#and feeling more energized for these fandoms again
disdaidal · 2 years
I snorted a little bit when I suddenly recalled that one conversation with my friend from two days ago where I ‘confessed’ that “Ted Raimi is one of those actors that always puts a smile on my face no matter what” and then my friend said to me:
“Ted Raimi is your comfort character.”
Damn right he is-----
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sorrybutthisonestaken · 5 months
thoughts on child of nyx
(disclaimer that I am still reading through the books I apologize for any misinformation)
Chronic night owls, feeling way more energized during the dark hours of the night than during the day
They like the wintery fall seasons better because of the sole fact that the sun dips below the horizon earlier and rises later
Nyx cabin and Apollo cabin would have a friendly rivalry
Their cabin would be dark inside but is decorated with a ton of fairy lights to mimic the stars
they can navigate with the stars and constellations extremely well
Inherently know the name of all those stars and constellations
they can manipulate shadows too as well as short bursts of really bright light like stars
i feel like they would be able to become a shadow for some reason???? Good for spying at least
Hades cabin and nyx cabin would have fun messing with the shadows all the time
I'm not entirely sure but I feel like nyx would be a protective mother (she protected her son from Zeus so there goes that) and this translates to her half-blood children too
She is protective of them and they are protective of those they care about too
i could imagine them being the mother/father figure of camp if they manage to get peoples' trust
they would be hesitant to hang out with the kids of Zeus, but would befriend them just to piss off king sparkles for all the nasty things he has said about their mother darkness
Nyx' children would be close to each other and wouldn't join Kronos
Their mother lives down there with the titans remains she hears his whining and plotting so she warns her kids
Like dude stfu for a second
Nyx and her children would have a good relationship and she'd be better at "child support" than most of if not all of the other gods
Again I'm new to the fandom but thought of this.
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*barges in again and makes self at home*
Hi againnn! I really loved how you wrote my Gaming req 🫶🫶 but you already heard me screech about it.
Might I suggest some sleepy headcannons for either Shalom, Langley or Zoya in Path to Nowhere?
Like their night-time routine with their lover and stuff like that?
I like how you say 'either' as if I won't write all three of them for you, my silly child <3 This was a super sweet request though, thank you!
Fandom: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Shalom, Langley, Zoya
Warnings: Excessively fluffy, mild spice in Zoya's.
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Nighttime Routines
Shalom is honestly just. So so so soft for this. I think she absolutely lives for nighttime routines, and doing them with her lover??? Ten million times better than doing them alone.
She likes to bathe in the evenings to wash away all of the sweat and dirt from the day and get all nice and clean before bed. On her own, she often just showers, but with you she would prefer to run a nice bath, soaking in the warm water together and washing each other.
Once you're out of the bath and all dried off, she does her nighttime skincare routine. I feel like she'd take really good care of her skin, especially on her face - she uses a special face wash because her skin is sensitive, then follows it up with a nice moisturizer. She probably also uses a gentle face scrub every week or so. Once that's done, she applies a nice buttery lotion to her body, asking you to help her with the harder-to-reach spots.
She'd be more than happy to help you with your routine as well, if you'd like, or she'd use her products on you if you want her to. Unrelated to nighttime routines, but a spa day with Shalom??? So nice. She'd pamper you so well. Maybe I should write that next.
Anyway, after she's bathed and put on her robe, her go-to nighttime activity is usually reading. She likes to settle in a comfy chair in her bedroom and read until she gets sleepy. Depending on your tastes, she'll adjust a bit once you start dating - she's happy to talk for a bit while you both wind down, or read your own books together, or even snuggle up and take turns reading together. She'd also happily read to you, if that's more your thing.
She also enjoys having a nice cup of tea and occasionally some light bedtime snacks while she reads and relaxes for the evening, so she'll definitely make those for you two and deliver them on a delicate silver tray. It's like a little sleepytime tea party!!
Once she's actually ready for bed, she's definitely a snuggler. She wants you close, she wants to hold you and feel safe and loved in your arms. She also smells so incredibly good - she always does, but especially after using all of the delightfully scented products after her shower. It's such a calming, soothing scent, and it suits her very well.
Langley doesn't have a super complicated nighttime routine, mostly because she doesn't have the time for something like that. However, she does implement a few things, mostly just to help her unwind and shift her mindset out of work mode.
She starts by drinking a cup of calming tea, as opposed to the energizing blends of tea or coffee she drinks throughout the day to keep her focused. The taste alone is enough to begin the mental transition, and she often seems to zone out a bit while sipping her tea as her mind slowly begins to shut down after another long day.
If you're still awake to join her for her nighttime tea, you often talk about how the day went. She tells you a few of the more interesting non-confidential things that happened throughout the day, and you quietly decompress together.
She often takes a quick shower before bed to get all clean and help clear her head. Sometimes she'll skip it and shower in the morning instead if it's extremely late or she's too tired. You'd be more than welcome to join her, of course, even though it easily triples the amount of time she'd normally take. She's gotta take care of you, after all~
She usually just washes her face with water, but she does apply a nice moisturizer afterwards. It smells really nice, and it helps relax her. If you'd like, you can use it, too. She'll even apply it for you if you want her to.
After her little routine, she usually goes straight to bed. She's such a busy person that she doesn't have time for a lengthy nighttime routine, and she's gotta get plenty of sleep to wake up early in the morning, after all. Her favorite way to fall asleep is with you in her arms, preferably with your head on her chest. She plays with your hair until she inevitably drifts off.
Zoya doesn't really have a nighttime routine before she comes to the MBCC. She's never seen much use for one, and trying to find the time and resources in Syndicate was... not very easy.
If you were to ask her about her nighttime routine, she'd look confused, and hesitantly answer, "...I go to sleep? What kinda question is that?"
The first thing that becomes part of her routine is taking a quick (or not-so-quick, if you're involved) shower before bed to wash off all the sweat and grime from the day. She's always busy working out, training, and going on missions, so it's nice and relaxing to get clean after all that.
There is one thing that has been part of her nighttime routine for years, though. She needs to get off before she sleeps. It started because night was the only time she could really take the time to take care of her own needs, but it's also the best way she's found to shut her brain off and relax her enough to go to sleep quickly and easily. Of course, if you're in the mood as well, this often leads to both of you finishing multiple times before you pass out together.
She wants to sleep holding you. It's part of her instinct to be on guard and protect you during your sleep, even if it's no longer necessary. You're either tangled together with her arms securely around your waist, or she's spooning you from behind. Either way, she needs you close so she knows you're safe and sound. Sometimes you have to struggle to get away from her if you have to get up in the middle of the night, but she's a pretty light sleeper, so once she wakes up and realizes where you're going, she'll reluctantly release you. You'd better hurry, though, because she's not going back to sleep until you're back in her arms, and if you take too long, you'll have a grumpy, sleepy Zoya showing up to toss you over her shoulder and carry you back to bed.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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dennissima · 4 months
London - one week later
One week away, I still need to process lots of emotions from London. I already had to tell you what happened in those almost 8 hours (HERE) as a bullet point of events: flights, the National Theatre, Michael Sheen himself.
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If that could be enough for being excited, I'd like to share something more. I brought at home with me a great connection with amazing people: @orth82, my fairy godmother at the Stage Door, who kept me safe, took photos for me and bothered to find something to eat for me (with Ellia, whose contact I do not have) because I forgot to have dinner. In her, I really found a fandom soulmate and I feel so lucky if our friendship will grow even if we live so far.
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@buzzinglarrieee and her little kewpie doll. I put the photo she gave me as a bookmark for Nye's script. I recognised the doll because I had already seen her on social media and it was very exciting to take live pictures. Although I looked very silly pointing at her bag from which MiniNye was peeking out and saying "But you are… you!". Anyway, I'm so glad to meet her in person and keep in touch with her on Twitter and Tumblr! There were other people but they don't have Tumblr, I believe. I write them only on Twitter but I have to thanks for making an evening I had long dreamt of even more magical.
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Now it's time to share my memorabilia!
I already said I made a mess. I was wrong to offer Michael the Good Omens Script Book page to sign (in fact he appeared confused but signed it anyway).
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The ink on the Nye script cover didn't dry fast enough and I made a huge black stain on two books. I had to ask for another autograph (sorry Michael, thank you for your patience). At home, I managed to clean the covers but two large spots remained. I'm not complaining: those shadows tell this funny story, after all.
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I have already mentioned the photo of the doll that @buzzinglarrieee gave me, and I only regret that I did not have time to go all the way to St. James Park to pick up one of the little gifts at the Aziracrow bench. But my purpose is go there taking with me gifts for Good Omens fans next time I'll be in London.
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That night I felt empty and overwhelmed, but @orth82 was right: she said to me it would pass and only good feelings stay.
After a week I feel grateful, strong and energic. I'm back at home up to write again, even in English, even if it costs me a big effort. (Not the kind of effort you are thinking about, mates!).
Thank you for reading. Talk to you soon!
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 5 months
Finding Each Other-Chapter 4
Fandom: Superman, Batman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Diana Prince, Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Kara Zor El, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Connor Kent
Summary: Clark Kent always knew he wanted a family. He just always thought it would be traditional like his parents. Little did he know that destiny had something different in store for him.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
As Clark woke up, he felt pressure on his arm and along his side. He opened his eyes and smiled. B was still cuddled in his arms on the balcony lying on the bench which somehow turned into a bed during their late-night fucking. Clark looked around and saw that the sun was out and shining brightly. He loved feeling the sun’s rays against his skin. He definitely needed it. It was the first time outside of battle that he ever felt sore but in a good way. 
B was different from his previous partners. For starters, B was insatiable. He had the stamina of the Energizer Bunny. He kept going and going until Clark honestly lost count of the number of times they had sex after the tenth time. As insatiable as B was, he was a little surprised that B took off everything but his black t-shirt. When Clark tried to pull it off, B gave him a hesitant look which caused Clark to back off. Once he did that, B smirked and pounced on him. It was odd, but he did notice that B had several scars on his legs. 
Maybe he has worse ones on his chest. 
As Clark started caressing B’s leg, he smiled. B’s legs and arms were very muscular. 
He must have a rigorous health regime to stay fit.
“Are you looking for round two?” 
Clark looked down startled to see that B was smiling at him coyly.
Clark smiled while cuddling into B more and said, “I was just admiring is all. I am still recovering from our last round.”
B smirked and asked, “I tired out a big, strong, and handsome man like yourself? That I find hard to believe.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Believe it. I am sore in places that I didn’t know possible.”
B looked down and said, “Oh. Sorry about that. Sometimes, I can come across as too intense.”
Clark smiled softly while pushing B’s face up and gently caressing his cheek.
“I am sore, but in a good way. I have never been with anyone who could keep up with me like that before. It was very refreshing, and something I would love to explore again.”
B smiled coyly and said, “Ah, so you would like there to be a next time.”
Clark smirked and said, “Well, I did ask you on that date.”
B smiled as he leaned in to kiss Clark who leaned into the embrace. They stayed in each other’s arms until B leaned back and rested his head on Clark’s forehead. 
B said, “I look forward to seeing where you take me.”
B leaned down to kiss Clark on the cheek and then started to get up. 
“We should go downstairs and have breakfast.”
Clark looked up at B startled and asked, “Are you sure you want me to stay?”
B smiled and said, “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
Clark chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck and said, “I didn’t want to create an awkward situation between you and your son if he is up.”
B chuckled while looking down at his watch and said, “You don’t have to worry about Dick. It is 8 am right now. Dick is normally not up until after 10 on the weekends.”
Clark breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Dick was a cute and bright kid, but he didn’t want to have an awkward scene explaining why he was in the house in the same outfit as he was wearing last night. 
The duo got dressed and headed out of the library. As they headed downstairs, Clark noticed  B veered off to stop on the second floor. He followed B curiously until they went to the last room down the hall. Clark marveled at the room as they went inside. It was a huge bedroom. It had a king-size bed, an ensuite bathroom, several dressers, a computer, a TV, a gaming station, and a walk-in closet. As B headed for the walk-in closet, he said, “I just wanted to change into something more comfortable. If you like, you can borrow some of my stuff so you don’t want to walk around in your suit.”
Clark chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck and said, “I’m fine. I don’t want to be too much trouble.”
B smiled while coming out of the walk-in closet dressed in a fitted black tank top and grey sweatpants. Clark nearly drooled at how the whole look accentuated B’s muscles. B walked up to Clark with a blue t-shirt and black sweatpants. 
“I have a spare you can use. It is really no problem.”
As B placed the items in Clark’s hand, Clark rubbed the back of his neck and said, “You really don’t have to do this. I will be fine in the…”
Clark’s eyes widened as he felt the fabric of the items. He looked down at the clothing in shock and began rubbing them more and said, “These are softer than even the sheep I used to help raise on the barn. Where did you get these?”
B looked up thoughtfully and said, “I would have to ask Alfred. A friend of his created a unique cotton polyester blend in his clothing for their shop in the UK.”
Clark kept rubbing the back of his hand against the fabric. 
I have never felt anything this soft. This is so amazing!
Clark looked up sheepishly and asked, “Are you sure you're okay with me wearing this out?”
B chuckled and said, “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mind parting with it.” 
Clark smiled and said, “Thanks!”
Clark quickly put on his new outfit while B went into his walk-in closet again. As Clark finished getting dressed, B came out with a garment bag and placed Clark’s suit in it.
Clark smiled and said, “Thanks so much for this!”
B smiled and said, “You're welcome. Now let’s get something to eat. A certain someone left me particularly ravenous.”
Clark blushed as he followed B downstairs back to the kitchen. Clark was startled to see Alfred not only awake and dressed, but already placing down two plates with food already on the table. 
As Clark and B sat at the table, B said, “Morning Alfred.”
“Morning young Sir. I take it you had a good evening given the smile on your face,” said Alfred as he headed to the table with cups and pitchers of orange juice, apple juice, and milk and a pot of tea. 
B smirked while looking at Clark causing him to blush and said, “I had a really good time last night.”
Clark chuckled while looking down as Alfred came to the table with his own plate of food. After a couple of moments, Clark looked back up and noticed that on his plate were bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, and a stack of pancakes. 
As Clark started to eat, he looked at Alfred thoughtfully and asked, “Do you guys normally have breakfast at this hour?”
Alfred smirked and said, “No, not on the weekends. However, I had a feeling you guys might be up. If you come around here long enough Master Clark, you will realize that I am aware of everything that happens in this household.” Alfred turned to Bruce with a raised eyebrow, and said, “And I mean everything.”
B paused eating to give Alfred the side eye while Clark nearly choked on the apple juice he was drinking.
Did he hear us last night? Crap! I hope I didn’t leave a bad impression.
B went back to slowly eating his food and said, “I hope we didn’t disturb you last night, Alfred.”
Alfred looked up at Bruce with a raised eyebrow and said, “I did get an unexpected surprise when I went to the library to return the book I was reading this morning. One might remember to want to close the balcony door next time.”
Clark nearly spit up his food. B looked over at Alfred sheepishly. 
As Alfred went to take a sip of tea, he said, “I just hope that the young Sir would let you stay in one of the guest rooms next time. While the balcony has an amazing view, it does get chilly out there at night.”
B chuckled sheepishly and said, “You never hold back your punches, Alfred.”
Alfred smirked while drinking more tea and said, “No, not at all.”
Clark looked at Alfred mortified and sputtered, “I…am…so…sorry. I…know what…it….must…have…looked…..like…”
Read the rest on AO3
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raisinchallah · 5 months
since you are a queerbaiting scholar, I have a question that I don't remember if you've ever covered. Do you think the t'hy'la footnote in the Star Trek TMP novelization could be considered an example of queerbaiting or is it just too iconic to fall under that category?
oh unequivocally like for clarification for people i guess who have a more narrow and specific definition of queerbait i do think it like kind of dodges around the entire central conceit of hoped for "gay representation" or something that is not really the lens i think its viewed thru in 70s fandom the way it was in 2010s as in like the way people frame queerbaiting they want characters to join this pantheon of confirmed gay characters fitting a mold of existing gay characters on tv to some degree and nobody was assuming like from that tease that kirk and spock would be portrayed as a couple in future movies or anything the way the queerbait dance between creator and fandom was portrayed in 2010s queerbait discourse but i think it was probably the first and most high profile attempt to date for a creator to try and mediate the relationship between the media property shippers and ship haters through like a direct communication of like canon material i guess like i would have to go on a pretty big deep dive back into some of the random star trek zines ive looked at to find sources again im struggling to find it right now but i know i read some various responses from fans at the time and kirk/spock shippers did react negatively to the footnote in much the same way people reacted to like ship tease jokes in classic queerbait tv shows on tumblr which i found really interesting people did think it was trying to shut kirk/spock shippers down just as much as people thought it was energizing them and speaking to them it really threads the needle so perfectly by like opening the door to a whole new type of possibility and whatever to the types of people who want that while also in text saying theyre not lovers hah hah isnt that weird which i think some fans also felt uncomfortable about because it was like shining a light on their niche corner of the fandom letting people know there were people who thought the relationship between kirk and spock might be romantic but again ive only read like two accounts of this so i honestly have no clue how widespread each type of reaction was i wonder if it also like re inflamed fights about if they do or dont have sex lol because that was a whole thing which is slash was for people who believed it was sexual vs kirk&spock was like homoerotic friendship to nonsexual romance fanfic and these were bitter fandom divides as well but of course and like this isnt to paint it all in a negative light but i do think the dissenting voices get a bit lost in the history and i thought it was kind of fascinating how similar a lot of the weird mediations felt to like some actor at comiccon 2012 saying well i dont know but it could be romantic you know it creates the perfect vessel for everyone to see what they want thru it so i think in many ways it was groundbreaking queerbait but also tbh did it better than anything else like truly stoking the fires of fan speculation and probably introduced a lot of people to the idea of "the premise" and planted the seeds in their minds to begin with and again few other queerbait texts are out here inventing special words that mean lover for the characters to call each other few people that bold like again somewhat different context but it does kind of feel like a first of its kind broaching into that messy dynamic between fans and the powers that be as they sometimes called them and truly a fascinating iconic piece of queerbait history
ok upon further looking i believe i must have read a scan of "a careful analysis: the roddenberry footnote" by christopher randolph (a pseudonym for della van hise the author of killing time) that was printed in the star trek zine naked times issue #3 but i have been unable to locate an actual link to the full text beyond the excerpts from fanlore here [x]
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5, 12, 13, 21, 28, 42, and 46! :D <3
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Indeed I do! I’ve had her ever since I was five :) She’s pretty worn down now, but still very special. I honestly struggle to fall asleep when I don’t have her in the bed with me!
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
In no particular order:
my dear friend Pinestripe :) I want to hug you and close my eyes and bask in the happiness of being with you okay
Ghostbur!! It actually pains me that I will never be able to hug him. Like. Pains me. I want to hug him so freaking bad
a good irl friend <3 I haven’t seen him in months and I miss him badly
another good irl friend! I’ve known her the longest out of my friendgroup and I just. want to hug her again :’)
yet another friend! Online this time! It’d be so exciting to meet her in-person & hug her tightly oughhh
Two words: automatic toilets. They are DISTURBING. I have been deathly frightened of those things ever since I was six years old, and the fear really hasn’t lessened over time. I cannot explain this fear because it really doesn’t make any sense ajsgajgsjsgsjsg but I Do Not like them and I am Quite afraid of them.
How was your day today? 
Pretty good! I ate so many muffins at church :) And I had chicken nuggets for dinner yay!! I also drove for a bit and that was (surprisingly!) nice :0 Before that, I finished watching a Dream SMP stream that included Ghostbur, and it was so… 😭 Gahhhhhhh ordinarily Ghostbur is so sweet & caring & kind, but in this stream he was honestly pretty selfish :( It was sad to watch!!
But also really interesting! Ghostbur is a very sweet character, but he’s also… human. He still messes up a whole bunch and hurts peoples feelings. It’s super interesting to see all the complexities of his character, even if he isn’t acting in a very honorable way :’0
How are you, really?
Not bad, but… tired. I feel like I’ve been tired for months and I really don’t know why :/ I wish I could feel energized again.
But I have been writing more! Writers block seems to be fading away, and I’m very grateful. I’ve also decided that I want to track down & watch every single Ghostbur stream, which has been quite fun >:D It’s something I look forward to doing!
OH OH episodes of season two of The Wingfeather Saga are releasing every Friday :D That’s fun!
Mentally, I definitely haven’t been in a bad place, but I also haven’t really been in a super good place? Kinda neutral. Not exactly fun, but y’know. Could be worse.
I’m looking forward to seeing all my irl friends soon :) I seriously haven’t seen them in months and I miss them. They’re gonna stop by my house in a few weeks!
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
:0 :D
(I know I’m not mutuals with all of you guys, so let me know if you would like me to not tag you here! I just wanted to let y’all know that your blogs are lovely <3)
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Depends on what I’m sad about!
If I’m sad over a fandom/media thing, then I need to be able to sit with my sadness alone. Being able to work through my thoughts by myself is really helpful, and I honestly enjoy it whenever it happens!
If I’m sad over real life stuff, I need to talk to people. Mostly I need to know that I’m not alone—that other people have experienced what I’ve experienced, that I’m human, etc. I tend to self-isolate whenever I’m depressed/anxious, so hearing someone tell me that they can relate to my struggles is really really important.
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floydsg · 15 days
is it weird to feel a connection with papyrus undertale . and sans undertale
like for the longest time ive wondered which one of them im more alike but im not really funny nor realistic enough to be like sans, but im also not enough energized and optimistic to be like papyrus: i always felt like i was in a mix between the two and never really knew if there was any character in the utdr fandom that fit me (since its the only fandom im properly interest in since ages)
alas, floyd rants once again and you have to hear it.
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ohmeadows · 9 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
i wasn't tagged, i just wanted to do it 😌
How many works do you have on AO3? 10 currently. if we’re counting all past accounts and orphaned works… easily 50-60.
What is your AO3 word count? currently 149,834. if we account for the grand total, well. more. ha.
What fandoms do you write for? i’ve been in quite a few, mostly video game ones, but right now it’s mostly only honkai star rail on my mind though i have the odd rhaenicent idea rattling around.
What are your top five fics by kudos? you and me are a twisted fantasy (kafhime enemies to milkies), i’m on a leash called you (kafhime with dom himeko), da capo al fine (kafhime time loops), the dew of dying stars (ruanliu mara body horrors and cannibalism), and spark (kafxuan horny).
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes, i try to most of the time! i had a lapse this fall where i just didn’t have enough energy to do it for months on end, but i cleared my inbox of that backlog on january 1st. i’m trying to be more consistent going forward.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? none i can link bc orphaned or on old accounts, but i do love a good angsty ending if it makes sense for the way the story has been going. kinda aching to write one again i won’t lie.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? most of them are quite happy in terms of endings! i know people doomed so hard about da capo was going to have a sad tragic ending but that was… never in the cards for me. i already have it written and i’m very excited about getting there.
Do you get hate on fics? sort of. i wish people would offer up critiques instead of just leaving comments like “ew this is unhygienic”, “disgusting”, “can’t believe i read 8 chapters just for BOTTOM KAFKA” or whatever else pointless stuff i’ve deleted.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? mostly, yes. i think 99% of my writing stems from a very clear and vivid image of a sex scene, and then me building backwards to root that sex in a way that feels natural and consistent to both characters. and i'm always looking for some new angle in smut, or else it'll bore me, so that means exploring new kinks or dynamics each time.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? no, i frankly hate crossovers and it’s one of my blocked tags on ao3.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? oh yeah lol. sucks! what can you do! it always amuses me because if these people just bothered to talk to me in the way of “hey, i love x idea, i want to do my own take of it, can i discuss some ideas with you?” i’d be 100% down to help nurture that. i reblogged a post about it the other day but i definitely feel that fandom community has turned into a fandom clout competition which feeds into this, too many of us looking for a quick boost in some imaginary clout chasing.
Have you ever had a fic translated? several, yes. for a while i had a bunch of old fics translated into russian. it always flatters me that people would go through that effort with my works.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? yes, i’ve written a ton of unpublished wips with others and enjoyed the process, and then one i co-wrote with junie and published in an old fandom. i’d love to do it again, tbh, it’s incredibly energizing and fun, but wrangling two people’s creativity together over an extended period of time is always a lot of work and agreements, as well as being able to actually produce. you both need to trust each other and deliver.
What's your all-time favourite ship? uhm. i don’t know. i really don’t. ships by themselves don’t make me feel that excited, weirdly enough, but rather what people make exist in them. i have absolutely lost interest in compelling ships because the fandom de-fanged them, pulled their punches or morphed every single aspect about them into “uwu soft healing together”. (i could go into a long rant about how healing tends to be kinda… ugly…. in interpersonal dynamics. but that’s for another time.)
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? most of my unfinished wips i’m completely at ease with leaving behind in the dust. most. i do spend a lot of time thinking about a dorothea/rhea court drama au.
What are your writing strengths? visuals, i think. i have a very vivid inner eye when writing and the scenes play out like a movie for me, so i pay a lot of attention to the choreography and details of the scenes, where everyone’s hands are, and so on, to try and translate my inner vision to text. i can be a very harsh editor which means i’m always looking at what effect each scene is striving for — does it make sense for it to meander, or does it need to be snappier, sharper?
What are your writing weaknesses? i feel like my vocabulary could do with enrichment. i spend a lot of time looking up synonyms because they never stick in my head, and most of my reading books is spent noting down words in a notepad i’d like to use. sometimes i leave too much to be fixed in editing instead of putting it all down in the first draft. i don’t like involving too many characters so sometimes i think fics can get a bit too narrow — and sometimes i can play that for good effect, i guess.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? if you know it, sure, if you want; or at the very least use a beta who knows the language. i tried reading some fics that made use of my mother tongue and my god was it jarringly obvious google translate as well as irrelevant. i think it is worth asking twice what effect it will have for the reader and if it will come off as jarring.
First fandom you wrote for? lord of the rings! man i loved my mary sue silly era.
Favourite fic you've ever written? completed: spark. the amount of research i poured into it, as well as dedicating myself to convoluting fu xuan’s internal voice and outlook on things was some real hard work, but satisfying in the end. incomplete: the dew of dying stars. this one pushed me to research more, think harder about what i wanted to convey, and make them be worse. it’s been a very fun shift in how much i allow myself to dig deep, and relaxing and trusting the audience more. truly a new level of sicko weirdo fic for me.
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cyaino · 2 days
Omg I pulled an all nighter reading your fic, it’s SO good!? I remember reading through the first chapter thinking how amazingly floored I was, then I was completely sucked in entirely. Oh the comforts of my bed, a day off from work/school, enjoying an amazing Star Wars fic is the best way to re-energize.
I love love this fic so so much: How you fleshed out different characters that I could tell apart their traits for who they are—you giving each character their own spot light to shine and balancing out their interactions with other characters—it makes the world feel more lived in and lively: Obiwan being a sweetheart, Ahsoka being her silly self, even making more OCs up with Emma!!!, etc., how there’s actual support for/from other women characters (makes me so sad whenever anakin fics paint Padmé as just an obstacle), the writing style is such a wonderful mix of gorgeous, serious tone settings and also humor (I can’t count how many times I giggled and kicked my feet with what transpired), and I just LOVE the first few chapters so much with the plot of language barrier. I think it’s such a compelling story arc where the characterization is only through physical movements and tone; forced to be in the same helpless state as the Reader being confused about the newness of it all—the misunderstandings, the desperation finding different methods to communicate, body language/facial expressions. SO SO GOOD!!! AND YOU STILL PORTRAYED THEM SO WELL!!!
The plot is so interesting too with how much mystery shrouds—I came up already with so many theories of why things are happening/how they’ll end (really hyping myself up for Anakin/Padmé/Reader endgame); I won’t add it though cause this ask is already so long/don’t wanna accidentally spoil newcomers T_T but I love when fics work out storylines in a multidimensional way with it’s varying complexities of “what is going on…”
Chpt 12 was so beautiful too with how you described the setting of the foliage and lighting, ooooh I am living within your fic!!
I can’t wait to see more of your future chapters and where you’ll lead the story—I’m so so excited (for more horrors Reader will face LMAO) 💗
Btw! Do you have any fav Star Wars x Reader fic recs (LOL recs autocorrected to Rex’s)
AAAAAA omg i had to read this like four times cos i kept getting flustered, thank you for such lovely long messages <3 I always come back to these when I'm feeling lost while writing
It's hard to talk about without spoiling because I have so much planned out already, but it's so cool to see reactions as things develop. i need to write faster so I can babble about things that haven't been revealed yet
I'm particularly excited to develop the love triangle (more of a web tbh) and see people's reactions.
I'm so happy that the mystery is coming across too! It's so hard to balance the right amount of clues without being too vague or too forward ;; This is my first multi chapter fic, so I'm learning as I go, but it's been a lot of fun :D
Unfortunately I haven't been in the fandom very long, so I don't have any recs but i'll try to post about them when I do !
Again thank youu, sorry I take forever to respond, I'm a busy-adhd-bee but i appreciate it so much <3
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kcrabb88 · 1 month
Hi miss. Do you have any tips for a writer who has fallen out of the fandom niche of their WIP but desperately wants to finish that story, that also has trouble with finding words for even the story they want to finish? How does one work up to 100k+ masterpieces?
Hi anon!
Honestly, I think my best advice for getting yourself excited and invested again is to write the scenes you're looking forward to most. I write out of order pretty frequently if I'm struggling with a scene or a particular scene is just really THERE in my head, and that gets me excited for the rest! I think this could apply to renewing your enthusiasm for a fic you really want to finish, because you can remember what you enjoyed about it in the first place. I also think re-engaging with the canon material can do a lot to re-energize? This is maybe a fairly unpopular fandom opinion, but I think re-connecting with the original material of our fandoms can remind us why we loved the thing and got into the fandom in the first place.
As far as working up to longer fics, I think the key there is just step-by-step learning how to finish shorter work and taking that as the accomplishment it is! Once you finish shorter work, you'll feel more confident about finishing longer work. Every word you write toward finishing a fic, even if it's only a couple hundred at a time, will get you closer.
I hope this helps! <3
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bahbahhh · 11 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @novantinuum and @marimbles. thanks friends! <3 I loved reading your responses.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda. I like what I like. I have dabbled with FFX, too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the killing moon
begin again
desire path
like someone would
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Honestly, it means so much that people take time out of their day to let me know their thoughts/reactions to my stuff. I love the interaction, and I've shared this story before, but it was @embyrinitalics outreaching to let me know she enjoyed the killing moon (which had been on hiatus for YEARS) that help spring-boarded me into creativity again. A lot of these comments keep me motivated and energized, so I want to let people know I pay attention and care.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LOL this is hard. Angst is my jam.
I'm tempted to say the Killing Moon but probably almost beautiful? It's the death memory from botw and it's a oneshot without any resolution whatsoever.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tie between begin again and desire path.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some coldish comments, but not direct hate. I don't understand it. If you don't like something, just move on by? It's free content. It literally takes so much more of your previous energy to generate hate. Put it somewhere else. Find something else you actually like and pour love into that. Or as my kid's favorite book right bow Teeth are not for biting (send help) says "Try this instead: take a break, drink a cold drink, take a rest, get a hug!"
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written ONE smut fit. I was possessed by an idea. It is not my wheelhouse for sure. It was porn with plotish and I had more fun with the dialogue between the side characters than the actual sexy stuff. And I'm me, so it was sexy yet depressing LOL
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a FFX x BotW oneshot a few years ago that I actually took off my ao3.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I feel like this would be fun with the right idea. I really like doing collabs for events.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm a little worried about currents. I love the idea in my head, but its very VERY specific writing and of course I started it right before linktober and now my brain is all about the depths au. It's hard for me to switch gears.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love a good turn of phrase, man.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get BIG ideas and a lot of them and a lot of the time, I get lost in them. This happened in The Killing Moon. Of course, it was my first stab at fanfiction and I decided to write a massive multichapter monster, and perhaps, that is evidence enough for you, but I had so many ideas for the story/conflict/direction and I didn't spend enough time organizing it and weeding out what I don't need. I think it translated okay because of the mystery leading up to TotK and the fact I was working with characters that were trying to make sense of lost, incomplete, and inconsistently reported history over 10,000 but
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think the most important question a writer can ask themselves when doing this in a fic is "why am I doing this?" And then close follow up to that is "how can I do this correctly and respectfully?"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I really, really love like someone would. I love the complex characterization of Link and have carried it forward into other pieces. It's one big love letter to botw side quests and zelink and was also written in tribute to two of my favorite fanfiction pieces by others.
tagging: @embyrinitalics @fioreofthemarch @zeldaelmo @flutefemme
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lake-archive · 4 months
Chapter 5
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Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Characters: Leo Tsukinaga, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC)
Series: My Melody Of Love
Pairing: Leoann (Leo/Ann)
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The aim had been clear, Leo knew what he wanted to do! So he had been working tirelessly, day in and out. The melody to deliver his feelings with! And for a while he had noticed nothing but that! Once engrossed in his compositions he just couldn’t stop. He would neglect everything else yet that was nothing new to anyone who knew Leo at least a little. Once started it would take literal force to get him away and take a break. But it was just so much fun to work on it! Besides, he needed to make this a great one! This was not just any melody he was composing! Every composition comes from the heart of course but this one is especially important! He needs to get his point across, no matter what! 
Buuuut in the off chance he had broken free for a while to take a break he had decided to walk around a little. Not much else had been on Leo’s mind really, he just had to clear his head from time to time. He was not having anything in particular in mind either, not really at least, though Leo would take any chance he had been given.
What does that mean? Well, simple! It was whenever he bumped into Ann–Chan of course! It was rare to spot her outside the office but whenever he did he couldn’t help himself. He was about to jump in joy from just seeing her. So it was only natural that things would overcome him. Without thinking he had been headed into her direction. His feet moved quickly and before she could even react he would just throw himself right at her, arms wide before wrapping around her torso and pulling her close to himself.
“Yahoo Miss Ghost~!” He would always greet her, though noticing that his own smile had been wider than usual. Was that how she made him feel? She specifically? He wasn’t complaining, he loved the feeling. It was new but also made him even more energized. Not just that but he felt more ready than ever to handle anything! Even the non stop lectures and nagging he would be given! And if he had received them, Leo would just forget them in an instant! This feeling was great, almost somewhat addicting! He wanted to spend as much time as he possibly could with her! Even before he would confess anything!
But that time… Things were a little different… Leo had taken note of it very easily. 
Ann shrieked for a moment. That in itself was not unusual. After all, she had no eyes in the back of her head so she couldn’t see Leo exactly. And it was sudden, her gasping was no surprise whatsoever. Yet she nearly lost her balance if it had not been for him holding tightly onto her. “L… Leo–San? Wha—”
“Hehe, I just saw you around and wanted to say hello! Can I can I!?”
“Uh… Already did…”
“Oh right! I did! Wahaha~” Despite him keeping up his usual smile he had taken note of something… Her body was a little tense, stiff even. She didn’t move, not really at least. Not just that but her voice was a little more quiet than what he had been used to. Now, she wasn’t screaming usually or anything like that, she was always on the quieter side. But this was… A little too quiet. Something was up with her, he could tell. Overworking? Stress? At first he had assumed just that. So he tried to get her into better spirits! “So so, what are you doing here? Where are you going? Can I come with you? Can I can I?”
He tried to fill up the silence the best he could, perhaps saying a little more than he really needed to. And even then it took a little bit longer until she would answer his question. “The office.” It was short however, her response in an awfully soft tone. But it was not the comforting kind either. No, it was the unsettling type of softness, making anyone shiver upon hearing it with their own ears. 
“The office? You mean your own? Let me help you get there!” He suggested however, yet then adding: “Uhh… Wait, where was it again? I think I forgot… Do we go upstairs or downstairs here? Or do we have to turn to that corner?” He was thinking for a moment, truly, yet he felt the more he said the more tense the air between them got. It was as if Ann didn’t want to be there. As if she wanted to take her feet and just run. By now she had continued to move a little again yet her body was vibrating. Was she holding herself back? It was possible.
Though he had then realized that maybe holding onto her like this may not be the best decision in the end so he slowly let go, both of his arms removing themselves from her torso. Come to think of it, she had not faced him the entire time… This conversation was awfully cold. That… Was not the usual state of them talking. No, it really wasn’t. This felt… Weird. This entire conversation on its own could send shivers down his spine. Not even Leo wanted to continue talking. It was… Weird. Very weird. Why? Just why? What was going on? He didn’t understand… Where had that change come from? It felt so sudden… Even if it had crept up the past few days it was just… There. Noticeable now. Why? Why!?
“I… It’s fine. I can be… Finding it on my own. Thank you Leo–San…” She said and it was the last thing which had escaped her lips at the moment. A few steps and she was on her way. Not too fast yet there had been a visible hurry coming from her legs. It was a weird sight to look at… A sight which left him a little in shock as well. Was this really Ann he had been talking to? Or… 
“Alright~! I’ll see you later then! Bye bye~!” And yet he decided to not let it get to him, at least not visibly. Maybe it was just him imagining things… Yeah, that may as well be it. Everyone has their bad days after all! 
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cuddlepilefics · 2 years
Tickle in the throat
Fandom: Ateez
Sickie: Yunho
Caregiver: Ateez
Prompt by: @sicktember
Yunho is so out of it in the morning that he finds himself hazily stumbling along with the groups schedule never really having the opportunity to evaluate the signals his body is sending him.
No one’s POV.:
When Yunho woke up this morning, his throat felt like sandpaper. He faintly remembered how his nose had been a bit stuffy the evening before, so he had probably breathed through his mouth all night. That would also explain why his lips were so dry. “Come on, hyung”, Yeosang sighed, tugging on the other’s arm again, “You’re even harder to wake up than Sannie this morning. What’s up with you?” – “Huh?”, Yunho hummed, propping himself up on his elbows as he blearily glanced at his roommate’s bed. It was already empty, though it usually took the younger a while to get up in the morning. “No going back to sleep now, hyung, come on”, Yeosang frowned, patting his hyung’s arm when the older just blankly stared at the other bed. Oh yeah, Yunho realized, he should really get up. Nodding tiredly, he threw off the blanket and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Yunho rubbed his face and patted his cheeks, trying to shake the sleepy haze that still clouded his brain. That was when his attention went back to the dry scraping in his throat. Yeah, he really needed to get up if only to get himself some water.
He ran into Seonghwa in the kitchen, the oldest scolding him for not getting ready yet. Hongjoong pointing out the time they’d have to leave from somewhere close by. Yunho nodded apologetically, chugging a bottle of cold water before heading to the bathroom. For some reason, his throat still felt dry with the large amount of water he had just drank and while the cold temperature had felt nice on his throat, it didn’t feel nice in his tummy. He couldn’t help but shudder as he brushed his teeth, already deciding to wear a thick hoodie today. If Yunho wasn’t mistaken, they’d have two radio interviews this morning and dance practice in the afternoon, so it didn’t really matter how he dressed as people would really see him anyway. With that in mind, he threw on soft sweatpants and a thick hoodie. Autumn had barely started but the weather was making the change of the season pretty obvious, cold winds whipping around their faces the moment they set foot outside. Yunho could tell his two hyungs were disappointed in him. The two oldest members already had the chaotic maknae-line to look after and make sure they were ready on time, they didn’t need Yunho to be unorganized and slow today too.
Though Yeosang had been a little annoyed that he had spent so much time fighting Yunho to get him out of bed this morning, he was concerned by how out of character that was for his hyung. Maybe he had practiced late the previous night and really needed the sleep but that didn’t change the fact that they needed to get to their schedule on time. It really sucked sometimes, especially when Yeosang noticed Yunho dozing off with his head on Mingi’s shoulder right after the settled in their seats. The older obviously needed more rest but they didn’t have the time for that. Their next break a little more than three weeks ahead.
Yunho groaned when Mingi shook him. Did the rapper have no regards for his sore muscles? The nap hadn’t really helped Yunho feel more energized and all he got from it was a headache. “Are you okay, hyung?”, the younger asked lowly, offering his arm when he saw the other stumble. Yunho gladly held on to him, informing: “I’m fine just sleepy.” – “You sure? Your voice sounds scratchy”, Mingi noted, guiding him into the radio station. “Mhm”, the older hummed, needing to clear his throat right after, “Slept with my mouth open, so my throat’s been dry all morning. Had some water but well…” – “We’ll get you some more and Hongjoong-hyung will do most of the talking anyway, so try to rest your voice for now”, Mingi instructed. He made sure Yunho was with the rest of the members before heading off to get the older a drink. Not usually the clingy one, it was surprising that Yunho pretty much became Jongho’s shadow the second Mingi had left and the makne too was a little confused, eventually asking: “Why are you following me everywhere, hyung, and what if I need to use the toilet at some point?” – “Oh, uh- I wasn’t following you intentionally, I think”, the older stammered, turning aside to cough before continuing, “’m just tired and you’re acting the least chaotic.”
Jongho didn’t really mind his hyung following him around, especially because he understood the other’s reasoning. It did worry him though because he soon came to realize just how out of it the older acted. “Here, hyung, have some water”, Mingi hummed as he approached the pair and handed Yunho a bottle. He met eyes with Jongho, the maknae realizing that he wasn’t the only one, who noticed their hyung acting strange. The rapper nervously patted Yunho’s back when the older aspirated and started to cough hard. “You okay?”, Jongho frowned, watching his hyung worriedly. Yunho nodded and tried to catch his breath but he only kept coughing. By now, Seonghwa was making his way over to check on his dongsaeng too. If the younger was sick, it’d explain why he had been so slow this morning. Before the oldest could ask him if he was okay, Yunho had finally caught his breath carefully taking a few more sips of water to soothe his irritated throat. Placing a gentle hand on the younger’s shoulder, Seonghwa breathed softly: “Are you okay now?” – “I was just a little clumsy when swallowing, hyung”, Yunho chuckled but his voice sounded strained, “I’m fine.”
If there was something Yunho didn’t sound, it was fine but with only a few more minutes till the interview, Seonghwa didn’t want to push it. That didn’t matter he wouldn’t keep a closer eye on his dongsaeng from now on though as his gut told him there was more going on and it had been all morning. It wasn’t long till they went on air and Yunho was starting to get nervous. He hadn’t really been able to warm up his voice and after his coughing fit, his throat wasn’t only dry but painfully sore. They had been told about the song they’d be singing live after the interview but he had been to out of it to remember it now. Clearing his throat, Yunho lifted the water bottle to his lips and took another swig just for good measure before settling into his seat behind the mic. There was no way him singing would sound good right now and he was already dreading the posts about him not being a good enough vocalist to be in his group because he knew there’d always be people online, who took one bad performance to judge and ignore all the good ones.
He made eye contact with Seonghwa, the oldest noticing how his hands trembled with nerves. “You okay”, the oldest mouthed and this time Yunho only shrugged. Aware that they were on air already, Yunho pulled out his phone and typed: ‘I haven’t warmed up. What are we going to sing? This will so not sound good ☹’ Glancing at Hongjoong as the leader answered the first questions, Seonghwa accepted the phone and typed: ‘If you can’t, you need to let one of the staff know and they’ll play your recorded vocals instead.’ Yunho read over it but still looked incredibly anxious, probably not wanting to bother the staff at such a short notice. Seonghwa just grabbed his phone and wordlessly got out of his seat, approaching one of the staff members to show them their conversation, so they could hopefully make the changes in time. He knew the younger wasn’t nervous about his voice sounding bad because he hadn’t warmed up but rather because he was still hoarse, whether the earlier incident was to blame or if he was sick barely made a difference. He sounded rough and he knew it.
When Seonghwa handed Yunho his phone back, the younger found a note stating: ‘You won’t have to sing and I doubt there’ll be any questions directed at you specifically, so we can cover for you. Just turn off your mic.’ Yunho instantly complied, heaving a sigh of relief afterwards. Listening to the other members answering questions, he rested his head in his hands and frowned when it felt kind of warm against his palms. He still had a headache but now it almost seemed like he had gotten a fever on top of it or had it been there all morning? Not like he would’ve noticed it in the rush to get ready on time. Now that Yunho wasn’t distracted anymore, he had the time to pay more attention to his body and yeah, he was most likely running a fever. It made his head feel a little swimmy and he felt ready to sleep again but he knew he couldn’t. His throat was starting to itch again but just because his mic was off, didn’t mean someone else’s mic wouldn’t pick up his coughing. For a while, Yunho tried to control his breathing, hoping the need to cough would go away but it only got stronger the longer he kept fighting it. As his face slowly grew red, Seonghwa shot him a worried and questioning look. ‘Tickle in the throat’, the younger typed, flashing Seonghwa his phone before shoving it in his pocket and clamping his hand over his mouth. Yunho fought to choke back a cough as he grabbed his water bottle and fled the room.
Their manager was more than confused when Yunho jogged back to the waiting area. Their interview wasn’t over yet and the boy shouldn’t be back out already. When he felt like he had at least some privacy, Yunho allowed himself to cough, choking on the air he so desperately tried to force into his lungs. His throat burned as he kept coughing, doubling over from the force as he tried to steady himself against the closest wall before stumbling over to a chair. Weakly plopping into the seat, he opened his water bottle and tried to stop coughing at least long enough so he could have a sip and hopefully it would soothe the irritation but he didn’t even get the chance. Yunho’s hands trembled as he set down the water bottle, afraid he would drop it. Clutching his chest, he tried to force air into his lungs only to double over again.
Eventually, he managed to get a few sips of water down and the coughing eased up. At least, to the point where he could last a minute without coughing. Yunho rubbed his face, his head pounding from the strain. It had taken him a while but he was ready to admit it now. He felt awful. I stray tear trailed down his cheek only for him to harshly wipe it off. Although he knew the fit had lasted quite a while, Yunho was unaware his group had finished the interview and was already on the way back to the waiting area, their manager informing Hongjoong about what had happened with his dongsaeng. The leader worriedly exchanged a look with Seonghwa, the older frowning: “He left because of a tickle in the throat, had I known how bad it was, I wouldn’t have let him go on his own.” – “Not like you could really leave, hyung”, Hongjoong sighed, though he too felt guilty and upset. They should’ve known something wasn’t right. Yunho had been acting off all morning yet they didn’t check in with him. He was their oldest dongsaeng, so they figured he’d have himself handled but they didn’t confirm that and now they felt like the worst hyungs.
Yunho’s face was flushed, his eyes redden a little and Seonghwa felt his heart break. “Hey, you doing okay now?”, Hongjoong asked quietly, Yunho nodding with a smile the older could easily tell was fake. Clicking his tongue, Seonghwa walked up to the younger and rested his palm over the other’s forehead. The oldest frowned at the heat, scolding: “Why didn’t you say you were sick? That fever is pretty high.” – “I- I didn’t-“, Yunho choked out, having to turn away to cough. Seonghwa gently rubbed his back while Hongjoong grabbed the empty water bottle to get him a new one. “I-I didn’t know, hyung”, Yunho rasped, wiping his eyes, “My mind was too slow to make the connection.” – “Which isn’t really surprising, you’re burning”, the oldest cooed, “I’m sorry, I should’ve realized something was wrong when Yeosang couldn’t get you out of bed.” Yunho gratefully accepted the water Hongjoong handed him and sipped it slowly while the leader announced: “I’ll make sure you’re cleared of your schedule, at least for today, and we’ll have someone take you back to the dorm. We can see where it’ll go from there and how much more time you might need off but for now, you’re going home, so you can sleep.”
“Hyung?”, Jongho hummed as he walked up to Yunho, “I still had some cough drops in my bag. You sound like you need them more than me.” The older tiredly accepted the cough drops, storing most of them in the pocket of his hoodie but slipping one in his mouth right away. “Thanks, Jong”, Yunho breathed, massaging his throat. If only he had figured out the fact that he was sick earlier, he could’ve stayed in bed, neither having to rush, nor to embarrass himself and cause a scene. While Hongjoong made the arrangements to with their manager to change Yunho’s schedule, Seonghwa sat with the sick boy, rubbing his back through each coughing fit, though they came less frequent now. Eventually, Mingi took a seat on Yunho’s other side, offering: “Maybe you want to stay in my room, hyung. You really look like you need sleep and if you have a room to yourself, no one’s going to bother you.” – “Thank you”, the older whispered. He wasn’t sure whether he really wanted to take the other up on the offer, feeling like he’d intrude, but on the other hand, resting undisturbed did sound nice. He knew San would try his hardest not to make too much noise when returning but he was clumsy from time to time.
While the rest of the group had to head to their next interview, Yunho was taken back to the dorm, where he changed into softer sleep clothes and made himself a pot of tea. He did decide to take Mingi’s room for the time being as the groups schedule would end with dance practice and it would get chaotic once everyone fought to shower first and he didn’t want to witness that. Yunho poured himself a cup of tea and placed it on the nightstand before moving the tea pot to Mingi’s desk. He didn’t remember much of the remaining day after that, only that he had forced down a bowl of plain rice some time during the afternoon, so he could take medicine for his headache, but went back to sleep right after. It was late in the evening and Yunho had been going in and out of consciousness for a while, when he felt cool fingers brush against his forehead. “Hey”, Mingi whispered with a soft smile, “How have you been? You were out cold when we returned and neither woke up when I grabbed fresh clothes nor when San tackled Wooyoung on the way to the bathroom.” – “H-He did?”, the older yawned surprised, “Didn’t hear anything.” – “Mhm, how do you feel, hyung?”, Mingi chuckled. Shrugging, Yunho admitted: “Still meh, but I ate something and had some medicine. Not coughing as much, so I guess the tea is helping too. All I need are cuddles now.” – “Oh, really?”, the younger teased, earning a sleepy pout, “Alright, let me go and get a cold cloth for your forehead because you’re still feverish and then you can have your cuddles.”
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belle--ofthebrawl · 2 years
I feel we're kindred spirits with your Per elevator story: I have a "I was on vacation with Per in 2016 and I didn't realize what I had in front of me" story XD I hate myself for it so fucking much you wouldn't believe. I feel you buddy xD
Oh, that's so funny! Kindred spirits for sure. Our red string of fate is tied to his nipple rings. At least you knew for sure it was him. Meanwhile I'm tortured by my inability to remember anything beyond "Mm, breakfast good". I keep thinking, Was it him? The nose, it was the nose that sold me. AND the way he kept just. Side-eyeing me in the elevator. But he doesn't seem the type to just wear a beanie...then again, maybe his hair was just gross. I get it. (Look, I maybe got an hour of sleep after the Ritual, even WITH a gorgeous hot tub soak and some elderflower+rose cordial. Too excited! It was my first real concert. Ever. Can you blame me? So I was somehow exhausted, over-energized and possibly mildly hungover, ugh. I should brought my smelling-salts.)
I wish I could give everyone more details, but unless you want an in-depth review of everything I ate (and trust me, I took notes on the food.)...sorry. That's all I got. Shifty looks in an elevator, laughter after I left. If I could remember more...! Alas. Anyway, I suppose that's my fifteen minutes of fame in the Ghost Fandom. Hello everyone. I'm glad my torment delights you.
I have to know your story now! Only fair. Care to spill the beans?
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chibiclem · 2 years
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“Hetaclones Prologue : Dear brother”
"His usually blue icy eyes were trying their best to hide the sadness, but his clenched jaw was betraying him. The final destination was near, and the three dogs, all silent, had now left him to surround the stone plate on the ground, at the back of the seemingly abandoned garden. Only their tails were moving slowly, their head and ears down.
It’s at this moment the yellow dot, that had awakened during their trip, began to flap his little wings, emitting a heartbroken chirp as he recognized the plate.
Like thunder, the bird flew directly on the epitaph and cried his soul out, causing the nation to tear up a bit as well. How was he gonna talk now? Berlitz whined in his direction, and came to comfort him, making him feel again a pang in his heart. He crouched down to caress him, feeling the warm touch of his compassionate dog.
Now, he had regained enough courage to place solemnly the bouquet of cornflowers and to greet his brother properly.
“Hi Gilbert...”
It had been 25 years now. It had been this long since Prussia had disappeared, not even letting a body behind to bury, right after the Collapse of the Berlin wall. But even now, despite all this time, Germany just couldn’t stand his absence." **** From my fanfiction "Hetaclones", belonging to the very already garnished Axis Powers Hetalia fanfiction! OuO Took me forever I swear! (I'm always 2 years later on fandom haha) I've always wanted to actually draw my Hetaclones fanfiction, instead of writing it, but it was impossible for me in the time and I really had to let the story out of my system. I've however never abandonned the idea of making illustration to it! So here's the prologue and then we will see If I manage to do all the chapters haha! The dogs and race are my choice : Berlitz is the cream labrador, Aster the german sheperd and Blackie the dachshund. I've always feel that Berlitz was the most ancient of them and was more sensitive to, his owner; but Blackie is more affectionnated and energic, and since it was difficult to put him on the picture because he's a very small boi; I put him on Germany's lap whereas it should be Berlitz. *** If you're interested in reading it : On DA : https://www.deviantart.com/chibiclem/art/Hetaclones-Prologue-868122226
On Archive of Your own : https://archiveofourown.org/works/27757294/chapters/67944340
On Fanfiction.net : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13802581/1/Hetaclones
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