#and refused to stay in character which is our ONE JOB doing this
futureofthemasses · 9 months
Shout out to the one volunteer at our live nativity tonight who was being super inappropriate, making everyone uncomfortable, and refusing to do anything he was supposed to do, I hope you follow through and don't come back tomorrow because WOW
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AITA for not wanting to play DnD with a teenager?
So I (22F) am in college and after classes I like to play DnD with four of my friends, Ricky (21M), Tara (21F) Lola (22F) and Julie (20F)
Well recently Tara's little sister Ashley (15F) has been hanging out at Tara's apartment, where we usually have our game sessions, after school. Like for about two weeks now. Tara says its because her mother got a new job and doesnt get off work until 7pm so Ashley stays at the apartment from 4pm till about 7:30pm when her mother comes to pick her up.
4 pm is when our game sessions start most of the time (depending on if any of us have night classes that day or not) which means we now have a literal child watching us play. And because of that Tara has asked that we tone down the game sessions to be more "appropriate" and we also cant get drunk until Ashley leaves (which is stupid because Julie is under 21 and we can drink around her just fine but whatever) frankly I didnt mind the constant audience since Ashley was far more interested in watching us play than watching TV or playing on Tara's switch.
Well apparently just watching wasnt good enough for the brat because when i got to Tara's apartment for a game, Ashley was sitting at our table, excitedly filling out a character sheet while chattering nonstop with Ricky and Lola (Julie wasn't coming this time she had the stomach flu)
I naturally asked what she was doing because she normally just watched. Ashley gave me a confused look and said that she was joining our game like we had apparently talked about in our groupchat the night prior. Ricky and Lola both backed her up and showed the groupchat.
I had seen the messages but I thought Tara was joking about adding a literal child that doesnt even have a learners permit to our game that we had been continuing for three months now. I naturally went to go confront Tara.
She said that I agreed to let Ashley join in and if I didn't want to play with her I could've just not come.
Is she fucking serious?
What kind of sane person would want to play with a literal child and its edgy as fuck character (like the character was a wolf necromancer dressed in all black with two random scars across its chest. You could smell the hot topic radiating from this cringefest)
Tara refused to listen to reason and instead insisted that Ashley can play just for tonight and if i didnt like it I could leave.
I had no choice to stay and play
It was so fucking miserable.
The brat was constantly making stupid mistakes and dragging the whole party down with her. We constantly had to stop so Ricky (our DM) could explain things that should've been obvious because Ashley was too stupid to actually figure it out. My character was having to bail her's out near constantly. It was getting to the point where I just wanted to legitimately slap Ashley. I didnt because Tara would absolutely murder me but oh the temptation was strong.
And the worst part? I was the only one who seemed to be upset that our game was being completely thrown off course. Ricky, Lola and Tara took all of Ashley's many many fuck ups in stride and actually seemed to be enjoying it.
I have no idea why, that game was a train wreck
After an hour of hell Ricky called it quits for the day.
Which was weird because we usually go well into the night most of the time. Once the game was over Tara grabbed me by the arm and led me to the kitchen.
She asked me what the hell my problem was because it was apparently MY fault the game went so poorly and not the literal child's.
So I let her have it.
I told her it was a stupid idea to let her dumbass sister play with us, that Ashley shouldnt be playing with adults and its stupid to expect us to bow to the whims of a fifteen year old. I told her I never wanted to play with stupid bitch ass of a sister ever again.
I left the apartment after that.
This morning I was removed from the groupchat and all my friends have blocked me
Except for Lola, who has been going off on me in dms all day, calling me a horrible person, transphobic, a bully and a bitch. Every name in the book. None of them are talking to me and Julie, who wasn't even there keeps calling me an asshole and says i should apologize
AITA? I dont think i did anything wrong but everyone else thinks I did
What are these acronyms?
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Your post about being happy that there are so many queer media to watch nowadays, even the bad ones is just spot on. I live in a homophobic country and I'm still in the closet at 25. so imagine growing up, discovering yourself, being so afraid and then have all the queer content you find end with the characters dying, being laughed at, or reduced to harmful stereotypes. because what did that mean for silly young closeted me?
But now?
Now I'm thriving, i get to experience queer love, queer joy, even queer dumbassery lmao. These reminders, despite still feeling stuck, constantly show me how other queer people are moving forward and living their lives—and it's beautiful, even the trashy ones (which always are the most fun to watch)
So thank you for your post. It’s a reminder that our stories matter, no matter how imperfect!
Anon, although I live in the United States, I have always lived in a super conservative county where the town clerk refuses to issue marriage licenses to queer couples (and sometimes people of color depending on the day). We have billboards coming into town telling everyone they are going to hell and compared to all my friends in bigger cities who had to wait for the COVID vaccine, I got mine in 2020 when they were mostly only available to medical staff because the medical staff at our hospital refused to get it because Trump told them not to or some shit, so the local pharmacy begged anyone to get the shot before they expired. For a long time, my town refused to let cable or internet companies come in because then we would be exposed to sinful media.
But I ain't moving!
So although I haven't lived your experience, I feel ya.
Which is why I love all the discourse about QLs. If someone loves a show, I want to see why. If someone hates a show, I want to hear all about it. Because for so long, I had NOTHING! I was looking at the bible in Catholic school like . . . "Judas, you could've just told Jesus you wanted him instead of doing all this" *sign of the cross* and we all know how that ended for both of them.
Now, I'm trying to figure out where to find the time to watch all that is being offered to me! I can be picky now! I can dislike a show without feeling like ALL queer content will be taken away from me. I can get characters giving hand jobs, rim jobs, and blow jobs without having to pay-for-view at 1 am praying that the volume stays low.
I have watched some of the worst imaginable queer content, and I have watched queer porn with a plot which has smacked, and not just literally *wink*. I have watched so many queers be buried in ways that people cannot even begin to fathom. I have seen more than my fair share of queer media, and I can say without a doubt that these BLs are giving us some of the best variety of queers I have ever seen, and regardless if they are true to the queer experience (Dinosaur Love, I'm looking at your wild ass), two men holding hands is really fucking queer to these homophobes regardless of the plot. Two men cuddling in bed is super queer to these homophobes regardless of how aligned it is with the queer experience. Two women kissing is giving a homophobe a heart attack right now!
Century of Love had homophobic crew members. Those people got a paycheck for filming a BL while tweeting homophobic comments. Homophobia doesn't magically go away because we have queer content, which is a truth you and I know, but it gives me tiny pleasure knowing that 1) the show is airing on a popular-ish Thai channel in a prime-time slot, and 2) homophobes had to film two men kissing, multiple times. If we can't beat (the fuck out of) them, at least we made them feel super uncomfortable for even a teeny tiny bit.
And that's the other half of this - Not only do we get to consume all of this, but others are being exposed to it. These shows are airing in their countries ON TV. These actors are being shown in ads on TV and doing spreads for magazines. So while my town has billboards telling us to seek Jesus or perish in the fires of hell, Apo and Mile are eating Lay's on a billboard somewhere in Thailand.
Because this isn't just about the queers watching but about the homophobes and even the in-betweens witnessing it.
Give me all the trashy series (Dinosaur Love, still looking at you)! Give me the series that have absolutely no plot except two boys holding hands. GIVE ME EVERYTHING! Because no matter what I get, I guarantee it is pissing off some grandpappy somewhere, and that's really the queer experience; pissing people off for not only existing, but having the audacity to thrive despite it all.
So thrive, QL Land, THRIVE!
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theloganator101 · 29 days
The Great BNHA Review: How do you fuck up teaching a moral THIS badly!?
Ah themes and morals... not every story or show needs to have these kind of things. Not every story needs to be deep or thought provoking, but for stories that do, it's important to have them correlate well with the story so we can understand what it's trying to say.
Like Ratatouille's moral of "Anyone can cook" or even the first Spongebob Movie's message of "You are who you are" is told really well.
And what is the moral BNHA tries to convey to it's audience?
"Anyone can be a hero!"
Okay, fine, that can be a good message to tie into a story about heroes. And how does this message get conveyed into the story?
"Oh the main character starts off quirkless but obtains the Number One hero's power."
... So literally by making him like everyone else around him? Wouldn't it make the message hit harder if he strived to be a quirkless hero to prove everyone that called him weak or worthless wrong?
"Oh but if he stayed quirkless then he wouldn't be able to partake in the final fight!"
Oh is THAT why All Might came in to fight AFO with a mecha suit!? If technology is SO advanced to where this kind of thing can exist, then why can't Izuku have the same courtesy huh?
For real I blame the narrative for making people believe a quirkless hero is impossible to be in this show when it's clear that it can be a thing! For whenever I bring up this idea, I ALWAYS get hit with the same quote of:
"Well the plot wouldn't be the same if Izuku stayed quirkless! Izuku can't go up against AFO or Shigaraki that way!"
And that's the thing! I'm not asking for the same plot but with Quirkless!Izuku, I'm asking for a story where the main character proves he can keep up with his classmates with quirks! You can't exactly tell that kind of story when you make the main character like everyone else!
And on top of that, it also twists the message of:
"Anyone can be a hero...! But only if you fit in with the majority!"
Which is kind of fucked up when being quirkless can be compared to having a disability in real life... so the story is basically saying you won't amount to anything worthwhile if you're not like everyone else.
But enough about the whole quirkless thing, let's move on to another thing the series tried to shove down our throats and treat it like a meaningful message...
"Win to save, save to win"
A saying that you and I have grown familiar with, something that was only created for the sole purpose of bringing Izuku down to Bakugou's level and solidify them as rivals... Even if the saying fucking sucks and SHOULDN'T be hero material.
I mean SERIOUSLY!? Winning isn't everything, and while it could be somewhat true... it's seriously a bad message considering that this is supposed to be a series where the main character teaches that there's more to being a hero than winning and getting fame and glory all the time.
Ah yes, and that one moral I keep saying...
"If your abusers are sorry, you should forgive them and keep them in your life! And if you refuse their apology then you're just as bad if not worse than them when they hurt you."
This moral... this goddamn moral is what stood out to me the most throughout BNHA. It is flat-out terrible and I'm honestly surprised NO ONE on the writing or illustrating team caught on to this and brought it to Hori's attention. It's enforced with Izuku and Bakugou, it's enforced Shoto and Endeavor, and it's somewhat enforced when Overhaul was begging to see Eri but luckily the other characters were like "No."
And the thing is none of this would be a problem if it didn't have the victims forgiving them and instead tells them to fuck off because they screwed up enough of their lives already. Why would you ever give the person who hurt you a second chance? Why would you risk letting them repeat the same mistakes?
I just wanna say one thing regarding all this...
You are NOT responsible for your abuser's actions or things they choose to do, it is NOT your job to "make them better" nor should it fall on your shoulders to keep them in check, you do NOT owe them your time, your efforts, your patience and kindness...
You 👏 Do 👏 Not 👏 owe 👏 them 👏 SHIT!!
So for the next part I'm actually gonna go off track and talk about the other characters in BNHA and just how utterly wasted they really were in this story, and hopefully it won't take as long as this one!
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serahlink · 10 months
🚨 EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS OPEN🚨 tw // homeless / some med talk but not much
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Making a new post to hopefully get some work for my family and I so we have somewhere to stay for tonight, since work has been very slow lately. I'm Link, and I'm a 22-year old artist, and my family and I (me + my father and younger sibling) have been homeless since November 2021. It's a long story. TL;DR version is at the same time, while I was living with a friend and my dad + younger sibling was on the road (he drove a van at the time) he had gotten into a diabetic coma and was fired by his job. Being fired meant he or my sibling didn't exactly have a home to go back to, as our relatives on both sides refused to help. At the same time, I was going to have to find someplace else since my friends grandmother was entering the late stages of her life and they had to transfer her to the nursery, meaning there was a lot of things his family had to take care of and I couldn't be there. They allowed my father, sibling and I to stay there for two weeks to give us time to find someplace else.
While I was there, I'd been doing commissions to help their family out with food, and since it was either the streets or living under a roof; I told my friend to take us to a nearby motel since we had enough for a day, and we could figure things out from there. So since then, I've been keeping us here by doing commissions ever since. Either of us haven't been able to obtain a job yet due to how hard it is for us to get our documents to get an id (we dont have a car at the moment, and saving money for the room and food is already tough as is), but recently we think we might be able to get my father's ID so he can work, were waiting on his lung condition to recover fully and get money saved up for the documents and all that before we apply to get them. So hope isn't fully lost for us, we just need to take care of some things for a while longer until then.
Recently, things have gotten worse again. We were paying weekly thanks to the help from my followers and commissions I was getting, but when we weren't able to pay for another, we went back to paying daily again. And immediately we were set back. For the past few days, we haven't been able to pay for one let alone food. We were able to pay most of it to at least stay here, thanks to the kindness of the staff, but they called us earlier to tell us if we couldn't pay everything tonight, then we'd have to leave. We owe 120 by 11pm tonight, and I thought maybe making a new post might help us since posting on my other socials hasn't done much for us lately.
My commissions are open, and if you're interested in helping us out via a commission you can contact me through my Tumblr dms since it's the easiest way to get to me. But if you can't help financially, which I totally understand, I know the economy is tough on all of us right now, please don't feel bad or anything. Reblogs also help us a ton, and it always means a lot to us.
For the commission info itself, I have it all packed into this link right here, along with examples of my art and prices. I draw mainly fantasy pertaining to the Dragon Age Series and although I know little to nothing about Baulders Gate, I have done some art of tavs before! I also do DnD work as well, so I'm used to drawing pretty unique characters. I'll also put some examples I have below. If you want something outside of that, I'm sure I can provide, just let me know upon your request! And I think that's all. Much love to you and thank you for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day/night :)
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loveandleases · 8 months
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(Our first character fluff alphabet, and who better to start with than M (arshmallow. Below the cut~)
A = Admiration - M admires kindness.
B = Body - M is a fan of thighs. The thicker the lovelier to them.
C = Cuddling - M is the type to be quite clingy when cuddling and not wanting their partner to move for quite a bit.
D = Dates - M's ideal date would be staying in, just vibing with their partner. Not doing anything. They just want to be able to spend time with their partner, which isn't that important as long as they can be together.
E = Emotions - M can be a bit secretive and hold some emotions back. They have a hard time opening up. Though they always seem to have a smile on their face, something else hides underneath.
F = Family - M is fine if their partner wants a family, also fine if they don't. They don't have strong emotions about it.
G = Gifts - As the only child of their parents M has gotten many presents over time, not even for meaningful days such as a birthday or a holiday. To them, gifts are small ways to show you care about someone and should be given whenever. Not just for holidays.
H = Holding Hands - M will be shy when holding hands but it won't cause them to want to stop. They will just be blushing the majority of the time. If their partner tries to pull away to make M more comfortable they will refuse to let go. It's for the better.
I = Injury - If M gets hurt, they will play it off as if it isn't that serious. Yet internally the amount of swearing they will be saying is immeasurable. They could give a certain redhead a run for his money.
J = Jokes - They aren't fans of pranks, but they do enjoy a good job—especially a dad joke. To them, their quite funny, even dry humor can be admired by M.
K = Kisses - Soft and reserved. However, once they get comfortable it will be firey.To the point that there may be some bruised lips among them.
L = Love - Spoiler
M = Memory - Not applicable, just yet.
N = Nightmare (what is one of their fears?) - M is afraid of turning in their book late.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?) They love horror but are afraid every time they watch it.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?) Sunshine
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) M likes to take walks late at night, especially after they finish a chapter of work. They enjoy admiring the scenery outside, be it alone or with someone.
R = Rhythm (what song do they hum to themselves, when they think no one is listening.) Kiss me by sixpence none the richer
S = Secrets (how open are they?) M is very secretive, though they may let things slip from time to time.
T = Time (how do they spend their time?) More often than not, M can be found working in their apartment. Or asleep at their desk.
U = Upset (how do they act when they're upset?) They plaster on a smile pretending as if they are fine when they are sulking. Will be for a few days.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?) M is very proud of their achievements as a writer.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?) M would fight for MC. With a smile on their face the entire time, that is until MC isn't looking.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?) Not applicable just yet.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?) They would, once they stop freaking out about it.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?) Knowing that MC is there, and sitting just enjoying the view. (Which will be MC more often than not.)
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makeitmingi · 8 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 19]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
The parents stayed even after the restaurant closed. You finished clearing up and went out to see the parents all enjoying a glass of wine, chatting amongst themselves.
"There they are. Good job, the food was great." They all clapped as you walked out with the boys. You all bowed to them. You let out a small sigh of relief, glad that they liked the food. Someone stood up and came over to you.
"I'm Gunho." He held out a hand.
"Nice to meet you, Gunho. You look a lot like Yunho." You chuckled, slipping your hand into his to shake.
"Now, tell me. Did my brother blackmail you into this job?" He leaned in. You blinked, slightly taken aback by his question. But the glint in his eyes showed that he was joking.
"He didn't. Rest assured, I wouldn't let myself get blackmailed so easily." You smirked.
"But he's a good boss." You added with a smile. Gunho nodded in agreement, turning to see Yunho glaring at him.
"So, (y/n). You've been working in culinary?" The mothers sat you down, including San's older sister, who's name you learnt was Haneul. It was cute, the way their names were all linked.
"Yes. My mother loved being in the kitchen so I grew up loving food and cooking. It's all I've ever wanted to do. So I started out as a prep chef and worked myself up from there. I'm grateful that along the way, I met my crew." You explained with a small smile. They all cooed at you, finding you so adorable.
"That's nice. You've done such an amazing job. I can tell your crew respects you too." Mrs Kim (Hongjoong)'s mother complimented.
"Please, there's still a lot I need to learn. I respect them just as much and learn from them. Couldn't have made it without them." You rubbed the back of your neck.
"She's always too humble, our dear leader." Wooyoung said sweetly, slinging an arm around you.
"I'm not... Really... I've mentioned to Mingi that I would like to visit your restaurant, learn more about eels." You gestured to Mrs Song.
"Oh! Of course, any time!" She giggled.
"Do you always do fancy menus like this for the dinner service?" Mrs Jeong asked you. You shook your head, giving her examples of other dishes that you've done.
"Those dishes are more simpler. We don't want to go too fancy, still have things with home-y feeling and tastes. Tonight is different because we've curated this menu specially for your visit tonight. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves." You informed.
"Yes, your dish was very impressive. All the dishes were very well made. We enjoyed them thoroughly." Mrs Choi smiled.
"Is it true that my brother helped you with your dish? Because your dish was actually really good and my brother has never made anything good." Gunho asked.
"Yah, Jeong Gunho." Yunho threatened. Now that there were no other customers in the restaurant, he could yell.
"Yes. He shredded the meat and learnt to fold the pasta by hand to help me make them. Yunho's been helping a lot in the kitchen."
"Wow, really? I hope I'll see Yunho help out in our kitchens more then." Mrs Jeong said, casting Yunho a look. He just coughed, refusing to meet his mother's gaze.
"Because (y/n) is patient when she teaches me! She doesn't just chase me out." Yunho argued.
"But Yunho is a fast learner. He managed to learn how to fold the pasta after one demonstration. And he always offers to help, which we are grateful for." You smiled. Yunho blushed at how you spoke about him. You missed the look that Mrs Jeong sent you, as well as the shared look that the mothers shared.
"You should teach Hongjoong too."
"And Yeosang too. My dear son can't even fry an egg to save his life." The mothers all added, almost begging you. The sons merely exclaimed in disbelief.
"Say, (y/n). Do you have a boyfriend?" Mrs Jeon suddenly asked. You choked, seeing all the mothers' attention on you.
"Omma!" Yunho yelled.
"You can't ask that. Sorry about that, just ignore her." Yunho hissed at his mother then turned to apologise to you, his cheeks so bright red that he was practically glowing.
"It's fine, Yunho." You chuckled, assuring him by placing a hand on his arm. This didn't go unnoticed by Yunho's mother.
But Yunho didn't want you to reply to his mother. Maybe he wasn't embarrassed by his mother but a part of him didn't want to actually hear you say that you were currently attached to Seonghwa or someone else outside.
"Wah, I've always wanted a sister." Haneul said, hooking an arm around you. Thankfully, the subject with Mrs Jeong was dropped after that.
"Wow, Haneulie. That hurts." San scoffed, not one to call his older sister 'noona'.
The families were very nice. They treated you and your crew like their own children. Especially you. Even the fathers adored you.
"Okay, the kitchen crew has had a very long day. Let's wrap up." Hongjoong said and Yunho nodded in agreement. They started to clear the remaining dishes on the table.
"Can we give you a lift home?" Mrs Jeong asked with a soft smile as you came out after grabbing your things.
"Thanks, Mrs Jeong. But I'm good, I drove here." You informed.
"Please, call me omonim. If you ever need help, you can always let us know, alright? We're family now. Thank you for helping Yunho when he needed it and helping him get the restaurant up and running. I think it's a blessing that you came into his life." She said, rubbing your arm endearingly.
"Thank you for thinking so highly of me, omonim. But I can't take any credit. This was all of Yunho's hardwork and effort, even before I came. He did a great job." You smiled.
"You're such a sweet girl. Help me continue to take care of my son?" She asked.
"Of course." You nodded. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around you to hug you. You froze in the hug, stunned.
Just then, Yunho came out after doing the dishes when he saw his mother hug you. You were so stiff, he was about to go over and pulled his mother away. But you slowly hugged her back.
"One day I'm going to take you shopping, get mani pedis and get our hair done." She giggled.
"I-I look forward t-to that." You replied, giving into temptation and leaning into the motherly warmth that she was giving you.
"Thank you." You whispered when you pulled away. She gave you a knowing smile before you walked over to Seonghwa, who was waiting for you. You gave a small wave to Yunho, who smiled and waved back at you.
"So I've decided to close the restaurant tomorrow, to give everyone a break. Thank you for working so hard today. The parents loved it, it's thanks to all of you." Yunho smiled.
"We didn't do much, we just cooked. You sure you want to close tomorrow?" You tilted your head. Yunho nodded.
"Fine by me." You chuckled. You will probably spend the day resting in bed or with Seonghwa.
"Have a nice night. Rest well." Yunho smiled softly. He was relieved that what happened with you outside earlier in the evening didn't make you awkward.
"You too. And Yunho?" You called out to him. He blinked in confusion.
"Great job today." You reached out to pat his head. Yunho blushed again, his ears getting hot. As you hand moved to his temple, he slightly leaned into your touch. After that, you pulled away, realising his family must be waiting for him and Seonghwa was waiting for you. With a bow of your head, you walked to Seonghwa.
"Goodnight." Yunho said. You gave him a backwards wave as you strolled over to Seonghwa, who was leaning against your car, waiting for you.
"Sorry for the wait." You apologised. Seonghwa shook his head with a kind smile.
"Not at all. I'll drive." Seonghwa took your keys, opening the passenger seat door for you. You climbed in without protest, the fatigue of the day starting to catch up to you.
"Sleep for a bit, sweetheart." He said.
"Mmm, thanks Hwa." You yawned. Seonghwa smiled softly, reaching over to stroke your head.
"Hwa, just now... Mrs Jeong hugged me... And I... surprisingly liked it. I haven't... felt that kind of warmth... in a long time." You said, absentmindedly staring out the window. Seonghwa cast you a small glance before focusing on the road.
"I'm glad, sweetheart. I understand what you mean, it feels nice and unlike any ordinary hug." Seonghwa chuckled.
"It reminded me of my mum's..." You sighed.
When Seonghwa pulled up and parked, you both went upstairs to your house. You showered in your bathroom while Seonghwa used the guest bathroom.
"Dry your hair first. Don't sleep." He stroked your cheek. You hummed tiredly and grabbed the hairdryer.
"Done." You brushed your hair, letting Seonghwa use your hairdryer. You went out to the kitchen and came back in with two cups of tea.
"Here." You placed it down. With the hairdryer still going, Seonghwa sent you a grateful smile. Sitting on your side of the bed, sipping your tea to slowly easy yourself to sleep mode.
'I'm not sure if Yunho managed to inform you guys before you left for the night but he said the restaurant will be closed tomorrow. Have a nice rest and good job today team. Yunho said that parents were really impressed with the food. It felt nostalgic to work like that again. - (y/n)'
'Woohoo! Day off! - Woo'
'To answer you, yes, Yunho hyung did manage to tell us before we headed off for the night but thank you, (y/n). Goodnight everyone. Couldn't have pulled tonight off without you. - Jong'
'Aww, look at Jongho being all sweet. I love it~ - Woo'
'Never mind, I take it back. Goodnight (y/n) and Hwa hyung. See you the day after. - Jong'
'HEY! What about me?! - Woo'
'Hello?! Choi Jongho! - Woo'
'I think he went offline already, Wooyoung ah. - Hwa'
You laughed, looking up to meet eyes with Seonghwa, who was holding the hairdryer with one hand and texting with his other. You put your phone aside and took a sip of your tea.
"I want to be the only one you like."
Yunho's words from earlier kept playing in your head. What did he mean? You have never seen him speak so seriously before. It was almost like he was jealous, he really didn't like the possibility of you liking Gunho more than him.
Why did Yunho act like that? You wrecked your brain trying to figure it out. But at the same time, there was this weird feeling in your chest, hearing him say that.
"(y/n)." Seonghwa put his hand on your leg.
"Ah! Hwa, you scared me. I almost spilt my tea everywhere." You smacked his chest before putting your tea cup on your nightstand.
"More like you were scaring me. I've been calling out to you but you've been staring blankly. What's going on in there?" He tapped your head.
"I'm fine." You slapped his hands away. You slid under the covers, feeling your bones turn to jelly.
"Lay properly." Seonghwa clicked his tongue, tugging the blankets away but making sure they still covered you properly.
"Ah, ah, ah. Stop thinking and sleep. Or you're gonna keep me awake." Seonghwa said, putting his hand over your face. You couldn't see as he obstructed your view but he had such a doting smile. He loved teasing you like this. You rolled your eyes, thinking of a dirty tactic to make him move his hand.
"Sweetheart, you know we've been together for so long. You licking my hand isn't going to phase me anymore." He scoffed. You reached up to pinch the back of his hand.
"OWW! OWW! Let go!" He winced and yelled as he recoiled to pull away from you but now, it was your turn to keep your grip on him.
"Phase you enough yet?" You smirked as Seonghwa twisted his body to try and escape you. You did let him go though.
"You're lucky you didn't get my knife hand." He glared at you with a pout, rubbing his hand.
"I only did it because I knew it wasn't your knife hand." You stuck your tongue out at him. Seonghwa grumbled, turning his back to you to sleep. You giggled and pressed your forehead against his upper back.
"You're in my bubble." Seonghwa murmured.
"You don't have a bubble, Hwa. We have a bubble." You corrected as you further pressed your forehead against his back, making him snort. Being so close to Seonghwa's comforting warmth and the fatigue from the day finally caught up as you drifted to sleep.
"Argh!" Yunho slammed his fist onto the mattress as he turned to try and find a more comfortable position to sleep in. He had been trying to sleep for hours.
"Stupid Yunho." He cursed himself, slapping his hands over his face as he recounted what happened.
Or rather, what didn't happen. Your surprised reaction at his confession. You didn't say anything, you didn't even meet his eyes.
Yunho didn't want to suddenly be blurting such things to you. It probably made him look childishly jealous. But he wanted you to like him and him only.
He didn't like the idea of you thinking Gunho was cuter or that San was stronger than him. It almost irked him. He knew it was wrong, especially when you were in a relationship with Seonghwa.
"You just had to open your big mouth, Jeong Yunho." He scolded himself. He stood up and went out to get some water.
'Mingi ah. Are you awake? - Yun'
'What do you want? - Mingi'
'I... I can't sleep... I need to talk to you about something... Can you come over or can I go over to yours? - Yun'
'Fine. Use your key. I'm not getting up from bed. - Mingi'
Yunho got dressed and drove to Mingi's house. Even if he drank at Mingi's house, which he usually did, he already knew that he would be crashing with the other tall male. They always did that when they went over to each other's house. Why did Yunho want to see Mingi? He had no clue.
"Mingi. I'm home." Yunho entered his best friend's bedroom. Mingi was sprawled on the bed, facing down. He reached over to grab his phone, squinting his eyes as the screen showed the time.
"Why are you texting me and coming to my house at 3am?" Mingi asked, mouth slightly obstructed by his pillow.
"I can't sleep."
"And that's my problem?" Mingi snorted. Yunho casually pushed Mingi to the side to make space for him to sit down. Mingi grunted, annoyed to be moved.
"I did something, Mingi ah. And I don't know if I did the right thing." Yunho sighed.
"You killed someone?" Mingi's words slurred.
"Tch! Be serious. Of course not. I... Ugh." Yunho groaned, falling forward and letting his forehead hit the mattress. Mingi lifted his head, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"Yun, I don't understand a word you're saying. What did you do that got you like this?" Mingi asked, grunting as he pushed himself to lay on his side so he could see his best friend properly. Yunho mumbled something into the mattress.
"What? I can't hear you." Mingi tapped the back of Yunho's head. Yunho lifted his head.
"I... I may have indirectly but directly hinted at having feelings for (y/n)..." Yunho winced at the memory.
"What do you mean 'oh'? What should I do Mingi? I didn't mean to say what I said. No, I mean, I did mean to- No, wait. I don't know! It just came out! Blurted out like that." Yunho facepalmed.
"How do I say this, Yun? But... I guess I expected this to happen soon enough." Mingi said.
"What do you mean by you expected this to happen?" Yunho tilted his head.
"It's so obvious that you have some sort of feelings for her. You're always looking for her, worried about her in some way. You literally follow her around like a dog. Like those COVID dogs that have separation anxiety. I think everyone can see you have feelings for her." Mingi pointed out.
"Don't compare me to a dog!" Yunho hissed.
"Back to the point. Tell me what exactly you told her, what did she say in response or how did she react?" Mingi rested his head against his palm.
"I told her I wanted to be the only one she likes... She didn't say anything or react in any way. Before she could say anything, she was called back to the kitchen." Yunho relayed.
"You wanted to be the only one she likes? What does that even mean, Yun?" Mingi scoffed.
"I.... I overheard her saying she might think Gunho is cuter than me..." Yunho trailed off the last part in embarrassment.
"You were jealous of your own brother?! Geez, man." Mingi burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he held his stomach. Yunho slapped Mingi's arm to make him shut up.
"Alright so she didn't react. Maybe she didn't think that you were confessing your feelings. All's good." Mingi shrugged.
"No, it's not all good! How do you know she didn't think that? What if she thinks I'm trying to get in between her and Seonghwa. I may have just made things awkward between us and ruined our friendship." Yunho shook his head in despair.
"Okay, firstly, I said 'maybe'. I don't know for sure. And secondly, you don't know for sure she's with Seonghwa. Thirdly, do you want to confess your feelings to her?" Mingi asked.
"I don't know..." Yunho rubbed the back of his neck.
"Why don't you know? What are your feelings towards her Jeong Yunho? Do you like (y/n) or not?" Mingi raised an eyebrow.
"I like hanging out with her, I like her company. When she's there, I just want to speak with her and work with her, even if it's the stuffy kitchen or over a hot stove. I worry about her and-"
"Okay, lover boy. That's enough. So you do like her. If you're not sure of what she thought, then confess your feelings to her. Make it clear to her." Mingi advised.
"She may reject me. I don't want to lose our friendship over that." Yunho slumped.
"Yes, she may reject you. But at least you conveyed your feelings. It is a risk that your friendship may never be the same but you never know, Yun. She may like you back." Mingi said, eyelids drooping as he struggled to stay awake to support his best friend. Yunho sighed, getting under the blanket.
"Your eyes literally sparkle when she talks like she's offering you a treat... You definitely like her and she seems comfortable with you." Mingi murmured.
"Again, I'm not a dog... And about her, you think so?" Yunho looked over at Mingi, who nodded with his eyes closed.
"Maybe I'll talk to her soon." Yunho stared up at the ceiling.
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abby118 · 2 months
It makes me so happy to see I’m not alone here. Honestly the Loki fandom is so fucking isolating, and I feel like if you say you prefer Pre-series Loki/Loki Prime whatever….you get shit flung at you. This fandom has done a really good job at making me scared to share my opinions. (Hell, I can’t even criticize the TVA without “UWU THE TVA ARE SMOL ANGST BLORBOS WITH TRAUMA! THEY’RE LOKI’s WHOLESOME FOUND FAMILY WHO HELPED HIM!!!”) It’s helped me a little bit to remember Loki in the series is a variant of our boy, because like…he’s literally nothing like Loki in the slightest and no offense to the fans, but it feels like a majority of them haven’t even TOUCHED the previous films. (Literally saw a post calling them old and outdated.)
Thank you for this blog. 🥺
Ooh yes, mhm. It can be isolating, for sure, but I also think we're fortunate that it did split into pre and post ragnarok eras of the fandom because some fandoms die when its source material gets retconned. I definitely relate to the opinion aimed towards the new "fans"; they're one of the most disrespectful and meanest people I have had the displeasure of interacting with in fandom spaces and I've been on this site for a while now.
And no, the character in the series is not a variant of Loki. The *only thing they share is a name, which has been stolen from the original character it rightfully belongs to, with the intent of cashing in on the fans. I refuse to refer to him as the same character. *They do share the same actor too, and as much as it hurts to say it, because Tom Hiddleston has been my favourite actor since I can remember - I was literally 9 when I joined the fandom when T1 came out..(for context, I'll be turning 22 this year), I no longer relate to how he views, or seems to view, Loki. And don't get me wrong, he will always be the person who played my favourite character, that will not change, but I do not see his interpretation of Loki as my own anymore. It doesn't even match his old one. And I know I'm not alone in feeling like this.
The TVA is a topic I don't have the energy to get into but it is beyond problematic. I'll just say that, I'm sure we all know what I'm getting at there. And I wouldn't even say it "feels" like the newer people haven't touched the movies. I have spoken to a few of them and it is an actual thing, apparently. Some of them started with ragnarok...which does explain a lot...and never bothered to check the original ones. And then they complain about feeling unwelcome among the fanbase, I wonder why that is, huh? - "I feel like if you say you prefer Pre-series Loki/Loki Prime whatever….you get shit flung at you. This fandom has done a really good job at making me scared to share my opinions."
Don't listen to them. Block them. They are not interactions that would bring you enjoyment or any sort of positive feeling and that's not what fandoms are supposed to be like, trust me. If you genuinelly feel upset about people's takes and opinion aimed towards you, you have every right to avoid them. Tumblr has no algorithm and blocking is nothing but curating your experience, you don't owe anything to these people. I, myself, have done this, including filtering tags, and it is so much more peaceful than when I rejoined (beacuse I changed blogs). Still, no longer being able to go to the main tag is incredibly sad.
Find a group of people you can interact with, follow the tags that are more specific and avoid what doesn't benefit your fun here. And thank you for being here, really. Especially for reaching out 💚🖤 I'm very glad you like my blog. I'm just doing my own thing, which in my case, means trying to stay true to the fandom I loved and enjoyed (and still do) from years ago, regardless of the notes or what people say. Because, at the end of the day, all that matters is your own enjoyment. I'm trying not to post too much negativity towards post2013 despite having a lot to say because there are blogs who do that, and do so well (thank you guys), and we need one that's focused on the good things too, but sometimes it really is needed. So thank you for the opportunity.
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days-until-burnout · 1 month
Hello it’s me I’m in your inbox
What if 🤏 tango and joel :3
my requests suddenly got 120% cuter<3 and i know you meant litol tango and joel, but yknow i had to 😌 _____
📧 Day 56 -
Characters - Tango/Joel ft. Cleo (and Scott) Words - 1,214 Time - 45 mins Content - College AU
“Would you stop moving?” Cleo huffed, pinching Joel’s cheek between her fingers and thumb, forcing him to face her. It was only for a second before he shook her hand away, and they were back to square one. “Don’t smudge it!”
“Let me poke your eye, see how you like it!” Joel swatted her hand away, turning his head to the side as he closed his eyes tight then opened them. 
She sighed, “And this is why Scott isn’t doing your make-up. You would’ve bitten him long ago.”
“I can still bite you,” he muttered, carefully running the side of his finger under his eyes. He blinked a couple times until the sting wore off. He could feel the powder pressed on his eyelids, and if he concentrated enough, he could hear the glitter shimmering. But Cleo was right, better them than Scott. 
“Oh, do try. I bite back.” 
Cleo stepped back a moment, checking the eyeshadow palette as Joel composed himself. There was a mirror just on his left, and he was tempted to check, even though he felt like he looked stupid. His only grace was that this whole thing was partially for Cleo’s photography project, so at least he was reassured they wouldn’t make him look too bad. Still, he didn’t want to see. 
“Can’t you just think of the money?” She said, almost scoffing but didn’t, though they did bring the cup of water with a straw to his lips. “A hundred for today from me, another from Scott, and even more depending on our grade.”
After taking a sip, he waved her away, then sighed. The money, right. He looked down, a white gown with green undertone, like a shade or shimmer, almost pearlescent, and he still couldn’t believe he was doing all this. Of all things to get money, this is what he chose? The only serving grace was that he wasn’t the only idiot, and tango had been roped into it too. That was something to look forward to, at least, seeing how silly Tango would look. 
Cleo was back with the brush, and Joel only sucked a breath in as she did the other eye. 
“Am I a pretty prostitute?” 
They snorted, “Cheap?”
“I’m selling my body. I think prostitution applies.”
“Oh, is that what you call your part-time job too?”
“No, that’s my personal hell.” 
Cleo tapped the brush on the palette, which sounded very loud with his eyes closed. He was nearly hyper-aware of sounds, keeping track of them mostly, but it was driving him insane all the same. They should’ve played some music, to drown the occasional silence. Not that he was very close to Cleo, much less Scott, at least he had Tango, which still didn’t explain how he got roped into doing all this. Those two, Cleo and Scott, were sneaky and cunning, approaching him when he was tipsy, possibly drunk, and made an offer they pushed even after he refused when hungover. Clever, also annoying. Very annoying. 
All things considered, he didn’t have to deal with customers at least. Just sit and look pretty, as Scott had said earlier. 
“And done. See how fast that was? We would’ve been done earlier had you sat and stayed still.”
“You’re just a slow worker who is not very flexible.”
“I’m strangling you after the photoshoot, just so you know,” Cleo said nonchalantly as she stepped back, rummaging through the bag. “Saves me the money.”
Joel held off from turning, still not wanting to see himself in the mirror. “You know all my possessions and future pay is going straight to Tango. I’m getting your blummin’ money one way or another.”
“Right, right, your bride, how could I forget.” 
He could hear her roll their eyes, before he didn’t reply as Cleo was back in front of him. She held a wand with something clear in it, their free hand tilting him from his chin. It was cool and slightly sticky on his lips, taking a couple swipes on his bottom lip then his top lip. 
“Okay, yeah, done now. Figured it’d be better with lipgloss than lipstick,” she said, mostly to herself as she capped the tube, placing it on the table beside them. 
“Wasn’t I the bride?” He asked as he took her hand, standing up carefully. It was odd moving with something so heavy yet light, though it did provide some personal space which was fine. 
“Everyone’s a bride. Two ladies can get married these days, you know.”
“Back in your days, not.”
Cleo scoffed, and he grinned. With no further words, they walked out of the room, and it seemed like the other two had the same timing. Cleo and Scott first, surprise in their faces, then smiles before stepping aside. 
Joel didn’t even spare time to glare at Scott, his eyes focusing on Tango first and foremost. In a white dress too with red undertones, all dolled up and pink in his pale face. Tango stared right back, lips parting slightly, both speechless so their respective make-up artists had to drag them to the center room. The dress moved nicely, and Tango looked so elegant, so perfect. He couldn’t help grinning, a momentary wide-eyed Tango then a grinning Tango matched him. 
“You look stupid,” he mouthed when they were standing in front of each other, and they burst into dumb giggles. 
“Thanks, I tried to look like you.” Tango said once their giggles settled, only managing to make them burst into another round of giggles. “Can’t believe I was given such a mid bride. I want a refund.”
“You wish you could afford me.”
Joel reached a hand and pinched Tango’s gown, eyes lowering to admire Scott’s craftsmanship. He would give him this, Tango looked good. Plenty good. 
“Now, now, don’t get too agitated, the sweat will ruin the make-up.” Scott sighed, defeatedly walking towards them beside Cleo. They fixed the veils behind them. Tango’s one was longer and flowy-er, while Joel’s was shorter with two antennas on the clip. “Oh! That’s cute.”
“Last minute addition,” Cleo hummed. “Now you can look in the mirror.”
There was a second of panic as the other two stepped back, very far back, and it was like they were the only ones in the world. A sudden bubble formed around them, and Joel startled Tango by grabbing his hand suddenly. He squeezed his hand, glad that he was wearing gloves while Tango wasn’t. 
“You look fine,” Tango mumbled as soon as his eyes found Joel’s. He didn’t believe the words, but he had to believe Tango, what else was there to do?
Tango squeezed his hand back, and slowly, they both turned to the mirrors. 
There was an immediate wave of white, then slowly the reds and greens appeared, washes of color against the white canvas. It was beautiful, matching. A set of two, Joel and Tango. Tango and Joel. Everything was fine, then, because he was standing with Tango.
“I take it back, you look better than fine,” Tango whispered with a wild, warm grin as he leaned over, tapping their temples. “Good. You look good.”
“Thanks,” Joel relaxed enough to smile, looking at him through their reflection, finding bright eyes staring at him, “I try to be like you.”
:3c cleo & joel. just them. them. also, not tagging scott because he's contribution didn't warrant tagging. sue me 🧍‍♂️
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northoftheroad · 4 months
Thoughts on NTT and TOTTT Dick trying to “change” Koriand’r?
On one hand we have kori who hates how she’s being restrained after years of being enslaved/subdued at the hands of the citadel. Her frustration is understandable in this context, especially when we take into account how prominent unrestrained passion is on her home planet. How big of a part combat at full force is in her life since she was trained by the warlords of Okaara.
But then we have dick who is saddled with the position of both lover and leader. As a leader he has to restrain starfire, least she kill someone while using the full force of her power. He must try to reel her in and show her how to abide by the laws of the planet she’s found herself on because doing otherwise is dangerous and neglectful. But as a lover he’s expected to accept her fully.
From my perspective I honestly think he did a fairly good job at balancing these things and respecting Kori (minus some frankly Ooc bs where he cheats). He seems to accept her fully while clearly outlining the things you just can’t do on earth while staying a hero.
How about you?
Sorry, this has taken a long time. It’s a difficult question that I've never thought much about. And I guess it's a subject that can stir up a lot of hard feelings because I’ve seen people say Dick trying to change Kory was wrong of him and is a reason to hate the pairing.
Still, as you say, as the leader of the NTT, he had to make it clear if her behaviour (as in killing or using excessive violence) made her break the law or put the NTT in a difficult position. Superhero groups need to be accepted by the authorities and trusted by the public if they work out in the open.
When it comes to if their personal opinions or habits were opposed and clashed… I mean, their relationship was written to make for at least some drama, after all, 🤷🏼‍♀️ And at least for a part of their time together, Dick was subconsciously fighting being brainwashed (which influenced his behaviour for a couple of years, in “our” time; and several months in comic book-time.)
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(See New Teen Titans vol 2 # 30)
Dick certainly had to make a journey to realize that he loved her enough to accept the parts of her behaviour that he found difficult. That's an important part of his/their story. And I guess most couples have to learn to adapt and make compromises. After a sometimes very bumpy ride, I think Dick and Kory ended up in a good place.
Could he have learned to accept their differences sooner? Sure, but then how would Wolfman and Perez have filled all those comic book pages?
I'm sorry if this is mostly a not-answer that doesn't say anything you haven't thought yourself…
One thing I do have strong opinions on is the cheating. In the blasted annual. That is so out of character (as I have written on several occasions, and you seem to agree) when you look at how Dick is written (especially at the time when the wedding almost happened in comics; Dick loved Kory, he takes relationships very seriously, and he and Barbara weren’t written as having any contact these years), that I honestly refuse to take it seriously.
Now, other readers are of course free to point at those particular pages in that particular comic as proof Dick is written as a bastard who should be shunned by all female characters. Or that Kory gained nothing from her relationship with Dick. We all read comics differently and chose our own favourite canon.
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indigovigilance · 11 months
Sodom and Gomorrah: A Speculative Meta
on Ao3: Sodom and Gomorrah: A Speculative Meta
Sodom and Gomorrah is the story of a land so steeped in sin that many prayed to God for intercession, and God sent two angels to see for themselves if the rumors were true, and determine based on their testimony whether the cities should be destroyed.
In Season 1, we learn that Sandolphon was there, doing a lot of smiting and turning people into salt. The way that Aziraphale talks about it, we are led to believe that he was there too, bearing unhappy witness to the destruction, his plastered-on smile faltering as his vision fades into the middle distance:
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In this meta I am taking an alternate stance to the wonderfully presented interpretation by @queerfables in my speculation of what happened in Sodom and its relevance to the GO story arc overall, if canonized. I hope that readers will consider the merits of both arguments in their own formulations of Aziraphale and Heaven in the GO universe.
TW: discussions of homophobia, sexual assault, death & destruction
Verses are taken from this translation of Genesis, chapters 18 and 19.
Genesis 18
20 Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous
21 that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.”
(Notably, the allegations made against Sodom and Gomorrah are never discussed. It is simply left at “sin so grievous.” Though it seems like there may be more information in Genesis 12)
But God herself did not go down to Sodom, instead sending two angels. I, like queerfables, read this and quickly came to the conclusion that for GO narrative purposes, the two angels that God sent to Sodom were Aziraphale and Sandolphon, where the former is playing tour guide to the latter, who has the real authority in the situation.
Upon arrival, the angels are met by Lot; he invites them to stay with him. At first they refuse, saying they will stay in the square, but he insists.
Genesis 19
4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 
5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we may know [have sex with] them.”
There is a lot of baggage to unpack from these two lines, especially in the 2023 context of politics in the Western hemisphere. Same-sex marriage is nearly ubiquitous, a near turnaround from only twenty years ago, but so is homophobic rhetoric, and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is cited a lot for those purposes. Intersectional communities of faith have done a lot of work to try to reinterpret these two verses, insisting that what God finds so abhorrent about the actions of the men of Sodom is not that they are homosexual but rather that they are attempting to gang-rape two newly arrived strangers in their city.
For the real world, this is a very important discussion and a solid position to maintain, if one wishes to defend the concept of a benevolent God who made homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and every other flavor of human as lovingly and intentionally as was made every cisgender heterosexual person.
But we’re not talking about real-world God. We’re talking about the God in Good Omens. And She is not a very nice person. 
We have only to look at the contract that would allow the murder and then replacement of Job’s children, or the abject poverty under which Elspeth suffers that forces her to commit [apparent] atrocities, and ultimately drive her to attempt suicide. Whatever your feelings may be about the God of our shared meatspace, the God of Good Omens is not a character we are meant to admire, sympathize with, or make excuses for.
Returning to Sodom in the Good Omens universe.
I propose that it is thematically in keeping that the men of Sodom were not attempting to commit gangrape, but rather, they saw Sandolphon and fell in love on the spot. Because yes, Aziraphale is a fine scholarly-looking fellow, but it’s approximately 2000 B.C., the Bronze Age. Sodom and Gomorrah are most likely agrarian societies, and Sandolphon looks like he could throw a bale of hay like a javelin. He’s a whole lot of man, and the men of Sodom are into it. I mean, c'mon, Paul Chahidi in some biblical garb, is, uhh...
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...not an eyesore, iykwim. [image source: imdb.com]
So they go to Lot’s house and ask if they can see this man, in hopes that they can ask him on a date. They are smitten by Sandolphon. Sure, the ultimate goal may be to have sex with them, but not right there on Lot’s doorstep, and the gross misquoting can be attributed to Sandolphon’s own libelous report of events, not to the Sodomites themselves. History is written by the victors, after all.
While we’re at it, let’s consider Lot’s response:
Genesis 19
6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 
7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 
8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”
In the true spirit of Good Omens comedy, I can envision Lot walking out among these men, complaining that not one of them has asked permission to court or marry either of his daughters of maritable age, and perhaps rather than simping for his houseguest, perhaps they would consider dating one of them instead. Is it homophobic? Sure, but I’m not here to defend Lot; he doesn’t need it. Because standing next to Sandolphon, he’s an absolute poppet.
(The remaining stanzas regarding the Sodomites breaking into Lot’s house, I am going to selectively set aside and chalk that up to Sandolphon blowing some Sodomite choice statements about Lot being a homophobic asshole way out of proportion.)
Sandolphon, a True Believer, is not about to stand for this insult to his heavenly purity. Angels do not have relations with humans, and to insinuate that he would even consider it is blasphemy. He takes it as a personal insult that the Sodomites would propose such a thing. He finds this to be evidence enough that the Sodomites are truly corrupt and worthy of destruction.
I feel the need to emphasize here that while this contains some distinctly queer themes, Sandolphon is not angry because they are men; he is angry because they are human, a different species from himself (in the same way that angels are different species from demons), and furthermore that anything resembling love the way humans do it is disgusting and vile to him.
Aziraphale, meanwhile, is standing helplessly on the sidelines, desperately trying and failing to de-escalate the situation. But it’s no use, Sandolphon has already made up his mind. There’s nothing left for Aziraphale to do but to try to save as many people as he can, beginning with Lot and his family.
Genesis 19
12 The two [angels] said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, 
13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.”
Again, in the fashion that GO takes liberty with biblical narrative, I propose that it is Aziraphale alone who warns Lot that Sandolphon will destroy Sodom come sunrise, and sends him out into the night to gather his family and get them out as quickly as possible. I propose, additionally, that Aziraphale is the one who leads Lot and his daughters by the hand out of Sodom and then protects the village of Zoar from destruction so that they can take shelter there.
Genesis 19:
15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.”
16 When he hesitated, the [angels] grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them.
17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”
18 But Lot said to them, “No, my lords,[or singular, lord] please! 
19 Your[singular] servant has found favor in your[singular] eyes, and you[singular] have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can’t flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I’ll die. 
20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it—it is very small, isn’t it? Then my life will be spared.”
21 He said to him, “Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of. 
22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar.[“small”])
While yes, this is a fictional interpretation of a biblical scripture, let’s take something from the fact that Lot is supposed to be addressing two angels, but the pronouns he uses to do so are all singular in the original Hebrew: that is to say, it seems like he is only talking to one angel. So in the victor-edited retrospective, the story is written to seem like two angels were rescuing him, but from the faithfully quoted words of his own mouth, it was only one. It seems like Sandolphon tried to write himself in as one of the good guys but couldn't bring himself to actually change the words that were coming from Lot's mouth. (Again, this is unnecessary work to do for the biblical narrative to be molded to a GO narrative, but it is an interesting feature of the original text nonetheless.)
At sunrise, the destruction begins: 
Genesis 19
23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land.
24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens.
25 Thus [S]he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 
26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
So goes the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: The cities are slandered before God, who sends Aziraphale and Sandolphon to investigate; Sandolphon is so incensed by human men flirting with him that he determines that the city shall be destroyed in the morning, and Aziraphale races against the clock to save as many as he can, knowing that he cannot save everyone. He bears witness as the men who resemble himself so much, who committed no greater crime than to seek out a forbidden love, perish in a rain of fire and brimstone. He must feign heavenly delight that a sinful blight was erased from the world, while mourning thousands of lost souls. He wonders if they have been sent to Hell. Even Lot’s wife, whose only crime was to question, to wonder what is behind her and perhaps regret leaving it behind, is turned to salt. He sees the vicious glee of Sandolphon exacting his revenge for the crime of impugning his celestial celibacy. He wonders what Sandolphon would do to him if he ever found out about the stirrings in his heart for a demon who, 500 years prior, had sat beside him on a rock, looking out over sea, comforting him as he nursed his wounded faith. He wonders just how far along with Heaven he can go, and what the consequences will be when he dares to say, “I will go no further.”
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[image source: Wessex Archaeology]
For those who (like me) are interested, the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah seems to have been merged from two historical events, which was common in a period preserved primarily by oral history. The tale seems to resemble a volcanic event that occurred nearby and around that time, but Sodom and Gomorrah were most likely destroyed by an earthquake and a subsequent flood, since they were located in the Jordan Plain, the lowest dry land in the world, a full quarter of a mile below sea level at its lowest, and very near the Dead Sea. Additionally, the area is rich in bitumen, sulfur-rich near-surface petroleum deposits that, when disturbed by a major earthquake, may have sent hot tar flying into the air, which if it landed on anything flammable would give the impression that fire and brimstone were raining down.
✨ the more you know ✨
Blending together the biblical canon and archaeological speculation, I'm going to make a wild, unsubstantiated proposal that Crowley turns the people of Sodom into fish so that they survive the flood. Because one biblical flood was enough, and he'd heard around the water cooler that She had promised not to do that again (lying liar). This creates a tentative connection with the raining fish we see in the title credits of both seasons, and I'm also going to reference it in an upcoming meta.
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dyemelikeasunset · 1 year
would you be able to include flag country names for the dom&mor characters lineup? ty!
(i love how diverse all your art and characters are, i wish i could read thru all about your ocs and stories like browsing through a wiki in an autism way)
THANK YOU!! In fact I can do you one better and write little blurbs for everyone! Including our leading ladies too of course Under the readmore:
Mor's side
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Morgan: Jamaican American Lesbian. Mor's parents came from Jamaica but she was born in the US, where she grew up with her mom in Boston before moving to NYC. Mor went to university for a BA in Graphic Design and met most of her friends there. She works from home these days. Mor doesn't really realize she's the resident Pretty Girl in her group of friends (she has bad self esteem)
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Lexi: American Nonbinary Lesbian. Lex met Mor in high school when they both played on the softball team, and they both came out to each other. They've been able to stay friends all these years cause their tastes in girls are wildly different. Lexi belongs to a different group as the rest of Mor's friends since they didn't go to the same college, but they're Mor's very annoying ride-or-die
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Panos: Greek Ethiopian and Bisexual. Panos met Mor through their shared degree and has been a mentor and big brother figure for her since. They help onboard her to a lot of projects, and the two of them rely on each other professionally. He never really stops talking about his wife and daughter-- it's the price everyone has to pay, since he's so reliable and understanding and helping everyone all the time
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Ryan: (Sansei) Japanese American and Gay. Out of Mor's art friends, Ryan is the one who's most practical about his job. Instead, he puts his energy into being a menace in his dating life. He loves to gossip about his and Mor's very messy love lives and is convinced Morgan is just as much of a heartbreaker as he is behind her innocent facade. She has unfortunately told Ryan all her dirty laundry so he teases her relentlessly every chance he gets
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Barjis: Malay Trans and Bisexual. Barjis came to the US with their boyfriend to pursue their degree and also start their transition. They have a surprisingly cute illustration style and work with Panos and Mor often. They love to talk animated movies with Morgan, and it's one of the few things that gets them to talk a lot. Very skittish and tired all the time, and has a bit of a fear of "normies"
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Elsa: Norwegian Lesbian. Elsa is Mor's unwitting rival in love because they always crush on the same girls (Ryan loves to tease her about this). Elsa is currently losing (Mor: 7, Elsa: 2) but she's not bitter, just single and sad. She's currently working in web journalism even though she wants to publish her novel. Friendly and considerate, but awkward
Dom's side
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Dominique: Korean/Chinese and Asexual. Dom was born in Beijing but grew up in Seoul with her mother. She started working as a model at 16 and moved to the US alone when she was 18. She's currently coming back into the modeling world after a 2 year hiatus. She's charming and good at socializing, but she doesn't really know how to make friends, which frustrates model coworkers who want to be closer to her
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Farid: Afghan French and Gay. Farid became a model in his late father's footsteps, so he's often accused of being a nepo model. He's fussy and annoyed easily, but he can never refuse helping people. One of Dom's only real friends, he's a bit like a little brother to her and relies on her a lot. He has a bad habit of dating married men and acting like it doesn't matter to him (it matters. A lot.)
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Maithili: Indian Canadian and Pansexual. Maithili is breezy and easy-going, but behind her dreamy facade is a very level-headed personality. She works with Dom often for body diversity shoots, but she'd really like to do more high fashion. Very flirtatious, calls Dom and Farid her "work boyfriends" all the time
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Wynter: British Trans woman. Wynter started modeling a little later than her peers. She was scouted after a big transition point, so modeling has brought her a lot of euphoria. She's one of the more mature personalities in Dom's life, and looks after her and the other models a lot. She lives with her boyfriend and is hoping he'll propose soon
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Evita: Argentine American and Bisexual. Evita started as a social media influencer and has been able to make her way to the runway as a petite model. Despite their nonchalant persona, they work very hard and are very passionate about their job. Her current romance hangup is how oblivious Dominique is, and she knows she needs to move on
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Inessa: Russian (and no fruity business). Inessa met Dom backstage at a Fashion Week while having a breakdown that Dom helped her through, so she's been attached like an inprinted duckling ever since. The type of straight girl who is obsessed with pretty women in a platonic way, so she really wants to get to know more about Dom's cute new girlfriend
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Au where quirks exist ever since the beginning of humanity but thought the last 200 years they started becoming rarer for no explainable reason
"for no explainable reason"? Not "because someone born two hundred years ago started eating them all"? Well, both can be true I suppose
1- humans have always had quirks so just go ahead and disabuse yourself of the idea that world history looks anything like ours now. Any boundaries humans have drawn between themselves or their spaces are totally different. Anyway, our story is set on the island nation of Akitsuba, which has begun to receive reports of children who are born without quirks- it seems impossible, but apparently the child born in Canton Province to two glowing parents but had no light himself was not the result of an affair. He is genetically both his parents child - just, without any unique plus alpha factor at all.
2- when the news breaks, Setsuji looks over at his twin brother. The two stay in a group home, and on the record, they have a spike quirk, just like their mother did before she died at their birth. In truth, Setsuji can take others quirks. He assumes he took his brother's in infancy, which why the boy can't use them, but now he wonders if his brother was in fact simply born without. He doesn't say anything, but his brother does- whispering it at night, apologizing for assuming his brother took it all this years ago and refused to even try to return it, but there's simply nothing to return, is there?
3- more people are born quirkless over time, and more people lose their quirk to AfO over time. Ujiko theorizes that quirks would get too strong, so both quirklessness and AfO are evolutions to prevent plus alpha self destruction. That is, sadly, a generous view- quirklessness is largely viewed as a horrible strange disability, and suddenly quirks become more important. Few people before had jobs that specifically used their quirks, but now no one wants to be mistaken for not having one. Many people campaign to treat and 'fix' quirklessness, trying to force activate one, study and prevent it, etc. Just go ahead and assume all the terrible things that can happen with this mindset, it all happened.
4- by the time of canon, however, quirklessness has been around for two hundred years, and it isn't going away- clearly the opposite. about half the population of the world has no quirk, and the number's hanging around 45% in Akitsuba when our main character, Akatani Mikumo is born. He's quirkless, and lives in the capitol of Higakyou, as schools there are required by law now to no longer require certain or any quirks. It's an election year, so his first semester of high school all anyone can do is talk about the candidates- especially Yagi Toshinori, a bit of a symbol for quirkless politicians and one people thought would run years ago. Mikumo, who helped Yagi carry groceries home one day and didn't recognize him outside of the bright suit, camera lights, and makeup, makes friends with a few kids at school. (Ochako, and the twins Tokoyami Fumikage and Kuroei- while the latter has a quirk, the former does not).
5- Then one day, Yagi is kidnapped, vanishing on live tv through a smokey warp. Mikumo doesn't know what to think about that, until he runs into the man on his way home from school- clearly in bad shape, with strange dark eyes that glow with some quirk he shouldn't have. Mikumo helps Yagi hide, and asks what happens, and how he can help. (AfO decided to end Yagi's use as a symbol by forcing a quirk on him and controlling him, but one of his brother's successors managed to break Yagi out first and give him his brother's quirk, allowing him to fight against AfO's quirk and withstand them safely. As for what Mikumo can do to help... he's done far more than he should already, a kind boy, but that answer isn't going to be good enough for him- he's determined to do more anyway.)
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pixies-love-envy · 3 months
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Chapter 3: Cricket
My shift ends in two hours, and a freak storm brews outside, a stark difference from the perfect summer weather this morning. They refuse to send the staff home and close early. Apparently, the weather plays into the lowly, down-on-their-luck band of travelers' fantasy. I finish mixing a “Dungeon Master’s Delight” for a very talkative, very proud, level 26 halfling paladin called Cormo Rumblesurge.
“Thanks much, barkeep!” he bellows as he takes his drink.
“The pleasures all mine, fearless adventurer!” I say, copying his Monty Python-esque accent. I don’t have to respond like this, but I want to do the job well if I'm getting paid. A few minutes later, a lull at the bar signaled to Harlow and me that it was time to sneak over to the bathroom and waste time. If you excel at your job, you have more wiggle room to do what you want.
The bathroom is single-stall. We lock it to ensure our privacy. Harlow passes me the joint she rolled this morning, and I open the bathroom window, careful not to touch the strange yellowish-brown substance on its sill. I reach into my bra to retrieve my special lighter. Her name is Zelda. She’s a gold zippo with the lovers tarot card engraved on the front. My lighter is due for a flint and wick replacement soon. I might even have to take some time to maintain its finish. I flip it open, light the perfectly rolled joint, and take two puffs, but I do not pass it to Harlow. She doesn’t do drugs or even drink, for that matter. It’s not for lack of trying. She just doesn’t react well to them. It’s almost like she’s allergic. Harlow is, however, the resident joint roller because I suck at it, and she’s a good friend.
“You remember that episode of The Twilight Zone with the author?” she asks. I know I’m the high one, but she always manages to come up with the goofy high-people questions.
“Gonna have to be more specific, Babe.” I have literally never seen an episode of The Twilight Zone, and I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that to her.
“He's cheating on his wife and gets exposed when she comes home early, but it turns out his mistress is a fictional character he created. Come to find out, his wife is actually also a fictional character who was initially perfect but deviated from his description, which is why she came home early in the first place.”
“I feel like I-” I wheeze, breaking into a series of hacking coughs that made my body jerk. “would just make my character wife polyamorous.”
“Yeah, but if she's gained sentience, you can't make her do anything, and you certainly can't make her want to be with you anymore.”
“Damn, I guess I write her a new wife, and I write myself a husband because men have no standards.” the joke makes me laugh, and I send myself into another coughing fit.
“I think I just wouldn’t use the magic.”
“Wow, you’re so lame.” I cup my hand over the joint to hide the glow of the cherry and protect it from the breeze let in by the window. I take a drag. If this wind picks up, I fear, oh how I fear, that I will have to stay here at the inn. I would rather sit on a hot grill. “Also, what you meant to say was sapience, not sentience. All animals are sentient, but humans are sapient.”
She punches the shit out of my shoulder. “You’re so freaking irritating.” I launch the roach out of the window, and we depart.
In the time it took us to leave and come back, the guests from the Inn all came down to the tavern. They’re not dressed in their best costumes anymore, but they dressed up enough for me to respect their commitment to the bit. A loud bang, like metal on glass, comes from my left. The whole room turns to look. A street sign has blown into the tavern’s window and bounced off. Looks like we’re staying here tonight. I go to take a set of room keys from behind the bar, but the rack is empty.
“No, no, no” this can’t be. There were three fucking keys here when we left. Under the counter. They must be under the counter, under the cups, in the cash register, or something. They have to be here somewhere. Harlow puts her hand on my shoulder.
“The inn is full, honey,” and there are no rooms left. The staff is trapped. “I guess we’ll have to sleep in the tavern.”
“Harly, I can’t sleep in the tavern.”
“Yes, you can.” she models taking deep breaths in and out with her hands and chest. “It’ll be okay. I’ll snatch up the nicest, cleanest booth we’ve got. You know, the one in the corner, and all night we’re gonna laugh at that bitch Michelle because her big sasquatch ass is gonna have to sleep on the floor.” Damn, she’s funny. I hate to say it because it makes me seem like an asshole, but the jab at Michelle is pulling me out of my panic attack. I chuckle, and Harlow lets out a sigh of relief.
“She really is fucking huge.” I’m laughing so hard Harlow can barely understand me “She’s like Hagrid in a mini skirt.” She joins in my laughter, and I remember why she’s my best friend.
Harlow puts me in a friendly headlock. “It’s all gonna be alright, Jiminy. It's not gonna be like when you were a kid.”
“Yeah, I know it’s gonna be fine,” I say with a smile. “Because I’m going to pick up one of these nerds and sleep in a nice, warm bed tonight.”
“Are you serious? You’re resorting to prostitution now?”
“I am!” I reply very loudly and matter-of-factly. Then I stalk off in search of my new man.
The guys who come here aren’t usually very ugly, but they're still not preferable. Occasionally, we get a semi-attractive man who roleplays as a prince fighter hero, half-elf, or something or other. Unfortunately for me, it seems we’ve got a bad batch in here tonight. There’s a man in with really nice arms, but he’s got a wedding ring. After a good look around, I saw three viable options. The first is a burly man with heavy green face paint, the second is a tall, lanky blonde orc, and the third is a ginger, who looks like a sixteen-year-old, who I know for a fact is 23 because I carded him. I’m about to go for the blonde orc at the end of the bar when, out of the corner of my eye, I see him—a pretty boy dressed in standard 21st-century garb. He’s got brown floppy hair and bright blue eyes with a yellow center almost like a sunflower. They go perfectly with his warm and inviting peachy complexion. Looking at him genuinely is an experience. Obviously, he’s the one.
Okay, Cricket, it’s game time. I reach behind the bar and take a swig from the bottle of my favorite cinnamon whiskey. I went into this thinking I wouldn’t have to try very hard, but if I’m going to turn tricks, I figure I should turn them for a man of substance. It’s a good thing I have this corset on. I look freaking amazing. I walk right up and sit across from him in his booth.
“Alright, what’s your story, pretty boy? What on earth is someone like you doing in The Chipped Tea Cup?”
“Yeah, no. Welcome to my booth, I guess, Miss—” He pauses to read my name tag. “Tiploft.” He puts on a genuine smile. “Just trying to escape the rain. I’m at the tail end of a road trip, actually.” That was kind of obvious, and I’m not sure why I asked. The road trip is news, though.
I rest my elbows on the table and lean in to show off my cleavage. “Oh, so you’re a true adventurer. Where are you going?”
“I got a new apartment uptown, just a few miles from here. I’ve traveled through six states to get here.”
“Uptown? Are you, by chance, a student.”
“Yep, going to Redwood University. Working at the Research Lab of The Adjustment Of Phenology,” I give him a quizzical look. “The study of seasons. I’m gonna help solve climate change,” he says proudly.
“Huh, I would’ve guessed business major. Men who look like you want to work on wall street and like fuck people over.”
“Glad to break the stereotype, Thelda.”
“Oh, shit, no, that’s not my name. This is my work cosplay.” I hope to god I don’t look like a Thelda. “What’s your name?”
“It’s March.” he extends his arm for a handshake, “March Starling.”
“Cricket St. James.” I shake his hand. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“Thanks so much for offering, but I don’t drink.”
“Oh, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. My best friend’s allergic to alcohol, too.” I have never come across another person with an allergy like Harlow’s. If I’m being honest, I’ve never even considered that there are other people like her. I guess I just thought she, of all people, would have such an obscure trait.
“No, I don’t drink of my own volition.” he pauses and furrows his eyebrows. “I’m also pretty sure no one is allergic to alcohol.”
“You’re telling me that you’re a sexy environmentalist who doesn’t drink.”
He smiles to himself, “Better than your average drunken pollutant.”
“Ha ha, very funny.” I tease. “What do you do for fun then?”
“Well, sometimes back home, when I would get bored, I would sneak into the abandoned buildings on the other side of town.” I nod my head, encouraging him to go on. “And I would hand out snacks to the homeless, and we’d have great conversations.”
“Oh, wow, you really are just a nice guy.”
His cheeks start to redden. “What are you then, Cricket?” he asks.
“I’ll tell you later,” I say, changing the subject. “So, will you be staying the night, March, or are you thinking of braving the storm to get to your new place?” If I had a drink, I would twirl its straw and flip my dreads, but I went into this half-cocked.
“I’m staying. Got the last available room, apparently.” This motherfucker took my room.
“Really? That’s so lucky. Most of the staff here are staying in the tavern tonight.” I give him a tiny closed-mouth smile, making it seem like I’m failing an attempt at stoicism.
“That’s awful. I know I can’t help everybody, but you can stay in my room tonight if you would be comfortable with me.” He’s so kind, I don’t even think I’ll have to sleep with him. I guess he just likes helping the homeless, however temporary their homelessness.
“I would love to share a room with you, March.”
Too Sweet Masterlist
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Looking for FEEDBACK on my first few chapters. They are really short and are easy reads. Any feedback is welcome. Tell me about anything you think can be improved upon or anything that you liked. Comment on the prose or the dialogue. Literally anything that comes to mind that can help.
@mundanemoongirl @arrowmoose @yourpenpaldee @frostedlemonwriter
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lumpywhump · 1 month
The Tool
I have no idea if I'm going to keep adding to this. This is just a little story I have and felt like sharing lmao
Cw: living weapon, recapture
Jacob is being a little bitch
It would be an easy job. All he had to do was stay in character. All Kayden had to do was to pretend to be the person he used to be. He had to be believable enough to get back to the base, then everything will be over. Persephone once described the Tool's eyes; saying they were dull and dead. That's what Kayden hoped she saw at the moment. His heart pounded with each step; each crunch of the rocks under their feet. Kayden made sure to stay behind Persephone as they drew near. They were heading for an old playground. While the slide and swings rusted, spiderwebs shimmered. It was almost poetic. Persephone stopped a couple feet away from the man they were meeting. Kayden was relieved his former handler wasn't there. Jacob would make his anxiety much worse. "You got my money?" Persephone asked, playing her character. "Yeah," the man held up a brief case. "Tool, come here," Kayden stepped towards the man, keeping his eyes in a thousand yard stare. The man twisted the poor boy's head from side to side before motioning him towards the jet. The sensation made his fingers twitch. The man pressed a gloved hand to Kayden's back as they approached the shiny stairs. He had to resist looking back at Persephone.
Jacob was the first thing Kayden saw. His red hair and freckles were unmistakable and loud against the gray of the jet. He watch his handler for his next move. "Tool," he addressed Kayden. "Yes sir?" He replied with his heart pounding in his ears. "Where were you?" "In a forest, sir," "What were you doing in a forest?" "I was lost, sir. I was attempting to find my way back when that woman found me," Jacob examined him. Watching every breath and twitch. His gaze wandered over the old, muddy uniform, from his shoes to his missing shirt sleeve. "What happened?" Kayden didn't have to lie this time. "It was used to stop my leg from bleeding." He didn't miss when his former handler reached for his belt. "Which leg?" "Left." He braced himself. BANG Kayden refused to look down. Tool wouldn't look at it. He had to focus on Jacob. He could already feel it burning and it was going to hurt a whole hell of a lot more in a minute. "Liar." He slammed his boot into Kayden's stomach, making him gag and fall. And he fell right on his injured leg. He could definitely feel the wound now. Sweat creased his brow as he lifted himself up onto his elbows. "You're not the Tool," As he panted, only one phrase came to his mind. "Fuck you," "How many of your memories did you get back?" His eyes wandered to the puddle of blood collecting under Kayden's leg. The man growled at him. Jacob grabbed Kayden's face by the cheeks. "That is an order," The man felt the words tumble out of his mouth before he could stop himself. "Not many," "Servoko," a random soldier addressed Jacob, "may I send my men after the woman?" He lifted his hand. "No," he stood up, "Christine is no traitor." Kayden perked up at the mention of Persephone's fake name. "She's given us some of our best intelligence. She most likely couldn't tell the difference. Reel your men in, we're leaving," Kayden had been waiting a while to curse Jacob out, now seemed like his best chance to do it. A nice way to air out his frustration. "You're such a bitch." He breathed through the pain of his throbbing thigh. "You uglyass piece of shi—" Jacob cut him off. He could only hear the first part of the word before his head hit the floor.
"—et," Kayden jumped up and was pulled back down to the floor. Quickly scanning his surroundings. Concrete walls and floors. One metal door. It appeared like his old storage room. Limbs restrained with metal manacles connected directly to the floor. A man standing above him. Red hair. Pale skin. Brown freckles. Green eyes. Oval head shape. Jacob. Kayden was fully alert and assessed himself. Throbbing left thigh. Aching joints. Stiff neck. He had likely been unconscious for a while. "Morning, sleeping beauty," Jacob snickered as his softly kicked the man's foot. "Found your tracker." Jacob looked like he wanted Kayden to say something. "Got rid of it before the plane moved. You've got no back up," Tears pricked at his eyes. Oh god, for the first time since he had woken up in that hospital with Persephone next to him, he was really alone. "Am I back at the base?" The man tried to suppress his emotions. "What? Don't recognize your own room?" "It's as bare as it's always been." He glared. "It's not hard to replicate. So I will ask again. Am I back at the base?" Jacob smirked, just like that bad guy in a movie Persephone made him watch. "Yes, you're home, smartass," Kayden snarled at the implications. Jacob stepped on the man's injury. With pain shooting through his leg and up his hip, he yelled. Jacob refused to move his foot. "Shit," he breathed. Cursing and breathing through the pain is how he stayed sane. It was a way of telling himself that he wasn't the Tool, because Tool barely acknowledges pain. "Look at you." The ginger twisted his foot, making Kayden cry out, digging his fingers into the floor. "Look how pathetic you've gotten." Jacob picked his foot up and took a step to Kayden's head. He was silently thankful. Kayden was pulled up by the hair as far as the restraints would let him. Jacob leaned in and pressed his lips to Kayden's ear. "When I'm done with you," he whispered, "you will be my tool. No one is going to steal you again. Not even the fucking agency. Got it?" Jacob looked up at Kayden, watching for a response. The man refused to give Jacob what he wanted. "Got it?" Jacob pulled at the man's hair. "Go to hell,"
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andydrysdalerogers · 18 days
Troublemaker ~ Chapter Eight ~ Rude Awakening
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He is one of the best goaltenders in the league. He's also hated by his teammates. He didn't mean to be a troublemaker but why not lean into it? There wasn't anyone to stop him.
Until he met her...
A Jeremy Swayman AU x OFC Stella Williams
Story Warnings: excessive drinking, SMUT!, an asshole Jeremy, angst
A/N: Hello and welcome to a spin-off "Cross-Checked" so plenty of characters from that story are crossing over here! If you want a more detailed story of how we ended up here, read the first store HERE Also! The taglist is open. If you want to be added or removed, please let me know!
Previous: On the Road
Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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I woke up optimistic.  
I woke up with an ache in my chest.  
But not pain. No, it wasn’t pain.  
It is love.  
Because I’m pretty sure that I’m in love with Jeremy Swayman.  
It sucked that Smith got hurt the way he did because I had to come home with him to make sure he didn’t aggravate the injury more.  We chatted on the car ride home and Smith was so disappointed to be missing the beginning of the playoffs. I did, however, get to sleep in my bed, which was nice.  My phone dinged and reached for it.  
Jeremy: Good Morning beautiful. I miss you.  
I am not ashamed to say that I squealed like a teenaged girl and held the phone to my chest.  
Stella: Good Morning, handsome. I miss you too.   Jeremy: I’ve got morning skate but we’ll talk later ok?  Stella: ok. Have a good practice 
It took everything not to say “I love you” in that text.  Its something I think we need to do in the privacy of our bedroom.  It would change everything. It would mean coming out and telling the world that Jeremy and I are together. My heart sings at the thought.  
I get a run in first thing and make my way to “The Addicted” for a couple of coffees and cinnamon rolls for me and Leia. I want to visit with the baby while I have time because come playoffs, we would be on the road a lot.  As I wait in line, my social media starts to go off.  I have alerts set for the Bruins in case anyone had spotted Jeremy and I.  I open the app and my heart sinks. 
With the headline comes a couple of pictures. Jeremy holding onto a tiny looking blonde. Her sidling up to him, her hand on his chest.  
My heart shatters.  
He was texting me while with another woman. He texted me several times last night and today. I rushed out of the coffee shop and got to my car.  My phone started to ring and I see its Jeremy calling.  I rejected the call and blocked his number. I didn’t want to hear his excuses. He did the same thing to Leia and I refuse to give him the chance.  
I drive but I don’t pay attention to where I am going. My eyes are blurry and my head hurts. I look up and see that I’m at Leia and Andy’s house. I wipe my face and compose myself a little. I get up to the door and ring the bell.  Leia comes to the door. “Stel?” 
“I need to hide out here for a while, please,” I pleaded, feeling the fat tears now rolling uncontrollably down my face. So much for trying to stay composed.  
She pulls me into her arms and I cling to her.“Of course, sweetie. What’s going on?” 
I sniffle as try to get words out.“Have you seen the headlines about the Bruins?” 
“Uh, no.” She picks up the phone and scrolls through her media apps.  As social media director, she’s more in turn with all the Bruins new. However, she just had Avery like seven weeks ago so she’s not back to work yet. He face scrunches as she reads. “What the... I don’t understand.  I thought he was cleaning up his act and doing a damn good job at it.”  
“Yeah, he was.” I sniffed again and wiped at my nose.  “Because we had been taking care of each other.”  I looked at my lap. I had never lied like this to Leia.  She has been my best friend for years, since freshman year in high school.  We knew everything about each other. I knew about her crush on Andy and how heart broken she was she he started to date Fiona. I was there when her dad died, and when her mom checked out on her and Luke.  
I knew about the feelings she was starting to have for Jeremy. When she found out about the baby and the fallout of Jeremy’s actions.  
I’m the worst friend because I fell for her ex. Her voice brings me back to the present.  “You and Jeremy? You were, what?” 
“We were in a ‘friends with benefits’ situation.” I looked up at her with sorrow and she looked surprised. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but he was there when I broke up with Kevin and then it was supposed to be one night. But we didn’t stop, and it was great. I thought we were getting serious but then this and...” I break down and I start sobbing. Leia just wraps her arms around me a cradles me.  
“It's going to be ok, Stel. You can stay here as long as you like.  I’m sure there is a perfectly good explanation and when you are ready, we’ll get the truth.” 
I don’t know if I ever want to hear it.  
Because I am in love with Jeremy Swayman, and he just broke my heart.  
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I’m actually really proud of myself.  
I mean, the pictures looked great. Not blurry at all, for a camera phone. I read the article again and again, checking back to see how much more viral it went. I know Jeremy didn’t go home with anyone I watch the team walk back to the hotel. But I wasn’t going to let the Stella find happiness. Especially after what she did to me.  
Flashback – four months prior... 
“Stella, it was a mistake!” Kevin held the pillow in front of his junk as I covered myself with a sheet.  I was just caught with my boss’s boyfriend in his bed. Stella Williams used to be my hero.  She had a hot-as-fuck boyfriend, a fabulous job with the Bruins and was generally loved by everyone. I was jealous and I wanted something that was hers.  
Kevin was an easy target. He was a lawyer so he wasn’t a part of the Bruins. Which made him easier to seduce when Stella was on the road with the team.  We had hooked up a few times but he didn’t know I worked with his girlfriend.  
Until today.  
“A mistake? Sleeping with my team member is a mistake?” Stella yelled at him, red painting her face.  
“Team member?” He looked at me with anger.  “She never told me she worked with you. Baby, i swear, it was a one-time thing!” 
“More like three times, but who’s counting.” I shrugged.  Stella walked out right then and then Kevin kicked me out and told me to lose his number.  
When I got to work the next day, Jeremy was coming off the ice in a huff. God, he is gorgeous. Tall, dark and the most handsome guy I had ever seen.  I’ve flirted with him a few times and he always gave me a smile and a wink.  I went to say hi but the look on his face told me something was wrong.  I watched Andy Barber, Linus Ullmark and the head coach follow him and I decided to stay away. For now.  
I got ready for the day when I hear, “Kiley my office.” Fuck I knew this was coming. Stella sat at her desk when I entered. “Close the door.” I close it and see points her eyes to the chair. I don’t say anything. I’d be stupid to speak to my boss I just burned. “I really wish I could fire you. But firing you for fucking my boyfriend, well, ex boyfriend would cause a lot of problems. So here’s what I’m going to. You are a scrub from now on. A rookie. Whatever needs to get done you do it. I don’t give a fuck if it’s not in your job description. Feel lucky that I don’t beat your ass.”  
“You can’t do that!” I screeched. “I have seniority.” 
She stood up. “Watch me.”  
So, for months, I have been relegated to helping with watch the physical therapy tables and monitoring ice packs. I was fucking pissed. I knew I needed to get something on Stella to ruin her.  
Imagine my surprise a couple of months later to come back in during a home game after Jeremy got hurt and saw something that enraged me.  
Stella was bent over Jeremy on the gurney, stroking his face and then leaning over to kiss him. I think they thought no one would see them. He grasped her hand with a smile before he was loaded in. I screamed inside my head.  This bitch gets everything! 
I took every opportunity I could find to try and drive a wedge between them but Jeremy was dedicated and Stella never showed him affection at work again.  So I began stalking her.  I needed to find a way to break them apart. He is mine. I had dibs and I wasn’t going to allow this hussy take away what was mine.  
Getting Smith to take an injury on the promise of a good night was super easy. Whispering that Stella should go with him back just in case was a little bit harder, but the team physician agreed. I got all dolled up and went with the team to the bar after the win in New York. Jeremy wasn’t drinking but Stevens and Barber managed to get him to drink a couple. Shame that men don’t protect their drinks like women do.  I slipped just a tiny bit of something to get him loose.  
I didn’t plan on the captain to take care of him.  
I also didn’t plan on some puck bunny to try to obviously hit on him. But I was delighted to get “proof” of his old playboy ways.  
Making friends with a reporter at the Globe also helped.  
Now I just need a chance to get to Jeremy. I know he won’t resist this body.  
Fuck you, Stella Williams.  Jeremy is mine now.  
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Man, did my head hurt. This is why I barely drank anymore. The recovery is brutal. Luck for me it was a late travel day so I was able to sleep in.  A knock at the door got me up (slowly.) “Hey Linus.”  
“Jer, you look like shit,” he chuckles as he handed me a coffee.  
“And a fucking good morning to you too.” I clutched my temple while sipping the liquid gold in my hand. I grabbed my phone to send a text to Stella. 
Jeremy: Good Morning, Beautiful. I miss you. 
I didn’t even have to wait that long.  
Stella: Good Morning, Handsome. I miss you too  Jeremy: I’ve got morning skate but we’ll talk later ok?  Stella: ok. Have a good practice 
Damn if that didn't make me feel good. I know I was smiling at my phone but I literally gave zero fucks about it.  This is the girl I am in love with and I wouldn’t be embarrassed with how she made me feel.  
“Texting the girlfriend?" Linus asked, a shit eating grin on his face.  
“Yep,” popping that P at the end.  
“Who is she? Do I know her?” 
I hesitated for a second, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “You have to swear you won’t tell anyone if I tell you.”  
“Yeah, I’m going to tell Moa,” he replied.  “I don’t keep secrets from my wife.”  
I groan because I know this. But Moa is a vault when needed to be, so I sighed.  “Fine.” I sucked in a breath. “Its Stella.”  
He looked at me confused. “Stella? Stella who?” 
“How many Stellas do you know. Stella. Williams. Our personal trainer.” Linus stopped mid-sip. He put the cup down and stared at me. “What?” 
“You are in love with Leia’s best friend?” 
“Ok, when you say it like that, it sounds bad.” I launched into the story. “When I got benched, I went to an off the beaten path bar and ran into Stella. We drank and talked. We made a drunken decision to have one night. Except it wasn’t just one night. She's been there for me man. She helped me repair my friendship with Leia and she helped me see what I was doing to myself.”  
I swallowed before I kept going. “She was there after my concussion, making sure that I took it easy and eat the right foods. I hold her and I feel completely at ease with my life. She’s it, Linus.  She’s it for me. I want to tell her that I love her so much that it hurts every minute I can’t. Because she’s not there yet.”  
He just keeps looking at me and I start to get uncomfortable.  “Say something man.”  
“I’m just in shock that the troublemaker has been tamed.” He gives me a genuine smile. “You love her?” 
“With everything I have.”  
He reaches out and hugs me. I sigh in relief because its my mission in life to make Linus proud of me. He’s been my partner, my best friend and my brother in this crazy journey. I’m not sure what I would do without him.  
We get our shit together to get to breakfast, joking and laughing as we sit with my other teammates. Its been a great morning.  
Until the phones start chirping.  
I look at my own and I can feel the blood drain from my face.  
“What the fuck,” I hear from Linus beside me. I look at the pictures and it's that bunny that I tripped over. But the article says I was spotted taking her back to the hotel.  
“No, no, NO!” I yell out as I try to dial Stella.  Her phone rings and rings before going to voicemail.  “Fuck, no!” I try again but now its straight to voicemail. I try again and now it's telling me that the customer is unavailable.  
“Swayman!” I hear Coach bark. I stand up and walk over to him. “Let’s talk.”  
“Sir, please, I’m trying to reach my girlfriend and...” 
His jaw sets. “Fine. No point in pussyfooting it.  You’re benched, effective immediately.”  
My heart sinks. “What? Why?” 
“These pictures show you out of control again. I warned you that if you did it again, you would be benched.”  
“Sir, I promise, I was never out of control.  I even talked to Linus and Andy and Luke and they made sure I was ok. Please, don’t do this.”  
Coach’s face turns sympathetic. “I’m sorry Jeremy, but this is coming from management.  This isn’t a good look for the team. They are going to investigate further about keeping you with the team.”  
I bend over and clutch my knees.  This isn’t happening.  This cannot be happening. “Sir,” as I stand up straight, “please.” 
“Car will be taking you to the airport in half an hour. Don’t worry about your gear; the equipment managers will handle all of that. I’m sorry son.”  He walks away from me. Before I can get the feeling in my legs back, I feel myself start to fall.  Linus grabs me along with Andy. “Jer?” 
“They are sending me home.  I’m not allowed to go to Pittsburgh.” They sit me down and I try to call Stella again. Nothing. I look at Linus. “She blocked me.” I’m desperately trying to hold in the tears. I don’t say a word and just head back to my room to get my bag.  And then I realize that Coach is sending me home.  I race out of the room and down to the car.  
The hour long flight to Boston is excruciating. I need to get to her.  I need to tell her that the photos are a lie. Once I’m in the car, I keep trying her until I get to her apartment.  I bang on the door but there is no answer. I don’t even hear anything on. Fuck! I slam my head against the door. I sink to the floor and sit for what feels like days but is just a couple of hours. I must find a way to talk to her but it's getting late. I get up and as I turned to leave, there she is, standing at the end of the hall.  “Stella,” I breathed.  
“Go away.” She kept her head down as she passed me.  
“Baby, please, let me explain.”  
“I don’t want to hear your excuses, Swayman.” I opens the door and tries to slam it shut but I stop it. “Let go of the door.” 
“Not until you give me a chance to tell you what happened. I swear, I didn’t do anything that article said.” 
I can see the pain in her eyes, the hurt these photos are causing her. “I don’t care. You said we were exclusive.  that it was just you and me.”  
“We were. We are. The photos...” 
“Are the truth that I kept telling myself was in the past.  That the playboy hot shot goalie wasn’t like that anymore.  That maybe we could have a future together.”  
“We can, baby, I want that.”  
“And yet you can’t keep your hands off another woman.” I watch as the tear falls. “I think maybe we should end this.” I shake my head, but she keeps talking. “Maybe this is a sign that we were not meant for more.”  
“No, Stella, that’s not true.  I lo...” 
“Don’t say it. Don’t, just, leave, please.”  I hear the heartache and determination in her voice.  
“Please Stella. I can’t do this without you.”  
She looks me right in the eye. “I’m sorry Jeremy.  Goodbye.”  The door closes in my face.  
And my heart shatters.  
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