#and decided to go with 'what feels right for each clan'
qdbs-writes · 1 year
How do you think the Cullens would act around a disinterested crush? Maybe they're fated but reader isn't having it lol
(I love your twilight writing btw thank God someone is still doing it 🤤🤤)
ah it has been many moons since I've gotten a twilight request yay!
Cullen Clan Reacting To Their Crush Being Disinterested In Them
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Carlisle Cullen
Being alive for just over 400 years tends to give one a good perspective on life and the bigger picture, and Carlisle sure has a pretty good idea of how all things pan out. So you're not interested in him? That's fine, Carlisle can wait for as long as you need to change your mind.
In the meantime, Carlisle will continue to maintain your friendship and continue to show just how hard he's worked to become the kind caring father figure he is. He knows you'll fall for him, eventually.
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Esme Cullen
Obviously, she's not going to stop caring about you just because you don't return her feelings. But she might switch up how she shows her affection.
Rather than flirty winks and suspiciously candle-lit wine tastings, she'll back up to more traditionally motherly affections. Making sure you're eating right, baking cookies, etc. And of course, giving you homemade soup when you're sick is still one of her favourite things to do, no need to stop now.
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Edward Cullen
Of course, you're not interested, how could anyone love a monster like him? Who did he think he was, thinking he was worthy of your love? Or so his inner monologue goes.
But it's really not that dramatic, it almost never is, Edward just sprung his crush on you suddenly and it caught you off guard. It was largely the excessively long preamble about how he was an irredeemable murderer that put you off first, but of course, he won't realise that until considerably later.
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Rosalie Hale
She's a little relieved actually. All her mortal and immortal life, Rosalie has been aggressively pursued by people she wasn't particularly interested in, so the fact that she can crush on someone who isn't really that interested is a wonderful change of pace.
For the first time ever, Rosalie has butterflies in her stomach, she fumbles with her words when she speaks to you, and she feels like a silly, mortal teenage girl again, begging her mother to let her go to the dance just so she can sneak away to catch a glimpse of someone just like you.
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Emmett Cullen
You and Emmett had been good friends for a while so when he casually drops a blissful "We should get married" into the conversation, you initially choke on your drink in laughter.
Emmett's a little heartbroken that you'd laugh at something like that, considering that he was being 100% serious. But since you've known him, the both of you have been constantly cracking up jokes, trying to get on each other's nerves, so no wonder you thought this was another one of his pranks. He decides to take this reaction as a blessing, you have no idea he's actually into you, now he knows he has to work out a different way to confess his feelings for you.
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Alice Cullen
She's a little confused obviously, having multiple visions of the two of you in a romantic relationship kind of gave her the impression that it might've been going to come true, but your disinterest says something else altogether.
But the worst part is that those damn visions of you and her together keep coming back, taunting her, luring her in deeper to despair with the thoughts of what might be. It's all getting so intense, so she decides to skip town for a bit, see if that changes anything, or at least helps her clear her head.
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Jasper Hale
Oh well, so you're not interested in a romantic relationship, so what? Doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Doesn't mean he can't be the charming Southern gentleman he is. Doesn't mean he can't still pull out chairs or open doors for you. Or send anonymous bouquets to your house. Or leave your favourite snacks in your locker when you're having a rough day. Of course not.
It doesn't mean he can't worry about other people who might want to date you. Doesn't mean he can't scare off people who'd be bad for you. I mean, what else are friends for?
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clanborn · 9 days
star climax that i would personally enjoy: splashtail's got frostpaw pinned in their final confrontation, he's this close to finally killing her, and all of frostpaw's fears culminate and leave her frozen, unable to struggle free. curlfeather, through sheer willpower ignited by this immediate threat to her daughter's life, summons all the energy she can muster to project her image into the physical world, visible to both splash and frost. her sheer fury, her mangled corpse--here, present, clawing her way out of splashtail's dreams and into a waking nightmare, here to drag him down to hell with her--spooks splashtail to the core. this either frightens him so bad he suffers cardiac arrest, or he instantly bolts and abandons the clans forever (for the case where he could be brought back as a villain who is ideally no longer lame). once more, curlfeather saves frostpaw's life, this time from beyond the grave, so great is her love for her daughter. with the image of her bloodied mother burned in her mind, frostpaw's conflicted feelings bubble to the surface, feelings she's desperately forced underneath a layer of anger and resentment. frostpaw faces the truth: that her mother manipulated her for her own gain, but also that her mother loved her, and ultimately cared for frostpaw more than her own life. curlfeather was not entirely good or bad, she was simply just a cat, a flawed one, one capable of both good and bad things. hidden in all of her misdeeds was a cat that could be forgiven--and in turn, frostpaw too could be forgiven, and no longer needs to blame herself for every misfortune that had befallen her and her clan. frostpaw is also just a cat, a child under incredible duress, forced to make decisions that no child should have to make. she thinks of every cat that pushed that responsibility onto her--yes, her mother, but also splashtail, her older clanmates, every clan cat around the lake that turned a blind eye to her desperation. even starclan--her all knowing, benevolent ancestors--had stood by while she suffered, had caused her suffering, had used her not unlike the way curlfeather had. what made them different? why was curlfeather punished by cats who were no better? why was frostpaw punished for doing everything right? what distinction did starclan make between "good" and "bad" when all cats were capable of both, including starclan, in all its alleged, unerring kindness?
frostpaw once again does starclan's bidding, touches her nose to the moonpool and receives her nine lives. with each life, cats flash before her vision--harelight, riverstar, jayclaw--but they aren't the cats she sees. in her mind she sees curlfeather, blood on her paws and love in her eyes, and newly named froststar decides what sort of leader she will be. this is the last time she will follow starclan's path, no more will riverclan be subject to their will and their hypocrisies. relying on starclan is what destroyed them, their ancestors standing idle as riverclan tore itself apart for their favor. no more will riverclan force warriors and apprentices in certain roles, no more will it allow complacency, letting desperate voices go unheard. splashtail rejected starclan, but that is not what drove his bloodthirst and desire for power. under froststar's leadership, power would not solely lie in the paws of her and starclan, but shared among her clanmates, unable to be ripped away by a lone instigator, shattered by a single break in the chain.
maybe she'll be the kind of leader curlfeather wanted to be. maybe she'll be better. either way, froststar will lead riverclan into a golden dawn.
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐛 - 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞﹒
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playlist ! this one is pretty long tbh, i cannot sleep, can only write
Bellamy Blake - Dropship
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ You stumble across a knocked-out person, and you drag his body to your cave not knowing what to do; if only you knew what this would lead to. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: smut, lots of plot, violence, nsfw, grounder reader
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Finding unusual things in the first wasn't uncommon. In fact, it became a normal occurrence for me. I had loved studying the animals in the Trigeda, always finding them astounding, every one acting a different way, how they'd interact with each other.
It was different from how humans interacted, with the animals it was peaceful; the circle of life. And with humans it was tough, always using violence as the first means of answer, their reasoning always being 'Jus drein jus daun.'
Blood must have blood.
Lincoln had told me about the boat people, how my views and theirs didn't share many differences. But I knew I couldn't condemn my life to one stuck on the water, surrounded by miles and miles of sea and fish.
I loved the wholly green trees, and the spots of color by the flowers when a welcoming spring came; a sign of forgiveness from the harsh conditions of a rough winter just weeks before, when the animals would go into hiding.
When the Sky People initially landed it scared off the animals for miles around the drop ship, it took two weeks for them to return to their natural acts.
I knew Trikru weren't fond of the Sky People, they were like all the other clans- instantly resorting to violence and wars. They fit right in here on Earth.
So when I found a boy who bore the symbols of Skaikru in the middle of the forest unconscious, I had to do something.
I knew what they'd do to him if they found him here, and I'd never forgive myself if I let that happen knowing I could've done something.
I had tried picking him up but he was fairly heavy, and I was fairly weak. I felt bad dragging him, not knowing what lay between the grass but it was the only option I had.
Luckily for him, my cave was nearby.
I dragged him all the way inside my cave before assessing what had happened.
I felt very awkward feeling him up and down, feeling as though I was invading his personal space; which I was. But it was for the greater good.
I think.
Once I was sure he didn't have any wounds I felt his face, his freckles, and dirt hid underneath my palms as I cupped his cheeks. His temperature was high but he was breathing fine, possibly dehydration? Starvation? Either way, I couldn't do anything until he woke up.
I removed his jacket and placed it under his head as a sort of pillow while also trying to take his body temperature down I rubbed a cloth with water across his dirty face.
Once the dirt was off his features were much more prominent, his freckles littered his face with underbags like he hadn't had a good night's rest in days. My guess was either blue or green eyes.
Deciding to let him sleep I backed away from the boy. I stepped towards my meat rack and grabbed two pieces of provisions, then placed the meat on the metal rack above the smoke to get something ready for when he awoke.
It didn't take long for him to wake up, the smell of cooked meat filled the cave in a warm atmosphere.
The boy shot up, looking around cluelessly before his eyes landed on me. He instinctively grabbed for a knife, instead gripping onto nothing.
I probably should've dressed less like a grounder.
I knew little of English, only really hearing it when I went to Trikru villages or Polis.
He backed up into the cave wall, struggling to stand on his feet.
"Shhh," I spoke softly, placing my hands out in a calming manner, if I could calm animals I could calm humans right?
"Where am I?" His voice was loud and rough, it boomed off the walls of the cave.
"Cave," I simply state, grabbing my knife from my pocket as the boy's eyes widen. I knew he'd feel safer if he thought he was in control. I tossed the knife over to him, showing him I had no other weapons.
He quickly leaned in to grab it, now aiming it towards me.
"Why am I here?" His voice was less louder this time, but still fairly rough in octaves.
"Asleep in the forest,"
The dots seemed to connect in his mind as he lowered the knife, still weary about my every move.
My hand slowly went to my side, grabbing my canteen and sliding it across the floor to him.
"Drink," I demanded, giving my best trusting smile.
He kicked it back to me, untrusting the contents. If I wanted him dead I would've done it when he was asleep in the middle of the forest!
Even animals trust easier than this.
"You first," He said.
I rolled my eyes and took the canteen to my lips, taking a small sip to save the rest for him.
Sliding it once again to him he swiftly took it and drank the remaining contents in a very fast manner, like he's never tasted water that good before. His swift actions made a giggle erupt from me, making him look weirdly at me.
"Why?" He asked, placing the knife in its respective holster.
I looked at him confused, unsure of what he was referring to.
"Why save me?"
I thought about the words for a moment, unsure of how much trig he knew- or if he knew any at all.
"I am much kinder than Trikru," I said, walking towards the smoke rack. "Food, eat,"
He wasn't sure if he could trust me, even after I just saved his life, he thought I'd want some unrepayable favor back, or that I was just waiting for my leader to show up.
I sighed and walked to the wall of the cave, sitting down and leaning back on my arms. "Okay, starve," I said.
His face was one of inner debating, not taking long before getting up and taking his share of the meat.
"What's your name?" He asked, now sitting down in the same spot he was before, which was fairly close to me. Though he held the knife in his hands as he ate; I didn't mind.
"Many questions," I say with a smile, "y/n."
He never returned my smile, instead turning his expression into one of seriousness "I'm gonna have questions for the person who dragged me to this cave,"
I scoffed, "You have a knife, gonot,"
There was no use in helping someone who won't take it, it's like chasing a rabbit who doesn't wanna be chased.
The boy rolled his eyes, his head shaking as well, he knew enough to know I told him to leave. He used his knee to prop himself up, heading towards the cave entrance with one last look at me.
Brown eyes. He had deep, brown eyes.
It had been a few days since my last encounter with the brown-eyed boy. I hadn't thought about him much, only before I went to bed, when I woke up, when I was watching animals, and when I was talking to Lincoln. I'd like to think that wasn't much.
I couldn't shake the fact he hadn't even thanked me for saving his life, nobody had ever treated me with such coldness before. Especially after I help them. Maybe it was just a Skaikru thing, maybe they weren't used to common courtesy. He hadn't even told me his name.
The boy on the other hand had also been thinking of me, the grounder who saved him.
Though he didn't like that word.
Instead, he told everyone he camped out in a cave with a grounder that he held hostage. He couldn't believe the grounders were kind, not after the lives they took, the torture they put Skaikru through. But he couldn't help repeating my name in his head, repeating that day over and over.
A grounder saved him.
I wasn't sure why I was so drawn to the boy with the brown eyes, but I just knew I was.
Walking through the forest I was picking random flowers, feeling bad for them as I was ripping them from their bodies stuck to the ground, but it made great feed for the rabbits.
I was twirling the daisy between my fingers when a loud voice boomed off the barks of the trees, scaring the crows from their nests.
"Don't move!" I heard a voice yell from behind me.
My entire body froze in fear, I had never been put in a situation like this, never having made many enemies.
"Turn around, slowly!"
I did as told, moving as slowly as I could until I was face to face with a boy, this wasn't the boy from the cave, this one had bright blue eyes you could see from miles away and a messy middle part with a particularly big nose.
I felt like a deer that was spooked by hunters, everything in me was telling me to run, escape, and take my chances. But my legs wouldn't cooperate with my head. I couldn't take this guy on, I wasn't a fighter, I never learned.
He could sense the fear radiating off me, "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you, grounder." He spoke with such spite as if I was a disease or plague.
I couldn't form any sentences, my heart was beating against the cage of my chest, and I prayed that anybody would come and save me.
I didn't wanna die.
I didn't wanna die before learning his name.
I was about to die and he was the first thing I was thinking of, unbelievable.
"Speak!" He shouted once again, stepping closer to me with his gun aiming towards my head.
"Murphy!" The familiar voice filled my ears.
Murphy, I'm assuming, looked back quickly before letting out an angry groan.
The brown-eyed boy appeared, and when he saw the scene he was angry.
He marched up to Murphy and grabbed ahold of his jacket, making him drop the gun.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He yelled into Murphy's face, still gripping his jacket as strong as ever, he practically lifted him up.
"Finishing the job man!" Murphy tried pushing the boy off but it was no use, fear seeped into Murphy's voice.
"Finishing the job?" He repeated though it wasn't a question.
"C'mon, Bellamy, she's just a stupid-," Murphy tried reasoning.
"She's what!?" Bellamy yelled, slamming Murphy into a tree before grabbing him again, "She's what!?"
I couldn't lie to myself, seeing this side of Bellamy was attractive. Knowing he was already so protective over me, I couldn't let him kill Murphy.
"Bellamy!" I shouted.
Bellamy didn't look towards me, instead, he glared into Murphy's eyes before throwing him down and backing away towards the dropped gun.
Only then did he meet my gaze, examining me from feet away to make sure Murphy didn't harm me.
Murphy took a while to regain his composure, standing up and dusting himself off while looking between us.
"Let's go," Bellamy said, looking towards Murphy.
Bellamy stole another glance at me before leaving for their ship, leaving me standing there still processing everything.
That day came and went, and so did the next. I had begun missing Bellamy, I roamed the woods hoping I'd run into him but I never did.
I even debated on just running into their camp, but the big weaponry scared me off. All I could do was hope and pray he was okay, that Trikru hadn't gotten to him first.
I spoke with Lincoln the day after the incident, I told him about Bellamy, about Murphy. And he admitted he too saved a girl from Skaikru, she was Bellamy's sister, and she wasn't like the rest. Octavia was kind, and gentle with Lincoln, a calm contrast to the way most people had treated him.
I was happy for Lincoln, he found someone he was interested in, and it was nice to have someone relate to the same experiences I was going through.
Bellamy was worrying about me just as much as well. After the previous incident, he wasn't sure I could handle myself if another person were to threaten me. The thought alone had his blood boiling.
He wanted me there, in camp, where he knew I'd be safe. But after what happened with the grounders he didn't think the rest of the camp would like that idea.
He tried everything to go outside the walls, to even catch a glimpse of me but he knew the camp needed him there now. The wall wouldn't build itself. He'd always find his mind coming back to me, carefree picking flowers and talking to the animals.
Most would find it crazy but he found it mesmerizing. In such a dark world there was such beauty, and I knew how to find it in even the darkest of times.
I was in my cave when I heard someone call me.
It was Lincoln.
I smiled when I saw him, Lincoln was one of my best friends, well, my only best friend.
"Yea?" I ask, walking up to him, his expression is a mix of anger and worry.
"They're going to attack tonight, the bridge,"
Lincoln didn't need to explain further for me to know what he was talking about.
Trikru was going to march on Skaikru.
I needed to warn them.
I swiftly ran past Lincoln, but he quickly grabbed my arm.
"Lincoln! I need to-"
"Be safe."
I gave him a nod before rushing off to the drop ship, my mind only worrying about Bellamy and his people. With every step, the sky got darker, and my legs began to get sore but I had to push through.
And then I saw it.
The big wooden fence made of scraps.
"Grounder!" I heard one of the men atop the wall yell. "Don't move!"
Bellamy was the first to open the doors, his face turned to one of surprise, but I didn't have time for reunions.
"Don't shoot! She is safe!" Bellamy yelled.
I ran to him, "Bellamy," I looked into his eyes, "They're attacking soon, from the bridge," His expression dropped to a more serious look.
"We know," He said, "Ravens working on a bomb right now,"
My face must've contorted enough for him to notice.
"For the bridge," He finished with a smile.
A breath of relief passed through my lips.
"Come in, I'll catch you up."
It took him an hour to explain everything, from Murphy going missing to him returning with a temporary sickness infecting everyone but the immune. It was something Trikru did to thin out the battlefield, my heart felt for all the souls who couldn't make it past the sickness.
"Bellamy!" I heard a girl from outside his tent call, he gave me a look before exiting the tent and I curiously followed, receiving stares from everyone around us.
"Raven? What's up?" He asked Raven, she had a tan complexion with a high ponytail.
"We did it, now we just need to make it there and shoot it."
Bellamy nodded, "I'll do it,"
I immediately looked towards him, "No!"
"I have to, it's for my people," He said, now looking down towards me.
I couldn't stand the thought of possibly losing him, what if something went wrong and he never came back?
"There isn't any other way?" I pleaded, worry evident in my face and tone.
"Our other shooters are too sick and I'm the last good shot," His hands went to my arms in a comforting matter, "I'll be back before you even know it."
His words did little to calm my worries, but I knew he was set on his decision. All I could do was nod in reply.
Raven handed him a sniper and mixture, "Pour the gunpowder around the jelly, then run far away."
With every word she spoke, I could feel the fear and sadness crawl up my spine.
Bellamy was ready to leave but before he did he looked at me before approaching another boy "If anything happens to her, they answer to me, got it?"
The boy nodded his head in reply.
I watched as he left the gates and as they slowly closed behind him, the anxiety growing within everyone in the camp. If Bellamy failed, it was over for everyone else as well.
For the next few hours, I stayed in Bellamy's tent, lying in his bed and curled up under his blanket which still smelled like him. I was beyond worried for him, I hadn't known him long but I deeply cared for him.
"Don't think I just forgot." I heard a voice say, now entering the tent. It was Murphy.
The same scared feeling returned throughout my body.
"What do you want?" I ask, sitting up off the bed, trying to seem as tough as possible knowing deep down I was terrified of the man standing in front of me.
"You made me look weak!" He shouted at me, his grip on the knife becoming stronger as his knuckles clouded over with a white shade.
"I don't know what you mean," I tried defending myself, Murphy stepped closer and brought the knife to my throat. The cold metal sent shivers and goosebumps down my body.
I wanted so desperately to defend myself, to take action, but I just couldn't.
"Shouldve done it when I had the chance,"
"Done what," Bellamy said before entering.
I almost started crying at the sight of Bellamy, his curly hair now matted in the dirt, but he never looked more handsome.
Murphy instantly dropped the knife and turned around, the moment he did Bellamy's fist locked with Murphy's face, making him scramble on the ground. Bellamy grabbed Murphy by the collar of his jacket and dragged him to the gate, not even letting him get up.
What scared me most is the fact Bellamy hadn't said a word since he found us.
The gates opened and he threw Murphy to the ground, giving him a nice kick to go with it.
Once Murphy was out of the way the gates closed, everyone watching in worry and fear as whispers erupted from the crowd.
Nobody had ever protected me like Bellamy had, I felt more safe with him than I've ever felt before.
Bellamy wasted no time in returning to the tent, seeing me wait there for him.
I ran into his arms and cupped his cheeks, locking our lips together finally.
His hands snaked down to my lower back, pulling me closer into his embrace as he led me to the bed laying me down gently.
I pulled away to catch my breath and he took this time to shrug his jacket off.
"I missed you," I said breathily, smiling up at him while he took his shirt off, revealing his toned chest which I swiftly ran my hands over, feeling every crevice, wanting to engrave the feeling into the pads of my fingers.
"I missed you too, princess," He returned my smile slyly, sneaking his hands under my top and sliding it off with ease, revealing my bare chest as he looked in complete awe.
Being under his gaze made my face flush with a deep red, suddenly feeling vulnerable, it didn't take him long to get his hands working up and down my body, feeling over my breasts and sides before slipping my pants down slowly revealing my soaked cunt, I bit my lip at the coldness meeting my warm pussy.
Bellamy let out a groan, feeling his bulge harden against his tight jeans. Tossing my jeans to the side he slid his fingers in between my slit, coating his fingers in the juices and trailing them up my thighs.
"This fine, princess?" He asked, staring into my eyes with his beautiful brown eyes.
I nodded my head quickly, needing this more than anything at the moment.
I heard his belt unbuckle and his zipper become undone. His hands grabbed my thighs and spread them open before lining himself up with my hole.
Bellamy let out a soft groan after only pressing his tip into me, he slowly pushed deeper into me causing sweet moans and pants to fill the tent.
It was the sweetest sound Bellamy had ever heard, he needed to hear more.
Once Bellamy was fully inside me he began slowly grinding his hips into me, not wanting to fully pull out. The feeling was ecstatic, unlike anything I'd ever felt before.
My hands reached for anything to grab onto, landing on his arms I grabbed onto them as the pain flooded my body from the abuse my sweet spot was going through.
"Doing so good," Bellamy groaned out, grabbing ahold of my hips while my legs wrapped around his waist. He gazed at the facial expressions I was making, the faster he pounded the better they got to him.
Bellamy wanted to be rough with me, to thrust into me until I couldn't take it anymore, but he knew he needed to be gentle with me. At least for now.
His grip on my hips forced me to stay still, unable to properly arch my back making him hit the deepest spots in me. I knew I couldn't last, I knew my climax was reaching me this soon.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck... Bell!" I moaned out loudly, my climax washing over my body as I shook in Bellamy's grip.
The tightening of my pussy drove Bellamy crazy, he couldn't be gentle, not like this, not when I was below him being so irresistible.
His slow thrusts soon turned rough and fast, each thrust ending with wet and lewd sounds.
Tears began streaming down my cheeks at the overstimulation, my hands going to his chest trying to push him away but my attempts were futile.
"Just keep looking pretty under me," Bellamy said, his eyes not looking away from my face, only taking quick glances toward my breasts.
His praises were addicting, making my legs start to shake erratically.
His face was coated in a thin layer of sweat, causing his skin to shine as the light from the small lantern lit the side of his face, I wanted to remember this moment forever, him above me making me feel so insanely good; better than anyone could ever make me feel.
Bellamy's hand trailed up my body and to my neck, he squeezed lightly giving him a better angle to fuck into me.
The pressure on my neck was enough to make me cum again, my body shook uncontrollably as another orgasm washed over me, painting Bellamy's cock in a thick white layer, making it easier to slip in and out of me.
Bellamy was close to his own climax, chasing the high.
"All mine, all mine," He breathed out, leaning down and kissing my neck while giving light squeezes to my neck.
His groans became louder in my ear, and it wasn't long before I felt him pull out and finish all over my stomach.
He leaned into my shoulder and caught up with his breath, smiling into my neck and breathing me in.
"You did so good," His voice was rough, a slight contrast from before.
He stood up slowly and grabbed a nearby cloth to clean me up, discarding it after.
"You're okay?" Bellamy asked sweetly, while I crawled into a more comfortable position on his bed.
"Mhm, lay with me," I said meekly.
Bellamy smiled at the sight of me curled up in his bed, he crawled in beside me and pulled me closer to him.
"Stay here with me," He whispered, stroking my hair lovingly.
"What if Murphy comes back?"
He thought for a moment, "For you? I'd banish him a thousand times over,"
I smiled up at him, placing a small kiss on his lips.
"I'll stay then,"
With Bellamy's fingers stroking my hair, the heat coming from our bodies, and the safety I felt beside him, I drifted off to sleep.
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raitonsfw · 6 months
Idk if people usually ask for this or not, but I'd love to see sfw hc of Gojo and reader first falling in love with each other (sort of like love at first sight/meeting for both of them or smthing). It doesn't matter if it's when they're teenagers or adults 💞
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synopsis: a sfw requested variety piece of gojo and reader falling in love - in this case teen!gojo and reader.
warnings: gn!reader, teen!gojo, sorcerer!reader, both are high school students, geto suguru mention, love at first sight, slight talk of violence involving curses, gojo's a bit pretentious (I mean...confident?), he's got a hat on cuz he was playing baseball prior, its short mah bad.
a/n: decided to make this a two-three parter just cuz i wanted to write teenage gojo AND adult gojo... and maybe their life after they get together in a small one shot mayhaps? wc: 600ish. m.list
divider credit: @benkeibear & @firefly-graphics
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•┈••✦ your teenage years were nothing short of good luck– the white haired boy staring at you from the other side of the hallway as you tried to master your cursed technique. you were stationed out in the garden area when you felt his eyes on you; practically drinking in your every move with his best friend trying to nudge him out of the way as he had stopped walking right in front of him. 
•┈••✦ he just found you so beautiful, completely in awe and he nearly bounced off the walls when he found out your name from geto suguru, the best friend who was just trying to walk down the hallway behind him. apparently you were an exchange student, from one of the sister schools– trying to hone their skills through one of the prodigy students who was supposed to be assigned to you soon.
•┈••✦ you didn’t know who was going to be; you just remember being told it was someone who was destined to be one of the greatest sorcerers of all time, so it got you a bit on edge. the classroom was empty as you waited patiently for the other student and of course, who ends up stumbling late with a backwards baseball cap on? 
•┈••✦ gojo satoru — the boy who had ogled at you in the hallway in between the glass separating you two from the space you would take up later in life together.
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“Oh, it’s you!”
Your face immediately flushed red as Gojo pointed at you, the baseball falling to the floor as his jaw dropped. It bounced towards you and you caught it in your palm in a light bend, an awkward chuckle leaving you as you stood up to hand it back to him. “I beg your pardon?” 
His usual facade — the cocky student that crowded the hallways with nothing but pride spilling from his lips — had collapsed as you approached him; his breath was literally pulled from his lungs as he took in your beauty, his words suddenly feeling like lead on his tongue. You were so much prettier up close in the dewy glow that framed you– golden dripped amongst your features and it made your eyes sparkle as you looked at him, waiting for an answer. 
Suguru warned him about this– don’t make the mistake of falling in love. Or else the curses would crawl from the corners of the Earth and take what was his, bloodshed within the sharp edges of their teeth– but he was Satoru Gojo. He could handle a million curses with his stained hands if it meant he could get you to love him sincerely– or maybe just go out on a date with him?
You had noticed his eyes were brighter than you mistook through the paneled glass of the school back in the garden and it made you incredibly flustered as he basically stared you down. You knew of his clan, of everything that made him a Gojo– but you didn’t expect his eyes to be almost glowing within the midst of the breaking daylight. 
Suddenly his hand wrapped around the baseball, brushing it against your own as he plucked it from you. You swore that the clouds had stopped moving outside as you looked down at your hand absentmindedly, then back to the baseball as he threw it in the air.
You made the mistake of looking back up into his eyes that held you hostage– taking in everything that he had to offer you. His smile had you almost falling to your knees, complete with a coy endeavor as he decided to dodge your empty question, his slick demeanor taunting you because he wasn’t like this seconds ago.
“Your technique needs work. But I’m here to help you.” A flash of his perfect teeth and a wink that shrouded the blue depth of the vividness, you knew right then and there you had to make him yours. 
“I’m Satoru. Don’t bother calling me by my surname– it’ll be yours soon.” 
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taglist: @izakyun | @classyempathmongercloud | @satorawrrr | @noxioustoxin | @rubyparsonx | @mirrors-musings | @faerie-soirxx | @salmonpoki
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karlachismylife · 8 days
Blind Spot || The Queen of the Clan pt.3
CW: fem!chubby!reader, kinda stalking and privacy invasion (what privacy out in the savanna though), mentions of pissing/marking
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You're still shaken even by the end of the day, and you're not alone in this state: no one fancies being trampled, no matter how beuatiful the wild black and white horsy lolipops are, and even the local guides look unnerved by today's brush with a horrific death. So you don't feel weird when you find yourself restless and on high alert deep into the barely moonlit night - even though Kir has it better than you and breathes evenly in the sleeping bag next to you, he mutters something like "careful" when you climb out of your tent. He understands, doesn't complain - honestly, a great fucking guy to have as your friend here.
The night is quite cooler than the frying pan that the days out here are, but it's still relatively warm and filled with loud noises, making it feel much more welcoming, even though by logic you should be more afraid of the darkness filled with so much wildlife than of a still, silent night. You and your human vision are no better than unsuspecting antilopas stocking up on some grass for an upcoming migration - an easy target for a silent predator, whose glinting eyes in the night vision camera will be the last thing flashing before it pounces you.
But then again, you have everyone around you to alert of an intruder: cautious birds, crickets, loud enough to make your eardrums vibrate as you pass their invisible high grounds on quiety rustling grass blades. Even some distant monkeys calling each other, ready to warn everyone around them like the good neighbours they are. That's probably more than your human neighbours in the city would do for you, if they even had noticed an intruder under late night TV or headphones.
Surely, you're safe enough in the confines of a camp to step aside and pee before going back to sleep.
You turn around to be greeted with a sight straight out of Conan Doyle's Hound of the Baskervilles, savannah edition. A huge, dog-like figure, looming right in the passage between tents ominously, a bare skull where its head should be.
If you didn't have to piss before, you sure do now.
The animal seems to sense the way your heart drops, fingers growing cold immediately, a potential shriek stuck in your throat, and moves. Takes a step back. Gets its lowered, unthreatening head out of the complete darkness - a pair of plush, round ears, one chipped harshly, light mane and an uneven patch of lighter fur on its mangled, but still adorable in its way, muzzle (so that's the skull) revealed.
A fucking hyena. Again. At least not the one that already took a habit of nuzzling up to you and using your backpack as its toilet - although, judging solely by size, this one would be more dominant - even though dominant hyenas don't usually go around looking like they were mauled by their whole clan. Still, who's to say it won't decide to go and spray over the other's scent just to prove who's more important? A single thought of getting your stuff double-scented makes your eyes water. Hyenas fucking stink.
"Don't you dare come piss on my stuff, you fucking Baskerville mutt," you threaten the hyena quietly, backing off into the patch of grass you intended to water. The hyena scoffs at you, but bows its head again. Its eyes - just two glistening orbs in the scarce lighting you have here - don't seem all that pleading and submissive, like the other one's did, but you know better than to judge animals by their eyes. They're not humans, no matter how similar their behaviour sometimes is, and you have to rely on indicators like their stance and vocalization.
Your ghostly visitor seems to be pretty calm. Perhaps got attracted by the unfamiliar hyena's smell you brought with yourself, and now is mostly confused and wary of the bulky tents with many humans inside - and one lucky human outside.
"There's no food for you here. You better go hunt somewhere else, or you'll be hungry," you try not to think that there is very much food for the hyena - namely, you - and back away further. The hyena that seemed quite content with just standing in one place all hauntingly, suddenly moves, pushes its ears back and whoops at you, making you stop abruptly.
The grass right where your foot would be planted moves silently and a single glint of a snake hurrying away from the big clumsy distrubance sends a shiver down your spine. You can't make out what snake it was, but you sure as hell don't mind never knowing compared to the other alternative. You shoot a glance at the hyena in its guarded position, and you find yourself able to follow the snake's path by the subtle movements of your fluffy savior's eyes. Huh. Not even a full twenty-four hours, and you're already saved twice by hyenas. If that's not the biggest middle finger to the Lion King, then what?
"Do you mind staying on watch while I pee, maybe?" you chuckle, teasing the hyena - surely it doesn't understand you, but it lets out a low whiny growl, as if acknowledging that it heard you try and communicate with it. You comtemplate hiding behind someone's tent (that's not very neighbourly, though) or a rover (too far, and who knows how many more snakes are there to taste your ankles along the way), but the train of thought lands back where you started: putting on a show in front of a hyena out of a ghost story.
You'll just have to pray that it doesn't consider you simply relieving yourself as an attempt to assert dominance or call dibs on its territory.
Surprisingly, the hyena averts its eyes as you crouch down in an uncomfortable position, your legs already cramping and the very real fear of anything crawling into your panties keeping you from actually letting go. When you finally manage, your guard's ears twitch, turning to the hissing sound, but it almost makes a point to keep its muzzle turned away - the logical explanation would be that there's actually something more interesting for the animal in the direction it's looking at. But you can dream of a respectful hyena ghost standing guard while you struggle to pull your pants back up, right?
You circle the hyena on the way back, keeping your eyes on it the whole time, and it turns its big patterned head to follow you too, wagging its tail lazily once or twice as you nearly stumble on the uneven ground. You only turn away from him, pretty much fed up with your night escapades (what did you want though, you're in the middle of the animal kingdom), as you try to open your and Kir's tent.
And then you hear the rustling and a low grumble. Alerted, you lift your head, prepared to scream as a last attempt to wander the predator off, only to find it fully laying on the ground, snout-first in the dust, rolling around and getting sand and dirt into its mane as it rubs its hide desperately at a certain spot on the ground.
The spot you just peed on.
"Ew, pervert," you react faster than you should, words slipping out as if you were actually witnessing a human do the same, not an animal that's very much used to rubbing its scent off on others and recieving the same treatment. But then again, what hyena wants human scent on its fur?
The hyena seems to hear you though. Its jolly tossing stops immediately, and you meet its huge dark eyes for a moment, before it makes another whiny grumbling noise - much more high-pitched this time, as if you caught the poor furry baby off guard and embarassed it - and scatters away, rushing silently through the night until it simply dissolves into the darkness.
Just like a ghost should.
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Part 2 | Part 3.5 | Part 4
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Tagging: @elaineiswithyou-blog @creepingeva @my-halo-is-a-little-broken @sillymanjaro @ihatethinkingofnames10 @ravensfeatheruniverse @yaminax @ljh861
honestly i don't know if posting updates so fast is a good idea, but i'm an attention whore and seeing people enjoy this thing overdozes me on dopamine better than any differential equation could, so i'll try and make updates as each previous chapter reaches a 100 notes. also a reminder that i will eventually block ageless blogs interacting at least with the nsfw chapters, so please take a minute and put your age in your bio or pinned post!
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teyamsilly · 10 months
dark red
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pairing: neteyam x metkayina! reader
tags & warning: arguments, short tempered reader, soft spoken neteyam, neteyam has emotional intelligence, a bit angst
summary: neteyam missed your dates four times in a row because of his ikinimiya training— that he insisted on having because your father wants yourself a mate who's done ikinimiya the metkayina way. you brushed it off, but when you saw him smiling at another girl at the time your date is supposed to happen, you snapped.
index paskalin - honey
word count 1.2k words
a/n posting this at midnight and half asleep because i suddeny had an idea 💪🏻
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Sighing, you gently took off the shells Tsireya attached to your hair for decoration. The top you wore was especially meant for special occasions. You wanted to appear nice for Neteyam since you spent shorter and shorter periods with him.
This was the fourth date that he couldn't come to, and he sent Lo'ak to tell you. Neteyam told you the first time that he was preoccupied with last-minute training. He told you the same thing the second time. However, on the third occasion, Kiri informed you that he had been engrossed in training yet again. And it was his brother this time.
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
I don't know it, but I feel it coming
Neteyam would be so worn out thereafter that he would immediately fall asleep. You sympathise with what he's going through because you've been there yourself. Complaining made you feel insensitive and unreasonable, also he was doing this for you. It never felt right to voice your concerns about the amount of time you're spending together lately.
But you miss him so much. The warm touch of his skin against yours, his lips pressing against yours, and his warm smile that never fails to make you fall for him all over again.
You huffed, deciding to meet him halfway when he goes home and give him the longest hug, because it finally hit you: you missed him too much.
You left your marui, feeling the net dipping slightly at each step you took. However, you stopped your movement when your ears twitched at a particular sound.
Neteyam's voice.
You peered ahead, brows pinched together, as his figure approached. He wasn't alone, though. He was with a girl you knew. Ila'yu was one of the best hunters in the clan. She's strong and bold. The two of you trained together and completed ikinimiya at the same age, there was no competition whatsoever.
Yet you cant help but feel possessive.
Ila'yu said something, making gestures as she did so, and Neteyam broke out a laugh. They didn't notice your presence until they were five feet away from you.
Might be so sad, might leave my nose running
I just hope she don't wanna leave me
Neteyam's eyes brightened up at the sight of you, oblivious to your harsh demeanour. Ila'yu noted your expression and remained firm on her spot as he approached you happily.
"I will see you tomorrow, Neteyam," says Ila'yu. She sent a nod towards your way, but you didn't return it.
He nodded, and grinned, "Thank you for today."
Once she was gone, Neteyam looked back at you with every intent to put all of his attention on you. He cupped your face with his rough hands, thumbs carressing your cheeks softly. "I haven't seen you in a while, paskalin." The boy leaned in for a kiss, but you pulled away and left him there standing, dumbfounded.
Neteyam was stumped. He was processing what had just occurred and began to recount all of the things he had done to you that would have hurt you. His sole thought was that he had missed another date, so he rushed inside your marui.
You were fuming, ears pinned against your head. You looked so much like your mother, it intimidated him a bit.
"What was that?" you seethed.
"What was what, paskalin?" he asked softly, stepping closer to you but you walked farther away from him. 
"What were you doing with her?"
Neteyam attempted to hold your hand, but you just slapped his hand away. "She assisted me with training. Your father couldn't observe the people in training, so he assigned her to teach us. Nothing happened," he explained.
You scoffed, "And you just happen to walk home together?"
"She accompanied me-"
"Paskalin," he exhaled gently.
"We haven't spent time together anymore, and I was fine with it because you had training. Each time, I asked for Kiri and Tsireya's opinions on what to wear because you work so hard. And then I see you with her? Are you fucking kidding me?" you raised your voice. "You two look so happy together, must be nice to spend some time together! Oh, why don't we invite her to our mat? She can sleep with-"
Neteyam pursed his lips, exhaustion setting in. He knew that he had neglected you for a while within reason, but it still felt wrong. Every time he tried to make amends with you, something would get in the way. With your ferocious outburst, he wondered how long you'd kept to yourself.
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby
"Paskalin," he cut you off with the same gentle tone. "I don't want to argue with you. You're angry, I understand. But I don't want us to speak to each other like this. Why don't we take the moment to calm ourselves and then we talk about it?"
You blinked when he responded softly. He didn't appear upset or enraged, but simply patient. Neteyam interpreted your silence as agreement and gently grasped your hand in his. You couldn't deny the butterflies bursting in your stomach.
Neteyam sat down with crossed legs, and you followd his actions hesitantly. His thumb brushed the top of your hand delicately. You forced yourself to look away and focused your glare on the ocean, your lips slightly pouting.
You were so stubborn, and that's what Neteyam found about you so endearing. You're driven and hold yourself with confidence.
After a while, Neteyam noticed that you looked more relaxed than you were earlier. "Are you ready to talk?" he asked carefully.
You sighed, "I just… I miss you 'teyam. It feels like everyone sees you more than I do lately, and I don't like that. I know I sound selfish and ungrateful, but that's how I feel. Then when I saw her, I just snapped."
"Paskalin, I promise you that she's only been nothing, but a good friend to me. She gives me tips about my ikinimiya because she knows how much I want to be with you. If I knew it would bother you this much, I would have put my distance a bit. I'm so sorry for missing our dates, and that you had to feel this way. It was never my intention."
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Tears welled up in your eyes. Now, you feel stupid.
"Please don't apologise, yawne. I'm sorry for yelling. I'm not angry or jealous that you were with her, I just felt really sad." You leaned closer, and pecked his cheek. "I feel foolish now for shouting."
Neteyam shook his head and brought your face closer to his, pressing his lips against yours. You sat on his lap and locked your legs together at his back, arms snaking around his neck. He deepened the kiss, before he pulled away.
You whined at the loss of contact.
"Don't feel foolish, my love. I'm glad that you told me this even if it wasn't in the way I expected it to be." He stared deeply into your blue eyes. "Is the problem resolved now?"
You pulled him for another kiss, and Neteyam couldn't help but chuckle against your lips for how needy you are. But he was just the same, maybe even worse.
He wouldn't want it any other way.
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ahhhwomen · 6 months
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Vampire Empire
Part 4
Pairing: DarkVamp!Wanda Maximoff x DarkVamp!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
A/N: I am so tired lol
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. All mistakes are my own.
AU Warnings: Human pets, abuse, violence, possessiveness, probably incorrect vampire lore, angst, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, kitten play (?), also this is not a Carol positive fic (I have nothing against her, but I needed a villain), death  Minors DNI 18+
Summary: Is this what death feels like?
Word Count: 2.5k
Snot dribbles down your nose, but with a scrunch of your face and a deep inhale, you manage to sniffle it back.
As the weeks closed in on winter your enclosure had become unbearably cold, to the point where your water bowl was frozen over each morning.
After the fourth time of getting your tongue stuck on the icicle your metal bowl had become, you decided to share your heating lamp with it, the red light barely doing anything to keep you from freezing to death as you curled around the little bowl.
As you feel a tickle in your nose, you go to relieve it yet again, but before you can do that-
A hand grabs you by the back of your hair, and you clumsily falter in your path, with your arm blocking your knee, you aren’t able to sit down even as she tries to drag you downward. You can’t stop exactly where she wants you to, so she pulls harder, her fingers digging half-moons into your scalp. The pain is sharp and prominent.
You quickly right your limbs, and seat yourself on the chilling ground.
“Do that one more time and I am going to shoot you,” Carol tells you in an awfully calm tone. She towers over you, her long fluffy coat obscuring your view from anything but her.
You have been continuously sneezing and coughing the past few days and it was starting to piss her off.
Chills prickle your blue-ish skin and you can’t help but shiver as a blow of wind passes by. Your hands and knees feel numb, and you have to squint to stop the wind from making your eyes tear up.
Tires screech against the asphalt as a dark, red, Lamborghini pulls into the parking lot.
The wide frame of the car closes in on the spot beside Master´s SUV, you can see your owner clench her jaw and pull herself higher in posture. As she stands beside you her coat lays against your side, it brushes your shoulder and thigh, the soft material doing nothing to soothe you as the infamous clan leader steps out.
A high heel comes into view first, as her leg bends out of the vehicle and takes a solid footing against the dark pavement. There is a clinking of metal as a delicate hand, adored with golden jewelry, takes hold of the car’s exterior.
Your hands clutch and grasp the ground in hopes of finding a substantial piece of material to distract yourself with. It’s pointless.
The feminine leader steps out of the car with more diligence than any other posh woman could hope for. Wanda has her hair down, her amber curls cascading down her crimson, leather, jacket. Her piercing gaze is hidden behind sunglasses so dark you can’t tell where she is looking, and it makes you tense.
You feel as though she is inspecting you, the scrutinizing power dangles over your head as you replay the influence her eyes hold.
Neither you nor Carol were expecting to see Wanda, usually, it is one of the clan’s goons that meet for this sort of thing. You wonder what changed.
Carol slightly lowers her head in greeting, and you feel obligated to do the same. Your stiff neck struggles to bend past the upper half of your throat, but you bite your tongue and force it down lower. You don’t even realize you are uncontrollably shaking until Wanda speaks up.
“Carol,” Wanda points to your small frame leaning against Master´s legs, too tired to hold yourself up, “the girl is freezing to death. Get her something to put on then we can get started.” Wanda walks past the both of you, her strut unfaltering as she steps inside the construction area.
The scent of her grazes your stuffed nose and you have to resist the need to slump lower and close your eyes for just a moment. It smells warm, like a summer day on the beach, or at least what you envision the scene to smell like.
It’s a shame you will never experience it.
After the shorter woman has walked past, Master kicks her knee out and you topple off balance, your elbow collides with the loose pebbles beneath you as you fall. A small stone is lodged into the skin just beneath your elbow, and when you sit up you can feel the stone shift and dig deeper.
You grit your teeth together in pain and resist the need to hiss as hot flashes shoot up your arm.
Carol throws her head in the direction of her black SUV and states a simple “There is a sweater in the backseat.” Then her army boots stroll forward, leaving you to pick yourself up.
You don’t know when you crawled over, but now you sit just beside the car.
Getting the door open turns out to be a challenge. You grunt to yourself as you can’t seem to lift your arms high enough, the position on your knees is difficult to manage when your muscles are this stiff. And the shaking hasn’t stopped either, it makes no sense to you.
With a huff, you shake it off and push yourself just that little bit farther.
Just as your pale fingers grasp onto the cool metal the scenery around you shifts and morphs.
Suddenly you are sitting beside Carol with a half-knitted sweater hanging loosely against your frame.
You whip your head from left to right, the tendrils in your neck stretching and aching. Your vision lags, one moment you are looking at the far-left wall, then in the blink of an eye your eyes are dizzyingly close to the far right one.
You want to shift from one hand to the other, your palms are raw and painful, but your arms are stiff and heavy.
Nothing makes sense as you study the heels of the woman in front of you, you can’t decide on what color they are, too blurry and confusing to look at you try to think back to when you saw her…
When you saw her...?
Saw who…?
You blink, your eyelids stick together, then with a determined raise of your eyebrows, they slowly peel apart, every lash untwining one by one.
How did you get here?
You can hear the two women talk amongst themselves, but your head is killing you. Every word sounds like an obscured radio speaker, you can’t pull focus and the words drift away.
You feel strange.
At least you aren’t cold anymore.
The tower of paper collapses beneath her desk as another piece of crumbled tree falls on top of the others. Ink stains the flooring as the undried sheet drags across the path of Wanda’s swishing leg.
Red hair falls like a waterfall down the back of her office chair as she throws her head back and huffs to herself. Wanda was dying from boredom, who knew peace could be so troublesome?
Ever since the peace offering was accepted by the clans in this area, Wanda didn’t have much to do. She stretches her neck back and forward, the tense tissue loosening slightly.
With a groan, Wanda pulls her phone out of her left pocket and decides to check on Natasha for the fourth time today. Her thumb taps against the glass screen rapidly, she opens her message app and finds the usual:
Hey lovely, just checking in, how is it going?
Just me again, are you coming home for dinner tonight? I can make your favorite ;)
How is the project coming along, any progress?
If Wanda didn’t know any better, she would think her wife was ignoring her. She sighs and pockets her cell phone. Slowly rising from her seat, the leather chair groans as she uses her legs to pull herself up.
Her desk is a mess.
Case files of all sorts lay unorganized atop, they had been hastily pushed to the side, between the previous fights and the unruliness of other clans, Wanda never had much time to deal with it. Her fingers delicately push the files into a compromised pile, the paper feels dry and bothersome against her pale hands, but it will have to do.
When she turns to place them inside her drawer, her foot slips on the wet ink coating the floor beneath her slipper. Her hip bumps into the low desk and she curses herself as the files fall and scatter before her.
“Just my luck,” she murmurs under her breath as she goes to pick one of them up, then she halts, her head turns as another file grabs her attention.
She remembers that one, it had been a project she wanted to start decades ago but never found the time, it was just recently that her members had started construction.
Leaning under her desk Wanda stretches her hand out and picks up the discussed rapport.
In a spur-of-the-moment, she had plucked her phone back out and called up her most loyal worker, who was supposed to meet with the Thor clan for planning today.
Wanda grabs the desk and places the phone against her ear, keeping it balanced with her raised shoulder, while the tone rings, she continues to pick up the offending objects and place them in their rightful place, just as she is closing the lower drawer he picks up.
“Mrs. Maximoff, what can I do for you?” Clint speaks on the other side of the phone, his voice gruff and masculine.
Wanda’s much more feminine voice answers with an uncaring tone, “The meeting with the Thor clan, that is today, correct?”
Right to the point Clint answers clearly, “Yes ma’am, I was just about to get in my car now.” Wanda takes hold of the phone against her ear; she shifts it to the other side as she opens the file and skims through the content.
She hums, “No need, I will take personal care of this one, you can do as you please today.”
Before the man has time to answer Wanda’s thumb hits the big red button and she starts her path to the walk-in closet across the hall.
You look like shit.
Lying in a heap on the ground, your pale features are void of any emotion.
Your lips are blue, and your fingertips stretched out toward Wanda, have become completely still. Your breathing is slow, then erratic, then slow again.
If Wanda hadn’t seen your fighting spirit that day, she would have thought you were a mute statue. You had been lying in the same spot since you entered with that hideous sweater. It was clearly a half-finished project of Carol´s; what a bitch, can’t even dress her own plaything right.
Wanda cringes at the thought, you weren’t hers.
The redhead glances at her watch for the hundredth time. With a sigh, she closes her eyes and inhales deeply, the cold air invades her lungs and scratches her throat. Even with her lesser human senses, there was a bite in the creeping wind.
With the lack of insolation and the less-than-ideal condition of the walls, Wanda had come here to discuss the process continuing, as the building stands now it would be less than ideal for humans to be here.
Her jacket crinkles as she steps closer to you, her shoes connect with poorly polished oak, and she cringes as she feels the plastic shift and strain when a loose nail tries penetrating the weak material.
You don’t react much, Wanda steps to your side, looking you over slowly.
To say Wanda was surprised to see you would be a lie. Due to the area lying in between the clan’s territory, they had agreed to manage it together, and she knows Carol has a responsibility for the lesser projects, like this one.
Wanda kicks a pebble in your direction, just far enough for any normal human to at least move their head a little, but to no one’s surprise, your glassy eyes stare into the ground just in front of her with a complete lack of reaction.
The redhead is starting to think this match-up was a poor one.
And that’s not even mentioning the disrespect that oozes from the younger girl.
Carol had stepped out of their little meeting half an hour ago, Wanda had been explaining the logistics of marketing, when the blond woman had lifted her finger to Wanda’s face as her phone rang. With no regard for the one funding this project, she had stepped out with a meek “I have to take this.”
It wasn’t long after that very important phone call that Wanda heard Carol´s car speed off the property. Leaving you behind.
Wanda tsks, her lip lifting into a displeased frown. Pulling out her cell phone she is quick to send a message to the clan leader.
Mrs. Maximoff:
Carol left.
Read 7:12
You’re kidding?!
Read 7:13
Wanda snorts, Thor is sweet, but he is also incredibly naïve, he never should have accepted Carol, to begin with. That man’s heart will be his undoing one of these days.
Mrs. Maximoff:
I’m afraid not.
If this ever were to happen again,
I hope you understand that will be the end of this agreement.
I will not extend this olive branch again.
Sent 7:15
With a shake of her head, Wanda places her phone in her dress pants and shrugs her jacket off, her hand clutches the chilled material, hoping to warm it a little. And then she gently places it atop your pale frame. She thought maybe the blond woman would come back, but it seems not. The jacket looks like an overcoat with your curled frame.
Wanda tilts her head as she just stares at you for a moment.
You weren’t even scared, or at least you didn’t act like it. The last time she had seen you, you were close to having a heart attack every time Wanda moved a millimeter, now look at you. You lay there with half-lidded eyes, body curled into a ball, no concern toward the redhead’s proximity.
Even as Wanda lightly taps you with the point of her heel, your skin denting inward directly over a bruise, your breathing stays the same, your heart rate stays the irregular pattern it has this entire time.
Wanda huffs, you are a strange creature, but she figures the cold must have gotten to you. The taller woman kneels down beside you, her knee hovers just over the flooring, and her heels groan in agony against the awkward bend. She squints her eyes before testing her faith.
Warm hands run over your back, a gentle up-and-down motion on top of smooth leather. The pressure is just enough to feel it but light enough to avoid uncomfortable pushing against your bruised, thin, skin.
Within the paddling of confusion and the water rushing in on you, you feel a warmth swallow you whole. It’s nice.
Even through the jacket, Wanda can feel your ribs jutting out, with another sigh she pats you on the head. Your hair is greasy and cold, but Wanda doesn’t mind.
Now, onto the real issue at hand, what is she going to do with you?
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x-hotoke · 2 months
How would Gojo react to his weak little brother passing away from his illness while he was away? The little brother getting weaker and weaker before they can't even sit up and are just mostly asleep due to their illness.
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Weak As They Said
content warnings: abuse, death.
The following years were hellish for the young Gojo. Your illness has gotten worse year by year and yet the doctors still haven't found a cure yet.
You were hooked up in an IV. You could barely open your mouth to feed yourself anymore so they decided to insert a feeding tube to deliver your nutritions three times a day.
And of course, Satoru.
The man could barely look at your weak form, the edge of his mouth would quirk downwards as he looks at your sleeping form. That's what you have done all day for the past years, sleep, eat, drink your medicine.
You were getting weaker and weaker and he could tell. His six eyes doesn't fail him—yet he doesn't care, you are a liability anyways. What use could you be for the Clan?
Satoru wasn't always there, of course. He is the Strongest after all, he has duties to fulfil. That includes watching thru the CCTVs he placed inside and outside your confinement to keep an eye out for you.
He doesn't care for your wellbeing, he's just being a nice. Right?
Satoru stares at your sleeping form, hands inside his pockets. He looks at the different tubes you were wired up to. “Y/n” he spoke, fixing the lamp beside your bed to distract himself.
“I’ll be going away for a mission.” Satoru added, licking his lips. He didn't understand what he was feeling—he doesn't want to leave but he knows he need to. He let out a sigh, turning to the shoji doors. “Get well soon.”
A couple of weeks passed by and you weren't waking up. The maids refused to go inside your room because of the smell coming from it.
It reeked of rotting flesh.
After Satoru came back from his long mission, he wasn't fazed by it. He knew you would succumb to your illness soon enough.
But did you really?
During the past weeks following up to your death, you were neglected by your caretakers. Not given enough food nor medicine that helps stabilize your health somehow. It went to the point that your health started deteriorating and stopped functioning as well.
They were horrible.
Stealing stuff from your room—knowing that you can't do anything about it nor speak up. It started from that to physically abusing you.
It took weeks and finally an autopsy to confirm how you died. Satoru was stunned and livid when the doctors filled him in, the bruises on your stomach and arms were hidden away from him by your yukata—he didn't even realize it up until now. The swelling of your stomach irked him. It's not like he doesn't see this everyday in his line of work. But it was how they thought they can take advantage of a Gojo that angered him the most.
He held a funeral for you that day.
Your caretakers didn't attend—they resigned after your death. He wouldn't contact them, no. He won't even file a case against them. Anything that involved the police nor any government was a big no. He'll do it in his own way.
Even if it meant hunting each of them down to avenge you—make things right. It's better for them to know not to mess with the strongest sorcerer in modern era.
Everything is possible nowadays.
That furthermore motivated him to find away to resurrect you. Whether you like it or not.
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hi! i hope you enjoy this one szisxisjd. I've been busy with school n' stuff 😓
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delusionalwh6re · 3 months
forget him
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aged up!neteyam x fem metkayina!reader
summary: you are meant to be mates with one of your clan’s finest warriors. however, your heart belongs to another
warnings: 🔞 smut, p in v, riding, missionary, doggystyle, oral (m receiving), cheating?, squirting, slight daddy kink, mentions of argument, and neteyam being sexy as always
authore note: ngl i don’t even blame y/n.. like cmon now it’s neteyam, him over anyone any day!!!
i’m changing my aesthetic & writing style and i loveee it
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it wasn’t supposed to happen. what started off as shy glances and little smiles progressively led to something more. you will never forget the day you met neteyam sully. the day his family came to your island seeking uturu. you couldn’t help the way your eyes took in his body. in awe of his stripes, that sharp jawline, his feline like nose that scrunched up slightly in discomfort, or even his thin tail that showed his emotions right through it.
his eyes caught onto you as well. immediately widening his eyes at your beauty. your curly hair that reached the middle of your back, your teal skin that complimented your environment so well, the thickness of your thighs following along with your wet body…
you were so breathtaking. neteyam’s breath got stuck in his throat causing him to let out a fake cough as he looked away from you. his eyes trailing onto his brother who was staring at another metkayina girl who happened to be next to you. he learned a couple of minutes later that her name was tsireya, the olo’eyktan’s daughter.
his eyes met his brother’s as they both non verbally decided that maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all…
as time went on, the two of you established a ‘friendship’. the two of you would have hangouts together with your friends tsireya, ao’nung, roxto, kiri and lo’ak. during these hangouts it was clear that there was some flirtation going on. whenever you guys weren’t with your group of friends the flirtation only escalated.
it got to a point where your soon to be mate raluq noticed the tension between you two. he confronted you about this and a big argument displayed. basically, raluq did not approve of your friendship with neteyam and specifically told you to stay away from him. you went off about how he’s being dramatic. he did not care about how you felt and demanded that you stopped being around neteyam.
of course you were quite stubborn and hated when people told you what to do like you were some child. especially from a man who wasn’t even your official husband. so you went behind his back and continued seeing neteyam. although it had to be in private because you wanted to avoid conflict with raluq, but it seemed like being alone from everyone else only made things better…
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“shiiiit, just like that yawne” a breathless groan came from beneath you as you rode neteyam’s cock. your moans got higher and higher as each time you bounced back down on him his tip grazed right on your g-spot.
“oh! oh nete” you whimpered closing your eyes as you threw your head back in pure bliss. you’ve been riding him for a good ten minutes and it’s safe to safe you never wanted that feeling of pure ecstasy to ever stop.
your dainty hands placed onto his chest to support you as you rode him like there was no tomorrow. your eyes slowly opened once you felt him give your hips a squeeze as a warning.
“your little boyfriend must not fuck you this good hm?” he teased with a slight smirk at the way your jaw was practically reaching the floor as drool slowly left your mouth.
you huffed catching an attitude at just the mention of raluq. “shut up, technically you’re not even fucking me. i’m fucking you” following with an eye roll. you looked down to where your privates were connecting as you noticed the white ring forming at the base of his dick.
suddenly your back hit the mossy grass beneath your bodies as neteyam was now on top of you. you squealed once he pulled out his length only leaving his tip inside before plunging back into your warm cunt.
“NETEYAM!” you screamed before covering your mouth with your finned hand. his braids covered the sides of his face as he began fucking you senseless. your quiet whimpers and moans from before quickly became screams of pleasure.
“who’s not fucking you?” his head tilted as he looked down at you with a shit eating grin. “you’re such a dick” you turned your head avoiding his gaze “and you love it” he whispered in your ear.
you felt your pussy fluttering against him at the closeness between you two. sure he was literally rearranging your guts at the moment but there was also something about despite being sexual he was still actually intimate with you.
he tilted his hips in an angle that allowed you to feel everything. your breath got stuck in your throat letting your hand fly down to his stomach trying to stop him. his movements only slowing down the tiniest bit before looking down at you.
“move your fucking hand” he gave you a warning. you shook your head feeling him right against your cervix. it was like he was trying to fracture your lungs. you were caught out of a trance as you felt a harsh slap against your thigh causing you to whimper.
“what did i just tell you?” his hand gripped the thigh that he just slapped. you let out a whine as you slowly removed your hand in defeat causing neteyam to hum in satisfaction “smart choice”
you rolled your eyes at him before grinding your hips against his impatiently. all he did was look down at you with the cockiest look ever. “teyam please” you reached to hold onto him.
“please what?” he leaned over to be face to face with you. now the two of you were chest to chest and you were able to wrap your hands around his neck.
“please fuck me. please, i need you” you whispered to him while soothing his hair. he unexpectedly let out a purr at your actions before hiding his face in your chest to stop himself from just fucking you until your body molded into the ground.
that’s how bad he wanted you, no, how bad he needed you. he placed each of his forearms on the side of your head before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
you deepened the kiss by gripping onto his braids to bring him even closer. yes, your people wore braids but it was just something about his. the colorful beads he wore and the way they danced with all of his movements, it was just something about neteyam.
he began picking his thrusting up again to give you slow but deep strokes. you quickly became a moaning mess under him “fuck! yes, right there. im sooo close”. hearing your words caused him to pick up the pace letting his sticky pelvis collide with yours.
“this pussy drives me crazy, it’s so so good” he moaned out closing his eyes. your hands flew to grip onto his shoulders as his dick began jackhammering you and you were starting to lose some balance “it’s yours! it’s all yours”
“yeah?” he placed your thighs all the way up to your chest making you let out a pleasure filled scream. “yes! i swear baby, oh i swear”
“you’re mine you hear me? not that bum ass excuse of a mate you’re supposed to be with, mine!” he spoke sternly holding onto the back of your thighs tightly letting all his emotions out straight into your pussy.
“my eywa” your jaw slacked as your eyes began moving to the back of your head. your lower half began to convulse under his powerful thrusts as your third orgasm was starting to approach.
without warning your orgasm gushed out of you once neteyam gave you one deep, hard, and final stroke. wrapping your legs around him as his thrusts became sloppy signaling he was close.
he let out a low growl before painting your walls white. his movements came to a stop as the both of your chests heaved up and down to catch a breath. once he caught his breath he leaned up to look back at you.
“i’m not done with you” his eyes looked you up and down seductively as all the respect for yourself officially left your body. before you could even mutter a word you were flipped onto your stomach.
a gasp left your mouth before biting your lip at how easily he manhandled you. you decided to tease him by using your tail to caress the inside of his inner thigh which you knew was one of his sensitive spots.
your teasing didn’t last long once a harsh slap was placed directly on your ass making you squeal. “tote that ass up for me baby” he gripped onto your hips. your face heated up before obeying his words. arching your back until your chest was touching the ground with your ass completely in the air. “like that daddy?” you looked back with a smirk while expanding your arms in front of you knowing it was one of his favorite positions.
“you know me so well huh?” his head tilting with a cheesy smile on his face at your advancements. you hummed while shaking your head with a smile on your face. “im all yours neteyam” you whispered rubbing your bare dripping cunt all over him encouraging him to destroy you right now.
before you knew it he was fucking himself back into you. your face planted into the ground as euphoria began to fulfill your entire body.
“you feel soooo good, neteyam!” your words came out as babbles of nonsense since you were completely drunk off of him. he chuckled watching you turn into a mess under him “i know my love, you love this dick don’t you?”
you moaned at his words trying to gain some composure “ngh- yes i love it so much” feeling your core tighten once again you decided to throw yourself back onto him so the both of you could cum together.
“holy shit” he whispered to himself now focusing on the recoil of your ass. moving your thick tail out of the way so he can watch his dick slide inside of you, letting out a moan at the sight.
“fuck! fuck, y/n” he began moaning while reaching out to wrap your curly hair around his forearm. “ouu! neteyam im gonna cum” you panted out of breath. the movements of his hips started to slow down as he began to circulate them. your moans were beginning to get stuck in your throat.
he leaned over you making sure to be right by your face “i love you mama, you hear me?”. all you could do was moan and hold onto this man like your life depended on it. “i love you too tey”
he kissed the shell of your ear “oh i know you do”. backing up to finish properly fucking you he gave you a few final thrusts leading the both of you to a very intense orgasm.
you began whining and gripping onto the grass in front of you for balance as you felt your body being fucked into oblivion. as your fourth orgasm was slowly but surely creeping up on you, it felt a bit different.
“baby, i don’t feel right” you whispered reaching to hold onto neteyam. he grabbed on your hand while using the other hand to hold onto your hip to keep his thrusts steady.
“what is it yawne?” he softly rubbed your flesh. “it burns, i feel like im gonna explode” you muttered in a concerned tone. you never felt like this before during the other times you and neteyam have had sex. which was a lot…
he smirked before grabbing your other hand. he interlocked your hands together behind your back holding them down with his. before you could even ask him what he was doing his free hand traveled below you to rub tight circles onto your clit.
you gasped “neteyam!”. the knot in your stomach got tighter and tighter. you felt like your body was set on fire. the pleasure that you received from the man you loved never failed to amaze you.
“almost there baby, you got it pretty girl. just let go i’m right behind you” he praised in a soothing tone that could put you to sleep. you didn’t know what was happening or how but at just his words your body was releasing something wet and really liquidity. you had squirted all over him.
“mhm shit. so so good baby. good job, you’re still doing so good for me” his thrusts got sloppy before he shot another load inside of you.
once he gently pulled out of you, you used the little bit of strength you had left to turn to look back at him. his eyes were already on yours and at the sight of your face he smiled. you smiled back before crawling closer to him eager for more skin to skin contact.
“hi” you whispered shyly making him chuckle at you “hi”. you smiled looking up and down at his gorgeous body. whew! eywa took her time with him. he was truly the most gorgeous man you ever saw.
slowly trailing your eyes down his chest, then to his v line, and finally to his cum covered cock. you licked your lips as a tiny smirk made its way to your face. you looked up at him tilting your head while placing a hand on his abdomen signaling what you want.
he bit his lower lip placing a hand in your hair to form it into a makeshift ponytail giving you all the conformation you needed. you began getting to work, sliding your tongue underneath his shaft to ease him up faster.
his breath shuddered causing his chest to puff. you smirked at the effect you seemed to have on him with just one simple movement. you licked his tip gently a few times before engulfing him into your mouth. although your throat was sore from all the screaming and moaning you were just doing, you didn’t let that stop you. you bobbed your head up and down softly knowing that’s all he would need being previously sensitive from several orgasms.
your finned hand reached up to gently grab his balls to massage them. his low whimpers quickly turned into moans as another orgasm started to approach him. “you’re so good at this fuck” his head was thrown back
you slurped all of your mixed juices off of him making sure all of it went down your throat as you prepared for another one of his loads. tears began filling your eyes at the lack of air but you were metkayina, you could hold that damn breath.
“baby, baby, im close” he gripped your hair tightly moving your head back and forth to his liking. after sucking him in with your cheeks, that was it. his creamy thick nut filled up your entire mouth. you quickly began swallowing. some of it made it down your throat while the rest dribbled down your chin, and it had to be one of the most attractive sights neteyam ever saw.
“wow” he panted breathlessly before sitting on the ground to gain composure. you giggled at him while wiping some cum onto your thumb. you held eye contact with him as you slowly placed your thumb in your mouth. swirling your tongue around it slowly before placing it directly on your tongue.
his eyes widened slightly with a smirk on his face “damn girl, you’re nasty”. the both of you went into a fit of laughter as reality began to set in, the two of you really had a special place in each other’s heart. he gestured for you to come over to him with his arms out. you happily obliged crawling over to him so the both of you could lay in peace.
“look at you, sucking me clean and shit” he teased wiping some of his cum off your body with a wet rag from your belongings. you playfully rolled your eyes while giggling as you watched him take care of you so lovingly.
“you must be hungry” he mumbled. you smirked admiring the way his muscles unintentionally flexed at the way he took care of you “not for food”. he shook his head at your words and laughing before suddenly stopping all his movements.
“what about raluq?” his gaze became cold as he stared at you with a blank face. you searched his eyes finding them full of seriousness, curiosity and a bit of jealousy. after the two of you just stared at each other in thought, you gently grabbed his tail. tugging on it to bring him closer so your lips was hovering over his as you whispered “forget him”
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barrenclan · 3 months
How do you decide on motifs? Like sleep being associated with death, roses being associated with death? And how did you go about assigning each motif to a character (especially more character specific ones)? Like I get that Rainhaze was seen as a coyote in omens because of his association with Ranger, but why is Nightberry associated with visions, why is Cootstorm associated with never changing, conservative ideals?
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Here's a good way to think about this: PATFW is not coming out of nowhere. Seems obvious, right? But every decision made is one that I had to intentionally choose, with a goal in mind for what I wanted to do with them. So I don't have real animals, or real people - I have certain stories in mind, and the characters are tools that I use to express these ideas. Let's take two examples brought up here, and I'll show you what I mean.
Asphodelpaw's death. For this story, I wanted to have a big, climatic moment that really jerks around the story, much in the same way that Shellspring's reveal did in TDS. I know that I want Rainhaze to be an exploration of a character who starts out good and turns complicated, and that I want him to not be redeemed. Okay, so how do I make sure Rainhaze is beyond redemption? He'd have to do something really awful, like killing someone important. The rest of the Clan wouldn't be as impactful if he killed them, so it should be one of his family members, and someone we really care about. Okay, who do I want him to kill? Pinepaw is my narrator, so if I want him to keep narrating, I can't kill him. I want Slugpelt to feel the consequences of this murder Rainhaze makes, and I want her to later confront him about it, so he can't kill her. I can't quite get into why I want Daffodilpaw to live yet, because of spoilers, but I have a certain message I want to create with Daffodilpaw, and she can't die as part of it. So Asphodelpaw is the only one left. Okay, why would it be impactful for her to die? Because she just came into herself, and apologized to Pinepaw, and is on track to grow into a better person. So it's extra tragic - and extra irredeemable - of Rainhaze to kill her. There you go, that's the reasoning behind Asphodelpaw's death.
The sleep/death motif. I have suffered from personal difficulties surrounding death, specifically involved with intrusive thoughts before I go to sleep. So those two ideas are very linked in my mind, and because PATFW is a darker story, I wanted to explore it. Okay, how do I work it into the story? Rainhaze is a character who's disappeared, presumed dead, by the time the story starts. Alright, maybe I can work it in there. I used it for the first time in Issue 4, contrasting between Rainhaze and Slugpelt's views on what happens after death. Alright, so now I have a thematic parallel between their characters and their views. Okay, how does this affect the future plot? As Rainhaze gets further involved with Defiance, his views on killing change, and that strengthens this association with sleep. So later, when Slugpelt kills him, I can bring this thematic parallel back around and make it really resonate, because I've built up the connection over the whole story. There you go, that's how you create a motif.
I hope you found this interesting. Often I find that a lot of writing advice is vague and nonspecific, so I tried to make my reasoning behind these things as clear as possible. From the outside, it may seem like absolutely anything can happen in a story, but from an internal perspective there are only so many ways to get to a point I want to make, so those decisions have to lead to each other if I want to create a natural thread.
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teyamsgrl · 1 year
Hi Jade! Do you think you'd be up to do Neteyam fic where he and the reader are sweet on each other but because she's younger than him and friends with Lo'ak he doesn't wanna go that route with her so he distances himself from her and he starts vetting available girls in the clan as a distraction and this makes the reader decide to put her needs first and she starts thinking about future mates since Neteyam isn’t seemingly worried about her. But then a rumor starts that either Lo'ak and reader are to be mates or someone else is courting her and this pushes Neteyam to stake his claim and make her his.
❗️MDNI ❗️
hi!!!! oh my goddddd this idea is amazing, everyone say THANK YOU ANON 🗣️ jealous and in love neteyam woowowowowo i'm dead already - also this gif is so fucking crisp and clear holy fuck he is so fine respectfully
p.s: sorry it took me forever to get this completed! had some writer's block along with uni starting again 🥲
just a distraction ✧ neteyam
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°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, agedup!neteyam, dom!neteyam, jealous!teyam, younger!reader, sub!reader, friends to lovers, slow burn??, dirty talk, oral f & m receiving, missionary 😮‍💨 - paskalin: honey
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despite being lo'ak's age and his best friend, you and neteyam got along extremely well. this 'getting along' also included a lot of unsaid feelings and the romantic tension between you both was unbelievably visible yet neither of you ever said a word. your actions showed enough though; the extra long hugs, the touches as you pass each other, the undivided attention as you teach each other new skills, the looks you share throughout the day. you were so obviously in love with neteyam and you figured he maybe felt the same; that is until he started to avoid you a week ago. it hurt. it hurt so bad.
what made it even worse was that he was going around the village and chatting up all the girls, showing off and being touchy. it made your blood boil as you watched him because that should be you. as you watch him speak to kai'ra, a very skilled hunter, you start to snap out of it. clearly neteyam doesn't want you so why are you sitting here pining over him? what's the fucking point? sure, it sucked to accept that you would never be with neteyam like you had anticipated for a long time but there was no point in sulking about it. there were many other desirable men in the clan and you figured that you'd find the right one eventually.
"i heard that y/n is being courted, is that true, lo'ak?" neytiri questions as the sully family sits together in their hut eating an evening meal. neteyam almost chokes on the food in his mouth, eyes wide and jealousy rising in his chest. "yeah, by ät’uk and i think someone else too" lo'ak responds to his mother nonchalantly before continuing to eat. there are other men attempting to court y/n? what had he done? neteyam couldn't deny his feelings for you, they were almost overwhelming. it was hard for him to put distance between you both, but he felt that it was right due to the fact that you are younger and best friends with his little brother. this was clearly a mistake. the pit in his stomach was haunting, just knowing there were other men chasing after you had him anxious and on top of that, angry. neteyam set his bowl down and stood up abruptly, telling his family that he just needed some air and to walk by himself. he rushed out of the hut, turning left to head to where he knew you'd be; tree of voices.
you went to the tree of voices every night before eclipse to visit your late father, the visits always bringing you peace. just as you detach your queue from the tree, you hear someone approaching. you rarely saw others approach the tree of voices at this time of night, so you got a bit startled naturally. "it's just me", you hear that familiar voice you love so much. your heart swelled as he came into the light expelled by the tree, you had missed him despite his actions. "neteyam.." you say, nervously shifting to stand up and face him. "is ät’uk courting you?" he asks matter of factly, a glow of jealousy in his amber eyes. "uh... he has been trying, yes, so has tar'ete" you answer him, observing the way his nose scrunches at your words. "well, that's not gonna happen" he takes a step closer to you, now chest to chest. "and you get to decide that for me? that's funny, especially since you've been avoiding me" your tone is harsh, but it was true, what right did he have to state his opinion when he left you in the dust?
"look- i just thought that since you're younger and lo'ak's best friend it would be better to not initiate something with you, but" his hands move to grab your hips, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "it was a mistake. i talked to all these other girls and i felt nothing, then i heard you were being courted and i just- you're mine and i won't let anyone else have you" he breathes out, pressing his forehead to yours and allowing his lips to ghost over yours. "i've always been yours, neteyam. it killed me to watch you with all those other girls.." you whisper softly, your own hands gripping his shoulders as though he could slip away any second. "i know, it was just a distraction. i'm sorry, paskalin.." the pet name effortlessly falls from his lips, said lips slowly inching closer to yours. you nod slightly, breath tickling his lips. before you can act first he presses his lips to yours, moving in sync with yours as though you had done this a million times before.
you hum into the kiss, hands running to weave into his braids as his tongue slips into your mouth, gliding along your own tongue. his hands on your hips pull them against his, bulge pressing against you and bringing more wetness between your legs. "neteyam" you whine out softly, grinding into his bulge and pulling out a moan from him. "y/n..." he sighs as he watches you sink to your knees, hands untying his loincloth from his tail that is swishing around in excitement. your eyes widen slightly as his cock bounces out of the confines of his loincloth, hard and leaking already. you lick the tip softly, his head falling back from the sensation. "wanna be yours..." you murmur, kissing along his shaft. "you are, i promise" he moans out as your mouth engulfs his tip, sucking and gradually taking in his entire length.
you start bobbing your head up and down, gagging slightly as his tip hits the back of your throat. "that's it, fuck..." neteyam's hands hold your head as he thrusts gently into your mouth, your mouth his to use. he moans as he continues, the whining and choking sounds turning him on even further. he pulls you off of him and you gasp for air, hand wrapping around his length to stroke him. "no- it's your turn, paskalin" he holds out his hands for you and you grab them, standing up and facing him once again. he is now the one to drop to his knees, hands swiftly removing your loincloth in seconds. he grabs your left leg, hoisting it over his shoulder so your glistening hole is on display. his arms keep you steady on one leg while he leans in, tip of his tongue gently flicking over your clit. you shudder at the touch and whine out his name softly, bringing a smirk to his lips. he leans in again and brings your clit into his mouth, suckling on it like there's no tomorrow.
neteyam moves downwards, tongue plunging into your hole and lapping at your wetness while he leaves marks on your thighs from how tight his grip is. "teyam-" you whine, hands holding his head not only for stability but out of pure pleasure. he hums against you, vibrations shooting through your body as his mouth continues it's assault on you. his one hand moves back to grab the plush of your ass, lightly spanking as he shoves his face further into you. "feels good" you squeak out, hips bucking into his mouth frantically. "yeah? wanna cum on my cock babygirl?" he mumbles between licks to your clit. "please yes" you gasp and lock eyes with him, allowing him to lie you flat on your back.
neteyam crawls over top of you, one hand beside your head as the other lines his cock up with your entrance. the pressure of his tip at your hole has you mewling already, hands reaching for his biceps as he begins to push in. the stretch is intense yet the most pleasurable thing you had ever felt, your back arching in an instant. his breath is shaky as he bottoms out, pulling away slightly to ram right back into you. he leans to press his forehead on yours as he settles on a rhythm, breath grazing your lips as your rock back and forth together. "shit-" he groans as your walls squeeze him on each thrust, his fingers pressing into the dirt below you. "oh eywa..." you whine, nails dragging down neteyam's toned back.
"so good.... you're mine, aren't you?" he hums, hips jerking continuously and causing squelching sounds to fill your ears. "yours, all yours" you moan, nails digging into his back further as your orgasm begins it's fast approach. "that's right- fuck, i'm close.. where do you-" "inside, please" you beg, legs tugging him in by the waist as you begin to quiver. "okay- oh babyyy.." he groans as he pumps you full, your own orgasm releasing simultaneously. both of your breathing is heavy as you come down, bodies pressed together.
"you're amazing" he whispers, hand stroking your cheek as he lies beside you now. "so are you" you whisper back, placing your much smaller hand on top of his, staring into his amber eyes. "be my mate?" he asks, other hand resting on your stomach. "yes, of course yes" you smile, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him close. he chuckles and wraps his arms around you as well, his strong arms keeping you as close as possible. "all we need is tsaheylu" he mumbles, smirk plastered on his face. "are you saying you want a round two?" you giggle, kissing along his jaw. "maybe..."
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weasleytwinwheezes · 2 years
smart man, smarter mouth
tsu'tey x na'vi!reader
in which jake tells tsu’tey about some of the more intimate ways earth people mate
warnings: this is pure filth, minors PLEASE do not interact
a/n: i seem to write smut much quicker than angst so requests open! please nothing weird for the younger kiddos, i dont feel comfy writing that :)
Mated life with Tsu’tey was bliss. He was caring and attentive to you in all ways. Never eating too much food until you had your fill. Letting you lead the way in decorating your home. He had even gone so far as letting you name the new banshee he bonded with after the War. 
The way he treated you in the domestic roles of your relationship definitely carried over into the more intimate side of it. He was what the elder ladies of the clan called- a giver. He was all hands, tongue, and teeth when he had the chance. Tsu’tey enjoyed mating like any other male, but he especially enjoyed it when he knew you were just as hungry for him as he was for you. 
The two of you weren’t shy about sex. It was a normal thing to do, but it seemed like something was missing. You had heard of the things Jake and Neytiri had been doing behind closed doors. Neytiri was not afraid to share the intimate details of her mating with Toruk Makto. She often snipped about how his smart mouth had other uses to her. The things you learned had you more than a little interested in experiencing them yourself. 
You just didn’t know how to broach the subject with Tsu’tey, but thanks to the insufferable Jake Sully you wouldn’t have to. 
One rainy evening you laid around the small fire in the middle of your home. Your mate at your back, strong arms thrown over you. You had not anticipated him wanting to mate this eve. He had a rough hunt today and the weather didn’t help his somewhat sour mood. 
You didn’t know what exactly caused the puckered look on his face, but he had worn it since he arrived back to high camp. Knowing how he could be, you decided not to press. He would share when he was ready, you just didn’t expect it to be so soon. 
Settling into your mates arms, his breath fanning lightly against your neck-you heard him let out a deep sigh. 
“What troubles you my yawne? You do not seem like yourself?” you lightly asked, playing with his large hands. 
You watched as he balled his fist over and over, going tense at your back. Almost as if at war with himself. 
Tsu’tey stayed quiet for several moments, before his deep voice replied, “There was something interesting Jake mentioned today. About how people of Earth would mate.” 
“Oh? Do they not mate as we do?” you questioned, heart pounding as Neytiri's words swam to the forefront of your thoughts. 
He sat still for a what felt like eternity, seeming to be searching for the right words, “He says that they will use their mouths on each other. All over each other and I think I would like to try that with you. If it’s fine with you yawne.” 
Suddenly you were very aware of every place your skin connected, especially his hard groin pressing into your back. The air in your tent felt smothering as Tsu’tey ran his hands along your still form. 
“I-I do not mind. I would like to know. If you’re sure?” you answered through a shaky breath. 
With your now spoken permission, he was like a man possessed. Flipping you underneath him, his lips met yours in a fiery kiss as he pressed his full weight into you. 
“Do you feel that my yawne? Do you feel how excited I am to please you?” he growled into your lips, slightly rocking his hips against yours. 
Before you had the chance to answer he was nipping and sucking at all the skin in his path downwards, leaving dark purple marks that you were sure would be noticeable tomorrow. 
Your body felt like it was on fire from the attention he was giving it. Minutes felt like hours as Tsu’tey took his time reaching the band of your loincloth. You nearly jumped when you felt his sharp fangs graze the soft skin of your navel. Peeking downwards you were rewarded with your mates lustful eyes as he pressed his long nose against your clothed cunt. 
A wave of arousal flooded you as you watched him inhale deeply, before pushed your loincloth out of the way. The cold air against your hot folds was enough to make you whine loudly, wanting any kind of friction you could get. 
The first lick was tentative, him unsure of how you would react. But the loud moan that ripped from you lips, had him digging in like a man starved. 
You didn’t even have a word to describe it, your mind completely blank as he worked his tongue and lips along your sex. Below you could feel the slight move of his body, most likely rocking himself into the soft furs to relieve a bit of tense. Knowing what he was doing and the feeling was otherworldly, you felt like you were floating. 
Until he nipped at the little bud that sat atop her folds, resulting in you fiercely grabbing his braids. The sharp tug you gave his hair, pulling a muffled groan from the man below you. The vibrations directly on your clit quickly overwhelming you. It didn’t take much more for you to reach your high as his large hands came up to knead your heaving breasts. Pushing your top out of the way, he twisted one as he also paid special attention to your clit.
 Your orgasm hitting you like a direhorse as you pulled even harder on his hair. A low moan mixed in with your more high-pitched one and you knew what had happened. Tsu’tey came from what he was doing to you. 
Neytiri was right, his smart mouth really did have other uses.
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dreamwritersworld · 11 months
On the run…
just a disclaimer that this has been the longest since I’ve posted and this isn’t a for sure series! I’ve been super busy lately and I took a break because writing felt more like a need then something I wanted to do, i’m kinda back now and I hope you enjoy it 💕
Neteyam and I grew up together, we were very close. I grew to love him and I believe he felt that way too…until we were told that we would be promised to each other…Neteyam didn’t liked the fact that he felt tied down without having a choice. He was perfect at everything but being a good promised mate to Y/n.
Y/n however was very good. She comforted Neteyam when he was stressed about his father and she’d give him calming oils and treatment to relax him..
There were nights where Neteyam was absent, one night Y/n decided to hug Neteyam even with him pushing her off…
“I can smell her. Her scent. Irya.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Stop it! I caught you. And you’re not going to talk your way out of this. How many Neteyam? How many are there? How many have there been?”
“What does it matter? Hmm? We still are promised to each other and have no choice but to be mated. But irya is willing to take in that void until then. And maybe…maybe that’s better for everybody.”
Y/n scoffed at his attitude towards the situation…the man she loved, the boy she grew up with, had become so heartless to her.
“You know what, it’s better for you! You have a pretty good deal don’t you? You go out! You fool around! I sit here, I take care of your home and the clan. Well no more! That’s it.”
“Calm down!”
“No! I’m not going to do this anymore! Ok? I’m not going to sit here and take it and take it! Sorry! I love you, yes! But I am not dirt! I am promised to you! And you will not do this to me anymore-“
“Enough! I’ll stop! It’s fine. But you will not raise your voice at me. We will not do anything until we are to be mated.”
Y/n watched as Neteyam turned his back to go lay on the hammock with a blanket that Y/n made and cleaned just for him. If this was how things were going to be…it pained her completely but he came home didn’t he? He came home to her..?
She slept that night right beside him…cold and crying. He didn’t ever hold her while she slept..not like how they did when they were younger.
Truth was Neteyam didn’t sleep with Irya, no he could never. He just laid with her…he knew her scent was enough to break Y/n’s heart further…
I stayed strong…I dealt with the pain and still claimed him proudly and openly…waiting on the day he called out my name.
I said I didn’t feel nothing but I lied, I almost cut a piece of myself for his love.
The passing Navi’s would smile at me and ask how Neteyam was…I would responded proudly.
“Ah yes Neteyam! He is doing well! Very good!”
Oh how I wished I didn’t get this treatment…I wish I could’ve been able to choose. In all honesty I would’ve still chosen Neteyam but it’d be on my terms..can’t say the same for him.
My days had an endless routine, I felt so trapped. I wanted Neteyam to stay even though he didn’t want me. Why can’t he wait till I fall out of love?
After everything going on…the war…the panic. It was decided that we’d have to give up our home and roles of the clan…everything. That meant every last tear, blood shed and sweat that Neteyam and I sacrificed to be the next leaders were wasted. Just because I was leaving didn’t mean I wasn’t no longer promised to Neteyam, he had all of me.
The move was so difficult and I didn’t know how else to comfort someone who didn’t want to be loved by me…but when he let me hold him, it gave me hope.
“We’ll be ok Ma’tyem”
The journey was long and tiring…it dragged and made our bodies sore…weak. Riding beside Neteyam made it worth it, all I could do was focus on him and how beautiful he truly was. Taking in his presence was my best bet at loving him from afar. Something about finding a new home and having a new adventure felt good despite leaving my entire life behind..
When we had arrived, nervousness ran through my veins…I allowed myself to be the last of the group to get off, watched how Neteyam protected his siblings and remained respectful just like his father.
I walked in cautiously repeating Neteyam’s same action and passing small smiles to those I had made eye contact with and then suddenly I made eye contact with someone who caught my attention …it was a boy who seemed about our age, instead of giving disgusted looks like he was before he froze. Soon enough the soften look in his eyes brought me into confusion, and I turned away. A warm unfamiliar arm wrapped around my waist, tuggin me forward and I couldn’t help but be more focused as to what was wrong.
Neteyam never held me, not anymore…not like when we were children. He pushed me to listen to the leader of the clan..that’s when I discovered the beautiful girl who Lo’ak shared a moment with was Tsireya and the boy I briefly noticed was Ao’nung..both children of the clans leaders. My ears went up and tail swayed at the new introduction, new people? New setting? Absolutely brought me bliss.
Unpacking was draining and having to now share a mauri with a full family was something I’d have to get used to, I didn’t mind though. I grew up with the Sully’s and remained very tight with all siblings…Neteyam included until our parents suggested we’d be mated. Of course I loved that idea…but Neteyam felt forced, it made him hate me.
It was another night of falling asleep beside Neteyam except this time he turned his body towards me and loosely had his arm around me. It was then that I realized I missed his touch so much and I’d settle with this even if it only meant he was doing it to prevent his family from questioning the separation.
I had butterflies take over me, placing my hand on top of his…only for him to pull his hand away and lay it on my hip, furthering any more affection..
Soon the sun rises and I woke up early to help prep meals for everyone with Neytiri, to her I was perfect. In my eyes I was far from it, not even able to satisfy her child.
I made my way sitting quietly next to Neteyam, my mind was still focused of last night’s interactions and our relationship…soon enough the loudness and spinning in my head only begged me to just take a moment for myself, I paused my eating and excused myself…but walking away I can hear my childhood best friends speak.
“What’s wrong with her?..she’s been quiet.”
“She’s always quiet Lo’ak-“
Kiri was one of the only people who noticed the great shift in Y/n. They grew up together, Y/n was open to Kiri about her crush on Neteyam and she never told any one although she enjoyed the idea of them together, it made her so happy when they were promised…but now after a couple of months with them together, Kiri could see something was weighing Y/n down.
“Not always! She only starts to get quiet when Neteyam’s around! You make her nervous bro! Y/n’s been in love with you since we were kids and now you guys are going to be all lovey, dovey once your Mated!!!”
Neteyam couldn’t even reply, it wasn’t that he didn’t love you…or maybe he didn’t? He himself, couldn’t understand his feelings towards you. Neteyam just wanted time to choose his mate and who he loved.
He was truly living his fathers dream, sacrificing his life to repay and honor his parents sacrifice. Would he had chosen Y/n, his once childhood crush as his mate? Would he have done it if he wasn’t forced? He didn’t know.
Y/n took in Lo’ak’s word..she did only get quiet around Neteyam, she knew how quickly and easily it was to annoy him.
It was the beginning of their relationship and he couldn’t be anymore closed off with her. All Y/n wanted to do was love him and be a perfect mate to him. So when he walked through the door…that’s exactly what she did.
“Neteyam, I’ve made you dinner! Your favorite!”
“Not hungry.”
His response was short but however, what made the two perfect was that no matter how calm and collected she was…she remain optimistic.
“Ok! That’s fine! I’ll prep it for you in the morning, when you’re ready to go back to training-“
“Y/n! How many times do I have to say it? I’m not hungry! I do not want your food! Just be quiet!…voice is annoying…relationship is business only..”
Y/n perfectly heard his last muttered words and it brought her to tears as she wrapped his food up, she had stayed up late waiting to eat with him once he arrived home…but now he laid in bed. Y/n blew the candles providing light and closed the tent enough just for a little moonlight to shed as she provided him a calm setting to fall asleep in while she struggle to eat in the dark.
Neteyam could see though, he saw her tears roll down her face and her hand quiver as her eyebrows furrowed and head shake as if telling her that it’ll all be ok. It took everything in him to not apologize for being so cold, but he couldn’t..not now when he was so frustrated.
Y/n lost her optimistic side…instead of being calm, she slowly was just pulling herself into a fiery state. After so much coldness could you blame her? She didn’t have any time for playing around or a moment for herself..but now with this new home, she did.
There it was Y/n sat outside taking in the sunrise and fresh breeze, she was just starting to relax when Kiri interrupted
“So…I’ve been meaning to ask but nothing feels like the right time but…are you ok? Like I mean really ok? I can feel your energy Y/n.”
It took Y/n by surprise and it only took Kiri to see her face for her to know whatever she was going to say next was a lie. That’s exactly how it all played out, Y/n had her mouth slightly open in shock and then she smiled, not a true one thought just a small one with closed lips.
“Of course Kiri!…it’s just the move.”
Silence stood between them, Kiri could see the little white lies Y/n told herself and it hurt her. Y/n was never one to be standoffish or guarded.
“Right..well soon enough we’ll start training to get used to this environment-“
“Hello! We’re here to start training”
Both girls looked at Tsireya in surprise and soon settled into a smile, excited to finally have a taste of something new. Y/n stood proud and tall before tsireya, she admired it truly. To tsireya if she would’ve stayed at the forest she would’ve been a perfect leader for the people…what could’ve been.
“I’ll go ahead and get the others! Excuse me.”
Ao’nung watched from a far…Y/n was captivating to him. Her voice and the way she walked presented herself with confidence.
His smile stayed until he saw her stand beside Neteyam, they walked together as one but in silence.
They all trailed after each other one by one. Ao’nung tried to slow down so that his speed would align with Y/n’s but it just didn’t happen.
Tsireya decided to start by swimming first and excitement erupted amongst Kiri and Y/n as they grabbed each others hands swimming down around the corals of the reef.
Ao’nung pushed the rest of the group forward and he allowed his sister to take over as he glanced over to Y/n doing flips around the ocean and viewing the fishes in amazement. Y/n put herself in tune with the ocean..if she was going to live here she had to act as one of the people.
Neteyam couldn’t help but notice Y/n staggering behind the group and he rolled his eyes at her childish behavior… when he went up to the surface with everyone else gasping for air, he looked back beneath the water..he saw Ao’nung swim over to Y/n, watch them exchange smiles while swimming up beside each other.
“You’re pretty good for a beginner! I can show you how to-“
neteyam was going to interrupt but he was quickly interrupted by his own little sister, gasping onto Y/n’s arms and his arms.
Y/n quickly passed a smile at Ao’nung as she now turned her attention to Tuk cradling her while Neteyam fixed Y/n’s hair from getting caught onto Tuk.
The sudden touch caught Y/n by surprise, she was quick to turn her head in confusion until Tysireya’s voice brought them back to focus
“It’s fine if your not the best right now…we should try getting you guys on ilu’s! I’m sure you’ll love it!”
Another tug to another direction, telling Y/n to swim with him. There was not a chance Neteyam was going to leave Y/n with Ao’nung when it was clear to him, he was trying to get close to her.
this interaction between the two didn’t fly past Y/n she didn’t understand what Neteyam was trying to do. Once practice ended she allowed the group to go past and speak amongst each other while she began tugging back at Neteyam’s arm to walk with her. They said their goodbyes respectfully and Y/n held onto Neteyam the entire time.
“What are you doing? You have a role to withhold still Neteyam. Be respectful. You must remember that this isn’t our home.”
“Me? What am I doing wrong? You must’ve forgot that you have to withhold your role with me. You are my future mate do not forget.”
“I haven’t done anything that can make you imply that I have, are you kidding?”
“So why are you getting friendly with-“
“This is not our land. Our relationship has been in shambles because of you-“
“How dare you blame me? What? Because i went out to get my needs done so I can keep pushing to Be with you. I did it for us.
Tears welled up in Y/n’s eyes as she realized he was now the one blaming her for their relationship.
“I’d rather go blind then to see you walk away from me, with another women. I never asked you to do that.”
“But it needed to be done Y/n, you can’t maintain me.”
“This isn’t my fault Neteyam please stop. I’m not doing anything wrong. I haven’t gotten overly friendly with anyone. Just stop.”
“Don’t talk to Ao’nung Y/n, I’m not asking you.”
“I don’t need you telling me it either. I have to remain mutual and respectful to everyone, even if it means speaking to them.”
“You will be disrespecting me-“
“Please, this is barley scratching the surface of what you’ve done to me. This relationship is business only. Isn’t that what you said? So then stick to your words. It stopped meaning anything to me the moment you started acting this way.”
She was lying, but she wanted to shoot a bullet at him just like he did to her. When she looked back at Neteyam she didn’t notice the pain flushing his eyes or that fact that his heart was beating rapidly, he truly hurt hearing her stand up to him. It hurt him to see that he can’t seem to keep her close and let her go. He knew though, he still had her…even if it meant she was speaking back.
Later on in the night when it was time to eat, Y/n made sure to start a conversation with Tuk to make sure she was settling in well. Tuk pulled her arm to sit with her and Y/n did. Kiri quickly sat next to Y/n sensing something was wrong with her. This left Neteyam to sit in front of her, though Y/n didn’t even bat an eye at him.
“Did you see all the fishes down there Y/n?!”
“Oh I did Tuk! They were beautiful!!”
Jake had interrupted their conversation discussing the clan and asking how the children were treating them.
“Ao’nung sucks and Tsireya is really nice.”
Lo’ak was clearly biased to Tsireya based on the way he was smiling so his opinion flew out the window in Jake’s eyes.
Everyone began speaking quickly and clashed their words together as Y/n watched trying to follow everyone’s words.
“Mmh I barley heard a thing anyone said…what about you Y/n how were they?”
Jake knew Y/n had a thing with words, she was descriptive and knew how to speak properly. She observed everything there was to a person.
“Tsireya was sweet, attentive while teaching and patient. Ao’nung was witty, quick to say something and less patient. Overall they are good people-“
“Please Y/n Ao’nung was the worst, maybe not to you!”
Lo’ak had spoken in a teasing voice, implying something he shouldn’t. Jake had shut down his youngest teasing seeing it as a learning lesson
“It’s about being respectful. The face that you had while learning their ways probably didn’t help Ao’nungs remarks. Your face tells everything, Y/n knew how to behave.”
Neteyam grew silent only looking at Y/n and his food, quietly pushing for her to say more.
“Yes correct, this isn’t our home yet..but we must learn their ways with a positive attitude.”
The tension felt visible to the couple sitting across from each other and it continued when Y/n looked up at Neteyam after saying the statement.
She got up attempting to remain calm, picking up her meal and placing it to the side. After cleaning up and paying her respects she resided off to the side not facing Neteyam if he were to sleep on her hammock…
There it is that dip of him crawling back to my bed, enraging me over and over again without a care in the world that he hurt me.
remember that this isn’t a for sure series, it’s definitely not perfect either I’m just trying to get into the groove of things again :))
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pebblethestone · 9 months
Too Close To The Cliffs Edge¹
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So'lek x Na'iv Sarentu Reader
Summary - looking though a old and abandoned DRA base for stuff, as they run into trouble, you help them.
Info - bold words are in Na'vi English is just normal
Too close to the Cliffs Edge MasterList
Masterlist / next
Words - 1227
A/N - Hellooo so uh So'lek right? Anyway I thought about doing some writing for him cause he doesn't have much story's yes that i can find 😞
Digging through a box in a rundown RDA base you pick stuff up take a look at it and throw it onto to ground not finding anything useful as you continue, coming across amno but nothing interesting, you suddenly stop what you doing as you pin your ears up hearing footsteps going towards you, twitching your ears a little as you listen carefully, they are soft like Na'vi but they carry metal as it clangs together.
Scanning around the room you are in you spot a vent being as quiet as you can you go under it and jump up getting into the vent with a little struggle but you manage it, moving forward into the vent as you look down through some bars into the room you where just in, as you see a na"vi walk in watching as he walks across the room as he digs through draws.
Hearing more footsteps this time but more heavy than the last as another Na'vi walks into the room. Your eyes look at her like a sky demon, keeping your hand close to your dagger.
“Are you sure this is the right place Alma?” you hear the na'vi man say only catching a few of the words of the sky poeple tongue.
“So'lek, I am sure Don't worry we won't be here long, I only have to grab some stuff and then we can go” she says as she walks through a door. Still not understanding what's being said exactly.
Your eyes follow her until she leaves the room, looking back towards the male Na'vi as you scan him wearing stuff like the sky people do, your tail moving to the side hitting the metal in the vent and causing a sound.
Grabbing your dagger in your hand you see him look up to where you are as you both lock eye contact, watching him closely as he's about to move, Turing around in the vent as you move down it quickly hearing the thugs of your foot spots echoing, coming to a stop as you see an exit outside closed of moving towards it as you force it open.
Leaping the building, lading okay and running into the forest hearing the na'vi leave the building as he runs after you. Hearing him speak the words you don't understand, jumping over a log and through a small river, moving down a small hill slowly with careful steps, stopping as you feel eyes on you looking around and seeing nothing as you carry on.
Out of nowhere, you feel a force hit your side as the na'ni man tackles you to the ground you both roll down to the bottom, as he's onto you, you hiss at him pinning your ears back and shouting at him, and he pins his ears back as you continue shouting his poor ears off.
“let go of me! Right now!!” you say as he lets you go
“A Sarentu?“ You hear him say, stunned as he says that him walking closer towards you as he looks at the mark on your face.
“I had thought that you all disappeared?“ He says to you as you make eye contact.
“I do not know where my clan went, I don't remember,” you say as you step away from him as he gets too close to you, ears twitching as you ear footsteps rush towards you as you see the woman avatar Alma you think her name was as she reaches yous as she looks at you.
“The RDA are here So'lek” she says out of breath to So'lek, as she looks back at you with curiosity. Your ears go up as they twitch picking on the sky people metal machines moving around, Deciding to help them.
“Come, come, hurry” you say as you also move your hand in that motion, moving off ahead of them, as they both you at each other and not their head as they follow after you.
“Hurry up” you say stopping to let them catch up as you, yoye then start moving again just a little slower this time, coming up towards a huge tree.
“We go up, now,” You say as you start climbing up the tree getting into an opening as you climb into it, and look out of it to see the other two coming up the tree. The male climbs into the tree first he then helps the female into the tree as she lands on the ground out of breath. Watch as the male turns around to look at you as he starts to talk to you.
“Hello, my name's So'lek this here is Alma and you are?“ He says to you as he introduces himself as well as the others. Still a little on edge as you decided to introduce yourself to them as they did for you.
“I am Y/n, it's nice you meet you both,“ you say to them staying in the spot you standing where you are.
“It's nice to meet you Y/n” you hear Alma say surprised that she could speak the native tongue, as she steps towards you and moves her arm towards you, taking a step back watching as So'lek grabs her hand gently and shakes his head at her.
“You both must be hungry?“ you say to them gesturing towards the floor as they look around the very small home, plants and herbs handing from the top of the room baskets filled up this fruits and materials, a short table in the middle perfect for sitting down on the ground for. Looking up they see a hammock, some weapons scattered across the room.
“Sit, sit,” you say to them, they both stop looking around, and both of them take a seat on the floor next to the table. Opening up a basket at you grab enough for three of you, move back towards them and take a seat on the floor with them, Handing them both a fruit.
“you may stay one night, and then leave, it is not safe at night,” you say to both of them after you had looked outside seeing it was getting darker.
“We thank you for your generously, ” So'lek says to you as he turns his head to look at you. Alma nods her head in agreement as you nod your head.
“I will be going to sleep now, you both should do the same” After a while, you say to them as you climb up towards your hammock, letting them decide how they are going to sleep
The Next Day
Opening your eyes as you peck over the side of your hammock seeing that Alma is still sleeping where So'lek is already up and about, moving out of your hammock as you climb down seeing So'lek stop what his doing as he sees you.
“You've done quite well by yourself, must feel lonely to have no one around” he says to you as you turn your head to the side.
“It does but I've managed to do it over the years” you say to him.
“How about you come with us? You wouldn't be by yourself then” he offers to you as you think over his words, looking over at Alma you do not like the sky people very much, but if a Na'vi is with them maybe you can trust them.
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pandorafairy · 2 years
"You're Mine"
Neteyam x Reader (Metkayina)
Takes place 5 years after AWOW (Neteyam is 20)
Synopsis: When Neteyam invites you to a celebration but doesn't acknowledge you: you decide to make him jealous. But you quickly find out that two can play that game.
Contains: ANGST, jealousy, slight smut
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*pretend the GIF is of palm trees
You stand on the outskirts of the celebration, your wide tail flicking back and forth as you observe. The whole clan has gathered on the beach to celebrate the successful return of the hunting party. Normally you avoid these festivals but you promised Neteyam you’d come. Tonowari, the chief, stands beside a large fire, his hand clasping Jake’s as they raise up their arms. The clan erupts into cheers. Neteyam and Lo’ak stand behind their dad, the two of them laughing about something.
People begin dancing around the fire as drums beat loudly. Others sit in the sand to talk and eat. Laughter and boisterous noise cracks through the air making you want to dive into the water and swim off on an ilu. But you were still waiting for Neteyam to say hello. 
Jake, Lo’ak, and him share a drink and talk animatedly about something. You fight the urge to roll your eyes and force yourself to look away. You have no right to be mad, you tell yourself. Maybe he just invited you so you would be a part of the celebration, instead of hiding out in your pod or going for a swim. Neteyam always noticed how you avoided most people and kept to yourself. 
When he first arrived, years ago, you had taught him your clan’s ways. Now, he and his family are full Metkayina. You had gone from teaching him to befriending him. It had been a slow process compared to his friendships with Ao’nung and Tsireya. Neteyam is always talking, sharing, and ready to tell a joke. You always want to say more but never do; most people don’t notice that desire of yours, but he does.
Neteyam would seek you out and ask you, “what are you thinking?” He would go out of his way to sit next to you, making you blush. Eventually, people started noticing. Tsireya would playfully ask you about him but you just brush it off, hoping no one else heard. At first it was nothing, just Neteyam wanting you to feel included but over time it’s changed. You aren’t entirely sure how or why but you know your heart always beats faster when he walks into a room and when you catch him staring at you before you both look quickly away.
You can’t help yourself, you look back over at Neteyam. He’s still sharing a drink with his father, both of them relaxed and happy. Your heart completely melts and you know: you like Neteyam, and not in the way friends like each other. 
You groan and force yourself to look away. It’s useless. He is Neteyam Sully, son of Toruk Makto. Maybe you’ve just been imagining the tension between you too lately. He told you to come to the celebration but he hasn’t even said hi. That’s it. You turn to leave, your feet sliding on the smooth sand when a voice calls out to you. 
“Y/n!” Ao’nung calls you.  
You stop and watch him run up to you, his dark tattoos gleaming against his skin. He reaches you with a smile on his face. His eyes are crinkle at the side, obvious that he’s had some to drink. A slow smile creeps onto his face. “You weren’t leaving,  were you?” 
You look back towards the village, empty and quiet. “Yes, I was.”
“Well, don’t do that!” Ao’nung exclaims. His eyes trace down your body, taking in your celebration beads that reveal more than your normal cloths. His eyes meet yours, a new gleam in them. “Dance with me.” 
Your eyes widen. “Oh!” You start to shake your head. “I don’t know…” 
Ao’nung cocks his head to the side, the same way he has since you were kids. Ao’nung has always been a bit of a player and you’ve always steered clear of that, making sure to keep your relationship platonic. 
“Please,” Ao’nung says before reaching out to you. 
You freeze. You don’t like situations like these, in fact you hate them. You only came to this stupid celebration for Neteyam and he’s not even speaking to you. Normally, you’d just slip off and be on your own, ignoring how you feel. But tonight feels different. The pounding of the celebration drums ring through your ears and into your veins.
 You look back at the party as Ao’nung watches you, carefully waiting for your answer. A jolt runs through your body when you lock eyes with Neteyam. He’s staring right at you from across the fire, his mouth turned downward. You tensen at his gaze, he’s never looked at you like that before. His eyes slowly travel down to Ao’nung’s extended hand. His eyes harden. You definitely have his attention now.
Your stomach flutters as you turn your eyes back to the boy in front of you. He’s smirking at you, waiting for your answer. Neteyam’s ignored you which makes you angrier than you thought it would. A foreign feeling floods through your body: screw being nice and sweet. What has it ever gotten you? 
You smile at Ao’nung, turning your head to the side like he’s made you blush. His smile grows. You place your hand in his and let him lead you to where the others are dancing. 
You keep your head high, faking your confidence as you walk by other clan members. They look up in curiosity at Ao’nung and your clasped hands. The heat of the fire hits your face as you reach the center of the party. Clan members dance all around you, hooting and cheering to the sound of the drums. The music sends chills through your body as Ao’nung leads you in a dance.
You’re rusty at first, having never danced before and only observed, but after a few steps, you get into it. Ao’nung pushes himself away from you before pulling you back in. You find yourself smiling and laughing to the music. 
Then, you glance back to where Neteyam stood. He’s still there, his nostrils flared and his eyes burn holes into Ao’nung. Something tingles in your stomach and spreads through your whole body. You turn back to your dance partner and move yourself closer to him. 
Ao’nung responds instantly, wrapping his fingers around your waist and guiding your hips as he dances. You lean your head back into his neck as he nuzzles his face against the side of yours. This’ll be the last time Neteyam ignores you.
You risk another look at him. Neteyam’s shaking his head now, his braids fly around his face. Lo’ak looks at you in concern before placing his hand on Neteyam’s arm, trying to calm him. Neteyam brushes him off angrily before storming off to the other side of the party. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have pushed him.  You haven’t even defined your friendship or whatever you guys have. Dread curls in your stomach, you’ve definitely overreacted. You’re about to push Ao’nung off you and say you’ve gotten tired when a couple begins dancing right beside you. 
You look up in surprise to find Neteyam dancing. His arms… wrapped around another girl. You go completely rigid. Ao’nung rubs his hands up your side. 
“You okay, girl?”
Neteyam looks up at this. His eyes bore straight into yours as his body moves synchronously with his dance partner. He smirks slightly and tilts his head to the side as if to say, two can play this game. That little asshole. You glare at him to which he just shrugs and pulls the girl closer to him. 
You turn around and face Ao’nung. “I’m fine.” 
He smiles and runs his hand along your jaw. “You look fine.” 
Neteyam scoffs from behind you but you don’t give him the satisfaction of turning around. You keep dancing with Ao’nung, swaying your hips in front of him as he guides you. You drop down to your ankles and work your way back up, moving your body like a wave. 
Neteyam’s stare is heavy. You can feel him watching you the entire time. It sends chills down your spine and your heart begins to pound. Ao’nung digs his fingers into your skin as the drums beat faster. He twirls you around and pulls you close again. You look over at Neteyam to find him still staring at you, his hands are on the other girl but his eyes never leave your face. You stare back, confidently and unlike your usual self. Neteyam bites his lip.
Ao’nung, completely oblivious to you not paying attention to him, grabs your face. He quickly pulls you close to him and you can smell the alcohol on his breath. 
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long,” he says. “But you’re always off on your own…” 
Fear shoots through your veins as your eyes widen. This is not what you want. You try to pull back from his grasp but he’s so close to you, already leaning in. Your brain goes blank as you try to think of a way out of this. His lips are almost touching yours when he goes flying backwards. 
He hits the ground with a loud thud, causing a few clan members to ask if he is okay. Neteyam is suddenly right beside you, his dance partner is gone and he’s staring at Ao’nung with a lethal look in his eyes. His chest is rapidly rising and falling, like he’s trying to contain himself. Ao’nung looks up at Neteyam, a look of disbelief on his face.  
“Neteyam…” You say in shock. 
He looks at you, his eyes darkening. He reaches out and roughly grabs your hand. “Come with me.” 
His voice is deep and raspy like he’s fighting against himself, like he wants something that he can’t have. His hand is hot against yours and he squeezes tightly, sparking something deep in your stomach. You don’t even look back at Ao’nung as Neteyam leads you off the beach and into the treeline. A few voices call after both of you but you don’t stop. 
You watch the swing of Neteyam’s long braids as he leads you away. He’s much more tense than usual, his strong arms look like they're about to burst. The sound of voices and drums begin to fade as you wade deeper into the palm trees. The night sky gleams above you and the plants glow beautifully. Once you can only see the faintest glow of the fire, Neteyam stops and turns to you.  
“What was that?”
You tilt your head to the side, waiting for him to elaborate. 
“You and,” he looks away in disgust. “Ao’nung.” 
You cross your arms over your body, feeling suddenly self-conscious. You let yourself go, this one time. Who is he to judge? “Why do you care?”
“Because I don’t ever want to see another man’s arms around you,” Neteyam replies so quickly you think you might have imagined it. 
Neteyam looks away, his eyes wide like he didn’t expect himself to say that. Your mouth falls open. You shake your head incredulously. “What is that supposed to mean, Neteyam?”
Neteyam runs his hands through his braids nervously. You take a step towards him as your heart rate speeds up. He eyes you cautiously but doesn’t move away. He lets out a sigh. “Don’t you know what it means?” 
You shake your head, wanting to hear him say it.
His golden eyes stare right into yours. “I want you.” 
You inhale sharply. Your heart pounds in your chest, so loud you’re afraid he’ll hear it. I want you. The words echo through your mind, making heat spread through your core. His voice, so deep and full of desire… It makes you want to… 
He cocks his head to the side as if he’s seeing your every thought. He takes a step closer to you. You’re frozen in place. His eyes narrow as he gazes lazily at you. He licks his lips and leans in. You tense, expecting him to kiss you, but his lips brush your ear. “Did you hear me?” He whispers, his hot breath hitting your neck. “I said, I want you.” 
Your throat is tight but you manage to speak anyway. “Prove it.” 
He pulls back slightly, amusement fluttering across his face.  
Now, it’s your turn. You lean into him, feeling his muscles harden as you come closer. The vein in his neck bulges slightly as you brush your lips against his ear. “You didn’t come speak to me at the party,” you whisper, making sure your breath hits his exposed skin. He shudders. “You danced with that other girl.” 
You pull back and stare at him. His eyes are a dark gold, filled with lust. You are standing so close to each other, the heat from both your bodies mix together. You fake an innocent smile at him. “How do I know that you really want me?” 
He lets out a low, guttural, growl before gripping the sides of your face. Your lips collide instantly. You let out a moan the second his lips meet yours, you can’t help it. He grins against the kiss as his hands travel down your neck. 
His lips move fervently against yours like he’s dying of thirst and your water. You return the kiss eagerly, your lips moving quickly against the softness of his mouth. You reach your hands up and sink them into his braids. You’ve been dying to run your fingers through his hair. You twist one of his braids and pull causing him to moan. 
His tongue runs along the bottom of your lip, begging for entrance. You open your mouth obediently, letting his tongue roam your mouth. His hands fly across your stomach and hips like he can’t decide where he wants to explore first. Your tongue glides against his as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, smashing your bodies together. 
He lifts you up, his lips never leaving yours, and pushes you against a nearby tree. You wrap your legs around his waist, feeling the heat of his skin sink into yours. His hands run along the outsides of your legs and ass. Damn, he’s strong.
You pull back from the kiss, letting your head hit the palm tree behind you. His eyes are hooded as he looks at you lazily through narrow slits. Neteyam’s gaze falls to your lips. You can feel how swollen they already are and there’s saliva dangling from them. He reaches out and rubs his thumb across your lip. “I love seeing my spit across your lips,” he says, his voice rough.
You gasp softly, shocked at what he just said, and even more shocked that you liked hearing it. He smirks as his fingers circle your thighs slowly, making your breath hitch. 
You’re dying to hear his breath hitch. You lean into his neck and plant soft kisses on his skin. He inhales sharply. You run your tongue along his neck before sucking. “Fuck,” he moans as his fingers dig into your thigh. You smile and lift your lips before kissing again. 
You’re about to suck when he yanks your head back and presses his lips against yours. All his desire runs through his mouth and into your body. You throb in a way you never have before. You open your mouth, wanting to feel his tongue against yours. You press your hands into his skin, trying to force him closer to you, like you could melt into one being. 
You're both breathing heavily as you continue kissing, his strong legs keeping you firmly against the tree. His hands are feverish as they roam all over your body until they reach the inside of your thigh. He slows down his kissing, his lips slowly grinding against yours. His lips tug at yours at an excruciatingly slow pace. You moan as his fingers inch up the inside of your thigh, coming closer to your wet center. 
You want him to keep going. You nod against your kiss, letting him know you want it. He groans from deep in his throat. His fingers instantly are at your loin cloth. He brushes against the outside, you can feel the warmth of him against your core. 
Your heart is pounding as your body throbs. You can’t take this, you need him. You’re about to tell him that when a voice breaks through the trees.
We both freeze. It’s Jake. Neteyam instantly lets go of you as you fix your cloths. Neteyam smooths his hair down and fixes his parts before looking at you. You stare back, your face completely flushed and sweaty. He smirks.
Jake appears a few feet away. “Come back to the party!”
“Coming!” Neteyam calls back. “We were just having a chat.”
Jake nods, believing his oldest son easily before leaving. 
You blow out a breath of relief as you watch Jake’s retreating back. Your heart is still pounding and your skin feels like it’s on fire. You’re not sure how you’re going to show your face back at the celebration. Neteyam leans close to you, his naughty lips brushing against your ear. “This isn’t over. You’re mine.”
Thank you for reading <3
I love feedback so lmk what you think and send me requests :)
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minihotdog · 7 months
Locked Out On Valentine's (Choose Your Ending)
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(Photo Cred: @chatskaja on twitter) <3
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get locked out on Valentine's Day and have to sleep over at a certain Lt.'s flat.
C/W: Reader is dressed a little inappropriately
A/N: Never tried something like this before so I hope it buffs out. Also, super late Valentine's fic whoops
Word Count: 1k
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“What do you mean he’s not available?!” You stand with your forehead against your door.
“Barrack’s manager is out on leave, he’ll be back tomorrow. Recommend you stay with a friend for now.”
“Wait! Where’s the emergency ma-” *click*
What the fuck!
You huff, banging your head against the outside of your door. Today was one of the worst days of your life. You planned a date with your boyfriend of one year only to be dumped right before you were supposed to meet up. And after bawling your eyes out decide to run out to the fountain to get back the hydration you lost.
The redness around your eyes finally went away but they were so puffy you couldn’t even see your keychain still hanging on the wall.
You’re now stuck in the middle of the hall on Valentine’s Day in a short tank top and your bedtime booty shorts hoping a soul doesn’t appear and see you with all your goods hanging out.
The barracks manager - or whoever that was - told you to find a friend. You didn’t have any here. You’d been in the unit for all of five months and they weren’t all that accepting of new people. They oozed the “prove yourself worthy of our clan” mentality. You roll your eyes just at the thought.
Ughhh. I really don’t want to.
You whine internally as you pull up Cpt. Price’s contact on your phone hoping you’re not interrupting anything.
“Sergeant y/n, what’s the purpose of your call?” He sounds annoyed. You hear a feminine voice in the background and him softly shooshing it.
“Sir! I’ve been locked out of my room and the primary barracks manager won’t be in till tomorrow. I don’t have anywhere to stay.”
“That’s unfortunate, isn’t it?” His voice strains lightly. He’s quiet for a moment and you’re unsure if you’re supposed to say something or…
“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll message you soon.”
You sigh in relief. Maybe he’d contact the emergency manager and they’ll come unlock your door.
You stand with your arms crossed, back against the cold wall for what feels like forever until your phone finally buzzes.
Cpt. Price: Bld 920 Room 1208. Stay there tonight.
You’re about to flood him with questions, like: Where’s the key? Is there someone already there? Who’s room is this? But before you’re done typing he sends one last message.
Cpt. Price: I’m busy tonight with work so no need to thank me. Or call me again.
Work…? Yeah right!
The room was at least in the same building as you. Beats trekking in the snow in slippers and the ungodly attire you have on at the moment.
You make your way up the stairs cursing the base for not putting an elevator in your building. You peer at each door while wandering further down the hall.
1206… 1207… 1208!
You take a deep breath before knocking quietly.
God, I hope it’s at least a woman.
A few seconds go by before the door swings open. You stand wide-eyed. If you had less control your jaw would be on the floor too.
You stare back at your Lt. in all his glory. He stares back at you in nothing but low-hanging sweatpants. His blond hair is disheveled, the color matching the patch of hair on his bare sculpted chest. You’d seen him maskless before but from afar. He’s someone many avoided, his demeanor wasn’t exactly inviting and his wrath, from the rumors, was even worse.
The light flooding through the door frame illuminates his face enough to show the fine features up close. The scars running through his lips and cheeks only add to the stirring inside you that’s leaving you speechless. 
As you try to stop yourself from ogling him right here and now he notices your eyes popping out of your skull and softly blows air out of his nose.
Is he laughing at me?
He decides to finally break the staring contest.
“What d’you want, pet?”
You stutter a bit before getting the words out,
“I got locked out, the captain told me to come here. He didn’t tell me it was your place.”
It was his turn to let his eyes wander. His eyes rake over your tank top, your arm over your chest to conceal the fact you’re braless, your exposed stomach and shorts that barely did their job as clothes. You stand there waving your water bottle around as you speak, completely unaware of the look on his face.
A smirk pulls at one of his lips as he listens to you ramble about the barracks managers not doing their jobs. Your voice gradually gets higher the angrier you get.
“What the hell are you wearin’?” He interrupts.
“Why are you answering the door half-naked?” You shoot back.
He sneers, “You show up at my door wantin’ a place to stay and you have an attitude?” He pulls his phone from his pocket seeing a barely coherent message from Price.
“Fine. No point in arguin’, Price is probably with the missus, doesn’t want to be bothered.” He steps to the side allowing you to come in. You cautiously accept and step into the space.
His place was neat, and well-kept, more like an apartment rather than the prison they kept you in. You turn back to look at him and notice the tattoos covering the skin of his arm. He pretends not to notice you checking him out as he walks to the hallway closet and pulls out a pillow and blanket.
He hands them to you, “Is that enough or d’you need a bedtime story too?”
“Little Red Riding Hood’s my favorite, please.” You snark, as you drop the pillow and lean over to throw the blanket over the cushions. You swear you hear his breath catch in his throat but get quickly covered up by him clearing his throat.
“So… What are you up to on Valentine’s Day?” You prod hoping to learn something about the most feared individual of the unit.
“Just another day, means nothin’.” He leans against the wall behind him. You sit with your legs crossed on the almost comically large couch, probably custom-made for his giant ass. You lean on your hand and look up at him.
“Is that so?”
“What happened to that muppet you’re always moanin’ bout? Should be with him.” He tilts his head to the side.
“Nah, he’s no good. Decided he liked by friend better.” You laugh sadly. “Can’t seem to keep them this time of year. I’m too cool for it.” You try to joke but end up cringing on the inside. His chest rises with a soft chuckle.
“That right?”
“You know it.” You wink at him.
The two of you go quiet for a moment. 
He decides to break the silence.
”You want some tea, love?
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*** Decision Time ***
Why not? I'm already here and he's being nice. Sure, I'll have some tea.
I don't wanna be a bother. He's already having to let me stay over. I'm gonna pass on tea.
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