#and im sorry before you ask i didnt make him from a pattern i always freehand these
daftpatience · 1 year
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I used to do this every time I liked a thing that merch was hard to get for... the tradition continues
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mins-fins · 4 months
space science.
&&. poor you, poor miserable, troubled, unfavorable you.
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pairing: liu yangyang x m!reader
genre: angst, bittersweet tragedy 🙁
warnings: mentions of abuse
word count: 1.7k
notes: i wanted to make people sad today guys 😆 okay i didnt mean to make this my yangyang fic debut on my account and im sorry but you guys.. it's just needed okay! i need to make a whole wayv angst thing wait………(hendery is next 😈)
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"what do you wanna be when you grow up?"
you whisper against yangyang's ears, eyes closed as you lean your head onto his shoulder. your arms were wrapped around his chest, leaning on his shoulders as he carried you on his back, his hands rested on your thighs. yangyang's eyes trailed over the path before him, observing the familiar rock pattern littering the ground, one he recognizes.
yangyang had nothing in mind, too focused on the weight on his back, seemingly unbothered even with how long the two of you have been walking.
"i don't know yet.." he mutters, his voice low as he continued walking, showing no signs of tiredness in his voice or actions. he continued to walk forward, venturing through the forest down a familiar path, one he'd walk down so many times when he was younger.
you hold onto yangyang tightly, scared he might be mad at having to carry you. that probably isn't the case, especially because he's never had any trouble carrying you before, but that doesn't stop the thoughts from invading your mind.
"does y/n still dream of becoming an astronaut?" yangyang asks, his shoes stepping on rocks and dust, creating sounds that echoed in the forest. his question is meant to be a distraction for you, it's meant to make you forget the pain you are currently in. the more he thought about it, the more he remembered details of your life that he thought he'd long since forgotten.
it was when you two were in elementary school, you told him that you wanted to be an astronaut when you grew up.
i want to see the stars up close! he remembers you exclaiming, so passionately, eyes shining so bright, it was like they were stars themselves.
years have passed, and that dream was nothing more than the fantasies created by a child. you created it as an escape, the stars in the sky were the only things that truly gave you hope in times where you were suffering at home.
whenever you couldn't take it, you'd find yourself at a familiar place, your safe place, as you liked to call it, a place that only the two of you knew about. a small secluded treehouse in the forest behind his parents house, where you could escape from the chaos of your home life, where you could peacefully sit and stare the stars.
you'd always make wishes on the stars, hoping that one day, your life would become just a little more bearable, that mom wouldn't be mad at you all the time, that your dreams would become a reality in somehow or another.
you had now been reduced to nothing but a fragile human being, one who couldn't be put back together no matter how much yangyang tried.
"i don't want to anymore.." you mutter, blinking your tears away as you stare at yangyang's face. you give a sad smile, and continue. "i just want to be with you forever" you whisper, hiding your face in his neck.
yangyang smiles bitterly at the statement, the chances of that happening was slim to none. it was an innocent statement, yes, but with the way you two had turned out, the idea of you two staying seemed more harmful to you than anything.
yangyang loves you, really, he does— but he can't help you.
his emotions always confuse him when he's with you, he can't control the overwhelming sadness, anger, or happiness he feels when around you.
but what can he even do? it's not like you did all of this to yourself, you were never given a happy life because your mother is a bitter women, hated seeing you turn into everything she couldn't— to the point that she'd destroy anything that made you happy.
he could never do anything to help you, all he could do was watch, observe. he would see all the new bruises on your body and be absolutely useless in the situation.
he would always offer to carry you when you were especially hurt, which pretty much became the thing for you too. there would be moments where you'd be too slow, so hurt that walking would hurt you, and yangyang wouldn't even ask, he'd just let you jump on his back and he'd carry you to your safe place.
sometimes, yangyang feels guilty, because no matter what, he can't save you.
sometimes; not always.
helping you has always been yangyang's thing, from the moment the two of you met at five, the idea of being able to help you, save you from the nightmare which was your moms house, was what constantly reassured him.
he promised you that someday, he'd get you out of there, that the two of you could run away together forever, and you wouldn't have to worry about your parents, or school, or hurting.
you were so beautiful, so innocent, you had a smile so bright it seemed that you could heal all disasters with it. yangyang never knew why the urge to protect you seemed to come naturally, but it just did, you didn't deserve to be in that kind of environment, he couldn't believe the kinds of things your mom put you through.
you were vulnerable, so easy to break.
and so is he— but yangyang would never admit it, because the idea of anybody seeing that side of him made him want to vomit, no one, and he means no one is allowed to know that, because it's stupid, it's idiotic, it's—
he can't explain it, he feels like he's wasting his time trying to come up with excuses in his mind.
he doesn't even know if he can muster up enough mind to actually look at you.
your a crybaby, weak, pathetic, stupid—
oh poor poor y/n, poor sad y/n, poor y/n who can't stand up for himself, poor y/n who still believes the stars will save him, poor little y/n whose been reduced to nothing but a fragile mess!
though the words always work their way into yangyang's mind, he could never leave you behind.
yangyang finally stops, having made it to the destination you begged him to take you too.
he originally wanted to refuse— because after all this time you couldn't just keep running away from your problems, choosing to go to some treehouse in the middle of a forest and wishing on the stars instead of confronting your issues head on, like you should be.
but no matter how hard he tried, yangyang didn't refuse, just bit his tongue and agreed. making you unhappy was the last thing he wanted to do, you were hurt, in pain, unwell, and if this was the one thing he could do for you, then so be it.
yangyang curses himself for easily being influenced by you..
"yangyang.. i love you" you whisper, voice shaky as you spoke. yangyang hums, hiking you higher up his back as he climbs the stairs to your safe place.
"i love you too, y/n.." he says back, his expression remaining empty as he gives a mere glance at your face, at your watery eyes.
yangyang slowly takes you off his back, placing you down onto the couch right beside the entrance. he performs the action gently, as if afraid of breaking you if he dropped you down too recklessly.
your obsessed, says yangyang's friends, you've become too attached to him, always clinging onto him no matter what. you shouldn't be putting all your issues onto his shoulders, being dependent on him to always help you when your in need, he deserves better, they all say, better than you.
yangyang knows you too well to even be annoyed by how you act anymore. your presence has become comforting to him, it's not exactly easy to explain, because he'd probably come off as creepy if he even tried to voice his thoughts about you, he's just so used to you being there beside him—
like there's something wrong when you aren't there with him.
people say that the love you harbor for yangyang isn't normal, your more infatuated than in love, people say that yangyang should run while he has the chance..
but yangyang knows more than they do, you could never truly hurt him even if you wanted to, you can't even hurt a fly, let alone hurt him. he's pretty much the only person keeping you up, you'd be gone if he wasn't around, you need him.
he's the only person you can count on, your mother is shitty and your father is gone.
"are we going to look at the stars?" your voice snaps yangyang out his distracting thoughts process, and you immediately circle your arms around his waist when he places himself beside you.
yangyang lets you squeeze him, your cold fingers rub against the skin of his waist, but he doesn't even shiver at the touch anymore, instead settling into the solace of it, a feeling he recognizes from you.
he doesn't respond immediately, instead pointing up at the opening in the ceiling, where they could clearly see the stars through the glass. yangyang had installed it into the treehouse himself so you could stare at the stars without having to go outside.
"orion" he states, his other arm coming to rest around your waist. "and ursa major".
"i guess were not seeing cassiopeia tonight.." you mutter, not exactly to yangyang, but more to yourself. your voice conveys disappointment, but you quickly shake off whatever thoughts you were having.
"you can still make a wish, though".
yangyang knows you, he knows you so well, it was often that you'd make a wish when you saw the constellation cassiopeia, thinking of it as a good luck charm because of it's connection to your birthday.
you lower your head, eyes pointed to the floor. "they never come true anyway.."
yangyang slowly retracts his hand and moves it to intertwine your fingers, he doesn't say any more, and neither do you, a comfortable silence settles between you two.
"aren't you afraid y/n?"
the question is a surprising one, but you don't say much about it, just let out an airy laugh, giving a little squeeze at his hand. "i'll be alright because your here".
a small smile comes to your face, but it's sad, your unwell, your sick, your sad, and yangyang can't help you, no matter how much he tries.
oh poor you—
whose been reduced to nothing but a fragile mess.
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cider-est · 4 months
The full lineup is almost done!! (just needs some touch ups and a Chunsik design👍) FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APRECIATED!!
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Design process under here (whole lot of yapping)
General thoughts: Ive given them in my previous design sheet (you can find it in my blog)(tldr: designs match characters but still childish, 8-12 years old). Only thing different here, is that these eggs were eggs who I had less of a clear idea of what I wanted to do with them (though I still really liked where I ended up!!)
Empanada: Didnt want to go for the full sweet lolita route, mostly because I thought it'd take away the "little kidness" of it all, but something that still resembles the aesthetic. She's wearing "carneirinhos" (idk the name in english) which is very cute little girl to me, and shes also a demon! Her tail resembles a frying pan!! Though I might change her fringe (it was supposed to be baby hairs but now that I think about it, her type of hair probably wouldnt have them) and put some argyle pattern in her sweater vest. I just forgor💀 to do that...I also wish I had made her shorter, but unfortunetely I drew this before the eggs did the height check (YES ITS BEEN THAT LONG).
Sunny: My beautiful baby girl. She means the world to me. I love this minecraft egg with all my heart. Shes wearing Light up sketchers and some fairy wings like Pomme, and shes actually wearing a swimsuit, she just put a tutu over it. The diamonds they're always holding are rings, they have a "terere" in their hair (idk name in english😭😭) and the beads were inspired by an artist on twt (@\BLUETOMATOSODA). Also if you are wondering why her hair looks like tentacles, its because I had originally made it puffy, but changed my mind after doing the lineart, so i had to get creative with me covering it up. Just pretend she has a fan, shes a star after all!
Pepito: Basically, he is very smoll. Chiquito even. He has strawberry hair and MASSIVE glasses that take up his entire face. Hes wearing a swimsuit aswell (dont ask how it works idk either), and has floaties since he cant swim. Hes got crocs, since flip flops hurt his toes, with a spider man charm on them! Also hes got a sunhat, mostly cause I wanted some other accessorie but didnt want to go with gas mask since it'd kinda kill the whole swimming vibe (since his model is wearing a swimsuit). sorry if its not too accurate to his character. Side note: Him, Em and Sunny all have freckles! Him and Sunny all over their bodies while Em just has on her cheeks.
Leo: Cute sporty vibe, love her shorty spiky hair. Wanted to try to make her face spiky aswell, for the whole shark dad thing. Shes got a necklace with a shark tooth (I guess she got it from Foolish??). He changes tshirts randomly, and opens and closes his attack on titan hoodie depending on the tshirt's expression (basically my version of Leo changing her player heads constantly). His trainers have dragon wings and also: whealies!!
Dapper: Im gonna be honest: did not expect to like his design THIS much. The colouring really elevated, with the long blue hair (the same colour as the ghosties!). Wanted to make them, y'know, dapper, so I had to sacrifice some of the "little kid vibes" unfortunetely, but I think it fits her still. The hat has part of the helmet that they used to wear a lot, demon horn to match Pomme, and a suit that is VERY inspired by Death the Kid from Soul Eater (very fitting for a reaper in training imo). Might be my favourite design!
Ramon: Jesus fuck you'd think designing your fav egg would be easy BUT NO. I struggled long and hard. Again, he doesnt have that much "little kid" vibe whatever man😭😭 Im just happy that I even managed to make SOMETHING. Hes got Create googles, his meathead is a massive hat that completely hides his hair. Very simple, very Ramon, though I will probably end up making a version with an ugly sweater just like he likes instead😔. I still like it but. man...
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Thick Hoodie | König x trans!reader
Anonymous asked: hi I absolutely ADORE your writing!!! I have a request of könig x trans!reader with the prompts "i didnt wanna wake you up, im sorry" and "thats my hoodie, not yours." where könig comes home from deployment and sees the reader asleep on the couch in his hoodie and he takes them up to bed but they end up waking up and then they both end up talking a bit. and then könig teases the reader for wearing his hoodie.
thank you 🙏
summary: König comes home at last.
tws: swearing
The sound of music was the first thing that König noticed when he approached the door, the skies above him a dark grey and spotted with black as the rain continued to stay on tap, dampening the hood of his thick fleece jacket as he foraged for his keys inside of his pocket; he could recognise the song with ease, knew it well enough to immediately know what the lyrics were, 'The Red Baron' by Sabaton. He smiled, pulling his hood down once he got the keys and opened the door.
He kicked his boots off, took his jacket off in order to hang it up, and placed his bag down gently before he paused at the living room doorway; a fond smile came to his face as he leaned against the frame, hunched over a little bit as he folded his arms across his chest and looked at you with a certain glint in his eyes as he hummed softly and dared to steal a quick look at the television.
The album art for Sabaton's 'The Great War' took up the screen, and he soon enough returned his gaze to you.
On the sofa, you were sound asleep, wrapped up in the silver coloured blanket that often was kept on the bed underneath the thick black silk duvet; he could see that you were cuddled into the green camoflauge patterned teddy bear with your country's rugby union uniform on, the one he had gotten you so many years ago so that you wouldn't miss him so much when he was deployed.
He sprayed it with his cologne daily when he was home, wanting to make sure that it smelled like him when he needed to leave; the soft light of the television glittered across your features, and König couldn't help but to think about how you looked so good, so peaceful, in that very moment. Without a doubt, you were stunning.
König didn't want to wake you, he really didn't, but he knew that you would have a sore neck in the morning if he left you there, so he padded across the room as quietly as he could, and squatted in front of the sofa as he gently laid his hand on your arm, and softly shook you.
"Mein Bärchen, it's time to wake up," he said tenderly. "C'mon, we're going to bed."
You stirred a little, grumbling as you dared to slowly sit yourself upright, rubbing your eyes as you yawned and stretched. "'m sorry, I tried to wait up for you..."
"Ist kein problem," König replied sweetly, "aber, es ist sehr spät, und du bist schläfrig."
You smiled as you nodded, daring to yawn again. "I am really fucking tired."
"Come on," he coaxed. "We'll go to bed, ja?"
You snuggled down again, shaking your head as you dared to fall back asleep, and although he didn't want to pester you, König couldn't stop himself; he gently tugged you into his embrace, your legs over one arm and your back resting against the other as he hoisted you up and started to carry you through to the bedroom.
It was then that he noticed. You were wearing his thick hoodie, the dark green camoflauge patterned one that he often wore during the winter, and although he wanted to tease you about it, he couldn't bring himself to wake you up; you were so sound that you didn't even stir when he placed you in the bed, nudging you over to your side; he removed his shirt, and stripped his trousers off, before he dared to get in beside you.
König had always liked sleeping on the side of the bed that wasn't against the wall, as he liked to think that if anyone wanted to cause trouble - such as a burglar - then he would be the first to be up and to defend you both, as although he knew you were perfectly capable of looking after yourself thanks to your SAS career, it helped him put his mind at ease to think that he would be the one in any immediate danger if he was the first one up.
He was just pulling the blanket up to his shoulders when you finally stirred, putting the teddy bear behind you so that you could snuggle into his side; your head on his chest as your hand came to rest on his stomach while he dared to slip his arm around you, holding you tightly against him as his hand gently moved up and down your upper arm, even daring to run over your shoulder a little.
"I didn't wanna wake you up, I'm sorry," he murmured, frowning slightly.
But you shook your head, daring to press a kiss to his neck, the exact same spot where you often left a hickey. "It's alright, maus... it's more comfy with you, anyway."
"Natürlich," König laughed. "I like it better mit dir hier, anyway... aber, that's my hoodie, not yours."
You smiled, he could feel it against his neck as you snuggled into him that little bit more. "You should've known that if you didn't want it borrowed, you shouldn't have left it."
"Dieb," he teased as a grin came to his face, daring to laugh again. "My favourite thief, though."
"You, uhm..." you hummed as you thought about the best way to word it. "Did you tell the lads at KorTac about me?"
König nodded. "Oh, ja! You know ich liebe dich, (y/n)... why wouldn't I?"
"The fact that I'm trans," you admitted quietly. "Y'know, I thought you'd be... I dunno..."
"Ich liebe dich," he insisted. "I love you for you. Not in spite of... well, maybe in spite of the fact that you steal my hoodies."
You chuckled softly at the teasing remark. "That's all?"
"Ja," he nodded. "I didn't tell them you're a thief, though."
"König," you shook your head fondly. "I'm not a thief!"
"You steal my hoodies," he pointed out. "Mein Bärchen, I love you for everything about you - but not your stealing."
"I hate you, Maus," you joked. "Maybe we ought to see about having a ketubah."
"You mean that?" He asked softly.
"Yeah..." you nodded. "I mean, don't you think it'd be a good idea? We did say a while ago that it'd be nice to stand under a chuppah together, didn't we?"
"Ja, ja, we did," König agreed, a bright smile coming to his lips. "If you feel it's the right time, Bärchen, I will be happy to do it."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM.
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nicromancytarot · 29 days
thank you for explaining in such detail!
my problem is i cant seem to let go of this one kpop idol, ik its so unrealistic that we would ever date and i bitterly regret not doing something cool like music before the internet came about its been an interest of mine for pretty much over a decade and due to unhelpful situations i never stuck to anything or not being sure of what i wanted to do. my other issue there is a bit of an age gap, not by a much but its like i cannot stop thinking of them, even if there r other celebs i could be obsessing about i still always seem to go back to this one idol in particular even if theres dozens of other idols i could crush on or theres other groups i might follow it still seems ro lead me back to this one idol specifically and its very annoying. i cannot even take a break from liking him its constant every other day he pops in my head like a fucking lightbulb and i immediately then regret not doing something really cool with my life bc then maybe id have small chance of meeting him at least but alas never going to happen
i have only dreamt of them once or twice i forget the exact amount yet that was only after i had watched a reading for them so that was bizzarre bc a) i dont dream much, b) if i do they usually dont make much sense anyway and c) i have yet to have any dreams of kpop idols full stop like askde from one other idol i have barely had any dreams feature idols except for this one guy, twice, i knew it was him right off the bat
my other issue is any other celeb i have ever liked recently have been of similar water sign to this idol almost like a weird pattern. i have been told my fs is footballer (premier league? i presume could be wrong theres other leagues too and i have been to several matches albiet not recently) but i dont know how much to believe in it, i asked someone else they said it was soulmate connection, i asked someone else once again they said i had seen them but not met them and they didnt think much of me
yet i keep going back to this other kpop idol all the damned time i swear im not their fs and im not connected to them in any way again i dont think anyone would bother dating me at this age with my lack of dating experience might not interest anyone and tbqfh im not fussed if i dont date but im still curious as to who they are or if id truly love them but at the samr time again i dont particularly want to be so delulu about it and be like oh my god i have to date them i need a relationship and be so desperate about it i think that would be off putting if it was forced like that
sorry for my rambling but it was such an interesting topic that i hope u dont mind me sharing my experiences so far with tarot and lately an interest in divination
I like to think that any connection we make whether it be through the internet or in person, there is always a reason for it, this person could be the gateway to you understanding how you’d like to be treated in the future by your next partners and future spouse. It’s definitely normal to have a crush on a celebrity so don’t feel bad about that, you’ll definitely meet your future spouse soon enough with the right decisions and choices, by that point you’ll hopefully be able to let go of this idol that you feel so much for.
Perhaps they were connected to you in a past life and that’s why they still serve such a purpose in your life now.
My future spouse and I served a few lives together where we were all different things, going from soulmate friends in one, to absolute worst enemies in the next, and then owing our lives to each other in the one after that. I’m not quite too sure of his purpose in my life this time around, I assume this is my last life so it would make sense to connect with him one last time in the physical.
You may find that this idol is someone who shapes you to be the person that you want to be, perhaps he will push you to get back into music, I’m also working on becoming a musician lmao, that’s how my future spouse and I shall meet (which makes almost no sense since he pretty much will be out of the influencing circle by then, but whatever fate wants I suppose) He may not be there for you to be romantically involved with, but his presence could cause you to try and make something out of those discarded dreams of yours, which could eventually bring you to be with your future spouse.
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syokurususdarling · 3 months
Pinkie Nails
syo kurusu x self!ship wc: 1049 tags: mentions of ed/slight angst/long distance not beta read!
sorry! i will not ever write a syo kurusu x reader. he is the only character i will do this for!!!! i have a very special attachment to syo kurusu. i will write x readers for other utapri boys but not syo. he loves me the most in the whole wide world!!!
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syo finally had time for a ‘date’ while he was out on tour. making time in his temporary room somewhere cold in Europe. we caught up and i told him how work was going. he told me that once he gets back he wants to talk about me working less. but he understands my desire to be busy instead of wandering around such a big and lonely house. we decided to paint our nails to match. at first i was worried about people asking him about the strange pattern, but he assured me he was going to be on a radio show. unless the host brought it up, there was nothing to fear.
“have you been eating properly?”
his sudden question caused me to flinch as I stiffened up in the camera screen. my attention turned to the tips of my toes now curled in my fuzzy socks and i smiled weakly. “uhhhm… yes.” i lied, and i felt bad about it. i had my phone propped up on the night stand, tilted against the lamp as i painted my nails with syo on the other end doing the same. his suspicious frown made me antsy. “what did you eat for dinner?” he asked as i paused with my painting. “toast.” my response was too fast.
now he knew i was lying. “why havent you been eating?” his voice softened as i raised my eyes to watch him screw the cap back onto the small bottle of pastel pink polish. “im eating! i just havent been feeling very good.” not entirely a lie. i didnt want syo to worry about me. ever since we met, hes been the only person to encourage me to eat during the day. even going as far as to praise me when i did, as if i completed a herculean task. “i dont like eating alone too so… since youve been gone i dont really have anyone to eat with.” i laughed tiredly as i went back to painting my nails, leaving my pinkie nails pastel pink, while the rest were black. syo had done the opposite so we would match. 
“ill be back the moment our tour ends. im sorry i couldnt bring you on the road with me.” he apologized before blowing on his nails to assist them in drying quickly. “its fine. it wouldnt be a good idea for me to come along anyway, idols arent supposed to be married.” i teased and pulled my knees closer to my chest. “then what are we?” syos question made me look up in thought. “well, if any rabid teen girls ask, im your stylist! or… im a girl with an obsession whos stalking you!” i suggested, but syo didnt seem too amused with my ideas. his electric blue eyes bore into me through the screen of the phone.
“i would rather say youre my wife.”
i could feel my face burning all the way up to my ears. “maybe when you officially decide to retire.” i muttered as i started to blow on my nails as well. “when i retire, i want to tell the world that were married.” syo stated as i looked at the phone, feeling my face start to sting from the heat. “and that weve been married for a long time.” i was always against the idea. i saw it as a safety issue, and so did most of the staff in charge of STARISH. an idol is in love with his fans, he should be married to his work. not some girl no one has ever heard of. 
“haha! you havent blushed like that in a long time!” syo snickered as i leaned to hide my face from the screen, laughing to myself as i imagined being in the public eye, hanging off of syos arm. i was scared, but it was also exciting. 
as our nails dried and exhaustion set in, he watched me preform my nightly routine of stuffing my hair into my bonnet and cleaning my glasses. “you have to work tomorrow? i want to look at something less physical for you-”
“i like doing physical stuff.”
“honey, thats what a gym is for… well… actually… no, nevermind.” 
he trailed off and i started to pout. “what? tell me.” i asked before starting to smile. “do i look sexy in my bonnet?” i asked jokingly before starting to pose for the camera with a smile. “yes, as always. but thats not what i was going to say.” his laugh was weak and my smile began to evaporate as i made my way to our shared bed that would be hosting only one person tonight. “you just… look smaller than when i saw you last.” syo explained with a frown as i crawled under the weighted blanket and pulled his pillow closer to my side. 
it still carried his scent of apples and undertones of flora.
“Its just the camera. i look the same.” it might be a lie, ive been working on loosing weight but i didnt think it was noticeable. “... did you really eat dinner?” the sound of hurt in his voice made me feel even guiltier now. “no… but i promise i did eat today. i just dont feel good.” my stomach started to churn. “im sorry…” i apologized, sniffling and quickly wiping away my tears. “im not upset with you. i didnt mean to make you cry…” he trailed off as i turned off the lights and shut off the camera. “im crying because i lied… thats all…” it was just a hard topic. and when he caught me i always felt terrible. “lets talk about something else before bed, like what we want to do when i see you again.”
i smiled and nodded beside the phone as i took my glasses off and dropped them on the nightstand. “can you sleep with me tonight?” i requested meekly as i laid the phone on his pillow, inching closer and closer while wishing he was there beside me. “of course i can.”
we spoke quietly about our date ideas when we finally met again, all while i admired my pastel pinkie nail in the darkness of our bedroom. and i had a feeling syo was looking at the black nail he painted.
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Omg can I pls request our lovely 3 demon slayer boys (aged up) along with tengen and rengoku reacting to their gf getting (semi long) acrylics pls! (Can be fluff or smut idc) thank you!
ANON!!!! ANON!!!!!!!! I FINISHED IT FOR YOU!!!!! IM SUPER SORRY IF THE FLOW IS OFF AND STORIES ARE KINDA CHOPPY IM REALLY TIRED AND TODAY HAS BEEN RIDICULOUS BUT I HOPE YOU SERIOUSLY ENJOY AND IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE ME TO WRITE FOR YOU ILL ABSOLUTELY DO IT FOR YOU!!! Once again I do apologize I realize this isn’t my best work but I seriously hope you enjoy it regardless. If you don’t like it I’m more than willing to cut my pinky off way of the house husband style🙏
Criticism/tips welcome!!!
Request are always open!!!
warnings: heavy smut, vulgar language, nsfw themes, characters are aged up in these scenarios
If anything mentioned above may cause harm to your mental health do not read.
Kamaboko Squad + Rengoku and Tengen reacting to Semi long Acrylic Nails:
Tanjiro Kamado:
When you first brought up the idea of getting acrylics, Tanjiro was excited!
Tanjiro supports you no matter what and if you want to get pretty nails he is all for it!
He will even ask to pay for them, he wants to show his love anyway he can. 
He secretly wants you to get his haori pattern on your nails at least once, he wants everyone that sees you to know you are his. But like in a sweet way. 
After you get your nails, he is in awe. You look so feminine! So beautiful!
He adores you anyways, but seeing you express yourself so confidently makes his heart swell with pride.
Regardless of color or pattern you get he will admire them and compliment you any chance he gets.
He thinks you look really badass when you wield your sword with your nails. 
His heart would absolutely STOP if your nails matched your breathing technique.
On the more intimate side of things, Tanjiro would be entranced by them in bed.
When he’s fucking you, he wants to feel them. He wants you to claw his back, his arms, his chest. He wants to feel and see just how good he’s pleasuring you. 
“Am I making you feel good, love?” Tanjiro asked while he thrusted into you, his movements full of love and care.
“Yes, yes it feels so good-please keep going.” You whispered in the shell of his ear. Tanjiro dropped himself on top of you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, so he could pound you even deeper. He quickened his pace, he just needed to hear you, to feel you digging in his back.
“Let me feel you, scratch me, dig your nails into my back.” Tanjiro said breathlessly, you did as he asked and raked your fingers up and down his back. Red trails ran from the tops of his shoulders down to hips, he shuddered under your touch. 
“Just like that-I’m so close.” Tanjiro begged as he kept up his rhythm as best as he could. You began to claw him harder, your strokes becoming slower as you lost your focus. You couldn’t help but lose yourself in the euphoria Tanjiro was putting you in. Before long the two of you came together, Tanjiro spilling his seed deep inside while you clenched him so tightly.
From then on your nails are an absolute turn on for him.
Will offer every time to pay for your nails and then as soon as the two of you get a moment alone he will want to try them out. 
10/10 supportive teddy bear that absolutely has a nail kink now. 
Inosuke Hashibira: 
Inosuke was very confused by your nails at first. 
“Did you get them to improve your fighting skills?” He’d ask.
You would gently explain to him that you got them because you like them. He doesn’t quite understand but hey as long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
He didn’t really get interested in them till one day he asked you to scratch a spot on his back he couldn’t reach. He was instantly hooked, it had been the most relieving itch of his life. 
Now whenever he has an itch you are obligated to do it for him, in fact he will constantly pester you to scratch his back and scalp. 
This sort of ritual between the two of you becomes a habit. When laying down together at night, Inosuke will press his back against you so you can scratch it for him. You later realized he wanted you to do it till he fell asleep, which you didn’t mind because it was cute seeing his needy side. 
One night you mistakenly thought he had fallen asleep, so you flipped over to find a comfortable position for yourself. That was until a very grumpy Inosuke turned and barked,
“Hey, I wasn’t asleep yet! Keep scratching!” 
On the outside you sighed and continued raking his back, but on the inside you were laughing hysterically. 
Besides their use, Inosuke thinks you look hot with your new nails. Especially when you’re mad or fighting a demon, you remind him of a wild animal. 
When things get hot and heavy, his interest towards your nails becomes more intense. 
He developed an infatuation with them and he constantly wants to see them wrapped around his dick. 
He just loves how your hands look, how dangerous they can be, but instead of hurting him they are pleasuring him to the best of your ability.
You sat on your knees in between his legs while you took Inosuke’s full length down your throat. Guttural moans and growls filled your ears as he continued to grind deep into your touch. Inosuke threw his head back and both his hands were intertwined in your hair, shoving your head down even further. One hand on his shaft that guided your lips up and down, while the other cupped his balls. This drove him wild, he could help but arch and thrust up into you. The more you slurped, the more he groaned. When his eyes weren’t rolling back into his head he would catch glimpses of you so eagerly sucking him. What finally pushed him over the edge was the way you looked up at him, your (e/c) eyes, your lips, your nails, they wrapped themselves so perfectly around his dick. It was too much and he spilled every last bit of his cum down your throat. 
9/10 only because you have to constantly scratch his back now, but he is overwhelmingly thrilled about them. 
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
One afternoon you mentioned to Zenitsu that you thought about getting your nails done, and of course Zenitsu was elated. That being said he worships the ground you walk on, so you knew that getting your nails done wouldn’t be a problem. 
Immediately after getting them done he has to see them. He holds your hands and inspects them smiling the whole time.
“They are so beautiful, (Y/n). Almost as beautiful as you.” He’d say while giving you a cheeky smirk. 
Thinks they are absolutely gorgeous and will always suggest colors or patterns he thinks would look good. But whatever design you pick out he will shower you in compliments about how you are so creative and brilliant.
He literally beams with pride every time you are around. 
If you suggested getting them done with a lightning design, this man will fall to his knees and propose to you again. He has absolutely done it before and absolutely does it again till you say yes. Even after you two are engaged he will still beg you to marry him. 
He already thinks you hung the moon, so when you are in battle and he sees you in all your glory, he will pass out from excitement and fear. 
He thinks your nails are a wonderful way to express yourself, especially in the demon slayer corps whenever has the same uniform. 
On the flip side to this, he is actually quite intimidated by your nails. He is already intimidated by you, but your amazing looks accompanied by your bold nails has him submissive. 
Especially in the bedroom. He is used to you taking control but now more than ever does he let you guide him. Something about your nails sparked something inside of him, you seemed now to demand authority and he intended to listen to your every command. 
“Do you like what I’m doing for you? Am I doing good?” Zenitsu would ask as he pounded into you. He loved the way you moaned and praised him, he craved it, he had to have your approval.
“Ah-you’re-you’re doing amazing baby, keep going for a little longer okay, baby?” You’d say in between gasps and moans, he pounded into you so passionately. He wanted to please you so desperately, if only you’d give him the honor of being able to be hopelessly dedicated to you for the rest of his life. 
Feeling both his and your climaxes approaching, you grabbed Zenitsu and threw him onto his back. You immediately straddled him, sunk yourself on to his length and began to ride him roughly. Zenitsu's eyes grew wide as he watched you bounce up and down on him, just the thought of you pleasuring yourself on him was enough to make him finish three times over. 
You watched his face flutter as you bobbed faster, then a truly filthy thought came to you.  You ran your hand up his chest and to his neck, you wrapped your fingers around his throat and began to squeeze. Almost instantly the two of you released simultaneously. 
Since that night, Zenitsu loves if you choke him, he loves it even more if he can feel your nails in the soft skin of his neck.
10/10 very much loves them and very much loves you.
Kyojuro Rengoku:
On your weekly date with Kyojuro, the two of you walked past a salon on the way home. You saw a young woman walk out with bright red acrylic nails and you fell in love with the look. When you both arrived home you mentioned it to him to which Kyojuro smiled widely and exclaimed,
“I think you would look amazing with them, darling!” 
Several days later you got your first set and went to Kyojuro. Much like Zenitsu, Kyojuro loves them! He would tell you that they are gorgeous and match your personality perfectly!
He begs you to get a set with flames on them, to which you agree. Kyojuro is over the moon about your nails and loves it even more when you coordinate your outfits to match them. He loves it even more when you play with his hair with them. As you run your fingers through his bright unruly hair he melts into your touch, you are always so gentle with him. So much so he blushes and shivers as you ruffle his mane. 
One evening though you stumbled upon a very interesting reaction from Kyojuro. Together the two of you laid in your shared futon, tired from a day full of training. You softly grazed your fingers across his back until his muscles quickly clenched. You nails had passed over the soft skin above his hips, and when you did it again you got the same reaction. As you went for a third pass Kyojuro gently grabbed your hand and pulled it around him.
“Darling, that tickles.” He said half asleep.
A devilish grin spread across your face. 
“Oh, I’m sorry baby…I didn’t realize this tickles!” You yelled before attacking his sides. 
Kyojuro’s eyes shot wide open and his muscles clenched. A terribly joyful smile spread across his face as he began to try and defend himself. Then his boisterous laughter erupted as held his arms tightly against his sides and brought his knees to his chest.
“No, stop it, (Y/n)! How dare you use my weakness against me! I won’t forget this!” Yelled Kyojuro as he still continued to howl in laughter. Soon you were caught up in your own laughter and failed to notice that he had escaped your grasp, and when you finally looked to find Kyojuro you saw him standing before you with his arms crossed; a mischievous grin of his own upon his lips. 
Seeing his expression you quickly wrapped yourself in the blankets from the bed and took off running out the room, you giggling the entire way. Kyojuro chased after you till he caught you, and when he did he tickled like you had tickled him. 
Soon the tickling turned into touching and kissing. Together on the floor the two of you sensual kisses one another as your hands wandered each other's bodies. You removed Kyojuro’s clothing and your hands traced the muscles on his chest and abdomen. Again Kyojuro’s muscles tensed but this time Kyojuro groaned in your mouth. Feeling your wandering fingers and the slight sharpness of your nails fueled his fire, he could feel his blood rushing faster the more you touched him.
He quickly picked you and ran to your shared room, once inside he threw you on to the bed.
As fast as he could, he entered inside you, both yours and his moans filled the room while your clothes were strewn about the room.
He delivered his ruthless thrust in between your legs while you laid on your back, one of his hands supporting his weight and the other holding yours flush against his chest.
“Yes that’s it, Darling, keep touching me, I need to feel you.” He grunted out as he continued to rut inside you. Following his request, you placed both your hands against his chest and squeezed his muscles. This rendered the most sinful of moans from Kyojuro.
12/10 Kyojuro is ticklish and you can utilize this for your agenda. Oh and yeah he loves your nails but still…you can threaten him with tickling.
Uzui Tengen:
Tengen was your inspiration for the nails originally. He always had his nails painted and he would paint yours whenever you wanted him too. So when you brought the idea to his attention, he wanted to get them done right away!
That was something he always loved about you, you were just as flashy as he was. You wore a dazzling haori, along with gorgeous gems that hung around your neck, wrist, and waist. Even more so you wore a similar makeup to him, which never failed to warm his heart. The nails were only your next step in your flamboyance journey!
After getting your first set, you went home and showed them to everyone. The girls and Tengen fawned over them! Seeing just how stylish you looked the girls wanted to get a set as well, Tengen couldn’t have been happier. 
The four of you fully exemplified the phrase ‘power couple’, especially you and Tengen. Considering you were both hashira in the demon slayer corps, people and the other slayers noticed you. You were a flashy, flamboyant couple who matched each other’s energy so well, and Tengen never missed a chance to show you off. 
Along with improving your look it seemed that your nails improved your fighting as well. Tengen knew this was from your recent boost in confidence, but he still told you it was the flashiness that was giving you strength.
When it came to the late evenings spent at his estate, the four of you spent your time together entangled with one another between the sheets. You were already a flashy lover; as Tengen had put it, but now you were ever more so. 
As you laid with your knees pressed into the soft fabric of your bed, Tengen slammed into you mercilessly. He loved hearing your whines and begs as he shoved himself as deep into you as he could go, he watched your body melt with pleasure as he fulfilled your every desire. You gripped the sheets as tightly as you could, he loves watching you struggle to find something to steady yourself on. 
“You like how I’m fucking your pussy, hm? Want me to go harder? Want me to go faster?” Tengen asked as he continued with his swift thrust. You could barely breathe, let alone speak. All of it was so amazing you couldn’t do anything but moan his name over and over.
“Uzui-oh fuck-Uzui!” You cried feeling yourself draw ever closer to your release.
“What do you want? Tell me and I’ll give you that and so much more-Fuck! You feel so good.” Tengen’s dirty words were filled with honey. You could feel him start to falter as he too became closer. 
“Harder, faster, please!” You managed to beg, and instantly Tengen’s hands gripped waist harshly. He changed his position to where he rested on knee, while the other stood beside your hips to help keep you steady. Just like that Tengen released his lust fueled strength upon you. He rammed into you while pulling your hips to meet him, he was completely buried inside. 
“That’s it, cum for me (Y/n), cum on my cock.” Just hearing his command made you fall into your blissful release. Your body clenched and squirted around his dock causing his eyes to roll back into his skull. His pace slowed and he pulled out of you, you still bent over as you recovered. 
Tengen maneuvered you and himself to where your head was now in between his legs. 
“It’s my turn now, baby. Show me how bad you want to please me.” Tengen said, a smirk plastered against his face. 
Knowing exactly what you wanted you took him in your mouth and began to quickly bob your head up. Sultry moans and groans fell from Tengen’s lips as he watched how diligently you sucked him. 
“That’s it, keep going.” He’d say he has guided your head down further. He loved watching you struggle and hearing you gag. 
Before long, Tengen met his own release and covered your mouth, face, and hands with his juices. Seeing you covered in his cum almost immediately made him hard again, and when you began to lick your fingers clean, he was ready for round two. 
6000/10 you are the flashiest couple of all time, the whole four of you look badass, respectfully. 
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cynettic · 3 years
Stay with Me pt.3
Summary - You manage to escape from Scaramouche, if only for a moment before you realize there’s no escape. It only takes until you’re sitting back in your regular spot that you know what you need to do.
Pairings - Kitsune!Reader x Yan!Scaramouche
Warnings - Suggestive content, mentions of death, swearing, slight gore / blood 
A/N - Its really hard to make this depressing while I’m vibing to Rasputin. Like no joke- I have it on one of the 1 hour playlists :D
Here you’ll find -  pt.1 and pt.2
He’d left a key.
Scaramouche didnt make mistakes, not while he had you captive in the vicinity of his bedroom. He didnt have room for mistakes, not when you were watching his every movement while he was in your line of sight. 
Sure, he mightve killed a person or two in front of you, but those were necessary mistakes. There was a sign on the door, it specified not to enter. You’d understand that, right?
Thats what he thought at least, lulling himself into belief after belief that you’d be there waiting for him every time. That you’d welcome him with open arms, even if there were chains ensnaring your wrists. That you’d accept your fate at his hands and submit yourself to him.
The Balladeer was a fool.
He’d kept you there for too long, and while you searched for an easy way to escape, time sent your head spinning. Into a spiral that begged only for the wind against your face, back laying on dirt with the familiar chirping up birds waking you up in the morning.
You wanted to go outside.
And when push comes to shove, you had to risk a little more to make it happen. Lure him into bed with kisses while your hands unbuttoned his vest. But what he believed to be alluring contacts was just your way of finding the keys hidden in the back pocket of his shorts.
It wasnt hard to find the one to your cuffs while he was asleep, cuddled in your chest with both arms around your waist as if to get you to stay put. You took the key, hiding them back in his clothing and hoping he didnt notice.
He didnt say anything the next day.
You werent going to wait any longer.
“Oh for fucks sake, why won't the goddamn door open?”
The room was left in tatters behind you, a little gift for Scaramouche once he got back. Turns out a pair of chains can smash up a lot of things, and rage can be used as a great source of strength when contained for such a long time.
But you’d done more than throw the blankets around, cut up the drawers and smash open the windows. Because your fists had bled red when you punched through the glass, puncturing your skin. Your knuckles were an ugly red, bruising already.
Ah, Scaramouche deserved a much better gift.
Gruesome as it was, you rubbed your knuckles against the pale walls. Till the blood stopped coming, till there was a nice little message for the boy which you held so dearly to your heart.
The first time you’d found out about him being a harbinger he’d told you not to call him by that name. You weren’t someone he associated with by work, you were a treasure to him. That’s why you continued to call him as he pleased, although the temptation always arose.
You were no longer his.
Shoving the door with your hand again, palm fiddling with the handle and groaning when it hardly budged. “Stupid,” you grumbled when the knob began to loosen. Backing up, you charged with your shoulder to the door, full force as the momentum broke the hinges. The door fell down with you along with it.
It was expected, you’d been stuck in the room for a long time, and thats considering you’d sat on the ground for decades. Your body was slight numb, muscles sore and unused for so long. 
“You a-arent supposed to leave your room!”
A young man stood in the hallway along with a woman who looked relatively the same age. The two were wearing uniforms, flinching when you stood up from the debris and off the door. “Excuse me?” You asked, voice unnecessarily icy and stern. But you couldnt care less, you were going to get out of this house, damn anyone who stood in your way.
They both continued to shake when you walked towards them, staggering from side to side. The woman stepped up in front of the man, presenting a brave face. “If you leave the mansion, the harbinger will kill us all!”
“Well then I expect you should be on your way then. Actually…” you gestured to the maze of hallways. “You can lead the way.”
Your hand went limp to your side, an exasperated looking momentarily crossing your face before you sighed. “Im not staying trapped in that room, I’m sorry if that ruins your life, but frankly you're not the one stuck in there are you?” You took an extra step just to intimidate them, eyes wide to make the appearance of crazy. “It would be a great help if you showed me where he hid my vision too.”
“We can show you to the door…” The man began, “But the whereabouts of your vision are unknown, he wouldnt tell us something like that.”
A gift bestowed from the gods, a piece to help me thrive with my ambitions and pursue my goals.
You really wished you’d taken to clawing out Scaramouche’s face instead, but you’d take what you got. Right now your main priority was getting out of this place, even if it meant leaving a piece of you behind.
“Door.” Your voice was raspy and there was a terrible feeling that crawled up to your throat, but you didnt have time to be emotional. “Show me where the door is… please.”
The conflict in their eyes dissipates by the time they lead you along, mumbling words between themselves. You didnt bother to try eavesdropping, you were so, so tired. You wanted to go home.
Anywhere. Anywhere but here.
It took a few minutes until you were standing in front of a grand door, almost twice the size of you and just as wide. You then began to notice the decorational plants and furniture that filled the empty space, there wasn't an inch of dust. Even though you could tell none of it was used.
“Hurry,” the man warned when you paused. “I dont know when our master is coming back, but if its soon, we’ll all be screwed.”
You couldnt feel your head as you numbly nodded, hand clenching the knob and flinging the set of doors open. “Thank you,” you merely mumbled, taking your first step out of the house in what felt like forever.
The days after that were a blur, the area around Scaramouche’s house were nothing but void. Empty and filled with forests and vast plains. You knew he didnt like people or socializing in general, but to this extent?
Your only option was to run.
Let your feet take you somewhere, anywhere. It was a constant pattern of running and taking breaks, leaning on a tree and gasping in a few breaths before you were again scurrying through the forest. 
And yet you felt better than you’d felt in past months that you’d been stuck with Scaramouche.
Food became any boar you came across, the claws you’d spent so long hiding with Scaramouche coming to unleash a wrath beyond your comprehension. Till the animal was cut to shreds and no meat was left even to eat. You’d slaughtered it, without intention to eat or benefit for it, you’d killed it just to kill.
“I’m sorry,” you’d sobbed into the ground where you’d buried the harmless animal. Forehead pressed into the dirt as you pleaded for forgiveness to whatever archons would accept it. You couldn't even remember what archons you were supposed to pray to. “Forgive me- forgive me…”
But eventually you found your way around to somewhere you knew. Territory of Inazuma where you could find your way back, back home.
Where was home?
You’d been on the run from the vision hunt decree, abandoning your post for the Kitsune Saiguu for such a thing. Even now that you could return without a vision and as no threat under the decree…
You’d sacrificed everything for your vision.
Where were you to go now…?
Rain patted down, the trees providing only a slight cover as stray drops fell into your matted dirty hair. You didnt mind, it hid the tears that slid down your lifeless face, feet taking you into the far meadows of your hometown. Till you plopped down underneath a tree, knees curled to your chest and arms hugging them close. You were crying.
You were home.
“Awh,” a ginger haired murmured, elbow resting on the cool wood of the tabletop. “Is little Mouchie sad? I heard your kitty cat escaped~”
A death wish, even fatui that idly minded themselves around the bar knew it. Sipping cold drinks and swirling their cups, the soft chatter was nothing but a distraction from the main course of events. That being the smaller Harbinger who sat sulking in his seat, hunched over with a drink in hand. He’d drank far more than what was on the counter, but everytime he finished a glass, he’d smash it on the ground, watching the fragile glass shatter into pieces.
“I dont have a cat,'' was his only response, tone daring Childe to pursue further. To give him a reason to start throwing the glass in his face instead.
And Childe was an idiot when it came to challenging someone.
“No cat?” The rest of the drink in the taller harbinger’s glass was gone when he threw his head back. “Hmmm, I cant think of what else could’ve had you so enraptured in returning home then~!”
Scaramouche didnt respond, uneven bangs shadowing the bags under his eyes. “Stronger,” he said instead, elbow on the counter and hand outstretched for something. When there was no movement from the man managing the wine, the harbinger looked up. “I need something stronger to drink,” he repeated, voice seething.
“Of c-course!”
The glass was nestled in Scaramouche’s palm in no time, fingers curling around the circular form to down it in seconds. The drink merely slid down his throat in one movement, alcohol burning his senses. It didn’t matter, he was numbed by the growing rage inside of him.
Finally, he turned to the ginger haired boy, eyes hazily dancing along the counter till it reached his fingertips. Up his hand and along his arm, till Scaramouche was staring right into Childe’s eyes. “They escaped,” he admitted softly. “But it’s alright, because I sent something that’ll bring them back.”
Childe paused, raising his drink up away from his lips to pose a question. Hesitation danced along his features before he brought the glass back, he’d rather not provoke the shorter male any further. Wasn’t like he could interfere anyway.
“That… that…” 
It was preposterous, having returned to that same spot for a day or two and heading back to the hometown you’d once lived in. The one Scaramouche had lived in. There shouldn’t have been an issue, you were solely gathering supplies for the sake of it, ambition driving you to travel far far away.
Out of Inazuma.
It was your new beginning, convincing yourself that you didn't need a vision. Finding some sort of purpose before Scaramouche shattered the vision and your life along with it. You’d seen how people had reacted when it had been ingrained in the statue, neutralized and broken. They lost hope, purpose and aspirations for anything new.
It’s not like the Raiden Shogun took my vision.
But you’d taken that fact for granted, expecting some sort of new start without Scaramouche. A victory, getting away from him just for a split second and getting out of Inazuma altogether, you’d never see him again.
Until you got his message.
“How the hell…” You crushed the note until it was just crumbled paper in your hand, slowly leaning on the stone wall. “Piece of shit… what kind of person even…” 
Not only did he manage to find you, but without making his presence known, he’d tugged at your one weakness with an ease that had you down on your knees.
You threw the paper to the ground, deliberate as you stared past the alleyway. Pensive as you considered your options. Damn, what options did you even have? You’d been an idiot to underestimate Scaramouche, he wasn’t a child, you knew that… but archons he seemed like one when he was with you. Shown you a vulnerability he wanted only you to see. But maybe that had been part of his plan all along, until all you believed was his soft demeanor.
He may act like a child, but he’s a harbinger.
You stared down at the crumbled piece of paper in disgust.
Not only that, but he has no regard for human life.
Either way, you’d lived decades more than him. You could face him, you would present yourself to him just as he expected you to. Even when everything in you rejected the idea, sobbed at the thought of returning to that house, those chains. Being locked up and confined only for the purpose of coddling a small boy, a selfish boy, a cruel boy. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
You’d figure out a way, and this time you wouldn’t rule out the option of his death.
Oh darling Y/n, how have you been?
I hope this letter reaches you rather soon, we both have much to discuss, no? About me, about you, and much more. You see, I’ve taken up quite a distaste to your little friends. Stone statues in Inazuma as small as Kitsunes truly hold no purpose, what will they do, come back to life? Haha, I should think not. I’ve already arranged to have them demolished, who knows what kind of material they might possess. Ah, and of course I’d show you the finishing product, unless you’re willing to come and have a chat with me once more? Under the Sakura tree like we used to, you’ve waited years, I believe you can wait for me?
I hope this letter reaches you in best interests. I’m always looking out for you after all.
Sincerely, your Balladeer
It was raining.
Beautiful weather as you lay sitting there, feet crossed and tucked in the same you’d often do. After all, there was no need to fear the vision hunt decree or the Raiden Shogun. Let them come, let them take care of you before Scaramouche did.
You werent cold, not when the cold drops dampened your clothing, slipping down the length of your spine and drenching your face. Despite having lived in a luxury residency for such a long time, this was where you were most comfortable, enduring whatever the weather had for you, taking it with a smile. Because you were waiting…
The Kitsune Saiguu was a distant memory.
You were waiting for Scaramouche, the young boy that often bound into the field in lengthy strides, childlike wonder in his eyes. The one who’d cried when the other kids pushed him away, the one that just wanted to be praised. You’d held him in your arms, and now, even knowing the results, you wouldnt have done differently.
He was just a boy.
Just a boy when he joined the fatui, looking for praise that he was given. He created chaos and bellowed orders with a cruelty that was highly looked upon. Told that he was doing well, so he continued to do so.
He’s just a boy.
You wished you’d held him in your arms, if not only for a tad longer. Shield him away from the wrongness of the world, if only for one last time.
Banishing away your hatred for him was hard.
But you found it under the tree, rain soon dimming down to a clouded cold breeze that swept through the meadow. You’d hated him while stuck in the mansion, but you could now see it from a larger point of view. What he did was wrong of course, but you could remember him so vividly now. His small form giggling, tiny arms around your neck. 
“Play with me!”
Was it your fault?
For not holding him tighter? For trying to rectify his bad doings and teach him what was wrong and right? Maybe if your grip was firmer, if you’d spoken to him about the warmth he’d given you that day when playing cards...
“Lazy ass.”
Burying down that pile of worry and insecurities, you took a deep breath in to relax. The edge of your lip perked up, only slightly. “Still terrible with your social skills arent you?”
Slowly securing a dry space under the three with you, Scaramouche sat down. His features were the same ones you’d grown accustomed to at his mansion. Rich clothes, sharp eyes, and the baby face that refused to go away. His movements were soft as he pulled out a deck of cards. The two of you didnt speak as he distributed them between you both. It was tense… no, it felt too much like the warmth form long ago to be tense. You only wished the situation to be different.
“I love you.”
But you could only offer a bitter smile to his words. “I love my vision,” you replied. “I love the Kitsune Saiguu, and I love my friends.”
His touch was gentle when his fingers came to gently cradle your cheek. Holding your face dearly as he peered into your eyes, his were soft. Different from the cruelty he held within, the hatred that burned and destruction that seeked to explode.
You saw a little boy.
Your hand came to press his hand further against your cheek, till you slid his palm to your lips. He appeared so calm when you pressed the first kiss, lips tracing the lines along his palm with all the care in the world.
But you needed to change your view, see him as the man he now was. As the man he had become.
“I love you,” he repeated, and you let go of his hand. It fell limp by his side, cards all but forgotten. There was a much more pressing matter at hand, because you truly needed to see him as he was.
It was necessary if you planned to kill him.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Superman's Dishcloth
A small cute headcannon thats been sitting on my tablet?
Summary: some people use pick up lines to get a womans number, henry uses a crochet lesson.
Warnings: Fluff?
Tumblr media
Your fingers twisted the yarn around the hook automatically looping and pulling untill you made another double crochet stitch that the pattern required.
To be honest you wasnt paying that much attention as you worked your project, which was stupid really because you were making a new pattern, a bobble popcorn style head band.
You couldnt concentrate for two reasons
One. You were on a goddamned plane soaring across the Atlantic ocean. And if things went tits up you cant swim.
And two? You were seated next to none oher then mr henry cavill himself.
Not that you made a thing about it or even dared to look at him.
He he was watching you, eyes frowning as your fingers twisted the yarn into an intricate looking yet fairly simple pattern.
Youhad to stifle a laugh as his fingers twitched tryig to follow the moves and figure out what you were doing.
You growled missing count again. One, two, three three, skip three. A crochet, half double crochet, two double crochet in one stitch then skip three stitches and repeat untill the end.
Normally youd have no problems but your audience was putting you off.
You dropped the project in your lap as you miscounted again and realised you had to undo the last twelve stitches otherwise you'd be a set out on the end.
You closed your eyes grunting before slipping the hook out and began to tug the working yarn slowly before pinching it and slipping the hook into the loop catching it before it all unraveled.
"Why'd you undo it?" You jumped a little as the huge man beside you spoke up after watching you quietly since take off.
"Huh?... oh i misscounted i skipped four instead of three so it'd be out of line on the end and curl round..."
"How'd you know?" He frowned now leaning over even more curious then before.
You chewed your lip trying not to freak out as he peered over your little project.
"Err well i just counted the stiches i had left on the row, see i was up to here and there was five left not six, so i pulled it taught to spot the odd one out" you explained pulling more yarn through so you could point out the stitches to him with the hook.
"It looks complicated, you twist it so many times?" He said as your fingers began moving once more creating the repetitive pattern.
"Yeah... its not too difficult, Im doing a few different stitches is all, once you know a single crochet stitch and a chain stitch your good to go" You muttered with a smile.
"I doubt its that simple" he replied trying to keep up with watching your fingers guiding the hook jthought the piece making the fabric grow.
"It really is, here you see the little v on top?" You said slowing deciding to show him just how simple it was.
"Yeah?" He hummed quietly watching keenly.
"Thats the row before, so you slip your hook under both strands like this and loop your yarn over then pull through under that v so you have one loop on your hook" you said moving slowly and loosened the stitch with a light wiggle so he could see properly.
"Then loop the yarn over again so you have two loops, and pull the second one through the first... and thats a single crochet stitch" You explained showing him slowly.
"So you make lots of tiny loops and pull them through one another and it some how becomes fabric?" He asked fascinated by it, watching as you began to work on the next stitch.
"Yeah pretty much"
"But that one you pulled the wool over before you did anything at all?" You paused impressed he had noticed the slight difference... he had been watchkn that closely?
"So that was a half double, when you do a half double or double you yarn over first, then you just keep yarning over and pulling through until your left with one loop on the hook" you tried explaining as simply as you could.
"... it still sounds hard" he uttered still focusing on your hands that had been creating stitches.
"Honestly its not, i taught myself in about an hour and a half? Here try it? I've got extra yarn in my carry on if you want to give it a go?" You offered and instantly flushed you did not just offer to teach superman how to crochet like a fucking granny!
Before you could take it back and apologise he beamed.
"Really? That would be fun, i've never tried anything like this before" he said eagerly.
"Err yeah sure lemme just get you started, i'll give you a 5 hook... here" you said surprized digging about pulling the small ergonomic crochet hook out and some mustard yellow yarn.
"So you start with a slipknot... and then a few chain stitches" you began guiding him through it slowly teaching him the steps.
"So do you always crochet on long flights?" He asked pokeing his tongue out as he tried concentrating on the stitches he was doing.
"Yeah, im not good with confined spaces... especially confide spaces that are a good few miles in the air over the open ocean" you chuckled nervously chaining a stitch then turning begining your next row.
"Honestly im not either, usually i have kal- my dog but... not this time... this is good though, its helping take my mind off it thank you" he said sincerly.
"Dont mention it"
"Oh... i think ive done it wrong?" He said andnheld it out to you, you prodded it and to be honest you were impressed, it was neat, not a dropped stitch in sight... just a few loose stitches here and there, but he was finding a good tension.
"No, thats not wrong... just your tension thats all it comes with practice" you said handing it back to him.
"Tension?" He said making you pause. Oh yeah, he wouldnt knpw what that is yet.
"Yeah, how tight you hold the yarn and hook determies how tight your stitches are... mines pretty bad, i have to always use a size bigger hook" you expalined simply
"Yep, i do it too tight- even snapped a metal hook in my hand before" you chuckled remebering the way the hook had just... snapped mid project.
"Wow that sounds painfull?" He huffed eeingnyour hand curiously as if expecting you to snap a hook then and there.
"Yeah, i will admit i was frustrated with the project so it probably didnt help" you chuckled sheepishly.
"Frustrated? Was it complicated like that one?" He asked nodding to your growing head band.
"No, i kept loosing count on a pattern of 78 stitches" you said trying to wave it off but in actual fact that project had been murder.
"So what are you making?" He finally asked eyeingnyour work that had grown wider.
"A little headband, and hopefully i will widen it at the ears to keep em warm" you giggled wrapping it around pinchingnthe ends together proudly presenting it to him.
He grinned and looked down at his little square fiddling with it.
"And im making a... mess?" He laughed holding up the uneven square cheeks tinted pink when you giggled again.
"... Dishcloth?" You offered prodding it gently.
"Perfect, im making a dishcloth!" He bellowed nodding proud of his new diy dish cloth.
"I'm henry by the way. But from the way you were shaking in your seat im guessing you knew?" He finally introduced himself holding out a hand.
You smiled shyly and took it shakingnhands trying not to fawn over how huge hot and soft the palm was.
"Yeah... sorry i was nervous and you probably dont want to be bugged. Im y/n" you tried explaining nervously but he chuckled.
"I wouldnt mind being bugged by such a cutie~" he uttered quietly smirking at you tipping his head down a little too make sure you heard him despite his voice being quiet.
"Oh stop it" you flushed quickly looking down at your headband noticing your stitches werent as even as they could have been, but it couldnt be helped you had handsome distraction.
A very distracting handsome distraction.
"Its true. Besides i think it was me bugging you... and i have managed to plunder through your wool" he grinned sheepishly holding up his little dishcloth.
"Its fine, it not expensive, this is left over yarn from other projects" you waved him off. It was true ou had lots of odd ends and half skeins of woll from other projects.
"Well still i appreciate it, i hate flying" he said sincerly.
"Well now you have something to practice. Youll leave the plane with a new skill to stick on your cv" you added with a grin nudging him playfully.
"Indeed... And perhaps i can leave the p,ane with err...maybe your number to? You know to replace the wool and erm swap err instructions?" He said nervously jumbling his words.
You paused and looked at him shocked blinking. Did he just?
You blinked again watching as his face grew red and he chuckled nerously plucking at the woll on his dishcloth.
"Well i suppose every student needs to be able to contact theor teacher~ and these instructions are called patterns" you smiled to him nodding slowly.
"Right right i knew that of course they're patterns" he chuckled grinning ear to ear relived you hadnt turned him down.
"Well we have a good few hours, perhaps a few more lessons for my little student?" You teased picking up the pattern to show him some of the abbreviations. Mostly to try and concentrate on somthing other then the fact superman had just asked for your number... and was taking crochet lessons.
"Of course" he said excited eyes glittering with glee whilst looking at the small page.
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formulawonu · 3 years
flutters / mick schumacher
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(not my gif! creds to owner <3)
warning: kissing, getting a little touchy,, and just being flustered idk
summary: *requested by @gpiggy98​ <3* mick has just finished an intense race and you’re the only person he really wants to be around at the moment since you’re his best friend. you’ve secretly liked him for a while now and offer/give him a massage to cool down after the race and you can’t help but get flustered at the intimacy of the moment.
a/n: honestly. what would i give to have mick as my best friend. what would i give to basically have mick in my life. FOR REAL. ugh mick schumacher supremacy. anw i didnt know how to end this one properly so idk if im 100% satisfied but it was fun writing hsjakdhasd but enjoy anyway x (i’m always open to requests btw!!!!)
It’s the end of the Hungarian Grand Prix and you feel like you can finally breathe properly after a couple of hours. You’d think you’d have gotten used to going through race weekends by now but you always seem to find your breath caught in your throat and worrying over the safety of your best friend. Mick had finished in p12 - his current best finish throughout the season - and you were extremely proud of him. Despite how well he did defending from other cars on the field in the car he has, you can tell from the way his brows furrow together after removing his helmet that he’s far from satisfied. Watching him go through the procedure after each race required by the FIA from the garage, you decide to make your way back to the hospitality in order to not get into anyone’s way. You figured that you would just talk to Mick when he was free and tell him proud you are of him. What you were not expecting was Mick to show up at the hospitality earlier than you had expected, his body language clearly still tense, and motioning you with just his head to follow him up to his assigned driver’s room. He doesn’t really stop to wait for you or anything because he knows you understand that he doesn’t want to be around a lot of people right now. It leaves you feeling pleased that you’re still the one he wants to talk to. Perks of being his best friend.
“Hey, you.” You say as you enter Mick’s room, shutting the door behind you. You stand there for a while, leaning against the door as you take in Mick sitting down on the couch, his eyes shut with his head thrown back. His hair is all messy from wearing his helmet but it looks good anyway. You knew this wasn’t the right time to be thinking it, but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t acknowledge how Mick made looking stressed extremely attractive. Sexy, even. Mick pops open one eye as he lazily looks at you. “I’m so frustrated.” He mumbles. He then pats the space beside him, telling you to come sit beside him. You make your way to the couch and plop down beside him, trying not to mind the way your heart beats faster as the distance between you both has marginally decreased. Immediately after and without warning, Mick drops his head on your lap. You want to blame the lack of AC for the sudden rise of temperature in the room you’re both in, but you know that the heat is really just rising in your cheeks as you imagine how close Mick is to your body. “I’m so tired.” He continues, shutting his eyes again. You can’t stop the way your heart is rapidly beating inside of your chest and you wouldn’t be surprised if Mick could actually hear it. The vibrations that come from Mick’s voice run through your whole body, leaving you to slightly shift your thighs closer together. You bring your hands to run through his hair, hoping to distract yourself from your own thoughts by giving him a small massage. Mick hums in response. You rub small circles into his temples, picturing him doing the same thing to you in another area of your body. You have to stop yourself there. You seriously cannot be thinking about this while you’re trying to distract yourself from the fact that Mick, your best friend, is all hot and sweaty. Well, there’s always points for trying. 
You don’t realize you’ve stopped the small massage you were giving him until you feel Mick’s hand grip your knee. “Why’d you stop? That felt so good.” The heat rushes to your cheeks and you can feel Mick’s eyes on your face. You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes because you’re flustered at how dirty your thoughts had gotten because of a few words Mick had muttered in passing. The fact that his hand was still on your knee also did not help your case. It was something you had come to terms with a while ago: you deeply liked your best friend - that was why you were acting like this around him. You had tried your best to ignore the fuzzy feelings that came up every time you thought of him or the way your stomach would drop whenever he was around. You tried to deny and cover it up by saying you just really appreciated him as a person, but you eventually gave in and realized it was pointless to fight your feelings. It didn’t matter anyway. Mick was still your best friend, regardless of whatever feelings you had for him. 
“Oh. Sorry.” You mutter, still refusing to look at him as you try to will the heat in your cheeks to disappear. You knew not to make eye contact with Mick because those damn eyes knew you almost better than you knew yourself so meeting them would just spell out disaster for you. He would figure out something was off immediately. You begin moving your hands again through Mick’s hair, kneading in a new pattern. Your eyes land on the hand still resting on your knee. You focus on it as you continue to massage Mick when suddenly it begins to draw circles of its own nearer your inner thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat and you accidentally tug at Mick’s hair because of your unguarded reaction to his hand. You quickly look at his face to see if he’s felt that (though surely he has) and you find yourself looking into a pair of amused eyes. There’s a hint of playfulness in them as he’s probably made the connection that you are... well... currently going through it. “You okay, there?” He whispers, raising an eyebrow at you. You try to play it off, as you usually do. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I-” His hand moves higher up and you involuntarily pause. “-be.” You swallow and desperately try to focus on anything else but the hand that is now closer to you than you had ever imagined it to be. How white the wall is, how cool Mick’s helmet is, how comfortable the couch is. Mick suddenly shifts his position and the hand on your thigh disappears. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. The place where Mick’s hand once was now feels incredibly bare. Mick is still moving around until he’s positioned himself to be facing you, still lying down, with his head propped up by his hand. The arm propping his head up is over your legs - suddenly, you feel like you’ve fallen into a dangerous trap. 
“Hey there.” He whispers, smiling at you with those damn eyes filled with amusement. Like he knows. “Hi?” His free hand moves to trace lines up and down your arm. Goosebumps immediately come and you shiver. He smiles even wider, noting the way your body has unintentionally reacted to his touch. “Are you cold?” He continues to run a finger up and down your arm, mindlessly drawing his own patterns. His eyes never leaving yours. You know you should be answering him now, replying with anything really, but his hand has made its way back down and is now drawing circles on the part of your thigh he’s resting on. “Am- Am I what?” You ask, not remembering what he’s just said a few seconds ago. Your eyes move to glance at Mick’s hand then back to his face. Mick then fully sits up, this time lifting your legs to rest over his lap. “Something’s bothering you.” He says, gently turning your chin to have you face him. Your eyes land on his lips before you meet his eyes. “Not at all. I am just peachy.” He chuckles as you inwardly cringe, knowing full well that you didn’t sound convincing at all. What were you supposed to do when his other hand was now drawing those same distracting circles this time on your side. You had never been this close with Mick. You weren’t supposed to be this close to Mick. His eyes drop to your lips. “Can I try something to get whatever it is off your mind?” He whispers. You nod before you can think about what he’s just offered, too taken by how Mick’s face seems to be inching ever so closely to yours by the second. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the touch of another pair of lips on yours. It starts out slow, almost shy, as if he’s checking to make sure you’re okay with what’s happening. But then you pull him closer to you, slightly parting your lips to invite him in. Your hands make their way around his neck and tugging at the ends of his hair. The pace has suddenly shifted and Mick has lifted you on top of him, letting you straddle him as he now moves his hands up and down the sides of your body. 
There was no way this was actually happening. All you wanted to do a couple of moments ago was tell Mick how proud you were of him. You push your body closer to his, trying to eliminate the almost nonexistent space between the two of you. Mick moans in your mouth, his hands gripping your waist tighter. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.” He says in between kisses. He’s trailing kisses down your jaw then your neck. “Me too. You have no idea.” You breathe into his ear. You’re about to kiss him again when suddenly you hear a knock at the door. You both pause, looking at each other wide-eyed. 
“Mick, it’s Guenther. We need to debrief quickly. Won’t take long, I swear.” You slowly move off of Mick, trying not to make noise. You were sure no one thought you guys were doing anything weird anyway but you didn’t want to be caught looking like it. Mick is still sitting next to you, both of you trying not to laugh. It’s almost like he doesn’t want Guenther to think he’s in the room. “Mick,” You hear knocks coming from the other side of the door. “The earlier we start, the quicker you can get back. Hi to Y/N, who is in there too.” You both burst out laughing, the jig obviously up. Mick finally gets up, chuckling and accepting he has to go and start debriefing. 
“I’ll see you when I get back. Still need to get that thing off of your mind.” He says, winking at you as he steps out of the room. 
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chuuya-centric · 3 years
making out hcs
characters: osamu dazai, ranpo edogawa, chuuya nakahara
genre: suggestive
warnings: gn reader, no pronouns used, uhm 🧍 yk it gets a lil steamy and has like mentions of sex ??? but theres def nothing super explicit
↬making out with dazai is always ............ interesting to say the least 🧐 it can happen anywhere, at anytime, and you'll never know until it's too late
↬sometimes it'll start out as a quick peck, and then another, and another, and— hey, is it just you or does each kiss keep getting longer 🤨 when did he slip your coat off ??-?_;?? now his arms r around your waist and .............. o look at that he's got you pressed up against the wall with u gasping for air bc he's barely giving you anytime to breathe
↬speaking of, his kisses always leave u breathless 🧎 he is such a good kisser please lord i just know it 🛐🛐
↬he usually just leaves after these types of makeout sessions (much to your annoyance) 💀💀💀 he likes getting you all worked up and then going right back to work like he didnt just have his tongue down your throat and his leg between ur thighs
↬other times his kisses r slower n more passionate from the get-go and u know exactly where this is ab to lead (these types of make out sessions will often lead to sex tbh, they're always really sensual and smooth and he has no intent of leaving u all high n dry)
↬personally he prefers kissing w (a lot of) tongue, but if ur not into it, he'll understand and "do his best" to take that into account (but dont be surprised if you end up w his tongue in your mouth either way 💀 if you like it ? fantastic 😚💖 if you dont ?? he loves seeing u squeal in disgust and try to push him away in surprise LMFAO)
↬he always somehow tastes like sake with a little bit of mint ?;?_(&?$-_??$&? dont ask me how but he does 🤨🚶 that being said he tastes better than you'd expect and kissing him is a magical experience 🤤
↬ranpo's kisses r sweet like candy
↬jk but he does taste like candy so ig that wasnt an entirely inaccurate statement 😚😚
↬he isn't usually one to initiate the kiss tbh, he prefers when you do it LMAO 💀 but whenever he does, they're most likely to be a quick peck to your lips or cheek (he isn't really a fan of any kinds of pda bc he actually gets embarrassed rlly easily)
↬behind closed doors, however, is a different story 🚶🧑‍🦯 hes a lil more likely to initiate the kiss and whenever he does ............ o lord 🧎🧎🧎 theyre fs a reflection of him
↬ranpo's kisses r very fun and airy, !! and out of these three men here, he's the most likely to laugh and smile and giggle in between kisses
↬making out with him is an experience given to you from the gods PLEASSSKEEEE and it's never awkward bc if sth happens you'll both just laugh ab it and carry on
↬usually makeout sessions start bc u gave him a kiss, but he was feeling clingy (not that he'd ever admit it 💀💀💀) so he pulled you back in for another, and another, and another, and hey look at that, you've been kissing him for the past 15 minutes and now ur both gasping for breath
↬doesn't really mind tongue, enjoys it even 🧏 and when he tastes so sweet, how could you refuse him 🧐❓
↬OH MY GOD HIS FAVOURITE THING IS WHEN let me turn off caps okay his favourite thing is when he's eating his candies or whatever (probably like hard candy tho yk so you cant just bite into that shit immiediately it has to sit and melt a lil idk) and u ask him what flavour it is and he'll pull you into a kiss and let you taste for yourself and take a guess (dont be surprised if you actually end up w the candy afterwards, he doesnt mind sharing so long as it's with you <33)
↬RANPO MAKE OUT WITH ME CHALLENGE ;!_(&!-??&!:?:!&(:!:!_!&;
↬chuuya's kisses r nothing short of rough and passionate
↬his kisses also tend to be v rushed and sloppy however that doesn't mean they're not enjoyable
↬i'd dare call him the middle ground between dazai and ranpo 🤨🧐 kisses aren't like every five minutes (dazai im lookin at you 🤨), but rather spaced out throughout the day as to keep you satisfied
↬once again ............. he is a tongue man. he tastes like a fine (slightly sweet?) red wine nine times out of ten (the other one time he just tasted like straight fuckin mint ??? 😭💀 like ur eyes started watering after and he got really concerned like "babe r u ok 😟” and you were like "yeah but y THE FUCK is your breath so minty" 💀💀)
↬i am so sorry everyone here likes tongue, i'll make more hcs like these feat. mfs who don't like it LMAOO
↬he understands if ur not a fan of tongue, so unlike SOMEONE, he'll actually take your personal preference into account and do his absolute best to keep his tongue to himself 🤒🤒
↬ok so similar to ranpo, chuuya loves sharing his wine w you — thru making out kissing ofc 🧎 never passes up an opportunity to take a (rather large) swig and let it pass between your parted lips (might get a lil carried away and slip u a lil tongue but yk it is what it is 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯)
↬he actually has a tendency to get carried away regardless tbh 😚 it starts out as jus like a short lil kiss but yk ............ u come back in for another ............... and another — is anyone else seeing a pattern here 🧐🤨❓ these three men r the best kissers in bsd and i do NOT take criticism — and oops, now ur sitting on his desk with him standing in between ur legs as he starts trailing kisses down your neck before he suddenly remembers he still has work to do and he tells you he promises he'll finish what he started later (and oh boy was it worth the wait 😩😩😫🤤🤞)
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cyan-id-e · 2 years
*comes in through nether portal on fire*
Hey! I randomly got this idea! Basically grian keeps one of the eggs from the easter egg hunt after it starts acting weird because he brought it near the rift- okay reading time- (also sorry if my writing is bad, im dyslexic and type way to fuckin fast)
It was a normal day.. Well mostly normal, this is hermitcraft we are talking about! The redstone engineers are building machines of chaos and the builders are collecting resources for their next brain amalgamation of a build.. Except for our red sweater wearing avian, grian.
He was sorting through chests and organizing them after a few to many times of searching through his chest monster and not finding exactly what his brain wanted then getting very frustrated with himself
He had no idea why he was acting like this, maybe the entity? The rift? He had no clue but that just made him sort and organize his chests out of necessity and impulse, grian didnt know if the other hermits noticed his strange behaviour yet due to him staying in his house most of the time and caring for-
Grian's wings puffed out when his brian flipped like a switch and told him to check the egg he held onto. He had accidentally brought the little thing next to the rift and afterwards grian kept it because for some reason, his brian just told him that he needed to protect it at all costs. He just excused it for his wings coming back in recently, he was always hormonal afterwards.
Grian looks over at the table in the corner of the room that had a little nest made of twigs and soft objects, with the little painted egg sitting comfortably under a heating lamp that definately wasn't stolen from doc. Grian walks over and checks the egg over, carefully rolling it to the other side.
He debates whether or not to tap on the shell like he had a couple times the week before without awnser that had left him disappointed for the rest of the day, he thought it over about 70 times before giving in and just carefully picking up the egg, putting it to his ear and softly tapping the shell
There was a moment of silence, and grian, about to the put the egg back, heard tapping back! His wings puffed out as he looked at the painted egg with his eyes unknowingly watering as he tapped again, in a pattern this time and waited.. The pattern is repeated
Grian smiles and puts the egg back and steps back covering his mouth. He was about to cry in pure joy because his hunch was correct! The little egg is alive!
Grian then thought about telling someone. He quickly pulls out his communicator that was a shade of scarlet and decorated with stickers that were peeling from years of use. He looked through his contacts of people active.. Only him, doc and scar were active.
He looked at both of his freinds on the list, debating whether to tell one or both..
He looked at scar's name, thinking of how clumsy and accident prone he was.. Then looked at doc's name, thinking of how tech savvy and calm he was at all times.
Grian stared at the communicator for a few more moments before finally deciding to invite them both over, Pulling up the chat and sending out a message
<Grian> Hey! Doc, Scar! Can you both come over to my base for a moment? I have something really special to show you
Grian stared at the chat for a moment before it buzzed twice with the hermit's replys
<DocM77> Yeah sure, be there in a sec
<GoodTimeWithScar> Im really far away but I'll be there in a moment!
Grian smiled at the messages and put his communicator away, waiting for his fellow hermits to arrive.
Doc was the first to arrive, landing softly on the path infront of grian's house. Grian went out and greeted the creeper hybrid, making small talk before their elven freind unceremoniously crashes to the ground but quickly recovers as the other two chuckle at his disgruntled hello.
"So what do you want to show us, G?" Doc asks while looking at the avian, grian claps his hands together with a smile forming "well! Remember the easter egg hunt? Well, i kept one of the eggs after i accidentally brought it near one of my projects and.." He trails off after making a excited trill and turns "i just have to show you! Come come!" Grian leads both of the hermits into his home, scar gives his signature smile seeing grian so happy "well your in a really good mood it seems!" Grian looks back and nods in response before leading them over to the nest with the painted egg
Doc looks at the setup "well i see where my heating lamp went" Grian smiles "well i didn't call you over show you stolen items, i called you here for this!" He gently picks up the egg, scar looks at him quizzicaly "i think we know what eggs are, grian" the blonde looks at him "just listen!" Grian then taps a pattern onto the eggshell, the other two look at eachother with confusion before hearing the pattern back, scar jumps back while doc looks at grian in disbelief.
"The little thing is alive?!" Doc asks while taking a closer look at the painted egg, cupping grian's hands to look. All grian does is giggle while both of the hermits look at him confused. Scar pipes up "well do you know when it'll hatch??" Grian looks at the egg and brings it close to his chest "no i dont, but when it does i will be so happy" Doc looks at the scene with his head tilted "well if the little one is that responsive then maybe the hatching date is soon? I've taken care of eggs in the past and they are usually this responsive a week before they are ready to hatch" its turn to grian look at doc with disbelief "wait really?" Doc nods with a small smile.
Grian puts the egg into the nest and trills with excitement as the two other hermits smile at this display of happiness from their avian freind
Seeing this unfold will be very exciting for everyone involved.
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
Can we get some more details on The Incident, specifically the parts between the first moment described and "Scott's heart attack"? Vigilante jornoth just fascinates me k
between the incident and scott's heart attack? sure can do!
the lost prince's house is warm when they enter it, they barely notice it as they're led into a hallway and up a long flight of stairs that don't seem to fit with the image they've created of him in their mind
"sorry about the long trip." he grins down at them, though it seems a bit strained at the corners and they frown. "it's kinda hard getting to the third floor when the elevator's constantly out of order."
"it's a lift." they mumble, and the lost prince stops for a moment, giving him an odd look.
"it's a lift, not an elevator, fuck- fuckin' american."
the lost prince laughs, and its a sound theyve listened to hundreds of times before, both at night as he follows them and- and somewhere else they spend a lot of time at. they blink, their mind hazy.
"why do you live in an apartment complex?" they ask, before they can fully think it through
"fell out with my parents. i either left, or they got to continue ruling my life." the lost prince shrugs, then moves their weight to only one of his arms. "it was an easy decision from there."
they hear a lock click, and more warm air rushes out from the door that's just been opened, flooding their senses in a way that threatens to send them to cloud nine.
they snap a little more awake as they're pulled over the threshold, opening their eyes fully from their half-lidded state when they're settled onto a comfortable surface gently.
they blink as the lost prince begins to move away, leaning forward with an arm that feels like lead and grasping at the edge of his cloak. he stops, turning to look at them. they blink at him for a moment, no doubt gaping in a way that makes them look stupid.
the lost prince isnt wearing his mask, and it easily reveals the swirling patterns on his cheeks that theyve spent years memorising from across the exam hall, or while sitting opposite him in class.
"joey?" they ask, and his face scrunches up, staring at them for a moment longer.
"i'll be back in a moment." he slowly teases their hand free from his shirt. "im going to get a first aid kit." they allow their fingers to be loosened, staring after the person they've known all along as he disappears around the corner.
they sink back into the sofa, slowly covering their face with their hands. god, they've been so stupid. the one person they've always wanted has been in front of them the whole time. aeor above, joey's always talking about the fire prince at school, and he had been so easily available to them this whole time.
they groan, and a weight settles beside them on the couch as they lament their own stupidity.
"is that pain groan, or an im stupid groan?" joey teases, and they peek out from between their fingers to stare at him.
"im stupid." they groan, and he laughs.
"not really, you seem pretty smart to me, especially as you apparently know me."
"you know me too." they say. "im surprised you didnt recognise me before. always talking about the fire prince at school too." they tease, watching as joey's cheeks turn a soft pink colour that looks incredibly nice on him. they grin, and joey sputters for a few moments, looking away.
"youve heard that?" he asks, voice quiet.
"im sure everyone has." they grin, leaning towards him a little. theyre not sure if its the adrenaline or the proximity that's making them so bold but theyve found they dont particularly mind it. "youre not exactly quiet about it."
"mhm." joey looks back at them, a roll of bandage half unwrapped in his hands. "and who might you be then, oh so wonderful fire prince."
"how about we find out?" they grin, leaning forward the extra few inches to close the small gap between them.
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laboflove · 3 years
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Oikawa & Iwa X FR
•Aged up•
Word Count- 2363
❗Warnings❗{Smut, angst, praising, infatuation, ridiculing, cheating, body shaming}
A/N: Thicc Y/N who's dating Oikawa and although he says he loves her it doesnt seem that way.
He smiles as he sees your eyebrows pushed together, you were always so cute when you were angry, he just wanted to keep making fun of you to see that face. "Tooru" you suddenly say making his smile fade, "Yeah?" He says confused and your phone buzzes, "Nevermind, I have to go, Iwa is here" you say then kiss his cheek before leaving.
A frown forms on his face as he sees you walk off, you were always hanging out with Iwaizumi. It made him mad because you were HIS girlfriend not Iwaizumi's. He huffs then leaves as well, whatever, hed just make you remember how great it is to date him.
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You walk in to find him on your bed and he smiles, "Hey" you both say, you climb onto the bed forgetting about today at work and he pulls you onto his chest. "Did you gain weight? Damn" he says with a chuckle making the thoughts come back, "I think, I'll lose it dont worry" you whisper as you move off and onto the side.
He pulls you close, his hands trailing your body making you anxious, you werent skinny like other girls, you had curves and Oikawa would always tease you about it, middle school to now and you always tried to lose weight but youd gain it back. An endless cycle and honestly the last thing you wanted right now was for him to be touching you like this.
Yet you dont stop him, instead closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep but his hands get more touchy, soon enough spreading your legs. "Not tonight Tooru" and his frown appears again, that's the second time this week you've called him that. "Okay" he says then turns around and you both fall asleep, one angry and confused and the other filled with dark thoughts.
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"I just dont understand, shes been calling me Tooru this entire week, why?" He says as he passes the ball to Iwa, "Its your name" He says making him huff. He knew it was his name but you've never called him that before, so why now?!
"I dont like it, she never calls me that so why now? Did I do something wrong?" He says and Iwa stops, "You always make fun of her, im surprised she hasn't dumped you yet" and Oikawa's mouth goes dry. His biggest worry, something he never wants to happen, for you two to break up, you meant everything to him, youd always lift him up, give him pointers and take care of him. You couldn't leave him, you're all he had.
"S-she knows I'm just kidding, I don't mean any of it" he says then the ball flies towards him, "Iwa-!", "It always sounds like you mean it, you tell her shes fat, that shes not pretty enough, that she isnt smart, terrible shit but you never say that you're just kidding. Even then you shouldnt say shit like that to someone who already deals with criticism as it is, you especially shouldn't say it to her because shes your goddam girlfriend" he leaves and Oikawa clenches his fists.
"Hey!" And he looks back, "Do you like her?!" He yells out earning a nod making his blood boil, "I've liked her since middle school, even more in high school and the most right now, but she made the stupidest decision on dating you" and he walks off again.
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"Youd never leave me right?" He asks as he rests his head on your chest, you dont answer making him look up with dim eyes, "You would?" He asks and you sigh, "If something were to happen yes but just breaking up with you for no reason would not happen" and he nods. "Um, what would be the reason?" He whispers remembering the conversation with Iwa, "If one of us cheats, I'd never do it but well..." you stop and he looks up at you.
"I-im sorry, I'll never hurt you like that ever again, so please dont leave me" you nod then place a kiss on his head.
He looks back at the tv but hes barely focusing on it, only remembering that night. He was drunk, saying terrible stuff and when he woke up he found you in front of him, sitting down, looking super tired and your eyes were so dry and red. He didnt know why till he looked around and found unfamiliar clothes, women's clothes.
You didnt talk to him about it, none of you brought it up and soon you were both back to normal but he knew that all trust created was gone.
His thoughts are broken by the familiar buzz pattern and you pull the phone to your ear, "Hey" you say with a smile, why cant you smile like that when you talk to him? Why doesnt your voice get all cute and soft with him? Why is it only with Iwa?
"Oh I'm with Oikawa" you say as your hand runs through his hair, he smiles and even more as you rest it on his cheek. "I-iwa" your hand twitches slightly and he can feel your aura change, "Dont call me until your done with that crap, God, you're worse than Oikawa" you put your phone down and he looks up at you.
"What's wrong?" He asks but you shake your head, "Its nothing, just Iwa being a bit of an asshole" he nods and you look at the tv.
"He doesnt love you, he says all that shit which he shouldnt be saying, what if he cheats on you again huh? "
You let out a sigh then close your eyes, uh oh, you're pissed.
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"Hey" you hear, turning around you see them and shoot a smile, "Hey guys" you say as you slowly come to a stop. "Whatre you doing here?" One asks, "Oh uh well you know working out" you say and they nod. "Any specific reason? You look perfect already" you laugh making them confused, "Yeah right, if I was Oikawa wouldnt judge me 24/7" you say and they tilt their heads.
"Anyways, I'm gonna get back to this" you say with a small smile and they head to the other side, "Whatre you thinking?" Akaashi asks as Bokuto glares in your direction. "I'm thinking that I want to kill Oikawa", "As much as I'd love to help you do that, its illegal" he says and he huffs. "Only if i get caught".
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"Whatre you doing?" He asks as his arms wrap around your waist, you step off and you smile, "Yes" you say and he rubs your stomach, it's not as squishy as before. "I finally lost 15 pounds" you whisper with a large smile and although he should be congratulating you it doesnt make sense. "Whyd you lose weight?" He asks and you look back, "For you, you wanted me to lose it remember?" You say and he looks at you in the mirror.
"I'll love you no matter what", "Haha, yeah right Mr. I want a trophy wife who's beautiful and perfect" you say then move away, his heart clenches hearing you say the words he regrets telling you. He didn't want anyone but you.
"Y-you know I love you right?" He says and you look at him, you dont say anything making his heart break. "I do Tooru, it's just hard to believe" and he looks down, "Okay".
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"Y/N" he says for the thousandth time this night, "Are you even listening to me?! It's like you dont care about me! You're always off with Iwaizumi doing God knows what! Why cant you just love me! Only me!" The tears keep falling but you dont look back and you dont let a sob escape. For three days it's been like this, him finding anything to ridicule about and making sure you knew how terrible of a girlfriend you were.
You stand then look at the tree your parents gave you, well it was meant for both of you, something to resemble your love for each other, always growing and alive till death.
A sigh escapes your lips and you walks up to it, "Just as I suspec-", "If I cut this down does that mean were done too?" You ask surprising him. "What does that mean?" He asks and you turn to look at him, "I want to break up" and he looks down. You're crying, you're actually crying, hes never seen you cry, you always refused to look at him whenever you did so hes never got to see it and he wishes he never did.
"Why?", "Why? Why?! Why else Tooru?! Every second I spend with you hurts me! The love in our relationship cant even compare to the amount of pain there is! You give me so much shit and i try to be better, i try to become someone perfect for you but theres always something! I dont love Iwa like I love you! I never have! I only love you but it's like you dont think i do! Even though you're the one that cheated! You're the one that broke the trust! I should've broke up with you before!" You cover your mouth realizing what you just said and you look away.
You were right but why did you say all that stuff to him, he looks at you but quickly looks away. "I'm leaving" you say then rush past him, "W-where are you going?" He asks as he follows you upstairs, you couldn't leave, not like this. He has to say sorry, he has to fix it, he cant lose you!
"I dont know but I cant stay here" you pack stuff up as you avoid his hands, "No" he suddenly says as you reach for the front door. "Bye" you leave in a rush and he looks around, "NO! GET BACK HERE!" and he falls to ground. It actually happened, you left him, you left him and it's his fault, who's going to love him now? Who's going to help him when he gets sick and who's he going to tease?
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He leans in as he holds you close, "I love you" he whispers but you stop him, "Its been two months yet you still push me away", "I didnt have sex with Tooru till we were five months in" you say but he doesnt stop, "Oh c'mon, you know you want to so ju-", "Can you stop? I'm really not in the mood for anything like this" you say as you push his hands away from your stomach and thighs.
"Oh I get it" he says as he pins your hands above your head, "You think I'm like Oikawa, that I'll point out your flaws, that I'll think you're ugly, that I dont actually want you" he says into your ear and you look away, he was right and you both knew that. "Well guess what, we all have flaws, I dont think you're ugly and damn do I want you" he kisses you hard but your squirm in his embrace.
"N-no Iwa stop" you let out with a soft moan as he rubs his knee against your clothed heat, "Why? We both want this, you just cant admit it" his tongue trails up your neck as you resist him only making him want you more. "So soft and you always smell so good" he murmurs as you grind against his knee although your mind is saying you dont want this.
"So pretty, especially these moans" desperate whines leave your mouth as he slowly undresses you, "Heh, I think we should take this to the bed" he says as he looks down at your naked body.
Your arms cover yourself as much as they can as he lifts you bridal style, "M-maybe we should wait, i-i should lose a few m-", "Shut the hell up or else I will tie you up" you nod fast and he places you on the bed. "Fuck me" you turn red seeing his eyes take you in, he reaches for his shirt and you move up to help him but he pushes you down making you bounce a bit.
"Stay right there" he undresses as you watch, once hes done he spreads your legs making your body heat up and filling you with so many emotions. "So perfect" he says as he pushes in slowly, you hiss slightly at the feeling you havent felt in such a long time. "Ah- no, Haji-!" He thrusts harder and faster making the frame hit the wall, over and over.
"So warm, so tight and it feels so good" moans leave his mouth making you bite your lip, this felt so different, way too different. "Dont think about him" he says as he thrusts hard sending your eyes wide open, "I-I dont know how he fucked you, or if hes a goddamn sub but dont! Fucking! Think about him!" He growls out with a thrust each time, feeling angry that even now you're still thinking about him. "Sorrysorrysorry!"
Pants leave his mouth as cries leave yours, "God I love you, I love you so much" he mutters as he looks at your pink cheeks and tears falling down your face, he lowers next to your ear as one hand holds your thigh as the other holds your head close to him. "I love the way you just clamp around me" his hips slow down, grinding against you, "I feel like coming every time I thrust into you, that's how good you feel" you tighten around him as the praises keep coming.
Why did this feel so good? Just his words were getting you there and it was so embarrassing that he made you feel this way. "I just cant believe that the woman I've loved since I was 13 is finally mine, that were here together and you're in my arms" he stops to kiss you and you sniffle slightly, "You can come now" a soft cry fills the room as you come and he thrusts a bit more leading to groans and a warm feeling in your core.
"You're mine, only mine".
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hvllevator · 4 years
stray kids reaction: sitting on their lap
warning: slight smut but most of them are fluff
a/n: all my braincells went into this pls tell me i did good im about to combust. i hope anon didnt mind me changing the req a bit
Chan was occupied with composing another song when you arrived to pay him a visit. You pressed a quick kiss on his cheek to announce your arrival which he very much acknowledged seeing as he pulled you in for one more kiss, on the lips this time. You smiled at the gesture before leaving him alone so that he could continue his work, and you sat at the couch at the corner of his studio. As time passed by, you grew bored, getting tired of scrolling through your phone. You stood up from your seat and decided to take one on Chan’s lap instead, you somehow managed to squeeze yourself between Chan and the desk in front of him. He didn’t mind having you on his lap, in fact he loved it. You snuggled into his chest as he continued to work on his music, with his hand occasionally rubbing random patterns on your back.
“My inspiration.”
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Minho wasn’t someone you could disturb when he was focused, especially when he was indulged in practicing. Seeing him overwork himself brought a frown upon your face, wanting to somehow make him relaxed. You trudged your way over to him when he sat to take a break. You took a seat on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck so that he wouldn’t be upset for you disrupting his focus, and to your surprise, he didn’t. Instead, he melted into your touch and leaned in for comfort. Letting out a sigh of bliss when he softened and gave in your arms.
“Thank you.”
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Changbin has been stressing over producing new music, lines forming on his forehead from concentrating. You couldn’t help but admire him, his everlasting passion for music. You thought that he needed a break, so you made your way towards his chair and took a seat on his lap. He smiled at your gesture, before tapping on your thigh and shifting it so that you were straddling him instead. You hummed in content, leaning forwards to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Though things escalated quickly when Changbin firmly placed his hands on your hips, pulling you close against him making you grind your hips against his.
“Just what I needed.”
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Hyunjin was being a tease since the moment he woke up, rubbing himself on you but suddenly leaving the bed when you woke up. Needless to say you ended up being grumpy and needy when you left the house to accompany him to work today. He was too busy to notice you sulking in the corner of the studio. When you saw him sit down and take a break, you strode towards him and didn’t waste time in straddling his thighs. His eyes widened at your sudden actions. You leaned forward, your lips barely brushing against his, his breath hitched wanting to just slam his lips against yours but you had other plans. You detached yourself away from completely, hopping off his lap. Seeing his worked out expression.
“Something wrong, baby?” You asked, licking your lips which only made him groan.
“You’ll regret that.”
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It has been hours since Jisung mumbled a word to you, you were lounging in his studio since he invited you to come, which was funny since he didn’t really pay any attention to you, but you didn’t mind. You knew how passionate he was about producing and you weren’t going to meddle with it just to fulfil your needs. In the middle of working, Jisung groaned and spun his chair to face you. A pout was on his face and you could see how stressed he was starting to get. He gestured for you to come towards him, and you did. Slowly walking towards him until you were situated between his legs. He wrapped his arms around your middle, placing his head against your tummy. You stood like that for a few minutes before he pulled you onto him, sitting on his lap with your legs dangling to the side.
“I’m glad you’re here. You’re my rest after a tiring day.”
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Felix arrived at your apartment, after a long day of practice he just wanted to lay down with you in his arms. Seeing you seated in the living room, a game controller in hand as your gaze is intently on the screen. He frowned at your busy state, and he took a seat beside you. You greeted him, his head landed on your shoulder, and you turned to plant a quick kiss on his head before returning to your game. He dramatically sighed when you didn’t stop your game to face him. You lightly giggled before telling him you’ll give him all your attention once your character dies. So he grabbed the control from you and tossed it aside, and of course your character died. You glared at him in disbelief but he only flashed you his eyes that you absolutely adored. Making you weak, you crawled onto his lap. Cupping his face with your hands.
“What a needy baby.” You clicked your tongue, before leaning forward to press a kiss on his lips.
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You and Seungmin had a small disagreement before you had to leave and go to the studio. You could’ve stayed at home, but you were their stylist and they needed you for the shoot they were doing today. Even though you were with Seungmin the entire day, he barely mumbled words to you, only allowing you to do his makeup. You frowned at his behavior, deciding to talk to him about it after his shoot. The hour finally came and you were left with Seungmin at the dressing room, his eyes shut as he leaned against the sofa. You quietly made your way towards him, your figure towering over him. He peeked to see you standing in front of him. He grabbed on your wrist and pulled you so that you were seated on his lap.
“I’m sorry. I missed you, let’s stop fighting please.”
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Jeongin was doing a live, late night in the studio. You were behind the camera the entire time he was live. Watching him greet his fans, you smiled as you watched him happy in front of the screen. Though it was getting late, and you were tired. You could always leave early and wait for him but you thought that it would be rude. So you sat in the corner while you waited for him to finish. As soon as he did, you practically ran to his lap. Pressing kisses on his face. A panic expression washed over his face when he noticed that he didn’t end the live. Reaching over, he frantically exited out of the app.
“Well, now the whole world knows how whipped you are for me.”
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here is my contribution for ace week! im literally squeezing this in at the last possible second (as its 11:32pm on 10/31 as i start this) but better late than never i suppose!!
i dont often talk about my sexuality on this blog, but i do identify as ace and its not something ive ever been overly comfortable with. but seeing the plethora of ace week fics on my dash this past week (mostly by @jaskierswolf, hi, hope you dont mind being tagged) has been so awesome and has made me feel so much more comfortable in myself that i had to write something for this :)
this is some gray romantic/ace geralt with some ace jaskier. warnings for mentions of dubious consent/ not wanting to have sex but doing it anyway. there is no explicit sexual content but it is referenced.
Geralt was a Witcher. His entire livelihood consisted of him doing things for humans: killing monsters, bargaining with sorceresses, fighting wars, protecting them from pretty much anything that could hurt their fragile mortal selves. It had been trained into him ever since he was a child. Do what the humans ask of you. It is your job. 
So why would sex be any different?
Humans enjoyed sex. This was something Geralt had come to learn during his time on the path. What was even worse was that some of them especially enjoyed having sex with Witchers. 
Geralt did not enjoy sex. He was not a human, and it was decidedly a human activity. But that did not stop humans from wanting to have sex with him. Some sought him out specifically, wanting to know what it was like to lie with a Witcher for a night. Others insisted on paying him for his monster hunting duties with a round. He never took pleasure in it. Sometimes he would pretend he did. He had gotten quite good at pretending over the years, learning little tricks that humans seemed to like. But the act of it itself made his skin crawl for days on end and he could feel their fingers and lips long after the marks on his skin had faded.
But he worked for humans. He couldn't deny them what they asked of him. 
He assumed Jaskier would be the same. The man was certainly human, so much so that he would flirt with grass if it came down to it (which, admittedly, Geralt had only witnessed once, and Jaskier had been very drunk at the time, but still). But he never tried to bed him, which surprised Geralt. He knew he was good, if the praises of the the people he'd laid with before were any indication Humans generally needed him for a favor and then left him to the wind. Jaskier hadn’t asked him to kill a monster or help him track down an unruly mage, and it had been years at least since they had first crossed paths. The only logical conclusion that Geralt could come to was that Jaskier was waiting for him to bed him and then he would leave, just like everyone else.
The problem was that Geralt had grown quite fond of Jaskier over the years (and his incessant flirting) and while he didn’t want the bard to leave, he also didnt want Jaskier to be miserable following him around anymore. Five years was quite a long time to wait for a round, especially in human years. Resignedly, Geralt told himself that in the next town he would lay with Jaskier and then the whole thing could be over, and they could both move on with their lives. 
He rented a room with one bed, as they often did, despite there being enough coin for one with two. Jaksier hardly noticed, flouncing off to play a few sets for the locals while Geralt went upstairs to prepare. 
He felt the characteristic tightening of his stomach and the shakiness that always came with this particular activity, but he stripped down obediently, even talking the time to rub some of the oils Jaskier liked to much into his hair before laying down on the bed to wait. 
He didn’t have to wait long. “Geralt! You’ll never believe th- whoa, were you expecting someone?” He stood in the doorway awkwardly.
“Just you,” Geralt grunted. They should get this over with. 
“Me? Geralt...did you think I wanted to have sex with you?”
“Well...” Geralt picked at the blanket, feeling foolish for having to explain himself, he thought that humans should understand these things. “Humans always need me for something. And you dont need a monster killed, so I figured....” “Oh dear heart,” Jaskier walked over and sat down on the bed next to him, running his fingers though his hair. “Please do not take this the wrong way, but I do not want to have sex with you.”
“You don’t?” Geralt was shocked. “But...humans....”
“Not all humans like sex Geralt. I certainly don’t. It makes me skin crawl and I feel all weird after. So I don’t do it. I’m still plenty romantic with people, but I dont get into bed with them.” “Hmm.” Jaskier didn’t like sex either? Maybe it wasn't a human thing after all.
“What it Geralt? That was your I’m-Contemplating-Something hum.”
“It...makes my skin crawl too.” He said carefully after a few moments. 
Jaskier’s hand slowed in his hair. “Dear heart,” he began carefully. “Do you like sex?”
Did he? No one had ever asked him what he wanted before. He didnt think he did. It didnt feel pleasant and he usually had to jump in a cold stream after. “No.”
“Then why did you want to do it with me?” “You’re human,” Geralt shrugged. “Humans either want me to kill monsters or want me in their bed. I serve humans, I can’t turn them down. You are a human.” 
"But you dont like sex?”
“No. I’m a Witcher. It’s probably the mutations. But can still get by.” Actually, now that he thought about it, from what he remembered, he’d never been much interested in it before the trials either.
“Geralt,” Jaskier tilted his chin up to look at him and he saw sadness swirling in his eyes. “Not wanting to have sex is not a Witcher thing. Plenty of humans feel the same way too. Admittedly there aren't many of us, I’ve only come across a few in my lifetime, and I think there's a word for it but I can’t remember it right now. Sex does not interest me either, but there are far more other important things in a relationship than just sex.”
Geralt was confused. “But sex is the only thing people ever wanted me for.” 
“And I’m terribly sorry about that, dear heart, but you’re with me now and I will never make you have sex with me. Have you ever- or wait, is there anything else that you dont like?”
Geralt’s head was spinning, and he was still stuck on the part where Jaskier had said that he would never make Geralt have sex with him. For the first time that evening, he felt his hands stop their shaking and something like warmth bloom inside him. “Hmm?”
“Is there anything else you dont like doing? Besides the sex bit I mean.”
Besides sex....Geralt tried to remember what came along with laying with someone. He usually blocked it all out after. “Kissing,” he finally said. “Burns my skin.”
“Alright, we’ll do none of that then.” Jaskier moved from the bed, beginning to take off his doublet and Geralt seized up for a second, afraid that Jaskier was going go back on his word, but then he reached for his nightclothes. “Are you familiar with cuddling?”
“Cuddling?” The word felt unfamiliar in his mouth.
“I’ll take that as a no.” Jaskier smiled. “Go put your nightclothes on. I think I have something that you will enjoy far better than that nasty sex business.”
So here it was then, Jasper did need him for a service after all. Geralt got out of bed and slowly pulled on his night clothes, painfully aware this would be their last night together before they parted ways for good, before returning to the bed. 
“Right, so youre just going to lay on your side, yes right like that, and then I lay behind you, see? And I put my arm around you like this, and we snuggle.” Jaskier’s breath tickled his hair.
“What do we do though?” “What do you mean, what do we do?” Despite Jaskier’s words though, he didnt seem angry. “This is it. We hold each other and enjoy each others presence. We can change positions, if you want, like you can take a turn holding me for example or I could lay on your chest, but we just hold each other close. Show each other we care. This is called cuddling.”
“Hmm.” As far as Geralt was concerned, it was far better than sex. But he knew it wouldn't last. This was all Jaskier wanted from him, clearly, which prevented Geralt from thoroughly enjoying it. 
“Where will you go?” he spoke into the silence a few long moments later. 
Jaskier paused drawing light patterns on Geralts forearm. “What do you mean?”
“Tomorrow.” Wasn't it obvious?
“Well I’ll go wherever you’re going. Just like we always have?"
“You...you’re not,” Geralt swallowed thickly. “You’re not leaving?” 
“Leaving?” Jaskier’s voice rose an octave. “Why on the continent would I be leaving?”
“You’ve got what you wanted from me, with this....cuddling business. You have no reason to stay.”
“Oh dear heart.” The next thing he knew he was being flipped around to face Jaskier. Jaskier, who had tears in his eyes that were just barely visible in the low light. Instinctively, he reached up to brush them away. “I’m cuddling with you because I care about you, because I love you. Not because I want something from you.”
“Oh.” Geralt didn’t know what to say. Jaskier loved him? No one had ever loved him before, much less cared about him or wanted him to be comfortable. 
Jaskier placed his hand on Geralt’s chest. “You never have to do anything you dont want to do with me. And if you don’t want to travel with me anymore, I’ll leave. You are your own person, Geralt, even if you are a Witcher. And you make your own decisions. You wouldn't take a contract that you felt unsafe doing, so in the same vein, you dont have to have sex with anyone if you dont want to. You make your own decisions. You dont even have to cuddle with me right now if you want to. You choose what you want to do based on what you’re comfortable doing, do you understand?”
Geralt nodded into the darkness. This was all so much. He hadn't been able to make his decisions in...well ever. And now Jaskier was giving him permission to. “I want you to stay,” he whispered. “I....care about you too.” He didnt say that he thought he could love him, he wasn't ready to say that yet. And according to Jaskier he didnt have to say it if he didnt want to. 
“Good. Now that we've got that sorted, come here,” Jaskier pulled Geralt into his chest, running his fingers through his hair delicately. Geralt closed his eyes, never had he felt more safe in his entire life. Who knew humans could be so gentle?
Just as he was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness he whispered, “Jaskier?”
Geralt felt a small smile tug at his lips at hearing how own language on Jaskier’s lips. “Can we do more of this...cuddling?”
Jaskier’s laugh sounded through his chest, vibrating pleasantly against Geralt’s ear. “Of course we can, dear heart. Of course.”
that turned out way longer than i thought it would and its now 37 minutes late but oh well.
throw me an ask if you wanna be on my tag list!
taglist: @percy-jackson-is-sexy- @barlowarts @eminasan @llamasdumpsterfire @stinastar @nonegenderleftpain @electricrituals
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