#and legend has no clue how to help but he's trying his best
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
An Eventful Night (LU in Healthcare)
More Plot :D
Legend is an unwilling hero, Hyrule nearly has a breakdown when dispatch doesn't get the info right, and Twilight make s a new friend and begins Project Make Wild Like Puppers.
Just a fair warning, Hyrule's section is a little intense but not graphic and it has a good ending.
(AO3 link)
Legend winced as his lower back ached. If he stepped the wrong way, if he reached the wrong way, it would throb annoyingly. He hadn’t thought he’d done anything particularly strenuous at work last night, but he supposed it was all just catching up to him.
Grabbing a heating pad, he headed for the den where he could lay on the floor where the fuzzy carpet was. Enough cushioning to not make it worse, enough firmness to help his back alongside the heat.
Walking into the den, he froze and frowned. “You’re in my spot.”
“But this is the best spot on the floor!”
“Rav, that’s my spot.”
“You wouldn’t kick me out, would you, Mr. Hero? This area is so comfortable—”
Legend groaned, rolling his eyes. “Ugh, fine, just scoot over a little.”
Ravio chirped happily, scooching as minimally as possible and barely leaving any room on the rug for Legend. Sighing heavily, the travel nurse slowly lowered himself down and situated the heating pad under his lower back. The pair laid down beside each other in comfortable silence before Ravio broke it.
"Have you ever thought about how insignificant we are in comparison to the rest of the world?”
“Rav, for heaven’s sake, just let me—”
Legend felt his phone vibrate and he bit back another grumble. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled it out and saw that it was from Warriors. That was enough to make him plop it down on his stomach without reading it. He was already sore and growing steadily more annoyed, he didn’t need whatever sassy remark that irritating soldier could come up with adding to it.
“Well, what I was going to say is, we—you know, we’re so, so tiny in comparison to everything else happening in the world,” Ravio continued thoughtfully, gesturing towards the ceiling with a hand.
“We don’t matter, I get it,” Legend snapped.
Ravio glanced at him, looking concerned. “I wasn’t going to say that. What I was going to say was that despite how small we are, we still make a difference. You do every day, you know.”
Legend side eyed his roommate. “What in the world has gotten into you? Have you been off for a few days?”
Ravio nodded, smiling.
Legend rolled his eyes. “Of course you have. You get way too philosophical when you have time off.”
“Nothing wrong with contemplating things!”
“I’m not a hero, Rav.”
“Of course you are!! You, all the nurses and techs and doctors and physical therapists and respiratory therapists and everyone, you’re all heroes!”
“Is that why you sell my stuff?”
“One does have to make a living—”
“You have a job, Ravio.”
“B-but what if it isn’t enough, you know I need comforts and the world can be so unpredictable and scary—”
Legend’s phone buzzed again. Sighing even more heavily than last time, Legend snatched the blasted object to put it on do not disturb when his eyes caught some of the words in the texts.
—help and I don’t know what—
Furrowing his brow, the travel nurse unlocked his phone to read the messages fully.
hey need a a favor wellaact ually actually maybe more of yeah I need a favor look I might be a liytle tipsyandd cant drive ok hang on swearica n type ha stnadby Ok. Typing slow. Need a drive. Ride Whatever I can’t drive myself an I need help and I don’t know what else to do Don’t want Wind to see me like this pls
Legend stared at the mess of texts. He… what? Why was Warriors drunk texting him of all people? He typed, Can’t you call Time? Or Sky?
Time would fuss Sky would worry Pls Ledge?
Legend frowned. You think I won’t fuss?
You alwayssfuss
His ire flared. I do not!!
This night couldn’t get any worse. UGH FINE YOU MORON JUST TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE
As Warriors started typing, Legend sat up, hissing as his back protested. Ravio looked at him confusedly. “Where are you going?”
“I have to pick up an idiot,” he answered, heading for the front door where the jackets and shoes were. He could just go in his pajamas, it wasn’t like he was getting out of the car, anyway. When Warriors finally replied, he looked up the address…
…And grew steadily more confused. The bar was in the Seer District, where Warriors lived. Why couldn’t he just call a taxi, or maybe even walk?
Shaking his head, Legend hopped in the car and drove to the location. He texted Warriors and saw the door to the bar open.
His friend stumbled a little as he stepped out, but he steadied himself. Smiling at the car, he nearly fell into the door, making Legend jump, before he opened it and laughed. “Hey, Ledge!”
Legend tossed a few items into the back so the passenger seat was clear. “Get in, idiot.”
Warriors climbed in with as much grace as a newly born foal, hitting his head while doing so. It was honestly so sad it almost made Legend feel bad for him.
“Thanks, man,” Wars slurred, slouching in the seat.
Legend waited a moment and then said, “Close the door.”
Warriors managed to latch his fingers around the handle by the third try and slammed it shut.
“Buckle up.”
The nurse spent another minute fumbling with the seat belt before Legend finally snatched it out of his hands and locked it in place.
“Now, where are we going? What’s your address?”
Warriors stared off into space, body language weary all of a sudden. “Anywhere.”
Legend grew even more bewildered. “What?”
“Anywhere,” Warriors repeated. “I don’t give a shit. Nowhere. The woods. A shelter. Anywhere.”
“Wars, your address—”
“I don’t wanna go home.”
Legend was about to argue, growing agitated, when Warriors rolled his head to the side to look at him. His drunken cheer from earlier was gone, and his exhaustion was more evident than ever. His eyes, usually sharp and analytical, were dark and dull.
“Ledge, I don’ wanna go home,” he said.
“What about Wind?” Legend asked hesitantly.
“I told’im I was working.”
Legend’s chest tightened. Warriors wouldn’t lie to Wind just to go out drinking. Something was genuinely wrong.
Sighing, he made a decision and put the car in drive, wordlessly getting back on the road as his mind went through different scenarios over what was happening. Warriors slouched more in the seat, staring ahead. When they finally slipped into a parking space, his friend looked around, disoriented. “Where…?”
“We’re at my place,” Legend answered. “Come on.”
Legend exited the car without any more explanation, taking a deep, steadying breath and heading for the door that led to the stairwell. He paused, reconsidered, and headed for the elevator instead just as Warriors stumbled out of the car. The travel nurse grabbed his hand and guided him into the elevator. Both were silent until Warriors gasped just as they reached Legend’s floor.
“You’re a real one,” Warriors giggled, leaning heavily on Legend and ruffling his hair. “Thanks.”
Legend snarled, shoving him off and then yelping and grabbing Warriors as he almost fell in the opposite direction. “Just shut up and walk, good grief.”
The pair reached Legend’s apartment, and he promptly dragged Warriors to the den. He gave Ravio a quick gruff, “Move,” and stomped across the room as his roommate squeaked and scurried out of the way. Warriors stumbled to the sofa and promptly collapsed onto it.
Sighing heavily, Legend went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water, a bottle of Tylenol, and a trash can. When he returned to the sofa Warriors was staring at the ceiling, his brow crinkled together.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled as the travel nurse approached him.
Legend paused a moment, exasperation temporarily forgotten, and then slowly put the items down on the table beside the couch. “Just go to sleep, Wars. And… and if you want to talk about what caused this… you know, when you’re sober…”
Warriors squeezed his eyes closed and turned away.
“…Or not,” Legend muttered, unsure what else to say. This had never been his strong suit. “Well, either way. Get some sleep.”
Grabbing a blanket, Legend tossed it over Warriors, making sure his friend was warm, and then went to his bedroom, shrugging when Ravio threw him a curious glance.
Hyrule bit his lip to hold back his laughter as he watched an entertaining video on his phone. His legs swung out carelessly in front of him, blowing off what little nervous energy he had reserved in him, a byproduct of being on call waiting for dispatch to send them to an emergency. On either side of him, seated in chairs and working on the computers provided for reports, were Dawn and Aurora, while Mo relaxed in a chair by the doorway. Scooting a little farther onto the table he was sitting on, he finally let out a laugh as he got a text from Mo with an edited picture of Aurora making an exasperated face.
Before he could have a chance to explain his outburst to the girls, the tones dropped and dispatch blared overhead: “Rescue 18, Medic 1896 respond to 89 Kawa Circle for difficulty breathing.”
Hyrule playfully shoved Mo as they headed towards the ambulance. “You can’t just send me stuff like that when Aurora’s right there, you jerk.”
Mo laughed as he hopped into the driver’s seat. “It was worth it for the look on your face.”
Rolling his eyes, the paramedic grabbed the mic and keyed up. “ECC, Medic 1896 responding.”
“Medic 1896, you’re responding at 2329 for a 21-year-old male patient with a trach who is ventilator dependent – family stated they were swapping out trachs and were unable to place the new one and are now bagging the patient.”
Hyrule’s cheer immediately drained out of him as Mo muttered a curse under his breath. Well… that escalated quickly. He started going through different scenarios and wondering how in the world he was even supposed to handle this. A patient with a trach was a patient with a surgical airway, which already put them far out of his scope of practice. He knew how to suction such an airway, he knew how to make those airways, but that was about all he could do. Placing a new trach into the airway? That was not in his training.
But it was in the family’s training. If he could just guide them to put a new trach in then that should resolve the issue. The reason this patient was having difficulty breathing was because he lost his connection to the ventilator.
As Hyrule went through all of this in his mind, Mo managed to pull up to the house, catching the medic off guard. He supposed it hadn’t been too far from the station. The fire department had already arrived and were inside; neither Hyrule nor Mo had heard a peep from them after their initial radio traffic indicating they’d gotten there.
“Well, fire isn’t saying anything drastic so it can’t be that bad,” Mo remarked as the pair hopped out of the ambulance, not bothering to take in equipment since the fire department would have already done so.
Hyrule hummed in acknowledgement, pushing the front door open and immediately his eyes fell on a group of firefighters huddled around each other on the ground. Hyrule squinted, looking to see what they were doing, wondering why they were in a circle on the floor when there was clearly no young man lying in their midst.
And then he saw it.
They were huddled around a baby.
Hyrule’s heart and mind stopped together, the world freezing around him, and his veins filled with ice.
Dispatch had gotten the age wrong. This wasn’t a twenty-one-year-old.
It was a twenty-one-month-old baby.
Hyrule found himself floundering, struggling to reorient his mind, having expected something completely different and not prepared for this scenario. He leaned over the firefighters and tried to ask what was going on, but it was apparent they were mentally scrambling as much as he was, and they told him nothing. He heard them speaking to each other about the baby’s heart rate lowering, which was an extremely ominous sign that the baby was about to going into cardiac arrest.
Oh, fuck. We’re about to code a baby.
Hyrule turned and immediately headed for the ambulance to grab more supplies, his mind whirling as he tried to run the protocol of pediatric cardiac arrest, as he tried to accept the fact that this child was about to die because he couldn’t breathe.
By the time the medic got back to the house, however, one of the firefighters met him outside. “The parents got the trach back in and they’re putting him back on the ventilator.”
Immediate relief slammed into Hyrule. That was the treatment the baby needed, the one thing he couldn’t provide. He threw up a quick thank you to the sky and saw Mo coming outside carrying the baby while another firefighter carried the portable ventilator just beside him. Hyrule did a quick assessment, much happier with how the baby looked – the little one was perking up quickly, recovering from his hypoxia. The parents followed next, and Hyrule talked to them briefly to get a sense of what had happened while the others settled the infant into a pediatric harness on the stretcher.
Once the baby was secure, Hyrule and Mo got vital signs and were both satisfied with what they saw. Hyrule gave a thumbs up to his partner and everyone else except for the baby, Hyrule, and the father stepped out as they headed to the hospital.
The trip was blessedly uneventful, with Hyrule trying to reassure the panic stricken father and keeping a close eye on the baby. Once they reached the hospital and transferred care, however, Hyrule and Mo both entered the EMS room and waited for the door to close before immediately yelling at the same time.
“What the fuck!” Hyrule threw his hands on the air. “Dispatch said twenty-one-year-old—”
“That was not what I was expecting to walk into—”
“And fire was saying fucking nothing—”
“Oh my gosh that was a disaster—”
“Why were they even doing a trach swap at freaking midnight—”
“Why the hell couldn’t dispatch get the age right—”
The pair panted for air, staring at each other, and then sighed heavily, leaning against the wall.
“Drinks after the shift?” Mo asked.
“Drinks after the shift,” Hyrule agreed.
Twilight squirmed once more, twisting around in the bed to no avail. He had a day shift tomorrow but he’d only just gotten off night shifts with one day break in between to reset his sleep cycle and it wasn’t working. It was almost midnight; he’d have to wake up in five hours as it was, he had to get some sleep.
Good grief he missed EMS. At least with the squad he could self-schedule and just stick to a consistent routine.
The thought process cut itself off hastily as his mind wandered to other aspects of his former career and he twisted sharply in the bed once more. Wild was fast asleep in the bed across from him, snoring softly.
At least someone was going to be well rested before work.
A noise caught Twilight’s attention, making him stiffen. It sounded like someone was sifting through trash outside the room. Their motel wasn’t exactly in the safest part of town, and Twilight immediately stiffened, slowly reaching for the pocketknife on the nightstand. As the noise continued, he crept out of bed, peering between the blinds, unsure what he was going to see.
There was no silhouette of a person, and Twilight squinted, glancing downward, and then he gasped.
Hastening to the door, he opened it gently so as not to startle the source of the noise. As he poked his head out ever-so-slightly, the black puppy froze in place, ears peeling back as it grew anxious.
“Hi baby,” he said softly, crouching down so he was at eye level with the little ball of fluff. “Where’s your home?”
The puppy watched him uneasily, its tail swishing slightly in a hesitant greeting. It stumbled towards him with uncoordinated steps, sniffing with its wet little nose. Once it got close enough it started sniffing Twilight’s face and neck, making him giggle. His response excited the puppy, who only sniffed him more and started to lick his face as he outright laughed and fell onto the ground, overwhelmed with puppy kisses.
“Twi, what in the world…?” Wild blearily asked from his bed before growing silent.
“Come on, buddy, let’s get you some food,” Twilight said as he scooped up the little puppy, who grew still in his hold. Closing the door and locking it once more, he turned to see Wild staring at him in bewilderment.
“You brought it inside?” Wild asked.
“Of course I brought him inside, he’s starving,” Twilight insisted. “Aren’t you, buddy?”
Wild sighed, laying back down and closing his eyes. “Just don’t put him on my bed, I don’t want him making a mess on me.”
Twilight nuzzled the puppy with his cheek. “That means I get all the puppy kisses to myself.”
“And the fleas, probably.”
Twilight paused in mid chuckle, his stomach squirming a little. Ah. Yes. There was that. Then he shook his head. “It’s okay. We’ll get him all cleaned up.” “We?”
Twilight rolled his eyes. “All right, all right, I’ll get him all cleaned up. Can’t sleep anyway. What are we gonna call you, little guy?”
Wild groaned. “We’re not actually keeping him, are we?”
“Of course we are! Where else would he go?”
“A shelter?”
“He’s a baby!”
“He’s a feral puppy. Might as well be a wolf, you don’t just adopt those—”
Twilight gasped in delight. “Wolfie! That’s great, thanks Wild.”
Wild’s mouth became a thin line and then he turned the other way with a defeated sigh. “You’re welcome. Good night.”
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Have you ever done an au where the boys are farmers? :]
I did once before, but hey. Nothing wrong with more farm. And as a certified country bumpkin who has lived/worked on many a farm in her life, I feel I'm uniquely qualified for this au ;)
It makes sense that all three boys would work on the same self-sustaning farm. 'Cousins' taking care of the same land, and everything. Maybe Mc is the cute girl who lives nearby and finds herself taking up odd jobs for them every now and then, for some spare cash...?
Sans: ... Mc bumps into him a lot, whether she's helping out on the farm or just passing by their fields on her way to somewhere else. He's always friendly, always greets her- always smiling up at her from under his goofy straw hat and telling terrible farm-related jokes so he can grin at her laughter. She can usually spot him napping in a field somewhere; when she asks what he's doing he always says he's 'working'.
To be fair to him, what he's 'working' on is always complete to perfection. All the hay around him has been baled despite no machines in sight, all the vegetables have been pulled and packed into their boxes, all the dirt has been tilled in perfect straight lines. She's got no clue how he does it.
If she's ever working with him (say, they're packing fruit together) he's always trying to encourage her to flunk it and nap with him. He knows all the best resting spots in a mile radius... and when she does crack and nap with him, it's the best rest she's had in a long time.
Red: He's a fieldhand who doubles as a pretty decent handyman. It's not unusual to catch him moving around in oil-stained dungarees with a toolbox tucked under one arm and a cigarette between his teeth, repairing any machinery that needs a loving touch. Other farms occasionally hire him out to repair whatever busted old thing they're not ready to let go of yet, and he's picked up a reputation for being able to repair anything.
... That's not the only thing he's picked up a reputation for, though. Red's got a good relationship with most of the other farms... mostly because he's banged a decent percentage of all the nearby fieldhands. He's famously good with his hands, after all.
Mc likes him, he's charming and somehow manages to smell good despite always being covered in motor oil. He likes to show off to her by helping her with her chores and lifting heavy shit with his big arms... she's flattered by his obvious interest in her. But she's also aware of his reputation, and isn't super keen to get cuddly just yet.
Skull: He mostly handles animals. He's got that quiet, strong demeanour that they like. He doesn't talk to people, or go out much, he's a bit of an urban legend in the area. He's much more comfortable around animals than people; animals don't judge him for how he looks, or expect him to talk, or care that he smells like hide all the time.
Mega crush on Mc from the first moment he sees her, which only exacerbates his usual anxieties around people and makes him super shy. Even though she makes him nervous, he really likes when she drops by the barns to help him with the animals. She's the only one who regularly visits. Silently feeding the chickens while he listens to her talk is one of his favourite activities in the whole world.
While Red's showing off is intentional, Skull tends to show off completely accidentally. He often lifts up stupidly heavy things without thinking; effortlessly slinging several bags of feed onto his shoulders, despite each bag individually being so heavy she couldn't even push one across the floor. He doesn't understand why her face flushes so much when he lifts big bales. Maybe she's been out in the sun too long?
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Eris Week Day 4 Hounds | Autumn Equinox
Moth to a Pyre - Nsfw
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A/n- I, uh, I don't know what happened here. There's a plot. For a little while. Then there's not. Happy day four of @erisweek2023 ?
Summary - The reader is visiting the Autumn Court during their yearly Equinox celebration on an invitation from Eris. Between discussing traditions from their courts and watching the young fae, she doesn't fully grasp she's about to enter another Autumn Court Tradition.
Warnings - NSFW, mxfxfxm, orgy, voyeuristic/exhibitionist elements, oral (females receiving), fxf play, dom/sub dynamics **accidentally posted before my last edit run through. Sorry fam😅**
Word Count - 2651
Eris could hardly take his eyes off of you. Between the magic of the court beginning to fuel males for the hunt, your bright smile as you watched children running around the carnival, and the burgundy dress clinging to your body, you were irresistible to him. 
You were too distracted by the smells of warm pastries, the laughter as the faelings bobbed for apples, and the speed they ran in their little costumes with to go from tent to tent collecting candy to notice the shift in Eris's behavior.
Kallias had tried to warn you to come back to Winter or be in your guest suite before the carnival began. He had tried to tell you this was a giant sex orgy, that if you were outside an Autumn Court male could claim you for the night as his prize, and you'd be forced to join in the mass sex ritual held in Autumn for their equinox celebration. "It's similar to Spring's," You could hear his cold voice in your mind now. "The only difference is Spring uses their Equinox to replenish the magic and allow the harvest cycle to begin, Autumn uses theirs to thank the land for its magic and for successful harvest." 
This felt nothing like that, though. Eris was holding your hand, leading you through row after row of vendors with candies you'd never tried before and odd food that was traditional to the Court. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Eris looked down at you with a slight smile. "I imagine Winter has nothing like this."
You nodded. "I am. Thank you for inviting me." Eris smirked slightly at you as ypu ducked behind him to avoid a group of little ones running by. "What are they doing?"
"Trick or treating?" Eris rose a brow. "You have no clue what trick or treating is. So, the children dress up for Equinox each year and run from vendor to vendor, or door to door in the villages. The owners of that home or shop then have to present them with candy or risk being pranked. Do children not trick or treat in Winter?"
"No. Children try to be on their best behavior in the Winter Court. Asking for free candy and pranking fae does not fall into that category," you played with your long white hair. Eris had his brows raised, nodding for you to continue. You felt a blush rising to your cheeks under his heated gaze. "There's a legend of a male old as time in our court. He watches children and ensures they are on their best behavior all year, that they follow their mom and dad's rules, and honor their high lord. If they do, he rewards them with candy and presents on solstice. If they don't, he adds them to a list and takes them from their homes in the dead of night, never to be seen again. It is believed he eats them."
Eris stared at you, his eyes wide, before bursting into laughter. "That's horrid, y/n." You couldn't help but to smile and nod as Eris pulled you to a more vacant bonfire.
Males and females were gathered around countless fires in this clearing. Holding each other close, laying on blankets together, whispering to each other. Eris moved a hand to tuck the hair you had been playing with behind your ear. 
You had not noticed how quiet it had gone, you had not noticed that the children were starting to run home and some vendors were closing shop and clearing out. You were too busy staring at Eris as he talked with one of his friends. 
You had gathered the male he was speaking with was one of the generals in his father's army, you had also gathered the intentions this male had with the pretty female sitting on his lap. He was stroking her upper thigh, squeezing it every so often while she kissed his jaw and throat.
"Relax, little moth," Eris Whispered into your ear. "You don't have to do anything you do not want to." You blinked at him as he pulled you closer. "Kal warned you, didn't he?" You nodded. "Good. The hunt will start soon."
"What happens during the hunt?" Eris kissed below your ear, causing a haze to set in as you relaxed and sighed. 
"My father will shift into something different and more animalistic. He will go through the forest to find his fawn for the night and bring her here. They begin coupling we all will as well. It helps us thank the land and keeps the population of Autumn higher than other courts."
"So this is a breeding festival?"
"Yes, little moth, it is." You watched as his friend smirked, repositioning the pretty female in his lap so she was straddling him and facing him before kissing her deeply. "And we can just watch them all if you'd like, we can partake if you'd like, or I can winnow you to the Forest House and find myself a new little moth to play with. It is all your choice." 
His warm hands had begun to roam your body. Kal had allowed you to commission a special dress for this visit. The short sleeved dress was made with the latest Autumn fashion in mind, but it was allowing Eris access to skin you had not had touched in years. "It's all your choice, y/n. Say the words and I'll stop and take you somewhere safe." 
He pulled you into his lap, and you studied him. "You invited me here on purpose." He nodded. "You had this all planned." He nodded again, moving to kiss your neck as your hand tangled into his wavy hair. "Why? Why me?"
He smirked against your smirk and his friend answered. "Do you look at yourself when you get dressed and ready for the day, emissary? Or do you just blindly look so delicious?" Eris chuckled against your skin, dragging his teeth along your pulse point making you squirm slightly in his lap.
"Hurry and pick, little moth." He continued kissing your neck, moving lower to your collarbones, making you pull his hair slightly and grind your hips against him with a whimper. "You have limited time, lovely. Father is about to go hunt, and the females wanting to bed him tend to make this pretty easy."
"Where is your mother? Should she-" Eris tapped a finger to your lips. Stopping thr question. 
"Your questions later. Mine now. Do you want to stay?" You were in a mental haze, watching as countless males and females kissed. There were two females being watched by the males with them. They were already naked and kissing each other as their hands roamed. You felt Eris move lifting you to turn you in his lap so you were able to watch all the fires. "Who would have known Kallias had a little voyeur in his chain of command." His voice had gone deep and raspy in your ear, you could scent Eris's arousal as he continued touching you.
"I want to stay." You finally whispered. You watched as Beron came back, a pretty little Burnette was thrown over his shoulder giggling as high lord set her down on the ground and forced her to her knees. Warm hands moved your hair and began unlacing your dress. 
"Stand for me." All eyes had locked on you and Eris as the High Lord began his coupling with the young female. "They're waiting for us and my brothers, little moth." 
It made sense now. The groupings of fires. A Vanserra male was at each other, watching her and Eris with feline like smirks of anticipation. You stood and allowed him to undress ypu. "Good girl. Such an obedient good girl," Eris ran his hand down the front of your body, squeezing your breasts as he nodded at his brothers. "I can smell you, y/n. I've been waiting forever to play with you." He pulled you back down, ripping his own shirt off. He kept your back to him and began pinching and playing your nipples as he kissed your neck and shoulders.
Heat was pooling between your legs, practically dripping from you. You were fixated on the fires before you. Watching females play with each other or with the males they were with. There were groups of people all partaking in the carnal games. 
Soft hands roamed up your thighs and you looked down to see the female his friend had been playing with between your legs. Eris's friend was watching as Eris spread your legs for her. "She's so pretty, Eris." 
You were blushing as she began kissing your thighs, her long dark hair pulled into a ponytail as she looked up at you from her long dark lashes. "Keep watching the other fires, little moth." She placed a light kiss above your core. 
You obeyed, finding your eyes lingering on two males with a female pinned between them. She had her head thrown back on one of their shoulders as they pounded into her like well timed machines. And then you felt it. A tongue licked a long pathway in your folds causing you to moan and lean further back into Eris. "Fuck," the males whispered as Eris's grip on your legs tightened. "Keep those pretty thighs spread for her, y/n." 
You hand found her hair as she began kitten licking your leaking hole. She hummed against you before latching onto your clit and sucking lightly. Pleasure shot through your body, causing you to grind against her mouth, and in turn Eris. "Use her, pretty girl," Eris encouraged with a moan. "She loves being a little toy." The female moaned at Eris's praise, causing vibration to hit your core and you to moan out as she alternated between gentle swipes with the tip of her tongue and longer flat ones with more pressure. 
You looked at Eris over your shoulder, eyes wide with lust before grinding on him again. "I need your clothes off," you whispered. "I need you."
She pulled off of you long enough for Eris to lay you on the ground for her. "Make her cum." He commanded. "I want her soaked before I even get inside of her."
She doubled her efforts on your clit, only pausing as Eris's friend came behind her and began to play with her. The noises coming from you two were obscene. The sounds of her wetness, the sounds of your moans ringing into the night and hers muffled in your cunt. Eris was still sitting near you, his hand wrapped around himself as he watched you. 
He was beautiful. You knew that since you two had become friends years ago. You reached a hand to him and he laced your fingers together just as his friend pushed one of her fingers into your heat making your back arch and you cried out as she began to press into that perfect hidden spot while sucking and licking at your clit. 
Eris smirked as your eyes rolled back. "Such a good little moth, aren't you?" His hands found your breasts again, squeezing them. A coil was tightening in your stomach, threatening to burst as your moans became constant. Her mouth was like magic, finding every sensitive nerve as her fingers pushed and pulled you apart. 
Eris could tell you were close, as was the female pleasuring you. Her mate had two fingers buried deep into her cunt, curling them perfectly into time with her pleasuring you. He knew it wasn't the dirtiest thing that would happen tonight between you four, and the thought of you, wrapped around his cock, while another fae played with you and joined in your corruption had Eris aching for relief. 
Your eyes met his, and you couldn't place what he was thinking, but you were too lost in the haze of the ritual. One more harsh suck on your clit had you falling apart, moaning loudly and whimpering as she slowed down to allow you to ride out your high. 
Eris gently pulled you away from her, kissing your neck and running his hands along every curve. "How do you want to do this, y/n?" He bit into your pulse point, shooting pleasure and pain through your body. "Do you want to take me from behind and be on top of her so you two can still play with each other?" You and the female whimpered. "Do you just want to watch her get fucked by both of us?" You shook your head quickly. "Do you want me to fuck you, little moth?" 
"Please," you whispered desperately. "I need you." Eris kissed below your ear, long fingers gently circling the swollen bundle of nerves. "Eris, please."
"You can beg prettier than that, y/n," his voice set you alight, eyes rolling back as you leaned heavier against him. You two were watching now as his friend entered the female laying on her back near you. "I want you to get on top of her with your pretty little cunt near me. Do you understand?" You nodded eagerly. 
She was too pretty for you to say no to him over. Long thick hair, long lashes, wide brown eyes. Her body was stunning. She had more curves than most fae females, but they landed in all the right places on her body, and her waist had you drooling and wondering how much tighter your corsets would need to be to achieve the same look. 
She shamelessly pulled you to her just as Eris' friend had entered her. Your legs were straddling her head, your head was near her core, and without warning, you let out a loud whine as Eris entered you. 
"Fucking better than I ever imagined, little moth." Eris wasted no time, he began fucking you with deep, hard thrusts. You were quickly a mess. The situation from watching countless fae deep into their pleasure, the situation from the moaning female below you, the situation from each heavy drag of his cock inside of you.
It didn't take long for you to understand why they had you two in this position, nor did it take you long to realize this was clearly something the three of them had done before. She latched on to your clit again, sucking it gently and rolling her tongue against it. The constant vibrations of her mouth against your aching core had your head reeling. 
Her partner gently gathered your hair, "Return the favor, little emissary." And you did. 
Eris growled loudly behind you at the sight. You responded with a twitch that had him pounding harder and deeper into you, hitting that perfect spot every time. You were all moaning messes, heart rates beating together. Your ears still picked up the screams, growls, and groans from the other fae around you. 
That coil tightened again, and you knew Eris had picked up on it. He began aiming for the spot that had you moaning deeper into his friend's cunt. You two both reacted to each other's picked up moans and screams. 
You didn't fall from the edge this time. You exploded from it. Your vision filled with stars and color as you came with a muffled scream. She followed behind you, her hands gripping your thighs tightly. 
It was seconds later for both of the males to find the edge and dive over. Eris's groans relit the fire burning inside of you as his large hands bruised your hips. 
When you all came down from the high, he removed himself from you and pulled you off of her, sitting back down on the ground with you between his legs and your back locked tight against him.
His fingers began to roam. Exploring your sides, your breasts, and your stomach. It wasn't until they dipped lower and began teasing your core that you realized you were in for a very long night. 
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sourle · 6 months
Can I request MK, Sun Wukong and Macaque with a GN!reader who got traveled into their world, they tried to support them through hard time and soon they got swooned by the reader?
Ty for taking this request:)
-KW anon 🥝
This is an old request. I have 3 other LMK requests and those requests will be the last of lmk. Sadly.
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Characters: MK, Sun Wukong, and Macaque.
He's confused by the sudden portal that appeared out of no where after he defeated another demon.
He luckily confronted you in a friendly manner while you just panicked and confused.
He doesn't know what to do and brings you to his friends for some reason. DW Pigsy managed to calm you down:)
You told them what happened, most of them have no idea but presumably Tang is probably the one who tries to find a way to get you back since y'know... Maybe it's a magical legend?
In the mean time MK is very happy to have a new friend, he introduces to the rest of the gang and even Red son when that red dude comes around.
He tells you where you guys are and such while you're confused where your fingers went.
He loves to bring you to explore the city, most of it all is like in your world except for the demons and magical items.
Lemme tell ha, if ya got that chill inside you within a week both of you would be best friends ps he be fallin' for you;)
He loves you're so open, even as you both just meet to a weird phenomenal. You're still not weirded out about him carrying a random stick around.
You two be goofing around with Mei around the city with a death wish.
Sun Wukong
Mk brought you to Monkey king, introducing you and mentioning you're from another world which intrigued him.
Wukong will definitely try to find what kind of items/magic that ties with your sudden teleportation from another universe.
As he tried to search, both you and MK offer to help and go through the.. legendary items stash.
The longer you search, the longer your hope fades. Wukong noticed this and cheered you up with MK.
As you both spend time together more on trying to figure out your way home, the more Wukong grows fond of you, and the more he looks at you.. the more he falls deeper into his feelings.
On how you just laughed at every joke he makes to your smiles. He just can't himself but get swooned by you.
Even as you all couldn't find any answers or items that could help, at least the time of the day was a waste spending time together.
He also learned about you through MK, regarding the ending of season 3, i guess they're on good terms. (Forgive me I haven't watched season 4 or 5 yet)
He's curious about you, and the fact about you coming from another world perked his interest.
Either you got bad vibes from him or are just neutral about him, he would not help you by any chances.
He doesn't want to get involved in any complicated situation, especially what has happened with LBD.
Though he would try to learn some clues or anything and give you the information to keep your hopes up on getting back home.
In some instances, he would visit your living space at night to tell you the information he got.
It may not be all the time or everyday, but he just got swooned by you on your personality on how you are so accepting about him.
Not caring about what MK told you about him, you brushed it off knowing it was just the past. He.. was touched.
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tashacee · 10 months
Consider ✨
An au like Heros Aspect but Wild is stuck in the dark armor instead.
I crave comedy of errors style misunderstandings =)
OOOOOOOOOH boy i started to answer this before and it got REALLY DARK so i've scrapped that and have started again.
A lot of the initial chase and fleeing would be strangely similar. Yes, Wild can talk now, but the others think he's Dark Link, and Dink always lies. They don't listen to a word he says until he's lying in the river, bleeding from where Warriors shot him, trembling as he tries to show he's not a threat.
Dink doesn't bleed. That's their first clue that Wild is one of them and not a monster. That's what gives them pause.
("Wait- he's bleeding." said pinky, holding up a hand to stop the others and lowering his sword a fraction.
What the- damn right, he's bleeding! You just shot me! Wild wanted to retort, but something told him that wouldn't help matters. It was a little voice that he liked to call his inner-Zelda, and for once he elected to listen to it)
And then Sky came stumbling out of the woods, telling his brothers not to attack, that he was one of them.
Wars Four and Legend exchanged glances. Four was the first one to shrug and say 'eh that tracks'. The others wondered at his easy acceptance, but of course, they didn't know about Shadow.
Still, the boys were probably more wary with Wild in the Dark armour than the Aspect, and when he reached out to touch the sword they watched him like hawks. But of course, Fi didn't burn him. Instead she gave him his name and cemented him as one of the team.
("OH THANK HYLIA!" the newly dubbed Wild said, sighing in relief and flopping back into the water. "I thought you guys were really going to kill me!"
The three who had chased him exchanged uncomfortable glances, but none of them said what they were all thinking. For a moment there, so had they.
Wild looked up at them again and they all - minus Sky, of course - started. His eyes were all red and glowed even in the daylight, casting a sickening pallor over his already grey skin. He furrowed his brow and smiled, the scars that laced one side of his face pulling at the movement.
"I- I don't normally look like this." he whispered nervously. "It's a mask I tried on. But I can't get it off." he sighed. "Worst fashion choice ever.")
With this explained, the boys bandage his wound as best they can and bring him back to camp, embarrassed and apologetic. Wild brushes off their apologies. After all, he does look exactly like the shadow monster that has been trying to kill them. What's a little grievous bodily harm between a shared soul, eh?
The others are a little concerned about his blase attitude to being hurt, but who are they to judge?
Once again, they make him wait outside the camp while they explain to the rest who he is and how they met. Legend includes both that he looks like Dink and also that it's because he tried on a mask and got his ass cursed (his words). Wild can hear Time facepalming from where he hides.
He's still nervous stepping into camp. Twilight still encourages him. Wind is still friendly. Time is still welcoming. Hyrule is still nervous. It's obvious that they're all shaken by his appearance, but it takes about the same amount of time for them to all warm up to him as if he was in the Aspect.
The main difference is that Dark!Wild can creep up on them and scare them more effectively, what with being his normal height and having creepy glowing eyes. Also when they're trying to sneak places at night, his eyes are super distracting. He gets banana sunglasses to match sky's, just to hide their glow.
Some of the stunts the Chain pull are different. Rather than Cat Island, Wind tells everyone that Wild is from Shadow Island where he rules over the dead. Some are exactly the same. Wild still makes friends with the cats in ordon, and inexplicably, kids still love him.
He does not understand why.
But what mostly stays the same is that he has brothers who love and care about him, and who think he's an absolute idiot for getting himself cursed to be stuck in the Dink mask.
And yes, he still manages to get stuck in the Mask of Awakening.
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cutebutalsostabby · 7 months
Short fic based on @breannasfluff's finish the prompt challenge :) first part, in italics, is Breanna's work. I wrote the second half.
(Tried to match the style and tense but oops in advance.)
Hyrule wipes his forehead and turns to Wild with hopeful eyes. “So? How did I do?”
Wild’s face does this funny thing where it goes through too many emotions at once and ends up scrunched. “Well…six fires in just three hours is your personal best! The only problem is that we’re making fruit salad…”
“I need to cook the fruit!”
“Well, about that...”
“And then there’s that sauce you wanted me to add to it.”
“Which is…warmed in a pan.”
“And don’t get me started on the whipped cream!”
They both turn to look at the jar which once held cream and now holds…chuchu jelly. And maybe some butter.
It’s at this moment that Legend walks in and freezes, sniffing the air. “Do I even want to know?”
“Ledge!” Hyrule grabs a spoonful of something from his bowl and holds it out. “Taste this and tell me what you think!”
The veteran is dubious, but at a nod from Wild, accepts the spoon. Then his face scrunches up because it tastes–
Indescribable is the word that comes to mind.
Sweet, innocent Hyrule is staring at him with bright, hopeful, expectant eyes, and yet the only word that comes to mind is "indescribable".
No, Legend tells himself sternly, he should at least try to describe the situation happening inside his mouth. If the scattering of pots and pans, the strong odour of burnt cabbages in the air (why?) and the heavy dusting of flour and cinnamon on Hyrule's clothing are any indication, his successor worked hard to produce that deeply indescribable taste. He should at least provide some form of feedback.
Reluctantly, he looks down at the bowl Hyrule is holding, on the off chance that it will offer up some further clues. The ominous sludge inside is a murky, greyish brown, splotched with brackish oil, and right in the middle, Legend thinks he can see...
"Is that... a tentacle?" he asks unwillingly.
Hyrule appears genuinely startled at the question. "Huh?!"
"I think it's a spicy pepper," Wild observes casually from the side. He reaches over with a spare wooden spoon and scoops the offending produce out for inspection. Sure enough, the bright red monster part is revealed and re-identified as a large, whole chilli.
For some reason.
"So?" Hyrule prompts eagerly. "How does it taste?"
"Uh," says Legend. He fishes for relevant words. "Spicy? I guess?"
"You guess?" a crestfallen Hyrule asks.
"Maybe he needs another taste?" Wild suggests sweetly.
And now that Legend's actually looking, he can't help but notice the distinctly vindictive edge to that smile. Obviously, that little shit is in on it. So Legend, of course, does the only thing he can do in that situation.
He lies.
"It's great, Roolie," Legend says cheerfully. "Might be the best thing I've ever tasted. Did Wild teach you how to cook that?"
Hyrule beams. "Yeah!" he replies, in tandem with Wild's emphatic, "No."
They look at each other - Hyrule with confusion and Wild with incredulity.
"Guess Wild still has a lot to learn then," Legend concludes. He claps Hyrule lightly on the shoulder, gives a small, encouraging nod, and rapidly evacuates the premises - a well-trusted problem-solving technique that is yet to fail him, even once.
Left behind to double-guess his scientific method, Hyrule can only glance mournfully at Wild. "That bad, huh?"
"...Let's just start again from the top. Alright?"
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queer-ragnelle · 10 months
Hi! Your flowchart is amazing, and I'm so excited by the literature list you made. However, I was wondering if you know which book is best to start reading more about Arthurian legend? I have only collected knowledge through osmosis, so I have no clue where or how to start learning more. Thank you for your time and have a nice day!
thank you, i'm glad they're helpful for you! i did answer a similar ask about what medieval texts to begin with here and link to free resources, but the formatting is hard on the eyes, and now that my own collection is available, i'll reiterate. all suggested translations are available on my blog.
le morte d'arthur by sir thomas malory: you'll get the most mileage out of this book as malory sourced a broad spectrum of stories to incorporate them into a single text, which includes arthur's conception, pulling the sword from the stone, receiving excalibur from the lady of the lake, marrying to guinevere, young gawain's knighting and first quest, tristan and isolde's romance, the grail quest, final battle at camlann etc. plus malory himself invented some of the most iconic stories, such as gareth's time as the kitchen boy, beaumains. with this book alone, the majority of retellings will make sense to you. but be warned it can be extremely dry (and confusing timeline wise, calogrenant dies twice bc malory couldn't keep his own story straight!), i recommend the keith baines translation as it's rewritten into prose like a novel.
the vulgate cycle: it's 10 books. i know it's 10 books. but it's simply the best. the truncated nature of malory's le morte d'arthur leaves the majority of characters reduced to singular traits (orkney bros the mindless killers, priggish grail knights etc.) which has negatively influenced many retellings since imo. this is not an issue with the vulgate where everyone has a little more nuance and depth, even the bad guys, but especially the characters we're supposed to root for like lancelot and gawain. many fun characters who were cut from le morte d'arthur are fully developed here like half-giant galehaut and gawain's baby mama the lady of lys. i'm putting it high on the list bc i simply think more people should try it. i recommend the translation edited by norris j. lacy. he's incredible and i love all of his translation work. footnotes right in the margin will remind the reader of past references and explain language subtleties lost in translation (like puns) or indicate what was changed for ease of understanding (sometimes the scribes made mistakes and named the wrong character, which lacy will fix and then note he fixed). so if one can get past the sheer volume of text, it's a wonderful read, and i even have specific stories within it i could recommend. but i digress...
sir gawain and the green knight: it goes without saying this poem is iconic. the pearl poet (as the anonymous author is called) wrote beautifully and the version of gawain here is a much kinder portrayal than what he appears in the post vulgate, which was a major source for malory's le morte d'arthur. the beheading exchange/game is the focus here, although this motif will appear in many other texts, such as perlesvaus, and the sgatgk story appears in the majority of retellings that include gawain, so it's a must read. i recommend the j. r. r. tolkien translation (the audiobook version of this translation is phenomenal, like music).
four arthurian romances + the story of the grail by chrétien de troyes: except you can skip cligés bc its mediocre at best. really what you'll need from this is knight of the cart (the first ever story in which lancelot appears and he's very pathetic and weepy and insane and lovable haters dni), knight with the lion (gawain's cousin yvain gets a pet lion, fights a dragon, gets married, gets divorced, goes mad, recovers, gets married again...), erec and enide (worst husband in the universe), and the story of the grail (perceval and gawain adventures). a version of these stories were adapted into le morte d'arthur and the vulgate (except for yvain's lion which is a bummer!). i recommend the nigel bryant translation of perceval and william kibler translations for the rest. when you reach the end of the story of the grail and it cuts mid-sentence...well, sadly we don't know what happened to poor chrétien that kept him from completing his story. but there are four continuations written by other people, plus the german parzival is great as well (and has one of my favorite of gawain's wives, the haughty maiden of logres, orgeluse).
the mabinogion: some of the same stories as chrétien but of welsh origin plus extras. haters will try to pit two bad bitches against each other, but these texts go hand in hand. i like the whimsical vibes of this version and the magical powers given to the characters, such as kay's ability to grow to the size of a tree and set things on fire with his hands or bedwyr's ability to strike faster than all other knights despite having only one hand. it also gives owain (welsh version of yvain) an army of ravens that kill people in addition to his lion, arthur has an invisibility mantle (also referenced in the welsh triads), and the whole gang fights the demon boar twrch trwyth to steal the golden comb off his head. good stuff. i recommend the translation by lady charlotte guest.
the wedding of sir gawain and dame ragnelle: obviously this has to be included. i'm biased but at the same time, it is supposed that sir thomas malory actually wrote this poem! which i think is pretty neat. additionally, 99% of retellings include ragnelle as gawain's wife. in fact, excluding the ones in which he doesn't have a partner at all, i can only think of one in which he marries someone else. dame ragnelle is the people's darling, all of us arthurian authors agreed that in spite of our differing opinions about everything else in the stories, she is the wife of all time. and we're right. a thing of beauty. this text does not have a translation, it's just in middle english, which can be challenging to read. this version edited by thomas hahn has footnotes to help or otherwise i recommend the version retold by selina hastings and illustrated by juan wijngaard, it's gorgeous, and includes all the fun supporting cast like kay and guinevere.
this was a long list with probably more explanation than necessary but it can be difficult to narrow down a single place to begin with arthuriana as each story builds on the literary tradition that came before. everyone is sharing and influencing one another so stories and motifs are repeated, each author writes for their time, slightly altering the technology and culture to reflect their own lived experience, so the narrative evolved as the centuries passed into what we have today. thanks for this ask and hope you enjoy reading!
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agentnico · 3 months
Hit Man (2024) review
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Is it too late to start a campaign for Glen Powell to be cast in Knives Out 3? Think he’d fit right into Rian Johnson’s world of suspects. Also I’d just love to see Powell riff off Daniel Craig’s Benoit Blanc. Then again I’d watch anyone riff off Benoit Blanc. Gosh I love those Knives Out films - can’t wait for the next one.
Plot: Gary Johnson is the most sought-after professional killer in New Orleans. To his clients, he is like something out of a movie: the mysterious gun for hire. But if you pay him to rub out a cheating spouse or an abusive boss, you'd better watch out, he works for the cops. When he breaks protocol to help a desperate woman trying to flee an abusive husband, he finds himself becoming one of his false personas, falling for the woman and flirting with becoming a criminal.
The ever so reliable Richard Linklater has up-kept such a varied filmography, but one of which all the films have a certain vibe to them. They are all “chill” movies. Even his more daring out-there projects like the sci-fi thriller adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s novel A Scanner Darkly in the hands of another director would have been this sprawling cyberpunk noir epic on the scale of Blade Runner, however Linklater’s take holds this passive coolness about it, that only a Linklater such as himself can do. With his new film Hit Man, he’s following up his interest in picking out random crazy true stories from newspaper articles (as he previously did with Bernie, the 2011 Jack Black dark comedy that is a fine watch, but features arguably the worst movie poster in film history), and this movie has had one hell of a ride through the film festival circuit last year. Rave review after rave review painting this to be the best rom-com of the last century. Of course the last thing I’d expect is for something to be overrated, cause I mean that never happens, so naturally I prepared for the second coming of Christ as this film released on Netflix this week.
Hit Man is a perfectly fun Richard Linklater film, with a simple yet quirky story that is filled with enough twists and turns on the way, fantastic chemistry from its two main stars and yet again that signature chill hang-out feel the director is known for. Naturally going to give this movie credit where credit is due, it has already begun an online trend amongst folks on Letterboxd leaving one-liner reviews saying “it’s a hit, man!”, so now just wondering how long it will take for that joke to get old. Clue: it already was. However as for it being the best romantic comedy ever, it is far from it. Again, it’s a good time, but the movie relies most sorely on its superstar central performance.
Glen Powell truly exemplifies as Gary Johnson. To be fair, this role is a dream for any actor, allowing them to stretch their skills to take on multiple different personas, such like James McAvoy in Split or on a smaller scale Tom Hardy in Legend. And so a major entertainment factor throughout the first half of the movie was seeing Powell take on the different eccentric disguises, whether it be a stone cold generic hit man with a focus on attitude and professionalism (I’m assuming this was inspired somewhat by Alain Delon’s steely-eyed loner in 1967’s Le Samouraï); to a soft spoken Englishman dressed in 70s yellow, holding them oh-so eloquently as if he’s just walked off the set of a Wes Anderson production; to wading through the New Orleans heat while wrapped in black leather, the stub of a cigar poking through his stringy black hair, adopting a strong Eastern European accent to growl out his responses, very reminiscent of the stoic Russian stereotype from action flicks. It’s all fun and games and Glen Powell truly steps up to the task. To be fair to him the guy has been solid since I’ve first seen him back in Linklater’s other movie Everybody Wants Some!!, and since then it’s hard to overlook the guy’s natural charm and charisma. Even if he does look a little like a capybara - once again thank you to the lovely world of the internet for enlightening me with that comparison that now I can’t take out of my head. As for Powell’s counterpart, Adria Arjona is perfectly fine as the love interest, however he chemistry with Powell is off the charts. The two seem so natural riffing off one another that I found them much more believable to whatever Powell and Sydney Sweeney were up to last year (off or on camera that is).
The film does suffer from some pacing issues, especially to the middle when it lingers a little too long on the rom-com cliches, so much so that it slows down the film to a halt and I’m like I get it, you love each other, you’ve consummated this point a gazillion times already, so get on with it! But then it does get going again, and I really enjoyed Austin Amelio (Dwight from The Walking Dead) playing, essentially, the dick of the rom-com genre. You know the guy who always gets in the way of the couple and tries to screw things over. It helps that Amelio has a really punchable face, so he fit the bill. I also appreciated the infusion of philosophical insights during Gary’s teaching classes that provided an unexpected layer of intellect, elevating the overall experience. And this movie features some truly laugh out loud moments. Like it’s been a while where I’ve seen a modern comedy that had me laugh out loud. Usually I just politely chuckle. So yep, it’s a solid good time, and the two leads are delightful to watch, but this isn’t Linklater’s best work. Again, don’t let that sway you away, this is an entertaining little film for what it is. All pie is good pie.
Overall score: 7/10
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trulytiredhermit · 2 years
I read your Ravio/Legend section and👍👍👍 gud shit uhuh.
I think the dynamic of Legend and Ravio and their close good friend/roommate that they're weirdly possessive of, lol.
Ravio's someone I'm particularly interested in because on one hand I can see legend doing all of the vaguely threatening 'you're staying here and we'll take care of you, you have no other option' while Ravio goes along with it and tries to make it nicer for you (ie giving you choices on things or rather making it seem like you have a choice) so that you like him more. On the other hand I can absolutely see him blocking the door like 'you're not leaving💜'.
Also how would that type of thing happen?
Were you a neighbor that leg grew particularly fond of, and eventually the visits to his house get longer and longer-- only to mysteriously stop after one particular journey. Were you the one persistent enough to continuously come back even after he told you not to, only to seal your fate once the hero of legend grew too fond of you to risk losing you again. Maybe you even went out on a journey of your own to get Ravio because you knew that leg needed all the support you can get only for the two of you to bond on the way back and Ravio approaches legend like 'hey uhh...'.
Maybe you just needed a place to stay and Ravio was like 'I got just the place for you!', only for the first to approach and find out that Ravio's infamous pricing extends to rent as well. Don't worry though! He'll let you work it off in the shop! Soon you're pretty much spending 24/7 in the house between sleeping and working long ass hours you can't leave if you're constantly working in order to meet rent. Legend, while initially reluctant, eventually comes to appreciate the extra person to come home to, especially since he knows that Ravio isn't as lonely anymore since you came along.
Or you and Leg just bond while the events of Lu take place, only to go to his Hyrule and just...not come back. You can't escape if you have no clue where anything is! Which leads me to the next point.
With the 'Legend, Ravio, and their close good friend' trope, I think it would be funny if the villagers just...didn't acknowledge the blatant creepy behavior going on. Maybe your alarm bells ring on said behavior, but since the two allow you outside, you don't really think much of it; until you do try to seek outside help, only to be stared at by the villagers like you're crazy and either Legend or Ravio just lead you back inside like 'haha yeah they do that sometimes'. Now, whenever you get too close to the outskirts of the village the townspeople tell Legend, if not they just bring you back to the house themselves.
Listen, Legend is the hero of Legend, he's saved more kingdoms than he can count. Plus, he's best friends with his Zelda (or if you're going by popular hc, he is royalty himself). There's nothing you can do to make anyone think too badly of him or Ravio, who was here long before you ever were.
I was wondering if you had any more scraps👀👀
Like you’re so big brained, I could never.
Just as a person who also loves Ravio and Legend this is 😮‍💨🤌 chef’s kiss.*
So, I think for this to work out the best way possible and make somewhat the most sense I would agree with the whole Reader is just a stubborn neighbor who would NOT take no for an answer when Legend was going through some bad times.
Reader is also the overly friendly neighbor.
In every game of Zelda the Link in question has to always help others to gain something that will aid them in their quest.
Which if you look at it as a whole is kinda messed up.
Like you wouldn’t just give the object to the dude who’s trying to save the world???
Anyways, Reader was the opposite of those people.
Reader constantly was checking in on Legend, asking if he ever needed something or just telling him things they heard around the town. Giving him home cooked meals to take on his long journeys so that he can have something to eat.
Reader makes sure that Legend always remembers that their house is open to them.
They really shouldn’t have
Over the years, Legend falls hard for the stubborn and kind Reader.
Becoming infatuated with the worried face that greets him every time he comes back home after an adventure, the one that checks him over for injures and makes promises to fix up his favorite meal that night.
The one who actually cares for Legend in a way others haven’t.
And oh how he cares for them in a return.
Somewhere down the line, Reader turns from his caring neighbor to his caring roommate.
Something had happened to Readers house, it had mysteriously caught fire and burnt down whilst Reader was out.
Leaving Reader with no home and no where to go.
That’s when the hero swooped in to save the day.
Little does Reader know, it was all planned.
Legend of course had some rules that he put in to play once Reader finally moved in.
1) don’t be out too late
“It so dangerous out when it gets dark, I think I’d worry myself half to death if you weren’t home before sunset.”
Tell him where you’re going
“I’ve made a great deal of enemies on my adventures, I fear they may try to target you to get at me. This way I can you’re safe when I come home and you’re not there.”
Remain close to the town
“I’ve been all across the land [Name], I know all that’s out there. I’d feel so much better if you’d keep to the surrounding area around the town when you went out to collect your supplies for baking.”
Should you need anything, just ask him or at least let him accompany you in your errands
“I can get you anything you need if it’s too far from the village, it isn’t a problem. And for things you need in the village I won’t mind tagging a long, I want to spend time with you before I’m sent off on another quest.”
There were a few other rules, but these were the main ones.
With Legend’s reasoning for each one, Reader didn’t feel too bothered by them.
As time passed, everything seemed to be going great for Legend and Reader but then something happened.
A new comer made their way in.
While out on a stroll one day, Reader just happened to come across a strange man adorned with a purple rabbit hood and purplish blue scarf.
Perhaps he was passed out on the road or something or seemed to be lost.
Either way, being such a kind person, Reader offers the stranger their assistance and to guide them back to town.
Ravio accepts and the two talk and even bond a little on their way to the town.
Ravio mentions him not having a place to stay and Reader, with their bleeding heart, offers that he could possible stay with them.
Which is when Ravio learns of Reader’s roommate, Legend.
Who, once Ravio and Reader get to home, is missing.
So Reader comes up with the bright idea to split up and find Legend and so Ravio and Reader search the town for him.
Ravio ends up finding Legend in the sanctuary and takes him back to the house. Soon after Legend wakes up and Ravio has introduced himself, Reader comes back home happy to see Legend safe.
The three talk and Reader reveals that Ravio needs a place to stay and says that they’d have enough room for a third roomie.
Legend, of course, can never truly say no to Reader (especially when they use their puppy eyes and promise to cook up Legend’s favorite meal and spend time with him).
Legend also feels a sense of ease being next to Ravio, like he some how knows him.
In the end, Ravio stays.
The events of A Link Between Worlds unfold and Ravio and Reader grow closer together throughout that time.
Of course, Legend would never let Reader accompany him on his dangerous journey, no matter how much Reader begged.
So Reader stays with Ravio and helps him out in his shop. Thus letting the two grow closer.
And as Legend stops by from time to time, even him and Ravio begin to grow a bond.
He finds himself thankful that Reader has someone to be with while he’s away on his adventure. He knows how lonely it can get sometimes and how much Reader can worry about him.
It also helps that Legend’s beastly jealously never rears its head when Ravio is with Reader.
Somehow, Legend is okay with the fact that Ravio has been growing closer and closer with Reader. Whereas with others he would surely run them off.
After all who would dare challenge the hero of Hyrule?
Perhaps it is at the end of A Link Between Worlds, when Yuga is finally defeated and truths have been brought to light about who Ravio truly is, that Ravio comes to Legend with the offer of a “lifetime”.
To share Reader.
Ravio would stay in Hyrule instead of returning to Lorule and continue to live with Reader and Legend where they could both romantically pursue Reader.
After all, it is a dangerous world and two heroes are much better than one. (Even while cowardly, Ravio is still willing to defend Reader).
Legend agrees to the deal.
Reader’s fate has been sealed.
Legend and Ravio return to the town as heroes and are now very respected people within Hyrule for having saved the land. (After all, Ravio did help Legend).
More importantly they return to their beloved Reader, who smothers them in hugs and checks both men over for injuries.
It is then that Ravio and Legend tell Reader about Ravio’s temporary stay becoming permanent.
Reader is ecstatic and they can’t help but let slip to Ravio and Legend that they shouldn’t worry about the space becoming too cramped because once their house is rebuilt they’d be moving out.
Legend forgot about… that.
He and Ravio share a glance whilst Reader helps out things away and sets the table.
It seems they have more talking and planning to do.
Legend and Ravio start sabotaging Reader’s plans.
For some reason, castle guards won’t let Reader leave the town to enter the surrounding forest to gather supplies.
Meaning Reader no longer has a way to make money, as they would collect supplies and fruit to bake goods to sell in the town.
(Legend and Ravio cashed in a few favors with Zelda. They worry for them they had told Zelda, “They’re so stubborn sometimes and too kind for their own good. Anyone could take advantage of them, we just want to keep them safe after what we’ve been through.”
Zelda agreed to their plea and whether she believed them or not truly didn’t matter, after all they had done so much for the kingdom. Why shouldn’t they be rewarded in return?).
No one else really needed a helping hand around the village so that took out any sort of side income Reader could make.
So Ravio with his caring heart, said he’d let Reader help him out in his shop.
But it didn’t matter that Reader was making money now.
Any builder Reader had tried to talk to about fixing up their house always told them they were either too busy or that it would cost too much.
“Going out is still dangerous these days with all those monsters still roaming around.” They’d say, “We’re sorry [Name] but we truly can’t help you out right now.”
Reader is never given an answer on when they’d even be able to start building.
(Legend had talked to the builders earlier. Buying them off to put off building Reader’s house for as long as they could. “I’m planning on asking them to move in permanently, I wish to court them.” He would truthfully tell the workers, “but they feel as though they’ve overstayed their welcome and I can’t shoo that though from their head.”
The workers agree to put off the work. After all, who wants to stand in the way of young love?
Soon word spreads around town and the whole town is helping to push Reader even further into the men’s arms clutches.
And even if they were the occasional person who objected to the act, who found the men’s behavior suspicious, they would never act upon their suspicions.
It would be dangerous to attempt to go against the man who’s defeated Ganon and Yuga. Not to mention that there’s two now.)
Eventually as Reader laments to Ravio and Legend about feeling like they’ll never get their home back, the two men comfort Reader with soothing, honeyed words.
“You can stay here as long as you need to [Name].” Ravio would say, gently rubbing circles onto Reader’s back as he sat next to them.
“In fact, why don’t you just stay here permanently [Name].” Legend would join in, caressing Reader’s hands.
“We’ve been speaking and needles to say, me and Ravio both care for you deeply. If you would allow us to, we would like to have a chance at courting you my dear.”
And with how sweet these men have been to you, how could you refuse. After all, you had grown to care for them too.
Why hadn’t you refused?
Did your choice even matter in the end?
No, even if you had refused, things would have turned out the same.
Your fate had been sealed long ago.
As like before, Legends old rules had remained in place.
But newer ones had been added that caused a slight cause for concern.
Don’t leave the house unless you’re with at least one of them
“We just want to keep you safe, my gem. The world is so dangerous out there. We can still visit the places you wish to go.”
“I feel like I’d die if you even tripped and scrapped your knee my dear. I must be with you at all times to make sure you’re safe.”
And so you were always accompanied by one of your lovers. If the townspeople took notice of this they said nothing.
Don’t speak with others outside of work
“I’ve heard there’ve been more bandit attacks going on, and with you working with me in the shop they might target you. I can’t afford to lose my darling gem.”
“Is it so bad that I wish to be selfish for once my dear? I won’t allow for someone else to steal you away, bandit or otherwise I will protect what’s mine.”
Now, even if you tried to have a conversation with someone they ignored you, refusing to even meet your eyes at times.
Or did they simply ignore the dangerous presences at your sides.
Eventually the rules got even stranger and a fear began to fester.
Don’t try to run away
“Oh darling gem, you’re so much safer here. Of course you still have choices! We’re not keeping you here captive, we just have… rules to help keep you safe, that’s all. We just love you so much.”
“ My dear, you know we simply do this out of love. Besides where would you run to? Your home is here, the villagers will be if no help to you and neither will Princess Zelda. All they would do is simply bring you back to our loving arms.”
And Legend had been right, the townspeople were not afraid to snitch upon you to Ravio or Legend if they saw you out of the house without them.
You were sure that they would even drag you back to that dreaded house if you had attempted to escape.
Don’t leave the house
“Just say it my gem, anything that you desire and I shall fetch it for you. Those berries and fruits you bake with i can bring you whenever you desire. I simply wish to pamper you and treat you like the glorious gem that you are.”
“There’s nothing for you out there anymore my dear. Why can’t you see that we are the only ones to truly care for you. Has anyone shown up? Has anyone brought forth questions about you? No. We are the only ones who can love you as much as you deserve. We are the only ones you need, my dear.”
You felt like you were going crazy.
But, things could have been worse you supposed.
At least they were kind to you, showering you with love and affection. Treating you with such high regard that you had never been given before.
Ravio, always the sweetheart, even braved the forest to gather fruits, berries, and other supplies so that you could bake like you used to.
Legend regaled you with tales of his adventures him when he got back home. He would been grace you with the most beautiful music should you ask for it.
Besides, maybe they were right. Th village that you had lived so long in, the villagers that you had always been so kind to, had betrayed you and left you on your own.
At least you had Legend and Ravio.
*Gosh, this one REALLY got away from me. Honestly I feel like writing a ficlet about this now. Which you can probably see where it started to become one near the end 😂
Anyways I hope my ramblings were satisfactory and in all seriousness you might be getting a small fic out of this because I’ve just got so many ideas now and I LOVE this.
Now I’m gonna go to bed cause it’s like 2:00am 😂)
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bokettochild · 5 months
Ok so I sent the thing about the great gatsby so let me type it instead sorry about that. The one you didn't understand
I went to see the great gatsby on Broadway I'm a big theater nerd so I kinda was just trying to rant but voice typing doesn't like me.
So I feel like if malon and time brought the chain to see the great gatsby time would kinda be like an air port dad but...city like? Like "do you have your tickets? Is that alcohol free? What if that fell down? Legend why do yoy like this jeremy jordan? We're is the parking malon! Why are people cursing to much" like that
Mean while malon is amazed at what the city looks like she is in awe like "why is the buildings so tall? I think that person waved at me" she is like a kid but she also is keeping an eye on hyrule and wild to make sure they're not running off. Four is just holding malons hand.
Legend is the whole reason their there because he has been dying to see jeremy jordan and eva noblezada on Broadway so both of them in one play? Kill two birds with one stone. Legend is giddy the whole time but like it's not obvious Maybe only to hyrule.
Wind hyrule and wild are like "Oh what's that? Can I touch it? Look shiny! What does that say" their running away giving time a panic attack. Twilight has a literal leash on the three of them.
Twilight and sky are just talking about school and their lovers. Well warriors will add a comment here or there.
Once their in the theater.
Legend is just like star struck when he see jeremy and eva on the stage. Like malon has to physically shut his jaw.
Malon is enjoying the show she likes how it is in the 1920s but she had been close to hitting time four time already because he had no clue what Is happening he is not following anything. Like time mind is just wrecked theirs lights on but no one is home.
Warriors wants to know how they all do their make up that's the only thing he cares about he doesn't care about the drama even though you would think he does all you hear from him is "I gotta ask how they did their make up"
Sky passed out the first five minutes of the show.
Twilight is trying his best not to choke wild because wild hasn't shut up from the beginning of the play he is making refrances and all that.
In the play their is a a sex sence that happens and malon would be like "wars! Cover winds ears and eyes!" In panic
legend Is trying not to laugh at malons panic but he is also covering hyrules eyes but is very in vested.
Four is unfazed by aby of the show.
Then for Mt second rambled I was trying to talk about what Broadway shows I think would fit each linked Universe character.
Like for time either Westside story or the notebook book.
I feel like for warriors newsies or mama mai but like if he was a newises boy he would act out katherine.
I feel like legend would either fit six dear evan hanson or the great gatsby just because it fits him so well or bonnie and clyde.
Wind is the greatest showman or high-school musical.
Wild and twilight I feel like are a bit of descendents but also a bit of Westside story.
Four is hamilton just with all the different personality's.
Hyrule i feel like Cinderella.
Sky I feel like he would a mix of newsies or the waitress because he would just relate with it with sun.
Hope this makes sense.
Much better! Thank you so much! I saw Broadway and really wanted to read it, so I'm real thankful for the second go!
Legend being a theatre nerd that drags the whole family down to see his favorite actor (Jeremy Jordan, heck yeah!) is something I love, and while I've never seen that musical, I'll bet he's loving the whole thing!
The oldest three just chilling and chatting while corralling the rest is gold to me LOL
Hevane help the whole theatre if Time and Wild are sitting next to each other, or worse, with Twi between them. they're both so lost and chatty, and Twi just wants to watch the musical! I'll bet food is the only way to shut them up, and he's plying them both with it so he can hear at least some of what's happening.
The whole family starts slapping each other in the face when things get R Rated. How they missed that while buying tickets, they're not sure, but apparently amidst all his fussing, Time forgot to actually look up anything about the play, just the theatre, the town, the roads, and everything else LOL.
I honestly have no clue which musicals best suit the boys, and have only seen a few, but I love the thoughts you had, at least as far as the ones I actually recognize!
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luimagines · 2 years
Omg random thought but its too cute/funny (to me) not to share
Context: Time is married to s/o, who he’s known since like the beginning of his adventures. His s/o took the role of a rebellion leader during the seven years he was asleep and is just a badass.
Imagine for some reason, the chain encounters a younger version of Time (like late teens/early 20’s) who is a slightly more childish and playful. They end up naming him Mask due to the hoard of masks he carries. The group thought it would be best if Mask wasnt aware his relation to the old man, a secret surprisingly hard to keep! One night before the boys went to bed the topic of love interests got brought up. (No clue how, probably Sky talking about his Zelda or Wild reminiscing about the few memories he has with Mipha)
During most of the conversation, both Mask and Time stayed quiet. The latter for obvious reasons but the former not so much. Suddenly a loud groan is emitted from the younger man, who in tandem, throws himself back onto the grass in a dramatic gesture. When asked if he’s alright by one of the boys, they are met with another groan. The camp falls silent for a moment before Mask sits up once again and moans about how he wishes he could confess to the intimidating leader that has won over his heart.
He continues to rant about how stunning and majestic they are. How inspiring and strong they’ve become. How they could -and would-beat him in any fight. Yet he sorrowfully proclaims how even though he’s the hero of his hyrule, they would never share the same feelings. “ How could they? They could win the hand of anyone of their choosing with just a glance.
While this is happening all the boys are TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SAY ANYTHING. Sky and Wind are trying to reassure Mask that he absolutely has a chance. Warriors and Legend have to step away as to not bust out laughing at the dramatic scene. Wild and Hyrule distract themselves with what remains of their dinner (but their also this 🤏 close to losing it). Four is side eyeing Time HARD (like “this was you? Cmon man”) and poor Twilight looks so like he’s about to give away the whole secret.
“But where’s Time?” you ask. At the beginning, Time had to lower his head to block the view of the mass cringe on his face. But once Mask had quieted down slightly, he cant help the gentle smile as he caresses his wedding band. Mask might not know his story but Time does, and he’d do it all again for those moments you’ve shared together.
anyways, love your stuff! Take care of yourself 🥰
(thank you 🥰🥰)
Twilight also cringing just as hard. "There's no way we can be related. I was never like that. I have to get it from my other side. It's drowned out. Replaced. There's no way there's any similarities."
Wild: My god, you're his spitting image.
Wind is holding back giggles as he pats Mask on the back. "Maybe you'll just grow old and never confess-"
"Wind please." Sky smacks his hand.
"And then you can adopt a nice bird or puppy and you'll have the train them with tricks and treats and get a new friend every twenty years-"
"You are not helping!"
Mask just groans louder. "Nevermind. I'm going to die alone. Leave me to my misery."
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fiannalover · 8 months
Pokémon Fic Recs
Because I read a lot of fics and am always on the prowl, so I felt like sharing a non exhaustive rec list under read more. Feel free to add recs on reblog if you want!
Savoir-Faire: To Know and To Do -  This is the one. If there is a fic I beg everyone to read it's this. multi-chapter but not that long PLEASE do it. MC of an alternate XY was cursed by rampaging Legendaries with immortality. 10 years later, jaded Marguerite Linden du Bois is finishing her paper on Pokémon World Sociology, taking a newbie trainer for the road. Read for Humanities Things, Ghost-Types, the apathetic weight of immortality, worldbuilding, the workings of Pokémon League, Research Assistant Darkray, Royalty and more. I am begging you to read it.
Ashes of the Past - Peggy Sue fic where Cyrus destroyed the world and Arceus decided the best way to deal with that was send Ash back to the start of his journey (after some Aura training). Saphroneth writes fights *amazingly*, specially around Orange Island, where he took a break and came back with a glow-up. Fic is dead now, but consider reading, if nothing else, the Suicune or the Tobias Fight.
A professor and student + The 48 - I have this unproved feeling there is an overkill amount of “Ash is traumatized after Kalos" but this is The one about it. Kukui takes care of Ash in Alola and helping the boy set some boundaries and stuff. This and the wider “The 48” series are amazing Ash, and you can find great longer fics and one-shots alike here. Adults but not grown-ups (Alola Supporting Cast one-shots) and Left Behind (Ash and a Future Ash end up swapping time places during XY while brock is visiting) are real stand-outs. 
You Thought - Aliens invaded and took over the Pokémon World, but actual Pokémons still give them trouble. The premise may seem weird, but it is a means for amazing descriptions of how even the common Meowth could be terrifying and disruptive for an outside-context watcher.
A home can be found - Lillie during and after OG SM, finding a new family with Kukui, Bunet and her friends.
What the Sun Leaves Behind - Hau is inheriting Hala’s spot as kahuna after the latter died, and Gladion shows up to give him a pep talk when Hau runs off into the woods from nerves. It is tagged as Hau/Gladion but it is really a platonic deal.
A Little Bit of Maschiff - Juliana decides that getting a Maschiff of her own is the perfect thing for her friendship with Arven. She gets more than she bargained for, with Arven helping her tame the wretched beast.
The Clues - isshushipping. 5+1 One-Shot Fic of N being In Denial about Team Plasma during BW.
colder in the summertime - One-shot. Morty is cursed. Read for pretty boys in cold fever, nosebleeds, exhaustion, the whole shish-kebab.
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Read It Now.
Collateral - Faller!Touya, and the International Police helping him, while his friends try to find him. Sad. Great.
Pinky Promise - Gloria/Hop One-Shot. Hop fighting for dear life to get Gloria a Christmas Gift.
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Massive “The Kids Are Doing Fine” energy. Adorable.
The Earth, the Sky and the Sea - An enigmatic narrator retells and expands the Hoenn Weather Trio story. Excellent atmosphere. 
HIS2435: Sinnohan Myths and Legends - Cynthia giving a College-level History Class. Chaos Mayhem Etc. Lots of author touches and headcanons and references but can be comfily (and hilariously) read on its own.
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Masahop/Train shipping section (I may have a problem)
Do you believe in love at first sight? - Hop getting a crush on Gloria, slowly realizing over the years he’s actually in Love with Victor. Vic is the MC/Champion. The fic has a charmingly unique Victor (chronically ill/frail immune system - Hop gets to care for his health a Lot it’s cute), and feels very Earnestly Adorable in Hop’s bisexual crisis. writer is requesting feedback so please give them some love!
Kiss Your Neo Champion - Hop got his Neo Champion clothes. He has a boyfriend. What is not clicking
Sunshine Riptide - Instead of Words, I’ll put these excerpts here:
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rotm-channel · 3 months
Mysterious Times:Ch1 The Easter Bunny
THE EASTER BUNNY(also known as the Easter Hare or the Easter Rabbit)
Power:Rabbit Prowness and speed(More possible but unknown)
As part of the legend, the creature carries colored eggs in its basket, as well as candy, and sometimes toys, to the homes of children.Showing similarities to Santa Claus by bringing gifts to children on the night before a holiday. The custom was first verified sighting was in Germany in the late 16th century.
However...Native Aborigians of Australia have myths of a simmilar creature which according to legend help build there land and was there protector. It is important to note that these come from about 20 000 BC (as seen in some cave drawing dating back to then)so that might mean that he been with us longer that thought.
His apperence is quite different according to sources some say he looks just like a normal rabbit while others say he is more humanoid and is roughly 7ft long/tall.Some speculate that his small form is just mistake that really what they saw were regular bunnies while others say his big form is fake as it could have been just a costume.While some say maybe both forms are real it is unclear why he has them and how he changes them.
From sightings weve gathered that he is exceptionally fast and agile becuase whenever he was spotted he would run away at high speeds.Its theorized that he has more powers for example recently on an easter he was spotted in 2 distant towns which would either mean that there might has been an hoax in one or that he can go at unbeliveble speed or maybe even teleportation.How one rabbit woudl manage this?We dont have the slightest clue.
Sightings were most common in the 16th and 17th century especially in Europe whilst also being spotted in other continets too.While sightings of him have still been happening to this day for one reason or another he seems to be appering less and less for whatever reason.
Nevertheless even if he isnt seen or heard from there always seem to be so many Eggs on Easter which arent appear inexplicably....well there is quite a chance that there is an Easter Bunny in one form or another.
Mothman(or Mothmen)
Age:Unknown(Born prior to 1967)
Status:In hiding
Emerged in 1967 from the association of sightings of a strange winged figure around the city of Point Pleasant, West Virginia with the with a disastarous bridge collapse happening not long after which killed 46 people. In the years after the disaster, some came to see the link between the sightings of the entity dubbed the Mothman and the collapse.
Mothman sightings decreased sharply afterwards, but the occasional incidents and resurgences eventually led to a formalization of who mothman is and how he truly looks like.
They resembles a vaguely humanoid bird.They most likely has enormous glowing eyes as the original sightings often reported otherwise indistinct figures with large, luminous eyes standing out against the gloom. The creature may not always have a distinct head, instead simply having a rounded torso marked by two glowing, lamplike eyes.
Mothmen, due to their association with the disasters, are often linked with disasters. It has been theorized that they are a sign or an omen of some imminent disaster in the near future.Mothmen rarely do anything themselves to hinder the event or speed it along: indeed, their motives are almost always deliberately mysterious. They watch from the sidelines, observing seemingly random people, and then quietly vanish after the disaster invariably comes to pass. They do not usually attempt to communicate with people, but those they observe may be stricken with nightmares relating in some form to the future tragedy. Their motives are often unclear at best — they may be actively trying to cause the disaster, they may be trying to warn people of their imminent danger, or they may simply be passive watchers, come to observe the calamity for reasons of their own.
Even if we could confirm they exist there motives are shrouded in darkness.
(Artists impression of Mothman)
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shearlin · 3 months
Chapter 1: What is magic?
Word count: 4568
Next >>
For the purpose of this talk, I will be making a point of distinguishing between magic and magical energy. Usually, I don’t bother, they are both commonly referred to as ‘magic’ and you can figure out which is which from context clues. Magical energy is what fuels magic. It is its power and what defies its most important traits. But, that energy has its own characteristics and behaviours, its own rules and functions that are completely separate from what scholars call ‘magic’, and I won’t talk about any of that right now. Maybe later, if you're still interested. So, what is magic? Magic is a description of the entire existence that can be accessed, read and modified, if you know how. Magic is a compilation of everything that was, is and will be. It’s a system of symbols forming different patterns that can be used to access the reality itself. Basically, magic is the most complex, universal and powerful language in the world. Let me explain
What is magic? Where does it come from? What is magical energy and what is the alignment of the nine heroes of courage?
This is the Shameless Exposition of the Theory of Magic.
Legend couldn't hold his laughter any longer which earned him side-eyes from some of the others that were absorbed in the current discussion, but it wasn't his fault!
How could he not laugh? Their takes were absolutely wild, how did they even come up with that stuff?
“Anything you want to share?” asked Four, some uncharacteristic irritation hiding in his voice.
Smithy has been in a bad mood for a while now, snappish and distracted, which was partially why he and over half of the rest of the Chain ended up talking at length about magic. It seemed to help him forget for a moment about whatever was troubling him and, as time progressed, he became more and more involved in the discussion. Then the heroes started throwing in their theories about what magic even is and where does it come from, and the conversation turned from sharing experiences to competition in making up the most unhinged of takes in no time.
For Legend, who decided to just listen and not contribute, it was an absolutely hilarious ride from start to finish, long before the subject turned to magic. This whole ordeal started from talking about different kinds of oranges.
“No, not really,” he shook his head, trying to hide his grin, “You're having fun, it would be a shame to bring you all down to earth.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Wait!” Hyrule suddenly yelled with excitement, squeezing his way to the front of their group where Legend walked with Time. “You know, don’t you? You actually know the answer!”
Legend was baffled by the sudden outburst. Yes? He did know? And Hyrule knew this too, he often asked about lands the other heroes had been too that he hadn't seen yet, and so Legend ended up equally often recalling his time on Labrynna. That included mentioning his studies.
“Well- yeah, but-” Hyrule knew and so did other heroes, but they didn’t ask him, so clearly they just wanted to have fun theorising. Right?
“Hold on, what?” Twilight interrupted, but seemed too shocked to continue that thought. 
Wild was not. “We've been cracking our heads at it for over an hour now and you just stood there with answers to all of our problems?” he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.
“More like two hours,” Warriors threw in quietly, mostly to himself, “If this road won’t reach any town soon, we should take a break.”
“Not cool, Vet, not cool”, Wind shook his head with his best approximation of a disappointed face.
“First of all,” Legend scoffed, snapping out of his confusion “No, I don’t have all the answers. I learned a lot of theory of magic, that’s true, but it was by talking to witches or other magic users who would agree to teach me and by reading some old dusty books. I didn’t finish any actual school . You know that,” he added at the end because it felt like they needed a reminder of that fact.
“Okay, but consider,” said Hyrule, “that’s still way more theoretical knowledge than even I have. I was taught how to use magic, not how it works . Outside of the most basic concepts, I only have practical knowledge that I figured out by myself as I went.”
“Yeah, sure, but” Legend continued unconvinced, “I doubt any of you want to be bored to death,” he waved them off and turned back forward.
No normal person would want to sit through a long-ass lecture about the theory of magic. Legend would know. He spent long hours convincing some of his teachers that yes, he is a teenager and a warrior but he is indeed interested in this subject.
He took a few good steps before he realised that even Time stopped walking and was watching him with an amusement expression.
It was Warriors who broke off from the group after a brief moment to come closer to him, “Legend, Veteran, Link, my brother of the sword and in spirit-” the captain put a hand on his shoulder, “-You. Are an idiot.”
Legend rolled his eyes and moved to shove Warriors off, but the soldier didn’t let him.
“They were discussing this for hours . They want a lengthy complicated answer. They want to be ‘bored to death’, as you put it, because they want to know. Hell, after listening to them uttering the words ‘magic micropoop in your blood’, I want you to know. Please .” Something desperate flashed in his eyes, saying ‘ I need something to purge it from my memory ’, but it was gone too fast to bring attention to it. “Besides, you don’t have to believe me. Ask them yourself.”
Legend raised his eyebrow in doubt but as he glanced to the side, every hero was nodding in confirmation.
He looked at them more and more confused by the second, but when he couldn’t sense anything insincere in them, he could not hide his surprise.
“Wait, really?”
“Yes, really! We’ve been going in circles for ages!” Shouted Wind, throwing hands in the air.
Oh, right. For a moment there, Legend forgot he was surrounded by people who were just as weird and curious as he was. It was still such a bizarre thought.
“Well… in that case…”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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tarrenterror25 · 2 years
Dancing/Teaching them to dance to Latin music
Rating: T for handsy partners
Character x GN!Latin!Reader
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This is a grab bag of characters from different fandoms and some general headcanons I have about them dancing to Latin music with you! For ones that are like fantasy/sci-fi, just imagine it is the Latin equivalent of music in said universe.
These are my own personal thoughts on these characters and I know not everyone will agree and that’s okay! I hope you still enjoy these!
Disclaimer: I can’t dance.
Serious disclaimer: I already struggle with my cultural identity enough and feel comfortable enough to post things like this here. How I experience/d my culture may not be how you experience/d yours and vice versa.
If you see something and don’t like how I’ve interpreted it, described it, what have you, then just move on please.
I am not any less of who I am.
Now onto the fun stuff!
In order, this list is comprised of characters from:
The Warriors (1979) Apex Legends Devil May Cry Star Wars Batman (not DC, just Batman Characters) Marvel
The Warriors (1975)
Swan - You will have to coax him to the dance floor, but he has surprisingly great rhythm. Definitely catches you off guard when he throws in a spin here and there. He’s got the basic moves down and you can help him learn from there.
Ajax - He doesn’t want to dance, but when he sees you moving your hips in that way, he might finally be convinced. You need to be a very patient teacher to help him because he’s just trying to grind against you and isn’t entirely taking your lesson serious. Don’t let it put you off though, when you give him that look that you mean business, he’ll settle down. He’s not the best dancer, but he’s got the spirit! Definitely does better with the faster paced music.
Vermin - Oh boy. He’s also got the spirit, but his dancing is all over the place. He’s having a great time with you, but you’re gonna have to help him reel it in! He’s a great listener and learns the basics pretty fast. You could totally bring him to a family function and he will be the life of the party, he’ll get along great with everyone.
Apex Legends
Loba - You don’t have to ask her to dance and she is not asking you, she’s telling you to come dance. But in a playful way! She knows the moves and has great rhythm so 10/10 a great partner. If you are the one she is having to teach, she’ll gladly do so. She will have to remind herself to let you take the lead if that’s the position you’re trying for. She’s a great teacher and focuses on relaxing you, playing off of whatever moves you bring.
Revenant - No
Kaleb Cross - He’s never really had much time for dancing so he’s clueless. If you guys are out and you ask him to dance he will politely decline. You’ll have to teach him in private. He’s frustrated when he keeps messing up, but play it lighthearted and he’ll relax and get it down. He’s happy to oblige your request for a dance the next time.
Mirage - He’s good! Too good. You can’t keep up. He’s being super extra with his moves, the spins, the dips, he’s doing them all. It’s gonna be a fun time, but you’ll be out of breath by the end of it. He might miss a step here and there, but recovers quickly.
Octane - Huapango and Duranguense are his favorite and he’s definitely got the legs for it. You guys are going to be that couple. You know the one, the one that’s bouncing all over the dance floor. He also loves Zapateado. He’s not one for the slower dances, he’s got way too much energy for that.
Devil May Cry
Dante - He can definitely already dress the part, but doesn’t know the steps all that well. You might try to teach him, but he’s really a go with the flow kind of guy so he’ll tell you to not worry so much about it. Just vibe with the music and it sort of just comes to him as he follows your lead. Keeps up way better than expected at your family function when Payaso de Rodeo comes on. He’s got a huge grin on his face as he flies around the dancefloor.
Nero - Shy boy. Zero clue as to what he’s doing and doesn’t want to embarrass himself. He can’t really keep up with the faster paced music so a slower dance is more his speed. Really gets into the rhythm with Bachata.
Nico - If you ask her to dance, she is so down! Hell yeah! She knows how to move, too. 10/10 great partner whether she’s following or taking the lead. Whatever she doesn’t know, she picks up really fast. Great party guest, your family adores her!
V - He’s also shy, but he sees you sitting there watching all the other couples dancing. He’ll be observant of everyone else’s moves for awhile and then ask you to dance. He’s a laid back type of dancer, he doesn’t need to do all the fancy footwork to make sure you guys fit right in and have a good time.
Vergil - Oh dear. We all saw his demon form bust a move so we know he’s got it in him somewhere deep deep down. He’s into the classics which means whatever he dances with you will be a rendition of some kind of ballroom dancing. He’s read enough about Salsa, Merengue, and Paso Doble type dances to make something happen. It’s a little old fashioned and prim and proper how he moves. Throw a little hip dip into the mix and he’s looking at you like you have just committed the biggest scandal and his face might get red, but he’ll slowly start to get the hang of it.
Star Wars
Qui-Gon Jinn - You don’t have to ask, he’s already holding his hand out for you to take. He’s a Jedi, so you might hesitate especially if you are, too, but he assures you that the two of you have nothing to hide. You affections for each other do not consume the other and he comforts you with the fact that he understands and respects the position that the two of you are in. He’s very familiar, though not proficient, with the steps.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - You invite him to a family function and try to guide him to where everyone is dancing. He’s pretty reserved and insists that he’s alright, but seeing you walk away trying to hide your disappointment convinces him. He’s not one for dancing so you’ll have to show him the steps. Wait does his leg really go there? This feels really intimate to him and he might have some objections, but you assure him that it’s totally normal and not as scandalous as he might think.
Cassian Andor - He dances and he dances well. 14/10 with rhythm. There’s a cantina you two frequent where you go dancing. He loves to dance to any style. You guys are definitely the “regular couple” who look like they know what they’re doing and the dance comes naturally to the two of you. Whether it’s platonic or romantic, he is a welcome staple at your family gatherings. If you show up without him be prepared for an interrogation: “donde esta Cassian?” “Cassian no es contigo?”
Din Djarin - You’re both alone on the Razorcrest and you’re still riding the high from being at whatever cantina/party you guys were at, dancing in the cockpit. You coax him into joining you for a dance. He’ll reluctantly admit he has zero clue as to what he’s doing. He’s willing to learn, but timid with his movements. Bring him to a family function and he’ll shy away, he does better around people who are less likely to see him again.
Boba Fett - Has some knowledge of this style of dancing, enough that you two don’t look totally lost in the sauce. He’s not so sure how socially acceptable his leg/hand placements are or the way you two are moving when you have to stand really close, but with some assurance from you, he’ll get the hang of it. Once he gets comfortable, you two are definitely that spicy couple on the dance floor at the cantina!
Bruce Wayne - He only knows the basic steps Alfred taught him, enough to get by at parties and social gatherings. He’s nervous, but wants to learn for you. After the first time he failed to get the steps right at whatever party you guys were at, he went home and reluctantly asked Alfred to help him learn to dance so he could surprise you next time. He adores being around your family, the closeness of the gatherings warms him and your family makes sure to make him feel welcome. Bruce even has Alfred help him cook so he can pitch in and bring a dish.
Alfred Pennyworth - Oh, he knows how to dance! Mostly ballroom, but he can adapt and pick up on things quite fast. If you bring him to the family function, he’s sure to impress everyone with his manners and his moves. All the tias at the party are silent and won’t give you any lip! He prefers slower dances with you because he’s not so focused on the steps so much as he is on you. 15/10 your family wants him back at the next carne asada. Oh and tell him to bring the Batfam! They sound lovely!
Harvey Dent - Him, dance to this? No. He’s a big guy and hard to miss which means any mistakes he might make will be noticeable. He wants to save himself the embarrassment. Maybe when a slower song comes on. He’s really sorry, but promises to somehow make it up to you. He’s definitely beating himself up. If you manage to get him out on the dance floor, he’s too worried about how he looks to focus on just enjoying himself.
Two-Face - Does not give a single fuck about how he looks. He knows a few moves and will surprise you with some fancy spins. He’s wayyy more confident in his abilities than Harvey. He’s more open to learning what he doesn’t know and definitely enjoys the close contact with you. Is it you or is it hot in here??
Bane - 15/10. Being from Santa Prisca, the man knows what he’s doing. He knows how to dance and has the best footwork despite his size. If anything, he’s teaching you how to dance. Romantic/sensual dances like Bachata are his favorite to do with you. Always welcome to the family gatherings.
Black Mask - Similar to Bruce, he knows enough to get by. What gets him interested in learning is being out at a club and seeing other guys asking you to dance. That is not going to fly. He’ll guide you to the dance floor and be open to your teachings if it mean getting everyone else to back off of you. He picks up pretty well and forgets being paranoid/angry. 9/10 he is very interested in doing this again with you.
Jason Todd - Oh yeah, he’s got this down. Not afraid to spice it up on the dance floor with how he holds you or where his hands are. Dancing with him is intense when you’re among strangers like at a club, but with family he’s much more tame. Being with the Batfam, he’s great with your siblings and cousins. He’s definitely the bad boy/rebel of the bunch, but he’s yours!
Steve Rogers - Well he did kinda skip this part of his life, but if he backed down from a challenge then he wouldn’t be the hero he is today. You pull him to the dance floor and he is all for it. The basics are there, but he’ll need some work. You mention returning to a club or a family gathering coming up and he asks that you practice some moves with him. To your surprise, he dances Cumbia pretty damn well.
Bucky Barnes - He’s still adjusting to just being Bucky again so he won’t come easily if you try to get him on the dance floor. Once he’s out there with you, he’s shy and reserved, suddenly it’s like he forgot how to even do a basic school side-to-side shuffle. Be patient and help him along and he’ll fall back into the flow of the moves. He really likes dancing Norteñas and loosen him up enough and he’ll come around to Cumbia.
Peter Parker - God he knows he can’t dance, but he really wants to impress you so before you guys go out, he researches latin dances and the music styles. He wants to be bold and take initiative so he asks you to dance first. He’s nervous at first and might ramble all the facts he learned during his research: did you know what is cited as the first cumbia outside of Columbia is "La Cumbia Cienaguera"? Totally just know that from a book he read and not during his late night deep dive on the internet. He’s an 8/10 on applying what he learned!
Loki - Are you sure this is how he’s supposed to hold you? This feels really intimate. Kinda wishing he hadn’t been goaded by Thor into asking you to dance. He’s the better dancer of the two of them, but it occurs to him now that he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s gonna ask you to trust him and he’ll improvise a lot, but somehow it works!
Ultron - That’s really cute. You’re so adorable. Wait, you’re serious?
Ulysses Klaue - No one can convince me that he can’t dance. I am firm in my belief that he can and he has way too much fun with it. Judging from the singing to Haddaway, he digs house music and has visited many a club. He’s traveled a lot so I have no doubt that he can do Latin dances. He’s a little silly about it so you’ll have to reel him in a bit.
Venom (not MCU, but still Marvel) - Eddie is down, but Venom is EXCITED. Yes, Venom would love to dance let’s go! It’ll be difficult to dance since Eddie and Venom will probably be at war with each other on how to go about moving in one body and with you since they both have different ideas of what they should be doing. You’ll help bring some balance between them; Eddie will be comfortable while Venom will still get to express themself.
That’s it! These are ones I just had on the top of my head, there’s plenty others I could have done, but didn’t have much to write about or I’d need to go back and watch/read some stuff to get a better idea.
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marshmallow-bg3 · 5 months
Past Life Dark Urge Asks - 2nd Edition
by @daemon-in-my-head
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Did your Durge interact with others of their assigned race? How did it go, did anyone notice something was off? Did they try to blend in? As half-blood Roux never truly belonged to any distinct race. His cute pointy ears suggested at least part of him was elf, but what kind of elf - he had no clue up till meeting Sceleritas who reluctantly told him he was wood half-elf - but only very technically and totally unimportantly - because what truly mattered was Roux being the purest Bhaalspawn of all. He was raised by humans and interacted with plenty other half-elves and elves but in a big city all cultural and racial differences were smudged unless someone tried to make a point of it, but then it was them who seemed off.
The Urge itself was Bhaal’s greatest gift, a testament to their lineage. But did they despise or delight in these violent urges, did it maybe even scare them? Answered here
Bhaal can control his chosen and force the Slayer or actions upon them; did he ever force your Durge to do something against their will or would they obediently follow? Answered here
Durge has an inherent skill for anything medicine; what was their greatest skill? Sewing, caring for wounds, brewing potions or concocting poisons? Blood flow is his thing. He's as good at staunching the most dangerous bleeding as he is at making people bleed out in record time. All those vivisections weren't for nothing.
The Deathstalker Cloak is part of their inheritance, but did they really use it or did it bide it’s time wasting away in a wardrobe? It has always been one of Roux's favorite Bhaalist items. Orin took it along with his dagger after she attacked him in the colony, but she never had much use for it thanks to shapeshifting, so Sceleritas had no trouble snatching it to return to his true Master. The butler hoped it would help him regain his memories sooner.
Durges adoptive family lived in a house in the lower city. Does that house still stand? Did they claim ownership of it, or did they try to get rid of it? Why? The one in the lower city belonged to the family he hated, so he left as soon as he got rid of them and never looked back. If the house is still standing it was probably claimed by someone else. Roux doesn't care either way. The house he truly considered home is in the upper city and still occupied by his last foster parents. Roux avoids that area, nothing good would come of it if someone from his good bloodless past recognized him.
Bane once sacrificed all of Bhaals assassins, a mistake that caused a great rift between them. Did Durge ever plan to get revenge for it? This one is a bit too lore-heavy? I have no idea what it is about and failed to quickly find answers, so I'm gonna skip :(
Being the head of a temple comes with lots of tedious work, did they truly manage all of it or did they try to outsource the best they could? Roux is incompatible with anything tedious in general. Most of the temple management was done by Sarevok (through Orin) and Sceleritas who claimed he was acting on Roux's orders. In practice Roux had very little involvement in anything ever. He was there for the murdering.
The Feast of the Moon is a bhaalian ritual where priests told the stories of particularly interesting or unique kills. Was one of your Durges deeds ever discussed, or perhaps even turned into a beloved and often retold story? And once again Sceleritas - Roux's evil little PR agent - made sure his kills were sang in legends. Most of Roux's pre-tadpole reputation was actively and lovingly crafted by his master manipulator of a butler.
Speaking off, Day’s Farewell was another ritual everyone of the clergy had to attend as evening dawned over Faerûn. But was it really everyone that came to the gathering, or did a particular Bhaalist sneak out at times or outright refuse attendance? Did they maybe even appear early, eagerly awaiting another service? When he had just joined the Temple it was a novelty, he was a novelty, Roux was trying to truly fit in, he was getting the attention and adoration from these gatherings so he enjoyed it a lot. Later when both his enthusiasm and the genuine interest in him had waned, he started delegating it to Orin along with other ceremonial activities.
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