#and obviously it's not only him
xiyao-feels · 7 months
The thing is I do get the, like, instinctive suspicion of JGY? Or—well, no, I think a lot of it is classism. But suspicion is honestly a really reasonable response to JGY's activities under JGS! It's worth it to ask: was he really in danger of his life? And even if he was, having had to do this to survive—what will he be like, when he doesn't have to anymore?
They're fair questions! The problem is they're questions we can answer from the text. He absolutely was in danger of his life. And as to what he'd be like when he didn't have to anymore—
I've talked about the watchtowers a lot because they're such a good example, and the kind of thing that would never have happened without him. But sometimes I want to shake people and say, look at the result of his governance! Look at the world WWX wanders through, post resurrection! Look at the peace, look at the way the juniors really get the chance to be kids!
This isn't something that happens automatically. Or really what I want to say is, it means something about the powers of the cultivation world. You can't just treat it as an interesting background fact to the juniors' characterization, with no depth beyond that! The cultivation world under WRH was the way it was because of WRH; the cultivation world under JGS was the way it was because of JGS; the cultivation world under JGY was the way it was because of JGY, and the way it was was better than any other time we've seen it.
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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Returning home
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gen-toon · 4 months
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thefiresofpompeii · 12 days
broke: the doctor having two hearts represents “one being happy, one being sad” (sorry 13. it’s cute but like…)
woke: the doctor having two hearts symbolises the idea that he cares about everything twice as much
bespoke: the doctor has two hearts because, to quote paul cornell writing the shalka doctor, he “doesn’t like the military but has so many friends in it; he says he doesn’t kill but then… exterminates thousands”. always of two minds about any decision, any impossible choice. he’s completely human and completely alien. completely merciful and completely ruthless. contradicts himself constantly. breaks his own rules, sets new ones, repeat. the #1 hypocrite. two hearts like the two guards at the door of that riddle — one always lies, the other always speaks the truth — but not even he remembers which one is which
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reineydraws · 10 months
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kyojuro corruption arc
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meziniart · 1 year
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he's touchy
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aalghul · 2 months
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Remember when Duke referred to himself as Robin while talking to Batman and then everyone spent the next 8 years saying it's illegal to expect him to be included as a Robin in anything, ever.
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stargazostli · 5 months
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the winners, everybody
im so funny
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there is just something about the difference between edwin's love interests and having the cat king's reaction to edwin in hell being "i'll be waiting when he gets back" vs charles "no version of this where i don't come get you" rowland convincing a powerful trans-dimensional being to open a door to hell just so he could get him back
i am insane
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posalis · 19 days
challengers twitter pointed out something very cool: art's coach speaking to him in german!
the subs says "just invite her to serve." (which doesn't make any sense? and art doesn't even go to her after that lmao?) but he apparently actually says "wirf den ball etwas höher." which means "throw the ball a little higher.".
so art knows what patrick's house looks like which means he went there, he understands when his coach speaks to him in german and he's the only one who can pronounce "zweig", a german surname, the right way.
art learning german for patrick and spending holidays with him and his family is canon, i don't make the rules.
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justaz · 1 month
king merlin after meeting lady guinevere and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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leucoratia · 1 month
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My favourite loser scientist (we are legally married)
Handplates!Gaster by @zarla-s (thank you so much for this AU it has given me life for the past 6 years)
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s0fter-sin · 7 days
vampire au where they can only drink the blood type they were before they were turned. other blood has an almost poisonous effect, burning them from within like acid and drinking too much of it can kill them
in the old days, before the knowledge of blood types, it made humans they could feed on absolutely precious. they're kept safe, pampered and doted on; a vampire’s most prized possession
attacking another vampire's human is seen as the highest insult; not only is it a slight against them, it also carries the implication of "i want you to starve"
it's also used as the cruelest of punishments; starving a vampire for months, until they're feral with hunger just for their torturer to throw in a random human, watching them desperately suck down poison, their instincts begging them to keep drinking even as it kills them
ghost is one of the few who survived it; thrown in a pit so deep, he saw stars in the middle of the day, left with nothing but the dried bodies of the humans roba drained without care, others with their throats slit, blood he can't drink spilled out around them
a taunt of the one thing he needs but will never get
but ghost hasn't survived this long just to give up here
he refuses to die in this stinking, rotted pit
ghost is a force of nature as he descends over roba's manor; killing any who wander into his path until the halls run red. until he gets his hands on roba and tells him a secret:
vampires can feed on the blood of any vampire, regardless of blood type
it becomes a legend in vampire high society; if you starve another, you'd best make sure they actually die
otherwise you might end up piled in a dining room, the vampire you left for dead lounging on a throne of corpses with his fangs lodged in your throat
ghost decimates roba's empire, burning it to the ground until no one dares to speak his name in fear of incurring his wrath. it's incredibly taboo for a vampire to feed off another but ghost's too powerful for anyone to challenge him and the other vampires are too scared to try. scared of what he's willing to do, the lengths he'll go to; not that they'll ever admit it
soap is the first human he ever brings to court; delicately bathed in the finest silks and jewels, his throat always bare so he can show off ghost's ownership, his bite framed in lace
he's not like the delicate waifs the other vampires show off; he doesn't cling to his master, demure and submissive. he shows off his teeth as often as any vampire, fully willing to rip out the throats of any who insult him or ghost
a feral master needs a just as feral pet
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poisonedfate · 17 days
spin the wheel and get a character - bbc merlin version
no secret fourth option per the polls going around (from which this idea originated)
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dpxdc Au - Tim and Danny are Twins, have been through all the introductions and after a few years decide to have The Audacity. 
At some point it hits the two of them, that they really do act alike sometimes. Like, mannerisms and small detail micro expressions, the whole nine, so Danny and Tim decide to take advantage of this.
Parent trap style swapping but all within the same household, they cut their hair and swap clothes, and get in a few practice runs around the halls of Wayne Manor. No one in the family catches them through at least 3 family dinners, so they go for the larger gambit. 
Tim wants to go to high school for a bit and get back into skate boarding with low stakes- Thats what he tells Danny at least, he really wants to spend the time dismantling the GIW from the epicenter in Amity Park. It works out that Tim accomplishes this in record time (explosives didn’t require ethics in his opinion) and does actually get to enjoy his hobbies again for a bit. 
Danny wants to tell off the WE board members and get some proper Red Robin training so he’s not so dependent on his powers when facing human enemies (they were squishier than ghosts, restraint was key)- That’s what he tells Tim when the reality is he’s going to lead a hostile takeover of DalvCo. and well, yeah, actually get some training in. 
No one catches on except for Kon. 
After they’ve swapped back and their missions are debriefed, Tim asks him why he never fell for it? Simply put: “Uh, dude. Your twin doesn’t have a heartbeat half the time, it was pretty easy to tell.” 
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weirdbabs · 10 months
everyones telling guillermo about how he couldve been turned by a legendary vampire but instead had derek, a nobody do it. but whos gonna tell nandor that he couldve had the privilege of being the first vampire to give a giant middle finger to humanity and turn a vampire hunter but instead kept putting it off until derek, a nobody, did it instead
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