#and i know im very luck to be able to get out for food
cloudcountry · 1 year
nrc students reading aloud
SUMMARY: Pick your favorite NRC boy(s) and have them read out loud to you! What could go wrong?
COMMENTS: i was working on this for a while and ultimately decided to just publish all of them together since i finished them all!! i've been yearning for azul to read to me because im really tired so here we are. also hey epel you want to read to me in your country accent hahah???? hahahaa.a......asking for a friend lol......................haha.
Riddle reads it all perfectly. I don’t know what you were expecting, but his mother probably drilled reading out loud into his head. Also, he’s amazing at public speaking and probably didn’t fumble once. He’ll be as rigid as a board so if you want to rest your head on him good luck.
Trey is much more entertaining. He makes funny voices to go along with the characters and sometimes he’ll throw in hand gestures. He’ll let you rest your head on his shoulder and snuggle as close to him as you want. He doesn’t stumble either, but it’s because he’s so used to reading bedtime stories to his siblings.
Cater thinks he’s got it but he ends up stumbling occasionally. He’s not horrible, but you can see his face turning pink when he tries to pronounce something and fails. He’ll also let you rest on his shoulder, but his voice is so nice to listen to that you might fall asleep (he wouldn’t mind.)
Deuce is so precious but there’s no way he’d be able to read out loud. He’s shaking at the mere mention of it, even though it’s only you. His face is beet red after a few seconds, the occasion “uh-” or “um-” breaking the sentences. He’ll get even more nervous if you lay your head on his shoulder, sweating nervously at your close proximity and mind blanking. Was he reading? What book is this? is it upside down? Help!
Ace is another one who thinks he’s got it. He does moderately okay, except for the fact that whenever he doesn’t know how to pronounce a word he purposefully says it in the most incorrect way possible. He’ll also make funny voices, but his are so outlandish and disturbing that your laughter will slowly turn into crying. Don’t rest your head on his shoulder, he’ll do the opposite of Deuce and tease the heck out of you.
Leona refuses. If you beg, he may read you one sentence. It’s just not worth it to him, plus he knows you’re trying to embarrass him. You could read to him though, he says, because your voice is soothing. He’ll keep going until you’re so flustered you stop bothering him.
Ruggie is going to tease you. There’s no getting around it. He’ll ask if you want him to read you bedtime stories, but the second you pull out a snack for you two to share he’s sitting down and grabbing the book. He insists that you feed him, since he can’t possibly eat the food when he’s holding the book, and uses the break you two take to eat together to add commentary to the stories. It’s very much a “character a was so stupid what was that” discussion.
Jack is really sweet, so he’d agree immediately. Quietly mumbles to himself under his breath when he doesn’t know how to pronounce a word because he doesn’t want to disturb you by asking what it means. If you end up falling asleep he’s going to wake you up as gently as possible, and now he’s concerned about your sleep schedule.
Azul will not read to you for free unless it’s lesson materials. Lucky for you, you two regularly study together. He’s going to turn bright red if he messes up a single word, so be patient with him if he suddenly goes quiet. He’d prefer if you read some parts to him too, and may wordlessly push the book towards you if that’s the case. Thankfully, he rarely messes up so you won’t have to deal with your study buddy running out of the Lounge.
Jade wouldn’t mess it up. Ever. It makes you wonder if there’s anything this man can’t do (besides handle heights during flight lessons, not take a picture of every mushroom he sees, etc.) He’ll be flattered by your praise, brushing you off with his normal demeanor. He will let you rest on his shoulder, and if he likes you enough he’ll rest on you as well.
Floyd is almost impossible to make read. If you ask him that at all, he’s likely to throw the book and say he doesn’t want to if he’s in a sour mood. If you catch him in a good mood, he’ll refuse if he thinks it’s not interesting. You have to find the right book and get him on the right day, and even then you wouldn’t be able to rest on his shoulder because he’d squeal and squeeze the heck out of you.
Kalim would be wonderful at reading aloud. He has a nice voice and is naturally entertaining, so you can count on character voices and hand gestures. He’ll look up from the book sometimes to see if you’re enjoying it. He’d totally let you rest on his shoulder too, clacking it up to you just being tired and needing a break from everything. He’s happy to be your sanctuary!
Jamil also wouldn’t mess up a single word. His voice is so nice too, if you fall asleep I wouldn’t blame you. He’ll let you rest on his shoulder, but he acts like you’re not even there. He’s focused on the reading while subconsciously acknowledging your presence, which is nothing new to you.
Vil doesn’t know why you want to hear him read a story of all things, but he will not refuse. He reads a bit slowly, but his voice makes every word sound beautiful. You suppose it’s to be expected, since Vil constantly conducts himself with pure beauty in mind. He’ll let you rest on his shoulder for a bit, but will wake you up if you fall asleep.
Rook would much rather listen to you read, but who is he to deny your request! The words that fly from his mouth are nothing short of dramatic. He makes everything sound like poetry, and it’s like the writing is swirling around you like a tornado. It’s amazing how Rook can see the beauty in everything, and share that view with you just by speaking.
Epel immediately thinks about Vil and what he told Epel to do about his accent. Epel tries his best to tone it down, and he really doesn't want to get yelled at by Vil again over reading something to you. But when you confess that the entire reason you want Epel to read to you is so you can hear his accent, he flushes. Fine, he thinks, he’ll do it for you. And he does. Hesitantly at first, but slowly getting more confident, he slips into the sound of his voice that says apples and strength and hard work, instead of using the one forced upon him by a man who wanted to turn him into something he didn’t want to be.
Idia is going to have a heart attack. He’ll type the story to you in a text to speech thingy if you want to hear it so bad! Idia lovers already knew how this one was going to turn out…you are not getting him to read out loud. And if, on the off chance, you did, he’d throw the book and hide away in his room for weeks if he got one word wrong.
Ortho is a sweetheart and would read to you without hesitation. Well, maybe with a little bit of hesitation because he doesn’t quite understand why you want him to read it out loud. Once you explain your reasoning, no matter whether it's logical or emotional, Ortho will nod in understanding and begin reading. It’s weirdly soothing, while also being a bit unnerving because he doesn’t mess up a single word. He won’t let you rest on his shoulder though, because he knows it’ll be uncomfortable and you may get a neck cramp!
Malleus takes your request seriously. You want him to read to you? He’s visiting late as per usual, so he might as well help you to bed, right? He tucks you in and pats your head, making sure Grim is comfortable too. Then he stands right above you and begins to read, his voice so monotone you'd think you were a lecture. It’s not boring, it’s quite the opposite, and both you and Grim sleep very well because of it.
Lilia is used to reading bedtime stories since he’s adopted like three children, so he’s got the funny voices and hand gestures down. If you want to rest on him for a little while, he’ll rest you. If you’re good he may even give you One (1) Single Headpat. But only if you listen to his story all the way through and don’t fall asleep!
Sebek loves to read. He thinks you made the right choice, coming to someone like him to read you something. His voice is very intense as he’s reading, proof of how focused he is on the material. He doesn’t mess up once, and his tone is as dynamic as the writing itself. You hear it when he gets angry or when he’s beginning to get excited, and it’s the most wholesome thing you’ll probably ever get out of him.
Silver will try for you. He really will. He’ll probably fall asleep on your shoulder in the middle of reading to you. If you fall asleep before him, you’ll wake up with his jacket draped over you. If you fall asleep after, you can just use him as a pillow. He won’t complain. He’s probably doing the same anyway.
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venuslcver · 2 months
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pairing: season4!robin x cheerleader!reader
synopsis: a standard car ride while dating robin.
tw: feminine described character, fluff, kissing, au without standard 80's homophobia (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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the screech of your, neon pink-colored, alarm clock filled your room. echoing throughout the vicinity of your large, pastel bedroom. finally easing up in noise when your palm collided against the base of it. letting out a huff, while laying your head back against your plush pillow, blatantly ignoring the alarm.
trying to dose off back into a slumber, although you were extremely tired. it happened to be just your luck— you couldn't fall back to sleep for the life of you.
now fully awake, you turn to push your face into the pillowcase that incased your pillow, asperatedly screaming into it. seeing that it is 7:05, you began scrambling out of the bed, feet colliding against the cream, carpeted floored room. making your way towards your bedroom connected bathroom.
sliding the spaghetti straps off of your shoulder, hips wiggling out of your pajama slip-dress. throwing you hair into hair-style that would keep it from getting wet. slipping into the steam filled shower, you began suzzing the entirety of your body in raspberry scented soap, loofah in hand.
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hearing steve's car pull into your driveway, you began scrambling down the second story of your house, slamming your pristine, bleached white cheer shoes against the stairs. walking with haste to the kitchen, greeted with the smile of your mother, plate in hand, stacked with pancake after pancake, enough food to feed you, steve, and robin— your girlfriend.
swiftly pecking the cheek of your mother, you took the plate out of her hand. slamming the front door, a smile, now, written on your face as you saw robin— head poke out of the semi-rolled-down window.
"yess, steve i told you that she would make food!"
seeing robin open up the passenger door to steve's car, she left a quick peck on your forehead before getting in the very middle, back seat. robin always, without fail, gave up the front seat for you. the one, and only time that you joined her in the back seat, steve accused robin and you of making out.
"you guys better not be sucking face back there"
ever since then, you had to spend all your time in steve's car, in the front seat. throwing your backpack into the passenger seat of the car, you slid into it while balancing the plate of pancakes. setting it on the center console, the hands of robin and steve began plucking them off quickly.
mouth stuffed to the brim with pancakes— yet you were still able to understand the insulting words that steve was hurling at you, "mhm these are good! there is no way that you made these"
the whole entirety of the car ride to school was usually spent on steve obnoxiously singing music from the cassette tape he made. At the same time, you leaned back in the passenger seat allowing robin access to your face to apply makeup.
it isn't abnormal if robin quickly glances over to steve, and when she sees his usual distracted-self dancing. barely even paying attention to the road, let alone paying any mind to the two of you— every fiber of attention paid forward, towards doing your make-up dissipated from robin's mind.
she would swiftly lay a passionate kiss on your lips, just lengthy enough to satisfy her need for affection, at least till you got to school. steve was even more strict than your mother, hell, you could go as far as to say the same about your father. but not too long, not lasting long enough for mama steve to start nagging you and robin, along with the over-dramatic fake gagging that would ensue.
though it needs to be said, that you would be the one that would be pulling away no matter how annoying you found steve. you thought that robin's friend was rather very kind for offering to drive you guys to school, even if that meant that he would have to leave his house extra early than he usually would for work.
arriving at your high school, robin is swift to vault out of the car, peeling the passenger door gaping open. now, clutching your backpack, for you, with her right hand. her other hand guided you out of the car, before gliding her palm against your cheer skirt, flattening it, to avoid you flashing the entire school your ass.
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 2 months
Anesthesia Ramblings
Dew gets top surgery and says some things while loopy on anesthesia.
(Not part of mushy may, though I’m considering writing something for it.)
Words: 877
Rating: T
Warning: mild description of surgery and medical procedures
Dew’s surgery had gone well, the doctor had told him as she‘d led Aether to Dew’s recovery room. She’d waited until the door was closed before letting him know that they’d had a few problems regarding the more supernatural elements of Dew’s body, but they were able to work around them.
Surgery on ghouls was extremely uncommon. Quintessence was the main tool in helping ghouls heal from sickness or injuries, so they rarely needed a physical procedure. Not to mention, ghouls couldn’t hold a glamour while unconscious. Their bodies healed themselves very quickly as well, which wasn’t ideal in surgery.
Through a stroke of luck, one of the few top surgeons in Sweden was a Clergy member. She’d previously lived at the Ministry headquarters, so she had full knowledge of the existence of ghouls. She had pulled together a surgical team who were willing to operate on a ghoul.
As a precaution, they had to have a Quintessence ghoul in the operating room to make sure Dew’s body didn’t try to fight the surgery. Omega had volunteered- he was the oldest Quint, had the most medical experience, and wasn’t about to let Aether go through the experience of watching his husband get cut open.
But now Dew was safe and sound, newly boobless and knocked out in the hospital bed. Aether was happy to have Dew back, but he was a little frustrated at how long it was taking for him to wake up. The doctor had assured him Dew would be fine despite the higher dose of anesthesia needed to knock him out, but Aether was still anxious.
He reached over and took Dew’s hand, lacing his fingers with the other man’s. He instinctively gave it three gentle squeezes- I love you.
Dew’s fingers twitched and Aether released his hand, worried he’d caused Dew pain. Then Dew’s hand moved again and he let out a soft grunt.
“Dew?” Aether asked, touching his husband’s arm. “Can you hear me?”
Dew grunted again in response. He moved his head to the side and cracked his eyes open. Aether smiled brightly.
“Hi, love. How do you feel?” Aether took Dew’s hand again.
“I…” Dew mumbled. “You’re… nice. But I… married. Sorry.”
“Yeah, married to me.” Aether snorted. He sneakily pulled his phone out of his pocket and started taking a video- the rest of the pack would definitely want to see this. It wasn’t every day that Dew was off his ass on anesthesia.
“Nooo…” Dew rolled his head back and forth, his eyes still barely open. “He’s… big. Strong. Makes good…” he trailed off, seemingly searching for a word. “Yellow fruit. Bread out of that.”
“Banana bread?” Aether chuckled.
“That’s the bitch.” Dew mumbled. Aether snorted.
“Alright, tell me more about your husband. He sounds pretty cool.” Aether teased.
“‘S… strong. Biiiiig arms. Size of… damn big arms.” Dew tried to gesture but couldn’t manage to lift his hands more than a few inches off the bed. “Sexy. Ooooh… he plays guitar, too. He’s sooo cool.” Dew grinned sleepily.
“Mhm. You really love this guy, don’t you?” Aether chuckled. Dew nodded emphatically.
“Mmm… love ‘im lots. He’s reeeeally hot.” Dew giggled. “Good ass. Better dick.” He yawned and nuzzled into his pillow. “Fuckin’… balls, too. Real set of hangers on ‘im.”
“Yeah?” Aether could barely contain his laughter. “Anything else about him?”
“Mmmm… no. You can’t have him.” Dew replied stubbornly. “‘M sleep now. Night.”
“Alright, goodnight.” Aether chuckled and patted Dew’s hand. He ended the video, looked over at Dew (who was now drooling on the pillow), and burst into giggles.
He’d never let Dew live this one down.
“I said what?” Dew asked incredulously. He’d woken up from his nap fully lucid and immediately demanded food, which Aether had delivered from the hospital cafeteria. He’d devoured his tasteless burger with surprising speed, considering he couldn’t move his arms very much.
“Let’s see… you said I made good banana bread, had nice arms, and had, and I quote, ‘a real set of hangers.’” Aether grinned, another round of giggles threatening to make its way out of him.
“The fuck does that mean?” Dew snorted, taking a cautious bite of a lukewarm fry and making a face. “Ugh, these have like, no salt on them.”
“You wanna see the video?” Aether handed over his phone. Dew watched the video, his expression slowly morphing into one of surprise and horror.
“Oh no.” Dew muttered. He handed Aether’s phone back to him, glaring as the other man laughed at his horrified face. “This can never see the light of day, understand?”
“Uh… about that…” Aether composed himself, though he was still grinning.
“You didn’t.” Dew gasped and tried to grab the phone back with his T-Rex arms. “Give it!”
“For the record,” Aether laughed, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “The general consensus was that ‘hangers’ was an excellent way to describe my balls.”
“I want a divorce.” Dew huffed, pointedly turning back to his food.
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thetriggeredhappy · 5 months
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so i know i don’t exactly talk about my personal life very much online except for occasional general details, and that’s for a reason—im a big fan of the privacy inherent to an internet persona. that’s one reason i don’t use any social media except tumblr. but some good stuff is starting to happen to me offline, so i wanted to give an overview!
i’ve been avoiding telling people about this, mostly because i was convinced that with my recent string of bad luck, i would jinx everything in the third act.
basically, i had a falling out with my family years ago and have been supporting myself ever since, financially unstable and, frankly, getting worse every year. but a few months ago, after i moved and was looking for a new job, i got a wild offer—basically, this guy who owned a local restaurant saw that i’d essentially been a head chef at my previous job for years, and he would pay for me to go get some credentials at a culinary school over a thousand miles away, and in return, i would work at the restaurant as a lead chef for a reasonable living wage with a consistent schedule and a lot of creative freedom. the catch was that i had to be able to afford my way on certain things—paying my rent and bills back home, paying for food and transportation once i was at the school, that sort of stuff. so i cracked down, got a different job in the meantime, and started saving money.
my job cut hours a bit, so i started looking for a second one. my job cut hours entirely, so i started looking for any work at all. i ran out of savings. i sold any of my things that i could. i went to any job interview i got, even ones that told me they’d already filled the position but would ‘hear me out’. when choosing between selling my mode of transport and getting a loan, i got a loan.
essentially, i made it here by the skin of my teeth! hopefully, once my time is up out here i’ll start working right away. and once i’m out of that rocky point in the middle, everything will be great! not having to work all hours of the day seven days a week will hopefully mean that i’ll finally have the free time to more seriously pursue my creative interests. that would mean, for example, an average of more than one chapter every few months, and therefore, the end of Taking Shots within our lifetimes.
that’s the gist of it! i’m still going to be offering commissions while i’m out here, since the budget is honestly way tighter than i’m comfortable with. and my kofi is over here, if you just wanna give a funky little gift.
thank you to everyone who drops by to vibe with me about the stuff i make, it really helps lift me up when i’m feeling down. happy new year!
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tomgregs · 1 year
genuinely hate to have to do this again but ive exhausted what im able to do and im not getting any luck with commissions whatsoever. not only is my insurance not covering any of my medications now (i have no insomnia meds and im running low on everything else. i also havent been able to get my testosterone authorized for some reason and overall its just been a huge headache) but im also almost 2 months behind on rent, and past due on multiple bills. (i havent had hot water in a couple weeks now) ive reached out to local community centers and even churches to see if i could get some help but i havent had any luck at all besides food banks helping with food which dont get me wrong im grateful for that, and a couple of places saying they might be able to help with bills. i just dont know what to do about everything else right now and the possibility that i could go homeless once again is very high at this point and im completely dreading it all. i rly do hate to have to sit here and ask for help but idk what to do and literally anything at this point will help
pls check out my discounted commissions prices if u might be interested in that
if ur in a position to help out heres my links: pypl cshpp: stupidsmilez
if u cant commission or help out, reblogs help just as much
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bellysoupset · 10 months
yo dude i know you just worked your ass off on that vince fic (i can tell bro bc holy shit, like i genuinely think thats my new favorite all time fic i'll go back to for years to come), but rn im just so 🤩🤩 rn with the idea of the football boys playing a game, like maybe a little for-fun game of football, maybe they go to a recreational basketball/baseball field to play a little game that isnt football in their freetime, and someone gets hurt or sumn? damn idk what it is with me and suggesting seeing these boys hurt but GODDDD ITS SO 🤩🤩🤩🤩 (also probably vince wouldnt be the hurt one, as he just got absolutely smushed. he may not even be in said setting bc he's still having to not do anything due to the last fic, if everything is in chronological order)(IH MY GOD WHAT IF VINCE WAS STAYING WITH JONAH AND LEO AND LEO WAS OUT PLAYING THE GAME WITH THEM AND COMES HOME HURT AND THE TWO ARE LIKE "damn not you too")(if you decide to go thru with this ask, please dont feel rushed bc i dont want you to get burnt out yk? take your time 💪💪💪)
"Finally, I see the sun," Vince groaned, causing Leo to roll his eyes.
"It's been literally ten days, you drama queen," he said, removing his baseball cap and pushing his hair back, away from his sweaty forehead, then planting the cap back down, this time facing back.
"Ten days of captivity," Vince said, dramatically rubbing his good hand over his face, "is good to be out of jail."
"I'd like to think my food is a little better than jail's," Leo scoffed, turning around and walking backwards towards the field, "are you sure you wanna stay and watch? Doesn't sound very fun to me."
"I was going stir crazy in that apartment," Vince winced as the limping pulled on his wounded side. He was definitely dosed up on painkillers, but there was still a dull throbbing on his side that the drugs couldn't chase, made worse by all the hopping around, "even sitting and watching you guys play is better fun than watching another episode Rachel's bad romantic decisions."
Leo grinned, turning around so he could run ahead and join the remaining guys on the field and Vince took his time limping towards the bleachers. His shirt was covered in sweat by the time he sat down.
He didn't know all the players. Leo, yes, Spencer and Mikey from the team too. The other people he didn't know, it seemed they were an weird rag tag team of people's various acquaintances. By the way Leo waved to some of them, he guessed they were colleagues from the law firm.
It didn't matter, Vince was just overjoyed to be out of the fancy apartment and smelling freshly cut grass, with the sun shining down on him. He had not been made to sit around, there was too much energy running through him during all hours of the day and the worst part of this whole accident had been no longer being able to hit the gym or the field or, hell, he'd even take Wendy's hot yoga classes at this point.
"Hey!" Luke's voice startled Vince and he turned on the hot stone bleachers in order to see him. Luke jogged closer, "good to see you out of bed."
"You have no idea," Vin nodded, studying his best friend, "you good? Bella said the bug was brutal."
"Yeah, I'm fine," Luke had a huge smile on, much like Vince he hated lying about, although he looked a little paler than normal and his voice was scratchy, "wish us luck."
"Make them cry, captain" Vince teased, raising both thumbs up, his left one cradled in his chest since his arm was still resting on the sling.
Lucas tipped his baseball cap in a cowboy-esque way, "you got it, man."
They were playing baseball and Vince didn't much care for it. It was much too american for him, aside from football he had always been more fond of soccer, something he had in common with Jonah. In fact, Jon had proved to be a bit of a soccer addict, Vince had found in the past week living with him and Leo. He knew all the leagues, yelled at the TV and got sullen when his team lost. It was quite amusing to Vin that, for once, he wasn't the one with the blood pressure skyrocketing through the roof.
He leaned back lazily, barely paying attention to the game, enjoying the warmth. Now that he was sitting down for a bit, the ribs' aching had quieted down.
For the next two hours he watched his friends sprint across the field, shouting at each other, ignoring the yelling from the opposite team. Vince blamed it on the drugs and the sun scorching down, but he was feeling sleepy in no time. He cursed at it, it was such a bummer that everyone else was right and he needed to rest, when all he did was rest now.
"Time!" he heard Lucas say, voice booming. He had that characteristic about him, where he could speak loudly and be heard by everyone without looking like he was screaming.
The group dispersed and Luke jogged back to where Vince was sitting, Leo close behind him.
"Are we winning, son?" Vince teased, causing Lucas to chuckle and shove his knee.
"Didn't make 'em cry, yet, but we're winning," he said, competitiveness rolling off of him. He glanced past his shoulder and frowned, "why are you pouting?"
Vince looked away from Luke, to Leo, and raised his eyebrows. As Lucas said, the blonde had a big frown on and he was squinting at the grass. He angrily rubbed at his forehead, "I don't... I don't feel so good."
"Shit, LU-" Vince shouted, using his good hand to shove Lucas' arm, who leaped forward just in time to catch Leo as his knees gave up.
"What the fuck?!" Luke squealed, his voice breaking. He grabbed Leo by the armpits, manhandling him to sit on the edge of the bleacher's step, "Leo? Leo, c'mon, open your eyes-"
"Not fainting," Leo slurred, pushing Lucas' frantic hands away from his face, "nauseous."
Vince grimaced as he scooted closer, having to prop all his body weight on his right arm in order to lower himself to the step under his, where Leo was sitting. He grabbed Leo's shoulder and then moved his hand up to his neck and cheeks. Despite the fact his cheeks were blazing red and his hair still damp with sweat, his cheeks were dry and his skin felt cold, "oh kid," Vince sighed, "I think you got heatstroke."
Lucas, still looking nervous, cupped Leo's face too, hunching on himself to look him in the face, "aww, why didn't you say anything?" he asked.
Vince watched as Leo's throat bobbed dangerously and he glanced at Luke, "I think you better move..."
He barely had time to say this and Leo was folding in half, vomit jetting out of his mouth and covering the grass under them. Lucas jumped out of the way just in time, but not quick enough to avoid getting the tip of his sneakers covered in orange sick.
"Shit, Leo..." Vince sighed, holding on the back of his friend's muscle shirt, "okay, get it up, you'll feel better in a bit... Luke, can you drive us back...?" Vince voice trailed off as he realized that Lucas had a hand holding Leo's shoulder, but the other one was firmly pressed to his mouth, eyes shut, face pale, "uh... Luke?"
"Sorry-" he said in a muffle manner, then let go of Leo and staggered away from them, bracing against his knees and retching.
Leo groaned, almost falling off since Luke had let go of his arm and Vince squeezed his shirt a little tighter, "don't worry about him, he's fine..." he said, while Leo coughed up another round of brown liquid, "you're fine, right?!" Vince said a little louder and Luke raised a hand, thumb up, while still gagging mercilessly.
Leo spat, then leaned back and almost fell, his head meeting Vince's wounded shoulder and causing him to bite down a scream. He breathed through the pain, as the poor man groaned and leaned his head against his bicep.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I just-"
"It's okay, you can't help it," Vince said, voice strained, "we're going home, just- Here," he winced, reaching back to where he had been sitting and grabbing a water bottle, "take some sips."
"Won't stay down-" Leo groaned, taking the lukewarm bottle and then looking up as Lucas' heaved again, this time managing to bring up a pathetic amount of puke, "is he okay?"
"He's fine," Vince said, rolling his eyes, "drink your water."
Ahead of them Lucas straightened up, belching deeply into his fist and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, walking back to them, "sorry..."
"Since when you get sympathy sick?" Vince asked, while Leo took the smallest sip of water, gagging around the bottle's finish.
"I guess I'm not feeling a hundred percent still," Lucas' cheeks turned pink and he rubbed at his chest, "I'm better now, don't worry."
"Not worried," Vince lied, while Leo let out a moan again, hugging his stomach.
"This is awful, I feel really dizzy..."
"You just need to lie down in a cool place, get some electrolytes in you," Vin rubbed his nape, then glanced at Lucas, "can you drive?"
"Yeah, of course," the brunette nodded, although Vince wasn't feeling very reassured by how milky white Lucas looked. Sadly, there was no other option.
"C'mere," Lucas said, carefully side stepping the puddle on the ground and looping an arm around Leo's waist, "lean on me."
"I'm sorry I made you sick..."
"That was on me," Luke waved him off and Vince gestured for them to go ahead, since getting himself out of the bleachers was a struggle on its own.
By the time he reached them, Leo was sitting inside Luke's car, with the a/c blasting, while Luke was leaning outside of it, an arm wrapped around his stomach.
"I'm fine," Luke said preemptively, "I should've listened to Bell," he let out a sick burp, spat on the gravel and kicked the little rocks to cover up the mess, "really, stop looking at me like that."
"I'm just worried," Vince shrugged, or tried to, only to hiss as it pulled on his shoulder and ribs, "I can call Wendy if you can't drive. She's got the day off..."
'I can drive," Luke shook his head, "I just overdid it with all the running around and the mess..." he gagged fruitlessly against his hand, "I'm good."
"Clearly," Vince agreed sarcastically, then limped to the backseat.
Leo was slumped on the passenger seat, head leaning back, taking some deep, measured breaths.
"Hey, kid," Vin reached in and squeezed his arm, "just hang in there, this is going to pass soon."
Leo nodded, but he still looked dangerously pale, lips pressed in one thin line.
The drive was uneventful, Vince glancing nervously from Leo to Lucas and wondering how their evening had downgraded so quickly. Just as they got close, Leo suddenly hiccupped, slapping a hand over his mouth as a burp slipped out and with the other one he pushed Lucas' thigh "pull over-" his voice was muffled, punctuated by another belch at the end and Luke cringed, turning on the sign and pulling to the side of the road.
At least it was an uneventful Saturday, so the street was almost empty. Leo pushed the door, but didn't even have time to get out. He stuck his head out and coughed up another stream, letting out a whimper.
"Aw, kiddo..." Vince sighed, shoving himself in the space between the driver's seat and passenger one, so he could grab the back of Leo's pants and keep him sitting down. Lucas was no help, despite the guilty expression he had on, he had pressed his forehead to the steering wheel and was gulping nervously.
"It hurts..." Leo groaned, coughing and panting, "my head hurts so much."
"I know, I'm sorry," Vince said unhelpfully, rubbing his back, "get it up, Leo..."
He heard another pitiful whine and then more hurling, followed by a sigh, "I think... I think I'm done."
Or empty, Vince thought, keeping his hand on Leo's back. He glanced at Lucas and cringed. His friend's face was firmly in the gray territory, jaw clenched.
"Take a deep breath, I bet the carsickness isn't helping your situation," Vince said, squeezing Leo's bicep and fighting the anxiety inside of him. He hated not being able to help. He should be the one driving.
"I'm good," Leo slammed the door shut, "I just wanna get home."
"Just a couple minutes," Luke mumbled, his voice all thick and weird, "sorry, I-"
"It's okay, Luke," Leo said tiredly, "Jon gets sympathy sick too, I get it..." he rubbed at his forehead, "just drive, please?"
Once they finally arrived, without another incident, Vince almost groaned as he realized now there was twice as much walking around to be done. He sucked it up, carefully stepping out of the car and offering his good arm for Leo.
"Lean on me, kid," then to Lucas, who was just stepping out of the car, "no. You're not coming in, you're going straight home. Shooo."
"How do you intent on looking after him...?" Luke frowned, despite the pained lines on his face, "Vin, I can-"
"I'm fine," Leo groaned and while Vince could feel his grip was a little too tight for someone who was fine, he knew Lucas wasn't going to be any help, "go home, Luke. I'll text you later."
"...Promise?" Lucas glanced between the two of them, torn between wanting to help and feeling too sick.
"Yeah, we're fine," Vince nodded, ignoring the throbbing on his side, "go home. C'mon, Leo..."
The blonde waved one last goodbye to Luke, then slumped against Vince. Vin could tell he was trying to be mindful not to rest his full body weight on him, but he was doing a poor job of it. He bit down a groan, wrapping his good arm around Leo's waist and resting his back against the inside of the elevator.
"Shitty day," he groaned, causing the blonde to let out a tired chuckle.
"That seems to be a pattern lately," he mumbled, face pressed to Vince's bicep, "it's not as bad as it was out there."
"Good, you just need to rest a bit," Vin reassured him, breathing deeply through his mouth as pain spread all the way up his shoulder. They all but stumbled inside the house and Leo headed straight for the couch, while Vince braced against the desk near the front door and took deep, measured breaths.
"Vin? Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he lied, wiping the sweat from his upper lip, "probably just due my meds... Sit down and turn up the A/C, I'm gonna get you some water."
He didn't dare walking all the way to the bathroom to grab a washcloth. Instead Vince filled up Leo's gym bottle with cold water and then wet a dishcloth, deciding he'd rather face Jon's judgment than to walk all that distance. He limped back to the couch and met Leo's worried gaze, "I'm fine," Vince said, handing him the bottle and sitting down too, "here, lie down."
"You don't look very fine," Leo grumbled, but he was too lethargic to do anything about it. He took a gulp of the cold water and let out a relieved sigh when he rested his head on Vin's lap and the cold dishcloth met his forehead, "this feels much better."
"Uhm," Vince smiled, moving on the couch so he could put his feet up the coffee table. His sprained left foot was killing him, "c'mere, kid."
Easy like that, all the times he had done this to his own sisters came rushing back and he found himself playing with Leo's hair, combing the blonde strands and scratching at the scalp, "you're due a haircut," Vince mumbled, eyes slipping closed as he felt Leo relax against him.
"Jon says longer is hotter," he said quietly, "I've always wanted this, you know?"
"...What?" Vince frowned, opening his eyes and glancing down. Leo seemed almost asleep, the stress taking it's toll on him, "Leo?"
"Family," Leo sighed, cuddling closer and moving the wet cloth to cover his eyes, "it's almost weird to have it."
"Oh..." Vince's heart dropped and he squeezed the blonde's shoulder, fighting a smile, "well... Get used to it, Leo. This is your life now."
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silky-silks · 3 months
The Trees
(Im going to respond to my ask soon guys after March 11)
The run for Mario is coming to a close everybody! And as much as I want to continue sadly Mario day is where the finale is revealed. But Im having tons of fun with this, and i have learned a lot of things in theese short span of few days. A part of me wish I knew of Mario day earlier, but enough of my lamenting. Back to story time.
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Uncertain if Nina is truly dead or not, Silky tries to comfort and give everyone hope as Nina might actually be alive. Silky however had no idea just how enrages Eric could get. She turns and see's the blinding rage on Eric's face. She freezes as his glare looks...so similar to someone else she known. (And it's not Bob). She does not know what to do, doesn't even know what to say as for countless times even therapist can soothe his pain. So she sits very still, and hushes everyone in the room (Silky is no expert at this, so take her response to how in Puss in Boots: The last Wish when Perro helped Puss during a panic attack. ) She stays at the calmest expression she can until eventually Eric is able to get pass the anger faze.
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Eventually the air does become a bit calm, and Silky hesitates to hold Eric close to her soft fur, she is grateful he doesnt yank it off. But not that it matters, her fur is not important: Eric is. Her extreme fluff drowns out the sound of the room, as it was all so incredibly "loud" earlier.
At this Time, Patches is trying to process the news and find something to help Bob with, but everything falls apart when Mono hurries out of the observatory. King Boo yells for her to come back but Patches is already at her trail.
The Black Hole
(idea from @22a-girl-from-galaxy22, and it's amazing)
Somehow and in someway, Mono finds a black hole and jumps into it. This is dangerous, incredibly dangerous but by sheer luck she makes it to the other side. Hell Valley, and Patches it as her side.
There they find Nina in a cell, and are overjoyed to know she is alive. But just like Eric, Mono probably should have thought of the escape plan. Nina however is depserate know if her family is okay and is relieved to know Bob and are safe. But hearing of Eric's breakdown broke her heart. However this little reunion is about to end as.....{REDACTED} shows up with a bit of a cosmic drip.
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_it's Ducifer....Mono readies her weapon but they are surronded.
(To be continued tomorrow as soon as possible or probably at midnight)
Whew okay we almost there guys! Man I'm going to miss this little series a bit, but I'm resting after all of this haha..
But some notes yes, Ducifer is the bad guy because everybody loves Ducifer! (Did I say that right?) Hopefully he is able to survive the wrath of Silky when she gets there.
Nina originally was going to look petrified but i made her angry. Already having met this dude some time ago, and now seeing him back with him trying to kill mono, herself, patches, and is the main cause for all of this pain fuels her with anger.
I dont know much about PTSD so i had to tread very lightly with it as i did not want to end up making something very offensive. Hence why i reframed from Silky doing a whole "Oh let me hug and talk to you" as I know in some cases, talking and hugging can be one terrible thing for some folks.
And finally Patches is horrified of Hell Valley trees. I mean look at those things, if her friends were there they would be fighting like hell cats. Anyway, im going to eat some food, and prepare for the finale!
Patches Bashful belongs to @eve-pie
Eric Velseb @night-light-artz
Mono and Ducifer @22a-girl-from-galaxy22
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omfg so this is for @strawberrylabs birthday which was a month ago school has overtaken my life and i havent been able to work on any reqs or really anything except school i am so sorry to anyone whos requested and i still havent done the request - im trying my best to finish them but final year is very hectic
anyways without further ado~!
how they celebrate your birthday !!
ft. nagi seishiro, bachira meguru and kaedehara kazuha
!!WARNINGS!! gender neutral reader / no pronouns mentioned no actual warnings just pure fluff
nagi seishiro
so nagi
my husband
we all know how he is, he's very lazy and does not like putting effort into things
he loves you very much but he doesn't have the energy for anything
honestly a part of me feels like he'd forget about your birthday and reo would have to remind him
when he remembers its your birthday he'll do a little something
i think he'd by you a little gaming console as your gift so you could play games with him
this man cannot cook to save his life so dont expect him to cook you dinner
but he would order some food and light a small candle and make it look like a cute romantic dinner date
he only puts effort into / pays attention to things he likes
and he likes you a lot :)
after the dinner he'll drag you to bed and cuddle with you
and once he's latched on to you good luck getting him off he'll be on top of you cuddling you
and this man is h e a v y
tall muscle man
if you need to get up for whatever reason youll either have to pry him off or beg till he gives in (which will take a long time so you better start prying his arms off your body)
i like to think he likes wearing oversized hoodies so he can pull them over your head and the two of you can cuddle in his hoodie
my skrunkly baby mwah mwah i love him
bachira meguru
this rat /affectionate
this man would do SO MUCH for your birthday
imagine coming home from work / school and the entire house is decorated
like there's balloons everywhere and confetti
oh and a giant pile of gifts
you'll do a double take when you see the huge gift pile "meguru darling! what is this-" you call out to him "hun!! you're back!!" he pops his head into the room
he has a giant grin on his face and he's wearing a little party hat
he runs over to you and spins you around in a hug and puts a little crown on your head
"come on i have so much planned for today!"
he doesn't even let you get a word in he just drags you off
you have an amazing birthday
he makes you open all the presents while he records because he wants to show his mom his amazing partner
most of the gifts are very sweet and things you wanted
but there will be a couple of… odd- gifts
like a single sock
idk don't ask
this man will literally tell you he's proud of you for being born
10/10 very good boyfriend
kazuha my love
so as we know from what beidou said when she introduced him flowers come out of his mouth the moment he speaks
so just be prepared for that
i think kazuha would write poems for and about his s/o all the time and that includes a special birthday poem for you
if at the time of your birthday youre out at sea with the alcor crew then your birthday will be celebrated by the whole crew all together
its a very lively and fun celebration
but afterwards (when most of the crew passed out) kazuha will take you to a part of the ship where no one else is
the two of you will sit in the moonlight and he'll sing? recite-? idk but he'll tell you the poem he wrote for you
the two of you will have a nice romantic moment
the two of you might end up falling asleep together on the ships deck under the moonlight
AN// ohkay! thats done now
i hope you like it beloved <33 and others who read hope you enjoy too~!
i am now going to go work on other requests while im still in the groove
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bloozers · 5 months
hiiii! can you write a fluffy cute smut with early 80s james? maybe like a brother’s best friend trope or friend to lovers?
Ofc pookie 🫶
The sister of the Dane
Warnings: james Hetfield x fem!reader , smut obvi , unprotected piv (wrap it before you tap it) , fluff , reader is Lars’s sister , use of y/n , oral fem receiving , hair pulling kinda? , fingering , soft 80s James bcos omg yes
Summer of 1984 , y/n was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the boys she could hear Lars’s snoring from his room down the hall and it made her roll her eyes , cliff was always the first of the boys to wake up so he tried to help with breakfast but gave up when the toast started burning. Next down the hall came Kirk in his Batman pjs and a very sleepy face “morning” he mumbled and sat at the counter and y/n handed him some apple juice to help him wake up “thanks” he mumbled again this time with a sleepy smile , soon a loud yawn moved its way down the hallway and the tall blonde curly haired boy appeared “good morning everyone , well almost everyone” James said happily then pointed down the hallway “is he still asleep? Jesus Christ someone’s gotta wake him up before he misses breakfast” he chuckled and cliff shrugged “I’ll do it” he smiled and walked down the hall within 30 seconds cliff was running out of the room as pillows were thrown at him and loud angry danish words could be heard from Lars.
“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” y/n smiled placing bacon and eggs on cliff , Lars and James’s plates and toast with peanut butter and some fruit for Kirk “shut up” Lars mumbled and then stuffed his face full of bacon. “So what’s the plan for today people?” Y/n asked and the guys all looked at each other and shrugged “day off I guess” James chuckled then looked at her “Y’know what y/n you sure know how to make a good breakfast” he said with a sheepish smile “thank you James , you know you make a good burnt steak” she giggled “oh cmon one time!” He said with a fake offended tone “well me and Kirk were going to guitar centre later and I think cliff was going to the store?” Lars chimed in with a mouth full of food “so it’ll just be me and James then?” Y/n asked trying to hide any excitement, she’s had a crush on James since they met and today is her chance to tell him the truth. “Yes just you and James , we’ll be back around 5” Kirk smiled knowing he meant 5am not pm.
Once everyone had left James sat on the couch and flicked on MTV , y/n sat next to him and let out a little ahem , James looks at her slightly confused “yeah?” He asked and she took a deep but subtle breath “James we gotta talk” she said trying her best to be confident “ok what’s up?” He smiled turning his whole body to face her on the couch so she knew he was listening “I umm I like you , like yknow….like like you….a lot” she confessed and he smiled “is that so? Oh well I guess you’re in luck then pretty girl because I have not been able to get you out of my mind” he said with a flirty smile causing her eyes to widen “what? Not what you were expecting? Thought I’d turn you down? You gotta be crazy , look at you princess your funny and kind and incredibly beautiful anyone would be clinically insane to turn you down” he said and placed his hand on her thigh causing a shiver to run up her spine , they looked into each other’s eyes for a bit before James leaned in and kissed her slowly but passionately. It didn’t take long before James’s hands were on the back of her thighs holding her up and walking to his room their lips still very much attached to each other.
James gently placed y/n on the bed and moved on top of her to kiss her again “your so pretty baby , I knew I loved you” he smiled and kissed her neck , he took off her top and bra and attached his lips to her chest , leaving a trail of kisses until he reached the hem of her skirt “im gonna take this off is that okay princess?” James said looking up at her she nodded and James took her skirt and panties off with a whistle “spread those legs pretty girl I wanna taste you” he smirked and once her legs were spread he kissed up her thighs and then dove straight into her wet cunt , licking sucking and kissing her clit. “Fuck baby you taste like heaven” he moaned on her folds the vibration causing her to buck her hips into his face. James stuck two fingers inside her and curled them hitting her spot over and over until she was a writhing mess under him “J-James! Fuck! I’m gonna-” y/n moaned digging her hands into his curly blonde hair “that’s it baby cum for me , you can do it let go” he moved his tongue and fingers faster and she came hard on them moaning loudly “good girl , that’s it” he praised and slowed down then pulled out “you did so good baby , c’mere” James smiled and brought her to him for a slow gentle kiss “you want my cock baby? Hmm?” He whispered in her ear and she nodded eagerly causing him to chuckle “desperate girl hmm? That’s okay , I’ll take care of you” he smirked and undid his jeans pulling them and his boxers off and throwing them on the ground , his shirt was already off so there they were , both naked and desperate for each other’s love. “You ready baby?” He asked again and she nodded “ok sweetheart I’ll go slow at first” he smiled then lined himself up with her entrance before slowly pushing inside her tight cunt “oh fuck baby your fucking tight holy shit” James groaned trying not to cum right there and then “c-can I move baby?” He asked his voice almost whiny “yes please fuck me!” She moaned and James started to thrust in and out of her with a moan , soon the room was filled with the wet slapping sounds of where there bodies connected and their moans , grunts and whines of pure pleasure. James started thrusting harder and faster pounding her into the mattress “fuck baby your doing so well for me” he moaned as she felt her coil tighten up ready to snap “James! I’m gonna cum again!” Y/n moaned “yes! Fuck! Please baby please cum for me cum on my cock pretty girl” he groaned as his thrusts sped up but became less coordinated and more sloppy. Y/n came hard , she thought she saw stars as she moaned loudly as slightly screamed his name “F-fuck! M’gonna cum baby” James whined as sped up “I’m cumming! Fuck holy shit!” He moaned as his body shook while he filled her completely. “Holy shit baby that was fucking amazing…you did so good for me sweetheart” James praised then kissed her forehead , he got up and went to his bathroom to grab a warm wet towel to clean them both up then layed down next to her pulling her close and snuggling his head into the crook of her neck as he traced slow gentle circles on her back until they fell asleep in each others arms
This took like an hour but it was so worth it 🫶
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etherealspacejelly · 5 months
my parents dont get my autism or my transness or my aroaceness
they dont get that im not trying to be rude or selfish or whatever but they think i am
they dont get dysphoria
they keep asking me if i have crushes or a boyfreind
they dont get that if the foods bad ill refuse to eat it
they dont get sensory issues or food issues
they dont get that the internet is a safer place to talk about my emotions than they ever will be
they dont get how much effort i put into trying to be normal for them
they dont get anthing
they keep trying to force me to spend time with them playing board/card games which i hate and they know i hate
they keep messing up my pronouns
one of my dads "insprational" speeches was your not flat, you'll never be flat so give up.
when i first came out my mum said "why cant you just be a lesbian instead of nonbinary or whatever?"
they say i cant call myself trans bc i don't want to be a boy
they dont get how much periods suck even tho they dont hurt
theres probably more but i cant remember it rn
any advice would be helpful
maybe ill run away and live somewhere better for me but i can think of a place
hey anon. unfortunately im not sure how to help you with the autism or aroace stuff myself, even though i am aroace and autistic my mum doesnt really understand either of those and i havent been able to reach that point yet. we have just taken to not talking about it, which is much easier now that i have moved out.
however! i do have something for you that might help! i made a powerpoint about transness for my mum that did help to convince her that being trans is a real and valid thing to be.
i cant link to it on here because it would reveal my full name publicly but you can just make your own! i included facts about the percentage of trans kids that experience anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and how gender affirming care significantly lowers those numbers. all of this was taken from the trevor project website!
i also included some stuff about transgender people across history and in different cultures.
i finished it off with a slide about the transgender genocide currently taking place in america and spreading to the UK.
you could make versions of these for autism and aspec people too!
im very sorry that you are experiencing so much invalidation and misunderstanding from your family, i understand how that feels. i hope this technique can help you to teach them a bit about your identities. most of the time when people say mean things about an identity, it is simply because they are misinformed. getting angry and upset is perfectly understandable, but it may make them feel even more antagonised and justified in their bigotry. explaining things to them calmly and simply, with graphs, diagrams, and real data can work wonders.
good luck!
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 175. brb x oc
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a/n: im posting early cause my connection is oscillating like a mf and i can't risk it! Also, no rooster...and well,I'm gonna try something new next chapter so wish me luck??? (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: slight angst???
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
Beatrice was having fun, honestly knowing she wouldn’t be able to work for a few months this was more than welcome.
She was also enjoying the snacks, what were they? She brings one close to her eyes while she chews the very same thing, Nicole looking up at her in question, “...I think…this has pepperoni, hmmm,it’s so good.” she is sitting in the shade, right next to Evelyn’s seat but she’s busy talking to her relatives right now.
Nicole tries to reach for her mother’s hand, trying to snag a bite “Okay, here,” she shoves her finger inside before pulling out a piece of cheese, small enough for Nicole to chew on it. She’s careful while doing so, but Nicole has proven she’s a Schiavoni because she adores cheese, “Nice,right? Hold on,Shells- oh.” the blonde comes back with a cheese platter, holding it up to Beatrice’s face “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” and she shoves another snack into her mouth, ‘Hm, this is so good. Evelyn is great with party foods.” she sits down next to Beatrice and Nicole, flicking her eyes when she sees the phone resting on Beatrice’s thigh, “You talked to Rooster?’
“I sent him a message, since we know that Ev will have a boy,I thought he’d like to know about that.” she smiles, “And because Hangman wouldn’t shut up about it, so.”
“Of course.” Shells mutters as she chews “Fuckin’ weird.”
The blonde shrugs while crossing her legs by the knee, “I don’t know, you two are with kids, married - well, Ev will get married when Jake comes back,I think…and I don’t know, it feels like a lot more time passed than just four years.” she chuckles, “I mean, the second you and Rooster met, it was like this whole spiral of new shit came along too, not that I’m complaining,after all I got Bob. But…you know, it started with the two of you.”
Beatrice smiles, nodding in agreement. "You're right, it does feel like a lot has happened in such a short amount of time. Meeting Rooster definitely brought a whirlwind of change into my life, and I never expected to end up where I am now. But I wouldn't trade it for anything."
She takes a moment to reflect on their journey, her eyes softening with fondness. "From that first encounter in the bar…everything just fell into place. It was meant to be." Shels clears her throat quiet loudly, arching her brows so the brunette continues, “...and yes, you helped, a lot.”
“Thank you.I sure did. Because if I didn’t make you move, you’d both die pining one another.” she shakes her head as she leans back on her seat, “And hey, I just gave the first push, you did everything else and hooked him in.”
Beatrice  rolled her eyes but she was grateful for Shells' bluntness. "You did give us that push, and I'll always be thankful for that.” ‘you are welcome’ Shells says, dipping her head forward “Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge to set things in motion."
Nicole, who has been quietly snacking on another piece of cheese, looks up at Shells and Beatrice with an innocent expression. "Mama dada?” she questions as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, making Beatrice smile and kiss her temple.
“Yes,mama and dada.”
“That kid is going to be a menace when she’s older.”
“Hey,’ Bea narrows her eyes playfully, “It’s my daughter, excuse me?”
“She’s already talking, she's going to learn how to get your car keys at eleven. Just you wait.”
Beatrice blinked, staring at Shells as the party continued around them, “...did you steal a car at eleven?” Shells doesn’t reply, but she does drink her non-alcoholic punch while looking away. Honestly there were things in Shells’ life that Beatrice decides it’d be better to wonder than to think about. As she was about to question her again, she saw Evelyn approaching with a glass of water in her hand, “Hey, are you done socializing?”
“For now.” she sighs, flopping in the seat that’s between the two women, leaning back and kicking her shoes off, ‘Jesus, I can’t remember who was the last person I talked to. And they are all family.”
 "Well, it's a big family gathering, Ev. It's hard to keep track of everyone. But hey, at least you got a break from the relatives for a moment. I know how bad it was when they found out about Nikki.”
Evelyn takes a long sip of her water and lets out a content sigh. "True, true. As much as I love them, it can be a bit overwhelming at times.” she looks over to where her uncle Tom was, currently trying to show her younger cousins - and Jake’s young relatives- how to throw a baseball over the fence, “Mom!Uncle Tom has a baseball!” 
Vivian’s smile drops, “He what-THOMAS! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!”
The three of them just watch as Evelyn’s mother walks over to her brother and yanks it out of his hand, “...where did he get that anyway?” Bea asks quietly, “Did he bring it with him?”
“Most likely.” Evelyn mutters, “His favorite story is how he almost went to the big leagues but he chose to get married instead. Which my aunt say never happened. He is a lawyer through and through. Runs in the family.” she explains, “On my mom’s side at least…anyway are you okay?”
Beatrice looks up from Nicole to meet Evelyn’s brown eyes “Me?” her friend nods while still drinking water, “I’m okay! Why are you asking?”
“Because while we are both pregnant you are the one carrying two and a baby.” she smiles down at Nicole who just babbles something in reply, “You need anything? A better chair? Something comfier?”
“Oh,no,no,I’m fine.” Beatrice smiles, “Honestly I’m okay. This party is really helping me get my mind at ease, Rooster’s deployment has been a bit hard lately but…you know,” she plays with Nicole’s hand for a few seconds as her daughter enjoys her tiny piece of cheese before she looks ahead, ‘It’s manageable. I just want him to come back safe and it’s been only a few weeks apart?” she didn’t want to explain how anxious she was feeling even before the deployment, they didn’t need to worry about her like that.
Evelyn reaches out and places a comforting hand on Beatrice's arm, patting it twice. "I understand, Bea. Deployments are always tough,and honestly I’ve been feeling kinda iffy about Jake too." she mutters, ‘Mainly because he’s not here to know that the baby pumpkin will be a boy…well, as long as they decide to be, but I wish he was here.”
“How have you been handling it?”
Evelyn’s laugh is dry and a bit humorless, “Well…you know, this really helped. I was angry about changing the dates but I think it was better if I did this.” she smiles at a few family members, especially from Jake’s side, before letting her smile drop, “I do think we’ve been going good. Even my dad is helping.” she waves at her father, who smiles and waves back, before turning his attention to his brothers-in-law, “I know he’s been trying to…be more present. He’s going to be a grandpa now…speaking of which, how did your family react when you told them about the twins?”
“Yeah!” Shells says, “You never told us!”
Beatrice inhales softly, her mouth parting as she’s violently reminded of that day. She wanted to wait until her father was out of the hospital, and her siblings were all at home with them…she did fear making her father feel worse but it wasn’t that bad.
“...my mom fainted.” she mutters, ‘Um…Sabrina fainted,Leonardo fainted.” she frowns a bit, chewing her lower lip “But e-everyone else took really nicely and um, once my mom recovered she cried. A lot. A whole lot, oh wow she cried even more than in my wedding! Hah…um…” she does think it was a lot more dramatic than what she was telling her friends, but she was too traumatized to say it outloud.
Evelyn's eyes widen in surprise as Beatrice recounts her family's reaction. "Wow, that sounds intense. I mean, I knew having twins would be a big deal, but fainting and crying? That's... quite the response."
Shells leans forward, her curiosity piqued. "What about your dad? How did he take the news?"
Beatrice's expression softens as she thinks about her father's reaction. "Well, my dad wasn’t in the hospital at the time, which made it a lot easier. When I told him about the twins, his eyes filled with tears, and he just hugged me tightly. He kept saying how happy he was. It was such a beautiful moment… and my mom cried again. She cried um…a lot."
Evelyn smiles warmly, holding her head up with a hand and propping her elbow on her knee. "I met your mom, she's just really emotional when it comes to these things. And I’m glad your dad was happy too…and your siblings?"
“Oh they are all the same. Except Michael,I think he knew from the spot.” she shrugged, leaning back on her seat and holding Nicole on her chest, being mindful of her growing bump, “It was…nice? They are checking on me too,and I forgot to tell Roos about it damn.”
“W-no! Nikki that’s a bad word!” Beatrice’s panicked stare was only broken when her daughter covered her mouth to giggle, “Oh god,I can’t even imagine once she starts repeating Rooster’s words.” she sighs, looking down at her diaper “I need to change her,” she’s already standing up and stares at Evelyn because she has no idea where the bathroom is at her parents’ house, “Ev, can you um–”
“No worries.” her friend stands up with a grunt, squinting her eyes while setting her empty glass aside, “Follow me.”
Evelyn leads the way, guiding Beatrice through the bustling party towards the bathroom. It does take a while to get there since some of the party goers now paid attention to Beatrice and Nicole. Nikki, of course, loved the attention and just cooed and gurgled at everyone who smiled at her. Luckily it doesn’t take long for them to leave the commotion, with  Beatrice following closely behind, cradling Nicole in her arms and grateful for Evelyn's assistance.
As they walk, Evelyn looks over her shoulder and smiles reassuringly at Beatrice. "Does she need anything?"
Beatrice returns the smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over her, shaking her head. "Thank you, Ev.But no, I got everything in here." she lifts the shoulder that holds the bag strap, “I just need a clean space to do it.”
Evelyn reaches the bathroom door and holds it open for Beatrice. "Alright,I might stay here…I kinda need a break for everyone else if that’s okay?"
Beatrice nods understandingly. "Of course, Ev. Take all the time you need.It won’t be a bother."
Evelyn smiles gratefully and steps aside, letting Beatrice enter the bathroom with Nicole in her arms. "Thanks, Bea. I'll be right outside if you need anything. Just give me a shout."
With that, Evelyn closes the door behind Beatrice, leaving her to tend to Nicole in privacy. Beatrice finds a clean, spacious area to lay down a changing mat and gently places Nicole on it. She takes a moment to take a deep breath, appreciating the quietness of the bathroom compared to the lively party outside. Not that she’s complaining, I mean, she could handle her own family, but with her mind going so fast it was better to focus.
As she carefully removes Nicole's diaper and begins the process of changing her, Beatrice reflects on the events of the day. It's been a good day so far, she talked to Rooster and now she’s enjoying a party! It could be much worse.
Nicole babbles happily, seemingly unaware of the commotion happening beyond the bathroom door. Beatrice smiles at her daughter, taking her time, ensuring that Nicole is clean and comfortable before carefully securing a fresh diaper in place. Nicole babbles some more, kicking her little legs so much Beatrice has to hold one of them, “Nikki, just let me fix your skirt at least.”
Nicole just moved her legs even more,giggling and loving how her mother’s face went from calm to exasperatedly amused until she couldn’t help but laugh, “You, are terrible.” and she tickles the baby’s tummy, “You are just like your father. You two have a way to making me laugh and forget every bad thing that goes on in my brain.” she whispers, knowing Evelyn was right outside.
Beatrice’s smile drops and she sighs, the anxiety was still there, gnawing at her spine, whispering things she didn’t want to hear nor think about. “It’s fine. It’s all fine.” she whispers, closing her eyes and clenching her jaw, quickly meeting her reflection and smiling - the best she could- “It’s all good. I talked to him today so it’s fine…anyway.”
Beatrice scoops Nicole up into her arms, cradling her close, burying her nose in her daughter’s hair and closing her eyes again, “It’s fine.” she bounces on the spot a bit, trying to get rid of the nerves, “God,it’s fine. Why am I like this?”. She pulls back and takes a moment to admire her daughter's tiny features, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness wash over her. "You're such a precious little girl, Nicole.” her daughter blinks up at her, “Yes you are.” she feels the sting of tears but holds it back the best way that she can.
As Beatrice holds Nicole in her arms, she finds solace in the unconditional love that emanates from her daughter. Nicole's innocent gaze and infectious smile bring a sense of joy and peace to Beatrice's heart, even in moments of doubt and anxiety. 
Like right now.
Gently swaying back and forth, Beatrice takes a deep breath, willing herself to find calm amidst the storm of emotions. She reminds herself that she has a support system in place, both with Rooster and her friends like Evelyn and Shells, who are there for her during this challenging time. “Oh boy, okay.” she turns on her heel to walk out of the bathroom, once she feels she’s okay enough and meets Evelyn there.
Her friend was leaning against the wall, this time with her arms crossed and eyes distant, “Um,Ev?” she snaps the tall woman out of her thoughts because she physically jumped, “Sorry,I uh,we’re finished.”
Evelyn blinks, momentarily caught off guard by Beatrice's voice. She quickly regains her composure and pushes herself away from the wall, offering Beatrice a warm smile. "Oh, sorry about that. Lost in my thoughts for a moment. How's everything with Nicole?"
Beatrice returns the smile, her own expression a bit confused. "She's doing great. Just a little rebel, this one." She holds Nicole up for Evelyn to see, who immediately breaks into a grin while kicking her small legs, “Look at that.”.
"She takes after her parents, I see," Evelyn chuckles. "Well, I'm glad everything went smoothly. Are you feeling alright?"
Beatrice nods, her voice steady but her eyes are still on Nicole and she takes the time to adjust the bag strap on her shoulder "Anxiety acting up, nothing more."
“...can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Evelyn chews the inside of her cheek, going back to crossing her arms, “...how do you feel about this deployment?” she questions quietly, “I want to ask Shells but you know how she’ll be,” and she makes a movement with her hand, something akin to ‘what the hell’ and rolling her eyes, “She won’t give me a straight answer…but you will. I am anxious as well,Bea…and I’ve handled deployment a lot.” she flicks her gaze to Cyclone’s picture on the wall, the crisp white uniform appearing even brighter under the light, “But this one…I don’t know, something feels off.”
And Beatrice hated it because it feels like it.
“Listen,ugh,’ Evelyn rubbed the bridge of her nose, “Sorry, sorry,I don’t want to add to it. I’m just…I don’t have anyone to share my worries with. My mom…she’s more used to it than I am but–” and Evelyn goes back to leaning on the wall, this time Beatrice joins her, with Nicole still babbling happily with her head on Bea’s shoulder, “...feels off doesn’t it?”
She didn’t want to admit it, “...it does.”
“They’ll be okay.”
“I know. They will.”
‘Then why,” Evelyn begins, throwing her hands up, “Why are we nervous like this?”
“Well,I don’t know about you but my anxiety never really left…I think it’s worse because of the pregnancy.” she suggests, clearly not knowing it either, “But…we are still talking to them, you know? And…and knowing more about what’s been going on, within the rules of course, so…maybe it’s the hormones.”
“...makes sense.”
“Yeah! They are good at what they do.” Was she really comforting Evelyn and not vice-versa? Is this an alternative universe??? “And I know they’ll be okay…especially now.” she inhales softly, then shakes her head, “Anyway, let’s go back to the party, yeah?I’m sure your family is worried sick about you now.” she places a hand on Evelyn’s shoulder, this time leading her back instead. “I think we’ll both need this more than we know”
She does wait for Evelyn to walk out first, taking a few minutes to breathe and close her eyes, only opening when she feels good enough. She knows they’ll be alright, but she doesn’t really mind when she pulls out her phone to write him a message.
I love you. I know you’ll do good. Stay safe Roos.
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hello, I’m.. new to this. But reading your works have comforted me … I know you have a lot on your plate, and I hope all is going well for you!! If you,,have the chance,, I’ve kind of.. not been doing well. At all. Haha,, I’ve been extremely suicidal.. for at least the past year. Everything has since fell apart. I’m not sure if this counts, but..it feels urgent, to me..?
My grandmother died, I lost my job due to my health declining so rapidly I physically could not manage. I’ve since applied to so many jobs.. absolutely no luck and.. I even lost my home. Im living with someone else’s parents, and I’m a child scared to leave their room all over again. I can’t eat unless food is in front of me, none of my friends are… good, at comforting, to say the least… I have well over 1K due for medical bills, and no one will even take me for an interview, so I can’t even pay off little by little. Lol..I pretty much moved out at 17 and have been surviving by myself for 6 years now.
Im so tired of surviving.
If.. if you don’t mind.. honestly I don’t even know what kind of scenario this would count as…. Baji has been my biggest comfort character as of late, and I.. well, would you mind,, possibly writing a scenario.. of reader who’s spiraled so far into these thoughts, and in the midst of a panic attack, attempts to.. stop surviving, if you catch my drift..
I know this is very personal, and I’m sorry to dump on you.. if you’re unable, all is well! Thank u for taking time to read my pity story haha.. <3
Baji Helps Suicidal Reader
****Please proceed with caution if mentions of suicide will be more harmful to you than beneficial.*****
Pairing: Baji x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of hopelessness, suicide attempt, crying, not being able to find a job, losing your home
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: In which Baji shows up as soon as you attempt to take your own life.
[A/N: Hi darling, I'm so glad you found my blog and for feeling comfortable enough to bring your urgent request to me! I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through. I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Though I've felt similarly about the the whole job thing. Places these days won't even give people a chance to show what they could do. I graduated from College and couldn't find work immediately. I'm still struggling to find a job in my field even now. I have a job at a bookstore atm, but it took a long time for me to get it. I think when they timing is right though, things will work out for us. We really just need to wait for things to happen and keep working for them! But you're also going through a lot of other situations as well, so my words probably aren't that helpful, so I'll leave that to Baji. I'm here if you ever need anyone to talk to though. I've been through moments of hopelessness and feeling like leaving this world was my only option, but I'm proof that things will change. There will always be times when we fall, but we can always get back up again! Anyway, I'll shut up now and let you read. I hope it provides you with even just a tiny bit of comfort <3 i love you, hopefully we can talk again soon, you sound very sweet!
Side note: I wasn’t sure if you wanted something platonic or if you wanted to be Baji’s s/o so I left that kinda ambiguous. You could read it either way!
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Baji impatiently taps his foot, sitting on his bike outside your place. Where were you?
You had texted him earlier asking him to pick you up since the people you were living with weren’t home and you just needed to get out for a while. He came rushing over as soon as he had a chance and texted you upon arriving, but you weren’t answering his texts–you weren’t even reading them. 
He knew all about your situation in life and had tried his best to be by your side and show you the support that you deserved to have. He wasn’t perfect though, at times it was hard for Baji to truly put himself in your shoes and understand what you were going through.
Now though, he was worried. Why had you texted so desperately that you needed to get out of the house? Why weren’t you answering his texts now?
He turns his engine off and hops off the bike, walking briskly to your front door.
“Y/N! I’m here,” He bangs on the door, hoping you were just distracted and forgot to check your phone to see his texts.
But he’s met with silence. 
“Y/N!” He tries again, panic settling in the pit of his stomach and he bangs harder on the door–something wasn’t right.
He brings his ear to the door hoping to hear any sign of life and that’s when he hears it, the running of water and sobs from the other side. Gathering whatever adrenaline had been building up in him, he rams into the door, which luckily flies open from the impact. The sound of your sobs grows louder the closer he gets to you. You were in the bathroom.
The door is only a crack open, but he races toward the noise, slamming the door fully open and takes in your state; puffy eyes as tears run from them not that he could distinguish your tears from the hot water that was pouring on you from the shower-head. You were sitting in the tub, soaking wet with a bottle of pills in your hands.
Your breathing was erratic as you struggled to open the bottle, but Baji is quick to act. He’s in the shower with you in a second, the burning water scalding his body even through his jacket, but he doesn’t care since it’s now not hitting you anymore. He snatches the pills from your hands, throwing them out the bathroom door and into the hallway where you can’t see them. In your state of panic, you start to flail around, seeing that bottle as your only escape from the mental pain you were experiencing. He finally turns the water off and hoists you up, your attempts to push him away and hit him futile. His adrenaline is still high as he lifts you from the tub with ease and onto the bathroom floor where he plops down next to you, out of breath.
You can’t seem to calm your breathing down as you clutch your chest, searching all around you with wild eyes, looking for a way out. Anything to end your suffering–anything. But then you feel strong arms wrap around you in a hug. You beat down on his back, trying your best to shake him off you. Let go of me, you think to yourself. Maybe you meant it in a different way, Let me go. Let me be free from this pain. But deep down, you wanted him to continue to hold you in place.
“Y/N please-” His voice cracks, making you go still in his arms. What were you doing?
“Please, I’m here. You’re not alone, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” he cries, “So don’t leave me.”
The man who had nerves of steel was breaking right in front of you.
He held you tight, as if he was scared you’d just vanish between his fingers. 
What feels like hours passes by with you both still soaking wet on the floor, clinging to each other, but you slowly manage to calm your breathing and sobs thanks to Baji’s help. 
He had been silent the whole time, focusing on just making sure you wouldn’t try anything else while he was around.
“I’m sorry…” you finally say, resting your head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.”
He finally loosens his grip on you, but continues to hold you close, caressing your still damp hair, “Why?”
That was a great question. One you couldn’t answer in only a few minutes. Baji knew the basics of what you’d been through, but he didn’t know the turmoil of what you were going through internally–only externally.
“I’m just…tired. Tired of surviving, tired of suffering. I’m barely scraping by. Is this what life’s supposed to be like? I look around at all the happy faces. Everyone seems to be living the ideal life and I’m just here, so why should I bother to exist if I don’t matter.”
He takes in your words, thinking them over, probably repeating them over and over in his head.
“You matter,” he decides to say, “You matter so much. Even if you only matter to one person, isn’t that enough to keep trying? One person can eventually grow into two, and three, and so on.”
“Baji…you don’t know what it’s like. I’ve already tried for so long. It’s been six long years. I’ve tried to see the good in my situation for six years, and yet I only keep getting pushed farther and farther past my limit. I can’t find a job, and because I can’t find a job, I can’t pay off my debt. I’m living in a house that isn’t mine with people who aren’t my family. I’m alone,” you cry out.
By now you had freed yourself from Baji’s arms, but he reaches over and grabs your hand, squeezing it reassuringly, scared that you’d run away from him.
“But if you leave now how do you know that tomorrow won’t be the day that things change?” He asks you, “Look, I know I can’t ever fully understand what goes on through your mind or what you’ve been through up till this point, but you can’t know what your life will be like a few months from now–hell, not even a few days from now. Everything can change in a second, you just need to be around to experience it.”
He brings your hands to his lips, peppering tiny kisses to your knuckles.
“I love you, a lot Y/N. Too much to just let you leave like this. Let’s try focusing on today. Each day has its own troubles, so why should we think about the future and worry ourselves even more for problems we haven’t reached yet? We’ll cross those valleys when we get to them. Right now, I just want you to focus on yourself, getting back on your feet and in a better state of mind,” he tries to console you.
His words definitely reached you. Truth be told, you knew things could maybe change, but it was hard to move forward with such uncertainty. Why couldn’t you know what would happen with your life five years from now? 
“But what if things don’t change. I don’t want to live like this forever. I don’t want to suffer anymore,” you confess, hot tears running down your face.
Baji turns to face you, gently wiping your tears away.
“But what if they do? Don’t you want to stick around to find that out for yourself?” He asks.
You stop and think it over for a moment; a life where things finally turned around–you finally getting called in for an interview and getting a job, receiving an income and finally getting to pay your debts off. Having your own place where you felt comfortable and maybe starting a family of your own…yeah, that did sound nice. As impossible as that future sounded, it was something you craved.
“I guess I do,” you sigh, “Though I wish it could happen now.”
“I know. I wish it could happen now for you as well. I hate to see you suffer so much, but you’re not alone in this. I have your back. So let’s keep fighting okay? Together, let’s see it through till the end when things finally turn around for you.”
“Baji, you know I can’t just feel better overnight. I think I’ll be okay for today, but who’s to tell when I’ll spiral like this again.”
“Then I’ll be here to get you through it again.”
A wave of gratitude flew through you. You don’t know why Baji arrived on time when you were fully ready to leave this world a few minutes ago, but now you were thankful that he had stopped you. You didn’t want to hurt him or leave him alone, but you found a little ball of hope appearing in your heart. Though tiny, it was still present and you hoped it would continue to grow and become reality one day.
“I’ll try.”
“Good. Then shall we go? You said you wanted out of here for the day, right?” He goes right back to treating you like he usually would–something you were grateful for. You didn’t want him to walk on eggshells around you after witnessing you at your lowest moment.
“But we’re still wet,” you point-out, looking at his clothes that were still clinging to his body.
“The wind will dry us,” he heaves himself off the floor and holds a hand out to you, “Let’s go.”
You give him your hand as he helps you off the floor. What did you have to lose? At this point you didn’t care, you just needed to get your mind off everything.
Baji leads you out of the house, grabbing the bottle of pills on his way out and throwing them in his jacket pocket, making a mental note to discard them later. You walk past the open door with a lock that was now busted off the wall. You’d have to explain that to the people you lived with, but you’d face that problem when you got to it–just like Baji said. 
You hop on behind him on his motorbike as he passes you his helmet, making sure it’s securely on your head before he drives off. 
For just a moment, the wind seems to blow all the worries from your mind. With your arms wrapped tightly around Baji’s torso, you close your eyes and think of those better days he had spoken about.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to see if they could really happen…
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Posted: 2/15/2023
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
I AM HUMBLY REQUESTING UR SMUTTY GENIUS BC THIS ACCOUNT ALONGSIDE VERY FEW OTHERS ARE THE ONLY SHIBUSAWA CONTENT THAT I CAN GET AND DESPERATELY WANT 😭😭 So would it be okay if I could ask abt some more smut hcs for Tatsuhiko bc LORD he was fine- I can't stop thinking abt him getting down and dirty w/ u in his Draconia / hybdrid dragon form.. like u just KNOW he'd be so big he'd TEAR U IN HALF 😭 But tbh he could tear me in half at any hour if that's how I go then know that I left happily 🤠
Anyways, just some general hc:
His hybrid forms cock is fucking massive
It’s veiny, thicc and the base blends from his skin tone to an angry shade of dark red to the tip
It’s got little ridges on the top going along the length, and it feels fucking amazing when it’s ploughing into you
Even in his normal form, shibusawa is rough and doesn’t hesitate to show his physical power over you in bed
But in his draconian form?
His thrusts are deep and bruising, the tip hitting your cervix and making you flinch in pain each time it does, but then the overwhelming pleasure makes you forget the pain instantly
He likes to man handle you, his claws slightly piercing your skin, little droplets of blood forming before his rough tongue licks them up
In this form, he’s even more primal than he usually is, fucking you with the need to breed you
He always has a lot of cum, and he always cums inside of you,
But so much more floods inside of you when he’s like this, filling you up to the point of overflow
If you grab his horn during sex? It makes him go feral
(More so than he already is, that is)
Also, the noises he lets out?
Fucking so hot
Animalistic grunts and growls, long and deep groans escaping him
His heavy breathing can be felt against your neck, his sharp teeth grazing your skin before biting down hard enough to draw blood
He can go like, 5 rounds before tiring out, and by the end you’re just a moaning and overstimulated mess
He falls asleep with his dick inside you, making sure to plug all of his semen inside you so you are sure to be bred throughly
And you’re probably going to overheat, because he’ll cuddle you sir hard and close to his chest that you won’t be able to escape his strong grip the entire night
Good luck
Hope you enjoy it!!!!
Tbh, I’d be surprised if anyone that follows me is straight
(And if you do follow me and you say you’re ‘straight’, lemme just say that denial is a river in Egypt, you are-)
Cmon, straight bsd fan? Impossible 😐
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selamat-linting · 15 days
okay serious status update of the game. i finally had a proper base. there's a little farm, and i have a surplus of grain, enough to last the winter even if i dont do anything. i have so much bread my daily meal is a sandwich and a fruit salad. im in the process of making a copper anvil, i have a full leather armor with some to spare, and i have enough coal for several welding and working.
one glaring thing that i lack, is a bed. as i said before i have horrible luck when it comes to animals. when i was hunting and gathering without a stable place, i ate mostly rabbits and deers, which gave me some raw hide. but other than those, i got nothing. maybe a quail or a turkey if im lucky. the only animals that drop a hide large enough for a bed is a cow or a bear. i had a bed in my old base, but its long since burned down. i havent seen any cow ever since. i did meet a bear twice, which i died from btw. maybe i should make a bed from silk strings.
my search for valuable animals brings me nothing so far. but i did find a super large deposit of copper, so big i cant mine them all. i should craft a bag for that too. i probably should work on the things im already good at, like the mining and the agriculture, but when it starts snowing again, i know i cant travel as fast as i can and the resources i can just gather from the wilderness are very limited. plus, i can mine while looking for animals and farming for crops is something you can just left to grow on their own. urgh, i need to find a bed before winter. im sick of having to walk thousands of miles to go home.
my plan this summer is to get a bed, a backpack, farm as much as possible, and a steady source of milk. eggs would be nice. i found a quail but so far theyre all male. i cant breed them together so i think im just gonna kill one of them for food. im sorry but i cant afford homosexuality in my base, even if its pride month. farming is crazy btw, its time consuming, you thought youre done but then its night so you have to wait to leave house in the morning. but then by morning some crops are mature and you have excess seeds and a bunch of compost so the cycle starts all over again.
during winter, i would not be able to go far anywhere so im thinking to expand my base while waiting out the snow. my base already have two separate wings of the house, dedicated first for a kitchen and the other for a forge. dont ever build a kitchen or a room near the kitchen with wattle and daub btw. it WILL burn down. if you want to be safe but have a pretty base, have a layer of rock insulating any room with a fire source before building a second layer of the next room with wood. also dont put barrels on the ceiling of the forge especially if you dont put a proper chimney. dont waste precious hides, limewater and tannins like me. anyway, i want to expand the base, i want to have a bigger storage room, maybe even a little living room for guests, even though im only on my own in this world. also, i got lost really often. so i needed my base to have a super tall and big tower so i can easily find it. im gonna call it my babel tower and it will expand forever until i decide to move out. which will inevitably happen.
i might need to expand the forge next year and build a windmill or a waterwheel to automate the quern grinding process and anvil smithing and oh shit waterwheel requires a river and the flow on the river next door is too slow so i might have to move a bit. also i need a good light source so i need to find tallow and that requires me to explore the sea and hunt some whales. And dont forget to craft some blue steel for the lantern. And try glassworking for the windows. but thats a problem for next year's winter. everything's quite sufficient now.
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moodr1ng · 27 days
lengthy discussion of ed treatment/management under the cut but nothing triggering or specific
i think its funny that im like.. (i believe) very good at giving advice regarding eating disorders to other people.. like, i will often give detailed, multi-paragraph, nuanced advice and information on dealing with eds and give people lists of ways they can reach for help, advice on managing disordered eating behaviors as best as possible, reassurance that yes, what theyre describing is a real ed, yes they deserve help, no they dont need to get any sicker to get help, ill frequently ask people who are down on themselves or ashamed bc of eating disorders to let me have faith in them on their behalf/let them know that im proud of them even if they arent/reassure them that they are never alone with this even in the worst part of an ed when it feels like youre the only person this fucked up on the planet/celebrate their wins and improvements if they have no one to be proud of them/etc. and none of this im saying to congratulate myself like.. i am somewhat educated on this topic, i like being able to use that to help out people, im not doing anything extraordinary or praiseworthy, i just have a certain level of skill/knowledge in handling eds and so i feel its sort of a responsibility i want to take on to put that to use.
but the point is.. i can do all this for other people but when it comes to myself? i dont follow any of my advice. my relationship to food is terrible and so is that to my body. i know all this stuff, i have all these nice things to say to other people - and i can't apply any of it to myself.
and though i always encourage people to reach out to medical professionals, to nutritionists, to therapists specializing in ed, to hotlines, to ed clinics.. i have been let down by every single one of those. my nutritionist told me my eating problems are a psychiatric issue and therefore she simply couldnt help me in any way. my psychiatrist listened to me describe my ed and had no advice bc he doesnt specialize in this and cant help me. the ed clinic in my city wouldnt offer me treatment bc they only take extremely underweight patients. a nutrition/ed support clinic a friend recommended wont take me either bc im not overweight enough. i contacted an ed hotline, set up a phone appointment with the hotline worker, and got ghosted. every avenue of help i have found has said "i cant help you" or "i wont help you". and yet here i am, still telling people to seek professional support and hoping they have better luck than me..
idk. sometimes i just feel phony, yknow? like, here i am giving people all this reassuring, in-depth, affirming advice that sounds like.. wise or like i know my shit right, and then you go look at my post history on the same account and theres my post about my relapse and how profoundly i hate myself and am disgusted with myself. it makes me feel like.. me still being in the deep of the ed devalues my advice. you peek under the curtain, and the guy who talks like he has it all figured out and can help you is just as lost, scared, ashamed and miserable as you.
not sure what im trying to say. just. think about this regularly ig. i wonder how i wouldve fared in a world where i didnt get rejected from returning to the psychology course, in a world where i become someones therapist - would i have too felt like an absolute phony, a poser, if i had become a therapist while being this mentally unwell? idk. maybe. it doesnt matter now, anyway.
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seiwas · 4 months
this is a bit random (and admittedly and understandably weird?), but im trying to be consistent about waking up early and having a morning routine (lmao is this tmi); im writing/asking you because ur the first person that pops in my head when it comes to mornings (u shared before, if im not mistaken(?), that ur very fond of mornings), SO im talking too much lol, BUT im just really curious (and asking for advice honestly 😔👉🏻👈🏻) on how to stay consistent about waking up early… and loving mornings… 🥹
(u dont have to answer if this is weird! i understand, truly!!) (thank u very much 😭)
hi nonie!! not weird at all omg i find it so sweet that you’ve come to me for advice!! 🥹 i’m so touched!
i love that you’re trying to form a morning a routine—i’m a morning person and a lot of the success of my day hinges on how i start it!
i’ll put this under the cut in case it gets too long!! but these are the things that have personally worked for me!
the night before
get enough sleep! (sleep earlier bit by bit, you don’t have to do it all at once! making it manageable and sustainable is key 🥹)
drinking tea helps too (as long as it isn’t caffeinated)—anything to relax your body and mind!
things around you that can help
alarms help at training your body to wake up at a specific time, you can also adjust this 10 minutes earlier day by day so your wake time pushes back! (over time you’ll find that you’ll be able to do it on your own!)
getting natural sunlight in (personally helps me wake up the most. if you don’t have a window, maybe smth like a timed ac might help too!)
leave your phone far away from you, to the point that you have to stand up to get it! (so you don’t reach for it in bed and stay there and fall asleep again 😭)
the morning of
as soon as you wake up, get up. (this is really tough but it’s a mental battle 😭 you’ll def be sleepy 😭 but i can assure you, the sleepiness will almost always go away around 10 minutes after you get up and move around 😭)
fix your bed! (it can trick your mind into thinking that you don’t wanna get into it and mess it up again)
get some natural sunlight (it’s good for you and i think also helps w your circadian rhythm for later on at night! you can do this by either going out for a walk or if you want to stay in, some yoga by the window is nice too!)
go along your day as planned!
*naps in the afternoon may or may not be helpful, but as a general rule i try to avoid it! but if you really need to get some sleep in, a nice 20 minute nap works wonders for me!
consistency takes time so don’t shock yourself into waking up from 10am one day to suddenly 6am the next—it’s okay to take it gradually! if you want to love the mornings, you’re going to have to make it an enjoyable process for you 🥹
i personally love it because i like seeing the early morning light (not necessarily the sunrise but it’s a softer light right before it becomes really sunny!) (sunrises are also pretty great tho)
i also look forward to mornings a lot because i love breakfast and breakfast food, and i love making my matcha latte! little things like these push me to get up from bed immediately so i can start the day 🥹
i’ve found that it also really helps if i start my day with a workout, but i know this really depends on the person! i prefer it because i have the most energy in the morning and it keeps me awake the more i’m moving!
i hope this was helpful!! let me know if you have any other questions/update me on your progress!! this is so exciting 🥺 a fellow morning lover!!! good luck!! ☀️💗
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