#and also his LOOK I'M A VILLAIN cape
zecoritheweirdone · 4 months
so i saw this old-ish post about an au centering around a villain lewis and a hero arthur,,, and i. may have gotten attached to it,, dkdndkdjs. so i decided to make some edits + doodles based on it!! i also really wanna make a lil oneshot about it as well,, but uh... whether or not i actually follow through on that, we'll see,, skdjsojdks.
edit: good news, gang,, i wrote the fic!!
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corkinavoid · 27 days
DPxDC Glass Coffin
Weirder shit has happened in DC universe, but hear me out, Young Justice finds a glass coffin with Danny sleeping inside it. Maybe it's in some ancient tomb and hidden away for centuries, maybe it's in some villain's private collection of artifacts, maybe it's in some museum in plain sight.
And then Kon hears a heartbeat from it.
(I'm going with the version of YJ that is Kon, Tim, Cassie, and Bart here, fyi)
Assuming they didn't come to wherever they found the coffin just for the sake of it, they, as the responsible teenagers they are, finish their business first and take it to Mount Justice later to figure out what the fuck. Meanwhile, Danny is sleeping peacefully like a princess, all up in his King garb, with the Crown of stars, cape of night sky, and whatever else pretty stuff you want him to have. Point is, he looks majestic.
Tim looks up the records for the coffin. The files say it's hundreds of years old, and no one has been able to open it yet. The boy inside is stated to be either a statue or some kind of really well-preserved corpse - no amount of scanning registered any signs of life, so it was treated like a piece of art for the most part.
Yet, Con is absolutely positive he heard a heartbeat inside. What's more, he can still hear it now. It's impossibly slow but still recognizable.
Cassie finds a whole lot of legends about it, most of them speaking of 'only those from the other side can open the casket', and there are no clarifications to what kind of other side they are all talking about.
Of course, they all try. Because this is some kind of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty shit, and besides, none of them even think they would be able to open it anyway. And, sure, as soon as they are done having fun with it, they will report to the JL about their finding. Maybe the magic users will know something about the weird Sleeping Prince. They even go as far as to reason with the casket, loudly proclaiming where they are from, because they all come from very different 'sides'.
Bart goes first, explaining how he is from the future. The casket doesn't budge. Cassie goes next, stating herself as Themyskirian, but to no avail. Kon is next, with his half-Kryptonian heritage, but the glass coffin doesn't accept him as worthy either.
And then it's Tim's turn. And somehow, he flips the glass lid open with no effort at all.
A moment of silence follows, all the YJ members frozen in place, waiting for anything to happen, but the boy inside keeps just laying there, unmoving and with his eyes closed. Then Cassie makes a joke about kissing the princess to wake her up, and all of them start arguing on ethics and stuff because why is Robin the one that has to do the kissing, do you have any idea where that boy has been? Fuck off, you kiss him if you want it, and also, do you really want him to wake up, what if he is some kind of villain or an evil spirit, or-
"Which one of you assholes is dead enough to wake me up from my nap?"
And that's as far as I got with this idea. Maybe Danny was put into some magic sleep, maybe it was Clockwork's time shenanigans, maybe someone locked him inside and he decided to sleep it off, maybe he is there on his own volition, taking a vacation from Kingly duties.
I'm just having this vision of eternally beautiful Danny in a glass (oh, maybe it's not glass, maybe it's ice) coffin, and the YJ arguing over it. There's also Dead Tired potential here, because I love them, yes.
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oflorelei · 3 months
My Problem is:
That it's a let down. Listen I am not mad or horrible dissapointed over that Radahn is there (although sigh i wished we would have gotten that Age of Abundance/Compassion man). I am not mad that he is apparently a puppets and that miquella is apparently the villain from the shadows. I'm mad that they hyped this DLC up so hard, using Miquella's character, which they know to be shrouded in mystery and HYPE, made it appear that we may have the chance to join him/get betrayed by him, made people belief he SPECIFALLY seeks out the tarnished or multiple tarnished at once (to help him?)- that he is the central figure of this DLC when he is not. And thats not an underestimation.
Miquella, most fearsome of the Empyreans, the 'father' of the Halligtree, beloved by near all, who "[...]wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. (There is nothing more terrifying.)" - does not even have his own bossfight.
No, he is basically just a cape for a boss we already fought to a DLC that costs 40€. He is in the promotion arc, he is said to be a central figure, he is said to be the fearsome empyrean of all. One thing he isnt? Apparently worth the time of day.
I am ok with Miquella being turned into a villain, I am not ok with Miquella being turned into a joke.
There were so so many roads they could have taken with him, he was PROMISING in every regard.
Want to make him a Villain? Fine the reason can be:
=> Manipulation/Enchanting for people to love him (to ensure someone will always look out for him)
-not absolutely evil per say- and it makes sense that someone who is stuck in the body of a child might want to count on many people rather then one person to protect them = it is his weapon to wield affection
- still takes away free will, even consent to some degree
=> Formless mothers influence
- do i even need to explain this one lmao
- already thousands of theories before this DLC thought that miquella might have been negatively influenced by her- especially when so many things in this Game revolve around blood and the power of it
=> "for the greater good" ahh ending
- 'the means justify the end' mentality (maybe even allign with the manipulation and enchanting)
-would be a similar situation to ranni and could mirror it- not the best but also not horrible
=> St. Trina is Miquella's Radagon
- Miquella splitting slowly with the golden order & turning his back to the easier path & planning behind the shadows to change how Things have been? Yeah maybe St. Trina could have been to Miquella what Radagon was to Marika (a guard dog, keeping her checked (sry but i genuinely believe Radagon returned bc Marika started to stray)).
-could also have explored how marika had to deal with it & her relationship to her other self => player could maybe decide who they wished to serve
=> the curse drives mad
- being stuck in the body of a child when you are a grown adult mentally is pure eldritch horror imo, it is not only physically but chances are high it could cause deeper psychological issues
- when grief drove marika mad it can drive miquella mad to that despite everything he does, being so prodigal, does not help and helplessness of it all too
- bc no one can help and no one can understand him
- he is stuck in a body that is his, and yet its the body of a past him, something he should have outgrown, something that belongs to the past- and (IMO) he can not fight truly in his body, not even to defend himself- having to constantly rely on people for your protection when you are an incredible independent creature? Horrible
- while not the most climatic- would it be truly unthinkable that miquella maybe just..gave up? That it drove him mad with grief to realize he spends his life searching for a cure that might not even exist?
- again thats more then a 'what if' then realistic like the rest of the list but i just love the horror adult mind child body
Want to make him a good guy? Fine the reason can be:
=> He is described so. He knew that he would be the next god & took responsibility.
- Miquella created the Haligtree, feed by his OWN blood (which takes far longer and more energy then just using bodies) or all that are rejected by the golden order, he is compassionate & kind. He is protective and by gods above he does want to help, he does break away from the golden order when he realizes they are not what they seem
-With ranni not wanting to become the successor and Malenia cursed with the rot it only leaves Miquella open, he would have been aware of it
- He is already a 'big' brother, caring for malenia, caring for all who were considered Misfits such as the Albinauric & Misbegotten, providing a sanctuary and hope
- Miquella is described as kind, as compassionate someone who basically does wish to bring a change and is ready to self sacrifice for the better
There are many more but guys im so so tired and need to nap. In short: its incredible to me how you can make a Character that had potential for all possible sides (good, evil, inbetween) so bland, his arc and journey feel like white toastbread, his relationship to his beloved sister malenia seems fake, he doesnt appear to be an adult trapped in a body of a child but as simply put an idiot who is all about "me me me me" & then doesnt even get a bossfight.
Im not mad it was written, i am made there was zero thought or reasoning put behind it, when there were so so many options to make it good. Its sorta fascinating that somehow no one likes this ending, not the Radahn Fans, Nor the Miquella or Malenia Fans..idk man. Having feelings about this.
Also im really bummed we didnt get a cutscene were the tarnished touches Miquella's arm to travel like- man.
Also sorry for the grammar/spelling or maybe even logic errors i just needed to vent ngl
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serxinns · 2 months
I was wondering if you could do one with a Child Y/n where they get kidnapped by the league of Villains and class 1-A and some heroes like hawks, Midnight, Eraser-head, go and save them? And since Y/n will be a child, I would kindly ask all relationships between everyone to be completely platonic.
Sorry if this takes up too much of your time! And remember to take care of yourself
Ofc! Honestly love these types of tropes!
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"Ahhh someone save me!" Eri dramatically said as she fell to her knees as the toy Dino roared in terror, "Don't worry I'm here!" As you jumped in front of the Dino with a red cape and a toy sword you swished your sword at the dino and it roared in terror once more you swished it a few times until it was down on the ground, "Yay y/n your my hero!" She cheered as she tackled you with a hug as you both giggled "That was fun big sis! You wanna play another game!?"
Eri thought about it for a second and excitedly nodded she loved playing with you, she felt like she wasn't the only kid here! Ever since Aizawa took you in at 1st she was a bit jealous thinking you were gonna take all the attention from her but realized that wasn't your intention the way you would always offer your toys, the way you broke a piece of a snack and shared it to her, the both of you quickly bonded over time
But ever since aizawa gave her the task of: "being a big sister and always protect each other no matter what," those words were craved deep into her mind and became a new Goal in her life and it was to be your protector!
"Let's hide and seek!" You said jumping up and down in excitement "Eri nodded "ok you go hide somewhere! I count!" You quickly nodded as she turned around and started counting "1...2...3....4" You looked around trying to find anywhere to hide but there wasn't any hiding spot fitting your expectations,
you then started to panic realizing Eri was halfway finished with her counting, you then looked over to the door you knew Mr grumpy (aizawa) told you that you were allowed to go out until He protested any of his classmates were there to pick you up two up, but you really wanted to win so you quietly opened the door looking back to see if eri heard but she kept counting you quick shut the door and dashed off to find a new hiding spot,
"17...18..19...20!" Eri excitedly looked around trying to find you she looked in the toybox, behind the giant stuffed bear in the corner, behind the books on shelves, and even behind the couch, the longer she tried finding you in the room the more worried she got..she tore up the once tidy room with toys and books all over the floor she frantically tried thinking where on earth could you be hiding then she realized...
You went out out the door...
You giggled as you tiptoed across the school hall looking everywhere for a hiding spot you spotted a bathroom nearby you giggled mischievously and went inside you plopped slowly into the stall shut the door and stood on the toilet Seat making sure nobody would know you were there, you then waited confidently thinking about your victory in your favorite game! that was until you heard an explosion followed by students screaming in terror and fear
"Attention students we are having a lockdown this not a drill get to a safe place and lock your classroom doors"
You froze in fear you desperately tried to open the door but you were too scared and small you then curled up on the toilet seat and started crying out for Mr grumpy or any one of his classmates to save you...
Aizawa was running past the panicked students calling out your name, Eri came into the class crying and blabbing stuff the class tried calming her down her making her slow down so she could speak Cleary and also noticing you weren't with her like you normally would "Eri what's wrong wheres y/n?"That made her cried loudly frantically pulling the green hairs shirt out the door pointing
"they *hic* w-went o-out...while we *sniff* were playing and I-I tried looking for them but they weren't there!" She then broke down in sobs repeatedly saying sorry to everyone they looked down at her sorrow and pity Mina picked up the crying girl trying to soothe her while others like Hakagure, ojiro, Koda, and Tokoyami all surrounded her reassuring her it wasn't her fault Aizawa then quickly told half of his students to go looking for you while the others stay and comfort eri
It felt like hours in the bathroom you wanted to come out but were scared a villain would come to you there you were curled up, shivering and crying helplessly in the bathroom.. until you heard some footsteps and giggles you froze quickly covering your mouth you shut your eyes tightly afraid of what happening next...
"Y/N!?" Aizawa ran down the hallways frantically looking in all directions destroying each classroom thinking of the worst possible scenarios, izuku, ochako, tsuyu, momo ,todoroki and kids were calling, cooing, and offering you our favorite things desperately trying to come out while Bakugo was making empty threats telling you to come out to hide his worried voice demanding kiri, sero,mina,Denki, and Jiro to look faster
Present mic and midnight were also searching for you midnight gently cooing at you to come out while Hizashi was making corny jokes that would make you laugh atleast to let him know where you are but no progress was made so far
Where on earth could you be?
Toga was skipping across the hallway humming her favorite tune as she passed a bunch of unconscious and injured students passed out she was bummed that she couldn't kill them due to Shigaraki's Orders but she was lucky to have all their blood for later! After she collected blood from a girl with a fire-breathing quirk she skipped along the halls for her next victim until she heard a sniffle in the bathroom
She stopped humming for a moment to make sure he heard again and there was another sniffle and a whimper she smiled wickedly "Is it another student with yummy blood?" She thought as she carefully sneaked into the restroom. She carefully opened each stall reaching the middle one she heard the sniffling in there she gently tried opening the stall but it was locked "G-Go away evil villian! I-ill use my quirk on you.."
Toga peaked through the stall seeing you holding out ur hand as if you were about to activate it she giggled softly "Hey now im not gonna hurt ya pinky promise!" you thought about it for a moment a pinkie promised is a very strong trust and the girl seems nice... you hesitated for a moment and decided to unlock the stall door it slowly creaked open revealing a blonde-haired girl with space buns with a beige school uniform, smiling at you revealing her sharp fangs
"S-she doesn't look that scary," you thought as the two of you stared at each other for a while Toga was restraining herself from wanting to scoop you up and hug you so tight! You were just so small and cute that you barely passed half her leg, "come on you wanna come with me?" She turned her body around and crouched on one knee as she offered you a piggyback ride, you nodded excitedly as you climbed onto her she lifted herself up "Hold on!" As she dashed across the hallway turning left and right trying to look for her crew
After a few minutes of running, she spotted Kurogiri and Shigaraki "Ugh finally your ba- toga why is that a child on your back" shigarkai said starting irritatedly at you while you stick your tongue out "I found this little one in the bathroom stall all scared then I decided to keep it!" Shigaraki and kurogiri stared in silent as they watched Toga pinched and played with your cheeks while you were pushing her away puffing your cheeks up in anger
"That was when a raging Aizawa came crashing down the hallway and in his horror seeing you on the villain's back surrounded by the villains "y/n..." he stared in disbelief Shigaraki took notice of this and smiled maniacally "Hi Mr grumpy!" You said lazily yawning in the process "awwww they're all tuckered out" Toga giggled as she pinched your cheeks
"Matter a fact.. this child will be useful for us.." Shigaraki then held your sleeping forming on the shoulder "Kurogiri teleport us outta here.." "NO!!" Aizawa eyes glow red as he tries to use his capture weapon but flames block his path the other classmates hear the commotion and run to their teacher's side "Y/N SAN!!" izuku runs towards the flames green veins covering his whole body Just when he launched towards the group of villains they disappeared in the portal with you...
Everyone else watched the scene in disbelief Mina formed tears in her eyes as everyone else just stood there stunned about what just happened
Your eyes slowly started to open as you were covered with a rabbit print blanket and laying on a slightly worn-out mattress you looked around to see that you were I'm a dimly lit room with a crappy but surprisedly worked nightlight and a stuffed plushie right beside you
You then opened the door to see the blonde girl skipping towards you with a man in a full-body suit "Hey you're awake!" She said excitingly with the man still observing you "Did you enjoy your nap? Little one" the masked man said "W-Where am I? Where's grumpy man" Toga giggled at your fear
"Why ur in the league of villain base kid you didn't realize that sooner?" Dabi nonchalantly said already irritated with your presence "Dabi! Don't be so mean! They only a kid" she said glaring at the male as dabi rolled his eyes "why we are the league or villians not the league of a fucking daycare what does Shigarak want us to do with a smelly brat anyway"
"hey, I'm not smelly you are you purple man!" You protested "You better watch that tongue kid before you turn to ash" he then glared at the kid twice and Toga snickered "Aren't you already about to turn?" Thats when both Toga and Twice start busting out laughing and which Cleary pissed Dabi right off luckily if it wasn't for Twice holding him back
Shigaraki watched the chaos unfold while Kurogiri got him another drink he requested There was an awkward silence between the two until Kurogiri spoke up "So what are we gonna do with the child?" Shigaraki thought for a moment about Kurogiri's answer and spoke up "I don't know yet but it seems like the heroes seem to take a liking to this brat do we just use them as bait for now" Kurogiri hummed as he was making his master another drink
Suddenly out of nowhere, your quirk activated making Dabi fly across the room landing on a wall with a harsh thud all the league members stood silent at the scene "Take that, you stupid burnt man!" You shouted in victory, "Hmmm Kurogiri changed of plans I think I gotta better idea.." Kurogiri hummed in amusement "I think we're gonna keep them.." Shigaraki said with a wicked grin as Toga and twice cheered in the background and Dabi groaned in pain in response
During the days your stay with the LOV, it's been fun but chaotic, to be honest, Toga would show you all sorts of knives in her collection and the type of blood there is she entertains you by drinking their blood and switching into some of your classmates impersonating them making you laugh
While twice would give you piggyback rides throw you up in the air and clone himself throwing you around to his clones like a ball or playing hot potato Toga would occasionally join in with the two of you
At 1st dabi saw you as a little nuisance but the more he spent time with you the more "bonding" the two of you did he would annoy you by putting stuff out of your reach until you threw a tantrum, if you annoyed him too his breaking point he would just throw you to one of the members which earns a lecture from Toga or twice
but he would show a BIT of his soft side like when you were feeling homesick and cried he offered you a cigarette to ease down ur nerves ofc Kurogiri saw this and immediately took it away and gave you a lollipop but you were still sad so he just rubbed your head
Shigaraki and Spinner would play games and you would carefully watch them 1st they would push you away saying it's too inappropriate for you but they eventually give in since you always sneak behind them and watch Spinner would occasionally put you on his lap so you can see better and even give you gaming tips here and there even tho you won't remember
But for the heroes not so much Aizawa and the teachers have been searching day and night restlessly trying to look for any clues to your location Aizawa's eyes were forming dark circles around them, present mic wasn't as chipper as before and midnight was as bit more bitter all might was the only sane one for everyone's sake but he still misses your presence...
Class 1a wasn't really any better since they also became more gloomy they all blamed themselves for your kidnapping especially the dekusquad and the bakusquad izuku felt the worse since he thinks she should've worked faster to get to you but that doesnt mean they were determined they all thoughtof a plan and sneak out to go and rescue you themselves even if itngets them in trouble or worse expelled they just want you to be safe,
Eri on the other hand slowly started to get gloomy and lonely and regress mentally back to her old ways when she was with Kai, she would bite her nails until the point they were low enough that she would occasionally have nightmares and would cry to Aizawa or Mic which they'll soothe her reassuring it wasn't her fault but the guilt and shame keeps haunting her over and over again...
heck even Hawks and Miriko started to change for the worse Hawk has been avoiding his fans and fangirls to focus more on her work and has become more sassy to anyone he just wanted to find his little birdie while Miriko was more determined restless and furious to find those group of villains
As tried and exhausted they may all be but remained determined to find you they needed to find you they can't imagine what those disgueting villianw are putting in your small pure little head!
"I win!" Toga said as she put her candy avatar on the board and made it to the Candy Kingdom as well to celebrate with her, "No fair I was so close!!" You cross your arms and puff your cheeks out Shigaraki'a candy avatar right behind you "I would've won if I didn't have to spin again to get out of that shitty licorice jail" Shigaraki grumbled "I think I burnt my candy person" Dabi shrugged watching the plastic candy person melt with a shit-eating grin on his face
"What should we play next?" you said jumping excitedly while you were on twice lap "Uno maybe or snakes and ladders?" Shigaraki suggested, "What about guess who?" Spinner added another suggestion Toga was about to make a suggestion when they all heard a knock on the door the league all stared confused and a bit cautious to not move a muscle
"Who's at the doo-mhpm!" Twice hand covered your mouth and used his other to do a hush signal you tilted your head in confusion as all members were staring at the door intensely ready to tear and kill anything and Anyone thar to came passed that door everyone stood in silent as there was another knock again
The members looked at each other while Shigaraki look unamused
"Do they really think they can do that shitty trick agai-"
The wall was smashed open revealing pro heroes such as Endeavor, fatgum, hawks, Mount Lady, and Aizawa and a hoard of police officers on the ground surrounded the area it was a one-and-stare battle between the pros and the villains
Not even a few seconds everyone started going at it using their quirks to defeat them while Hawks quickly grabbed you in your arms and tried to fly you to safety but was stopped by an old friend "Where do you think you going with the brat birdbrain" Dabi threw a fireball at Keigo as he barely dodges it "taking this kid home where else?" Keigo said in a teasing yet serious tone while you were busy playing a single red feather
"The kid belongs to us now Keigo if you kindly just give them ba-" "Fat chance charcoal" the winged hero cut off his sentence now holding a large feather-like sword in his hand dabi shrugged and Dabi threw blue fireballs hawks quickly saw Aizawa and as he hate to do this but he cared more about your safety "ready to go to Mr cranky kid?" You nodded excitedly hawks smiled then yelled out to Aizawa as he threw you towards him
Aizawa quickly saw and used his capture weapon to grab you quickly and you were now back in his arms quickly checking for injuries "You ok kid?" "Yep! I had fun! With my new friends" His gaze softened at your bright smile "No kid, not new friends they're the bad guys in your class and Eri are your friends " "Nuh-uh! They're my new friends we played lots of games and I even learned a bunch of new things!"
You then rant about how much fun you had with the LOV as Aizawa nods pretending to hear but actually, he was a bit scared of villains as your friends? He was gonna have to do a meeting on keeping you extra safe with the teachers but for now, he's glad to have you back in his arms
You were then met with a bunch of shocked crying teenagers as you excitedly waved eri was the 1st to come up to you and tackled you down with a hug crying and saying she was sorry as you were confused as hell and wondering what she was talking about as your classmates alll lifted you crying and apologizing as well as you were still derided out by their sudden behavior tried to squirm out of their grip
They were glad to have you back they promised they were gonna work extra hard to keep protecting you no matter what they want the best for you even eri promised that she'll be even more careful and have eyes on you on the time as but you were an unpredictable child who touched the hearts of many hero's and villains
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
what would they look like as villains? I know that some have canonical versions, but I would like to see your intropritation (let's be honest, for most - the evil alterego is an exact copy, but only with a slightly modified color palette and frowning eyebrows)
(I'm sorry for my English)
oh, this was a wonderful ask to get on the eve of spooky month ;D im not god at villain (re)design but it was a fun thinking exercise! (also im assuming you were asking about HoMies xD so)
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I mean, there is only so much one can do to remake protagonists into villains and yet still have them remain recognizable, so no wonder evil!versions often are just recolor/frowny sort, but I tried my best to be creative ;D
(and your english is alright! no worries)
also while you can imagine them being as villanous as you want in these designs, there are some little blurbs/backstories i made up for myself as I tried to design them, if you are interested (they are various shades of dark, since you know, tragic backstory and all that lol):
Kim Possible - Hero for Hire turned Mercenary for Money - Kim is widely known for her profeciency in hand-to-hand and quick thinking when on the jobs, but one time something went terribly wrong. Maybe client info was unreliable, or a freak accident, but as the result both Kim and Ron got hurt, leaving Ron in a hospital permanently, and Kim with scars and trauma. After that the girl who worked on favors and rides lost her trust/belief in goodness of people, becoming jaded by reality of a job she accidently found herself in. Kim changed into someone very cold and calculated, someone who started taking jobs that required using serious weapons instead of gadgets, and more importantly getting paid, so she could support her best friend (who is in coma and thus unable to influence this downwards spiral Kim find herself in).
(in contrast to canon!Kim's free flowing hair, she ties it back in order to never be distracted in crucial moment. has a lot of new scars due to more dangerous jobs. i still cant decide if she kills with her weapons or not, but she certainly learned to hurt people. also a very complicated relationship with Shego, since Kim is also a mercenary now, but Shego still remembers that girl she was and is conflicted about this new Kim)
Danny Fenton/Phantom - Ghostly Hero turned Ice Prince - s3e6 Urban Jungle turned out differently, when in the end, defeating Undergrowth, meant also hurting everyone he had been connected to at that moment (level of hurt depends on your preference for angst i guess lol), but anyway, Danny horrified by what he have done (and with memory of Dan still haunting him), still technically unstable with his Ice Powers, flees back into the Ghost Zone to the one place he knows he won't be able to hurt anyone. Sequestering himself in the Far Frozen, he goes full Elsa, and become a remote Ice Prince, that even Far Frozen Yetis are still nervous around, with his only contact being Frostbite. Slowly he wastes away, freezing from his powers not only physically but also like emotionally.
(fun (?) tidbit: fur on his new snow cape/coat is from yetis, unfortunate to wander too close to ice prince. so there are a bunch of partially bald yetis in far frozen lol. Danny is constantly covered in bits of ice and frost, since his ice powers are unstable due to emotional damage. Danny's crown is not a conscious choice, but rather a manifestation of Far Frozen starting to bond with Danny's ice core to become his lair and also sort of recognizing Danny as future Ghost King.)
Jake Long - American Dragon Guardian turned Corrupted by Dark Magic Dragon - Series Finale The Hong Kong Longs, ended differently, when Dark Dragon left a parting shot before he was inprisoned for another Millennium. Since meeting Jake, Dark Dragon has been interested in aquiring him as minion/apprentice(?), and had been steadily trying to sway him to his side. But as he lost he made a last ditch attempt, infecting Jake with Dark Magic. As the result, Jake now cannot control his Dragon Form, being steadily consummed by the Darkness and turning more Draconic as time passes, until he will become full Dragon all the time and under the thrall of Darkness. The change is harsh and as the result Jake falls into violent moments during which he hurt his loved ones that fight to keep him from changing. In one of his more lucid moments, Jake flees to hide away in order not to hurt anyone.
(it seems an interesting thought to expand on the possiblity that the Dragon form can overwhelm the human part and that it would associate with dark magic to succumb to its baser instincts, and also would be a great opening to all those wonderful draconic fan headcanons fandom made about Jake lol)
Ben Tennyson - Hero Wielder of Omnitrix turned Corrupted/Hacked Ultimatrix Unstable User - During Alien Force Ben tried multiple times to hack/meddle with Omnitrix settings, and when he continuously tried the same with Ultimatrix in Ultimate Alien, something has gone wrong. Ultimatrix has bonded deep into Ben's DNA and body, and now every change is felt acutely, not to mention the alien perceptions are now unfiltered and Ben recieves the raw experience of being a different speices/state. It comes to a point when it start to mess with his mind, only made worse by Dagon's reemergence and all the enemies. In the final showdown of Ultimate Enemy goes differently, how? no idea (again depends on your preference level of angst lol). But as the result, Ben, unstable and a little crazy, is on the run with his corrupted Ultimatrix, his reputation in tatters and is considered dangerous by Plumbers.
(i had a little extra idea of Omniverse continuation, where new Plumber Rook Blonko, now has to hunt his hero turned crazy tragic villain Ben Tennyson. Very emotional and angsty (and a bit gay lol), where Rook continuously trying to unsuccessfully catch crazy Ben and convince him to let Azimuth and plumbers to help him.)
Juniper Lee - Youngest Te Xuan Zhe turned Corrupted/Fallen Te Xuan Zhe - in this case in Out of the Past, what Ah-Mah Jasmine feared about Fallen Te Xuan Zhe Kay Yee managing to corrupt Jun has sort of came to pass. After defeating Kai Yee, being touched by the overwhelming power of Magical Elders has left its mark on Jun, as well as Kai Yee's words and Jasmine's initial fear about/distrust in Jun (she is like 11-12 people, it would FUCK HER UP MENTALLY???). As Jun goes through her rebellious teen phase, the unfairness of her trapped position as protector and the demands of it, grates on her more and more, and she finds refuge in studying magic. As the result, her magical ability grows and as her desire for freedom, and the smallest seed of corruption from the events of Out of the Past grow too. So in the end, Jun learns magic to wield it , like Kai Yee, but unlike Kai Yee, not just for battle, but for personal goal of freeing herself and any future Te Xuan Zhe of her family line.
(fun tidbit, Jun doesn't continue to dye her hair pink, instead she uses blood from battle ;D morbid i know but i couldnt help it i like the imagery of her passing her bloody hands through the white part to paint it. she has lightning scars all over her body, that appear only when she uses magic - a manifestation of her brush with orb of magic elders.)
Rex Salazar - Last Hope Against EVO turned Contained and Controlled Weapon of Providence - Rex's return 6 months after Breach transported him and his introduction to Black Knight goes very differently. Instead of prolonged mind games, Black Knight just imprisons Rex pretty much right away while he is vulnerable, content to attempt to trigger Rex's amnesia ad use the mind-control collar, to turn him into her mindless weapon. She was sorta successful? But with Ceaser on the inside, he managed, with the help of Six and Holiday, to free Rex, even if it was too late to save his mind. As the result, whatever reeducation Rex suffered from Black Knights left him instinctively reacting with force and in defense. The whole last part of the season goes very differently in this state, and the finale also ends differently, with Rex, overwhelmed with power of Omega Nanite (God) but in no mind to actually control it. So in the end he is forced to be contained as his friends and family try to figure out how to save him.
(the angst of mind-controlled Rex is something I enjoy, but since he canonically is immune to it, the idea of an induced amnesiac episode seemed like a best bet for this one, but with like double the angst since Six&Holiday would have to struggle not only with Rex being turned into amind-controlled weapon but also him not knowing them)
Randy Cunningham - Chosen Norrisvile Ninja turned Disgraced/Fallen Ex-Ninja - relatively early in his career, after accidently releasing Tengu and Howard getting possesed by it, Randy makes an ultimate sacrifice by burning the Ninja Mask in order to defeat Tengu. However, he didn't expect that Tengu-possesed Howard to be sealed away together and the Ninja title being taken away from him for his reckless (even if noble) decision. Frantic, because he lost two important parts of his life, his best friend and heroic purpose, Randy tries to get the reborn mask back, but it, along with the Ninjanomicon were spirited away by the Messenger to pass on to another candidate. And thus starts Randy's panicked downward spiral and frantic attempts to get back the mask in order to free Howard. Since he still has his memories, Randy trains to become a better fighter. He knows he has to fight the new ninja for the mask, since he believes the Ninjanomicon would advice strongly against New Ninja helping Randy free Howard. In school He becomes known as resident outcast with bad reputation who lost his best friend under suspicious circumstances, and magical underbelly of Norrisville another antagonist for the Ninja to battle. However he still retains an odd sense of honor about Ninja (because he was one) so when opportunities to team up with Sorcerer, McFist, Sorcereress come up, he either ignores them or uses them for his own goal. The closest thing to hit home for him was when Mac Antfee also tried to get mask back, but for his own selfish purposes unlike Randy, well, lets just say Randy was pissed.
(i feel bad since i practically nipped Randy's career right on the bud, unlike others, but this one felt like a good turning villain opportunity unlike season finale. also! the idea of Randy beng an antagonist to the next ninja, while struggling with his own goodness and desire to save Howard is incredibly interesting to me lol. also he got scars from Tengu)
Zak Saturday - Heroic Fighter for Cryptids turned Cryptid Kur re-Reborn - the last episode, where Argost took powers of Kur and subsequently Zak died for about 3 minutes, Zak didn't reawaken unscathed. Kur is not only powers to control Cryptids, it was a person once, and after Zak died and was ressurected, a part of Kur has come forth, because some part of Zak has been lost in his death. A changed Zak Saturday worries his family, with him being quiet and introspective, not to mention pale/golden eyed and slightly zombie-like from his brush with death. Inside, parts of Zak the Kid and Kur the Olden Cryptid mesh and mix, leaving this new Zak struggling with who he is. As time passes however, Zak the Kid is slowly loosing the battle with a much more powerful older part of the soul of Kur (it wouldnt normally happen but Zak the Kid lost a significant part of his spirit when he died, which was filled with Kur) slowly regain his abilities (like in TGAS). At some point a change happens, and Zak retreats from his family, starting to wander the world as two parts of him struggle for dominance.
(fun tidbit! Zak's outfit is the same from his future vision of him overtaking the world as Kur, it seemed approrpiate lol. Also for some reason I kept thinking of Van Kleiss (from Generator Rex) when designing evil!Zak. they kinda have the same vibe)
Jenny XJ-9 Wakeman - Robotic Hero of Earth turned Robotic Overlord - this is a bit of mixed influences from different points: in season finale Dr. Locust turns Dr. Wakeman's creation against her; Jenny's Older Brother Armagedroid; Vexus attempt to sway Jenny to her fellow robots side; the whole year where Jenny was mind-controlled by a bratty kid and everyone feared her and even her mother planned to create a new XJ-10 in order to defeat her; and also a bit random but that one time Jenny pretended to be a villain Ruby Rocket (hence the red color scheme with bits of Armagedroid/Cluster designs). I have a bit less clear timeline for this, but lets just say its gradual and that at some point a lot of manipulations Jenny suffered turned her against humanity and their use of her robotic brethern. While she does not desire to destroy humanity like her brother, she certainly lost her trust in it, and after a manipulation one time too many, she snaps, turns into a leveled up version of Ruby Rocket/Anti-hero persona, she takes her sisters and leaves to Cluster, where Vega welcomes her. Jenny still protects Earth, but admittingly from afar and in a more evil way I guess?? She loves her mother, but she struggles with Dr Wakeman's previous disregard of her siblings and just callous regard to her creations (Wakeman can be cold/serious/to-the point, without Jenny constantly reminding her that she wants to be like a normal girl).
(Jenny was the hardest, because I couldnt find a clear point of turning in the series for her, so I decided to go with gradual change of mind about humanity sort of deal.)
oof this turned a bit long lol, thank you anyone who read through this clusterfuck! As you can see i sort of went with 'Were a Hero - tragically turned Anti-Hero due to circumstances' kind of vibe, since Im just unable to imagine these guys be like trully horrible evil villains (and this way is more angsty, since, like Fallen Heroes and all that). Im not that creative lol. Anyway, i hope you were as entertained as i was when creating this haha ;D
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dunnowhatimdoin · 3 months
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I made some redesigns for the whole comic cast (even if they don't need one, but eh). I sketched them all something like a month ago, then I completely forgot about it and came back to finish them only now. Oops.
Anyway, I tried pairing them up for opposing sides, poor Blitz got left out in the process.
Following are some design notes for how they ended up looking.
-He got fancier 'cause he's a Lord, even if I'm not sure is it's just a title he gave himself or if he actually was born into nobility. The red in his jacket, belt drap and cape got darker to keep the villainous feel. The necklace holds the cape; realistically it would be very uncomfortable, but this is fiction.
- He keeps his armour but he gets a longer fauld, as a callback to the tunics of Middle Age nobles and also to the look of a lab coat. His boots were stolen from the movie concept art :)
- His figure is thicker in comparison to Ambrosius's, for contrast purposes.
-The idea was that with a fancier Ballister she would get a complete, proper squire attire. Worn by her, it didn't last long...
She really isn't for the fancy look, especially the golden accents, but since it was all provided by Ballister, she feels guilty rejecting it.
- The tooth she wears as an earring is probably her own.
-I know she heals incredibly fast and doesn't leave marks, but it would be nice if she shaped on scars to "look cooler" and also more professional as a sidekick. Show off that she can fight, y'know?
- His armour got more decorative than anything, with the sole purpose to make him look good, so that the Institution can look good. If he actually needs to work, he has an uglier armour for it. Still, he wears a braid because moving around a lot with long hair sucks.
- He's got his little diadem, fluffy collar, gradient cape and ribbons because he likes showing off how important of a person he is. Definitely not a sad orphan picked from the streets or anything.
- Gave him a couple beauty marks under his eye because come on, they suit him.
- The corset serves to give him a thinner and more elegant figure. It's something like two or three times smaller than his ideal size and that's not good for his health-
The Director
- In the comic Director is more of a political leader, rather than a religious one, so now she's a general. She's got her band and sword perpetually attached to her belt to show this off, being intimidating with the idea that she's caple of causing harm.
-Puffy sleeves to match Ambrosius's, with cuffs so they don't get in the way.
-Her metal collar and short cape are a callback to knights armours.
-She gets a longer veil to distracts form the fact she's bald and diamond shaped ear caps because diamonds being the Institution symbol is a concept I stole from the movie :)
-Big coat to reference her past as a traveller (the whole "journey over the mountains to the lands beyond" thing) and also 18th century clothing, which is  Illuminism period and the whole "science over superstition" ideal.
-Her ponytail got a little messier to reflect her chaotic nature. Speaking of chaos, the bandages are from experiments that got a little out of hand...
-Big, comfortable boots because maybe she isn't leaving anymore but you never know what might happen.
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cookiealchemieart · 10 months
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Voices and the Hero I DID IT I FUCKING FINISHED THIS PIECE YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I have Thoughts about my designs for these guys so uh Design Notes under the cut!
I'm bad at drawing actual birds (if the narrator on the hero's shoulder is any indication) so I went with the next best thing that I'm better at: plague doctors! Plus plague masks are just fun to draw. I tried making each of the voices match the princess they correspond to, but it got tricky with a couple of them. In no particular order, here we go! The Hero is a bird guy with a bird mask. Perhaps the mask is meant to keep his identity locked away? Either way, the outfit is more shapes than actual fabric, similar to the Princess' gown. Simple enough to register as clothes, but vague enough to change and be recognizable as the loops splinter. Also the cape is hims wings! The Broken is made to be the wettest, most pathetic little guy, but also ever so slightly like a priest. This is to reference the Tower (mommy- I mean mommy- I mean-) saying that the hero's place by her side is "that of a priest, or a pet". So I made him look like a depressed little priest. The Skeptic is the voice that joins you on the route of the Prisoner, so what would be more fitting than a warden? Or maybe an escaped convict? Either way I love his little ponytail poking out of his hood. The Hunted looks like a feral wild child. Feather-hair out and messy, cloak made of scraps of fabric. I figured the most wild looking of the voices would be the one that corresponds to the Beast. The Smitten is all puffy and soft shapes to match the Damsel's rufflier dress and softer appearance. Also my friends recommended the hat and I agree 11/10 would hat again. Gave him a bowtie AND a cravat because the Smitten strikes me as just that extra! The Opportunist's beak is meant to resemble a parrot's, as he just parrots the ideas of whomever he considers to be "winning". This is also why he's dressed like a businessman. He kinda looks like a villain version of the Smitten, but I haven't played the Thorn's route yet, so idk if that's relevant. Also isn't this guy the only voice that doesn't show up in the Chapter 2 routes or am I forgetting one? The Stubborn has demon horns to match the Adversary (and the Eye of the Needle HOOGH MAMA). He's also got battle damage, and his mask is fashioned to look like he has a wounded and scarred eye. Fun fact! Stubborn was supposed to get the ponytail, but I decided while lining that a half cut looked better. The Cold looks the most similar to the Hero, but he's just a bit less put together. While I was drawing his hair I was thinking of L from Deathnote for some reason? Probably the cadence the Cold has. The Cheated is supposed to look like a gambler, given his title and speaking patterns. There...wasn't a good way to pair him with the Razor, but I suppose the spade on his cheek could be seen as a nod to the razor's blades? I dunno, I'm reaching here. The Paranoid suffers from my lack of impulse control when it comes to giving characters goggles. I fucking love steampunk goggles. Much like the Cold, he looks like a less-put-together Hero, but this one is a mess, actively having a panic attack, but is pushing through it because NEITHER THE HERO OR THE NARRATOR IS FUCKING HELPING. Also the stitches on his mask are meant to mirror the cracks on the Nightmare's mask. The Contrarian has a mask with three beaks as a mirror to the Stranger's three heads, but also because the two on his head make him look like a little jester and I felt that was fitting for this smartass. His cape is asymmetrical to spite the status quo.
I hope you enjoyed my art + rambles about these designs. I love doing this!
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cadaveerie · 1 month
Why Lucanis is (probably) an abomination
DATV and general DA spoilers ahead!
As I pointed out earlier today, Lucanis has an ability called "Abominate", which I suggest could be a not very subtle indication that he is an abomination. This has been a theory for some time and I know people have pointed this out before, but I wanted to put together everything I can think of in relation to this and to give my own take as to why I believe that Lucanis is an abomination. Here are some of the indications that this could be the case:
1. He has "uncanny abilities" (and how he might have gotten them)
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The fact that he both has spectral wings and that he can feel when someone does magic near him already sound very suspicious... but it becomes even more interesting when you look at this comment about the crows that Zevran does in DAO:
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"I wonder... the Crows often made sacrifices of blood, and it game them uncanny abilities".
(thank you irabelas for this post! this is how i found out about this and it's a very good connection)
So one of the theories is that he could have gotten his "uncanny abilities" in that way. We know he was abused by his grandmother, like most crows get abused since they're children, and there's a chance that in order to become a better assassin he was forced to go through one of these rituals, that I suppose involve blood magic, as Zevran calls them "sacrifices of blood".
Another of the theories is that since he "died" in The Wake, he could have been in a situation like Wynne... but against that some people say that he probably just pretended he died, as in The Wigmaker Job he mentions that he'll grow a beard to hide from the people who want to kill him, so some people (and me too) think that perhaps he pretended to die to escape them.
And lastly, another somewhat common theory is that he got these powers at some point after The Wigmaker Job and the beginning of DATV, and that perhaps Zara Renata was the person who somehow made blood magic on him, as a form of revenge. It'd make sense since she's presented as a villain in The Wigmaker Job, and the chapter suggests that she'll go after him. One issue that I have with this, and that admittedly might not be super justified is that I think he could have had the wings before The Wigmaker Job started, as he had that weird itch behind his eyes at that point, and that's basically the reason why he is "the mage killer" in the first place. Basically, I associate the origin of his uncanny abilities, both the "itch" and the wings to the same event... But I'm not super confident about this, because he could have just developed the wings later. I suppose this remains to be seen.
2. He has pride-demon themed clothing and colors.
Lucanis seems to have eye patterns that resemble pride demon's eyes all over his clothing. And both pride demon's eyes and their nervous system-looking thing are purple, like his clothing and his wings.
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Also, the fact that his writer, Mary Kirby, replied a black heart emoji to a post that pointed this out (and the original post also included an screenshot that mentions that Magisters refer to him as "the demon").
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Which... Yeah, I think it's a weird choice to answer to something like this if it's not true? Either way I suppose it's a bit spoilery if this is the case but... I'm more inclined to believe she's teasing rather than that she would answer to something random if it were not the case.
Aside from this, people also point out the design of his tarot card.
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The purple eye motif continues: in his own eyes (which could represent the fact that he gets that "itch" behind his eyes), the inside of his cape, the background (both in the bottom and behind him in those strange orbs), the little vials he has on his belt/harness, and the gems all over his outfit as well. Even some of the little pins in his belt kind of resemble purple eyes. Black is his main color, while purple is his accent color, not only in this art but it's consistent in everything we've seen of him.
His hood kind of looks like he has yet another Pride Demon-looking eye, and what I think could also be interpreted as little eyes to the sides.
The purple orbs around him could also be interpreted as eyes. Or as felassan pointed out on this post, the way they're drawn kind of make the background look like peacock's feathers. felassan also compares that part to Solas' eyes in the Dreadwolf form, which makes a lot of sense.
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(first picture is from felassan's post, featuring the peacock feathers. I'm not sure where it's from, though)
I never thought of the peacock thing before, but I think most of us associate peacocks to pride, so it'd make a lot of sense. And the multiple eyes thing as well, it's something that's not only seen in Pride demons but in the Dreadwolf himself... and Solas is closely related to Wisdom spirits and Pride demons (which as he reveals in DAI, are two sides of the same coin: demons are "corrupted" spirits. And to be specific, wisdom spirits become pride demons when corrupted). This connection he has to these beings, aside from the fact that you can observe it in his writing, gets referenced by Cole directly. He calls Solas as both in multiple occasions (not "spirit" or "demon", but by the names Wisdom and Pride) in his vague monologues. And on top of that, at the beginning of DATV it seems like Solas has accidentally summoned a Pride demon, as Varric literally says:
"It is a pride demon! Damn thing probably sensed Solas' ego!"
And perhaps it's reaching, but this whole thing would make even more sense if the theory that elves were originally spirits is true... or at least if they had very strong connections to them, and that much seems to be real. Either way, I suppose that just because he's a mage he could still be close to both spirits and demons, as he talks about often, and at the same time he'd be vulnerable to being possessed by them. Also, even if it's not super notable in DAI, he has purple eyes in DATV, which could also be a connection to Pride. I think Trick implied that they were purple in DAI as well? But it's not as notable... I just wonder if this change only happened for artistic reasons, or if this change will be acknowledge in-game, because it happened in-universe as well. His eye color could be a coincidence I suppose... but it's interesting.
But anyway, this post is not about Solas! It was just a way to point out that Solas is very likely connected to Pride demons and Wisdom spirits, and perhaps Lucanis is as well, since the motifs seem to be so related.
3. He has a "demonic aura"
He is described in the character selector screen as a "Swift and precise assassin with a demonic aura". The demonic aura, paired up with everything else... adds to the suspicion, to say the least, lol. It's a very strange thing to say otherwise? It's one thing to call him a demon as a nickname, which could potentially be a way of insulting him, or reflecting how ruthless he is... But to say he has a "demonic aura" sounds oddly specific if he's not... literally possessed by a demon.
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And finally, what made me be like "oh god this is so real", and made me decide to write this:
4. He has an ability called "Abominate"
"I saw my comrades fall, burned by the flaming sky or crushed by debris. The monstrous creature, looking as if a demon were wearing a man like a twisted suit of skin, spotted me and grinned. We had forced it to this, I realized; the mage had made this pact, given himself over to the demon to survive our assault."
- from Codex entry: Abomination.
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"Rook is getting attacked on all sides, so you command Lucanis to use Abominate to knock enemies down".
And idk how to explain it, because there isn't a lot to talk about. The explanation is that "Abominate" sounds like it could come from "Abomination", and at the same time that could come from the fact that he is one.
Wynne and Anders were abominations, so it wouldn't be a new concept at all for a companion to be one. So if this is the case... this could just be so sad and tragic.
And as a bonus, maybe I'm looking too much into it, but this person played some of the game (since they were part of the Community Council), and they said this:
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"would it be in bad taste to drop a Lucanis x Rook fic the day Veilguard releases" "There’s another angst pairing that’s fair game, too. Hmm"
And I think it implies that Rookaris will be an angst pairing, by talking about "another angst pairing". Obviously, this could have nothing to do with the Abomination / weird powers thing, I'm not trying to put words on their mouth. There could be many other aspects that make the ship angsty, or perhaps I'm interpreting this wrong and the ship is not angsty at all... So I'm not taking this seriously, I'm just reaching with this. BUT... imagine. The angst potential... I choose to believe lol.
Before ending this I want to give my take as to why a Pride demon, out of every other kind. I talked slightly about this before, but my preferred theory for how he acquired his powers is that his family made him get them forcefully, which I know doesn't make that much sense, given the fact that there's no mention of wings in the The Wigmaker Job. Perhaps he just didn't show them, perhaps he got them after The Wigmaker Job... but then where did he get his ability to sense magic like that? Could it be that he was born with it? I can't think of any case like this for other characters... it's almost as if he was a mage? But he doesn't seem to have other magic abilities besides that one... (I thought that perhaps all non-mage companions would get some form of magical abilities because everything got fucked up... But I haven't thought about it much so I won't write it here. And I suppose it wouldn't make a lot of sense since that seems like a Harding thing). Perhaps he had this natural sensitivities to the Veil and magic before, and so when everything went down that's when he became extra magical. Perhaps the gods escaping--and whatever happens afterwards--fucked everything up, and he got the wings at that moment, like Harding? Hers is probably Titan magic, but both could be as a result of the gods escaping and/or the Veil getting fucked up. Or something else we don't know yet.
Those are all possibilities, but coming back to my personal preferred theory: perhaps he got his powers through a blood-magic ritual performed by the Crows (whether only the magic-sensing ones or the wings too, I don't know). And to my main point: if that were the case, perhaps the pride is not exactly his, but from his grandmother, Caterina Dellamorte. It seems like his story will revolve around expectations from family vs. one's own desires and individuality, so my theory is that perhaps that's the origin of this "Pride". Lucanis is the heir to the Antivan Crows, so could it be the Pride that Caterina has for her preferred grandson and heir? The Pride of the Dellamortes? The Pride of Antiva? A lot of pressure, a lot of people to disappoint, and someone very important in his life to disappoint (and well, we should probably add Illario to the equation... But for an hypothetic Pride demon, I think Caterina is probably the proudest of all the Crows).
And if not that, even if this ritual didn't happen at all and the demon just happened to find him for some reason, perhaps the anxieties he feels about his family and making them proud was what attracted that spirit to him. Perhaps a demon managed to trick him, and the being possessed him. All options could be interesting, in my opinion.
But who knows. Perhaps it's nothing like this, perhaps he's not even an abomination at all! I just think there are a lot of indications of it, and it'd make a lot of sense. And I think my theories make some sense at least! :]
And that's all! Long-ass post. I don't know if I missed anything else, but this is why I believe that he is an abomination, and in particular he was possessed by a Pride demon. To be honest I wouldn't mind being wrong because... this would be so, so sad, and I don't know if I'm ready lol. But I'm excited at the possibility! No matter what I can't wait to meet and romance the hell out of him.
What do you think? I'd love to hear your opinions :D
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uva124 · 7 months
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INTRODUCING THE MOST MANIPULATIVE KING IN HISTORY , MAGNIFICO!!! 🎇🎇🎇🎇(I hate him but he deserves a redesign lol).
For those who see this post for the first time, I introduce myself, Hi :D! I'm Aled and this is a collaboration with @ animación , author of the rewrite of Wish that is on her profile (read it, the story it's soooo good) and I am in charge of drawing the redesigns of her story.
Now, coming back to the main thing, I will show how we got to this result :)
-Honestly, I never thought that getting used to drawing Magnifico would be so difficult lmao, how in most of my procedures to make the designs, I start with sketches and studying the structure of the character's face, this was a little difficult because I'm not that I'm used to drawing people over 20, but with a few practices I was able to figure out how to draw him :D
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(I also did digital internships, but I didn't save most of them because I forgot lmao)
-Don't think that I chose a palette of yellow and gold colors just because I thought it was pretty (well, that's also another reason), what happened is that when I was searching through conceptual arts, I found some designs by Magnifico where They used a blue and yellow color palette
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I did a quick search and found this:
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-Tell me this doesn't remind you of Magnifico, then yes, that's why I chose a yellow color palette, also adding a golden tone to give it a royal vibe.
-I also applied this in the design of Queen Amaya, in the publication of her design I explained why I added details of a dark blue color in her costume and Magnifico's costumes
-From the beginning I always wanted to modify Magnifico's cape by adding a rose as a brooch, and searching through the conceptual arts I found quite a few interesting models, so it can be said that I combined everything I liked and that's how I got the cape for Magnifico, Also adding other details that occurred to me.
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-The author sent me several ideas for Magnifico (thank you by the way :D), one of them was associating Magnifico with the sun, I really liked the idea and that is why there are so many symbols of the sun in his suit, plus these It reminded me how in so many cultures the Sun is worshiped, just as the kingdom of roses worships Magnifico, there are also other reasons why the sun fits with Magnifico but I already mentioned that in the publication of Amaya's redesign.
-The truth is, I only drew the other details improvised, this time I just got carried away, but hey! The outfit didn't look bad at all :)
-Another important part of Magnifico's costume is the "M" on his badge, but in fact it is not an M 😅, it is the sign of Scorpio ♏, this idea was from Anny Mation
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-So yeah, I had to add the Scorpio symbol yes or yes, at first I thought about adding it to the back of the cape but I wasn't convinced by the idea, but then I thought: "Wait, why don't I add the sign on the gold plate ? that would look elegant."
-I'm proud of how this turned out, I feel like it does justice to a villain that commemorates 100 years of Disney :)
-Also, I think that those who have already seen the other redesigns know which character is next, right 👀✨? For Aster, I don't know how long it will take me to draw him, since the boy is literally a walking animation studio lmao.
That would be all for now, until next time :D!
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slingbats · 1 month
Hi,i really love how to draw Caped Crusader's Penguin <3
I saw that you said that you struggle with drawing strong jaws on characters but i think that you always do her a justice. She looks absolutely stunning in your art. Also I'm a huge fan of an idea that she has a fully shaved head (I'm not against her balding either lol) so props to you for portraying this
Even if she'll never appear again (both in context of this show and outside of it) it's really refreshing to see a female version of character that isn't a paper thin loving mom.
(ps: nothing wrong with evil loving mothers but its usually perceived as a "default" characteristic for modern female villains,if that makes sense)
Omg I keep opening up and reading this again lkfgjflkgj thank you so much!!
Also yeah, I would've been more blatant abt it but like I said even though I'm sure she's perfectly comfortable with whatever's going on with her real hair I don't think she'd ever let anyone see it so we're gonna have to settle for ruffled wig in my last silly pic ✌
and man I hope we ever see her again it would be so disappointing to only get to see her once, but I guess if we're gonna dedicate a fair amount of time to different characters in the next season then it's fffffiiiiiiine I Guess. I like her
also I totally agree, I think lately it's the idea of "contrasts," kind of... wouldn't it be funny or interesting if very evil characters had one soft trait, you know? Like they have a soft spot for a kind of pet or family Or Something, but I like that she's kind of fucking ruthless, women's wrongs and all that
but it reminded me of this old Hark! A Vagrant panel, so...
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jaytalking · 2 months
Okay okay.
So your Plasmius design.
*claps hands together multiple times*
Where do I even BEGIN to appreciate it OML I would fail at doing so-
Okay so.
Numero uno *cough*
The whole thing about him looking younger to embrace the vampire part. Yes. Yes I love that. That is now canon in my heart because it just WORKS. SO MUCH.
Because I feel like it could also tie into the fact that Vlad in the show is so obsessed with having lost everything and wanting all of it back, his youth included-
So he'd look younger as Plasmius EEEEEEEE
Also I LOVE how his eye shape changes as Plasmius and he looks more. Hostile and dangerous if you will—*explodes* eyes are the windows to one's soul I love eyes sm-
The way you turned the top of his cape into flames??? That is literally so so SO cool and amazing
Makes me wonder if he can maybe. Change the shape of it/make it appear and disappear whenever he wants?
Also his hands constantly looking like they have blood on them??? AND IT CAN SPREAD ONTO THE SURFACES HE TOUCHES??? TEN OUT OF TEN ISTG THAT IS JUST SOMETHING ELSEEEE/POS
Your young Vlad looks so huggable idk why
(Sorry kinda unrelated but I feel like younger Vlad was SUCH a timid person. And he'd get shy fast but he'd also be quite confident whenever he wanted.)
THE LOWER PART OF HIS HAIR BEING WHITE. I WILL—*holds head* "yes officer it's this design right here—"/silly
Gosh my favorite part EVER
He looks like a fiery demon from the pits of hell I love it
I'm here for it
I'll put him in a freezer so he can cool down—/silly
I think we should give him pomegranate sorbet I think he'll like it
Cuz like
It's sour, but also has a sliiiight sweetness to it, and it has a bitterness in its core because of the pomegranate seeds. Idk I feel like that is just. So Vlad. Shfjfkvkvkv—/silly
Also very randomly: Vlad be like:
"Oh look, a sophisticated business man!"
"Oh, he’s a little bit messed up, actually..."
Jophofhchvv thank you I never know how to respond to but know that we're screaming together!
Here's some fun facts about EctoScience Vlad:
-I really wanted to give him a dangerous vibe, ghosts can eat other ghosts to grow stronger extremely quickly in this AU and that's partly why he's as strong as he is, the other part being... halfas are just very powerful. Simply. Anyways everyone in the Zone knows and fears him; at the start of the series he's almost a boogeyman of sorts there until Danny starts beating him.
- Vlad didn't have a ghost form at first! His becoming a Halfa actually took a long time due to how it happened, and that's technically how it'll go for Danny too, he's just further along due to his own death being wayyy more violent than Vlad's. The progression into full ghost has slowed down a lot in Vlad's case, but for the reason I just mentioned, Danny's progression is fast.
- The "I hate you!" "You're like me!" Exchange is something I've had in mind since the start. In this AU specifically the circumstances of their "deaths" are extremely similar, but above all Danny fears turning fully into a ghost will make him lose his humanity and turn him evil due to, you know, actually listening to the "all ghosts are evil" bogus his parents believe. Vlad can sense that insecurity and in this AU he latches onto it like a vice to make Danny think him joining Vlad's side is inevitable in the end.
- Yes, he CAN make his cape disappear if it starts getting in his way in a fight, but I would also like to highlight his fire core making him very warm. Cats love him.
- His general behaviour as a ghost has been changed a little, he acts and fights fairly normally at first, but if the fight drags on for too long or his opponent runs away he's going FULL HORROR MOVIE VILLAIN. That first fight in the mansion was a lot longer and made Danny genuinely fear for his life. Let Vlad be MORE unhinged when he's pissed off I say.
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karinaesque · 3 months
Surprisingly, (actually not) Ferid is always the most fashionable out of all the people in the manga.
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Kagami may not focus on the clothing choices of his character, but I'm gonna analyze his outfits anyway because I've observed that some of his clothing choices have a deeper meaning.
Let's start with his 'usual' outfit from the anime.
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His choices in clothes are always fancy and classic, yet he adds things to it which makes his outfits look out of the ordinary.
— In conclusion, his clothing style represents him. (Well, to be quite frank, our fashion choices always represent who we are directly or subconsciously. So, it's not like these 'theories' of mine r out of the ordinary.)
People in general have always considered him odd, but his own kind specifically considers him eccentric because of his unusual 'emotional' behavior which makes him have a human-like personality, since vampires cannot feel anything besides the strong desire for blood. He, as a human, would be seen as pretty normal. (this would be before they get to know the real him)
His personality has traits which makes people fall for the fact that he's a genuine kind and simple person, yet, as his clothing style, he makes sure that even those people will get some suspicious of his true nature.
He has a deal going on in Sanguienem with the kids there. Ferid drinks their blood or they serve him and in return they receive their necessary supplies. From this deal, he might make kids fall to his tricks easily, as it is seen specifically with Mika and also, with other children in the light novel. Despite this, his reputation is known even to those kids as being kinda off-putting. The kids hear rumors about those who serve him going missing, so these rumors and his (sometimes) suspicious behavior makes people think that there might also be something fishy going around him.
— His vampire noble uniform is classic, yet has outstanding elements to it like: ribbons, high heeled boots, red earrings and purple long nails.
— The effort that he puts into his daily appearance can be easily seen, which signifies his obsession with putting on a facade around people. He's not a fancy, villainous, charming and aristocratic man as he shows himself to be. From the new chapters, it had been obvious even for other uninterested people that Ferid was actually a broken soul, with no love and care shown for him through his life, which made him the 'frustrated' and monstrous man that he's today. The abused becomes the abuser. Yet, he still clings to his childhood and old wishes because he doesn't want to be completely lost, like the other vampires, like other people which failed to achieve their wishes and died by their own hand. He's a complex, intelligent and simple man if you look at it that way. Yes, complex, yet simplistic.
— Something that I've observed in all of his outfits is that he tries to hide as much skin as he can. It's not because he's insecure, but because he's hiding the real him beneath a fancy surface. Unlike other characters which show their skin more through the manga (even vampires), he is never wearing an outfit which reveals much of his skin.
— His obsession with wearing collars (even through his childhood) signifies his suffocating from all of the others' expectations and even from his own expectations.
— On the other hand, his obsession with ribbons, is another sign of his surface, which makes people think that he's just a fancy, careless guy (like a ribbon from the wrapping of a present iykyk)
This outfit now:
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(Gonna try to write this shorter cus I'm writing a whole book of his outfits atp)
— Once again, he's wearing a classic outfit which looks out of the ordinary only from his vampire cape.
— He's wearing an outfit with a collar again, yet through some manga chapters his hair is finally down. His tight ahh ponytail may be another sign of his constant internal suffocation.
— Honestly a true classic slay if i were a modern vampire i would wear the same thing
The new official art:
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— Honestly, this outfit truly gives so many details about him. Even if Kagami's intent wasn't to put on a deep fashion show, his outfit could still signify so, so many things. Atp I think he did it intentionally since Ferid is his favorite character to write so ofc even his outfit in the art would be significant (cus Kagami's ass is obsessed with giving us small clues)
— First of all, this is the first outfit of his which reveals more skin, which therefore means that through the newer manga chapters he has finally completely revealed to the audience his true intents and his nature.
— His skirt is way bigger than his actual size, which therefore reveals that he's no longer putting on a facade, suffocating himself with a fake mask. Yet, his skirt is held in place by his belts, which means that he still wants to keep in control some part of himself. However, his progress through the manga can also be seen through this outfits which get more and more relaxed.
— He's wearing pink sunglasses, which is an obvious sign that he might feel carefree, like a free soul without worries, enjoying a vacation on the beach. On the other hand, it could also be interpreted that he wants to see the world through a pinkish tone now, he has a desire to see the better in life unlike his past self. His glasses have a necklace kind of thing (with those gold things, i forgot its name) which gives an old-fashioned look to the glasses, making me think that his happiness isn't gained by simple foolishness and ignorance, but by wise and hard-working things.
— His ribbon is completely gone WOW and even in his latest new outfit there's no ribbon on it, which signifies the slow vanish of his surface.
— Underneath his clothes, we can see at the waist that he wears a red shirt?? which looks like women's sexy lingerie LMFOAO I don't know what this means tbh. Their current outfits were inspired by their old ones so this mf probably has some red underwear with black lace...💀
— He's wearing flared pants, which remind me of the 70s, a decade which was all about being carefree and childish with the rise of hippies. Either way, his pants which now are not tight are another further implication in his new happier style. His outfit here actually reminds me of the 70s and the hippies.
That's all the yapping for today
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kindlingkeen · 26 days
I'm curious, what is your favorite (hero/anti hero/vigilant/villain/civilian/no one knows) Jason design? (Helmet, hood, that one that looks like a pill, werebeast, ninja: bucket edition, ninja: league of assassins edition, father, Robin, etc)
If there's not one that's your favorite, do you have a top 5 of our favorite Eevee?
Oooo, nice ask, anon. I love a good prompt that lets me use visual aids, A++.
This is a topic I have strong feelings on, both from an aesthetic preference standpoint and a practicality of armor and weapons perspective, so this might stray a little into hot topic territory...
To start with, I’m actually pretty partial to the original look. You know, this guy:
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Give me a smooth featureless helmet, a biker jacket, and some tactical jeggings any day. It’s classic.
That said, my favorite look is probably actually from RHatO. I think the design it’s pretty similar between the New 52 and Rebirth, but the art is better in Rebirth.
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Source: Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Vol 1
I love the thigh holsters and the greaves. My major beef with this look is the three-quarter sleeves and the bared forearms. Like, come on, Jason is mainly a close-quarters combat fighter who favors knives. There is no power on earth that could convince me that he shouldn’t be rocking a sick pair of vambraces.
Task Force Z isn’t ... terrible. I loath the crowbars as a weapon of choice (🤮👎). But I like the streamlined, hyper-jointed, plate-armor look that realistically provides protection for melee fighting while still letting him flip around. Not really a fan of the hood look here though (are we just blatantly ripping off Iron Man now?).
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Source: Task Force Z #8
I detest, likely deeply and passionately detest, the muzzle and cropped hoodie vest get-up. And, omg, the red ribbons on his arms, don’t even get me started. Like what the fuck even is that? It’s ridiculous. My problem with this look is partially that the aesthetics and impracticality don’t appeal to me, but also that it’s so over the top it makes Jason feel like a caricature of himself.
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Source: Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War #1 (2023)
Possibly the only thing worse than the muzzle/ribbons get-up is the pill head Jason design. It’s just so godawful I’m not going to feature it here.
I’m honestly not even sure what to say about this one. The boots are fine, I guess. 🤦‍♀️
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Source: Batman 148 (2024)
When it comes to Robin, I don’t have a particular favorite. I adore cute as button Jaybin in his little collared yellow cape (although I wish the artists would give him some kneepads at least).
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Source: Robin 80th Anniversary
But I also equally like a more armored, badass Robin look for Jason.
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Source: RHatO Rebirth Vol 1 (2016)
I think that about covers it, anon. Thanks for the fun ask! 💙
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aromanticannibal · 1 month
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Anyways. Headcanons based on whatever progression this is.
I said headcanons and I lied. Over-analyzing time.
First thing I was thinking about: how are Katsuki and Izuku childhood friends when they are very clearly from different cultures slash tribes slash villages. The idea I ended up with is that Katsuki's people move a lot since they have dragons and they temporarily settled near the Midoriya's house at some point.
Very quickly because I made a post about this before : at some point All Might's sword breaks or is broken on purpose by All Might and its two parts are given to Katsuki and Izuku (this is somewhat lore accurate/canon to the fantasy art series). I headcanon that Katsuki and Izuku then personalize their swords more, keeping the blade intact while modifying the hilt and such (see last illustration: Katsuki's sword is more visible that Izuku's but both have blades in a similar shape as the All Might/One For All sword. There's also that Izuku has another sword at his hip and Katsuki's original sword, the curved one, isn't the one that's out).
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Shouto and Enji are so fucking weird.
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Shouto's demonic situation in the second illustration clearly represents his left side being associated with his father (bad) and his hatred (also bad). I'm gonna say this is a curse passed down from Enji and created from hatred - the more hate you feel, the more the curse consumes you, but you can learn to wield the curse's power if you let go of your hatred. Both Shouto and Enji are fighting the curse in the second illustration (explaining Enji's fuckass costume hiding his flames, probably) and both of them let go of their hatred (Enji for All Might, Shouto for Enji) in the last illustration.
I also assume given their outfits that they're royalty, if not the king and prince, other similarly important guys.
I think heroes are knights, maybe, probably.
All Might is likely some kind of knight or warrior, Iida and Yaoyorozu are knights, Jirou is a knight, Aizawa is kind of a knight, maybe? It's not a fullproof theory I'll be honest, not all pro-heroes or heroes in training are knight coded in the fantasy series.
The ugly ass dragon?
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The ugly ass dragon in the second illustration seems to be an ally to Katsuki and Izuku (and therefore the others) but for reasons you'll understand every soon it's fucking dead. I'm assuming it got killed by villains. Whoops.
So the reason I think it's dead is uh. Yo? Katsuki and Izuku's shoulder pads in the last illustration sure are purple and scaly huh? And the ornaments on Katsuki's new sword sure are orange and horn-looking, huh?
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Anyways, the dragon got killed and they used its body for armor and weaponry.
the green capes?
The last illustration has Izuku, Shouto, Ochako, Iida and Aizawa wearing the same type of green cape (Ochako's is a little different but it's still the same green). So this is the Dekusquad plus Aizawa, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is Izuku's party, RPG style. Aizawa is probably here to mediate and make sure they don't die. Katsuki isn't there because he likely is leading the other party.
Kirishima glow up? hello?
He looks so fucking cool in the last illustration I don't even have anything to say. He also looks closer to Katsuki's clothing style, so I'm gonna say Kirishima is part of Katsuki's tribe slash village slash whatever the fuck but left to become a knight and then started getting more in touch with his culture when meeting Katsuki.
Stuff I point out without expanding on it:
Hawks' wings are gone, whoops. Interesting that the fake ones are white and not red. Dove much?
Yaomomo baby that armor isn't protecting you. However you are safe anyway because you are clearly some kind of magic user as well as knight and probably have some kind of force field in place.
Ochako's hat updates to have horns. Minachako goodness. /hj
Kaminari is a cute bard! He's such a romantic. Holding a flower and shit
Not visible in the picture I have. Guys I know we all love the I on Katsuki's arm but I'm sorry it's likely the number 1 in roman lettering rather than the letter -i. He's the number one. He's so goofy.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hello, hope you are having a good day/night?
I was wondering if I could request a Batfam x Male reader who is Bruce's son (adopted or biological your choice) while out on patrol he gets either attcked by a strangely large dog or some villain injects him with some weird serum? He ends up with a super high fever as his body makes adjustments/changes (example his senses suddenly and painfully heightening) he's becoming a werewolf. Once reader is past the fever/beginning of the curse and are going back to normal life things are drastically different they feel more agitated, aggressive, stronger, restless and oh god the fear what has happened to them? What if they hurt someone they love? (You can decide if their eyes, teeth, claws change with moods)
I can and I will. Oh, this felt so amazing to write. And also a different gif for this oneshot. Maybe I will even write a part 2, who knows?
Summary: (Y/N) didn't believe in vampires and werewolves, but with from a bite of a big dog, he is forced to think about it.
Warnings: Mentions of rabies, blood, (Y/N) being sick and in pain, Bruce being in pain too, shifting, Bruce being scared for his son, medical inaccuracies, swearing
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(Y/N) huffed as he watched over the city. Jason and him were perched over the roof, simply resting and eating the snacks from their pockets.
" What is the huffing for? " Jason asked his younger brother. He could tell that something was bothering (Y/N).
" I'm just worried about school, that's all. "
" School is a pretty wide term, you need to narrow it down. "
(Y/N) looked away for a moment, then blushed.
" There is someone then, " Jason said with a teasing tone, patting (Y/N)'s shoulder.
" If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else. If you do, sleep with one eye open. " (Y/N) threatened Jason.
" My lips are sealed. "
" Pinky promise? " (Y/N) asked, knowing that Jason was weak on that promise. He extended his pinky to Jason, who curled his pinky with (Y/N)'s.
" Pinky promise. " (Y/N) nodded and then they let go.
" Okay, so there is this guy... I'm sure he is straight, but he is so nice to me. And he didn't become my friend because I'm Bruce Wayne's son. "
Jason nodded. (Y/N) was good at reading people and their intentions. He was just a natural at it, didn't need much pointers.
" So the problem is that you think he is straight? "
" Yes. But I'm not sure. There is no evidence that he has been with guys. Just girls. And it makes me feel frustrated. "
" I think that we are all allergic to this, but how about talking? " Jason proposed the idea, making (Y/N) roll his eyes.
" Okay, normal conversation is out of the question. "
" And since when you are the one to talk about communication? "
" Since you are the most normal one. We all have high hopes for you. " Jason responded, wiping a fake tear from his eye.
(Y/N) crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head.
" Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with this family. I truly do. "
Jason cackled. (Y/N) huffed and looked down once he heard sounds of struggle down there.
" You got it little bat? "
" Yup. " (Y/N) responded, jumping down, making his landing softer with his cape.
The alley was dark and he couldn't really see into it. He froze once he heard growling. What the hell? He didn't even had the time to blink before a big dog jumped at him. He fell down with the dog, who was biting his arm. He could hear his gauntlet breaking. He tried to push the dog, but he grunted once he felt the sharp teeth breaking his skin. He managed to kick the dog away and the animal ran.
(Y/N) was breathing heavily from the excitement and the adrenaline running through him. He shakily brought his uninjured arm to his ear.
" B? "
" (Y/N) what's wrong? "
" I just got bit by a dog... He broke my gauntlet. "
" Shit. Hang on, I have your location. I will call Alfred. Stay put okay? "
" Okay... "
Jason landed next to (Y/N), freaked out of his mind.
" A dog bit you?! "
(Y/N) nodded, feeling slightly dizzy. Does he has rabies? Is he going to die by rabies? He has heard about the symptoms of the this disease and it was fatal. There were rare cases when somebody made it out alive from rabies.
" Okay, lean on the wall, you don't look steady. "
" Hood, what if I have rabies? "
" Don't think like that, be more positive. "
(Y/N) laughed. Jason was slightly worried about (Y/N). More precisely, he was worried about (Y/N)'s sanity. Laughing in this situations was not really normal.
" Thank God you are here old man. Get him tested for rabies immediately. "
" Will do. I will call Superman to help you with patrol. "
Jason nodded, watching with worry as Bruce picked up his son, knowing that (Y/N) will be to unstable to walk. He put him in the car, before turning to Jason.
" Tell your brothers the plan. "
" Let me know how the test turns out. "
Batman nodded and got into the Batmobile. (Y/N) had managed to stop the bleeding, but it was hurting. There was no adrenaline going through his veins right now and the pain was still taking it toll on him. He didn't even pay attention to what Bruce was saying. At the moment, he could care less. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. He tried to ignore the pain, but it wasn't successful.
" Hang on tight (Y/N). We are almost at the manor. "
" Bruce, before I die, I want you to know that I love you. And tell my brothers the same. "
" You won't die. Calm down. We will test you and give you the proper treatment. "
(Y/N) readjusted his arm, hissing in pain. Bruce stopped the car and he stepped out to help (Y/N). Alfred was there to help him too.
" Okay master (Y/N), just relax. We will patch you up in no time. "
(Y/N) was laying on a bed as Alfred was patching him up. There was 10 million pounds lifted of his shoulders once he didn't have rabies. But the wound was still throbbing and it was still bothering him. He was feeling weird.
" And we are done. The scarring should be minimal. "
(Y/N) just nodded. He was far too tired at this point. Without a word, he dragged his ass up the stairs. Bruce watched with Alfred.
" What is wrong master Bruce? "
" Something is wrong with (Y/N). And it's not about the bite. He usually shakes this type of thing off. "
" Maybe it was the fear of rabies. That fear kept him awake and excited and once the test was negative his body relaxed. "
" It may be, but I'm still worried. " Bruce admitted to Alfred.
" (Y/N) is going to be okay, he just needs to rest. "
(Y/N) is not okay. He was feeling as if something was stabbing him all over his body. On top of that, he was shivering from the called. What in the actual fuck is happening to him?
He whimpered in pain as he turned around. Why does this hurt so much? He needs to get Bruce, but he doesn't think that he will be able to even stand up, let alone walk.
Across the hall, Bruce opened his eyes. Something was wrong. He kicked the covers off and went to check on (Y/N). The others were getting back now.
Bruce opened the door to (Y/N)'s room and his heart sank once he saw his son in pain. He didn't see (Y/N)'s face, but he could guess from the body position and from the twitching of his limbs.
" (Y/N)? " Bruce asked, going over to check on his son.
He was shocked by the mere paleness of (Y/N)'s skin. He looked like death warmed over. Bruce put his hand over (Y/N)'s forehead. Bruce removed his hand, shocked by how high it was. He called Alfred who was going upstairs.
" (Y/N) has a fever, a high one. Should we give him an ice bath? " Bruce asked quickly.
" Let me check. "
After checking, Alfred ordered an ice bath for (Y/N). They need to bring this fever down now. Jason stopped by, confused as to what was going on.
" What's going on? "
(Y/N) winced from the sound of Jason's voice. Why is his hearing so sensitive? Why is everything so damn sensitive?
" (Y/N) has a high fever. We need to bring it down. Can you bring the ice? "
Jason nodded, quickly running to get the ice.
" Can you hear me (Y/N)? " Bruce asked, moving some of the sweaty strands of hair away from (Y/N)'s face.
(Y/N) nodded, trying to comprehend what was happening. He heard the word bath and he could an idea what that would entail. He muttered a soft no, shaking his head softly. A bath would entail the cold.
" I know you aren't a fan of cold, but we need to bring your fever down. "
(Y/N) let out a noise of protest.
" I have the ice. Tim help me out. " Jason said, taking a glance at (Y/N)'s pale face. He looked dead. Tim was also unsettled by the state of his younger brother. Bruce heard the water running and he gently removed the pajamas of off his son, leaving him in his boxers. (Y/N) was mumbling something incoherent and Bruce was sure that that was the noise of protest.
" I know, but we need to drop your fever. "
Jason peaked his head from the bathroom, telling Bruce that it was ready. Damian and Dick also came into the room.
" What is happening? " Dick asked.
(Y/N) felt that his ears were bleeding. Can everyone stop talking?
There were way to many voices in the room. And far too many people. (Y/N) just wanted to die... He was startled when Bruce picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. (Y/N) groaned when the far to bright light hit his eyes.
" Brace yourself son. "
(Y/N) hissed at the cold water. He tried to get out, but Bruce was having none of it. He gently pushed (Y/N) back to sit.
" Lean down, dunk your head. "
Bruce helped him out, gently lowering his son's head down. (Y/N) closed his eyes as his head was dunked. He gripped the edge of the tub with all of his might. He was shivering and chattering. Bruce sat down next to the tub watching his son.
" You boys can go back to your rooms. He is going to be fine. "
" Call us if you need anything. " Dick said as he ushered the others out.
Now it was just Bruce and (Y/N). Bruce watched with worry as watched his son. (Y/N) never had such serious fever. Everyone gets sick every once in a while, but this one tops the cake.
" What made you so sick? " Bruce murmured, gently removing some of wet strands from (Y/N)'s face.
(Y/N) was in a daze, feeling dead. He leaned his head towards Bruce, enjoying the contact. Bruce didn't know what to think about all of this. First there was fear that he would lose his son, but now there was worry. This is not normal.
The stayed there for 10 to 15 minutes and Bruce was then helping him out of the bath. He brought (Y/N) some clean clothes. (Y/N) had managed to change with shaky hands. He barley opened the door as he collapsed into Bruce's arms.
" Okay, come on, lets get you into bed. "
He tucked his son in, making sure he was warm. Bruce glanced at the alarm clock. It was 4 am. Bruce sighed before laying down next to (Y/N). He wouldn't be able to go to his room and sleep peacefully knowing his son was so sick that he couldn't even think straight.
He closed his eyes as his son was sleeping already, clearly exhausted.
(Y/N) was doing slightly better. The fever was still there, but it wasn't as bad as it was few days ago. He was still in pain, but it wasn't as bad. And they tested him again for rabies. Negative.
But (Y/N) felt differently. His vision was good before, but now it seemed to be even better. But what bothered him, was his hearing. He doesn't remember it being this good.
And there was something about his sense of smell that bothered him. What the actual fuck? He was eating fruit that he got from Bruce and Alfred, but the smell was way to intense. He scrunched his nose, but ate the fruit anyway. It's the only thing he could eat without feeling nauseous.
His brothers were popping in from time to time, making sure that he was okay. Although, they weren't going to admit it, they were scared for their youngest brother that night. First it was the dog bite and the fear of rabies and the fever on top of that? Jesus Christ.
He coughed while taking his laptop. He was in the mood for some Golden Girls. He needs something fun to lift him up.
After 2 more days he was healthy. 100% healthy. But he didn't feel like it. Everything was enhanced. He now knew that his hearing was better, alongside his eyesight. But the smell freaked him out more then anything.
His stomach way turning all the time from the intense smells. Sometimes he couldn't stand Bruce's cologne. And Jason's cologne too. What the fuck? He never remembers it being so strong.
And that wasn't the only thing. He got way more restless. He had to workout in the gym longer then usual just to feel slightly tired. Just slightly. Usually when he worked out he was tired and aching, but now it didn't feel like anything, it was just... Nothing. And it made him afraid.
He had to investigate what the hell bit him. That was not a normal dog. It was bigger than any of the breeds he has seen. He was brought back from his train of thoughts when he heard somebody in front of his room. Judging by the footsteps, it was Jason. Woah... There was a knock and Jason peaked his head in once he got the permission.
" Do you want to spar with us? "
" Sure, give me a minute. "
Jason nodded and left the room. (Y/N) sighed. He should have said no, but he didn't want to be restless anymore. He changed his shirt and went to their gym. Everyone was there too. This is not good.
" Come on (Y/N). " Jason said, moving towards the mat.
(Y/N) wrapped his knuckles to protect them. He moved on the mat too, getting ready. Bruce whistled and Jason and (Y/N) went at it. (Y/N) was quick and far more aggressive then usual. Bruce tilted his head while he was watching. Something got into (Y/N). What? He doesn't know, but he will figure it out.
Everything was going fine, until he kicked Jason too hard and there was a crack. Jason gasped for air as he gripped his ribs. (Y/N) watched his hands with wide eyes. Everyone circled Jason, worried about him. (Y/N) couldn't move. What? Oh God what is happening to him?
His vision went blurry as he ran from the room, his father shouting his name. He ran out of the manor, stopping at the edge of the yard where the woods started. Something was wrong with him.
" (Y/N)! Wha- " Bruce stopped once he saw (Y/N)'s eyes. They weren't (E/C) anymore, they were blood red. His eyes widened at the sight of his son in that state. He needs to call Zatanna or Doctor Fate. Maybe both of them.
Bruce froze once he heard the bones breaking and (Y/N) turning. (Y/N) cried from the pain he was going through. Bruce felt his mouth drop as a big gray wolf replaced the place of his son. (Y/N) looked down to look at his paws, whining and crying. Bruce tried to approach his son, but (Y/N) ran. Bruce cursed. He wasn't going to catch up with him. Fuck.
(Y/N) ran for a long time. He stopped by a small lake, moving to drink some water. It got dark and he was exhausted. He laid down on the ground after drinking the water, ready to go to sleep. He will think about his return in the morning.
He looked down at his front paws. So a dog that bit him was a werewolf. But a bigger question is, how is he going turn back into a human? How? His ear twitched when he heard rustling. His lifted his head up, before quickly standing up. He tensed at the thought of somebody hunting him. But there were no hunters here in this forest.
He sniffed the air, smelling nothing. He felt something prick him at his right side. His eyes widened once he saw a dart. A tranquilizer dart. He was afraid. He felt dizzy, falling to his side. He whined before he lost consciousness.
Bruce sighed as he lowered the gun, walking towards his son. Zatanna and Doctor Fate approached the wolf. Zatanna knelt down next to the wolf's head.
" And he had a high fever before this? " Zatanna asked Bruce.
" He did. Why are you asking? "
" That means that his body was preparing him for turning. Well, shifting. And I have to say, he was lucky. He was bit by a werewolf that can control his shifting. "
" So (Y/N) can shift whenever he wants? "
" Yes, but the shift is tied to his emotions too. Werewolves learn to control their emotions too, so they don't shift based on their emotions. "
Bruce nodded. He gently petted (Y/N)'s wolf head, feeling the soft fur under his hand.
" But he will be able to have a some what normal life? " Bruce asked, trying to control his voice.
" Yes. " Doctor Fate answered, observing the wolf.
Bruce sighed in relief.
" Lets get him back. He needs to shift. We know a person that can help him learn all he needs to know. " Doctor Fate added.
Bruce picked the wolf up, walking with Zatanna and Doctor Fate back. He was somewhat relieved that (Y/N) will be able to leave normally. For now, they need to learn how to deal with this.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Hi, Lee! Your AUs have given me many brainworms so I thought I'll share my brainworms in retaliation XD
No capes actor AU
Bruce inherited his love for theater and acting from Alfred. He's usually shy, awkward and a nervous wreck (think Battinson) but once he's behind a camera, he plays his role flawlessly. He can be the confident and gentle prince charming, the suave and flirtatious rogue or the cruel and sadistic monster. It doesn't matter, as long as the camera is rolling, Bruce Wayne is in character.
An important thing to note is that Bruce Wayne is unbelievably attractive. So, you have an attractive actor playing all these hot characters, what do you do? Create thirst traps obviously!
The kids suffer for it. Bruce keeps winning 'The Hottest Man Alive' and they can't even read reviews of movies their dad is acting in because all the comments are about how sexy he is. They're scrolling through twitter and suddenly someone tweets about the veins on Bruce Wayne's arms.
STOP! Their dad is lovable, innocent and sweet. Stop corrupting him with your lust!
Bruce stopped accepting romance roles because his kids begged him to (in an attempt to stop the thirst) but it got worst! They tell him to mention them in every one of his rare interviews (he's very shy so he doesn't do much interviews) to signal that he's a dad and very unavailable and the internet loves a DILF so you can guess what happened. They can't win. No matter what they do, people keep thirsting over their dad.
The kids are suffering and Bruce? Mr 'please don't perceive me' Wayne? He straight up blocked every mention of himself on the internet so he sees none of it. He told the kids to do the same but they wanted to read about how much people love their dad (they're very proud of him) so they endure the daily psychic damage and simply suffer.
If I may add
BECAUSE he's a highly requested actor who's almost always in the headlines, Bruce can't see his babies as much as he wants to, so all those mother henning instincts can't be bottled up.
Bruce earns himself the reputation of being the Mom Friend to his co-stars.
There's a viral video somewhere of him doing Harley's make up for her because she claims only he can do it right, and a video of him feeding Selina yoghurt, and tying Harvey's shoelaces between takes if they film a project together
Personally, a huge fan of the " actors who play assholes but are in fact the biggest sweethearts " breed, so I'm gonna need the villains being cute as fuck behind the scenes.
If they're doing an intense fight scene, Bane apologizes to Bruce continuesly because the guy insists on doing his own stunts. Bruce always giggles between being patched up and pats his arm
Damian refuses to be left at home, and there's absolutely a viral video of tiny damian wayne jumping to kick and punch at Clark's leg (who plays Gray Ghost's rival in the movie) when he " attacks" Bruce and it made everyone's day
Selina accidentally injures Bruce the MOST and there's compilations of her accidentally kicking him straight in the jaw, or punching him, or dropping stuff on him, and looking impossibly guilty about it. " I'm sorry - I'm so sorry baby" and Bruce of course always is like " It's okay :D"
Bruce's trailer is everyone's hang out spot. He does instagram lives where he talks about theory and lore and technicalities, and there's just someone or someones always there!!
Diana practising sword fighting, Harley doing tik tok dances, Pam watering the flowers he gets everywhere they go in full Mother Nightmare get up, and they're just there to see him blush and mumble at the thirsty comments
Also the batkids are jealous of every single on screen child Bruce films with, because he's so affectionate and loving with them. Jason's twitter is just him dunking on every single child co-star and he's not at all sorry about it
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