#and they looked into adoption for uh. basically just long enough to see it was literally a christian industry in that area
just-aro · 2 years
(sending an ask instead of making my own post because i'm not out on main) shoutout to aros who grew up in orphanages and/or foster care and were never adopted. the idea of family is so important to a lot of people and most narratives surrounding people with little family from childhood are about making your own family through amatonormative ideas of romance. if this is you (general), i hope you find belonging and comfort in whatever types of relationships you choose.
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masterhallmark · 6 months
Rant incoming
I feel like the problem with a lot of Disney's live action remakes (and arguably Wish) is they're trying to appeal to a crowd that no longer exists, namely the people who used to claim that the Disney Princesses were sexist.
All the interviews tend to include, "Well she's not chasing a MAN anymore" which...almost no one sees the princesses like that, anymore. Virtually NO ONE still believes the princesses are man-chasing sexist caricatures of women.
Cinderella is now hailed as an abuse victim who stayed strong long enough to get help to get out of her situation. Anyone who says she should have saved herself is basically regarded as a victim blamer. And it's very clear in the film she wasn't looking to marry the prince, she just wanted a night off. She was the only one who wasn't in line to meet him. She didn't find out she met the prince until he went looking for her!
Snow White is now hailed for her negotiation skills, ability to calm down after extreme stress (she had a moment of panic and had to cry for a bit, but who wouldn't after finding out The Queen hired someone to kill you?), and ability to take charge of a house of adult men. And again, she was an abuse victim, this time trying to escape ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS. While she dreamed of her prince, it was secondary to her main goal of SURVIVAL. There are also entire video essays about how Snow White gave hope to people during The Great Depression.
Everyone acknowledges that Ariel wanted to be human BEFORE meeting Eric. We all know she was a nerd hyperfixating on humans, and also standing up to her prejudiced father.
We understand Sleeping Beauty wasn't the main character, the Three Good Fairies were, AND PHILLIP WOULD NEVER HAVE BEATEN MALEFICENT WITHOUT THEM! He literally depended on them! WOMEN SAVED THE DAY! But even then, is it really such a sin for a girl to fantasize about romance and fall for someone with corny pickup lines?
We all understand Jasmine just wanted someone to treat her LIKE A PERSON. She rejected every Prince before Aladdin because they treated her like a prize. So why did they need her to want to be Sultan? How did that make her more feminist when she already wanted to be treated like an equal and have a say in her future? Is it only empowering if you want a career in politics?
We admire that Belle, despite living in a judgemental village, was kind to everyone (even though she found the village life dull), and her story teaches girls that the guy everyone else loves isn't always a good guy. What's sexist about teaching girls about red flags? And she didn't start being nice to The Beast until he started treating her with respect and kindness.
Do I really NEED to defend Mulan or Tiana? I think they speak for themselves.
Rapunzel was yet another abuse victim who just needed a little help to get out of her bad situation. In this case, she also needed to learn that she was an abuse victim, and that what Mother Gothel did WASN'T normal, much like many victims of gaslighting.
And don't get me started on the non-princess animals.
Perdita had a healthy relationship with Pongo to the point she was open to express her pregnancy fears to him, and was ready to TEAR APART Cruella's goons for daring to touch her puppies as well as adopting the other puppies. Like, she was so ferocious the goons mistook her for a hyena! She's basically that "I AM THAT GIRL'S MOTHER!" scene from SpyXFamily if Yor were a dog. She and her husband were a TEAM.....but they made a Cruella live action to turn her into a girlboss?! The literal animal abuser!? THAT'S the woman you wanted to put on a pedestal when Perdita was RIGHT THERE!?
Duchess kept her kittens calm after they had been catnapped and was classy as heck. Nice to everyone regardless of social class during a time period where that was uncommon.
Lady stood up to Tramp when she believed he had abandoned her and didn't really care about her. She found out he was a heartbreaker and was like, "Nuh uh. No. You are not doing that to me! You put me through enough."
Miss Bianca from The Rescuers was IN CHARGE the whole movie, and was willing to risk life and limb to save an innocent child. THAT TINY MOUSE TOOK ON ALLIGATORS! And she picked Bernard to accompany her because he was the only one who wasn't ogling her. And then in the sequel SHE DID IT ALL AGAIN! I wish I were as brave as her.
Like, the public haven't accused these ladies of being sexist caricatures since 2014 (Actresses and actors don't count, they're out of touch like the rest of Hollywood) yet Disney is operating under the assumption that the public still thinks that way, hence all the "sHe'S nOt AfTeR a MaN iN ThIs VeRsIOn" talk.
The live action remakes are trying to attract an audience that doesn't really exist much, anymore, and back when it did exist, was comprised mainly of people who didn't actually watch the films. The Disney princesses are no longer seen as sexist, and feminine qualities are no longer seen as weak or undesirable.
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anachronismstellar · 23 days
Hey yo, SVSSS fandom, I arrive uh *checks the clock* three years late and at one in the morning because this idea won't leave my head.
I don't think I'm going to write more of it, because I'm already two long fics deep and *shrugs* I'm also too much like our poor Airplane: high on caffeine, without enough time to write all that I want to write, and this idea deserves better
Basically, after canon, the system got bored? And as it can't mess up with the protagonist, it went on to torture our poor Mobei Jun, curious to know why he's Airplane's fav character and the only character that was kept the way Airplane originally wanted the story to be.
It's just a scene, and if you wanna adopt this idea go for it! Just tag me please, I wanna see your takes on it! :D
Anyway, scene under the cut! TW: Canon mentions of blood, torture and- let's be honest, the System itself should be a TW.
Hope you like it!
Mobei Jun couldn't see who said it, the stench of blood and piss burning his nostrils, the room too hot for him to think. Somewhere on his mind, a voice that screamed too much like Shang Qinghua kept repeating, "Get up, get up, get up, GET UP!" but he couldn't move, both his arms and legs bound by heated metal.
"Oh, that won't do."
"That won't do at all," the voice repeated, closer than before. Too close, the little Shang Qinghua voice in his mind would say. He forced himself to blink, head lolling to the side as lukewarm hands grabbed his face, pushing his hair back, a thumb pressing on his demon mark.
"You were written to be better than this," the voice- no, the man mumbled, followed by an annoyed "Tsk", his touch slowly bringing Mobei Jun back to the present, blue eyes widening as he recognized the soft yellow An Ding Peak robes.
"Shang Qinghua?" he tried to ask, but for sure, he only managed a gurgled sound, throat too dry to say anything. Besides, the man - should he call it a man? - in front of him had his servant's voice, but his posture was all wrong, too confident, too sure of himself. Daft fingers pressed on his cheeks, forcing him to look up, making his breath stutter.
"User 001 is not available at the moment," the strange man wearing Shang Qinghua's face said with a smile, too polite, too calm. There was also something really wrong with his eyes, as if someone had taken Shang Qinghua's warm brown ones and swapped with a poisonous green that glowed in the dim room.
"Where's Shang Qinghua?" he managed to speak, blood dripping from his lips as the room got impossibly warmer. Mobei Jun could feel in his conscience slipping, his strength melting from his bones as he did his best to keep himself awake, to not close his eyes and let himself even more vulnerable to his torturer.
"User 001 is not available at the moment," the man repeated again, and then once more, as if mocking Mobei Jun's hazy mind. "There, I hope you understand. Important things must be told three times. Now-" The thumb on his demon mark pressed further, the inhuman strenght tearing a scream from Mobei Jun's throat as a pain thin and sharp like a neaddle splited his skull in two. He couldn't think he couldn't breathe- Where was Shang Qinghua- Was he hurt? Did this skinwearer kill him?! He had to-
"Protocol 24978 generated. System's mission engaged: Author's favorite."
None of those words made any sense, what-
"I hope you enjoy our services!"
Mobei Jun's world went blank in a flash of white.
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starsfic · 2 months
Xiaotian points out one day that Zhu Bajie, Ao Lie, and Sha Wujing had to have had partners if his family and friends are their descendants. Sun Wukong is eager to spill the tea.
Anon: Monkie kid prompt: Wukong learns about Zhu Baije’s punishment (the love tragedy one) from Pigsy. And makes sure that it doesn’t happen or it ends with Pigsy’s and Tang’s relationship The Zhu Bajie and Ao Lie stories inspired by @twinklecupcake's wives.
A huge chest slammed onto the table, the dust on it thick enough that Xiaotian was sent into a coughing fit. "That's huge," he wheezed. "What's all in it?"
"Oh, a lot," Sun Wukong said, throwing open the chest. He pulled out a bunch of scrolls and loose pictures, what looked to be at least two fancy hanfus, and other stuff. Tang reached for one of the scrolls only for Wukong to slap his hand. The last thing he pulled out looked to be a photo album.
"Now," Wukong said, reaching for the scroll Tang attempted to grab. "I have no idea where Sha Wujing got his kid," He unfolded the scroll to reveal an ink picture. The giant river demon beamed next to a nervous-looking Tripitaka, the taller holding a small demon child. The child beamed with sharp shark teeth. "He just popped up one day and asked if I would basically be the kid's godfather and never asked any questions."
Sandy made a grabbing motion and Wukong let him take the scroll, ignoring Tang's pout. "So, he adopted?" the demon asked.
"Either that or he kidnapped the kid from a bad situation."
Wukong grabbed another scroll and unrolled it, presenting to Long Xiaojiao first. She cooed at the image of her white-haired ancestor in wedding robes, holding hands with a pretty dark-haired girl. "Oh, she's so pretty!" she said, pulling out her phone and snapping a picture. "Who is she?"
"She was a farmgirl, living on a farm near the ocean. Ao Lie apparently worked as a farmhand for her dad for several months because he got bored and ending up doing the whole Princess Bride schtick," Wukong said, unfolding one of the robes to reveal the red fabric was stitched with green dragons. "We didn't even get told about the wedding until she was expecting their second kid, although Master insisted on them having a second wedding so we could be there." His smile grew bigger. "They had a big stuffy court wedding where she was apparently so upset the entire morning because she had no idea Ao Lie was a prince and thought she was marrying some random stranger, so they didn't need much convincing."
Xiaojiao's eyes got bigger. "Can I-?" She made grabby hands. Wukong handed over the wedding robe with no protest. She zoomed out of the room and soon returned, striking a pose. Whatever preservation spell was on the fabric was strong, since it looked perfect despite its age. Xiaojiao was a tad shorter than Ao Lie, so some of it dragged on the floor, but it looked amazing.
"What about..." Pigsy sighed, as if the name was bitter on his tongue. "Zhu Bajie?"
Wukong's smile froze on his face. "He...uh...he returned to Blue Orchid, and I helped them find a new place in the countryside since her dad put up a stink," He reached for another scroll, handing it over. "They were besotted with each other. When she got pregnant, they were so happy...But he had a curse to be never happy in love."
Connections did not need further help.
The scroll depicted a scene of wedded bliss, the tiny woman dwarfed by the giant boar, a hand pressed protectively to her round stomach. The artist had caught them smiling at each other, eyes full of love and hope for the future.
Wukong, lost in memories, didn't notice Xiaojiao grabbing the scrapbook. "Is that why you were stalking Pigsy?" she called.
The monkey went stiff. "What?" Tang said.
"There's no need to see that-" Wukong made a grab but Xiaojiao danced back, her grin getting wider.
"Is this their first date-?!"
"I wanna see!"
"I just wanted to help-"
Sandy, watching as his friends, his family, broke into struggle over the scrapbook that memorialized his oldest friends' happiness, smiled. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture.
This could join the rest of the memories of the pilgrims.
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 4 months
Question about your Polyverse AU: I’m a bit new to your AU, I saw the siblings post, but I wanna know…where are the mom and dad?
(Basically I wanna see art of what happened to the mom and dad, but you don’t have to draw the art if you don’t want to it’s your choice this is just a request)
Uhm so- You said you're new so you might have missed it but I explained the Poly sibs parental situation in the plot summary i made >>> HERE <<< a couple days ago. but i guess i did kinda gloss over it so i'll be more specific- and ill try to include some doodles!!!
The polysibs (excluding Sillybilly/Yourself, he's very new, and adopted so, ignore him.) have no parents- instead they have this giant eldritch angelic abomination known as The Collective
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The Collective is a GIANT MASS of angels that gave up their physical form to SMUSH themselves all together to gain enough power to change the code of the fucking universe like a god. Why did they do that? you might ask?
Oh ya know. To try and make a genocidal angelic bio weapon that would kill all the "flawed" people and demons on earth and destroy hell by committing angel mitosis and code manipulation. They failed the first three times (2D, BB, Sally) and made Miku and Keith together. Keith was their golden child, the hero they were looking for, the bitch with the plot armor and the voice that warps reality- and they basically put Miku in a robot body to control her into being Keith's body guard.
Safe to say- this plan didn't work when Keith fell in love with a "flawed" mercenary, hot demon babe, and "flawed" demon ghost hybrid.
They brought him up to heaven when he was old enough and showed him all his partners wrong doings and everything and mans was unphased. he said fuck yo shit I'm in love with them.
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and The Collective got pissy- but turns out being mushed together for that long is uh??? not good for you- so while BF and co. are fleeing the shit outta heaven, goopy toothpaste mcgee falls off the edge of heaven LITERALLY cause its a giant sky palace- and its so fucking corrupted it can't co-ordinate with all of itself to fly and not get itself thrown into the code.
In the code- the ACTUAL gods of Polyverse, Chaos and Order, are like 'ur a fucking dumbass' and pull the collective apart LITERALLY limb from limb in what quite possibly might be my favorite interaction of the whole RP to the point where summarizing it does no justice you can read it here if you want. (Mild Gore TW)
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Bf and his siblings have no parent anymore. They all practically disowned them for trying to control their lives in a very fucked up way, and then the gods of the universe DESTROYED them so like. YIKES LOL.
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
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[ PAIRING ] Eren Yeager x f!reader x Zeke Yeager [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] I basically wrote a bunch of vignettes and threw in some wordy headcanons. This is a repost. I wrote it in like 2022. [ SYNOPSIS ] You've just adopted two disasters, I mean dogboys. [ WORD COUNT ] 3.2k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, hybrids (duh), threesome (mmf), knotting, cigarettes (Zeke), voyeurism, exhibitionism, jerking off, fingering, teasing, nipple play, creampie, impact play (Zeke receiving), dacryphilia (Zeke’s the crybaby), panty sniffing, thick Yeager dick, cum play, Zeke has grey eyes because I'm addicted to the manga version of him, this fic is so ridiculous like don't take it seriously. Just enjoy the ride.
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When you adopted Eren and Zeke you fully expected to get two normal dogs. The ad on Craigslist purported two mutts, related but not from the same litter. They were a bonded pair that could not be separated. It claimed they had all their shots and were totally healthy, but not neutered which was emphasized for some strange reason. You made a mental note to get that taken care of, if the dogs were to become yours.
You responded to the listing expressing interest. You listed off a few qualifications: you were an experienced dog owner, you had a large yard they could play in, and you didn’t smoke. You received a response almost immediately.
Yard sounds cool. The smoking shit doesn’t matter. Do you have cable or do you stream everything? Would appreciate a response asap k thnx.
You could not imagine why they needed such information, but regardless you responded.
Hi! I have basic cable and Hulu. Is that okay?
Your answer was deemed acceptable. Phone numbers were exchanged and you were asked to meet at a local park the next day. It was a great relief that they wanted to meet in a public place. 
That night you couldn’t sleep. You were simply too damn excited. The sun couldn’t come up soon enough. It felt like it purposefully slowed down. Minutes felt like hours. It was unbearable. Of course by the time you were able to drift off, your alarm chimed and it was time to go get your dogs.
You arrived at the park right on time. There were a few kids running around with their parents trailing after them and two young men standing off in the distance, but not a single person with two dogs. You waited around for ten minutes until you got the nerve to call the person. It was perplexing to hear someone else’s phone ringing while you made the call.
You heard the voice through the phone and in the air.
“Uh… Wait, are you here? I think I see you.” You squinted and took a better look at the two men loitering. “Where are the dogs?”
One of the men pointed at you which caused the one on the phone to hang up and wave you over. You made eye contact with one of the parents, hoping that would be enough incentive to come to your aid if needed.
“Hi,” you said as you dropped a pin to a friend.
Someone, anyone, needed to know where you were lest you get the Law and Order: SVU treatment The two men looked normal enough. Both were rather tall and well built. One had long, silky chocolate-colored hair. The other was of the wavy, flaxen persuasion. You noted they were both wearing hats: the brunette wore a denim bucket hat and the blonde a nondescript baseball cap. 
“Oh hey, sorry for hanging up. I figured since you’re here and my phone is running low on minutes,” the brunette said.
“That’s fine. Where are the dogs?”
The two men looked at each other and then back at you.
“You didn’t say anything about the hybrid thing in the ad, did you?” the blonde asked, hanging his head.
“Do you think anyone would’ve responded otherwise?”
“What hybrid thing?” you questioned.
The men redirected their attention towards you.
“We’re th—”
“We’re the dogs, alright!” the brunette exclaimed.
He dramatically pulled his hat off, revealing two brown button ears. He then proceeded to knock the baseball cap off the blonde by smacking the bill upwards. He too had little button ears. You were filled with conflicting emotions. You were attracted to their good looks and you thought their ears were cute. But you were also disappointed they weren’t normal dogs.
“Listen, we understand if—”
The brunette interrupted him again. “I don’t! Please take us home with you. I promise we’ll be good. Or I will at least. Honestly you can just take me in. I don’t even know who that guy is.”
“I’m his brother.”
“No he isn’t.”
You stared at them, debating whether or not you should take them in. You didn’t have the biggest home, but you could probably get creative and make it work. However there was still a twinge of paranoia. You weren’t certain you could trust them. But on the other hand you could use the company.
“You can both come live with me. The ad said you were a bonded pair so…”
“Eren, you said we were bonded?” the blonde asked, blushing and eyes sparkling.
“Don’t. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Uh, okay! You guys ready to go then?” you rallied, trying to prevent any conflict from brewing.
Their eyes lit up and their bushy tails started wagging. You were powerless against them. They were yours and you were theirs. You couldn’t wait to get them home and let them get cozy. And more importantly shower. They both looked a little rough around the edges.
On the way home you couldn’t help but stare at their ears, curious as to how they felt. You tried to resist the urge to pinch them, but it became too big of a burden to bear.
“Can I touch—”
“Yes,” they sighed.
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Zeke was the more affectionate of the two, but only towards you and Eren. He was pleasant yet standoffish with others, keeping most people at an arm’s length. He had no issues wearing a collar and actually preferred it, unlike Eren. It gave Zeke a sense of security, something his life often lacked. He was incredibly intelligent, but prone to getting lost in his own thoughts. And he preferred spending his days in the yard sprawled out in a hammock with no shirt on, chain smoking and reading.
Eren was a bit of a wild one. He only wanted attention on his own terms, but was open to getting it from anyone he was friendly with. He tended to be a bit of a loner, spending most of his time outdoors. He liked being out in the woods, hiking on balmy days. He was significantly more active than Zeke though you suspected that had something to do with him being younger. Eren was also a bit more hardy than his brother, and lacked the seasonal allergies Zeke had been cursed with since he was a pup.
Since neither of them worked they tended to play housewife while you toiled away at work. Zeke was on laundry duty because Eren was a chronic clothes shrinker. Eren did the cooking, priding himself on his knife skills. He was constantly baking bread with a preference for sourdough. Zeke wasn’t a bad cook by any means, but he lacked the passion Eren exuded. He preferred to clean anyway. It wasn’t uncommon to wake up in the middle of the night to pee and find him scrubbing the toilet.
Depending on where you were in your menstrual cycle, they would both get incredibly clingy and flirtatious. If one of them was feeling particularly bold they’d rub their hard cock on you while you slept. It didn’t bother you much. You had developed a bit of a crush on them. Your sick enjoyment fed off of their desperation. Even the more traditionally annoying behaviors were still a turn on. Like how your underwear was prone to going missing. You’d find it crumpled up and stiff in the strangest places. You never bothered to ask because you didn’t want to embarrass them, or give them any incentive to stop.
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Your first tryst with them couldn’t have happened under sillier circumstances. It was late one night. You and Eren had crawled into bed while Zeke stayed up watching the Planet Earth episode on caves. Eren fell asleep almost immediately after pulling you into his warm embrace. You nuzzled your face in his neck, letting your nose graze his Adam’s apple.
Just as you were about to drift off Zeke clumsily opened the door. He skulked around before hopping into bed. You were hoping he’d spoon you, putting you in a dogboy sandwich. But alas, he was going to sleep beside Eren.
Zeke yawned and snaked his arms around his brother. You struggled to hold back a laugh as he wriggled and pulled his brother close. Eren groaned and tried to shake Zeke off.
“Don’t be mean,” Zeke whined.
Zeke then proceeded to grope Eren’s chest.
“Oh… That’s not right,” he said, palming Eren’s pectoral muscle.
“I was waiting for you to notice. Can you please stop rubbing your dick on me?”
“I didn’t know it was you.”
“You couldn’t smell me?”
“You smelled like her shampoo. My—my allergies have been acting up. I can’t smell straight.”
“Makes sense considering there was nothing straight about what you just did.”
“You guys are too much,” you yawned, rolling over onto your back.
Eren fixed his verdant gaze on you. Zeke rested his chin on Eren’s head and did the same. They looked hungry, starved practically. Zeke reached out and booped your nose.
“What?” You asked, laughing.
“I’m bored,” Zeke sighed.
Eren nodded in agreement.
“It’s nighttime. Just fall asleep,” you muttered.
“I doubt he could fall asleep with that raging boner.”
Zeke immediately turned pink and rolled over, trying to mask his shame. He pulled the sheets over his head and sighed heavily.
“Maybe you should help him take care of it?” Eren purred.
“I wouldn’t be averse to that,” Zeke concurred, his voice muffled by cool cotton.
You cleared your throat. While you were very much aware your precious dogboys wanted to bury their noses in your cunt, you never actually considered sleeping with either of them. You weren’t even sure what that would entail.
“If you fuck Zeke, I get to watch.”
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” Zeke said dreamily.
Eren grumbled. He wasn’t the best at accepting Zeke’s affection, especially when it was a bit too eager.
“I guess I’m up for it. I can’t remember the last time I fucked someone.”
“I’ll be gentle. Unless you, uh, don’t want me to be. I’m more than prepared to destroy you. I can make it so that no one will ever want you again after I’m through with you.”
“Criiiiiiiiinge,” Eren yawned.
“Be nice,” you chastised, pinching one of Eren’s velvety ears.
“So?” Zeke asked expectantly.
You could hear his tail thumping against the mattress. How could you deny such an excitable boy?
“I’m down.”
Zeke jumped out of bed and started getting undressed. You and Eren made eye contact and laughed.
“Desperate much?”
“He’s not desperate. Just dumb and eager,” you laughed.
Zeke pouted as he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his god-like form. His chest was covered with hair, the same color as a fertile field of wheat. You never got used to seeing him shirtless even though he often went without one. Every time was like the first time, just you in utter awe of his beautiful body.
“You can get undressed faster than that,” Eren goaded.
Zeke pulled off his boxers and balled them up, beaning them at Eren.
“Not as happy as you apparently,” you chuckled.
Zeke’s cock was hard as a rock, nearly sticking straight up. It was thick, veiny, and of average length which was a relief. Zeke glanced down at it and then made eye contact with you. It was clear he sought approval; he needed validation.
“Very nice, baby.”
“Baby? You never call me baby.”
“That’s because you’re not my baby, Eren.”
“Yeah, Eren, you’re not her baby.”
“Well, what are you two waiting for?” Eren asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He took the quilt with him, wrapping it around himself.
Zeke returned to the bed and got on top of you. He reached under your nightgown and peeled off your underwear. He sniffed them before he handed them to Eren who did the same. Zeke slipped his hand between your thighs and spread apart your folds. He pushed his rough fingers into your cunt and rubbed your clit with the pad of his thumb. He maintained eye contact the entire time. His grey gaze was heavy with ardor. His face couldn’t have been closer to yours. You reached up and stroked his cheek, feeling his lush beard. He hummed happily and continued to finger you.
“Does that feel good?” He asked, curling his fingers inside you.
A “mhm” was all you could muster. It seemed to be enough for Zeke because he beamed and kissed you. To say you weren’t ready was an understatement. He pushed his tongue past your teeth and rolled it against yours. His lips were soft unlike Eren’s which tended to be chapped. A little, joyous whimper emanated from you as his breath lilted into your lungs. It tasted of tobacco and his overpriced, spearmint toothpaste. You wanted him to consume you.
“Can one of you make some noises or something? You guys are too quiet. It’s weird,” Eren heckled.
Zeke broke the kiss. “You do realize not everyone sounds like they’re in Bang Bros video, right?”
Eren was quiet.
“Maybe so. But c’mon. Do something interesting.”
Zeke placed his hands on the small of your back and lifted you forward. He flicked his tongue against your firm nipple. You draped your arms over his shoulders and dragged your nails down his back. You were careful not to dig too deep. You weren’t interested in drawing blood. Zeke was too delicate on an emotional level. His life had been hard enough. You knew he wanted to be pampered, not mangled.
He didn’t seem to hold you in the same regard because he began to bite your nipple. It wasn’t very hard, but still you yelped.
“Hey! Don’t hurt her, you dingus,” Eren teased.
He pulled on Zeke’s wagging tail.
“What good does hurting me do?” He asked ruefully.
You ran your fingers through his soft hair and gave it a tug.
“Not you too.”
“It’s not my fault it’s so fun to be a little mean to you… Do you want us to stop?”
“No,” Zeke mumbled. “I—I like it.”
Eren pulled on his tail again. Zeke groaned and buried his face into your neck. You patted his head and told him how good of a boy he was.
“How good?” He asked, nipping at your neck.
“The best.”
“What about me?” Eren asked.
“You’re a good boy too, I guess.”
Zeke smirked and began to stroke the length of his cock. He gently nudged you back down, leaving you supine. He rubbed his cocktip on your throbbing clit, leaving a few droplets of precum behind. Eren sighed and moved so that he was lying next to you.
“I needed a better view,” he admitted.
“Fair enough,” Zeke groaned as he slid his cock inside you.
Eren stuck his hand under his sweatpants and began to jerk off. You were ecstatic he wanted to watch Zeke split you in two.
Zeke’s thrusts were slow and deliberate. He let his cock gradually stretch out your tight cunt. You loved the fullness you felt, how his cock swelled inside you. It was a sensation you’d never been blessed with before. You felt like you were seeing stars as Zeke picked up the pace. His balls slapped against your taint, leaving a stinging pain in their wake.
“You can fuck her harder than that,” Eren heckled through gritted teeth.
His sweatpants had a sizable wet spot.
“Leave me alone,” Zeke mumbled.
You pinched his ear and gently pulled on it.
“Are you gonna cry, Zekey?”
“Please do not call me that. And what the? No, I’m not going to cry.”
“You do when you jerk off with her underwear,” Eren laughed.
Zeke lost his rhythm; his thrusts became erratic. His cock was hitting your cervix. You felt a dull ache in the depths of your cunt.
“That was one time. I don’t always cry after I come.”
You grabbed his ass and pulled his body closer to you. He let out a low groan as you dug your nails into his voluptuous ass.
“Come on. Cry for me, crybaby,” you teased.
Zeke knitted his brow and didn’t heed your remark. He just kept thrusting away. You felt your orgasm cresting the horizon. You bucked your hips against Zeke.
Eren moaned and ended up coming all over his hand. He licked his palm clean. You were disappointed he didn’t let you lap up his cum.
“Hey, Zeke,” Eren said, catching his breath.
Zeke asked, “What is it now?”
Eren got up and yanked on Zeke’s tail.
“Pull on it again,” you moaned, digging your nails deeper into his plush ass.
Eren was more than happy to comply. A few tears fell from Zeke’s starry, grey eyes.
“Does it hurt, baby?”
“Nah,” he coughed out as Eren tugged on it again. “Maybe a little.”
“Should we g—go easier on you?” You stammered, trying to stave off your orgasm.
“No. Keep doing it.”
Eren moved one of your hands away from Zeke’s ass cheek and he gave it a firm spank.
“Eren!” Zeke yelped.
“Too hard?”
“Just a fucking little!”
You stroked Zeke’s beard, directing his attention on you. He sighed as you tightened around the length of his cock. He gritted his teeth as you writhed underneath him. Eren spanked his ass again, but this time it was gentler. It was inaudible and your little, flaxen dogboy didn’t cry out in pain.
“I’m gonna—“ You desperately moaned.
Zeke gazed down at you; his eyes were dark with lust. They were the color of clouds right before a thunderstorm. You wanted to get caught in his downpour. He fucked you harder than he had before. His cock continued to swell. Your juices flowed from your cunt, intermingling with Zeke’s precum.
“Is he crying?” Eren asked.
You were too caught up in your orgasm to humor Eren’s relentless teasing. Your toes curled and you saw white as you came.
“You look so pretty taking my co—Fuck! Eren!”
You glanced at Eren who had once again pulled on Zeke’s tail. You giggled as Zeke grunted. You used your thumb to wipe away the little tears that had collected in his lower lashes.
“Are you gonna come for me like a good boy?”
He nodded and bucked his hips. A steady stream of cum filled your cunt to the brim. You were stuffed full of its milky warmth and his throbbing knot. You held him close to your body as he finished. Eren, being the little shit he was, tugged on Zeke’s tail one last time. The blonde let out a few whimpers before he collapsed. He was careful not to put his full weight on you.
“Can I come for you like a good boy now?” Eren asked.
“You gotta w—wait a bit. I’m stuck in her for the time being.”
You rubbed Zeke’s ass and he nuzzled his face into your neck. He could be so affectionate. If you ever tried to tell anyone, they’d never believe you. The only people that ever saw this side of him were you and Eren.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. You’ll get your turn,” you said, gesturing to Eren to cuddle up beside you.
Eren did and weaseled his way under your arm. You gave him a little peck on the cheek. It would only be a matter of time before Zeke could pull out and let Eren have his turn.
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gainerstories · 2 years
Lifetime Supply: Chapter 9
Written by: Gainer Stories
Lifetime Supply is a collaborative story penned by Gainer Stories and Gaining Fiction.
Ryan felt a surge of adrenaline seeing Luke’s message and almost jolted straight up in bed, only his muscles had no chance against all of the freshly grown surplus weight so he remained supine. Wide awake and still hungover, belly growling for food, he opened the message. It read: “hey, sorry about last night. can we grab a drink and talk?” Ryan was stunned. He responded and Luke got back to him immediately, suggesting a gay bar that evening. 
Ryan lurched out of bed. His body was not adjusted to how rapidly he was gaining and simple movements like getting out of bed were becoming difficult. It also didn’t help that he was hungover. Standing up, he rubbed sleep from his eye and caught himself in the mirror, fully nude. His overhang had developed significantly in the last twenty or so pounds, softening up a bit and hanging low with stretch marks. It wouldn’t be long before it completely eclipsed his junk. 
Grabbing his underwear from the night before off the ground, he glimpsed his shirt lying nearby with three buttons missing. He didn’t even remember that happening. He hoped it hadn’t happened too early in the night. Clad in nothing but briefs that were stretched thin over his fat ass, Ryan wobbled to the kitchen where a McDonald’s breakfast was already served. 
“We were too hungover to cook,” Ahmed said and belched. “We ordered you the entire menu basically.” 
Ryan plopped down at the kitchen table, noticing that the chair felt smaller beneath him. He definitely didn’t pour over the sides this much a month ago. He leaned back and yawned, the chair groaning beneath him. 
“That gut of yours was really the center of attention last night,” Ahmed said. 
As soon as those words escaped his mouth the wooden leg of Ryan’s chair snapped clean off from the base and the freshly grown fatty tumbled to the ground with a thud that rattled the table. The three men were so stunned in their hangover haze that all they could do was laugh. 
After topping his gut off with enough McDonald’s to choke a horse, yet still not enough to completely fill him up, Ryan resolved to buy some new clothes once again. Better yet, he was going to show up to Antoine’s store to show the dumb twink what he was missing. Ryan grabbed a shirt in the back of his closet from about fifty pounds ago. To say it was small was an understatement. It barely even covered his belly button. Leaving the house with his belly proudly kissing the breeze, Ryan headed to the mall. 
Apparently he looked more obscene than he anticipated because just about every person he passed on the way in couldn’t help but stare at his exposed flesh bobbing to and fro. All of the attention created a strange melange of embarrassment and arousal within Ryan. It was as though his gluttony was attracting a sort of perverse infamy, whether it was his roommate, ex-boyfriend, or strangers at the mall. Just to ham it up he grabbed a trenta caramel frapuccino before walking into Antoine’s store. 
Just as intended, Antoine’s jaw dropped when he saw Ryan coming. Ryan had adopted a slow waddle, partially for effect and partially out of necessity, which gave Antoine plenty of time to stare and struggle to compose himself. When Ryan finally reached the counter he was breathing heavily and set down his destroyed shirt from the night before. 
“I would like to make a return,” Ryan said. “Your shirts aren’t really up to snuff if they fall apart so easily.” 
“Ryan, what are you doing?” 
“Trying to find some clothes that fit this tank you helped grow so fat,” Ryan shot back. 
“Uh,” Antoine looked nervously around the store hoping no one had heard that, “dude what the fuck. You said you weren’t upset.” 
“I’m only upset that you sold me clothes just so I’d outgrow them. Can you grab me a larger size man?”
People were beginning to stare and Antoine was getting flustered. He looked at the tag on Ryan’s shirt and a look of surprise spread across his face. 
“This is the biggest size we carry,” Antoine said. “Seriously, you’ve outgrown us. The big and tall store is around the corner to your right.” 
Ryan was stunned into silence momentarily. “Is that the same direction as the food court?” he asked provokingly. 
“Yes, Ryan, it is. Now can you please leave?” 
Ryan turned around and left. He felt Antoine’s eyes on him the whole way out and was satisfied with his performance. He could guarantee that Antoine was flustered by the whole encounter, both out of horniness and embarrassment. Quickly the reality that he no longer fit into average sizes began to sink in. Ryan had never known anyone who had to shop at one of these stores, which meant he must be the fattest person amongst both friends and family. He never imagined this would be his reality. 
As he wobbled down the long marble hallway of the mall, Ryan began to lose steam. He wasn’t used to walking this much. He was beginning to break a sweat and his legs were chafing. He could see the big and tall store lit up in neon, but it seemed a mile away and it felt like he would never make it. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ryan crossed the threshold into the store and was riveted by what he saw. Not only were the clothes more stylish than he anticipated, but there were so many other men his size. Some were even larger! 
“Would you like to have a seat sir?” Asked a dapper looking bearish sales associate. 
Ryan nodded and lowered his overgrown rump down with a sigh of relief. His stomach filled his lap and hung between his legs with a warm heaviness. Completely oblivious of the fact that his entire belly button was exposed, stretchmarks and body hair glistening with sweat, Ryan polished off his cappuccino and sighed. 
“What are you looking for today,” the associate, named Gerry, asked. “Shirts? Pants? I can bring you some options.” 
“All of the above,” Ryan replied. “I have a date, or something, tonight.” 
Ryan left the big and tall store feeling completely renewed. Gerry had been a superb help, and his flirtatious suggestions resulted in Ryan purchasing several new outfits that perfectly hugged his new curves. For the first time in a while, Ryan not only felt confident about his size but excited to experience life as a big guy. There was only one problem: the journey back to his car. 
Ryan arrived at the parking garage once again drenched in sweat and gasping for air. He piled inside of his Prius, the vehicle slightly tilting to one side beneath his girth. Ryan’s love handles pushed uncomfortably at the driver’s side door and console, his belly pressed firmly against the steering wheel. He felt completely cramped. Not only was he outgrowing clothes, he was beginning to outgrow his car. 
Pulling out of the garage, the hunger pangs set in again. In the passenger seat was an Adesco box that he tore into with gusto. The snacks that had been the catalyst for his current state of obesity were now barely a drop in the pond. Ryan needed to feel the tightness and stretch of his stomach being pushed to the limit. He needed to feel heavy with food. He needed to be stuffed to full capacity. 
Pulling into the fast food drive thru he began salivating. The Adesco box was emptied during the fifteen minute drive and Ryan was ready for more. He ordered almost fifty dollars worth of fried food, leaving the cashier stunned. When the food arrived he immediately tore into the bags. Ryan was inhaling the food like he’d been afflicted with starvation, barely paying attention to what he was even grabbing and shoving in his mouth. 
The gusto with which he consumed the calorie laden food left him out of breath and sweating by the time he was finished. Scratching at the stretch marks on his exposed belly, Ryan felt oddly aroused. Shoving his overhang aside, he reached lower and gripped his dripping boner. 
He barely knew what had come over him. When he first started gaining weight it was accidental. Too many snack cakes and processed snacks had simply caught up with him. But then he started getting attention for his plumper figure. It came in all directions, from his roommate, from Antoine, from Luke… At some point his wires got crossed, probably after so many gluttonous nights with Antoine, or steamy conversations with Luke, and food and sex and getting fatter became indelibly intertwined. Even negative attention like the kind he received from Jason was arousing. 
Ryan looked over at his new clothes from the big and tall store. He patted his gut in appreciation. He felt large and confident. Maybe his appetite was out of control, but his sex life wasn’t. Checking the time, Ryan felt butterflies tangle in his massive stomach. He couldn’t wait for his one on one with Luke that evening. 
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faterpresources · 1 year
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Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Mᴀɴ : Aᴄʀᴏss ᴛʜᴇ Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ (2023) - Pᴀʀᴛ 1
A collection of random lines compiled from the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved.
❝ Is the song over? ❞
❝ Will you adopt me? ❞
❝ I don't feel grown up. ❞
❝ God, I need a raise. ❞
❝ You hit me with a bagel! ❞
❝ I've hit a lot of different villains with a lot of different food! ❞
❝ Do you speak Italian? ❞
❝ I am basically an adult! ❞
❝ You don't even have a driver's license! ❞
❝ We saved the multiverse! ❞
❝ I'm telling ya, I can feel it. ❞
❝ Okay. Knock yourself out. ❞
❝ I'm going to rob your face! ❞
❝ Just breathe. We got you. ❞
❝ Great. Is this your goose? ❞
❝ I don't know how to fix this. ❞
❝ I'm from another dimension. ❞
❝ Everything's gonna be okay. ❞
❝ You leave... everybody leaves. ❞
❝ I've leveled up my whole thing! ❞
❝ I can hear you being quiet, ___. ❞
❝ Oh, wow. Is this curry powder? ❞
❝ This should be simple enough. ❞
❝ I just saved a bunch of people! ❞
❝ For you, it's just a Tuesday night. ❞
❝ I'm not your guy/girl in the chair. ❞
❝ I think they look great, I dunno. ❞
❝ Sir, please! Just let me rob you! ❞
❝ This job is so dumb sometimes! ❞
❝ Okay, let's do this one last time. ❞
❝ Is this... that... dangerous mask? ❞
❝ Did you order the cake for tonight? ❞
❝ We're talking about it, aren't we? ❞
❝ He/She's really corny. But so hot! ❞
❝ Having a story at all seems gross. ❞
❝ He/She... kicked his/her own butt. ❞
❝ How's the manhunt for me going? ❞
❝ You don't look like a good guy/girl! ❞
❝ Branding was never my strong suit.❞
❝ Let's do things differently this time. ❞
❝ Hey, where'd the goose come from? ❞
❝ Maybe he/she didn't have a choice. ❞
❝ We'll say I'm a scientist. I was. I am! ❞
❝ I'm going to put my head in that hole. ❞
❝ Can't have your cake and eat it, too. ❞
❝ Unless you bake two cakes! ❞
❝ Uh... I don't wanna argue about this. ❞
❝ Alright, no politics at the dinner table. ❞
❝ I didn't wanna hurt him/her. But I did. ❞
❝ Well... why are you saying it like that? ❞
❝ I thought I knew the rest, but...I didn't. ❞
❝ How long have you been lying to me? ❞
❝ I really would've come to see you sooner. ❞
❝ Who laughs in the middle of a fight? ❞
❝ You think you know the rest. You don't. ❞
❝ What? How many of these did you take? ❞
❝ Hey, don't try to wow me with big words. ❞
❝ We're gonna need all the help we can get. ❞
❝ I'm just trying to lighten the mood, y'know...? ❞
❝ So, you want me to handle this one, or...? ❞
❝ I don't think I want this costume anymore. ❞
❝ Yeah, I don't know what any of that means. ❞
❝ Well, screaming their name usually works. ❞
❝ You're just gonna have to shut up and trust- ❞
❝ That's your story! Now, just stick to the script. ❞
❝ Ohh, I'll take the mic. No more mics for you. ❞
❝ Yeah, I'm smiling like it's a joke, but it's true. ❞
❝ What cursed world have you brought me to? ❞
❝ I never really made another friend, after that. ❞
❝ Who are you running around with, anyway? ❞
❝ What'd you call me? You realize I'm right here. ❞
❝ Ohh, this here is why nobody likes us, man. ❞
❝ Why would anyone be scared to talk to me?! ❞
❝ Hey, it's New York. Everyone's got their thing. ❞
❝ Never did come up with a cool name for that... ❞
❝ I joined it so I could hit my feelings with sticks! ❞
❝ I'm just... a really emotionally intelligent guy/girl. ❞
❝ Why wear a mask if you've got nothing to hide? ❞
❝ Nothing is more important than management. ❞
❝ I'm sorry, who exactly are you supposed to be? ❞
❝ Your costume's too tight in the back, by the way! ❞
❝ Oh, yeah. That sounds like a really good fake job. ❞
❝ You're in this to help people, right? Right? So am I! ❞
❝ Bad guy/girl? He/She's barely a villain of the week! ❞
❝ Sounds like he maybe shouldn't practice medicine. ❞
❝ You know, it really is always so great to talk to you. ❞
❝ I didn't join a band so I could talk about my feelings! ❞
❝ What do you mean I don't know that? I do know that. ❞
❝ Take a good look at my great fire from my backpack! ❞
❝ The power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand. ❞
❝ How much longer can I keep lying about who really I am? ❞
❝ Which is it? Hands in the air, or get down on the ground? ❞
❝ Dude/girl, you don't hang out, and you don't wanna talk... ❞
❝ It's really fun cleaning up your shocking mess, by the way. ❞
❝ I mean... how many people can you talk to about this stuff? ❞
❝ I was actually considered handsome, by scientist standards. ❞
❝ It was inconsiderate and super rude! ...And a little cocky... oof! ❞
❝ I wouldn't play with fire, dude/girl, you're kind of made of paper! ❞
❝ Can't you just act like a regular super villain so I can catch you? ❞
❝ Yo, if you don't tell someone what's going on you're gonna snap.  ❞
❝ He/She hasn't always had it easy. And he/she's not the only one. ❞
❝ You're acting like weird stuff like this happens to you all the time. ❞
❝ I lead an elite strike force dedicated to the security of the multiverse. ❞
❝ I always wanted to be in a band. Guess I just never found the right one. ❞
❝ Can we focus on the big fire-breathing threat to time and space, please?! ❞
❝ I've never robbed anybody in my life, please don't make this a bad experience for me! ❞
❝ Can you stop talking about your holes? You're making everyone uncomfortable over here. ❞
❝ I mean, it's more of a meta-commentary on what we call art, but it's... it...it's also...art? ❞
❝ Look, there is a big flying turkey from the renaissance I have to bring to justice, so if you don't mind. ❞
❝ Now I'm stuck putting everybody back where they belong before all of time and space collapses! ❞
❝ You left a hole wide enough for guys/girls like him/her to randomly get shot into the wrong dimension! ❞
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moondal514 · 1 year
Hi aerie! I’m gonna assume you want one of my aftg fic ideas.
So I have this idea for a Trojan!Andrew au (that I’m never going to write because I think I might get hives if I ever write anything positive about USC 😂).
The background of this au is Andrew is able to successfully hide Aaron’s letter to him and write to him to fuck off, so none of the Spears ever find out about Aaron’s existence and Andrew’s plan to wait until Drake is enlisted goes through and he is officially adopted by the Spears. Andrew picks up exy because it keeps him out of the house as much as possible, which is especially vital for him for when Drake comes to visit during his breaks.
Meanwhile in South Carolina, Tilda dies of a drug overdose while Aaron is in high school and Nicky comes from Germany to take care of him. Erik’s job conveniently has a branch in South Carolina so he is able to follow Nicky to the US and help him out with Aaron. Namely Erik is able to help Aaron get off drugs. So Aaron is able to get his shit together and he gets recruited to the Foxes (Nicky will not be a Fox in this au cuz Wymack doesn’t need to bribe Aaron to join the team).
Back to Andrew, he gets recruitment offers from all over, including the Foxes, the Ravens, and the Trojans. Like canon, Kevin and Riko come to personally recruit him, and Andrew of course tells them both to fuck off. However, Kevin and Riko aren’t the only people that come to personally recruit Andrew. Jeremy comes to recruit Andrew too and, because I have a strong belief in a Jeremy-Andrew brotp, they hit it off and Andrew decides to go to USC (when Kevin hears this news, he’s like “fair enough” cuz he can’t begrudge a player of Andrew’s caliber playing in his favorite team)
So come the start of the season, Aaron gets the surprise of his life when he sees his own face on the Trojans in Exy Today (or whatever that magazine Neil loves is called) and is honestly kinda pissed about it, especially when he reads about how one of the colleges Andrew turned down was PSU. Some 1st chance Aaron gets (so after the Foxes get knocked out of the competition), he moreorless flies to California to go yell at Andrew and Andrew basically shuts the door on his face. Aaron is stubborn though, so he keeps trying to talk to Andrew and this somehow involves him visiting Andrew at the same time as Cass and Cass invites Aaron over to dinner with her, Richard Spear, and Andrew.
So Aaron goes to dinner but notices that something about the Spear family is off and he’s not sure what. Somehow this all leads to Aaron eventually figuring out what’s happened to Andrew in the Spear household, specifically what Drake has done to Andrew and that Cass has known about it all this time and not done anything about it. Aaron confronts Cass about it and somehow it turns into an altercation where Aaron accidentally kills Cass.
Uh not really sure where this au would go after that but I imagine there would be a big falling out and lots of drama. Prob a trial and shit, idk. And then there would still be all the Riko and mafia-related drama that comes with Kevin and Neil and at some point Jean would join the Trojans too, but my dislike of USC aside, this concept is just too long for me to ever consider writing it
Really the best part about this au is just how Andrew going to USC allows me to enjoy the dichotomy of Andrew looking like a stereotypical USC student (white, blonde, athletic, Californian) but having the completely opposite personality of one. Imagining Andrew surrounded by that many peppy extroverted people sends me
Send me a “📓” emoji and I’ll tell you about a fic idea I have that I’ll never write
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solarcal · 1 year
@amity206 i wrote out and organized the world building a long time ago, so it’s not exactly up to date with the newer seasons and season area’s but i guess if someone’s interested i should maybe look into updating it? hm something to think about ig lol either way, here’s my whole world building sheet its veryyy long so uh take your time reading it, im totally willing to answer any questions you have too :3
Isle of Dawn-Binial
where all moths are born
Moths are Megabird shaking off their feathers
those feathers fall to isle in a meteor type fashion and when they land, they are a ball of Megabird’s light which soon reforms into a classic moth with no cape, the basic moth hair, pants and mask
this happens at random which is why sky kids must keep constant watch over the beach for new arrivals
its rare for more than one moth to be born at a time but it can still happen
they are usually considered siblings more than most and its strongly encouraged not to separate them
they can leave each other when they are old if they so wish but most dont
Moths are called Mids, the species of sky kids are called Skids, and butterfly sky kids, so someone between moth and vet are called Butids
Caretakers-a whole “job”(i say job very loosely) you can have as a vet where you simply wait at the beach in isle for moths to be born to then help them adjust to their new bodies and take them to one of the various house in isle to grow up and either get adopted or picked up by a guider or just get old enough to choose to set out on their own
Guiders-more similar to mentors than a parent
they wont adopt the moth into their family but simply help them learn how sky works and take them through the realms til either they reach Empyrean or find a place they want to live or an apprenticeship learning sometime of art or craft
they can take more than one moth too where people adopting rarely do
they usually are either near the end of their lives or they are simply bored for a while, sometimes they do it just to be nice, it depends on the guider
Guiders and sky kids come to adopt moths here
Some stay for the community feeling because its like a suburban neighborhood with many moths and elder skids sticking around
Others like it for the quiet they can find by the shores as mids are typically contained to the center of Binial for their safety
houses above ground and houses built into caves and buried in the ground
Cave of prophecy
It's more like a fun training ground! Or an obstacle course
They don’t actually die, the prophet just laughs and helps them back onto the course
They're more like a referee than a prophet
Daylight Prairie-Digarem
Fisherman type region
Everyone here fishes or builds the various types of boats, water or air
They can also train mantas for various jobs
Some people are butterfly breeders/keepers
Other don't have an area specific job but like the peace and quiet
Sanctuary Isle
A beach type resort place
People commonly go to just relax and play with the flock of mantas and swim in the water
Hidden Forest-Hirthlim
Mainly filled with artisans and researchers
only place in this world you can die unnaturally is from the deadly rain of Hirthlim
Very dangerous which is why younger skids are rarely wandering alone and if they are, everyone will constantly check up on them and ask if they need help
Wood carvers, painters, jewelers, metal workers, forgers, etc etc
They just carve out like mini statues and then plop them down, scattered everywhere across the forest. You can just find one hidden away a little bit as you’re walking/flying your way through the forest
there's hand crafted stuff everywhere in forest, various sculptures littered along side the paths, crystal garlands hung from branch to branch etc
at night you see the reflection of flittering fireflies in the rivers and lakes that make them look like the stars in the sky that is actually hidden behind the leaves and branches above
The cave in the tree has gems, metals and stone that they mine to use for decorations
A big commune basically
People go there if they need to hide from someone or they simply need to get away from it all
It's also where mids who’s guiders/family have died or the mids who got lost in Hirthlim are taken to
Sometimes the mid isn’t a good fit for the family either they are brought back to Binial or brought to treehouse to be readopted or if they are old enough, to simply figure out if they want another family or if they wanna go off on their own for a while
the mids take a while to show their personality and sometimes the family either cant properly take care of them for some reason or its detrimental to the family itself and the mids are well taken care of and due to being so young, they quickly forget the past family and harbor no sadness or trauma from the parting
skids who work/live here commonly go searching through Hirthlim looking for lost moths
The mail center
Also a huge manta training grounds but only for riding or helping with pulling carts
Also used as training grounds for flying in tight spaces or with really strong winds
the mail is carried by the wind currents and birds pass messages between the spirits and skids that work there
like the big current that takes you all the way around flight but hundreds of tiny ones
mail leaving flight is either put on a cart dragged by a big manta or given to mail skids who have a specific section of each realm that they deliver to
they ride smaller mantas to travel around quicker and deliver the mail
the skids do the sorting and taking them out of flight
The widespread corruption and the fall of King Resh and of Sky has not happened yet
Its is starting to though, with small infrequent dark plants sprouting in Hirthlim and the corruption of the first manta in Gaial
The draining rain is not caused by the corruption, it is part of the natural Sky world that people have come to live with
Valley of Triumph-Valem
Large bustling city, think new york and street fairs
Valem + Empyrean hold like 70% of all skids permanent homes
It has many markets and schools and overall is just a huge culture landmark due to its size and population
Anything you can think of, they have have
A lot of mids stay here a long time before making the journey to Empyrean and some just never leave
Super big on competition and flying
Many sports and they hold a ton of games and celebrations
Village of Dreams
Moth epicenter
Basically the suburbs
Many many families have their permanent homes here
Huge houses
Where ice skating lessons are held :3
Hermit Valley
Where a lot engineers and inventors and scientist and researchers live
many move up to hermit valley because no one else lives up there so they dont have to worry about bother anyone with their creations and since everyone is a researcher, they are used to dangerous stuff
They are the ones making the flying boats and looking into the dark plants and the power crystals
There’s also the normal types of researchers like how the world works and there’s a lot of researchers investigating the old murals and trying to write of of sky’s history and religion down
There’s also a lot of people looking into helping disabled sky kids and making better gear for various jobs + mantas
They’re looking into creating fake wings for skids that can’t fly but so far are unsuccessful
They mainly focused on saddles for service mantas as well as other needed aids such as googles to improve eyesight
at the peaks of this giant mountain range where it snows and is giant enough to fit whole villages and a city
Along side all the birds you fly up to the top to Valem and suddenly you burst through the blanket of clouds and you’re soaring above them
You can either take a boat or manta up or fly up a wind tunnel/highway to get up
Golden Wastelands-Gaial
mainly farming fields before the big border wall for Empyrean
inside that wall are smaller villages
basically like the midwest, farms for miles and miles
a canyon is in the west but people rarely venture that way due to being so far out of the way (where the first corruption of a manta, the first step towards krill and the person who has semi control over it)
a small town/castle thing lies on that coast
Forgotten Ark
there's no ark there
its just another farm but since its an island, they have different crops and such
very floral and such, think tropics
very veryyyyyyy small fishing village
its very hidden and people rarely go there
the fishers there venture out sometimes to sell their catches but its mainly made up of 2-3 large found families that dont want to interact with other sky kids nowadays so they just stay in their village
Vault of Knowledge-the library
its filled with researchers and scribes
all of the kingdoms history is recorded here
this is where the “priests” live too
priests arent actually priests but more the high level scribes, because they know a lot of information and can offer good advice
no one can actually talk to Megabird obviously but they have studied the memory cubes for most of their life so they know more than anyone else which is why people go to them for advice
this is like home base for all researchers
any researches elsewhere come from the library and will return there if their research is finished
they also send all their reports there
Starlight Desert
the childrens library!
this is where moths can learn about the history or just hear stories
sometimes older sky kid will leave their moths here for a while like a daycare
there’s people who live in eden that are like school teachers basically that work in starlight
this is like a huge spiraling city
i saw someone compare it to the tower of babel so i’m strongly referencing that
there’s multiple levels, getting smaller as they go up
the very top level is where King Resh and his advisors live and work
lower level down is where they hold meeting with the elders and just general important stuff idk
floors 1-4 are split in half basically
one half is purely the library and the other is normal house and stores and workshops and such
spirit mantas are used to move large groups of people around like buses or to travel around on one floor if they dont want to fly or have a large package or something
spirit mantas are also used in the library to reach the memory cubes higher up because that way the scribe would be stable instead of having to flap up and down
spirit mantas are used instead of regular mantas because they are calmer and easier to train
they also grow up quicker and can fly stationary in the air which is great for the confined space of eden
that’s all the like physical world, the rest is the culture and society of my world
Families are called flocks and some flocks have a bird as their emblem kinda thing
Memory cubes
the things that line the walls of vault, you can record information in it like a book, you can either record a little hologram like a video or your voice reading out words like an audiobook
they are how sky stores all its information and how they send information thats too much to fit in a letter
King Resh
the King of sky (he’s also the one that caused its downfall but that hasnt happened yet in this world and won’t for a while)
the ruler chosen by Megabird and he oversees all of sky
lives in eden and mainly is in charge of big transportation projects like new boat systems like in dreams and hermit valley
theres a lot more of them in this world due to the fall not happening yet
he also can request the researchers/scribes to look into certain topics like the darkstone/power crystals and such
also gonna have a huge religious role but i have to finish the religion first
the world is one big island surrounded by ocean
its just a straight line from one realm to the next
Binial is a flat beach
Digarem is rolling hills with lots of rivers and both sides are by the ocean
it gently slopes up as you get further from Binial but you can still reach the ocean easily
Hirthlim is a big forest that starts to slope up more rapidly
there are streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes formed from the water run off from Valem and the constant rain
at the beginning it doesn't rain and you could still kinda reach the ocean below but there's no beach anymore
as you get higher, on the ocean sides is a sheer cliff face with no beach below, just like rocks
Valem is the mountain range that separates Hirthlim and Gaial from each other
you pass through the clouds to reach the snowy peaks of Valem
then there's a kinda steep slope down to Gaial which is closer to the ocean
the sides near the ocean slope down to meet it so fishing can occur here too but rarely does due to most people farming here
then there's the border wall to Empyrean
the villages inside with smaller farms and then the circular city rising up
a mysterious stone that is mined from the mountains
Power crystals-darkstone is refined into a power crystal which is used to power machines like the boats and doors
Powered by light, either the skids natural light or the sun
Theres a job of just refining darkstone
Gives a connection between life and their machines
sky kids bodies are made of light and as they grow up their light get stronger
thats how you gain your cape and more flaps
you gain a lot when you’re younger and then it slows down as you get older til you start losing it
then eventually you lose all your light become extinguished and you turn to ash and scatter in the wind
so its very common for families to take them to their favorite spot so their ashes can be scattered where they love most
basically the rain leeches away your light and so you are slowly drained and if you get extinguished here you just die
basically god and the universe and light
its where all things come from and all things go
it created all of sky, people and everything and is a being of pure light
its also semi the sun?
it doesn’t really dictate what people do but is part of sky’s natural rebirth cycle where when anything light dies, their light/soul returns to Megabird to then later be sent back down to sky
its the deity that the spirits and sky kids worship
its who appointed Resh as king
its commonly depicted as a bird in all the murals in sky which is why ive just made it a bird
Megabird is like straight vibing, making the universe but at the same time is the universe but is also traveling through it
its complicated
Megabird is the very fabric of the universe and each atom and plant and animal is made up and created by Megabird
but Megabird is also just a giant bird thing made up of pure light and stars gliding across the galaxies
but like at the same time the trail left behind it is what makes stars and planets and comets and everything
Logic behind why Days of Rainbow and Lights exist is because Megabird is a semi physical being
it cares deeply about all of its creations which is why it returns to check up on Sky twice a year
Rainbow being a brief pass by on its way elsewhere and Lights is Megabird checking in more closely on everything, that its all going well and nothing is horribly corrupted or anything
the whole thing about sky is there is no “jobs”
no one is forced to work
you can quit or change jobs because everything is basically an art or a genuine love for what they are doing
some sky kids dont have a profession at all, they are simply wanderers or just like vibing and exploring or staying home with their flock or whatever
Death and Rebirth
you dont die in eden
basically your light returns to Megabird and for a while you are one with it until your feather falls down to sky again
reborn as a new moth; people reborn wont remember their past life nor will people from their past life recognize them but they will have similar characteristics to their past life and sometimes feel deja vu from their past life
skids are rarely reborn while their surviving family is still alive as it takes a while for their feather to be shaken off again so past family and reborn moths rarely exist at the same time and even rarer do they meet
skids dont remember what it was like to be one with Megabird but they know that it is nice and Megabird is kind so people dont fear natural death
when someone dies its a happy sadness because their family knows they are “whole” again and they will return to sky as well as when the family dies, they will meet up with their loved one in Megabird
Moths learn about the rebirth cycle from a young age but in a soft happy way
Spirits-??? still unnamed
arent actually spirits, cause they arent dead yet
basically they were the species Megabird sent down before the sky kids
they've lived in sky a long time before sky kids
they have a very long life span so when we arrive they are tired from their long life which is why they rarely move from the area theyre in
a year to sky kids is like a day to them so they are content to watch us enjoy ourselves and be so lively and free
they still give us the cosmetics and such but its like kinda a spell
like your body is made of light and they are teaching you how to manipulate that light into that specific hair or clothing style
The first time they help guide your light into the right shape so you know how it feels and then you can recreate it
Kinda like this
the spirits having the skykids just sit down while they give like a magic lesson lol. One spirit standing with a bunch of lil skykids sitting around them on the ground staring up at them with awe. It’s dark out, and you can clearly see that they are a spirit. The stars are twinkling up in the sky and then they start to demonstrate how to make their hairstyle. The spirit is like “now follow my hand movements” and then they do like a twirly thing with their hands and lights are sparkling around their hands and poof! Wow suddenly a hairstyle! “Now let us go through the movements together. Picture [insert cosmetic here]. Feel your light magic flow through you. Feel it building in between your hands.” The little skykids follow and mimic what the spirit showed them
you can get all the cosmetics, including seasonal cosmetics and past ults
ults are more rare as they are only given by quest givers to those they like or gain their favor
some give out ults more easily than other, everyone has flight ults as Ms Flight gives them out freely but Prophecy or Gratitude’s ults are harder to obtain due to them being more picky/higher standards
because the cosmetics are the spirits teaching you how to manipulate your light, theres no physical object you obtain
if you buy clothes or a mask that another sky kid made, that would be physical and you would have to pick it up and put it on, to replace the spell you’re wearing
if you are wearing a sky kid made cosmetic, you have to take it off like actual clothes
the only cosmetic a sky kid cant make is a new style of hair due to that being pure light and you cant cut that
some of the older sky kids can combine two or three hairs to make a new style, but that takes a lot of discipline and concentration to achieve which is why only older kids can do it
researchers are looking into making new hair style spells but unsuccessful so far
Skids can talk and emotes and calls arent a thing, you can see and talk to people without lighting or friending them
Bc of this you have to actually learn to dance and do the various emotes, you cant just perfectly copy it
There isnt rlly any
money doesnt exist
usually sky kids will just give things away for free or trade things
like if youre a seamstress and you want a special wood carving you can offer an outfit or something in exchange
people are incredibly kind and if you give them something for free, they will remember it and be sure to pay it back later
Bc of this its next to impossible to be poor
you dont have to buy or pay for a house
if youre down on your luck, people will just help you out, giving you clothes and food, a place to stay for a while so you can look for your own house comfortably
since sky kids are so nomadic almost? many families will have more than one house in different areas
they have their permanent house which is where they live most of the time and have most of their stuff in
sky kids will have extra, usually smaller houses, in other areas to vacation in or move to if they want a change of scenery for a while or if they travel a lot
they can stay in their extra house while passing through, like a large family could have a big house in village of dreams but then have a beach house in Binial for when they want to adopt a moth or one in Hirthlim to stay in while passing through or maybe they’ll get a house just cause it looks pretty while passing by
houses are free
there are sky kids that just build them for fun and as long as its structurally sound, they can build it however they want
so theres many different types and colors and shapes of houses and lots of empty free ones
if you want a house, you simply need to hang a wreath of flowers on the door to show its claimed and that no one else can have it
every house has basic furniture which is needed because if you a wandering sky kid, you can stay in an empty unclaimed house for a day or two instead of sleeping outside, though some still do that
theres not rlly any hotels, well there is a couple in Valem and Empyrean but you mainly go there as a vacation, to relax and not have to cook your own food or make your own bed or anything
sky doesnt have an army, cause theres nothing to fight
there are people who like spar for fun, like boxing or martial arts or like archery and fencing
most sky kids are trained in basic survival like climbing and fishing, just in case for when they are out exploring or wandering
most people are nice but there are a very very small amount of sky kids that others might need to defend themselves against
Normal january to december, 24 hours, monday to sunday system
they have clocks to keep track but nobody really bothers with them
they go off of the sun or moon in the sky and its always a vague time
if they do use a clock, like two friends could agree to meet at like 3 pm and it wouldn't be uncommon for them to actually meet at 3:30-4 pm
scribes in the library are the ones keeping track of the years and major events and such
each holiday lasts a month, so there are 12 major holidays
people dont celebrate every single day of the month obviously but it makes it easier to meet far away friends and family and making time for everyone, plus the mood and festivities can continue for longer
most of the holidays are based off of ones already in the game but theres two ive added and ive changed the others to fit better
Days of Fortune-Fortune
January, specifically the first as the big celebration day obvi
theres fireworks and wishing everyone happiness and success
its incredibly popular time to change professions or try something new
moths come down more often in isle as well
Days of Love-Love
February, specifically mid feb
this is when you just let people you know you love them
adoptions and confessions are very common during Love
its a very soft emotional month
Days of Prayer-Prayer
this is when everyone thanks Megabird for all its done and wishes it well in it’s journey through the universe
usually they ask for advice or wishes during this month as its rude to do it any other month
this is also generally the month when moths learn more about Megabird and the religion
Days of Bloom-Bloom
celebrating the start of spring
the flowers are blooming and the air is sweet
everyone is energized for the coming months
moths born during this time are more playful than most
Days of Nature-Nature
everyone takes a little time to appreciate the world they live in and how well it takes care of them and they take care of it
people visit their favorite locations and enjoy the scenery
photo taking and painting/sketching rises dramatically in this month as everyone wants a memory of where they’ve been
Days of Rainbow-Rainbow
rainbows appear frequently around the world of sky
due to the fact that Megabird flies in front of the sun and the rainbows are a sliver of its brilliance reflected on the world
Days of Sovereign-Sovereign
this was the month that either Resh was born or made king, depending who you ask
generally people send gifts to him as thanks or be grateful for the services he provides such as the boat transportation system and the researchers
Days of Summer-Summer
the crops are growing and being harvested food is plentiful
it's a time for long days of hard rewarding work and storing the food away for feast
sky kids that arent farmers come to help them with either temporary labor or taking care of them after the long days in the fields
Days of Lights-Lights
Megabird draws closer to Sky so everyone’s light grows brighter so for this month people start glow
the glow starts at the beginning of sept grows brighter and then mid month starts to dim so by the end of sept everyone is normal again
moths born in this month naturally glow a little year round and is the brightest sky kids during lights, makes them very easy to spot
Days of Mischief-Mischief
time for funny pranks and tricks
everyone can dress up and be a little crazy
it's a giggley time and people are relaxing after the harvest
Days of Remembrance-Remembrance
this is when people remember those who are gone
its days of the dead type thing
its a sad kind of happy, cause they know their loved ones are safe and well and theyll see them again and it isnt forever, theyll return to sky one day
they cooked their favorite foods and visit their favorite places and tell stories and memories about them
its a very mellow time
Days of Feast-Feast
they've celebrated their lost family now time to celebrate their current family
huge huge meals
people coming from all over to meet up, gifts are given and merry times are had
Basically you have Remembrance with remembering your dead family and friends, then Feast with appreciating your living family and friends and then Fortune where you look forward to new family and friends to come
Realm specific holidays
Binial- they celebrate every time a new moth is born of, they make sure to mark down the exact date and time so the moth can always know when to celebrate; they also celebrate fortune extra hard
Digarem- celebrates when a group of mantas completes training or there is a particularly big catch of fish
Hirthlim doesnt have many forest specific celebrations, sometimes flight will have a “theres no mail for a few days lets chill” celebration
sometimes older vets will go out and dance in particularly heavy rainfalls
some specific artisan groups will celebrate the completion of a big project or a particularly good mine from the caves
but the only forest wide celebration seems to be the quiet mourning that comes with finding someone turned to ash too early
Valem has so many celebrations that people physically can't celebrate them all so they just celebrate what's important to them, there's sports celebrations and arts celebrations and family ones
Gaial also doesn’t have many celebrations just the first planting, first harvest, end of growing, last harvest, everything stored til feast
Empyrean has a random assortment of celebrations, most of them religious or related to the researchers/scribes, i never finished the religion so maybe i should do that lol
basically there's a lot of fish and crab dishes
there's food crabs and pet crabs but pet crabs get a distinct marking painted on their back so people know not to eat it
Crabs aren't corrupted yet and thus are passive
but those are the only meats in sky, so its mostly vegetarian foods and such
they do have eggs from birds but they grow like corn and sugar and wheat and rice and such
how it works
basically everything is made/grown with light from the sun which is Megabird so food is what helps grow and maintain your light
when sky kids are younger the effects are more obvious, they gain more stars on their back and cape strength
when they get older and this slows down, food helps maintain the amount of light u have and basically like slows the aging process
because aging is just losing your stars and food makes that happen slower so food is vital to growth and maintaining a sky kids light
people also tend to eat a lot more often in forest to survive the draining rain and replenish their light so it's less likely they'll die and can stand out in the rain longer
Every art is revered
Everyone plays their part and enjoys what they do and its incredibly important because it’s what people fill their lives with
Theres no job to do, no money to worry about, no school that you must attend so people have time to fill with whatever arts they chose
Spirits do still hand out music sheets to those who ask but they don’t make new ones
Sky kids can and do create new sheets to share with others
i am only now realizing how long this, oh god. i should have split the world and the culture into two posts or something, im really sorry Amity (is that your name? i just guessed from ur username) but heyyy uh if u manage to read all this, good job! and also im dying to talk about this again so yea just reblog this with whatever questions or comments or anything u got
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YOU HAVE SUMMONED ME honestly I was worried that this was super late but then I saw the time stamp on your post and I was like 😀 tis still shenanigan time!! HALEY!!! aka BITEWING!!!! sweet angel baby puppy love of my life. she’s adorable. she only has three legs! when dick rescued her from getting abused by some random jerks in the street she BIT HIM hard enough that he needed STITCHES. and he said “oh i’m gonna take her to the pound tomorrow” and babs and tim were like 👀 uh huh, sure you are dick… and next thing you know we see he’s got toys for her and a bed and a bowl with her name on it. her name was voted on by readers and is a nod to haly's circus! (which writers occasionally forget that dick owns now, but that’s a whole other tangent) she is a tiny menace and I love her! just in canon we’ve seen her try to play with/tear up important papers, she ate dick’s tv remote and tore up his couch, and she has daydreams about fighting crime as bitewing 🩵 she very much strikes me as an ankle biting menace while she’s still a puppy, and I feel like lucky would literally have to scruff her to pull her away from a fight… which honestly also feels right for kate and dick in some cases 😂
This is amazing I am sobbing I am weeping Kate and Dick with their disabled doggos
(Also Dick and Clint lowkey soulmate vibes???)
I was imagining Kate losing Lucky at a dog park (full disclosure I have no idea how dog parks work, maybe just a regular park?) and she's getting pizza to lure Lucky (and potentially also Jeff???) back to her, she's not super worried, she's chatting to Cute Tall Guy who is ALSO missing his dog. He's not getting pizza for doggo, just for him. Anyway SUDDENLY A RUCKUS and Kate and Tall Guy hear Barking! And individually they are thinking, well, my dog might have just started a gang war
This is fine
It turns out puppo Haley has found a stray cat mama with a new litter of kittens and has planted herself between the cat and some other dogs who are clearly VERY poorly behaved, but she is a hero and that's! what! heroes! do! However Haley is a pup and also missing a leg she could use some backup basically, and Lucky, who has never met a disaster he doesn't love, decides to ALSO plant himself between the mean dogs (who are lowkey trying to bully Haley) and Haley and the cats. Jeff might be there but mostly for the Drama bc he's a messy bench like that
Anyway Dick and Kate proceed to RIP INTO the other dog owners and then look at each other askance like wtf are we supposed to do with the cat?!?!?! Who has decided Haley is just a big dumb kitten she lost and has adopted her (very bruce-coded of the cat tbh). And kittens?!?! One of them is orange and has something going on with an eye and Kate is like oh NO this kitten is a cat Lucky I can't believe I have at least one cat now
(clint: you know you don't have t--
Kate: who am I to argue with the cat distribution system)
Dick is frantically calling up his favorite animal expert (it's Damian) about how to safely move mama and kittens? And where? Vet??!?!? Animal shelter?!?!?! Tim?!?!
To be fair Dick could have probably figured it out if he was alone but Kate is there and his brain makes dialup noises when he looks at her for too long yes he's WEAK leave him alone
At some point Kate winds up sitting on the ground and Haley flops into her lap and passes out because it's been a big day for a puppy and Lucky and Jeff give Kate the BIGGEST SADDEST BABY EYES because that's their spot?? Why is this interloper hogging the Pizza Girl? Lucky turns Sad Dog Eye on Dick like Dick is just going to remove his darling puppy from her nap spot? Sir. Please be serious.
Idk where i was going with this but also Lucky the hardened established dog hero and Haley his young impetuous sidekick dog, Jeff finding missions for them working out of Batcow's barn. BITEWING!!! I am dead. Pandemonium is their business.
lol for some reason Haley is giving me cat vibes a little. Lucky is like, this is Pizza Girl. Protecting Pizza Girl is my sworn duty. And Haley is like I am BITEWING. This is my human sidekick, Nightwing.
(Also for some reason I'm lowkey vibing Clint and Babs???? For this???? I think they are besties regardless but just seeing them watching their favo disaster birds getting parent trapped by their DOGS like "are you seeing this? I'm not the only one seeing this right????")
ANyway maybe Clint has custody of Lucky so Kate and Jeff are moping hanging out at a park (Jeff is an extrovert and he is LONELY he wants FRIENDS) and one of two things happens:
Haley bolts and Dick is chasing after her and hears someone go "Don't you BARK at him, he didn't do anything! He just wants to be friends!" which makes Dick have the simultaneous thoughts of "oh no what did my dog do" and "how DARE you yell at my dog!!"
he rounds the corner and sees Haley looking as chagrined as a chaos pup can look before scootching closer to the other dog and licking its...nose. Snout?
"That's a shark," Dick says. The shark in question is now dragging out what appears to be a rotisserie chicken and is sharing it with Haley.
"What?" Kate says. "No, he's just a rare breed of dog. The, uh. The Chilean Hairless....land...shark."
OR Haley is Not Afraid! She decided she and Dick were playing fetch with one of his escrima sticks and she took OFF so now Dick is yelling for her hoping she comes back with the same stick she left with.
So Dick is hollering for her and Kate answers back "Haley is over here! Uhh assuming Haley is a dog and not a child, or a bird, or a lizard of some kind?"
And that's when Dick sees his dog playing with his escrima stick with a shark??? who is leaving dents in his weapon????
Kate isn't even looking at Dick when she's like "hey, do you come here often? Jeff has been really lonely and she's the first dog we've met that isn't terrified of him, so that's pretty cool, anyway hi my name is Kate...." and THEN she looks up (and up, and up) at Dick and is like. oh my god. is this why Gwen said we should try this park today??? Because of beautiful dog dad man?
either way Jeff REFUSES to leave Haley which means Dick and Kate have to spend most of the day together. At some point MODOK tries to steal Jeff back and Haley plants herself in front of Jeff and growls at MODOK and she's actually pretty intimidating but it's still the cutest thing ever. Jeff and Haley are ride-or-dies, like Jeff will be mad at Dick when Haley has to go to the vet.
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ambalambs · 6 months
Okay another question! Tell me a little bit about each member of Miko's adopted family and his relationships with each of them please! <3
Okie dokie! Gonna toss this one under a cut too in case I get carried away again lol also kinda nervous to share info on basically npcs ive made for my oc but we're gonna choose to ignore the cringe in this house!
Okay so first since ive already talked a bit about her before is miko's adopted mom. Her name is Fiona u3u she's the rock of the household obviously. She keeps the kids and even her husband in line but she is so so compassionate. Her grandfather was an instrument maker and he'd play them too so she was raised around music which miko was very fortunate to stumble on a family that had that kind of background (perhaps there were some higher power at play there that guided him to this specific family. We may never know lol) she and miko get along sooo well he adores his mom. She's had to drag him around by the ear a few times tho while he was growing up lol but she has always been very good at reading him which when it comes to miko who is master at hiding his pain, she was always the first one to be like nuh uh come talk to me lol
Next is his dad, Brynstan. Miko's mom always lovingly calls him Bryn for short. Miko's dad is a good and simple guy. He's just a farmer lol he'd much rather not think about what's going on in the rest of the crazy world and only focus on his crops and chocobo and family. It took him a bit to really figure out how to be with miko when he was a kid. Like he came to love him a lot and seeing him as his own son but there were a lot of "what am I even doing" moments for him. But miko was always the biggest help to him around the farm and never complained and always found silly ways to make him smile. Their relationship is good of course but there's like this shadow over them I think that they both have always felt that for miko its like "You're my dad and I love you but you aren't the dad that I was supposed to need" if that makes sense? Considering the situation of Miko's real dad was always left as a mystery. But still his adopted dad is a really good guy who only ever did his very best by him ;u;
Now for his siblings lol his little brother's name is Dustan and oh boy are he and miko a pair. They would constantly tease and pester each other. Dustan would always get a kick out of pulling miko's tail or blowing on his ears to make them flick and just drive miko insane lol they never got into any serious fights tho it was just lots of brother teasing. Dustan was just a toddler when miko joined the family and was the one who actually coined the name miko for him. His little kid talk would try to say miqote but itd just come out as miko and so he'd just pitter patter around the house after miko repeating mikomikomiko over and over until it just became a thing lol miko just kinda accepted it since it seemed well enough to have a new name for a new life. But now that his brother is older they still tease each other but just not as much. Deep down dunstan kinda has a bit of nervousness around him since his big brother is now some big crazy super hero wol out there killing gods. Probably wouldn't be wise to pull the tail of a guy with that kind of power anymore, which miko notices that a bit in him but he tries to not let it bother him and tries to act like things are the same as they always were between them.
And lastly he has a little sister named Bayla. She was born not long after miko was taken in so miko has been there a part of her life since day one. And oh gosh she is just precious. Definitely has her mom's temperament but she is super gentle and has a bit of an adventurer's heart in finding wonder in everything she encounters in the world. She definitely looks up to miko a lot and she'd follow him around like a little duckling when they were kids. And miko was so good with her, he would braid her hair and put flowers in it, he'd let her follow him out on his little ventures in the woods and teach her all the things he learned from his miqo'te tribe and teach her songs and just all sorts of things. They were bestest buddies and she definitely took it the hardest in the family when he decided to leave and explore the world. Every time they get a letter from miko tho she's the first to rush into the house and excitedly beg their mom to read it outloud to the family lol him being the wol is the coolest thing to her, except the moments when she hears the stories of the really awful things he's had to fight from people in town spouting his legends. Its hard for her to know if its true or not when miko doesn't include some of those tales in his letters. She won't admit it tho but she is a teensy bit jealous of the twins cuz they get to adventure with her brother and why can't she gosh darnnit! She has half a mind to join the adventurers guild herself so she can go with him but her mom keeps trying to stop her lol she's still too young for that. But anyway I've rambled off about her a lot more than the others oops but yeah she and miko are super close and he misses and thinks about her a lot ;u;
Also just as an aside miko and his siblings would sometimes hang out in his room way past their bedtime and play triple triad. Theyd get scolded every time they got caught xD
But yeah thats the family! I hope that was kinda the info you were looking for. Its probably not terribly exciting since they're honestly just a very simple family living in a quiet spot out in gridania territory. For miko when he comes home after some of his adventures its always kinda jarring for him cuz its almost like time stands still there for him, not much changes except his siblings getting older. Miko does worry a lot tho that any enemies he's made out there will find out about them and come back and hurt them to get to him so he does try to keep as little information about them as possible from reaching the public eye.
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lesbianwhowrites · 1 year
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Fem!Reader x Beth Chapel
Requested By: Not the prompt but the character  
“I’m sorry... I did it to protect you.”
‘Beth’s adopted sister finds out Beth is a superhero, and Y/N hides a secret.’’
*Beth having a sister, just yess, also I was way too close to just forgetting writing this but I did it!!
Beth thought she had been careful enough, I mean she went almost a full year without you finding out. Until the night she came home from hero patrol right before final exams. She forgot you said you’d be up late and were working at the kitchen island, right where the front entrance was. You had gotten up for something to drink so Beth didn’t see you right away, thinking you had already gone up to bed. Beth walked in the kitchen in full costume, and bam slammed right into you.
“woah, Beth watch-” You looked at her in utter shock and confusion, “What the fuck are you wearing...” Beth looks at you and gives her usual shy smile, “Uh... ha.. long story.. i should go to bed.” Before Beth could walk away and try to tell you it was just a dream you grabbed her shoulder and brought her right back, “Nope, not this time, I want to know everything right here and now before i scream for mom and dad.” Beth quickly shakes her head, “No, no, please Y/N don’t do that I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Just don’t get them!” You look her up and down awaiting her explanation for wearing.. well you didn’t even know what this was. It looked like it came out of a superhero comic book. 
Beth brings you over to the couch and sits down. You stay standing and she looks up at you, “Your gonna want to sit down for this Y/N” You look her up and down, “No, I think I'm better off standing thank you very much.” Beth sighs and starts explaining to you everything that happened, the first time she talked to the goggles, to her first ‘mission’ to defeating the ISA. Everything happened so suddenly. After Beth was done talking she looked up to see you pacing around the room trying to wrap your head around everything, “Y/N, can you please stop pacing, and well maybe say something? ANYTHING?” 
You turn around and look at her, “So your saying, YOUR a superhero, and your group of sophomore friends, are a team called the ‘JSA’, and defeated the villain group called the ‘ISA’. I’m supposed to believe that?” Bess gives a faint smile, “Yes? I’m being serious you can even ask Chuck!” You let out a faint laugh, “Omg I'm going crazy! You even named the goggles Chuck!” Beth looks at you annoyed, “I’m being serious please, believe me! Here put them on!” Beth hands you the goggles, “Ask him something about what I just told you!” You roll your eyes and sigh putting on the goggles and asking a question. Before you know it everything turns green and information about Beth pops up. “Holy shit..”
You look at Beth and let in a sharp breath, “Uhm.. who is Beth Chapel?” Beth looks at you annoyed and you shrug your shoulder. Suddenly a voice responds revealing the basic information you knew, and the exact information Beth had just told you, but with some added information. You quickly take the goggles off and plop them on the coffee table sitting down across from Beth. “Why didn’t you tell me.. I mean I guess I understand because of my reaction, but I’m your sister I thought you would have trusted me by now.’” Beth looks down at her hands, wiping the sweat off her hands on the couch, “I’m sorry... I did it to protect you.” Beth looks back up at you, “I did it to protect everyone, i couldn’t put you in harms way.”
You look at her and nod, “I guess i understand.. You should go upstairs and change then head to sleep it’s late.” Beth nods and starts heading towards the stairs, “I’m sorry..” You nod and turn away heading back to your laptop to finish studying for the night. You look at the stairs and hear the bathroom door open and close. You open up your phone and call a number, “Hey, I have some information that could be helpful.” you hum at the callers response, ‘Yes, yes i understand, no i don’t have any information on that diamond or whatever.” You sigh again at their response, “Yeah, whatever I'll see you soon.”
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simp4strongwomen · 1 year
Part 1
Temper Masterlist 
"Call Me DADDDDDYYYYYY." The bass blaring through the small house could only belong to one person. That was until loud banging on the door stopped it. Opening her door, a partly made up Thea stands in the door frame, glaring at the person on the other side.
"Can I help you? I'm getting ready for school." Looking one of her foster brothers up and down, she scoffs at the outfit he is wearing. " Actually I can help you, but then you would have to stop wearing your ridiculous clothing."
Glaring at the partial red-head, Tommy responds," Yeah if you think my clothes are ridiculous, then you need to reevaluate your wardrobe. Also yes you can help me, turn your damn music down and hurry up. I don't feel like riding the bus, and Lucas said he would drive us if we were done in 20 minutes." And with that Tommy turned around and walked back into his room, but not without slamming his door in the process.
"20 fucking minutes! Shit, SHit SHit. Okay umm, makeup let's finish the makeup." Sitting back down on the floor in front of her mirror, Thea searches through the unkept containing her makeup and fetches out her eyeliner and highlighter. Putting on the last touches of her makeup. She gets up and walks over to her closet to find something to put on for the day. Tossing on a gray cropped tank top with a matching pair of biker shorts. Grabbing her platform white converse and book bag, Thea runs out of her room. Hearing the eldest boy by the front door causes Thea to go just that much faster. Grabbing a quick snack from the pantry on her way out. Finally making it to the car, she notices Tommy already sat in the front seat. With a huff she throws her stuff into the back seat of the car and sits in the middle seat.
"Took you long enough. I said 10 minutes, not 20 Thea." Her oldest foster brother Lucas, told her looking through his rear view mirror while he pulls out of the driveway. Seeing his little sister's jaw dropped, and glaring at Tommy, who sat in the passenger seat not bothering to pay attention with his headphones in. "What, did he not tell you what was happening?"
"No he did, but he told me that I had 20 minutes. So now i'm stuck with this outfit, and i didnt get breakfast." Reaching over the center console, she grabs the aux cord to play some music.
"Do you need me to stop and get you some food? You know I will." Lucas had always been more caring with Thea than Tommy is. He cared for more than her foster parents did, and she was grateful for that. Being that all three teenagers were adopted made life a tad bit easier, though all their stories are different.
"No, ill just get something out of Courtney's locker when i get to school. But I will steal your hoodie that's back here, I really can't afford to get another detention for the dress code again."
"If you know you're going to get dress-coded, then why wear what you do? I don't see the point. But yeah go ahead as long as you bring it back."
"Uh, because unlike you I actually like having my personality show in my clothes. Rather than looking like your basic white boy in all teen romcoms stupid. But also Taylor dropped her new album last night and let me just show you something." Playing "Vigilante Shit" off of the new album Midnight. Together the two siblings jam out together.
When they reach the school, Tommy automatically gets out of the car without so much as a word. The two other passengers in the car just looked at each other and just shrugged, used to his off behavior. Unplugging her phone from the aux, Thea hops out of the car with her stuff, plus a hoodie. Walking to the driver's side window that had been rolled down, she fist bumps Lucas, and he hands her a 50 dollar bill. "What's that for?"
"Jenny forgot to put money in your guy's accounts for lunch, i already gave Tommy boy his. Don't tell him I gave you 30 bucks extra. Okay now go, you're gonna be late. " Pushing her hand back through the window, he starts to roll it up, when he remembers something. Rolling his window back down he spots Thea walking with her best friend Courtney. Sticking his head out the window, he talks a bit louder as they weren't far apart. "Thea, don't forget I can’t pick you up from practice tonight, I love you. Have a good day." And with that, Lucas left.
Courtney looks over at her friend,"I can drive you home after practice tonight if you want." Locking arms together the two girls walk arm in arm to their school.
"I would love that you gremlin."
"Oh, so we're really gonna start that today. Okay fine." The two girls start laughing after Courtney playfully shoves Thea.
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oh yeah mārītes basically going trough the five stages of grief and then 9 new ones she invented just for this. she needs the tissues and a hug cuz girlie cant stop shaking. shes convinced stone will be pissed off at her for not listening to him. when she sees him again, shes not letting him go. at all.
and yea i was thinking about that too,, like. technically the only one eligible to see stone is laila but. uh. shes a little preoccupied with sobbing her eyes out
sylvester would probably pull a "we got engaged last week, we just could affort rings yet. now let me the fuck in" card. or hes surprisingly fine with waiting outside while texting kali furiously/keeping him on call/speaker
sylvester: well.. at least we dont have horses (yet) and stone wont have a reason to try to get outta bed
tho,, i feel like he'd either stay on the ranch, or kali's ranch while his legs heal. cuz unfortunately, i dont think sylvester can take breaks long enough from work to keep an eye on him, so it falls onto kali. at least syl can look out for the girls tho. theyre at school for half the day too so its not too miserable
sorry kali. you just got promoted to nurse kali with probably the worsy patient he could ever get
Kali: Nah, I'm calling either Cerberus or Bear to deal with Stone. Fuck, I'll maybe even call Python. There's a reason why Corpsmen were so fucking terrified of having him as a patient.
I feel like Bear got the short end of the stick because Kali was like "Poor Cerberus might get eaten alive if I have him watch over Stone while I do my ranch duties." It's fine, if any former Corpsman can whip Stone into shape, it's Bear. Bear is the only Corpsman to ever make Stone stay in bed, confirmed.
Stone's asking Sylvester when they're getting married. And he's drawing up adoption papers to adopt Mārīte as we speak.
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handelplayssims · 2 years
Another morning arises with both Izzy and Lara waking up. Lara’s first whim is to mourn the dead, and there is one place I could think of to go to to honor that. You see, Cameron and Lara first were played with an elder lady. I believe I mentioned this before but she was an active older woman. I basically adopted Cameron into the house out of loneliness and because, well, she was old. If there is ever a time I feel the hand of Grim, it’s when I play older Sims! So she adopted them in and I killed her off because continually getting whims to be active when she’s an elder who would get very tired was annoying had her die of exhaustion from working out too much. And continued on with Cameron and Lara. But we should tell Izzy about this weird elder, yeah?
...also Cameron came home with that fear of a dead end job. Ah the capitalism. Anyway, let’s get needs managed and stuff and then we’ll head off!
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There’s just one problem. No one moves into Rindle Rose. Probably for good reasons but it also means that they can’t get in to pick up the grave! Alas! They’ll have to actually talk to Izzy about the everything. ...Share Melancholic Thoughts will work. And Cameron will tell a dramatic story! Thus will the legacy of...gal who’s name I forgot of will live on. -ahem- Anyway, Lara’s next whim is to gush about nature and so she will! She’ll uh...teach about plants to Izzy. Mm. That social is always a bit finicky on whether or not it wants to show up. Anyway, Izzy and Cameron need the restroom so let’s head on over to the actual park. Public restrooms are an important service after all.
Lara’s next whim is to stay outside for eight hours. We can do that. We can spend a whole day out here, right at this park! Cameron, not so much. He’s coming up on 10 hours until he needs to sleep for work. Meanwhile, this is the time Izzy to go and make another kid friend. Also, huh. Lara’s club decided to gather automatically at 1PM. I mean, sounds about right but also huh. Anyway, Izzy met Miguel Angel Arellano. Quite a mouthful! He looks like a nerd with his winter outfit but is actually a slob! Welp! Who cares? We’re kids and we’re gonna play together!
Lara, by the by, has simply gone fishing. It’s fun for her and it gives her points in the club activities! ...I am seeing a fair amount of teens around here on the weekend. Good to know! And there we go! Friend number 2 achieved! Now to befriend Liana...or befriend another kid. And an adult, can’t forget about that. But first! Chess. We’ll see if any adults decide to drop in. Alexander Goth did! And hmm, doesn’t seem to count as child or kid. THUS YOU ARE USELESS! Except as a chess opponent. Because yeah, he’s a teen.
And Lara finally got her “stayed-outside-for-10-hours” buff. Congratulations to her! I was avoiding going to the restroom explicitly because it said to avoid buildings but now I don’t have to worry about the toilet. Let’s head home, shall we? We got fish to sell! Which I could do from there but eh. Basically, we’ve spent long enough at that park. Lara’s next whim is to woohoo in a bush which, nice but alas. Two hours until work for Cameron. Just take a jog around the neighborhood. And then she made some dinner and turned into bed, while Cameron is off to work. Making it time for!
Neighborhood Watch!
Fetu Tilo in the Tilo household retired from his job as a Live Support Agent in the Tech Guru career.
Derumk Kealoha in the Kealoha household has died. Derumk stuck a finger in a plug and electricty came out.
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