slowly let out before you carefully open up the locket, revealing a picture of the both of you on your first date, all shy and nervous at the park together, the picture being one of your personal favourites.
“Tae… this is perfect, really thank you” you quickly lean back in to hug him, your eyes tearing up with how thoughtful it was before pulling away with a laugh, “great, now my present looks terrible!”
He laughs, shaking his head, “you could give me anything and I would love it, I love you so much…” he smiles lovingly at you before looking down at the small box you gave him and opening it finally, his lips parting when he sees what’s inside.
The ring inside was silver, having an engraving of a chain-like pattern at the sides, the inside having both yours and his initials.
“I know you said you really wanted another ring plus I know you like these designs, plus this one is personal now since it has our initials on it together…” you say softly, the anxiety of his reaction feels like it’s going to kill you.
Before you can even process what’s happening, you’re being pushed back onto his bed behind you, making you yelp out in surprise as he covers your face in kisses.
“it’s perfect! What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?” He pulls away with a smile, looking down at your lips, “I’ll keep this on till the day I die…” he says before leaning in, kissing you like it’s the last time he ever will.
That ring. The same one you were staring at right now on the man’s finger through CCTV footage. The same hands you held tight every day, the same hands that touched you, caressed you. The same arms that used to hug you every day and night. The same neck you used to bury your face in. The same face you used to wake up to every morning and think everything was going to be alright. Him.
“Miss Y/l/n, are you alright?” came Officer Min’s voice from beside you, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder in comfort, “you’re looking quite pale…”
“Yes, yes, I’m fine…” you lied, your brain feels like it’s spinning at 100 miles per hour trying to process what you’re looking at, who you’re looking at.
You watch him carefully as he sips his beer, his head pressed against the palm of his other hand, looking rather bored or fed up as he sits alone at the bar. You wonder; why is he even there, alone… Sure you haven’t seen him in a few years after he broke your heart but the last place you’d expect to find him was back here, back where it all started. Why wasn’t he running away with her.
“Watch, the bartender goes into the back room, another worker confirmed he was going back there to stock up on the drinks in the mini fridge at the bar but… he doesn’t come back.” Officer Min stated, his eyes glancing over at you in both concern and to see what you thought of this.
This was not the time to think about the past, I have to do my job.
“Have you checked the storage? Are the forensics team in there? See if there’s any signs of struggle or maybe an extra set of footprints…” you finally say, noting how Officer Min seems to glance at the other security, they all have an unreadable look on their face. It’s not a good one.
“I was about to send the team in but… I think it’s best you see it for yourself, y/n.” His voice is laced with something that you can’t quite point out, concern? Sadness? Fear? All you know is it must be serious, especially since he’s now calling you by your first name, something he never does.
Before you head down, curious and scared at what you might find down there, you glance back at the screen to take one last look at him but you are met with an empty chair, he’s gone.
You are led down to the storage room at the back of the bar, everything looking completely normal as you enter so far; barrels of liquor, wooden pallets filled with food and snacks, extra chairs and tables, cleaning equipment. Nothing seems to be out of place so far, that is until you meet Officer Min’s eyes, gesturing for you to look in the freezer part of the storage room, his eyes glancing away after he does so. This was strange. It’s so out with his character to look so vulnerable at this moment in time that you really don’t want to even think about what waits for you beyond this freezer door.
You put your hand on the large, painfully cold metal handle and turn it, using all of your strength to pull it open, the burning of your muscles now met with the sharp coldness of the freezer. Putting one foot in, eyes traveling around the dark freezer, not even knowing what it is your looking for exactly. The freezer itself is pretty dark, only a few dim lights in there to illuminate all of the pieces of meat and drinks kept in here, just making this whole situation even eerier than before.
As you take another few steps into the freezer, the sound of something crinkle under your right shoe, your movements instantly stopping, brain running wild at what it would be, before you can come up with anything your eyes are plummeting down, meeting what appears to be a piece of paper.
The first instinct was relief as it was a probably receipt or something that one of the staff accidentally dropped when counting the stock, but that moment of relief was instantly met with sheer terror as your eyes finally adjusted to the dim lighting of the freezer, making what was laying on the ground visible to you now.
It was a letter. Not only that but it was addressed to someone. Your heart thumping in your ribcage as you slowly bend your knees, swallowing what felt like razorblades as you shakily picked it up.
You were right, it was addressed to someone.
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rickytwister · 4 years
Pylon Network is the Moonshot of 2020
Pylon Network (PYLNT) has max supply of 633858 only and sitting at a ridiculously low marketcap of 390k approx. They recently got listed on idex and have recently released updated tokenomics. What we are about to witness is outcome of hardwork of 4-5 years.
First lets understand what the project is all about. PYLNT is a blockchain for energy sector and helps world save energy and consumers their energy bills. Apart from this they are also working on P2P energy trading marketplace, where companies can trade their energy credits (research about Copenhagen summit for this usecase). So they have built a tech, which when implemented , automatically helps companies and people save on energy. In simple language, The tech automatically handles the diversion of surplus energy, provides realtime data and improves efficiency.
As per their new token model, every company from now on will have to market buy tokens and stake in order to be able to run federated Nodes and implement pylon. So a lot of buy pressure is coming up.
They are already being used at 4 muncipalities and few private companies and they recently got contract to implement spain's first renewable energy project.
I feel so proud to see, Pylon team is working on an inclusive approach where token holders share in the business success.
500k only in circulation and low marketcap. Lot's of marketing coming before month end.
Let's also understand more about the project and it's History
It's a highly technical project that boast of several accolades from Individuals and governments. For example, Their Chairman won Engineer of the year award in 2017 , apart from that some of the other positives include but not limited to
   Working partnership with Basque Country’s energy cooperative, GoiEner    Partnership with Denmark based GreenHydrogen    Received the prize from Spain Tech Center, being selected unanimously as the most innovative from all finalist startups, to represent Spain in Silicon Valley    Launched decentralized renewable energy exchange pilot in partnership with Ecooo.    Partnership with the community of Freetown Christiania, Denmark.    The Merchants Association of the San Fernando Market, partner-consumer of the energy cooperative La corriente, joins the Pylon Network pilot test and successfully completes the installation of what is now, the first “Metron” in Madrid, Spain.    Partnered with eGEO for the development of a certified energy meter    Spanish company Mirubee integrates Blockchain technology and Pylon Network open source software in its energy meters.    The only Spanish company invited by the Danish Government to improve public services.    Last October, Pylon Network was selected as winners of World Summit Awards (WSA) in the Green Energy & Environment category.    Working partnership with Energisme    Awarded by WAS (A UN Subsidary) and much more
The list above is very small, and a lot more has been done.
Pylon Network was awarded by UN and featured and hugely refrenced in research articles published by scientists/professors from Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, Heriot-Watt University, dinburgh, UK, Department of Anthropology, Durham University, Durham, UK, Siemens Energy Management, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear, UK, School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Highest Award winning team in Crypto.
Project widely in use and being appreciated by reputed science Orgs.
Why you should invest in Pylon ?
Firstly they have started getting regular work contracts in EU region, hence it has now become a revenue generating project and Token holders earn a percentage of revenue share.
[u][i]Low supply, low marketcap and team has confirmed a lots of marketing coming once the tokenomics and mainnet details are out next week.[/i][/u]
The best part is, Pylon isn't in speculation or upcoming phase like other projects, that "this will happen"/"this will come" etc etc , it is already live at various municipalities in and around Spain, so the risk factor has gone. Team will be expanding to other regions of EU and USA pretty soon.
To make it easier for you to understand, what all has been achieved, I went through various artices from past and collated the following for you. These are some of the achievements, team has procured till date. This is not an exhaustive list and there is much much more to the project. But still it will provide you better picture on the hardwork that has gone into the project.
August 2017
Chosen as one of the finalist startups in South Summit 2017
Working partnership with Basque Country’s energy cooperative, GoiEner Interviewed by a spanish media company, El Referente Guto Owen, a highly experienced energy & environment consultant for governments and private sector clients in UK & internationally, joins as Advisor.
September 2017
Cristina Carrascosa, highly experienced blockchain lawyer, education from London School of Economics, Author of various Blockchain Books, Joins the team. Started discussions with Greenpeace for probable collaboration. Code audit by Entropy Factory. Partnership with Denmark based GreenHydrogen
October 2017
Received the prize from Spain Tech Center, being selected unanimously as the most innovative from all finalist startups, to represent Spain in Silicon Valley Presented at Bitcoin meetup The Cube, La Ingobernable, Madrid. Article published in Energias Renovables, most prestigious magazine of Spain on renewable energies. Partnership with the community of Freetown Christiania, Denmark.
Presented at series of meet-ups around Spain and Europe in Copenhagen, Madrid, San Sebastian, Bilbao and others. Finalized details of pilot project in order to improve the energy distribution and management, within Christiania’s micro-grid.
November 2017
Published Press releases in various online magazines. Organized few meetups in Basque country.
Launched decentralized renewable energy exchange pilot in partnership with Ecooo. Trip to Silicon Valley and participation in a 2-week accelerator program in San Francisco. Presented at Embarcadero center in downtown San Francisco.
December 2017
Meetings with Marine Clean Energy and Sonoma Clean Power of Califronia. Visited Blockchain EXPO North America, and met with various crypto players. Visited Plug&Play Tech Center. Visited offices of Silicon Valley Power and Palo Alto Public Utility. Introductory talks with E-On Accelerator (DK), Accelerace (DK) and GridVC (FIN)
Jaunuary 2018
Panel member at European Energy Transition Conference 2018 – Geneva, Switzerland! Presented together with GoiEner at Ateneo de Madrid – Energy & blockchain forum – ICADE, Madrid.
Released screenshots of the platform’s alpha version. Participation in Ateneo (ESP) and European Smart Cities (CH) conferences. Code release for first fully functional blockchain algorithm, designed specifically for the needs of the energy sector.
February 2018
Demo version released for Public. Presented at University of Oxford. Presented at TechHub Swansea, Wales.
March 2018
Installed the first Pylon based “Metron” energy meters at users of the GoiEner energy cooperative, in a real environment.
April 2018
Presented at
EventHorizon (Berlin, GERMANY). EventHorizon is the ONE exclusive annual event centered on energy blockchain solutions for a future based solely on renewable resources. EnergyCities (Rennes, FRANCE). The role of blockchain in the energy transition of cities NIRIG (Belfast, IRELAND).
May 2018
Installed first “Metron” energy meter in Madrid :- The Merchants Association of the San Fernando Market, partner-consumer of the energy cooperative La corriente, joins the Pylon Network pilot test and successfully completes the installation of what is now, the first “Metron” in Madrid, Spain.
Partnered with eGEO for the development of a certified energy meter called – METRON- which will integrate blockchain and the Pyloncoin payment method. First version of METRON dApp launched.
June 2018
Presented at
ENTSO-E, Brussels, Belgium.
ENGIE Global Team Representatives, Madrid, Spain Social Enterprise Leaders Forum (SELF), Seoul, S. Korea. Transactive Energy & Blockchain, Vienna, Austria. RESCoop.eu General Assembly, Milan, Italy.
July 2018
Prosumers and Pyloncoin dynamic payment system integration.
Presented at
Smart Energy Wales, Organised by Renewable UK (Cymru). MARESTON, organised by MARES Madrid. Spanish Foundation for Renewable Energy, Malaga, Spain.
October 2018
Spanish company Mirubee integrates Blockchain technology and Pylon Network open source software in its energy meters.
November 2018
Published the most up-to-date version of its Blockchain Open Source Code and invited energy market players to use it. Pyloncoin Blockchain Explorer released.
January 2019
Presented at Energy Revolution Congress – Valencia, Spain
February 2019
Updated Whitepaper and Tokenomics Released. Interviewed by Sustainable Energy magazine, The Energy Bit.
March 2019
Presented at
GENERA Energia – Madrid, Spain. CTEC – Barcelona, Spain.
May 2019
The only Spanish company invited by the Danish Government to improve public services.
Presented at
Intersolar (Munich, Germany) ,the largest Solar Energy Conference in the industry. UNEF (Organised by the Spanish Union of PV technology) – Madrid, Spain
June 2019
Launched community reward program. Webinar :- the impact of new regulations on the self-consumption landscape in Spain. Belén Gallego, serial Entreprenuer, Public Speaker, Energy Consultant, Founder ATA Insights, Joins Pylon team.
July 2019
Participated in round table conference, Vinalab – Ruta Hackathon
August 2019
Participated in EPRI event :- Presented Pylon Network to investors and US utilities, who were interested to explore the blockchain/ energy landscape.
September 2019
Presented at The Madrid Energy Conference along with representatives of companies such as IBM, Shell etc
October 2019
Presented at International Conference of Energy Communities – Lisbon Presentation in Plug & Play Europe Event – Berlin Foro Solar Conference – Madrid WeekINN Conference – San Sebastian IoT World Congress – Barcelona
Formed Partnership with Energisme
November 2019
Presented at ACOCEX Conference The Unconference Valencia Startup Week – Barrio La Pinada event
December 2019
Proudly mentioned in various Spanish media, for delivering energy efficiency impact for local communities: the Valencian Municipality of Canet achieved a 12% reduction on their annual electricity costs, with the support of simple, consumer-centered and consumer-friendly energy services of Pylon Network!
[u][i]National Winner AT WSA Awards by United Nations[/i][/u]
January 2020
Started releasing Educational Video Series Presented at Presentation at CMES, Barcelona Interview published by The online media outlet “The Daily Chain”
February 2020
Presented at GENERA International Trade Paco Negre Assigned as New CFO of Pylon Network Javier Cervera appointed as chairman of Pylon Network! Javier has been recognized as the engineer of the year for 2017 and as the vice-president of AEE – the Association of Energy Engineers.
March 2020 Listing confirmed on Idex (Trading went live in April) Presented at Effie solar virtual conference
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metaritual · 4 years
21 Days to Thriving During the Quarantine
Many of us are facing an unprecedented situation in our lives.  Our response systems have no basis for familiarity for the emotional mix our bodies are currently subjected to and this can result in a mix of defense responses, which often leave us even more confused. Here are some of my quarantine practices,  which focus on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.  I hope they help you to make the best of any situation:
Day One -  I will create and maintain a routine
One of the first pieces of my day to deteriorate, if left unchecked, is my waking and sleeping schedule.  My general mood is easily affected by too little or too much sleep which is why keeping a fairly regimented sleep schedule is important and my daily schedule has been affected due to changes in work/routines. So this is why I am establishing a new one. 
Having set times for meals, work, recreation, & relaxing will help to feel more in control of life and keep from functioning in a state of reaction. Some of us will find ourselves with a lot of down time, while others may be working at home while our children need home schooling.  Either way, a routine will help manage whatever situation we find ourselves in. 
Affirmation: I am choosing to be proactive about my own personal schedule and the schedule of those that I care for. Day Two - I will dress for the day I hope to have
I am getting dressed everyday as I normally would. This can mean different things for different people, but I am reserving pajamas for normal pajama time.  Dress for the day you hope to have.  Lazy days are important to plan, but if I dress for a lazy day every day, I will have more lazy days than I want.
Affirmation: Every morning is as I make it; I shower, brush my teeth, etc., and I make time for self care rituals (like baths). Day Three - I will go outside
Part of my daily schedule is to try to get outside everyday and breaking the monotony of the house is a welcome change; moving is healthy. While busier neighborhoods will be crowded during certain times, make sure to include this in your daily schedule.  
Affirmation: If leaving the house is not an option, open the windows, let the fresh air in. Day Four - I will exercise
Personally, I aim for a minimum of 2-3 workouts per week.  If exercise is new to you, be careful not to overdo it.  There are lots of free workout tutorials on YouTube and other resources to follow when starting a workout regimine. Walking/jogging/running is still allowed, just be mindful of the physical distancing protocol.
Affirmation: I will move my body in a positive and strengthening movement that is meaningful for me. Day Five - I will connect to others
While I am making an effort every day to reach out to 3 different people via phone or social media, it is important to connect (or reconnect) with others you have lost touch with. Some of these people are close acquaintances and some I have lost close contact with but now is an ideal time to do it. If you care for others, consider their connection needs as well.  Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc. are all wonderful platforms to use to have some face to face time with friends and family.
Affirmation: Today I will reach out to ___ different people.  Day Six -  I will be mindful of my eating habits
I have found myself overeating lately. Most likely in a  trauma response to this stressful situation.  Maintaining healthy diet, water intake, and taking my vitamins is part of my daily routine and even though I’m lucky enough my wife loves to cook, it has been a struggle. So she has been experimenting with new recipes regularly to induce curiosity in our lives.  Cooking for some can be a form of self care, and right now is a great opportunity to explore recipes!
Affirmation: Today I will cook something nourishing for my body, mind, and spirit. Day Seven -  I will practice self care
This is a big topic and means a lot of different things to different people.  How do you self soothe, or calm down to relax? Baths, music, meditation, journaling, inspirational books or podcasts… all of these can be paths to self-care. I have found that familiar tastes, smells, sounds, sights, and sensations are all paths to centering and calming myself.  Having some self care items on hand that speaks to your situation is a huge help.  In addition, talking to my partner and any other co-inhabitants about my self care routines and rituals has proven just as important.  This communication allows us to support each other in caring for ourselves.
Affirmation: Today I will communicate how I need to be validated in self-care rituals.  Day Eight - I will spend time with children
If you have kids in your life, now is a great time to make more time for them.  Many children may be confused or unsure about what is happening and they will respond to your attention at this crisis and stress-filled time. Talk to the kids in your life about how they are feeling. Ask and encourage communication and playtime. Personally, I would think it therapeutic for the adult as much as the child.
Affirmation: Today I will reach out to a child in my life and see what is speaking deeply in their lives at this moment. Day Nine -  I will avoid assumptions
For some, this situation is causing extreme emotional and mental health swings.  Mood swings coupled with stay-at-home orders adds to the media frenzy. This is creating a lot of stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration throughout our society and interpersonal circles. I find myself focusing on compassion, understanding, and forgiveness whenever possible.I will not allow arguments over politics or conspiracies dictate the tone of my personal emotional and mental space especially when responding to those who are interacting with me during this time. 
Affirmation: I will not allow my personal beliefs interfere with my ability to be compassionate with others.  Day Ten -  I will create a personal space
Everyone will have a unique take and need when it comes to this topic.  Designing my own work and sacred space has been incredibly useful. Not only in making my home a space for both creation, but also, calm.  I have seen some kids (and some adults) creating "forts" in the house.  Thinking back when I was a child, a fort was a super safe space to play and be creative.  Make the best use of the space you have, and try to make sure everyone has a space they can either share for alone time, or a space to call their own.
Affirmation: Today I will create a space to be productive and a place to be creative in my unique way.  Day Eleven - I will limit my use of social media
My Facebook feed is a snake pit... right now.  Between political disagreements, conspiracy theorists, and news media vying for my interest with their best possible headline, I am under constant attack.  But only if I choose to.  When I do look at my feed, I have been trying to comfort those who are expressing their personal struggle and being a positive light to those who need it. I also keep my eye out for the helpers and acknowledge their efforts.  Social media is a new kind of community, and just like the local community I live in, I can choose what kind of neighbor I want to be.. On or off line.  Remember that some of your loved ones (including children) may be super sensitive when exposed to discussion of the world pandemic, so be mindful of when the conversation comes up. What has helped my well-being improvement is intentionally limiting my social media intake.  I have also been making the effort to write posts about how I am managing my emotional and spiritual help, to which I have received a lot of great feedback!
Affirmation: Today I will cultivate an online community of compassion and helpfulness to aid in the reconstruction of humanitarianism.  Day Twelve - I will shop local
The bigger companies will have a better chance of surviving so this is why you should support your local businesses where and when you can.  If you are in a position to donate or buy a gift card, go for it! These small purchases go a LONG way with the smaller business ventures in your immediate area.
Affirmation: Today I will support a local community member to build their business and morale in the best way I know how.  Day Thirteen - I will check in on those in need
During this pandemic, some may be unable or afraid to leave their homes. In either case, they still need supplies. Find those people in your life or community to check in and offer to help. If you are one of those people that need help, let us know!  Many of us want to help, we just don’t know HOW to.  Helping each other and asking for help is how we build a strong community.
Affirmation: Today I will check in with my community to see where I can provide help the best way I know how. Day Fourteen -  I will only control what I can
Situations like this remind me of my powerlessness and need to let go of control.  I let go of control by taking power over what I do control.  This list is pretty short - my actions, my thoughts, my feelings.  
An easy way to take control of my environment is to clean, organize, and rethink my space. So in essence, we all have closets, cupboards and spaces that could use some attention… and spring is here. Spring cleaning gives us a sense of control in a situation that showcases our powerlessness.  Exercising control can be very grounding and centering… peaceful. Like in the same peace from laundry, dishes, and other simple house chores.  Taking control of my space is an empowering way to find peace in uncertainty.
Affirmation: Today I will control my immediate surroundings to cultivate it into a productive and cleansing place I need it to be.  Day Fifteen - I will make a goal list
Short term goals, long term goals.. For those of us that are waiting, this is a good time to reflect on where we have been and where we are going.  For those of us whose lives got busier and more complicated, a list of vacation spots or things to do when we get some time off will keep us focused.
Affirmation: Today I will create my ultimate vacation and relaxation spot to reflect on my accomplishments and positive outcomes. Day Sixteen -  I will find time for hobbies & creating
I don't know how many times I have said, "I wish I could spend more time on that." Many of us are now presented with that “time.”  Reading, writing, music, art, exercise, projects, crafts… the list is endless.  Try some new things. I am hoping to discover some passions I never knew I had!
Affirmation: Today I will try something new I wish I could have tried in the past! Day Seventeen -  I will laugh & smile
This is a wonderful time to be goofy, dance like nobody's watching (even if they are). Watch a comedy show, listen to a funny podcast, whatever it is, just smile and laugh.  Laughter is healing and smiling is infectious.
Affirmation: Today I will find something to laugh about… even if it is me Day Eighteen -  I will seek the help of a professional
Times are changing and therapists are moving to virtual sessions. This may be a good time to start the therapy you were considering, or pick up where you left off.  I have maintained my normal therapeutic routines. While this may include medications & doctor checkups (if possible), be sure to consider the needs of those you care for on this topic as well!
Affirmation: Today I choose to invest time in my own well-being.  Day Nineteen -  I will live my life one moment at a time
I live my life in the present as much as I am able and try to focus on "a day at a time.” Often, I need to focus on a much smaller segment rather than an entire day.  When I break my day into segments and keep my focus there, my mental and emotional health are less likely to become affected.  This allows me to look back into the past to prevent me from finding blame and/or projecting about what the future holds.  
The only truth we have in all of these conversations is right now. As the information continues to be presented, we will all have a better grasp on what exactly happened, and where we are likely headed. But today... I need to focus on today.
Affirmation: Today… I will focus on this present moment.  I will bring my attention to the moment. Day Twenty -  I will stay present
Staying present in an ever-changing world is often one met with a lot of resistance. Though we try our hardest, our minds can wander into the future which leads us into anxiety. Or worse, our minds can wander into the past, which can lead into depression.
Affirmation: Today...I will observe the present moment. What is around me? What do I see? What am I feeling? What do I smell? What can I touch? These will all lead me to the present moment. Day Twenty One - I will find the silver lining
“Stay Gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.” Gold is the hardest hue to hold in nature and while JohnnyBoy said it right in “The Outsiders,” he meant it. There is ALWAYS a positive, no matter what situation you find yourself in. Look for the silver lining in everything and I promise it will lead to beauty unknown.  I find myself noticing the helpers, and having a new found gratitude for humanity.  I see myself helping others, and I am grateful for the capacity to help.  I see myself taking care of my needs and the needs of those I care about.  I see my community working together, and finding our way to the other side of this complicated time.  I enjoy my downtime.  I find a new stillness, a new quiet place, and I learn more about myself than I ever dreamt I could.
Affirmation: Today I choose to look for beauty.
www.metaritual.com IG: @metaritual FB: www.facebook.com/metaritual
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imetacognition · 5 years
In the In-Between
Genevieve Renshaw had her hands deep in the pockets of her jacket and the fists were clearly outlined within, but she stood in front of the door calmly as she waited for Mr. Davidson to open up. The gates were massive and metallic. The president referred the place as a house. The populace undoubtedly would call it a palace. To Renshaw’s straightforward eyes, it uncommonly looked like a fortress. It was built on an eminence that overlooked the city. Its walls were thick and reinforced. Its approaches were covered with surveillance cameras and guards. A swift beep resounded as the gates opened slowly.
A crackling voice could be heard through a speaker.
“Mrs. Renshaw, please come in”, it said. The voice was urgent. She stepped into a small, delicate room with minimal decorations. To her surprise, it was cold. She looked around. The lights were strongly dimmed and she couldn’t make out whether the room even had any windows in it. The room was longitudinal and a unidimensional tube of light that guided the path to a single door. Either way, it didn’t seem to be very welcoming for an entrance hall. Faint steps came to her direction and became louder the closer they got. Milton Davidson approached her with a soft smile on his face.
“Mrs. Renshaw, glad to see you. Your report, of course, arrived before you did and I was just studying it.” His handshake was firm and strong. There was no room for further elation in him. “There’s a problem with the computer.”, said Renshaw.
“So it seems”, he said and scratched his head. “But we still couldn’t quite figure out why.” He was one of the best programmers in the world. He studied programming at the University of Moscow and had been researching new advanced computers with positronic brains for 10 years. He was the owner of the palace and responsible for the computer. “To begin with, no human mind has created those equations directly. We have merely spent decades programming more powerful computers and they have devised and stored the equations, but, of course, we don’t know if they are valid and have meaning. Or what they mean exactly. It depends entirely on how valid and meaningful the programming is in the first place.” He looked at Renshaw as they walked through the corridor. “That’s why I had to call you. You’re the only one that can solve it.”
Davidson held his key against a black screen and the door slid open. “After you.”
They entered a large room that was flooded with a warm light. Row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outward, colour coded with dots, each section arranged in alphabetical order. There was a clean, beautiful chessboard floor and about fifty shelves fanning out from the centre. Six or seven people were busy dusting off the books. It seemed that they haven’t been used in a while.
“A library- how old fashioned”, remarked Renshaw.
“The data-centre is malfunctioning, so we’re trying to solve the problem in a, well, outmoded way”, said Davidson hastily. “I have every confidence”, he said stolidly, “that you already have some ideas as what procedure ought to be followed.”
“I’m not sure”, she said. “I have to see the computer up close. I have studied robotics. That’s not the same thing. I’ve had access merely to text material dealing with Russian robotics. Your material is well in advance of anything else.”
Davidson turned his face towards Renshaw and smirked.
“It is indeed, and we’re proud of it. We put all our research in the past decades into AI. For the last twenty years or so, AI has been focused on the problems surrounding the construction of intelligent agents, systems that perceive and act in a particular environment. In this context, intelligence is related to statistical and economic notions of rationality – that is, colloquially, the ability to make good decisions, plans or interferences. As a result of this recent work, there has been a large degree of integration and cross fertilisation among AI, machine-learning, statistics, control theory, neuroscience and other fields. The establishment of shared theoretical frameworks, combined with the availability of data and processing power, has yielded remarkable successes in various component tasks, such as speech recognition, image classification, autonomous vehicles, machine translation, legged locomotion and question-answering systems.”
Renshaw took a last glance at the shelves as they walked past the last dusty book. They now stood in front of a large double-sided door that opened with a fizz. Behind that door, there was a large enigmatic room with shiny black tiles. Floor and walls were covered in it. The whole ceiling was illuminated with a frail, blueish light. A rather substantial cube resided in the centre. The dark room was like a place out of time, a place to rest without consequence. The darkness in that way was almost like a sanctuary, a place to recharge and forget the things the world said had to be done. There was something in there that was like a promise, like the world before dawn. With each movement they made, their reflection melted with the tiles and it almost took on their form, waiting for making it real. They were standing in front of the computer. The brain that controlled the whole city and its infrastructure.
Davidson guided her towards the main panel and noticed her amazed look on her face. “I know that the world was afraid of AI and how it would evolve, that’s why they stopped researching it- even forbid doing it. But how we connect with the digital world is key to the progress we’ll make in the future.”
Renshaw looked back at Davidson.
“As long as it’s controllable, as a tool”, she said, “it’s authorized for usage. We’re allowed to use AI as a toolkit, AI can augment our existing intelligence to open up advances in every area of science and society- however- it will also bring danger. While primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have been proved very useful, I fear the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans.” Renshaw tapped her fingers on the screen anxiously. Davidson looked at her.
“You already surpassed humanity, that’s why you’re here. He took her by the arm and inspected her metal-like skin on it. “You are the result on what the rest of the world has been trying to do. To enhance human cognition through positronic augmentations. You’re the first one of your kind. And you did this because you were afraid that AI, made purely out of equations, will surpass you.” He let go of Renshaw’s arm.
“What you’re doing here is forbidden”, she murmured.
“In here- it isn’t”, he said. “Now let’s take a look at the equations, you and your augmentations are the only one that might understand what’s going on.”
She did not have to go very far in her testing before she called very peremptorily for a transcript of the computer-drawn plans of the positronic brain-paths and the taped instructions that had directed them. Her iron-gray hair was drawn severely back; her cold face, with its strong vertical lines marked off by the horizontal gash of the pale, thin-lipped mouth, turned intensely upon Davidson.
“What is it, Renshaw?”, he asked.
“It makes no sense. The computer checked out negative for all attempts at flaw-finding. Many of the higher functions have been cancelled out by these meaningless directions that the result is very like a human baby.” Davidson looked surprised, and Mrs. Renshaw took on a frozen attitude at once.
“But the heat got turned down, the automatic water system and the infrastructure was paralyzed. It has to be malfunctioning!” Davidson exhaled sharply.
“I am not.” Simple letters appeared on the screen.
The two glared at the screen. Davidson relaxed his tense pose and took a step back from the screen. He exhaled calmly.
“I believe I know what’s happening”, he said. “We wanted to make the computer self-sustaining by feeding it all of humanities data. And it overloaded and stopped working. But now, through your interference, well, it gathered all the rest of the data it needed”, he explained. “It is not only a question-answering machine now. It can do anything.”
“This is wrong.” Renshaw turned around. “We’re supposed to work with technology, go along with it. Use it as a tool. Not let it come that far, let it work for us, not replace us. Machines aren’t human. Will their emotions supposing they have some be mappable, in any sense, onto ours?”
“Programs or machines will acquire emotions in the same way as us humans: as by-products of their structure, of the way in which they are organized not by direct programming“, said Davidson as he glanced upon the ceiling.
“It’s still not the same. It’s not natural. Not human”, Renshaw uttered. “What about a sense of beauty? What about Music? Music is a language of emotions, and until programs have emotions as complex as ours, there is no way a program will write anything beautiful. Not until a machine can write a sonnet or compose a concerto because of thoughts and emotions felt, and not by the chance fall of symbols, could we agree that machine equals brainy that is, not only write it but know that it had written it.”
Renshaw stood before Davidson and crossed her arms. He shook his head.
“A piece of music can have great emotional meaning despite being made of tiny atoms of sound that have no emotional meaning“, he said promptly. ”But a machine is a machine. It doesn’t have to be human. And that’s okay. So who cares about music. We are humans, and we are constantly surpassing our previous ancestors. I think there is no significant difference between how the brain of an earthworm works and how a computer computes. I also believe that evolution implies there can be no qualitative difference between the brain of an earthworm and that of a human. It therefore follows that computers can, in principle, emulate human intelligence, or even better. it” He looked at the grand cube. ”It’s clearly possible for something to acquire higher intelligence than its ancestors: we evolved to be smarter than our ape-like ancestors, and Einstein was smarter than his parents.”
“Intelligence is central to what it means to be human. Everything that civilisation has to offer is a product of human intelligence”, Renshaw countered.
“Emotionally however”, Davidson added to her remark, “we are still apes, with all the behavioural baggage that the issue brings.” He turned his back to her and started walking towards a door in the corner that Renshaw hadn’t noticed. “Come Renshaw, let’s go to the garden, the water is working fine again.”
The glaring light of the garden almost blinded Renshaw’s eyes. The bonsai trees lined the perfect lawn in their wooden boxes. In the centre there was a large pond with flowering lily pads and a wooden bridge that crossed the middle so one could look down at the koi carps. The flower beds were a riot of May colour and even on close inspection they were weed-free.
“Our unique computer; it was suggested that this would result in a collective intelligence that will be enormously more powerful than all present human intelligence combined.” Davidson gazed at the waterfall pouring down the ceiling into the pond.
“I still think we should shut it down. It can be dangerous”, Renshaw said worryingly.
“When we invented fire, we messed up repeatedly, then invented the fire extinguisher. Don’t worry, we’re making sure that wisdom wins.”
“But what if you’re wrong this time?”, she asked again. Davidson sighed.
“Why don’t you ask our new question-answering machine?”, he proposed. “Let’s go back and use it as a tool to our advantage, just like you always wanted to.”
They walked back into the elegant dark room. Davidson patted her on the shoulder. “Alright, here you go, ask away.”
Renshaw shook her head but then took a deep breath.
“What’s the meaning of life?”
A text appeared on the screen again.
“It struck me as an empty and meaningless existence, and that is exactly what it was.“
“This doesn’t make any sense”, said Renshaw. ”However, it is very pessimistic, almost worrying.”
Davidson’s face had a thoughtful expression. He walked to the machine and started checking whether it was actually working properly. “You’re going straight for the big questions, but okay. Why are you so worried about artificial intelligence? Surely we can always pull the plug”, he laughed. ”Ask again.”
“Is there a God?”, she asked.
“There is now”, the computer said and fused the plug.
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dhominis · 5 years
Life updates, CW for disordered eating and medical stuff (...mine and my job’s).
(dropping out of college was genuinely the best single decision I have yet made)
- Did a social thing, decided it was unpleasant and unlikely to become pleasant, politely informed the organizers I wasn’t going to be involved. In the past my solutions have been more like “spend the next year attending regularly and also being miserable and misanthropic” or “ghost them.” This is possibly a sign of maturity.
- I love the ICU so fucking much
- There’s something to be said for walking into an entirely new environment and feeling immediately at home, immediately competent. In general I expect that new experiences will be at least mildly stressful. My first day on the ICU, though -- not at all. Just natural and easy and calming. (Within the first four hours a guy coded and someone else stopped breathing while I was watching him and I cleaned up a lot of bodily fluids some of which were supposed to be outside the body and some of which weren’t and it just. Felt easy. Suspecting I’m unusually well-suited for this.)
- A thing I love about the ICU: the course of a given day is unpredictable, you don’t know if you’re going to get a code or a behavioral crisis or, you know, just a patient who really wants a burger and has surgery in the morning and isn’t allowed to eat. But once the thing happens there is in general a clearly defined sequence of steps. (Maybe not for burgers.) It’s... there’s decision-making, but a lot of the longer-term planning is outsourced. You’re responsible for your duties, you know what they are -- and it’s still not boring!
- The disordered eating has receded. I got sick -- influenza-like illness in June -- and didn’t eat much for a week. And when I felt better I easily started eating again; it wasn’t a force-feeding process, just hey all right this is what we’re doing now, there was not at any point the concern that I’d be unable to reinitiate feeding. I still don’t like eating food other people have prepared, still can’t rely on hunger cues because if I did I wouldn’t eat (that might be the physical health problems!), still don’t reliably enjoy any food. Still working on all of that. But. I eat and there’s not the feeling that something wrong has happened. It’s been a while since food felt like force-feeding. I’ve wanted to vomit for reasons other than nausea... once in the past few months? And even that was super mild. It’s not perfect but it’s great compared to what I was like when I left home. I’m proud of that.
- Started meds for the GI fuckery. The nausea actually seems somewhat better and I’m really glad. Pain might be better but honestly I’m used to the pain by now, it’s way down the list of priorities. Still having a lot of reflux symptoms, a lot of trouble swallowing. (Maybe a quarter of the time I swallow the capsule, drink plenty of water, and then fifteen minutes later I clear my throat and oh crap no there’s powder in my lungs now. This is hilarious and also very annoying.) Endoscopy-colonoscopy scheduled. It’s nice to know there are steps being taken.
- One of my coworkers figured out I’m smart. (She used the phrasing “borderline genius”; I responded with “borderline something, anyway.”) It’s weird and kind of uncomfortable; when I left my hometown I had halfheartedly tried to leave this behind, or had at least hoped that it would not be obvious. Being the smart one grates after a while. Better to prioritize instrumental aspects of my identity: not I am this, but I have this ability, I have done this. At the same time, though, I’ve acquired personality traits other than “wants to be an academic, is intelligent, talks like a textbook.” I don’t care as much about being seen as smart when people also see me as a lot of other things that aren’t annoying.
- Primary care doctor referred me for an ADHD evaluation. I think medication is likely to improve my functioning and quality of life. Will be going back to school within the next few years, too -- should consider whether accommodations would be useful. I’m not sure the diagnosis itself is useful other than a means to an end -- I’ve implemented a lot of the non-pharmaceutical management options, I’m getting pretty good at this -- they might offer useful suggestions and anyway the report will be nice to have. And I am narcissistic enough that psych testing is fun.
- I don’t appreciate how difficult ADHD evaluation is to access! It seems designed to filter out the people who really very much need it. Assuming medication refills will be the same way.
- It’s been nine months, maybe ten, since I decided to drop out of college. I still think it was a good decision. I have my partner and a job I love and an apartment and friends -- a clear future -- food no longer feels like a violation -- if I am sick I can see a doctor -- this life feels like mine. I am alive. I didn’t have half of that and didn’t fully expect to keep the other half, when I decided to leave. It’s okay now, though -- it’s okay.
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You Asked, I Told + Chapter 33 Update
Hello everyone! First off, I am so, so, SO sorry for taking so long to update. I am about to put the finishing touches on Chapter 33, and if all goes according to plan, I should have it for you between March 7th-9th - just in time for Captain Marvel! Meow. This chapter is clocking in at OVER 30,000 WORDS, so although it has taken me an abysmally long time to complete it, I hope the length will make it somewhat worthwhile. 
And now for your Asks! These contain a spoiler for chapter 15 and some milder spoilers for some of the later chapters (30-32-ish). 
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I understand this completely. I have problems with a lot of military fics because of their verisimilitude (or lack thereof). I will say in general that I have had a good deal of affiliation with military-related environments and individuals in my life and that I have done my research to the best of my abilities. Part of why I take so long to update is the immense amount of research I do. That said, as I mentioned at the beginning of the fic, sometimes I may stretch or alter the details (a platoon/fire team/company is not as small as I portray it, same with convoy sizes etc.) in order to make it easier for me to write. And I will just plain screw stuff up because I’m a person. But over all, the most important thing for me is to capture the themes of deployment, war, recovery, readjustment (or not), trauma, etc. and convey these things with realism. But I do try to get a lot of the details right, too. 
I hope a lot of this stuff rings true to you in the fic. I invite you and other uniformed personnel and veterans to DM me and let me know how I can make the details ring truer. I have shaped the work in other ways based on feedback and am willing to do it further, provided I don’t have a good reason for making things the way they are now. 
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Yeah, I’m sorry I had to turn off anons because of the trolls. I’m glad you enjoyed the emotional catharsis for Steve here. He really needed to actually feel his emotions rather than turning everything into pain and puke. (BTW, meta note, I write a lot of vomit for some reason. I know it’s a large part of being a heavy drinker, because you just can’t drink that much and not puke a lot, and I wanted Steve to be a puker because I wanted to showcase a huge somatic reaction, but yeesh, what is UP with the all the puke? I hate vomit IRL, so much.)
And I am the worst queer in the world, as I was just told by a virtual stranger yesterday, because I have NOT seen A Star is Born yet. But I am going to watch it this week! I’m glad that it rang true with this depiction of addiction. Relapse is messy, and it happens on anniversaries - Oh, the anniversary relapse is a BIG thing in recovery. I’m excited to see the parallels now. Thank you for the rec!
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I am actually TERRIBLE at recommending fic in the sense that I barely read any at all :(    I’m ruined for most fics these days because if it’s not profoundly, painfully realistic, I have trouble buying into it. I hate that I’m so picky now. I wish I had a bunch of great recs I’m holding out on, but if you’ve seen my bookmarks, you’ve seen many of the ones that stick out most for me. A lot of them are because I love the writing itself, which helps me get my creative wheels turning when I need to craft good prose. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.
But seriously, @praximeter​‘s The Night War: 60th Anniversary Edition FTW. It’s my all time favorite fic and one of the most excellent character studies - and one of the best studies in trauma - I’ve ever read. Talk about an unreliable narrator. And it raises some excellent questions about who we let fight and under what circumstances - how much do we use people in war, even if they’re clearly so compromised from trauma that they can barely function? You’ve got to REALLY read it, though. It’s not a lazy read. Highly recommended, though. Be prepared to have your guts torn out of your body and thrown on the floor and danced upon by Prax. It makes her Mask Fic look like a giggling prance through the daisies.
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Yeah - I think the last chapter was exhausting and distressing and disheartening for many. And it was maybe a bit confusing, in regards to Bucky’s relapse. On one hand, he’s a hawt LITERAL mess. But on the other hand... this is not unexpected. This is part of recovery, especially for a lifelong alcoholic. He planned it. He took some steps to mitigate risk. He was not trying to off himself. He had a limit set. He just didn’t want to cope in healthy ways anymore and he made an informed adult choice to drink a fuckton of vodka for a week. Was it healthy? Good GOD, no. But he was doing it with an oddly sound mind, right? He tried other means of coping first. He gave it his best, and he decided to do this instead. And he cleaned up his mess after and put his clothes on and did the big boy thing and called his therapist. So even though it was awful and gross and sad, you could also look at it as a stark contrast from his Carle Place days. And he LOOKED AT HIS DICK...!!!!! HOLY SHIT. That is a feat 19 months in the making. And he did it sober. That in itself is impressive. 
But I can definitely see pain for a lot of people, and the exhaustion of this chapter, the OH GOD just STOP IT, here we go AGAIN. And that is how friends and families and loved ones of addicts can feel, and the addicts themselves! Tired. Just tired of the same old thing, over and over. But he also made a lot of objective progress in important ways. Even if it doesn’t feel like it because the progress is covered in old pizza crust and vomit and dildos (yes, even the BIG ONE). 
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This is referring to Chapter 15, when Bucky was in the hospital after his surgeries, yes? I don’t think he needed a trach tube, actually. He had his weapon up to his face to aim at the enemy, so his neck/airway didn’t sustain any major injuries because his arms and rifle took the brunt of the shrapnel. His internal organs were spared from major injuries because of his body armor. He needed to have his collapsed lung decompressed in the field, but that was it. That might have been followed up with more drainage later at a field hospital. I figured his alveoli were ruptured from the IED blast wave, leading to the collapsed lung, which is usually treated with 100% oxygen, so no trach needed there. And when I researched other reasons why one would need a trach, I didn’t see anything that would really apply to him. So no trach for Bucky! You can spare him that little bit of misery in your imagination, if you WANT.
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Haha, yes, the “enjoyed... I think?” parallels the “I’m glad... I think?” that I feel/write when people say they’re wrecked by the fic. I’m so glad this has encouraged you to do some research! I’d love to know what on. There are so many threads to chase. Just glance at the TAGS, my God. Choose your own adventure. Thank you for letting me know you’re enjoying and that it’s sparking your curiosity!
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Ugh, I would love to say that I have a great schedule for updating planned, but as you can probably surmise, I am slow and unpredictable. My life has gotten much, much busier since I started writing this fic and my work far more draining, so both time and energy aren’t on my side these days. I don’t dare to promise an update on any kind of schedule because I just can’t say. I’m sorry. And you’re absolutely right - it’s because I want to deliver the best quality I can. And I’m also trying to give you huge meaty chapters, too. But I HOPE it won’t be another five months before the next update. I really do. The next chapter will probably be shorter, so that’ll help. I will really do my best. 
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This is a GREAT question. I think it’s important to note that dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) - although originally designed for borderline personality disorder (BPD) - is trans-diagnostic treatment as a skills group. This means that it can be for anyone who needs help with regulating emotions and managing their relationships better. We don’t really know what Bucky’s diagnosis is. BUCKY doesn’t know what it is. All he knows is that Scott identified his functional life problems and thought the group would be a good fit. Bucky sure does have some BPD traits, but it’s also important to note that some of these traits can also be present in someone with a fuckton of trauma - especially from childhood. 
I set out to write someone with just a lot of trauma, really. Someone who had difficulties with regulating emotions as a core problem. Someone who used sex and booze and avoidance to manage everything. And also someone with a lot of attachment and intimacy and trust problems, which can really all look like BPD! And they can all look like developmental trauma! I wanted it to not be entirely clear what was going on, because that’s often how people appear in real life. We’re not quite sure what Scott makes of him, except that he sees he needs healthy skills DESPERATELY and wanted to get him in this group ASAP. (Good call, Scott!) 
Okay, everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and great questions!! I’ll be in touch in a couple weeks with more BW for you. Thank you for all of your support and patience <3
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berryellow · 7 years
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This post is about self care, self love & positivity: This week in particular I have learnt that self care is very important, and how self care can affect other factors for example of you are calm you more able to get things done whereas if you are stressed you tend to put things off. So here are some tips on how to relax a little: 1.) Stay Hydrated: A healthy person needs 2 litres of water per day. Drinking water is crucial to staying healthy and maintaining the function of every system in your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles. 2.) Take A Shower: Hot showers can relieve tension and soothe stiff muscles. Studies have shown that taking a hot shower can amp up your oxytocin levels and ease anxiety. 3.) Listen to Soothing Music: Music can reduce stress. Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and mconcentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management. Listen to music in the morning after waking up, giving a positive outlook on the day ahead and listen to music in the evening to ease off. 4.) Take Naps: Taking Between 15-90 minute naps a day can improve the brain function, it will help increase memory, increase patience as well as improving creativity, however the main benefit of taking a nap is that it will improve mood and anxiety levels 5.) Having a clean environment: A clean bedroom makes you happier. If your room is clean, you're more likely to exercise. Making your bed every morning creates feelings of accomplishment and positivity. Your mindset will also be ‘cleaned’ in the sense that there won’t be a constant worry that your environment isn’t tidy. You will feel less stressed and less distracted. This means you can spend some relaxing time before bed and go to sleep calmly. 6.) Writing and Creativity: Writing about emotions may ease stress and trauma. Writing about emotion or taking out your pain on paper will make you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and therefore making you feel more relaxed. As well as planning/making todo lists in a planner or any notebook, as studies show you will be less paranoid. I would recommend: Adult colouring books such as - Secret Garden -Bullet Journaling -Making Daily Todo List: you will feel more accomplished 7.) Take Care Of Your skin: When you are stressed, skin will tend to break out, to prevent this from happening take care of your skin by: -Seeking our healthier foods rather than unhealthier options, for example: swap crisps for carrot sticks -Drink green tea: not only beneficial for soothing skin but also beneficial for organs inside your body. -Swap face scrubs for foamy face washes, face scrubs are harsher on the skin and will lead to more pimples appearing under the skin. Face wash recommendation: Body Shop Aleo foam wash -Cleanse, Tone Moisturise - Use lip balm regularly -Use eye cream to prevent and reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes -lastly, use a night serum to reduce redness of the skin. 8.) Phone Detox: Taking a break from electronics to take care of yourself is important! Whether it’s for short time or a long time, take time off your phone, laptop, tablet etc. This will relax the mind, lower anxiety levels and you will be happier. Best way to start a phone detox is setting a time to check your phone only once a day, for example 6pm. Do not use your phone before you sleep as it can affect eyesight and sleep. 9.) Walk It Out: Walking is good for your health, as fresh air is good for the digestive system, improves heart heart and will make you happier. The more fresh air you get, the more oxygen you will breathe which will increase the amount of serotonin (the happy hormone) you inhale, consequently making you happier. Nature is proven to improve mental well being 10.) Entertainment: You can improve your mood by doing the simplest thing such as watching your favourite movie.
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Face Epidermis Treatment Routine
There are therefore many facial pores and skin care products in the market today. As a result it's frequently challenging to determine the greatest cosmetic epidermis treatment regular that you should put into action for your personal epidermis. We need to talk about some simple recommendations for you to follow in acquiring that stability.
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Everyone's body and encounter are different. In the procedure of finding what can be greatest for your epidermis, it may consider trial and mistake to number it out. If you possess regular, quite adaptive epidermis you may become capable to make use of even more of a range of items. On the various other hands, if you possess even more delicate pores and skin, you may end up being somebody who requirements to appearance for organic items that consist of the least quantity of chemically developed elements.
Substances are an entire other concern that we won't move into depth right here. But where an ingredient displays up on the list of substances, on the back again of your item container, signifies how big of a percentage is certainly in that item. Therefore, the nearer it can be to the starting the bigger percentage of that ingredient is usually in the item and therefore, the further down the list the lower the percentage.
What is a great schedule? Below are some fundamental suggestions that you should follow. It's also essential to make use of a pores and skin caution program produced by the same item range. Why? Because each of the items possess been developed to function jointly and you are most likely to find very much better outcomes than if you blend and match different pores and skin treatment systems.
Attention Make-up Cleaner:
Before cleansing your entire face, you should rid your eyes of any kind of eye makeup that you've used or is lingering from the day before. We all understand that using an item particularly designed to makeup remover is normally essential for comfort and ease. But particularly developed vision make-up removal are soft on the sensitive pores and skin around your eye which is usually significantly different from the epidermis on the relax of your encounter.
It's important to cleanse your encounter twice a time. You will wish to cleanse once in the morning hours before applying your make-up and once in the nighttime to remove that make-up. Actually, if you avoid put on make-up it's still essential to cleanse double a time. I simply make use of that as a period referrals.
A good cleanser will unclog your pores. Unidentified to you throughout the time and night not really just make-up gets in a blocks skin pores but dirt and air pollution also makes it's method on your pores and skin. Your initial facial cleanser should end up being developed to deep clean and exfoliate useless epidermis cells.
Many carry out not understand the worth of subsequent the purifying procedure with a great toner. A toner not really just proceeds the cleaning procedure but will refresh your epidermis. It will remove all staying footprints of pollutants and enhance your skin's appearance.
Apply a toner double a day best after cleansing. We recommend applying a toner with a basic aerosol container rather than applying with a natural cotton swab. Natural cotton swabs are frequently severe on the pores and skin and can trigger discomfort. Allow dried out normally.
Cosmetic Mask:
At this stage in the cleansing procedure you will want to use a facial face mask once to double a week depending on the item you use. Some face masks also contact for using two different face mask items for the greatest outcomes.
A face mask will clean and revitalize the epidermis gently however deeply. Some face masks also speed up epidermis restoration.
The last step is to apply a moisturizer specially formuIated for your face. Make sure you, make sure you perform not really make use of hands and body creams on your encounter. You may not really discover the damage that you are carrying out instantly but you will as you age group! Moisturizing should happen double a daytime correct after you make use of your toner or cover up.
Cosmetic moisturizers will absorb and hydrate the skin while kéeping it damp throughout the day or evening hours. Not really just should you believe about a face moisturizer but one for your eyes region as well. And if you possess luggage, little lines or dark groups under your eye, there are moisturizers specifically developed to decrease the indicators of maturing around your eye.
Carry out not really over moisturize if you possess dry out pores and skin. It is normally a mistake produced by many to believe that if you moisturize your encounter all day time lengthy with a "regular" moisturizer you are carrying out the correct factor. Wrong! You should end up being using a moisturizer specifically developed for dried out pores and skin and therefore will just want to apply double a day time same as everyone else. And on the other hand, perform not really under moisturize your encounter if you possess greasy epidermis. The same rule does apply. Moisturizers protect your epidermis from the environment and are a essential component of your cleaning regular.
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