#and girl tell me why this woman knew how to spell my last name
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Maybe it’s the delusions again but maybe… just maybe….. everyone is out to get me
#so i got my passport photos taken today because.. it’s a thing you have to so sometimes#*to do#and the lady was like ‘can i take an email address to send the photos to?’ so i began to say my name#and girl tell me why this woman knew how to spell my last name#i’m obviously not going to dox myself here so this has to remain vague but i have a french last name that is notoriously hard to spell#like i have never not had to spell it out to people. but she heard me say it the one time and then spelled it for me????#never happens. absolutely disarming experience#and then she saw my confusion and gave me this weird little smile???#i was like. what does that mean. why do you know how to spell my name that less than 1000 people share#did my mom piss you off at some point. did my dad piss you off at some point. did i piss you off at some point and i’ve forgotten?#was it my niece?? maybe a distant relative??? who in my family line do you have beef with#like maybe it was a lucky guess and she also has a weird awkward french name but i doubt it somehow#and THEN i went in coopland’s for lunch and managed to snag a table that was next to where people were queueing for the counter#and while i was eating someone walked past me to join the queue and said ‘hiya’#i just gave the world’s most awkward nod because whoooo is this person#so then i looked behind me to get a closer look at her and make sure i hadn’t snubbed a really obvious person who i do in fact know#and she did not look familiar At All. which made the fact that she was giving me the evil eye that much weirder#maybe she was confused about why i was looking at her. maybe she just has rbf. maybe she was on the phone? maybe she thought i was someone#else and was mad at me for not being them. idk. but it was all a bit much#i didn’t like any of this. i don’t like when it feels like people know me but i don’t know them. feeling very truman burbank-esque#🎶I ALWAYS FEEL LIKE SOMEBODY’S WAAAATCHING MEEEEEEE (AND I HAVE NO PRIVACY)🎶#anyway if you need me i’ll be rehydrating because i definitely didn’t buy a drink in coopland’s because i didn’t want to pay £1.25#for bottled water ✌🏻#personal
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Wrong Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles pranks Y/N by calling her the wrong name to see how she would react, it did not go well
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: inspired by @23victoria post “what did you call me” also I figured Y/N put Charles through two TikTok pranks, it’s only fair Charles pulls a prank on her. Same universe as “say it back” and “can you get out?” Also, super sorry if your name is Romina.
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Charles was on TikTok because he couldn’t sleep and saw a video where a girl called her boyfriend by the wrong name. He decided to take it upon himself to pull this prank on his girlfriend. He just hopes she doesn’t get angry.
“Muñeco, im getting groceries for dinner, I’ll be back soon!” Y/N calls out.
“Okay, Mon ange.” Charles said, getting off the couch to say goodbye to his girlfriend properly. “I love you.” Charles kissed Y/N.
“I love you too.” Y/N said before leaving. Charles decided to play video games and when he heard the door open 30 minutes later, that’s when he decided to put his plan into action. Y/N was putting the groceries away in the fridge when…
“Hey Romina, what did you buy?” Charles said and Y/N closed the fridge and the bags that were on the counter were long forgotten because she was now in front of the TV.
“What did you say?” Y/N asked.
“I said ‘hey Y/N, what did you buy?’ Are you feeling alright?” Charles asked, pausing his game. He felt so guilty for the gaslighting.
“The hell you did, you just called me Romina. Who the fuck is Romina?” Y/N asked in a louder tone.
“Romina, calm down.” Charles said and that’s when he knew he fucked up.
“First of all, you never tell a woman to calm down, have you learned NOTHING from watching TV or having other girlfriends? Second, you just called me Romina AGAIN! So please, calmly tell me…” Y/N said as she went to their bedroom to get one of her chanclas 🩴 “who the hell is Romina before I become like my mother and beat your ass with this chancla.”
“There’s no need to get violent, Y/N.” Charles said.
“Really? Then tell me why did you call me Romina.” Y/N said.
“It was a prank.” Charles said. “I saw a TikTok of girls calling their boyfriends by the wrong name and I wanted to see how you would react.” Charles confessed shyly.
“You chose THAT prank, specifically THAT one, to pull on me, a girl who has been cheated on before?” Y/N asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I didn’t think it through actually.” Charles admitted.
“Menso, i was actually gonna hit you.” Y/N said.
“You love me too much to hit me.” Charles said.
“That’s true. Anyway, I have to finish putting the groceries away because someone decided to be a pendejo and prank me. Like why would you prank me? I’m a freaking delight.” Y/N said, walking save to the kitchen
“You pranked me twice, ma Belle!” Charles exclaimed, following her.
“Okay but those were cute pranks, that prank would have ended up with me in jail.” Y/N said, putting the groceries away on the fridge, freezer, and pantry.
“I would never let you go to jail.” Charles said,
“Hey, so while I’m cooking dinner, I’m gonna put on some music, okay.” Y/N said.
“Yeah that’s fine.” Charles said and they kissed. Y/N out her phone on full volume to CUIDADITO by Becky G and Chiquis, singing out loud and specific part.
“Yo no soy celosa pero si eso pasa me transformo en otra. Te poncho las llantas dormirás afuera y esa misma noche le marco a mi suegra para que recoja a la cochinada que un día parió. Te rayo el carro te quiebro los vidrios y voy a llamar a todos mis amigos para que me ayuden que en un pisteada lo arregló yo. Nomas cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno que todo eso lo hago y hasta más me atrevo y no mas te advierto que cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno de la que te salvaste da gracias a dios que nomas fue una broma.” Y/N sung, changing the last two words (which are originally ‘un sueño ’ which means ‘a dream’). I’m not a jealous woman but if that were to happen, I become a different person. I’ll slash your tires, you’ll be sleeping outside, and I’ll call my mother in law that same night to pick up the piece of shit she gave birth to. I’ll key your car, break your windows, and I’ll call my friends so they’ll help me, I’ll handle it in one good beating. If you cheat on me, just be careful because I would do all of that and even more, I’m just warning you to be careful if you cheat on me. You got lucky, thank god it was only just a prank
“Mon ange, what’s that song about?” Charles asked curiously.
“The song is about a women who dreamt that her husband cheated on her. She would have done some crazy shit if he actually cheated her so he’s fucking lucky it was only a dream.” Y/N said with a smile.
“But you sang ‘broma’ and that’s means ‘joke’…” charles said,
“Or prank.” Y/N said,
“You sang that for me?!?” Charles yelled.
“Yes I did so you know, cuidadito.” Y/N warned.
“I Don’t know whether to be scared of you or attracted to you.” Charles confessed and Y/N laughed.
“Both work, mi Amor. You want lomo saltado or tallarines saltado?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the difference?” Charles asked.
“Lomo has French fries and is served with rice, tallarines is pasta.” Y/N said,
“Pasta please.” Charles said,
“Of course, muñeco.” Y/N said, chopping the steak into little strips while humming the music to CUIDADITO and Charles stared at her because he found himself humming too.
“You know I would never cheat on you, right Y/N?” Charles asked just to make sure.
“Of course I know you’d never cheat on me. But the song is so catchy.” Y/N commented and that made Charles feel so much better. He walked up to Y/N and hugged her from behind as she continued to chop the steak, he kissed her shoulder.
“I love you,” Charles said,
“I love you too.” Y/N said,
The End
Hope y’all liked it! A silly little one shot for giggles 🤭
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jaylienpotter · 1 year
Part 3 of Let them be | 1.9K words
> Part 2 | Part 4 <
Let people want both
Remus, James and Peter were outside already, waiting for Sirius to join them to go to Hogsmead. Remus was getting impatient (it was getting close to that time of the month), it was unbelievable the amount of time someone could take to get ready. They always expected him to take longer, hence why not waiting at the dorm. But that day Padfoot was taking especially long.
Lupin's frown became something else entirely. Thin lips parted, brown eyes wide and cheeks most certainly darker than usual. Siri looked absolutely gorgeous, hot, perfect.
"Looking good Pads!" Prongs greeted the last marauder with his usual cheerful grin. But he didn't have the tall boy's slightest attention.
"You think?"
"Yeah! Girl day?" Sirius hummed affirmatively and got closer. Fuck did he she look even better.
"Where did you get the clothes?" The short blond boy was still getting used to the whole gender thing, but it had gotten better since the protest they did for Regulus.
"Well, Marlene gave me the skirt, said it's a tad too big on her. The top is mine but I cut it to be cropped. Not bad, I'd say. Definitely not the straightest but it's me after all. And I don't know, it gives it a grungy style. The fishnets are Mary's. I was expecting it to be uncomfortable but it's not, really. The accessories are all mine except for the bracelet, which is also Marlene's. The boots are mine, obviously. It would be fun to maybe get heels at one point but I don't think they exist in my size."
"You can always try spells. You look wicked, anyway!" Potter turned to Remus, who was very much panicking on the inside. "Y'alright, Moony?"
"Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah." Was that suspicious? He was quite collected in general but something about that man - or woman, person, didn't really matter - made him feral. He wanted Sirius to be his. He needed it. But he was far too awkward and shy to ever make a move. I mean, what if it ruined their friendship?
"Look!" Pads lifted her rectangle black sunglasses to show an amazing eye look (not that Remus knew much about makeup) that made her grey eyes pop. "I did it myself! Lily has been teaching me how to make different looks with makeup."
"You're on a first name basis, now? You're not stealing Evans from me, Pads, are you?" He squinted as if threatening, not that he would ever hurt his best friend.
"No, don't worry. I'm still very much into blokes."
"Good. Anyone you got your eyes on?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Suddenly focused on the conversation, a million thoughts raced through Rem's head. Did Padfoot have a crush? Who could it be?
"Secretive. I'm onto you, Pads. And how about you Moony? We all know Pete is devoted to the Ravenclaw boy-"
"Merlin! I've told you already, Benjy and I are just friends."
"Sure." Round glasses turned to Moony, who, for once, was feeling somewhat brave.
"I guess you could say I fancy someone." He hoped to get a reaction from said person.
"Ooooo! Who is she?" This was his moment.
"Why are you assuming it's a girl?" There it was. Pads looked up, interest peaked. It could only be from curiosity, she always enjoyed some drama. Or maybe, hopefully, it could be deeper than that.
"Am I the only straight person here?"
"Well I'm not gay, because I don't fancy Benjy. I don't fancy anyone." Poor Pete. James wouldn't leave him alone about it, constantly teasing.
"Whatever you say, Wormy. Who's this person, Moony?"
"Ain't telling." He was feeling brave and maybe even impulsive. But not even the full moon made him an idiot.
"Aww, come on! Why don't you lot tell me anything?!"
"Perhaps because you're extremely obvious and embarrassing." He did have a point. Although that wasn't the reason in this case.
"Awn, do I embarrass you in front of eagle boy?"
"You're insufferable!" Potter chuckled, deciding it was enough teasing.
"Well, where we off to first? Zonko's?"
"We should go there last. We will need quite a lot of things, we're running out of stock for pranks."
"What would we do without you, Moony?" Get in a lot more detentions, that's for sure. "Three broomsticks?"
They all agreed and went to the pub, ordering butterbeer. After a while of talking about nothings, Peter got up.
"I have to go for a bit."
"Meeting a certain someone whose name starts with a B?"
"Sod off, Potter. I'll see you later." He was barely out the door when James got up too.
"Oh shit! I also need to go. I want to buy Lily some flowers. See if this time she'll accept going on a date. Sorry mates." He took some coins from his pockets (most of them galleons, rich prick) and messily left them on the table. "Uh this should cover some of the drinks. I'll meet you at Zonko's in like 30, yeah?"
"Just go, lover boy."
"Thank you, you're the best!" And then it was just them. It's not like they were never alone, but it was especially hard to focus when Sirius looked like a hot rockstar. No matter where Lupin looked, he could easily get flustered. Face? Amazing makeup that he wanted to kiss. Top? You could see her abs under the crop. Bottom? Obviously the mini skirt. There was no way out.
"You seem distracted."
"Hm? Do I?" Fuck.
"Yes. Is it because of the person you fancy?"
"Maybe." Absolutely.
"I didn't know you were bi." The lanky boy just shrugged, afraid to say something stupid. "Do I know him?"
"You know everyone."
"You know what I mean." Another non answer, a sip of the butterbeer that was near the end. "Do you know if he's gay? Or bi or whatever."
"He is."
"What does he look like?" They were getting into dangerous territory. There weren't many males at hogwarts with fucking grey eyes. Join the long black hair and it was a given.
"Why the interrogation? You also didn't give us much closure."
"Ask me things, then." He pondered. He desperately wanted to find out if Padfoot had any interest in the boy across from her.
"Do you fancy someone?"
"I do." Could be anyone.
"What's his house?"
"Gryffindor, of course. I have high standards, Moons." Siri was the only person that called him that. Got this man on his knees every time.
"I mean you dated a Ravenclaw."
"Shhhh we don't talk about him."
"Right." Brown eyebrows came together "Is it- is it James?" It made sense. They were always together, after all. And Potter was always complimenting his best mate.
"Prongs?! Fuck no! He's my brother. Why? You don't fancy him, do you…?"
"No, no!" Different Marauder.
"What's his house?"
"Also Gryffindor. What does your crush look like?" It could go downhill from there very fast.
"Brown hair. Brown eyes." Matched… "Bad sense of style." Listen. Remus didn't have a bad sense of style. He just liked to be comfortable. Although he could be the one in the description since Black said he looked like a grandfather.
Before Rem could answer, probably ask something that was more specific, a crash and shouts were heard a few tables over.
"Let's go somewhere else?"
"Sounds good."
After paying, Moony awkwardly followed his crush to a secluded area in the street.
"How about you? What does your crush look like?"
"Dark hair…" Pads hummed, encouraging to continue. "Light eyes…" Bastard was smirking. Smirking at the pink cheeks across the scarred face.
"I see…" She got close. Very close. "You know, Lupin. I couldn't help but notice you get particularly shy whenever I'm wearing a skirt. Any reason?" He didn't say anything. I mean, what was he supposed to say? Sirius obviously knew the answer already. "I'd say you simply like short skirts but I don't see you staring at other girls like that." His cheeks matched the colour of their house and he could be playing quidditch with how fast his heart was beating. "What is it, Remy?"
"Siri…" His voice was pleading, his eyes were pleading, his heart was pleading, he was on his knees and she was well aware of that.
"No no." She took his chin and made him look into those grey eyes. "Say it."
"I…" Shit, he was nervous. "I… like you…"
"Was that so hard? If all I needed to do to get you to like me back was to wear a skirt, I would've protested a lot sooner."
"It's not since the skirt… It's been longer." The Black smirk. Annoying and hot. He just wanted to kiss it, aware the bold red lipstick would get smudged on both of them.
"Remus John Lupin, you fool." And just like that, their lips met. Pale arms around the taller one's neck. Moony put his arms around her and pulled her closer, feeling her bare skin and melting into the kiss.
Merlin knows how long the kissing lasted. Time didn't exist between those two. After what seemed like an eternity and yet not enough, they parted.
"You have some lipstick on you." She chuckled and cleaned some of it with her finger. "I'm making it worse…"
"That's okay. I'll wash my face."
"Woooooo!" Turning around, there was a short Filipino blondie cheering them, holding hands with her dark skinned girlfriend. "Fucking finally! You better tell me the details, Black!"
"Fine! Now sod off Mckinnon!" She laughed and pulled Dorcas, walking away. "Well…"
"I uh… I'll wash my face at the pub."
"I'll walk with you." The silence was a tad awkward. At least to Remus. His crush took his hand and broke the ice. "So, since when do you fancy me?"
"I'm not sure… A year, maybe? You?"
"Awww really? You should have come out sooner. I've liked you since fourth year. Never made a move because I thought you were straight. And even after the protest, I wasn't sure if you just found me attractive because I look like a girl."
"No, I like you when you're masculine too. The skirt just… I don't know, has a different effect. Wait here?"
"Is my lipstick smudged?"
"A bit."
"I'll go too." They went back to the pub they had left some minutes ago. Pads went to the girl's bathroom while Remus cleaned his face and grinned at the mirror in the men's. When they met again, the red lips were as lively as before. They stained Moony, the shape of a kiss on his left cheek. "Sorry. Had to."
It had been over 30 minutes since James left to fetch Lily a gift. So naturally, he and Pettigrew were already waiting at Zonko's.
"There they are! Where were you two- Is that lipstick?!" The werewolf blushed and looked down while his partner held up their hands grinning.
"We're dating!"
"What?! You were each other's crushes?!" Wormtail shook his head.
"You are so oblivious, Prongs."
"Wha- You knew?!"
"Everyone with eyes and some common sense knows those two have been pining over each other. Congrats on figuring it out, it was getting painful to watch."
"Wormtail!" Pads gasped dramatically, her hand over her chest. "How could you stay quiet?"
"Wasn't my place to say anything. And it was quite entertaining to watch how stupid you both were." Sirius seemed offended, but Remus couldn't help but find the whole situation hilarious.
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gauloiseblue · 6 months
Though he made the same mistake twice, he soon knew her name through other people's mouth
The town's people seem to take interest in her, as well as him. Whenever he walks through the market, one or two people will stop him, either to ask him about himself, or introduce themselves to him
It was nice and casual, until he told them where he lives
It's a wonder how people's face change when they hear it, and how her name immediately rolls out of their mouth, as if they're all under the same spell
Though he promised not to find out about her, he couldn't help it when people talk about her to an extent
"She's very strange, she doesn't talk too much either about herself."
"That girl is surely pretty. Pretty and mysterious. The kind of woman that mothers tell their sons to stay away from, don't you think?"
"She's a witch, I saw her feeding a black cat everyday, it must be her familiar."
"I think she's a mistress of some gang leader, or a politician. Have you look what's inside her house? You should, and you'll agree with me on this."
She's very kind, she bought my son a huge toy, telling me that it's rare for someone to like… what's that toy's name? Lego. She said it's rare for someone to like it."
"I heard she bought a bull for the cowman down the road, that's why the old man refuses any payments from her."
"She's up to no good. Did you know that she hired a young man to work in her garden? Oh, poor boy, he didn't know he'd get eaten by her."
"She's very misunderstood. Me and my husband almost closed our bakery because we couldn't manage our debt really well, but she helped us when I told her that. She didn't ask for anything, but people kept telling me that she's gonna take my husband. She's not! She just likes our bread. But people wouldn't listen. And because of that, she rarely visited us anymore."
"Oh?" He commented, "Have you talked about it to her?"
"Yes, I told her everything, I even told her that no matter what, I'd trust her more, but she dismissed me, telling me it's not wise." Her face heated up as she spoke, "You might think that I'm a fool, but sir, I can see people's heart. She's very kind, but she's lonely. I think she's been distrustful towards other people for so long, that's why she seems strange."
"Well, she does seem to be in her own world."
"But she's very kind, sir. I can assure you that. I hope you'll see it someday, because I think she really needs a friend."
He smiles, "She already has it. A good friend, in fact."
"Oh." She blushes at his words, "I'm not a good friend sir, I can't even defend her in front of people."
"But you did change my perspective on her." He told her, "I think that's enough proof."
"I'm glad if you do, sir." She smiles, which lets her innocence shine through, "Oh! If it doesn't bother you, sir," She then fumbles on the paper bag and puts a loaf of sourdough and other breads inside, "Do you mind if you give it to her? I know she's been baking her own bread now, but I want to give her something."
"Sure, I'll send your regards to her."
It seems to lighten her mood, and she shouts 'hope you'll come again sir' when he leaves
On his way out of the market, he replays most of his conversations in his head. Even though it's all just gossips, there should be a grain of truth in it, and it tickles him with the fact that he can easily find out about it
After 15 minutes of walking, he catches the sight of her home. It does look mythical from far, maybe that's the reason why the kids in town called her a witch
To his surprise, she opens the door when he knocks. She narrows her eyes when she sees his face
"You've visited my house three times in a row, do you like me that much?"
"Maybe I do." He gives her his smile, "Went to town today, someone from the bakery asked me to deliver this to you."
She picks up the paper bag from him, and furrows her brows when she sees the content
"Oh no… I just made bread today."
"You can always have room for one more."
"No, sourdough won't last that long." She said, "... Guess I have to give it away."
"Give it to me, then."
She eyes him and the paper bag in his hand, "Didn't you already buy one?"
"I always welcome free foods."
She looks at him, before chuckling, "So you're that kind of people." She said, stepping aside, "Come in then."
He takes the offer gladly
The inside of her house is as enchanting as the outside, with statues, colorful rugs, and artworks scattered around the room, making it almost like a museum
The kitchen is also the same, with different kinds of plates and mugs. The gramophone sits on top of the island, playing a familiar song
"You like Prince?"
"I do." She said while checking the oven, "You know him?"
"Big fan of him."
"I didn't take you as someone who likes Prince."
"What's your take on me then?"
"You like metal."
"I do like them."
"That's good." She takes her eyes off the oven, "5 more minutes, and it's done. Have you had breakfast?"
"Not yet."
"Does smoked salmon sandwich sound good?"
She pulls the ingredients and the plate, and cuts 2 slices of the baker's bread, lightly toasts them, before assembling the rest of it on top of the bread. He winces when she spreads the cream cheese on top of them, but he knows he has no right to complain
There's a change in her demeanor, as if she's no longer cold around him. Or maybe that's just his pride talking
"Here you go." She pushes the plate toward him, "Hope it's to your liking."
Which, surprisingly, it is. The cream balances the saltiness of the smoked salmon, and the leaves (he has no idea what those are) on top of it gives a slight bitter, but refreshing taste.
She takes the bread from the oven, and put it on a rack to cool it down
While he eats, he watches her unpack the bread from her friend
"She's too generous."
"Liv." She sighs, "I can't possibly eat this many breads. She even gives me brioche."
"You can always share it with other people."
"Yeah," She said, "Mr. Harris likes sweet bread."
She begins to wrap the bread with parchment paper, and ties it up. She then stores the rest of it, except for a small bread, of which she gives it to him
"Liv's brioche is good, you'll come to like it." She told him as she put it in the paper bag, along with her bread
"Thanks a lot, (name)."
"So you've learnt my name."
"Can't help it, everyone in town talks about you."
"Guess it's inevitable then."
Back at home, he unpacks his groceries, along with her bread
Out of curiosity, he slices himself a piece of bread to taste them, and although the sourdough he ate earlier was amazing, something about a handmade bread that makes him warm
Maybe he, too, has been alone for too long
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wifeofsnowbaird · 9 months
You put a spell on me
[A/N: I was too lazy to wait for the end of the poll. also i haven't watched the show and wikipedia is kinda holding me up so don't get mad at me for messing smth up, i'll go on the fan wiki tho, they always have everything.]
[EDIT: guys I forgot about the civil war 💀💀💀 I finally fixed it tho so yay]
Part 1/Part 2
[Billy the Kid (Tom Blyth's version) x desi!oc]
Warning: description of blood, slight violence, flogging, racism, flogging, slaves, smut in maybe part 6?
Summary: Sheila was a slave taken by a British couple at the age of 12 for her singing. She was brought to America even though they had the 13th Amendment where slavery was abolished. She saw a friend of hers, who was brought with her, getting flogged and that was her last straw, proceeding to run away. Until she sees the most notorious outlaw in the South, then she settles to free her friends from the British couple that came to America for money.
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It was July.25, 1878, Lincoln County, New Mexico. Sheila woke up to nothing but harsh screams coming from one of her friends as she was beaten and whipped. She felt worried because the girl was new…Unlike Sheila who had been with the owner since she was twelve, merely because his wife liked her singing when they had come to visit British India.
Her friend, Catherine, was a sad sixteen-year-old, mourning the death of her parents. They had threatened the owners of telling law enforcement what was happening but they knew that they wouldn't do anything about it.
The other slaves ran to her screams but were faced with fear and did nothing besides revel in their powerlessness. Sheila sat there, her damp brown skin and greasy raven hair clinging to her shell of a body. She knew how this would end, knew that they would be feeble against the man–Edward J. Mason– but she was ready to clean Catherine’s wounds and reassure her that she would be alright.
“Oh, look at my slave, Sheila, so obedient! You never have to hurt her, Edward!”
The sadistic gray-haired man chuckled, kissing his wife.
“ And aren’t I glad, Penelope! We chose her when she was twelve, it has been seven years since, of course, she’d love us, this is why I love Indians! They always gift us with beauty and trust.”
They both glanced at the gaunt, starved girl before chuckling. The Mistress patted Sheila’s head and reached for a rake beside her, beckoning to the other slaves. 
Penelope Mason was a woman no different from her husband. Many wives were afraid of their spouses but Penelope was a wife who had nothing but pride in her bones. The rake in Penelope’s hand was covered in blood, meant to whip the slaves that threatened their control and most times Sheila could willing block out the screeches and screams, but now she just felt angry, ready to beat the couple with no morals. 
But she was stuck being useless to defend them.
Fear is a burden that was attached to her like a drug, and only withdrawal held her back from screaming her heart out.
Until she found a boy with the brightest blue eyes. 
From what she’d heard, he was an outlaw.
Billy the Kid was infamous because he was the man who killed a sheriff months ago, and chased out of the state. It was a mystery how he gained the courage to return to New Mexico.
“ Who’re you?” The man questioned, his vibrant cobalt eyes gazing at her with hostility.
Sheila didn’t want to think more about the dominant color in his entire posture and frame. His clothes were darker than sin and brighter than the sun, but his eyes were the only thing she could pay attention to, causing her to ignore their proximity.
“ I am a slave, belonging to the Mason family.”
He tilted his head, shocked eyes analyzing their surroundings.
“ I didn’ ask what you were forced to be, I asked who you are.”
“ My name is Sheila, is that what you want?”
“ Huh, I’m Billy, but considerin’ the poster you were starin’ at a min’ ago, you already know that. But...how did you...No, how dare they have slaves!”
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The dividers were made by @wandanatromanova
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doudouneverte · 1 year
...in the entire... | Purple Realm AU
Summary: When Agatha and Strange tried a new spell, everything goes wrong and your wife was touched. But after thinking you came at a way to fix their mess, only Agatha Harkness can counter a spell of Agatha Harkness
Pairing: Agatha Harkness x Female!Reader; America Chavez x Female!Reader (platonic); (variant) post Salem!Agatha Harkness x Female!Reader; (variant) dark!Reader
Type: Angst
Warning: death of a character (not visual)
word count: 1852
<<Previous part
[Universe 717,???] On the other side of the portal, we were in a forest. Something was familiar, and after I examined the forest, I found why. It was in this forest that I met Agatha for the first time.
"Okay, here we should find an Agatha with her powers, so she should be able to help us." America said, and I nodded.
"Why didn’t you bring us here at first?" I asked.
"You said I should focus on your Agatha, and she’s a big mother figure for me." She replied, and I didn’t find anything to reply to, but fortunately for us, someone seemed to find us.
We looked in the direction of the sound to find a familiar woman. "Agatha?" we both said, a little surprised. This version of Agatha seemed more surprised than us.
"Who are you?" she asked. She raised her hands, and they were glowing purple. "And how do you know my name?"
"Uh... it's a long story, but we need your help." America said her.
This version of my wife was strange; she was like my Agatha, but something was very different from mine and the previous one we saw. I looked around us, but I heard something hit the ground near me and found America lying near me. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"I will repeat myself; who are you?" she asked.
"It's me, Y/n." I said, but she just furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head.
"And who are you? No, I have a better question: "How do you know me, and why do you need my help?" She asked, and now I noticed her fingers.
"Wait, the darkhold?" I examined her more intensely. "Wait, you're not my wife. I mean, I knew, but you seem younger than the previous Agatha."
"Did we travel in time?" Amercia said after she was back on her feet.
"What do you mean?" Agatha asked, and I sighed.
"Okay, can you put your hand down, and I will explain everything?" She strangely listened to me, and we explained to her everything about the multiverse and why we were here.
"So, you're telling me in another universe, I'm married to you, and you're here because me or another version of me got hit by a wrong spell, and she hasn't woken up since." She said, and we nodded. "Are you kidding me?" she asked.
"No, we're totally serious." America replied.
"And how am I supposed to help you?"
"You can come with us and see if you can do something to help her." I proposed.
"I'm not sure," she said. "Your Agatha seems more powerful than me, and I've just started to study the Darkhold for a month now. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm the best choice for this. But maybe you can search for someone more powerful than me." she explained. I looked at America, and she stood up and started to focus.
"You know, you don't have to search for more power; you're already the best witch in the world, despite everything your mom said." I said her before I stood up.
"You know my mother?" she asked.
"No, but I know a cute witch who can defeat anyone without any help." I winked at her.
"I found something," America said after she opened a portal.
"I think it's the last time we see each other." Agataha said.
"Don't worry; you just have to be patient." I smiled before saying goodbye and crossing the portal.
[Universe 308, Avenger compound]
This universe seemed more strange than the others. I looked everywhere; it seemed that we were in the compound, but there was no sign of life. "Are you sure there is someone here?" I murmured to the young girl.
"I focus on a universe where we could find someone who was strong enough to help us. I don't know if it was a good choice," she said.
We walked a while in the desert compound until we heard a voice; it came from the training room. We had a silent debate about whether we should go before we started to walk. In the room, we found...me? I mean another version of me. She stopped what she was doing when she heard us come, and we looked at 'me'. She had a strange aura. "Oh, I wasn't expecting this," she said; her voice was an octave lower than mine.
Everything made me uncomfortable. "Hi?" I said, but it definitely sounded more like a question.
"Hi, myself," she said with a little mocking tone. She looked at the girl beside me and smiled. "And you should be the famous America Chavez, right?" She asked, and I tensed. This question gave me goosebumps.
"How do you know me?" America asked.
"I just study a lot," she said while she was walking toward us. I instinctively took a step in front of America. "Like you can see, there isn't a lot to do here, so I learned a lot about the other universe." she explained.
She stopped a few meters in front of me and looked at me, smiling, but this smile seemed false.
"You shouldn't be here," she whispered, and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You should be with her." she explained.
"Who are you?" I asked. Her eyes glowed purple, and I was projected onto the nearest wall.
"What do you want?" America asked.
"I just want to help you." She grabbed the young girl's wrist. "You need my help to help Agatha, right?"
"How do you know that?" I asked but didn't wait for any response before I glowed and flew to them and successfully freed America.
"Where are the other Avengers?" the girl asked.
"I don't know, but you need to focus on somewhere else; we can't stay here." I replied. We were about to exit the compound when the Captain's shield hit me, and I fell to the ground.
"Where are you going?" This other version of me said "You can't leave." Two armors of Iron Man kept me on the ground while she used her magic to block America against a wall. "You can't take her away from me again."
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"What am I doing?" She repeated, "I'm kepping my promess. I can't let you ruin everything."
"You're the one who messed up with the spell?" America asked.
"Of course," she replied. A wave of anger blew up in me, and I started to glow brighter. When I was about to free myself, I received an electric shock. "Nah, I don't think I'll let you use your power here."
"But what happened here?" the young girl asked. "Where are the others?"
"Oh, you probably talk about the Avengers, right? Let's just say that they retire for good." She replied.
"What did you do to the team?" I started to worry.
"The team?" she repeated. "This 'team' like you said, let my love, our love, die! They could save her; they should save her, but they didn't!" she yelled. "They called themselves a family, but they weren't. A family doesn't let other members die when they can save them," she scuffed. "But they did," she finished.
"What happened to Agatha?" I asked.
She sighed and sat next to me. "There was Thanos," she started; her eyes glowed purple again, a wave of purple magic drowned the room, and we were transported to a battlefield, or at least a memory of a battlefield. There was a clash of powers between Agatha and Thanos with four stones on six. "Did you see that?" my variant whispered in my ear. She grabbed my chin and turned my head to a young version of herself; she was bleeding and seemed nearly knocked out.
"They sent us to delay him and his army." Her tears started to fall. "They didn't come to us; they were too occupied to make sure Wanda destroyed the mind stone." The memory continues until the moment. Agatha was visibly exhausted; your variant was too, and the mad titan was smiling. Even if he had already won, he wanted to make the thing memorable. My other self was forced to look at him while he grabbed the witch's hair to make her stand up. He gave my variant a last look before using the power stone to kill my her Agatha in front of her.
After that, we were back at the compound. "So you see, I think you can understand why I'm doing this," she said before making her way to America, who was stuck between some purple whips. "I just need you to let me borrow your powers, nothing else," she said with a calm voice.
"How can you do that?" America asked.
"Oh, little girl, I'm not like my other self; to be honest, we are special in the multiverse. We don't all have the same powers, but in my case, I can steal other powers," she explained.
"Oh, it's a great ability." I said.
"Yeah, I know, but trust it or not, you're only two in the multiverse with the same power as Captain Marvel," she informed me. "One of us can control the shadows; I think I will get this power after that," she added.
"Oh, interesting," I replied, "but can you do that?" I asked, and she looked at me with a curious look. I felt my body tense a little. I knew this feeling; I was sure she was expecting me to glow again, so it was the reason she was surprised when a heavy object hit her head and made her fall. The armors lost their grip, and I took this hint to make a small explosion of my power and send them away. I raised my hand and grabbed Thor's hammer of this universe. I was a little surprised to know I was worthy even here.
My other self took a moment to understand what just happened, and I used this time to free America. "Since when can you do that?" the little one asked, but I shook my head.
"We'll talk about it later; now find somewhere with someone who would really help us and not try to kill us, please." I replied, and she nodded and walked away from me to focus.
My variant stood up, and she seemed stunned, and I didn't wait until she recovered to hit her with lightning. "How can you do that?" she asked, and I smiled.
"You said it yourself; we're special, and I'm just more special than you," I replied before gently lending the hammer on her chest while she was lying on the ground.
"I found something!" America yelled, and I quickly ran to her and the portal she opened. I stopped her before she crossed it to look at her and be sure she was alright. "You're worrying too much; I'm okay," she said while she rolled her eyes.
"I just want to be sure." I replied. She crossed the portal, and I quickly followed, but before I raised my hand, Mjölnir came back to me before I disappeared in the star.
Next part>>
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xoteajays · 11 months
I just assumed you were taking a break from talking.. Since I never do expect anyone to reply right away, or replying back as often either, so I thought you just wanted a break to do other things for yourself. And that is fine too. I never rush people into replying back every time at all either. The only reasons why I reply back right away is either so I don't forget to reply, or because I actually have energy to reply to someone. But depression is completely different because I probably won't reply, at least until after the depression is over. And being an introvert, I'm a person who is always social either. So it depends on how social I am.
You would think our devices would be used to how we spell the words by now. Like names. I know that I'm spelling the names right but then autocorrect keeps changing the names. Or the curse words. Dick and fuck are always changed to duck, cunt is can't, twat is that, shit is sit.. And basically so many other words get changed too. My device really should be used to my words, my cursing, and every other words too.
Spellcheck is one thing, but autocorrect is completely different for us just because spellcheck tells you the word is spelled wrong. And then autocorrect just changes the word without you realizing it lot of times as it is. That shouldn't really annoy me. But it completely annoys me.
Ironic how I have mixed feelings about snakes, yet I have two - maybe three - original characters with snakes as their animal motifs though.
Then I might not mind seeing pictures of animals then, it you actually wanted to send some pictures anyway. That's entirely up to you when it comes to that. I'm only just against any violent pictures of animals.
I know Japan has beetles. At least I see a lot of beetles in shows, even movies - including anime and manga - in Japanese cultures. But I am too knowledgeable about animals and insects that I can't comment.. I knew they had beetles though. But just different beetles in Australia.
The simple fact that grubs looks like maggots is skeeving me out.
Yes. Only High&Low characters at the moment... Watching any horror genres, I realized there are a lot of female characters who do have the witchy styled aesthetic. Amongst some people I know personally too.
And... y'know... Talking about superstitions, like black cats, even really made me think of witches. Which made me think of the witchy styles.
So that wasn't a random question. At least not for me anyway.
Rocky is definitely open minded to every type of woman, he's not one to discriminate against women. Nothing against looks, personality, or style. So I feel like Rocky might be excluded from certain questions.
I keep imagining women having a more edgy style to their look, when it comes to Cobra and Hyuga. And maybe the Amamiya brothers too. And maybe the Mugen guys now that I think about it. But.. Any styles from witchy, punk, biker and maybe even goth for some of these men might work. Unless they're into the cute preppy or tomboy type girls.
I have just about every season where I live. And even though we really have every season... I can see that our seasons are too bad compared to other states and even countries too. Like our winters, are never like in Alaska. Our summers can be really hot, but nowhere near humid as it is in other areas. Like with how humid the weather is in Arizona too.
So our weather can be extreme but never that extreme either... Which I am grateful for. If it's too hot or too cold, then I just stay in the house as it is. Simple as that. You've never experienced snow? You may even hate blizzards. We've had a few blizzards last year, a few feet of snow.
I never left my house. When it comes to stormy weather.. I would stay in my house, wrapped up in blankets, possibly snacks if I'm hungry in that moment while binge watching shows or movies. And sometimes my dog may join me to, if she is actually being affectionate enough to be cuddling with me. So she's only affectionate when she wants to be with other people. Oh! And candles too. It's very atmospheric for me.
So the season of autumn is different becoming cooler weathers now.
I don't think that I've ever tried dating sites? Or apps? Not that I could think of. I rarely ever have pictures of myself on any accounts... Either because there is rarely any decent pictures of me when I take selfies - since I'm not that good with selfie pictures, or because pictures that's been taken by someone else is always a horrible picture of me that I'd deliberately see online. I have to complain until they actually delete all pictures of me. It's not a joke. I hate when people take pictures of me.
And conversation is also another problem of mine.. I rarely start some conversations with people, I hate small talk - I prefer the conversation (about common things) over small talk. I have no interest in small talk at all. And if I have no interesting in talking, I would never reply back.
So there's that.
At least some people know you're out? So that's a start... I am no help with this. So I can't comment. At least some people know about you.
I have so many mixed feelings about my family, including my parents, and.. If I am being honest... I feel like most of my feelings are negative than positive. I'm a very resentful person. I admit that. Especially with my mother of all people. I have mixed feelings for her as it is. Like I do know she does everything to and for me because she cares about me in her own demented way. I know she was abused as a child so I have known that is her reason for being overly protective over me. And the reason why she rarely ever lets me leave the house on my own either, which is also another reason why I rarely bother leaving the house for myself anyway. I'm a grown woman who is still treated like a child just because of my size. I feel like she is the reason why I don't have a very normal life in the sense of having friends, dating, and anything else in this situation. If you read The Devouring Mother archetype. That's the actual definition of my mother. My mother and I are opposites in a lot of ways, in any and every way known to people who actually know us.
So my experience with my mother is kind of similar to your own too.
My mother never wants to let me leave the house, so I doubt that she would ever let me leave the country alone. And from what she did see of the movie Hostile.. She is afraid that would happen to me. Which is another reason why she's very protective of me. A smothering mother is the type of mother she is. I blame her for not having a normal life.
And besides... I think the other reason is because if I attempted going to another country. Besides money. Is that the countries I would want to visit, I might have to learn their language to communicate with any people there. And I also heard they're not always so kind to foreigners either. Depending on where you travel. And even different rules, laws, and regulations in every country as it is so I could be worried about it.
Don't forget tourist traps in some countries too.
I have been to some amusement parks in my life, not including pricey places like Disneyland. It's noisy, it's crowded. So much of everything.
Personally I think amusement parks are overrated in my opinion.
Okay. So I hate mentioning anything considered political.. I'm not one to mention it because the reason why I'm social media is to avoid any politics to the best of my ability. I use my exist reality, just not relive it either. But one pet peeve I have is that I follow celebrities... And this is not about their political opinions. Not at all. So if I celebrity is actually posting online (pictures that has nothing to do with politics in no way at all), then why the fuck do people political comments. And this is so the main reason why I never read comments including the other main being too many arguments and stupid commentary in the comments too. Another reason why I can not ever tolerate opinions from people.
Oh! You did say that before. But yeah.. You'll find out if there might be one season, depending on the finale. You'll find out in a couple weeks.
And you'll have Squid Games coming up in a few weeks.. So there is a chance you might end up seeing more of him. Unless he dies though.
Really? I liked It Follows. That was just one of the better movies I have seen in a while.. And horror movies have become so disappointing for me now. Smile was the most recent horror movie that I actually liked.
There might be more. But I can't think of any more shows and movies at the moment.. I just woke up so my mind isn't actually thinking yet.
The Terrifier was okay.. Just okay. I really feel like people overly hyped the movies. Those movies were actually more gross than scary to me.
So ew.
And exactly! Despite not every Saw movie having the best plot, they'll make an attempt to have a plot in some way or another. If they're able to. But I don't remember past the third movie since I really only watch the first three movies, I've never actually liked the movies after that.
You need to watch more anime. If you do watch more anime, I may be able to recommend some series to you. But it depends on everything.
I love Death Note, Deadman Wonderland and Kakegurui. And... Based who I am. If you ever combine the personalities and mannerisms of L, Near with the height and style of Misa. Then that's me! Even though I know it was never explicitly stated, L and Near are completely perfect examples of autism. At least for me. And! I'm not saying that because they are popular characters either (since people seem to assume that about me). But that might give you some perceptive on having one of my characters being autistic. If and when I actually write my stories.
I might have even watched one or two episodes of Shiki, but that was a lot time ago that I can't comment on that series. So no comments.
I heard of Corpse Party. I never watched the anime, and I think there's even a video game too? I never watched, played, or anything with this series. So I can't comment about this show either. So there's that too.
I know of Zom100. I've only see the trailers for both versions but I just haven't watched it yet. Maybe I will. But no promises about it though.
I don't think that I've ever heard of Happy Sugar Life, Darwin's Game, High Rise Invasion or Vampire In The Garden. No comments over any of these series either. And I would've recommended Tokyo Ghoul. But the anime doesn't live up to the manga though, they leave some plots out of the anime. So it's like this watered down version of the manga.
But I will really recommend Hellsing: Ultimate if you haven't seen it.. It is one of my favorite Dracula series. If you're interested, that's a series for you. Oh! And one of my favorite underrated series is Red Garden if you never watched it. If you do decide to watch it, I'd recommend you watching in English (since I don't know your language preferences for anime) since the series takes place in New York. Actually... I've always wanted to write a story with a similar concept of Red Garden, but just not sure for which fandom if it would be for another fandom. Anyway.
- 💋
i do a lot of writing on my ipad and even on there, autocorrect is messing with me. like, by this point, it should recognise the capitalisation of specific names that i’ve typed a hundred times. at least i’ve finally gotten in the habit of editing my fics, but there’s so many older ones with minor little autocorrect mistakes. bleugh.
i can see the mental line from superstitions to black cats to witches. my brain works like that too. just connecting two things that might not seem related until all the little bits are laid out.
i think a witchy style would really fit against rocky. like both of them having very, clear defined styles and aesthetics. also the obvious ‘opposite’s attract, yin yang, black and white’ thing.
i think it depends in the kind of aesthetic you’re working for the ship. like i can see cobra and hyuga being into punk-y, ‘baddass’ chic, tomboy-ish styled girls for a duo kickass couple. but i can also see them liking cuter styled girls, for the opposite’s dynamic. i think yui is a lil bit of a mix of both, she’s got a pretty mixed style but has some ‘cuter’ personality aspects, like her collection of cute stuffs.
it’s too hot for snow in the northern parts of australia. i think maybe tasmania gets some snow but idk. i think there’s snow in canberra?
i haven’t heard anything about a second season so it might just be limited series, one and done. but so long as i get my ha joon content, it’s all good. i might end up rewatching midnight actually. for halloween!
he was supposed to have died in the first season, but apparently that might not be so. he got shot in the shoulder by his brother and fell into the ocean, but his fate was left ambiguous.
i just thought it was a bit boring. i haven’t seen it in a while, but i was just kinda. bored with. i like the lead actress tho, she’s pretty. have you seen revenge, the movie from 2017?
i’d started watching death note with my brother back in the early 00s, but we’d never ended up getting very far in it. it was back when blockbusters (aa video rental shops, i do miss u) were still around.
corpse party was a game first iirc, and then the anime was based on it. i remember watching a playthrough of the game back years ago. it was like one of The games that got me into indie horror rpgs. both the game and anime are pretty gory, but entertaining. apparently there’s a couple live action movies but i havent seen those.
darwin’s game, high rise invasion, and vampire in the garden are all on netflix. darwin’s game and high rise invasion are a bit like alice in borderland, in a death games survival type way. vampire in the garden is more dark fantasy as opposed to straight horror, but it’s very visually pretty. i don’t remember who recommended happy sugar life to me, but it’s a psych horror iirc?
red garden looks interesting, i’ll put it on my list! i usually prefer watching subbed anime, just because sometimes dubs are bad. but also one of my favourite childhood animes is digimon adventures so. i can’t talk that much crap on dubs ahshdjdl i’ll send you a vid of the digimon movie dub being What It Is. it’s so funny now, but i didn’t notice how weird it was when i was a kid. it explains everything about why my sense of humour is fucked.
0 notes
zazzander · 2 years
Jason and Juno's relationship
For a long time I had a major question about Jason’s backstory. We know that he was left by his mother at the Wolf House when he was two. For an unspecified time he was raised and trained by Lupa before being taken to Camp Jupiter.
However, this time can’t have been very long because Jason has thirteen stripes, one for each year of membership in the legion. Even if they skipped probatio for him since he was a toddler and a son of Jupiter, that puts him at twelve years when he’s fifteen. So we're looking at a year, at max, with Lupa.
Sure, he might have continued to visit and train with her after joining the legion, which is when she gives him the nickname ‘saving Grace’ and all. But Jason, fundamentally, was not raised by wolves. As cool as that would have been – it runs contrary to everything we know about his character.
So that begs the question: who raised Jason? Who were his parental figures?
And then it hit me. Juno.
Juno Believed Jason would Remember Her
We know that Percy retained a memory of Annabeth after all his other memories were taken. She was his anchor. The reason why he didn’t just leave for the sea. Jason has no such anchor. But I don’t think that was intentional.
I’m going to break down the first meeting we get with Juno and Jason, after she’s wiped his memories:
Would you attack your patron? The woman chided. Her voice echoed in Jason’s head. Lower your sword.
Juno here chides Jason, as if she expected him to know her.
“Who are you?” he demanded. “How did you–” Our time is limited Jason. […] This may be the last time I can speak to you.
And she doesn’t even notice when he says ‘who are you’ she just continues on with her message. She acts under the assumption he will recognise her, that what she's saying will mean something to him.
“Look, I don’t know you, and you’re not my patron.” You know me, she insisted. I have known you since your birth.
With this third piece of evidence, she becomes insistent that he should remember her. She's worried.
“I don’t remember. I don’t remember anything.” No, you don’t, she agreed.
And finally, she accepts what Jason has been telling her. She is not Jason’s anchor. But I think she also knows Jason well enough to realise that means he has no anchor at all. He is not close enough to Reyna or his other friends enough to keep a memory of them.
Yet, why would she assume he would remember her? She clearly didn’t think it was a requirement for her spell to ensure it. I think it’s because, ultimately, she is the closest thing to a mother Jason has.
Furthermore, we know that Jason doesn’t have many close connections at Camp Jupiter. People looked up to him, yes, but that’s not the same thing.
His friend’s faces: Dakota, Gwendolyn, Hazel, Bobby. And Reyna. Definitely there’d been a girl named Reyna. [The Lost Hero]
Let’s use Hazel as an example. She’s supposed to be his ‘friend’ but in actuality, he hardly knew her. And she barely knew him:
“You… the great Jason Grace… the praetor I looked up to. You were supposed to be so fair, such a good leader. And now you…” [Mark of Athena]
This isn’t Hazel’s fault; she was only at the camp for a few weeks before he disappeared. But more importantly, Jason doesn’t let people in. He holds up a façade. He broods rather than expresses his thoughts or feelings.
Jason had tried to act brave at the campfire, but it was just that – an act. [The Lost Hero]
Jason had been trained never to show fear. […] He was supposed to act confident, even if he didn’t feel it. [The Lost Hero]
Everyone seemed to thing he was so brave and confident, but they didn’t see how lost he really felt. [The Lost Hero]
Piper seems to be the only one to notice, and I think that might be because she was given a glimpse at the real Jason via the false memories.
Jason was great, of course. But sometimes he acted so distant […] Piper wondered if she would ever be able to break through that barrier. [Mark of Athena]
And Jason knows this, his barrier keeps people at a distance. Even Reyna - who only ever saw the Roman, the soldier, the leader. Not the person beneath.
Was anyone searching for him right now? What if somebody cared for him that much? [The Lost Hero]
Nobody cared about him, just his big scary daddy standing behind him with the doomsday bolt, as if to say, Respect this kid or eat voltage. [The Lost Hero]
He fears that people won’t come looking for him, because even without his memories I think he subconsciously knows that he doesn't have someone who cares enough to search for him.
So this all implies there is some connection between Juno and Jason. A bond. At the very least – Juno believes there to be one.
Juno as “Patron”
“From birth, you were destined to be Hera’s – to appease her wrath. Even your name, Jason, was her choice.” [Blood of Olympus]
Like a mother, Juno has both love and high expectations for Jason. She pushes him but she also cares for him – in her own way.
She wants Jason to be the leader of her chosen heroes. But Jason doesn’t feel up to it. He’s afraid of failure.
He had a horrible suspicion that he would be expected to lead those other demigods, and he was afraid he would fail. [The Lost Hero]
And he’s right about that expectation. But Juno also understands that such a burden will scare him. At the end of the Lost Hero, when Jason is in Cabin One. He offers a prayer to Jupiter but receives no answer from his father. Instead, Juno shows up and offers him guidance.
In this scene, Jason relates his struggles to Jupiter. He draws a parallel between himself and his father – a father he’s never met.
I think this line is particularly poignant,
“You’ve got to keep me at a distance so it doesn’t look like you’re playing favourites.”
Because I think this is Jason justifying to himself why he isn’t favoured by his father. We know that Jupiter plays favourites all the damn time. Even between Jason and Thalia, Jupiter clearly favours Thalia over Jason. He turned Thalia isn’t a tree to save her life. But let Jason die. And we see it over and over between Jupiter’s immortal children. It seems the pill is easier to swallow if he believes it’s an equal indifference.
And how offered him this explanation? Juno. Because while she is critical of her husband, she generally seems to care for and respect him. A feeling reflected in Jason.
In the scene, Jason prays to Jupiter for aid, for guidance,
“I’m going to try my best. I’ll try to make you proud. But I could really use some guidance, Dad.”
But it is Juno was arrives to give it.
“Did Jupiter send you here to tell me this?” “No one sends me anywhere, hero,” she said. “I am not a messenger.”
Which means Juno came of her own accord – to provide the aid Jason asks for. Many times in the story, Juno claims Jason as her champion. Yes, she does this for all the heroes, but it’s most relevant when it comes to Jason. Jason is hers.
“Like it or not, Jason, I am your sponsor, and your link to Olympus. We need each other.”
This line implies that Jupiter isn’t his link to Olympus. As far as Juno is concerned, and I believe Jupiter is on the same page, Jason is a champion of Juno first, son of Jupiter second. And this position is unique – Juno has no other demigod like that. And even compliments him:
“And Jason – you are wiser than your sister. I chose my champion well.” [The Lost Hero]
And she believes that it was a correct choice, not just for herself, but for him as well.
“You were given a destiny,” Hera said. “You were given into my service.” Jason scowled. “[…] It was the price you demanded for leaving the rest of my family alone.” “It was the right choice for you as well, Jason,” Hera insisted. [The Lost Hero]
And in the scene, Jason actually lets his façade down for a moment. He admits to her something he admits to no one else: his fear.
“It’s not fair,” Jason said. “I could ruin everything.” “You could,” Juno agreed.
And Juno offers her support – in her own way. She agrees that Jason’s fears are justified, but that she expects him to face them regardless. Despite Jason’s misgivings about his destiny and Juno herself, he accepts the burden of the quest. After telling him this, she gives him a new weapon.
Now, Juno never claims to be a mother to Jason. She never tries to make Jason love her. She even admits that she’s not very good at sympathising with mortals and demigods. But Juno does love Jason. She wants great things for him but she also wants him to be happy, to have friends, to have a home. I think this was why she choose to do that ‘leader swap’ plan over any of the other options. She even gave Jason a pre-packaged best-friend and girlfriend.
The False Memories That Juno Grants – And What They Imply
Juno seems to have a lot of insight into Jason’s personality. More insight that Jason himself has.
Despite the fact it was probably Juno’s influence that meant Jason valued the Roman way, she also saw his inward conflict. The false memories she grants Leo and Piper are not of the current Jason, the façade he’s built up at Camp Jupiter, but his true personality. It takes until Blood of Olympus for that person to finally appear, for the façade to fall away completely.
Now, Jason doesn’t leave behind his duty, he doesn’t completely change. He just allows the part of himself he suppressed to come out – and I think that was part of Juno’s reasoning in sending him to Camp Half-Blood. So wanted to show him another way. And she knew he would be susceptible to it, provided he didn’t arrive with his perceived notions about himself and the Greeks.
It’s not like old Jason was without his rebellions. He tells us about his misgivings on repeat for two entire books – as he realises who he wants to be rather than who he’s supposed to be.
He’d always chafed against the traditions of Camp Jupiter, the power plays, the infighting. [House of Hades]
He had grown up at Camp Jupiter. He’d done well there. But he had always been a little unconventional. He chafed under the rules. [Blood of Olympus]
Even when he chafed against Roman traditions, he thought before he acted. He wasn’t impulsive. [Blood of Olympus]
Despite his attempts to alter his destiny - joining the worst cohort, trying to change the camp traditions, taking the least glamorous missions, and befriending the least popular kids - he had been made praetor anyway. [Blood of Olympus]
And we can see there is an intense focus on keeping all that inside. Of never showing anyone what he truly feels. Before he reached this point in his life, I don’t think he even showed them to himself. These comments in House of Hades, I believe, are Jason realising that he didn’t like being at Camp Jupiter. While we don’t get a POV from Jason in Mark of Athena, he is clearly struggling with his identity.
Before coming to Camp Half-Blood, I think his misgivings were so deep that he didn’t really notice them. It only came out in some of his actions – joining the Fifth, changing the name – but even then, he justified them to himself. They were for Rome.
Once he’d become praetor, he’d campaigned to rename the legion the First Legion rather than the Twelfth Legion, to symbolize a new start for Rome. The idea had almost caused a mutiny. New Rome was all about tradition and legacies; the rules didn’t change easily. Jason had learned to live with that and even rose to the top. [House of Hades]
He’d joined the Fifth Cohort because everyone told him not to. They warned him it was the worst unit. So he’d thought, Fine, I’ll make it the best.[House of Hades]
But someone noticed anyway. And that someone was Juno.
Memory #1
She had liked Jason from the first week they’d met. He was so nice to her, and so patient, he could even put up with hyperactive Leo and his stupid jokes. He’d accepted her for herself and didn’t judge her because of the stupid things she’d done. [Lost Hero 49]
It’s interesting that Jason doesn’t ‘judge her’ in these memories, because the Jason we meet at the beginning of The Lost Hero is pretty judgemental.
Regarding the Wilderness School kids in general:
None of them looked like hardened criminals, he wondered what they’d all done to get sentenced to a school of delinquents, and he wondered why he belonged with them.
Regarding Leo he says:
Jason figured that if this was his best friend, his life must be pretty messed up.
And regarding Dylan he says:
He smiled like he was God’s gift to juvenile delinquent girls everywhere. Jason hated him instantly.
Jason shows up in the first chapter and judges just about every character he interacts with – often brutally. He isn’t mean or anything – but he makes a pretty clear distinction between himself and the ‘delinquents’ and can’t fathom who he’d become among their number.
Memory #2 & #3
“My memories aren’t fake. They’re so real. The time we set Coach Hedge’s pants on fire. The time Jason and I watched a meteor shower on the dorm roof and I finally got the stupid guy to kiss me…” [Lost Hero 49]
And the moment itself,
“Oh, I’d make up something,” Piper said. “I can be very persuasive. So you want to dance, or what?” He laughed. His eyes were amazing, and his smile was ever better in the starlight. “With no music. At night. On a rooftop. Sounds dangerous.” “I’m a dangerous girl.” “That, I can believe.”
We can see in these memories that Jason doesn’t strictly adhere to the rules. He doesn’t try to be the ideal leader. He’s free. He’s still Jason, of course. But he doesn’t have his façade up. It isn’t until the end of Blood of Olympus that we see this version of him – after his entire character is over. But Juno knew who Jason was, beneath it all.
And I think she knew that Jason would never become that person if he was still at the legion if he still had his memories. While it probably wasn’t the only reason for the leader-swap plan, I think it might have been a key factor. Not to mention, she identified friends that she knew Jason would legitimately come to trust and care about.
The Case Against this
I will quickly mention that time that Juno/Hera vaporises Jason. This is before the schism really starts to affect the gods, though it is definitely still impacts them. In the scene, I believe she is in the form of Hera, Jason uses that term for her at least:
Hera’s eyes flickered with power. “I did warm him. I would never intentionally hurt the boy. He was to be my champion. I told them to close their eyes before I reveal my true form.”
Furthermore, the goddess is likely the person who taught him to value discipline so much.
“They stood for discipline, honour, strength–” “Good things, then,” Jason said. […] “I mean, discipline is important, right? That’s what made Rome last so long.”
When it came to work and duty, Jason was Roman to the core.
A soldier should follows orders, and she did warm him. I think Juno would have been more upset that Hera, of course. Hera has no real connection with Jason, unlike Juno. So I’d argue that’s where the emotional disconnect comes in.
Juno’s Grief
Juno doesn’t show up much as the series progresses. She has her own issues (running from Zeus/Jupiter). In the finale, we do see her briefly, when she celebrates the successes of the Seven.
“There is still work to be done,” Queen Hera interrupted. She spread her arms like she wanted a group hug. “But my heroes… you have triumphed over the giant as I knew you would. My plan succeeded beautifully.” [Blood of Olympus]
The fact that Hera looks like she wants to hug the group speaks volumes. Because she really is proud of them. They are her heroes. A representation of the family she is trying to repair.
From this point, we don’t see much reference to the goddess until Tower of Nero. When we see her grieving Jason’s death.
Jason dies on March 31, but we seen that Juno/Hera (she isn’t affected by the schism at this point) is still grieving him in June.
“Stop it, all of you.” Queen Hera had been sitting back with a dark veil over her face. Now she lifted it. To my surprise, her eyes were red and swollen. She had been crying. “This has gone on long enough. Too much loss. Too much pain. But, if my husband insists on seeing it through, the least you all can do is not talk about Apollo as if he's already dead!” [Tower of Nero]
Queen Hera lifted her veil. As I'd seen in my dream, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, but when she spoke her tone was as hard as bronze. She glared at her husband. “At least Apollo did something.” “Not this again,” Zeus rumbled. “My chosen,” Hera said. “Jason Grace. Your son. And you–” “I didn't kill him, woman!” Zeus thundered. “That was Caligula!” “Yes,” Hera snapped. “And at least Apollo grieved. At least he got vengeance.”  [Tower of Nero]
Juno is visibly broken up about the loss of Jason. She resents Jupiter for not saving Jason (remember he saved Thalia by turning her into a tree). We know that Jason has always been searching for his father’s acknowledgement. It doesn’t matter how much Juno loves him – celebrates his achievements, pushes him towards success, or listens to his fears – it is Jupiter's attention that Jason longed for.
She never calls herself Jason’s mother, always patron, because I think she knows that he will always resent her. First, because she is the one who took him from her original family. She doesn’t regret it; she believes it was the best choice for him.
When she takes Jason’s memories, gives him a new home and new life. But he doesn't credit her for it. He blames her. She doesn't make excuses or try to convince him otherwise (though she does provide explanations).
I think all she ever wanted was for Jason to reach his potential and for him to be happy. And he was so close to that dream. Only for him to die young. Only for Jupiter to not care – no revenge, no grief. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was prevented from interfering herself, considering how much trouble she’d been in at the end of Blood of Olympus.
In the end,
Juno loved Jason like a mother – no, she wasn’t perfect. She makes more than a few questionable choices. But she mourns him more than his own father.
Always, it was Juno who stood by him, guided him.
She never expects him to return that love. She doesn’t need to him to call her ‘mother’ (though I think she longed for him to do so) but she will always be a better parent to him than Beryl or Jupiter.
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Syverson x Fem!Reader
vignette: The harsh reality of Syverson and Y/N's relationship finally rears its ugly head. How will this ever work between them? Were the city girl and country boy doomed from the beginning? Or is there hope for them as a couple?
words: 2,000+
a/n: shoutout to @just-chirpin for letting me pick her brain.
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As soon as the two of them met up, Syverson knew something was off with Y/N.
Their group of friends had gone to the county festival. It was something different than going to the same bars they all had in rotation. Plus, their was fair food and live bands that didn’t suck.
But Y/N had been oddly quiet. And every time Syverson asked her something or tried to get her to engage, she put in the minimum effort and rarely making eye contact.
He was surprised that she even got into his car to go back to his place, fully expecting her to make some weird excuse to go home with Layla instead.
The drive home was awkward to say the least. But Sy wasn’t about to try and pick a fight while driving – despite what Y/N had said about the most important conversations happening there. He had a feeling he was going to get worked up, and he probably shouldn’t be behind a wheel when it happened.
As soon as they walked into his house, he accidentally slammed the door a little too hard behind him.
Y/N jumped and whipped around to give him a look that said, ‘What the fuck?’
“Alright. What’s goin’ on?” Syverson finally asked. "You’ve been lookin’ to pick a fight all night.”
Y/N glared at him. “No, I haven’t.”
“Go on. Out with it.”
She shook her head and crossed her arms. Clearly, she was annoyed at him.
But Syverson stood his ground.
“Fine!” Y/N finally blurted out. “I think we should stop doing…” She hesitated. “Whatever this is,” here hands motioned back and further between the two of them.
To her shock, Sy seemed to be expecting this.
“There it is,” he muttered, further proving his lack of surprise.
She sighed heavily.
“And what exactly are we doin’, darlin’?”
Y/N narrowed her eyes into a glare. “Don’t fuck with me, Sy.”
“I’m not. I wanna know.” He stepped closer and crossed his arms. It was an intimidating gesture and he knew it. “So, tell me: what are we doin’?”
Y/N threw up her hands in exasperation.
This was ridiculous. Why was he making her spell it out? He knew what this was. She knew what this was. Just because they hadn’t talked about it, didn’t mean they both weren’t aware of the reality of their situation.
“We’re sleeping together,” she stated without an ounce of emotion.
And Sy looked pissed. “And that’s it?”
But Y/N wasn’t going to back down. “Yes.”
“Well, ain’t that mighty convenient,” he shot back.
But Sy moved away from her, surprising Y/N. He stomped into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of bourbon. Suddenly he’d had the realization that he didn’t want to have this discussion – no, this fight – while he was sober.
Except now, Y/N wasn’t going to back down. She rushed after him and was now the one to invade personal space.
“I didn’t come here to…to lay down roots…or…or to make a connection!” Y/N cried out.
“Then why did you come here, Y/N?” He challenged.
She rubbed her face and hesitated to answer his question.
“I needed a break,” Y/N finally admitted.
Sy wasn’t going to let her off that easily and he took a step into her space. “A break from what?”
Y/N glared at him and refused to answer.
“A break from what, Y/N?”
She yelled in frustration, “I don’t know!”
Syverson was pretty sure he knew the answer. But it wouldn’t do Y/N any good to give it to her. She had to figure it out for herself.
“I know how people think this is supposed to go,” she started. “I fall in love with you. I give up my life, my home, my job – all to be with you. I move to Texas. You propose. I marry you. I take your last name. I pop out a few kids. And my life isn’t my own anymore.”
“Jesus Christ, woman!” Sy growled. "You realize, in all that, not once did you say ‘we’. And not once did you say how I actually feel about all this. I’m startin’ to realize it’s because you don’t got a damn clue.”
But she was stubborn. “You know I’m right. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
Syverson had just about reached his breaking point.
He grasped her face, forcing her to look him in the eye. “Did I ever say I wanted any of those things?”
She had no choice but to admit the truth. “Not with me, no.”
“Not with any woman,” he corrected harshly.
Y/N ripped her face away from his grasp and stepped back. “I’m going back to New York in two months, Sy. What is the point of keeping this going? It’ll only hurt more.”
“Why can’t you just be here?” He sounded exasperated.
Y/N was so taken aback that he would even suggest a thing. Shouldn’t he not care about her – them? This? Whatever it was?
“Can’t you see how fucking naive that is? This isn’t that simple.”
His face softened all of the sudden. “Looks like you’re tryin’ to break your own heart, darlin’ – and sooner rather than later.”
Y/N’s face dropped. “So…you agree? This will just end in heartbreak.”
Sy shook his head and crossed his arms. “It doesn’t have to.”
Her voice quieted to a whisper, “How else can it end, Sy?”
But Syverson didn’t have the answer. He really didn’t. And that’s why he had been dreading this conversation.
“Fuck this,” Y/N finally exclaimed.
And she bolted for the door.
“Y/N!” Syverson yelled after her.
“Y/N!” This time, it was with his authoritative military voice that made Y/N’s heart drop.
Did it make her slow down? Yes. But she managed to power through the feeling that she had to listen to him.
As soon as she was outside, Y/N was reminded of how isolated she was.
God, she fucking hated not having public transit or cars to order. It truly left her stranded.
But she began walking anyway and called Layla in hopes that she could come get her soon. Might as well get started and head in the right direction.
Y/N had just made it past the end of Syverson’s drive and was on a public street when she heard the truck coming up behind her.
“You ain’t walkin’ home,” Syverson told her from the driver’s window as he pulled up alongside her.
Y/N ignored him, only looking straight ahead.
Her phone vibrated with a text from Layla, "Sorry, babe. I can’t be there for at least an hour."
“Fuckin’ great,” Y/N mumbled to herself.
“Y/N, get your stubborn ass in the truck.”
She finally answered with ,“I don’t want to!" But still didn’t look at him.
“Don’t make me drag you in here,” Sy growled.
She finally whipped around to face him after such a threat. “Oh, yeah? ‘Cause that will just make the situation better!”
With that, Syverson threw the truck into park.
Y/N turned her whole body to face him as he jumped out of the car and practically charged her. She stood her ground and was prepared for a physical fight.
But Sy didn’t go to grab her or pick her up. Instead he stomped closer and closer, not stopping until he was in her face.
“I ain’t about to manhandle you, Y/N.” It was the first time he sounded exhausted throughout this whole debacle. And it made her feel guilty. “But I also ain’t letting you walk home. Let me drive you back. We don’t even gotta talk.” He bowed his head. “Hear me?”
Y/N just nodded.
He walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for her.
Jesus. Even when they were fighting, he still had to go be a southern gentlemen.
And Syverson stayed true to his word: not speaking a single word the entire drive back to Layla’s.
As a result, the car ride was awkward and tense.
When Syverson finally pulled into Layla’s driveway and put the truck in park, there was an even heavier tension that settled between them.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N mumbled while looking out the passenger window.
“So am I,” Sy surprisingly answered back.
Y/N bowed her head. “You think I’m a coward, don’t you?”
“I never said that.”
“It’s not hard to figure out that it’s what you’re thinking, Sy.”
He was just quiet, not seeing the point of lying by telling her she was wrong.
She finally looked at him. “This fucking sucks.”
“Care to be more specific, darlin’?”
But Y/N wasn’t ready to confess that part. Who knows if she ever would be.
So, Syverson figured he should say his part.
“Look, Y/N…” He took in a deep breath. “I been holdin’ out on you. And I did that because I sure as hell knew it would scare you off.”
“Sy, please don’t,” she begged.
“I ain’t gonna lie to you. But just because I don’t say it, doesn’t mean you don’t already know.”
“You’d think I’m some skittish deer with the way you talk about scaring me away,” Y/N huffed with a shake of her head.
“Well, it sure feels like it sometimes. But it ain’t your fault.”
She looked at him again in surprise. “It’s not?”
“I ain’t gonna to pretend to know anything about a past you haven’t shared. But I reckon you’ve been hurt too much, darlin’. And now you’re just trying to protect yourself – same as everyone else.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over with tears, but she managed to hold them back.
Yeah, Syverson was hard to read. But apparently she was like an open book.
“Come on,” he nodded towards the house. “Let’s get you inside.”
Syverson walked Y/N to the front door. They knew Layla and Aiden were still out, and the house was empty.
Y/N showed no signs of unlocking the door and going inside. Clearly she was having a battle inside that head of hers. And Syverson was patiently giving her space.
After a few minutes, she finally lifted her head and said, “I don’t want to run away from you, Sy. But I don’t want to get hurt either.”
He took a step closer and gave her a sympathetic look. “Darlin’, I think we should take advantage of the time we have and figure it out from there.”
Next thing he knew, Y/N’s lips were crashing against his.
And the mood instantly shifted. It was like both of them could suddenly hear a clock ticking, warning them of the inevitable end to their time together.
“You wanna come in?” She asked, nearly out of breath.
“You better open that door or I’ll break it down, darlin'.”
Y/N chuckled and grabbed her keys from her purse. “Yes, sir!”
As soon as the door opened barely a centimeter, Syverson tugged Y/N backwards by her waist. And a second later, Y/N was being thrown over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes.
“Syverson!” Y/N yelped in surprise.
“Did you just call me, sir?” He asked as he walked over the threshold.
She giggled, “Maybe.”
His only answer was to smack her butt and carry Y/N to her bedroom.
There was inevitable heartbreak hanging over the two of them. But it seemed they now had an unspoken agreement to pretend it wasn’t there. And they would deal with it when the time came – no matter how hard it was or how much it hurt them.
––––––––– Let me know if you liked it. I have a few more vignettes planned. But let me know if there's anything specific you're hoping to see in the future.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
scenario: you start seeing Jon which leads to the two of you having to hide it from your family and especially Damian.
pairing: jon kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / can you tell my kent family hyperfixation hasn't left yet? i swear it's becoming an issue lmaooo but this might actually be the longest fic i've written for this blog.
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you talked with your friends who you had snuck into the gala with. Rachel had begrudgingly agreed to come to meanwhile Cass and Steph were the only other ones who agreed to come on their own accord.
"Damian, your only friend is here," Dick said, earning a kick from his younger brother before getting up and leaving you and Raven alone. you knew it was a rare occasion that she even decided to show up so you didn't want to leave her alone. "we probably won't see my brother for the rest of the night. whenever his friend comes, it's like everyone becomes a background character. for him being my adopted 'twin' brother, I have yet to meet this friend."
Raven laughed as you saw the wine that the couple on the dance left on your table drunkenly. the bottle was little more than half-filled and you gave one quick look to Raven before pouring the wine into both of your glasses and discarding it right away.
"to not having fun for the rest of the night," you giggled as the two of you chugged the wine down in a mere few seconds, "drier than I thought it would be but it beats having to pay for it," Raven muttered as you agreed to sneak another bottle from the bartender so you wouldn't have to pay for it. even with your dad paying for all your necessities, the drinks at his galas were far too expensive for you to even willingly pay for them yourself. the only reason why he even paid for all your expenses was because you agreed to skip out on college to help run some parts of Wayne Enterprises with your brother.
another reason why you couldn't exactly go and pay for it yourself was because Bruce was not one to exactly be chippy at the idea of you getting plastered drunk at one of his public galas. "I got one of two ideas. one: I'll go flirt with the bartender and you can sneak behind him and get the other bottle or two: I can flirt with the bartender for enough time to see if he'll just willingly give it to us," you told Raven as she nodded with option two.
the bartender happened to be in his younger 50s. you recognized him from previous WE events and although he was familiar with your family, you doubted that he would say anything to your dad about you flirting him with. all you had to do was push the top of the dress down a bit and hike up the bottom to get his attention.
"hey Martin," you said, leaning up against the bar table and smiling, "enjoying the night?" you asked as you saw him flinch back in surprise. he nodded, trying to divert his eyes from looking at you in anyway you could have felt to be disrespectful.
"I was thinking, how much does the bottle of Lafite Rothschild go for?" you asked, giving him a pouty face. he gulped nervously, "almost ten grand ma'am," he replied, grabbing it from the wine stand, "even for me? I mean, my dad must've paid for it so does it even go for that much considering I am his child?" he asked.
you could tell that you had caught him in a predicament, "I would assume not, I assume you're twenty one, right?" he murmured, handing you the precious bottle. you smiled (a fake one that anyone could see through) and nodded before giving the old man a light kiss on the cheek, "thanks Martin, I appreciate it," you said, giving him a wave before leaving.
Raven perked up seeing the bottle in your hand, "snagged a ten thousand dollar bottle," you said excitedly as you waved it in your hand. Raven stared at you in shock, "you got a ten thousand dollar bottle in less than five minutes?" she exclaimed.
you giggled before whispering in her ear, "the benefits of being a child of Bruce Wayne is that you can practically get away with anything. especially when you're the daughter." you popped open the bottle as you handed her the wine glass and poured the drink with care. you gave her a slight cheers before taking a small sip and being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as dry for a wine with a huge amount of alcohol percentage.
as the night progressed, you and Raven got actively more drunk. you hadn't realized how hard the wine had hit you until Raven was drunkenly getting pulled home by Gar as you sat at the table with a little less than the bottle still full. you hadn't seen your dad or brother all night and you figured they must've been pulled into doing Batfamily work at some point and left you alone with Steph or Cass. hell, maybe even Dick if he was still around.
you weren't actively apart of the vigilante work all of your siblings did but you did help them out with the technical parts of it when Tim wasn't available. you didn't really like fighting or risking your life so after you graduated, you interned at Wayne Enterprises under Tim's orders while Damian worked under your dad.
at the age of twenty-one, you still hadn't met most of the league for the exception of Wonder Woman and The Flash. the rest were strangers in your head and much to Damian's luck, he wanted to keep it that way. at least in his case with Jon.
"ow, I am so sorry," you slurred as you managed to hit someone on the shoulder. he chuckled seeing as how you were not attempting to get up, "you okay there ma'am?" the man with a southern accent asked. you giggled as you attempted to get up, "I'm ( your name ) and you are?" you asked.
"Jon Kent, pleasure to meet you," he said, kissing your hand. you blushed as you heard one of your favorite songs come through the speakers, "would you like to dance?" you asked, not even caring that you had met this just a few mere seconds ago. he nodded, figuring that since Damian left him stranded at the gala, he had nothing to lose.
the song 'telepatia' by Kali Uchis played throughout the ballroom. Jon immediately took the reigns as the lead as the lights got dimmer and you danced against Jon sensually. "what got you dragged here?" you asked Jon. "my best friend invited me as his plus one. you?" he whispered in your ear, "I work for the company so I kind of had to attend," you managed to say before turning around and facing him.
you looked at Jon with drunken yet loving eyes, "you're handsome, you know that?" you said with no hesitation in your face. Jon laughed, placing his hand on your cheek, "right back at ya, darlin'," he replied as the song switched to another one of your favorite songs.
side to side by ariana grande started.
you shrugged, feeling as though you had nothing to lose and got up on your toes gave Jon a kiss on his lips. he was slightly taken back but played it off by returning it. the two of you remained kissing through the entirety of the song until Jon felt a familiar tap on his shoulder.
"I gotta go but if you're up for it, I'd love for ya to give me your number," you nodded excitedly as you practically snatched his phone from his hand and typed it in as quickly as possible with your name having a hundred emoji's next to it, "text me in the morning!" you screamed.
Jon laughed before following Damian from behind, "you suck, you know that!" Jon exclaimed, "I meet one girl I actually like and you drag me away!" Damian rolled his eyes, "please, you act like there isn't more girls out there to hit on." this time, it was Jon's turn to roll his eyes, "I got her number so I guess that's a plus."
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache but to a few messages on your phone. you smiled realizing that it was the boy you had met the night before.
"good morning...or actually good afternoon!"
Jon laughed from his side of the phone.
"good afternoon darlin'. I hope you had a good sleep."
you were texting your way down the stairs, greeting Alfred and Bruce before grabbing a plate of lunch and sitting down on the bar top. "what time you'd make it home?" Bruce asked, sensing the hangover you had. "a bit past midnight. drank a bottle of Lafite with Raven before dancing with a boy you invited," you said honestly.
Bruce felt himself go stiff at the admittance of you drinking the Lafite bottle but remained silent as Alfred placed Advil and one of your Gatorades next to you. "yeah, whoever must've danced with you last night must've been drunk too because you'd want to dance with you?" Damian said coming down the stairs.
you threw him a fork, Damian dodging it with ease, "I'd shut up if I were you. I'm actually getting coffee with the guy in like an hour," you replied, chugging down the rest of the food before getting up and going to your room, "yeah and I pray for the man who now has to deal with you," Damian screamed loud enough for you to hear.
you pulled on a skirt and tights before slipping on a sweater and fixing your hair and quickly doing your makeup. you grabbed the keys from your bag and took the back entrance to get to your car. one of the benefits of getting paid so much was that you were able to afford cars that were out of price range for a lot of people your age.
the coffee shop you decided to meet Jon at was a few blocks into the heart of central Gotham. you got a table farthest from the crowd as you didn't want any attention on you and your potential boyfriend. you saw Jon approaching at the front of the coffee shop and pulled on your sunglasses so no one outside could see who you were.
"nice to meet you, this time with me not being drunk," you told Jon, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek, "pleasure is all mine sweetheart," he replied, putting his arm around your shoulder. you got up to the front of cashier and scanned the menu.
"I'd like a venti mocha with oatmilk, what about you?" you asked Jon as he scanned the menu nervously before muttering that he hardly orders coffee. you smiled, "and an order of a grande peppermint hot chocolate," you added on as you took your card out, Jon's eyes widening at the black American Express card.
"wow, Wayne Enterprises must pay you really well," he exasperated, "yeah, I guess you could say that," you said as hesitantly as possible. after the two of you got the coffees, you got back to the table as you took off your sunglasses in a sigh of relief.
"do you really wear sunglasses everywhere you go?" Jon asked. you debated on telling him the actual reason but decided on a vague answer, "eh, it's more for secrecy. I guess if I get another date, I might tell you the real reason," you winked, making Jon blush.
through the weeks, you decided to keep the biggest part of your life a semi secret to Jon still. he knew vaguely of a few things but one mistake on your end managed to throw all of that away in more ways than one.
you were walking downtown with Jon, his hand grasping yours as the two of you roamed an area of town that you knew didn't have major significance to WE. you were holding a coffee in one hand as you walked about a few things that happened to you that week to Jon. it wasn't until you walked towards a busy street that your heart fell to your stomach.
a huge billboard, like signs you would see on highways, of you and Damian representing Wayne Enterprises stood in the middle of an intersection. you stared at the ground, your one secret given away as Jon stared down at you, a look of shock in his eyes.
"wait, you work with Damian Wayne?" he asked as he could tell that you did not want to look at him. you sighed, a bit scared, "work partners might be a little too far from what we are," you gulped, finally realizing that you had to admit to your family ties.
Jon looked at you, now more confused than shocked.
what you didn't know was that at the same time that you were about to confess everything to Jon, a paparazzi had taken dozens of photos of you and Jon that were immediately uploaded to various Twitter accounts and gossip magazines.
"Damian Wayne is my adopted brother. Bruce Wayne is my adopted dad. that's why I have a lot more money than any regular Wayne Enterprise worker."
Jon immediately stumbled to the ground, not expecting that answer coming from you. you immediately felt tears hitting your eyes as you figured that maybe Jon didn't want to be with someone so rich and famous. someone's whose family was always in the spotlight.
"DAMIAN WAYNE IS YOUR BROTHER?" Jon screamed, catching you off guard as this was the first time Jon had ever screamed at you. you nodded, trying not to look at him in the eyes, "he's going to kill me. your entire family is going to plot my murder. I'm a dead man. Clark is going to find me in a ditch," Jon started talking to himself.
it was now your turn to look at Jon confused, "wait, what?" you asked, wiping your tears. "YOUR BROTHER IS MY BEST FRIEND. Damian Wayne is Robin and I'm Superboy!" he whispered the last part, "I've been dating my best friends sister this entire time without realizing it!" he screamed.
you finally connected the dots. every time Damian said he was going on patrol with Superboy meant that he was going to hang out with Jon and every time Damian said that Jon turned down a patrol session usually meant that you were going on a date with him. both of you stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
"small world, eh?" you asked, trying to defuse the tension, "guess we better figure out a way to tell them, huh?" Jon replied as you both heard your phone going off with texts and calls. you opened it to see that Dick, Bruce, Tim, and even Jason and Alfred were frantically calling you.
"hello, what happened?" you asked, picking up Dick's call. "GET HOME NOW!" he yelled through the phone as you heard Damian's screeching voice from the other side, "why? what happened?" you asked, staring at Jon now in fear.
"SHE'S DATING JON? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM BEFORE I KILL HER!" you heard Damian scream before something broke, "pictures of you kissing Jon came to the public on Twitter and he saw them," Jason said, half annoyed.
both of your hearts fell to your stomach as you realized it was now or never. everyone knew of your relationship and it wasn't even something both of you tried to do intentionally. you grabbed Jon's hand, yours shaking in fear as you got into the passenger side of his beat up red truck. he could tell you were beyond scared to go home and he now knew it was time. he had to man up before it got worse and you attempted to break up with him.
once you arrived to Wayne Manor, you sat still, not moving an inch. "it'll be okay darlin', I promise it won't be too bad," he murmured as he opened your door. you nodded as you hopped off and started walking towards the door.
you could hear Damian's yells still going on from the other side door as you opened it. you grasped Jon's hand and walked into the living space, Damian's eyes immediately looking at you before charging to Jon with every ounce of strength he had. Jason quickly grabbed you as Jon dodged him and Damian went straight to attack him again. you couldn't bare to look at the sight and felt tears spring to your eyes as you hid your face into Jason's side.
"hey, you okay?" Jason asked. he could see the tears in your eyes which instantly made him a bit upset. "enough," Jason screamed, catching everyone's attention. Jon and Damian saw the hurt look on your face and as soon as Jon realized you were upset at the fight he was having, he kicked Damian off of him and walked towards you.
he grabbed your hand and whispered an apology into your ear as he stroked your cheek lovingly, "I'm sorry dear but I wasn't expecting Damian to do this," Jon said as Damian watched the way Jon was treating you. a part of him knew that Jon would treat you right. Jon wasn't like your typical average boy but the fact that neither of you told him is what set him off and seeing you being so lovingly with Jon set him off again.
Damian ran towards Jon again but this time, you shielded him which made him stop immediately, "Damian, stop, please," you croaked. Bruce saw you trying to neutralize the situation and stood next to Damian, hinting at him to quit it, "I'm sorry we never told you but the reason why we never did was because we had no idea who the other was. I didn't know Jon was your best friend and clearly didn't know that he was Superboy and he had no idea I was even related to you nevertheless your sister. please, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine," you explained.
Dick, Jason, and Tim stared at Jon who grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side, "and I would have never made the move if I knew she was your sister but we fell in love and it was like a soulmate connection. we were meant for each other and I want her to be in my life. she's it for me," Dick sighed mesmerized as Tim and Jason gagged at the cheesy confession.
Damian growled, "if you even think of hurting her, Clark will be down one son and I mean it. that's my sister and no man will ever be good enough for her. you are my best friend and she might be a pain in my ass, she means the world to me. I will not hesitate to dig your grave and bury you alive if I see one tear of sadness coming down her face," Damian stated before hitting Jon on the shoulder purposely before walking away.
you smiled, your heart swelling at Damian's speech. he never once said anything like that about you and in his Damian way of being, you knew this was his way of accepting your relationship with Jon. you smiled at Jon before giving him a huge kiss on the lips, making your dad and all of your brothers gag at the sight.
"okay, save that shit for privacy, no one needs to see that," Jason said as he walked away. Bruce gave you one look before turning to Jon, "your father knows in case you were wondering but feel free to stay for dinner if you'd like," Bruce said before walking away with Tim and Dick walking away with him.
"I love you," you whispered to Jon as he let out a laugh against your lips, "I love you too and I'm all of this was cleared out." you nodded in agreement as you grasped his hand, "wanna come up to my room? I figured we should catch some sleep before Alfred calls everyone for dinner and Damian starts another fight," Jon agreed, giving you a kiss on your head as the two of you walked up the stairs.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
May I request a scenario where Levi & y/n are sleeping together. At a dinner someone asks Levi about his love life & he mentions he’s in a relationship. Y/n thinks he’s talking about someone else, so when they’re in private she decides to end whatever is going on between them bc she doesn’t want Levi to cheat. So Levi has to spell it out that he was talking about her. (:
C/n: I like this. I like it a lot. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
A Secret Love. (Levi x Reader)
Soft lips pampered your neck with kisses as you straddled Levi’s lap. Your hands scratched his undercut, softly moaning at the feeling of his lips, and he moved away from your collarbone to view his artwork.
“You need to buy me more concealer if you’re gonna keep on doing that.” You chuckle and he looks at you. Your flushed cheeks and soft pants made him want to have you then and there. But he had a meeting in a few minutes and he called you in his office for a few seconds of shenanigans.
“Who said I want you to cover it up?” He shoots you a smirk and you roll your eyes. You plant a kiss on his lips and get up from his lap. You go to a mirror and fix your shirt before looking back at him. “Your meeting starts in five. I suggest you go before it starts.” You say and he gets up. “See you later?” He asks before he leaves and you nod.
You would think that you and him were together but that was so not the case. Levi and you had a strict contract about your relationship being only sex. The whole arrangement was just about relieving stress from the corporate business and trying to find some release. At first, everything was fine. Levi would call you to his apartment, spend a few hours there and you would leave. Then you started to stay over. And that turned into just hanging out.
Being his secretary, you always knew where he was and what he was doing. So if he called you into his office, 9 times out of ten, it’s for a quickie. That was it.
Until you started to catch feelings for him.
Each kiss he gave you made your heart jump and the way his hands roamed your body with more sincerity made you fall for him. He genuinely cared about pleasing you, something you weren’t accustom to since most of the jerks you dated last three thrusts and pulled out leaving you unsatisfied and annoyed.
You sat by your desk as Levi went for his meeting, waiting for him to come back. The day was slow and the only thing that he had planned was this big meeting.
Two hours later, Levi comes back to his office with his colleague, Erwin. Erwin was Levi’s childhood friend and now that he was in a similar business position as Levi, they started to see each other at meetings.
���Ms L/n. How lovely to see you again.” Erwin greets and shakes your hand. “Mr Smith. Likewise.” You smile and glance at Levi. “Say, tomorrow night there’s going to be a dinner with many business people. I’m going, Levi’s going and I will love it if you joined.” Erwin says with a smile and you look at Levi. As much as you two had a secret “affair”, he was still your boss. “Uh, I’m going to have to check with my boss first.” You chuckle and Erwin looks at Levi. “Oh, Levi isn’t going to be a pain and not let you come. It’s at the Rose House Restaurant down on Main Street.”
Your eyes widen at the name of it. That was one of the biggest, most expensive restaurants in the city. You would have to book a reservation at least four months prior.
Erwin laughs at your reaction. “I’ll be looking forward to seeing you there, Y/n. See you, Levi.” He waves at Levi. “Later, Eyebrows.” Erwin disappears into the elevator and as soon as it descends you feel lips on your neck and arms around your waist. “If you wanted to go that shitty restaurant, you could’ve just asked.” He mumbles and you giggle. You turn in his arms and he lifts you onto your desk, settling in between your legs. “Do you want to go? Honestly I’m contemplating on going but if you want to, we’ll go.” He whispers and you nod. “If it’s not a problem?” He scoffs and kisses you as his hands start to roam. “You’ll never be a problem.” See, it was things like that that made you fall hopelessly in love with him. It sucked because you knew it wasn’t true.
The next night, you checked your dress and make up for the umpteenth time and finally decided that you were ready. A simple long black dress with a slit up until your upper thigh with thin straps that crossed against your back made you look like a million bucks.
Your phone dinged and you saw that Levi was outside. You quickly grabbed your purse, checked your lipstick and left the apartment. You walked down the stairs and Levi’s eyes widened. You saw the change in his demeanor and you bit your lip as you twirled around, making him see everything. “What do you think? Not bad for a last minute.” You chuckle and he presses his lips against your hand, like a prince.
“You..look beautiful, Y/n.” He whispers and you don’t know if it’s the car lights or your imagination, but you thought Levi was blushing. You smiled and he opened the door for you and you jumped in. Levi sat in the drivers seat and buckled up. He started the car and a few moments later, laid a hand on your thigh.
It made your heart skip.
The restaurant was as beautiful as you imagined. Maybe even better. Levi caught sight of the table and escorted you to it.
“Levi! You made it! Oh, Y/n. Looking amazing.” Hange exclaimed and you laughed. You weren’t expecting to see her here. “Hange?!” You say and she hugs you. “Surprised? Got back yesterday and decided to spend the day with my husband. Moblit says hi by the way.” You let go of Levi’s arm and sit next to her as Levi sat next to Erwin and his father. There were many other business men and woman there and although you were nervous, they were all lovely to talk to and Hange made you loosen up.
The night progressed from business talk to family to relationships. A very sketchy topic for you since you didn’t like to talk about it. There was one woman who was by Levi the whole night and you really tried not to be jealous. He wasn’t yours. So why did you feel the angry, green dragon of jealousy wash over you?
“Damn if I had you on my arm, I’ll never complain about anything ever again.” The woman slurs as she sipped her wine. Levi’s buttons were undone and everyone was relatively drunk so you were waiting for Levi to say “yeah. So let’s get outta here.” or something. Instead, something worse was said.
“Too bad I’m in a relationship.” He says and drinks the rest of his whiskey. Erwin, Hange and Erwin’s father snapped to him. “What?! With who?! Why didn’t you tell us?!” Erwin and Hange ask him and Erwin’s father pats him on his shoulder.
“What’s she like?” Hange asks and Levi groans. “As if I’d tell you.” His eyes glance to you. “Come on Levi! Tell us one thing, at least.”
Levi puts his glass down and clears his throat. “She’s beautiful. Witty and clever. She puts up with my shit and she’s special. Very special.” He says and Erwin smiles. You put your head down, staring at the liquid in your glass as if it held all the answers to the universe.
Levi was in a relationship? And he didn’t tell you? That means, this entire time, he was cheating. The thought made you sick to your stomach because as much as you loved Levi, you respected his unknown girlfriend as well and she didn’t deserve to know that her boyfriend had been banging his secretary for the past months.
“She sounds great, son.” Erwin’s father say and he nods. “She is.” She must really have made a special mark on his heart if he’s talking so much about her. You bite your lip trying to not cry. It hurt. It hurt like someone has stabbed your a thousand time and then proceeded to rip your heart out.
When it was time to leave, you kissed Hange and Erwin goodbye as waved goodbye to all of the people. Levi draped his coat over your shoulders and you froze. “Can only imagine how cold you must be.” He says and you nod. Weird. You always joked about everything and was so carefree so what was the change?
You and Levi walked to his car and before he could open the door for you, you opened it for yourself and sat inside. Levi pulled his eyebrows in, confused at your actions but he didn’t say anything. Rather he just went into the car and drove you home.
The entire ride home, you didn’t utter a single word. Not about the restaurant, not about the food, hell not even about him. Your mind was just trying to find a way to break this off in the calmest way possible.
When Levi parked outside your apartment, he turned the car off and looked at you. “You’ve been quiet all night, what’s wrong?” He asks and you breath in a big breath. “I think...we need to stop whatever this is.” You motion between the two of you and Levi’s heart stops. “What? Why?”
“Levi,” you look at him, dejected and tired, “you’re in a relationship and you didn’t tell me. It’s one thing to be doing this but she doesn’t deserve to be cheated on. She sounds like a great girl, by the way. I hope you and her have a good life together.”
Before he could even get a word in, you take off his jacket and jump out the car. You walked up three steps before your arm was caught by a hand, turning you. You almost fell but Levi caught you. “You really are an idiot.” He whispers and you pull away from his shoulder.
“I said that you’re an idiot. How can you say that you’re such a great girl and then leave without me agreeing with you?”
Your lips part and before you could say “what?” Levi pulls you in for a kiss. “It’s you, dummy. I was talking about you,” he murmurs against your lips, “you’re witty and clever. You’re the one who can piss me off and turn me on at the same time. You’re the one who can put up with my shit. You’re the one, Y/n.”
You look deep into his gunmetal eyes, flabbergasted and touched. “Wh-Why didn’t you say anything back at the restaurant then?” Levi scoffs.
“I wasn’t going to officially ask you to be mine in front of a bunch of unknown people. What if you rejected me?” He jokes and you kiss him. Again and again.
“Never. I’ll never reject you.” You softly say as he hums against your lips. “Be mine, Y/n.” “I was already yours.”
You stay enveloped in his arms for a while but then he lifts you up and carries you bridal style to your apartment.
“Now can I show you what you being in that dress did to me the whole night?”
“It’s only you who loves me like you do.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
WAP Headcanon
Word Count:2726
Warning Part Two: There is a lot of sexual content behind the cut. Oral Sex, Sex, Degrading, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Lots of swearing, 
Summar Request:”i was wondering if you could write a motley crue headcannon of them with a fem s/o that got that WAP lol” I listened to WAP 700 times well writing this. I also made a playlist that you can find HERE
A/N: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READS MY WRITING! I appreciate you all so much and just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you all sending me requests and talking to me about fandoms. You all make me so happy and I can’t even put into words how much I appreciate the reblogs, likes, and messages you all send me. Thank you!
Tag List: @ayablackwood @littlemisscare-all @thenobodies-inc​ @agroupiewhore
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“I could make you bust before I ever meet ya”
-You met Vince well working as a lifeguard the summer before college
-He literally was so obsessed with you that he went to the beach everyday for two weeks until you finally agreed to go out with him.
-Watching you climb up the lifeguard with your little red bath suit cut high so he can stare at your ass bouncing with each step
-He picks you up in his sports car and literally almost falls on his ass when you come out of the house with a sheer white dress and white lingerie on under it.
-Teasing him all night so he feels like he’s going to explode
-Sucking your finger well making eye contact with him
-Reaching out to push his blonde hair away from his face
-Touching him constantly, in innocent ways to build him up
-Complimenting his lips and running your fingers over them and pressing a thumb against his wet lower lip and then licking it and dragging your lower lip down
-The sexual tension is so high Vince thinks he’s going to cum as he drives you home
-Telling him you don’t sleep with men on the first date and not giving him a time for a second date
-”In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya”
-He sends gifts all the time until you finally agree to go out with him again
-When he picks you up you’re wearing a fur jacket and a pair of high heels.
-”Take me to your house”
-Walking into his house and sliding out of the coat and letting it fall to the floor as you look over your naked shoulder.
-Vince has been with a ton of woman but you’re fucking demanding.
-You spread your legs pulling his blonde hair to your aching pussy pushing him down and watching him eat you like it’s a last meal
-He’s a clean eater, licking and sucking, using only his mouth to suck up your juices and suck your clit
- Keeping your heels on as you lay them over his shoulders laying back on bed
-Kissing your thighs after you cum and licking up your thighs tasting the wetness that leaked over them.
-Putting a condom on using your mouth
-Being on all fours, ass in the air, letting him go deep and hard as he fucks you
-The feeling of your wet pussy leaking over his balls making a slapping sound that is driving him crazy
-Loud and Vocal during sex, telling him how he’s fucking you so good. And Vince is eating it all up. He loves being praised and you’re stroking his ego like your pussy is stroking his cock.
-Switching positions so you can reverse cowgirl
-“If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?",When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name”
-Vince loves watching the way your ass bounces and twirls on the top. He watches the way you pull up, lowering yourself on the tip of his cock and spinning down on his cock like you’re screwing it in tight.
-Skin slapping skin, wet slaps as you ride him, watching your pussy sliding out around his cock
-Telling him you’re going to cum again and Vince moving to fucking you with your legs bent over his shoulder so he can fuck you hard and deep
-Legs shaking, squeezing Vince as you cum around his cock
-Vince would be praising you as you came, so enamored with you and also feeling like he had reached some level of success
-His sweaty forehead pressed into your shoulder as he clings you you emptying inside
-You got what you wanted so you roll out of bed making yourself comfortable as you go take a shower, locking the door so you get your privacy. Completely throwing off this teddy bear of a man who loves cuddling and pillow talk after sex
-Coming out after your shower to a surprised Vince wondering why you were shutting him out after what he thought was great sex
-You tell Vince you’re calling a cab home and he’s surprised but you don’t sleep over guys' houses. But you know what you want, you got it and now it’s time to head home
-Vince is literally left speechless as he watches you put on your coat wondering if he’ll see you again or if he is going to have to keep stalking you at the beach
-“Will I see you again?”
-Shrugging as you get into a cab and giving him a coy smile before shutting the door and leaving.
-Calling him that night and letting him know you’re free tomorrow
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-Everyone jokes that Mick is an old man but dude is seriously Daddy
-Like sugar daddy and gives you daddy dick
- “Pay my tuition just to kiss me”
- Always showering and lavishing you with attention when you meet up
-But whenever you meet up you know he is going to want too hook up in public
-He gets so horny knowing you can get caught and you do little things to make him go crazy
-Like wearing a little collar, that goes to the bondage set he bought, out to brunch with him
-Or when you go out you wear sheer shirts so he can see the outline of your brown nipples
-Sunday Brunch was your weekly meeting with Daddy Mars
-You’re outside, the sun shining on your skin. Sunglasses over your eyes when you feel lips on yours
-Mick is always just looking at you, admiring you.
-You’re wearing this crop top white peasant blouse that ties in the front and a denim skirt
-“I don't cook, I don't clean, But let me tell you how I got this ring”
-You met Mick at a bar one night with your friends. He bought drinks for you all night, and you made him laugh with your witty one liners. He had asked to see you again and that’s how Brunch started. He knew he was older than you but when he met you he had proposed helping you with school fees and you spending Sundays with him.
- Your foot slipped out of the sandal running along the inside of his thigh
-His eyes are dancing, loving how you know what he wants
-As you’re eating the sky is turning dark, warning of a summer rainstorm.
-the sky breaks open after Mick pays and you expect him to take you to the car to have a quickie or go to his house but he’s leading you over to the beach.
-As much as you like to tease him you hadn’t expected for it to rain so your thin shirt is completely translucent against your skin
-“Sit on the wall.”
-He sinks into the sand in front of you, tossing his jacket next to you, rolling up your wet denim skirt. Legs over his legs as he tasted you
-“Make it cream, make me scream,Out in public, make a scene”
-Gripling the concrete wall, he’s in front of you lapping at your clit as his fingers plunge into your wetness. Fingers working you with the same precision he plays a guitar. Curling into your core tapping the g-spot
-Head thrown back, rain water flowing down over you
-People are driving by wondering what the hell you’re doing out in the rain because they can’t see Mick working better. Your legs are shaking as he holds you in place, fucking your wet pussy with his fingers, toying with your clit witb his tongue.
-“I’m going to cum”
-Mick moved a little, fingers going into overdrive as he spread you further watching as you squirt.
-Kissing your thighs as you try to breathe again after he just dragged out a super strong orgasm from you.
-Wrapping his jacket around you as you go to his car
-He pulls up to your dorms and slips some cash into the jacket pocket.
-“See you next week, baby.”
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-“He bought a phone just for pictures, Of this wet-ass pussy (click, click, click)”
-Nikki just bought a new video camera and you’re going to be the star of his film.
-He has you posed, sitting on the floor with knees bent and legs spread naked so he could video you touching yourself
-You’re looking at the camera, not shy as your hand dips lower. You take your fingers in a V splitting your lips to reveal the juicy wetness inside your aching cunt
-Nikki audibly groans seeing the sticky sweetness in a glistening pattern across you
-It’s obvious he wants to touch you but he’s trying to record all of this.
-Holding your lips apart you take a free hand swiping a finger over your wetness and holding it out for Nikki to taste. His mouth  is around your fingers in an eager moan as he licks them clean
-The way he licked your fingers just had you wanting more
-You love performing for Nikki and driving him crazy
-Rubbing your wet fingers over your nipples, soft moans that cause him to curse under his breath
-Using your fingers to rub your clit and tugging your nipples well looking at him
-Nikki takes out his cock, stroking it as he’s watching you.
-You open your mouth, tongue coming out as an invitation
-He’s setting down the camera at an angle, gripping your head as his cock slides into your mouth
-”I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp,I wanna gag, I wanna choke, I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing, That swing in the back of my throat”
-He’s gripping your hair, compliments like “fuck baby” “so good” “take it all” and deep groans of appreciate coming from him. You’re drooling, tongue lapping to stroke every inch of him as he’s holding himself all the way in your throat. You feel your spit sliding out of your mouth, covering his balls as Wet gurgles of pleasure come from you around his cock
-Nikki tilts your chin up, “Eyes on me.” You look up, eyes watering and mascara leaking down your face from not being able to breath but you put on your big eyes good girl act
-“I’m going to paint your face in my cum, Princess.”
- Pulling out of your mouth and shooting his hot cum across your face, licking your lips to taste him as he grunts out as he cums.
-“Stay like that I want a picture”
-Nikki shuts off the video camera and starts taking Polaroids of you covered in his cum, smiling like the little whore you are
-He’s posing you, and giving you a towel to clean your face as he starts taking pictures of you on your hands and knees ass in the air
-“You’re still so wet for me.”
-You get on your back, Nikki covering you with his body, his lips hovering above yours. Your heart beating with anticipation and you whisper out a “Please” the smug smirk of satisfaction is illuminating his face.
-Nikki slides into you, filling you until you’re stretched almost uncomfortably around him
-Deep strokes making you see fucking stars as he holds your hips, letting you wrap your legs around him, and he fucks you
-”Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes”
-Your mouth is hanging open and you go to lick your bottom lip and he spits in your mouth, taking you off guard at the intimacy and
-You’re looking up, open mouthed and horny shocked that he did that.
-“Treating my princess like a whore. “
- You nod your head to let him know you liked it and you’re okay with it. The way your nipples hardened and you squeezed around him gave him the confirmation you were his little whore.
-Your wetness was coating not only you but Nikki’s thigh as it slipped from your body
-You opened your mouth to tell him you were going to cum but it was shut off by his lips slamming into yours. He knew our tell tale signs. Your arms holding onto him, soft mons coming out as you pushed into him, writhing in your orgasm
-”I’m going to fill you up, Princess.”
-Your head was nodding, his lips easing you with kisses he peppered on your skin, the way his pants met your ears before the groan and you knew he had finished.
-You lay on the floor for a moment well you both get your breath back. And then you head to the shower
-Nikki helps you clean up, his hands gentle on your shoulders.
-”You were so wet today, Princess. I guess you like being in front of the camera”
-Just hearing him says that just gets you started all over again and you want him again
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-”Big D stand for big demeanor”
-Can not keep his hands off of you
-You sit down and he’s either next to you on the couch of he’s behind you reaching ove of his freakishly long arms over to hold your shoulder
-This man loves you and is always ready to go
-At a show, he’s making eyes at you backstage before the show and you know exactly what he wants from you
-Standing next to a table talking to someone you feel his hands on your back squeezing a hip as he leans in to whisper to you, “Come with me”
-He pulls you into a dressing room and everyone knows exactly what you tw are about to do.
-Tommy is quick to pull up your skirt and he’s dropping to his knees in front of you, tugging your panties to the side and pulling a leg over his shoulder
-He loves eating pussy, this man loves sliding his tongue into your pussy, swirling his tongue around to get your taste on his tongue. His fingers pinch your clut rolling it in tiny circles as his tongue fucks you in little thrusts and than laps hungirly
-”Fucking love the taste of you, babe. You’re so sweet.”
-You feel like you’re going to collapse, your thighs are trembling and you want to cum with him inside you
-”Tommy, fuck me. Stop fooling around.”
-Do not need to tell this man twice. Very good listener.
-”I want you to park that big Mack truck, Right in this little garage”
-Tommy has you bent over the couch before you can even realize what is happening, his cock teasing your entrance, sliding the tip in and pulling out. Inch by inch he goes in and comes out until your legs are shaking, needing all of him inside of you.
-He knows there isn’t a lot of time so he’s slamming into you, his bare cock filling you after his teasing and groaning Y/N in appreciation.
-Your pussy squeezes against him, making the drummer curse in surprise
-He’s wrapping your hand around his hair pulling you so your back is arched and he can really slam into you
-Your ass is slapping against him with each thrust and you’re meeting him
-”Fuck babe, you’re so wet. Your thighs are like a fucking slip and slide”
-Tommy is more vocal during sex than you. He’s always praising your body, telling you how hot he thinks you are, telling you exactly what he likes, making little groans of pleasure when you clamp down on his cock, and just really making the whole thing feel good.
-”Stop squeezing me, I’m not going to be able to pull out if your pussy keeps sucking me in.” He warns you as you bounce back against his cock
-Tommy wants you to cum, you can tell he can’t hold on much longer
-His fingers reach around pressing your clit and after a few touches you let go against him, falling forward with a shudder
-Making you cum just gets this man even more fucking excited. He’s pushing deep into you, getting a sweat appear
-He’s pulling out, jerking his cock in fierce needy motions, shooting his load over your ass in white stringy patterns. Slapping your ass playfully
“Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me “
-After his boner brain goes away and he can think like a normal person again he’s helping you clean up.
-All about aftercare and making sure that you’re okay
“I said, certified freak, Seven days a week, Wet-ass pussy, make that pull out game weak”
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damselofblueroses · 3 years
Bambi, Chapter 1
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You are my Bambi, girl, I am your candy, tell me what are you waiting for?
Summary: As an archaeologist who works on the Ancient Greece, you were on the verge of excavations’ session. While you have been preparing your team, you learned that your institute decided on your team has to work with another team as they wanted the outcome as a collaboration. The head of other team was your biggest rival, a scumbag in your eyes: Byun Baekhyun.
You two were supposed to work together for three months, in a Greek Island, Chios.
Could you manage to not kill Byun Baekhyun for three months?
Content: AU, heavily Greek mythology, enemies to friends.
Warnings: Well, the story contains NSFW/Smut, please minors do not continue.
Note: This story will be four or five chapters if I will not change my mind in the meantime. It is inspired by my major; however, I do not have a complete knowledge on archaeology, I am a historian. If I will make a technical mistake, please let me know. I am willing to receive any kind of feedback; you are more than welcomed to drop a message.
Chapter One: UN Village
June, Incheon Airport
Along the curves of the hill
Rolling, rolling, rolling hills
As we climb there’s a broken streetlight
When I see one, I turn off the lights under it
Baekhyun was nothing but ready for the excavation.
You were more than ready for the session.
Both of you, were nothing but two leaders who hated each other equally.
You were eyeing each other with saying no words since your teams came together in the airport. Before this particular moment of departure, you refused to meet with Byun Baekhyun, putting aside meeting with him, you refused even dropping an e-mail in order to let Sunkyungwan Team about Sejong Team. You were clear and strict as fuck, even though two teams had to work together for three months, you had zero intention to get accustomed with the other team leader.
The weather was sunny, nice and warm, however because of you and Baekhyun, your team members were feeling like they were trapped in a fucking blizzard during the coldest winter.
You were aware of your team members had positive opinions of that scoundrel, especially the girls, as you had your first-handed experiences because of your stupid classmates, Byun Baekhyun was very famous of his abilities to cast a spell on women. The problem was he was also famous as a serial dater, serial killer type of men.
A bastard, nothing more nothing less.
“Indy,” one of your team members, Minseok, called you. Although, calling you as Indy was also a habit of Minseok, it was also an obligation for the others, you insisted on calling you by your nickname or your name, instead of calling you as sunbae. You did not like the hierarchical titles. “Should we move into the control point?”
“Yeah, if you are ready.” you replied, grabbing your luggage and the rest.
“I guess we have to alert Sunkyungwan people since we will fly together.” Hyesun pointed out, your eyebrows knitted.
“I guess,” you recall her words. “They also have this information, so we do not have to alert anyone, we are not their babysitters.”
Hyesun’s cheeks were blushing after you kindly scolded her, but she was clever enough to hold her tongue. Your dislike towards Sunkyungwan was not a secret as you used every opportunity to show it. You led your team to the kiosks, counting the heads automatically. You had six here, you were going to have ten more when you arrive to Chios whose coming from all around European universities. With thirteen Sunkyungwan students, the excavation was going to shelter almost forty members. It was going to be massive, you had to admit. You never had more than twenty students in the field till now, but you were going to lead an extraordinary team as Junmyeon craved into your brain’s folds with his hammer of words.
You wished to be with Junmyeon right now, you were more tense than usual. Junmyeon could put you in more stable mood, however you even did not think to name him while the executives were asking your possible candidates. He would kill you merciless, you knew it very well.
Eh, at least you got Sehun, Junmyeon’s brother in your team, he had a lot of similarities with Junmyeon even though he could be noisier than anyone you know, however you accepted him as your dongsaeng, as his precious noona and role model, you also knew how to put him in an order. Then you had Minseok, the eternal field-partner of yours. He was older than you, although he was engaged in a Ph.D. programme in abroad, he willingly accepted your invitation. You had four seniors, Shinhye, Yixing, Jongdae and Hyesun.
To your dismay, two of the seniors who you really could want in your team, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were in that bastard’s team. You were of the fact that they were immensely close to each other, but you wished to have them in your team as their abilities were precious.
Especially Doh Kyungsoo.
You missed that fucking bastard who preferred to be with Baekhyun.
Life, you inhaled. It was not going exactly in the way you could ask.
“On your foot, soldiers.” you called your team around you. “Do you collect all the materials you will be in need of?”
“Yeah.” Jongdae cutely pointed to his tiniest bag. “I am ready to excavate.”
“Exactly you will need every tool you have.” Shinhye smacked her husband’s shoulder. Yeah, you had a married couple in your team, although you were a year younger them, you always regarded yourself as their big sister, if not a mother. “You are going to work too much, Dae. I have sleepless nights because of the burden on your shoulders.”
You could not help but burst into laughs after the look Jongdae gave to his wife. Those idiots, they were so lovely and instead of their endless scolding sessions, they were incredibly fond of each other.
Sometimes you wonder, how having your significant other by your side would be?
You slightly shook your head, quickly climbing out of this deep cliff.
“Let’s go!” you exclaimed, jumping to the air. “Sejong is ready for the session!”
Baekhyun was watching you with a disgusted expression.
“Move on, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol pushed his body to forward. “We will miss the flight, Goddamnit.”
“Give him couple of minutes.” Kyungsoo chuckled. “He is fucking the girl with his eyes, frankly, he is doing it unapologetically.”
“Which girl?” Chanyeol’s eyes widened. “Do you mean, that girl? You c-
“Of course, I am not.” Baekhyun interrupted Chanyeol, staring at Kyungsoo. “She can go and fuck herself.”
“Well,” Kyungsoo stood up, placing his book into the bag. “I guess, you are going to be one to fuck her, but maybe I am wrong.”
“In her dreams.” Baekhyun laughed. “If she can manage to dream something like this, but I do not think so. That little freak can put even the nuns into a shame.”
“She is beautiful to be honest.” Chanyeol said with no different intention but observing your features carefully. “Okey maybe not the hottest girl in the town, but she is pretty, and I heard she is very clever.”
“She is.” Kyungsoo approved. “But she kicked Baekhyun’s ass twice, so he cannot endure her presence.”
“She never,” Baekhyun grunted lowly. “Kick me or my proverbial parts!”
“Did someone talk about kicking some asses?” Jongin appeared out of nowhere. “I am in.”
“Shut up, Jongin.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Let’s pick the team.”
The smile on Kyungsoo’s face irritated Baekhyun, he wanted to erase that fucking grin so bad, punching his face but Baekhyun had to hold his manners as the team leader. If they would be in their flat, he could already beat the shit out of Kyungsoo, at least he would try.
Baekhyun hated the fact that Kyungsoo had the exact past with you and him. Three of you entered the department together, instead Kyungsoo went to another university to pursue his master, in the end he testified every moment between you and Baekhyun.
That’s why he was smiling since he learned you were going to be the other team leader.
Baekhyun was aware of the close relationship between you and Kyungsoo, one of his best friends.
Quickly Baekhyun led his team to the control point, close to your team. He was avoiding from this step, however as the leader, presenting his fucking team to your team was his responsibility. When they arrived, he took a deep breath.
“Good morning to all.” his blood started to boil when you turned to him with a displeased face expression. Your eyebrows were knitted, your fucking lips formed as a thick line, your dislike was palpable and Baekhyun knew his own face was mirroring your feelings. “I hope you are fine, could you let me present my team to you?”
Baekhyun wanted nothing but cut the shit off.
“Good morning.” you answered between your teeth. Your voice sounded extremely creepy. “Yeah, go for it.”
You do not make a favour to me, bloody woman, Baekhyun thought but he put all his efforts to control his words.
“My name is Byun Baekhyun, I am going to lead Sunkyungwan Team this year.” he looked at your team members, quickly memorized their faces. “I really look forward to work with you, I wish a good session for us. They are my members, Park Chanyeol, Doh Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, Kim Danbi, Lee Taemin, Lee Donghae, Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Lee Seungjo, Kang Seulgi, Im Yoona, Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri.”
“You are like a troop, huh?” one of your girls smiled after Baekhyun finished his presentation.
“More or less.” Baekhyun smiled back to her. What a surprise to him was the transformation of your face. You warmly smiled to the members and bowed to each of them.
Baekhyun raised his left eyebrow, but he could not avert his eyes from your smiling face.
It was pleasant like a spring day and when you smile your eyes were shining.
“Thank you.” he heard your voice. “My team is not big as yours, Park Shinhye, Kim Jongdae, Zhang Yixing, Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok and Song Hyesun.”
“You forget yourself.” Minseok slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes. “Indy is going to lead Sejong Team as she has been leading us for the last two years, you can put your faith on her, she is the greatest.”
“Indy?” Jongin repeated your nickname with a surprised face. “Are you foreigner?”
“Do I look like?” you laughed and prevented yourself from flinching his forehead. He was such a cute kid. “That’s how my team call me.”
“Ah.” Jongin blushed and you could not control yourself anymore.
“But if you want, you can also call me as Indy.” you grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Everything must be equal for the teams since we are going to live together during a whole summer.”
“I would like to.” Jongin bowed to you.
“So do we need to add sunbae when we call you?” Kyungsoo asked.
“Have you ever called me as a sunbae, Doh Kyungsoo?” you coldly replied. “Did Sunkyungwan change your behaviours?”
“Gardens of roses turn to garths of thorns in a second.” Kyungsoo murmured but he was smiling to you, then he opened his arms, catching you off guard because you knew that Kyungsoo was not a huge fan of hugs. “Will you salute me as a good friend, or will I start calling you as sunbae?”
“Shut the fuck up, Doh.” you inhaled, but actually you were happy to see your still-working-on friendship. You moved to hug him, he held you tightly and lifted you to the air, then turned around himself, made you laugh like a 5-year-old girl.
Baekhyun did not like what was happening before his eyes. Kyungsoo had to be with Baekhyun, not hugging you for his fucking dear life, or lifting and turning you around like you were very dear to him. He hated sharing his friends with you, he already lost Junmyeon, he wanted to keep Kyungsoo and Chanyeol to himself. You should be fucking away from them, they were Baekhyun’s and only Baekhyun’s friends.
And there was another fragile issue that Baekhyun had been keeping in the deepest point of his heart and mind, like the palace of Nyx in the darkest part of Tartarus. Extremely delicate, horrendous, and even atrocious.
Baekhyun was aware of a strange presence was lying down beneath his hatred, dislike and continuous loathe towards you, there was a layer of curiosity, something could feed different layers and causing an earthquake in his life. Baekhyun knew that you were his biggest rival, but you became his rival by your talents and intelligence. He knew this and this piece of realization doubled his hate towards you.
The funny part was the things he did not realize. Baekhyun was full of confidence, he was capable of performing even miracles, however he never perceive the fact that you were also a miracle.
“So, what we are going to do?” Chanyeol asked to everyone with a huge, happy smile. Baekhyun fended himself off moaning, happy virus Chanyeol already sensed the chance of levitating the mood between the teams and playing along with it. “Are we boarding?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” one of your boys, Sehun, came close to Chanyeol. Baekhyun and you immediately glared them, noticing the chemistry between these two. Both of you wished to keep the teams apart from each other in order to reduce the obliged interactions between the leaders, but it seemed not possible even from the beginning. Baekhyun was cursing between his lips, you were swearing at the executive board in your mind.
“Indy,” Shinhye whispered to you. “Are you okey? You look like wanting to kill one of us.”
“Not you.” you answered without thinking, then registered to your words. “Ignore me, Shinhye, I am a little bit tense right now.”
“We got your back.” she blinked at you and held Jongdae’s hand. “Let’s start the adventure!”
What an adventure, you thought but silently joined them. Kyungsoo also was walking next to you.
“Why the heck you went to Sunkyungwan?” you spilled the bean. “I always believed you would stay in Sejong.”
“Yeah, that was my intention.” Kyungsoo was plain as always. “However, Sunkyungwan gives me more opportunities to secure my career, Indy.”
“I know.” you had to admit. Sejong was not generous as Sunkyungwan. “Sorry for my selfish words.”
“No worries.” he beamed. “It happens all the time, but I am really happy to work with you again.”
“Old but gold days, huh?”
“Well, it was not purely gold,” Kyungsoo followed the flows and ebbs. “Do you remember when we were almost expelled from the university?”
“Is there a way to forget those days?” you immediately took a look on Baekhyun. It was his fault, obviously. “We were shitting in our pants instead of the one who put us in that situation.”
“Come on,” Kyungsoo chuckled. “It was not only his fault, Indy, our hands were also crimson red.”
“Let me recall the memory, Doh,” you pinched his hand, he playfully pushed your fingers. “Excuse me if I am wrong, however that scumbag was the one who challenged you to confiscate the coin, because of your involvement into the incident, I had no choice but dragging your ass out of shit.”
“They caught two of us in the crime field.” Kyungsoo burst into laughs. “Professor Lee went ballistic and scolded us like we just killed a person cold heartedly.”
“And you could not see the reason behind it?” You were cutting Kyungsoo’s body with your eyes. “If someone tries to steal a coin from the excavation house during the session, I will kill them for sure. We were so lucky, the one who caught us was Professor Lee.”
“I heard you are strictest when it comes to excavation.” Kyungsoo assured you. “But try to not kill us.”
“The only one I am going to take down,” you shivered with the memory, Kyungsoo was already regretful to remind it to you. Well, maybe not so much because he wanted you and Baekhyun to realize the potential relationship you could have, and the easiest way in order to put you two in touch was making you angry. “That bastard if he will behave like the old days. We are not children anymore.”
“Have you ever been a kid?”
“Fuck off, Kyungsoo.”
“You did not change even a bit, Indy.” Kyungsoo made his statement. Obviously, you were going to keep this to yourself, taking his silent approval made you were more than happy. “You are still a pain in the ass.”
“And you are still a good boy.” you grinned, watching his lips formed around silent laughs. “Such a cute puppy for me, let me see your wagging tail.”
“I am sorry to interrupt your flirting session,” Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun’s deadpanned face. “However, we have to move.”
“When you come across to a pretty girl,” Kyungsoo did not miss the chance of returning the favour. “You have to flirt with her. Wasn’t it your advice?”
“Yeah.” Baekhyun looked at you, then turned to Kyungsoo.
You knew what was going to happen.
“He said pretty girls,” you tucked the words in Baekhyun’s mouth before he could open his fucking damn mouth. “To my dismay, I have never been pretty to correspond the standards of Byun Baekhyun the Magnificent. I am crying for the lack of beauty almost every night, I mean living without Byun Baekhyun’s interests… Such a misery.”
Kyungsoo bit his lower lip in order to hold his laugh, Baekhyun’s fists were clenching but you did not stop there.
"Ah I almost forget to ask for the name of that little village, Baekhyun.” you directly looked at his eyes since ages. “Where the girl you desperately wanted to bless with your attention left you? UN Village?”
You immediately spin on your tiptoes, then slipped towards to Sehun, leaving two of them behind of you, refusing to look at back. In the meantime, Baekhyun was throwing daggers to your back, grinding his teeth, his jaw was extremely tensed. Before Kyungsoo could stop him, he swiftly came to your side, you felt his breath on your neck.
You shivered.
You fucking shivered and Baekhyun noticed that.
“You are playing with the fire, as always.” he whispered to your ear before someone could notice what he was doing. “Did you forget who was burning with fire, baby girl?”
He quickly disappeared and started to make such a fuss in order to gather his team members around himself. You were frozen, after years, you were frozen, you missed the little smile on the corner of Baekhyun’s mouth.
You were on the verge of screaming because of the frustration you had felt. You forced yourself to proceed, walked into the plane, helped your team in order to set their belongings and place into their seats, then you retreated your own seat. It was comfortable and you could easily snatch a blanket. Your wish became true, even quicker than you expected because Sehun, your wonderful Sehun, already brought a soft blanket for you. You smiled at him, actually forgiving him for building bonds with Chanyeol since they changed their seats in order to sit next to each other and weaved your legs around the fabric.
Your brain was in autopilot, you were lost in the horrible memories. You did not want to recall them, you buried them into the cemetery of your memory. You wished nothing but never remember that day.
The day in that village.
Baekhyun was mad at himself.
His face was clouded, for the first time he was silent and sitting on the farthest seat in the plane. He really wanted to be alone, and since being vocal about his feeling was so natural for him, he told his need to the team. They willingly let him to do what he wanted, as a result, he was looking out of window, hell if a person could see something out of a plane’s window, and he was cursing himself.
He knew it was going to be a chess play. Between you and him.
It has been always like the chess.
There was a bond between you and Baekhyun, even thought you two always refused it, you also were aware of that bond. You equally hated each other and if there was a thing which could make you happier than seeing each other’s downfalls, that was the opportunity of being the one who digs the other’s grave by their hands.
He was sure on he was going to be the one who sets your body on fire, then finishes you. He was sure on he was going to be the victor, the one and only champion.
When he kills you, erases your name for all eternity, when he condemns you with demnatio memoriae, he will calmly breathe again.
You were a pain in the ass, even when you were not around of Baekhyun, you had a place in his mind since that fucking day he met you. Your presence was like a tree, how much he could try, he could neither find your roots in his mind nor cut them all.
You were his enemy; he was going to treat you as you deserved.
There would be no turning back.
He was mad at himself.
He made a wrong move while he was trying to disturb you, shake your cage in order to give you a lesson.
He also remembered.
The day in that fucking village.
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themangolorian · 3 years
skillet bread and mangoes
For @kanejweek Day 5: Love (atypical affection, domesticity)
Pairing: Kaz x Inej
Warnings: only sickly sweet domesticity here
Someday you’ll meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower, your favorite song, your favorite sweet. Padjen recalled the morning she had overheard her beloved husband telling their young daughter those words.
Her eyes wandered the countertops of the Van Eck mansion’s kitchen. Golden mangoes overflowed from a wicker basket, ripe enough that the kitchen smelled sweetly of the rare tropical fruit that had been a favorite of Inej’s in childhood.
...even if he is too poor to give you any of them, her husband had continued. There was no shortage of expensive scarce goods here; Kaz Brekker had made sure of that, though Inej would not tell Padjen exactly how. But Padjen was no fool - she knew it meant no less that Inej’s favorites were easily in Brekker’s reach thanks to his great wealth. She knew he would have acquired the mangoes no matter the amount of gold in his pocket.
Padjen turned her attention back to the dough at her fingertips. She folded the bread under and over itself, under and over, as she had a million times before, eyeing the dill just to the side of her pan. It would go in on the last fold. 
A familiar tap and step sounded from the hallway. Sure enough the door creaked open to reveal Kaz Brekker, the boy who had mysteriously paid their passage all that time ago.
He has brought her knives and death, not flowers and songs, Padjen recalled fretting at her husband only days after meeting Kaz Brekker.
Only one woman loves knives with the names of Saints, her beloved husband had responded sagely. Padjen had put her fingers to her lips, then her chest, in the holy gesture of her Saints.
"You're back," Padjen said now, clearly pleased.
Kaz Brekker nearly never smiled, but Padjen had always been intuitive at sensing the moods of others, and this one wasn't too far from happiness - dare she say, maybe even joy.
A split second later, it was clear why. A bullet of a child zoomed through the doorway just narrowly missing running right into her father's legs. The little one, Padjen's pride and joy, had been a gift bestowed upon them by the Saints, and Padjen had been thanking said Saints every day since.
"Matka!" The Suli word for grandmother in the tiny child's high-pitched voice always made Pajden's heart melt.
"My little love," Padjen exclaimed, scooping the small girl up.
"How's it coming along?" The voice of Kaz Brekker was something akin to listening to one stone pave way against another.
"Your nose will tell you better than words ever could." Padjen beamed at him.
Kaz eyed her bemusedly. Now I see where Inej gets it from, he'd told her once with more warmth than she'd ever heard him express before at that time. When she'd asked, he explained Inej's partiality to proverbs. You mean wisdom, Padjen had corrected him, smiling. But he'd never been mocking of their ways, only observant.
"Did you find the rosemary then?" Padjen eyed Kaz Brekker's hands, which were empty but for his cane.
"No, but-"
"...she likes it better with dill." Padjen said along with Brekker. 
And it was true. When Padjen had first been reunited with her daughter and the enormous wealth that came with that, Padjen had made skillet bread with rosemary, but Inej had scrunched up her nose, lamenting the lack of dill.
Only one woman loves dill skillet bread, Padjen could imagine her husband commenting.
"Can I ha'?" Padjen's beauty of a granddaughter pointed her chubby fingers at a tray of pastries Padjen had toiled away all morning making. Not that she hadn't had any help. Kaz Brekker himself had joined her to make and shape the dough. 
They were to celebrate the day of Inej's birth this night around an open fire.
"You may have anything your little heart desires." Padjen leaned forward to tickle her grandaughter's little belly to the sound of shrieks and giggles.
"You spoil her too much," Kaz complained, brushing his hair back, but there was no mistaking the ghost of a smile as he watched his daughter eat.
Padjen clucked her tongue at Kaz in vexation. "And what do you call buying her her own gondol equipped with its very own grisha security spells, jamatr?" The Suli word for son-in-law.
Kaz raised a careful eyebrow. "Cautious." But there was a pleased air to the gesture. He'd never admit it, but he enjoyed the title.
The little girl in Padjen's arms began to squirm excitedly, her face now coated in sugar and jam. "Guess what Papa said he's going to get me next, Makta!" The little squirmed her way successfully out of her grandmother's arms and was flying back towards her father. She landed with a whump against him, bouncing excitedly up and down as she gazed up at him adoringly.
"Now-" He began, looking conspiratorially down at his daughter.
“I spoil her,” Padjen huffed under her breath sarcastically. "Let me guess," she harrumphed, turning her back on them to attend to the skillet bread dough. "A pony? A ballet troupe? An island?"
Padjen heard the door to the kitchen re-open.
"Papa promised to get me my own knives!" The little one announced proudly to Padjen's absolute and utter horror. She turned swiftly, but Brekker had already retreated up the hallway.
“Kaz Brekker!” Padjen called after him helplessly. He’d known she wouldn’t leave the skillet bread dough unattended. It had been his idea to make it, but Padjen, whatever she wanted to say, loved to spoil her daughter as much as Kaz Brekker did.
"What was all that about?" Inej had just been about to go see what all the ruckus in the kitchen had been about when Kaz had suddenly appeared in the doorway.
"Your mother isn't very happy about the knives." He said almost carelessly as he shrugged out of his coat.
"My knives?"
"The little knives." Kaz nodded discreetly at the case stored in secret across the way.
"What about them?" Inej demanded, affronted.
"I don't think she wants her to have them."
Kaz shucked off his gloves where they joined his coat in a heap on the chaise. He leaned down and kissed Inej deeply.
"Of course my daughter is going to have knives." Inej said, offended, as soon as their lips parted.
“She’s your mother,” Kaz shrugged, but his lips tugged at the corners as he parted to go greet Jesper and Wylan.
Inej blanched. “She likes you better.” She called after him, but he only laughed dismissively. 
Later, sitting around the fire in the garden, surrounded by her family and closest friends - really, all family - Inej found herself full and satisfied.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth,” Nina was cooing, cradling the remains of a golden mango and ignoring Matthias’ glare.
Inej giggled and had to silently agree. She was about to get up to get another serving when a shadow fell over her. She looked up and her lips broke into a grin. Kaz was balancing their child on one hip and a tray of mango slices in his other hand, accompanied by salt, chili and lemon, just as she liked.
“Mmm,” Inej said as way of thanks, taking the tray.
Kaz dropped to the stool next to hers, swinging their child around to his lap.
“Mama, you’ve already had four,” the little girl trilled, holding up three chubby little fingers.
Inej captured the tiny hand and brought it to her lips. “And I shall have more,” she pretend to gobble down the tiny little hand to the joyous shrieking, giggling and running away that usually accompanied such an attack. The little girl sprinted to her grandmother to seek refuge, laughing all the way.
“You’re lucky you claimed Brekker first,” Nina was lamenting, jealously eyeing Inej’s tray.
Kaz scoffed at her side, but Inej took up one mango slice and leaned over across the way. “Here.” She said, feeding it to her friend. Nina’s face was rapturous.
“You were right, it’s so much better with lemon.” Then Nina was trouncing across the yard, Matthias at her heels, to get her own tray of similarly decorated mango.
Inej grinned, placing another slice of mango between her lips. The sticky juice, cool and sweet, ran down her chin. Her eyes met Kaz’s. Then, one long, pale finger came to her jaw, hesitated and then swiped gently at the juice.
Inej stared at his face, soft as it was for all its hard edges, and was lost for a moment.
“Thank you.” She murmured, wanting to kiss him deeply, wanting more, and knowing it wasn’t the time. She was thankful for more than the gesture, for more than the fruit, and it was enough that he knew that.
“For what?” His lips twitched and she elbowed him lightly before plucking up another mango slice.
Inej had mentioned it in passing, years ago. Her favorite fruit. It had still been a delicacy then, something she hadn’t had but had craved since childhood.
She had blinked long and slow when the first shipment of golden mangoes had arrived at their doorstep not long after. He pretended not to have known what she’d been so excited about. But when she’d served herself a mango, cut into slices and smothered in lemon, salt and chili, he had thereafter ensured no shortage of all four items in their pantry.
“What?” Kaz asked, uncertainty painting his voice as he watched her watched him with what could be nothing less than longing and love.
That boy would bring you the sun if he thought it would make you happy, her mother had once told her after Kaz had gifted her a particularly expensive new knife.
That’s impossible, Mama, Inej had replied, laughing.
Exactly, her mother had said, something all knowing in her eyes.
“I have a gift for you,” Inej said suddenly.
Kaz’s left eyebrow tilted dangerously. “On the day of your birth celebration?”
Inej nodded and absently placed the tray down on the floor at her side, her craving for mango forgotten. She turned slightly to take hold of a package she’d hidden under the fabric of her stool.
Kaz’s face was cautious, careful and curious all at once. “What is it?” He asked as she placed it in the open palms of his hands. The package was light as a feather.
“Open it,” Inej barely breathed at him.
With the quick help of his deft graceful hands, Kaz plied the box open- and froze.
His eyes slowly found Inej’s again.
Inside the box was the tiniest hat, an exact replica of the one Kaz wore every day. An exact replica of the one he’d asked Inej to buy him all those years ago.
His eyes darted to her flat stomach where her hand had rested absently. “Are you sure?” He asked, fighting a smile, but it was a losing battle as Inej said-
“Yes, my darling Kaz, treasure of my heart.” Inej had meant to mock those words he’d spoken to her all those years ago, but her heart felt too full of love, she could almost not speak.
Kaz barked a surprising laugh, and all heads around the fire turned to look at them. It was a pity, as Inej wanted nothing more than to lean forward in that instant and kiss him silly. But Kaz had never been one for public displays of-
The thought was chased from Inej’s head in an instant when Kaz brought his lips crashing down on hers.
“Oi, save some sugar for the rest of us!” She heard Jesper crow at them distantly.
***anyway, food is my love language, and i adore mangoes, and my headcanon is that inej would too, so kaz would stop at nothing to get them for her. and also all the crows’ palates became more refined once inej’s mom showed up. they only eat the very best now 🥺 and she was horrified that all they were subsisting on before was waffles and hutspot***
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littlemissmarvelous · 3 years
The bra that was 2 sizes bigger than yours.
The underwear that was lacier and tinier than any you owned.
The lipstick stains a color so bold, only a gorgeous woman could wear it.
The perfume that smelled of roses that seeped into his laundry that you wish was yours.
The hickey he came home with late one night that wasn’t there when he left for work.
What exactly was the last straw? You weren’t sure.
Most people would say that you should have known better when getting involved with a millionaire playboy. They would never change for a woman, especially one as “plain” as you as they would say. Sure, after a few years of marriage and a being a relatively new mother to your baby girl, you didn’t get dolled up as much as you used to. You used to be a top grade ballerina, which was how you met him in the first place. He had seen you and couldn’t go without laying claim on you and putting a ring on it.
He had told you he loved you.
That you were it.
The love of his life, the perfect mother of his child.
Where did you fail? You didn’t understand and didn’t have anyone to talk to. Your friends were his friends, and any of yours from before were nearly cut off when he took you from your pedestal and stuck you in his home. The only two gifts he truly gave you were your beautiful daughter and a personal studio for you to dance when you could. You’d known for so long now of his doings that maybe he would know by now. You had hoped it was short, but of course he needed the younger and more beautiful version. You knew you had to figure something else with the resources you had, and take your sweet baby with you.
There was a knock on your bedroom door that alerted you to look up and meet eyes with your husbands butler, Jarvis.
“Mrs.Stark...I just wanted to let you know lunch is ready.”
You smile though it doesn’t reach your eyes, and you know your hands are shaking as you clutch the lingerie set that wasn’t yours in your hand. “Thank you, Jarvis.”
He nod and stands silent for a moment before clearing his throat. “If I may be so bold, Mrs. Stark, I do not believe Mr. Stark deserves you or Ms. Elizabeth.”
Your breath catches and you almost sob out, “you know?”
He nods. “Mr. Stark is not good at hiding things as he thinks he is.”
“Oh god.” You’re sobbing now as your secret is out in the open now. “I’m sorry for putting you in an unfortunate position, Jarvis.”
“It’s not your doing, mam. Mr. Stark reaps what he has sewn, and he is at fault. I just am sorry you were caught in the crossfire.” He is sympathetic and you’re almost glad someone finally knows. Looking around your room, you try to spot something that will let you know that your marriage isn’t over, to hold on.
“He is seeing her again tonight isn’t he?” You ask softly.
“From the phone call i received...yes mam.”
Your heart breaks once again and your chest caves in as you try to think of what to do next. You knew you only had one choice, your suitcases calling your name. “Jarvis?”
“Yes Mrs. Stark?” He asks.
“Can you get Elizabeth’s bags packed? As much as you can? She should be still sleeping.”
Jarvis smiles at this, realizing your plan and glad that you are standing up for yourself. “I would be glad to. Shall I call for a car as well?” You nod with a sad smile, to which he nods and leaves the room leaving you alone to pack up your life. An hour later you had three suitcases that contained your life at your side, your baby girl in your arms, and a bare ring finger as you waited for the car.
Jarvis stands next to you, and you look at him nervously. “Am I doing the right thing? Leaving him?”
Jarvis places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes in reassurance. “I do believe so, mam. He has already hurt you enough.” He pulls out a phone from his pocket and holds it out to you. “Here is the new phone you asked for by the way, new number and Mr. Stark shall not know it’s yours.”
Taking it in your hands you smile with tears in your eyes. “Thank you so much Jarvis. For all of this. For everything.”
The suv pulled up and you let out a sigh of nervousness. This was the big step, you were actually leaving. After putting the bags in the car and Elizabeth in the car you turn back to Jarvis one last time and hand him a folded envelope from your pocket. “Give these to him will you? Already signed and everything.”
Jarvis nods and takes the envelope before watching you hop into the SUV and disappear down the street. Opening the envelope once inside the home, a packet of papers fall out, the dark bolded letters at the top spelling DIVORCE. He smiles to himself at the strength you must have had to muster to finally stand up for yourself and do this. Quickly, Jarvis placed the papers on the table with a pen on top and Mr. Starks signature drink he requested when he came home. That should be sufficient, Jarvis thought to himself.
It was the next morning that Tony finally came home, immediately ridding himself of his tie and jacket that reeked of her perfume.
No answer.
No answer.
Frowning he takes steps into the kitchen, half expecting you to be listening to music and baking muffins for breakfast. Instead, he finds it empty. Finally catching his eyes were the papers and his drink waiting for him. Sighing grateful the grabs the drink and begins to sip until the stark letters catch his eyes.
Choking on his drink he grabs the papers and let’s the glass crash to the floor. He sees your many signatures, all complying this was what you wanted. It was like he couldn’t breathe, his lungs squeezed tight. Why was this such a surprise to him? He had to have assumed you would find out at some point...but he had always hoped you wouldn’t. His prima ballerina wife. The mother of his child. The woman he fell for at first sight. And now she was gone, nothing but her signatures and photos on the wall to remember her by. Taking out his phone he dials your number, only to receive a message letting him know that this number didn’t even exist anymore.
You sat in your newly rented apartment with your eyes on the door while Elizabeth played with her small dolls on the plush carpet. Moments later the door opened to reveal a certain gorgeous red head you knew well.
“You got the message then.” you smiled.
She smirked in return, “of course I did. I trained with you long enough to know your code.”
“has he tried to find me yet?”
“yes,” she says, “but you didn’t tell him about...before did you?”
“no, no I didn’t.” you shook your head as brief memories passed through your brain.
“He isn’t going to find you, unless you decide to show him your colors again.”
“They didn’t call me the chameleon for nothing Natasha. He’s just lucky I didn’t have the urge to kill him myself. You have no idea how bad I wanted him to be my target.”
“Speaking of target, can I count you in on recon?”
you stand and approach a large cabinet in the hallway and open the door to reveal rows of wigs of different colors and styles followed by rows of knives and guns.
“i’m always ready.”
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Zak Bagans (Vampire) x Reader
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You never did have the best track record when it came to being safe, it was as if danger and near-death followed you everywhere you went but your boyfriend Zak was mysteriously always there to save you. He'd make you drink some homemade medicine which would have you feeling brand new in a day or two. It cut down on hospital bills.
You and Zak were returning back from a date when your car was smashed into by a large truck, running you off the road and with enough force you're ejected from the car. You can hear Zak shouting your name as your vision starts to blur, he sounds fine but that's impossible because the two of you had just been in a car crash.
Sleep overcomes you and closing your eyes seems like a good idea, however before the darkness takes over you feel something wet on your lips. It was probably blood from a head injury but something inside you told you to part your lips slightly and swallow. It was as if you could hear Zak's voice in your head. Then the darkness overcame you.
You slowly start to open your eyes, you remember very little from the accident but you were adamant your injuries should have killed you. You sit up in bed, yours and Zak's bed to be precise and notice there's no sign of injury on your body.
On the bedside table is a glass of Zak's homemade medicine, you drink it without hesitation as you always did. Though this time you taste something metallic, you bring the glass up to your nose and sniff. Blood, that's what you can smell. But why would there be blood in the juice you just drank?
You needed to find Zak and get some answers because you were seriously starting to freak out. Carefully you climb out of bed only then noticing that Zak had put you in one of his shirts which reached your knees. What exactly happened after the crash? Zak should have been injured just like you.
Walking down the staircase you get to the bottom step where a patch of sunlight seeps through the front door window. The second the sun makes contact with your skin your foot starts to hiss and you jump back as you feel the skin on your foot blister. What was wrong with you? sunlight didn't normally burn people like that.
'Zak,' you call out.
You get no reply. Carefully you edge your way around the patch of sunlight on the stairs and edge your way into the living room. The curtains are wide open and sunlight floods the room, you instinctively cover your eyes with your hand which is odd because you're never normally sensitive to light like this. A stray beam hits your hand and you hiss in pain before jumping back into a patch of shadow by the bookcase.
You started to freak out, what was going on with your body? You'd never felt this weak before, back in bed you felt fine because the curtains were closed but now you felt the energy leaving your body. You begin to sob silently and sink to the floor clutching your hands over your knees. Maybe Zak can offer an explanation.
Zak hadn't returned home all day leaving you trapped in the small shadow in the living room. You were unable to reach your phone, by now you had cried all the tears out of your body and had begun shaking uncontrollably. Then suddenly you hear the front door open and Zak casually drops his keys into the pot, he was whistling.
'y/n are you up?'
You try to stand up but your body is weak and you collapse back to the floor. You manage to knock over a book which causes Zak to run into the living room, his eyes scan the room frantically before they latch onto you. His face drops as he darts beside you in a second.
'What are you doing down here?' he speaks frantically.
You gasp, fighting for breath 'I woke up and you were gone. I came downstairs but the sunlight hurt me, I've been trapped here all day because the sun kept coming through the windows. Why did the sun hurt me?'
Zak glances over at the open curtains and curses under his breath. He examines your hand and foot which still has slight burn marks on them.
'I'll explain everything to you, babe, after you drink this.'
Next thing you know his eyes have turned black and his canines have extended and he's biting into his wrist. Your eyes bulge at the sight of blood trickling from the wound. You believed in the supernatural world, but Zak couldn't possibly be a vampire as he showed no signs. He was obsessed with Dracula but you simply thought it was a quirk.
'I never should have left you, I thought you'd take more time to heal. Come on drink up, it will make you stronger,' he says with urgency in his voice.
He brings his wrist up to your mouth and as much as you find the idea of drinking his blood repulsive, something inside you stirs and suddenly you're craving the crimson liquid.
You pull away after a minute or so and already you feel strength returning to your body. Zak stands up and brushes the dust off his trousers before bending down and scooping you up bridal style. You should have been more scared by the monster holding you in his arms, but he still looked and acted like the man you fell in love with.
'Let's get you back upstairs love,' he speaks softly.
Before you know it you're back in the bedroom and Zak is placing you back in bed, however, he doesn't leave this time. Instead, he climbs onto the bed next to you and rests your head on his chest as he starts to play with your hair.
'If you haven't already guessed it by now y/n I'm a vampire.'
You nod in understanding, 'yeah I kind of conned onto the whole black eyes, extended canines and blood. How old are you? And why did you lie to me? Oh yeah, and what the hell happened last night?'
Zak chuckles, 'I'm 150 give or take a few years, after a while vampires stop counting birthdays. Now the reason I lied to you is that I didn't want to lose you. That night when we met in the club I was at one of my lowest points where I craved blood and would kill anything with a pulse. I saw you sitting at the bar and as much as I wanted to drink your blood, I couldn't bring myself to physically harm you. When that creep was hitting on you I was jealous and protective, I did kill him by the way. But once I got to know you I knew I'd found the reason to switch my humanity back on.'
He sounded genuine, and it made you feel warm inside that he was jealous of another guy hitting on you.
'I'd just lost my job that day and was looking for a little adventure. Then you came along and I got to have my adventure, give or take a few times you talked me out of things for fear of my own safety,' you joke.
Zak sighs, 'It takes a lot to kill a vampire y/n, whereas humans are easy to break.'
It was your turn to chuckle, it felt like you were having a normal conversation with your boyfriend who just happened to be a 150-year-old vampire, 'we were in a pretty bad crash last night. What happened? Because my mind is drawing blanks after I passed out.'
'We were hit by an oil tanker, the driver was over the limit and unfortunately didn't die but chose to do a runner. You were thrown from the car and I fed you my blood to heal you, however, if a human dies with vampire blood in his system then they start the transition into becoming a vampire.'
That explained the weakness to sunlight and the weak body, Zak had turned you into a vampire because he didn't want to watch you die. However, you were curious about the transition and what happened to the driver.
'What happens during the transition?' You ask, genuinely interested and a little scared.
'You have to drink blood from a human. That glass I left you earlier which you drank contained the blood of the driver. He had no regard for your life and chose to run instead of calling an ambulance so I took his life to save yours.'
Okay so that explained what happened to the driver, his blood was in your system and that was turning you into a vampire. But you had so many more questions. Zak seemed relatively calm and willing to answer, after all, he had made you immortal without your consent.
'How can you walk in sunlight whereas it burned me?' you question.
Zak shifts himself from under you and pulls something out of his jacket pocket. It's a small black box, 'vampires can only walk in sunlight if they have a ring made by a witch, luckily I know a friendly witch who made mine. Here give me your hand y/n.'
You lazily lift your hand up while Zak pops open the little black box, inside is the prettiest ring you've ever seen. You can tell it was handcrafted and looks like it's been through the ages.
'Zak the ring is gorgeous,' you gasp.
Zak smirks and slips the ring out of the box, 'this was crafted by my father 170 years ago, he gave it to my mother and then my mum handed it to me and told me to only put it on the finger of the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. I had the witch spell it so you'll be able to walk in sunlight, will you do the honours of marrying me y/n?'
Your mouth drops open, those were the last words you expected to come out of his mouth. Was this why he was out all day? You should have been flattered that he'd waited 150 years to find the right person, and you couldn't believe that person was you.
Ever since you were a little girl you'd always planned how you were going to get married. Maybe to a vampire wasn't the initial plan but things change, you were both vampires and that meant he'd be stuck with you for a very long time.
'Yes, Zak I will marry you.'
You've never seen a bigger smile on Zak's face than right now, he slides the ring onto your finger before pulling you in for a kiss. You smirk against his lips and pull away slightly.
'You do know you're now stuck with me, Zak.'
He chuckles, 'I think I can handle you y/n.'
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