#and they’re both lesbians. take that.
ewwww-what · 3 months
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I don’t care what you guys think, to me they have always been inseparable. Friends who die together in freshman year cyber bully their enemies together for the rest of their lives.
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coconut530 · 10 days
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akkivee · 8 months
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kuukou being popular with men still just kinda cracks me up lol
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mandysgirlf · 7 months
saw a bunch of people shipping Adam x Amanda and i clutched my non-existent pearls with fear
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the-land-of-women · 2 years
Was walking through a university campus and on one side there was
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And on the other
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quillkiller · 8 months
read the worst review about the handmaiden about how its made for men just because they scissor…….. tell you’ve never had lesbian sex without telling me..
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quietwingsinthesky · 12 days
funniest thing about even is that if ten had taken them to a pride parade, because of their whole. Everything. they would have no idea what is being celebrated or why. but they would be so happy to be included
#sorry. sorry. thinks about even getting very overwhelmed by the Everything and running off to hide.#and some people notice and follow and sit with them and distract them by drawing little flags on their cheeks#the doctor eventually finds them and theyve been chatting for a while sayinf stuff like :D yeah i wasnt allowed to pick my own clothes#before i left home but now i have so many to pick from! vague enough experiences that the other queer people around them empathize and share#their own anecdotes. they’re making friends 🥺🥺#someone is going to feed even a brownie or something with weed in it and get them high for the first time and they wont even know because#all they know is that theyre very happy and evryones being very nice to them and there’s a lot of overwhelming color and noise but the#doctor is holding their hand so they dont get lost again#even later (still high) (leaning on the doctor’s shoulder): i like it here :) we belong here. it’s nice. :)#ten: well give or take a hundred years you’re still human. of course you belong. fit right in. you’re getting facepaint on my coat.#even: no im not (<- they are) but. we belong. both of us. they like you too.#doctor: No. No. Where I belong… that’s very far away now.#Even: oh. ….can you only belong one place at a time?#Doctor: …… (<- doesn’t want to answer. assumes even is thinking of the ship they left behind.)#Even: i guess i dont belong here either. (<- is thinking about the tardis.) but it’s still nice. visiting.#doctor: it is. yeah.#(seconds pass)#even: also doctor. what does gay mean?#doctor: what do you mean what dOES GAY MEAN-#[hard cut to credits]#dw oc#(even couldnt tell anyone what labels they use btw because they dont know so the person doing the finger painting gave them the enby flag#on assumption and the lesbian flag on the other cheek because it matched their hair a little)
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piqued-curiosity · 1 year
TEHMs will rightfully talk about radfem homophobia…but then be misogynistic about it? Do they not realise they’re doing the exact same thing they have an issue with? It’s absolutely true that radfems can talk about misogyny from gay men without being homophobic, which means it’s also true that gay men can talk about homophobia from women without being misogynistic.
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loop-deloo · 10 months
ok but yes remus is a soggy man. he’s a pathetic little loser i love it for him but fuck off with this nonsense abt sirius then being the man in the relationship or not saying that but having sirius then exhibit the typically manly traits. fuck off with equating the typically feminine roles with remus when you’re calling him pathetic. we’re not doing that shit anymore. remus will make the worst fucking inedible shit ever but he’s cooking every night. sirius is getting back from his job he’s obsessed with idc what it is. remus is taking the bins out late every time. he’s running to catch the bloody truck down the street every week. sometimes he misses it and they have stinky bins for another week. he drops the groceries he huffs bleach accidentally when he’s cleaning the bathroom he has a 9-5 it’s just a boring office job and he hates his job but he must work he gets self righteous he reads shit books he doesn’t enjoy he doesn’t know anything other than head n shoulders exists he pretends his feet aren’t blocks of ice even though his socks are wet he doesn’t know how to look after himself. fucking STOP with this bullshit and enforcing the goddamn heteronormative gender roles i’m done with it.
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clonedchaos · 8 hours
“Did You Just Propose to me with Crochet Dinosaurs?”
Just a little Drabble for @fyeahjurassicocs Jurassic Pride Month featuring two of my Jurassic World OCs (whom I really need to get around to writing more 😭). This is just for fun/practice with them and many of the prompts so far have been interesting, so might as well jump in. (I'm late, I'm so very sorry ;-;) Sooooo… Enjoy!
Prompt: Day 1- Jurassic World Pride Parade
“Danny! Take a look at this!”
Jordan turned away from the vibrant collage of colors parading down Times Square. The sounds of the crowd deafened her senses, but she was able to detect her girlfriend’s voice anywhere.
Natalie stood a few feet away at one of the nearby Pride market booths with a giddy look on her face. She had decided to go all out for the New York Pride festival, an uncommon contrast from her rather modest clothing. Her black curls were done up in a high bun and her face was adored with intricate flowers and star designs painted with blues, purples, and pinks. She had on a flowery blue top with faux flowers on the collar and a purple and pink ombré petticoat.
Jordan on the other hand was blanketed in a lesbian flag that doubled as a cape. Her brown hair was pulled into a ponytail and held tight with a pink flower clip. Natalie had painted a heart on her cheek and applied a smoky eye shadow look for extra flair that Jordan was careful not to smudge despite her aversion to makeup. The colors framed her like the setting sun itself.
She ducked and weaved through the crowd towards her girlfriend. Natalie spun to face her with a wide grin. In her palms was a tiny crocheted hadrosaurus crafted in various shades of orange, white, and pink. “It’s a… ‘Lesbeosaurus.’ Get it? Because it’s a Lambeosaurus?”
Jordan chuckled as Natalie placed it in her palms. She gave it a little scratch on the head, fondly reminiscing on the times she had raised infant dinosaurs after they had been birthed from the hatchery. Despite the fall of Jurassic World, she still missed the dinosaurs on the island dearly. Especially Indie. How was the Indominus Rex doing, anyways?
“It’s adorable, Nat,” was all she said as she forced the thoughts away.
“And this one too,” Natalie added, reaching over to pluck a crocheted Dilophosaurus from its stand. “A Bi-lophosaurus… Do we need these? Or… DO we need these?” She smirked.
Jordan reached up and placed the hadrosaur on her shoulder like it was her mini partner in crime. “I think I’ve learned now not to let you run off on your own during a pride parade. Our wallets will thank us later once we ditch the market.”
Natalie gave a mock pout as she held her Dilophosaurus up to her head. “Oh, come on. It’s just one purchase.”
“You said that at the last four booths we went to,” Jordan snorted with a smile. Natalie had swore to her that the beaded necklace sporting the bi flag’s colors and a rainbow blanket for the apartment was a necessity, not a want. And of course a pride flag for the balcony, because their resident canine and feline had a habit on chewing on anything they could sink their teeth into and Natalie wasn’t about to let them tarnish something so important during pride month. Which, naturally, led to Natalie purchasing collars and toys for their ‘fur babies’. Jordan needed to pull her out of the market fast, before she blew their life savings in one day.
“This is perfect for your locker at work and my office at the vet,” Natalie claimed, already pulling out some cash from her purse. Before Jordan could stop her, the transfer was complete. If anyone was more stubborn than her, it would be Natalie-- though others had stated she was a lot more calm and collected about it like a forest stream while Jordan's emotions tended to crackle off her like a firework.
“There. Now we have two new buddies for our collection,” Natalie smiled, nudging her on the shoulder. As if either of them needed more dinosaur merchandise, they’d already gotten far too many memorabilia from their time working at Jurassic World.
Jordan smiled and reached up on her tiptoes. Natalie stood a full foot taller than her. It annoyed her to no end that she was the "small girlfriend". It annoyed her even more that Natalie occasionally liked to sweep her up bridal style when she was annoyed or flustered to calm her down. Well, that second part didn't annoy her truthfully, but no one else but Nat needed to know that!
She put her Lambeosaurus in front of Natalie's Dilophosaurus and made the two plushies give each other a swift peck on the cheek. “There. Now they’re dating. Like us.”
Natalie set her hand in Jordans as the two headed back into the throng of people. The roar of the crowd nearly drowned out their words, but Jordan could undeniably hear Natalie’s comment. “Dating? No, they’re engaged.”
Jordan’s head whipped toward her girlfriend as a blush crept across her cheeks. Natalie was suddenly down on one knee, diamond ring in hand. The paleo veterinarian seemed flustered, her usual collected exterior flooded with anxiety as she awaited a response.
Jordan was momentarily stunned and unable to cling to any thought spiraling through her head. It was really happening? Here? Right now? She wasn’t dreaming this, was she?
Her heart felt light for the first time in several years. She lunged forward, nearly tackling Natalie to the ground. Taking that as an acceptance, Natalie began to laugh. Jordan laughed with her as they held one another in a gentle embrace.
“…Did you just propose to me with crochet dinosaurs?”
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nope-body · 9 months
#on the gender/sexuality(?) crisis that I have not brought up here#I want to be able to be butch. but my brain says no. someone else has to validate it and it can’t just be a you asking it has to happen#naturally which is frustrating because like. what am I supposed to do??#but also butchness- queer masculinity- is so often tied to physical ability#which I do not have a ton of and am also sorta progressively losing?#which is it’s own scary thing. like last night my knee actually fully buckled under my weight when I tried to stand up#and that’s scary! that’s never happened to me before!!#but back to the whole gender crisis- I want to be butch. I want to be able to be butch#and my friend has been wonderful and sent me a ton of things from disabled butches on Twitter and also zines on butchness and shit#but everything that talks about disabled butches talks about how the larger lesbian/butch&femme/queer community doesn’t recognize that as#valid butchness for lack of better terms? like there’s just a ton of ableism and disabled butches face an uphill battle to just be#recognized as butch. especially when it comes to the roles that butches are assumed to take on#both in a relationship but also just within the queer community#like you’ve seen the ‘no cops at pride just butches’ posts and things of that nature that circulate#butches are supposed to be strong. they’re supposed to fill the role of protector. of supporter. of fixer. of giver of help.#above all butches are supposed to give of themselves unto others#as a disabled person I cannot do that. disabled butches cannot do that.#(and this is not me saying that this mindset is good or this is the way it should be- just the way it is in the larger community)#I have the know-how to fix things. I have the skill. but extremely often I do not have the ability#and not just that- I often don’t have the ability to do basic daily tasks either. I have to ask for help#and how am I supposed to think of myself as butch when I’m constantly told it’s the butches who you ask for help from?#there’s also the added complexity of I’m Jewish. my version of queer masculinity is not just a subversion of western masculinity#but also jewish masculinity- which is often very different from western masculinity and is why so many jewish men get called effeminate!#like I’m going to end up subverting/queering a mix of both. but that’s also not going to really be recognized as butchness because of the#incredibly prevalent antisemitism in queer spaces! or if it is recognized as a subversion of masculinity it’ll only be western. not both#and I understand that I define my identity. no one else gets to. but I’m already fighting to be able to define it#without throwing butchness into the mix. and I don’t know if I have the energy to constantly fight back against all of it#I should really just read stone butch blues. I keep meaning to. it’s written by a disabled jewish butch#but I’m so tired so often and it’s just. hard to have the energy#I want to be butch. I want to be recognized as butch. but will anyone see my cane and still think butch?
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patchodraws · 2 months
my hot take for today, rwby gets better when you realise that blake definitely did have a crush on sun in the early days but didn’t follow up on it because she realised post-fall that her feelings were stronger for yang and that sun just wasn’t the one.
1) it makes all the eclipse moments in early volumes not feel like they’re shitting on bumbleby (the eventual canon couple)
2) it highlights that yes, blake is indeed bi
3) it tells a very realistic story of how some crushes just aren’t meant to be
do i still think blake had a bit of a crush on yang at beacon? absolutely. do i still think yang fell first and was so head over heels for blake at beacon? absolutely! blake seriously has a type, and sun and yang are both that type.
the difference comes in how they treat her. sun may be fun and flirty, but he’s also senseless and pushes blake out of her comfort zones far too often without realizing why she doesn’t appreciate it. yang on the other hand is patient with her, invites her into her life to have fun without pushing her way in and trampling all over her boundaries.
and that’s what’s fun about sun and yang being so similar !! like, not only does blake have a type, but it shows the variance in that type and what she needs in a relationship. it’s a great narrative !!
and it works extra well when you consider that sun doesn’t get jealous and actively encourages blake to go on her own way (subtext: to get her girl), because then it makes him somewhat of a narrative foil to ilia, who was jealous of adam and let that jealousy fester, as opposed to sun, who let go of those conflicting feelings to let blake — who he undoubtedly loves — be herself and do what she wants. (it’s also why i really love the dynamic of sun and ilia, himbo and lesbian duo getting over the girl they loved)
long story short, eclipse isn’t bad but it also wasn’t meant to be and that’s okay. better, even, for the story they wanted to tell for blake.
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rose-above-dark · 1 month
Gabv1el is everything to me. They’re butch lesbians. They’re toxic yaoi. They’re the archangel and their 4’5 short stack machine side hoe, they’re doomed yuri, they’re hopelessly in love with each other, V1 has no concept of love and is remorseless because of their mechanical nature, V1 is hopelessly smitten, they both take it up the ass, Gabriel will far outlive V1 after his fall, Gabriel will die in 11 hours and they have to fuck right now or else they don’t get the chance to again, they will inevitably be each others ends, they’re T4T, they’re star crossed, Gabriel needs that machine dick now, they try to kill each other on the regular, V1 feels loved for the first time, it’s so toxic that this can only end one way, this is the first time either of them have ever felt loved and the best and most fulfilling relationship they’ve had in untold years, they’re divorced x1000 they’re married x1000, their fight changed both of them fundamentally, V1 and its 6’10 angel wife, they garden together as Gabriel teaches them humanity and finds peace himself, the last bits of humanity and a disgraced being meant to be above it, they need to rip out each others guts now,they need each other carnally, they will die hand in bloodied hand.
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
werewolf jock is making me go crazy but werewolf mean girl is making me go stupid-
perhaps both even- they’re so territorial over their stupid loser
this is an incredible thought. the only issue is a Hot girl being mean is just every lesbian I've ever dated.
Popular mean girls and Popular bully guys tend to be mean in different ways too.
Mean girl werewolf telling you you're sooooo brave for wearing that outfit and laughing with her friends while you walk by then insisting she isn't talking about you while giggling. "no guys they're so shy leave them alone- omg I didn't even know you could talk it's so funny hearing your voice it's like crazy."
But also if a mean girl werewolf wanted to bash my head into a locker and finger me in a bathroom stall while teasing me for being a hopeless loser slut. I'd let her.
She makes you hump her expensive high-heel boot and then lick up your cum off her shoe because, gross she is so not walking around with your spunk on her leg, she may be the wolf here but you're the dog.
I like to imagine she waxes/ shaves her excessive body hair to better fit in with human beauty standards but still has a thick line of hair that starts at her navel and disappears into her pink mini skirt. she doesn't bother trimming down her happy trail and bush unless she's planning on wearing a bikini soon. Go ahead and bury your face in her messy pubes and huff her musk while you eat out her pussy.
She's a pillow princess. She wants to just lay there and let you do all the work. You're lucky you're even seeing her naked, let alone fucking her, you absolutely should have to do some work. The only exception is when she's in heat. no pace you set will be fast and hard enough for her so she has to roll you over and ride your dick/strap until she can make herself cum. Also, she's a total bottom. she can't top for shit. she's mean and bossy with the weakest stroke game in the world.
I see her being slightly more possessive and territorial than her male counterpart. She takes it as a slight if you fuck other people, what is she not good enough for you? if you do find yourself caught between Bully Jock and Mean Girl, she's fucking you to prove something, she wants you to see that she's the one you should be crawling back to every night. Not some smelly jackass.
Although, in this threesome, she ends up on her back, legs spread wide while you sloppily make out with her pussy and get railed from the back by the other werewolf. so much for fucking some sense into you. But hey, everyone got an orgasm out of it so who's she to complain.
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Haley teaches you to touch yourself
Content warnings: obviously nsfw, minors I am not responsible for your media consumption but pls do not interact with this one, fem farmer, they’re lesbians your honour, masturbation, praise
She masturbates pretty regularly, so when you guys get into the more sexual aspect of your relationship and she learns you’ve never masturbated simply because you could never quite get it right boy if she determined to help
She’s got the mood set, lights are dimmed, some music playing in the background on low volume (I cannot be convinced she doesn’t listen to Chappell roan), sweet scented candles lit
Has you sit across from her, your both naked, she’ll start trailing her hands over her body telling you to copy her movements on yourself
Gently running her hands over her thighs and stomach, cupping her tits and watching as you shyly follow along, showing you how to pinch your nipples and delighted in the breathy whimper it elicits from you
She’ll spread her legs and instruct you to watch her closely, spreading her pussy lips apart and showing you how sticky she is “you’ve been such a good girl for me, following along perfectly baby” she praises in a low soft tone, “now keep being good for me and I’ll reward you” she teases lightly
She watches intently as you follow her movements, your hands exploring your own body slowly and sensually as you begin to feel your slick gathering, your thighs becoming sticky
Your fingers gently dipping to finally pay attention to your neglected clit, a moan leaving your mouth as the pleasure begins to build, Haley’s all but abandoned her own pleasure in favour of watching you more closely
“That’s it sweet girl, you can take two fingers can’t you?” She coo’s at you as she watches you dip your fingers into your cunt, savouring the way your face scrunches in pleasure as your high begins to build
When you let her know your gonna cum she’s over beside you pulling you into the sloppiest kiss, swallowing your moans as you ride out your high with her, panting into her mouth
“What a good girl I have, did so good for me” she praises, pulling you into her arms to help you calm down after such an intense orgasm “how about we draw a nice hot bath, and then later when your up for it I’ll reward you for your good behaviour?” And reward you she does
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thatfandomslut · 3 months
Not Into Guys
Regina George x Lesbian!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: Aaron Samuels (i'm joking, they're besties), underage drinking
Can I please request a fic where Regina is like “I know your secret you like Aaron” and super flirty reader is confused and like “Why would I like him when you’re here” and Regina is shocked and it’s super cute and they’re gay for each other!
Mean Girls requests are open.
This all started because of a rumor accidentally started by none other than Gretchen Wieners. "I heard her flirting with Aaron Samuels. She called him her boy toy." Gretchen informed Regina who crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair in thought. It wasn't hidden information that Regina George liked (Y/n). Regina thought they had a thing. Obviously, she was wrong if (Y/n) claimed Aaron to be her 'boy toy.' As she listened to Gretchen go on about everything she had heard, Regina's icy blue eyes landed on (Y/n) as she made her entrance into the classroom.
Typically, Regina had only kind things to say about (Y/n). Unfortunately, her entering with Aaron seemed to cause anything nice to leave her mind as she narrowed her eyes at them. She just couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would choose Aaron over her. She was gorgeous, popular, and rich. However, Regina supposed that Aaron was kind and funny. People didn't usually associate Regina with those two attributes. Instead, they associated her with beautiful but mean. Which, was right, of course. Regina just hoped that wasn't something (Y/n) thought of her. She wanted (Y/n) to like her the way she did (Y/n).
"This class is kind of lame. I might leave before it starts," Regina interrupted Gretchen, hoping she would stop talking about (Y/n) and Aaron. If she had to hear any more information about them being together, she would either vomit or kill Gretchen. There was a possibility that both of those scenarios were likely, and she would commit both rather than either. Fortunately, the honey blonde beside her seemed to catch on, and she stopped talking about them. "It's not like I'm ever going to actually need geometry. I have people to do my math for me."
Karen nodded enthusiastically at the point that she made. Regina could easily ask Cady if she needed someone to look over floor plans. She was above math, she decided. Aaron had left once the bell rang, leaving (Y/n) by herself at her desk. A small, devilish smirk crossed Regina's lips as she stood up. "(Y/n), I was thinking about skipping class. Would you like to join us?" Regina questioned, and it didn't take a second thought for (Y/n) to accept the invite. Just like Regina, she didn't necessarily care for math. Instead, she would rather escape the confines of those four walls that held math puns and math memes due to the teacher trying to fit in. Karen and Gretchen were about to follow Regina out before she told them to stay. She had some things to talk to (Y/n) about. Specifically, things involving Aaron Samuels and why (Y/n) thought that Aaron was better than her.
Regina would never deny the fact that she was the jealous type. She had decided a long time ago that (Y/n) was going to be her girlfriend, Aaron wasn't going to ruin this plan with his boyish good looks or boy-next-door kindness. That was why Regina brought (Y/n) to the mall, to show off her money in an attempt to woo (Y/n). An attempt that failed as (Y/n) had to assure her over and over again that she didn't want anything Prada or Gucci. Regina was beginning to wonder how attached (Y/n) was to Aaron. If she couldn't convince her to date her over name-brand items, how was she going to convince her to date her at all?
"Okay, what's wrong, Regina?" (Y/n) questioned once they got to the food court. She was starting to grow concerned when Regina didn't comment on how badly styled the mannequins were like she usually did. She was starting to think that maybe it was something that she was doing wrong. If Regina would communicate with her, she would be able to accommodate and change whatever she was doing that was bothering Regina. "I feel like I've done something to upset you."
Regina realized she was beginning to let what Gretchen said about (Y/n) and Aaron get to her. However, instead of being able to keep it in, she was expressing it. A smile crossed her lips as she played it off. "Everything is fine, you did nothing wrong. Now that we're here, though, we can have girl talk." The two girls sat down, confusion bubbling (Y/n) at how quickly Regina changed her mood. "I know you're secret… You like Aaron Samuels." Regina stated confidently, looking down at (Y/n).
(Y/n), on the other hand, was only growing more confused. She wanted to laugh because of how confident Regina had said that. It was completely false. "Why would I have a crush on Aaron when you're here?" She questioned, crossing her arms as she looked up at Regina. It was unintentionally smooth. It caught Regina off guard as her cheeks began to heat up slightly at what she had said. "Aaron is my best friend, and I'm a lesbian." (Y/n) told Regina, wondering why she even thought she was remotely into him.
"Didn't you say he was your boy toy though? I've had great sources tell me this." Regina claimed. She sometimes needed to remind herself that Gretchen took information and ran with it. (Y/n) smiled a bit as shook her head. Leaning in, she kissed Regina, who reciprocated happily. She could hear her heart beating in her ear as she tried to keep herself from messing the kiss up by smiling at it. "Okay, okay, fine… You're not into Aaron."
(Y/n) laughed a bit at the comment before Regina pulled her back into a kiss. This time, she kissed deeper, not as nervous as the first time. Though, her heartbeat remained loud in her ears as they kissed. Regina couldn't care less if anyone was scowling, because all that mattered to her in that moment was how (Y/n)'s hands felt as they cupped her cheeks.
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