#and even in bed i feel awful cause my heart wont settle down and my bp wont stabilize????
batboysoneshots · 7 months
Baby Bird (Au)
AU where Jason is the eldest and Dick is the youngest.
Summary: Dick has a nightmare in Wayne manor of his parents dying, it had only been a few months. He wonders around the manor searching for Bruce but runs into Jason instead.
Jason- 19
Tim - 16
Damian - 14
Dick - 9
Third person pov...
Dick woke with a cry. Breathing heavy his heart beating fast, tears streaming down his face. His dreams had been nothing but nightmares of his parents dying.
Only each time they change from hid parents to Bruce and Alfred dying, to his new brothers dying to him dying. It was horrible for the 9 year old every night.
Chest heaving, he crawls off his high double bed and stood, sniffling wiping away his tears though they kept coming, the clock on his desk said 2.30am.
"Will Bruce be awake?" he muttered to himself, grabbing a blanket and his elephant Sitka he made his way quietly out of his bedroom and into the dimly lit hall.
Shivering he wraps the blanket around his shoulders and looked around trying desperately to remember the layout of the manor, he had only been here a couple months and still gets lost.
After walking for a couple minutes, he walks into a large room same as the rest, but this one was different, books lined the walls of first layer of the room, blue eyes wide with awe as his looked around.
The second layer had even more books. "This is the library!" He exclaims shocked at the many many books around him. The boy looked around more running his hands along the lines of books old and new.
"Hey squirt what are you doing awake?" Came a voice surprise the young boy making him drop his stuffed elephant, dick tried to wipe the tears, though his eyes still red from his crying.
Jason had been reading in the library, he does not sleep much anymore since the joker killed him, the library is his safe space and is always found reading some obscure book that only he or Bruce could read.
Seeing his baby bother awake made Jason close his book and walk over to the boy wanting to know if everything was okay. Jason laughed and picked up the elephant.
hen Dick first met the teen he scared him, built like a tank and almost as tall as Bruce, piercing green eyes that he swore turned red when he was angry.
But after he got to know the older teen, they became close like brothers, Jason would look out for Dick at the galas Bruce held, or when reporters attacked them while out in public.
When dick turned the teasing glint in Jasons eyes vanished, in place was concern and worry as he saw the red rings around Dicks blue eyes filled with tears the young boy was trying to keep in. "hey baby bird what's wrong?" he questions kneeling in front of the child.
He then holds Dicks hands rubbing his palms in circular motions hoping to calm him down, sniffling again Dick looked at the teen trying not to cry as he relived his nightmare. "I had a nightmare Jay" he manged before his sniffles turned into sobs.
Tears and snot fell from his face, Jason's eye widen, and he quickly gathers the young boy in his arms and hugs him tight to his chest. Rubbing the boys back comfortingly as Alfred does with him.
Whispering calming words into the boy's ear Jason walks over to a bean bag he had begged Bruce to buy for him and sat down on it, leaning back his settled the boy on his chest his ear just above his heartbeat hoping it would calm Dick down.
He continued rubbing the 9 year olds back as he cried, Jason could feel his t-shirt getting wet but did not care the only thing that cared was his baby brother. When dick stopped crying Jason asked him again.
"What was your nightmare about baby bird?" the green eyed teen askes hoping it wont cause the boy to have another crying fit, sniffling Dick kept his head buried in Jason's chest and played with the wonder woman pattern on the shirt.
"My parents dying" he mumbled just loud enough for Jason to hear, the older teen sighs deeply before hugging the boy tight. "That sucks Lil 'bird I wish that never happened to you" he tells the boy, remembering his own parents before he met Bruce, he starts to run his fingers through dicks hair.
The boy practically melts against his chest as he does, Jason smiles as he hears the boys breathing even out as he falls asleep. Jason lets him he grabs his book from before using one hand he continues to run his fingers through the black locks.
Hours later they would be found by Alfred and Bruce, pictures taken by both at how cute they were, Dick is Jasons soft spot.
The end!
Hope you liked this one shot, sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes!
Requests are open!
Word count: 853
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squaretablehold · 2 years
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
summertime is for us ||| felix x reader
summary: it’s been months since you’ve seen your boyfriend felix in person, and you can’t wait to finally see him again genre: fluff, a bit of angst wordcount: 1618 music: ambience; ambience an: i wrote this suddenly in a daze as a break from the longer rq ive been working on—my long-awaiting, ever-patient anon, i hope youre ready, your rq is going to be a monster...!
gender neutral reader
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the breeze wove gently between the windchimes, ringing delicately across the hill where you lay in the grass. nestled in a bed of brilliant green, clusters of daisies gazing up at the sun by your arm, you kept your breath slow as you let the afternoon warm your face. you waited patiently, half in a daze, half on the edge of sleep, for the familiar footsteps to arrive. he was late again, and you would’ve rolled your eyes with a quiet laugh if you hadn’t been so lethargic.
your ears pricked up at a light, quiet thud in the twigs just beyond by the tree. you turned your body gradually towards it, casting a shadow from your shoulder across your face, and peaked through the waltzing dandelions, the silvery fairies taking off from their homes to dance higher and higher until they disappeared into the sky.  it was a small bird. skipping across the ground, its freckled brown tail feathers perked up inquisitively, as it picked between the twigs and grass blades taller than its own head. after a moment it jumped upon a branch, small and hidden amongst the untamed valley. it briefly sang a call—to a friend, a love, the world, you didn’t know—but a smile slipped onto your face nonetheless. it seemed so small in the world, so normal, and yet it sang and made everything seem just that little bit brighter. as what would a peaceful afternoon be without birdsong?
the deep singsong call of your friend came from the top of the hill, mixing with the windchimes and causing the bird to turn on its tail and return to the tree canopy. you sat up on your elbow, shielding your eyes and searched the crest of the hill for the one you were waiting for.  a few seconds later, he appeared and began shuffling down the slope to you, minding the flowers as he went. and then moments later he was steps away, slinging his bag off at the foot of the tree, smile brighter than the sun itself. 
“felix! you’re—oof!” 
giggling, he practically flung himself into your arms, leaving you to yelp as you fell onto your back, arms naturally wrapping round his waist and pulling him into you. “jesus, i missed you too!”
the semester alone had felt longer than any school year you’d been through, you’d ended up messaging him every moment you could, missing his presence every night when the nights got cold. you’d hadn’t needed a second blanket for two years, and the trek to go retrieve one from your drawer only made the room feel emptier. 
but he was here now, and the summer was all yours.
felix pressed a kiss into your neck, before levering himself up and straddling you to sit more comfortably. his dark eyes met yours, glistening with his smile and longing finally ended. “sorry i’m late.”  he didn’t seem that sorry at all, beaming at you, his nose scrunching before he gave in and planted a kiss on your forehead, but it was hardly like you minded.
“apology accepted,” you rushed, stroking his hair as the two of you looked at each other properly for the first time in months. he’d had a haircut, you knew that, and though you’d already seen it, now it had grown out more, leaving soft waves to frame the face that taken your breath away the first time you saw it. it caught the sun above and gifted him a halo,like you were sure he deserved. and how it felt different beneath your fingertips. you could spend an evening just thinking about that alone. same for how he had grown. so far apart, even photos and video calls couldn’t show the smallest of details, the things you cherished the most, leaving you surprisingly startled at the boy you once knew, now seeming even more of a man than he had done last winter. it looked good on him, as pretty much everything did—despite your shock that you got to look upon something so beautiful—but it was also tinged with a bittersweetness. all those days he had grown and you hadn’t been there to see them for yourself, even after knowing him for so long. all those minutes between the times when you were younger and you used to count his freckles like a child. the curse of the childhood sweetheart. it only made you long to see every day with him even more. 
felix meanwhile was also stuck in this wordless awe, thumb stroking your cheek as he stared, precious lips parted absently. lucky for you, you had come to your senses before him. with a coy grin you murmured, “is there something on my face?”
however, he answered too fast for your own heart’s good. “too much pretty, that’s what.” 
“oh ew, blegh, too much cheese, blegh—”
he rolled his eyes before he hushed you, dipping in to take your lips into his. you’d forgotten how soft his lips were, how powerful his touch was. you instantly melted into him, your hand slipping to his temple as his wove through your hair. “god, i missed you so much...” he whispered into your lips, immediately welcoming your lips once again. 
“me too... i don’t know how i’m going to do it again...”
he pulled away slowly, eyes saddening. “i know, but we’ve got to.”
feeling the energy dip, you were about to apologise for ruining the joy so soon—you had weeks before you needed to even worry about that at all—but felix continued before you could.
“and i’m going to be further away than i was before,” he said. 
searching his gaze for any sign of what he meant, you eventually asked, “what do you mean?”
he smiled then, small and conflicted. “i got in on the GLTA scheme.”
your eyes widened as you sat up suddenly. “you got in?!” as soon as he nodded excitedly, you gasped and threw your arms around his neck. “oh my god, baby, congrats! you did it, oh my god—!”
he mumbled a thank you into your shirt as you held him tightly, as if your subconscious knew what this meant. 
“where are you going to go?”
“south korea.”
you held him at arm’s length, a proud grin on your lips, but your hands still tense as you ran them across his arms. “you got into—?! i told you you’re a genius, felix, i told you! god i’m so proud of you!”
he chuckled, but his eyes were already begin to trail away from yours, even as you cupped his cheeks. your elation quickly cooled. “baby, what’s wrong?”
it took a few moments for him to work up the courage to speak, but after he’d settled next to you, you resting on your side to face him, he spoke, “aren’t you... i won’t be able to come back over the winter...”
you couldn’t hide the disappointment that began to gnaw at your stomach, a small sigh leaving you before you could stop it, but you shook your head. “felix, baby, i’ll miss you, so much, but...” you shifted closer resting your cheek on his shoulder, brushing a leaf off his shirt, “there’s no way you can’t take this opportunity, it’s something you’ve always wanted, and i wouldn’t stop you for anything.”
relaxing, he leant back into the grass with a sigh, pulling you into his side happily. “i love you so much.”
“i love you too,” you whispered, closing your eyes once again to listen to the sound of the birds and his heartbeat. “there’s always next summer.”
“there’s always next summer,” he agreed. the two of you dozed in the sun, felix’s slow, rhythmic trace of his fingertips against your shoulder lulling you into sleep.  when you awoke it was to the amber hues of sunset, painting the sky a masterpiece as the breeze picked up, flurrying goosebumps across your arms. the birds had quietened down, their song echoing from further down the hill, crickets taking their place. it wouldn’t be long before night finally fell.
you hauled yourself up and stretched, ignoring the ache in your leg which had been curled up at an odd angle for a bit too long. rubbing the sleep from your eyes you glanced down at felix to find he was still fast asleep. his brow furrowed for a split second ,before his hand twitched and he turned his head, relaxing once again. resisting the urge to coo, your eyes wandered over to his bag in the stretching shadow of the tree. and soon, your body followed, tiptoeing through the grass, to have a rummage through his over-packed rucksack. and, to your luck, there was his hoodie: enough warmth to stay out for just that little bit longer.
you returned to him as you pulled the baggy black over your head before joining him in the grass. you shimmied your hands up into the sleeves for added coziness while you rested your head in the grass besides his. with your sweater-paw carefully shifting his fringe out of his face, you allowed yourself to finally take in every little detail you had missed, both the old and the new, cast in the golden hues of the dying afternoon. 
“one...” you began in a whisper, smile shy and subdued. “two...”
in the embers of the sun, you found yourself counting his freckles, just like you had in your very first summer together. and as the sky turned violet and darkened, the sun lost behind the forest canopy, you finally found the exact same number as the last time you had counted. even with the world constantly spinning around you, he hadn’t changed at all.
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an: hope its not too bad. i wont read it for the next month so i wont know :))))
also my knitting needles turned up!!
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Anger Management | Satan
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Request: So I can’t get this thought out of my mind cause I’d love to have a “date” like this with Satan! What if MC tried to help Satan express his rage by inviting him to a secret “date” they planned. A date that takes place at a rage room! The thought of MC encouraging Satan to unleash his anger in a safe way in a rage room where you can break things freely with no consequences sounds so fun! Any writers on here please I’m begging you, this would be such a good story!
Word Count: 1561 words
Page Count: 4.3 pages
A/n: okay, when i saw this, i ended up thinking of the cafe instead of the room sorry about that, but i loved the idea to much and i hope you still like it! also that was the only gif i could find with satan in it like we need more of this boi
Tags: @mrlovememes​
        "Rage Restaurant. Really?" Satan asked, an amused smile on his face while looking down at your phone, shaking his head in a moderate disbelief at the idea of your first date on Earth being... this. Sitting up on his bed, his head on your shoulder while the sleep in his voice was evident, the date you had set up for him tonight did interest him very much.
        "Yeah! The plates are made of hardened sugar and all the knives and forks are dulled, you can even get a miscalculated bill at the end just to make sure you have everything out, isn't that cool?" You beamed at the idea, after seeing the restaurant pop up on your Instagram feed, you had made a reservation that night. Still in a tank top and shorts, your sleep left your body immediately once you had showed him the restaurant, thinking that this would be a good outlet for the demon of your life.
        Currently, you, the brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and the angels are on a small two week trip to the human world. Lucifer claims it was for business, but with how excited Diavolo was, you started to think they all had planned it for a bit to see what the human race was up to up close and personal. You had your regular phone back, but on the first day Lucifer had taken you to get phones for the rest of the boys, which he paid for, and made you set up the numbers for each phone, so with your DDD you were sure the electric bill of the house they were renting would shoot up fairly quickly.
        "But, what if things get out of hand?" He asked, a bit unsure of releasing his rage on you while you just sat there, without someone there to watch. His anxiety bubbled slightly, thoughts of accidentally hurting you physically or emotionally made his heart drop a bit, he dug his head into your neck slightly to comfort himself from the thought.
        "The waiters are like moderators. And trust me. I know you wont hurt me. You can just yell at me while you break the things around you. I made a special reservation to have some tables around us cleared if that makes you feel better." You tried to ease him into the idea, knowing you had set up the date so that he can release his rage without having to worry about consequences, you did everything you could to prepare your area for him.
        When making the reservation, you were in the kitchen as Lucifer was cooking and Mammon was sitting on the counter next to you, both who offered to stay in the background of the date to watch over him. Though you loved Satan with all your heart, and you knew he wouldn't hurt you with the control he has managed to gain as time went on, but having some insurance wouldn't hurt either.
        Allowing Lucifer and Mammon to sit at the other end of the restaurant, you got a table for them to fake fight at while keeping an eye on Satan, having everything set for your date.
        "Are you sure?" He took a deep breath, looking down at the confirmation of your time and tables, his hand coming up to rub up and down your thigh.
        "Yes. And that's why it was a surprise. Because everything is already set up and I think it would be good for you. Though, if you really don't want to, I'm not forcing you either." Your voice started to settle into a whisper near the end, turning your face to rest it into his hair, your right hand also coming up to lightly scratch his head.
        "Mmm." He hummed, enjoying the feeling of your nails on his scalp, calming him further. You both had stayed there for a good five minutes before he spoke up.
        "Fine. Thank you. For everything."
        "No problem!"
        The drive to the restaurant was pretty entertaining, with you driving and finding parking, Satan found your ever so small amount of road rage quite funny to the point he was cackling at you while you were trying to explain something.
        "It's a recording studio that kinda just- BITCH!" You slammed both hands onto the horn while slamming on the breaks, trying to not crash into the guy that just cut you off, your sigh of irritation only had him burst with some laughter before continuing on.
        "Oh yeah, keep laughing." You smirked while turning into the driveway up the hill, and finding a place to park, you pulled the keys and smiled widely.
        "Maybe you need this more than me." He mused.
        "Eh." You responded, sitting in silence for a bit, before breaking it.
        "As I'll ever be."
        Sitting down at your table, you smiled as the waitress poured about six glasses of water, leaving to grab some food for Satan to throw was well.
        "You ready?" You grinned, looking at how awkward he seemed to be, you sat back and saw Lucifer and Mammon sit at a corner table near the front of the restaurant.
        "I... I don't know where to start." He looked around, and right before he was to turn around, you perked up.
        "Well. Maybe the fact that Lucifer and Mammon are here to?"
        And with that, he started to fume, his head going into his hands as he mumbled angrily at the table- starting to string everything together, going from just the two brothers to how they do things that annoy him, to the rest of the brothers. Before you knew it he was yelling about everything and more- grabbing the water and plates and throwing them on the tables, slamming his hands onto the table before you and breaking it before flipping the other ones next to him, stomping on the shattered remains.
        You watched in awe, honestly even with all this anger emanating from his body, he was still a beautiful creature to behold, so while you continued to sip on your [ Tea/Coffee/Hot Cocoa ] and the waitress brought more items with a look that screamed 'This is kinda new, but hey, it's kinda fun to watch.', Satan continued a controlled rampage on the poor sugar plates and tables around him.
        The owner at the counter looked over at you, shooting him a small smile and a nod, he did the same while watching some other customers around the cafe.         
        "Are you fucking kidding me? I should have gotten credit for the goddamned note card thing! I should wring him by the neck with my thumbs in his sockets-" It went like this for a while, the continued shattering of fake glass and his screams of anger went to deaf ears around him, though you kept your eye on him so he knew that you were listening to him release his rage.
        An hour and a half later, hundreds of "glasses" broken, three shattered tables, about seven limp chairs, and said broken pieces being impaled into the walls around you two. He was panting lightly, his hand shaking as it settled on your chair while he bent over, his face in your neck like it was this morning. His heart was racing and small amounts of his horns starting to poke out from his hair, which you covered with your hands to make it look like you were rubbing his head, before he stood up to his full height with a sigh.
        "That... that was... good." He was breathing deeply now, and his words were becoming much more clear, he looked like he was lighter in general- all the weight he had carried left him in these moments.
        "Good?" You laughed lightly, before rubbing his back with one hand as the other went to your purse, you both walked to the counter to pay for everything. Satan looked to where Lucifer and Mammon sat at, seeing the area soaked with water and having the area around them broken, safely assuming that even they had their fill which made an evident smirk cross his face.
        "That will be 346.85." He owner announced in a bored manner. Your face paled in shock, a tight smile on your face, eyes wide at the number.
        "Is that the miscalculation thing you usually do?"
        "Nah, we decided to give you a break, your man seemed to be having a rough time so... yeah."
        "Thanks." You pulled your card out, and handed it to him, before thanking him for everything and apologizing for the extra damage.
        As the both of you left to the car, Satan had a please smile on his face, his hand in yours as he leaned on you slightly- his more playful side coming to light, this was usual after he released his anger, not that you minded. You were happy for these moments with him, though you had to push him off you to get back into the car, he buckled in before his eyes met yours.
        "Hm. Nothing." He voiced out playfully. You pulled out of the space and went to your way back home, deciding to enjoy the back roads and their scenery, also trying to take a longer way back home to spend more time with the demon.
        "I just love you is all."
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
{Peter Parker x Male Reader}
Warnings: none… angst…? slight self hate ig but idk you’ll see…
Summary: a peter parker x male reader where peter gets insecure about mj and readers friendship since he sees how good they look together and knew MJ had a slight crush on reader. Reader fixes the problem by cuddling him, giving him slight kisses on his neck and just some fluffy shit. also cute bby boy peter being all flushed and cute
I really hate giving MJ this role, but ok :/ and also, what do you us think about MJ and Peter in FFH? Personally, i dont like it. I’ll make it it’s own post, it’s mostly a personal preference though.
(not edited)
“OMG, [M/N]. You’re too funny,” MJ said, a slightly happier tone to her voice than usual. You smiled, taking the small smack to your arm with a soft laugh as well. Peter watched across the lunch table while Ned was too occupied with the game on his phone. He pouted; you seemed to be having way more fun with MJ than with him. Lunch was almost over- oh no, wait, that was the bell…
You stood up from your seat as Peter gathered his stuff. He waited for you to walk him to his next class, as you usually did so. MJ also stood up, looking at Peter, “Hey, loser,” Peter had found himself being called ‘loser’ a lot by MJ- probably more than he found himself being called that by Flash- but he knew she was joking, “Aren’t you and I together for History?” Peter nodded, “Oh yeah, I forgot,” he usually had Math right after Lunch, but today was Thursday. Thursday schedule was always weird for him. You began dragging yourself behind and in between them. Ned had already disappeared; his next class was all the way across the hall from where their classes were, so he had to hurry. You spoke up, “I have Biology next anyway. It’s right down the hall from there.”
“Neeerd!” MJ laughed, yelling into your ear. You tried to move away from the noise, a smile playing to your lips, “Oi, idiot, that hurt!” MJ smirked, “Good.” Peter fumed- he felt like he was the third wheel when it was supposed to be MJ. He was dating you, not her. Though, to be fair, not that many people knew. Just the two of you, Ned, Aunt May, Mr. Stark, Happy, and the rest of the Avengers. MJ didn’t, and Peter felt like he should tell her- if not for it being for the reason of ‘she should know because she’s my friend’, then at least for ‘omg stop touching him he’s my boyfriend’. And there she goes, touching you again. Though, this time she used her own shoulder to bump into yours instead.
Peter heard a small murmur, “Doesn’t MJ look really cute next to [M/N]?”
“Yeah, she’s definitely happier around him.”
“She smiled a lot when with him.”
“Their both into the arts; she likes reading and drawing, he likes music and (insert an artistic talent/interest).”
Soon, Peter began hearing things other than just small murmurs and chattering around him. It felt as if he could hear everything everyone was saying. Wasn’t that a side effect of his spider-like abilities? Perhaps it was, Peter couldn’t remember at the moment.
“Yeah, they’re practically made for each other.”
“They make a good couple.”
“Did you hear that MJ and [M/N] got a full score on their project for Art?”
“Oh yeah, they were parters, right?”
“Yeah, MJ made the layout of the sketch and [M/N] finished it up. He did his own thing as well, and they ended up getting their art submitted into the contest happening at the art museum.”
Then, Peter felt as if he couldn’t breathe.
“So cute.”
“Wow, they make a good couple.”
“Peter looks like such a third wheel.”
His own thoughts mixed with the other small talk around him, and it surrounded him in a pit of black.
“He looks like such a loser.”
“Wow, no one would be interested in him anyway.”
“No one likes a nerd.”
“Peter is a loser.”
“Peter is a nerd”
“Peter is lame.”
“No one likes Peter.”
“Peter!” You shouted in his ear, and Peter jolted up. “O-Oh, yeah?”
“Isn’t this our class?” MJ asked, pointing to the door. Peter nodded sheepishly, looking over at you. You smiled, “Have fun learning about a bunch of dead guys. I’m off to math!” You pumped your fist up in mock excitement. MJ laughed and Peter gave a small chuckle, “H-Have fun.” You nodded, “Sure wont.”
3rd person P.o.V.
[M/N] met up with Ned, MJ, and Peter after school. “Hey guys!” He greeted, wrapping an arm around Peter’s shoulders. Peter resisted the urge to lay his head on the other male and just looked at him and smiled instead. [M/N] smiled back, but Peter felt like their was this other feeling in the other male’s eyes he couldn’t quite read. “Uh, hey,” [M/N] started, “Parker, you feeling up to a study session today?” Peter pretended to think, nodding soon after, “Sure, dont have any plans today anyway. Lemme text Aunt May, though, first.”
‘Study session’ was a code name for ‘miniature date at my house’. Peter had grown to love the words very much because then it was just them two, and it was normally [M/N] showering Peter in love and affection for the whole night- if he didn’t have Spidey-duty that day, that is. Peter pulled his phone out from his back pocket, pulling up Aunt May’s number. “Can I come too?” MJ asked, “Or is it just one of your gay things?” MJ huffed in amusement at her own joke, not realizing the irony of it. She tried sounding nonchalant about it, but not wanting to break her heart, [M/N] let her off easy, “Uhh, my house is really messy. I feel like Peter can handle it, but I dont wanna make you run off because you’re scared of my pigsty of a home.” He laughed. MJ chuckled, “Wow, gender equality, dude. Whatever happened to that?” [M/N] shook your head, “maybe next time. You don’t have anything and Peter usually spends the night, so it’d be weird, wouldn’t it?” MJ nodded, seemingly disappointed, “yeah, whatever. It’s cool.”
“Done!” Peter chirped, and MJ began walking off. Ned had also run off somewhere. “Good!” [M/N] smiled, “I have you all to myself for the rest of the evening!”
2nd person P.o.V.
Once the two of you made it home, Peter put his stuff down onto the floor in your room while you prepared some food. Since it was Thursday, you guys weren’t assigned that much homework, so you and Peter would probably finish it in the small intervals before classes. You prepared some snacks like popcorn and candy while Peter changed his clothes. He also took the time to pick out clothes for you- a loose white T-shirt with black basket ball shorts. He wore a white shirt- of course, a nerdy one with a scientific pun on it (the two atoms; one asking if the other is positive it lost a electron)- with one of your boxers. He walked out, socks protecting his feet from the cold floor. He scrunched his nose at the smell, smiling.
“You wanna pick out the movie?” Peter asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. You turned around, wrapping your arms around him as well. They made their way around both his arms, one hand holding the other to trap the smaller boy in an embrace. “No, you can pick,” you smiled, tilting your head to kiss Peters lips quickly, “so long as it isn’t Star Wars or Lord of the Rings again. Please. I can’t go through another marathon again.” Peter whined playfully, “But [M/N]!” You stuck your tongue out, “Too bad.”
Peter reciprocated the action, and you both let out a sigh of giggles. “Anyway,” you continued, “You want anything specific to eat?” Peter shook his head and you nodded. You let him go and he went over to the couch. He flipped though the many channels on the TV before settling on a Disney movie. “Is that Disney?” You asked, walking in with a bowl of popcorn, two sodas, and a plate of cookies. Peter watched in awe as you balanced everything. “Yeah,” he answered, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.”
“Aw, sweet!” You fist-bumped the air, “love that movie.” Peter nodded, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder, he had been deprived of physical touch for a while. He just wanted to spend time with you, was what he thought as he wrapped his arms around you. Your arm wrapped around his waist while the other ate from the supported the bowl of popcorn on your lap. Peter stole some as well, and you watched as the movie began with its intro of the parents trying to save their defaced child from the protagonist.
“It’s kinda inappropriate, dont you think?” You asked Peter after a while, and Peter looked at you confused, eyes squinted Ashe seemingly judged you. “How? It’s a Disney movie?”
“Well, I mean, it talks about gypsies. Aren’t they visualized as prostitutes? And that seen where Esmeralda dances for that old dude, you can see he’s clearly turned on.” You shook your head, “never mind…”
When the movie was over, you cleaned up the remaining food and placed it down to be cleaned later. You carried a very, very tired Peter Parker up to your room. You laid him on the bed and dimmed the lights. He gripped onto you desperately, “Dont move, dont go anywhere…” he said, “Can we stay like this forever…?” He asked tiredly, and you laughed softly, “No, we have school tomorrow.” Peter whined childishly, “forget school. I can make us enough money by being Spider-Man, we dont need education.”
“Peter, my parents would kill me if they found out i dropped out of high school to piggy back on my superhero boyfriend for money.” Peter let out a huff, and the two of you let out quiet, breathy chuckles. He leaned close to you, noses touching. He then frowned, “Do you like MJ?” The question was sudden and it caught you off guard. “Well, i mean… yeah, we’re friends…”
“No, i mean… like like her…?”
You let out an ‘ohhh’, suddenly realizing Peter’s behavior earlier (the cause of your strange glint Peter noted earlier). “No, baby,” you smiled, “I’m not romantically interested in her, if that’s what you’re thinking.” “But,” he began, a slight pout on his lips. God, he was really tired, “she was all over you today, shamelessly flirting with you. You didn’t seem to mind it though…”
“Peter,” you began, stroking his hair a bit, “I dont like MJ. I like you. No, I love you. A lot. So dont think that.” You moved to lay Peter on top of you, taking his hands and intertwining them with yours as he made himself comfortable on your chest. “I know,” Peter started, playing with your fingers a bit, “its just… everybody says you two look good together. I guess i just didnt like the feeling of you with another person, even if it’s just the public appeal and not reality. Sorry…” You shook your head, “dont apologize, baby. It’s normal to feel jealous…”
Peter was quick to defend, lifting his head up to glare at you accusingly, “I wasn’t jealous!” You laughed, “yeah, and I’m not dating Spider-Man.” Peter sighed, resting in his previous position. He mumbled another, ‘I wasn’t jealous…’ and you just nodded. You began running your hands through his hair, to which he quickly responded by sighing and relaxing even further into your chest.
A few minutes of running your hands through his hair later, Peter got bored and slightly irritated of the position. He moved to sleep next to you, with you spooning him. You wrapped your arms around him and gently played it his stomach, felling up and down his abs. He whimpered lightly, curling a bit at the ticklish feeling. His body began to heat up; you could feel it. “Are you still upset?” You asked softly, and Peter nodded. You sighed, placing soft kisses to Peter’s neck. He leaned back, face flushed red as you continued up his neck to his jaw. He turned his head to face you, and gave you a soft kiss. You to didnt move, instead you stayed there and took in the presence of each other.
When you two pulled away, Peter had the brightest blush on his face. He huffed, eyes falling closed, “I wasn’t jealous.”
“Of course you weren’t,” you smiled, “who said you were?”
You turned off the light once Peter finally fell asleep. The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night- and, to be honest, if you could, you would stay like that forever if you could.
Panicked gay moment; had no clue what to write for MJ, sry sry sry anon (._.”)
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@megatraven since your heart is tender from Astraeus,,I thought about Zeus all night lol. Basically, this is my petition to get a Zeus route after idk how many years AFK has been out for and its a mess lol. 
Zeus would TOTALLY take MC to the zoo. Not just for MC to look at the animals, but ALSO because when the lions come to him, he’d puff out his chest and be like “yeah. The tigers like me. I’m the king,” and act like a Chad. 
Whenever Zeus first fell for MC, there’s no way he accepted it. Like, he’s the King of Godsss, and he’s like, “Me? Love a human? Never.” And then he remembers his past and how,,um,,not adding up BUT ANYWAYS he doesn’t believe he loves her and pushes his feelings down. Like almost everyone in AFK does. And he doesn’t like it. At all. He doesn’t like it because he doesn’t know what to do. And like someone in one AFK route said that Zeus’s fear is weakness. So he sees this feeling as weakness because he’s not acting like himself ya know?? Quiet, spacing out, thinking of one human more often than not. THen, he catches himself once again doing things for MC. Maybe if she’s in the office and Zeus needs to see Alex for whatever reason, instead of calling them to come to him or to talk, he goes down there and goes through the office and sees MC. And he’s looking at his papers as he walks to Alexs office and everyone sits straight up when he comes in, including MC, and he likes the way her brown eyes focus on him,,
AND THEN, APHRODITE NOTICES IT AND BASICALLY MAKES FUN OF HIM EJIBKFWEJ. And it ends with Zeus and MC getting together in a bit of peace...until the Hera situation but hey no angst here...yet
MC one night stays in Zeus’s estate and she’s doing some work because Zeus is still in a long meeting (she wonders what they meet about but he wont tell her) and she starts getting sleepy and words start not making sense and shes like, “Hmm...I’ll rest my head for a moment,” and she rests her head against the headboard of the bed. And then,, Zeus comes home and he’s a little confused as to why its silent (I see MC as someone who would play some instrumental music bc I’m MC and I love orchestra music lol). He calls out to MC and gets no reply. He’s not too worried since he’s seen MC fight, he knows she can do many things. And when he gets to his room, he see’s a sight that takes his breath away and fills him with a bit of worry. He sees MC resting her head against the headboard and papers surrounding her and her computer, even some papers on the floor. He takes off his tie with a sigh and a soft laugh as he comes over to her and picks the papers off the floor and off the bed and puts them together. 
He picks up the computer (slowly, not wanting to wake up MC) and no matter how slowly he did it, MC woke up with a gasp and was confused until her eyes settled on Zeus. “Zeus? When did you get back?” He smiles as she rubs her eyes with a yawn. “I just got back. Why did you do all this?” His voice didn’t sound upset or angry, but the way his voice is made MC believe he was angry. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to get everything done tonight,” MC says, her voice in her rambling tone and Zeus realizes how he sounded. He puts everything down and comes back to her and gives her a kiss on her forehead (I want some sweet Zeus). “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I was just,” he pauses, he looks anywhere but at her, “a little worried,” he gets out after a few moments. She smiles and kisses him on his lips. “I love you, Zeus,” she says with a smile and lovestruck face. He wears an identical one and says the same back with no hesitation. “I love you, too, MC.”
HMMM!!! SWEET ZEUS HITS THE SPOT!!! And thennn, two more ideas bc I need to get them out and don’t want to @ you too much lol. 
NOW! With the Zeus facetiming MC thing, imagine her being real sick one day. She didn’t want to go to Olympus and she just wanted to stay in bed and Alex said okay and theres no way Zeus wouldn’t let her stay home if she’s sick. He needs to make sure his human girlfriend is okay :))). However, he’s busy all day. He wants to visit her (even if she tells him no and that she doesn’t want to get him sick-) so bad and tries to but he’s always stopped by some new problem or something else to do. Zeus considers blowing it all off or just leaving for one day, but he knows he probably shouldn’t do that. Not just because MC would possibly feel guilty for him not doing something important because of her (and he doesn’t want her to feel worse) but because he knows he’d regret it the day later when he has a ton more things to do. So, he finishes them and he realizes how its like 7 PM and he’s finally done. He gets worried and decides to do something MC wanted to do with him whenever she’s not on Olympus with him. He got open his laptop and opened an app for facetiming and for once,,,
He feels anxious. He’s a little scared. He doesn’t know WHY, but this human makes him feel a little scared and worried in messing up. He hates it but loves it at the same time, so he calls her (pushing past his slight fear) and and she answers immediately with a smile. It’s a very bright smile even tho she’s sick and she looks a little distracted. “What are you doing?” MC looks up at him with the smile she uses when she’s trying to lie. “Nothing...”. Zeus looks at her and she knows he doesn’t believe it, which causes MC to sigh. “I’m doing a little bit of work,” she said as she showed a piece of paper signed by HERA. He was a little in shock but also worry.
No wonder she’d do this. She’s sick, running a fever, literally probably EXHAUSTED...yet she’s doing work. Zeus felt a little in awe at her when the shock went away. He was honestly considering going there and making her rest. “How long have you been doing work?” MC have him a reassuring look. “I only just started.” He’d probably be a little skeptical, but let it go and it went silent as he watched her write down a lot of things, mumble things she was reading, and look concentrated. And like,,just imagine him being quiet as she works and she asks him if he wants to go, but he always says “no. I like to be here,” and MC blushes really hard and tries to hide it, but she knows he can see it. aND HMM!! It’s just wholesome Meg. I love Zeus so much more than I should. And then she’d listen to his day (with the things he could tell her) and do work and he’s happy and she’s happy :))).
And my last idea was of MC being in Olympus and in Zeus’s estate and when they wake up, they give each other a kiss. They wish each other good morning, but when Zeus lays his forehead against hers, she feels really hot. And basically,,,shes sick and hes like “oh,” and doesn’t know what to do. And can’t think of too much bc my heart is too full but he’s a little worried for her literally all day, everyone wonders why Zeus is a little off his game today, and he’s just thinking of MC all day and how he cant wait to get back to her, so he can help her and protect her (even tho he can’t cuz its her own body-). But anyways,,take these nice little ideas of wholesome Zeus. It’s still so weird to imagine MC being with Zeus even if I love the idea XD. But I’m gonna go think of more Zeus and probably cry a little bit about other characters lol.
And there’s only minimal proof reading so I hope there’s no mistakes :’’).
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irwinkitten · 6 years
i know you know | c.h
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pairing: reader x calum prompts: “That is the dumbest thing you have ever said.”, “You’re so cute when  you’re drunk.” and “You drove all the way here just to bring me soup?” notes: we are on day 2 of the birthday countdown of fic week! i’ve honestly been having so much fun writing these. this one is just sweet sweet fluff that will rot your teeth. Small masterlist of the fic week can be found here. warnings: none word count: 1.7k!
You knew that Calum wouldn’t be mad at you. It was a rare time in LA when the temperature had dropped enough to be considered cold and it was your bad luck that you got sick.
You knew he’d planned something special but with every part of your body hurting, you knew you wouldn’t be able to make it off your bed, let alone out of your house.
‘I know you had something planned but I can’t move without hurting. Sorry :(‘
Your eyes had tiredly watched the grey bubble appear, focusing on the movement. You didn’t even notice your eyes were slipping closed.
Your phone dropped to the mattress just as Calum’s reply came through, a soft snore escaping your lips as his text lit up the screen.
‘I’ll drop by after practice and look after you. That way you might actually eat something.’
When Calum had finished up at practise for the day and shown up at yours, he let himself in with the key you’d given him six months after you’d gotten together. He’d done the same a month later, gifting you with a key to his place.
As he manoeuvred through your place, he dropped the carrier bag containing the various soups he’d picked up for you, leaving them on the side for the moment before he continued his search for you.
Cracking open your bedroom door, his heart melted at the sight of you curled on your side, your phone in the empty space where he’d usually be. Moving slowly and carefully, he moved your phone from the bed before sinking down into it, feeling amusement flood him as you turned towards him, your arms seemingly searching for him.
“Hey princess.” He murmured when your arm had wrapped around his waist. It took you a solid moment to realise that Calum was actually sat there.
“What’re you doin’ here?” Your words were half slurred, exhaustion evident as you pressed yourself into his side. He smiled.
“You’re so cute when you’re drunk.” He teased as you fought to keep your eyes open. You groaned at him as your face buried into the pillow, making him chuckle.
“M’not drunk, asshole. M’sick.” You grumbled softly and he let his fingers trace against your cheek slowly, his eyes crinkled in amusement. “Why’re you here? Don’t want you gettin’ sick.” Despite your words, you leaned into his touch.
It was always like this with him, unable to resist the smaller touches the two of you shared. It was a side that he showed only for you, and it was a side of him that you cherished. Many of your favourite nights had been just lay together, hands skimming over the other as you watched a sitcom or had soft music playing as you quietly talked about your days.
“My favourite girl is sick. The guys can survive without me for a few days.” He whispered, lips lips pressing against your forehead.
“You’re gonna get sick.” You groaned and he snorted before shaking his head.
“Even if I do, it just means we can be sick together.” His words made you blink for a second, trying to process what he actually said. He raised an eyebrow at you before you lifted your hand, placing the back of it against his forehead, before moving to his cheeks.
He laughed before his arms circled around you, pulling you closer to him and you groaned in protest.
“That is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said, Hood. I thought I’d gotten delirious from fever for a second because it sounded like you’re trying to get sick just for an excuse to stay with me.”
Calum grinned as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple and you tried to pull away, determined to not get him sick.
“C’mon princess, is it not the best idea in the world? It means we can both cuddle together, although I’m going to cuddle you regardless.” His grip tightened around you and you knew in that moment that any argument you had was lost.
Especially when he pushed his lips out into a pout and you whined in return.
“You can’t do that to me Hood. You know I’m a weak ass bitch for that pout.” You muttered and you could see that he was fighting the smile, his lips twitching before he gave in, a laugh escaping his lips seconds later.
“It’s only fair, considering I can never say no to you, love.” He murmured. This time, you didn’t fight him as his lips met the skin of your forehead and you sighed in response.
“Get out of those jeans, no, nothing like that.” You added on hastily at the smirk that rapidly spread across his lips. “You’re in skinny jeans, dumbass. If you want to snuggle, get changed into something comfy and I might consider cuddling.”
Calum finally let go of you, pushing himself off the bed before rummaging through the drawer of stuff he left at yours. Whilst he was getting changed, you half dragged yourself from bed, your body protesting the movement as you shuffled through to the kitchen.
Getting yourself a glass of water, leaning against the counter as you tried to gain your breath, you felt somewhat ridiculous.
You could feel the few beads of sweat and you felt like you’d run a mile. Your body was protesting, your joints aching as you downed half the glass. You suddenly realised why Calum had been so insistent on staying with you and when he appeared at the kitchen doorway, with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed over his chest, you could only give him a sheepish smile in response.
“I was thirsty?” You tried, your tone quiet. The unimpressed looked you received in return had you glancing down at your feet.
A sigh followed before fingers were tucked under your chin, tilting your head up. Your eyes met his and he gave you the briefest of smiles.
“Let me look after you, princess. You’re not well. I already warned the guys after I got your text, so they know I’m skipping out on practice for the rest of the week. If I get sick because I’m looking after you, then it just means more days in bed with you.” He murmured and you sighed, your body relaxing into his.
“Sorry, I just feel bad that you’re looking after me.”
“Does it look like I’m not okay with it? Princess, I’m wounded you’d even think that. I even brought you soup.” He teased playfully. “I’m fine with looking after you and it means more time with you. Who wouldn’t say no to that?” Calum hummed quietly and your eyebrows rose up slightly in amusement.
“So you drove all the way here just to bring me soup?” He groaned, resting his forehead against yours.
“You’re impossible. Here I am, trying to tell you that I want to look after you and all you can pick up on is that I brought soup over. Is there a receipt around somewhere so I can take you back to the store?” You giggled, your hands resting on his chest as you tilted your head a small fraction, your lips meeting his. It was a short, sweet kiss, causing his lips to break out into a shy smile and his arms moved so that they were wrapped around you, pulling your body flush against his.
“I love you so much, you know that right?” He murmured. Your heart skipped a beat every time he told you. Whether it was during or after sex, on quiet drives around the city at night, on hikes up the local hills with Duke in tow, it never failed to make your heart flutter.
It was the soft moments you shared when he murmured those words to you that you loved. It was just you two, and a love that you held so carefully because the heart in your hands had been hurt before. And so when he first said those words after a night spent at his and you’d been trying to cook breakfast for the two of you, you dropped nearly dropped the pan because you’d been so caught off guard.
He’d laughed seconds later when you muttered “I love you too, but we’re going to have issues if you don’t help me clean the mess you helped cause.”
But in this moment, full of a cold and he was still saying those words that made your heart swell.
“I do know it. And I know that you know I love you just as much.” You murmured in return and his lips curved up into a cheeky grin.
“Someone’s been watching too much FRIENDS.” You snorted at that.
“No, I’m just feeling delirious and exhausted. Wait---Cal!” You protested as he picked you up with ease, your legs wrapping around his waist so the two of you wouldn’t tumble to the floor.
“Princess, you looked like you were going to pass out when I got to the kitchen. I wasn’t about to make you walk back to your room.”
You groaned, but didn’t protest any further as he dropped you on the bed, ditching the shirt he was wearing and despite the beautiful sight before you, a groan escaped your lips.
“I swear to god, if you even utter anything along the lines of sex is good when you’re not well, I will take your soup cans and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine.” You warned him and he laughed as he tossed his shirt onto his pile of clothes before crawling into bed beside you.
“I promise you, I won’t try anything unless you want it. But I know you like tracing my tattoos, even when you can’t see them. So I figured it’d be a small thing to make you feel somewhat human.” If your heart wasn’t melted already, it certainly was now.
As you settled yourself into his side, you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I really do love you.” You murmured softly as his arm wrapped around you, fingers playing with the ends of your hair.
“I love you too, princess.”
tag list: @cals-babylons , @glitterprincelu , @calumspeachy , @wrappedaroundcal , @cosmocalum , @mistletoemichael , @talkfastfletcher , @hereforlukescruff , @astroashtonio , @catchinqcalum , @roselukes , @5saucewho, @babylon-uncrowned , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind , @therainydays4 , @asht0ns-world , @silverchainbee , @hidd3nfangirl , @doodleasouarus , @empathycth , @mylovehes , @songforhema , @kinglyhood , @youngblood199456 , @makecoffeenotwars , @5squash , @negative-love , @softboycal , @kinglycalum , @you-of-ghost , @meetyoutheremgc , @lmao5sosimagines , @lietoash , @aw-hawkeye , @biggestslutforcalum , @drummerboy794 , @itjustkindahappenedreally, @mycollectionofnuts , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset , @boytoynamedcalum , @teampreator , @dukehoods , @dweebluke , @calumhampton , @lashtoncurls , @toofadedtofight , @gigglyirwin , @blue-skies-are-alright , @hearts-to-the-sky , @tiddlerrr , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe , @cakeassx-blog , @dancingonanemptywallet , @rotten-kandy , @vipclifford , @musiclover1263 , @rosecoloredash , @jpgluke , @cathartichaoss , @5secondssofssummer , @cozyfivesos , @balsamichood , @cliffordstxngue , @lukesbellas , @myloverboyash , @cxddlyash  , @gabiatthedisco , @rosesfromcth , @gorgeouslygrace , @glitterlukey , 
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Moving In
The Good Doctor
Neil Melendez x autistic & white! female reader
Warning: little break down in the middle
Specifics: romance, fluff, one-shot, autistic reader
People: neil melendez, audrey lim
Words: 1,446
Requested: By @the-gang-makes-a-tmblr (cannot tag) Oh okay it was neil and reader moving into his place as the next step in the relationship.
Authors Note: im very sappy today i guess lol this turned out verrrrryyyyyyy fluffy which is my fav. again for the millionth time to all u darlings im so srry for the wait! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
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As you looked at all your things that were packed in your old apartment you remembered when Neil had asked you to move in with him. 
It was another day in the hospital, you and him were working on a patient in surgery. As you were stitching Neil just popped the question, being truly genuine. “So I was thinking, would you like to move to the next level and move in with me?” You were in shock. Your mouth hanging open at the thought that you and Neil would be with each other almost 24/7. You do love Neil and this is what you wanted, you wanted to move to the next level. You were just scared, scared that maybe it was heading too fast, that it was changing. Maybe change was good. With your hands coated in blood you made sure not to touch Neil’s face as you brought yourself to kiss him. “Of course I’ll move in with you. I love you.”
Neil gave you a look of adornment, searching your eyes. “Okay then its settled. I’ll help you move.” He gave you another quick kiss and smiled, his dimples showing. 
“Wow,” Audrey said as she cleaned herself since the surgery ended. 
“I’m just surprised,” she shrugged. You felt odd talking to her about your relationship with Neil. You know that the two of them have history with each other and you didn’t want any harsh feelings. “Didn’t see this coming.”
“You and me both,” you laughed. “But I feel this is the right step. I do love him and do want to spend the rest of my life with him so I think we’re going in the right direction.”
Audrey nodded, “just make sure its what you want and its not going too fast for you.”
You smiled, the excitement overwhelming you as you stashed everything in boxes and taped it up. Calling Neil on the phone you tell him your done and you can tell he is equally as excited as you. He is really happy about this and that makes you feel overjoyed and it makes you feel you are doing the right thing.
“Well I’m coming over there now, talk to you later babe. Love you.” 
You chuckled and kissed the phone, “love you more.”
You waited for him and he did end up there at your house. You didn’t have a lot of items to move since you didn’t live in such an extravagant home. It was just a tiny apartment for all your necessities. As you loaded things into his car you felt the happiness and just the feeling like you were on top of the world. 
You wrapped your arms around Neil’s broad shoulders, “I con’t believe we’re doing this.”
Neil kissed your forehead, “I know, but I couldn’t be happier. I want to spend my life with you, I want to be with you. I’m just excited to have you in my arms when we sleep and for me to make you breakfast every morning.”
You giggled at that and so did he, “or well try to do it every morning.”
You hugged him and placed your head on his chest, “I know we’ll be happy. I can’t wait for all those things too.” You kissed his neck and gave him a beaming smile. “C’mon then, lets go to your house!”
“Our house.”
Leading him into the car, you hop right in,  “right, our house.”
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You were in awe of his house. It was way more high tech and big than your tiny apartment. You were amazed about everything. Feeling like a princess or a queen you were humble and acknowledged that you didn’t deserve such nice things like this. But Neil came in and reassured you that you did deserve these things and that they belonged to you now as well. You felt you were rich, this was totally going to be a new experience. 
As you two cleaned the house and got set into emptying the boxes a song came on the radio that Neil loved. 
“Oh wow, an oldy.” He chuckled as he stood up and put his hand out to you. “Would you like to dance, my beautiful lady?”
You bit your lip and nodded, “I would love to dance, good sir.”
The song To Be Loved was on. You two slow danced in the empty space that soon would be filled with your things and his combined. Neil started to sing to you, “To be loved to be loved ohhhhh what a feeling to be loved.” He sang these lyrics to you, his eyes looking in your eyes. You smiled, the last part where it cuts a little for the music, Neil dips you. Your cheeks turning into a bright pink, being this close to him. He puts his hands on your soft cheeks and brings his lips to yours. You bring your hands to his hair and push him deeper to kiss you. Your lips move in sync like if they too were dancing. “I love you y/n.”
“I love you more.”
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You two ordered pizza and drank wine as you were almost finished with unpacking. As you two were taking a break where Neil was watching tv while you made dessert you stared at all your items placed in their own rightful place. Your heart started to beat fast and you were starting to have a break down. Your autism was getting the better of you. You were starting to panic to not understand and in that moment reality set in. Your world to you was moving too fast, you were scared. Your cheeks started to flush and tears started to pour out of your eyes. Neil was not alarmed until you dropped a baking pan on the floor causing a loud noise.
Neil turned his head towards you, “hey babe what happened - hey, hey whats wrong?” He was deeply concerned, by your side in seconds. His strong arms wrapped themselves around you. You cried more into his chest, feeling embarrassed and a disappointment, a nuisance. “Its okay, talk to me. Whats wrong?” He looked at your face, wiping your tears away as he kissed both your cheeks. 
“I just feel maybe this is moving too fast.” You thought Neil would be irate with you but he was calm and understanding. He nodded, “alright, now when did you start to feel this?”
“Just now, I think I was having a panic attack or something.”
“Did you feel this way this morning?” You shook your head at his question. “No, I was happy, excited. I want this.”
“You just got scared for a minute there?”
You nodded as you bit your lips, “I want his more than anything Neil. I just, reality set in and terrified me.” Neil brought you into an embrace and kissed the top of your head. “Its okay to be scared, I get scared too. Change is sometimes terrifying, to not know whats going to happen. But sometimes in life, in order to live it, sometimes we need to take a leap of faith. I’m proud of you for doing this and for accomplishing something this huge, you should be proud of yourself too. Also, just because we’re living together doesn’t mean you have to do everything I do. I won’t force you to do anything, heck not even sleep in my bed. Its on your terms, whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
You felt so happy with Neil. For once you were in a relationship where someone understood, someone cared for you. He knew the hardships of being you, with autism, life was difficult sometimes but he knows how to get you through it. “If its alright with you,” you said your voice going back to normal and you being excited again. “I would like to sleep in your bed.” Your cheeks were red, feeling bashful to ask him this. Neil gave you a warm smile and kissed you, “of course baby.”
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All the boxes got unpacked and you were finally moved in with him. It was a hard day but there were more good things then bad. You two ended up taking a shower together and watching a movie in his bed. 
Your head was on his chest, his arms wrapped around you. You cuddled with him as you made small patterns on his chest with your soft fingers. “Thanks babe, for all this.” You whispered to Neil as you gave small pecks to his neck. Neil smiled and kissed your hand,��“no problem sweetheart, I’m happy you moved in. I can’t wait for our days together.”
“I know its gonna be great.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Our Very Own Love Story chapter one - Branjie
AN:Hi guys, this story is inspired by a local tv show I used to watch as a kid about kids who got adopted at an older age I hope you like it!! please feel free to tell me what you think about it in the comment down below <3!!
Back in 2012 :
Brooke Lynn just graduated law school where she moved to New York where she got an offer both her and her only best friend Nina at one of the best law firms in New York.
Brooke didn’t have many friends and actually she even never had a girlfriend, yes she slept with girls but nothing was serious. Her biggest fear in life was commitment, she never believed in love as she says ‘you can’t love just one person or be attracted only to them’
After a week of hard work she finally finished unpacking and decided to hit a close by gym studio to reward herself for settling in before starting to work, she took her gym bag and her ballet shoe and headed outside the door.
She was greeted by a young, very young girl with brown hair and white skin color she actually was shocked to see her working here since she looked like she was 14 or 15. “Hello, welcome to Alyssa’s studio how may I help you?” The girl asked while smiling.
“um- i would like to book a private studio for an hour, preferably if it has barre” Brooke answered her while Looking into her eyes she sees pain, hurt yet she is still smiling “Sure thing, let me check if there are any available studios at the moment.” she was about to leave the reception when another elder woman came by “Hey Alyssa, is there any available classes with barre for private booking?” the young girl asked Alyssa the owner of the gym “Yes doll the last on the left” after that we finished the paperwork for booking the studio and she showed walked me to the studio “Miss Brooke Lynn, if you need anything you can call me my name is Kimberly but you can call me Kim, just like Kim Kardashian” I laughed nodding my head and thanking her “Can you just tell me when my time is up?” I asked her explaining that I often forget the time while working out and she just nodded her head and excused herself.
After what felt like a long time I was doing a turn when my eyes caught Kim looking at me fully awed and when she noticed me stopping she blushed and clapped her hands “ I’m sorry I came to tell you that have five minutes left but I couldn’t stop you. You were amazing miss Brooke! I never saw anyone dancing ballet that good not just ballet I never saw anyone dancing that good! You were amazing really-” she stopped suddenly blushing and looking down
“ oh sorry I must annoying it’s just that I always loved ballet since I was a kid- not like I’m old now but I always loved it and this is my first time seeing someone dance in pointe shoes so perfectly ” and out of know where Brooke suggested something she never thought she will ever say and that will change her life forever “ I could teach you couple of things if you want. I used to teach in DC to pay rent ” Brooke knew that was a lie she just felt like she wants to know the girl “Oh no I can’t afford it but thank you for offering ” Kim heart broke as she knew she will never be able to afford it
Brooke felt bad for not explaining to the young girl that she wants to teach her for free “ I don’t want you to pay me Kim I saw it in your eyes how much you really loved it and I want to teach you cause I really have nothing else to do since I just moved to New York and I don’t know anyone here ” and in that moment Brooke swore that she just saw the biggest smile ever “Oh my god thank you miss Brooke Lynn so much that means a lot to me, thank you ” and she ran to hug her and the shocking thing is that Brooke hugged her back
“Call me Brooke and we start tomorrow ”
After two weeks while Brooke and Nina were taking their lunch break at work she started talking about Kim to her
“Brooke I never knew you had the heart to be patient with anyone specially teenagers”
“ I don’t know Nina I just feel bad for the girl she looks really young like young enough to be your daughter young and yet she works every day and every time I saw her she looks sad, I swear there is something wrong in her life and I just want to make sure she is alright”
“Brooke not all parents are horrible” Nina said clearly feeling that the reason Brooke feels bad for the girl is because she rememberd her past with her father. Don’t get me wrong Brooke loves her mother more than anything but her step father used to abuse her and her mother but her mom loved him so much to say anything that by the time she turned 16 she started living with her sister to save her self from dying or worst in her step father’s hand.
“ I know but what if she really needs help Nina? She is only 14 ” she explained to Nina and after few minutes they went back to finishing their work.
Around 5:30 I entered the gym and I saw Alyssa at the desk and Brooke knew there was something wrong going on “Where is Kim?” she asked and Alyssa teared up “ I need to tell you something - ” Brooke started to panic and hot tears streaming down her face as “Girl don’t freak out she is not dead” Brooke finally felt like she could breath again “What the fuck is going on then?” she asked Alyssa
“ I know you really care about her that’s the only reason I’m telling you-”
“Get to the point Alyssa” Brooke was so impatient at the moment
“ Kimmy’s parents died when she was really young maybe around seven years ago, and the child services took her at first tell her aunt decided to take care of her and the first two years where great but her aunt became addicted to drugs and alcohol and sometime she would come with a bruise or something that’s why I let her work here in hope that she will be away from her as much as she can” at this moment both of them were tearing up.
Alyssa really cared for Kim she knew her since she was a kid since she was her daughter Plastique friend, and Brooke was crying because the story sounded familiar“ I tried everything I can to help her go to the police department and file a report but she kept refusing. Told her she will be better in a foster home or with other relatives but she kept saying she was ok-” and in that moment Plastique came running toward us “mom I just called Kim to ask her where she is and I don’t think she is okay, she told me she cant breath and she thinks she is going to die” Plastique crying so hard that we barley could hear what she was saying “I swear to god if her aunt did something again I will kill her with my bare hand” as we all stood up “Do you know where she lives?” I asked Alyssa and Plastique as Alyssa nodded her head
“Yes they live at her parents house, its ten minute walk so we better head there, plastique watch the place for me will you? Monet will com-”
“My car is outside ten minutes is way too much time and hurry up or I’ll leave you” Brooke told her as she heard Alyssa mutter “bitch where will you go you don’t know where she lives” but she couldn’t say it loudly knowing Brooke was fuming by now.
The drive to Kim’s house was fast to the point that Alyssa prayed to god that she doesn’t die and leave her daughters on earth alone.
“that’s the house” Alyssa told Brooke and in no time Brooke knocked on the door so hard that her fingers turned red “Kim sweetie open the door”, after what felt like a minute a drunk woman with red dyed hair and makeup smeared all over her face opened the door “w-who the fuck a-are you?” Brooke assumed this is her aunt cause from Alyssa’s descriptions that must be her a drunk irresponsible human “Where is Kim?” Brooke asked her “in her room she is punished so you can’t see her” she said while lighting up a cigarette and to her shock Brooke grabbed the cigarette before throwing it to the floor “listen to me bitch you either move or I’m going to call the police and trust me you don’t want that” soon she moved and we went to see.
When they entered her room she was on her bed crying , bruises on her neck and cheek she came toward us where Brooke was shocked that Kim came running to her ,and not Alyssa and after what felt like minutes of both of them on the floor hugging each other and crying.
“Save me” was the first thing Kim said
“ I will, I promise.” was all Brooke could say
Seven years later Brooke became a name partner in her company, she was the best lawyer in New York for sure, where huge companies would fight to have her to represent them.
“Guess who just won their case that was suppose to be yours but gave it to me last minute? ” Nina came bursting through the door where my assistant Blair came running to apologize but I smiled toward her signaling that it was okay.
“Thank you, Nina, I owe you ” I told Nina as I stood up and went to hug her
“Yes but you still owe me one” Nina told her and she took a seat
“yes, anything,” Brooke told her as she started to type an email for her client telling them they won the case. “Monet knows a girl who she says will be your perfect match” Nina told her with a pleading look begging her to say yes.
“Ugh, not again Nina? How many dates did you set me up with that girlfriend of yours?” Brooke said completely bothered by the subject.
“ I know I know, but this is one of Monet good friends she swears she is the best match for you and you owe me one bitch so you are going right after work ” she said while pecking up the phone to asking Blair to bring her coffee
“ I can’t after work I have plans after work” Brooke answered completely lying
“No you don’t I asked Blair if you have any meetings and she said no, and I know you don’t have friends besides me”
“Well, you forgot the most important one to ask -”
“Kim is taking me shopping since she says ‘My clothes are ugly that even a grandma wont buy them ’ such a bully” Nina said pretending to be upset and Brooke laughed imaging the way Kim would say that “Well she learned to bully from the best” I told her as she took a sip from her coffee while thanking Blair before she left the office
“Brooke please just this date and I won’t annoy you with another one for the rest of the year. I swear you would love Vanessa she is just perfect for you ”
After a couple of hours, Brooke arrived the restaurant saying that the table was booked under the name ‘Nina’ where the waiter led her to the table as she took a seat waiting for this Vanessa to arrive as she finished a couple of emails
Thirty minutes later Brooke called Nina angry thinking this Vanessa lady stood her up
“Hi, you must be Brooke Lynn ” a rough yet beautiful voice spoke and Brooke raised her head to see the prettiest human she ever saw standing there in a red right dress and a perfect chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. Brooke was quick to hang up the phone and to stand up greeting the Vanessa which she didn’t realize how tiny she was till she stood up
“Yes, and you must be Vanessa” she shook her hand and as she was to pull the chair for her the waiter was faster to do his job.
“ I’m sorry the uber took forever to arrive my apartment ” she said while taking off her jacket revealing her off-shoulder dress that was hugging her boobs tightly and showing a tattoo on her chest that looked like a cat
“Oh its okay really just finished couple of emails so I don’t have to read them half a sleep at midnight ” Brooke told her and the moment she spoke she wanted to kick her self for sounding like a lifeless thirty-two years old woman that would finish her emails at on a Friday night
“If you are willing to finish your emails before sleeping you must really love your job, by the way, what is your job?” Vanessa asked her while taking a sip of the wine she just ordered
“ I’m a lawyer at some law firm uptown -” acting like she is not the new CEO of the law firm “- what about you?” she asked and for the first time she was really curious about her date, she wanted to know everything about Vanessa from her favorite color to what she drinks at Starbucks
“ I’m a local designer just started my business a year ago ” Vanessa started talking about her designs and why she preferred to work with leather and not lace and Brooke was just staring at her, admiring her.
“That’s impressive Vanessa finishing your collection in two weeks! I don’t think I can sew socks in two weeks, not even a month ” Brooke told her impressed about the story she just told her while blushing Vanessa thanked her.
After what an hour which felt like minutes for the ladies Vanessa asked Brooke “what does K stand for?” Brooke looked confused for a second and Vanessa spoke again “Your necklace I mean I noticed a ‘’K’ letter on that pretty neck of yours ” oh.
“Oh that. It stands for Kimberly my daughter’s name” Brooke explained to her touching the necklace on her neck
“Oh I have a son too! His name is Riley and he is the cutest dog ever-” Brooke couldn’t help but laugh “Vanessa Kim is a real human ” and Vanessa looked surprised, Brooke was afraid she scared her by now “how old is she? She must be real cute like her mommy ” she said and brooke felt relieved that the first woman she wanted to be in a relationship with her wasn’t scared of the fact that she has a kid- not techniquly hers but still
“I adopted her at age 14 she is 20 now and I wish we look like each other but she doesn’t look anything like me ” Usually when Brooke goes on and someone asks her about Kim she feels like this is a very private subject that she never want to speak about to strangers but with Vanessa it felt different like she could trust her with her own life
“You are really sweet Brooke” as they stood up going to the door before and as the valet brought Brookes car while she insisted on dropping her off instead of ordering an Uber.
The car ride was full of laughter and funny stories tell the moment we stood at Vanessa’s doorsteps I looked at her perfect eyes and went to brush her cheeks as she closed her eyes.
“Vanessa” I spoke
“Can I kiss you?”
“You better be kissing in in 5 seco-” after that kiss Brooke knew that this was the best kiss she had and will ever have.
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starrysence · 6 years
do you super special, super serious swear? | ralbert
pairing: race/albert
genre: mostly fluff (a little bit of hurt/comfort)
warnings and things you might want to know just in case: swearing, theres a pretty bad panic attack scene, race cries a lot just a heads up, theres a breakup, albert’s heartbroken for a little while n so is race
other things: this is very LONG but i swear its adorable and worth the read 
albert and race have been friends since even before they could remember. they've seen each other go through everything - race crying and screaming when he lost his first baby tooth; albert coming home seething with rage from his first fight with boys who thought it would be okay to pick on his friends; race going through his first break-up; and, most recently, albert getting extremely stoned the night before high school graduation and coming to the ceremony barely holding himself together.
one thing that's remained consistent throughout the years is their super special, super serious swear. what's that? well, let's take a look.
age five
albert dasilva sniffles as he sits on the rug in the corner of the classroom, absent-mindedly playing with some of the toys scattered across the floor. grandma told him he'd have lots of fun and make lots of friends his first day, but so far, that hasn't happened.
he gets startled when two small fingers snap directly in front of him, and he looks up with confusion and tears in his eyes, mumbling a small huh?
a boy about his age with curly blond hair and bright blue eyes with a smile even brighter returns his gaze, sitting down directly across from him. his grin grows wider and he holds his hand out to shake, like how their teacher had taught them to properly introduce themselves. following those same instructions, he says, "hi!! my name's anthony. what's your name?"
albert tries to recall the next phrase their teacher had demonstrated, and does his best. he shakes the boy’s hand and replies, "h-hi, anthony... my- um... i'm albert."
"nice to meet you, albert!"
albert feels the smallest hint of a smile grow on his face. "nice to meet you, too, anthony."
"do you wanna be friends? i wanna be friends so you can call me tony, 'cause all my friends call me tony."
albert smiles wider and nods. "i'd love to be friends."
anthony - no, tony, because they’re friends now - gasps. "if we're gonna be friends, we're gonna have to keep secrets. we have to invent a special secret promise so you know i wont tell your secrets and i know you won't tell mine!"
"w-wow... um.. okay..."
"gimme your hand."
"gimme your hand, albie!"
tony nods. "it's your nickname! you know how tony is my nickname? it's like a short version of your real name or something."
albert smiles softly,,, “my nickname. i... like that. it sounds nice.”
“yay!!” tony giggles and claps, and albert chuckles softly before giving his new friend his hand.
tony grins widely and adjusts the way albert has his hand outstretched, so that his palm is facing forward as if he’s about to receive a high-five. then he presses his palm flat to albert’s, laughing quietly at the small size difference of their hands, with albert’s being smaller. as he does this, he says, “okay, so when i do this... you sort of, um...”
not quite sure how to explain it, race laces his fingers through albert’s and squeezes his hand gently. “you do that. and if you put your hand on my hand, then i do that. okay?”
albert smiles and nods. “okay.”
age eight
“anthony,” tony’s mother speaks soothingly as she cleans the blood and dirt off and around the scrape on his knee. he sniffles and whimpers softly in response. when he flinches at the slightest touch on his thigh, she turns to albert, who’s looking at his best friend in concern.
“how did he fall, honey?”
albert turns to face elisa higgins, nervously fidgeting with the hems of his sleeves. “he was racin’ me from the bus stop to see who could get here the fastest but he tripped on the way...”
“it’s never happened before,” tony speaks up suddenly, wiping his tears away. “i race ‘im here every day, mama...”
“maybe some days you should just slow down, tonio,” elisa warns subtly, the only actual sign of a warning being the italian variation of his nickname.
elisa sighs softly and asks tony to show the hand he scraped so she can clean it up and bandage it, too. 
when doing so, he outstretches his other hand to albert, palm-up. albert looks at him strangely. 
“super special, super serious swear that you’ll always be there to pick me up when i fall, like ya did today,” tony says sternly as he locks eyes with albert.
albert chuckles as he presses his palm to his friend’s. “that’s what we’re naming it?”
“you got any better ideas, albie?” tony smiles slightly and intertwines their fingers.
“nah... you got me there,” albert grins and squeezes tony’s hand. “we should start callin’ you racetrack or somethin’, you know, ‘cause you like racin’ so much.”
“albert, that’s actually really genius,” elisa chuckles. albert grins proudly, and tony snorts.
“actually, i kinda like that... racetrack,” he says with a smile.
“racetrack it is!” albert exclaims triumphantly. 
 elisa smiles softly as the boys dissolve into a fit of laughter and snorts.
age thirteen
the all-too-familiar loud crackle of thunder rings outside the window, eliciting a broken sob from race as he wraps his arms around his knees and trembles on his side of the bed. it’s late at night - four in the morning, maybe - and albert’s asleep beside him, snoring loudly. while that’s usually the thing keeping race awake during their sleepovers, the sound seems faint tonight; distant, almost nonexistent compared to the ringing in his ears. 
the world is spinning around him, vision fading in and out of complete darkness as nausea builds up in his stomach. he’s positive that if he opens his mouth he’s going to vomit. but a cough comes out instead, evidently violent and loud enough to wake albert. he sits up and frowns.
race shakes his head, breaths coming out quick and short, getting concerningly more rapid.
“shit,” albert breathes. he turns to face race and grips his shoulders gently. “racer... tony. tonio, listen to me. can you hear me? can you look at me? look at me, please,” he requests softly. race drags his gaze up to meet albert’s, and shakily, he extends a hand. albert takes it and squeezes it, lacing his fingers through race’s.
“super special, super serious swear i’m here for you. i’ll always be here for you,” albert assures him. “breathe for me, tony? in for four, out for four. go slow. take your time. here, do it with me.”
albert begins inhaling slowly for four beats of silence, then lets go of the breath just as slowly for another four. he does it a few times before race manages to follow along with him, mimicking his actions carefully, tightening his grip on albert’s hand so much so that his knuckles turn white. albert winces slightly at the feeling, but adjusts quickly.
after a few minutes, race’s breathing begins to normalize, and his hold on his best friend’s hand loosens. his vision becomes less hazy and the awful feeling building up in his throat and stomach starts to fade. he closes his eyes for a few seconds before sighing slowly and blinking. 
“thank you, albie... i love you,” he whispers.
“i... yeah, you’re- you’re welcome, race.” albert smiles softly, ignoring the strange flutter-like feeling in his chest after hearing race say ‘i love you.’ he figures it’s just because it feels nice to hear anyone say that, so he shrugs it off as he helps his friend settle back into bed. 
age fourteen
it’s the summer before race and albert’s freshman year.
“holy shit,” race says as he falls back onto albert’s bed, staring at the ceiling. albert lies down next to race, propping his elbow up on the bed to rest his head on his hand.
“we’re gonna be high schoolers, albo.”
“oh... yeah. crazy, huh?”
“crazy... scary,” race mumbles.
albert frowns. “why?”
“‘cause... high school’s gonna be different, albie. maybe you’re gonna get super popular and i won’t, because i’m just this skinny theater nerd who people are probably gonna pick on. and- and when you’re popular and i’m a freaking nobody, you’re gonna leave me and all our other friends are gonna follow you ‘cause you’re cool and i’m- i’m gonna be lonely...” race speaks faster and tears up as he gets more nervous, and albert sits up, prompting race to follow.
“tonio... breathe...” albert tells race. 
race sniffles and takes one deep breath, then two, then three.
“i’m sorry...”
“don’t be sorry...” albert smiles affectionately at race and holds his palm up. race’s eyes light up and he places his hand against albert’s, and albert entwines their fingers.
“i’m not going anywhere, high school or college or whatever,” he tells race confidently. “you’re stuck with me forever. i super special, super serious swear.”
race giggles. “oh, man, is that even grammatically correct?” 
“no, but that’s eight-year-old race’s fault.”
“fuck you.”
“love youuu.”
race smiles, brushing off the way his heart skips a beat when albert says that. “love you, too, albie.”
age fifteen - summer before sophomore year
“i have something to tell you,” they both say at the same time, and it’s followed by a chuckle from both of them.
albert smiles nervously. “it’s okay, i can wait. you go first.”
“i have a girlfriend, albie!” race exclaims, grinning.
albert feels his heart drop to his stomach and swallows, managing to keep his smile from faltering. “o-oh... wow, racer. that’s awesome. congrats!”
“her name’s sierra and, god, albie, she’s so amazing...” race smiles dreamily. he snaps out of his daze after a moment, though, and locks eyes with albert. “what did you wanna tell me?’
“i-i... well, i... i’m bi...” and you’re the reason i realised it, he wanted to add initially.  but he can’t do that now. “so, uh... yeah.”
race leans over and brings albert’s hand up, pressing their palms together. “it’s okay, albo... i’m pan. that was also something i wanted to tell you.”
albert laces their fingers together. “what’s this a promise for, tony?”
“it’s a super special, super serious swear, you uncultured swine,” race scoffs dramatically, making albert chuckle. “it’s a swear that we’ll always be there for each other. if anyone’s biphobic towards my best friend, they’re gonna have to catch these hands!”
“please never say that again,” albert groans, and race throws his head back in that laughter he loves to hear so much.
don’t think about that, albert, he scolds himself.
“but yeah,” he adds, “if anyone ever picks on you, i’ll deck ‘em!”
“you’re the best,” race chuckles, and albert smiles a genuine smile this time.
“so, you and sierra... how’d ya meet?”
“oh! well, we met in june when i went to that theater camp i’d been telling you about all year. we got really close really fast and at the end of camp i asked her out, and she said yes!! plus, it turns out she’s transferring to our school, so we can go to homecoming together in october! she’s so pretty and smart and funny and talented, albie. i think i really am in love...”
“you deserve it, race,” albert says softly. “you deserve all the happiness in the world.”
race grins and punches albert’s shoulder lightly. “what a fuckin’ sap.”
“you’re rubbing off on me, you cheesy fuck.”
“maybe that’s a good thing.”
“yeah,” albert laughs, hoping race doesn’t notice the waver in it. “maybe it is.”
age sixteen - sophomore year
when albert is wiping the sweat off his forehead after the homecoming game and heading to the parking lot to meet race, he doesn’t expect to find race already sitting cross-legged and hunched over on the hood of the beat-up pickup truck albert started driving only recently. as he gets closer, he hears sniffles and whimpers, and- oh, shit, is race crying? 
“racetrack?” albert asks, concern lacing his words.
“a-albie, i...” race swallows thickly and sobs, voice breaking. “she broke up with me, r-right before the dance...”
albert’s eyes widen. “why would she do that...?”
“she just- god, al, i really thought she was this amazing person, b-but the second this guy on your team asked her out, she dropped me like some piece of- of garbage and now she’s going out with him...” race sniffles and wipes his tears away frantically. “she was my first real kiss, albert... i- i can’t...”
“let’s bring you home, racer.”
“wh-what? albie, no, you- i- the dance-”
“there is no fucking way you’re going to this dance, race. you just had your fucking heart broken by this fucking girl who clearly didn’t realise how absolutely fucking lucky she was to have someone as amazing as you,” albert cuts race off, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. race hesitantly lifts his head to look at albert. “we’re gonna bring you home, okay? mrs. higgins told me she has, like, three new tubs of mint choco chip waiting for you in the fridge, and we can binge watch all of john mulaney’s specials together. you deserve to have this time to be upset, race, so you can move on for the better sooner.”
race pauses the special - in the middle of the comeback kid, their favourite one - and turns to look at albert, who’s in the middle of eating a spoonful of his favourite flavour of ice cream: rocky road. race giggles at him, and he looks over, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“what?” he asks through a mouthful of ice cream.
“nothing... just... um... well, it’s kind of stupid...” race plays with the corner of the blanket they’re sharing, chewing on his bottom lip nervously.
albert swallows the ice cream before speaking again. “race, a good ninety percent of what we say is more than just kind of stupid. what’s up?”
“well, um... i was wondering if, maybe, if- if neither of us have dates to prom next year, if we can go together?”
albert can’t help the grin that makes its way onto his face. maybe he’s a little upset that the boy he’s been crushing on for nearly three years now isn’t going to be his date to prom, but hey, he’ll take what he can get. “hell yeah, tony! wanna swear on it?”
“fuck yeah,” race responds, grinning brightly back at albert, whose heart leaps into his throat at the sight. damn you for being so pretty, he thinks as he puts his palm up against race’s and entangles their fingers.
“super special, super serious swear,” they say simultaneously, laughing. 
age seventeen
they’ve made it to their junior year prom! neither race nor albert end up with dates, so, as super specially, super seriously sworn, they end up going to prom together. not as dates, just as best friends.
race is out on the dance floor with some of their other friends, and albert’s chosen to hang back by the snack table, where jack and jojo approach him with friendly smiles. he smiles back and waves.
“how come you aren’t on the dance floor with race, al?” jojo asks.
albert chuckles and shrugs. “not a dancer.”
“no, you are. you’re just choosing to hang out here to you can shovel strawberries and shrimp into your tux to smuggle out of prom,” jack jokes, cackling. jojo giggles softly and punches jack’s arm faintly, rolling his eyes in a fond manner.
“awww, damn, jackie. you caught me,” albert states sarcastically, and they all laugh.
“no, but really, i swear you love food more than you love race,” jojo chuckles.
albert freezes, and the other boys frown.
“did i say something wrong, albert?” jojo asks, getting ready to apologise.
“no!” albert replies quickly, knowing jojo could stand there for hours apologising. he was too nice. “i just... um... you’re right, no. i do- i do love race.”
“shit, al,” jack says, eyes widening. “do you...?”
albert nods and smiles nervously. he and jack nearly jump out of their skin when jojo squeals and claps, jumping up and down. “albo, that’s so cute!” he exclaims excitedly.
“speak of the devil,” jack states, tilting his head and gesturing towards race, who’s approaching albert. he looks nervous, albert notes with confusion and a bit of concern.
“we’ll leave you two alone. we got dates to find for the slow dance anyway. it’s about to start,” jojo grins, grabbing jack’s arm and dragging him to who knows where.
“u-um, hey.” race says when he’s close enough for albert to be able to hear him over the loud conversations of everybody in the room. he looks up at albert and smiles a little, and albert feels his heart melt more than he thought possible.
“hey,” he replies softly, smiling down at his friend.
“they’re about to play the slow songs...” 
albert nods. “i know. jo just told me.”
“would you- um- would- would you, like...” race trails off and looks down, taking a few deep breaths before looking back up at albert. “do you wanna dance with- with me?” his voice quivers a little, and albert takes his hand and squeezes it quickly.
“i’d love that, race.”
race’s eyes widen in surprise. “really?”
so, they’ve made their way to the dance floor. albert wraps an arm around race’s waist and race places a hand on albert’s shoulder. both unsure about what to do with their free hands, they press their palms together on instinct, laughing softly when they realise they’ve had the same idea. race laces his fingers through albert’s and albert smiles.
“this a promise?”
race locks eyes with him, smiles that same tiny smile albert loves so much, and he nods. “a promise we’ll always be together. a super special, super serious swear that we’ll always be together.”
“together?” albert echoes.
“together.” race nods once more.
albert leans down and captures race’s lips in a kiss, because god damn everything else, he can’t help himself. the kiss is full of four years of love, of yearning, of passion, and fear, and everything else albert has always felt either for race or because of him. and race kisses back, and albert nearly cries. he’sd thought about this before and he’s thought it would be amazing, but this is even further beyond anything he’s ever thought it’d feel like, because this? this is real and it’s happening right now and he can’t believe it. he loves his best friend and his best friend loves him back, and he’s kissing him back, and it’s all he can think about right now because right now all there is is race. race’s cheeks, race’s lips, race’s waist, race’s chest pressing up against albert as he’s tugged impossibly closer. 
when albert breaks away, he’s gasping for air, and so is race. the sound of cheers fill their ears as they realise that they just had their first kiss together at prom, in front of all their classmates and friends.
“i love you,” albert whispers.
race grins, heart beating a mile a minute at the new meaning those words bear now. “i love you, too, albie.”
age eighteen
race can tell something’s up the moment he sees albert in his chair in the auditorium the morning of their graduation ceremony. he’s on the verge of falling asleep; he can barely keep his eyes open. 
race sits down next to albert and taps him on the shoulder. albert jolts up, kicking the chair in front of him hard and swearing loudly at the pain that suddenly shoots through his foot.
“baby, are you okay?” race frowns, holding albert’s hand and running his thumb over his boyfriend’s knuckles gently.
“finch ‘n’ tommy got me high last night, racer...” albert groans, rubbing his temples.
“holy. fuck.” race snorts and bursts into laughter, causing albert to swat at him and whine. “god, al, even i’m not stupid enough to get high before my fucking high school graduation. you three are gonna regret this so much!”
“let’s just be grateful davey’s valedictorian,” albert sighs.
“yeah, partly ‘cause davey wasn’t dumb enough to get stoned before his last day as a high schooler.”
“shut up, asshole.”
race chuckles and shakes his head. “just don’t do anything dumb when you’re up there, okay? it’s only, like, a minute or less.”
“i’ll try for you.” albert smiles fondly and presses his palm to race’s, who laces his fingers through albert’s.
albert squeezes race’s hand and he grins a little bit. “what’s this one for, albie?”
“it’s for sticking together no matter what the future holds. and i know we made a promise like this a while ago, but i really need it now more than ever, race. i need you. i love you.”
tears glimmer in race’s eyes and he stares up at albert with nothing but pure adoration and love. “i love you, too... and we are gonna stick together no matter what, albie.”
they share a small kiss.
“i super special, super serious swear.”
after the ceremony, elisa drives race and albert to the higgins household. their friends were throwing a party, but when albert was practically collapsing on the ground race decided it was time for him to rest.
“i’m very proud of you two, you know,” elisa says, looking into the rearview mirror with a smile. albert’s slouching low enough to be able to rest his head on race’s shoulder, and the boys both return her smile with the same warmth. “you’ve gotten into the same college, haven’t you?”
“nyu, baby!” race cheers. albert laughs and presses a kiss to race’s neck with minimal effort. 
“nyu,” he nods before falling asleep.
age twenty-three
“i can’t fucking believe you got crowd surfed,” albert shakes his head in disbelief as he and race walk home to their apartment. well, it was more of a stumble. they’d both gotten a little bit buzzed. it’s well past 2 a. m. and they’re headed back from the graduation party katherine threw at her house.
“yeah, well, i can’t believe you actually had the confidence to climb on top of the table and fucking serenade me, albert,” race counters.
“guess it just shows how strong my love for you is,” albert coos as he unlocks their apartment door after climbing up the small set of stairs. race pretends to gag, and albert laughs, kissing his nose.
“i’m really tired,” albert whines. race chuckles and climbs into bed next to albert.
“go to sleep, then,” race snorts.
“need you for that,” albert mumbles tiredly, and the comedic mood melts away into a gentle, loving one as race smiles softly at the boy across from him. he moves closer and pecks albert’s lips.
“i love you.”
“love you, too...”
“forever and always, albie.”
“forever and always, tony.”
race grins and holds his hand out. albert chuckles and presses his palm to race’s, and race weaves his fingers through albert’s, and albert swears he’ll never be over the way their hands seem to fit together so perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle meant to click.
“super special, super serious swear,” albert murmurs, kissing race softly. race returns the kiss and squeezes albert’s hand. 
albert is the one to break the kiss, letting go of race’s hand to wrap an arm around him and pull him close. race tucks his face into the crook of albert’s neck and kisses there softly, drawing a drowsy smile from albert as they both drift into a pleasant, dreamless sleep.
age twenty-five
race leans against albert, staring out at the sunset in front of them, loving the reflections of the beautifully multicoloured sky on the crystal clear ocean water. they’re standing up, having planned to leave roughly twenty minutes ago, but they got distracted by the scenery ahead, pausing to admire it.
“thank you for this, albie...” race says softly, lifting his head to look at albert and smiling. albert smiles back.
“eight years together. not a very specific or significant milestone, but i wanted to at least do a little something.”
“a little something?” race chuckles. “albert, we’ve gone hiking, had dinner in the mountains, crashed at the beach, and now i’m looking at the prettiest sunset i’ve ever seen. it’s been more than just a little something. it’s been everything.”
“you’re my everything.”
“you’re rubbing off on me,” albert looks down at race knowingly. race grins and kisses his cheek. 
“i have to ask you something.”
“so, ask it!” race giggles.
albert smiles nervously and lets go of race before getting down on one knee. he pulls out a small box, opens it to reveal a ring that race remembers him eyeing when they’d gone to the mall with katherine, jack, specs, romeo, and some of their other friends. he gasps softly, and albert chuckles quietly.
“i, um... i really don’t even know where to start, anthony. we were literally five years old when we met, and i didn’t ever think i’d be here, celebrating eight years of being your boyfriend. your fucking boyfriend. for eight years. eight of the most incredible years of my life, holding you, kissing you, pulling pranks with you, loving you. before that, i got to spend twelve years being your best friend. and for all twenty of those years, i’ve gotten to grow with you and i’ve gotten to catch every curveball life has thrown at me with you by my side. i want to spend the rest of my years loving you as hard as i can, not just as your boyfriend, but as your husband and your best friend. this is gonna be, like, the biggest super special, super serious swear we’ve ever made, but... i’m ready for it. so, anthony ‘racetrack’ higgins, will you marry me?”
“i-i...” race chokes on a sob of pure joy, and nods furiously. “albert... albie, i- i don’t even... yes... oh my god, albert, a million times yes!”
albert grins widely and slides the ring onto race’s finger, falling a little bit more in love with race when a giggle of nothing but absolute happiness escapes his mouth, and he stands up to press their palms together and lace their fingers together and this time, they both squeeze. this isn’t albert’s promise or race’s promise. this is their promise, and they plan on keeping it for the rest of their days.
age twenty-six
“racer!” albert calls. “did finch show you the wedding photos?”
“they’re already out?” race asks in surprise.
“digitally,” albert nods. “he’ll have the physical copy to us by the end of next week.”
“god, albie,” race breathes, falling back onto their bed like he did so many years ago at albert’s house before their first year of high school. “we’re husbands now. we have the same last name.”
“i know all of this, yes,” albert says teasingly. race scoffs and turns over to shove him lightly. albert cackles and leans over to kiss race quickly before unlocking his phone and opening up the email he got from finch. he opens the files and hands it over to race, whose eyes light up the moment they see the screen.
“we are so hot,” he says, and albert bursts into laughter. 
“i fucking love you, you idiot.”
“i love you, too, al.” race giggles and turns his head to kiss albert’s nose. he switches the phone off after going through all the photos and sets it on the nightstand beside him, turning to face albert properly. he holds his palm out and albert does what he has to do, and this time they both squeeze, too.
“anthony higgins-dasilva, i super special, super serious swear to keep loving you as much as i can and making you as happy as i can for the rest of my life,” albert whispers.
a tear of happiness slides down race’s cheek and he smiles lovingly at his husband. “i super special, super serious swear to always do the same, albert higgins-dasilva.”
they share a soft, slow kiss, taking all the time they need, because now they know they have each other, and they don’t need to go anywhere for a while.
-sanj 💕
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15001700tt · 6 years
Mix And Match
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6.
Part 3
After the wedding, i moved to his castle since it was more convenient. Since then i became more acquainted with his home. Occasionally i do get lost but one of his brothers or mates are always around and they help me find my way back.
It was the day where my cousins and I get to meet the remaining two guys. They have been so involved in the war that they had no time to come by. But it was understandable it was getting worse each day, and i could sense it brewing without werewolf heightened senses.
Jong In was also getting restless each night having to wake at the crack of dawn to finish some planning. The dark circles under his eyes get deeper as the days go on i am surprised he hasnt passed out. I brought it up to his attention but he always dismisses it and says hell catch up on sleep later. I dont believe him. But i cant do anything because he wont let me.
The warwas getting on my nerves and i was ready to fly over there and end the war myself. Today is much needed as anyone can see, i am very tense and grumpy and the girls havent had time to talk to me and are getting whisked away by their parents for possible suitors back at home. Hyun Jin is devastated that she doesnt get to fall in love, and Ji Mi just refuses to marry a complete stranger.
As Jong In sat next to as we waited for our guests his head lolled to the side until it slumped against my shoulder. His deep breaths confirmed that he fell asleep. I rolled my eyes before moving him to lay against my lap for more comfort on his part since this is most likely the only nap he will get today or maybe for the next week.
The first one to arrive is Hyun Jin, she came in a grim expression. Her eyes settled on our position before her face lit up ad she awed at out ‘cuteness’
“He couldnt stay awake” i excused. She shook her at us before muttering, “i wouldnt either if i had a war in my backyard”
“Well how are you doing with the influx of suitors?” i asked worriedly.
“Facing an army of vampires doesnt seem that bad anymore” she groaned before she came and sat next to, i started running my hand through her hair while keeping one in Jong In’s.
“I know hun, i wish it was easier”
“Ji Mi literally just chased away the last one but my guy was more sticky that the last” she huffed in annoyance. The doors opened one more time while Hyun Jin was mid sentence, “and the worst thing is he wasnt even trying to be gentle, he was pushing me around and being a total dick. And mid way through he tried to touch me, i almost thre-” a growl erupted from the figure standing by the door.
That seemed to wake Jong In up and grab hold of me. I caressed his face to show him that i was fine, but clearly the man at the door wasnt.
“Baekhyun” Jong In’s voice rang clear in the room, while Hyun Jin’s was more a breathy sigh. I could tell the days events took a toll on her from the way her face looked, all pale and no light that usually shines.
In an instant Baekhyun was next Hyun Jin and looking intently into her eyes, eyes slightly red, before another snarl rippled from his throat scaring Hyun Jin a little bit that she jumped.
“Who dared to touch you?” that seemed to snap Jong In’s haze and immediately he came and restricted Baekhyun and whispered in his ear. He seemed calmed a bit, he closed his eyes before opening them to a golden hue in them, then finally their normal shade.
I knew what this meant, i couldn't help the small smile that creeped onto my lips, a small gasp escaping my lips when JongIn flopped down on my lap again.
“You Are comfortable.” his only excuse.
“Honey we have guests” i told him
“it s fine, those guests are going to get really comfortable, so should we” he mumbled against my legs. I chuckled, i looked up to see that Hyun Jin had moved up from her seat and was standing in front the calm man who had a gentle smile on his face.
I listened in to their conversation when i couldn't help my curiosity, no remorse felt because she spied on my first day of courting.
“I am guessing youre Yong Sang’s cousin” he smiled cheerfully, “i am Byun Baekhyun, One of Jong In’s closest friends and knights” he introduced.
“You are correct, i am Song Hyun Jin” she curtseyed at him while batting her eyelashes at him innocently. Somehow that lead to them furiously hugging, my small gasp caused Jong In to chuckle.
“They went straight to the point didn't they?”
“You should be sleeping” i playfully snapped at him.
“Dont you think Ji Mi and Kyungsoo are taking too much time to get here?” he questioned looking at the slightly ajar door.
“What do you mean?” Baekhyun’s voice cut through the thick haze that surrounded me and Hyun Jin.
“I mean that i can both their footsteps really close but they havent ever met each other and i want to see that” he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the chair and dragged me soundlessly towards the open door. Hyun Jin following behind me and Baekhyun at the end. As we rounded the corner we saw the pair just making eye contact.
3rd POV
Kyungsoo’s eyes flashed gold before turning normal brown once again, he finally found her, whoever she is. Although he was pretty good at guessing, she’s Yong Sang’s cousin, if she was heading this way and he had never seen her before. He needed confirmation thought, he feels as if hes grasping at thin straws.
“I uh i am Do Kyungsoo, head knight” he introduced awkwardly before letting a charing smile grace his lips.
“Song Ji Mi at your service” she responded with a soft voice. She was drained from the events of today, if she could just go to her bed and sleep she was sure she can deal with it tomorrow. She was exhausted to no point and this attractive knight wasnt helping her poor brain.
Of course she knew who he was, she saw his pictures everywhere and he was also the reason for her embarrassment in Yong Sang’s wedding. Her barely functioning brain had successfully led her down the right corridor but she still doubted.
“uhm-I-I do not know if i am going the right direction to the room, would please help me?” she asked with grace even she couldn't believe she mustered.
“I dont think thats a good idea,” he paused before getting closer to her whispering, “theyre eavesdropping at the end of the hall.” her eyes widened in shock.
“I suggest we go to the kitchen because you look like you could use a meal.” he offered.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” she couldn't help but snap. “You are my mate” those simple words seemed to turn her whole world upside down, she stumbled back a step. He caught her.
“Are you ok?? You need to sit down” he held her up as he led her to the kitchen. Once they arrived he sat her down at the table. And rolled up his sleeves of the casual attire he wore.
“Wanna tell me about your day as i make you a delicious meal?” he suggested playfully, causing a small smile to bloom on her exhausted face.
“I chased away five suitors today, the last one was stubborn until i punched him right in the face, then he almost hit me,” she in took a breath to calm her frantic beating heart, also hearing a small growl leave his body frame. “Which would be bad for him because i am not trained like an assassin for nothing.” she continued causing Kyungsoo to turn his head and eyebrow raised.
“What? The king and queen thought it would be a good idea to give us some training if we chased away the guard they assigned us” she shrugged.
As time flew, so did the smell of whatever Kyungsoo was cooking because to her it smelled heavenly and mouth watering. He placed the dish in front of and sat down opposite of her so he could see her face better. Unlike the tired expression she held on their way here, now she looked like she was on cloud 9.
“I am glad you think it smells good but shouldn't you taste it first?” he smirked as she bobbed her head. She grabbed her eating utensil and put some of the dish in her mouth, her reaction almost immediate. He grinned as she moaned and grabbed another bite.
“Interesting” he murmured catching her attention, “my cooking won you over not my good looks which hurts my ego a little but but i'll get over it.” he stated with a small smirk.
“If you weren’t such a good cook I’d cut off your hands” she bashfully said.
“Gruesome, i feel bad for the suitors but then again, they didn't know better” he said with fake remorse, causing Ji Mi to roll her eyes at his tactics
“Do you know any better?” she questioned playfully, he scoffed and finally ate some of the food he prepared, “of course i wouldnt be your mate if i didnt”
“Doesnt mean you dont have to win me over” she tsked at his confidence.
“Thought i already did with my cooking” he countered.
“Maybe your fighting skills” she stated
“I am sure i can teach you something” he teased.
“Sure you can” she rolled her eyes, that seemed full of light now. She feels as though she can do this forever.
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indecisivealy-blog · 7 years
Fatal Fun.
As i gasped for air, struggling… frantic and clawing at my throat, everything slowed down. My only surroundings a blurry glimpse of the radio that read 11:21pm. The lights from the gas pumps grew dim. A high pitched ringing in my ears, and my shallow slow breathing were now the sound track to my life. My heart struggled, picking up pace so rapidly only to come to an abrupt stop, skip, a massive thud causing my body to jerk, than repeat. It all became so quiet after that, so empty…but peaceful somehow for the moment? I no longer heard the air entering and leaving my lungs. No longer could i hear my heart hanging on for dear life, convincing itself it could make it, only to meet face to face with failure in the end of its struggle. The high pitched ringing faded out and… complete and total silence. Haunting silence. Unable to literally hear a single thing. Where am I? Greeted by a darkness so thick, so cold you stand frozen unable to attempt a step forward, fingers go unnoticed an inch from my face. Every single thing is cancelled out, if i gathered the courage to say hello, would it even be heard, would it make any sort of sound? Im not alone here, i can feel others.. or things all around me. Are they trapped as well, or very familiar with this place, are they able to see me stiff and absolutely terrified? It was in no way welcoming and although i wanted nothing more than my vision, i could honestly say i don’t know if i would be prepared to see what may be lurking near by….. How did this happen, and how did i get here, outside i felt my body growing stiffer, while inside i begged for release, screaming, fighting, jolting, scratching at my body looking for a way out, i’m fighting for a way out within myself… because physically i haven’t lifted a finger! Drained and powerless, it was in this moment that i had finally realized… i was dead. You would think common sense would have kicked in and i would have asked myself, what did you expect? I had been on this selfish suicide mission for 10 years now, pumping my body full of these powerful poisons… i deserved this, the cowards way out. Forever engraved on my tombstone “The sick and twisted junkie” thats all i’ll be remembered for now, and i only have myself to blame. This was nothing like the stories i heard growing up. There was no bright light to guide me, no pearly gates where my loved ones stand to welcome me with open arms, Jesus didn’t take my hand, only to tell me its not my time… along with a persuasive speech on purpose, and why i need to go back in promises of returning to my safe haven, my personal paradise for eternity once my time on earth was officially up. No, none of that… just this empty, dark abyss, the in between maybe? I stand so restless in a place where time does not exist, everything i have ever known is no longer relevant. Has it already been days, weeks? The thought process on this alone was driving me insane, i’m completely mad. My mind is going a million miles a minute and just as i try to break a single thought down into making sense, to puzzle some sort of plan together out of its foggy bits and pieces, another begins. My thoughts come to a screeching halt when i suddenly feel a vibrating warmth in the middle of my chest, it was unlike anything i have ever felt before, everything about it felt safe, and comforting…. it slowly and gently consumed every fiber of my being, i trusted this. Slowly i felt my functions flicking on like a light switch, i can hear you!… this was not english, this was no language known to man, but i have never understood something so quickly and clearly, a mesmerizing sound, that was brilliant and bright, leaving a hushed hum in your ears, making sure the words spoken stay embedded forever, this voice would never go unheard once needed or asked for, you just have to be willing to receive it. There was no mistaking who had just put my mind, body, and soul at complete ease. I’m glowing… radiating life again. When just as quickly as i ended up in the darkness, sudden shock therapy to my vessel, and blood flow to my heart, once again jolted me up right in that drivers seat. Every nerve ending on fire, my bones ached and every hair now stood straight up sending a chill down my spine as my soul grasped on tight, re attaching itself to my temple I forever took for granted. The gas station lights began to buzz and grow brighter as my blurry vision fought for focus, i settled them right back on the radio waiting for reality to set in and the consequences that may await me. The time now read 2:00 am and i had gone completely unnoticed for all that time…. This cant be, there is literally no possible way, none of this made sense to me because the impossible now became very much possible. An overwhelming wave of emotion washed over me, something i had not had to deal with for years, it twisted my stomach and the guilt lodged in my throat leaving me breathless, and i began to break down, sobbing, shocked, and trembling in total disbelief at everything that occurred and the awful realization that i’m still the same sick person. God saved my life, someone i no longer allowed in my life, someone i turned my back on while leaping in the arms of satan himself and laid suffocating in his tight embrace, yet i was extremely content with that. I no longer believed in anything i once cared so strongly about. Yet you found me, stiff, cold, and lifeless and kissed me when i needed you most and with that you returned my life to me but you would not do it again under such circumstances… Your exact words “i brought you back and i wont do it again” Knowing that my next fatal injection would leave me stuck forever in something much worse than my first encounter… a forever endless loop in heroin hell. As i began wiping away my tears attempting to gather myself my phone lit up. It was my mom who was in Nashville at the time on business, and i couldn’t believe she was awake. i scrambled and struggled to get a grip on the phone, once i did a swipe opened a text simply read “just read a story about a girl back home that O.D and her baby starved to death” The heart stopping, gut wrenching feeling left me momentarily paralyzed and everything suddenly made sense. The crying didn’t let up after this, and i took a minute before driving away from the place i will forever remember as my almost permanent death bed. The whole way back i picked my self apart starting with day one. I have to escape this sickness, i have to get out of here.
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hausoftm · 4 years
𝚃𝙼 ☆ 4
Everything has been so good this week. Like so so good. I feel like Minho and I are really connecting again. We’ve just did lots of cuddling and tv watching and eating dinner together and it’s domestic af but it’s perfect. I’ve been feeling a lot better the past few days too. Besides the awful headache I went to bed with lastnight. No idea what caused that but god it was bad.
Minho told me he wants to marry me again after we had sex. He keeps doing that. It’s so.. I don’t even know. I guess it feels good to hear him say it and know that he’s sure of it but at the same time it can be a tiny bit frustrating since he said he wants to do it sometime in the next 2 years but yet he brings it up with comments like that. We really are in no rush. We have so much time but the thought of getting to wedding plan and spend forever with him just really makes me all excited.
Sometimes I think about the idea of what if i proposed to Minho? I think he would be so shocked and surprised if I did that. I don’t think he would know what to do. I’m not even sure if he would say yes to me if I did and that’s a little worrying. I know I won’t do it but I just keep thinking of the what if. I just think we need to wait till we are both on the ready to settle down page. I’m already there and well I think Minho is slowly but surely getting there.
I just can’t shake that feeling though that he might eventually get bored of me and our relationship. It’s been weighing heavy on my mind all day and making me feel a tiny bit uneasy. I’ve been pushing it to the back of my mind to try and keep the nice happy atmosphere we have going but there’s only so long I can do that for before all the negative thoughts just come pouring out again.
I know he really loves me and he reassures me all the time that this is forever and he doesn’t wanna be with anyone else but me and I do believe him. I trust him completely and that can be a little scary but i trust he wont break my heart. It would completely ruin us and everything we’ve had all these years if he did.
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wellmeaningshutin · 7 years
Short Story #112: (dis)figure
Written: 5/24/2017                                                  A Week Under the Influence
Outside of figure skating, she didn’t know much about the world, since she mainly just left her house to go to the rink. Her mother always made sure to stay close by, in case she needed help with anything, and if she ever found herself alone, on the rare occasions that she was, there was no shortage of men who were dying to get their chance to help her out, and prove their worth. Because of this, she never learned any actual skills, she couldn’t wash her own clothes or even drive, but this was never even a problem. Socially she was also confused, but in her mind she was great with people, since her mother spoke for her for half of the time, and during the other half people would pretend that she was very interesting, very well spoken, but only because they were strongly attracted to her. For a lot of people, it wouldn’t seem like much of  a life, especially since she was hardly even living it, but it was all she knew, so she never complained. Until she met her first “love”.
Now, their meeting may have been the opposite of romantic, her mother had set them up after she met the young man at church, as he helped his grandmother down the steps, and when she approached him it was because she needed somebody good to be with her daughter, since it was better for a good fellow to marry her, instead of any sort of awful person that she could run away with. When the two first met each other, the guy wasn’t sure at all about the situation, but he was paid $50 just to meet the girl, so he was willing to stick around for a little while, but when he first saw her face, all he wanted was to get a ring on her finger so that he could get into bed with her. The figure skater thought that he looked alright, and was willing to settle for anybody, even if she was unsure of what people were supposed to do in relationships. Their first date was that day, when they met they shook hands, then all three of them, including the mother, sat in the living room at watched the daughter’s childhood skating videos. All they said to each other was ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’.
For the rest of their relationship, they spent most of their time over at the rink, where the girl would skate, and the guy would watch her, pretending that he was interested in her technique while he stared at her skin tight outfit, and tried to use that to make an educated guess about what she would look like if she wasn’t wearing it. After she was finished practicing, they would get into her mother’s car, and the boyfriend would get dropped off at his house, where he would rush off to his room and sin, while thinking of her, before he had to begrudgingly feel his Parkinson's riddled grandfather. Two nineteen year olds in love.
Near the end, after a year had passed, the boy tried to figure out how he was going to propose to her. A year felt like the appropriate amount of time to wait before getting married, that’s how long his parents had waited, and he was starting to become obsessed with fantasies about their wedding night. After he asked her mothers permission for marriage, and it was granted, he also received permission to go on dates with her, without the mother, which was a blessing for him, because he was going to go crazy if he had to keep staring at her skating outfit. When he started proposing that they go on dates elsewhere, where they could talk to each other, she was reluctant at first, since she didn’t know much about the guy, and would rather practice than get to know him, but the idea of freedom, at least from her mother, was enough to get her away from the rink. And its not like she was dying to get away from her mother’s control, she had no idea what she was missing out on, so she had no reason to want to leave, other than a desire to get a new skating outfit, which her boyfriend was willing to pay for.
However, when she was trying it on, he tried to get into the dressing room with her, claiming, “Its alright, I’m you’re fiance, calm down, its alright”. After the stores security dragged him out, as he called her “ungrateful” and “sinful”, she was left, alone, in the store with no idea of how to get home. So, like a child lost in the woods, she wandered through the city, hoping that she would run into her mother and be safe again. However, unlike many children who were lost in the woods, she didn’t starve, dehydrate, or get eaten by some feral animal, because it turned out that her mother had been tailing the couple, and her car was parked at the end of the street. When they were home, the mother decided that boys were too much trouble, that her daughter would never date again, and the problem was solved until a week later, at skating practice.
As she was walking up to the rink, her mother walking besides her, carrying her duffel bag that was filled with her gear and various snacks, her ex-fiance stepped out from behind one of the pillars that lined the entrance, shouted something about being unfaithful, and threw acid in her face. After it made contact with her skin, and the burning began to set in, her brain started to scream at her, demanding that she do something to relieve the unbearable amounts of pain that she was going through. First, she decided to scream, it was her usual solution to danger, it was what came naturally to her, to call for assistance, but some of the sulfuric substance, that hadn’t yet dissolved into her dissolving skin, ended up dripping down into her gaping mouth. Lucky for her, in a relative sense, it pooled between her lower teeth and lip, causing her lower lip, and parts of her jaw, to fall apart, instead of touching her tongue, which is important for communication, except for screaming, which was currently only making matters worse. So, as she felt a new portion of her face start to burn away, she became desperate and started to beat at  her face with her fists, hoping that the same techniques for being on fire would work for this situation. She wasn’t even fully convinced that her face wasn’t on fire anyways, because it sure as hell felt like it, or at least what she imagined it would feel like. This desperate attempt didn’t last for long, because each blow would cause her to feel the texture of her warping face, and the sensation was starting to become more terrifying than the threat that the pain carried. It was as if she was beating the flames off of some other person, somebody who was much older, and disfigured. There was a lot of commotion around her, somebody else was screaming, but none of it was able to catch her attention for more than a second. She wanted to cry, but she couldn’t. She realized that she was on her knees, and bent over, the remains of her forehead pressed against the cold concrete. Shaking seemed to be the only thing that she could do, it was clear that the pain wouldn’t go away. Somebody tried to help her to her feet, but she refused to get up. Somebody tried to lift her face off of the ground, but, even though she didn’t fight, they seemed to have a lot of trouble, her body was fighting back. She felt a second pair of hands on her, and as they tried to lift her up, she realized what the problem was as it was solved, and when the remaining skin tore off of her forehead, and stuck to the floor, a new wave of pain had washed over her, so she went back to the basics, she screamed again. When she was standing again, two people on both sides of her, propping her up as she shook and howled, she realized that she didn’t see the entrance to the rink, all she could see was light, nothing but pure, shapeless light. ——————————————————————————————————— The hospital was a little strange, there were noises that confused her, it smelled weird, the pain medication was like anything else that she had ever felt, since she was never allowed to consume any drugs, not even caffeine, but the only true downside, besides her condition, was the bed. For her entire nineteen years of life, she had slept in the same bed, night after night, year after year, so it was near impossible for her to feel comfortable during her stay. She wanted to be back at home, but her mother told her that the doctors were waiting to release her, and she didn’t bother to question why.
During the second night, while her mother was sitting beside her, keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious, the daughter scratched her head, and realized that her hair was much, much shorter than it had previously been. “Was my hair burned away too?” She asked.
“No”, replied her mother, “I felt that if you still had your long, beautiful hair, then people would feel less sympathetic towards you. If anyone would see you from behind, why, they would think that you were as gorgeous as you were before the incident.”
“Why would people need to-”
Scowling, “So many questions out of you today! Why, do you not trust your own dear mother? Do you think that because you have experienced real pain and suffering, you suddenly understand anything about the world?”
“Well, its foolish to think that you could know better than your mother. To think that I’ll sit here while you interrogate me, when I’m really just trying to look out for you, dear. Everything I have ever done has been for you. I’ve given up my whole life for you, and this is how you repay me? Ungrateful. That’s all you are. You’re the same ungrateful little girl who would cry when I wouldn’t let her go play with the other children, who would look out the window, when her own mother, her own happy home, was all around her. Ungrateful. Do you know that I’ve had to go without a social life, just to make sure that you could have the life that I never had? When I was a girl I would have killed to be a tenth of the figure skater that you are, and now you’re wanting to throw it all away-”
“No, I didn’t-”
“And you wont even let your dear mother get through a single sentence! I’m putting my heart on the line, I’m bearing my soul to you, and you just decide to step on it, it crush it under your heel!” The mother was actually only half listening to what her daughter was saying, she had played the victim to her daughter so many times, just to get her to fall in line, that it required no effort on her part. To her, pity and threats were just a part of the job, of being a parent. However, her daughter was always dismayed by this act, and would always feel as if she was in the wrong.  So she sat there, her face covered in bandages, all over, except for her mouth, which now consisted of a scarred upper lip, and no lower lip, leaving her bottom row of teeth permanently exposed. Due to the girl’s lack of vision, both of them stared ahead, instead of at each other, while this display of martyrdom was happening. “Its just like when you decided that everything I did for you was garbage. When you chose to spit on everything that I had ever done for you, and ran away with that rotten boy. I tried to warn you about him! I told you time and time again, ever since you got your period, which men can pick up on, that men are trouble. I knew that one of these days you wouldn’t be able to help yourself, I guess I’m just lucky that you don’t have some rotten child, festering and growing inside of your baby bucket. This is what happens when you don’t listen to me! Time and time and again, I have proven to you that I know whats best for you, I know what you actually want! Remember when you were six years old, when you kept talking all of that nonsense about wanting to be a doctor. Ha! But I knew better, and you may have hated me for it in those first several years, but I told you that you would love ice skating, that you would be grateful. But, now, I’m not so sure. When I hear you talk back”, her eyes followed a bulky male nurse who passed by in the hallway, “now, its like you’re still that rotten little girl. Maybe I’m just a failure as a mother, maybe the love I gave you just wasn’t enough. Its not enough that I gave my entire life to you, no, but now you want more, don’t you? What do you want? Do you want my body too? Do you want me to slit my wrists for you, so that you can hunch over me, rip apart my skin in your teeth, so that you can devour me whole. Do you need my meat, my heart, my eyes, my liver, my blood, my skin to fill you, to give you nutrients, do-”
A nurse came in to check on the pair, and the mother was suddenly all smiles and sunshine. “Well”, said the nurse, “what seems to be the problem dear?” The girl was sitting up in the bed, her hands over her face, sobbing hysterically. “I think”, the mother answered for her daughter, “that her medication isn’t strong enough. She’s in a lot of pain, the poor thing.”
After the nurse left the room, she continued, “Now, you rotten little brat, listen to me. I love you so much, it hurts. Its impossible to explain the love that mothers have for their children, its beyond description, its something that’s practically magical. So, if you ever try to leave me again, I don’t know what I’d do. I gave my life to you, you know. You are all that’s left of my life, so if you ever left, I would have no choice but to do something drastic.”
Mumbled between sobs, “I’m-I’m sorry.”
“What was that, I couldn’t hear you.”
“I’m so-sorry.”
“Is this some game? Are you mocking me? Do you think its funny to poke fun at your poor mother, who has only-”
Painful yell, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again!”
“Do what?”
Quieter, still distraught, “I’ll never run away from you, I’ll never go off to be with some guy, especially one that you tell me not to be with. I’ll go back to skating and being quiet. Oh please, let me do that, just let-”
“Hm, well, like I said we can’t do that now, dear. We’ll talk about this again when these doctors finally get their heads screwed on tight, and release you. All that rotten boy did was make you ugly, so I don’t understand why they insist on trying to contain your talent.” ——————————————————————————————————— A week later, they were back at the rink. The mother made sure to book their time late at night, so that nobody would see them come in or out, since her daughter was so terribly disfigured. Because of the damage that was done, the poor girl still had to wear some bandages on her forehead, and over her eyes, but her mother told her that it was perfectly normal for hospitals to discharge patients before they were fully healed or treated. There was nothing that could heal better than a mother’s love.
The daughter had become more dependent on her mother, now that she was unable to see, so the older woman followed her everywhere she went, even into the bathroom, to make sure that she wasn’t going to hurt herself. At first it seemed a bit excessive to the skater, but she figured that she hadn’t gotten hurt yet, and figured that she only had her mother to thank for that. And when was the woman ever wrong? It seemed, to the skater, that her foolishly running away from that boy (something that she felt like didn’t happen, but her mother informed her that her memory became a little funny after the event, and assured the girl that she was a little trouble making harlot) and becoming blinded after she cheated on him was a blessing, because now she would never question her mother again. It was a constant reminder that she had terrible judgment, and needed somebody older and wiser to help her along.
“Now”, instructed the wise and loving mother, after she got her nineteen year old daughter dressed in her skating attire, “we have a lot of work to do, because you’re not as good of a skater as you think you are. Sure, you’re as good as the other girls, but you’re not any better. The only thing that you had going for you was your good looks, but you never did a thing to earn them, I gave them to you. I gave up being young and cute, to be a old maid that nobody would even want to look at, and now you’ve gone and thrown that away.”
“I’m sorry for being selfish.”
“Good. It warms my heart to hear that. So, because you’ve gracelessly thrown away the gift I gave you, we’re going to have to try to get sympathy from the judges. That’s why I cut your hair, it makes you look worse from all angles. And that’s important, because nobody cares about an ugly girl, no matter how hideous, unless she used to be pretty, then the girl is a walking tragedy, and people love sob stories. We need people to see how horrifying you’ve become, so on the day of the competition, we’ll have to take the bandages off, and hopefully it wont be fully healed by then. Hopefully people will see your exposed forehead, and they’ll want to recoil, they’ll want to look away, but they’ll be compelled to watch. They can’t let you know how bad you look now, they’ll have to pretend like you’re still beautiful. But what’s really important is, hey”, snap snap snap, “look at me when I’m talking to you.”
“I don’t know where to-”
Throwing her clipboard onto the ground, “I don’t need this sass from you! Do you want me to go out there instead of you?” If the daughter wasn’t blind, she would see how much her mother had let go over the years, would see that she had too much weight to be graceful, especially since she hadn’t skated in eighteen years. Without her sight, she just chalked up her memories of her mother’s body as another strange idea, left over from the accident. “I swear, if you don’t want to listen to me, then I’ll do it for you, and you can sit at home, by yourself, and wait for me to bring home the gold medal. You could polish it every night too, so it would be shiny enough for your nightmare of a face to appear in the reflection, but you’ll know that that will be the closest you’ll ever be to a gold medal, the reflection will only remind you know of what could have been.” The mother forgot her point, and was now talking about herself. “You’ll look at the medals, the trophies, and you’ll die inside every time that you see them, because you’ll know that you never earned them. You’ll know that no matter how many lies you tell yourself, how many times you think ‘I basically earned this, I put in work, she wouldn’t of earned this without me’, the truth will still exist. It will wait, patiently, in the back of your mind, knowing that one day you’ll turn around, you’ll be face to face with it, and… and… Now are you going to behave?”
“Yes, I’ll behave.”
“Okay, so, what’s important is that the judges feel guilty, that they feel obligated to vote for you out of sympathy. Who would give a poor, disfigured girl a low score, just because she had all of her talent stolen away from her unfairly. Well, we both know that it is your fault that this happened, but we won’t let them know that. We’ll let them think what they have to, so they will want to help you overcome all obstacles. And what a story too! A girl goes from beautiful to ugly, but against all odds, she becomes the best figure skater that ever lived, she still gets the gold. Why, if you listen to your dear mother, and pull this off, reporters will flock to me, us, for interviews! All of America will hear about our story, and then the next thing you know, they’ll make an inspirational movie out of it. A movie about a mother who does everything that she can for her poor, weak, disfigured daughter, and helps her become half of the figure skater that her mother once was. Now, lets get onto the ice, lets practice your routine! They’re going to recreate it in the movie, so it has to be iconic, it has to be beautiful.” ——————————————————————————————————— Apparently there were a lot of people there to watch the competition, skaters had come from all over the country to compete, to show their grace and skill, but she couldn’t tell if this was true or not. She heard a lot of people, but she couldn’t tell how much there actually was, so she just waited in the locker room, hearing the sound of music and cheers creep in from the outside, while her mother stood beside her, one hand protectively on her shoulder. “Remember”, instructed her dear mother, “you have to perform the death drop right when there’s a moment of silence in the track. If you could hit it just right, then there is no way that we’re going to lose this. Now, I know that it was a little difficult in rehearsal, but-”
The mother fell silent when an official walked into the room, and motioned for them to start heading out. The other skaters were almost done, she was up next. She tried to get up and walk, but the skates, paired with her lack of vision, made this a near impossible task. The official ended up having to assist the mother, to get the girl to the rink, and questioned if she was in any shape to perform. “Do you think”, the mother replied, offended, “that just because she is ugly, that she can’t skate as well as the rest of the girls?” It wasn’t worth it, the official kept his mouth shut. She had no idea where they were leading her, but when everything became louder and colder, she figured that they were at the rink. This suspicion was confirmed when she heard her name announced over the speakers: “… was just disfigured, rendered blind, in cruel twist of fate. But she has decided, against all odds, to keep skating, a truly brave feat.”
Somebody nudged her forwards, she stepped onto the ice, but almost slipped, since she was unaware that she had been so close to the rink. Everything was silent for a moment, and then she heard the national anthem start up, this was her song, this was her cue. Her mother chose the song, even if it was a terrible figure skating song, it was “patriotic as hell”, which was supposed to help people become more sympathetic. When she began to glide out on to the ice, she was unsure of how far out on the rink she was, and this worried her. It worried her when she was practicing, sight was something that she had trained with so often, something she depended on, but her mother assured her that things would work themselves out when she was out on the ice, and the competitive fire in her heart carried her forwards, towards the gold. However, she had no competitive fire inside of her, she only had a deep anxiety of falling, gliding into a wall, or botching any of her moves.
For the most part, she wasn’t doing bad, even if she would have been better with sight. When she was supposed to spin, she spun, when she had to jump, she jumped, and it felt somewhat graceful to her, which helped build up her confidence. Then, a third of the way through the routine, she started to get into the groove of things, and muscle memory took over, everyone was awed by the poor, and incredibly brave, girl who was still able to be so graceful on the ice, well, until she ran into the barrier. After slamming into it, she fell on her ass, and was dazed for a short while, since her forehead wasn’t fully healed, was exposed, and was the main area that hit the wall. Not wanting to disappoint her mother, who had to put up with so much, she rose to her feet, and the crowd cheered in support, cheered for her bravery. It was easy to get back into the routine, especially since the throbbing pain in her forehead distracted her from the possibility of any additional pain, and for a while, her anxiety was clear. ‘-the laaaand’ the silence was approaching, it was time for the show stopping moment, for her to finally prove how grateful she was of her mother ‘off theee freeeeeee’ and her feet left the ground, she went in for the death drop, but she had no idea how close she was to the ice, and ended up landing on her side, rolled, violently, across the ice for six seconds, then slid a short while longer as the track came to the end. The crowd waited in silence, everyone watched to see if she was alright. Then, they burst into a roar as she shakily began to try to stand up. She couldn’t see it, but people were throwing roses onto the ice, the judges had all unanimously given her a ten, talking about how brave and inspiring she was as she still tried to get to her feet. She could hear her mother saying something on the speakers, as she was alone on the ice, clutching her hand since one of the roses had cut into her hand. Not knowing what to do, she decided to sit there, her hand and forehead in pain, waiting for her mother to wrap up the speech.
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