#and it wasn't too long afterward that I ended up leaving the game entirely because of some mild drama
victorluvsalice · 10 months
Valice Calendar: Happy "Started Thinking Of Fanfic" Anniversary!
Hi everyone! We're back to acknowledging the final few important dates on the Valice( r) Calendar, and today could be seen as a real doozy -- it's the first date I could find in my old LiveJournal entries where I mentioned wanting to write Victor/Alice fanfic! Again, the entry itself is probably fairly incomprehensible if you weren't already familiar with me and my quirks back then (like talking to myself about my day in the guise of chatting with my fifteen million AU versions of Doc Brown -- yes, the whole "how many fucking AUs do you have" thing was well-established even then), but the gist of it was that I'd just completed NaNoWriMo, and was looking for a new writing project! And because I was already considering how to add versions of Victor and Alice to this LJ RP game I was part of at the time ("Beyond The Rift," where people from other worlds were falling into an alternate Chicago full of magic-users and demons and angels via "rifts" that gave them weird superpowers -- it was a bizarre, if fun, game), I found myself thinking a lot of how I might get them to meet in a way that didn't involve chucking them both into another universe. This was BEFORE Alice: Madness Returns was a thing, remember, so I didn't have "Victor getting chucked off to Dr. Bumby" as a crutch! I ended up just skirting the issue for my first few fanfics (such as the very first one, "Suffocating"), and then came up with "maybe Victor and Alice met as kids once" (leading to "By The Riverside"), and then started doing stuff with Alice having an uncle, Charles, who was a solicitor and thus might be involved with the Van Dorts (this is the origin of the Uncle Charles and Aunt Susan who show up in the Secundus Verse, which itself was prompted by me getting into steampunk and having what I thought was a cool mega-crossover idea for NaNoWriMo one year), and then A:MR came out, and I came up with the "hey, what if Victor got sent to Dr. Bumby because his parents didn't believe him about Emily?" idea (leading to the Forgotten Vows Verse) and then --
Um. Well. We can see how far I've come, can't we? ^^; (Though admittedly, the "fanfic" tag on this tumblr also includes non-Valice fanfics from me (generally gift fics for friends), and fanfics from other people, Valice-related (like "Beneath A Broken Sky") and non-Valice-related.) But yeah -- I think I've gotten over whatever mental hurdles I had before regarding finding a way to get them together for fanfic purposes. XD
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slashthrashandcrash · 4 months
Okay, I had to go see what JedMEg was for myself and now I'm hooked. Can you talk more about them? Like does Meg ever find out the truth and how she reacts, for example?
I had to go digging for the last ask (here) about them just to remember where I left off in my insane ramblings lmao
So my original idea for this AU was that there is no fog, meaning once the Jed Olsen cover is purposely blown as per the lore, then it's totally game over, there's no Entity to whisk Danny away from the fall out. But that's part of the problem, isn't it? He's gone and gotten himself a little too attached to what was supposed to be a fake girlfriend, a girlfriend who's in love with a man that doesn't exist rather than the actor playing him.
Normally when he would snag himself a partner to accompany whatever persona he was putting on, Danny would kill them just before he skipped down. That satisfying moment of betrayal in their eyes, the soul crushing realization that everything was a facade, a convenience, that he never even liked them enough to give them a quick death no matter how many sweet "I love you"s he told them prior. As well as just another "fuck you" to the cops and community for how close under their noses he had been all along.
But he can't do that with Meg. He has no idea why, it was never this difficult before, but he's also never felt this way about any partner in general either. Fucking hell, he's really gone and gotten a crush on a pretty little redhead, huh? It doesn't matter, Jed Olsen was never someone who was meant to be around long term, and it's about high time he moves on since eyes are starting to shift towards him a bit. As much as it weirdly twists his heart to abandon Meg and leave her behind with the awful truth of who he really is to come out to the public afterwards, he knows it's for the best. Well...best for himself, anyways. And maybe for her, too, so that she's not entirely caught up in the shitstorm (of course, being the very public girlfriend of the now most wanted suspect in an ongoing murder case isn't going to be an easy ride...)
And Meg is beyond horrified to say the least. She still can't comprehend the entirety of the betrayal, that not only would her boyfriend leave her without a word, but that he would leave her because he was the very same murderer who had been harassing her for weeks! The one he was closely reporting on, the one whose ass Meg would try to kick every time he broke into her home, the one who used to threaten her "boyfriend" when they were in fact the same person. Everything she ever knew about him was a lie while she unfairly shared her whole heart to him. Not only that, but it's near impossible for her to try and imagine sweet, dorky, shy Jed being anything remotely close to a coldhearted killer. He couldn't even open a sauce jar half the time!! And you're telling her he can easily overpower multiple victims and haul their bodies around for sick poses???
Now Jed (?) is still out there, still on the loose, and Meg has no idea what to do. Reporters are hounding her for a statement. Police want to wring her dry for any clues or information that might help. People stare and spread rumors about just how "involved" she might have been from the start. And what if he decides to come back in the end, to tie up the loose end he left behind for whatever reason, is she even safe here anymore? Well, not for long, because that stupid ache in Danny's chest still hasn't subsided...it almost feels like it's gotten worse. It's not remorse or guilt, it's longing. He wants his bunny back, he liked how she felt sleeping in his bed and holding his hand and smiling so perfectly for a candid shot when she wasn't looking.
The dirty laundry has already been aired. They could start fresh, in theory. Whether she wanted to or not.
Although again, this was only the original idea I had when I first started making brainrot. There are so so so many new paths I've ended up concocting for them...if Meg found out Jed was a killer right before he left by catching him in the act or fitting in too many pieces herself...if Meg refused to believe Jed was the killer and was instead framed by Ghostface who she now has to hunt down for answers about Jed's real whereabouts...if they got taken into the fog shortly after that anyways per canon with Meg either not knowing or not believing that Jed is Danny/Ghostface while he keeps up the ruse to avoid her truly hating him (plus the outcome for when Meg does find out the truth while they're stuck in this hellhole)...if they were taken into the fog while he was still Jed and then him having to painfully confess why he was put into the killer camp and having to live with the heartbreak he's trapped her with...
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jinx-blackout-84 · 1 year
hi jinx!! for the ask game, 12, 34, 38, and 68 :D
12: yep, pretty consistently. My insomnia gets really bad during my depressive episodes and I recently had a pretty bad one for about 8 months which is why I wasn't on Tumblr for a long time, but making my goodnight posts is a way to cope with that and try to recover. I can't make a goodnight post if I don't sleep, and I like making them bc they make ppl happy!
34: okay so I'm assuming this is not about nightmares, because it said dreams, so here I go. Also I have a dream journal so this one's gonna be a long answer.
I was at a sleepover summer camp and it was the middle of summer. It was a church camp, more specifically, bc my mom is still trying to pray the gay away which is fun (she dosent even know I'm a boy yet just that I'm bi)
One notable thing about this camp is that I'm forced to go every year, so I spend most of my time at the concessions or the communal ping-pong area. It's got walls and a roof, but also is open air bevause the windows have no glass. It's my favorite place in the whole camp.
Because I am still (unfortunately) fem-presenting, people tend to assume I don't know what I'm doing. I look to be about 12, too if that helps paint the picture. (I am most definitely not 12, just VERY short for my age) which means that 16 or 17 year old guys will normally pity-play me if I ask nicely enough.
I am VERY good at ping-pong however, and would consider it to be a skill of mine (I've been forced to go to this camp for over 8 years now, and while my friends were going on icee dates, I was dominaring the ping-pong tournaments.) So I mostly hang around there bc it's fun to screw with the older douchebag Christian guys who think they're better than me because they own a tractor.
So anyways, the dream starts with me walking back from a Bible lesson. After Bible lessons, we get free time, so I make a beeline for the ping-pong area, which is called the Ping-Pong Palace.
I walk in and grab a pin-pong ball out of my bag, which is full of ping-pong balls because I steal them put of the ping-pong ball bowl when nobody is looking (you're supposed to pay 25 cents for them, but no way in hell am I giving money to a church camp)
I begin to scope out a target. I find an older guy (probably 17 or 18) with a mullet. Bingo. I watch him play his friend for the rest of their game, and afterwards walk up to him. I ask him if he would play me, to which he says yes. I toss him the ping pong ball. We're serving fives, three faulties. The nets are a little higher than usual, which had been his Achilles heel the whole game because he had a low serve.
I give him first serve. He looks bored, and before we start the game, I tell him not to go easy on me. He serves easy. I hit it back. We volley for a while as he becomes increasingly more panicked.
I go for the killshot. It goes off the edge and I celebrate. His next serve is a real serve that wpuld be hard to hit off of if I wasn't good at ping-pong. We continue like this for a while and I win by a lot, I can't remember the score. He leaves, going over to his friend and pointing at me.
I'm looking for a new target and I see them. They are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. They are gender envy personified. Short cut-black hair, shaved on the sides and curly on top. Fairy prince cheekbones and dark blue eyes. Vampire pale and eyeliner with mascara making their eyes seem to take up their entire face. They're wearing a Marron hoodie and black sweatpants. Vans to go with it.
They walk over to me, holding a ping-pong paddle. They smile and ask me to play them. I asm what rules they want to play by and they smile at me "serving fives and three faulties, table end rule. No overhand one bounce"
I am shocked. Those are my rules. The same ones I always play by. How did they know my rules?
The game starts. Their skill outmatches mine, shocking me. I begin to lose. I start to notice that they look really familiar. I end up losing badly.
I congratulate them and inform them that nobody has beat me in ping-pong in a while.
"I know," they say.
I ask for their name. Their reply? My name. The name that will be my dead name someday.
"But you can call me Jinx." I woke up after that.
Some of this has much more detail that the dream did, but I wanted to write it fancy soooo...
38: No. I had a huge depressive episode for the better part of this year and it's just been a rough time. Things are looking up though, so we'll see about next year :)
68: my IRL friend (and lovely beta reader) we talked about morality and how trauma can affect people. And about if there are any people that are truly bad. I was pretty cynical about the last subject, whereas she was willing to extend more grace. It was a very interesting and intellectually stimulating conversation. Really enjoyed it.
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rosieuv · 18 days
College started
I had to wake up at 6:30 for the first time in like 2 months and dug up my blazer jacket that I bought for prom and paired it with a white summer shirt, a yellow hoodie, light grey jeans and a tie I nicked from my dad and had to watch a youtube video just to figure out how to tie it. I don't know why the blazer looks grey and crumpled in the photo, in real life it's turquoise and has less noticeable creases in it. Mum now sees what I mean when I say that hoodies, ties and blazers go well together. God it got hot while walking though but it was worth it in the name of style.
Tumblr media
I also had a packed lunch for the first time as keyboard lessons were more expensive due to them being twice as long so buying hot lunches was chucked out of the budget. I made a cheese bagel sandwich with mozzarella slices and packed it in a bag with a little pancake, 4 crackers, a little brownie and a banana that I didn't eat because it had been waiting for so long that it was going brown. I didn't think about how all the food would sit so everything that wasn't in the sandwich bag (the sandwich) had a faint taste of banana. I also bought a packet of crisps at the college's cafe as I was still a bit hungry afterwards so maybe I should figure that out.
I walked 20 minutes and across a roundabout to reach my new bus stop and a new bus came every 15 minutes so I didn't bother mesmerising the timetable. Luckily I live quite close so the journey only took like 35 minutes and I was an hour early and didn't know what to do. Very few students were there and I was mostly looking for the library so I could vibe until I had A-Level Music. After a google search I found the building but turns out it's being moved to some other building (there's like 8 buildings across 2 sides of a road and it resembles a uni campus) so I just drew in the study centre by myself for about half an hour. Someone I knew (kinda) from my old school came up to me to say hello. I walked over to the building with music in but ended up a couple minutes late as I was washing my hands when the bell went off and I though "oh it's the warning bell" when no, no it wasn't. The teacher didn't seem to care considering it's the first day.
The lessons are so much longer here. So long that in the middle there was a 15 minute break. I didn't really have anywhere better to be so I remained in the classroom drawing. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on performance but I kinda suck at preforming. At least A-Level also has composition. I had to leave in the last half hour though to go to an orthodontist appointment and I left when they were talking about intervals and intervals are cool and now I have to do catch up work just because my teeth jewellery needed tightening.
I ate my lunch at a table all by myself in the student commons room and I don't know if all the groups already knew each other or if this was a case of extroverts having good social skills, but almost everyone was sitting in a group. One of the teachers talked to me when I was eating my bagel. Nothing deep just general new school small talk. He said I'll find new friends due to the way classes are structured around A-levels, which you choose yourself so there's a common interest, but tbh I'm probably just going to be known as that weird quiet kid that knows way too much on video game consoles. I don't mind not having any friends my entire time there, but when you've been stuck in an all girls private school since you were a toddler to now, it shelters you and I want to not be that as I'll have one hell of a shock once I enter the real world and/or act like a snob unintentionally. Eh, whatever. I bought the aforementioned crisps in beef flavoured and it was mostly air dammit. I then did my music homework in one of the practice rooms so I could test the musical dictation on the piano. I then just started playing whatever and some girl hovered around my door so I let her in and apparently she could hear me blasting my music because I have no dynamic control on a piano and she said that she really liked it. Then my music teacher appeared and I said I was doing my homework, and then they both left. Someone was playing some ballad piano song (I assume it's the girl as it sounds like it's coming from the other room) which would occasionally change to fur elise. Then I still had some time left but I was bored so after asking a history teacher for directions on where the mac lab is, I went into Music Technology like 10 minutes early and was just fiddling with the mac until everyone else came in. (Music tech is a BTEC which is a different exam board and is more DAW stuff while Music A-Level is performance and theory. I was supposed to be doing Computer Science but I fucked up my exam because OCR sucks the devil's ass while marking so I didn't have the qualifications so the careers people suggested music tech as the 3rd subject and oh god I'm so thankful as I'm certain my college uses OCR for it's A Levels and I would rip my wrists open and develop a caffeine addiction if I had to deal with OCR again).
The actual lesson was interesting but I was the only one putting my hand up most of the time and also I've already used a DAW before (LMMS) so I picked up on how to use Logic Pro quicker than the others (I think, idk I was sitting by myself on an empty row) but Logic Pro has cool sounds that I want in a soundfont, but is full of little things that makes it a bit annoying. And mac. Mac OS is annoying. I wasn't really following the instructions and was mostly doing my own thing in Logic Pro. Use this plugin to automatically augment a bassline? Nah I'm going to keep pressing keys with this acoustic bass sound until I get a cool bassline. I stayed for half an hour afterwards to finish the song as it was cool and this is what I did:
There was also theory stuff too. In groups we had to type out a list of places you find music and I just ignored the people in my group and wrote my own list. Also music kept randomly playing and the teacher couldn't figure out where it was coming from so I listed "the poltergeist from the mac lab" as one place music comes from. After that I took the bus home and now I'm going to watch the 2nd Deadpool film because I'm tired and don't feel like doing anything but sit in my chair and morph into it.
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
how would thh cast comfort you // gn!reader -mod kaede
makoto naegi
—even though he's clueless, he'll do his best to cheer you up. his encouraging words already make you feel better, plus he'll hug you. i feel like he gives the best hugs, the hugs that makes you feel loved (i hc nagito and gonta too) he'll try to get anything you want, snacks, chocolate, candies, drinks. keyword, try. he's got like, $1, he can't buy you mcdonald's but still he passes the vibe check because he is so caring.
byakuya togami
—speaking of mcdonald's... he can and will buy you the whole company. that's it, i am out. well... he isn't the best at comforting people because he is blunt, but i feel like he'd show his love by actions, so he'll lend you his shoulder if you feel like crying. he won't complain about it but he might have a disgusted face the whole time. he is trying to get better
mondo owada
—because he doesn't want you to feel trapped inside, he'll take you out and you 2 will ride around the entire town. getting fresh air is always the best, isn't it? after the ride, he'd take you to a calming place to picnic and he would ask you what's wrong while resting his head on your lap. if it's a person bothering you, he'll get pissed at them but if it isn't, he'll be much calmer and try to come up with advice, though he isn't really good at it, he tries his best for u to feel better.
kiyotaka ishimaru
—taka might be dense at first but as soon as he notices your mood, he'll drop everything he has to do and will pay his whole attention to you. i headcanon taka likes to cook, so he'll cook with you or for you! he enjoys baking you cookies. he is actually good at giving advice, he's disappointed that you didn't come to him when you were bothered, he'll be there for you from now on and give you his love.
hifumi yamada
—i feel like hifumi would notice your bad mood but wouldn't know what to do, he'll try to crack jokes but he isn't the best joker around :'( if you have any shows you'd like to watch, he'll watch it with you and that'll be enough to cheer you up! but he talks a lot when watching, so you gotta bear with him. also man himself is comfortable like a pillow, so you can lay on him while watching it
leon kuwata
—he's bothered that you are upset, so he will do his best for you. taking you outside is one of things that comes to his mind first, walking in the streets while holding hands? yes. but if you feel like staying home, that's ok too! he is always down to cuddle. cuddle bug? cuddle bug. and yeah, he'll spoon you, so you don't feel alone.
yasuhiro hagakure
—oh no, it's so awkward. he isn't used to you being like this but he'll still try his best! another one that will take you to mcdonald's, he's a bit broke now, but who else is he going to spend his money on if it's not you? i feel like he'd joke around to lighten up your bad mood and tell you his whole life story. his memories are so terrifying that you eventually forget what's been bothering you. mission accomplished, but at what cost..? he is crying due to the nostalgia.
chihiro fujisaki
—at first he's like, is it me made you sad? :( you give him hugs all the time so it's time to payback! another one that gives the best hugs, they're so sweet. he will listen to every word you have to say patiently and at some point, he'll probably join you crying—if you aren't crying, well, he is crying alone. he'd play games with you until you are tired, it's him usually gets tired first. hearing his little snores in bed is already enough to make you smile. succeed!
kyoko kirigiri
—she can read people well, so she can say something's bothering you, so she'll be more affectionate than usual in return. kyoko will stay with you the whole time and listen to you without judging you, also i feel like she'd do some of your hobbies with you, so you'd feel better. in the end of the day, you know she believes you and it makes you feel better. kyoko will do your hair while you are ranting about your day. it comforts you.
sayaka maizono
—sayaka is geniunely sad, she cares so much. she'll take your hand and ask you if there's anything you'd want to do to feel better, she's down to anything, really. she's worried about your well being so much. like taka, she's a good cook, she'll spoil you a lot! she'll be affectionate the whole day and will not leave your side unless you are feeling better, afterwards, you tell her the reason of your sadness and she's like :0 then :( she is more clingy.
toko fukawa
—toko is aware you aren't feeling at your best, she wants to cheer you up but her low self-esteem doesn't let her. i think she's good at giving hugs, but they won't last long, because she thinks she's not respecting your boundaries. with short hugs and words that won't leave her lips, she isn't the type to comfort, but still just her presence itself helps you to feel better. she'll sit by you and will read with you, sometimes she'll even give you headpats. and i think that's really sweet.
sakura ogami
—i feel like sakura would immediately want to know the problem, so she can solve it. that would make you feel better, right? if you don't feel like talking about it yet, that's ok! she respects your privacy, but she won't leave you alone. she'd never when you are this upset! i think she'd carry you around with those big arms of hers, she knew you enjoyed a lot when she lifted you up or carried you in general. she gives good piggyback rides, too.
asahina aoi
—if you are upset, she's upset too. :( but still she's willing to make you feel better! she will want to talk about it, though that's only if you wanna. she'll take you the nearest donut shop and will buy you snacks as well when returning home. if there is no donut shop around, then she's more than excited to bake some with u! she's so passionate about it. you can't help but laugh at the way she fails baking, she is embarrassed about it but hey! at least you are smiling again
celestia ludenberg
—she knows you good enough to tell you are lying or not, pretending doesn't work on her, peace was never an option. celeste probably going to offer watching movies, i feel like she would like k-drama. also don't @ me but she will play uno with you, and no, don't try to change my mind. i also hc celeste likes birdwatching, there are many things in her mind to do with you. but if you don't like any of these things, she'll just shrug, giving in and joining you, staying with you the whole time.
mukuro ikusaba
—mukuro isn't great at comforting, but she'll not let you stay in a bad mood, either! she'd say you nicest things ever, probably about how much he admires you and stuff like that, well, she does. she is really embarrassed about showing affection, but still will embrace you, just like how you embraced her. will let you rest your head on her shoulder and you'll tell her about what's bothering you. the whole time she has a serious face but in mind she's forcing herself not to have a heart attack because of the closeness
junko enoshima
—now now, the only person she doesn't get bored around is upset? no, we can't have that. thanks to her analyst talent, she could already tell the problem and told mukuro to take care of it. while it's getting solved, she'll spend all of her time with you now! she'll tell you you're the best one around and you have no words for that because you know it's true. she's not the great comforter because her personality changes literally each second, but that's fine, too.
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hey hey! this wasn't requested by anyone but still i felt like writing because i was kinda upset lately, and this idea popped out! anyway, hope you enjoy this! tomorrow, i'll be having my exams so i better get back to study :) i won't write for a week and few days but when i am done with them, i'll get back to writing requests immediately!! ily!!! 💖💕
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How well do you think Ik would have handled herself in the current event? On one hand, it may be doable with the help of the royals and other exchange students. But on the other hand i kinda want to see Ik in a sorta Coraline-esque adventure. (Sorry if that was a little specific, October has a way of making me feel nostalgic for the horror books i would read as a kid like goosebumps or scary stories to tell in the dark 😅)
the new costumes for the new event are genuinely SO cool??? the story itself was kind of eh but also asmo's outfit gave me the most Gender Envy i've had in my entire life so,,,,
i wasn't entirely sure what to do with this, so i just wrote out what a jtta version of the event would look like ^^ also, this takes place post-jtta! i also kind of got too into writing what was supposed to be a short set of notes, so this is a little long haha
unfortunately i've never watched coraline - only ever seen screenshots and stuff - so i couldn't do much with that, but i tried to keep its aesthetic in mind while writing
i will preface with this: ik is not good with horror. if given the choice, she'd basically never pick a horror movie over any other kind of movie, and she only ever 'plays' horror games by watching someone else (levi) do it and giving half-hearted encouragement from the sidelines
she can't even look at a still image of michael myers for too long without starting to feel on edge, and then there's a 50/50 chance that she'll end up having a nightmare afterwards
and guess what kind of horror trope she's most scared of? killers in creepy masks. +1000 fear points if the eyes are, like, blacked out.
so as you can guess she is... not having a good time
i think the idea in the original is that the masks somehow enhance their sins/evilness or something, and thus the demons are after mc's soul... and i guess that intensifies their feelings for them? it's a similar story to that with our version, except instead the hunger for a pure human soul intensifies the brothers' familial instincts instead
(solomon's soul doesn't count because... well, that's spoilers for my take on solomon's character and a revelation that's yet to be published in jtta, so......)
in our case, the brothers' intentions are genuine, but because there's the curse urging them to eat that human soul, their protective instincts increase ten-fold to attempt to drown the urge out
of course, the end result is that they start acting really quite creepy...
anyway it takes a while for anyone to notice that anything's up with the brothers, because by the time this happens it's pretty normal for them to be all doting with ik
except they're doing it to the point that it's just excessive... not to mention or pretty weird
at first the others write it off as them being more attentive because everything's scary and ik's kind of on edge
even if that's true, though, it... doesn't really justify the levels of unnecessary that the brothers are going to
like when lucifer's leading ik around the exhibits and he keeps a vice grip on her shoulder the entire time - he won't even let her walk across a room without tailing her the whole way there
or when ik visits asmo and satan's exhibit, and every time she tries to leave, one of them side-steps into the way and blocks the door
then solomon realises something's up when he accidentally knocks a prop over. the big bang it makes startles ik and upon seeing that, mammon immediately starts revving his chainsaw
like - a genuine, electric, will-cut-off-your-limbs chainsaw. mammon points it right at solomon and it's at that point that he gets the yikes
solomon: "hey, uh, ik.... i think something's wrong with those masks."
ik, who's had mammon and levi watching her every move like hawks for the past twenty minutes: "OH you THINK?????????"
solomon makes a bluff and the two humans get away to meet up with the royals and the angels, they discuss the situation and what they think might have happened, who might have sent those masks, how to break whatever spell has been cast over the brothers
diavolo surmises that getting the masks off them will probably break the curse, and of course that raises the question of how they're going to do that
barbatos suggests just running at them, taking them by surprise, and snatching it off of them, but solomon shuts the idea down
back when mammon revved that chainsaw at him, he had a very profound realisation that, under this curse, there's nothing stopping the brothers from unleashing their full violent capabilities on anyone who (presumably) isn't ik
even if diavolo could theoretically overpower any of them, he also has the fact that they're his friends to worry about, and he probably wouldn't be able to hurt them in good conscience, even if it was to protect himself if they went at him
whereas, for example, levi in this cursed state would probably shove his knife into his face without a second thought
then ik suggests that, if she's safe from whatever the masks are making the brothers do, why doesn't she take care of the masks situation?
simeon, immediately: "ABSOLUTELY not."
to be honest, ik was only saying it because someone else was going to eventually, and she wanted to just put the possibility out there. she doesn't actually really want to go after the masks on her own
which is understandable, since... well, the brothers as they are right now are kind of the MOST scary thing possible to her
because (and this is about to get just a little angsty) it's not just the fact that they're murderous and also in some really scary-looking masks
at this point (post jtta and also post some other stuff that i won't spoil), there's an absolute bond between ik and the brothers - like, no arguing, they are her family now, and she trusts them absolutely (and vice versa)
she's used to being familiar and more than friendly with them, but in the state that they are? they feel completely alien
ik values that familial bond like it's the most precious slab of gold in the entire world - i'd go so far as to say that, at this point, it's one of the central points of her life - so it's really terrifying to her that it's gone for as long as the brothers are wearing those masks
like, sure, their familial instincts are enhanced and in theory the masks are just going to make them weirdly overprotective over her, but the masks are also going to probably make them hurt one of the others if they aren't careful. what's more, they just don't... feel right.
whoever planned this - hats off, i guess?? you found a way to make this halloween the scariest possible for the poor kid
anyway, now that ik going alone is off the table, simeon suggests that they just all go in one big group to retrieve the masks
but then diavolo brings up that, as members of the celestial realm, there could be some BIG issues if luke or simeon get genuinely hurt by the brothers while down here, and that's a pretty big risk
in the end solomon and barbatos are selected to go with ik
diavolo's apprehensive about it, wanting to go himself, but agrees to it in the end
thus barbatos, solomon, and ik set off for the first part of the mission!
targets one and two: mammon and levi. their exhibit is closest, and barbatos also already has an idea of how to deal with them
the two are patrolling around when the rescue trio get there, each brandishing their own weapon and bickering occasionally
levi and mammon's exhibit is kind of like a mini town, so it's easy enough to manoeuvre around without them noticing - especially with solomon casting a silencing spell around them
so the three make their way to a little area just around the corner, where they proceed to put their plan into action
ik sits herself on the floor and, after a deep breath, nods to barbatos and solomon
so barbatos picks up and drops a nearby prop with a loud crash, and ik promptly goes "OW!" as loudly as possible
it works as expected: mammon and levi immediately hurry to the scene of the crash. ik's sitting on the floor, rubbing at her head and pretending that she's just been knocked over, and solomon and barbatos are nowhere to be seen...
mammon and levi come to a stop, dropping their weapons, and immediately start fussing around her
mammon's acting really feverishly and patting her down to check for injuries, while levi's kind of drifting around her, asking constant questions about what happened
it'd be sweet if there wasn't something so eerie about the way they speak, or if they didn't keep somehow relating ik's (fake) injury to her soul... or if they didn't, you know, look like horror film killers
mammon picks her up and sits himself on a crate nearby, dandling her on his knee like she's a tiny kid, while levi inspects her face carefully... and his mask is way too close right now and it feels like he's staring directly in ik's soul and also mammon's hold feels so unnaturally threatening and holy mother of god ik is about to DIE out of fear
barbatos and solomon are watching all of this from a hiding place off to the side, and they are one (1) second away from stepping in because ik genuinely looks like she thinks her life is in danger
but then ik attempts to collect herself, and slowly convinces mammon to let go of her... which he is, like, creepily unwilling to do.......
she tells the two brothers that something just flew out of nowhere and hit her in the head, indicating that it might have come from the general direction that solomon and barbatos just happen to be hiding in
then solomon, on cue, rustles his cloak a little
mammon and levi are immediately on the alert. realising something, while they're distracted, ik hurriedly kicks the chainsaw and knife off into the darkness somewhere - but then levi suddenly turns on her like "what do you think you're doing?"
ik tries playing it cool - "um— weapons are dangerous, aren't they...?"
mammon: "we need those weapons to protect you, remember? what if there's something dangerous around here?"
ik: "um... they're... they're kind of scary."
levi: "...scary?"
ik: "y...yeah?"
it seems to work! mammon and levi seem to exchange a look through their masks, then nod. "we don't want you getting spooked on us," says mammon.
ik can only manage a slightly ironic smile, because the truth is that she is extremely spooked
at that point solomon rustles his cloak again, adding a subtle cough for additional effect, and mammon and levi turn in its direction immediately. this time, with no interruptions, they begin advancing forward...
as soon as they're within an arm's reach of solomon and barbatos's hiding place, ik abruptly smacks herself on the leg to mimic being punched and goes 'OW' again
levi and mammon turn around again, but before they can run back to her, barbatos and solomon perform a tag-team ambush from behind
solomon knocks mammon's hat off with a well-timed gust of magic-wind and yanks his mask off by the strap while he's still disoriented, while barbatos smoothly pulls down levi's hood with one hand and snatches away his mask with the other
a dull grey smoke immediately starts curling up from the masks' eye holes; barbatos and solomon drop them to the ground, and mammon and levi promptly drop as well, free of the curse and also extremely disoriented
ik heaves out a looooong sigh of relief and kind of collapses onto the ground again - she just sits there for a moment, trying to regulate her breathing properly
solomon quickly runs through the situation with the two extremely disoriented brothers while barbatos helps ik up and sits her down somewhere cleaner than the floor
mammon and levi hurry over to check up on her after receiving the explanation, and ik abruptly jumps and almost bolts before realising that they're back to normal again
the two brothers are still wearing their halloween costumes, after all - the masks weren't conjuring up those - and ik sees those clothes and automatically thinks they're still cursed
it kind of hurts their hearts to see her look so scared of them for a split second, to be honest.....
she does allow a hug from both before they hurry off to get changed at least :)
barbatos suggests a break, but ik's determined to just get this done and over with as quickly as possible, so they head straight for asmo and satan's exhibition next
the difficult thing here is that they can't use the same trick again: levi and mammon's was enchanted/digitised to be like a whole mini town, but asmo and satan's (as well as beel and belphie's) is just a single room
solomon strongly advises that they strategise first, but ik's got her mind set on just hurrying through the task, so she charges straight in, taking a deep breath and steeling herself
what she isn't expecting is for asmo and satan to be waiting on either side of the door, and as soon as all three are inside, they abruptly come up behind solomon and barbatos... and hit them hard over the heads
both immediately collapse to the ground, ik PANICS and scrambles to hide behind the screen in the corner of the room before the two turn on her as well
asmo and satan stand back for a moment to admire their handiwork, then abruptly realise that the little human who was behind them a second ago has disappeared...
satan stations himself by barbatos and solomon's prone bodies like some kind of sentinel, while asmo slowly circles around the room, calling for ik in that kind of haunting voice you might expect to hear from a ghost
ik's peering out at everything from under the screen's legs, absolutely terrified
getting hit on the head hard enough to be knocked out means brain damage.... and brain damage is bad
but then she notices solomon's expression scrunch. his face is pressed to the ground, so they're on the right level to meet gazes when he cracks his eyes open a little - and then he winks
at which point ik realises that barbatos and solomon must be pretending to have been knocked out, which'll give them the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack
right as she thinks that, asmo performs a surprise attack of his own, and his face abruptly emerges around the side of the screen
he reaches out and grabs ik by the shoulder, and she actually screams out of sheer shock - after all, that was basically a real life jumpscare
(barbatos's hands twitch a little, but a warning tug on his tie on solomon's part (with magic, of course) reminds him to stay put for now)
asmo, meanwhile, tugs ik out from behind the screen, cooing all the while, "don't be scared, darling, it's just asmo. come on now, stop shaking like that! you're being silly, it's just us, there's no need to be scared..."
ik is half-dragged across the room to the little table in the middle, while asmo busies himself with retrieving a pot of tea and pouring a cup for her... except the 'tea' is just water
not just water - boiling water. and it's still bubbling and steaming in the cup.
asmo just sits himself across from ik, and tells her to drink up in a sickly-sweet kind of voice
all ik can do is sit there and stare down into the boiling cup, too scared to outright refuse, but also not very willing to scald her mouth possibly beyond repair... but asmo's starting to get impatient, if the way he keeps drumming his fingers on the tabletop is anything to go off of
at this point, still standing guard over by solomon and barbatos, satan asks irritatedly when he gets to switch places
then, while asmo's looking over at him, ik has a flash of genius
she knocks the cup over, intending to get asmo to come over to clean up the mess, at which point she could try to make a grab for his mask - unfortunately, she misjudges the force she hits the cup with, and ends up knocking it over... and burning herself with the boiling water
asmo practically dashes around the table as soon as she yelps in pain, cradling her hand and lamenting the damage - entirely too close and talking entirely too breathily......
but the opportunity is here, and ik gathers all her courage into one tiny but very dense ball, and makes a grab for his mask
her fingers slip, but she manages to hook them around the rim, and with one hard yank, she gets the mask clean off of asmo's face and, simultaneously, pushes him hard enough to topple him over completely
satan starts forward, alarmed, but it's at that point that barbatos and solomon leap up and take him down together
similarly to before, solomon catches the two up on the situation, and barbatos quickly hurries over to ik, who is not in a very good way
she's practically hyperventilating, and she's clutching her burnt hand (which really hurts, by the way)
satan comes over to try casting a soothing spell on it, and while she doesn't flinch this time, he can tell by how tense she is that she's on-edge
so he leans back and just holds out his arms
ik kind of deflates for a moment, breathing out a whole bunch of tension with a long sigh, and slowly leans forward to accept the hug he's offering
satan can feel her trembling slightly, and he tells barbatos and solomon sternly that there is no way they can put ik through retrieving another three masks like this
ik protests and tries to say that she'll be fine, but everyone in the room can tell that she absolutely is not and will not be fine
so instead of proceeding straight onto beel and belphie like she wants to, everyone heads back to rendezvous at the rad assembly hall
luke is beside himself with worry, while simeon masks his panic by going all business-like about healing ik's burn properly
asmo's beating himself up something fierce, fully aware that he was the factor in that situation that was scaring ik the most, but then ik reassures him that she's not mad at him - it was the mask's curse making him act all creepy, after all
mammon and levi back up satan in deciding that ik should stay behind while the rest of them try to get the masks off of the remaining three brothers. asmo, simeon and luke agree, but solomon, diavolo and barbatos are unsure
after all, without ik, how are they supposed to get the rest of the masks? asmo and satan just proved that the brothers are willing in this state to attack everyone else, after all.
then satan, thinking hard because he really doesn't want ik to obtain even MORE trauma than she already has, proposes something:
lucifer always listens to diavolo, so he might be able to keep him placid enough to get close and remove his mask. beel is intensely loyal to lucifer, so if they can get him on his own, lucifer might be able to get his mask off him. and belphie always has a soft spot for beel, so he in turn could get his twin's mask...
everyone agrees that this plan makes sense, but ik's also apprehensive - what's the lifeline if it doesn't work as expected, and the masked brothers get violent?
so diavolo suggests that she just follow along and hope that her presence will be enough to keep them down - except barbatos and solomon have proof that ik being there won't just stop the brothers attacking: the lump on the backs of their heads
but ik just will not listen to everyone telling her to stay back, and decides stubbornly that she's going anyway
it's hard to argue with her, knowing that she's still everyone's best bet of getting those masks, but the others still don't like it...
but, in the end, ik does head out to find lucifer with diavolo
the others just have to stay back on diavolo's command, twiddling their thumbs and hoping that everything will turn out alright
it turns out that lucifer is haunting the rad courtyards, making his rounds from one end to the other in steady, marching rhythm - he looks ahead the whole time, arms straight by his side, each step measured, never slowing down or speeding up
he walks so smoothly that he almost seems to glide, which is unnerving in and of itself. it doesn't help that ik takes one look at him and thinks 'jack the ripper'.
diavolo and ik have a hurried whisper-conference over the best course of action. neither are sure of what to do, but the general consensus is to just act natural and hope for the best
so, pretending that everything is normal, diavolo strides up to lucifer and asks how he's doing
lucifer completely ignores him at first, just continuing to stride forward, but then he turns his head sharply to the side and looks at him. his footsteps don't even falter.
then he sees ik half-hidden on diavolo's other side, and stops dead in his tracks.
somehow this is even scarier than anything that's happened so far, and ik's fight-or-flight response goes absolutely haywire
diavolo stops walking as well. sensing ik's rapidly growing panic, he holds out a hand, and she seizes it almost immediately
lucifer notices this, and suddenly his aura seems to darken. he asks, "what is the meaning of this?"
diavolo responds as heartily as possible, "well, we just wanted to check up on you! you've been walking around for an awfully long time."
he squeezes ik's hand, and she chimes in tentatively, "we... we thought you might be tired."
at first lucifer doesn't seem to know how to respond. he just stands there, staring at ik. his hands curl into and out of fists, and he seems to be struggling with something
then he abruptly spins on his heel, shoulders hunched, and grits out, "get away."
diavolo: "what?"
lucifer: "ik. she has to run as fast as—"
what ik and diavolo don't know is that lucifer's lucid for a brief moment there - free of the curse's effects for mere seconds - and that he can sense the curse suddenly intensifying
his warning is cut off as the mask wrenches back control again, and he abruptly whips around and seizes ik by the shoulders
"give—" his words are harried, almost desperate. "give it to me!"
diavolo attempts to wrench him off by force, but lucifer holds fast, practically shaking ik about like a maraca in his odd, crazed state - and so diavolo can only resign himself to using magic
his demon form bursts out with a sharp crack, and he shouts out a warning; lucifer pauses, some part of him recognising that tone...
and that brief slip-up is enough of an opening for diavolo to lash a stream of magic around him like a whip
he pulls lucifer away from ik and grabs at his mask, flinging him backwards in the same movement
result? the mask snaps off into diavolo's hand, and lucifer goes flying across the courtyard, then lands in a heap on the other side
diavolo didn't do this right off the bat because 1. it'd most certainly injure lucifer's pride, and 2. he didn't want to get him hurt
once diavolo and ik hurry over to him, though, lucifer isn't angry in the slightest
he just sits there for a moment, rubbing at his temples, and thanks diavolo for stepping in before he got out of hand
diavolo explains the plan going forward to him, and while he's listening, lucifer's also noticing that ik looks extremely rattled by what he just did
but then they're heading off to find beel and belphie, and he doesn't get the opportunity to try to make amends - not yet, anyway
beel and belphie's exhibit is also a single room, and ik makes sure this time to warn lucifer and diavolo of what had happened with satan and asmo - even if they didn't actually do much damage, it's better to be safe than sorry
they get into the room, and belphie's already there waiting for them
he immediately sets about ushering ik in and sitting her down on a suspiciously stained mattress (she knows that it's a prop for the exhibit, but she still can't help but feel unnerved)
diavolo and lucifer are also shoved forward, and under the blank and impossibly intimidating glare of belphie's mask, they can only obey his directions
belphie seems oddly excited about something - he keeps bustling back and forth, rummaging about in his pockets as if looking for something
diavolo asks him where beel is, and he stops short in his tracks, turns to look at him, and slowly shrugs
then lucifer hears something from above, and looks up to see beel hanging upside from the ceiling like a malevolent bat
(i'm thinking of the doctor from little nightmares 2 right now if y'all know what i'm talking about?? obviously beel doesn't look like him but that's the effect i was going for)
lucifer would never admit to this afterwards, but the sight genuinely disturbs him
beel's panting - everyone can hear his breaths rattling against his mask. he just hangs there, staring down at the three in the room, saying and doing nothing
ik's about to cry because how many more times does she need to be scared out of her mind before this ends
lucifer meanwhile collects himself and asks impetuously, "what are you doing up there?"
in response, beel pulls a syringe out of his front pocket
the trio below prepare to dodge a blow, but instead beel just... crushes the syringe in his hands??
he drops the crushed glass and needle, and it lands by lucifer's feet. still staring at him malevolently, beel slowly draws a finger over his throat and points at him
as if the message wasn't clear enough, belphie explains in a slow, lilting kind of tone that "he means you're going to end up like that needle if you don't behave."
ik is very much regretting EVER volunteering to have anything to do with this whole business in the first place, and both lucifer and diavolo are noticing
lucifer tries to subtly put an arm around her shoulder, but belphie notices, and he immediately hisses, "put that back where it came from before i cut it off"
then he switches, and he's all sweet-and-helpful-nurse again. "we can't do our work properly if you're in the way."
diavolo is very apprehensive over what 'our work' is supposed to mean, and he doesn't feel like drawing this out long enough to find out
he stands up. belphie glares at him, and he stares blankly back, holding his ground.
he's not tall enough to grab beel's mask from here. he turns and meets eyes with lucifer and ik, and in that moment all three understand what the plan is
within the next few split seconds, five things happen in very rapid succession:
lucifer and ik jump to their feet. diavolo lifts ik smoothly into the air. belphie turns and raises a hand to attack. lucifer deftly tackles him into a wall. now high enough, ik reaches up and grabs at beel's mask.
belphie, now maskless, is half-lying and half-sitting against the wall, groaning, while lucifer tosses the mask he'd been wearing across the room. beel, on the other hand, upon having his mask seized, promptly let himself fall... directly onto ik and diavolo
his mask is still half on, and suddenly it's right in ik's face, and she very nearly passes out in sheer terror right then and there
her fingers are numb, so as she reaches forward, her hands stiffen up a little - instead of grabbing at the mask properly, she essentially slaps it off of beel's face
but it works! and thus, the final mask has been gotten rid of!!!!
congratulations ik!!! i hope you enjoy the ten straight days of nightmares you're going to get after this!!!!!!!!!
poor baby's emotionally and physically exhausted, so she's like a little zombie as she follows everyone back to the assembly hall
she just kind of sits there as they all discuss the situation, trying her hardest not to remember everything that just happened
luke holds her hand in an effort to make her feel better and simeon tries to get her mind off of it by chatting about anything he can think of
they end up postponing the whole halloween event for a week or so, and everyone groups up at the house of lamentation just to relax a little
ik really doesn't want to be on her own right now, plus she's fully aware that any sleep she gets is going to be very nightmare-y for a good while, so at night everyone just crashes together in the common room
barbatos prepares some soothing tea, belphie sets up as comfy a sleeping space as he can with luke and simeon's help, beel brings a giant array of snacks, lucifer finds some nice music to play - everyone's just trying their best to make everything comfy and reassuring
satan picks out a nice fantasy novel and reads quietly to ik while everyone else chats amongst themselves :)
don't worry about the kiddo! she'll be alright in the end - she always is.
you know, even after an AWFUL day like this, one can still kind of say that the moment that's followed makes it worth it!
kind of, anyway.......
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fishcemetery · 3 years
Very interested in your takes on Dominic Newlow. Would you like to elaborate on what do you think should have happened after the PSP finale? Do you think the other characters (involved in his wrongdoings / mind control) should have had some lines in regards to the stuff he did? Or anything else?
*anon makes me start thinking at 6.20 am*
As a preamble, it feels a bit awkward to muse about “they should've done this, they shoudn't've done that” long after the game was developed, published, played through and nearly forgotten. I lean more towards the approach of “what’s done is done, even if it’s disappointing in certain aspects; take your observations and make them into a decent AU material”.
That aside, I like your suggestion just because of how simple, yet satisfying it is. The devs could've at least made the characters properly acknowledge Doctor's disappearance and the impact he'd had on them. Oscar was mind-controlled and lost his entire workplace, yet his reaction is basically “Yeah, he’s gone, cool, great car by the way”. The Beakers definitely should've made some angry remarks. Hell, all major characters should've made some angry remarks. Sure, Strangetown is a strange town indeed, shit transpires here all the time and everyone’s used to it. But throughout the entire game we’re steadily prepared for the final battle against the villain, the plot’s peak point, and the fact that people barely give a damn afterwards straight up ruins the importance of everything we’ve done. It’s genuinely anticlimactic. So, I take it that Newlow wasn't of that much importance after all?
And now to the metalevel crap that I love so much. I’ve come to perceive this game as “Doctor desperately struggles against you, the Player”.
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He rages against you. He says explicitly that you’ve traumatized him. Everything he does in the course of the game, his entire “evil plan” is, in fact, an attempt to avenge himself and, quite possibly, others. He actually makes it clear that he wants to save your character by pulling them from under your control.
(now that I think of it, it would’ve been amazing if this entire “Doctor Dominion” thing was a deliberate charade to make the Player think they’re doing some cliché heroics against a standard power-hungry evil guy, and get the character to where Doctor needs them without alerting the Player too soon. i’ll mark this as a decent AU material)
And in this light, when Doctor inevitably fails, it just seems natural and reasonable to let the Player have a bigger role in deciding his fate. Dangle the Plumbob over his head, break the crumbling fourth wall for good, have a face-to-face talk while your character is lying unconscious. Doctor’s accusing you of being a careless and selfish dictator – well then, let’s do something about it. Why don’t you prove him right? “Oh, I certainly am. And you certainly know what happens to a failed opposition under a dictatorship :33”. Whoosh – Doctor is gone, the helmet is hanging in the air, the character wakes up, the rest goes as scripted (of course, Circe still should get to call Newlow various censored words). On the other hand, why don’t you prove him wrong? “Am I, though? I was actually intending to make up for the wrongdoings that you consider to be mine and let you walk out of this situation. Here, I’ll get rid of this helmet, pick up this protagonist and Roberta’s head, we’ll go home, and you’ll go deal with your potential felonies. How you’re going to do it without mind control is up to your own free will :33”.
There’s a range of further developments I can think of. First of all, it feels odd that you never get to complete your initial goal – get your vehicle and leave this place. What’s the problem with having Oscar fix your masterpiece of a car, signing the Estate over to Emily (I mean, she’s literally attached to it) and going, like, home home? Whatever happens to Strangetown (and Newlow, if he lives) from that point on is really none of your business. End credits.
Or we can assume that the protagonist starts to like it in Strangetown and decides to stay here for an undetermined while. I don’t think there’s much of a necessity to differentiate between Doctor vanishes / Doctor lives outcomes if we want to keep things fairly simple and within the game framework. Leave Penelope Kline to housesit for Doctor, but give her some lines about him possibly being away “for a re-a-a-ally long time, ‘cause I think he’s facing jail or something.”
So, yeah, it all comes down to adding a little bit of extra dialogue. The denouement just seems rushed.
The outcome that I personally would like to explore the most is Doctor ending up under the protagonist’s supervision and having to personally face people he’s hurt, fix his mistakes and come to terms with himself, his scripted past, the Player, the Developers (hi, Isaac Rossum) and so on. However, this not only creates a brand new plotline and exceeds the game limits in general, but is also fueled by my very subjective interest in the character, that's why I’m marking it as another decent AU material and keep on making fan art.
Hope this was elaborate enough (・ω・)
(it’s interesting how just last night I was committing alcohol consumption on the city’s main embankment and monologuing on the exact same topic to my friend, who'd been blissfully unaware of TS2 PSP a mere hour before that)
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hyperfixatinglove · 2 years
Artisan keycap for Aiden 💕
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artisan keycap - is there a part of your f/o’s personality that just completely stands out for any reason? if so, what is it? if not, talk about their personality and what you like about how they are!
He's cunning.
He knows how to make a plan and execute it, for example sneaking into Quinn's hotel (possibly unseen) or escape from cops multiply times within story line.
His whole "hiding his real personality behind mask" - what I talk about the most because it's fascinating - is because he's cunning enough to know the system can't find him if he's the most basic man on earth, comparable to stale bread.
He's able to (momentarily, he lost only because he didn't know Ray had stun gun) subdue legendary hacker T-Bone aka Raymond Kenney, after he was thrown out of the window.
He can use any means necessary to fulfill his goal - guns, non lethal takedowns, distractions.. Even cause blackout in entire city!
He's also smart enough to realize leaving Damien alive is dangerous, but knows Jordi's beef with him was only due to money. He seems to be able to get to know people immensely well and react accordingly, he did read psychology after all.
The way he pretended to shoot Maurice Vega in the first playable section of the game - he already beat the guy up and wasn't satisfied with his answer. Seeing how scared shitless the guy was Aiden concluded he would talk if he did this. And then he hands him over to Jordi so he can keep Maurice somewhere until Aiden deals with him and he can't walk and talk to the cops.
Similar thing happened with his break in to prison - silencing witness in a way that suited how scared the guy was of him. Threatening to extend his sentence to 60 years instead of 60 days? Cunning, little shit kind of move!
He broke into AND out of prison! AND lost the cops afterwards! I'm still not over this and this happens in the end of act 1 out of 4.
And his killing of Iraq just.. He can play the long game, he can be patient, knows it's better to be patient and wait, plan excessively before making a move. Everything he does or almost everything is calculated,carefully estimated and just.. wow.
The other aspect I love is how fiercely he loves his little family. His way of showing love is destructive and different but he loves them all the same. His focus is twofold; revenge for Lena but also to protect his remaining family members.
The only times I'd argue he shows genuine, real emotions and not what others expect of his mask personality is with Nicky and Jacks. Maybe he has glimpses of his actual reactions with Jordi as well, considering how easily he reacts to his jokes and is impatient but it's not to the extend of freedom as it is with his family.
The actions he takes to protect them, the lengths he goes, the fact of how misguided his efforts are is just delicious. It's also understandable if you take the time to understand. Aiden is clearly traumatized by Lena's death and how he handles and copes with the grief, the nightmares is to implement such drastic measures to feel safe, to feel like he has some control left of his own life! I'd argue control is one of the main themes of Aiden, not just with ctOS, but in his mind, for who he truly is. He also feels immense guilt for not being able to protect his niece, so of course he'd try his damn hardest to protect the rest of what he still has.
His actions you ask? Beating prank caller who wasn't even going to physically hurt Nicky, killing everyone who was keeping Jacks from him, the entire blackmail subplot that takes majority of story so his little sister doesn't die, sending them away from entire state to protect them even if it breaks his heart! If you have Aiden's loyalty he will do anything for you and i fucking love that.
I also absolutely love how brutal he is.
Aside from gunplay, I love how he can just beat people with his baton, push them around and choke them, it makes me way too interested. Part of me wishes him to go further and the other part is begging him to use a brake. He has this radical side to him, he goes too far in some of his methods. I would've spared Iraq, but from certain point of view I can understand why Aiden dealt with him. Iraq wasn't directly responsible for ruining Aiden's life - that responsibility falls on Quinn - but in Aiden's mind, Iraq's whole blackmail business is the reason or one of the reasons why his niece died. He has already blamed himself enough so he's desperate to pin the blame on someone else. Thus blaming Iraq. Blaming Maurice, who was essentially a victim. Blaming Quinn, who caused the whole thing because he was afraid to lose puppet he could manipulate.
Aiden is not someone to be admired, he's said to be deconstruction of the overpowered, morally grey protagonist who ends up being right and justified. And yet, he's understandable. Not in everything, but enough so you get why he does things. I think in a way I've missed that point, cause I admire the parts of him that should not. His brutality is not something to be admired, to love. I do.
I just find Aiden to be fascinating.
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
These two were conveniently requested together so I decided to make it into one whole post. Also I posted this awhile ago but it didn't show up smh so I'm reposting it aha. I'm sorry for the long wait and thank you for your patience! (*´ω`*)
Please refer to Pinned post before requesting.
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Green as Envy II
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Idia Shroud
- Idia's type of jealousy is the quiet one, though I wouldn't say it's not unnoticeable.
- He's immensely more reclusive and spends his time locked up in his room.
- Being pessimistic and awkward, Idia gets Jealous over small things that he tends to over think about
- Like the time Ace gave you his blazer when yours got dirty during lunch break or when Cater takes pictures of you and has his arms over your shoulders
- He knows they're your friends and that being the social person you are, you're bound to be surrounded by people but he just can't shake off the feeling that you're trying to get away from him
- As if you're using his dislike of crowds so you wouldn't have to put up with your closet boyfriend
- He isn't the most interesting person after all. He plays games and is an avid Otaku. It makes sense if you didn't want to be near him
- With that thought in mind, Idia starts to distance himself from you. He makes sure you don't bump into him after classes and he makes Ortho swear to always tell you he's busy when you come over to Ignihyde
- He's frustrated and insecure. He isn't sure where he is on your list or how much you really like him and Idia has never dealt with emotional pressure well
- He lets the Jealousy fester inside him and it caves in his entire mood. Just thinking about you hanging with Ace and Deuce riles him up
- When playing games, he switches to the kinds that are violent just so he can lash out a bit of his tension. Afterwards though he just lays in bed with his phone in his hand, wondering why you never bothered to call him.
- Gradually,Idia just gets moodier and whenever he sees Ace and Deuce, his gaze turns dark. He doesn't hate them,it's just...He wished he could be as fun as they were.
- Consoling him is easy though, convince Ortho you know how to make him feel better and you already have access to his cave.
- He'll be very fidgety of course when you suddenly enter his room. Part of his mind actually thinks he's gone insane but then you start talking and it's just horrible.
- You said you were worried about him? Has he been troubling you all along with his insecurities? How? And why?
- He won't know what to say but he will apologize even if a small Jealous part of him says it's your fault for being so carefree with other people
- If you hug him and nuzzle your head against his chest, you'll make him melt and Idia will stop processing thoughts all together
- It doesn't take much to reassure him but you'd have to reassure him a lot so his jealous side won't get the better of him again
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Rook Hunt
- Oh,you made Rook Jealous?
- Well,at least now you'd know why Leona finds him intimidating.
- Rook doesn't express his Jealousy like most would, his eyes flicker too subtly for you to catch how he looks at you attentively watching Trey beat the pastry batter. How his hands just lightly overlap with yours almost like in a dreamy state
- A Jealous Rook is a Rook who starts to realise how easily likable and attainable you are to others and it's a jealousy that runs deep in his veins
- He won't say anything that indicates his Jealousy nor would he act any different, but if you paid a bit more attention to how his body reacted when other males make you smile or laugh, you'd notice how still his gaze is. As if he was burning the faces of those people in his memory
- Rook understands with you both being young and filled with life that there will always be things that will garner your attention greatly but the fact that anyone could so easily take your hand away from his whenever he's not looking...It just gives this bad taste gurgling in his stomach.
- He won't do anything that could hurt you though but he will act more profoundly and take you away with him anytime he sees fit
- You and a lot of other people would see it as Rook being his usual self, but the reason he's pulling you away isn't because he wasn't listening to your conversation but because he couldn't stop listening to it. How melodic and happy your voice sounded talking to Riddle and Epel.
- Rook will start leaving you small, unexpected gifts be it on your bed or in front of the porch of your dorm. Anything to make you feel pleased because of him.
- To Rook, Jealousy is simply another expression of love, so he isn't inherently frustrated by it but it does get him in a certain kind of mood. He'd describe it as the very first feeling he had when he went hunting. A Dangerous thrill.
- He's not upset but if you shower him with more attention than most, it'll earn you a lot of his in return.
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Malleus Draconia
- Sulking.
- There isn't any other way to describe it.
- Malleus will say he isn't Jealous and he has no reason to be but the way he looks at you and the people around you is obvious if you really look
- It's like a brief glint that shimmers in his green gaze and colours it slightly off than usual
- He'll frown too but with Malleus always looking stern, it goes unnoticed often.
- Despite himself, Malleus gets Jealous when he sees how hands on you are with those around you,how involved you get into their lives whether or not it's planned and generally how people seem to just flock to you
- Usually the jealousness comes and goes pretty quickly but some days it just lingers in his head
- He won't ever tell you that he has no time though and insist you're allowed to come and visit as you'd like but he seems so distant and too quiet for you to not realize something is troubling him
- If you ask him he'll just stare at you a bit too long before he sighs and shakes his head
- "Just thoughts." He'd say
- Malleus rarely gets the chance to be around people and have them like him so when he sees you doing it so naturally, it makes him kinda envious
- He's not typically riled up by the fact you're surrounded by guys though since he trusts you completely but he won't lie that he gets a teensy bit irritated when people act as if he isn't part of your life
- Eventually he gives in and just expresses how he feels, asking if it bothered you or not that he wasn't able to solve such a simple emotional conflict
- All you have to do is just reassure him that it's normal to not be able to handle emotional things alone and that he's just like everyone else
- Simple words of comfort and a warm presence is the natural remedy to soothe this young dragon after all.
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Epel Felmier
- Epel hates feeling Jealous, so whenever he does feel it, he tends to brush it off as a small matter and refuses to acknowledge it at all.
- Similar to Riddle though, his mood will tip over more often and he tends to lash out
- Epel's jealousy stems from the lack of progress he makes in making himself a strong and dependable partner for you and even if it's a one sided feeling, it frustrates him a lot
- He knows you're always putting yourself in danger and the thought of you being protected by other guys makes him want to grow as tall as Floyd and step on people who would hurt you
- He gets slightly touchy like Riddle too, and whenever anyone else tries to pull you towards them he gets this dirty look on his face and when he speaks his accent slips
- Epel will actually go as far as to use his naturally soft features to manipulate you into spending more time with him
- He'd pout his lips and his eyes would look so sad, how could you possibly say no to helping him make notes for his potion class?
- He doesn't see the manipulation to be wrong since he's not hurting you in any way, and plus it makes him less frustrated too. So it's good on both sides.
- At the end of the day though, Jealous Epel is harmless and actually makes him more motivated and boosts his spirit into building himself up as a man but if his moods get out of control, all you have to do is tell him there isn't a man on earth that could ever take you away from the one already holding your heart.
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Ruggie Bucchi
- Despite himself, Ruggie gets Jealous a lot and his defense mechanism is similar to Leona's,minus the physical proof of it.
- He won't start biting or marking you like the beast prince would but his words does get kinda condescending whenever he sees that you don't realize you're making him Jealous
- Ruggie's seen it all, you know. How some relationships turn bad quick and it was mainly the reason he stayed away from it.
- But life is unexpected, and now that he's in a relationship himself, Ruggie's survival instincts kicks in fast.
- Unlike most Jealous partners,Ruggie's senses heightened and he becomes more observant of his partner's action and gestures.
- He doesn't trust easily, so this comes to bite him in the back and it starts playing thoughts in his head that riles him up even more than he is already
- Ruggie won't say he's Jealous,nor will he make it obvious that he is. When you ask him why he seems tense though, he'll laugh if off and add in something like, "What? Are you suddenly becoming some kind of mood radar?"
- He'll purposely let his words take you aback and he'll admit that he wants to see you a bit hurt but if it gets too bad Ruggie just starts to avoid you by acting like he's too busy
- While he's aware that putting the distance himself he's giving way to the possibility of you leaving him, Ruggie's conscience knows it's wrong to hurt you just because he's frustrated.
- He does a lot of self reflecting and tries to put a bit more trust in the relationship,but of course it doesn't happen in a day,right?
- Dealing with a Jealous Ruggie is better when you're patient and give him his space so that he can have his own thoughts before you come to confront him about it
- He's a bit harder to reassure but once he sees how genuinely worried you are,Ruggie will go soft and just let you shower him with any sort of comfort he needs.
- Though honestly the fastest way to convince him is to let him know that you only want him holding you.
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Floyd Leech
- Floyd's a handful.
- A Jealous Floyd? That's just a nightmare coming to life.
- With his unpredictable moodswings, Floyd is always getting Jealous over things that you will never truly understand.
- He'll tell you that he's upset and that you're the reason behind it but he won't tell you how to fix it
- "Ha? Figure it out yourself why don't you? I'm kinda pissed so I don't want to help you."
- His eyes turn sharp in a split second before it goes dim and dull. Like he's bored of watching you look at him with confusion
- This goes on for days and not even Jade could help you, and that's only when his Jealousy is still mild.
- An extremely Jealous Floyd consists of Jade helping you avoid him at any cost everyday for an entire month because if Floyd so much as sees you, he'll make you run until you're crying for a brief minute to just get air into your lungs
- It's never sure as to why Floyd could get jealous nor is there any indication of it until he comes out and say it
- Most of the time though Floyd gets over his Jealousy when he has you cornered and he sees how scared you are of him, how close you are to crying in front of him. It makes him feel like he really does matter a lot to you if you're in pain because he's Jealous
- Rather Twisted,Floyd doesn't really know he scares the living lights out of you when he's in that state but once he's over it though,he's all over you with hugs and smiles.
- Best advice for Jealous Floyd? Make sure you work on your stamina.
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Jade Leech
- Jealous or not,Jade will always smile even when he's displeased.
- His speech mannerisms doesn't change at all but somehow, whenever he's near you, his polite demeanor feels sick and dark. Like a looming dark cloud during a sunny day.
- He'll reassure you that he isn't upset or in a bad mood but the smile doesn't seem to reach his eyes
- "Oya,how could I ever be mad at you?"
- You must've done something to make him like this but like his twin,Jade won't say what it is.
- It shouldn't be easy to make him Jealous but once he is,Jade will probably the most hardest to reconcile with.
- Depsite his polite composure,Jade isn't so forgiving and even when he acts as if he's always in contro, he's not.
- Maybe it was the way you're always around those Heartslyabul boys or how doting you are with your first year schoolmates like Jack and Deuce.
- Either way,even when he's severely upset,Jade enjoys seeing you stumble on your existence trying to appease him, though eventually he'll get over it and start acting normally again
- When faced with a Jealous Jade,it's probably better for you to try and not get him in an even worst mood. And maybe try to not get too happy around him either, he'll think you're doing it on purpose to spite him.
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reignstormz · 4 years
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INTRO; Continuation from Part One, I couldn't type the entire imagine on just one smh. Still hope you enjoy!
WARNINGS; Sexual content ahead, still. Read at your own risk.
CAST; Same as the first chapter
MINI PLAYLIST; Beg For It - Chris Brown / Someday Is Tonight - Janet Jackson / Hold On - The Internet / Rather Be - H.E.R. / Finesse - Bryson Tiller.
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🦋Tampa, Florida
🦋July 25th, 2021
Ever since then, you and Roman stayed in touch. You got to know each other very well over the past couple of months, and became good friends, close friends to be exact. Roman was like the other half to you that you never thought you needed; You both had a lot in common as well as differences which complimented each other, everytime you were together there was never a dull moment, you could talk for hours to this man about anything and laugh about pure nonsense that only you two could understand. He always gave the best advice whenever you were down, and did whatever he could to make you smile. Roman wasn't just the fine ass guy from the gym that you fawned over back then, he was your best friend, which made it harder to contain your feelings believe it or not.
You loved him, but it wasn't just a friendly love, you were in love. Overtime, you started to realize that he was truly your soul mate all this time. You had an idea of that beforehand, but you always denied it, mainly because you didn't want to rush into things, or get hurt again. As you guys got further into your friendship, you had revealed to him about what you went through, and how crushed you were. There wasn't a day afterwards that Roman wouldn't tell you that you deserved better, someone that would treat you like the queen that you were.
He'd always tell you that you were special, beautiful, and sometimes even got a little touchy with you. There was always a flirtatious vibe that he would give off, and you of course didn't mind. You had a strong feeling that he felt the same way, you knew he did, but you didn't want to say anything. You wanted him to make the first move. However, you were making moves of your own as well.
After your ex finally moved out of your apartment, you wanted to completely turn your life around. You wanted to boss up, and bring out your alter ego for a change. It was time to reach for the lifestyle that you always wanted, and sitting around feeling sorry for yourself wasn't going to do anything. So, you went out and did just that. First, you searched a new job. Even though you loved your current one, you strived for something bigger, and a better salary. You searched, and searched, you honestly thought that there was going to be no luck until you came across something that captured your interest.
It was an assistant job at a business company named 'Roman Empire Enterprises' and though it had a nice ring to it, it also reminded you of Roman. Anything reminded you of him, due to how head over heels you were. So, you decided to take a leap of faith and apply. You were interviewed by an older, white man named Paul Heyman, and he had informed you about every little detail this business had. He talked about how this was a family ran business, and how he's worked with them for generations. You noticed that, he never really talked about who you were going to be assisting, but addressed the family as the 'Anoa'i Family' which was Roman's last name. You got a little curious, wondering if he had anything to do with this or if he even owned this place. So, you flat out asked if he worked there and Paul didn't hesitate to answer your question. Apparently, Roman was the boss of the entire company and that's what you signed up for, to be his assistant.
You were extremely confused as to how you didn't have this information before you applied for the job, but you were even more confused at the fact that Roman never told you about his occupation this entire time you've been friends. You'd ask about it sometimes, but he would always brush it off. When you got a moment alone, you told him everything about what you found out, and he revealed something to you as well. He admitted to owning the company and being the boss, but he never told you about it because it was more than that, and he didn't want to scare you off. Roman wasn't just a regular boss, he was a Mafia boss and this position had been handed to him after his father stepped down. His family has been doing this for years, and he's dealt with some pretty dangerous, horrific things being in control, but he loved it at the same time. Roman's cousin Jey was apart of it, so was his brother Jimmy that you ended up meeting was too, including Paul, who was his special counsel.
You didn't know what to think if it, and it took you awhile to process all of it. You honestly thought about turning down the job, and maybe even keeping your distance from him, but you couldn't, you loved him too much. After all, you trusted Roman, you knew he wouldn't let anything happen to you. When he found out you were the one that applied for the job, he was happy and begged for you to take it. You gave it some thought, knowing this was something way different than you have ever done before and it wasn't like any regular job, but it didn't take you too long before you accepted his offer.
It was the best decision you ever made, you loved working by his side. It did take a little bit of time for you to get the hang of things, but he taught you everything he knew about the Mafia game, his family, the business, and how important it was to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You worked really hard, and he spoiled you with just about everything. Jewelry, your dream car, and your salary was big enough so you could get a new, spacious penthouse. Your life really turned around and you were proud of yourself for moving forward.
Currently, you were with Roman at the moment in his gym at his new house he moved into about two months ago. It was large, very grand, typically Roman's style. Another thing that you loved doing together other than going to the movies, and even going to dozens of restaurants was working out together. This time, you didn't have any accidents thankfully but you two still goofed around at times, like now.
You were on the ground, in a deep lunge, stretching after an intense workout. You thought Roman had left the room for a little bit to take care of some business calls, but he creeped up behind you and smacked your ass harshly. You winced, and then sighed, turning your head around to glare at him, "Can you stop doing that?"
"Doing what?" He shrugged, with a playful smirk on his face as he sat down on the edge of the bench press. You rolled your eyes, getting up from your lunge and stood in front of him in a challenging stance, "Don't get smart, you punk." Then you hit his arm and a grin grew on your face by his reaction.
He rubbed his arm in pain and laughed out loud, and he quickly grabbed the both of your hands as tried your best to get out of his grasp, "What did I say about you hitting me, babygirl?"
You bit your lip, instantly you got a tingly feeling in your stomach, whenever he called you by your nickname, or one of the many nicknames he gave you.
"Don't bite your lip and get all shy now, come here." Roman licked his lips with a settle, sensual smile on his face. Jesus take the wheel, you thought. Your heart started to beat really fast and you could no longer hold his stare, instead you continued to try to fight him off but it didn't work. He dropped your hands and quickly reached for your stomach to tickle you, making you giggle uncontrollably and fall into his lap. You were trapped in his gentle, yet firm hold as he kissed you repeatedly on the cheek, making you blush and hide your face into his neck.
This wasn't the only time that you guys were intimately close like this, there's been multiple occasions where you got really close, but no moves were made. Times like this made it really hard for you to control yourself or your feelings, you wish you could just say it, but you were scared.
You inhaled his sweet scent and your arms were wrapped his neck. His large arms were wrapped around your waist, embracing you. As you continued to hold each other in silence, the air started to thicken with heat and your body started to have a mind with his own from how turned on you stared to feel. Your body clinged onto his, giving you goosebumps, and you felt a waterfall starting to form between your legs as you sat directly on his area, which you could've sworn you felt a bulge. You then felt his hands briefly wander over your ass once, which you tried your best not to react to and keep quiet, but the second time he lightly squeezed it, causing you to jolt your hips gently against him. Your breath hitched, and you pressed your lips together, holding back a moan.
"Do it again, Mama.." He whispered deeply into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You nervously sighed, knowing that you've gone pretty far and there was no turning back now. If he didn't know before, he definitely knew now. You slowly pulled away from him, stopping your actions and looked down, with his large bulge in your view.
"Roman-" You began to say but he cut you off, hushing you.
"Shh." Roman tilted your neck to the side, leaving trails of kisses down your neck, "Roman what, huh?" He asked seductively. Your eyes slowly fell closed, falling into every kiss and touch he planted on your skin.
"I-" You muttered but he slapped your ass, shutting you up. Roman chuckled, and moved to the other side of your neck.
"Do you think I'm stupid, babygirl?" He trailed kisses up your neck, leaving one last kiss close to your lips before pulling away a little but still close to you. As you avoided eye contact with him, he watched your every move, "Look at me." He demanded carefully.
You hesitantly looked down at him, meeting his gaze before and shook your head shyly, answering his question. He just simply stared at you, as if he was trying to read you while a faint smirk was on his face.
"Then what's with all the games, hm? Why are you playing wit' me?" He questions darkly as his hands roam your body, "You think I don't know how you feel about me?"
You stayed quiet, which was the exact reply he needed to be proved right. You were on the fence, nervously anticipating what he was going to do or say next.
Roman chuckles, and his hands find his way inside your shorts, taking a handful of your ass in his hands making you gasp, and you got even more wet.
"Or were you too scared to tell me?" He said quietly, and was about two inches away from your face. You inhaled slowly, and your eyes fell to his lips.
"I wasn't scared.." You trail off, lying through your teeth. Roman licked his lips, alternating his attention between your eyes and lips.
"If you're not scared," He challenged, bringing you even closer, trapping any space between you both, giving you no choice to give in, "Then show me."
You stared into his lustful eyes for one, lingering second before you smashed your lips into his, resting your hands on his face while he returned the kiss right away, tightening his grip on your ass. Lord knows how long you've wanted to do that, there was a whole bunch of emotions running around in your mind; Relief, Happiness, Lust, but most importantly, Love. You loved Roman more than anything and it was beyond overwhelming that you finally got the chance to show him, through your mind, soul, and body.
As the makeout session got more heated, your bodies reacted with it. Your hips began to move in sync with his, creating a huge amount friction and pleasure. You moaned softly into the kiss, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue inside of your mouth, having a battle with your own. His hands trailed up to your waist, holding them firmly as you moved against him and he broke the kiss, resting his forehead on yours, "I want you to say the words." He says, trying to control his heavy breath.
You both stare intensely into each other's eyes as he moves your hips faster, making you come undone, "Say it. Say it to me."
You nodded quickly, knowing exactly what he meant, wanting nothing more to get to the point, the teasing was driving you crazy, "I want you to fuck me," You say bluntly with a shaky breath. Roman smiled lazily, slowing down your hip movements and pecked your lips, "That's my girl."
He picked you up from the bench with your legs wrapped around his waist, and switched you around so that you were sitting down. Your face was instantly met with his pelvic area, and his member that damn near poked out of his shorts. He looked huge, you gulped, startled from the surprise. Roman tilted your head up gently to look at him, then took your hand and put it on his bulge.
"You see what you do to me?" He asked, licking his lips slowly, and you could even spot how glistened they were. In response, you smirked, tracking your hand up a little to grab the waist band of his shorts but he quickly stopped you.
"Not so fast, baby girl." He warned you, and you frowned a little, wondering why he wouldn't let you continue.
"You come first, always." Roman caressed your cheek and nodded his head toward the bench, motioning for you to lay down, "Lay down for me."
You laid down against the bench, adjusting a little bit to more comfortable and Roman dropped onto his knees his front of you, running his hands over your thighs and briefly on your stomach, taking in your body.
"Look at you.." He trailed off, opening your legs and licked his lips. "Not being able to hold still, why are you shaking, Mama?"
You sighed, looking down at him, meeting his lustful stare. You shook your head, and whispered, "Stop teasing me."
"After all the teasing you've done this entire time?" He questions, slightly looking at you like you were crazy, and gives you his sexy smile along with shaking his head, "Nah, that's not how this works."
His finger trailed down your slit, tracing it through your shorts. Your boy was so hot, wanting even more, you knew that you were drenched down there.
"I don't think you understand who you're dealing with." He says carefully as he continues to trace the outlines of your pussy through your shorts, "When you tease me, your teasing Daddy.."
The way he said Daddy made your breathing pace quicken, and your heart beat faster. You didn't know much you could take.
"And when you tease Daddy, there's consequences." Roman presses harshly on clit, making all of your nerves shoot through your body. You bit your lip, closing your eyes trying not to utter a sound.
"You're going to learn not to mess with me," He kisses the inside of you thigh softly, "And you're going to learn what happens to pretty girls like you who don't wanna' listen." He leaves one last kiss on your other inner thigh before he pulls off your shorts, revealing your blue, soaked panties.
"So here's how it's going to go down, Princess." He rubs your clit gently, teasing you painfully, "I call the shots, and you're gonna' do what I say. You're going to listen to Daddy, and if you disobey me in the slightest, your punishment will get worse. Do you understand?"
You were at loss of words, and didn't know what else to say. You had absolutely no idea what you were in for, but you couldn't wait. He smacked your thigh, not too hard but to get your attention making you jump, "When I ask you something, you answer." He demanded in a raspy voice.
"Y-Yes." You stuttered, letting him take full of control of your body. Roman smirked, watching you unravel under his touch, "Good."
His eyes then trailed down your soaked pussy and his mouth watered, dying to get a peak and a taste. His captivating fingers started to move faster, massaging your clit and you couldn't help but squirm a little, and the minute he felt you move, he put his hand on top of your pelvic bone, holding you down.
"Don't move," Roman warned. You had no where to go, and you tried your best to keep still as he played with your pussy, but it was extremely hard too. You inhaled deeply, and a soft moan followed after not being able to hold in it anymore.
"You like that shit, don't you?" He chuckled darkly, finding your sweet moans very sexy. To drive you more wild, he lifted your panties to the side, revealing your pussy to the bleak air.
"Damn, baby. All this, for me?" He says, talking about your wetness. Your hand traveled over your sports bra, clenching your breast, not knowing what to do with yourself.
"Please.." You beg, Roman presses his thumb onto your clit, rubbing it slowly and his pace gradually gets faster.
"Already not listening to Daddy?" He questions, with an innocent expression however as he stares at you, he places a long, slow lick on your slit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and he stops there, sliding your panties off all the way and stands up.
"Get up," He orders. You follow his demands getting up off of the bench and he grabs a hold of your waist, bringing you close to him and smacks you ass.
"What did I tell you?" He whispers in your ear, with his hands briefly roaming your ass before he smacked it again, making you jump.
Before you could answer, without warning, his hand slips between the both of you, reaching your pussy and his finger slips inside of you. You gasp, tightly holding onto his shoulders and burried your face into his chest.
"Roman.." You moaned into his shirt as his skilled fingers had their way with you. Roman kissed your forehead, and then kissed your ear before he whispered.
"It's okay, baby." He cooed into your ear as his fingers moved fastly between your folds. "You wanna be bad and show out? That's fine. If you wanna' act like a brat, I'll treat you like one.
His fingers slipped out of your wetness and he turned the both of you around, laying on the bench and pulled you on top of him. He scooted upwards the bench as you straddled him and he motioned for you to come forward with his finger, "Sit on my face."
You sort of zoned out, not being able to prepare yourself for what was about to happen. Your pussy clenched just by his words, and your breath became shaky.
"I'm not asking you again." He warned intensely, and you snapped out of it, doing what he said and slowly adjusted yourself over his face. He grabbed your hips firmly, keeping you still as you held the weight bar for support.
Then, as you lowered yourself onto him, his tongue met your wetness and began exploring your folds like no tomorrow. You closed your eyes tightly shut, throwing your head back, not being able to think straight. He moved your hips back and forth, tasting every inch of you as you moaned uncontrollably. His tongue truly had a mind of its own, it moved so fast that you could barely think straight
Sounds of him tasting you echoed across the room, pushing you over the edge as he was lost between your folds. His tongue circled around you clit multiple times before taking it fully into his mouth, sucking the life out of your soul. His eyes trailed up your body and onto your facial expressions, getting even more hard at the love faces you were making. He loved the fact that he was making you feel good, trapped with no where to go. Roman would have fantasies like this all the time, and he's been wanting to do this to you for a long time. His dreams were coming true right before his eyes.
He slowed down his pace, and inserted his tongue inside of you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and he couldn't help but smile partly in response as he tongued your folds. He let go of your hips, and his hands slowly traveled inside of his shorts, pleasing himself as he let you take control.
"Ride my face." He said sexily, winking at you. You held the bar tightly, making your balance steady before you slowly started to bounce up and down his tongue gently.
"Oh my God.." You trailed off, whimpering, feeling yourself come close to the edge. If you kept going, you weren't going to be able to hold it any longer.
"I'm gonna' cum." You say, not being able to catch your breath. Roman groaned lowly against you, loving the way you tasted and from the pleasure he was giving himself. He let go of himself and placed his hands back on your hips, moving you faster.
"Cream all over my face, baby girl." He encouraged you, gripping your hips tightly, not daring to take his eyes off of you. His hand reached up your body, sneaking underneath your sports bra and massaged your breast. You closed you eyes shut, repeating the word yes yes yes over and over again before you finally reached your peak, along with your legs shaking slightly. He slowed down your movements, leaving one last kiss on your slit as you took deep breaths, trying to recover from your orgasm.
You got up slowly, swinging your leg around to get up off of him. Roman propped his elbows, helping himself get back up and he wasted no time in pulling you on top of his lap, kissing your lips passionately, and you giggled in response, which made him smile into the kiss. You took the opportunity to undo his hair from his bun, letting it all fall down to his shoulders as you tasted yourself on hips lips. As you continued to make out with him, he took your sports bra off and you helped him take off his shirt. His arms were wrapped securely around your body, picking you up from the bench and your legs were wrapped around his torso as he backed you up against the wall gently.
He let go of your legs carefully, setting you down on the exercise step-stool. You were now at his level, which was exactly where he wanted you to be.
Roman broke the kiss and grabbed your wrists, placing them above your head against the wall dominantly, he stared into your eyes, then looked you up and down slightly before leaning forward, whispering into your ear once more making your body lose all it's feeling.
"Hear me clearly, and hear me good." He directed you with ease, "You can't fool me, baby. I can tell just by the way you look at me, that I make you nervous. Whenever I have you this close to me, you get shy, and easily embarrassed. You can hardly look me in the eye half of the time because of how you feel towards me. I can read you like no one else can, and you're still doubting yourself. I've told you time, and time again how perfect you are. There's nothing about you I wouldn't change, and I'd give you the whole world if I could, if would you just give me a chance."
"I don't deserve you." You denied, looking away from him, with a hint of sadness in your voice trying to process everything he was saying. He remained holding the both of your wrists, kissing you cheek gently so you would look at him.
"Look at me," He pleaded softly. You eyes watered, and you hesitantly turned your head back at him.
"Stop saying that," Roman rested his forehead against yours. "You complete me, you always have."
You stare at him lovingly, feeling like you could get emotional by his words alone despite how good he made you feel. No one has ever made you feel the way he did, and at times he seemed too good to be true. That's why you often thought that you weren't good enough for him. You weren't shocked by him feeling the same way, because you knew he did, but you were shocked at how after all this time, you were so close to getting what you wanted, which was him.
Roman leaned forward, pecking your lips sweetly, and pulled away a little from you to take off his shorts along with his briefs, showing himself to you. You're eyes slightly widened at the sight, and your breath thickened as you saw him stroke himself slowly, aligning his dick to your entrance.
"Let Daddy please you.." He slapped his dick gently onto your pussy, making you squirm underneath his grasp, biting your lip as you both stared intensely at each other. Roman grabbed your right leg, placing it over his shoulder so he could have more access to you. He loved where he had you, especially loving you flexible you were, "Let me show you how much I love you. I don't care how loud you scream, how much you squirm or how badly you can't take it anymore. I won't stop until I have you cumming over, and over again. You will say my name, and you will acknowledge me. Listen, shut the fuck up, and take this dick."
Without warning, he slams inside you, causing your mouth to fall wide open and your eyes to roll back in pleasure. There was a little bit of pain since you were caught off guard, but not a whole lot. He groans, cursing under his breath and tightens his grip on your wrists, "You're so tight, babygirl. Shit.." He trails off as he slowly thrusts into you.
You bit your lip so hard that you started to feel blood drip from how harsh you attacked it, trying to be quiet like he said. Roman closed his eyes in pure bliss from how good you were making him feel. He loosed his grip on your wrist, letting one of your hands fall down while his other hand interlaced with yours on the wall as he kept stroking you. He leaned his forehead onto yours again, kissing you deeply as he continued to stroke you.
You wanted him to go faster, you were dying for him to go faster. You broke the kiss, throwing your head back, trying your hardest not to moan but there was no way you could hold it in anymore. Roman took the opportunity to leave kisses on your neck, and whisper nasty things to you.
"You feel so fucking good, my sweet girl." He moaned into your ear deeply, breathing heavily. You felt him inch closer and closer to your G-spot and you couldn't help but blurt out a sound of love, and Roman chuckled darkly, licking your earlobe slowly, "Whatchu' gotta say now, huh? You like the way Daddy's deep inside you? Making love to you? You love that shit? Yeah? Talk to me."
"Roman.." You beg, not being able to take it anymore. "Stop teasing me, baby. Please."
"Then say my name." He growled into you ear, with bass in his voice, "You hear me? Say, my name. Beg for it. Beg."
"I want you to go faster, please. I'm begging you." You're eyes started to gloss over from how good you were feeling, "Please, Daddy. Fuck me." You shakily whisper into his ear, and he instantly switches positions. He brings your leg down gently, and picks you up while he's still inside you. You wrap your legs around his waist tightly with your arms around his shoulders, and his hand firmly on your ass, holding you up.
"Hold on tight," Roman warns you briefly before railing up into you roughly, bouncing you up and down his dick. You screamed so loud that the neighbors could've heard you from so far away, but you didn't care, neither of you did. He was making you feel so, extremely good that it nearly made you want to pass out, you never had dick like this before, ever.
You held onto him tightly, running your fingers through his hair as he continued to fuck you. Both of you muttered insanely dirty things to each other back and forth the entire time while heavily breathing, moaning loudly. The pleasure was so overwhelming that tears began to roll down your face.
"Fuck, yes." You sighed heavily, and whimpered in ecstasy, "Don't stop, baby. Please please please." You repeatedly fastly, feeling yourself about to finish.
"Who's pussy is this?" He questions, squeezing your ass harshly, going even faster.
"It's yours, Daddy." You answer helplessly, starting to lose a little energy from how good he was giving it to you.
"And who do you belong to?"
"You, I'm all yours." You promise him. Your eyes slowly started to shut and your climax was building faster and faster, "Shit, I'm gonna cum."
"Cum," He egged you on. "Cum all over this dick."
Once he said the words, you held him even tighter than before and let your climax take over. You shook a little bit, trying to catch your breath. Roman's wickedly fast strokes came to a stop, slowing down, and kissed your cheek before sitting down on the exercise stool with him still inside of you but you were still on top of him.
He put his hands on your hips, trying to guide you but you put your hands on his wrist, wanting him to stop. You didn't think you could take anymore. Roman shook his head with a tired smirk, running his tongue over his bottom lip, "Don't even try running away, you're not done. Keep fucking going, you don't stop until I tell you too."
Since you were a still sensitive from your last orgasm, you goosebumps and shivers jolted across your body as you continued to ride his dick slowly. It was really hard, and you could barely keep a rhythm going, but Roman helped guide to since he knew that. As you threw your head back, he leaned down and took your nipple into his mouth, alternating between the both of them occasionally. His hand trailed down your ass, squeezing it, wanting you to pick up the pace.
"Come on, put in that work. You wanted this dick so bad, take it." He whispered lustfully to you, staring into your eyes and was about two inches away from your face. As you picked up the pace and went faster, Roman's eyes fell shut and he bit his lip, leaning his head against the wall.
"Fuck," He moaned, emphazing the word and dragging it out as your hips circled. Roman looked beyond sexy, and you couldn't take your eyes off of him. Just looking his reaction to how you were making him feel, it could make you cum again right then and there.
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"Just like that, lil' Mama." He brought you closer to him, embracing you as he continued to ride him. Then, to bring you and himself close to the edge, he pinned your shoulders down and railed up into you, getting close.
"You're gonna' make me fucking cum." He groaned lowly into your ear as you continued to moan uncontrollably into his, "You want this nut? You wanna' have my kids, baby?"
You nodded quickly, clinging onto him as you felt another orgasm approaching you. You couldn't even cry anymore, you were so out of it that you couldn't even explain what you were feeling, "Cum inside me, Daddy." You begged.
He stroked harshly a couple more times before they eventually became sloppy, getting ready to release inside of you. Your G-Spot was hit just enough by the Samoan, making you cum all over again, but this time with him. Both of you moaned loudly, trying to catch your breath and held onto each other tightly, trying to come down from your high.
Then, you both heard the doorbell ring, making you both jump and pull apart from each other. You both looked towards the gym door and back at each other. You grinned, trying to hold back a laugh and he did the same, but you both ended up laughing. He grabbed your face, adoring your smile and infectious laugh, "You're so beautiful." He gushes to you as he kisses your lips tenderly. You smile into the kiss, kissing him back and pulled away partly.
"Do you think anyone heard us?" You asked, he shrugged, squeezing the life out of you, making you laugh again.
"I don't know, but if they did, I don't care." He pecked your lips twice, and hugged you, nuzzling his face into your neck.
"I love you so much." He says with his chest, meaning every word he said.
You smiled softly, rubbing circles on his back gently, and your heart warmed. You wanted nothing more than to hear him say that, you felt complete.
"I love you more."
Tags; @gold--gucciempress @wwzentertainment @serenityfiretrash @flawlessglamazon @nicolewoo @romanreignshairdresser @sassymox @pennysky @msnikkimoneypenny @jazzy-tzw @lemonjvicey @thandiwethagirl @haharollins @reignsprint @rollinshield3 @sheerbeautyreigns @zaddyreigns @brookethegamer @glowinnbabyy
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movedkagen · 3 years
hey so before i get to working on replies again i do want to analyze gojo  ( what’s new )  and discuss some aspects of his healing process.     tbh i could never properly analyze the stages of thinking that gojo underwent during geto’s defection and afterwards in one post,   but i ranted about it a bit on discord and I’m hoping to get it to make sense here.
what namely sparked this analysis was me finding two different translations of the same panel,   which is a flashback from when gojo approaches megumi and takes him in.     at one point, megumi asks if he’ll have to become a sorcerer  ( in order to keep tsumiki happy ), and gojo said yes,   but the translation is wildly different depending on which you read.
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the first is close to the gojo we've been seeing all throughout this past arc,   the gojo that doesn't really care for people weaker than him:   it continues to frame gojo as this unreachable glass sealing,   this limitless individual who believes only the strongest will survive.
however,   the second has a far  different  meaning,   and is closer to the gojo we met initially:
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the second is close to the gojo we see now,   who is faithful and even  hopeful  in the next generation's ability to surpass him.      the second translation is also really important not just to how gojo in general is characterized,   but also in the way that i perceive gojo's healing process and what him seeking out megumi meant to his character.
in order to take that apart,   i first have to address how i view the famous kfc breakup scene:   i  don’t  think  it  was  the  moment  gojo  and  geto  realized  they  had  opposing  ideals.      i  think,   purely  because  geto  didn’t  clue  him  into  why  he  felt  the  way  he  did,   gojo  was  forced  to  get  ideals  of  his  own.
gojo was in ethical limbo after geto left.     geto was,   according to gege,   gojo's moral compass.   and geto just walked off a ledge that he himself pulled gojo back from just the year before.   in essence,   it's not an opposition of ideals at all,   because honestly,   at that point, gojo doesn't  have  any ideals of his own.      call it coping,   call it neurodivergency,   call it the fact that this is the only type of life he ever expected to live having come from a powerful sorcerer clan,   but gojo never seemed to  care  much about the purpose in his work or what it meant to himself or others.     it was just something he did because he had the ability to,    and because at that point in time it was simply what sorcerers like him  did.
there's a BIT of delinquency before the star vessel arc,   but it's more in him wanting to do things HIS way because he's been under his family's control all his life before coming to tokyo tech.   however,   at the end of the day,   gojo completes his jobs and his tasks without much second thought to it.     he doesn’t question why he does jobs,   and almost treats them like a game to show his own strength.     geto even tries to convince him there's purpose in what they do and gojo laughs it off and says that sort of philosophy is for the weak and that he thinks it’s a load of self - righteous  crap.
fast forward to when geto leaves.     he's been following either the school or geto's lead in terms of  intent  for years now and he's been comfortable that way.   so when geto leaves,   gojo can’t understand why.   he says things like "you can't" and "that's crazy talk" but he has no other reasoning to support that:
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he just says it because what geto is doing is so  outside  of what the normal duties are,   which is why geto pretty easily argues against it and gojo has no rebuttal.   geto very easily turns that entire argument upside down,   and shakes gojo’s  entire  sense  of  self  with  a  single  counter:
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and gojo can’t understand it.     he can’t argue it.     gojo is less arguing because he opposes his ideals and more arguing that he can't break away from the system because  he's  never  thought  to  himself.     it's like a child refusing to accept something simply because they don't understand it,    like if they deny it entirely then it isn't real and can't bother them.
this is  also  why i think he made the motion to attack him;   he was never  going  to fight him,   it was more about doing whatever was possible / in his power to try and force geto to stay because he didn't want to accept he was leaving.   and if geto  had  stayed, gojo would have found a way to absolve him of his crimes because at the end of the day,   it  wasn't  that  he  was  opposed  to  geto's  mindset.      he  was  opposed  to  geto  leaving.
geto was the single person who  ever  made him think about his motives and stopped him from doing things he knew he was capable of.     with geto gone,    gojo is totally lost and he is not coping effectively.      he wouldn't empty out geto's room at all because that would mean he really left,   so he didn't. not for weeks, or months, or even a  year  after it happened.     he refused to do it and he threw a tantrum if anyone else tried to go near the room at all.     there was a surplus of rooms,   so that room was left alone almost like a grave for a long time.
during that intermediate period,   gojo wasn't even sure where he stood anymore.     he really questioned if he even  wanted  to be a sorcerer because if geto didn't do it anymore,   why  should  he?     he's never had compassion for non - shamans like geto did.     what was he doing it for at all,    then?    
gojo was at a crossroads where he was between being a weapon for the higher ups that he didn't even like to begin with or following someone he  did  care about and respect,   down a path that he knew to be wrong but realized he'd never once asked himself why.     
gojo was moody.     sometimes he'd be too reckless on jobs,   and other times he would rebel and outright refuse to go on missions because he was lashing out at the control he let them have over him.     he was a loose cannon and while he had yet to start actively being an enemy to the higher ups  ( at this time i hc he never really threatened them or demanded to know their every move ),   he was still powerful enough where they knew if they  couldn’t  get him under their control, they might lose everything  ------  and frankly, if geto  and  gojo defected,   they'd never be able to recover from that.   at that point if they had a way to kill him, i truly believe they would have and i'm sure there was at least an attempt,   which i have a separate headcanon for.
but healing has to start somewhere.     he clearly  does  have a shift in mentality where he  does  care about protecting those weaker than him,   and that's the first step.     it's gojo accepting he can't go geto's route because he doesn't hate the world like geto does.     he hates the people who oppress it.     the next step is accepting geto left,   which is hard.   after about 2 years he and shouko clean out geto's room and it's really hard on him,   it's a very emotional event and it's a very delayed acceptance that he is gone.
the final step in his decision to heal   ( heal being a strong word since the man never gets therapy and is clearly still traumatized )   is investigating those final words toji left him with,   that  "do what you want"  regarding his child.
i have said that i don't hc he went there to get megumi,   but he just went there to see him and see what the big deal was.      but then he found out about the deal and something compelled him to go and investigate,    and when he met megumi,    he didn't find toji's  "trump card"  or some secret weapon.     he found a child.     a child that was abandoned and destined to turn out like himself or geto or toji and he  very  impulsively decided to take him and tsumiki in and stop the deal entirely.
that  was the first time he opposed the higher ups for real.     that  was the first time he said  "i'm getting in the way of this and if you try and stop me i WILL attack you and kill you all"  and while he's an outsider with seemingly  nothing  to gain from that,   they have no choice but to let him because no one can stop him.    
that second translation of  "become strong enough to leave me behind"  speaks volumes about the way i perceive gojo's shift in perception over one of the hardest segments of his life ... how i view the process in which he went from not caring about the weak at all to becoming a man who "won't forgive anyone who takes another person's youth",    which would have happened to megumi and tsumiki if toji's deal went through.   
maybe he didn't understand protecting the weak out of a sense of nobility,   but protecting one's youth?     one's right to be happy?     he DOES get that.     and that is what guides him towards compassion.     it's a really good line in what i saw as the  "final step"  in him moving on from the events of the star vessel arc and moving towards becoming the person and teacher he is now, and of course his road there is neither linear nor perfect,   but this is his turning point.
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savoies · 5 years
Miscommunications - Nolan Patrick.
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Nolan Patrick x Reader.
Summary: Nolan is feeling a little insecure and he starts to ignore his girlfriend but then they talk it out and it turns out to be just a miscommunication.
Word count : 1143 ( wow im proud) 
Warning: like one bad word.
Nolan was currently on the road to Colorado. The Philadelphia Flyers were going to play against the Colorado Avalanche in about two days. Y/n was currently at home in Philly texting Nolan to text her when he got to Colorado. Y/n and Nolan had been dating for about a year and while y/n was more emotional and Nolan keeped his feelings bottled in, they made it work. She decided just to work on some homework and then go to bed afterwards since it was pretty late when Nolan left for his long road trip of a day.
Nolan had arrived in Colorado a few hours ago and was currently practicing making some goals into the net with Hartsy blocking most of them. Nolan had been off of his game and Tk noticed but didn't mention anything because his best friend wasn't one to talk about his feelings. The game was starting in thirty minutes and warm ups had started. Y/n was back home wearing his number 19 jersey getting prepared for the game to start. She knew Nolan had arrived safely because Tk usually posted stories of the arena they were going to play at. She just decided to send him a good luck text since he didn't text her earlier of his arrival but she didn't want to seem like a mom.
The game ended as the waves of orange were seen through the crowd jumping up and down. The flyers had won against the avalanche and they were pretty damn proud. Nolan walked into the locker room to get changed and when he saw that he had a new text from his girlfriend. He left it on read as he did the other one he received upon his arrival. It wasn't that he was trying to ignore her; he just sometimes got these thoughts into his mind that he wasn't good enough for her. I mean she had a bachelors degree, was studying to get her masters, and she was the most determined person he had ever met. He was just a hockey player. He knew that if he ever got a serious injury his entire career would end. But y/n had her whole life in front of her. Before more of these thoughts could enter his mind Travis walked in and told him they were gonna go out for celebratory drinks. He thought that maybe a couple of those would blur his mind and he would forget about these thoughts. So he got dressed and headed out with the rest of his team mates. 
Y/n watched as the flyers won and jumped up and down as Kevin Hayes made the winning goal. She texted her boyfriend: congrats you did amazing and then call me when you can. Y/n saw the guys stories and saw they went out to get some drinks. She waited about thirty minutes but didn't get a response from her boyfriend. She decided to stop because she didn't want to seem clingy and she decided calling Teeks was a better option. The phone rang about four times when the caller on the other end finally picked up. “Hey Y/n whats up.”
“Hey Tk just calling to congratulate you guys on the win and wondering if I can talk to nols.” the girl said hopeful yet a bit nervous cause it seemed as though her boyfriend was ignoring her. There was shuffling on tks side of the line and then she could hear him shouting “hey pat your girl wants to talk to you.”
“Tell her I'm busy” the 21 year old centerman yelled back. In that moment y/n got enough classification and her heart broke a little. “Hey y/n he’s--...”
“I heard teeks thanks.” the girl said, trying not to cry. She decided to just watch netflix and eat some ice cream cause now it for sure seemed as though her boyfriend was ignoring her. 
“Stop being such a jerk and talk to your girlfriend.” Travis said.
“Don't you think ive tried,” Nolan said, looking down at his shoes avoiding his friend's eye contact. “She's great but she's too good for me. I'm just a hockey player. She could leave me any moment.”
Travis listened to his best friend's sincere confession and thought about how y/n was seriously in love with him and she thought the opposite of everything he had just said. “Pat, i've seen the way that girl looks at you and she's totally whipped and I can say the same for you.” Nolan loved his girlfriend and it seemed like he just needed a slight push from his best friend to realize that they had their differences but they were totally and hopelessly in love.
He decided to step out for some air and call her and tell her how he really felt. Y/n was sitting on the couch when her phone started ringing. Her boyfriend's name flashed across the screen as she completed picking up. She decided to ignore how she was hurting and instead answered it cause deep down she could never be mad at her big goofball of a boyfriend. There was silence for a few minutes as the static was heard on both sides of the line. Then finally Nolan spoke up with a simple hey.
“Hey bub.” y/n said back. It felt good to hear his voice. 
“Uhm wow ive been such a dick to you and i'm sorry, it's just sometimes i wonder why you're with me--..”
“Wait y/n let me finish, cause you know how hard this is for me.” The girl let him continue. “Sometimes it seems as though you are too good for this world and way too good for me and Tk made me realize that I should stop bottling up my feelings and talk to you about them. Communication is a big part of relationships and that's what I'm doing right now. I love you and I'm sorry sometimes I'm not good enough.” Nolan said exasperated at the end of his emotional speech.
There was silence for a few moments while y/n was trying hard not to cry. “Baby are you there?” 
“Yeah sorry bubs, Nols if you ever feel this way please tell me. I love you so much and you are seriously perfect for me. I understand communicating is hard for you but you know i'm always here to listen. You are always good enough and beyond that. I'm glad Travis made you talk about it. God, I love you so much Nolan Patrick.”
By the end of her speech they were both trying not to cry. “I love you lovebug. I'll call you later when i get to the hotel.”
“I'll be waiting.” y/n said glad that all this was just a miscommunication.
Tags so it doesn't flop: @marner-lovebot @hockey-anyone @mitch-slap @mymanseguin @leafsxhockeywrxtes @summerko8
206 notes · View notes
ariparri · 4 years
Pairing: Diego x Veruca (With a hint of Tulip x Carson)
Written by cursedautumn on Instagram
A/N: This was written from a story for art type of trade we made on IG. English isn’t cursedautumn's first language, so she apologizes if there are any mistakes.
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Day 1
It was the fall of 1988. This fall, in contrast to several previous ones, was full of sweet aroma of rotting leaves and the hot honey sun covering playgrounds, classrooms, and the forest near Hogwarts; fresh gold autumn leaf carpet lay on the stone slabs of the courtyard and soft field grass; saturated with moisture, the trees are seriously bent and the crystal was glittering with rain drops, remaining after another warm rain. The sky was clear and blue, with a milky foam of clouds, and it was tempting to run out of the heavy walls of the castle and lie under it, roll on the grass, feel the sweet water drops on your tongue, and run to the lake, which shone like pure crystal, and a couple of students even swam there once — although they had to report to Professor McGonagall and serve detention for quite a long time afterwards.
Veruca McQuaid went into the courtyard and sat by the fountain, near the place where everyone usually play Gobstones. After sitting in the semi-darkness of the Slytherin common room for almost twenty-four hours, she just needed a little bit of fresh air. She had expected to skip lunch and spend the rest of the day here alone with her homework and a bottle of cold pumpkin fizz, but her plans for privacy were not going to come true, because ten minutes after Veruca settled down next to the fountain, a voice came from above her head, "Hello, Veruca."
"Oh, Merlin!" thought Veruca with exasperation, and looking up, she recognized the intruder as Diego Caplan, a fellow Hufflepuff, a well-known ladies' man and a very good duelist. He always had a contented swarthy face, a strange yellow scarf, and beautiful dark eyes. He was holding a small bouquet of red roses and smiling. "Caplan? Veruca asked indifferently. "Well, hello."
"I hope I'm not interrupting you," Diego said with a charming smile. Veruca was tempted to say that he was interrupting, but she just smiled tightly and shook her head. To be honest, she was never hypocritical and enjoyed interacting with people, but right now Caplan chose a very inappropriate moment to talk to her... or whatever he wanted to do. "Did you want something?"
"Yes." Diego peremptorily handed her the aforementioned bouquet of roses and flashed his snow-white teeth. His smile was attractive and confident. "This is for you. I thought that such a beauty just needs a bouquet of flowers."
Veruca accepted the bouquet, but she wasn't sure why Diego had done it in the first place. She had never been insecure, but didn't consider herself strikingly beautiful either: a pretty face framed by dark hair, light green eyes, neat pink lips, and a well-formed figure - that's all, so Diego probably didn't want to grab her attention because of her incredible beauty, even though he said so.
She was also Coby McQuaid's sister, and a lot of guys shunned her just because they were afraid that the "crazy brother" would appear out of nowhere and wring their necks for his little sister. In general, she sceptically smiled at the bouquet, and said:
"Thank you. Now leave me alone, please, I'm a little busy."
Diego left after blowing her a final kiss, and Veruca gave the bouquet to Penny the same day — she simply couldn't believe that Caplan could really be interested in her. Most likely, he wanted new sensations, that's all. But if he thinks he's found a goal for one day, he's very, very wrong, Veruca thought with a grin as she watched Penny lovingly arrange a bouquet of roses in front of the statue of the headless knight.
Day 2
It rained that day, and the flying lesson with madam Hooch was canceled. Veruca, who had not slept well last night, was not too upset: she had no desire to cut through the thick, glass-like walls of rain on a broomstick. She spent the entire first half of the day running between classes, listening to Snape's unflattering comments about her personality, her brother, and so on, sitting in madam Rakepick's perfume-and-wood-scented classroom, and spending time with Penny and Chiara. Penny once said, "By the way, you shouldn't have refused the roses, they were so beautiful!"
"Yeah," Veruca grinned and looked at the Ravenclaw girls as they passed. One of them, a girl with dark eyes and fluffy brown hair, mentioned Diego Caplan in the conversation, and several of her friends immediately began to whisper and giggle with curiosity. It seemed that only Veruca disliked him, for even Merula spoke quite favorably of him, and if Merula approved of a person, then it was a waste of time — everyone adored him without exception, and there was nothing to be done about it.
On this day, Veruca couldn't shake the eerie yet strangely pleasant feeling that someone was watching her. Someone's already familiar dark eyes, clear and sly. It seemed to her that someone was staring at her back in class, studying her face at lunch, spying on her during recess... This, however, did not inspire her with any fear, firstly, because Veruca had managed to get used to being watched during her five years at Hogwarts, and secondly, it was a kind of harmless surveillance - as if she was an interesting performance, and she was being watched by a curious spectator. And for some reason, it never occurred to her that it might be HIM...
Veruca shivered and looked up from her potions homework. In the faint greenish light of the Slytherin drawing room Merula Snyde's pale face looked like a cloud of smoky mist with two purple lightning-like eyes. She was holding a small bouquet of purple orchids wrapped in shimmering translucent pale yellow paper.
It exuded a sweet fragrance that overlaid the smell of underground dampness and pine needles (there were scented candles in the living room), and it looked lovely. A cream-colored paper was perched between the purple blossoms.
"What is it?" Veruca was taken aback. She had seen a lot in her life, but... for Merula to give her flowers?.. However, fortunately, the rival muttered, "Somebody asked me to give this to you," she plopped the bouquet on the table, the soles of her gaudy leather boots clattering indignantly, then went into their shared bedroom and slammed the door.
Veruca had no idea, freaked out if a classmate saw because it was torn away from the important contemplation of their own greatness or because Merula handed the bouquet to her and no one thought to do that; but understand she did not and pulled out a fragrant bouquet of cream paper box, which was briefly written:
"It is not good to give the gifts away, Veruca. But I'll try again, since you didn't take me seriously. -D.C.".
It wasn't hard to guess that D.C. was Diego Caplan. Well, then, he really wanted to get her attention for a while. At first Veruca felt flattered by the attention, then offended, because she didn't like intrusive people, and then she just decided to let the boy indulge. After all, she couldn't possibly forbid Diego from sending her flowers, so Veruca just got up, went to the trash can, and threw the unfortunate bouquet in there. The sweet scent gave her a headache. Let Caplan send her his stupid flowers as much as he wants. Let him... It's just a little cruel joke, isn't it?
Day 3
Sunflowers. Bright yellow, like Hufflepuff robes, as if woven from sunlight, they caught Veruca's eye as soon as she opened them. At first she didn't understand why the dark green Slytherin dorm room seemed to have a window that let in a flood of thick sun, but then she looked up and saw the pretty heads of flowers perched on her nightstand. The sunflowers didn't fit in with the luxurious and dark atmosphere of the room, and as she passed by, Ismelda grumbled that she should have gotten them, and immediately would throw them away.
Veruca, oddly enough, felt more alive and somehow light when she saw these flowers. They were so simple, of the usual yellow color, not scarlet roses or purple orchids, but she liked them very much, until she found it in the pile of golden flowers the same small creamy square, on which was written the same handwriting as yesterday:
"Attempt number three. I hope you like it and don't throw them away or give them to someone else. -D. C.".
Veruca furiously crumpled the paper and threw it away. Caplan could be as nice and generous as he liked, but his impudence and desire to use her for his own incomprehensible purposes irritated her terribly, so she hastily changed her clothes and washed up, took the sunflowers and went straight out of the living room with them, catching the surprised and mocking looks of her classmates and others. 'I'll kill you, Caplan,' Veruca thought as she left the common room.
To be honest, she liked the flowers very much, but Diego Caplan was known as a fan of ending relationships as quickly as starting them, and she wanted something more serious than being the one-night stand of a cheeky Hufflepuff.
She found Diego right after breakfast, playing Gobstones with some other Hufflepuff whose name Veruca didn't know and didn't want to know. When Caplan saw her, he broke into a satisfied smile, as if not noticing the girl's grim expression, "Sorry, Reg, there's a lady here who wants to talk to me."
"Hmmm," Reg muttered, absorbed in the game. He glanced at Veruca, who was holding a golden bouquet of sunflowers, and continued to hunch over the game. Diego got to his feet, very pleased, and sauntered over to Veruca. For some reason, she was uncomfortable with the way his gaze slid over the top button of her shirt, and she muttered, "I see you're not going to leave me alone." Diego flashed his white teeth. "Actually, it's unpleasant when your gifts are thrown away or misused."
"You'll get over it," Veruca said. Anger mixed with guilt (?!), and she just watched Diego's dark hair flutter in the light autumn wind. He was beautiful. Very handsome, no matter what... "Caplan, I'm not interested in a one-night stand. And I'm not one of those people who will throw themselves at you. So keep your flowers and give them to someone else."
"Should I keep them or give them to you?" Diego grinned. Veruca gave an exasperated sigh. "Calm down, baby. Maybe I just want to go out with you. And spend more than just one night."
Veruca gasped with indignation. Who does he think he is? "First of all," she hissed, " I'm not a baby, I'm a McQuaid, or at least just Veruca. And secondly, you want to spend not only one night, but also one day? No, thanks. I'd rather be alone than lie under someone else and then get muddied, okay?"
Diego smiled. In a strange, affectionate way, there was something mysterious and hungry in his dark brown eyes, as if she was a piece of candy that he couldn't wait to unwrap.
"I see," he said softly. "See you later, Veruca."
In the evening, after she slapped Caplan, left him and complained about him to Chiara, before going to bed, Veruca remembered that she had never returned the sunflowers, and they were shining in the dark Slytherin bedroom. Well, that's fine. They are beautiful...
Day 4
On this day, the sky suddenly frowned, clouded with a silver haze; a cold wind blew, carrying with it a pile of dead leaves, no longer burning with gold. A bloodless pallor settled over Hogwarts like a semi-transparent mist, as if someone invisible had suddenly drained the last of autumn's juices and warmth, and Veruca, wrapped in her robes, came to Herbology class. Professor Sprout, warm and plump, was as friendly as ever and talked about how to turn the most common weeds into the most common tulips, Tulip immediately noticed that she liked it, and frowned at Carson — they had a fight a couple of days ago. Rowan walked calmly past Ben, who she'd almost gotten into a fight with the day before, and Veruca noted grimly that she wasn't the only one with boy problems.
"So, get ready!" professor Sprout clapped her hands. "Today's spell does not apply to magic plants, but it helps a lot if you want to give your friend or partner a bouquet of beautiful tulips!"
"Carson only needs one beautiful Tulip," Rowan said, and she and Veruca giggled. Tulip pursed her lips grimly, "Well, yes. That's why he said yesterday that he was sick of my eternal thirst for adventure." Veruca knew perfectly well that this was said in a much milder form than the one Tulip had given her, but it was useless to argue: Carson and Tulip will make up tomorrow or the day after, which means it doesn't make sense to take their conflict seriously.
So she decided to take up the lesson and diligently wrote down everything that Professor Sprout said, and by the end of the lesson she had mastered the spell perfectly. As they were about to leave, a familiar voice called out to Veruca. A voice that stretches like hot chocolate. For some reason, she was a little pleased to hear him, although at one time she was irritated.
"How are you?" Diego sauntered over to her and touched his hand to his silky dark hair. "Did you learn your lesson with the-tulip weeds?" Veruca smiled dryly, ignoring the surprised looks from Penny and Rowan. All they probably wanted to do was tell everyone about their little affair with Diego. "And you?"
"I'm glad you asked," Caplan smiled charmingly (if Veruca had been any other student, she would have been nothing but a pink puddle) and, waving his wand as if he was going to show everyone his beautiful hands with flexible fingers, pointed to the weeds — and the unsightly, flabby plants instantly transformed into a wonderful bouquet of yellow and pink tulips with elastic buds and a pleasant aroma. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to them except Rowan and Penny, who were standing behind her, but that was enough: Veruca could feel their eyes boring into her back. Diego took the tulips and handed them to her. "Here. A bunch of tulips will add to your dark dungeons, won't they?"
She stood looking at him for a few seconds, wanting to laugh. How stupid, persistent, and sweet he is, this Diego Caplan! What a fool! Is she supposed to be flattered by such intrusive attention? Veruca didn't like it when someone invaded her personal space, and when she looked into Diego's dark chocolate eyes, she smiled, took the bouquet and said sweetly, "Thank you." She turned and shouted: "Hey, Tulip!"
"What are you doing?" Diego's smile faded instantly. Tulip watched Carson leave, then slowly walked over to Veruca and asked sadly, "What is it?"
"It's from Carson," Veruca said, and passed the flowers to Tulip. She was stunned, looking at the fresh bouquet as if it were the eighth wonder of the world, and so was Diego, and Veruca, smiling triumphantly, took her bag and left the greenhouse, feeling that she had put Diego Caplan in his place. But for some reason, the sweet feeling of victory was mixed with something bitter, like... regret?
Day 5
Veruca didn't know what was happening to her. Honestly, she just didn't understand. Diego Caplan had stopped annoying her. When she woke up in the morning, she felt a gnawing sense of guilt for giving his flowers to Tulip, for ignoring his attentions so actively, which were actually not so bad — it was better than if he was spreading his hands or making obscene compliments.
Diego was cute. He gave her flowers. And she just took it and, without even trying to be polite, rejected it. So Veruca thought the next day as she tossed and turned in the pearly gray, rattling light of morning; the bedroom was dark and quiet, except for Liz, who was snoring peacefully in her bed; Veruca suffered from the urge to go and apologize to Diego. Sunflowers added the melancholy, spreading a bunch of pure gold to the gloom of the Slytherin bedroom — Caplan's gift. Diego Caplan.
So in the morning, slipping out of the soft embrace of the bed, Veruca dressed quickly and went to breakfast before anyone else, hoping to see Diego on the threshold of the Great hall and apologize. Yes, her pride will howl...
Fortunately, Diego showed up at his table, and as soon as he finished and went to the door, Veruca left the half-eaten sausages and ran after him. Diego walked with his usual slightly swaying gait, so unhurried and confident that Veruca began to feel less confident, but she ran up and touched him on the shoulder. He turned around. He looked perfectly normal, not at all sad, and Veruca wondered if Diego wasn't upset at all. It's kind of a shame. "Veruca McQuaid," he smiled a little. "Hello."
"Hi," she stammered. Diego chuckled. "Look, I want to apologize for giving your flowers to Tulip yesterday." she found herself painfully short of words. "But Carson and Tulip made up."
Diego laughed. He had a beautiful laugh, low and clear. "How kind you are," he said. "Well, I will forgive you on one condition: you'll accept the next bouquet of flowers from me."
Veruca looked at him blankly. Does he have metal nerves or what? "Um," she said. "If you accept, I'll forgive you," Diego said, running a hand through his silky chocolate hair. Veruca noticed that they were beautifully, cleanly shining. "Do you agree?"
Veruca sighed. It's not so bad to get flowers. But she was supposed to be apologizing to him, making up for her "sins" in some way, not getting a gift, right? But Diego seemed serious, and she decided that if this was a way to let him know that she, Veruca McQuaid, was apologizing to him, let it be so: awkward, but not humiliating. It would have been far worse if he had asked her to leave him alone, or simply ignored her...
"All right," she said. "Okay, I agree." she looked into Diego's dark, shiny, soft eyes, framed by black lashes. And, for some reason, her heart fluttered with joy.
That evening, a first-year student wearing large round glasses approached Veruca. The girl was sitting on the couch reading a book when a first-year, Elora Dunn, came up to her and told her that she had received a gift. The gift was a bouquet of Calla lilies — white and pale pink, neat, velvety and delicate to the touch. Veruca took the bouquet from Elora and just stared at it for a few seconds, not noticing that the first-year had gone to her dorm and it didn't really matter.
The bouquet of Calla lilies had a delicate and soft aroma, like some ice cream. Veruca lifted the bouquet to her face, and the fragile petals brushed her cheeks. I guess sometimes you need to be able to apologize. The thought made her smile, and when she went to bed, Veruca felt extremely happy, as if a star had been lit somewhere inside her that would never go out...
Day 6
Veruca expected this farce of flowers to end after she accepted a bouquet of Calla lilies from Diego. Now, perhaps, he is tired, and he will no longer approach her with another bouquet of flowers, beautiful, bright, sweet-smelling... It would seem that Veruca should have been relieved — at last he was behind, she should be happy!
But when Diego didn't speak to her the next day, didn't even look back or come up with a bunch of flowers, she felt abandoned and sad, even though, of course, Diego didn't owe her anything. After a few days of pampering, that's enough. But why did Veruca feel that she really wanted to talk to Diego, to hear his voice again, to look into his dark, hot chocolate eyes again...
"Stop it!"
Veruca snapped, brushing her hair in front of the mirror this morning. Today, she had let her thick brown hair down, and it fell in a dark wave over her shoulders and framed her pale pink face beautifully. A bouquet of calla lilies, delicate and pleasing to the eye, stood on her bedside table and gave off a delicate fragrance.
Merula, passing by, grumbled that "McQuaid has already got everyone going mad with her flowers," but Veruca ignored this, preoccupied with her own thoughts, and put an emerald pendant around her neck to set off her eyes. Perhaps Diego might have been interested in her because of her looks, even though she hoped he liked her for more than just her pretty face...
"Stop it now. It's probably over. He's tired of you, and you're tired of him. And it is over."
But now she didn't want it to end so much. It was Saturday, and Veruca had decided to stop by the Hospital wing to help madam Pomfrey — sometimes on weekends she tended to patients and helped the elderly matron with some medical matters. Madam Pomfrey was not in the wing today, so Veruca began sorting through the used bottles of medicinal potions, selecting those that needed to be washed and those that needed to be treated first with a special antiseptic — the potions in them had to be poured into an exceptionally clean container.
Working here was very boring and time-consuming, but Veruca felt that sorting out bottles, bandaging wounds, and so on would help her miraculously put her confused thoughts in order. There was something right and clear about it. Suddenly the doors opened and Veruca turned to greet madam Pomfrey, but when she saw who it was, she froze, startled.
Diego Caplan stood in the doorway of the Hospital wing with a bouquet of pink flowers with crimson cores and yellow petals — Alstroemeria. He was smiling, and it seemed to warm Veruca. She just stared at Diego for a few seconds, unable to say anything, and he stepped up to her, "I didn't specify how many bouquets you should accept in order for me to forgive you."
Veruca opened her mouth awkwardly, "Oh... I... thank you," was all she said. Diego gave her a deep, mesmerizing smile.She picked up the flowers and then felt her nose itch and sneezed. "Bless you."
"Thank you... ah!" Veruca sneezed again. Her nose itched, her throat seemed to narrow slightly, and it was harder to breathe. Diego looked at her blankly. Veruca wiped her nose and looked at Alstroemeria. Then she slapped her forehead and started laughing.
"What is it?" Diego looked startled. "Hey, Veruca? What happened?" he took her by the shoulder. Veruca sneezed again, already trying to hide her slight pleasance at the touch of someone else's warm fingers, and said, "I'm allergic to these flowers..."
Diego looked so dumbfounded that she was sneezing and laughing for a long time, and then stopped sneezing and continued to laugh until dinner. But there were still tulips and sunflowers in her room, and the alstroemeria had to be given to Chiara, who was happy to put them in her dorm, so there were enough flowers for everyone, there was no doubt about that...
Day 7
Veruca slept well that night. She dreamed of Diego, smiling, wearing a light gray frock coat and holding a bouquet of roses. They seemed to be dancing under a vast starry sky, and from somewhere an unfamiliar melody was flowing, light and pleasant; it ran like a stream between stones, harmonious, subtle; then Diego suddenly literally disappeared, the melody stopped, everything was plunged into darkness for a few seconds, and Veruca woke up.
There was a strange, happy peace in her soul, and at the same time an anticipation of something very, very good; outside the window, the morning haze turned the ground and horizon ruby and tangerine, and the dim bedroom was bathed in warm light. Her roommates were snoring peacefully in their beds, behind the drawn curtains, and Veruca was left to her own thoughts and beautiful dream...
Everything went fine in the morning: the weather was fine again, and Veruca liked her own reflection in the mirror very much today — her hair were shining, her eyes were shining, her face was fresh and rested; it was a warm Sunday outside the window, and she wasn't even annoyed by the ever-dissatisfied Merula and the untidy Ismelda. Veruca cleaned her room peacefully, had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, played a game of gobstones with Tulip and Carson, who made up and looked at each other with loving eyes again, and passed her Charms homework.
But the best part, what she had been subconsciously waiting for all this time, happened after lunch. She and Diego ran into each other near the forest. It was empty: the students were gathered closer to the castle. The first thing Veruca saw was a familiar blue denim jacket, and then a bunch of blood — red carnations and familiar soft dark brown eyes. At first, she couldn't believe her eyes: another bouquet?
Diego stopped when he saw her. Grinned. "This is the last one," he said, turning over a bunch of carnations wrapped in milky white shimmering paper. "I hope you're not allergic to carnations."
"No," Veruca said, and then automatically repeated to herself, "the last one." Just a few days ago, she wanted it so much, and now...
"Along with this bouquet," Diego announced softly, smiling, "I want to ask you out, Veruca McQuaid. What do you say?"
Veruca froze. Ask her out? On a date? Diego Caplan? Her?
"I will understand if you refuse," Diego was calm. "But accept the bouquet. This is the last one."
And he handed her the flowers. Veruca picked up the delicate scarlet flowers wrapped in paper and stared at them for a few seconds. They were so beautiful. Fragrant. And from him...
The sun shone even brighter. The foliage is flushed with pure gold. Hogwarts castle suddenly became not clumsy and heavy, but majestic and beautiful. Veruca looked at Diego, feeling her heart flutter sweetly, happily, and sing, and Diego seemed to her the most beautiful young man on earth, and a bouquet of carnations was the most beautiful gift, the most elegant and appropriate...
"Well, so what?" Diego held out his hand. "How about a walk in the woods, an evening at Hogsmeade, Madame Puddifoot's cafe, and the company of a handsome man like me, hmm?"
Veruca couldn't help but laugh. "I agree, handsome man," she said softly, and put her hand in his. They walked towards the forest, through the golden trees, looking at each other and assessing each other anew...
And that was just the beginning of their story.
And the reason for everything...
Were flowers.
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slafkovskys · 5 years
can we just talk? ▹ c. mccarthy
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my masterlist!
request - I was wondering if you could write something with Case. Like all the guys know that the both of you like each other and are always trying to set you guys up but one day Case accidentally kisses you. Like he wasn't even thinking straight and says bye and then gives a kiss and then it's really awkward until the both of you announce your feelings towards each other
you met cole the first day of junior year. it was a pre-ap english course that you were psyched to be in and he sat beside you. for the first couple of months, you didn’t know he was a hockey player. one day you questioned why he was absent so often and that’s when he told you he played for the ntdp.
after that, you swapped snapchats and you were the one he would rely on to help explain the work because the teacher ‘makes it sound difficult.’ a snap streak was born and you often received pictures of his teammates and to them, you were cole’s ‘english bff.’
you met case through your association with cole. case and cole had the same billet and when you went over the first time to help cole with an essay, case was there and that’s how you first met. you and case just clicked differently and everyone around you knew it. they, mostly cole, were quick to point out how close you two became but you both vehemently denied that it was anything other than a friendship.
this year, you had no classes with cole, but you had math with case. thankfully, the teacher sat the two of you together because honestly, there was no one else in that class you could tolerate. though the teacher had switched up the seating arrangement multiple times, you two stayed by each other. when asked by another student why the two of you never got separated, the teacher simply glanced at you before stating, “they only talk to each other.”
you and case both turned into tomatoes which the class laughed wildly at.
due to your connections, you got invited to the get togethers the team would put on. it was a week ago that the extravaganza was a movie night in jack’s basement. like always, you’d arrived with case and cole.
everything was fine.
until suddenly, everyone decided they needed to go upstairs for various reasons. everyone except you and case. sure, you thought it was weird, but you stayed put on the two beanbag chairs in the corner that were unofficially only for you two. you were sideways in your chair so that your head was in case’s lap and he could play with your hair.
you felt him separate your hair in three sections before twisting them together, “don’t tangle it!” you squeal and he laughs. that’s how things went for a few minutes before you picked up your phone and started scrolling through instagram. your scroll down and you stop on a picture uploaded by a model you followed. sighing, you speak, “she’s so pretty.”
case makes a noise that causes you to look up at him with raised eyebrows.
“what?” you asked.
he shrugs, “you’re prettier.”
your face heats up and you reach your hand up to nudge his shoulder. before you can lower your hand back he grabs it, holding it. his palm was sweating and you can swear you hear his heart pounding, but maybe it was yours. you couldn’t tell as your mind fogged over, “case?”
he blinks before his head dips down slowly, giving you time to move if you wanted. however, you were frozen as his lips met yours. he pulled back after a few seconds and stared at you, “y/n?”
“i’ve-um,” you stutter, pulling your hand out of his and standing up, “i’ve gotta go. i’m-i’m sorry.”
you grab your purse and pull yourself up the stairs as quickly as you could. you pause in the kitchen where the entire group stood. cole, knowing you best out of them all, comes up to you, “what’s wrong?”
“can you take me home? i wanna go home.” you ask as you try and comprehend what just happened. case, one of your best friends, just kissed you. and you ran away.
“sure, yeah. let me get my keys.” he says and you walk to the door, feeling all the eyes on you. you hear cole go down the stairs and yell at case, “what the fuck did you do?”
you shut your eyes tightly before grabbing your sneakers. you pull them on just as cole comes back up from the basement. he grabbed his shoes and drove you home, making sure you got inside before going back to jack’s.
for three days afterwards, case tried whatever he could to contact you. the team was gone for a string of games so it was easy to avoid him in person, but he still could call, text, snapchat, or dm you. on the fourth day, cole had called and said that he told case that you needed time and to leave you alone. that if he called before you were ready, tell cole and he’d ‘handle it’ which you swore wasn’t necessary.
it was nine at night when you were laying in bed. you were scrolling through his unanswered ‘sorry’s and ‘i didn’t want to ruin our friendship’s when your finger clicked his contact. your thumb dangled over the phone before pressing down. he answered on the second ring.
“are you busy?” you ask, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“for you,” you hear a door shut, “never.”
“meet me at waffle house in twenty. i wanna talk.”
“yea, for sure.” you hear him stumble and swear, “twenty minutes.”
“drive safe.” you say and end the call. you throw your comforter from your body and grab you sneakers. you sit on the edge of your bed to tie them, before grabbing your car keys off your desk. you jog downstairs, telling your mom where you were going before getting in the car.
you get there first and decide to grab one of the booths. you order a coke while you wait, looking over the menu even though you knew what you were getting. you see the headlights flash as his car pulls up beside yours. you watch him walk in and sit across from you.
scruff lined his jaw and his hair was tousled. he was dressed in his usual lazy attire which was sweatpants and a t-shirt with the usa logo on it. “hi.”
“hi.” you say and that’s when the waitress makes her entrance. you order your usual and so does case before she walks away. you play with your straw paper as the two of you sit in silence. then, you both decide to speak up at the same time, “i’m sorry.”
you finally look at each other, really look, before speaking again. “why?”
you both blush and you say, “i shouldn’t have ghosted you like that.”
“no, i-“ he stumbles, “i get it. what i did was out of line and i should’ve asked you first or told you how i feel.”
you nod and crumble up the paper once more before dropping it, “it would’ve been nice to have some warning.”
the waitress brings the food and you both thank her before falling into silence again. you both finish before you open your mouth.
“i really shouldn’t have ignored you like that, but i needed some time. it’s- we’ve been friends for two years. everything seemed platonic and then out of the blue, you kiss me? i didn’t know you felt like that,” you then lower your voice, “obviously.”
case sips his water, “it was out of line.”
“how long?” you look at his confused face, “how long have you had feelings for me.”
“i didn’t, at first. i thought cole had a thing for you so i backed off, then he got with abby and i talked to him about it. he gave me the go ahead, but i’ve just never had the balls. you didn’t seem like you had any feelings for me and that didn’t help either.” he says and you lean your head back against the seat.
“i,” you start, trying to find the words, “i didn’t run because i don’t like you, i ran because i was scared, i guess. i didn’t have feelings for you at first either, honestly. i guess, a few months ago, i kinda started to like you. i figured that with you leaving soon, it would be useless so i just suppressed them. at the time, it seemed easiest and then you kissed me and they were just there.”
“wait,” he says with wide eyes, “you like me too?”
“is that what i said?” you ask and he nods. “then i guess i do.”
he nods and lets out a deep breath, “do you- um - want to give it a shot? us?”
you cross your arms over your chest and smile, “sure. let’s give it a go. we might oughta wait to tell cole though, he might have some words.”
case turns serious, “he told me that if i hurt you, he’d make sure i’d never be able to play hockey again.”
at the time of this being published, requests are open
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krreader · 6 years
Dirty Little Princess.
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pairing: min yoongi x actress!reader
fandom: bts
warnings: sex ; dirty talk ; (slight) degrading talk ; oral sex ; language ; voyeurism ; spanking ; dom!yoongi
genre: smut
summary: when yoongi brings someone home, he usually locks the door. but he had been too eager to have sex with you to think about something like locking the door and, well, a certain someone is gladly taking advantage of it.
a/n:  thank you so much sweetheart! I really hope you like these 6+ pages filled with smut and nothing but hahahaha.
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It wasn't unusual that various famous people got invited for award shows, whether they were in the music industry or not.
You, for example, were only here because you had been in a music video of an Idol that was nominated tonight, but had actually nothing to do with the ceremony itself. You were sitting close to where the nominees of the night were sitting, but not close enough so that people would think you were one of them.
Not that they needed reminding. With your previous role in the newest Disney live-action movie, it has given your career a huge boost, gaining both the attention of various 'ordinary' people that you were now privileged to call your fans, as well as famous people.
But see, there was this one person.
This one person, that you somehow seemed to run into everywhere you were. That seemed to always check you out when he thought you weren't looking. That always flirted with you and made innuendos that made you think he wanted more than just to be acquaintances.
But he never made a real move on you.
And tonight, when you felt his eyes on you once again, you decided that it was finally time to stop this game. You were both consenting adults, you haven't had good sex in a while and he seemed to be the kind of guy to have a good and satisfying one-night-stand with.
Not wanting to be too obvious and just go over there, even though you probably could have, you decided to wait until he turned around to look at you again and smiled seductively when he did. Then you grabbed your bag and headed behind the stage for a 'toilet break', or at least that's what you had told your agent, who had accompanied you today.
It didn't take more than five minutes before he came, strolling towards you like he already knew what you had in mind, especially when looking at that smirk on his face.
“Fancy running into you here, Min Yoongi,” you said, pushing yourself away from the wall and putting your phone into your bag.
“Could say the same thing about you.”
“See, I was wondering,” you turned your head around, making sure that the coast was clear, before you confidently wrapped your arms around his neck, his own hands immediately grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him, “We've been playing this game for a little too long, right? Flirting is nice, don't get me wrong, but..” you leaned forward, so that your lips were right next to his ear, “..we could have so much more fun than that.”
“And here I thought I had to ask you out first to get you into bed,” he chuckled and pressed a small kiss against your neck, but that alone gave you goosebumps.
“You can always ask me out afterwards if the sex is amazing,” you suggested, your fingers gently brushing through the hair on the nape of his neck.
“Deal,” when you leaned back, he was already leaning forward to 'seal it with a kiss', but you could both hear someone approaching, so you quickly took a step back and winked at him.
“See you at your place, then?”
“I better see you at my place.”
‘Finally a real dom’ you thought. 
This night would be glorious.
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Yoongi was usually not one to leave the door open when he had this kind of company over, but things with you escalated rather quickly and then the door was the least of his worries.
He could tell what you were after here. You weren't into making love tonight, and neither was he. So he shoved you against the nearest wall, not even thinking about closing the door or anyone seeing you two doing it, when he was feeling your body pressed against his and your tongue against his inside his mouth.
You were wearing a long-sleeved dress, so at first he was struggling to get it off your upper body, but once it finally was over your breasts, it pretty much fell to the floor and he broke the kiss to step back and take a long, good look at you, licking his lips and taking in a deep breath.
He had been fantasizing about this moment for a while now and had wondered what you looked like in lingerie. But his imaginations were nothing compared to the real deal.
As if you had seen your chance, you took that step forward that he had taken back and fidgeted with his belt, pulling it out and opening his pants, while beginning to kiss his neck. But only for as long as it took you to push down his pants and underwear, then you knelt down in front of him.
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle and brush his hands through your hair when you began pumping his already hard cock. It had been in this state for more than an hour now, clearly looking forward to this night.
“Did your producers know that they were casting such a slut for their precious little Disney princess?” he moaned, once you had licked your way up the prominent vein on his penis, before letting your lips fully wrap around it.
You just moaned in return for an answer, Yoongi's head falling back and his fingers grabbing a hold of your hair. He let you bop your head forward and backwards at your own pace for a while, but eventually, he just grabbed your hair tighter and began fucking your mouth. You were trying your hardest not to gag, forcing yourself to look up at him with big eyes, something that seemed to turn him on to no end.
He was biting his lip, beginning to praise you: “You're taking my dick so well, baby. So fucking well.”
You tried to grin, even if it was hard at the pace he was fucking mouth right now, but just the tiny contact of your teeth against the sensitive skin of his dick, had him moan out your name. And god, that felt so fucking good, hearing your name fall from his lips like that.
And as much as he wanted to cum into your mouth and have you swallow every last drop of it, he pulled your head from his dick and then upward, signaling you to stand up.
“Kneel down on the bed for me,” he instructed with a low and dangerous voice.
‘With pleasure’, you thought. Literally. You did what he asked, kneeling down on his bed on all fours, your ass high in the air. And it didn't take more than a couple of seconds before you could feel him behind you, pulling down your panties and his mouth was immediately between your legs, his tongue licking over your wet folds.
“Fuck,” you yelped in surprise, not having expected him to go in like that. But he really did bury his entire face between your legs, eating you out like there was no tomorrow. He paid special attention to your clit, obviously, but also fucked you with his tongue in the end.
You were trying to push back against him, trying to get as much friction out of this as possible, but as soon as you did that, he stopped and leaned back, giving you a hard slap on your right ass cheek.
“No, please don't stop, I’m sorry,” you whined, trying to turn around, but Yoongi immediately grabbed your hair again and pulled you back until your back was against his chest. You felt that he had taken off his jacket and his shirt, both of you almost being naked, except for your bra. But Yoongi had already thought of that, taking it off like a pro and abandoning it on his bedroom floor with your other clothes. And once that 'useless' piece of clothing was gone, both of his hands were massaging each of your breasts, kneading them in his hands and rolling your nipples between his fingers, while you could feel his dick against your ass
You arched your back against him, trying to rub your wetness off on him, and when he let out a moan into your ear, you grinned happily.
But after having plastered a couple of open-mouthed kisses against your throat and shoulder, he pushed you forward again, leaving you in the same position as before and you were now really yearning to feel him inside you. You felt him leave the bed and rummage through his drawer, returning his place behind you a moment later, now a condom on his penis and aligning himself with your entrance. He teased you for a couple more minutes, his tip brushing over your folds over and over again, his lips pushing against the inside of his cheek with a smile when he could feel you become desperate and try to wriggle to get him to push into you, but not being able to do so, due to him holding your hips firmly.
“You so desperately want to get fucked by me, huh? I’m guessing you haven’t had a proper dick in a while.”
“Yes,” you breathed out, your fingers gripping the blanket beneath you, “Please, Yoongi.”
He chuckled, not needing any other information than that to finally enter into you. And he didn't do it slowly, he didn't do it gradually. No, he fully pushed into you, burying himself to the hilt and remaining only for a split second to close his eyes and enjoy the feeling of your tight walls around him, before he began pounding into you.
Yoongi bit down hard on his lip, his head falling back when pleasure rushed through him, while you could only moan, over and over again, because apparently, Yoongi was the only one of your lovers that knew what a g-spot was. And he repeatedly hit it, having you scream his name in mere minutes.
He stopped for a second, reaching forward to grab your wrists and pull you back, holding them with one hand, while he continuously slapped your butt cheek with the other, over and over again, until it felt like he would leave a hand print. And truth be told? That’s exactly what he was trying here. He wanted to mark you, somehow, wanted you to remember this night for the next days to come.
He wanted you to remember that he made you feel this good.
But the spanking only turned you on more and it was the last straw for you to finally scream out his name so loud, that you were sure you would be hoarse the next day (and probably have trouble walking.)
Yoongi grinned and let go of your hands, your body immediately falling forward into the blankets and trying to catch your breath, while his thrusts became lazy, watching himself enter you again and again.
He was surprised when you pushed yourself away from him when your legs didn't feel like jelly anymore. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, both of you now on your knees, passionately making out, with Yoongi's hands kneading your ass cheeks, spreading them apart. You could feel his fingers beginning to run along your folds again and could feel yourself getting aroused once more. Or maybe you still were? You couldn’t really tell anymore.
You pushed on his chest, so that he fell backwards and straddled him with a seductive grin. And even though Yoongi was usually the one on top, with all his previous sex partners, he couldn't help but wonder what it would like like if you were riding him.
So he let you.
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It was around 1:30 AM when Hoseok came home that night.
He and the rest of Bangtan, all except for Yoongi, had gone to the after-party, but he had been practicing the dance routine for their performance that day almost every night for the past week and hadn't gotten a lot of sleep, so he had decided to do it like Yoongi and call it a night before everyone else did.
He genuinely only thought that Yoongi would go home to sleep, knowing how much he loved to do that. But then again, he shouldn't have been surprised when he entered the apartment and heard a woman screaming his name.
Hobi began smirking, shaking his head, guessing that he would have to fall asleep with earphones today.
He stopped by in the kitchen to get a drink and wanted to walk past Yoongi's bedroom, when he noticed that he didn't even bother to close the door. Something that Hoseok should have done for his friend. Or he should have simply walked past, maybe just eyeing you for a second longer. But he did neither of these things. 
He stood still.
And then he watched.
He was so entranced by the way you were riding Yoongi, by the way he was holding you and by the way his thumb was rubbing slow circles over your clit.. he just couldn't move. And he was so distracted by everything in front of him, that he didn't even notice that you caught him staring.
“Yoongi,” you whisper-moaned, your hands on either side of his face, leaning down so that your lips were almost touching his, “I think one of your band members is watching us,” you began kissing his neck, his arms wrapping themselves around your body.
“I think it's Hoseok?” you weren't really familiar with the rest of Bangtan. Only Yoongi, since he was always the one that showed obvious interest in you.
Hoseok, huh? Yoongi grinned, one of his hands brushing your hair to the side and pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
“Does it make you uncomfortable?”
“On the contrary,” you pushed yourself up again and wiggled your eyebrows at him.
“Good,” he switched the positions, being on top again, and pounding into you like he had before, your legs wrapping around his hips.
This new-found information that someone was watching you turned you both on so much more. And maybe you both exaggerated your moans a little, but if so, not by much. Because you had been going at it for about an hour now and Yoongi knew that he was about to cum soon.
“Fuck me harder, please,” you moaned and to hide his grin, he bit down on your throat, your back arching from the bed, complying with pleasure.
“I was right.. you really are a fucking slut,” he chuckled darkly, sitting up straight so that he could hold your legs on either side and really make sure that Hoseok had a good view of what he was doing to you.
Despite all, he never let his eyes travel to his younger band member. He kept his entire focus on you, wanting to please you and make you beg for him to fuck you even harder, but the knowledge alone that someone else got pleasure out of this, just from watching Yoongi fuck you.. he never thought he would like it that much.
“Please, Yoongi, harder,” you moaned, one of your hands on your boob, twisting your nipple around.
And with the speed that Yoongi was going at and the contraction of your walls around him, he began rubbing fast circles over your clit, bringing you over the edge at the same time as him, both of you moaning and groaning out each other’s names.
Droplets of sweat were running down Yoongi's forehead, his hair sticking to it, when he collapsed onto you, still buried inside you.
He could feel your hands gently running up and down his spine, as well as through his hair and it was only when his breathing had evened out again, that he finally looked towards the door, finding nothing and nobody there.
You turned your head, looking in the same direction, before giggling and looking back at him.
“Maybe I should help him out as well? I’m sure the poor guy is terribly hard right now.”
“Or maybe you shouldn't?” he pulled out of you and walked over to the bin to get rid of the condom, “Maybe you should go out with me, so that I can be sure you don't fuck anyone beside me?”
“Ooooh, would that make you jealous if I did?” you rolled onto your stomach and smiled sweetly at him.
“No. It would make me angry. Because your pussy is too good to be fucked by anyone other than me.”
“Aw, you're so sweet,” you laughed and grabbed one of his shirts.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, if you want to take me out on a date, I might as well sleep here. And maaaybe,” you got up on your knees and pulled him towards you by his hips, “We could go another round tomorrow morning?”
He usually never let women stay over. For more than one reason. But he genuinely wanted to take you out on a date. And he didn't want this to be a one-time thing.
And the sound of repeating all of this in a few hours again?
“Great. I'll ask Hoseok again if he wants to watch or maybe even join us next time.”
He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the laugh that escaped his throat. 
Even though he actually wouldn't mind having him watch again.
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