#and he doesn't really have to pretend with her cuz she doesn't know him that well yet
buckera · 9 months
I still hope they're not serious about it and buck will have his wake up moment because otherwise it's just lazy writing. oh he's too much? the woman flees him? she doesn't get him but he jumps into the relationship anyway? yeah we've been here before. the "she sees more in me than I see in myself" just put the final nail in the coffin for me (excuse the pun) because even if i give her the benefit of the doubt with how insensitive she was about his death, that's just crazy. they barely know each other and there was no indication that she "sees" him at all. also he was already at a point where he doesn't need that. it drives me insane I'm sorry for the rant <3
mm yeah, I do think it fits in with the whole 'Buck died and now he doesn't know how to live' thing cuz the season started with him looking for the answer to the meaning of life and being at ease and finding happiness and then midseason he just went and fucking died lmao
that was his arc in the season, basically him growing up and learning what he wants in life — which could be a great tie in with Eddie's incredulous face when Buck said that Natalia sees him better than anyone and the way Eddie's arc throughout the season was being pushed to date and be something that he isn't to be happy by the standards of others, when he was happy as is, already.
and yeah, I know I'm delusional but you can pry 'buddie was gonna go semi-canon in s6' out of my cold dead hands cuz it makes sense to set it up like this and even the fact that they are both falling into old patterns, because this is exactly the problem they should be addressing next season (which... well, that's one thing I don't actually have hopes for rip)
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moonstruckme · 11 months
hey! I really really really like your writing very much!
can you do one where the reader and spencer reid are both nerds but different kinds of nerds. so the reader's more of a literature/ language nerd and spencer's basically an expert in LITERALLY everything. so she has a major crush on him but always hesitates to make a move on him cuz she thinks that she doesn't stand a chance because she struggles with basic math and physics chemistry make her head hurt
and so when spencer asks her out she's all baffled like you don't think I'm dumb?!😭😭
Hi, thanks honey!
Spencer Reid x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
It’s one of those rare days where you can actually afford a lunch break, and you’ve decided to take it outside with your book. Every day lately feels like it could be the last nice one you get before the cold weather comes in, and you’re enjoying the crisp breeze and warm sunshine on your face as you get settled on the bench outside the cafe where you work. 
The book you’ve been reading for the past week is good but not great; you’re sort of pushing yourself to finish just so you can say it’s over with and tell the friend who lent it that you gave it your best. Still, you’re very nearly lost in it by the time a pair of black converse comes to a stop in front of you. 
You follow them upward. “Spencer!” you say, probably with a touch too much alacrity. Too quickly, too. You might’ve at least pretended to have to think about the name of the sweet-faced doctor looking down at you. But it’s not your fault; you’ve gotten used to calling it out from the counter when he comes here to pick up his lunch at least three days out of the week. 
“Hi,” he says, teetering on the edge of bashful. “I’m surprised to see you out here, you’re almost always working when I come by.” 
It’s embarrassingly gratifying that he knows that. You’d never hold it against him if he didn’t, but you’ve come to enjoy the little bits of conversation you grab with him when he comes by, and it’s nice to know that he’s noticed you too. 
“It’s a slow day,” you reply by way of explanation. “I figured I’d grab a break while I still could.” 
Spencer smiles like he totally gets that. You imagine he does. “Good idea. Can I sit?”
“Of course!” Again, way too eager. You’ve got to work on controlling your tone around him. You move your discarded jacket into your lap. 
“Thanks,” he says, sitting in the space you’ve made for him. His legs are so long he looks like he’s squatting on the bench, knees high enough for him to set his elbows on. Which he does, tilting his head to see you. “What’re you reading?”
“Oh, um, it’s nothing. I mean, I wouldn’t really recommend it,” you laugh. Christ, you don’t want him to know what you’re reading. Spencer probably reads astrophysics textbooks for fun. “It’s not very good.” 
Spencer puts his hand over yours, far from forceful as he tips the page toward him until he can see the cover. Your brain is short-circuiting so badly it’s a wonder you don’t drop the paperback onto the pavement. 
“I haven’t heard of it,” he says, which surprises you. Spencer seems so knowledgeable it’s difficult to believe there’s anything in existence that’s not stored somewhere in his hard drive. “Why are you reading it if you don’t think it’s good?” 
He doesn’t ask it in any unkind or judgemental way, but something inside you tenses nonetheless. You know perhaps too much about Spencer Reid. It’s not like you’d gone out of your way to figure him out, but the facts had presented themselves to you almost serendipitously and you’d put the pieces together. You know that he’s in the FBI, not only because of the laminated identifier he sometimes leaves clipped to his shirtpocket when he comes in, but also because of the coworkers that occasionally come with him. From those coworkers, you also know that he’s a doctor, and you gather that he’s generally respected and admired as well as cared for by his team. He seems a bit awkward, but sure of himself where it matters, and he goes into every interaction with a kind curiosity. Most of all, you know that Spencer is smart. Like, expert in everything smart. You’d caught a few jokes from the people he’s brought in about an eidetic memory, his multiple PhDs, and the nickname “boy genius.” No matter how shy and sweet someone is, that’s intimidating. 
And it’s unnerving to have someone with an IQ higher than you can probably fathom asking about your intellectual habits. 
“Well, the plot doesn’t actually have much movement, so it’s pretty boring,” you say hesitantly. “I guess at this point I’m mostly in it for the prose. Plus my friend recommended it, so I have to finish it to keep her happy.” 
Spencer laughs at your little joke, nodding. “Wow, the prose alone is enough to keep you going? It must be pretty fascinating.” 
You want to backpedal immediately, but settle for a one-shouldered shrug. “It’s alright. I’m kind of a nerd for that stuff. Rhetorical devices and all.”
Spencer tilts his head, something igniting in his brown eyes. Interest. “Rhetorical devices. You mean like metaphor and personification?”
You nod. “Yeah, like those, but also anadiplosis and polysyndeton and anastrophe.” Spencer’s eyebrows move slowly upward as you speak, and you feel heat rising to your cheeks despite the slight chill. “I just like that there’s things that affect the emotion—or the pacing, or whatever—of writing that we as readers pick up on almost subconsciously, but were so intentional for the writer.” 
Spencer’s nodding, eyes going somewhere just slightly distant. “Yeah, that’s a good point. I mean, I know writing is a very intentional process, but I never really think about the tiny, word-level decisions authors make to influence readers.” 
“It’s so cool,” you agree. “Like, how long do you think it takes someone to land on the exact right word for what they’re trying to convey, or to structure their sentences in a way that builds momentum over the course of a paragraph? Like, so much goes into it.” 
Spencer’s smiling at you, and you realize you’re gushing, geeky zeal bursting out of you like a soda bottle that’s been shaken and finally uncapped. “Sorry. Um, what’re you reading lately?” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he says quickly, still smiling at you. “I actually just finished my last book, so I’m looking for something new. If this book has all that and isn’t up to your standards, I’d be interested to see what you really enjoy reading.” 
Your cheeks are burning hot; you hope Spencer thinks the redness is from the cool breeze. “I’d be nervous to give you a recommendation,” you admit. “Too much pressure.” 
Spencer waves you off. “I’ll read anything, don’t worry about it. Hey, have you ever been to that coffee shop on fifth? It’s in a bookstore.” 
You blink. “No, I haven’t heard of it. That sounds cool, though.” 
A bit of pink tinges Spencer’s cheeks; it’s probably from the cool breeze. “Yeah, well, you should let me take you there sometime. If you want, of course,” he adds hastily. “Don’t worry about it if not.” 
It takes you a second to realize what’s happening. And then once you do, another second to make yourself believe it. “Like, as a date?” you ask, just to be sure.
 Spencer’s smile is hopeful behind its timidity. “Yeah. Yeah, if you’re okay with that.” 
“Yeah.” You can’t think of anything better to say, your brain filling with buzzing bees. “That sounds good. Thanks.” 
He laughs, eyebrows coming together bemusedly. “Well, don’t thank me. I should be thanking you.” 
It’s more a thanks for his taking action, you think. For making a move when you’d been too scared to, stagnant with months over your anxiety that he’d think you were too dumb or trivial to want to keep talking to you after he’d picked up his sandwich. 
“Okay, great.” He stands. “Well, I have to get back, but I’ll, uh…I’ll see you? Friday, maybe? I can come by here after your shift.” 
“You know when my shift ends?”
Now even his ears are turning red. “You…around four, right? I sometimes see you if I’m leaving work around then.” 
You smile. “Yeah, four. See you then, Dr. Reid.” 
“See you then!” he turns around, and you can see the exact moment he thinks to wonder how you know his last name. You don’t bother worrying about it.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Back off my man osamu x fem!reader
notes: I was only gonna write for tsumu but like it's osamu's bday too and i love him. Basically some girl doesn't seem to get the hint so u have to assert ur dominance. the tsumu ver is here
Content: slight language, fluff, little bit suggestive (just a past sexual relationship samu had, established relationship
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"Are you free tonight, Samu?" She asks him with a smile on her face.
He's told her millions of times about his girlfriend, which is you. This girl is persistent though, and has told him many times she'll treat him better than you ever could.
Which pisses you off because you've been his girl forever and you don't understand why this girl thinks she can just come in and take your spot.
"I've already told ya, I won't be free for ya, ever. What part of that do you not understand?" He asks, setting down a plate of your favorite onigiri for you. The workload has been crazy this past week and Osamu will always do anything to make you feel a little bit better. You do the same for him on days when the shop gets crazy.
"I just don't understand Samu! You used to have time for me during culinary school when we-" He cuts her off sharply.
"That was over six years ago, I don't understand why ya hang on so tightly to something that was never meant to be! We fucked a coupla times back then and that was it. I found the one for me, so please drop it." His jaw is clenched and you can tell he's very irritated by this woman.
His fist is also balled up on the counter. You try to soothe him by grabbing his hand and rubbing circles into it. He breathes softly trying to calm down.
You can't just sit here and watch this woman do this anymore. You've tried to be nice to her, but she makes it so hard.
"Listen, if Osamu wanted you he would have chosen you. Osamu is a smart man and he knows what he wants." You're good at keeping your voice level when you feel anything but calm.
She glares at you, and Osamu doesn't even say anything. He's trying to calm down some.
The woman gets up from the high top stool and stomps out of the shop.
"M'sorry ya had to see that, she just wasn't getting the hint." He says removing his cap and running a hand through his rich dark brown hair.
"It's okay, you look hot when you're mad." Even though it was a crappy joke it still gets a little chuckle from your boyfriend.
"Gonna go tidy up, are you heading to the house or stayin' here?" His look definitely says he wants you to stay, who are you to deny?
"Well duh! Who's gonna be DJ?" Nothing could bring you more satisfaction than the way his smile drops at the mention of you playing your music.
"On second thought, maybe ya should go home. Had a long day right?" Osamu is stuck with you, he should know this already.
You pretend to think about it for a second. "Hmm I think I'll stay."
"Okay, but don't play any of yer shitty music or I'll kick ya out." The crazy thing is that he's one hundred percent serious. You and Osamu are complete opposites except for the fact that you two both love food.
Your music taste has never really been his favorite. The same is true for his music. You always cover your ears and pretend gag.
"Hey 'samu?" You ask voice suddenly dropping to a whisper.
"Yeah, sweetheart?" He returns.
"Do that more, okay? If anyone hits on you-"
"That was a one time thing cuz she kept asking over 'n over. Most people stop after the first time." Osamu disappears into the kitchen and you open your favorite music app to play your favorite artist.
"Womp womp, no more hot Osamu."
"The hell are ya talkin' about? 'M hot all the time." There's defensiveness in his voice like he was actually taking you seriously.
"I know, it was just a joke." You counter with a smirk.
"Ain't a funny one I can tell ya that." His large bulging arms cross and you can see his muscles flex.
"Go clean up! Stop looking like a thirst-trap all the damn time!" You whine in frustration. Osamu's deep laughter follows not too long after.
"Whatever ya say, sweetie."
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
Fairy tail headcannon a nobody wanted at all😊
- most of the dragon slayers+erza eat bugs regularly and it's gross AF to everyone
-Natsu because he grew up in the woods and they were like the number one abundant source of food, same for Wendy but she stopped for a while because Carla told her it was nasty (as soon as she joined the fairy tail guild she reverted so incredibly fast)
-gajeel pretends to thinks it's gross but secretly he really likes the taste he just doesn't wanna have that in common with natsu
- erza and Erik because in the evil slave tower where everyone was starving if you found a bug you ate it before anyone else could grab it from you.
- sting did not do that growing up but started when natsu told him it was good, he does not agree but does it anyway so natsu thinks he's cool
- rogue only tried it a couple times because frosch wanted to try it to be more like a frog and rogue is nothing if not supportive
- laxus grew up normal and thinks all of them are disgusting
- Lucy has the WORST financial skills. Legit they are awful. Everyone thinks she's always broke cuz of the tpd (team property damage) constantly making them lose their reward to repair bills but (while that is a factor) when Lucy sees smth cute that would look great in her apartment she just cannot help herself. Lucy will be so careful trying to save her money then she'll see a new set of stationary and goes "haha rent what rent"
- the hand me down game at fairy tail was fucking insane when they where kids. For levy and lisanna basically everything they owned had been passed down like 6 times already
- that red shirt natsu wore in the flashbacks? Before him it was erza's, and before her it was canas, and before her it was laxus.
- gray wears almost exclusively white jackets because jackets are expensive and if he loses them he would rather they be easy to spot so he can find them again rather then have to buy a new one
- sometimes people will invite erza places for the scary dog privilege when they dont want to be bothered by strangers. Erza has no idea thats the reason she just thought people really liked walking with her through rough parts of town in the middle of the night.
- Carla and lilly have insane beef, for no damn reason. Like both of them are fairly polite so neither will say it openly but every conversation between the two is the most passive aggressive petty insult battle you could imagine
- freed, levy, Lucy and later jellal have a book club where they all meet up and talk about whatever they're reading and play Scrabble and talk a lot of shit about their annoying ass friends.
- happy sometimes comes but he is under no circumstances allowed to bring natsu(he knows what he did)
- when erza met seigrain/jellal in the magic counsel she first tried to attack him, when that proved to be a bad idea she later started specifically destroying stuff under his jurisdiction to make sure he had to deal with as much paperwork as possible
- for her modelling, Mira used to use a very light spray of holy water to remove body hair because it burns it off💀
- wendy romeo and chelia are actually best friends like they are constantly hanging out together just to go do stuff
- erza and Erik hate each other for no reason at all. Like over that year that she worked with crime sorciere they where ALWAYS BEEFING. Every time they were near each other erza was thinking insults she knew he could hear and Erik was fighting for his life not to strangle her to death.
When erza became sclass she used to sit on the 5th step of the stairs because Mira wasn't allowed on those stairs yet and it really pissed her off. She was like, just barely out of reach, so Mira would stand at the bottom the stairs yelling death threats at her and erza would be like "whattt I'm not doing anything I don't even know what your talking about in literally just sitting what are you so mad about"
- when Warren invented cellphones, despite all of them looking like modern smartphones, freed somehow managed to get one that looked exactly like a Blackberry and refuses to get a different one
- Mira used to cut her siblings hair and because she didn't know any good haircuts yet her 2 options where 1- bald or 2- bowl cut. Hence lisannas horrifying cut as a child
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lorarri · 5 months
★ . . . 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 , 𝐋𝐇𝟒𝟒
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summary , Y/N's hate for her mothers new boyfriend is amplified after she is forced to spend more time with him will it fix there relationship or make it worse?
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
pervious part | series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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dexumoi . 2hrs ago
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seen by lewishamilton yourinstagram 21,378,540 others
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I don't think this is a good idea
Y/N's really mad at the both of us
she says she has to miss her archery training
and that she is gonna be under prepared for her competition after winter
Lewis sweetheart Y/N doesn't have any comps till march
Trust me baby she's just angry at her dad and she's taking it out on everyone
other than that she's harmless
she threatened to use me as target practice
I'll talk to her...
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Someone fucking kill me rn 💀
what has he done?
he's making this plane ride awkward af rn 😭😭
Are you doing anything to help the situation?
Well I'm speaking in Korean in an attempt to get him to drop it
but so far it's not working
anyone got any ideas
Pretend to fall asleep?
Tried that during the car ride to the airport
and it made it so much worse
Why don't you try actually talking to him?
dumb idea?
very much so
but we move
I mean atleast he is easy on the eyes 👀
suddenly I have gone blind 😘
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I hate to say it but I agree with Hannie
It's the tattoo's 🤭
agreed x 2
agreed x 3
agreed x4
ew 🤮
tf am I friends with you guys again?
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and cuz you know u could NEVA
have basic white ass bitches as your besties 👯
baby we are married?
you can't stay away boo 😒
you would miss us to much
since you are crazy in love with us obvi 🙄
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debatable 🤔
anyway I gotta go
mom wants me to have dinner with her and Lewis
see u in a bit
mwah 💋
I'm praying for you rn 🙏
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someone keep the engin running
cuz we gonna end up breaking Y/N out of jail for murder by the end of this
I've already got the knife ready 🙂
that my child yall 💅
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nanayn . 2hrs ago
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seen by yourinstagram minji 78,360,612 others
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hi sweetheart
clear your scedual from
March 31st - April 2nd
Lewis has got us VIP tickets to the Australian gp
Isn't that exciting! read
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thefanboyhub · 5 months
Random ass head cannons I have for SBG gang yuh let's go:
Note/Update: Disregard the eye color thing for Aiden cuz the author has confirmed that his eyes are contacts ✨
Tyler will call people he likes (platonic or romantic) princess regardless of gender, mostly uses it when he's teasing them or in like idk a passive aggressive way. Like "No shit, princess." Or "Okay princes, calm down." Always paired with an eye roll tho.
Taylor hates Taylor Swift because of the annoying jokes people do with her name.
Adding to the last one, Aiden found that out when he made a joke once and she looked like she was about to throw him out the window lol.
Logan has helped everyone get their zodiac charts and read them. He fucking memorized them too. Little nerdy boy <3
Ashlyn doesn't initiate physical touch(hugs, hand holding, cuddling, ect) with people often (cannon btw), but when she does it always makes whoever was chosen feel special.
Ben listens to literally everything. All music. He's polyjamours.
Tyler is actually pretty good at guitar and was something he's liked since a kid, he loves music with heavy guitar in it. He also named his guitar Mel, like Melody. Only people to touch it was Taylor and Ben.
I see some people say Tyler has Logan tutor him but like. No? Tyler is hella smart and doesn't need to be tutored? Like c'mon. BUT Logan does have Tyler help him work out (Logan's body before and after phantom realm goes crazy man) after the whole almost died to phantom thing.
Aiden use to experiment with hair dye before he fell in love with blond. Also his eyes are red, it's not contacts. It's just his eye color lightening s he aged or smt. Fight me.
Ashlyn hates sour food and loves the more bitter stuff. Aiden loves sour food and hates bitter stuff. They trade food sometimes so they don't have to suffer.
Ben and Aiden know ASL, Taylor is learning to talk to Ben better.
Logan can draw but he doesn't do it often but he loves to watch Ben draw. It makes him want to draw too.
Taylor draws on her friends arms, Tyler will pretend to hate it same with Ash but they always ask her to redraw things when they fade. Aiden once had Taylor do an detailed tattoo like design on his arm in class. It didn't wash of for almost three weeks.
Aiden actually has sensitive skin, the wrong fabric gives him rashes. No one but him knows what fabric won't, it's all based on touch.
Tyler can cook really well, and even enjoys it sometimes. Can't bake for shit though.
Aiden knows ballroom dancing. Rich families or old fashioned one tend to know how to ballroom dance (I use to know)
That's all for now
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hazelfoureyes · 5 months
Sending in anon because I'm a coward... 😩
I'm a new reader, and I just have to say-- your "a doe in fall" series is just... AMAZING!!
I could go on, and on and on about how much I love it. But what gets me the most is always Alastor's dialogue, because as someone who is also on the aro/ace spectrum, I just get it so much. Especially the subtle hoping that reader can like... Read his mind about how he feels for her, and the weird sort of stockholm syndrome we sometimes develop with ourselves after being alone with only our own company for so long, and it really is, lol, like you just get so used to being alone for so long because you know the idea people have of you, you can't truly live up to, so you don't want to "disappoint" them that you actually aren't like they are, so you just sorta... Keep them occupied at arms length-- Therefore you're forced to adapt to your company being the only love you have for a long time. it's like an obligation.
And when or if the special somebody who understands you comes along, you realize... "Wow, I've been living like this for so long, is this what it feels like to be loved and appreciated, in spite of my oddities, or maybe even in favor of them? Strange..."
Emphasis on the "strange" part because, when you're so deeply entrenched in your own soul, sharing your space for another almost feels more like learning how to swim rather than an instant "click", sparks, fireworks and whatnot. The excitement of the magical "other" has been long since drowned and snuffed out of you.
So, when this somebody who is similar to you, or just simply understands, doesn't try to change you or ignore you, but instead envelopes you and adores you, the appreciation is deep and overflowing. But there's a part of you always pinching your heart, a sort of awareness of something that isn't the case, wondering "Is this a dream? what if it is and I'll wake up and this is not at all what I was thinking?".
Haha... ANYWAY, sorry for the slightly morose and LONG read 😂 But I always think of how similar I am to how you write alastor and it's scary in a way, but comforting (especially since he's my first and biggest fictional crush) except in this case my profession would actually be burlesque. Especially since I work in the exotic dance world. It's fascinating being aro/ace in the SW world, I could go on forever- But yeah, I absolutely love your writing!! Makes me feel less alone in this world. Annnd surprisingly I always feel so sensual after reading, I love love love it!! Reading before work always gets me in the mood to dance and pretend I'm Y/N, lol!!
Much blessings ❤️❤️
*cracks knuckles* listen here babycakes, I eat this shit UP. Exploring Human Ace Alastor is my BREAD AND BUTTER. I go into ESSAYS in the AO3 comments in this 😂
you really understand, which makes me so happy and is confirmation I’m conveying him the way I want to.
Now I’m gonna ramble and echo you basically 😂
I really think Alastor (atleast in this story) feels that excitement and strangeness of how open he can be around Autumn (since she doesn’t have a proper name cuz she’s reader 😂). He’s a fish out of water despite the fact he’s actually being his most authentic self. Like you said, it’s new to him just to be … Alastor. To be honest and upfront. His normal operating mode has been so restricted for so long he’s struggling with how to be himself. And then that fear—- well what if I’m too much? What if I ruin this, when I finally have something worth keeping? He’s never gotten this far and the fear of losing that comfort is terrifying but so is the actual comfort itself. It’s new and foreign.
A deep uneasiness that’s if he fully embraces this he’s gonna just fuck it up and it’ll be his fault this time. Not a misunderstanding or misalignment of needs but a confirmation he wasn’t good enough anyway.
“it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all” he would say that’s bullshit
and because of the situations he’s been in before, he’s never gotten to actually explore physical intimacy in a “safe” environment. He was always going into interactions because he had to if he wanted to keep people around. It was a necessity, not something he actually sincerely wanted to participate. So he tried to keep them happy with other means of affection and intimacy to maintain some safe distance but eventually, always, things would fall apart. At a distance or up close.
that’s why that most recent part was called Learning. Alastor is trying new things to learn more about what he’s okay with or doesn’t care for even offering in the future. Autumn is learning (that night, tho she doesn’t understand it yet) that he’s still figuring out how to meet her halfway (even tho she’s not even asking for that) when he’s used to being forced to meet people where they are. And Detective Brady, of course, is learning he may have found motive for Tommy’s disappearance.
I’m really glad you’re enjoying his portrayal and that you’re resonating with parts of him! That makes my soul hum! 💖 your line of work mixed with your Aro/Ace-ness sounds like such an interesting conversation if we’re honest! That’s a small aspect I love about Autumn. She’s in this field that’s (wrongly) considered to be hyper sexual and full of air headed wanton whores, but she’s the first person to be like “oh! You aren't into this stuff. Let me adjust my expectations. I’ll ask for clear verbal consent, not initiate, and I’m totally okay with never fucking again if it’s for your love and company.”
I work in the SW industry in a sense (Personal Assistant) and one of my biggest pet peeves is all of the shit people project on SWers.
sorry for the essay I could talk about this for ETERNITY
omg and THANK YOU! 🥺💖💖💖💖
A Doe in Fall (Human Alastor x Burlesquer Fem Reader)
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦
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kusakiguzen · 3 months
yandere yoojin x reader x platonic yandere Yoo Hyun
A/N: this is not inspired and is kinda long cuz i felt bad for not posting on the scheduled day because, I still have to study. its my first time writing so leave your feedback.
I just wanted to say there are some changes in this story and it doesn't follow the plot line completely because well i needed it to be like that i hope you understand.
Warning: NSFW, Mild Yandere stuff idk
The first time you met Yoojin was before he regressed in a cafe. Y/N forgot her wallet so he decided to be a gentleman and pay for her coffee they sat together and talked, they just clicked. Yoojin wanted to meet he again
The second time he met her was in a dungeon. Being the weakest Yoojin was mistreated a lot, here it wasn't any different either. He was being pushed around beaten up and degraded. That's when he heard the voice, the angelic voice
"Hey!! what do you think you are doin???!!"
He looked up to see her, Y/N L/N a D rank healer, the same person from the cafe, who was busy healing the injured. she was quite famous for her kindness and brutalness. She was running towards them with hardened gaze and a frown on her face
He Found Her
"What is happening her- OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OKAY??." She asked worriedly while casting a healing on him.
"Its nothing, we were just having fun. Right... Yoojin?" some d rank hunter said looking at Yoojin
"Cut the crap, I saw. And we are leaving." Her cold voice sent shivers down the other hunters's spine, as she grabbed Yoojin's hand and started walking away with him.
'Her hand is warm.' he thought while being dragged by the H/Cnette.
That was when the obsession begin.....
Yoojin had created walls around his heart, and never trusted anyone. But you stared to slowly but surely break those walls and make your way into his heart.
You and Yoojin started dating 2 months after the day you saved him.
At the end of the second month Yoojin decided to go meet Yoohyun. And Yoojin and Yoohyun ended up arguing. He came back home and told Y/N everything that happened, and Y/N comforted him by giving little kisses all over his face as he laid on top of he, hugging her tightly. She played with his hair until they both fell asleep.
6 months into dating Y/N had reawakened became an S rank Healer giving her the title 'The Saintess'. This caused rifts between their relationship because Y/N had to constantly accompany S class hunters to dungeons. Yoojin wanted to accompany her but she would refuse saying 'Its too dangerous for you', which would always make him angry causing them to argue constantly. This caused them to break up.....
After a few weeks of the break up Yoojin decided to go in a D rank dungeon.....
But the 3 headed S class monster the Dragon appeared.....
But Yoohyun and Y/N also arrived to save Yoojin
Y/N died protecting both Yoohyun and Yoojin because she knew how much they ment to each other, but Yoohyun also died.
The day Yoojin lost his mind.... And defeated the dragon.
He wished to go back in time through the WISHING STONE
When he woke up he was back at his younger brother's guild, the first thing that came to his mind was Y/N L/N. Her last words
Its fine just stay alive and happy with your brother.... ughh- huuh...I-I love you.......
He sat there for a good minute before Yoohyun entered and he just hugged him tightly
They made up but while talking Yoojin asked Yoo Hyun
"Do you know a hunter named 'Y/N L/N'." he said looking everywhere but his brother's
"Ah yes I think I remember that name, she is a newly awakend healer a D rank if I remember correctly"
'Bingo....' thought Yoojin.
"Invite her to the guild she'll be a great help."
"How do you know her though, big brother?"
"We met at a cafe before and had a small talk, she told me how she couldn't find a guild to work with, she didn't know i was your brother tho...." Yoojin ended while picking up some food and eating it.
"Really are you sure she wasn't pretending?" Said Yoohyun who brought out the rope to tie Yoojin
"Nope, Didn't give her my full name. So she couldn't have known." screech Yoojin while Yoohyun tried to tie him up.
After calming him down.... Yoohyun decided to go and meet Y/N L/N.
After meeting Y/N he finally knew what his brother ment
Y/N L/N was just so kind and warm, like the Sun. Glowing brightly when she smiles..... Wait- DOES HIS BROTHER LIKE HER??!!
Yoohyun straight up asked Y/N if she liked his brother and it was comical
( you are pink and Yoohyun is purple)
Do you like my brother?
Ummm who exactly is your brother if i may ask?
Yoojin, Han Yoojin is my brother.
Umm... aaa.. you- how... huuuuhhh Yes yes i do
I see have a great day then
Yes you too sir.
Y/N said while thinking of digging a whole and burying herself in it .
Yoohyun then left satisfied.
Y/N met Yoojin at a cafe where she forgot her wallet and Yoojin was kind enough to pay for her coffee.
Feeling guilty Y/N decided that she should return the favor since Yoojin was sitting alone. She sat with him and they got along well....
After saying there Goodbyes. Y/N couldn't help but think about Yoojin often. While eating, drinking and even before going to bed. Yoojin occupied her mind 24/7
That's when Y/N realized it was love at first sight..... She had never experienced this it was weird. so she started searching for him, it was harder then expected since she only got his first name.
In amidst of this Y/N awakened. She was on cloud nine, she could finally find him.
After this she encountered Yoohyan, Yoojin's brother. To he delight he was also looking for her!!! She was so happy by this revelation but alo embaressed by how Yoohyan approached her.
Lets just say after meeting Yoojin again and joining The World Edge Guild. It wasn't long before they started dating.
Y/N met Yu Myengwoo, Park Yerim, Peace, Blue and Chirpy.
Safe to say they all turned yandere for you aswell.
Yoojin hated it when you go to dungeons with him or Yoohyun. Can't you see how dangerous Dungeons are. He just wants to protect you. Sure you will become an S Ranked hunter in the future but you're still a D rank right now, its dangerous can't you see?
Yoohyan agrees with his brother, its dangerous for you. You are just so fragile... And he didn't want you to get hurt either because his brother would be sad! He doesn't want either. After all you are his future sister-in-law
But you still continued do accompany them saying you want to be there to heal them if they ae injured. So stubborn, Not talking them if they refuse! God!!! can't you see??!!
The last straw was when Yoojin was in the the dungeon with Noah, his sister Riette, the Jupiter guild's Guild master, Sung Hyunjae, and a few extras. After defeating the Dungeon boss Yoojin getting 'kidnapped' by Riette and while defeating the 'puppet dragon' Vicus Y/N had gotten hurt but not too much, while she was healing all of them Yoojin was using his skill on Vicus and lost conciousness. Y/N lost conciousness with him meeting the Actual Dragon. You suffered with him all the torture just because you couldn't leave him alone.....
After that incident Yoojin had decided it is no longer safe for you to go in dungeons any more but you won't listen, so there is only one way to top you
By getting you pregnant.
You and Yoojin did have sex before but never this rough. He would usually take it slow and deep but this was on another level
Thrusting himself in and out while using his tentecles to hold your hands and legs in place, cumming in you multiple times. but he just couldn't stop thrusting himself in you. Again and again and again, he just kept going .
At this point you were seeing stars, saying incoherent babbles, drooling and that beautiful flushed face. God you were such a beautiful mess in Yoojin's eyes.
He looked at yo stopping for a second to drink the magic potion, He couldn't take his eyes off you. Your whole body filled with hickeys and bite marks, marked by him.
He then slowly pulled, His cum along with yours gushing out of your pussy, but was quickly plugged by the tentecle.
You have never felt this much pleasure in your life. After being fucked till almost sunrise, you finally passed out. Yoojin looked at the beautiful sight beside him. He just knew you would be pregnant.
He was right. You missed your period this month and decided to take the test.
It was positive. You immediately scheduled a doctor's appointment to confirm. You went there alone because you were scared of what will be Yoojin's and other's reaction if you were actually pregnant.
The doctor confirmed you indeed were pregnant. You didn't know how to feel about this. On one hand you were happy to start a family with Yoojin but on the other hand you were scared.
You went home and decided to tell Yoojin first. He was chilling on the couch with Peace and chirpy when suddenly, Peace jumped on your lap and started to cuddle your stomach.
(you are pink and yoojin is blue)
Yoojin can we talk?
Of cource Darling. Is something wrong?
I'm...I'--m ..I'm
Huh....Huh HUUUUHHHH??!!?!?! OH MY GOD! I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!!! Y/N you just made me the happiest man in the world .... *sniff* *sniff*
So you aren't mad?
Of course not! what made you think that?
i just thought you wanted to wait....
I love you and i'll love the little one too
With that you both decided to tell Yoohyan next by giving him a small onesie saying "You Are Going To Be An Uncle". He cried huging you and Yoojin both saying 'Thank you' again and again.
Everyone was happy from the news.
If you thought there protectiveness was bad before, its worse now. You have to be accompanied by someone everywhere you go, even in the bathroom.
Its for your safety and the safety of the unborn child.......
Well you aren't complaining because everything is under your feet. If you want the world, they will give it to you on a gold platter.
So what is there to complain?
The funny part? You don't even realize the fact that you are being isolated. That's how good Yoojin is at manipulating you. To the point he had made you believe that you staying home is a good thing.
Just greet them with a smile when they return from mission/dungeons.
That's all you need to do......
A/N: OH MY GOD FINALLYYY!!!!! leave a comment bout how good it was since it was my first time writing. if you have any requests feel free to Dm me here.
Hope You Enjoy.
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anyway atsushi who keeps his eyes closed around ppl he feels safe with - so mostly the agency
kunikida sees him first and assumes he's napping and 'wakes him up' and atsushi, who doesn't realize yet why he's doing it is a little embarrassed
kunikida notices it again when theyre walking to a case, atsushi squished in between him and dazai, eyes closed, and he knows that he's not napping but he also doesn't get it
dazai realizes whats up but thinks it only happens cuz of kunikida becuz surely not him
but then one day he's telling atsushi about some prank he's pulling on kunikida and atsushi is nodding along, eyes shut and he's like oh
kyouka misses all the times it happens around her just becuz its not strange to see someone lying on the couch at their home, eyes closed, so how is she supposed to know that he's only doing it becuz he feels safe ???
ranpo knows whats going on and is very pleased when atsushi sits next to him on the train to their mission with his eyes closed - until they accidentally missed their stop becuz ranpo didn't know where they were going
when it happens to ranpo, everyone starts picking up that somethings going on
dazai and ranpo know for sure - and through ranpo yosano knows too - and everyone knows atsushi closes his eyes around them for some reason but they arent really sure why
atsushi doesn't close his eyes around yosano - not until theyre hanging out and yosano takes her long white coat off and leaves it behind becuz she doesn't need it and in minutes atsushi is at complete ease around her
junichiro keeps his hand on atsushi's arm when theyre walking or in public so that if atsushi's eyes are closed he doesn't bump into anything or anyone
kenji initially thinks that atsushi is trying to mimic ranpo and yeah fair enough but then when he realizes he closes his eyes around atsushi too which does cause them to bump into each other but also its sweet so
it takes atsushi the longest to do so around fukuzawa - not becuz he has anything against the man - but becuz he's a figure w/ authority over atsushi and atsushi doesn't have the best experience. where he knows yosano well enough and only her long white coat makes him hesitate, and for all of kunikida's scolding - his hands are kind when they ruffle atsushi hair and his eyes are filled with concern as he makes sure atsushi is eating - but atsushi rarely sees the president in comparison
the first time he's in his presence with his eyes closed fukuzawa is touched
when everyone in the agency finds out what it means its like:
yosano, dazai, ranpo - already knew
kenji - figured it out
kyouka - reevaluating every time atsushi has ever closed his eyes
kunikida - bright red, spluttering remembering how often atsushi does it in his presence
junichiro - pleased and vowing to close his eyes too
haruno and naomi - "atsushi are you actually a cat who turns into a human"
anyway who else
lucy thinks he's not listening to her when he does it and when he tells her she gets flustered calls him an idiot and then gives him a present to show her own appreciation of him and then pretends to not know what he's talking about
i dont know how to describe akutagawa's reaction to his boyfriend, who he had an antagonistic and violent relationship with in the beginning, thinking that akutagawa - violent, kills without thought, weapon more than human - is safe
akutagawa's whos ability has only been a monster is able to use it in front of atsushi w/o atsushi ever thinking its unsafe
all that trust and love atsushi has carefully put out for akutagawa - yeah i cant describe the emotions akutagawa would feel to be this loved, this trusted
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ddollfface · 8 months
God, I love golden retriever men so much.
*Intensely staring at my fav athlete*
Now, that I have a brainrot~
1. Our lovely Athlete with a nerd darling.
- This would be funny. It is giving black cat × golden retriever. So hard.
- Darling has anemia? She's used to sitting around and reading? Can't walk too long to save her life? He's fucking carrying her everywhere.
- Can you imagine darling bringing a book about his sport (I don't know if you've mentioned what he plays) to the game and reading as they watch him play cuz they don't know crap about sports? He'd be so, "But you're supposed to be watching me." :Insert puppy eyes:
- He's isolating darling? Eh, Darling needs a 4 hour nap after every social gathering anyway.
Ok but-
2. Him with a nerd darling who's a childhood best friend, where darling has a childhood filled with emotional and physical abuse. (I'm finna design a whole ass character to ship him with. If you don't mind, of course.)
- This.
- Don't let me get started on this.
- They would be so power couple coded fr. (Darling knows Athlete is trying to manipulate her. Doesn't care as long as she's getting taken care of.)
- Darling is snarky with a S.
- Darling: "The cheerleader was flirting with you."
Athlete: "I know. :3"
Darling: "Go marry her."
Athlete: "But you're the love of my life. :("
Darling: "Oh, really? I could've sworn it was Cindy instead. Go to her, shoo."
Athlete: "No."
Darling: "Who's bestie are you?"
Athlete: "Yours."
Darling: "Exactly."
- Don't let this fool you, tho. He's def the dominant one in the relationship.
Athlete: "You're my baby :D."
Darling: "Mhmm. Don't say that infront of anyone else."
Athlete: "Why not?"
Darling: "I'll bite your head off, that's why."
(spoiler, he says it in front of everyone and darling does nothing but get shy.)
Darling: "Why would you say that?"
Athlete: "Becuz you're my baby?"
Darling: *cuddles closer to him.* *Whispering* "I'm his baby."
- 💗 anon (if I may) (also, he's my baby now, thank you. I'm keeping him in my head and heart.) (It's so late at night. I just keep thinking about this 😭 and I can't put my thoughts into proper words rn, bear with me on this)
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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Trigger Warnings; yandere behaviors, possessive behavior, talk about trauma bonding (both reader and yandere or mentally ill), yandere masking, bad writing, and me rambling (I'm so sorry 💗Nonny lol) If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ I offically declare you 💗Nonny!! And I don't mind you coming up with your own interpertations of reader and LoveSick!Athlete! Just share 'em! Also, I may or may not have gone on a tiny, just tiny, tangent, so sorry 💗Nonny... Feel free to submit more asks if 'ya want
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LoveSick!Athlete can really mold and mend well with most personalities and darlings, this is due to his manipulative personality. A little off-topic, but he really has a hard time understanding who he is because he's always pretending to be what others deem "acceptable". This causes him to have a multitude of identity crises, but when his darling, you, comes into the picture, it makes it easier for him to find himself. He feels like he's the real him whenever he's with you. You just feel so natural, he feels natural, too. It's just right.
And for that reason, I think LoveSick!Athlete would go really well with a childhood!reader, seeing as she's been with him since they were young. And, I'm not too sure if you've read my Yan!Alphabet for him, but I mention LoveSick!Athlete's childhood; let's just say it wasn't the best situation for a kid.
LoveSick!Athlete would feel a special bond with his darling now, seeing as they've been together threw thick and thin. He's trama bounded to you, and you to him. We'll run off the assumption that reader has also had a bad childhood, whether it be an absent parent, abusive sibling/family member/or parent, whatever it is allows you to feel a connection to LoveSick!Athlete, seeing as you have a mutual situation. You both have something to bond over, something that locks you together.
He has a bad home environment, you have a bad home environment. He doesn't feel at home, so you become his home, and he to you.
And I like to run on the assumption that reader is all talk, no bite. And if you've read any of my writing where the reader talks, you'll see that I prefer to write reader as more "real" (to me anyway) because I'm personally not the hugest fan of the "helpless" reader. I like to write a darling who has a mouth, someone who's bratty (but that's 'cause I'm a brat lol).
Anyway, I'm getting off-topic, back to LoveSick!Athlete.
To your idea about a snarky reader, I totally agree. Honestly, LoveSick!Athlete would eat that shit up, no joke. He would love it, as he enjoys the back-and-forth between you two. He loves to press your buttons, wanting to see what sarcastic reply you have ready for him.
The thing is, he knows your just talking shit, never willing to actually do anything. You just run your mouth, and he lets you, but whenever you step outta line, sometimes, he's gotta put you back. Though, you'll never think of it like that. No, no, he's too sweet for that. He's gotta keep that golden retriever vibe going, y'know?
He just swat you on the ass, telling you that you got such a dirty mouth, mamas? I thought you were my little princess, no? Girls with a face like yours shouldn't be speakin' that like-
He'll just move on, as if he didn't just grope your butt, nope, not at all. And you'll be standing there awestruck, face red, and biting your tongue as you try to not overheat in embarrassment!!
It never ceases to entertain him, watching your face widen with surprise whenever he refers to you as his girl, his cute little girlfriend. The way your face heats up when he wraps his strong arm around your waist, putting his cap on your head (a silent sign of possession over you, trying to get the guy in the back to keep his eyes to himself, but you don't need to know that ;)).
In your little monologue, you go over some cheerleader girl (named Cindy??). Though I would agree that chicks (and some dudes) practically flock around LoveSick!Athlete, I would say that he doesn't even pay them any mind, not even entertaining the thought. Don't get me wrong, he'll talk to them, but make it painstakingly clear that he's only got one girl on his mind, you.
Most of the time, the girl will just find it endearing, slapping his shoulder, and telling him that he'd make a great husband or some shit like that. Of course, the chicks joking, making some nice comments to leave the, now awkward, conversation, but LoveSick!Athlete will take it to heart. Now, he's imagining a pretty ring on your finger, something he paid for, he got you. Because he'd be such a good provider for you, don't you know?
Another thought, 'cause I'm on a role, but I'm not sure if I've directly said this or not, but LoveSick!Athlete is a hockey player. I've tried putting strickly hockey photos on all my posts (you should see my Pinterest feed, it's filled with hot guys lolol).
Hockey is an aggressive sport, I would know. I used to ice skate every day for an hour or two. And, trust me, I got to see a lot of hot guys, though I was always too nervous to say anything, that's beside the point.
I can imagine that reader would be the same, intimidated by these testastrone-filled, young men who just wanna get all sweaty and gross. And I prefer to think that reader also doesn't know how to skate, much to LoveSick!Athlete's enjoyment.
Just to torture you, he'll take you to his ice rink, partly wanting to show you off, and also wanting you to rely on him to move around. He won't even let you hold onto the side, nope, all you got is him, babes.
And anyone who's been to a rink before knows that if you're not on the wall, or smack in the middle of the rink, you're in traffic, especially if it's busy. And this means that you gotta go fast, keeping pace with everyone else. And there's always a handful of assholes (usually hockey players) who will purposefully do a hockey stop, flinging a shit tone of ice at newbies.
I imagine that this shit would happen all the time and LoveSick!Athete is enjoying it sm. He gets a rush every time you flinch, clinging onto him tighter, especially when the really fast skaters zoom by you, scaring the crap outta you.
And he won't let you go at your own pace, forcing you to follow his lead. This means you're going far too fast for comfort, leaning on him for support. You're arms wrapped around his bicep, which isn't recommended btw. Your cheek pressed against his arm, holding on for dear life.
You'll snap at him, telling him to shut up and stop enjoying this, you dork. I'm only clinging to 'cause I gotta!
And he'll just take it, giving you a lopsided smirk.
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
I am once again plagued with thoughts that aren't 100% coherent so imma just ramble for a bit, pls gather 'round for some stuff about Billy and body image issues cuz I'm in my feels rn.
Billy spends a lot of time staring at Nancy.
Enough that Tommy's noticed and he starts ribbing him about it. "That's one thing of Steve's you might want to stay away from," bitter and pointed. Enough that Jonathan Byers gives him the stink eye whenever he's within glaring distance. Enough that a handful of the more desperate chicks still high off the fumes of his New Kid smell have started dressing like fucking librarians in hopes of catching his eye.
He doesn't give a shit about any of it, if anything the rumour mill is helping him out for once. Less work involved in keeping up appearances if everyone just assumes he isn't sleeping around because he's too busy sniffing Wheeler's granny panties.
As long as no one guesses the real reason, it's fine. It's fucking peachy. It's one silver lining in this shitstorm of a situation.
He's so tired of his eyes inevitably being drawn to her barely-there tits and tiny waist. Every time he's bored at lunch, his gaze wanders. When he's in the library pretending to study, there she fucking is, even smaller when she's hunched over a pile of cue cards.
The longer he looks at her the more sure he is that Steve will never really want him.
Steve's slept with plenty of girls. A variety of girls. He probably couldn't afford to be too picky in this shitty little town. But he's only fallen in love once. One time. The only time it mattered what he was sticking his dick in was when it was in Nancy Wheeler.
And Billy...will never be her. Not even close.
He'll only ever be a warm mouth and a convenient hand, he'll never matter.
She's flat, and thin. Willowy, narrow-shouldered. Petite. Inches shorter than him and nearly half as broad. Thin fingers and delicate wrists. She fit comfortably under Steve's arm, she could nestle safely into his side.
And it was all so fucking easy for her. She never had to try.
She never had to piss off her dad so she'd be forced to skip meals. She never did laps around her neighbourhood until she was lightheaded and doubled over, dry-heaving in someone's hedge. She was never forced to sign up for baseball as a child, poked and prodded and guilted into it because a couple shirts were starting to get tight across the stomach, and being a momma's boy was bad enough, being a fat, lazy piece of shit too was unacceptable.
He used to think he'd done well, maintaining the physique he has. He's worked hard for it. Scraping together his savings for a weight set and keeping careful track of his calorie intake and never skipping a single fucking day of exercise, hangovers and broken bones be damned. And it's fucking useful, truth be told. More than keeping away the echo of old insults bouncing around in his head, it's made flirting that much easier.
But the more he looks at Nancy Wheeler, the more he hates the things he can't change. It gets into his head. Digs in deep, leaving scars on its way down.
He thinks Steve might've noticed.
He knows Steve has heard the stupid rumours about Wheeler, and probably chalked it up to Billy being an asshole, as usual. But it's harder to explain away his sudden tendency to go extremely still whenever Steve puts his hands anywhere on his torso. A palm pressed to his chest, slipped under his shirt, or fingertips digging into his back, or a casual fucking pat on the shoulder—whatever it is, he can't help freezing up, if only for a second, a sick feeling twisting his stomach, cold and shameful and clawing at his lungs.
And then, eventually, they argue.
It's over nothing. And everything. Billy can't explain what his fucking damage is, and Steve can't stop needling in the wrong places. They scream at each other until their throats are raw and Billy leaves when his knuckles start to itch.
He cries all the way home and doesn't eat for four days. Not on purpose. Not consciously. He's just. Fucking. Busy. He's busy. He's always gotta drive Max somewhere or dodge Neil's thinly veiled threats or lock himself in his room when bile starts to bubble up in the back of his throat and his head pounds and he doesn't think about why he's snapping at everyone constantly, he just pounds back a couple beers and goes to sleep. And then it's four days later, and he's flying off the handle at Neil, too sluggish and lightheaded to see the hit coming, and...
Steve comes to see him at the hospital. He hasn't told anyone anything but they've got him hooked up to a banana bag and the nurses keep making sad eyes at him when they come to check his stitches.
He hates it, sitting around doing nothing, being closely monitored every fucking second, it make his skin crawl, and he hates it even more when Steve's standing in the doorway looking at him.
Not for the first time, he's overwhelmed wondering what exactly Steve sees.
He's a fucking mess right now. Greasy hair tangled at the back, bruises peeking out from under the collar of his gross papery hospital gown, one eye swollen shut and a dark tangle of thread holding his eyebrow together. It feels stupid to get stressed about all the shit that usually bothers him when there's so many other things to worry about, but he still finds himself shifting in place, hunching his shoulders, hiding his hands in the crooks of his elbows.
It's sort of a disaster. Worse than last time they saw each other. Billy's not in the mood for Steve's apologies and Steve's at a loss for what else to say.
They don't see each other again for months. Steve graduates. Billy avoids anywhere he thinks Steve might be, and lies awake at night haunted by stolen touches.
He catches a glimpse of Steve through the red haze of storm clouds and cold lightning, tears blurring his vision, the Mind Flayer wearing him like a suit. Their cars collide, and everything whites out for a second.
He's in the hospital again when they finally talk. Billy rolls his eyes at "We've gotta stop meeting like this," and tries not to think about last time he was here. Steve seems more than willing to ignore it. Move forward. Guess demonic possession puts some things into a different perspective.
When Billy's released from the hospital he's seventeen pounds heavier than he was a few months ago. Every time the nurses did their check-ups and put him on the scale they'd pat his elbow, smiling encouragingly, telling him how good he was doing while he watched his stomach get softer, his biceps get less defined, watched himself disappear beneath a layer of fat.
The first thing he does when he gets home is throw up.
He doesn't make it happen. It just happens. And he blames it on the meds they have him on. It's a plausible enough reason, and it means he doesn't have to interrogate the tiny spark of satisfaction he got from losing his lunch.
His second day back home Neil asks him when he's going to start exercising again. His expression is pinched. Cold. His eyes are ice chips freezing Billy's skin wherever they touch, lingering on the softness under his chin, and where the hem of his sleeve pinches his skin.
He pushes his dinner away and grits out an answer from between clenched teeth.
He doesn't need the reminder that he's gotten weak while he was trapped in a hospital bed, but Neil gives it to him anyways. Tells him all about everything he should do to get things back to normal. Push past the pain. Work harder. He tunes it out after a while, and watches grease congeal on his meatloaf.
Eddie Munson is the first person to bring up the things Billy's never known how to talk about.
They started hanging out after Billy's most recent brush with death. Billy's not sure exactly how the got here, from buying the occasional painkiller and letting the guy wax poetic about his dumb band, to spending weekends getting high together at the trailer park. But as weird things in his life go, it's barely worth questioning.
This particular conversation starts with Chrissy Cunningham.
Specifically, Eddie's massive boner for her.
Billy's been noticing it for a while. He hasn't been letting it bother him.
He hasn't.
Maybe he likes the way Eddie smiles at him when they pass a joint back and forth, lazily stretched out and wearing three less layers than usual, and maybe he thinks about closing the distance between them when Eddie offers to shotgun, but it doesn't fucking matter. Just like it doesn't matter that Steve hasn't touched him since before the Mind Flayer and things are fucking weird now that they're on speaking terms again. None of it matters, he's just a fucking idiot.
Because Steve and his new best friend Robin are attached at the hip lately and everyone can see where that's going, and Eddie won't stop talking about tiny, pretty, perfect fucking Chrissy and her stupid ponytail.
And Billy...Billy gets winded walking up the porch steps at his house now. And he pulled a muscle in his back trying to lift half the weight he used to press. And last week he burned three pairs of jeans in the backyard because he kept grabbing them out of his laundry pile, not realizing they don't fit anymore until he was struggling to pull them up past his knees.
He's lost the one thing people used to actually like about him. Never the people he wanted, he was never enough for that, but it was something. Now he's just...
Now he's just listening to a guy he likes talk about some goddamn cheerleader like she personally hung the moon just for him.
And he's drunk. They're both drunk. Eddie in a soppy, embarrassing way, with a sparkle in his eye and a flush on his cheeks, an arm across the back of the couch, outstretched far enough that the tips of his fingers almost brush Billy's shoulder.
He wants to move closer. Thinks about shuffling into Eddie's space, curling into the warmth at his side. But it twists in his guts, sours, sickens—he couldn't, he can't. And he hates himself for wanting to.
"What do you see in her?" spills out of his mouth, bitter on his tongue and sharpened by anger he has no right to feel.
She's pretty. He expects it. She's pretty, she's perfect. She's a fucking angel even though her and Eddie only know each other because she buys drugs off of him. But she can do no wrong because she looks like a little china doll with sad eyes and everyone would be devastated if a single hair on her tiny delicate head was harmed.
Eddie only looks thrown off for a second. A moment. But he shrugs it off, leans his head back against the couch cushions and grins at the ceiling. "She likes my music."
Since fucking when.
"So, what, it's just an ego stroking thing then."
"Nah, man. I mean. Like. She's got this whole good-girl thing going on, but you should see her when I pull out my guitar, it's fuckin'...magic. When she lets herself just. Live." He wiggles his fingers in the air, arms spread, then drops them back down.
Billy's heart clenches, squeezes. It hurts and he doesn't know why. "Bullshit."
"Nah, nah. Seriously. The guy she's dating is a fucking asshole. And her mom..." he trails off, and rubs his eye. "She's just got all this pressure to be perfect, act a certain way, look a certain way, be a certain way, and I hate seeing what it does to her, man. I hate it. No one should have to deal with all that. So. I dunno. I like helping her cut loose. Sorta, find herself, I guess." He cracks a crooked smile, casting a glance in Billy's direction.
And his smile drops.
"Billy?" He sits up, cautious, eyebrows up and his eyes wide.
Billy turns away, shocked into motion, wiping at his face with his sleeve. "I'm fine. Fuck off."
He didn't notice he was crying until Eddie looked at him like he'd seen a ghost.
"Yeah, obviously."
"Fuck you."
Eddie doesn't get much more out of him that night. But he starts watching Billy like a hawk after that. Checking in on him at random. Calling if they haven't seen each other in a few days. It should be irritating as fuck, and he acts like it is, but he still basks in the attention.
Doesn't hurt that it seems to annoy Steve to no end.
Especially doesn't hurt when, in a fit of apparent jealousy, Steve shoves Billy into a wall and kisses him like his life depends on it.
The hurt comes when Steve starts to unbutton Billy's shirt and Billy reflexively shoves him away, when he wants to keep going but wants it to stop and can't tell Steve either of those things because he doesn't have the words.
So he gets angry. At Steve, for pushing it, crossing lines he can't even see. But mostly at himself, because it might be easier than standing there heartbroken but he knows it's the worst thing he could do.
And at Steve, again, when the he doesn't respond the way he should. Doesn't punish Billy for doing the wrong thing, reacting wrong, being wrong. He doesn't withdraw and save himself, he tries to understand, tries to talk it out, like this is something Billy can just say out loud and it'll all be fixed.
He doesn't explain. Not that day. But he lets Steve hold him while he cries, ugly gasping sobs into the front of Steve's shirt, curled up in his lap, collapsed on the floor and tangled together. Because despite everything he's told himself, he does fit comfortably in Steve's arms.
💜tag list ppl💜 @spreckle @growup-thatbeautiful @prettyboy-like-you @suddenlyinlove
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See... part of me actually wants to know what Dana's thought process was with Luz's and Hunter's relationship.
Like... why did she decide to make Luz's type of boy "angsty warrior princes" even though Luz's type of boy could have been literally anything else?
Why was Luz's relationship with a prince highlighted as important since WBW? Even going to far as to make Luz write a romantic scene between her and a prince in Sense and Insensitivity. Hunter would not make his debut until season two, but they felt the need to bring him up in SAI.
Why wasn't there more of an effort to make sure Willow was there for all of Hunter's important moments?
Why did they keep hammering in the Lunter = Caleb/Evelyn parallels, even when Luz was dating Amity? If you want to argue Luz had to be there for all of Hunter's moments because she's the protagonist, it doesn't explain why they wrote these parallels. Especially the ones that came up in Hollow Mind and Thanks to Them.
Why is Luz honest with Hunter in Thanks to Them when she has never been honest with how she feels with any other character -- not even her girlfriend? What makes Hunter different from anyone else? She could have just kept how she actually feels to herself and it would have changed nothing. It's not like Hunter wouldn't have given his speech to Luz if she didn't tell him how she feels... cuz she literally tells everyone how she feels after Hunter comes back to life. This decision is strange and unbelievably haunting... because Thanks to Them brought up the Caleb/Evelyn lore in an episode where Luz's relationship with Hunter was the focus... oh okay... i guess this is nbd then. Like I'm just supposed to not make a big deal abt Luz being honest without having the truth forced out of her... okay. I guess i also shouldn't make a big deal about the other choice to have Hunter know Luz's secret in Hollow Mind.
You really just did that for reasons that are toooootally not shippy, huh? Mhm, okay! Sure, I believe you! [this is sarcasm, btw]
Why did WAD make Willow stand in front of Flapjack's grave with Hunter, even though the only other character with significant ties to Flapjack is Luz? WAD even made it clear Luz feels guilty about Flapjacks death... but she still isn't shown to pay respects to Flapjack post timeskip... WAD is gaslighting me into thinking Willow has significant thematic ties with Flapjack... as if she has a deeper relationship with that bird than Luz did. And just to make it even worse, they give EVERYONE Flapjack tattoos even though no other characters besides Luz and Hunter are tied to Flapjack. Especially Amity... like girlies first and last conversation with Hunter was when he made her feel bad about her relationship with Luz in Eclipse Lake... but the show is gaslighting me into thinking Amity and Hunter are friends or something. TOH LOVES tricking me into thinking certain character relationships exist...
I'm not going to ask why Hunter is unconcerned with Luz not coming through the portal right away in FTF because I already know the answer. This episode exists almost exclusively to make sure Hunter's arc ends with him holding pinkies with Willow. FTF is really funny for pulling this little stunt at the beginning because it's completely out of character for Hunter LMAO. Not sure why they've made such a big deal about Luz's and Hunter's relationship, just to pretend like it doesn't exist in FTF; only to then bring it up in WAD by having Hunter and Amity guide Luz out of the illusion... nightmare thing. They just cant stop bringing up Luz's relationship with Hunter even when both of them are dating someone else, it's so crazy.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
Hello! I saw that your request is open so if you don't mind could i ask for a Jack or Ace's version of Fem!MC and friends?👉👈 I love the one you did for Deuce, I have a soft spot for the first years boys 🥺Thanks in advance 🖤
Oh, Deuce is great and deserves the love! You have good taste.
Gonna choose Ace for thsi since his suitor suit and galla outfit SCREAM for an female!mc and friends version!
Gonna go with three cards/events or else its gonna get too long ;;
Female!MC and Friends - Ace Trappola
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Ace. Trappola. Sigh.
This guy is...surely...certainly...something, alright.
The way he speaks, the way he behaves, the one-of-a-kind smirk he wears...it's all just "Ace".
You knew that from day 1 when he teased you relentlessly and even got you and Deuce in trouble. Your prediction that he would keep getting himself and you in trouble still rings true.
Although, you cannot deny that he...seems to have grown fonder of you in a way.
When He...Proposes To A Ghost?!
Oh no. This is too funny.
Quite the predicament Idia (and your entire dorm) has gotten into but you never thought you'd see the day where Ace - ACE - would...dress up in a suit with slick hair and...a ring in his palm.
You try not to laugh, really, really hard - you really, really try not to but...just LOOK AT HIM!
Actually, laugh to your heart's content cuz this guy would have done the same if you were in his shoes. Aaaand for all the other things he'd tease you for in the future.
Yeah, yeah...go ahead and get yer sides sore, you'll see that Ace will sweep that egotistical princess off her feet!
...Even if she doesn't have those anymore.
Besids, what's there to laugh about? Can't you see how he dolled up to be the 'perfect, ideal prince'?
In fact, with a sneaky, toothy grin, Ace is sure that he already made you fall for him right then and there when you saw him in this get-up! Go on, admit it, it's okay. It's like love at first sight...he just needed to look his best for you first!
If you brush him off and say, hah, 'in your dreams', then prepare to have him hang on your shoulder until he has to go and steal the heart of the bride (which he is sooo confident in). Ace will smirk and cackle, poke and provoke you until you just HAVE to admit how wonderfully good-looking he is right now! Oh man, you are just brimming with jeaously that you aren't the one proposed to by Ace, right~? Right~? C'moooon, just admit it!
He'll swing by like a hero, hold your hand and pretend to kiss your knuckles and whisper these stupid, corny lines he read in a manga once - and IF YOU DO BLUSH AND FLUSTER (DO NOT!) YOU CAN BET YOUR LIFE SAVINGS THAT ACE WILL SNAP FROM FAIRY TALE PRINCE TO BAFFONERY PEASANT AND LAUGH AT YOUR FACE
Did you just reaaaally fall for that?! OMG OMG how come he never noticed that you get all flustered like that so easily????
New weakness aquired.
Ace will exploit it.
However, if you play along, you will certainly make HIM blush. What the...??? H-hey, that was just a joke...don't you know we are actually fake proposing here? H-haha...weirdo.
And if you pretend to be Eliza for practice and Ace has to act and say all those things to you? Uh, dude, I mean, l-like thanks for the help but...aren'tchu takin' this waaaay too seriously? Ace got this, you don't need to...you know...
Ace will at first tease you if you try to get he attention of the bride too by wearing a suit. But, well, he will definitely deny of having glanced at your direction if you catch him...
A dress, however? Blushes a bright red, red as his suit. Whoa, whoa, aren't you going a bit too far? Like, way too out for this? You should be wearin' something like that for your real wedding. Not a fake one...(that is to a ghost and not him...)
Anyone with eyes can tell that Eliza is not Ace's type, so if you ask him, he might need time to think. He'd glance at you from time to time and grows a bit nervous under your gaze...
He'd give you an vague answer.
When He Impresses Fairies...
Ugh, seriously? Does he have to make a show for some selfish fairies while wearing this?
Well, at least you are here to join him in the humiliation. Shared pain is...uh, double the gain?
Whatever, Ace can pull this off with your aid. In fact, he might feel more motivated with you by his side, especially if he sees you as another 'audience memeber'.
You are one of his biggest fans when it comes to his magic tricks anyway, right? So having a familiar face here in this show eases him.
These white robes though...as annoying and odd as they might seem, they kinda make you two look like a magic duo! Not bad! And hey, when he looks at them a second time, they ain't soooo ugly anyway...
Well, they certainly look good on you...
The flowers are the confetti on top. Kinda cute to see these butterflies flutter all over yer head. Just don't let them nestle in your hair!
Actually, as dumb as this is, you two CAN act like a magic duo! He is The Great Trappola (roll the r) and you...! Eh, his assistant. Any great magician needs an loyal assisant!
Not like you can do magic anyway, hehe...
Be amazed at his awesome tricks and praise them with jazz hands! Just make him look good.
Y'know, Ace wasn't sure why the clothes were this royal white anyway...but now that he thinks about it, with the flowers and accessories...you kinda look like a fairy. A non-palm-sized fairy! Haha, maybe that'd be the kind of stuff they'd wear if they were as big as you and him...
Heh, you could maybe even be their fairy princess! Or their fairy queen! Go on, tell 'em off and have you two be excused~ OOh, go tell them to serve you two and give extra special attention to the magician guy!
...Oh! H-hey, don't get this the wrong way. Dummy, it's not like you got some ethereal, fey-like beauty about'cha or somethin'...hey, don't laugh! Be glad that The Great Trappola (roll the r) compliments you!
When He Is Stranded At an Island...
Omg, for real, he and everyone else is stranded on this lonely, beautiful, tropical beach whatever shall they do - SIKE THIS IS THE BEST IT JUST MEANS EARLY SUMMER VACATIONS!!!
Are you kidding him? He can have earlier summer vacations on a beach with (almost) no one to bother and berate him?! (Aside from Riddle). This is the best!
Screw learning. No matter how his grades are, he deserves this!
Will definitely take it easy the minute he lands there. Might even berate you to NOT take this seriousy and just relax with him~ The upper classmen will take care of this~
Ace is gonna take advantage of this and drag you to any relaxing activity that there is. Swimming, collecting shells, building sandcastles, cracking coconuts open...
This is a one-in-a-lifetime chance! He ain't gonna miss this!
Realy likes his outfit and will compliment yours too! Dressed like this, how can you not just take a few vacation days?
Kinda wants you two to match? Not in a cute couple way but more like a 'we-are-so-rich-and-the-bosses-here-look-at-us-match-with-our-superiourity' kinda way.
In fact, this could a way to make amends for the winter vacations last time. You know, with *whispers* Jamil-senpai's overblot? yeah, that.
Ace may not be able to show you around his hometown but he can help you have a good time here! Just follow his lead!
He is surprisingly very attentive here. Making sure you are okay and have fun at all times...it's nice.
He'll make things into competitions like collecting the prettiest sea shell or building sandcastles together. Ace will like swimming together the most though.
Jokingly taking his shirt off and flexing but if you were to do the same thing or wear something more skin-revealing, he'll shut up quick. C'mon Ace, get it together...this isn't the frist time you've seen a girl in a swimsuit...or swimear in general...but...you aren't just some random girl...
He'll get it together, don't worry. It just...takes time.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
I used to dislike blitzo back in season 1-early 2 cuz he was a jerk and abusive and the story tried to justify it with "womp womp he has trauma and he only wants to tough moxxie up so it's okay". And i was supposed to feel bad about his ass? After he verbally abused moxxie throughout all his work life and threteaned to rape him and his wife? Used verosika and stole from her when they where together? Disrespected barbie's boundaries and feelings? Dissmissed fizz's feelings and unintentionally said "hey i lost my mom bitch, you aren't the only one who has problems" WHEN FIZZ WAS FUCKING BURNED ALIVE, LOST HIS LIMBS AND HORNS AND WAS TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU I MIND YOU.
To be clear, i don't hate asshole characters. I hate when asshole characters are being coddled and excused by the narrative, it's insufferable to watch. Blitz was this. An asshole character who was excused by the writers and you are expected to feel bad about his ass when he got humilated in the club. Thanks i hate it. And it sucks because i love the concept of an abusive asshole realizing he is an abuser and trying to do better to people who he wronged. But i couldn't handle the awful execution.
And guess what?
FUCK MY ASS I'VE CHANGED MY MIND. I feel so bad for blitzo now lmao. The 2 times when blitzo isn't at fault THE WRITERS TRY TO PUT ALL THE BLAME ON BLITZO AND EXCUSE PEOPLE WHO ABUSE HIM JUST WHY. Loona physically assaults him when he respecfully asks her to be nicer to their clients because IT'S HER FUCKING JOB BITCH THEY WILL LOSE MONEY IF YOU DON'T AND IT AFFECTS YOU AS WELL YOU LITERALLY LIVE WITH HIM. And then she kicks him in nuts when all he did was apologising and attempting to hug her? What's funny? What's funny about this 22-years-old grown ass woman physically harming her adoptive dad who provides her a linvinghood, job and unconditional love when she is an adult? And saved her from a toxic and dangerous enviorment? Are you trying to say *he* is in the wrong in this situation and *deserves* to be beaten up by a person he has never wronged in his life? Are you kidding me? Why am i supposed to hate stella, who is abusing stolas, but expected to like loona, who is abusing blitz and moxxie, and to find her abuse "funny" and slapstick? You can't have both, pick one vivzie!
And speaking of stolas...i don't even want to talk about it. I feel horrible for blitzo. Yes, he was an asshole and was only using stolas to get the book, but it was stolas who made their relationship transactional. It was stolas who reffered to blitzo as "his impish plaything". It was stolas who only ever asked from blitzo sex and sexually harassed him on daily basis. He even put a cigrette on his horn likw wtf? It was stolas who made the deal when blitzo couldn't even consent because he, you know, WAS ABOUT TO GET MURDERED BY THE CANNIBALS? AND STOLAS WAS FULLY AWARE OF IT? And the list goes on and on...
Okay, even we pretend none of the above happened and was retconned, blitzo *owns you nothing* stolas. If he doesn't have feelings for you it's not *his* fault. He shouldn't have his buisness tied to your bird ass to spend time with you (and in case if he doesn't, he will lose his job, how fair) if he doesn't love you. Get a life please, you only known this guy for *less than a day* and it was *25 years ago*. And he was completely disinterested in your hobbies and was literally only there because he was manipulated by his father and *sold to you like an object or a toy*. And you still obsessed over this random dude who doesn't even like you and love him more than your own daugther whom you known for 17 years??? Wow, such victim fel bed for him he so pooor :((((
And it doesn't help how not only the writers, almost an entire fandom thinks blitzo is abusive towards stolas or deserves to be kicked out by stolas or be beaten up by loona ("for comedy*) it's not funny. It makes me sick. It's the same as blitzo beating the shit out of moxxie and people praising *blitzo*. But not it's stolas abusing blitzo and people praising *stolas*
Fuck it.
I used to hate this guy, but now i can't feel anything but pity him. It's tragic how everyone blames him for things HE ISN'T EVEN AT FAULT HE DESERVES BETTER.
You're preaching to the choir, Anon! Blitzo is a tremendous asshole, multiple characters' lives are worse for knowing him, but he's a victim here -- and a chilling reminder of just how far people will go to defend a charming, attractive abuser that knows how to play the sympathy card.
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toomuchracket · 18 days
thinking about early flatmate domestic stuff… like him knowing exactly how she likes her tea, having movie nights with m&s picky bits (my own personal fantasy hehe), maybe going for a wander around manchester and picking out some new records or him sitting outside the changing room while she tries on 57 different tops (and him not being able to help her choose one cuz he fancies her in all of them), just lovely coexistence <333
he doesn't just know how you like your tea, he can tell from your facial expression or a single sigh that you really want a cuppa, and he'll wordlessly sneak off to the kitchen to make you one and bring it to you (with a handful of biscuits, of course), and even though you're so smart you never realise he's learned the signs of you needing tea and you're always surprised and extremely grateful to get one from him; he loves the way you look at him in those moments, like he's your favourite person in the world (he is. he just doesn't know that), and he'd give you all the cups of tea in the world just to keep you looking at him that way. you get into a little routine on a wednesday night, when he's home, in which he'll have a tea ready for you coming in from your classes, which you'll do armed with a bag chock-full of m&s food to eat while you watch a movie (you take turns choosing which) or a couple of episodes of whatever it is you're watching together - sometimes, if either you or matty are feeling down at all, a blanket fort will magically find its way into the living room, but more often than not it's the two of you side-by-side on the sofa, blanket over your legs and the food on trays beside you. in these moments, when matty's sleepy and happy and peaceful, you'll convince him to come shopping with you at the weekend. well, he doesn't ACTUALLY need convincing; he just pretends to hate it, because sometimes it just hurts too much doing couple-y shit with you while not actually being a couple, but on some occasions the want to spend time with you will win out, and he'll let you tug him round westfield or wherever. like you said, wandering around record shops is a must (he gets quite emo the first time you go after self-titled comes out and you get so excited and huggy when you see it), and he'll be completely useless sitting outside the fitting rooms when you're trying new clothes, because he just thinks you're beautiful in everything - there are some things you try on that he LOVES, though, and he'll be enthusiastic about those in such a way that you go a teeny tiny bit weak in the knees. you love him. he loves you. the two of you are so fucking stupid lol <3
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prettypei · 1 year
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plot: them with a popular! chubby! fem! s/o; fluff!
reader: chubby! popular! fem! Reader
characters: yuuta, maki
warnings: mentions of fatshaming/homophobia, reader is sassy, mild spoilers for culling game arc (?, spoilers for jjk s2, use of Japanese honorifics, reader and maki are both lesbian in maki's part, a creep in maki's part
a/n: littleeeee bit of a self-insert... I jus wanted 2 write a lil sth LOL, yuuta is 2nd year btw
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a little backstory on the reader!! ok soso reader is a 2nd year who's the closest with the first years and in this au you're really close to yuji...you currently maintain a long-distance relationship with yuuta! (let's pretend culling games didn't happen lol)
so let's rewind to the episode where the slice of life is happening (aka the "yuji bf material" ep ACK)
it was just supposed to be the first years but you were in the area too cuz you had just finished a mission, and yuji REALLLYYYY wanted to watch Earthworm Man 4... so you reluctantly agreed to go with them
(ps the first years kinda have a crush on you,, like idolizing ykwim)
so the four of you finished the movie when you recieved a call from your bf
so you talk blah blah blah and you're like "wait, isn't it like 3 am in Africa?" and he replies with a nervous chuckle and a "well,, guess where I am now?" and you literally scream into the phone... okie the fic is down below!!
"You're WHAT?" You screamed into the phone. "(name)-senpai, please shut up." Megumi deadpanned. "sorry, megumi. BABE, YOU'RE WHAT?" "Babe?" The three underclassmen shared a confused look. "Wait, you're here? Like in front of the movie theater? I don't see-WAITHOLYSHITISTHATYOU-" The three of them turned heads to see the direction you were waving in. "(name)!" Yuuta yelled excitedly. "O-okkotsu-senpai!" Megumi said with a surprised look on his face. "Who's he?" Nobara whispered to you, giving yuuta a weird look. "Show some respect." Megumi hisses while glaring at Nobara. "Ah, it's fine!" Yuuta smiles at all of them. "I'm just here to visit my wonderful girfriend!" "Girlfriend?" The three underclassmen feign a shocked expression as Yuuta squishes your cheeks together. "(n-name) has a boyfriend?!" Yuji squeaks. "Don't forget honorifics, it's disrespectful!" Megumi scolds once again, but he's the most surprised one of them all. "I thought you were single!" Nobara pouted. "Well, I'm not. Y'all ain't got a chance with me anyways." You smirked while giving Yuuta a peck on the cheek, leaving him flustered. "Awww... but I wanted to ask (name)-senpai out..." Yuji mumbles. "What?" Suddenly the atmosphere became cold and dark, and yuuta was glaring at a certain someone. "I-I mean-I thought-" Yuji stammered. "Yuu, babe, let's go. Let's go watch Barbie!" You insisted, pulling on his sleeve. "Okay, sure!" Yuuta's entire face lightens up as you pull him into the cinema. "O-Okkotsu senpai sure is scary..."
reader is a 2nd year in this too :3
soooo maki is really like NOT open at all about your personal life, it's not that she's embarrassed of you it's just because she doesn't want others to stress her out about marriage, vows... she just wants to live the present
but that doesn't mean that she doesn't wanna share you with her closest friends though! And she's going to... but she keeps forgetting.
so basically you, maki and nobara are having a girl's day out and some creep tries hitting on ya...yk what's gonna happen.
"What do you guys want?" Maki asked you while you guys were lining up for the crepe shop. "I think... strawberry?" "Ohhh I want a blueberry one!" "Okay, I'll line up. You guys can go sit on a bench and rest." "You and Nobara walk to the bench under the tree, chatting excitedly while Maki told the cashier your order. All of a sudden, Nobara stopped talking and narrowed her eyes as a young man walked over. "He-Hello miss?" He asked timidly after tapping your shoulder. "Uh, yeah?" You give him a confused look. "Do I know you?" "N-No... I just wanted to ask for you nu-number...m-mommy...?" He squeaked, fiddling with his hands. At this point, you were beyond disgusted. "What the actual fuck?" You snap. "Get the-fuck-away from me!" "I-I like being degraded..." He whimpers as you push him away from you. "C-Can I get your number...? Promise I'll call you mommy..." "I don't-" "SHHHKKK." A long blade was dug in the bark of the tree behind the man, with only a millimeter to spare. "H-Huh?!" His voice's an octave higher. "Don't you ever touch my girlfriend ever again, scum." Maki growled as she came back with two crepes in her hands. "I-I-I won't! I swear I won't-I'll-I'll never-" "Shut up, little shit." Maki grumbled as she put her hand in yours, the man stumbling away and crying at the same time. "You okay?" Maki asked you with a concerned look. You giggled in response and held her hand tighter. "Love ya."
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