#and I was hoping to pick up at least a couple of wands but no go
bvtbxtch · 9 months
I Can Make You Scream | Eddie Munson
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Day Three of Kinktober
Summary: Your first collaboration (a Halloween special) with one of the most popular cam boys, Eddie, leaves you breathless and waiting for the next shoot with him.
wc: ~6.7k (I got excited)
Pairings: camboy!Eddie/pornstar!Eddie x camgirl!reader
Warnings: This is literally all smut minimal plot, so 18+ MDNI!! Cam sex, blood and biting, fangs, lingerie, spitting, markup, overstimulation, not being able to cum, light bondage (restraining hands), softdom!Eddie, choking, oral (f and m receiving), overstimulation, squirting, protected p in v sex (wrap it up, folks). This is purely porn with a plot.
Shout out to my darling partner @darknesseddiem who will be posting their 15 prompts later in October. It is my honour to collab with you!
The knock at the door sent lightning bolts straight to your core. You hurry your way to the front door, ensuring to check that your makeup and hair looked perfectly effortless. You took a deep breath to exhume any last minute nerves before you opened your door. 
You had moved to Indianapolis from Detroit for school, but very quickly found out the hard way that college was not your thing. Now being stuck with the bill for a new apartment and no scholarships to foot the cost, you had to do what you always had thought about doing. At least now you had an excuse, right? You uploaded your ID and personal information to camwow.com, one of the most popular porn cam sites in the states. You bought yourself a new magic wand from the sex store down the road and took the plunge. Little by little, you gained a following. Money, brand deals and collaborations flooded through you. But the one rule you made for yourself, was you would only do solo work. 
Things changed when you looked at your private inbox. There sat a message that you had to look at four or five times to make sure it was real. The name “metalhead_munson” with a little blue checkmark sat bolded in your inbox, the subject stating plainly: hey :) You had heard of Eddie before, he was only one of the most famous cam workers on the site. Eddie’s message was professional - transactional almost:
I caught one of your shows the other night and was thoroughly impressed. I was going to be in the Indianapolis area on the 30th. My management is giving me a couple of days of free time and I would love to film with you. We could film on my channel and we could split profits 50/50. I would link your profile in the livestream so hopefully we can get your followers up. If you could give me the number to your agent so we can set this up, that would be great.
Eddie Munson.
Your heart raced as you read and reread the message. You didn’t have an agent. You barely knew what you were doing… but he was impressed? Did that mean that he was turned on? Did a huge cam star jack off to your stream? After hours of screaming into your pillow, dancing around your living room and staring at the email, you conjured up a response. 
Hello Eddie! Thank you for the compliment. It means a lot coming from such a big personality on the site like yourself. I unfortunately don’t have any agent contacts but I would love to work with you - thank you for the opportunity! I am free any time around halloween, but was planning a themed stream, if you’re interested?
You signed the message with your phone number and encouraged him to call or text you any time. You couldn’t deny that you hoped he would call. You had seen Eddie’s stream before, it often gracing the front page on camwow. The girls that he often had on his stream were beautiful, more beautiful than you, you imagined. But apparently you knew how to work your body in a way that got you some recognition. So you thought, fuck it? Why not see where this might lead. 
It was 2am when you received a call from an LA area code. You hastily picked up the phone and put on the sweetest most professional voice you could muster up.
“Hello?” You breathed.
“Hey, um is this Y/N?” The baritone rasp had your breath caught in your throat.
“Yeah, that’s me.” you let out a nervous giggle.
“Hey, It’s Eddie. I just wanted to touch base about the messages on camwow. You still up for it? I’d love to meet you.” His voice made your blood run cold. Even over the phone, the man oozed confidence and sex appeal. You couldn’t help but be intimidated. 
“Cool, yeah I would like that a lot. Umm, what did you think about the halloween theme I had thought about? If it’s stupid, we don’t have to but if you wanna I’d-”
“That’s a great idea, honey.” honey “I got a few ideas. I’ll text them to you, okay?”
“Cool, yeah. Sweet..” You were tripping over your own words, your brain short circuiting from the pet name. 
“Great, doll. Don’t be too nervous, okay? I know this is your first collaboration, but we can go slow if you want.” Although there was a lightness to his tone, you didn’t feel judged. You took a deep breath and thanked the man on the other end of the phone. You stayed frozen on the line long after he had hung up, unsure as to what had just happened. You’d see him on October 30th.
The next day Eddie had sent you four or five ideas that he had based around your halloween special. You both agreed on one and as much as the anticipation was killing you, your belly swirled with aroused excitement. You couldn’t wait for the two weeks it would take for Eddie’s arrival.
You swung your door open and your heart skipped a beat when you looked at the sight in front of you. There stood the man you had lost sleep over. He loomed over you in the frame of your door, but his lopsided smile eased your nerves. He donned a loose fitting white tee just sheer enough that you could see faint dark tracings of ink on his torso. His alabaster skin complimented the purple and green veins adorning his hands. The man twisted the chunky rings on his right hand. Your mouth watered thinking about where those fingers might be within the next few hours…
“You gonna let me in, or what?” His grin spread to a shit eating smile that immediately made you feel at home in your body. You gave the man a puzzled look as he shuffled past you into your space. Embellishing his canine teeth were fangs. Eddie noticed your confusion.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. They’re fake and they won’t hurt… that much” You follow him into your apartment as he takes in the sights. There was something magnetic about the mop headed man. You followed him around your puppy even though you were in your own house. You snapped out of your daze to remember you also needed to be (at least) a competent host.
“Can I get you anything to drink or anything?” you ask. He politely waved you off as he plops down on your sectional. 
“It’s a nice place you got here, doll.”
“Uh, thanks.” You awkwardly shuffled towards Eddie and sat yourself on the opposite edge of the couch. 
“So, I usually like to go over what we will and won’t do before we go get comfortable. Is that okay?” Eddie offered. There was no sense of annoyance or impatience with you. He was the perfect gentleman, which was making it harder and harder to focus on functioning like a normal human being.
“Yeah, that sounds good. I mean, I haven’t really done this before… but I guess I’m down for anything as long as we kind of chat about it first.” Eddie laughed at your bluntness. You hid your face in your hands and let out a soft giggle. You were nervous and embarrassed but not by him. Eddie rose to his feet and offered out his hands to you. You peered out of your hands and grabbed him with a curt smile. You let him pull you up and you suddenly felt breathless while he was invading your space; but it wasn’t a nervous energy. It was new and scary but you felt oddly at ease with the gorgeous stranger in front of you.
“Wanna show me to your studio?” he said with a wink and a genuine smile. You dropped your hands from his and began to walk to your room - which you had spent hours cleaning leading up to Eddie’s visit. You even went as far as getting new bedding to make your room look ‘cooler’.
You opened your door and let Eddie take in the sights. He took a few steps into your room and hovered to your small bookshelf nestled in the corner of your room. He eyed over your bed, cameras decorating different sides of the bed, their wires treading to your computer. Then his eyes softened when his eyes trailed to you, standing in the middle of your room, hands locked together in anticipation. God he couldn’t wait to devour you, but there was another foreign pang in his chest. 
“You okay? You still wanna do this, right?” Eddie stepped towards you, nervous that you were going to change your mind. 
“No! No, god no” You blurted, maybe a bit too aggressively. “I just…I just don’t know where to start.”
“Well before we turn on the camera, we should get more comfortable,” Eddie offered. You nod your head enthusiastically as the man stalks towards you, coming almost chest to chest with you.
“Can I kiss you?” His eyes looked pleading. You stared up at him with your bright eyes and he felt that pang in his chest again.
“Y-yeah.” you gasp. Eddie’s hands trailed up to your cheeks and he brought his face close to yours, giving you a split second to pull away from him if you wanted. You closed your eyes in anticipation of a forceful kiss, but you almost flinched in surprise of the man’s lips caressing yours. His lips were soft and warm, you felt like you could melt into him. His touches were careful, like he didn’t want to scare you off. You both pulled away and you couldn’t help the smile that grew across your face. You were surprised to see the same one mirrored on the brunette’s face. He cleared his throat and gestured to the bag sitting in your living room. 
“So, I uh- I brought costumes - like not crazy ones, but something just a bit different… you know, to add to these…” The man smiled and pointed to his prosthetic fangs. 
“Y-yeah, I did too, if that’s okay.”
“Sure. I’ll go to the bathroom and change, and I’ll leave you to it. Just open the door when you’re ready for me, okay, Honey?”
“Yeah, sure Eddie,” You gave Eddie a warm smile and he turned to leave you. “Um, Eddie? I uh…. I wanted to let you know that the main reason I do my cam stuff alone is because I have some performance anxiety.” You looked down at your socked feet in anticipation. You half expected Eddie to laugh and walk away; but he was suddenly back and tilting so your eyes were met with his deep brown ones.
“Doll, there’s no pressure at all. Let me make you feel good and if you come, I’ll be stoked. But if you don’t then we can stop and never talk again. Or if you just wanna stop let me know, okay?” You couldn’t sense any judgment in Eddie’s tone or his eyes. You felt dumb for blindly trusting someone you only just met in person. Eddie sauntered out of your room and gently shut the door. You turned to your closet to grab the dainty lingerie hanging neatly on the rack. You slid your jeans and tee off of your body and crumpled them into your hamper. You take off your panties and bra and quickly slide the teddy over your body. You stepped foot into your ensuite to give yourself one final look over and you couldn’t help but bite your lip in admiration. 
The soft pink lace held your tits in place, giving you a delicious cleavage. The corseted bodysuit hugged your waist perfectly, while the lace detailing let a small peak of your skin embellish the lingerie. The frilly lace straps adorn your shoulders that made you look almost virginal. Perfect. The small mesh skirt emphasized your waist. You turned to look at your ass, looking perky and perfect. You looked perfect. It was just what a vampire needed for a sacrifice.
You padded out of your ensuite to your bedroom door. You opened it and called for Eddie to join you whenever you were ready. You sat yourself at your computer and booted up camwow.com. You hated to admit, but your heart was in your chest. You shook with excitement and anticipation. You felt Eddie’s presence in the frame of your bedroom door and you turned to look at him. Your breath caught in your throat while you drank in his form.
He stood leaned tall over your doorframe. His pale skin was now on full display, highlighted by small drips of fake blood. It seemed, to your delight,  he forgot a shirt for his new costume. His toned abs framed a well trimmed treasure trail to where you wanted to see him the most. Highlighting his bulge were a pair of leather pants that caressed his curves perfectly.  His curly hair laid on his broad shoulders. He looked like an adonis. His eyes darkened as he bathed in your appearance, but his lips fell slightly open in awe. 
“Well don’t you look good enough to eat” Eddie teased as he kneels onto your bed. 
“I could say the same to you, Eddie.” your voice was saccharine sweet. Eddie couldn’t wait to hear how sweet your moans would sound…
“So, we’re all set up camera wise, if you just wanna log into your account, we’ll be good to go.” You stood up from your desk chair and Eddie’s brain short circuited. You looked delicious and he couldn’t wait to make you fall apart. He played it cool as he switched you spots and you perched on the edge of your bed. 
“So, I have some rope and stuff too… is that okay?” Eddie’s voice had become thick with lust. He could hardly contain myself. You hummed in agreement. “Oh, and… I gotta say, doll. You’re looking delectable, but there’s a big part of me that wants to rip that thing off you. You okay if I tear up that little number? I’ll buy you a new one.” His eyes turned from the screen and looked pleading, like he would die if he didn’t get the chance. Lucky for him, the thought of him ripping clothes off you went straight to your core. 
“Yeah… I’m sure we can make something work.” You giggle. Unable to control your giddy anticipation. Eddie raised slowly from the computer, and you saw the small red light appear on the cameras fixed around the bed. It was show time. 
“You tell me red light if you need me to stop, okay?” Eddie’s voice rasped, just above a whisper. “We’re gonna start and I’m gonna move a little fast. You ready?” He stood above you at the end of the bed, his chest was heaving. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as you nodded up at him.
“Use your words, pretty girl.”
“Yes, Ed-”
“That’s sir to you, unless you want to be punished.” Eddie’s voice thickened with pure sex, making a shiver travel down your spine. 
“Yes, sir.”
Eddie leaned down by the end of the bed and grabbed two pieces of black velvet rope. Before you could compute what he had in his hands, he was climbing onto the bed on top of you, pushing you back towards your headboard. 
“Good girl. Make this easy and it won’t hurt as much. I’m hungry…” Eddie growled, his eyes fixed on you, pupils dilated like you really were his prey. He grabbed your wrists with one hand and slammed them above you onto your headboard. He tied one of the velvet ropes tightly around your wrists. You finally caught your breath and were able to comprehend what was happening. The boldness washed over you as you let go of your anxieties. You gave Eddie a devilish smirk then instantly twisted your face into one of horror.
“Please sir, don’t hurt me. I promise I’ll be good and do whatever you want.” You saw Eddie flinch at your words like they were wax burning his skin: a surprise, but a welcome and unexpected one.
“Keep your hands there and I won’t have to tie you down further then.”
“Yes, sir.”
Eddie smiled widely to reveal his fangs to the camera positioned at the side of your bed. He held his hands up to your throat and pressed down just enough to send static to your brain. You felt the cool sting of his rings that he kept on his body, but felt another surprise: adorning his pointer and middle fingers were rings that rested on his upper knuckle and formed into pointed claws. The sharpness sent another type of coolness across your skin. The glint of the metal poked into your neck and you hissed as Eddie continued to press into you. The delicious feeling of oxygen deprivation is topped only when Eddie presses his mouth to yours. You moan into him, all of your body already felt under the mop head’s control. 
Eddie’s mouth moved expertly against you, breaking the seal your mouths had to give you brief moments of breath. He pushed his tongue further into your mouth and you felt your body go numb, all feeling going to your already throbbing core. You wrestled with Eddie’s tongue in your mouth, eliciting a moan from him. You couldn’t wait to watch your recording back again and again just to hear his moan. Eddie bit down onto your lip and pulled hard. You whimpered at the sting and you tasted a metallic tang in your mouth. You went to lick your lips to rid of the small slit of blood sitting on them but Eddie grabbed your jaw and ran his tongue across your lips with a satisfied moan. Eddie looked you deep in the eyes, a silent check in, and what he saw filled him with excitement that went straight to his hardening cock. Your eyes had darkened with lust, already kiss drunk from him.
Eddied trailed his kisses from the side of your mouth to your jaw, to the pulse point by your ear. His mouth was saccharine sweet on your skin, like it belonged there. But in true Eddie fashion (as you’re learning), the sweet was often mixed with heat. You were just melting into his touch when Eddie took a hard bite down on your neck, eliciting a yelp of pain from you. You could feel two small streams of cool liquid trickle down your neck. You began to hyperventilate from overwhelm. Eddie softly grabbed your cheek for you to lock eyes with him.
“Relax angel, the hard part is over. You’re doing so well for me, I gotta be good to my girl… especially…” Eddie leans down to your neck and takes a long swipe up the side of your neck. “When you taste so good” The man’s smile was now tinged with the red of your blood. The lust had finally taken over your body and you happily submitted. You pulled Eddie’s mouth to yours feverishly. You pushed your tongue into his mouth. Your sweet mouth was now tainted with your own metallic taste. When Eddie pulled away, you both looked in satisfaction at your matching stained lips. It took Eddie a moment to compose himself and remember he had a scene to shoot. He sat himself up on his calves and ran his clawed fingers across your collarbone with enough pressure to send a constellation of goosebumps to form across your skin.
“I think we should get this off of you, so I can see you better.” Eddie groaned as he traced his fingers between the valley of your lace-covered breasts. You looked at him dough eyed and scared, but there was a glimmer of lust and wanting in your eyes. You really were going to drive Eddie insane. 
With a quick flick of his wrist, and added pressure to (what he was beginning to think was) your offending garment, to rip down the middle of your torso to your belly button, exposing your hardening nipples. You let out a gasp, the lines of fear and lust blurring further. Eddie’s mouth was immediately on your sensitive skin, his mouth danced across your left nipple while his hand pinched your right. You were barely cognisant of the small bead of blood still dripping down your torso. Eddie kissed his way down your stomach to the meeting of where your body was bare and clothed. He sat back up in fake disdain. 
“Now, this won’t do. I gotta taste that pretty pussy after your sweet blood. You need a reward, and I need my dessert” 
“Please Ed-”
“Ah, ah ah….” Eddie interrupted. His hands hovered over your hips. You were desperate for him to touch you, little did you know, Eddie was desperate to drop this facade and feel you clench around him.
“Please, sir. Touch me, please.” You whined. Eddie was happy to oblige you. He let a low chuckle escape his chest. 
“Since you asked so sweetly, and since I can see that you have already wet through these little panties you got on, I need to taste you.” Eddie took his claws and hooked the mesh covering your pubic bone and dragged down. Once he had a big enough hole he removed his clawed rings and tore the whole crotch of your lingerie. The cool air hitting your core made you shiver. You were suddenly more self conscious than you were before. You instantly remembered that you were on display not only for Eddie but for thousands of people. Almost immediately, Eddie looked up from between your thighs.
“Hey” he whispered quietly enough that cameras couldn’t pick his rasp up. “It’s just you and me, okay?” You gave him a small nod to keep going. 
Eddie quickly turned his gaze back to your glistening core. He pressed a smaller, gentler bite into the flesh of your thigh, eliciting a moan that was music to Eddie’s ears. He liked the mix of pleasure and pain, but hearing your gasps of pure ecstasy was something he definitely thought he could get used to… but he couldn’t think about that right now - wanting to spend more time with you. It was time to use you like a plaything. Plus, how did he know that you would ever want to see him again. 
He shook his head to physically shake the idea from his mind and ran his middle finger through the middle of your slit, which made you a moaning mess for him yet again. Eddie turned himself to the camera and held up his hands with your slick on it. 
“Look at how messy she is for me.” he popped his finger into his mouth and sucked down “mmmm, and so sweet too.” he cooed. He ran two of his fingers back into your folds and stuck them deep into your mouth. You moaned at your own taste, spurring Eddie on further. 
“Oh, my little dinner date is a slut, eh? I guess that means we should treat you like the succubus you are.” Eddie’s words went straight to your core and you clenched on nothing. Eddie let out a low chuckle into the apex of your thigh, sending shivers up your spine in anticipation. You silently begged for him to touch you where you wanted him the most. Your hips bucked in a last ditch plea for relief - and Eddie luckily gave it to you. 
With little warning, Eddie’s mouth attached to your clit and sucked hard. Eddie’s mouth worked expertly at your core, his tongue probing you in ways you didn’t know were possible. You were almost embarrassed, you were a moaning mess underneath him; but you felt too good to care. Your vision was going fuzzy and your chest heaving. You couldn’t help the elicit moans escaping you. You couldn’t help but make eye contact with the camera and you couldn’t help but let a smile escape you.
Your smile was wiped from your cocky face when Eddie stuck his tongue deep in you. Your eyes crossed and your breath hitched. It felt like you were being suffocated with pleasure. Your tied hands flew to Eddie’s hair and you pulled hard, desperate for something to ground you. Eddie moaned into your pussy and you could feel your finish rapidly approaching. You made the mistake of looking down at the mess of hair between your legs and the sight you saw flew you over the edge. The slender hips that sprawled across your bed were rutting into your mattress, his back heaving in desperation. Your blood ran white hot, stars flashed over your vision. A euphoric groan was ripped from your chest. Eddie’s assault didn’t let up once the waves of pleasure became overwhelming. Eddie moaned into your cunt as he tasted your essence. You shuddered under him as you pulled up on his hair, in an attempt to seize his raid on your body. 
“Awww, was that too much for my little plaything?” Eddie growled. His hand flew up to your neck as he crawled his way back up your body. The pressure he squeezed onto you made another flutter flow directly to your lower stomach. Eddie had a talent of pushing you dangerously close to the edge of unconsciousness - a sense of bliss and fear all in one. Your fucked out face looked delicious to Eddie, still stained red with your blood. He leaned down and smashed his mouth into yours. You could taste the remnants of your orgasm and his desperation forcing its way into your mouth. You pulled away with a gasp and looked up at Eddie with your best puppy dog eyes. 
“Can I taste you now, please? Please sir?” you croaked. Eddie could come in his pants right now. He took a gulp and sent you an ear splitting, fanged smile. Willing away his urge to cum in his pants, he took some deep breaths while he undid his tight pleather pants and shimmied them down his lithe waist. His hard cock sprung free and Eddie let out an audible sigh of the relief it brought him. Your hands automatically drifted towards the man’s waist a mere inches away from you.You felt a sting against your wrists as Eddie slammed them back against your wall. You felt your shoulders scream at you from their sudden hyperextension. Eddie barked a dark laugh as you pouted. 
“Play things don’t get to touch. They get to be used.” Eddie ordered. He reached his free hand to tilt your neck backwards to give him purchase for another love bite. You cried out as hot blood trailed back down your clavicle. Eddie pulled away and his face looked similar to yours: your own crimson blood dripping down his chest. 
“Open.” He demanded. Your bottom lip quivered but you obey the man over you. You stick your tongue out. Eddie places his reddened cock onto the flat of your tongue in a hiss of pleasure. His tip felt heavy on your tongue; a salty sweetness that you were instantly addicted to. He was thick, his length equally impressive, and an anxious excitement panged in your throat thinking about how he was going to fit. Eddie slowly slid himself further into your mouth. He ignored your silent pleas to let you adjust to him in your mouth and continued to push into you until your nose was nestled against his manicured bundle of hair at the base of his cock. Your eyes pricked with tears and your throat closed around Eddie’s cock - eliciting a low groan from him. You are granted a brief moment of relief when Eddie slid his cock back out of your mouth, only for your deep gasp of air to be interrupted by him slamming back into your mouth, making you gag and making his dick twitch. Suddenly, Eddie grabbed the camera on the closest tripod and pointed it down at your face. 
“Look at this good girl… taking me so well.” The camera framed (what Eddie thought was) your perfect face, suctioned around Eddie’s cock. He stilled inside you, giving you an opportunity to suck hard and swirl your tongue around his tip. His precum dripped down your throat. Tears freely flowed down your cheeks. Your throat was screaming at you, your nostrils flared in desperation for air. Your throat constricted and relaxed around your scene partner.
You were in pain, his cock stretching your mouth to the absolute breaking point. You looked up and into the man’s gorgeous brown eyes in search for any more praise - begging for any movement, pleading for some sort of release. As much as your body was screaming at you, you had given yourself over to absolute pleasure. You loved the pain, the submission. In that moment, you knew you would do anything for Eddie - anything he asked any time. In that moment, there was a deeper connection than just two people fucking. You were his and he knew it. He could do anything with you, but he wanted to worship you just as much as you were worshiping him. He fastened the camera back onto the tripod, unsheathed himself from you and flopped onto his back beside you.
“Come on then, doll. Show me how much you want me.” Before Eddie’s words could leave his mouth, you were back on him, but you took it slow this time. Your doe eyes had darkened and you were ready to show him just how much you wanted him.
Your tongue ran up the underside of his achingly hard cock. Eddie hissed out praise as you wrapped your lips around Eddie’s tip and hollowed your cheeks. You hummed in satisfaction against him as you bobbed your head. Every suck, every kitten lick, you poured your heart into. You were hypnotized, obsessed, by the moans and praises escaping the head of curls on your bed. You thought he looked like a painting; ringlet curls splayed across your pillows like a crown, flexed biceps framing his face like a beautiful frame, his shirtless torso mimicked that of a marble statue. His abs flexed a contoured trail down to his member, his alabaster skin strewn with black markings. The finishing detail of this piece of art was the blood - your blood stained on his chin and neck. It was like your own signature on this masterpiece.
You were snapped out of your trance by two large hands cupping the sides of your face. His cool rings were like small slaps to your face. 
“As much as I want you to taste me, doll, I need to cum in that pussy. I need to mark you as my own.” Eddie untied your wrists and pulled you up so you were face to face and on top of him.
“I just got to get a condom” he whispered in your ear, ensuring the camera couldn’t pick up your conversation.
“Don’t. I got birth control” you purred, you kissed the sides of his mouth down to his neck.
“A-are you sure, doll? I mean I’m clean but I don’t want you to feel obliged.”
“Eddi- I mean - sir, I want you to cum inside me please. Make me yours.” You knew you were playing a role. This was all for show, but some of it felt real. There was truth in the words you spoke to him. You wanted to be his fully. 
Eddie slid himself up your headboard and he pulled your thighs up towards him so you were straddled on top of him.
“Okay, doll. Show me how well you ride that cock and you won’t get another bite tonight.” Eddie challenged. You agreed, it would be a challenge. Eddie was the largest guy you have ever been with. The wave of intimidation and nervousness flowed through you again. You felt a tight squeeze on your hips and Eddie’s eyes prodded for your gaze. When his golden brown irises met your glowing green ones, he gave you a reassuring nod. It was just the two of you.
You lowered yourself onto Eddie’s cock, slowly sheathing him inside you. You couldn’t control your eyes rolling to the back of your head. You felt deliciously full and you had only lowered yourself halfway. You could tell Eddie was concentrating on keeping his cool. His brows were furrowed and his tongue peeked through his blood stained lips. Beads of sweat were beginning to form under his curly bangs. Eddie peered up at you and immediately lost his composure. His grip became bruising on your hips and he slammed your body into his, pulling moans from both of you. 
Your eyes screwed shut in a mix of pleasure and pain. Your mouth hung open in a crooked smile. Your chest heaved, Eddie was worried your lungs were going to burst out of your chest. The shards of your lingerie dangled behind you like angel wings. An angel you were. Eddie had never felt this way about one of his conquests before. His heart was racing because of the thought of the money he was going to make from this gig, but he now felt another infatuation with you.
“Show me how you ride a cock, babe. Take that cock.” he cooed. You ground down on him, the friction of his base on your clit sent tingles all across your body. Eddie squeezed harder on your hips to ground himself. It was now his turn to be self conscious. He was going to bust way quicker than he wanted to if he didn’t find something to calm him down. He couldn’t look at you - his eyes insisting on staying screwed shut. He helped guide your hips up and down on his cock. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. You’re taking me so well. Squeezing me so tight… f-fuuuck it’s like your pussy was made for my cock, eh?” his assault of praises went straight to your core and yet again you felt yourself teetering closer and closer to the edge. Eddie’s name was like a hymn, you couldn’t say anything other than ‘Eddie’ and ‘please’. A satisfied smile ripped across Eddie’s face. His fangs glinted underneath you. The man snaked his dexterous fingers to where your bodies met. A few expert circles around your sensitive clit had you seeing stars again. You clenched down on Eddie’s cock, hurling Eddie dangerously close to his own release as well, but he wasn’t done with you. He guided your hips to grind down to guide you through your orgasm. 
Before you have time to come down from your high, Eddie flipped you over so he was looming over you.
“You have one more for me don’t you, pretty girl?”
“E-Edd, Sir I… I don’t think I can.” Eddie could look at your fucked out frown all day. Little did you know, he was studying every detail of your face so he could remember it later.
“Well sure you can. You’re gonna show me right now.” Eddie’s voice was more soothing than before. His face had softened slightly and his eyes were bright. He pulled your left thigh above his shoulder to assault your pussy at a deeper angle. Eddie’s rhythm was relentless and quick. Your sensitive pussy was quivering already, and had little to no time to recover from your previous orgasm.
“E-Eddie oh my god.” The angle of his cock hitting your g spot repeatedly had a whirlpool of pleasure and pain brewing in your core. You felt like you were going to float away. Eddie pulled himself out of you, making you whine from the emptiness. His cock was quickly replaced with his fingers and your legs dropped around Eddie’s waist. He angled his middle and pointer finger expertly inside you. If you thought his cock was relentless, Eddie’s fingers were just as, if not faster. The palm of his hand rubbed against your clit and you screamed out in overstimulation. You didn’t know if you wanted the assault to stop or to go harder. 
The wind was knocked from your chest as Eddie’s other hand pushed down on your pubic bone. With a yelp, you felt a white hot flash like you had never felt before. Your body shook and it felt like molten lava was coursing through your veins. 
“Fuck yeah, baby! That’s it, fucking good girl.” Eddie’s excitement was palpable. He stuck his cock back into you to feel you contract and flutter around him. Just your comedown was enough to make Eddie cum inside you. He pumped cautiously, cumming hard but using the shred of control he had to make sure he didn’t hurt you. He pulled out slowly, and leaned forward to give you a tender kiss on the forehead. Soon he collapsed beside you, both of you a mess of heavy breathing, your release, and his. 
Eddie guided you to sit up in front of a camera.
“Show them your neck, doll. Show them how good you did for me.” You craned your neck to the side, turning your face towards Eddie’s. The man reached out and cupped your cheek. You couldn’t help but melt into his touch. He then stood up for your computer and ended your stream.
“Sorry… I, I’ve never done that in my life…” your cheeks flourish in a red blush as you begin to explain to the man standing in front of you, pants now lazily covering his softening erection.
“Doll, I know you didn’t mean to. I wanted you to do that for me. It was fucking hot” Eddie reached for your hands and helped you up. You fell against his chest, your legs too weak to fully hold you up.
“Invoice me for some new sheets, okay?” Eddie winked at you. “Come on, let’s get you in the shower and let’s clean up.” 
You grabbed clean towels for the both of you as Eddie warmed the water to the shower. You sheepishly climbed in and waited for him to join you. You thought the man would fuck you, get up and then leave with as little as a ‘see you’... or a ‘you’re welcome’. But he stayed, and seemed like he genuinely wanted to stay. He helped wash you off, the warm water washing away any insecurities you felt after your shoot. You both talked about how much you enjoyed yourselves and how well you did for your first partner scene.
“I can’t lie champ, I’m pretty impressed.” Eddie poked at you while you both sat on your couch, pizza on the way, a blanket enveloping both of you in more warmth.”Sorry about your neck, though.” Eddie nervously chuckled and ran his hands through his damp curls. You grabbed Eddie’s hand and redirected his energy to you.
“Eddie. I liked it. I would have told you if I didn't, I promise. It was honestly the best sex I’ve had.” You admitted with a small blush highlighting your cheeks. To your surprise, Eddie’s face was redder than yours. 
“Can I ask you something kind of insane?” Eddie asked.
“What’s up, Eddie?”
“Can I kiss you? Like actually kiss you?” His eyes were pleading, he was already starved of your lips on his. He wanted to show you how much he liked being around you, even if you had only been together a half a day. You nodded slowly, a shy smile reaching your lips, but adoration in your eyes. 
Eddie’s lips were soft and gentle against yours. He didn’t want to scare you off by being too forceful. His mouth melded to yours like he was the only person you were meant to kiss. His arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you in close. His hand migrated up your face to softly cup your cheek. Time had slowed down and the only thing that mattered was the boy you were attached to; once a stranger, to someone you didn’t want to be without within the span of a few hours. 
“So, I can only extend my stay in town for a couple of days.” Eddie whispered after (begrudgingly) pulling his mouth from yours. “Can I take you out tomorrow?”
“Yeah, Eddie. I would like that… as long as you leave the fangs in your suitcase next time.”
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jayflrt · 3 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 13. leather jacket
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At least they could let all their anger and emotions out on each other. At least they could communicate what was bothering them instead of talking to a wall. At least they weren't begging for their significant other to just speak to them.
Every conversation you had with your boyfriend just made you feel more and more hopeless. You weren't even able to tell Sunghoon how horrible he made you feel the last night you two spent together. It was nearing the next round of midterms now and you were still at a standstill in your relationship.
You didn't even want to go to the stupid club anymore; your mood soured after your brief conversation with Sunghoon, and all you wanted to do was curl into your bed and cry your eyes out.
But you were cold. And your mattress was even colder.
This was a responsibility that someone like you was supposed to uphold. Even if you were at your lowest, you were still expected to dry your eyes and show face.
When you saw Heeseung's text, informing you that he was outside, you groaned, still rolling your mascara wand across your lashes.
In under a minute, you managed to finish your mascara and eyeliner, opting to not go for a full-beat tonight. Your mother, a world renown fashion designer, recently sent you the most gorgeous Christopher Esber dress, but you had been hoping to wear it for your boyfriend to see. Now that he was a no-show yet again, you settled for something less flashy.
When you were outside, you spotted Heeseung's Mercedes-Benz parked up ahead. From the back window, he seemed to be craning his neck to talk to someone in the back seat. Surely, he wouldn't make his girlfriend sit in the back, so you realized he picked up the transfer student—Jay—first.
"Hey," Heeseung greeted as soon as you opened the door, giving you a once-over that made you feel relieved that Chaewon wasn't in the car.
You chose to ignore the look he gave you and apologized, "Sorry for taking so long."
"Nah, it wasn't that long. Jay and I were just talking."
Jay grinned, and you were pretty sure it was your first time seeing him smile like that. "He was telling me about Yeonjun almost selling coke to a professor."
You couldn't stop yourself from nearly bursting into laughter, quickly slapping your palm over your mouth. Jay's grin only widened at your reaction.
"So fucking funny," Heeseung said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Heeseung! It's not funny," you scolded, even though you found it hilarious. "He could've gotten in serious trouble."
"C'mon, it's a little funny," Jay said, all lighthearted.
Since you two were in the back seat, you turned to look at him with a retired sigh, as if you were so devastated that you couldn't defend Yeonjun over this. You held up your thumb and pointer finger like you were pinching something, as if to say, yeah, just a little.
You and Heeseung made eye contact in the rearview mirror, and he held your gaze as he said, "Loosen up, Y/N."
You folded your arms across your chest. "Yeah, pass me some of the coke you bought off him."
He smirked at you. "Snitch."
When Heeseung stopped in front of Chaewon's apartment, you three discussed the Yeonjun situation some more before she came stumbling outside with a few shooters in her hand. After hopping into the front seat, she leaned over to press a kiss to Heeseung's cheek. You noticed how he stiffened, though, averting his gaze.
"I brought you guys some shooters," she said with a giggle, clearly already tipsy. You gingerly took the two she handed to the back and passed one to Jay.
"Thanks, Chae," you said, inspecting the tiny Pink Whitney bottle you took from her. "How have you been?"
"Exhausted," she admitted, looking suddenly miserable. You thought it was an innocent question but it put a damper on her mood within seconds. "I signed up to be orientation leaders with Seunghan and Eunseok, and our first meeting was five hours long—at night!"
"There's absolutely no way you're gonna have time for the Order and being an orientation leader," Heeseung said, facing her once they were stopped at a red light. "Aren't you doing an internship this summer, anyway?"
Jay seemed to balk at the mention of internships, and Heeseung started rattling off about how he needed to start applying soon. You decided against sharing your plans because all you could think about was how it was probably going to be a lonely summer vacation.
For the rest of the car ride, even with Heeseung and Jay chatting yours and Chaewon's ears off, you couldn't seem to focus on their conversation at all. You stared straight ahead, wondering if you told them about your relationship issues and your academic stress, would they ignore your problems the same way your own boyfriend did?
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The club was no better.
The music was too loud, the lights were too blinding, and you felt claustrophobic by all the bodies packed tightly on the floor.
You spent the first hour talking to Kim Jennie; then you took Yuna to the bathroom to help her throw up; then you let Jeon Wonwoo buy you a drink while he talked about his dissertation topic; then you introduced Jay to Yoon Jeonghan and watched them hit it off; then you attempted to muster up the courage to approach Park Sungjin about Sunghoon not showing up (and proceeded to chicken out); and then you ended up sitting on one of the couches by yourself, completely exhausted and drained from all the social interaction.
Normally, you would've thought twice before sitting on the couch at the club. God knows what it had been through, and you didn't want to find out. However, you were so worn-out that you didn't even care anymore.
While you were people-watching (specifically eyeing Jennie, who you were hoping would give you her seat, laughing at something Zhong Chenle said), Jay came over to sit next to you.
You were confused at first, asking, "Where's Jeonghan?"
"Called an Uber for him 'cause he got so wasted, so Joshua went home with him," he replied, grimacing at the memory. "He wouldn't stop kissing my head."
You smiled weakly as you envisioned a drunk Jeonghan grabbing the sides of Jay's face and planting kisses on the top of his head.
"So, uh, why're you alone?" he asked.
"Wish I knew."
You two lapsed into silence. Not particularly uncomfortable silence, though, thanks to how loud everything was around you.
Jay noticed how quiet you had gotten and asked, "Is everything okay?"
"Huh. I haven't heard that question in a while."
"Well, are you?"
You had been trying to reply in a joking manner so that he wouldn't take you seriously, but hearing the sincerity in Jay's tone made you feel unnerved.
You were quiet for a few moments before you answered, "To be honest, no—not really."
"Ah..." For a second, you thought Jay would take that as his cue to get up and leave. You wouldn't blame him, either; no one wanted their mood to be brought down like this at a club. "Have you talked to Sunghoon about it?"
You scoffed. "It's about him, actually."
"Then what about Heeseung?"
"I couldn't. They're best friends, too."
"Your other friends?"
"They're just gonna tell me they told me so."
"Well... then how about me?" He gave you an awkward smile when you shot him a furious look, as if you couldn't believe he even suggested it, but then your face started to soften. "I mean, I've never said I told you so."
You weren't sure why, but, right now, you felt like you could tell Jay anything on your mind. Maybe it was because of the whole period blood incident; if he could be so understanding about that, then he could handle hearing anything you said. Or maybe it was because he didn't come from such high-class families like the rest of your friends. He wasn't held to some standard to look good in front of you or impress you. From what you picked up on over the past few months, he didn't even seem to care about wealth.
You sucked in a sharp breath, still overwhelmed by the pounding music that made your bones rattle. "Wanna get some fresh air then?"
"Lead the way."
It was much cooler outside, and you soon realized that this wasn't the smartest idea for someone wearing a backless mini dress. But it was far less suffocating to be outside, and you felt like you could finally breathe again without all the sweat and alcohol making you feel gross.
The streets weren't as busy as you expected, save for some students roaming about—probably because New Haven was more of a college town. Your breath was coming out in white clouds of vapor, and before you could even wrap your arms around yourself and rub some heat into your arms, Jay was already handing you his leather jacket.
You took it without even thinking, and then said, "Whoa, my second one from you." A small grin crossed your face. "I feel like I'm collecting your jackets at this point."
He looked down at his feet, shrugging. "I don't mind. Seemed like you needed it more than I did."
You put the jacket on over your dress, and it was like being wrapped in an embrace with how insulated it was. The sleeves were a bit too long and the jacket fell past your dress itself, but you still appreciated the gesture.
You two sat down at a bench farther down the sidewalk. It was freezing and your dress didn't cover enough of your thighs, but Jay's jacket was warm around your body.
"Why didn't Sunghoon show up?" Jay asked. "Is that why you were upset?"
"Sort of."
"Then what is it?"
You sighed. Trying to find the words. Trying to make sense of everything that was going on. Trying to figure out if Jay genuinely wanted to listen to your problems.
He hesitated before asking again, "Y/N?"
You sucked in a sharp breath before starting, "Okay, you wanna know what the problem is? It's the fact that my boyfriend seems to have time for everyone but me! I can't even understand what's going through his head—I mean, we hung out more before we were dating! I can't help but feel like he just doesn't... like me anymore. He used to spend weeks at my place, and now I have to beg him to show up for a few hours.
"And don't get me started on the Order—god, it's, like, the only thing Sunghoon cares about right now. And I don't even know why he's so stressed about everything when he has a guaranteed seat! I'd understand if he told me what's going on but he never talks to me about anything anymore. You've gotta keep this between us, but I think my parents and Sunghoon's parents have been waiting for the two of us to get together our whole lives. Now that it's happened, I can't help but wonder if Sunghoon felt like he was forced into a relationship with me.
“Honestly, come to think of it, the last time I expressed a personal concern to him that's been bothering me for years, he hardly gave me any genuine comfort over it. I don't think he even cared! He just wants me to live up to the same standards my parents set for me because he's so obsessed with living up to his dad's expectations."
You noticed your breathing had shallowed by the end of your rant, and you had to sit in silence for a few moments as your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Instead of checking for Jay's reaction, you kept your eyes down. You wouldn't blame him if he made a run for it now.
After what felt like forever, Jay asked, "You've told him all of this?"
"Not exactly all of it. He's been blowing off most of our plans ever since we started our third year." Your lip was curled in disdain at this point. "I just—I mean, has he told you anything? You've gotten close to him and Heeseung, right?"
"Uh..." Jay trailed off for a moment. "I think he was just upset about the Yuna thing. Other than that, I thought you two made up after your fight at Heeseung's party."
"Does he think so? I don't think we have."
"You two haven't talked about it?"
"Not really. He hasn't been very open with me."
There was a pause before Jay replied rather bluntly, "You deserve better, Y/N."
If there had been heavy stones weighing your heart down, Jay had just about demolished them with his words. You didn't even realize how badly you needed to hear that from someone.
Having a boyfriend like Sunghoon meant that you were were always gushed over how lucky you were. Eventually, it got to a point where you truly stopped believing you could do any better, so even when your boyfriend wasn't treating you right, you had no hope that you could find someone who would.
Unlike Heeseung, who mostly turned a blind eye to the way his best friend mistreated you, Jay had the sense to call your boyfriend out. Instead of crying, you felt a swell of relief in your chest. If Jay could feel the same way about the situation, then maybe you weren't going crazy or being inconsiderate about Sunghoon's feelings.
Jay mistook your awestruck silence for tension, so he quickly stammered, "Uh... I mean, no offense to Sunghoon or anything. I just meant—"
"No, that was exactly what I needed to hear." You turned to look at him, sighing softly. "I've been thinking of breaking up with him for a while—or I'll give him an ultimatum."
"Do you think an ultimatum's gonna work? That means you'd have to give him another chance."
"I don't know." Tears welled up in your eyes as you shook your head. "I'm just so tired of everything."
Jay stood up, looking down at you expectantly. "Come on."
You frowned. "Where?"
"To get something to eat. I always feel better after I eat something good."
You stared him down long enough for Jay to turn his face, embarrassed.
"If you want," he added in a meek voice, "I recently found a place with good Mexican food open late around here."
Strangely enough, the corners of your lips tugged upward into a smile.
"Sure, let's do it."
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
Lucky Break Chapter 4
Yandere Straw Hats x Fem!Reader
5.8k words
Beginning / Previous / Next
The longest chapter yet, but at least this arc is finally wrapped up!
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Just as you thought, you could hear them before you could see them.
“Sounds like they’ve got this covered. I don’t know what you’ve got planned, but I need to go get something that belongs to me. Bye!” Nami slapped you on the shoulder and then diverted from the path you were following.
“Wait, I don’t have anything planned! What am I supposed to do about any of this?!” You called out after her, but she paid you no mind, the woman was on a mission. The light jog you were doing trickled down into a standstill. 
What were you supposed to do?
There isn’t exactly a guide for this, and even if there was, you can’t remember having read it. 
There was yelling and the sound of weapons clashing no more than a block away from you. Wait- That’s it! Weapons! You need a weapon! You can’t just charge into battle and help your new companions empty handed.
But where would you find one? Well, this town is something of a war zone, maybe there’s a weapon lying around? You would settle for even just a kitchen knife at this point. Literally anything to give you some semblance of protection.
Hoping that Luffy and Zoro will be okay until you can help, you scurry down an alleyway. “Come on, come on, give me something,” you mutter under your breath. Your eyes dart around wildly, scanning the surrounding area. There are some stray bricks and broken planks of wood from the buildings being destroyed. That could work potentially, but you decide to look around a little longer.
A structure catches your eye ahead of you. Scaffolding next to a house that hadn’t been finished  yet. A relieved grin spreads across your face. Construction tools! You could use a saw or a hammer or something like that!
There were some crates and tool boxes lying on the ground, all open. The boxes have what appear to be blueprints and building materials. The toolboxes are damn near empty. Some nails and screws litter the bottom of it, plus a couple of tools that won’t help you like a tape measure. 
“Shit!” You kicked the nearest toolbox in anger. What were you supposed to do? Bare knuckle box some armed super-powered pirates? Feeling crushed and frustrated, you drop down into a squat and put your head between your hands, pulling on your hair.
This was so stupid and unfair. You can’t even remember your own name, and now the only people willing to help you are having to fight on their own while injured and you’re helpless to do anything. Why are you even here? For what purpose? What happened to get you to this point?
A rush of air, followed by a clanging noise right in front of you startled you. The shock made you fall onto your ass, scared that you were under attack. A quick once over of the alley revealed that you were still alone. What was that?
Then, a piece of paper flits to the ground just ahead of you. It lands on a coiled piece of metal that you don’t remember being there before. Is that what made the noise? Hesitantly, you reach out to grab the paper. There’s something written on it.
What an interesting event
Losing your memories was not my intent
To aid in your journey
Please take this urumi 
Next to the letter “A”, was an ink stamp. One you recognized. You fished out the necklace from under your shirt, and sure enough, the stamp matched it. A jolly roger with a wand clenched between its teeth.
Where did you get this necklace from initially, and how did “A” know about your new nickname? How did they know where you were? You look up at the rooftops, but see nothing and no one. You hadn’t heard anyone approach either. It’s like these things just appeared out of thin air.
Much like you did according to Luffy.
A loud explosion rang out and shook the ground. Oh right! You’re supposed to be in a battle! You clamber onto your feet and pick up the so-called urumi by what you believe to be a handle while stuffing the note into your satchel. If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you have no idea what an urumi is supposed to be. You assume it’s a weapon, but why would a weapon be so… limp?
The “blade”, if you can call it that, unraveled and drooped to the ground. It was like some bizarre love child of a whip and a sword. How was something like this supposed to help you? Is it even sharp? Gingerly, you stroke the edges of the blade. 
“Ow! Okay, yeah, that’s sharp,” just lightly touching in was enough to draw a couple drops of blood. You bring the finger to your mouth, feeling a little dumb now for managing to cut yourself within seconds of getting your hands on this thing. You have no idea how to use any weapon, much less one so unique.
Experimentally, you hold it out and flick the blade away from you. It cuts through the air and cleanly slices through a leg of the scaffolding like a hot knife through butter. The structure shifts slightly, but remains standing.
You can’t help but eye the weapon warily, this thing seems extremely dangerous. Great for dealing with enemies, bad for you if you aren’t careful and don’t know what you’re doing. Which you don’t.
It would be good to go and help your companions now that you’re armed but you want to get a better feel for this thing before charging into battle. Swaying it back and forth is helping to get a better feel for the weight of it, but the method in which you could safely wield it is still beyond you.
“There she is! The liar that tricked and made a fool of us!”
You were so focused that you hadn’t even heard the small band of enemies approaching. Their clothes were torched and skin burned, and they looked furious. With swords raised, they ran right at you, bloodlust in their eyes.
A shriek emitted from your throat, and your arm flailed as you panicked. The urumi’s blade struck the scaffolding again, effortlessly going through several legs before wedging itself into the brick wall. The structure pitched forward and groaned. Your attackers looked up just in time to see the whole thing come down on them. All of them were pinned under the weight of it plus the supplies that had been piled on. Some of the people were knocked out by the falling material, while one was left awake.
He was trapped, but could move his head just enough to scowl at you. “I bet you think you’re really clever! Well you won’t get away with this, Captain Buggy never loses! It’s only a matter of time before he takes your head for this trickery!” Venom dripped from every word, his loathing so tangible that you think you could cut it.
“Not really, I’ve just,” you yanked on the urumi, trying to dislodge it, “got a lot of dumb luck it seems.” And some magical note and weapon giver, but that’s hardly something to bring up in casual conversation. Damn, that thing was really in there. You readjust your grip and pull again. There’s a creak, and then it breaks free. It came loose so suddenly that it made you stumble as the blade flung around you, narrowly missing that one guy’s head.
The man screamed, pulling his head back into the rubble like a turtle retreating into its shell, “Are you trying to kill me?!”
“Weren’t you trying to kill me?!” The double standards up in here were insane. They could gang up on you, but you almost accidentally hit him and now you’re the bad guy? Ridiculous. He fell silent and didn’t answer, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get going.”
Realistically, you don’t think it’s a good idea to be slinging this thing around, especially near Luffy or Zoro, but it was comforting to at least have something now. You examine the urumi closely, contemplating the best way to carry it. There’s a loop on the handle, and you get an idea. 
Carefully, you wind it around your waist and feed it into the loop. Sure enough, it fits together snugly, and now it looks like you have a strange belt on. Alright, you’re feeling a little bit better now, hell you even stopped a few attackers (albeit accidentally).
Now it’s time to actually join the fight.
Well… Maybe you’ll assess the situation first. You just needed to figure out how to do so without being caught unprepared. Getting onto a rooftop could work. The house in front of you had a pretty low roof, climbing onto it shouldn’t be too hard. 
You kick a crate close and hop on. It takes some effort, sure, but you’re able to pull yourself up. The shingles dig into you through the clothes, but it’s hardly the worst thing you’ve been through today. Finally, you can see what’s going on. It looks like there are only four people involved in this fight. There’s Luffy and Zoro, of course. Buggy is also there, seemingly unharmed from the cannon fire earlier. You suppose that isn’t too surprising considering his weird powers. Then there’s also some guy on a unicycle because, sure, why not? 
Zoro and the unicyclist are fighting each other. Zoro is fighting hard, but it’s clear even from your perch that he’s struggling to fight with his injury. Luffy is too preoccupied with Buggy to be able to help him, and you’re positive that you would just hurt him more if you were to charge in with your unwieldy weapon of not-choice.  
What else was there to do? You’re scanning the area for ideas, seeing lots of rubble and injured pirates strewn about. One of which being Richie, who was currently licking his wounds. 
Hang on, you might know what to do now.
A hand digs around in your pants pocket and pulls out the laser pointer you put in there earlier. You don’t know what the range on this bad boy is, but hopefully it’s going to be strong enough for what you’ve got planned. 
Pointing it in the direction of the white lion, you click it on. Lucky for you, it reaches, and a red dot is just ahead of Richie. He doesn’t seem to have noticed it, so you wiggle it around. His head snaps up, and you rejoice on the inside.
He reaches a paw out to it, but you move it away. At first, he’s startled, but then he’s up on his feet and in pursuit. You keep moving it away from him, zipping it around to keep him interested. If you could get him a little closer, you should be able to help Zoro. You doubt that unicycle boy is going to be able to fight well if there’s a lion on top of him.
You risk a glance over to them, only to notice something else. Buggy is using his powers for a sneak attack! Shit! Change of plans, you need to throw him off instead!
Hastily, you move the dot onto his back and pray that Richie goes for it. The lion sees it and pauses, but then he crouches and creeps closer. Yes! Just a little bit more! Come on, Richie! His tail flicks wildly, and he then pounces.
Buggy hits the ground with an indignant shriek. He’s kicking and screaming, “Mohji! Get your damn lion under control!” 
You did it! You helped! Taking another look at Zoro, you see him land a finishing blow to the unicyclist. This is going much better than you would have thought! With that guy out of the way, everyone can focus on taking down Buggy.
Luffy was first to take this opportunity. Buggy had barely gotten back onto his feet after being pounced on by Richie, only to get punched by the rubber captain. The blow sent him tumbling head over heels away from him. Luffy wasn’t about to let up and continued the assault, but Buggy was able to get onto his feet and scramble out of the way of the next blow.
They engaged in a back and forth, each using their unique powers to try and get one over on the other. You tried to use your laser pointer again, but Mohji had Richie’s full attention while he was scolding him for attacking the captain. Well there goes that idea. At least you got it to work once.
You army crawl backwards so you can climb down from the roof, but stop when you notice something red flying right at you.
Oh shit, that’s Luffy!
There isn’t even enough time to brace for impact before the human wrecking ball crashes into the building and brings everything down on top of him, you included. You yelp and fall directly on top of him, disoriented but otherwise fine.
Luffy, entirely unbothered by the whole affair, helps you get up off of him, “Oh hey, Lucky! I was wondering when you were going to get here!” He stood and pulled you with him while readjusting his hat.
“Sorry, I just needed to pick up something first,” your hand drifted down to your new weapon, still getting used to even having one. The presence of one feels so foreign that you can’t imagine you ever carried one in the past.
He waved off your apology, “Don’t worry, it’s basically over already! I’ll finish this here and now!” Luffy bounced out of the crumbled building and got ready to do just that.
“Excuse you! Don’t underestimate me! And why are you talking to my crewmate?!” 
What? No. How could this guy still think you’re still on the same team? That’s not possible. He saw you run to Luffy’s aid with the key you stole from him. Maybe that cannonball did hit him after all and knocked his common sense right out.
“Huh? Lucky is your crewmate?” Luffy’s head tilted to the side, genuine confusion on his face.
Several of Buggy’s pirates piped up, “She obviously tricked you, Captain!”
“No one can trick me! Be nice to our newest member!” Buggy whirled around and actually started scolding them. Is he stupid? What is happening?
“I’m not in your crew! I lied to you so I could try and save him,” you clarified while pointing at Luffy, amazed that this even needed to be said. Luffy immediately accepted this explanation, nodding and winding up to take a swing at Buggy.
“Lucky, please! I know we got off on the wrong foot but-” Buggy’s pleas were interrupted by Luffy resuming the fight.
Carefully, you work on stepping out of the collapsed building, still a little baffled by that exchange. Whatever, no use in overthinking it. There are more important things at hand.
The sound of something heavy being dragged across the ground caught your attention, it was Nami toting a couple of massive bags behind her. She met your gaze and motioned you over, “Oh, good timing. Help me move these!” 
What? No please? Whatever, this is another thing not worth worrying about in the moment. You catch up with her quickly and take one of the bags. The second you do, you stumble. My god this thing is heavy! You do your best to pull it along, “What did you put in here? It weighs a ton!”
“It’s all of that clown’s treasure!” Nami answers happily, eyes sparkling. 
“Why do you need all of this? What would you even do with it?” You’re huffing from the exertion of hauling your bag.
“That’s my business, thank you very much,” she said dismissively. Well then, you guess that’s the end of that conversation. 
“Hey! I see you! How dare you steal from me!” Buggy screeched. A hand holding several throwing knives was flying right at the both of you. Nami screamed, but refused to let go of “her” treasure. Your hand hovered over the urumi, but you hesitated. You really don’t think you possess the skill to slice his hand out of the air.
Fortunately, you don’t have to try, because Luffy’s own hand rockets towards Buggy’s and snatches it out of the air before he can make contact. Your shoulder slump in relief, good thing he’s so on top of this! 
Luffy’s victory doesn't last long, another hand comes up from behind and steals his straw hat. You would think that he would just be happy that he wasn’t stabbed, but no. He looks enraged. You haven’t known him long, but the anger on his face feels wrong.
“Give that back! That’s my treasure!” His voice was so authoritative that you didn’t even question how something as simple as a hat could be considered treasure. Whatever reason he has, it must be a good one if he’s that mad about it.
Buggy begins on some tirade about the previous owner of the hat. Some dude named Shanks? Weird name. Well, to be fair, a lot of the people you’ve met have had strange names. 
You don’t get to listen in on this long, Nami taps you on the shoulder and indicates for you to follow her. You barely take a step before she tacks on, “Bring the treasure!”
After the oh so precious treasure is dragged into the nearest alley, she starts rifling through some boxes. Since she doesn’t appear to be planning on explaining herself, you pipe up, “So… Are we looking for something in particular?”
Nami doesn’t look up from her search, “We need something to stop that guy from coming after us or else I’ll never be able to leave with my treasure.” The explanation was simple and to the point. You pitch in and start looking, too. A net would probably work, but what were the odds of some nets just so happening to be here?
“This’ll work!” Nami springs up and tosses a bundle your way. You catch it, and it’s a coiled up length of rope. You nod, this is a nice alternative to your net idea. She strolls to the entrance of the alley and pokes her head out, “Next time this circus freak splits apart, you and me will tie up the pieces. Got it?”
“Got it,” you conceded. Sounds doable, especially if Luffy is keeping him busy. Sure enough, Buggy splits into a bunch of parts in hopes of confusing his opponent, but you’re not about to let him succeed.
You and Nami spring into action, grabbing airborne limbs and wrapping the ropes around them as tightly as you can. They’re wriggling wildly, and it is admittedly disturbing to be holding disembodied arms and legs, but you don’t give up. Unfortunately, both hands and feet evade you as well as Nami. You can only hope that the two of you were able to apprehend enough parts to make a difference.
Buggy attempts to put himself back together again, and the writhing piles of limbs try to fly back to him, but Nami acts swiftly and throws both into a box and seals it shut. The box rattles, but the body parts are unable to escape. The both of you smile triumphantly.
“What happened?! Where’s the rest of me?!” 
You look over to him, and immediately snort out a laugh. Which then escalates into hysteric laughing. Nami looks at you questioningly, before seeing it too and joining in with her own laughter.
Buggy the clown, the fearsome pirate that’s been talking mad shit since you met, was now nothing but a head with hands and feet. Absolutely nothing else.
Even Luffy was laughing, a pleasant sight after his previous expression. Buggy was still trying to act tough despite the situation, but Luffy was having none of that. He took a couple of steps back, then ran at the incomplete clown and kicked him. He didn’t just go sailing down the street, no, he went clear into the sky and vanished.
“Team Rocket blasting off again,” you mumbled. Then your face scrunched up. Where did that come from?
“Did you say something, Lucky?” Nami asked.
“N-No, that was nothing. I’m just glad that’s over with.”
“You and me both, I hate having to deal with pirates,” she agreed.
The sound of flip flops slapping against the ground was your only warning before being pulled into a group hug. You and Nami were squished against each other and unable to move when Luffy’s arms coiled around you both. He cheered and hopped up and down enthusiastically, “We did it, good thinking guys! We already make such a great crew!”
“I am not part of your crew,” Nami wheezed.
Luffy stopped, loosening his grip a little but not enough for either of you to escape, “Huh? But you said you’d be my navigator.”
“All that I agreed to was a temporary alliance, that’s it,” she clarified while trying desperately to get out of his clutches.
“Are you still gonna sail with us out of here?”
“Okay, that’s good!” Luffy was content with the answer, however unpromising it may be.
“Where’s Zoro? I haven’t seen him in a while,” you were craning your neck around to try and spot him. Now that you thought about it, you haven’t seen him since his fight with the unicyclist. Was he okay? Did he succumb to his wounds after the fight?
Mercifully, Luffy let go and pointed to where he was, “He’s over there, he said he needed to sleep some more after fighting.”
“What, right in the street?” You asked, thinking for sure that you’re misunderstanding. Obnoxious snores cut through the now silent air, and you realize that you understood perfectly. There he is. Out cold in the middle of the street like it’s the comfiest mattress he’s ever experienced. You know what? You’re not even surprised now that you’re looking at him. This checks out for him.
“Hey, guys, I think we should leave,” Nami threw out, handing the treasure bag you had been hauling to Luffy.
“There’s a mob and they look mad.”
A mob?! Sure enough, rounding the corner of the almost leveled street you were on was a massive angry mob of people. They’ve got torches and pitchforks and everything. They aren’t dressed like the pirates, you think these are the missing townspeople! That’s fine then, you guys just defeated the clown that had been terrorizing them. By all accounts, they should be happy with you. Right?
“Mayor Boodle! What happened to you?!” One of them cried out and ran to him. Oh wow, you hadn’t even noticed him being there. The mayor was currently sprawled out on the street. Unlike Zoro, he did not appear to be sleeping peacefully. If the knot on his head was anything to go off of, it looks like someone knocked him the hell out.
Damage control, you need to do some damage control! And quick!
“Oh him? I punched him,” Luffy interjected, looking rather proud of himself.
“You what?!” You and the townsfolk yelled all at once. Good lord, does Luffy just enjoy concussing people?! Should you be more suspicious about what happened to you?
“Hey! That girl stole my clothes! And paired it with a hideous coat!” An absolutely furious woman in the crowd pointed at you. Oh come on! How many people are going to call you out for wearing their clothes today?!
Luffy laughed, amused and unbothered, “Let’s go!” He reached for and yanked Zoro to his side and motioned for you to support his other side, and the second you picked him up you were running.
“Don’t let them escape!”
The mob surged after you all and were hot on your heels. You’re not sure that you’ll be able to lose them at this rate. 
Luffy took a hard right, leading all four of you down an alley. In the middle of it was a dog. Wait, not just any dog, that’s Chouchou! The dog he helped. You leapt over him, and the second the crowd approached, he switched from quiet guarding to aggressive barking.
Despite their numbers, this did make the people hesitate, buying you enough time to get ahead. Luffy called out a ‘thank you’ to the dog over his shoulder, much to the bewilderment of the crowd. 
The docks were just ahead, you were almost home free!
Nami leapt into her own boat, not wasting a second, and began to set sail. Luffy all but threw you and Zoro into yours. Both of you landed with a thud and Zoro groaned, opening his eyes groggily. He looks around lazily, “Where are we?”
“Back on our boat, we got chased out by an angry mob,” you explained, gently shifting him off of you.
“Because Luffy attacked the mayor,” you shot the assailant in question a dry look, not that he was paying attention.
“He did that to save him, why are they mad about it?” Zoro yawned and tried to make himself more comfortable. You didn’t even know how to respond to that. How do you save someone by punching them?
“Hey, you ruffians!”
Everyone looked to shore and saw the mayor standing there. Well he sure made a quick recovery since you last saw him two minutes ago! You waited anxiously to hear what would be said next. Would he curse you all? He probably doesn’t even know how the final battle went.
“Thank you!”
He’s… thanking you guys? 
Luffy laughed boisterously and waved, “You’re welcome, old man!”
“Wait! Luffy, where is the bag you were carrying?” Nami interrupted the moment, looking around frantically. “Did you forget it?!”
“No, I left it behind for them. They need it more than I do!” Luffy smiled innocently and pointed to where it was left on the docks. The locals were already investigating the bag to see what it was.
Luffy, a pirate, abandoned treasure because he thought the people who chased him out of town needed it more? What kind of a pirate would do something like that? What kind of a person would do something like that? The answer was obvious, you suppose.
A good one.
You looked over at him again, only to see Nami actively trying to drown him. 
“Nami, no!”
It took some time to ease the tensions between Nami and Luffy after the whole treasure incident. Time, and Zoro keeping them separated. Fortunately, Nami did eventually relent and agreed through clenched teeth that maybe the townsfolk did need the money.
Luffy had no problems to reconcile on his side, he had somehow already forgiven the attempted murder by the time Zoro pulled him above water.
Nami had set course for some nearby islands with the goal of acquiring a better ship as per Luffy’s request, and after that it didn’t take long for night to come. Nami offered to stay awake to make sure you didn’t go somewhere you weren’t supposed to, which was nice of her.
Getting some sleep sounded nice. At least, it sounded nice in theory. The small boat that you, Luffy, and Zoro were all crammed into didn’t offer much room for stretching out or having personal space. That, and Luffy had chosen to sleep by sprawling across you and Zoro in lieu of a bed. He wasn’t particularly heavy, but he wouldn’t stop moving.
You doubt you had slept for more than a couple of hours before being awoken by Luffy biting your arm, murmuring about meat in his sleep. You awoke with a start and roughly shoved him off of you on instinct. He barely even reacted and simply latched onto Zoro in your absence. Better him than you.
Sleep was unlikely to come to you again tonight. You carefully scoot yourself away from the two, with plans of stargazing until morning. The action didn’t rouse either of them, but it got someone else’s attention.
“Who’s awake?” Nami called out.
“I am, Luffy bit me,” you answered back.
She snickered, humored by your suffering. “Come over here and keep me company,” she yawned, “I’m getting tired.”
Chatting with Nami doesn’t sound like a bad way to pass the time, so you agree and shakily get to your feet. The two boats are tied together to keep them from drifting apart, so the distance isn’t far, but the instability of being at sea made it feel much more challenging than it should be.
Rather than help you by keeping the boat steady or even just offering a hand, Nami merely watched you struggle and didn’t even attempt to hide how funny she found this. Luckily, you were able to get over onto her boat without going overboard. 
“You’ve got some great sea legs under you, huh?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. 
You stumbled over to where she was seated and plopped down next to her, “I hope you know that I’m staying over here now, I’m not doing that again.”
That got a chuckle out of her, “That’s fine, I told you to come keep me company anyways.” The conversation lulled and you glanced over at her. She was focused on mending Luffy’s hat, carefully stitching the holes that had been put in it during his fight with Buggy. You hadn’t even known it had gotten damaged until you saw him fiddling with it after the little disagreement with Nami. It was surprising to see her offer to repair it considering how mad she had been only minutes prior, but Luffy agreed to let her anyway. 
“So, I’ve gotta ask: How did you end up with those two?” Nami broke the silence, “You don’t really seem like the type to be a pirate.”
“That’s… It’s a funny story, I guess? A short one, too,” you started. “According to Luffy and Zoro, I fell out of the sky, almost drowned, and when Luffy was pulling me over to their boat I hit my head,” you pointed to the bandages on your head for emphasis. Nami had stopped working on the hat and was instead gawking at you.
“I woke up a little while later, and couldn’t remember a damn thing. Not how I got there, what happened, or even who I was. Luffy got the idea into his head to try and help me remember everything, so now I’m traveling with them for the time being,” you finished the explanation. The whole situation was insane, but it felt good to talk about it a little bit.
“What? When did this happen, how long have you even been with them?”
“Since yesterday. I had only woken up a couple of hours before we got to that island back there,” saying that made you realize how much had happened in such a short period of time. It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.
Nami was visibly horrified by your story. She spared a glance to the other boat, then lowered her voice and spoke to you in a hushed but urgent tone, “How do you know they’re telling the truth?! For all you know, they took you hostage and are hoping to ransom you!”
This was a good point, you had considered the possibility of foul play already, but you couldn’t fully commit to the idea of it. They didn’t seem like bad people to you. Unhinged, yes, but not evil by any means. You mulled over your next words for a minute, “I’ve thought about that, but I think they’re being honest. I mean really, I don’t think Luffy can even lie.” You laughed a little upon remembering the chaos he caused by telling the townspeople about what happened with Mayor Boodle, “Besides, if they were so concerned with getting money from a ransom, why would Luffy have left behind a giant bag of gold? That seems pretty counterintuitive to me.”
Nami still looked unsure, but not as freaked out as she had been. She shot another look at the other boat, a highly suspicious one, but ultimately sighed and went back to working on the hat. “I don’t like that story at all, but I’ll let it go for now,” she muttered.
You fell into another bout of silence. There wasn’t exactly a whole lot to do out here, so you settled for watching her put the finishing touches on the hat. After the last stitch, she pulled the string taut and tied the knot. She cut it and held the straw hat up to her lantern to admire her handiwork. It looked great, she had done an excellent job repairing it. 
“I’m guessing Lucky isn’t your real name then?” Once again, she had been the one to speak first.
“It’s not. Since I couldn’t remember it, Luffy came up with the nickname. He decided that I was “lucky” because he rescued me, so that’s how he chose the name.”
Nami scoffed, “I don’t know that I would call you “lucky” for that, but whatever.” She put the hat aside, and glanced at you briefly before choosing to look up at the stars instead. Her fingers drum against the wood of the ship anxiously for a moment, “Um… If you need to get away from them just let me know. I can drop you off at another island. Those idiots can’t navigate so they definitely won’t be able to find you.”
“Thank you, but that’s okay. I think I’ll stick with them for a while yet,” you answered honestly. They were some strange people, but you couldn’t deny that you found yourself liking them already.
“Suit yourself,” she said. Her disdain for the situation was palpable, but she seemed willing to drop it for now.
The only sounds now were the waves splashing against the boats and the wood creaking with each hit. It felt so quiet, unusually so, as if you weren’t used to it. The place you were before all this must have been very noisy if this makes you feel uneasy. 
But, this was a good opportunity to think over what happened today. Well, yesterday. Falling out of the sky was weird enough, having basically nothing from before this happened was weirder, but the weirdest thing of all was the note and weapon that seemingly manifested out of nowhere.
What was that? Who left it, and how did they know about your amnesia? If they knew you, why wouldn’t they come and collect you? What is there to gain from throwing a weapon at you and leaving you be?
You have so many questions and zero answers, but there is one question that stands out against all the others.
Who is “A”?
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.2 K Warnings: None Prompt: It's all about planning. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 18: Friends will be friends
Somehow, the pranks you'd pulled with Remus had ended up all over the school, hidden by students in the most inconspicuous places so that distracted and unsuspecting kids would stumble upon them and get a good jumpscare. Steven SkeIIignton, as he’d gotten baptised by Marlene who’d gotten a hellscare later on the Halloween party, was still in the closet, and had already gotten at least 20 kids to jump out of their skin in the past week.. .
As a matter of fact, it was often the gophers who would nonchalantly ask their friends to retrieve an item from the wardrobe or hand them a sweater they claimed to have left inside, all in the hopes of giving them a good stratle. And the cycle would just repeat itself. At some point, people even started being wary when asked for small favours like that. It was hilarious. 
Meanwhile, James was determined on making his date with Lily absolutely perfect. He did not want to rush it, and so he had you, Sirius, Remus and Peter wake up even earlier so that you’d talk about possible plans. It must have been like 4:30 in the morning when you heard a knock on your door the first time. You hadn’t been sleeping well at all, so you rushed to see who the hell would be knocking on the door only to find James’ head poking out from the invisibility cloak.
“Hurry, you’ve gotta come with me,” he whispered. 
“I’m in pyjamas?” You argued, and you really had only a pair of shorts and a light shirt, your covers had a warming spell, so you didn’t need much warm clothes, even with how chill the November night had already gotten in Scotland. 
“Doesn't matter, I’ll tell Sirius to lend you something if you get too cold. Now come, it’s urgent!”
You rolled your eyes, picking your wand up and did what James asked since it sounded important. Once you stepped outside he quickly wrapped the cloak around the two of you, holding it carefully above your head, you were huddled beside him as he guided you up a couple of stairs. Since you were still a bit sleepy, you didn’t quite register he was taking you back to their room until you saw their door “James, an emergency?!? What happened?” you asked genuinely worried now. 
“I’ll tell you once we’re in the room, we don’t want anyone to see us,” he said as he opened the door and brought the two of you inside. He took off the cloak and you took a couple of steps from him, without James’ body heat irradiating onto you, the sudden drop in temperature made you wince. 
“Do you not have a heater in this room?” you complained. 
He just shrugged and then clapped his hands loudly “All right boys, wakey, wakey!” he shouted, before using his wand to turn on several lights around the room, you squinted as he did since your eyes were not used to so much brightness. 
Peter was the first one to startle awake, looking at you and James very confused, “(Y/N)?” 
“Get your own girlfriend and stop dreaming about mine Wormtail!” Sirius, who had the covers on top of his head to avoid the light, said irritated.
“I wasn’t-“ The boy started. 
“–She’s here,” Remus said, sitting up on his bed, and rubbing his eyes. He was wearing a soft brown plaid pyjama shirt, and didn’t have all his buttons done, he kinda looked like the softer version of his sexy pirate outfit from the party. But like, really soft and cuddly. 
“Who’s here?” He asked, finally kicking the covers off his head, and hollymotherofmerlin, that’s what he looks like just waking up? You wondered as you tried not to shamelessly stare at the way his hair was beautifully sprawled on the bed. “Stashine? What are you doing here?” 
You turned to James, “Yeah Prongs, what am I doing here?” You asked, arms crossed over your chest, mostly because of the cold. 
“I need your help.” 
“For what?” Asked Peter with a frown. You shot him an annoyed look. “Didn’t mean it like that…” he added. You were all too sleepy for decency. 
James went and sat on top of the rug in between the beds, and motioned for you to sit next to him. “Come on, I didn’t wake her for you to stay in bed all day, hurry up!” he urged the rest. Peter stood from his bed, he wore a long sleeve white tee and a pair of red plaid pants, and he sat right in front of the two of you. Remus stood up and sat next to James, almost across from you. He had matching pants and a pair of fuzzy socks on. Sirius unsurprisingly was the last one, he lazily brushed his hair with his fingers before he stood up, he had a black queen shirt and his pants had electric guitars stamped all over them. You wonder where he’d gotten those muggle clothes when James spoke again, “Ok kids, we need to plan this together.” 
“A prank?” Remus asked. 
“You’re bringing her in?” Asked a leery Peter.
“She’d be of great help actually,” chimed Remus, a little defensively. 
“She really would! Didn’t I tell you about the libra-“ he started. 
“-It’s not a prank you wankers!” James said, interrupting the little fight Sirius and Peter might just start “All though I do think you’d be useful in a prank,” he said turning to you and thinking of the Magical Theory project you’d been working on. 
“Jee, Thanks Prongs!” you responded, almost sarcastically, “but if it’s not a prank, then… What's the emergency?”
“There is no emergency, I said it was urgent.”
“James, mate, you either tell us what the hell is going on in your head or I’ll go back to bed,” Sirius threatened “It’s like 5 am.”
“4:30 actually,” you corrected him. 
“4:30!? PROOONGS!” Peter whined. 
“It’s about Lily!” 
“You brought me here for Lily?” You asked with a frown. 
“You woke us up because of your crush?!” Remus complained, he was about to snap at James and go back to his bed. As much as he loved his friend, he needed his sleep. He did not want to be snappy all day because of a lack of it. 
“It’ll be just a moment, then you can go back to sleep.”
“I thought you were flying today,” Remus said and turned to you, you had your arms wrapped around your legs, and you were rubbing them every now and then, “You cold luv?” He asked. You nodded.
“I meant you and Peter,” he responded “These two will come flying earlier today anyway, the game’s just around the corner, I have to make sure they’re in top shape.” 
Remus extended his hand and pulled a sweater from the chest at the end of his bed, before throwing it at you. “Thanks Rem,” you said, pulling the sweater over your head, it was so big you could even cover your legs with it, which you did. And fuck, she looks adorable, Remus thought before mentally slapping himself for it. 
Sirius then used his wand to levitate his cover above your head, letting it gently fall over your head, “It’s pretty cold in here, right Starshine?” he asked softly. Sirius could sometimes be so gentle it startled you, but you nodded, turning a little red as you wrapped yourself around the covers. Remus’ sweater wasn’t too warm, but it was soft, and it smelled like chocolate and old books, exactly like the boy, which you had always considered a very pleasant smell, nice, it’s nice, your mind whispered. Meanwhile, Sirius’ cover was still warm since it was the one he had been using earlier, it did not feel like it had any charms on it, which meant it was all just Sirius’ body heat, you wondered how nice it’d be to sleep beside him as you snuggled yourself deeper into the clothes they had borrowed you, relishing on the soft combination of scents. 
“Can we focus?” James pressed. 
“You haven’t told us why we’re here, James,” You reminded him. 
“It’s about the date,” you nodded, prompting him to continue, but it was a little hard to take you seriously wrapped in so many covers like that. “I want it to be the best date of her life.” 
“Take her to Hogsmeade,” Peter proposed. 
“Take her flying,” Sirius offered, “it always works with girls.” 
You threw him a surprised look “Does it?” 
“Worked with you, didn’t it?” He told you with the sweetest little face he could pull off. 
“You’re such an idiot,” you said as you went for a playful hit on his shoulder, but he stopped your hand and pulled it to his lips instead, kissing it softly.  
“Maybe, but you love me anyway,” he responded cockily, leaning his cheek on your hand. 
“How about a date in the Room of Requirements?” Remus said loudly, trying not to sound bitter as he interrupted the two of you. 
You were still staring into Sirius’s eyes when he spoke but turned to Remus when what he said piqued your interest “The what?” 
“The Room of Requirements. It’s this room that sometimes shows up, only when you really need it, and it basically becomes whatever you need it to be. I stumbled into it when I was looking for my homework once, and it was this massive lost objects storage room,” he explained.
“But then he went with me and it turned into a room with a huge cauldron on the inside, basically enough space for us to brew the potion we wanted to brew for a prank. That’s how we discovered it was magical,” James explained.
“That sounds incredible! But… What if it turns into something that scares Lily away?” 
“Like what?” James asked, confused. 
“Well… I don’t know what you require Prongs, but if by bad luck you think the wrong thing and a freaking bedroom shows up, Lily will probably never talk to you again.” 
All the boys laughed at that, even Peter, who seemed to be a lot more at ease now “She just called you horny mate,” he told him in between chuckles. 
James had just gone red, which caused everyone to laugh even more “That rules out the Room of Requirements,” Remus said with a playful smile. 
“But we should go, tho, seems like a cool place.” 
“Not scared of what may show up, Starshine?” Sirius teased, leaning onto you.  
“Why? Are you?” you teased back. 
James cleared his throat, “Any other ideas?” he asked, looking straight at you “Where would you take Lily on a date?” 
You thought about it for a second, “To a picnic by the lake,” you said simply “I’ve seen Lily sketch a few things on a little notebook that she carries around with her all the time.” 
“It’s her journal,” James clarified. 
“How do you…?” 
“He tried to steal it once,” Remus said casually. 
“Dude, that’s awful.” 
“I was 13! I genuinely thought it’d be a great idea,” he clarified “Besides it was Sirius’ idea.” 
“I said it as a JOKE!” The other said, it seemed like a small little quarrel was about to start regarding that particular incident, which just made you look at the two of them, diverted. 
“The journal…” Remus said to you, asking you to finish your earlier thought. 
“Right, so, she likes drawing,” James stopped staring at Sirius and turned his attention back at you “I’d get some art supplies or something, and take her to a nice place by the lake so we could draw something together, take some of her favourite treats from the kitchens, and maybe some soft music too, she likes ABBA a lot. Then I’d go for a walk with her, while our paintings dry, and just be super nice and listen to her talk. She knows so much, it’s always fun to hear whatever she has to say, so it’d be fun for the two of us.” 
“You’re lucky she’s not your love rival Prongs, she’d definitely sway me with a date like that,” Remus teased, as if you needed to take him on a date to sway him. 
“You draw?” you asked him, he shook his head “Sirius does tho.” 
You turned to your boyfriend, amazed “I’ve never seen you draw.” 
“He only draws when he’s alone, I discovered by accident,” Remus answered instead.
“You should show me one day,” you told Sirius with a soft smile.
“Good luck with that,” Remus responded, “he almost beat me once for taking his sketchbook from his hands.” 
“Wait, really?” You asked the taller boy.
“If we’re done with date planning, can I go back to bed?” Peter asked. 
James took a look at his watch, and nodded “Sure, we’ll meet tomorrow at the same time for the details,” he said. 
“Prongs, 4:30? Two days in a row? for real?!” Remus asked, a little annoyed. 
“Yeah, we could just do it after classes or something.” You offered. 
“Yeah, as if sneaking you into our room in the middle of the night wasn’t hard enough,” James answered.
“I could just… walk in?” you said with a little frown.
“Nope, too suspicious, Lily will notice, she’s clever like that.” 
“I could just tell her you’re helping me get some quality time with my boyfriend.” You said, pointing at Sirius “You literally sleep in the same room, no one will think anything of it.” 
“Except that you’re shagging Sirius,” Peter said casually. 
“It’s her boyfriend though, and they won’t shag with the rest of us here,” Remus said logically.
“Who knows?” Peter said with a shrug “Maybe they’re into that kind of stuff, wouldn’t be the first poly wizards in the history of the world.”
“Poly what-?!” You asked confused.  
“-Shut up guys! That’s… It’s not entirely a bad idea…” 
“Poly isn’t a bad idea?” Peter asked, just to fuck with James.
“What? No, not that Wormtail, shut up! The other thing…” He turned to you, “We bring you here with the excuse that you’re gonna see Sirius, and then we plan the date,” James said. 
“You don’t mind that luv?” Remus asked with a little frown, always so considerate. 
“‘Course she doesn’t, we’re dating,” Sirius said matter-of-factly as he placed his arm over your shoulders and brought you closer to him.
“Sirius.” Remus said sternly “She’s a girl, it’s not the same for them, there’s double standards.” 
“Why don’t we meet in the Room of Requirements instead?” you suggested, “No one finds out, no one thinks we’re shagging or whatever, and no one suspects we’re planning James’ date either?”
“Gosh, you’re so clever, aren’t you Starshine?” Sirius said as he brought you closer and placed a kiss on your head, or at least over the covers you had around it. 
“Sounds good enough for me,” James said with a smile. 
“Fantastic, I’m going back to bed,” Remus said as he stood up and walked straight into his bed, gently laying down and covering his face with a pillow. Peter followed suit, although he just threw himself on the bed head down. Sirius only laid his head on top of yours, since you had yours on his shoulder already. 
“We’re going flying now, aren’t we?” He asked with a sigh. 
“We are indeed,” James said animatedly, a smile playing on his face, he was the biggest morning person you’d ever met, you definitely couldn’t relate, even if you loved flying as much as he did, mornings were just tough on you. From what you were looking at, Sirius was the same, in fact, James was the odd one out of the entire room. 
“I should go change,” You said, as you motioned to get up. 
“You can’t!” James said, moving his hands in the air, panicked, “Lily will ask why you weren’t in the room, she might be awake by now.” 
He wasn’t wrong, Lily might be awake by now, she sometimes woke up earlier to add final touches to her homework or do some of the readings you were left by teachers “But I can’t go flying with shorts and a shirt, I’ll freeze!” 
“Keep my sweater,” Remus mumbled, still from under his pillow. 
“Problem solved,” James said with a smile. 
“The shorts, James.” 
“You could just stay and cuddle with me,” Sirius offered with a shrug “James can go flying by himself. Promise my bed is warm and we could–” 
“–No way! Quidditch match is in a week, you can’t skip flying now!” 
Sirius took a deep breath and groaned, patting you lightly on the back so you’d stop leaning on him as he moved to his own chest, rummaging through it and picking up a pair of pants that didn’t fit anymore “You think this would fit?” he asked. 
You raised your eyebrows, and then tilt your head lightly, analysing the situation “It just might,” You said taking it from his hands and putting it against your body. 
“Sweet, go change then,” James said as he pretty much pushed you into the bathroom, he was damn lucky you’d put on a pair of trainers when he asked you to come without a warning of his plan. 
You sighed once you were inside their bathroom. You couldn’t help but look around a little as you put on Sirius’ pants. Their bathroom was almost a mirror to yours, it had a small cupboard next to the sink with a lot of potions, aftershave and even some Sleekeasy’s, you wondered who was the one that used it, since clearly, it wasn’t Potter, even if his dad had invented it. Probably Peter, you thought, he always has a rather put-together look going on.  When you were done you realised the pants fit well enough, all thought they were a little loose on the waist. You put your trainers back on and threw some water at your face and hair, to get it to somehow look decent, it’d gotten even messier since you’d placed Sirius soft covers over it. 
When you walked out of the Bathroom James was sitting on his bed while putting on a pair of shoes while Sirius was putting on his thick quidditch sweater. “Got a hair tie?” You asked him. 
He turned to you and nodded “Come,” he said softly as he patted his bed. You did as he rummaged through his side table “Want me to tie it for you?” 
You almost gave him a questioning look but shrugged in the end, turning around so he could do his thing. He was soft, a lot softer than you remember him being in the Great Hall a couple of months back, but you weren’t moving as much this time either. And he also had a brush this time, he gently brushed your strands a couple of times before he started to softly pull your hair back. You visibly relaxed as he was running his fingers through your scalp, allowing him to make your ponytail however he wanted. When he was done he leaned closer and pressed a cheeky kiss on your neck. 
“Done luv,” he said as he buried his head deeper into your neck, enjoying the way you smelled today. 
“Great, let’s go!” James said, completely oblivious to how much Sirius was enjoying himself. The boy gave him an annoyed look as he separated from your neck, but James wasn’t even phased. He was used to Sirius’ temperament, and he also knew he loved flying with you in the mornings. 
The three of you walked down to the courtyard and James started giving you exercises to warm up. After that, he gave you a couple of instructions and had you speed back and forth from tower to tower. He was flying beside you as you sped through the buildings and avoided the obstacles that came on the way. 
He also had you practise resistance, “The match might be long, we need you to pay attention to everything that’s going on and not to lose concentration because of tiredness.” he told you, he had you hold yourself in the air by grabbing onto the broom with your hands and also practise the same trick you’d done on the trials, over and over again, until your arms were trembling. All the while he had Sirius beat the quaffle back and forth, with the help of a spell that had it bounce back at his face every time he shot it away. 
“Prooongs, I’m tired,” He complained, as he flew to the side so the quaffle wouldn’t hit his face “Aren’t you Starshine?” 
“Yeah,” you sighed as you let yourself fall on your broom, allowing your head to rest on the handle as you laid flat on it “And we should probably,” you yawned “start going back, we have class in 30 minutes, I still have to put my uniform on.” 
“Watch out!” You heard James scream as Sirius’ bludger rapidly sped towards you, you raised back into a sitting position and flew downwards as you grabbed onto the ball with both hands, trying to slowly reduce its speed. 
“The chest.” You struggled to say as the quaffle fought its way out of your grasp, Sirius flew straight down and opened the place where you kept all of the quidditch stuff, you flew right after him and forced the bludger into its spot while the grey-eyed boy wrapped the protection chains over it. Once the bludger was secure, you let yourself fall on the ground, exhausted. 
James rushed down when he realised the commotion his little practice had caused, it was far away from the worst thing that had happened on morning flights, especially since you had joined them; you and Sirius would constantly do stupid shit that could get you three kiIled, especially because James had somewhat of a lack of self-control, and all that Gryffindor bravado mixed with the endorphins of flying, almost always had him joining your little shenanigans “You ok?” he asked “please tell me you’re not hurt anywhere,” he said as he reached closer to you and started inspecting your hands “we can’t have out star keeper injured just before the ga–“
“–James!” you reprimanded. “Quidditch?! Really?” 
“You know I didn’t mean it like that!” he told you, a small regretful frown on his face. 
You scoffed playfully, “I sometimes forget James’ priorities consist of Lily Evans and Quidditch, exclusively,” you joked, though you knew it was a lie, technically James’ priorities consisted of: his friends, getting Lily Evans to like him back and Quidditch, in that order. Unless a quidditch game was around the corner in which case, number three became priority #1. 
“‘M sorry luv. Are you ok? Not because of quidditch this time.” 
You laughed but nodded “Yeah, ‘m good. I just… want to lay here for a bit.”  
Sirius threw himself next to you, “We’ve got class.” 
“I know,” you answered, “I’m just… really freaking tired today, didn’t sleep well either.” 
“‘Cause of Prongs?” he asked, and you felt him reach for your hand, tracing small patterns with his finger over your palm.
You shook your head,  “Not that… I’ve got those nightmares again.” 
He turned to you, a sympathetic look on his face “I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, you know that, right?” You nodded, not sure how much Sirius would be able to do against your nightmare. But leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, but he was faster, and he moved to give you a kiss on the lips “Been wanting to do that since I saw you standing in my room,” he said “That and other things.” 
“Ugh, get a room! I swear, We were better off before you two started dating,” James complained as he started gathering up his things. 
“Shut it Prongs, you’re just jealous,” Sirius said before giving you another kiss. 
“20 minutes to get to class.” James reminded you then. Sirius groaned, but finally stood up, extending a hand to pull you as well. You took it gladly and stood next to them, as you levitated the chest towards the storage room under the bleachers. 
“How about I go change and bring your cloaks while you gather some food for me? We can meet just outside the great hall?” 
“That’s a brilliant idea!” James told you as he pulled a pair of keys outside of his pocket, and threw them at you, you caught them with ease “Mine is hanged next to my bed.” 
“Mine’s on my dresser,” Sirius added. 
“Sweet, I’ll hurry up and meet you in a bit, deal?” You said, before taking off. 
“What about my goodbye kiss, Starshine?” Sirius shouted. 
“I’ll give you a hello kiss when we see each other again instead Puppy,” you said casually, throwing a wink his way. 
Once you arrived at your bedroom, you realised everyone was gone. Which made sense, the girls should have gone down for breakfast several minutes ago, it was you who was lagging behind. You quickly took off the clothes the boys had given you and put your uniform on, taking Remus’ sweater along with you when you walked towards the boys’ room. You used James’ key to open the door and went straight to James’ bed, taking his cloak in a swift motion before realising Remus was still in his bed. 
He was soundly asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly, looking ever so peaceful. You stared at him for a minute, not realising you were staring until he frowned and moved a little in his sleep. Peter had clearly left a while ago, his bed a total mess, since he had rushed down to get a good fill of breakfast. You approached the boy “Hey Rem!” you whispered, as not to startle him, but he didn’t budge, which prompted you to move closer to him and gently place your hand over his shoulder, shaking it just slightly “Remus, class is about to start.” 
Remus, still half asleep, and thinking you were Sirius, grabbed your arm and threw you onto the bed next to him, placing his forearm over your chest to hold you down in a move that you could only describe as a martial arts movement you’d seen in comics at some point.
You gasped, it all happened too fast “Ooofff... if you didn’t want to wake up, you could’ve just told me…” you joked as you stared right into his eyes, he was hovering over you, pressing you into the bed a little harder than what would be comfortable. 
“Dollface?” He asked confused, quickly getting off you “I’m sorry, I thought you were Sirius.”
Dollface? That’s a new nickname, you thought. “Do you normally push Sirius onto your bed like that?” you asked with eyebrows raised as you sat back on the bed to look at him better. 
“It’s an inside joke,” Remus explained “Sirius did it to me once when I tried to wake him up.” He yawned, “Why are you here again?” He asked, a little confused. 
“Came to get the boys’ robes,” You said, lifting yourself over him, who was sitting on the other side, to try and find James’ uniform that you’d grabbed previously. Remus held his breath as your hand crossed over his lap casually. Can she hear my heart racing? he wondered. The robe was now pooling on the floor, no longer neatly ironed as it had been, you winced when you noticed the state it was on, and let yourself fall back on Remus’ bed as if it were your own with a sigh “James went a little savage with training today,” you complained “I feel like my arms will fall off.” 
Were you being a little dramatic? Probably, still, Remus felt like the only person you could complain to, you didn’t want to appear weak to anybody, let alone James who was way too preoccupied with the game, but with Remus it was different, you genuinely felt like he wouldn’t judge you for being tired, or for not managing to quite keep up with the other boys’ stamina. 
“I might have something that could help,” He told you looking through his drawers. 
You shook your head quickly, “Nu-uh, last time I took some of your medicine Remus, I ended up so freaking high I kept blabbering about how pretty Lily’s hair was, how nice your hands are, and how thirsty I was for Sirius.” 
“You… like my hands?” He asked with a frown, taking a look at them, especially at the scars on them.  
“And that wasn’t the only thing I said either,” you responded with a sigh, finally standing up, “We should probably go,” You told him, as you grabbed his sweater from the spot you’d left it next to your bag “Where do you put your dirty clothes?”
“What for?” He asked, turning around “Oh, that?” He approached you and took it in his hands before giving it a whiff “It’s not dirty,” he said before plopping it over his head. 
“Didn’t I sweat it?” You asked with a little frown.
“Nah, it smells fine,” he said casually as he walked over to the bathroom, that was a lie, it didn’t just smell fine, it smelled bIoody delightful. He gave it another whiff as he sat on the edge of the tub and then quickly remembered what he was doing. Cursing himself for it and banging the wall, causing a potion bottle to fall on the ground and break into hundreds of tiny little pieces. 
“You all right?” he heard you asking from the other side of the door. 
“Yeah, fine, fine.” He said as he pulled his wand out and whispered “reparo.” 
When he was out of the bathroom, Remus already had his school pants on, he didn’t bother to change his pyjamas nor his sweater before he plopped his robe on top. 
“You found Sirius’ robes?” he asked as he approached you, you were rummaging through some of the drawers next to Sirius’ bed. 
“He said on the dresser, but he didn’t say where on the dresser,” you complained. 
“Bottom left drawer,” Remus replied simply, he was over at his desk, gathering some books and placing them on his bag.
You leaned down to get it and finally found the robe, pulling it out just to have a small sketchbook drop from it. You opened your eyes wide as you picked it up, looking back at Remus “Is this the–“ 
“–Yeah,” he said. 
“You never got to see it, did you?” He shook his head in response. You looked at the small notebook, so tempting. Not only for you, in fact, it was just as tempting for the two. “Imma… Imma put it back…” 
“Yeah, great idea,” he said and helped you close the drawer after you put the notebook back in the dresser. 
“We’re super late.” He told you. 
“Let’s run!” You said with a smile as you approached the door. 
“Weren’t you knackered?” 
You shrugged “We need to get to class anyway,” you said, nodding your head with a smile, Remus thought it was the most tempting smile he’d ever seen in his life. 
“Fine then, let’s run.” 
The two of you started running right after, down the stairs, through the common room, out of the portrait and towards the other set of stairs. You slid down some of the stairs’ handles and then continued running. Remus was keeping up with you easily, and he was having lots of fun. He was actually admiring the way your hair flowed behind you when you turned to him “Come on, we gotta hurry!” you said with another one of those diverted smiles that made him want to kiIl himself for liking you so much. When the two of you finally arrived outside of the great hall, Sirius, James and Peter were already there. 
“Told you they’d come together,” Peter told Sirius “You woke Moony up, didn’t you?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you said, leaning down and using your own knees for support as you regained your breath “he sleeps like a log,” you added. 
“I wouldn’t say that…” Remus said, also panting a little. 
“You ran all the way here?” James asked. You only nodded. “That’s great for strengthening your legs,” he said with a small approving nod. You threw his robe at him “Oi! Careful luv.” 
“Stop pestering her about quidditch you plonker,” Remus said, finally standing straight, and handing Sirius his robe, their fingers brushed lightly as he did and he almost flushed. Fucking hell, this needs to stop. He made a mental note to call Alice later, she was really good at helping him forget, or at least distract enough to calm the urges down a little.
“Well then, let’s get going,” Sirius said as he handed you a sandwich wrapped in a napkin. 
“You didn’t get anything for Rem?” you asked as you walked alongside them toward the classroom. 
“Wormy didn’t tell us you hadn’t eaten until we were outside,” James said apologetically. 
“No problem, we can share,” you said, giving it a bite and handing it over to the boy so he could do the same, he seemed rather hesitant “Unless you think sharing food is gross… We could cut it or–“ 
“No, it’s fine.” He said as he took the sandwich from your hands. 
“It’s not like you’ve never exchanged saliva anyway,” Peter shrugged casually. 
That had Remus choking on his bite and coughing a couple of times, you took an empty water bottle from your bag and whispered “aguamenti,” before handing it over to him. You then placed your hand over his to drag it closer to your mouth and give the sandwich another bite. Remus had gotten so red at that point you started to worry, maybe he was actually choking on something, he wasn’t. “Remus are you–“ 
“I’m fine, just, I choked for a second,” he lied. In truth, he’d actually gotten flashbacks to the time you’d both kissed when you randomly grabbed onto his hand and thank Merlin it seemed like he was choking because if he hadn’t he was sure Sirius would punch him in the face for it, and maybe he actually deserved it. 
You all got to class a little late that day, Professor Bins had you practise a couple of cleaning spells as a punishment. But the five of you executed them so impeccably, that he ended up giving you house points for it. 
Later on that day, you were sitting alongside the girls in the Great Hall during lunch when you heard the owls started to arrive. A few minutes later, a package wrapped in brown kraft paper dropped down right in front of you.
“Is it? it?” Marlene asked.  
“I think so,” you nodded, ripping the paper open, only to find your quidditch sweater, along with the rest of the uniforms, you smiled widely when you saw it proudly put it on “It’s stunning.” 
Marlene nodded in agreement, she still remembered the day she got her first Quidditch uniform delivered. Sirius was walking towards the table and as you were adjusting the sweater and whistled. You dеadpanned at him as he approached you with a cheeky grin, biting his own lip to avoid making it bigger “It suits you.” 
“Thanks Puppy!” you replied, smiling as well. He sat beside you, unnecessarily close, not that either of you minded.
“All of your gear is here?” He asked as he looked through the rest of the items in the bag. 
“All the new stuff at least,” you responded. The rest is already in my room, especially the protective stuff; James gave me some from when he was smaller, they’re still in great condition.
“Oh, you’ll take my goggles then.”
“I’ve got some of my own.” 
“I’m aware,” he said. “But if you’re wearing James’ clothes, then you should also wear something of mine.” 
“Because.” You frowned at his answer. 
“For luck,” Peter intervened. “You know what they say, something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.” 
“You can’t wear something blue on a match against Ravenclaw,” Tom intervened, even if he wasn’t a player, he was very passionate about Quidditch, mostly because he was friends with a bunch of players. 
“Isn’t that for weddings?” Beth intervened as she placed a piece of bread in her mouth. 
“No, I’m pretty sure it’s for luck,” Peter repeated. 
“It is for weddings,” Lily said then, “It’s a muggle thing. Besides, if she’s wearing some of the old stuff from James, she wouldn’t need anything else. That would be enough for the borrowed thing.” 
“Oh, I know! You could wear blue undies!” Tom said suddenly, you threw him a warning look “What?” he said, “Ye lads ’re looking for problems, I’m getting solutions.” 
“I’ve got this really old hair broach you could wear.” Beth offered. 
“So that’s… Something old from Beth, something borrowed from James, something blue: Tom’s idea for the underwear, and something new,” Marlene said, pointing at the bag filled with new equipment as she said the last bit. 
“Brilliant, now she can get married,” said Mary ironically, “Will you really do such a ridiculous thing for luck?” She said, turning to you.
“I, for once, think she’ll look great in blue undies,” said Tom with a shrug. That earned him a kick on the shin from Sirius, “Auch!” he complained “I was just saying.” 
“You’ll still wear my goggles right?” He asked, throwing you his puppy eye look.
You sighed but nodded “Sure thing Puppy, I’ll wear your goggles.”
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A/N: I had the absolute worst time trying to post this episode and I kid you not I almost cried out of distress. But it's finally working! Thanks to many tests and also to our lord savior ChatGPT who helped me find the pesky/problematic words. Hope you enjoyed the cute Remus moments, much love!
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bloofinntoona · 1 year
A Whisker Away
Word Count: 4.4 k
Themes: major fluff, a lot of friendship, sebastian sallow x f!reader x ominis gaunt
Summary: your transfiguration spell had gone wrong - you were stuck as a cat for the day. it wasn't bad, after all you get to spend time with your friends in a new perspective - even you get to confess to the boys that you had been harboring feelings for.
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So bright.
You blinked a few times, adjusting to the blinding sunlight shining through the trees in the courtyard. Everything was brighter and clearer. Your body felt significantly lighter and nimbler. The grounds felt rough and hot. The spell works! You tried to yell, but what came out from your mouth was a loud "Meow!"
"It's not a difficult spell, Y/N." Professor Weasley smiled, her motherly aura was always comforting. She was very patient in teaching you some basic spells that were already taught in the first four years of the Wizarding School. But alas, you only had a couple of years to catch up before your N.E.W.Ts.
A year passed after the Ranrok incident, you've aced your O.W.Ls, and you've made great friends along the way - especially your unbreakable bond with two infamous Slytherin boys. The three of you were inseparable, and the school knows that. However, on that specific day, Professor Weasley asked you to study the Transfiguration spell by yourself. Conveniently, Sebastian and Ominis also had to do their assignments.
You found yourself in the middle of an empty courtyard, wand ready in your grasp. You imagined a black feline cat, similar to a cat that your family had back home in London. With a gentle swish of your wand, a blue light sparked, surrounding you as you quickly shrank down, and soft black fur covered your whole body. 
At least it works, you thought, Now I just need to get back to my human form. To your horror, your head blanked - no memory of how to do so. You eyed your wand, raking your brain as to how to actually hold the stick and cast the Untransfiguration spell. You started to panic, especially after hearing a hoard of footsteps approaching the courtyard. You hesitantly bit the wand, strutting to a hidden spot just behind the bushes, and set your wand there. Hopeful that it would stay hidden until you transform back into a human. 
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The experience wasn't as bad as you thought, you received a lot of compliments and pats from the students. You finished your class schedule for the day anyways, so no Professors would be worried about your whereabouts. 
In the corner of your eyes, you spotted a small girl, hunched by herself. Zenobia Noke! You thought. It was the girl that you helped finding gobstones all over the school. You felt bad, really, even though she was a bit odd, she didn't deserve to be ostracized for a mere game. You made your way to the girl, earning a sincere smile.
"Oh, hi kitty!" she beamed, patting your head. "Want to play with me?"
You meowed in response. It's not like anyone is looking for you at the moment. 
"Great!" Zenobia chuckled before going on about the game rules. You were slightly bewildered why this girl would go that far for a cat, but you shrug it off. You knew the rules obviously, being coerced to play by none other than Sebastian a while back. Somehow Zenobia wasn't suspicious that a cat was pretty deft playing the game, even winning once against her, spraying a God-awful stench towards the poor Ravenclaw.
"I've never had this much fun in a while," she giggled, even though she smelled horrendous, "I must say goodbye though, good cat. I need a shower."
As she left you, she shouted, "I'll see you again, Gobby!"
You were amused by the name, Zenobia was an odd girl after all, but she wasn't as bad as you thought. I guess I'm Gobby now. You chuckled to yourself.
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As you were walking past the hallway, your nose picked up an interesting smell - a mix of marshmallows, grass, and burning rubber. Not long after, you heard a loud BANG!, followed by a massive purple smoke coming out from the male's lavatory. A few first-year students ran out of the premises, shouting as their bodies were covered in what seemed like purple dust. You shook your head, surely it was the fault of a certain Gryffindor boy. 
You marched into the bathroom, finding Garreth Weasley leaning against the bathroom wall, coughing his lungs out. You dimwit, what did you do this time? You wanted to say it out loud, but all you could do was utter another Meow. "Hello?!" he jumped, "Oh, it's just a cat." He laughed at himself, crouching down to pat your back, which was now littered with purple dust.
"You see, I'm in a predicament here." The redhead looked at what seemed like a destroyed toilet stall - or whatever was left of it. A cauldron filled with a sorry excuse of a potion was placed on top of the toilet, different rare ingredients (not sure where he got them from) scattered all over the floor. "I was testing my greatest invention. But you know what they say, there is no success without failure."
If you were in your human form, you most likely already had your face buried in your palms. You don't even remember the day when Garreth succeeded in his "inventions". As you were looking around for the cleaning supplies, the door bursted open, revealing another redhead - Leander Prewett stomped into the room, face red filled with anger.
His voice was calm in comparison to his visible veins popped on his temples, "I knew it was you again when I saw those poor first-years covered in purple dust!" he crossed his arms, "Do you know how many points had been taken out of Gryffindor because of you?!"
Garreth put his hand up and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry?" He sighed loudly, "I'll clean it up before anyone else noticed. Really. Plus, this little cat here will help." Garreth winked at you.
You groaned internally, the sheer audacity of this man. "Oh, I didn't see you there." Leander flashed you a smile, also giving you a gentle pat on your head, "Sorry you had to see this, cat, but we need your help in saving Gryffindor's house points." He gave Garreth a vicious side-eye, "Would you help us sneak into Professor Sharp's storage room so I can steal a jar of Blatta Pulvereus?"
You nodded, forgetting that you should've acted like a normal cat: not understanding human gestures. The two Gryffindor students just shrugged, probably too deep into their plan of cleaning the mess before anyone else noticed. Garreth decided to stay and tidy up as best as he could, while Leander took you in his arms, striding towards the Potions class. "The plan is simple. I'll sneak you in through a small opening on the wall, and I shall tell Professor Sharp that my pet cat wandered into the room. He'll give me permission to go in," he grins mischievously, "Unlike Weasley, my records are squeaky clean."
Leander paused for a bit, the silence was a little awkward if you had to be honest. You never had the chance to talk to Leander a lot, your Slytherin friends often made unsavory remarks towards Prewett, and you weren't surprised since there was an unspoken tension between the two houses. "Since you're a cat, I'll be truly honest," his voice was low, almost inaudible, "I appreciate my friendship with Weasley. He's a menace and a serial troublemaker, but he always makes me laugh. He was the first person to say hi to me during our first year - and guess what? They thought I was a Weasley too!" he ended his confession with a laugh.
Leander and you arrived at the potions class in no time. He let you down, pointing towards a small hole leading into the storage room, perfectly fitting your nimble body. You gave him a meow and sneaked into the room. You overheard the brief conversation between Leander and Professor Sharp, the man was definitely too tired that he approved the request right away. In no time, the door clicked, and Leander winked at you. He grabbed the Blatta Pulvereus jar in a jiffy, stuffing it in his pocket, and scooped you up again in his arms. Leander thanked the Professor, who replied with an obviously annoyed grunt.
“Nice job, cat!” Leander grinned widely, “I think you deserve a name - Ginger!” He laughed at his own joke, “You might have black fur, but you can be the third member in our redhead trio.”
You meowed loudly in response, it’s definitely a better name that whatever Zenobia came up with earlier. The two of you practically ran back to the lavatory. “Just the people I wanted to see!” Garreth greeted with a toothy smile, “You took your sweet time… I had to pretend I had a terrible bowel sickness to make sure people stay away from the bathroom.”
Leander was visibly disgusted. “Whatever, here, work your magic.” He handed Garreth the ingredient. The Gryffindor boys quickly spray it all over the purple residue, promptly diminishing any proof of Weasley’s “failed” experiment. The boys high-fived each other, and they both gave you pats, “Welcome to the redhead trio, Ginger,” Leander and Garreth laughed, “You are more than welcome to join our, more legit, adventures next time.”
“Oh, I bet Ginger is hungry!” Garreth pulled out a black-ish jello from his satchel, “I made this super food that makes you not hungry for days- Wait!”
You walked away quickly from the two Gryffindor boys, I will definitely die if I eat that, you thought, shivering.
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Garreth’s remark about food did make you realize you haven’t had anything since breakfast. Your stomach started to rumble, signaling that you need some substance if you have to continue your journey. You were busy thinking about how to find some sort of human food that you didn’t realize you’d bumped into a pair of legs. You looked up, Poppy Sweeting and Natty Onai! You were relieved to see your closest female friends.
“Such an adorable creature!” Natty mused, picking you up and hugging you close. You purred, Natty always gave the best hugs.
“Poor kitty,” Poppy added, patting your head, “I can hear your stomach grumbling! You must be hungry. I have some animal treats in my satchel if you want!”
You meowed loudly in protest, hissing at the Hufflepuff girl. She was taken aback. You felt sorry, but you were sure your good friend would understand if she knew the situation.
“Looks like our little friend wants something heartier and fancier,” Natty smiled,” We are planning to visit Hogsmeade for a little shopping spree. But looks like one of our friend forgot.”
You blinked, Merlin’s balls! You totally forgot that you promised the girls for a little trip to Hogsmeade. You felt bad, truly, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t tell them that you were stuck in the body of a cat. You were sure Natty and Poppy would understand, but-
“I knew Y/N forgets about us!” Imelda barged in, face visibly grumpy. Oh no, Imelda will skin me alive for this. 
Poppy held her hands up, “Calm down, Imelda, I’m sure Y/N is just busy with her schoolwork. We’ll ask her why tomorrow.”
“I’m sure she’s busy with Sallow and Gaunt!” Imelda huffed, “It’s hard enough to get us together these days… I just wanted to spend time with my girls.” Now you felt worse. You had a lot of schoolwork, but you did spend more time with Sebastian and Ominis these days. The two boys were pretty much hogging your time. You made a mental note to hang out with your girlfriends more - after all, they were always there to listen to your worries and gave more compassionate advices compared to the boys.
“I agree with Poppy,” Natty smiled, “I’m sure Y/N has her reasons. Let’s go to Honeydukes anyways. Plus, we have a stand-in over here.” The Gryffindor girl held you up to Imelda, who greeted you with a head scratch.
“Fine. Let’s go!”
With you in Natty arms, the three girls grabbed a handful of floo powder and set their destination to Hogsmeade. A green flame enveloped the students as they immediately transported to the middle of the small town. The courtyard was bustling with vendors, students, and shoppers. They hurried off to Honeydukes, with Imelda leading the charge. She rushed to a quaint table next to the window, the group’s favorite spot. 
“A pumpkin pasty for me, raspberry cake for Natty, blueberry muffin for Imelda, and a meat pie for our new friend.” Poppy brought their orders to the table, setting the meat pie on the ground for you to eat. You gobbled up the pastry in no time, you knew you can depend on your girls.
Imelda poured tea for the three girls, while she set a cup of milk on the ground. “Well,” she cleared her throat, “There is a specific reason why I asked you all to meet me today.”
The other two girls looked at her intently. You jumped onto Poppy’s lap, I’m not missing this! You thought. To your dismay, Imelda’s face was blushing red. She leaned in as the other girls did the same, “Everett Clompton asked me to be his girlfriend!” Her voice gradually went higher as she finished her sentence.
There was a short pause as everyone processed the information. Your jaw hung low in shock. “Oh dear, I’m sorry- Ouch!” Poppy yelped as Natty pinched her side.
“...And I assume from your giddy reaction, you said yes?” Natty smiled widely.
Imelda slowly nodded, “Yes, I did.” she whispered.
The group erupted in cheer, as they got glares from other customers. The girls laughed. “Congratulations, Imelda, you’re the first one in our group to be in a relationship!” said Natty.
“Ha! And you don’t count whatever Y/N have with Sallow and Gaunt as a relationship?” Imelda laughed, sipping her tea. What do you mean?! You meowed, frustrated that you were the topic of the conversation, even though you can’t say anything to defend yourself. “They are inseparable these days. I tried to ask her for Quidditch tryouts, but Sallow was all up in her space.” Imelda added.
“It’s pretty amusing to see how she is so oblivious,” Natty giggled, “I swear I saw Gaunt’s smile disappeared completely whenever Y/N talks to other boys, except for Sallow, of course.”
You were flabbergasted. Were you that daft? Sure, you harbored special feelings towards your closest friends, but you were too scared to speak up. The friendship that you shared together was like a treasure that you held close to your heart. You would rather bury your romantic feelings deep in your heart to not spoil your friendship. 
“Our dear cat is tense,” Poppy hummed while she stroked your back, “Hush now, it will be alright.” You purred and leaned back against her hands. You really wished you could vent your frustrations to them right now.
“So, Poppy, Natty,” Imelda eyed her friends, “Any gossips from your ends?”
The other girls and you looked at each other. Natty took the lead and shook her head, “Not for me,” she laughed, “My mother will skin me alive if she even thinks that I’m in a relationship while I’m still in my studies. Plus, I’m not rushing anything.”
“Cheers to that.” Imelda held out her tea cup, clinking it against the others’ cups.
“I..” Poppy paused, blush crept up her face, “Samantha Dale was being really nice to me.”
Natty and Imelda grinned, and you meowed loudly, “Go on.” Imelda wiggled her eyebrows.
“She’s probably nice to everyone!” Poppy quickly added, voice louder than before, “Plus, she’s so focused on her studies, I don’t think she even thinks about these things…”
“I think she’s just a nerd.” Imelda joked, earning a kick on her shin from Natty, “I’m sorry! I was just joking!” she sighed, “You should go for it, Poppy, if you don’t stay true to your feelings now, you will regret it. I am very sure of that.”
You took Imelda’s words. Their conversation seemed to drawned out by the thoughts in your head. Maybe Imelda was right, you should have stayed true to your own feelings and confess to Sebastian and Ominis. Will they think it’s weird for you to have a crush on two people at the same time? You raked your brains, not realizing that it was time for the group to head back to Hogwarts.
They returned to Hogwarts with another handful of floo powder. The girls bid their goodbyes as they took turn patting your head. “You’re a part of the coolest group in Hogwarts now,” Imelda laughed, “We’ll call you… Chamomile. Just like the delicious tea we had earlier.”
“I still wished Y/N was here.” Natty and Poppy sighed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give her a good smack when she’s back!” Imelda nodded her head, smiling mischievously. 
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You laid down on your back at the astronomy tower, looking at the array of stars decorating the night. The tower was the place that you often went if you wanted to find an empty spot to think. It was always cold, but you had never gotten tired of the beautiful night sky. The conversations you had with the girls were echoing in your head. You barely saw Sebastian and Ominis that day. Are they worried that you’re not around? Do they not care about you anymore? The two Slytherin boys plagued your mind. Maybe it was better for you to stay as a cat so you didn’t have to deal with your urge to be more than friends with them.
Suddenly, a pain from your tail shot up throughout your body. You let out a loud shriek, your body instinctively jumped back, fur stood up, and you hissed at the boy who accidentally stepped on your tail. 
“Merlin’s beard! I’m so very sorry!” Amit dropped his scrolls, repeatedly apologizing for stepping on you.
Apology accepted, you meowed. You purred against his leg to show him that it was fine, and you understood that it was a mistake. He sighed and crouched down, patting your back.
“I’m sorry, kitty, I’m usually alone here.” Amit gathered his belongings and set down his books and scrolls on the table with a loud Thud!
You looked at him in awe. Amit was a diligent student, but you had never thought that he would stay up late to study. You jumped on the table, sitting down next to him as you scanned the books - all of them related to astrology.
“You don’t mind if I study here, don’t you?” Amit laughed, scratching your chin. You meowed in response, as if you were trying to say it’s alright.
“Well, even if you don’t understand, It’s nice to have a study mate.” He smiled, pointing at a cluster of star in the sky, “That’s Ursa Major, and that one is Draco… wait no, that is a Leo minor! And that one on the far right is Pollux.”
He sighed, “Do you know why I like stars, kitty?” he leaned back against his chair, setting his telescope down, “They are always in groups. Even if in reality they are far apart from each other, from our perspective, they look like they are never alone.” 
The Ravenclaw student smiled bitterly, “I missed my family,” he whispered, “It was hard for me to move here alone. My parents and siblings are currently living in India, so it’s so difficult to see them during breaks.”
“I tried to make friends, but they are hard to come by,” He sighed, but his smile came back again, looking at you, “But you are a good company and listener.”
You are my friend, Amit! You screamed out, resulting in a series of loud meows. He chuckled, “You are a smart one, aren’t you?” he tapped his chin, “I’ll call you Taara - it means ‘Star’ in Hindi.”
You meowed gleefuly, it was the prettiest name anyone in the school had given you so far. “I bet not a lot of students will understand that,” Amit chuckled, “It’ll be our little secret!”
Before he could continue, the doors opened. “I think it’s Professor Shah,” Amit said as he picked you up, striding down the tower and put you down in front of the classroom, “Sorry, Taara, Professor Shah isn’t too fond of animals in the Astronomy tower,” he frowned, “I’ll see you again soon!” 
Amit waved his hand as he retreated back to the tower.
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Gobby, Ginger, Chamomile, and Taara.
Today was beyond eventful. It was almost time for the night curfew, and you were still stuck as a cat. Your limbs were tired from walking around the castle. A big part of you were grateful of this mishap, as you were able to get to know your schoolmates better. Although you spent your day with other students, you haven’t met the two people you were looking for.
“Ah, such a pretty cat.” You were startled at the sudden complement. You jumped back, eyes wide as you stared at a boy clad in shirt and long pants, a green Slytherin tie adorned on his chest. His auburn hair kept tousled. A huge smile formed on his freckled face. Sebastian! It’s me! You yelled on top of your lungs, still resulting in meows.
“A loud one, for sure.” A chuckle left another boy behind Sebastian. His eyes were light grey, as they were reflecting a cloudy storm. His hair was still neatly combed. The tip of his wand glowed, casting a beautiful red light against your black fur. 
Sebastian gently picked you up, holding you close in his arms. You hoped that he couldn’t hear how fast your heart was thumping. Surely, they don’t know about your situation, right? You inhaled his scent - cinnamon, musk, and a tinge of burning wood. You shamelessly curled up to him, purring as you did so. You felt Sebastian’s chuckled, “Looks like this cat is tired.” He gently stroked your back.
“Let’s bring it back to the common room,” Ominous replied, closing in to Sebastian as he slowly moved his hand, tracing your soft fur, “We have cozy fireplace and warm milk for our little friend.”
You heard the sound of fire crackling and warmth against your skin. You contorted your body as you found a comfortable position the pillow. As you blinked your eyes open, you were laying down on a pillow on top of Ominis’ lap. The two Slytherin boys were sitting on the sofa next to the fireplace. Sebastian was lounging with a book on his hand. Suddenly you were washed with sadness. You never felt safer than this moment, just with Sebastian and Ominis, the two boys that you cared for the most. You closed your eyes again, too cozy to wake up.
“You know, I haven’t seen Y/N today,” Sebastian muttered, eyes still glued to the book. Your ears perked up as they started to mention your name.
Ominis sighed, “I know, I’ve been worried sick. I hope nothing happened to her.” You found it hard to rest as your heart was beating faster. They were worried about me! you thought.
“I think she will be fine,” Sebastian hummed, “Y/N is smart, and strong to boot. I know she’ll be alright no matter what opponents or tasks she’s facing.”
“I agree. That’s why I find her so… beautiful.” Ominis added. With that sentence, you jolted up. Your heart and mind were in a jumble.
Ominis’ fingers caressed your head, “Sebastian, the cat is awake.”
Sebastian sighed in content as he closed his book, tossing it to the side. He walked closer to you, scratching your chin, “Did you have a good rest?”
You instinctively purred. Sebastian and Ominis chuckled at your reaction, “So adorable.” said the auburn haired boy.
“You know, Sebastian,” Ominis added, still stroking your back, “Since this cat wil probably stay with us for a while, should we name her?”
Sebastian nodded, smirking, “I have a name in mind…” He crouched down to meet your gaze, “How does Y/N sound?”
You stood up, meowing loudly. They knew?! Your emotions were mixed up; panic, embarrassment, and a bit of anger for not helping you earlier. 
“Hold on now,” Sebastian laughed, “I’ll help you.” He took out his wand and gently tapped your head. The same blue light reappeared around you as you turned back into human in a split second. You examined your fur-less fingers and grabbed onto your uniform, “I’m back!!” you shouted, pumpking your fist as if you’ve won a match. Realization sinked in as you heard the boys snickered. Your face immediately went tomato red as you felt Ominis squirmed underneath you. You scrambled away from his lap, curling in the corner of the sofa and hiding your face behind a pillow.
“...Just let me disappear.” Your voice was muffled behind the pillow.
Ominis was the one who stopped laughing first, “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I genuinely thought it was too adorable to see you as a feline.”
Sebastian rubbed the tears from his eyes, “Oh, I agree, as much as I felt bad, I was enjoying it.”
You tossed the pillow at Sebastian, “you could’ve helped me earlier!”
Sebastian caught the pillow, setting it aside, “I’m sorry! Truly. But I did get you back, didn’t I?” he winked.
“How did you both know it was me?” You asked, still hitting Sebastian and Ominis with whatever pillow you could find.
“Y/N…” Ominis impressively dodged the hits, “We’ve spent everyday together, how could I not feel your aura even if you’re not human?”
“Oh, and here you go.” Sebastian handed your wand back, “Did the professor not tell you to keep it safe?”
You huffed as you calmed down, “Thank you. I mean it. I was scared I was going to cough up hairballs at some point.” You twiddled your thumb, blush spreading your cheeks, “Were you both… Looking for me?”
Ominis let out another laugh, “We were panicking around the castle,” he coughed, “Well, Sebastian panicked around the castle. He almost asked the Headmaster for a search party if I didn’t hold on to his collars. On the other hand, I am searching for you calm and collected.”
“Lies. He almost cried.”
Ominis’ face turned sour as you laughed at their antics. You held out your arms and hugged the two close, “Thank you, again, you both are always there for me.”
“It’s because we love you, Y/N.” Sebastian sighed in content as he stroked your hair.
Ominis placed his hand on your back gently, “You are the most important person in our lives.” A gentle smile plastered on his face.
You looked up at them. Their confessions were stern and confident, but your heart leapt as you saw how red their faces are - sincerity evident in their expressions. You hugged them even tighter, “I love you both so much.”
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sykestarot · 5 months
who are your guides?
1-2-3 (left to right)
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hi guys welcome to this weeks reading! I started this reading last week and the energy just didn't feel right but here it is! I'm working on a website so I can schedule personal readings as well! If anyone has any tips for that I'd love to hear it feel free to dm me :). Anyways I hope you enjoy these messages they were all so very sweet!
Pile 1
“there will be mountains you won't move still, i’ll always be there for you” (The Hermit; queen of wands; 5 of wands reversed; 2 of wands; 6 of cups; knight of pentacles) Hi pile one! For you guys I feel like one of your guides is a familial figure, like a grandparent or maybe someone apart of your chosen family. I feel like you might’ve lost this person pretty recently. For some there is female energy and for others there male energy. I’d say for the female energies this would’ve been a firecracker of a person. They were probably always full of life and adventure and they want to guide you to be in that power as well. For the male energy I feel as though they were steady as a beating drum. A very reliable person in life and probably gave the best advice. This guide is here to help you with staying grounded. For some of you you could have both of them simultaneously, however i feel for most of you you have one or the other. But i must point out that this could’ve been a power couple if they were together in life lol. But I see that those with the feminine energy might be on the shyer side of things, and your guide would love to show you how it feels to fully step into your dark feminine energy. For those with the masculine energy this guide wants to continue to give you advice and wishes you would speak to them more. I also feel like some of you might come from a religious background and maybe feel like believing in guides could insight some shame for you. Your guides want you to know that shaming yourself for a belief will only hinder the progress that you’ve made and don’t be too hard on yourself. I see that these guides have so much unconditional love for you and when you feel most alone I promise you are not. Animal Spirits: Snake + Hawk Signs: canned pumpkin; all spice?; Pocahontas; racoons; pacific northwest; rivers; wood cabins; pine scent; Massachusetts; boats; church; white buildings; cold water; winter; snow; willow trees; vivid dreams; 555
Pile 2
“is there something supernatural fucking with you?” (2 of pentacles; knight of cups; Temperance; 4 of pentacles; 6 of cups; 2 of wands) Hi Pile 2 welcome and thanks for reading! I will say that your guide is a very funny one. I feel like this pile has one pretty good overarching energy. I don’t feel like this is someone you’ve known in this life but maybe a few lifetimes ago. I also feel like you are a very self aware reader or are at least in contact with your guides in some way whether you are conscious of it or not. This guide had lots of fun picking a song, and in turn I feel like was messing around with me. I get the energy of a guide who volunteered to be yours because they loved you so much in the last life. I also feel like you guys go around very uptight and stressed about most things in life, and I feel like their energy is supposed to help you loosen up. Like maybe your lesson in life is to find the joy in being alive instead of being super goal oriented or materially focused. I feel like this is the type of guide where you’d be painting something and then all of the sudden magically all the paint spills, or when you go to get some out you get way too much. Like this guide is trying to really show you that mistakes are just happy accidents. I feel like you guys suffer from catastrophic thinking. It’s like a domino effect for you and sometimes this guide will put things in your way so that you fail and have some realization that it wasn’t the end of the world and that there are other ways to get to the same outcome. I also see that this guide loves see you smile and will give you small rewards in the day. For ecample you might walk home from work and a cute neighborhood cat might say hi to you everyday. Or you get your order payed for by the person in front of you. This guide really does care for you and wants you to know that they’re always there for you and you can relax a bit, not everything is the end of the world. “Please do your breathing exercises!” Animal Spirits: Beaver + Eagle Signs: pranks; giggles; unnatural coincidences; kitties; empty streets; crisp air; chain link fences; playgrounds; small town; ambition; hikes; 11:11; painting; Bob Ross; bird chirps
Pile 3
“if I had the chance to relive those days I’d take it” (4 of swords; The Hanged Man; 2 of pentacles; Temperance; 9 of wands; 2 of swords) Hi pile 3! So for you guys it’s a little different than the other piles, I feel like this might not be a guide but a pet that’s passed on. Whether it was recently or a long time ago I feel like this was a kitty that had some health issues. I feel like you had to make a hard decision on whether or not to put them down and maybe you still carry that guilt with you. This little guy definitely doesn’t want you to hold onto that and they believe that they lived the best life with you truly. You took care of them and loved them so much. I keep hearing you loved me so much you let me go. They don’t harbor any resentment or harsh feelings for you on the other side. I even hear that they’d love to come back and be another pet of yours. Maybe you’re not ready for that just yet and that’s why they haven’t but they want you to know that they forgive you for the choice you made and they understand it. They want you to forgive yourself as well. I keep hearing them say I was really sick. They are so grateful of the life they lived with you truly. I see that maybe you were afraid to talk to them after they crossed the rainbow bridge because you felt like they wouldn’t want to hear from you. Trust me they very much do! They miss you so much and I feel like they always hang around in your energy and they love being close to you. Like I feel like they love to sit on your chest or your back. They never left you, not for a moment. They just want you to feel at peace and be happy. They still keep a very close and watchful eye on you, always wanting to protect you. I don’t know if maybe you’ve been having dreams of them or feeling them where they used to cuddle you. They want you to know that you were the thing that mattered most to them and still are and they hate seeing you continue to carry the weight of that decision after all this time. They think you are the most perfect human. “Please don’t beat yourself up!” Animal Spirits: Dove + Cat Signs: little league; tv static; gamecube; leapfrog; big windows, rays of sunlight; leaves blowing in the wind; green; chemtrails; airplanes; 90’s; reincarnation; green eyes
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wisteria-cherry · 4 months
remus with a grumpy slytherin partner who also gives the best hugs and will fight anyone who tries to insult him??? i love the grumpy x sunshine troupe 🥹🥹
omg honey i love this so much
sunshine x grumpy is my life
also is kind of angsty i hope you don’t mind
and kind of short🥲
tw for minor cursing
“i’ll hex them so hard it goes in their asshole and out their mouth!” you bark, trying to fight against remus’ grip on your wand arm as remus’ assailants backed away. you were persistent, but remus was strong. “let me go—“
“love, it’s not worth it.”
very reluctantly, you relax, and remus’ grip loosened. the slytherins left. you wanted to fight them, hex them, jinx them, anything. you didn’t care if you were slytherin, too. you wanted them gone, gone go they would never talk to your remus again. you wished they’d stop. stop laughing at remus, stop laughing at his blood status, everything. the rest of the marauders were plenty obnoxious. james was insufferable, sirius was a womanizer, and peter just did whatever james did. any comments towards them, you didn’t mind. but remus— remus was different. remus was gentle, remus was sweet, remus was kind and happy and different. you hated it when people didn’t see it.
remus didn’t get picked on often. after all, obnoxious as the marauders were, they were popular. an icon for anyone who didn’t like the rules, who were all for a little bit of mischief. leaders of the student body. trendsetters, if you will. you knew that remus was a gentle soul, and, annoying as they may be, you were grateful that his friends were bold, bold enough to make it known that they wouldn’t tolerate anyone winding up their moony. your moony.
just your luck that your housemates would find you with him alone.
“let’s just go.” remus began walking, his grip steady.
“i’ll make them pay next time i see them.” you grumble. “gits.”
remus lead you out of the dungeons and through one of the many corridors. he soon found a bench and sat down, releasing your wrist as he did so. you reluctantly sat down next to him.
“hate ‘em.” you grumble, slouching against the wall behind you. remus leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.
“dove, those slytherins were just saying stupid things. it’s nothing to worry about.” remus looked at you, and your expression softened, somewhat.
“it’s not okay.” you narrow your eyes. “they were being racist assholes.”
“all they did was go about chanting ‘half blood’.” remus pointed out. “it’s true.”
“it’s not what they said, it’s the tone!” you exclaim frustratedly. “i don’t care if they’re from my house, they said it like it was derogatory— are you okay?” you stop in your tracks as you see remus duck his head, his hair hiding his expression. remus angled his head away from you.
“remus?” you asked, more gently. remus looked back up at you, and you finally got a good look at him. remus looked exhausted. bleary eyes, dark circles, slightly pale skin. his hair looked shaggy, despite remus usually doing his best to stay well-trimmed. even his hands were a little shaky.
“sorry.” remus apologized, straightening his posture, wiping his hands on his trousers. “i’m just… just tired, is all. a couple of slytherins are the least of my worries right now.”
“oh, remus…” your brow furrows worriedly. “remus, i’m sorry.” you wrap your arms around remus’ neck, pulling him into a hug. remus reciprocated, his arms looping around your middle, his forehead resting on your shoulder.
“it’s alright.” remus mumbled.
“do you want to talk about it?” you offer awkwardly. you weren’t fantastic at comforting. you were a fighter, not a lover. you’d rather duel whoever had made remus like this, teacher and student alike. but you knew that remus would rather have someone be with him.
“no.” remus exhaled, his tense shoulders slowly relaxing as he leaned into you. “just, ah, wanna stay like this.”
“i can do that.” and so you do, and you hug for a long time. you don’t complain once— in fact, you weren’t sure you could ever complain about giving remus a hug.
“alright.” remus said after a good, long while. he broke away, honey-colored eyes studying yours. “you alright?”
“i should be asking you.” you frown.
“you’re the one who’s worked up, darling.” remus pointed out, and you sigh.
“i just hate those stupid people is all.” your frown deepens.
“you’re cute when you pout.” remus gives you a smile, that small, beautiful smile that first caught your eye when you were passing him in a corridor and you nearly stopped breathing.
“i am not.”
“you are too.”
“i love you.”
“… i love you too.”
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writingfool001 · 2 years
Magic in Harry Potter seems to be way more complicated than magic in Twisted Wonderland. Like mending a whole stadium hell even mending a chandelier seems to be already challenging for them to do, yet Newt was able to fix Jacob's apartment without a sweat. With these magical differences, it would be funny if Newt!MC was at first mistaken for someone to be as powerful as Malleus. When in reality their spells are just first year level, that even an 11yr old in their world can do it.
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Author's Note's: Hi all, hope you're doing well and staying safe. I recently started the semester and wanted to tell you that I may be busy with projects and assignments. I shall try not to disappear off the face of the earth.
Newt!MC is inspired by Newt Scamander
Newt!MC Masterlist
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You returned back to Ramshackle after dealing with Idia and his overblot as you were accompanied by others to make sure you got home safely or at least to get your things so you could camp out elsewhere while repairs were happening. Your group consisted of the Pomefiore trio, Scarabia duo, Ace, and Deuce.  
When you arrived you saw the large holes that the STYX robots left behind when they captured Vil, Jamil, and Grim which wasn't too bad. You step inside to see the damage to the lounge in all its destroyed glory. 
"This isn't too bad," You commented, setting your case down and examining the damage more closely. 
"Mc, you're kidding right? There is literally a hole in the wall and at least half the window is destroyed." Ace commented as the others agreed. 
"Potato, as much as I admire you for doing what you can," Vil started. "The dorm is not livable, especially in this state." 
"I'm still going to stay at Pomefiore so the dorm can be renovated. I'm just going to make it easier on the crews."  
"How? I don't think just cleaning up the scrap will be deemed as making it a large amount easier, just decent courtesy." Epel added, looking around at the damage. 
You bring your wand out and with a swipe, the room starts to repair itself as every piece went back to where it was before the STYX robots showed up. You walk around to move around the magic and hum as the wall paper repaired itself and the giant hole in the floor was fixed while the paintings were placed back into the designated places. Slowly, everything returned back to its original state, and you did one last glance over to see the window wasn’t entirely repaired, it was missing one piece. You look around to try to spy where the piece would be then notice exactly where it was. 
“Kalim, could you raise your left foot really quick?” The boy jumped a bit before looking down and picking up his foot, a piece of the glass zoomed past to the window before it mended back to the entire window.  
Now the lounge was back to its original state that the boys lived in for the past couple of weeks, you turn back to see the same expression on the group’s faces, dumbfounded. The only other person that they’d seen do this was Malleus, a powerful magician. 
“HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” Ace yelled, breaking everyone from their trances 
“It was a simple spell that most magical folks learn at Hogwarts.” You, scratching the back of your head. “Is that not the case here?” 
“Obviously! How long have you been able to do that?” 
“Ace, this is how I got the dorm back in shape when I first arrived, and I would repair the dorm with the spell. I would always use this spell in my world to repair broken buildings and had to fix a dear friend’s apartment after we met.” 
“You could’ve repaired the stage back together easily?” Deuce sputtered out, trying to wrap his head around this. 
“It would have taken a while, but it was possible to do.” 
“Henchman! Teach me that spell, I need it to become a great wizard.” 
“It wouldn’t be possible,” Jamil interrupted as he held his chin within his hand. “Their magic and our magic are different.” 
“What do you mean, Jamil?” Kalim asked. 
“Do you want to explain or would I?” Jamil asked, turning his gaze to you. 
“I can take it,” You respond before starting your explanation, “Since I don’t have to worry about blot accumulation, I can work longer than you guys can and cast powerful spells. Though with either magic, practice is needed to perfect spells.” 
“So, you mean you could fix any damage from an overblot easily?” 
“Pretty much, but I leave those with money to fix their destroyed property when I had nothing to do with it. Besides, Crowley can fix the damage that his carelessness caused.” 
“Have you used the spell on any of the dorms?” Epel questioned. 
“Mainly on Octavinelle when the tank nearly broke, but I usually use a small repair spell on minor stuff like teacups and paper. The number of glasses I’ve repaired, you would think boys at this school would be more aware with them.” 
“Can you fix phones or tablets?” 
“I don’t entirely trust my magic with technology, so I leave the technological repair to others.” 
“My! What a lovely ability you have, Trickster.” Rook cheered. 
“Anyone who doesn't know you would probably mistake you for a powerful magician. Such an interesting fear tactic.” Vili commented before smirking slightly. “Appears harmless yet has fearsome creatures and spells on their side, what power you hold, Potato.” 
“Yet, here I am, trying to get through life here,” You shrug. “Now, let me finish up taking some charms off of the rooms.”  
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It's Been Awhile Ch. 3
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Characters: Sebastian Sallow x Reader/MC
Series Masterlist
Words: 3044
Warnings: mostly fluff, some angst, a bit of cursing, mention of injuries, spoilers regarding Sebastian's questline, Deek and Imelda being cockblockers
Taglist: @cloudroomblog
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Instead of dwelling on it any longer and digging up more painful memories, you put your arms around your middle, as if you were hugging yourself in an act of comfort, and looked outside. The castle was close, only a few more minutes left.
"Sebastian?" He hummed, feeling his eyes drift to you, though you didn't look at him. "Do you think we made the right choice? Back then?" It was silent for what felt like a long time, though it was actually only a few seconds. Maybe you should've been there for him, not only as his friend but also as his girlfriend. Maybe you could've tried harder. Maybe if-
"At that time, no." He gulped, finding it hard to admit what a toll your break-up had taken on him when he was already facing such a difficult time in his life. "I was...heartbroken...and angry... I regretted everything, even more so after what happened..." You felt horrible but knew it was a necessary step. Probably the only option you had at the time. Besides Azkaban.
"But when I look back on it now, yes. I think we both had a lot of growing up to do. Especially me. I wasn't worthy of you, despite how much I wanted and needed to be." He breathed in, seeing almost everything in his mind as it played out rapidly. Your first duel, your adventures in the catacombs, killing spiders and Loyalists, your fights, your pleadings and his promises, Solomon's death and how distraught you, Ominis and Anne had been...
The day you proposed breaking up... It was necessary before you could even attempt to become good friends again, let alone a couple. He knew that, now and then. But it still hurt.
"I've changed. I don't know how much or if enough. But I have, I can promise you that. And I can only hope that you'll at the very least accept to be my friend again." He was looking at you, almost pleadingly, but his face was serious and his body rigid with anticipation. He wouldn't force you. But knowing that someone from his past would still be willing to be there for him...
Just before you could give him an answer, the door to the carriage flung open yet again. You hadn't even noticed that you had arrived or that the carriage stopped.
"Hey, slowpoke! What's taking you so long?" It was Imelda greeting you loudly, holding an umbrella. "Oh, I didn't expect you to ride along, Sallow. Thought you might Apparate or use Floo Powder, not ride with MC. Years catching up on you already?" She smirked and Sebastian flipped her off, though he was smiling.
"Piss off, Reyes. You look older than me anyway."
"Yeah, right, old man." You smiled as you watched them bicker, feeling the nostalgia creeping up on you again.
She waited for you both while you put on your coats so you wouldn't get rained on. Sebastian got out first, summoning an umbrella with his wand despite his raincoat. Then he waited for you, holding his hand in a silent gentlemanly offering to help you get out of the carriage. You placed your hand in his, watching him smile warmly before you got out. He let go, somewhat slowly, before walking to the back of the carriage while you followed behind him to pick up your luggage, but Sebastian got both of yours and started marching ahead, deaf to your yells that you could do it yourself and Imelda's cackling. You could only shake your head with a smile at his stubbornness.
"Always such a gentleman with you, MC..." She said quietly as the two of you followed Sebastian, entering the school and sighing in relief at the warmth. You looked at her curiously, despite already knowing what she referred to.
"What are you talking about, Imelda?" You asked her before following after Sebastian who had stopped in the middle of the Entrance Hall to put down your bags and his, his eyes marvelling at the familiar interior of the school. Nothing had changed. It felt both good and sad. As if you were back in your fifth-year.
"I'm saying this boy is just as madly in love with you as he was during fifth-year, you doofus!" She pointed out in a lower voice, though there was a smirk on her face that made your ears and face feel hot. Her voice must've been louder than she anticipated - or maybe it was on purpose and took advantage of the echo in the hall - because you saw Sebastian look down, as if checking the luggage, and turning his back to you two. But not before you caught a glimpse of his flushed cheeks. You weren't feeling any different, but you elbowed Imelda in the ribs, earning another bout of laughter from her.
"Imelda..." Your hiss made her laugh even louder, but she put her hands up in surrender.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll ask one of the elves to take your luggage for now. We all have where to stay here if we want since it's the holidays and almost all of the younger students went home. But you might bump into one or two along the way, mind you. So, are you staying here or somewhere else?" Sebastian's ears perked, listening for your answer. He hadn't asked you and now curiosity was eating him alive. Merlin, please, don't tell him you weren't going to stay at Hogwarts, with him, where he could see you...
"Oh, I-"
"Miss MC?" You heard a familiar voice and all three of you turned towards it. "It's you, you're back!" Deek said as he came closer and you bent down and hugged him with a wide smile. "Deek couldn't help but overhear Miss Reyes' words." He came closer, whispering in your ear. "It's still here. Deek's been taking care of it and bringing more beasts to nurse back to health before finding them a safe home." You nodded, excited to be back in the Room of Requirement. You'd spent so long there, catching up on your studies, sleep, time with your friends... Even with Sebastian.
"Really? That's amazing, Deek! Thank you." You smiled warmly and got up again before turning to Imelda. "Well, I guess I'll be staying here."
"Great. Dinner will be ready in an hour or so. Oh, and apparently there's a dance of sorts tomorrow since it's almost Christmas in case you haven't read the entire letter, like me." You chuckled and Imelda playfully scowled at you. "Anyway, in case you were wondering about the Yule Ball... They thought it would be the perfect time since we're having our reunion and we're also celebrating my Quidditch team going to the nationals. The students already had their Yule Ball a few days ago, so now we're having something like this for ourselves."
"That's great! I already have a dress. But for now, I'll go and get ready for dinner. I'm starving. See you soon, okay?" Imelda nodded and left while you turned around. Deek took your luggage and Apparated before you could say anything else to him, smiling and shaking your head fondly as you started heading towards the stairs. Sebastian fell into step with you. His luggage was gone, meaning it was taken by one of the summoned elves and you looked at him questioningly.
"It's the polite thing to do...walking a lady to the door." You smiled and thanked him as you two kept walking up the stairs towards the seventh floor. You remembered the times you'd gone with Sebastian to the Room of Requirement. All of the beasts in the vivarium, the potions, plants, books... He'd loved it there almost as much as he loved the Undercroft, if the time spent there was of any indication.
Sebastian waited for one of the staircases to stop moving as you two were on your way to the next floor. He briefly glanced at you, then at your lips, licking his own without even realising before looking up. He remembered the first time he had kissed you. Which also coincided with the time he told you he loved you. He still cringed a little at his brashness at that time, but given the situation, he was sure anyone would understand him.
He had been in the Room, waiting for you as he flipped through another book about curses, hoping to find a cure for Anne or at least something that might help.
You were late. He wasn't too worried. After all, fighting poachers and Dark Wizards didn't end at a set time. Plus, who knew how many beasts you had to chase around to save? They weren't just going to wait for you to use your nab sack to get them, he smiled and huffed in amusement as he remembered that.
But the hours kept rolling and there was still no sign of you. And slowly, but surely, he was getting more and more worried. He kept checking the clock on the wall, but there was nothing signifying your arrival. Getting fed up with worrying, Sebastian left the book behind and exited the Room, going down the stairs. Where had you told him you were going exactly? A poacher camp you'd spotted on your broom the day before, for sure. But where? Was it near-
"Sebastian!" He spun in place at the sound of his name being yelled desperately, seeing Natty who had been looking for him. He already had a feeling and started jogging towards her. Hearing her voice yell out that you were in the Hospital Wing made him start sprinting past her with a hurried thank you. It was all a blur of moving staircases, multitudes of faces and seemingly never-ending hallways.
He burst into the Hospital Wing, looking over all of the beds. The room was dark, with only a few candles lit, and some beds occupied by a few unfortunate students who'd gotten hurt during classes. None had their curtain drawn around their beds, except for one in the left corner that was, where you were most probably lying. He gulped and sighed before powerwalking there, feeling the air leave his lungs at the sight of you when he slipped past the curtain.
You were full of bruises, cuts and scratches, but there didn't seem to be anything broken. You opened your eyes at the sound of movement and uneven breathing, surprising Sebastian who breathed out a sigh of relief before sitting on the chair next to your bed.
"Hey... Guess what? I got them all...and I rescued all the beasts..." Your voice sounded strained and tired, but your eyes were shining with joy and pride. Sebastian, on the other hand, felt like a kettle reaching its boiling point.
"You idiot!" His hissed words should've shocked you. At least, the first time you'd heard them they had, months before when you had come back in a somewhat similar state, because of Dark Wizards then.
But it was routine by now and honestly, you'd called him an idiot whenever he was doing something dangerous and stupid - which was 99% of the time.
"You stupid, stupid girl! How can you just smile like that when you could've- aargh!" He didn't even finish talking but just threw his hands in the air in exasperation. You chuckled and smiled, touched by his concern. He glared at you, his entire being full of love and worry for you. Before you knew it, he had gathered you in his arms, holding you tightly as you felt his heart pounding. And then he kissed you.
You were shocked by the sudden gesture and let out a muffled squeak, making him pull you even closer as his eyes watched you. But then he felt you slowly relax in his hold before your hand went to the side of his neck and your eyes fluttered shut, glad to know that he was just as worried as you always were for him. Satisfied, Sebastian kissed you even more intensely, closing his eyes and letting himself get carried away by the feeling.
His hands held you by your hip and lower back while his tongue poked out to meet your own. You sighed quietly and let him invade your mouth, feeling the hand on your hip going to the back of your neck, gently tangling into your hair. You could feel his heart beating like a drum, not that yours was acting any differently. You didn't have the heart to tell him that his intensity was slightly hurting your injured body. After all, a passionate Sebastian was a very welcome version of your boyfriend compared to an angry or worried one.
You both internally damned Merlin for your need for air and let each other go slowly, breathing heavily, but still being glued to one another. Sebastian's forehead thumped yours softly and you looked into his eyes, seeing how dark they appeared in the dim light and how adorable he looked. You'd never wanted to trace all his freckles with your lips so badly in your life.
"I love you, MC. Even if you're a reckless idiot." You chuckled and pinched his side, hearing a quiet, but still dramatic ouch.
"I love you, too. Even if you're an even bigger idiot. And even more reckless than me..." You pecked his lips, smiling teasingly. "After all, I learned from the best, you bad influence..." He chuckled before kissing you again. You were both thankful for the curtain that hid you both, at least until Nurse Blainey would come to check up on you.
The wall where the Room was came into view and you both internally dreaded the moment you'd get separated. It seemed like too long to wait until dinner.
You stopped in front of the wall that immediately changed into the familiar door before turning around to face Sebastian, who was already looking down at you. He was smiling at you, his brown eyes warm while you admired him. Sebastian had definitely grown into a very handsome man, you couldn't deny it.
"About earlier..." He gave you a curious look. "I'd love for us to be friends again. If you promise that you've stopped pursuing the Dark Arts." Sebastian nodded quickly and resolutely, making an X above his heart with his pointer finger.
"I swear. I haven't had anything to do with Dark Magic since...that day..." His voice trailed off and you felt sorry for bringing bad memories to the surface. It still seemed to be a tough subject, but it was necessary to face it. You were working through it even now. It must've been even harder for Sebastian, Anne and Ominis. You sighed, deciding to finally give him some peace of mind and let him know he could still find a friend in you.
You smiled and opened your arms for him. With a relieved smile, Sebastian stepped forward and hugged you tightly, revelling in the feeling of having you so close again. He had to bend down a little to embrace you properly, but neither of you cared too much at that moment.
He was warm and smelled like burning wood and cologne, something smoky and warm that immediately felt as if it clung to your clothes and enveloped you - like a cold winter's day spent cosying up by the fire with a good book and a hot beverage or a lover. You had half a mind to cling to him and not let go anytime soon.
Whenever you'd feel his grip on you tighten, you'd sigh contentedly and grip tighter onto him, feeling your heart beating quickly. You prayed that he couldn't hear or feel it, but you yourself could feel his heart that was almost matching yours. So you decided to just bask in the moment. He heard you sigh in contentment and let one of the biggest smiles in years make its appearance on his face as he held you tightly, burying his face in your neck and hanging onto the feeling of having you back in his arms after so long.
Sebastian had changed, yes. But the impulsive, bold, and flirtatious streak in him was still there and you were his weakness. He inhaled your scent before he breathed hotly against your neck as his mouth opened, parted lips barely touching the skin. He wanted to kiss your skin so badly, to feel the heat and taste of it. You stiffened but then relaxed, almost feeling like melting. The hair on the back of your neck raised with each one of his warm breaths, almost making you shiver in delight at the feeling. He breathed in your scent again, something so sweet, familiar and nostalgic that it almost made his heart squeeze and mind reel.
"I know I said I wanted us to, at the very least, be friends, but... Is there a chance we could be more again? Anytime in the future?" He whispered, the warm air he exhaled against your neck making even more goosebumps appear and the hair on the back of your neck stand straighter. You hummed distractedly, mind fighting between the feeling of Sebastian's arms around you so tightly and his words.
"Well, I think we-" He swallowed thickly as he waited, his lips tantalisingly close to kissing your neck and barely holding back, when the doors to the Room of Requirement opened. You both sprang apart, cheeks aflush and hearts almost bursting, only to see Deek.
"The room is ready, Miss." He said as his eyes trailed from your rosy face to Sebastian's. Deek smiled, almost mischievously, Sebastian would say.
"Thank you, Deek..." You turned around, unable to look at Sebastian for more than a second. "Thank you for walking me here, Sebastian... I guess I'll see you at dinner?"
"Sure." He smiled a bit, watching you smile and slip inside before the elf closed the door.
Sebastian internally cursed Deek for ruining the moment. He didn't mean to, but he had been so close to you! And he had missed you, damn it! With a defeated sigh, he kicked the stone floor before sticking his hands in his pockets and walking away, going towards the Slytherin common room.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Doctor Maximoff
Summary: Just a regular check up.
Pairing: doctor!Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: I don’t know any hospital things
Word count: 996
a/n: flirty Dr Wanda yes please
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13
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“You have one more patient, Dr Maximoff, then you can leave.” The receptionist smiles at Wanda after having to listen to her endless complaints about annoying patients.
Wanda sigh. “Well, lets hope it goes by quickly.” She leans against the desk, looking around the hospital. “So many old people.” She mumbles. “Is the patient at least interesting?”
“It’s just an annual check up.”
Wanda groans. “Those are so boring.” She huffs put a breath before glancing at the clock. It’s 19:00 on the dot. “Ms Y/L/N.” When Y/N stands up, Wanda’s eyes widen. Maybe this wouldn’t be as boring as she thought. “Follow me please.” Y/N smiles and follows Wanda into a separate room. “If you could just sit there for me.”
“Of course.” Y/N sits down to the hospital bed, staring at Wanda as she checks the computer.
“So, just a regular check up, huh?” Y/N nods, swinging her legs around. “I’m going to check your eyes first.” She grabs a small flash light and puts it on. “Follow the light for me, darling.” She grins when she notices the flustered look on Y/N’s face. “So, I haven’t seen you here before.”
Y/N follows the bright light with her eyes. “I moved here like two weeks ago, so, yeah.” She giggles. “I finally decided to get my check up done as I have been procrastinating it for quite a bit.”
Wanda hums, moving the light up and down. She has been waving the light around for an unnecessary long amount of time already, but she can’t help getting lost in Y/N’s eyes. They look so pretty against the light.
Finally Wanda puts away the light and pick up a stethoscope. “Your eyes were good, I’m going to listen to your heart and breathing now.” She eyes Y/N’s clothes. “Please take your shirt off. Otherwise it’s hard for me to hear.” Wanda thanks the heavens Y/N wore a thicker sweater today as she takes her short off, only leaving a bra on.
Y/N shivers when the cold metal touches her bare skin, just right above her breast. Wanda listens to her heartbeat, holding her free hand on Y/N’s shoulder. At times she rubs her skin with her thumb. She likes how soft it is. Y/N tries to ignore it, thinking it’s just an accident.
“Heartbeat sounds normal.” Wanda mumbles, reluctantly taking her hands away. “I’m going to listen to your breathing now, so if you could just breathe in and out a couple of times.” She moves the metal part to Y/N’s back, setting her free hand to the small of Y/N’s back, just to steady her.
Y/N takes a deep breath in, holds it for a moment and lets it out. She does it until Wanda tells her to stop. “Everything seems okay?”
“Yup.” Wanda puts the stethoscope away, taking a wooden stick. “Open your mouth for me.”
Y/N opens her mouth wide, letting Wanda move the stick around her mouth. Wanda tries her best to keep her face neutral and her mind in the actual check up, but her thoughts just turn dirtier and dirtier.
With a hum Wanda throws the stick to trash. “All is good.” She gives Y/N a smile. Putting on a new pair of gloves, Wanda moves Y/N’s hands away from her lap. “One last thing. I will check that there are no lumps or anything else that we should worry about.”
“Okay, doctor.”
The way Y/N says doctor makes the hairs behind Wanda’s neck stand. She starts pressing around Y/N’s stomach, feeling around for anything unusual. Of course she notices nothing, but it doesn’t stop her from going on a bit longer.
She takes her hands away and puts the gloves into the trash. “You can put your shirt on now.” Wanda takes a last glance of Y/N’s half naked body before turning back to her computer. “Has your medical condition changed since your last check up?”
“No.” Y/N moves from the hospital bed to an actual chair opposite of Wanda.
“Are you in a relationship? Or sexually active?”
“Not at the moment.” Y/N mutters with a shy smile.
“Hm.” Wanda punched random letters to the document, not actually writing anything. “Your vaccines are all okay and it doesn’t look like there’s anything missing in your documents either. Seems like you’re a healthy girl.” She lifts her head from the screen, giving Y/N a smirk.
Y/N giggles. “Good to hear.”
“You moved recently, yes?” Y/N nods. “It seems like your old address is still in our database, so if you could write down address, email, number and such down for me so I can update them.” She slides Y/N a normal piece of paper as, of course, she doesn’t have the formal papers anymore.
“Sure.” Y/N writes down her name, phone number, email and address. She checks everything is correct twice before handing it back to Wanda.
“Thank you, darling.” Wanda folds the paper and stashed it in her pocket, for safe keeping, things tend to disappear from her table easily. “Now, we’re all done here, but I do hope to see you again. Remember not to procrastinate your check ups, okay?”
“I’ll remember to do them on time.” Y/N stands up with a laugh.
“Good girl.” Wanda shakes Y/N’s hand and walks her to the door. “Have a great day, Ms Y/L/N.”
“You too, Dr Maximoff.” Y/N waves to Wanda as she walks away from the hospital.
Wanda closes the door. “Holy shit.” She mumbles, sticking her hand to the pocket the paper lays in.
Putting on her jacket quickly, Wanda says her goodbyes to the receptionist. She practically runs to her car before taking the paper out. Staring at the information on it, Wanda smiles. She has some calls to make.
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during the darkest of nights (shine the brightest lights)
@diana-bookfairchild​ takes us for an angsty visit to the Potter family at the height of the first war! You can also read it on ao3 here.
Pairings: James/Lily
Prompts: The night before Christmas, Last-minute shopping, and All I want for Christmas. 
Sirius Black apparated only to fall face first into the snow.
Ugh. Prongs would never have let him live it down had he been there.
He shook snow out of his hair as he walked out of the back alley – at least it was somewhat adding to the holiday spirit. He could hear the music swelling from the nearby church and the entire city was something of an eyesore with all the decorations.
Two girls giggled at him as they were passing by. He winked at them. One of them grinned back, the other ducked her head bashfully. Muggles. Always a delight.
Sirius wished he’d brought his bike. It would’ve certainly fit in in the atmosphere. The snow and lights hung up did little to hide the general griminess and hardness of the place. Cars honked impatiently. The darkness of the night before Christmas was only exacerbated by the walls. The smell of iced sludge carried through the wind.
Evans sure knew how to pick a place.
He made his way to the apartment building. The wind picked up suddenly and he felt a shiver run down his spine. He’d barely gotten rid of Rosier and Lestrange and their cronies a couple of hours ago. Had he been followed? Were they behind him, hoping he would lead them to James and Lily and Harry?
Swallowing his nerves and sudden bout of paranoia, Sirius ducked into a phone booth, pressing himself against the wall, breathing heavily. He cast a disillusionment charm on himself, and then just to be safe, a couple of repelling and invisibility charms that the marauders or Lily’d modified or made themselves.
They’re going to be fine, Sirius told himself firmly. The hot flame of panic clawing up his throat subsided back into its embers.
Nevertheless, he felt lightheaded with relief when he got to the building and felt all the wards perfectly intact.
He got to James and Lily’s flat and pressed his ear against the door. As someone tied to the protective charms, the eavesdropping preventing ones didn’t work on him.
“James, I swear, if another Celestina Warbeck song comes on, I’m going to Bombarda the bloody radio,” Lily was saying, cheerful as ever.
“C’mon, Lils, lighten up!” Sirius closed his eyes at hearing his best friend’s voice. “Tomorrow’s Christmas! Leave the poor radio alone and come dance!”
Harry’s high shriek of laughter and Lily’s startled gasp matching perfectly with the pitch of Drops of Amortentia: The Yule Romance clearly indicated what had happened. Sirius laughed hard enough that his hand fell against the door.
“Someone’s out there,” James said sharply.
“It’s me, Sirius Black,” Sirius said rapidly before Lily got it into her head to hex before asking questions. Ever since spending a week in fourth year with tentacles he’d had a very healthy respect for her wand.
“Which movie did you write your Muggle Studies essay on in sixth year?” Lily’s voice demanded, sounding wary. The radio had stopped playing.
“Trick question,” Sirius said. “I wanted to pick a really badass movie but you raved and raved about the Wizard of Oz musical and forced me to write about it. I’m also sixty per cent sure you hid all the books about Hitchcock from the library just to annoy me.”
The door swung open, and both of them beamed at him. “Padfoot!” Lily called. “Come on in!”
“Hey, mate,” James said, grasping his shoulder in a half hug. “Good to see you.”
“You too,” Sirius said. “But it’s much, much better seeing you,” he cooed, heading to the crib where Harry was standing up on wobbly feet, one hand reached out towards him.
At five months, he’d nearly grown out of the pudgy state newborns seemed to perpetually exist in. Lily despaired over the fact that the Potter hair had already grown in. James beamed over the fact that Harry’s eyes had settled to an emerald green identical to his mother’s.
Harry made several excited noises as Sirius picked him up and bounced him. “Look at him,” Sirius said. “His first word is absolutely going to be Padfoot.”
“If that happens, I’m never forgiving you,” James said solemnly.
“What does that mean, half an hour of ignoring him and sulking instead of the typical five minutes?” Lily asked, sounding amused.
James made an offended noise. “I am perfectly capable of remaining angry at Sirius.”
“Whatever you say, Prongs.”
“Oh, fu—”
“Anyway,” Lily interrupted the swear word loudly. “Harry’s just five months. He’s barely eating banana pulp now. He’s nowhere close to talking.” She paused. “Also, a first word is typically one or two syllables and his is definitely going to be ma or mama.”
“There’s no need to be jealous about Harry liking me better than you, Evans,” James placated condescendingly.
“You really want to get into this, Potter?”
“Why not?”
“You’re on!”
“I’m the one who got him Furry!”
Furry was an absolute monstrosity of a stuffed toy that Harry adored to pieces. It gave Sirius the chills; he really didn’t understand how a five-month-old cuddled it while sleeping.
“I got him his practice snitch!”
Lily had claimed that this would help Harry’s locomotion and reflexes a lot. Sirius wasn’t particularly sure about that – if childhood practice really translated into adulthood, he ought to be completely unable to feel pain, thanks to his beloved mother.
“He always smiles and stands up in his crib when he sees me—”
“I carried him for nine months and feed him, thank you, James—”
They’d gotten very close to one another. Sirius could almost literally see sparks flying.
“Ahem,” he said, clearing his throat. Both of them blinked. “We really don’t need to see the flirting. Do we, Harry?” He asked his godson.
Harry clapped happily and wiggled in his arms. James rolled his eyes. Lily laughed and came to take her son from Sirius.
“Like you aren’t just as bad,” James grumbled. “Don’t be a hypocrite, Padfoot. Anna, Teresa, Fabian, Mary, Cara… Every single one of them you shoved into our bloody faces–”
“We are planning on going out today, right, dear?” Lily asked, interrupting what was shaping up to be an impressive rant.
“Of course,” James said, blinking in surprise.
“Wonderful. Just confirming, because once the two of you get started, you never stop and everything gets derailed.”
“You know, I never understood where that word came from.” Sirius commented. “Derailed. How does that mean diverted?”
“It’s from French,” Lily said. “Because trains run on rail tracks and when a train goes off them—” She sighed when the men looked completely blank. “I give up. The two of you need to learn something about muggles other than bikes and music.”
“Speaking of muggles,” Sirius said. “Are you sure you want to go to Diagon Alley and not some muggle place? It’s much more dangerous.”
“We’ve talked about this,” James said. “Yes… It’s dangerous, but we really need to get our last-minute shopping done. Stuff from the wizarding world. And the Alley is pretty much deserted anyway.”
“Yeah, but Death Eaters—”
“Padfoot,” Lily said softly. “We need to do this.”
Sirius suppressed a sigh. He probably should have figured. James and Lily were two of the stubbornest people on the goddamn planet. He sent a prayer to the heavens for patience for when Harry decided displaying their combined obstinacy would be a good idea. “It’s risky,” he gave a final, half-hearted protest.
“Mate, living in times like this is risky.” James snorted. Left unspoken was that they specifically were in danger because of Harry. Not that Sirius would ever wish his beautiful, beloved godson away.
That reminded him. “I think you should go for the Fidelius,” he said abruptly.
“What?” James sounded completely bewildered.
“You really think so?” Lily asked with narrowed eyes. “Why so suddenly?”
Sirius thought about the sudden surge of panic and terror and the goosebumps that had risen right before he’d come into the Potters’ flat. He thought about trying to explain his panic attack, and winced mentally.
“I just think,” he swallowed. “It’ll be safer. For you both. And for Harry.”
Cheap shot, but Harry’s safety would be what convinced them. Their own safety mattered a lot less.
Lily still looked unconvinced, but James bit his lip in thought. “Maybe you’re right,” he conceded. “I’m getting tired of moving around, at any rate. I want Harry to have a home.”
“James are you sure?” Lily asked.
“I don’t know – we’ll have to talk to Dumbledore again,” he said. “Think about it a bit more. But Padfoot – you’re right. After Dorcas and Victor…”
Sirius flinched. James looked apologetic. Lily passed Harry to James and came to Sirius to put her arms around him. He leaned into them.
He and Victor Vance had had a bit of on-and-off thing. They’d been off when Victor had been murdered with his sister-in-law Dorcas Meadowes, but that hadn’t reduced the pain of it much. Or at all.
“But the Fidelius is risky,” Lily said frowning, leaning her head on Sirius’ shoulder. The weight was comforting. “You know – no other wards can be put up, single point of failure, can’t go out through Apparition or Floo or Portkey—”
“Less risky than this,” Sirius muttered. He thought about the feeling of being followed and had a full body shudder. Lily frowned, likely feeling that. He hurried on, “If we pick someone we definitely trust, like Dumbledore—”
“I don’t want Dumbledore as Secret Keeper,” Lily interrupted. Both the men stared at her.
“What? Why?” James asked incredulously. Of the three of them, having grown up in a liberal pureblood house, he was the most faithful in the aged headmaster. Which wasn’t to say the other two didn’t trust him. Which was probably why Lily looked uncomfortable.
“I just—I don’t—” She let out a frustrated breath, obviously unable to articulate it.
“What is it, Lil?” Sirius asked, frowning.
“Dumbledore’s a general,” she said finally. “Our general. And… His priority is winning the war. And that was ours too, when we joined. But now…”
“Harry,” both Sirius and James said at the same time.
“You think he’ll – what, betray you guys because it’d be the better option?” Sirius frowned.
Lily hesitated. “I don’t think he’d betray us.” There was an uncomfortable pause. “But I’d still prefer the Secret Keeper be – if we’re actually, truly doing this – someone who loves us. Someone whose topmost priority is Harry too.”
“You have a point,” James said. He sighed. “On both counts, honestly.”
Sirius didn’t say anything for a moment. “Yeah,” he sighed. “Maybe the Fidelius is a stupid idea. Maybe we can get you some sort of a permanent safe house or something.”
Lily kissed his cheek. “We’ll think of something,” she promised. “For now, though…” She strode to the chest on the table, pulling it open and taking out two vials. “We have some last-minute shopping to do!”
Sirius had to grin at the sudden mood switch and the eagerness in Lily’s voice.
James stared mournfully at the potion. “Do we have to use Polyjuice?” He complained. “I hate the stuff.”
“You’re taking enough of a risk even without it, Prongs,” Sirius scolded.
“The point we’ve reached where Sirius is the cautious one,” Lily sighed, shaking her head. “This is pathetically sad.”
“I can be cautious,” James said in a mock offended voice at the same time as when Sirius said: “Fuck off, Evans.”
James made a face as he downed the Polyjuice. He became shorter and thinner, his hair turned blond and his face grew plumper. Lily grew taller, her hair shooting upwards towards her chin and turning black.
“Wow,” she said. “That never gets old.”
“I disagree,” James shuddered. “That shit got old the first time.”
“James!” Lily scolded. “Don’t swear in front of Harry!” When Sirius snickered, she rounded on him. “And you, Sirius, if you manage to get a swear word as his first one, I will kill you.”
Sirius held his hands up in defeat, grinning brazenly. “Hey, no plans on that, Lily.” She rolled her eyes fondly at him, while James leaned in to kiss her to pacify her the way he did whenever Sirius managed to annoy her – which was ridiculously often.  
“It’s so weird kissing you like this, James,” Lily laughed as they broke apart. “You’re so – different.”
“I’m sure I’m as handsome as ever,” James said arrogantly, running a hand through his hair, which looked much weirder when it was straight and actually lay flat.
“And there’s the arrogant prat I love,” Lily said, leaning up to kiss him again. Despite their completely changed outward appearances, they kissed exactly the same – Lily tilting her chin, James holding the back of her head. And they just: fit. Like always.
Before they forgot his existence – the way they used to all the time in seventh year once they started dating – Sirius made loud gagging noises. They broke apart, looking half amused, half annoyed.
“Thank you Padfoot.” Lily drawled.
“Yeah, we’re going now, alright.” James rolled his eyes.
“You’re welcome, see you later rather than sooner, leave me some time with my godson!” Sirius said back cheerfully. Lily stuck her tongue out at him as she headed out, and James flipped him off before wrapping his arm around Lily’s waist.
As soon as the door closed behind the couple, Sirius bounced Harry. “Now what should we do Harry?” He wondered aloud.
Harry gurgled.
He nodded seriously. “I see. Do you want to do something that’ll piss your parents off just a bit, or something that’ll make them really, really mad?”
Harry made a ga-ga-goo sound, and Sirius nearly had a heart attack thinking he was about to speak. He really didn’t want James and Lily to miss that. Also, at the same time, he remembered being there when Harry first stood in his crib with shaky legs, and crying from joy. Then Harry silenced at himself, and gave a toothless smile.
“Bad boy,” he scolded. “Scaring me like that.” He bopped his nose gently.
Harry grabbed Sirius’ finger.
“We’re like that, hmm? See what you’ve done now,” he tutted. “No fun for you. We’re going to have a nice, boring night like your parents want.”
Was it Sirius’ imagination or was the baby pouting?
No way. Harry was only five months. It was a miracle he could even stand, even just only with support. He definitely couldn’t understand what Sirius was saying.
“Alright, alright,” he sighed exaggeratedly. “We’ll do what you want. I swear, kiddo, you’re going to be a total nightmare when you grow up.”
Harry giggled. It reminded him of Lily’s – which Sirius hadn’t heard since before they’d gotten to know about the prophecy.
He thought about Voldemort wanting this beautiful, adorable, incredible, the bundle-of-joy, the light in all their lives dead. His head ran through the Fidelius, all the protective charms he knew, ways to get the Potters out of the country and all the safehouses he knew about. Panic began to coil in his chest again.
Sirius breathed, held him close and kissed his head, smoothing the black hair down.
“You’re going to be fine, Harry.” He whispered to his godson, “I swear.”
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  “It’s so odd seeing the Alley like this,” Lily said, frowning.
“Yeah, I know,” James looked troubled. “I really, really hope this gets resolved soon.” Without Harry’s involvement, went unsaid.
“You reckon Harry will like this?” Lily asked, trying to get off the topic. But that was ridiculously hard to do, these days. Everywhere, every time, this was the subject everyone wanted to discuss. Even James’ once happy-go-lucky best friend was now perturbed and traumatized. She sighed, thinking of Sirius, remembering the way he’d shuddered against her and clung to her when they’d discussed the Fidelius. She’d have to find a way to cheer him up.
Maybe invite some of the Order once she and James and Harry shifted to a bigger place next time? Harry was due a playdate with Neville anyway.
“—hope he has better taste than this,” James was saying. He paused, considering her with soft eyes. “What’re you thinking about with such focus, love?” He batted his eyelashes at her. “Really hope it’s me and not some other bloke.”
Lily laughed. “No, I was just thinking about Caradoc,” she said mock seriously. “Have you seen those muscles – and his eyes are absolutely dreamy—”
James swung her up to kiss her again. She thought she’d never tire of this. Some pleasures, no matter how oft experienced, felt like the first time every time, and this was one of those.
“Yeah?” He asked breathily. “Well, by the time I’m done with you, Lily Evans Potter, you’re not going to be thinking of another man in that context ever again.”
She shivered despite herself. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Potter,” she said teasingly.
“Never do,” his eyes twinkled. “And even if I did, I assure you this one I have every intention to keep.”
“Ah, young love,” The shopkeeper said. “We’re having a discount for the Christmas-Yule-Hanukkah-New Year season,” He elaborated. Probably because of lack of business, due to the atmosphere of the war. “What are you looking for?”
“Just gifts in general for friends,” Lily replied. She passed the few things she and James had collected from the shop. “Ring these for us, please.”
“And something for our son. He’s only a few months old,” James added. “But he can already stand with support and make comprehensible noises,” he said with the dad-pride air he had about him every time he talked about Harry and which made Lily want to snog the breath out of him.
“Congratulations! He sounds wonderful,” the shopkeeper grinned.
“Also, where’s Madam Dunning?” James asked. “She’s usually around here whenever I come to shop.”
The shopkeeper grimaced. “She… hasn’t come to work in two weeks.” The implication was obvious. James’s eyes darkened.
“I’m so sorry,” Lily gave her condolences softly. “We’ll just take a moment.”
“Of course.”
“James,” she said, putting her hand on his cheek as she stood against the wall right outside. It was dark enough that she felt confident nobody would see them. Last minute shoppers were still around, though much less than what she thought would have been the number if it weren’t for the war. No one lingered. “James. Love. Can you hear me?”
James shook his head, sighing. “Yeah. ‘Course, Lil.” He grabbed her hand. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not,” she said. “And that’s okay.”
James let out his breath shakily, leaning in to press his forehead against hers. “I think I want to get those packages from Wiseacre’s and go home.”
Lily nodded, despite this being their only night out for the foreseeable future. “Alright. I haven’t got you a present though,” she added with realization.
“All I want for Christmas, I already have,” James whispered, eyes soft. “You and Harry. And Sirius and Peter and Remus.”
“I think we needed a reminder of that,” Lily said quietly.
“Yeah.” James agreed. “I love you, Lily. Every day more than the day before. You, Harry, our family is worth everything.”
“You’re what I’m fighting for. You’re the meaning to it all, for me. I love you too. Happy Christmas, James.”
“Happy Christmas, Lily.”
And as midnight rang out, they kissed.
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cak31ssuperi04 · 9 months
💔 🎮 🍿
Hi Anon <3
💔 Least favorite movie?
Puppy Chase sucks so much. Perhaps it was the price we had to pay for Star Light Adventure being so good but that doesn't mean I'm going to be happy about it. There's so much to complain about with the frustrating plot and the racism and how badly they did Barbie and the ending but also why is the animation so flat compared to SLA and even(even more egregiously maybe since it's a sequel, sort of,) Great Puppy Adventure? How do we go immediately from the most gorgeous barbie animation to this? They couldn't have dropped the ball harder. Not even the animators cared about this movie.
🎮 Have you played any Barbie c computer/video games?
I have CD- ROMs of Barbie Beauty Boutique and Team Gymnastics that I picked up from the goodwill. I also watched playthroughs of the GBA and PC Barbie Diaries games but I don't think that counts.
🍿 Favorite movie?
Magic of Pegasus! It sets up such an interesting and beautiful world and I would've loved to see more of it(Not that I want a sequel, because I don't. But some bits like the Cloud Kingdom and the story of the dude who turned into ash? There's lore.) I love the cloud kingdom and Rayla, and the cloud painters are such great concepts it gets points just for them. The main trio are great characters and some of my personal favorites across the whole barbie franchise and, slightly more controversially, Shiver is my daughter too. Annika and Aidan are the barbie power couple of all time. Love the themes of hope and perseverance and second chances and how it's presented in each character. I love the adventure itself, and also how seriously the movie treats itself at times(by kids' movie standards, I guess). Its usage of classical music is immaculate. The outfits are great. Something about the wand becoming the "first star you see at night" just gets me so bad whenever I think about it and I'll never be over it. Wish we got more ice-skating barbie movies tbh.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Hi, Kleo. I'd like to request a personal reading for your Love is a Battlefield spread, please
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of my readers personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: @xocupid
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Love is a Battlefield
Shining Armour (Their defence tactics)
Excalibur (Their contra attack tactics)
Achilles Heel (Their weak spot)
Abracadabra (The spell to crack their resistance)
Waterloo (How to defeat them)
Masterpost: Personal Readings Master Post
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
@xocupid - Love is a Battlefield
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Love is a Battlefield
Shining Armour (Your defence tactics) - 10 of Pentacles
You’re not very likely to actually fight falling in love when it occurs. The only thing that could actually put you off is, if dating someone would jeopardise your family or break your family traditions. If your love interest is a person who wouldn’t respect your background and customs, you would find that a major obstacle.
Excalibur (Your counter attack tactics) - 4 of Swords
When you have expressed your opinion and the person keeps on nagging you, you might feel like ignoring them and just carry on with your life. You hope they will lose interest. You’re not really the type to go into conflict or to try to put someone off with sabotage or something like that.
Achilles Heel (Your weak spot) - 8 of Wands
Surprises or direct approach can be your weakness. If your love interest starts with grand gestures, you might feel overwhelmed, which can weaken your determination.
Abracadabra (The spell to crack your resistance) - 2 of Cups
Unconditional love and understanding is the way to your heart. Your love interest has to understand and start to respect you on a deeper level, they have to accept you with everything about you, not only some aspects, expecting you will change for them. You know you deserve to be loved the way you are and so your love interest will only win your heart, if they are capable of such love.
Waterloo (How to defeat you) - XIII The Death
The complete change of their attitude and tuning in with you is the only way for you to fall in love with your love interest. They have to transform their way of thinking to be aligned with yours or at least they need to start respecting you and consider you equal to them. If they are able to do so, they have deserved your love in your eyes.
Please note that I have basically no information about you. Your Tumblr page contains very little to pick up so this was really a completely blind reading and for a very specific situation. Take what resonates with you and dismiss the rest.
Thank you for reading!
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Any Feedback is Welcomed ✅
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
Hi!! I'm sorry for the late reply, I've had a really busy week! I have these really important exams coming up in about 10 days and I've always been a last minute preparation kinda person, it's worked wonderfully for me all my life. But then I found out that I have another set of exams coming up in a couple of days and now I have like 10 different papers I need to prepare for and honestly, I don't think I'm going to be making it in any of them 😭😭
The compass emoji looks really pretty, so I think I'll pick this! - 🧭
Also, I've got another fmk for you! Barty crouch Jr as mad eye moody, Cornelius fudge, and Mr. Ollivander!
I really liked the Robin matchup you did, the blurb was really, really cute!!
Hope you have a great day! 🧭
YOU'RE SO EVIL FOR THIS SKDFJHDSK i thought the last one was hard,,,
fuck: barty crouch jr. as mad eye moody -> he's so gross as barty crouch (his tongue thing *shudders*) but if i squint maybe mad eye moody could be a dilf? if you ignore the fact that this version of him is actually a death eater?
marry: ollivander -> wands are so expensive bruh and ollivander's been running his shop for decades so he's gotta be loaded. ((sugar daddy??)) i could be his trophy wife. plus, i'd imagine he gets coupons or family+friends discounts from all the local shops
kill: cornelius fudge -> i fucking hate corrupt politicians and i hate the ministry of magic and i hate the government and the man just gets on my nerves plus he was also like so useless nobody would miss him. at least barty crouch as mad eye moody taught harry how to resist mind control. ollivander sold wands. what did fudge do? he sat in his cushy little office like "if i close my eyes and cover my ears voldemort will not return" sdkjfs
anyway i hope exams and all that are going okay! i think we're literally the same person though, i've always been a procrastinator and it's worked out fine for me but like now i've got an essay that was due 4 weeks ago still unwritten and i'm going to that class tomorrow... i've got a math test, upcoming presentation.... etc etc-- yikes. we've got this though!!
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 👰🏽‍♀️- June 2022 - Sagittarius
Overall energy: 10 Cups rev
How you will meet: The World
How they will treat you: 7 Wands
Long-term Potential: 7 Pentacles
This is an ex, someone you’ve left before. In this read you seem like the bad guy here, you love to fk with this person’s head, in almost a sadistic sort of way. Idk who I’m picking up on, but the energy is not good. The reading aims at it being you, so I’ll read it that way, and if it’s switched then you know your story. In the past you’ve left this person behind, and you were fine with that, you weren’t happy and you felt secure & confident on your own.
How you re-meet them is after it’s already over, and there is no communication whatsoever, the ties are completely cut and the bridge set aflame from the energy I’m getting, so I’m really not sure how you two come back into contact. They seem to want to reconnect, could be them messaging. They’re very defensive towards you, they feel they need to stand their ground or prove a point, honestly I think that’s on purpose because you like to make this person feel that way. You screw with their head, push their buttons, poke and prod and instigate. This energy...😨
Future potential is more of the same. You’re waiting for your opportunity to lie, twist words, manipulate and mind ninja this person in the most cruel and mentally fkd up way. You derive pleasure from upsetting other people. I feel like I need to take a bath in sage now. I hope this person bolts for the hills.
If it’s switched and it very may well be, run away 💯
Messages -
Your side:
- Sibling drama
- I want to have my cake & eat it too 🍰
Their side:
- Soothing Presence
- I just want to START OVER!
Signs you may be dealing with:
Everything except Cancer, could be any sign
Overall energy: 2 Cups
Current: King of Cups
Challenge: Page of Wands
Potential: The Hanged Man rev
I don’t know why Spirit is coming for Sag this month, but they are. You’re getting the blame for this whole relationship situation you’re in, the singles’ got the same thing (different story). Your person is being shown as someone that loves you, could be a great deal older than you, possibly a water sign, and is emotionally mature. You’re coming up (I’m sorry) as incredibly immature, spontaneous, exciting, foolish, passionate, over-emotional, tantruming and kinda destructive. Mostly focused on money and your messages say you don’t even know what love is, this could be your first relationship. The dynamic is kind of squeamish to me, if the age difference itself isn’t a lot then the maturity definitely is, so much that I wonder what you two even have in common.
This person pulled away from you and is staying to themselves, they feel you’re emotional and “drama”, and they’re moving away from it. They love you, but you’re too much for them at times. The challenge is you, having to face this very difficult situation you’ve created with 9 Wands, which you’re acting like you don’t want to face any of that, you just want a new opportunity with this person. It sounds like they’re holding you accountable for any actions you’ve taken. A big part of your reason for wanting this is financially related, which this person may or may not know. You want to come back around but you’re facing 10 Swords. Either you’re being held accountable for what you’ve messed up here, before they’re willing to reconcile and end this cycle, or this person is flat out denying a reconciliation because they’ve been in The Hermit energy and have looked very closely at the dynamic between you, and feel there’s no use and this needs to end for good. Or they’re not ready to deal with you.
Their messages are positive and there is love here, most of you will be reconciling. There’s at least one person that won’t though, and it has everything to do with fiery & over-dramatic or destructive behavior, they’re not interested. This connection is literally fire 🔥 and water 💧 and effort is needed to bridge the gap of differences in behaviors & expectations.
Messages -
Your side:
- I don’t know what love is
- $$$
Their side:
- I love to surprise you
- Forever young
Oracles -
Your side: The Other Side is your real Home, and it’s possible that you will feel a form of homesickness while in this life.
Their side: If someone or something has hurt you, let God and the universe take care of it.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Water is strong here, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces & Virgo the most
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victorluvsalice · 5 years
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And ascend to SPELLCASTERS! EMMETT BROWN, TECHNO-WITCH IS REBORN! :D Aaand promptly spent his first hour as said techno-witch scouring the bookshelves for good tomes along with his wife. Came up with a familiar orb of the Skull (two, in fact -- they both got one), but no books, meh. So I figured I’d send him to Caster Alley instead to get some wands and stuff!
. . .Wand stall closed shortly after he got there. *grumbles* At least I was able to get him a broom. Namely because the astral projection of Caleb Vatore never sleeps. Because, you know, vampire. XD And I got another look at the cool scenery in this world -- seriously, those torn-apart houses are the best. Really add to the feel that this world was saved JUST from the brink of destruction. Lovely. :)
And after that, I just had them practice magic and experiment with the cauldron until they had to head home to grab some sleep. Of the two, Nikal’s the only one with a spell right now -- Repairio! Instantly repairs broken objects and upgrades the quality of crafted ones. . .unless it fails, in which case it will set things on fire. We’ll, uh, see what Nikal manages in the next episode. ^^; Maybe we shouldn’t muck around with that spell until we know Chillio. . .
Anyway! Tomorrow, back to wo -- oh, wait, no! Tomorrow’s Spookfest! I made that a holiday! Okay, yeah, next week -- early Halloween for my two freshly witchified Sims! This should be fun. :)
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