#and then I was like omg but now my other arm feels empty
doriandrifting · 1 year
I’m so normal about them…anyway seventh tattoo in the books with the wizard hat 😌
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heart of hearts- the innermost part of someone’s heart where their truth/secrets are held; who someone is behind their mask/armor
enough for the wise-the idea that something can be understood without any need for explanation; a hint is enough to make sense of the truth
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moonstruckme · 4 months
omg i'm SO obsessed with roommate james like you don't understanddddd 😭💗 i've been loving the shy reader fics so far i'm so excited to see more of them!! i don't know if this would make sense w/ shy reader so honestly just write it however you want but i would loooove to see something w/ roommate james where he has friends over but is always like talking about her and checking on her and everything and his friends are just teasing him about it hahaha i think it would be so fun!! anyway tysm and i hope you have a good day!!!
Hi sweetheart! I had this scene already written but I did implement a couple of the things you requested, hope you like it <3
cw: alcohol
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │ part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.3k words
Somehow, you’ve wound up basically in James’ armpit. 
“Falsehoods!” James is laughing, nearly shouting, but you get the sense one needs to yell a bit to communicate in this friend group. Everyone except Lily and Remus, that is, for whom the others seem to quiet reflexively every time they start to speak. “Lies and falsehoods! If I recall, I wasn’t the one who left a pot in the sink for so long it grew mold.” 
“It wasn’t my pot!” Sirius defends himself, propping himself up on Remus' shoulder to make his point. He’s somehow managed to recline on the arm of your couch, his boyfriend’s arm wrapped cautiously around his waist to keep him from slipping off. “You cooked pasta in it and then forgot!” 
“Y/n,” says Lily, sitting across her girlfriend’s lap, “blink twice if you need help.” 
Mary laughs, hooking her hands under Lily’s knees to pull her closer and then intertwining their fingers. This is another thing you’ve noticed about James’ friends: they have a tendency to pile. Not even necessarily with their respective significant others and seemingly regardless of the seating available; last time you came home Sirius was half across James’ lap and Lily and Remus were sitting together on the rug as if the rest of the couch wasn’t empty. 
You laugh too, self-consciousness making you slip further down James’ side when the others look your way. So, it’s possible you have some idea of how you came to be basically in his armpit. 
James grins down at you. “Don’t listen to them,” he stage-whispers. “We both know what a good roommate I can be, under the right management.” 
Your answering smile comes far too easily. You like seeing James like this. You don’t think he’s ever not himself, but as soon as Sirius got here it’s like he dialed up to eleven. And he obviously loves his friends, entertaining them, making them laugh. You can see why, too. They’re an easy bunch to talk to. 
It probably helps that James has been practically tipping ciders down your throat (he hasn’t; he’s offered them to you, and you’ve gulped them down like the nervous freak you are), but you’re actually having a good time. You felt a bit indebted after he’d bought you a pizza last week and you’d still chickened out of coming downstairs, but now you’re glad you’re here. 
Your body feels loose and liquidy, and your shoulder is just starting to hurt from the position you’re in (which makes you wonder how long James’ ribs have been hurting from your shoulder digging into them) when he looks down at you again. He seems amused. 
“You comfy down there?” he asks. 
“Meh.” It’s an honest answer. 
“Here.” He brings his arm to your shoulder, propping you up and then scooching closer to you on the couch. Now you’re not in his armpit so much as under his arm, which drops from where it’s draped across the back of the couch to squeeze your shoulder reassuringly. “Better?” 
“Yeah.” Even the social lubricant of alcohol can’t keep the nervous edge from your voice. “Thanks.” 
“Course, love.” He gives your shoulder another little squeeze, beaming as he focuses back on the conversation. 
Your chest hurts, a gratifying ache. 
You manage to down another cider before his friends start saying their goodbyes, Sirius and Remus each whipping out a cigarette as soon as they’re outside while Lily and Mary fake cough and James heckles them lovingly from the doorway. 
When he shuts the door he’s still smiling, so obviously content you can’t help but feel a crush of affection for him. 
“Thanks for inviting me,” you say, grabbing a rag to clean up where Mary had accidentally spilled a bit of her drink. 
“Of course, I told you you’re always—what are you doing?” 
He sounds so affronted you actually think you’ve done something wrong. You look up from where you’re mopping up the spill, confused. 
“I’m cleaning everything from tonight,” he says, still looking outraged. 
You smile in relief when you realize it’s feigned. “Don’t be stupid. I was participating tonight, too.”
“You make it sound like you were an accomplice to some crime.” James sits down beside you and steals the rag from your hand, cleaning up the rest of the spill himself. “You’re off the hook, you were practically coerced.” 
“I was,” you agree, standing and gathering the dishes from the coffee table instead, “but it was fun in the end. I’m a little bit glad you coerced me.” 
You can hear James’ smile in his voice. “I’ll be sure to do it more often. First, I’m gonna coerce you into hanging out with us again on Friday, and then—“ He turns around, eyes narrowing as he spots the couple of glasses you’re carrying “—stop picking up my mess! Fuck, I can’t keep up with you, you’re like a machine.” 
A giggle fizzes out of you. James stands and holds his hands out for them, but you take a couple of steps back. “Why can’t I help? Anyway, you’re just as clean as I am.” 
“Because, it was my idea,” he laughs, pursuing you. “And I’m only clean because you’re clean.” He backs you up against the stairs, wrestling the glasses away from you with frustrating ease. “If I thought you didn’t care, this whole place would look like the inside of my room.” 
You give an odd bark of laughter, leaning on the banister to look at him. He looks ridiculously smug, both glasses held in one big hand. “Oh my god, you’re so nice. It’s pathological.” 
“Wow.” Some of the smugness falls away as James grins at you. “That’s a real one.” 
“Your smile,” he says. You still don’t get how he can do this eye contact thing, looking at you so openly while he seems so sincere. Your own gaze flees downward, warmth rushing to your cheeks. “I don’t get to see it a lot, out in the open like that. It’s really lovely.” 
He reaches for you, doing this weird chin-pinching thing that shouldn’t be half as endearing as it is. You roll your eyes, but your mouth seems stuck. You don’t know how to respond. 
James doesn’t seem to notice, taking the glasses with him into the kitchen. You grab a few more off the table and follow him. He’s turned the light above the sink on, but the rest of the kitchen is dim. His long sleeves are pushed up to his elbows as he makes soapy water in the sink. 
As you come in, he turns around to take the glasses from you, the light from above casting a glowy halo of his thick brown hair. He’s so beautiful it makes your stomach hurt. You’re suddenly worried you might be just inebriated enough to do something stupid. 
James narrows his eyes at you teasingly as he snatches the glasses away. “Enough of that,” he scolds. 
“Are you sure you don’t want any more help?” you ask. 
He rolls his eyes. You’re pretty sure he didn’t do that so much before he started hanging out with you. On him, it somehow manages to look fond. “Positive,” he says. “Go stop being useful.” 
You catch yourself biting the inside of your lip. “Okay. Then I think I’m gonna head up for the night.” 
“Yeah?” James looks over, and you wonder for a second if something in your voice has given you away. He looks confused, a bit worried, but then that melds into a soft sweetness. He gives you a smile. “Okay. Sweet dreams.” 
“You too,” you say, doing your best to smile in response before you round the corner to the stairs. 
Your brain feels fuzzy. You’re not sure if that’s from alcohol or fatigue or something else entirely, but it feels good to put on your pajamas, clean your face in front of the mirror. The covers on your bed are soft and heavy. You can hear the kitchen sink running downstairs as you slip beneath them, James finally starting to rinse the dishes before he turns in for the night, too. 
You think of his boisterous laugh, the weight of his arm around your shoulders, his thumb pressing into your chin. 
When you close your eyelids, you half expect to find a faint outline of his smile impressed upon the insides.
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
omg please part 2 off wishful thinking it was so good
we make sense, don't we?
thank you my sweet! cw; bau!reader, idiots realized <3, angst if you really squint, aaron pouring his heart out and FLUFF wc; 1k
part one
Saturday night had arrived; the sun was just beginning to sweep below the horizon. As a result, your living room filled with a comforting warm glow, contrasting the restless feeling your body currently held.
The thought had just entered your mind - you should've been getting ready for the date by now - but a sudden knock at your door interrupted your thinking.
Confused, you rose and crossed the threshold of your apartment. You opened the door, revealing none other than Aaron Hotchner.
"Oh," You blurted out, your heart picking up. "It's you."
You've never seen him like this; Aaron ridden with nerves. His eyes were somber, yet on edge. At first glance, they were desperate. His hands were buried within his pockets, and despite his nervousness, he didn't dare pull his eyes away from yours. "Can we talk?"
"Um, of course. Sure." You opened the door slightly more, allowing him the room to enter. "Come on in."
He thanked you with a swift nod, stepping inside. You closed the door, slowly, to fill the tense silence that hung over your heads, both of you figuring out what to say.
"What is it?" You leaned against the wall, crossing your arms across your chest. You were suddenly hyper-aware of your actions; should your arms be crossed, or was at your side better? What did your hair currently look like, after spending a rotting day on the couch, nose buried in a book. You nearly blanched at the thought, hoping you didn't look too horrendous.
However, while you contemplated your unkempt appearance, Aaron thought quite the opposite.
"I wasn't honest with you."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "About-"
"I don't think you should go on that date tonight." He confided earnestly, feeling nearly sick to his stomach at the thought. To be fair, he had felt similarly since the initial conversation on the jet. He could barely eat the past few days, his throat uncomfortably locked with dread. Regret.
Your mouth parted slightly, in surprise. You would've given anything to hear him say those words on the jet. But for now, your eyes only searched his for more.
"It's not my place to dictate what you do, and I'm not here to change your mind either," He honestly said, internally accepting the possibility his impromptu visit was for nothing. That he was truly, too late. "But you asked what I thought."
It took you a second, still soaking in his words, before you nervously queried. "What do you think, then?"
This is when he tore away his gaze - taking a moment to himself - internalizing what was due to be said and finding a sense of composure. He sighed heavily. Here it goes.
"You and me, we work, don't we?" He hadn't realized how frustrated he was until the admission left his mouth - his voice ached. He continued without waiting for an answer, his words flowing freely now that they've grazed the surface. "I don’t know about you, but I can’t pretend anymore. I can't keep pretending that there's nothing going on between us. I don't need to elaborate, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Right?" He took a step towards you. "We make sense."
"Then why haven't you asked me out?" Your voiced twinged too, partially at fault as well. You never initiated anything, either.
The empty hole that maintained home in the middle of his chest seemingly deepened, sadness brimming at the rim. "As cliché as this statement is, it's complicated. I'm complicated. It's... I'm good at shutting people out. You know how I am with the team, others, I prefer it even."
"But then with you... it's addictive almost, you're addictive. I don't know how else to put it. If I'm not near you, I have the utmost desire to be. You make me want to be open and vulnerable and as much as I fear I'd have a negative imprint on you" Like Haley. "I'm sick of allowing that to control my life. So I'm giving in to it, to be with you. If you'd let me, that is."
You blinked up at him, utterly speechless.
"Which, I'm sorry for coming over unannounced. Unfairly at that," An breath escaped from his nose, resisting the urge to clench his jaw in jealousy. "Before Cameron-"
"Actually," You finally found your voice, interrupting him and feeling lighter than ever. "He's not."
His eyebrows furrowed, a stern yet quizzically pull forming on his face. You could've sworn there wasn't a more adorable sight. "What?"
"I called the date off." You shook your head. "I didn't want to go, and the only reason why I even considered it was because I needed the distraction. From you."
There was an instant change in Aaron; his shoulders dropped, his face softened. Relief swept through him, he could breathe again.
"Truth is," You took a breath, bravely moving yourself closer and bringing your hand to his neck. You could feel his heartbeat racing underneath your fingers. "I've longed for you so much. So much it's almost embarrassing." You laughed gently, a faint blush appearing at your cheekbones. "Long story short, I've been holding out for you all along. No one is you. And it wouldn't be fair to James, you, or myself if I went through with it."
"Of course. Of course I feel it." You laughed gently, a sly smile tugging at your lips as your fingertips brushed against his skin. "Guess we've been on the same page all along, huh?"
"We're stupid, aren't we?" He laughed, his head leaning into your touch as your hand rose to cup his cheek.
Aaron allowed himself to look at you, he wouldn't deprive himself any longer. He was free to fully admire you without the fear of being caught - no limitations. Lovesick.
"Are you just going to stare at me all night?" You quipped, a light tease in your voice and with just an admirable gaze at him in return.
"Maybe," He mumbled back as his smile resurfaced, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "There's something else I'd rather do, in fact."
Your heart skipped a beat, "oh?"
"Can I please kiss you?"
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kira-dofc · 3 months
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Bodyguard! Gojo x K-pop Idol Male reader
Part 2
Part 1
Notes: I don't really know what to say, but, OMG, I MADE A SMUT? Well, I had to do it someday I had to feed you all with Gojo 😔
Word count: 3000
Warnings: Smut! Size kink (?), overstimulation, sub male reader, I don't know anymore.
Fem and minors dni! (18+ content warning)
You woke up to the sudden buzz of your phone. It was 7:00 a.m., and your eyes, still heavy with sleep, struggled to focus as you reached out to turn off the persistent alarm. With a groggy sigh, you placed the phone back on the nightstand and collapsed back onto the bed, seeking the warmth of your blankets. As you did, you felt a comforting presence next to you: a white-haired man with a strong yet gentle grip around your waist. His name was Gojo, and his presence had become your most cherished comfort.
Gojo nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin as he groaned softly, still caught in the haze of sleep. You felt his warmth envelop you, and you instinctively tightened your embrace around him, pressing yourself closer to his invitingly warm chest. His body heat was intoxicating, and you found yourself sinking deeper into the mattress, your worries melting away in the safe haven of his arms. He was perfect, and every moment with him felt like a precious gift.
The morning light began to filter through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Despite the intrusion of dawn, you couldn't bring yourself to leave the comfort of his embrace. Gradually, you drifted back to sleep, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a serene slumber.
When you woke up again, it was to the disconcerting realization that Gojo was no longer beside you. The space where he had lain was now cold and empty. Panic began to set in as you quickly sat up, your eyes darting around the room in search of any sign of him. Your heart raced as you scanned the hotel room, your mind conjuring up all sorts of anxious scenarios. You clambered out of bed and started your frantic search, checking every possible hiding spot.
You peeked into the small kitchen area, hoping to find him making breakfast, but there was no sign of him. You even looked under the bed, inside the closet, and every other conceivable nook and cranny, but to no avail. Just as you were beginning to feel a deep sense of dread, you remembered the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar, and you felt a glimmer of hope.
Pushing the door open, you saw him, and relief washed over you. There he was, taking a bath, completely naked and seemingly unbothered by your sudden entrance. His surprise was evident as he flinched at the sound of your voice, but his expression quickly softened into a chuckle. "What are you doing here?" he asked with a playful glint in his eye. "Want to take a bath with me?"
Your face turned crimson as you stammered, "No!" You hastily retreated, slamming the door behind you, feeling like a blushing mess. You could still hear his laughter echoing from the bathroom as you sat back down on the bed, trying to calm your racing heart.
Desperate for a distraction, you picked up your phone and opened it, only to be greeted by a barrage of notifications. The headlines screamed at you:
**Xx News: "Y/N L/N Dating Rumors Revealed: K-pop Idol Y/N L/N in a Relationship!"**
Your heart skipped a beat as you scrolled through the messages. Your group chat was exploding with activity.
**Nanami:** "What the hell is happening?"
And then there were the countless fan messages, each more dramatic than the last.
**I want to suck Y/N's toes 💖:** "BRO, MY HUSBAND IS DATING SM1 😔💔💔🤬😡😟😟😔😔💔💔"
You sighed, knowing full well that this was bound to happen eventually. Gojo's slip-up had exposed your relationship to the world, and now you were trending for all the wrong reasons. While it was partly his fault, you couldn't deny your own role in the fiasco. Still, you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all as you continued scrolling through the flood of messages.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the creak of the bathroom door. You looked up to see Gojo, still wet and very much naked, peeking out with a sheepish grin. "Baby, where are the towels? I can't find 'em," he called out, looking helpless.
Startled, you quickly got up, "Wait, I'll go get some." You rummaged through the drawers and found a fresh towel. You handed it to him, trying to avoid looking directly at his still-damp form. "Here," you said, your cheeks still burning.
"Thanks," he replied, his smile widening as he took the towel and wrapped it around his waist. You turned to leave, but he caught your wrist and pulled you back towards him. You found yourself face to chest with him, his muscled torso warm and inviting. You looked up, meeting his mischievous gaze.
"What are you doing?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"This," he said softly, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. The kiss quickly deepened, his tongue exploring your mouth with a hunger that made you weak in the knees. You let out a breathy moan, lost in the sensation of his lips against yours. He nipped at your bottom lip before pulling away, his breathing heavy.
"You know we can continue this," he murmured suggestively, his eyes dark with desire.
You shook your head, trying to regain your composure. "No, I have a lot I want to do, and I'm getting a bath."
"But I can take a bath again," he teased, pulling you closer.
"No," you said firmly, but with a smile, gently pushing him away. He pouted playfully as you finally managed to escape his grasp and head towards the shower. The warm water cascaded over you, washing away the remnants of sleep and the tension from your encounter with Gojo. It was refreshing and calming, a welcome respite from the chaos that awaited you.
After your shower, you dried off and dressed in a comfortable yet stylish outfit: a grey shirt, beige cargo pants, and black sneakers. Feeling more like yourself, you walked back to Gojo, who was now fully dressed and waiting for you with a playful smile.
"Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry," you whined, your stomach growling in agreement.
He chuckled, "Okay, okay, let's go."
You both grabbed your keycards and headed down to the main lobby, where the hotel's breakfast buffet awaited. As you walked side by side, the events of the morning replayed in your mind, a mixture of embarrassment, amusement, and contentment. Despite the unexpected turn of events, you felt a deep sense of happiness inside you, as you looked over at him, staring at his eyes.
You two finally reached the lobby and were met with a chaotic scene at the entrance. A throng of paparazzi and cameramen waited outside, their flashes illuminating the glass doors like strobe lights. You weren't sure if they were there for you, but the mere possibility made you decide to focus on eating first.
The breakfast buffet was extraordinary, an impressive spread of culinary delights. You couldn't resist the allure of the beautifully arranged dishes. You piled your plate high with a variety of foods, from fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon to fresh fruit and delicate pastries. Each bite was more delicious than the last. Before long, you felt your stomach reaching its limit. Holding your bloated belly, you groaned, "Too much food..." and grumbled. Gojo, sitting across from you, had eaten significantly less, his appetite seemingly much smaller than yours.
As you sipped on a final glass of orange juice, your thoughts drifted back to the commotion at the hotel's entrance. Curiosity gnawed at you, and you decided it was time to investigate. With Gojo by your side, you made your way towards the front of the hotel. The moment you stepped outside, a barrage of camera flashes assaulted your eyes. The intensity of the scene was overwhelming, and you found yourself rooted to the spot, unable to move.
Just then, you felt a sudden warmth enclosing your hand. Gojo had grabbed it tightly, his grip reassuring and firm. "Let's get out of here, come on!" he urged, his voice cutting through the cacophony. Without another word, he pulled you back inside the hotel, the paparazzi surging forward in an attempt to follow you.
You both ran towards the elevator, the hotel's security guards stepping in to hold back the growing crowd. The elevator doors opened just in time, and you and Gojo slipped inside, the doors closing behind you with a reassuring thud.
Panting, you rested your hands on your thighs, trying to catch your breath. You glanced at Gojo, who was laughing despite the situation. "God, it's only been a day, and people are already obsessing over us!" His laughter was infectious, and you found yourself chuckling as well. However, the moment was interrupted by a ding, signaling the elevator's arrival at another floor.
The doors slid open to reveal a familiar figure. "Y/N, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you." It was your current group member, Geto. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight of you and Gojo. "Close," you commanded hastily, and the doors began to close slowly, leaving Geto standing there with a bemused expression.
Finally reaching your floor, you walked down the hallway towards your room, Gojo's hand still firmly holding yours. The adrenaline from the chase had left you both slightly giddy. You fumbled with the keycard, eventually managing to unlock the door. Once inside, you immediately plopped down on the bed, the soft mattress welcoming your tired body.
Gojo let out a sigh of relief, flopping onto the bed beside you. "That was intense," he remarked, a hint of amusement still in his voice.
"Tell me about it," you replied, closing your eyes for a moment to savor the quiet. The events of the morning played back in your mind, from the lavish breakfast to the unexpected paparazzi ambush. You were still trying to process it all.
Gojo's hand remained in yours, a comforting presence amidst the chaos. "At least we have each other," he said softly, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
You opened your eyes and turned to look at him, a smile tugging at the corners of
your lips. "Yeah," you agreed, "we do."
"So what do you want to do now?" Gojo questioned while leaning towards you, "We could order wine and drink stuff or..." You gazed at his mouth as it mouthed the words he was muttering. How soft and plump his lips looked. They way it was the right shade of pink, enough for you to just kiss it until it fades it's color.
"I know what do to," "What?" He looked at you enthusiastically. "Just wait, I'll make this fun for you."
You leaned towards him, giving him a kiss. You placed your hands on his chest, squeezing it as you laid your chest to his. You fell into the kiss as he held your waist tightly. Swaying it from the movements of your lips interlocking his.
His started tongue exploring your mouth as you let out a muffled moan. This turned him on. He moved up from the corner of the bed to the middle, keeping your contact intact with him. Your kisses just mean everything to him. Just the mere sense of biting your soft lips, making him hard every single time. Your moans, too, give him a tingle everything he hears it. The first kiss filled with pure romance turned into sloppy, dirty ones.
You arched your back, trying to deepen the kiss. You just loved the feeling of his skin touching yours. The way he held your hips as he buckled it near his crotch. You two soon ended the kiss, hoping to catch some breath. He then pulled off your shirt as you unbuttoned his. His abs were perfect. You grazed your hand onto his collarbone as he grazed his at your hips. His hands soon touched your back, giving you small shivers.
"Suck me off first, babe?" He said as he placed his palm on your cheeks. He then unbuckled his belt and took off his pants. You sat there in front of him to see a wet and bare cocktail standing in front of you. You looked at his as you thought if this was a good idea, but your body did its thing and went closer to it. You kissed the tip as you played with the slit, teasing it before suckong it in. "Hey, not teasing..." Gojo said with a slight whimper in his voice. His hand held tightly to your head, swirling your hair clockwise with his thumbs as you finally took it in one whole push.
You were quite experienced, giving the fact that you and Gojo had done this multiple times, so you could say your were his personal slut ;). A small whimper came out of Gojo as he held your hair tightly, trying to stop the sounds he was about to make. You slowly took it in, moving up and down as you swirled your tongue on his tip. Good enough. This made him moan quite a couple of times.
Soon after, your head was being pushed up and down by Gojo as he held your head tightly. He was like holding some kind of pillow with a hole inside, trying to satisfy his sweet, sweet cravings of your mouth. You couldn't breathe, but you couldn't deny that it felt great, too great. He soon came, strings off his baby makers fell right into your throat, it was rather sweet and warm.
He then lifted you up to his legs as you sat on him. He pushed you on the bed as you played there half naked. He took off your pants, almost ripping it on the process, as he held your hips. You then felt a sudden twitch in your aching hole. You saw his idea finger coming in and out of you. This wasn't enough for you to moan loud for him; you wanted something bigger. He then added a second finger, thrusting it in and out. With your face all flustered, you covered your face with the nearest pillow as you tried to muffle your soft whimpers coming out from your mouth. "You said you're making this fun for me? Now, why don't you make me listen to your sweet voice, hm?" He said as he touched your prostate, making your squeal louder than anyone could.
He soon noticed your sudden scream as he chuckled and kept hitting the same exact spot over and over. Your screams turned into moans as you felt your climax peaking over. Gojo leaned over to you, his chest close to yours yet still not stopping from his fingering. His breaths were hot, hitting your face every time he pushed his fingers in and out of your body. It felt amazing, especially coming from a man like Gojo. He huffed and soon pulled out his fingers. You looked up at him in question, just to see him aligning his tip into your hole. Half of his inch soon went inside of you. It wasn't your first time, yes, but it still felt weird. His slow thrusts in and out of you have made you moan so loud anyone from outside could hear it.
You slow thrusts soon paced up and trusted in and out of you every second. His cock springing in and out of you as he explored every part of your insides. This, though, wasn't enough for him. He then perked off your dick. This felt too good now. The overstimulating is driving you insane. You panted as you felt pleasure both in you and on your dick. Man, he would do anything just for you to feel good. Your hands gripped at the mattress as Gojo breathed heavily on top of you. His hands soon met yours, interlocking his to your fingers. His breathes synchronized with his thrusts as you let out some breathy moans just for him to hear. He then held you up, holding your back as you sat on his legs. He then flipped you over, holding one of your hands to your back. Only one hand could support you now, but this feeling made you forget the uncomfortable mess you are in. He then held you on to him again as he thrusted into you while you sat there in front of him.
After what seemed to be 30 minutes, he finally came, knotting your insides with his cum, and yours splurting on his abs. He held you tightly as you hugged him tightly while arching your back. You nuzzled your face to the crook of his neck as he breathed heavily, "Y'know, I would do this all day with you, but I wouldn't want to see my baby limping on stage tomorrow," he said as he continued breathing heavily "I love you," he said, "I love you too, Toru" You replied as you rested your face on his neck.
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yuellii · 11 months
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The Four Stages of Jealousy : THE IUDEX.
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STAGE I. — Identification.
There is a threat, that a person may feel losing someone to someone better than them. "I want what you have, and I hate that you have what I want."
Neuvillette wasn’t quite sure of the sudden twist in his stomach as he stood at your doorstep, a bag of pastries tucked under one of his arms and a box of tea bags carried under his other.
Saturdays, three o’clock sharp in the afternoon held meaning: A time in which he’d arrive at your boutique, treats in hand and a pleasant look on his face. He’d try on one of your hats, maybe, for it was a prime time for tea, taken advantage of by the two of you, alone together every Saturday afternoon. It was an evening of the week where he was most happiest, though that might’ve been only an assumption. But the tranquility he usually felt standing at your doorstep was never one he could ignore.
Unfortunately, said tranquility seemed to be lacking this time around.
What he expected as another nice time alone with you ( especially since it was on your undocumented schedule—but who cared for documents, when he looked forward to this meeting every week? ) was instead being interrupted by a certain someone. Namely, a certain Champion Duelist. And maybe, Neuvillette would not be so bothered, had she not been sitting in his seat.
( Said seat was also unspoken, or ‘undocumented’ between the two of you, but still. He sat there every week—therefore by repeated pattern alone, that antique chair in front of the table should be his. )
( And sure, this might’ve been your boutique’s seating area, where everyone comes to sit during the day; But on Saturdays during tea time, he’d like to think that seat was practically reserved for him. )
“Neuvillette!” you practically gasped, facial expression turning into one of lightened excitement at seeing him. There was a blissful ignorance in your voice—‘ignorant’ in the way he was truly glad you didn’t know he was mentally annoyed at the mere fact his seat was taken. But nevertheless, the tightrope of his heart fluttered at the sound of your voice, which always sounded so enthusiastic every week he came back here. Perhaps you were just excited to see him as much as he was excited to see you—the thought alone brings a shiver to his spine.
He approaches forward with a polite smile of his own when you pat the empty spot adjacent to you on the loveseat. Ah, so the theft of his usual antique chair leaves him to sit beside you. Maybe the uninvited guest was welcomed, now that he thought about it.
“What brings Miss Clorinde with us today?” he finally asked, addressing the most obvious outlier first. When he set the bag of pastries down on the table, he watched as the Duelist eyed it with interest.
Clorinde hummed. “I was here for a small chat, then I was told that Monsieur Neuvillette would be ‘arriving soon’. And here you are.” At the recount of events, Neuvillette noticed how Clorinde threw a playful look at you. This playfulness did not stop, unfortunately for him, when she leaned forward to peek at the paper bag he brought in. “Then I stayed, because I thought: ‘What could the Chief Justice possibly say that’s interesting enough for weekly conversations?’”
You gasped at her teasing insult. “Clorinde!” you scolded with slight laughter. “Monsieur Neuvillette is a great companion for tea conversations! He’s very interesting, indeed, I promise you!”
“Thank you,” Neuvillette coughed through his words. He’s beginning to feel a bit awkward here…
“Oh?” Clorinde piped up again, just before Neuvillette could even get another word out. “There’s a lot of pastries in here, and also a new box of tea?”
“He brings them for us to share every week!” you exclaimed happily, grabbing the bag off the table and kindly distributing a treat to everyone. And that’s when suddenly, Neuvillette wishes he only bought one for the two of you, because he watches as you set down the pieces of Conch Madeleines in front of the Champion Duelist, despite Neuvillette knowing those were your favorites. Meanwhile, instead, you gave him and yourself the remaining other pastries. But surely, you wouldn’t just give up your favorites like that… Unless you favored Clorinde. Ah, but maybe he was overthinking it. “Isn’t he the sweetest?”
Clorinde sends him a casual smirk, likely to tease him. “Sweetest, certainly.”
He wasn’t sure how to respond to any of this at all.
When he eventually had to leave, Clorinde still stayed there to chat with you, and he felt empty walking out of your boutique. Emptier than usual, actually. It was certainly confusing, due to the fact nothing inherently bad happened, and he certainly didn’t want to say Clorinde’s presence bothered him, or anything over-the-top like that.
Neuvillette didn’t get to talk to you as much as he wanted to today.
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STAGE II. — Confrontative.
Where negative thoughts start to bloom as "envy." Jealousy begins to indicate love for the person, and the individual is afraid of losing that object of their love.
It’s the following Saturday when he sees you again, and he can’t quite understand why he feels an air of relief upon seeing that Clorinde is not there today.
“Neuvillette!” You greet him with the same smile and same excitement as always, and the rush of paradise courses through his body before he sits across from you in his usual seat: the antique chair right in front of you. He sets down his paper bag of fresh pastries; And upon doing so, he can’t help but smile when he noticed there are only two teacups on the table. One for you, and one for himself. “You seem a little more delighted today”—Was it that obvious?—“What’s gotten you into a good mood, Monsieur?”
He hummed. “Nothing, really.” He actually wasn’t quite sure why he was feeling so joyous today, either, but as long as you were sitting there still smiling at him, then it would all be alright. “It’s just natural, since it’s always my pleasure to spend my Saturday afternoons with you.”
Bring your hand up to cover your mouth, you lightly gasped at his words. “Oh, Monsieur!” you giggled. “I hadn’t known you could be a charmer with your words!”
He liked the reaction you gave him. He thinks he liked the feeling of approval you gave him, but even more. Neuvillette learned rather gradually that you always tended to get a happy sort-of embarrassment from his ‘compliments’. Said ‘compliments’, however, referred to mere truthful facts he’s laid for you. But there’s a certain loveliness that comes with confiding in someone to tell all your truths to, and he’s more than elated that you’re the one he trusts to blabber endlessly to. He just hopes it can stay like this for a long time: Just the two of you, enjoying your Saturday afternoon tea.
“So,” Neuvillette began, watching as you took a bite of the Conch Madeleine he bought specifically for you. He had to catch himself from smiling at you—if his duty was to buy your favorite treat every week, then so be it. “How has your week been since I last saw you?”
Your hand once again flies up to cover your mouth as you quickly finish to chew and swallow the bite before answering him. “It’s been fun, actually! I saw a concert performed by a famous violinist—I believe I might’ve even spotted you in the front row…”
“Ah, yes, that would’ve been me. It was a spectacular performance; I’m happy to know you saw it,” he smiled. Hm, if he knew you were there that night, he certainly would’ve said hello. Your hand moves upwards once more to bring your teacup closer to your lips, and now he’s curious to ask: “And that ring of yours—that’s new, when did you get it?”
“Oh!” After setting the teacup down, you quickly leaned forwards, outstretching your right arm to show off the ring to him at a closer view. “I just got it yesterday, actually. Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It is.” It really dazzles to compliment your eyes. Neuvillette catches himself thinking of little things he’s never thought before. Like the way your hair frames your face perfectly, especially at this angle. Or the way your eyes held this delicate shine he admired so dearly, only now heightened by the sparkle of the ring’s reflection. There’s a new tide of poetry unspoken in the depths of his mind, and they might as well stay locked until he figures out just what this emotion is.
When you offer your hand for him to get a closer inspection of the ring is when his breath seems almost stolen from his lungs. Months and months of these weekly tea meetings, and yet he feels this is the closest proximity he’s ever been to you. Here, in his antique chair in the middle of your boutique shop, holding your hand from across the table.
But he feels a spark that he prays you sense as well, for the mere desire of wanting this moment to last forever is enough to tell him that he is completely in love with you.
He leans down gently to reach closer to your hand, kissing your knuckle so featherlight next to the ring. “And it’s even more beautiful on you,” he mutters to you when he pulls away.
Your heart might’ve skipped a beat when you retracted your hand, but he has no idea—he was too lovestruck just now to even think properly. But you take just a moment to recover whilst he’s still stuck in his little daze; Though, who could blame him when he just discovered the ethereal feeling of falling in love?
“Thank you,” you exhaled with a smile that seemed a little breathless. “Lady Clorinde helped pick it, actually.”
Well, that was a name he completely forgotten until just now. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure after the sudden whiplash of emotions. From finding out he’s in love, to the pang of unwarranted negativity for the Champion Duelist. As expected, he couldn’t tell what this uncomfortable feeling was, but he certainly did not like it.
“Clorinde was there, you say?” he tried to clarify.
You nodded. A little too happily for his liking. “We went out shopping yesterday.” Oh. “And she said this ring really matched ‘the colors of my personality’, whatever that means!” you wholeheartedly laughed. The way you spoke of her, with all this smiling and all these giggles, was making him crave for something more. Did… Did you perhaps want to see him more outside of these tea times, too? You seem perfectly fine shopping with Clorinde now, after all.
He’s never gotten personal time with you like that. It’s always been solely Saturday afternoons, nothing more. And yet, Clorinde immediately gets invited to your shopping runs, and apparently her opinion is also important enough to make you buy the ring? How unbelievable. Neuvillette bets if he was there instead, he’d buy you every piece of jewelry that you even took so much as slight interest in, because that was what you deserved. But no, here he was, not invited to these outings at all, and further stuck wallowing as your mere ‘tea companion’, and not something more.
The door to the boutique suddenly opens, and the both of you turn your heads to the customer.
But instead of a client, you were met with the face of a slightly-smiling Clorinde, ever so amused to see the both of you here again. Well, she shouldn’t be amused. Neuvillette was here on schedule.
“Ah, you’re here!” you say excitedly, briskly standing up to grab another set of tea; And now, Neuvillette can’t quite tell if you greet everyone at the door with this same excitement, and it’s not just restricted to him alone. He shouldn’t be that selfish, of course, so he thinks perhaps it should just not be directed at Clorinde, specifically.
“Pardon me,” Clorinde announced, making her way to the table after you set the tea display down. “I’ll be intruding on the both of you again.” Neuvillette wishes he had any right to refuse.
This time, now that he’s regained his rightful spot on the antique chair, Clorinde had no choice but to sit… right next to you on the loveseat—the same place Neuvillette sat last week when his spot was stolen. A moment comes forth where he now no longer wants his seat at all ( which he doesn’t understand why, because shouldn’t he be happy his unspoken designated seat is back? ), and prefers the loveseat.
Maybe it was the sight of Clorinde next to you, and the fact she was sitting so much closer than he’d like to imagine. And suddenly, that’s when he realizes he doesn’t like the idea of Clorinde being this close to you at all.
“Oh! You’re wearing the ring I got you!” Clorinde recognizes. She grabbed your right hand to immediately inspect it, and Neuvillette can’t help but feel like someone just shot him. Not only did she comfortably grab your hand like it was nothing ( meanwhile, he had to find both the confidence and the breath to even try to kiss your hand earlier ), but she also got it for you? The little detail you never mentioned: That Clorinde bought you the ring.
Now Neuvillette is internally questioning what exactly this ring means. Is it akin to a proposal? A vow? A promise ring for the future?
The longer he stays here the more insane he may be driven, he thinks.
“Sorry to cut my time here short, but I think I have to get going,” he spoke up. Both Clorinde and you looked over at him, and he figured this was a good idea—he doesn’t think he can handle another tea session where the two of you are happily talking as he sits there awkwardly quiet. “I’ll be off, now.”
“Already?” you frowned at him, and that expression almost makes him want to stay. But the sight of Clorinde still absentmindedly toying with your hand sends him into a spiral of emotions he needs to sort out. He’s already stood up to leave without realizing it.
“Unfortunately so,” he says. He might’ve sounded colder than he meant to. It was clear in your face you knew something was wrong, but didn’t want to say it out of privacy. But when he walked towards the door, hearing Clorinde continue your conversation on like normal, it was fruitless to even consider it.
He opened the door. It was raining.
It feels like he was losing your love before he could even have it.
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STAGE III. — Redirecting.
Where pleasure is derived from hurting others, stemmed from unconscious feelings of envy. The envy can come in a so-called as a form of competitive implication.
The next time he saw you was around the market area in the morning, wandering the streets like a normal citizen on this wavering Wednesday.
Normally, he would have just smiled and waved at most, but this time, something compelled him to walk up and join you. “Is this where to find you on Wednesday mornings?” he asked curiously, catching your starling attention and watching as your lips curved to a smile when you recognized him.
“It is, Monsieur.” When you stepped ever-so closer to him, a mere basket around your arm being the only thing between you, he felt as if his feet had turned into bubbles, and there was a flutter of heaven around his shoulders. “My weekly groceries are scheduled for today, however I don’t recall ever seeing you on this side of the city, if that isn’t just my ignorance.”
He chuckled, “I’m usually at my office by this time, so you would be correct.” Then his arm slid against yours, taking the wooden basket out of your hands and walking a few steps forward down the market street you shopped at. “But I’m open to a change of pace, so might I join you on this lovely morning?”
The little smile of contentment you gave him when you answered “Of course” made his heart skip a beat. And when you walked forward to hook your arm around his free one, he swears to the sovereign he might simply dissolve right then and there. The closeness of your presence to him now makes his heart race in a way he feels it drumming in his chest, a feeling that is so human that it makes him almost taste the fruit of mortality. You, walking along with him as you hold onto his arm whilst he carries your grocery basket—you look like romantic partners, and he can’t help but feel sort of lightheaded at the mere thought of that.
“Ah, look!” you pointed, and Neuvillette allowed himself to be guided by the arm to a nearby vendor. “They’re selling slices of apricot pie.”
“You fancy these desserts as well?” he mused, already fishing his pockets for his wallet. “Perhaps we should purchase a slice or two and save them for our weekend tea session.”
You agreed, “I thought the same.” Then you noticed his shuffling and playfully waved off his hand, insisting he needn’t pay. “But I fear it might spoil by the time Saturday comes.”
“You want a bite of mine?” And that’s when Neuvillette wasn’t even surprised anymore to hear the voice of the Champion Duelist appearing out of nowhere. He has such horrible luck running into her, that he’s now just accepted it at this point ( or, for better words: he still has yet to accept the fact that maybe Clorinde was specifically seeking you ). She stood there, leaned against a pole with an easy-going expression and a fork in one of her hands, carrying an aluminum tin with the exact same apricot pie you were just eyeing.
You gasp at her appearance, “Sure!” Neuvillette doesn’t even have a moment to process the mere seconds it takes for you to slip away from his arm, leaving him to follow behind as you skip over to Clorinde. The uninvited guest takes it upon herself to feed you a bite with her fork—it was at this time that the Iudex began to feel like an outlier once again.
“We were actually about to buy a few slices ourselves,” Neuvillette piped in. He did it quickly, perhaps it was instinct so he wouldn’t be left out of the conversation again. “But an excellent point was brought up, that the dessert might spoil by the time we reach Saturday afternoon.”
“Why don’t you just buy one and eat it now?” Clorinde shrugged. Ah. Neuvillette internally scolded himself; He should’ve thought of that. And when you waved off her suggestion dismissively, claiming it was fine now that she let you try it, Neuvillette realized he completely missed an opportunity to have dessert with you on a Wednesday instead of a Saturday. That while he was still a man you only saw once at the end of each week, you’d be seeing Clorinde multiple times throughout it.
He wasn’t fond of the way Clorinde was still feeding you more bites of pie, either.
“Miss Clorinde,” he addressed. If only he had more of a grasp of human sociability, then he might’ve realized how firm his voice sounded in this situation that was… not so serious. “Shouldn’t you be alongside Furina at this time of day?”
“On a typical day, yes,” she answered simply. “And shouldn’t you be in your office?”
He almost glared. “No, actually, I’ve given myself the time to roam around today.”
“Oh wowww,” she teased, though Neuvillette might’ve heard it as something mocking. “Lady Furina would be pleased to hear that. Instead of being cooped up in your office or the Opera Epiclese all morning long, you’re out here at the market, even holding a basket for shopping.”
The Iudex cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll have you know that this basket isn’t mine.” There was an air of competitiveness in his voice, one that almost had him biting his tongue in surprise of himself. Because it was simply just as he said: a basket. But the fact it belonged to you, and the fact that he was carrying it for you—suddenly he wanted to boast it and show it off to the world, especially to Clorinde’s face. “The two of us are shopping together this morning, if you’ll excuse us.” His next move might’ve been bold, but the feeling of possessiveness was so airtight and he had no choice but to hook his own arm around yours once more, getting ready to turn and leave.
“So cold,” Clorinde rolled her eyes. ‘Cold’ was a word often used to describe him, but no, not here. He did not want to appear that way in front of you. “Is this really the attitude you want to spend all morning with?” she asked, this time directed at you.
Something in him snapped. There was an emotion that clouded his head far angrier than annoyance, and it sprouted from the way in which she made him look bad, like the stone-cold Chief Justice everyone thought him to be. Albeit with you, he was trying to be everything but that. Emotional, vulnerable, heartfelt, human—Clorinde was not going to take that away from him.
‘Is this really the attitude you want to spend all morning with?’ The question kept playing in his mind, as if she was any better than him? She, who most people also saw as stoic, should not be seen by you in a better light than him. She, who did not know your favorite desserts like he did, who did not make time for you like he did, who did not fancy you as much as he did—
He felt you tug at his arm, snapping him from his thoughts.
Your eyes held the same, worried look you gave him on Saturday when he left so abruptly. So jealously.
Neuvillette cleared his throat once more. “It seems you are correct, Miss Clorinde.” There was solemness in his voice. Yet he was so quiet as he unlocked his arm from around yours, and handed your basket to Clorinde. “My attitude proves to be too unfavorable for the likes of this lovely morning, I thank you for bringing it to my attention.” These emotions were too much right now; he was starting to fear them. “My deepest apologies to you both, I’ll be heading back to the Palais Mermonia now.”
He bowed his head as diplomatically as he could manage, but the skies were already darkening.
“I bid you both a fine rest of your morning.”
“Wait, Neuvillette!”
Your call was drowned by the deafening drums of his hammering heartbeat, and the patters of light rainfall from the somber sky.
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STAGE IV. — Medea.
At this stage, the grip of envy appears almost irreversible. There is a hatred towards others that dominates their thinking, and happiness or success is no longer foreseen.
Saturday afternoon.
He couldn’t see you again, even if it was time for your weekly meeting, not when he was feeling like this.
Not when the sky was pouring from the mere thought of you, and how he’s probably already lost. It was inevitable for a man like him, and he should’ve realized so earlier. Three o’clock, and you were already probably sipping away with Clorinde at your side, pastries on the table and a dazzling ring on your finger. She was much more human than him, after all, and such a shortcoming became his eventual downfall.
The Palais Mermonia was quiet, though that might’ve been due to the endless rain that’s been pouring since Wednesday morning.
While it was nice, he couldn’t help but feel the silence only amplified his feeling of loneliness in this moment. Especially at this time: a time of the week in which he looked most forward to.
“Monsieur Neuvillette?” a Melusine knocked from right outside his door. “You have a visitor!”
And before he could even reply, that was when you ignored all formalities, all proper respect as you pushed your way through the door and into his office. The surge of panic he felt from your sudden presence was unrivaled to the way you made haste in getting seated in front of his office table, setting down your handful—said handful consisting of two teacups, and a bag of pastries.
His heart practically shattered. The familiar cups and bag of treats on the table, the way your hair and clothes were lightly damp from the rain—you made the effort, coming all the way here just to see him. Just so the both of you wouldn’t miss a single Saturday afternoon together.
“I believe you might’ve forgotten our schedule, good Monsieur.” A light scolding, yet partnered with the most comforting smile you’ve ever given him, and he starts to feel his hands tremble. “You seem surprised to see me,” you commented further, filling in the silence as he has yet to utter even a word. “Did you really think I’d just let you ditch me like that?”
It was hard to breathe, hard to find his voice when you were so patient with him. “Sorry.” It’s all he can mutter now, this blistering swell of emotions causing a waver in his voice. “I’m so, very sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you chuckled at him. His body tensed when you reached forward to grab one of his hands. But you felt cold just like the chilling rain outdoors, and now he worries you might catch a fever because of him. “I’ve been meaning to ask you what was wrong, but…” Your eyes drooped with a certain sorrow in their crevices, and Neuvillette found himself slightly squeezing your hands. “I couldn’t seem to find a good moment alone with you.”
He shook his head at you, whispering, “I don’t even know what’s wrong, myself…”
You frowned. This atmosphere was suffocating and just from one glance upwards at your face, Neuvillette could easily tell you were holding back something to say. Granted, it was his fault. He’s the one who’s here, sitting and sulking in his office with little to no explanation. He’s the one who’s kept you worried this past week from leaving so abruptly two different times now. If anything, he might understand how to be a human even less after this ordeal.
“Would you be so kind…” he starts, words like lumps in his throat, “to allow me to be honest? To let me ramble whatever nonsense I’m feeling for just a moment, so that maybe you can make some sense of it all?”
You gave his hands a comforting squeeze. “Of course.”
There’s a certain phrase caught dead in his tongue. And he’s never been afraid to speak his mind before, yet suddenly, your judgment of his feelings mattered much more than the truth of his words. But he was feeling so much, and if this was really the emotional baggage humans had to carry all the time, he could only wonder how most people have yet to burst from the hauntings of their own mind.
Or more accurately so—the hauntings of their own love.
These words were doomed to come spilling out. “You’ve bewildered me with mountains of emotions,” he rambles quicker than he thinks. “All from the sleight of your hand, I best believe I’ve fallen in love with you.”
He forces himself to ignore how your eyes widen in that moment, or how the grip from your hands suddenly loosens from the shock that rings through his confession. He doesn’t have a way with words, and he knows this. So in a hasty attempt to piece together a board of emotional exposure his mind cannot even comprehend, he does the only thing he knows how to: talk and talk, until he has no more truth to confess to you.
“But the feelings that came alongside my love,” he began to you, “are unexplainable.” As his voice ended in coarseness, there was such an hopeless look of utter confusion you had never seen on his face before, like he was silently pleading for you to help a poor soul like his own. “The beating of my heart when I see you… A stark contrast to the tightness in my stomach I feel… When Miss Clorinde joins us.” The ending of his sentence dropped to nearly a whisper, like he expected it to be sin. “But what I just don’t understand, is why,” the section of his brows furrow in distress, “because she’s my coworker, and I do not dislike her, but I feel as if I cannot stand her when she joins us…”
You listen quietly. He doesn’t know whether to be thankful or fearful whilst awaiting your reaction.
He continued, “But when she sat with us for tea, and bought you that ring, and joined us at the market…” This confession; It was arguably harder than confessing his love to you. Because Clorinde was your friend—maybe even closer, if he was so unlucky—and he might’ve crossed a line here he didn’t even know existed. “I felt like I hated her,” he finished.
You were still silent, though it wasn’t like he could see your expression anyways. He refused to even look up to it, choosing instead to stare down at your joined hands.
But this silence was deafening. Please, just reject him already. He let out the most exhausted sigh he has ever before, the weight of these human emotions bearing down on him. “So I was just…”
“Just jealous,” you finished for him, and he noticed in your voice how you were almost laughing quietly to yourself. The emotion you just named—he didn’t know how envy even felt like, much less jealousy ( though, he supposes he knows now ). “Neuvillette, you should’ve just told me you felt uncomfortable with Clorinde there.”
“Hm?” He was confused. So confused, that his eyes finally darted up to meet your own. And there you stood, most comforting of smiles on your face as your thumb began to trace patterns on the back of his hand.
You reassured him, “Those are times we spend together, dedicated to the both of our comforts.” Which was true, but he was ready to argue that he felt selfish that way—and that you wouldn’t love nor deserve a selfish man. “I trust you to tell me when you feel things are unfavorable,” you continued, “and I promise you, Clorinde would understand if I told her.”
“But,” he piped up, so much doubt in his eyes as if struggling to believe your words, “is she not important to you?” And now, he could not comprehend the bashfulness that raised blood to his cheeks, or the complete disbelief that you’d wave off the Champion Duelist just because of his silly discomfort. Human relationships; He feared he may never understand them.
“Of course she’s important to me—she’s my friend!” you lightly laughed. “But you’re important to me, as well. Please understand that.” His heart might’ve stopped for just a moment. “And when we have our scheduled times alone together, the last thing I want to have is you feeling uneasy when we’re supposed to be relaxing.” Your words, the kindness you shed—it was all so confusing yet so welcoming at the same time, that he feels it’s only a matter of seconds until he drowns from the sound of your voice. To feel such comfort in a person was bizarre to him, but it’s a feeling that makes him crave your presence all the same.
His eyes fell to another slight frown, voice quieter as if losing the will to argue. “But… I should not have the right to impede on a relationship significant to you…”
Now it was your turn to look baffled. The way he worded it. Oh, surely he didn’t— “Monsieur, do you think Clorinde and I are a couple?”
“Well, I certainly thought you two were getting to that state in your relationship,” Neuvillette answered truthfully, voice flowing without hesitation as if it was the most obvious fact in the world. The man who just confessed his love for you only moments ago was fully convinced you felt romance for another woman. “Hence why I was…” He turned his head to the side, shyly clearing his throat. “Envious…”
You practically burst out into giggles. In fact, one of your hands even let go of his grip just so you could cover your mouth to laugh. “Oh… Oh, Neuvillette, surely you jest!” you attempted to name whilst controlling your laughter. The Iudex was shell-shocked into pure silence, wondering what he could’ve possibly said to make you react this way, because as far as he knew, he was not making a joke. “Clorinde is only a friend to me,” you clarified. “Nothing more.”
He remains silent, but there’s a sweeping wave of new emotions that suddenly flood his shoulders.
“And if she sees me as anything more, then, well,” you continued, glancing up outside and then back down to meet his awaiting eyes. “Unfortunately for her, the love in my heart has already been captured by another.”
“By whom?” The lack of hesitation from his immediate question has more giggles escaping your lips. He looks at you, and your face tells him it’s an obvious question with an obvious answer, and yet he still cannot comprehend this even when you squeeze both his hands in yours once more.
“Who do you think, Monsieur?” And yet even after his face flushes red, he still has a focused look of anticipation on his face—it’s as if he absolutely will not believe it until you spell it directly to his face. “Neuvillette,” you sighed, but there was an air of gentleness in the way you say his name that relaxed his soul. “It’s always been you.”
The rain continued on.
But now the sun shined between each droplet, because if he could cry from happiness right now, he was sure you’d already be busy wiping his tears away. And this sunny rain continued on and on, even as he poured you tea, even when he bit into the pastries you bought, and even when he looked at you fondly across his desk, not a single doubt of your love.
And as for Clorinde, well, he might need a few more days to recover before he can forgive her for all the sporadic heart attacks she’s almost given him.
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temiizpalace · 25 days
hiiii!! omg this is exciting ^^ can I request prompt 4 for Azul and Jamil?? Jamil normally offers Yuu their hoodies, then for some reason Azul started to let Yuu borrow the coat he wears from his Octavinelle Uniform. But in the end, Yuu ends up with Jamil, he told Yuu that now they're in a relationship, they're probably going to own almost all his hoodies now doenksnwksnwksjekd head empty, just this request.
Have a great day!!!
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CHARACTERS: jamil viper vs. azul ashengrotto
WARNINGS: determined end couple, jealousy, small azul angst near end?
NOTES: i knew id see this duo at least once!! tysm for your request!
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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jamil felt sick.
not literally, thankfully, but horrible enough to feel like he had just gotten a disease. is this happening? seriously? you, in an octavinelle coat. more specifically, azul’s coat. disgusting. he can’t believe his very eyes. why?! and just as he was about to ask if you needed to wear his sweater.
as a very very platonic exchange between two very good friends, you have been wearing jamil’s sweaters during the colder seasons. not like he cares or anything. (he does, he’s literally the one to offer it) however, seeing you in someone else’s clothes? and azul’s nonetheless? do you hate him??? as much as he wanted to run over to you, toss the coat off the window and immediately give you his own sweater to wear instead, jamil would rather die than make such a scene.
he can think of a few.. others.. that would do something so rash, but not him. no, no. he’s seen countless things he never liked to see before! surely this is the same, right?
“jamil! good morning!” you smile, rushing over to him with an enthusiastic wave. “[MC], morning.” he politely greets you in return, eyeing the coat for a second before looking at your eyes. “like my coat? pretty nice, don’tcha think? azul’s letting me borrow it.” you model the coat for him, allowing him to look at every single little detail.
“it’s..” absolutely atrocious. jamil hesitates, biting back any and all comments or remarks he could come up with on the top of his head. he doesn’t wish to insult you! never. the coat itself on the other hand, well.. “..something.” he narrows his eyes, knuckles forming in his hands til they turned pale. “thank you for your sincere input.” you reply sarcastically, already being able to sift through his lie.
“why’re you wearing it?” he asks, crossing his arms and raising a brow. answers. he wants answers. there’s no reason you should be going to azul for anything, so how come? “funny story actually! you see—” “jamil? [MC]?” you both turn your heads to see the refined businessman already on his way towards your direction, jamil unable to hide his obvious annoyance.
“oh, azul! morning.” you wave, unaware to your poor friends furrowed brow. “why, good morning prefect! i see you’re satisfied with the coat?” azul smiles, picking off the lint that was left on your collar. he looks to jamil, taking note of his peeved expression.
“hello, jamil. hanging out with the prefect again, i take it? you know, how about borrowing an octavinelle coat to match with our dear [MC] here? im positive it will look just as good on you as it does on them! our coats are accustomed to keep their subjects nice and warm for the winter seasons.” azul chimes, pulling out a neatly kept contract from his pockets.
“not on your life.” jamil states bluntly, crossing his arms with a pout. “they really do keep you warm though!” you add, much to azul’s delight. “see? i have no ill intentions in the slightest.” the octomer grins, his smile obviously not reaching his eyes. “prefect, i will see you at lunch. we can meet by our usual spot.” jamil sighs, looking at you and now just ignoring his classmate. “oh, okay! see you later then, jamil.”
classes droned on like they usually did. jamil wrote his notes with a focused expression, the thoughts in his head being a complete contrast. small doodles were drawn on the corners of the page, the pencil lead growing duller and duller with each passing minute. stupid octopus bastard.. he sighs, turning to azul wearing a more-than-pleased smile. oh how he wanted to rip that smug grin on his face off and ship him away to a place far, far away from here.
passing period was also no better. azul beat him to the punch, walking you to class like a gentlemen. jamil didn’t fail to notice the boys ears turning red as you laughed, his body language shifting from refined to embarrassed. he fought the urge to bite his nails in anger, leaving that old habit behind him many years ago. a spine chilling aura startles students around him as he walked, his face screaming neutral but his mood nothing but foul.
it’s that damn coat. that damn coat is what’s slowly drifting you away from him, and he cannot allow that. he’ll settle this. once and for all.
jamil awaited your arrival patiently by the tree. his foot tapping aggressively on the concrete as your presence seemed to delay. “sorry im late!” you shout, rushing over with a huff. no. no. no. no. no. no. this was a nightmare. not only were you wearing the coat, but the fedora, scarf, and just the entire octavinelle dorm uniform. “wh-what are you wearing..?” jamil stammers, observing your outfit with pure horror in his eyes.
“agh, azul made me wear it.” you sigh, obviously growing a little too warm in these clothes. it didn’t even snow yet! “this is too much..” he mumbles, removing your hat. slowly, he pulled off each overbearing accessory. he unwrapped the scarf, carefully removed your gloves, and eventually, the coat. “ah, i can take the coat—”
jamil removes his blazer, followed by his sweater. you’d be a liar if you told yourself you weren’t a little bit. seeing jamil in the normal nrc uniform was truly a privilege to say the least. he pulls the sweater over your head and smiles contently. “there. much better.” you hesitate for a moment, feeling your cheeks warm up at his gesture. typically you would put the sweater on yourself, but having someone do it for you? it was different somehow.
“if you’re ever feeling cold, just ask me.” he mumbles, putting his blazer back on while folding the octavinelle clothes neatly. “wow.. sounds like such a romantic gesture.” you joke, nudging his elbow. “could be.” he replies, his tone not holding any of the joking yours previously had. “what..?”
seize every opportunity. “i.. i wouldnt mind if it was.” he mutters, unable to meet your eyes. “is this a confession?” you ask, stepping closer to jamil. he swallows harshly, feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. “i suppose.” suddenly he misses his hoodie. the blush on his cheeks couldn’t help but form, sweat dripping from his brow at the fear of rejection.
“jamil..” you grab his hand, placing it over your heart with a small smile. “if this is a confession, then i like you too.” you wrap him into an embrace, feeling his heart against your own. it beat rapidly, his palms sweaty before he hesitantly reciprocated your hug.
silence fell between you two for a brief moment, but one of comfort rather than awkwardness. “so.. why were you wearing an octavinelle uniform?” jamil asks, feeling the need to soothe the nagging thought in his head. “oh yeah.. that. azul asked me to wear it to promote the lounge. in return, he said id get a few food vouchers and i get to keep the coat.” you shrug, pulling out the small tickets from the octavinelle coat.
“i see..” jamil nods, still not understanding the rest of the accessories. “well, my hoodies are now your hoodies. look no further than yours truly for warmth in the winter.” he smiles, fixing the collar of the sweater. you laugh at his comment, pushing his bangs out of his face.
azul watched your exchange from afar, feeling his smile falter slightly. “oya? azul, is something the matter?” jade asked calmly, staring at his frowning companion. “..it’s nothing. what were you saying about that seasonal dish?” azul smiles, walking and talking with his vice housewarden for the future of mostro lounge.
in reality, his heart ached. even after all his efforts, he came in last. he couldn’t win your love in time. azul can’t help but want to climb into his octopot and weep. he sounds childish, but how else would you deal with a broken heart? maybe someday, you’ll find your love for him. someday, you’ll be part of his world. someday, he won’t feel so poor and unfortunate. but not today.
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A/N: im sorry this was a little late something came up 😭
date published: 8/28/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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erwinsvow · 4 months
omg can you do best friend rafe getting jealous of guys flirting with reader, so he pulls her aside and kisses her and just says “your mine” or sum like that
omg !! i did a lil hybrid of rafe's friend / sarahs bestie, but hope you love it ♡
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you had bought a new dress for this party. the house parties on the kook blocks weren't something so special that they required a new outfit, but you felt different today.
nothing in your closet was screaming at you and you knew that you wanted to make an impression today—wanted to find a guy and get a date or at least a trip to one of the empty bedrooms upstairs.
so—a new dress. that was your solution—pretty and strapless, with a blue flowers and a matching ribbon tied up in the back. your plan had worked—a boy had offered to get you a drink the second you turned away from sarah and faced the crowded room.
smiling at him and twirling a piece of hair, you try to assess if this boy will do for now. he's nice enough, asking you questions without entirely making the conversation about himself. the drink he got you was a beer from the keg, but you can overlook that.
"so, you got a boyfriend?" he asks, shouting over the music. you look at him and wish he hadn't asked—officially you don't, but answering the question with a no makes your stomach turn. you look at nice brown eyes staring back at you, wondering why something about them feels wrong.
"yeah, she does." a voice comes from behind you—one you are entirely too familiar with, one that has no business approaching you now and claiming that you have a boyfriend. honestly, the nerve of him.
"no, i don't. ignore him, trust me. that's what i do."
"if you want all your teeth to stay in your mouth, get lost." your eyes roll back, turning around to confront rafe, but before you can even move, the boy shoots off in the other direction. angry now, you spin on your heels to face him.
"what is wrong with you? no, wait, don't answer that. otherwise we'll be here forever!" snappy, though you're mad the cute boy with the brown eyes that you still can't figure out why they bothered you is gone.
"why the hell are you runnin' around talkin' to some ass-"
"because i can, rafe. you're not my boyfriend. what kinda memory loss do you have that you keep forgetting that?"
maybe you went a little too far—rafe grabs your upper arm and pulls you away, out of the crowded living room and into an empty bedroom off the hallway. the music is a faint vibration from here, seemingly miles away as you try to shake off rafe's too-strong grip.
"i told you to quit talkin' to strangers. why can't y'just listen, huh?"
"i don't have to listen to you! you're still not my boyfriend-"
"i don't have to be your boyfriend, you're still mine, got that?"
though the confession makes your younger-self's heart race, your current self knows this is a bad idea. the girl who became sarah's friend and nursed a crush on her older brother for years smiles with satisfaction somewhere inside you.
"rafe, stop. this is a terrible idea, okay? let's just go back and pretend you didn't say any of that."
"what the hell d'you mean? s'great idea, kid-"
"no it's not!" you shout back, sounding more confused than angry. "you're my best friend's brother! you're my friend! this, this could end so horrible and messy. and-and you sell drugs! i don't even do any drugs!"
"huh?" rafe looks about as confused as you've ever seen him.
"and you're a player. and-and i'm not interested in that."
"are you done?"
"no!" you bark it back, but then realize that was all the excuses you had for why you can't date rafe. "yes."
"i said you're mine, and that's end of story. if i see you talkin' to some guy he's gonna turn up missing. so unless y'want that on your conscious-"
"hey, my turn. m'not jokin' around. it's not gonna end, and i sell drugs, don't do them anymore. and i'm being serious about you. so shut up and c'mon, going back out there together."
stunned into silence, you blink stupidly back at rafe. he comes closer, gives you a kiss that makes your knees weak and head thud.
"new dress? i like it. let's go."
"thanks. okay." you look up at your new boyfriend, looking at his pretty blue eyes that happen to match your dress, and realizing this is why everyone else's eyes feel wrong—they're not rafe's.
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ozzgin · 6 months
Omg can we hear what the "there's only one bed" trope would be like with your yokai harem pleaseeee
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Featuring your (not yet) monster boyfriends, and the classic case of having to share one bed due to unforeseen circumstances. You've been chasing a vengeful spirit back into the modern world, and the only inn - as you're in the middle of nowhere presently - has a single remaining room. Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance, fluff with mild NSFW
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"Where are you going?" you manage to blurt out, hurrying after the dark-haired yokai. "You may take the bed. I don't need sleep", he explains curtly as he places a hand over his sword. "I'll be keeping watch outside." Murasaki is stubborn, and you already know that no amount of arguing will convince him. As it's already late and you're quite exhausted, you do hesitantly crawl under the sheets while he positions himself next to the door. When you wake up for a bathroom break, you notice him breathing softly in a peaceful slumber. You might have to be creative with your tactics: You return to your room, pull on your clothing a little bit, and let out a frantic shout. The horned man scrambles up and barges inside, wildly confused. "I had a terrible nightmare, and thus, lamentably, I will be requiring your presence for the remaining hours of the night", you narrate theatrically, patting the empty half of the bed next to you. He clicks his tongue and furrows his brows in annoyance. As he approaches, you can discern a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "You can't be serious right now", he bemoans, removing the swords from his sash. "Pathetic." He begrudgingly shoves himself next to you and turns around. His ears are a deep shade of red. "Now shut up and go back to sleep."
"Does that mean we can share the bed?" Kiritsubo is beaming with enthusiasm as he waddles behind you towards the room. "I suppose so", you nod reassuringly, somewhat confused by his reaction. You've been sleeping next to each other from the very beginning, or at least ever since you've been awakened by one of his night terrors and offered to keep him company. "It's nothing new, though, is it?" "Well, this time it's in your world, you know?" he confesses, now a little embarrassed by his obvious excitement. He scratches his cheek awkwardly. "I s-suppose it's not that different, huh?" You lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. There's one technical detail you've omitted in your generous offer: Kiritsubo is massive and terribly clingy. His muscular arms are wrapped tightly around you, and you can feel his hot breath in your ear. You try to free yourself by lifting your leg and shoving him with your knee, but he doesn't budge. Not only that, but you might've unintentionally aroused him in his sleep. It'll be a long night, you think as you try to ignore the boner pressing into your side.
"Well, at least we know who's taking the bed", the yokai jokes as the inn worker bows apologetically. "We're terribly sorry, sir, there's nothing...there's nothing here that could possibly..." their words trail off, gazing at Suma's enormous stature. Indeed, the human sized furniture looks ridiculous next to him. You wave your hand and dismiss the baffled employee. You can't blame them; you too were speechless during your first encounter with the demon. "What will you do?" you ask, sitting on the edge of the mattress. "I can sleep on the floor just fine!" He flashes you a smile and stretches his limbs. "If you get bored of that", he continues, pointing at the bed, "you can always join me". He pats his chest with a cheeky grin, chuckling at the sight of your now blushing face. Perhaps it's not such a bad offer. Then again, how comfortable is it to sleep on toned muscles? You sit up and decide to test it out yourself.
"Oh my, what a pity. Well, it's only natural that you have priority." Yuugiri steps aside and gestures for you to come closer towards the bed. "We don't want our precious little human to be uncomfortable, hmm?" You want to protest, but he quickly places a pale, slender finger over your lips. "Unless..." he adds, this time in a deeper voice. He lowers himself painfully close to your face. "Unless you want us to sleep together. Although I can't promise to keep my hands to myself." You stutter awkwardly, and you can feel your cheeks burning in embarrassment. The yokai laughs at your flustered state, delighted by your reaction. "You always tease me", you finally manage to say, brushing past him and climbing under the sheets with an irritated huff. "Can you really blame me? You're always so cute~" After a moment of silence, you can feel a shuffle coming from behind you. "Jokes aside, do scooch over. I'm not going to sleep on the floor like an animal."
Sekiya stares at the bed and shivers. He dares not look in your direction. The thought of sharing a bed with a demon like him must've made you uncomfortable. Why else would you be so quiet? You're probably trying to come up with a polite way to retrieve your privacy. He won't let you struggle for a way out. He opens his mouth to excuse himself, but he's interrupted by your exhausted yawn. "Guess we'll sleep together, huh?" you remark, casually, as you unbutton your shirt. The lack of response prompts you to turn and search for the yokai, who is now visibly red and feverish, erratically fidgeting and twiddling his fingers. "W-what are you even saying..." he blurts out. Are you mocking him? You must know he's very much attracted to you. To think he'd be this close to your body...he shakes his head vehemently. Unimaginable! Then again, chances like these don't come all the time...
“We can share the bed if you’d like”, you suggest to the masked yokai. "No need to concern yourself with me. My nights are tormented, devoid of any rest. I will not be requiring a bed", he states melancholically, but with factual confidence. You don't think you can sleep with his shadow looming over at all times, so you insist that he at least attempts to lay down regardless of the outcome. He lets out a deep sigh and closes his eyes. Hmm. There's a certain warmth emanating from your body. He unconsciously drags himself closer, head now resting next to yours. The heat brings him comfort, and his muscles begin to relax. He'd even dare to say it's a pleasant experience. You jolt awake upon feeling a pair of arms wrapping around you, and you turn back in confusion. Sakaki swiftly hides his flustered face in the crook of your back. "Perhaps this isn't so bad, after all..." he mumbles quietly. "Don't mind me."
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[Main Story] | [Character Guide]
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femdomlieeh · 7 months
Caramel (m)
Sub!Brat!Sunghoon (ENHYPEN) x Dom!GF!Reader
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WC—4.5 ✧ k
WARNING—jealousy ✧ semi-public masturbation (car, m) ✧ spanking (m!r) ✧ face sitting (f) ✧ degrading ✧ praising ✧ piv ✧ riding ✧ nipple play (f!r) ✧ hair pulling (m!r) ✧ name-calling ✧ pet names (Love, Baby, Mommy) ✧ awkward encounter with Yeonjun from TXT
THEMES—smut ✧ established relationship ✧ fluffy ✧ jealousy ✧ good boy turned bad
NOW PLAYING —I Wanna Be Yours ✧ Arctic Monkeys
A/N. I got some sweet messages of encouragement from readers on both wattpad and tumblr after my last update: thank you! Your words and support motivated me to post this sooner<3
M.LISTS—enhypen ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
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The mall was packed with people. After Valentines some stores had crazy sales on winter collections since the last major winter holiday was over and the desperation to empty the racks full of winter clothes before it was too late was at its highest point. So, you and your valentine Sunghoon decided to go to the mall. Although you knew the winter leftovers weren't always the prettiest and that you likely wouldn't end up purchasing anything, you thought it would be fun to try on some clothes and just walk and talk since you hadn't spent much time together since Valentine's Day. Also, who knows, you might actually find something nice!
"Baby, you're so sweet," you whispered into Sunghoon's ear, kissing his temple after he greeted you with two hot lattes, one matcha and one caramel — he always picked those two drinks partly for the taste, caffeine and warmth but also so when the two of you were halfway finished you could switch cups.
"Everything for you, Love," he gave you the matcha latte, blushing at your little affection since you were in a very public setting. The only type of physical touch he felt comfortable initiating in front of others was holding your hand or a quick hug, otherwise it was you giving him pecks on his cheek, sitting on his lap or petting his head, which he loved no matter how embarrassed he felt in the moment — your attention and affection is precious to him.
"Thank you," you took a sip of the matcha, content worth the content and also because the cup was warming up your cold hands, but you grabbed his hand anyway, preferring that source of warmth.
He knew his ears were probably red now. He loved it when your cold hand stole the warmth from his.
You swung your hands a little as you walked to your favorite boutique, hoping to find something nice on sale or just walk around and look at different clothes together. But before you entered you were surprised to hear your name. Immediately you recognised the voice but Sunghoon was caught off guard. A foreign voice. A happy voice. A man's voice. The two of you turned around and spotted a man who looked like he belonged in a Kdrama. Sunghoon wished he hadn't been distracted by your touch as you led him to the boutique and that he instead dragged you two to a hot pot restaurant on the opposite side of the mall so you wouldn't have run into this perfect man but it was too late.
The demon with a picture perfect smile walked up with open arms to you two. Or to you and not Sunghoon to be specific. The handsome man hugged you in front of Sunghoon. His ears didn't turn pink like Sunghoon's would when he gave you a two second hug in public. And omg you hugged this man back!
He pulled the rude, good-looking male stranger by his coat, gently separating the two of you.
"Who are you, again?" Sunghoon asked, very confused as to why a male he doesn't know would feel comfortable hugging his girlfriend right in front of his face.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I got a little carried away when I saw her," the guy said with a grin, which made Sunghoon clench the fist that was once in your hand.
"My name's Yeonjun. ____ and I have known each other for more than six years now, right?" He said, looking at you, not Sunghoon.
"Yeah, I think it's been five, six years already. Time goes by so fast!"
Sunghoon gulped. He hadn't even known you for half that time.
"And we haven't seen each other in so long!" the so-called Yeonjun went to your side, entering the boutique together. Sunghoon felt his mouth go dry at how Yeonjun referred to the two of you as "we" and walked side by side with you so naturally. This fucking doucheb—
"Yeonjun, this is my boyfriend, Sunghoon," you made sure to introduce them to each other since Yeonjun got too excited and talked too much too fast and forgot to ask for your boyfriend's name (which was very much his character).
"Nice to meet you, Sunghoon," Yeonjun held his hand in front of you to shake Sunghoon's hand.
But your otherwise sweet, polite boyfriend pretended like he didn't see the waiting hand, "Likewise," holding your hand instead.
This was supposed to be his day with you, not handsome Yeonjun's day with you. You were supposed to walk slowly, look around for nothing in particular, arms hooked together (your doing), sipping your lattes until they were half empty so you could switch cups!
The thing is, the two of you were right by the entrance to this boutique heading inside when Yeonjun came so its not like you could pretend you were going to another store to get out of this situation or you would seem rude for blowing him off for no reason, especially since he's been your friend of six years. Or have you two been a thing? Was Yeonjun your friend as in you were in the same class at uni or your friend as in ex who you ended on extremely good terms with or — even worse — was he a "right person, wrong time" type of "friend"? No. He's overthinking it. Surely, you would've told him about all your exes already and Yeonjun's name had never been mentioned. Besides you were a smart person, you wouldn't get into a relationship with Sunghoon if you had feelings for or unfinished business with Yeonjun or anyone else.
But the hug. The way Yeonjun showed you physical touch so easily, no sign of insecurity or blushing. Your comfortable body language, as if you've hugged Yeonjun hundreds of times before.
"Do you remember this?" Yeonjun said, holding up a small pink purse.
"Yes, I do remember," you laughed at the memory.
"What?" Sunghoon looked so lost. You two had inside jokes together!
"After you won a bet, I told you I'd buy you a pink purse one day."
"Yeah. We were stressed kids back," you smiled at the reminiscence. You had gotten a higher score on a test so Yeonjun had promised to buy you whatever you wanted and the first thing you could think of at that time was a pink purse. Since he lost the bet during high school, you didn't expect him to buy it since he didn't have a lot of money and also because it was better to save whatever money he had. But high school was long gone and you hadn't thought of the purse since but Yeonjun remembered.
"Now I have the money to do so..." he continued.
"I already got that same exact purse for her," Sunghoon interrupted before Yeonjun went too far, noticing that was the only pink purse in this section so Yeonjun wouldn't be so rude as to suggest buying another pink purse with another design. Of course, Sunghoon didn't want a handsome man to buy his girlfriend a purse that would remind her of him each time she looked at it — unless that handsome man was Sunghoon, of course.
You looked at Sunghoon after he told the lie, but didn't say anything because he'd also do the same for you if he knew you told a lie to or kept a secret from someone.
"Really? You got her a 30€ purse?"
Now that was rude.
"Well, I really wanted this purse, so the price doesn't really matter," you said, embarrassed your friend would say that to your boyfriend.
"Of course! Of course! If you wanted the purse," Yeonjun tried to save the situation, realizing what he sounded like. He sent a friendly smile at the two of you and started looking through a rail of T-shirts.
After a few minutes of trying to find something that was cute on the sale rack, you called your friend over. "This one would look really good on you, Junnie," you held up a white dress shirt in silk that you found on 30% sale.
"You think so?"
"Yeah, I think you pull off this kind of aesthetic well."
Hm, how do I get her to only look at me? How do I get her to only look at me? How do I get her to only look at-
Sunghoon walked up to the two of you, "Do you wanna switch cups, Love? I know you love caramel latte and it will get cold soon," he held the cup in front of your lips so you could taste it. He was right, you do love caramel latte and it tastes so much better warm. You smiled at him. The way he showed affection without having to touch, but just remembering any little fact about you and being caring always made your heart melt. You lifted the matcha latte cup to his lips, making him taste too and he did, but not without blushing. For a moment he forgot you were in public and he just wanted to lay down, tangle your legs and arms together and with the hot drinks getting cold on the table as a rom-com played in the background forgotten as you just looked at each other and talked and kissed—
"Guys, do you have anything to try on?" Yeonjun interrupted your little moment.
Then you switched cups before you looked over at Yeonjun. "I can't find anything I like for now—"
"Then you can come and rate this shirt on me. See if you were right that I would look good in it?"
Oh no. Sunghoon did not like this. He had to do something fast.
"Look, Love! You would pull off this dress so well," he half-yelled to get your attention and held up the first thing he in arms reach, blushing at both the dress and at the double entendre.
Your gaze turned to your boyfriend but your eyes visibly went from curious to a bit mad. It was a tight, red dress with a deep cleavage — and it was inappropriate for Sunghoon to suggest trying on or buying this kind of clothes in front of someone else, especially a friend you hadn't seen in a long time. But the fact that it had a lace bra under it, making it look like lingerie, was humiliating. You turned red. Not from blushing, but from fuming. It was very odd of your boyfriend to do that; the guy who blushed when you kissed his cheek at a restaurant when you were sitting alone held up this sexy dress and suggested you try on or buy it in front of Yeonjun.
Yeonjun turned away, awkward, "I'm just gonna go...try this on."
"What was that?" You questioned sternly.
"What was what?" Sunghoon gulped, still holding the dress.
You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "Are you trying to get punished?"
He remained quiet, tall but so small in your presence.
"Cat got your tongue? Hm? Talk, you didn't have a problem being loud just a minute ago," you whispered so others — especially Yeonjun — wouldn't hear you.
The sound of a door creaking was heard, which made you retreat your hand immediately and turn around.
"How does it look?" Yeonjun asked and scratched his neck as he showed off the white dress shirt you suggested.
"My eye was right. You should buy it," you gave him a thumbs up. Sunghoon did not like this.
"Thank y-"
"I wanna try it on too," Sunghoon interrupted him.
"Oh, sure, I can give it to you in a minute."
"Actually, I think I need a bigger size because of my shoulders so I'll just grab a fresh one." It was Sunghoon's turn to be rude.
He felt a minor adrenaline rush — if that even existed — as he power walked to the part of the clothing zoo where he remembered you had told Yeonjun to try on a shirt you found. At this point would do anything to keep your eyes on him instead of that guy. He hurried into the changing room, changing in just a minute and opened the door.
Your eyes were definitely on him. He had styled the shirt a bit differently than Yeonjun, choosing to keep the first four buttons undone, way sexier than the usual one or two undone buttons. The pure white silk complemented his skin, making him ironically look like an angel.
"You look really, really good, Baby."
It was a modest compliment, since you had company, but Sunghoon already knew what you were thinking as you eyed him up and down.
"It looked better on me though," Yeonjun said in a jokingly manner.
"No, I look better in it," Sunghoon said, "Right, Mommy?"
It slipped out. He didn't mean to say that. In fact, he's never called you that before.
Yeonjun gulped and stood up to go, "I'm gonna go pay for this real quick."
"You're gonna regret that," you said with a voice that was too calm.
"What you gonna do about it, Mommy?" Might as well go along with this brat thing.
"Guys, something came up so I gotta go. I just wanted to say bye!" Yeonjun appeared with a bag and an awkward smile.
"Bye," you said, hugging him farewell.
some minutes later.
After throwing the almost empty caramel latte in the trash, you slammed the door of the car (not hard, but a little louder than normal). Sunghoon had embarrassed you in front of an old friend, your angel acting like a brat. And he was just glad he had your attention.
You started the engine and took off, completely ignoring his cute calling.
"Mommy," he leaned over to your side, putting his face in your boobs.
"Brat," you pressed your hand harshly on his dick. He was hard. "You really got hard from acting like a desperate slut in public?"
"Mhm. More, Mommy," he whimpered in your ear.
"Slut," you pushed his face away with the hand that was giving him pleasure just now, placing his head gently onto the neck rest (still worried for him even when you were mad).
He smirked, ears red at the contrast of your words and pushing and then kindness. He needed more. So much more. Any little attention you had given to Yeonjun today, he needed that attention tripled. He would've acted like a brat much sooner today if he knew you would've taken him home to punish him.
With his eyes on you he undid his pants. He wanted to push the limit. You looked away from the road for a split second to catch a glimpse of what your boyfriend was up to, "What do you think you're doing?"
"Being a needy whore," he replied and slid his hand inside the pants.
"Touching yourself without my permission two minutes away from home? You're begging to be punished like the bitch you are," you chuckled and sped up.
"Yes, Mommy," he moaned both as an answer to your statement and because of the pleasure his hand was giving. Apparently he loved calling you that.
"Well, you're gonna get it soon, slut," you replied as you were parking.
At that, he went even faster with his hand to get on your nerves even more. And then you were parked. He went for the door in a second, excited for what was about to happen. You got out too and unlocked the door to your place. A slam was heard after you got in. Shoes were taken off and thrown to the side. Sunghoon took your jacket off for you. "Did I say you could touch me?"
Pink spread across his cheeks as he responded with a no, shy all of a sudden. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt just like at the mall and dragged him to your bedroom. He almost couldn't keep up with your steps. Inside the bedroom you pushed him to the wall, a moan slipping out. You tugged his hair and pulled his head back harshly. "Pants off. Now."
They were on the floor in seconds. "No underwear? You took them off when you were trying on your shirt? Slut," you smirked and sat down on the foot of the bed in front of him.
"You know your place." He got over her lap, flashing his ass for her to admire. He had been doing weighted Romanian split squats at the gym lately. This position on your lap was one he had been in before. But never for acting out in public or calling you something inappropriate in front of a friend.
Your warm hand started rubbing his skin smoothly to prepare for punishment and joy. "Do you remember your safeword?"
"Do you remember my safeword?"
"Good. Count, if you don't we'll start over again. Understood, slut?"
"Yes, Mommy," he said with anticipation clear in his tone. He finally had all your attention on him — and your hands on him as well. This is exactly how he wanted the day to go: spend quality time together.
"How many do you deserve?" You asked to test him.
"Uhm... Ten?" He asked, playing dumb.
"Fifteen it is. Twenty if you misbehave," you said and gave him a harsh spank.
"One," he whimpered out, surprised.
The next one was harder.
"Two," he said under his breath.
"Can't hear you, princess," you slapped his ass cheek rougher.
"Three," he yelled out.
He kept his ground, but you wanted to wreck him for how he acted today — if he wanted to be hurt or just go he should've told you and not been a slut — so you hit harder, if possible.
"F-Four," he stuttered in defeat.
You smirked and brought your left hand to his hair, pulling it.
Your right hand blew him with the same strength as before.
"F-Five," he moaned from the beautiful pain.
"Fuck! Six!" He cursed.
"Watch your language," you warned and raised your hand up higher and when it came in contact with his skin it made the loudest hitsound.
"S-Seven. So-So-"
"-Sorry! Eight," he exclaimed in a moan so high pitched he was embarrassed.
"Ah, nine," he moaned loud enough for the neighbours to be awkward around you next time you see them.
"Ten. Mommy, please," he cried out of desperation, not sure if he wanted a break or more.
You were only halfway there, yet his dick already had pre-cum leaking out on your jeans.
"Please what?" You asked and delivered a harder one, knowing exactly what he needed.
"E-Eleven. Mommy, touch me, please," he begged pathetically, knowing you would deny him.
The spank got harder at that.
"Twe-elve," he whined like the bitch he was.
You pulled his head back and looked him in the eyes, "Be a good slut and you might get rewarded"
"Thank you, Mommy."
You let his head go back to rest on the bed (gently just like you'd done in the car) and then spanked him harder to see how much he could take.
"Thirteen," he called out.
His ass cheeks were as pink as his cheeks when you greeted him with a kiss to his temple at the mall.
"Fo-Fourteen. Mommy!"
His dick stung at this point. He needed you to touch him so damn much.
"F-Fifteen," he moaned, crushed.
He closed his eyes harder, waiting for the next spank.
To his surprise, you just touched his ass softly, grabbing here and there, "You were a good slut for me."
"Thank you, Mommy," his ears got pink at how gentle you were being, petting his hair, combing your fingers through it.
"As a reward you get my cum and if you're good enough you'll get to cum too," you whispered as you nibbled on my ear.
"Thank you, Mommy."
You pulled him off your lap, standing up and giving a peck to his forehead before softly pushing him back on the bed. You let your jeans fall down to the floor to be long forgotten. Sunghoon licked his lips at the sight of you in black panties. They were see-through! He was so distracted and suddenly the panties were gone and you were sitting on his waist.
"Please, Mommy, sit on me," he pleaded with a made-up sweet voice, wanting to be on your good side so you wouldn't tease him.
"How much do you want it?" You moved some hair away from his eyes, resting your hand on his jaw.
"So much. Please, please, sit on my face. I want to be good for you now, please," he made sure to look you in the eye with a small pout.
"I know you got jealous and acted like a slut because you wanted my attention, but you know I like good boys more, right?" You mock pouted at him.
He nodded fast, "I know. I'm so sorry, Mommy. Let me prove I'm your good boy. Please?"
"Since you begged so cutely...prove it to me," you said before you moved up until your pussy was above his face.
He eagerly stuck out my tongue and put in the tip between you folds to tease you a little and to prepare for what was coming.
"You think you're gonna make me cum this way, bitch?"
His tongue slipped in further and faster to taste your delicious juices. You arched your back slightly at the stimulation, he smiled against you and started nudging his nose gently against your clit. Your hands found their place behind you, on his stomach. You weren't satisfied with the feeling of fabric, so grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it up so you could touch the skin and small curves of his abs. Sunghoon definitely had more muscles than that guy. His hands went to your butt and, before you protested, they pushed you further down on his face and so his tongue went even deeper.
"Desperate for Mommy's cum?" You asked and grasped a handful amount of his wet hair.
He hummed against your pussy, sending vibrations; he was determined to make you cum so good you'd let him cum too. You yanked his hair slightly and he arched his back a little. To show his appreciation he kissed on your clit. Whimpers started spilling from your mouth and excitement and pride started filling him. Both his face and cock were glistening with pleasure and neediness.
"I'm gonna cum."
He nodded and dove in deeper and licked you like he had been thirsty for you his whole life. You pressed herself lower on him, moaning. He held your thighs as they were beginning to shake. His lips sucked on your clit as if it were your nipple and you finally blessed him with your tasty cum. He licked and slurped till there was nothing left to swallow.
"What do you say now?" You asked as you sat back on his chest, catching your breath.
"You're delicious- I mean, thank you, Mommy."
You chuckled and continued with a question, "Who deserves rewards?"
"Good boys," he replied happily.
"Are you a good boy?"
"Yes, Mommy."
"Yes, you are. Take this off," you said and tugged his shirt, "That shirt from today looked better on you anyway."
He took it off as soon as you told him to. His dick was still standing proud, red from the pleasure and resistance.
"Please, Mommy, sit."
"You think I'm going to let your slutty dick inside me just like that? Go get a condom now."
He hurried to his bag, stark naked in the sunlight from the window. But he didn't care, he just wanted to be inside Mommy. When he got back you had already gotten nude — and that was enough for him to open the condom, put it on and throwing himself on the bed in seconds.
"Don't get too comfortable, sit up," you ordered him as you crawled onto the bed.
He obeyed and rested against the headboard, attention on you. You continued crawling until you sat on his lap.
"Your thighs are so thick and sexy."
"Thank you," he blushed because he'd been going to the gym consistently and your validation made him proud.
"Feels like a sin to make them tremble, but oh well."
You lowered yourself on him until long moans littered the air, both of you sensitive; you from a little overstimulation right after cumming and him from ignoring his pink dick for so long. Without preparation or warning, you bounced up and down on him. He wondered where you get the stamina to do bounce on his dick so well.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he cried out.
He saw your boobs bouncing too and just had to start sucking on one of them, hand palming the other one. You gasped. He was very good with his mouth. Your hips moved faster and Sunghoon couldn't keep his moans inside as he switched his mouth to the other boob. He felt like a pervert but he really really loved how your boobs moved up and down when they weren't in his mouth. You tightened your fingers into his hair and made it harder for him to concentrate and suck. He looked up into your eyes through his long eyelashes and started licking your nipple before putting it between my lips.
"My slut."
He let go of your nipple, "No. I'm your good boy, please," and went back to sucking on it.
"Yes, yes, I am. Please, Mommy." Kiss after kiss was placed on your boobs as an apology for being a shameless horndog back at the mall.
"Such a good boy."
"Mhm," he mumbled not letting go of your nipple, sucking harder, needing you to praise him more.
Your thighs were trembling, an orgasm coming soon. Sunghoon was close too, but he needed your permission first. "Mommy. Mommy. I-" A moan disrupted his sentence. "Ngh, Mommy. I-I'm gonna cum."
You yanked his head back at that and put your lips on his neck, "Cum for me, my good boy."
He filled the condom with his cum.
"Th-Th-Thank you, Mommy."
Your hips rode out his orgasm and he moaned like a slut the whole time. "Mommy, hurts."
"Good." You continued overstimulating him, chasing your second orgasm. He bit his lip, trying not to moan too loudly. Then you came too with a small bite to his neck.
You laid on top of him, just hugging, breathing each other in and pecking at each other's faces and shoulders.
"Want me to run us a bath, Baby?"
His answer was a small pout — your weakness — and a soft nod.
You got up and held his hand, leading him to the bathroom where you threw away the condom in the trash and swayed slowly back and forth as you hugged, waiting for the bathtub to fill with warm water.
"Oh! Almost forgot something," you were confused when Sunghoon let go of the hug.
You smiled as soon as you saw him come back with a lighter and caramel scented candle. 
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
Breathing in your dust
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots, babe
I just wanna be yours"
—alex turner
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dumbseee · 1 year
just friends, right?
when you and daniel are just friends, or maybe more?
daniel ricciardo x reader.
fc: kendall jenner.
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liked by y/n, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 1 729 991 others.
danielriccardo: happy birthday to the light of my life (and the bane of my existence.)
fan1: anthony bridgerton said the same thing about his future wife 🤭
fan2: the whole world knows except them
fan4: drop the act and get married omg
landonorris: mommy and daddy <3
fan5: not lando shipping them too
fan6: i just know his camera roll is full of her
maxverstappen1: @.fan6 it is.
fan8: not lando AND max exposing them
fan9: they’re so meant to be
fan10: "the light of my life" when is someone going to refer to me like this??
fan11: daniel is so sweet with y/n :(
fan12: mind you he posted that one minute before midnight so he could be the first one to wish her a happy birthday :((((
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you were dancing along the music with your girls when you suddenly felt a presence behind you. you were in a crowded club with some friends to celebrate daniel’s return to the grid as a driver for alpha tauri. you turned around to face the guy who clearly was seeking your attention and you smiled when you saw a cute blonde guy smiling back at you. the two of you started dancing together, his hands on your waist and yours around his neck. he was cute, and you could take him home with you but something was off. your mind tried to think of why but your heart already knew.
suddenly, the guy was ripped away from you and pushed far back. you blinked in confusion and saw daniel, now standing in front of you, he glared at the guy before returning his attention to you. his usual warm smile was gone and his eyes were now cold. "what is wrong with you?" you yelled over the music. he didn’t respond but instead he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the crowd. he ignored your complaints and finally stopped when you two were now in the parking lot. "care to explain what’s gotten into you, joseph?" you crossed your arms. he took a step closer to you which made you frown and almost take one back. "he was too close to you for my liking." you scoffed and laughed at his answer. "so what? you’re not my dad." you rolled your eyes and tried to go back inside the club but daniel blocked you again. "then what am i to you?" he asked in a low tone, sending shivers all over your body.
"daniel. you’re my-…" he cut you, closing his eyes and pinning you against the wall. "say that we’re just friends, i fucking dare you." you looked at him, completely lost, your cheeks were burning hot because of the way he was looking at you and how close the two of you were. your lips remained shut as you didn’t know what to say, you knew daniel your whole life, he was your best friend, your favorite person on earth, basically your soul mate. in all those years or friendship you did question your true feelings for him, but you never crossed the friendship line. what you had with daniel was too precious to ruin it because of your feelings. "say it, y/n." he repeated, you swallowed and closed your eyes, keeping the eye contact was way too hard for you. you couldn’t see it but seeing you being so flustered made daniel smile, he was happy to see the effect he had on you, and that his feelings weren’t one sided like he feared. "can i kiss you?" you opened your eyes and nodded slowly. daniel gently kissed your lips, his hands resting on your hips while you wrapped your arms around his neck, pushing yourself against him. the kiss grew more passionate, more eager.
you dreamed of that moment for years, you couldn’t believe that it was finally happening. you were kissing your best friend, and it felt right.
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, isahernaez and 729 019 others.
y/n: random dump because i still don’t have a jpg account to empty my camera roll
fan2: the first couple pictures we get 🥺
fan3: that’s mom and dad right here
isahernaez: finally!!
maxverstappen1: @.charles_leclerc you owe me 100€ man
charles_leclerc: damn it
fan5: y/n was already the queen of wags even before she became a wag
fan6: their love story is the cutest ever
fan7: who said friends to lovers was a boring trope because look at THEM
fan8: the speech he did after his first race since his hiatus, when he thanked her was so cute tho
fan9: i just hope it won’t end badly bc their friendship was superior
fan10: now be happy
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taglist: @ferrariloverr
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moonstruckme · 6 months
omg hi! I love your writing so much and I’ve seen that you asked for doctor Remus requests and he’s on my mind day and night, I simply love how you write him. I don’t know if it’s a thing in other countries as well but in mine you have to go to the doctors around your birthday for like check ups and stuff like that, mine is coming up and I’m already dreading it (mostly because of the blood test, I end up fainting every time😣) but I’m sure it would be better if it was with Remus instead🥰
Thanks for requesting sweetheart, hope it goes okay!!
cw: description of anxiety, mention of needle, implied blood
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 972 words
The doctor’s voice is so soothing you keep almost forgetting where you are. You don’t even think he’s doing it on purpose. 
“Alright.” He catches your ankle before you can kick him, sharing a smile with you as he pockets the small mallet he’s been using to test your reflexes. “Everything seems perfect.” 
“Thanks,” you say, then feel stupid.
You don’t know why you’re acting like he’s complimented you. You’re getting flustered by his raspy timbre and attractive hands (which had, just a few minutes before, felt gently along your neck and the underside of your jaw like you were a thing to be treated with care. Not that that’s important). The doctor—Remus, he’d told you to call him—smiles politely anyway. 
“All that’s left to do is get you sorted at the lab,” he says, typing something quickly into his computer, “and then you’re free to go. Ready?” 
“Um, yeah.” It’s a struggle to hear yourself over the beating of your heart. You can only hope you sound normal. You’d known this was coming, and still it’s giving you the cold sweats. “I just feel like I should maybe warn you, I tend not to do well with the blood test.” 
He glances over. “You’ve had problems before?” 
“I sometimes faint.” Your foot starts jiggling of its own accord. You don’t notice until Remus’ gaze drops to it. You stop. “Every time, actually.” 
“That’s fine,” he says, straightening and turning away from the computer. “In that case, I’ll probably keep you in here so we can do it with you lying down. Does that sound alright?” 
You blink. “Um, sure.” 
The nerves are hard to miss in your voice now, and you can’t quite meet Remus’ eyes as he directs a gentle smile your way. He gives your knee a squeeze on his way to the door.
“I’m going to go get some things,” he tells you. “I’ll be back soon, but while I’m gone I just want you to practice taking some deep breaths, yeah?” 
You nod. Another flash of that small, reassuring smile as he goes out the door. 
You try to do as he says, forcing your lungs to fill and then empty and attempting to ignore the pounding of your heartbeat. You can feel it in your face, in your temples, in your teeth. You’ll think you’re starting to get it to slow, and then a pair of footsteps will come down the hall and it’ll speed right back up again. 
It’s almost a relief when Remus comes back, putting an end to your apprehensive torment. 
“You can go ahead and lay back, love,” he says, holding the supplies low where you can hardly see them, and you take care not to try. The paper crinkles underneath you as you flatten out on your back. Remus chuckles when it tears a bit and you wince. “You’re fine, it can’t be helped. I’m just going to feel for a vein, alright? Not doing anything just yet.” 
You keep your gaze on the ceiling as his gloved finger probes gently at the crook of your elbow. It’s hopelessly plain and undiverting up there, no tiles to count or anything. 
“How are you feeling?” Remus asks conversationally. 
“Okay.” Your voice comes out with a bit of squeak to it, not entirely convincing. 
“Keep breathing for me.” The warmth of his touch leaves, and then a rubbery tourniquet is being tied around your arm. “I don’t want you to worry about fainting. It’s perfectly alright if you do, but we’re going to do our best to keep that from happening, okay?” 
You nod. “Okay.” 
“Good, just try and stay relaxed.” His voice drops lower, and now you know the soothing effect is intentional, each of his words mellow and mollifying. “Any plans for after you leave here?” 
“I, um.” You tense when you feel the cold wipe swipe over your elbow. Remus thumbs over your forearm calmingly. “I don’t know.” 
“Seems like you deserve a sweet or something after this, yeah? What sort of things do you like?” 
“I did buy myself ice cream,” you admit, “to have after I get home.” 
“Smart girl.” There’s a smile in Remus’ voice. You’re tempted to lift your head and see it for yourself, but you don’t. “I like the pre-planning. What kind is it?” 
You feel the odd bite of the needle into your skin, and your breath catches. 
“You’re alright,” he promises you, rubbing the inside of your forearm again. “What kind of ice cream did you get, sweetheart?” 
You swallow. “It’s that new, fancy gelato kind.” Your voice sounds higher than before. 
“Oh, I haven’t tried that yet. What flavor?” 
You’re starting to get a bit dizzy. “Chocolate cherry?”
“That sounds fantastic. I’m quite partial to chocolate myself.” You feel something shift, and Remus says, “Nearly done. You might be convincing me to pick some of that up. You’ll have to come back here and give me your thoughts once you’ve finished it.” 
You laugh a little, and he echoes it. 
“Keep still,” he reminds you. 
“No, don’t be.” You feel the needle come out. It surprises you, a quiet whimper slipping from inside your throat. He tsks kindly. “All done, love. You did really well.” 
“Seriously?” You lift your head, and Remus’ eyes are faintly amused as they meet yours. He’s sticking a bandage over your arm. 
“Very seriously,” he confirms. “You did beautifully. That ice cream is well deserved.” 
The laugh that leaves you is light and pitchy with disbelief. “Thank you. I really owe you your own ice cream, after this.” 
He wraps a hand around your elbow, helping you to sit back up. “Careful,” he says lightly, “I might hold you to that. Next time I see you, I’ll be expecting a detailed review at the least.”
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Sharing is caring
Pairing : dad!Charles Leclerc x mom!reader
Theme : Fluff
Another short one because this has been in my draft for a while.
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Liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and 1,820,638 others
charles_leclerc My world ❤️
username1 cuteeeeeee 🥹😩
username2 that matching ribbons! ugh so adorable
username3 my dreeam! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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Liked by charles_leclerc, calra.broker and 633,929 others
ynusername Excited for her popcorn 🍿
username2 omg she’s so cuteeeeee
username3 bowl is too big 😭😂😂
username4 that small hand on the bowl 🥹
"1, 2, 3–"
The sweet, lovable voice filled up your kitchen as your little one counted everything you put on her plate. She had just started learning numbers, so everything that she could count, she wouldn’t miss a chance.
"No, honey. It’s 4, then 5. There you go. Can you carry it?" You leaned down to slowly place the plate on her little hands. She was always excited for her snack time because you would put all different things together, so she had more choices for her food. This time, you had prepared frozen banana yoghurt bites, small slices of apples, a few small peanut butter bites, and some goldfish crackers.
"No! I carry."
"Okay, careful!" You were going to help her bring the plate to her small table in the living room, but she wanted to do everything on her own now.
"Need dada’s help?" Charles heard the little steps tapping against the floor first before he saw his little girl with a plate full of her snacks. The plate was bigger than her face, and it was a bit of a struggle to carry it but she kept on denying every offer of help.
"No!" She placed it on her table, looked at her dad with the biggest smile and started clapping her hands. "Yay!"
"Yay! What have you got there?"
"This.." She pointed at the frozen banana yoghurt bites and took one in her hand. "Banana!"
"That one?" Charles pointed at the goldfish cracker.
"That is fish!" She took one and munched on it, her cheeks puffing out from trying to chew them thoroughly.
"Can dada get some?”
"Let me think!" She puckered her lips and scanned through her plate to decide which one she was going to give to Charles. "Dada want this?" She took a few goldfish crackers, leaving her with two left. "There. I need more fish! Dada wait!"
"Oh? You want me to wait here? Okay, baby. Can dada eat this?" He showed her the handful of crackers in his hand that she just gave.
"Yes!" She stood up wobbly and ran to the kitchen again, this time with a half-empty plate. There were only two crackers left and one banana bites. "Mommy, more?"
"Did you actually eat all of them? That was quick." Your brows furrowed as you took the pink-coloured plate from her.
"Dada ate too!" She giggled and extended her arms to get her plate back.
"What?" You peeked at your husband laying on the couch with a fistful of crackers, treating it as some sort of popcorn, while his eyes locked on the television. "Charles! Are you being serious? Stop taking her snacks!"
Your voice made him jumped, but he continued chomping on the crackers again. "Honey, she was the one who gave it to me."
“Well, then stop taking it!" You put a few more crackers into a small bowl this time before giving it to her. "Don’t share with daddy. This will be the last one, okay? No more."
"Thank you, mommy!" The sound of her footsteps clomping again as she ran back to her dad "Uh oh, mommy angry." She pulled a face and pointed her little finger at her dad, making him laugh.
"You cheeky girl! Mommy’s angry at me because of you." He pinched her chubby cheek as she munched on the crackers again. "Is it good?”
"Yes! Dada want?" She took one off her plate and handed it to Charles.
"It’s okay, baby. Dada’s full."
The little one frowned and looked down on her plate with her bottom lips jutting out, feeling rejected. The cracker she had in her small palm kept being twiddled in it.
Charles pressed his lips together to control his expression. His little girl had already learned how to give attitude if none of her requests were being obeyed. He would always get in trouble because you would scold him for being too fulfilling with her requests, but how could he say no to that squishy little face?
"Okay, okay. Give me one." She the handed him the one she had fiddling in her palm and squealed when Charles ate it.
"Dada more?" She offered another one and he shook his head again.
"No, thank you, baby."
"Please dada.." She pulled a pleading look with her big, round eyes, making him lose this round as well. She giggled and put the cracker in his mouth when he leaned closer.
You then walked into the living room with your hands crossed, glaring at your husband, who was still chewing on something. "Can you stop taking your daughter’s snack?"
"I’m not, honey! I swear! Right, baby?"
"Dada wants more!" She squealed, making Charles’s mouth wide open.
"Honey, don’t listen to her!"
"Well, she obviously doesn’t know how to lie! Right, baby? Is dada taking your snack?" Your brows were still furrowed as you looked at your husband, who was speechless in his seat.
"She was the one who offered me the crackers!" Charles argued.
“Dada said more!” She shrieked and handed another one of the fish crackers to Charles, making you chew on your lips.
“You know, if you really want it, I can give the whole packet to you. Stop taking it from her.”
“I’m not, honey!”
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! 😭 Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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pia-nor481 · 6 months
Lando tying your hand to the headboard and being super gentle about it bonus points if he does this before eating you out and you wanna hold his curls so bad but you can't omg my dream
“You broke the cuffs last time.” Lando complained looking at her with a pout adorning her face. It was no secret that Lando liked bondage, but most of the time she just couldn’t resist touching him. “But it’s not fair you get to touch me” She was beginning to whine now, but that didn’t stop him from running his hands over her thighs lightly. “That’s the rule, you know that.” Her hands were kept above the rest of her body, wrists held together by Lando’s hand. “Please.” She was resisting as much as possible, the urge to touch him taking her over, she could feel the heat of his hand on her thigh, before he pulled her underwear off. “Lando.” She continued to whine as his lips made contact with her cunt, she pushed her hips towards him. “Behave.” Lando groaned, out of breath and face covered in her. He could feel her tensing slightly as he sucked on her clit lightly, pulling a song of moans from her mouth.
Her eyes shot open when he pulled away. As his eyes met hers she realised her hand was clinging to his curls. Lando shook his head dramatically, knowing eventually he’d give her the pleasure she desired. “No. Please Lando.” She begged, sitting up quickly, becoming more obedient as time went on. “You didn’t listen.” He spoke, almost chastising her. Disappointment painted her face as she saw him stand up, walking away with his arms crossed. She huffed loudly upon hearing his footsteps, drawing his attention the best she could, hoping he wouldn’t punish her. But her thoughts were silenced when she saw what was in his grasp; his resistance bands from his home gym. Although Lando was a top athlete who could definitely hold her wrists together, he liked to have his hands exploring her body at any chance he could.
“Really? That’s your solution?” She pouted once again. Lando chose to ignore her remark as he made work of pulling her hands above her head once more, ensuring the bands were secure around her wrist. “These are pretty long, I could definitely still touch you.” He just laughed while ducking his head lower again, laying his tongue flat once again, his hands rested under her knees, keeping a tight grip, just to tease. He knew how desperate she was to feel him on her own accord, but he had to deny her. Moans were bouncing off of the walls the longer his lips made contact with her cunt. “Please Lando, need to feel you. Please….” She trailed off before gasping, the feeling on him become too much. Her hands her pulling on the bands as much as she possibly could, lust taking her over, she was stuggling to even get her hands far from the headboard. His name spilled from her mouth as she pulled, thrashing around in an attempt to get free. “Be good for me.” He reminds with a low voice, before shaking his head side to side, increasing her pleasure tenfold. Her hips pushed up, head empty from the ecstasy running through her body. Lando’s hands danced over her shaking legs in a gentle way to comfort her. “So good, such a good girl.”
A blissful smile adorned her face as Lando looked up again, reaching for her wrists, removing the bands as quick as possible. “They’re 40kgs. I’m sorry baby, but I had no other choice.” He huffed playfully, kissing her sweetly as he rubbed her wrists, making sure she was cared for. “You can touch me as much as you want now.” He whispered out, letting his hands slide over her waist, ensuring his cock was aligned with her cunt. Lando still insisted on teasing her, but rubbing the head over her clit a few times before pushing in. Her hands immediately met his hair, she pulled on his curls, basking in the feeling.
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miguelhugger2099 · 8 months
So imagine Fem reader just going through her closet throwing out old things along with miguel and she finds an old shoebox of hers opens it and its her retired vibrator and pink dildo that she hasn’t used since she started dating Miguel and she’s looking at him awkwardly since she said that she totally threw them away so miguel gets back at her by taking the toys and making her use them
Pretty in Pink
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me when you appear in my inbox, throw a smut prompt in my face and dip: ∑(; °Д°) i genuinely had fun with this request i made him speak more spanish than usual idk why lol but as always, if you don't like it, i'd be more than happy to make another one <3
Miguel x Reader, Smut, Word Count: 2,777
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You stare up into your messy closet; old clothes, old photos and yearbooks and maybe some plastic shopping bags you forgot about were all scattered inside. Hands on your hips, you blink at the cluttered mess while Miguel is behind you and crosses his arms with an unamused look. “You really let it get this bad?” He asks, looking down at you. Miguel had called to say he wanted to see you but you told him it was cleaning day for you and you decided to deep clean. He assured you he still wanted to come over and even help you but when he arrived he wasn’t expecting to see how even the smallest places needed organizing. Life got in the way, you told him. You shrug and let out a deep sigh. “Just help me.” You grunt with a roll of your eyes and go on your tiptoes to reach the top shelf in your closet. There was a big heavy box filled with god-knows-what and you huffed as you slammed it down on your bed. Miguel takes a peek through it while your hands empty out the contents. A two year old angel halloween costume, childhood belongings for sentimental value and a local shopping bag that held your graduation gown. “How do you even still have these?” Miguel scoffs a laugh while he digs through with you, picking up a stack of old movie tickets you used to collect. You snatch the wad of crumbled tickets back with a pout on your face. “They have sentimental value.” Miguel chuckles and teasingly pinches the tip of your nose. “I know but stop being a hoarder. C’mon. Pick what you wanna keep and pick what you don’t. I’ll get a trash bag for the stuff you don’t want.” Miguel then steps out of the room, leaving you alone to set up two piles. You huffed out a big sigh and got to work. Carefully, you picked things one by one to decide if you really needed it.
Some old shirts that didn't fit you were tossed in the don't want pile and the cute headband you thought you lost was placed in the keep pile. Any other things like some old bags or trinkets you grew out of were placed in a different pile on the floor for trash. When the top shelf was fairly cleaned out, Miguel came back with two large black trash bags and began helping you stuff the things away for donation, trash or something along those lines. You then sat on your knees to start on the floor area of the closet, picking out shoes that were too small now and tossing them to Miguel. You reached for a small shoe box in the corner and opened it up to see if any shoes inside were still usable. You didn’t expect to see a matching set of your old baby pink vibrator and hot pink dildo catching dust inside. You gagged on your own spit in surprise, feeling the color drain from your face. You were sure you threw it out. You didn’t need them anymore, not since your first time with Miguel just a little over a year and a half ago. “What’s that?” You hear Miguel peek over you, curious since you stopped handing him things. You slam the shoebox shut. “Nothing!” But he had already seen it. “It’s nothing–haha.” You strained, standing up to open the trash bag Miguel brought to throw it in there but he stops your wrist. With his other hand he takes the box and you screech, trying to take it back. He lifts it open and inside are the familiar toys he’d seen before.
He remembered assuring you that you didn’t need them anymore–not with him around. So he made you promise something to him that day. He made you promise to throw it away after you both had sex; that while you had him, no flimsy toy could ever satisfy you like he could. You kept most of that promise. You really hadn’t picked them up since, you just forgot to actually throw them out. “I thought I told you to trash these.” He glared down at you. You pause reaching for the box, your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as you try to excuse yourself. “I-I did—I was!” You stutter and feel yourself get smaller and panic when he cocks an eyebrow up. “I haven’t used them!” “At all?” “At all.” You grip around his forearm, hoping he wouldn’t be pissed you broke your promise. He glances back down into the box, the sight of it pissing him off. “Sit.” And so you sat on your bed, looking up at Miguel. Miguel picks up the small baby pink bullet vibrator in his hand. He turns it around to find the button and playfully clicks through the different settings. The buzz of the bullet makes your face burn, slightly angry and embarrassed how he’s just fucking around. “Okay, I get it! I’m sorry–just throw it out.” You groan and reach for it again but he snaps his head to glare down at you and you freeze. His eyes narrowed. “How’d you like it?” He asks, turning to face you, your eyes meeting his stomach before you look up.
“Huh?” You ask. He presses through the settings again as if guessing. “Did you like it slow?” He clicks to the first vibration. “Or maybe fast?” He hums as he clicks to the fifth vibration. He guesses you like it faster. You’re stumped. You weren’t sure where he was going with this. You don’t think he’s angry but he’s quiet–there’s something about him that’s changing the shift in your conversation. You cross your legs together when you hear the small buzz increasing. “Fast,” You mutter. “Start at one or two then to three or four.” You look away from him playing with your old toys, your heart speeding up at the sight of the two things that gave you pleasure these past few years. Miguel tosses the box on the bed. You yelp when Miguel pushes you down onto the bed, his knee already forcing your legs apart. You gape up at him, open mouthed in shock when the look on his face is more sinister, head full of ideas of what he’s planning to do. It makes you gulp nervously. “How ‘bout I try them out? You let me know if they’re just as good as me, yeah?”
“Huh?” You squeak out and before you know it, Miguel crashes his lips onto yours. Your eyes flutter close and your hands find purchase in his hair, a dance the two of you knew like the back of your hand. His tongue easily slips through to the inside of your mouth, entangling itself with your own tongue. You moan and roll your eyes back, kissing his back with equal fervor. You buck your hips up to grind yourself on his knee, you can already feel yourself getting wet. He helps alleviate that pressure by rubbing his knee to your aching pussy and you sigh in relief. His left hand holds your waist then moves up your body to cup a tit in his hand that makes you moan his name between kisses. Miguel then slides that hand under your shirt, lifting it up to show your bra. His kisses don't relent up, instead pushing your bra up to reveal your breasts to him and freeing them from confinement. He massages your breast in one hand and ghosts his thumb over your nipple, feeling it harden from the soft touch. Miguel moves his hand to tug your pants down and you lift your hips up to help him rip them off. He clicks the button of the vibrator and ever so gently presses it against your clothed cunt, the small wet patch making it easier to feel through the fabric. You jolt from the buzz, gasping and holding onto Miguel’s wrist. He rips your hand off and collects both of them to pin them above your head. Just one hand from him is enough to render you helpless. He then pushes your panties aside to slip the vibrator right on your clit. You choked on a gasp and tried to pry your hands away from him but he wouldn’t lend up. Your hips squirmed around to try and get away from the sudden stimulation. “I bet you missed this feeling, huh? Is it better than my cock?” He hums against your neck. You shake your head, your face burning up with desire. “N-no…” You whined, nothing was as good as Miguel but he tsks under his breath.
“No? But look at you making a mess on it already. I barely even started.” He whispers, leaning up to bite your earlobe and you moan. His voice had gotten deeper, more husky–just how you liked it. He rubs it gently, applying pressure a few times to find the spot that hits your nerves. You moaned his name when he found the exact point and he began circling around your swollen nub. His action made you jump from pleasure, the shock of it hitting your chest and down to your pussy. “Un poco de vibración y ya estás mojadita en mi mano.” He murmurs, clicking the bullet to a faster pace. You writhe and struggle between deciding to close or open your legs. Miguel struggles to keep the small bullet in his hand, the toy being incredibly tiny compared to his large fingers especially when it was wet from your cunt. Growing frustrated, Miguel pulls the vibrator off your clit making you whimper. He lugs your nimble body up and he moves to lay back against the headboard laying you to rest against his chest. You can feel his strained cock behind you but you barely have time to properly register it before he places your familiar hot pink dildo in front of you. “Muestrame cómo lo usaste antes.” He brushes his lips behind your ear. He helps you hold onto the base of it and you weakly look up at him with a lustful and dazed hum. “Miggy…” You whimper.
“Hazlo.” He growls as he places the silicon tip at your weeping entrance. He rubs the girth of it between your folds to lube it up, especially at its tip. He then lets go of your hand to move up to your breast and starts fondling the round flesh in his palm, using his fingers to roll and flick the nub. It sparks pleasure to your stomach and you bite your lip. You take a firm grip around the dildo and slide it inside your folds, your pussy sucking up the toy into its walls slowly. You moan and lean your head on Miguel’s shoulder. He leans down to nibble on your neck, his canines catching your flesh in between them as he suckles gently while playing with your perky tits. Miguel’s left hand holds the baby pink vibrator and he sets it at its lowest setting before placing it over your clit again. You gasp and arch your back off of Miguel’s chest, bucking your hips to meet the vibrator which makes you also shove the dildo further inside your cunt. “Hnngh! Mig–uel!” You mewled, closing your eyes as you submit to ecstasy. Miguel chuckles, kissing your jaw. “Que te pasa? I’m barely doing a thing. That’s all you, mami.” He rubs the toy around your swollen clit while you pump the dildo in and out of you. Your hips thrust in time with your hand with the vibrator slipping and even smearing your juices from around your labia. Miguel turns up the speed of the buzzing and you let out a high-pitched moan. “No–no, please–” You squeal. “Wait–wait…” You pleaded and grabbed his wrist but Miguel didn't budge. “I thought you liked it fast.” He teased.
“‘s..’s too much…” You mutter, slowing down the dildo into soft long strokes, fucking it up into yourself to hit that sweet spot Miguel always hits. Even with a toy, you’re thinking of him. Miguel pulls on your hardened nipple and you cry out, clenching on the dildo. “Too much?” He scoffs. “You’ve taken a lot more, nena. C’mon, make it faster just how you like it, yeah?” He mutters, moving your hand off the silicon to replace it with his. With your hand now free, you reach up and behind you to grab onto Miguel’s locks. Miguel then pumps the dildo deeper inside you causing you to scream and pull on his hair, bucking your hips against the toy. “Miggy, Miggy–!” You whined, looking down at the sight of his hands using the pretty pink set of adult toys filling and playing with your wet pussy. “Oh, fuck…” You groan, thrusting yourself wildly onto the silicon. “More…” He smirks. “There she is.” He groans and clicks the vibrator to a higher setting, the buzz becoming louder as it surrounds your sensitive clit and folds, the dildo pounding into your cunt at a fast yet hard pace. It was like Miguel was fucking you with his cock himself. “Is it better than me, mami? Did you miss stuffing these inside you?” He murmurs against your ear as he continues to thrust it inside you, slipping the vibrator in circles and pressing it against your puffy entrance.
You shake your head while sweat beads down your forehead. “No…” You whined. Miguel doesn’t believe you. “No? Should I stop?” He slowed his hand down and was about to turn off the buzzing bullet when you squealed and grabbed his wrist tightly to stop him. “Don’t stop.” You pleaded, panting since you finally got the chance to regulate your breathing. Miguel tuts in disapproval. “It’s only good when you do it…” You murmured and his smirk grew back on his lips. “Oh yeah?” He kisses your cheek, slowly starting up his pace again, staring at the way your slick glistens against the hot pink color. You relax on his back again, stuttering your hips as they thrust up. “Mhm..” You moan and gasp when he pounds the toy into you, its soft balls slapping against you. In the middle of fucking you with your own toy, Miguel’s hand gets drenched with the overwhelming amount of juices that you leaked out of your wet pussy. He resists the urge to rip the dildo out from you and dive between your legs for a taste. He settles for licking his chapped lips instead and fucks it into you faster. Your body begins sweating profusely, squirming about as you try to reach your high as fast as you could. Miguel presses the vibrator at a faster pace and you screech, your nails digging into his skin. Your face scrunches up in pleasure and your breathing becomes uneven, panting heavy breaths as your mind gets clouded with the goal of cumming.
“Already close, mama? Go ahead.” He urged you further to your release. He watched as he hands made quick work to fuck and please you, bewitched with how perky your nipples got and how your body bounced and grinded on some plastic dick. “Miguel, harder…” You whined, spreading your legs further apart. With a kiss to your neck, he thrusts the dildo into you and clicks the vibrator to its highest setting, shocking your nerves and getting the breath knocked out of you as it makes you see stars. You screech out a high pitched moan, stilling and shaking your legs while your pussy clamps on the toy and drenches it in your cum. Miguel slips it out with a wet shlick and sets the vibrator to a lower setting to ease out your orgasm. With now one hand free, he wraps his arm around you and cups your left breast, giving it a small squeeze before pushing your bra back down over them. He kisses along your neck and jaw, murmuring praises to you. “Así es, hiciste bien…” He whispers as you slowly come out from the haze. You pant softly and twitch when the vibrator buzzes on your now sensitive clit. Miguel turns it off quickly and sets it to the side with the dildo and rubs your inner thighs comfortingly. You hum and lean back against him, catching your breath as your cheeks slowly stop burning as well. “Do you still wanna keep them?” He kisses along your neck, feeling your blood pump through your veins. You gaze over at the box and to the abandoned toys to the side. “Maybe the vibrator. The dildo wasn’t big enough.”
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A/N: how r we feeling ? ┗(・ω・;)┛
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shirefantasies · 14 days
Hi 🍄your work is so incredible! You’re literally keeping my hobbit/Tolkien hyper-fixation alive. I was wondering if you would want to write a first kiss situation with thorins company/hobbit characters? I hope your surgery goes well and you have a easy and speedy recovery!
Thank you what an honor omg!!! Man the surgery itself was ok but everything after was NOT IT 😭 so glad to be doing better now! This is a great idea & I sure do want to write it🫡😁 sorry it took so long because this request is apparently like 5 months old 🥲
Warning: loooooong post lololol, minor blood/injury mentions, some suggestive jokes/moments, corny at times hehe
Your First Kiss With the Hobbit Characters
“You can’t keep running off like that, you know.” Fingers closed around your wrist, but not so tightly as to provide entrapment, rather a secure anchor. Secure as the comfort of Balin’s deep brown gaze, something deep sparkling in his eyes you could never find elsewhere. Beads of sweat slid down your back as your breathing slowed, the adrenaline of battle washing away. Balin knew that feeling, saw it in you. “I know,” you answered, chest falling with a hard exhale, “But I can hardly leave everyone resigned to their fate when I can help.” It was then Balin’s turn to sigh. “I know, too,” he told you, rotating his grip around your wrist so the back of your hand was enveloped in his palm, “I suppose I am just being selfish.” Some number of seconds of you gaping passed before you managed to stutter out three words. “Does that mean…?” “Aye,” was all he said as he squeezed your hand, glancing down until you cupped his cheek, bringing his gaze back into yours before tugging him into your lips for one last adrenaline wave.
"You?" "Were you expecting Mahal himself?" You chirp in response, leaning on your hand and giving Dwalin a catlike smile. Unfazed, he continues. "What are you doing here?" "What do you think?" You answer with a question of your own, this one far less teasing. Softer. "You can't keep coming back. This is dangerous." Dangerous, he says as if it is not he who lies in a healer's tent with a broken arm freshly set and Valar know how many other bandages. Pain and pity cross your expression as you peer down at the warrior, rest your palm over his tattooed hand. "I can't lose you, too," he adds, gaze drifting from yours and eyelashes fluttering downward sheepishly, "You are far too precious. Too pure." Rosy glow overtakes you, shining outward through your smile and into your fingers, which spread to interlock with Dwalin's. "And too foolish, I suppose, for you, Master Dwalin, will never be rid of me. Do not let yourself be taken by such folly, for nothing is purer than you deserve, my hero." You feel his hand flex beneath you; his eyes finally flicker back upward before darting back shut as he leans up, cupping your cheek with his free hand. You taste salt and breaths of anticipation, war, relief, and love all in one. Pure indeed.
A gasp startled you out of your dazed stare into the night, fire flickering at your back as you watched over empty hills. Turning your back to it, you returned your attention to those whom you presided over, protected for the night. The sight of Thorin bolting upright gave you pause, but soon you were at his side. “Are you alright?” “…Yes.” The king-to-be would not meet your eyes, his gaze falling into the shadows the fire cast upon his countenance. “Look at me.” Your command alone was enough to snap his head up; never had you spoken so to him or used do broken a tone. Thorin’s brows furrowed. “Worry not. It was just a dream.” “That was no dream,” you shot back, all but whispering. “No.” Thorin smiled wryly. “Sometimes it all comes back. I see it in the night when I cannot fight. I am helpless to it all. They cannot be saved. Then I wake and I wonder if it is to be so.” “No,” you laid your hand over his, “This weight is not yours alone. All of us are here with you, right? I am here with you.” A genuine smile crossed Thorin’s face, a shake of his head in wonder followed by a slow nod. “Thank you.” “Of course,” you answer. As you shifted, Thorin tightened his grip on your hand. “Stay.” “I will,” you told him, “I will.” “Good.” Not another word passed between your lips before they connected, passing over each other in moonlit words unspoken.
You hadn't even realized you were wounded at first. Shock overtaking you, you had run across the battlefield in pursuit of your comrades, only for them to gape and point at the blood seeping from your leg. You were fine, you assured them, but having none of it they hoisted you up over one shoulder each and dragged you over to a healer's tent, by which point a sharp sting had begun coursing up the expanse of your right leg. You were lowered down onto the tent's cushion-lain floor with it extended, and only when you looked up were you made aware of the familiar face before you. "Oin!" At your exclamation, the healer looked up and gave such a smile of recognition that your heart flipped. He spoke your name, too, although he did not match your enthusiasm, instead calling out with worry. "It's all right," you reassured him, "Not much more than a scratch." Rolling up your trouser leg, though, Oin winced at the blood before he began cleaning it. His bearded face fell into something much more serious than you were used to; for once he wasn't joking around as the jolly dwarf you knew and loved. That facade, the great focus, lasted the entire time he tended to you in fact. His hands were so dedicated and gentle as they worked over your torn skin. Upon completing your bandaging, he peered t you, dark eyes now intent upon yours. "You'll be fine." "Were you worried?" You couldn't help chuckling a bit. No healer were you, but the wound was nowhere near grievous or life-threatening. "Of course I was," Oin agreed without hesitation, "You know how much I care about you, don't you?" "I-" Lips parting, you stuttered for a moment. In your hesitation, Oin's hand found yours and gently brought you closer until his lips hit yours, beard tickling your cheeks. "Maybe now you do," he told you, smiling as you separated, "Now get some rest, alright?"
“If you two do not stop acting like children," Gloin called to the princes, "We will treat you like children!” “What’ll you do,” Kili countered with crossed arms, smiling at his older brother, “Put us in the corner?” “We absolutely will,” you chimed in, mirroring the younger prince’s posture, “With pleasure, you ruffians!" "You two are like an old married couple," Fili tutted, shaking his head. "That's right," you agreed, grabbing Gloin's face with both hands and yanking him into a quick kiss that had one prince whooping and one calling out in disgust as they ran off. "What in Mahal's name was that?" Gloin asked you as you separated, auburn brows raised in distinct spite of the fact you'd felt him kiss you back. "Sorry, too much? I knew it'd scare them off. Might make them talk as well, though." "I wanted to kiss you first!" Gloin complained, pouting beneath his beard and prompting you to giggle as he took your hand, ready to make a more serious confession.
Feet thudding against the ground, you ignored the shocks to your ankles and sprinted further. Dust clouds kicked up, but you clamped your mouth shut and ran, scanning across the black splatters of orcs’ blood and sheens of fallen blades. None of it stopped until you caught the sight of familiar braids, of black hair spilling out beneath a head trickling blood. “Bifur…” You whispered. He took your hand, gazing up at you with sad eyes. Muttered something faintly in Khuzdul…did you catch the word love? Your answer came in the way he leaned to press your forehead against his, ignoring the fresh wound and the axe still embedded in it. “I’ll take care of you,” you promised, “I love you.” Your lips met with all the passion of admission and promise and hope of recovery.
“Come on now, won’t you have a drink?” You reached out a hand, wrapping it around the tankard over Bofur’s own gloved fingers, though you didn’t accept it straightaway. Instead, you kept your hand where it was and leaned in over the liquor. “Are you trying to get me tipsy, sir?” You teased. “Why, what’ll you do if you do get tipsy?” Bofur shot back with a playful, lopsided grin. “Use your imagination,” you replied, loosening your grip on the tankard and subsequently Bofur’s hand. The dwarf, however, was not giving up so easily. “Well, as a tipsy person myself, I suppose I would imagine something like this.” Tugging your hand back into his, Bofur ignored the tankard completely in favor of pressing his lips to yours, his mustache tickling your cheeks as you surrendered to the reverie of his lips’ sweet dominance. When you finally pull away, you both wore his playful look. “Alright, now I’m trying to get you tipsier,” you told him.
“Wait, come back!” For a moment you thought you would finally get to thank the mysterious gifter of sweets, the one who left baskets of baked goods at the edges of your garden. Always tied with a different patterned bow, this time a gold-edged ribbon of maroon. Standing up, you’d made to follow the sound of footsteps only to see a form rounding the corner, just a wide bit of cloak trailing. “Please!” You turned around one way then whipped back the other when a skidding scraped the walls of your ears. Facing you was a very stocky, flaming-haired dwarf with his hands folded politely in front of him and rocking on his heels. "Since you said please," he said, his voice simple and sweet and a little bit scared. "I've really wanted to meet you," you told him, stepping forward, "To thank you." “Are you disappointed now?” Your gifter asked. “I promise I can do more than bake, I can fight, I will fight for-” Resting a hand on his shoulder, you shook your head. “You’re sweet enough for me just as you are. Never before have I had a secret admirer- someone who went to so much effort. That alone is amazing. Enough.” “You’re too sweet for me.” Pulling him closer by the hand upon his shoulder, you pressed a little kiss to his lips. “Just. Enough. Now, can I know my baker’s name?”
Of all the company members, only one of them supplied you with a spool of his own thread. Thick thread glittering with slivers of metallic sheen interwoven between lighter strips of the tiny cords. "So it matches the rest of my coat, you know," Dori explained, eyes flitting a bit sheepishly. "Ah," you set down your usual spool, a plainer brownish roll you'd just been using on one of Kili's pockets, "I see." You'd barely glanced up from your work, from ensuring you did not strike the thimble upon your finger, until you noticed the way Dori wouldn’t meet your eyes. “I…I know I’m a lot to deal with,” he said, “But it’s just that I know how I like things! I can’t help it.” “I do not think you’re a lot to deal with,” you replied, giving the dwarf your fully undivided attention, “I would be happy to deal with you.” The way his blue eyes widened, you could tell Dori was nowhere near expecting such a response, natural as it came to you. “Would you really?” “More than happy,” you added with a nod. “Well,” he fiddled with his hands, shifting closer to where you sat, “I would be more than happy to care for you in return.” “You already do,” you told him, eyelashes fluttering, “That is what I love about you.” Your allure got to Dori then, all glitter of threads fading in favor of your eyes, which he fell into, and your lips, which he leaned into.
“Get back here!” Chasing after Nori, you called out to the dwarf, who looked back over his shoulder with a cheeky grin. Of all things, he’d chosen to nick your undergarments, the fiend. Of course. Wheeling about, Nori ran up to a large rock and jumped up to the top of it, finally towering over you. He leaned down, your undergarments clutched triumphantly in his gloved hand as your noses nearly brushed. You could feel the warmth of his breath upon your face as you gazed upward, frown faltering and words failing at this new development. Nori, of course, still looked quite smug and had no trouble speaking. Remaining exactly where he was, he remarked, "Well, this is fun, isn't it?" "No," you answered, arms crossed, "It is not. Give those back!" "You're gonna have to make me, hm?" Fine. Two could play at that game. Frustration roiled in your chest, a fire burning as you eyes met Nori's. This whole charade had you quite ready to sacrifice whatever shred of dignity you had left to fight scoundrel with scoundrel. Taking the dwarf roughly by the collar, you yanked him into you and joined your lips. He fought back quickly, far less stunned and more passionate than you'd have expected. You were happy to escalate...at least until your hand slid down, felt his relax and drop the stolen article entirely. Jackpot. All but shoving Nori back, you mirrored his earlier smirk as you strode away, taking your turn to triumphantly brandish your undergarments. "Thank you, sir."
On the edge of your seat is the only phrase you could use to describe your position as you leaned over to watch Ori's work, the way his thick fingers slid so lightly over paper, creating shadows and the faintest of lines with subtle variations in that gentle pressure. Your eyes darted between his hand and his profile, staring as if keeping the focus in those brown eyes burning with the heat of your gaze. It is amazing that Ori can do that; you tell him as much. "Want to try?" He invites, profile swiveling to face you. "I can show you." You gave a nod, reaching out a hand in anticipation of pencil's weight. Thus it fell, but around your newly-filled palm his hand closed, coarse and warm fabric closing yours and lowering it to the paper. Several layered flushes of joy radiated through you as Ori glided you around, completing the lines of leaves upon a tree. "How's that?" An uncertain amount of time passed before he turned again to face you, this time inches from you given your shift and joined hands. "...Good?" The hitch of his breath and the quietening of his voice snapped something in you. Ori, too, for he leaned in and met you halfway through the inches, his lips connecting softly, joyously, to yours, only intensifying that soaring feeling.
"What's wrong?" "Can't sleep." "So you thought you'd bother me instead?" "Bother you?" You feigned offense. "Is that what my presence does?" "Your presence, no," Fili shook his head, "The way you keep kicking at my boots? Needless to say, yes." Grinning wickedly from your seated position, you gently darted out your foot to nudge his again, leading the dwarf to lean down to your level. "Do you want us all to get in danger? Is that it? I'm on watch, you know. You're risking the lives of all of us by distracting me." "Is that so?" "So it is." Nudge. This time, your foot slid along the length of his boot's side after you gave him your little kick. "That's it." Whirling around, mustache braids swishing with the motion, the golden-haired prince knelt down, his face inches from yours. "If you don't stop, I'll make you." Backing down was not in your vocabulary. "Make me," you commanded, voice low and expression smug and satisfied as ever. Before you could get another breath in Fili's lips were crashing onto yours, his facial hair tickling your cheeks in contrast to the hard, fast contact you made. His legs quickly wrapped around your waist, entrapping you beneath him as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, diving deeper and exploring your depths as far as he could for what felt like minutes until you finally parted for need of air. Fili's light blue eyes pierced yours intently, hungrily, as you stared back at him with much greater satisfaction than ever. "You're risking the lives of us all getting distracted," you repeated his words back to him, tracing a finger along one of his coat flaps. "I'll risk my life for you any day," Fili replied, cupping your cheek again and pulling you close, this time for a much slower, sweeter kiss that finally, finally, had you speechless.
“I’m bored,” you half-jokingly whined, eyes rolling back to look at Kili from the log you had draped yourself along. Straddling the log, he turned, leaning down to fix you with that glittering brown stare you loved. “What do you want me to do, hm?” Heart flipping, you swallowed, but painted a flippant smile across your face. “Entertain me.” “Entertain you?” He repeated, his own expression blooming with mischief. “Lot of ways I can do that.” “Well,” you crossed your arms, blood rushing to your head just as much from him as your upside-down position, “Choose one, then.” “Alright,” Kili hovered closer, his breath fanning your already-heated cheeks, “Let me know how this works, then.” The moment his lips crashed into yours, you responded, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his flowing black locks, which had a few leaves caught in them but still remained soft. As you gave them a little tug, Kili parted your lips for deeper entrance. You enjoyed your upside-down kiss right up to the moment you parted for breath, panting as he smirked down at you. “Still bored?”
Fog overtook the corners of your mind, dusting all your intents and purposes with a haze of questions. What were you doing in such a musty old place anyway? A voice at your side expressed a need for air. Why, you wondered as you jumped, startlement pumping pure adrenaline into your blood, were you with someone with a piece of axe blade protruding out of his head? Would the same happen to you? No, he was important, wasn't he? Think, think... Before you could get much thinking done, a hand clasped around yours. This time, the warm weight didn't have you jumping as far but it did pull you along, right along to the edges of the trees where you found yourself climbing after... Bilbo! Bilbo, the hobbit, the burglar, of course! The higher up you went, the more your lungs swelled and your head steadied with relief. How could you have been scared of sweet Bifur or not recognized Bilbo? Laughter sounded a bit above you; climbing faster, you burst from the treetops and squinted as you met the sun. Joined Bilbo's sweet mirth of relief and wonderment as light scattered over the clouds, illuminating the wings of gorgeous blue butterflies streaming out of the rustling leaves. "This is beautiful," you remarked, forgetting yourself and all the troubles of the forest as suddenly as they'd come on. "I'm glad you came with me," Bilbo told you softly. Turning away from the butterflies, you faced him only to see his grey eyes peering at you with the most utter sincerity. Had he drawn closer? A wave of emotion crashed over you, cresting as you closed the gap completely, feeling him gasp against your lips before he dove in himself. Sweet, gentlemanly, Bilbo never forced entry, his focus dedicated to a loving embrace of your lips alone. Giggling like a schoolchild as you pulled away, you grinned at the hobbit, whose expression you could only describe as starstruck. "I... am very glad you came with me," he remarked.
The king needed no advisors. Long had it been since he would have desired them, but concerns had grown and Thranduil did nothing if not care ruthlessly for his people. Thus, members of the nobility like yourself had come together as a council for the Woodland Realm’s ruler. Thranduil had been willing to listen, but your words grated against his like a block sharpening a blade; it seemed as though your every policy fought his in some way. Twice the meeting devolved into the two of you going back and forth across the table from your seats, which were quite unfortunately directly opposite one another. Such a scene it had felt to be that the king tarried in his room of council to speak to you at meeting’s end. “Do you take some form of issue with me?” Looking confident as you had in the meeting, you crossed your arms, smirking. “I take issue with your policies.” Thranduil must confess that in that moment he was shocked by the opposition, brows raising at your bold statement. “And you think you know what is best for our people?” “Maybe I do. They put me on your council, after all.” “You,” with great resounding taps the king crosses the room to stand before you, his face mere inches from yours, “would have us put at great risk right as we hit a point of prosperity.” “I would have us realize the threats at hand,” you replied cooly, tilting your head but balking not at all from the proximity. Thranduil moves ever so much closer, shaking his head and almost brushing his nose against yours with the motion. “Reckless warmongering.” “Hiding in fear,” you challenge back, smirking. “Do you wish to be shown your place?” “Do you need to ask?” A guard crossed briefly into the room, soft address of ‘my king’ dying upon his shortened breath at the sight of said ruler embroiled in a passionate battle for lingual dominance against one of his councilors.
You were never sure how the bowman felt about you. Certainly he was friendly and enjoyed spending time with you enough, but to what end? Perhaps you were doomed to live a life upon the edge of questioning. And yet the worst part was, you had yet to discover why you didn't entirely mind. Why, in fact, you found yourself in his barge once again, paddling out beyond the horizon of cobbled together buildings leaning into each other. Just as you could lean further into the thick brown furs of Bard's coat, perhaps even feeling it against your cheek as you lean against his shoulder. As it was, you simply stood at his invitation to take up steering, moving to the other side of the boat. Unbeknownst to you, however, Bard had left one of his fishing nets on the floor; shoe’s edge catching on the tightly connected loops of rope, you tumbled forward and made an unfortunate pitch into the cold lake. Swirling into the water and kicking back up through it did not last long, and soon Bard’s hand reached out to grab yours and pull you back into shivering safety. “Are you hurt?” He asked, hands hovering over your folded legs, the ankle you’d caught. Heart swelling over the look of concern in his dark eyes, all you could do was shake your head. Folding himself, Bard dropped to his knees at your side. “Good. I was worried about you.” “You were?” You asked dumbly, ready to blame shock over such a foolish question. You needed not, though, could not- not when his lips fell immediately upon yours.
Neighbors minded their own business. This was a simple fact of making one's home out in the far woods, out also where more and more orcs and foul things had begun to roam. Thus you had always been left to wonder who the owner of the wonderful cottage you passed by was, never seeing a single soul beyond the great deal of livestock and pleasantly plump bees flitting about the immaculately-tended flowers. Was it a woman? A man? Some sort of trap like in the old tales where places and faces so fair were always the deadliest? But who, then, would be twisted enough to craft a trap so admittedly perfect in your mind... Such thoughts did not penetrate the desperation clouding your mind the day your beloved cow, the one you'd had from a young age, strained with the aching struggle of a birth gone wrong, your feet carrying you straight to your neighbor's door. If she died, you would lose a major source of subsistence alongside one of your few friends in the whole lonely woods. The look in her big brown eyes was all you could see as you rapped on the door, your look of pleading meeting yet another big brown stare, this time upon a man with a stern face and a great mass of brown hair. Brows furrowed in confusion and perhaps slight annoyance as they were, he had no chance to speak ill before you were begging him to come help your cow, you'd seen the shape his were in after all and you could tell they were loved, please, you needed his strength- she did. The unspoken promise that the man would see you this once, then never again, hung in the air as you led him to your home, to your pasture, to the dear friend whose life he saved. “Thank you, truly,” you told him as he made to leave, “You may not wish it, but you are welcome here anytime.” Before he could say anything, you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. Not realizing, of course, that he was turning his head, connecting your lips for the briefest of moments before you stared at him wide-eyed. “You might see me again,” he told you with a small, wry smile.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
ueueuehehehehehe barbatos tailfucking the reader. like holding them with his hands and using his tail to fuck both holes *smiles* and like overstimming them too (fem reader if so 🙏🏼🙏🏼) -rei boobie anon
Barbatos tailfucking fem! s/o + overstimulation
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omg you said that he needs to hold the reader and everything but I get a little bit carried away while writing this.. Hope it's okay.. <3
femreader, teasing, begging, humiliation, overstimulation, semi public sex, rough sex, slut shaming, oral (giving), double penetration, Master/pet relationship;; 3026 words;;
The way Barbatos touches you clearly reflects his whole personality - playful, almost weightless, and always so confusing, as you never can say if it was an accidental brush of his hand on your body that feels too intimate or he just teases you, maybe even torturing you with these games.. Every time you visit Demon Lord's Castle he approaches you too rarely to actually make you aroused but too often for you to not pay attention to light strokes of his arms that just knows where and how to tickle to make you bite lips. Yet today..
Today was some kind of special occasion, indeed. One of the casual tea parties that Diavolo loves to make so it's easy to run away from his responsibilities and paperwork but today his loyal servant finally accepted the offer to join you all and also relax. And oh what a miracle, the only empty chair was near you?!
But the fact that Barbatos also would just drink tea with you all didn't bother or even surprise you that much, before.. Before you choke on the silver spoon in your mouth, suddenly feel the cold leather of his gloves on your thighs.
"S/o..? Are you alright?!"
"Strange, I make sure that there's no Solomon's cooking this time, why did you choke on this strawberry pie?"
"Mm? And how can my cooking be related to this..?"
Ah, everyone around you is so worried, almost jumping from their places to pat your back and help you. When the hero of the occasion keeps drinking his tea, absolutely enjoying your blushing face and this awkward laugh as you try to calm everyone.. While his hand already lifts your skirt, caressing naked skin here.
"S/o, is everything okay? Maybe I should lend a helping hand for you too?" - he finally turns to look you right in the eyes just to get even more amused by your adorable reaction, as you're really trying to keep your voice calm. The moment your eyes meet, Barbatos just moves his fingers forward, tickling inner thighs oh so close to your panties.
"Yes, yes, I'm alright.." - and despite you wanting to hint with a glance to stop you have no idea how… Everyone around is still looking.
"Good." - He takes off your panties.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Well, maybe you shouldn't have given a damn about everyone else as now things get even harder to hide.
For a moment you thought he would just tease you with his hand for the whole tea party, but then his tail appeared. And it was much worse than his fingers can be. One tip of it was slowly sliding up and down, titillating your folds, when the other one pressed to your clit, drawing small circles in a sensitive place.
All you can do is just eat more than usual to muffle your gasp in another bite of cake. How good Mammon was also here, in his casual goofy mood that Lucifer hated so much, making everyone around laugh. And you laugh too, trying to hide your whines and sobs under the mask of a strong fit of laughter, eyes already red and watering when you act like you finally controlled the spasms.. Oh if they all know what exactly spasms you try to control..!
Will you be able to hold yourself for the whole evening? Your hand slides down to squeeze Barbatos' knee, not in the attempt to tease him too but to warn him, warn that it's starting to be unbearable. Even when you tried to control your breath he was hearing your small gasps and whimpers, and quickly found just the right pace to rub your clit while his other tip played with the clenching entrance of your pussy, not thrusting inside, just tickling, making you be the one who wants to feel more. And you were afraid you would not have enough strength to not just start moaning out loud.
"Mm.. This time it was much more funny than usual.." - Simeon smiles, and you just now notice that everyone has already finished their tea, and the party is getting to finish.
"Oh yes! The fact that Barbatos was with us this time as a friend and not as my servant was making everything better..!" - a loud laugh of the Lord thundered across the table, but you almost didn't hear him, more concentrated on the heat between your thighs that made you cross your legs. Are you on edge now..?
"I don't think my presence change anything, but your words flattered me, my Lord.." - with a slight nod Barbatos keeps looking at everyone but not you.
"Hehe.. But do you remember that you still need to prepare rooms for our dear guest to stay overnight?"
"Of course. I will return to my work immediately." - maybe no one heard this, but you clearly notice some sight mockery in his tone. And of course this mockery was addressed to you, as at the same time all touches stopped and his tail quickly pulled away.
You whine, this time not even carrying how loud you can be, as your pussy was still throbbing, asking, begging for just a few touches before blissful release..
"I'm no less disappointed than you are, s/o.." - Lucifer furrowed his brow, looking at his boss. - "You probably should tell us that you're planning an overnight stay a little bit earlier..?"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Never in your life have you experienced a more hard time than this evening. All this activity with the demon brother in Castle just annoys you, as you still keep returning to these moments with Barbatos, almost feeling the ghost of his touches on your warm skin all over again.
But this sinful servant just knows how to make you struggle even more, not even showing near you for the whole time, too busy with his responsibilities. And it was both good and bad, cause despite you yearning to see him again you also were afraid that you would just melt in the same second you see him again.
And only when everyone calls it night and goes into a different room, whining about how lucky Belphegor and Simeon are to spend the night in the same place with you, only then he approaches you again, catching you all alone in the darkness of the corridor.
"It seems that I left my poor darling right at the most interesting moment.."
"You did it on purpose..!" - you whisper, fighting the urge to just cling to him right here, but the shine in his bright green eyes tells you to not even try.
"Am I? Then please, meet me in my room tonight.." - leaning closer but only with his shoulders, still not touching your body, Barbatos whispers in your ear, hitting the core of your mind with goosebumps. - "I'm ready to fix my bad attitude.."
"But how I can-" - you mumble under your breath but he's already gone, almost faded away, leaving you all confused again.
Just HOW you still tolerate such unfair teases? Probably because you start to be addicted to these intoxicating games that always leave you with a light head and warm wetness in panties. Not even Lucifer with his playful flirting can make you feel the same thing that this side servant that is always in the background, hiding in the shadows, can. And you love that.
Well, maybe this whole sleepover was also just part of his plan, and the fact that you get in a room with two pretty peaceful guys was maybe also just his little touch.. Cause Belphie just fall asleep immediately, before you even enter the room, and Simeon, trying to act as quiet as possible to not awake him, also quickly get drowsy.
Just an hour, and you were absolutely sure these two wouldn't notice you go away. Well, maybe not 'just an hour', as every minute was like a torture for you, especially when you realize you would probably receive something more very soon.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Oh my. So I really picked your interest today, am I?"
You just whine as a response, melting in his arms the very second you crossed the threshold of Barbatos' room. Clinging to him with your whole body, you grasp his shoulders, waiting to feel his touch again, but his hands don't even move from your waist, and the whole hug feels… kinda stiff.
Oh, do you really think everything would be so easy? When you look up at him all you can see is a wild smirk, as your lover was absolutely amused with such pathetic needy gaze. One arm pat your head as he pulls away from you.
"Barbatos, why-"
"On your knees."
Not even any second thought as you already dropped on the floor, sitting in front of him. From such an angle his devilish face looks even more hypnotizin and you whine, both from shame and arousal.
But he just looks at you for a few seconds, before walking away and sitting in his bed, calling you with a beckoning sign. Oh, and of course he wouldn't even try to hide how much he enjoys your trembling figure as you quickly get closer on all fours. Like his own little pet..
For a moment you just look at each other in absolute silence, before he leans a little, resting his elbow on his knee:
"Do I really need to say that? I thought you were pretty smart to understand that good girls get rewards only after they ask nicely.."
"But.. Barbatos.."
"Mm, and I thought you got here for something more than just to show me how pathetic you look in such a pose.."
Digging your nails in the carpet, you sobs, as your face starts heating up. Of course you know when he plays and when not, and now you're absolutely sure you will receive nothing if you wouldn't beg.
"Barbatos, please.. Please, just touch me again.." - your small whine makes him chuckle and he nodded approvingly, waiting for more. - "I don't even ask for fucking, just touching.. Please.."
"Oh, how pitiful.." - your lover sighs, and despite his smile still on his face, the tone of his mocking voice was disinterested.
"No, really.. Barb- Master.." - you lean closer, clinging to his legs. - "Master, please.. I'll do anything.."
"That's better.."
Finally, FINALLY he touched you, spreading your legs roughly with the toes of his shoes as his tail quickly slid under your skirt, pressing onto the sticky fabric of your panties, that was absolutely soaked in your juices.
"Lift it up." - his gaze drops on your clothes and you quickly obey, too excited to finally get the right attention. Pulling your shirt up, you take it in your mouth, revealing your bra, while hands lifting the hem of your skirt.
"Oh, you decided to show me your whole body? Then go on, take everything off.." - still with a mocking tone, Barbatos surveyed your naked skin with the same calm gaze. ..did he even aroused or not? Or is it just a very twisted game for him, to humiliate you more?
But you don't care, as the main thing for you is that his tails already move your panties aside and start stroking your hot, trembling pussy again. Still holding your skirt with one hand, you tried to unhook your bra, as he ordered, but it was too hard, too hard when all your already small thoughts completely disappeared, leaving you with an empty head.
"What's wrong? Few touches are enough for you to get so useless?" - Barbatos sighs, leaning down and taking off your shirt along with the bra in one movement. - "Never thought what a dirty slut you are, letting a man treat you like this?"
The way his voice quickly changes from light mockery to straightforward insults just makes your stomach tickle. And this absolutely cold gaze on your blushing face and sweaty body just makes everything worse.. It's amazing how he can keep such a collected face when his tails are literally rubbing against you like that, one in front, teasing your folds, when another tip slowly creeps to your ass, tickling a tight hole. Another high pitched whine burst out of your lips but he quickly shut you up, grasping your chin.
"If you want to keep your mouth open, then at least use it properly.." - with such commentary he forces you lean closer, pressing your face to his crotch. Warmth of his hard dick that was felt even through fabric sends shivers down your spine and you let go of your skirt, instead trying to unzip his pants.
Not even trying to help you this time, Barbatos just keeps watching your weak attempts to do it, feeling just how much your hands tremble when brushing against his bulge. All he does is just keep telling how you demean yourself with such useless behavior. Oh, he's too harsh? But his tails also have nerves and he clearly can tell how much your both holes are clenching from his merciless comments, begging to be finally stretched out. But it's not the right time yet.
Only when his cock finally slaps your face, revealing from his pants, he grabs your hair again, controlling the pace with you licking his whole length. And only when Barbatos starts forcing his dick inside your mouth, his tails thrust inside you in one moment, making you moan right on his skin, tickling glans with vibration of your throat.
"Is it actually so good, to be fucked in all your holes? Well, why I'm asking.. Sluts like you love such things, don't you?" - even after his breath gets heavier from your hot tongue around his cock, your lover keeps mocking you.
Mock your sloppy movements, mock you for being so wet that he doesn't even need to prepare you, already pushing his tail deep inside you, mock you for choking around his cock and think about your own pleasure, not his, just mock and mock you every second. But your face with furrowed, twitching brows and muffled moans just tells him that you're absolutely enjoying it.
His darkened eyes now were filled with more lust, as he enjoyed every thrust of your mouth in just the right pace that he controlled all by himself, still pulling your hairs with his tight grip. For a moment Barbatos presses your head to his hips again, making you choke on the thick base of his cock and just stop, admiring your hazy eyes, full of tears.
"Such a good, whorish pet.. You want to cum, don't you?"
All you can do is whine and nod just a little, begging with your gaze instead of words. Oh, and of course with your hips that keep bouncing up and down on two tips that now speed up, moving in one aggressive rhythm. This mind shattering feeling of double filling was so new but already so pleasant to you, both your tight holes tremble from the rough resistance of his tails. God, of course you want to cum now.
"That's it.. Only dirty whores will cum when all their tree holes are stretched like this, so go on and show me how slutty you are for your master.."
The same rough wild speed that titillates you down here now was wrecking your mouth too, and you just closed your eyes, surrendering utterly to the pleasure. But a rough pull on your hair makes you gasp and open it again, just to see the smirking face of your lover.
"Did I give you permission? Look your Master in the eyes like a good and obedient pet.." - a low chuckle sends shivers down your spine and he suddenly starts to slow down. - "Or you enjoy when I throw you away in the most delightful moment?"
You shake your head a little and keep sucking his dick, begging with every move to not stop, to not stop right now, when your legs start trembling so much you barely can sit like that and not fall down, your thighs tried to squeeze together but his boots still were forcing you open, spreading your legs..
Just a few more rough, merciless thrust and you moan around his dick, sending more vibrations all over his sensitive skin while orgasm finally hits you. Your whole body freezes and if not his hand on your head you would probably stop sucking, as all other muscles in your body tensed up, concentrating in your burning pussy that now clenched tight around his tail. Your vision is blurry and you can only see Barbatos' smirk and deep dominating gaze, and it just makes these waves of pleasure inside you hit your core even harder.
Still pushing your head up and down, he admires such a pathetic view of your cumming face, absolutely enjoying your hot walls and their pressure. Just how much tighter you would be when he would pound into you with much thicker length..? This thoughts makes him bite lip as he also get too close to the edge, showing his dick deep in your throat.
"Keep your mouth like that.. Let's use your throat for its only one declared purposes.."
With these words Barbatos come too, burning your inner skin with thick hot sperm. Oh, and of course as a good pet you will keep sucking, milking him to the very end as sticky liquid running down into your stomach. Only now you were able to hear more of his groans and gasps, but not that much.. After all, if you want to hear more of his delightful deep sounds then you should work even harder now.
And of course he gives you this opportunity, pulling away your head to undress himself completely.
"On a bed, now. If you continue being so obedient, then I'll let you stay here for the whole night, pet.."
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