#and she's cooking to begin even more ✨
fullmetalscullyy · 4 months
5 notes · View notes
So imagine a fic based off the song "boy in the bubble" by Alec Benjamin where reader gets in a fight on the way home from school the one time she doesn't walk with Peter. Preferably have her father be Tony Stark and he'd take place of the mother in the story.
first, i wanted to say that i loved writing this and i love song prompts :) i hope you enjoy this !!
second, i want to apologize to the anon who told me i better not disappear for months because oops–
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WARNINGS (18+ MDNI) — hurt reader, mentions of blood, mentions of pain/wounding, swearing.
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Typically, stepping into your downtown apartment on a Friday evening would be more exciting for you. It meant that your week of stuck–up students and nerve–wracking tests could be long forgotten. It meant that you had the weekend to live freely from academic cages. At the beginning of that day, you would’ve thought today would be like any other Friday; with Peter accompanying you and your father for dinner like every week.
But Peter didn’t walk back with you.
Your tired limbs ripped from the floor with every step, hobbling out of the elevator with as much grace as you had room to carry. That room was slim, making space for the array of bruises and blood tainting your clothing. You carried the last bit of dignity you could, and tried to replace the sinister words spat at you from your attacker:
“What a weak, pathetic excuse for a Stark.”
See, till now, you’d been grateful to be excused from the attention and popularity that accompanied your title. You didn’t care for followers or anything that catered to your birthright. Your father was your best friend, and you were lucky to be a Stark just to have his light in your life. However, there were some who weren’t like your classmates or peers — people who hated the Stark name, and wouldn’t rest until the family name died at their hand.
Tonight, you’d met the first of who knows how many. The thought alone sent a serpent–like shiver down your body.
And Peter wasn’t with you.
The fumes of Tony Stark’s cooking filled your senses as you limped further into your family room. You consciously knew you were late for dinner, but the pain throbbing throughout your body put that knowledge on the back burner. The sunset was just beyond the apartment windows, and it made you wonder whether Peter had beaten you to your own house or not. It was 6:48 after all, he was bound to be there.
You’d nearly forgotten that the subtle ping of the elevator doors announced your arrival. You heard your dad set down his spatula. “You kids are late.” He greeted, hollering from the kitchen. “I hope you two didn’t stop for Delmar’s on your way back!” You processed the undertones as your knees gave out, left hand pressing into the top of the sofa back.
White knuckles gripped onto your couch as you tried to gain your balance, wincing through gritted teeth. Your right arm remained hugging your abdomen, palm pressed onto a sore–spot on your torso. Every fiber in your body ached for some sense of relief. To sit down. You were a bit too stubborn for your own liking, trying to hike up the steps and get to your room without being spotted—
“Jesus Christ!” Your father cried from the archway of the dining room. You heard his hurried steps across the hard–wood flooring, almost too nervous to meet his eyes. He made his way over quickly, and the first thing you noticed through your periphery was the ‘kiss the cook’ apron he kept tied around his waistline. “Kid, what the hell happened?” Your dad crouched down beside you, finally locking eyes with you.
The cold air hitting your eyes made you realize just how quick the tears were welling. You swallowed the lump in your throat, whether it was sobs or embarrassment or dried blood from thrown punches. “I was jumped.” Your bottom lip trembled a bit before you mustered the words out.
Your dad scanned over your body, eying just how tattered your clothes were, and how much blood painted your outfit. His eyes glistened with a parental look— a look shimmering with something mixed of worry and sadness and anguish and apology. “And Peter wasn’t with you?”
That confirmed that your best friend, in fact, had not beaten you to your apartment.
And for some reason, it made things all the more worse. Your jaw clenched a bit, both of concern and frustration. Disappointment nagged at the corners of your lips as you shook your head. “No, he said he’d meet me here later.” Your imagination got the best of you, replaying your evening but if Peter actually had been with you. The thought alone made you shutter. “But it was probably for the best.”
“Did he say what he was doing?” The look in his eyes said something that he wasn’t communicating. They said something unspoken that made you feel like there were things that you weren’t being told.
You ignored it, feeling a surge of pain in your abdomen. A quiet hiss fought its way up your throat. “He didn’t. But it’s fine.” No, it wasn’t. “Peter can’t throw a punch to save his life.”
A laugh actually left your father’s lips. “You’d be surprised.” He muttered, his tone speaking the same tongue that his eyes were. There was definitely something that you didn’t know, but your intuition couldn’t place its finger on what.
It wasn’t your fault that you were oblivious to your best friend’s vigilante status. You were kept in the dark about what web–slinging activities Peter Parker kept behind closed doors. Tony and Peter kept it secret that you were best friends with Spider–Man. They hadn’t let the news slip yet, and Tony wasn’t about to. They both agreed it was in your best interest to keep you safe.
Apparently, their efforts weren’t enough.
Your eyebrow rose, trying to cut through the bullshit. “Are you kidding, Dad?” You asked, maintaining eye contact as your father rose from his crouched position beside you. “It’s Peter Parker we’re talking about here. He wouldn’t even kill a fly.”
Tony’s hands creased his hips, shoulders shrugging gently with his response. “I don’t know, hon. He told me May had him take Karate years back.” He didn’t leave time for a response as his eyes trailed back down to the developing bruises along your arms. Seeing the crusting crimson on his daughter’s body was a sight that made him lose his appetite. “I’ll go grab my medical kit. You’re lucky that Pepper taught me a thing or two before she got promoted.”
The room fell quiet as Tony put pause on dinner and soon rushed back over with a first–aid kit. You didn’t want to stain any furniture, so you managed to sit on a wooden coffee table until you were given further instruction.
It didn’t take long before your mind wandered off to worry about Peter, and what could be keeping him so long. He did tell you before you’d parted ways that he’d join you guys for dinner? Right? You swore that he told you he’d be there by 6:30, and even you were late. Thinking back to the details made you recall some harsh memories. Your wounds throbbed at the recollection of how they came to be, and the blood that was shed, and the words that were spat…
“What a weak, pathetic excuse for a Stark—”
“We should call Bruce.” Your dad’s voice of concern and reason brought you back to the moment. All you could do was stare. You hadn’t noticed that he’d started to examine your wounds, or just how defeated and pained for you he was.
The look made your stomach twist at the insults your own self–critic threw back at you.
Before you knew it, you were standing up, choking back a wince, fighting against yourself. “No! No– it’s just a few scratches. It’s fine.” Was it? Even though the pain was searing, and you wobbled as you stepped to the bathroom. Clearly your father was overreacting. He had to be. You weren’t weak.
Tony followed your footsteps, treading close behind in case you were to trip. “Hon, I’m serious! You look like you went through a paper shredder!”
You looked at him with a grimace, disbelief shone in your eyes. Almost as if he were calling you pathetic. “Don’t make it so intense! I’m sure it’s—” You halted. Everything froze. The air sucked right back into your lungs at the sight of your bloodied figure in the mirror. Flicking on the light, you couldn’t breathe.
The color palette that covered your body could’ve painted an entire canvas worth; the shirt you wore was hanging onto your shoulders with two threads and a miracle, not to mention the slashes at the thighs of your jeans. You’d nearly forgotten that your attacker had such a thick knife until you saw it— saw yourself. A shiver snaked down the length of your spine, leaving a splintering chill behind it.
It wasn’t until Tony turned off the bathroom light that you’d realized you were staring at yourself. He carefully grabbed your hand, leading you back into the living room. “We don’t have to call Bruce, but can I at least clean you up a bit?”
You didn’t have the words to respond to him. A nod was all you could muster before he sat you back down at the coffee table. “Should I– uh.. Should I shower first?”
Tony shook his head beside you. “Until I figure out if you need stitching, no.” He went to investigate the damage, but hesitated, trying to navigate an approach. “Sweetheart? You decent enough to take your shirt off? I could grab you a blanket if that would help–”
But before your dad finished his thought, you went to try and peel off your shirt. It was a lot more difficult than you thought. Painful, too. You were cold and hot and sweaty and sticky and pins and needles dug their way into your limbs each time they moved. You were grateful your dad didn’t even pause before assisting you. He grabbed his medical scissors, snipping off the sleeves of your top.
You and your dad were really comfortable with one another, so this didn’t bother you. You were more blinded by the burns and the harshness to each ache and blemish coating your limbs and torso. Daggers upon daggers of pins and needles sunk into your flesh, yet it hurt you the most to know that you had to present yourself so battered and bruised to your dad. It made you feel so…useless. So…pathetic.
A minute of silence passed, filled with nothing but pity and the sear in your eyes, holding back tears. You wanted to be strong. You needed to be strong. Showing weakness would mean that your attacker was right. Your throat burned, swallowing hard and pushing back your damaged narrative. The feeling of how feeble you felt.
The subtle ping from the elevator made your blood run cold. Your head snapped up to look at who entered the apartment, eyes wide and teary when they met the pair of Peter Parker. And the second he jogged out of the elevator, he stopped dead in his tracks. He gasped quietly, staring back at you with the same gaping eyes.
You didn’t see the way Tony glared at Peter from beside you, but you felt the way he’d stopped inspecting you. Peter walked closer, taking cautious steps as he minimized the distance. “What happened?” His voice was gentle, perhaps because he noticed the tears coating your cheeks.
Wiping your eyes, you realized your hands were trembling. Your whole body shook from the endured trauma, and you shivered like you were in the midst of a blizzard. Had you been shaking that whole time? You didn’t have time to overthink it. You felt like you were being whisked away into a whirlwind of panic.
Tony stood up, his expression crossed with some unspoken irritation. “I need to finish dinner.” His words were short. “Kid, could you help patch her up? She mainly just needs disinfectant.” There was no room for response from Peter before your father started walking. You didn’t see him leave, but you felt the gentle kiss he placed on your head before he left one final comment with Peter:
“And you and I are going to have a talk later.”
You weren’t sure what was going on with the two. Quite frankly, you weren’t sure what was going on in general. Shaking like this, being emotional like this, it was far from anything you were used to.
It felt like you were being violated, forced open, naked— and that wasn’t just because you were without a shirt. You felt exposed, and you couldn’t hide anymore. There was nowhere you could go and nothing you could do to shield from the fact that you were vulnerable right now.
Peter sat in front of you, kneeling so that you could see him. So that he could see you. “Hey..” His voice got soft, gentler, and somehow it broke you. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth to try and stop the way it shuttered. Metal lingered on your tongue and your throat felt hollow and thick with the cries you held back. But Peter was your best friend, and he knew you.
He knew how stubborn you were with your own emotions, and how guarded you kept yourself from showing that part to other people. He knew that you couldn’t hide forever, either. And maybe he’d figured that out when his right hand went to cradle your face, and the tears finally washed away the walls you’d been keeping up.
Somehow seeing him safe was your undoing. The downfall of the avalanche you’d been hobbling in attempt to support, but you couldn’t seal the dam anymore. The relief of knowing that Peter was unharmed, the ease to all your worries, it made you forget why you’d been trying to stop your tears in the first place.
Your body broke out into violent shivers the second you let it, and your shoulders shook with every sob. Peter didn’t say anything. He merely took you into his arms and held you to him, careful not to press against any wound. It terrified you to think about what would’ve happened had Peter walked home with you, unbeknownst to you that he probably would’ve protected you from any of this happening in the first place.
It took you a minute or two to cry it out before Peter set you back on the coffee table. It seemed effortless to pick you up, and that made you realize just how strong he was. Your dad was right, Peter did surprise you.
Peter knew exactly how to mend these kinds of wounds, too. Where did he learn? It might always be a mystery. Still, it came in handy now. He draped his zip–up jacket over your shoulders, before dabbing a cloth of rubbing alcohol against every cut on your torso. He was so focused. Tensed jaw and creased eyebrow, not wavering for a second until you gained the courage to ask him a question. You took a shaky breath.
“Peter?” You murmured, immediately grabbing his attention. Peter glanced at you, the cold glisten in his focused stare began to thaw when he did. He took a breath, perhaps needing to be broken from the train of thought he’d started to entertain. With his attention, you took another breath, nervous.
Your fingers gripped the edge of the coffee table with white knuckles. If you’d been any stronger, maybe you’d broken the table, or even your fingers. “Do you.. think I’m–” You had to suck in another chunk of air just to muster out that taunting, despicable word. “Weak?” Even in your efforts to say it straight, your voice broke in an instant.
Without a beat, his eyes met yours again and he stopped everything he was doing. “Weak?” He repeated back. “No.” The word was so instantly rejected, you’d almost felt stupid bringing it up in the first place. “You’re so far from weak, Y/N. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”
Your hands went to hide your face, too ashamed of how quickly you broke before him. From the solitude behind your fingers, you couldn’t see the way Peter also broke at the words. He wasn’t sobbing as you were, but he couldn’t help the sulking of his shoulders. Peter truly blamed himself for this. Setting down the rag, gently wrapping his fingers around your wrists. “Anyone who thinks you’re weak is blind to who you are. That, or they’re fucking stupid.” He spoke softly, pulling your hands from your face.
“You’re the most courageous person. The amount of bullshit you put up with, and the reporters you call out– Fuck, I can’t even imagine walking away from a fight like you did tonight..” His words of endearment warmed your heart. “You’ve seen the unthinkable, are still going, and you think you’re weak?” He shook his head. “Impossible.”
You and Peter stared for a beat or two before he stood up, carefully helping you to your feet. “I think you’re all set to shower. Do you want me to walk you upstairs?”
Taking a breath, you took Peter’s words to heart. You got this. “I think I’ll be okay.” Ignoring the shakiness in your voice, you took paces to the stairwell. “If I’m not back in thirty, you have permission to make sure I didn’t pass out.”
Peter cracked a small smile at you, “Noted. Text me if you need anything!” He added the offer, to which he saw you nod to, and he caught a glimpse of your timid smile. He knew you’d be okay, but it still didn’t shake the weight of how to blame he was. The sound of Tony clearing his throat from the kitchen only seemed to remind him. And with a second clearing of his throat, Peter realized that Tony was trying to communicate.
Walking into the kitchen, Peter saw Tony leaned back against the counter, arms crossed with a cold stare. “Mister Stark, I–”
“Where the hell were you tonight?”
The tone changed the entire atmosphere. No amount of savory fragrances from the cuisine could take away from the fact that Peter was in trouble.
Peter’s shoulders squared at the intensity carried with Tony’s aggravation. He took a breath, pausing in the doorway. “Sir, there was an armed–”
Tony’s fist met the marble counter in a startle. “Damn it, Pete!” Kid couldn’t get a word in if he tried. “Damn it, you had one job!” His index finger went up to emphasize his point.
“What was I supposed to do??” Peter felt like he was fighting a losing battle. “I had no idea what was going to happen!” In the midst of his hushed defense, his voice broke a bit from the weight of his guilt. “Mister Stark.. I think it’s time we tell her.”
A scoff was what Peter was met with. A rush of air caught on Tony’s disbelief, throat, and dismissal. “We’d tell Y/N what? That you’re Spider–Man? That we’ve been lying for this long?”
It was a tough call, and Peter knew that. Peter also knew that Tony couldn’t keep this shit up any longer than he could. “She deserves to know!” He planned to plead his case. “Whoever attacked her tonight planned this. It wasn’t by chance, she was targeted–”
“You don’t know that—”
“And you don’t either!” Peter wasn’t about to get cut off again. He let out some of the steam he’d began to bottle. “The way she’s acting.. Something’s off about what happened. And I think she deserves to know why I wasn’t there to defend her tonight.”
As much as the two had raised their voices, or grown to anger, they let the reality of the evening sink into the space between them. The thickened air sat within the walls as they both took a breath and collected themselves. Tony’s expression melted, and he finally reached over to turn off the stove.
Dinner was almost ready.
The back of Tony’s hips met the marble countertop behind him, supporting his weight as he crossed his arms, looking at Peter sympathetically. “Look, kid. I don’t blame you for what happened tonight.”
A weight or two instantly lifted from Peter’s guilty–conscious. “I know.” He lied.
Tony’s lips curled ever so slightly at the hasty quip. “As much as I agree with your conspiracy theories on Y/N’s attacker, I don’t know if coming clean about everything will solve this.”
There was a subtle sinking to Peter’s mending optimism. “Then when do you plan to tell her?”
A pause. Tony sighed, releasing a breath he’d been holding since Peter’s spider bite. “I don’t know..” Genuinity. Tony’s paternal protocol kicked in, and he wasn’t sure how to navigate it entirely.
On the one hand, his daughter deserved to know the truth. You deserved to know the truth. His wisdom and knowledge was such a curse when it came to fatherhood, because while being honest was what his role as a father called for, logic came right back to remind him of just how many lies were piled on top of each other. What if there was no coming back from this?
Tony shrugged, appearing more open to the idea of being truthful. “I’ll tell you what.” He started, “You tell me how you’d suggest telling Y/N you’re Spider–Man, and I’ll consider it–”
“Peter’s what?”
Ice. The room turned to ice too quickly, both Tony and Peter snapping their heads to look at you in the doorway. They hadn’t noticed you’d been listening. You’d been standing there for who knows how long, considering that you hadn’t even showered yet.
Both of the men in front of you exchanged glances of sheer panic before Tony cleared his throat to get your attention. He held up the frying pan, looking you dead in the eyes with the most false–confidence you’d ever seen your father carry.
“Dinner’s ready.” His voice cracked.
Yeah, there was absolutely no coming back from this.
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468 notes · View notes
dolene · 8 months
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
summary: from all the great melodies, there is the artist and her muse who's doing the work.
content warnings: her face claim is laufey, supportive bf charles, she has a sister, cursing (but just for a bit)
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liked by radvxz, phoebebridgers, and 217,190 others
yourusername guess where am i (slide 3)
show all 15,582 comments
landonorris the king of atlantis's museum
⤷ yourusername good answer but no
     ⤷ landonorris oh cmon😔
phoebebridgers that fit chic is so brocolli core
     ⤷ priscillawesley More like an e-coli core
     ⤷ yourusername WATCHA MOUTH -nicki minaj
logansargeant Florida, wasn't it?
     ⤷ yourusername no americans allowed
     ⤷ logansargeant Ouch 🤕🤕🤕
     ⤷ yourusername kidding, but yeah you got it so 100
     ⤷ username Y/N IS IN FLORIDA & POSSIBLY W LOGAN 🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅
radvxz I love the slide one and two... But then there's three existing 😔
     ⤷ yourusername that is literally the point
username She just randomly there and Pris is taking the pics
     ⤷ yourusername she's a lifesaver 😇
     ⤷ priscillawesley Surely I am. Imagine her posts without me😎
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari, and 469,661 others
charles_leclerc Strolling around Rome
show all 16,437 comments
carlossainz55 suddenly i'm into bossa nova
username y/n typical red shoes fit is always hits no matter what
username Charles, you sure it aint Pris who took this
     ⤷ priscillawesley He should be grateful I have a class today
username mm i smell new album announcement
     ⤷ priscillawesley Keep being delulu, honey
     ⤷ username 😭😭😭
username it's been so long i memorized typical of me in one go
     ⤷ username no she gonna come to grammy first and announce her new album js like taylor would do
     ⤷ username WHTS WRONG W YALL AND HER NEW ALBUM??????😭😭😭😭
username charles and y/n collab when?
     ⤷ username he should be featured in her new song
     ⤷ username Pris as a violinist and Charles as a Pianist, what a combo!
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liked by carlossainz55, sebastianvettel, and 680,536 others
yourusername i've never done anything so fast like this before
show all 12,572 comments
username Y/N WHAT😭
lewishamilton direct offense to you charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc Oh this is just so low
username i know how his cooking gonna end up, so i'll be her if i were there
username That emoji gonna say that "i'll make u my pasta disaster, honey"
username idk why is she even post this but this is definitely hilarious 😂
priscillawesley But I can't lie, that looks really delicious
     ⤷ yourusername the art of rush cooking is just so😌👌
     ⤷ yourusername even i was surprised😭 i didn't expect this at all
     ⤷ charles_leclerc Same
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liked by reneerapp, honeymoon, and 592,551 others
yourusername look at my facebook mom boyfriend 😚😚
show all 22,619 comments
charles_leclerc Is this a flattery or a mock?
     ⤷ lilymhe Flattery definitely
reneerapp why did u take this?
lilyzneimer 😂😂
username facebook mom charles is confirmed a long long time before this event even happened
     ⤷ yourusername this was truly a canon event
username but whys he looking so good tho
username What is he taking picture of?
     ⤷ username them in meaning is no one
     ⤷ username his camera roll is filled with him and the empty space
scuderiaferrari At least he's fashionable 😉
     ⤷ username is fashionable at the room with us?
yourusername added a photo to their story!
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caption: hehe 😉
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liked by xtina, charles_leclerc, florencepugh and 759,100 others
yourusername charles said it's a ✨picture-dump✨
show all 956 comments
landonorris i can't unsee what i see
maxverstappen1 Enjoying your meal by yourself, Handsome?
     ⤷ yourusername wrong person, sorry
priscillawesley Charles, what are u talking about? It's obviously a memory-burn 🙄
     ⤷ yourusername no, and we've talk about this before
username what is that strawberry with a head on
     ⤷ username y/n for x men is real
username okay now say whoever stick that head into the poor strawberry
radvxz Oh no...
taylorswift I'm living for the aesthetics.
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liked by taylorswift, normani, sza, and 1,529,807 others
yourusername after a long while of waiting and teasing, the cat has finally out of the bag! and i present this to all of you.
Bewitched out February 13th! 🤎🤍
show all 45,239 comments
radvxz 😭😭😭
username WE ALR GOT THE VINYL???? best moment of my life
charles_leclerc 😚🥰
     ⤷ username i'm forever gonna live for supportive bf charles
arianagrande soo excited!!
username finally the album we're deluluing is real
lola.tung AHHHH amaaaazingg
maisiehpeters big year for witch girls 😭♥️
amandarachlee omg u look amazing
username Okay now where can i listen this on orchestra?
jeremyzucker GO Y/N!!!!
landonorris was listening to your song until you distract me with this🙄😌
username she said worry no more, i got u covered *wink*
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450 notes · View notes
gennemi · 9 months
𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 (𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆 𝑴𝒆𝒏 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔)
A/N: Happy New Year's to all my lovely followers! I hope you all had a safe and lovely New Year's, I love you all! ✨🖤 and thank you to my friend for helping me make this happen! 🖤✨
Includes: Dracule Mihawk, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji Vinsmoke, Buggy the Clown, Red-Haired Shanks, Trafalgar D. Water Law, and Portgas D. Ace
Warnings: Pure Fluff, mentions of Alcohol, kissing, just pure fluff, non binary reader.
𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒘𝒌:
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Mihawk and his lover are just spending New Year's just the both of them, sipping on his favorite vintage wine, having light conversation, and cooking New Years dinner together, and even making little snacks, to snack on. The two of them were making small conversation about how this year went. 
Spending time together is all the two wanted to start the new year, no one else but them. It was basically an hour before midnight. So right now the two were currently dancing around the large living room of their castle that they called home. The two lovers didn’t need music to dance. 
He looked at the clock, it read a minute before midnight. He pulled her close to him, looking into her eyes with his hawk-like eyes. As he continued to hold them close to him, spinning them around softly, he looked back at the clock, and saw it had hit midnight.
“Happy New Year Darling, here's to another amazing year with you.”
He spoke softly, as he pulled them in to give them a New Years Kiss.
𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒚 𝑫. 𝑳𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒚:
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“Happy New Year Y/N!” the straw hat captain grinned. The straw hats, with the help of Franky and Nami keeping up with time, had planned a big feast to celebrate the beginning of a New Year. Smiling warmly at their  captain trying to steal food while Usopp and Nami valiantly defending the food. Zoro was already sipping on his booze, Robin was relaxing while using her devil fruit ability to help bring food to the table. 
After the big feast, it was about a few minutes before midnight, the two went to another part of the Thousand Sunny, to spend alone time together. They had a small conversation together. Her giggling at Luffy being his usual silly self, he loved hearing them laugh. And seeing their smile.
Soon the fireworks went off, the fireworks being Nami’s idea, so they had bought the fireworks to shoot off “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” They heard their fellow crewmates shout. He poked them on the shoulder, she looked at him.
“Happy New Year!” 
He cheered out, happily as he pulled them close, giving them a New Years Kiss.
𝑹𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒂 𝒁𝒐𝒓𝒐:
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For New Years he wanted to spend time with them just the two of them. Up in the crows nest of the Thousand Sunny with a bottle of sake. And a plate of food for them to eat, while their crew members partied down below, he was planning something a little special, as soon as the fireworks went off (Which were Nami’s idea)
The two were sharing a bottle of sake, while talking. All cuddled up together in the crows nest. The two were cracking jokes about the things that had happened during this year, and hoping to make fond memories for every year to come. They don’t even know the time currently. Too busy wrapped up in each other's embrace.
The fireworks then suddenly went off with their fellow crewmates yelling “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” from below them, he looked over at her softly grabbing their face, to have them look at him.
“Happy New Year babe, here’s to the new year. And plenty more to go.”
He spoke, as his lips pressed against hers. Giving them a New Years Kiss.
𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒋𝒊 𝑽𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒆:
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The straw hat crew was hosting a New Year party/feast on the Thousand Sunny. Sanji and his beloved were drinking some wine together, while eating the food that Sanji prepared with their help. The couple were happy to go into the new year together. As the crew laughed, and conversated about how this year went. All the memories they made.
Sanji and his beloved were conversing about the good, bad, and funny memories they made together. As they snuggled up together, waiting on Franky and Nami to shoot off the fireworks. To go into the new year.
Soon the fireworks went off, he looked over at them pulling them close to him, putting a hand softly on their cheek. 
“Happy New Year my beloved, here's to many more with you~”
He spoke, as he leaned in and softly gave them a New Years Kiss.
𝑩𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒏:
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There was a party being hosted by Buggy himself on The Big Top. It was a New Years party to celebrate going into the new year, with plenty of sake and food to go around, it was a whole feast. In their own corner was Buggy and Y/N spending time with each other, eating food and drinking sake together. 
They had planned to shoot off fireworks, as soon as it was midnight. And Buggy also had something planned to go into the new year with his lover. He felt happy to celebrate new years with them, he couldn’t wait until it hit midnight.
Soon the sound of fireworks in the sky surrounded the area, they looked up at the fireworks in awe as the crew yelled out “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” as they cheered and hollered, Buggy pulled them close to him, causing them to look at him.
“Happy New Year Doll~”
He cooed softly, as he pulled them in for a New Years Kiss.
𝑹𝒆𝒅-𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔:
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The crew was of course celebrating New Year with a party, with of course alcohol being involved. Shanks had his love sitting on his lap, him being the clingy partner that he is. Wanted them close to him, as the two drank on the rum. And ate on the food that was served.
They had managed to buy fireworks for this occasion, as his love wanted fireworks. And him being the amazing lover that he is. Made sure that happened. The one keeping up with the time was Lucky Roux, he let everyone know it was almost time for it.
The time went by fast as the fireworks now went off, shooting up into the sky with different, beautiful but vibrant colors, he pulled them close to him, to get their attention. They looked at him.
“Happy New Year Love, to many more with you.”
He pulled them into a New Years Kiss.
𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝑫. 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒂𝒘:
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The Heart Pirates were celebrating new years on the Polar Tang, with food and snacks, and drinks to choose from, it was just a small celebration amongst the crew. Law and his lover were hanging out on the deck, just them wanting to spend alone time together. He had a watch on his wrist so he could tell when it's midnight.
He wanted to do something special for them as soon as midnight hit, he was listened to them rant about the memories good, bad,and silly that they made this year, and hoping to make the same memories with him during the new year.
He looked at his watch, noticing it was now midnight. He looked over at them, touching their face gently, causing them to look at him, he leaned in close to them.
“Happy New Year Doll.”
He whispered softly, bringing them into a New Years Kiss.
𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒔 𝑫. 𝑨𝒄𝒆:
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The two were strolling down the busy street hand in hand, they wanted to come to the New Years Festival with him, and how could he say no to his lover. The two were sharing a candied apple. Looking at all the stalls open, the smells of different foods wafting in the air.
When it was almost time for the fireworks to go off, the two went to the outskirts of the town, and sat down on a small hill, where they are still able to see the fireworks go off. They were joking around, and talking to pass the time.
Soon the fireworks went off as they heard cheers from the festival below, the two looked at each other, this was his chance, he put one of his hands softly on their cheek rubbing it softly.
“Happy New Year My Flame!”
He cheerfully said, as he gave them a kiss, a New Years Kiss.
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anxiousdreamcore · 1 year
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Read the first chapter of “From sky to sea” , a fanfic written by @eirianerisdar , I got inspired to make a tiny AU. I present Metkayina!Spider ✨
In this AU, Tonowari, while visiting in the Omatekaya, had found young Spider in the area and after growing attached to him, decided that he had to take the boy and so, without much resistance, he did. Years later, the blonde blossoms into a fine young man, famous for his physical strength and industriousness (or more like stubbornness), but his past comes back to haunt him when the Sully family begs for refuge in Awa’atlu. He reconnects with his old friends and eventually faces the clone of his biological father. What will happen then…?..
Who knows! Headcannon time 😎
Deep inside, Spider is afraid that if he doesn’t do his damn best and work hard, he might loose his place among the people. He often pulls way more than his weight and exhausts himself, so the rest of the fam make sure to reassure him about it.
He’s a very chill older sibling. While fairly responsible, he’s still quite playful and is known as the “village jester”. Very good with little kids and loves entertaining them. Will not stop his siblings from getting themselves into trouble but will tell them that whatever they’re about to do is stupid af.
He and Aonung bully each other CONSTANTLY. Aonung is a little shit, but Spider had learned to fire back. Hates it when he and his gang of jocks pester people and bluntly calls him out on it. They fight a lot because of that, especially when the Sullys arrive.
Aonung may or may not be jealous that the sully siblings get along with Spider so well. He wishes he could have a relationship as open as they do and hates Kiri the most because of that. That girl and the blonde become practically inseparable when they reunite and it rubs him the wrong way.
With Tsierya, Spider turns into the biggest hype-man. He supports and complements her constantly, as well as does her hair. Their relationship pisses Aonung off as well.
When the Sullys arrive and Spider reconnects with them, she begins feeling a bit insecure. She knows that her big bro comes from the forest and often misses it, so in her darkest moments she gets scared that the boy might leave with them when the threat blows over. She doesn’t voice her concerns though, as she does not want to ruin her sibling’s fun.
Ronal was initially wary of the demon boy, but he grew on her, especially when she heard of all the neglect he’s endured. It did not feel right to leave such a sweet kid up to fate and now he is her son as much as Aonung. He helps her with the chores a lot and even opts to tag along with her and Tsireya when they cook. It makes for good bonding time.
It is more difficult with Tonowari, though. On one hand, this man saw Spider at his worst, his rock bottom, when he was an abandoned nobody, but on the other, he’s still a chief and The blonde wants to make him proud and show that he did not make a mistake when adopting him. Tonowari tries not to let his son spiral though, and reassured him that all he wants for him is to be happy, as he wants that for all of his children.
“What happened to his chest tho?”
A skimming incident 😐 I will not elaborate
(Please do not repost my artwork on any other platform, with or without credit. I do NOT give my consent to do so and I will find it🥰)
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chernabogs · 5 months
ames you are COOKING (or should i say, planting???lol) SO HARD with the flower language prompts, 😭💖💞💖💞✨✨am really out here sobbing and crying over them like im watering these flowers with my Tears lol
so here i am requesting for these prompts: rosemary, begonia, pink camellia, dark crimson rose, purple hyacinth, blue salvia, zinnia
i picked these based on your initial tag about Maleficia and zinnia flower,,,, I SEE THE VISION so im requesting it now lol but also picked on prompts that reminded of Meleanor and Malleus,,, 😭i think therapy bills should be forwarded to Draconias instead, istg all they ever do is be in grief and loss /lh😭
if its too many, please feel free to choose whichever prompt you like and take your time in writing !! ☺️💞🌹✨✨
Ohhh I did my best here I promise LMAOOO. I tied in some easter eggs with other works i've done (namely Monody, Stasis, and Labours Gained). I hope you enjoy my absolute monstrous dump about Maleficia, whom I will die on a hill for tyvm
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Inc: Maleficia, Meleanor, Levan, Lilia, Malleus (whole gang wow) WC: 4.2k :))) Warnings: Just some death, but I swear it ends on a happy note this time. Flowers: Begonia (How ghosts help the living live a little), Pink Camellia (Where I notice your absence the most), Dark Crimson Rose (The grave I visit everyday), Purple Hyacinth (The worst pain of my whole life and how it healed… multiple times) , Zinnia (The seats at the table and how they eventually became empty… multiple times) Summary: Moments where Maleficia was convinced her family was cursed, and a few times she truly wished this to not be the case.
A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world.  It knows no law, no pity.  It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
Their family may be cursed. 
For many decades now Maleficia had toyed with the possibility of such a matter in her mind. It had first passed briefly with the death of her father—the second monarch to take over after the initial uprising—and the subsequent death of her mother a few weeks later. No one was surprised when she went. Her grief for the loss of her love had been so profound that it had flooded Briar Nation, drowning both cattle and crops in her dismay. Maleficia had postponed her own coronation as the cleanup occurred. It felt ill-boding to be crowned while bodies were floating down the mountain pass. 
The thought had returned once more when her husband vanished at sea, leaving her with a newborn hatchling on her own. Her love had been a strong headed man with adventure burning in his blood—it had been what drew her to him to begin with. That, and he was the only ex-sailor she knew who was bold enough to try and hold her for ransom. Wiping the deck with him had captured his heart—and the fact that he had been a dragon settled the Senate to a degree. But the sea is a fickle mistress, and although her love had skill and he had drive, even the most knowledgeable of sailors can never predict its next move. 
She had not flooded Briar Nation like her mother had, and she had held herself together before her people, although the empty space in her bed and at the dinner table deepened the wound nightly. It was in the quiet moments alone when it was just her and Meleanor that she felt his absence the strongest. 
In the beginning she loathed him for leaving her. Whenever she cradled their daughter as the hatchling shrieked and protested, blowing flame, and biting for flesh, she loathed him. Whenever she dealt with the Senate or another disaster befalling the Nation, she loathed him. 
But when Meleanor learned to fly, learned to run, and shifted into her two-legged form for the first time, the hatred began to fade. Because although he had vanished into the mists on a voyage destined to fail, he had left her with the greatest treasure she could ever have—and for that alone she could hold no ill will. 
Perhaps this sentimentality is why when Meleanor dragged a thin, sickly-looking bat into the halls of Black Scale, Maleficia heard her out.
“Please let him stay!” The princess had asked, green eyes wide as she grasped her mother’s skirts. “Please, mother!”
The other child had shrunk behind Meleanor, but shadows could not hide the burning defiance in the boy's eyes—a gaze of confrontation, and one that nothing truly innocent should hold. This is why she lacked the heart to say no. She quietly hoped that Lilia, as she would name him, would be the one to slay whatever reaper was following them—that the burning anger she had seen would ignite a fire that would cleanse the family of its suffocating misery. 
With the presence of Meleanor, Lilia, and eventually Levan, the silent table Maleficia had sat at for so long soon became a place of raucous conversation again. Although she found herself scolding the three children more than once (especially Levan for his non-subtle attempts at discarding food), the lingering warmth she would feel as she gazed at the trio made her confident that this family curse was on the bend. 
Naturally, it didn’t last. 
The first time she heard of the Silver Owls, Meleanor was 200 years old and more focused on warding off suitors than an unmarked ship. Maleficia had allowed her daughter to indulge by instead consulting with an advisor alone in the dark of her office. The concern lingering in the advisor's words would grow to haunt her.
“Perhaps it is temporary?” She posited, trying her best to remain optimistic on the matter. Plenty of people came and went from Cape Sunrise. A single unmarked ship with a few scraggly sailor’s was not something she felt the need to stress over. The advisor seemed doubtful on the matter.
“But they have tools. Items designed to dig up our soil,” they had insisted, but Maleficia dismissed the concerns with a wave and a blase response. 
“Let them try. They will not be able to break the first layer of our land.” 
The first one to leave the table had been Levan. There were many soldiers and nobles who vanished before he did but, selfishly, he was the first one that Maleficia really felt the absence of. Levan had grown up from a non-confrontational child to her son-in-law, a general of the princess and a father to the future heir. His compassion had not faded despite the years of war that now tore the Nation apart. Maleficia knew this by the way she came across him one night, cradling his egg so gently while murmuring against its shell. 
When he had noticed her, he had not corrected himself; if anything, he held the egg even closer. They had not exchanged too many words that night, but she sat next to him on the bench in the gardens, the silence speaking volume of her support to his decisions. 
“You will return.” It was not a question—it was a demand. Her voice held the authority of a queen who had seen many, many losses in her long life. Levan had remained silent for a moment longer as his lips brushed against the shell of her grandson's egg. 
“Always,” was the promise he made, and the last words Maleficia heard from him. When they didn’t receive notice for several days after he left, the conclusion was drawn that he was either dead, or the closest one could be to it. Meleanor held herself well in lieu of this information, as had Maleficia. 
But the empty seat felt an ill omen. 
The next one to leave the table had been Meleanor. When she was younger, she used to rest her head on Maleficia’s lap as her mother had fixed her hair. She would ramble on about her day and what she got up to with the two boys in the nonsensical fashion that many children do. Maleficia had listened with amusement, although her mind had always been half-focused on what she needed to do for her meetings the next day.
The regret of not giving Meleanor her full, undivided attention sunk in deep when she felt her daughter’s magic cut off. The bond in their family was intrinsically woven to allow them to get a sense of whether the other members were still alive. If asked, Maleficia might say it’s something of a dragon trait. Most of the time it served to be a blessing to allow her to know her family is alive and well. 
When it cut off mid-emergency meeting, the abruptness had been so profound that she nearly collapsed then and there. Her breath had hitched, her words stuttering to a stop as she stared wide-eyed at the Senate members surrounding her. At first, she hoped it was simply a fluke—a disruption in the magic—until she didn’t feel it return and the horrible, tar-like panic of a mother when her child goes missing welled up in her heart. She was tearing out of the room before any of the Senate members even had a chance to speak, screaming for her guards and her soldiers to tell her what was going on at Wild Rose. 
Her daughter, who spent her childhood running through the forests and laughing in the face of suitors. Her daughter, whose hair she would braid and then re-braid again when the girl somehow got burs in it. Her daughter, who was set to become a mother herself and experience all the precious moments Maleficia had. 
Her daughter, whose body wasn’t even recovered at the end of it all. 
The final one to leave the table was Lilia. In wake of the princesses passing, Malleus’ egg was put in the cradle tower, and Maleficia was designated to spirit him into hatching. She felt the faint connection of their magic from within the thick shell that guarded his body. His warmth, the subtle movements he made; they were all indicators that he was still alive and well despite his tumultuous arrival.
But Maleficia didn’t know if he would oblige. Hatchlings often needed the love of both parents to be shepherded forward—and Maleficia, now over eight hundred years old, already felt the strain of her magic from the conflicts going on in her Nation. There was no doubt that she held love for her grandson—but a lingering fear that her love wouldn’t be enough burned in her mind. This is what made her turn to Lilia, to send him on his quest around the world to try and find an additional means to bring the young prince forward.
For the first few decades, it worked well. Maleficia held the egg on a nightly basis and poured as much of her love and magic into it as she could. The egg consumed it all in a greedy fashion, demanding more every time she returned to the tower. One would think that Malleus was starving within by the way he pulled, and tore, and ripped at her powers to fuel his own development. 
Then he ceased feeding. She recalls the first night it happened; everything had been going well, until the connection was suddenly severed, and the green glow within the egg dulled back into a faint tint of color. Maleficia had initially dismissed it as a one-off event. Until it happened again, and again, and again. 
There’s a curious sense of panic that fills someone when they do everything they can to no avail. The panic she felt came in the form of a privatized breakdown in the tower. For many decades now Maleficia had toyed with the possibility of a curse in her mind. Now, she was beginning to consider that it was not her family who was cursed, but rather just herself. 
First it came for her father, and her mother shortly after. Then, when it grew hungry again, it ate through her husband and that of her daughters. Then it came for Meleanor herself, and now whatever reaper followed them was looming over her shoulder as she held Malleus’ egg and begged him to take something. 
Pleas fell from the lips of a monarch as she rocked the egg, stroked its shell so softly, whispering to just eat a little more, just take a little more. But the egg had remained as cold and aloof as it had for several nights now. Her desperation mounted in an order to Baul to summon Lilia back—to slay whatever reaper was following them before it pried the last of her bloodline from her hands. 
Her hopes of his role as the vanquisher of death came in an explosive hatching that she was informed of after it occurred. When she requested for Lilia to be brought to Black Scale to be reinstated in his role in his efforts, the Senate had then informed her that Lilia Vanrouge would never step foot in the capital again.
And so, in a span of mere moments, the final seat was emptied—and Maleficia found herself alone once more. 
Grandchildren are the best reminders  of the beauty and innocence of childhood.
When Malleus was first brought to her after he hatched, she didn’t want to touch him. The purple hue of his stomach and the way his green gaze darted around, drinking in the new world he emerged to, reminded her so much of Meleanor that she wanted to laugh at the cruel irony. The hurt that smouldered in her heart ignited back into a flame that found her turning a cold shoulder to the hatchling. 
“Go clean him. He has amniotic fluid all over.” She remembers ordering, voice deceptively calm for the turmoil happening within. The wet nurse that was hired obliged as the hatchling shrieked and protested the frequently changing environment around him. His cries made Maleficia clench her jaw tighter as she stared resolutely at the battle plans drawn before her, her hands gripping the table enough to turn her knuckles white. 
A few times she went to him in the beginning. The encounters lasted only as long as Maleficia could tolerate seeing how similar he looked to Meleanor before she would depart and leave him in the care of his wet nurse once more. Guilt fought with anger in her heart about the circumstances that she found herself in and her inability to overcome them. She could feel the ghost of her daughter chastising her in the corner for being so cowardly in her approach. 
The breakthrough arrived when Malleus became ill. Grieves—a fever-like condition that affected fae children in particular—resulted in Maleficia sitting with her grandson one night as the exhausted wet nurse was excused for a long overdue break. She held him on her lap in the dark as his small form fought his fever, whispering how the stars that looked down from above were the eyes of the people who loved him, keeping him safe in this world. Her voice had cracked as she spoke, and it was only when a small whine left him did she realize she was hugging him tight to her body. 
“I am so sorry,” she had choked out, unsure if the apology was for the hold she had or the neglect she had given so far. “Please forgive me.”
Malleus had twisted in her arms, small wings fluttering before he settled himself down and began to doze. He had already forgotten what upset him to begin with. She wished it would always be that way—but she knew that was nothing but a vague hope. 
She loathed Meleanor for leaving. Whenever she cradled Malleus as the hatchling threw his tantrums, blowing flame, and biting for flesh as all children seem to do, she loathed her. Whenever she dealt with another part of the war or signed another treaty alone, she loathed her. 
But when Malleus scrambled onto her lap mid-Senate meeting, chased after courtiers, and flew for the first time (admittedly, into a flock of pigeons), Maleficia loved her. Because although like her father she had vanished in an ill-fated decision, she had left a small reminder that she was never truly gone. Maleficia could comfort Malleus, could see the ghost of his mother in his clever little eyes, and for that alone she could hold no ill will. 
Meleanor’s death had proved to be far worse than anything else—but her gift of the small dragon in her lap felt like the first steps towards recovery again. So, she had kissed between his horns that night and promised to herself that she would do all that she could to give him a future free of the misery that plagued their family thus far. 
In the aftermath, she spent time with him whenever she could. Via dinners, via having him sit in on meetings, via walks in the gardens—whenever she could, she would be there. However, despite her newfound presence changing some things for the better, she remained unable to quell the curiosity that burned in her grandson's mind. 
She found him in the mausoleum once. He was standing on the toes of his mother with his small hand touching her stone-carved face. Maleficia had not been to the mausoleum since the boy hatched so many years ago. The raw memories still stirred in her heart and seeing him look up at his mother with such a gaze of innocent adoration did nothing but unsettle her more. 
When he noticed her, his face had lit up into a smile as he hopped back down and pointed up to one of the other statues. “This is grandfather?” 
Maleficia’s gaze slid to where he was pointing. A strong jaw, a dangerous glint in stone-etched eyes, and a faint smirk painted the picture of the man she had once loved and held so dearly many years ago. Maleficia nodded. Malleus, taking this as encouragement, then ran back to the other statue he had been touching with his small hands. 
“And this is mother?” 
Again, Maleficia nodded. The painful similarities between Malleus and his mother were more apparent when they were side to side. If Maleficia were to squint, she could mistake Malleus as a younger Meleanor: the same horns, same hair length, even the same streak of mischief that got both into so much trouble. 
Malleus had hummed thoughtfully before stepping down again. “Do you miss them?” 
A deceptively innocent question. Of course she missed them. All she had left of her family was one grandson and three empty coffins: a husband at sea, a daughter in the hands of humans, and a son-in-law somewhere in the moors. “I do,” she offered back. “I miss them greatly.” 
Malleus had asked her why, then. Children like him were filled with innocence and wonder about the world. He had no knowledge of the bodies that were lost, or the tragedies that had predicated his birth. Her reply did nothing but fuel an unease in the boy, for moments after she offered it, he ran back to her and threw his small arms around her waist.
When he hugged her, he clung with a ferocity that was baffling for his size. Her hands rested on his head and stroked his hair soothingly as she had done with Meleanor many times before she guided him away from the tombs and the memory of family he never met.
She should visit them more often now. 
She rediscovers that there’s a privilege in watching someone grow. Lilia’s gradual return into their lives helps ease the stress of raising a child again in her older age, which is partially why she turns a blind eye every time Malleus slips out of the palace to visit the man. She’s honoured to observe in a more passive manner the way her grandson changes and grows as a person. She watches him go from spiteful towards humans to more amiable with the arrival of Lilia’s adopted son. As he grows before her eyes, she begins to see less of Meleanor and Levan in his features and more of just Malleus—the quiet, albeit arrogant, boy that was hers. 
Time goes by faster as she ages alongside him. One moment he’s clinging to her skirts, and the next he’s off to NRC, and then finally, 178 years have passed like the blink of an eye. She used to bemoan how slow time was—and now she wishes it to ease off a bit.
She’s sitting in the gazebo in the gardens for reprieve, a novel in hand as the screaming of insects choruses a song for her amusement. The aroma of flowers surrounds her and for a moment she feels utter peace in the world. The summer is ending and there are no celebrations or events to concern herself with. For the first time in what feels like eons, Maleficia Draconia can breathe. 
The sound of someone approaching puts a pause in this. 
She lowers her book to peer over at whoever is coming, hoping silently it isn’t an advisor or a courtier seeking out an audience on the sly. Fortunately, the sight of two horns and a scowling face turning the corner nullifies this as she turns back to her book. 
“Finally decided to see the sun?” She muses as she hears him stepping onto the gazebo platform. She waits for his response, but only comes to feel surprised when Malleus kneels by where she sits and does something that he hasn’t done in a long time now—he places his head in her lap. At his age, his body is too tall now to really kneel efficiently at her side, but by the gods does the boy try as he hits his head right down. Her hand comes up on instinct to brush strands of his dark hair behind his ear as he looks over the gardens, his shoulders tense with stress. 
They’re silent for a moment, listening to the sounds of screaming insects from beyond before Malleus speaks.
“The gardens look atrocious.”
Maleficia raises an eyebrow as she lowers her book to look at where he’s staring. Her hand continues to stroke his head soothingly as she huffs a soft laugh. “Our groundskeepers are going for a more ‘untamed’ look this season.”
“I have counted twenty-six thistles in the minute I have been here.” Malleus shoots back as his hand comes to rest by his face. “It’s late in the season. They might be growing lazy.”
 “Nonsense. You know how hard working they are. You spent ample amounts of time with them when you were younger.” She fails to hide the smile teasing on her lips with this comment. Malleus’ temper tantrums had landed him in more than enough problems in his youth. Problems which were often rectified by a gentle lesson of how hard it is to fix up his messes—garden destruction included. 
Malleus deigns her with a unprincely snort in response. They fall back into a warm silence as she keeps her hand on his head and returns her attention to her book. She knows that something is on his mind, but she retains her silence both to give him an opportunity to speak, and to enjoy the moment that they’re having. In the privacy of the garden, they can get away with this rare display of familial affection. 
She feels him sigh as his eyes flutter close before he speaks up. “Do you ever feel… unease?” 
“Unease?” She hums quietly as she turns a page. “On many occasions I have, yes. Unease tends to go hand in hand with some of the things I have dealt with.” 
She knows he doesn’t mean in the sense of his royal duties. Malleus is an unusually quiet and introverted boy—but she had noticed him being more so the past week as summer began to inch towards its end. He opens his eyes and sighs again before withdrawing to sit back on his knees. 
Maleficia wisely closes her book and sets it down before affixing him with as stern of a look as she can muster without chuckling. “Sighing and moping in the corners does little to aid me in providing advice.” 
Malleus’ gaze goes upwards to stare at the ceiling of the gazebo before his expression drops to a pout. “I am feeling reluctant to return to NRC.”
“Oh? And why is that?” 
Maleficia quietly reaches her hand out to brush his bangs back from his forehead, revealing the scale pattern beneath. Malleus’ eyes flutter shut at the gesture as his pout remains present.
“Three years have passed now, and I have yet to feel included in the school environment. Spending my days with those I already know from here hardly feels like an efficient use of time.” His jaw clenches. “Every effort I make to form any sort of connection to others feels like it’s a pointless endeavour at this rate.”
“Malleus, you must be patient with these things. It takes time for people to warm up to the likes of us. You must simply continue being yourself, and the right people will make the effort to get to know you. I understand it may seem upsetting right now, but you must simply keep trying your best.” A faint smile touches her lips despite the worry gnawing at her heart. She wishes she could do more, but she also understands that these are things he must figure out himself. “You’re going to this school to gain new experiences and see the world beyond our little Valley without the Senate looming over you. Things will work out in the end.” 
Malleus’ body seems to relax at her words as he opens his eyes again. His expression eases to his usual neutral look as he nods slightly. “... yes, I suppose you are correct.”
“I often am.” She pinches his cheek lightly, causing the scowl to immediately return to his face as he jerks to avoid her grasp, making her laugh in turn. “Besides, are you not excited to see Lilia, Silver, and Sebek more often again? Well. More often than you do already.”
A pointed look has him averting her gaze as she picks her book up again. His demeanour reminds her of Meleanor, but the similarities no longer ache when she considers them. This was Malleus—her grandson, not his mother, nor his father—and she was eager to see the person he was still destined to become. “Now, you should be packing, should you not? We don’t need the crisis we had last year where we were all hunting down books for you last minute.” 
Malleus groans softly before rising to his feet and brushing his pants off. He presses a brief kiss to her forehead, coaxing another smile from her lips before he pulls away. 
“Yes, grandmother,” he grumbles with all the moodiness of an embarrassed teenage boy, and Maleficia can’t help but feel happiness at seeing it. Cursed or not, she will continue to enjoy these moments of joy as long as she may have them.
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cocogum · 4 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 8 Review
Warning(s): unhinged behavior, fat shaming, unnecessary use of foul language, watch me pulverize a bag of expired chicken trash, aurora slander, no one is safe, cyberbullying at its finest ✨
I never thought I would have laughed at the beginning of this chapter.
Like I legit goofed off when I read it no joke.
We come back to Amalia and the beginning of her “fight” against the professional clowns and fatty is telling trophy daughter to get away.
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No, come closer Aurora. For once, be an independent woman and don’t listen to your father. You got this honey, get A LOT closer 🥰🥰🥰
Oh my gosh, and she did!
She actually got closer! Good for you, Aurora, you’re such a good girl!
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Eyo what.
I did not just hear this bitch say “I won’t run away”. Did I hear that right?
This is coming from the cunt who ran away from HER HUSBAND’S PEOPLE’S FUCKING WAR who’s saying that??
This is coming from the blue-skinned mc fry chicken-looking ass who listened to her daddy tell he to run away from a war but disobeys him when he tells her to not fight another woman?
You’d rather disobey your daddy to fight an experienced adventurous heroine but you’d listen to him when he tells you to flee from a war you were supposed to stay in?
This bitch is clinically slow.
Please lord, let this be a foreshadowing that she’ll actually die when she fights Amalia. 🙏🙏
And then you got her DUMB ASS turning into a Temu version of Echo saying:
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Nah. Amalia cook her up.
Fry her up into that McDonald’s Angus sandwich they took out from the menu AND LEMME EAT THAT SHIT RIGHT AFTER IT-
Literally what the fuck is wrong with this blue hoe. She uses her anger like that towards Amalia but not when it’s necessary???
How?? How does she think like that?
She did not do shit during the war and ran away because she said she was pregnant and did not want to fight and yet here she is saying she’s ready to brawl with Amalia while being pregnant. This doesn’t do shit for her cuz this is just implying that she was fully capable of defending the sadidas during the war!!
Aurora is yapping as if she can efficiently win this.
Meanwhile, you got Amalia over here, who fought straight-up divinities: she fought against Harebourg, an infamous demigod xelor before he ran away, damaged Jiva's hands, the month protector of Javian, was able to momentarily restrain Oropo, a demigod copy of Yugo, managed to beat Black Bump, the demigod feca, by partnering up with Yugo, and stood her ground against a freaking necrome (a necrome is not a divinity but it technically stays "alive" for eternity).
Aurora has no brain cells, doesn't watch what the hell she's saying more than half the time, has no experience in battle, her pregnancy is the only thing relevant about her, lies for the sake of lying, and has a hideous bird transformation.
Because let's talk about it.
This might just be the ugliest bird transformation I have ever seen in my life. It’s not even pretty at all. Look at how her fingers turn into vulture claws and those feathers just sprouting out of her shoulders and arms.
Echo did it far better than her because her transformation was actually elegant and sublime. Meanwhile, you got Aurora’s slow-ass vulture transformation where she looks like she’s about to take a shit in that panel. Her head is lowered down, her face is hiding behind her hair, her body is shaking, her shoulders going back, and her hands trembling, yeah she’s definitely shitting herself just to do this transformation. Even Efrim’s paws are cuter CUZ HERS LOOK LIKE CHICKEN/VULTURE FEET.
Also, when you say: “It’s time we put her in her place”, who’s “we”??? You and your dad??? You think that fatty can fight back? Just a second ago, he was telling you to stay back and was sweating like a pig, so again, tf you mean “we”???
Woman thought she ate saying “iT’s TImE ThAT We PuT hEr iN HeR pLaCe” go sit your ass down, you couldn’t even fight against A THUNDER STRIKE. That thunder wasn’t even from the Eliatrope goddess, it was literally just nature that kicked your ass by touching your furry finger.
And that’s the worst part of it. It didn’t even touch your whole body. It touched the edge of your fucking fingers and you immediately dramatically fell like a bird’s white shit.
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She’s such a clown omg…
This ain’t even funny anymore. She really thought she was on the same level as Amalia.
Even fucking Eva could take on Aurora while being pregnant, cuz unlike that blue-skinned brat, Eva was able to defend herself against a sram demigoddess AND escape from a pandawa demigod WHILE BEING MUCH FURTHER IN HER PREGNANCY THAN AURORA.
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Tot, please for the love of god turn Aurora into a soufflé before the sadidas cause a rebellion French style with the guillotine when they find out she’s actual trash.
Aurora is literally that one jujutsu kaisen meme where they go “Nah, I’d win.” 💀💀💀
Our boss queen Amalia immediately picked up on her bullshit and sensed her coming from a mile away even when she was “going fast” while flying.
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And this is literally one of the best krosmoz manga shots of Amalia ready to fucking destroy this worthless excuse of an osamodas.
I swear no matter how many times I keep seeing this panel, my heart wants to pull itself out of my chest, screaming, getting on adrenaline. Amalia’s just so perfect, I wanna be her and kick that chicken-legged braindead woman so badly 😫😫
But sadly, we’re going to have to wait for the next chapter to see this “fight”. I’m calling it like that cuz I bet my whole bank account that it’s just gonna be Amalia pummelling Aurora repeatedly, ain’t no way that blue hoe can actually fight after the shit I saw in Season 4.
And I hope that’s the case because we can see Aurora looking like she’s struggling on the cover of Chapter 9.
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She looks enraged and flying fast towards Amalia perhaps. But she definitely looks furious and whenever she looks mad, we all now know it’s always because she’s losing or not getting something she wants.
So yes, Amalia, destroy this wench.
Meanwhile, Yugo’s tasting what hell feels like and my god that crater looks even bigger when we get close up…
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What I especially loved about this chapter, was that we finally got another interaction between Yugo and Adamaï, this time more personal and something that felt like their dynamic from Season 2. It’s sad to know that their bond won’t be the same as it was before even when they have finally reunited and forgiven each other.
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But this scene gave me hope that their brotherly bond has not entirely been washed away from the years of being apart.
Adamaï still cares for him a great deal and Season 4 was able to show it. And this chapter did the same thing.
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This is heartbreaking too look at.
Yugo’s face when he hears him say that, is the look of realization, you can tell his heart just squeezed at his words.
It’s been so long since Adamaï told him these words. He didn’t even say them in Season 4 when they were both reconciling.
Adamaï actually had a really good idea to solve this issue. A temporary solution if you will. Since they’re both primordial twins of the Eliatrope goddess, it was very clever of him to deduce that they should both share the pain of the belladone poison!
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Ad can actually impress us when he wants to damn…
Yugo refuses at first but realizes that since they don’t have any other options, he accepts.
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(*i just now realized how big Adamaï’s hands looked in this shot. Damn. Imagine getting choked by that-*)
This whole scene, I genuinely felt the bond they used to share back in Seasons 1 and 2. The way Yugo completely relies on Adamaï for any decision that they make together and Adamaï being the one who highlights the issue at hand before coming up with a solution for the both of them.
And ngl, it actually felt very refreshing to see this change.
And here’s the shot guys.
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This is the shot we’ve been waiting to see ever since that damn great wave webtoon trailer came out!!
I like how some of us collectively agreed that this was the moment where Yugo created the wave but I’m so happy it wasn’t the case. Because if it did happen like this, the timing would have felt way too forced and rushed. Now I’m just happy Yugo won’t have to cough up blood all the damn time (even tho I like that idea so much cuz Yugo suffering is something i KNOW we all want cuz god zammnn-) because he’ll actually be able to be balanced and stable for now.
Now that the link has been made, Adamaï lets Yugo know that they should move somewhere else to not cause any other damage to the kingdom which is another great idea (Adamaï’s all fired up with good ideas today lol)
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I believe there is a way to find a cure for the Belladone poison. Based on what I found, the poison doesn’t seem to have any remedy since it’s such a deadly substance to drink but I believe they could be able to find something that could potentially help Yugo and Adamaï get rid of it from their systems.
For example, the same thing happened to Amalia back in Season 1. Not only did she get bit by a demonic rose known to have been created to hurt Jiva, one of the month protectors of the world of twelve, but she ended up being fine once the others found a cure for the flower.
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Granted, the flower and the belladone have two distinct differences that separate them on their severity level : A) The demonic rose is a flower while the belladone is a berry. B) The demonic rose is a deadly flower that, once touched, can kill you in under a day while the belladone, once eaten, can kill you in under a few seconds. It can even damage your skin if you hold one for too long.
Even so, it doesn’t change the fact that if an infamous red flower that has impacted a divinity can be cured, then so can the belladone.
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These two are pure morons.
It doesn’t matter when or where they are, they’ll still smirk and come up with dumb jokes even when they’re in pain like this.
Adamaï’s over here treating this like “training”. I have no idea if he said that to lighten the mood when he realized they were somewhat stable now that they shared the pain or if it was just because he genuinely tested this like training to see if they could withstand the pain together.
Either way, they’re both idiots and brothers for life. Brothers who smile even when they’re not sure about the pain.
Extra: let’s just enjoy more pained yugo expressions lol
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Hai I heard you were open for some smutty Carmen requests and I was hoping if you can do some jealousy smut for dear old Bear? It can be from whatever situation!!
Bless 🙏✨
Summary: Carmen is set to apologise to you for spending so much time at the restaurant lately.
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto × fem!Reader
Content Warning: Smut With A Side Dish Of Plot (18+!), A Tiny Bit Angsty At The Beginning, Swearing, Oral (F Receiving), Explicit Sexual Language, A Tiny Bit Of Hair Pulling
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: Wake up, bestie! Your fic request just dropped! 🌸💕 I really hope you like it!
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Hot steam rose from the pot right in front of you on the stove. The scent of slightly roasted carrots, celery and onions was spreading all throughout the kitchen while you found yourself busy cutting up a good amount of tomatoes into cubes. Their water content was meant to deglaze that very tasty layer of flavours currently stuck to the bottom of the pot.
With your treasured record player joyfully running it's needle over a Led Zeppelin vinyl for your comfort, you were so lost in your task at hand that you didn't notice the apartment door falling shut behind you.
" 'M home, babe!" It pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Finally, eh?" You reciprocated, trying to sound as cool about that as you possibly could.
On the inside, though, you didn't feel cool about it all. It's been a reoccurring theme for the past weeks that Carmy came home to you late... very late. Most of the time you had eaten already and just went to bed tired and somewhat worried.
"Yeah, today was rather rough.", You heard Carmen say, "Still, Sydney was all in! She pushed through like she's been there from day one! It's kinda impressive."
With that, you felt your teeth clenching. In a subconscious movement, your fingers wrapped themselves tightly around the masterfully crafted wooden handle of the knife, that was surely on the more pricy side, exceptionally sharp. Your knuckles turned white and your nails were about to leave marks while you tried to tell yourself that it was nothing over and over again. Sydney was simply a very good and competent cook, from what you heard most likely the only competent co-chef at the restaurant and absolutely nothing more. Nonetheless, you couldn't help yourself this time.
Hearing that name yet again posed to be the final straw that broke the camels back for good.
"Fucking Sydney, huh?" You muttered under your breath as you felt the inevitable avalanche of emotions breaking free.
Behind you Carmy halted for a moment.
"You okay?" He asked in a soft voice that only infuriated you even more.
In the way your lower lip started quivering and with searing hot tears already pooling at the waterline of your eyes, you knew that you couldn't stop this from happening anymore. With the last bit of proper reasoning inside of you, you let the knife go for it to rest on the cutting board next to the puddle of diced up tomatoes.
"For weeks..", In a helpless motion your head dropped to your chest "For weeks you come home in the dead of night, we barely see each other....barely really talk anymore and then the only thing I hear over and over again is Sydney here, Sydney there."
Inhaling a deep breath, you tried to steady yourself but it wasn't to any use anymore really. By now the dreaded tears were rolling down your cheeks in thick streams.
"Now take a wild fucking guess how okay I am, Carmen!' It spilled from your lips in a choked back sob. It sounded way too condescending and you felt sorry instantly.
"Fuck...shit.. 'm sorry." You felt like flipping the damn cutting board but that wouldn't help the situation at all now, would it?
"Are you...jealous?" Carmy's voice sounded absolutely dumbfounded and it nearly made you laugh in hysterical disbelief.
Did it really go over his head how the two of you had grown increasingly distant? Carmen busy with the shitshow of a restaurant while you clung to everything that kept you busy to shut down the gnawing voices inside your head that were spewing nothing but venom and your own insecurities at him.
"Sounds kinda like it, no?", You sniffled, wiping the tears with the back of your hand "What a load of fucking bullshit."
"No, no...I hear you.", In a few swift steps Carmy came up behind you. You were expecting him to hug you or something at least remotely close to that but instead his hand reached out from under your elbow to turn off the stove.
"I'm about to rip you a new one, Berzatto." It fell from your mouth in a soft laugh.
"Fuck, force of habit, sorry." He rested his chin on your shoulder and gently wrapped his arms around your waist.
"It's not a load a' bullshit.", The tip of his nose softly grazed over the crook of your neck, instantly giving you goosebumps "It's been a lot lately and I'm sorry."
Carmen's lips hardly touched your skin and yet they pulled all your attention towards them. He knew what he was doing and he was doing it fully and utterly on purpose.
"It's kinda hard to stay mad at you when you're doing that." You couldn't help yourself but smile.
"Do you wanna stay mad at me? If it helps I could talk about how Richie-"
"Fucking Richard." You sighed in amusement and both of you laughed out a little.
"But seriously." ,Carmy's warm breath spread across your neck down to your collarbone "I'm really sorry. I know, I should've paid more attention but I'll make it up to you, promised."
Another warm breath followed until you felt his plush lips sink down onto your skin.
An entirely new wave of much stronger goosebumps erupted from that point, washing through your body like a tide. The sensation made you feel hot and cold at the same time and it threatened to hijack your brain already. It took but that simple kiss to your neck and sometimes you felt embarrassed by how weak you got for him, how empty he rendered the usually very loud chaos inside of your head like it was nothing.
"I should've said something." You stated, your hands leaning onto the counter as you felt Carmen pushing his entire body against yours from behind "I don't want to lash out on you like that, I need to-"
But he stopped you right there: "You need to stop thinking right now."
To underline his point, he pressed another kiss right beneath the first one. This time with more vigour, not leaving any room for mixed signals.
A sharp inhale from you followed as you noticed his fingers sneaking themselves underneath the loose fabric of your shirt. They gently caressed your waist and wandered down to your hips, taking a firm grip at them as you instinctively pressed your ass into his lap.
"What do you want me to do?", He whispered into your ear in a low voice inbetween carefully placed pecks to your neck "You want me to bend you over the counter? Or I could get on my knees for you if you want that."
Raggedy breaths hung in the air as you struggled to form a coherent thought let alone a whole sentence. You felt the blood rushing between your legs at the thought of any of it, your cunt pulsating around nothing.
"What can I get for you, chef?" Carmen chuckled softly before his teeth grapsed at your earlobe.
"Knees.." You forced it out of your mouth, feeling how your cheeks flushed with heat.
"Come again, chef?" Carmy asked in return, the wide grin in his face now audible because he knew how much it flustered you to have to speak it out loud.
"Knees, Carmy. Want you to go down on me." You tried to speak up as much as the situation let you.
"Heard, chef!" Carmy used the grip around your hips to push you to the side of the counter, away from the stove and turned you towards him.
His striking blue eyes met with yours the second he had you turned around and his fingers grabbed the curve of your ass the hoist you onto the counter. With a little gasp, you found yourself on top of the counter faster than you could really recognise.
"You're not even out of your jacket..." You noted as Carmen leaned in to press a longing kiss to your lips.
He tasted like cigarettes and coffee. The faint smell of his musky aftershave mixed with notes of frying oil, onions and sweat filled your nostrils and oddly enough you had found home in that concoction of scents.
"I don't care." He shrug his shoulders while his hands reluctantly let go of your ass only to get back to the waistband of your sweatpants.
As you rose from the counter ever so lightly, Carmen pulled it down in a smooth motion until the fabric was pooling around your ankles.
You repeated the same movement to shimmy out of your lace panties, discarding the clothes right onto the floor beneath you as Carmy pressed his statue between your legs, his broad hands cupping your thighs. He spoiled you with more deep kisses that threatened to knock the air from your lungs before he slowly dropped down to his knees.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his breath hitting against the inside of your thighs and the warmth of his skin made your stomach drop in excitement. Since he had been so excruciatingly busy with the restaurant, neither if you really gotten more from each other than an exhausted kiss goodnight or quick hugs in between door frames before the two of you were off to separate destinations again and it hit you in this moment just how much you missed feeling him close to you, having his undivided attention like that. Growing gradually more bitter about Carmen trying to save the restaurant was one thing and in hindsight you felt somewhat selfish about it but aside from that you'd felt lonely if not frustrated already.
Fortunately, those reemerging feelings got washed away as fast as they popped up inside your mind by Carmy who buried his face between your spread open legs, the tip of his tongue eagerly pushing between your slik-coated folds.
A surprised moan fell from your mouth as you let your head fall back and basked in the electrifying sensation. With the full width of his tongue, ever so careful as to not press to hard against your throbbing cunt, he caressed your clit in even strokes. The steady rhythm allowed you to join in, grinding yourself against his face to increase the intensity to your liking.
"Please don't stop..." You muttered into the steamy kitchen air as your fingers got lost in strands of Carmen's curly, dusty blonde hair.
A low groan of his emitted from between your legs as you pulled a handful of strands carefully, shoving his face impossibly close to you. Taking that as a hint, Carmen picked up the pace whilst his hands wrapped around your thighs, locking you right into place as you inevitably started squirming in his grip.
"Shit...fuck...!" It rolled over your tongue in raggedy breaths as you couldn’t help but surrender to the rising tension in your whole body.
Bordering between endless bliss and overstimulation, your muscles grew more tense with each precise lick parting your folds until you just couldn't take it any longer. In a crushing wave of white-hot pleasure, that set every nerve on fire, your orgasm rippled through your body. You wanted to wiggle out of his graps but Carmen's palms wrapped tightly around you thighs simply wouldn't let go of you until the very last contractions eased off and you were trying to catch your breath above him.
With his chin wet from your release, Carmy rose back up to face you, a satisfied grin tugging the corners of his mouth.
"Apology accepted?" The tip of his nose touched yours playfully and you could smell yourself all over him.
"Heard and accepted, chef."
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Pairings: John Price x F!Reader
Summary: after a few months since his last visit, john finally gets the chance to see the girl.
Word Count: 1.7k
tw: fluff, angst, allusion to human trafficking, NCA, terrified girls. nothing too descriptive. bad english and poor grammar as usual. if i missed anything just lmk💕
A/N: so this took a little longer since it was supposed to come out during the weekend. i was planning on making it longer but didn't, maybe a second part could happen🐸 anyway, i love price✨🩵!
Masterlist✨ | Part 2
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She hears it while cooking her homemade cherry pie. As far as she recalls, no one was supposed to come today. No. Officer Davis came that morning at eight o'clock like he always did. He had handed her some new books she's been wanting to read for a few months now and was kind enough to buy for her.
Since she wasn't allowed to give her address to anyone,and let alone type it on some random website, she was always asking officer Davis for favors. He was truly an amazing man. Although, even if they ever let her do such thing, giver her some freedom, who would want to go to the house in the middle of the forest to drop off a package?
Freedom. She scoffs. Such a strange word.
Making her way out of the room she walks towards the front door, but not before taking the remote that was given to her by the NCA. All it takes is pressing the red button twice and she'll have the whole police in her doorway. She stands behind the white wooden door, hesitating. Her heart begins to race, feeling it beat against her ribcage.
What if someone had finally found her location?
I can't go back there.
Frozen in her place, hand barely touching the doorknob and tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.
"It's me, sweetheart." A deep voice comes from the other side. "It's okay. I'm sorry for not coming sooner."
She mumbles his name, like a prayer, and then opens the door.
He stands there, tall and broad. The same baby blues that saved her a year ago looking back at her. The lines on his forehead soften at the mere sight of the girl. He's wearing that black beanie that once sat atop of her head when the winter had begun that first time he visited her here.
The only other one that knew where to find her. Because she knew, they all knew, he'd do anything for her.
John can hear the river outside the old house. The rustling of leaves moving against the wind, soon it'll be dark. The humid weather making his green shirt stick to his skin layered with sweat. He inhales deeply. This mission. This fucking mission has been going far too long. But everything they found les the task force to this very place. He goes room by room, entering with his gun aiming ahead and the safety off. Always.
Despite not having execute authority he wanted nothing more than to put several bullets in their bodies. Whomever they were.
A creak echoes on the second floor so he rushes upstairs stealthily. The place above doesn't look much better that the bottom part of the house. There's a weird smell in the air. Like blood and death.
After checking the first room, the bathroom and all the cabinets just in case he sighs.
"Only got one room left to check. Anything out there?" He waits for an answer, in the middle of the bedroom. The mattress was torn and dirty. He thinks of all the atrocities that must've taken place there.
"Negative, Captain. Got you on my sight just in case." Ghost's monotone voice interrupts the eerie silence engulfing his surroundings.
The radio dies and John walks to the next door across the hallway. Except it's locked.
Of course.
"Last door locked. I'm going in. Gaz, Soap you're in position?" He asks
"Aye sir. Both ready."
Next thing that happens is a bullet. He shoots the doorknob and the door bursts open with a loud sound of his firearm.
And screams.
Terrified screams and cries from... girls. At least seven of them. Price swallows hard, his eyes scanning the room when they land on the girl shielding a younger one. She's terrified, shaking, yet still looks him in the eye imploring to be saved.
She's hugging him in an instant, almost making him stumble back on his steps, but embraces her body nevertheless.
"What took you so long?" She asks, her face resting on his hard chest. Price can feel the softness of her skin against his calloused hands.
"Special Ops." She smells like strawberry and caramels. Pulling away so he can look her in the eyes. "How're you doin' love?"
Her heart skips a beat. Never gets tired of hearing Price calling her that.
"Come in and I'll tell you."
Taking his hand she guides him to the kitchen where the pie is almost finished. John drops his duffel bag on the wooden floor, contemplating her small form moving around effortlessly.
"I got some new books this morning. Turns out I've been missing a lot. Davis was kind enough to bring them since... you know." She shrugs.
"They're still not letting you out?" He asks with a serious tone.
"Nah. Might be dangerous." Taking out the pie from the oven she places it on the counter between the two. Price doesn't say anything for a moment, merely looking at her, pondering. "The boys are alright?"
"Yeah." He nods,"Had to drag one or two out of a burning building but that's not new."
She laughs softly, taking a seat, motioning for him to do the same. He obliges.
"How long do you think they'll keep me here, John?" It's a genuine question. It's only been a few months. A year, almost.
"Love..." he sighs. "It's complicated. I don't know much."
"Yeah but, but once they're all captured..." she stammered.
Price could never say he understands what she's going through. What she endured was beyond him. Whenever he thought of it it just made him want burn the fucking bastards. All of them.
"I promise you this. Once it's safe for you I'll personally come and give you the news. And we'll go wherever you desire, yeah?" Although it's not entirely what she wanted, she could wait a little bit longer. John had never let her down. He saved her and in all honesty she'd trust him with her life. "I'll tell you what." He stands up, making the small kitchen look even smaller with his tall form. "Have you heard about the town fair?"
Her eyes light up.
"No... is, is that..."
"Let's go." She doesn't move. "Why don't you go get ready."
"John, I'm not supposed to leave the house you know that, I mean I want to, but... you said..." She's mortified, yet excited. A breath of fresh air. That's what that man meant for her. No one ever cared about her like he did.
"I've got contacts, love. I don't need their permission. For all that matters you're safer with me. Come on, out we go." He points to the front door. "I'm a patient man but don't keep me waiting for too long eh."
He was right.
It was a sight to behold.
John watches her eating the snack he got for her. She loved sweets so much therefore he couldn't let this opportunity pass. When was the last time she got to experience something like this? Sometimes so simple.
Something so mundane.
Her eyes are glimmering whenever she looks at the different attractions at the fair. John takes a long drink from his beer bottle. Right hand finding her lower back whenever she's about to bump into some other person when she's distracted.
"You like it huh?" She looks at him confused. He points the stuffed otter in her left hand. A smile crossed her features.
"I do. And I still don't know how you did it... I mean, I guess being in the military does help when you try to shoot a moving horse toy at the fair to win something." She laughs, embarrassed about what she just said. She thinks she sounds stupid, almost making her want to hit her head against the nearest tree.
He smiles, the wrinkles on the corner of his eyes more prominent than the last time she'd seen him.
"I guess it does, love." He agrees wholeheartedly.
"How long are you going to stay?"
Price looks down at her when she stops before the ferris wheel. The wind blows her hair swiftly. What was that in the air? Her perfume?
"For as long as I can, dear." He takes a strand of hair in his hand, and gently put it behind her ear.
There she is.
"John..." she breathes. "I feel so lonely when you're gone." The grip on the stuffed animal tightens. "I've no one. If it wasn't for you..."
"No." He gently reprimands her. "Don't say another word. With or without me you'll be fine, love."
"What if I don't want to be fine when you're not around?" He's silent, yet his mind is so loud. "You saved me, John." She states. "Any other person would just continue with their lives. You were just doing your job. Another one in the endless missions you're assigned." Swallowing, she asks: "Why are you still here? Why do you keep coming back?"
He doesn't answer the question right away, instead looks over her head, lost in his own thoughts as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. He then clears his throat and looks back at her, who's waiting with wide eyes and lips slightly parted. She was right. Any other day John would've turned page. He would sure remember, after all these are stories that will stick with him until his last day. What made this mission different?
"I think you know bloody well why."
Price helps her sit inside the helicopter to get medical attention. Feeling her weak body trembling even under the black blanket she was tightly wrapped in. He had carried her body all the way outside from that house when she collapsed. The adrenaline running through her system disappearing when she realized they were being rescued at last.
Simon had side eyed his Captain when he didn't let anyone take the girl from him. Why her? He couldn't say. So he went away and led one of the other girls out of there instead with Soap's help.
"There's nothing to be afraid anymore, kid." He reassured her, voice soft trying not to startle her more than she already was. "We got you. All of you."
Her big eyes once terrified and filled with tears of despair finally saw the light at the end. It was him. What she always prayed for. Salvation.
It was staring back at her.
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yukaro353 · 11 days
Please gush about IronChef?
I have a whole fanfic in my head about that ship, I could give you a whole bible about it.
I like to imagine them as a relationship that happens quite alone, they just needed to live together long enough for sparks to fly around.
You have Lin who at first doesn't want any kind of commitment because contrary to this rigid and very normative image they have of her, she is quite reluctant towards the idea of commitment after her last relationship (and has never really worked on it), but Cheng doesn't mind, it's like, it seems logical to him, they both belong to two very different perspectives. He even has children! (He is divorced) perfectly understands Lin's point about "not tying yourself up unnecessarily"
When after a long time being in that kind of "non-relationship" that things become complicated because extra feelings emerge, they should sit down and clarify the terms.
Curious facts:
- Opal is the only one who knows (Lin tried to tell Korra because she remembered that she had a loose mouth and gave up).
- Cheng was married to a waterbender, from there his two children were born (Tarkik, close to Korra's age, and Nanook, close to Ikki's age).
- Most of their meetings at the beginning are in Zaofu, from time to time they escape to nearby places
- To apologize to Cheng for what he said the first time, Lin offered to share recipes that he knew (mostly things from the South Pole and Air Nomads) so they have cooked together several times.
- Of Cheng's children, only the youngest lives with him in Zaofu.
- Lin is three years older than Cheng
I have many more things in the pipeline but this post is already quite long 🤭
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zoeykallus · 1 year
I find myself thinking about Wrecker finding his person through food. Do you mind doing a small snippet of Wrecker finding out the one who cooks the delicious food to be the one eating with the group next to him on Pabu( more fem!reader) ? Wrecker compliments her work and she says she is happy to cook more for him anytime with a bright smile. only for Wrecker to find himself touched by that. Along with his feelings. ✨✨
Then later, how would he approach to ask her on a date? With her offering to cook one of her favorite dishes.
Oh yes, I can totally see this happen in my mind's eye. Let me write it down for you 😁
Wrecker x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Delicious
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Pabuu has changed in some ways since the boys of the Bad Batch arrived, at least for you. An excited curiosity has entered the peaceful idyll. One of them, whom they call Wrecker, has piqued your interest. Big, strong, lively, helpful. He helps everywhere, always has a helping hand ready when you ask him, you have already observed this several times. You have already noticed that you have a common passion, food. Wrecker is an epicure who is curious about all kinds of dishes, and you have a talent for cooking, which is very versatile. So far, you've only ever watched the guys with a bit of distance, especially Wrecker. Here and there, you threw him a shy smile when he looked at you, and he smiled happily back. You don't know that his gaze has followed you curiously several times after such moments, that you have already drawn his attention. The reconstruction of the lower levels of Pabuu, after the tidal wave, is exhausting and will take several more days. The boys of the Bad Batch are also working diligently all day. On one of these busy days, you prepare dinner for the boys. You are excited, it is the first time you cook for them, the first time Wrecker will enjoy your cooking. The table is finally set, and you sit down at the table a little hesitantly, nervously with a tentative little smile. They don't really know who you are or that you made the food, you never really introduced yourself. So at first they are confused when you sit down with them, but none of them object. You sit there, not eating anything yourself at first, just watching the guys fill their plates and sampling from the food. Hunter eats thoughtfully, slowly, savoring and tasting a bit of everything. Echo inspects his food very closely at first, smelling it, looking at it from all sides, poking at it a bit before tasting it. Finally, you see a surprised, satisfied expression on his face.
Omega does virtually everything exactly as Hunter does, slowly deliberating, sampling from everything, in the same order. Tech takes holo photos of his food before tasting it, he has his datapad in hand on the side, searching for the recipe as he absentmindedly shoves one bite after another into his mouth. Sitting directly across from you is Wrecker. Even sitting at the table, he looks huge. He reaches out hungrily, taking several different things at once, and begins to eat with fervor. "Oh maker, this is good, better than good, fantastic!" Your heart beats faster in your chest as you look at him, smiling broadly. "I'm glad to hear that" All eyes are on you for a moment, and you feel a shiver run down your spine, but the attention you receive is benevolent. "You made this?" asks Wrecker, who has barely swallowed the bite he has in his mouth. You nod with a nervous little laugh. "I knew you were special." When you look at him in surprise, he continues, "I've known that since the moment I first saw you, the day before the flood, you were on that terrace back there," pointing behind him to the building across the street. "You remember that?" Wrecker grins and shoves a piece of your freshly baked bread into his mouth. "Sure! Man, this bread is amazing!" You beam at him with satisfaction, "I'll be happy to cook for you again.... You guys, I mean, anytime." Wrecker's eyes go wide. "Really?"
You nod and shyly grab a piece of bread to keep your hands busy as well. "Great!" cheers Wrecker, and then he looks at Hunter, "Can I keep her?" Hunter has to laugh and almost spits his food back onto his plate in the process. He clears his throat and says with amusement, "You can't keep her, she's not a toy, is she?" Wrecker laughs heartily and winks at you, "I know, I'm just kidding." After a brief pause, he asks you gently, "Hey, Kitchen Goddess, do you want to come to the beach with me? After dinner, I mean. I was going to catch some of those fish you only come across here in the dark, could use some company." You blink in surprise and ask, "You want to catch moon snapper? Those are pretty big, strong fish." Wrecker laughs, leans a little in your direction and says with a wink, "And I'm a pretty big, strong man, don't worry, it'll work out." Your face gets all warm, and you can't help but smile at him. "I'll be very happy to accompany you" Wrecker bangs the table joyfully, making almost everyone present cringe in shock. "Sorry" he says briefly to the crowd, grabs the rest of the bread, stands up and says, "Come with me" You blink in surprise, but follow him without asking any questions. Wrecker gets his fishing gear, shoves the rest of the bread in his mouth, and grins at you.
"I hear moon snapper are a delicacy," he says. "They are," you confirm as you walk beside him down to the beach. "Can you prepare the fish?" he asks curiously. "Yeah, sure," you say with a smirk. Wrecker licks his lips and says, "If I catch one, could you make a midnight snack for both of us?" You laugh in amusement and nod, "For you, with pleasure, Wrecker." He beams at you and says dreamily, "My kitchen goddess, you are a dream come true for this soldier" Again heat rises in your cheeks, you can't help but look up at him in admiration as he walks there beside you, the smile with which he now looks at you, full of affection and yet almost a little shy.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
got any fluffy faithshipping headcanons?🌸🥀✨⭐️
Boy do I! Here’s a random assortment of the first faithshipping headcanons that come to mind:
Yusei is Aki’s first (and for a long time, only) sparring partner of a sort. During the period after she first controls her powers in the duel where her dad was present but before she’s fully gotten the hang of them, Yusei frequently volunteers to duel her for practice and eventually becomes the only one she dares to ask for it outright. She never manages to find the right words to thank him, but he can tell by the way she begins to feel more and more at ease with duelling, even starting to have genuine fun with it, like she used to as a child, that it means the world to her.
Speaking of duelling. Yusei loves to watch Aki duel. He also likes duelling her himself because she’s tough and provides good practice, but mostly, especially once she’s gotten the hang of her powers, he just loves watching her have fun with it. Watching her kick ass and enjoy herself while doing it is an endless source of joy for him.
I imagine that given each their history, both Aki and Yusei find out that they’re a little more touch-starved than they expected when they get together. (What with Yusei growing up in a harsh environment where trying to stay on top of one another’s needs for physical affection wasn’t exactly first priority, and Aki being avoided by and actively avoiding people herself for many years.) Thus, they find out pretty quickly that they love giving and receiving physical affection. And not even big things; anything from sitting while leaning against one another, to brushing hands, brushing a strand of hair behind someone’s ear here and there, holding hands, everything. (And the obvious stuff like hugs and kisses, too, yes.)
That said, I don’t see them being big on PDA. They’ll subtly hold hands under the table in public, maybe snatch a kiss when no one’s looking, but they don’t like to make a show out of themselves.
They switch back and forth on who’s the little spoon. Aki likes being held, generally, but the way Yusei melts into her arms when she holds him is nothing short of bliss to her. Also, Yusei’s clingy in his sleep. He always likes holding onto her somehow. Thankfully, Aki adores it.
Bonus to the above (with a smidgen of angst): On bad nights when Yusei either keeps waking up because of nightmares or has trouble falling asleep in the first place, Aki’s arms are the only place where he feels comfortable and safe enough to get at least a few hours of rest.
They both aren’t the greatest cooks (Aki mostly due to lack of practice since she didn’t cook herself at Arcadia and Yusei mostly due to Satellite, where there was both a lack of tools and of diverse ingredients to experiment with), but together, they make a solid team in the kitchen. They move around one another easily and can serve up a nice meal if they combine their expertise.
Aki isn’t actually terrible at physics. Really, she could figure out most of her homework entirely by herself. It would take her longer, yes, but she’d manage. But Yusei is a good teacher because he’s extremely patient and can explain things in ways that make a lot more sense to her than whatever scientist-speak her professor uses. Plus, if working on her homework together gets them to sit close enough together for their legs to brush, then that’s just a plus, really.
Yusei despises clothes shopping, which Aki picks up on quickly after he moves to the city. The big stores overwhelm him (Satellite had a lot less to choose from), he’s bad at judging at a glance which clothes will fit well and which won’t, brand clothing prices frustrate him, and the older he gets, the more likely he is to get recognised at stores, too, which he also doesn’t like. (Though he politely endures most people’s attention, unless they’re dicks. And for children, he’ll try to smile every time, even if it’s Tuesday evening, raining cats and dogs, he hasn’t eaten since breakfast, and is also in a hurry to get somewhere.) Aki eventually makes clothes shopping bearable for him, though—she figures out which price category he’s comfortable with, which materials he prefers, which cuts he likes, and she’s quick to usher him into a changing room with a modest assortment of shirts and jeans when it looks like someone is about to come over and bother him, too. He never really starts liking it, per se, but after a certain point, he never goes clothes shopping without Aki again.
Despite being an early riser, Yusei often doesn’t leave the bed until Aki wakes up (unless he urgently needs to get up to do work or some such). He likes holding her and listening to her soft breathing way too much. Sometimes, he’ll even try to fall asleep again, which he never did unless he was sick before her.
Yusei’s primary love language are absolutely acts of service. He’ll make sure they have Aki’s favourite tea at home before she comes over, he’ll offer to duel her for practice for the WRGP, he’ll track down the battery model for her phone and change the battery if she mentions that it’s beginning to drain quicker than she’s comfortable with.
Meanwhile, Aki’s primary love language is touch, mostly because she’s been so starved for physical affection herself for years. She likes the way Yusei will lean into her touch every time, how he’ll remark on how soft her hands are—it’s healing for her, in a way, too, because for so long, she saw herself as someone covered in thorns, unapproachable because she hurt everyone who came too close, and unable to give warmth because of it. But Yusei seeks her embrace like it’s the only place in the world worth being in, and it soothes her soul because she can finally give warmth, she can finally be a comfort, a safe place, rather than a danger to someone.
Yusei loves the smell of Aki’s shampoo and shower gel and will happily let her wash him with it every time they shower or bathe together. He doesn’t mind that it’s flowery and doesn’t smell “masculine”, it reminds him of his favourite person in the world.
Aki memorises Yusei’s scars over the years and will sometimes carefully caress or kiss them. Yusei doesn’t know what to do with it at first because he doesn’t exactly see these reminders of bad experiences as worthy of being caressed, but eventually, it makes him go terribly, terribly soft every time she does it because it reminds him that she loves every part of him, that she even finds him handsome, scars and all. It’s affirming in a way he can’t quite articulate.
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
Before You (Carmen Berzatto X Fem!OC)
It was Isaac before Carmy, and it was Ross before you.
Part I: December.
Part II: January.
Part III: February.
words: 3.4k
a/n: Welcome all to the second part of my TB & TF series!! This is a prequel to the first part, so if you haven't read that, you can either read this first then the other one or vise versa. Also, this is me kinda just adding personal experience to her story because as a hostess, I think we don't get credit enough for having to deal with some people's shit (sigh) however, she's her own character so feel free to relate however you please. Another thing, I wrote this before S2 came out, so any coincidence with the firework scene in Ep5 is just me being ✨psychic✨ Enjoy! XX
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No amount of deep breaths could calm the blistering anger circulating through her system. Her quickening steps move across the dining hall of the stupidly ostentatious restaurant she has the misfortune of working at. From the elegant decorum and the expensive menu, she can pinpoint the exact type of diners the place hosts: terrible, horrible, shitty people. And while she’s completely against placing anyone under any category, New York socialites seemed to never want to leave the rooted stereotype of being pompous, rude and extremely annoying.
Her theory had been proven correct once more after spending the last 10 minutes getting berated for not seating a walk-in on one of the busiest nights of the month. 
“You should save a table of that size for these situations…” The insufferable trust fund baby spat at her and all the self composure in the world could not stop the words from leaving her  mouth.
“Maybe send us a heads up by telepathy next time and I’ll try and catch it…” She had mumbled sarcastically, hoping that the background noise would drown it out as she tapped meaninglessly around the tablet.
It did not. And now her mouth was coated with the metal taste of blood that had oozed from her bitten tongue. She usually wasn’t this easy to frustrate, it took more than a pretentious jackass to destabilize her mood- especially in her line of work- but the weight of the day crashed on tiresome shoulders and the little manbitch past the podium had just been the spoiled cherry on top. 
The smooth Jazz is replaced by the sharp sounds of metal clinging against each other once she pushes past the service doors, in direction to the back alley. Her presence pulls a few looks from the chefs, but with a hardened scowl and a rigid stance, only an idiot would be aloof to the irritation detaching off her in not so subtle waves.
“Yo Ross, baby-” One of the cooks shouts, but is soon silenced by a threatening look and pointed finger.
“Fuck you Frank- not now.” She spits back, without even stopping or wasting any more time.
The frigid winter air finds a worthy opponent in the heat cursing through her veins as she crosses the emergency exit and drops against the brick wall with hands around her face, fully embracing the cold. A muffled groan vibrates through her fingers and blends in seamlessly with the usual sirens and horns blaring from the street ahead. It doesn’t take long for the dropping temperature to catch up to her- numbing the balls of her fingers and painting the tip of her nose red- but her manager told her to take five to calm down and she would not oppose to stealing company time, even if it meant freezing her ass off.
Ross pushes herself off the grimy wall and begins to tread along the small alley to warm up while she tries to talk herself out of quitting for what feels like the fifth time that month. 
“Chill, okay? You’ll find shitty people everywhere-” Her voice swims around the reduced space, comfortable in the privacy of her own company. “Besides, next one’s the good one and you can say goodbye to this shithole wrapped in a Gucci sweater…”
The noise of the busy kitchen pierces her bubble when the door opens again, blinding her with the white light while a body passes through, then closing back again and leaving them with the dim yellow bulb fighting to stay lit. 
“Ross.” He greets with a single nod of his head as his eyes spot her in the darkness, pulling a beaten up package from his pocket and lighting the thin tube with one of those long kitchen lighters he always seems to carry.
“Chef.” She answers back with a similar nod. 
Her cheeks carry a crimson that goes beyond the freezing cold, embarrassed to think that he might have heard her little self pep talk and she’s thankful for the lack of lighting in the space. The sound of his steady exhales and the lingering scent of tobacco slowly make their way to her as she keeps her eyes on the ground, uncomfortable shoes rubbing away over the pavement in distraction. 
“You, uh, you good?” He clears his throat and shuffles against the wall, switching from one overworked foot to another. 
They’ve probably only ever crossed a couple sentences despite her working there for almost a year, but she tries to hide the doubt behind a nod. 
“Uh… y-yeah. Another day, another shitty customer.” She jokes in hopes to break the barrier of ice, though it seems to be thicker than she expected, because all she gets is another nod that has her wanting to scurry back inside. 
“What’d they tell you now?” He asks through another smoky exhale. 
“That he’s friends with the head chef and that he’d have my head if I didn’t give ‘em a table…” 
“That’s bull-“ He says, sucking in his cheeks and making the ember tip glow bright orange. “I don’t have any friends.”
“Yeah that’s what I told him too.” Ross adds and receives the wisp of a snigger in return. 
It’s small and almost unnoticeable- so tiny it could be confused with a cough- but it’s there. And the ice wall doesn’t seem as thick as she thought now. 
“So did you?” The chef asks again, cigarette halfway finished while she tries to keep her teeth from chattering. “Let ‘em in, I mean..”
“Like hell I did.” She responds before rolling her eyes. “But fucking Martin probably did…” 
He nods his head slowly in acknowledgement, then lets another soft breath blow through his nose, smoke and vapor invisible in the low light. “I can send ‘em a shitty stake if you want.”
Ross knows it’s a joke, no respectable chef in the building would ever ruin a $300 Kobe beef just to spite a shitty client, but the solidarity in his offer grants him her own smile. 
“Nah, I’ll just ask the bartender to pour ‘em the cheap stuff so they get a hangover tomorrow.” 
Despite wanting to continue the unforeseen interaction- mostly out of scientific curiosity- the cold seeping through the thin material of her uniform finally triggers her feet in direction of the door, a few feet away from where he’s finishing his cigarette. Her fingers stay curled over the handle, contemplating the words and if they have any space in the situation, but before she can convince herself otherwise, she calls out to the chef. 
“I know it’s a shitty day to work ‘n all… but Merry Christmas… I guess.”
He nods again, brows raised and eyes wide seems to be the default expression on his face, then a ghost of something she can assume is a barely visible smile hides behind the dying tube. 
“Yeah… you too.” 
“Have a good night guys, happy new year!” She recites with a wave to the departing guests, the phrase already lacking meaning after constant repetition.
New Year’s dinner rush is a blatant copy of the week before, with the exception of the nice vibes that many seem to carry, influenced by the faux restart. However, it does move painfully slow, between kind guests and uncomfortable offers from the Wall Street wannabe bros who couldn’t take a hint. Every advance had to be deflected with a kind smile and by the end of the night her cheeks had grown tired from all the tension they were forced to endure. Thankfully, there were only a few tables left and she could finally switch the uncomfortable heels for her sneakers, which facilitated finishing her last tasks in record time.
“Hey, Ross-” 
“Yeah” She turns to Meg- one of the waitresses and her friend- while shuffling through the menus, but stops as she sets a small plate with an even smaller dessert over the wooden desk. “What’s this?”
“From the kitchen…” She answers with a teasing tone and a smile that makes her roll her eyes.
“Take it back and tell Frank to fuck off- I’m not sucking his dick for an eclair-”
“It’s not from him, idiot! Chef Carmen sent it…” Meg whispers leaning in as if sharing some long kept secret. 
“What? Why?”
Meg shrugs and pulls a tiny spoon from one of the pockets on her apron. “Probably heard you bitchin’ about some guest again.” Then she scoops a piece of the dessert and pops it in her mouth, groaning in delight. “Say what you want about that man, but god is he good with his hands.”
“Dude that sounds so wrong.” Ross chuckles before taking a piece for herself and can’t help but agree with the delicious taste of the pastry. “We’re still on for drinks, right?”
“Can’t-” Meg mumbles between spoonfuls. “Mom’s making me meet them at grandma’s after this. She says this is probably her last new year so…”
“Shit- I don’t wanna go just with Frank.”
“Why don’t you ask your chef.” She suggests teasingly, before picking up the empty plate. “‘New year, new you’ ‘n all that. He already sent you food ‘n plus you’ve had the hots for him for a while now-”
“I do not!” She bickers a bit too defensively, rolling her eyes at the disbelief in Meg’s expression. “I’m nice to everyone, not just him.”
With a sarcastic ‘Sure, kid’ and an exaggerated nod, Meg turns on her shoes and heads deep into the emptying dining room.
By the time she’s finally done, it’s an hour to midnight and almost everyone has gone home except Frank, who sits wrapped up in his own coat and sharing a cigarette with another cook. Her steps lose power past the door and stop altogether once she notices the lonely man leaning on the wall a few feet in front of her.
“Hey, chef-” The girl calls towards him, his head immediately snapping up in her direction, unlit cig hanging loosely from his lips. “You got any plans?”
Ross doesn’t wait for an answer, steps moving closer towards him. There’s a thin nervous expression harboring his normally closed off features as his eyes dart around her face and the two men ahead of them, slowly putting the smoke back in the box.
“So?” She asks again. “You got anywhere to be?”
“Uh… no but-”
“Great, c’mon. Let's go grab some drinks.” She doesn’t wait for a response before linking her arm around his and walking closer to the waiting men.
She can see the tightness locked over Frank's jaw but tries her best to ignore it, pulling the chef in the opposite direction from where they’re standing. 
“Night boys.” She calls out before turning the corner and out of their view. 
Ross lets go of his arm once they’re a few blocks away, the warmth of her touch immediately escaping through the frigid wind. 
“Sorry ‘bout that… Frank’s just a little too much and I don’t wanna deal with that right now.” She says while growing the space between them. 
“Yeah-no I get it- he gets on my nerves sometimes… too.” 
They can hear the faint noise that the wind carries from a few blocks away, the celebrating multitude that has crowded Times Square in anticipation of the ball drop only growing thicker by the minute. 
“So, um, you really don’t have anywhere to be?” She asks, nervous fists inside her coat pockets. 
“Just home.” He shrugs. 
“Cool- so, what do you say to that drink?”
He shrugs again, not in an ‘I’m too cool to care’ way but more of an ‘I suck with words’ kind of way, that triggers a soft smile over her freezing features. 
“Thanks for the dessert… by the way.” She thanks with a slow step so he can catch up beside her once they’ve renewed their destination. 
“Oh-uh- yeah, sure.” He stammers, hands tightly in his pockets. “Anyone piss you off tonight?”
“Someone pisses me off every night-” She jokes, the lightheartedness growing with each step further away from work. “Curse of the trade, I guess.” She adds with a shrug.
They can hear the music emanating from the bar before even seeing it. The regular spot sits at the end of the curve, seemingly untouched by the masses, though the dusty windows show the movement of bodies inside. After maneuvering their way through the dispersed crowd, they’re still able to find an empty spot by the corner of the bar where it’s easier to reach the bartender. Every screen in their view covers the transmission of the infamous ball drop- as if the event wasn’t occurring a  few blocks away- but she figures it’s more comfortable seeing it from the inside of a heated bar than in the crushing crowd of bodies freezing outside.
It takes her five minutes to grab the barman’s attention and another two to get their drinks, but when he pats down his pants in search of his wallet, she’s already pocketing down the change the man’s given her.
“I asked you, remember?” She says to him while passing his drink, noticing a soft tint over his cheeks that hadn’t been there at their arrival and her brows raise slightly, before choosing to ignore it.
Ross can feel the man shuffling and clearing his throat beside her and the anxious actions pull a thin lipped smile over her face. He seems very different from the person she has observed behind the kitchen- a baby deer almost- careful not to trip over his own legs. It’s kind of endearing to her, how the confidence he carries in the confinements of a kitchen switches off the second he’s outside of one, replacing it with silence and the constant cracking of his knuckles that has her asking:
“You don’t go out much, do you?”
He exhales in the form of a small laugh, then takes a drink from his emptying mug. “That obvious?”
She nods and turns to him. “Well we’ve been here for almost twenty minutes and you’ve said three words… max.”
“Five now…” He jokes and a grin forms on her face at the dumb joke.
Ross turns to him, shifting her body in the stool to face him completely, bare knee brushing against his clothed one. “Tell me the thing you hate most about your job.”
He takes a few seconds to respond, gaze lost in the multitude as a terrible rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’ from the karaoke machine flows through the speakers. “I don’t- think I have one…”
“Nothing?” He shakes his head. “At all?” Another shake and a thin unnoticeable smile. “Chef Carmen-”
“-Carmy.” He corrects and the grin on her face grows a few inches wide.
“Okay Carmy, tell me you don’t hate people messing up your dishes or modifying your recipes?”
A grin slowly spreads across his static features as he looks down at his empty jug of beer and scratches over his brow out of habit. Then he nods in agreement. “I really fuckin’ hate that shit.”
“Right!?” Ross’ excitement pulls a snicker that has him agreeing to another drink, which he insists on paying for. “Like, I get it when it’s an allergy, right? You don’t wanna kill anyone. But Meg was telling me about some guy that wanted the ‘blanc’ but not the ‘beurre’ on his fish- and if 8th grade French doesn’t fail me- that literally translates to ‘white butter’!”
Carmy’s warm chuckle blends in nicely with the buzzing surroundings, causing a slight tint to graze her cheeks and hold a smile on the edge of her glass as she watches him.
“One of the waiters once asked me if I could just send ‘em a rack of ribs cause they didn’t like anything on the menu…”
“Jesus! As if you had a rack to spare behind that aged ham you got hanging in the walk-in…”
“You- you’ve been inside the walk-in?” He asks in surprise while she takes another sip off her second drink.
“That’s where I go to vent.” Ross shrugs with a soft grin. “Plus it’s soundproof so no one can hear me cry or lose my shit.”
He knew it wasn’t. He’s seen her barely hold her composure many times as she crosses down the hallway- hands tightly in fists- before hearing a muffled shriek from somewhere in the back; but he always assumed it came from the depot or the alley, never his walk-in. He wasn’t gonna tell her that, though.
Their drinks slowly drain while their attention falls heavy on the transmission from the TVs. With only ten minutes to spare, she can feel the growing excitement buzzing around the room as many inch closer to their loved ones, arms over shoulders and complicit kisses galore. For a second her eyes flicker over the rim of her glass towards Carmy’s profile, drinking in the strong shape of his nose and the many little scars she hadn’t noticed from a distance.
“I don't get it…” Ross says suddenly, turning back to him again. 
“Uh… context?”
“Right- sorry-” She clears her throat -as a way to order her ideas- and places the mug back on the bar, but doesn’t notice how her body leans in closer to him when she turns back around. “So, you’re like… the shit, right?” She starts, pulling a nervous chuckle from the man.
“Solid start.”
“Shut up-” She groans. “I mean it as in… anyone who knows anything about the culinary world knows who you are. These people, they pay big bucks for your food and they always leave boasting about how great it is-”
“No they don’t-” He tries to argue with a shake of his head.
“Yes they do!” She reassures, voice a little higher and eyes a little glossier. “They do. You have the skill- the reputation to open your own place, make it however you want it to be… why stay here?” 
There’s a look behind his eyes that makes her throat run dry, brows sunken over a concentrated gaze as he settles all his attention on her and everything seems to just vanish into white noise. It could be the confidence the alcohol carries that’s made her so vocal about her thoughts, but the rational part in her head warns that it’s not her place to comment on what she doesn’t know.
Ross shakes her head lightly and mumbles a soft ‘Sorry, nevermind it's stupid.’ before gulping her drink and redirecting her attention and posture back to the screens.
‘1 Minute to Midnight!’ flashes over every screen, bathing the room in an emerald green glow that bounces perfectly off her profile and catches Carmy’s attention. The playlist of 80s anthems and the growing excitement packed in the small room are loud enough to drown out the constant nagging voice in the back of his head. He sucks in a breath and moves impossibly slow in her direction.
“I’ve thought about it.” Carmy confesses loud enough so she can hear him over the chanting crowd.
Ten. She doesn’t expect him to be so close when she turns towards him. Specks of silver rim the outer edges of his eyes, wide enough that she can almost see her reflection staring back, stealing the breath from her lungs.
Nine. Betrayal in her body flicks her eyes down to his lips only for a brief moment and it has him questioning if he might have imagined it, before a teasing smile rounds at the edges of hers.
Eight. “Well when you decide to do it, call me if you ever need a bitchy hostess…” Ross whispers.
Seven. The air from his laugh blows softly over her cheeks, growing hot with the small distance. With a quickened pulse, she tries to settle her gaze on any other part of his face.
Six. ‘Just look at his eyes- shit no, not the eyes!’ ‘The mouth? No, that's even worse!’ ‘Jesus, you’ve kissed people before, why are you so fucking nervous?!’
Five. The turmoil in her head doesn’t bleed through to her calm expression, keeping a gentle smile that has Carmen letting out his own.
“Okay… ” 
Four. The bundle of words hangs from his lips, swinging in her direction and hooking around her neck to pull her closer.
Three. There’s a prevalent pulsing rippling from her chest that drowns out any other sound around her, as if a fish bowl had fallen over the two, blocking out any exterior sound.
Two. “D’you mind if I kiss you?” She asks, gently.
One. The TV behind him explodes in multicolored lights as the ball finally drops. Fireworks reflect back to him from the shimmer of her eyes and all he can do is swallow hard, nod and let her gravity pull him forward.
A soft “Happy New Year, Carmy” brushes over his lower lip.
Then the last thing he remembers is the sweet taste of coconut gloss followed by the smooth movements of velvet lips above his bumbling ones.
Part II
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat, @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13 and that’s it lmao
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charmedcleric · 7 months
BG3 Tav Backstory Bash by Kelandrin
This is a challenge to help people flesh out their Tav’s backstory by exploring their past. It is organized into four sections with seven prompts. You can treat this as a monthly challenge or a general project. You can write headcanons, fics, or share art based on the prompts! You can interpret the prompts however you want. If you want to share use the tag #bg3backstorybash
I was tagged by @lemonsrosesandlavender , thank you so much <3
Tagging (no pressure of course): @auspex-author @lolthslover @fistfuloftarenths @orangekittyenergy @darkurgetrash and anyone else who would like to do it cause it’s v fun ✨
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This was honestly so fun! I could talk about Athena forever. I also talk more about athena and rolans life together andddd it’s very long so it’s all under the cut lmao oops
- Athena’s parents were Thomas Knight and Elerra Knight (née. Kenafin). Her father Thomas was a human Wizard/Paladin of Mystra (boooooo) who worked for the Waterdeep City Guard and her mother Elerra was a drow cleric of Eilistraee who worked as a healer at the local house of healing.
- She was born in Waterdeep at the families cottage. Her parents treated her birth as if they had been blessed by the gods themselves (as they should lol) they had been trying to have a baby for a while and were starting to lose hope until Elerra finally fell pregnant with Athena.
First word / Tantrum / When they first walked / First sickness
- Athena’s first word was ma. She didn’t really have tantrums often, and if she did they didn’t last for very long. She was 15 months old when she first started to walk and her first sickness was a common cold.
- Athena had a couple of friends growing up, as a half-drow she didn’t really feel like she belonged anywhere, some people knew she was half drow and treated her different, others didn’t know what she was but they still treated her with caution. Her best friends consisted of Tyler, a tiefling, and Ari who was a high half-elf.
- She had one sibling, a sister called rose. There was a 10 year age gap between them. Her sister rose was actually adopted and was a tiefling. Her parents were struggling to conceive yet again so they decided to adopt instead.
Getting into trouble
- Athena had terrible anxiety growing up so she never really did anything to get into trouble.
- Her birthday is Alturiak 20th
Games / Learning something new
- She loved a good game of hide and seek, she was very good at hiding so she always won when she played with her parents and friends.
- Athena loves learning and takes it very seriously, when she puts her mind to something she is determined. Growing up she loved lanceboard and even though she wasn’t good at it to begin with, she stuck it out and learned how to play, it took many hours with her mothers help but she got there in the end
- Her family being what they were, were judged by some of the public. She grew up hearing people call her mother an under elf, deep elf etc. her mother always tried to ignore it but Athena could she the heartbreak on her mothers face. If it wasn’t for her father, Athena would have grown up to not trust humans as most of the comments made about her mother were from humans.
First love
- Athena’s first love was her friend Tyler. She loved him very much and he loved her as well. Athena wanted to have something more with him but she also didn’t want to ruin what they already had so they just stayed friends
Rebellion / Running away
- Due to the situation Athena was in she never really had time to rebel. After her parents died and her sister became ill she had to grow up real fast and was essentially a mother figure for Rose. Athena had to work, cook and heal all day, everyday. She barely had any time to herself so there was definitely no time to rebel or run away
Reckless behavior
- When her sister had fallen deathly ill, Athena started to pickpocket/steal food and supplies as she now didn’t have much time to make a living to support the two of them. She did still work but it was very rare.
Peer pressure
- Although no one was pressuring her she still pushed herself. She would push herself so hard to heal her sister that some days it took all her energy and she would fall asleep on the floor next to her sisters bed.
Taking responsibility
- She spent most of her teenage years taking responsibility, between healing her sister, earning a living to be able to feed herself and her sister, She never had time for herself and always had to put her sister first. Athena developed a bad habit that when she eats she tends to eat very fast due to always needing to aid rose. Most of the time when she would sit down to eat, rose would start coughing and need urgent care, so eating fast became a bad habit of hers, one she is still working on today.
Their “first time”
- Athena’s first time was one she wishes she could forget. At 23 years of age athena had her first time with a man she met at the Yawning portal. It was soon after her sister had died and Athena was not taking it well and she wanted a distraction. She ended up getting drunk and have sex with the first man that showed a slight interest in her. Soon after she started to regret it and when she arrived home she curled up in a ball on her bed and started crying wishing her mum was there to talk to. This experience tainted sex for her for a long time after. The next time she had sex was with rolan after the fall of the absolute, she had filled rolan in beforehand about her experience and rolan made sure that she was showed the up most care and love during their first time together
Serious relationships
- Athena’s first serious relationship is with rolan. Although they had their differences when they first met Athena quite liked rolan, she loved how caring he was for his siblings, how determined he was and she found him very attractive. For a spell she thought he hated her but it was the complete opposite.
After Cal and lia were saved from moonrise, rolan found Athena sitting by the waters edge at last light, where he decided to apologize to her. The two ended up talking for a bit and ended up sharing a kiss, Athena thought rolan would regret it come morning but if he did he never showed it.
They didn’t really discuss their feelings till after the fall of the netherbrain. Athena wasn’t sure what she wanted to do now that the absolute was no more, so she decided to go and talk to rolan just to catch up and to see his reaction to her maybe going back to Waterdeep.
They were having a nice conversation when she briefly mentioned going back to Waterdeep, this made rolan drop his drink and turn to her like umm why???? She explained that she didn’t have anything here or anyone needing her to stay so she might as well go back home. Rolan then said something along the lines of “you’re so selfish you know that yes? You are just going to up and leave when the man who cares and loves you the most is standing right in front of you?” When she goes to reply he cuts her off and basically begs her not to leave. Basically rolan finally tells her he is in love with her and has been for a while and he has a meltdown about it. very dramatic, very much rolan lol
- Her first serious platonic relationship would be shadowheart, although she knew shadowheart was lying to her about something she knew that there was probably a good reason for doing so. The two grew close and are still good friends long after the fall of the absolute. Another platonic relationship dear to Athena is Jaheira, I talk about them more in this post. Jaheira is very much a mother figure for Athena.
- Before she was a cleric she was painter, she had to take a break from painting due to obvious reasons. After the fall of the absolute she takes up painting again and sells them in the lower city, all the money she makes from them is then donated to the local orphanage/s.
She tends to paint a lot of landscapes so when rolan first showed her the balconies of the tower she told him about how much she would love to paint this view. When she had finally moved in to ramazith’s tower rolan pulled her to one of the balconies and surprised her with a new easel, paints and a lot of canvases. She was on the brink of tears, she couldn’t have asked for a more caring partner. Most nights rolan will join her outside and will read one of his many books while she paints.
She still was a cleric of course and offered her aid wherever she could. Rolan cleaned out one of the rooms in sorcerous sundries and made it Athena’s office where she could manage all the paperwork for her patients. She was a call out cleric meaning she would go to the patients house instead of them coming into the sundries. She also helped out around sorcerous sundries. Whether that was scroll sorting or working the counter, she loved helping where she could, especially if it made rolans life slightly easier (the less stressed and busy rolan was, the more time they got together)
Leaving home
- Athena left her family home when she was 24 years old, after falling into a deep depression after her sister died she decided that enough was enough. Athena felt that the only thing she had left was her religion so she decided she wanted to become a sword dancer of eilistraee, after she did this she made her way to the promenade of the dark maiden. She helped and lived there for about a year.
- She doesn’t really like to talk about aging, from losing her family very young she would rather just live in the now instead of thinking about death, she’s had to much of that in her life. When she starts getting older she spends more time painting and hanging out in the tower with rolan.
Finding your place
- Athena feels she has found her place after the fall of the absolute. She is finally living with rolan (they end up getting married 2 years later), cal and lia, she has amazing friends which she still sees and keeps in touch with. She finally feels happy and feels that life is going her way for once.
Staring a family/found family
- Athena and rolan don’t end up having any children. She realises that she has been looking after people her whole life and she wants a chance to just live and have a somewhat calm life. Rolan, Cal and Lia are her found family along with Jaheira and her friends. Although they don’t have any children of their own, athena ends up adopting Yenna but its more of a sister than mother relationship for Yenna. Their family also consists of grub (yennas cat), two other cats they adopted and scratch.
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
Hey! Here I come with ✨asks✨
There’s a lot here sorry 😭 And if you’ve already answered some of these, just pass them
Why did you choose to remove Amaya’s eye? Does she wear an eyepatch?
Why is Mag specifically afraid of fire?
Are they going to get villain transformations?
Are we going to learn more about the royal couple’s backstories in the actual story?
How are you going to show your story? (Writing, blurbs, comic, animatic, etc.)
How many songs are you planning to show?
Star’s backstory?
Design dump on the main four! Symbolism?
What are you going to do with Valentino? Is he important in the story?
Who gave Val to Asha?
How does Valentino act with the royal cat?
What deleted scenes specifically inspired your story?
How would Asha react knowing you created her backstory?
Asha meeting canon!Asha. Would she die again
Is cursing allowed in your AU?
What are the seven teens’ roles?
What about Sabino?
If Mag had the chance to get rid of Asha, would he? Without Amaya getting mad at him? (Since she was the one that brought Asha in)
Do the royal couple have similar goals in the story? (Like how @annymation’s royal couple are both in love and villainous, versus @oh-shtars’ royal couple is literally titled Grand Despair)
Will “A Kingdom of Thorns and Roses” name ever be mentioned in the story?
Draw Mag dressed as Megamind >:3 (or meeting him or treating to him, idrc)
Canon!Amaya reacting to TkoRaT!Amaya
What dementor-like monster is shown in your past drawings? Will we see other ones?
Where did they spawn from?
Will there be other realms in your story? Like a Star realm or a cursed realm
Would you consider this a “Disney movie” or more of an AU? Like, could it be made by Disney? (minus a few things like queer representation or cursing)
How can stars die? Can their physical bodies die but their “spirits” remain? (I know you cut this aspect but will it reappear?)
Are there any aspects of other rewrites you want to incorporate in yours?
Why did Maggy and Amaya name the kingdom “Rosas”?
Who discovered wish magic?
Who taught Asha how to make flower crowns?
Are you scrapping any songs?
Adding any new ones?
Adding any new characters? (Like how I’m adding Evangeline)
Are Asha’s parents important to the story?
A little self-indulgent, but some TFS doodles? :3
I hope you enjoy these questions! <3
yoo I finally got internet now let's get to these questions
Ooo you really cooked with these questions @wings-of-sapphire✨️✨️
The eye originally was a way to explore how I can make her more scary, but then it kinda stuck with the overall design so yeah lol. And no, she doesn't wear an eyepatch. I mean, an eyepatch is cool and all, but just an empty eye socket is more terrifying and disturbing to look at for me and works with the overall tragedy of her character.
Mag is more afraid of Star's than fire. But...
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He couldn't do anything except watch as a star destroyed his home in flames.
When it comes to fire though, he is more nervous or afraid when it is used to destroy things. If it is used to light up a room or cook food, he doesn't really mind since the intentions aren't bad.
3. Maggy will 100% get a villain transformation, including Amaya as well. It's kind of like boss stages. So basically, they will have a total of 3 transformations, the last one being something scary (haven't thought about the designs yet for the final transformations)
4. The beginning song or replacement song called Home is the founding of Rosas and the actual downfall would be shown since Star Boy didn't know what happened since the stars didn't tell him why Mag is the way he is basically. So yes, 100%.
5. A mixture of all of them. I do want to write it out, but rn I just don't know how to execute it.
6. I'm not sure. It's debatable since I've been focusing more on the worldbuilding than on the songs. Plus, I am no song writer, I suck at writing songs. Even if I get an idea for one (for the replacement song "Welcome to Rosas" is a good example of that [Its called Home]), it's just execution for me.
7. Heh heh that's for a separate post but here is somewhat a glimpse:
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(That's mag btw, I'm just messing with his design again 💀💀)
8. I had finished Asha's design, just need to add some minor details. Plus, the other 3 is still me messing with the designs. However, I can show you some of my ideas:
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Maggy's is somewhat gonna look like this:
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Ofc with more sharper edges and thorny design.
For Amaya, I'm still not sure outfit wise lol.
9. Valentino will actually serve as a guide through the castle and of Rosas to Star and the 7 friends. Idk I just think a goat helping a star with directions is a funny and fun premise. Plus, Star Boy is terrible with directions 😭
10. Idk he just appeared one day and Asha was like: imma keep you. I probably will add more to both of them, but I'm not sure how they met at the moment.
11. They are silly. Aka, they are close friends. Just that Charo gets a little annoyed by Valentino haha.
12. The scene where Asha and Star escapes from Amaya, and the villain couple deleted scene and the wishing tree deleted scenes.
13. She wouldn't care. She probs be like: No shit? Until she realizes how much I do her dirty and she will collapse emotionally.
14. TKORAT Asha would moreover be nervous around her ad Cannon Asha would probably dislike her
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15. Yes lol
16. tbh idk yet, I haven't really put much thought into their characters yet since I wanna focus on the main 4 and worldbuilding before I come to the 7 friends since I personally don't know at the moment. All I know is that Dahlia and Gabo are most likely will be siblings since I loved their semi bickering in the OG film.
17. Dead.
18. Mag will only take that action if she becomes a threat to him or the kingdom.
19. They have similar goals in the story, yes. They both want to make sure that everyone will never dream again. They both lost everything because someone wished on a star, or hense had a goal to pursue, and it caused an entire kingdom to fall. Why should they let a dream go Rouge again? They would at least be doing everyone a service by making sure the problem doesn't become a bigger problem later on.
20. The title is so long that idk how I will incorporate it in the story. But if I do, you guys will probably read it 🧍
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Megamind has a point Maggy 🤷
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TKORAT Amaya wouldn't like how Cannon Amaya literally didn't do anything or even tried anything to prevent her husband from going down the path he did in wish. So yes, TKORAT Amaya pretty much hates her.
23. I don't necessarily have the drawings with me except for this one:
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But moreover, another one I have, that I am still designing for "the River of Lost Souls" is probably the closest thing to it. I have more, I just don't have it on me rn 😭
24. Hell, for the River of Lost Souls. And the pic I showed above is from my Oc, Axe's species. Or basically coming from the ground I guess. Plus another one I wanted to show was an old design I had for Axr hehe
25. The Star realm does exist in my au, so does hell, and I'm debating a monster realm, but rn it is cut for it kind of complicates things heheh.
26. I have thought of this before, and I see it more as it's own thing that can be futher explored in other interpretations like shows, pre-quals, ect. It's more AU than Disney to me at the moment.
27. You have to get them out of their disguise form in order to cause any sort of long lasting injuries. Other than that, dark magic is literally the only way to hurt them. And it has to be in their star form. Their disguise form are like a shell for their true form. That's why it is better to have them in their most vulnerable state in order to do any sort of damage to the Stars.
28. I was inspired by a ton of AUs, and a lot of them did rub off from me, like The Wishing Kingdom, Fallen Star, and Reach for the Stars aus.
29. When they founded the kingdom, the whole place was covered in so many roses and flowers. They also dubed it Rosas not only because of the roses founded on the island, but it has a calming name that isn't threatening to people. It sounds...peaceful.
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31. Her parents. No not her adoptive parents, her biological parents taught her :3
32. I am a Star is removed. I fucking hate that song with every fiber in my being. This is the Thanks "We" Get would be rewritten to fit the context of Mag and Amaya.
33. I want a song between Mag and Star. It would be focusing on how much of a monster Star could be and "will" be. Plus the song called Home (that I still dunno how to execute 😭)
34. Quite a bit, but the few would be Maggy's Star, or the Blue Star, the star that destroyed Rosas, Aster, and some creatures that makes the worldbuilding whole.
35. Not sure at the moment. I would imagine it as a lingering effect on most of the people in Rosas.
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(I had no refrence for Asha when I drew her when I was camping lol 💀)
Anyways thank you for the questions! I had a lot of fun answering them! Hopefully this gave you guys some more info on my AU!
Gonna go through my inbox, so now I will bid you adue 💕
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delopsia · 1 year
dancing queen, if you’re busy then just put a pin in this because it’s kind of a doozy 💝 but rhett x reader x robby is making me want to revisit our snacker!rhett & big meal!robby headcanons...
how do they coexist alongside reader with such differing palettes? were rhett and reader surprised by how big robby’s appetite was at first, and how much food he could put away by himself? were robby and reader concerned with how rhett can’t eat breakfast because his stomach doesn’t wake up until 10 or 11am? how do they feel about the fact that he just snacks on crunchy air from wabang’s one gas station until dinner time? what do they all think of cecilia’s cooking? do they try to get rhett to eat real food every now and again, even when they’re apart? do they have any favorite dishes they share? do you think reader can cook? *thinks about adding to the rhett x reader x robby myself world because i love cooking and i need to feed these men* omg i know we talked about how rhett kinda can’t cook and you’ve written that you think robby can cook, so do they have a favorite dish from him? savory or sweet? omg do you think any of them has a sweet tooth? let’s discuss 💐
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💃😭I think about those old headcanons so often; I'm sorry for taking like two weeks to answer this; I've been simmering on so many details.
For reference: Ye Ole Food Headcanons for Robby and Rhett (It's longer than you think it is.)
Breakfast and lunch are treated more as "eat when you're hungry" rather than set times where everyone has to cook and sit down together. With how Rhett eats like a bird and Bobby's schedule tends to be a bit unpredictable, it's just easier to make yourself something when you're hungry.
However, dinner gets a big emphasis. Not only is it the time Rhett's capable of eating more than a bag of sunflower seeds, but he and Robby are almost guaranteed to be home. It's a whole production. As soon as Bob's on his way home, he's making a phone call to figure out what the plan is.
Does he need to stop and pick up takeout? Are they in the mood for cooking at home? Did Rhett remember to get eggs from that little farmer's market by his work? Or does someone need to make a grocery stop? Are we absolutely sure the milk isn't expired this time?
Rhett and Bob mutually scared each other at first 😭
In the beginning, Robby absolutely tried to downplay how much food he can eat by himself. Nothing can convince me otherwise 💃 To him, there's nothing more awkward than asking to order a second plate of food when the rest of the table is done and ready to go 😭
But there comes a day when he's fresh out of a deployment, and between exhaustion and how much he's missed "normal" food, caution is thrown to the wind.
✨Insert frightened Rhett Abbott here✨
The Reader probably isn't surprised until the second slice of hot fudge cake comes along, and the waitress takes the opportunity to pick up all the empty plates before she goes back. There are just...so many plates...all for one man...
They start keeping track of how much he eats simply out of curiosity. So far, his best records are before and after deployments. Those ships just ain't made for a man who can and will eat you out of house and home without breaking a sweat.
Rhett's got an ongoing joke that in the event of them running out of food, Robby's going to eat both of them before the first day is over.
That joke occasionally gets him bit.
Meanwhile, Robby spent several nights wondering how the hell Rhett can manage working on a ranch with that diet. He does three times the amount of manual labor Bob does in a day, and yet he eats so? so? little? He makes breakfast for all three of them once, and the best Rhett can do is entertain him by eating a few pieces of bacon.
There's an instance where he gently asks Rhett if it's a money issue or if there's an underlying issue he's dealing with because he's never seen someone eat so little. Cue a meek cowboy explaining that he's just...not hungry. He says that as he reopens a bag of stale Funyuns 🤦‍♀️
However! The Reader accidentally discovers a loophole.
While Rhett isn't one for eating three full meals a day, he is always one for trying bites of whatever you happen to be eating. It starts with him meekly asking for a bite of a pretzel the Reader got at a concession stand and slowly becomes a thing where Robby and Reader use his grazing habits to their advantage. Especially Robby. Goes as far as to order different things because that means he can get Rhett to eat a little more than he would otherwise.
Neither is above cutting off a piece of food with a fork and holding it out for Rhett like he's their fussy six-year-old.
Aside from that, there's a general effort to supply him with snacks that aren't straight off a store shelf. Fruit, homemade trail mix, hard-boiled eggs, anything small that you can shove into an inconspicuous lunch box. When they're apart, it's harder because Rhett just...forgets...but they've managed to get him hooked on making his own trail mix.
When it comes to Cecilia's cooking...Rhett eats food from the gas station for a reason. Bob can eat anything and everything; her food does not phase him in the slightest. If Reader likes food primarily cooked in crock pots, overcooked meat, and inconsistent seasoning, then they'll have a great time!
Strangely, she's very good with desserts. Her peach cobbler has won awards at the county fair, and that honeybun cake recipe has been passed down for generations for a reason.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if the Reader can't cook when they meet Rhett and Bob, then they'll inevitably learn. Bob's a good teacher, and while there's a mutual effort from both men to help with dinner, the Reader is usually home way before they are. It's a responsibility they wind up with either way.
The current obsession in this house? Red Beans and Rice ✨ specifically from a recipe passed down from Bob's momma herself.
If he's got a day off, Robby can happily spend a whole day in the kitchen. The current favorite dish isn't so much a dish as it is a whole meal; Buttermilk Fried Chicken, homemade mashed potatoes, and fried okra. He can also be trusted with the ol' chicken and dumplings 💕
Unlike Cecelia's, Bob's mashed potatoes are guaranteed not to...stand up on their own...
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...still side-eyeing the way they were...kind of curling on the plate...
omg do you think any of them has a sweet tooth?:
Rhett absolutely has a sweet tooth, and I will die on this hill. Coffee that's borderline creamer, milk, and sugar with a side of actual coffee, cheap candy from the local convenience store, his momma's desserts...it can go on forever. It's half the reason Bob calls him Sugar.
Bob and Reader are your average sugar lovers when compared to the fool. There has been an instance where drunk!Rhett brought himself to tears because of course sober!Rhett ate the last damn donut. He can and will sleepwalk to the cabinet as well.
It's horrifying.
He acts perfectly normal. Eyes open, walking normally, munching on something sugary he found. The only way to tell is by asking him a question; if he's asleep, he smiles and doesn't respond.
Please be aware that by handing him your sweet treat, you will never see it again.
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