#and i'm currently on my period. so of course it's on my mind.
gildeddlily · 12 hours
absolutely losing my mind because of these two!!!
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are these two actually toxic, or are they just kids who don't know how to communicate? easy, they're just kids! (this was fast)
reading the manga will not make you understand that (or im just stupid), and this is why I'm thanking the author on.my.knees for the spin-off!
after watching the anime I fled to ao3, of course. read some works about Rin and Isagi, managed to not spoil myself anything.
then i read the U20 arc. after reading every ryusae I could find (writing one myself rn, doing god's work) I finished to read the manga cause, yk, I wanted to know what would happen with my babies and then boom! Reo and Nagi!!!
I didn't particularly care about them at first: Nagi was strong ofc, but kind of boring? he's not my favourite archetype, and while I loved Reo I hated their fight and wanted nothing to do with them. key word(s), at first.
then, then! I randomly read some fics about them cause they'd started to grow on me, and boom, tons of fics about their breakup/makeup. stunning works, ofc, but I started to see so many "Reo's fault" "Nagi's fault" "toxic relationship" that I kind of started to get uncomfortable (sometimes people throw around the word toxic when it's nothing like that), so what's to do? read the spin off ofc.
that I did, and now not only I love them both with all of my heart, but I'm Reo's number one fan (and kinnie)!
and I developed a deep hatred for those "toxic x" theories and takes. SO. let me blabber and rant.
they love each other so much!!
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this is Nagi.
he thinks "damn, soccer/football is a pain, I hate sweating and running, but I don't hate Reo" even though most of the time he spends with Reo is spent playing soccer/football (I won't choose one english is so confusing- in italian it's literally called kick).
he doesn't feel forced to be Reo's friend, he likes it.
because Reo loves him, it's as simple as that.
he wants to be Nagi's friend "despite" Nagi's personality: this is something he currently says through the spin-off, which made me cry- Reo truly is the first person who ever accepted Nagi as someone who is lazy and unmotivated, who complains a lot, who doesn't put any effort in what he does, who doesn't offer much.
Or at least he thinks that he doesn't have anything special to offer, until Reo arrives.
he still has those terribly self-deprecating thoughts, but now he has something to offer, his talent.
(and after a period of happiness, their honeymoon phase one could call it, he starts to doubt the sincerity of Reo's care. from thinking "i'm not his slave, i'm his partner" he starts to doubt Reo's honesty: "maybe he only wanted to be my friend because of my talent, a talent he knows how to use"- since he still thinks that he's got nothing to offer! but we will talk about this later.)
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this is Reo!
he thinks "I wanted to be the one who could make you love soccer/football, the one able to light up something in you" but he also thinks "seeing you like that, even if it wasn't me who'd done that, made me happy".
he's so jealous he's almost funny, and isn't that the most teenager thing ever?
who wouldn't be jealous after working so hard to be special to someone, just for someone else to take the place you're working so hard for?
it's terrible, but still, it doesn't stop Reo from being happy that Nagi found something exciting.
something that made Nagi as happy as the combo Nagi-soccer/football made Reo happy.
the thing is, Nagi thinks he's Reo's friend because of his talent, which maybe it's true. maybe, hadn't Nagi been a genius, they wouldn't have become friends, but his talent was the sparkle that made him become Reo's treasure.
Reo is someone who has everything, who gets everything he wants, or as he says everything except what he really wants.
for that, he has to work.
so, what he wants is to play soccer/football, and to play it with Nagi.
(in order to be Nagi's friend, he needs to work hard, because he needs to be honest and gain Nagi's trust- this is how friendship works: even when it seems flawless and easy, there's so much work behind it, and knowing it is important. most of the times we only realise it once we lost that bond- for example, Nagi. Reo already knew it, and this is why he tried so hard to not leave Nagi's side)
at one point, the two things became linked to one another, and his dream turns into "winning with Nagi, my partner". Because Nagi is talented, is special, and Reo saw his talent, and how Nagi was unable to do the same. He wants to show Nagi that soccer/football is fun, that his talent isn't a pain, that he is special, because Nagi doesn't know it, and for Reo a star that doesn't see his its own light? is just preposterous.
He cares for Nagi and loves everything about him, even all the "bad" things, and he doesn't think that Nagi has to change, and this is what, for me, makes their break-up way more serious and relatable for a lot of people.
it triggers a "I'll change to be better" "for me you never had to change" "I need to change for myself" dynamic.
2. changing and longing is way more fun when you're doing it together!!!
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so they split up.
Nagi doesn't do it because he likes Isagi more, or because his style of play is more interesting, he does it because Isagi was stronger than Nagi and Reo: entering Blue Lock, Nagi had trust in Reo's ability to use his talent to win, he didn't even think about failing, and while Barou came close to making him feel like he could loose, Nagi overpowered him at the end- but then Isagi beats Nagi, and Reo with him.
Nagi understands that Reo's dream can't become reality if they aren't the strongest, and if being together doesn't work, maybe they should split up, part ways, become stronger and then join forces again, and win everything. win the world cup.
while his friendship with Isagi is sweet and I love them, for Nagi Isagi is like a cyclette.
he'll use the cyclette to get get fit and make his bf swoon over his legs, he won't stay with the cyclette once he doesn't need the training anymore. and even if he will, it will always be just the cyclette he uses to get fit "for" his bf.
(metaphor isn't metaphoring)
Reo doesn't know that.
he knows he's strong, but he knows that Isagi and Nagi are on a whole other level and he feels threatened. he fears that Nagi will choose Isagi instead of him, and he tries desperately to not loose Nagi.
Nagi is his dream. Slowly, day after day, Nagi became part of his dream, and now he's losing not only his best friend but the dream that made him free.
Reo says it himself- he knows that Nagi did the smartest thing by leaving, but he's young and scared and sees it as Nagi leaving him.
He feels abandoned, and he thinks that Nagi is abandoning his dream to go with the bigger fish, the apex predator, in order to become the best striker, by forgetting the promises they made at the start of Blue Lock, to stay together til the end.
Neither of them forgets the other.
Nagi leaves, and all he thinks about it "I need Reo to see this" "I can't wait to let him see how much I've improved", and he misses Reo, just as much as Reo misses him.
the only difference?
Reo is oblivious about Nagi's real feelings and thought process, and his thinking of Nagi turns into spiraling into depression and self-hatred.
so Nagi changes.
he starts to see the beauty in soccer/football, he finally sees what Reo had tried to make him see for months, and he's thrilled. he's having fun. he's grateful that Reo convinced him to not discard Blue Lock immediately. he's different.
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different why? because Isagi beat him? because Blue Lock happened?
he changed not when Isagi beat them, but the moment he became Reo's friend, and found a reason to do something.
because Reo was the first person to ever tell him that his laziness, boredom, his oh so troublesome antics were alright, that he was what he was, and he was enough not only for Reo, but for the whole world.
Reo accepted him even when he was set on being static, made him want to change, and now that he's changing he feels worthy of being loved so much.
"you saw something in me back then, you forced to me work hard, and now thanks to you I ('m on my way to) realised my own worth, now I found something exciting"
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he changes.
Reo sees him after what, a few days, and he's already improved so much.
and he thinks that he was Nagi's cage, his personal dead weight, that Nagi may have been his treasure but he wasn't Nagi's. that Nagi doesn't need him anymore. if Nagi doesn't need him, what will be of his dream?
(we could start a long-ass post ab mental health and recovering but I won't for my own sanity)
what's his worth then, since he got into Blue Lock just to stay with Nagi till the end- especially when he can't even be number two, with Isagi there- and Nagi won't be with him anymore?
he needs to change too.
3. destroying yourself in order to change (no fun)
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Reo says that he isn't brave enough to destroy himself like the others do.
Isagi, Barou, Nagi, Chigiri, they all destroy themselves in order to become stronger and change, evolve, but Reo can't. he's scared, he's confused, the whole arc is just him looking like that. then what does he do?
he lets Nagi destroy him. "If I can't do it, Nagi will" don't you understand you're doing exactly what you say you're unable to do? the fact that you're not the one pulling the trigger doesn't mean that you're not killing yourself
he pushes Nagi until he snaps and tells Reo to fuck off, that he's a pain, that he's weak and someone Nagi doesn't want anything to do with, because that's what Reo thinks.
He thinks Nagi doesn't want to be with him anymore, he's feeling guilty for what he thought (later later), he's insecure- and instead of being reasonable, he founds a way to confirm his "irrational" fears.
"I'm not being insecure since Nagi confirmed it"
he sabotages himself. that's the nail in the coffin.
instead of destroying himself with football/soccer, by learning from a lost match, he destroys himself with life, by putting on the line his relationship with the person he (not exaggerating) loves most in the world.
he's unable to distinguish life from soccer/football (and this will be the aspect that makes him so different from most of the other characters), because since meeting Nagi they've become one thing. soccer/football is his life, Nagi is his life, because they're his only chance at being happy.
(Nagi is able to distinguish between the court and Reo: this way, Reo is just as special as Isagi is, since Isagi may have made him see the fun in soccer/football, but Reo made him get angry. Nagi who thinks that his strong quality is the fact he never gets angry, that he's a pacifist. Isagi is his soccer/football revolution, Reo is his life revolution.
Reo can't. they all insult each other on the field, but they're all friends afterwards. not Reo. not yet)
now he's lost Nagi, and his dream, and he has to pick himself up from the ground.
this is how Reo changes.
4. miscommunication is a beast
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As I said before, Nagi starts to think that Reo only cared about him because of his talent. he's angry at Reo. he doesn't understand why Reo said those things, why he was so stupid, why he didn't understand Nagi.
he says "I'm not his toy" and he isn't, but really, try to get into his shoes.
he thinks his partner, his best friend, doesn't believe in them as a duo anymore, doesn't want to believe in them like he used to now that Nagi has changed, now that he's more "independent" from Reo.
"what, now that I know how to fight alone, he doesn't want me anymore?" that would be anyone's first thought.
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and he doubts Reo's trust in their dream.
when did Reo start to have so little faith in them, in Nagi? when did he give up on them? he thinks that, after spending weeks trying to improve just to make Reo's dream true.
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and he's angry, but he still hopes to play with Reo again.
he still want to, because him and Reo are partners and Nagi still believes in their dream. because he remembers Reo's passion, and he believes in him.
+) 5. being relatable as fuck
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(what kid with absent/abusive parents never thought back on their action and went anxiously all "Am I just like them?")
Reo begs Nagi to stop being so strong, stop improving so quickly, stop running towards a place Reo can't reach yet, and isn't this a human thing to do? He desperately wants to be with Nagi, and thinks that he'd rather stop him from improving rather than lose him. He thinks "Please, give up on your dream, your ego"- and isn't that familiar?
he just thought the same thing his father, a man he hates and despises and who doesn't believe in Reo, told him. and he said that to Nagi. Nagi who gave him a ticket to the top by being at his side, who let him see hope.
he panics. am I just like him? Am I cruel enough to wish for someone to give up on their dreams, just to get something out of their failure?
he's different from his father, because he's seventeen, he's scared to lose his best friend, and we can be irrational in situations like this one. does he know it? no, the same way he doesn't understand that Nagi didn't left because of him.
so yes, he's in the worst head-space ever.
isn't he relatable? this is what that made reo my favourite character in a second, probably. he's so human and he makes so many mistakes and he's so stupid sometimes, but I can see myself in him very clearly.
and now.
in what way is their relationship not balanced? their love and care not mutual? in what way one used or manipulated the other?
I think they're flawed, and they made mistakes, and they hurt each other, but I also think that we throw in the word "toxic" the moment a relationship isn't perfect.
they're friends and they're teens, they will make mistakes and they will hurt each other, and their friendship (and they were roommates) won't be perfect- this doesn't make it less genuine or beautiful.
don't get me started on what happens in the manga (really don't do it) (all of this was just nagi's spin off!!!)
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garnishwithnightshade · 3 months
If you used to menstruate but don't anymore (for any reason), feel free to vote N/A or vote for what used to be true.
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dat1angel · 8 months
Trans!Danny is stuck at a gala when his period starts and gets caught unprepared. Thankfully, he finds some girls willing to help him out.
When Vlad made him heir to DALV.Co, Danny knew that he would have to go with him to social events such as the gala they were currently at. That doesn't mean he has to enjoy them though. And he especially wasn't enjoying this one. Of course he had to be in public and without supplies when his period started. So now he had to find someone he could ask for a pad, no matter how mortifying it would be.
Danny scanned the crowd, trying to figure out who would be the least snobby if he tried to talk to them. He decided on two girls about his age who were standing semi away from any large groups. With a sigh and silently grieving his ego, Danny made the walk of shame over to them.
"Excuse me?" The girls snapped to attention when Danny spoke up.
"Oh, hello there!" the blonde greeted, "I don't think I've seen you at one of these before. My names Steph and this is Cass". The dark haired girl, who he now knew as Cass, smiled and waved at him but otherwise didn't speak.
"I'm Danny, it's nice to meet you," Danny fidgeted in place and a hand came up to rub the back of his neck, "Man, there's really no way to ask this that isn't embarrassing..."
Steph regarded him with a raised eyebrow, "You aren't going to ask for our numbers, are you?".
Danny's eyes went wide and he raised his hands in a defensive manner.
"Oh ancients, no. Ah- Not to say that you aren't attractive! You are! I mean, you're both very pretty but I don't swing that way-" He's cut off by airy laughter from Steph and soft chuckles from Cass.
"Relax dude, it's okay. So, your question?"
"Would either of you have and extra pad? Or a tampon? My period started and I don't have anything with me..." Danny flushed and didn't make eye contact as he asked.
Danny nearly sobbed in relief when Cass nodded, discreetly slipped a pad out of her bag, and passed it to him. "Thank you, thank you so much!"
Cass made a 'don't worry about it' gesture and Steph smiled.
Before they could say anything else, a tall man who looked like he could bench press Danny without even breaking a sweat came and interupted.
"Hey, have either of you two seen where Dick went?" He asked the girls.
"Last I saw him was by the refreshments table," Steph informed him. Cass nodded in agreement.
"Thanks," the man said. He then turned and walked off, presumably towards the refreshments table. Danny's eyes followed him as he walked away and- Ancients, that ass! Even the layered suit couldn't hide the clear musculature that made up the mans everywhere. He could step on Danny and Danny would thank him.
Danny only realized he was staring when Steph cleared her throat, an amused look on her face.
"Ah! I wasnt- I mean- I was just-"
"Totally undressing Jason with your eyes?" Steph smirked. Danny flushed and made a hasty retreat.
"WOw, would you just look at the time! I should go uh... take care of this!" He gestured at the pad in his hand. "Yeah! I'm just gonna go."
"Come find us when you're done, we'll introduce you!" Steph called to his fleeing form.
Danny practically flew to the nearest bathroom. As soon as the door was closed he leaned against it and screamed into his hands. He completely embarrassed himself! He could never show his face again! Although...
Images of Jason flashed in his mind. Maybe he would go find those girls again... But first he needed to get this pad on!
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hellodarling1357 · 3 months
Tiny Toes: Part 7 - Cassian x Reader
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Hi! It's been awhile and I'm so so so sorry for not posting anything the past few weeks. I've made this part extra long to make up for the wait but have honestly been feeling a little off with my writing at the moment so bear with me while I get back into it 🥰
Also, writing this while being in the middle of an endo flare up was incredibly therapeutic!
Summary: Reader gets her period + Ottie being a menace + family time + fluffy Cassian/reader moments
Word Count: 4.5k
You can read the previous part here
A sharp, stabbing pain tore you from your sleep and had you quickly sitting up in bed as you let out a quiet cry of pain. “Fuck,” you murmured to yourself as you sluggishly pushed the sheets off your too-hot body, mindful of not disturbing Cassian who was fast asleep and softly snoring beside you.
On shaky legs you managed to get yourself to the bathroom, carefully closing the door before turning to look at yourself in the mirror. Wincing at your reflection, you took in the dark circles under your eyes, the pasty, clammy complexion of your skin as you leant heavily against the counter, suddenly overcome by another shot of pain. Turning on the faucet, you splashed your face with the cool stream of water, a momentary reprieve before that unbearable pain made itself known and you found yourself crumbling to the floor, legs unable to keep you upright. The cold tiles offered some comfort as your curled in on yourself and despite knowing that a hot bath would help with the pain, you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
“Y/N?” The sudden call of your name had you jerking awake and blearily blinking up at the bathroom ceiling. The momentary confusion was swept away by the onset of another throbbing cramp that had you squeezing your eyes tightly shut as you breathed through your nose.
“Y/N? Are you in her– Y/N! What happened? What’s wrong?” The comfort of Cassian kneeling beside you and pulling you into his warm body did little to alleviate the pain coursing through you. You desperately held onto his arms as you leant against him, breathing heavily as you waited for the current cramp to subside. You focused on the soothing rise and fall of his chest and the way his fingers softly caressed over your skin before pulling back slightly to look up at his concerned face and offer a small smile that you were sure was more of a grimace.
“I’m fine,” your voice was hoarse and utterly unconvincing judging by the quirked eyebrow Cassian raised at you. “Really, it’s nothing. Just my cycle…” you trailed off as another wave of pain took over. You slumped against Cassian who let out a tut of concern as his fingers wove through your hair, pushing the strands away from your sweaty forehead.
“What do you need?” Cassian asked after a few moments when he felt your body finally relax against him. Shifting so that your face was buried in the crook of his neck you let out a small sigh, snuggling in closer when you felt the press of his lips against the top of your head.
“To be knocked unconscious for the next week.” Cassian’s huff of a laugh caused a small smile to tug at your lips as you let out another sigh against the pain.
“Well I won’t be helping you with that, so how about I run you a bath instead?”
“Fine,” you grumbled as Cassian helped you to your feet and gently lifted you up to sit on the counter, leaving you with a kiss, before he went about filling the bathtub with hot water and soothing oils.
“There, how’s that?” he asked, guiding you over to the steaming tub and helping you peel off your pyjamas.
“Perfect,” you replied as you let the hot water envelop you, “you’re perfect.” You reached out to grab his hand, pressing a grateful kiss to the back of it as you sunk further into the warmth, breathing in deeply as the smell of the oils filled your senses.
You grinned at the soft tinge of pink that spread over Cassian’s cheeks at your words, but he just shot you a playful look before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek then the top of your head. The moment was short lived, however, as another cramp took hold.
“What else can I do?” Cassian’s words were laced with helplessness as he sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring down at you with worry etched across his face. You remained silent, willing the pain to pass as you held onto his hand like a lifeline and stared into the swirls of the water around you.
“I don’t know. Maybe… maybe just a cup of tea? One of Madja’s teas that helps with the pain? It’s in the cupboard –”
“In the cupboard next to the window, right at the back of the shelf in the brown jar. Don’t worry, I remember from last time. What else?” He asked almost desperately. You blinked up at him, the attentiveness and thoughtfulness of the male in front of you still managed to take your breath away even though it should no longer be a surprise to you.
“Other than joining me?” you gave him a mischievous grin, scrunching your nose up and laughing as he flicked water at you with a smirk. “Honestly though, this is enough. More than enough, thank you.”
“No need to thank me,” he said softly, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “I’ll be right back with your tea, okay? Let me sort a few things out for today, then if Ottie is still sleeping, we’ll see about me joining you. Although, with her track record of interrupting us lately, she’ll be awake the second I get in.”
You laughed at the disappointment in his voice; he wasn’t wrong though. Lately Ottie had seemed to pick up the habit of walking in or making herself known just as things were getting heated, luckily, she was too young to understand what was going on and was seemingly oblivious to the two of you spluttering and jumping apart.
But shit. Now that your mind had trailed to the young Illyrian sleeping soundly down the hall, you remembered the plans you had made with her for today and knew you would have to cancel given your current state. Biting your lip in worry, you missed Cassian returning, steaming mug of tea in hand.
“Here you go. Oh, sweetheart…” you looked up at the concern in his voice as he took in your troubled expression. “Drink this, hopefully it kicks in soon and takes away some of the pain.”
“It’s not that,” you explained, gratefully taking the mug from him with a soft smile. “I just remembered, Ottie and I were meant to go into the city today. We’ve had the whole day planned out for weeks.”
“And why wasn’t I invited?” he teasingly quipped, though you knew he was somewhat serious about missing out on time with the two of you. “Or is this a mummy-daughter bonding day?” The grin on his face matched the one that spread across your own at his words; Ottie had been calling you mummy for the better part of three months now and your heart still skipped a beat every single time, Cassian also couldn’t contain his grin and the look of love and adoration that spread across his face whenever he heard it.
“You weren’t invited because you have work today –”
“Had work. I just spoke with Rhys and have the rest of the week off.”
“Don’t tell me I didn’t need to; I wasn’t going to leave you alone like this, love.”
You smiled softly at his words, heart pounding in your chest as you gently cupped his face and pulled him down into a kiss.
“Thank you,” you kissed him once more before letting him sit back up against the edge of the bathtub. “But what I was going to say was, you had work today so we thought it would be the perfect time to go shopping for your birthday next week. No, don’t groan about it. You went all out for my birthday so of course I’m going to do the same.”
Cassian glared down at you, and you stared right back up at him with a smug grin, “I’m over 540 years old, sweetheart, you do know that, right? We really don’t need to be celebrating at this point.”
“Okay, sure. But how many of those birthdays did I have with you? How many did Ottie? Don’t pout over the fact that we love you and want you to feel special.”
“The fact that you both love me is enough–”
“Then consider everything else we have planned for you as a bonus.”
Cassan stared you down, letting out a sigh when he realised there would be no changing your mind. “Fine. But only because I love you.”
Your smile was short lived as another cramp coursed through you, causing your breath to catch as your eyes squeezed tightly shut in response. Cassian ran a tentative hand through your hand, doing his best to sooth you and offer some form of comfort.
“Come on, lean forward and I’ll help you wash your hair, then I’m taking you back to bed so you can sleep.” A hum was the only response you could offer as you did your best to will away the pain by focusing on the feeling of Cassian’s fingers rubbing the lavender scented shampoo through your hair.
“We’ll have a bath later?” you asked in a quiet voice as Cassian finished helping you rinse out the conditioner, hands trailing down to rub soothing circles into the tight muscles along your shoulders and back.
“Anything you want, sweetheart,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder before helping you stand and climb out of the bath, a fresh, fluffy towel at the ready.
Once you had dried off, Cassian helped you into some clean pyjamas then led you back to bed. He climbed in first before gesturing for you to sit between his legs so that he could brush out your hair. The feeling of his body embracing you and with the constant warmth that seemed to radiate from him, you were quick to relax against him, content in having him simply holding you as you drifted back to sleep.
Once he sensed that you were asleep, Cassian shifted you both so that you were laying down against the pillows, his arms wrapping around you as he did his best to massage your stomach in hopes of alleviating some of the pain without waking you. He let out a sigh, feeling completely useless as he took note of the slight grimace that tainted your soft features, even as you slept.
Cassian quickly found himself dozing off, the comforting and familiar scent of your shampoo lulling him into an easy, but short lived, sleep. A sudden commotion sounded from down the hall and had Cassian lifting his head, careful not to disturb you as you shifted further into the blankets. He slowly pulled away from you, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as he quietly walked over to the door, closing it behind him with a soft click.
“Morning, daddy,” Ottie cheerfully called out to him from where she stood by the stairs, “want to see what I’ve been practicing?”
If he hadn’t been so worried about you, Cassian would have taken a second to think about what Ottie could have been practicing by the stairs, what could have caused the commotion he had heard. Instead, with a hesitant glance towards the bedroom door, he absentmindedly answered, “go on then, princess,” and watched in horror as Ottie all but threw herself down the stairs.
Cassian couldn’t remember a time he had moved so fast in his life as he bounded after her. With all the years of standing against multiple enemies, fighting across multiple battlefields, not once had his heart stopped as it did in that moment, utter, undiluted fear coursing through his veins.
But the delighted giggles that sounded from his daughter broke through that fear as he watched from halfway down the stairs as Ottie flung her wings out and landed with a soft thud at the bottom of the stairs.
Cassian stared at her, frozen to the spot before lowering himself down to sit on the steps, his heart hammering rapidly in his chest as he placed his head in his hands and drew in a deep breath.
“Ottie?” he could hear the strain in his voice.
“Yes, daddy?”
“Promise me,” he started, looking at her as she tiled her head to the side in curiosity, “that, under no circumstances, will you ever do that again.”
“But –”
“No buts. You will not do that again.”
“But mummy will like it, she will want to see it.” Ottie stared back at him, a defiant expression on her face as she crossed her arms.
“No, princess, she will not. New rule, no more flying inside, alright? Or there will be no more lessons for the next four weeks. Including lessons from Uncle Rhys and Uncle Az.” He sternly added when she opened her mouth to argue back.
“Fine,” she finally agreed but Cassian could clearly hear the resentment in her tone. “Don’t you have work today? You’re going to be late.”
He raised an eyebrow at his daughter. Was she trying to coax him out of the house?
“I did but I’m staying home today. Mummy isn’t feeling well,” he explained while ushering her into the kitchen to get a start on breakfast.
“Oh,” Ottie climbed up onto one of the bench stools and waited for Cassian to pass her a plate of toast and a glass of orange juice.
“What’s wrong with her?” she asked between a mouthful of food.
Cassian gave her a look, knowing he was in no position to lecture, but nevertheless, “don’t talk with your mouth full, Otts.”
Making a show of swallowing the mouthful of toast she had been talking around, Ottie cleared her throat then repeated, “what’s wrong with mummy? We were meant to go into Velaris to buy you a – we were going to do something today.” Ottie quickly cut herself off, eyes going wide upon realising she had almost ruined the birthday surprise the two of you had planned for him.
“There’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just got her cycle,” you and Cassian had decided to be completely open about these topics whenever they came up, Cassian was just scared he might stumble with this one without you there to help guide it.
“What’s a cycle?”
“A cycle happens every couple of months to grown females, they bleed for a few –”
“Mummy’s bleeding? She’s hurt?” Ottie’s wide eyes stared back and forth between Cassian and the doorway, as though debating whether to run up and check on you herself.
“No, no, no, princess. Mummy isn’t hurt, alright? It’s normal to bleed during your cycle, and it’s only a little bit. It’s the bodies way of getting ready to have a baby if–”
The excited squeal that Ottie let out had Cassian stopping mid-sentence, staring at her intently as he tried to work out what was running through her head.
“So, mummy has a cycle right now?” she clumsily asked. Cassian nodded, taking a sip of juice as he leant against the counter. “So, that means there’s a baby in her tummy?” And the sip of juice Cassian had just taken was now being spluttered across said counter.
“No, Ottie, that’s not what that means. It’s just the bodies way of…” but Cassian could tell Ottie wasn’t hearing a word of it as she kicked her feet excitedly.
“So, I’m going to have a little brother or a little sister?”
“No, Ottie, mummy isn’t pregnant, alright?” The scare you had a few weeks ago, followed up by an appointment with Madja and a stronger contraceptive made sure of that. “There’s no baby in her tummy.”
“Oh,” Cassian couldn’t help the slight ache in his heart at the dejected look that darkened Ottie’s excited expression. “But one day she might be?”
“Maybe…” the two of you hadn’t really spoken about having a child together, but now that the idea had been planted, Cassian couldn’t help but let his mind wander at the thought.
“Good because I want to be like Nyx.”
“What do you mean you want to be like Nyx?”
“You know, with a little brother or a little sister.”
Well, that was news.
“Nyx is going to have a little brother or sister, is he? And how do you know that?”
“Because he told me. He said that he heard his mummy and daddy talking about wanting to have another baby.”
Cassian found himself grinning at the thought, tucking away that snippet of information to share with you once you were awake and for when he next saw Rhys.
“Can I go and see mummy now?” Ottie asked in a tentative tone.
“She’s sleeping at the moment, princess. Let’s let her rest for now, okay? Then later in the day when she’s feeling better we can go up for cuddles.”
You shifted against the plush mattress as a stream of afternoon sunlight snuck through the crack in the curtains, but it was the quiet patter of footsteps that had stirred you from your sleep. Sluggishly, you lifted your head to look towards the bedroom door where a small, winged frame was silhouetted against the light coming in through the hallway.
With a soft smile tugging at your lips, you whispered out into the dark room, “Hi, Ottie.”
“Hi, mummy,” she replied in a hesitant voice. “Daddy said I couldn’t see you until later once you had rested, but it’s been a long time now…”
“Do you want to come up here?” you asked, heart softening at the eager nod you got in return as Ottie scrambled up the bed to snuggle in beside you. “I’ve missed you today. Sorry we couldn’t go into the city to get daddy’s birthday presents.”
“That’s okay. Daddy told me about your cycle…,” she made an effort to really enunciate the word, causing a smile to spread across your face as you held back a laugh, “…and that you’re bleeding and that you’re not having a baby, yet.”
“Well, I’m still sorry we couldn’t have our day out together. I would’ve much preferred that than being stuck in bed all day.” You replied, choosing to actively ignore her comment about not having a baby yet. Ottie hummed in agreement, shifting so that she could curl up against your side, your arm wrapping around her to hold her close as she rested her head against the crook of your neck.
“What did you get up to today?” you asked in a whisper, not wanting to break the silent trance that had fallen over the room.
“I painted like Auntie Feyre showed me. And I helped daddy make lunch and then we played some games. He’s doing some work in his office, so I tip-toed past him because I wanted to see you,” she whispered back, lowering her voice even further as she explained how she managed to deceive Cassian. “Daddy was really worried about you today and kept coming up here to check on you, so I thought I would look after you while he’s busy working.”
“Well, I’m already feeling much better thanks to your cuddles.” Ottie grinned at you in delight, pressing a sloppy kiss to your check before continuing to tell you all about her day.
“Oh,” she exclaimed as though remembering something important, “Daddy also said there’s a new rule: no more flying inside. I don’t think he was very happy with me.” You stifled another laugh at the voice she put on when reciting Cassian’s new rule.
“And why wasn’t he happy with you?”
“I don’t know…”
“Because I jumped down the stairs,” she quickly said, the words muffled against your shoulder as she cuddled even closer to you.
“More like threw yourself down the stairs before catching yourself at the last minute,” Cassian’s stern tone had you both looking up to find him leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. You glanced at Ottie, who was looking at her dad with a guilt-ridden expression, before turning back to Cassian who nodded in confirmation.
“So, the new rule,” he continued, making his way over to the bed and sitting on the edge beside you, “no more flying inside, or else…”
“…or else there will be no flying lessons for four weeks.” Ottie mumbled back.
“Exactly,” he fixed Ottie with a look before his eyes trailed over your face in concern.
“I’m fine, Cass.”
“She is,” Ottie started, speaking up before Cassian could say anything. “She said my cuddles made her feel better. Right, mummy?”
“It’s true,” you smiled, bopping her on the nose as you turned back to face Cassian. “Her cuddles are truly magical.”
“I don’t know how much help I’ll be then if I’m up against magical cuddles, but is there room for one more in there?”
“What do you think, Otts? Should we move over? Make some room for daddy?”
“I don’t know…”
“You don’t know!” Cassian exclaimed in faux offence, leaning across you to tickle Ottie as she tossed against your side to get away from him, fits of her infectious laughter filling the room.
“What about if he comes back with a cup of tea for me? Can he join us then?”
Ottie fixed a contemplative look on her face, struggling to hold back a grin as she eyed Cassian up and down.
“How about, I make mummy a cup of tea that will make her feel better, and throw in two of our special hot chocolates? How does that sound?”
“Deal.” You watched on in amusement as Ottie stretched out her small hand, Cassian taking it in his as they shook in agreement.
“Come on then. I need my chocolate taste tester with me if I’m going to be making special hot chocolates.” Ottie scrambled out of your arms and ran out the bedroom door. Cassian turned to you, looking as though he was about to say something before, “Ottie! Remember to–”
“I know. Walk, don’t fly. You already told me.” Her little voice echoed back, followed by the resounding thump of disgruntled footsteps as she walked down the stairs.
Cassian shut his eyes, an exhausted expression taking hold before looking back at you with a soft smile.
“Kids, hey?” you teased, both of you listening to Ottie making the final stomp down the stairs.
“Kids,” he repeated with a shake of his head. “gotta be crazy to want them.”
You hummed in response, the silence settling between you both for a second too long as you nestled back against the pillows.
“You sure you’re feeling alright?” Cassian asked, tucking some stray strands of hair away from your face.
“Yeah, just a bit sore, but not as bad as this morning.”
“Good,” he leant down to press a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek, pulling back a bit to gently cup your face before pressing his lips against yours. “I’ll be back. Do you need anything else while I’m downstairs?”
Shaking your head with a small, content smile, you quickly reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his face back down to yours for another kiss before whispering, “thank you.”
“I already told you, no need to thank me.” He replied with a wink before making his way out the door.
You let out a sigh as you drag yourself out from underneath the sheets, stretching as you make your way over to the other side of the room to open up the curtains and the window, letting in the fresh afternoon air.
“Ottie,” You stilled as Cassian’s voice echoed up from the kitchen. “What did I say about flying inside?”
“I was helping you! You asked me to get the chocolate, I couldn’t reach it, now I can…” You couldn’t help the laugh you let out as you pictured what was currently happening downstairs.
Ten minutes later Cassian and Ottie returned, one steaming mug of tea and two hot chocolates between them that were all placed carefully against the bedside table. “I’ll be back in a minute,” Ottie exclaimed before racing out of the room.
Cassian sat beside you, hiding his face against your neck with a groan as he mumbled, “she is going to be the death of me.” You stretched your arm up so that your hand could trail through his hair.
“She’s growing up.”
“And she’s already a handful. She’s lucky that I love her…” he joked as Ottie walked back into your bedroom, arms loaded with soft toys and books that were place at the end of your bed.
“These always make me feel better, so I thought they might help you too,” Ottie explained with a shrug as she passed you her favourite teddy bear.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Alrighty, now that we’re all here,” Cassian said with a pointed look at Ottie’s pile of toys, causing a giggle to escape her as she settled down beside you. “One tea for you.”
“Thanks, Cass.” You said, taking the mug from him and smiling at the wink he shot your way.
“And one special hot chocolate for you.” He said, carefully handing the mug to Ottie before settling in on your other side and draping the blankets snuggly across the three of you.
“Thanks, Cass.” Ottie copied you with a cheeky grin that looked identical to Cassian’s.
“No, nuh-uh, nope,” Cassian leant forward to round on Ottie who was giggling from the safety that came from you being between them both. “You, missy, you do not call me that.”
“Why not…Cass?” she repeated.
“Because,” he looked at you for backup, eyes widening in betrayal when he found you stifling your own laughter. “Because you’re my little girl, that’s why.”
Before Ottie could jump in again, you cut her off, “I think what your dad is trying to say, is that you calling him by his name, instead of daddy, is making him feel old. He is turning 544 next week, you know.” You teased in a conspiratorial voice, nudging Cassian’s side as he scoffed and leant back against the pillows.
“So much for making me feel loved and special,” he jokingly muttered, referring back to the birthday conversation the two of you had that morning.
With a gentle nudge to Ottie’s side, you gave her a look that had her letting out an over-dramatic sigh, “I’m sorry, daddy. Sorry for making you feel old.” There was no chance of holding back your laugh at her words, especially when Cassian simply shook his head in defeat as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you tightly against him.
Back in the warmth and comfort of his arms, with Ottie nestled in tight on your other side, you found yourself relaxing further into the mattress as the effects of the tea took hold. The soothing rise and fall of Cassian’s chest from where you rested your head, along with the playful back-and-forth banter and melodic laughter that filled the room made that excruciating pain you had been feeling all day worth it if it meant being able to have a moment like this.
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sjylouvre · 18 days
faking it til it’s real (sjy)
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bsf&bf!jaeyun x fem!reader
wc: 1.9k
comments, likes and reposts are appreciated!
having a romantic relationship with someone is not something you want, at least you didn't a few months ago, not after your ex had cheated on you with one of your friends. you haven't got over it, now things are better, but the after-effects are still there. you were very close, you got on wonderfully, and it took a trip by your ex to turn everything upside down. and yet you were dreading it; your ex and your friend kept seeing each other for "group homework" or some nonsense here and there.
you're currently packing your things in your bag, the uni bell has just rung. you head for the exit where your best friend is supposed to be waiting. you look around, but there's no sign of him. you're about to call him but you're pulled aside into a little corner. what the- jaeyun?? jaeyun shh you and puts his hand over your mouth gently. you look at him without understanding the situation. he looks around and pulls his hand away. can you explain to me what's going on? you were supposed to come and get me, that's all, you say, raising your voice a bit. first of all, keep your voice down please, we’ll get caught, and secondly, my ex is just round the corner with some guy, and I don't want her to see me. you frown, why wouldn't he want her to see him? look, she thinks she knows I'm in a relationship, and I'm told she's very jealous that I am, says jaeyun in a whisper. wait wait, what do you mean in a relationship? jaeyun raises his eyebrows at your reflection. of course i'm not but... i need you, i need us to act like a couple... please. besides... he says to you, smiling slightly, you couldn't refuse given that you had this idea of making your ex jealous.. you gasp slightly... does this mean you'll have to get even closer to jaeyun than you already are... that you'll have dates with him... that you'll have to... kiss him? jaeyun, i don't think i can do this... you bow your head at the thought of having to be close to him. jaeyun cups your face between his hands and searches for your eyes, which are nowhere in his field of vision. hey, everything's going to be fine, trust me, it's just for a short while, all right? he tries so hard to reassure you, and you ends up agreeing. you'd like to make your ex jealous, even though you no longer have any feelings towards him, just anger in the end.
jaeyun, during this "fake couple" period, would give you a long hug when he knew his ex was around, or hold your hand firmly. he would kiss your forehead or temple to show even more affection towards you. you, on the other hand, would smile at him with stars in your eyes as you always have, kissing his cheek or putting your head on his neck. you both promised each other one thing, that nothing would separate you, and that you wouldn't cross the line of this fake couple.
one evening, you're both at home, watching a movie on the sofa. you decided to make yourselves some popcorn, drinks and whatever else you wanted to eat. you're in the kitchen, making the popcorn, and jaeyun is taking the drinks out of the fridge. it's pretty quiet between you, with no real reason until jaeyun comes along to break the ice. we've been acting like a couple for a few weeks now, you know? you turn your head towards him, a little shocked by his comment, you didn't expect it to be long enough, and you didn't really realise it. and i don't mind, you know, adds jaeyun, putting the drink down on the counter behind you. you bite the inside of your mouth, not really knowing what to say, unsettled. you say nothing? y/n? you put down a spoon you had in your hand and turn towards him. you notice that jaeyun was quite close to you, his face just a few centimetres from yours. still nothing? damn you've lost your tongue, should i go and look for it you think? you open your eyes at his words. you lightly tap his chest and he grabs your hand, extending his gaze to yours. at first, it was only to make my ex and your ex jealous, but this is different. you look at him puzzled. what are you talking about? what's different? jaeyun answers without even hesitating, which makes you miss a beat. us, this whole fake couple... i don't want it anymore. i've had enough of pretending all along, jaeyun moves closer to you, causing you to step back and hit your back to the counter. you feel the warmth of his breath just inches from your face, please be mine. he gently places one hand on your cheek and the other on your hip. to be completely honest with you, it would be a lie to say that you've never felt anything for jaeyun, he's got all the makings of a perfect boyfriend. his smile when you tell him about your day, his kind attentions to any tiny thing you give importance to, his words of encouragement or even his presence when you're not feeling well, his gentleness, his positivity, then his charisma, his beauty. he begs you with his eyes, looking at every corner of your face, taking care to pass by your lips. it's at that precise moment that jaeyun tightens his grip on your hip, bringing it gently towards him, and places a small kiss on your lips. thousands of butterflies fly over you.
you don't push him away, because deep down you know you've already felt something for him. so you kiss him back, running your hands over the back of his neck and his hair. breathless, you let go and jaeyun rests his forehead against yours and whispers, if you only knew how much i dreamed of this moment, if you only knew how many times i wanted to kiss you. you smile at him and say sincerely, if you want me to be yours, then i want you to be mine, jaeyun. jaeyun steps back a little from you, smiles up to his ears and pulls you into his arms, gently stroking your back. you won't have to hide from each other anymore, because it's all real now.
notes: no because having jaeyun as a bf… 😩
decided to write a bit longer for this one, couldn’t stop writing tbh…
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babyleostuff · 11 months
Hi!! I rlly love your fics and i saw your requests are open so can i request svt with idol reader that gets shipped with another idol that reader is friends with?? Like what would their reaction be I hope this isn’t too much thank youuu !!
idol partner gets shipped with another idol | OT13
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I'm SO sorry you had to wait so long for this one, but I've just started my vacation and wanted to take some time off. Still, I hope you enjoy this one <3 !
☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: i miss you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
As a leader and an idol himself, he’d know that there was nothing he could do about it. Of course, he’d be jealous and very protective of you, but I think for the most part he’d be sad. Sad because HE’S the one you're supposed to be shipped with, HE’S the one that’s supposed to show you off 24/7, HE’S the one who should be allowed to share your adorable face on Weverse with his fans. But in the end, he would be very mature about the situation and keep your relationship as low-key as he could, still showing how much he loves you in every way possible. 
For the most part, Jeonghan wouldn’t really have a problem with you being shipped with other idols - friends or not. He knows that situations like these might occur, so he’s ready for any new headlines with you and someone else's face in it, but it usually never really bothers him. Sometimes, especially if he’s feeling particularly insecure, it might slightly get to him. He will always tell you about it though, he doesn’t want to keep any of his emotional insecurities from you, nor cause any miscommunication that might arise from such a situation. 
Does not care. He is very confident in the relationship that you have, he trusts you with his life, so there is no reason for him to be jealous of someone else that you’re getting shipped with. He knows that there is no point in doing so because if he were to focus on silly stuff like shipping he would spend all his energy on that instead of you. So in his mind, let them ship you with whoever they want to because at the end of the day, he’s the one you’re going back to. 
In the beginning of your relationship when situations like that happened, he would get a little bit sad and distance himself from you for a while. You’d tell him every single time that he’s the only one that you love and want and that you would never choose anyone else over him. Thanks to your reassurance with time he stopped paying attention to any “shipping news”, realising that they’re a lot of bullshit anyways. It’s not like you’d run away with a random dude from the headline you’ve never even met.
Might get a bit insecure and a bit sad. He would try to put on a brave face for you, not wanting to add any more worries for you, knowing that you wouldn’t REALLY leave him. But inside, he couldn't stop the insecurities from getting to him. Every time he’d see any new news with you and another idol, he’d be really torn and full of worry, especially if it was a friend of yours. What if one day you decide that he’s better than him and leave? You’d quickly realise how sad your boyfriend seemed and get him back to his usual self with a lot of reassurance and kisses.  
Nah, he doesn’t care. He knows that you're his and he’s yours, period. There is no point in dwelling on stuff like that, he knows that it’s bound to happen eventually, both to you and him. Sometimes you’d even laugh about the absurd shipping and dating rumours, finding it hilarious how you could be accused of dating someone you haven’t even met before. If you were shipped with one of your friends, the situation wouldn't be that much different, he’d be just a bit more touchy with you in the presence of your friend, reassuring himself that you weren’t going anywhere. 
Another one that wouldn't bat an eyelash. Does not care in the slightest. You’re both very confident in the relationship that you have, you trust each other and always talk about any insecurities you have when it comes to your relationship, so there is no reason for him to be jealous of you. Both of you find the rumours hilarious, making some kinds of bets on who's going to be the next person you’d get shipped with. You’d turn these situations into games, making fun of it and not taking it seriously whatsoever. 
Couldn't care less. He finds the whole “shipping” concept funny, because how can people ship you with someone you just GLANCED at? And you’re supposed to be in love just because you looked at each other? Please. He knows the consequences of your jobs, that you’d get shipped with other idols, so you both had to be ready for any new rumours that were bound to happen. He would be the one to reassure you every time anything happened, that he is IN LOVE with you and nothing could make him leave you. 
Even though he trusts you COMPLETELY and tries explaining himself that you wouldn’t leave him, he’d get sad and really heartbroken. He’d be pouting every time he’d see any new news of you being shipped with a new idol, getting a bit insecure about himself. He’d try to cover his emotions about the situation around you, trying to be strong and unbothered, but you’d know immediately how he was feeling. You’d baby him and kiss him endlessly, telling him that he’s the only one you love. If you were shipped with an idol friend though, he’d be VERY touchy with you around him, showing him that you were only his. 
Another one that would need a bit of reassurance. In general, he wouldn’t spend that much time focusing on any rumours or scandals that might occur because of shipping, but from time to time he’d need a bit of extra love from you. It happens usually when he’s away on tour or doing promotions when thousands of kilometres are between you two and he can’t be with you in person. He’d try to distance himself, but you’d know immediately what was going on. You’d stay on FaceTime for hours before one of you didn’t fall asleep, and you’d text a lot, more than usual, trying to silently reassure him that he’s it for you. 
Soooo dramatic. Wouldn’t be jealous, but a bit angry. Not on you of course, but on the people shipping you with other idols. He knows it’s normal in the field of your work, but non the less, gets so annoyed every single time. He’d walk around your apartment with his phone in his hand and talk his head off, about the edits and photos he’d seen on his feed, bitching on the people that made them. Just because you breathed around another man doesn’t mean you’re in love. In the end, he would still seek a bit of reassurance from you, which you’d happily grant him - kisses and cuddles always brightened his mood. 
He wouldn’t even know that you were being shipped with anyone. “Babe, did you I’m being shipped with Wonwoo?”. “What? 🧍” Neither of you cared about the rumours, you didn’t even bother checking any headlines or news. Jealousy wasn’t a big thing in your relationship, as you both had a big trust in each other and the communication between both of you was at its finest, so there were no reasons to feel any insecurities or doubts. If you were shipped with any of your friends, you’d just laugh about it, not making it a big deal. 
𓆩♡𓆪  LEE CHAN 
He would reassure you that he didn’t care every time you’d get shipped with other idols, but you knew he was actually sad about it (as if the big pout on his face wasn’t the biggest giveaway). You would give him a lot of kisses, telling him again and again that he was the only one you loved. Then, when all of his doubts were gone, he’d laugh with you about the situation. You’d probably go on TikTok and make fun of all of the absurd edits of you and the person you got shipped with. Even when you were sure he wasn’t feeling bad about it anymore, you’d give him some extra kisses, just in case. 
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sunnylands-world · 5 months
Red possession
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Pairing: draco malfoy x female reader
Summary: your cycle is ending and that means you're feeling needy and distracted. Who better to fix it than your boyfriend…
Word count:1’889
Warning: fingering,mean draco [not really it's more degrading], choking, period sex [it's the last day], p in v, soft draco, possessive draco and reader, let me know if I missed anything
Universe: Harry Potter
A/n: "guess who's back, back again, Sunny's back tell a friend" 🎤 😂💓 no but seriously hopefully this one makes you guys love my writing again since people had requested something like this awhile ago 🙏🥺
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
Comments, reblogs, and inboxes are appreciated and motivational
(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘)
Being a girl was something you hated...
There were probably countless reasons, such as childbirth, but the most annoying aspect of it was the constant bleeding. Every. Fucking. Month.
It was pretty much the end of your cycle now though, and Draco had been spoiling you rotten. You had enough chocolate right now to give away to a village of children and that's not an exaggeration, you had bars stacked in a fridge he also bought for this occasion. He even got a personal chef! When you were on your cycle, you had moments where food wasn't a thought. Then you'd eat a little, and soon you'd eat more, but even then, you felt like one more plate wouldn't hurt.
Draco had you in his room today. Draco is currently beside you, shirtless and wearing black boxers. He was reading a book to you, but every word he said was like whispers in a forest because you were distracted.
"Why does it seem like I want to devour him? Has he always been so attractive? Am I getting closer to him?"
"Are you alright [name]?" Draco announced.
"Yeah, yeah of course. Why wouldn't I be? " You laughed and Draco let out one as well but he sounded nervous.
"Because you're squeezing my arm like you're terrified, surely my reading isn't that bad," he said, looking at the grip you had on his arm.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just... well, I'm distracted," You muttered, letting go of his arm, feeling a little guilty for it.
“By what, darling?” He inquired, putting the book down and turning his focus on you.
"You," you whispered, and you could see him smirk.
"I'm sorry, what did you say? I didn't catch that,” he teased and you shook your head, you always knew your boyfriend was cocky.
"I said you're distracting me," you repeated, playfully. You looked into his blue eyes, which were like a storm above the ocean, and they were darkening.
His gaze was intense as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.
"Why is he looking at me like that?"
"I think I could fix that," he announces first before he gets up and heads to his bathroom, leaving you confused.
When he comes back with a towel, you realize what he has in mind.
"Wait, just let me use the bathroom first," you say quickly, heading into the bathroom. You pray quietly because you're just spotting. You open the bag you brought to Draco's, grab the wipes, and do your business before washing your hands. Draco's eyes meet yours once you open the door.
“Come here,” he states, and you walk over hesitantly.
Upon reaching him, his hands gently grip your waist and the pads of his thumbs rub circles on your back.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, as he stands over you.
Your cheeks turn crimson, and you say "Thank you."
He cradles your face, kisses you softly, and you become engulfed in him, kissing him back while your hands wander to his waist.
The desire for more causes your heart to race and you whimper against his lips.
"I've got it, baby," he assures you as his hand slides under your shirt, causing your breathing to slow, and you feel the familiar touch of the silver ring he wears. His hand slides up higher along your soft curves and you feel the sense of possession in his touch as he delicately squeezes you.
The kiss grows stronger, his tongue slips past your lips and yours moves with his in a passionate tango that makes you moan softly.
Your own hands find themselves on his back as you feel the familiar desire spreading like wildfire in your belly. You're unsure whether he's teasing you or taking his time, but you want more and you want it now.
“Please,” you beg and he chuckles.
"So needy," he says teasingly before pulling your shirt off.
“I fucking love it” he grunts looking at your breast with starvation and he pushes you back, not enough to injure you, but enough to catch you off guard and make you gasp falling on his mattress. Draco's gaze softens as the breeze from the room hits your skin.
Are you feeling cold, my love? He asks, tucking your hair back before stroking your cheek.
"Just a bit," you say, and he smiles.
“Under the covers” he states.
You do as asked, and he does the same, moving underneath them with you before he's back on your lips. Because you're so turned on because of hormones, you grind against his hips between your thighs and he's trapped by your legs around his waist.
He groans, his lips moving along your jaw only making it worse with his soft kisses on your heated skin. You moan softly, faced with a high.
You tug at his platinum hair and take into detail how soft it is. How his body is pressed against yours, brushing your nipples as he moves to kiss your neck. His tongue darts out and licks your skin, prompting you to tighten your grip on his hair.
“You're so responsive, so sexy” he whispers before he sucks and licks a bruise onto your neck. He grinds his hard length into your panties, brushing your clit and making you wetter. Your whimpers and moans like music to his ears that he could play on a loop.
He growls as he releases your neck and kisses your collarbone once before disappearing under the covers. He holds you down, branding your waist, with the pressure of his ring as he kisses and nips at your breast.
He whispers "fuck" as he sucks on your nipples. You writhe, eager for him, feeling his tongue flicker and his teeth nipping at your breast until he stops.
He lowers himself, resulting in the blanket following him as he pulls your panties off, tossing them to the side so he can look at you while his fingers glide through your slick folds before he slowly pushes them into your entry.
"So wet and warm," he groans, pumping his fingers in and out, watching you moan softly with a dark hunger gaze. You wither and buck your hips as he picks up the pace curling his fingers just right to hit the spot inside you to have you weak in the knees like you're never gonna walk again, and he doesn't stop, he just goes harder and deeper as you arch your back moaning loudly.
When he hears the wet noises from your pussy as it latches onto his digits, begging to release, he removes them and makes you whine, almost teary-eyed.
“Shut up,” he growls and you bite your lip.
He knows you so well...
He observes and shakes his head.
"God, I'm in love with you," He groans when he takes his boxers off, and your eyes glow with excitement as his cock, slaps against his abdomen, just as happy to see you.
Had you not been so desperate to have him inside you, you would have sucked it like there is no tomorrow.
"It's alright, baby. You'll be home soon."
Draco crawls back between your legs and rubs his tip repeatedly through your wet lips and you swear he whimpers before plunging into your velvety walls, making you moan softly as he seat's himself inside you.
He won't admit it, but he's just as needy for you. He couldn't tell you how many times he's been hard without relief because nothing satisfies him like his girl.
Fuckkk, that's good,” he moans, his head falling back as he shudders.
Your cheeks are heated as he leans forward, resting his hands on either side of your face.
Holding your gaze, he begins to gently and slowly thrust forward, causing your lips to part in a silent cry. Your breath practically stops as he glides so easily inside you, as though you were made just for him, fooling your senses and riddling you blank with every teasing thrust. As he leans forward, making you shiver, his warm breath ghosts over your skin.
“That's it darling, let me in,” he whispers, his accent clear as day.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you hear the creaking of the bed as he picks up the pace, making you moan a little louder and grip the sheets.
He's playing with your pussy, whispering the right things, and kissing the right spots to make you relax and become comfortable, all in order for him to go faster, harder, and deeper.
"Draco, please," you beg as your eyes start to roll.
He growls, "Look at me when you ask for something."
As you meet his eyes, you moan, "Harder."
He knows exactly what you want, so there's no need to ask twice.
As he smirks, he sits up, and those blue eyes lock on yours. He wraps his hand around your neck, pressing lightly, and slamming into you, while you choke on air and pathetically moan and mewl.
As the headboard hits the wall, whoever is on the other side is forced to listen to your pornographic sex while he thrusts into you like his pleasure is more important than your own.
He watches as your legs begin to shake and your body becomes possessed with pleasure. You know that leaving his room will cause you to feel embarrassed.
He allows you to breathe better by releasing your neck, as he fucks you without mercy, ruining you for anyone else.
“Mine,” he growls.
His eyes say it all, his forceful pace says it, you're his girl and this is his pussy.
His cock slams into your pussy faster than it can throb or pulse and you almost beg him to slow down, but this how you like it, hard and possessive. When you can feel your walls begging him to stay inside you as you try to clench and his thrust are so hard and deep you know he needs you too.
He pants, and groans, his own body nearly shaking.
"You feel so good," said in unison, in thought..
You'll always be his, even if you try to escape nobody will fuck you like this, so if you try to find someone else you'll be left unsatisfied.
As you near the edge, he kisses you, tongue and all making you moan softly as you tug his hair.
You can't tell who wants who more with the way you're both making out, and thrust so powerful that somehow your poor little cunt still weeps for more until you can't take it. He finds your hands interlacing your fingers grounding you.
“Be a good girl and cum for me” he whispers, and as you cum lost in bliss and overwhelming pleasure he follows, moaning that he loves you.
He collapses against you, breathing heavily and you wrap your weak legs around him, stroking his hair, affectionately because he's vulnerable like this.
He hums softly in response as you feel your sweaty, sticky skin against his and you inhale your passion in the air while you catch your breath.
“Still distracted?” he says, finally looking at you, you shake your head with a lazy smile.
“Wanna take a bath?” he asks softly
“If I can walk,” you say sarcastically and he chuckles.
You don't have to walk, because he'll carry you, you're his…
(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
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delulujuls · 7 months
emotional support rivals | ls18, sp11
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hi! i dont know how to comment on this one, basically i thought that i would try to tame sergio and lance a bit because i know that some people may not like them as much. but they did pretty well here!
anyway, enjoy!
summary: reader is having the worst day of her life aka first day of her period, lance and sergio dont know how to act but they tryna be supportive
warnings: none i think
pairing: lance stroll x fem!mclarendriver x sergio perez
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This day was terrible. And that was it.
But you might ask, how could a day be terrible when it hadn't even had a chance to start? Y/N just felt in her bones that this would be the case. She also knew her current schedule of duties, which considering the current jetlag that weighed heavily on her mind, added quite a bit to her already full plate.
Of course, days like these were allowed to exist; balance in life was the norm. Nevertheless, Y/N fervently wished for this one to, as soon as possible, come to an end.
Unfortunately, a quick end was out of the question, as her alarm had just rung. She struggled to open her sleepy eyes and saw the gloomy 6:30 on her phone's display.
She sighed and sat up in bed, feeling an unpleasant sensation in her stomach. She was familiar with this feeling and it signaled one thing and one thing only.
"Oh no, it can't be."
Y/N muttered under her breath and quickly reached for her phone, opening one of the apps. The notification confirmed her worst fear. "Your period may start today!"
"Fantastic, just fucking fantastic."
In a already bad mood, she tossed her phone into the pillows and got up with a symphony of groans, sighs and curses. As soon as she got out of bed she checked the sheets but the snowy white fabric assured her that today would be a one big roulette of waiting for her period to start.
When she showered and got ready to leave, she also packed her emergency kit for days like this. She had to use it partially though, because the pain in her stomach was simply unbearable. And it wasn't the typical stomach ache that everyone thinks of when they hear 'oh no, my stomach hurts' but this stomach pain was the Lance Stroll of all stomach pains. It doesn't seem to hurt too much, but it spoils your whole mood with its terrible nature.
Since talking about Stroll, it happened like that she still had practice laps that day, which she failed to pass while everyone else did. As it turned out, the same task was waiting for Lance, because in the cafeteria, apart from the busy employees, there was him. And that damn Mexican, too.
"What time are you supposed to be on the track?"
Checo asked from behind her when she was grabbing breakfast from one of the swedish tables.
"What happened to 'hi, good morning'? 'Buenos dias,' at least?"
She muttered, pouring syrup on her pancakes.
"Normally you don't talk to me, so I figured there's no point in trying."
He replied, somewhat thrown off by her response.
"Hello Sergio, nice to see you too and yes, it just happens that we're stuck with each other today. I'm on at 10am, you're ahead of me at 9, and that Aston idiot is at 11."
Y/N said sarcastically, putting on the nicest tone she could muster.
Sergio didn't know how to respond, so when she turned to leave for her table, he simply stepped out of her way.
Lance ate in silence, observing the scene quietly. He was watching the McLaren sun, today completely covered by stormy clouds, going away and sitting alone. Inadvertently his gaze met with Checo, who just shook his head and returned to choosing his breakfast.
Y/N sighed heavily, sitting at one of the empty seats. She ate absentmindedly, not used to the absence of Oscar and Lando. They had different things to attend to that day, so it wasn't unlikely that they wouldn't even cross paths. Maybe it was even better for them; each of them would probably receive a monthly dose of sulking. The charms of being the only girl in the company could be really tough at times.
And it's not that Y/N was a pain in the ass only for Oscar and Lando. She got along well with most people she interacted with daily. A few times she even went out with other girls; she wasn't limiting herself to the company of guys only. Unfortunately, Oscar and Lando had happened to take a particular liking to each other, which made the trio basically unseparable.
There were people with whom she didn't have frequent contact, or with whom she only exchanged smiles in passing but she had never had the chance to exchange a word.
It's also known that in life you can't be liked by everyone and not everyone can be liked by you. In this case, there was no magical exception. It just so happened that she would spend today in the company of those people who sat at the other end of the cafeteria, occasionally throwing her stolen glances.
After finishing her meal, the girl got down to her duties, wanting to bring this day to an end as quickly as possible. At the appointed time, she appeared on the track, quickly changing into her racing suit. She put on her helmet and after a brief discussion of notes, she sat in the car. That's when she felt that something was wrong. The worst-case scenario flashed before her eyes.
"Can I quickly go to the bathroom?"
She asked, looking at the technician nearest to her.
"We're a bit behind schedule. Can it wait?"
Y/N resignedly nodded. She knew there was nothing left to salvage.
She adjusted her straps and when she got the signal to leave the garage, she drove outside and headed straight for the track. After the radio test and receiving permission to start, she clenched her fists and roared the engine.
She was angry and as it's known, there's nothing worse than a female rage.
She was angry at this day, at herself, at this damn car. She was angry at the bloodstain on her damn orange suit, even though she hadn't seen it yet.
She was so hormonal that if it weren't for the helmet restricting her movements, she would have screamed at the top of her lungs.
However, female anger was priceless.
"Best lap time, I repeat, best lap time."
She tightened her grip on the steering wheel, not responding to the message.
In moments like this, she didn't care about anything. And it's pretty well known that a person who doesn't care has nothing to lose.
When the session ended and she received the message that she could pull into the pit lane, she complied. Mechanics rolled her into the garage and only then did it dawn on her that her hands were still clenched on the steering wheel. When she managed to free herself from the car, she immediately checked her seat. She cursed under her breath and took off her helmet, placing it aside. Quickly grabbing the nearest rag, she began to wipe away the stain of shame on her seat. The technician, whom she asked about going to the bathroom before the start, when he realized what had happened and what she was doing, just gave her an apologetic look.
She unzipped her suit and slid its top off, covering the stain on her backside. Zac wanted to congratulate her on the result and discuss the outcomes, but she apologized and grabbed her emergency kit, heading straight to the bathroom. She changed into her unstained clothes, guarded against another unpleasant surprise and bundled up the suit, muttering under her breath that a visit to the laundry awaited her later that day.
When she returned to the McLaren garage, Zac, upon seeing her, immediately smiled.
"Young lady, you charmed us today! You literally flew in that car!"
"I guess that's good, I think."
The girl replied, mustering a smile as she glanced at the monitors in front of her.
"Good? It's brilliant!"
Zac replied with a smile and checked his notes.
"After checking the car, I would ask you to put on your suit again for a moment because we need to do a few more laps on different tires."
"I thought that was it for today."
Y/N replied, looking at him.
"Now, you were driving on mediums; it would be good to know what time you can achieve on the hard compound."
The girl tightened her suit under her armpit.
She started, but it felt silly, so she lowered her voice and approached him, "My suit is not suitable."
"How so? What happened?"
He frowned and looked at the bundle she was holding.
"I won't be able to drive in it anymore today."
Zac looked confused, so she just said "period" without using any words. He quickly understood and immediately nodded his head.
"Ask someone if we have another suit in stock. It would mean a lot to me if we could finish these tests today."
Y/N nodded and walked away, sighing heavily when she was out of his reach. However, as it turned out, racing suits are not as straightforward as one might think and the only McLaren suit in this garage was hers—rolled up into a ball of shame and unfit for use. One of the women upon hearing her situation only gave her a comforting hug and suggested borrowing a suit from Sergio or Lance, taking advantage of the fact that they were only drivers nearby. The situation was exceptional and it was all about internal measurements.
Disheartened by the fact that she would be forced to confront the men, she left the garage and looked around. Checo and Lance were sitting nearby, chatting in front of the Aston Martin garage. Y/N gathered herself and approached them, causing them to immediately pause their conversation.
"Can I borrow a suit from either of you?"
"You drive for McLaren, not for Aston or Red Bull."
Sergio said, taking a sip from his bottle. The girl involuntarily clenched her fists. Be professional, she thought and took a deep breath.
"If I didn't have to, I wouldn't ask. I need a suit; mine... is not suitable for driving."
"What happened?"
Lance asked, glancing at her. His expression lacked the hint of malice that Sergio currently possessed.
"I just need one; is that not enough?"
"Give a good reason and I might even give you mine."
Pérez said, crossing his arms.
"I just got my period which means my suit is having a fucking bloodstain on my ass and even though I feel like they're cutting me in half completely alive I have to do some extra laps because this fucking fat idiot didn't think about pitstop to change my tyres and let me go straight to the track" Y/N she spoke quietly and calmly, but her voice was dripping with fury "So do me the pleasure and let one of you give me your overalls before something hits me, for fucks sake."
Lance and Sergio stood still. Sergio's face lost its fierce expression and Lance suddenly realized that he had started holding his breath out of stress.
"I'll give you mine, no problem."
Stroll spoke up, starting to unzip his suit.
"Yours is light, you idiot; if something happens again, everything will be visible."
Pérez scolded him and turned his gaze back to the girl.
"Wait a moment; I'll bring you mine right away."
Y/N nodded and watched him leave.
"Do you feel very bad?"
Lance asked, looking at her. He couldn't wrap his head around how the girl standing in front of him, bleeding and all, could endure such a great strain and still set the best lap time.
"It's been better."
She sighed.
Lance, not knowing exactly what to do or how to help, reached out his hand with a bottle in it. Y/N looked at the bottle first and then at his face. Seeing that he was genuinely concerned, she whispered a quiet 'thanks' and took the water from him.
Sergio returned shortly after, handing her his suit.
"I hope it'll fit well for you."
The girl handed back Lance his water and thanked Pérez as well.
"Good luck, tigresa."
Y/N nodded at them one last time and returned to the garage, changing into the borrowed suit and taking her place in the car again.
As she sat there, waiting for permission to leave the pit lane, she noticed that she wasn't angry anymore, at least not as much as she was some time ago. When she drove out and headed towards the track, she passed Lance and Sergio once again, who were giving her thumbs up.
For the first time that day Y/N genuinely smiled and who would have thought it would be thanks to her rivals, who had now become her emotional support ones?
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callofdudes · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about how how TF141 + König would react to the reader having a period accident..
Idk it might be weird but some peoples reactions have my heart, like when they're nice about it and help you instead of being disgusted by you😭
That's not weird at all. Got instant inspiration for this one. It's also spawned some little headcanons in my head so I might post those separately as well. Here ya go, let me know if it's ok 😊
141 + König helping you after a period accident.
141+König x Female!reader
König 🐙
You and König were walking around the mall when you got the feeling in your gut. That feeling that kicked you right in the pelvis and almost made you stop walking. Shit... Not here.
König was currently looking at some new movies when you felt it again, clutching your pelvis to try and help it.
"König..." You whispered to him, tapping his hip.
He hummed, looking back at you and the awkward expression on your face. "What's wrong Schätzchen?"
"I think we need to wrap it up early. I'm not feeling good suddenly."
König was worried now. "Are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need medical treatment in this moment?"
You shake your head, walking slower and stiffer, hoping to get home before it was too late. König could see there was something going wrong but he followed.
He kept a close eye on you as you both made it back to the car, by that time König was helping you in the car and noticed. "Y/n... I think you are bleeding."
You groaned, immediately feeling more embarrassed about it. "Yeah..." You just wanted to rush home and change. And get your clothes in the wash before they stained.
König however, grabbed the car keys and rushed back inside. He had no idea what he was doing but he rushed to the drug store at the entrance of the mall and decided to ask a worker.
"Hey uh.. my um.. my friend, she is hurting and I want to help her. C-could I get some help with the feminine products..." He was a sweating mess asking about it. But he wanted to help you.
The clerk was also super nice and pointed him where he needed to go and gave him a quick suggestion on what to get. So without a second thought he purchased them and ran back to the car where you were still holding yourself.
"Here y/n... I-I got those for you. And you can do it in the car if you want- I don't mind, and I won't look!"
He immediately shut the door and turned around. He waited nervously outside. He hoped that was right, that he'd gotten everything. He did want to help even if he wasn't the most knowledgeable about this sort of thing.
You felt happy that he went through all the trouble. It would... Work for now.
So you put it on and got out, giving him a thumbs up while he nervously fiddled with his fingers. After, König got in the driver's seat and looked at you. "Are you doing better?"
"it'll work until we get home. Thank you König."
"Yeah.. yeah! Of course! Now let's get you home."
Price 🥃
The two of you were at a barbecue with 141 and some other soldiers, you hadn't even noticed or felt anything, probably too busy eating and talking. You'd felt weird and had cramps that morning, but after an hour and no actual blood, you'd assumed it was early cramping.
Price was sitting in a chair, talking to Ghost about one thing or another when he happened to look up and over to you, in your white pants, clear as day...
"Excuse me Ghost." Ghost nodded, letting Price leave for a moment. He came up behind you and set his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n..." He whispered. "You've got a stain on your pants."
You look up at at him. "I what- I do??" Your face turned red as you soon realized what it would be. Oh you were stupid to wear these pants...
Price gently pats your arm, you were so lucky you were over at Laswell's house. "Come on, come sit inside until we can help ok?"
You nod, following him closely as he opens the screen door and brings you inside. He could see the embarrassment on your face. "That's alright y/n, we'll help you out. Let me go find Laswell alright?"
You nod, staying behind and waiting as Price went to talk to Laswell about the situation.
"John, everything ok?" Laswell asked. While she'd let them use her expansive yard for the barbecue she wouldn't be in charge of supervision. So she was in her at home office room.
"Hey Kate. Y/n is having a little... Feminine emergency. She got her period and I was wondering if you would have anything to help?"
She nods, coming back down the stairs to see you still sitting there awkwardly. "We'll help you out kiddo." Price assured as Laswell brought back down a box of sanitary pads for you. "I might even have a spare pair of pants for you to wear?" She offers.
"If not, I can let you borrow my jacket." Price finishes.
"Thank you guys." You head to the bathroom and start to figure things out. While you were doing that Price went down to his car and got his big thick jacket.
Once you'd come out Price handed it to you and let you wrap it around your waist. "Thank you Price."
He nodded and patted your shoulder. "All good. We'll get you set up properly when we are home, alright?"
You nod, unable to help hugging him tightly. Price chuckled softly and hugged you back. "Alright, would you like to stay in here or go back out with everyone else?"
"I think I'll be ok to go back outside."
"Alright, you let me know if you need anything ok? And we'll get you all set up when we get home."
Soap 🧼
"Yes captain." You smile softly.
Price gave you the next two days of leave to let the cramps settle down and you were very, very grateful.
Growing up with all girls in his house he still didn't know everything about periods, but they didn't disgust him. So much that avoiding his sisters when they were acting like soulless floor crawlers was habit.
But when he noticed you in need, his brotherly instincts for you came into action.
You were in line for food, just standing there when you suddenly looked very troubled. "Soap... I think we should go home." You whispered.
"You want to go home y/n? But we just got here."
You nod a little, stance a little stiffer. He frowned, and you could tell he knew something was up. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling good?"
You shake your head softly, rolling your hand over your pelvis. "I think I just got my period..." You whispered, barely that. But John caught it.
He nods, ushering you from the line up. "Alright, we'll go home then. Do you want to pick up some pads at the drugstore while we're here or should we head back to base?"
"I think I'm almost out on base..."
John nods, that settles it then. "Alright, we'll stop at the drugstore and we'll get you what you need."
"You don't mind? I know we went out for food... No a sanitary trip..." You felt embarrassed. You really didn't want anything like this to happen with one of the guys. You just didn't think they'd understand.
You felt like maybe Soap of all people would make fun of you. But he brought you back to the car and drove you to the drugstore.
"Do you want to walk in or stay here??"
"Can I stay..?"
"Yep, no problem. Just tell me what you usually get yourself and I'll be right back." He smiled softly.
You were embarrassed. Telling him quietly before he shut the door and walked off with confidence. He wandered the aisle for a while, looking for the brand before spotting it and... Oh just grab one of everything you never know. So he came back with a bag full of product to last you a very long while.
"Alright, here ya go. I can wait outside if you want to put one on now?"
"You don't mind?"
"Nope, not at all. Go for it." He stands back faced to the window of the passenger seat. Guarding it while you did your thing. And you eventually you tapped on the window and he got back in the car.
"Alright, let's get you home and set you up."
You nodded. "Thanks Soap."
"No worries, I get it. Sometimes accidents like these happen."
He got you home and set you up, settling you down for a movie and got you your blankets and heating pad. And yes, he did go back and get that food so you both could enjoy it.
Ghost 💀
Man's panics. He knows a lot about periods surprisingly, but they are not in his wheelhouse. He does not have the expertise.
But he is definitely reliant and always a good person to go to for some help.
The two of you were at a very, very high end event. Like the higher ups of your higher ups were there. The both of you dressed up in suits with all your fancy pins on them and the little hats.
It was a big deal and you were nervous. You'd assumed the cramping you'd briefly felt earlier was just from the little amount of food you'd eaten before rushing out the door that morning and your anxiety.
Ghost was off in the corner, watching everything. He noticed somewhere along in the night you'd grown uncomfortable and oddly stiff. Almost as if you were self conscious of something.
He assumed it to be nothing until you walked over to him stiffly, blushing from embarrassment.
"What do you need sergeant?"
"Ghost..." You whispered, making him lean in a little more. "I think I just got my period..."
He's totally cool on the outside but inside he is panicking. He nods. "Do you have... A bag or something?"
You shake your head. "No... I left it all at home..."
Ghost sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'll head back home and get your stuff."
You nodded awkwardly. "Thank you."
He patted your arm. "Just sit tight, shouldn't be long."
And with that Ghost excused himself from the venue and got back in the car, driving all the way back home. He searched your bathroom, grabbing one... Two... Ok three if you need it. He can't be too careful. And a spare change of pants and underwear if you needed it.
He came back with the bag and pulled you to the side. "Everything you need should be in there. Bathroom is down the hall, call me if you need anything."
"Thank you so much Ghost. Thank you." You took the bag and rushed off, delighted to find a spare change of pants as well.
Once you'd changed you came back out and gave Ghost a thumbs up, to which he nodded in approval and the event continued without a hitch.
Gaz 🧢
I just know this man is the kind of guy to hook up the bubble bath and say F You to the world for a while. So afterwards you get full spa treatment from him.
Will do anything to help you.
You were training with some of the other soldiers. A slightly chilly day though you enjoyed it and hadn't worn a sweater. You already felt warm enough.
You'd already been out there for two hours and any burn or cramp was just played off as what would normally happen. You weren't really thinking into it much.
You'd taken a break to relax and you felt another cramp right in your pelvis, making you groan as you bent over a little to hold yourself.
Some of the sergeants noticed the stain forming in your grey jogging pants. "y/n, are your pants dirty or something?"
This caught Gaz's attention who looked over, noticing your discomfort. You looked embarrassed as you started to connect the dots between your horrible cramps and your accident.
He gently pushed past the sergeants and got himself between you and them. "Yeah, I think that last load of laundry didn't come out right. I noticed it on my clothes as well."
You looked up at Gaz with relief as he gently tugged off his sweater and wrapped it around your waist.
"Come on, let's go get you to your room."
You followed, your cramps bothering you the whole way. Gaz got you to your room and grabbed out a fresh pair of pants and let you change and such.
Once you were done he came back in and helped you into bed. "Thanks Gaz." You whispered.
He leaned down and plugged in your heating pad and wrapped you in all your blankets. "No problem y/n, it happens. I get it."
"Do you need any more supply? I have to head out for a bit later and I could pick up what you need?"
"You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all. Just helping you out. I can even pick you up a snack or two. Does chocolate entice your palette?" You both chuckle softly.
"I'd like that, thank you." You smile, already feeling much better. Gaz made sure you didn't need anything else before leaving you to rest.
And yes, he came back with everything you needed and a giant bucket of ice cream all your own.
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
Blood Bath
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
Aunt Flo comes to visit and the noble Elijah stands up to the bitch.
{The main inspiration behind creating this blog stems from my quest to find what I initially thought would be the most cliché smutty scenario involving vampires, only to find a surprising lack of content.} So in the words of Thanos: "Fine, I'll do it myself" - haha -
If you rather read this on Ao3- Link is here
2k Words - Warnings: smut, weed & period blood ~the holy trinity~
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Blood Bath
In these moments, you found immense gratitude for your tub—a deep and spacious clawfoot marvel. Lighting a few candles and introducing some exquisite soap into the water, you crafted a cozy atmosphere within the steamy confines of the bathroom. You were looking forward to a relaxing soak, trying to alleviate your period cramps. 
As you waited for the tub to fill you took an edible and poured a glass of wine, hoping the combination of substances would numb your pain. Once in the tub, you let the warmth of the water ease your discomfort. The soft glow of the candles added a calming touch to the simple pleasure of the bath, turning it into a brief escape from the day.
Elijah walked into the bathroom, observing the candlelit scene. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, a warm smile on his face.
"Sure, pull up a seat," you replied, patting the edge of the tub. As he settled on the side, his hand casually dipping into the warm water, you started sharing stories about your day, from the funny moments to the challenges at work.
In the midst of laughter, you flinched; your cramps were particularly bad that day.
He looked concerned. "Are you alright?” He asked, his hand moving to your knee. 
“I'm fine, it's just cramps,” you replied, adjusting your position in the tub.
“Anything I can do to help?” He asked, giving you a knowing smirk.
You chuckled. "I don't think you can compel away period cramps, as much as I'd love that superpower."
He grinned. "Well, there's something that might help."
You raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"
His response was to pick you up out of the tub. Water splashed in all directions, a mix of laughter and shock escaping you.
"Elijah! What are you doing?" you exclaimed.
"Taking you somewhere more comfortable," he said with a playful smirk. He carried you to his bed, and with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he threw you onto it. You bounced a little from the impact, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident on your face.
He crawled into bed beside you, the air thick with newfound energy. The candles in the bathroom continued to flicker, casting a soft glow on the scene that unfolded in the bedroom.
He kissed you softly, his hands trailing down your wet, naked body. “Lijah,” you whispered, cupping his face as you returned the kiss. “I'm sorry, I really don't have the energy for sex right now.”
“You don't have to do a thing but lay back,” he said softly. Moving downward, he began trailing kisses down your neck and shoulder. He cupped your breasts and ran his thumb over your nipples, and you let out a quiet moan from the sensation.
You knew exactly where this was going, and you began to rub your thighs together in anticipation. The combination of the wine, weed, and extra hormones in your blood made his every touch more pleasurable than usual. “You don't have to,” you weakly protested, knowing damn well he wanted it even more than you did.
With a devilish glint in his eyes, Elijah continued his exploration of your body. His kisses descended lower, tracing a path of fire along your stomach. As his lips reached the sensitive area between your thighs, you gasped, a jolt of pleasure coursing through you.
The combination of his skilled touch and the heightened sensitivity from your current state had you squirming with desire. His hands pressed into your thighs, spreading your legs wide. 
The tip of his tongue gently traced over your clit, causing your hips to react with each movement. Using his thumbs, he spread your folds, maintaining an intense rhythm as he pleasured you. A deep, satisfied groan escaped him, finding pure ecstasy in consuming your blood while nestled between your legs. His dark eyes locked onto yours, gauging how long you'd let him stay this way.
Your body quivered under the pleasure he skillfully crafted, the room filled with the sounds of your soft moans and his contented groans. Elijah's focus was unwavering, his actions deliberate as he brought you to the brink of ecstasy.
As the intensity built, he sensed the subtle shifts in your breathing and the tensing of your muscles. The heat building inside you reached its peak, and you climaxed on his tongue, a wave of pleasure coursing through every inch of your being. The pain and pressure of your cramps instantly unwound and you enjoyed the sweet relief.
Your core pulsed with the aftermath of your intense orgasm and your moans filled the room as you ran your hands through his hair. Elijah responded with a low hum of approval, altering his pace. He shifted his attention, planting kisses on your clit before drawing it into his mouth, sucking on it gently.
A loud gasp escaped your lips, and you propped yourself up on your elbows, captivated by the sight. His cheeks were covered with blood and his vampiric nature was on full display, it was oddly sexy, especially when you observed just how much he was enjoying himself. Your climax began to build for the second time and you collapsed back on to the pillows, your arms draped dramatically over your head and your legs trembling.
"Elijah," you panted, feeling his fingers digging into your thighs at the sound of his name. "Please don't stop.”
His response was a muffled acknowledgement as he continued to consume you, his focus unwavering. Your hands came down to tug on his hair, your toes curling as he flicked his tongue against your clit. The sensations he ignited between your thighs were electrifying, and you surrendered to the pleasure, every worry and ache melting away as your second orgasm hit you. 
You let out a long breathy moan, breathing heavily and sinking onto the bed, completely spent. Despite your exhaustion, he persisted in pleasuring you, his tongue moving at an inhuman speed, filling the room with soft, wet slurping noises.
"Elijah, I can't... please," you whimpered, your voice a breathless plea as you sensed the intensity of the pleasure becoming almost overwhelming. You tugged on his hair, your legs shaking uncontrollably.
He responded with a dark determination, his grip on your thighs tightening as he spread them wider. "Just one more," he declared.
Sliding two fingers inside you, he orchestrated a flawless rhythm between his hand and tongue. You attempted to close your legs, overwhelmed by the stimulation, but he forcefully kept them open, pushing your knees up around your waist.
His tongue, lips, and fingers worked in harmony, triggering a potent wave of pleasure. Your body convulsed in ecstasy, and a loud moan broke free as your third orgasm surged through you. Elijah savored each moment, delighting in the sweet taste of your blood as your back arched.
Just when you thought he was finished, he continued his relentless attention, pushing you towards another climax. Your body attempted to retreat from his overwhelming attention, every flick of his tongue making you squirm and squeal.
“Please, Elijah,” you begged, too spent to resist. “No more.”
He responded with a low hum, intensifying his rhythm, determined to draw out every last ounce of pleasure. You were caught in a whirlwind of sensations, pleasure mixed with exhaustion, yet his actions persisted. Elijah's hunger for your pleasure seemed insatiable. Despite your protests, he skillfully brought you to the edge once more, his fingers moving with precision, and his tongue dancing with a rhythm that surpassed human capabilities.
As your fourth climax overwhelmed you, your body twisted in pleasure. Elijah, unwavering in his pursuit, consumed you as if it were the last drop of blood he could ever taste. Your thighs went up like a vice, gripping his head, and a low chuckle escaped him as he forced them back open.
“Pl—” you whimpered as he persisted. You felt on the verge of passing out, your heart racing, and your entire body trembling. The edible you consumed had fully taken effect, leaving you incredibly lightheaded.
“Just one more,” he repeated, his tone a low growl.
You attempted to argue but had lost the ability to speak as he thrust his tongue deep into you. He relentlessly fucked you with his tongue as he let out a soft groan of pleasure. His hands pressed into the back of your thighs, causing your hips to spring up so he could delve deeper inside you. Your legs kicked, and you cried out, attempting to escape the over-stimulation. You begged and pleaded for him to stop, but deep down, you knew you were at his mercy and you loved it.
As Elijah continued his relentless assault, your pleas became desperate whispers, lost in the throes of pleasure and exhaustion. Each movement of his tongue intensified the overwhelming sensation, and you succumbed to your fifth orgasm. You moaned his name with long stretched out syllables, your entire body shaking in pleasure.
Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he pulled away, a wicked grin on his face. Your body lay limp on the bed, the aftermath of pleasure and weakness coursing through you. Elijah's eyes were black, with gray veins snaking around them, they gleamed with satisfaction as he licked his lips, relishing the taste of your blood.
He moved to hover over you, gazing down at you with a predatory glint in his eyes. As you lay there, breathless and spent, he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear.
"Such sweet surrender," he whispered, his voice soft and loving.
The room spun as the combined effects of Elijah and the edible took their toll, and you could barely muster a response. Your body still trembled from the intensity of the experience, and the afterglow of pleasure and weakness continued to course through you.
Elijah, with a contented smile, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, savoring the remnants of your essence. "You taste divine, my love," he murmured.
He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, and then made his way to the bathroom to clean up. He returned with a warm cloth, wiping away the blood and arousal between your legs.
“Now I need another bath,” you chuckled weakly.
Elijah chuckled, "I suppose you've earned it." He helped you up, and you felt a bit wobbly as you stood. Together, you made your way back to the bathroom, where he prepared a fresh bath for you.
As you settled into the clawfoot tub once again, Elijah joined you, the warm water soothing your senses. You leaned against him, enjoying the closeness, feeling the comforting embrace of his strong arms.
"Feeling better?" he asked.
You nodded, letting out a contented sigh. "Definitely better, thanks to you."
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head. "Anytime, my love.”
You let out a chuckle, “Don't pretend like that was all for me,” you teased. 
Elijah grinned, his lips brushing against your ear. "Perhaps not all, but seeing you relaxed and happy is a reward in itself."
You playfully swatted his arm, "Smooth talker."
His laughter filled the room, a rich and comforting sound. "Guilty as charged.”
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I could not find a gif of him all bloody where he looks actually pleased about it; so I gave up. If you happen to have a good one, please send it my way!
I laughed so hard when I found this gif, I was SO close to using it as the header, just to amuse myself.
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kanmom51 · 5 months
Can you believe it's only been 5 weeks?
Feels like an eternity already.
In any case, tomorrow basic training ends and we might (or might not) hear where they are going to be assigned to.
One thing we do know is:
that they are going to be together.
Something that will definitely quieten the nerves.
I've kind of sworn off SM at the moment, after seeing there is so much negativity and just all round yuckiness going on right now. I can't help but wonder if it's boredom or nerves or what not, that has people, once again, promoting doubt and negativity, or in place, policing others with what to post or not post, feeling they are mouth pieces for the two men, not knowing at all what those two men even want or expect of us.
And it's really funny and absurd to me seeing people still doubt the strength of the bond these two young men have. Actually, it's ridiculous at this point.
Anyway, part 1 of their service is done. A very short but also intense and tough part - the transition from civilian to soldier with all it entails. Having to surrender much of your autonomy as an individual and becoming somewhat of a cog in the machine cannot be easy, even more so for those who enlist older, given that they have reached maturity, have a clear path in life, know what they want or don't want, etc.
Welcome to part 2, in which I do hope their placement is a good one, one they will be happy with (as much as you can be happy under these circumstances, of course).
Knowing that whatever may come, they have one another. There to support each other. Make each other laugh, even through the hard times (which I'm sure there will be). Lift one another up when they are feeling down.
And knowing all that, I know they will be ok!!
I need to believe that in a way, and don't come at me for saying this, this ordeal might do good for them (again, knowing they are together and have each other). Getting away from the industry, and even the distance from the fandom (especially the toxic parts of it) can do them good. As hard as it may be, it will give them experience in another aspect of life. In a way, it can even be a time for them to rest (as funny as that may sound). Having a healthier schedule, healthier wake and sleep hours. Healthier diet.
These are young men that all they know is the industry, of which they have been part of for over a decade, since their teenage years . This here (as hard as it is, especially for JM) might be a much needed forced break. To have a rest from the industry. To recharge, distance makes the heart fonder... not creating or performing will ignite or flame that fire in their belly once more. To experience something else in their life. To be treated, more or less, not like a celebrity, but like anybody else, for that short period of time to live their lives like 'ordinary' Korean young men. This can give them insight to things they would never in a million years see or experience otherwise. And it can strengthen them as human beings and as artists as well.
I need to believe all that!!
Anyway, now that part 1 is all but over and they are on to part 2, I'm also hoping that we will get to see more of them on their terms, that hopefully they will choose to keep in touch with us from time to time.
Maybe even together.
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I'm really sorry, I feel like this post has been all over the place. I guess just like my current state of mind, lol.
In any case wishing them all the luck in their new assignments. Hope they are happy and content and STAY SAFE!!!
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txttletale · 8 months
healed ive been doing some very basic communist readings lately and. how do you cope with the fact that none of it seems particularly possible. how do you manage to put any of this theory into practice when the only two parties out there seem to be the We’re Basically Demsocs Party and the Sexual Abuse League. how do you not let it crush you and what ways have you found to like… manifest these ideas in your life? i guess one could say i was “radicalized” by recent events but having done basic reading (just beginner Lenin and Marx) has made me feel so much more hopeless. there’s no vanguard party and i don’t see what I can actually tangibly do to help proliferate communism. and it’s making me feel guilty for living my life, too, for doing things that I find fun and beautiful and enjoyable - there’s just the guilt of “this is a time-waster, this is brainwashing you”. do you have any assurance at all
so obviously the role of a marxist-leninist in a revolutionary situation (ie, one in which the conditions are revolutionary, in which the current bourgeois state is no longer tenable) is to be in a vanguard party at the head of the organized working class. but these things don't appear from nowhere--i think it follows that if you are in much of the world, where a revolutionary situation is not imminent in any forseeable near future, then the role of a communist is to help organize the working class and raise class consciousness through class struggle so that when such a situation presents itself the working class is both radical and organized, or capable of becoming such in short order.
that means that working within non-party organizations (unions, activist and mutual aid groups, grassroots campaigns) with the intent of learning the tactics of organization and radicalising the people around you is a meaningful participation in the class struggle. as much as i say 'get organized' and believe that a proletarian party is the best and most powerful vehicle for revolutionary action, that latter belief is of course to be taken and adapted for the situation.
do not be hopeless because you have read lenin--instead, be aware that when lenin was writing much of what he wrote, the situation of socialist parties across europe was dire. criminalized, divided just as they are now, replete with the exact kind of reformists you're complaining about (as well as adventurists). what lenin wrote about was not just a theoretical ideal party that did exist in his time, but instead the blueprints for the party he had a hand in creating. realize that lenin genuinely believed during periods that he would not see revolution during his lifetime.
organize with whoever you can, in whatever arena you can, and participate in the class struggle. develop the skills and understanding of the methods of struggle, even if trade unionism or climate activism alone are not sufficient vectors by which the contradictions of capitalism can be resolved, they are avenues by which your class consciousness and that of those around you can be honed and sharpened. find the most radical body around you and join yourself to their struggle--a vanguard party should emerge from the struggles of the working class, it should be an organization that serves as a vessel for effective action. you do not have to tie yourself to the decaying and rotting shambling zombie parties of the 20th century to participate in the class struggle--we as communists owe these organs no loyalty if they are not equipped for the realities of class struggle.
i'm lucky in that there is a small but dedicated group of marxist-leninists i have been able to join up with and work with. if that's not the case for you, conduct the struggle within anarchist collectives or trade unions or solidarity campaigns, while always keeping your true goal in mind. the class struggle unfolds across a multitude of arenas--as long as there's someone you can organize alongside on something, you are not powerless in your capacity as a revolutionary communist. good luck, comrade.
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Welp, it's Nikke, so of course I'm gonna request Rapi, Anis & Neon who catch their S/O staring at their ass (not in battle, just during free time)
(GoV: NIKKE) Rapi, Anis, and Neon's S/O looking at their butt
NSF-W IMPLICATIONS (Obviously, though this is more humorous than lewd)
Of course this is literally the first ask I get for Nikke. ...Well, at least you had the politeness to not do so during combat.
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A/N: Okay I genuinely forgot how NIKKE throws ass in your face first thing when you're playing, especially Rapi's.
Rapi detects S/O's IFF behind her while she is near the counter, organizing some paperwork.
At first, she smiles due to their presence-
-...Before quickly realizing S/O's heat signature seemed to be rising on their cheeks.
(Rapi) "S/O. I would kindly ask for you to keep your eyes above my waist."
(S/O) "S-Sorry! I was just...Um...It looks nice, at least!"
She can't help the blush that's currently making her core overheat as well.
Rapi immediately turns around and reprimands S/O by gently flicking them on the forehead, careful that her mechanical finger didn't actually harm them.
(Rapi) "Thank you, but do not stare when there's the risk of someone walking in."
Before they could get a word in, she shook her head.
(Rapi) "A-And, that is not an invitation to stare in private either!"
The single stutter was enough to tell S/O how flustered Rapi was.
Being complimented by someone she loved was usually enough for her systems to simulate the phenomenon of "butterflies in her stomach", but in this case it was definitely different.
Thank the goddess that it was just them in the room at the moment. She did not want Anis's commentary on this situation.
Granted, her wardrobe did admittedly make it hard for S/O not to notice.
...Maybe she should change wardrobes when at the base, or at least wear something longer.
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Anis was lying down on the sofa, idly flipping through her phone with S/O in the same room.
She sighed before flopping over onto her back, glancing at S/O.
(Anis) "Jeez, could you be any more obvious about where you're staring, S/O?"
(S/O) "S-SORRY! I didn't mean to!"
Her eyes widened in surprise before scoffing.
(Anis) "Wait, seriously? I was just cracking a joke, wooooow!"
If S/O was anyone else, she'd probably just punch them in the face for that.
But, since it was them, she'd allow it...Not that she's going to say that, because it's pretty funny to watch them get flustered.
Though Anis wasn't completely immune herself.
Plus she didn't want to give the green light for S/O to be ogling her all day during their free time.
Anis was somewhat flattered that S/O thought she was pretty enough that they even stared to begin with.
As long as it was only just her, anyways, she'd remain flattered.
(Anis) "Had no idea you were such a pervert...Well, actually yeah I can, considering who your usual company is."
(S/O) "The Commander?"
(Anis) "Ah yes, because I'm definitely referring to the only guy on base at the moment, present company included."
Anis replied, rolling her eyes.
(Anis) "If I hear you staring at anyone else, your ass will be in trouble."
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Neon was honestly busy focusing on adjusting the scope on her rifle, hoping that it would land an explosive shot more accurately on the range.
S/O was in the room, though strangely they had not said anything for a small period of time.
Were they focusing on something too?
Neon glanced back at S/O and noticed they were staring down.
...Meeting where their eyes were staring at, it was indeed her backside.
(Neon) "H-Hey! What the heck are you doing?!"
(S/O) "AH! Sorry, m-my mind just spaced out and!-"
Neon pouted, crossing her arms while her core began to overheat.
(Neon) "That's no excuse, you can't be staring at my butt while I'm focusing here!"
She wasn't careful with her volume, which meant that someone definitely overheard that line, much to the despair of S/O.
Neon however didn't really notice, and began loudly lecturing S/O how her butt was nothing compared to the power of the firepower she was going to unleash!
And at this point, S/O was starting to sound like the perfect target!
Anis heard the conversation and began snickering, ready to use it for teasing ammo later.
Rapi heard it and began blushing, trying her best not to pay it any mind.
The Commander simply sighed and went back to his paperwork, attempting to tune out Neon still talking.
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
That's one way to alleviate cramps ft. dragon!Zhongli + fem!reader
cw/tags: Period sex. That's... that's it, pls do not perceive me. Zhongli is a tiny dragon on this one. Chonkli. And he has a long dragon tongue bc of course. Oral sex (reader receiving) Blood I guess it's a given??? An attempt at fluff/cuteness and humor was made.
notes: @moraxsthrone Kel I want everyone to know this is 300% YOUR FAULT (this is a link ehe). Imma just post this before I think twice and then go hit my pillow I'm hungry and TIRED and delirious. Obviously.
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“Hng- f-fuck… Zhongliiiii” You groan, squirming on the sheets.
You curl into a tight ball and your arms snake around your midsection, biting your lip hard as another wave of pain washes over your body. It’s sharp, muscles spasming, it leaves you sweaty and tense and whining.
“Archons why…” You mumble, letting out a rather strained sigh.
Your body relaxes a little, melting on the bed once the cramps are over, but your body still feels sore, and it’s hot, too hot, even when you’re down to your undergarments.
A very small and rather adorable dragon shifts frantically all around you, looking very much like a distressed puppy wanting to help but not knowing very well how to.
He noses at your cheek, scales cool against the heated skin, and then laps there trying to comfort you. “I apologize for not being able to help more, dearest.” The deep voice practically echoes in your head, reassuring, and definitely not matching his current cutesy appearance.
You smile softly and run your hand along his back, the scales shivering at your touch. “I-It’s okay Li… comes and goes…”
You’ve rarely ever seen Zhongli in this form, maybe two or three times actually. A miniature and… ‘chonky’… version of his regal Exuvia, with blunt horns and claws, and the size of your torso. He almost looks like a plushie, albeit a scaled one.
He’d said it was for your comfort, and honestly, you really enjoyed cuddling him on this form, playing with his tail fluff or let him ‘make biscuits’ over your skin.
And speaking of…
Once he sees you rolled over your back again, the overgrown lizard makes his way to your belly and starts pressing his small paws over your tummy, massaging. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles from your throat as it tickles a little.
“That’s better. I much prefer hearing your laugh, baobei.”
“Y-yeah… thank you Li.”
It goes on for a few minutes, the cramps seemingly dissipated for now as he purrs content and your body relaxes at his ministrations. It’s soothing.
But now another problem presents itself…
You groan again and slightly grimace. Your body is all sensitive, hot and sore, and he keeps insistently pressing and kneading at your pelvis, skirting the edge of your panties and so close… so close…
Archons how can you be thinking on that now? You were in pain merely moments ago! And now’s not the time to…
“Darling?” You see the small dragon sniff at the air. “Are you… aroused?”
Oh, damn his freaky dragon senses.
He has no right to sound that amused when he looks so cute either!
“N-No?! I’m- How could I-” You sputter.
His hearty chuckle invades your mind. “No need to be embarrassed, my dear. It’s quite understandable.” The dragon coos and nuzzles at your lower belly making you shiver. “In this stage of your cycle, you’re quite vulnerable and your hormones-”
“Stop. Stop talking biology to me I don’t- I don’t want to hear it!” You exclaim, face flushing. And yet you feel yourself getting needier.
And you know he knows.
“Very well.” His little paws and snout skim at your thighs and you feel the mattress shift as he settles between your legs curling there as if it was the most normal course of action. “Then, will you allow me to tend to you?” His head rests over your inner tight, staring up at you with bright rounded golden eyes.
“Li. I’m bleeding. It’s disgusting…” You mumble deadpanning.
The dragon only blinks at you “Oh, I assure you it’s not. It doesn’t bother me. And even so, beneath metallic smell of blood the scent of your arousal is rather tantalizing…”
Celestia’s sake.
You cover your face with your hands. “You perverted old lizard…f-fine…”
He only chuckles again and next thing you know you let out a shameful squeak as you feel the small dragon press his nose against your clothed core, hot and dampness mixing up together and causing funny feelings to swirl inside you.
Even in this form, Zhongli is nothing but thorough and attentive with his love as he nips and licks at your skin in smooth and carefully considered paths for a moment before starting to pull off your underwear on blunt teeth and clumsy paws.
Still a bit mortified but much hornier than you’d care to admit, you help out on the task, taking out the last piece of clothing you had on and laying back down fully naked. Well. Good thing the mattress was already protected in your paranoia to avoid stains…
The slow thoughtful drag of that thick dragon tongue over your folds has you immediately keening. You cover your face still embarrassed as he laps up the residual taste of blood and shed lining, dutifully cleaning you up.
The tang of copper and iron on his tongue makes him a bit feral and he enthusiastically dives deeper, rewarded with your moans that only spur him on. His little dragon snout rubbing against your clit as the long serpentine tongue enters you. Not as thick as usual but certainly just as skilled.
“Hah… T-That feels so good…”
“I’m glad.” The dragon hums proudly. “Pleasure and orgasms are certainly good ways to mitigate pain and allow the body to unwind.”
“A-Ah! Y-You can certainly… hng… multitask, hm? Lord of Geo?”
You feel that sinful tongue slide out of you wetly, and then lick insistently at the little bundle of nerves, pulling a high-pitched mewl out of you.    
“I’d say, the fact that you’re still able to talk means I’m not doing my job properly. Allow me, dearest.”
Pleasure builds steadily as Zhongli’s forked tongue works inside you, massaging and trusting in all the right spots, as outside, carefully blunted fangs toy with your sensitive swollen clit. He drags your climax out of you languidly and reverent and you come with a broken cry, dissolving into soft whimpers as your pussy gushes weakly. A heady mix of your juices and blood which the dragon happily cleans up with more swipes of that little tongue.
Once the job is done, the little dragon sighs and climbs up to nuzzle his head against your heaving chest and you drowsily start petting along the serpentine body, his tail curling around you, either possessive, protective or simply loving and you kiss at his snout. You stay like that for a while, both soaking up the other's presence in the sweet afterglow. Until Zhongli’s soft rumble appears back in your head.
“Not so bad after all, I take it?”
“Mm… I suppose not.” You reply, groggy and already half asleep. “Wouldn’t be opposed to… do that again…” You yawn.
“Of course, darling. Glad to help in any way I can.”
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heyidkyay · 5 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Twelve
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: This part took way too long to write. Had a bit of writers block ngl, but I managed to get it done last night when I couldn't sleep. Be prepared for a load of fluff but also some surprises. It's a good chapter, I enjoyed writing it once I finally got into it! But I'm also sorry for long wait! Hopefully the next will be along soon.
> Just a reminder! We left off on the red carpet with Mouse and Matty:) You can look back here if you'd like!
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Mouse Updates! @/MOAMupdates 22m ago GFC Charity Event! The gals are currently live and interviewing The 1975! So far we’ve had Jamie Bell, Peter Capaldi, Dylan and Jordan Banjo! 2TIME @/user1 WHAT was that? 102 @/user2  chemistrychemistrychemistry Ugh! @/user3 SHE COOKED FOR HIM?? Soloveme? @/user4 What’s going on at this event?? It’s all over my feed😭 MILK @/user5 Screaming this is honestly all so mental Parisin75 @/user6 Wait so they’re friends now? Or is something else happening?? > Too_shy @/user7 Last time I checked but he seemed so happy on the carpet, and he wouldn’t look into the lens at all. His eyes were always focused just above it, either on Adi or Mouse! >> Drumonmepls @/user8 Couldn’t have been Adi!! She was to the left of Ross on and off screen!
It was days after the event that things seemed to finally settle again. For Matty, at least. Me? I was still getting the odd DM and tweet here and there, but I couldn’t complain, not with how it had been at the very start. Hordes upon hordes of people had come to make their opinions known on the stance of Matty and I’s ‘sudden’ friendship; fans had taken to both Twitter and Instagram, they’d called into the show, and a few had even turned up outside of the studio.
Matty had been helpful throughout it all though, mainly just finding ways to take my mind off of it and sending security down to the building just to ‘be on the safe side’. It’d been a nice gesture, sweet even. But had also meant that his management team had cracked down on him and the band, cooping the lot of them up in a recording studio and pressing them to finish up the album they were currently working on.
That in itself hadn’t affected me much, the whole Matty being distracted by work thing, because it had happened around about the same time that prep work for the Christmas period had kicked in. Which was basically a time where Adi and I focused on pre recording a few shows so that we could sail smoothly into the new year.
This year it had been hectic, to say the very least, but Finn had been a Godsend. Offering to pick up Teddy from nursery on the days when we were filming late and even keeping him occupied on the one weekend that we’d lost the previous day's audio- which had been a fucking nightmare.
Today though, was finally a day where I got some time to myself. Well, myself and Teddy, seeing as I’d completely and utterly missed him even with only having been gone a few extra hours in the day than usual. Still, the kid was my little ball of light and without him I’d be utterly lost.
“Alright there, Teds, what’re you drawing?”
It was a Sunday, the 17th to be precise, and so we only had a week and a bit left in the lead up to Christmas. I’d spent the morning wrapping most of Teddy’s presents before he’d woken and demanded sustenance- which, fair enough. But he was always a little moody whenever he first woke up. Bit like me, I suppose. And so, whilst I’d started cooking him his breakfast, I’d settled him down at the table with some paper and pens to keep him distracted, an old album by The Cranberries playing.
“Plane.” The toddler retorted easily enough, tongue poking out one side of his mouth in utmost concentration.
Grinning at the small action, I settled a cup of juice before him and then stroked a hand through his unruly hair. “Is that for mémé then?”
Teddy hummed, nodding his head at the odd angle it was resting at. I chuckled, always enamoured by his every little thing.
“That’s brilliant, bubs! I’m sure she’ll love it.” I assured him softly, trailing my fingers through his hair one last time before withdrawing to finish up with cooking.
“How many days?” Teddy asked once I’d plated everything up and taken my seat beside him at the table, immediately I knew what he was on about- seeing as he’d only asked the same question a dozen times a day since the last time we’d phoned my mum.
I pretended to think about it long and hard. “Um… about this many days.” I said, holding up six fingers.
Teddy’s brow instantly furrowed as he set about leaning as close as he could get over the tabletop to point towards each of my fingers. “One, two, three…”
I beamed once he’d finally got it, clapping along with him. “So good, you clever boy! Six- six days til mémé gets here!”
Teddy repeated the words in a breathy murmur, grinning gummily back at me as he wiggled in his chair. Then it was just “six” over and over again for a short while.
I tittered faintly to myself, shaking my head before we went about the rest of our breakfast in much the same manner.
It was almost ten to eleven when the doorbell went and I frowned at the thought of who it could possibly be.
“Mum, door.” Teddy informed me, still so invested in his colouring. I hummed softly in turn, wiping my hands before getting up to go answer it.
“Remember to put the lids back on.” I reminded him about the pens, tucking his hair behind his ear as I rounded his seat, “I’ll just be a sec, okay?”
I smiled softly at his monosyllabic reply, listening to him mumble to himself as I padded my way into the hallway. From here I could just make out the darkened shadow standing on the other side of the door’s paned glass and flicked through a mental list of who it could possibly be, wondering if I'd forgotten anything that was supposed to be happening today. But I reckoned it could just as easily have been Finn dropping by for an impromptu visit, or Adi even.
Flicking the latch and pressing down on the handle, I opened it up only to blink at the figure that stood before me. They gifted me an impish grin as they pushed away from the door’s stoop and onto steady feet.
“Figured I’d just pop by, say hello.” Matty mentioned by way of hello, fiddling with an unlit cigarette he held between his fingers whilst I continued to stare back in surprise, “Studio’s been booked for the day, so I managed an easy escape.” He added when I made no move to reply, “Thought we could grab a coffee or something- if you ain't busy, that is.”
He tacked that last bit on in a rush, as though he was beginning to understand why I was so silent. He’d really, really caught me off guard here.
“Er, I mean it’s a bit out of the blue and that. Should've really texted, I know. But I figured I'd try my luck.” He blundered again, shifting awkwardly on my front step now, looking enough out of place for it to finally blink me out of my stupor.
“I-” I went to say but was ultimately interrupted by another voice from further inside the flat, one that was approaching on toddling feet all too fast for me to react to its sudden presence.
Matty’s eyes bulged a tad at the little face that poked its way out from behind my knees, and mine followed when it finally hit me what was actually happening. 
“God, sorry! You just- it’s- I just wasn’t expecting you.” I fumbled, arms reaching down on impulse to pick up the toddler by my feet. I forced out a heavy breath before plastering on a big smile for Teddy, who only seemed to have eyes for the curly haired man staring back at him. “Um, you wanting to come in then? I can do tea, I think. Coffee, even.”
I didn’t really give Matty much of a choice in the matter though, in truth, because I was sailing away to escape the sudden scenario that had started on my doorstep, simply so that I could wrap my head around it all. It was just as I made it back into the kitchen that I heard the door rattle close behind us though and then, as I'd perched Teddy back in his seat, I glanced up to find that Matty had in fact accepted the offer of a warm brew.
It was strange to watch it all fall into place for him, his eyes straying over toys that littered the livingroom floor, the tiny bike which sat in the corner, the star-chart that hung on the cupboard above the fridge, all of Teddy’s artwork and clothes that had been thrown about haphazardly over the last day or two.
I swallowed around my anxiety then, not really sure how I felt now that I knew that Matty finally knew. Because see, I had never really been sure. Teddy wasn’t much of a well kept secret amongst my longtime listeners but I didn’t go flaunting pictures around or mentioning him at every turn. For safety reasons and privacy’s sake. So I hadn't been too certain on whether Matty knew of him or not, having noticed that he’d failed to ever mention him in our texts or calls.
“Um, sorry for the mess. Work’s been a nightmare, and this is my first proper day off in weeks, you know? So." I shrugged a little helplessly, looking out at all of the chaos, then decided to pull on my big girl trousers and trek through this mess like I did everything else in life. “Tea, then? Or coffee?”
The small cough that escaped Matty’s throat echoed around the room once he’d found purchase in the kitchen’s entryway and his voice was tinged with a slight rasp when he finally spoke, “Yeah, uh yeah, please. Coffee.”
I smiled mostly to myself as I turned away to refill the kettle, my mind still whirling but finding relief in Matty’s obvious shock too. Whilst it began to boil though I had nothing much to occupy my mind with, so I decided to putter back on over to the table where Teds had started back up with his drawing and attempted to relax my shoulders. 
“Go on, sit down,” I said to Matty, pointing to a chair as I tried to steer us back into easier waters, “Feel lucky you just missed breakfast, this one tends to get it everywhere.” I chuckled lightly in hopes to fill the quiet I was met with.
Teddy glanced up at me then with a prominent pout, obviously not too pleased about my comment.  “No.” He argued and I heard Matty snort as he finally took a seat opposite, leaving Teddy to act as the buffer between us both.
“Uh, yes.” I fired back at the toddler, but little good it did me when Teddy only seemed to maintain his avid disagreement. 
“Uhuh. I eat it all today.” He reminded me, lips pushed out as his brows climbed higher up his forehead, leaning against the table’s edge again on his elbows. “See?” He added on, pointing a finger over towards where a sink full of soapy dishes now laid.
I smiled, unable to do anything but, though it was Matty who actually replied to him, which both surprised me and put me on immediate edge. “I mean, the little guys got a point. If you ate it all then there can’t be any mess, right?” He directed that last bit towards the little rugrat attempting to evade all guilt and I paused in wait to see how Teddy would respond.
Teddy appeared wary for a moment, blinking over at Matty in a startle, probably having not expected to be roped into a conversation, before his lips settled into something more like a grin. “Right!” He mimicked with a short nod of his head, his ‘r’ sounding more like a ‘w’.
Matty all but beamed at the sudden attention he’d drawn and continued to do so once Teddy started prattling away to him at a hundred miles an hour. I just left them to it, listening in as I padded back over to finish making the drinks. 
It was only after Matty had just about knocked back most of his coffee that Teddy grew tired of talking and asked if we could do something fun, eyes drifting over towards where we often kept his wellies. I knew just what fun he was looking to find.
I conceded easily enough, seeing as it was both his day as well as mine, and smiled with a gesture of my chin, “Go on then, but brush your teeth and find some proper clothes, then we can head on over. Alright?”
Teddy’s head shook up and down in rapid succession, already bolting up out of his seat to make a run for his bedroom. Matty wore an inquisitive look once it was just him and I, both of us sat on opposite sides of the table.
“The park.” I informed the singer, fiddling with the handle of my now empty mug whilst my eyes kept sliding back and forth from the counter to Matty himself.
The man simply hummed and leaned back in his seat, I was forced to watch on as he cast his eyes about the rest of my kitchen, taking his fill now that he had a moment to finally do so. I swallowed and struggled with the unforeseen worries of what he might see, what he might think of it all.
I wasn't well off, by any means. But I had a decent income, enough to provide for Teddy and I, as well as live comfortably. Though if the radio show suddenly dipped and we lost most of our viewing, then there’d be a whole different story to be told.
Even so, it was a much different life to the one Matty lived. That much I knew. So it wasn't too strange of me to wonder whether or not it met any of his standards. And how it alone made me feel.
“How old then?”
The question startled me somewhat, enough that I blinked and looked up at him without thought. My brows furrowed a tad and so he continued, “Teddy- was that it?” And at my nod of confirmation, he smiled at me for another answer, “How old is he?”
Caught off guard still, I gaped for a second and then forced myself to reply, “Um, four, he’ll be five soon enough.”
“Wow.” Was what Matty replied with in a soft murmur, his head moving in an ever so slight nod, “A good age though.” At my questioning look, he chuckled, “Or so I’ve been told.”
I hummed, mostly amused, then fiddled with one of the many pens Teddy had left behind at the table.
“They’ve all been good so far- the ages.” I said to him, rather stupidly, and grimaced around a low laugh at myself, “Just, I mean he’s a good kid, is all.”
Matty was smiling at me when I glanced back up, his eyes squinting with the strength of it. He knocked his fist on the table lightly, “Seems it. Just wish you’dve mentioned him sooner.”
I frowned at that, lips pursing as my nose wrinkled. I didn’t much like the way he’d phrased that last bit, because it’s not that I wasn’t proud of Teddy, I was always showing him off, constantly even. But I also didn’t feel as though everyone had the right to see to that. “Yeah, well he’s not a secret I’ve kept hidden. It’s just safer mostly.”
It was Matty’s turn to frown then, seemingly offended by the offhand remark. “What and that includes me, does it? You think that I’d be a danger to him?”
I stared back at him, brow dipped a tad, eyes squinted. Because I hadn’t meant to hurt him, far from, though could he really blame me for being cautious, for having wanted to keep Teddy away for as long as I had? 
“No,” I answered him, and it was an honest one, “But only now, after having known you as long as I have. I mean, you can’t really be surprised by the fact that I didn’t mention him in the beginning, Matty. I hardly knew you! I’d only ever had the picture that’d been painted of you in my head, I didn’t want that around him.”
He scoffed quietly at that and I heard the way his boot kicked out under the table as he shuffled further back in his chair to run a hand through his hair. “Yeah and what about now then?”
He had me there, I supposed. I sighed and raised a hand to rub at my tired eyes, this wasn't a conversation I had planned for yet, let alone on a morning like this.
“It’s hard, okay? It’s hard to know when to introduce him to new people, he’s only ever really known those closest to me, and after that it’s just been his nursery teacher and the handful of kids in his class.” I explained, watching Matty and hoping he heard the truth in my words, “And you’re this fucking celebrity people love, you’ve got places to be, fans to meet! I never once thought that you’d stick around, not for as long as you have at least. Or that you’d eventually pull me into your life.”
He looked up then, expression so carefully made. “And that’s a bad thing?”
I folded in on myself a little at his question. Unsure.
Matty rolled his lips together and dipped his chin in a slow nod, “Right.”
“Matty, it’s not like that.” I tried.
He was quick with his reply though, all but leaning into the table’s edge now, “Then what’s it like, Mouse?”
He hardly ever called me Mouse, from the day we’d met it had always been Squeaks.
I dragged a hand over my face and then into my hair, perhaps in hopes to bide my time, but mainly because I felt cornered. How was I supposed to tell Matty how much I valued him? His chaotic presence in my life, his texts and calls, his friendship. It was something I hadn’t known I’d needed, but he’d come along and surprised me. He had stuck around, even when I thought he wouldn’t, and he wasn’t asking for anything more than just my company. He didn’t have an ulterior motive, some trick up his sleeve. Or at least that’s what I believed.
“Does this change things, knowing I have a son?” I heard myself ask him, it was a genuine curiosity but I also had to know. I didn’t want to be strung along or let Matty into Teddy’s life like I had Finn and Adi, only for him to then up and leave when he finally grew bored of the normality of it all.
Matty simply stared back at me, those brown eyes of his narrowed as they flittered back and forth between my own, his lips parted slightly as he thought the question over.
“Do you want it to?”
And that hadn’t been the answer I was expecting.
Instantly I shook my head, dropping the pen so that my hands could fall limply into my lap. “Of course not, I like having you around, Matty. Me keeping Teddy from you has nothing to do with that.”
He continued to watch me.
Then finally he conceded with a prompt nod and I felt myself breathe in. “So, the park. Is there a spare invitation going?”
I let the air go in a stilted chuckle, smiling at the common ground he’d gifted us but also at the image of Matty messing about in a playground of all places. “Yes, yeah, ‘course.” I assured him, “Just, be prepared for any puddles, alright? He will soak you if you're within five feet of the splashzone.”
Matty finally laughed too, this soft thing I hadn’t really ever heard from him before, not in this way at least, and then grinned, whirling around in his seat when a stomping toddler came darting back into the room.
“Wellies ta!”
My eyes fell closed as I released another heavy sigh, “Please! Teds. Remember? Please, not ta.”
Teddy merely blinked back up at me and so I decided it would have to be a battle picked for yet another day. 
“Fine, go get them then.”
Matty snorted unhelpfully, which brought him to Teddy’s attention once more. “Need help with ‘em, little man?” He asked, raising a brow at me in hopes that it’d be okay.
I swallowed but ultimately nodded, I couldn’t not when Teddy’s curls started bouncing wildly with the nodding of his head at the question.
And so, I watched them go, Matty taking Teddy’s extended hand, praying that I hadn’t made a massive mistake here. Hoping that somehow Matty would prove me wrong and stay, for a little while.
The days after Matty’s impromptu visit came with little to no fuss, it was only when the man wasn’t in the studio that was on the phone to me- and by extension, Teddy as well, who’d taken quite the shine to him. Who could’ve known, hey?
Still, it was a massive change of pace. For me at least, I hadn’t managed to get a read on how Matty felt about it all, but I had yet to worry over it. Mostly because of the Christmas period and how stressed I’d been.
“Finn, I swear he’s driving me out of my mind!” I complained down the phone to my best mate, the thing was currently perched between my shoulder and ear whilst I attempted to throw my hair up into a half-arsed bun, if only to keep it out of my face. “The mess! I mean, it’s like a tornado’s gone and ripped its way through my flat!”
“He’s four, babe.” Came Finn’s unhelpful response. I huffed.
“Exactly! Four, how can someone so small create such a massive mess?” I stressed, trying to clear away as much of the clutter my living room was presently made up of as quickly as I could. “Mam’s gonna be here in,” I glanced hurriedly over at the clock on the far wall and felt my anxiety spike, “Just over an hour! I can’t let her walk into a bombsite!”
Finn laughed at that and so I scowled in retort, even if he couldn’t see me through the phone.
“Finn!” I admonished.
“Alright, sorry! It’s just, she’s your mum, babe. She won’t care what the flat looks like.” He tried to soothe me as he moved about on the other side, doing whatever it was that he was doing. “Why’s he made such a mess anyway?”
I gritted my teeth as I stepped on yet another rogue piece of Lego and just dropped down to start rounding everything and anything I could possibly see into a great big tub. 
“He’s excited, wanted to look nice for when mam shows up but also wanted to showcase to her all of his drawings and sculptures.” I told him, grimacing at the penstained action figure I picked up before tossing it amongst the heap too. “I’ve been in the kitchen mostly, cooking for when she arrives, so I didn’t really bear witness to the fact that he’d taken my permission and flipping run with it! You should see my front room, Finn.” I shook my head for the umpteenth time since I’d walked in and blinked at the chaos I’d been met with, “It’s a proper tip.”
I was given a resounding chuckle once more and simply decided to slump there on the floor, glad to note that most of everything had now been packed into the box. Out of sight, out of mind and all that.
“Finn, I don’t even want to go and see what his bedroom looks like as of right now. I can just picture how his wardrobe’s been overturned and all of his clothes have been tossed about the room.” 
I forced myself up onto my feet then, halfheartedly listening to Finn’s reply. I still needed to sort myself out before anything else and that thought alone stressed me out further.
And of course! Of course it would be in that exact moment that the doorbell went.
“Fuck.” I mumbled to myself, but found my feet already taking me towards the door. I paused only briefly by the mirror to catch sight of the mess my hair was in and tugged it free in hopes it’d help somewhat, “Listen babe, sorry for all my whinging but I’d best go. Door’s just gone and I’m guessing it’ll be that parcel I’ve been waiting on.”
“Cutting it pretty late there.” Finn said and I couldn’t agree more. It was the 23rd, Christmas was now only days away and still I’d yet to receive it- even after having ordered it well over three weeks ago!
“Fucking hell, tell me about it,” I groaned, opening the door up to be met with the sight of a big wrapped box blocking my vision. My forehead wrinkled in utter confusion, “Um, Finn? I really am going to have to call you back.”
“Why, what’s happened? Don’t leave me hanging! Who is it!”
The parcel dropped down an inch then to reveal a familiar grin and shining eyes. 
I hurriedly hung up the phone and shoved it into my back pocket, the feeling of bewilderment unable to override the instant worries that washed over me about what a state I must've looked. But I bullied those thoughts back down, ignoring the massive part of me that was currently screaming at the entire situation, for whatever reason I couldn’t even begin to really understand, cause it was just Matty, right? And instead propped myself up against the doorframe.
“What’s this then?” I asked, unable to help my smile when he was looking back at me seemingly so pleased with himself.
“Christmas, in’t it?” He replied all too easily, shaking the rather large present he held in his grasp to further the point.
“I can see that.” I chuckled, shaking my head a little at the picture he made, all bundled up on my front doorstep practically dwarfed by the box he’d brought along. “I just thought you were headed home today.”
He shrugged, an action that was made funnier by the large parcel, but continued smiling, “Meant to, just couldn’t leave without seeing you lot first.”
I blinked, startled by his words. But grinned when he merely widened both his eyes in exaggeration.
“It is fucking freezin’ out here, you know! Could invite a mate in.” Matty reminded me, so I hummed, mulling it over. But he wasn’t one to give up too easily and bribery appeared to be his best tactic here, “I’ve got presents. So open up or they’re going back.”
I narrowed my eyes in turn, “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, but darling I would.”
I found myself grinning at him again, something I tended to do whenever he was around it seemed. There was just something about him, I supposed. 
He went to take a step back then and I relented all too easily. “Alright.” I laughed, opening the door up wider to allow him in. Matty all but jumped over the threshold, bringing the cold in with him, and whilst he set about shaking off his coat I went to close the door behind him, only to be stopped by a bright red coat.
“Oh, thanks.” I said in surprise to the postie that managed to time his arrival so perfectly. “Thank you,” I repeated for good measure, shooting my head up from the packaged parcel he’d handed me, “Happy Holidays!” He grinned in return, already taking off back down the steps and parroting the same sentiment to me.
I finally managed to shut the door after that and was met with a ruddy-faced Matty, who was wrapped in a big jumper I was immediately jealous of.
“Last minute present?” He wondered with a smirk and I waved him off.
“Ordered it weeks ago, got here just in time.”
Matty hummed and turned back to glance down at the big box that now rested against my hallway radiator, level with my hip it seemed. “Where is the monster?” He asked me, using the name both he and Teddy had taken a liking to.
My brow furrowed slightly. “You really didn’t have to, Matty.” I said to him quietly, looking down at the present he’d gotten for my son. 
He was having none of it though, rolled his eyes in fact and hunched over to pick the box up again. “Shut up.”
I snorted and couldn’t help but bite back, “You shut up.”
“Real mature, sweetheart. Ain’t you parents meant to be all boring and nice?” Matty quipped as he wandered his way into my living room, I breathed in a sigh of relief when I followed behind and found that my efforts in cleaning hadn’t been in vain.
“Ha ha. Should’ve taken up comedy.” I retorted to him, fixing a few pillows that sat askew on the settee, something to which Matty also rolled his eyes at.
“Nah, band makes more money.” He answered easily, like he’d thought about it before, as he glanced about for the best place to put the box.
“By the tree if you want, or you can leave it next to the chair so he’ll see it when he barrels in.”
Matty laughed and went with the latter. “You been alright then?” He asked me, taking the time to glance at all the holiday cards that rested on the mantelpiece nearby.
“Yeah,” I sighed with a small smile, “Hectic but that’s expected, isn’t it?”
He shot me a warm grin, nodding. “Christmas, babe.” Was all he replied with, which was fair enough, then he went to reach out to pick up a picture frame of me and a very very tiny Teddy. “When was this?”
I stepped closer and smiled down at the photo, “I was still in hospital with him then, my midwife took it.”
Matty hummed, looking down at it with a soft smile. It was then that I heard a thump sound somewhere down the hall, so I released a weighted breath and forced myself to step away, “I’ve got to go check on Teddy, he wanted to dress himself this morning and he’s been way too quiet.”
With another laugh, Matty let me go, nosing through more of the photos and cards which sat along the shelf. Something I could understand, he’d only been here just twice before, but even still, he didn’t care for how blatant he was with his nosing. 
I took the parcel with me as I went, slipping into my bedroom to unwrap and grin down at it. It was Matty’s, which is why its arrival had been so perfect. I'd begun to think that I would have to give it to him the next time I saw him. But now was as good a time as ever.
In a rush, I pulled out a gift bag and some coloured tissue paper, having no time to actually wrap it, and plopped it in. Making my way into the next room to see where Teddy had gotten to.
When I pushed his door open further than it was, I was only slightly surprised by the state of it. The rugrat in question, though, was stood by his wardrobe door, pulling an array of funny faces in its mirror.
“Oi mister, what you been up to?”
Teddy startled slightly at my voice but was giggling when he spun around to spot me. “Got dressed myself.” He stated, pointing proudly at the t-shirt he’d managed to pull on.
“Hm, so you have!” Taking in the jeans and tee combo he’d picked, I then grinned over at him, “Looking good, boyo. Could be a little stylist when you’re older, you know!”
Teddy gave me one of his impish grins and then darted over towards me. “No!” He dragged out in reply, hands clutching at my legs now he was near, his sweet mischievous face staring up at me, “Gone be like you.”
I had to press my lips together then to keep the strength of my smile at bay, his words making my heart swell. “You little charmer.” I chuckled, running a hand through his unruly locks, “Come on though, you’ve got a visitor.”
His eyes widened as he jumped back to rock onto the balls of his feet. “Mémé?” He asked excitedly and I almost felt bad about it not being her, but I knew how much Teddy had also grown to like Matty in the recent days so I wasn't too fussed.
I shook my head, “Not yet, soon though. But somebody else came to see you.”
Teddy’s eyebrows rose as he thought about who it could be and so, knowing that we could possibly be here all day, I started to steer him out into the hallway.
“Finny?” He asked, then, “Santa?”
I snorted, then shook my head to both. “Nope and no. Why don’t we just go see, hey?”
And with that I pushed the door to the living room open wider and watched on as Teddy gasped at the sight of the curly haired frontman standing by our settee.
“Matty!” He all but squealed, practically catapulting himself across the room to make a dive for the man.
Matty laughed, though also seemed startled by the reaction he’d garnered. He swept Teddy up though, all the same, and jostled him around before settling the toddler on his hip, eyes bright with something when they glanced over at me. I smiled, a heavy feeling settling itself in my chest.
“Alright, mate? What you been up to?” Matty asked Teddy, falling back onto the cushions behind them and stationing the toddler next to him.
Teddy replied in earnest, excited to tell Matty all the tales he had stored away since the last time they’d spoken, which had been a few nights previous over a FaceTime call. 
I shook my head in amusement and trailed over towards the kitchen, silenting motioning to Matty to see if he wanted a drink. The answer, as always, was yes and so I set about brewing him his usual, along with my own, taking the time to clean myself up a bit too.
By the time I walked back in, Teddy had just about finished telling Matty all the details of his last day at nursery (they’d had a party), which I’m sure the man had already heard about, but who acted as though it was the most brilliant story he’d ever been told. 
“One coffee.” I said in greeting, placing the two mugs onto coasters before taking a perch on the armchair by them.
“Ta.” Matty replied, grinning madly when Teddy cackled gleefully and repeated the word over and over. I rolled my eyes at the pair of them and took a calming sip of tea, unaware of how much I’d been in dire need of it. Whoever claimed Sunday’s were a day of rest, were liars.
“He spotted it yet then?” I asked aloud, already knowing the answer seeing as how I didn’t currently have a bouncing Teddy on my hands.
The toddler’s face wrinkled in confusion and he shot his head over to see me, I grinned from behind my mug. “Huh?” He sounded.
Matty hid his next snort well but then hummed too, pushing forward in his seat to grab at his coffee. “Oh his present, you mean?”
That had Teddy’s head spinning. “Where!”
“Manners, bubs.” I reminded, and Teddy nodded so quickly I was honestly a little worried about the whiplash he might face before his eyes were back on Matty.
“Please, present?” Teddy asked, pouting up at the curly haired man with a sudden urgency, his words butchered by his missing bottom teeth.
Matty chuckled, glad for the fact that he’d put his coffee back down in the toddler's haste, and then gestured his head over to the right. “You mean that one?”
Teddy’s eyes, if even possible, widened further, eyebrows reaching the tips of his curls and mouth dropping open as he finally spotted it.
“For me?” He gasped in awe, shuffling down Matty’s leg to approach it, all of his movements now slow as if his shock was stopping him from reacting typically. 
I leaned forward to watch on and Matty did the same, obviously nervous for Teddy’s reaction.
“For you, mate. Was walking by this shop the other day and spotted it, thought of you.” Matty told him seriously, smiling too whilst he wrung his hands together, foot tapping anxiously away, though unaware of it.
Teddy looked back at him, chewing on his bottom lip carefully, taking two more steps before he was touching the wrapping. He oohed at it softly to himself but I caught the way Matty’s face brightened at the sound.
“‘pen now?” Teds asked, his eyes drifting away from the gift, towards me and Matty both.
Matty looked over at me then too, the same question echoed on his face. I nodded with a small smirk, “Go on.”
Teddy’s eyes lit up and he spun back around to marvel at it once more, “W’ats it?”
The snort that escaped me at his ask went unnoticed by the pair as Matty moved to join the toddler on the floor. “Gotta open it up and find out, I ‘spose.”
Teddy’s grin brightened and then he fell to his bum so that he could pull the present closer. “Help?”
Matty blinked at the request and I was witness to the way his throat bobbed before he nodded, “Yeah, sure mate. Here, pull this, alright?”
Teddy did as instructed, tugging on a small opening in the wrapping. 
I noted as he began to tear away at it, how oddly wrapped it really was, meaning that Matty had probably taken the time to wrap it himself. My chest tightened again at the thought.
“Box.” Teddy announced once all the wrapping paper had been discarded on the rug behind him, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from outright laughing at the befuddled expression he gave Matty.
The man had no qualms though, simply chuckled at the question and leaned in closer to force one side of the cardboard box up a little, “Gotta open up that too, monster.”
Teddy’s brows drew together in concentration as he followed Matty’s lead, forcing the lid open more before a loud gasp escaped him. Matty went back to wringing his hands, fiddling with the rings on his fingers whilst I moved over to the settee to get a look too.
My expression faltered at the sight of the beautiful gift Matty had given Teddy. Inside the box rested a guitar in an incredible shade of deep blue, it was small enough for Teddy to hold whilst also being big enough for him to grow with. Even with my obsessive love for music, not once had I ever really thought about buying Teddy such a thing, not one of this calibre at least. It must've cost a fortune.
“Matty.” I whispered, but the man didn’t even spare a look my way, eyes trained on my toddler, trying to garner his reaction.
“You know what it is, mate?” He asked after a moment and Teddy’s little head dipped in a slow nod. Because I knew he knew, he danced around constantly pretending to have one in his hands whenever we had the tele or radio on. Where there was music blaring, there would also be a Teddy playing air guitar.
“‘tar.” Teddy stated in a soft voice, both Matty and I smiled at the way he said it, but the former nodded, pulling the instrument out of the box so that Teddy could get a closer look.
“Cool right?”
Teddy nodded silently again, reaching out a hand to carefully touch the wooden neck, blinking and reeling back when a string strummed. Before he then giggled and reached out once more.
Matty seemed to slump in relief, evidently glad that Teddy liked it. But I’d go as far to even say he adored it, never had he ever been so gentle with anything.
“Have you got something to say to Matty, Teds?” I prompted, ignoring the way my throat caught at the emotion I felt. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around it.
Teddy pulled his eyes away from the guitar to gaze up at Matty as though he was something other. I merely blinked at the reaction and before I knew it Teddy had thrown himself into Matty’s arms, startling the man a tad. Matty welcomed him after a second though, glancing over the toddler’s head to share a look with me.
“T’ank you.” I heard Teddy muffle into the collar of Matty’s jumper then, actually saying the words this time. It seemed Matty knew what that meant too, because he tightened his hold on Teddy’s waist a little.
“You’re welcome, mate.”
The rest of Matty’s visit was used to teach Teddy a bit about the basics of a guitar, managing to play an E minor and get started on an A chord. Teddy listened to Matty with rapt attention, barely sparing anything else a second glance, which was startling for a toddler, let alone Teddy who was constantly go, go, go.
Watching them was all too lovely as well. For someone with such a cool front, Matty seemed to melt around Teddy, succumbing to that of the boy’s charm and easy going nature. It was sweet to see, surprising but endlessly sweet. Had me losing track of time, in truth. Which is why I jumped and cursed the way I did when the door finally knocked. 
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lovesickry · 9 months
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⎯ lando norris x rival femdriver!reader [2.4k] ✶ part 3! find all parts here! contains: 18+, smut, swearing, angst, handjob LOL a/n: sorry for my little hiatus I was really trying to think about what im trying to do with this story.
by all accounts Spain had been...interesting. considering the close proximity in which you came into with a certain man by which you (or at least thought) certainly disliked.
A sense of unease followed you in the coming week, a kind of distrust. With yourself? It was an odd feeling, unlikely to be exactly pinpointed so it was more or less thrust far back into your mind, his lingering, burning touch hopefully soon forgotten.
You were eager to more or less throw yourself into training, it was Monaco after all, the race every driver wanted to win. You were not an exception.
You saw Danny for dinner on Tuesday and it was actually very refreshing, you had taken some convincing (done by yours truly) to actually attend, by in doing so you did actually have a good time. He was Danny Ric of course you were gonna have a good time. Anyway, you were walking around Monaco much too late, talking about the season and actively trying to avoid any talk about his current teammate. He mentioned he was worried about you. 
“Oh just you know, sometimes I see a bit of myself in you and I know how I can get.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed, he cared so much. Danny had never been your teammate but youd drifted together through one force or the other and he'd been nothing but nice to you. You understood where he was coming from, you guess you were similar, the same kind of persistent optimism, sarcasm, devotion, not knowing when to stop pushing, problems of burning out etc; 
“I’m fine”
He waits for you to continue, you do.
“I mean, I think, it's just all a lot. I've wanted to be in Formula One for as long as I can remember and now that I’m here, it's still like everyday I'm fighting to be here. And it's not all just about being a girl either, like most of it is but still. It's like there's something inside me that's almost contradicting my existence, like I'm not meant to be here. It's pushing me forward and also pulling me back. I don't know how to explain it.”
You take a deep breath and try to keep your voice steady as you continue.
“There's just so much that I want to achieve and I don't even think I believe I can do it.”
Your voice wobbles only slightly as you pause walking and look at him, suddenly breathless.
He looks at you with so much understanding you could break down into tears. He extends an arm and pulls you into a side hug as he continues down the street slowly walking. 
“I think when you first do this that's how everyone feels, like they’re lying to themselves or that they don’t deserve it, but believe me when I tell you Dylan you are so deserving, more than so many drivers and you will get there. The isolation will dissipate and your body will realign and you’ll know what to do and how to do it and you’ll truly believe in yourself and your life won't be pushing and pulling at you anymore, i know its hard and i hate to say it, but time is truly your best friend in shit like this.”
You don't know how danny seemed to always know what to say but the words he spoke resonated with you and made something click, the rest of the walk home was lighter as you reached your hotel just after midnight, saying goodbye to Danny and watching him walk off into the lit streets of Monaco, quiet, peaceful and picturesque. You were amongst the other drivers who didn't (yet) live in Monaco, but you loved every moment you visited. Yes it was a posh persons wet dream, but it was undeniably beautiful in every part and you loved the safeness as a woman too. Though you'd have to admittedly work on your french.
When Thursday rolled around and you had to go to the track, ending your period of peace, it was  gratefully uneventful, not once did you see who you had prayed you wouldn’t and that was enough to leave the paddock with a smile. Friday was less than satisfying however, achieving not even in the top 10 in either practices. Saturday and Sunday, were thankfully a different story, you had qualified well, pulling your car into P4. You were happy, the car was happy and you were focused, the chat with Danny had made you in some way looser? 
You had mixed emotions about the part of the day in which you would attend the drivers parade. On one hand you could argue that it was a bit of a break from the seriousness, a time where drivers genuinely just chat shit while people look on and occasionally get asked questions, but on the other you could also argue that its kinda pointless and stupid. Regardless all the drivers piled into the moving vehicle and settled into a chatter of conversation in their respective “groups”. Just by your luck, as you eased into a conversation with Danny and George, Lando decided to join in. You didn’t ignore the look up and down he gave you before swiftly intervening in the conversation. For some reason the minute Lando joined in you were mute, not cintrivuting to the conversation in the slightest bit, other than nudging Danny every now and again to point something/someone out. You spoke few words with Lando present and even fewer when prompted by him to speak. At a point George simply dragged you away and talked to you one of one to save the awkward silence that seemed to surround the you and Lando. You had never found George unattractive, but at the same time you werent attracted to him either, which you thought in the moment he wasnt understand, as everything he said he would lean closer, almost intimate. Not too obvious, not romantic, but obvious enough, atleast to you and the eyes that you felt bore into the back of your head from a certain McLaren driver. Waling through the paddock following the drivers parade was always an ordeal, fans were out and you signed caps and shirts and skin and took photos, before finally making it anywhere near your garage. That was a part of the fun honestly, you always thought: The fans. You hear familiar voices and try not to eavesdrop, though subconsciously straining to hear, it's muffled and you only make out. “Shes not” “Dude” “fuck” “embarassing” “gross” “come on?” “you jealous?” your spying however is put to an end when none other than George Russel and Lando Norris round the corner to where you stood or recently stood, because as soon as you heard shuffling you resumed movement so they didn’t know that you were really just standing there listening to whatever the fuck they were saying.
“Speak of the devil” Lando says with a smirk.
You don't fully register the meaning behind that line however, still relishing in the fact they didn't know of your habit to eavesdrop. 
“You're such a twat” George says, and more or less storms off.
You watch as he goes, still silent and then turn towards Lando. 
“You’re actually such a dickhead ”
Lando scoffs before continuing.
“I was the one defending your dignity, George was drooling at you, its embarrassing”
You raise your eyebrows at him
“Oh come on you're not that naive, he's so into you it's disgusting.”
“piss off”
“No seriously Mr Russell was in a seductive mood” it's said with an air of humour and you nearly laugh. 
“George was trying to seduce me?” you let a deep breath out of your noise, nearly letting loose a laugh.
“And how exactly would he go about that huh?” you continue sarcastically.
‘Hmmm” his eyebrows straighten and his whole face looks as though it changes composition.
You move to go, sick of whatever the fuck Lando wants to play with you, you round the corner, reaching a small end of a hallway with no current people near and suddenly hes there too. Lips grazing the top of your ear. His body was against yours and radiating with heat, breath fanning your temple. 
“Like this?” his voice is too fucking low, too fucking delicious and your mind is begging for you to succumb, but you cant, you wont.
“Youre a fucking asshole” its said through your teeth and you dont make any action to move your body away from his.
He hummed in response, simply moving his breaths down your neck.
“You mean it?” a smirk paints his face
“I hate you” the words come out more breathless than you'd hoped.
He laughs into the skin of your neck, you're still not moving, unable to move. In fear giving into him. 
You close your eyes in hopes to centre yourself but it's impossible to ignore the heat that seems to surround you, your blood flows like molten lava through your veins and every breath is staggered and fractured. Opening your eyes was a mistake, Lando is looking at you with someone that could be moulded into admiration and his pupils are blown. You can't stop the way your back arches to meet him and suddenly your hands are in his curls and his mouth is on yours. It is so sweet, so filthy, so hateful. The way your mouths are moving against each other, his hands grasping at your back while you pull at his hair, you notice as you pull away the way he bites his lip, as if to not make any noise. 
Well that's rich, he doesn't get to pretend he hasn't been the one chasing after you, acting all shitty just cause you’ve been the only girl not to fall to your feet at the sight of him.
He deserved a taste of his own medicine, you moved your lips off his and his eyes widened slightly thinking you're stopping whatever this was. Not yet. You move your lips down to his necks and begin to kiss him until you reach where he tenses at, figuring that's your best shot. You find the spot just above his clavicle and he inhales sharply before biting his lip. You were getting somewhere, focusing on this singular spot had Lando more desperate than before, biting so hard on his lip you thought it might bleed and gripping your waist so tightly you thought it might bruise if he adjusted his grip anymore. 
The next idea that hit you was albeit self-indulgent but you thought would get your point across, or atleast suffice some of Lando’s infatuation with you just enough to clear your mind of him.
While one of your hands holds firmly his curls while you kiss his neck fervently, your other hand drops down further, trailing over the muscle that lay taut and hot underneath his fireproofs. His throat bobbed and he threw his head back only slightly, making an incoherent noise that made you smile against his neck, his control lost and gained so fast. Soon after your other hand left the back of his head, he dropped it onto your shoulder, still fiercely remainly quiet as you moved the other hand down his back, both hands reached under the material at the same time and his body was hotter than you had ever thought possible, retaining so much heat you are surprised there wasn't some kind of steam coming off of his skin. You pull his race suit down lower so it meets his middle thighs, his forehead still resting on your shoulder, keeled over. Pulling the material of his fireproofs up so you could actually see the muscle that was residing under there was fucking awe-inspiring, the small gap that you allowed yourself to see, breathing hard and fast, watching the muscle, the skin go out and in which each breath, you were nearly hypnotised. 
“Im not gonna fucking beg tait”
His voice is rough but fractured and static, not portraying the toughness you think he’d like it too. It's your turn to hum in response as you move your hands achingly lower to where he is painfully and unbearingly hard for anything you do. The minute your hand makes contact with the sensitive skin he gasps, you relish in the noise and you slowly move your hand around him, gathering the pre cum that coats the tip and focusing on it, slow moments make him shake and he's suddenly making small, consistent noises that only egg you on more. You hated to admit that the power in the movement was absolutely superb, enough to ignore the ache between your own legs. You twist your hand slightly causing a strangled groan to come from Lando followed by a “fuck you” though its not too aggressive. You speed it up and soon he's breathing too fast, his eyes are fluttering and he’s so close. You position your hand and fingers at just the right part of him and he's coming hard and fast and hot and heavy in your palm. Followed by a deep, long breath and then a swift laugh. Lando Norris just came in your hand in his fucking racesuit. If that wasn’t karma that while he sung the national anthem he’d have cum in his fucking pants you didnt know what was. 
“That's for the crash and all the shit in the press.” you know how it must sound, that you'd just jerked him off and now you're labelling it as payback, but to the relationship that you both held it was pretty much just that. You slip out from under him, smoothing your hair and wiping your hands on his race suit. His face has fallen and hasn't moved, though he moves his arm to steady himself. 
You don't look back as you finally walk out of the corner of that measly little hallway, grateful that nobody happened upon you two. 
“Fuck you” its quiet but loud enough to hear and its almost….whiny? 
The ache between your legs has dissipated by the time you climb into the car, eager to get anything else into your head than the one that had been resting on your shoulder that day. 
tag list:
@ssararuffoni, @eviethetheatrefreak, @fairiesdowntheroad, @landosgirlxoxo, @hiraethrhapsody, @hockeyboysarehot @mcmuppet @honethatty12 @darleneslane @formula1mount @borntogayz @kodzuvk @potatos-on-clouds @jullamy @taytaythirteen,@mrsmaybank13, @spiderrmoon, @giuliaabergaminii.@thenoblenomad, @luanemone, @spaceodd-ty, @aphroditeisamilf, @chonkybonky
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