#and it has just stung all day but also been numb all day just this. this feeling that. so much was riding on this
kurthorton-moving · 1 year
wont be around today bc i am doing a lil rough mentally but i love u all and will probably b back soon
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tadpolebrains · 7 months
Angst brain time
Bg3 Companions Crying
Astarion not crying immediately after Cazador’s body is limp at his feet. Feeling numb, pained, screaming hoarsely, but no tears falling. It isn’t until later that night, back at the tavern, when he’s curled up in your arms and the blood has been cleaned from every part of him that they finally do. And it’s cathartic. Silent sobs at first which make him shake in your arms, then louder against your chest once you’ve assured him it’s ok. You aren’t leaving. He’s allowed to have this. While he practically never cried before that, after that he finds himself tearing up at such seeming insignificant things as he heals. The barrier broke, and it’s not going back up.
Lae’zel not processing what’s happening at first after learning the truth about Vlaakith. What is this foreign wetness in her eyes, and why won’t it go away? Despising how it feels and angrily trying to wipe them away. No, she’s not crying, how dare you suggest that? She must be allergic to all of the idiots surrounding her. When she’s alone, she tries to just get it out and get it over with without witnessing eyes, but gets frustrated when the tears won’t fall. It’s only in someone else’s presence that they seem to insist on forming, and that annoys her to no end. It’s only once she feels completely safe with you that she’ll cry one night in your presence, but god forbid you utter a word about it the next day.
Gale will get teared up over good things. When you first found Scratch, he was so relieved when the poor dog managed to find your camp later that he almost cried while petting him. Give him a hug, he gets choked up. Accepting his condition with the orb and allowing him to stay? Choked up. But with bad things, he isn’t as affected when those bad things pertain to him. His own possible death? Well, he resigned himself to that a while ago. He has more of a freeze and shut down response to bad things than a crying one. Once the final battle is over, though, and he realizes he gets to live… well, he ugly cries into your arms that night.
Shadowheart can only manage to cry by herself. She’s cried some nights about her lost memories, or if the pain in her hand flares up when she’s alone. But in front of other people, even you, she can never seem to. She doesn’t understand it, because she trusts you, but even if she’s upset all she feels is this heavy weight in her chest until she’s alone and the dam breaks. The only exception seems to be if she gets drunk.
Wyll is a quiet crier. He can be crying and still be breathing completely evenly, not even noticeable apart from the tears streaming down his cheeks. And he’ll try to smile through it if it’s something sad, reassuring you as if you’re the only who needs comforting for witnessing his breakdown. One of the only times he’s ugly-sobbed was the night Mizora turned him- until his throat was raw and his eyes stung, alone in his tent. Will tear up if you’re the one crying. On the flipside, also the type to laugh so hard he cries sometimes. He enjoys those moments of sheer joy.
Karlach tears up a lot. She’s just a naturally emotional person, and has no shame for it. Happy? Tears. Sad? Tears? You’re sad? Definitely tears. Cried from sheer relief when she got to cuddle someone the first night after getting her engine fixed. Sometimes, she’ll just start crying for no particular reason, and won’t even be able to explain it to herself, let alone you. “No, soldier, I’m alright. Don’t even know what this is, hah!”
Halsin doesn’t cry much. Years upon years of dealing with other people’s problems, comforting other people, going through long-winded arguments with other druids- eventually, a lot of things stopped making him as emotional as they used to. Even some nights where the guilt of the shadow-curse seem to weigh heavy on his chest, he just feels… stuck. Immobile. But not crying. When the curse is lifted on the lands, though, for the first time in a long while, he finds a single tear slipping from his eye as he smiles wider and more genuinely than he has for centuries.
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tourettesdog · 2 years
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Danny and his friends go missing and Jazz (werewolf, cause vibes) starts exploring the GZ to find him. She's never been there before and only has a journal Danny left behind to go off of as she tries to navigate who is friend and foe. 
Wulf eventually becomes her travel companion.
I also wrote a story blurb to go with this (using speech to text while I worked on the shading lol) Word count: 1532 Warnings: isolation
A frigid wind wrapped around her, stirring the snow and ice. Jazz had never much liked the cold, always preferring relaxing spring days and warm summer nights. Always a bit too cold in their house, where the chill from the lab seemed to creep its way into each corner.
The cold didn't bother her as much now. It hadn't for a long while, not with thick fur to guard against the chill. Still, in the endless field of snow, even her thick pelt did very little to ward off the freezing temperature. 
It stung at her ears, lashed at her snout, and worked its way through the tough pads of her feet until they were numb. The specter speeder lay behind her, the metal hull already being swept beneath the wind-tossed snow.
This was it, Jazz thought. She had finally found her most promising lead, made her way to the far icy reaches of the Far Frozen that Danny's journal mentioned with such reverence, and here she would fall.
Lost in an endless expanse of snow. Buried where none would find her. Forgotten, even by the ghosts.
Lost like Danny was.
Jazz stumbled onward, focusing only on putting one foot before the other. It was all she could do. She could see nothing, save for the white glare of snow, dappled with a green and blue hue that swirled and rippled with the flow of the ectoplasmic sky.
It was beautiful, in its own way. In the strange way that an abstract painting could be beautiful, with its hapless array of colors and shapes. Jazz stared up at it, wondering if it would be the very last thing she ever saw.
Wondering if it was the last thing Danny might have seen.
She still didn't even know if he was in the Ghost Zone. She still didn't know where to start looking for him. Every ghost she had met so far, from the cruel to the kind, had no leads.
No one had seen Danny and his friends, or at least no one was willing to say that they had.
Her legs ached with the effort of sifting through the snow. Great weights dragged at her each step, and it was all Jazz could do to make another. She wanted to rest. She wanted to turn around and go back to the specter speeder, sinking into the seats where she might find at least a trace of warmth.
Jazz turned her head to look for the speeder, but she could no longer see it. She hadn't gone very far, yet the one thing tethering her to the outside world had left,  lost to the swirling white snow.
She took another step.
When jazz was ten-years-old there had been a large blizzard in Amity Park. It happened in late February, just after Valentine's Day, and had buried the town in a sea of snow. Jazz remembered how excited Danny was when it first started to snow. He was gleeful that they had a few days off of school and was prepared to throw himself into the snow with Tucker and Sam for the duration of it.
He hadn't had much time to enjoy that snow.
(Not that Time ever cared how much it gave to Danny.)
The ice on the power lines had left them without power, and without a stove to cook on the already-questionable meals that Maddie prepared became even more so. They huddled up by the fireplace with blankets, staying as warm as they could, but Danny still managed to get sick .
(He was never very lucky.)
Those five days off of school hadn't meant much when Danny spent the majority of them lying in bed, shivering and coughing, and Jazz spent that time worrying over him while their parents worked by candlelight in the lab.
Tears welled at the corners of Jazz's eyes and she couldn't be sure if they were from the sting of the wind or the ache in her chest. 
She took another step.
Jazz wondered what the Far Frozen yetis were like. Danny had described them quite a lot in his journal, much more than many of the other ghosts, and much more kindly at that. He had mentioned a Frostbite, a massive yeti with a frozen arm. He sounded nice, though the name 'Frostbite' felt awfully cruel and ironic to her now.
Maybe they would find her, at least. If she couldn't find Danny, if she was truly doomed to freeze, maybe this Frostbite would find her and be able to give Danny some closure.
(The same closure Jazz so desperately sought now, if nothing else.)
Jazz's chest constricted with a cold that had nothing to do with the frozen tundra around her, just imagining Danny endlessly searching for her.
(Following in her lost footsteps, she supposed.)
Jazz would sooner consign herself to endlessly wander the Far Frozen than she would have Danny fruitlessly search for her.
(And what if her own search was fruitless to begin with? What if she had thrown her life away searching for not even a ghost?)
The horizon blurred together, the crisp white snow melting with the hazy green of the sky until it was all a swirl in her mind. Ectoplasm and ice, every bit a reminder of who she had failed to protect.
Jazz tried to take another step, but her knees buckled.
She hoped that, wherever Danny was, he still had Sam and Tucker beside him. They were always close. Always willing to have each other's backs, no matter what stakes they were facing. 
Jazz wished she could have been a part of that more. Maybe then she would have found Danny sooner. 
They could have been home already, wherever home was now.
The snow piled around Jazz. She no longer had the energy to stand, and hardly had enough to sit up.
Maybe she'd return as a ghost, at least. There was certainly enough ectoplasm to sustain her as one here, and Jazz felt enough aching desire to keep going that she thought it more than possible.
Maybe she'd just rest for a little while. Sink into the snow, which was already blanketing her more and more as she slumped into the drift.
Surely, Danny was never this cold. A cold beyond cold, sinking into a hollow numbness that had Jazz's mind drifting with the wind.
The sky shifted, the sea of green above flickering with streaks of deep blue, an aurora borealis if ever she saw one. 
She remembered how Danny had described it in his journal. He hadn't done it much justice .
The snow shifted, warping, moving. Jazz could hardly keep her eyes open, her thoughts slipping with the drifts of snow.
She wondered what sort of ghost a werewolf would make. Danny had mentioned a wolf ghost in his journal, though Jazz couldn't be sure if he was a werewolf in life or had simply taken that form upon his death. Ghosts could be strange like that.
The roar of the wind was distant, hardly more than a whisper now. Jazz thought she could hear the crunch of snow and the echo of voices lost on the wind.
At least she would get to rest. Maybe not for a long while, but enough time to shut her eyes before she accepted whatever form fate would give her.
Eyes shut, numb to the strange world around her, the snow swallowed Jazz whole.
Warmth. She couldn't remember the last time she felt warm, lost in the zone without a sun to warm her back. Jazz had grown used to the cold, even before the snow of the Far Frozen claimed her. 
And yet she was warm. 
Jazz could remember falling into the snow, accepting her fate… and yet she was warm .
Opening her eyelids was a Herculean task, made no easier by the bright glare that welcomed her bleary sight. Jazz shut her eyes tight again, groaning as she turned her head to the side.
A murmured voice reached her ears, followed by another. Jazz heard a creaking sound and felt the air shift beside her.
She tried once again to open her eyes, this time squinting and finding that the glare had diminished somewhat.
"I'm pleased to see that you are awake at last," a voice said. It was a low rumble, almost more of a growl than a humanoid voice, but the words rang through clearly, as kind and gentle as any voice so deep could be.
Slowly, aching moments that stretched on for ages, the world swam into view. Rich blue hues, underscored by vibrant whites. Fractals of ice, deliberately shaped around dark stone. It looked as though they were in some sort of cave, though it had been altered into a living space with draping furs and woven tapestries.
A hulking form sat beside her. If Jazz ever thought that there was a creature fit to be called a yeti, it was them. He had snowy fur with gray markings, a cloak of deep blue, and icy horns that matched a frozen arm. 
Frostbite. The name suited him; he was every bit the ghost Danny described in his journal. 
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coolcattime · 7 months
Tradegy's Game [Mianite Oneshot]
Written for Day 4 (Grief/Revenge) of MCYT Valentine's Yuri Week created by @mcyt-yuri-week
Content Warning: Contains off screen major character death
Relationships: Captain Capsize/Sonja Firefoxx
Characters: Sonja Firefoxx, Captain Capsize
It barely took two days from them all waking up in this strange place for everything to fall apart. One of their group is dead, clearly murdered by someone else in the group. Capsize's violent reaction to the scene has left her tied up in a locked storeroom, wishing for her original anger back as without it she'd stuck in a horrible numbness, waiting for her own fate to be decided.
AO3 Link
"Welcome! I'm sure you all have questions. Who I am, where you are, why you're all here. Well, allow me to answer! I am Tragedy! Welcome to my game grounds! For the next week you'll be staying here, playing my game, like so many before you! To win this game, simply look at the card you'll find in your pocket: that's the name of the person you need to die! Those who win will be let back to their boring little lives at the end of the week with a fabulous prize! And those who lose? Well, I wouldn’t worry about that…”
- - -
"None of us are actually going to try and win, right?"
"Obviously fucking not. We're not killing each other."
- - -
“Oh gods, he's--!”
"I'll kill you! Whichever one of the bastards did this!”
“Capsize, you need to calm down.”
“No I don't! I'll fucking tear you apart! You absolute--"
- - -
Capsize had finally stopped yelling, realising that all it was doing was hurting her already broken throat. No one was listening. She was completely alone, hands tied behind her to a support pillar so she couldn't leave the dark storeroom she'd been dragged to when they had knocked her out.
"It's just until you calm down," Sparklez had said when she had woken up, confused and still burning with anger. He had spoken as if there was a chance of her calming down, as if her anger wasn't justified. She had screamed at him. She hadn't stopped screaming even after he had hastily left the room just as scared then as he had been when she had been loose. The anger felt like it would never fade, but it had, and she was left here in the dark wishing that reality hadn't set in because her brother was dead.
Those words, those four words couldn't leave her head. A horrible reality that couldn't be real, that absolutely had to be a lie, but for some godforsaken reason it was the reality she was stuck in. A choked noise escaped her throat. She wanted to be able to say she felt sad, that she felt anything now that the anger had been boiled dry, but there was just nothing. Numb. She was just numb. As if she’d drank herself into oblivion but was still stuck in reality. Her tears had all spilt, leaving a headache and itching mess of a face. Her screams had died into a wheeze and a throat that stung as she breathed. Her brother was dead, one of her friends had killed him, and she was empty.
She wanted to hate them all. To paint all those still alive with the same hatred as whichever one murdered her brother for a godforsaken prize, but she didn't have the energy. She didn't have the strength to hate her friends, but she also didn't have the strength to forgive whoever had bashed her brother's head in, to be okay that she was locked in a goddamn storeroom for a human reaction to finding his corpse. So, what if she killed whoever had done it? They’d deserve it, they’d have started it! She didn't care about “winning,” about whatever meaningless prize might be offered, she just wanted to make whoever had killed Redbeard suffer. Maybe that would make her actually feel something, though she somehow doubted it. Maybe she should just wait for whoever has her name to come and collect their prize.
The scratching of someone fumbling with keys came from the door. Capsize stared, waiting. She couldn't do anything, stuck in place as she was. Even if she wasn't, she would have remained still anyway. If someone was coming to kill her, what was the point of pretending she was going to fight back? There was the quiet click of the correct key being found, followed by the heavy wooden door swing open. She looked down, not in the mood for conversation or to face anyone. The shadow cast on the floor was clear enough to change her mind on this.
"Sonja?" Her weak voice asked as she looked up at the woman, her form silhouetted by the light coming from behind her. Despite the situation, she was beyond thankful to see her. Even if she maybe shouldn't, she trusted her. Sonja wouldn't have... Sonja didn't kill him. She was so utterly sure of that fact because if she was wrong then... then she wouldn't have anything left.
"Oh, thank gods you're alive!" Sonja said as she rushed up to her, trying to hold back the emotions because no matter how she was feeling Capsize was doing worse. But she couldn’t hold back her examination because she hadn't been sure, none of them had been sure. Yes, Jordan had said he'd just locked her in the storeroom and had been offended at anyone thinking he was being even a little untruthful, but how was she meant to actually believe anything at this point. Everyone was also insisting they hadn't killed Redbeard, so at least one person was a liar. So yes, maybe it had been hard to shift the thoughts in her head that she was going to come into the room to find Jordan had killed her. How was it her fault that he was being shifty as all hell when she asked about seeing her? And the reason why was now extremely clear as he'd neglected to mention that he'd tied her up. Doing her best to ignore the bile rising in her throat, to bite back quickly seething anger, to focus on cutting the ropes before anything else. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried to get here earlier, ended up having to steal the keys. But I shouldn't have left you alone at all, I'm sorry."
She kept repeating it like a mantra, like there was any amount of apology that would fix the fact that the grieving woman had been left alone tied up in a dark room for half a day. She should've stolen the keys earlier rather than waiting until she was sure Jordan was distracted by other people. She should've argued harder against her being locked up in the first place. She should have pounced on Tucker when he had grabbed her from behind and put her in a choke hold. She should've gone with her that morning to check on Redbeard. She should've-- Her knife finished cutting through the ropes while she was lost in her own thoughts, hitting against the floor sending an uncomfortable shock into her wrists. With her hands now freed, Capsize brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, appreciating the small amount of comfort she gave herself. Sonja came around from behind her, kneeling in front of her with a look that was meant to be comforting, though a smile didn't form and there was nothing in her eyes but sadness.
"Are you--" She cut herself off before she could ask the most stupid question imaginable. There was no possible way she was okay, what was the point in asking? Capsize looked at her, tear-stained face only half lit up from the light outside the room, her eyes devoid of any of their usual confidence.
"Redbeard's dead," She said, her voice wavering and barely managing to say both words, completely dying on the last syllable. Somehow saying it made it all the more real. With no idea of anything else she could do, Sonja outstretched her arms. Capsize had no hesitation about falling into them. She had believed herself out of tears, out of any emotion to give, but the moment Sonja's and were around her, she began to sob. She sobbed into Sonja's shoulder as protective arms were wrapped around her keeping her safe. They had just started being okay again, Red had just started being able to see her and interact like he wasn't overwhelmed with guilt. She had just started to gain her brother back and now? Now, he was gone. Nothing could possibly be okay.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Was still all Sonja could say about the situation. What else was she meant to say? She wanted some way she could fix the situation, some way she could somehow make everything once again fine. Because she had literally brought someone back from the dead before, the woman she was holding had been dead for a decade and she'd brought her back, there was no reason she couldn't bring back her brother. But that wouldn’t fix the actual issue. It wasn't just that he was dead, it was that he was killed by one of them. Even if there was a way to bring him back, it wasn't going to fix the betrayal.
"Has anyone...? Do you know who did it?" She asked in a hollow voice. Capsize already knew the answer, even before she felt Sonja's head shake. No one was going to admit to it, obviously they weren't. If she ever learnt who had killed him, she'd kill them. Wouldn't she? She... was sure she needed to know. Knowing would give her something else to focus on, give her somewhere to focus all the thoughts about her brother being gone. Because the anger had been burning, a blazing inferno that left her with nothing else to think about, and without it she had to sit in the cold numb reality.
“Everyone's arguing among themselves. Martha thinks everyone should just openly show their cards, obviously that idea went down like a lead balloon. Jordan is acting like you're a danger to us all, so obviously half the group has accused him, and he's accused them and... Everyone's a mess, they're all distracted in their own blame games," Sonja spoke with disdain. Some of the others actually seemed concerned for Capsize. Tom had threatened to break down the door when Jordan implied that he was going to leave her locked up for the rest of the week. Spark had caught her stealing the keys and simply nodded in approval before moving on. Some of them cared, but it wasn't enough. Capsize felt her mind swimming. The words felt sharp but somehow barely processed as she tried to figure out if Sparklez had killed him, if the Mystic had and was somehow trying to make herself look less suspicious by suggesting a tell all. Did that make sense? Did any of her thoughts make sense? Her head hurt so much. She buried her head into Sonja's neck.
"I'm so tired," Her words were muttered into fabric, barely audible but at the same time loud and clear. Sonja gave her a tight squeeze.
"Okay, I'm gonna take you back to your room and--"
"I don't want to be alone," Her words were clearer this time. She shook herself out of the hug, instead taking a grip onto Sonja's arm and staring at her. Terrified eyes from a shaking woman bore into Sonja's soul as if she would ever say no to such a request. She placed a hand on Capsize's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.
"My room then," She said with as warm a smile as she could muster. Capsize didn't smile back but her grip relaxed a little. They both rose to their feet, Sonja slightly quicker, helping the other woman to her feet. The pirate barely wanted to move, her whole body felt far away and heavy, but the other woman supported her with every step. No one stopped them, everyone was too busy arguing among themselves to even notice that there was no longer someone locked up in the storeroom.
- - -
A couple hours later, Capsize was curled up asleep in Sonja's bed. She wore the other woman's hoodie, her own coat hung over a desk chair in which Sonja was sitting. Crushed close to her chest, held tight even in sleep, was her brother's hat. It had been found off in the corner of the room where his body was by Sonja. The one piece of his clothing not splattered with his blood, providing at least some comfort, though it could never be enough.
Sonja had collected it, alongside a couple other clues, when she'd been left mostly alone with his body. Just Jeriah watching on as she took a couple things, asking little aside from seeing her card to make sure she wasn’t covering evidence of her own crime. She'd wrinkled her nose, a little offended, but shown him all the same. He'd let her go about her examination with no trouble, just a quiet, hollow laugh when he saw the name. He had still been on guard when she had gone to steal the keys, she wondered if he still was now.
Sonja sat at the desk, a trident lent up against it in case anyone came into her room thinking they had any clever ideas, carefully writing in the blank book that had been atop the desk when they all first arrived. She had previously been using it to try and figure out an escape method, as well as scribbling out theories as to how and why they were all brought here in the first place. Now she was writing a careful list of thirteen names, an arrow next to each one. Also on the desk sat three card sized envelopes, each already opened but still holding their original contents. She knew so few wouldn’t be enough to actually work anything out, but it would certainly help.
The first envelope she didn't need to open, it was hers. She could remember the stark black writing under a stylised image of a woman studying magic. Instead, she simply wrote the name following the arrow next to her own.
Sonja -> Martha
The next was the envelope she'd found in Redbeard's pocket, crumpled but apparently well enough shielded to not be blood stained in any way. She carefully tugged the card out, not the easiest task when it had been bent and creased at multiple odd angles. It did not take more than a brief look for her to understand why it had ended up in such a state. Artfully depicted on the card was the worst moment of the man's life, to Sonja's knowledge at least, she knew before she read the name who he had been given.
Redbeard -> Capsize
Lastly was the envelope she had taken from Capsize's coat. She'd asked permission, of course, though she still felt hesitant to open it. After all she had told her who she had on the card, and she trusted her. She didn't have any reason to lie. But the card also wasn't in the same pocket as Capsize said it would be, the fact of which was bugging her more than it probably should. She carefully placed out the card, hoping that no one had done what she feared the most.
The card didn't, as Capsize had described, depict Jordan holding Ianite's heart. However, it also wasn't as she feared the card depicting Redbeard. She was instead incredibly confused as this card was for Spark, a man who in theory could be mistaken for Jordan, and the picture depicted himself and his Ianite in an embrace. Sonja bit her lip. She didn't understand why he'd done it, but there was only one person who had the opportunity to swap cards with Capsize without her knowing about it. The same man whose insistence on keeping her locked up now made a lot more sense.
Capsize -> Jordan Jordan -> Spark?
She looked at the list. It wasn't a lot of information, but at the very least it was a start. She moved to sit on the bed, doing her best to not disturb Capsize. She looked down at the sleeping woman, wishing she had any real comfort to give her. She wished she could kiss her and everything would be better, but even thinking about their only just official relationship right now left a horrible numb pit in her stomach. There was only one way of helping make this situation any better.
"We'll find out who killed him Capsize, I promise we will," She whispered, taking one of the sleeping woman's hands and lacing their fingers together. And, finally, Sonja allowed herself to cry.
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mandareeboo · 1 year
Unfinished Work #57: "Untitled" (Completed)
This one is a bit wild! When the camping episode first came out I wrote a oneshot about Uzi descending into oil-need back in the bunker- hence the arm in her backpack. But I didn't know if it was all that good- also, I had absolutely no idea how in the hell to tag it- so it's going on here instead!
Title: N/A
Summary: N/A
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The first time is- well, Uzi can't rightly say it was an accident, but it wasn't intentional.
The day had been hell. No sleep, long school day, that stupid dance. Doll had never been a friend or anything, but it was still surprising to see the usually quiet and private worker just... decimate like that. And her hand still hurt from the damn knife. And when she looked down at her fingers, stained an ugly black color in this land of slaughter and insects, it hadn't felt like a big deal.
(She doesn't know N and V, like, super well, but she's seen them feed a half-dozen times. V specifically seemed to enjoy trying to get her to watch during her time in chains, slurping on an oil can with the confidence of someone at a fancy brunch who doesn't realize they're being rude.)
Her ears were ringing, everything stung, and something in her mind whispered why not? What's one little taste? Lots of robots stick their wounds into their mouths to stave off fluid loss. Hell, the disassembly bots had fixing saliva as part of their repertoire for that very reason.
Uzi pops them into her mouth. It's not as gross as she thought it'd be. The flavor is sharp and strong, but it's a fluid every robot smells and deals with on the daily. She's numb to it. She's seen it drunk from the disembodied necks of her father's coworkers. Simple. Easy.
(...Why does she suddenly feel a lot less tired?)
She grabs N's hand as he helps her over the table, the drone completely unaware of her transgression, and Uzi honestly feels okay. It feels... normal. As normal as digging through someone's corpse-covered house can be. Maybe they can laugh about this after- ha-ha, look at the silly worker drone trying out the fluid we eat every day, thinks she's so badass for it.
Then Doll says she's sorry, and Uzi's not okay anymore.
Sleep doesn't come easy for Uzi that night. Sleep protocol has always been a bit finnicky anyway. It's great for recharging, but the slightest emotional mishap can have it cutting in and out like a fuzzy tv signal. And Uzi is nothing if not full of emotional mishaps.
Tossing, turning, feeling uncomfortably hot.
She wishes N was here.
She'd even settle for V. At the very least, the jerk gives her something to focus on.
Uzi's eye is buzzing again. She presses a hand against her visor. It's nothing new. It doesn't help. This isn't a button that needs some extra oomph to be activated. It's deep inside her mainframe, to the point where no one can get it out. (Maybe she's finally going mad. Honestly, Uzi was surprised it took so long.)
Something ugly and red flashes across her wall. Uzi knows that symbol. She's seen it on N and V. It's a warning.
But... her cooling system is still intact.
Isn't it?
Sitting up, Uzi rams her chest a few times, trying to force her fans to kick in. Nothing. Not even a splutter. And if there's one positive thing she can say about Khan, it's that he's always kept her updated.
This is bad.
It's not so bad, the stupid, hopeful part of Uzi says. She usually squishes that protocol deep down inside. Just go get some oil, dummy.
Which makes even less sense! Uzi's a worker bot. They don't need to feast on oil. They get a tune-up twice a year and everything's fine. That would be murder drone behavior.
So what? The more cynical side says. You're basically a murder drone by now anyway. You literally lived with two for a week. You saw N rip a guy's spinal circuit out to get to the main fluid line. He offered you some! You thought it was sweet he was trying!
The cynic did have a point. Besides- if she doesn't fix this now, she can't figure out what the hell is wrong later.
Khan sleeps like the dead. Uzi never understood it- how a man who put his wife out of her misery can just snore his way through everything. But it's always something she's used to her advantage, sneaking tools to make weapons or inventions. Tonight she grabs Doll's keys and stumbles into the hallway. Oh, coordination is not liking her right now.
It feels wrong to be doing this alone. A remnant of her whole trusting others arc, probably. But she can't exactly go outside when she can barely see past the Absolute Solver and 'danger: overheating' clouding her eyes. N would make this so much less scary. He'd probably carry her- he seemed to enjoy hefting her onto his shoulders or into his arms. Uzi had chalked it up to her being, well, a worker drone. It was probably fascinating to be so easy to throw around. N would put the oil in a little cup, or a bowl, and try to joke about it. V would call her a wuss and try to stick an entire head into her mouth.
They're dysfunctional, but familiar dysfunction is so much nicer than what she has to do alone.
There's no strict guard in the bunker, mainly due to people over relying on her father's stupid doors, and Uzi assumes that's why no one comes upon her before she's fumbling the key into Doll's door and thrusting herself inside.
Oil and death. Before the stench had been normal. Now it was... nice?
Uzi hightails it over to the pot. There's no time for decorum. The blaring of her alert is getting louder. She shoves her hands into the mess, ladling out handfuls she eagerly sucks on.
The smell was nice. The taste was suddenly... wrong. Uzi finds herself battling against purging protocol, coughing and hacking.
It's not fresh, a new voice says. It's clinical. It reminds her a lot of the monster J had sprouted from her corpse. It's a mixture of various 'bots, which means the oil quality is all over the place. You need something fresher.
Uzi's fingers dug into the counter. Not possible. It was this or nothing.
(She's never killed another worker before.)
Sucking in a deep breath, Uzi grabbed a disconnected arm. She very carefully doesn't think about the trash can full of missing posters as she tips the oil out into her mouth. The overheating warning slowly peters out as she feels her faculties righting themselves. Strong. Steady. She tilted it back more. It's wrong not to finish a good meal, right?
(She's tumbling out of control.)
Eventually, all that's left is dangling wires. She tosses the limb to the side, hearing it clatter against the tile. Uzi sinks to the floor, pressing her head to the cupboards. She's disgusting. A monster. She's... full. Warm. Tingling with renewed energy.
(Is this what the murder drones felt, all the time? She kind of got it now.)
Robo Jesus, she just drained an arm. What was she going to say tomorrow? Sorry, I got kind of snacky. Sorry, I guess being a cannibal is contagious. Sorry, I need a tune-up. (She's so sorry.)
Uzi shook herself. There wasn't any need to get N and V involved in this. It wasn't their fault she was a disaster. N had always done his best to be kind to her. And V... she was usually too busy doing murder things to do more than snip at her. Uzi would just pull up her diagnostics in the morning, fix the issue, and never have to think about it again.
(She's scared.)
Uzi goes back to her room, slowly and methodically, confused and alone.
(She takes another arm with her.)
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theerrorofmylife · 1 year
Crime Fighter pt. 3
- PART 3 IS UP!!!! Hahahah this was gonna be something completely different but it didn’t feel right so here’s some short, sweet fluff for you guys. There is only 1 more part that I plan on doing for this series, if I happen to get an idea I MAY add to it, but that’s not guaranteed.
update- I did, in fact, get an idea halfway through writing this so there may be 2 more parts coming... I keep digging this hole for myself lol.
Content: Date night gets canceled, so reader stays up waiting for Bat’s to come home.
Part 1
Part 2
Warnings: None <3
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I say this with all the love, kindness, and genuine honesty I have in my 5”5 body: I hate the cold. Years of living in Gotham should have accustomed me to it, but I could never adjust. The way my toes grew numb, my legs covered in bumps and chills no matter how many layers I wore. I was made for warmer climates, sunnier places. But I stayed, first because of my obligation to help Gothamites, but when it came down to it… I stayed for him.
I stayed for Bruce, in this miserable, constantly cold, raining, blurry mess of a city. In the early months of the city, the snow turned to freezing rain, which was somehow worse, and wind blistered and stung. But I stayed. I stayed for blue eyes and dark hair and a stupid grin that only ever really came out when we were alone.
The night never sleeps, the shadows are always watching and waiting. He needed to keep being out there, keep fighting, but he assured me that I could take off the cold season. Believe me, I tried to argue but he knows how miserable I can be, perhaps a little too well since we’ve been… this. Whatever it is. I stay at the tower more and more, and I’ve noticed my stuff in my apartment slowly appearing in my guest room in the tower. I know it’s Bruce, and it’s only stuff I mention aloud, like my headphones, and the next day there they are, on my dresser. If he keeps this up I’ll end up living here permanently. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea.
Since the Riddler incident, Bruce has become more of a public figure. He goes out more, holds more donations, parties, fundraisers. He’s becoming a bit of a philanthropist, not that I mind. Wayne Industries is fueling this city's comeback, and he’s so proud to be doing some real good outside of crime fighting. I’m proud of him, but I’m also adamant on staying in the shadows for now. This is his moment, and news of Bruce Wayne’s new girl becoming public is the last thing he needs.
My phone buzzed on the coffee table beside me.
“We may have to cancel dinner tonight.” Bruce’s voice grumbled through the tiny speaker.
“You traitor,” I heard a huff on the other side as he laughed, “how are you going to break it to Alfred? He was looking forward to cooking.”
“I’ll tell him in a minute. There’s a large number of sightings of Victor Fries near the eastern docks. Gordon has reason to believe it’s a weapons drop, he wants to check it out.”
“Is there no sanctity of Date Night with the GCPD?”
“Gordon’s been married for 30 years. No, I don’t think so.”
“How rude. I’ll be there by 6.” I went to get up from my seat, near empty mug beside me and near finished book in my lap.
“Don’t, I’m taking this one, stay there and stay warm, hopefully I’ll be back before the morning.”
“You’re not serious are you- I really don’t like you doing all of this on your own-”
“Stay. Relax, just be there when I get back.” I grumbled before we said goodbye and I sat back in my chair. Slouching and moody, I couldn’t help but feel some guilt when it comes to Bats being out there again. Tonight was supposed to be ours. The more I thought about it, the more sure I was that if I left now, I could meet him at the police station with time to spare. I wiggled out of my seat, carefully placing my book down, hoping that maybe I wouldn't be heard.
“It might be wise, Ms., if you were to stay the night just once more. The wind is particularly harsh, and with you on that bike of yours, I can just see you ending up in a ditch somewhere.” The old man stood in the doorway of the sitting room, his 3 piece suit looking as spiffy as ever, his brows drawn in concern.
“Alfred…” Alfred was the greatest sweetheart the world had ever known, and the most conniving-
“Just once more, I promise it would be much safer to travel in the morning.” I can’t argue with him, even if I genuinely tried. Looking out the window, the rain was rushing past so fast it was hard to tell if it was really raining or if the wind was a sheet of gray.
“Fine… but Bruce is working tonight, something came up. I guess it’s just us.” He nodded, though I saw in his eyes that he wasn’t surprised.
“Is there anything I can get for you this evening, Ms.?” Leaning my head back, I really couldn’t think of anything much, but I didn’t want to be alone right now.
“Then maybe some more tea, and two good books.”
“Two, Ms.?”
“Yep, one for me, one for you.” He smiled again, and nodded happily before leaving to get the drinks. He and I spent the evening drinking tea, reading, and snacking for hours until Alfred retired for the night. It was about 9 o’clock, so I finished what I could of my book and took it with me down into the train station below the tower. Since my integration into the Bat’s Nest, I made some renovations to the cave with the help of Alfred and Bruce. I put in a couch near the back wall, away from the path of B’s cars and bikes. Since the cold set it, I’ve also added in a space heater or two. After checking the monitores, I put Bruce’s constantly changing location onto the largest screen so I could watch from the couch.
I spent hours like that, laying back on the couch, piles of blankets and a space heater, eyes flicking between the words on my pages and the tracker moving across the screen. I think it was 2 am when I fell asleep, I didn’t really get a good look at the clock before things got fuzzy.
When my eyes slowly opened and shut repeatedly, I woke to icy fingers holding my waist, my whole body jostling and moving. Lifting my head, I realized it was laying on someone’s shoulder, my legs lazily wrapped around a toned waist, and he was carrying me down one of the tower hallways. I hummed a little to let him know I was awake. Bruce turned, kissing my cheek before nudging my head back down on his shoulder. I was too tired to care, not that I minded. My big strong Batman.
He walked us into my room and let me sit down on the edge of the bed. Turning to move towards the pillows, I stopped as I heard his armor hit the floor with hard, sharp thuds. Looking back, he was very slowly taking his plating off, moving stiffly and with slightly shaking fingers. I don’t know why, but I reached over to grab his hand and immediately pulled away, letting out a hiss.
“You’re freezing!!” He laughed a little, continuing to take off his armor.
“Well, Gordon was right. And Fries was there. So, yes, I’m freezing.” As soon as he was left in his undershirt and boxers he reached out, pushing me down on my back and wrapping his hand around my ankle, slowly drawing soft circles on the inside before pulling at the leg of my sweatpants. “You can’t sleep in these- well, you can, but you won’t.”
He was right. Years of sleeping alone had made me accustomed to wearing only underwear and a shirt to bed. When Bruce and I first started sleeping together, I tried to start sleeping in pajama pants or shorts, but it was so uncomfortable that I'd squirm at night, trying to adjust. Bruce got fed up once and damn near torn my shorts off in an attempt to stop me from moving. We didn't go back to sleep that night.
Slowly pulling on the legs of my pants, I lifted my ass slightly and he pulled them off completely, tossing them with the rest of his clothes before he crawled into bed. Large, callused fingers wrapped around my hips, rubbing circles with his thumbs. “Can we stay here all day?”
Its daytime, that's right. The drapes in my room are so dark that it looks like night in here. I had no plans, and I doubt Bruce couldn't just cancel anything if he wanted to. Nodding my head, I hummed out a yes and he slid his left arm under my head while the right pulled my leg over his hip. His right hand slid heavily up my hips and back, rubbing up my spine until he nearly completely wrapped around me. This was his favorite way to sleep, a tangled mess of limbs, hands, and 100% skin contact. His icy hands slowly soaked in my body heat, his whole body slowly relaxing under the blankets. Something about the way we were laying, facing each other, wrapped in each other, reminded me of the night I first came here.
Months ago I was pining after this man, desperately searching for some sort of peaceful normal where I got to have my cake and crime fighting too. Now I sleep in his house, and he voluntarily sleeps in my bed rather than his. We spend entire days together planning better things for the city, and entire nights running the streets looking for trouble. Somehow I managed to turn my work friend who I had a life altering rush on into the love of my life. I wouldn’t trade him for the universe.
If you wanna be tagged message me <3
@wolfie1494 @tumb3ld0wn @projectcampbell @niviiera @dur55 @spidercat
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thewholecrew · 9 months
@deathvisited said: [ support ] sender quietly sitting down next to receiver to let them know they're there --- caleb and kassy
it was about as hard as she imagined it was going to be, having to essentially team up with the one person both her and caleb wouldn't ever want to encounter. grant ward. with his connections to a classified SHIELD procedure, he was their best bet in bringing sebastian back. despite how much she would prefer to kick and scratch and claw at grant for breaking her best friends heart, the feelings very mutual from caleb she believed too, they were forced to begrudingly work along side him. it wasn't enough that though dead, she could still see sebastian, see his pleading expression that if she wasn't going to stop trying to either find who did this or how to bring him back that at least she could try and get along with the man with the most information about it. the man she could tell he still clearly had feelings for.
she hated him, caleb hated him and the aura between the three were tense, filled with anger and grief, and jealousy between the two men. kassy also hated that most of what she and caleb could do were read redacted files, scan the database for any hint then wait for grant to give them any left over information. she would have much rather went to ted for this but she assumed his mission at this point was to hunt down the heartless, evil, rotten bastard who did this. she hoped ted made him pay, made him suffer ten times the amount that she knew her poor best friend had. from the state of his body at the morgue -- so she'd heard at least, thankful despite how badly she had wanted to be there to see him, she hadn't.
it was another day that seemed as if it was pointless. grant was off god knows where doing god knows what and it was just her and caleb sitting in this hotel room together. both sebastian and grant had warned them how dangerous this would be so they were held up somewhere completely random that was deemed safe, she wanted to scoff but instad she just felt defeated and the grief was overwhelming once again. whether sebastian was roaming around as some sort of entity or ghost, she still wanted him back, alive, how he should have been so he could return to her and caleb, so that his mother wouldn't have to cry herself to sleep every night, so that the tears caleb and kassy cried would be joyful.
she felt the bed dip beside her as caleb sat down with two mugs of coffee. sad, tired eyes lifted to look over at him, giving a small thankful nod as she took the cup from him if just to warm her hands rather than drink it and leaned her head against his shoulder. they had been leaning on one another for a while now and she was beyond thankful for him because she wasn't sure she'd be able to do this alone. dark eyes grew glossy as she took a numbing sip of her coffee, free hand gently going over his where he placed it in a comforting motion on her thigh. "he's not here right now," she told him quietly, knowing it was what he was probably biting back asking. she always felt that small sting of guilt at the fact that both she and grant could see sebastian, yet poor caleb could not.
"i know.... this has got to be so hard for you," she began, hand holding her mug trembling a little as tears stung her eyes. she placed the mug down on the bedside table before she turned towards caleb, looking up at his equally glossy green eyes. "but i don't think i could do this without you," she confessed, speaking her thoughts aloud. her arms slid around his slender frame as she hugged him tightly if to try and comfort both him and herself, eyes falling closed so the tears caught in her lashes. she knew there wasn't much either of them could say and didn't blame his silence as his free arm wrapped around her too. they were going to bring him back, but with grant in the mix... what did that mean for caleb? she was sure he must be fearing that yet still is doing all he can.
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xxghouliexx · 2 years
Bittersweet Reunions
TW: Impure regression, mentions of blood, a couple curse words, mentions of possible injury (let me know if there’s anything I left out)
Also, this is not Beta’d, so I apologise if it's really bad
Fandom: Fable 2
Sparrow sat with their sword besides them, the blade stained with thick coagulated blood. She had not the time nor energy to clean it yet, so it was just left to dry on top of days' worth of other blood stains. She was somewhere in Westcliff, somewhere in the woods, in the in between of the camp and Brightwood.
They gazed forward yet unseeing, there in Albion but not quite. Sparrow's brain felt weird unlike any feeling they had had before. Fuzzy almost. She felt almost like a child again but that couldn't be right. Never in her years of travel and adventure had she ever felt like this before. It put a numbness in their muscles that left them in a terribly dangerous state. She hoped that if any man or creature were to attack that she would be able to react in time. That a Balverine wouldn't slash out her only remaining eye because for whatever inexplicable reason they couldn't seem to get their body moving, couldn't think past simple wonder of the leaves swaying in the wind or the twinkling of the stars they could only just barely see.
So caught up in their wonderment she did not hear the disturbance in the forest. Not the crunching of leaves and twigs underfoot or the grunts the intruder left out followed by a muttered curse word. Didn't even hear as they crept forward or feel the presence behind them.
A hand placed itself onto their shoulder.
Swinging around, hand extended towards where the attacker's chest should be. Her hand crackles with flashes of blue light prepared to defend herself if need be. Her body trembles uncontrollably as they let out shaky breathes.
"Bloody 'ell Sparrow!"
That voice... they knew that voice.
Sparrow looks up finally to see the frowning face of a woman she thought was never coming back. " 'Ammer?" they squeak out with a croaky thin voice. Hammer looks at them with wide eyes as her mouth falls open, then closed and open again. Hammer was at a loss for words.
Hammer tries to say something, but words fail her again. They look at each other in silence for a while before she has regained herself enough to speak. "Y-you just spoke to me?" Hammer's words come out more like a question, as if she was questioning her own ears. "You actually spoke to me Sparrow, didn' know you could do that"
The entire time that the pair had known each other, Sparrow had not uttered a single word. Not a 'hello', 'yes' or 'no', not even her name. They had been mute ever since they could remember, any time they had tried to speak to someone nothing would come out, a tense uncomfortable feeling strained her throat. So, she had stopped trying, what was the point?
Shrugging her shoulder's, they peered up at Hammer with big doe eyes. They were just as shocked, if not, even more so than she. Had they just spoken? She didn't know. Her mind was reeling they didn't know what to do.
Something wet fell onto her cheeks, her face scrunching up at as she looks up to the sky. No rain. Huh? That was odd. More droplets hit her skin until they were flowing down her chin. They couldn't think straight their thoughts felt all jumbled up into one big ball of knots. A sob echoes, bouncing off of the trees in the silence of the night. Jolting, they look around for the source of the sound. Was that some other unknown person? Was that Hammer?
Hammer bends down so that she's eye level with them "Are you hurt? Why are you cryin'?" her words are full of concern as her eyes roam over their body to check for any sign of injury.
Oh, they were the one crying...
The sobs that were once in frequent quickly built up into constant wailing. Sparrow's body quivered violently as each sob and cry tore its way through her body. Her eyes stung with tears as they continued cascading down the plains of her cheeks. They rub violently at her bloodshot eyes trying to get it to stop. Hammer reached out and in cased their hands with her much larger ones, stopping her from rubbing them raw. "Its okay... its going to be okay, I don't know whats happening but I'm here to help." Her soothing words wrapped around Sparrow's fragile mind lulling it somewhat. It reminded her of her late sister, Rose. The way that she could soothe Sparrow with her words and a long embrace in her thin arms.
Sparrow moves forward on the dirt until she was touching Hammer. She lifts her shaking arms making grabby hands at her. She just wanted to be held again, even if it wouldn't last long. Hammer freezes not knowing what Sparrow was asking her. She looks around to see if there was something she was missing before pointing at herself. Sparrow nods rapidly scooting even more until she was in between her legs.
Hammer takes a deep breath trying to slow down the racing questions in her mind that she knew she'd never get the full answer to anyway. She sits on the grass, the blades flattening under her weight and places her hands underneath Sparrow's armpits. She heaves them up off of the ground and onto her lap, wrapping her arms around them in a warm hug.
The both of them let out a sigh. They hadn't felt intimacy like this in a very, very long time. They sat like this for hours. The sun having gone up hours ago. Hammer's fingers comb through Sparrow's shaggy hair as they snored loudly in her lap. It had been a while since they had slept if the bags under her eyes were any indication. Hammer felt something swell inside her, she didn't quite know what it was, maybe a maternal instinct? She wasn't quite sure, all she knew is, it felt right?
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moon-sang · 2 years
Could I request reader gets hurt but doesn’t want to tell Din Djarin cos reader doesn’t want to distract him from the kid? Also I LOVE UR WORK! ♥️♥️♥️
STUCK - Din x Reader
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SUMMARY: Grogu has just been rescued from Gideon, The Crest was in good shape, Din was happy! Everything seemed perfect…. Except they weren’t…. Just as you made your leap to the Crest Gideon manages to slash at you hip with his saber, Din is having such fun with the kid you don’t want to seperate the two of them, with your issue.
WARNINGS: angst, reader is wounded, description of wound (not too gothic), reader hides wound from Din, pls tell me if I miss anything
~~~~~ Your breathes were ragged and heavy. Your head pounded, and your left hip screamed at you, shooting blinding pains through your abdomen.
You applied more pressure onto the wound hoping to suppress some of the pain, but only aggravated it even more. You silently whimper, tears stinging at the edges of your eyes. “Mesh’la?” Your head whips up, eyes meeting Mando’s glossy black visor. “Y-es” you reply through gritted teeth. “… we’ve been busy for the last three days tracking Grogu and today, rescuing him, you’ve barely had time to shower…. I’m playing with Grogu at the moment, why don’t you have a shower, and when your done I’ll have one?” You couldn’t use words to express how grateful you were at that moment, so you offer Din your biggest, and warmest smile instead with a small nod. ~~~~~
The steaming hot water worked wonders on your skin as it washed down every inch of your body. For the first few minutes the water stung like hell, especially on you left hip, you were even tempted to turn it off at one point, but it got better. You scrubbed the dust and grime off your body, taking special care on your hip. When you reached your hip, you gently washed some of the blood off. The blood was sticky and as water trickled down your hip, a clot of blood splashes down the drain with the water. You sigh. The buzz of the darksaber still rung in your head as clear as day, the strike of the darksaber haunted you and you shiver regardless of being in hot water. You take in a small breath and step out of the shower.
Once your clothes are on and your hair is dried enough, you make your way to the cockpit. You make sure that you put on an oversized jumper because you knew your wound would leak through the thin clothing you wore now. If there was a medkit around, some bacta, or at least some bandages you would’ve taken care of your hip yourself… but there was nothing…. You ran out of medkits way back when Din really wounded himself, and haven’t had the chance to go shopping since. 
As you climbed up the ladder to the cockpit you could hear joyful babbles and the deep throaty chuckles that you held close to your heart from Din. He was so…. Happy. You feel a small smile tug at the edges of your lips as you approach the two of them. Big beady eyes met yours as you sat next to Grogu and cradled an arm around his small figure. You smile at Din and say “Your turn” whilst rubbing the small silky hairs at the top of the kids green head. As you turn your attention to Grogu a blinding pain ripples through your hips, making it’s way all the way up to your chest. Your vision goes black, your breathes become even more heavy, and your head almost feels…. Numb. This time you can’t help but let out a choked sob. It was a loud yelp and it bounced off the cockpits walls. A small green claw rests on your arm, but you can barely recognise it because the pain doesn’t subside this time. The wound doesn’t just sting… but it burns as well. You try desperately calling for Din but nothing but a whisper of his name comes out. Your back hits something cold, you can’t tell if it’s the wall, or the floor, your world is spinning and you can feel your blood slowly begin to circulate around you on the floor. You try one last desperate attempt of calling for Din but you just can’t feel anything, nor control any part of your body anymore. So you just lay there limply. Your eyes are heavy but your inner fighter kicks in and you force them to stay open for as long as you can.
Din walks into the refresher, ready to strip his clothes and take a nice… warm…shower, when he hears a muffled noise. It peaked his interest… what was that? He presumed you were just mucking around with the kid. So after a few minutes of waiting to see if any other noise comes he steps into the shower now fully undressed. Momentarily after he turns the steamy water on he hears a small knock. He turns off the water to clarify whether he was hearing things or if someone actually knocked…. But there it came again… knock, knock followed along with a line of babbles and coos. Din sighs to himself. “One minute kid I’m in the shower” Din shouts.  Din is about to Turn the water back on when he hears the knock again. “I said… just-a-minute!” Din growls a little more sternly. When Din hears another knock moments later, he quickly dries himself off and pulls his clothes on. He smashes his hand on a button which opens the hatch. On the other side of the hatch stood a small green alien with innocent glossy eyes, and two floppy ears. “What?!” Din questions as sternly as possible. Grogu’s small claw slowly points up the cockpit where you laid. “Huh- what is it?” Din says a little more gently now. “Patu” Grogu responds with a cute voice. “Y/n?” Din shouts confused. No answer. Din felt his heart drop as he played over the things that could have happened to you whilst he was in the hull of the Crest showering. With that he runs and climbs up the ladder to the cockpit.  ~~~~~ You don’t know how long you laid there on the cold floor of the Crest, but eventually a silver blur came into your sights. Warmth (most likely from a hand) rested on your wound and you twitched. Your mind wouldn’t focus on one thing - it was like one of those moments when you woke up in the middle of the night but were still half asleep and couldn’t focus on anything clearly. “Din” you manage to croak out. You heard him say through a muffled voice “it’s………ok…..fine…….your fine………Mesh’la……your…….safe…………gonna…hurt……little…….bit……ready?………..1…….2……-” you jolt up as an electricity surges through your body, you yelp in surprise at the same time. “Hey, hey, hey!- I got you.” He cradles you in his arms until you slightly calm down… air had definitely returned to your lungs but you knew you needed bandages. “Stay-here-one-second” Din murmurs to you. He pushes you up slightly against the wall so you sat up a little and went away to get something.  ~~~~~ when your eyes open to light Din is no longer a blur and your lying in the cramped space of his bed. “Hey cyar’ika” Din says whilst rubbing light circles on your head with his thumb. You slightly smile. “W-where’d you get the bandages?” You question as you realise your stomach is wrapped up all the way down to your ribs. “I had spare bandages in my drawer……. Why…why didn’t you tell me?” You break eye contact with him for a second. “I-I -I didn’t want to bother you with my wound when you were having such fun with Grogu.” You almost whisper. Din moves back in shock. After a few moments of silence he finally replies, a bit too stern for your liking at first. “You listen to me mesh’la …… you will never bother me.” You crumble at his words and tears spill out over the blankets. Careful not to hurt your wounded hip Din takes you in his arms and gently kisses your forehead whispering sweet nothings to you… he was so tender with his family…. You really did  l o v e him.
- hope you enjoyed mandaloriansgal 😁 
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finelinevogue · 3 years
the fact that Y/N has post natal depression Is somewhat refreshing idk I just don't see it talked about much on here and if it is it's like Hella angsty and the partner doesn't understand what it is but I was wondering if u could touch on it a bit more cause it's something I'm really scared about happening to me and I just want harry to hold me and tell me it's going be okay 😚😚😚😚
P.s. if u don't wanna it's understandable
anon: can u write about harry helping y/n through her ppd maybe like the 3rd time was so bad that h decide that he won’t be having more children
so this was requested twice so i would love to be able to write this for you both, hope this is okay - mind it’s heavily angsty!;
tw: vomiting, ppd and od
oli - 4, felix - 3, belle - 12 weeks
Motherhood was really fucking hard.
The birth of your newly born daughter, Isabella, had really taken a back pedal on your mental health. You had suffered with post natal depression after the birth of your two sons, but nothing as bad as this.
It had hit you around the 7 week mark after giving birth. The pregnancy itself was okay, even though she was slightly premature, but it was after you’d taken her home that it’d all spiralled downhill. It started with complications with her breastfeeding - like she was rejecting the milk that you had produced. It hurt to see her reject you and your body, finding more comfort in drinking from a pre-made milk bottle as her dad rocked her to sleep. You recall the evening so clearly and felt like an utter failure as you watched her drink a bottle of formula for the first time.
“Ssh ssh,” Harry cooed to your 7 week old daughter as he rocked her in his arms on the rocking chair in her nursery. She was whining because she was hungry, but the problem was that she wasn’t accepting your milk. She hadn’t been accepting your milk all day and now it was becoming dangerous for you to keep on saying ‘Oh i’ll just try later.’ Harry had told you to make a formula bottle for her. “Mummy’s coming.”
As much as you didn’t want to, you were walking back to the nursery with a warm bottle in your hands. You’d tested it on your hand to make sure it wasn’t too hot and then taken a sip to taste it, out of jealousy, and you thought that it didn’t taste any different to you. Then again you’re not a 7 week old human whose only date is milk.
“Look here’s mummy with your yummy milk, okay? Look Belles!” Harry cooed at his darling angel and you only wished he wasn’t as happy for her as he was.
“Yeah.” You spoke softly, handing him the bottle and standing nearby, part of you hoping that she would reject this too and she wasn’t just rejecting you.
But no, she drank the formula like it was her last meal.
“Such a sweet girl, aren’t you?” Harry praised her, watching her in awe as she kept on drinking the formula. Watching as she was drinking to become the strong girl you knew she’d become. It just hurt that it wasn’t you that could help her become that.
You felt powerless. Worthless, even. The one thing that you had carried the weight of your breasts around to do and you couldn’t even do it. Your nipples were so sore and your breasts ached so badly and it was all for nothing. Perhaps it was punishment for being such a bad mum. Perhaps you’d never been good enough for this job and it was your bodies way of shutting you down forever. You wouldn’t need the ability to produce milk anymore, because you weren’t worth the title of becoming one again. You wanted to be happy for your little one, seeing her happy but all you felt was rejection and sadness. She didn’t think you were good enough to be her mum and that really hurt.
Along with the breastmilk problem, Belle also became very stubborn when you wanted to change her nappy. Anytime you tried to change and help her she put up a fuss, kicking her legs and sometimes she would bite or hit you away. It was just a reminder that you weren’t a good enough mum for her and that she didn’t feel safe enough around you. She didn’t find comfort in your presence and she was so fussy about what you did around her. With Harry, though, she was an angel. She loved him so much and obviously he made her feel so loved and safe - something you’d clearly never be able to give her.
There was also the chores of being a mother to your other two sons too. Oli and Felix were old enough to understand that they had a baby sister, but they weren’t old enough to understand how miserable you were. Harry wasn’t even able to figure it out yet. You tried your best to put on your bravest face, knowing that your family needed you to be strong but the truth was that you were crumbling on the inside. You were feeling less and less like yourself and you were waiting for the moment when you’d completely fall apart. Nothing felt right anymore. Everything was just numb.
“You two boys okay?”
You walked into the children’s playroom see that they were sat at the little table colouring in. Felix’s little legs dangled slightly, whereas Oli’s legs touched the floor and it made your heart swell at how big they were both getting.
“Yep!” Oli cheered, scribbling with his left hand as his tiny tongue stuck out from his lips as he concentrated - a habit passed onto him from his father.
“What are you both drawing?” You asked, coming over and kneeling on the floor beside them and having a peek at their drawings.
“We’re colouring for daddy.” Felix answered, some of the words not being pronounced properly due to his young lisp and lack of being taught how to say things correctly yet.
His words stung though. You appreciated that he was only a toddler and he meant nothing evil or malicious by it, but it hurt to think that maybe, just maybe, your sons were doing this for their dad because he did so much more for them than you did. Of course you tried to be the best mum you could, but maybe you weren’t doing enough. Maybe you weren’t meant to be a mum after all, or at least not a good one.
“O-oh,” you tried to hold back the tears in your eyes because your boys looked so proud at their artwork - and you should be too. “Tell me about them then, my loves.”
Oli went first, “So this is me and this is Oli and this is dad. It’s us playing football like we did the other day, mummy.” He pointed out to each of the figures, some looking actually quite terrifying but you’d never have the heart to tell him that. The figures were all holding hands though and it hurt to think that you weren’t a part of that.
“Oh that’s so good Ols!” you rubbed his head of hair and then turned to Felix’s, “What about you Fix?”
“I drew daddy as the best.” He pointed to a trophy that the figure - more like a stick-man-slenderman - was holding, which was decorated with the award of ‘my hero’.
“I told him to write hero, mummy.” Oli added, and you smiled at both of them.
“Well done. Good job both of you. Daddy will love these!” You only wished that they would draw something for you. You hated to think that you were being petty, but honestly you just wanted to feel loved. “Shall I go cut up some apple for a snack, hey?” You asked, trying to feel useful.
“Daddy is making us smoothies!” Felix answered and you had to stand up, up and away from their heigh, so they didn’t catch the tears in your eyes.
“Okay! Don’t forget to give him those pictures - he’ll love those.” You praised them and they both giggled to each other.
The sight of your sons laughing should’ve made you so happy, but it only reminded you that you weren’t the source of their happiness. You weren’t on their mind enough to be their inspiration for drawings. You definitely weren’t their hero. You were just a woman to them, not a mum. You wanted to be so much more but it was clear that they didn’t need you. They were loved by their dad and each other, not in need of your heart.
Eventually Belle settled down and was sleeping better through the night, leaving you and Harry to much more peaceful nights sleep. Well, just Harry.
You had found it near impossible to get to sleep now. You lay awake at night wondering when Belle would next wake up, wondering when she’d next need you. Harry was always quick out of bed though, even if he actually was sleeping, to help her ordering you to stay in bed and rest yourself. You couldn’t help feel like he was telling you to stay put because he knew you wouldn’t be able to do your job properly - and you started to believe him.
You’d found yourself getting jealous of those that could get to sleep. When you were walking down the road you’d judge a person by how much sleep they looked like they got last night. You definitely looked like you only had 2 hours - even when you’d only had 37 minutes but who’s counting? Your dark circles were heavily noticeable, but no one cared enough to ask. Even Harry stayed clear of you more and more often; spending more time with the kids than you and sleeping on his side of the bed instead of yours at nighttime.
There had been one evening where you had been so restless that Harry had gotten so frustrated and left the room, with a blanket and a pillow, and slept on the couch. You’d never felt so much like a burden than that night. Your family was rejecting you and you felt like a failure. You were a success at failing in everything. The meals you cooked went half eaten by everyone because you would’ve forgotten to add a key ingredient. The children preferred to spend more time playing with their dad because you weren’t energised enough to play the games they wanted to. Your daughter still rejected your milk. It was all too much and you just wanted one nights peace for it to change.
Last night had been that night.
Fuck these were so addicting. You were finally getting the sleep that you so badly craved, only with the help of tablets.
You wanted the sleep because that was the one place you could escape to. You needed that escape to help you get out of bed the next morning. Life was too hard for you to not dream, and without dreaming you didn’t want life.
It started off with taking one every night before bed, but then they stopped working again, so you started taking two, then three. Four was obviously where your body hit its limit.
“Mummy? Can you come tuck me in please?” Oli asked, little toy giraffe in hand and shaking you in hopes of waking you up to send him peacefully off to sleep.
You’d gone to bed a bit earlier tonight, lying saying that you were extremely exhausted. Harry said he would be able to handle things and that’s when you excitedly ran upstairs to take your pills; 4 of them. You’d made it into your bed, feeling slightly drowsy after completing your nighttime routine, but then you started to feel unwell and really ill. Before you’d passed out you’d stuck your fingers down your throat in hopes to make the feeling in your stomach disappear, but it ended up you throwing up all over the bed and pass out right there.
“Mummy! Wake up!” Oli rattled your back, but you were still unresponsive.
Oli padded out of the room and down to his sisters room where he knew his dad was. Belle was being extra fussy this evening and Harry suspected it had everything to do with you retiring early. He heard Oli come into the room just as he’d gotten Belle down.
“Y’alright buddy?” Harry whispered, tip-toeing out of Belle’s room, leaving the door open slightly, and crouched down in front of him.
“No. Mummy’s not waking up.” Oli pouted, rubbing a tired fist over his eye.
“She’s probably in dreamland, bud. She was really tired today.”
“She’s really tired all of the times.”
“I know, Ol.” Because Harry did know, but he was too much of a coward to face up to the problem. The doctors had said that post natal depression can strengthen with every birthed child, but he was too blind sighted by the fact that you’d overcome the first birthed post natal depression so quickly, and was so in love with his baby girl, that he didn’t truly see how bad things had gotten. Harry had tried giving you some space, distancing himself from you in bed and spending more time with the kids so you could relax and rest up, but nothing seemed to be working. He was surprised, actually, that you’d been having better sleep recently and so was hopeful that maybe the worst of the depression was over.
Hell, was he so wrong.
“Go to bed, bud okay? I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Wake mummy up so she can give me a kiss.”
“I’ll try little man, alright?” Harry scuffed his sons hair and then watched him walk off to his room.
Harry walked into your dark room, the air smelling slightly sour, and walked around to your side of the bed. He sat down next to you sighed heavily. He needed to speak to you, no matter how tired or angry you’d be with him. He was losing you as a wife and a mother and a soulmate and a lover. He was just losing you, just as you were losing yourself and he was doing tip-toeing around the problem any longer. He was going to try and make this better. He was going to better understand how you were feeling in order to help you.
“Baby?” He spoke softly, nudging you gently, “Baby wake up.” No response. “Y/N, my love? Wake up for me darling, need to speak with you.” Normally you would’ve stirred by now but there was still nothing. “Y/N?” Harry shook you a bit more urgently now - one that would surely wake even the deepest of sleepers. “Y/N!” He shouted, perhaps a bit too loudly for the comfort of his children.
He turned you over and that’s when he knew this was very, very, bad.
Your face was pale grey and your mouth was covered in the remains of vomit, and he suddenly understood the gross sour smell from before. Your hair was greasy and stuck all in the wet sick all over your face. Your eyes were puffy from the remains of tears. You looked dead.
“No, no, no. Y/N! No you don’t.” Harry’s eyes starting weeping and he couldn’t think straight. He checked your pulse on your wrist and timed it - it was unhealthily faint. He wouldn’t be surprised if you were in your last beats of your heart. His tears and sobs were uncontrollable, but he had to be both strong for you and his children, as well as for him. “Fuck sake pull yourself together Harry. Okay, baby hold on please. Okay? You don’t get to leave me like this, you hear me? I love you so much, baby. Fuck i’m so sorry.” He gently placed your head back down on the pillow and pulled out his phone.
“What’s your emergency?”
“I need a-an ambulance p-please. I-I think my wife i-is dying.”
The rest of it was a blur for Harry. Him trying to wake you up. The ambulance arriving. Oli and Felix crying when they saw you being carried away on a stretcher. Belle’s deafening screams. Harry’s heart beating for the both of you.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
It was the rhythmic beeping sounds that woke you up.
Your whole body felt achey and sore, your head a pounding mess. You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting them to the light of the room. You expected to see the family photo on the wall opposite you and the white of your curtains, but you were met with a heart-monitor machine and a hospital bed instead. You looked down at your body and noticed a cannula in your arm, making you squirm because you hated stuff like that so much. Your nose had a tube running inside it too, feeding you the oxygen your lungs weren’t receiving properly.
It then dawned on you how you weren’t in the room alone. You saw a sleeping Anne and Gemma on the chairs in the far corner, with Felix and Oli tucked against their sides - Anne with Oli and Felix with Gemma. It was so cute to see them so cuddled up close. They looked peaceful. You took note of the baby pram that was at the end of your bed, most likely playing bed to your beautiful daughter. Your mind felt lost. You can’t really remember what had happened, apart from taking four of those sleeping pills. You fully remember the weight of feeling worthless and useless as both a mum and a wife, though, and that feeling was still very prominent.
Your eyes lastly landed to the side of you, where Harry was sat but also laid on your bed. The top of half of his body laid upon the bed, his head buried onto this arm deep within the bed, whilst his bottom stayed rooted to the chair. His hand was holding yours tightly, which was a sign that he wasn’t asleep. You were so scared to face him though. You had failed him, again and again and you weren’t sure whether you could be enough for him anymore. Enough for your family anymore.
You squeezed his hand three times saying ‘I love you.’
“Y/N,” He whispered so hoarsely, but you were so focused on him to even catch it. He looked ruined, and you’d done that to him. His eyes were dark and tired, but also red and puffy from where he’d been crying. His hair was a mess and you could tell it hadn’t been washed in a while. How long had you been out for? You felt rested in your sleep, but not in your mind or your heart.
“I—” Your breathe got caught in your throat, but you persevered to finish your words. He deserved to here them. “I’m sorry.” You were whispering so you didn’t disturb anyone else in the room.
“No, stop it. I’m sorry baby.”
“Harry don’t, you don’t have anyt—”
“Stop yes I do I—”
“Harry please you don’t owe—”
“Y/N listen!” He cut the little volley-conversation and ordered you to just stop. You started crying when you saw that he was too. “Whatever you’re going to say, don’t. Whatever you’re thinking, stop it right now. Because I love you. Fuck, I do. I love you so much that when I found you unconscious in a pile of your own sick thinking you were dead, my only thought was that I wished it were me instead”.
“Harry, you don’t mean—”
“My god Y/N! You don’t get it, do you? I would do anything to switch places with you right now. I would suffer a thousand times over if it meant you were okay. I’d suffer in hell for you. Nobody else but you has ever made me feel like this. I married you because I love you and I want to wake up next to you every day of my beating hearts life. I chose to have children with you, because I knew how great of a mum you’d be and what beautiful people you’d help bring up into the world—”
“But i’m not.” You cut Harry short, trying to pull your hand away from him but he didn’t let you - only tightening his grip and pulling himself closer towards you. He was so close you could kiss him.
“Not what?” He asked, although he already knew the answer. You’d both had this conversation before, but you were both tired of it and were ready for it to be your last now.
“A good mum. I’m- i’m not a good mum or wife, Harry and i’m sorry.”
“I told you not say it and stop thinking it, because you’re completely wrong Y/N. You’re a good mother and a good wife, because you are a good person.”
“But i’m not great.” You whimpered, thinking back to the drawings your Oli and Felix had done. “I’m not the best.”
“But you don’t have to be, baby. You see our beautiful, healthy, happy and safe babies over there?” Harry turned to look at them, love in his eyes as in yours. “They wouldn’t be all those things, no matter how you feel about yourself, without you. I could never have brought them up to be half the people they are without you by my side, the way you make me a better person. You claim you don’t got this, but baby you’re already doing it and have been doing it for 5 years with our children and so much longer with me.”
“I’m just so fucked up Harry.” Your head tilted back on the pillow as you got heavily emotional over the situation.
Harry shook his head and moved his hand to cup the back of your neck, moving your head forwards until it met his. The touch of his skin against yours, no matter where and how small, made you feel alive and you’d missed him and that feeling so much. You missed loving him so much.
“Listen to me.” He ordered, keeping you still. “You are strong and you are brave Y/N Styles. No matter what you tell yourself I will be here every goddamn day of my life, if I have to, to remind you that you are worth more than your fucking weight in gold. You are my heart. You are my soul and the mother to my greatest achievements. I know they are yours too, just as I know I am your heart.
“You are.” You whispered so quietly under your breathe, but Harrys heart warmed when he caught you saying it. He knew though.
“Just let me love you. Let me be there for you. If you want medication then let’s do it, and i’ll be there for every step of the way. If you want to go to a rehabilitation centre for a bit, that’s okay we can—”
You shook your head and licked the tears away from your face. You were both such tearful messes, but the love between you was undeniable. “No, no please, no.”
“Okay, okay, love. We won’t. See, you’re okay. I promise, you’re okay. Stay with me, yeah? I’ll love you and keep you safe, just as you will me.”
“Promise.” You told him sincerely. He brought his lips to yours with that single word. He was so proud of your for being so brave and strong. He wishes he was half the person you were. His lips conveyed those thoughts of his and you could taste the love and passion burning through his heart and out on to his lips. He tasted like home. z he was home. Your lips smacked together messily, but you didn’t care because you loved each other too much and had kissed each other even more. Once you pulled back he stayed close to you, smiling at you with such awe. “I think.. I think I want to try medication please.”
Harry didn’t say ‘okay’ or ‘sure thing’, no. He said four words that meant more to you in that moment that any others in the universe. More than saying ‘I love you.’ Words that reminded you that not everything is okay and that sucks really bad, but you’re doing your best to get through it. It was a reminder that you had so many people who loved you and cared for you. It was a gun at the starting line symbolising that the journey ahead wasn’t going to be easy, but worth it.
“I’m proud of you.”
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: While attending Seraphina's wedding, Y/N discovers that her crush on her best friend’s older brother hasn’t gone away after all these years. Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Strong language, alcohol consumption, fingering, penetrative/protected sex Word Count: 5.7k
NOTE: I know I promised a oneshot over the weekend, but I’m a messy, inconsistent bitch, so you get it a day late 😅🥰
Looking back, I was starting to wonder if Seraphina only got engaged and asked me to be her maid of honor just to witness my slow descent into a heaping puddle of lovesick mush.
Truly, it was pathetic.
Yeah, yeah, she was getting married because she loved her fiancé and whatever, obviously, but she was also using it as an excuse to try and get me to admit my feelings for her older brother. Feelings, I might add, that only surfaced when I was a middle schooler and went away once he went off to college.
Sure, I'd thought about him on occasion when he was inevitably brought up around Sera's house throughout the years, but that was it. I'd hardly say I was hard-core in love with him. And I was totally prepared to see him for the first time since our high school graduation.
At least, I thought I was.
And Seraphina—the little shit—knew it, too. The smirk on her face the moment we were all in the same room for the first time in ten years made me want to run and hide more than her brother's figure, right in front of me and hotter than ever.
I was mad. Not at Sera as much, because really there was nothing she could do about the fact that he was her brother, but I was mad at myself. Because how in the hell had it stood to reason that a man I actively didn't think about for a whole decade had this much of an effect on me after all this time?
Honestly? I blame the FBI.
If he'd done literally anything else with his life I probably could have made it. Well, not by much if we're being honest, but come on...
Where he'd been a bit nerdy and reserved as I knew him, the man in front of me had clearly changed. Not just physically, though that was also a pleasant surprise. He looked like he'd been through some shit... And he carried himself taller. There was a new air of confidence that perched on his shoulder and helped him along as he talked with old friends and family members at his sister's rehearsal dinner.
Spencer Reid was older and more experienced this time around, and somehow even more goddamn delicious...
I was a total wreck. And it was about to get a whole lot worse.
He was coming this way. Right for me. He'd noticed me staring at him all night, because I couldn't keep my shit together, and now I was absolutely doomed.
Guess it was a good thing I'd practically grown up with him and knew how to act outwardly.
Still, the moment he was up close and flashing me that little smile of his, I felt the pit of my stomach scream out loud, sending shockwaves through my bloodstream.
"Hey, Honeybee. It's been a while."
Fuck. That fucking nickname...
"Spencer... It has."
When we hugged briefly, I tried as hard as I could not to inhale his scent, knowing that not only was that pathetic and embarrassing, but also I'd never stop smelling it otherwise. I did take note, though, of how strong he was now. He wasn't a bodybuilder of any kind, but he was certainly less bony and more defined.
I had to hold back a whine as I felt him let go of me, because I didn't want to leave his warm embrace but also because I didn't think I could stand to look at his face anymore without losing any and all semblance of my cool.
Still, I let him release me, and even then he didn't go far. We only stood inches apart, and my whole body was practically numb at the proximity. It also didn't help that I had to tilt my head up to see his face— It made me feel extremely submissive, and I could already feel myself starting to shrink.
Whether he was amused at that or just at me in general, the feeling I got was the same.
"Sera tells me you've been busy..." He paused, seemingly searching for the right word, though I could tell he already had it on the tip of his tongue. "Modeling?"
I closed my eyes with a sigh. "It was one job for some obscure European magazine, no one in the country's probably ever heard of it... It's not that big of a deal."
Spencer huffed a laugh. "You sound embarrassed..."
How was I supposed to respond to that? If I lied and told him I wasn't embarrassed, he'd figure it out, and if I told him the truth? I'd still be screwed. Honestly, my best bet was changing the subject.
Though, maybe it wasn't— When I asked him about his travels for work, he ignored it and responded with, "Ah, so you are embarrassed."
"N— I am not!"
"You changed the subject so fast I barely had time to blink... There's nothing to be ashamed of, Honeybee, I don't know why you'd—"
"Look, dude, I'm not ashamed, and I'm certainly not changing the subject. We were on the subject of jobs. So there."
I was aware of how childish I sounded, but I stood my ground nonetheless. And thankfully Spencer seemed to let it go, though not without amplifying that amused sparkle in his eye.
"Okay... Well, I've got some more people to see, but, uh... I'll see you around. Maybe you can show me some of your work."
He didn't even give me time to protest. Though if he had, I was sure I wouldn't have been able to get any words out what with that goddamned face he had, twisted and sculpted into all these beautiful ways that were designed specifically to make me a blubbering hot mess.
I could only gather the courage to nod in response, though he'd turned his back and walked away by the time I got it out.
All things considered, I'd managed to avoid him for the majority of the wedding festivities. I focused all my energy on being happy to see my best friend get married, and likewise it seemed that Spencer was inclined to do the same.
He walked his sister down the aisle, and seeing them both so happy truly made my heart sing. To think I'd known them since we were all kids more or less, and now they were both successful, beautiful human beings... It warmed me to my core, and despite the other flames that stung my insides at seeing Spencer in his tux, thing were going swimmingly.
That being said, we were just about two hours into the reception, and there was absolutely nothing stopping me from begging Seraphina to put me out of my misery.
Except maybe pints upon pints of alcohol.
In hindsight, that may not have been a good idea, though. Because as much as the open bar had it benefits, it also hated me. It was mostly my fault, because I was stupid enough to forget that I get frisky when I'm drunk, but that didn't stop me from blaming the bartender for continuing to serve me.
I wasn't quite at the point of all-out inebriation, but I was definitely toeing the line between tipsy flirting and total disaster.
And when Spencer came over to ask me to dance, I knew I was doomed.
I didn't find myself caring about what he was saying, only the fact that he was there, in front of me, putting his hands on me and breathing in the same air that I was putting out. My entire body buzzed, and while I would have panicked otherwise, my tipsy brain welcomed the tingle and made me a bit bolder.
"You enjoying yourself tonight?" he asked, like he couldn't already tell that I was having the time of my life.
"No way. You suck at dancing." The joke rolled off my tongue with ease, a product of years spent teasing him for countless things.
And just like all those times before, he rolled his eyes and then immediately flashed an affectionate smile all the same.
I should have stopped there, maybe tried to do something a bit more romantic like teach him how to dance... Placing his hands and fixing his posture, taking the time to gracefully have an excuse for exploring his body with my hands...
But romance took a backseat when I pressed myself in even closer to him and hummed just under his jawline. "Mmm, but I bet you're good at other things..."
I felt his hands grip my waist just a little tighter, and his throat visibly twitched. "How much have you had to drink, Honeybee?"
"Spencer," I whined, pressing my face into his neck. "Don't tell me you're turning me down, please..."
I could tell by the way he was touching me, his hands wavering and undecided, and the way his heartbeat thrummed loudly and quickly against my own that he wanted nothing more than to entertain my desires.
The thought made me quiver and press further into him. I kissed his jawline tenderly, silently begging him to whisk me away and finally make me his, but it broke my heart a little to feel him peel away from me.
When he looked into my eyes though, I swore the gleam in his own is what put me back together. It could have been the liquor swimming around in my body that made me feel lightheaded, but when Spencer lifted my chin with his fingers and looked me over, I knew that wasn't it. It was wholeheartedly, without a doubt, him.
"Tell you what... You get sobered up by the end of the night, and maybe I'll come find you."
I wanted to nod, but his gentle grip on my chin held me steady—At least until he glided his fingertips down my throat and over my shoulder. Then I downright slumped forward with a whine and a weak nod that seemed to make him smile.
"Thank you for the dance," he said earnestly, leaning forward to press the lightest of kisses to my temple.
Just like that he was gone, and I wanted him back almost immediately.
And so the night dragged on, and the longer I sobered up the more it dawned on me what the fuck just happened— What the fuck was going to happen, too, if I played my cards right.
It didn't help that I could practically feel Spencer's eyes on me the whole time. Probably to make sure I really wasn't drinking anymore, a fact that only made this feel more real.
On top of it all, I was starting to lose count of the amount of men here who were trying to buy me drinks. Even if the one man I really wanted tonight hadn't given me a deal, I still wouldn't have accepted them, if only for the pathetic fact that I would have been trying to catch his attention instead.
So much for trying to convince myself I wasn't in love with him...
Was that really what it was? It had to be, right?
Either way, I was determined to find out, and that meant declining every flirtatious offer to drink and dance.
Unfortunately, Seraphina seemed to notice, even on the one day in her entire life she shouldn't have been thinking about anyone but herself. "You're not having fun," she pouted, plopping down next to me and handing me a shot. "Have fun."
I laughed and set the tiny glass down on the table. "I am having fun, I'm just... tired. And being hungover tomorrow does not sound fun."
"Mmm," she responded, visibly suspicious.
I didn't really know what to say to her to convince her not to be though, so I grabbed her hand and smiled. "You're having fun though, right? 'Cause I will not hesitate to kick someone's ass if you're not."
With a bellowing laugh mildly tainted with the smell of champagne, Seraphina squeezed my hand and leaned in close. "I'm having the best time. I couldn't be happier."
"Well, good. You deserve it."
After a small moment of silent shared smiles, my best friend glanced over elsewhere and then back to me with that look in her eye that kind of scared me.
And her words were even scarier... "So, you talk to Spencer at all tonight?"
"Uh— Yeah... Briefly."
"Mhmm... Y'know, I saw you two dancing together earlier. You seemed reeeally close..."
There I was, getting defensive in front of a Reid sibling for the second time that night. And just like before, I was awful at being subtle. "Sera, stop it! It was just a dance..."
"Bullshit! He had his hands all over you, and he had that gross-ass, dreamy-ass look in his eye! He so wants to sleep with you!"
"Sera!" I gently shoved her and tried not to smile at the goofy smile she had plastered on her face.
"Am I wrong?"
"I... I don't..."
"Ha! I'm not wrong!"
The defeated look in my eye did nothing to disconfirm her story.
"So, what's stopping you from letting him?"
I went wide-eyed. "Se—You... You seriously would... You're okay with this? It doesn't... gross you out?"
There were a lot of things I could have seen Seraphina do in that moment, but pinching and yelling at me were not any of them. "Y/N! You idiot! I've been trying to get you two together for years! If I knew all it took was me getting married, I would have accepted Theo Decker's proposal..."
"Wa— In fifth grade? Sera, that wasn't—"
"I know, but you get what I mean! You two are so painfully attracted to each other, it physically hurts me. It's actually disgusting, but if it means there's a chance that you might get to be my sister? I say go for it."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You... You really mean that?"
"What, you think I'd joke about that?"
Everything that she conveyed to me within the look in her eyes, her words, and the squeezing of her hand over mine told me she was sincere.
"I love you, you know," I told her just as sincerely.
Her smile was as radiant as ever, but the teasing tone in her voice was enough to make me scowl again. "Right back at'cha, Honeybee. Just do me a favor and don't tell me any details. I don't wanna know."
I stuck my tongue out at her, followed by a short shove. "Oh, and as soon as you get back from your honeymoon? I'm kicking your ass for telling him about that nude shoot I did for that magazine..."
She only grinned. "Why? I think I did you a favor..."
I rolled my eyes at her, but in the end, I guess she was right.
I shouldn't have been pacing. Really, it was pretty fucking embarrassing the way I walked in circles around my hotel room, waiting for a knock at the door or a text message on my phone, or something to let me know that Spencer had really meant what he said and was on his way to come find me.
I didn't have a single drink after we danced, and I swear to God, if he made me go through this entire night all nervous without the liquor to calm me down, for nothing? I was going to kill him tomorrow.
Later today... Whatever.
The point? I was well and truly ready to feel him taking up my personal space, and I was going to feel like a real idiot if I waited around and prepped and everything, only for him not to show. The funny thing was, it was almost two in the morning, and I would have stayed up until the sun rose for him.
Thank God he had the decency to save me the trouble.
A short two-rap knock on the door made me jump, but I ran at it full-speed, flinging the large wooden panel open and letting its momentum blow cool wind over my body. And I needed it, too.
Because standing right in front of me was Spencer Reid in all his semi-exhausted glory. His outfit was loosened, buttons undone and bowtie untied, hanging limp around his neck. His hair sat wild atop his head and a thin layer of sweat coated his skin. Maybe that last part sounded gross, but looking at him? It was anything but.
Especially when he flashed me that damned smirk. "Someone's eager..."
I tried not to sound as dumbfounded by his presence as I felt. "Well, you made me a good offer I couldn't refuse. Excuse me for being excited."
"And here I thought all this time you hated me, Honeybee..."
"That would be easier, wouldn't it?"
His grin transformed into a full-on beaming smile then, and it only made my skin feel warmer and my heart beat faster. I returned his smile with my own, so genuinely happy to see him again after all this time, and with the brightest show of happiness I'd ever seen.
Turns out, smiling like a lovesick idiot was all I was capable of.
"Are you... gonna let me in?"
The low suggestive tone in his voice had me springing into action, stepping back and allowing him the space to come in. And though he had plenty of room, Spencer still decided to brush his body over mine as he passed. His eyes bore into my own as he gently kicked the door shut and enveloped us in a dimness that came from cheap hotel lighting.
Still, I was unable to speak, and hardly able to even breathe, with each passing second.
And then, his hands were on my waist, pulling me to him with a softness that matched the whisper in his throat as he said, "C'mere..." Looking up at him then, his fingers burning holes through the thin fabric of my dress while he looked back down me, eyes swimming in tender desire... It almost didn't even feel real.
And it certainly didn't feel real when he leaned in, one of his hands coming up to touch my face while the other pressed me firmly against him.
The moment his lips touched mine, I was gone. I positively melted into him, so much so that it felt like I was just becoming a part of him entirely, losing myself in the moment and unwilling to let it go.
Even when he sighed against my lips and parted his own to kiss me deeper, I just followed suit and let him take the lead. We moved together as one, fluidly and with as much eagerness was possible. I'd wanted to get a taste of him for so long, and he obviously felt the same way, what with the thorough and precise exploring his tongue did with my own. It shot warmth throughout my whole being, and my legs threatened to buckle underneath me from how weak they felt.
Spencer seemed to understand what was happening to me, because as soon as I'd thought it, he was just as quick to literally sweep me off my feet, scooping me up bridal style and carrying me over to the large bed in the middle of the room.
"I know we're at a wedding and all, but geez," I laughed, watching as he laid me down gently and crawled over my body. "A little much?"
He only rolled his eyes. "Well, excuse me for trying to be romantic..."
"Mmm, I think you're just being an overachiever. As per usual."
That remark earned me a pinning of my wrists above my head, and the fire that erupted in my very core at my current position only cemented that this was very real.
Spencer grinned, his hips coming down to roll over mine teasingly. He spoke nice and slowly, his voice slicing through my soul like smooth butter. "Oh, Honeybee, I'll show you an overachiever..."
Once again I was rendered speechless. Not like I expected to be talking his ear off or anything, but words genuinely escaped me.
Luckily, Spencer didn't seem to mind. In fact, he knew exactly what to do next, and it made me even hungrier for him than ever before.
He captured my lips in another dizzying kiss, his hands still flexing over my wrists to keep them steady. I moaned softly and writhed against him, and though I would have liked to say that it was a conscious choice to coax him to give me more, really it was just me being unable to handle the fact that this was actually happening.
Actually, if not for the overwhelming and familiar scent of him, I would have thought I was only imagining it.
But alas, here he was in all his floral peppermint glory, grinding his hips down into mine and kissing me like I'd never been kissed before, driving me mad with each adept movement.
Thankfully he seemed to get as lost in the moment as I was, because he loosened my wrists in his grip, and I broke free, flying my hands in between us and down to his belt.
His lips pulled away from mine with a soft smack, a smile forming smugly upon them. "Have you no patience?"
As my fingers fumbled with the metal and leather, I pressed my nose to his and quickly pecked his mouth. "I thought we already established that I have no patience the moment I opened the door..."
"Fair... But still..."
Spencer grabbed my hands again, moving them to my sides and then hiking my dress up slowly. His skin was hot against my own, and it took everything I had not to break down begging for him.
And then he spoke again, his lips barely grazing mine as he did. "Teasing you is so much fun..."
I couldn't really explain what sound escaped me then, but it reminded me of a disgruntled animal, erupting from my throat and getting muffled the moment I took my hands and brought his face to mine. I kissed him fervently as his hands matched the intense nature of my affections— With every soft groan I gave him, he returned it with an inch higher up my leg, until eventually he was toying with the hem of my underwear.
Unable to take it anymore, I gave in and mumbled the most desperate plea I could think of. (Like I had to think that hard...)
"Spencer, please..."
I half expected him to tease me again, but this time I felt him tremble over my body. His fingers slipped under the satin of my underwear and he sighed into my mouth. "God, how could I ever say no to you..."
No sooner had the words left his mouth did he spread me apart with his fingertips, getting a feel for me and a broken sigh falling from his tongue and onto my own. I captured it and kissed him with as much precision as I could while under the influence of his hands working wonders.
Truly, his hands hand a magic of their own that should have been considered as an eighth Wonder of the World. They flexed in all the right places, splitting me open and caressing the most sensitive parts of me, simultaneously breaking me apart and putting me back together...
God, and those was only his hands...
The thought of what else he had waiting for me made me cry out into his mouth, though I'm sure it also had to do with the fact that his fingers were curling expertly inside me and summoning an orgasm that I knew would satisfy us both.
I almost cried out again when his lips left mine, but then they travelled to my neck and paid it the most glorious attention. The alternation of his fingers and his tongue on different spots of my body had me in shambles, and it took no longer than a few seconds to snap.
"Fuck, that's my girl," Spencer grumbled into my neck, helping me through my orgasm. "That's it, honey..."
What I wouldn't have given to hear him talk to me like that until the end of time... His words, their tone and praise seeping into my skin and bringing my soul to life... Coupled with his soft hands and his even softer breath fanning over my neck, I was just about ready to ask him to keep talking to me, to say my name and never stop.
He pulled away though, removing his hand from my lower half and bringing it up to his mouth, and I had the feeling my request wouldn't be a problem.
Spencer's eyes rolled back and his tongue gathered my arousal off his long, well-endowed fingers. And though I could hear his groan well and clear, I felt it more than anything. It reverberated through my body and brought me more to life in a way I never thought imaginable.
No one had ever made me feel that way with one single sound, and that's how I knew.
I thought I knew it from the start—from when we were growing up—that I wanted to be near him forever. But It was always just a silly dream, something I was never quite able to reach, and as I got older and we rarely saw each other, it got harder to even imagine anymore.
Now I didn't have to imagine.
Spencer Reid was right in front of me, touching me, tasting me, verbally praising me with sounds I'd only ever dreamed of...
I wanted him to have his moment, because I was positive he'd wanted this just as much as I did, but this sappy sort of revelation I was having made it nearly impossible to not be utterly wrapped up in him, and I wanted more.
So I wiggled and adjusted myself underneath him before grabbing his hand and placing it over my heart. His eyes widened softly at the sight of me, and I knew then that he was taking the time to memorize my face, and the image of his hand resting at my chest, right where my heart was encased beneath bones, flesh, and fabric.
"I could look at you forever," he whispered then.
I would have been ashamed to admit that I whimpered when he said it, but the way he looked at me afterwards made me feel the exact opposite.
He smiled, using his other hand to come up and touch my face. "You want it bad, don't you, Honeybee?"
I didn't even argue with him this time. My head nodded and my hands reached out to pull him closer. "I want you... More than I've ever wanted anything."
Before he leaned down to kiss me, I could have swore he looked like he was going to shed a tear. The duality of him, his ability to be all teasing and cocky one second and then reduced to a lovesick mess at just a few words from me the next, made my heart sing.
And it kept singing, a sweet, steady melody as Spencer kissed me and touched me like he meant it.
Only this time, he didn't pause or tease me with theatrics. He went straight for the kill, fetching a condom from his pants pocket and then sliding the material down, all while keeping me trapped under his embrace. I welcomed it naturally, humming happily into his neck and jawline and anywhere I could reach as he got us both fully undressed and situated, until finally he had the condom on and his hands rested nicely on either side of my head.
"Promise not to sting me?"
I laughed, draping my arms over his shoulders and flashing him a wink. "Mmm, only if you promise to give it to me good..."
He slowly pushed into me then, and the stretch was far more satisfying than his fingers, though I was in no position to complain either way. If he was even half as skilled with his hips as he was with his hands (which I had no doubts about whatsoever), then neither of us had anything to worry about.
It didn't take long for us to find our rhythm, but I didn't have time to think about that. I was so consumed with just the feeling of him being everywhere that technicalities didn't matter.
That being said, the technicalities were really fucking good.
His hips snapped into mine with sharp precision, and I felt it deep within my bones. My cunt clung around him willingly and accordingly, as did my legs, which hooked over his waist as I dug my heels into his ass.
Meanwhile Spencer grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head again, this time interlocking our fingers and then leaning down to kiss me deeply. It was met with my undying welcome, of course, but with the way he was fucking me, deep and with a devotion that nearly exploded my heart, I couldn't help but whine out for more.
His name was all I could manage.
"What do you want, Honeybee?" he cooed, holding himself deep inside me and grinding his hips in small circles that made it harder to breathe.
"M—More... I..."
"Can you be more specific?"
How he could be such a cocky little shit in this moment I wasn't sure, and it frustrated me to no end. He knew damn well what I wanted, and I knew just the thing that would make him give it to me.
I have him the biggest pout I could, also whining out the most pathetic, "More," in my arsenal. And with a roll of my hips up into his, I gasped out at how deep he got, and whined out again.
"Spoiled brat," Spencer grunted in defeat, retreating only to slam into me at full force.
My small gasps and cries turned into full-blown howls of searing pleasure as he fucked me then. My head tipped back and my back arched slightly, exposing my neck and chest to him, and he took it as an invitation to lean down and put his mouth anywhere he could reach. I was sure there would be small nicks and bruises littered over my skin the next morning, and just thinking of everyone seeing them, seeing Spencer's mark on me, made it harder to prolong the inevitable.
I came with a shout, flexing my hands into his as my body tensed then relaxed, over and over while he whispered praises into my skin. He followed soon after, shoving his face into my neck and muffling the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard as he came.
By then his hands had loosened, so I snuck my own away from his and brought them over to hug him close. One hand knotted into his hair while the other grazed over his back. The thin sheen of sweat forming over his skin once again was more enticing than it probably sounded, but I loved it all the same. I felt him relax and bring his arms down to rest at my sides, his fingertips dancing lightly over my skin and giving me goosebumps.
Then out of nowhere, he said something that confused and mildly panicked me. "I thought you said you wouldn't sting me..."
I pulled away to try and look at his face, loosening my grip on his body. "A—Am I hurting you? I'm sorry..."
He laughed though, peppering tiny kisses up my neck until he got to my jaw. "You're not hurting me, Honeybee... You've just... stung my heart, that's all."
"I... Is that a bad thing?"
"It's a strange thing..."
He looked at me like I was the one thing on the planet he adored, but his words sounded different.
I raised an eyebrow. "You're not helping me understand..."
With another laugh, Spencer Kissed my cheek and rolled off of me, settling for laying on his side and turning me to face him. "Do you remember how I gave you your nickname?"
Despite my confusion about all of this, I entertained him with a huffed laugh. "Yeah, I spilled honey all over my shorts without realizing it, and I had ants all over me in a matter of minutes. I was terrified."
"I was highly amused."
I shoved him. "Yeah, dork, I know you were! You and Seraphina both thought it was the funniest thing on the planet, and then your mom had to come out and spray me down with a hose before I came back in the house."
Spencer barked a laugh, and I wanted to punch it right out of his mouth.
"Tell me again why this is relevant to our current situation?" I reminded him with and sigh, already over his antics.
Thankfully he seemed to take pity on me; He reached a hand out and played with a strand of my hair, smiling even brighter than when I opened the door for him. "That's when I started to feel it. You were just... so cute all angry at me and Sera for laughing, and it... It changed everything."
"You know, that would be more romantic if I hadn't been covered in bugs," I responded with a laugh.
"It's true! And it confused the hell out of me, because how was I supposed to cope with the fact that I actually had a crush on my little sister's best friend like some stupid cliché? You were always so feisty after that, too, and it certainly didn't help... And when I graduated and went off to college, I thought... I thought there was no chance you would ever be able to break the heart you'd managed to steal."
He swiped his thumb gently over my bottom lip and smiled, his eyes going all tear-y again. It sent butterflies through my whole body.
"I would never even dream of breaking your heart, Spencer..."
Our foreheads pressed together then, and the unwavering adoration in his voice when he spoke made me forget all prior confusion and minor embarrassment over re-living our origins.
All that mattered was that he was here, holding me in his arms and making me feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
"I know you won't, Honeybee."
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos  @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams 
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
Fangs or No Fangs
For Phic Phight 2021. Jack and Maddie know that Danny is Phantom. They saw him transform and they knew they should talk about it with him. But...even after two weeks, that conversation feels impossible. And so Maddie has a plan: a trip to the planetarium to cheer Danny up, to finally see him smile, and to pave the way for the truth.
Word Count: 8,191
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note: So this story is a bit of a mess of three prompts. I started with the first one and it veered into this. Part reveal fic. Part post-reveal family bonding (err....Jack and Maddie know and Danny knows that they knew but they haven't talked about it and no one's acting like they know so...?) Either way, it's all an unholy mix of fluff and angst.
Prompt by @amabsis : The Fenton’s notice that Danny isn’t smiling as much, so the only reasonable thing to do is take him out to cheer him up! What happens when they do manage to get him to smile, and they find out he has small fangs?
Prompt by @charcoalhawk: Maddie and Jack find out that their son is phantom and fully support him. Danny and Jazz however did not get that memo.
Prompt by @phan-pheeking-tastic : Post-Reveal Family Bonding
It had been two weeks since Maddie and her husband had found out what the portal had actually done to their son. Two weeks since they learned that their baby boy was a ghost. Two weeks since they saw their ghostly enemy, Phantom, turn into their son. 
It was on a normal ghost hunt. They’d been following Phantom, for once not yelling their normal insults but stalking him silently. The pair turned around a corner, to find Phantom standing with his back to them, a ring of light around his waist. Maddie tensed, anticipating an attack. Then the ring passed over the ghost’s head and the woman gasped. Her heart just about stopped, staring at the figure in front of her.
The figure, wearing jeans and a t-shirt and now with black hair, turned around. His blue eyes widened in panicked fear.
“Danny?” Jack whispered in awe beside her.
The boy’s mouth fell open, body stiff with fear. Maddie blinked and the boy in front of them, their son, their Danny, disappeared.
The two went home, numb with disbelief. Maddie thought it was a dream at first; she must have imagined it. Or this was Phantom playing a trick on them except…
Maddie knocked on her son’s bedroom door to check on him. “Danny?” The sound of feet pacing and heavy breathing came from behind the door. Then there was a sudden clatter, a yelp as if the boy had ran into something. The woman frowned. “Can I come in sweetie?”
“Just...just a second.” Danny called, voice echoing but unusually high with obvious nerves.
There was a flash of light, visible from under the door. Maddie paled, wheels turning in her head. Then seconds later, her son pulled open the door, opening it only wide enough to see his deathly pale face. “Yeah? What’s….”  He coughed, forcing his voice into a more normal pitch. “What’s up?”
The mother stared into his wide eyes, biting her own lip. “Danny….” She hesitated, suddenly unsure. “Is there...do you want to...Is everything alright?”
The boy paled at the question, shaking slightly. “Yeah. Everything’s...everything’s fine. I’m fine. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.”
Maddie frowned. “Danny...are you sure-”
He cut her off, starting to push the door closed. “Yeah. Yep. It’s fine. I’ve...I’ve got homework. Seeyouinthemorningbye!” The teenager said the words so quickly, Maddie could hardly understand them. Then the door slammed in her face.
Dread dropped like a rock in the mother’s stomach. Shaking herself, the woman turned back and started down the stairs. She and Jack needed to talk.
“It’s true. Isn’t it?” Her husband said, as soon as he saw her weary face. “Danny’s...Danny’s Phantom. Our son…”
“Our son’s a ghost.” Maddie whispered. Danny’s panicked expression in the alley and just minutes before in his bedroom, flashed in her mind. “It must be true. All the evidence is there.”
How their equipment targeted their son. The injuries he tried to hide, to blame on bullies. Skipping class, the detentions, the missing assignments. Missing curfew, sneaking out. His constant exhaustion. Their equipment going missing, only to end up in Phantom’s hands. Their children’s fervent support of the ghost boy.
Danny was Phantom. He must be. They saw him change. They saw him as a ghost. Danny….he was a ghost, meaning...he was dead. And it was the portal. It must have been. The portal, their life’s work, the machine that he had said just gave him a little shock, must have killed him. Except….did it? It had been two years since then and Danny had grown. Maddie had hugged him since and he was warm. She’d felt his heartbeat. He seemed to be alive so….?
The parents didn’t know. Danny was a ghost...and yet he was not? Or he was still alive but had some kind of ghost powers? 
Maddie put her head in her hands. “We should talk to Danny.” 
“In the morning.” Jack yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. “I’m exhausted and Danny….” He looked down, guilty.
The mother sighed. “He must be tired too, if he’s not already asleep.” They had been talking for hours at this point, processing what they’d seen and hypothesizing. Both of them needed to lay down and calm their racing thoughts. So the pair went up to bed.
Maddie really had wanted to talk to Danny in the morning. But he’d dashed out without as much as a word to them. He did have school. They could wait and talk to him after, right?
Then after school, he raced up to his room with the excuse of homework before Maddie could even look at him. Soon after, he disappeared from his room and the mother saw a report about Phantom fighting the hunter ghost in the park. Guilt stabbed at her heart. 
When he came home after curfew (and luckily uninjured), the woman didn’t have the heart to chastise him. And he looked so tired, so weary. He ran up the stairs, muttering an apology.
Talking to Danny the next morning turned into that afternoon again, turned into the next day, turned into waiting for the weekend. But then the boy was always over at his friends’ house or busy doing homework. He was nervous, flighty, skittish, and tense the brief times he was near his parents. And when he was, Danny wouldn’t look at them, wouldn’t talk to them, could hardly stand to be in the same room. 
Maddie cursed herself. She knew they needed to have this conversation. She and Jack needed to talk to their son. So why couldn’t either seem to gather the courage? Why did the thought of talking about what the portal had actually done to their son, about how their work, their words, their actions, had affected him, make Maddie’s stomach roll? Why did it make her heart lodge in her throat, her lungs refuse to take in air? Why did it feel so insurmountable, like the guilt, the secrets would bury her alive?
Part of her wished that Danny would say something himself, that he would break the silence. Hell, she wished Jazz would call them out but no such luck. Instead a few days turned into a week, turned into two weeks.
Maddie sighed, looking down at her coffee. It made her insides squirm anxiously, thinking about all this. All that they’d done before they knew, her continued silence. The guilt was eating the woman up inside and Danny’s sober mood broke her heart. It had been so long since she’d seen him look anything but nervous and distrustful, since he’d been in the same room as them for more than five minutes. The mother’s shoulders fell. He looked so sad, so anxious; she’d given anything to see him smile again.
A soft yawn sounded beside her, causing the mother to look. The boy himself was swaying sleepily, standing at the counter. How had he gotten there without her noticing? He was so quiet, silent as a ghost. Maddie shook her head at the thought. 
Then she frowned, letting out a short gasp. Danny’s had his hand through, literally intangibly, through the cupboard. 
The boy turned, eyes widening; he suddenly looked very awake. He pulled his hand out, clutching a box of cereal. “Uh…. morning, Mom.” He paled, eyes widening.
Maddie’s frown deepened at that. “Good morning sweetie.” She eyed the coffee pot, trying to wipe the surprise off her face. “Do you want some coffee?”
“No.” Danny shook his head, biting his lip. “I’m good. I’ll just...uhh...bye.”
The mother held out a hand. “Danny. Wait.”
The boy didn’t respond, instead turning and practically sprinting away at almost inhuman speed. Maddie wanted to chastise him for running in the house. Instead, she put her head in her hands. Did Danny do things like that all this time? If he did, how the hell had they not noticed? They were really that bad parents, weren’t they?
Annoyance at herself flared at the thought as Maddie raised her head. She balled her fists. “We need to do something.” The woman looked at her husband. “We have to talk to Danny. Today. Actually….” She stood up, looking in the direction her son had gone.
“Wait Madds.” Jack interrupted. The mother looked down at where he was still seated. “We can’t just spring this on him.”
Maddie’s eyes twitched angrily. “Jack.”
“Just listen.” The man held up his hands. “How about we go out and do something together as a family? The Amity Park Science Center, they have a new planetarium show. Danny will love it. He’ll have a good time. He’ll get to relax and see that...see that we want to spend time with him.” The man worried his lip, his voice wavering with emotion. “I just want him to feel comfortable and safe talking to us, Maddie.”
Maddie’s expression softened and she sat down, grateful for husband’s insight. “You’re right.” She sighed. “Maybe doing something like a normal family will help him relax. And then...then we can talk to him when we get home tonight.”
With that, the parents agreed and informed both of the kids, earning wary but tentative agreement from both. Maddie frowned at that. The distrust stung but both Fenton parents had earned that distrust. They were ready to do what they could to fix that, starting with removing or deactivating all of the anti-ghost weapons in the GAV. They’d already moved all ghost hunting equipment into the basement and discussed dismantling some of the more dangerous-to-ghost equipment. But the ghosts, ones that their son had unbeknownst to them been combatting for the past few years, were still a very real threat to the town. They’d need to find a way to keep their weapons from being able to hurt him (Maddie’s heart ached at the thought) but that was for another time.
Now, Jack and Maddie were waiting downstairs for both kids to finish getting ready. Jazz walked down the stairs, a tight frown still on her face. 
The girl raised her brow at the sight of her parents. “What are you wearing?”
Jack glanced at his wife and then down at himself. “Just jeans and a t-shirt, Jazzarincess.” He scratched at his neck, trying to look less uncomfortable than he was.
“But...you’re not in your jumpsuits?” The girl asked, still unsure.
Maddie shrugged. “We just wanted to wear something a little different, sweetie.” And a little more normal, the woman hoped she implied.
If Jazz understood the implication, she didn’t comment. Instead, she turned as Danny came bobbing down the stairs. The two shared knowingly looks, the boy’s eyebrow twitching as he noticed his parents’ clothes.
He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, shifting nervously. “Where are we going?” He asked quietly.
“To the Amity Science Center.” Jack beamed. “They’ve got a new show at the planetarium. Doesn’t that sound exciting, son?”
For just a moment, interest sparked in Danny’s eyes at the word planetarium. Then the wary look was back. Maddie sighed. “Come on kids.” Hopefully, he would enjoy himself and this would in fact help him to loosen up.
The fifteen minute car ride to the Science Center was quiet and tense. Danny glanced anxiously  around the GAV as if expecting weapons to activate and point at him. He flinched at every bump in the road. Jazz looked worriedly between her brother and her parents, her brow furrowed with thought. Honestly, Maddie wasn’t expecting much better but it still stung. Half-heartedly, she tried to idly chat with Jazz but the teen just looked all the more wary.
Soon enough, the family arrived at their destination. They quickly passed through the queue to pay and then entered the first room, a geology exhibit. The kids wander off, softly talking to each other while passively looking at the displays. Maddie could pick up the worried tones but walked away, deliberately not eavesdropping. They were probably wondering about why exactly their parents were being so ‘weirdly normal’ and taking them out for a family day. But after a minute, the pair drifted apart, Danny wandering to the back while Jazz looked at a large display on the left wall. 
Maddie was reading about volcanoes when she spotted her son at the case to her right. His eyes roved over the display, widening at the words. His frown slowly ticked up. The mother raised a brow at his expression, feeling relief. 
She then looked into the case wondering what had him relaxing. Oh, of course. These were the meteoroids. They even had one rock from the moon that had mystified Danny even since he was a little boy. 
Danny’s eyes lit up at the exhibit, literally. For just a moment, neon green flashed in his eyes. His teeth flashed in a smile. Maddie let out a small relieved gasp at the sight. 
It was then, Danny noticed her. His eyes widened and his head turned, hand automatically moving to cover his mouth.
The mother’s expression instantly fell and she wondered at the behavior. But she didn’t say anything, instead allowing Danny to wander off again.
The family continued exploring, slowly moving from exhibit to exhibit. To Maddie’s dismay, Danny was tense at first. She hadn’t seen him smile again since the meteors. His expression was uncharacteristically neutral. It’s not that he was bored (not that he’d even been bored on a trip here) but he was visibly anxious, not allowing himself to relax.
That eventually changed, as the group entered the heart of the museum, the dinosaur exhibit. Life-sized replicas of T rex, Triceratops, and Raptors loomed over them, faux rocks, plants, and wall murals simulating Earth when the dinosaurs walked on it. With the shifting lights, the occasional dinosaurian roars over the speakers, and the excitable little kids running around, it was lively. Danny and Jazz were huddled over a display of replica triceratops eggs while Maddie looked at a fossil of a primitive flowering plant.
“Oh Danny! Stand there. I want a picture.” Jazz’s voice came from behind her and the mother turned.
“No. Jazz. Come on.” Danny pouted.
“Please.” The girl begged.
After a moment, Danny huffed. “Fine.” 
The boy moved to stand in front of the replica raptor what his sister had pointed out. He forced a closed lip smile, holding out two fingers in a peace sign. There was a flash of light from Jazz’s phone, leaving the other teen blinking. “Jazz.” He whined. 
“Sorry.” She smiled, sheepishly. Then she held out her phone. “Now take my picture.”
Danny wrinkled his nose, obviously displeased but played along anyway as his sister came to stand beside the raptor. “You should stick your hand in its mouth and look like you're screaming.”
Jazz rolled her eyes, instead just smiling at the camera. That is, until a roar sounded from the speaker directly behind her. The girl shrieked in surprise at the noise, jolting forward and holding her hand over her heart.
Danny blinked in surprise before suddenly cackling with laughter and pointing at the now huffing girl. He snapped a few pictures, capturing her undignified face.
Meanwhile, Maddie beamed. Hearing her son laugh after so long was a beautiful sound. She walked forward, wanting to join the moment.
Then Danny spotted her. He blushed, covering his mouth with one hand before his chuckles quieted. His mother’s expression fell again. That was odd. This was the second time he’d covered his mouth once she’d seen him enjoying himself. She raised a brow as if to ask but Danny ignored the look.
Instead, he started leading Jazz away. “Come on. Let’s get some pictures in front of the T rex.”
Maddie turned, watching them walk away and noting the oddity. Jazz had been the one wanting pictures. The girl also wore a disappointed look as she softly said something to her brother, earning a frown from him.
This continued as Danny seemed to enjoy the trip and grow more comfortable. Maddie would catch glimpses of him smiling at an exhibit or laughing at something his sister said. Then he would see her watching from a distance and cover his face. It was deeply bothersome. Did he not want his parents to see him enjoying himself?
By the time they were waiting for the doors of the planetarium to open for their show, Maddie’s stomach was flopping with anxiety over the behavior. Along the walls of the hallway leading to the theater was a display about the history of space travel. Ever since they'd first brought Danny here as a seven year old, this section had always brought her son such joy. He would smile and ramble, often even jumping up and down in eager anticipation for the doors of the planetarium to open.
Now, Danny was visibly trying to contain himself. Even as his wide eyes eagerly roved over the displays, his lips were forcefully pinched closed, almost as if the boy was exerting great effort to not smile. The display broke Maddie’s heart.
Then, the woman’s face set in determination. She wasn’t having this. They come here to cheer Danny up, for some parent-child bonding, so that’s what she would do. Maddie took a step forward, preparing to ask Danny what he was looking at. But then the doors to the planetarium opened.
Danny turned at the noise, meeting her eyes. His mother gave him a comforting smile. “Come sweetie. It’s time for the show.”
The boy nodded, giving her a closed mouth smile. He walked in front of her, into the theater and Jack and Jazz followed.
Maddie paused in front of a group of four seats. “How’s here, Danny?”
“Looks good.” The boy confirmed, sitting down.
Jazz sat to his left and after a moment’s hesitation, Maddie took a set to his right. Briefly, the boy tensed.
“Danny boy!” Jack’s enthusiastic exclamation cut through. “Are you excited?”
The boy blinked, turning. “For what?”
“For the show, dear.” Maddie chuckled.
“The show. Right.” Danny nodded. “It’s supposed to be about blackholes.” The corner of his lip turned up. “The poster looked awesome.” At that, the boy relaxed, letting out a breath.
Beside him, Maddie settled into her seat, relaxing as well. She hoped Danny would enjoy this. Soon, the lights dimmed, an image of the Milky Way appearing onto the dome in front of them.
“It’s starting.” The woman whispered happily to her son.
Danny perked up, his eyes widening at the sight. Music played through the speakers and the image shifted, the stars and clouds of the galaxy moving as if in a time lapses. “Wow.” The boy awed.
But the show was just getting started. Narration began playing through the speakers, the story of blackholes and their discovery. The life cycle of stars and their death. It was mesmerizing, the swirling images above and in front of them in the dark. It made Maddie’s lips part in a pleased smile, the beauty making the breath catch in her throat. Space really was incredible; the woman understood why her son loved it so. Thinking for her son….
Beside her, Maddie heard an excited gasp. She looked to the side, slowly taking in her son’s face. His eyes were wide, staring at the wall as the corner of his mouth turned though his lips didn’t part. He was clearly enamored with the program and therefore didn’t notice the mother’s observation at all. The woman smiled; he really was adorable when...he….was….
Maddie’s thoughts trailed off, her eyes widening. For a second, something flickered in Danny’s eyes before disappearing. The woman’s brow furrowed. A breath later, she saw it again. Ethereal green light flicker in his eyes, circling his iris before disappearing. Slowly, the boy’s lips parted. He blinked. The glow, the ghostly glow returned and Maddie’s jaw dropped. The light swirled like galaxies, overtaking his irises. 
The mother stared. At the glowing eyes. Her son's glowing eyes. She recognized that shade of ghostly green. Phantom’s eyes. Maddie tried to shake away her surprise. She knew her son as Phantom. She did. She knew he was a ghost, or part ghost, or...she didn’t really know but….
Danny’s mouth parted into a grin. And Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. He was smiling. Danny was smiling. The ghostly light was swirling in his eyes, the light reflecting off his cheeks, his freckles. His freckles… they were glowy faintly and… shifting across his face, forming constellations. It was almost...beautiful. No, not almost. The boy’s smile widened, his teeth shining in the dark. He looked so happy and it was the most beautiful thing Maddie had seen in weeks.
All too soon, the planetarium show ended, the lights slowly turning on. Danny stayed looking forward for a bit as the ghostly light of his eyes dimmed. But he was still relaxed, smiling widely. At that sigh, Maddie finally noticed something. His teeth were...odd. On the top and bottom, his canines were unusually long and sharp, almost like….
The woman gasped, drawing her son’s attention. He paled, eyes widening in alarm.
Maddie pointed, quietly asking. “Danny? Are those-”
“No.” Danny cut her off, his mouth snapping shut. He covered his mouth with his hand as he rambled. “Of course not. Of course, I don’t have fangs. That’s ridiculous. Why would I have- Umph.” Jazz elbowing him cut off.
The woman frowned, opening her mouth to reply. But she had no idea what to say. 
Luckily, Jack came to her rescue. He patted her knee. “Let’s go get some lunch, Madds.” His voice lowered. “And we can talk about…” He pointedly looked at Danny, letting the statement linger.
Maddie nodded in agreement. “Come on kids.” 
She stood up and fronted. Danny looked pale and worried again. She offered him a comforting smile. At that, his eyebrow twitched but his anxious expression lingered. Then Jazz nudged him, before standing. “Come on Danny.” She offered her hand, pulled him out of his seat, and started walking out of the room, deliberately standing between her brother and her parents.
Disappointment rose in Maddie at that but she pushed it down. They would talk about all this soon enough but as for now… the woman’s stomach growled…. Getting food sounded like a good idea.
Ten minutes later, the family took their seats at a secluded table in the Center’s cafe. They’d bought overpriced sandwiches and now Danny was taking small, tentative bits of his meatball sub. Maddie looked down, picked up her reuben, and started eating. At the same time, Jack dug in and Jazz nibbled on her chicken salad.
There was silence for a long while, the buzz of the other patrons surrounding them. The woman wanted to make conversation, to ask what Danny had thought of the planetarium show. He’s enjoyed it, clearly. But Maddie wanted to hear him ramble excitedly about it. She wanted to see him smile again. 
But Danny looked so tense now, so worried. His shoulders were hitched, almost all the way up to his ears and he was pointedly avoiding looking at his parents. The sight of her son's fangs and his face once he realized that she’d seen them flashed in her mind. She wanted to ask about those. When did he grow fangs? And why? It was because he was a ghost, wasn’t it? Many ghosts they’d seen did have fangs. But did Phantom? Maddie couldn’t remember seeing them before, not that she’d seen that version of her son up close often. Granted...she hadn’t seen him smile in either form for what felt like months. The woman’s heart fell. 
Danny’s quiet voice broke through her thoughts. “Are you gonna ask?”
Maddie looked up, the corner of her lips twitching down at the sight. His shoulders hunched, eyes downcast. The mother reached forward, wanting to squeeze his hand comfortingly but hesisted. Instead, she offered him a caring smile. “Do they hurt?”
The boy looked at her, brow furrowing in confusion. “What?”
“When my wisdom teeth came in, I remember my gums and jaw being really sore.” The woman shook her head, focusing on the boy’s closed mouth. “I know it’s not the same thing but…. If they’re giving you problems, we can take you to the dentists.”
Danny frowned. “No. I don’t...I don’t need to go to the dentist.” He wrung his hands. “They don’t hurt or anything. Haven’t at all really.”
Jack raised a brow. “Even when they were growing in?”
The boy opened and closed his mouth before covering his face with his hand again. He glanced at his sister, worriedly. Jazz raised one brow, frowning deeply. She then looked at the parents briefly, her expression all the more confused. 
Danny’s forehead wrinkled. After a long moment, he answered. “They... uhh… I just woke up one morning and...my teeth were like this?”
Maddie blinked in surprise, taking in the words. The fangs just showed up overnight? Well…maybe that was better than them slowly growing and causing the boy pain. 
With that thought, the woman forced the confused expression off her face. “Can we see your teeth, Danny?” She gently asked.
The boy’s eyes widened and he vigorously shook his head.
Beside the mother, Jack’s expression softened. He reached forward, patting the boy’s arm with surprising gentleness. “It’s alright Danny-boy. You can show us.”
Danny didn’t flinch at the touch, instead looking thoughtfully between the two adults. Slowly he opened his mouth. There on display were his small fangs.
Maddie leaned forward, observing. Unlike last time, she wasn’t surprised. She’d known what to anticipate and to her shame, the woman had expected to feel discomfort or even disgust at the inhuman dentistry. But no such feelings arose. Instead her expression softened. She smiled authentically. “Aww sweetie.... They’re adorable.”
Danny blushed, gapping at the reaction. His embarrassed expression intensified as Jack replied.
“Ah come on Madds. You can’t call him cute.” The man grinned. “Our Danno’s fierce! And those fangs just make him look more badass.”
The boy blinked rapidly, like he could hardly believe what he was hearing, like the words just didn’t compute. Jazz looked equally confused.
Maddie waved the man off. “No one said he can’t be cute and fierce.” Her smile widened. “Our fierce little man.”
Danny facepalmed, whining. “Mom!”
The response was so normal, the typical reaction to a teenager being embarrassed by their parents in public. It made Maddie’s heart sing in relief, so much so, she started laughing. A moment later, Jack did as well.
The kids stared at the adults, both looking embarrassed and slightly tensed. But slowly, the pair relaxed, a soft smile crossing Jazz’s face. Danny’s lip parted as he snorted as well, shaking his head.
After a long moment, Maddie and Jack’s chuckling stopped and Danny’s smile faded. He eyed the adults, with crossed arms and a raised brow. “So...are you gonna ask why….?” He trailed off but Maddie knew what he was asking.
The parents looked at each other before Jack shrugged. “If your teeth aren’t bothering you and you’re happy with them, we don’t need to worry about it. Do we?”
“Um...I guess… but…” Danny still looked unsure, glancing between the two.
Maddie tried to comfort him. “You don’t have to tell us why, if you don’t want to. If you’re not ready.” Her expression was just serious, just forceful enough. Hopefully, he understood what she was really trying to say, what she was implying.
The boy uncrossed his arms, looking at her thoughtfully. “And...you’re okay with me having...having fangs?”
“Of course we are.” The woman’s expression softened. “We love you no matter what you look like.” It was odd wording for comforting her son about his strange teeth but that wasn’t what this was really about.
Something that might have been realization flashed in Danny’s eyes. He might just have understood.
The rest of their time at the museum was much more relaxing after that. The family talked more freely as they finished eating. After lunch, they finished exploring the museum exhibits and visited the aquarium portion of the center.
“Look! The shark feeding’s in ten minutes.” Danny pointed at the tank, his fangs poking just below his lips as he gave his parents a tentative smile. “Come on.”
He bounded forward, positioning himself near the front of the growing crowd. Maddie stood right behind him, the two chatting about the earlier planetarium show while waiting. The corner of Danny’s mouth gradually turned up as he got more involved in the conversation. Then he was actually smiling. For a second, his hand reflexively swung up to cover his mouth but then he lowered the appendage. He smiled unsurely but when Maddie made no comment, nor did her open expression change, he relaxed. Soon, the boy was talking animatedly and Maddie cherished every word.
Minutes later, the shark feeding and subsequent educational talk captured the mother and son’s attention. Or rather, it just managed to wholeheartedly capture Danny’s interest. Maddie’s eyes flickering between the tank, the volunteer answering questions, and her son’s happy face, small fangs included. 
The family continued exploring. Danny cheered softly at the touch tank, once one of the stingrays finally paused long enough for him to touch it. 
“Yes! Finally! See. That wasn’t so bad.” He talked to the animal, gently passing his fingers along the soft skin.
He smiled at Jazz cooing over the adorable poison dart frogs.
“Awww. I just want to pick it up. Cup the little guy in my hands. It’s so cute.” The girl leaned against the glass.
The boy chuckled. “Jazz. It’s a poison dart frog. You’d be deader than me in five minutes.”
The other teen huffed, blushing before she rolled her eyes teasingly.
Danny and Jack stopped in front of the jellyfish tank, their translucent bodies hovering behind the glass.
“Danno! Ghost jellyfish!” The man pointed excitedly.
The teen shook his head. “There’s no way that’s what they’re called.”
Jack thumped the sign. “Yes they are!” Danny blinked, reading the sign in disbelief. The man continued. “Imagine it son. Ghost jellyfish that came back as ghosts. Ghost ghost jellyfish!” 
Danny laughed.
After that, the family explored the outdoor exhibits. Meerkats, Tortoises, Gibbons, Lemurs, Nile Crocodile, Red Pandas. The zoo’s star exhibits: the tigers and wolves. Yes, even the petting zoo.
They enjoyed all of it. Maddie asked the zookeeper's questions. Jazz took pictures. Jack peered through the glass with his normal boyish excitement. And Danny smiled.
Danny nudged his father. “Hey Dad. Can I have a dollar to feed the goats?”
“Sure kiddo.” Jack fished out his wallet and pulled out two bills. “For you and your sister.”
The boy nodded, handing the bills over to one of the employees and receiving two cups of feed. He handed one to Jazz and entered the enclosure. He smiled as the animals crowded up, eagerly sniffing at the cup.
“Alright. Alright. Here you go.” He grabbed a handful of pellets and held his hand out. An enthusiastic goat ate the food out of his hand. “Hey! Hey! That tickles!” The boy chuckled, scratching the animal on its head.
Maddie watched, enamored. Her son looked so happy, smiling so brightly. 
“Oh, do you want some?” Danny asked, holding his feed-filled palm out to one of the sheep. The sheep licked the food out of his hand and he petted the curly wool.
True to what she had said, his little fangs were cute. And what’s more….
His eyes flickered towards Maddie’s face, noticing her attention. He didn’t stop smiling as he finished giving the goats, sheep, and donkey food and pets. 
Ten minutes later, he turned over the empty cup. “That’s it guys. I’m out.”
The animals sniffed, wandering away as they seemed to realize they wouldn’t get any more food from the boy. That same enthusiastic goat persisted, nudging and licking Danny’s open hand. “I don’t have any more food for you.” He laughed. The goat bayed. “You can complain all you want. You’re not getting any more from me.” He petted the animal’s head anyway.
What’s more, seeing Danny enjoying himself and not turning away when Maddie noticed him smile, made the woman feel happy herself and hopeful. Spending time with the kids as a normal family did seem to get Danny and even Jazz in a better mood and more relaxed, like she and Jack had hoped. And Maddie found that she had enjoyed herself as well, despite the bumps. Yes, this was a day well spent and the mother wished it wouldn’t end.
But all too soon, the Science Center closed and the family had to leave. They piled into the GAV and as Jack started driving them home, the reality of what they’d have to face, the conversation they’d need to have once they got home, struck Maddie. Her insides flopped with sudden nerves. They needed to talk about it. Danny’s accident and his ghostly abilities. His alter ego, Phantom. The ghost fighting and resulting injuries. All the secrets. Guilt sunk in her stomach like rock. There needed to be apologies. For her and Jack’s part in the accident. For the times they’d ranted about capturing Phantom at the dinner table. The insults. The times they chased him, they shot at him. Danny’s fear filled face when they’d seen him change in that alley flash in her mind. They had terrified him and -
“Can we uh….can we stop somewhere for dinner?” Danny’s nervous voice cut through her thoughts.
Maddie frowned, glancing back at him. He was pale and biting at his lip. The woman furrowed her brow wondering at the sudden change in mood. Maybe he had picked up on her own nervousness. She glanced at her husband. Jack was also quiet and uncharacteristically focused on the road.
“We can.” Her eyes flickered in front of them, spotting a Nasty Burger a few blocks away. “There’s Nast Burger right there.” She frowned. “Wait. That one doesn’t have a dining room. Is eating in the cat alright?”
“Sure, Madds.” Jack nodded and turned into the parking lot less than a minute later. He rolled down the window after pulling up to order.
“Welcome to the Nasty Burger.” Came a voice through the speaker. “What would you like?”
After some deliberation, Jack recited the orders and pulled forward. He paid and then received the bags of food which he handed to Maddie. He pulled away from the window and parked. The woman surveyed the meals and passed Jazz and Danny’s food to them in the back seat. 
The family ate in near silence for a while. Music softly filtered through the radio and outside was the sound of traffic but inside the vehicle, no one spoke. Maddie’s mind swirled, going over possibilities for the upcoming conversation. Where to start. How to approach this. Should they apologize first? Hint that they know about Danny’s secret identity. Just come right out and say it? Really, they should have done that long before now. They knew that Danny was Phantom and he knew that they knew. They should have talked to him about this weeks ago but...why was this so hard? How hadn’t they noticed sooner? Why couldn’t she just-
A gasp sounded in the back seat. Maddie stiffened, looking back in time to see a blue mist exit Danny’s mouth. The mother’s brow furrowed. It wasn’t cold enough to...Wait...understanding hit her as the boy’s eyes flickered side to side. Something glowing and green flashed in front of the GAV and there was an echoing roar.
Maddie paled. In front of them in the parking lot was a giant ghostly beast. It was a mix between a bear and a cat, snarling and hissing fiercely. The ghost growled at some teenagers sitting at a picnic table near the ordering window and in response, the kids bolted away, screaming.
Behind her, Danny was fumbling with his seat belt. His eyes widened panickedly as he looked between the scene in front of them and his parents. “I uh...I need to….” His hands were shaking as he fumbled over his words.
The mother glanced between her son and the attacking ghost. Part of her screamed to move; it was her job as a ghost hunter to protect people but….
“Uh...I need to...I need to go to the bathroom?” Danny stood, his knees knocking together even as his eyes flickered from his mom to the spectral attacker.
Maddie’s heart fell; she knew what this was actually about. “Danny.” She said softly.
Jazz bit her lip, turning from her brother to parents. “Shouldn’t you get...get out there?”
“Jazz.” The mother frowned. “Danny.”
“We’ll be fine.” The girl’s pitch rose as she flopped a hand, forcibly casual.
“Yeah.” The boy took a step back, eyes still pinned on his mother. “We’ll be fine. You guys go deal with the ghost.” He motioned behind him, towards the GAV’s toilet. “And I’ll just be in-”
“Danny!” Maddie interrupted. She stood up and turned, standing in the gap between the driver’s and front passenger’s seat. “We know. Danny. We know that you’re Phantom.”
The boy paled, his eyes widening with shock. “What? That’s not-”
Maddie pointed through the front window, forcefully. “Go.”
Danny’s lip trembled. Fear flickered over his face and underneath it, hurt. The mother’s eyes widened at the reaction before it hit her. She’d said the wrong thing. She’d messed up. Why do she keep-
“Go deal with the ghost, son.” Beside her, Jack had turned. His normally booming voice was so gentle. “You can change. Go deal with the ghost and we’ll be here when you get back.”
The boy stared at the man, anxiously searching his face. He was still shaking slightly and...were his eyes watering? Maddie remained frozen, watching. She wanted to speak up, to offer him comfort and reassurance. But the words stayed locked in his throat.
Then there was a roar outside, a boom. Danny’s head turned and he sprinted. Maddie blinked, paling as he literally passed through the closed door. A second later, something flashed out the corner of her eye. Maddie turned, watching as Phantom….Danny flew out in front of the GAV, shooting an ectoblast at the other ghost. Her knees shaking, Maddie fell into her seat. The bear-cat growled and shot a fireball at the ghost boy.
Maddie’s heart skipped a beat, her hand twitching over the door handle. They should go out there. She and Jack should be dealing with this. She reached for the holster on her belt. Her brow wrinkled as she found...nothing. Wait...she wasn’t in her hazmat suit. No belt, no holster, no ectogun. She frantically looked on the floor, before glancing behind her. There had to be something, someway to-
“Mom.” Jazz’s quiet voice came from behind her. “Danny will be fine. He knows what he’s doing.”
Yes. Maddie nodded, trying to agree. She had seen Phantom in action and he was competent. But...this was...this was Danny. Danny was out there fighting the ghost. Her heart rate increased. “No. We need to-”
Jack’s hand was on her arm. “No. We can’t, Maddie.” His voice wavered. “No guns. Not..not after we….”
The woman swallowed, understanding. No. No. They could go out there, wheedling guns, not after….Maddie shivered as the memory hit her. Pointing a bazooka at Phantom….Danny… his eyes wide with fear. Chasing him down while yelling insults. Danny...Danny, her son, even if glowing and floating with green eyes and fangs...Danny dodging their shots.
Maddie felt her breath quicken. No, they couldn’t go after the ghost in their current state. They shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t dream of, pointing any ectogun in Danny’s general direction. Not when they hadn’t made sure their weapons won’t target him, that they couldn’t hurt him. Not when…..Danny’s fearful face, just minutes ago...not when he might think they...they wanted to hurt him.
Another growl and a crash and the mother’s head suddenly whipped up, just in time to see a flash of blue light. Floating twenty feet in front of them was Danny, holding a thermos and pointing it at the other ghost. The bear-cat hissed as it was sucked in but seconds later, it disappeared. 
Maddie let out a relieved sigh, as her son caped the thermos. Then the boy’s head turned, his eyes meeting hers through the window. His shoulders were raised, his wide eyes misty. His lip trembled and then he disappeared.
The woman gasped, reaching forward. “Danny. Come back.”
The boy didn’t reappear and Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. Her hand reached for the door again. She needed to find her son, to reassure him, to -
A knock sounded at the side door, across from where Jazz and Danny had been sitting. Maddie flinched, looking back. Another knock.
Maddie frowned, brow furrowing. “I don’t see...anything.” Nothing and no one was visible through the window but...that didn’t mean no one was there.
“Danny.” Jazz called, standing. Warrily, she glanced between her parents. She bit her lip. “Mom? Dad?”
“Danny’s….Danny’s invisible, on the other side of the door. Isn’t he?” Maddie asked.
The girl nodded. “I think so.”
“You can open the door for him, Jazz.” Jack sighed. He looked down guiltily.
Hesitantly, the teenage girl stepped forward. Her hand hovered over the handle before she pulled it open. “It’s okay, Danny.” She whispered. “You can come inside.”
There was no reply as Jazz stepped back. The hair on the back of Maddie’s neck raised as the temperature dipped. Her eyes widened as the door slide closed, seemingly by itself. Then there was the shaky sound of someone sighing. And finally….Danny reappeared.
Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. There he was. The ghost boy. Phantom. Danny. Her Danny...her son, floating in the mind of the GAV. He trembled nervously in the air, his misty green eyes flickering between the ghost hunters. He looked so scared and...something in Maddie broke.
The woman stood up, suddenly. Her hands started shaking, her eyes watering. “Danny.” Her voice shook.
“Mom?” His echoing voice questioned.
Maddie nodded, hesitantly approaching. “Yes, sweetie.” She reached forward, gently touching his arm even as he flinched. “I love you so much.”
Danny’s eyes watered, his voice trembling. “You...you really mean that? Really? Even though I’m…I’m...” He shook his head, unable to force more words out.
Tears started to blur her vision. “Oh, baby. Yes. Yes. I love you so much.” Her breath quickened, a sob threatening to escape. “We...we should have said something sooner.”
“No. I….I should have…told you. I should have...” Danny looked down, sniffling.
Maddie gently pulled the boy into her arms. “I...I should have reassured you.” Danny stiffened before relaxing into the hug. “I should have made you feel safe, like you could trust me with this.”
Footsteps sounded behind him. “Danny boy.” Jack squeezed in beside the two. “I am so sorry, son. I love you so much.” The man wrapped his arms around his son and wife.
With that, Danny finally started crying. A soft sob broke forth from his throat. “Mom. Dad.” He whined. “I just... I’ve been waiting...waiting for the other shoe to drop and you’d see. You’d finally say...say something and…. And...” He sobbed. “You’d see what a monster...what a freak..a freak I...I am…”
“No. Danny. No. You’re not...you’re not a monster. You’re..You’re my baby boy….You’re my baby, no matter what. I’m...I’m so sorry you ever...we ever made you think….” Maddie cried, squeezing him tighter as he cried. He was cold. So cold. But solid in her arms. She could feel the slight fluttering of his heart, pressed up against her own heart. And the ectoenergy swirling under his skin. That was new, something she’d never felt before. And she thanked the heavens that she hadn’t, that she’d never laid hands on Phantom when they hadn’t known the truth, that they had never landed a shot on him. Maddie choked through her sobs. “We messed up. We messed up so badly. And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I need to do better.”
“Danny. I’m sorry.” Jack reassured, sniffling himself. “I’m so sorry too. I have so much to make up for. Me and your Mom...we...we will...we’ll make this up to you.”
Danny warbled. “Mom. Dad. I...I love you guys. I love you guys so much.”
The words pricked at Maddie’s heart as much as they uplifted her. All that they had done and he still said that. All the woman could find in herself to do right then was hold her son tighter. 
For a second, the woman saw movement out of the corner to her eyes. A flash of red hair and...relief on Jazz’s face. The girl joined the group hug. “I love you little brother.”
Danny sniffled, nodding in acknowledgement even as he continued crying.
For a long moment, the family stayed huddled together. All of them were crying, trembling slightly with emotion. But through the sadness, another emotion broke through...relief. Danny sighed, the corner of his lip turning up slightly as his tears slowed.
Finally, the boy gently pulled out of their hold. He wiped his wet face. “You really...you really mean all that?” He looked between his parents. “You’re okay with….this?” He motioned up and down his body. “You’re okay that I’m a ghost? That I’m Phantom?”
Maddie offered him a watery smile. “Yes. I love you no matter what or who you are.” She placed one hand on his face and Danny’s lips parted just enough to see his fangs. “No matter what you look like, you’re my son.”
Dad nodded. “Fangs or no fangs. Ghost or human or….something inbetween.”
The woman glanced down, at the slow movement of his chest, the glow radiating from his body, the air below where he floated. “We don’t really understand this. But...I know I’d like to.”
For a moment, Danny looked worried. He floated back, away from Maddie’s hand.
Jack’s expression softened. “We want to know what life is like for you now. How we can help and support you.”
Maddie agreed. “We haven’t been there for you for a while but we’re here now.”
Danny nodded. “Okay….Okay...I think..I think I believe you.”
The parents looked at each other and Maddie’s stomach flopped. His tentativeness was understandable but still… it made her heart hurt. They’d lost much of Danny’s trust and would have to work to gain that trust back. They were fortunate he was willing to try rebuilding their relationship at all.
The mother sighed. “We do have a lot to talk about but….” She motioned around the crowded GAV. “We should go home first.”
Danny nodded. “Yeah.” With that, everyone stepped away, returning to their seats. The teenager glanced down at himself, blushing. “I’m still in...ghost form. I’ll just….” He bit his lip, closing his eyes.
Then a ring of white light, the same one that started all of this, formed around his waist. The light passed and Danny, now with black hair and blue eyes, gracefully touched down. He picked up his fast food bag and pulled out his half eaten burger. He took a bit before looking up at his parents, both of whom were standing and marveling at his recent transformation.
He smiled sheepishly. “Uhh...can we get milkshakes?”
Maddie blinked at the seeming random question. Beside her, Jack laughed. “Sure thing, Danno.” He walked to his seat and buckled. “What do you want? Peanut butter and bacon?”
Jazz wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Ew. Why would you eat that?”
Meanwhile, Danny laughed. “Because it’s delicious.” He addressed Jack. “Yeah Dad. That sounds amazing.”
The man nodded. “Madds, what about you?”
The question drew the woman out of her observation. She returned to her seat, answering. “Mint Chocolate chip sounds good to me.”
“I’ll do strawberry cheesecake.” Jazz piped in.
“Okay. Peanut butter bacon, mint chip, strawberry cheesecake.” The man listed off. “And I’ll do...peanut butter banana.”
Jack repeated the list while he pulled back into the drive through line. And Maddie sighed, relieved. Finally addressing Danny’s secret had not gone as she’d planned. But…. she glanced to the back to see Danny and Jazz were eating and chatting with each other, looking as relieved as she was. It went well, all things considered. As she said, there was much to figure out. But...today they’d had a fun time as a family. They’d relaxed, they’d bonded, they’d finally seen Danny smile again, after months. And...the truth was out. Apologies were made. After the fear, mistrust, and anxiety, Danny and Jazz as well knew that she and Jack would fully support Danny, ghost powers and Phantom alter ego included. 
Maddie looked back, meeting Danny’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He gave her a fanged smile. Yes, it felt like...everything would be okay
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vacant--body · 3 years
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MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING: Su!c!de attempt, graphic description of bl00d, mentions of death, medical procedure talk, loss of pregnancy, PTSD, lots and lots of angst, mentions of drinking.
Female!reader, love triangle with Steve and Bucky (kinda?)
Word count: roughly 2,076
Please don't read if any of these warnings will trigger you :)
Bucky's eyes snapped open, his advanced hearing honing in on the soft wails coming from down the hall. It was you, it always you. He inhaled sharply and pushed himself out of his warm bed, his dog tags clinking against his bare chest. It gets worse when Steve isn't here; your night terrors. He's the only one that can rock you back to sleep, soothing your tear stained cheeks and calming your raging mind. Bucky isn't very good at it, but he can get the job done.
His door slid open and he walked quietly down the hallway, careful not to wake anybody else up. Tony had to semi soundproof your room. When you first came to live in the compound, your screams would keep everyone up all night. Now only Bucky and Steve could hear your cries, which often made for sleepless nights. But lately it’s been getting better, which he was thankful for. Both for your sake and his sake.
Bucky stopped in front of your door, expecting it to just slide open like it normally does. But it didn't. Confused, he waved his hand in front of the sensor but it didn't budge. "Friday?" He yawned, annoyed. What couldn't Tony just put in normal doors? They're so much simpler. "What's wrong with the door?"
"It seems that Ms. Y/L/N has locked it." Strange. You never lock it.
"Well, unlock it." He snapped back at the AI.
"I cannot. She has over-ridden my capabilities to unlock it."
"What?" Bucky asked, suddenly more awake. The hairs on his arms stood up and a gut wrenching feeling began to churn in his stomach. He could hear you on the other side, still crying. "Y/N!" Bucky yelled pounding on the door. The cries grew harder. "Y/N open the door!"
"Go away!" You screamed. "Just go!" This wasn't a night terror, you were awake. “I don’t need you, Bucky!”
"Friday, get Tony down here." Bucky yelled, pounding on the door again. "Y/N please just open the door! Let me help!"
"Don't need your help." There was the sound of the bathtub starting up. "Just go."
"Bucky,” A tired voice groaned from behind him. Sam. "It's 2:30 in the morning, why in the hell are you screaming."
"Y/N locked us out." He muttered, pressing his ear against the door. He could hear you whimpering on the other side. "Friday can't open it."
"Friday, get Tony-"
"He is on his way." She replied back. "Ms. Y/N also disabled her cameras. I can't see inside there either."
"Y/N!" Bucky tried again, his voice cracking just enough for him to notice. Hopefully not enough for Sam to notice.
"Does someone wanna tell me why I am down here in the middle of the god damn night?" Another voice said behind them.
"Just get the fucking door open." Bucky snarled. Tony took note of the worry and urgency in his voice and unlatched a panel that was next to the door. He moved some wires around and the door hissed open.
Bucky rushed in and the state of your room hit him like a truck. It was a wreak. Your mattress was halfway off of its frame, your dresser was knocked over with all the clothes torn out, and there was a smashed chair in the corner. You had also punched out your mirror, making Bucky's footsteps crunch as he walked through her room. How did he not hear this? Why didn't he wake up? But that's not what bothered Bucky. His nose instantly picked up on a coppery smell that stung the inside of his nostrils, making him instantly nauseous. He pushed into the bathroom, where somehow the cupboard was shoved in front of.
The sight before him was enough to make him cry and vomit at the same time. You were submerged in the bathtub, the water stained a bright red color. A long shard of glass from the mirror was laying on the floor, stained with your crimson blood. Two deep long cuts had been carved into your forearms. The ringing in his ears slowly subsided and he heard the sound of either Tony or Sam dry heaving behind him. He wasn't sure who it was.
"Friday, prep medical bay. Get Banners ass up. Now." He heard Tony growl.
Bucky sunk to his knees, his sweatpants become stained with the blood soaked water that had sloshed over the edge. "Y/N." He muttered. She was pale. Too pale. "Y/N!" He yelled grabbing her by the shoulders. “Open your fucking eyes and look at me!" You didn't open her eyes, the only movement was coming from your chest. You were taking quick short breaths, which Bucky figured wasn't good. "Please don't do this to me, please. I need you, fuck-" He choked back a sob.
"Buck, we have to get her down to-" Before Sam could finish his sentence, Bucky was lifting you out of the water and took off towards the med bay.
Banner was already down there, a suturing kit already laid out. "How much blood has she lost?" He asked immediately as soon as Bucky came barreling through the doorway.
"A lot." Was all he could manage. He carefully laid you down on the cot. His thoughts were going a mile a minute. You were supposed to be getting better. Sam and Banner were supposed to be helping you, the therapy was supposed to be helping. Not killing you. Why wasn’t it helping? Why were you so selfish? How could you do that to us? To me, to Steve. To this whole team?
"Well good thing most of the team is A Positive so we have some on standby for her." Banner said. Bucky wasn't sure if he was talking to him or to himself.
Banner flushed out your wounds with what looked like water, and carefully began to stitch you up. Bucky noticed the slight shaking in his wrist and he pulled your skin together.
"Where is Steve?" Bucky whispered to Tony, not taking his eyes off of Y/N and Banner. For once, you looked like you were at peace. Your features were smoothed and relaxed, nothing like your previous state.
"His teams on their way back. ETA 4 hours." Tony whispered back.
A heavy silence fell over the med bay. Bucky felt drained. He couldn't keep his thought straight in his head, and it was numbing. He just kept asking the same thing. Why? You were doing so good. You were laughing, smiling, and actually making progress to talk to people outside your comfort zone. Of course you were still having night terrors, Sam said those wouldn't go away for a long time. But other than that you were fine. You said you were fine. He couldn't understand why.
Banner was done with one side. He moved over to the other and began to repeat the process, but one of the machines she was hooked up to began beeping rapidly. His head snapped up and his brows furrowed.
"Friday do a full body scan please." He grunted.
"What? What's wrong?" Bucky pleaded, his skin tightening and his stomach doing loops.
"Blood pressure is dropping. Not good." Was all he heard over the several machines firing at once.
"There is hemorrhaging. Location: uterus." Friday said back. "Surgery is recommended."
Banner quickly finished the last of the sutures and yanked your water and blood soaked sweatpants off. There was a large amount of blood pooling in between your legs.
"Bruce what is that?" Bucky yelled rushing over to them. "What's wrong with her, did she stab herself there?" He felt like he was going to vomit.
"Bucky-" He started as he fumbled with some tubing.
"What are you doing to her?!" Bucky yelled again his voice become more and more distressed. "You're gonna kill her please help her!"
"Tony get him the hell out of here!" Banner screamed finally, the Hulks voice peaking behind his anger and frustration.
Bucky was being yanked out of the bay by Sam and Tony. He could fight back easily, fight them off so he could be with you. But his legs were so shaky he could hardly stand on his own two feet. The windows that looked into the bay dimmed and Bucky caught one last look as Banner yanked down Y/N's underwear. A sob escaped from Buckys lips as he crumpled to the ground. What was happening now? Y/N must be so scared. He was so scared.
He felt that hot tears prick at his cheeks and dribbled down into his beard hair. He was crying. Crying for the first time in who knows how long. He couldn't loose you. You were the only one who truly understood Bucky. You meant too much to him.
"Buck-" Sam started but Bucky just cut him off.
"Leave me alone." He sobbed. It felt like a metal pipe had been shoved down Buckys throat. He couldn’t breathe. "Please just go away." Tony and Sam shared a look before the disappeared down the hallway.
He sat there for what seemed like days. But it was only hours. Soon enough Steve came jogging down the hallway to where Bucky sat.
"Buck." Steve gasped, kneeling down next to him. "What happened?"
"I thought she was having a night terrors." Bucky's voice was raw and it hurt to swallow. The crying must have stopped hours ago, but he couldn't remember when it ended. "But she locked me out. Tried to...tried to..."
"Oh god." Steve whimpered, understanding what he was saying. “Is she...?" Bucky shook his head.
"She started bleeding. I think Banners still doing surgery." Steve's face was screwed tightly together as he stood back up. Bucky couldn't tell what he was feeling. He paced the hallway for a bit before he slid down against the wall across from Bucky, his eyes blankly staring at the door. He could see the trembling in his chest when he inhaled.
They sat there in silence for about another hour, when suddenly, the doors to the med bay swung open. Banners eyes fell on them. He sighed heavily and put his hands in his pockets.
"What? What is it?" Bucky pleaded getting to his feet, which caused Steve to stand up.
"Is she okay?" Steve asked, his brows closely knit together.
"Yeah. She's stable. Woke up for a few minutes but she's sleeping now. I had to give her some medicine to calm her down. And I had to..." He trailed off. "Restrain her. She's very agitated." Bruce exhaled and wrung his hands together.
"Then what happened? Why did you have to do surgery." Bucky prodded. He could tell Banner was hiding something.
"The bleeding was caused by a mixture of shock and her blood pressure tanking. I couldn't-" He cleared his throat like he was keeping back tears. "I couldn't save the fetus. She miscarried."
It felt like someone had punched Bucky in the gut. Fetus? Miscarried? She was pregnant?
"From what I could tell she was about 15 weeks along. I ran the DNA because I wasn't...I wasn't sure who the father was."
"I had a child?" Steve whimpered. Tears were falling freely down his face.
"No, Steve.” He whispered softly. “Bucky, it was yours.”
"What? No. That's impossible." Steve scoffed. "You must have your science shit mixed up. There is no way."
"No, he's right." Bucky whispered, absolute shocking talking grip of his body.
"I'm sorry. It was a boy."
"What? No. No! It's wrong. Go test it again Banner! I know it's wrong!"
"You were fucking her?!" Steve screamed, turning to Bucky. "You knew I was in love with her and you were fucking her?!"
"It was once Steve! Almost 3 months ago! We were drunk and you were away on a mission and I came onto her!" Bucky bargained, staring into the flames of his best friend’s eyes.
"You fucked my girl! My girl!" Steve was irate, barely able to contain himself.
"She isn't yours Steve, you're not even together!"
"I told her that I loved her! And you went and fucked her anyway! What, do you always follow your dick!? I bet that's why she refuses to look at you!"
"No, she told me that she loved me!" Bucky screamed back, his voice echoing in the hallway as silence washed over them. Bucky took a deep breath. "She said it first. And I told her it was a mistake and should be with you." He said quietly.
Steve let out an animalistic growl, and his fist made contact with the side of Bucky's cheek and the back of his head smashed against the wall.
"I love you Bucky." Y/N's soft voice said. Your head was currently buried in Bucky's bare chest. "It's you. It's always has been." You whispered.
Bucky reached down and cupped her cheek, making you look at him. He has been waiting to hear that since they first met. He didn't believe in love at first sight but ever since he first laid eyes on you, he started to believe.
"You don't mean that, doll." He muttered back. Alcohol was still running its course through their bodies. "You're drunk."
"Drunk words are a sober mans thoughts."
"I want you Bucky. Just you. No more going back and forth between you and Steve. I can't do that anymore, Bucky. Please believe me." You pleaded, your large eyes staring into his.
"You deserve someone like Steve, not like me. You can't love me." He sighed, letting go of your face.
"I love Steve. He’s amazing and kind, but I love I have for him isn’t like how I love you.”
"No. You love the thought of me." He snapped, rising off the bed. "But you don't love me Y/N. I promise you, you don't. You shouldn't." He gathered his clothes from the floor and shimmied into them. He reached the door and stopped at the sound of your voice.
"But-" Bucky winced at the sound of your voice as it was filling with tears.
"I'm sorry." He whispered turning away, his own eyes brimming with tears. "I don't deserve you. You can't love me. I'm sorry."
part 2
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call out my name pt. 2
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summary: spencer rushes off to fix things with y/n, but can they really be fixed?
word count: 2,371                                                                                     reading time aprox: 9 mins
a/n: i just wanted to say thank you for all the support and praise i received on here, especially seeing all of my favorite authors comment and reblog my work is so heartening. thank you all so much for the support, you’re the reason why i have the encouragement to continue doing what i love <3
part 1
The rain pattered against the window panes, interlocking with the light that shone through the sheer curtains of my apartment. A cold breeze slipped through the crack of the window, letting it venture through the dim room before it graced my skin. Although the sensation hadn’t registered in my mind as the plain beige wall in front of me consumed my attention. 
The hypnotic sound of the rain provided a consistent rhythm that encouraged my introspection. In the entire duration of my break, I’ve let my thoughts filter and organize themselves. I’ve felt powerless against the accusations that my brain has thrown towards me, setting my emotions to the side in a state of suspense. 
My knees were curled up against my chest, my unwashed hair scrunched up against my cheeks, and my sweater was littered with unknown stains and dried tears. Along with the descension of my reasonability, my hygiene followed shortly after. 
I was brought out of my bubble by the buzz of my phone. I turned it off weeks ago from the constant notifications I got from the team, it was only when I received a text message from my mother that I decided to turn it back on for the day. 
I reached over to the side table where my phone laid, feeling my muscles tense up and ache from the lack of movement I’ve done these past weeks. Turning it on, the intense light blinded me, leaving me disoriented. When my eyes finally adjusted to the sudden change of light, I wished that I had been blinded a little longer than I was. 
The notification read ‘New Voicemail: JJ <3’ 
My breath got pushed back in my throat, a wave of discomfort flooding over my entire body as my thumb hesitated over the notification. My lips trembled, swallowing my saliva while a debate ensued between my impulsivity and my timidity. With a numb boost of confidence I hurriedly pressed on the notification, traveling through my phone to hear out her message. 
“Hey Y/N” The message began. “I know that you heard...about what I said to Spence-” Her voice was low and full of penance, although any remorse that I tried to comprehend washed away at her use of Spencer’s nickname. “Gosh, I don’t even - I don’t even know how to begin to apologize for what I said - I - you don’t know how much Spence loves you and how much he talks about you” She sighed, her tone picking up as she praised Spencer. “But what I said was completely inappropriate and I’m so sorry for what I said. Telling Spence that I loved him was way out of line, considering that you’re such a dear friend to me, and especially since things are so complicated with me and Will - I just - I’m so sorry that I told him that I love-” 
The rest of the message was left to the imagination as I forcefully threw my phone against the beige wall, denting it in the process. A flurry of newfound rage clouded my mind, providing a break from the contradicting thoughts that usually engulfed my head. For once, I had directed the emotion towards another individual rather than myself. 
The phone fell with a heavy thud, glass debris flying across the floor, decorating the oak floors with fragments. I could care less about the material expense that I would have to pay; my blind resentment tainting my rationality. 
My chest heaved in exasperation as a novel onslaught of tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Although the quantity of tears were sparse because they were wasted on my self reproach the previous week. I furiously wiped them away, detaching myself from the malicious feeling, a habit I came to develop. 
I adapted to the stupefaction that infiltrated my heart, at times feeling grateful for the ability. The coldness that surrounded my small living room couldn’t compare to the icy innards of my chest. 
Finally collecting my composure, I looked over to a mirror that sat between my bookshelves, taking in my disheveled and ragged appearance. 
JJ wouldn’t look like this
My face contorted into a somber expression, letting my insecurities slip through the hard persona I persisted to instill in myself. I surveyed the filthy environment that surrounded me; the floor was painted with old dirt, the furniture had accumulated colonies of dust, and the roses that sat on the kitchen counters had wilted. 
JJ would never let herself go like this
Who was I kidding? Who was I, Y/N Y/L/N, to compare to a Georgetown graduate, an astounding profiler, and an icon of beauty? 
Well the one thing I had that she didn’t was Spencer
But did I really? 
I was startled out of my grim assessment by a frantic knocking against my front door. I groaned internally, not hesitating to stay where I was situated. I couldn’t handle any human interaction at the moment, frankly I didn’t want any human interaction at all. I’ve learned to love the little cocoon I had built around me, finding serendipity in my self-isolation. 
“Go away!” I attempted to shout, but all that came out was a hoarse whimper that sent a sharp pain to my esophagus. I flinched as the knocking became more frantic, the volume elevating along with the forceful jabs against the wood. 
I felt my ears ring, using my hands to alleviate the pounding that attacked my eardrums. I was about to open my mouth to disclose another warning, but a familiar voice had interrupted me. 
“Y/N! Y/N are you in there!” Spencer yelled, slamming his fists against the door between every phrase. 
I froze in my spot, a wave of mixed emotions coming over me as my cheeks flushed at hearing his voice for the first time in a long time. The familiar sound sent shockwaves down my spine and dread silenced my tongue. It felt like I was on high alert, like an animal paranoid of its prey. 
“Y/N! Just - god please tell me you’re at least okay” He stammered in his fit of hysteria, the bangs on the door slowing in rhythm. 
Silence followed his pleas, instilling a sense of relief that I didn’t know I needed. Movement outside stilled, making me think that he had given up his relentless efforts and went elsewhere. I let out a breath that I held in, alleviating the stress that had accumulated inside of me. 
Although the moment that I began to relax into my seat, two blaring shots rattled through the apartment complex. The scent of gunpowder meshed with the dewy air as I jumped out of my seat, startled and alarmed. I closed my eyes and covered my ears with my palms, the ringing leaving me blindsided. 
“Y/N! Y/N? Are you there?” Spencer rushed in with his gun pointed, his feet clattering against the floor in a haste. 
“What the fuck Spencer” I hoarsely whispered, although the meekly volume of my voice hadn’t penetrated this ears. 
“Y/N!” He called out once again, slowing his movements as his sneakers squeaked with every step he made. 
“I’m here Spencer, I’m here” I repeated, using all my might to push the small phrase off of my tongue. My throat stung at the strain of my voice, a burning feeling eliciting from the back of my throat due to the dryness. This time I had caught his attention.
We locked eyes for a brief moment before I quickly broke our line of sight, insecure about my current appearance; even after a month I still held Spencer’s opinion to the highest magnitude. In the time that I observed him, I noticed that he was drenched in rain water, his hair tangled and strung out from his head while droplets proceeded behind him. 
“I-” He breathed, his words caught in his throat. He dropped his revolver beside him in incredulity, drinking in my battered presence. He didn’t look too well either, his stature was still the same but the bags under his eyes were prominent, his cheeks were puffed from exhaustion, and his posture resembled the hunchback of Notre Dame. 
“W- what are y- you doing here Spencer?” I croaked, rubbing my hands against my arms in an attempt for any type of coverage. 
My senses heightened as I waited for his response. He brought in such a familiar, yet unfamiliar presence with him. It felt like I was home, but so far away from it at the same time. 
Maybe it was the way that I longed for the warmth of his embrace, the calming rhythm of his heart beat while I slept on his chest, and the soothing melody of his voice while he read to me. But maybe it was also the way he hadn’t dared to speak when JJ’s voice was full of love, when he assumed that I hadn’t acknowledged the endearments he received from another woman, and when I became a distant thought in the back of his head. 
I’ve never doubted Spencer’s eidetic memory, but this time I questioned my place in that brilliant mind of his. Maybe for the first time, I was the one thought that had ceased to exist. 
“I - why didn’t you tell me?” He uttered, running his hand over his jaw in grievance. His eyes burned holes into me, the intense glare making me feel small under his scrutiny. 
I couldn’t answer
“God Y/N - I don’t even - why didn’t you even tell me?” 
“I - uh - I don’t” I stuttered, unable to muster the confidence or cognitive ability to speak; it was like my brain had turned into mush. 
“Please talk to me” He pleaded, taking a hesitant step closer to me. 
I stumbled back in a haste like he was some sort of repellent. I felt a constant push and pull in my gut, messing with my innate instincts. 
“Spencer don’t-” I warned, seeing how he had taken a few determined strides towards me. 
“Spence...please don't - p- please” I whimpered, feeling a wet substance slide down the apple of my cheeks. I tasted the crimson blood mix with the salty residue on my lips, unaware of how hard I bit down on the skin. 
Pained tears continued to fall incessantly from my eyes, matching the way the rain ran down my window panes previously. I saw Spencer’s figure slump down in defeat, the helplessness in my words permeating his eardrums. 
“Y/N just - please let me fix - Y/N just please let me fix us” He solicited, looking to me for permission to advance. 
“Spencer there’s no need for fixing anythi-” 
“Yes there is Y/N-” 
“No there isn’t Spencer!” I persisted, convincing myself that I had everything under control. I shut my eyes in frustration, shaking my head in denial while I reminded myself of all the malicious emotions I refused to feel. 
“Y/N please just list-” 
“No Spencer. I know what to do and I know how to deal with-” 
“No Y/N! No you don’t - god you’re so stubborn sometimes -” He imprudently blurted out, pinching at the bridge of his nose to collect his composure. “Y/N - please just…” He sighed, looking deep into my eyes from a distance. “Please just let me in” He begged, a few tears slipping from the corners of his somber irises. His face wore an anguished and desperate expression, an expression that had the ability to end a war. 
My cold exterior shattered instantaneously from the sight of Spencer, feeling my heart being tugged into multiple directions until all that was left was a pained human muscle. As much as I wanted to convince myself of an ardent persona, I knew that Spencer was the only person that could invoke such a visceral reaction from me. Whether I accepted the feeling or not, I knew that Spencer’s effect on me was unmatched to any delusions I made myself to believe. 
My lips trembled uncontrollably as a soft sob rolled off my tongue. I looked to Spencer for aid, feeling my entire facade crash and burn. My knees buckled and weakened from reality coming in all at once. When the first cry fell from my mouth, more followed soon after. 
I became a drenched mess that sat in the middle of the living room. I felt deceived by myself, developing a sense of self resentment as my mindset came into actualization. I grieved for the fragment of myself that I secluded and killed off because of my inability to process my agony, longing for that piece of me back. 
Spencer came to my rescue, engulfing me in his arms and encroaching me with his touch. I leaned into his chest, desperately clutching onto the dress shirt he wore. My tears stained his blazer, leaving puddles along the fabric, but I couldn’t care less. 
I breathed in the sedative scent, feeling it flush through my nostrils, reminding me of home. I held onto his arms tightly, afraid that he would disappear the moment I let go of him. 
Spencer tried to reach down to grab a hold of my cheek, but I nudged his fingers away, climbing into his lap as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. 
He cooed into my hair, stroking my back while he whispered his endearments in my ear. “You’re okay Y/N - we’re going to be okay” He breathed, letting out a staggered exhale as he enunciated his words. 
Light rushed into my chest at that moment, letting it conquer and cut through the caution tape I had wired around my feelings. Shutting my eyes, I relaxed into his love, letting it infiltrate and replace my fears. 
I didn’t doubt that it was going to take time to heal and repair, but at least it was beginning. 
“I love you so so much Y/N - more than you can ever conceive” He declared, pressing a soft kiss on my temple. “And nobody will ever tell me otherwise” 
I knew from that moment that I didn’t have to walk on a tightrope no longer because I knew it was my name that Spencer would be calling out.
taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @howdycharlie​ @linthebinbag​ @goldentournesol​ @andiebeaword​ @moon-light-jukebox​ @pizzarollsfordayz​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @cielo1984​ @spncersreid​ @101donuts​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @haylaansmi​ @parkeroffline​
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Truth / Lies
Bio!Dad Bruce
Bio!Dad Masterlist ~~~ Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~~~~~~~~
Marinette slipped out of the apartment early the next morning. She ran through the city, the early morning air stung her skin, waking her up more with each step.
Last night was a whirlwind and she didn't let herself think about it. But now she was.
Three months, almost four.
She has only known she was a Wayne for four months.
If this had happened sooner. She shuddered at the thought, yet it still flitted across her mind. She would have married her brother had this happened sooner.
Would she have recognized Damian from the 10 seconds she spent looking at his photo that day. No, she wouldn't and that thought terrified her. If it happened before then, she wouldn't even know she had a brother.
Would Bruce have recognized her, maybe, but then again that was assuming he knew what she looked like. And knowing what and how this happened, they wouldn’t have even met until after the fact.
She didn't even realize she had made her regular circuit until she was back in front of their apartment building. She opened the door and made her way up.
Hopefully Tim was gone, and they wouldn't need to explain last night.
She opened the door and there was not only Tim, but also Dick, Jason, and Bruce. At the table was a statuesque Damian.
"How much did they get out of you?" She tentatively asked.
"They threatened to call Manhunter." Was his answer.
Okay they know nothing, but oh no, oh no, oh no. She sat next to Damian turning into statue number two.
"Mini, the two of you disappeared last night what happened." Dad tried to stay calm, but his patience must have been tested by Sol already.
"Two truths, one lie." She side eyed Damian.
"We were in Nanda Parbat." Damian started.
"We avoided one mind numbing wedding." Marinette continued.
"The order has a larger moral back-bone than the league."
"You two aren't seriously playing this game to stall, are you?!" Tim seemed close to a mental breakdown. Then again, he hasn't slept in a week, so them disappearing may be the straw that broke him.
"Nanda Parbat and the league are tied so 1 and 3 are true." Jason figured.
"I would agree if this wasn't the second time, they said they avoided a wedding." Tim sighed.
"But it doesn't add into any of the others." Dick added.
"This morning their excuse was they were avoiding a wedding." Tim supplied.
"The truths are 1 and 2." Dad spoke definitely.
"Care to fill in the rest of the class B." Jason scoffed.
"Mini looks down for a fraction of a second when she lies, and she didn't when she said 2. Leaving 1 or 3 as the lie. Damian doesn't have a tick but using what he said 1 is true." He explained.
"There is no way for them to make that round trip in such a short time." Dick thought aloud. "Unless the order is filled with magic users. Meaning it is possible. And kidnapping kids could count as a lower moral backbone."
"Okay, so you're right, but kidnapping isn't the reason the League has a larger moral compass." Marinette assured.
"Do we want to know why the League of fucking Assassins has a larger moral backbone than an order of supposedly good magicians?" Jay was the one to speak the question on everyone's mind.
"Well if not saying or attempting to stop marrying two underage people is any indication." Damian scoffed.
"I honestly think it was their idea in the first place." Marinette mused aloud.
"Please for the love of god tell me you two weren't the ones getting married." Tim finally put it together.
"We avoided one hell of a headache inducing wedding. What do you think." She confirmed exasperated.
In a second (4) Errors could be seen on the faces of their family.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" Dad was the first to recover, but his voice was eerily level, scarier than his even tone as Batman.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Neither of them put up a fight, doing exactly as they were told. Not 20 seconds later all six of them were back in the middle of the League of Assassins following a clearly pissed off Bruce Wayne.
Thank kwamii that everyone else seem to know exactly where they were going in this compound because she sure didn’t. She walked right next to Damian the entire time and they were both watching their fathers back.
Twist and turns one after another and they finally came to what she can only describe as a throne room. When she saw the piece of shit that is Damian's maternal grandfather once again.
"Ra's." Was all her father stated. It is no exaggeration when she says that the color drained from that man’s face. She apparently wasn’t the only one contemplating exactly what had gone down last night. And the inevitable reaction of her family. What she failed to notice however, but her father didn’t was next to him was the same monk, still there. "Name." He ordered.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce growled in that instant she stopped breathing.
"Holy shit did Bruce just..." Jason stage whispered to Dick. However, she still couldn’t breathe and just watched the exchange. If she didn’t know her father’s rule to not kill, she would think he would be about to kill both Ra's and Su-Han, but she did know that rule. She’s pretty sure her father my break it though.
Bruce immediately was in a state of shock.
As Batman he had contingencies and plans in place for everything and anything. But this, this never was a probable scenario ever.
Once his shock faded, he saw red, he was absolutely livid. Children, his children, were almost married, for what. A feud that neither knew even existed.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" His voice was dead even, attempting and failing to keep his anger in check. Thank God Hawkmoth was no more.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Mini handed Damian the glasses, who immediately opened a portal. He walked through with his kids in tow, but he did not stray from his warpath. He found Ra's and another man, who wore the symbol on Mari's box.
"Ra's." Was all he said, knowing he had the man's attention the moment he entered. He showed no attempt to be bored. or uninterested. In fact, if it didn't seem impossible, Bruce would go so far as to say he was scared. He then looked over at the second man. "Name." He spoke again.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce demanded.
"It is not like you to visit." Ra's seemed to dance around his question.
"Why my kids?!" His voice rose and patience dwindled. So much so he didn't notice his two youngest slipped out of the room. While the older three seemed to be eating cookies and pastries, watching the show.
"Them being related was an unforeseen factor." Su-Han answered. "For there to be peace the two organizations needed to be unified."
"And both of you rubbed your cumulative two brain cells together and thought marrying two kids together is a valid response."
It was Ra's turn to speak. "Both of your children happen to be the next in line to command both respective organizations. Marriage was simply a contract between the two individual organizations to maintain peace. Although that failed to occur."
"Why did marriage come before I don't know, a god damn Peace treaty." He stopped to breathe.
"Given our history." Su-Han tried to make a point, but he didn't let him.
"You want history, I hear they have been around since the time of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Babylonian Empires."
Both men stood there seemingly trying to formulate any response that could work. “Marriage was the most reliable method to promote unity between the two.”
"Bullshit, you both wanted something quick and easy." An explosion was heard in the compound, sending Ra's into a fighting stance. "You both wanted to make it their responsibility to keep the peace. And when it would fail you would use it as an excuse to return to fighting one another."
A full minute of pure silence when no one so much as moved drawled on. Until the doors opened, and in walked his children, as a fox and a horse with two Kwamii in front of them.
"Are you two the ones responsible for the explosion?"
They looked at one another, then back at him. Damian was the one who answered. "Yes."
"What did you four do?" He asked, although he only did so more out of obligation than curiosity.
"We may have destroyed all the Pools of Miracles." Tikki flew forward and answered.
"You destroyed the Lazarus Pits / Pools!" Was shouted by Ra's and Su-Han.
"Yes, so it's magic cannot be further twisted." Mari stood firm.
"And for the monks to stop using it to extend their lives." Damian added.
"Can I spite them now?" A cat Kwamii he never met before asked him.
"I should be more disappointed, but I'm not." He sighed. "Go on ahead."
"Pigtails your family is the best." The cat cheered. "Now for you two."
The best way to explain what he did was that he phased through each of their hearts and floated on back. The entire time he were a grin that rivaled the cheshire cat.
"Plagg, what did you do?" Tikki tentatively asked.
"What's the fun in telling you now. Plagg cackled. With that they all left, back to Paris. Never mess with his kids, because one they can God damn take care of themselves and two, he may not kill but he will supervise if even one of them is hurt.
~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios @fusser90 @madking-warqueen @buginetye @little-lady-bird @thebooki3h @iamabrownfox @galla02006 @syrencall @gimpedmercy
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tommyinnit-simp-95 · 3 years
"WHY MUST YOU BETRAY ME EVERY CHANCE YOU GET?!" Techno shouts at the shaking, tear filled eyed boy in front of him.
Tommy said nothing as he looked around at the chaos unfolding. The TNT had been stopped by his and Ranboos' quick thinking of teleporting the dispensers else where so now the only thing ringing in his ears was the cries of the L'Manburgians and the screeching of Withers.
Phil stepped forward, having noticed how heavily Tommy had began to breathe. "Tech maybe you should-" He tries to warn his son, believing his grandchild to be on a verge of a panic attack.
But Techno did not listen and continued to shout at the young blonde that stood before him.
"What happened to the boy that I raised?! What happened to the child I held and cared for Theseus?! Where is my child that would never hurt me as you have?!" Techno screamed with a voice filled with enough venom that just a single sentence could bring down an Ender Dragon.
"What happened?" Tommy whispered, looking up at his father. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"
Taken a back by the boys shout, Techno stepped back.
"That boy, your child, died the day you left him behind. Yes you tried to protect me from your voices, yes you tried to ensure my safety but the only thing you did was kill the child you used to know!" Tommy spat. "For XD's sake, my own grandfather feels more of a father than you ever have!"
"You take that back this instant!" Techno shouts. "You are my son, not Phil's, not Wil's! Mine! So you will listen to me!"
"You were my father when I was six Technoblade!" Tommy shouted back, his heart beating in his ears. "Not now!"
Techno growls, his voices screaming at him to punish his ungrateful son.
"You wonder why I betray you Technoblade!" Tommy shouted but his vision was becoming blurry and doubled. "Tell me! Tell me why should I choose a man who has done nothing but abandon me time and time again while also chosing to team up with my abuser, my tormentor, over a friend who has always been there for me and harmed by the same man?!"
"Tommy! Calm down, you'll have an asthma attack!" Phil shouts with a voice of alarm.
Tommy grunts and grips his chest in pain. He fell to his knees as his arm had quickly become numb. What was happening? Why did his heart hurt so much?
Shaking Tommy believed that he would get sick from the amount of pain that spread through out his chest as if it was a burning fire.
Wait. Wait he knew this feeling. "I-I'm dying..." He whispers as blood slipped past his lips.
Coughing harshly a splatter of blood adorns the obsidian grid. Gasping for air Tommy slowly looked up at his horrified father family member. Gritting his teeth in a snarl he manages to spit out one more thing before the darkness took him and tore him to pieces.
"I hate you."
With that, Tommy collapsed and a ding was heard all over the battle field.
Tommyinnt has had a heart attack
Lives left: 1
Respawn in: 4 hours
Techno watched as his sons body begun to turn to code in order for him to respawn else where. His eyes stung with unshed tears as his father screamed beside him.
Yes they knew that he had one more life and that he will respawn back at home but they still just watched the youngest of their family die right in front of them. You would scream too.
Looking around Techno watched as his withers torn apart the nation he once believed took away his son only to spit him out and exile him.
But now, through grieving eyes, he saw a burning nation that had helped his poor son recover from the loss of his own child. He saw a group of people who loved Tommy as if he was their own.
Turning towards near silent sobs he sees Dream, the man who helped him do this and was reminded that this was a man who made his child feel nothing but fear and pain for years.
Tubbo's and Ranboo's anguished screams reached the piglin hybrids flicking ears.
With a quick look he saw a sobbing Tubbo holding a terrified Henry who was gripping onto the brunettes' coat like it was his only life line. When he locked eyes with his grandson he could feel the icicle pierce his heart at the fearful look that was given to him.
Techno slowly sunk to his knees as he felt his heart being ripped into millions of pieces. Only one last thing made it past his lips before Dream had teleported himself and his accomplices away.
"What have I done...?"
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