#and sorry if i forgot anyone who tagged me in this sweats
the-cauldron-witch · 11 days
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere. With Donnie pls? Maybe still crush state? 👁️👁️ (thank you in advance!)
Thank you so much for the ask!!! 🫂🫂🫂
I'm really sorry for taking so long, Donnie was being difficult and wouldn't let me write this out apparently! I hope you like it!
Taglist: @silverwatergalaxy @thelaundrybitch @sophiacloud28 @iridescentflamingo @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos @yorshie @truffle-draws-turtles (message me if you want to be apart of my taglist! I just started keeping it, so if I forgot to tag you don't be upset)
Sparks scattered from the tip of the soldering iron in Donnie’s expert hand, putting the finer finishing touches to the circuit board inside the device resting on his work bench. Sweat beaded at the top of his brow, trickling down his face and neck behind the welding mask as he worked. Once he was satisfied with the work he lifted the shield from his face and smiled down at his creation, closing the panel and sealing away the wires and circuits from the rest of the world. With the final touches finally complete Donnie felt confident enough to test out his new invention; a shuriken wrist launcher. Although his brothers and himself had incredible accuracy with shurikens, they could only throw so many so fast, with this new device whomever used it should be able to send multiple shurikens at a target at top speed.
“Hey, Donnie!” Your voice broke the silence like a thin sheet of ice, snapping him out of his studying gaze and fumble with the invention for a split second. “Oh, jeez, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you” You couldn’t help but giggle an apology while Donnie sighed in relief with the invention still in his hand.
“No worries, I just finished my shuriken launcher actually,” He said with a grin, peeling the welding mask from his sweat covered head and placing it on his bench. Donnie was grateful for the way his purple mask hid the slight color that came to his cheeks at the mere sight of you standing at the entrance to his lab, shifting from one foot to the other while watching him. This could be the millionth time he saw you, yet it still gave him butterflies like it was the first time.
“Shuriken launcher? Seems kind of redundant,” You questioned with a raised eyebrow, walking into the lab and to Donnie’s side so that you could eye the metal gauntlet in his hand.
“Well, because of our tridactyl hands we are only able to throw at maximum two shurikens with each hand, totaling to four shurikens for each of us. Leo is the only one who managed to throw three in each hand successfully, but they weren’t as accurate compared to throwing the typical two in each hand.”
Slipping the gauntlet over his muscular green forearm Donnie studied his invention, pressing a button on the side facing himself. The gauntlet hissed for a second as the inner cuff began inflating, securing itself to his arm. Donnie flexed his hand and wrist, making sure that the cuff wasn’t too constricting but also held firm enough to not budge easily. Curiosity now piqued you watched while Donnie flexed his muscular arm, admiring his physique more than the invention if you were being honest.
“I recycled a blood pressure cuff machine for the base so that it could be used by anyone who wears it, no matter the size of their forearm,” Donnie explained, pointing his arm to an invisible target ahead of him. “It keeps the device secure against the users arm for better aim,”
“Oh, like the ones you see at the pharmacy?” You questioned enthusiastically, drawing yourself closer to Donnie so you can inspect the shuriken launcher closer. Now that you were closer to it you could see he had taken the blood pressure cuff as he said, mounting what looked like a modified multi-disc CD player onto the top where the shurikens were stored and ejected through a slim opening at the wrist. There were a few other components you couldn’t identify, but they all seemed to work together by Donnie’s ingenuity.
“Yeah! I haven’t put the shurikens inside the launcher just yet, I was just about to test it out in the dojo for the first time, if you’d like to join?”
“I’d love to! Can I try it out next?” Bouncing on your toes with eagerness you followed him out of the lab like an excited puppy. Your enthusiasm and excitement to help and learn from Donnie always sent a small whirlwind of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, something about the way your eyes lit up and voice heightened made him feel weak in the knees.
“O-of course, sure! But I want to take the first test, just to make sure everything is programmed correctly” Donnie spoke a little louder than intended, mirroring your own excitement as he strode his way to the dojo. Once entering the dojo Donnie made his way over to the training dummy, many shuriken already scattered about and lodged into different surfaces. Plucking the ones from the floor and pulling the three out of the wooden dummy he pressed a button facing him, the top of the devices panel popping open. Placing the shuriken collected in his hand into the compartment and closing the hatch he turned to you.
“Alright, so here’s how it should work,” Slipping into his ‘Bill Nye voice’ as Mikey described once, Donnie began explaining the device on his arm to you with a small smile turning the ends of his lips, “I modified the blood pressure cuff with some sensors that read the way your muscles move and flex, so that when I clench my fist and move it in just the correct way it should launch one shuriken at a time when flexed or sending multiple when your hand is held in that position,”
Taking a stance in front of the target practice dummy Donnie locked onto the blue and yellow target painted on the torso, lining up his shot and flexing his hand downward as though he were throttling a motorcycle handle. There was a long, drawn out moment of silence where nothing happened. Another moment and Donnie flexed his hand in the same way again, clenching and unclenching his fist in the manner needed for the device to launch a shuriken. Still nothing.
“Did you turn it on?” You questioned, giggling nervously as you earned an incredulous deadpanned look from the tall terrapin. After another second of holding the gauntlet out, Donnie sighed and brought his arm towards himself once again and relaxed his hand.
“That’s strange, maybe I didn’t calibrate the sensors correctly?” Donnie murmured to himself, studying his invention with a furrowed brow and small annoyed huff. He had gone over the programming his usual four dozen times and tested the sensors inside the blood pressure cuffs with his computer the same amount, the device should at least attempt to launch a shuriken.
Approaching Donnie as he continued his intense gaze as though the problem would be written on the surface of the uncooperative device, he didn’t register your proximity as he continued scrutinizing and silently questioning what could not be working right. Grazing the tip of his finger over the area where the shurikens had been loaded into earlier Donnie noticed the small door had not latched shut properly. Pressing his finger on the hatch the smallest and softest ‘click’ registered in Donnie’s ears a millisecond before a glint of metal shot from his wrist.
You didn’t have time to so much as blink. The weapon was ejected in the flicker of an eye with incredible speed, the sharpened tip grazing the skin of your cheek and leaving a thin trail of crimson beads behind. Hissing as the fiery sting settling into your cheek you reached a hand to your face, fingertips meeting warm blood as you and Donnie stared at one another in shock. Blood trickled down your cheek for a second longer before Donnie snapped out of his daze, pressing the button to disengage the gauntlet from his arm and let it drop to the floor without a care.
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere” Donnie breathed as he quickly leaned down to capture your face in his massive hands, the sudden closeness causing your breath to hitch in your throat and heart to stammer a beat. Not giving you a chance to find your voice again Donnie swept you off of your feet and into his massive arms, carrying you to the med-bay hastily in one fell swoop. How could he have let something like this happen? Something as stupid as the hatch not being closed correctly shouldn’t have gotten you hurt! You practically blinked and the two of you were in the medbay. Placing you on the exam table gently Donnie studied your face with concern and guilt wrinkling his brow and eyes.
“Donnie?” You questioned as he darted to the otherside of the room, opening a drawer or two before pulling out a plastic med kit.
“So fucking stupid...should have fucking known better, didn’t pay attention enough!” You could hear him muttering angrily to himself, berating himself for letting you get hurt in the most ridiculous way. Guilt clutched at your chest as you heard him curse under his breath. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose or knew something so small would go wrong, things like this just happened sometimes.
“Donnie?” You tried again when he sat himself in on a rolling chair and slid clear across the room to your side. The cut no longer burned as harshly now, but the sting still lingered and pulsated. Blinking himself out of the fog the panic settled in his mind Donnie’s eyes finally met yours.
“It’s okay, really,” A smile attempted to dimple your cheek, making you wince a tiny bit from the fresh pain, “I’m okay, honestly. It’s just a little scratch! Stop beating yourself up,”
“I...I know...I should have known better than to point it-” He began berating himself again as his fingers fiddled with the antiseptic wipe in his hands, fingers fumbling and making him more frustrated. Taking his jittering hands in your own you brought his attention back onto you, his heart hammering in his chest as he felt the warmth of your soft hands wrapping around his rather larger ones. The sudden urge took over you, leaning you forward and pressed so that you could press your lips to his forehead for a moment. Electricity ran from where your lips met his skin down his neck and through every nerve ending in his shell and skin, sparks crackling and sending shivers down his spine. Pulling your lips away from his forehead you registered what you had done, offering a shy smile.
“It’s just a little scratch. I’m okay, really” You giggled nervously.
Swallowing the thick lump suddenly lodged in his throat Donnie couldn’t bring himself to speak again, knowing his voice would crack and betray him now. Instead he focuses on the dried blood staining your cheeks, despite the fact they were already flushing red from your own doing. Not that Donnie’s own face wasn’t heated by the kiss placed on his forehead, but he wasn’t going to admit that out loud just yet.
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realisticfanfictions · 9 months
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Being Sanji's Girlfriend & Baratie's Head Waitress - Part 2.
Sanji x Waitress!Reader: Part One.
Working at Baratie wasn't without its challenges, and the fights that sprung up because of them weren't rare either. You and your boyfriend never sweated the small stuff, after all working in a high stress environment made you, well, stressed. But maybe some things can't be resolved that easily.
Tags: Sanji x Reader, Waitress!Reader, constant bickering, mostly fluff with some angst, (heavy) swearing.
A/N: I'm so glad the first one was well received! I'm pretty self-concious about my writing, but seeing everyone's hearts and reblogs has made me so happy! There's also been a ton of new people following this page, and I'm so appreciative you guys are liking my stuff enough to keep up to date with my writing <3.
Word Count is 5,427. Hope you enjoy!
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"What the hell was that?" You knew that this made you look like a crazy girlfriend, dragging your significant other into the cold room and locking the door behind you. You'd gotten a few curious and slightly concerned glances from other staff, but by this point they knew better than to intervene. White fog spewed from your mouth as you spoke, giving you the appearance of a mighty dragon ready to burn down anyone who stood in her way.
Sanji, who hadn't fought you the entire way here, rubbed his face with his hand and shoved the other into his pocket. "I was just trying to be friendly." He shrugged.
A cold breeze caused you to flinch, but you refused to show any weakness. "Bullshit." You hissed and gritted your teeth, unable to fathom this man's arrogance. "I'm not dumb, Sanji-"
"And I never said you were." Both hands were now in his pockets and he finally met your gaze. He looked tired and you could tell he was chewing on the inside of his cheek - a habit you knew stemmed from his nicotine addiction. But his forced eye contact didn't last long and his gaze soon drifted to the corner of the cold room. He let out a small sigh. "I'm sorry. I can't help what I say to women-"
You held up a hand. "I don't care about you miserably failing at flirting. Well, I do care, but that's beside the point." You took a breath, counted to five and stared at your boyfriend's beautiful blue eyes. "I know that you're upset, and though I am very annoyed at you, I will say that I appreciate you telling me you're sorry."
"So it is about the-"
"Sanji." He slowly closed his mouth and subtly nodded. He was listening. "I know that you like women, and that you'll move heaven and earth for one to glance your way. I know that. I knew that when I started going out with you." You licked your suddenly dry lips. "What I get upset about, is that you went over my head and spoke to my customers in a rather vulgar way. I know you think it's beneath you, but I take a lot of pride in what I do. I'm good at it. And when-" God, your lips were so dry. "And when you go over my head, take over my table, insult the place that took me in when I had nowhere else to go-when we had nowhere else to go, and then ignore my discomfort and make a joke of it?" You met his eyes. "I am your girlfriend, Sanji. Something that you're meant to love and cherish- like how- I can't-"
Before you realised it, you found yourself slowly enveloped by the love of your life. "Hey," He shushed you gently as he cradled you against his chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He murmured and placed a kiss against your temple. "My love, you're shaking. I didn't realise I made you this upset. Please, forgive me."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I'm just cold, dumbass. And still pissed at you." Despite what you said, you still buried your head in his chest and soaked up his warmth. It was then you realised how long it'd been since the two of you had been alone like this. Just soaking up each other's warmth and committing the other's smell, touch and the feel of their skin to memory. You're embarrassed to admit you forgot just how much you love his cologne. "Guess this is what happens when we don't have sex for a while."
He gave a breathy chuckle and leaned back enough just to press his lips against your forehead and stare into your eyes. "Well, I'd offer to remedy that, but I'm afraid the cold will affect my performance."
"Like you need an excuse for a bad performance."
"Oh, really?"
His usual, charming smile stretched across his face and he licked his lips, before hungrily diving in and punishing you with a particularly brutal kiss. He softly moaned into the kiss, and pulled back enough for you to see the devilish look in his eye as he bent down to press a kiss to your neck.
The door suddenly flung open and Pattie groaned. "I should've known." He exclaimed and threw his towel at the both of you. "Move. I'm trying to get some stuff for dessert."
Sanji grew a wicked grin. "What a coincidence. I'm trying to get me some dessert too." He chuckled and moved in to continue his assault, but was thwarted by an incoming barrage of hits from the disgruntled chef.
Backed by the sound of Pattie yelling in disgust, you laughed and shook your head, worming out of Sanji's hold and skipping out of the cold room with said blond on your heels. You both quickly ducked out of the kitchen and into a small hallway where you turned around to look at him once more. "Thank you for listening to me, Sanji. I may have blown my lid a bit too much back there." You fished around in your pocket and pulled out your lighter. "Go take a smoke break."
You pushed it into his hand. "Take a break, and have a smoke. If not for you, for me. Because I honestly can't handle you when you're being all bitchy."
His shoulders dropped and a tired smile replaced his worried expression. He wrapped his hands around your own and placed a kiss against your knuckles. "Thank you, my love." He exclaimed and you waved him off with a smile.
"Whatever, you wallowing wag. While you're walking, watch the weather and water, and warn the workers if we're wayward. We don't want any wild winds, or another wreck this week."
He smiled. "You still don't realise you do that, do you?"
You blinked. "Do what?"
A hearty chuckle escapes him and he presses a kiss to your forehead. "Don't worry about it." That damn smile of his made your heart flutter and while you were confused, you returned his kiss with a quick peak of his lips and watched as he walked off. You didn't understand why he was so weird, but you guess it's just part of dating someone.
Before you could go back to serving, a faintly familiar face poked his head around the corner. You squinted your eyes and watched as he walked around aimlessly. "Excuse me, are you lost?"
The boy in the straw hat turned his head in your direction and smiled when he noticed you. "Oh! You're (Y/N), our waitress!" He spun himself around and hastily walked up to you, almost tripping on the aging floorboards. "I didn't get to introduce myself," He tipped his hat. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates!"
That made you pause. "Oh." You dumbly said, not really sure how to respond. "That's... nice. But this is a staff only area-"
"You're a good fighter." The boy- Luffy you corrected yourself, interrupted and leaned in uncomfortably close. "Well, Sanji's a really good fighter, but you're pretty good too!" He made a pistol with his fingers and pretended to shoot. "You seem good with a gun. And the way you backed up Sanji and knocked that guy out? So good!"
Again, you weren't really sure how to respond. "I was only helping out, but thanks, I guess." You put your hands on your hips. "Is there something I can help you with?"
He tilted his head in confusion. "No, I'm fine."
You blinked. "But you're in a staff only area."
He nodded. "I am."
"...And you know you're not a staff member?"
He shook his head. "I'm not."
You sighed and squeezed the bridge of your nose. "I mean, why are you here?"
A smile returned to his face. "Oh, why didn't you just say so!" He waved his hand around as if announcing something great. His eyes wandered around the room, as if searching for something in the distance. You were intrigued. "I'm trying to find..."
You leaned in. "You're trying to find...?"
"Yes, I am trying to find..." His eyes slowly drifted downward until they met yours. They sparkled with great mysteries waiting to be unveiled, a sense of adventure and bravery and fearlessness that you couldn't help but admire. He smiled. "A toilet!"
Before you could stop yourself, you smacked him upside the head. "Don't pretend like it's some big, life-altering explanation, you dumbass!" With each word, you brought your hand down to slap him on any part of his body you could touch. "Besides, there's three signs for the bathroom on the way here!"
He held up his hands, trying to block your attacks. "Ow! I'm sorry! Stop hitting me!"
You rolled your eyes and stepped back, crossing your arms and glaring at him. "You're such an idiot. Fine, come with me. You can use the staff bathroom, it's right down this hall."
Luffy slowly uncurled himself and nodded. "Thanks a lot! I was sure I was going to crap my pants, you're a life saver!"
"I didn't need to know that." You sighed and beckoned him to follow with a finger. "So, King of the Pirates, huh?"
He nodded, his straw hat bobbing with him as you both walked. "Yep! We have a map to the Grand Line, and we're going to find the One Piece."
You laughed. "Only idiots with a death wish go after that thing."
"Hm, not really. I don't have a death wish." He replied with a shrug.
With a dramatic sigh, you playfully shove him. "Sure you don't, straw boy. What's next? You're gonna tell me you don't plunder and raid villages wherever you go?"
He shook his head. "We don't."
You quirked an eyebrow. "Don't yet?"
He shook his head again. "No."
"Fine then, where are you going to get money?"
"Finding the One Piece will give us all the money we'll ever need."
"And until then?"
"I don't know, but we'll figure something out."
You scoffed. "They always say that."
He tilted his head. "Do you know?"
"I do. You can kidnap a princess and random her, rob an orphanage, maybe even take a business hostage and demand money or you'll start executing patrons."
Luffy stopped and stared at you. "That's really dark."
You shrugged and continued walking. "That's what you have to do if you want to find a crazy man's last fuck-you to the government."
His smile turned into a frown. "You don't think it's real?"
"I think that Gold Rodger wanted to bring about the age of pirates, and he did." You explained. "Doesn't matter if it's real or not. Its impact on the world is more valuable than any treasure he ever got his hands on."
Within a second, he was in front of you with a cheeky grin. "Ah ha! So you do think it's real!"
A sigh escaped you. "I honestly don't care enough to believe if it's real or not. What is real is the pain, and death it's caused. Nations tearing each other and themselves apart just to find a glimpse of a shred of evidence that horrid thing is real. And men setting sail and abandoning everything just because they think finding a gold chest is worth losing their family over. Then those same men kill other men with families just like theirs, spreading their filth and disease to every home, town and village just because they can't stand the thought of a man doing the right thing by taking care of his family."
Luffy tilted his head. "You sound like you care a lot."
A tense silence filled the air and you stared at this strange, but oddly charming character. So innocent, so naive. He had no idea of the world you knew, the one that you grew up in. It's rare to find someone this optimistic, or sheltered. You pointed behind him. "Bathroom's there. Leave when you're done."
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To say that you were affected by his words would've been both an understatement, and a poor choice of phrasing. You weren't affected, per say. They rubbed you the wrong way, and brought up memories you would rather just forget. It didn't help that they ordered one of everything on the menu, and you were constantly bringing out dishes to a smiling, unbothered Luffy who just shoveled food into his mouth. It was actually really impressive, and you were glad that they didn't come last week when the Baratie did that eating competition. You're pretty sure you probably would've gone out of business.
With a perfectly manufactured smile, you set down the plate of ribs on the only available space between piles of plates and stacked glasses. "And this is the final dish - our limited-time French-Style Ribs braised in red wine and cranberry." You straightened up and the plate was instantly pulled towards the centre of the table. The man in the pirate attire groaned, but he shoved a rib in his mouth and moaned. "I hope everything's been to your satisfaction. Can I get anything else for you tonight? A refill perhaps?"
The orange-haired woman smiled. "We're fine for now, thanks." With a nod, you turned to leave. "When does the bar close?"
"It's open all night, but we do a deep clean around three to four in the morning. So you may not be able to get anything on tap, but prepackaged drinks are always available." The words flowed off your tongue like a rehearsed speech, probably because it was. She smiled and nodded her thanks, before turning back to the conversation they were in. As you walked away, you spotted a certain red-haired pig-tail wearing waitress near the till. "Macy."
Said waitress flinched and slowly turned to you. "Yes, Ma'am?"
More than a little annoyed, you walked up to her and lent against the counter. "Why are you at the till?" She opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying and failing to start a proper sentence until you stopped her with a hand. "Macy, there was one rule; don't touch the till. What are you doing right now?"
She paused. "Touching the till?"
You nodded. "Good job, you got something right." With a small glare, you pushed past her and looked at the total that she was charging, then compared it to the bill laying on the countertop. "Unless they've agreed to add a ฿65 tip on top of your 10%, I guess we've just found out who's been messing with the till."
"You're done for the night." Her shocked expression turned into a bitter snarl and she began to tug at her apron. "Macy, you've got the body of a used fucking tube of toothpaste. No one wants to see you undress here, get the fuck out. You'll make the customers sick." She gasped, but you dismissed her with a wave and she stormed out of the restaurant. You sighed and opened the drawer beneath the counter, pulling out the book of paid receipts and bookings. Both luckily and unluckily, it was getting close to end-of-shift which meant that you had time to fix Macy's mess, but that the mess was probably smeared dog shit on a window at this point.
Grabbing out your pen and a calculator, you mentally prepared yourself for the long night ahead, when you felt something touch your back. "Hello, my darling." Sanji greeted with a kiss to the back of your neck, then rested his chin on your shoulder to watch what you were doing while his hand lazily stroked your side.
With a sigh, you turned your head to kiss him. "Hey, jerkface. Glad to see someone with a shred of intelligence." You greeted, then scribbled down some notes. "Someone's fucked the till again, and screwed the customers' out of at least three-hundred berri from what I can see."
His smile dropped and he reached for the book, tilting it so that he can see it. "Closer to five-hundred than anything. This table didn't even order the Lobster Thermidor, what the hell's going on."
You slammed your pen down in frustration and leaned back against him. "No idea, but I'm going to have to make some calls and refund tables." He wrapped his arm around your stomach and kissed the back of your ear which made you sigh and rub your face. "I need to make a list and figure out how much we fucked people out of money." You happened to look over at Luffy's table. They looked like they were toasting. "Can you bill them? It'd help a lot."
He smiled and took the piece of paper you had offered him. "Of course, my love. And give me a list of the rich pricks you want me to call. We'll divide and conquer."
"What did I do to deserve you?" You asked as he picked up the golden dish used to store cash.
"You, my love, didn't need to do anything." He pressed a kiss to your forehead and then your lips, before turning around and walking over to do as you asked.
Turning back to your mammoth task, now with a smile, you picked up your pen again and started to scribble down the sum total of every receipt that was put in by Macy. It was a good call by Zeff to bar everyone else but yourself from accessing the till. It was pretty easy to differentiate your neat and straightforward ones from Macy's abominations, but it still didn't make it any less painful. The Baratie didn't even serve quiches, so why would she even put that in there?
The telltale sound of Sanji's shoes smacking against the floorboards broke your concentration, and you looked up confused. "That was fast-" You were interrupted by him flashing you what was on the bill. You frowned at his abrupt interruption, but then squinted and jolted back slightly to look at your boyfriend. "What the shit is a 'treasure tab'?"
"We're going to find out." He said with a smile and walked past you to the kitchen. This was going to be interesting.
Just as you thought, the kitchen door slammed open and Zeff's wide, intimating frame appeared in the doorway. "Who the hell is Monkey D. Luffy?"
Luffy, sweet and innocent Luffy, popped his head out of his booth and waved his milkshake. "Here!" Zeff locked onto him and marched toward the young boy.
"You seem to be confused about the rules of the house," You and Sanji, who had just come out of the kitchen, exchanged knowing glances and you placed down your pen. Led by your boyfriend, you grabbed a jug of water while he grabbed a tray of complimentary scones and he slowly walked around the scene that was unfolding. "But Baratie doesn't offer credit. You eat, you pay." You both stopped at a nearby empty table. You started to examine the glasses in detail, admiring the way the light hit the material, while Sanji wiped the table with a piece of lettuce someone forgot to clean up.
Setting down his glass, Luffy looked up at Zeff. "I think you're confused." Sanji and you shared a look. "The meal has already been paid for. I just haven't given you the money yet."
Pretending to look around the room, you caught the stern, no-shits-given look Zeff was offering the kid. "Yeah, and how's that?"
Luffy smiled. "You can add it to my treasure tab."
You and Sanji snickered at the tone in Zeff's voice. "And what, pray tell, is that?"
"A way to get your ass beat." You mumbled and Sanji quietly shushed you with a smile, trying to hear the rest of what was being said.
Still not realising what's happening, Luffy kept talking. "I may not look like a big deal yet, but you're talking with the future King of the Pirates. And as soon as I find the One Piece, I'm gonna come back here, pay this bill in full, and with interest."
Zeff chuckled. "I got a better idea." And yanked Luffy out of his booth, dragging the confused pirate to the kitchen.
A sigh escaped you. "That certainly didn't disappoint." You commented and picked up Sanji's makeshift lettuce-rag, pocketing it to throw out later. "Guess we have a new busboy."
Sanji shook his head, but kept his eyes on the door. "Wouldn't be good at anything besides dishes." He said and paused for a second. You could see the metaphorical gears in his head turning, before he nodded toward the kitchen. "Hold on."
"Sanji, don't-" But it was too late, the love of your life had walked off, probably to rejoin the line. Your fists balled up and you let out a frustrated groan, your heels clicking as you followed after him. "Sanji! Don't piss him off. Sanji-"
The doors swung open as the blond barged in the kitchen with you on his heels. Your words fell on deaf ears and you rolled your eyes at Zeff who looked between you two confused. "Oy, oy. What do you think you're doing?"
You threw up your hands, but helped Sanji shrug off his coat. "I tried to stop him." You said as you wrapped his jacket around your arm and lent against the wall behind you.
The blond scoffed and held up a hand. "Com on, old man. Enough's enough-"
"Put the jacket back on, little Eggplant. You're not done with your shift yet." Zeff's face was tired and stern as always, and all you wanted to do was pull Sanji back and apologise for the extra stress. However, you knew that the two were stubborn and that would only cause more trouble than it's worth.
Sanji's tone suddenly sharpened. "Let me back on the line, or I walk." You almost said something, but considering you said something similar this afternoon, you settled for a glare.
"You can walk right back into the ocean for all I care. You cook another meal like that in my kitchen, it's going right where the last one did."
"You can kick me out of the kitchen all you like. I'll never be a waiter."
"Well that's fine by me, because you sure as hell are never gonna be a cook in my restaurant. Have you got that?"
Your heart broke seeing your boyfriend's face when he glanced over at you. He was so angry, and hurt, and upset. His hands were balled into fists, but you just shook your head. It wasn't worth it. His gaze shifted back to the man who had taken the both of you in, and then he turned heel, storming out of the kitchen via the hallway.
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"So it was Macy, then?" When you nodded, Zeff sighed and held his face in his palm. The two of you were alone on the balcony overlooking the ocean. You were all on a thirty minute break before the next service, and you'd stumbled across the old man while trying to get some peace and quiet. The man you both admired and respected more than anyone was sat beside you tiredly rubbing his face. "And where is she now?"
You fought back what you really wanted to say, and simply shrugged, picking up your glass and taking a sip. "I sent her home for the night. Didn't want to see her fucking face, the red-haired bitch."
He shifted in his chair and leaned forward toward you, pointing a finger in your direction. "There is no talk like that in the Baratie."
You rolled your eyes and put your glass down. "It's not a big deal. Everyone here curses-"
"But you never use such vulgar language when talking about a woman." He said, his tone firm and leaving no room for arguing. "I always taught both you and that boyfriend of yours to never speak badly about, or to, a woman. Just because you're twenty-one now, doesn't mean a thing. Get that?" Ever since you were fifteen, he's drilled his way of life into your head. From scrubbing the decks every time you dropped food, to spending late nights learning the difference between the various cutlery the Baratie offered, it was almost like his life's mission to turn you into a mini-him. To this day, you couldn't eat salad with a table fork, even though the minute difference between a salad fork and a table fork were so inconsequential they were practically the same fucking thing.
You bit the inside of your lip. "Well that bitch-"
The condensation floating slowly down your glass seemed to be more interesting than his face. "Macy has ruined all the work I've done to make the Baratie a place where you can just sit down and enjoy a good meal with the best service around. You know, I've had to deal with so much shit. More than anyone in this goddamn place. All the harassment explained away as jokes and if I'm uncomfortable with it, I'm just 'not getting the joke'. And then having to spend hours listening to the most intolerable stories about slick, rich pricks with small dicks bitching about their toxic chicks with plastic tits. And expecting me to not spit or get sick when they talk about me like I'm some quick flick." You took a breath, counted to five, and licked your lips. "But it's not enough that she'll get away with it. You also won't let me complain about her."
He sighed. "She isn't going to get away with it." You scoffed and raised your glass to take another sip, but a hand under your chin guided your gaze to him. "Look at me." Hesitantly, you lifted your eyes to meet his. "She," He spoke slowly, his intense blue eyes piercing into mine in a way that made you feel small. "Is going to be dealt with." His hand released your chin and migrated upwards to rest atop your head, softly patting your head like he used to when you were younger. "You've done well, little Sprout." You sucked in a breath and nodded, but your pseudo-confidence wasn't fooling the old man. "And if any of these 'rich pricks with small dicks' ever bothers you again, tell me. Nothing is worth you being treated like a sack of shit over. Not the Baratie, not anything."
A fake chuckle wormed its way out of you, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Thanks, Dad."
A smile spread across his face and he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in and pressing his lips to your forehead. Zeff smelled like a thousand scents, oregano, paprika, and a dash of vanilla extract, but his warm touch and the feeling of his scruffy beard against your scalp only felt like one thing: safe. You hadn't realised you closed your eyes until you felt him pull away. "Now then, I've got some calls to make."
With a groan, he got up to his feet. "Are you sure? My waitress, my mistake."
He shook his head. "My Baratie, my mistake." He walked past, patting you on the head as he left the balcony.
It was time to face your boyfriend, and you were dreading it. With his coat jacket wrapped over your arm, you slowly made your way down the hall to the kitchen. The doors were swinging slightly, so you knew that someone had just walked in, and you took a deep breath, walking over to the entrance - ready to go in.
"...banned from the line." You paused when you heard Sanji's voice float through the air.
"But that meal you cooked was incredible!"
A smile graced your face and you lent against the wall just beside the doors. "The True Bluefin Sauté?"
"You tried it?"
"Yeah, of course I did! I couldn't help myself. I didn't think the food here could get any better. You know, you're a really good cook. Why is Zeff making you wait tables?"
"'Cause he's jealous. I should be running this place, but the old man's so stubborn it'll never happen."
"So, that's your dream. To be head chef of the Baratie."
A pause. "I guess-"
"No, it's not." Both men looked up at you when you entered the double doors.
The other voice who you now realised was Luffy looked at you confused. "It's not?"
Sanji laughed breathlessly and looked at the table he was sitting at, flicking open his lighter and closing it again. "It's not." He confirmed. You smiled and walked over to where your boyfriend sat, draping his coat over an empty chair.
"So you love to cook. You just don't want to cook here?"
The blond grabbed out a cigarette and looked to you where you had taken up residence next to him. When you nodded, he ignited the lighter you gave him earlier and lit the end of his cigarette. He took a drag and hummed. "There's... this place," He started and his eyes drifted to yours. You both shared a small smile. "Where you can find ingredients from all four seas. East Blue, West Blue, North and South - they call it the All Blue. Nobody knows where it is, but..." His gaze lifts heavenward. "There's fish there that have never been seen. You know, rare seaweeds, spices that have never been tasted. It's a cook's paradise, and I'm gonna find it one day." He looked back at you and placed his hand over yours. "That's my dream."
Luffy's gaze was soft, but also intense. "If you want to cook, you should cook. Don't let some stubborn old man stand in the way of your dream." He smiled. "Stand up to him! Tell him what you want."
"It's more..." Sanji looked over at you. "Complicated, than that."
The young boy shrugged. "I don't really do complicated either."
You scoffed. "For someone who claims to be a pirate, you don't like a lot of things that pirates are known for."
Luffy looked at you. "For someone who doesn't like pirates, you sure do act like one."
Before you could say anything, frantic banging on the staff exit caught you all off guard. Begging for help, a man tumbled in and fell to the floor, barely having the strength to cling onto the countertop. On instinct, you went to pull out your gun but stopped when your boyfriend raised a hand to you and marched toward the man. Being the good Samaritan you certainly weren't, Sanji and Luffy helped him up onto a chair. "Are you okay?"
The man's voice sounded croaky and scratchy. "I'm so hungry, please."
Sanji nodded and moved to the stove. "Okay, you got it, man. How does some corned-beef fried rice sound?"
Pattie, appearing from his break, quickly stood up and followed after him. "What do you think you're doing?" He demanded.
The blond didn't bother to look at him and you gave the pirate a warning look before moving to the fridge. "At Baratie, everyone eats." The love of your life explained as you rifled through the fridge for the ingredients he would need.
"And who's gonna pay for that? This is a business, we can't be giving handouts to every down-on-his-luck pirate that washes up."
"If a man is hungry, I feed him. Thank you, darling." He said when you handed him the beef.
Pattie looked at you for help, then back at him when you just shrugged. "Zeff kicked you off the line."
"Yeah, well, I don't see the old man here. Do you?"
The other chef looked at you once more, and you shrugged at him again. You both knew it was a losing battle, and so he waved his hand dismissively. "Fine, your funeral."
You couldn't keep your eyes off the strange pirate while he sat and ate, and explained what had happened to him. Sanji was way too nice a person for people like him to deserve. You knew pirates, and a part of you was tempted to hide the silverware.
"He's a good guy." Luffy, who was slowly becoming less and less of a pirate in your eyes, said and you nodded.
"Sanji's brilliant." The words came easily. "He's the kind of guy that only comes once a generation. He's a dumbass, sure, but he's a good dumbass."
He thought for a second, before turning to Sanji. "You know, if Zeff doesn't appreciate you, you should join my crew."
Your chair scraped as you stood and left the room.
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A/N: I am genuinely loving writing this! As said above, I normally tend to leave the reader's backstory and personality ambiguous, but this character has just taken on a personality of her own! This one is a bit longer because I felt like there wasn't enough content in this upload to justify it. I wouldn't want to waste everyone's time with like, two conversations. I'm kinda happier with the longer/more in-depth parts because I get to spend more time building up characters and relationships, and I'm less tempted to accidentally write and spoil things that the OPLA fans haven't seen yet.
Also, I've grappled with the ages for a while now, and I've officially decided that this AU will have Sanji and (Y/N) be 21. Normally I'd leave the reader's age ambiguous, but since age is important to this story, it's needed to be put in there.
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
I don’t know if you’re still taking asks for fluffy Friday but could you do a fic of the Hobie x reader twin AU, where the reader goes into labor and has the twins and their reactions during and after the twins are born!! Your recent one of them seeing the ultrasound was so cute!! But now I kinda wanna see the chaos and the cute that follows lol!! I feel like the doctors would low key be intimidated by Hobie cause he’d taking care of reader but also be staring them down 😂 to the point they’re ask him to leave but he doesn’t of course!! Sorry for the long ask!! Your last fic was just to AMAZING 🤩 !!
Ahhh another twin au request! Thank you for sending this one ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, TW blood mention, Billie and Ramona AU, twin AU.
You were in an unimaginable pain, the kind you would never wish on anyone, your voice is hoarse from all the screaming and cussing out whoever was unfortunate enough to slightly annoy you. Too bad for Hobie, your annoyance and anger were mostly thrown at him. You had him in an iron grip, he's sure his hand would be aching for days to come. He's been a great help in alleviating the pain, patting your sweaty face dry, feeding you ice chips, whispering words of encouragement and the occasional glare at the doctor who arrived fashionably late to the party.
The epidural was your best friend that you've never thought you'd even befriend. You were sure that you wouldn't need it but after what must've been the umpteenth contraction, you were more than happy to accept its friendship.
After twenty hours of labor, all the literal blood, sweat and tears were all worth it. From the first cry of the older twin came a sudden elation, then the younger came only after five minutes apart from her sister with a loud energetic cry. You were in pain, now everything you're currently feeling is extreme happiness, and also fatigue you've never experienced before.
Following all the ‘good jobs’ from the hospital staff and numerous tearful kisses from Hobie, it's safe to say you're officially a parent to the most beautiful pair of twins. Your girls, the light of your life.
With both babies cleaned and you wiped from all the fluids, they're properly swaddled and checked by the doctor and nurses, you lay almost half asleep with your babies on your bare chest. Hands securing them atop their tiny torsos. They gurgle, making the cutest sound you've ever heard whilst Hobie takes hundreds of pictures with his digital camera. He still can't believe his eyes at the little family he now has.
“Hobie,” you say hoarsely, eyes watery from all the happy sobbing and tiredness. “I think you've got all their angles covered.”
He lifts the camera off his eye, greeting you with a genuine grin. “Alright, let me have a turn at them so you can sleep”
You scoot over, giving him space to sit right next to your hip. Hobie takes the oldest first in his arm with slight trepidation and oh so careful like he's handling the finest china.
“Hi, dad's got you” Hobie looks down at his daughter staring up at him with curious eyes, he doesn't miss the fact that she mirrors your own, almost a copy of yours. With a quick peck on top of her forehead, he moves to take the youngest and smallest from your arms. You help him by cradling the back of her head. “And I've got you too”
She answers with her lips wobbling, looking like she's about to cry her little heart out. Hobie bounces her lightly, making cooing sounds that he would always make when the twins were particularly rowdy in your belly. It works, she still frowns up at her dad but the tears don't fall.
“My brave girl, huh? Just like mum” he leans down slightly, juggling his girls whilst he lifts up the blanket to cover your bare chest. “You did amazingly, love” Hobie tells you for the tenth time just in case you forgot.
You hum in reply, heart tender at the sight in front of you. Hands cupping both his elbows, your way of helping him carry the bundles of joy.
“Did you at least make me look good in the photos?” You gesture to the digital camera on the side table. “I must look horrible in all of them after all that”
Hobie shakes his head, “you're as beautiful as the day I met you, and it's impossible for you to look horrible in pictures”
“Even after almost pooping while I was pushing them out?”
“Especially then” you laugh softly, winching at the soreness.
“You alright?” Hobie scooches closer to you, sharing his warmth, taking a quick glimpse at his girls already sleeping. He's not jealous at all.
“I'm okay, promise” you drop your hands from his elbows down to his thighs, too tired to lift them for a second more. “How are they?”
“Sleeping, you should be too” he observes you closely, your eyebrows slightly knitted, hands limp over his thighs.
“We haven't even decided names for them yet” you whisper.
“We've got plenty of time for that. Sleep, they'll be here when you wake up, yeah?”
“I don't think I want to, I just wanna stare at them forever” you fight an oncoming yawn.
“Sleep or I'll name them B one and B two” he jokes.
“You wouldn't” you do your best glare despite the sleep slowly enveloping you.
“You wanna bet? On second thought Bert and Ernie sounds better”
You surrender, “alright, alright, I'll sleep” your eyes threaten to close. “I really like the first one you suggested, it's Ramona, right?”
“Love” he says sternly with hints of fondness.
You giggle, “okay, love you. All three of you” giving them one last look over, you finally succumb to sleep.
“We love you too”
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Flower Boy
Nico Hischier x Latina!Reader
Synop: y/n a bitter florist, notices the foreign man that always stops by her work once a week.
a/n: Shy Nico + reader who hates love bc she’s never been in love before?
cw: cussing
Being a florist didn’t really require much work, depending on the day you could be held in the back or on dreaded days in the front left to socialize with people.
There are many types of people who buy flowers in person: 1. Spouses who think of their significant other 2. Spouses who forgot a special date for the significant other 3. Birthdays or house warming gifts etc.
Depending on who came into the small shop, it set the mood for the small talk. Spouses who were stressing about a forgotten anniversary kept silent. Spouses who bought a bouquet of roses wouldn’t stop talking about their ‘honey bun’.
The silence was always preferred over the “my girlfriend this” or “my boyfriend that”. Nobody asked, just take the goddamn flowers to your ‘sweetie pie’.
Lord knew you weren’t getting any flowers from anyone else. Probably the reason why you were so bitter. Either way, the rare chance you were gifted flowers, those babies would die within a week.
Ironic, working at a flower shop only to neglect the ones at home. Not that you had any at the moment.
Anywho you knew every time a fine man that walked into that door was most likely taken. Including the brunette with a backwards cap on scanning the sun flowers. He was too handsome to be single you thought.
You were gawking at him until he started to walk up to the counter.
“Hi, I want a sunflower bouquet but I’m not sure what else to add. Could you help me out?” the brown eyed man asked with a friendly smile
“No problem” you replied with a customer service smile. You walked outside the counter and helped the guy with the arrangement.
“How does this look?” You turned around with the finished design.
“It looks amazing, I really appreciate the help. I don’t know much about flowers but these look great.”
“That’s why im here to help.” You said with a half ass smile as you hand him the bouquet.
“That will be $32” Flowers were expensive too.
“Thanks again, these are going to make my mom smile.” Well that was different, the bouquet were for his mother and not his girlfriend.
“I hope she will.” You said with a genuine smile this time, a green flag noted for the man who buys his mom flowers.
Next week you were in the back, finishing up on bulk orders the shop needed for the following week.
“Hey y/n could you stand in for me a bit I need to take this call, pretty please?” Your coworker Ash who was working the front disrupted your silent shift.
“Sure” the call was probably about their cat, it had some medical issues lately as Ash had rambled on about.
Luckily no one was in the front when you took over and the call wouldn’t have taken too long. But you spoke too soon as the bell rang on the entrance door.
Lo and behold it was the green flag brunette. Instead of looking around he walked straight up to you at the counter.
“Hi” he said
“Did your mom like the bouquet?” You asked
“Huh?” He was almost out of breath when he came in.
“Last week, you were here and bought a sunflower bouquet that I beautifully made.”
“Oh yeah, sorry. Yeah she loved it, thanks.” He quickly said, it looked like he was about to break a sweat
“So what can I help you with today?” You offered your services like usual
“Um well I want to- actually I’m in a rush and- can I just buy a single rose? Is that weird?” He stumbled over his words for the most simplest order
“A single rose it is, not weird at all. It won’t take long.” You turned to grab a single plastic sleeve and walked over to grab the best rose out of the bunch and packed it up.
“Your total is $3.” You handed the rose to Mr. Brunette and softly took his three one dollar bills.
“Thanks…y/n.” He said your name to your surprise
“Uh no problem.” You forget you’re wearing a name tag considering no customer calls you by your name.
He opened his mouth like he was going to say something else but just turned and took big strides out the door.
Next week was organizing the newly ordered flowers on the ground floor. Luckily they came in time before the downpour started. If it was raining it meant less customers were going to show, which of course you didn’t mind.
You were organizing the tulips when the hanging door bell chimed, making you turn to look at the drenched brunette who has always made an appearance every week.
“Hi” you said across the shop in confusion as to why he would walk in the rain to buy overpriced flowers.
“Hi” he tried to air dry his hair with his hands as if he were a golden retriever
“Do you need a towel or something?” You asked as you moved to the back to get one.
“That would be great.” He stood there awkwardly
You handed him a small towel, “Thanks”
“So did the rain inspire you to buy flowers today or?” You joke about his wet shirt and damp hair state
Fortunately, he laughs along. “No, it just surprised me as I walked here.”
“Well then, what can I get you today… I hope it’s not weird to ask for your name considering this is third time I’ve seen you here.”
“Not weird at all, it’s Nico. Honestly any small flower arrangement is fine today, whatever you think looks good.”
“Alright, Nico, I’ll see what I got. Is this for your mom again?” You never initiated small talk with customers but Nico was becoming a regular and you wanted to know if he was single or not.
“No” he laughed “it’s for a girl.” Thunder hit outside as the sound of your dreams being crushed.
“Oh that’s sweet.” Small talk was over now on your behalf. But the arrangement was going to be pretty either way.
By the time you exchanged the money for the flowers it was still raining outside, too hard for anyone to be walking without an umbrella.
“The rain hasn’t slowed down at all, I think there’s an umbrella I can lend you. It’s in the back just give me a sec.”
“It’s okay really, I don’t mind some rain.”
“It’s no problem.” You went in the back to find said umbrella
“I found it, it’s a bit dusty though-“ but Nico was gone and you were left alone with the flowers.
“So did you ask her- Dude why are drenched? You’re making a mess on my floor.” Jack said to Nico who was out of breath.
“It’s raining.”
“Obviously. So did you ask her for her number?” Jack asks his friend who had been pining over the flower girl, as Jack puts its, for weeks now.
“No. I chickened out last minute.”
“More like again. I mean c’mon I still have the rose from last time. What excuse did you say this time?”
“I said these were for a girl.” Nico motioned the fragile and ruined bouquet from the rain and running.
“Oh my god you’re an idiot. She totally thinks you have a girlfriend now.”
“Well I panicked! If I show up one more time she’ll think I’m a weirdo.”
“Maybe go again later today, when the rain is gone, and ask her out officially.”
“What if she thinks I’m a stalker or something?”
“She wouldn’t be that wrong to be honest.”
“Not helpful.”
“Neither is the rainwater on my wooden floors. Clean up before you go and see her.”
Nico leaving you without a goodbye was weird to say the least and rude. He literally vanished into thin air. Soon after he left the sky was clearing up and turning blue again.
An hour passed by and you were done restocking the flowers and ready to take a needed break. Since you were the only one there, you flipped the closed sign with the clock on it to read ‘will return at 2:20pm’ and locked the door. You decided to watch The Crown in the back room while eating your favorite snack. Although, half way into your break you hear fast and loud knocking.
“What the hell man, I swear some people cannot read.” You complained to yourself and went out to see Nico again but this time locked outside the shop.
You unlocked the glass door and opened it ajar for the guy, “hi” you say in a questioning tone.
“Did the flowers get ruined by the rain? Because I did have an umbrella for you, but you kind of just disappeared right after.” Nico was trying so hard to control his fast breathing, but you noticed. He just kept silent trying to hold in his breath.
“Are you okay? Did you run down here? Or is someone chasing you?” You peered outside the door to see anyone that could be possibly chasing him but no one was out of sorts.
“Can I come in?” he finally says something
You side eyed the closed sign and looked at your watch, there was a little over five minutes left of your break, but whatever right?
“Anything for my favorite customer” you stepped aside to let him in before closing the door again.
“So be honest with me, the flowers are ruined right?” You asked knowing you were 90% right.
“Yeah, sorry, they are.”
“To be expected. Well I can make you the same ones, not free though, I did advise you to take the umbrella.” You didn’t want to sound mean but you were right and Nico knew that.
“Actually, can I get one that you would like, if someone gave you flowers?” This was not a shocking request considering other boyfriends that come in ask the same thing because they don’t know what their girlfriends like.
“No problem.” You always had the same bouquet in mind for this request, very simple and easy to care of, but a sight to see nonetheless.
“Here you go, don’t ruin these ones now.” You joke, hoping it would land and it did with Nico’s smile as proof.
“Hopefully your girlfriend likes them.” You say flatly before turning to clean up the scraps of the arrangement.
“Actually” he whisper yells before you turn around completely. He passes the flowers back to you, with a note of his own with his number on it.
You looked down at the flowers and catch the note, “I thought you had a girlfriend” you asked looking at the man across from you.
“No, I don’t I gave the rose to my friend, he still has it.”
“Oh…?” You say in confusion on what he was trying to say.
“Oh we’re not- he’s just a friend- I’m- this is my way of asking you out and I’m doing a horrible job, sorry”
“So the first sunflower bouquet wasn’t for your mom?” You were totally confused.
“No those were actually for my mom. The rose, wasn’t for anyone, I just wanted to see you again. Sorry if that’s weird.”
“And today’s flowers?”
“Another excuse to see you again.”
You started to smile and almost laughed at his stumbling of words “I see”
“I was supposed to ask you out earlier today but I backed out and now I’m here again.” He says with a nervous smile patiently waiting for your response.
“Thanks Nico, you’ll get your answer when I get back home.” You slyly say before placing the flowers in a vase of water.
“Okay, have a nice day.” He said with zero confidence as he walked out the shop thinking he completely screwed up.
You got home later and set the flowers on your counter, taking the hand written note with you to your couch.
Flower boy (nico)
Hey flower boy, I think I have your answer. Also I think it’s really sweet to give your friend flowers!
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toomiieimagiines · 2 months
hi hi there! sooooo, how about some Tsukasa cuddling headcanons? Feel free to ignore if you’ve got better ones! Have a super awesome day! >:D
YOU ALL ARE A BUNCH OF DIRTY DIRTY TSUKASA LOVERS!! WHAT IS WITH HIM THAT YOU LOVE SO MUCH! ToT love a good cuddle hc…. was honestly excited to see it… (can we address how he dresses sometime? what a cutie pie…. honestly, i didn’t really favor kasa before i started writing for him!! he’s so darling!!!>_<) AND SORRY FOR THE MINI HIATUS!! life’s been kinda hard recently!! ^_^||| sorry for it being kinda short!
EDIT: i forgot to add tags like a scatterbrain…. -.- i hope people can still see this…
Tsukasa Tenma cuddling hc’s (+ more!)
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Too hot to handle… (LITERALLY)
So so warm, an actual walking furnace, YET HES FREEZING!
“Honey, it’s so so cold please…” (whiny (HOW SURPRISING))
“‘Kasa, baby, I’m sweating…”
LOVES and I mean LOVES to cuddle
Who would believe me if I told them he’d pounce on you at any given opportunity? (OMG wuttt??? that’s soooo unlike him!!)
“Sweeetheart, I just miss you!”
“Honey, please when do I ever ask you for anything??”
Trust if he’s sick he makes it your problem too, like pls unsick me!!
Smells like shortbread
You honestly don’t know why because the only time he wears cologne is if he’s going somewhere fancy, and it’s never sweet
Maybe it’s Sakis weird love for baking, maybe it’s a little fairy who likes to sprinkle him with it while he sleeps, he doesn’t really know.
Favorite positions are ones where you’re facing eachother
Doesn’t really like spooning, he doesn’t find it as satisfying
He likes your heartbeat!!! Is that a crime?
Will genuinely NEVER let you get back up after
He will fight you… Its infuriating
Didn’t know I signed up for cuddling sheetmetal, thanks for the warning!
Honestly, he’s so boyfriend tho it’s insane…. like yes yes of course you’re my boyfriend!
AGHHHA HES SO CUTIEEE!!! i enjoy leaving these drabbles after my hcs!! it makes me feel like i actually did something! keep requesting, sorry if i haven’t gotten to yours yet!! there’s been so many! thank you so much!^w^
Rehearsal sucks, anyone who’s ever done anything knows it, and so does Tsukasa. He’s exhausted, and he knows the one thing that’ll recharge him.
He sends you a text akin to “please let me come over before I die and it’ll be your fault”, and who could say no to that!? That’s how you ended up with a mildly sweaty Tsukasa laying on top of your previously perfectly made bed…
“You’re too warm! I can lay with you, but this is ridiculous!” You squirm, trying to pry the boy off of you. When did he get so heavy?! It’s like a bag of bricks is holding you down!
“Please sweetheart, when do I ever ask you for anything?!” He whines, wrapping his arms even tighter around you.
“Five minutes ago you asked me to scratch your back, you asked me for a drink from the vending machine because you didn’t wanna get your wallet-“
“Never mind!” He cuts you off, covering your mouth. “It’s the last time, I swear! I promise that I won’t ever again!-”
You look up at him, unimpressed.
“For the..” he looks away dejectedly, taking his hand off your mouth, “rest of the time I’m here…”
You snicker at his sudden sheepishness, “what happened to the passion, ‘Kasa?” Your fingers run through his blonde hair, twisting it around your fingers.
“You put the fire out… If you could see my eyes right now, you’d see they’re gray and dull….”
You smack his head playfully, “don’t bite the hands that scratch your back.”
He just sighs, burying his head deeper into your neck. He’s warm, REALLY warm, but you can’t find it in yourself to mind anymore. It really is times like these that make you appreciate him the most. He’s not performing, he’s not playing, he’s just kinda there, and you’re kinda there too. Everything can be so much, but life feels mundane and boring when you two are like this - in a good way! It feels domestic.
“I love you, Tsukasa. Y’know that?” You lift his head up, looking into his eyes. Damnit, he’s looks kinda sweet. It almost makes you feel bad for teasing him… Almost.
He leans into the touch, eyes closing again. His voice is uncharacteristically soft when he replies, “I do. I love you too, a lot.”
A beat passes,
“I’m aloud to fall asleep, right?”
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bidisasterevankinard · 10 months
Seven x3 Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 thank you &lt;3333
I finally made myself write and as i was absent i decided to share a lot. here crossover fic I mentioned yesterday where we already start with jealous Eddie cause this guy appears fast
(p.s Jake without a shirt and only in black sweat shorts)
“Can’t believe you’re finally here.”
Jake’s hands around his waist and Buck happily reciprocate, breathing deep the smell of the grass and a slight trace of the smell of engine oil, which  just never gets away from Jake’s body. The man smells all the same, like he did eight and four years ago, and Buck feels like years of not seeing the man finally hits him hard. He only now sees how much he really missed the older man.
“I’m finally here,” Buck tightly squeezes warm the body in his arms, noting that it  seems to have gained a little muscle over the years.
Jake just squeezes him hard too. They stay like that for several minutes, not thinking about the world around them, just letting themselves believe they are finally met again, until someone coughs loudly behind and Buck blushes, feeling guilty he for a second forgot about Eddie. Who seems like took their bags from the car while Buck lost himself in the hug and now looks at them with a strange face and his hands on his hips.
“Sorry Eds,” Buck turns to his best friend, but not ending the hug with Jake, needing the contact for a little bit longer, staying with his hand on man’s shoulder, while Jake hugs his waist. “Eddie, this is Jake,” Buck points to the blonde man, “Jake, this is Eddie, my best friend,” Buck points to Eddie when his friends exchange hand shakes.
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. And welcome to San-Diego,” Jake smiles at the man he feels like he knows too long even if he just met him. 
He easily can say how Buck fell for him. Man is too handsome, even if Jake recently prefers taller and mustacher men, doesn’t mean he can not say this man is too good to be true. Especially if all Buck’s talks about being a fantastic father, firefighter and incredible friend and partner are true. 
“Nice to meet you too, Jake,” Eddie uses all his powers to smile sincerely after the hug he saw. Friends do not hug like that. Especially not with the guys who looks like they are built like Greek gods and do not know what T-shirts are. Buck and Jake are not just friends and all the sirens in Eddie’s head start to scream that something is wrong. But he refuses to break Buck’s good mood with his bad attitude to Jake. “Thank you for having us, man.”
“Don’t thank me for that. You’re Buck's friend and Buck's friends are my friends,” Jake somehow smiles even brighter and sweeter and turns his head to Buck. “C’mon, sweetheart and Eddie, I’ll show you your rooms.”
tagging @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @transboybuckley @pirrusstuff @spaceprincessem @spagheddiediaz @spotsandsocks @devirnis @fortheloveofbuddie @ghostscowboys @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @honestlyeddie @hoodie-buck @housewifebuck @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @callmenewbie @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @mandzuking17 @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @hippolotamus and anyone who wants
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maybeitsalivescribbles · 10 months
TTD - First Meeting 2/4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 and end
Part 2, sequel of this. This Hero and Villain have now their own tag and masterlist.
Hero woke up and they didn’t like that very much.
The ground was hard under their head, and they winced. Their fingers unwillingly clenched and grasped some gravel.
Wait a minute. That meant they weren’t in a room. Not theirs, anyways. Come to think of it, where were they and what happened ? Their head hurt. They touched their forehead gently. There was no blood, and it looked like it was in its usual shape. Still, it hurt.
Maybe the next step was standing up, come to think of it. So they did. Stretching up, they clasped their tongue, trying to focus. It had been a while since they had felt this sluggish. They were in a little street. Okay. That was an important piece of information. So, they were going back from their last job (stopping a robbery, nothing serious) when – when – they forgot.
How could have they forgotten ?
They stayed still. Apart from them, there was no one in the street. Everything was quiet. And, possibly, very wrong. Something was missing. Hero was quite sure that it wasn’t a street before, but a dead end. What was blocking the way before was a two-storeyed building, full of people. Now it was... gone. It hadn’t been demolished or anything. There weren’t ruins or even rubble around. There just wasn’t a trace of it, as if it never existed. It was the right street though, and if they struggled very hard to remember, they were inside just before. There were just fragments of memories. A thief sulking in a corner, their hands tied up behind their back. A smile from an old lady. A warm cup of tea into their hands and the odor of the mint.
The next minutes were used to frantically search for the people who lived there, anyone. After a lot of swearing and some tears, they had to renounce. They sat on the ground, vaguely entertaining the idea of curling up and never getting up ever, when their phone rang.
“Are you okay ?” asked Other Hero. “There was an attack from Supervillain in your area.”
“Yes. Just where I was, in fact.”
“Oh shit ! How did you survive ?”
“I think my powers protected me. But a whole building is gone and I – I don’t understand what happened.”
“ It’s your first time with this guy, uh ? You’d better sit down, buddy, I’m gonna break it to you.”
Other Hero had that tone she always had when they passed their regular tests, just before obtaining the highest grades. Hero listened.
“His power is very simple, actually,” she declared. As you saw – or rather as you didn’t see - he can make things disappear. He only has to look at the zone, and everything is gone.”
“A whole building ? What about the people ?”
“I’m sorry, have I stuttered ? Gone.”
A drop of sweat slowly trickled down Hero’s forehead.
“I don’t see how I could fight that”, they finally said. Is there a way ? Has he got a weakness ?”
“Oh, you can’t. With your powers, that is. It’s best if you don’t try. At least you’re protected, but you haven’t got what it takes to bring him down.”
“You do.”
“Of course, but I’ve got my area to protect, you know. Tell you what though, I’ll call the agency and ask them if they can send you backup.”
“Thanks, but -”
They didn’t have the time to finish their sentence. Other Hero had hung up. Having backup was good, but with this kind of threat it couldn’t hurt to have a plan B.
The warehouse they had visited a couple of weeks ago was not far, and still standing. With a bit of luck, it was still Villain’s lair. Hero hadn’t come back since. It wasn’t as if this villain seemed like a serious threat anyway. Even the place itself wasn’t that threatening, past the first impression. So they opened the door without much thought, and because they were still dizzy, they walked on a button without noticing. They only had time to gasp and protect their head with their arms when a huge cage just fell right on them.
There was a series of clicks, and when they opened their eyes again, they were surrounded by heavy metal bars. Spotlights illuminated their trap one by one while a booming laugh resonated in the room:
“You’re mine now ! Miiiiine !”
A dark shape appeared at the end of the corridor. The spotlights were strong, but they couldn’t lighten it up. Light seemed to avoid the black silhouette.
“I knew you’ve come back to taunt me, nemesis, but that was your downfall ! See what I could do in your absence ! Tell me, prisoner, am I harmless now ?”
Hero didn’t answer. They were still staring at the darkness. Villain had to clear their throat to get their attention.
“I said ! Am ! I ! Harmless ?”
“Uh ? Oh, uh, yes. I mean, no – I mean – what was the question again ?”
A grunt of frustration came out of the silhouette:
“You are into my claws ! How can you not pay attention to every one of my words ? I am the master of your life – nay, the master of your very fate ! Be awed !”
“I kinda am.”
The shape stopped its walk:
“You – you are ?”
“Yes. Do you control shadows ?”
“Only mine, but as it is the best, I do not care what others could offer me.”
“ And yet you could darken this whole warehouse”, whispered Hero. “And all the buildings you go to. I suppose you can make it as big as you wish. That’s impressive.”
“Extremely. I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses. Imprisonment quickly taught you some manners.”
“Actually, I didn’t come to fight you. I came for two things. A warning, first.”
“Ah, it is to laugh ! They’re nothing but a pitiful prisoner, a mere prey at my mercy, but still they try to rebel ! Such audacity.”
“Supervillain is here.”
“You have to be more precise.”
“The one who can make everything disappear.”
“...shit. I mean, curses !”
“And he’s here to stay if I don’t do anything to stop him.”
“So you want to beg for your freedom ? What if all of that was an outrageous lie to deceive me as a way to mock me once more? ”
“That’s the thing, Villain. Even if I were free, I couldn’t defeat him. I’m not powerful enough. That’s the second thing I wanted to tell you. I need your help.”
“ Excuse me ?”
“Supervillain needs to see to use his power. But if the whole area is in your shadow, he’ll be helpless.”
“A poor plan, if I might say so. I only need to cover his eyes to blind him.”
“If you succeed to find him first, that is.”
“That wouldn’t be a problem. If memory serves, he had an awfully tacky magenta suit, even flashier than your orange jacket. But wait ! Why should I listen to you ? Why should I expose myself to the cruel outside and the crueler sun ?”
“Your warehouse might be on his way. And that’s the kind of act that can grant you a pardon from the agency.”
The silhouette recoiled:
“I neither need nor want a pardon. I am a devious malevolent being of pure darkness and I intend to stay that way.”
Hero wiped his forehead. They were getting tired.
“Okay, fine. We’re running out of time. What do you want ?”
“For starters, I want you to kneel.”
Hero tilted their head, confused:
“Why ?”
“You know. To acknowledge my superiority and your defeat, all of that good stuff.”
“Oh. Okay, if you want.”
Hero politely obeyed while the laugh resonated once more:
“Yes...yes ! Muahaha I am the unflinching and unbowed victor of our perilous fight !”
“Uh-uh, sure. If there something else ? I think that we’re running out of time here.”
“Pledge your allegiance to me.”
“What ? But I’m a hero. I can’t.”
“Then I won’t help.”
Hero actually felt a twinge of remorse. That was a promise they were going to break, but then again, it was going to be made under duress.
“What would you make me do ?”
A moment of silence ensued.
“I don’t actually know”, admitted Villain. “It would be my first time someone would submit to me, I don’t go outside much. The very thought of another soul touching my tools and my creations makes even my dark soul shudder.”
“I could go shopping for you. This way you won’t have to scare citizens.”
“Using your own money to trade for the goods I decide you to get to sustain my mortal body ?” asked the voice which was suddenly a lot more cheerful.
“You really don’t like to go outside, uh ?”
“Hush, prisoner. It is decided, then. I shall fight this obnoxious magenta menace who…!”
Despite the heavy doors, a piercing scream from outside made them both start. Hero jumped on their feet.
“...And the sooner, the better.”
Sequel here
Back to These Two Dorks masterlist.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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mistressheroine · 5 months
WIP Whenever
Thanks for the tags @galadrieljones and @im-immortal
Sorry it took me a while to get to this, I've been in a TTPD spiral that has inspired a few new fic ideas.
This is a little preview of Fortnight, the one-shot that has basically taken over my life for the last week.
It’s the sounds that come back first, every movement creates a sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. Then the light, everything diffused in bright white before the world returned in screaming colour. Flashes of jumbled memories hit her like a freight train. She’s running through the overgrown grasses, sweat pouring down her back and making her clothes cling to her exhausted body before they throw themselves to the ground. Half empty bottle of red wine on the table between them, his strong hands covering hers as she whispers “I wish I had met you first” right before he leans in closer and she sees the flicker of something in his eyes. Who are you? Sitting on the porch watching that bashful smile illuminate his face in the moonlight and feeling that smile from her stomach all the way to the tips of her toes. Why can’t I remember your name? Mama and Shawn in the front seat of her big brother’s car, the sun streaming brightly through the windshield as she grips the cell phone tightly to her ear with tears of joy and relief rolling down her cheeks. Standing in a dimly lit, water stained hallway as she catches his eye across the space between them and sees his whole body tense while some woman in a police uniform talks about needing someone called Noah. Then blood, so much blood. Blood on the smashed windshield, smoke billowing up into the summer sky. Blood on that police woman’s face, tiny little specks of it as her vision falters and she suddenly feels herself falling.  Her eyes shoot open and the falling sensation stops abruptly. She tries to speak but her throat is so dry the sound rasps out before it dies all together.  The man in the white coat, the doctor, turns from where he was checking the beeping monitor beside her bed and she glances down to his name tag. Edwards. I knew that, I’m sure I did. Dr Edwards looks at her and smiles before he checks her vitals again. “Welcome back. You might feel a little groggy, it’s the medication but you should start to feel a little more human in a day or so. Can you tell me your name?”  She searches through her mind, plucking it out easily and realising she never really forgot what her name was. “Beth… my name is Beth. Beth Greene.”
Tags back for both! :) And new tags for @sasusc @pipergirl17 @auroraroseane @raginglittlehurricane and anyone else who wants to share.
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pastelpousay · 2 months
Hey! I just want you to know that I really adore your art and Rina and your Hadina ship! I’ve seen how hard you’ve worked on her and how hard you’ve been working at improving your art! I remember the first time I saw your posts in the Hades tags and I was so happy to find another Hades self shipper that makes beautiful art!
Also, you’re totally not alone. I’ve DEFINITELY struggled with trying to make content for others to keep them entertained because I’m worried they’ll forget about me if I take too long to write or they’ll just stop interacting with me or something. Like, I get really caught up in that sometimes too, so I get it.
I can’t speak as an “artist” artist because I can’t draw for diddly squat (hence why I write so freaking much lol) but you’ve got talent girl! Seriously, I envy anyone who can draw! Like, that Hadina art and Persephades art you make? It’s SO GOOD! Like, I reblog all of them because they’re so cute and I’ve saved every single Persephone pic you’ve ever drawn because they make me so freaking happy! Like, I’m HONORED to my have stupid self ship OC be drawn by you!!! I’m not worthy lol!
My advice would be don’t sweat the “popularity” and “clout”. It’s move to see lots of people interact with your posts and stuff, but at the end of the day it’s about what makes you happy, not others! I totally get the hype, though. It feels good to see your posts get interactions and it sucks when you see others getting more interactions than you and you feel like you need to compare yourself. But you shouldn’t! You make content for YOU and share it because YOU want to! I feel like that’s what tumblr’s all about, y’know? Indulging in what you love and sharing it to inspire others to do the same.
So yeah, sorry I wrote so much, I have a bad habit of rambling 😂😅 but I hope this helped a little! Don’t lose your spark, hon! You’re talented and your ship’s adorable! I want to see more content from you and I don’t care what it is! Your love and passion for Hades is what I like to see, so keep doing what you’re doing! ❤️
I’m glad you like my ship and all my Hades art so much it means a lot. And I’m so so happy to see when you reblog my stuff it means soo soo much 💗 especially at first I was so glad to see that I was so glad to see that someone I looked up too actually liked my stuff :D
And yea I guess I had got caught too much in all the numbers n stuff so much to the point I forgot why I even started posting to this blog in the first place, to share my creations and my love for the characters I draw and create.
I’ve been kind of obsessed with getting interactions n stuff lately almost to an unhealthy amount 😭 i was so happy to see that ppl liked my stuff and that I didn’t have to basically babble to my self all day but I usually end up doing that anyways, but I didn’t care back then, I was just having fun. And that’s the attitude I wanna keep to this. So thank you for reminding me why I even started posting to this blog 💗
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henbased · 1 year
wip i know i know its saturday im just getting around to it
hiii it’s me, fashionably late and fashionably early, coming out of the woodworks to give you nothing as i reap in the attention 💃
no but seriously ive been in a HUGE brain fog and also in general kind of busy. im finally Not Sick but unfortunately a week sick means things got backed up :| cest la vie. 
i know i was tagged by people but consider this a wip weekend tag. or whatever. we’re kickstarting the week off i guess. so sending tags out to: @adelaidedrubman​, @florbelles​, @unholymilf​, @fourlittleseedlings​, @roofgeese​, @strafethesesinners​, @vvindication​, @civilization-illstayrighthere​, @necro-hamster​, @ishwaris​, @turbo-virgins​, @shallow-gravy​, @vasiktomis​, @chickenparm​, @sweatandwoe​, @strangefable​, @evilvarric666​, @meatcrimes​, @poetikat​, @killyourrdarlingss​, @marivenah​, @socially-awkward-skeleton​ (i know you JUST posted 3 chapters but --), @inafieldofdaisies​, @trench-rot​, @belorage​, @corvosattano​, and ANYONE ELSE who wants to or that i forgot im sorry my brain is swiss cheese
have some of a feather chapter 3 since i’m wrapping her up :3c
Brit waves Billie off. “Sorry if I was, um. Rude to you.”
“Shucks, you got nothin’ t’worry about, darlin’. Ain’t nothin’ I haven’t heard before. That girl over there been spittin’ at my heels since highschool.” Nick flicks the rim of his hat. “Howdy Jess.”
“Fuck off Nick.”
‘Don’t tell Nick to fuck off!’
‘How do you even know him?’
The man’s cackle sounds like a skipping record. “Ain’t she the best? You know who's even better? No offense, Jess.” He turns for a minute, back to Brit, saying something to someone, and then just as quick he turns around, a bounce in his twirl as he maneuvers to stand behind the other person, hand around her waist. “This is my wife, Kim! And in there is Nick jr.!”
The woman smiles at Brit. Brit watches her, how the corner of her mouth stretches, how her eyes flick across Brit’s face, takes all of her in. There’s sweat on her neck that Brit is acutely aware of, a disgusting droplet forming, a wet glide down her spine. It gets lost in her bralette, already so soaked through with the heat captured in the material, the alcohol sweating through her pores. Kim’s eyes move past her, focusing on something behind Brit, the smile not even twitching, eyes reading them the way only a mother could.
She hides it well, much better than most, but Brit can see it reflected in Kim’s eyes.
To her credit she holds out her hand. Her left settles on the swell of her stomach, so big it looks like it really could house a whole baby. “Nice to meet you …?”
Brit stares at her hand. A welcome, a norm, an invitation that would be rude to refuse. Her eyes flicker to the other, settled atop where a baby resides, growing and growing, and Kim beams with motherly pride; Nick at her side, arm around her, the doting husband and father.
The beards blur for a second and it’s almost like —
Brit holds her breath. Holds out her right hand. Her sleeves hang, the cuffs hanging over her hand, but there’s an unmistakable wrap of cloth around her fingers. “Brit.”
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starlight-shades · 1 year
Called Home to the Depths of the Forest Ch. 4
• summary – Simon has a nightmare. Some GhostSoap domesticity. Price and Gaz are introduced.
• rating – M
• wordcount – 4.7k
• warnings – references to Ghost's backstory, mentions of previous character deaths
• This is my first fanfic, so please let me know if there's anything I forgot to tag. Feedback is welcome and encouraged
Read on Ao3
Chapter 1 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 5
It was not a good night.
Shortly after Johnny left him, Duncan started crying, having been woken up by a nightmare. Simon had been shooed back to the couch.
According to Johnny, it was “his turn” to take the “night shift.”
He wasn’t sure how strongly he believed in taking shifts to care for the children, but it did give him the opportunity to watch the front door.
So there he laid, knife within easy reach, facing the front door. After the sounds of Johnny and the pups quieted in the other room, he was left with nothing but the sound of the storm outside for company.
Soon enough, Simon felt his eyelids growing heavy, but he resolutely decided not to sleep. He pressed his fingers into the wound on his shoulder, or rather what he could reach of it, allowing the pain to jolt him back to wakefulness. It was an exhausting cycle of being lulled to sleep only to tear himself away from the edge. 
Pain was not a stranger to him, and he could master it, he told himself. Use it, make it good. He could be good. He could be strong and useful. He would be. He only had to stay awake, keep them safe.
He could hear a child’s laughter.
“You can’t catch me, Uncle Simon!”
“I bet I can!” he called back, his voice lighter and without its usual growl. Usual growl? What did that mean? This is how his voice had always sounded.
His cheeks hurt from the grin that stretched across his face. Uncle Simon was always smiling when he was with Joseph.
He pushed open the door leading to Tommy and Beth’s bedroom. His hand was smooth, no scars to be seen, not even the ones from basic.
Why would he have scars?
“Joseph!” he sing-singed. His nephew liked to hide among his parents’ clothes in their closet. Like anyone who played hide-and-seek regularly with the same child, he knew all of his nephew’s favorite hiding places. He was getting better at pretending like he didn’t, though. 
“Come find me!”
He already had his hand on the knob. With a burst of speed, he popped open the closet doors.
When did Beth buy all these red clothes?
Where was Joseph?
Turning around, he found himself in front of the door to his nephew’s bedroom.
“Where are you?” he called. When Simon opened the door, he couldn’t find his boy there either.
“Where am I, Uncle Simon?” Joseph sounded like he was down the hall in Beth’s office, but when he got there, there was no sign of him. 
He could feel his heart beating faster, and sweat forming on the back of his neck. It didn’t make sense. They were just playing hide-and-seek.
“Where are you, Uncle Simon?” he was starting to sound scared. 
Why was Joseph scared?
He moved quickly to the stairs at the end of the hallway, making his way down the stairs. In his haste, Simon slipped on something wet. He felt something drip on his face, but when he wiped it away, his hand came back red. 
His heart was pounding. There was a sinking feeling in his gut. There was something wrong.
“Uncle Simon!” Joseph was screaming now, he could hear the sobs. 
“I’m coming, Joseph!” He launched himself down the last few steps.
“Where were you, Ghost? Where were you?”
“I’m sorry!” The sobs were his now. He had to wade into the living room, the blood flooding everywhere. It rose, higher and higher, it was at his mid-calf. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
He couldn’t hear Joseph anymore. 
“I’m sorry!” 
“Simon! Si, it’s okay!” 
He blinked.
“Shhhhhhhh, it’s okay,” Johnny hushed. His voice sounded strained. He had his hands around Ghost��s wrists, rubbing his thumb along the sensitive skin on the inner side. Ghost’s hands were around his throat, squeezing. Hard.
He pushed himself off of Johnny immediately. They were on the floor. He must have rolled off the couch. 
“You make it hard to forget you were military,” Johnny joked, his voice hoarse. When Ghost turned to look at him, he saw the skin around his neck was red, already almost purple in some spots. He was rubbing at it with one hand, the other pushing him up off the floor. 
“I—“ he started, before Johnny cut him off. 
“S’alright. You were having a nightmare.”
As if that was supposed to make it okay. 
“Let me get you an ice pack…” He had tried so hard to be good, but at the end of the day, Simon was just as much a monster as Ghost. 
Rooting around in his freezer revealed that he didn’t have any ice packs, so he grabbed a frozen steak, wrapping the package in a thin hand towel. When he returned to the living room, Johnny had settled onto the couch.
Simon knelt one knee on the cushion beside him and leaned forward, wordlessly pressing the cold steak to the bruising around his throat. 
“You know this’ll get cleared up in a couple hours, right?”
He made eye contact, those bright, crystal-clear blues staring back at him. Johnny had a soft smirk. He was teasing him. 
“Let me take care of you.” 
Still smiling that stupid smile, Johnny spoke again. “This remind you of when we first met? Taking care of me?”
Simon was silent. It hadn’t occurred to him before, but even now he couldn’t say it did. The man he had met years ago was not the same as the man sitting in front of him. Maybe he wasn’t the same either. 
Using his free hand, he gently tilted his face by his jaw, fingers running over the coarse stubble that never seemed to leave him. Simon inspected the bruising now that he could see his neck better. It was a deeper purple now, but some of it was starting to yellow. He knew that Johnny wasn’t lying when he said it would clear up. From previous experiences, the rapid rate of his healing was unsurprising, but it didn’t stop his need to make it okay, make it better. 
“Who’s Joseph?”
Ghost stilled. 
“You were saying his name,” he continued, voice soft. From his reaction, it was obvious that whatever he had been dreaming about was a sore subject. 
“He’s dead.” When Simon spoke, it was gravelly. All of the violence of the past came and settled deep in his throat. 
They were silent again. 
That seemed to be happening more often, the silence. Johnny hadn’t ever pushed him before. Their friendship had settled into a rhythm, but now it was unseated. They were navigating new waters, and he didn’t know if he could swim. 
The clap of thunder echoed in the space between them. 
For a moment, they just stared at each other. Johnny’s gaze was worried, his lips pressed together. Simon wanted to push that wrinkle between his brows and smooth it away. He was still touching him, his fingers light against his jaw. 
Simon was the first to pull away, darting his eyes anywhere else to avoid seeing that look on Johnny’s face. He cleared his throat, and pulled his hand back to himself, fisting it to avoid touching him again.
“Right, then.”
As Simon went to pull the hand with the steak away, he felt the firm, but gentle pressure around his wrist. It forced him to look at Johnny again. 
“Come to bed.”
He could feel his face heating, couldn’t tamp down the blush through sheer willpower.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take the couch again,” Johnny spoke quietly, as if he was afraid to spook him. “Besides, I think the pups like cuddling with you better.”
Simon started to protest, “No, I—“
“I wasn’t able to sleep, it was too hot in there with all that fur,” he joked. “It’ll be better for me out here.”
Jaw clenched, he acquiesced with a short nod. 
He stood, and Johnny started to settle down into the couch cushions, doing a little wiggle until he was satisfied with his position.
As Simon went to swipe his knife off the side table, he spoke up again, already sounding half-asleep.
“And don’t think that we won’t be talking about where you keep your guns. The kiddos may not have enough fingers to get into them yet, but they will.”
He gave him another nod, and promptly left the room, making his way down the hallway to his bedroom in an uncomfortable parallel to his dream. 
As he approached the door, he could hear Duncan and Ailsa shuffling away from their spot where they had probably been eavesdropping. He pushed it open to find them settled into the bed, big innocent eyes looking up at him from the nest they had made of the pillows and blankets. Duncan had snuggled into the fleece throw he had brought back for him that afternoon. Ailsa had littered the bed with all of the plush toys he had bought, both the kind meant for children as well as the dog toys. When he looked at her, her tail started wagging, making a thump thump thump sound against the bed. 
He sighed. They were safe. 
“Alright scoot over.”
Simon climbed in with them, inevitably pressing down on a few squeakers. As he settled into the middle of the bed, he pulled out a wolf stuffy that pressed into the small of his back. When he was as comfortable as he was going to get, Duncan quickly found his favorite spot up against Simon’s side, head on his chest. Ailsa curled up on his other side, tucking herself against him where he could wrap his arm around her.  Maybe Johnny had a point about the cuddling.
“Nae, Ma, stay home. Ah ken ye want to come an help, but the wee’uns are still settlin’ in, an we dinnae want to overwhelm them.” 
Even having lived in this remote part of Scotland for a few years now had not prepared Simon for how thick Johnny’s accent got when he spoke with his mother. 
“Mibbe la’er, when they’ve bin here a bit.”
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he walked into the kitchen where Johnny had already started on a much more elaborate breakfast spread than Simon could have managed. 
Johnny was waving a spatula around with one hand while he held his phone with the other, standing over the stove where some sort of hash was sizzling in the pan. His bruises had already mostly faded. Spotting Simon, he shooed him away from the food to the chair at the kitchen table before putting the kettle on. 
“Aye, ahm sure, Ma. Ah jus’ need the advice.”
Simon watched him as he listened to his mother. They had discussed it the night before, calling her. According to Johnny, she had successfully raised three litters of pups, and was as happy as could be doting on his eldest sister’s first litter. 
“Okay so, I’m the fourth from the first litter, and I’ve got three older sisters. My Da always jokes that they would have had more boys if my Ma hadn’t prayed so hard for girls. It was jus’ me an my brother, Callum, until Devon came out when he was fifteen. Ma’ was braggin’ that she had birthed across the whole gender spectrum when Rowan told us they’re nonbinary. Anyway, the second litter was the twins, and the third was Callum, and Devon, and my youngest sister, Mud. Yes, it’s a nickname.”
Simon had just stared in confusion, letting Johnny ramble. In the end he had learned all of Johnny’s siblings names, but he was not confident this morning that he could accurately recall all of them. Apparently, werewolves tended to have “litters” rather than one child at a time, and they could range anywhere from two to six pups, but the average was three. 
He was startled out of his head when a steaming mug of tea, made just how he preferred it, was sat in front of him. Simon looked back up at Johnny who was already walking away, plating up a stack of triangle-shaped somethings. 
“Aye, ahm still listening,” Johnny was saying. “Jus’ makin’ breakfast.”
Simon pushed up from the table, taking his mug with him, as he wandered back down the hallway. When he had gotten out of bed, Ailsa and Duncan were still out cold. 
He watched them for a moment, leaning into the door frame. In the time he had spent in the kitchen, they had both moved to the spot where he had been, snuggling together in the depression his body had made. The early morning sunlight caught on all the individual strands of fur, making them look extra fluffy.
He stepped softly across the room, setting his mug down on the bedside table next to “Frankenstein”, a bookmark covered in ladybirds peeking out at him. Simon carefully sat, settling his weight on the edge of the bed so that he didn’t disturb the pups. 
Starting with Duncan, he gently stroked down his head, letting his touch rouse him slowly. Sleep-hazy eyes blinked up at him slowly before clearing. Duncan wiggled until he was facing Simon, cuddling close in his lap before he closed his eyes again. 
“None of that, dove, Johnny’s made breakfast,” Simon chuckled, but he kept petting Duncan’s velvety ears.  Ailsa started making snuffling noises at the sound of his voice. She lifted her head, letting out a big yawn as she slowly woke up. Reaching out a hand to her, Simon gave her a few pets before gently scooting Duncan off his lap.
“Got to start the day,” he declared. 
Both pups whined in response, determined to stay in the warmth of the bed. 
“I guess Johnny and I will have to eat all of the breakfast since you’d rather sleep in.”
They perked up at that, and Ailsa barked at him, looking offended. Duncan just got up and hurried out of the room to the kitchen, almost tripping Simon on his way out. His sister quickly followed as to avoid getting left out. 
“Oi!” he heard Johnny yell. “Wait for Si before you little muppets start!”
Making his way into the kitchen again, Simon found Ailsa with half of a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth and Duncan’s muzzle covered in egg yolk. Johnny stood over them with another plate in each hand, loaded with food, his phone tucked against his shoulder. 
“Aye, Mama, I’ll talk wit ye la’er. The wee’uns are up.” Simon watched as his face flamed a bright red from something his mother said. “Nae. It’s not like that.”
Johnny practically shoved one of the plates into Simon’s hand and gestured with his chin for him to sit. As soon as his butt was on the stool, Ailsa and Duncan dug into their breakfast. Simon sighed. Manners would take time. 
“Aye, love you too.” As he hung up, Johnny let out a breath. He pinched the bridge of his nose before he sat at the table. “I ken I’ve convinced my ma t’ wait before she descends on us. She’s rather determined to meet you.”
Simon cocked a brow at that, taking a long drink of his tea before speaking. “But you told her we have it handled?”
Johnny nodded, wolfing down the food on his plate. “Aye, told her I’ve got you and the rest of my pack.”
He could feel his cheeks heat at the prospect of being included in Johnny’s pack now, but he hid it behind his mug, though at this point there was very little tea left.
“Speakin’ o’ which, they’ll be coming by later with some more of my stuff. I want to introduce you all too.” He turned to the pups at the last part, making sure they knew that they were included in that. 
“Alright.” Simon had never met Johnny’s pack, but he spoke of them often enough that he had an idea of what they were like. 
Later that afternoon, he was working on sanding the seat of the chair he was making when Johnny let out a long howl. They were all spending some time outside, Johnny once again in his wolf-shape to play with the pups while Simon worked in front of the small shed where he kept his tools and wood-working supplies. 
Immediately, his eyes sought out Ailsa and Duncan, spotting them not far from Johnny’s big brown bulk. They stood perfectly still, eyes watching in the same direction Johnny was looking. 
It was probably Price and Gaz, but Simon set down the sandpaper and made his way over to them just in case. As he put himself in front of the pups, he heard the rumble of a car coming up his drive. Duncan came and pressed into his side, and without thinking, Simon settled his hand on his head. 
At the sight of an SUV with dark tinted windows and a mattress tied to the roof appearing through the trees, Johnny ran over to it, shifting back without a break in his stride. A handsome man with warm dark skin, an infectious grin, and a baseball cap stepped out, meeting Johnny with open arms. The two hugged each other tightly, laughing at nothing apparent. Simon watched a second man with an impressive, well-kept beard and a bucket hat leave the driver’s side of the car, coming around and sliding a hand around the back of Johnny’s neck to pull their foreheads together. They breathed each other in for a moment, eyes closed. 
Simon didn’t like how his jaw clenched at the sight of Johnny’s soft smile directed at the other man. 
“Gaz, Price, I’d like you to meet Si,” he was saying, turning to look back at him. 
Staying where he was, he nodded at each of them. Ailsa had taken a few steps forward as if to follow Johnny, but she had stopped only a few feet in front of Simon, staying close to him. 
“Good to finally meet you,” the bearded man called from across the clearing. “Soap’s told us a lot about you.”
“Nice of him to let us see the man who he won’t shut up about,” the other man joked. 
Simon was surprised to hear that both of them had British accents. 
Johnny’s face was bright red as he shoved at the man with the baseball cap, having not stopped touching him since their hug. 
“So this is Gaz,” he gestured to the smiley one. With a wave at the man in the bucket hat, “And this is Price. They’re my pack.”
Simon nodded again, stepping closer to them, shadowed closely by Ailsa and Duncan. When they got close enough, Johnny reached out and welcomed Ailsa who attached herself to his leg in a mirror of Simon and Duncan. 
“And these are the kiddos,” Johnny said. He gave Ailsa a few strokes along her flank. “This one is Ailsa, and the boy glued to Simon is Duncan, he’s a wee bit shy.”
Price stepped forward and crouched so he was closer to their level. He offered each of them a hand. “Pleasure to meet you two. Me and Kyle have been looking forward to seeing you since Johnny told us about you.”
The only thing stopping Simon from rolling his eyes was that he got the impression that Price was being completely genuine. He had actually been looking forward to meeting them. 
When Ailsa, then Duncan sniffed at the proffered hands, he felt his shoulders relax marginally. Gaz crouched and repeated the greeting, offering them his hands.
“You can call me Kyle, if you want,” he told them. He chuckled when Ailsa gave his fingers a few licks. “Yeah, I think you and I are going to be great friends.”
She started wagging her tail, stepping away from Johnny and closer to Gaz to investigate him closer. 
Looking at them, it was impossible to tell what they were. Simon remembered Johnny saying that he was the only wolf in his pack, although that wasn’t true anymore. Price had a bit of bulk to him, not as big as Simon, but not far off. He could tell that beneath some of the roundedness of him was a quiet strength. Gaz was leaner, for sure, his body smaller than Johnny’s, but where he had big, well-defined muscles, Gaz moved like liquid with an easy agility to his movements. 
“We’ve got some of your furniture in the back,” Price told Johnny. “Give me a hand and we can get it moved in.”
“You got my trunk too?” 
He followed Price with an easy obedience that surprised Simon. He wouldn’t have described Johnny as stubborn per se, but he certainly liked to give Simon a hard time any time they were together. 
“Yeah, you said you wanted the dresser, the trunk, and the extra twin mattress.”
“Mattress?” Simon asked, speaking up for the first time.
Johnny looked back at him, and for a moment he was breathless at the sight of his smile directed once again at him. 
“Yeah. Figured we could lean it against the wall during the day, but it gives us a more comfortable place to crash than the couch.”
“Makes sense.” Simon hadn’t thought of it, instead jumping immediately to building a couple more bedrooms. 
“Gaz, can you watch the pups while we get this furniture moved around?”
“C’mon, lets go have some fun while these three do boring grown-up stuff.” Gaz grinned down at Ailsa and Duncan who looked up at Simon.
“Go on, Johnny and I’ll be here if you need us,” he reassured.
Reluctantly, Simon watched the three of them walk away, Gaz explaining the rules to some game to his furry audience. When he turned back, Johnny had a tender look on his face. 
“They’ll be fine,” he promised, reaching over to squeeze Simon’s good shoulder. “Come and show us where all this should go.”
About an hour later, Simon was absolutely covered in sweat, but they had managed to rearrange the bedroom as well as the living room to accommodate the new furniture. 
Since he had so few clothes, it was decided that he and Johnny would share one dresser while the other could be for Duncan and Ailsa until they had more room to give each of them their own. 
The trunk that Johnny had made sure they brought was an old wooden chest with beautiful carvings covering the lid and sides. There were wolves running through the trees, chasing a stag, curled up together, howling at the moon. The care it must have taken to render these scenes with such detail was obvious. Johnny’s eyes got a little watery looking at it tucked into the corner where the kennel had been. 
“My Granda’ carved that. When I was little, I loved running my fingers over all the wolves. Imagined which one was supposed to be me, assigned each one to my siblings. He gave it to me when I left to make my own pack,” he murmured. It was just the two of them in the living room at the moment. Price had stepped out to take a phone call.
“It’s beautiful.”
Johnny grabbed his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Now Duncan and Ailsa can have it. Figured we needed a spot for their toys now that they have enough for their own toy store.”
Simon chuckled, squeezing back for a moment before dropping Johnny’s hand. 
“I wanted them to be happy here.”
Johnny looked at him, signature grin in place. “Oh I know, you big softie.” He slipped his pinky around Simon’s, and he let them stay linked. 
Something buzzed between them as they looked at each other. 
“Thank you,” he murmured. “For everything.”
“Always, Si.” 
They were quiet, just looking at each other. 
Johnny opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, the ringing of Simon’s landline cut through the quiet. 
Simon pulled away, letting Johnny’s hand fall back against his side when he abruptly unlinked their fingers. He picked up the phone.
“Don’t “what” me, young man,” a familiar voice crowed at him. “Come get your lumber. Was able to get it earlier than expected. Don’t tell anyone, but I snagged what you needed out of the Mitchell’s order. They can wait for the next delivery.”
He smiled to himself. “Thanks, Janet.” 
When he hung up the phone and turned back, Johnny was smiling sadly at him. 
“Why don't you take Price to help you load it all?”
Simon found he couldn’t say no to him in that moment. 
Which was how he found himself pulling up to Janet’s store after a painfully awkward drive down. 
“Took you long enough!” Janet yelled as soon as he stepped inside. When she caught sight of Price behind him, she perked up. “And who’s this fine piece of ass with you?”
Simon looked to Price, assuming he’d introduce himself. The man’s face was beet red, the flush even coming up to his ears. 
He coughed, and cleared his throat, stepping forward to offer his hand. “John Price.”
Janet stepped out from behind her counter to take it, her beads clacking against each other with her movement. “And aren’t you a treat, John Price. What’s someone so delectable doing with this hard ass?”
Price looked back at Simon, as if he would do anything to stop her. He knew he just had to let this play out, so he just shrugged. Janet could be a shark. 
“Um, we’re here to pickup Simon’s order.” 
“And when are you going to pick me up?” she pressed. She still hadn’t let go of his hand.
“Excuse me?” 
“For our date,” Janet clarified, batting her eyes at him. 
“Oh, I’m married.” 
Simon had assumed Price couldn’t get any redder, but he was wrong. 
Janet’s face had fallen. She narrowed her eyes at Price, scrutinizing his face before she grabbed the other hand, inspecting both of them. 
“I don’t see a ring.”
Price gently extracted his hands from her grip before he reached under his shirt to pull a chain out, a gold wedding band hanging from the end. 
Janet scowled. “Well tell your wife she’s a lucky lady because I would have gobbled you right up.”
Price choked at that, sliding his chain back under his collar. 
“I’ll, uh, let him know.”
Simon arched a brow at that. 
“Kyle,” Price clarified. 
He hadn’t realized they were married, especially with the way Gaz and Johnny had clung to each other. 
“Well, Simon, you’re not the only one bringing handsome strangers around,” Janet said. She had apparently already moved on to the next subject. “There’s some detective poking around. I guess some hunters have gone missing out in your neck of the woods.” 
Ghost could feel the temperature drop, ice seeping into his veins. 
“What’ve they been saying?” He needed to know.
Janet looked at him for a moment, like he would admit something under the heat of her gaze. He didn’t usually ask questions. 
“Not much. Guess they were meant to be home already. Had called saying something about a big catch.”
They didn’t know much, then, or at least they weren’t saying much. He would have to look into it.
Ghost nodded. “It in my usual spot?” 
Janet observed him for another moment. “Aye.”
He and Price loaded up the car under her careful supervision. 
On the drive back, he didn’t notice if the silence was awkward, Simon was too busy thinking through whether or not he and Johnny could be linked back to the hunters. No one in town had seen them together, so hopefully not, but then again, it was common knowledge that he lived out here. Not many knew the precise location of his cabin, but most people knew the general area where he was. 
“The hunters going to be an issue?” Price asked, breaking the silence. 
Simon assumed that he had picked up the gist of what had happened between Simon’s reaction to Janet and whatever Johnny had told them. 
“Not if I can help it.”
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thisfoolwrites · 2 years
My Altair, Your Vega
This is my rewrite of My Altair. There was some things I wasn't too happy with, so I'm going to fix that. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. This is gonna be more angsty than the original one. Let me know if you guys want a tag list for this story.
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The music was loud. Not too loud to alert the neighbors as to what was going on, but loud enough that (Y/N) couldn’t hear her own thoughts. The alcohol she had consumed helped in that endeavor as well. She didn’t even know whose party this was, she had just overheard some guys talking about it at lunch. Stumbling into the kitchen area to grab another cup of whatever concoction the host made, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket for what felt like the millionth time. Pulling it out she frowned at the caller id. Tetsu<3. With a swift motion she sent him to voicemail and went back to chugging her cup. This was the 20th missed call from him alone. Yaku and her brother had been trying to get ahold of her all night. She felt bad about leaving everyone in the dark, but she didn’t want to talk to anyone on the Nekoma team now. Even if that meant her own brother. 
Dancing with a total stranger was something that (Y/N) never would have seen herself doing. Then again, managing her younger brother's volleyball team was also something she had no intention of doing until it happened. She never bothered to even ask the guy his name, not that he really cared either. She was having a good time. Forgetting the events of the past two weeks was easy when you surround yourself with things you typically don’t do. Upon taking another drink, she was disappointed to find that it was once again empty. Walking back to the kitchen to grab another drink she was yanked back into someone's chest.  
She turned around to yell at the person who manhandled her, only to have her courage to disappear. Her (E/C) eyes locked on to the hardened orbs of her attacker, or savoir depending on when you ask about the situation. His usually spiky hair was down like he had just gotten out of bed. Dressed in a pair of grey sweats and his iconic Fukutodani volleyball jacket. She gulped as  Bokuto glared down at the (E/C) eyed girl, only to soften his look when he noticed her eyes. They were red and puffy like she had been crying. With a heavy sigh, Bokuto pulled the girl out of the party, ignoring her telling him to let go.  
“Not gonna happen.” he grumbled as the pair exited the house and began to trek down the road. “I got frantic calls from both Kuroo and Kenma saying you disappeared and had been ignoring anyone's calls. Even Yaku and Kai were worried about you. Everyone thought you were kidnapped or worse, yet here you are trying to kill your liver.” Anyone listening in could tell that he was angry. Whether it was because he got woken up, or because he was also worried, no one could tell which.  
“Why do they care now?” she mumbled as she let herself be dragged along. Too busy lost in her grumbling she hadn't noticed that the mountain in front of her stopped moving. She smacked into his back with a grunt. “What the hell? Why’d you stop so suddenly?” 
“What do you mean why?” he asked while turning around. She was about to respond before he cut her off again. “They always care about you! Especially Kenma.” Realizing what he was referring to, she let out a humorless laugh. 
“Do they? They have a funny way of showing it.” Bokuto was about to respond when his phone rang. “Let me guess, it’s Kuroo wondering where his ‘Best friend’ is. Oh, sorry I’m not actually, I forgot that title belongs to Kenma. I’m just the side piece that’s kept around for convivence. Even then once Akemi confessed her love for him, I was pushed to the side. Yeah, he must really miss me.” she seethed out. She felt something drip down her cheek, and realized that in the middle of her rant, she must have started crying. Bokuto noticed too. With a sigh he looked at this phone that hadn't stopped ringing. Akaashi 
“Hey.” he greeted while waiting for his friend to respond. He never stopped looking into (Y/N) eyes. Whatever Kuroo did really hurt her.  
“Have you heard from her yet?”  
“Yeah, Shes with me. I’m gonna try and sober her up before bringing her home. Whatever happened she found a party and drank at least half of it. Shes pretty upset right now.” 
“Thank goodness. I’ll text Kenma and let him know Shes safe. Has she said anything as to why she ran off?” 
“No.” It surprised her that he would lie to his friend like that. “Let everyone else know she's safe as well. Talk to you later.”  
After he hung up, he gently grabbed her hand and led her to the nearest convince store. She sat on the bench outside while he ran in. She looked up to the sky and frowned. Lost in thought she didn’t hear Bokuto sit next to her, nor did she noticed the water and onigiri he purchased for her.  
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“You mad at the sky now?” he jokingly asked. 
“The city makes it impossible to view the stars.” she numbly responded. She looked down at the food he got her and mumbled a quiet thanks before eating. “Normally you can see all sorts of constellations. Virgo, the big dipper. But here, all you can see if smog and the residual glow from all the lights. It's disappointing.” she muttered in-between bites. He looked at her with surprise in his eyes. 
“I didn’t know you were into stars. What’s your favorite constellation?” her eyes widened as she turned her gaze from the sky to him. Tears started to well up in her eyes again and he feared that he asked the wrong thing. She blinked and found her hands and the onigiri wrapped more interesting.  
“It doesn't matter. Its dull and no one wants to hear about it.” her voice quivered. She wrapped her arms around herself as he felt herself sobering up. Before she had a chance to get up and make the walk home, she felt a piece of cloth draped over her shoulders. (E/C) eyes met gold and she glanced back up. 
“It matters to you. You were sad you couldn’t see them, so I figured it might be important to you. I always notice after games you look up to the sky.” If she was in her right state of mind, she would have noticed the little bit of pink that dusted his cheeks. She put her arms through the sleeves of the jacket and turned her gaze back to the sky. 
“Did you know, you’re the first person to ever ask me about it? Kuroo sees me looking and tries to hurry me back to the gym or the bus, depending on where the match is at. Kenmas too busy with his games to notice. I asked them to take me stargazing once, both were too busy to even consider the idea. That’s why it took me by surprise when you said that they were worried about me. They never cared before. I didn’t even want to be the stupid manager of the team. I never cared about volleyball.” She stopped after that and glanced back to Bokuto. “No offence. I know you love the game, and it makes you happy.” She was about to start crying again before she abruptly stood up. “Anyway, you went through all this trouble, can you walk me home please?”  
He obliged, easily. It broke his heart to hear how broken she sounded. Had they never asked what her interests were? Anyone who seen her at night would have noticed how her eyes were drawn to the sky. The walk to her house was silent, except for the small sniffles coming from her. Halfway through the walk he ended up taking her hand so she wouldn’t trip, it happened a few times already. Once they reached the walkway, she took off the jacket he loaned her. 
“Thank you for walking me home, and for lending me your jacket. It was sweet of you. I’m sorry for everything.” She gave a small smile before turning to go into the house. 
“(Y/N!)” Bokuto called out to her. Once she turned around, he gave her a bright smile. “Let's go stargazing sometime, ok?” She gave a small smile in return, still not having the mental strength. 
“I’d like that.”  
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andithiel · 1 year
Snippet tag
Thank you for tagging me @uncannycerulean (you can find her lovely snippet feat. Pansy here).
I’m currently writing agonising over an anon fest (while being away with extended family, yay, life is great!) so I can’t share a snippet of that. And I feel like maybe I’ve shared enough of the brain rot that is “Draco got a vibrator stuck in his arse and Harry needs to help him get it out”? And this is probably a bad idea because I can’t be distracted from the fest fic and I’ve no idea when I’d be able to finish this, but I’ve been toying with the idea of a werewolf A/B/O fic where Harry goes into his first heat and Draco needs to help him out by having him in his home and trying his best not to give into his rut. This is a pretty rough section (but the most polished I have for this WIP) where Draco’s asked Luna to come over and give Harry some special lycanthropy sex aid.
Luna hums and Draco’s not sure if she agrees or not. “He likes you though.”
“Luna, I’m sorry, I know you live on another planet, where I’m sure that statement is true. I, however, live on this one, the one where Harry Potter does not like Draco Malfoy. He’s not in his right mind right now, he doesn’t want— He’d want anyone who happens to—”
Luna regards him and it’s eery, he squirms.
“And what would the harm be in that? If he wants you for this problem, and you want him for the exact same—” Draco looks up and then down again. “Oh.”
Draco rubs at his nose, trying to quell his embarrassment.
“Maybe ‘like’ isn’t the right word,” she says. “But you were both heavily obsessed with each other in school.” Matter of factly as she always does.
Draco doesn’t feel like elaborating on this. “As pleasant as talking about Potter and me is, there was a reason I asked you to come over.”
“Oh! Yes, you did! I’m sorry Draco, I was so happy to see you that I forgot.”
Guilty that she feels that way about him and that he’s not good at keeping in touch. Luna rummages around in her bag and pulls out a box.
“Here, this is the latest in our lycanthropy collection: the inflatable dildo.”
Draco frowns while Luna unpacks the contents of the box. She pulls out a regular looking dildo. It’s purple, of course it’s purple.
“Right,” he mutters, unreasonably jealous of a piece of plastic. “Thanks.”
“Shall I give you a demonstration?”
“I’ve used this kind of thing, and I would venture that Potter has, too.”
“Oh, but this isn’t a regular dildo. It can sense when the user is about to reach climax, and then it expands at the base, like this.” She taps the dildo with her wand, and sure enough, it expands around the base, mimicking a knot that Draco is all too familiar with. “It won’t stay inflated for as long as a knot does, we’ve reached the conclusion that our clients find it a bit uncomfortable to keep it for that long when there’s not a body attached to it. It automatically deflates after about five minutes, but the user can postpone or shorten that time as they choose.”
Okay! That was fun right? *sweats nervously*. Onto the tagging! No pressure @rei382 @phdmama @dragonbornphoenix @crazybutgood @fictional @thehoneybeet and YOU who see this and want to share, please do!
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totallyexhausted · 2 years
Hirano/ Kagiura Headcannons:
Basically a shitpost list that won’t leave me... If anyone takes these, please tag me so I can read :) Some are long descriptions, some are short- it be like that. Also, I know some of these are already fics- I just like more :) Sorry it’s hella long... a lot of them are for Kagiura idk why probably because he’s the fucking sun…
- Hirano’s on a day trip or school trip and starts panicking when Kagiura (sick or hurt) stops texting him mid-day. He leaves class early or the discipline committee meeting early because he’s concerned. 
- Hanzawa (fucking love this guy- slightly worried he’s going to off himself though) walks into the meeting one day and asks Hirano if Kagiura was okay because he saw him get hurt while practicing or he didn’t look well earlier. 
- Sasaki getting Ill in the middle of the night and his sister looks after him because his parents don’t really seem that attentive. Might dabble on this… Sasaki being frigid towards her at first as he is in the manga but eventually he accepts the comfort, his sister (forgot her name) just wanting what’s best for her little brother his feelings be damned, remembering how he used to cling to her skirt when he was little but now that he’s a 6ft walking tower of angst, its rare to be able to care for him in such a childish manner… even rarer when he accepts.
- Hirano feeling like shit but helping Kagiura study anyway. Kagi looks up after finishing a problem to find Hirano nodding off, his head leaning against his hand, pencil still trapped between his fingers. The younger is quiet for a while and eventually Hirano rests his head either on his arm on the desk or Kagi’s shoulder. Later when Kagi tried to rouse him, he realizes Hirano has a fever which, after waking, the older brushes off and they go to bed. Kagi wakes up several hours later to Hirano crying out his name, his fever spiking, the older reaching for him for comfort. Basically Hirano gets sicker in the night and Kagi kicks himself because he should have been more forceful with the older boy like Hirano was with him; he should have forced him to take meds or check his temperature or sat with him for a bit to make sure he was actually okay- he should have done what Hirano would have- but anyway, Kagi takes care of Hirano throughout the night (this is his chance to show the older boy the love he receives, his chance to repay him) and Hirano kind of clings to him with a fevered delirium; vomiting, high fever, Hirano being clingy for once not that Kagi minds despite how freaked out he is…
- Hirano, possibly reflecting while caring for Kagi (in my mind Kagi pukes on him and Hirano is instantly caring mode instead of mad because he knows what it’s like to feel so horrible that there isn’t any warning before puking…), that he got really sick last year (16) while visiting his parents over break. He doesn’t remember much but he remembers eating dinner, or at least trying too; trying to convince his mom who asked if he felt well, that he was okay. He end up nodding off, his head leaning against his hand, chopsticks still tucked between fingers; he remembers his dad saying something before pressing his hand against his forehead, a soft curse following. He’s pulled up slightly but he remembers puking everywhere, the table, the floor, himself, and feeling so horrible and weak that he can barely comprehend his surroundings. He remembers his parent stripping him, his mother bathing him, his head leaning against his fathers shoulder, a cold rag on his forehead and the back of his neck… he remembers his mothers soft fingers running through his hair, washing away sweat and vomit, he remembers puking in the bath water and his father holding him up, telling him it’s okay son, just get it up. It’s okay…. Basically I have this new headcannon of Hirano getting really sick while visiting his parents while on break, him not wanting to worry them because they spend so little time together, and Hirano being a complete wreck but his parents are so gentle and kind (like he is with Kagi) and they take care of him…
- Hirano’s carrying a box to the council meeting (maybe with Miyano/ Sasaki) and notices Kagiura sitting on the ground outside, leaning against a bench, his head in his hands. He falters and turns to (M/S) to say he’ll be right back and goes over to see if Kagi is okay... basically Kagi was a dumbass and practiced in the heat and ended up with heat exhaustion. (I’m currently writing this): Small snippet/ ideas below: Hirano set his alarm for one hour. He had one hour to try and cool the younger boy off, for him to start sweating more, to regain the fluids he’d just puked up outside in the bushes- otherwise, the 17-year-old was calling for an ambulance.... Hirano hadn’t grown up in a big family like Kagiura… but he and his family were close. Nothing was ever embarrassing between them, even his parent’s public displays of affection never bothered him much as a child… Touching, hugging, comforting someone was always like a second nature to him. His parents had never chastised him, or embarrassed him, or left his side when he was hurt or sick or had nightmares; and they were always open with him, made sure they talked about and took into account his feelings, even from an early age… He was fond of him, that much was true… but he was also fond of his father, or his grandmother, or his friends. So the fondness he felt didn’t mean much; didn’t help deciphering the feelings the younger shared for him… didn’t make his situation any less confusing...
- Kagiura wakes up with a high fever; Hirano misses school to take care of him. Basically, Kagi gets worse throughout the day- Hirano keeps Hanzawa posted because the other boy keeps checking to see if the nurse is available but she isn’t.... “Hi-ra?” The cry startled Hirano as he glanced up from his book, biting his bottom lip. He scooted towards the edge of the bed, placing his book on the nightstand, glancing towards his alarm clock. Hanzawa should be texting him soon to let him know if the nurse was still out.... otherwise, him and Hanzawa would need to take Kagi to A&E. His fever hadn’t spiked but now he was having trouble keeping things down beginning with the several spoonfuls of rice porridge Hirano had fed him earlier so he could give the younger boy more meds... “Hi...ra...” The whimper reached the 17-year-old’s ears, and he shot up, rushing towards Kagiura’s bed, dropping to his knees with a loud smack. He swallowed quickly, his fingers brushing the younger’s hair away from his face, his fingers connecting with the alarming heat present against dry flesh.... The younger boy reached a hand out blindly, and Hirano caught it, intertwining his fingers in the younger’s, his other hand carding through his sweaty hair.... idk y’all... Hirano lets Kagiura cling against him in hopes the younger boy would feel a little better--- maybe a bath? Idk man idk 
- Kagiura gets hurt during practice or a game and tries to play it off. Hirano tries to help put he doesn’t want to be pushy... basically Kagi either accepts the help or, trying to establish himself from Hirano, still tries to convey he’s fine until he isn’t. 
- Kagiura gets a concussion during practice or a game. 
- Kagiura or Hirano or Sasaki feeling faint (for whatever reason, maybe fighting an illness or headache or medical thing or whatever), and their nose starts bleeding, and they quickly tell whoever they’re around to “...go get Hirano/ Kagiura/ Miyano (their significant other)” before passing out. 
- Kagiura stress eats (book) so like if he get stressed and ends up nauseous and with a stomachache.
- Kagiura gets into a fight during a game (the opposing player started it)... or he gets into a fight during school which Hirano breaks up. Bonus points if Hirano freaks (like Kagi is seriously hurt or out) and Sasaki has to pull Hirano off the “bully.”
- Kagiura goes down during a game- dealer’s choice; Hirano freaks. Or Kagi vomits during a game. 
- Kagiura gets sick in the middle of the night. Hirano wakes up to the unpleasant sounds of retching... 
- Miyano or Sasaki crashing/ interrupting a council meeting because something’s wrong with Kagi (either Miyano stayed with the younger boy because he’s more gentle than Sasaki or Sasaki stayed because if Kagiura needed to go somewhere or if he stood up and then dropped, Sasaki would be the only one able to hold up the 6′2″ teenager). Kagiura’s sick but he tried so damn hard to hide it because it’s not Hirano’s job to care for him, and it just makes his rejection harder, and... 
- Sasaki dragging a drunk Hirano back to the dorms one night (keep in mind, Hirano can supposedly hold his alcohol so like did he drink a fucking bar?). Hirano’s not great with processing his feelings, or Kagi’s feelings... or whatever. Kagiura is amused but takes care of him because he’s never seen his roommate be an idiot before. 
- Sasaki getting drunk one night and acting like an idiot with Ogasawara and Hirano. Bonus points if Miyano shows up randomly, like he ran into Hirano and Sasaki trying to find their way back home or something- Ogasawara’s GF picked him up (I’m tiny writing this- its a flashback in my other fic) :) 
- Hirano comes back to the dorms one night, bloodied and bruised... he got into a fight (dealer’s choice). 
- Kagiura knew something was wrong when Hirano didn’t wake him up... Hirano sick. 
- Hirano waking up one morning to wake up Kagi to find the teenager’s bed empty, the bathroom light on (pretty sure they share a floor bathroom like in university but for the sake of the fic, they have their own); he waits a few minutes before knocking... he waits a little longer after hearing no answer to see if it was okay to come in... basically, Kagi’s sick. 
- Kagiura’s muscles hurt after a strenuous practice or game; he’s having a hard time doing simple tasks and it’s stupid and frustrating and he doesn’t want to tell Hirano but he really wants to shower because he smells like sweat but he can’t get his stupid shirt over his head. Bonus points if he has several bruises or swollen muscles in his wrist or something from the rigorous physical activity. Kagi’s a dedicated player who can work through pain. 
- Kagiura gets a really bad migraine one evening after practice, and he really wants Hirano to leave him be or to shut the light off or stop tapping his pencil because the sound is going to kill him. His nose starts bleeding because that’s a thing that sometimes just happens.... 
- Hirano gets headache from staring at his phone all day (Sasaki says it was bound to happen). He stops texting Kagiura halfway through the day because he can’t take it and all he wants to do is get through the remaining classes (he doesn’t make it- probably heads to the nurse or just heads back to the dorms), and Kagiura shows up (either to his class, the nurse or the dorms) to check on him. 
- Hirano doesn’t go to one of Kagiura’s games despite going to pretty much everyone, and Kagiura thinks about it the whole time... possibly getting hurt because he’s distracted. He goes back to the dorms (Hirano is either exhausted, hurt or sick). 
- Kagiura pushing through a practice or game before coming back to the dorms and getting sick. Hirano scolds him for being stupid; but Kagiura didn’t want to let his teammates down.
- Sasaki getting motion sickness on the train one morning (perhaps they are going to a BL thing) with Miyano, and Miyano caring. Sasaki knows its lame and gross and he’s sorry because this is stupid... but sometimes the meds don’t work, and why is the convention/ thing so far away? 
- Miyano eating something super sweet either because Sasaki made it or it was a special event (Sasaki’s sister’s wedding, graduation, etc) and it makes him sick; he can’t tolerate sweet stuff well... 
- Hirano getting sick one day and pushing through it. Kagi pulls him aside while practicing to “interrogate” him; Hirano ends up passing out or worse and Kagi walks or carries him to the nurse. 
- When Miyano asked Hirano if he had a good weekend, he wasn’t expecting this response: “Yeah, I guess. My roommate got sick Friday after practice so I basically spent all of Saturday taking care of him...” Miyano’s BL fantasies go wild and Sasaki asks if Kagiura was okay. Hirano looks up from his phone, pausing, “Yeah, he’s better now. I told him I’d kick his ass if i saw him or heard he was at school today... scared the shit out of me though. Especially when me and Hanzawa had to take him to A&E Saturday night because the damn kid couldn’t keep anything down and his fever spiked...” 
- Sasaki eating something spicy or drink a hot beverage (not wanting to be rude, maybe a meet the parent’s type of situation which would be embarrassing, or he just doesn’t want to offend someone like Miyano or something) and it doesn’t not abode well for him because his stomach hurts... maybe Miyano knows something’s wrong but doesn’t think too much of it until he sees Sasaki home... 
- Sasaki and Miyano know each other well enough to know when something’s wrong. 
- Hirano and Kagiura know each other well enough to know when something's wrong. 
- Sasaki has a nightmare and his sister comforts him for once. 
- Hirano trades food with Kagiura like he does most nights because the younger doesn’t like what he got (don’t know if anyone noticed in vol. 1 of HtK, Hirano orders something he knew Kagiura liked just for this reason), and either he or Kagi end up with food poisoning which makes the other feel bad because of the trade... 
- Hirano has a panic attack or anxiety attack from being stressed about grades and next year, etc. Kagiura helps. 
- Kagiura has an anxiety or panic attack about the upcoming game because he’s exhausted and overworked but this is the last game of the season and if he can’t do well, like he feels about the previous game, he’s worried about his future on the team. Hirano helps and reminds him that he’s a great player despite not feeling like it... 
- Kagiura, Hirano, Miyano, or Sasaki during a depressive episode. 
- Kagiura, Hirano, Miyano, or Sasaki running themselves into the ground from exhaustion and stress from exams. 
- Sasaki has allergies and they really fucking suck. 
- Hirano being overworked and stressed and freaking out over something so small. Or fighting a migraine because he needs to study (despite having really good grades)... Kagiura puts him to bed. 
Okay, don’t come at me because of this because this is normally not something I think about but for some reason... 
- Sasaki having something where his muscles clench up (like a seizure; hospital not usually required) for several minutes (it takes a while for his body to regain control over his muscles again, starting with his fingers twitching or his legs spazzing or something, and he’s exhausted/ dehydrated after because it’s like working out non-stop before collapsing- his body uses a huge source of energy to fight against him), and he can’t move and it’s painful and like it’s rare, but it happens when he’s really exhausted or stressed... it only happened twice in high school (in front of other people besides his family), (stems from childhood like an actual medical condition), once in class (he fell from his seat) which freaked everyone out; another time with Miyano/ Hirano (who by now knew what to do)... and now... It started with his hands... His head resting against Miyano’s thigh, his eyelids growing heavy as the BL anime in front of him slowly begins to drift away, Miyano’s fingers carding through his hair slowly. God, he was so fucking tired. Between exams and helping his family in the bakery more, it was nice to have quiet moments like this with his boyfriend. He was almost asleep when he felt it; the sharp pain flicked against his fingers, and he made a small noise as Miyano’s fingers paused momentarily. But the pain was gone as soon as it started... his mind drifting again, the hushed voices of the television fading. His leg tensed, pain eating up his calf, and he whimpered, clenching his eyes tightly as the muscles in his arms tightened. Miyano’s fingers moved to his arm, trying to rub away the inevitable as his soft voice reached Sasaki’s ears. The older yelped again as his body curled in on himself, the muscles in his back, arms and legs ridging, clenching tightly... 
- Or Kagiura has the same thing as described above; Hirano’s been through this before with him, so he doesn’t panic much when the younger whimpers in his sleep, pulling the older from his studies. Hirano glances up, an eyebrow raised as Kagiura yelps again, and the older cusses as he throws his textbook aside... 
- Or Kagiura has one of these during a game or practice and someone runs to get Hirano, either because Kagi told them to right before he went down (you can feel it coming or he gets a nosebleed or something) or because they figured his roommate would know what was happening or what to do.
Like I said, usually not my forte so idk what my mind is currently tapped on... but don’t come after me... 
Idk, I’ll add more if I think of more but feel free to add more or take, just tag because I love reading :) 
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tulakhord · 1 year
got tagged in SOOO many tag games by @raylangivins asdfghjkl thank u ilu here are like, half of them lmao.
(1) shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks stupid girl - garbage salt and vinegar - lights DIP N DRIP - cobrah disturbia - rihanna this hell - rina sawayama deep end - catty night crawling - miley cyrus feat. billy idol messy - kiiara jet black hearts - abigail barlow dancing on my own - robyn (2) a questionnaire!
Tea, coffee, or soda? coffee > everybody..... i do love tea tho. Dogs or cats? dogs bc one's sitting on my feet rn and he's pretty cute so. Can you play any instrument? forgot all the piano i once knew oops What's your sun sign? sagittarius for me as well! ♐️♐️ First song lyrics that pops into your head? how will i know if she really loves meee 🎵 Do you have any tattoos? not yet! indecision etc etc Favorite place you've travelled? british virgin islands What's the last movie you've watched? i literally do not remember but i'm seeing the d&d movie this weekend lmao What languages do you speak? only english, i'm pants at languages :( much like the instruments question i forgot the other ones orz Do you have any hobbies? omg so many, i love doing things lmao. rn i am actually doing campaign prep for ttrpg things while i watch hockey and fill this out, which is a whole category of hobbies by itself (writing! mini painting! drawing! map design! terrain builds! etc etc.) You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? i was gonna be saucy and pick someone hot or someone whose brain i want to dissect like a formaldehyde frog but actually it is toothless i wanna go flying with the flying doggo Compliment yourself: i cooked a delicious dinner tonight! (3) ao3 first lines tagline
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway (spoiler alert: rules are made to be broken…)
"most recent" i have published uhh nothing since 2021 hockey hols oops. i should maybe. fix that. anyway the point is that some of these are from my drafts folder ayy:
The chatter starts up at the end of every season, and every off-season Mat runs the fuck away to get away from it.
There’s three shadows standing over Eddie when he comes to, curled in on himself on the ground and damp with his own sweat.
The last dragons—barely hatchlings—die at Dragonstone. Perhaps it's only fitting that the last dragonspawn do too.
“I used to think about it,” admits Trevor. “You making me sorry for it.” (x)
Leon makes all his biggest mistakes in Las Vegas, and tonight is no exception. The team is flying high off a win they didn’t expect—off a win, strictly speaking, they did not deserve—and the music is good, and the lights are low, and the drinks keep coming. (x)
Raff is in the Dallas hotel room, and Joel didn’t invite him—didn’t expect him—but holy cannoli is Joel glad to see him there. (x)
The first thing to understand was Raff didn’t have a heart. (x)
As far as Jack was concerned, Taylor Hall could take his Nantucket wedding, his signed contract in Boston, his Biosteel invite and his mostly working body and all the other hallmarks of his happily ever after—and shove it up his own ass. (x)
He had made a conscious choice not to tell anyone about the situation, and indeed, not to think about the situation any more than could be helped. This had worked well for the past several years, except that it meant that Auston had not thought twice about extending the invitation for Dylan to join them for two weeks in Scottsdale. (x)
They’d tracked the old legends from planet to planet, each one emptier than the last: graveyards with no graves, detonation marks from imperial explosives scouring ancient stone, each once-sacred place swept clean of its history. (x)
tagging 10 of you i've seen in my notes lately, do one or two or all of em: @maddiebuckley @bluewaterhigh2005 @tobysziegler @st-louis @xreveux @parisebuyout2021 @chevalric @joeslie @marmolita @townhulls @bigbrotherlouis
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mrs-iruka · 2 years
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I posted 4,636 times in 2022
That's 4,207 more posts than 2021!
111 posts created (2%)
4,525 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 180 of my posts in 2022
#umino iruka - 50 posts
#hatake kakashi - 47 posts
#kakairu - 43 posts
#kakairu fanfic - 38 posts
#fluff - 36 posts
#naruto - 20 posts
#yamato tenzo - 15 posts
#tanuki - 14 posts
#yamato - 12 posts
#iruka - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 63 characters
#sometimes we need reminding that there's ppl out there who care
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Do you even care about your health?" Iruka asked angrily.
Kakashi winced and shrank in on himself. Again he'd escaped from the hospital after coming back beaten and bloody.
"One of these days you're going to kill yourself by leaving the hospital early," Iruka yelled.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to be at home with you," Kakashi said shamefacedly. "It was a long mission."
All the fight went out of Iruka and he wrapped himself around his boyfriend.
"You're an idiot," Iruka said softly.
"But you love me," Kakashi said.
"Kami knows I do. I Love you so very much."
51 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
For @depressedhatakekakashi as you aren't feeling well, I wrote this to cheer you up. It's a Kakairu, and it's 2k words.
Unfortunately I am in mobile, so I can't create a cut! So I apologise to anyone who has to scroll past this fic...
Get Well Soon
"Kakashi? Kakashi? Are you here?" Iruka called as he stepped into Kakashi's apartment. 
Iruka checked the entire apartment, but hesitated a moment before knocking on Kakashi's bedroom door. 
"Kakashi?" Iruka asked softly as he slowly pushed the door open. 
When Iruka finally stepped inside of Kakashi's bedroom, he saw a lump laying in the middle of the bed with the covers pulled up over his head. 
"Kakashi, are you okay?" Iruka whispered as he crept towards the bed. 
Gently, Iruka sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the sheet down. He found Kakashi out of it, his cheeks a rosy red, and he was sweating profusely. 
Iruka placed a hand against Kakashi's forehead and found the Jounin was burning up. 
"Shit," Iruka muttered. 
Iruka quickly got to his feet and found the linen cupboard. He pulled out a couple of face clothes, before heading to the kitchen to find a bowl to fill with cool water. 
See the full post
54 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Someone definitely forgot to add Viktor's ring! Look closely now 😉
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55 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
All three pieces together ❤️
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Thank you Mizuno ❤️
65 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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"Kakashi what are you doing out here?" Iruka asked.
"Do you think that they would be proud of me?" Kakashi asked quietly.
Iruka walked up to Kakashi and gently laid a hand on the other man's shoulder. Before stepping back, suddenly feeling uncertain.
"Kakashi, of course they are. How could they not be? Despite what you might think, the will of fire burns fiercely inside of you. You are strong, loyal, and you care about your village and its people," Iruka said softly, a smile gracing his lips.
Kakashi turned to look at the young man beside him for a moment before turning back to look at the memorial stone.
"I hope you're right," Kakashi whispered.
187 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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