#and before that it was all Erasure
psalacanthea · 2 months
Tagged by @destinyapostasy! The prompt is current top five favorite songs? Thanks for the tag. This one is the kind of stuff I like doing. :)
(links are spotify)
I'm constantly listening to new stuff but this is probably the current top 5 I'm listening to
Raise Hell- Brandi Carlile one of the songs on the playlist for the new story in Vampire Tabletop we're starting soon! Been working on an antagonist (that they will probably adopt again) and this is their song to me.
2) Hooked (Addicted You Might Say)- Eleisha Eagle- momentary favorite in my writing playlist for the chapter of the Modern AU Tavstarion fic I'm finishing tonight (or tomorrow).
3) Ha! Noch einen ganzen Tag- Heinrich Marschner- I've been relistening to the opera Der Vampyr on my working playlist. This is my favorite piece from it. The recitation/aria is the vampyr himself, Lord Ruthven, singing about how awesome his task to kill three virgin brides is. He's gotta do it or he'll die, but he's also very psyched about it.
It's an excellent sexy villain song.
4) Circus- Britney Spears- On the cleaning playlist. If you need to get moving, is there anything better?
5) Living Proof- Des Rocs- Was rereading a personal manuscript and listening to the playlist for it while I percolated in my head if it was worth fixing or not (the plot is very flabby in the first half because the pacing's off due to me wanting to cram in more worldbuilding). I decided it was. This song helped.
now i gotta figure out how to fucking fix the thing!
Um, I think I was just supposed to list five songs, but I'm obsessed with music so I didn't just do that. But @litlunacy @iridescentnuances @vspin if u haven't done this yet, would love to see whatever version of it you'd like to do! (also if you want to be tagged in the future, let me know.
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transmascissues · 4 months
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at this point i don’t even have any commentary to add to this. i’m just tired.
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nerdy-hyperfixations · 3 months
I just want to remind everyone that Wallace is canonically the worse one to sleep in the same bed with.
Scott can be a bad roommate in every other aspect but GUYS Wallace is the one that canonically snores and kicks in his sleep.
Scott sleeps like a princess with his back against the sheet lying perfectly straight (and also taking all the covers) and Wallace sleeps semi-on-his-side and apparently just fucking punting Scott in the leg every so often (not to mention he talked in his sleep too) and I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.
Because when people draw them cuddling in their sleep it’s always Wallace being normal and Scott turning and snoring and shit but you’re missing out on sleepy-cuddly Wallace turning and snoring on Scott. Let that cringe-fail 25 year old be annoying. Istg.
I’m talking to the Mobillace people too btw. Not that I’ve seen anyone draw them cuddling in bed (which is a CRIME btw. Draw that. For me.) but like imagine how funny it would be: Mobile stays the night for the first time and the hot-weirdo is a bed-menace, snoring and kicking and tossing and turning and suction cupping for warmth and Mobile is like “I want him to be my boyfriend” THATS FUNNY! LIKE-
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All jokes aside, House is literally canonically queer, and if you hate and deny it, you really need to do some self reevaluating and consider the biases you have.
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stuckinapril · 5 months
At a point in my life where coming off as racially ambiguous is bothering me bc I want to be proudly Arab more than ever before
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gender-luster · 1 month
i have a theory. but instead of sharing said theory, i shall simply present you with this shitty graph i made
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noodle-artist · 8 months
Can we just cut to the chase and properly label Jason Todd’s eye color as Hazel!!!
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sleepy-vix · 6 months
guys in english class we had to make erasure poetry and it was very cool and very nice. my teacher gave us each a (printed) page from the great gatsby and i dont exactly remember what i ended up making but it was like "dreams remain even as the earth dissolves and becomes constant in the air around us" and then i drew an image of the earth dissolving in the black/erasure parts and my teacher read it and she was like "oooh oh my god *my name*. very poetic!!"
and i still feel really happy about that even though this happened a week ago :)
sadly she took the paper though so i cant show you guys but i'm glad she liked it because my classmates were mostly messing around and half-assing the activity so i'm glad i took it seriously :)
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coolauntlilith · 10 months
S2e6 Truth/Dare, when Mr. Farouk said, "Well, when you don't figure out you're gay until your late 20s, you tend to miss out on those beautiful gay teenage experiences." I broke.
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burninblood · 1 year
If I have to read another review of people saying that “Winter Soldier: Cold Front” is total shit ‘couse isn’t mcu compliant and Bucky’s story isn’t the one from the movies (with him being Steve’s childhood friend etc) I’m going to explode! I mean, there are 2 milions of other good reasons why you can say that book is a pure steaming pile of shit if you want and if you didn’t like it, it’s ok and all those 2 other milions of reasons can all be valid I swear, but this “isn’t like the moviessss! it’s bad because this is so different, these are not the moviesss!!!” (yes, this isn’t a movie guys, it’s a book!!!) complaining feels so inappropriate!
Guys, it’s based on the comics! You don’t have to like it all right, but please at least don’t say “it’s a vile AU!!!” ...
It’s not AU, it’s based on the comics. This is all Bucky’s bg from the comics, yes, being an army brat and an orphan and entering the army at a real young age, don’t meeting Steve ‘till later on when they were “paired” to fight side by side in WWII. You may not like it, totally fine, but it’s canon from the comics, that’s it, so please stop saying “this has nothing to do with the REAL Bucky!!!1!″... - this is the real Bucky FROM THE COMICS - and maybe start saying “I don’t like this take from the comics canon ‘couse I like the mcu storylines better” ! Gosh.
And as much as I like mcu Bucky, and I adore him, he existed as a character WAY BEFORE the mcu. He existed in comics since the golden age, and I hope the gods will let him remain even when his mcu counterpart will be gone (would he ever be gone, at some point, which will probably happen...) for good!
I should stop checking the reviews for the books I read, LMAO!!!
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No one:
Some random person, every week since July: Has anyone done this yet? *posts meme redraw of Shadow breaking it to Sonic that they’re gonna have to kill Nine and Sonic going "Damn😔"*
#Sonic prime#sonic the hegehog#I'm not putting this in the character tags this time#i just be ramblin#semi vent post?#I'm just kinda tired man#like he would not fucking say that! even if Shadow actually says that next season‚ Sonic is not accepting that he can't save Nine or anyone#else on his LIFE#Tired of the Nine and Sonic (and Nine and his shatterverse friends frankly) relationship erasure here#Let's not pretend here that Shadow is the only person who Sonic will threaten to throw hands with over a threat to their life#And this bit is more personal. But at this point I resent the idea that this entire show is going to end with everything going exactly to#how it used to be before with all the variants living in the original or something#After everything that has happened there's nothing satisfying about that kind of ending to me. do you have no whimsy? do you have no hope?#Do you really think the best end for everyone is one where Sonic has to accept his new friends and his new best friend has to die?#We know from the s3 teaser that part of this season will be about stabilizing the shatterverse#Do you really believe that it makes sense for the story to force Sonic to choose green hill or the shatterverse after all that time spent#keeping it together and keeping all those people protected?#This show is forcing Sonic to contend with the variants being different people with different lives and backstories. it's forcing Sonic to#contend with Tails and Nine not being exactly the same person. Do you think the best end (after all that fighting to be considered more than#just copies of the originals) the variants (especially Nine)#is for them to just accept that they can't be separated from the 'originals' as we consider them to be?#anyways anyways back to the post#point of the post is that I've seen the same tired joke every week since s2 came out and I'm just tired of the 'Shadow and the narrative#will force Sonic to accept that Nine has to die' bit#Like at this point y'all just want Nine to die. just say that#Or at least do some meta/analysis posting. because rn it all sounds like 'Nine is narratively going to die because I think he should and#because I think it makes the most sense. Source? vibes'
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thymeofarrival · 2 years
“I’m hoping her memory loss is still working, i did my absolute best but I’m no scientist” excuse me What.
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reiverreturns · 2 years
so has this been done yet
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Brb i have to sue my brain for bi erasure
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oc-atelier · 7 months
When I get the chance (or maybe while I'm away dkjgjklsdjklg) I'd love to at least do some sketches of some winter/Christmas stuff with both my cat OCs, WHA OCs and my friends WHA OCs bc my brain's been buzzing with excitement about winter coming up and, soon, Christmas too and I just really want to do at least one illustration and as many sketches as I can KJSKJDGJKLS
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party-gilmore · 1 year
So the tweets in the original post were, granted, being flippant about it, "i can't date women cuz we're too emotional" (etc.) which... yeah thats a fucking dick move and pretty misogynist to just... put out there like that if it's in all seriousness.
Even so, some of the responses to it were... disheartening.
As of yet, I've never been able to fall in love with a girl. I don't know if I ever will. There's just something about me that... clicks, better with guys. I feel more comfortable with them, and it's easier for me to open up. At the end of the day, the partner I settle down with? Based on that pattern, it... probably will be a guy.
That doesn't mean I'm not still bisexual.
I'm not closing myself off the possibility I'll fall in love with a girl, but even if that never happens I'm still sexually attracted to women. I still enjoy flirting with woman. I still love holding and kissing and being intimate with women. I still love going on dates and being romantic/doing romantic things with women.
Anymore so than a bisexual who doesn't want a committed relationship AT ALL would be!!!
Or a straight dude sleeping around the sororities suddenly isn't straight because he doesn't want a monogamous partnership yet??? And maybe never will??
"But I don't want to date somebody whos not looking for a committed relationship" OKAY THEN, DONT! Soooo many people are A-OKAY with "hey I'm just looking to keep things casual" "sorry, I'm looking for something more" "oh that's cool!” like? Just taaaalllkk to your prospective partner!!!
Like... like okay SERIOUSLY y'all... why is loving men a little more seen as such a downgrade? Why is being more emotionally comfortable with men and more open to committed partnership with them looked down on so much??
Bisexuality ISN'T necessarily an even 50/50 split, anymore than GENDER is!!! And yet!! People always want to shit on us for not Doing It Correctly.
And sometimes!!! IT IS!!? JUST ABOUT SEX!!!! AND THAT'S???? FINE???? HOW IS THAT "INVALIDATED???" It's the kind of sex they like!!!! That's their sexuality!!! That's literally their sexuality!!! There's a romantic component sometimes that can be the same or different!?? But at the end of the day???
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