#and honestly Bill is a content warning in and out of himself
gobblewanker · 2 years
The Mystery and The Isosceles
Ch 13: A Face Without a Body
Also on AO3
Out on the horizon, the sun had just peeked its head over the purple sea spilling reds and yellows like fire onto the morning clouds. The warm light ignited the gold plating decorating the sides of The Isosceles’ hull and illuminated the faces of the crew gathered nervously on deck. The men—and others, if nothing else at least their captain wasn’t prejudiced—huddled close seated on barrels and chairs and the worn decking itself as they murmured conspiratorially in the early morning light. Many among their ranks sported nasty injuries to tell of last night's struggle, but at least they were alive. Others were not as fortunate, but the dead had already been thrown overboard: Sentiment had no place on Cipher’s ship.
Despite the warmth, the mood was cold and serious. Even many of the crewmates who’d been senselessly drunk the night before had dragged themselves out to join the impromptu debate.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the door to the captain's cabin opened and the first and second mate stepped out only to pause at the sight of the congregation.
Pyronica marched up to them with her head held high and her expression dour, the clicking of heels following her. Kryptos followed a distance behind.
“What are you all doing?” She demanded. The crew looked at each other dubiously, nobody immediately rising to answer. ‘Teeth’—The ship’s loosely designated physician, named so by Bill for his former job as a barely qualified barber surgeon—was elbowed by the person next to him and hopped down from the barrel he’d been seated on to face Pyronica. She towered over him with his short stature.
“Look- we, uh- We've been talking and some here—not naming names—were kind of… Suggesting we maybe cut our losses and ditch?”
“ Excuse me? ” Pyronica demanded shrilly, her pinkish face becoming flushed with outrage.
“Look- I’m not saying I agree but-” Teeth was quick to defend himself, but another crewman rose to the challenge.
“We all know the Captain can be a bit of a loose cannon. We signed up for that.” Hectorgon grumbled. Pyronica wished she could bite his head off. “But getting himself and a quarter of us killed just because he decided he wanted some dusty old trinket? He’s slipping.”
“He’s going to get us all killed.” Someone else voiced agreement.
“We’ve got a good thing going here, why bring him back to mess it up?”
Pyronica snapped back at them, taking another step forwards angrily with her hand on her gun. “Who do you think got us to this point you useless disloyal-!”
“Look, you dumb broad, why do we keep saving him when he’d leave any one of us for dead?”
“Just because you think he’s some kind of knight in shining armour doesn’t mean-”
“I’m your first mate, I call the shots here!” She fired the pistol once into the deck right next to the foot of the last person to speak. “If I hear another damn word of mutiny your guts will be next week’s rations!”
“Alright!” Kryptos stepped forwards, gratingly false smile on his face as he passed Pyronica. “Let’s all look at this rationally. It would be very convenient to desert while Bill can’t retribute, wouldn’t it? Split the gold, head back to port and go our separate ways, enjoy your lives; toodles and all that.”
Pyronica grumbled, but took a step back regardless. She couldn’t stand the smug diplomacy as Kryptos continued like the upper class twat he was.
“But do you idiots really think we’re his first crew? He’s been alive for centuries. Do you really think he’s never had to start over on his own? He’ll find some poor schmuck to trick and possess with or without us, and when he does, well… The captain is not a merciful man.”
A collective shudder went through the crew at the unflinching mention of that word. Possession . They all knew, of course. But it was something more pleasant not to think about. Really, calling the captain a man was inaccurate. The word tasted wrong in conjunction with his name. All of them were acutely aware.
The man they looked at wasn't their captain.
It wasn't the man they bowed to and cowered from. It wasn't the man who's word they obeyed with fearful precision.
The man wasn't their captain.
The thing wearing his skin was.
Kryptos continued. “I’d suggest that next time you feel the itch to leave, you remember he’s more likely than not listening.”
“We’re heading to the usual port, get to it.” Pyronica said, before turning abruptly and walking back towards the inside of the ship as the crew reluctantly got to work. 
Most ports weren’t worth the risk to stop in, but there were always the few that had realised just how lucrative their presence could be. It was a simple exchange, really. Don't speak carelessly to outsiders, wait on Bill and his men like a royal procession, and in return, ill-gotten gold will flow through the streets like water. They needed a few safe ports, places to restock and recuperate. Besides, the itinerant  nature of the people living in major ports meant nobody would question a few disappearances when Bill’s vessel broke and a new one was needed.
“You get too worked up on his behalf.” Kryptos’ longer strides caught up beside her.
“You don’t do it nearly enough.” She snapped back.
The rest of the crew were a bunch of ingrates, Bill was the reason they could live freely and do whatever they wanted. He was the only reason plenty of them were even alive, he was the reason she was alive.
She’d been on ships her entire life, leaving Europe with her father as a little girl after her mother was burned on accusations of witchcraft. She was never a good girl, violent and vicious, and happy to bully the other powder monkeys as she watched her father and the gun crew work. Some people didn’t mind, but the only person to have ever turned around and praised it was Bill. He was the first person she ever met who saw cruelty and admired it. Who rescued her, and took her away to a place where she could be as savage as she wanted.
She’d been imprisoned the first time she saw him. Already sentenced and slated to hang for using the ships cannons to fire on the mansion of a governor. She’d been locked in a damp cell when the door had been kicked in by a gaunt man in garish golden clothes, weapon drawn and face irritated. He’d come to retrieve his ship’s master gunner who’d apparently been locked up after a drunken brawl, but was clearly angry at the inconvenience. When he began speaking to her on a whim and learned of what she’d done, he laughed and offered to take her instead.
She didn’t trust him. He was a stranger. A man. One with unclear intentions who’d appeared from nowhere, and offered to take her away. She had enough street smarts to know not to go anywhere with him, but the alternative was the gallows. She accused him of indecency, and he just shrugged.
“Decency is overrated, but don't flatter yourself darling.” He told her with a lazy grin as he leaned on the bars. “All humans look disgusting to me.”
At the time she never questioned the way he phrased it; like humanity was a group to which he didn’t belong. But she relented and took his offer. His smile widened, and he made short work of the cell door lock. 
Her name was Veronica. He dismissed it, and said he’d give her a better one. 
He did.
“Yes, well.” Kryptos’ voice brought her back to the present. “We can’t sail anywhere if you shoot all our crew.”
“If the mutinous idiots want to talk a big game they should be prepared to deal with the consequences.” Pyronica snapped back. “You owe him too.”
In a way, he supposed that was true.
His head had never been on the line the way hers was. As the youngest son of a noble family, his life had always been comfortably miserable before meeting Bill. He’d had practically no autonomy to speak of over his own life, overbearing family members and rigid social structures dictated everything. The rest of the crew still saw him as a spoiled nobleman. He’d never starved and begged and slaved the way they might’ve. But that didn’t mean life was easy.
His whole life he’d been told exactly what to do, how to stand and speak, how to dress and act, and how to carry himself at all times. Even when he usually wanted to do the exact opposite. It was like living in a very ornate cage with eyes that never slept plastered on every wall. Social affairs, parties and balls were insufferable; those sorts of things were meant to be for entertainment. Why then, did he have to spend them all stiflingly dressed and smiling politely at people he’d rather shoot? He felt like a spring wound tighter and tighter until he felt he’d break in two.
Everything came to a boil when his parents decided to have him marry for the sake of their politics. He meekly accepted, like a puppet dancing to its strings. He’d been doing that since before he learnt to walk.
Bill had crashed the party. He didn’t know why or how, maybe he was scouting it out, maybe he was planning to attack, maybe he just wanted free food. But they’d spoken.
Maybe Bill saw something in him.
Maybe he just knew an easy mark.
Kryptos still remembered the question clearly. Still recalled Bill looking out at the dolled-up nobility that felt so sickeningly fake behind the plaster and paint. Bill looked at him, and spoke.
“What’s money and power with this many strings attached? Don’t you want to taste real freedom?”
Bill gave him a vial and asked him to poison the wine.
He never looked back.
Bill watched his two seconds in command from the mindscape as they separately returned to their quarters. Incorporeally, he observed the crew working out on deck now that they’d finally decided to stop with the whining and do their jobs. It was so much easier to get people to do what he wanted when they were in stabbing range.
It was a while since Bill had been able to actually use any of the powers that came with being an interdimensional creature. Obviously, humans couldn’t reshape the laws of physics, but when he possessed a vessel even the purely mental ones were cut off. Precognition and clairvoyance couldn’t be filtered through a human brain without frying it. While being cut off from physical sensations was insufferable, Bill could at least take the opportunity to check up on things. He’d already scoured nearby islands and found a man who resembled his last vessel closely enough, going to get him would be his crew's problem, and there wasn’t much more Bill could do after relaying it to Kryptos and Pyronica.
Instead, he turned his once again all-seeing eye to those hated twins on their ship. He watched the brothers arguing over something or another, but noted with some satisfaction that Stan’s wounds seemed to be slowing him down. His face was ashen, and he swayed on his feet. Hopefully it’d get infected and the stubborn old idiot would keel over. He was shouting something at Ford, and-
Ford .
Bill couldn’t express how much he hated that man.
Not only had Ford betrayed and tricked him thirty years ago, but he’d not even had the common courtesy to die like he was supposed to afterwards. Bill should have killed him himself. Or better yet, make him his next vessel. He’d fitted the archetype close enough; male, brown hair, light skin, young adult… Cut out the eye and get rid of the inconvenient finger and nobody would have noticed the difference, just like they hadn’t ever before. 
When people were distracted by the scars, the teeth, the solid gold false-eye and loud clothes they never noticed it was the wrong face wearing them.
But no, Ford had to go and get too ill to be of any use.
Bill took some solace in the memory of the last night he’d had Ford on his ship. If the old man’s reaction to seeing Bill when they’d fought was any indication, he still remembered vividly too. 
Ford had laid on the floor, his breathing ragged and his appearance unkempt. Bill had towered over him, watching with satisfaction as Ford flinched when he stepped closer. His eyes were squeezed shut but opened frightfully as Bill touched his face. Bill had taken his jaw in a gloved hand and pulled his chin up to face him as he spoke softly.
"I'll let you die. But I get to do whatever I want with you for the short remainder of your worthless life."
In truth, making any kind of formal deal with a dying man wasn’t much use. But it was fun��.
Bill wanted to see Ford suffer. Ford had promised him Cascada—he’d promised him salvation —and then gone back on it. He deserved every bit of pain and humiliation Bill could inflict. Making him take one final deal if he wanted it to stop was just a bonus. It wasn’t as if Ford could have fought back even if he’d tried to, but making him agree to his own torture meant Bill had one more thing to hold over him. It meant that no matter what he did, it was Ford’s own choice . It meant that Ford was letting Bill hurt him. It meant that Ford wanted it.
Not really, obviously. Bill wasn’t stupid, he recognized a deal under duress when he saw one. But the accusations were one more weapon.
He had a hunch of how Ford might have been saved, and a quick look inside the man’s mind confirmed it.
If it was one being Bill hated more than Ford, it was a centuries dead shaman, and if there was a being he hated even more than that, it was The Axolotl.
As far as Bill knew, The Axolotl didn’t have much reach into the material world. Not because he wasn’t able to, but more because he preferred a hands-off approach to the whole deity thing. Bill had a sneaking suspicion the overgrown tadpole was responsible for the seagulls that always seemed to increase in number whenever Bill got a new body as some sort of godly guilt-tripping. Other than that, he only knew of one direct result of his interference.
Jheselbraum the oracle.
The woman was more of a frontier physician really, but that was what she was referred to as. Bill had his human posse, and The Axolotl had his. Bill had only ever interacted with her once, and he’d rather not remember that pathetic moment of weakness.
After the shaman betrayed him and destroyed Bill’s gateway to the world alongside Port Cascada, Bill tried to distract himself from his isolation in the mindscape by taking and discarding human hosts at random. For a bit, it had worked. 
He didn’t remember whom his first vessel was, it had been so long ago and the original identity was irrelevant. But what he remembered was how absolutely vibrant the world was when he experienced it for the first time.
It was intense. Just the sensation of breathing was overwhelming. The sound of a heartbeat in his ears was deafening, the air had taste, his muscles tensed and relaxed as he ran fingers over the skin and all of it was new. All of it was intense and vibrant as he moved from body to body and life to life. Eating, sleeping, drinking, all of it. He wanted all of it. He wanted to freeze, he wanted to burn. He wanted to touch, he wanted to tear. He wanted to drink and he wanted to drown . All of it was so new. All of it was intense . All of it was satisfying. Every new thing was a high.
The sea smelled like salt, he would have never thought that. It tasted like salt too, and it made him vomit when he drank it. Vomiting felt disgusting, and feeling that was incredible. The sun above that same sea made his vessel's skin turn a different colour, and when he waited long enough it burned and blistered and peeled. It was a different burn than the first time he stuck his hand inside a fireplace, but both were painful. Feeling pain for the first time was blinding. It was fun . There were so many human things that were fun. Rum and violence and meaningless games, nights spent in seedy ports, and all the different ways he could find to dispose of spent bodies once they became too damaged for him to continue inhabiting them. He spent centuries chasing sensations. Everything, pleasure or pain, was good.
Until it wasn’t.
Until eventually, every sensation and experience had been done over and over until it was all done in. At first, even the blandest of meals had been enough to satisfy. The newness of it all made even the slightest hint of flavour overwhelming. But with the years it stopped being enough, until he wanted none of it, and couldn’t even feel the hunger pains of the resulting starvation.
Everything followed that same pattern. The pleasure, the pain, none of it was fun anymore.
That was when he surrendered himself to asking for help.
Jheselbraum was kind, and he hated her for it. She spoke gently. Insultingly so, like he was some wayward child in need of direction. Or a pitiful addict like those strung out in the opium dens.
“Technically, everyone's addicted to being alive.” Bill retorted behind a broken smile. “You should see their reactions when I make them quit.”
In the end, he shouldn’t have bothered going to her. There was no help to get. She told him he was too destructive. That if she helped him find a way to enter the world as himself, every living thing would suffer. Never mind that he was suffering. He should have killed her, but the frilly bastard wouldn’t let him. Instead he decided he would have to take it upon himself and find his own way back to his old gateway and salvage it.
He had a sneaking suspicion of how Ford had heard about ‘Port Cascada’. Bill’s first permanent body had been back in the early 16th century: A conquistador captain who had been easy enough to convince to hand over his body and ship to a ‘divine being’ on promises of glory and a city made of gold. They’d been a band of thugs already, Bill just made it official. When he eventually lost that first ship, the crew scattered and some took with them stories and relics.
Ford’s father was a merchant dealing in exotic goods and antiques from the brave new world. If any of Bill’s old things had found their way there, he needed them back. He needed to find Cascada again, no matter the price. He’d sail to the arctic and personally dig out time baby if he needed to. Compared to that, breaking into a shop and killing the owners was nothing. But he couldn’t find anything useful. Whatever had given Ford the name wasn’t there anymore. 
The registry gave him a few crumbs to follow though. He found records of his first crewmates’ ships diaries; bought but never sold, and yet still nowhere to be found as he turned the house upside down looking for them. The only other relevant item was an old tapestry with an item description Bill was sure he recognized. It had been sold to a Spaniard with a name Bill thought he remembered from his old crew, a possible descendant if nothing else. Following the lead eventually brought him to the Northwest family.
The Northwest family brought him to a young girl returning back from London. He led his crew in intercepting the ship and taking the girl to demand the relic in ransom, but in doing so was shot and bled out back onboard The Isosceles.
It had happened before. Plenty of times, enough that it was routine. Pyronica disfigured the body to avoid anyone identifying it and catching on. They’d done it often, discarding used vessels into the sea. But this time it didn't go to plan.
This time, the body was found by the worst possible people. This time, a discarded corpse with its face burned off set off a chain of events that lead to Bill’s most blatant death yet. This time, there would be no quietly recovering the remains and carrying on as if nothing had happened.
This time, Stan, Ford, and everyone had to die before they could tell.
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oddballwriter · 7 months
Calling Them your Husband
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Warnings: nothing really 
Author’s Snip: I just wanted to make some tooth-rotting fluff so enjoy
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
When you call him your husband, it was originally a joke, sort of
Your friend called you while you were out doing errands with Steven and they asked what you were doing, to which you said "I'm out with my husband getting stuff done."
Steven just blushes and does that goofy little smile he does because he's never heard you say that but now he wants to hear it all the time now
You guys are in a long committed relationship together and you two have been living together for some time now but he's been too anxious to ask about possibly getting married some day. Not knowing if that's something you want or if you just want to cohabitate as a couple instead
But now that he heard you refer to him as your husband (even if it was a little joke) he wants to marry you in a heartbeat so that you can actually call him your husband and he can call you his wife/husband/spouse
He just thinks about it the whole day but doesn't say anything to see if you will call him that again in case pointing it out will cause you to stop. He is a bit more affectionate though, sneaking in a pick on the cheek or something and secretly making goo-goo eyes at you
When you get home and you aren't in range of seeing it Steven starts looking up engagement rings and prices to see which one would look nice on you and try and save up money
Steven also starts to subtly, at least as subtle as he can be, ask you about if you want to get married someday
He's such a dork though, bless his soul, in his brain he's just kicking his feet and giggling. He's looking at prices for venues and planners already.
Marc Spector
Marc has it in him to get married, we know that
But in his mind he doesn't really see himself as "husband material". He thinks that he's got too much baggage that you'd have to deal with if you were married
He acts like you two haven't been living together and splitting the bills and stuff, which is sometimes what marriage is, in the most domestic way possible
To him, he can't really see himself being able to do the whole marriage thing all over again
That was until some drunk creep was hitting on you while you and him were on a date and you told the guy "I'm with my husband" which warded that guy off
For some reason you calling him your husband while you locked your arm with his just washed those feelings of doubt out. Something about it just made him feel so confident
Like "Yeah I'm their husband! Back off!"
After that Marc was more open with himself about the idea of letting that title back into his life and getting to call you his spouse too
He more so likes the ability to call you his spouse. Possessiveness is in him and by god does getting to call you his spouse feed it
Marc will ask about the idea of marriage sometime after that just to see if you like it
If you want to get married then he's on board. But if you think cohabitating suits you better then he's fine with that too
So long as you're there together and you love him then he's content and happy
Jake Lockley
Damn right he's your husband
Honestly ever since you two got serious with your relationship, became committed to each other, and moved in he's just been like "We are married now" in his head
He's never said that out loud but he knows that the feeling is there with you too
It wasn't until you semi-jokingly called him your husband when some girls were checking him out and you huffed and puffed about it
"What's the matter? I wasn't flirting back." "Well, excuse me for not wanting some giggling college girls to be eyeing up my husband."
And that just... made him feel something, in his heart and in his pants
No but seriously. After that night cohabitating and acting like a married couple wasn't enough. He needs to put a ring on you and vice versa
He will go down to town hall and get those damn papers and buy the rings right now
Jake was originally just going to wait until you said that you wanted to get officially married, but he just can't anymore
In the morning you guys are going to buy rings, get the papers filled out, and planning the wedding
He's got the wedding planner on speed dial and a house with a picket fence in the nice part of town ready to go, just say "I do" please
Honestly at this point he never wants to hear his name come out of your mouth ever again. To you, it's either "hun" "hunny" "dear" or "sweetheart"
Light of his life, air in his lungs, fire in his loins
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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suhlogic · 4 months
smile for the camera [kmg x fem!oc]
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mingyu x camgirl! oc [roommates] 
summary: little did you know mingyu has been a subscriber of your onlyfans account and has a little crush on you. 
warnings: dom!mingyu, sub!fem reader, unprotected sex, choking kink, size kink, cum eating, mingyu’s a bit possessive, corruption kink, slight voyeurism
you and mingyu have been  roommates for a  year now, it was an unexpected thing for you to have a guy roommate but you really had no choice as you were out of living options to live in since the school year was beginning so when you saw mingyu kim's post on twitter through your mutual friend seokmin, you grabbed the chance and thank god he actually agreed to such an arrangement. it honestly helped that you two were in the same social circle as it was less awkward but if it came to your dynamics, you and mingyu simply got closer as the months went by. you've also grown to know that he is organized, knows his household chores, and is a gentleman on top of being 6'2 feet tall, absolutely handsome and ripped due to  consistently working out, and his golden skin that just  looks so dreamy whenever the sunlight seeps through your shared apartment. he was also funny and extroverted which you needed and never failed to always comfort you after a long day. as the days went on, he began to grow on you. but little did he know, whenever he was out for his late night workouts you were actually an onlyfans streamer. you started to stream as a hobby, a side hustle your best friend, karina recommended that you do since you were bored out of your mind and no men were just ever enough for you to be satisfied. plus, it was good money and was raking in what you needed to pay the bills for the shared apartment although you and mingyu split the bills.  
lately, you find yourself growing more attracted to mingyu. you didn't know if it was just the dry spell that was luring you into him like a moth to a flame  or the fact that he was a godsend in your messy life. surely, it couldn't just be purely platonic as he slowly became the guy you constantly fantasized about while touching yourself across your body wishing it was his hands doing all the work instead whenever you'd stream and film content. on the other hand, mingyu knew your little secret. you'd think he was still away for hours on end spending dinner with your other friends after hitting the gym but he was always on the other side of the wall, hearing your moans and screams as he jacked himself off every night longing to feel his huge dick inside you. imagining what it'd be like to have you under his touch like you were being set ablaze only screaming and moaning for him out of sheer pleasure. whenever mingyu would see you walk around in tight shorts and oversized shirts in the morning with no underwear in sight, it'd take all of his patience not to fuck you hard in every spot of your place and it wasn't something you both were strangers to—hell, you were always catching him shirtless and it really was a sight to be gazing at. you just hoped and prayed that your feelings won't prevail and make you do something stupid. 
friday nights began with your usual routine of dressing up in your cutest pink lingerie and doing your makeup as you put on a matching lace mask that resembled a butterfly. after being done, you set up your stream and the vibrator and dildo you were to use later on for your show. "hey guys, how's everyone doing? i hope your week went well," you happily greeted your viewers as they began to enter your livestream.
[clumsypup0697]: hi angel i missed you 
[clumsypup0697]: have you been busy?
[g4m3bo1]: want to see all of you so bad baby
the last comment on your stream made you blush and teased whoever user g4m3bo1 was on the other end of the screen. "aw, you missed me that much gameboy?" you smirk as you began to take off the straps of your bra and began to fondle with your tits. 
[clumsypup0697]: fuck, you're so hot i wish i was doing that to you 
[g4m3bo1]: youre driving me crazy baby 
clumsypup0697 tipped $8
[sebcherries]: need company? i can help😉
as your hands began to travel lower to your wet heat, you moved backward to lay yourself on your pillow to give them a view of your slick pussy and teased yourself with your fingers rubbing your folds and the bud of your clit. your moans became louder as you began to add a third digit inside, eyes closed in euphoria wishing it was mingyu doing such a thing to you. you began to insert your dildo and the sound of coins clinking which meant that the tips began to rake in on your stream. you didn't care if your moans were getting louder or if your hottie of a roommate already arrived. 
sebcherries tipped $20
clumsypup0697 tipped $35
g4mebo1 tipped $40
ho3shi tipped $35
on the other side of the wall, mingyu decided to cancel his friday night plans to go outside. so he just decided to go on his favorite camgirl's stream room who went by her online name— strawberryviolet. he's been a huge fan since stumbling across her channel just purely deciding to jack off his stress away one night. as he watched the girl slide the huge dildo in and out of her tight wetness, he couldn't help but jerk his huge dick off faster thinking how y/n's pussy would feel instead. as the moans got louder on the stream, so did the moans from the other room. he rushed to clean himself up and exit the stream he was watching. but holy fuck, he was met with a sight to behold— his roommate was a camgirl all along, and he was her fan. the difference was that she just had a mask on. 
"holy shit!l" he exclaimed, snapping you out of your pleasure. you quickly turned off your stream and rushed to cover yourself up in front of mingyu, "what the hell are you doing here, gyu?" you asked in frustration. "had nothing better to do but turns out i'm roommates with a cam girl?" he smirks as he leaned against your door. shirtless just wesring his boxers, his huge manhood still definitely erect the way it's almost bulging. "i can explain, please..." you pleaded but he just smiled again. "strip for me," he said with a demanding tone and so you did, baring it all for your roommate you're clearly growing feelings for.  "you're so fucking obedient huh?" he walks over to you as his fingers ghost over your face and lips which sent goosebumps down your spine. mingyu pulled you into a deep kiss with your tongues tied, "gyu, please fuck me..." you begged. "baby, you have no idea how long i've fucking waited..." he says as he picks you up and carries you to your bed, carefully laying you down as he left kisses and hickeys all over your body. "so fuckin' gorgeous, can't believe you're showing this off to the whole world...'s all mine," he whispers as he began to suck on your left boob while fondling the other one with his hand. "been watching your streams for fuckin months now..always would jack off to you every damn night thinking about how i'd fuck my hot roommate," he says  gazing up at you with eyes that had sin painted all over them as he slowly began to kiss you down to your clit, his teasing leaving you on edge. "be patient baby, we got all night." his breath fans against your pussy. he strip your panties off with his teeth and continues to eat you out with his skilled tongue like he craved for you so desperately. his toned forearms and huge hands gripping the back of your thighs securing you in his hold as he began to suck and create random figures on your clit. his pace going faster as your moans got louder, mingyu looked like such a fucking god in between your  thighs.  all you could do was tug on his hair as he ate you out. 
"i'm close baby please...let me cum," you stare at him with puppy eyes as he hovered on top of you to kiss you again. "not yet angel, i need to cum inside you," he says through gritted teeth as he grabbed you by the neck with both his hands to kiss you once more.  mingyu then began to flip you over on all fours without pulling out his dick inside your wet and slick pussy. "so fuckin gorgeous," he slowly buries himself inside you to the hilt and goes slow as his hand has both of your hands gripped against your lower back while the other holds your waist down. you never knew heaven could exist until you felt every inch of him inside you, making sure you're screaming and moaning for him only within the confines of your own bedroom. "gyu, please let me cum, gonna be so good for you..." you whine out as he slaps your butt cheek and squeezes your ass while he thrusts his huge dick inside you. as mingyu begins to pound into you harder and faster, your eyes were rolling to the back of your head in pleasure. he then flips you over into a missionary position and puts your legs over his shoulders and pounds you slowly, the stretch teasing your pussy much more different from earlier. "gyu, please go faster..." you whine, almost running out of words to say while you were fondling with your huge tits as he rubbed your clit with the pad of his thumb. mingyu looks so fucking hot on top of you— you thought,  his short cropped hair driving you insane as his sculpted body glistens like honey due to the sweat, brows furrowed focused on wanting you to reach your high. you grab onto his arms as you felt his thrusts get sloppier and his hand tightening around your neck, just choking you right. you thought mingyu would stop there but immediately takes his dick out of you and dives his head in between your legs and eats you out once more, "want you to cum on my tongue baby, yeah?" he smirks as he begins to lick figure eights on your labia and sucks your clit til you reached your first high.  
as he hovers on top of you, he flashes you a devilish grin and says, "so fucking sweet, just like how i thought" and you put your arms around his neck and pull him in for a long passionate kiss. mingyu inserts his length once again inside you and thrusts at a faster pace repeatedly as you feel him getting sloppy once more inside, "angel, i'm so fucking close...let me cum inside yeah?" he moans as he kisses your neck, sucking on it which would definitely leave a hickey later on. "yes, please daddy...i'm yours.." you moan out and it sends him over the edge as you feel his cum gush inside of you and some of it trickling down your legs. the two of you come down from your high and he lays on the bed beside you for a while and pulls you close against his broad chest wrapping his arms around your naked body, "how long have you known?" you asked looking up at him as your head was laid on his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair, "well, i've been your fan since i almost walked in on you a few months back" he says gently while he smiled at you, flashing his sharp canines that you always adored. the two of you clean up, well mostly mingyu because you could barely walk and drift off into slumber, naked bodies entangled under the sheets yet the thought of him asking you "what are we?" floats in his mind as he closes his eyes. 
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spongeyspot · 10 months
Toxic Traits/Red Flags HC
Characters: Arthur, Javier, John, Lenny, Dutch, Micah, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Mary Beth, Abigail, Tilly, Karen, Sadie, Molly
(A/N): WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS DAWG. I LOVED @cowboyfromh3ll 's take on that shit sm and these hcs have literally been swimming in my head for weeeeeeeeks bro
Edit: some of these were kinda hard because there's not a lot of bad in the characters themselves... I had trouble with specifically Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth, and Tilly. Sorry if they may be OOC. IM EVEN DOING THE GIRLS BECAUSE IM IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD
Content Warning: female reader, jealousy, self hate, narcissism, gaslighting, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, mentions of murder and violence, mentions of infidelity, mentions of sex (Sean, Micah, Sadie kind of) (MINORS DNI)
Not edited btw
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The boys
Arthur Morgan
- Honestly, I feel like Arthur would have this insane, crippling fear of rejection, especially when it comes to dating. - His self hate/deprecation plays a huge part in this, and quite honestly, him and Mary not working out probably also probably contributed to it. - Very emotionally distant. Has a hard time expressing his feelings openly due to that same fear of rejection.🚩 - Bottles shit up until he feels like he's gonna explode 🚩 - His impulse control is almost nonexistent 🚩 - Will resort to saying things that he doesn't even mean. He just says things when he's angry🚩 - Will hate himself even more if he makes you cry - Won't hesitate to run away from camp for a while to cool off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing per se, but he usually takes his time away to overthink the fuck out of everything - Prone to acting violent. (not to someone he cared about, but to other people, absolutely)Also due to his poor impulse control. 🚩
Javier Escuella
- Has a flirty personality, but around women, it just seems to get worse. 🚩 - Tells you you're overreacting if you tell him it bothers you🚩 - Overprotective of you. Always has his eyes on you, and practically orders you to stay in camp where it's safe. - As if you step one foot outside the camp without him, you'll spontaneously drop dead - Jealous asf. Are you laughing at what Bill just said? It wasn't even that funny. Why are you standing so close to him? You should be at least 6 feet away from him, not 5 and a half. 🚩 - Also has a problem with how you dress sometimes. God forbid your shirt is ever low cut. He'd probably ask you to change. 🚩 - And if you get offended or upset, he'll lie and tell you it's because he can't stop staring at your chest, and he'd like to focus of whatever it was he was doing.🚩
John Marston
- Stubborn as all hell. Doesn't listen to anybody for anything.🚩 - Commitment issues up the ass - Says mean things out of anger and sometimes actually means them 🚩 - Won't apologize half the time. He thinks kissing it better actually makes it better 🚩 - Regularly ignores his own bad habits instead of actually facing them 🚩 - Will run away from problems like Arthur, but worse. He'd be gone a really long time.🚩 - Gets annoyed with you if you get angry at him for leaving and staying away for a while. He told you he needed space, didn't he? What else do you need from him?? 🚩 - Ignorantly clueless half the time. Head empty, no thoughts.
Lenny Summers
- Not assertive in the slightest, and usually, respectfully, keeps to himself. -Takes orders without verbal complaints but inside he's annoyed as fuck 🚩 - Even if he hates doing something he'll probably just go "Okay" and do it anyway, and he'll sulk all day afterwards - Refuses to tell you what's wrong because he thinks he'll sound childish.🚩 - If you push the issue, he might snap at you out of annoyance like "Would you just let it be??" - Immediately feels guilty and shameful, and he'll hide away until he's ready to apologize and face you again - Also kind of a know-it-all... He'll correct you a LOT. It would get annoying 🚩 - Would blatantly tell you you're wrong before correcting you🚩 - Not necessarily an asshole about it but he still tends to get under your skin sometimes
Dutch Van Der Linde
- The BIGGEST Narcissist you'll ever meet.🚩 -He loses another piece of his mental state with every breath he takes. Slowly but surely losing his mind.🚩 - King of gaslighting🚩 - How could you even think that about him? He could never do anything wrong! You must be crazy...🚩 - Tries to recite his "pretty words" from Evelyn Miller to try and sound smarter than he actually is 🚩 - Expects you to just feed his ego without him actually doing anything to earn it🚩 - Will try to correct you even when he's wrong🚩 - Refuses to admit he's wrong. He can never be wrong. That word isn't even in his vocabulary unless he's talking about literally anyone but himself🚩
Micah Bell
- Where do I even start with this guy - Not above putting his hands on you if he doesn't get his way. Let's be honest here.🚩 - Mega Narccisist, almost as bad as Dutch 🚩 - Will brag and share every sexual encounter you've ever had with him like he's talking about the weather🚩 - VERY prone to Violence 🚩 - NO impulse control. Murders people for fun.🚩 - Backhanded and borderline abusive compliments 24/7 "You'd look so good if you weren't so fucking fat..." 🚩 - Selfish lover. Thinks just sticking it in will do the trick, and it does, for him at least.🚩 - Little to no affection. What are you? His girlfriend? Wait...🚩 -If he actually does show you affection, and you react in surprise, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself, and that that's the last time he ever does anything nice for you.🚩
Charles Smith
- Impossible to read sometimes - Like Arthur, Charles tends to keep a lot of his emotions bottled up until he feels like he's gonna pop 🚩 - Like most of the men in the Van Der Linde gang, Charles is also prone to acting violently. I mean, he started a bar fight with a fucking chair, and he fights in street fighting rings, let's be real for a second.🚩 - He's incredibly quiet and reserved a lot of the time, and sometimes you just assume that he's listening to you when you talk, but a lot of the time, he's lost in his own thoughts. - Will do everything anyone asks him to at the expense of his own free time and energy, and sometimes he works himself to exhaustion just to try and please everyone.🚩 - In doing so, he sometimes doesn't have time for himself at the end of the day. It also seems like you spend time together less and less as the days go on. - If he ever got himself hurt and you tried to help him, he'd decline any help with anything to save his own pride. The last thing he needs is you thinking he's weak. 🚩 - Extremely Overprotective. Like to the point where he'd beat the shit out of anybody you asked him to🚩
Sean Macguire
- An Alcoholic🚩 - horny 99% of the time, but half that time he probably has whiskey dick. Still asks you to try but doesn't understand that it's like trying to play pool with a rope... - If he can manage to be sober enough to actually get it up, and you're not in the mood, he'd get pissy and annoyed with you for "wasting his boner" 🚩 - Will probably also brag about having sex with you to everyone🚩 - Needy as all hell - Bro sulks on purpose - Low key loves the attention you give him when you continue to ask him what's wrong, but he never actually tells you and constantly says "I'm fine..." or "It's nothing..." 🚩 - But then sighs dramatically and continues sulking and dragging his feet so you keep giving him more attention 🚩
Hosea Matthews
- Ignores his physical health until he's practically dying. You've told him to get that cough looked at for literal years and he just says "I will" and does nothing 🚩 - sometimes talks to you as if you're a child especially if he's around Dutch -low key gaslights you sometimes 🚩 - and he says it with such a gentle tone, its hard to catch it 🚩
The girls
Mary Beth Gaskill
- Daydreams way too much - Likes to live in her romance novel fantasy land rather than face reality 🚩 - Cries a lot - Tries to be angry but can't help but cry instead - If crying makes you feel bad for her, she'll probably do it on purpose so you comfort her and give her attention🚩 -If you're in a fight, she'll turn on the crocodile tears to get you to stop being angry with her or whatever it is you're arguing about.🚩
Abigail Roberts
- She can be verbally abusive if she's pushed far enough 🚩 - Holds in a lot of her emotions🚩 - Neglectful of her own personal needs to make sure you or Jack are fully provided or cared for🚩 - a lot of the time, when she's upset with you, you're probably given the cold shoulder and the silent treatment - incredibly protective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but she can sometimes be super overbearing.
Tilly Jackson
- Tells it how she sees it, sometimes accidentally sounding a lot colder than she means to 🚩 - Too sarcastic for her own good 🚩 - Laughs a little too much sometimes when you tell a joke, and you can often tell it's actually incredibly fake🚩 - gets irritated really easily, especially if she's bothered while doing her chores. The last thing she needs is Grimshaw on her ass again.🚩 - irritable a lot of the time, unintentionally becoming short or snapping at you - like john, she also believes that kissing it better is better than actually apologizing
Karen Jones
- An alcoholic 🚩 - picks fights with you for fun, finds it entertaining to see how red your face can get from anger 🚩 - Screaming matches are a regular occurance between you guys, and she starts it almost every time 🚩 - Pretty jealous when it comes to the opposite sex🚩 - Has self doubt and believes that she can't give you everything a man probably could
Sadie Adler
- The nosiest woman in America. No chill. She reads everyone's mail. - Makes a lot of loose threats 🚩 - Anger issues🚩 - Low impulse control🚩 - Can be a little too rough sometimes 🚩 - If she's upset with you, she'll either yell or storm off. Sometimes both. 🚩 -(She tends to walk away a lot more often because she's actuall self aware that her anger issues are a problem) - She'd never admit that to you though.
Molly O'Shea
- Even more jealous than Javier🚩 - Glares at and envies anyone you talk to that isn't her🚩 - Has immaginary conversations with people in her head🚩 - Rubbing her hands together when the real life conversations are following the script she had planned out in her brain - Needs constant reassurance - "D'you even love me anymore?!"🚩 - Overthinks everything 🚩 - Paranoid as hell about infidelity - Gets mad at you when she dreams about you cheating on her🚩
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dedfly · 21 days
weeell since ure taking requests, can i hear your take on Bill Cipher x equally evil reader? like, those two sillys being in love and wanting to rule the world together 🥰
have a nice day!
Thanks for the request!!!!1!1!!1
Long story short, I think partner being evil is the only reason Bill would be interested in a relationship
Bill Cipher x Equally Evil Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, mild torture, dismemberment; Bill being a freak; mentions of blood play
∆ We all know Bill. He wouldn't fall in love with someone kind-hearted. Who wants to change and grow with him
∆ Bill doesn't think he deserves it, plus having someone nice around him would push him away. Because it's an extra reminder of how much of a dick Bill is, and he doesn't want to feel the emotions that make him reflexive
∆ He doesn't want to change
∆ He doesn't want to grow from his mistakes
∆ Honestly, he would love someone even if they just had questionable morals (or could be pushed down a bad path)
∆ SO
∆ He will push (suggest) his partner to do some horribly moral thing for him. He's still very bossy, sp of course he would boss you around too.
∆ He will be happy if you do something for him, and he would do you a favour later wink wink
∆ Oh boy he would look like he would explode from happiness
∆ He will gladly kill someone with you. Definitely blushes and giggles if you grab a knife with his hand so that you hold the knife together
I don't believe Bill is a tsundere in relationships. He's terribly open about how much he enjoys being with you. Especially if you're a maniac like him. Giddy giddy triangle
∆ Will absolutely appreciate it if you kill someone for him without him asking
∆ A lot of bloody kissing and blood play
∆ You guys both messy in your make out sessions
∆ Bro is freaky when it comes to dismemberment and blood
∆ It riles him up and if you are here
∆ Well things get heated quickly
∆ Will act cute and simpering, batting his eyelashes, asking you to skin someone alive
∆ Sighs languidly when you do his bidding in front of him, ignoring the death rattles of the victim
∆ He is more than content to have you around
∆ He can finally feel like himself
∆ And yeah, of course it would be toxic, he's still an insecure clingy bastard, but if we're talking about equals, you're probably just as insecure clingy bastard as he is
∆ So you'll both be clingy, but freak out, then your partner is clingy too.
∆ This is definitely something new for both of you
∆ Especially if you have similar personalities, it's so weird to interact with a creature that acts like you
∆ But in a thousand years, you'll both be an even stronger couple, because you'll stick together and eventually merge into one big nasty ball of evil (figuratively speaking)
∆ You'll both feel like a safe space for each other, while being absolutely terrible to others
∆ Is that healthy? Hell no
∆ You're both just drowning in your problems, but drowning ✨ together✨
Romance, am I right?
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You (Part 2) (LN4)
Summary: With time apart, will Lando and Y/n set aside the mistakes they’ve made to make room for their love or will the fights take over and, in turn, their love become a story of the past?
Warnings: basically depression, getting evicted? Is that a trigger (lmk if i missed anything as always xx)
The months following Y/n walking out on Lando were pure hell for both parties involved. His performance in races plummeted as he stopped showing up for training sessions, meetings, and everything else in between. It didn’t matter how many pep talks each driver gave him with the end goal of at least getting him out of bed, he stopped being funny, charismatic, and optimistic Lando. The 23-year-old male became a shell of a human, completely swallowed whole by the void Y/n left in her wake. No one had seen him in that kind of pain ever. Most of the time, Lando would take a day to wallow, but he always ended up picking himself back up and trying again. But, with hours spent crying alone and days spent on autopilot, no one saw an end in sight.
Y/n, on the other hand, took the louder approach at trying to rid herself of the saddened feeling. Going to parties and drinking until she couldn’t walk straight became the norm for her. She was so afraid to be left alone to her thoughts, with her phone, with herself. She didn’t want to find out how excruciating the pain of losing Lando was once the alcohol stopped flowing and the music stopped playing.
However bittersweet, what it took to get her life to catch up with her was the day she held eviction papers in her hands. She had gotten home at 2 AM only to find a neon yellow sheet taped to her door. Honestly, she had been waiting for it to happen. With being unemployed and distracting herself from thoughts of Lando and everything they could have been, she stopped paying her bills. While dangerous, she couldn’t care what happened to herself. With news of Lando not doing well after they parted ways, she blamed herself for both of their pain. So, she clutched the bolded words in her small hands as tears welled in her eyes. Sobbing, she had called Daniel that night, pleading with him to come over and help claw her way out of the biggest hole she had ever dug for herself.
“Y/n?” Daniel’s groggy voice filtered through the speakers of the phone.
“Daniel.” Her choked sobs woke him up immediately, coincidentally jolting Heidi awake as he jumped out of bed to throw some clothes on, waving goodbye to his girlfriend and letting her know he would explain later.
By the time he was out of the door, her tears had quieted and she began filling him in on everything he had missed in the few months she had gone silent, “I’ve been evicted.”
His heart stopped, “What?”
Her tears returned, “Yep! I’m homeless now. I guess this is karma. I’ve ruined Lando’s life, I’ve ruined mine. I just ruin things. I hurt people and I destroy relationships and I stop everyone around me from being happy. God, I suck, don’t I? I mean, I had it all. I had Lando, he was telling me everything I wanted to hear. Jesus, he was begging me to stay and I still left! I can’t let myself be happy!”
Daniel’s heart broke for the girl on the other side of the phone as he sped to her house, “Y/n, none of that is true. You didn’t ruin anyone’s life. Your feelings were and are valid. You don’t destroy everything around you. You never have and you never will. Everyone loves you, Y/n. Don’t forget that.” He continued to reassure her as he drove to her. Listening to her cries of anguish only reaffirmed the fact that someone, anyone, had to force the couple to make amends.
“Lando? You in there?” Carlos asked through the door. A quiet murmur told the Spaniard his friend was, in fact, resting within his driver’s suite. Opening the door, he was met with Lando, sitting on the floor with the contents of his backpack spilled out in front of him.
Brows furrowed, Carlos crouched down to meet the London boy’s level, “What are you doing?”
Lando’s hands flew over the pile of contents, “I’m looking for a birthday card.”
Carlos shook his head, “A birthday card?”
Lando nodded frantically, seemingly in immense panic, “Yes! A birthday card! Y/n gave it to me last year and I never take it out of my backpack because I usually want to read it over again before a race! But, I can’t find it, Carlos! I can’t fucking find it anywhere!”
His breaths picked up as his voice broke. Carlos, gently, placed his hands over his friend’s swinging arms and held them tightly as to stop their flailing.
“Lando, you need to breathe.” Carlos said pointedly as he stared at the blue eyes across from him, filled with so much pain and regret.
Lando always tried to hide his tears from other people. Knowing that he was the happy and joyful one, it always felt wrong to show feelings of sadness in front of others. However, Y/n had shown him that showing that specific feeling was okay, that it allowed others to be able to connect with him on a deeper level. So, this time, he didn’t try to hide the tears that fought to fall from his face.
Lando’s hands rubbed over his eyes as he quietly said, “It’s the last thing I have of her and it’s gone, just like she is. I can’t take this anymore. I feel like I can’t breathe anymore. The thought of never seeing her again…” Carlos squeezed his shoulders, “That couldn’t have been the end of us, right?”
Carlos shook his head, “I don’t think it is, Lando. I think you’ll find your way back to each other, whether that’s tomorrow or in 50 years.”
Lando sighed, “But, I can’t wait 50 years.”
“Then, you have to fight for her.”
“What happens if she walks out?” Lando asked Daniel as they made their way toward Daniel’s front door.
“Then, you follow her.” Daniel retorted as they came to a stop in front of the large slab of wood, “Listen, Lando, it’s going to be hard, but you just have to be persistent. That is until you’re sure she doesn’t want to hear from you. But, I don’t think that’s a possibility. Ever since she’s moved in with me, I’ve gotten to catch her scrolling through old photos of the two of you or text messages you used to share. Trust me, mate, she’s still head over heels for you.”
Lando blushed and nodded his head, “Thank you for everything. For helping me plan all of this and allowing me to talk to her. I know how much you want to protect her from our lives.”
Daniel sighed, “You’re right, I do. She’s like a little sister, you know? But, I do know that, without you, she’s miserable and that’s worse to watch than her going through paparazzi.”
Pushing the door open and taking a deep breath, Lando whispered a thank you to Daniel before making his way through the foyer.
“Daniel? Is that you? I’m finishing up dinner right now!” Her voice yelled throughout the house and when it met Lando’s ears, he was hit with a large feeling of comfort. After all these years, she had become his home, it wasn’t a physical place or written address, it was just her.
Stepping into the kitchen, Lando stood and observed her while she had her back to him. The way she moved about the space with a small sense of confidence. The level at which she was carrying herself didn’t match the amount of self-assurance she used to have, but he had also been informed by Daniel that her mental health had taken a hit after all this time apart, something that hurt him more than her walking out on him could ever have.
As she turned around and her eyes landed on the boy she had dreamt of for so long, she faltered.
“Wha-” Words were lost on her, “What are you doing here?”
Lando breathed deeply, “I know everything that happened between us before was messy and we thought that was it, but I refuse to let you go that easy.”
She shook her head, “I’m confused. What are you saying?”
He took a step toward her and, thankfully, this time, she didn’t take one back, “I’m saying that I love you. I always have. Since the moment we met in the McLaren building where you asked me where Zak’s office was, I’ve been in love with you. I’m so sorry for everything I said in that interview. I never wanted to tell you about my feelings that way because I’ve always known you deserve so much. If I could take it all back and redo that moment over again, I would. If I could do it again, I would’ve told you how in love with you I am when I realized it which was, like, 2 months in. I was stupid to think I could stop my feelings for you by dating around and seeing what other people were out there because, in the end, I won’t ever be able to help falling in love with you.”
At his words, she took a step closer, so did he, “Not being with you is like if someone took cheese off pizza.” The two chuckled, “See! It’s ridiculous! Absolutely, positively stupid because they go together, they always have. That’s how I am with you. Without you, I’m not the same person and, now that I know that, I’m going to keep fighting for you, for us, until it works out. I love who I am with you, so does everyone else. It’s always been written in the story of my life to be with you because it’s a necessity. You have always been written into the story of my life because I’ve never loved anyone as hard as I do you and I’m incredibly sure that will never change.”
Now, standing so close to each other, Y/n looked into the eyes of the man she had missed so much and found herself forgiving him for the mistakes he made. With glass eyes and a quivering lip, she pulled him into her arms, “Lando, I’ve missed you.”
His arms squeezed her waist as he nuzzled his head in her neck, “I’ve missed you too, my love. You’ll never understand how much.”
They stood like that for a few moments before Lando’s head tugged backward and he captured her eyes with his, “Wait, you never said it.”
Tilting her head, Y/n asked, “Said what?”
He wiggled his eyebrows, “You know!”
She was about to protest until she realized what she had failed to say back in the heat of the moment, so she smiled and kissed his lips lightly before pulling back, her breath fanning across his face as she said, “I love you too. Always have and always will.”
Finally, the words that brought the light back into Lando’s life.
So, take my hand.
Take my whole life too.
For I can’t help falling in love with you.
For I can’t help falling in love with you.
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comfortless · 7 months
sylly (like silly yk yk) what are your könig hcs? 🌹
SYLLY?! i…. Ok…. fair warning this is a little long… all that i do is think about this guy someone get him out of my head.
tread carefully reading this! there is a lot of sensitive content here: mental health stuff, abuse, mentions of sex and pornographic material, suicidal ideation, etc etc.
Generic, silly headcanons:
He prefers coffee (black) over tea, but he does have a bit of a sweet tooth (will never resist caramel if it’s presented to him). Honestly, he’s pretty self-reliant when it comes to food, too. On lazy days, he makes enough to where a takeout bill is hardly a concern, but for the most part he cooks! Not a chef by any means, but nothing he ever makes is bad!
Definitely wants a big, loving family, the polar opposite of what he had growing up as an only child in a far less than perfect household. Not a dealbreaker, but he does yearn for all of the love that he’s missed out on and then some.
Not big on video games, but… I do think he is absolutely spending every lonely leave playing Elder Scrolls. Would be so easy to convince to go larping or to a renfaire. I see everyone’s car/bike guy headcanons and I raise you… obsessed with fantasy König. He loves history and myth!! Why not combine the two and see him in chainmail.
The scent & kink posts. But to add… he’s an affectionate biter. (,: Knows the correct places to do so that won’t cause damage or hurt too terribly much. Likes to sniff you just as well! The embodiment of the “merge souls with me” post; in love, he just wants to feel you any way that he can and have some part of you lingering on him, even if it’s just a stray hair or your scent clinging to his shirt or pillowcase.
Cheating is never on this guy’s mind when he’s in a relationship. If he’s found a lady not running for the hills the second she catches sight of him, that’s his one and only. Sure, he may find himself attracted to someone else at some point or other during the duration of a relationship, but he’s devoted and disciplined! There’s never the fear of anyone coming in between he and his lover. He’ll spoil you with gifts, clingy to a point it’s overbearing, always giving you the utmost care… but is not opposed to bullying you into being a submissive, trembling mess either. He’s balanced!
Adores animals. Like any of them. There’s a special place in his heart for cats, but having a constant companion that he can take on hikes like a large dog would be ideal. Would definitely consider owning a tarantula or a snake, too. ^^ He isn’t scared of anything, let alone a creature that most are misinformed about… (he projects a little..). He would treat them just as well as anyone would treat a more “normal” pet. Understanding if you wouldn’t want to hold a giant arachnid (they’re delicate and you squirming over it would make him a bit protective over the poor thing. ): ), but it would mean a lot to him if you were more accepting.
König would not be a pretty sight (to most people) the majority of the time… I doubt that he takes care of himself past training his body and his allotted one-two minute military showers. His character description describes what is rumored to be under his mask as scary. Let him have his buzzcut, and scars, and teeth or old wounds a little too fucked up to fix! Unconventionally attractive is still attractive! (i think his ‘face reveal’ is actually so cute…)
Lots of sporadic little thoughts, but… Ambidextrous, can not ride a bike, whistles/hums to fill lapses of silence, flexes his fingers/cracks his knuckles when he’s nervous, definitely snores (loudly), brushes his teeth like 3-4 times a day (when he can) because he eats so much, not a picky eater at all, thinks it’s cute if you’re affectionately a little grossed out by him from time to time, absolutely the kind of person that thinks fuel and fire smell good, fluent in English and German but certainly knows many words and phrases from other languages.
Kind of clumsy. Overthinks the way his body looks to the point where sometimes his movements are a little stiff. Overestimates how tall a door frame may be if he’s distracted in the presence of others, hits his head and plays it off like he didn’t even notice. He’s (obviously) highly confident on the field, but in regular circumstances it’s totally reversed.
Though. Yeah. Sometimes this does translate onto the field. Can’t stay in one place for too long, once knocked an enemy soldier out by barreling into him. He’s a quick shot, skillful with any weapon that falls into his hands, but his focus can get a little skewed.
He collects some things. Nothing exactly pricy, but antique knives, coins, and a pocket watch or two. And he isn’t the most apt at putting things together in an appealing way… The first time you’re allowed into his house it looks like he’s robbed some vintage hunting shop/is planning something nefarious with the way he’s just got a few daggers strewn about his kitchen table. Just push them to the side, it’s fine! (His favorite is certainly one with a handle carved from a stag’s antler.)
Definitely takes a physical approach to bad feelings. @melancholic-thing mentioned to me that he bites himself when he’s feeling dejected or frustrated and yeah. (All of Ghost’s hcs for him are factually correct.) Not going to punch a hole through the wall but may aggressively slam a door or raise his voice before he can catch himself.
I have many thoughts about König’s childhood/early adulthood. Like, too many. But to summarize…
I think that everyone experiences bullying to an extent but what would make it so bad that it managed to make its way into the scraps that we do have of him? What made him so fundamentally unlikable to his peers? /: With my König I’ve settled on it being a blend of neurodivergency and a nightmare home life and alienation from his peers.
Height is predominantly viewed as a good trait. I don’t think it was necessarily his appearance at all that got him picked on so heavily (albeit… I do think that he would have had some scars, crooked teeth, regular facial bruising or cuts from scraps with other children/his father). Perhaps not the most conventionally attractive guy around, but normally viewed as a solid 5/10, just average. The kind of person who you wouldn’t remember from just a face alone.
His personality was always memorable though.
Whilst the other children/teenagers were interested in the regular trends, sports, whatever was shown on the television or heard on the radio at the time, I think he probably would have had a great interest in escapism!!
Comics, books, researching history and geography, etc, anything that could keep him from thinking of where he was/what other people viewed him as. He had a lot of strange things to say: odd facts (like the kind of person to tell you the longest word in the dictionary because he thinks it’s cool, “um actually—“ to correct something, monologuing about some bug you’ve just squashed and how it was not just a pest but very useful in nature, borderline concerning reactions to being shunned (feigned threats of violence that he would laugh off, things he’s probably heard from media and his own parents), over explaining himself for the simplest of misunderstandings, and… quoting his Oma’s very old-fashioned turns of phrase (think of little Kö regularly saying “Du gehst mir tierisch auf den Keks.” when he’s annoyed whereas the others say things far less dated like “Du gehst mir auf den Sack.”)
With him being difficult to relate to and having the most uncanny things slip out of his mouth, others probably did view him as a bit of a freak. He didn’t particularly stand up for himself often either apart from a few fights (and would never hit a girl). He would stay quiet, pretend to focus on his studies or whatever else was before him while the other children jeered and taunted. Regularly a target for fake confessions and offers to hang out outside of school, too.
König did have crushes, did have people he thought were cool and wanted to befriend, but after the third time of showing up someplace that he had to walk to on his own to find that no one had actually wanted to spend their time with him, he gave up.
I don’t think he had a good relationship with his parents or much of anyone. Seriously, leaving for the military at seventeen sets off a ton of alarm bells! He left the week of his Oma’s passing, because what else was there for him — no girlfriend, no prospects, hardly a relationship with his mother or father.
His father was your standard shit parent— womanizing, loud, physically abusive towards König. “Bonding” activities with him always had a heavy lean towards violence: hunting and arguing that usually resulted in fist fighting his own son seemed to be his favorites. A small man with an equally small ego— he probably would have boasted about his affairs to König, exposed him to pornography as a way of making sure his son wasn’t anything other than straight (which: never stopped his curiosity). He would never hold back from telling König that he would never in a million years find a girl willing to put up with his supposed stupidity and shortcomings. Generally just viewed his own son as utterly worthless if not for use as a punching bag.
In turn, König always loathed him, would dread hearing the bastard just walking around the house because he knew he would always find something to bicker with his wife or son over. Nothing that they ever did would be deemed correct, and his social anxiety initially developed from his dealings with him.
His mother was withdrawn, emotionally neglectful. König was just… there to her; another mouth to feed, another person begging for the attention she would have rather spared on herself.
She wasn’t a bad mother and she did try, but the product of dealing with his father’s nonsense + letting her own mental illness go unchecked (as in, his father controlled the family financially and why would he let her blow through their funds to see a therapist and “lose her lucidity with pills and ridiculous talks”). There were some days when she would be feeling more like herself and take König along with her for walks through the park where she would try to ask him about his life, about school, and… he would end up spilling his guts to her only for her to return to silence. Still, those were his favorite days. His fondest memory was picking a flower for her on one of those walks, one that she kept pressed and later framed.
There were never family dinners, no movie nights, no day trips or vacations. The most blissful of days were spent in the comfort of his room where he could keep the door locked and muffle the sounds of his parents arguing with loud music.
So, König did not have much of a safe space within his own home, but he had his Oma and her cluttered little house. She had books and plenty of food, even a cat, too. Though she was like his mother, stern and withdrawn, she would at least sit with him and tell him stories of her own life. She would at least tell him “Ich lieb dich, Käferchen!” in her quiet voice, stroke his head where he would sit with his nose buried in a book beside her. She would show him her dusty antiques, her old photographs, and in turn taught him to be a proper man by making him tend to what needed to be done around her house. And the garden. He loved his Oma’s garden, full of orchids, petunias, and tomatoes she would mash up to make him goulash or tomatensalat!
With Austria’s leading religion being Catholicism, I do think his Oma would have dragged him with her to service plenty, too. Not that he ever particularly enjoyed it… just zoned out with a plastic soldier in his pocket to fidget with or some trading card he spent the money he earned doing chores for her on. He’s never considered himself religious, thought himself to be bound for Hell no matter what, even if most of the time he felt that he was already there.
You take a puppy that’s been beaten down his entire life, but still remains eager and throw him in a barrack with people more horrible than any bully he’s ever had, though…? He starts taking his father’s advice more and more then. He wouldn’t harm anyone that he didn’t view as deserving of it, but it didn’t need to go that far that often, anyway. König is aware of the space he takes up by then, aware that all of his training has made him more broad and sturdy, and those playground fights are nothing compared to what he’s capable of now.
He gets his callsign from a quip about him owning nothing. His barrack is empty, devoid of pictures or any sentimental belongings. He rarely checks his phone, there might be the occasional missed call from a spam number, what is there to even see? He has no social media presence, every leave is spent in a shitty apartment only a days travel from his hometown, and he is utterly silent when the other soldiers invite him out for drinks. So yes, he’s a king. The king of absolutely nothing.
One of these rowdy boys does eventually coax him into talking to a woman. He loses his virginity in a disgusting bar bathroom, where he asks her after the two minutes he’s spent inside of her if it means anything to her at all. She laughs, washes herself in the sink and calms him down, but doesn’t give him her number or anything more than her first name.
He’s starved for love, utterly miserable without it, but doesn’t have much of a desire to seek it out, either. He’s seen how people are, how they treat him. But time and time again he will grapple onto any thread that may lead him to a pinhole of hope when it’s offered to him. For the most part, he has his hand and a perpetually almost-empty bottle of lotion.
And it’s not much of a surprise that König has contemplated suicide more times than he can count. It has never culminated in any way, only fearing that he would disappoint his men, even further disappoint his parents, maybe even a small part of him still believes in a Hell; that maybe with enough vigilantism on his part he’ll earn his way to a pleasant afterlife, one he teeters on the separation of believing in and not.
He doesn’t think about his mental health, always haunted by his father’s words, thinking that assuredly it would make him weak if he were to seek help for something like his own thoughts. So he overexerts himself during workouts, bottles everything other than rage and love inside: no one is going to see him cry, not ever again after being laughed at for him hundreds of times during school where he sat being called an “ugly giant” a “daydreaming freak” and an “idiot” near daily where silent tears did escape, only spurring further laughter.
Though I do not write him with these things in mind for every au, there are always subtle hints scattered about. ^^ I could probably prattle on forever about him, but I will leave you with this for now…
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
i LOVE the iceman dating headcannons - can we have cyclone dating headcannons pls 🙏🙏🙏 i am in such a cyclone mood atm it’s unbelievable
Dating headcanons — Beau "Cyclone" Simpson
Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x reader
Warnings: Slight mentions of insecurities and trauma.
a/n: Hello and thank you! I really enjoyed writing this!
If you haven't already, please check out the general Cyclone headcanons I posted a while back, as there are more than a few references to them in this post!
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The first several months of your relationship will be the toughest.
He's terribly guarded and has all but forgotten how to let anyone in.
You'll honestly just have to wait him out. Meeting him where he is and proving to him that you're in it for the long haul.
When he finally starts to let you in is when your relationship gets very serious.
He's quite traditional in how he views his (and only his!) role in a relationship.
On the flip side, he expects next to nothing from you and is wholly grateful for you even just being with him.
I headcanon that he's had to look after himself since a pretty early age, and is used to just kind of... getting by?
Like he's extremely put together on a professional front, but on a personal one, he's an "eating a shitty frozen microwave meal in front of the TV on a Friday night" kinda man.
Not that he couldn't take better care of himself, he just found putting all that effort in for one person a bit depressing.
Now given the opportunity, he's an absolute dream to date
He's paying all the bills, doing the home repairs/improvements, taking your car to the shop, etc.
If you protest this, he will sit you down and quite literally tell you that "your money is your money, and my money is also your money."
And like I said, he expects nothing in return.
However, if you do want to do something to make his life easier, like pack his lunch or iron his uniform, he'd be a goner.
It's also in these small gestures that he best shows his love.
Doing the tasks you dislike, knowing your preferences, anticipating the things you'll need to complete, and making your life just a bit easier is where he shines.
At each restaurant and cafe you go to he has your order memorized.
He is the best cook and will cook for you whenever he has time
He's totally the breakfast-in-bed type too!
Will probably have stayed up late the night before to bake a loaf of brioche for french toast, and will serve it to you on a fancy wooden breakfast tray (that he handmade) with a fresh flower from the garden because that's just the kind of man he is.
If you offer him any he'll refuse, instead preferring to have you fuss over him and his habit of having nothing but a single cup of black coffee for breakfast.
He will, however, accept bacon. Thick cut, cherry smoked.
His desk both on base and at home is covered in pictures of you.
Like Iceman, he isn't jealous, but very protective.
This is also the only point of contention in your relationship.
He has some insecurities and would be absolutely devastated If you were to vie for others' attention or flirt back with them.
Ironically, he absolutely loves to show you off; and will use any such occasion to spoil you.
Will tell you stories from his various deployments.
And cherishes the way you squeeze his hand when the tougher memories come back.
Very nearly worked himself into a worry the first time you were going to stay at his place.
Now he struggles to sleep without you beside him.
Loves nothing more than to cuddle up with you in bed or on the couch.
More often than not, you'll end your day just like that.
With the added bonus of him reading whatever book he's been reading aloud to you.
Will 100% take you on bookstore dates!
He'll order himself a coffee in the cafe before happily setting you free with his wallet.
Will happily carry and/or guard the stacks of books you pick out.
If you happen to pick out a book or two for him, he'll get almost bashful??
Knowing you not only cared enough but paid enough attention to his interests to know just what he'd like hits him directly in his soft spot.
Each year he takes you back home to Alaska.
It's one of the few times you get to see his personality shine in private and in public.
The trips are only a few weeks long at the most.
Although as the days pass, you both secretly hope to get snowed in for the whole winter.
These trips have spawned not only some of your favorite memories as a couple, but moving back there with you in tow has become his retirement plan.
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! taglist !
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @austin-butlers-gf, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @barbiewritesstuff, @dozcan123, @withakindheartx, @nyx2021, @teti-menchon0604
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kaciidubs · 1 year
Camboy!SKZ Headcanons | Maknae Line
❣ Summary: What it would be like if the SKZ boys were camboys? An idea brought on by @onmykneesforchanlix ❣ ❣ Warnings: Camboy AU, kink discussion [mommy kink, pet play, orgasm denial, begging, overstimulation, deception], sex toys ❣ ❣ Additional Tags: Slight crack energy for Jisung, Felix is hinted at having an interest in a certain camboy. ❣ Hyung Line ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣
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The people’s princess, quokkasungie, honestly started his account on a drunken dare. Yeah, really.
His very, very, first video on his account - that’s still there to this day - is a video from that same fateful night, a poorly recorded, slightly out of focus video of him jacking off with unabashed moans and desperate whimpers for a release.
Very unceremonious and unplanned, but for some reason it got views and he liked the attention - even if hearing himself as desperate as he was still makes him turn redder than a tomato.
As an upgrade to his procedure/setup, he invested in a webcam to add to his desktop computer, which provided his viewers a better view to his bedroom and bed - his personal stage.
His content is very much viewer interactive, his pleasure hinging on the messages sent in from the anonymous users as they guide him through the session; sometimes allowing him a straight through orgasm, while other times forcing him through orgasm denial after orgasm denial, getting drunk off of the needy whimpers and whines from his putty lips.
He owns a few toys, between 3 or 6, and the ones that make the most appearances in his lives are his pretty pink [viewer gifted] dildo, and matching cockring.
Is friends with leeknowswho and had one stream where he [Minho] was the one guiding him through his live session - it was one of Jisungs highest viewed lives to date and people still beg him to have another session with the mystery man.
Introducing the content king who has everyone falling to their knees, the freckled fairy sunshinebokkie!
He started camboying because, well, he wanted to! There’s no grand story about his motivations for it, other than it was something he wanted to try for the sake of trying it, much like most of his other hobbies. At some point this side hustle sort of became more of his main job, while his main job became a part time gig.
Since he had previous experience in streaming/social media, doing this was basically a walk in the park, just with the added bonus of showing off his dick and hole to thousands of horny beggars. It’s empowering in its own special way.
His streams are diverse in content, ranging from streams simply for him to get off, streams where he showcases the “sponsor of the month” with the toys they’ve sent for him to try out, to themed scenarios his viewers voted for him to act out, and even streams where the viewers control how and when he could pleasure himself.
Speaking of toys, he has a collection that would make a pornstar blush; normal dildos, dragon dildos, silicon grinders, vibrators, buttplugs, nipple clamps, cockrings [vibrating and metal], a cock cage - he even has a goal for a fuck machine stream [per the request of his viewers].
His viewers always rave about wanting him to collaborate with other streamers and he always replies with the same flustered laugh and sparkling eyes, “I don’t even think it works like that, guys! You just want me to get fucked by someone, don’t you?”
They do, and they know he wants to, too - especially when he went on a horny ramble about a certain body building cammer before fucking himself into multiple orgasms and overstimulation.
But he can’t fold that easily - not yet at least.
Onto our textbook camboy, the guy who started camboying with the intent of making money off of his dick, minmong00.
Working a dead-end job making coffee from morning to afternoon wasn’t his ideal way of living, especially when he had bills to pay and hobbies to feed. He also knew that he was a generally attractive guy, at least, that’s what he garners from the longing stares he catches from time to time - so, why not use it to his advantage?
Starting an account wasn’t hard, nor was trying to decide what he wanted to market his content as - the hardest part was, surprisingly, trying to stick to his morals in not selling himself off too much to pander to the horny viewers.
Now, hear me out.
Camming automatically comes with a sense of selling some part of yourself for the pleasure of other people - he knew that, he understood that - but the way people genuinely begged him to make certain types of content with more than generous tips had him heavily reconsidering his limits.
Textbook camboy meant textbook camboy; he had the webcam setup, he only showed off part of his bedroom [only enough to get him fully in the webcam’s view without having to shift much], and he was on for the goal of reading a few messages, pandering to a few donations, busting a nut, and signing off.
Some days he didn’t even read comments, acting as if he weren’t even live as he got himself off, though he’d always make eye contact with the camera and moan about how good it felt.
Other times he would concede to viewer requests; he bought a vibrator, a small thing that looked like bunny ears [aptly called a rabbit, he’d discovered], he did boyfriend service [only once the donation goal was reached], he even ventured into mommy kink territory.
The thing requested of him the most - much to his chagrin - is pet play content, specifically him in a dog getup with puppy ears and a collar, and as much as he tried to portray aloofness to the suggestions, he can’t help the tingle of curiosity at the thought of leather wrapped around his neck.
Expanding his content couldn’t be too bad, right?
Last, but definitely not least, we have our dearest Jeongin, also known as yjinout.
His journey as a camboy sort of wrote itself, thanks to his sharp features yet youthful appearance he was often regarded as a newbie to the sex world; looking to use camming as a way to explore himself under the eager eye of many.
He’s diverse with his content to an extent, mostly trying out things he plans himself but he does take into account some recommendations from the chat when he feels like spicing things up.
Now… if innocence were a genre, he’d be the king of it - from the way he timidly smiles at the webcam, eyes turning into crescents, to the light touches he gives his leaking cock, almost as if he’s not sure when to start or where. 
Everything he does is with an air of unfamiliarity and the curiosity to look for more, and the reaction of when it turns out to be something he likes? Oh, the tips start rolling in.
However, Jeongin isn’t as innocent as his viewers like to view him as - far from it, actually. It’s deception, a game; letting them get off on the idea that he hasn’t had his name screamed to the heavens or even been the reason behind an orgasm that leaves you twitching for more.
He knows some viewers catch on, he can see their comments get drowned out by the influx of praise and “advice” on how to make himself feel good, and it only makes him harder, moan louder as he fucks the brand new fleshlight gifted to him.
Most of his toys are ones gifted from his account’s wishlist, and so far he’s the proud owner of nipple clamps, a fleshlight, and a cockring - it’s not much, but for a newbie such as himself, it’s a good place to start, yeah?
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❣ I shit you not, this took me so long to do because I couldn't for the LIFE OF ME decide what trope fit each guy, but I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. ❣ ❣ Any type of feedback is appreciated! Whether it be a simple like, reblog, or keyboard smash and the most essay-like comment, feel free to share your thoughts. ❣
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Billy loomis x pregnant reader where she goes into labor during one of his killings?
OMG this is so cute, It's kinda short but very fluffy.
Content warning: Pregnancy, stabbing, mentions of murder, cursing, and fluff so sweet you could die.
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Due to you being nine months pregnant, Billy really didn’t want you at Stu’s party. Mostly because of the events that would be unfolding there. But you insisted, you wanted to be there for moral support, well and free food. You and Billy were having a little girl in a few weeks and you both were so hyped for it, you decided on the name Piper for your little gremlin, And neither of you couldn’t wait for her arrival. Apparently she couldn’t wait either, Because just as Billy killed Sidney and her father you felt your water break. “Uhh, Billy? I think my water just broke.” in an instant Billy dropped the bloodied knife and ran over to your side on the couch. “She’s not supposed to come for another few weeks!” Billy yelled as he got over to you, “Well tell that to her! Oh my god I knew it would be bad but not this bad!” “Well you are pushing a baby through your pussy, I would be surprised if it didn’t hurt!” Stu said as he sauntered over there seeming to have no care in the world. Billy rolled his eyes and took another knife out of his pocket and stabbed Stu. “That should hurt! Shut the fuck up Fuckrag!” Stu just groaned and complained before  going back to the kitchen holding his wound. That was when you both realized that the cops would be there any minute and it currently looked like you were guilty. Billy took the knife and stabbed himself real quick, “What the fuck Billy!” you yelled as he stabbed himself, “Babe the cops are going to think we did it and I don’t want to miss our baby growing up.” You groaned from the shoots of pain hitting your lower stomach, Just then you heard sirens from police cars. “Sorry Babe, this is going to hurt, just hold on to me.” you did as Billy said before he stabbed you in the shoulder, Honestly it didn’t hurt as bad as the contractions. Billy stuffed the knife under the couch and Started to yell for help.
A few hours later, Piper Ann Loomis was born. You and Billy were in your hospital room, cuddling your baby. Piper was fast asleep in your arms, “Here take the baby, I’m tired and I want to sleep.” You said holding little Piper out to Billy for him to hold. Billy took Piper in his arms, and you have never seen him so nervous in your entire time of knowing him. Billy was holding Piper like she was made of glass and would break with one wrong move. “You aren’t going to hurt her Bills” you giggled, Billy adjusted her in his arms to hold her closer to his body. Piper cooed in her sleep, as Billy held her and snuggled closer into his chest. You could have sworn you saw a tear run down Billy’s face, he had a look of pride on his face as he held little Piper. “She’s perfect, she has your nose.” Billy said “She has your eyes” you said, Piper looked like she could be Billy’s twin, right down from her brown eyes and grumpy little facial expressions. Billy placed a kiss on Piper's forehead, “We’ll be ok, get some rest baby. You deserve it” Billy said then kissed your lips. You fell asleep watching the sweet sight beside you, Billy holding your little girl.
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melody-writer777 · 1 year
Will you write headcannons for a Bill kaulitz x singer!reader? Something where Bill and the reader are both in separate bands but meet through like mutual connections. Then later on Bill and the reader start to have feelings for each other?
Bill kaulitz x singer!reader
Summary: How you and Bill met and how it was like when you both had feelings for eachother.
Ship: Bill Kaulitz x singer!reader
Warnings: No serious warnings but I kinda struggled to find a way to make a mutual connection so the connection ended up being the fans of Tokie Hotel and readers band.
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Almost all of your fans are also major fans of Tokio Hotel and vice versa, so it was only a matter of time before [your band] and Tokio Hotel met to make music or at least footage of how you guys interact.
Before you guy got to making music you all agreed you all would at least spend time getting to know one another so that the music comes together easier.
But after a day or two of getting to know each other Bill started to realize how great of a person you in every way and a little while after you also realize he was actually a really nice, and funny guy. Not to mention he was crazy good looking.
When the first picture of you all hanging out was posted, the fans went crazy and were so exited to see what was being planned.
To keep themselves busy they were trying to find all the picture they could and soon all the fans agreed that you and Bill would make a cute couple.
Someone in your band would be the first to find an edit, tag, or maybe even a fanfic on social media, of you and Bill.
Bill definitely was the first to deny it, he did red but blamed it on embarrassment and how you two were only friends.
You did the same, not that you wanted to, but only to not make things awkward.
As time went on he would have trouble looking you in the eyes, and when he did he zoned out
He wouldn’t completely ignore you, he really couldn’t deprive himself of you, but he would respond to you in a quick way.
Once the Tag and all the rest of the ship content continued to blow up both the rest of Tokio Hotel and [your band] could see the way you guys look at each other.
Soon they decided to just go out and pick up food about an hour away, but ofc someone needed to stay and protect the house (toms word) that person ended up being you.
But as Bill was getting ready they left without him
Both of you were really confused but you offered to watch a movie together since the rest of them would be gone for a while.
Bull wanted to decline, in fear of it being awkward, but he knew he would hate himself later is he didn’t watch the movie with you.
Thirty minutes into the movie it actually wasn’t that bad, you guys had smooth conversations between events but you both knew you needed to talk about it.
Bill brought up the tag and all of it in a joke, and you kinda laughed but soon you actually brought up the subject with just a blunt “Do you like me”
Bill was shocked but after a little pause he said yes but immediately asked if you liked him after.
When you said yes he was relieved and honestly didn’t know what to do.
After talking about it all, you could tell to tension was gone and you decided to lay on his shoulder in the last 20 minutes of the movie.
And by the time the group came back you were asleep and Bill was just shushing them so he could wake you up in a gentler way.
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Pls let me know if this is what you wanted anon, and if there’s something you don’t really like them plss tell me. I’m wasn’t sure if you wanted more of the story or if you wanted to know what it would be like for Bill to like you. But all in all I like the way it turned out.
-Melody <33
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
May I request band of brothers x reader and reader falling asleep on them?
Yes ofc thank you for your request my beloved! 💗
BoB reaction to you falling asleep on them
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genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: none
Description: BoB reaction to their s/o (you) falling asleep on them for the first time
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Dick Winters
Okay so I think he would he shocked at first seeing you lay your head right on his chest with ease., “What are they doing?” Is what he’s probably thinking in his head, once he finally hears your soft snores, then he’d notice that you’ve fallen asleep on him. He’s smile softly to himself, making sure to be extra quiet and careful not to wake you up. Honestly he’d be a little blushy at first too, just happy that you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on him
Lewis Nixon
His breathing would just stop at first when you lay your head on his shoulder. Like omg? You got this man over here getting nervoussss when you do that. Like you got him scared to even move an inch. He’d even try slowing down his breathing because he didn’t want to wake you up. He’d be so sweet about it, he’d hold you in his arms and stroke your hair softly. I could also seeing him getting sleepy and falling asleep on you :,)
Carwood Lipton
He is so cute about it, he’d ask you if you’re alright, not realizing how tired you were. Once he realized you had fallen asleep on him his heart literally melted omg. And you better get that he was still as stone when you were sleeping, bc you’re his bae and you deserve a good sleep in his arms. He’d hold you so softly and feeling of your head on him would make him just content. He’d definitely fall asleep to just holding you so comfortably.
Joe Toye
A huge smile appears on his face when he sees you laying your head on him. He’s tries to play it off all chill but he’s lowkey so excited on the inside. He would wrap an arm around you and keep you secure, making sure that if anyone came by that they were quiet, and ofc making sure he was quiet himself. The cutest thing of all though is how sweet he is to you when you wake up from your short nap. “How are you pretty thing? Ya sleep okay?” UGH he’d be so cute about it. I think you just falling asleep on him would be his favorite thing about y’all’s relationship.
Joe Liebgott
Freezes in his spot when he sees you laying your head on him. “Are you okay?” He’d say, Looking at your face he would see how exhausted you looked and maybe thought that you weren’t feeling good or something was wrong. When you told him that you were just sleepy, and that’s why, he would be so sweet. Honestly he would’ve gotten so happy hearing that’s why you were laying on him. Asking you if you want his jacket or something he has for you to warm up in. Resting on him would be one of the most comfiest things ever. Plus he’d be rubbing your arms up and down, hugging you super tight and warm.
Bill Guarnere
A big ole smirk would come up on his face so quickly. “get comfy, doll” He would rub his arms down back and forth on your arm, keeping a tight grip on your body. He would be so warm and comfortable to fall asleep on, he would try and keep quiet the whole time, especially when he heard you snoring. I think he would really enjoy you taking a nap on him (LOL) , He would end up getting so sleepy, he’d try fighting it off at first but he’d end up giving up after seeing how comfortable you were in his arms.
George Luz
Oh boy, he’s a total angel about the whole thing, when he sees you lay your head on you it makes his heart beat 2x faster then it’s original pace like omg. If you look up at him, all you will see on his face is that huge bright smile of his staring back at you. On the outside he’d try to keep it cool, and not make too much of a scene, but in the inside he was literally FREAKING out, like he is totally frozen in his position because he would feel absolutely horrible to accidentally wake you up. I think he would stroke your hair really nicely, helping you go to sleep with his calming touch almost immediately.
Bull Randleman
Ugh he’s honestly the best person to fall asleep on after a long day. He’d be so nice about it, at first he’d ask you if you were okay, “Are you alright. darlin’?” and you’d reply back just saying you were sleepy or something like that, and he’d say, “Come er’ get some sleep, princess/prince” He’d hold you super soft and would be a total snuggle bug. You made his day just holding onto him tightly while sleeping. he’d be a little nervous at first, because he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you or wake you at first, He would just watch you, admiring you and seeing how beautiful you truly are. He’s just so happy he gets to be around you, you make him so happy.
Eugene Roe
He’s having an internal breakdown when you just lay your head on him, you got him freaking out on the inside for real. He wouldn’t say anything to you about it though, he would just try his hardest to be natural, and he’d lean into you too, holding you by your shoulder and rubbing it slowly. He was nervous you could hear his heartbeat thumping out of his chest at first. But he still tried his best to be normal, and not make you uncomfortable in any way. Laying on him you’d almost fall asleep like immediately, there’s just something so warming about him, you just feel safe enough to sleep in his arms. While your sleeping, he thinks you look absolutely adorable. He’s ultimately glad that he’s with you right now.
Floyd Talbert
He is actually giggling on the inside like a little girl omg, also when you lay on him it’s just an ego booster, like out of all people, your laying on him, he definitely feels lucky, even though he knows his way around the ladies, all of that smoothness goes out the window with you. He just feels so happy when you lay on him comfortably, when he hears you snoring lightly, he can’t help but let out a small laugh and a huge smile. He just feels so nice with you laying on him, you are his favorite person ever.
Skip Muck
Okay so, I think he would be so so excited to be hanging out with you in general, so can you just imagine the look on his face when he sees you laying your head on his chest. Like his heart is ready to burst at any moment, don’t even get me started. I think he’d be so nervous to move, just because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable at all. He realizes that your sleeping when he hears your soft snores for the first time. He thinks you sound so so cute, like he falls in love with you a million times more when he hears that. Ugh he’s just so obsessed with you.
Don Malarkey
This sweet boy is more than happy for you to lay down on him. You’re sleepy? Well of course, lay down. His heart rate would go up by a bunch when you put your head on him, He can’t lie though, you feel so comfortable. I think he’d end up falling asleep first though and it’d be so cute, you’d look up to see him just snoring and he was passed out LOL, It’s just that he is so comfortable around you that he can fall asleep so easily, he doesn’t know why but he just does, oh and, something else that is absolutely adorable, is how even though he’s asleep, he will still stroke you hair so softly, just because he finds it so comforting holding you.
Babe Heffron
He is so happy when he sees you lay down on him, like his smile gets so big and his heart rate starts beating faster and faster. He would be so excited but nervous while you lay on him, he doesn’t want to disturb you or something that would make you get up, once he starts getting more comfortable with you laying on him, he’d wrap his arms around you and just hug you there, he’s super super sweet when you are laying down. And when he hears you snoring, ugh he thinks you are even cuter, he’d hold you for the rest of the time, just giving your the best forehead kisses and whispering the sweetest little things in your ear while you were asleep. “You’re my favorite, you know that right?”
Shifty Powers
Oh my, this sweethearts face would get so red when he sees you just laying down ask getting comfortable on his chest. He was honestly scared you could hear his heart beating because it was going so fast. He would timidly out his hand on your back and hold you gently. Honestly he’s the most comfortable person you could ever sleep with, Like just relaxing with him will make you instantly fall asleep. He’s so sweet the whole time, just rubbing your back and hugging in the best way ever. When he sees that your sleeping a huge smile appears on his face, he is in absolute awe of your beauty and he just loves you so much.
Frank Perconte
When he sees you laying down on his shoulder his body just rushes with love omg. He would be a little nervous at first but I think after awhile he would out of instinct just wrap his arms around you and hold you close, and in reaction to that I think he’d get really sleepy, like he’d be trying to fight sleep the whole time, just because he didn’t want to be rude. But when calls your name and you don’t answer back, He would look at you and see that you’re sleeping. He would he admiring you so hard, just thinking to himself how cute you are in his arms, before he finally fell asleep himself.
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Spotify Playlist Link
Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Drug use. Sexual content. Violence.
“The Family Legacy”
“The Date”
On Saturday, the day Löded Diper was playing at a backyard party, Rodrick felt Bill and Sara couldn’t show up soon enough.
“Fuck, they’ll already be ten minutes early,” he muttered to himself as Chris and Ben helped the roadies load equipment into the van.
Rodrick was dressed for the performance of his life, as well as the band’s gig at the party. He waited anxiously for Bill and his younger sister, praying Sara would be impressed by him once she showed up. But when she did show up, he realized it was him that should be impressed.
Sara was truly a vision; the ultimate rock star affiliate you’d find lounging around in an exclusive green room somewhere. Although she only wore a pair of Joe’s Jeans and a black vest top with nothing under it, to him, she might as well have been covered in gold and platinum. She shone, in a way that wasn’t necessarily visible to the eye.
She was just that cool, with her shoulder length blonde hair, and tiny purse that only held a wallet, cigarettes, and lighted.
“Hey,” Sara said softly, hand on her purse string as she stood next to Rodrick.
“Hey,” a small, nervous laugh escaped as he watched Bill join the other boys in loading equipment. “You look… really good.”
“So do you,” she smiled, appreciating the pocket chain and South Pole shirt with a nod. “Are you wearing eyeliner?”
“Uh… Yeah,” Rodrick blurted out honestly, hoping that was the right call.
“I like it,” she beamed, making him blush.
“Haha!” he exclaimed excitedly, cursing himself in his head. “So, everything’s pretty much good to go. You wanna ride with us?”
“Yeah, sure,” Sara nodded, as he leaned in playfully.
“I volunteered to drive on the way there, just so you can sit up front with me and not get crushed to death by a drum,” he murmured.
“Sounds like a plan,” she nodded. “Who’s DD?” she wondered.
“Chris is. He’s the only DD that can ever stay the DD,” Rodrick explained, not even looking away from her as Ben tossed him the keys to the van.
“Alright, let’s rock and roll!” Bill shouted.
He looked extra proud of himself as he kept his eyes on Sara. The two of them hopped into the van, as Bill and the other guys all filled into the back with everything.
“So, how do you feel about being Löded Diper’s hottest groupie?” Rodrick asked with a goofy grin.
“I’m not a groupie,” Sara crossed her arms in amusement as she sat beside him.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Rodrick leaned forward, his face barely an inch from hers, “For tonight… whatever you say goes,” he said breathily.
“Oh, I like that,” she remarked.
It didn’t take long once they arrived at the party for her to begin attracting unwanted attention, just as Rodrick had feared. He was truthfully worried that, while he was onstage, someone would steal Sara’s attention away from him for the rest of the night. But luckily, she certainly didn’t seem willing to give anyone but Rodrick her attention.
“You guys can set up over here,” Andy, the guy whose party it was, showed the boys. “And you can come set up over here,” he grinned as she tried to walk past him.
“Sorry, not interested,” Sara said sweetly.
Andy just frowned in response, still looking at Sara like he wasn’t quite ready to let her go yet. Rodrick made a beeline over to her, almost panting as he threw his arm over her, lifting up his sunglasses.
“Sorry, man. She’s with the band,” he grinned, as Sara turned to smile at him as the guy finally left.
Not knowing how to keep with the momentum of the sweet moment, Rodrick nervously left a soft peck on her cheek, not sure what was appropriate.
“I’ll do you one better.”
Appreciating the gesture, Sara pulled him in with her arm across his back, kissing him right on the lips as everyone around them went about their business. Despite being at a crowded backyard party, it was practically a private moment.
“That works too,” Rodrick murmured, somewhat stunned. “Wait. Can it work again?” he smiled hopefully, not even expecting a kiss anytime soon.
“I don’t know,” she murmured, chuckling as he pulled her back in, one hand on her back and one hand on her cheek as he kissed her.
“Oh. What do you know? I’m a genius,” he announced triumphantly.
“I think this date is going swimmingly so far,” Sara concluded.
“Good,” he nodded. “Cuz from the first time I saw you, I thought I had to woo you.”
“Hmm,” she chuckled softly, “You’re sweet.”
“What did you think, when we met?” he asked curiously.
“Honestly?” she asked, not expecting the question as he nodded. “I thought you looked delicious.”
“You’re crazy,” Rodrick said, deciding he might as well try and help the others, “And I love it.”
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” Sara announced, spotting a couple of friends inside.
“Hey,” Rodrick called, as the other boys started handing him things.
“What?” she called, looking back urgently.
“If I scratch my balls, that means I’m thinking of you,” Rodrick made a face, attempting to be cute.
“Very sweet, thank you!” Sara responded, heading inside for a moment.
It was safe to say that Sara really was the only thing that Rodrick was thinking of, even during their set, which was being played for a huge crowd for a small party. Throughout the entire thing, Rodrick could be seen looking to Sara in the front row as she refused to dance with anyone but her best friend, Lauren.
“Sar, your boyfriend’s staring at you!”
“I know,” was all the girl had to say about it.
“He’s cute! And not a Mormon! I approve!” Lauren yelled over their surroundings.
“Lenwood wasn’t a Mormon,” Sara sighed as they danced, not eager to be seen as Lenwood Heath’s ex-girlfriend again.
“His name was also ‘Lenwood’,” Lauren stated.
Sara just sighed. “Fair enough.”
Although she didn’t get her hopes up with Rodrick at all, Sara was glad to be seen with someone who wasn’t a military school-attending lifeguard. She would’ve taken Charlie Sheen over a walking Ken doll any day. Unfortunately, Sara had her mother’s taste in men.
But she felt absolutely no shame in herself as she danced in the very front of the crowd, watching as Rodrick made an aggressive peace sign onstage, jokingly sticking his tongue in the middle of it as he riffed behind Bill. Rodrick was looking right at her, teasing her as he seemed to be air-fucking Chris’s guitar, which he also for some reason stole during the performance.
“Oh my God, he’s so hot!” a girl near them screamed to her friends.
Lauren Do just laughed as she threw her arm around her best friend, as the two of them mindlessly swayed to the heavy metal music with a considerable amount of tequila and cognac both in them. How their liver survived past junior year, they had no idea.
“Yo, you guys did amazing!” Lauren exclaimed as they joined the boys after their performance.
“Hell yeah, man!” Bill roared, wrapping her in a giant bear hug. “How you been, kiddo?!”
“Hey, Sara,” Rodrick smirked, arriving already stumbling due to the many drinks he’d been handed from the stage to where the girls were waiting.
“Hey, Rodrick,” she chuckled at him, waiting for him to make a move.
“So,” he slurred as he threw his arm around her, unable to take his eyes off of her. “Wanna go somewhere… private?” he giggled childishly.
“Sure,” she agreed.
And then, they ended up sitting in the back of the van, doors open as they finally enjoyed their time alone. Sara liked that Rodrick shared the same mind as her.
“You look really pretty tonight,” Rodrick said suddenly, “Wait. Did I already tell you that?”
“I’ll make an exception,” she allowed.
“Did you like the show?” he asked hopefully.
“Yeah,” Sara promised. “I really did. You were really… on tonight, you know?”
He nodded slowly, finding the compliment deeply validating.
“Really? You think so?”
“Yeah. I really do,” she told him.
“I think you did really good,” Rodrick offered.
“I just stood in the crowd,” she said flatly.
“And you were perfect,” he pointed out, smiling as he looked at her with a teasing smile.
“You’re such an idiot,” Sara flirted, a slight vocal fry catching Rodrick’s attention.
He couldn’t contain his childlike sense of joy as he looked right into her eyes, framed by sparkling black eye shadow. He began to worry that he was making too much eye contact.
“Your hair smells like candy,” he breathed, “It’s like crack.”
“Are you drunk?” Sara said playfully.
“Sort of,” he shrugged. “I had…”
She waited as he counted on his fingers.
“Five shots,” he calculated in a drawled slur, somehow on both hands. “And someone passed me a joint at some point. Not sure what idiot would do that,” he laughed.
“Lightweight,” she quipped.
“You know, I think having you in the crowd helped,” Rodrick thought aloud, “It was like… an anchor.”
“An anchor?” Sara wondered.
“Yeah. An anchor. Like, you know, when I look at other people… all I see is bullshit. Like every time I look at anyone else,” he slurred his way through his point, “I just wanna scream in their face, like ‘shut the fuck up’ before they even start talking. But then, when I see you… I want you to not shut the fuck up.”
“And what would you like me to not shut the fuck up about?” she inquired.
“Uh… Anything, really,” Rodrick admitted. “I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.”
“Well, what do you wanna know?”
“Uh. What’s your favorite color?” he asked in turn.
“What? Gotta start somewhere,” he pointed out.
“I don’t really have one,” Sara sighed, “Usually, I just say black.”
“Me too,” he nodded, “I just like dark colors. I think they look nice,” he rambled.
“I like them on you,” he chortled, drunkenly booping her nose.
She flinched, not out of any sort of fear, but mainly because most people didn’t really tend to do things like boop her nose.
“Wow, you’re a happy drunk,” Sara nodded, taking everything in.
Rodrick giggled happily, wrapping his arm around her, more so for support than affection as he slowly began to fall into her lap.
“Hey,” he said suddenly, sloppily fishing around in his pants pocket, “Wanna share a joint and talk about life?”
“Yes, I would like that very much,” she decided, fully aware that whatever Rodrick would have to say about life in that moment would be very interesting to her.
She watched as he dug around in his pocket for a lighter, handing her the joint.
“First hit, milady?” he said in a horrible British accent.
“Thank you, kind sir,” Sara accepted, joint hanging out of her mouth as Rodrick held the lighter up to it.
It took him a minute to align the flame with the end of the joint, but eventually, it got there. She took a couple of decent hits, attempting to get closer to Rodrick’s level. The two sat for a few minutes or so, silently passing it back and forth as they both tried to find things to talk about.
“How did you become so cool?” he asked out of nowhere.
Sara looked at him incredulously, once again s surprised by how genuinely sweet he could be without even realizing it.
“I don’t know that I’m that cool,” she shrugged indifferently.
“Yeah, you are! You like cool music, you dress cool, and you make cool art, and you talk cool!” he exclaimed, luckily not hitting the joint too hard.
“I mean… A lot of that stuff, I kinda got from Bill,” she supposed. “He showed me most of the stuff I like now.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. Bill’s a cool guy,” Rodrick nodded.
“What about you and Greg? Does he like what you like?” Sara asked curiously.
“No way,” he scoffed. “He’s not that cool.”
It took a moment before Rodrick actually thought about the question and passed the joint back.
“I feel like he’s got too much going for him to like what I like,” he remarked.
“How so?”
“I don’t know,” Rodrick breathed, “My little brother, he just… he’s not a fuck up like I was, or like I am, you know? He gets okay grades, he doesn’t get in too much trouble, he doesn’t have to play dumb to keep himself from getting disappointed.
“Like, don’t get me wrong, the kid’s not a genius, but he’s average. Perfectly average. He fits in. He’s shit at most things, and okay at some things. He’s, like, what most parents will settle for. He doesn’t need me, or my stupid advice,” he expressed.
Sara nodded wordlessly, beginning to understand him a lot more.
“I know what you mean,” she offered. “My little brother… He’s so smart. He’s a genius, like, when I was a kid, I read at a college reading level and stuff, but this kid is like science smart. He’s gonna become a fucking doctor,” she said between puffs.
“Whoa. That’s, like, as close to a real life wizard as you can get,” Rodrick realized in awe.
“My mom, she had Bill really young, and she had me just a couple years before she actually got away from our dad, and became a real adult, I guess,” Sara explained, “So I feel like my little brother’s the only one of us who got a real childhood… And like, good for him, but I’m also jealous.”
Rodrick looked at her with genuine sadness in his eyes, one hand holding the joint, and one hand on her cheek.
“You… deserved a good childhood,” he whispered.
Somehow, despite how drunk and high he sounded, Sara accepted what he had to say.
“Is it weird that I wanna kiss you right now?” she questioned.
“No,” Rodrick shook his head nervously.
“Was that your plan all along?” she asked. “Get me to share, and then make out with me?”
“Nope,” he said honestly. “I didn’t think I could get you to kiss me at all, let alone twice,” he pointed out.
“That checks out,” she remarked.
“But that’s good to know,” Rodrick said softly, an innocent smile on his face.
“Open your mouth,” Sara muttered, raising the joint to her lips.
In a flash, Rodrick felt he might’ve known what she meant, but he wasn’t sure. Slowly opening his mouth, he watched her movements carefully as she ghosted the joint, exhaling slightly just to pull the smoke back in. Leaning into him, she made a tiny ‘O’ shape with her lips, blowing smoke right into his mouth as he desperately inhaled, needing to breathe her in.
He kissed her softly, not wanting to be too aggressive as he lightly rested his hand on her thigh, hooking his other arm around her. She came closer to him, giving him one last deep kiss before pulling away, taking another hit for him to inhale from her.
“Fuck,” he gasped, laughing in disbelief. “I’m kissing the coolest girl at the party! And, ever,” he chuckled.
As the two of them killed the joint and forgot it even existed, Rodrick eventually returned to his previous state of silently worshiping Sara.
“I don’t want you to think I just wanna hook up, or something,” he said, feeling kind of stupid, “I don’t wanna kiss you because I’m trying to sleep with you. I wanna kiss you because you’re the one person worth kissing.”
“We’ll see if you can prove it,” she decided.
He thought she was leaning in to kiss him, but this time, she got up, sitting down on his lap. He looked at her practically in shock as she laid her hands on his shoulders, looking at him nonchalantly. To him, this was a shockingly kind gesture, but to her, it was a simple test to make sure he didn’t react like he knew this was coming all along.
“Oh, fuck,” Rodrick gasped, unable to control his responses.
She looked at him innocently, playing with his hair as she sat on his lap.
“Is this okay?” she asked him.
“More than okay,” he nodded quickly, seeming flustered.
He closed his eyes slowly as she leaned into kiss him, fingers getting lost in his hair as she deepened the kiss. He was a bit stiff at first, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, but eventually, he became more confident in what he did for her. Rodrick placed his hands on her waist in a more innocent manner, not groping or grabbing.
He was simply admiring her, taking pleasure in the fact that he got to look at her more so than anything else. Closing his eyes readily, he gave a tiny, surprised whine as her kisses moved to his neck, gradually becoming more rough. He panted softly as he felt her nipping at the sensitive skin on his neck, now desperately grabbing onto her ass.
He mumbled random and desperate praise as she kissed his neck, completely lost in his own ecstasy.
“Fuck, you drive me crazy,” he laughed lightly, “You’re perfect. You’re so pretty. Shit,” he whined, feeling her grind harder and harder against him.
Sara roughly tilted Rodrick’s head upward by suddenly tugging on his hair, listening to his surprisingly high-pitched sounds as she kissed on his neck. A low grunt got caught in his throat as she hit the right spot, sighing as she brought her kiss back up to his lips.
“You like that, huh?” she wondered.
“Yeah,” Rodrick nodded quickly, stopping to hold her, his arms wrapped protectively around her. “I do. This is literally the best date ever,” he laughed.
“Is that so?” Sara asked in amusement.
“Yeah,” he nodded, eyes wide and pleading as he tried to compose himself.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Awww… thank you for the nice comments about my drawing… I do really think that I could have done better ;-; but I’m glad that you liked it. And thank you for the banana, since you were nice to give me a gift, I shall return the favor!
Mature Content Warning.
{ A bit of context: Ok so I ship my oc (her name is D.A. as a nickname) with Link (BOTW/TOTK) a lot… for many different reasons but all you need to know that D.A. is a Tall Queen and Link is her Short King. But that will be another story for another time, so this will be about the Reader of any gender, and the Chain. }
The chain and the reader are just hanging around at a campsite, doing their own thing. Unfortunately it is very hot outside and Wild is not having it at all. So after lunch is over, he chills next to reader under a tree and tries to take a nap. While he sleeps, he began to have a bit of a fun dream. He sees himself at the bottom of the hill, (in the Barbarian Armor cuz I’m that type of person) and on the top of this hill, he sees his flower, but he has to climb to get to them. So he climbs and climbs and climbs, ironically enough, the higher he goes, the hotter the atmosphere is around him. Wild starts to sweat and sweat, but he doesn’t stop, he wants his lover so badly. It’s only at the top, he realizes that his sweetie is a giant now, and unfortunately they can’t hear him from way down there. So he gently climbs onto the hot smooth skin of this beautiful being in front of him. He continues to climb, up their body, all soft and warm, and Wild is starting to become crazy, just aching for relief from this mayor yet. Finally, he makes he way face to face with his lover, with him standing on their chest. And an reward for climbing all the way to the top, Wild is given a kiss from this beautiful beautiful being (kinda like how those huge fairies kiss him when he upgrades or something? I haven’t played the game .3.) When the kiss is done, suddenly there is this waterfall above Wild, giving him the cooling relief he craved so bad as he wails out in satisfaction. Once the ordeal is over, Wild opens his eyes and is meet with a bunch of eyes on him. The Reader and the chain just look at him.
Reader is confused and concerned.
Wind doesn’t even has a clue what is going on as his eyes are being covered by Legend, Hyrule was attempting to cover Wind’s eyes but failed miserably.
Twilight and Sky both have second had embarrassment.
Calamity refuses to acknowledge what the hell just happened for his own mental sanity.
Warriors just has a smirk on his face.
Sage is just disgusted….. DISGUSTING!
And any other Link that I missed, their just have the confusion of da highest orda.
As for Wild… he feels like he is on top of something… so he slowing looks down, face is totally painted the bright shade of red by the way, and below him is an unfortunate (chulu? I honestly don’t know, it’s the blue thing with the eyes) jelly. The jelly seems like it has seem better days, and it wants to be out of its memory. Luckily it’s wish is granted, Wild pulls out his sword and pops it instantly. Eventually everyone continues to go about their day, refusing to mention anything that happened… all but one person that is…
Sage: Y’all get mad at me for how I act, but HE gets a PASS!? …. F all of y’all, all of y’all can go suck a caterpillar di-
Then the Reader just pulls Sage away to give him a stern lectures on how to treat people, but he’ll never listen…
So yeah… I know I draw but I seriously need to start writing all my random ideas and put them on this app… I named myself “mrswritter” damnit!! I’ll work on this one day… but I hope you enjoyed this! Please take your time as you relax from the requests, you’ve feed us so well, now we shall pay the bill. This story was my payment, and as a tip, here’s an apple, a red one this time! 🍎
Legend is offended on your behalf. Like he is acting like a wounded mother who had someone swear in front of her kid. Hyrule is like, hand to the mouth, shocked.
Twilight is just defeated bc that was who he was mentoring and he doesn't know if he failed wild or Wild failed him. Sky doesn't know where the timeline went wrong.
Time is wondering if it's too late to go back and eradicate the timeline. Wars for sure is smirking because now he gets to hold this over Wild's head forever.
And Cal and Sage? They are by far the most insulted. Cal is downright disgusted since he's more duty bound than the other two, so he's a little more...sophisticated in a way. Sage is furious. He kisses you one time and they separate the two of you for two hours. But Wild can do this and just...get away with it?!
Fucking Double Standard. He is ranting and raving about this constantly. He even gets Cal on his side.
Reader has to prolly scold them both lmao.
I enjoyed it very much! Honestly, it was a struggle to start consistently writing for me lmao. I require no payment, but tidbits like this are always appreciated! Since you've switched it up, I shall too! 🍋 Have a lemon!
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dollycrybaby · 1 year
Desperate Times Call For Different Measures
Prompt: "Himbo Nepo baby Ben Solo becomes cut off from the family money so he makes extra cash by coming an OnlyFans content maker who takes pictures of his cock next to stuff like footling subs and Lysol cans"
*Credit to @Ate_Lala_ on Twitter for the prompt
Warnings: vulgar language, descriptions of dick, swearing, brief description of masturbation (m)
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Honestly it had started off as a joke. Actually, not even a joke. More like an act out of desperation. Once his dad had cut him off—literally, he cut his credit cards right in front of him, all 8 of them—Ben knew he needed money, and fast. He was accustomed to a certain lifestyle. How was he supposed to live without supporting girls through college by showering them in hundred dollar bills while they shook their plastic tits in front of his face, or missing out on fucking the new towel girl six ways from Sunday in the private tent at the country club?
God forbid he could no longer rail the models of the stupid fashion show his family was required to attend and try to see his cum leaking out and down the model’s legs as she walked down the runway, face flushed and thighs still shaking from being wrapped around Ben’s waist. The designers clothes honestly looked better with his cum staining it anyways.
No money meant no more car shopping, meant no more buying Rolexes, and no more Gucci. He had to deal with wearing last season’s line, and that was an embarrassment. The saving grace was that he had 20 days left on his membership of his last OnlyFans subscription. It was while he was cumming inside his custom made fleshlight to a girl dressed like some slutty anime character making herself cum with a tentacle shaped dildo that it hit him; He could make an OnlyFans.
Ben Solo had the body of marble carved by the gods and he knew it, but he also knew there was one part of him in specific that was godly as well. It was already difficult enough finding clothes that fit his Sasquatch body, but finding underwear that didn’t end up with a hole in the crotch from the fabric being stretched out by his megacock was in and of itself an impossible mission. Half of the time he just went commando.
It would have to be under a fake name. But what would he post? He didn’t need his face out there and deal with his dad cursing him out about disgracing the family and end up disowning him. And chicks weren’t fans of being filmed and uploaded. People only care about dicks either way, that was the main thing but jacking off seemed lacking in pizazz. He liked to show off. He liked to know that he could get girls on all fours at the snap of his fingers and he most definitely liked to show that he was better than any of the guys out there in the world. And what best way to do that than to emasculate them?
That whole thing about the chick with the big fuck-me-eyes from 'That 70’s Show' comparing her husband’s own schlong between a beer can or a carrot stick popped into his mind. And that was his first post. His limp dick in the middle of a carrot stick and a can of Modelo all lined up on the black countertop of his bathroom sink with the caption ‘Guess I beat Ashton Kutcher.’ Post to Twitter. Cha-Ching. The next day when he had checked his profile, girls had flooded his subscriber count faster than he racked up credit card bills.
‘I squirted just by looking at it 💦’
‘That thing could split me in half and I wouldn’t complain 🥵’
‘Give me that hard cock 🥵🤤🍆💦’
They thought he was hard? Well this had to be remedied, he didn’t need them thinking this was as big as he could get. He looked around his room for the closest thing he could use as a comparison which was his Fiji water bottle and rushed to the bathroom, not even hesitating to yank his sweatpants down and start tugging on himself. His mind rifled through the mental spank bank Rolodex until he landed on the memory of freshman year in college when he had a 3rd year sorority girl blowing him outside the building where he was supposed to be taking his midterm. Oh, the sinful noises her throat made….
He had to stop before he came. This was a noticeable difference in comparison to his first post; this time the veins were more prominent, his foreskin was pulled back to reveal his swollen red tip that was oozing precum tears on the sleek counter material, and the 3 birth freckles that were scattered along his shaft just like he had on the rest of his body.
‘Oh you guys thought I was hard before?’ Post. Mega Cha-Ching. If the comments weren’t flooding his mailbox before, they were a sea of messages now. From then on, his fanbase grew and so did the numbers in his newly opened bank account. Ben took great pride in his photos, always making sure the angle captured the size of it versus the competiton object he had next to it. The photos were always of high quality though he supposes he owes that to his phone’s camera. The latest model he got sent for Christmas it wasn’t even out on the market yet. Mouthwash bottle, Lysol air freshener cans, footlong subs, a fucking Pelligrino bottle, you name it. None of them even stood a remote chance against Ben Solo’s cock.
On the picture comparing his cock to his size 13 Gucci loafers, a person had commented on the post 'It’s fake, it’s some kind of silicone prop.' Oh Ben’s ego didn’t like that. You could say a lot of things about him, but saying his massive horse cock was a lie? Think again, bud.
That was the caption of his next post—a video, his first video—where he had recorded the end of an intense masturbation session. If his cock wasn’t already proven to be inhumanly large, his baseball mitt sized hand just added fuel to the fire the way it stroked his engorged organ like it was a life or death necessity. The video was 30 seconds; 12 seconds of his foreskin slapping and his stuttered breathy moans before the rest of the clip showed him shooting his load big enough to fill the flask he used to sneak in to private school dances, groans and growls being exhaled through his teeth as he painted the black countertop. “Still think it’s fake, fuckhead?” He pants.
Author's note: If you guys think I should turn this into a series, lemme know! This could count as a sort of prologue or a quick little introduction to the story. 💜
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xocasper · 2 years
Sunset and Vine
Pairing: Frank Iero x Reader Summary: Kinktober Day Four - Hate Sex Warnings: NSFW content Tags: hate sex, degradation, begging, oral sex Word Count: 3756 A/N: My pre-August writing makes me puke, honestly. It's a crime. Unfortunately, it's one of my only Frank fics. I'll definitely write another one after I finish the Ray fic I'm working on. Anyway, the title is a reference to Taylor Swift, not geography. Enjoy!
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Having Gerard as a roommate was great in many aspects. He wasn’t loud or overly messy, and he didn’t take long showers–if any–keeping the bills low. It was nice to have someone to talk about your problems with, especially someone as empathetic as him. Living with him was so close to perfect that it seemed like any issue could be overlooked. Unless that issue was his best friend, who was practically a third roommate at this point.
Frank was probably at your apartment more than you were, hanging out with Gerard as often as he could. This would be fine if he wasn’t the most insufferable person you’d ever met, priding himself on his ability to infuriate you. Whether it was waking you up at night by talking too loud, or having the energy of a Jack Russell terrier at eight in the morning, having Frank around always sparked conflict.
Aside from his rowdy behavior, he was also a total asshole. The second he realized you disliked him, he made it his life’s mission to push you over the edge. His tactics varied from playground insults to minor “accidents”, which included shoving past you in the hallway, eating food that you swore you marked, and other intentional inconveniences.
You weren’t much better, often retaliating just as bad. It was mostly bickering and occasional roughhousing, but nothing worth leaving over. Gerard usually got in the middle of things, making futile attempts to settle arguments before someone got hurt. In addition to this, he was always trying to convince the two of you that the other was tolerable, nice even. Until it showed though, you took his convictions with a grain of salt.
Today you had less patience than usual, getting little sleep the night before. It was a Saturday so you had more than enough time to nap, but you couldn’t seem to relax. You could live with that, but things got worse when you went to the kitchen, realizing quickly that you had forgotten to go grocery shopping. Despite the rough morning, you tried to keep an open mind.
Shopping wasn’t awful, but the lines were. After waiting in line for ten minutes, the lane closed, leaving you to wait another ten minutes in another line. Somehow, your day hadn’t been troublesome enough. The universe had granted you fifteen minutes of traffic on the way home, because heaven forbid you try and stop for coffee.
Coffee that you spilled as you got out of the car, effectively staining your pants, warranting a frustrated outburst, or at least a few tears. As if this wasn’t enough, you walked all the way up to your floor, arms full, with no key. Not only had you locked your car keys in your car, but also the key to the apartment, resulting in ten minutes of knocking and calling Gerard.
Thankfully, he came to your rescue, greeting you at the door with an exhausted expression, one that quickly turned to worry as he saw the distress on your face. He didn’t say anything at first, taking the bags and placing them on the kitchen counter before returning to you with open arms. It was nice, cathartic, to be held, and you were more than grateful for his compassion. However, you still wanted to take your anger out on something, feeling a strong urge to go punch a hole in your wall like an angsty teenage boy.
Gerard wasn’t going to let you do that though, unpacking the groceries and telling you to change into clean pants. When you came back in a fresh pair of sweats, he already had the coffee maker brewing, proudly presenting you with a cup as you took a seat at the counter.
“I take it your morning went well?” he joked, blowing away the steam while you held your head in your hands.
“Gerard, I’m running on three hours of sleep and eight ounces of coffee, and my keys are locked in my car. So yes, my morning was fucking wonderful.”
He breathed a small laugh, shaking his head as he took a sip of coffee. “It’s only eleven, so you’ve still got time to do something fun. Besides, it’s Saturday, which means no work. At the very least you can take a nap.”
His suggestions were sweet, but you’d already failed to go back to sleep, which took that off the list. “Actually, one of my friends is dragging me to some bar tonight,” you groaned, remembering the promise you’d made to her after she spent two weeks begging you to go.
He gave you his condolences before downing the rest of his cup and returning to his bedroom, leaving you to dwell on the rest of your day. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t seem to lighten up, the afternoon dragging on slower than usual. At least you had your keys now–thankfully Gerard kept a spare–so that took some weight off your shoulders.
You had gotten a couple of texts from your friend, ensuring that you were still going and practically begging you to put some effort into your appearance. More to prove yourself than anything, you reluctantly hauled yourself out of bed to get dressed up, hoping something short and scandalous would be the cure to your problems.
A few hours had gone by since something detrimental had happened, leaving you to believe that the storm had passed and that you could enjoy your night. You tried to stay positive as you picked up your friend, fortunately arriving at her place with less traffic than earlier. She was standing outside already, breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of you, who had tried harder than usual to look nice.
Things really seemed to be looking up, as you arrived at the bar with no accidents or road rage, and you were actually starting to look forward to the night. Plus, dressing up proved to be some help, as you were chatting it up with some guy at the bar who couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from you.
Maybe this was good–you had a pretty poor day, so a hookup wasn’t an awful idea. He was cute and seemed interested in you, but right as you were going to take things further, your friend stumbled over, slurring something about how she had puked on someone’s shoes.
Lo and behold, there was another girl, drunk off her ass, wailing about her ruined heels. Of course, when things began to seem okay, there had to be some sort of sabotage, bringing you right back to square one. You muttered a quick apology to the guy, who waved you off and moved on to someone else, rubbing salt in the wound.
Thankfully, you hadn’t had much to drink, leaving you much more sober than your friend and a much safer driver. You tried your best to keep her calm while she cried about ruining your night, and how there was this “totally sexy guy” that she was in love with–despite forgetting his name–and how she would never see him again. As much as you loved her, it was exhausting, and you were more than happy to walk her inside and get her a glass of water before heading home.
All you wanted was to go to sleep, but the second you walked inside, you knew that wasn’t happening. Instead of a quiet apartment, you were met with the unpleasant sight of Frank, sprawled out on your couch.
“Oh my fucking god, you’re here?” you asked, exasperated.
He rolled his eyes, “Are you always such a whiny bitch?”
Gerard looked back and forth between the two of you, concerned and slightly frustrated as he tried to diffuse the situation. “Hey, I didn’t expect you to be home until later, and I can tell that something happened, but Frank isn’t here to bother you.”
“Look, I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than come home to this,” you assured him, motioning to the mess that was Frank, shirt rucked up and a beer in hand, looking disheveled and a little buzzed.
“Says the one dressed like a back alley whore,” he scoffed; his words would be hurtful if you hadn’t heard them a million times.
“Don’t you moan on stage for people?” you snapped impatiently.
Frank sneered, “You’re just pissed that it’s not for you.”
He was insufferable, absolutely awful in every way, shape, and form. After the day you’d had, you barely had it in you to not take a Louisville Slugger to his knees. The grin he wore as he fueled the flame made it worse, ignorant and mocking as he waited for your insufficient response.
“You’re vile,” you spat, slipping your shoes off and having half a mind not to chuck them at him.
“But I’m right.”
Finally, Gerard piped up. “Alright let’s not do this right now. You go chill out for a bit,” he instructed, pointing at you. “And you, stop instigating them.”
“Fine,” you huffed, sauntering off to the bathroom to shower off the lingering grime from the bar.
As previously mentioned, a perk of living with Gerard was the nearly endless supply of hot water. His hygiene—or lack thereof—meant you could take long, hot showers without any complaints. This was especially helpful after days like these, the warm water cascading down your body, taking your problems with it as it whirlpooled down the drain.
You weren’t sure how long you had spent in there, but it must’ve been a while as the wretched sound of Frank’s shouting had died out. Hopefully, he had left, and realized that he also had somewhere to live. At this point, you should’ve made him start paying rent, he spent enough time here anyway.
Unfortunately, he was still hanging around, making his presence abundantly clear after you finished blow-drying your hair, banging on the door far harder than necessary.
“Could you be any louder?” he griped as you opened the door, eyes lingering on your bare skin, body barely covered by your towel.
“My eyes are up here,” you snapped, annoyed solely because it was him.
“I know where they are,” he said, eyes narrowed mockingly.
”Is Gerard still here?” you asked as you pushed past him, heading off to your room with him trailing after you, sticking around in the doorway.
He knew you were attractive, but it was nearly embarrassing how difficult it was to focus on anything else, watching closely as you shuffled over to your dresser. “No, he went to get food, what’s it matter to you?”
“You actually shut up for once, I figured he must’ve left,” you turned to face him, quickly realizing he was still in the doorway. “Fucking Christ, Iero, have some dignity.”
He grinned as you shut the door on him, heading back to the living room while you changed away from prying eyes. When you finished, you had little choice but to sit next to him, now hungry upon the mention of food. Staying in your room wasn’t the best option when there was a 5’6 toddler in your living room, so you settled on the opposite end of the couch.
“You’re really wearing that?” he asked in distaste, receiving an eye roll.
“They’re fucking pajamas, yes, I’m wearing them.”
“Okay,” he said passive-aggressively, raising his hands in defense. “Better than whatever you wore earlier.”
Impatient didn’t even cover how you felt at this point. “How in the world are you friends with Gerard?”
“How are you his roommate?” he fired back.
“Because I’m not an insufferable douchebag.”
“And I’m not a priss, so it seems like he can put up with anyone.”
This didn’t help, leaving both of you equally pissed off. “Look, I’ve had a pretty awful day, and now I come home to this,” you motioned at him. “In my living room. Go back to the fucking dog pound, Frank.”
“Did anyone ever tell you that the world doesn’t revolve around you? As far as I’m concerned, you pay half the rent. So no, I’ll be staying,” he said, breath stalling as he realized just how close the two of you were.
You hated how attractive he was, from the way he spoke to his appearance, boyish and effortless. It was clearer up close, which only upset you more. “Get the fuck out of my apartment.”
He huffed a short laugh, breath fanning across your skin from the close proximity. “Is that what you really want? Or are you actually dying to be fucked? I know you think about it,” he said cynically. “Quit being a bitch all the time and maybe you’ll get what you want.”
“Shut up,” you told him, burning up as he carefully placed his hand on your jaw.
“C’mon, you can do better than that,” he mocked you, thumb brushing across your parted lips, and lightly pressing it against your tongue. “You’re so much sexier with your mouth shut.”
Maybe it was lack of oxygen, or the weight of your day, or maybe even the two shots back at the bar, but you could barely think as his thumb left your mouth, swiftly replaced by his lips. You had no issue kissing back though, coming to your senses just enough to gain some control. His hands flew to your waist to pull you closer, yours tangled in his hair.
Frank was an outlet, and you could project all your frustration and anger onto him–he deserved it. When you pulled away, his arrogant grin returned, and you gave him a sharp glare before kissing him again.
His kisses were rough and carnal, wasting no time parting your lips once more and gliding his tongue against yours, smooth and assured. You were on fire, and as much as you hated giving in, he was irresistible.
“We are not doing this on my couch,” you told him, panting softly.
“Why? Don’t want Gerard to see you getting fucked like a whore?”
It turned you on more than you’d like to admit, ignoring him and pulling him towards your room. The second the door shut, he was back on you, hands meeting the bare skin of your waist as he held you, fingers digging into your sides with more aggression than you deemed necessary. He slid your shirt off and pushed you back onto the bed, leaving you surprised that he was even more attractive when he was on top of you. Frank, however, hadn’t stopped thinking about this since you came out of the bathroom, his gaze fixed on your half-naked form.
You grew impatient in the few seconds he spent idle, snapping at him. “Can you hurry up? Or will I have to get myself off without you?”
With a scoff, he pulled off his own shirt, chest showcasing a handful of tattoos, arousal coursing through you at the sight of them. “Can you be patient for two fucking seconds?” he glowered at you.
“Maybe if you weren’t so slow, I wouldn’t need to be,” you bit back, quickly cut off by his lips on yours, his fingers tracing the waistband of your pants before shucking them off.
Everything was quick from there, Frank’s palms warm against your thighs as he pushed you up against your pillows. He nipped at your skin, sucking and biting at your chest, leaving light blemishes as he went, smoothing over each one with quick flicks of his tongue.
“For as much as you run your mouth, I thought you’d know how to use it,” you said, earning a gentle bite in response, Frank perking up as you let out an involuntary moan at the sudden sharpness.
He let out a dry laugh, “You’re in for a real surprise, then.”
Frank proved himself right as he settled between your thighs, making quick work of your panties before resting your legs over his shoulders, and placing his hands under the swell of your ass. His ego grew at the sight of you, splayed out and desperate to be touched, dripping with arousal mere inches from him. He could hear the way your breath caught in your throat, anxiously waiting for relief. Your subtle shifts didn’t go unnoticed either, Frank relishing in your attempts to get closer to him. Finally, he leaned in, tongue running flat as he tasted you, feeling his jeans grow tighter as you arched into his touch.
It was almost embarrassing how eager you were for him, but anyone would be with the way his tongue moved, lapping with a motive. He was a bit shocked to be enjoying himself around you, but he was between your legs, after all, listening to every vulnerable noise you made. It was enough to make him pull you closer, sucking lightly on your clit as you attempted to grind against him.
“You know,” you started, cutting yourself off with a moan as he worked his tongue at a merciless rate, undoubtedly to shut you up. “You’d be so much more tolerable if you did this instead of talking.”
He almost pulled away, ready to shoot back a comment about how you would also be more tolerable if you were sucking his dick, but he selfishly believed his mouth had better use between your thighs.
“Frank,” you whined, rocking down against him as he pulled away for a moment, lubricating the pads of his fingers with your arousal.
The sound of his name on your tongue surprised him at first, but his shock quickly turned to desire. It was easily the hottest thing he’d ever heard, making it a goal to earn every noise he could. Every moan increased tenfold as he slipped his fingers inside of you, moving slowly before picking up an even pace. His tongue was a fierce contradiction, gently licking at your clit while his fingers curled quicker, the contrast sending an orgasm rippling through you.
With quick strokes of his tongue, he cleaned you up, pulling every last sound from you. Hastily, he climbed up the bed, itching to get out of his tight jeans. For once, you had nothing to say, too focused on catching your breath.
“Open,” he instructed, biting back a moan as your tongue lolled out.
He pressed his slick fingers to it once more, but this time you closed your lips around them, sucking and flicking your tongue against the pads, causing him to let out a choked curse.
“You’d be so perfect if you weren’t a bitch all the time,” he told you, pulling away as you unzipped his pants.
To your surprise, he stopped you, receiving a look of subtle concern. “What do you want?” he asked, a wicked grin on his face. You paused, looking at him confused.
“C’mon, I want to hear it,” he insisted, waiting for you to speak.
“I’m not gonna beg for it,” you told him, rolling your eyes. He shrugged and started to slide away from you, and you found yourself giving in quicker than you would’ve liked.
“Fine!” you said, and he looked back, waiting smugly for your pleas. “I want you to fuck me.”
It definitely sounded forced, and he could tell that your voice was laced with annoyance. He hummed, “I don’t know, that seemed kinda rude. Try again.”
You looked at him exasperated, trying again with slightly less irritation. “Please, Frank.”
He still wasn’t convinced, shaking his head, grin still plastered on his face. “Man, you’re really bad at this.”
“You’re such an asshole,” you lashed out, kissing your remaining dignity goodbye as you put on a sweet voice for him. “Frank, please fuck me, please. I need it.”
Proudly, he tugged his jeans off. “See what happens when you’re nice?”
You ignored him, too focused on the generous bulge in his boxers, prying down the waistband with nimble fingers. A wave of sheer want crashed over you, head spinning as he hovered over you on full display, Frank quickly noticing how your eyes stayed fixed on him.
“See something you like?” he asked, breath catching as you reached a hand up, gently stroking him.
“Fuck you,” you muttered bitterly, and he was back to scowling at you.
Frank lined himself up before you could react, taking things slow just until he was buried inside of you. “Has no one ever thought to fuck the bitch out of you?” he asked, eyes narrowed in mild distaste.
You opened your mouth to retaliate, but he quickly snapped his hips against yours, any rebuttal you had prepared turning to a loud moan. He built up a rhythm, rough and unforgiving, hooking your legs around his waist to thrust harder, deeper, as you cried out beneath him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, desperate for anything to ground you. He moaned as your nails sunk into his back, the sweet burn encouraging him to pound harder.
With another call of his name, you came undone, legs shaking around him as he thrust a few more times before pulling out. Frank let out a short string of curses as you wrapped your hand around him, pumping him until he came on your stomach.
He laid next to you for a minute, the two of you panting softly from the exertion. It was peaceful, although a bit odd, to have him next to you, without arguing or hard feelings. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought.
“I’m surprised Gerard isn’t back yet,” he said out of the blue, sitting up.
Oh fuck. You had forgotten that he was due home soon.
“Shit, you should probably go then,” you said, eyes barely open at this point. “Could you get a towel?”
He snickered, “Clean it yourself.”
“You’re disgusting,” you said, slapping his thigh. With a melodramatic sigh, he left, returning a few moments and tossing a towel at you.
“Thank you, now get dressed before Gerard sees you stark naked in the hallway.”
He grinned, “So we’re cool now?”
“As if,” you mumbled tiredly, though in your haze you still shot him a smile, listening to him fumble with his jeans as you cleaned yourself off.
Too caught up in your sleepy state, you nearly missed the sound of his soft footfalls and the creak of your bedroom door as it shut, and Gerard’s voice through the walls as he returned a few minutes later. You’d have more than enough time to regret this tomorrow, but at the moment, it seemed like a pretty good end to a pretty bad day.
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kinktober taglist: @clichedlovers  @halloweenbitch2764  @lubbockshusband @cigarettesandalcohol  @couldbegayer1234  @doc-martens-enthusiast @yachiiko @becausethedrugsneverwork @michelethesong @dangerouslittlefairy @chronicallythicc
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