#and then he was like isn't it better than eating lettuce
sga-owns-my-soul · 11 months
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sinning-23 · 11 months
Blowing Bubbles Blowing ZAZA
OPLA headcannons whre y/n for some reason has an ungodly amout of ouid stashed...but always offers because sharing is caring.
Warnings: uhhh some oiud, mentions of slightly nsfw topics, uhhhh yeah thats about it.
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-Ok so.....he knows that smell, but why the hell was it coming from your room.
-He doesn't knock, just kinda cracks the door open, and there you are eyes wide like you'd been caught (technically you have) but that didn't matter.
-What DID matter was that you were smoking two blunts at once and took one out of your mouth to offer him.
-He hesitates only for a second but accepts it, closing the door behind him.
-I mean this mfs eyes are bloodshot with a satiisfies smile on his face.
-"Where did you even get this?' His voice seems slightly deeper now.
-"Stole it. Good shit tho." You sigh, the two of you laid out, staring up at the ceiling that seems to be warping before your very eyes.
-There's a silence but it's comfortable...until it's not, Zoro cutting through it
-'Do you think god stays in heaven cause he's scared of his creation?"
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-You already tried to convince him this was better than any cancer stick he's put in his body but he's not one to dabble in that.
-"You can make it butter. Infuse it. Boom edibles." you suggest, passing him the ziplock back with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
-"C'mon chef boyardee, hook it up?"
-Ok so it was far more tempting than he thought and damn did he get carried away fast. Like...way too fast.
-THIS MF COOK A FULL MEAL...ALL OF IT INFUSED. Ohhh you're all fucked up. I mean REALLLY fucked up
-Zoro is knocked out, sleeping in the most uncomfortable position. I mean he's folded like a goddamn omelet with the hilt of his sword acting as a pillow.
-Luffys got his arms stretched out in one big puddle trying to untangle them
-Nami is doing circles around the ship looking at her compass needle, trying to figure out why 'Weast" isn't labeled
-And the two of you giggle away, opening and closing the fridge to try and catch the light go off and on inside.
-It's a gawd damn mess and technically your fault for giving THE CHEF A BAG OF WEED TO USE IRRESPONSIBLY
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-He found it completely by accident and thought it was food.
-"Well, I don't know why you keep a bag of lettuce in your room, but I was hungry so I ate it. I think it's gone bad by the way. so... you're welcome!"
-You freeze, turning got him in a way that's damn near comical.
-Oooooh hes fucked up, it takes less than an hour for it to kick in and the whole time he's a mess of tangles, stretched-out libs, asking questions that make no sense to anyone but him.
-"If I like.....stretch my stomach can I eat more than usual or...would I have to stay stretched like that until it's digested?"
-Starts to panic just a pinch because he said his 'hands don't match'
-Que him flipping his hands back and forth for the next hour
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-Only smoked because you offered...and because she hasn't in a while
-Surprizingly knows some cool tricks.
-Opts to take her rolling tray out of its hiding place. Hooray for a new smoke buddy!
-She's actually really calm and relaxed when she smokes. can hold a normal conversation, she just seems a bit sleepy.
-Already prepared with food from the kitchen cause she knows she gets the munchies and already had an incident where she tried to cook while high anddd it backfired.
-Is also very creative. She keeps a sketchbook with pages of mandalas she drew under the influence. Unfortunately, it's only a talent she possesses when high as a kite.
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-Scam or not the lady at the booth said it was a very nice vase for a unique kind of flower. The plan was to gift it to you with said flower but uhhh... he couldn't find it. That is until you spotted it in his room.
-"Yooo I didn't know you dabble uUo! I would've shared my stash sooner!"
-Whatchu talking bout Willis?
-"What? No no, the lady said this was a vase for a special kind of flower and- Ohhhhh."
-He pauses, giving a nod and clearing his throat.
-Did you just teach Usopp what a bong is and how to use it???
-He gets terrible munchies after and can't decide whether he wants something out the kitchen or to simply eat you up because you already a snack (oop girl hold on-)
-If hes not horned up he's paranoid. No inbetween. literally like, "They're in the walls!" paranoid or "I'm in your walls" just nastyyy
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-Ouid you say? Zaza? The devil's lettuce? Oh, he will be partaking.
-Will fuck up the rotation. Not on purpose tho, it's just been a while since he'd done this.
-Was kinda a pothead in his youth. These days the closest he can get is a CBD ointment he uses for soreness in his back and shoulders.
-So when he catches you with quite literally the FATTEST joint he has ever seen in his life he can't help but join in.
-"There's no way you're smoking that by yourself." He chuckles, sitting crisscross beside you as you begin to pass t back and forth
-Please don't try to outsmoke him. You will lose and green out way before he does sweetie.
-Shotgunning, that's all I have to say.
-He gets kinda freakayyyy when he's high, so just expect wandering hands and some deep, passionate kisses.
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-Oh you stole it from someone and he stole it for you because wtf? You're supposed to offer your Captain the shit you steal that totally a rule.
-You don't say anything when the bag goes missing but you do smell your precious green coming from your Captain's quarters.
-You knock, hearing a light cough, and then 'come in"
-"So you were gonna keep this little gem a secret from me? I'd laugh in your face right now but I feel like I'm gonna cough up a lung" He strains, very obviously holding back a series of coughs.
-He doesn't seem upset and passes the joint to you with a welcoming smile.
-Who tf else did you think Shanks would smoke with back in the day?
-For once he's not talkative, just enjoying the feeling of complete relaxation. It's like he turns his brain off for a moment. he needs it honestly.
-Is literally the BEST at rolling. Like every time it's a perfect, photo-worthy blunt.
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unclewaynemunson · 11 months
It's a little past two AM when Wayne opens his lunchbox and finds himself unable to stop the smile that's creeping onto his face.
He's met with a note, in neat handwriting:
My dear Wayne, I hope you're having a good day/night at work. I made you some extra healthy sandwiches because of that cough you were worried about – I hope you like fresh tomato and lettuce. (Please don't get mad at me for trying to make you eat vegetables on your bread.) I also hid some clementines in your bag. I'll be thinking about you when I go to bed, and I can't wait to see you again in the morning. Love, S.
He startles when he hears his own name and looks up to find his colleagues looking at him with various degrees of amusement.
'Who woulda thought?' John McMillan laughs while some of the younger guys let out wolf whistles. 'Wayne Munson got himself a lady?'
'We've been working here together for almost ten years and I don't think I ever saw you smile before,' Bernie adds. 'So she wrote you a love letter to go with your sandwiches, huh?'
Wayne rubs a hand over his beard, trying to hide his inclination to hide away from all those eyes staring at him like he's something funny. He has never liked being the center of attention.
'Don't act like y'all know somethin' you don't,' he grumbles.
'Who is she?' asks Logan. 'Can't be someone from the trailer park, you never were interested in any of 'em. Found yourself a more classy one? Someone from Loch Nora who gets the hots for a working man?'
Wayne suppresses the urge to roll his eyes at him.
'You got it all wrong, boys,' he says, hoping they'll back off soon.
'Do we, now?' With a taunting smile, John McMillan plucks the note out of Wayne's hands, and starts reading it out loud to his little audience in a high-pitched, faux dramatic voice.
Wayne isn't ashamed, and he knows the teasing is mostly meant in good fun, but he feels an overwhelming relief about the fact that Scott had been smart enough to not sign the note with his full name.
'S, look at that!' McMillan exclaims triumphantly, putting the note back into Wayne's lunchbox. 'So he got a mystery lady... Guys, who do we know with names starting with an S? Any girlfriends or wives we should get worried 'bout cheating?'
There's laughter, some guesses thrown around by people thinking they're funny, but Wayne mostly lets it glide off him, the same way he'd endure their comments about Eddie back in March. Granted, this teasing is much less mean-spirited than the so-called banter back then, but he still doesn't like to get involved. The less these men know about him, the better; that's a lesson he learned a long time ago. So he eats his bread – and even a clementine – while he lets them guess and pretends to laugh with them.
When the break is over and they get up to go back to their job, Bernie matches his pace to Wayne's.
'Look, you know we've been teasing you, but we're happy for ya, man, you know that, right?' he says.
Wayne pats him on his shoulder. Bernie is a good guy. He was one of the few men around here who actually seemed concerned about Eddie when all that shit went down. As far as Wayne knows, he never chose a side back then, never came for his nephew like those guys like Logan or John McMillan, with their big mouths and narrow minds.
'All good, Bernie, thanks,' he says.
'Does she make you happy?'
The question catches him by surprise; it prompts his lips to curve into the second unexpected smile of that day.
He thinks about the way Scott looked at him before they said goodbye this evening. He thinks about the sparkle in Scott's eyes whenever he talks about his students. He thinks about the way his hands held Wayne all through the night they spent together last weekend. He thinks about his neat mustache, his soft sweater vests, his long fingers cradled around one of Wayne's mugs. He pictures the private smile that must've surely been on Scott's face, a smile nobody saw, when he filled Wayne's lunchbox with fresh veggies and a surprise note.
'Very,' he tells Bernie, before slowing down his steps to be left alone with his thoughts about the man who will be waiting for him in bed after his shift, asleep and with his hair a mess, but waking up for a second to kiss Wayne's lips like he always does.
There is nothing that makes him happier than that one hour they get to share in bed together before Scott's alarm goes off in the morning.
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Giving Tim Drake random food quirks I myself have (since we know he has horrible tastes)
No pasta. No pasta in no ways. Pasta itself is gross, regardless of how you cook it. The noodles are just bad tasting, it's not more complicated than that.
Celery is best when dipped in soft drinks. Dark soft drinks like Coke, Root Beer, or Dr. Pepper, though "yellow" ones like Mellow Yellow and Ginger Ale work too. Dick likes this as well.
Salads are better deconstructed. It is better to just several leaves of lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, some radicchio leaves, and some broccoli than to mixed it in a bowl. (this is consistent with him like cukewiches)
Sushi is good (an objective fact), but the best sushi by far is Unagi (eel) and Tako (octopus). But of the common sushi you can buy at like Kroger or Speedway, escolar (its called white tuna but that is very inaccurate) is the best. One time Tim eats way too much escolar nigiri, and Bruce walks in and grimly tells him that escolar is banned in Japan because it causes dysentery when eaten in more than 6oz at a time. Tim misses patrol.
Rare meat does taste good, but it makes him sick to his stomach 20 minutes later. It is the way to be throwing up over and over until the acid causes slight bleeding in your throat. Bruce breaks down the bathroom door and sees blood on the toilet seat and goes into a panic. That's a very embarassing ER visit
I absolutely hate cheese 9 out of 10 times, but I'm not mean enough to curse Tim like this. But we will say that like me, Tim prefers Fontina to a ridiculous degree to other cheeses. When Tim uses Fontina on his Tacos Jason's heart murmurs
Speaking of Tacos, I hate tortillas of any kind, soft, hard, hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em. Again, I won't curse Tim with this blood malediction, but I will make it so Tim exclusively eats Whole Grain tortillas. Steph steals a bite of his burrito and immediately feels disappointed.
Like me, Tim loves loves quinoa. Like me, Tim did not know any ethical controversies with quinoa for years. However, Tim learned when he was like...17, so his teenage egoism and privilege guilt makes him immediately feel rotten. But luckily Tim is very rich so he invests in Gotham starting its own quinoa farms, and WE oversees so they the most ethical farms on the East coast
Tim is allergic to hibiscus. If this was the 80s like when Tim was introduced, he would probably not know this until he was in his 40s, because hibiscus was not in anything in America until like 2015.
Tim absolutely thinks Mixed Peppercorns are superior to Black Pepper and literally never buys Black pepper again. Kroger's Private Selection brand has made a whale of him (affectionate and derogatory)
Cherry Coke is Tim's lifeblood outside of Coffee. If you offered Tim a prime rib or a Cherry Coke he would take the Cherry Coke every time, it is one of his favorite flavors ever
And in contrast, Tonic Water is Tim's most hated thing of all time. It doesn't make him gag or anything, but the flavor is his least favorite flavor.
Tim likes grapefruits a lot. But grapefruit screws with the medicine he needs, so he can't have it. He stares longingly at the ruby reds in the Kroger produce section. When will they return from the war.
Tim prefers soda in glass bottles, both for ethical reasons (glass doesn't downcycle and isn't toxic like microplastics are) and because he thinks it tastes better. Tim, a man of science, will die on this conspiracy.
All coffee is good. Starbucks $8 pistachio frappes with coconut milk and olive oil? Awesome! Black quintuple shot espressos? Awesome! Dollar General "French Roast"? Awesome! $40 a cup imported Colombian coffee? Awesome! Mushroom coffee? Awesome! Kroger instant coffee? Objectively awful, but with enough powdered creamer and Splenda, it can be fine too!
Tim exclusively uses the spellings "Catsup" and "Doughnuts." That's how he was raised to spell them, he spelled them that his entire childhood, and he's not interested in making any attempt to stop (my dad learned it from living in Germany and supposedly Germans who learned English in school used those spellings, and I could see Jack Drake having that same experience (no I have no idea if that's actually factually true my dad's had dementia my entire life))
Tim has a decent spice tolerance, habanero is about his max, but not a whole lot of food made for regular consumption goes beyond that, so its not a big deal. But, Tim doesn't actually like the flavor of most hot peppers. (I personally think jalapenos are kinda gross), so a lot of people think he can't handle hot food when its just that he doesn't like a lot of the mainstream hot stuff
Chili is in the top 5 of the grossest smells Tim has ever smelled and he is not exaggerating. Rotting carrion and skunk are less offensive than the smell of a pot of chili. He doesn't know if he likes the flavor or not because the smell makes him too sick to even notice a taste.
There are almost zero fresh fruit or vegetables that Tim does not like. Like, a very small number, like both categories fit on one hand.
Tim's favorite apples are the yellow ones and he will not take criticism.
Marshmallow artificial flavor is absolutely amazing, but its pretty rare for Tim to ever actually just eat marshmallows. Marshmallow flavored candy, coffee, sodas, creams, those are good.
Tim loves cotton candy flavored things too, like Cotton candy flavored cupcakes or gum or something. But his favorite is Cotton Candy Faygo. But Faygo is pretty rare in Gotham, so instead he just putts cotton candy into his Sprite or Sierra Mist
Speaking of Sierra Mist, Tim thinks it is vastly superior to Starry
Tim loves white brats. They are the best meat on BBQs, superior to steaks, ribs, hot dogs, fish, poultry, veggies, burgers, none of it can compare
Tim does like bitter foods. Cass sees him eating chocolates and doesn't realize its 82% dark and grabs one then immediately shrivels into a lump
Upon learning all of this Duke constantly makes fun of Tim for having the whitest taste buds, but finds Tim likes quite a bit of classic Black Americana soul food, and Duke feels some respect. Then he sees Tim snacking on kale chips and it immediately fades (btw remember Tim is Blasian in all of my posts from now until I die)
Tim loves Worcestershire sauce. Supernaturally. Bruce sees 13-year-old Tim take a shot of a dark liquid and is immediately furious, and Tim has him take the other one and its straight Worcestershire. Bruce gags so hard he hurts his ribs as bad as a punch from King Shark.
Tim likes sprinkles. Alfred fucking hates this. Tim puts sprinkles on his pancakes, one his lattes, on every pastry and ice cream ever. But then Alfred sees Tim make fairy toast and he's reminded of his mom, and making it himself for his daughter, and lets it slide.
Duke sees Tim scowl and pudding, and ignores it. Duke sees Tim eat a plain hotdog, shivering at any idea of mustard, catsup, or mayonnaise. Duke sees Tim cringe when he puts ranch on his salad. When probed, Tim replies "I don't like anything with that boogery texture" and Duke is immediately too grossed out to finish his salad
Tim had an entomophagy phase, for sure. "It's so good for the environment guys, if humans started eating ants we'd never run out of food, world hunger would be solved in weeks." They're watching a movie and Tim pulls out a small plastic bag, pulls out a centipede and eats it casually. Dick lunges for a trashcan and Damian flinches like he'd been slapped.
Tim prefers 1% milk to whole, skim, or 2%. He also really enjoys acidophilus milk. While Jon's over playing with Damian, Jon asks what that means and Tim says "oh they put more bacteria in it," and Jon starts X-Raying Tim to see if he has like legions on his lungs or something, and when he sees Tim doesn't have a spleen he cries and tells Clark the milk is eating Tim inside out
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rarepears · 3 months
So, don't know if you remember that anon that read your fic without being in any fandom (GOT and Solo Leveling)
I'm, of course, a Sung Jinwoo kinnie, his simp, he's my babygirl and I love him, so of course I read it even if I don't like GOT (too much dead, and I always choose the ones fated to die, one season was enough to understand that I was better far away from them)
But I have to admit that half of the time I'm lost with Jinwoo.
Some dragons danced? LOL sounds important, too bad I don't know what it means
All the religious stuff? Who knows what it means, me no, for sure, I also don't care, brain empty just here for the laughs
What I'm saying, is that those people are unnecessary complicated
(That thing they say about Jinwoo doing something with the children and Kevan saying that he shouldn't do that with Tywin- the chapter of the tea party - yeah, Jinwoo and I are equally lost here. What did he do?)
Of course Jinwoo is lost, I'm lost half of the time, and I know what is happening so yeah
Jinwoo isn't just a himbo (he is, but that's not the problem here) that doesn't understand the situation, it's just we need a lot of knowledge to understand how they say hello
Poor Jinwoo, he just wants a meal and looks at the cute lord and ends up marrying and adopting three little psychotic kids (mission failed successfully ig)
Poor Jinwoo 😞
But hey, he gets to eat all the guilt free almonds. He still remembers when almonds were affordable and everywhere. Now though? Almonds are starting to be easy to buy again but it's still so expensive - but not as expensive as it was 10 years ago. Thank goodness for Westeros still growing all the fancy nuts.
(Hey, is there any fic that addresses like the impact of Kamish taking out most of the West Coast of the US?? Because like California produces 80% of the world's supply of almonds. As for pistachios, that's nearly half of the world’s supply and 99% of US production. California is the fourth-largest producer of wine in the world – ranked only behind Italy, France, and Spain. The state produces over 80% of all stone fruit produced in the US, including 70% of the country’s peaches, 95% of its plums, and over 99% of its nectarines.
California is the largest producer of vegetables in the US, accounting for more than 40% of the country’s vegetable acreage. The state has also consistently led the country in vegetable exports, accounting for 52% of the US total during the 2020-21 season. California farmers produce almost all of the US' artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, celery, spinach, and carrots. Other vegetables grown include asparagus, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, squash, cucumbers, and snap peas. California’s unique climate also lends itself to year-round lettuce production; more than 70% of the lettuce grown in the United States comes from California.
Anyways, California being burned down and made inhabitable is insane and the ripple effects are everywhere. WHERE IS THAT FIC?!
I guess you can also say that this is spoilers for why I have Jinah buying all the shit and clothes. She REMEMBERS that money means nothing when all it takes is one gate to wipe out nearly an entire world's supple of almonds. Then it doesn't matter how much money you have; there was no almonds for anyone to eat.)
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smolandweirdwriter · 1 month
Got headcannon(s) for you!
For literally every long trip the Bad Kids go on, Kristen and Adaine are the certified mother hens.
Kristen tries to have cool aunt vibes and she does. Just. She's still an older sibling. But she makes it work
Adaine has the baking down flat, she'll carry a nice Tupperware or 5 of baked goods to last the entire day. Cooking doesn't exactly fit with her, she's tried and although nothing was burnt (*coughfabiancough*) she isn't a big fan of it.
Kristen is a genius at anything corn, and ever since her mission to bulk up, amazing at salads and sandwiches. Her salad game is amazing. Her cooking is fine in general, but her absolutely shit dexterity does not help. If she's preparing food you better be prepared for batter on the ceiling and flour inside the drawers.
The two meet up the night before any long trip and the two grab a huge dufflebag and fill it with Emergency stuff like bandages and Epipens and sick bags etc. Yes Adaine could pull most of those out her jacket. Yes they'll still prepare for things.
If they need to cook food in the middle of a trip, Kristen and Gorgug will team up and make the food. Gorgug has probably the most kitchen skills aside from Kristen, but they do good together.
So the thing is, all of the Bad Kids have a specific set of behaviors that simply DO NOT CHANGE regardless of the nature of the road trip.
Kristen, for one, desperately wants everyone to have a good time and also, she doesn't want to get out of the van. she wants to enjoy her time listening to music, playing punch buggy, eating snacks, talking to people; she wants everyone to have everything they could ever need or want, right there in front of them. this means that she wants to bake allllll the goodies. Unfortunately for Kristen, she has Sookie St. James level clumsiness, especially in the kitchen, where there are far too many things to burn yourself with, trip over, spill, et cetera. She's been banned from cooking in Mordred Manor because she's set off the smoke detector so many times it broke. So she cooks at Seacaster manor with Cathilda's help (Fabian is NOT aware of this). She bakes up a storm of corn bread to take with them on the trip.
Adaine, for her part, is quite good at baking. Recipes are easy to follow, easier than spells. All you have to do is read the instructions and do what it says. She's not very good at cooking because she's not particularly skilled in the kitchen, and doesn't have quite the (albeit messy and chaotic) finesse that Kristen does. Adaine loves sweet things (a byproduct, perhaps, of not being allowed them as a child) and will help Kristen bake corn bread. (She sprinkles in chocolate chips sometimes.) She'll also bake cookies, muffins, brownies--whatever she's in the mood for, it makes it on the trip. (She usually ends up "accidentally" making a double batch of everything. Whoops.)
Kristen makes salads and sandwiches for everyone and has everyone's lunch and snack desires down to pat: Riz takes the extra-spicy chicken with lettuce and pickles, and he's addicted to those sweet and spicy candied nuts (so is Adaine, they usually sit together for a bit so they can share them); Fabian will not eat anything but kippers and the plainest salad known mankind (iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber slices); Adaine takes a steak sandwich, the bread toasted a bit too much but not burnt, with lettuce and cheese, and she also always packs chocolate-covered pretzels and lembas; Fig also loves an extra-spicy chicken sandwich, but she takes hers with tomatoes, salt and pepper, and mustard. Finally, Gorgug has a salad of so much quantity Kristen will pack two separate lunches for him: steak, olives, corn, chicken, arugula, spinach, tomato-- the works. He loves it every time.
Adaine and Kristen 100% end up, every time, unplanned and without fail, in the kitchen together at about 4:30 am the day of a trip going over the itinerary, packing list, making sure they have extra bandaids and blankets and sleeping bags and signal flares and spare tires. (they do. they can pull these things out of adaine's jacket. they don't care. better safe than sorry, right? they spend half an hour trying to fit everything in the trunk every. single. time)
Gorgug, of course, is the designated driver, and every time Adaine makes sure to tell him he gets a good night's rest, and makes sure he's taking breaks, drinking water, keeping his eyes on the road, everyone stop talking you'll distract him, Gorgug are you sure you're alright? She mothers him so hard he almost goes into a Rage just from sheer irritation despite knowing she truly means well.
Fig tries to play music; Riz tries to put on some boring podcast. they spend half the time listening to rock music and half listening to the corruption of the criminal justice system. gorgug hates both no mater what (the rock music because it's always fig and the sig figs and he truly can't stand listening to himself sing/play, and the podcast because, duh.)
Fabian refuses to help in any capacity. He sits in the backseat, kicks his feet up, and tunes out. He wanders out when they have breaks, and if there's a flat tire he's the one for the job, but honestly, he's not big on road trips. he goes because his friends are all going, but if he had to choose, he'd ride the hangman for days on end.
adaine is the one who checks them into hotels if they ever stay in hotels, and kristen scopes out the facilities and points out all the things everyone will like.
kristen takes soooo many pictures and forces everyone to pose for them every time and they all hate it. adaine can't take a good picture to save her life, and she physically doesn't know how to take a selfie and always makes someone else do it despite the fact that she's one of the tallest bad kids. she also has social media but is NEVER on it (she's always the first to respond to the text chain, though).
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mammoney-22 · 1 year
Found this in my drafts so here lol
Headcanon that my MC is straight up an animal magnet. Almost every time they go out, they come back with something. As a result HOL is always crawling with critters they're trying to find homes for -and a few permanent residents because someone got too attached.
Minor edits made May 31st. Mainly grammatical stuff.
At first a few of the brothers were pretty fed up. But anytime a threat of any kind was made towards the animals MC just appeared out of thin air with the most terrifying expression on their face.
*random goat that followed them home, currently eating Beel's snacks -package and all*
Beel, about to lose his shit: How would you feel if I ate you?!
MC leaning into the room, smiling: I'll replace your snacks, but touch the goat and I'll make a real nice roast outta you.
Beel and the goat actually became bffs after this.
Satan sitting in the common room, book in one hand, scruffed puppy in the other: This is the last time you interrupt my reading you little runt!
MC wrapping their arms around his neck from behind, whispering softly: Put the puppy down, Satan.
Satan, slowly setting the pup back on the couch: When- how- ?!
MC: I was summoned.
He still thinks cats are better, but he definitely cried when the puppy left.
Mammon gently yeeting a rabbit (did not hurt it dw) when he caught it eating his money: That's not lettuce ya dumb furball!
*turning around and seeing MC in the doorway*
Mammon: M-MC, um.. when did you get here?
MC, scooping up the rabbit: I mean this in the nicest way possible because I love you, throw her again, and I'll burn every Grimm of yours that I can find ❤
*Mammon.exe has stopped responding because they said they loved him while also threatening him*
He's not turned on or confused thank you
Won't admit he likes the bunny but MC catches him dressing her up in little yellow tinted sunglasses and gold chains like two days later.
*MC regularly comes to dinner with a snake wrapped around their neck or arms, sometimes a lizard tucked in their hoodie pocket, or some strange insect/arachnid perched on their shoulder*
Simply stops functioning because not only are you nice to him, but you seem to appreciate the more widely considered 'strange' creatures as much as he does
Generally asks to hold said creature
And take pictures -of you holding the thing obviously
You just.. look so much cooler than him! Obviously.
Poor baby nearly shits himself when you sit next to him and he realizes there's some horrifying, eight legged, kitten-sized thing clinging to your shoulder
He tries to ignore it but he's leaning away from you the entire meal
"Ain't ya afraid of anything, human?!"
Sincerely doesn't fucking care anymore.
He tried being mad for so long and you just ignored it
I mean, animals at the dinner table? C'mon MC.
Fuck it.
At least your little creatures are less rowdy than his brothers
Do you care about him at all?!
Fear isn't good for him
Nor are gross things.
And that spiny, hissing thing clinging to your forearm was the definition of his bane
Thoroughly amused with his brother's reactions
Finds your creatures fascinating
Not fazed when one makes its way across the table and up his arm
This causes Asmo to nearly faint as the thing becomes much closer to him
Satan obviously shoves it in his face
Till MC basically rips his head off
They're delicate, he gets it now
Please stop lecturing him it's kinda scary
And hot?
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yoon-topias · 4 months
Yoontopia | Chapter two {Cuties and butterflies}
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⟡ Warnings: Strong language, depression, mental health issues, references to self harm, references to violence, references to sexual assault, manic episodes, smoking, risky behavior, jealousy, smut.
⟡ 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
⟡ Best friend's older brother x OC
⟡ Summary: When Yoongi brings lunch to work but in return gets more than he expected.
2.4k words
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Yoongi Pov:
I wake up with someone hitting me with a pillow over and over. "Dude get the fuck up, it's noon you said you wanted to bring Vi lunch cause' she got a big trial today" Jin hitting me over and over. "Jin I'm up! I'm up!" he scoffs, hits me one more time and walks out the door.
Jin and I have been roommates for years, he has been a big help keeping me on a stable path for my mental health. A schedule is what I need. Jin makes sure I eat meals daily and even has stopped me from committing once when I went through a low point, of course used Vi against me and it stopped it all. Looking to my nightstand I see the Marlboro pack sitting there and those fucking pineapple lollipops right next to them.
Pineapple is that what she tastes like? Why would she only have a bag of pineapple lollipops? It is like her guilty pleasure, because it's becoming mine.
Getting up I need to go bring Vi lunch. I'm surprising her with it. A big case means no breaks to go get lunch. Jin made dinner last night. I specifically asked for Vi's favorite for my night to pick what we had. Putting on a white t-shirt laundry day ugh. a black jacket, black jeans and my boots and of course both the chains Vi, and Hans got me if I look down I see both the reasons I'm doing this.
Looking at the Cigs sitting on my nightstand, Slipping the pack in my pocket for safety measures of course. Walking out to the kitchen to grab the food packed up. "No cig Yoongi? What's with you? Do we need to go see the therapist? Are the meds working okay?"
Shaking my head, opening the fridge to grab the food wrapped up in a brown bag with Vi written on it with a little fish. "No, I'm fine. Better than ever. Vi is helping me quit. We'll see if it works"
"Well whatever she does tell me, because I needa do it with Hobi"
"Lollipops try it." Throwing a few in his direction.
"But you still have your pack on you?"
"Safety measures Jin. Safety measures."
Grabbing my bike keys, and backpack putting the food bag inside. I gotta hurry there to get to the courthouse for recess time so she can eat. Going to my bike and smiling it's the one other thing that keeps me goin'. My pocket buzzes
Vi: Aquariums???? After this case is closed? May take a few days to win though.
Me: Anything you want Vi, gotta tell Lewis about that win huh?
Vi: Don't bring up my son! I miss him. I'm making money for him. I'll cry if I don't bring home the money he needs for his lettuce. He's my little dinosaur. My own little herbivore. Rawr!
Reading her text makes me laugh, putting my phone in my pocket. Yeah she's the reason I do this and Everything will be okay. Everything will be okay.
Swinging my leg over on my bike, turning the key hearing it purr. Sliding on my helmet, putting on my gloves, kicking the stand, and giving one rev. I'm off to see Vi.
Driving down the road I'm weaving in and out traffic to get there sooner. It's almost time for their recess. Someone flips me off and I raise my hand back and flip them off, I got more important things. Luckily I'm not too far from the courthouse and I get there as recess starts, pull up to the front and I see Vi walking out in black pants suit with black heels on. God her hips are literally everything. Isn't it Illegal to show that much cleavage in a damn courtroom. The way it is tailored to her body curving with her waist. She isn't just a straight road she is a whole fucking backroad leading up to the most captivating view. I'd love to see her curves and mark them as my driveway. Playing with my tongue piercing against my teeth as I watch from a distance. Fuck what I would do to trance her body like the roads I drive everyday. It would be a felony. She'd need to be my lawyer. I'm not one to worship, but for her I'd get on my hands and knees ready to bow down to whatever she says. I have.
I can picture it down tracing my fingers down every little freckle, birthmark, scars, and fuck her stretch marks. Only having peaks here and there never the full view. You might as well dig six feet in the ground and write 'Here lies Min Yoongi the simp for Violet.'
Rein yourself in for fucks sake Yoongi.
She is walking down the stairs with some of her colleagues who are men can't fucking help it, but get jealous. One is holding her elbow so she doesn't fall going down the stairs in the heels they must know how clumsy she is. The jealous side of me takes over, putting my hand on my accelerator and rev my bike intentionally long, and it makes her head snap up from looking at the stairs she is walking down. "Hey! Vi want lunch?" she smiling once she locks eyes with me nodding her head and I hear her colleagues saying-
"Hey who is that?"
"Violet, you know him?"
"You're with a delinquent?"
I see her stop and look at them "you don't even know him and he is not a delinquent first of all. Second of all, why does it matter if I was with him? I think I can make it down the stairs by myself. After this recess I would like to see my respectful colleagues again"
Get em' Vi. Smirking how she stood up for me when she didn't have to. That's right, I'm the one who ends up in her bed at night. Who knows her passcode to her place.
Taking my helmet off and kicking the stand, swinging my leg off my bike and running up the stairs to her to help her down the stairs "There is my miss lawyer. Looks like I may need someone to plead my case, I'm a delinquent have you heard?" she hits my chest and puts her arm through mine so I can help her walk down.
"You know what you're in a suit today let's go" I take off my backpack and hand it to her. She looks me up and down like I'm crazy but still grabs the bag from hand and puts it on. I take a step down so she doesn't have to jump and put my hands around her thighs and pull her forward on my back to carry her down.
She is whisper yelling at me currently as I go down the stairs. "Do you know we're at the courthouse? Min Yoongi I'm a lawyer would you want me to be on your case getting a piggyback ride?"
Continuing down the stairs I gotta come up with something to say back to her quickly. There is a reason I'm not a lawyer. "I'd let you ride me even if you were my lawyer." She slaps my chest "Min Yoongi! I'm at work!"
"Technically you're on my back, is that your work? Because if so it should be the other way around. huh?"
She shuts up and just rests her head on my back yeah that's right accept your fate Vi. Walking past my bike she doesn't even question where I'm taking her. Just happy to get off her feet, her mind is probably dead, and hungry. I know that I hear her stomach grumbling. Walking across the road to the overpass where we used to sit, after she would visit with her dad in jail. I squat down to let her get off my back with ease, grab the backpack straps to let her know to take it off.
I grab her hand and pull her to sit over the edge overlooking the street as the cars pass by, it's another world looking over all the people passing by, going to work, home, school, running errands. We used to always make stories up to where they were going the three of us, not having Hans really changed Vi but also it helped her grow as much as I love my sister. Vi would have been dragged all around town every night during college and would not have been able to finish law school. She takes off her heels, sits them next to her and looks at me. "So Yoon what did you bring me for foodies?'' blinking her eyes like a puppy begging at the kitchen table.
Smiling at her knowing food is the way to her heart I swear sometimes, reaching into my backpack and taking out the bag with her name on it handing it to her. Face lighting up wide eyes as soon as she lands her eyes on the fish drawn in purple.
"Yoon a fish! But where is the other one" she pouted like I did something wrong, licking her lips, going into her pocket and grabbing a pen and drawing another fish in black ink.
"Now that's better Yoon! It's us in another universe see!" Flipping the bag around to show me and I smile nodding my head. I'm addicted to her, I need my fix reaching in my pocket to grab my cigs and she looks at me raising an eyebrow like I lost my mind.
"Excuse me sir, lollipop"making an emphasis on the 'pop' she pulls one out from her pocket and hands it to me. Pineapple. A light smirk rests upon my lips as I think of her tasting like this. When was her last sugar fix? Does the taste linger in her mouth? Like she made home in my utopia. Unwrapping it seeing the pale yellow color it'll do right? Popping it in my mouth the sweetness erupts on my taste buds like a volcano.
Sweet. Sweet. Pineapple.
Taking it out of my mouth, looking her dead in the eyes. "Fine, but why do you have it in your suit pocket, Vi. Is that your guilty little pleasure?" her cheeks turn red and she quickly goes to open her bag I packed for her. That's what I thought putting it back in my mouth. It might become my guilty little pleasure afterall.
But did I just make her blush? No it has to be the weather. She's in a suit and the sun is on us. Yeah that's it.
Looking in the bag and she lights up again like when her eyes met mine. All I ever want to do is make her smile.
"Yoon you packed me my favorite, ugh I love you. Homemade leftover pizza cold, and cuties. I could kiss you I'm stravin' this case is killing me"
Did she just say she would kiss me? Okay my mind is fuckin' with me.
Pineapple. Pineapple. Fucking sweet pineapple.
"Eat up, you deserve it Vi. I know this case is gonna be a tough one"
Pulling out the pizza first and opening the container, setting the bag with the cutie in it next to us. She is happily eating watching the cars swinging her legs back and forth, I could get used to this. "You off today Yoon?" Humming in response I'm off from the shop, reaching for the bag to start peeling the cutie for her. "It's a tough one. Yoon it reminds me of dad being wrongly accused"
"I know Vi but you're so strong and smart you'll get 'em free. Also remind me to come see you in action, because you in a suit is fucking amazing" Its just mindless flirting who doesnt flirt with a friend? Let alone your sister's best friend.
I use this to lighten up the mood and she just smiles overlooking all the cars passing by. "How much longer you got on recess?" Looking down at her watch "uh about fifteen minutes" starting to hand her orange slice by slice she is happily munching on them as I give them to her.
God, how can she look this pretty and let everyone see it. She is absolutely insane. No, I'm absolutely insane. How can I let her out of the house looking this way? She deserves to be treated like a queen and bowed down to. "Do those guys always give you trouble Vi?"
She shakes her head at me "nah they just hit on me and say that women don't belong in this field. It doesn't bother me though" looks like at this company party I'll have to show them their place because they are some misogynistic assholes.
"Vi, let me know if they bother you Kay? No one messes with you. I get their your colleagues and you have to work them but that doesn't give them the right"
She hums in response, nodding her head munching on the last orange slice smiling at me. "I know you're always there for me Yoon" once I give her the last piece of the cutie she reaches into her pocket and takes out a lollipop.
Unwrapping a pineapple lollipop and putting it in her mouth to start to suck on it.
Sweet. Sweet. Pineapple.
"You got that right, Vi by the way the suit fits you. Iit hugs all the right curves to your roadmap, just don't let the map fall into the wrong hands. Like a pirate finding treasure they weren't meant to have. Imma need a fix"
Throwing the stick on the ground that I already finished. Taking her lollipop out her mouth and pointing it at me "Excuse me sir that is littering, no lollipop for you" Fuck it.
"Well then I'm gonna have to steal yours."moving my head and taking her lollipop into my mouth. "Guess I'm a delinquent Vi. I'ma need a lawyer" shrugging as I put one foot up to push myself up to stand. She puts her heels on and tries to do it herself. Of course I need to help her get back up. Why would she try to do it with heels on? As she does get up on two feet her clumsy ass makes us lose our balance and she falls on top of me on the ground.
We both laugh about it and she locks eyes with me. My mouth parts a little with the lollipop in it. She reaches forward and takes it out my mouth. I'm too in shock to protest taking the only thing keeping me sane and she put it in her mouth. "Looks like I'ma need a lawyer too, Yoon."
My stomach feels like there are millions bufferlies trying to escape. I have never felt like this hell she never has had a comeback like that to me. No I'm not like this, I don't want to hurt her like others. I love from a distance for a reason. Why the hell is she finally doing comebacks now? "L-looks like I'am need to go back to college you go waiting another seven years?" and I fucking stutter must be those damn purple butterflies she has planted in me. In my utopia.
Thank you for reading. ₊˚⊹♡
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All rights belong to @/Yoon-Topias. Do not copy/ translate.
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zimssecretspy · 1 year
𝕄𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪 𝕄𝕦𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕝 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤!
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I adore this team and have so many headcannons so what better to start this blog off than with these guys?
TRIGGERS: Kidnapping, Mental disorders, Mentions of injuries, Mentions of guns
-Leatherhead has earned the nickname from Slash as the 'house wife' jokingly. Leatherhead is the main one who cooks, makes sure Pete is kept entertained, makes sure Rockwell takes breaks from his work to eat and drink and sleep, makes sure the whole team keeps up on cleaning the warehouse that is their make-shift lair, he does a lot for the team and they're ever so grateful (even if his dinner recipes are less than favorable, Leatherhead is still learning.) This big reptile is loving, caring, but if you dare fuck with anyone on the team you will be his next chew toy.
-Leatherhead takes daily anxiety medications and sleep medication. Rockwell created him medication to aid in his panic attacks and night terrors. Of course, even with the medication it doesn't go away, and sometimes will go off to Pete's room to sleep. He'd go to Slash but Slash may freak out seeing Leatherhead have a panic attack and may think there's a genuine threat. Rockwell would be the best to go to but he is always in his lab fucking around with dangerous stuff.
-Leatherhead is the most patient with Pete. He'll play with Pete by letting Pete chase his tail, he'll get Pete mirrors, bread, and make sure to reexplain anything if Rockwell is getting irritated. When the team said that Pete was being taken off duty, Leatherhead was understanding, but didn't want to kick Pete out. So, Pete stays in Leatherhead's room, which is actually helpful with Leatherhead's night terrors. He never has to spend the night alone or move to what is now Mondo's room.
-Leatherhead loves squeaky toys, and teddy bears. Mikey will bring him stuffed animals and now Leatherhead as a whole collection in his room. In his free time he'll chill in his stuffed animal horde listening to music.
-Rockwell diagnosed Leatherhead with Anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Leatherhead is very good at using his coping skills to get himself through rough patches and is good at vocalizing to the team what he needs.
-Music: Leatherhead likes 80s-90s rock, jazz, Rnb, and acoustic pop. However, he isn't too picky, and will listen to any records he finds. Those are just his favorites.
-Slash is like the authoritative dad, he kinda has to be being the leader. Sometimes though he'll accidentally push the team past there limits, it doesn't take long before he realizes because Rockwell won't hesitate to snap at him, or slap him. He'll then give the team a day off from training and the whole day would be filled of him trying to make it up to them.
-He can't cook for shit. He almost burned down their makeshift kitchen. He's learning more though.
-Slash has pulled a Leo dozens of times, meaning he's damn near killed himself to protect the team. Leatherhead and Rockwell have threatened to put Slash on house arrest if he tries to do anything without them again or tries sacrifice himself.
-Slash goes to visit Raph twice every week. They're still pretty close, even after what happened with his brothers. Raph understands that the mutagen screwed up his brain and that he's a lot calmer and more logical now.
-Slash goes through a punching bag every week. It's a good thing Rockwell knows how to steal. He steals about 5 at a time and keeps them in what they converted to be a storage closet in the warehouse.
-Slash loves to watch WWE, True Crime, and John Wick during his free time. Sometimes Leatherhead will join but Leatherhead will go off to listen to music eventually. He also still likes eating lettuce, but instead of one leaf he'll eat half the head.
-Slash was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. He also has relatively bad anger, hence the weekly replacements of his punching bags. He's not the best about opening up with his feelings, but eventually Leatherhead or Rockwell gets him to talk. It'll just take a while and they'd have to keep revisiting it.
-Music: Rock, Metal, Death trap, and occasionally some pop. He also likes a little bit of rap music, it reminds him of living at the lair and Mikey playing his music.
Pigeon Pete:
-Pete is very easily entertained, whether it be bird or dog toys, bread, TV, music, or playing with Leatherhead's tail, he's the easiest to keep entertained, despite this he can still get in the way of the others at times.
-I'd think that Pete was removed from the team for his own safety and the other's safety. While yes, he was annoying to all hell, they didn't want to kick him out without a genuine reason. During a mission, Pete almost got shot by a human and Slash got in the way to protect him. The bullet luckily didn't hit anything vital, or cause too much damage, but was still the 1st strike given Slash already told Pete to stay out of human sight. Another time, Pete clumsily fell off the roof and didn't fly in time, he landed on a human giving himself a minor concussion and the human a hairline fracture on the back of her skull. Second strike. The third and final strike was when Pete almost spilled a loose mutagen canister they found on Rockwell. Luckily Rockwell moved out of the way. The team decided to remove him from any outside missions, but still provide him a home, and he now resides in Leatherhead's room.
-He loves children cartoons, specifically Duck tails and Powerpuff girls. He doesn't like to admit to it though. He also enjoys Friends and Big Bang Theory, though he may not understand some jokes.
-He gets scared by horror movies. Slash and Rockwell love them however. Anytime Slash or Rockwell grabs the remote Pete speeds off to Leatherhead's room.
-He is hard to anger. He can get sassy but never that angry, there's rare times where he's actually angry. His reactions when pissed vary, if its a enemy he'll try to attack with blunt items. If it's someone from the team? He's petty. He'll take pillows and blankets and take them to doc's room, smother the pillows and blankets until there's fur on them, then drops them back off into the team member's room. He will also hide kitchen appliances, Lab equipment, or use up the hot water. He learned these tactics from Mondo.
-Pete is diagnosed with anxiety
-Music: Anything but metal. Metal scares him.
Mondo Gecko:
-Mondo is hardly actually home. He goes out to skate board often, or read comics with Mikey. When he is home he's helping out with cleaning, reading comic books, working out, or playing video games. He still wants to be a normal teen, despite his circumstances.
-He isn't the best fighter, and is still clumsy, but Slash sees potential in him. He does have some skill in using his legs from all the skate boarding, and coordination, but he struggles majorly with using his arms. Slash eventually equipped him with a kraang gun that Rockwell stole, and has Mondo going through online gun safety classes because you can never be too cautious with those things.
-Mondo secretly sees Slash as like a father or older brother. He's constantly reminding Slash of how grateful he is for him taking him in, he will find any excuse to spend time with him whether it be reading comics, working out together, or training against each other, and Slash doesn't mind in the slightest. As long as Slash isn't busy, he'll gladly spend time with the fellow reptile.
-Mondo struggles heavily with his self esteem and appearance. His parents rejecting him took a major hit to his mental health. The team always is there to help him through days where he struggles the most. Slash and Rockwell both hold a hatred for his parents for what they did to him.
-Mondo knows a little bit about how to drive, but not much. He cannot park too well. One day he stole a kraang truck carrying mutagen, tried to park it, and ran into the fire hydrant in the process. Rockwell is in the process of teaching him to drive. He's broken 5 street signs, 2 fire hydrents, 15 traffic cones,
-Mondo loves pets. He begs the team for a lizard or a dog. Slash however refuses for the simple reason that he fears their warehouse may get destroyed in another kraang attack, and wouldn't want an animal harmed.
-Mondo is a talented dancer. Sometimes if he hears Leatherhead or Rockwell's music he'll try to get Pete or Slash to dance with him. Pete always is up to dance with him, even if he's horrible at it.
-He likes action films, comedys, and some horror films even though he screams at every jump scare.
-Mondo was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. He isn't the best at vocalizing if he's having a rough day, but if Slash starts the conversation Mondo may open up after a bit.
-Music: He loves all forms of music except country, he likes a couple country songs but doesn't like 99% of the genre.
Dr. Rockwell: Warning- Gay headcannons, if you are homophobic or simply don't like these headcannons, please scroll.
-Rockwell and Falco used to be in a relationship. Their relationship used to be very healthy, up until Falco started experimenting with the mutagen. Rockwell used to be on board with the experiments until Falco grew obsessed with psychic powers, Rockwell then started voicing his concerns and disapproval. Falco was going to break up with Rockwell over this, before deciding he'd use him as a test subject. He told Rockwell to come to the lab saying he dropped the project, when Rockwell came in Falco knocked him out with a golf club.
-Because of the traumatic fallout of his and Falco's relationship and him kidnapping him, Rockwell refuses to talk about Falco at all. Anytime someone mentions Falco, Rockwell will levitate them out of the room, or try to change the subject.
-Rockwell moved from the UK to attend Colombia University. He always had a love for big cities, and his parents wanted him to follow his scientific ambitions. He met Falco when he obtained a job under him at their laboratory.
-Rockwell knows piano, acoustic guitar, and electric guitar, and knows how to sing. He doesn't like singing in front of people however, and it's rare he'll play anything for the team. But sometimes he'll sing along to songs in his lab when he thinks the team is sleeping, however Slash and Pete are typically outside the lab doors listening.
-Rockwell is the team medic, If anyone else tries to do his job he gets very upset because they could've treated the wounds wrong. He also gets very upset if the team misses their medications and will force them to take it somehow.
-Rockwell sheds like a husky. There's so much fur. It's everywhere. On the couch, on Mondo's clothes even though Mondo isn't anywhere near him, all over Rockwell's room, there's not a single place that doesn't have his fur. He has to use his psychic abilities to conduct experiments because he doesn't want his fur to mess it up. He also isn't allowed in the kitchen.
-Rockwell, despite making sure everyone else take care of themselves, is highly neglectful of his own needs. He forgets to eat all the time, doesn't drink water- only energy drinks and coffee, forgets to brush his fur, doesn't take his meds, doesn't sleep, he just works most of the time. Slash and Leatherhead have to check daily if he's had food and taken breaks.
-Rockwell's helmet gives him headaches and migraines. He always forgets to take it off, even when he does sleep. The amount of pain medication he uses genuinely makes Leatherhead worried.
-Rockwell goes to see April often to help her with her psychic abilities. Sometimes they make fun of Donnie a bit during this, but Rockwell does worry over their friendship and keeps telling April that she needs to tell Donnie clearly if she wants a relationship or not, and to tell him if she wants him to stop flirting. He also visits Donnie quite often to assist in mutagen experiments, and just to banter with him.
-Rockwell loves true crime, horror films, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Repo The Genetic Rock Opera. He tends to watch these by himself on his laptop in the lab, he doesn't want to frighten Pete. Some nights he'll watch in the living room with Slash though.
-He painted his bedroom with chalkboard paint, and did the same to the lab. His lab and room is coated in his experiment notes.
-Music: Rock, Nu-metal, Classical, Tim Burton soundtracks, Pop, and acoustic pop.
-Rockwell is diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and anorexia. He doesn't tend to talk about how he's feeling, instead he takes it out in bouts of anger, sarcasm, and sometimes destroying his own lab. Normally if someone tries to talk to him he waves them off. He also can't sleep, due to his night terrors, instead he prefers meditating.
These are just opinions on the characters/team. Don't take this to heart or too seriously. I'd love to write stories based on some of these though! Let me know which other characters/fandoms to make headcannons for, or what headcannons to add in.
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Since the whole "Dream Blunt Rotation" thing is going around, I thought I'd share mine
For some background, I've never smoked (weed, tobacco, or otherwise) and don't really plan to (except maybe weed once or twice because I mean I live in Colorado whaddya expect) but if I did these are the people I'd pass the blunt to. I'm also including the location the smoking is gonna happen, the snacks we've got on deck, and the background music we're gonna have on a nice, calmingly low volume.
The Smokers:
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
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He's normally a silent guy, and I feel like that wouldn't change if he was smoking the Mary Jane. If anything it'd be a calming experience for him, which he definitely needs after saving Hyrule in multiple lives. Only downside is if it's BotW/TotK Link he'd get a killer case of munchies.
2. Nick (Left 4 Dead 2)
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I can definitely see him as the type to smoke tobacco cigarettes on occasion, but not exactly be a weed guy. He's an asshole when he's sober, sure, but when he's high I feel like he'd mellow out a bit. Wouldn't get the munchies as much as someone like Link would. He'd probably just sit there and be high, maybe eat a thing or two.
3. Quinlan Vos (Star Wars)
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A more obscure character, even in Star Wars (most casual fans, like those who haven't seen the Clone Wars series, probably don't know him). But he's 1) my favorite Jedi character aside from Ahsoka, and 2) probably the type to get EXTREMELY philosophical when he's high. I can see him smoking weed in his free time already, and free time is something he has a lot of considering he's not exactly your average Jedi.
4. Callie (Splatoon)
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Callie is the BEST girl in Splatoon (yes, better than Marina, fight me). She'd probably get super sweet (even more than she already is) when she's baked, super cuddly, and killer munchies. Would probably gush at Quinlan Vos getting all philosophical on her. She'd probably also suddenly be super clingy and touchy with everyone (which I personally wouldn't mind).
5. Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
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Similar to Link, I just wanna give bro a chance to relax a bit. He'd probably be a philosophical stoner like Quinlan Vos, but he'd say the stupid shit like "Duuuude...isn't lasagna just spaghetti cake?" And make everyone laugh even though it sounds so dumb.
6. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
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She's a goddess, shawty needs to relax and let Pit take care of things for a bit. Would probably also be a very clingy stoner like Callie, maybe even get a bit clingy WITH Callie and everyone else in the group (again, I would not mind one bit). She'd also get real bad munchies, meaning Link may have to be on cooking duty despite having food on deck and being high. And that could lead to disaster. But that's just part of the thrill.
The Location:
Area Zero (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
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Aside from the wild Pokemon roaming around, I think Area Zero would be the ideal place for this pot-smoking party to go down. It's so damn ethereal and we can just bask in the Terastal energy while we also bask in the devil's lettuce.
The Snacks:
Wendy's Baconators
Cheddar and Sour Cream flavored Pringles
Homemade brownies (not edibles dw)
IBC cream soda and root beer
The Music:
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes (album) - Jimmy Buffett
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No particular reason for this one, I just really fuck with Jimmy Buffett music (also this album includes Margaritaville)
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Total Drama Danganronpa Island Chapter 4 Deadly Life Preview
SPOILERS for Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Daily Life.
"Courtney? I'm ready." Leshawna is in the halls of the bunker with some bandages, two bottles of water, and a ham and lettuce sandwich. She walks to the room, ready to go back in there. "Courtney?"
"Leshawna?" I reveal myself by the archway. "I thought I told you I was fine."
"That's bull and you know it." She counters. She grabs my wrist without my consent. I hate to say it, but the burn does sting, so maybe that's why I'm not fighting back. She asks, "Don't suppose you found any traces of Izzy in there. The rest of us can't."
"No." I answer. "It's like she just... vanished without a plan."
"For Gwen's death to affect her too, that's... that's interesting." Leshawna says. "Here, put your hand in." She informs me, directing my hand into a cool dish of water. I bite my lip from the sting. 
Then she offers me the sandwich. "Let's just chill here, you eat up, and we can figure this out. Everyone else we can find already got theirs."
I stare at the sandwich for a bit. It looks familiar. I ask, "DJ made these?"
Leshawna nods sadly. "He's... he's not doing well."
"Good!" I spit out. "He killed Gwen!"
"Don't Courtney me! You can't seriously forgive him! He'll be dead in a few hours, why bother?"
Leshawna steps back, she loosens her grip on my hand to see if I'll put my hand out of the water. I don't. She lets go. "You know, Noah said that investigating this case was pointless since the killer confessed already. Simple, right? Gwen was murdered. DJ murdered her."
"And?" I ask.
"I don't think it is that simple, personally." Leshawna adds. "You know how DJ is, he'll take the blame for stuff that isn't his fault. Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt he was involved, but I think he's overexaggerating what actually happened."
I admit, that does sound like something DJ would do. Still, you can't overexaggerate 'I murdered someone.'
"And the others?" I ask.
Leshawna says, "You can try if you want, but for me, NOBODY will talk."
My eyes widen. "No one?"
"No one's giving themselves alibis, no one's talking in general, no one's investigating. They're just silent peeps. You and I are the only ones." Leshawna clarifies. "I tried talking to Lindsay and Noah. They're silent. I tried with Bridgette three times now, and she's crying herself to sleep, so eventually I gave up."
Why? Why is nobody speaking? Don't they want to find out about Gwen? Don't they want to at least clear themselves? 
"I'm assuming you and Duncan can clear each other, right?" Leshawna assumes. "You were both upstairs?"
"Yes." I say. There's no way Duncan could've done it anyway. He was unconscious. 
I have to ask, "How is Duncan?"
Leshawna answers, "Well for one, he ran off. We can't find him. He just lashed out and ran. It's very unlike him and how he's dealt with the past murders... now I think he's shut down."
"He tried to end his own life," My breath itches when I say that. I feel my face well up. "Why...?"
Leshawna sighs. She doesn't know how to approach that, either. "There are some people that think things will be better if they're not... if they're not... you know. Sick thought. I can't imagine thinking like that."
I can't, either. Is this island so horrible that you would want to? Are they that lost in their minds?
I have to ask her, "Why are you taking this so well?"
Leshawna looks up. 
"You lost your love. You didn't support your friend, and now she's dead. You've seen so many people murder each other. Yet you're still progressing and moving on. Why? Why did you get over it?"
Leshawna looks down. She takes my hand out of the water and pulls out something in her pocket. Harold's yo-yo. 
"I'm not over it." She states. "If I could stop his actions, I would. If I could make it up to Gwen after the crap I gave her, I would. It just... it pains me more than my face says. I ditched her as a friend when she needed me. I can't apologize now. But I made a promise to Harold before that trial that I would move on, stay strong, and carry on his wish to get everyone out of here."
That's when it hits me. 
"You knew he killed Owen."
She nods, confirming it. "He told me."
'Harold pulled Leshawna aside to talk during the investigation of Owen and Geoff's murders. They went to the lounge and Harold shut the door behind him for privacy.'
'He lingered on the door. She knew from his face alone that there was something troubling him. After two murders, she wouldn't blame him.'
'"Ginger, I know this is hard." She said to him. "You did your best. You did what you could... it's not your fault, okay? It's the one who killed them. It's the Mastermind."'
'Harold's hand shook on the doorknob. His breath hitched in distress.'
'Leshawna tried to approach him and put a hand on his shoulder. "We can't save everyone. Best we can do is keep fighting."'
'Harold couldn't look her in the eye. His eyed began to water.'
'"You were always stronger than me, LeGoddess."'
'"We're both strong." She countered.'
'That's when a tear fell from Harold's face. She tried to back hug him to calm him down. "Baby, it's not your fault! Don't hurt yourself like this. We're gonna find the killers, and we'll avenge them!"'
'"I already found them."'
'That made Leshawna stop and part from him. "You... you know who did it?"'
'"Yeah..." His voice was shaken, sad, sore. "The one at fault is the one who killed them. A hero wouldn't kill them... I'm not a hero..."'
'Time seemed to freeze for Leshawna along with her heart.'
'"...what do you mean...?"'
'"I'm not going to lie to the love of my life." He decided. He turned to her, crying. "It was me. I killed Owen."'
'That was it. That's what made her heart go from frozen to shattered.'
'No... she couldn't have been right. She couldn't have been right about losing him. She was going to lose him.'
 '"Do you hate me now?" He asked. His tears were going from sad to angry. "I understand! I understand perfectly well! And you have every right to walk out, sell me out, and leave me to die!! I will hold nothing against you for it."'
'She didn't do that. She just needed to know one thing. "Why?"'
'"It doesn't matter why! I have no excuse for what I did!"'
'"Harold, WHY?!"'
'"I was stupid, I was wrong, I was corrupted, I was weak! I was a failure! And now I'm gonna lose everything and I'm gonna DESERVE IT-"'
'"WHY did you kill him?!"'
'"So yeah! It's done, I f****d up! I f****d up horribly! I'm terrible-"'
'Now she was the angry one. It got him to stop. "I KNOW you. I KNOW you wouldn't do something like this for no reason. You had to have had a good reason for why you would take Owen's life. So TELL ME WHY."'
'He couldn't say anything.'
'She added, "There was a reason, wasn't there? The Mastermind made you do it. How did they do that?"'
'He hesitated. He wiped the tears from one side of his cheek. He said, "I thought he was the traitor."'
'That's all she needed to hear. It all made sense now.'
'She stepped forward and hugged the scrawny boy tight. Her eyes watered for a brief moment, which was rare for her.'
'"Thank you for telling me."'
'Harold hugged her back. He didn't understand why she wasn't mad at him, he just needed her company.'
'It felt like hearing a loved one caught an illness, and they only had a few hours to live.'
'Only it was real.'
'"I'm going to die..." He cried. He buried his face in her shoulder.'
'"Not if I can do something about it." She swore.'
'That got Harold to jolt up. "No! You're not defending me! You can't do that! I can't let you do that!"'
'"You're going to die!" She argued. "What do you want me to do?! Just let that happen?!"'
'"You defend me, then YOU will die. Along with everyone else!"'
'"I... I'm okay with that! I-if you'll live I'm fine with that..."'
'"No. You're not." He knew she was being irrational with her words. He parted from her and looked her in the eye. "You're not okay with it... please. I don't want to win the trial."'
'"You have to..." She couldn't take it. "What am I supposed to do now...?"'
'"What you always do." Harold assures her. "You are an amazing person who will always stand up for herself. Even in the face of challenges being thrown against her. Even when she makes mistakes. And I know my wish to save everyone won't die with me. Cause you'll be there."'
'He took out his yo-yo, handing it to her.'
'He begged, "Promise me, Leshawna. Promise me that you will move on. You'll stay strong. You'll carry on my wish to get everyone out of here. As the social, strong willed, wonderful girl I always knew her as."'
'She didn't know what to say.'
'He begged again, "Promise me, Leshawna."'
'She clenched her grip on the yo-yo, looking at it.'
'"I promise. Ginger."'
You're probably wondering where my most popular fanfic went after the last update was FEBUARY?!
Yeah, I failed you all.
There was a lot going on with my life. I got out of college. I got two jobs. I work pile, writing AND otherwise, PACKED.
But don't worry! It's in back in development! It's coming back now! It's all fine!
(It's not fine. I should've been working on it and I should've gotten it out by now. I'm sorry.)
So I wanted to post to tell you guys that.
Seriously, I thought NOBODY would even CARE what I wrote. That's how it works for me in real life, but the Internet has different rules I guess.
Since this is my most popular work with the most Kudos, likes, etc, I know I have to finish this work or else I'm a failure. From how long this fic's chapters each take me, I would say I'd make it a New Years Resolution, but it would probably be done in 2024. So that's my goal now.
Don't know what this fic is? Here you go.
I don't know why you clicked 'Keep Reading' if you hadn't seen it, but sure. Some people don't care about spoilers. I am that type of person sometimes too.
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camoooh · 1 year
Got tagged by @guywiththeroses (thank you ily) to answer some questions lets fuckin goooo 🤙
1. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?
hmm. probably 80's boy george because hello, fun
2. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling?
whatever's going really, i like lots of sauces, gotta have lettuce and tomato on it too. i love cheese but it doesn't like me so probably not that, rip. and gas/charcoal like what's better for cooking with or for the taste? i wouldn't know the difference for either tbh
3. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?
no question, just a staring contest. he who wins, takes the oval office. i'm your president now, i'm going to fix it all (i don't even live in the U.S)
4. It’s your first day of vacation, what are you doing?
making sure the car has petrol, worrying I've left something behind, figuring out the layout of the building, finding all the exits
5. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies?
Nothing, i used to smuggle in my own stuff
6. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?
spam emails die quietly in my inbox that i never check. pop ups count as jump scares and make me violent
7. What do you think Captain Hook’s name was before he had a hook for a hand?
Captain gurrrl what shampoo do you use, your hair is luscious
8. Rock, paper, or scissors?
9. How long was it from ‘the first date’ until the proposal of marriage? How long until the wedding?
i have never been engaged/ married
10. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
Both can be equally as awful depending on my mood
11. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?
noticing and remembering small details
12. At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter?
this post is very american but growing up in england it was always a big ole jar of humbugs
13. What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city?
the volcano probably
14. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
Agreeing with Dane on this one, celebrity gossip switches off my brain so fast. i don't care
15. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
in NZ there's three exams to get your license, your learners (like a written exam) which i passed first time, restricted license (can drive but within curfew and no passengers) i had to take 3 times, and full license (go for it, no restrictions) which i passed first time. i taught myself to drive so i'm not surprised it took a few attempts
16. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose?
not really a sweet/ ice cream person but i think strawberries would be good with it, or fruit in general
17. What food item would need to be removed from the market altogether in order for you to live a healthier, longer life?
tbh my diet isn't what's stopping me from living a long healthy life, its cigarettes
18. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?
eh fuck it take the chance, go for the $500
19. If you had to choose, which would you give up: TV, or internet?
i already don't watch tv, i just stream everything, so give up tv i guess
20. Who is your dream girl or boy from movies/tv?
tbh i don't really have one? i always just look at characters and go yeah wow they're cool i'd like to be buddies with them
21. Have you ever met a celebrity?
22. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid?
didn't eat lunch, the times i did have food it was just loose in my school bag lmao
23. What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?
a cook, i hate cooking with a passion, need someone to make sure i eat right
24. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic?
traffic, easy, you've got music and a comfy seat, and lots of people in the same situation, its chill. stuck in a lift? i'm laying on the floor and accepting my fate. this is how i die
25. Lets say a brick fell on your foot, and your kid is standing right next to you, what is your ‘cleaned up’ swear word?
I will straight up swear in front of a child, they'll live. but sometimes its fun to blurt out random words that aren't even relevant, like "mozzarella!" or "traffic cone" or "Azerbaijan" (the last one i've used a lot recently it's just satisfying to say)
this was fun, i tag @echoanddust and whoever else wants to join 🤙
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a-trying-writer · 2 years
[[ quiet night -- hh fic. no reblogs, liking is fine. ]]
"Good evening, Cat," Maison greeted her once she arrived to his mouth-door. "How was work today?"
"Rougher than usual, but nothing I couldn't handle." Cat gently waved a plastic bag before him, holding three foam boxes within. "Not only did I get some leftovers, but we got a cake too!" She then sat down before him to open the bag and take out one of the boxes.
As soon as she opened it, Maison inhaled the scent of cooked steak mixed with some curious ingredients. A bunch of rice sat beside it with lettuce and tomatoes all over it, which made his stomach growled. Without a second thought, Maison snatched the meal from her hands with his tendrils, and shut the door to eat it, making Cat laugh while she took the other box for herself.
"Absolutely perfect," Maison growled as he slowly reopened the door. "Give Veronica my thanks for such a delicious meal, when you see her again."
"Sure. She will be thrilled to hear that." Cat took a bite of rice with a smile, and pointed at the third box. "Want the cake now?"
Maison was about to grab it, but quickly stopped himself. "I'll wait until you're done so we can enjoy it together, Cat."
"You don't have to," she responded. "You're drooling at the thought of tasting the frosting on the cake, aren't you? It's sweet. Has some sprinkles on it. It's perfect--" "Ah, my dear housemate, you truly tempt me so, but I am nothing if not a patient REALTOR. I can wait."
Cat hummed curiously, then shrugged. "If that's what you want." She then continued to eat until there was none left in her box.
Once she opened the third one, Cat gently pushed one of the sliced cakes on the lid, before splitting the box apart. While Maison dragged the cake inside him, Cat took a spoonful of the pure white bread, and ate it.
The taste of vanilla was a surprise, but what's more was the soft white chocolate that melted in her mouth. The more she ate, the better it tasted, until she finished and sobbed. It was so good, she thought.
"What a satisfying dessert!" Maison shouted. "Truly a delight on the senses. A perfect meal to end the day on."
"It is, isn't it?" Cat sighed. "I heard it was a holiday today, but I had to work. Not many people seem to celebrate it, but it was surprisingly busy at the diner."
"You do look rather weary, my dear housemate. Why don't you come inside and rest?"
"I appreciate it, Maison, but I think I want to stay outside here for a little while." Cat turned to look up at the dark sky, taking in the sights of the stars scattered across it. "I don't often get to enjoy a nice night like this."
"Quite understandable. You know, I could show you where some of the constellations are."
"Is that so...? Then do it. I want to know what you know, Maison."
"Very well..."
Maison took out his lure to stand beside her, and extended his arm out towards the star to describe the constellations. Cat soon found herself unable to keep up with him, but the fact that he kept her company made her giddy with joy. It made her wish that they could stay forever like this, but unfortunately, her exhaustion caught up to her.
Not surprised that she fell asleep so quickly, Maison carried her in his arms to bring her inside, and laid her on the meaty mattress.
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nobully · 1 year
shunt and strike! (with his cane. teehee.)
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 shunt .   shove  my  muse  backwards . strike .   my muse in the face (with his cane)
"One bag."
"Xerxes, no."
"Nobody would know."
"Zhilan would kill me?"
"That would be a very tragic problem," Xerxes Break folded his hands over his cane with a smile, glimpses of his single eye curving into a crescent behind his hair. "for you, that is."
Tumblr media
Wang Yi slowly clenches his fist. Unclenches it. Rests his hand on the handlebars before him and takes a deep breath.
"Then it's a good thing I'm the one piloting this thing, aren't I?" Leaning forward, he pushes the man in the wheelchair past the enticing scents of the candy store and next door into...a soup and salad bar.
Twenty minutes later, the formerly fearsome wielder of Mad Hatter finds himself sitting at a table and staring with the first flickers of anger at the contents of his bowl. Not that he can see it, but swirling the spoon around had already told him enough.
"What is this?" he demands testily to the pink-haired man across him.
Wang Yi finishes crunching his iceberg lettuce. "Soup."
"I know that, but why is it in front of me?"
"Because it's lunchtime," Wang Yi says simply. "Look, it's liquid—you don't even have to chew—"
"It doesn't make a difference what my teeth do," Break replies testily, "when my stomach is the one with the problem."
And that's the crux of things, isn't it? Break hates food—or rather, has trouble keeping it down, but he can't just eat candy all day. He's been taking bits and pieces at home, but a mouse probably eats more than he does in one sitting and no one (not even Zhilan and his ever-winsome personality) can really make a dent of difference about that.
So Wang Yi takes Break on a field trip.
An approved kidnapping more like, managed with a rented wheelchair that he urges Break into because 1) it'd be faster and 2) hey, he wouldn't have to do any work. Break looks awfully thin in the chair too, but it's something neither of them comments on because Break will kill him and Wang Yi has better things to die for, and so they manage to get along just fine for the first few blocks.
Back in the restaurant, Wang Yi sets aside his fork and raises a hand. ' Check, please. '
Break arches an eyebrow. "Oh, are we leaving already?"
' You have better things to do with your day than fight with soup, ' Wang Yi points out.
"Such as seeing all the ways you bend over backwards twisting your words to appeal to me?"
' Whatever works, ' Wang Yi shrugs and smiles at the waiter coming to their table. ' Hi, can we also get the soup to go, please? '
"I'm not going to drink this at home either."
' What, like I can't? It's good soup, I'll take it if you don't want it. '
Break shoots him another look, Wang Yi laughs, the soup is packed and the bill paid. See? Everything is fine.
Everything is not fine.
Xerxes Break pinches the half-bitten sugared bittermelon between his hands with something akin to fascinated disgust before waving it in Wang Yi's face.
"What is this abomination."
Wang Yi finishes chewing on his sugared burdock root. ' It's candy? '
"It is not."
' Yeah, it's a little healthier than that, I think. Plenty of sugar though—isn't that what you like? '
"It doesn't matter how much sugar you put if it still tastes bitter afterwards!"
Break drops the candied vegetable back in the box and Wang Yi takes the chance to peek at his other options: ginger, orange peel, and radish. ' That's because your box kinda sucks, ' he says matter-of-factly. ' Here, have a tomato from mine—they're pretty good, no funny aftertaste. '
He picks up a piece but Break beats him to it, using his cane to hook the inside of Wang Yi's box and dragging it to his side of the table.
' Hey, what gives—? '
"You said my box sucks, so we can just skip the hassle and trade," Break explains matter-of-factly while pushing his own over. He dips confidently into Wang Yi's box, picks up a piece of mystery satozuke, and pops it in his mouth. Like the other one, it's chewy, but satisfyingly sweet with no weird flavors, though still disappointingly just a carrot. He's mollified, but just barely. "Why would anyone spend time coating vegetables in these..."
' Tomatoes aren't vegetables, ' Wang Yi points out.
Break wants to shut him up.
They end their day of impromptu food tours (no candy, in Break's case) and sightseeing (sight-speaking, in Wang Yi's case) in front of the same sweets store they passed that morning. This time they're both walking on their own feet, Break having abandoned the wheelchair a while back after getting sick of sitting in it. He stops as soon as the smell of sugar wafts over his face, nearly causing Wang Yi to trip over him and drop all the bags of snacks and samples they'd gathered throughout the day.
' Xerxes, ' Wang Yi begins when he realizes why they've stopped. He reaches for the man's arm. ' Don't—oof! '
Break shoves him back none-too-gently and crosses his arms, irritation written all over his face. "I've been going along with your terrible shop decisions to taste all manner of manufactured nightmares. It's about time I get something I'll actually appreciate, don't you think?"
' Zhilan said neither of us are taking a step in a candy store today so—hey! Put that down! ' Wang Yi leans back as Break suddenly raises his cane at him. ' Listen to me—ouch! ' He gets thwacked on both shoulders.
"Then you should've picked a route without the store," Break scolds him. "Even I can see that." And I'm blind. Idiot.
' Well that's because— ' This is the closest route to the bus stop and—Wang Yi pauses as the cane raises itself again and finally drops his bags to reach inside his pockets. ' Dammit Xerxes, I already bought them for you! '
A small cloth bag of candy almost hits Break in the chest before he catches it with pure instinct. He can't see its contents, but the smell of strawberry is obvious enough in the air. Digging in, he unwraps one from its wrapper and pops it into his mouth. Delicious. Wang Yi gets an appraising look in turn. "Since when?" After all, they'd been together for the entire day.
' Obviously I bought it yesterday! Loopholes exist, you know. ' Wang Yi says, and Break can already hear the scowl. He doesn't appreciate the dig at his intelligence though, so the butt of his cane darts forward to smack Wang Yi precisely in the center of his forehead.
' Ow! '
"It's what you deserve," Break huffs as he pockets the offering in his pockets and turns around, cane tapping against the ground in a brisker, more cheerful pace. "Come along, we're running late." He still wanted to be home before Zhilan returned from the library.
' Oh, so you were keeping track of time, ' Wang Yi grumbles as he bends down to pick up their bags.
"Your constant glancing at your phone was obvious enough."
' How did you see that? '
"You were so noisy about it I didn't even have to look."
' That's...pretty neat, actually. '
Whatever the case, the day is done. It would've been better if he'd snuck out by himself, but it's true that with Wang Yi around things went faster. Break finally parts with the bright-haired nuisance at the door, slips into his room in the empty house unnoticed, and gleefully digs out the bag of candy he'd gotten for free in the end. Now, time to enjo—
The bag is empty. Not wholly so—because he shakes a few more sweets out of it, hearing them drop into his lap, but the weight of the package completely belies its sparse contents. Frowning, Break feels the insides with his fingers and brushes against something round and smooth sewn in between its fabric layers. They were similar to pebbles, but clinked on impact with a sound not unlike hard candies...
Sensing a bad premonition, Break runs his fingers through the pile of sweets he thought he dumped out and realized most of them are just balls of cellophane. Wang Yi must have lined the top layer with a few candies and stuffed the rest with empty filling. How clever. How irritating. How atrocious. He will get him for this, oh yes he will, and the next time they meet there shall be a reckoning the likes of the world has never kno—crinkle.
His fingers brush against paper—another handwritten note? When Wang Yi already knows he's blind? Again the anger in him soars, but he can't deny wondering what the fool had dared to write. So.
He reads it, in the end.
Sorry. Like I said, Zhilan would kill me.
But I figure you could try sampling stuff from different stores so you can pick a fav in the future? There's 6 from Golden in there, though I heard there's a lot more shops hidden in Archimedes and Cotes. Something to think about, maybe. No need to keep this note for blackmail. I already told the people who would've wanted to know.
Break only wishes Wang Yi could write shorter messages that get to the point faster. He feels around his lap until he finds the five remaining candies—all strawberry-flavored, he notes—and cleans up the remaining cellophane into the bag before he's caught and forced to explain. Or perhaps there's no need to bother, if Wang Yi's already shared about his ideas. He doesn't quite trust the man on his words alone, though.
This, he reminds himself, is not an act that merits murder. Not even a phone call—though he gets satisfaction imagining himself tearing the man down with words alone. Wang Yi does have a strange propensity to grovel, which is as annoying as it is convenient. He uses his voice to dictate text messages instead.
XB [txt] Very funny. XB [txt] I hope you know that I'll be expecting one bag from each store after this, considering the difficulty of describing which candy is what when I can't see them.
There's a ping a few minutes later when Wang Yi replies, his words spoken out loud by the phone A.I. for Break's convenience.
WY [txt] Well yeah, that's the fun part, you see? WY [txt] Finished tracking down Zhilan—gave him the 6 bags—you two can figure it out together. WY [txt] Unless you ate the samples already, which is fine too but that means you've reached your candy quota for the day, so he won't let you taste-test any more until tomorrow.
Break arches a brow.
XB [txt] Why couldn't you have just given me the bags to begin with? WY[txt] What, and deprive Zhilan of his bonding time? I'm not a monster. WY [txt] And also, leaving that much sugar with you unsupervised is just insane right now. XB [txt] Don't act like you care all of a sudden. WY [txt] Don't act like you don't, then. WY [txt] Do you want me to tell you what Zhilan's wearing instead? Because he's looking pretty fluffy—fluffier than usual, I mean. XB [txt] I can ask him. Myself. WY [txt] Ok, then what about kissing tutorials? WY [txt] I found a good one the other day WY [txt] Not freaky I mean—so that might be—
Break turns off his phone in the middle of Wang Yi's rambling messages and puts it on the table by his bed. Forget the switcheroo with his candy bag. Forget the tiresome snacks Wang Yi had them sample all day. Forget even the careless way the guy references his relationship with the special someone in his life, because he hears the door opening and Zhilan stepping inside in his soft, quiet soles.
He tilts his head to listen closer, hearing the footsteps pause as shoes are taken off before their owner walks straight to his bedroom door. It's ajar, so all Zhilan has to do to nudge it open with his shoulder to peek inside.
"Xerxes," he begins breathlessly. "Did—do you want to try some candy?"
And oh. Just hearing that is already sweeter than anything he's tasted today, including the candy he'd sucked on outside the house. Break opens his arms to welcome him, a smile already stealing onto his lips, and says yes.
The hapless Wang Yi gets to live another day.
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bloody-oath · 2 years
Any headcanons about Hannibal and Bubba swapping cooking tips, please? Probably definitely have to go shitpost on this one, haha. :D
Hannibal in Bubba's Kitchen:
⋆ Wanted to chuck when he saw the Sawyer's kitchen. Fastest time he has ever pulled out a hanky to hold against his face. GG on the PB. The air reeks of brown minesweeper. He desperately wishes to give the room a thorough clean - with gasoline and a lighter. The bowl in his cell was more pristine to drink out of than any crockery in this pigsty.
⋆ Wonders if he should stop giving $10 a month to the disadvantaged in Africa and start giving it to Bubba instead. He has seen huts on the Discovery Channel in a better state than this bomb-struck outhouse. Refuses to lay a finger on the slab of human flesh Bubba placed in front of him, but no matter because a group of cockroaches just made off with it.
Hannibal Trying Bubba's Food:
⋆ (He doesn't. Can't eat what isn't edible.)
Hannibal's Cooking Tips for Bubba:
⋆ Stop trying. Stop calling this dumpster fire a kitchen. Stop inching closer to death for eating the filth that gets produced in this room - this house.
⋆ Never use salt and throw in a lettuce leaf once in a while.
⋆ Taking pity on the simpleton, he scribbles down an easy-to-follow recipe for Bubba to learn. It's like giving a pogo-stick to someone in a wheelchair because Bubba can't read, and even if he could, there is no chance he could translate that loopy handwriting resembling coiled telephone cord.
Bubba in Hannibal's Kitchen:
⋆ This is the first time Bubba has seen his reflection in the cutlery. He is like a bird staring into a mirror for a good minute. One pretty boy looking at another. Holding a polished fork makes him feel rich. If this ain't going to be a family heirloom... Simply existing in Hannibal's kitchen makes him feel like he's dirtying the immaculate space.
⋆ Disappointed in the lack of a personal touch via decorative, bonified (literally) items. The absent clutter and disinfectant fragrance irritates the rural man. It's so clean, it's uncomfortable. Bubba is about to head home and waft up a gift sack of eau de farm to spruce up the hospital-smelling hellhole.
Bubba Trying Hannibal's Food:
⋆ What fucking slop has he been consuming all his life if this exists? The delicate presentation on his plate makes him think twice before eating it. Is it even food anymore? Hannibal's MasterChef dish goes underappreciated and stone cold before Bubba has a taste of it. Then, it hits him: Drayton can't cook for shit. It's the next closest thing to an orgasm he has experienced.
Bubba's Cooking Tips for Hannibal:
⋆ (Speaks absolute dribble and doesn't assume it's a problem. Might have genuinely shared good advice, but the wiser man is clueless.)
Next time on Cannibal Swap...
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
Inception 》 Park Seonghwa
Part 2
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Ateez fever series - Inception Pt. 1
Pairing : Seonghwa x Fem reader
Genre : Bad boy!au, angst
Warning : Cursing, violence, drug mention
Words count : 4.5k
You wake up at the sound of a loud shatter, something that fell close to you. Your body tenses, sitting up on the couch immediately, eyes darting around the room in search of the culprit of your awakening.
"Ugh, bad kitty!" Light fury usually is a well behaved cat, but she suddenly decided to make a mess. The cute vase with a baby plant your mother gave you shortly after moving out, now broken into pieces, scattered all over the floor.
You watch with disbelief as the little demon walks away with no regrets, tail flipping behind her, unbothered. "Tsk! You should run away while you still can missy!"
You get the broom and dustpan out of the closet, cleaning up all the dirt and glass and throwing it in the trash. "It's too early for this shit."
At least it is for you, 4 pm to be more exact. You slept well, but it could've been even better if you weren't disturbed by the troublemaker.
Wait! The troublemaker? You speed walk to the room a few feet away, stopping right in front of the door. You hesitate between knocking or just going inside in case he's sleeping, he needs all the rest he can get.
After a few minutes debating with yourself, you choose to knock, not wanting to invade his privacy. He might be in your home, in your bed, but he still has the right to be respected.
Knock! Knock! The sound of your fist gently hitting the wood resonates through the whole apartment. It's quiet, like always. You're used to be by yourself, with Seonghwa it was the first time in a while that someone came in. It isn't often that you have visiters. Being busy isn't always pleasant, you actually miss the times when you were free to do everything you wanted.
Growing up, this is the life you wished for and now that you have it, it's harder than you would've thought. Between classes and work, sleeping and doing chores everyday, there's no free time for you. Barely able to place in some time for one of your hobbies in your schedule.
Knock! Knock! You hit harder, knowing that he's a heavy sleeper from what you saw last night. He was almost impossible to wake up, but now it should be easier, after many hours of rest.
When there's still no answer after the third attempt, you forget all about your previous thoughts on privacy. He could be too weak to get out of bed or even speak, you can't take the chance of leaving this door closed for too long. Who knows what might happen?
So without a second thought, you turn the nob and push the door open slowly. It's empty. You look around the room, hoping to find a sign, an explanation, your body frozen in place. He left, without even leaving a note, nothing. You're bed is made, everything is spotless as if he was never here. At least he had some decency, cleaned up after himself.
It's something you should've expected though, he did say he'd leave after you patched him up, but the conversation you had was enough to make you believe he'd stay after all. Really, how naive can you be?
Whatever, I'll just get ready for work then. You choose your outfit, laying it on your bed neatly before going to take a shower. You get dressed and do your makeup and hair after after coming out of the bathroom, taking your time since you only start working in two hours.
Once all done, you can peacefully prepare your meal for later, putting it in a cute lunchbox and then in your bag with an ice pack so it stays fresh. You made a ham sandwich with cheese and lettuce, cutting some vegetables and fruits and adding it to the side so you can eat them if you get hungry.
You gently drop your bag next to the door before sitting on the couch and watching an episode of your favorite serie. You won't make the same mistake twice, you once forgot it in your living room and went to work, only to realise you didn't have any money or food so you had to wait till you got home. It was a really bad day and you learned from it.
You look down when you feel the small pressure against your leg, finding the cat rubing her head and side on you, clearly asking to be petted. You smile at her and give her what she desperetly wants. You stand up, grabbing the treats on the small shelf on your left and throwing yourself back on the sofa, startling light fury in the process. She watches you with curious round eyes, staying unmoving with her tail whipping behind and you whisle to make her come closer. She eagerly accepts the snack, purring in content.
"I have to go now kitty, be a good girl." You scratch her ears and leave a kiss at the top of her head, but not without struggling from her trying to escape.
The way to work made it possible for you to think about this morning's events. You're more occupied trying to find a way out of getting a lecture from your boss who somehow found out about the store being closed for a while the night before. He sent you a text after you exited your appartment, saying that you're in trouble.
Kira insisted that she didn't utter a word about it, which you believe is true, she's very trustworthy. Anyways, even if she would've told him, you wouldn't be mad, she doesn't owe you anything, it's better if she doesn't get involved anymore than she already is and end up being in trouble too.
"Call someone to take over your shift if you don't feel well this time got it? I won't be so nice if this happens again, I lose money and I could fire you for that." You did receive an earful, apparently a customer called while Mr.Lee was at the store and requested to speak to the owner. They said that when they arrived it was closed and they knocked for a while, finally getting answered only to have really bad service. By hearing that you immediately remember the three men you let in, they were probably annoyed that you didn't help them find Seonghwa and put you in this situation. Fucking morons.
You managed to convince your boss that you were very sick and barely could stand at some point, explaining further about how you went to get some medicine after work and slept for the whole day to get back on your feet.
He needed a very detailed story before finally believing you, luckily you're good at acting and improvising. If you didn't come up with something, you'd probably be unemployed right about now.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" For a few minutes after Mr.Lee left, you thought it would be one of those peaceful nights, but the sight of Kira standing at the entrance while looking at you with guilt makes you doubt that. You're curious to know the reason of her unexpected appearance. "Donghae asked me to keep an eye on you..."
You sigh, lowering your head in embarrassment. He thinks I need a chaperone now, great! Kira watches you, doing her on thing while you work. She keeps glancing your way and it distracts you everytime, it's the first time someone observes your every moves and at this point it feels exaggerated. I wonder how much she'll get for this, cuz she sure ain't doing it for free.
You believed that knowing the reason behind the whole story, she'd cut you some slack or at least would've pretended she did watch you, but she's actually really serious about it.
About halfway through, your stomach growls and you throw a questioning look at the girl sitting at the table at the corner of the room, she signals with her head to go at the back. "Go ahead beauty, I'll take over while you fill your stomach!"
"Thanks ki I was really starving here! I won't take long." There hasn't been a lot of people coming in today as well, so you don't take breaks during those kind of days since it basically is mostly what you do.
Immediately after entering the room, you put some music on and take out your lunchbox. It takes a quarter-hour to devour your meal and another five minutes to clean up after yourself and brush your teeth before making your way up front again.
"Just leave and don't come back!" Your foot freezes mid-air, the anger and aggressively in your friend's voice something you've never heard before, you frown listening to the silence following the outburst. You're never one to eavesdrop, but it's more of a precaution in case the other person would become violent. You never know. The last thing you hear before coming out, is the sound of the bell jingling loudly from someone pushing the door open roughly.
"Hey.. Everything alright?" You ask, cautiously close the door behind you and looking as a silhouette disappears in the dark of the night. "Y-yeah m' fine. Just some asshole who was being rude and couldn't understand that I can't get him vodka because this ain't a damn bar!"
She forces a smile, you can easily notice that she seems uncomfortable and don't push further. Changing the subject and bringing up the deal you made with her this morning. "So! Miss Fujita, you up to eat a fat and juicy burger after work?"
The words bring a genuine shiny smile on her face and you chuckle at the reaction. "I'd love too! I've been craving this shit for so long, you're my savior Y/N!"
After laughing and talking for a couple minutes, a women comes inside with her two kids and they. are. loud. The smaller one has a tantrum for over five minutes, screaming at his mom to by him chocolate and the other joins soon after. I swear I can feel a headache coming. Children are literal demons and those little brats deserve to be scolded, but the women only sighs and give in, buying her boys tons of snacks.
When they finally leave, you and Kira exchange a knowing look, laughing quietly at how ridiculous they were behaving, but also being annoyed that your peaceful moment was interrupted by such an abrupt and unecessary event.
Not a second later, you hear the girl yawning and curiously look at her, right away you can see how tired she is. Her eyes are droopy, she's staring blankly at the wall and her posture is obviously uncomfortable. It's only then that you remember that she worked earlier today and she probably didn't get to rest much.
"You can take a break too you know? You can even take a nap if you want, don't worry about me. I promise I won't let a sexy intoxicated stranger in this time~" You laugh at your own joke and proceed to stand behind the counter, the article laying in front of your eyes seaking your attention and without a doubt fulfilling it's task, but you miss the way the black haired girl's face becomes dark in an instant.
She leaves without a word and met with silence once more, you barely notice her absence. She's quiet most of the time, but really loud when she opens her mouth.
A few clients come in for the next thirty minutes and it puts you in a better mood after having the displeasure to endure the demon duo. People are mostly friendly and giving off positive vibes while some are more laid back and prefer to utter as less words as possible. Either way it feels refreshing to have small conversations with strangers, it's better than being alone 24/7.
Another hour passes and Kira still hasn't come out yet, you figured she fell asleep and didn't wanna risk waking her up by checking up on her. The night's been pretty active compared to the first few hours and it kept you concentrated, or more like distracted from letting your mind wander to Seonghwa. Shit! Here it goes again..
"Excuse me?" You jump away from the counter, blinking away your shock and answering the boy with a composed expression, that's what you think at least. "Yes! Can I help you with anything?"
"Just if you could tell me if you saw this guy? An acquaintance of mine said they've seen him around here yesterday." He shows a picture on his phone and for a second you hold your breath, it's the fourth person now that's searching for him. You naturally act dumb and proceed to lie, saying that you're unsure. "A lot of people come here, I don't remember every faces, but it's possible he was here at some point though."
"Look I'm worried sick about him, he's been gone for three days and I have no idea if he's safe or not. Can I please give you my number and if you do see him, call me?" The desperation in his gaze and his voice is what makes you crack, but you're cautious with your words still, until it's clear that he has no bad intentions. "Is he your friend?"
He stays stunned by your tone, the curiosity in your voice obvious to anyone. You ignore his confused stare and give him your phone so he can give you his number while waiting for him to answer your question. "Umm... Yeah. We live together actually."
You nod your head, pretending to be nonchalant after receiving the information. He finishes entering his number and name in your contacts and place your phone down, painfully slowly making it slide closer to you. His sudden change in behavior has your heart beat faster and the intense glare he's giving you makes you nervous, and you know he knows that.
"If there's anything you need to tell me, now's the time." You gulp, starting to feel way too small and defenseless with the tall and intimidating man standing just a few centimeters away. Unknown to you, the feeling creeping up from the inside makes it impossible for you to speak. "I-I don't-"
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes without being able to control them and it alarms the boy instantly. He slowly reaches for you hand and his fingers engulf yours. You fortunately didn't flinch away from his touch and he hurries to reassure you that there's nothing to be scared of. "I know I might look scary, but I would never hurt anyone that don't deserve it."
When the panic dies down, embarrassment takes over. He lets go of your hand when he knows you're calm and you use your sweater paws to dry your tears, gently tapping the moist areas. Looking away from him and hoping for him to change the subject doesn't work, instead he asks again, but this time with a softer look and tone. "Just the slightest thing would help, he could be in danger, please."
"He came last night, wasn't sober and he had a lot of bruises. He passed out and didn't have his phone so I had no other choice but to bring him to my apartment and patch him up. When I woke up he was gone... and some men were looking for him." The whole time you were talking he gave you his full attention, looking a bit disappointed by his friend but also relieved that he had some more information about his wellbeing. "He didn't say anything about going home or something else?"
"No, nothing sorry.." He sighs in what you believe is annoyance and discontent, but mostly worry. He probably had a lot of trouble dealing with this shit. "I sincerely wish I could help more, but I have no idea where he could be. I barely know the guy anyway so I'm pretty useless to find him."
"Come on, you should give yourself more credit, you're actually the only person who gave me real and important info." He giggles and his aura changes completely, it gets you to smile too. He has the cutest gummy smile and his eyes almost disappear, it's as if the scary man from earlier transformed into an adorable, but big puppy.
"Yo Mingi! What the hell are you doing?" A loud voice resonates through the window followed by a loud knocking sound against the glass. Mingi, the name of the boy you just met, turns his head to the other guy and flips him off. "Fuck off Wooyoung!"
You watch the exchange with amusement, laughing when the one outside acts offended and lifts his hand in fake surrender, nodding his head as if he was just betrayed. It becomes even more entertaining when another person comes out from behind the wall and shows himself, screaming. "Ok! Ok!"
"What the fuck's going on here?" Kira's tired voice makes you and Mingi jump in surprise, him more than you because he had no idea anyone else was here, but you had completely forgotten about her so you were almost just as freaked out for a split second.
"Who's this?" The boy asks, nose scrunched up with a crease between his brows and Kira scoffs. She points at him and the others outside watching curiously through the transparent wall, their face glued to the surface. "Me? Who are you and the two idiots who are putting germs all over the freaking window!"
"Kira this is Mingi, he's Seonghwa's friend and I guess they are too. They're searching for him." You say, your eyes silently asking the tall man if Wooyoung and the stranger are also Seonghwa's friends. He nods, but for some reason has a shocked look on his face which you ignore, just like you ignored the way the grumpy girl rudely spoke to a customer. "Who's Seonghwa?"
"It's-" oh right I didn't tell her, maybe that's why Mingi's looking at me with eyes full of expectation. "The guy from yesterday remember? That's Seonghwa."
"What? Y/N I warned you to be careful with him, he's probably dangerous!" Mingi glares at her and is about to tell her off, but you beat him to it and the two boys who were patiently waiting outside enter the store when they notice it's getting heated, staying behind to not cause more trouble. "He isn't danger-"
"He came here and he pretended he wasn't looking for you and when I asked him he denied it. He was acting really suspiciously. What kind of normal person would do that?" She doesn't seem to care that three of his friends are listening to every single word coming out of her mouth, but you do and just hearing say that, you feel irritated. "Guurl! Someone hurt you?"
The one you don't know the name of, says full of sarcasm and Wooyoung shoves his elbow in his stomach, making him shut up. "Shut the hell up fuck face, I'm not talking to you!"
"The fuck's your problem Kira?" You raise your voice after seeing the guy's reaction, he looked like someone hit him across the face, holding onto his friend's hand tightly. You furiously grab her arm and drag her not so gently to the back, signaling for the three to leave. "Go find him, I'll text you if anything come's up!"
"Let's go! San you good bro?" You wait for them to be out before speaking again, your eyes piercing through hers in the meantime. When you're both alone, you shake your head and scoff in disbelief. "Donghae asked you to look after me, but you're the one acting like some crazy bitch! Do you speak like that to every person entering the fucking store?"
"Don't change the sub-" She attemps to speak, but you don't let her. Your blood is boiling right now and your afraid that if she says something she shouldn't, you'll end up punching her in the face. "Shut the fuck up! After what you just did, you don't get to say shit except answer my questions!"
She nods and is genuinely scared of you, you've always been really sweet and she had no idea you had that side of you. "What did he say, Seonghwa?"
"He saw your work schedule in your room and knew you were working today." You narrowed your eyes, knowing there's more but she's trying to keep the information from you. "And? What else! What did you say to him? I heard you tell him to leave and not come back."
"I told him you weren't here and that he shouldn't try to find you, because you don't wanna see him. Because he's dangerous and you don't wanna get involve with a disgusting and pathetic stalker junky!" Your eyes widen and for a second you have to resist the urge to beat her ass. You hurry back to the front and grab your things in a hurry and she follows behind you with a nervous stance. "What are you doing?"
"Getting the fuck outta here before I do something I'll regret." You harshly bump your shoulder in hers on your way around the counter, she squeaks from the shove and has to hold onto a shelf not to fall. "Tell Mr. Lee I quit and to go fuck himself!"
Seeing her frozen in her spot makes you feel a bit bad, but she definitely didn't act like the nice girl you though you knew just a moment ago, she was like a whole different person, someone you don't want in your life. You've had enough of taking everyone's bullshit, they can keep bringing themselves down, but they won't take you with them.
Once the cold breeze brushes over you skin, you inhale deeply and try to resist the urge to laugh at what you just did. The expression on her face was priceless. I wonder how Mr.Lee's gonna react. It has been a while since you wanted to quit, the job was chill but you were kinda getting sick and tired of it. Also, your boss was quite a bit of an asshole, the only person you'll miss is Mark, your other coworker and friend. I did good by asking for his number, we'll stay in contact and maybe hangout once in a while.
You're glad you left your car back home, walking through the perfectly lit streets and breathing in fresh air seems like the best thing to do right now. Getting your phone out of your pocket, you slide down your contacts until Mingi's name appear, hesitating to call him.
"Stop you piece of shi- Ugh!" Screams come from the alley up front and then it sounds like the person's getting beaten up, there might be three or more people and you definitely think it's a boy who's struggling against them and his voice sounds familiar. Too familiar.
You don't know what you're thinking of at the moment, but it seems like you aren't as smart as you thought you were, because your body is slowly getting closer to that alley and you're heart is starting to beat faster. The groans are getting louder and clearer and it doesn't even take a second for your brain to react when you hear the voice again. "F-fuck you! I don't have your money!"
"Ohh what do we have here~" Two heads turn following the words of the man who's gaze is fixed on you, he's the only one standing up while his friend is crouching next to a bloody and barely conscious Seonghwa. You knew it had to be him, but even if you want to help him, you're powerless here.
As soon as his eyes fall on you, he feels his heart stop. His eyes are filled with fear and he tries to get up and push the guy away but it only ends up with him getting held down with a knife to his throat. Seeing that, every movements coming from the both of you, stop completely. Your feet that were slowly moving closer to the three men don't dare make another step and Seonghwa is almost as still as a statue, only if it wasnt's for his trembling body.
All the emotions felt at once, it's something he never experienced and he hates it. He's scared for the first time, but not for his life. He wants to fight back and hurt those men just for looking your way, he's terrified of what they could do to you and it only gets worse seeing the silouhette towering over you from behind.
You flinch at the feeling of someone roughly squeezing your shoulder, whimpering in pain the more pressure they put and crying out in pain when their other hand yanks your head back by your hair. Tears spill from your eyes and you try to keep yourself from making too much noises, afraid that it'll be worst. "Let go of her you fucking asshole or I'll kill you!"
Seonghwa attempts to escape the grip of the much stronger man for the second time and fails again, but this time he gets a cut on one of his cheeks, blood oozing out from the wound. "This might scar sweetheart~ So if you want us to let you go and princess over there, I suggest you give us the damn cash!"
"I.. I don't have it on me right no-" Another blow to his face and it's what it takes for you to let out a loud sob. From hearing it, the three dealers laugh and proceed to make some joke while you're trying to keep yourself together. You're being held so that you can't look away from the heartbreaking scene, so you close your eyes tightly and pray for everything to be over, but you can still hear him struggling and it's unbearable.
With this whole thing happening and being so overwhelmed, you weren't able to think straight, but now that they're occupied and Seonghwa seems to have regained a bit of energy, you try to think of a solution. "How much do you need."
Your voice is a bit raspy and shaky from all the crying, but you clear your throat and straighten your posture, impatiently waiting for their answer. The one who might be the leader laughs uncontrollably, slapping his thigh repetitively before becoming serious again and looking at you dead in the eyes. "2k and I'm being generous."
"2k- What the hell I only owe eight hundred!" Seonghwa weakly argues, but it doesn't make the leader falter one bit. He scoffs and squats in front of the younger boy, grabbing his cheeks harshly to lift his head up, having no pity for him. "That's what I decided, after all the delay of your payments and having to search for you all over the city, you owe me two thousand fucking grands! And you better be a good boy or else the price'll go up~"
"You don-" You know Seonghwa's about to get himself in more trouble so you say the first thing that comes to your mind. It'll hurt, but I'll get over it, his life his more important anyways. "I'll pay!"
Taglist : @sansw0rld @clem-jay @justineasian
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