#and my healthy goal weight is 117
narcan-necromancer · 1 year
I hate that I can't have junk food at all in the house because I just end up eating it all in one sitting. I understand that I'm thin, but I have gained weight that I don't feel comfortable with and I want to get rid of because I've been overeating. Tonight was a good lesson in that and hopefully I can be better moving forward.
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summerfeather · 1 year
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These photos are from 2016 when I lost 42 pound in just 6 months. I continued to loose more weight after these photos
Since then I have gone up and down in weight
Now in 2023 I am 7lb away from my gw.
CW: 117
New GW: 110
Please help encourage me to reach my new goal. Send meanspo!!!!
I have been 109 before, it felt beautiful and I didn’t even feel sick. Help encourage me, love you guys!
You all can reach your goal, eat healthy and work out.
When I reach my GW again I’ll share more photos❤️
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tanuki-voice · 1 year
Pinned Post (please read!!)
Hi, I'm Tanuki (they/them) ! I'm a nonbinary college student and I run a feedism themed kink blog! I do mostly writing, but dabble in drawing and showing off my gains occasionally.
DNI if you're a minor, homophobic, transphobic, or any other flavor of awful.
My asks and dms are open, but please don't expect anything more than a polite conversation if you're solely in it for rp or looking to boss me around. No creeps, no blank blogs or blank bios, please and thank you.
Most kink content on this blog is feedism related, I am a feedee, I enjoy exploring mostly soft feedism and weight gain, but I am otherwise partial to gas, bloating, immobility, slobbishness, funnel feeding, and healthy, body positive relationships.
I am currently trying to gain! I started at about 117, I'm seeing how big I can get. My current realistic goal is about 270-ish. Depending what happens in my life, I might go for more.
I'm nonbinary. I've finally gotten my estrogen!
I'm pan, but I prefer to be in a relationship with someone I can see in real life. I'm absolutely willing to chat and flirt though, as long as you're respectful.
I have an AO3, where I post stories from time to time. They don't get uploaded on a regular schedule, because I have work and classes, etc. etc.
I have an OC named Jams, they're a fat little tanuki bean and I love them. If you want to draw them, please do, and please send me the art. My art sucks.
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th-inprogress · 1 year
well now that i know how much i weigh i guess i can at least make a tracker to try and stay accountable
soooo here is me trying to do that lol.
cw: 135 (6/8)
current big goal: 110 by end of august
I'm looking at my intake from when i "lost a bunch of weight" last year and realizing the reason i didn't get concerned comments or lose my period completely like i did in the past is because i wasn't even that skinny lmao how embarrassing. it was just the best i'd done in so long and it was so emotional that i felt like it was this big huge relapse. but actually...
i was only like 116 at the lightest point-- still thin, for sure. still underweight for my height. but that was the thinnest point and it only lasted a couple of days. generally i was hovering between 118 and 122 for a good month or so. and then i gave up and got fat again, for who knows why.
i do think it was impressive because i lost a good 10 lbs in a month of restrictive dieting and then maintained/lost at a healthy weight for another few months but it never hit the lw i wanted it to.
this is the part where i say, "this time is different" but idk if it is.
i'm still not interested in being so skinny i can't enjoy life. i'm not interested in never ever ever indulging. i'm not interested in hating myself all the time. i'm not interested in not being able to work or hike or skate or run. i'm not interested in missing nights out with my friends and family or eating delicious, healthy food.
but at the same time, I am interested in having my tiny 110 lb twiggy body back. i am interested in being healthier-- in eating for longevity and feeding my body so that it can give back to me. at the same time i want to lose my period, i want the attention, i want someone to look at me and say i need help. i want the concerned gossip. i want the pity. i want the beauty.
i want all of it simultaneously. i don't know if that means anything significant really.
so anyways if i continue eating a very whole foods based, low cal diet I know i can make it to that weight by then, if not before.
If i can make myself bare starvation I'm sure i can fast my way there faster ( ha ). but alas, here is my estimated plan:
6/11- 130 6/18- 127 6/25- 124 7/2- 122 7/9- 119 7/16- 117 7/23- 115 7/30- 112 8/6- 110 8/13- 107 8/20- 105 8/27-100????
planning to weigh/track in my app daily for motivation but weekly for public records. lmao
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777rare · 2 years
FIND LOVE - 888 412 12890918
CLOUDS OF LOVE - 00 53 111
SELF CONFIDENCE - 517 489717 841
SELF LOVE - 3396815
WEALTH - 1340471
UNEXPECTED MONEY - 520 741 889 8
GOOD LUCK - 817219738
WEIGHT LOSS - 4812412
RELIEVE PHOBIAS - 891 019 4918808
REJUVINATE SKIN - 519 606 901 319
GOOD HEALTH - 1814321
OPTIMISM - 498 9171 81948
CAREER - 21461 8319 917
QUICK RESULTS - 518 9912
INNER PEACE - 1001105010
CALM - 51431983714
LEARNING ABILITY - 398 117 918
CLEAN HEART - 1843214
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thin---thoughts · 3 years
Fall Imagine - The Awakening
It seemed so tangible, yet far away. Why had she let herself get to this point she wondered as she looked over the beautiful, reflective lake. The colours changing all around her as she sat locked away in her room. She reflected upon 13 weeks ago, when it first happened, the injury that took away her freedom and kept her locked away in her room. Much like Rapunzel, she spent copious amounts of her time on her balcony, looking out into the great “what if”. Now she did not have an evil step mother who made it impossible to leave her room, nor were their any dragons guarding her house. But she did have duel injuries, leaving her unable to walk, yet as time progressed she slowly healed. Sometimes the time felt too long, days felt like weeks, and weeks years. The same day playing over and over again. She turned to food, and lots of it. Being unable to walk, tethered to the bed meant she spent most of her time not moving whatsoever. Her muscle left her body, replaced with fat. She was not happy where this was going, she felt out of control. She would eat to the point of having food hangovers, where she could hardly sit upright, the world spinning and moving in every direction. To the point of where she would lay on the bathroom floor, hoping to vomit up the 1000s of calories she consumed in the previous evening. This was the end of the line. She couldn't and wouldn't do this to her body anymore. It was hurting her in so many ways! She did not want to face the fact that although every day felt the same in her world, things were still progressing forward, and her body was looking less and less like what it used to before the injury. She had about 21 days until she saw friends again. 21 days before her life really really started. If she could just loose 2 pounds a week she would be doing very well and hit all of her goals! She used her vivid imagination to see the looks on their faces when she saw them. Their eyes tracing over her body asking HOW the heck did you lose weight?!! When you couldn't even move for 16 weeks?! She smiled, knowing there were some hungry moments, but each one counted for something. Each hungry moment, each moment she chose the healthy option led to this very feeling. A freeing feeling, confidence, happiness, integrity, commitment. Like the very thing she’d always wanted, finally here. It was all so worth it. She felt sexy again when her boyfriend hugged her tightly, and felt confident striding through the downtown vintage stores and cafe’s. She would take time for herself walking through the city and exploring beaches, sitting in complete bliss, knowing she stayed committed enough to finally reach her goals. This was the life she always yearned for, finally here to experience. The mornings where she ran her hands down her tight belly and hip bones, the days spent sitting at desks, no rolls falling over her jeans, the nights spent with friends in crop tops. It was all so tangible. She just needed to keep her head down and make this work. She knew she could. She had to give it all she had, because this time was going to be used to propel her to her true desires. She decided she would not use food to supress emotions, she would instead turn to journalling, art and yoga and meditation. She could now do cycling and pilates and even drive her car! She immersed herself in books and let herself escape that way. Her week tendons and muscles would even thank her if she lost the weight, as 117 -115 meant losing about 15 pounds. This is not too much in my opinion, it is extremely do-able. She decided she’d write an imagine for every 20 days as well, because it helped keep her committed and motivated to her life that was closing closing in, about to start. She had gone through so much in the past few months of her life, she decided it was time to get truly excited about staying committed and dedicated to what she wanted out of this life. No more time to waste going forward, no more time procrastinating and stalling. No more supressing the feelings. She felt magic and goodness on its way and she was eternally grateful for this awakening and realization on that crisp fall morning. Thank you she said looking out at the wispy clouds and blue skies. 
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vcitrine · 4 years
30 Day Thinspo Challenge
Yoooo. . . I haven’t been online in a few days, got a little busy. If anyone missed me, I’m sorry bout that lol. I’ll just try to get caught up.
Day 9: Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Oh for sure. The first time I could remember was in fourth grade, I think? And it was the same remark through middle school about how fat my thighs were. Not just schoolmates said it. Why oldest sister and mom even hinted at it with how they wouldn’t let me wear the same type of clothes other kids could wear because I had more fat than they did, which looked sluttier, ig. 
Day 10: What was the hardest thing you gave up during this weight loss?
I can’t really think if much I gave up as far as food or drinks go, but, I’m unemployed because of the virus so I was selling my plasma twice a week regularly and I haven’t been doing much of that because I’m afraid of fainting while there but idk might go tomorrow anyway because I need gas money lmao.
Day 11: Your favorite thinspo blog and why.
I don’t wanna tag her because her blog isn’t weight loss/ed related, in fact, she claims to be recovered so I’ll leave her alone lol.
Day 12: What do you normally eat?
Mainly eggs. Also a big fan of spinach and craisons. I used to be a big green smoothie person before I moved because now I don’t have a blender lol. 
My biggest food weakness is burritos. Like those huge ass burritos you get at like chipotle or costa vida. Those bitches have hella calories but everytime someone offers, I can’t say no :(. Not gonna lie, I had one this week while I was offline.
Day 13: Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
Unhealthy for sure, sorry mom. I don’t have an ed but my diets are always unhealthy because for some reason (I’m lazy), I’m only able to lose weight when I restrict under 900 cals. When I first started losing weight, around grade eleven, I was eating near 800 cal everyday, even while in school.
Day 14: What’s you UGW? When do you expect to reach it?
My goal weight is like 117 llbs. I think it’s a realistic one for me, I could probably maintain that weight, it’s still considered a healthy bmi for my height, and I don’t think I’d have any health problems there. 
Hopefully by this fall I’ll reach it! I could probably reach it sooner but I know damn well my friends and family love to socially eat and that fucks me up the most!
Day 15: Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
Yes! I haven’t eaten meat for about 5 years now. At first I was vegan and I maintained my weight which I’m sure is because I mostly ate potatoes lol. But now I’m just vegetarian and I have more low carb options so that makes it easier for me to lose weight. Recommend for most people tbh, I love it and don’t miss meat at all. . . unless I start thinking about Wendy’s nuggets.
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otthilia · 4 years
My goals
I wanted to lose weight like a year ago and here I am. Still as fat as I was then. Nothing’s changed. I’m sick of having to cover up and dimming the lights when I’m around by boyfriend. He deserves a hot girlfriend he can be proud of.
This will be my plan ‘cause I have to before for gala in May and wear i dress I actually love and feel comfortable in for once. All the different weights are in the “healthy weight”-category ranging between 43.9 to 64.3 kgs because I’m 157cm/5’2”.
CW (20/1/21) : 63 kg ≈ 138 lbs / BMI 25.6 GW1: 60 kg ≈ 132 lbs / BMI 24.3 GW2: 57 kg ≈ 126 lbs / BMI 23.1 GW3: 55 kg ≈ 121 lbs / BMI 22.3 Gw4: 53 kg ≈ 117 lbs / BMI 21.5 GW5: 50 kg ≈ 110 lbs / BMI 20.3 GW6: 47 kg ≈ 103 lbs / BMI 19.1 GW5: 45 kg ≈ 100 lbs / BMI 18.3
No sugary/alcohol drinks or snacking
Work out or go for a walk an hour a day
Reach your goals on watch
Don’t eat more than 1000 kcal a day
Keep this a complete secret
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serenedainty · 4 years
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so hello beautifuls, you're so cute um hi here's some thinspo, enjoy
my gw is 105lbs even tho the healthy min for my height is 113, 117 (idk my height. it could be 5"5 or 5"6)
I lose weight everytime I run a 3k and I did do cross country back then and I was at 110 without trying (I'm on a strict vegan except fish and eggs diet)
anyyyywaysss :')) if I run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I should be able to reach my goal quickly! cardio lowers your body fat percentage super super super quickly.
also I'm moving soon. that may be why I'm doing this, also a lil inspo from @skinnycyborg helped me start too but no need to tell anyone other than here because it's no problem yet
also I have this app for fasting (though I can never go for long, I'd rather run) it's called fasting tracker and its for android and my running app is Nike run just so you know
my weight rn is like 126-128 I'm not sure but anyway I plan to run and not measure everyday but it's good to see progress it's good motivation
also, I'll be signing this blog as serene as that's a nickname I go by irl so...
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katiejeverett1 · 4 years
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I was looking through my memories on Snapchat and this popped up from about 2 years ago. I remember losing 120 lbs and thinking is wasn’t enough. I kept getting weaker and doing cardio but my goal was to just keep losing weight. I then got to 117 lbs, which was a total of 123 lbs lost and I still wasn’t satisfied and for some reason only focused on the number on the scale. I can say I definitely suffered with body dysmorphia. But then again, that comes along with major weightloss in most cases. I didn’t like how weak I felt; I struggled opening doors. It was very hard for me to lift things up and I couldn’t imagine lifting heavier weights in the gym. Little by little I realized that I wasn’t being healthy. I was lacking nutrition, was always dizzy and was losing my hair. My biggest fear at that time was gaining weight. I legitimately weighed myself 5 times A DAY. I was too obsessive and it was taking over my life. It took me a while to get out of that mental state, but over the last 2 years I could say I am very proud of how far I’ve come. I didn’t really talk too much about this state I was in because I was trying so hard to get out of it because I just wanted to be happy and of course healthy. I started looking at food different and not treating it like the enemy. I started going to the gym and lifting weights instead of doing cardio to lose weight. My goal was to be STRONG both mentally and physically. When I first started I was squatting, deadlifting, bridging and benching light dumbbells. Fast forward to now, I squat 175lbs, deadlift 205lbs, bridge 150lbs and bench 75lbs. To be completely honest, I knew I got stronger, but I didn’t realize far I’ve come until I came across these pics TODAY. I’m filled with emotion because sometimes it’s hard for me to see improvements and I’m always busting my a$$. Let me tell you guys, HARD WORK PAYS OFF. This is only the beginning for me and for YOU. Keep pushing yourself to do better. You’re capable of ANYTHING you put your mind to. Btw I’m 135 lbs and never felt stronger! Your weight DOES NOT MATTER. I love you guys so much. Thank you for supporting me through my journey. It’s because of you, that I’ve come this far❤️
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skinnyflex · 5 years
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Update: Guys I hit my goal weight! So happy and I feel so healthy 😊🤘🏽 Hoping to maintain, keep running and eat good food ✨
SW: 133
CW: 117
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wlstories · 5 years
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Meet @youcanpoundthis I’ve been obese since I was 6 years old. I was always the “fat funny friend” and spent over a decade yo-yo dieting. 7 years ago my binge eating and secret eating was out of control. I realized I wasn’t living the life I wanted to live. This wasn’t me, I hated who I was, I needed to really change. I started with a New Years Resolution in 2012 to “make the best decision possible in every moment” and not to diet anymore. I started eating cleaner and walking more. When I started seeing results, mentally and physically, I was driven to do more. I’m now down 117 pounds and find so much motivation in helping others through the same struggles. I share my daily wins and challenges on my page as well as my no strings attached weight loss podcast 5 days a week. I just want everyone to know that they’re not alone. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it! Being body positive means loving this life you’ve been given and loving the body you’ve been given to live it. Starting tip: Make small changes. Drink one more glass of water, walk one extra block, eat one more vegetable. Start habits that will last a lifetime, and be patient. And remember, if there is no struggle, there is no progress. . Merch!!! Shirts available at @wlshirts . 🛑 Did you you 90% of our content YOU DONT SEE!! Check out IG stories!! . . . #healthy #happy #goals #recovery #transformationtuesday #tuesdaymotivation #cardioworkout #fitmom #healthymoms #fedupfam #obesity #onedayatatime #onedayonehadits #habittracker #calorietracking #ww https://www.instagram.com/p/B2QK4AcjYLW/?igshid=b2sgl0ttrgty
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I fucked up...
I used to be a 25 inch waist. Used to have a thigh gap so big it looked kinda weird in tight shorts. People have always called me tiny, thin, skinny, a stick, etc. and I guess I never realized how much I loved hearing that. A few months ago I told my co-worker that I am anorexic and his response was,
"Really? I never would have guessed cause you look like you are a normal, healthy weight." First of all the IGNORANCE... But that phrase "normal weight".... Maybe it's just the eating disorder but my heart sunk. It had been a long time before I had been self conscious about my weight but it all came flooding back so fast. I got so depressed and started binging BAD. Went out to eat almost every day, stopped doing yoga and ate up all the Easter candy in a few days. Started to notice the lines on my stomach from my fat rolls after sitting down. Finally weighed myself and I was 130 lbs... I had gained 20 lbs in a few months. I have never weighted more then 117 lbs in my entire life. I am FAT. All last summer I wore crop tops and shorts and I can't bring myself to put them on now.
But I'm not giving up. A week ago I started counting calories again. 2 days ago I ate only 800 calories in a day. I'm back doing yoga and constantly drinking water. I lost 3 lbs in a week already! It's been hard. I'm not as used to that pain in my gut as I used to be. But the old familiar feeling is starting to feel nice again. A constant reminder to myself that I WILL reach my goal of 105 lbs. I won't give up, and I WON'T be fat forever.
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lindsaydoeslife · 6 years
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December 31, 2018
The picture on the left is of my during March, 2012.  I was at my goal weight (after losing 117 pounds in one year), if not a little under (around 150).  This was my first trip to New York City.  I fit comfortably in the airplane seat.  I had extra room in my seatbelt.  I was happy.  Healthy.  Confident.  Ready to take on the world.  I had enough confidence to ask a stranger, “If I came to New York to cheer on runners at the half marathon in March could I stay with you?”  She said, “Yes.”
The pictures on the right are where I’m at now (307 pounds).  The top right picture was taken by my brother on Christmas Eve.  The bottom right picture was taken when I had coffee with Theodora 4 days ago.
I am not happy.  I am not healthy.  I am not confident.  I overflow in seats.  I had to use seatbelt extenders on my flights out here.  This is my 8th trip to NYC.  Getting around is hard.  Going up and down the subway stairs is difficult.  All of the walking...I know it’s good for me, but it’s hard.
These pictures have made me do something reflecting.  My life will not be long if I keep doing what I’m doing:  eating junk and not working out.  Changes need to be made.  No one can do it but me.  I think sometimes a lot of times I look outside of myself for answers to my problems.  I know - really, truly, deeply know - that the answers are within myself.  
I can’t look to traveling to my favorite city or waiting for New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day to feel magic to spark some change.  I know it must come from within.
I also know that sometimes I try to hard to replicate 2011...or think that I need to replicate 2011 in order to be successful again.  I need to remind myself that if I want a different result (keep weight off), I’ll have to do things differently.
I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes when I say I’m ready to start again.  If that’s you, I’d suggest you stop reading my blog.  Feel free to unfollow or stop visiting my page.  But I’ll keep trying.  I’ll keep getting back up when I fall down.  2018 was such a hard year emotionally (thanks depression and anxiety).  I’m hopeful 2019 will be easier.  Getting through 2018 has made me realize I can make it through incredibly difficult things.
Seeing those pictures on the right?  It’s painful.  I need to use that pain to spark a fire inside me.  I need to eat better.  i need to exercise.  My health - my life...my future - depends on it.  I know losing weight won’t make me happy, but it sure will help.  I know can do it again because I’ve done it before.  I have goals and I want to make them happen.  It’s up to me, but I’ve got a great support system to help me out which I am so thankful for.
2019 - let’s go.
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
So after getting curious and going some math, I discovered that I'm losing weight at about 2.5 pounds a week with having lost ten pounds in the last month or so?
I'm actually really happy with this! I did buy sweets and a bit of junk food that I'm slowly getting through this month, so if I don't lose as much weight I'll try not to be discouraged, but!! I'm losing weight, and if I'm right about my back pain being tied into my weight, then I should be getting more and more pain reduction the more and more weight I lose.
If that is the case, I'll start going to the gym more often since my back wouldn't be getting too much in the way, and I'll actually be around to exercise more! Not to just lose weight, but to get my body in better shape, cause you know. A healthy body means a healthy mind, or so they say.
I'd really like to be able to function. Today, I'm going to test myself a bit by walking to the bus stop and taking the bus to my appointments today instead of using ride to care.
Either way--this is working. And I'm not actively starving myself, I'm not trying to do things and lose like 10 lbs in a week. I'm trying to keep things at a healthy rate. I think that's important when doing any diet/exercise.
I started this weighing about 247 lbs. I've dropped to about 238 lbs. My goal is ~120/130 depending on how comfortable I am with with my body at that point. I'm eating less junk food and eating healthier snacks.
My minimum goal right now was to lose 117 pounds. Now, it's 107. This is only if I'm not comfortable or pain free at ~150 because that's how much I weighed when I moved to Portland. In 4 years I gained ~100 pounds and at this rate I'm going to lose it and then some in under a year.
Sorry for rambling about it, but it has me excited~
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bandit-heart · 5 years
So, my goal is to lose 20 pounds by my birthday. That’s 5 lbs a month for the next 4 months. I’m within a healthy weight for my height, but I want better for myself. So. Starting at 137, GW1: 130 by my grandpa’s birthday in October, then 117-120 by my birthday in late November. 👍🏻👍🏻
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