#and i mean that so seriously (I'm safe but passive)
ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
Shoutout to me from five weeks ago, about to start my new job, saying "watch this space, in about four weeks my mental health will be deteriorating rapidly". That bitch was bang on the money.
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oozedninjas · 9 months
What do you think of possessive turtles with their s/o? What do you think they'de be like? Other than marking their s/o that is
Ninja turtles + possessiveness
Ah, the smell of toxic relationships!
18+ I Ninja guys are mind to late twenties I kind of dark!turtles, kind of what I think the toxic aspects of dating them would actually be like. I MDNI I General verses
This bitch is too cocky to even think you can cheat on him, or fall for someone else. Yet!! He's still a mutant turtle, what if you hang out too much with someone who changes your mind?
You haven't answered in half an hour? Calls you.
Oh, you don't answer? haha, funny
* proceeds to spam*
via text, via calls, via social media
He just has this controlling habit of wanting to know where you are, with whom, and what you're doing.
You hate it, but when you confront him about it, he's always like
:( What do you mean? I'm just worried!
The foot clan's out there, you know?
Passive aggressive, honestly
It's not that he's being possessive! he just wants to make sure you're safe. *coughs * gaslighting * coughs*
He's sore when it doesn't work.
Yeah, I don't how to tell you this but, your phone is tapped.
Just as you are about to leave to hang out with your friends, he makes the century's discoverment. It's happening again — "Please stay; it's important!"
Just five more minutes! *263536 hours later he still isn't done showing you *
Tracks your phone (in case of an emergency, of course)
Scoffs at you when you point out he's being possessive
Behold, the "I can take you there" man.
Do you need to go to the store? He drives you! Get on the motorbike, enjoy the city lights ;)
You're hanging out with your friends? Don't worry; he'll give you a lift! No? Why not? Hmm, are you really hanging out with your friends?
Well, if he can't take you there, he can pick you up. How's that? :D Really so annoying.
Oh, you're clubbing? Guess what?! He's patrolling just in that same area. Isn't that great? Now he can wait for you to finish and walk you home!
Stalks your Instagram stories knowing he'll probably get angry, and then confronts you about the most random screenshots. Why are you touching this friend on the shoulder in this pic?! >:(
Seriously nerve-wracking.
Listen, listen, we gotta give Mikey all the coins!! All the points because he's so subtle you don't even notice he's being possessive until one day you're reflecting and * loud gasp * revelation.
He gives you a bracelet just like his own so you can wear it as a couple! In addition to many other things that are sometimes bought and sometimes handmade, the point is that they are all orange.
And you will say, how is that possessive?
BECAUSE, because, your friends ask, is orange your favorite color? And while it may be yes, it is an opportunity to mention that the color reminds you of your boyfriend.
In short, he gives you or does things that will force you to bring him into conversation with other people.
He is the first to comment on all your photos on social media, "How beautiful my angel!" which is a problem bc now your friends want to meet him * sweats * how the hell are you gonna explain? And what if someone in your group reveals the secret? * anxiety intensifies *
Everyone in your life knows that you have a boyfriend, which is not bad, but sometimes, Instead of his actions feeling genuine, it's more like he just wants everyone to know that you are taken.
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richeeduvie · 2 months
Baby coincidentally changing her locks around the same time Roman gets with Tabitha. I remember reading something here once that he just makes himself home at her place even if he is with Tabitha 😭 he has such a hard time being told no and Baby just goes “oh right,, i had to change my locks recently because I uhh lost my keys ??yeah” and he just stares at her like yeah?? Well?? Wheres my duplicate then🤨 and she just sighs 🧍‍♀️
Dog at Your Door
So we do know he's panicking, right?
It's after a slight conflict, Baby's secretly tense and insecure after witnessing Roman's affections towards Tabitha and was in his words "Acting pussy-hungry."
"Eat a cock. Preferably mines, who elses?"
And Roman, in all his fuck-assery and annoying, attention seeking nature, knew that got to Baby. He didn't know why, but it did. His shit-eating smirk faltered a little, barely noticeable to most. He scratched the back of his neck, watched how Baby walked off into the hall with a fucking attitude.
It just didn't help Baby at all to see the way Roman still holds the belief that he's safe in their friendship to have sex and act as if they're joined by their genitals and hearts while playing boyfriend-girlfriend with Tabitha. It isn't fair, not to her or herself - but Roman holds it so tightly that she knows it's genuine. It's not spiteful, as if he's saying "I own your heart, what are you going to do about it?"
It still hurts.
And all those blood-gushing moments of when Baby pretends to be angry or disappointed in Roman to get him small, insecure, and panicked? It's there when she changes the locks. But it's not purposeful. Not fully, at least.
Roman goes over to her place with almost fully forgetting their little stunt in the day. He knows she's not home, but it's routine to make himself home when she's not there. Sometimes he'll jizz on her pillowcase, or play a game on his phone. Sometimes take a nap, even though naps are for people who are about to turn to dust or toddlers.
But the door doesn't budge. The knob barely moves.
"What the fuck?"
And Roman tries again. And again. The vein along his forehead appears, there comes the thinly-pulled lips and the look in his eyes gets more childishly strained.
"What the fuck?"
So does his voice. It'd make Baby smile if she was there.
After the thirteenth door jam, Roman begins to pull at his hair.
It's about a hour worth of constant text messages when Baby reached her place.
'why the fuck can't I open the door to the pent'
'what the fuck'
'What the actual fuck?'
'literally what did I do? It's an actual different lock too'
'fuck you seriously'
'I didn't know you were that pussy hungry but I didn't do anything and what?'
'What are you trying to say with this?'
'or can you tell me the lock broke or something?'
'why can't I open the door?'
It's Baby standing over him in front of the door. He's rested, casually pissed and passive aggressive.
"I lost my other key."
His fingers play nervously with themselves. Baby watches Roman's chest rise and fall, it's even. But she knows him. It's manic. Not a good enough answer for him. He needs complete assurance that she's not going to leave him or filter him out - that and a kiss, an arm wrapped around his stomach while he sleeps.
"Why didn't you just get a new key?"
"That would mean a place where a stranger could have my key to my door. Changing the locks is safer."
He blinks up and scratches his nose.
"...That's fucking stupid. I'm here in like...belief? Belief you want me out and fuck Roman and his tiny, occupied cock that is perfectly available but I won't accept because your womanly ego convinced you someone might pick up your key and think you're worthy enough of a sex crime."
She looks the knob above his head, scratched up. She assumes (and assumes right) that that came from Roman growing increasingly more frantic and kept missing the keyhole when trying to open it over and over.
"You were about to break in. And what? Wait for me naked to pounce on me? Which would be more like begging. I'd reject which would get you huffy and then I would have to rub your chest like you're a fucking baby who had a bad day with Daddy."
Baby unlocked the door over Roman's head.
"If you were the cautionary scenario I was imagining when I was changing the locks, Rome, I'd keep the door wide open. It's all a pathetic, corporate nature."
"...I didn't even say anything."
"Say hi to Tabitha, and tell Shiv tha-"
"I wanna come in."
He steps in, tense and needy and every other word to describe and man stepping a panic, doing what needs to be done to be the center of her love and affection and she can't leave him outside the door.
And Baby knows that, and she's been so lonely that she'll indulge for the sake of herself.
Roman butts his head into her neck nearly-softly, like a cat. He smiles, not in smugness, but relief.
Sometimes a dog and his bone, other times a cat who gets what he wants anyway.
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 17)
Aside from their new third. The night went rather similarly to how it normally would, Uzi had brought over several more movies for them to go through over the next few days. Pretty much resigning herself into cooping herself up in N's apartment while she was playing the part of Tera's live in nanny.
And currently, they were trying to choose which one to start with, N digging around the pile of disks as she laid with Tera, keeping the little one curled slightly under her arm so that there would be no more rolling away.
“N oh my robo-god just choose!” She laughed in faux irritation, not loud enough to wake the baby but definitely loud enough for N to pout back at her.
“But all of these are scary!” He pointed out, lifting up several of the boxes to reveal the graphic covers, Uzi just giggled mischievously.
“Dude we deal with way scarier stuff. Nothing compares to centipede J.” She replied, rolling her eyes at his second pout, adjusting the charge cord still sticking out of her like it would make any difference in her comfort.
“I guess…” He picked the one that had the least terrifying cover and popped it into the player, watching as the beginning credits zipped across the screen.
“What one did you pick?” She asked, head tilting to the side, small smile on her face.
“Uh… I didn't look at the title, just the cover.”
“Oooh~ Roulette.”
He didn't quite like the sound of that… were all of these the same level of terrifying? Was it like a “choose how you want to get traumatized” thing?
He settled onto the couch, holding his tail in his hands as Uzi focused entirely on the screen, well, her eyes were focused on the screen, the other hand was subconsciously petting the droneling snuggled next to her, still solidly in sleep mode.
Still being amazing at this, without even trying.
As the movie started the tension that had settled over N slowly unwound, this was… fine. A little creepy sure, but Uzi was right, it was tame in comparison to the genuine terror they'd already experienced, although the stakes being your life instead of a passive observer probably helped.
“Where… are they going? Why are they separating off from the rest of the group?” He asked as the main couple snuck off together, hand in hand, as one of the other characters was explaining that they should probably stick together, because something creepy was going on.
“To make out.” Uzi smirked, literally all these horror movies were exactly the same, teenagers were dumb… even in real life.
“Now?!” He asked incredulously, the entire group had just witnessed movement outside the house they were staying in, and they decide to leave? To kiss?
“Love is always the best decision.” She quoted him, and he felt his own words come slapping him in the face, that had felt so long ago now…
“That was an entirely different scenario, that was romantic, this- this is dumb.” He defended, watching as the couple went outside their relatively safe cabin leaving it unlocked so they could get back in. And went off into the woods in the middle of the night.
“They deserve this.” He mumbled to himself, and he half meant it, not only were they dumb, but complete assholes to the rest of their “freinds” that were totally going to get murdered.
Uzi cackled at his reaction, trying to muffled it after Tera stirred, thankfully she didn't wake up.
“Honestly yeah…” Uzi admitted watching as the camera followed the couple through the forest, the undergrowth getting deeper, darker, and way more thick around them, not that they seemed to notice.
“Immoral makeout sesh. Check.” Uzi hummed and N just shook his head.
“Seriously, what's so great about it that it's seen as this important? Rebecca and Darren did this too…” He was honestly talking more to himself then to Uzi, but once he realized he was referencing camp. He shut his mouth instantly.
“Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring… that up.”
“It's fine.” She still had a smile on her face, and it wasn't a forced one; he knew what that looked like. It was a little pained, but it looked like she wasn't so effected by it anymore.
“Some people get turned on by danger?” She suggested, breezing right past whatever perceived mistake he'd made and barreling right into a dumb joke.
“Uzi!” He found himself blushing at her crass, even if it was such an Uzi thing to say, he hadn't expected it to come out of her mouth, she laughed a little at him.
“I mean, look at them, don't they need air?” Uzi brought his attention back to the screen, where the couple was noisely sucking face, hands going way too fast but going to places he didn't want to see.
He immediately ripped his head away from the screen. Watching drones make out was one thing (he'd went past a few couples the longer he spent in the bunker.) But watching humans had another level of uncanny valley, especially since his only real experience with them was Tessa. And her parents, but they were less pleasant to think about.
“Ew.” He found himself saying, which was surprising even for him because usually he was into romance, but right now all he felt disgusted.
“Really? You're grossed out? Damn I am rubbing off on you.” She laughed again, but blessedly fast forwarded it to when they finally stopped (which was ten whole minutes later, why was that necessary to include?!)
“It's not even that, it normally wouldn't bother me. I mean, I'm… a romantic.” He started, doing his best to phrase it in a way that didn't imply anything.
“A helpless romantic.” She corrected, shit eating grin and all, he felt his visor heat up again, yes he was, for her and her smart mouth.
“As I was saying, I've seen drones kiss before, that doesn't bother me. But I just fell like I don't wanna see… that? I dunno.”
He didn't want to see what should be private between two people? Maybe, would he feel the same way if it was him and someone else? Immediately, his processors betrayed him, serving him a hot and piping thought of Uzi up against a tree, hot breath leaving her, and him leaving a trail of kisses down her neck-
He shook his head so hard he could almost hear it rattle. That was not where his brain needed to go right now, in fact he needed to get far far away from that line of thinking pronto. He willed his furious blush away, wishing he could focus on the actual movie like Uzi was doing.
Uzi wasn't too focused on the movie either, instead she was having a private little daydream about pushing N up against a tree and kissing his cute little golden face until he was breathless. Thankfully she was stone faced, so long as she didn't look at him she wouldn't fluster, but that had taken some practice to reign in. Practice, because at this point thoughts like that were so common that she'd overheat constantly if she blushed at all of them.
Thankfully for N the rest of the movie pushed it out of his mind. Not because it suddenly became scary. Humans being chopped to bits with a meat cleaver was a lot less terrifying when you weren't human and you thought the entire cast was stupid. No, but it did become funny.
To make fun of.
The effects were laughably terrible, the killers mask was crooked the entire time, and, intentional or not, it destroyed any intimidating factor he had, since it looked more and more like a grown ass man in a bad Halloween costume.
It didn't help thar the voice acting was equally as bad, sounding sarcastic at best “Oh no don't kill meeeee.” And straight up bad at worse, some of the delivery was so off N had to rewind to even catch what they said.
“This movie is terrible.”
“This movie is laughably terrible.” She corrected him again, and he shot her a look that made her dissolve into laughter again.
He supposed she was right in that regard, they were making fun of it, and he no longer feared being scared tonight. Heck if all the movies were like this he wasn't fearful of ever being scared by them.
“Are all of them like this?” He asked, relaxing back into the couch with a sigh as he watched a teenage boy get decapitated, huh, he knew how that felt, ow.
“Only my favorite ones!” Uzi replied, laughing as one of the girls conveniently tripped over… something, her own stupidity most likely. Giving the killer time to catch up.
That didn't surprise him in the least, she was the one who wanted to go to earth and wipe out all the humans, so that tracked.
Still she kept trying to adjust, the cord seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable the longer she laid.
“You good?” He asked as the movie began to wind down, the final girl setting a trap for the killer, to finish him off for good.
“I'm fine. Just… not used to having a baby attached to me. I can't get comfortable.” She admitted, crossing her arms awkwardly. N just smiled, and without thinking spread his arms to invite her to join him on his side of the couch.
She hesitated, before this there had always been some sort of plausible reason for them to end up in close proximity, weather it just be the size of what they were on or a traumatic event. Now though, there was no pretense. He was asking to be close because he wanted her close.
If she was looking for hints he might feel the same. This was her biggest one.
She did accept, crawling over to his lap where she could lean against his chest, she slotted perfectly there, tucked underneath his chin as she adjusted Tera again, only this time, N took her into his arms, removing the tension from her side almost entirely.
“Better?” He willed his voice to not crack like he was five, he hadn't meant for this to happen, he'd just… done it. Subconsciously. And now he was having to quell his feverishly humming core due to his own dumb actions.
“Heck yes… didn't realize how much she was pulling on me.” Her tension released immediately, and once again she found herself soothed by his ambient warmth, and his core humming underneath her. The movies credits had just begun to roll, that was fine, she'd seen it before.
“Maybe we can get you a baby bag or something, so she's not hanging off you and you don't have to carry her?” He suggested, and while on one hand that sounded *great*, and appealed directly to the “problem = solution” portion of her brain, it also made her fluster.
It would feel much more official then, that she was a parent as much as he was, it had been a feeling she'd been ignoring, starting from whenever they'd first seen Tera and growing every day since then. That this pillbaby, this… fragile thing. Was hers.
That she was a mom. And N was a dad.
And that thought made her giddy and flustered and scared. Best freinds don't typically adopt children together, even her very limited experience of friendship could tell her that.
"Uh... maybe..."
Their relationship right now was… complicated. They weren't together, neither of them had said anything or addressed it, but she did know that they were too close and their lives too intertwined to still just be calling it “freindship.”
And yet she was, and so was he. Because what else would either of them call it? She still couldn't completely prove he felt the same way! He'd been closer… more touchy. But that was kinda just N! "Boundaries" was not a word in his dictionary.
But here they were, cuddling, looking like a happy couple that had just brought their newborn home. She looked at them through the reflection of the now blank television.
N looked happy, extremely happy, eyes closed and holding both her and Tera close to his chest like they'd both slip through his fingers somehow, his tail was slowly wrapping itself around her leg, almost like it was trying to sneak up on her.
But her biggest hint? The thing that made her core flip when she realized? He was purring.
It was so soft it was almost impossible to hear. But she could feel it, the soft rhythmic vibrations that poured out of his core presumably without his knowledge. If he'd done it before she'd become… this. Then maybe it wouldn't have tipped her off so much. But now…
She had a purr too, another change made by the solver to her body to make her more like a disassembly drone, and her purr had only ever triggered when she was thinking about N, specifically how much she loved him.
While she was sure N's would be less specific in what and who triggered it, it something reserved for love. And considering she'd never heard it before, she could decern that it wasn't just something N just did.
Which meant it was her that was triggering it, or her and Tera together that was.
She felt a blush work it's way to her face as she looked up into N's visor, even though his eyes were closed, she knew he could still see her with his visor, and had probably been watching her the entire time.
So she just smiled, and curled herself into him. Hiding her face just in case she got flustered.
N liked her, and she finally had her proof.
Next ->
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hangeslefteye · 2 years
What does your favorite Aot boy tells me about you/your romantic preference????
 100% shitpost,I'm no therapist feel free to disagree.Before scrolling down try to pick 1-2 of your fave(I know it's hard D:) +I ranked them from my fave to least.
REİNER:You just want to be held,comforted and appreciated.You seriously don't want any drama and rather share some sincere,deep emotions.You really appreciate when a man shows their vulnerable side and open with you.Just as you would appreciate a man's tears you'd also appreciate their strong masculine presence.Which you definitely seek some HEALTHY masculinity in a s/o as this makes you feel safe and loved.Also you want big boy hugs that will comfort you.
PORCO:You are most likely to have a mean flirting style but you are still chill and don't want any real fights in a relationship as you get heartbroken easily .You love it when someone keeps you on your toes without being a real asshole.This gives you healthy sexual tension.Overall you want fun, love and passion at the same time.You are KİNDLY playful yet emotionally intense.You hide your feelings with sarcasm A LOT.
JEAN:You are also a very emotionally intelligent person but you might be a little bit of a hopeless romantic.You love the thrill of being in love and anything that comes with it.You still appreciate cliche/cheesy romantic gestures.At love you might be slightly masochistical and platonic yet very adoring.You have big simp tendacies and you are dreamy.When you love,you love beautifully.Literally aesthetically.You live your love like an old romance movie which might come off fake or shallow to others but actually you internalize it A LOT.
ZEKE:You are mentally fcked up.You should seriously go see a real therapist rather than trying to cope up with dark humour.You might get attracted to slightly older and dominant men.You are pursuing a toxic love life that's dangerous.You have an apetite for toxic masculinity and controlling behaviour.You do this 100% on purpose because enjoy it and not by mistake but this can be risky.You LOVE mind games and get bored from anything soft hearted.After all what is love to you without a pinch of manipulation?
CONNİE:You are the most relaxed and down to earth person ever.It's important for you to be friends with your romantical interest because relationships just feels easier and more fun like that.You really want to be able to talk about EVERYTHİNG going on in your life unfiltered.Obvious flirting might make you feel uncomfortable as you prefer to keep it playful and soft hearted.Also you want your love interest 7/24 around you but not in a clingy way.That's why a somewhat childish friendly love charms you.
EREN:You like sterotypical toxic romance.The type where couples punches walls,screams and throws things.You think this is passionate and you love your men a little problematic.You are slightly masochistical and want some drama.You also feel things deeply and somewhat hot headed.You might have an interesting urge to cling onto emotionally unavailable men.Angry sex is possibly your way of emotional bounding.
ARMİN:If you like Armin because he's so calm and kind and sympatic etc. Sorry to say,you are a little bad at reading people.Because in reality he is quite capable of heavy manipulation and hide it behind his angel face.On this matter maybe he's even more dangerous than Zeke.If you realised this but he's still your favorite then you too love mindgames and passive agressive drama in a relationship.You think intelligence and sophistication is the sexiest thing about a love interest.You love subtle manipulation fights in a relationship.
For girls edition
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kidokear · 1 month
Spoilers for Murder Drones Ep 8.
What ride! I loved it. ^^
Although, there is this particular line from J that had been stuck in my mind since I watched the episode.
"You know there's no escape, even in death!"
Outstanding delivery aside (seriously, the VA killed it), The line itself (even on a surface level) shows how trapped these drones are, but I'd like to delve deeper here. There is something about it that makes the gears in my head turns and I want to drop the product here.
Here we go.
To start, I'd like to say that, of course, J would know that more than anyone. She died so many times during the show. There is even a J death count in the credit scene. If someone would feel like it's impossible to leave, it would be J because her experience showed her that something as final as death could not break the Solver's hold. (Following this line of thoughts can give us a wealth of information about J and her character! But that's for later)
Now, thinking about it, there are more than one way for the Solver to nullify (heh) death, and I think that makes it even more terrifying and, well, absolute. More so than death. It's not one blockage. There are layers.
For one, we know how difficult it is to kill a Solver afflicted drone. They regenerate so much, so quickly. Even when you take out a crucial part (like the head) or a good chunk of them, they'll come back. And when you do manage to damage them enough to the point that they can't just self-repair, if their core is intact you'll get the 'autorun Solver failsafe' where they'll mutate and turn into eldritch abomination that collect matter until it can repair the host back into the original stat, effectively bring them back to life (and we don't even know the level of awareness the host have during the matter collection process).
Second, even if there is no eldritch phase, they'll still live as a core (like Nori!), a body is not needed.
And if the core is destroyed? Not enough. Because there are backups. J's core was destroyed at the second episode, and oh look! she's back, and seemingly with her memories (on some level) intact from her previous run.
But there is more! Now, this part is mostly speculation and theories, so take it with a grain of salt. But there is a point, after Uzi ate the Solver core where the screen had red in it, and, some says, Doll's name flashed there. Now, I don't think Cyn kept a back up of Doll, and her core was eaten. So what does that mean? I think that could mean that any drone connected to the solver (or maybe eaten by it) would be saved in it's... data base? (not sure what to call it). So even if there is no core, no back up, a drone might not cease to exist and 'die' if it was connected to the solver, even passively. They could forever exist within the Solver itself, which mean that the only way to truly die is to erase the Solver and everything within it completely. which I'm not even sure is possible, considering it's nature of being a 'code mutation' with the possibility of popping up again (although, maybe the end of one strain of Solver could 'free' those within this strain. Or we could have a case of Halo's Flood where even when gone, the new one will carry what the old has, which is honestly horrifying and depressing).
And the patch won't safe you because it keep the primary host out, but not the Solver (and honestly, even if it blocks the Solver itself, I don't think a patch would be effective for long, I think it could pull a flu and mutate to bypass it).
All in all, the Solver is living up to it's name and is being one of my favorite cosmic/existential horrors, not just bending the laws of physics but life itself. A background hopelessness that become more and more prominent once you think about it.
Sorry if that was a mess. Like I said, I just wanted to word vomit my thoughts. XD
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o-sachi · 3 days
─── A Letter for @meowkages ✦
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If you have received this, it means you signed up for Sachi's Selfship Event !
Jeffery would be jealous. Jk. You should know I love hearing about the crazy stuff that goes on in your life. Bro's living Class of '09 irl. But seriously... stay safe, okay cuz wtf. I'd hate if anything happened to you 'cuz you're like one of my first friends here and you're so skibidi yk.
✉️ Attachment: ABCs with Reo Mikage
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[A] Affection He gets cuteness aggression a lot, soooo be prepared, I guess? He particularly likes pinching your cheeks. Even while you're talking or even if you aren't. You can complain, but he doesn't care. When the urge creeps up on him, he'll do it. He also likes squishing your cheeks together, so you make a funny face. Idk, he can be weird sometimes. He's also really good with words though, so you hit the jackpot on that!
[C] Comfort Even though he has seen you cry on multiple occasions (even for no reason at all), it still makes him panic a bit. He'll start rapid firing questions at you about what he can do to make you feel better. However, unlike most, he's pretty good with his words; Reo knows the right thing to tell you to get you to smile again. On that note, he likes making you laugh (he finds it easy). It works like a charm every time. He'll wipe away your tears while you're laughing at his corny jokes.
[D] Dates He plans the most elaborate dates. Reo doesn't settle for dinner/lunch dates all the time; he likes to change things up often. I have a feeling he likes to take you on adrenaline-inducing activities like the amusement park or paintball. I wouldn't be shocked if he decides to rent out the entire place for the two of you... Even if you start to feel worried about his spending habits, he'll shut you up and tell you that it's alright.
Also! He makes sure to give you a gift every time you go out on a date. Most of the time it's a funny trinket, a piece of clothing, or anything that's pink and cute. It boosts his ego whenever you tell your friends about the stuff he got you.
[E] Early Relationship I'm certain that you two started as best friends or at least close friends. You like to bicker a lot together and talk about silly things. But because of this foundation of friendship, it took a while for things to actually feel like a relationship and not just a friendship—if that makes sense. To sum it up, the beginning was a major learning experience for the both of you, but it ultimately helped to make you two better for each other.
[F] Fights Honestly... you two fight about silly things. It could be something like which place y'all wanna eat at or what movie you want to watch. It's like you never seem to agree on those things, so you fight a little bit over it. Most of the time he gives in for you, but then you feel bad. Then, it's another dispute all over again. All things considered, you would rarely fight about anything serious and you're grateful for that fact.
[J] Jealousy Okay... I seriously think both of you are on the same level of jealousy. But you show it in different ways. Reo starts throwing passive aggressive comments about whoever or whatever it is that's causing his jealousy. Most of the time you're oblivious to it and it makes his stomach churn. You, on the other hand, are more upfront about it. In your defense, Reo can be too nice sometimes. People misinterpret that kindness a lot. You have to remind him that quite frequently.
[M] Memory Your fondest memory was when he visited you late at night (he threw pebbles at your window because he wanted to be like those guys in romcom movies). Anyway, he snuck you out of your house and brought you to an empty field. You pretty much gazed at stars while talking about random things. Even as you kept yapping about stuff he barely understood, he was just happy to be there.
[O] Other People Truth be told, other people in Reo's sphere were quite critical of you at first (they're like that with everyone who's close to Reo). Of course, coming from a rich and influential family, they have to be vigilant about everyone who gets close to the sole heir of the Mikage corporation (bro's worth 700 Billion Yen). But as soon as you prove yourself to be genuine, his family and friends slowly warm up to you too. Although, I think the pressure to live up to their expectations will always be there. But Reo will help you every step of the way.
[T] Time Apart I think both of you handle being away from each other pretty well (although I'd say you're a little worse at it). But Reo knows that you hate calling/talking over the phone. So usually what you do is you save up all the things you want to talk about for the next time that you see each other. Once you're together again, y'all start yapping each other's ear off. (You probably bit him soon as he entered your crossfires... poor guy). Oh, he probably asks Baaya to keep an eye on you and give him updates about you while he's gone.
[X] XOXO His little way of showing you love is by playing Dress to Impress with you lol. You easily rope him in all of your shenanigans after all. BUT, of course, it is to be expected that Reo will buy you the VIP and all the other cool stuff in the game. Ask him for Robux and he'll give you twice the amount you asked for. (He matches Roblox avatars with you).
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cowboyjen68 · 11 months
Hi Jen! Coming to you from the closet for an emotional rant. Recently, I started dating this woman.I'm young, 19, I'm still at home with my very conservative and unsupportive family. I know that if I come out, my whole world shifts and the negative consequences could literally put me at risk. When this woman and I first started seeing each other, I was honest about my situation and told her it wasn't safe for me to. She told me she understood and that it wasn't a deal breaker.
Now she's doesn't seem very okay with the situation. It's been about a month. I'm out to basically everyone else, friends, other family like siblings, coworkers ect, and they know about her, but I don't want my parents to know about her, period, because I'm too afraid to put us at risk. I don't feel like I don't want to break up, I seriously like this woman. She's becoming very passive aggressive about it and less understanding the more time seems to pass. Im nervous, because I don't want this to lead to a break up, but there's nothing else I can do right now. I know if it's meant to be then it'll work out, but being closeted like this makes me feel so isolated and undeserving. I just don't know how to handle it.
I realize this might be too late and I hope you made the decision to stay safe within your home and she either came around to understand or you are not together any longer.
I get where she might come from. It is a place of either life long security and support OR one where she came out and experienced a bad situation or series of events at the hands of friends and family. Her thought process might be "if I can survive it you can" (and must) too. She might believe that since her parents were fine yours will likely come around.
Being an out and happy lesbian can lead us to feel like others can be just like us if they just take a risk. It is like when we experience joy in something, want others to have that and are clouded my our comfort into thinking it works the same for everyone in every circumstance of life. We all know this is not true.
She might feel that if you really loved her you would gladly proclaim that love even to those who will react negatively.
You do not owe your safety to her. Your home, financial security, physical safety and emotional comfort IS important. Telling people who can damage any of these things is an act in futility and unnecessary. No one needs to know you are a lesbian unless you wish to share that information. If she cannot understand your well being comes first she is not a woman you want to stay with. She is willing to risk your stability for public affirmation or proof of love which means she likes the "idea" of love but does not understand what loving someone actually means.
If she is willing to listen and stand by your decision then you can work on her thoughts and such. If she continues to push and prod then please move on. You deserve to be safe.
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
"But its fine to be LGBTQ+ in Australia in 2024 Australia is such an accepting country"
Get away from me.
Here is an itemised list of shit that i see around me/has happened to me. Just in my little sphere of observation I'm not talking about online or anything just circling around fucking me. Organised from shit that bothers me the least to shit that fucks me off to an unbelievable extent:
All the shallow "LGBTQ+ safe space !!!!!!!" Stickers i see at places like target (I am not talking about actual queer spaces like Dangerfield oh my god i will never ever get over the time that the person at Dangerfield asked if i would like to see their "masculine selection" like holy shit ???? Yes i would love to see the "masculine selection" thank you for not making me a man in this store- anyways) it just makes me a little mad that they just have to put a little sticker in the window and suddenly they're a "safe space" like come off it mate no one's buying your shit
Those people who say they're like supportive and then go and bag out a highly minoritsed section of the community (example taken from my current home) "I support trans people i believe trans people should be able to live and be whoever they truly are" "if my child ever told me that they wanted to use "they/them" pronouns i would assign them a gender myself" "I think all these little "microlabels" like pansexual and aromantic are fake theyre just kids looking for attention" "well apparently you can identify as a tree these days lol I'll just tell them i identify as a dog and cock my leg on them"
Other generally passive homophobic comments such as "oh you're pansexual? Does that mean you're attracted to pans?"
Walking into class and getting slurred or called an "it" or being spoken about like I'm a creature rather than a person: "Sir, can you take that thing outside" "Its not a part of this classroom" "Someone should really put a muzzle on that thing" "oh, sorry, "IT". Got my grammar mixed up."
Possibly the more upsetting part of that is the teacher, who is aware of me being trans and has been since he took our class, has not done a thing about this despite stating that he was going to do what he could to support me.
The casual biphobia/complete erasjre of my bi identity that happens like literally daily? Like hello i like both ?
The younger queer kids being targets of creeps and harassment because theyre just "attention seeking queers" and no one would believe them if they said anything
Being clocked by customers at work and having to deal with harassment surrounding my entire identity despite the fact that I'm not even out and having to pretend to have a laugh about it with my coworkers while im literally shaking and like on the verge of an anxiety attack
People fetishizing drag queens/critisizing them for not doing drag in a "traditionally correct" way. Like ?? She's not bopping he bussy for anyone but herself fuck off
My own friends not believing me/taking me seriously when i try to talk about the harassment/abuse that I face at school/at work because "its 2024 and these places are safe places and they literally said they weren't trying to be offensive"
Being outed in the workplace because i was trying to help my gf get a job (which i didnt realise was a whole thing at the time) and then being punished for not telling people about our relationship to begin with (neither of us are very out and I didn't want to put either of us in an uncomfortable position so I didn't mention it because its not their business?) my gf is no longer getting a job and i am significantly less likely to get the promotion they were talking about giving me
The sheer amount of homophobic/transphobic parents that i know of in the area (mine and my gfs included) and the fact that "allies" don't seem to understand why we won't tell these people about ourselves (especially those of us with notably abusive parents (myself and my gf included))
"Well she can't like you very much if she's not willing to tell her parents" "i just don't think she really cares about you if she's keeping you a secret" shes literally let me give her kisses at the bus stop guys she just wont tell her mom fuck off
The fact that if her parents find out they could report me to the police for grooming because even if the age gap is literally eleven months she's still a minor and the courts are more likely to convict me because im queer. This would literally end my life.
the fact that im being encouraged to leave the fucking love of my life because its "too dangerous" and if my life is ruined by her parents its her fault some how so i need to protect myself ???? What the fuck ????
And finally "You cant save everyone you know" like ???? I know that doesnt mean that the people I CARE ABOUT should have to suffer to keep ME safe. Thats fucked up.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Ok I seriously hope you don’t take this as bad faith but I’d like to genuinely understand this, and I’m not even sure if I’m articulating this thought well, but I don’t understand why it’s not also considered inhumane to allow a ton more people into a system so broken that it can’t even support the poorest that are in that nation…? I understand it’s important to hella reform immigration and that’s in the works, and that these people are fleeing far worse conditions, but I also feel like the rich are just looking to make yet another slave class out of these desperate people. Is it yet again a case of multiple broken systems in a trench coat? If so, I’d like to know the most prominent areas so I can try to start fighting it (the rights abuses, not the immigration)
Okay, but I'm not entirely sure what your point here is. It sounds like "we shouldn't allow immigrants into America until we can help every American first," which is probably not what you mean, but still. Yes, America as a culture, society, and economy has many, MANY problems. Nobody is denying or disputing that. But it is also literally a nation built on immigrants, and why is it "inhumane" to let them come here when they are so desperate to reach it that they will risk their lives in any number of ways...? Is it just that you're afraid you aren't being Socially Aware Enough on any particular economic or social issue, and need to find something else to worry about?
People come to America, or want to come to America, for many reasons. They are being persecuted, or their country is politically unstable, or they have few job opportunities, or they have family here, or whatever. They are not coming here because they're being passively manipulated "by the rich to make another slave class." The way we treat them can often be disgraceful (see: Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott), but there are also many, many communities and resources for welcome and support. Immigrants can often get jobs and save money. They can build new lives. This is something we should welcome, and because the right wing in America, with all its racism and xenophobia, has so long dominated the immigration debate as "scary brown people," this is long, LONG overdue.
Any strategy that wants to reduce "illegal immigration" must offer valid and safe pathways for legal immigration. That's why the UK is in the middle of such a clusterfuck: the hardline Tories who want nobody to move to Britain ever are trying to stop the small boat crossings across the Channel by being even more cartoonishly evil and deliberately unhelpful to the poor souls who do make it. They feel that if they can make a "hostile environment" (their own words) for refugees and asylum-seekers, eventually none of those irritating brown people will ever bother to try again, problem solved. Which of course, hasn't worked, not least since Britain refuses to allow any pathways for safe and legal immigration/resettlement from unsettled and/or third world countries. Even highly skilled workers have lots of trouble getting a UK settlement visa these days, so your average refugee/economic migrant? Forget it.
Because Biden is allowing generous quotas of legal migrants, that cuts down on the chaos and brutality of people-traffickers and other criminal enterprises who make their money by extorting desperate people who have no other option. Also, lest we forget, we are less than four years removed from the Trump policy of tearing children away from their families and putting them in literal cages, under the same "make it so bad for them that they'll stop coming!" fetish for institutional cruelty that drives the Tories.
There is also an additional moral responsibility for former empires to be open to immigration, given that they built their political systems' wealth and power by moving to OTHER people's countries and invading, exploiting, and enslaving them. Now when the descendants of those people want to come to your country in turn, the racist white conservative pearl-clutching is both depressing and predictable. But yes, let's not read people making the choice to come to America, for one reason or another, as either an attempt to siphon overstretched resources from Real Americans, or as helpless dupes manipulated by the capitalist class to just live more lives of drudgery and misery. They are real people making real choices, and the fact that they're still so eager to come to America, even with all its problems, is something that should be supported, in a sustainable way, as much as possible.
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analexthatexists · 9 months
(semi-outdated) Ultraviolet!Sans Lore/Info + Some Art
I'm bored and I have some doodles to share so let's do this.
(Scroll to the near bottom of the page to see some art of his alternate form once he possess Corrupt Nightmare, Ultraviolence.)
For their base form / First look: https://www.tumblr.com/analexthatexists/739439912172011520/seeing-everyone-posting-their-cool-sans-aus-made?source=share
Because Nightmare was such a bookworm, UV's a big fan of comics, especially superhero ones (Anti-Hero stories are his favorite)
Due to latching onto negative essence rather than a SOUL, UV's able to understand negative emotions better, and his have been greatly boosted, making him more easily angered
UV's a lot less energetic than most other Fresh variants but tries his best to have high energy, though he usually can't and is a little more serious than other variants
He HATES, I repeat, HATES modern slang (Like, Gen Alpha Skibidi Rizz type stuff) and he'd rather die than have to speak such slang
He commonly uses his fists to fight, but also makes use of his surroundings (EX: Fighting in a kitchen and throwing a chair at someone or using kitchen utensils as weapons)
He tries to teach people how to "treat themselves right" (Keep themselves safe and trying to mentally help them) through generic, cheesy methods you'd find in 90s safety videos or anti-bullying programs, which usually never go well. (This is obviously based off Fresh!Ink's C.A.R.E)
People like Killer and Nightmare are some of his most disliked, really anyone who's known for killing people without reason and/or bullying
Despite his semi-disliking towards violence and murder, he will resort to violence when necessary or if he's having a bad day. If he's real fed up with someone, he's not afraid to beat them up. However, killing is, as he sees it, "Too uncool to do, yo", so he usually refrains from doing any fatal damage unless it's a serious threat to him or his brother
Most people see him and go "Oh, it's that guy again" or scream "DANG IT BOSS, IT'S THAT ANNOYING GUY WHO KEEPS TRYING TO STOP US FROM MURDERING PEOPLE."
UV really likes energy/soft drinks and sodas, especially the very acidic ones that should have been banned from stores years ago
Yes, UV is aromantic.
Dream Sans (While he dislikes literally every other version of the skeleton, the Dream that belonged to Nightmare, the body UV's parasite uses, is actually someone he kind of cares about. He blames the vessel for having such a bond that went on to become a part of his character, but continues to protect the guy out of instinct. Dream himself isn't too fond of his brother being used as a body for a parasite (I mean, when did he ever, am I right?) and didn't even realize what was going on at first, but he's too afraid to try and test UV, as he could probably overpower him easily if he so desired, so he just hangs out with him like he would his brother. Besides, he's close enough to the original Nightmare...Right?)
Nightmare Sans (Originally, UV meant to take over this guy, as he would have been a wonderful source of power (I mean, feeding of negativity and sorta being immortal? Who'd pass that up?). However, after latching onto Passive, he's begun to change his mindset. Sure, he still wants to someday snatch Nightmare's body and all that (Again, who'd pass that up?), but he's started to grow distasteful of the guy. He's absolutely sadistic and messes with his brother! Again, he blames his vessel's ideals and such bleeding into his, but he can't help but hate the guy just a smidge.)
Killer Sans (Nightmare's a pain, but UV absolutely HATES Killer. Not only is he working for Nightmare, but regardless of whenever Killer wants to or not, he's a pretty murderous guy who usually doesn't take UV seriously and/or tries to kill him.)
Shattered Dream (If these two were to meet, UV would HEAVILY dislike him. He'd stay away from them as much as possible, though if interaction's made, he'd simply taunt and annoy him to death in hopes he'd assume he's just a mindless, dumb Sans that isn't worth pestering. He'd also make sure he'd never find his Dream. If Shattered ever tries anything with his brother, he'd literally hunt them down as Ultraviolence.)
Fresh Sans (These two would be bros, though UV could never keep up with the more energetic colorful Fresh.)
Error Sans (UV's actually pretty chill with Error, though Error thinks he's just another abomination that wants to pester him. UV understands that balance needs to be kept in the Multiverse, and that destruction would be necessary, and he'd like to talk with the guy for once. However, Error never seems to stick around for long enough or tries to erase him.)
Among Us Blue (God forbid these two are in the same space, because UV would punt him into the Sun. For context, Among Us Blue's a joke character made by a friend basically poking fun at Blueberry Sans' existence. He speaks in Gen Alpha slang and is a general annoyance to everyone around him, which is two reasons as to why UV hates his guts.)
BACKSTORY: A Fresh Parasite manages to enter Dreamtale searching for Corrupted Nightmare wanting to take over his body and basically become an all-powerful being. However, this goes awry when he ends up taking over Passive Nightmare instead. And so, Ultraviolet's brought into the world against its own will. Confused and kind of panicking, he was interrupted mid-freakout by Dream, who, at the time, didn't know what was actually going on and assumed Nightmare simply changed his outfit. Ultraviolet, deciding he wouldn't blow his cover so quickly and was still destined to find his actual target, decided to play along for now. As time went on, he'd begin to become a bit fond of Dream, and the two would usually be seen wandering the Multiverse doing their own things, UV serving as a protective brother to Dream.
IMPRISONMENT & BREAKOUT: Ultraviolet and his brother were eventually imprisoned by a more royal, maybe even stronger variant of Nightmare known as King Scorpius. UV was able to break out, but was beaten to near death after getting caught. His physical body was destroyed, and the parasite escaped through a vent duct. It ended up finding more imprisoned monsters, and, as luck would have it...One of them was just the Sans he was looking for. It was Corrupt Nightmare, who wasn't having much luck escaping. The parasite then latched onto him (not willingly) while Dream escaped themselves. Dream was nearly caught and potentially killed by the same people who "killed" UV, but before they could do anything...
...They were...let's say..."interrupted" and mercilessly beaten to death by a new presence emerging from the shadows.
The newly formed Ultraviolence, after lazily putting together a name (At this point, there was more to consider than a cool name, like not dying and breaking out of this place), then escaped with his brother, who by this point was unconscious. Dream woke back up in their base homeworld, only UV was nowhere to be seen. UV was, still in the form of Ultraviolence, elsewhere pondering whenever he should continue using this form as originally desired or find another Passive body to revert back to Ultraviolet. Despite his plans originally set on becoming an all powerful immortal being of negativity, he decided that wasn't very rad anymore and went with the latter idea, stealing the body of a nearby Passive Nightmare from another timeline. Though, as he did so, he wondered why there was an absence of a Dream Sans. Don't these guys usually have brothers? UV didn't think too much about this and returned back home to his brother, acting as if the whole "King Scorpius castle breakout giant neon octopus man" thing was simply a nightmare.
Speaking of, here's what their design looks like!
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And now, here's some stuff about Ultraviolence!
He glows in the dark and is able to go invisible. The saturation/brightness/glow can be affected by physical and mental state (When he's real worked up or feeling sadistic he has high saturation, and when he's wounded badly or low on energy, he has a more desaturated, more dull look.)
Whenever invisible or not, he'll always leave a trail of cyan footprints behind him (They fade at a medium rate but are pretty helpful when it comes to spotting UV when invisible)
The tentacles UV has are mostly for display or boasting; he rarely uses them in favor of a pair of batons (Inspired by Daredevil)
Ultraviolet was pretty calm and collected with a short temper, but Ultraviolence is anything but. He's ruthless when it comes to getting his way and the hesitation to kill or harm's gone out the window. Though, he will make things entertaining while he's at it, cracking jokes and making light teases while snapping people's necks and breaking bones. In other words, he's very sadistic yet playful.
It's unclear whenever in this state Ultraviolence feels empathy towards Dream or not, as he makes sure to never be around him whenever in this form, doing this out of survival instinct because Dream's Nightmare's #1 weakness, though there could be other reasons as to why.
Blood is censored in the form of bright, neon colors (commonly pink cyan or lime). Nobody really knows how UV's able to do this, similar to how people don't know how Fresh's able to censor people's swearing
Speaking of swearing, UV usually has to censor himself whenever he's in this form, as his whole "very cautious about swearing" thing gets a bit twisted due to Corrupt Nightmare's influence.
Ultraviolet (Base):
Hands-on combat
Censorship (Swears are censored with %#*@&! rather than 90s slang and what not similar to how comics censor swearing)
No other abilities, such as having the base Sans abilities, are known to be possessed by UV
Ultraviolence (Corrupt):
Weapon Manifestation (Forming weapons such as batons, firearms, knives, etc)
(Probably) Same abilities as Nightmare Sans as well as Base UV
King Scorpius belongs to @teaspiiier 
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vivithefolle · 2 years
Hi! I love 99% of what you have to say about HP, and thank god for people who defend Ron as passionately as you do! People like you make navigating this fandom a lot more bearable. I've seen your criticism of Harry having no clue what to do on the camping trip and I wonder if you have some ideas of what they should have done instead? (Genuine question, I'm not trying to be passive agressive) I also question why no one else could know about the Horcruxes. I'd love to know your thoughts on this.
My pleasure, hope the remaining 1% aren't too off-putting! >3<
What Harry could have done... oh boy. Well, let's not blame Harry that much because, to be honest? The whole mess in DH is all Rowling's fault. She has a huge boner for drama and just wanted the drama at all costs. So everyone got a lobotomy so she could indulge her revenge fantasies of beating up a guy that just got psychologically tortured.
So, using only the tools Rowling gave them:
Hagrid gave Harry a mokeskin pouch, saying it's a magical item that won't let anyone but its wearer retrieve the items in it. PUT THE LOCKET IN THERE, BAM, 90% OF THE "but what if Death Eaters try to steal it from us" PROBLEM SOLVED
Instead Harry uses it as his "random shit" bag. Thanks Harry I'm sure Hagrid feels so valued
If the mokeskin pouch don't work, then just... I mean... your tent... is safe???
The whole thing just felt pointless
Seriously though when you read the book Rowling wants so hard to create that kind of "what's gonna happen, we don't know what else could be tomorrow morning" tension, but it. Just doesn't work. Nothing happens! Nothing ever happens! Nothing happens so much that Harry and Hermione have time to chit-chat with a portrait instead of ACTUALLY BEING PRODUCTIVE???
It's like, "oh but they're just young wizards that could so easily be overcome by stronger, adult wizards! Imagine if Voldemort's minions were to detect the magic emitted by Hermione's wards and lifted them-" LOLNOPE NEVER HAPPENS LOL Hermione's wards are perfect and totally safe and Ron was actually in more danger being outside than the Hs ever were... But of course we mustn't think about that and wholeheartedly agree with Hermione when she talks about Godric's Hollow, as if SHE AND HARRY HADN'T MADE THE DECISION TO GO THERE THEMSELVES, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN DANGER HAD THEY STAYED IN THE TENT
Rowling tries to make it feel dangerous and shit but at the same time she just casually skips over so much? Like, after Ron's return and the visit at Lovegood's, fifteen pages go, and we're told later that's it's now March. The Lovegood visit happened in January...
That means. That Ron's departure, which lasted weeks, lasted for 4 whole fucking chapters.
This is why people laser-focus on Ron's departure. Because it lasted. It went on for four fucking chapters. But nobody remembers that Harry canonically went "lol fuck the Horcruxes Imma think of Voldemort and the Elder Wand" FOR THREE WHOLE MONTHS simply because. There was. Not. Enough. Emphasis!! Put on it!
But Harry giving up on the Horcrux Hunt to fantasize about the Hallows instead, FOR THREE GODDAMN MONTHS??? That's just half a chapter.
Ron's departure is held over his head by the entire fandom, he's raked over the coals about it, even when at the end of it all he's the one coming back with valuable intel, useful supplies AND destroys the Horcrux on top of it, like a first-grade badass.
Harry straight-up gives up on the mission he was given, yknow, the mission to SAVE THE WORLD to have power fantasies instead, HE GETS THE TRIO CAPTURED, Dobby has to give his LIFE to bail him from the mess he caused, AND NOBODY FUCKING REMEMBERS BECAUSE HEY LOOK HARRY GOT COMPLIMENTED FOR CARING ABOUT A HOUSE-ELF ISN'T HE SO BRAVE AND SPECIAL YOU GUYS??? (Oh yeah, also Hermione got tortured somewhere. I mean she's up and about two pages later so it might as well not have happened. Can't have anything distract us from how Harry's life is naught but suffering.)
ok ok so then
Like... Shell Cottage. Aunt Muriel's house. Oh my god you have safe houses you jerks, actually use them.
Hermione... please... shut the fuck up
"Stealing is wrong, we can't go to the supermarket under the invisibility cloak because we don't have the money and we can't not pay people :("
Honestly though the whole camping trip was utterly pointless. Save for Ron having his epic bittersweet moment it had ZERO purpose. Yeah ok it vaguely introduced the notion that Dumbledore wasn't perfect and shit but - yeah, well Harry could have just been hanging in a wizard library under the Invisibility Cloak and nicked it because he was curious and that would spare us him being a complete idiot that walks right into an obvious trap.
(I mean, yeah, ok, go see your parents' graves. SURELY Voldemort is not gonna take advantage of your puny sentimentality or anything. SURELY the guy that created an army of Inferi to protect one of his Horcruxes is NOT going to go to a cemetary he knows is important to you and make some Inferi to trap you with maybe...
Ugh. As for "nobody can know about the Horcruxes" it's, again, For The Drama.
It would be too easy to get Bill and have him tag along to Curse-break the POTENTIAL DEADLY CURSES VOLDEMORT WOULD LEAVE AROUND HIS HORCRUXES (remember the ring?). It would be too smart to use safe houses, use the Order's network to remain aware of Voldemort-related issues, and all that.
It would require strategy. It would require thinking about the plot as more than just going from A to B.
Fuck all that! All you need are Deus Ex Machina whether they're provided by Hermione or Ron or another character (or even by the goddamn Elder wand itself) and a lot of talking about how the power of love is all that matters but never showing the power of love mattering.
(Like... Harry "invoking the sacrificial magic Lily used" is... utter bullshit. Lily's sacrifice was supposed to work only on Harry because he was her flesh and blood. Why does Harry's magic love shield has extra range and shit? Don't try to tell me it's because he's pure of heart. Kid mustered the sadism required to cast Crucio: that ain't a great hallmark of a pure heart in my book.)
Bleh. Anyway, I hope this answer satisfies you, friend, and if 1% of it was unsatisfactory I'm sorry and I... uh... I, uh, I hereby declare that you are allowed to eat a cookie as a consolation prize for my failure to completely satisfy!
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A collection of incorrect quotes
Lily: Careful, bro!
Lil Coding: Careful's my middle name!
Lily: You don't have a middle name, but if you did, I wish it was 'Careful'!
Lil Coding: I need to hide in here with you for a bit..
SMG3: …Why?
Lil Coding: Dad is passive-aggressively doing the chores he asked me to do six hours ago, it isn’t safe out there anymore.
Luigi: Please don't tell me you lost the RV keys again.
Mario: Okay.
Luigi: Well, where are they?
SMG4: You told us not to tell you.
Abyssal: *violently shaking*
Ping: What the fuck- Abyssal, are you alright?
Abyssal: I heard CPU genuinely laugh and I don’t have a tail to wag so this is the next best thing.
Forum: When someone upsets Domain, I usually advise them to start making a will!
SMG4: What? Why? He doesn't really do that whole.. vengeance thing for himself.
Forum: That's true, but who knows what I might do.
SMG4: I think I’m coming down with something. I’ve been so nauseous lately.
SMG3, seriously: Maybe you’re pregnant.
SMG4: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot. You for suggesting that, or me because I almost had a panic attack.
Abyssal: Last night, CPU paid me a visit, and Buffer picked up his gun which he left on my desk, and let me tell you…
Abyssal: When CPU yelled “Put that shit down” so loud, you know what I did?
Umbra: You put your own shit down didn’t you?
Abyssal: I put my own shit down.
Lily: Man, sure is dark in here!
Lily: I'm not scared or anything!
Lily: I mean who is scared of the dark these days? Not me, no sir!
Root: Do you want me to hold your hand?
Lily: Yes please.
CPU: I've got some good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?
Lag: The good news?
CPU: It's very unlikely Buffer will ever scare me while I'm cleaning my gun again.
Meggy: Okay, you're driving and Tari and I walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Saiko: Oh, definitely you. I could never hurt Tari.
Meggy, massaging her temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
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killerkillerkillher · 2 years
Hi. Okay so I was sitting here thinking about cod and fandoms and stuff, right? And how there's a natural sort of timeline that plays out with anything that gets popular, ei. Shipping, cafe au, cross overs and whatnot. I've seen it all in the mw2 fandom so far except... omegaverse. So here. I might not be the first but I will not be the last. Cheers.
Warning: nothing really. Very brief mention of ghost's past but no real details. There is pining but options are gave to keep it all platonic. Sfw. Sorry for any mistakes.
They/them reader pronouns. Call sign is Winter.
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● definitely an alpha.
● he's passive for the most part and doesn't let his biology get in the way of his work.
● he would be someone that omegas are 100% okay hanging around with not matter the circumstances. Their heat is coming and they need aid finding shelter? He will be there to help and the omega doesn't have to worry about getting taken advantage of. Someone is bullying them? He'll nip that behavior in the bud immediately.
● is not alpha aggressive. That means that he doesn't pick fights with other alpha's just because. He is self assured and knows that his position as captain in is no danger.
● I can imagine he would just have that crisp, cool autumn morning smell if that makes sense. Like one of those days you would go out and just step on all the crunchy leaves on the sidewalk. Maybe a little nutty.
● the base knows when he's in rut when he starts going soft on some people. And by some people I mean you.
● "I didn't see you in the mess, Winter. Did you eat yet?"
● "Hm? Oh, no, Captain. I'll go later, I need to keep reading these papers."
● "Those can wait. Let's go get you diner."
● "But Captain..."
● "No but's. Can't have one of my best skipping meals."
● no matter what your secondary gender would be, he would dote on you. If you aren't in a relationship, this would be an indirect admission of his feelings.
● if you're already with someone (and not accepting additional partners), he would watch himself. There would be lots of fleeting glances and pulled back touches.
● he thinks the fact that some alphas actually growl is crazy. Would not be able to take someone seriously if they did so at him.
● doesn't restrict his scent or anything. It's generally not overbearing and people have said they find comfort in it.
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● honestly, I'm a little torn with Gaz. In my soul of souls, he's giving beta. But another part of me is saying alpha :/
● he could be either, but I'll write him as an alpha for now.
● he's similar to Price to be honest. He's quite passive, but not to such an extent.
● another man that omegas would feel safe with. He wouldn't really see it until he starts noticing that a lot of the lower ranking omega soldiers confide with him often. Definitely makes note of any reoccurring issues he hears and reports them to Price.
● won't start fights, but will end them if someone bothers him enough. He prefers to use words to end conflict but he'll take someone in a sparring match if he thinks it's necessary.
● smells very oaky, maybe mixed with some eucalyptus. He definitely has a relaxing smell, making him is the best cuddle contender on this list.
● his rut is a whole other story. He is also noticeably different.
● not aggressive or anything, but he'll get slightly more closed off, more serious. Soap isn't able to get as many laughs out of him during this time, but Gaz will still hang out with him.
● definitely worries about you more than he usually would.
● "Ouch!"
● "Hey, what happened? Let me see."
● "It's nothing, just a paper cut."
● "Jesus, you're bleeding. We need to go get a band-aid before it gets infected."
● "Huh? GazーGaz, its just a little cut."
● "And it could get way worse. Come on."
● His coddling won't be a confession, he'd probably just out right tell you. Not on purpose though. Those hormones will have him making some personal rash decisions and it'll slip out if he thinks you're being particularly alluring.
● not into him or you're taken? He'll avoid you to make sure he doesn't make any slips. If you ask about it he'll just tell you that he's just going through the motions of rut.
● Used to do the silly growling when he was a teen. Reality hit him once he was out of school that it was not sexy. Atleast, not the way he was doing it.
● if he let's a growl out anywhere near Soap or the captain? It's over for him. They will not let him live it down.
● covers his scent glands with patches to dampen his scent to make others more comfortable :)
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● another person I struggled with. I was stuck between omega and beta for a hot minute, however I have come to a conclusion.
● he's an omega (please don't kill me)
● Years in the military has given him a lot of practice when handling alphas, specifically, lower ranking ones.
● they get jealous, or viciously angry about having to take orders from an omega, and so he's had to put up with more than he'd like to say.
● would happily step into the ring with anyone who questions his integrity. He's quick to prove that he's where he is today because of his skills, and that his body does nothing to interfere with that.
● has forced himself to override his instincts when it comes to smells and alphas and whatnot. Probably struggled with it a lot when he was younger and got into somethings he shouldn't have. Learned from his mistakes and has tried to improve his restraint.
● Smells really earthy. Have you ever laid down on slightly wet grass and just got a whiff? That. And cotton.
● Heats for him aren't terrible. He will be a little needier, a little more talkative. You'll find him in his bed more often, curled in some spare blankets and entertaining himself on his phone.
● he's able to power through it on assignments if he needs to.
● I think of heats almost like periods? If ppl with periods can get though it (they shouldn't have to but you know) without getting the care and treatment that they should, then omegas could as well. Soap would definitely pop a few painkillers and keep trucking.
● expect for him to want you around A LOT.
● "Winter, here. Come closer. Closer."
● "I get any closer and I'll be in your bed."
● "I know. That's the point."
● You're his designated cuddle buddy. Prepare to be the big spoon because he will shamelessly ask you to be. Not a cuddler? Then maybe you'll at least hold his hand. He just craves that contact.
● let's say you're taken and/or not comfortable with that. He'd find solace in his pillow, or if Ghost doesn't mind, he'll ask him. Asking Ghost only has a 40% success rate, however.
● growls as a joke, but thinks it's actually very stupid. Has had people growl at him to be aggressive or sexy but he just ended up laughing them off.
● patches over his scent glands for his own sanity.
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● was split between alpha and omega. I obviously found a conclusion. Please do not kill me (again).
● So, I think he was born an alpha, but the environment he grew up in was so stressful that it caused his body to adapt into something that it thought would increase his survival chances.
● and so, he presented earlier than most as an alpha, but was put under so much pressure by his father that most would not have to endure at that age. The stress caused a hormone imbalance that lead to permanent damage to his body.
● thus, making him virtually an omega. (I would love to build on this concept more in the future)
● it's a rare phenomenon, but it can happen.
● is absolutely aggressive towards alphas he doesn't have familiarity with. He's probably even wary of betas as well dispite their general lack of danger.
● Price and Gaz are completely fine in his books. You are too if you're an alpha.
● no one picks fights with this man unless they want to get hurt, because that's the only viable conclusion.
● he's made a point that he is not to be fucked with, he doesn't not care who you are. Alpha's will have to bite their tongues and listen when orders leave his mouth.
● his smell is probably confusing. Like antifreeze and smoke. Sweet and musky. An odd mix.
● his heats are odd as well.
● he'll be damned if anyone catches him lacking. You will not be able to tell he's in heat because he'll be on a near lethal amount of hormone stabilizers and his neck will be matted with gland patches.
● but he's still human. Sometimes his shell will crack and he'll look for you. You'll know something's up when he asks to borrow a piece of clothing very casually.
● "Hey, Ghost. What's up?"
● "Think I can use one of your jumpers? Mines in the wash."
●"...? Yeah, sure. I think I have one that should fit you. It'll probably stink of me, though. Sorry about that."
● "'t's fine."
● jokes on you, that's why he wants it.
● using your clothes let's him relax and ride the motions of his heat with more comfort. It also helps him keep it private. Might wear the sweater to sleep or stuff it under his pillow.
● nothing of yours can be used? That's fine. He'll suffer in silence tbh. I can't imagine he has a nice, healthy list of coping mechanisms.
● growls, but intimately. Like a purring cat. It's rare, but it'll happen. If you point it out he will deny it until he dies. Don't expect to hear it again for a long time.
● most people think he's a beta because his scent is so muted. He does everything in his power to prevent anyone from finding out he's an omega.
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pochapal · 2 years
Welcome back to rokkenjima once again (or at least the waters surrounding it) and I'm super glad PhD things are going well for you! Umineko question of the day: how would these people fare if there were no murders but they were just stranded on the island until they either got out themselves or died? Can any of them build a boat, do you think? If you wanna make it slightly easier for them let's say they'll be rescued in a year or so
Supplement: no mysterious mass murders, feel free to imagine them snapping and killing each other lol
thank you!!! i may be back to rokkenjima physically but mentally i have never left that island lmao
as for your No Murder Scenario i'll assume things are kind of a similar setup (family conference, battler's return, the typhoon) but without whatever catalyst pushes the killing. for the sake of argument i'm gonna say the demon's roulette doesn't spin here - ie no letter, no ring, no "beatrice".
(the scenario got long so it's under the cut. spoiler: i do not see things going well for these people at all)
on a basic survival level i think everything would be easy for them so long as they had access to food/power. once things run out i can see things getting desperate but until that point i imagine the main problems will all stem from the family's interpersonal issues - i don't think a single sibling will agree to try to escape because having access to the whole of the rokkenjima mansion gives them the best chance of gunning for the gold.
i can very easily see eva getting it into her head to really enquire about the gold, goading krauss and natsuhi about the embezzlement scam, maybe to kinzo's face maybe not (depending on if kinzo decides to interact with anyone and depending on if such a scenario would benefit eva). so there'd be like this sudden massive influx of tension of krauss trying to play damage control while eva has all these days and weeks to do nothing but snoop around the mansion and prove her own point.
concurrent problem number two i can see happening is the george/shannon situation. assuming george still proposes night one of the conference except now shannon lives and also they're stranded. their secret romance is definitely getting exposed, probably via george telling the cousins to impress them and then maria going on to parrot it to her mother who will almost certainly be spiteful enough to weaponise said information against eva as the social order collapses.
kanon i think is a wildcard here in that i'm not sure how he would move in a no murder scenario. i think every part of him would want to refuse to play the servant role but short of a major social rupture i don't know that there's a way for him to safely do that without him being cut off from the rest of the group. there's the chance he could angle for a servant's mutiny but idk what he would do here initially.
the cousins will mostly be a passive witness to whatever goes down bar one major exception. i think eventually battler and jessica will call out rosa's abuse of maria and take a definitive stance emboldened by the fact they have nothing to lose. as to whether they actually call out rosa and that whole fight happens or if they just complain about it to george who tells them to stop and so they fall out with george i can't say. both seem possible depending on the desperation of the situation.
one massive thing i do think will happen is that assuming they're here for weeks on end is that somebody's going to eventually solve the epitaph. gut feeling says it'd probably be kyrie, first done as a mental exercise to keep herself occupied and then done seriously once she realises the means of solving the thing are all in the mansion. if she were to like, idk, uncover kinzo's secret gold vault i'm not sure what would happen there but it would not be good. i think the siblings would turn on rudolf and kyrie, but that depends on if kinzo would accept their completion of the epitaph as legit. maybe someone kills kinzo at some point in order to prevent rudolf and kyrie from walking away with the gold whenever it's all over? i could see that one. after all, who would bat an eye at an old man with one foot in the grave dying after being stranded on an island with dwindling resources?
going with all of the above scenarios i can actually see one person in particular snapping most of all: sayo. i think with her having to side with george during whatever schism happens between the cousins and with kanon in deep survival mode unable to be there for her under the nightmarish gaze of unending ushiromiya servitude i think that at some point the shannon mask will crack. she'll be emotionally isolated from every person except for george who she only loves because he offers her a way off rokkenjima except oh wait there is no getting off of rokkenjima now and she's going to be stuck here forever on this hell island. i think at that point she'll give up on trying to contain the resentment and rage that's built up in her over the years. i mean, this is someone who was desperate and half on the edge before all this. a sayo no longer keeping her emotions in check with nothing to lose? somebody isn't living and it's either her murdering someone else or her killing herself. not sure which is more likely. i guess it depends on how much sayo at the core of herself really despises the ushiromiya family - if so i can see potentially her doing something like a murder suicide with herself and george.
so then there's this whole thing. the siblings are tearing each other apart over the gold. kinzo's been killed out of desperate greed. shannon and george are gone. in the wake of losing shannon kanon will almost certainly go rogue and probably idk kill genji or something like that out of total resentment for genji being complicit in the abuse and out of resentment for the fact kanon's "beatrice" plan never came to fruition. kumasawa probably also gets killed too, because like, she still kind of passively sat by and let shannon endure all she endured without doing anything (or at least that's how a kanon pushed past the brink would see it). it's all pointless might as well take the bastards down with you. said taking down of bastards probably won't get further than attacking natsuhi as revenge for the way she treated shannon all those years and then kanon being killed in retaliation for that.
at the same time i'd also imagine the rift between the siblings would escalate into all-out murder. probably some kind of kill-off between eva/rosa/krauss after an ill-thought-out alliance to bring down rudolf and kyrie for the gold backfires. assuming the shannon/george murder suicide happens i cannot see eva having any reservations about killing - the gold is all she has left to strive for in life. hideyoshi would go down with his wife. krauss is getting killed out of paraonia because he is the de facto successor now that kinzo's gone and nobody really trusts him. rudolf and kyrie either live or die i'm not sure.
if there's any hope of escape it'd probably be battler, jessica, and maria getting out of there with nanjo and gohda. nanjo survives because he stays under the radar enough not to matter once kinzo's dead. gohda i think will be the only servant to genuinely rebel and check out in a non lethal way - his loyalty is to his wage and not to the ushiromiya household if it really came to it. the kids survive because in their own twisted way the adults try to shield them from the horrors and i think after a certain point battler and jessica will truly decide to take maria and save themselves. most likely one them will find a way of making the distress call that gets them saved (fixing up a radio seems like something as a general household servant gohda could manage to do) while what's left of the ushiromiya family implodes back in the mansion.
so uh. i guess in the end the same number of people will die as the epitaph demands even without the epitaph's ritual murders taking place. the golden witch beatrice would be infinitely amused by such a turn of events i think.
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beastofmoss · 1 year
Feel free to infodump at me about Viveras Lavellan (or Deshan) I love to hear about blorbos and I mean this genuinely
Hkkanejwjeiwjwj, I'll give you a rundown on Viveras and his relationship with Deshan! Although, I'm in a Dragon Age Server where it's mostly just people talking about their blorbos and being nerds- so,,,definitely hit me up if you're interested!!!!! :D!!!!
I'm so sorry for this long ass post as well as my sleepy brain writing. I'm mentally ill.
I'm a bit tired, but I'll try to form thoughts for you.
Anyway! So, we're gonna focus on Viveras Lavellan. He's still being developed due to my brain worms hyperfocusing on Deshan, but he's definitely more developed compared to Ren Trevelyan. These are just the run down of him, there's a lot more information about him on the discord.
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Viveras Lavellan is a mage, and is the Clan's First. He's 19 years old and is 11 years younger than Deshan. When I was first developing him, he was kinda my shitpost voice piece for a lot of the dehumanization that the Inquistior (Deshan) faces/also anger at the disrespect of the Dalish by the Inner Circle. He also does,,,like elfroot weed and is lowkey an menace to society but only when Deshan is around.
He's a gender non-confirming, and he does like to wear dresses. He has an interest in fashion design which he picked up from an elder in the Clan. He's confident in his looks, and can act like a smug cat at times.
And just like most creators do, the Lavellan siblings' parents are dead- but Viveras was told by Deshan that they were abandoned. I have a wip scene of that, I'll link the little wip/teaser here:
Here's him in a dress!!
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He's actually pretty aloof, and tends to daydream a lot, but he's quick witted. He's a lot more easier to read than Deshan.
He does show up at Skyhold, much to Deshan's horror, and is a bad influence to Cole. He tends to be passive-aggressive towards the Inner Circle, he does warm up to some of them. A lot of things are still wip with him, but I do know some more based concepts with him.
Where Deshan is the sun, Viveras is the moon. They both kinda foil each other (sweet lies vs. blunt truth, direct anger vs. Indirect anger, etc).
There's a shitpost/canon scene where it's the Judgement scene, and it's all serious and the criminal is Viveras and hes high off his mind. He snuck in, got some soilders to do elfroot weed with him, and somehow passed out on the roof of the barn. It's quiet, Josephine is reading off his crimes. Then all of the sudden "Keeper Deshanna is gonna fucking kill you!" And queue a chase scene and screaming.
Another shitpost/canon scene is Viveras, Sera, and Cole doing elfroot weed and Cole accidentally inhales it?? Or smth. Disappears for a week, only to show up in the fucking roof.
Viveras and Deshan relationship is tense and toxic. And it's Deshan fault. Deshan lies to Viveras, thinking rhat it's better to give him comfort than truth. They care so much for Viveras, and they want him to live a safe and healthy life. They don't want to lose him, so they lie and hide themselves from him. Thinking that it would protect him from the world and from themselves. Overprotective of him, and in a way-treating him like a child. And it's hard for Viveras, and although the Clan is his family, he does really want to have Deshan's approval and wants to be taken seriously by them. He wants to be let in, and he had tried many times before-but he gets shut down or shut out by Deshan.
He's hurt by them, and not knowing how to deal with that-he acts reckless. Putting himself at risk more just to gain that attention from Deshan.
He dabbles in blood magic, and instead of wielding a staff like any other mage-he wields the Blade of Tidarion.
They do eventually have a heart to heart, and do mend their relationship, but after Trepasser-Deshan's character growth takes a step back and they went back to bad habits. And once again, Viveras was pushed out and alone.
And he hardened his heart and turned his back on them, returning to his clan and helping the Clan in Wycome.
I do have a scene that I want to write where Deshan, once they finally pulled themselves together, tried to reach out-but is rejected by Viveras. Deshan only leaving him with a letter and a messenging crystal. They do this to let him know that they will always be there for him if he wants them to be? My brain is going foggy atm, but I want to leave a hopeful ending to their sibling relationship.
Here's his wip playlist;
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