#and one of them is a really good older brother
itneverendshere · 1 day
maybe wheezie or even sarah needing rafe to pick them up from school or attend a back to school night. like the school calls rafe to pick up sarah after getting in a fight. or the teacher calls him in to discuss that wheezie struggling in math
thank you for the request!!! 🫶🏻🫂 i think rafe's always had a soft spot for wheezie so i did this one for her cause i personally can see their dynamic being really cute.
 we're both older now - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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Sitting in the passenger seat of Rafe’s truck, you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. His hands were on the wheel, jaw clenched just enough for you to notice, but not enough to freak out.
It’s been months since rehab, and you swear, you’ve never seen him like this before—so focused, so... responsible. It’s kinda hot.
But that’s not what you’re here for. Not right now.
You’re headed to Wheezie’s school because, apparently, she’s been struggling with math. She didn’t want to tell Rafe because Ward’s rarely at home these days and she didn’t want to bother him. When you found out, you could’ve smacked her. You get it—Rafe’s been under a lot of pressure lately—but you don’t think she realizes how much he cares about her. That’s why you two are heading to a parent-teacher meeting like it’s the most normal thing in the world. It’s not. 
“I should’ve known something was off,” Rafe mutters, breaking the silence.
You look over at him. “You couldn’t have. Wheezie’s good at keeping stuff to herself.”
He shakes his head, his grip tightening on the wheel just a little. “I’m her brother. I should’ve noticed.”
You reach over, resting your hand on his arm. “You’re doing your best, baby. That matters.”
He lets out a breath, his tension easing under your touch. God, sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s the same guy who used to pick fights at every chance he got just a few years ago. It’s been almost a year since his last relapse, but every day you see him fighting to be better—for himself, for you, for his sisters. And honestly? It does something to you, seeing him like this. 
You pull into the school parking lot, and he parks the truck, turning off the engine. For a second, he just sits there, staring straight ahead. You know what he’s thinking. He’s wondering if he’s good enough to handle this, to handle all of it.
“You got this,” You say softly.
Together, you walk into the school, and after a quick conversation with the receptionist, you’re led to Wheezie’s teacher’s classroom. The room smells like dry-erase markers and stress, the kind you remember from my own high school days.
Except, this is a private school, completely different from what you were used to, and back then, you loved school. You were good at it too—really good, actually. Straight A’s, honors, full ride to a decent college…but life had other plans.
You look at Rafe as you wait for the teacher to start the meeting. He’s sitting up straight, listening intently, and your chest tightens a little.
The same guy who used to blow off any responsibility now sitting here, laser-focused, ready to step up for his little sister. The teacher starts talking about Wheezie’s grades, how she’s been falling behind in math, and you can see the guilt in his face. You squeeze his knee under the table, trying to ground him, but honestly? This was hitting a little too close to home for you, too.
“I can help her,” You hear yourself say before you’ve even really thought about it. Rafe turns to look at you, surprised, and you shrug like it’s no big deal.
The teacher blinks, probably not expecting the girlfriend to jump in with a solution. “What did you score on your final exams?”
You move in your seat, not expecting the question but not exactly shy about your answer either. "I got a 1600 on my SATs," You said, trying to sound casual about it, even though you could see Rafe’s eyebrows shoot up next to you. 
The teacher’s eyes widen slightly. "That’s impressive," she says, "You must’ve had a lot of options for college."
You shrug again feeling that familiar feeling of bittersweet regret. "Yeah, I had a full ride to a few places.”
“And you didn’t go?”
The way she says says it—like she can’t imagine why you wouldn’t go—hurts a little. 
"Yeah, well... life happened." You try to brush it off like it doesn’t bother you.
Rafe’s hand slides over to yours under the table, interlocking your fingers and giving you a gentle squeeze. It’s subtle, but it’s enough for you. To remind you that you made the right choices, even if they weren’t easy ones.
The meeting wraps up pretty quickly after that.
The teacher gives Rafe some advice on how to help Wheezie stay on track, and you both thank her before heading out of the classroom. As you walk down the hallway, he stays quiet for a bit, and you can’t really read what’s going through his head.
By the time you get back to the truck, he turns to you, his brow furrowed slightly, like he’s still processing everything. "You got a perfect score on your SATs?"
Three years into the relationship and he’s still learning things about you every day.
You let out a small laugh, brushing some hair behind your ear. "Yeah. It’s not a big deal."
"That’s kinda insane," he says, looking at you like he’s seeing a whole new side of you. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that?”
You shrug for the millionth time today, suddenly feeling a little shy. “I don’t know. It just never came up. It’s not like it matters now, anyway.”
"It does matter." His voice is firm, and when you glance over, you can see how serious he looks. "You gave up a lot to help your sister. That’s not nothing."
Your throat tightens, and you have to swallow down the emotion rising inside you. The way Rafe says it, like he actually gets it, means more than he probably knows. "I just did what I had to do."
He nods slowly, like he understands that feeling all too well. "You didn’t have to offer to help Wheezie today. But you did.”
You don’t want to make a big deal out of it. "I want to help her. She deserves it."
Rafe doesn’t say anything, just looks at you with this soft, almost disbelieving expression. Like he can’t wrap his head around the fact that you’re still here, beside him, helping his family without a second thought.
"You’re amzing, y’know that?" he murmurs, his voice low and warm in that way that makes your stomach flip.
You feel your cheeks heat up, a shy smile tugging at your lips. "Stop."
"I mean it." He reaches over, cupping your face gently with his hand, thumb brushing lightly across your cheek. His eyes soften as they meet yours, filled with so much adoration it makes you want to hide. "I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m really fucking grateful."
You bite your lip, glancing down at his other hand on your knee before looking back up at him.
"You’ve been working hard. For yourself, for us. I see that."
His jaw tightens just slightly, and he looks down, almost like he’s not sure how to take the compliment. But when his eyes meet yours again,
"I’m trying," he says quietly. "I’m trying to be better."
"And you are," you whisper. "Every day."
The months of hard work, the late nights when you’ve held him through his doubts, the mornings when he’s shown up for his family even when it was hard. It’s all there, between you, unspoken but understood.
Rafe leans in, pressing his forehead to yours, his breath warm against your skin. "Thank you," he whispers. "For everything."
You close your eyes, letting the moment settle around you. "I’ll always be here," you whisper back. "We’ve got this."
“I don’t think I would’ve made it this far without you.”
You swallow hard, trying not to let it hit you too deep. But it does. Because for all the mess you’ve been through—his ups and downs, his relapse, his constant fight to be better—it always comes back to you. To this.
“I’ll always have your back,” You remind him quietly. “You know that, right?”
He nods, like there’s absolutely no doubt in his mind. “I know. You’re really good with her," he says after a beat. "With Wheezie. And with Milo."
You smile, leaning back in your seat. "Yeah, well, someone’s gotta look after the kids, right? Might as well be me."
Rafe’s lips twitch into another smile as he leans over, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, "Thank you, baby.”
“For what?”
“For sticking around,” he says, pulling back slightly to look at you. “Even when I didn’t make it easy.”
 “You make it worth it, Rafe. You always have.”
Because seeing him like this—happy, strong, responsible, and healthy—it’s more than just him trying. It’s him becoming the person you always believed he could be, from day one on that stupid country club. And that? That’s something you’d stick around for any day.
When you and Rafe pull up to Tannyhill, the sun’s already setting. You grab your bag from the backseat, and he takes a deep breath, his hand hovering near yours like he needs to hold onto you just for a second longer. When you step into the house, you’re greeted by the usual stillness that fills the place. It’s huge, but it always feels too quiet.
Wheezie’s sitting at the kitchen island, hunched over her phone, clearly trying to distract herself. Her leg’s bouncing nervously under the stool, and you don’t even have to say anything to know that she’s been dreading this moment.
As soon as she sees the two of you, she freezes, eyes wide, "Hey," she greets, her voice shaky.
Rafe glances at you, and you give him a small nod. You know he’s trying to figure out how to handle this—he’s never really had to play the role of ‘responsible older brother’ before. But he’s doing it. He’s trying. And that’s what matters.
"Wheeze," Rafe starts, as he walks over to her, and you can see the panic rising in her eyes as she sits up straighter like she’s preparing for the worst. "Why didn’t you tell me?"
She bites her lip, glancing between the two of you. "I-I didn’t want to bother you," she mumbles, her voice small. "You’ve been dealing with a lot, and I thought— I don’t know. I thought I could handle it on my own."
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. He’s quiet for a second, and you can feel Wheezie’s anxiety practically buzzing out of her. She’s probably expecting him to yell, to go off on her, but instead, he takes a step forward and pulls her into a hug.
"You ever keep something like that from me again," he mutters into her hair, his tone firm but warm, "and you’re grounded."
Wheezie’s eyes go wide in shock, like she wasn’t expecting that at all. Her arms wrap around him a little awkwardly, but you can tell she’s relieved. She pulls back after a second, staring up at him with those big brown eyes of hers. "You’re not mad?"
Rafe shakes his head, but his expression is serious. "I’m not mad. I’m worried, Wheeze. I’m here, okay? I got you."
"I’m sorry," she whispers.
He sighs again, rubbing a hand over his face before looking at her. "Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it again."
She nods quickly, and you step closer, offering her a small smile. "You’re not in trouble, Wheezie. I’m gonna help you with the math stuff, okay? I promise."
Wheezie looks over at you, clearly surprised, and then back at Rafe. "You’re… really not mad?"
Rafe rolls his eyes but in that big-brother way that’s full of affection.
"No, Wheeze, I’m not mad. But next time you’re struggling with something, tell me. That’s what I’m here for."
She nods, relief washing over her features. "Okay. I will."
Rafe reaches out and ruffles her hair, something so casual and brotherly it makes your heart swell.
"Good. Now go do whatever you do, and remember—grounded if you pull that shit again."
You slap his arm, “Will stop cursing in front of her?”
He shoots you a half-smirk, looking completely unbothered. "Please baby, she’s sixteen. You think she doesn’t curse?"
Wheezie lets out a small laugh, covering her mouth as if she’s trying to keep it together, but you can tell she’s relieved. 
"Yeah, but maybe not in front of her big brother," you tease, raising an eyebrow at him.
Rafe shrugs, looking like he couldn’t care less. "If she’s smart enough to hide it from me, more power to her."
Wheezie giggles again, and you can’t help but smile. "Yeah, yeah," you sigh, rolling your eyes at him playfully. "You’re a great role model, Rafe Cameron."
He groans, “Please don’t use the full name.” The corners of his mouth tug up in a grin that makes your heart skip. “Alright, no more big brother lectures tonight. We’re good, yeah, Wheeze?”
Wheezie nods, still smiling. “Yeah, we’re good.”
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shrenvents · 3 days
hii can you do some dean smut, maybe he and reader meet in a dive bar or sum?? <3
a/n: sure thing, i hope u like 😉😘
Mind Games
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Warnings: Minors dni; Smut, v!penetration (protection used), language, fingering, some fluff, some jealousy
Pairing: Dean Winchester x you
Summary: You and Sam go way back. You and Dean as well, though he has no recollection of it, and for that, you make him pay.
Word Count: 4.1 k
The night had been long already when Sam texted you—“Hey, I'm in town. Drinks at Murphy's?”—but you didn’t hesitate to answer yes. It had been quite some time since you’d last seen him, and life had a funny way of pulling people apart after high school, though you and Sam tried to stay in touch here and there.
It hurt when he unexpectedly dropped out of school without explaining why, but thankfully he reconnected down the line, and the rest was history. He was just an easy friend, a good one you could pick up things with even after years of silence.
A dive bar wasn’t exactly your first choice. You preferred places with brighter lighting and cleaner, less sticky floors, without an old jukebox playing songs that were a hit, long before any patrons could remember. But Sam seemed to have a soft spot for them. It suited him, really—the unpretentious atmosphere, the cheap drinks. 
As you stepped past the creaky door, the scent of stale beer and cigarettes hit you like a wave of nostalgia. It reminded you of late nights sneaking into bars with Sam when you were underage, laughing too loud, worrying too little. The memory still made you smile.
You quickly spotted Sam, his broad frame hunched over a small booth in the corner, beer in hand. He looked up, eyes twinkling when he saw you, enthusiastically calling your name. Mid-wave, you froze and your heart skipped a beat after noticing who was sitting across from him —Dean. Sam’s older brother. 
Dean leaned back in his chair, lazily nursing a beer and his signature, cocky smirk as his eyes coasted his surroundings. He looked exactly the same, though his face was a little more rugged, and perhaps a little worn from life.
You’d had a ridiculous crush on Dean back in school. Your best friend's older brother. The guy who could make anyone laugh, who strode around like the world was his oyster. But he never noticed you. Not back then. Dean was too busy sleeping around, charming his way through the female student body, and leaving an abundance of broken hearts in his wake. The few times you were around him, he rarely glanced in your direction. And that was fine. Especially now, since you’ve grown up and moved on…
'Of course he's here,' you thought with an internal roll of your eyes, trying to steel yourself for the sudden rush of old, pitiful memories of unrequited love. You should've guessed he'd be here since Sam told you they'd hit the road together.
With a deep breath, you straightened out your shoulders and paced over, mustering all your strength to fix a calm smile onto your face as you greeted Sam, and his brother, who most likely wouldn’t really know you. "Long time no see," Sam remarked, standing to give you a bear hug, which you immediately returned. “Missed you."
"Missed you too," you replied with a pleased sigh. Your eyes then flickered to Dean for the briefest moment. He hadn’t moved, still reclined in his seat, watching you both with that curious tilt of his head. His silence stretched on long enough that it was clear—he didn’t recognize you.
'Typical,' you thought, and your smile tightened into a thin line as you slid into the booth. Ignoring the way Dean’s gaze dwindled, you decided two could play this game. It might be fun, even.
"Dean, you remember her now, don't you?" Sam asked, oblivious to the tension looming in the air as he gestured to you, hoping the in-person image would jog his memory.
Dean’s brows furrowed, and for a second, you swore you saw something flash behind his forest-coloured eyes. Then, as if he’d decided it wasn’t worth pretending, he shook his head, offering you a half-smile. You dismissed the swarming butterflies in your stomach, realizing this might just be the first time he's truly looked at you. And you’ve seen that look countless times from afar —it was the one he showed to the next girl he'd pick up.
"Sorry," Dean huffed dramatically, feigning disappointment having not remembered you. His voice was a low rumble that made your pulse quicken against your will. "Can’t say I do."
And there it was. Just as you expected. You’d spent countless afternoons back in high school, hanging out with Sam, romanticizing his older brother from the sidelines, praying he’d eventually give you the time of day. But Dean Winchester has always been… Well, Dean Winchester. And he always will be.
You leaned back in your seat, crossing your arms with a smirk of your own, mimicking his relaxed demeanour. "Don’t worry about it. It’s been a while." Dean’s eyes narrowed momentarily, like he knew he’d missed something important, but had no clue what. Sam, ever the peacemaker, cut in with a laugh.
“Well, now that that's settled, drinks are on us. Let’s catch up.” Sam pushed a beer towards you and you downed nearly half, already determined to show that tonight, you weren't gonna be that quiet, shy, unnoticeable girl you were in school. If Dean noticed you now, he was in for one hell of a ride…
You and Sam probably spoke for less than an hour, because, unfortunately for Sam, he could barely get a word in with all of Dean's shameless flirting, which you somewhat entertained. Undoubtedly, neglecting him only egged him on more.
Throughout the night, after Sam gave up and wandered elsewhere, drunk and confused, Dean would make bold throwaway comments, steal lingering glances, and release that low chuckle every time you defiantly teased him. At first, it was satisfying—this was the guy you used to dream about noticing you, and now he couldn’t take his eyes off you. But as the hours ticked by, you recalled all too well who Dean really was: a player. A guy who’d probably seen countless women come and go without a second thought. However, now, with him slowly inching towards you, it was becoming increasingly difficult to disregard the urge to go home with him to spare your dignity.
The second the ragged surface of his jeans started grazing your thigh, you excused yourself to get another drink. Strutting over to the bar, you felt his eyes bore into your backside and a shiver racked down your spine. Rather dizzyly, you ordered another drink but were surprised when a tall stranger offered to pay for it. Despite the unwanted attention, with Dean eyeing you both, you selected to make this stranger an outlet for a potential mistake.
So just for show, you leaned in a little too close, laughing at jokes that weren’t funny, ambling with your drink as if you were reluctant to return to Dean. His gaze was burning holes into the man's head the entire time, and you knew this was doing wonders to Dean's inflated ego. 
Then you heard a loud thud behind you, and just as you turned around, Dean was already there, standing close by, staring daggers into the stranger you ironically couldn't remember the name of. Dean then glanced down at you, wordlessly demanding eye contact, and you're rooted to the floor when his hand brazenly brushes across your lower back, to rest comfortably on your hip. "Hey," he smiled as his gaze softened, marking the smooth return of his playboy facade.
"How about we get outta here?" Dean whispered into your ear while his nose skimmed your hair. Subtly taking a deep breath, you seductively beam up at him and note how his grip tightened on your side as if he had to brace himself. "Exactly what I was thinking," you whispered back and Dean's eyes fluttered, and you're so close he likely thinks you're about to kiss, but you have other plans.
"Wanna go?" You asked the man you nearly forgot about, who seems almost as stunned as you sense Dean is. He takes a sharp intake of breath at his rejection, virtually staggering back from you, and the moment his hand lifts from your hot flesh, you slip away and grab the stranger's forearm, swiftly hauling him outside with you, without looking back. As you left, you waved goodbye to Sam. "I'll call you tomorrow," you said with an energetic wink, unable to conceal how giddy you were.
After your dramatic exit, you made it clear to the poor stranger that you had no intention of taking things any further than a walk to your car. But Dean didn’t know that. 
The very next day, you made more plans with Sam to make up for yesterday's turn of events, but Dean was relentless. For that whole week in fact. He obviously forced Sam to give him your number, and since then, there have been numerous texts, calls, and unexpected visits. Each time he found you, his approach became more serious, more focused, and still, you’d reject him every time, in a rather absentminded way, which drove him mad. You grew to love the way it made him squirm.
Today was one of those days, at a quiet little bar far from the one you met at, the conversation quickly turned south from the usual banter.
He’d barely sat down before that trademark smirk was back. His green eyes glinted as he leaned forward, resting his arms on the table between you, his fingers grazing yours. The touch was subtle, but deliberate—like he was testing the waters. You pulled your hand back just a fraction, enough for him to notice but not enough to discourage him. You were growing unsure of who you were punishing at this point.
"Missed me?" Dean's voice was deep, smooth, and far too confident for someone who’d been chasing you all week and failing miserably. You rolled your eyes playfully and took a sip of your drink. "Don’t flatter yourself. I just wanted to get a quiet drink," you quipped. Dean chuckled, undeterred, shaking his head. "Right, right. That’s why you agreed to meet me here. For a ‘quiet' drink." His voice dripped with mischievous sarcasm, and an undertone of sexual frustration.
You couldn’t help but grin. "Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better." You crossed your legs and kicked out one, lightly touching Dean's, and he tensed. He then closed in, his fingers gently touching the back of your hand, this time pausing just long enough to send a quake up your arm. "You like to keep me guessing, don’t you?" He wet his lips, eyes darting to yours, which were shrivelling up with anticipation.
"Maybe," you admitted with a sheepish grin. "Or maybe I just like taking you down a few pegs." Dean laughed, a deep, throaty sound that sounded a bit like a scoff and sent a rush of heat through you. He didn’t pull away, and the teasing glow in his eyes eased for just a moment as he studied you.
"You drive me crazy, you know that?" His voice dropped a notch, and his regard danced across your skin. "Ever since that night at Murphy's… I haven’t stopped thinking about you."
Though your pulse was racing, you shifted away, pretending to be unimpressed. "I'm sure you say that to all the ladies," you taunted with a roll of your eyes. Dean shook his head, his smile fading a little. "This isn't like that."
You raised an eyebrow in mock disbelief. "Oh Please. Not even a little?"
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I know I didn’t remember you from school. But Sam and I've moved around so much; I never bothered to remember anyone." He winced, as if admitting it aloud stung a little. "Though I have no idea how I don't remember you. I wish I did," he expressed, and he sounded so sincere that you nearly swooned.
"But things are different now. This is different," he proclaimed, eyes wild with a fiery determination. You arched an eyebrow, scooting forward. "So, what’s this been about then?" Though you question Dean, you give him no time to respond, pressing on. "You're just upset that I didn’t fall into your lap like all the others?"
Dean’s eyes were ablaze, and he didn't retract into his seat. If anything, he dipped in closer. "Sorry I hurt your ego," you added, half-sarcastic, half-challenging. He shook his head and his jaw clenched. "Maybe it started out that way," he acknowledged, but his tone held not a trace of his usual humour. "But really, it isn’t like that anymore."
You tilted your head, intrigued by the sincerity in his voice, but confused by his articulation. You’d expected him to laugh it off, throw out a line, but this? This felt… as he said, different. Not to mention the way he was looking at you—like he was seeing you, really seeing you—made your heart skip a beat.
"Oooohhh, okay then," you mocked slowly, drawing out the words. "Tell me, what’s it like Dean?" If you weren't paying such close attention to him, you might have missed how his breath hitched and how his eyes darkened while he inched closer to you. The impish atmosphere between you two had suddenly altered, the circulating tension becoming thick and electric. His hand moved to your thigh under the table, his touch scalding, steady, while his other hand weaved through your fingers.
"It’s like…" He trailed off, his voice a whisper now, his lips brushing your ear. "Every time I see you, I have to resist the urge to…" He paused, cutting himself short as he moved back slightly. His breath was warm on your skin and he peered down at your lips once again, however this time, he appeared vulnerable.
"To what?" You whispered, barely able to get the words out as your heart pounded against your ribs. Dean’s eyes flicked back up to meet yours, his hand tautening on your leg, his thumb slowly rubbing your inner thigh. "To kiss you."
Before you could respond he closed the gap, his lips crashing into yours with a sudden, heated intensity that took your breath away. You melted into the kiss. All the teasing, the banter, the back-and-forth disappeared as you instinctively tangled your fingers into his hair, drawing him in.
Dean groaned softly against your lips, pleased by your instant reaction. His hand moved from yours to cup your cheek, his thumb gently gliding over your flushed skin as the kiss deepened. It was slow at first, then building, and heat swarmed your core when the hand gripping your thigh slid upwards. You felt the pent-up tension you'd been feeling all week, and since the moment you saw him, spill into your actions. He pressed flush against you, leaving no space, and you laid your legs overtop of his lap. His tongue licked your lips surface, grazing your teeth and you gasped, pulling away as much as he allowed.
Breathless and panting, Dean rested his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "That’s what it’s like," he rasped airily, his voice hoarse. And for the first time, you believed him. Things may really be different.
As you got lost in your thoughts, he began to chant your name with that same smile widening. Both his hands then seized your upper arms, shaking you tenderly as he repeated your name. "Tell me what you're thinking," he more or less pleaded.
"I'm thinking that, if I find out you're lying to get in my pants, I'll kill you," you smirked devilishly, peering up at him through hooded eyes. His eyes morphed into a darker shade of black, turned on by your threat. You giggled, lightly shaking your head. "I can't fake this baby," Dean sweet talks, and you note how his manner seems looser now that he's gotten how he feels off his chest.
He pecks your cheek. "You know, I was pretty hurt when you left with that guy the other night," he huffed like the memory still haunted him. You stifled your laugh. "Uh-huh?" His eyes narrowed at your teasing response, though his smile hardly wavered. "You think that's funny?"
"Yeah," you replied immediately with a shrug. "Especially since I was deliberately messing with you." Dean's brows shot into his forehead, creasing it in utter disbelief and bafflement. "I didn't sleep with him Dean," your tone lowers wantonly, "like I said, I wanted to take you down a few pegs."
His wide eyes crinkled as he erupted with laughter, stammering "touché" in between chuckles. You laughed along, admiring how carefree he was at that moment. When his stream of laughter died out, you gulped at the strange look he suddenly showed. "It's a shame," he stated cryptically. Your face twisted with puzzlement, which made Dean's dreamlike expression grow, apparently in deep contemplation. "What?" You snapped jokingly.
"Oh nothing," he sighed while his palms skated down to your torso, cupping your ribcage as he looked to the distance sadly. You smacked his side which made a snort escape him. "Oh, just... If only you left with me that night," he remarked dolefully, unable to hide that glint of lust-fueled wit. "If only," you reiterated with a strained sound, also unable to hide your looping thoughts, which were clouded by desire. "How about we make that happen?" He kissed your other cheek. His lips lingered there and his breath fanned your skin. "How about it?" You responded airily and Dean laughed at your consistent repetition, clearly trying to push his buttons in a way he's grown to love.
Without another word, he slides out of the booth and gently ushers you out, onto your feet, holding your hand firmly in his. With his spare hand, he drops some cash on the table and pulls you to his hip. He walked you both outside, leading you towards his car and you shuddered at the sight. It reminded you of the countless times he'd pick up Sam from school and you'd watch him from afar. The number of fantasies you had of him and that car made your body surge with a fierce, intoxicating need.
He opened his passenger seat and propped you inside, and you obediently admired his every move until he sat behind the wheel. One glimpse of his profile darting from you to the windscreen pushed you off the edge.
"Fuck," you quickly murmured, catching Dean off guard when you abruptly pounced on him, straddling his thighs. You cupped his dome, tugging on his short locks while his hands shot to your waist, dragging you downwards so he could grind into you. You both moaned into the messy kiss, so close to satisfaction, yet so far. He groaned your name when your lips moved to his neck, desperate to leave a mark. He reluctantly tried to halt your attack, but your need overpowered all logic. "I can't wait," he grunted when he wretched your face from his neck. Dean's head thumped against the seat's leather headrest and his eyes were glossy with a sort of determination.
"Get in the back," is all he ordered before he hastily assisted you onto the backseat. He climbed on top of you after grabbing a condom from the glove compartment, following your mouth eagerly, and pecking it a few times as he laid you down. "God you're sexy," he groaned. He then yanked off his jacket and shirt in two swift motions before that familiar smug expression consumed his features. "You're unbelievable," you scoffed and his smirk grew.
"I get that a lot," he commented jokingly and you smacked his side harder than before, displaying your exasperation. He laughed and you threaded your fingers into his hair again to shut him up. His mouth collided with yours, and his hands frantically removed both of your clothes. He sweared loudly when you bucked your hips up and rub his bulge —now covered by his boxers alone. His deep voice let out a surprising whimper when you did it again, this time using your hands to drag him down, clutching his defined hips.
You then had a sudden craving to admit to him how much you longed for this moment, but you opted for: "fuck me." Dean growled into your ear before kissing you rather harshly as he took himself out of his briefs. He cupped your bare breast, which is still partially hidden by your bra since he was too transfixed elsewhere to remove it completely.
When his cock hit your abdomen and he slid on the condom, you hummed a moan, biting your bottom lip in anticipation. "Jesus," he mumbled under his breath when his tip breached your slit. He smoothly glided inside, as if you were two puzzle pieces melding together. Your heart panged and you gasped, while Dean muttered nonsensically. He reared back to look into your eyes once he bottomed out. When he pulled away, his very breath abandoned his lungs as if his soul was now connected to your lips, and you'd be keeping it with you now and forever. For once, he actually felt like putty in someone's hands, and he didn't hate it. Not when you felt like Heaven, after years of experiencing Hellfire.
Underneath him, you remarked on how it felt to finally be touched by Dean... Addictive. Unhurriedly, he guided both your arms above your head, stretching out your spine, and holding your wrists in place with a single hand. The air stilled and you listened to his rapid heartbeats. The tension was palpable as his mouth descended onto yours —quickly going from slow and passionate, to needy and frenzied. Dean suddenly thrust and you yelped, which made him cease his movements immediately. He attempted to pull away from your mouth but you raised your head to pull him back down, unable to do anything else, not with your arms still hoisted above you. You rolled your hips into him and he released a lengthy grunt of approval, clearly understanding that you wanted him to resume his pounding.
He sped up his thrusting and you could barely hold back your cries, loving his strength and weight caging you in, and taking you roughly. Even though his lower half was aggressive, it was still Dean writhing into you, looking down at you with such tenderness, and kissing you in ways that made you hopelessly expect more. At this point, you'd take whatever he'd give you and thank him for it.
"Don't stop," you nearly shouted when your legs begun to shake. He released an animalistic sound, his strokes becoming increasingly choppy. Dean heaves your name, muttering, "You're some kind of fantasy, you know that?" Before you could respond he captured your lips, moaning into your mouth while his fingers slipped between you two. Suddenly his digits rubbed circles onto your clit and you gasped loudly, whining into his all-consuming kiss. You wrapped your legs around his waist and felt Dean smirk, but you couldn’t bring yourself to reprimand him when he makes you reach your climax, which rushes over you like a tidal wave, crashing into shore with a loud sob.
"Fuck," Dean's hips stuttered into you, and his eyes squeezed shut as he came, letting go of your wrists to prop himself up in a plank. He breathed in and out slowly, eyelids eventually fluttering open to witness you already surveying him, entranced by his face when it's full of ecstasy. "That was... Fucking amazing," he panted as he monitored your reddened complexion. You nodded, though you shied away from his gaze, feeling all too vulnerable, afraid that history was repeating itself, and you were already head-over-heels for Dean Winchester.
As your mind wandered into a dark place, Dean's calloused finger pads grabbed your attention when they caressed your jaw, swiping your cheek. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did," he chuckled airily to himself before continuing, "and give me a chance to do that again—many, many times."
Now it's his turn to seem sheepish and you laugh, partially in shock. "No strings attached?" You arched a brow as you questioned what you were, despite having not gone on an actual date yet. He displayed a genuine smile as he shook his head no. "I'm already tangled up in them," he confessed with a shrug.
Your heart flipped and you fought to remain stoic. You then lifted your index finger above your nose, right in his eye line. "I'm givin' you one chance... To do that, over and over again," you whispered sensually, biting back your shit-eating grin. A giddy, boyish look took over Dean's face and your laughter burst through, making your core clench around him and he sucked in a sharp breath.
"How about we start that 'one chance' right now?" You purred, smirking at the way his eyes playfully narrowed. "Gladly."
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lexithwrites · 2 days
Please more sugardaddy moonwater hcs. Pls!!
this might get long sorry (but this is kinda what i wanna write next so pls give me feedback) xoxo
they met through a sugar daddy website that james showed to remus one night (he's on it and is absolutely not telling him that he's met a guy)
remus is so embarrassed at first, he was on tinder like twice and had bad dates because of it so he isn't exactly confident this will work but he does get a lot of attention
he gets messages from kinda old guys, and a few older women, that are either way too pushy with what they want in return for an 'allowance' or just kinda creepy and he almost deletes it
then he gets a message off of someone young, maybe his age, and he's gorgeous
remus is so sure its a scam, no one can look that good and be on an app like this but he messages them anyway when they say hi first, and he asks about them and the guy is regulus arcturus black (he gives his full name, he's a loser) and he's literally just looking for company and someone to spend money on, nothing in return, he doesn't need it
remus is kinda shook because like what?? how is this guy lonely he must have friends but turns out regulus just has rich friends that can buy their own things, he doesn't have anyone to spend time with other than when he goes to family events which he hates
and remus is like okay,,,,maybe drinks first and regulus sends him the location of probably the nicest bar in london and remus is close to passing out because he cannot afford this at all but he said he'd go
he wears his nicest outfit (its a brown jumper and some nice trousers and his converse, he cant afford anything else rn because his cat started a hunger strike against the food he's had for a year and remus had to upgrade, kids eh?)
regulus is already there because he is never a minute late, and checking his rolex thinking he's been stood up but remus runs in like 'hi im so sorry i missed the train hi' and regulus is in love already, just straight up his heart starts hammering in his chest because not only is remus gorgeous in a weird, dorky way but he's just...he's adorable
regulus is calm tho, think levi ackerman levels of expression, he just kinda sits there arms folded and asks remus questions about his life and what he would like as an allowance and remus is just,,,confused?
he asks why regulus wants to spend his money on him and regulus insists he's bored (he's so fucking lonely and wants someone around him to dote on) and just needs a date to events as his parents are giving him shit for being single at 26
remus is unsure but decides fuck it, james can probably throw hands if regulus tried anything, and they agree to attend some gala together for regulus' family and remus says he'll have to get new clothes and regulus then sets up a date the next day to buy him an outfit and its a lil montage of regulus giving remus clothes to try its very cute
and is remus confused and guilt ridden for this man spending money on him? yeah, duh, but also he doesn't have to pay his bills anymore, he has amazing clothes, his stress levels are so fucking low than before, and he likes regulus....he really really likes him
and regulus is getting what he wants, but also he has remus lupin as eye candy and that's an added bonus, and god remus is so adorable and nerdy and he wants to climb him like a tree
also yes remus sees james at the event and he's like what the fuck are you doing here and turns out james is with HIS sugar daddy, aka regulus' brother and its a whole ordeal
and maybe one night regulus invites remus to stay with him for the night because its too late to get the train and he doesn't really want to let remus go and maybe they drink wine and maybe they touch just to see what its like and maybe MAYBE they kiss and make out and fuck slow and deep and then AND THEN—
i might write more if people like this idk,,,,
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mvrkieboo · 21 hours
Old Bloodhounds : Ringing Alarms
TWs : fucked up dynamics
A/N : since y'all wanted it so much... and it's not even good written smut too...
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Woojin and Geonwoo walked into the unit to see you weren’t in the living room, so they went to your room. When they opened the door of your room, you were on your bed, folded in on yourself, face down on the sheets. They could hear your muffled sobs. The video of Jaehyun trashing you was playing through your phone. Geonwoo moved to you, placing a hand on your shoulder blades. The gesture prompted you to sit up and let him pull you into an embrace as he sat on your bed.
Woojin was busying himself with your phone. He shut the video close, and took his liberties to read the texts between you and Yuno. He wanted to throw that phone out the window, and he didn’t really mind replacing it with a new one if he decided to go along with his impulses—but he held himself back and placed it on your nightstand. The way Yuno sounded so insensitive to what you were facing because of his own bitching…
Woojin sat on your other side, caging you between him and Geonwoo. As he watched you cry into Geonwoo’s chest, the crack in his house began to get bigger.
“You should consider kicking him out.” Woojin spoke quietly, and he didn’t think it could be so quiet in Seoul at 2 p.m., here in your bedroom.
You shook your head against Geonwoo’s neck and pulled away from him. You raised your hands to wipe away the tears off your face, looking down.
“That’d be really cruel. And it’d be an overreaction.” You whispered and Woojin tilted his head up as he rolled his eyes.
Geonwoo reached from behind you to hold Woojin’s shoulders, squeezing it as a warning as he sent the younger man a glare.
The younger man couldn’t care less.
“Cruel? Overreacting? Y/N, you’re getting lambasted on the internet by his fans when they don’t even know who you are, what you’ve been through—”
“But he didn’t post the video. He didn’t even know he was being recorded! He didn’t mean for this to happen, Woojin.” From the sound of your voice quivering and wavering, you were about to burst into tears again as you defended your older brother to the men who have been taking care of you since 3 years ago.
Woojin had it. He was getting sick of you talking to him without meeting his eyes.
He held both of your shoulders, making you face him.
“He’s acting like this mess is a really annoying minor inconvenience for him. Did you read the same texts that I read? Why are you defending him!”
“Woojin!” Geonwoo chided, dumbfounded that Woojin was berating you instead of comforting you.
Your hands went to the collars of his hoodie, pulling him closer as the tears in your eyes began to swell again.
“If I'm not defending him, that would mean I accept the reality that he actually doesn’t care about me anymore—that he will never see me as his sister anymore. I can’t accept that. I don’t want to.”
Their hearts completely broke at the sight of you breaking down all over again, letting go of his collars as your body slumped forward until your face met Woojin’s chest. Woojin was frozen for a second until he wrapped his hands around you, as Geonwoo scooted closer, placing his hand on your shoulder blade like he did before. Woojin placed a kiss on your crown, mentally beating himself up for the harsh words from earlier.
You raised your head to meet Woojin’s eyes, pressing your cheek against his chest as Geonwoo peered from above you to look at your face as you spoke, “Both of you are the only real things to me right now. You’re the only ones who know everything about me.”
Something in the way you said it, the way you worded it, it got to them both in an instant. The way you looked with tears streaming down your face, the red around your eyes and above your cheeks, the way your nose was red, the way your lips were all swollen…the way you looked like you were asking for a kiss and all the comforting and distraction they could offer to get your mind off this mess. Geonwoo’s breath was stuck in his throat, while Woojin’s breathing went shallow.
There was an alarm going off inside their heads.
It was almost like you put Woojin under some sort of trance as he mindlessly placed a palm on your open cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours.
You closed your eyes as it rolled back, placing a hand on Woojin’s neck as he pulled you in closer, his arm around your back coiling tighter. Geonwoo placed his hands on your waist, going under your tank top, hands going up and down until they reached the edge of your bra and shorts. At one point, he did go all the way up—hands going up to your breasts and squeezed, before going down again, making you moan against Woojin’s lips at the loss.
When Woojin released you from the kiss that started off sweet but ended in filth, he made quick work of taking your tank top off. Once that's off, Geonwoo pushed your head to the side so your face could meet his.
Guilt ate away his heart, so he placed a soft kiss on your nose first that pulled a sweet sounding giggle out of you. When that smile stayed on your face, only then did he pull you in for a more filthy kiss that urged him to consume you, your mind and heart—you wanted a distraction, he'll give you that. Because you asked, because you wanted it. Woojin and he were always willing to give you what you asked of them, even if you never did what they always wanted of you—to be happy for once in your life.
Your arms went to his hair as Woojin placed open mouthed kisses down your jaw and neck. When his lips reached your collarbone, his hand went behind you to undo your bra. The cold air from your air conditioner made you shiver, your nipples perking up. You broke the kiss with Geonwoo and covered your breasts with your arms, and Woojin merely sighed and took off his hoodie.
Then, he gently held your arms, looking conflicted.
“Do you really want this?”
You nodded, and you felt Geonwoo's chest behind you deflate in relief.
“Then don't cover yourself up. We know you too well already, Y/N.”
They've seen you at your lowest, they've seen you struggle, how you clawed and dug just to live for another day. They know you too well.
You slowly let your arms down, and Geonwoo moved you until your back was leaning against his chest while Woojin moved your legs, slotting himself between them. The sight made your whole body flush. Geonwoo placed his face next to yours, but when you turned to kiss him, he gripped your face and made sure you were directly looking at Woojin taking off your shorts, slowly sliding down the garments—but as it reached your mid thighs, he realised he needed to get off of you to take it off completely, so he opted to tear it instead.
“Those are my favourites—” You gasped, but it dissolved into a moan as Woojin latched onto your nipple as he rubbed up on your thighs.
Geonwoo chuckled good-naturedly beside you and turned his head a little so he whispered directly into your ear.
“We'd buy you new ones, okay?”
You nodded. Geonwoo gave you a playful nibble on the earlobe for being so agreeable.
Woojin lightly sucked on your nipple before letting it go and went to the other one. His hands were groping the meat of your thighs, before moving north—to meet your inner thighs. When he was satisfied with his work on your chest, he moved his lips down in a trail of hot open mouthed kisses that had you panting as Geonwoo—already finished with teasing and biting your ear—gave you hickeys on your neck.
When Woojin's lips met the edge of your panties, your leg instinctively closed around him. The action made Woojin click his tongue.
“What did we say, Y/N? You could push all the other ones away, but not us.” Woojin spoke calmly.
Geonwoo let go of suckling on a particularly sweet spot on the crook of your neck to whisper into your ear again, “Never us.”
His tone of voice, although merely a whisper, dripped with so much authority it made you open your legs for Woojin almost automatically. Woojin sent you a small smile, “Atta girl. That's our Y/N.”
Woojin's hand went to your hips, playing with the fabric of your panties, “Was this expensive?”
“Yes.” You bemoaned, knowing the fate of your undergarment.
“It's a good thing we're rich, then.” Geonwoo chuckled, pressing a kiss on your jaw.
They didn't give you a moment to grieve over your most expensive pair of panties as Woojin didn't even bother to tease you first—his lips found your cunt rather quickly, licking a long stripe from the bottom of your slit to your clit.
Your hands went straight to his head, your legs already trembling as it fought the urge to close around him.
“Woojin!” You gasped out, and Geonwoo moaned from behind you.
“I can't wait until I make you moan my name like that.” He groaned into your shoulder, before biting down on the skin.
Woojin placed his hands on your thighs seeing how it was obviously trembling, feeling gracious enough to hold it apart for you as he wrapped his lips around your clit to suck on it.
The feeling was so intense it had your upper body squirming on top of Geonwoo's person. You didn't even realise what you were doing to Geonwoo until he chuckled again, resting his forehead on the side of your head while grunting under his breath. Only then were you aware of something poking on your lower back.
Despite being aware Geonwoo's hard-on was pressed behind you, you couldn't even get shy over it because Woojin was eating you out so good it had you crying again. When Geonwoo finally noticed the tears, he sighed.
“Come here, baby. Let me kiss you.”
You obediently turned your head to kiss him again. You could feel Geonwoo's hips behind you was starting to move on its own, grinding his clothed bulge against your back for his own stimulation.
When you felt Woojin's tongue hit a particularly sweet spot inside you, it made your sanity slip momentarily—resulting in you biting down on Geonwoo's lips, hard enough that it drew blood, as you came all over Woojin's face.
He let go of the kiss, a knee jerk response to the sting and you mumbled out your apology pathetically—you had tasted his blood and you realised what you had done. Geonwoo let out a big smile and licked on the nicked part, recognising this was just you marking him like he had also marked you. He loved how the hickeys littered under your jaw and neck. Especially now as you basked in your post-orgasmic glow.
Woojin pulled himself up, wiping on the corner of his lips with the back of his hand.
“Geonwoo, is it okay if I…?” Woojin asked the oldest one in the bedroom rather calmly, like he didn't just pull out an orgasm from you just a second ago.
But the look behind his eyes was anything but calm.
Geonwoo nodded and pulled you away, taking a pillow to place it under your head before letting you down completely.
When he stood, he looked down at his pants and laughed at the stain. Woojin scrunched his brows while you stared at it dumbly, still coming down from your high.
“Geez, I cummed just from grinding against you, Y/N. I need some time to get hard again, so Woojin is gonna fuck you first, alright?” He cooed, bending down for a bit to pat your cheeks.
Woojin, now knowing that Geonwoo had given him the greenlight, started to take off his sweatpants and boxers in one go, throwing it into a pile on the floor. Geonwoo took his sweater and pants off as he walked to the armchair that was situated just three feet away from your bed.
He sat down with his legs spread open, watching you and Woojin like a hawk.
Woojin was kneeling between your legs, cock hard and already leaking some precum. When he lowered down so he could see your face directly, he saw the tear tracks on your cheeks and went to touch them.
The conflicted look behind his eyes made a return.
“You made me feel too good.” You mumbled out, your hand coming up to hold his.
You moved his hand so his thumb could rest on your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth to suck on it.
“There's no such thing as too good.” Woojin laughed a little, breathless.
And you wanted to say there were such things as too good. Like pizza, the fall season, and Geonwoo and Woojin who were always taking care of you without expecting anything back.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, “Fuck me, please.”
“And do you really want that?”
And Geonwoo and Woojin have always given in to your wants and needs. This shouldn't be anything new.
Woojin nodded and lined the tip of his cock to your entrance before slowly pushing in, shoulder almost flinching at the sound of your sigh. When he was all the way in, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
The kiss was just as filthy as the last, a string of saliva connecting your lips as you pulled away.
“Move.” You moaned out, and Woojin nodded again.
The tempo was slow at first, so Woojin could make sure you were well adjusted to his shape and size. At the sight of Woojin fucking you, Geonwoo took out his own cock and started to pump up and down, matching Woojin's tempo. The tempo picked up when Woojin could confirm you were getting used to his cock, but you just had to be greedy for more.
Was this greediness the result of them spoiling you? Did you like being greedy? Do you want them to spoil you more? How could they spoil you more when they're already crossing the line to satisfy you—comforting you by fucking you. By baring the teeth they take no pleasure in baring?
“Woojin, I want it faster.” You gasped out, your hips moving on their own to meet his thrusts for added stimulation.
“Faster?” Woojin snipped out, eyes glaring down at you.
So greedy. So needy. But how could they say no to you? You ask and they deliver. Always.
He gave one particularly hard thrust that had the headboard slamming against the wall, and it also had you scream out his name in pure bliss.
“Yes! I want it like that!”
Wish granted and Woojin grunted. He picked up the pace, and picked up your hips every time he thrusted in, thrusted harder and harder until your moans turned into screams. He hated how your words kept him going, he lived for the way you screamed his name, the way your eyes rolled back, the way your nails scratched down his back. Geonwoo bit the finger of his free hand, until his teeth tore into the skin of his fingertip and drew blood. He stopped pumping when he felt his own orgasm coming close.
“Fuck. I never liked being hard and fast.” Woojin grunted under his breath, already feeling himself coming close.
He always preferred to fuck slow and deep, but you had asked for otherwise so he granted it.
Like he always would.
“It's okay, I'm close too.” You spoke sweetly, a pretty smile on your pretty flush face, hands raking through his hair so nicely.
“Yeah?” Woojin finally broke out into a sincere smile since this mess began.
They didn't mind crossing this line as long as you smiled like that. Smiling so prettily as if you were actually happy.
When your eyes rolled back and eyebrows scrunched in together, your fingers now suddenly pulling on his hair and scratching against his scalp, he knew he didn't need your verbal answer. Your cunt was beginning to grip tighter, like a telltale sign.
Woojin held your face, pressing a kiss on the side of your head before speaking into your ear, “Anything for you, Y/N. Whatever you want—have it.”
That's when you reached your high, arching your back off the bed, almost ripping Woojin's hair out.
He rode out your high for as long as he could before pulling out to cum on your stomach.
Your second orgasm put you into a longer haze, and when you finally came to your senses again, Woojin was already lying next to you and catching his breath while Geonwoo was the one on top of you now, but for some reason moving down your body until his face matched your lower stomach, still covered in Woojin's cum.
You were breathless when he lowered down to clean it up, licking Woojin's cum away slowly and deliberately.
“Ah, Geonwoo—” You moaned, your body still super sensitive from your earlier orgasm. Your hand reached out to his hair.
“Shhh. It's okay. Someone needs to clean you up.” He spoke, words muffled against your skin.
After he was finished, he sat up straight and pulled you up with him.
“Do you wanna go get cleaned up in the bathroom, baby?” He asked gently with a smile on his face as he stroked your face, pushing your hair back while he's at it.
You went to hug him, pressing your face against the crook of his neck.
“No. Let me ride you, please?”
He laughed and moved the both of you so he could rest his back against the headboard. Woojin watched the both of you closely.
“Since you asked so nicely.”
Since you wanted it.
You lined your slit above his cock and sunk down, both you and Geonwoo releasing a deep sigh as you sheathed yourself over him. Geonwoo gripped on your waist, pulling your attention to him.
“Do whatever you want. I’d feel good as long as you do too.” He smiled sweetly at you.
You blinked at him before looking at Woojin who was lying on the other end of the bed.
“How does he like it, Woojin?”
Woojin snorted.
“He's the one who likes to go hard and fast. Go crazy with him, Y/N.”
That's all you needed to hear.
You rode him hard and fast, and the angle made it all the more pleasurable. Geonwoo's cock was hitting so deeply inside you in a way you never thought you needed before. Lost in your pleasure, your hands on Geonwoo's chest kept slipping up so he guided them to coil around his neck instead.
He pulled you in for a kiss, and pulled away with a sigh.
“Since you're working so hard right now, you get to skip gym for tomorrow. I'm sure you already burned off more than enough calories.”
Geonwoo can be real funny when he wants to be.
“No skipping classes though, okay?” He chuckled at his own joke and suddenly decided to thrust up into you for some reason.
(He saw how you were getting tired, that's why.
Maybe they should work on your legs at the gym next time.)
He pushed his hips up as he pulled your hips down with tight grips around your waist. It'd bruise tomorrow, and it'd just be one of many marks that Geonwoo made upon your skin.
The switch up knocked the wind out of you, your mind going dumb at the angle, the harshness and the pacing. You were practically bouncing off of him too at how hard he was thrusting.
Kind, sweet Geonwoo—greedy and monstrous despite the guilt that ate away his chest.
When you scratched at his neck and shoulders, you caught how his eyes rolled back at the sting, and how his hips stuttered when you did it. He really loved to mark and to be marked.
“You close, sweetie?” He asked breathlessly.
You could barely give a nod at his question, but he could tell anyway. It was you, how could he not tell? The girl he's been taking care of with Woojin since 3 years ago, the girl who's been leaning on them ever since you met them. The girl that they're trying to help be happy again.
“Geonwoo…” You whined softly, feeling close to cumming, and he nodded as he stroked your face, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I'm right here, baby. Have what you want, since I'm right here with you, okay?”
A few more thrust and you came undone. However—because he had been staving off his own orgasm for a while now—as soon as you came, he quickly flipped you over so he could ride out your orgasm just like Woojin did, and pulled out to cum on your thighs instead of your stomach. He dropped his whole body on top of yours, slightly tired unlike your complete exhaustion.
“That felt good.” You groaned out, wrapping your hands around Geonwoo.
The alarm was ringing inside your heads.
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• taglist • (i hate y'all)
@nominzn @grassbutneo @pandagirl753 @spicyryujin @413ktz @sunghoonsgfreal @trfggv @naviiy @lizzieray @shiionknow @morkiee @soobinbunnie5 @bee-the-loser @johnuskglasses @oneeew @jwonsluvr @beyoursunrise @czenniesworld @calssunflower @uneviemorose @pink-milk37
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kernsing · 3 days
never over the fact that han yoohyun remains also a victim of child neglect/abandonment/having adult responsibilities foisted upon him too young even as he grows up under yoojin’s care. it’s not yoojin’s fault, he did his best and he did good raising yoohyun but. you’re not supposed to be able to hurt your parent, you’re not supposed to learn how to manage your parent’s emotions/wellbeing/public image, you’re not supposed to have to fear for their physical safety and desperately try to figure out a way to protect them, you’re not supposed to be capable of real cruelty toward them, not supposed to be able to fuck up their life. but your parent is your brother who is only five years older than you, and suddenly the new and dangerous world demands you (you who are new and dangerous too) in its spotlight, and you are just a child and he was just a child. the world is so wholly unjust to both of them and i will never fault either for how their relationship was in shambles for three/eight years, even when han yoohyun makes his terrible decisions with terrible consequences, paving the road to hell. you’re not supposed to be able to hurt your parent like that. you’re not supposed to be a brother that he needs to rely on, just as much as you rely on him, both of you abandoned.
haven’t even mentioned yet how you’re not really human you don’t understand humans you try your best for your brother but you Don’t Get It, how and why society works and the full emotional harm its hatred can wreak. you might see it but you don’t get it like physical danger and there is so much of that latter danger in the world now. you might see him and keep tabs on him but you don’t get your brother, that he needs you like you need him because of the very fact that you need him and children realizing their parents are complete emotional beings is not something that should happen before you learn to stand on your own. and learning to stand on your own, paradoxically and inevitably, takes much longer when you are forced to grow up too fast. you are forced to mature too early and so you are immature in ways invisible. so many flavors of terrible responsibilities foisted upon them that no one should ever bear (raising a child while you are a child/the world is on fire and so are you/your parent also needs you to bear your shared emotional burden).
it’s so unfair. i’m bundling them both up in a blanket. han yoojin’s childhood was stolen away so he could give this simulacrum of a childhood to his brother but the world is terrible and yoojin is just a child too and it’s not possible it’s not his fault that the wonderful beautiful childhood he built is not, cannot be the bulwark in the face of brutal reality, that delicate childhood shaped by hands still so small too.
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lasouge · 3 days
Itoshi sae x fem.Reader
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From a young age, Sae had a sentence on his arm, and it would be the first thing his soulmate will said to him.
But it has been bothering him for many years.
Because the sentence is "Shidou, I've always admired your ......"
What the fuck is this?
This seems to be the opening sentence before the confession, but,
And Who is the fuck Shidou ?
● English is not my native language, there may be grammar issues
The words on Sae's arm were something he hated.
It always has been.
First of all, Sae was sure that he would never change his name to something as ugly as Shidou.
Sae is his name.
Well, otherwise, his soulmate will confess to others, and in front of him
Otherwise, he and his soulmate won't be together.
Anyway, let this Shidou and these things go to hell!
It's as if God was playing a joke on him.
He wouldn't easily show his damn arm in front of everyone.
(Except for one time when he undressed in the locker room, but he quickly covered his arms indifferently.)
The sentence was on his arm, like a damn tattoo, and maybe someone would misunderstand, because it was like some teenager's stupid declaration.
And he didn't know any damn Shidou at all
Before the age of eighteen, he had never hated someone he had never met so much.
And, does his soulmate really prefer someone else?
Choose this Shidou?
Shidou? It sounds quite foolish
Moreover, only after seeing soulmates, will the words on the arm completely disappear.
He had be in a bad mood. He often has a bad temper, he is often sarcastic, cold to people, and expressionless,
but he can't be blamed, as soon as he shows his arms and then looks down to see it, his patience for the day can easily be lost.
Then he met the real Shidou Ryusei. SAE picked him for a team, and a large part of that was why.
Sae thought expressionlessly,
That's it? Is this premature ejaculation demon? It's just as stupid as he thought.
His future soulmate would choose this person instead of him.
Later he teamed up with this guy to compete,
If don't talk about personal grievances, this person's ability to compete is good.
When it comes to competition, everyone needs to put their personal feelings aside and concentrate on it.
Sae could consider continuing to team up with him.
But Sae still hated him.
HE DON'T want to have any close contact with him.
Shidou didn't know why, of course. Because Sae has hated his name for many years and has been conditioned.
You don't know much about football. You're coming to see the game with your older brother.
Your brother is obviously more excited than you are, and he loves these sports. And the players he supports just won.
You look at your brother cheering.
Well, sometimes he took you with him to watch the game, you're used to it.
In Your family, your uncle, dad, and brother all have their own teams to support. They also argued because of the different teams they support.
You sit a little bit at the front, and these seats were managed by your brother with great difficulty. The audience is very large, and the shouts fill your ears.
Your brother was visibly excited, "I said, they're going to win!" We're going to get autographs! Look, we're sitting very far forward! ”
He's talking about player Oliver Aiku, shidou ryusei, itoshi sae...
but you don't know these players. It's just that your family members are fanatical.
"I don't know what to say! I haven't spoken to a football player! "You complained to your brother.
Your brother pulls you to the front to get autographs, and you've never been up close to the players before.
Your brother tells you to just praise them and get them to sign your clothes.
Sign it on the clothes, oh my God, it's so embarrassing.
Thankfully, you wore long sleeves today to get them to write on your sleeves.
You're pretty sure your brother will collect these clothes……
The fans around you are so enthusiastic that they are yelling, waving their arms and greeting the team that comes their way.
Oliver Aiku high-fived them and signed them with lipstick.
You hear the fans start calling Shidou's name, so you squeeze in.
"Player shidou, I've been... I've always admired your ...... character and ability..."
Oh, what are you talking about? Forget it, complete your brother's mission! Then go home!
"Please... Can you give us a signature? Thank you. ”
yes, give my brother the damn autograph he wants!
You huddle in the crowd and smile.
But the person in front of you is not Shidou, you glance at the name on the jersey:
Itoshi Sae.
All right...Your smile freezes.
“I'm Sorry……”
His green eyes are cold, and he looks at you with a blank face.
It's a shame. You don't dare to look at the athlete's face.
Sae frowned slightly, he heard that. Yes.
He looks at you, his ...... Soul mates?
So all this was a misunderstanding, and that sentence was just a misunderstanding, not what he thought?
Is the meeting with your soulmate so sudden? Apparently.
Heaven is too good at joking
And you, he looks at you,
You look overwhelmed and a little nervous, as if you want to explain something.
Your body stiffens,
You're squeezed by the crowd a bit,
You stumble on the ground in front of Sae standing, and will felk next to his sneakers.
All you think about is that you're going to have to lose face a second time in front of Itoshi Sae. No.
You won't agree to go to a game with your brother again. Never
Before you can touch the ground, Sae reaches out to catch you.
You were pulled into his arms
Itoshi Sae hugs a girl! A girl in the audience!
So your brother opens his mouth wide, and the camera points here, and his teammates exclaim.
But sae didn't care.
You like a butterfly, pounce into his arms and land on his fingertips with a slight floral scent.
He can smell the light scent in your hair.
His soulmate
You're blushing.
You're obviously not used to being the center of attention. You apologize to him, you want to go back to your brother, and you don't care about signing autographs
But his hand is still grasping your arm and not letting go.
“Player Itoshi ?……” You look at him, a little confused.
Your brother is completely shocked, Sae's teammates are heckling again, and reporters can't wait to ask questions.
But everything around him is far away from him, and he just looks at you
Although his emotional control ability is top-notch, his heart now is not at all, he knows it.
Although he still looks cold on the surface, he knows that he wants to hold you in his arms again and feel this feeling again.
He was not used to this new emotion, not at all.
He took a breath, his tone the same as usual
"Do you know you've been bothering me for a long time?"
yes, how bothered him you were.
And not only because of the words on his arm . He is still messing with his heart in a new way.
He knew that his heart could not be so calm again.When see you.
even though his expression is as calm as ever.
But you open your eyes wide and say "what the hell?!" ”
You show your arm and It says "Do you know you've been bothering me for a long time?" ”
He's your soulmate?!
Well, it seems that this sentence is also bad on your arm and may have tormented you for many years as well.
It seems that you have been fair to each other.
You look at Sae seriously this time, it turns out that he is that person.
In the past, when you looked at the words on your arm, you always thought that you would be hated or rejected by your soulmate, and you would be sad when you thought about it.
You're glad it's not what you thought it was. But...
Your brother suddenly said loudly, "You are soul mates?!" He was so surprised that he accidentally blurted out.
You want to cover his mouth, but by the time you realize it, the reporters are already around. You wince, you're really not used to this kind of situation, you and your brother are a little overwhelmed.
Sae is young and a good player, and even if you don't know football, you know him as one of the New gen world's 11.
The news on the phone seems to mention that he is suspected of having a beautiful model girlfriend in a relationship, although you don't know if it's true.
Maybe he will reject you, too.
And in front of countless people, isn't that worse than you think before…
The cameras flickered, and the reporters kept asking all kinds of questions. You have to twist your face to the side, you don't want to be photographed.
"Sae, will she be your new girlfriend?"
"How's your last relationship?
Is she really your soulmate? How do you want to choose? ”
You keep your head down, but you feel someone pull you into his arms.
Sae hugs you and presses your face into his arms to keep your front from being photographed more.
You were caught off guard.
Your face is almost as red as his hair color.
Your face is against his jersey, and you smell him deeply, the smell of dry sweat, and the faint scent of his body.
Your eyes are wide open and your limbs are stiff.
You hear him say, "She is.
“ Is my soul mate"
"I've never had anyone else, and I don't have to make any choices."
He said he never had anyone else.
Only you are the imprint of each other's souls.
One day you'll be around each other, like this.
Even if you are caught off guard.
Yes, you will not choose someone else, and he will also not choose someone else
You look up at Sae's green eyes, your eyes are full of surprise . He looks at you, and there is a softness in his cold eyes.
He and his soulmate are destined to embrace each other in the spotlight.
The words on arms disappeared, but the soulmates finally found each other
Your brother: Great, so can we sit in the family seats to watch the game from now on? The view must be good.
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lurkingshan · 6 hours
What are your favorite examples of deep unbridled yearning in a bl? I think my is I told the sunset about you the way they used the coconut smell to showcase one the leads feelings for the other was so unique and sensual. He starts out hating coconut and how it smells but slowly as he falls in love he becomes obsessed with it since it's the other MLs unique scent and he uses it on everything, so we get a scene of him inhaling a paper written by the MLs coconut pen and then another one just devouring a coconut like it's the best thing in earth. I don't think I have ever seen such a depiction of attraction/love/lust that's so different but also visceral and beautiful and it really stuck with me. It's very different but it's one of the rare romance things that I'll never forget akin to the hand flex from pride and prejudice.
So you want to talk about yearning.
*Lan Wangji has entered the chat*
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There’s a lot of good yearning in the romance genre, and plenty of bls feature it. The example you gave from ITSAY is definitely one of the standouts in terms of how visceral it felt. I will never forget Teh shoving his whole face into that coconut, or all the super charged scenes where he and Oh-aew stare at and touch each other and keep testing boundaries until they break.
There are definitely other expressions of yearning that stick out for me for one reason or another, and not all in this same tone.
The Untamed
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Let’s get this out of the way upfront, because no one can step to this man on yearning. He adopted a whole child and named him after his yearning for his lost love. What I love about the presentation of Lan Wangji's particular flavor of yearning is how steady and matter of fact it is. He is always yearning for Wei Wuxian and it's just a part of who he is, whether his love is alive or dead. And while I love that Teh is such a big mess of emotions, I also like this more understated flavor of yearning where nothing is ever said out loud but Lan Wangji's feelings are clear in how he chooses to live his life. He's the poster boy for "actions speak louder than words."
Eternal Yesterday
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I'm not sure if you've seen this one, but it's one of the most poignant and devastating depictions of yearning I have ever seen. Mitsuru yearned for Koichi so hard that he kept his body alive for precious extra days and his memory alive forever. Brb gonna go cry.
Utsukushii Kare 2
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This is probably one of the more unique expressions of the emotion (on brand for this series), since this sequel season has Kiyoi yearning for the man who is already his boyfriend to love him for real instead of idolizing and holding him from a distance. It's one of my favorite explorations of how lonely we can feel even while in a relationship.
I Cannot Reach You
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This show wins for best visual effects to convey yearning, with a beautiful bokeh effect taking over the screen in moments when the characters were extra in their feelings over each other.
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Wei Yuan's yearning was more of the desperate and hopeless variety, especially in his teens years when he knew his feelings for his adoptive older brother were impossible. I liked that his feelings were expressed via caretaking; he didn't think he could have the relationship he really wanted with Wei Qian, so he made it his mission to take care of him and help shoulder his burdens instead.
I Feel You Linger in the Air
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This story stands out in my memory for its dedication to anticipatory yearning. That is, knowing a separation is coming against your will and yearning desperately for the person who is still in front of you. Yai and Jom did not want to let each other go despite knowing they could not stay together, and that yearning was so strong it ultimately connected them through time.
Theory of Love
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And on the comedic end of the spectrum, I absolutely cannot end this list without giving a shoutout to one of the funniest manifestations of yearning that has ever graced my screen. Every time his feelings for Khai got overwhelming, Third ran to the bathroom for a Sadness Shower, and if the water wasn't working he was happy to improvise (and now I am cackling).
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A favorite character of mine is Daja Kisubo from the Circle of Magic series, by Tamora Pierce. This series is about four children who are orphaned and brought to the Circle Temple to be raised, where it is discovered that they all have unusual magic that works through crafting or the elements, called ambient magic, and follows them as they grow and become some of the most powerful mages in the world. 
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(Cover art of Cold Fire)
Daja is a Black girl and a Blue Trader (ocean going) whose family died when their ship sunk in the storm.  Daja is the only survivor and so is considered bad luck and sent away to the Circle temple.  At the temple she meets the other three main characters who become her foster sisters and brother, and the two dedicates who become their foster mothers. She also discovers her own magic is in metal and fire and smithing when she meets her mentor, an older Black man and blacksmith, Frostpine.
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(Art by @minuiko who has amazing art for this series and Tamora Pierce's other books too)
Daja has always been my favorite because she's strong and steady for the outside world but with her new family and mentor you can see how deeply she feels and the love and support that she gets from them. Also she's so wildly powerful and makes such beautiful crafts and becomes such a good teacher when she's older (also I got my degree in metalworking/jewelry so now we have that in common).  
The series itself has such good world building and a really excellently fleshed out magic system. The first quartet, aimed at younger readers, features the main four as the children become a family, develop their powers, and start to heal the trauma that brought them to the temple in the first place, with Daja reuniting with the Trader people and being able to reestablish bonds, even as she stays with her temple family.
The second quartet has the kids splitting up as journeymen, traveling with their teachers to develop their skills. Each of them finds a mystery to solve and students to teach. Daja's students end up being two mixed Black girls (twins) who are very different and stretch both her patience and her own skills as she has to find separate ways to teach them (much to Frostpine's amusement), as well as solve the mysterious arson cases that are on the rise in town.
In the later books, as young adults, Daja and her siblings reunite and struggle to connect the way they did so easily when they were children. We also get to see her explore her sexuality and discover that she's a lesbian, which was so awesome when it came out and young me read it back in 2005.
These books and Daja especially have always been super important to me since I was a kid, and now honestly I've made myself need to go reread them. 
Hot Chocolate: BLACK WOMEN IN FANTASY LET'S GOOOOO! I always love to see this because they have just as much right to magical powers as everyone else dammit! Anyway this story sounds WONDERFUL, I might make it the next fiction book that I read with my mother, After we read Children of Virtue and Vengeance. Anywho, the story reminds me of one of the D&D campaigns I'm playing in where; 4 of us became foster siblings and are now supporting each other, while figuring out what's the deal with our essentric and powerful king. Not to mention figuring out our place in these positions of power. Daja sounds delightful, and her power set sounds like the Orisha Ogun. I love everything about this!
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solstices-dreams · 2 days
𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐝𝐫 𝐩𝐭. 𝟏.
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𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐝𝐫. ᝰ.ᐟ
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— 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢.
17 years old (aug. 23), she/they, 5’4
She was my first friend ever, we’ve been friends since elementary school so we’ve been through alll the cringe phases with each other. She’s definitely my best best friend, no shade on my others but she’s the one who gets me. I think we’ll have matching bracelets, not sure what kind but we’re matching.
She has a hispanic mom who can be strict but she loves me and her food-!! omg!! Her dad’s black and he’s pretty tall and big and he likes me too, probably calls me by some nickname b/cuz i’m so close with Maria. And he’s the good cop, so if we ever get in trouble we’ll tell him, not her mom.
Her younger brother is Matteo, (NOT mattheo riddle). He and I are also close just bcuz of Marie. He loves food and is lokey a popular kid in his grade but he still hangs out around our grade and we text somewhat often.
Maria’s usual nicknames are Marie, Mar, Mari. She’ll be the type to call you out on your bs like Angie, she also makes a couple race jokes but she never means them. I’m her token white girl when she takes me to the bsu (black student union.) She also does volleyball for a sport. She’s somewhere on the bisexual/pansexual spectrum of liking a lot of genders.
She’s in all the same type of classes as me, honors and APs and she’s best at english and history. (not better than me tho, we tie or I do better… but no jealousy !) But she’s my fav, my homegirl and also a potential s/o… She also calls you “girl” regardless of gender, unless you ask her not too. And she also makes sure to switch up your pronouns if you go by a couple.
they remind me of : dark red, scarves, soft blankets, brown color palette, hello kitty, nose highlighter, a good book with a warm fire
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— 𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐨.
16 years old (june 6), she/they, 5ft
She has two older brothers who are both blonde and pale like her. Her family is academically driven and she’s super smart, (honors & ap classes) especially in math. She’s pretty soft spoken and quiet and definitely a bookworm but you can have really indepth conversations with her. If you want to vent to her she’s awesome because she gives good constructive criticism and I have her sometimes check over whatever I’m writing for school or fanfic… b/c yes, i’m a fanfic writer in my teen life dr.
She’s super organized and has really neat notes, like angie, so if I ever miss a class I’m asking them for notes. We became friends in middle school, she was an 8th grade transfer then ended up going to the same highschool as me. I don’t really think she’s do any sports, maybe track? I think she might do yearbook or matheletes, a more strict club ig? Probably photography club and an Asian ethnicity clubs and she would def run a position, maybe secretary so she doesn’t have to talk too much. It’s not social anxiety on her part she just doesn’t like having to be told to speak up all the time. She’s also crazy levelheaded, all my other friends get passionate about stuff, but she’s chill.
She has cool pins on her bags too and she’s a thrift queen, i know me and the gals are gonna have so much fun thrifting !! And Yvette is aro/ace and rarely experiences attraction, also maybe demisexual-? I don't know a ton about nonattraction terms but she doesn't get crushes or feel attraction often and when she does it can be any gender.
they remind me of : light green, neat notes, mochi, organized pantries, sterile, white, pressed sheets, glasses with thin frames
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— 𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜.
17 years old (oct. 3), she/they, 5’6
Holy shit- this girl… she has energy constantly. I met her in highschool. We usually call her “moxie” instead of maxine and occasionally “max.” She’s also an emoji abuser and she def has cheesy pick up lines and she sends you a shit ton of tiktoks and she uses the tiktok [proud] emoji a ton. “What’s cookin good looking? [stomps light up sketchers] [proud]”
She’s the one jumping around at parties and saying “oh my god I love this song!” Not organized at all… miss gurl is always losing stuff so I make sure to take a copy of all my homework because no doubt she’ll come asking for an extra. She does soccer, softball, and basketball. She’s pretty smart, she’s in only honors or ap history or english, she hates math so she and yvette make a funny pair.
“Y’all i’m not even joking- i just flunked that test, the only thing I got right was my name-“
She has a dad who’s like… really rich. She doesn’t really care though but sometimes she can totally forget how rich she is compared to others in the group. I love whenever she invites to do stuff because it’s always cool and paid for. She has a step mom she doesn’t particularly care for and is a little blunt with her but she’s not a bad person, just doesn’t like the step mom feeling like a replacement. Unlabeled sexuality queen, girls, guys, if there’s a will there’s a way,
they remind me of : party girl, champagne glasses, sparkles, gold, energy, party city, gold/silver tinsel
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— 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐬𝐨𝐧.
17 years old (dec. 3), she/her, 5’7
She’s so annabeth chase and angelica schyuler. She’s so SMART LIKE OMG. She’s all honors and then AP lab classes so if I’m not doing well in a class i got to her. She’s the smartest in the groups (besides me 🌝) She is mother.
She’s such a queen and can explain stuff so well, she wants to be a doctor or lawyer to earn a lot of money and I have feeling she’d be really good at either. Argumentative feminist queen, I am her #1 fan girl. And she’d look so good in a lab coat, like, YES MOTHER! I trust you with my life.
She’s also very mature and she’s the tallest in our group of girls, she has so much patience for putting up with Moxie and Maddy and then me and marie’s out-of-pocket shirt and a Diego and danny’s gremelin behavior. NASTY SIDE EYE. she literally looks you out of the corner of your eye and you *knowww* you’re in trouble.
She does volleyball (she’s so gorgeous in the uniform) dive and softball with Max. She literally has amazing fashion sense, all dark and pretty with her skin tone and her MAKEUP? BARK BARK I’M SO GAY. (and she’s bi!) And she gets her braids done and humors me when I ask her a ton of questions about the process.
they remind me of : dark academia, annabeth chase, cabin 8, thought daughter, red lipstick, angelica schuyler
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— 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐲.
16 years old (mar. 21), she/her, 5’4
I know her the least since she and angie are really close, also Moxie a bit. She’s got energy, not as chaotic as moxie but she’s usually talking and smiling. She does volleyball and softball, she’s not as accident-prone as Angie but rarely a week goes by without her saying she hurt something at practice.
she reminds me of light pink glitter and kind of like warm sunlight through windows, not quite the burning heat of the sun but how it warms the wood if that makes sense. She definitely gives youngest sibling vibes, cuz… she is!!
Like I said… know her the least but she’s still important to the gang.
Volleyball and softball. She and angie are pretty close.
they remind me of : baby pink, crayola markers, pink eyeshadow, white mice, alice in wonderland, peonies
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not-pollux · 3 days
𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕱𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 ℌ𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘 ⋆
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╭ ・── ・ ꒰ ☆ ꒱ ・ ── ・ ִ ۫ ּ ֗ ִ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ ᳝ ࣪  ⊹
  ˚   ₊˚ˑ  💙💜❤️🧡 ‧ ₊ Future ROTTMNT ༄
Warnings: Unedited, lowkey kinda long, discussions of bad habits
Word count: 1772
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Stressed 24/7
Constantly working + horrible at time management = chronically overworked
Like he's so bad at taking breaks 💀
If he does manage to take a break aside from sleeping or eating he's thinking about all the work he has to do
If I'm being honest, he thinks about work while eating and probably dreams of work too
Speaking of sleeping, he doesn’t
Stress induced insomnia wont let him. He would really like to sleep, if he could. It’s not that he doesn’t want to. He just can't.
He eats pretty well though. Sometimes skips meals when he's super busy, but he's otherwise pretty good. He understands that a well fed body is an efficient body!
Definitely has a poorly kept personal quarters
He has pretty good personal hygiene, though.
He takes showers regularly and brushes his teeth, he has an image to uphold and he enjoys taking care of himself
He's more unsanitary in his own personal space. He doesn't change his bedsheets often, hasn't swept the floor in forever, lots of unwashed clothes, etc
Because he’s chronically exhausted, these super simple tasks tend to be really hard for him. If they aren’t essential to his image and performance as resistance leader, he won't do it.
In my opinion most of Leo's stress comes from the fact that he is overly concerned about how people perceive him and his leadership skills. 
He doesn’t want to take breaks because he doesn’t want to be judged for it. He thinks people will go “Oh my god, how can the leader be taking a break when there is so much stuff to do?”
He doesn’t ask for help, or ever show any signs of weakness because he feels the need to be everyone’s personal Hamato beacon of hope. 
Everyone is counting on him. He only lets himself unravel in his locked room where no one is ever allowed to go. Not even his brothers.
On that note, would rather move a whole mountain on his own than admit he needs assistance.
He will actually tell people to stop if they try to help him out. He’ll guilt trip people by saying that they made him feel like he wasn’t doing his work good enough, or he isn’t enough for the resistance. 
He fully believes that he isn't good enough when people try to help him.
People love to bother him. With every single minor inconvenience. And he is expected to deal with them all. 
He honestly shifts from his very outgoing personality to a lot more closed off as he gets older.
He’s definitely not rude or anything, he’s just trying to ensure his interactions with people do not go on longer than they need to.
Its for his own sanity.
Also chronically overworked
I agree that Donnie would lock himself in his lab and work excessively.
He tends to believe his worth is only determined by what he can offer intellectually, and therefore pours his life and soul into his projects
His tech is also more or less what is keeping everyone alive. Their base is secured with Donnie’s tech and fortified with Donnie’s tech and armed with Donnie’s tech
Also really bad at taking breaks. 
They are so twins.
I see the headcanon that he literally survives on only coffee everywhere, but I don't think that's super realistic for an apocalypse. 
Non essentials are not easily accessible.
I also think he sleeps pretty well because he understands how quickly the brain deteriorates when he doesn’t sleep. 
He knows how inefficient it is, and he hates inefficiency.
Doesn’t usually eat more than one meal a day. 
Sometimes he'll skip eating for a full day if he's really busy.
He could possibly be malnourished. It's most likely very common in the apocalypse and he is a giant mutant turtle who needs more food.
And he probably only consumes quick and easy food that gives him the bare minimum of nutrients to function. Nutrition is important, but not as important as sleep
I'm so sorry Donnie lovers but I lowkey think he doesn’t have super great personal hygiene
We know he's a bit of a germaphobe so I don’t think it would be too bad, just skipping showers and brushing his teeth occasionally when he’s super absorbed in how work especially because it doesn’t affect his performance at all
We know he's a neat freak (and control freak) so I believe his personal space would be really clean.
It makes him feel like he’s not loosing his mind
Exact opposite of Leo.
Lowkey a hot take, but I think Donnie has the best mental health out of the four. 
Not to say that it’s good. He is stressed and overworked, for sure. They all are.
But I do think he’d have a semi private lab, and people wouldn’t be constantly harassing him
I like to headcanon that he has a little mail system for when people need repairs done around the base
You put this little slip of paper into his little mailbox and that way he has a written report of everything he needs to get done AND he didn’t have to interact with anyone.
Win win!
Being a control freak, he is controlling everything he is physically able to, and as of right now, it’s helping him stay somewhat sane.
I'm so excited to explore how and why Raph would lean into the ‘anger issues' stereotype that holds most iterations of Raph in a choke hold.
Being released from his duties of leader, I think Raph feels less inclined to keep himself put together
He copes with stress through punching shit. We know this.
I believe as a response to stress, Raph would yell more frequently (out of fear) and eventually that would translate to physical violence.
We see this at the beginning of the movie with Leo.
I believe this physical violence is directed not towards allies but more to enemies. He becomes a formidable warrior due to his anger. I'm talking crazy strong and insanely vicious. 
Although because of his size and violent tendencies most mutants and people in their base are afraid he'll explode and use that violence on one of them one day.
They treat him like he's a bomb, and if they rub him the wrong way he'll blow up in their faces
This irritates Raph further. 
We love circular conflicts!
I believe he sleeps well. Actually, I think he sleeps a bit too much.
He feels isolated because of the way people talk to him and refer to him. To cope with that he sleeps 12-18 hours a day. He tries to spend as much time away from people as possible.
He pretends he does it to slow his metabolism so he doesn't have to eat as many rations, being the biggest guy in the resistance.
I think he would be pretty clean himself, but his room wouldn't be.
I love portraying people's personal spaces/rooms as a reflection of their minds.
Not necessarily messy, just extremely disorganized.
He doesn’t know what to do with himself, he feels like his strength is his only use, and people don’t see him as strong and powerful, they’re just scared
And that reflects in how he doesn’t really know what to do with the stuff in his room. Things that he holds dear to him or felt like they represented everything he believed pre apocalypse don’t really have a distinct home in his room anymore
They’re just… laying on the floor somewhere.
This might be a bit of a reach but I think he meditates to deal with this too. Specifically with Mikey when they’re both not busy.
He eats less than he should be because of the way they hand out rations, but for the circumstances he eats pretty well.
Mikey is swamped with a LOT more responsibility than he is used to very very quickly.
He becomes “the mystic guy”. He’s in charge of most (if not all) of the mystic mojo that goes on in the resistance.
I think Draxum and him created some sort of mystic force field that blocks the Krangs powers to hide their base
If you remember that scene where the Krang finds the key by going into Raph’s head and finding their base?
Yeah the force field basically prevents the Krang from being able to do that.
He has to replenish the force field every once in a while, which drains him a lot, and even more so if (when) Draxum dies and they can’t split the burden 50/50
So this boy is OVER. WORKED.
One of the few future headcanons I really like is the fact that Mikey looks significantly older is a result of mystic overuse
It makes a lot of sense in my opinion
In my opinion his body is deteriorating and aging a lot faster because he doesn’t have access to adequate amounts of sleep, hydration, or nutrition, and on top of that he’s basically putting his body through the equivalent of running a marathon every single day through his mystic powers
I think in his early days of training he actually overate a little
He was trusted in the rations kitchens, so he’d take a little extra and he would steal rations from Donnie and sometimes Leo and Raph when they didn’t eat
In his head it wasn’t bad if it was to a good cause, refueling his super tired and achy body
He learned better though, he doesn’t do that anymore. I do think he is the best at eating all three meals every single day, though.
I also think he sleeps really well, against his will. He’s always so physically tired, so he always goes to bed early so he’s well rested.
I think he’s also pretty hygienic all around, just a little goodie two shoes
Due to his mystic powers, I headcanon him with chronic pain in his arms, along with terrible migraines.
Donnie making compression sleeves for Mikey is like, my favourite headcanon ever
I don’t think the damage would be similar to Good Future (too much power all at once), but instead normal amounts of power used way too many times way too close together.
TLDR; Overworked muscles, basically.
I think Mikey is the favourite turtle for people to ask for guidance (Leo is a very close second), so he also has to deal with a lot of people asking him questions all the time. He gets swarmed whenever he has a break
Meditates with Raph for his migraines.
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AN: I'm just took each turtle's worst traits and amplified them for future headcanon purposes :3
I might do a good future headcanons version of this or a April, Splinter, Draxum, Cassandra, Casey Jr mini drabble next. Not completely sure yet.
I hope you enjoyed reading this! This was super duper fun to write!
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You and co-showrunner Tim Minear originally wanted Carlos (Rafael L. Silva) to become an APD detective, but you've now chosen to make him a Texas Ranger — which, it must be said, is an interesting choice, given that Carlos had been so insistent in the past on not wanting to follow in his father's footsteps. How would you respond to the criticism that being a Ranger goes against what Carlos initially set out to do?
Raisani: I think the Texas Rangers became an embodiment of Gabriel Reyes, Carlos' father. What I mean by that is … Carlos had grown up with a perception of his father, which is: "My dad is homophobic, or certainly uncomfortable with who I am. He made me feel shut out. He made me feel unloved, unvalued." Carlos' arc in Season 4 with his father was to realize, "My dad is a more complex and beautiful man than I realized, and even though it took him a minute to get there, he did get there, and we became ultimately best friends. I love and revere my father, and just in time for me to realize that, he gets killed and taken away."
I would encourage people to go back and look at that Texas Ranger episode [in Season 4] where Carlos talked about the massacre [where] the Rangers killed all those innocent people in the early 20th century. What [Carlos'] mother teaches him in that [episode] is, "Look, the Rangers, like any organization that's older than 20 years, have some blood on their hands, but they've also done a lot of good. And nobody represents the good that they have done like your father." She talks about how the diversity of the Rangers has increased, which is real. They went from being all-white to now 33% or 40% [people] of color and women. "Your father embodied that change, and now you can take that legacy and take it to the future."
To me, Carlos' arc was to realize Rangers are not just inherently evil. "Yes, they have a bad history, but just like my father who I had a bad history with, they're more complex than I was giving them credit for. And rather than just spit them out and reject them, I can be the change in that organization." So that's what Carlos is going to do, and that's the symbolic relationship that he has with the Rangers.
But in a purely plot relationship, there's no better way to solve [the mystery of] "Who killed my dad?" than to be inside that organization, because Carlos believes — and I think rightly so — that some of the cases that his father worked on may end up having something to say about who killed him. So that's what I would say to people who maybe have some doubts about that.
Carlos bumps heads with Ranger Sam Campbell (Parker Young) on a big case in the premiere, but they seem to have formed a new partnership by the end of the hour. How would you describe the evolution of their relationship this season?
Raisani: I feel like they're two brothers vying for daddy's love. The dad is the chief, the older brother is Campbell, and Carlos is this pipsqueak young brother who just got to the front of the line and now he's a Ranger. And in Campbell's mind, some of it is because, "OK, this is some nepo baby stuff. Your dad was a legend, and you just get to waltz to the front of the line." We built this little family of brothers and a father, so the first episode is really about Carlos and Campbell in a foot race with each other. And then what they realize by the end of [the premiere] is, "Boy, we're a lot more effective when we work together. And in fact, we make a pretty amazing partnership."
Moving forward into the season, we get to play just how complementary these two pieces are together. One of the things I personally love about the Rangers, which we can't do from simple 9-1-1 calls, is they can go into some much more complex, deeper investigations against much darker bad guys and much more real-world problems that are happening in Texas — cartels and with drug smuggling and stuff like that. So we'll do some cases that I think people can't believe are real. But we'd never had the opportunity [to do those stories in the past], because we didn't have that vehicle to get into these stories like we do now that Carlos is a Texas Ranger who gets to investigate the darkest, most dangerous crimes that are happening in Texas.
Carlos' investigation into Gabriel's death will certainly drive a wedge between him and T.K. (Ronen Rubinstein) this season. How has Carlos and T.K.'s relationship evolved now that they've been married for almost a year?
Raisani: What I wanted to show with their relationship this season is that people can love each other with everything they've got — and everybody has challenges in their relationship. To love someone completely doesn't mean you're not going to fight all the time, and yet you can use [that conflict] to make the relationship deeper and more meaningful. We didn't want it to be happily ever after. For me, in real life, the wedding is the beginning of the story — not the end — and there are so many more deeper stories you can tell once people have that level of commitment towards each other.
We really wanted to put some pressure on that relationship. For T.K. especially, it's like, "You love Carlos. You want him to get that closure, that peace, that can come from finding out his dad's killer." But also, T.K. is a former addict who knows he's seeing signs of addiction, and Carlos is addicted to this thing, and it's clouding over and suffocating other elements of their future together because Carlos is so focused on what happened in the past. T.K., because he loves Carlos, will be patient and graceful about it, but at some point, he's going to have to put his foot down — and it's going to be very uncomfortable when he does.
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when you’re a genius but cursed older brother and you have terrible grief coping skills regarding the death of your little brother, but to wildly different outcomes
(meanwhile Natsu and Ortho are in the back, trying to figure out whether or not Natsu can eat lasers. he cannot)
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So why is Vanny so determined to get on Michael's good side?
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It’s mostly because every one on one interactions they’ve had so far has been negative pff
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cluescorner · 7 months
I gave myself a writing challenge and I am fascinated by it
So basically I put the robins in a randomizer to give them a new order/role (because I just...kinda wanted to see what would happen + I like role-reversal AUs) and got results that are giving me a fucking brain blast.
Stephanie, the first sidekick who defines the role
Tim, the sidekick who dies and comes back wrong
Dick, the sidekick who saves Batman from himself
Damian, the sidekick who was never supposed to be a sidekick but would go on to prove everyone wrong
Jason, the youngest sidekick who is still the Kid Wonder
...So this is fucking wild. I've got some ideas and several of these fit perfectly (Dick's role is pretty similar to his one in canon), but some of these are fucking INCREDIBLE to explore (Steph being the first Robin is something I never even considered but tbh I kinda love it).
I probably won't write a fic or anything because tbh I don't like publishing my writing that much, but I might expand this into a full AU and post about it. I might randomize other stuff too (ie, stuff that I cannot change vs stuff that I cannot keep the same) but this fucking rules as a starting point.
#uhhh what am I calling this??#randomizedrobinsau#stephanie brown#oh my god I am so excited to figure out how tf to write this.#because she's my favorite of these characters and having HER be the first sidekick + the one who has a mentor/older sister relationship#with the others?? kickass. though I'll probably keep her and Tim's relationship as 'dating-then-exes' because I think it's funny#and then SHE can be the Robin who Tim got fixated on + figured out her identity?? holy fuck and then the angst of Tim later dying#Tim Drake#tbh I kinda wish he'd gotten a different position because 'sidekick who dies' Tim has kinda been done a lot with the standard#reverse robin aus. But it'll still be fun to write. Definitely going the Joker Junior route with this because Batman Beyond kicks ass#Dick Grayson#He'll honestly probably be the easiest. Like...his role has not changed much outside of being younger/not the one who defines this#But I still think it'll be good to see how well I know Dick beyond his eldest brother thing (which is my best way of relating to him)#Damian al ghul#damian wayne#oh this is gonna kick ass#Bruce does not want his son to be a sidekick but Damian just kinda forces his way into that role#and everybody doubts him because of his history with the league but he later proves himself more than capable#to the point that he can set out mostly on his own and still thrive#Jason Todd#Jason being the baby of the family is also something I have never thought about but holy shit it could kick ass#I really hope that I don't roll 'Jason must die' or 'Robin 5 must die' on the randomizer. I just kinda want Jason to live this time#But unfortunately I double-screwed him because he's on the 'must happen' wheel twice now. I did not think these prompts through#TBH I am so happy that none of them rolled their OG roles. because that would have been so fucking boring
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moeblob · 7 months
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Karen: LMAO every guy I meet reminds me of my big brothers that's so funny except if Paul is already my brother and you're also a brother that's a bit awkward, huh Hot bartender: THATS MOVING REALLY FAST AND I LIKE YOU AS A PERSON BUT - Karen: having my brothers date would be SO WEIRD Hot bartender: Well on the bright side I literally cannot speak more than five words to him so we aren't dating because he's so cute
(Everyone else: that is somehow the most depressing bright side we never want to hear)
#my characters#oops i fell in love#I just think its really funny how i view so many of the cast as either the only child or#somehow still the only child but with twin cousins that he grew up with somewhat like siblings but is older than them#and then THESE TWO LOSERS (beloveds) are definitely younger siblings#there is no way Karen developed her personality without the help of older brothers#there is also a very funny and agonizing thing where she is super single cause she can't view a guy as more than a brother#she meets an asshole and is like wow just getting huge brother vibes from him wtf#and meets the nicest man possible and is like HOW IS HE ALSO LIKE A BROTHER I WILL NEVER LOVE ROMANTICALLY#and she has all of the guy friends and its very clear if they were interested she has long since friendzoned them#but its fine because they all are also convinced that shes exactly what it would be like to have a brother#so its fine its all good no one really agonizes over not romancing her and she just as a found family in everyone#hi my name is salmon and you may recall my feheroes experience where i want to give a certain male all of the siblings#the sibling adopter extraordinaire ? yeah thats basically karen now that i think about it#you know one time at work at my first job there was a girl who had a crush on a guy and we all worked the same shift a lot#and one day she was whining because he was so friendly to me and he looks at the girl straight faced and says#ITS BROS BEFORE HOES aint that right and im like uh huh sure thats exactly right#and later i told him i really wanted to know where she went wrong because i had a crush on him in school until he opened his mouth#and hes like yeah sucks to wanna date me you made the right choice#and i just ..... will never forget that weird guy#he saw me in a hoodie once and goes NO WAY I HAVE THE SAME ONE and then makes sure he brings it in next time we work together to prove it#he was like an annoying younger brother to me and i thought it was very funny that apparently i too am a sibling to him#i might be adopted and i might be biased but i think everyone could use an adopted sibling that they dont live with#thats a special bond ok im just sayin#also sorry its so late tonight i had some uhhhhhh problems haha
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the-kneesbees · 4 months
just watched my brother graduate
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