#and he takes his job very VERY seriously
Sometimes I forget just how dedicated to his job Butler is, but like...that's a hardcore part of his character.
Book 1 it's obvious, he breaks a man's hand without looking and without second thoughts. Sure, "scared is better than dead," and he shows a soldier's honor when dealing with LEP Retrieval One, but he still obliterates them with only a moment's hesitation.
Even Book 4 makes sense ("But Butler was only paid to protect one thing, and it was not The Fairy Thief.") He's lost his memories of the People, of course he'd default to "Protect the Principal."
But then we see his job take precedence over everything else again and again even with his involvement with the fairies. Book 3, that sound grenade could have easily killed or maimed people. He didn't hesitate to use it. Book 5, even with his memories of the fairies intact, owing them his life, and knowing the risks of letting the demons be discovered, he is unapologetic about his thoughts on the situation: "If I had to walk away from here, it would not trouble me unduly, so long as you were walking away with me." Would he have some regrets? Possibly. Would letting the demons be discovered introduce new difficulties to his job? Most likely. Would he let that stop him from walking out and getting Artemis to safety given the first opportunity? Not a chance. Book 7, his baby sister is in potentially mortal danger, and he still prioritizes Artemis's safety over his own convenience in rescuing his family.
Butler willing to help others, would go to the ends of the earth for those he considers friends, but at the end of the day, his job is to protect his Principal, and that is always always his highest priority.
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gunstellations · 5 months
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its sonics turn! 👅
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Having the Pool Dream again, handsome?
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not-another-robin · 2 years
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More big brother Bruce :]
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murasaki-cha · 2 months
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9 year old Oak: I don’t want to marry queen Suren! Also being high king sucks!
17 year old Oak: Why yes I am engaged to queen Suren. Queen Suren's consort? Yep that's me. The fiancé of the ruthless ice queen of the Court of Teeth is here everyone. Have I mentioned how much I love Wren and that I'm going to marry her? Of course I immediately gave up the throne of Elfhame for Suren because I want to be with her and being high king sucks!
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imperfectcourt · 1 year
Thinking about Neil, bored and nosy, looking Aaron up before they go to visit him so that he has fuel for being a little shit (since he doesn't have any saved up, they've been apart for too long and he doesn't take any part in the twin's weekly calls)
And what he finds..... hey Andrew did you know doctor's can get reviews on different websites?
His 😈 is very short-lived and quickly becomes 😐 becomes 😶 becomes 😵 when he realizes that Aaron doesn't have a single bad review. Bedside manner? Treatment?? There's even a review from someone who's health got WORSE who left a positive review and what the fuck kind of backwards world is he seeing into? What is happening? HOW is it happening? He spent 4 years in relatively close contact with this guy there's no way he would have missed something like this
((He calls Matt about it, who spent his last year at PSU with Aaron as a roommate surely he'll be able to back Neil up on this rigged system and..... wait what the fuck are you talking about he was actually pretty chill?? I thought you were on my side? Matthew Donovan you did not just say that Aaron Minyard was a cool dude how dare))
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Arthur: so what do you do for work?
Merlin: I’m an actor
Arthur: I haven’t seen you in anything. What’ve you acted in? Shows? Movies?
Merlin: well, I’m acting right now as if there isn’t insane sexual tension between us
Arthur: what???
Merlin: what.
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radioactivepeasant · 5 months
Snippet (or chapter?) Thursday
Viper: Exodus
Jak, now a captain in Spargus's infiltration division, has been gathering people who have helped them in the past, and Daxter has convinced whole sections of the slums to trust the Wastelanders over the Grand Council. (LONG post warning, it's basically a whole chapter)
240 people crowded around the narrow road in front of the Naughty Ottsel, murmuring nervously to each other. They had been slowly preparing for this night for weeks -- hardly enough time to uproot an entire life. But then, many of them had been uprooted already. Many carried young children, only recently reunited with their families after Praxis's mass kidnapping orders during his hunt for Mar. They varied between terrified silence and hungry wailing as the people waited for their chosen leader to arrive.
It had been a difficult, and at times acrimonious, task choosing someone to lead them once beyond the walls for good. Fifty people had withdrawn from the evacuation entirely when a Lurker was ultimately chosen. But Brutter had lived among the people of the Water Slums for years. They knew him. They trusted him.
His deputy, the blonde barmaid from the pub, seemed like an odd choice at first. But as preparations progressed, it became clear that Tess had a way with people -- and with weapons. Her confidence put them all at ease.
The murmurs quieted when Tess appeared with Brutter, Jak, and Daxter. More people gathered in the pub doorway behind them to watch, but it was clear that they were on team "leaving Haven is mutiny or cowardice".
"This is everyone?" Brutter called, furrowing his fuzzy brow. "Water Slum friends?"
"Here!" One of his former neighbors called, waving from a section of the crowd.
"Good! Saltpeter Row?"
The inhabitants of the row houses made varying sounds of acknowledgement, and Brutter nodded, continuing to call out the names of streets who had agreed to join the secession.
"Morgan street!"
"Redcap Row!"
"Shark Flats!"
"4th Street!"
Only a few groups were unaccounted for in the end, though this wasn't as much of a surprise as expected. They'd known from the beginning that some would probably back out when it was time to go. Better the devil they knew than the one they didn't. But everyone else had shown up.
They shuffled restlessly, meager belongings in carts or on their backs, and waited to find out what was going to happen. Surely they weren't all going to walk to the abandoned temple!
Brutter nodded to Jak, and the boy stepped forward and raised his voice.
"Okay! Here's what's going to happen! Anyone with small kids or trouble walking is going to take the air train to the foot of the mountains. The Babak are waiting with balloons to get you to the temple. It's going to take a few trips, so don't crowd. You'll all get there, I promise."
Daxter took over as soon as Jak finished.
"Everybody else: we're formin' a convoy of four groups! If you know how to fight, yer on the outside of the column. If you don't, stay in the middle! We're gonna stop for breaks sometimes, but we're hiking straight through the Industrial Sector, folks. It's gonna be a good hour or two before we get everyone into the Power Station teleport ring."
Jak nodded and pointed left in the direction they'd be heading. "Tess will be leading Group 1 with the gyro-burster to clear out any threats ahead of us. Jinx is taking Group 2. Group 3, you're with Mogg and Grim. Everyone else, you're with me. For now, everyone with kids move to the right."
The shuffle was tedious, and it was close to ten minutes before everyone was divided into the five groups. The thirty-five people with elderly, children, and mobility issues huddled together as the rest split into crowds of roughly fifty each. Even fifty civilians was a massive number to protect from Deathbots and metalheads. Tess and Jak shot each other grim looks, each worrying about the same thing:
How many people were they going to lose on their way to the power station?
"I'm coming too!"
Jak turned to see Keira pulling her arm free of Samos's grip. His heart leapt: he'd hoped against hope that she would flee the city with them. That she would wrench herself out from under the sage's thumb.
"Keira, no!" Samos gasped, "This is madness!”
He turned a stern look to Jak. "This has gone too far, Jak! You are out of control!"
"Out of your control," Daxter corrected sharply, "That's what you mean, right?"
"You're leading these people to their deaths! I will not allow my daughter to be one of them!" Samos snapped.
Jak felt nerves crawl up his throat. He wanted to vomit. It didn't matter how confident he was as a Captain of Spargus, Samos had programmed his behavior for years and standing up to him was hard.
He swallowed back bile and cleared the trepidation from his throat.
"You didn't have a problem sending someone else's kid into hell for your own gain. You're not doing yourself any favors by waiting until now to have a problem with it."
Keira gestured to him. "See? Thank you, Jak."
"Keira, that's enough," said Samos sternly, "I know it seems harsh to you, but someday you will understand that I am simply doing what is best for you!"
"No, I'm doing what's best for me," Keira retorted, "I'm helping people."
"Keira, I forbid you to step out that door!" the sage cried in a panic.
Keira swung a bag up onto her shoulder.
"I'm no good to anyone in a gilded cage, kept out of danger. And you have no right to fight about it after what you put the boys through."
"Of course I have a right! You're my daughter!"
Keira set her jaw. She closed her eyes and took in a long, shaky breath. Then she stepped out the door.
"Goodbye, Daddy."
Tess squeezed her shoulder as she passed them to gather her platoon. "Hang in there, kiddo," she murmured.
Brutter also eyed her with sympathy as he followed.
"Let us go, friends!" He loudly croaked, "Before we are losing the moonlight!"
Jak frowned thoughtfully. "You got a gun?" he asked Keira quietly.
She shook her head, still trembling with the same adrenaline he felt.
"N-no. But I've got some EMP grenades I've been working on. In case of bots."
Jak's eyebrows rose, and he grinned. "Can't wait to see 'em."
"Yeah well. You probably won't have to.”
Two days after the exodus
"I hooked the generator up to the temple, so we should have working shields in a day or two." Keira collapsed onto the ledge beside Jak, utterly exhausted.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and dropped an impulsive kiss onto the crown of her head. "You're a miracle worker, you know that?"
The butterflies in Keira's stomach made an unwelcome encore appearance, beating their little wings to fan heat up into her cheeks. She liked this new Jak. He was more open with his feelings. Braver about touch. But Precursors if it wasn't an adjustment!
Still. She needed the comfort just now. Keira had just uprooted…everything, for the second time in her young life. She'd walked away from her own father, and no matter how justified she knew it was, it still hurt. She felt small, and lost, in a world far too large for her. Had she really stopped to fully count the cost of joining the formation of the refugee village?
Yes. She had. Keira forced her mind away from the betrayal in her father's eyes, back to the joy that was in Jak’s eyes when he whispered to her that he'd found freedom.
"I don't feel like a miracle worker," she confessed after a few minutes, "I feel like a fraud. I'm- I'm just shy of completely overwhelmed. We have almost nothing, and if Haven decides they don't like us being up here, I don't know how long my shields will even work. Why are they looking to me for all the solutions? Why not Brutter, or Tess?"
Jak made a sympathetic noise. "Yeah...I know how that feels. But apparently sixteen is "too young" to be carrying that kind of responsibility on your shoulders. So. I dunno, take it easy on yourself, I guess?"
Keira rested her head on Jak’s shoulder with a soft hmph, and noted with some amusement that she could hear how fast his heart was beating. Lucky for them Jak had already been in battle that day, clearing out the last metalheads, and had no more eco to react to the adrenaline. Dark Jak was much more snuggly than regular Jak, and much denser in mass, which made it fairly problematic if he happened to doze off while resting against her.
“Kee, I-”
Jak swallowed hard.
“I have to- we need- Mountain Clan is going to join the Wasteland Federation. You- everyone is going to have to get used to a new set of laws. A new. A new king.”
Keira winced. She'd had enough of overbearing authority figures.
“It's going to be…interesting,” she said begrudgingly.
“I have to report to him.” Jak sounded like he was trying to sound her out, gauge her reaction.
“I was going to call him tonight, actually. I just…I guess, don't freak out if he…when he gets here.”
Here? Keira sat up to look Jak in the eye.
“This king person is coming here?”
The buzz of the crickets down the slope seemed to rise, drowning out her thoughts. In a way, she'd known it had to be coming. Jak and Daxter wouldn't have been so insistent on evacuation if there wasn't actually a war coming. It just hadn't felt real.
She looked down at the tents and rudimentary huts their people -- Precursors, she had people now -- had spent the last two days setting up along the hill. So many people who couldn't fight, or wouldn't. If the Wastelanders really were a warrior people, would this king even accept them?
“He has to, Keira. Even if Haven hadn't-” Jak tensed, and a low anger rippled below his words. “Even if they hadn't tried to assassinate him, Damas would still have to come out here. He's the current head of the Federation, and all clans have to send representatives when someone threatens the whole.”
Leave it to Jak to speak of someone with that much power as casually as he spoke about Daxter.
“You all just call him by his name?”
Jak shrugged, and the grin he offered was a little sheepish. “Not to his face. Unless you're me, or Sig. Daxter could, he just likes to call him Spikes or King Lunatic instead. Damas doesn't mind.”
“Spikes?” Keira felt her eyebrows go up. "King Lunatic?!"
“You'll see when he gets here.”
Jak was entirely too calm about that. Keira grimaced, but reasoned that if he was more relaxed now than he was when talking about Ashelin or Samos, that had to be a promising sign, right?
“He um. He sounds…tough,” the girl said, gingerly searching for words. “Is…Is he-”
Keira gave up beating about the bush and decided to just ask the question honestly.
“Jak, you talk about him like you actually trust him. Do you?”
“With my life,” Jak answered, simply and openly.
“And I'd trust him with all of those people down there, more importantly. I'd trust him with Daxter’s life. With yours.”
What could she say to that? Even when they'd been little kids, when they had foolishly trusted Samos to have their best interests at heart, Jak hadn't trusted him around Daxter. And after the…the prison, Daxter was probably the only person Jak truly trusted. For some warrior king of a nation of Sigs to have earned Jak's faith so completely was hard to believe. Almost as hard to take as the respect in Jak’s voice when he so much as mentioned this man.
Who was this King Damas, and what had he done to make Jak of all people so devoted to him and his cause? And more importantly in Keira's mind, did he deserve Jak's loyalty?
“You look up to this guy,” she realized.
And Jak laughed. He rubbed the back of his neck, and looked embarrassed, and laughed.
“Yeah…I mean, I…yeah…he's kind of my hero.”
He covered his face abruptly as his ears burned scarlet.
“Don't you dare tell him I said that.”
“Oh right, because I'd totally get a chance to have a casual conversation with a king and squeal on you.” Keira rolled her eyes.
“If he's as cool as you think he is, maybe he already knows, anyway.”
“No!” Jak groaned, “Don't say that, I have an image to keep up!”
Keira cracked a smile and settled her head back onto Jak’s shoulder. His arm slipped around her waist, and she felt his cheek rest against her hair. An innocent closeness neither of them had felt in too many years, shared for a moment at the beginning of something new and a little frightening.
“When do you think your king will get here?”
Jak grinned into Keira's hair. She'd stopped calling Damas “this king”. The simple acknowledgement of how important he was to Jak felt a lot more validating than he'd anticipated.
“If I call him tonight, I'd say tomorrow evening at the latest. It's only about five hours from here to home by air train.”
Considering the commotion at dawn, when some hut building efforts were abandoned in favor of clearing a landing strip, Keira had her suspicions that the Wastelanders were already on their way before Jak ever placed that hushed and enthusiastic call.
“Clear the field!” Grim waved his arms wildly, scattering refugees into tents and back onto the rope bridge the Babak had built into the temple. “Make some room, everybody!”
Jak was out of his tent with Daxter on his shoulder before the craft had even begun its final approach. He darted to the edge of the makeshift runway and just waited. Brutter opened the door of his hut with a surprised croak, and Tess was already loosening her gun in her holster. Just in case.
There was a pit in Keira's stomach as she joined the people watching the air train land. This was it. Judgement Day.
Out of the air train seven heavily armored Wastelanders practically sauntered, six taking guard positions in a semicircle while the seventh strolled right up to where Jak stood ramrod straight.
It was unnatural, seeing Jak like that. Even more so seeing Daxter in the same attentive posture on his shoulder. Keira watched them nervously for cues.
Jak spoke about the leader of the Wastelander Federation like he was this great hero. Like he idolized the man. Keira suspected she'd get a better read on this new authority figure by observing how he spoke to the boys -- if he spoke to them directly at all.
The king of the desert was an imposing man wielding an elaborate staff. He didn't look like the type to suffer fools gladly. Keira watched his eyes sweep across the huts and lean-tos covering the slopes leading to the temple. They had already constructed fifteen small houses in the style of Sandover Village, and Vin and Keira had just finished setting up a basic eco grid for power. Was it good enough?
"By the forges boys!" The Wasteland king suddenly laughed aloud. "When you said you could find allies in the city, I thought you meant five or six, not an entire village!"
He clapped a hand to Jak’s unoccupied shoulder in a gesture Keira recognized -- with her share of bittersweet longing -- as pride.
"Welcome to Mountain Clan, sir," Jak answered, just as proud.
So. Jak wasn't exaggerating his admiration for this man. Not that Keira had thought he would. Jak wasn't prone to exaggeration and hyperbole. And while he still stood smartly at attention, if Keira looked closely she could see her friend practically vibrating with excitement. He behaved like a soldier -- the soldier Haven always wanted but could never have -- and yet at the same time he reminded Keira of nothing as much as a little boy whose parent had finally come home from a long journey.
That thought stuck in her mind as Brutter and Tess approached.
To her shock -- and the shock of the boys -- the Babak let out a jubilant cry when he recognized the man in armor.
"Brother Damas!" he trumpeted, catching the attention of the other Lurkers helping in the new village.
"Brother Damas lives! Our hearts are full!"
Damas looked taken aback for a moment, then a smile creased his weatherbeaten face and he reached out to clasp Brutter's forearm.
"You-! I remember you! It's been a long time, Bluefeather."
"Too long," Brutter croaked.
"Are your people safe?" Damas frowned. "I'm- I'm sorry. One operative wasn't enough to help free them. It was a poor repayment for the way you supported my family during the coup."
Sadly, the Babak leader shook his head. "We Lurkers were not saving your friends, Brother. We could not stop the executing after you exiled. Always my elders feel they failed you."
Damas squeezed the Lurker's thick forearm with an earnest expression. "You failed no one, Brother. Welcome to the Federation."
Beside them, Jak's face went from confusion to wonder to a barely restrained glee. Damas had organized the abolition efforts? That meant Jak had been working for Damas long before he ever heard the man's name! He exchanged excited looks with Daxter. This went beyond best case scenario for them. Their honorary tribe and their adopted people were now united.
"Now then!" Damas turned on his heel to raise an amused eyebrow at Jak.
"I've been getting extremely detailed reports from you, Captain. Come! Walk me through what you're doing up here!"
Jak practically scrambled to follow him, an almost silly grin stamped across his face. It made Keira's heart ache to realize she hadn't seen that smile since Sandover. Brutter broke into her thoughts with a gurgling chuckle.
"Once king, always king," he said fondly. "Brutter did not know he had offspring! Jak is very good son. Very loyal."
Keira jolted. "Offspring?! What do you mean?!"
Brutter looked confused, as though he thought his observation was obvious.
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thegirlsarethriving · 6 months
just finished undertale. ok i see the vision. i now understand yall's Sans-to-Benrey obsession pipeline. and the Papyrus-to-Tommy Coolatta pipeline
#undertale#hlvrai#hlvrai2#benrey#tommy coolatta#papyrus#benry#hlvrai benry#sans undertale#sans#undertale sans#undertale spoilers#i loved Papyrus so much and the whole time i was playing i was like hmm he reminds me of someone...? TOMMY. HE REMINDS ME. OF TOMMY.#i played pacifist but i saw how if u kill every1 n spare Papyrus Sans tells him every1 else is on a vacation bc truth would be too hard#file under: lies Gordon would tell Tommy if anything happened to Sunkist or his dad Gman#we wanna protect Tommy but on the other hand. the horrors r everywhere & Tommy go ham with a gun (he's terrified & acting on pure instinct)#(even tho Tommy has definitely faced his share of horrors in contrast to how Papyrus's loved ones try to shelter him from bloodshed)#i wanna write a paper psychoanalyzing Sans and Benrey in comparison to each other SOOOOO badly#it's been a hot minute since i last watched hlvrai (have seen it at least 4 times but not recently. did watch bbvrai live tho!)#im so extremely tired rn so i can't form proper thoughts :( but like:#they both have unfathomable otherworldly power and knowledge of their respective universes#but u wouldn't know it bc they're presented as just some chill guy who likes to make jokes and Vibe man#sike! they're a being of elderitch levels of power#they both act in accordance to game code but Sans can control parts of it (can see the timeline) while Benrey is much more subject to it#in some ways they are the antithesis of each other's motives but also contain the same vibes (all-powerful guy laidback n funny final boss)#Sans is judgment but doesn't interfere with the timeline. Benrey takes action that's “i knew this was gonna happen”#Benrey is fought as the final villain whereas Sans is arguably the final hero fight#anyways THEIR VIBES ARE BOTH SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!#idk if they'd be besties or mortal enemies#they can bond over being “unserious” (but they both take their true jobs very seriously. security guard and judgment bringer respectively)
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lucienarcheron · 6 months
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tharion's camera roll - 1/?
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crowerclover · 1 year
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Can't stop making more of these little guys
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gen-is-gone · 1 month
Ye gods, the continued existence of billford antis in 2024 is so genuinely funny that I can't even be annoyed at them. Like, tri-sexuality won, babes. RIP to y'all tho, must be sad to hate fun so much.
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oozeandgoo-art · 9 months
had an odd dream that i was reading a comic book. sketched a couple of the pages i could remember.
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#i might adapt this into an actual story because i am SO SO SO mad that it isn't a thing i can go back to reading#oc#im definitely keeping the concept of save-bot i fucking love save-bot he's just doing his best. i love a robot who wants to help people#im not equipped to be writing about underground rebellions with any sense of real tact though#besides its in a superhero universe/story so you know it would just be so sucks lol#sketch#god the colors were so interesting. the teal parts were all very precisely crosshatched and the fire was this gorgeous brush pen looking#colored inks that just seemed like they were MOVING#and i mean some of that was because i was dreaming but god even in my halfhearted copy you can see some of the movement#it was a bad scene but a really really REALLY fun dream. i love when a book can *get* to me so i was really enjoying it#put it aside so i could take a break and woke up. instant fury at the universe for not having it be a real book instead#ill reblog with details if anyone's curious. i can explain this scene but i dont feel like it#the green people are in a secret basement though. hiding from the government. blue jacket guy is a speedster robot named save-bot who does#rescue stuff with every fire department so fire suppression technology is not very good because save-bot "can just save you''#however they're badly over their legal occupancy and the secret basement has One (1) exit so everyone is like really fucked here.#includinig save-bot who is going to do his job until he dies because he is an ai without any sense of self preservation and he cares#which i didn't even CATCH until i woke up and started tryin to frantically note everything down#and then i was like wait. the glitter on that last page before i realized i needed a glass of water to keep reading... what WAS that...#(it was tears suspended in midair because save-bot goes so fast and also knows he's so fucked LOL)#seriously i'm so mad someone else didn't make this.
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orchidsangel · 8 months
girldad!jason is living in my head rent free like!! baby girl looses her first tooth and this giant wall of a man is quietly tiptoeing into her room to put a $5 bill under her pillow *eye violently twitches*
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abelle25125 · 10 months
funniest running joke in all of one piece so far is when a devil fruit memeber of the crew falls in the ocean and is immedietly followed up by zoro cursing and running in after them. Theres this scene a little bit into jaya where Nami is really mad, and in the awkwardly cropped background you can just see chopper get so scared he falls of the ship immedietly followed by zoro yelling 'man overboard!!' and jumping in after him. none of this is the focus of the scene and nobody else notices
It's a miracle he doesn't just keep Luffy tied to the ship at this point
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long-manic-nights · 1 year
Sakurai is captain on their 3rd year (he’s smart and talented and patient) and Aomine is his vice-captain (he’s passionate and encouraging in a very weird way). Daiki’s job consists almost entirely on standing behind Ryou and look scary so the over-entitled new team do as the very soft-looking captain says.
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