#as a disabled person I cannot do that. disabled butches cannot do that.
nope-body · 1 year
#on the gender/sexuality(?) crisis that I have not brought up here#I want to be able to be butch. but my brain says no. someone else has to validate it and it can’t just be a you asking it has to happen#naturally which is frustrating because like. what am I supposed to do??#but also butchness- queer masculinity- is so often tied to physical ability#which I do not have a ton of and am also sorta progressively losing?#which is it’s own scary thing. like last night my knee actually fully buckled under my weight when I tried to stand up#and that’s scary! that’s never happened to me before!!#but back to the whole gender crisis- I want to be butch. I want to be able to be butch#and my friend has been wonderful and sent me a ton of things from disabled butches on Twitter and also zines on butchness and shit#but everything that talks about disabled butches talks about how the larger lesbian/butch&femme/queer community doesn’t recognize that as#valid butchness for lack of better terms? like there’s just a ton of ableism and disabled butches face an uphill battle to just be#recognized as butch. especially when it comes to the roles that butches are assumed to take on#both in a relationship but also just within the queer community#like you’ve seen the ‘no cops at pride just butches’ posts and things of that nature that circulate#butches are supposed to be strong. they’re supposed to fill the role of protector. of supporter. of fixer. of giver of help.#above all butches are supposed to give of themselves unto others#as a disabled person I cannot do that. disabled butches cannot do that.#(and this is not me saying that this mindset is good or this is the way it should be- just the way it is in the larger community)#I have the know-how to fix things. I have the skill. but extremely often I do not have the ability#and not just that- I often don’t have the ability to do basic daily tasks either. I have to ask for help#and how am I supposed to think of myself as butch when I’m constantly told it’s the butches who you ask for help from?#there’s also the added complexity of I’m Jewish. my version of queer masculinity is not just a subversion of western masculinity#but also jewish masculinity- which is often very different from western masculinity and is why so many jewish men get called effeminate!#like I’m going to end up subverting/queering a mix of both. but that’s also not going to really be recognized as butchness because of the#incredibly prevalent antisemitism in queer spaces! or if it is recognized as a subversion of masculinity it’ll only be western. not both#and I understand that I define my identity. no one else gets to. but I’m already fighting to be able to define it#without throwing butchness into the mix. and I don’t know if I have the energy to constantly fight back against all of it#I should really just read stone butch blues. I keep meaning to. it’s written by a disabled jewish butch#but I’m so tired so often and it’s just. hard to have the energy#I want to be butch. I want to be recognized as butch. but will anyone see my cane and still think butch?
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wlw-cryptid · 9 months
related to the posts on your butch gently assisting with your personal grooming at the end of the day................there's a criminal minds episode (yes i know etc.) about a skilled seamstress and carer whose abuse and trauma somehow lead her to abduct and drug beautiful women so she can carefully dress them up and have tea parties. i have watched it a totally normal number of times hahaha
My mom was Obsessed w criminal minds for like a few years so im pretty sure ive seen every episode in my peripheral vision twice over. i know the exact one youre talking about . Drugging and abduction are very much not. what i was shooting for. i was kind of very focused on a realistic romantic fantasy full stop. your mind is great and i promise youre fine but intox kink, especially forced intox kink, dollification, and just. generally "forced to be [disabled, basically]" vibes are things i want nothing to do with so i dont really. know how to respond to this other than saying that.
in any case keep it up soldier i wish you fun sexy fantasies 👍
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edwardallenpoe · 2 months
Going off my last post, I'm probably jumping from the kettle and into the fire with this, but I also think people who think X identity = Y experience are also privileged, and I'm specifically talking about TMA/TME language.
Like, if you think because I identify as a butch or transmasc or as a man or whatever you automatically think I do not experience transmisogyny why is that. Because you assume I present masculine? Because you assume I'm easily clockable as Female 2 Masculine Something?
The thing about these categories is that these are all about OUTSIDER perception. How others see YOU. And we give way too much credit to transphobes, because not only can they not tell most of the time between perisex able-bodied people who can afford to present how they want to, but they sure as hell can't even fathom intersex disabled poor people who can barely afford a pack of t-shirts and some sweats.
Like, I'm sorry, but it is so so privileged to think that I as a black intersex trans person will be exempt from transmisogyny. Like if you think all trans people are all clocked as their complex identities you're just full of shit. Sorry.
And a bit off topic just to rant a little bit more, when people talk about different tips and tricks for passing for trans people and all the tips include buying products I'm so close to tearing out my hair. Fuck poor and disabled people then! Fuck people who can't buy what they want because of their living situation! Like I'm so sorry but if all your tips and tricks involve buying a product or outing yourself to people I really cannot take you seriously. Like I am so sorry.
Anyways. The trans community has a big problem with intersectionality. It virtually doesn't exist to y'all apparently. Damn.
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mueritos · 2 years
im glad that people r clowning on that detrans person who went viral on twitter for blaming trans people/hrt for his baldness and normal male genes, but i really hope this can at least wake up some transmasculine people, ESPECIALLY white transmasculine people.
many BIPOC transmasc people already have standards of whiteness imposed onto us, but we do not cry wolf when our genetics cause the male secondary characteristics that they do. many of us are hairy, many of us have thick and coarse hair, some of us get extremely deep voices, etc and etc. BIPOC transmascs already have to deal with the masculinization of our bodies even before HRT because many of us cannot achieve white standards of womanhood. it is just also incredibly ignorant to shed tears over normal secondary sex characteristics that everyone on HRT are informed about. Just because you have male pattern baldness, an adams apple, and a low voice doesn’t mean you suddenly lose your worth as human being. white transmascs who successfully performed white femininity and desperately still cling onto it or try to be a hairless pretty twink after HRT,,,PLEASE understand that you cannot control the way HRT reacts to your body. You cannot complain about not looking like a beautiful twink because you cannot control how your genetics and HRT will masculinize your body. Like holy fuck. 
there is definitely a time and a space for detrans people to discuss their journeys. Many of them don’t regret HRT, many of them just simply realized they don’t need to be binary passing. But when we center detrans experiences as the reason why HRT needs to be stopped, why trans people are making “serious mistakes” to their bodies...yea I dont care how much you hate yourself. You do not need to make your insecurities everybody elses problem.
I genuinely hope this makes some white transmasc people realize that its okay to look like a normal dude. Some of us feel euphoric by the male pattern baldness. Some of us love our hairy arms and legs. Some of us love being men. Some of us love loving men. Some of us love having friendships with men. There is nothing wrong with being a man. The biological essentialism of vagina=good and penis=bad is not just a gender issue, it’s a race issue as well. These ideas are inherent to whiteness; when you say you distrust all men, when you say they all deserve to die...this means ALL men...Black men, queer men, transmen, Asian men, Latino men, Indigenous men, men who are disabled, men who are GNC, lesbians who are men, butches....
Having a caution toward men or male presenting people because of patriarchy, sexism, and misogyny? Fine. Hating them, vilifying them, viewing them as inherently predatory and evil? No. Thanks for making us feel like we’re all dangerous, that definitely does nothing to the male pysche, and thanks for conveying that anyone with a vagina is inherently good.
god. destroy white ideas of gender and sexuality already. you guys are just so damn annoying. we cannot get an ounce of solidarity because of you guys.
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violottie · 7 months
there is no greater joy in this world than that of being a lesbian. to exist as a lesbian is pure and complete perfection.
our community is woven and unshaking, our love for one another as fellow lesbians is indestructible, and our love for and exclusive attraction to women is the most profound in all the universe.
lesbianism makes the definition of love impotent because it is, and we are, so much more vastly, eonically, exquisite.
all lesbians, of every race and age, whether we are trans or nonbinary or cis or identify our gender as lesbian also, butch or femme or stud or stone or dont take on any of those titles, partnered or not, les4les or not, reclaimed dyke or not, disabled or not, aromantic or asexual or both or neither, no matter our body shape, no matter whether we are out and proud or we cant come out or dont want to come out...
we lesbians.... we are multitudes, we are divine, we are the essence of beauty and indescribable wonder. lesbianism is who we are, not what we do. simply being is enough, your sexuality is enough, your attraction is enough, you are enough.
lesbians, my darlings, i implore you: you are valuable, you are wonderful, you are a magnificent, multidimensional person who is worthy of life and freedom and joy and celebration.
i have abundant overflowing love for you because you are a lesbian, and you have community here with every other lesbian on the planet who has been, who is and who will be. i cannot put into such limited finite words how much and how deeply i adore you for being here.
take pride in who you are, and who we are. we have always been here. we do not need to include men in our lives and relationships to be enough or valued, we do not expand or rename our exclusive sexuality to be enough or valued, and even if no one else, even others in the wider community, accept you for the unchanging, unbending reality who you are and who you love...
i see you, i understand you, i am here with you, and i am so happy you are here.
i love you for being here ❤️🧡🤍🩷💖
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laithraihan · 3 months
Would you be comfortable sharing any personal info (age, profession, relationship status, etc...)? Completely understand if you're not but it's always really interesting learning about the lives of ppl I admire. Again, if that's not something you wanna do it's totally understandable! I love your art!!
Ah thank you so much 🫶 and sure I dont mind sharing some stuff but to be very honest Im not an interesting person, so I'm sorry in advance for disappointing you.
So I'm a woman (or something like that) even though I use a male pen name for art, Im 22 years old, 151cm (4'11"), the eldest daughter who has two teenage siblings who are both taller than me and make fun of me for being short. I do not have a profession and I do not go to school due to a disability I will not disclose. Im a lesbian engaged to a butch, we've been together for almost 4 years (our anniversary is in August)
My favorite season is winter because all the bugs are dead and I despise summer because the bugs are alive. Im also really scared of butterflies for some reason. Im scared of winged bugs in general. Ive never seen a cockroach in my life but I'd probably kill myself if I saw one. I really hate bugs. The winters are harsh here but I like walking outside when theres light snow falling at night. Im also a bit obsessed with Christmas lights but I dont celebrate Christmas, I dont follow any religion in general but my family is Muslim so Ive been raised with that. If I could just put Christmas lights in my room all year then I would do that. They look really pretty.
About my ethnicity I think everyone knows Im Algerian already, well Ive only been to Algeria once when I was like 8 years old so I dont really remember anything. All I know is that my uncle would keep telling my dad that I convinced him to stop smoking and that he's eternally grateful for that but I literally cannot remember what I did or said back then so I just pretended I knew what he was talking about. Anyway. Id like to go there again one day. I most likely will go soon in the future so it makes me happy to think about it.
My first language is French and Im somewhat fluent in English but it needs more work. Whenever I speak English I have to think harder about the words that come out of my mouth and I start saying things that dont make sense. But my pronunciation is good so other people just assume Im fluent. Also I understand Derja (Algerian Arabic) when people talk to me out loud but I cant form sentences and respond back so I just answer people in French. I know how to read Arabic script and I understand basic words but again I cant form sentences. As for Japanese I can only read Hiragana and Katakana and a bit of Kanji, and my understanding of the language is worse than Arabic, so I practice by translating Japanese song lyrics, reading news articles and talking with Japanese users online
Honestly I dunno what else to say, I dont really have any special skills or anything like that. Unless you count memorizing all the metro stations in Montreal but thats only because I had to use public transport all the time when I was a kid because my parents never felt like driving me to my appointments. At that point I probably visited every single station because I had to go to many random places. I dont have a drivers license but I prefer walking to places in general even though there are no stores near my neighborhood, but I think it's better for me because I get to walk more. I think I really like the idea of travelling in general but I dont have friends for that, my parents also wouldnt allow me to hang out with friends so it's a bit unfortunate
Oh and lately Ive been enjoying making eggs for some reason, I think Im good at doing that. But I only cook whenever Im hungry and I rarely feel hungry so I dont cook many eggs. I also dont like cleaning dishes so I avoid making huge meals in general. I dont really eat much in the first place but I still like food. I really like going to restaurants too. I just like going outside in general. I like listening to music and talking with people, normal stuff like that. Im running out of things to say so I'll probably just stop there.
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bruhlesbian · 2 months
ttcc headcanon time lol
im sick of overly dramatic reasons for injuries. like statistically not every facial scar or injury is gonna be like "yeah when i was six my dad put me in the industrial cement mixer-" no. for example - my brother has a cool eyebrow scar, right. oh was it from his woodworking class? or because he's a barback? no. he was like 4 and ran into a sharp table corner. this is all a lot of words to say i gave prester a split bottom lip, and its not from a fight or some other dramatic thing. he was fucking licking something off of a knife and just. whoops.
there goes his lip. right in the middle of family dinner night, fucking rude. he never got it fixed because he thought it gave him a grizzled appearance. fucking obssessed with scarring on robots for that particular reason- in most cases, it CAN be fixed. but the person who has it, doesnt want to! theres a element of choice at play, which is also true for people in real life! some amputees wear prosthetics, not because they are helpful, but to make other people more comfortable, or present a certain image. fascinating stuff, disabilities and how they are presented/represented is something i think isnt really touched on as much as it should be. fun fact i gave a speech at my college on disability rep and accessibility in gaming.
butch!craig oilcan/CEO:
im obssessed with the idea of butch!craig being a internalized homophobe/misogynist combo. god that sounds so bad but hear me out. in the lesbian community, theres a LOT of stuff to keep track of. terminology, gender identities, and most interestingly, the history and expectations behind certain identities. butch and femme, for example, are like, the lesbian identifiers that a lot of people know of/like to sling around. but like, i didnt even know that butches had/have really intricate courting rituals. beyond that, the essence of the patriarchy also plays a big role, as a lot of people kind of short-hand masc things as, oh, then you are a man equivalent and are expected to act as such. these things are starting to change, as people start to really question gender roles through their own identities. it has opened a lot of doors for people i feel like, especially me. being masc or feeling aligned with that doesnt mean you are a man, and you must live your life that way. very freeing. anyway craig is such a funny guy to me because, back to the point, i think he (like most of the other bosses - clo cpo etc etc) is obsessed with his image. how he looks to others. any shit that is a weakness has to be kept under wraps, and cannot see the light of day. so back to the butch history detour. basically butches were/are expected to pursue femme's, either from internal struggles or from lesbian or mainstream society. in my mind craig is like- fuck i gotta like femmes. like will be seen with them in clubs and shit and whatever. but like internally hes like "something is fucking wrong with me what am i DOING these women are objectively beautiful but i have ZERO attraction to them wtf"
tw for like. workplace relationship stuff or power dynamics. but like come on. craig saw jason and found out he was a butch and was like. ah ah. say no more. and immediately hired him. like ill be so real he is 100% a guy to favor a secretary as eye candy over skill. a comic is gonna come out and shoot this idea to smithereens but. whatever. anyway yeah butch!craig can only get a metaphorical boner for other butches and it EATSSSS him up. he hired jason but jason is actually competent so he has to fucking keep him. lol. and dont worry jason only took the job (in my mind) because. well. we all know the "I WANT THAT FAT BOY" image right. slay.
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witchydykebitch · 6 months
Thinking about how much I love butch chivalry from the point of view of a physically disabled femme bc it isn't simply the fact that I'd like someone to hold the door for me or carry my bags when I go shopping, sometimes I *need* someone to do that for me when I physically cannot.
If I were to go shopping with a partner, I'd need them to understand that I'll likely need to take extra breaks to sit and rest my legs.
I'll often need them to carry most of the bags since I can't free up the hand I need to use my cane.
I may need them to stand up for me if someone is being ableist.
Those are all things someone who is dating a disabled person should be comfortable doing but I've yet to have a partner who will put in that effort for me (without making me feel like a burden later, at least)
The way butches care for their femmes resonates so much with me as someone who has longed for a partner to be that thoughtful and accomodating
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
hello, we're genderpunks =)
⚨ johnny/punks/equinox | ze/hir, it/its, ey/em + | intersex transsexual bigender butch dyke + trans guy. ⚨
⚧ we run this blog, as well as @gateway-2000, @t4tdog, @madpunks and @cripplepunks ! we are an intersex transsexual/transfem + transmasc bigender genderqueer butch dyke & neutrois trans guy who came out/socially transitioned in 2011 and have been on Testosterone since 2015 and want to help the trans* community in whatever ways we can!
⚧ you can call us johnny, equinox, greer, punk/s, or just genderpunk. whatever works for you. we use it/its, ze/hir, fey/feyr, xe/xem, and ey/em, as well as they/them. we are DID system, have schizophrenia, are autistic and are physically disabled with fibromyalgia, hypermobile joints, psoriatic arthritis, and a spinal disease- sometimes we're slow to respond because of how disabled we are, so please be patient with us =)
⚧ we identify as genderfluid & bigender due to being more than one person living in a body. we are a gaybian/dykefag, and we are a transsexual butch nonbinary dyke & neutrois gay trans guy. we are currently testing out polysexual as well, and are aroaceflux
⚧ we accept questions from anyone who is questioning their gender or orientation and how to go about starting transition! we accept questions about Testosterone or Estrogen HRT do to the body, as we have been placed on both due to being intersex. we accept questions about transmasculine transition, what it's like to live as a trans man, the nonbinary & genderqueer experience, what it's like to be genderfluid, intersex, transfem and other things. we also accept questions from people questioning their sexuality or romantic orientation as well, including aromantic and asexual identities!
! we will delete asks that overstep our personal boundaries with regards to sex.
! we are not a mental health professional and cannot help with processing trauma or deeply internalized hatred. please be careful when sending asks of intense vents, we may delete them and block you if they are triggering.
⚧ we are escaping domestic violence and are narrowly avoiding homelessness at this time, so responding to asks can be a bit slow at times. we try to get to every ask we get, please just respect that our IRL life is very chaotic at the moment.
Our Wordpress blog:
We run an Etsy shop that has queer pride accessories among alt fashion items:
Our resource posts:
what is androgyny? how do i be more androgynous?
Information for trans men, transmasculine, genderqueer and intersex, other trans people wanting to start testosterone HRT.
Information about Topical Testosterone (T Gel)
Trans and Queer Resources In Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Posts about our experiences:
"Can you explain how your transfeminity works with your transmasculinity? ... and how does your transfemininity work with the butch label?"
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folk-enjoyer · 13 days
I was raised on folk music in a Midwest-focused old time community and this was one part of myself that I could never relate to any of my peers outside of the scene, so just finding one out in the wild is super super exciting and validating thank you for your service!!!! o7
Yay! i kinda made this blog for a similar reason! most blogs that talk about folk music between the 40s-70s usually focus on Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel and Joni Mitchell etc. AND I do love those artists as well (except for Joni Mitchell sorry folk lovers I do not get that one) but my interests have always steered way more towards old country and 30s-40s traditional folk. ESPECIALLY Woody Guthrie. the only people who have my music taste are usually those in their 80s which is cool but I do feel really lonely about it sometimes. music is so important to me and I cannot relate to anyone usually!
Anyway I noticed the only folk song blogs were only Bob Dylan focused (valid I am not hating) or had stopped posting in 2013. And I have this problem where if I don't talk about folk music for at least an hour I will explode. So instead of subjecting my beloved friends and family to constant rants about how Burl Ives is a treacherous dog and Josh White DESERVES BETTER, I decided to make a Tumblr blog about it.
and there's another problem. the only informal places that talk about traditional folk music are overwhelmingly dominated by cishet white guys. This is a problem in academia as well (to a lesser degree), its awful. The advancements and roots of black folk music and women performers are overlooked and understated. Hell Elizabeth Cotten was a genius and she certainly isn't talked about as a revolutionary artist of country and folk in mainstream spaces, which she absolutely was. It isn't even just the undervaluing of artists and genres like Blues; it is the underlying idea that folk and country music isn't for marginalized people. As a disabled, intersex, transgender, butch, Jewish person, I am not made to feel welcome in online and in-person spaces for mainstream folk and country.
I HATE THIS! folk music is music for the people by the people. folk music is the songs we hear our parents sing to us when we are little. Folk music is the music we play with others to pass the time. folk music is the beat of feet hitting the floor as we dance with our crushes, our friends, and our family. folk music is the beating heart of history and it belongs to everyone.
anyway, I grew up in a rural western state, and folk and country music have always been really important to me. I'm happy that other people have the same the same special interests :D and I'm super glad that you enjoy my blog.
Tumblr media
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things that are the same logic but I can't quite articulate why:
"Men are violent and cruel and obsessed with sex, women are Pure"--gender essentialism that dehumanizes both men and women by claiming men are less than animals and women don't have the capacity to make choices, mature, and learn.
"Trans people medically transition, if you don't hate your pre-surgery/hormones body you aren't trans"--transphobia AND bio essentialism that claims dick=man and tits=woman.
"There are no parallels between different forms of oppression, therefore fat butch white women will never be able to connect with muscular Black women, nor will lesbians ever be able to relate to straight trans men, nor will the desexualization of disabled men ever compare to the desexualization of East Asian men"--rejecting intersectionality and the variety of human experience, which will kill us all. I am not fucking exaggerating, if the oppressed cannot find common ground, we are Dead.
once you start actually studying sociology, you cannot stop finding patterns and links between everything. and for all that leftists pride themselves on caring about other people, there sure are a lot of leftists who actively hate just as many people as conservatives do. it's not enough to say "oppression is bad"; you have to acknowledge the KINDS of oppression in this world, and the fact that people suffer from them. y'all understand that Native Americans living on poisoned reservations and the Black residents of Flint are victims of environmental, residential, and systemic racism and extermination, but when a fat person and someone with a physical disability commiserate over an inability to exist comfortably on public transport, y'all act like shared experiences are a scam.
do better. please. I know you are capable of kindness. extend that kindness to others, I beg of you.
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carabinercunt · 10 months
about me:
i am a 22yr old transmasc bigender butch lesbian. he/xe/vamp pronouns.
i am a sw. you are welcome to purchase pics on a completely pay what you can basis. this is my income along with my art as i have had terrible luck finding a job as a severely physically disabled person with tourettes and autism. if you enjoy my posts, please consider buying/donating. DM for PayPal. it isn't necessary though as i know times are tough for everyone. i will also do discord voice calls for like 15 bucks, and videos for 35.
don't use my gender situation as a gotcha about my lesbianism. i am pretty much t4t but make exceptions sometimes. i basically don't date anyone who is exclusively/entirely a guy and that's all you need to know. however, binary trans men/queer men in general are allowed to interact! i don't really care who does as long as they're 18+
other fun facts
I have 14 disabling medical conditions that are diagnosed, plus 3 we are almost sure about and working on diagnosis for. Some of these disorders cause cognitive impairments for me. I'm a mid support needs autistic with high support needs in terms of my other disabilities, and cannot live fully independently because of that. I live with my ex and his family, while I focus on my health and paying for various medical tests/assessments and appointments that aren't covered. I run an art business, and am hoping to pursue tattooing. I'm white (Irish/Scottish/Dutch/British) and working on reconnecting with those cultures mentioned. I am a huge advocate for harm reduction, an anarchist, an aspiring tattoo apprentice and a musician. I'm also obsessed with weather, plushies, and local artists/artwork and the diy scene.
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I'm d33ply in love with the pin heads. Any ideas on their personalities? What about powers?
I’m glad you like them! As carapacians most of them wouldn’t really have “powers” per se- although I think Pounds has a horrorterror at least, maybe one or two more do as well but that’s less likely. I do know about their personalities though! Little blurbs about each of them under the cut!
 Leadoff - intolerant of goofing off on the job and tries his best to keep things organized. right-hand-man to LB, very dedicated to his job. easier to please than someone like Crowbar, if its not on the clock he doesn’t mind silly shit. tries to keep work and his private life separate and fails often. Clumsier than he'd admit to. Generally infuriated by his romantic interest in LB, who usually only has eyes for bowling.  
Split - tries to be very polite and casual but is deeply neurotic and tries to micromanage his own bowling alley and everyone else's if he gets a chance. Odd numbers, mismatched colors, and broken patterns make him very uncomfortable. when he's not actively distressed, he's actually very pleasant and a good conversationalist.
Turkey - Girlboy extraordinaire serving butch realness, oozes confidence and well liked by the ladies. Probably the most well-rounded and stable member of the gang. Self-aware, suave, a slight mean streak when it comes to pranks and teasing. favorite past time outside of work (bowling) is getting into bar arguments, dancing, poetry, and courting classy dames.
Four-Bagger - The kind of nerd who brings a protractor to bowling practice. Not "shy", but very polite while lacking a lot of social awareness. Infodumping incidents happen regularly. Asks for permission to do things as he does them in a "knocking on an opened door" kind of way without ill will. Has Victorian chivalric sensibilities and gets embarrassed by women's ankles. Built like a popsicle stick.
Five-Bagger - Incredibly dignified and self assured, but bowls with surprising ferocity with an abnormal mph on her throws. Internalizes some of her more improper feelings that she gets out by bowling. Unafraid to be confrontational but does not lose composure or temper if she can help it. Femme savante in the Rococo sense- join her for tea and witty debate- you'll lose. :)
Sixpack - Boxes in his free time, very good at it. Gets into a lot of physical fights. Blunt and to the point, and is both uninterested in and barely takes the time to try and understand metaphors, or flowery hypotheticals. More of a brawn than brain type, but is not unkind- she hates when the little guys get picked on. Homosocial jock behaviors abound, goes more silent and stoic when interacting with girls.
Dead Wood - Improperly finished clone, resulted in discoloration and several oversized disproportionate limbs. Obscenely strong in relation to his cloning defects- "Dead Wood" means pins that get knocked so far away from the end that they cannot be picked up and re-stacked. This happens often considering how hard he can bowl. Self-conscious and embarrassed often by his clumsier size and generally awkward personality, not very confident. Generally cheerful despite often being the butt of (misplaced) jokes implying "Dead Wood" implies erectile dysfunction and similar crude ideas.
Quick Eight - Experiences chronic pain and phantom limb soreness after having lost left arm and leg in a Dersite shelling during the Skaian conflict. Is overly confident, cheerful and snarky, which is a partial facade. Bowls somewhat unconventionally due to difficulty balancing with the ball in hand. They're always down for a good time, whether its joyriding, drinking, a party, an intimate dalliance, and the like. Chases positive feedback. Tries to downplay difficulty caused by disability and overcompensates out of habit after military pressures to continue adequate performance post-injury.  Should probably go to therapy about it.
Big Ears - Oldest member of the Pinheads, and kind of fed up with it all. Cigar smoker, actively flaunts dress code with his black top, hides it with white coat. He really likes bowling- but not so much being in the gang. Sticks around, but definitely considers leaving under guise of "retiring". Gruff and straightforward, and is always happy to deal out a good bludgeoning. Enjoys old music, ballroom dancing, and nights in.
Sandbagger - Plays up the idea of being incompetent and uses her appearance and performative helplessness to score men, whom she objectifies and treats as disposable. Like if a lady womanizer did it to men. Intentionally keeps her scores low to keep her bowling handicap high. Prefers ping pong and chess to bowling. Flirtatious. Kind of a mean girl. Has a hard time expressing her feelings authentically. Loves a good cocktail and doing anything but work.
LB (Pounds): OBSESSED WITH BOWLING to a near Freudian degree. Insistent on dress codes and bowling-based nicknames within the gang or else, dedicated to the bit and the aesthetic. Wants a complete monopoly on bowling in the city and cracks down on thieves, cheaters and anyone trying to start a rival bowling alley. Otherwise he doesn't call for a lot of operations. Collects bowling balls and pins. Name says it all- has a tendency to throw when bowling so that the ball smashes into the lane rather than rolls smoothly. Professional and positive but intense. CANNOT overemphasize his bowling fixation.
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violexides · 2 years
to take a more... calm stance on this, i think there are a lot of double standards within the queer community that is largely caused by people becoming so invested within their own personal experiences that they cannot conceptualize the experiences of other people within their community. further i think a natural consequence of forming a community surrounding an aspect of one’s identity that some may argue was inherent to them is that we create a community where certain experiences (Western ones) are centered and other experiences (literally anywhere else) are forgotten-- this is seen in the overriding of certain terms, gatekeeping, etc. 
the reason i have stood as a radical inclusionist and will continue to align myself there is because a lot of exclusionist efforts come from this attempt to either advance the queer community in one way or reduce the problematic aspects of it, but... who are you leaving behind with this? our ancestors, definitely, but more readily forgotten are people literally from anywhere except America and Britain. like. the idea that we are starting these mass discourses over just the terminology when those specific terms aren’t even existent in other language, centering the concept of labels over people’s experiences... how do you expect that to translate? how do you expect that to stand historically? 
and to kind of loop back to the former point, something that i have been raging about for a while (and why i am trying to make this more comprehensive) is the fact that people will talk about the experiences with misandry that queer men have in this community, and then imply within their definition of in-group misandry that queer women are the oppressors. and then queer women will talk about THEIR experiences with misogyny, and then in that casually throw out there that they think gay men benefit under the patriarchy which... isn’t? how the patriarchy works? (more on this later)
like, several facts can coexist. here are a few statements that are all true and very evident within online spaces especially, as that is my audience here, but also throughout the queer community as a whole: 
lesbians who speak about lesbophobia are frequently & automatically assumed to be trans-exclusionary or misandrists, and therefore have their voices spoken over. masculine, or amab, nonbinary people are excluded from nonbinary spaces and seen as a threat. sapphic women (espec butches) are disallowed from speaking sexually about other women as they are then deemed by this to be feeding into the sexualization of women under the patriarchy. gay men are told they are disgusting and perverted for having sexual fantasies about men that veer towards the side of fetish, and thus ostracized. 
these are things that coexist and as a lesbian specifically, i will speak to the fact that recognizing (and being enraged, because i often am) about the misogyny that gay men exhibit within the queer community... doesn’t override the experiences that gay men have when being told their attraction to men is something ‘unfortunate’. (side note: i keep mentioning the patriarchy as something queer men cannot benefit from, which i recognize is somewhat controversial of a take. however, the patriarchy is a system of oppression and not something that inherently champions all men. examples of other people who suffer deeply under the patriarchy, aside from women-- who are the most direct victims, certainly-- include BIPOC men and disabled men. and yes, queer men). 
i could talk about this for a long time but i do genuinely think that the queer community lacks a lot of compassion for the experiences of others. and further i think that the online aspect of the queer community creates some of these difficulties, because some of these experiences are reduced when being actively surrounded by other queer people in real life-- but that is not always a direct possibility for people, especially right now, so it’s still important to consider the issues of the internet community and address them*. also, i think that in some respects the queer community was a little doomed when we began to create these community-wide discourses, because if you look at the people dominating these conversations, it is typically young white people from the US or from Western Europe, and it overrides a lot of the history that other groups have (ex. queer people are downright expected to know about Stonewall. how many of you know the names of any queer activists in South America btw?) 
this isn’t really meant to make people believe in anything in particular. do what you want and i ultimately cannot do much with a somewhat inarticulate and inconclusive post about the subject. i just think it’s important that people know that their experiences, and their identity, are valid and EXTREMELY important. and in that means that the experiences of others, especially people who speak different languages, or people who identify with a different gender, or people who use terms you deem ‘offensive’ -- are important, too. 
TLDR the queer community is all about fighting for our rights and protest but we keep mistaking innocuous queer people who commit the ‘cardinal sin’ of like, not being white anglophones who have your exact identity, as cops. 
*when it comes to activism, which i do not claim that this post is, it is significantly more important to consider the real world implications of these discourses and see how this touches the real life communities first and foremost. again i am just talking in a specifically online lens because there is only so much that i can convey on a tumblr post and the entire reason i was making this was because i got angry about misogyny towards lesbians and couldn’t find any posts that encapsulated that sentiment without also leaning into misandry.
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breathofsaga · 1 year
Intro !
I'm Corpse , I'm 20+ and use he/him pronouns. i'm a white autistic butch genderqueer lesbian & zls has been my special interest since 2021. my favorite zom is ai but i love all the girls equally !!
Tumblr media
although i post and reblog zls on my main blog and dont intend to stop , i want this blog to be more of a resource for official art as well as any news. this blog will not feature consistent seiyuu news because i do not have consistent tabs on that kind of news :(
Do not follow if:
• basic dni criteria (pedo, nazi, proship, terf etc)
• this blog is run by a queer disabled person absolutely no queerphobia or ableism
• you use transmisogynistic slurs on lily and call her a l*li or male (yes, even if it's a joke. even if you're not intending to sexualize l*li is a porn term)
• if you ship junko/ai or sakura/kotaro. normally idc about ships but me and my friends are deeply uncomfortable and i have been harassed in the past over it. please respect my decision and dont argue with me about it
Extra info:
• i may cross reblog some old posts from my main blog just to put content on here
• this will not be a daily blog , i struggle with mental health and cannot post every day manually
• any art book scans will be from my personal collection ! they're not the greatest scans in the world but they're mine and no credit is necessary if reposted
• any age can follow but please keep in mind i am adult that sets boundaries. if you would like to be mutuals on my main blog dm me but i will not be making any new mutuals with anybody younger than 17.
• besides this intro post i do not do tag spamming , meaning if a character is not in the image i do not tag them.
• sometimes i use non-canon pronouns for the girls (such as he/him saki and yugiri) just for fun !! 🫶
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ursie · 2 years
Honestly slur discourse is so wild because somehow on this site people decided to apply the don’t gatekeep everyone should be included logic to like. Actual slurs like?? Genuinely insane. No one understands how systematic power works or how they were actually historically and culturally used so now we have gays mad at old butches for for calling themselves fags while also unironically calling themselves cripples for their anxiety like. Insane it’s insane
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